Report No. 6O90-4N India: Economic Situation and Development Prospects (in Two VoIumes) Volume II: Statistical Appendix May 9, 1986 South Asia Programs India Division FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Document of the World Bank This reort has a frestricted distrbution and may be used by recipients oly in the performance of thieirofficial dutres.,itscontents$may not otherws~e be disclo~sed without Wobri Bank autho6rization. CURRENCY AND OTHER EQUIVALENTS Currency Prior to June 6, 1966: US$1.00 Rs 4.7619 Rs 1,00 = US$0.21 From June 6, 1966 to mid-December 1971: US$1.00 - Rs 7.50 Rs 1.00 = US$0.13333 Mid-December 1971 to end-June 1972: US$1.00 = Rs 7.27927 Rs 1.00 = US$0.1374 After end-June 1972: floating rate Rate end-February 1986: US$1.00 = Rs 12.1520 Rs 1.00 = 0.0823 Rupee values have been converted into dollars by using the prevailing exchange rates indicated above up to 1970/71. For subsequent years the following average rates in rupees per US dollar have been used: 1971/72 : 7.444 1972/73 : 7.706 1973/74 : 7.791 1974/75 : 7.976 1975/76 : 8.653 1976/77 : 8.939 1977/78 : 8.563 1978/79 : 8.206 1979/80 : 8.076 1980/81 : 7.893 1981/82 : 8.929 1982/83 : 9.628 1983/84 : 10.312 1984/85 : 11.887 Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics (IFS), line "rf." In this report an estimate of 12.2 Rupees per US Dollar was used for 1985/86. Weights Unless otherwise specified all weight measures are metric. Years The Indian fiscal year runs from Apri- . through March 31. FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY TITLE : INDIA: ECONOMIC SITUATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS VOLUME II: STATISTICAL APPENDIX COUNTRY : INDIA REGION : SOUTH ASIA SECTOR : COUNTRY ECONOMIC REPORT TYPE CLASSIF MM/YY LANGUAGE 6090-IN CEM Restricted 05/86 English ABSTRACT : This report reviews attempts to analyze key issues the Government is likely to face and policy options open to them in their efforts to improve the efficiency and growth of the economy. After a brief review of the economic performance during the Sixth Plan, Chapter 1, discusses objectives and development strategy of the Seventh Plan. Chapter 2 focuses on key policy changes that have been introduced during the past year and evaluates recent macro-economic performance. Chapter 3 addresses to the implications of current and desirable sectoral policies; past and planned investment; and their combined impact on growth and efficiency in six principal sectors of the economy--agriculture, energy, manufacturing, transport, housing and urban development and population. Chapcer 4 examines the steps that would be required to achieve the domestic resource mobi- lization goals of the Seventh Plan and Chapter 5 attempts to shed light on the twin questions of: (i) how realistic are the balance of payments assump- tions of the Plan; and (ii) what policy changes are needed to assure their realization? Thb documnt has a etited dstributon nd may be ud by eipints only inthe peformn of eroRk iadutIes Its contnts may not otherwise be discked without World ank auho atki. ECONIE SITUATION AND DEVELOPNENT PROSPECTS OF INDIA Volume 1 : Statistical Appendix -- 1986 Table Table of Contents No. HUMAN RESOURCES 1.1 Estimated Population and Distribution by Sex 1960-2000 1.2 Distribution of Population by Age 6roup and Sex 196t-1981 1.3 Seletted D eographic Characteristics by States 1.4 Trends in Deeographic Characteristics of the Population 1.5 Trends in acceptance of Fasily Planning Nethods and Estimated Number of Births Averted 1.6 Employment in the Organized 52ctor--hy Industry 1.7 Distribution of Persons (age 5 and above )by current Weekly activity Status 1.8 Statewise Unemployment Rates 1.9 Education--Progress of Enrolment NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 2.1 National Acrounts Summary (Rs billions at current prices) 2.2 ----(-do--- -- IUS$ millions at constant 1970/71 prices) 2.3(a) Bross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin tat 197017lprice) 2.3(b) Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cast by Industry of Origin (at current Prices) 2.3(c) Implicit Price Detlators for Bross Doaestic Product at Factor cost 2.4 Bross savings & Investment (at turrent and 1970171 prices) 2.5 Disposable Income and Its Use tat current 1970/71 prices) 2.6(a) Bross Domestic Investsent by Industry of Use (at currsat prices) 2.6(b) Gross Dmestic Investment by Industry of Use (at 1970171 prices) 2.6(c) Investment Deflators by Industry of Use 2.7 Srouth of Total and Per Capita Net Bomestic Product by States FOREIGN TRADE AND INVISI8LES (BALANCE OF PAYMENTS--CURRENT ACCOUNT) 3.1 Balance of Payments Summary 3.2(a) Nerchandize Exports IUS$ sillions at current prices) 3.2(b) Merchandize Exports (US$ millions at 78179 prices) 3.2(c) Export Unit Value Indices (19781/79100) 3.3(a) Merchandize Ioports 1US$ sillions at current prites) 3.3(bt Berchandize Iparts (US$ sillions at 79179 prices) 3.3(c) lmport Unit Value Indices (1978/79-100) 3.4 Destination of Exports 3.5 Origin of lIports 3.6 Invisibles on Current Account AID AND RESERVES (BALANCE OF PAYMENTS--CAPITAL ACCOUNT) 4.1 External Debt Sumary 4.2 Debt Service Sumary 4.3 External Reserves PUBLIC FINMACE & PIlK1NN 5.ltal Public Finance Summarv (at curremt pricel 5.16b1 Public Finance Suwmar las I of turrent 6P at market prices) 5.2 Consolidated Finanets of Central I State 6coernmuets 5.5 Central Government Finmnces 5.4 State 6overusent Finances 5.5 lax Revenue-Centre & States 5.6 Current Expenditure by Centre & States 5.7 Iransters beteen centre & states 5.8 Econoic classification of Central 6overnment Finance 5.9 Projected & kctual Plan Outlays by Sectort (at current prices) 5.101ar Projected & Actual Plan Outlay by Sectors (Annual averages at 10171 prices) 5.10bi Projected & Actual Plan Outlays by Sectors iZ distribution & achiennutn rates) 5.11 6rDss omestic lnvestment in Public Sector tat current and 10171 prices) 5.12 Profitability of Central Non-CDparteental Governmet Enterprises 5.131a1 Outstanding ebt of Central Oovernment 5.131b) Outstanding Debt of State Government 5.131tc Outstanding Debt of Central and State Government HONEY I CREDIT 6.1 Roney Supply S Sources of Change b.2 Base Ioney & Sources of Change 6.3 Selected Monetary Policy Instrumts 6.4 Interest Rates--Short fern Coercial d anking Rates 6.5 Interest Rates--Long tewe Rates 6.6 Publir Sector anks--Advances to Priority Sectors 6.7 Capital narkett Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by Financial lnstitutions 6.8 Capital Market--Selected Indicators (Capital Raised by Non-favernuent Ccmpanies and Deposits with Joint Stock Companies) AGRICULtURE /.I Production of trincipal Crops 1.2 Index Iutbers of Agricultural Production 7.3 Groth Rtes in Area, Production I Yield of Selected Crops 1949150-183,841 1.4 Statewise Growth in Production of Selected Crops fron 19671/0 to 1983/84 1.5 Availability of Cereals & Pulses 7.6 Public Distribution of Foodgrains 7.7 Irrigation Suumary INNSlRY. IRANSPODR & ENERGY 8.1 Index of Industrial Production--By Industry 6roups 8.z Index of Industrial Production--By Use Base & Input base 8.3 Production of Selected Industries 8.4 Capacity Utilization of Selected Industries 8.5 Cusuttive Investimet in Public Setor Enterprises 8.6 Production, Imparts & Consmption of fertilizers 8.a lndan Railway--Freiqht & Passenger traffic .8. Petroleum $umary--Cowodity Balance of Petroleum and Petroleum Products 5.9 Comparismn of Domstic and International Prices for Petrolew Products 8.IQ beneration of Electricity by Region 8.11 Electricity Consumption by Sectors 8.12 Coal and Lignite Production 1973/14-198485 PRWES 9.1 Index Number of Wholesale Prices--by Years 9.2 Contribution of Selected Coumodities to Increase li NPI in Calendar Yeart?04 9.3 Price Indices of Selected Agricultural Commodities 9.4 Selected Price Indices 9.5 Consumer Price Indices for Inidustrial Morkers, Urban Non-manual Employees and Agricultural Laborers Table 1.1 T P LtA Un S DISINIW T 11 E 1*2-al0 (in thenands) tw KIll Fmle : Total 1961 m4 444 1912 2152 4493 19f2 234131 224 439 1963 23968 22504 194 245395 23696 4791 1965 251224 236130 4924 iflt 257196 24135 4931 1967 2671 2470 5103 19 269511 2530 52255 1969 275916 25FW97 5349 1970 2825 2W5I 5 69 197 299119 m218 50119 1972 295118 276732 57ne 1973 301346 202410 5026 1974 3074 28139 t975 314195 3439 605 1976 322 30454 6213 1977 327596 3 95 642 im 3345n 13167 647576 199 341471 319667 661138 190 354 32492 147332 1911 362171 339362 711531 9112 370142 46143 71698 1913 3783 354711 733248 1964 386973 3 749557 1915 395183 311064 765147 19" 435414 418143 843557 1995 47452 445375 91937 2000 512252 4235S 407 Note: The population figures for the r'inss yeas 1961.19M and 1981 differ fru the offic .l estinates as thep bave been corrected far under-countini. Sogrce: eorld lank estimates. - 5 - Table 1.2 DrSTRIDuTiOI O} WppuLATIN D AcE-aROmP AwD SEX t94S-198S (in theosands) Year (0 - 4) (5 -14) (1t5-9) (20-2f) (30-39) (40-495) (6S 0 *) Total 1961 malus 37 55035 2265 38415 28944 196" 12307 1498 27t6 Feales 36834 53446 22189 36788 25215 16931 12ow 135" 15220 Total 74197 1OB41 44854 75193 5414? 36630 23134 27298 4039 197 Hiles 46758 74948 2868 45944 35790 26898 t6591 14204 269020 Feutles 44531 71689 27303 4308 33613 22522 1445 13113 271D00 Total 91289 146637 5591 f824 69403 48620 3104U 237 568120 198S Nales 53152 91039 3690 581 4207 34552 23618 22363 3 1 Femles 51487 84082 34149 55109 41096 3H168 20700 21573 339362 Total 104639 175121 7183? 111989 89970 65719 44317 43936 711531 Note: The population fieures differ frout the official census estimates as they have be corrected for udor-csuntiua. Soce; World 9ank estieates. XC , S. I - 1 - O. ! ! i - w C_ I * eI _ N vc _~~~~~~~- 4! n _ q _? 4ft o t > 4q -go V f zlt bq H*! OT -T .: q nVS @f=tE~~~~~~~q qI; Aq41 1; 14:4 "4^^ Ft" 9!'^K IA^t"n¢ 9 ^d - - - 3 s 5aI S c2A g $i; ; U s d it x A i at a a S x S i aPI ?q P* _ tUI ..., P8 I aN..#- 5~~~~~~~~t i " cl: 1: VtS " t a1"t i "t w-: QwIl "*ilet X-4?CS XtV li- X~~~~~~~~~? M 0 t WV ot V! N * ~t _i P t t _ Pt _ P _! 0.8 Z .- .8il .- q _ n- _ i N f l _ 4 f .8^@UIW~tI P * _-_ t; _ N _ g 2 go D W * r e X " e- " ~~~~~~~It I 0 W? P? w u - !b a F4 r-88 .- - a - S b 2 - iX _ } . * g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~88 8f 88 88 .?8. i~~~~- 8. 8 .I8d8X c N . _ ' rXN*_~Nt_"t~ Eaik _ - X a 3 acs I ,c,3-, - -!0d3JXv§gX - --- Tiole 1.4: NS 111 lMJ IC CIACSrIMCS OF TI flATION Aweaue Cotmpund Cnteah Rate of Poputation (Rillion) populatimn dwrio Se-Ratio Desity percn:tae of - - - - -S Yen Tirs NAIles per of Populatie *hban Popelation year Total Nales Fe&ales (1 per aum") 100 Feules) Fe SqEN to Total 1951 301 18 176 t.26 1057 117 17., 1961 439 226 213 1.98 1663 14H 18.0 1971 54 8 26 2.20 tIS 177 19.9 199 85 348 324 2.26 1671 216 Z3.3 1991 79 412 387 1.75 t165 243 27.4 C'neral A,erui Eipec- Fertility lte tatin of Life )irth oath Proelation (Pr thousand Ttal at Birth (wuars tate late frwi lte Aueaqe for wmn of child Fertilitv Period berin a"e ate males feale (r thusad population) 1951/41 201 6.0 41.2 39.8 42.7 24.4 18.9 1961/71 192 5.8 46.7 45.4 42.0 18.0 22.0 1971/76 175 5.4 49.5 49.0 39.0 16.5 22.5 19t 154 5.1 51.0 56.6 36.5 14.5 22.6 i981/96 (b)(c) 133 4.8 52.7 54.4 34.2 12.7 21.5 19 91 (b)(c) 117 4.3 54.4 56.8 30.9 11.3 19.6 All India Siaple eqistratiefn Slrepy: Vital Rates (Annual r We r thoesnd) Crude Birth lte Crude Death Rate Infant Mertality late per 1081 Lie 8irths er Toteal Riral Urban Total liual Urban Total Rural Urban 1970 36.8 38.9 29.7 15.7 17.3 10.2 129 136 90 197 36.9 38.9 30.1 14.9 16.4 9.7 129 t38 82 1972 36.6 38.4 30.5 16.9 18.9 10.3 13 150 85 1m 31.6 35.9 28.9 15.5 17.0 9.6 134 143 89 1974 34.5 35.9 28.4 14.5 15.9 9.2 126 136 74 1975 35.2 36.7 2B.5 .15.9 17.3 10.2 141 151 86 1976 34.4 35.8 28.3 15.0 16.3 9.5 129 139 8f 19 33.0 34.3 27.8 14.7 16.0 9.4 129 142 67 1978 33.2 34.6 27.8 14.1 15.3 9.4 125 136 70 197 33.1 34.3 2893 12.8 13,9 8.4 n.e A.' 4.e 19" 33.3 34.6 28.1 12.4 13.5 8.6 n.-a n.e a.4 199t 33.2 34.7 27.2 12.5 13.6 7.9 n.d n.ea n. (a) Projections by Re@istrar Cueral ef India, for March I 4f war shovn. The projections yield someuhat lowr ualves than do those produced b orld Bank staff, whicht haves biqier baSe to adiust for census vader-cosnting. (b) Projections relate to mid-gear of period. (0) for 1981-91 the prfectlons as produced by grld Bank staff. Soorces: 1, Office of the Resistrar-GenmraI. 2. Planning COnnIssiun. W 8 - Table 1.5 TN IN ACCEPTANCE OF FANILY WIANNN NETMS AND ESTIM1E NhUIB IF ItTHS AM T Iin theounds) 195 19 65/ 70171 7576 77178 U78/ 7981 / 01/82 0i83 834 84185 865/ (a) (a) (bW (e) (f)MM Sterilitation Total 7 64 671 1333 2669 949 1484 1778 205 272 P8 452 482 283 Nales 2 37 77 87 1438 18 31 473 439 73 585 61 5 321 Femles 5 27 4 451 1231 761 '093 U38 1614 2219 3398 3B71 3U3 2133 IUD insettions n.a n.a 813 476 N7 326 552 635 628 751 1197 2134 2562 2932 Users of Conentioal Cntracepties (c) n.8 n.a 582 1943 3529 3253 344 3069 I83 455? 548 390 9812 7561 Total kceptors 7 64 2It 3769 684 4528 551i 5482 6498 8112 11021 15054 165 12446 Eqvivalent Steriliratimns 7 64 974 1598 3348 1242 1865 2165 2479 3332 468 5750 5 3984 CURIatiVe Ruaer f births Awerted since 191 5m 6787 23612 29384 3413 3922 44154 49260 54731 61941 6210 74311 Nedical Terniqation of Prmnancy n.e n.a n.a n.a 214 247 318 36! 388 434 516 547 573 353 Cumulative Nuer of ?irths Averted SiKne M1 Md) n.a n.e 314 725 9? 1268 1578 t1 23 2776 3234 3516 Coulative Nbew of Total Births Averted since 1I6) n.a n.a 20916 30110 35292 40489 45732 51185 57069 6717 71444 77817 Notes: (a) The data for 1956 and 1969 relate to calendar ueers. (b) Relates to period asucrl 1965 to Narch 1966. (C) Ftrui 1970/1 monwards the fiffoes exKlude condoms distributed freely to vasecteniued cases ad as free samples. Equivalent wers have been derived by tiviGinq the number of pieKes of candoms,diaptgramss jelly & cream tobes,foam tablets and oral pill cycles by 12,2,7,72,13 respectively,uhich re the average numbers reqvired to give coplete protection to a couple in one year. From 1975/76 ownards incluee oral pill users also, id) Estiated bp assuming that percentage of births averted due to medical terminatlon of preqnancy is 80. (e) Provisional. (f Upto Deceober 1985 Sources: 1.Kiinistry of Hblth and Faily Veaflree 2.-orld hnk estimates. -9 - Table 1.6 ELOYn Is THE n AIzD S TaR - By II STRY (in thusand) As at the Agriculture NiSihq Trauport Trade End of the and allied & Nana- Construc- hblic B & All Activities Fiscal Year Aktivities uuarying facturing tiwb Utilities Coaaunicatiun Cource Services Total 1960161 Public Settor 10 129 369 602 224 1725 4 3427 7050 Private Sector tal 670 S50 3020 240 40 S0 t10 280 5040 Total E50 679 3369 642 244 105S 254 3707 12090 '970/71 Public Sector 264 177 782 797 402 2189 268 5475 10374 Private Sector (bl 814 429 3900 152 44 101 293 9U3 6696 Total 1078 606 4622 949 44 2290 581 6438 17070 1975176 ic) Fublic Sector 359 719 1113 992 56 2418 546 69 13321 Private Sector Ibl 927 132 4158 94 35 74 470 155 6944 Total 1184 851 5271 1066 571 1491 1016 7494 20165 1979160 Public Sector 431 797 1446 1068 641 2651 801 7224 15078 Private Sector tbl 864 125 4417 73 34 71 480 1167 7227 Total 1291 922 5863 1141 695 2722 1261 0391 22305 1960/18 Public Sector 463 B16 1502 1089 683 2709 665 7355 15i Private Sector lb) 8 130 4545 72 35 60 473 1222 7395 Total 1321 948 6047 1161 710 2769 133 8577 22879 1M81/82 Public Sector 457 832 1592 1112 698 2761 928 7547 15944 Private Sector (bI 851 129 4661 71 36 60 401 1259 7548 Total 1306 961 6253 1183 734 2841 1409 6906 23493 1962/83 (dl Public Sector 476 864 1634 1120 721 2826 990 7806 16456 Private Sector Ib) 847 120 462b 68 37 59 482 1283 75I2 Total 1323 1004 6260 119 758 2885 1472 9089 239'7 1983i84 (d) Public Sector 469 927 1717 1119 732 2864 1037 7980 16864 Private Sector Ib! 819 113 4473 66 39 57 49 1298 7343 Total 1308 1040 4190 1105 I71 2921 1527 9268 24209 tao Establishets of 25 workers and over. Reporting Is coqpulsory. Ibi Includes euplveent in establisheents of 10 vorkers and over. Reporting for the category 10-25 workers is an a voluntarv basis, and the extent of coverage is not knom. icl Data fros 1975/74 onwards is based ai #ational Inddustrial classificatson.1970 and is not exactly coaparable with the earlier years. d! Provisional - 10- Tabl 1.? UUTJiDI F mm (a S mmU ) I SM imLy ACTIT STATUM is) Kale Ftal. tstal Nat. Feust Total Pal.e Fm . Total I Irkin Prwh s in Lake Force .26 21.9 43u.n *5.50 14.22 31.f? 59.2 24.33 4.2? a. Ibkinm in um tam 32.25 13.96 23.36 3.34 1.77 2.59 26.2 11,S3 16.18 b. urief inb haehneda 0*o4a 6.69 2.5 4.44 19. 