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Country Economic Memorandum : Background Note 10 - What are the obstacles to agricultural development in STP? A review of current agriculture production structure and potential (English)

This note presents an analysis of the obstacles and opportunities for STP’s agriculture value chains, assesses the main sector risks, and provides a series of public sector recommendations for increased private sector investment. While the country will remain a net importer of food and agricultural products for the foreseeable future, a series of opportunities exist, some to increase import-substitution, others to expand exports. Given STP’s land...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Arias Carballo,Diego; Horton, John; Valdivia Zelaya,Pablo R..

Country Economic Memorandum : Background Note 10 - What are the obstacles to agricultural development in STP? A review of current agriculture production structure and potential (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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