4.45 12'.3 9. 2.L2 1.19 c. ewkiw as rogolar alaried erulep ump labur in aRe 2.95 1.37 1.4 I.54 1.13 6.35 2.36 1.32 1.37 4. orklng s a glu salaried uulo"n up labor in non-far eneepriul proesio 3.72 6.47 2. 25.15 4.22 15.62 8.35 1.38 4.9 v. rwinq n caul labor of itch: eublic arbs 6.45 0.22 1.34 6.21 0.07 6.14 6.46 .19 6.31 Aqriceltre 11.69 6.17 9.97 1.49 1.41 1.45 9.S 4.M2 0.23 Nmn-*iUltore 2.30 1.U0 1.71 4.95 199 3.54 2.92 1,1 2 LOS 1. ki*g as banded labtew 6.17 6.12 6.1 6.63 L."6 6.62 1.14 6.62 1.6 II Ibt Vlkiuq hot sasiqg nd acailable for vek - onempleved 2.23 1.11 1.71 4.25 1.75 3.67 2.45 1.3 1.99 III bt in Lbor Fwe 37.57 71.9 54.39 4.25 66.6 696 X.13 74.34 5.72 IV Total FiT,ulaliHi0 ..6 16.6116 tiO.6 .6 6 106.6 166.6 161.66 16016. (a) For the pi#d Julg 197I to Jv 1979. laurce: Tit Iatiuial S1 le Swrvoy 32d Rhost 977-71), Emlts of the Seond qsiuqmial suue tn w4logut ad eul .t puklisd in Sarvekhana, Juhly-ctber 1911, Table 1.8 STATlMISE WINEPLO01T RATES (a) (Z) STATES wral Ttotn retal Kale Femle Total lale Feale Total hles fVele Total (t } {b) (6) (b) (b) Andhra Pradush 4.U6 8.26 5.72 8.a8 It.1? 8.65 4.8B S.51 6.78 ASSM 1.53 1.13 n.a 4.21 9.66 ui.a n.f n.a a. Rihar 4.10 4.37 4.6 6.0 8.76 6.86 4.48 4.55 4.71 Cujarat 2.57 1.78 2.29 4.0t 5.34 4.90 3.25 2.05 2." flarwana 4.44 1.46 3.91 5.57 1.25 5.69 4.69 2.00 4.19 Himachal Pradesh t.68 0.04 1.44 5.21 11,.7 6.14 1.99 0.36 2.95 Jue 4 Kashmir 4.68 1.60 3.17 4.9 16.98 6.28 4.14 2.64 4.21 Karnataka 2.82 4.68 3.46 6.53 8.51 6.8V 3.79 5.19 4.52 Kerala 12.25 12.84 12.42 15.12 14.67 15.02 12.78 13.08 13.14 Radhva Pradesh 1.41 1.83 1.57 4.83 3.84 4.68 2.83 1.95 2.64 Naharashtra 2.92 4.86 3.40 7.47 14.84 8.53 4.51 5.24 5.19 fanipor 2.36 1.16 1.35 1.57 2.85 2.6 2.117 0.6 1.67 Orissa 3.88 5.57 4.28 6.89 8.05 7.05 4.15 5.74 4." Poniab 2.59 11.00 3.43 3.72 6.63 3.9t 2.9 10.18 3.47 Rajasthan 2.19 1.39 1.94 4.3$ 1.53 4.09 2.62 1.48 2.54 Tanil Rade 5.87 5.27 5.65 9.11 12.47 9.72 6.85 6.33 6.93 Tripura 1.69 1.56 1.66 12.53 I. 16 14.64 2.71 3.38 4.22 Uttar Pradesh 2.46 1.24 2.29 5.O8 3.76 4.93 2.91 1.43 2.62 Vest qnoal 4.46 3.69 4.45 9.75 12.35 9.9? 5.91 5.17 5.07 Delhi 8.13 20,08 9.83 6.67 38.68 8.86 6.77 2S.56 9.73 Go.Balafmn b Dig 18.13 11.48 10.68 1I.?2 12.f 11.t21 .33 11.78 11.79 Pondicherry 18.28 7.24 9.37 14.36 11.59 13.74 12.32 8." 18.52 All Inedia 3.57 4,13 3.75 7.12 10.94 7.86 4.29 4.99 4.47 (a) Person-ueeks seekino and/or available for york as a percentaoe of total pWson-eeks in the labor force, for popolation of ase 5 years and above for the period July WI? to June 192P. (b) Computed for each. state usito the data from 1va1 Census for male ane ferale vorters in rural ad urban aeas. Source: National Sample Survey, 32nd Povnd (1977-78), Results of tne Second quinquenval survey on employment and unemploymnt Publisted in Sareekshana, July-October 1981. -12- Table 1.9 EUTION - PROGRESS OF EWRLLNENT (llillion Persons) Primary Level (Elass I - V) liddle Levelf(lasses V1-V1l1) Secondarv Level (classes IX-1lt Age 6 - 11 Years Age 11 - 14 Years Aqe 14 - 17 Years University (c) Year Buys Girls Total boy Girls Total toys girls Total 1950/SI 13.8 5.4 19.2 2.6 0.5 3.1 1.1 0.2 1.3 0.3 1955156 17.5 7.7 25.2 3.4 0.9 4.3 1.5 0.4 1.9 0.6 1I60t61 23.6 11.4 35.0 5.1 1.6 6.7 2.3 0.5 2.8 0.8 1965/66 32.2 18.3 50.5 9.7 2.8 12.5 3.9 1.2 S.1 1.3 1970/71 35.7 21.3 57.0 9.4 3.9 13.3 4.9 1.7 6.6 2.4 1975/76 40.7 25.0 65.7 11.0 5.0 16.0 5.3 2.1 7.4 3.1 1976I7t 42.7 26.4 69.1 11.4 5.3 16.7 5.5 2.1 7.6 3.6 1977/78 43.2 26.9 70.1 12.0 5.7 17.7 6.1 2.5 8.6 3.0 1978179 44.0 28.2 12.2 12.1 6.0 18.1 5.9 2.4 8.3 4.0 1979/80 44.2 27.3 71.5 11. 6.2 19.2 6.9 2.9 9.8 3.1 1980(81 ia) 44.6 28.1 72.7 13.2 6.6 19.8 *.7 2.8 9.S 4.0 1981/82 (a) 45.0 28.6 73.6 14.0 7.1 21.1 8.0 3.5 11.5 3.7 1982183 (a) 47.3 29.8 77.1 14.7 7.5 22.2 8.1 3.7 11.8 4.6 1983M84 (a) 49.3 31.8 81.1 16.4 8.4 24.9 8.9 3.9 12.9 4.3 Enrollment as Percentage of the corresponding age group: t() 1950/51 60.6 24.8 43.1 20.6 4.6 12.9 8.7 1.5 5.3 - 1970/71 92.6 59.1 76.4 46.! 20.8 34.2 27.1 10.2 19.0 - 1975176 95.7 62.0 79.3 47.0 23.3 35.6 25.1 10.6 18.2 - 19?8/79 1tO.2 67.8 84.5 49.4 2t.0 38.0 25.1 11.5 18.8 - 1979180 99.3 65.0 82.7 52.0 26.4 39.6 22.9 I.9 21.9 - 198081 99.0 66.2 83.1 52.1 27.2 40.0 27.7 12.7 20.4 - 1981/82 99.4 66.9 83.7 54.2 2Z.l 41.9 33.0 15.3 24.4 - 1982/83 104.0 69.4 87.2 56.3 30.t 43.9 30.4 15.8 24.6 - MM83184 110.3 75.5 93.4 62.7 34.4 48.' 40. 19.4 30.0 ta) Provs,ional. ibt Enrollment as percentaoe of corresponding age group may escged lO in seo instances because of 'the presence of children both tounger and older than indicated ir the age group for these classes. fc Refers to general education in cosmerce, arts & science courses in the uni4ersities. Etcludes enoinerin., medicine and technical courses conducted in autonomoos institutions. Sources: J. MInistrv of Education. i. Planning Comilssion. Drait Sixth Five Year Plan 1980-85. - 13 - Table 2.1 INIA: National kcccmunts Sury, 1974175-19B4/05 (Rs billiol at current prices) 1974175 1975/16 1976177 19l7778 1978179 1979/80 1998 1981182 1982/3 M993/84 1"4/85 60Pep 695.95 740.84 601.10 898.15 918.60 1076.50 1279.2 1474.97 1647.40 1939.41 2131.13 Agriculture 20.45 276.45 265.67 327.16 337.06 347.58 431.27 460.93 491.06 614.00 630.51 Industry 138.65 153.87 175.34 197.42 221.20 248.94 217.83 330.32 30.46 441.52 501.67 timing 6.95 6.4 10.11 11.17 12.15 15.15 18.43 30.95 42.68 50.41 59.28 mlanufacturing 96.56 103.75 115.22 126.39 141.9 169.47 193.02 214.00 243.12 273.88 301.66 Electricity , 6.75 8.35 10.95 12.49 14.90 17.15 19.70 22.51 26.69 31.62 37.42 Construction 26.37 32.93 39.06 45.37 46.56 46.97 6.66 62.06 75.97 85.61 96.29 Services 203.53 231.38 255.64 294.40 315.00 358.22 421.11 506.58 576.13 666.16 762.16 Indirect Taxti 63.32 77.14 95.33 89.17 105.34 121.84 139.05 169.14 191.75 216.65 237.49 Resource Gap(N-l 8.06 2.98 -6.43 -4.64 12.55 25.33 40.90 52.27 48.76 47.79 40.84 leports(gpnfs) 44.47 51.89 54.35 61.35 81.28 10t.95 137.39 152.04 156.64 167.48 180.06 Exports49+nfs 3.41 4.92 60.78 66.18 68.73 80.62 89.50 99.77 107.08 119.69 139.22 Total Expenditure 704.01 743.82 795.55 893.31 991.15 1101.91 1320.16 1527.24 1696.16 1986.20 2172.67 Crnsueption 558.92 579.64 618.50 707.10 761.31 845.01 1014.72 1166.25 1296.92 1520.39 1650.40 6eeral gov't. 61.43 73.51 82.06 86.67 96.24 110.25 130.33 152.76 180.23 200.61 245.00 Private 497.49 506.13 536.44 620.43 665.07 734.76 884.39 1013.49 1116.69 1311.78 1405.40 Investeent 145.09 164.18 177.05 196.21 229.84 256.90 313.44 360.99 399.24 465.81 522.27 Fixed Investeent 109.30 132.48 153.03 172.19 188.76 213.04 252.15 294.73 347.75 401.78 449.54 Change in Stocks 35.79 31.70 24.02 14.02 41.08 43.86 61.29 66.26 51.49 64.03 72.73 fonestic Savings 137.03 161.20 193.49 191.05 217.29 231.57 264.54 300.72 350.48 418.02 481.43 Net Factor Incoee -1.58 -1.88 -1.45 -.76 .02 2.32 3. 91 2.63 -2.46 -7.36 -9.74 Current Transfers 2.06 4.07 6.19 9.22 9.n8 14.96 21.87 20.69 24.11 26.50 27.96 National Savings 137.50 163.39 188.21 199.51 226.L9 248.85 290.3 332.0 372. 1 437.2 499. 7 Foreign Savings 7.59 .79 -11.16 -13.30 2.85 8.05 23 11 2R.95 29.10 28.65 22.62 GDP per capita (Rs.) 1173.61 1220.49 1293.52 1416.64 1507.86 1621.36 1894.04 2125.32 2323.55 2677.36 2894.75 Per capita private consueption 830.94 933.02 865.23 979.60 1024.76 1106.56 1302.48 1460.36 1575.02 1811.85 1901.76 Average Exchange Rates Rupees per US S 7.976 E.653 8.939 8.563 8.206 8.076 7.993 8.92q 9.628 10.312 11.887 Rupee5 per SUR 9.667 10.342 10.299 10.135 10.418 10.464 10.154 10.290 10.524 10.914 11.840 Ifemo Items: Private consu.ptiontCSO) 521.02 530.78 544.18 630.93 690.29 150.59 910.04 1021.23 1113.26 1347.67 1441.08 Populatlon(eilll) 593 607 620 634 649 664 679 694 709 724 739 …-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - -- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ---_-------------… - 14 - Table 2.2 INDIA: National Acccounts Sumary, 1974175-1984/95 IUS * sillion at 70171 prices) 1974175 1975076 1976177 1917787 1978/79 1979180 198090 181/82 192/3 I983M84 14/85 61Pnp 60249 68291 70195 76962 85865 84711 9;275 103654 114564 128479 13m25 Aqriculture 22812 25799 24235 2708 2719? 24329 27321 21? 27585 30425 30119 Industry 1160? 12283 13431 1438! 15459 15117 15500 16084 17009 17860 1M ining 573 64u 664 683 697 703 753 809 911 1004 1095 Nanufacturing 799 il7l 8891 9467 10508 10321 10449 1089 11579 12127 1274 Electricity 676 769 851 884 98 9 1047 1151 1212 1299 1439 Canstruction 2361 2793 3025 3348 3271 3097 32Ml 328 3308 3431 3521 Services 17471 180 19181 21087 22821 2404 24827 265 28781 30007 33047 Indirect Taxes 8277 11408 13348 14306 19688 21860 24627 32163 41108 49387 5561 terms of Trade £ffect -1569 -2076 -2288 -2302 2460 -2926 -3644 -3391 -3465 -3502 -3519 6ross Dowtic Income 58681 66215 68607 74560 83405 91785 8031 100263 111099 124976 134306 RuIurce Gap (5-6) 1218 1012 063 1342 2283 2714 3165 3367 3316 3517 3141 Imports ig*nfs) 2431 233 2740 3005 342 995 4397 4635 4741 5138 474 Capacity to Import 1213 1326 1077 1664 1559 1281 1232 126 1425 1621 lo6 (Experts fq+nfs)l 2781 3402 4165 3966 4019 4207 4876 4659 4890 5123 5125 Total Expenditures 59899 67226 69470 75901 8568 8449 9176 103630 114415 1284"94 137447 Consusption 47970 54709 56318 62396 70150 69299 75681 87340 97494 110016 £18394 6eneral 6Ov't 5800 6513 7063 7341 804 8825 9577 10608 11765 130n 14537 Private 42170 48196 49255 55055 6206 60473 66104 76732 8572? 9699 103857 Investmen t 11929 12517 13152 13505 15359 15200 16115 16291 16921 18477 19053 Fixed Investsent 9141 10019 11336 12464 12573 12241 1M287 13169 14609 15768 16257 Chanqe in Stocks 2788 2499 1816 1041 2965 2959 3228 3121 2312 2709 2796 Uotrstic Savings 10711 11506 12289 12164 13256 12486 12950 12924 13605 14960 15912 Net Factor Income -86 -85 -73 -37 1 87 125 80 -74 -226 -257 Current Transfer 112 183 312 452 458 564 700 631 730 813 737 National Savin4s 10737 11604 12528 12578 13714 13137 13775 13635 14261 15547 16392 Foreign Savings 1192 913 624 927 1825 2063 2340 2656 2661 2930 2661 SOP per capita (4) 102 113 114 121 132 128 136 149 162 177 187 Per capita consueption (S) 71 79 79 87 96 91 9t III 121 134 141 Rupe Deflatorsi(1970/71r1.00) GDP 1.640 1.591 1.696 1.756 1.793 2.075 2.308 2.530 2.713 2.966 3.149 lsports (q4nfs) 2.439 2.960 2.645 2.722 2.021 3.536 4.167 4.374 4.405 4.346 5.057 Exports oants1- 1.746 1.917 1.946 2.225 2.280 2.555 2.420 2.856 2.942 3.115 3.622 Total Expenditures 1.567 1.475 S.527 1.569 1.442 1.739 1.92 1.965 1.977 2.061 2.108 sovernuent Consumption 1.412 1.505 1.549 1.574 1.587 1.666 1.814 1.920 2.042 2.136 2.247 Private Consumption 1.573 1.400 1.452 1.503 1.42 1.620 1.784 1.761 1.737 1.803 1.804 Fixed Investsent I.v94 1.763 1.800 1.842 2.002 2.320 2.609 2.984 3.174 3.397 3.687 Change in Stocis 1.112 1.692 1.764 1.795 1.847 1.977 2.532 2.830 2.969 3.151 3.468 -15- Table 2.2 INDIA Natioal kcccouats Suh y, 1974fl5-194185 (US $ Sillton at 70/71 pricn) 1974175 1975/76 1976177 1977/78 1978/79 1979190 i98131 19811/2 19823 193/84 184/85 Dhll Wflatersf(19Ml71st.00) lportsI;ufs) 59 2.294 2.565 2.219 2.304 2.578 3.264 3.M59 3.674 3.432 3.161 3. m ExpWrtstenfsi) 5 1.641 1.662 1.632 1.949 2.084 2.373 2.300 2.399 2.2L 2 2.266 2.285 Teres of Trade Inde 57 .716 .648 .J3 .817 .800 .723 .581 .6 .668 .717 .716 Excbaa Rate Inde 47 .940 .867 .839 .876 .914 .92 .950 .40 .779 .727 .631 (US * per Repee) -16- Table U.3aY GM I1IC POW T FACTOR COBT - IV nsiV F 9398 1974/75 1986/B Wlb billion at currnt price) 1974-J 1975/76 197M 1977178 9Im 1f7 90 198/1 196132 1982132 193/80 1980135 Piuri SWar 2.f.4 28.29 29.78 33 3 349.n 342.n 44.70 499.3 53.14 64.4 I.9 Agriculture 28.29 266.45 M. 313.12 32." 32.91 411.64 44.90 464.79 9.29 s5.7 forutry * Laging S.62 4.3 7.03 7.2 9.73 9." 10.54 12.9 14.23 15.1t 1.13 Fishing 4.54 5.67 6.01 4.18 7.30 7.6U 9.09 10.01 12.05 13.6 15.51 Niniig & Qarrying 6.9 3.80 10.11 11.17 Ihl5 15.15 L.43 30.% 42.63 50.41 59.2 seday stctw 131.70 145.03 165.21 134.25 209.05 3.79 249.0 29.3 345.18 391.11 442.39 bnufcuturing 9.8.8 10.75 11$.20 129.3f 147.59 N19.67 VtS02 21'.0 - 243.12 m7.88 308. Registwed 63.0 66.4? 75.64 33.31 %.26 110.50 126.76 142.7 165.64 106.37 211.90 Unregistered 34.99 37.28 39.56 45.0 51.33 9.17 66. 71.93 71.48 37.51 673 Coustrutiom 26.37 32.93 39.06 45.37 46.5 46.97 56.60 62.06 75.97 65.61 %.29 Bectricity, an W ater 6.75 8.35 10.95 12.4 14.90 1?.15 19.70 22.51 26.69 31.6 37.42 Tertiary Sector 203.53 231.38 255.66 234.40 315.00 33.22 421.11 566.58 576.13 66.16 762.16 Transport, Storap & Cumnication 31.34 35.24 41.60 45.64 3.61 57.57 62.17 74.49 91.14 107.46 124.3 Railway 7.38 9.01 11.13 11.29 10.07 11.05 11.24 16.29 21.23 24.17 24.58 Other transport 20.39 22.14 25.03 23.36 35.75 33.92 43.03 4. 14 59.84 70.26 85.70 Communication 3.57 4.09 5.44 5." 6.9 7.60 7.90 9.07 11.05 13.03 14.53 Trade, Hotels ad Restants 81.05 92.08 9.7 109.57 116.92 137.84 160.38 207.01 224.06 255.92 201.39 Ianking & Insurance 13.79 17.77 21.04 23.20 25.20 27.91 34.51 44.79 53.10 61.40 73.97 Real Estate & lther Dsinns Service 21.44 23.41 27.4 30.51 34.73 39." 43.59 50.21 54.50 62.32 71.18 Public Admin & Defence 23.56 32.37 34.53 36.94 40.72 45.85 54.14 62.04 73.92 06.16 102.0 Other Services 27.35 30.51 35.03 39.54 43.82 9.06 58.32 68.02 78.61 92.90 108.47 6DP at factor Cost 632.63 663.70 716.65 W03.9" 073.26 954.74 1140.21 1305.93 1455.65 1721.76 18B9434 () 1984/85 data are from Quick Estimtes. Source i C0,11ational Accounts Statistics, various issues and guick Estigates dated Janury 1996. -17- Table 2.3(b) MRSS DPESTIC PRMODCT AT FACTORCST - 0Y INRSIRY OF S16111, 1974/7*-l41lS (Is billion at 1970/1 pricesl 1974/75 195tb 1976/f 197717 1f7917 1979/i 1960191 1991/62 m191/31 19/18 191416 Primry Sector 175.99 1".29 186.74 M.26 214.46 187.74 210.56 217.70 213.72 3.72 234.10 Agriculture 164.62 186.13 174.64 1%.51 202.19 175.7 198.40 205.00 20. 221.51 219.04 Forestry & Logging 4.11 4.22 4.06 .. 41 3.86 3.53 3.29 3.35 2.91 2.79 2.63 Fishing 2.96 3.14 3L04 3.04 3.19 3.16 .22 3.29 3.4 S.M 4.2 lining 4 Quarrying 4.30 4.80 4.98 5.12 5.23 5.27 5.65 6.0? 6.93 7.53 8.21 Secondary Sector 82.77 67.32 95.75 102.74 110.70 109.11 110.60 114.56 120.74 124.42 132.70 nufacturing 59.99 61.25 6.68 71.00 7.80 77.41 76.37 91.29 6.84 90.95 95.58 Registered 38.29 38.72 43.34 4.02 51.33 50.42 51.27 53.50 9.47 61.00 64.61 Unregistered 21.70 22.56 23.34 24.96 27.47 26." 2.10 27.79 28.77 29.95 30.97 Construction 17.71 20.27 22.69 25.11 24.53 23.23 24.38 24.44 24.01 25.73 26.41 Electricity, Bas & Nter 5.07 . 5.77 6.39 6.63 7.37 7.47 7.85 .63 t.09 9.74 10,7?9 Tertiary Sector 131.03 141.01 149.11 158,15 171.17 175.53 196.20 I9.42 215.8 231.05 247.85 Transport, Storage & Coen ication 23.25 25.29 26.96 28.11 30.47 31.99 34.17 36.63 39.45 42.13 45.37 Railvy 6.32 7.12 7.64 8.04 8.05 8.18 8.42 t.12 9.33 9.29 9.47 Other Transport 13.95 14.96 15.97 16.42 11.51 19.57 21.1? 22.78 24.83 27.10 29.62 Comnaication 2.96 3.19 3.45 3.65 3.91 4.24 4.56 4.93 5.29 5.74 6.28 Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 45.09 49.32 51.03 55.29 60.12 S8.16 61.28 64.96 69.76 73.27 75.9 Banking I Insurance 7.08 1.43 10.14 11.0 12.9 12.55 12.81 13.72 15.67 17.09 19.04 Real Estate & Other Business Services 16.15 16.56 17.9 10.64 19.31 20.07 20.79 21.61 22.44 23.33 24.30 fublic Adai I Defence 20.86 22.38 23.70 25.35 28.19 31.43 34.96 39.05 43.79 49.21 55.76 Other Services 18.60 19.01 19.34 19.66 20.18 21.33 22.19 23.25 24.75 26.42 27.44 GOP at Factor Cost 389.79 426.62 431.60 469.17 496.33 471.38 507.36 531.68 S50.32 593.1? 614.73 (a) 1984/85 data are from Quick Estimates. Source: CSO,Nationa' Accounts Statistics$ various issues and Quick Estimates dated January 1986. Table 2.3Wc} INPLICIT PRICE DEFLATORS FOR P AT FACtOR COST, 1974/75-198415 1974175 I9/76 1976177 1977178 1976179 1979/80 1980181 196152 192/93 1983164 194/85 Priuar Sector 168.99 144.88 158.39 162.44 162.83 193.21 213.57. 229.62 249.74 291.90 294.66 Agriculture 170.26 143.15 1.08 159.65 159.74 187.6 207.48 217.51 231.82 264.23 273.41 Forstry I Logqin 136.74 150.00 173.53 201.11 226.17 263.00 320.36 366.87 489.00 541.56 613.31 Fishian 153.38 180.57 197;70 203.29 231.35 243.04 282.30 307.01 345.27 351.67 367.54 fining I Ierrying 161.63 164.17 203.01 219.16 232.31 267.46 326.19 509.8 24.89 669.46 722M05 Secndwy Sector 159.12 164.09 172.54 161.28 t69.64 216.25 243.56 261.32 286.38 30Y.37 333.1 aNuacturing 164.33 169.. 172.7n 160.93 187.30 219.18 246.29 264.74 2"796 301,13 322.95 Rgistered 166.10 171.67 174.53 181.03 18.53 219.16 247.24 247.05 295.24 305.52 327A.7 garegistered 161.20 165.25 169.49 180.46 186.86 219.23 244.50 258.83 269.31 22.19 312.50 ConstructioQ 148.90 162.46 172.15 100.68 169.91 202.20 232.49 251.97 306.21 332.72 ' 364.60 El}etricity, Gas I Vater 133.14 .14471 171.63 18.39 202.17 229.59 250.96 260.83 m.62 324.64 346.80 Tertiary Sector 155.33 164.09 171.46 179.83 18.03 204.08 226.16 254.03 266. 298.32 307.51 Traosport, Storage ' Cogusication 134.80 139.34 154.30 146.36 175.94 179.96 181.94 202.25 231.03 255.07 275.20 Railay 116.7? 126.54 145.60 140.42 135.03 135.09 133.49 178.51 227.55 260.17 259.56 4ther trnsprt 146.16 147.80 157.72 172.7Z 193.14 19.88 203.07 215.72 237.05 259.26 289.33 Coumnication 119.80 128.21 157.68 164.11 18.?? t79.25 173.25 193.98 208.88 227.00 232.17 Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 179.75 196.70 198.07 198.17 I9.49 237.00 274.77 318. 7 322.33 349.28 370.54 Backing & Insurance 194.77 210.79 207.50 209.39 195.35 222.39 269.40 326.46 33.86 359.27 39.50 Real Estate & Other Business Servies 132.76 141,19 - 153.23 163.68 179.95 199.25 209.67 232.35 242.8? 267.12 292.92 Public Adbin & Defence 136.91 144.64 145.70 145.72 144.45 145.88 154.96 158.92 168.81 175.09 183.09 Other Sevices 147.04 160.49 181.13 t95.83 217.15 230.00 262.82 292.56 317.62 357.03 396.03 coP at Factor Cost 162.30 155.57 166.04 172.43 175.94 202.54 224.73 245.60 264.51 290.25 30.16 (a) 1984/5 data are from Quick Estinates. Source s CSONational Accounts Statistics, various issues and Quick Estioates dated January 19M. :9- - Table 2.4 SS - IS fl Uffll ||l_ (in h. WIle.) 5Wm S 3U nm 1n 74 7m n n S7 17 16 n4 l 3 M 1M (C) (at Cet is) I no_ 11 k 14W m 9.75 23.4 6 1.3 14.3 17.4 1129214. WV4 .4103. ME M.178 ws 2914. 2654, 32.2 42L4 47.61 mnabls - 7.10 13a. 46.7 54.4 5. * 65.37 14.S2 11." 143 14 JO 173.* 219.16 .W a3.7r 1a3 J.33 afet, CtWat* Sit.t 3.89 2.74 6.7 7. 7?.3 3. 14* W 3.5I 11.41 13.61 1641 23.0 15.n1 V.6 29." 31.44 3.6 rablicactu t.6 4.25 12.3 £2.A 13.32 180 26.71 3 41.5 41. 47.6 49.6 41.4 71.7 76.61 72.17 67* II Furdp saw -C21 4.61 3.14 4.7 .7 3.92 6.5 -1.1-138-?14.60 1.V 5.61 1.1 2.13 15.73 15. 215.15 M am o M II 9.54 25.44 71. 79.76 66. 117. 123.3147.9 167.2118A7 2.64 3 312.32 IS2. 13A£ 49.4 9181 1 Etrm A udssia ) 1.76 3.3 1.67 4. 4.6 -4.2 1.U 16.3 9.8 t.U -1.23 9.6 3.1 1.13 12. 24.4 I B nowp rMO 11.3 25.82 73.44 6.11 85.8 411.2 145. 1U4.18 17M.A 1.113 9.844 1.0 1.13=. 19 9240 53t1.7 I ame in sts 1.U 4.27 t 13.37 4.v t n 5.1 31.7 614.6 14.02 41.5 3 61.19 46.82 5.49 44.3 12.73 M S mFID CWIL FMTt 3 21.n 63.65 76.74 n.66. ".29 13.132.43 151. 2.11 IU.76 213. mi I 94.731 47.15 431.73 46.54 A. 8 tp f nS C.strci. 7.29 13.37 3.5 4.4 41.4 4.3 .54 72.3 5.A 9.44l1.U1190.21A.9 2.46181.44347W. 3 hiswit Eip_t 2.41 8.19 .41 3.11 .5 O."9 51.76 59.96 613 72.13 5.6163.2 21.1U9 2 .1121".3 211.47 3. P sate Publi IKt 2.24 1U.51 U.942 .12 34.19 4 4.72 51. 73.A 71.97 8.76 9.74 £1.51 14.6 16.983.498W .0 piwte two? 7.46 11.61 3.11 42.72 4U.4 1 66N 76.43 61.55 ".22,15.16113.A135.64 14161 11.7? 195.8926L4 (at 167 prim) I M IEIIEN 23.7 45.23 71.n7 75.47 7.15 9.72 2.s 64.22 93.16 M.72 12.73 £116. £3.4 119.42 21.553I." 136.21 E1 na" & lisius() 4.39 .69 1.67 4.12 4.4 -3.D 7.42 9.6 5.43 0.57 4.9 3.4 .4 2.74 6.1 347 6.0 Il OlS l ITAL. FO IM 23.18 45.92 13.44 79.9 74.796 3 69.47 .11. 98.64 .29 1U.54 114. 12.112 MM2.16 1.91 131.9I (Jeff) W Caq in stucs 3.34 7.6 1.39 12.3 4.23 1.w 2.91 t1.7"4 13.U 7.31 3.24 2.19 4.2 23.41 17.34 23.J2 2a.97 V MW F W llt AfOtInI 24.84 33.23 4.0 66.3 A.5 76A .56 75.14 0S 93.43 94.32 1.61 96 9.77 1.1 £11826 £21.9t (uIII-N) A. 3Ty of As et Cuswucti .3 2.3 3.5 3A.15 u4.7 32 5.18 41.45 44.60 2.43 5.61 4A 4.235 47.95 47.95 46.71 49. NWal 6 Equip.t 8.54 15.13 23.46 27.11 29. 33.51 32.6 33.16 38.35 41.35 44.2 45.61 4I.46 6.6 614. 6. ILl3 3.w lbcute (tb) slic Sntar 5.74 13.71 23.94 24.4 31.4 31.J5 21.6 31.76 39.16 41.7n 41. 42.98 44.61 48.81 8.23 63.13 65.63 Private sctR 19.11 19.53 39.11 4.13 31.92 3.25 41.76 43. 145.4 51.6 544 43.9 519.9 4.97 51.29 7.4 S.1 ( tErA sdeiim is the ditt M et thne ustinte of grns iastmt b_ as ftlaua fluos ad t.e stiut of "s capitial fsti n bse a psial fle. (0) The iglicit pricte deflatos of total pes nos capital feI stln ha km "W to "st te tb ucteal ditibutieo in all the ye, (c) bid Estiuat, S ei CM, latioal 4m .ts Statistics, tiem Iss ad Oiti Estit date Jauan 1984. RIO~ 49 4qu. 3.3 qms U go I-so6 jj Eii vvE I l it|j3 *RNt go* jqo P s I slss 5 3t | 33f S1 : i; st ; ml 4 VA~ 5 s~ gg !3 *43 I; 2*b $ atq i q' N q 5E0 " 4 4SI, v 5103 U bbN s:K3. qm 35 sl. utt. q s*q id S $r' ; + 'p *i's a ^353s S "^ Z 11' we # *m I gSj IT Ia sn T_ n t . q e 9T s45agt ant Rooit I I4" | q4qt Nyj L.A U 59* i RX I ov ago ago~ Ib i'~~ 519 Its 83 - 5? *j jE ja - 21 - Table 2.6(a) 6ROSS DONESTIC JUVESTIEINT By INDUSTRI OF USE, 1974/75-1984/85 (k billin at turreat praces) _ _ __ . _.,, .w ......-- ................. _ .__,,_ .._.................................. ..........._. ............. . ... .. ...... ........ .* 1974/75 1975/76 197,/77 197'?767 197687 1979/6§ 1980'91 198182. 198263 1963/84 MUE4M5 . . __. _..... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .... . .. .... .. . ... .. . .. -- - - -- --- - -- - -- - --- -- - -- - -- - - Prisary Sector, 23.82 28.66 41.97 r 44.5 55.81 5t.87 71.06 71.44 89.71 10.29 V.A Ayiculture 19.45- 21.19 32.61 35.61 47.56 47.0 55." 57.65 58.16 73.60 92.99 Forestry I logging .30 .35 .54 .62 .72 .82 1.08 1.18 1.41 1.75 NLA. fist,anq .70 .71 .96 1.16 1.32 1.30 1.71 1.80 2.33 2.68 N.A. HiRting & quarrying 3.37 4.41 7.66 7.56 6.21 8.75 12.29 16.81 27.81 29.26 R. A. Secondary Sector 58.83 50.39 54.10 69.21 92.40 p.53 117.59 135.32 147.30 156.76 N.A. ainufacturing 46.89 41.30 34.71 44.80 66.23 67.80 79.20 99.60 94.84 104.96 NA. Registered 31.31 34.70 24.17 29.31 48.94 52.14 60.48 71.98 73.06 79.61 91.27 Ilnregistered 9.57 6.60 10.54 15.49 17.29 15.66 18.72 17.62 21.78 25.3$ N.A. CWnstruction 2.39 2.40 L64 4.96 3.4, 5.23 7.07 7.44 6.93 3.39 N.A. flectricity, Gas & Vater 9.56 14.69 15.75 19.45 22.48 26.50 31.32 38.26 45.53 ".41 N.-A Tertiary Sector 50.41 60.24 71.14 71.01 93.d3 94.97 123.68 140.07 161.94 169.4 N.A. Transport, Stsrage I Comunication 14.15 15.04 15.00 17.09 20.05 23.81 30.16 36.73 40.23 43.82 NVA. Railway 3.50 3.87 3.27 3.92 4.85 6.43 8.56 10.10 10.81 12.20 14.13 Other Transport 9.12 9.22 9.40 10.72 12.40 14.42 18.18 21.32 23.51 24.57 N.A. Counication 1.53 1.95 2.33 2.45 2.80 2.96 3.42 5.31 5.91 7.05 8.00 Trade, Hlotels and etaurants l0.62 18.59 11.21 10.92 21.51 13.62 20.95 22.9 23.31 30.13 NA. Bnking & Insurance .53 .64 .02 .92 1.20 1.39 2.27 3.51 4.59 5.32 N.A. Real Estate & Other Business Services 15.16 14.76 24.88 30.57 33.40 33.66 41.65 45.08 57.81 66.13 .-A- Public Admin i Defance 8.00 9.16 9.39 7.9? 13.44 18.25 22.76 25.60 29.56 36.19 43.04 Other Services 1.95 2.05 2.84 3.54 4.16 4.24 5.89 6.25 7.44 7.84 N.A. Bross oestic Investmnt 133.06 147.29 167.21 185.17 242.04 252.37 312.33 352.83 398.95 453.48 497.81 Source : CSO,National kcounts Statistics, larimos issues and Buick Estimates dated January 1986. - 22 - table 2.61hJ GROSS A0IIESTIC I4VESTNENT D8 INOUSTRA Of USE, 1974/75-194/85 (Rs billion at 197T'7I pices) --------------------- . ... . ........................................................... . .,........................ .....,. ... 1974/75 1975/76 t?/77 1977f78 1976179 1979180 1MO0M1 1981112 198 E 1986384 1954/05 ...,.. ... .. .... ...... ..... ...... ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ - ---- ----- ------ ----- Irisary Sector, 31 15.10 16.32 23.24 24.19 26.10 25.31 27.59 26.44 27.4 33.1t .A. Agriculture 32 12.30 12.17 17.95 18.93 23.80 20.61 21.06 19.1 1B.0l 23.05 25.90 Forestrt & Logging 33 .19 .21 .30 .33 .35 .35 .36 .35 .35 .39 N.A. fishing 34 .47 .40 .54 .70 .71 .60 .71 .62 .74 .91 RA. fining 6 Buarrvijg 35 2.14 3.54 4.45 4.33 3.24 3.75 4.66 5.2 8.54 L.7 N.A. Setondary Sector 36 3S.73 33.12 30.67 3.14 48t 44.5i 44.48 48.03 47.96 48.84 NA. "lanu4acturing 37 27.91 23.53 19.55 24.65 34.52 30.32 30.93 31.60 31.34 33.62 .A. Registered 38 22.09 20.08 M3.66 16.21 26.00 23.71 23.90 25.90 24.93 25.13 26.91 Unregistered 39 5.82 3.45 5.67 8.44 8.52 J.1t 7.03 5.70 6.41 L.49 N.A. Construction 40 1.55 1.43 2.02 2.64 1.92 2.34 2.14 2.58 2.U1 1.33 R..A. Electricity, Gas & Mater 41 6.27 8.76 9.10 10.65 11.59 11.90 12.61 t3.15 14.44 13.89 W.A. Tertiary Srttor 42 31.22 34.11 39.25 38.39 46.60 40.19 46.36 44.93 45.I1 52.88 W.A. Yransport, Storage & Comunication 43 9.22 6.91 6.97 9.85 10.44 10.65 12.51 13.38 13.37 14.60 N.A. Ralmay 44 2.37 2.43 2.03 2.36 2.73 3.27 4.15 4.39 3.69 3.96 4.22 Other Transport 45 5.83 5.29 5.49 6.09 6.4 6.21 6.97 7.03 7.56 8.5T N.A. Camunication 46 1.02 1.20 1.35 1.38 1.45 1.37 1.46 1.% 1.92 2.07 2.20 Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 47 6.33 10.68 10.14 6.06 11.2? 5.68 7.93 7.81 7.57 10.38 l.A. Banking & Insurance 48 .30 .38 .44 .51 .62 .53 .65 .74 .81 .36 W.A. Real Estate I Other Bsiness Services 4? 9.21 7.82 15.01 15.76 15.44 13.31 14.42 12.83 14.18 16.41 N.A. Public Adain & Defence 50 4.94 5.23 5.19 4.25 6.51 7.78 8.51 8.07 6.98 8.39 8.86 Other Services 51 1.22 1.16 1.60 1.9 2.10 1.84 2.27 2.10 2.20 2.22 W4.A. Gross omestic lnvesttent 52 82.0 84.22 93.1 100.72 122.73 110.06 120.43 119.42 120.71 134.91 136.21 .. ... . ..,_,__.......... ____.. _..............................._ ._ ......... - - _._- _- --_-__--- Source: CSO,National ktounts Statistics, various issues and Quick tstiutes dated January 1986. - 23 - Table 2.6tc) IUVESTIENT DEFLATORS BY INIDUSTRY OF USE, 1?74175-1992183 1974/75 1975171 1976/77 1?77178 197I/79 1979180 1910181 1981182 198213 Pripry Sctor. 157.75 175.61 160.59 185.82 198.61 226.64 257.56 2M2.11 324.57 Agriculhtre 158.13 174.12 191.67 189.11 19.93 220.04 256.08 29. 14 322.93 Forestry I Logging 157.59 166.67 180.00 187.88 205.71 234.29 300.00 337.14 402.86 Fishinq 148.94 177.50 177.78 165.71 185.92 216.67 240.85 290.32 314.81 Pining & kuarrying 157.48 181.07 176.63 174.60 191.67 233.33 263.73 29.11 325.64 Secondary Sector 164.65 173.16 176.39 t81.46 192.38 223.36 252.9 281:74 307.13 Mfanufacturinq 167.97 175.52 177.54 181.74 191.86 223.61 256.06 233.54 302.62 Registered 168.90 172.91 174.14 180.81 18B.23 219.91 253.05 277.92 293.6 Unregistered 164.43 191.30 185.89 103.53 202.93 236.91 266.29 309.12 339.78 Construction 154.19 167.83 199.20 187.00 192.19 223.50 258.03 288.37 317.99 Electricity, gas & Water 152.47 i67.69 173.08 179.26 193.96 222.69 244.50 276.39 315.30 Tertiary Sector 161.47 176.24 181.25 184.97 201.35 236.30 266.78 311.75 358.9f Transport, Storage & Coamunication 153.47 168.90 169.11 173.50 1t8.44 219.45 239.75 274.51 300.90 Railway 147.68 159.26 1l1.08 164.71 177.66 196.64 206.27 230.07 277.89 Other Transport 156.43 174.62 171.22 116.03 191.95 232.21 260.83 303.27 310.98 Coaiunication 150.00 167.50 172.59 177.54 193.10 216.06 234.25 270.92 307.01 Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 167.77 174.06 179.59 180.20 191.46 231.63 264.19 293.21 307.93 Banking & Insurance 176.67 168.42 196.36 180.39 193.55 262.26 349.23 474.32 566.67 Real Estate I Other Business Services 164.60 18.75 191.24 193.T7 216.04 252.89 28.83 351.36 407.69 Public Adnin & Defence 161.94 175.14 180.92 187.53 206.45 234.58 267.45 317.22 409.1? Other Services 159.84 176.;l 177.50 180.61 i0.10 230.43 259.47 297.62 338.18 Sross Domestic Investment 162.17 174.89 179.49 183.85 197.21 29.30 259.35 295.45 530.50 ___-- - - -- - - - __ - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - . ... ... . -- -- -. -_ -- Source: CSO.National Accounts Statistics. various issues and Guick Estinates dated January 1986. - 24- Table 2.7 MUM OF WL Al MF CAPITA MET M IC POU 1 STATES (194/61 to I9134) at hSmitc prdit at facttr Cost Pea Capita ot omstic Predct et at 1M/71 prie (Is billi). Factor Cost at 177 prices (h.) U6/1 /71M 881 63/4 N/61 7/1 366 am (a) rdhPra tu 1h."V 25.3 34.3 42.I 512 SB5 64 74 An 6.14 7.71 11.74 12.5 575 535 5? 57 iar 18.14 22.45 2942 32. 393 42 4 437 ojurt 13.48 21.89 36.463566 461 829 15 15 #rp I . .A46 1.6?. J3.53 15.4? 5 .. 67 .65 1n27 imchul Praduh 1.65 2.32 2.34 3.16 54 O7 41 8 J. & tashiir 1.74 2.56 3.78 4.15 4 546 64 636 Kerntaka 12.64 13.58 25.25 28.2? 541 641 37 715 crals 7.0 12.55 16.25 1.9 473 54 643 718 Ibdhk Pradesh 15.26 19.91 24.37 31.32 475 484 54 52 Nebarashta 21.17 3.76 61.66 71.43 747 M 965 1669 ipur 1;22 8.46 6.73 8.84 281 381 Sl1 556 Oriss 6.63 16.37 13.83 15.63 395 478 529 516 PJabo 7.38 14.36 22.3 26.3 669 1076 1374 1484 Ralsthaa 11.2t 16.54 18.23 23.41 St? 651 541 637 Tail Ad. 28.31 23.71 26.81 32.35 11 591 598 646 Tripera 1.51 1.78 t.27 1.43 4 5so2 2 619 Utter Prades 33.67 42.57 56.93 63.41 461 486 519 533 vest Denpl 24.5 31.68 46.9 46.1t 712 722 1 32 Mibi 3.26 4.77 6.25 16.14 1434 1199 1361 448 ALL-IMIA (b) 243.64 345.19 474.19 553.76 561 63 68 765 Mote: ITe estimates of net domstic product hve been prepir and released by the rspectiv State Statistical DBreas. The eutimotes are prered folleuinq, to the eltent possible,the standard methedoloeies remaded by the WVrking Group on State Incoue.I(auever,ouing to differnces in uethodoloqy, soecte raterial used and the base pear fw constant price seies the estimates are not strictly comparoble among tie states. (a) Conveted to 19/71 prices fre 1961/61 prices using implicit price deflator if All India Not d#mstic preduct at facto cost. (b) Including States and lWion Tertitories not listed above. Sources:State Statistical orees, for etlmtes it State level. CSSO Natimal kcomts Statistics 1976/71-1982/03, January 1985 and Press lote dated Janutary 2,1986 for All India estiates. - 25 - Table 3.1 IlDIAS alimce of Payments, 1974175-1984105 tUS * million at curent prices) 1974175 1975176 1976177 1977173 1979179 1979/60 1930191 1981182 1962/83 1983/84 1964/95 *... . " . .. . __. . ......... - --. - --- ---------- ----------_ --- ---- 1. Exports 4565 543 679 7729 9316 9963 11212 11174 11205 11601 11712 2. lerchadise 3967 42 5142 6345 6749 7479 3332 9477 834 3641 8931 3. Nun-factor suvicus S71 825 1057 1364 1607 2304 299 2697 2819 2940 2781 4. taports 5576 5997 600 764 990S 1319 17407 17026 129 16241 *514B 5. Nerchmdlso 5212 48 9 6471 9015 11657 15692 13 1435 1430O 1339 6. mon-factor wvices 364 514 691 693 8 1242 1515 1hS 186 1881 175O 7. RE E BALANCE -1011 -344 719 565 -152 -3136 -6195 -5954 -56 -4434 -343 S. let Factor lcm -199 -217 -1to -89 2 281 496 295 -255 -714 -819 9. Factor rKSipts 116 134 209 311 479 796 1083 912 525 546 614 10. Factor Paymts 316 3S1 371 400 474 509 587 617 780 1260 1433 11. INLT Intwrest paidl 253 251 265 291 352 368 378 377 472 550 632 12. Net current Tranmfers 259 470 692 1077 110 1852 2771 2317 2504 2570 2352 13. Transfer receipts 277 490 707 10 1203 1872 2766 2338 252 2587 2379 14. Transfer paymnts 19 20 is It 23 20 IS 21 22 17 27 15. CU T BAIACE -951 -91 1249 1553 -347 -97 -2928 -3242 -2815 -2770 -1903 KILT CAPIAL INFLOI 16. Direct lnvestmnt 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 65 63 62 17. Official grant aid 118 327 275 304 333 377 502 393 353 294 328 18. Not KILT loans WDRSP I %91 1290 1032 494 587 644 1855 1336 1752 1915 2049 19. Disburumnts 1445 1793 1523 1221 1190 1290 1653 1986 2429 2653 2875 20. Repay mnts 464 503 491 527 603 646 478 647 677 73 827 21. Other, ILT(Net) bl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22. Not credit from INF 5m2 242 -337 -330 -159 0 312 69 1960 1271 7 6 23. Disbursements 522 242 0 0 8 0 312 689 1960 1341 210 24. Repayments 0 0 337 330 158 0 0 0 0 70 134 25. Net short-term capital , 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26. Capital flows NEI tcl -331 -697 -291 -15 345 187 106 -1143 -1020 590 -349 27. Errors and odissions tdl -368 -255 -342 -18 715 13 -200 -441 210 -474 N. A. 29. Change in Reser es 49 -816 -1566 -2046 -1475 -224 345 2398 -S05 -881 -263 (-indicates increasel tal Excludes IF Trust Fund which is included under items 22 & 23. Eb] Estisated flows to the private sector not reported to INS bv govt. tcl Includes exchange rate adiustants to the valuation of r*serves,and financing of imbalances in bilateral rupee trade. Edl As estimated by Government of India. - 26 - table 3.241( iD01: Itaehmndise Expvts, 1974/7s-1984/U 1US$ t*illion at current prices) 1974175 1975/74 1974/77 m19 78 1978/79 1979/80 t980/8I I 9812 1I/83 18/6 1984/80 ~~~~~~~~~_._____0____.___ _.____ . flf b f PRINM"EI I 1577 117 80 2126 2047 AW 283 2703. 254 . 2480 2239 Agricultural Products 1325 1510 1446 1760 164 2013 239 218 2053 2002 178M Cusbuis 148 I11 9 175 98 14 18 203 140 152 146 Coffee 44 77 141 227 175 202 271 4 194 178 167 Tea 294 274 328 645 415 455 53 443 384 486 596 Marine Products- 83 14 202 204 274 3 275 319 378 317 282 filcakes 120 1OO 262 156 134 1i 158 132 1S 142 U2 Sugar 425 -544 16 23 160 160 46 71 70 134 19 Spices tJ 82 4 160 10 185 141 III 9 106 14 Rice 0 15 . 0 3 47 159 284 412 224 143 103 Tobacco 103 114 115 137 142 141 178 264 25 165 145 VPS Srouduuts 0 0 0 O 0 0 80 31 37 34 la RawC otton 19 45 30 1 20 93 209 It 112 144 48 Ores & Minerals 247 307 358 38 401 47 524 514 483 478 458 Iran Ore 201 247 247 281 264- 384 394 396 m 376 Others 46 40 91 87 117 134 140 120 87 105 82 ACTUREI1 EXPORTS 2602 2855 3949 4187 4931 5448 520 5820 5503 589 6147 Chemicals 117 99 124 136 180 245 508 60 561 627 629 Basic Cheuicals 117 9 124 136 180 245 28 424 320 3Y9 389 Chesical Prodtcts 222 236 241 228 241 Textiles 781 652 794 79 830 1212 1292 1154 96 847 1068 Cotton Yarn 23 7 35 26 19 19 31 17 30 23 31 Cotton Cloth 205 188 295 230 266 347 336 296 248 276 373 Jute Rlanufactures 394 312 252 314 237 '463 442 309 211 160 252 Other Textile Ibnufactures 160 145 213 309 308 383 44 532 50b 389 411 Readysade sargent; 173 235 m 352 516 572 654 750 654 712 736 Leather & products 207 264 265 318 432 644 354 341 320 355 491 Engineering 6oods 447 477 634 721 854 915 1033 M05t 1298 1078 1157 Oms & Jevellerv 129 J50 281 6fi3 8t 742 814 919 I068 1233 1150 Other Handicrafts 111 120 18 241 296 369 422 492 377 373 360 Processed Foods 0 0 0 107 173 168 202 221 29t 19t 276 Other Manufactures (al 637 859 t290 779 814 563 340 232 -61 476 300 TOTAL EXPORTS ICustous) 4174 4672 5753 6315 6978 7948 9502 9523 803? 8380 8406 Statistitat Oiscuepancv -187 156 -Ii 30 -209 -269 -171 -44 347 287 525 TOTAL ElPORTS (SOP) 3987 4828 5742 6345 6769 7679 8332 8477 8386 8667 MI31 Eal Includes discrepancies resultinfo froa use of different sources Sources: Ministry of Comuerce. DGCTS finistrv of Finante. Economic Survey Export Promotion Councili - 27 - Table 3.21bI IA14: frchaudis, Exports, 1974/75- /95l4fl (US $ K,illio at catstant 78679 prices) 1974/75 M175/ 1976fl7 1977M7 197679 1979/80 110/91 199182 19926 16194 1994165 PRiRART EPORTS t9 2161 2235 105 2047 2479 2612 2477 2403 2322 . 2150 Agricultural. Products 1595 1001 1814 1526 1644 2021 2202 2063 2049 195 1766 Casheas 235 194 16 145 98 137 116 I1I 112 143 116 Coffee 131 156 136 154 175 164 232 1% 204 195 1t Tea 554 511 SB7- 53 . -415 49" SS2 -515 448 475 520 Karine Proucts 142 90 214 220 276 278 252. 268 302 297 321 Oilcale, 122 144 262 125 134 151 129 120 164 139 117 Sugar 154 267 .129 15 160 12& 16 45 71 53 23 Spices 106 -105 140 too 203 155 144 148 158 17 Rice 0 15 0 22 47 220 310 373 194 105 77 Tebacco 131 132 145 157 142 143 154 224 223 140 157 HPS lroundnuts *0 0 0 0 0 0 he 29 35 44 30 Raw Cotton 33 86 51 20 109 218 39 130 206 50 Ores & Ninerals 367 380 420 379 401 458 40 414 355 364 384 Iron Ore 2" 305 313 289 284 332 300 317 291 284 315 Others a 74 107 90 117 126 .109 97 64 80 69 AI ACTW8 EIPORTS 333 3679 5109 4849 4931 4501 5093 4929 4909 5438 5752 Cheicals . t1O 100 122 144 180 ?14 409 529 464 526 WJ Basic Cheamicals 110 100 122 144 180 214 230 340 265 334 332 Chesical Products 179 189 199 191 205 textiles 905 675 1051 965 830 957 1078 986 844 s11 965 Cotton Yarn 29 14 55 31 19 17 27 14 20 21 27 Cotton Cloth 254 283 390 230 266 , 315 259 212 193 255 354 Jute Nanufactures 423 359 320 389 237 278 417 276 246 174 198 8ther Textile Nanuactures 198 220 287 315 308 348 377 384 385 30 386 Readymade Barmtts 210 292 463 449 516 487 671 614 574 657 700 Leather I products 297 380 373 359 432 491 235 346 334 376 53D Engineering Bods 646 520 710 721 854 772 973 945 1203 1013 1107 Gems & Jnellery 172 201 8 il 886 630 79 73 950 1112 1055 Other Handicrafts 148 1l6 257 29 296 329 410 424 335 337 330 Processed Foods 0 0 0 133 123 143 196 191 259 178 253 Other Nanufactures taJ 849 1150 1752 9&8 814 478 330 200 -55 429 275 TOTAL ElPORTS 1Custoes) 5300 5a59 7344 675? 69778 6990 7705 7405 7313 7760 7902 Statistical Discreoancv -238 196 -4 32 -209 -236 -155 -40 315 266 493 TOTAL EXPORTS 1h8P) 5062 6055 7330 6785 6769 6744 7551 7366 7628 8026 8395 ta3 Includes discrepancies resultina from use of different sources Sources: iinistry of Comece, IJCIS Rinistry oi Finance, Economic Survey Export Fromotion Councils table 3.24cI INDIA: Exocrt Unit Value Indices, 1974/75-1984185 (Base :1978/79 1 001 197475 1975/76 1976M77 1977/1 197179 1997106 91M0/gf 1401/f2 198283 '1983/8 1904/85 PRINMY EXPORTS 80 83 81 112 10o 101 110 109 106 107 104 Agricultural Products 83 e4 80 115 100 100 10o 106 100 102 101 Casheus 63 ST 64 120 100 107 152 183 126 106 127 Coffee 49 49 104 147 100 '23 117 83 95 91 2 Tea 52 54 56 124 100 93 98 8 82 102 114 Narine Products 59 77 94 89 100 113 109 119 125 107 Si Silcaku 98 69 100 125 100 105 123 I10 95 102 95 Su;ar 276 2Q5 129 147 100 127 27 159 99 255 79 Spices 82 78 go 114 100 91 91 77 67 67 88 Rice 103 60 100 72 91 111 117 136 133 Tobacco 78 86 77 87 100 98 116 118 116 It8 92 UP Browuntuts 117 112 to8 73 59 Ram Cotton 57 53 58 165 100 lb 96 104 87 70 95 Ores & Minerals 67 91 85 97 t10 106 128 124 16 131 119 Iron Ore 67 81 85 q7 1QO 106 128 124 136 131 119 Others 67 S1 S5 97 100 106 128 124 136 131 119 NARIUACTURED EXPORTS 78 78 77 8b 100 121 1l8 118 112 108 107 Chemicals 107 9r 102 94 tO1 114 124 125 121 lq Ill7 Basic Ehesicals 107 9? 102 94 100 114 124 125 121 119 117 Chemical Produtcts 107 99 102 94 100 114 124 125 121 119 117 Te:tiles 86 74 75 91 1t0 127 12$ 130 its 104 III Cotton. Yarn 78 53 63 95 lIo 109 115 122 154 109 116 Cotton Cloth 81 66 76 100 100 110 130 140 129 108 106 Jute Manufactures 93 87 79 81 100 167 106 112 86 92 128 Other Textile Manufactures so 66 74 98 100 110 129 139 131 108 106 Readyade Bareents 82 so S1 78 10o 117 97 122 114 108 105 Leather & produtts 70 67 71 86 100 131 151 99 96 94 93 EnoineerinQ %oods 69 92 89 1to 100 119 106 111 108 10 t15 Seas & Jewullery Cal 75 75 74 at Io tt18 103 116 112 III 109 Other ltnditrafts Cal 75 75 74 81 1t0 li8 103 116 111 fit 109 Processed Foods Cal 31 100 118 103 116 112 II1 10O: Other Manufactures tal 75 75 7G El 100 118 103 1le 112 1f1 109 TOTAL EXPORTS (Customs) 7A 8a 73 9 100 114 lIe 115 li 1oo 106 Statisticdl Discrepancy 79 s0 7? 94 100 114 110 115 110 108 l1ji TOTAL EXPORTS (BUP) 79 80 78 94 100 114 110 il5 110 108 .fc tal bssu d equal to the Unit Value of tianufactured EFrvorts fro& industriali:ed countries I MDY I. Sources: Ministry of Coawercet OSCIS Ninistry *f Finante, Economit Survev E:oort Promotion Councils - 29 - Table 3.3(aI INIIA: hrchaadise lmports. 1974175-1984185 (US $ lillion at current prices) + . . .. _______ .........................b................... _________- _.____ l _ _ _ _ _ -____-_--_--_--_ 1974175 19157 1976177 1977178 1978179 1979/80 1980181 1981182 12183 1983184 1984/85 Foodgrains 958 1552 971 143 106 131 127 389 37 593. 143 Edible Oils 15 16 112 829 649 552 865 700 412 525 698 Soyabean ol 9 3 '7 230 221 217 .460 287 264 369 492 Palo oil 6 6 24; 254 247 226 30W 203 148 155 206 Others 7 35 345 l81 109 - W 210 0 0 0 PilL 1450 1417 1581 1811 2044 4046 6672 5592 4717 490 3213 Crude Petroleum 1197 1216 128 1455 1525 2709 4243 3965 309 2240 1521 Petroleum products 253 201 293 3S6 519 1337 2429 1627 1622 1250 1692 Total Fertilizer 885 937 347 499 706 866 1377 1015 384 476 1530 Fert.Ra, material t34 102 101 140 145 179 205 212 100 122 323 Fert. anufactured 751 835 746 358 561 687 1172 803 284 354 1207 Urea'l 340 424 198 215 347 445 64 467 147 194 703 DAPIPM 123 167 5 62 87 110 272 184 31 73 362 Nuriate of PotasllK) 59 38 34 76 74 83 198 148 107 8t 14. Others 229 206 9 4 52 48 18 3 0 0 0 Iron I Stetl 531 360 246 307 572 1076 1080 1348 1217 934 454 Non-Ferrous metals 224 116 174 224 302 438 605 446 358 358 290 Aluminium 4 12 3 13 39 122 258 69 125 23 92 Copoer 92 25 52 60 127 107 163 166 31 32 41 Zinc . 69 25 40 49 40 56 56 69 27 37 50 Lead 24 it 21 33 19 49 32 21 15 11 17 Other netals 36 44 61 69 77 103 6 121 161 255 91 Beas 66 97 2}02 386 583 470 528 445 757 1049 865 Bult os4su-tGotal) 4129 4495 3635 4198 491 7579 11255 9934 8234 7425 7393 Capital Goods 873 1080 1177 1297 1497 1711 2107 2219 2672 2748 2202 Other lports 663 510 869 1535 1841 2031 2337 2867 2833 !919 3468 TOTAL f6ustos) 5665 6005 5676 7030 8300 11321 15899 15020 1374u 14092 13064 Statistical DIscrepancv -453 -602 -287- -560 115 536 -7 Z;3 046 269 334 TOTAL (ROPt 5212 5483 5389 6471 9015 11857 15892 '5333. 14385 14360 133s9 Source: linistrv of Commerce.18CIS Irinistry of Petroleum Fertilizer Association o0 India -30 - Table 3.3MlM INks ekrchants Implwts, 1974I75-1984I85 (US * illion at constaft 7i/79 prices) 1974175 1975/76 1974177 19771 7819 79 9189 )'f8*1 198142 M9923 19g1384 1984185 Faodgrains 883 1272 866 124 104 97 t1O 433 380 751 292 Edible Oils 19 21 117 865 64 465 10" U 67 564 745 619 Soyabean oil 9 2 56 219 221 169 501 299 244 no 3I15 Pals oil 9 9 25 284 241 204 428 579 320 371 304 Others tO 37 361 181 92 120 291 0 0 0 POL 1795 1695 t807 i893 2044 2305 277 2166 1977 1672 158 Crude Petroa en 1459 1418 1462 1509 1525 1677 1691 1S05 123 18 760 Petroteum roducts 335 277 345 383 519 428 98? 461 4t4 590 926 Total Fertilizer 625 558 583 514 706 740 910 710 352 475 1391 Fert.Raw material 162 7S 279 137 145 172 178 1t0 102 141 362 Fert.manufactured 463 413 304 377 51 568 732 530 250 3 1020 Urea(Nl 195 242 250 255 347 376 444 513 136 204 629 DAPIP. 72 as 5 59 87 85 162 123 22 51 267 furiate Potasts(KI 55 34 38 80 74 *7 113 92 92 79 124 Others 142 119 11 4 52 40 11 2 0 0 0 Irun & Steel 595 290 202 280 572 1247 1025 1591 1387 1104 1000 Non-Ferrous wetals 170 1l7 187 226 302 316 418 152 482 53S 3 88 Aluminium 2 10 2 13 39 84 174 58 134 18 74 Copse? 71 25 54 63 127 84 ti1 416 0 9QQ 130 Zinc 44 21 34 48 40 45 46 55 25 33 36 Lead 26 16 32 33 19 28 20 19 18 16 24 Other yetals 27 44 65 70 77 74 6 204 216 382 121 GsM 94 124 255 444 58 4S 425 356 625 V87 737 Bulk 6ows(sub-totall 4100 4078 4016 4346 4961 555 6614 695 576 6162 6002 Cauital Soods 1244 1384 1481 1492 I497 1510 1857 1777 2206 2300 1877 Other lDorts 944 653 1098 1765 1941 1793 1881 2297 2339 3279 2956 TOTAL (Custom) 6368 6115 6595 7603 8300 8m8 10 11049 10312 11741 10835 Statistical lsicrepancv -So9 -605 -334 -605 7T5 421 -4 230 485 Z24 2'7 TOT14 lOM) 5858 5510 6261 6998 9015 309 10348 11279 10797 11904 '1112 …_ - -_________ - ______ - - - - _______- - - .- _ 5ource: Ninistrv of Conserce.DOCIS ministry of Petroleum Fertilizer Association of India al 3.31c) 1IAt10 lmpart Unit Value Indices, 1974/75-196185 Ilm 1978/J710}) 1974)15 1975/76 197611? 1977/78 17/7 1979/P t980/81 161182 1982183 1993/84 1984/05 Foutgrains too 122 112 116 tOO 135 115 90 102 79 49 Edible Oils 80 74 95 96 100 11 2 n2 73 70 113 Syabean oil 96 127 103 105 100 129 92 96 10 100 156 Pal oil 63 42 79 89 100 110 12 54 46 41 68 Others 80 74 is 96 100 t 82 72 P1 81 84 96 1to 17 249 259 239 209 203 Crude Petrolew 82 a6 it 9 1oo 162 251 264 239 207 200 Petrol* products 76 73 O5 93 100 213 246 246 237 212 205 Total Fertilizer 142 IJ8 6* 97 100 117 151 143 109 100 III Fert.Raw saterial 83 136 36 102 100 104 115 li8 98 07 89 Fert.eanufactured 162 IT3 81 is 100 121 160 152 114 106 118 UrealIl) 175 175 79 92 100 116 153 149 108 95 112 DOPAPN 171 1B9 98 106 lo 130 J168 150 137 142 136 luriate of Potash(K) 106 113 90 .9 100 124 175 162 116 110 115 Others 162 173 81 95 1t0 121 160 152 Ironb Steel 89 124 122 109 100 96 105 85 88 65 65 Mon-Ferrous wetals 132 99- 9 9 100 139 145 59 74 67 75 Alu niwri 199 116 159 106 100 145 148 119 94 132 121 copper 128 tO1 o 96 100 128 147 40 34 36 31 Zinc 157 118 115 102 100 125 123 124 110 113 136 Lead 92 65 66 9 oo 174 156 113 85 67 69 the rmetals 1 132 9 94 t 10O 139 145 59 74 67 75 sees 70 78 79 97 100 113 124 125 121 120 117 Bulk Ooods(sub-total) 99 110 91 7 1to 136 170 142 143 121 123 Capital Scads 70 78 79 97 100 113 124 125 121 120 117 Other loports 70 78 79 5t 100 1I3 124 125 121 120 117 TOTAL (Custom) 69 100 86' 92 100 127 154 136 133 120 121 Statistical 0iscreoancy 89 1OO 86 92 100 127 154 13 133 120 121 TOTAL lOOP) 89 too 96 92 100 127 154 136 133 120 121 Sourte: Ministry of Commerce.06CIS jinistrv of Petroleum Fertilizer Association of India - 32 - Table 3.4 DESTINATJOU OF E6P8RtS 4% distribution) 70/71 751? 77/8 79/80 P0181 81/02 82/8 83/ 84185 (a) (a) Africa 8.37 5.65 5.24 4.45 5.22 4.54 3.09 3.19 2.56 Aerica 15.98 14.47 13.6 14.06 12.54 12.9 11.36 14.91 16.65 USA 13.51 12.98 12.52 12.73 11.08 11.79 10.54 13.77 15.31 Canada 1.82 1.13 0.05 0.97 0.93 O.U 0.65 0.93 1.17 Others 0.66 0.45 0.28 0.36 0.54 0.28 0.17 0.21 0.18 sia and Oceania 32.09 38.62 35.58 37.27 34.78 33.30 30.40 30.69 28.69 (a) OPEC 6.42 15.26 12.42 10.93 11.10 12.05 9.32 8.93 8.10 of which: Iran 1.74 6.76 2.16 1.50 1.84 1.61 0.81 1.21 1.l6 Iraq 0.63 1.58 0.95 0.96 0.77 1.09 0.62 0.56 0.37 Saudi Arabia O.95 1.49 2.29 2.42 2.46 2.31 2.58 2.48 2.12 Kuwait 1.03 1.17 2.09 1.93 1.45 1.70 1.3b 1.19 1.00 (b) Other Asia and keania 25.67 23.35 23.16 26.34 23.6b 21.25 19.42 20.82 20.59 Japan 13.25 10.72 9.35 10.07 8R1 8.84 9.47 8.36 9.18 Australia 1.59 1.49 1.53 1.59 1.37 1.44 1.07 0.96 1.29 Others 10.82 11.44 12.28 14.68 13.41 10.97 8.88 11.50 10.12 Eastern Europe 21.04 16.32 16.03 13.16 22.15 25.30 23.00 16.31 17.19 USSR 13.67 10.32 12.15 9.94 19.27 21.28 18.97 13.23 14.32 Others 7.38 6.00 3.88 3.22 3.98 4.02 4.03 3.08 2.87 Yestern Europe 18.21 21.16 25.77 27.29 21.20 18.05 16.22 17.29 17.18 of which: elqium 1.32 1.13 3.74 2.60 2.15 2.13 2.42 2.10 1.61 France 1.17 2.14 2.70 3.07 2.19 1.90 1.66 1.59 1.81 lest 6ermany 2.10 2.92 4.52 5.92 5.?3 4.50 3.86 3.90 4.08 Netherlands 0.91 2.04 2.54 3.43 2.27 1.41 1.26 1.98 1.58 U.K. 11.10 10.44 9.71 8.04 5.08 5.38 4.79 5.63 5.80 Others 4.30 3.77 3.74 3.77 4.12 5.88 15.94 17.63 17.73 BRAND TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0 100.00 100.00 100.00 Neuo Iteo: Total Exports (bI 1870 4828 6345 7679 8332 8477 8386 8667 8931 (US $ Gillion) (a) Provisional. (b) Excludes exports of crude petroleus. Source: Econoic Survey 19/86. - 33 - Tabl e 3.5 OR11N OF IHPORTS 4t distribution) 70t71 75/76 77/78 79180 80181 81/82 82183 03/84 M185 Africa 10.35 2.13 4.65 2.25 1.63 1.57 1.36 2.66 2.39 Aserica 35.86 29.47 19.44 13.63 17.39 14.94 13.13 15.75 15.10 USA 27.12 24.41 12.5b 10.13 12.10 10.43 9.98 11.36 9.75 Canada 7.17 4.41 3.01 2.48 2.65 2.27 1.66 2.17 2.97 Others 0.91 0.66 2.87 1.02 2.64 2.23 1.4 2.21 2.37 Asia and Oceania 18.31 33.78 37.49 43.34 46.51 46.37 46.92 40.79 41.13 (a) OPEC 7.60 21.86 21.82 25.82 27.79 27.71 27.29 20.63 19.30 of which: Iran 5.61 8.73 9.03 6.79 10.67 9.54 5.62 4.96 2.98 Iraq O.9 4.71 5.50 10.03 6.00 2.97 6.19 5.02 3.95 Saudi Arabia 1.48 5.51 4.10 3.97 4.30 6.10 10.47 6.84 7.31 KuNait 0.34 1.19 1.14 1.81 2.69 2.04 1.9" 1.66 2.15 fb) Other Asia and Oceania 10.63 11.92 15.66 17.51 11.72 18.66 19.64 20.16 21.83 Japan 5.11 6.86 7.10 6.67 5.97 6.51 7.61 9.23 7.26 Australia 2.24 1.93 1.20 1.78 1.36 1.92 2.28 0.92 1.13 Others 3.29 3.13 7.36 9.06 11.40 10.23 9.75 10.01 13.45 Eastern Europe 13.46 10.75 10.34 12.06 10.33 11.07 11.97 12.46 12.67 USSR 6.49 5.98 7.41 9.02 8.08 0.35 9.89 10.52 10.55 Others 6.97 4.96 2.92 3.04 2.25 2.72 2.09 1.94 2.12 lestern Europe 19.50 20.81 25.10 23.81 20.31 22.48 23.26 24.11 24.50 of which: Belgium 0.70 1.64 2.55 2.98 2.36 3.68 4.42 4.26 4.64 France 1.31 3.73 2.63 2.27 2.23 1.86 2.98 I."5 2.10 lest 6ermany 6.58 7.03 9.22 7.05 5.53 6.97 5.82 7.11 7.59 Netherlands 1.17 1.21 1.36 1.59 1.71 2.05 1.74 1.59 2.13 U.K. 7.76 5.39 7.66 7.75 5.83 6.00 6.38 7.25 5.9 Others 2.51 3.06 3.90 4.92 3.83 3.57 3.36 4.23 4.22 6RAND TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Meso Itee: Total 1mpor;s tbl 2294 5483 6471 11857 15092 15333 14385 14360 13398 (US s million) III Provisional. (b) Net of petroleum exports. Source: Economie Survey 1985/86. - 34 - Table 3.6 ItlISIILES 0M CURRENT CCUNT (US 6 pilion) (a) 771 717 72/73 7374 M 75/76 76/ 77/ 7W/ 79/80 80/01 81182 8ua 3804 8 5 RECEIPTS 445 492 584 622 M73 1459 1973 2m 3292 4m 674 5947 587 L27 fto-.taor Swuices 27 2 328 364 57 8 25 1057 1384 16tl 234 2 2697 2;19 3201 it birctI, Trn wrt 142 150 158 185 271 308 3 5 328 342 458 44a 5 43 46 iTavel 37 42 49 71 1 219 318 619 6 1 tl3 147? 1191 114 143 0t1* Ib) 92 1M0 121 126 189 36 388 437 581 771 945 1061 1222 I I32 utmi t loCu 65 47 38 54 18 134 2 3t 48 79 10 12 525 449 Cuwr t Transfors(c) II? 153 138 185 2? 40 7? 108 1203 1872 286 2338 2526 207 OM PAYETS 614 652 635 662 69 884 107 1104 1463 .1789 2349 2636 289 3332 No-Factor Servics 279 293 271 3 364 514 691 693 891 1262 1515 169b 188M 2164 of aicb:. TraSpert td) 105 92 92 138 166 226 27 252 27 313 450 540 725 6 Trael 214 26 25 22 19 25 43 52 19 189 114 161 it 234 OtherS 151 165 154 163 179 262 371 389 55 s40 951 94 967 236 Inuestit Inceal 30 327 322 313 316 351 371 408 489 507 819 921 994 l151 Cormt Trustey 26 41 41 26 1i 21 15 11 23 20 15 21 21 17 lET RECEIPTS -16i -159 -131 -40 274 566 895 1678 1089 3183 4480 3311 2971 2905 Nm-Fictor Services -7 9 57 61 214 311 366 691 72 142 1365 102 935 1037 ot naichi Traport 30 58 66 4? 1it 74 73 77 55 at 8 -95 -312 -268 Travel 14 16 24 51 I" 14 276 567 68 1030 163 1840 tqt 889 Oters -58 -65 -33 -36 it 44 17 47 56 -69 -6 6t 255 49 Invsmt t locore -244 -280 -284 -259 -198 -216 -162 49 -11 299 26 -9 -49 4 Current Transfers 83 112 96 1SB 27 470 692 1077 1180 182 2771 2317 2505 WI57 (a) Conwrted freo rpm usinq annual average 1 conversion ratts shown in tine inside front cover, (8) Exclodes rupee transactions rekaling to US covnterpart funds. (c) Eclues qrant assistance. Id) Etcles freiht on iqsprts paid in foerin exchange, incloded vithin the c.i .f alue of imports. Seurcmi Colt et India, Econonc Survey, various issues, - 35 - Table 4.1 LI NL DlIi Sam (Al ge) tUS * alliom) 74175 15176 76177 77/78 78/79 79/ 801/1 6t1/6 82183 084 84/15 I.MEDT OUTSTOJIUND 9 111UM1O (bi A.toncessional 952 0365 11180 12245 134 1411 14477 15941 16U3 178I S 16725 IDA 1929 2324 2609 3 366 392 4505 142 5908 6I 7832 Bilteral Loans 7323 6041 9371 912 9769 IOI6 99*7 104 10010 10026 IO45 others - - - - 21 6 J5 751 775 02 848 Lkon-ConcesslO"Al 1152 1I 106 1044 1171 1246 1342 1433 2167 266 377. 191 lcl 464 454 436 456 540 647 7281 62Y 1181 1I95 1779 Other Official 421 3 332 m 264 278 270 247 236 243 Private lrrmingN 6 277 9 M 295 348 335 334 I 759 1135 1755 C.Total (4.1) 10404 11471 12243 13291 14617 15441 15819 17574 JI800 20611 22502 J1LCOUIMTHMNS A.Cancussional 1856 2636 1594 2267 2084 51 33 1969 2135 1641 1727 IDA tdl 631 684 481 952 1192 1535 1121 900 1063 1001 673 Rilateral Lanos 1443 659 90 354 442 1445 837 578 '#7 65 Grants 23 509 432 394 538 699 % 232 440 375 396 Others - - 22 14 - 175 751 - 54 58 - D.1Nn-Concesional 317 305 263 312 321 245 1574 1770 23 32 2618 lIRO [C] td] 209 174 269 330 300 125 430 1265 1068 1721 1674 Other Official 57 27 12 - - 67 42 11 165 5 327 Private Barroaing 51 104 2 52 21 53 1102 49 1040 9 617 C.Totali44., 2173 2941 1877 2649 2405 3096 5007 3739 4428 5050 4345 111 .DISOIRSEENTS A.AMncessional 1435 1913 1626 1252 1263 1398 2523 164 2025 1180 1575 IDA 40 491 533 333 327 546 652 M 1109 874 823 Bilateral Loas 917 1095 818 593 589 446 651 443 508 490 367 Srarts 118 327 275 304 333 377 502 393 3 294 329 Others - - - 22 14 29 718 24 55 22 57 LNon-Concessimal 128 208 173 273 260 269 512 733 757 1267 1628 In (C] 43 39 77 156 180 149 174 471 288 471 284 Other Official 12 57 35 26 19 41 57 0 8 31 329 Private lorroving 73 112 61 91 61 79 281 7'12 461 765 1015 C.Total 44+B) 1563 2121 179 1525 1523 1667 3035 237z 2782 2947 3203 lal Excludes mnetary transactions sith IEF. (bl As at the beginning of the period. tcl All IIRD loans are treated as non-concessional loans. Edl Relates to the period July-June. Data based on the date of approval. tel Table includes all oublic and publicly guaranteed debt. $wSrcsn: 1. orld Bank Debt Ruportint Syste. 2. Econogac Survey, varioU issums (for data on grants). 36- tlim 4.2 OUT UaneSVCII 9131 (Al Cc) (us m sllion) 145 1511 7611 77n1 17179 710 "lot 11 t IIP 83184" 84185 1.PIRIIICIPIJ. EMRETS A.Comessimwal 292 316 309 333 40 40 50 520 506 436 IOA 5 6 9 10 It 13 15 20 26 33 42 ilateral Loans 21? 310 300 323 398 457 4 41 492 471 391 Othrs - - - - - - 1 2 2 3 B.lhu-Concessinal 1n 18V 192 194. 194 17 175 4 1517 232 39 11RI) 5b] 511 57 71 73 8 75 7 74 87 105 OthWe O'4cial 69 68 63 0 48 38 32 23 1t 24 78 Private Borroving 70 61 62 63 73 1 68 58 64 121 207 C.Totai IWB 484 50 491 527 03 W7 678 50 b 67 739 826 II. ITEST PAYNiETS A.Cocess. enal 177 180 197 22 259 286 272 261 243 247 246 11 1U It a1 25 27 30 35 40 44 5 Bilateral Loans 161 16 176 197 232 256 237 220 t 196 II 116 Others - - - - - - - I I 1 2 I.Mn-Concessional 75 72 69 69 92 101 106 116 229 303 38 IlRU Ib) 32 33 31 34 53 63 6 71 10O 15? 1N Other Official 24 22 19 18 17 16 17 16 15 19 26 Private Borrowing 1t I? 19 17 22 22 23 29 114 127 191 C.Total (I1) 252 2 26 291 351 387 378 377 472 SO 63 II1.SERVICE PAYNENTS (Il1I) A.Concessional 46 N6 50 555 68 756 7m 763 63 753 62 IDA 21 24 30 35 38 43 50 60 2 91 10t Bilateral Loans 448 472 476 520 630 713 725 701 El 659 567 Others - - - - - - - 2 3 3 5 B.lon-Concessional 267 259 251 263 286 278 281 264 38 55 776 I10R lb] 05 91 S8 105 126 11 141 13B 174 244 274 Other Official 93 0 82 78 65 54 41 39 34 43 104 Privatelorrudn; St 78 S1 80 I s 1 87 178 248 398 C.TotalAG) 736 75 M5 818 5 1034 1056 1027 1149 1288 1450 lal Excludes uonetary transactions vith INF. lb] All IBMR leans are treated as non-tcmcssinndl loans. tt] Table includes all public and publicly paranteed debt. Sources: 1. Varld Bank Debt Rporting Systm. - 37 - Table 4.3 EXERINL REE1£VE$ (Us S millioni) ad Of tbe leserve Reserve ugoU of Yeu foreian Position emcledina incluinq 1W Not (pril-ftrcb) EFchanm S9s in the Fund gold Cold tcJ Geld Credit R"ervs _~~~~ - _- - - - 1951/51 . 1619 - - l81? 247 2 72 t984 19/ thi 1t2 - 15 135 247 1992 - 16ll 1961/61 391 - - 391 247 63 6 57S 1945/66 3- 336 3 626 215 411 196/69 526 - - 52 243 79 ml 1971/71 584 149 76 8 243 12 - 1 17m 661 269 a 1013 264 2m - 12 1972/73 629 297 92 1018 293 1311 - 1311 1973/74 736 296 92 1124 3 1417 75 1342 1974/75 782 293 - 1075 3B3 1378 62 756 1975/l6 167 234 - #891 281 212 6f7 1365 1976M77 3240 217 - 3457 m 747 471 31 1977/78 53 211S6 - 5515 31t 0 2 151 so 19767 6421 470 of 69 377 7357 - 7357 199/6 6324 662 218 7204 375 757 - 7579 1980/t 5o51 603 4t5 i58 370 7228 327 6901 1981/92 3582 473 46 4461 335 47 944 3832 1992/83 4291 2 393 465 324 2 2674 2414 1W84 59 230 519 5847 320 6t67 4151 2617 1964/85 52 l45 43 6110 325 6435 393 2503 End of the Month 1984 "arch 509 230 518 5847 320 4167 415S 2917 June 5114 341 502 5957 310 6267 4193 24 September 5266 181 486 5933 300 6233 402 2204 Dceber 5034 331 477 5842 300 6142 3921 21 iarch 5402 145 463 6t1o 325 6435 3932 2593 June 540? 313 486 6198 320 6526 3908 &I8 Spptember 5630 22t 516 6367 348 6715 4092 263 December 5534 336 535 6465 361 6766 4201 2565 (.l At the end of 1950 lbI At the end of 1955 (cl Valued at 35 SIR's per fine trov ounce. Source: 1. Itf, International Financial Statistics. 2. World Bank estimtes. it lq t% 1 ojlr|*"K2 son a UnaXa- CMt SI 4 - V%. 5. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L £, pi 3i Sib mi Si*+ 2" piN Msi! r; Si Si 1; £>| id t li t - : s | ;sr b ;SPj;: > RlW;ll4st ; qs go Wt 0!P al 6 t C 0" = ,#1 E~~~ds g am* 6; gi t E5t ,2 4- iS* 1- So $ WAE ; r.t 1! -re st 4i3tg 8! 4 14 qq a ;S OD f; 5! o;t; Rt°° I S!k i SIS ; ; te 9! 14 I 1 WAS tv r- _i n PI #g v, t P, R; s rt :! . S R4 t M 15 1 gFWt-2W$W w $sgS 41 5 8! i S Z g | | t>* S | thSt gOv W t5t.^t t4 *; i { - t ""- S 3 { X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- z §} g S " S"watut kaR WE t | S t asX 0 ffi a X~~ te |s{ sq. 4 C| 1!e- a"t;0tsS| l; O @ > + > _ _ *- ED c W - ; * 4 doa 'AP 8 5 s > > t ^ g - ^ Am, w do' mg, do u 0- 4- 0 ¢ w | t 9|2 W ' t ° N t b + ---N * s 4 _ 4 ^ * g " + s _ . . . _ ^ 0~~~j 8 t tX3%oX Ht_>$ t g %"t %S >gtB4S ;g t; % w~~~~~~~~~~~~~d ;g8 | ° | ~~~~~ _ e _ N ei ° n i~~~~~~~ v ~~ tst X t - 6 ; 4@> % v -~~~~~"1 - kgws Ss " F F F "t2S ;n:Src 2~~~~~. A is t At _ A table 5.7 TRAUFS BETEEN CEORE AD STATES la) {n hs billion) 56/51 60/el 76171 71 723 73/74 7475 75/76 7/M 77/78 787 79/ 8081 81/82 883 8/84 84/85 85/86 Revised Dudne Est. Est. States, Share tn 0.48 1.65 7.55 9.45 0.62 11.70 t2.25 5.9" 16.9 17.98 1.5S 34.4 37.91 42474 44.40 52.45 57.7 67.27 Central tIdes Grants to States 0.25 2.13 6.17 8." 9.59 9.86 10.61 12.89 16.22 19.61 26.35 24.11 27.96 2.55 36.3i 44.82 53.65 66.12 Loans to States (eross) (b8 0.61 3.39 11.28 12.19 15.18 15.76 1.93 12.95 14.01 19.56 27.69 27.62 31.46 34.60 42.9 SO,5% 64.43 72.68 Loan Repionts 0 States(c) -0.38 -0.95 4.58 -3.54 -4.55 -9.69 -5.07 -7.46 -6.56 -8.81 -6.92 -.44 -9.17 -12.64 -14.44 -19.41 -25.63 -26.77 bternt lepatmis be State -0.03 -0.58 -2.59 -2.% -3.82 -4.17 -3.74 -4.57 -3.9 -5.6 -.01 -4.9 -8.89 -9.08 -1.29 -t2.6 -16.34 -21.57 lot Transter 1.23 5.4 14.83 24.03 25.62 23.46 24.97 29.81 37.47 42.38 5.69 72.36 79.27 84.17 101.86 115.81 133.9 150.94 (a All data are taken bri Cntral Cowoint acounts. ue to change in bWaetarv classification, st daUt free 19756 onards are not strittly cmparable to those for previous eanrs. tt1 Ercludes asistane of Rs 4.2t billion in t7/, Is S.53 billion in 1M7 and Is 17.44 billion in tff;!83 and Is. 4.10 billion in 1 9884 on accont of assistnte given by Center to Statn or. clearing teir onMrafts. (c1 Excludes accuntirg adjustent of Is 9,38 billion for 1980/81. Source: Nisitry of Finance India Eckanec Statistics (Publit Finance), warion issm. -46- Table 5.8 ECONURJC CLASSIFICATION OF CENTRAL BOVERNNlE FINAES, 1975176- 51X86 (Rs billion at current prices) 1975/76 1976/77 1977178 1978f79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982183 1913/14 1984/95 198106 CURRENT REVWE I 73.16 80.07 88.94 103.54 103.52 118.20 142.61 165.30 187.50 230.57 247.09 Tax Receipts 2 59.86 65.56 70.33 84.54 85.34 93.47 115.31 130.05 154.41 178.02 191." Property Incoee 3 10.18 12.45 15.38 15.62 14.55 20.26 22.36 29.58 27.98 42.30 47.55 Nisc Reeipts 4 3.12 2.06 3.23 3.38 3.63 4.47 4.94 5.67 5.11 9.37 7.59 CURRE EPENDtTURE 5 64.47 75.51 83.56 96.58 105.66 120.86 138.24 166.47 195.66 246.44 2M.14 Consumption Expenditure 6 34.49 36.06 36.78 39.75 45.02 51.74 60.96 70.57 81.30 5.12 109.80 Transfer Payments 7 30.18 39.45 46.78 56.83 W0.4 69.12 77.28 95.90 114.36 15s.9 12.4 SAYING ON CURRENT A/C a 849 4.56 5.38 6.96 -2.14 -2.66 4.37 -1.17 -8.16 -15.47 -35.05 Gross Profits of Pub.Enterp 9 1.42 4.28 5.14 4.80 4.44 2.69 6.71 9.74 11.29 8.64 12.21 6ROSS SAVINGS 10 9.91 8.84 10.52 11.76 2.30 .03 11.08 9.57 3.13 -6.83 -22.64 Capital Transfers 1t 2.97 2.80 3.43 2.87 4.04 4.58 3.98 4.36 3.69 4.81 4.63 Loan Repayments 2 10.86 7.40 14.41 15.1S 10.06 10.85 13.39 18.20 24.08 23.75 28.08 TOTAL RECEIPTS 13 23.74 19.12 28.36 29.81 16.40 15.46 28.45 31.13 30.90 21.7 9.8 CAPITAL EIPEMIlITURE 14 61.19 62.48 71.80 87.13 86.42 110.71 122.84 146.52 172.20 209.86 221, Direct Investment 15 12.04 11.12 11.07 13.01 15.27 19.08 25.52 28.85 33.56 41.49 44.72 gross Fixed Investent 16 9.49 10.90 11.1 12.42 14.43 17.52 24.11 28.14 32.19 40.36 42.02 Change in Inventories 17 2.55 .22 -.11 .59 .84 1.56 1.41 .71 1.37 1.13 1.90 Indirect Investment 18 43.66 44.88 55.23 67.59 64.11 95.01 90.25 109.63 130.66 158.49 164.95 Capital Transfers 19 5.36 5.02 7.55 10.63 12.20 13.02 15.25 17.88 23.37 30.31 31.26 Loans for Cap.Jrmation 20 21.38 25.54 28.53 36.92 36.61 45.21 49.18 54.50 63.83 81.04 88.24 Others 21 16.92 14.32 19,15 20.04 15.30 26.78 25.82 37.25 43.46 47.14 45.45 Debt Repayment 22 5.49 6.48 5.54 6.53 7.04 6.62 7.07 8.04 7.98 9.88 11.86 Amort.of Foreign Debt 23 3.44 3.70 4.29 4.70 4.10 3.92 4.22 4.38 4.55 4.97 5.32 Long-Ters Rupee Debt 24 2.05 2.78 1.25 1.83 2.94 2.70 2.85 3.66 3.43 4.91 6.54 OVBALL DEFICIT 25 37.45 43.36 43.48 57.32 70.02 95.25 94.39 115.39 141.30 198.13 211.65 Financed by Narket Barrovings 26 6.61 11.23 13.10 18.37 22.46 28.48 31.98 41.36 43.82 45.91 57.54 Foreign Debt 27 18.17 14.92 8.08 9.16 9.14 16.26 13.39 16.31 17.40 20.95 24.99 Shall Savings 28 3.93 4.13 5.45 8.47 11.05 11,21 13.99 17.73 24.09 33.00 39.00 Others 29 8.74 13.05 16.85 21.32 27.37 39.30 35.03 39.99 55.99 88.27 90.12 memo item: SODP at mariet prices 33 740.84 B01.98 898.15 978.60 1076.58 1279,26 1474.97 1647.40 1938.41 2131.83 N.A. Source: Ninistrv of Finance. Economic and Functional Classification of Central Govt. Budget, various issues. Table 5.9 PROECTED OKC MA OUTLAYS BY SECTORS (IR billion) Sixth Fifth plan plan bnul Plans San 174/75-78179) ge5 W1 61/82 62/P 3/ 8405 Proj. proj. actuals proj. Est. A AqriculturelAllied Prograss 37.48 49.65 119.15 22.28 24.09 28.92 32.82 41.13 227.93 Agriculture 32.31 n.a 56.95 9.92 11.29 12.41 14.27 18.07 105.74 Rural Dwelopent 5.37 n.a 53.64 10.40 11.01 12.96 14.99 18.92 9.74 Special Area Progras - - 14.90 2.06 2.59 3.35 3.57 4.14 31.45 8 Irrigation i Flood Control 44.32 38.77 121.60 17.71 19.4 21.06 24.45 26.4N 169.79 Minor Irrigation 7.92 a. 18 10 2.91 2.91 3.32 4.50 4.31 20.05 Najor Irrigation 30.89 n.a 4.48 12.23 13.78 15.11 16.18 17.90 115.56 Flood Control 3.45 n.a 10.45 1.54 1.64 1.46 1.1 1.60 9.47 Comeand Area Develpaent 2.06 n.a 8.56 1.09 1.16 1.15 I.96 2.42 16.71 C Industry and Rinerals 73.62 95.83 150.18 21.94 2.78 30.75 39.17 53.26 224.61 Village I Stall Scale 5.10 5.93 17.81 2.73 3.23 3.26 4.03 4.27 27.53 Large & Medium Industries 69.52 89.89 132.37 19.21 23.60 7.0" 34.79 4.56 197.08 Others - - - 0.95 0.40 0.35 0.43 - D Energy 98.55 74.00 265.35 38.26 50.65 64.09 72.77 4.91 548.21 PoWer 70.16 74.00 192.65 26.57 31.62 37.08 40.924n.07 342.74 Petroleum 16.91 n.a 43.00 7.35 12.05 18.23 21.98 25.79 126.28 Coal 11.48 n.a 2B.70 4.32 6.64 8.56 9.53 9.13 74.01 Others - - 1.00 0.04 0.14 0.22 0.34 0.82 5.20 E Transport 55.28 68.70()b 124.12 21.63 25.83 27.52 30.76 35.P4 229.71 Railways 22.02 n.a 51.00 9.73 12.10 13.20 14.19 16.52 123.34 Roads & Road Transport 18.15 n.a 46.35 8.30 9.35 9.34 10.89 12.23 71.90 Ports I Shippingtal 10.67 n.a 14.86 1.81 2.17 2.65 2.64 3.30 23.13 Civil Aviation 2.97 n.a 9.59 1.24 1.47 1.64 2.13 2.83 7.5s Others 1.47 n.a 3.33 0.55 0.74 0.69 0.91 0.860 3.75 F Comunication & Broadcasting 13.69 n.a 31.34 3.57 5.76 6.75 B.64 10.21 64.73 6 Science & Technology 4.36 n.a 8.65 0.97 1.49 2.03 2.28 3.38 24.66 H Social ServiCes 52.24 68.34 140.35 20.75 24.87 29.50 38.35 44.61 293.51 Education 12.85 17. 10(c] 25.24 3.40 4.36 5.39 6.98 9.05 63.83 Health&Faaily leliare 11.79 12.53 28.31 4.12 5.30 6.75 8.53 9.74 64.49 Housing & Urban Developet 11.07 11.50 24.89 4.77 4.68 5.01 6.57 7.03 42.60 Water Supply & Sanitation 9.71 10.92 39.22 5.17 6.40 7.30 9.93 10.98 65.22 Otber Social Services 6.82 16.29 22.70 3.29 3.93 4.99 6.34 7.61 57.37 I Others 13.28 Edl 8.02 3.05 2.98 6.63 1.64 2.59 16.87 J TOTAL 393.2 394.3 975.0 150.2 183.7 217.3 250.9 302.3 1800.0 Note: The Plan totals are at base year prices for projections and at current prices for actuals. talCovers Major and Minor ports, Shipping, Light houses and Inland Mater Transport. (bllncludes Communication & Broadtasting. CElIncludes Scientific Research. tdllncluded under other social services. Source: Planning Coasission. - 48 - Table 5,10(a) PROJECTED AND ACTUAL PLAN OUTLAYS BY SECTRS (Annual averages at constant 1970171 prices - Ns billion) Sixth Seventh Fifth Plan Plan Annual Plans Plan (74/75-78/79) (80-85) 80/81 01/82 82/83 83/84 J84/5 (85-90) praj. attials proj. attuals Est. proi. A Agriculture&Allied Prograus 4.35 5.33 10.44 8.64 8.42 .19 9.76 11.25 12.47 6eneral 3.73 n.a 4.99 3.51 3.82 4.01 4.25 4.94 5.71 Rural Development 0.62 n.a 4.70 4.03 3.73 4.12 4.46 5.18 4.97 Special Area Progras 0.24 n.a 0.75 0.80 0.08 1.06 1.06 1.13 1.12 a Irrigation & Flood Control 5.11 4.25 9.91 6.6? 6.60 6.69 7.27 7.25 9.29 Minor Irrigation 0.91 n.a 1.59 1.13 0.98 1.06 1.34 1.20 1.53 Mtajor Irrigation 3.56 n.a 1.40 4.74 4.66 4.4 4.81 4.90 6.32 Flood Control 0.40 n.a 0.92 0.60 0.55 0.47 0.54 0.44 0.52 Cosmand Area Development 0.24 n.a 0.75 0.42 0,39 0.37 0.58 0.72 0.91 C Industry and linerals 11.76 10.51 13.14 8.51 9.40 9.77 11.65 14.57 12.29 Village & Small Scale 0.59 0.65 1.56 1.06 1.09 1.04 1.20 1.72 1.51 Large & Hedius Industries 7.90 9.8 11.60 7.45 7.99 8.61 10.35 12.74 10.79 Others - - 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.13 0.10 0.12 - D Energy 11.37 8.11 23.25 14.54 17.14 20.37 21.65 23.21 30.00 Power 8.09 8.11 16.89 10.30 10.77 11.79 12.17 13.43 18.76 Petroleum 1.95 n.a. 3.77 2.85 4.08 5.79 6.54 7.06 6.91 coal 1.32 i.a. 2.51 1.68 2.25 2.72 2.84 2.50 4.05 Others - - 0.09 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.22 0.28 E Transport 6.38 7.53 10.87 8.39 8.74 8.75 9.15 9.81 12.57 Railways 2.54 n.a 4.47 3.77 4.09 4.20 4.22 4.52 6.75 Roads & Road Transport 2.09 n.a 4.06 3.22 3.16 2.97 3.24 3.35 3.93 Ports & Shippingqal 1.23 n.a 1.30 0.70 0.73 0.84 0.79 0.92 1.27 Civil Aviation 0.34 n.a 0.75 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.63 0.77 0.41 Others 0.17 n.a 0.29 0.21 0.25 0.22 0.27 0.24 0.21 F Conunication & Broadcasting 1.60 n.a 2.75 1.38 1.95 2.15 2.57 2.79 3.54 6 Science & Technology 0.50 n.a 0.76 0.38 0.50 0.65 0.68 0.92 1.35 H Social Services 6.03 7.49 11.04 8.05 8.42 9.38 11.41 12.21 16.06 Education 1.4 1.88(d) 2.21 1.32 1.48 1.71 2.08 2.48 3.49 Health&Fuily Welfare 1.36 1.37 2.48 1.60 1.79 2.15 2.54 2.67 3.53 Housing & Urban Developit 1.28 1.26 2.18 1.85 1.65 1.61 1.95 1.92 2.33 Water Supply and Sanitation 1.28 1.26 2.18 1.85 1.65 1.61 1.95 1.92 3.57 Other Social Services 0.79 1.79 1.99 1.28 1.33 1.59 1.89 2.14 3.14 I Others (el (el 6.75 1.18 1.01 2.11 0.49 0.71 0.92 I TOTAL 45.35 43.23 85.41 58.26 62.18 69.06 74.64 82.72 98.50 beoo lten: price Deflator (a) 173.4 182.4 228.3 257.9 295.5 314.6 336.1 365.5 365.5 Note: See Footnotes to Table 5.9. - 49- Table 5.10MbO PLA OntLAYS IV SECTORS It distribution and achitehent rates) [a1 Sixth Sixth Seventh Fifth Plan Plan Plan Plan (74175-78/19) (0g-85) 8e-) (85-o) Ishare acbieve- isbare achievment Share tb) ment (c) (b) (Id lb) A AgricultureAlflied Progras 9.58 122.7 12.22 90.56 12U. Seneral 0.22 n.a. 5.84 83.49 5.8 Rural Development 1.37 n.a. 5.50 91.56 5.04 Special Area Progras 0.52 n.a 0.88 131.4 1.75 B Irrigation & Flood Control 11.27 83.16 11.40 70.04 9.3 linor Irrigation 2.01 n.a. 1.84 71.93 1.54 #ajor Irrigation 7.96 n.a. 8.64 64.64 6.42 Flwod Control 0.8P - 1.07 56.78 0.53 Comuand Area Oevelopmnt 0.18 65.16 0." C Industry and Ninerals 25.93 89.35 15.0 81.95 12.4, Village t Small Scale 1.30 110.5 1.83 78.22 1.53 Large & I dium Industries 17.43 124.7 13.58 81.30 10.95 Others . - . 0 Enerqy 25.06 71.38 27.22 93.64 30.46 Pmer 17.84 100.3 19.74 49.28 19.04 Petroleui 4.30 n.a. 4.41 139.7 7.02 Coal 2.92 n.a. 2.94 95.27 4.11 Others - - 0.10 104.6 0.29 E Transport 14.06 118.1 12.73 62.46 12.76 Railmays 5.60 n.a. 5.23 93.13 6.85 Roads I Road Transport 4.62 n.a. 4.75 76.50 3.`9 Parts & Shippingtal 2.71 n.a. 1.52 61.28 1.29 Civil Aviation 0.76 n.a. 0.88 77.28 0.42 Others 0.37 n.a. 0.34 81.90 0.21 F Communication & Broadcasting 3.53 n.a. 3.21 78.99 3.60 6 Science & Technology 1.11 n.a. 0.89 82.49 1.37 H Social Services 13.29 124.4 12.92 99.60 16.31 Education 3.27 124.8 2.59 81.95 3.55 Health&Family Welfare 3.00 101.0 2.90 86.61 3.58 Housing & Urban Developet 2.82 98.74 2.55 82.50 2.37 later Supply and Sanitation 2.82 98.76 2.55 9.250 3.62 Other Social Services 1.73 227.1 2.33 82.62 3.19 I Others - ^ 7.90 16.29 0.94 J TOTAL 100.00 95.32 100.00 61.22 100.00 (a) Derived fron Statistical Appendix Table 5.10(a). lb) Percentage share in total Plan outlay. (c) Actual outlay as a percentage of target outlay for the Plan. - 50 - Table 5.11(a) gross Doimstic Iivestunt in Pblic Sector URs.billijo at current prices) SECTORS 71/71 71/72 72/73 73/7 74/75 75/76 76M 77/78 78/79 79/80 88181 81/i 9/83 PRIlY 4.32 5.81 6.73 7.99 8.90 12.64 17.16 18.89 20.78 24.?I 31.0 37.29 4.35 Apricultre 3.29 3.82 5.05 5.67 5.91 7.18 18.13 12.06 13.91 16.18 18.51 19.56 2.32 Forestry 0.1? 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.23 8.27 0.44 0.52 0.61 8.69 0.92 L." 1.19 Nlining & uarrving 0.84 0.97 1.48 2.10 2.76 5.19 6.59 6.31 6.26 8.04 11.65 16.74 26.84 SECDRY 18.79 12.28 13.65 17." 25.43 29.65 33.4? 35.60 41.67 53.30 63.08 76.74 84.30 bancfKtwinu 4.36 5.59 6.78 10.21 14.96 14.45 17.37 16.07 18.70 26.57 31.27 35.95 38.21 Constrctlion 0.03 0.15 0." 4 .42 1.04 8.63 0.44 0,9 1.21 1.06 2.35 2.95 1.77 Electricitf.Gas & 6.40 6.54 6.83 7.27 9.43 14.57 15.68 18.57 20.76 25.67 29.46 38.04 44.46 Water TERTIARY 12.62 14.36 15.69 22.26 22.31 34.48 34.48 28.01 35.04 39.95 44.89 60.36 65.20 Transprt&Comunic. 5.11 5.87 7.96 7.29 9.1? 11.21 10.27 10.71 12.90 15.11 19.68 21.75 25.8? Railways 2.51 3,04 3.51 3.21 3.50 3.87 3.27 3.92 4.85 6.43 8.56 10.10 10.61 Comonication 8.56 0.84 1.29 1.17 1.53 1.95 2.33 2.45 2.0 2.96 3.42 5.31 5.91 Other transport 2.4 1.9 3.16 2.91 4.16 5.39 4.67 4.34 5.25 5.72 7.t1 6.34 8.37 Trade & Rotels 1.9 1.48 -1.82 2.23 3.11 11.92 11.71 -1.82 4.64 1.73 -3.31 5.76 3.25 hnkin; & Insurance 0.17 8.29 0,27 0.46 0.35 0.37 0.48 0.49 0.78 06 1.10 1.39 1.70 Admin & Detence 4.71 5.91 8.03 10.76 4.45 5.25 9.39 7.97 13.44 18MM 22.76 25.60 28.56 Other Services 0.64 0.8t 1,25 1.52 1.66 1.82 2.63 2.66 3.36 4.18 5.25 5.96 6.68 CROSS DOIESIC 27V.73 31.45 36.07 48.14 'i6.64 76.77 85.13 74.58 96.49 118.16 139.13 174.39 191.93 Source :1) CSO, National kccounts Statistics.variovs issues. 51 - Table 5.11(b) Gress boestic In tett in Public sector (Rs.billion at 1970/71 prices) 70m71 71172 72173 73174 74/75 75/76 76M 77/78 71/7 79/8B 00/81 11/02 92/83 PRIMIJY 4.32 4.5W 5.65 5.97 5.40 7.17 9.75 10.43 11.49 10.75 11.13 12.20 14.U Agriculture 3.29 3.49 4. 4.16 3.58 4.08 5.61 6.44 6.83 6.90 6.9 6.24 5.65 Forestry l.t9 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.16 6.24 0.28 0.31 0.29 1.35 1.31 0.32 Nining & Qoarrving 8.84 0.90 1.29 1.65 1.68 2.93 3.90 3.7t 3.36 3.56 4.5 5.65 8.66 SECDY 10.79 11.61 12.t8 14.36 15.68 17.60 19.69 26.12 21.53 24.53 26.11 28.26 29.12 lanyacturino 4.36 5.22 5.93 8.17 8.89 8.22 18.35 9.32 10.16 12.38 12.66 13.14 13.39 Constnrction 0.03 0.14 0.04 0.33 0.62 0.36 0.28 O.55 6.46 0.496.9 1.05 0.61 Electricity.Gas & 6.40 6.25 6.21 5.96 6.17 9.02 9.16 18.25 10.71 11.66 12.51 14.07 15.12 Water TERTIARY 12.62 13.37 13.52 17.05 14.09 19.56 19.76 t.29 18.1 17.61 17.98 20.98 18.83 Transport&Comun. 5.11 4.95 6.90 5.97 6.11 6.19 6.19 6.29 7.15 7.13 8.30 9.45 8.37 Railwais 2.5t 2.81 3.05 2.n 2.37 2.43 2.03 2.38 2.73 3.27 4.15 4.39 3.9 Coewnication 0.56 8.28 1.15 8.94 1.02 1.21 1,35 1.38 1.45 1.37 1.46 1.96 1.92 Otlw transport 2.04 1.86 2.70 2.33 2.72 2.56 2.81 2.53 Z.87 2.49 2.69 2.10 2.56 Trade & Hotels 1."9 1.40 -1.57 1.61 1.80 6.89 6.3 -0.97 2.49 .79 -1.2B 2.05 1.09 Bankinq & Insurance 0.17 0.27 0.23 0.19 0.23 0.21 0.29 0.29 t.36 0.31 0.45 0.50 0.57 Adin & Defence 4.71 5.51 6.93 8.16 4.94 5.23 5.1 4.25 6.51 7.78 8.51 9.07 6.98 Other Services 0.64 8.74 1.03 1.12 1.01 1.84 1.46 1.43 1.67 1.80 2.G0 1.91 1.82 ROSS DU IC 27.73 29.57 31.35 37.38 35.17 44.33 49.20 41.84 50.12 53.01 55.92 61.44 62.58 IMIESTHENT Source : 1) CSQ. National Accounts Stalistics.varioos issues. - 52 - Table 5.12 PROFITAIILITY OF CfIAL SWERUW N{OlDEPAIINAL EWIERPRISES 727 7314 775 7517 76 7M/71 701 ? Wn 79/SR U1/A1 WA 1R M 84 8IS I.Gross Profits [Al (Rs. millien) A. Total 4anutacteriwte Enteprises 1305 2163 3631 4321 581* 3611 5638 63t14 S 1672 26061 2597 3319 Steel -37 197 660 64 1188 537 1213 717 94" 1307 59 -691 866 lIiwals & etcls (bl -42 19 -397 14 276 -36 -118 -164 101 1177 1112 -951 t62 PFer 259 743 764 Petrole 66 754 152 1504 2089 2603 2940 34 3023 12172 18315 2355 23334 Chemicals 121 90 291 69 78 -14 372 138 5 1227 1725 1211 1903 Enqinewin Group 59S 938 1474 1893 135 t26b l435 178 t397 323 3555 4723 547 Others -17 5 51 63 44 -4 26 396 42 -17t 519 -1418 -1375 0. Total Sertice Enterprises 1122 1173 1961 2364 4466 5536 674 6678 6139 7817 1516 9682 1301 C. eta.l Running Enterprises 2427 3336 5592 6665 10276 9147 1672 12m 17 2544 3 35 4374 I.Capital mloed Icl A. Total aufctatuing Eaterprises 33970 37760 471 56820 66310 72020 93070 100O11 1210t1 14778 17959 1965 24369 Steel 11270 11943 13845 16365 26057 21330 19518 21166 23443 213) 3264 31"4 374t Ninerals & Rtals 4972 5753 7 10988 12381 14542 15?17 17753 21525 33506 37219 41698 47426 Pwr 4311 11920 1930O Petroleum 4148 432 5247 5770 010 810 1341 0 16390 271881 31934 3m83 561 6359 Chemicals 3171 335 4845 5363 71 8112 12351 1334 235 2711 256W0 28 7 26640 Engineering Group 98t 11467 1384 16247 1635?7 17923 21074 22457 26161 31157 3493 39418 Others 519 1057 2112 2177 2311 219 4601 2293 31233497b99 7214 9655 I. Total Service Enterprises 13600 14751 19360 33241 44260 48636 56621 61810 61060 7150 85670 9425 126812 C. Total Runninm Entoprises 4757 52t10 66540 96i68 1157 120658 139696 61820 1276219350 2652i 29156 36l901 Ilt.ate of feturn on Capital Empleyed Idl (pWcetaue) A. Total fanufacturinq Enterprises 3.84 5.70 7.71 7.60 8.76 5.01 6.06 6.31 6.64 12.6? 14.51 13.05 13.A Steel -0.33 1.65 4.77 3.94 5,92 2.52 6.22 3.39 4.11 4.50 1.83 -2.30 2.34 linerals & Retels -1.84 3.11 -5.44 1.36 2.23 -4.37 -7.82 -0.92 6.83 3.51 2.96 -2.23 3.44 POWer - 6.01 6.23 9.14 Petroleum 16.51 17.21 29.58 26.17 26.08 32.50 21.81 18.75 14.07 38.12 46.01 44.23 36.69 Chemicals 3.82 2.68 6.01 1.29 1.08 -1.84 3.01 0.71 4.25 5.17 6.74 5.33 7.14 Enqineering Goods 6.02 8.18 18.65 11.65 13.05 7.03 8.01 8.44 6.22 11.58 11.45 13.52 12.86 Others -3.28 0.47 2.41 2.89 1,90 -0.19 5.80 17.2? 1.9 -5.12 5.79 -19.60 -14.24 B. Total Service Enterprims 8.25 7.95 10.13 7.11 10.09 11.38 10.02 18.80 10.05 10.92 11.62 9.74 18.91 C. Total Runnino Enteeprises 5.10 6.33 8.40 7.42 9.29 7.58 ?.67 8.03 7.79 12.10 13.4i 11.94 12.74 Notes: [al Cross Profits represents excess of incone aver expenditure after depreciation btt befare tax and interest on loan. 6lb Inclodina Coal. (ci Capital employed is fited assets less depreciation, plus working capital excleding items under construction or exnsion. Capital aeploed is as at the end of the vear. tdl Return in Capital Employed is computed b; dividing gross Prefits by Capital Employed. Source: Breau of Pvblic Enterprises, Public Enterprises Survey, varilos issses. 5 S3 - Tatle IS.131) OUTSTADIN9 DElT OF CETRIL 8l _I&aJ (Rs billion at current pricn) 1980 1981 1982 1913 1914 19 1. Ilet liabilities to Rol 117.27 152.78 134.16 28.53 258.02 318.58 (atr*4+d-el a. treauury Bills 92.03 118.44 99.55 159.05 146.47 189.85 b. Cntral 6ot. Securities 26.29 38.58 51.26 63.34 77.91 n.&. c. Spetial securities - 5.65 41.10 42.O 4.5.70 46.90 issued to RB! d. Other liabilities 3.0T -2.92 -4.19 -7.52 -9.58 u.n. e. Cash balances aid deposits 4.08 7.17 2.86 38.44 2.48 54.21 2. Not liabilities to comercial bants 58.59 73.64 78.79 98.59 106.70 n.a. a. Treasury Bills 0.65 5.21 1.51 11.55 9.38 2.98 b. Central Govt. Securities 51.4 68.43 77.28 17.04 97.32 n.a. 3. Net bank credit to Central Govt. 175.86 226.42 263.65 317.12 364. n. a. (142) 4. Met liabilities to others (domestic) 222.57 250.91 22.07 356.33 430.64 n.s. a. Securities held by Financial 34.95 38.57 42.03 48.12 54.91 n.a. Institutions lbl I. small savings 6S.55 7.76 93.75 110.98 132.98 156.96 c. StatelPublic Provident Fund 24.02 26.45 29.24 34.20 37.6 41.21 d. Others 95.05 106.13 127.05 163.03 205.07 n.a. 5. Net External Loans 99.64 112.99 123.28 136.63 151.20 168.57 6. Total Outstanding Debt (3+4+5) 498.07 590.32 679.00 810.28 946.56 1073.91 [a] As of Narch 31. [bl LTC and non-government Provident Fund. Notes: (1) Items 1,2 and 3 are based on RBI's monetary acccounts and other tables in RB0, Report on Currency and Finance. 12) Items 5 and 6 are based on Indian Economic Statistics, Public Finance (Album). (31 Item 4, and 4.d in particular, includes errors and omissions. including differences arising ifro the use of different data sources. Sources: 1. RBI, Report on Currency and Finance, various issues. 2. Ministry of Finance. Intdia Economic Statistics (Public Finance). 3. Economic Survey, various issues. 54 - mOnm an or w PR ea1 (ft billie at curmnt prices 1990 1"91 192 1 14 l 1. et liabilitiesIt l 6 11.6S 19.54 10.4 11.3 25.03 (a-b) a. Oross liabilities 9.00 12.11 19.66 11.06 11.37 25.07 b. Cash balancts 2.22 0.46 0.2 0.14 0.05 0.04 2. NIt liabilities to coercial banks 17.50 19.11 23.14 25.75 31.62 n.. a. Securitie 152 16.81 19.5 23.15 29G.10 n. b. Other 2.24 2.30 3.35 2.60 242 n.e. 3. Not bank credit to State 9O.t. 24.28 30.76 42.68 36.69 42.5 .. 11+2) 4. Met liabilities to Central Wovt. W4.72 164.01 187.52 230.32 264.57 n.a. ta4-b-c a. Loans from Centre 157.39 170.71 190.71 235.50 267.22 296.09 b. States' holding of Treasury Bills 8.3 4.35 1.09 2.97 O.17 1.43 c. States' holding of CO Securities 2.33 2.35 2.10 2.21 2.48 n.a. 5. Net liabilities to others 43.36 45.31 46.72 56.98 64.27 n.e. a. Securities held by Financial 11.05 12.28 13.53 14.82 15.11 n.a. Institutions fbl b. State Providentl/nsurance Fund 21.08 24.63 29.25 36.55 44.53 53.50 c. Others 13.45 8.86 4.04 5.61 4.03 n.a. 6. Total State govt. Debt (3+4+5) 214.36 240.08 276.92 323." 371.79 417.65 [a] As of tlarch 31. tEb L!C and non-governent Provident Fund. Notes: (1) Itens 1,2,394b,4c,5a and Sb are based on Rl}'s boetary atcounts and other tables in ROI, Report on Currency and Finance. (2) Items 4a and & are based on Indian Econonic Statistics, Public Finance (Albul). (3) Ites 5. and 5.c in particular, includes errors and osissicns, including differences arisinq from the use of different data sources. Sources: 1. RBI, Report on Currency and Finance, various issues. 2. Ministry of Finance. Indian Economic Statistics (Public Finance). 3. Economic Survey, various issues. -55 - tab!. 5.13Cc) Wmtsrm MT ii im.K AM STATE .lb tllih s at cuirat pritsl 193 1931 1932 13 194 15 1. Nut Ibnk Credit to bvt. 200.14 257.13 306.33 M3E.2 '407.6? 503.53 Alt credit to 614. 124.05 164.43 204.40 22.4 269.35 343.61 - to Cotral Govt. 117.27 152.711 134.9 213.5 253.01 318.58 - to Stite GMvt. 6.71 11.65 19.54 20." 11.33 25.03 Other Bank credit 76.0 92.75 101." 124.34 133.32 19.92 2. kIo Bank dastic sources 255.26 219.53 35.60 406.13 492.26 52.37 6ot. Securitien held by Finnil 46.0 50.3 55.55 69" 70.62 a. Institutions £bl StatelPublic Provident Fnd 45.10 550.95 9.36 7.62 C2.71 94.49 SBall savings 6.55 79.76 93.75 110." 132.98 156." Others 95.61 17.97 127.9 163.59 20.95 n.a. 3. External Debt 9.64 112." 123.23 136.83 151.20 166.57 4. Total tcl 555.04 65.49 765.21 83.77 1051.13 1195.47 New Item: Loans frog Centre to States - 157.39 170.71 190.71 235.50 2U7.22 296.09 (a) As of Itarch 31. tbl LIC and non-governmet Provident Fund. (c] Excludes loans given by Ceftre to States. Nbtes: /1) Item I is based on Rt's monetary acccomts and other tabls in RBI, Report an Currency and Finance. (2) Items 3 and 4 are based on tndin Econosic Statistics. Public Finance (Albam). (3) Item 2 includes errors and omissions including differences arising fro, the use of different data sources. Sources: 1. RBI, Report on Currency and Finance, various issus. 2. Ninistry of Finance, Indian Economic Statistics (Public finance). 3. Economic Survey, various issues. 4 56- NME FPLT AmE SVACES IF am (a), 197116Y9I36N il buillion) 197517 196bn 197M0 197/ m197W 1 / 1118/2 192/03 1983)8 1913 195/64 (b) NM SU Y 1 224.0 M.31 r oi 401.1 47n.26 5.74 621.52 726.6 60.89 1023.67 1169.23 Currency with Public 2 6.05 73.73 66.31 1O2.31 116.54 134.26 144.74 16.5 196.03 224.72 254.30 lpsit Iby 3 66.20 31.51 S7.57 70.61 33.46 ".9 104.63 10.76 137.95 172.50 171.61 Tite kposits with Wb 4 91.55 17.57 135.1 229.20 MJ.2 323.50 37.15 443.33 526.91 624.45 743.24. SOURCS OF 0(11 Nbt nak Credit to Bhlt. 5 106.29 118.04 137.27 159.30 200.14 257.11 30.33 35.82 407.67 53.53 59.L01 Ne 6 69.24 7.62 4.44 94.16 124.05 164.43 204.40 229.46 269.4 343.61 36.24 Other anoks 7 37.05 0.42 60. 65.14 76.0 92.75 H01.3 124.34 13.32 159.92 19.77 Bank Credit to Cm. bectr 9 156.15 138.5* 212.22 255.32 310.11 36.41 434.62 517.10 612.74 715.03 794.12 1o 9 7.34 8.9 9.54 12.50 15.46 17.0 20.44 24.73 29.21 33.G0 30.74 Other Deks 10 143.91 I1.52 202.63 242.32 294.65 349.42 414.18 492.37 583.46 632.03 763.98 Net Foreign Exchap h,ts of aakiinq Sector It 9.39 25.28 44.45 53.38 53.4 47.30 26.61 16.84 15.80 28.55 27.81 6ovweneent's Currncy Libi- lities to the Public 12 5.55 5.68 5.93 6.04 5.92 6.19 6.57 6.82 7.19 7.77 8.28 No-onetary Liabilitin of Banking SetW 13 52.53 59.69 70.81 7.92 97.34 119.34 146.61 165.90 182.51 231.21 257.59 Bat Nan-lnostary Liabli- ties of Dl 14 26.45 34.33 37.08 37.35 45.58 53.60 65.22 68.64 41.01 14.12 107.47 Other 15 26.13 25.36 33.73 35.57 51.77 65.70 31.39 97.26 121.50 137.09 150.12 Total loney Supply 16 224.80 M.81 3.06 401.12 4n.27 5w1.4 627.52 728.68 60.89 1023.67 1169.23 (a) As on Rerc, 31 on the bais of thi ClouWre of qOVeret KaCc tS. (bl As of larch 14 19. Swurces: Econanic Surv,ey vaious issus. Ral IIekly ullaetin, Hbtcb 31,19. - 57 - Table 6.2 BASE DEY AND SOURCES OF CAISVE la), 1975/76-t95186 IRs billionl 1975176 1976/77 1977/78 1979/79 1979180 1900101 1"1/82 ?192183 198314 1984185 1"5/96 .*_____ _._____- -- 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- -------- - BASE lE 1 78.00 97.98 109.41 140.82 165.73 194.52 209.98 231.10 289.93 52.1 373.'U Currmncy sith Public 2 67.05 78.73 86.31 102.31 116.54 134.26 144.74 166.5 196.02 226.71 254.38 Other Deposits with Rhl 3 .77 1.21 .70 1.66 3.91 4.11 1.68 1.06 2.91 5.95 2.26 Cash with R.nks 4 3.48 4.15 5.21 6.04 7.28 6.81 9.37 V.80 10.40 12.03 10.78 ank deposits with RBT 5 6.78 13.99 17.19 30.81 38.00 47.34 54.19 52.85 80.60 107.46 106.52 SOURCES Of COAURE RBo Clais 6 89.73 100.64 95.24 117.83 151.51 194.19 241.57 275.63 327.64 409.52 444.87 On Bovernuentfnet) 7 69.24 77.62 76.44 94.16 124.05 164.43 204.40 229.48 269.48 343.61 396.24 On Rawtks 8 13.15 14.04 9.26 11.17 12.00 12.76 16.73 21.42 28.88 32.91 17.8 On Co esrcial Sector 9 7.34 8.98 9.54 12.50 15.46 17.00 20.44 24.73 29.28 33.00 30.74 Net Foreicn Exchanqe Assets of RBI 10 9.24 25.99 45.32 54.31 53.8 47.75 27.06 17.29 16.24 28.9q 28.26 Governemnt's Currency liabi- lities to the Public I1 5.55 5.68 5.93 6.04 5.92 6.19 6.57 6.82 7.19 7.77 8.28 Net Non-Monetary Liabilities of RB! 12 26.45 34.33 37.08 37.35 45.58 53.60 65.22 68.84 61.01 94.12 107.47 Total Honey Supply 13 78.07 97.98 109.41 140.83 165.73 194.53 209.98 230.50 290.06 352.16 373.94 (a) As on farch 31 on the basis of the closure o4 qovernaent accounts. lb) As of Narch 14 1986. Sources: Economic Survey, various issues. RB! Meekly Bulletin, March 31 1986. Table 6.3 SELECTE MNT FL!CY I1MS E (a) Ninimm Rtttui kJw 1t lnka Cah bdposit. Ib) Liquidity (ci Lifldity (d) Tear & Ninth t Ratio Rati ti 193 Narch 6 3 31 3? Nay 7 3 311 37 June 7 5 V 3 SUptaber 8 7 6 31 4 Septe6er 22 7 7 a 4 DeceNber 7 7 32 41 197 April 7 7 32 4 Jue 29 7 5 33 4 Jl, 23 9 5 J 40 Decuter 14 9 4.5 33 4 Dete 28 9 4 33 39 tYhNoumebr t 9 4 33 (6) 1976 SeptWer 4 9 1 33 - Novemer 13 9 6 33 l978 ecebr 1 9 6 34 _ 1981 JulyIt it 6.5 3* - Augqst 21 10 7 34.5 Okter 38 16 7 35 Nuwene 27 1t 7.25 35 December 25 1t 7.5 35 - 1902 Januar; 29 10 7.75 35 April 30 Is 7.25 35 Jne 11 10 7 35 1983 Nag 28 t1 7.5 35 _ July 30 10 8.0 35 - Avoost 27 10 0.5 35 - 1984 February 4 10 9.0 35 - Jul 28 10 9.0 3S.5 - Septaeer 1 1G 9.0 36 1915 Jene 8 1t 9.1 36,5 Jull 6 1 9.0 3? - (a) Dates given are tose ol ich the aounted measures tale effect. (b) Minitmu cash reseurces to be eposited vitu the O 1 as pwecmtae of arp'eate dmnd tin liabilities. (c) The ratio of liquid assets (exclusive f thOs r (b))to aggregate demnd and tie liabilities. (d) Liquid assets as 4sfired suder (c) mins bor"n from I, Sll and IWt as percentage of aggreate demad and tie liabilities. (e) Starting from Nuveder I t the net liquidity ratio vos abolished as a guideline for atcess to refinance. Soem:1 .Reserve Bank of India, tepott of the Co ittee ts lveiews th Vorti of the Monetary System, 1915. 2.1eserve Bank of India, Annual Report, 1964195. - 59 - Table 4.4 I1TR1 "To - 1 NW ETM C UIErIIL Swi1m ?1A3 lin percent) 1970/71 1975/76 1979/60 1960/81 11"t/62 19628 1963/04 19184 I Bank Rate 5.016.0 . 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 11 Treasury Bill Rate 3L03.5 4. 4.6 4.4 4*. 4.4 4.6 4.6 1 1 Cal oney Rate (a) State Dank of India - Scheduled Banks L.5/12.0 I555 15.011.* 15.0119.4 16.5 13.S 18.0 18.0 - Cooperative lanis 7.5/8.5 14.5 13.5 (a) (Al (a) (a) (a) (bi Other tajor Sh Wduled Coercial Banks - Woibay 6.38 10.55 8.47 7.12 6.% 4 8. 8.63 9.95 -Calcutta 4.91 11.12 6. 6.26 9.80 6.90 8.53 10.00 - Madras 6.45 9.73 8.50 9.42 .33 6.35 7.20 9.9B IV Eoeseercial Bank Rates (a) Deposit Rates- Ceiling - I vear to 3 years 6.0/6.5 3.0 7.0 7.J.5LS 8.0/9.0 8.019.0 L.0/9.0 8.01/.0 - 3 years to 5 ears 7.0 9.0 6.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 - above 5 years 7.25 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 lb) Key Lending Rites Ceiling - general (bI 56.5 16.0 19.40 19.50 19.50 1L0 18.00 - Exports - 11.5 11.0 12.5117.5 12.5117.5 12.5/17.5 12.0/1b.5 12.0116.5 - Food Procwresents - 12.0 11.0 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 , 14.00 - On deferred Payments - 6.0 L.0 8.65 8.65 6.65 8.J5 8.65 Minimum - General - 12.5 12.5 13.5 fc) Cc) It) Ic) - Selective Controls - 14.0115.0 15M =18.5 17.5/19.5 17.5119.5 17.5/19.5 16.5/1.0 16.5/18.0 (a) Effective July 1980, the rates charged on demand loans are sam as those applicable to general categories of borroers 4or' similar advances. (b) The ceiling on lending rates was vithdrawn in January 1970 but was reintroduced from larch 1976. (c) In the revised interest rate structure which became effective from aarch 2, 1981, no general lending rate was fixed but a broad framework of interest rates as provided with fixed rates on certain types of advances and ceiling rates on other types of advances. Wherever ceiling rates were prescribed, the rate of interest fixed for the preteding advance would serve as floor rate in that category. Source: Reserve bantk of India - Report on Currency and Finance,various issues. -60 - Table 6.5 1 imsu w - Lm bTFAS ien pemeztl 1707t1 1975/6 l11t71 1910111 t15192 1"2193 193114 14/185 Term Lending Institutions Prime Lending btes lull 1.5 11.0 11.0 14.4 14.0 14.O 14.0 14.0 IFCI 9.0 12.0 11.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 ICet 8.5 11.0. 11.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 IRCI - 1.5 1.5 9.15 9.15 12.5 12.5 12.5 SVC 7.5110.5 8.0114.5 8.0115.5 12.0116.0 11.3114.0 12.5/17.0 14.0116.0 14.0120.0 (rates charged to smll sale Insriuul 7.0/0.5 8.0111.0 8.0111.0 12.0114.5 12.5/14.0 12.5114.5 11.5116.5 12.5118.5 UT! Dividend Rate 0.0 8.75 10.0 11.5 12.5 13.$ 14.0 14.25 Corporate lorvoeing Rates (a) Preference - Ceiling 9.5 11.0 11.0 11.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 15.0 IbJ Debentur@s - Coiling 6.0 10.5 10.5 13.5 13.5 '13.5115.0 13.5115.0 13.5f15.0 (a) (lb (hi Ib) (b) lb) (b) (c) t year - .0/13.5 9.0/13.0 9.0I13.5 9.0113.5 9.0f1t.0 10.0(15.0 9.0115.0 (d) 2 years - 10.0114.5 9.5114.0 10.0114.5 10.0/14.5 9.5/ 0 1.0115.0 11.0/15.0 ie) 3 yar9s t.5/11.5 10.5/15.0 13.0115.5 13.0/15.S 10.5/15.5 14.0/15.0 14.0/15.0 (41 5 years - 9.0/16.0 11.5/16.0 15.0/16.0 15.0/I16.0 14.0/15.0 - - Industrial Securities Ordinary Shares 5.53 5.43 5.13 5.81 5.51 5.86 5.19 4.79 Debentures - Running Yield 7.31 8.39 a.a n.& n.a n.a n.a n1& Government Securities Short - teref - 5 years) 3.014.3 5.216.0 4.7/5.7 4.716.0 5.3/6.4 5.018.5 4.5/7.1 4.2/8.3 Hedium- term5 -15 VMars) 4.3/4.8 5.516.0 5.716.3 5.8t6.9 5.8/7.0 6.317.8 6.7/9.0 6.519.0 Long - ternU15 years and over) 4.6/5.5 6.1/6.4 6.2/6.9 6.4/7.5 6.510.0 6.5/9.0 6.5/10.0 7.9/10.5 (a) Effective Septembr 12 f1974 and for a tere exceding 7 years. 10 percent far a tern Iess than 7 years. (b) Interest on 'Rights' debentures issed by public limited companie to auguat their long-tere working capital requirements had been fixed at the rate of 10.5 prcent up to 7 yars maturity and 11 percent on the maturity period frog 8 to 12 years as per guidelines issued by governmt in September 1979. The ceiling an interet on public issue of debentures vas raised from 11 to 12 prcent fro ctdObr 1980 an further to 13.5 percent fro Narch 2,1981. From April 17,1982 hjile the existing teiling on interet rate of 3.5 portent va mifntained for issue of convrtible debentures, the ceiling rate ws raised to IS percent in the cs of o-conwrtible debentures, (c) The acceptance of deposits fo perio ds ere than 3 years has be prohibited effective from April 1,1978 but companies are permitted to retaio such depsits accepted prior to Aril 1,1978 till maturity. Source: Reserve Bank of India - Reprt on Currenty and Finance,various issues. - 61 - Uu amcn s - onvw T mom smcons (ia aijllim) Jue m l u 1995 Jun 1979 Joe 1 1961 lnJi 196 Isci 1964 a t cut knt ftcut begt Fwct Aunt Fiet bAunt $wCmt inat PieTt bomt Petrent bA. - PeiVity 9kta I ipicultu 3116 6.2 706 1St 23 13.7 2 14.8 3J0 16.2 45351 16.7 73 17.4 Dirct Finan ts F s (b) lI1 4.3 5115 4.7 1MW12 1.1 . 29553 12.3 3450 12.7 9M763 14.2 It hull clSe Suctur 4SH 12.6 11913 15. 261 V7.7 174 16.5 47711 19. 56 24.2 9361 22.2 ul scale Iinustries 35 11.3 947 12.3 2U612 12.7 231" 13.2 3317 13.9 3474 13. 6156 14.4 Ruu tragwt ,watws 244 1.7 1134 1.5 344 2.4 5273 2.6 7571 3.2 993 3.7 17746 4.2 ltail Ttunol Sull unins 645 1.8 132 1.7 4185 2.6 5192 2.7 6771 2.8 7433 2.7 14141 3.4 t}S 0t. friuitt Sectos P 6.3 43U 3.5 t27 1.6 142 3.9 234 0.9 23" 1.9 51 1.3 Prhuiulh d Silf t E lMu hFu s 64 3.2 367 .5 t1192 1.7 1531 0.6 1950 3.0 2241 1.6 513 1.2 EdKcatiu 21 0.1 3 4.s 75 3.1 19 *.1 t11i 6. 141 t.1 2 .1 IV Sob-total abs 7?6 21 199 26.A 5219 32.2 611 t4.1 O6M2 3.1 11256 3.8 17223 4. #i Total ank beacK 357 160.3 76560 1 13. I2 116.1 23293 1.6 2311 111.6 271450 1. 42165 111.3 (b) Efscls aqus to platatim, lbW ths devolputal finae. ource;: roe t ot India, Ecmnic Suty 1SM. S - a"w - *0 X - N $ ~~ - 9.- I - ~~~I .~~~~~ 9._ 9 4WiXkZ§E!l 4. , -t : §^-^IiE i g-{g5 a g gE3-- |t3E {aNtR NS - 0 i"""|R g C- ! tR-$~~~. 9. 9. 9. at S t@ggn f t$ g l;§wt k 3 f 1. a~~~~~~~~ a 4*atAt e6g .-~-- gs pf 9. 9.Nl Rn t s s t sRkSid X "; fi tiR_gX s . S b p E~~~~IV 'R f IISgEn T *0 9.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .*i Sa gM lig z^ . 9~~ 'A-i{ - 63 ~ Table 4.8 CWltL USEt - E DC IICITUO Capital Mud by la low IIt Cmauin a hpeits with J.l.t Stuk C ymin (in h ellioln Capitd aimd bV Private Wactr fat -its with Coiase (b) Equity I Ib.f Val"e of =ns. Loa dlturn Total Coapis upaits t%1961/ 75 159 952 10o 1 95 1965166 6 , 166 -31 109 194 225m 1970171. 1Sl 66 637 1223 142 4322 191m - 318 40 500 859 2234 4808 1972173 63 61 931 1355 1962 5174 1973174 ' S 51 1028 1585 3 7246 1974175 792 106 751. 1649 2959 753 1975/76 745 95 994 1914 39 037 m967m 93 6I 1063 2660 3545 10396 197717s 1148 130 t11 2389 3554 13130 1978179 1113 195 1411 2719 3118 15974 1979/80 as 35 1418 2341 2922 19410 1980/81 027 223 195 3008 279 27123 1981/82 (c) 346 83 2889 3318 n.a n. 1982/83 (ck 414 67 2N83 3444 n.a n. (a) Capital raised against consents-loder the capital i5sue5 Control Order, the present exemption limit for issue of capital vithout consent is Rs 5 sillion. Data relate to calendar wears. (bh Non-'inancial joint stock companies. (ci Relates to the period April - December. Source: Soverneent af India, Economic Survey, various issues. - 64 - Tale 7.1 PlOTIN Of PINCIPAL CIOS(1D 1 2 6 t/61 WM 7 73174 74M 7W/6 7 778 77 79M 6/ 61/2 MU 6/ No A. FOIIAIN 58.92 82.62 72.3 18.42 1616 97.3 164.66 " .63 121.63 111.17 12.41 131i 169.76 129. 133.36 129.S 12.3? t146. (a) Cwl.l 42.41 9.3 62.4 %96. 94.6? 8.12 94.66 9.81 1V. "9.81 114.0 tn9.7n t1.13 118.% 12.79 7.4 IA4 .6 lice 20.58 34.7 36.5 42.22 43.6? 9.25 44.5 39.58 46.74 41.92 52.7 53.77 4.33 .63 53.25 47.12 6.11 9.64 oluot 6.46 11.U 10.39 23.1 2.41 24.74 21.71 24,16 20.11 29.6 31.75 15.51 116 3.31 17.45 42.79 454 44.23 5hl 5.f 9.6t 7.5 8J.6 7.72 6.97 9.16 U6.41 9. 16.51 12.47 11.4 11.6 16.43 12.U6 11.7 11.92 11.5 hiur 2.5 3.28 3.5 8.63 5.32 3.93 7.52 3. 5.74 5.5 4.73 S.57 3.95 5.34 5.54 5.1 7.72 6.16 Naito 1.n 4.0 4.8 7.4f 5.1* 6.3 5.66 S.% 7.21 6.36 5.97 6.26 5.6 6.9 6.91 6.0 7.92 8.36 Otwrs 5.56 6.57 5.2 6.93 6.45 5.84 6.41 6.89 7.96 6.14 7.25 7.23 5.77 6.2 6.9 5.)2 .34 5 L39 (bh Polse 8.41 12.71 9.95 11.92 16 9.91 11.16 16.61 13.64 11.3. 11.97 12.16 8.57 16.6 11.51 11.6 12.69 12.19 fram 3.65 6.25 4.22 5.2n 5.68 4.5S 4.16 4.61 5.98 5.2 5.41 5.74 3.36 4.33 4.64 5.29 4.75 4.55 It. IIIIS ;1 (a) Oilh,ds (2) 5.16 6,98 6.4 9.26 8.75 6.19 8.95 8.53 9.91 7.93 9.6 9.35 9.4 8.35 16.99 9.76 11.16 11.16 Grugndmot 3.48 4.91 4.26 6.11 6.18 4.69 5.93 5.11 6.75 5.26 6.69 6.21 5.77 5.61 7.22 5.3 7.09 4.74 lta d Nesterd 1.76 1.3 1.36 1.90 1.43 1.81 1.76 2.25 1.4 1.55 1.65 1.86 1.43 2.36 2.5 2.21 2.6t 3.13 (ib) Surcme (cm) 57.05 116.6l 123.9 126.7 113.5 124.87 141.81 144.29 146.66 153.6t 176.97 5.66 126.63 154.25 186.3 189.51 174.1 173.57 (c) Cotta 3.614 5.66 4.85 4.76 6.95 5.74 6.31 7.16 5.95 5.64 7.24 7.96 7.65 7.1t 7.8B 7.53 6S3 6.47 (C) i.jote 3.31 4.13 4.48 4.94 5.68 4.98 6.22 4.47 4.44 5.35 5.36 6.47 6.67 6.51 6.79 5.95 6.32 6.4S ii.Nsta - 1.13 1.36 1.26 1.15 1.11 1.46 1.36 1.47 1.?5 1.79 1.96 1.89 1.65 1.3 1.23 1.46 1.36 btes: (1) hilts of m.aour of all coxxoditie is rillen teuaI,exc9pt in the case of cattmn,jete W msta ghose pro4ctio, is is tms of millin bales. (2) fin maer oilseedsivadmuts,rap, 6 ustad linseed,costorsuud an seam. Source: ministrv of 4icuelture - 65 - Table 7.2 INDEX S11 ff ACUIOnL. RoDUT1 (Due. Triennow enine 190/78413) HEIC 5015t 55f4 6b/61 65166 7/71 7273 73174 74/75 75/76 76M 77/8 779 79/60 6/6St A126 0 36GM M 5 A. fOVWAINS 60.12 57.1 72.6 06,1 75, 1t2.9 102.3 11).3 104.3 127.2 115.7 133.6 13t.3 tt4.8 137.5 146.5 135.6 161.1 155.1 (a) Cuels 69.05 53.8 66.5 12.6 74.2 114.1 104.3 113.2 106.4 128.6 117.8 137.3 143.6 119.M 143.1 14.5 1398 147.1 161.1 lice 33.9A 56.3 73.2 J3 76.1 tl7.4 161.4 112.7 101.3 124.7 107.2 134.7 137.5 1".3 IV.2 136.2 12O.5 155.7 15.0 Wtho 12.16 37.8 4.2 60.9 57.6 132.1 137.t 12.7 133.6 15S.9 161.9 176.1 196.8 176.4 201.2 24714 237.1 251.9 20.9 Jamr 4.86 62.4 60.3 180.4 76.9 82.3 71.4 92.2 10.5 96.3 106.6 t22.2 115.9 118.3 135.7 122.2 1t8.9 121.7 113.9 lb) 9lses 8.87 91.6 193.4 112.3 88.8 104.4 87.6 88.5 88.8 115.3 136.3 195.8 1t7.5 76.6 95.8 1M3.? 1A.4 116.5 110.2 6rm 3.51 73.3 103.8 119.9 81.9 99.7 87.V 78.7 77.1 112.9 134.2 113.9 t10.2 UA.5 3.2 89.2 101.6 91.2 87.3 tor 1.35 101.9 110.2 117.8 97.4 185.8 108.3 78.1 tO3.t 117.9 16.9 108.4 I14.0 ".7 113.1 125.7 111.3 144.8 14.9 B. N0*-FUOUCUIINS 31.88 6.0 70.1 08.1 11. 138.6 102.1 117.1 117.9 120.5 117.5 131.6 135.3 t21.9 134.5 146.1 14.0 146.3 154.7 (a) Oilseeds I.9 66.1 72.9 69.9 08.6 11t.1 95.3 114.5 114.9 t23.8 133.9 116.5 122.4 169.5 113.6 138.7 113.4 338.5 146.5 Greindnut 4.82 64.3 71.3 91.0 82.6 118.4 7.3 114.9 "9.1 134.9 102.8 116.3 123.3 tI1.6 97.V 140.0 132.4 137.4 13L.7 tap and Mutard 1.73 51.4 57.5 90.2 86.9 t32.3 121.1 114.2 150.8 129.6 103.8 118.4 124.7 95.6 153.8 158.6 147.2 173.9 23.1 (Ib) Fibers 4.03 57.8 t.S 96.3 98.5 89.3 101.5 115.4 119.4 IA3.4 10M.3 125.2. U3VA5 133.6 126.3 138.9 129.4 116.2 145.1 Cttto(lint) 3.01 54.3 75.5 99.2 06.7 85.1 I.4 112.7 127.8 I06.2 164.2 129.3 142.1 136.9 125.1 146.7 134.5 114.0 151.1 Jute 9.81 71.4 89.9 83.2 0.1 99.6 1tOO4 125.4 ".2 89.5 107.9 108.1 130.5 122.4 131.2 136.8 119.0 127.4 134.5 Nusta b.15 59.7 114.4 111.9 1tS.1 113.7 1t0.8 132.1 123.5 127.0 151.4 154.4 63.5 162.7 12.2 136.3 105.5 126.4 112.1 (c) Plantation Croqs 2.28 62.7 68.6 79.3 91.7 t14.8 121.8 125.R 130.9 121.9 139.3 151.9 141.7 155.1 154.7 151.7 155.?1t57.1 185.2 Too 1.85 70.1 72.4 01.6 9.1 136.4 115.9 121.9 124.3 123.7 130.0 141.3 14.2 140.2 145.2 142.2 142.4 147.7 la.6 Coffee 0.24 39.2 68.5 66.1 98.5 17N.1 141.7 133.4 142.8 129.4 157.8 t92.0 17. 231.9 1Uk. 234.4 241.5 161.9 293.M Rcbber 0.19 20.6 32.8 36.7 69.7 127.1 155.1 172.7 179.5 91.2 236.5 2M2.9 t16.8 235.0 211.4 211.1 229.1 242.0 257.4 td) Cadimts ant Spices 2.31 83.3 86.2 91.0 92.3 t16.2 99.2 1t5.1 106.3 110.7 101.5 114.2 135.8 134.7 13.2 141.2 137.9 149.7 156.6 (a) Freits and Veeablies 3.97 42.7 47.9 67. 67.8 103.2 t06.2 12.2 125.1 13:.8 133.8 141.6 162.7 144.4 164.6 166.6 143.6 188.2 193.4 ti) thscellaneoo, Crops 8.33 60.1 64.5 93.3 111.6 106.9 184.9 121.4 117.2 116.9 131.4 146.1 l31.7 109.3 131.2 152.6 n.& n.a n.a Suuari e 7.61 58.1 61.3 94.1 105.3 106.4 104.7 118.3 120.7 118.2 130.0 147.3 129.4 1.4 129.4 156.3 158.9 146.0 15.5 Tobcco 1.14 72.3 83.9 84.5 82.4 101.8 134.6 129.9 102.1 99.4 117.8 138.8 127.7 123.3 135.1 146.1 *63.3 138.3 132.8 ALL-CS 140.80 58.5 71.9 86.7 81.8 111.5 182.2 112.4 108.6 125,1 114.3 132.9 138.0 117.0 135.3 142.9 137.1 156.4 t1.1, Seorce: Ministry of Articultere. -66 - Table 7.4 h8ANTH RATES IN AREA, PRODUCTION AMO IELD OF SELECTED CROPS FROR 1949/50 TO 1984165 [Al *1 per annu) Area ProdUCti4n Yield Netght . ._ ,, . ......... in the 1949/50 1967/68 1949/50 1949/50 1967160 194t/50 1"9150 19671/6 1949/50 Production to to to to to to to to to Indet l9 4/65 1984105 1984/85 1?64/65 1984/85 1904/15 1964/65 1984185 1961/85 A. Vodgrains 68.12 1.41 0.36 0.71 2.93 2.66 2.62 1.43 2.14 1.67 (1 Cereals 60.05 1.30 0.35 0.92 3.24 2.92 2.97 1.66 2.12 1.61 Rice 33.98 1.33 0.66 0.91 3.49 2.37 2.48 2.13 1.74 1.54 lheat 12.16 2.69 2.58 2.70 3.99 5.70 6.01 1.27 3.04 3.14 Jow 4.86 0.99 -0.73 -0.18 2.50 1.92 1.35 1.50 2.67 1.54 (b) Pulses 0.07 1.9" 0.42 0.32 1.39 0.51 0.27 -0.22 0.19 0.13 Gras 3.59 1.64 -0.50 -0.59 2.66 -0.55. -0.03 0.54 -0.06 0.46 Tor 1.35 0.5? 1.17 0.66 -1.34 1.86 0.44 -1.90 0.70 -0.23 3. Non-Fodqrains 31.88 2.52 0.75 1.18 3.54 2.60 2.63 0.93 1.43 t.08 (a) Oilses 10.96 2.69 0.34 1.03 3.11 1.75 2.04 0.20 1.29 0.6B Groundnut 4.82 4.01 0.12 1.38 4.33 1.29 1.95 0.31 1.16 0.57 Rapeseed&Nustard 1.73 2.97 1.SS 1.82 3.36 3.0? 3.25 0.37 1.49 1.41 lb) Fibers 4.03 2.57 0.11 0.45 4.45 2.11 2.13 1.68 1.90 1.60 CVotton flint) 3.01 2.47 0.06 0.46 4.56 2.25 2.42 2.04 2.19 1.96 Jute 0.81 186 0.74 0.94 4.20 2.02 1.44 0.t3 1.08 0.56 (ci Plantation Crops 2.28 2.39 2.27 2.35 2.78 3.41 3.15 1.35 1.93 1.74 Tea 1.95 0.55 0.82 0,.3 1.9. 2.64 2.51 1.43 2.01 1.66 Coffee 0.24 2.46 4.13 2.97 7.04 5.19 5.00 4.4o 1.02 1.97 Rubber 0.19 0.87 3.27 6.21 6.73 5.61 0.47 -2.82 2.25 2.14 (d) Condiuents&Spices 2.31 1.68 1.72 1.68 1.86 2.61 1.86 0.63 0.96 0.29 (el Fruitc&Vegetables 3.97 4.10 2.20 3.32 4.51 4.22 4.67 0.15 2.04 1.36 (II Niscellaneous Crops 9.33 3.00 3.10 2.10 4.20 3.00 L00 1.20 1.10 1.10 lb] Sugarcane 7.01 3.27 1.81 1.98 4.26 2.89 3.06 1.12 1.05 1.13 Tobacco 1.14 1.66 0.20 0.76 2.79 2.43 2.23 0.93 2.24 1.47 ALL CROPS 100.00 161 0.46 0.81 3.13 2.66 2.63 1.30 1.91 1.49 Ia3 Averaqe annual cospound growth rates have been estimated by fitting smi-logaritheit least squares time trends to the rtlevant index number data. lb] Growth rates for siscellaneous crops have been computed only up to 1982/93. ource: Ninistry of Agriculture, Office of the Economic and Statistical Adviser. tg~ ~~ st~~~~ i 4 0 a5 a>0 4m 4u f ~~ma~~'- a.C - ina ; t ' I L . !- _ q . c o - e -_ _ o ek- .% c de w g ~-re; a A ' §I B0 W*tB **XYt atAt tAtst - '40Z *-,"a ! Z Z t s f.- . ". ?., .% I., r A, t $ g ~ ~ ~~ -a -" t -Y , - - - - f .... da go W- :0 go NW 0 4 - U - e LA I % ff.-.- - - - - -go o G ; OE 16 ~ * ~ t l ItI, -~~~~~~~~ i i - - p !~~~~ E -. - ,e g" -8St0A im a~~~~ ts kw *- X*, S 8 ' 2 , ; *,I, °j r&sw a a o eo < w tn tn e> n_'.- 45, iehg~,O m M Ifl . MW l, l X s X "$r w"sF t$g g^St "; "-"g-gg s x 500"S~~~~~~~~~~~i ineg leZ a t^ mmagin attag! zll a I I I m Ii ' "s a -.0;- _ .1 | | ) F aw-- -_ _ "1- S1 O -*- - . L1I -F -- Of-o | lS tggW tstaW ltta tOWS t"^"2 S^at GZ0t t O-+ I - - - - - - 4- 4- 4- - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - i '.4 . .§ t i33g3i Efi EE! R!§ - C - 69 TWI 7.6 FUILIC FIJSTRIIIJT IF fUNIII (a) lin thovau toss 1965 9m 19M 1976. 7 1m97 S19 M 1961 1912 133 1U 11 (,irg Stck 674 437 25 73 16m 1774 1R 17519 117 1146 12 7 156 251 fice 361 1724 6?4 28645M 5615 7998?603662162fMM4477745 -llbit 316 2W 1221 476? 2182 ItDS 3 81 49 51? 0 715 t?I e 14712 PKcreMnt 4301 714 563 103 974 116M 13 11178 1ns 1SM 1S1 1623 MM678 lice 251 36 5142 5m 4 551 5724 5211 619 747 7 M77 l 9 5 et 375 3133 43 613 5171 57 8331 3U 653 7M O2 1 154 Iports 746 3631 747 6515 55 - - 4 9 299 404 269 N1i lice 73 216 133 149 8 - - - 7(c) - 297 558O11 mhet 65X 3425 16 1 IM32 547 - - 9(c) m 2m 691 167 16 111 Iam (d) 11379 361 11253 9174 1729 1113 11663 14M 13314 14768 1626 13326 15447 Rice 356 315t 321t 3643 4W 32 4 657 6462 7M153 6731 76 Hmt SM .5347 7545 5315 63 6855 7493 91 6427 7168 8121 635 W6 Euports(e) 136 1113 954 429 33t 511 45 il 3S1 Rice - 53 237 216 332 438 21 kl1 Nil uht(ft) 136 95 667 213 - 163(q) 25 Nil 351 ClSinq St 1927 54 73 1677 17274 17160 1715? 11739 11493 INV 154 221 24178 Rice 26 194 211 5720 5615 796 9"48 66 13 5S 468 7745 OM Vheat 1276 3127 476? 122 1158 95 15 49W7 5169 715 1371 14712 1942 Notes: (a) Ov4ntitius in reSpct Ith tuW min cereals, ri.e ad det hbs be shm, the balace in totle foodgrains being accuted for by ther (b) provisional. (c) Receivwd frees lglade in repaumnt of out & rice lan given in 1979. (d) lssws fo the ras Im to 1984 inclde suplies user the public distribution system and ader various powrty alleviation prras during the cal)enr par. (e) for the ears 1965 to 1976 data for experts is not available suprately, and is included in data for 'issues'. Exports does not inKlude snail quntity given as gift to other countries. (f) Includes uheat flour. (g) heat loan to hngladeh. (h) et loan to Neal. Source: Ninistry of Agricultore and Irrigation, D eptmt of Food, - 70 - IRIIUAftOI SUIIIIY (in Jllion hctaM) Surf ae Irrigation aje & biu Totd linr Total Brand Irrigated Potmntial Utilization Surface Utilitzed ater Arua utilized) ltimate Potential 55 58 15 73 0 113 Position at the end of: 1950/51 9.7 9.7 6.4 16.I 6.5 22.6 lsit Plan 12.2 11.0 6.4 17.4 7.4 25.0 2nd Plan. 14.3 13.0 6.5 19.5 9.5 27.8 3rd plan 16.6 15.2 6.5 21.7 10.5 32.? Annual Plais 1196-69) 18.1 16.8 L.5 25.3 12.5 35.8 4th Plan 20.7 18.7 7.0 25.7 16.5 42.2 5th Plan 24.8 21.2 7.5 28.7 19.8 4.5 Annual Plans 41978-80) 26.6 22.6 8.0 30.6 22.0 52.6 6th Plan (Anticipated) 30.5 25.3 9.0 34.3 26.1 60.4 1995186 (Target) 31.1 25.9 9.2 35.1 27.2 62.3 Average Annual Increase Ist Plan 0.5 0.3 - 0.3 0.2 0.5 2nd Plan 0.4 0.4 0.02 0.4 0.1 0.6 3rd Plan 0.5 0.4 - 0.4 0.4 0.9 Annual Plans 41966-69) 0.5 0.5 - 0.5 0.7 1.2 4th Plan 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.8 1.3 5th Plan 1.0 0.6 0.1 0.7 0.8 1.6 Annual Plans 11978-80) 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.9 1.1 2.1 6th Plan (Anticipated) 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.7 1.1 1.6 Sources: 1. Report of Irrigation CoEuission 1972. 2. Report of National Couission on Agriculture. 3. Ninistry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Central Mater Conission and Central Groundwater Board. T4le S.1 1ND1:X OF IIIDUSTIAII P1CIIIIIF ii D5TUl mow Industrg Creop Iieiqbt 1951 1940 171 1973 94 i 1976 Im 7 1978 1m 6 15 1962 19a 9 191 1m 1986 194 I imnnq I horrinq 9.69 44.7 67.1 101.0 1V7.0 113.2 127.9 136.8 139.9 142.1 148.5 144.2 173.4 197.8 21.S28.9 4.6 .9 4.1 12.2 11 Ianofactarang 81.C8 31.5 55.t 134.5 111.2 t1l.9 116.0 110.3 135.1 14.3 144.6 146. 157.6 1J2.& 16.4 177.0 7.1 5.6 1.0 4.9 Food Industries 7.74 41.8 62.5 91.1 96.8 97.8 166.8 110.8 118.4 1J8.4 133.9 11.2 141,7169.3 16.519.. 4.6 4.4 3.1 5.4 Beerage Industries 8.69) (117. 193.7 142.4 166.1 262.6 3 W7.0 W.V 279.2 313.6 415.7 573.1 53.3 523.9) 1t.2 t4.6 Tebacce Indostries 2.21) 33.8 56M9104.5 1U1.9 9.7 4.2 106. I7.7 112.5 124.9 121.7 19.7 t15.3 138.1 137.1) M.2 5.t 1.7 3.0 Textiles 17.43 72.1 91.4 9.9 TW.O 102.6 111.3 1t5.7 I63.3 1".7 1i.i115.3 t16.2 112.5 114.8 111.1 2.5 0.8 t.6 4.01 Fe#twr & Other ikearng Apparels etc 0.34 39.4 62.0 99.5 92.5 89.9 91.0 90.7 80.4 73.1 75.8 71.2 1I.6 n.4 ".1 92.0 S.2 3.0 -J.8 7. Wood & Cork except Furniture 8.49 19.8 45.4 112.6 5.1 103,2 185.6 115.4 131.4 124.0 129.5 12t.8 67.3 IV7.1 204.4 21t.1 t.? 9.7 3.9 14.7 Paper Products 2.24 17.7 46.1 104.3 1I09.2 116.1 166.5 111.8 112.8 121.0 124.0 131.6 148.0 152.7 144.3 172.1 11.2 .3 2.6 7.0 Leather & For Peodects except Feetwr t.32 1l8.7 163.9 3.6 114.9 t".3 118.5 1t2.8 164.2 71.5 72.3 IS3M5 93.7 80.7 71.2 7t.3 3.6 -5.4 1.1 -7.1 lubber Products 2.22 25.9 46.2 108.9 112.7 121. 123.1 121.7 127.9 143.2 142.7 151.3 152.6 163.5 172.8 113.4 6.4 7.5 3.4 5.1 Chmcal A Cheo,xcal Products 1I91 18.2 42.9 112.2 126.8 123.1 132.8 155.4 171.4 162.6 106.3 163.3 27.6 21.1 224.2 24.4 0.l 6.3 5.6 0.0 PetroleunACeal Prodocts 1.62 3.7 33.5 186.2 111.4 113.0 119.6 124.8 132.7 143.9 153.4 1374 16.6 174. t7.9 191.5 27.7 12.2 2.9 8.7 Neou-letallic fineral Products 3,33 19.9 51.1 109.7 115.7 118.1 I19. 141.0 147.4152.4 15.7 159.8 167.9 1J6.6 186.7 195.3 11.1 6.9 4.3 5.1 Basic 11etal Industries 8.84 22.1 47.6 102.8 12.2 104.2 116.4 139.7 144.8 144.9 138.9 133.7 146.2 151.2 158.3 168.4 8.9 4.5 3.0 5.9 Netal Products excludinq flachinerolTranspot Equipount 2.77 12.6 4.9 15I.5 1t7.8 122.5 124.6 131.8 137.0 154.9 162.7 IS.S 149.7 157.8 166.7 165.1 14.1 9.0 4.0 2.3 Ngfq.ef iachiuerp etcept Electrical Machinerg 5.55 5.4 24.5 115.9 144.2 152.9 159.6 165.0 179.0 22.2 264.9 220.341 23.2 2J.1 267.2 18.3 14.5 7.4 5.0 Electrical fthinery, Apparatoslpllances 5.32 7.1 2V.A 1t5.4 113.3 113.1 128.3 129.9 145.5 151.2 163.3 170.0 183.1 130.2 t77.4 t87.S 16.1 4.0 5.5 2.6 Transport Eqoipent 7.39 14.7 74.9 106.3 I.6 tN.8 106.3 149.2 120.5 124.6 12.5 131.2 142.9 142.4 152.7 177.8 19.6 1.5 2.9 8.1 Niiscellanees Industrles 1.68 14.2 83.3 95.7 64.8 78.3 73.3 8.6 9.0 133.4 120.6 109.2 9A4 60.8 .s. a.&. 21.7 1.1 1.5 n.e ITI Electricitv Generated 9.23 11.7 29.9 187.2 114.8 124.1 138.6 160.3 165.4 183.6 193.e 197.3 220.4 236.0 207.4 2.8 12.1 12.5 7.1 9.1 TV General Index 106.50 29.7 54.3 1M.4 111.1 113.1 It9.2 133.7 11.3 147.7 H9.5 155.4 144.6 172.1179.9 M.t 6.9 6. 4.2 6.2 hotes:Thu Indices available on different bases,bae w n aconrted to bose 1975. Sources: 1. MSO. Ibvnthly Statistics of the Productimn of Selected Indestre of India, Irch IM, Volvu It. 2. CSM, Ionthly Abstract of Statistics, variwgs issues. as , ! a * " " " a t a Lp~ ~~ _ _r _ ,_ b F 'ac-~~~~~~- t2 w eX qq _ Iq c- se m 9 01 e ~PA .- - - e- - - _% 07- _ Pt O I l g !gs~~~t isng Q! lotX _~~~~L *t a F. OwW v*f M q St R co S w lot 6_ E s w24S We §$t A lot t C W b _r* _ _@, wwt F W-Il b .a x ri; B?i7is3g tX~~0 i + ; E a u * I s !"e t! sSs A t"Le ug ru tt ICSt IdX piR* i5 3t w VP 0 * _ I.t o. co As Im, 6 _ i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; e S>5,t gq59 S "grB t_sum s£l U ~ -^g "" -N - m'O £ i It !6 X -~~ - -- - *c..-"" ,! ts .0 =.s0'_ Oz Cog Gso' Ps< a _ w x P s^_b a gaS"g*" 'm !R''- g Ba a S a a d n z r g R a,, . @ 'o, s B et |3litfif tvtO G!9 3@te ;A3t gN"_~~ CN _lX MDw , W ___ C __ __ wtt.t r wwq s> w | 8~~~~~4 ~~~~~a 0WeKw~4tt 5tZX°S!' _ C C ^,t tq O _ t; _ ttO 1 ~~~~~~~~~o-' x. _W 4m *4 19 GP 1 4 % A A 0 X W _ '_ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i w S ] a o X g g a 16 les3} ! s} | 4!w Xtas ffi | §. M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eb > > C g * w *s~~~~ LI w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V IR a E-e 4 9 ;. ~~, o n w D ' ,-. = ni{ { --3 a.s j.4 9'2 _|S |~~~~~~~~W7 Aft D . t * } t | | _~~~~lo "! N t $% 40 ? a, Ol et t 0! T .. .t $O ea co -o Cy do c- a- |i 4m~~~* t I g * t 0 a ffi > ff~~~~~~IN! abt lo is4 v? 14 v? 91 ID:z § §3 zk| a~~~~~~~~~~~%z -0 W if s|S,||5fffEE. <