PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CHONGQING MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CHONGQING URBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE CHONGQING URBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT RP- 20 .~~~~~~~~~~0 RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN SUMMARY REPORT 100709. R7 August 1999 With the assistance of SHANGHAI ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OGREAH ,.J l 191 I a) caiJ:II I .J Li .)VL'I a I --)L I -I Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report ¾ SOGREAH C O .R S L T .A Nrs CUEP - RESEtLEMENT ACTION PLAN - SYNTHESIS REPORT This report has been prepared by SOGREAH Consultants as part of the World Bank Design Review and Advisory (DRA) Services for the project preparation of the Phase 3A of the Chongqing Urban Environment, China Uob Number 1 00709) This report has been written by the project team under the supervision of Magnus HOLMER (Project Manager) following the procedures detailed in the Assurance Quality Manual and Codes of SOGREAH Consultants (SYSAQUAL/MAQ et CAQ) in compliance with IS09001 and following the World Bank Guidelines concerning the development of Resettlement Action Plans (O.D. 4.30) Assurance Quality Name and Function Date Signature Report Prepared by Eric Baye, Socio-economist ................... Report Checked by: Gary Moys, Team Leader ................... Report Approved by: Gary MOYS, Team Leader .................. ................... bnangnal Acauemy or zocial ,ciencesf `UUt<-Cin r " Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION_______________--__________________----------------------- 1 1.1 The chongqing urban environment project ___-___-______-__-__-_-_-_____-__ 2 1.2 Purpose and scope of the report___--_________________________________________ 4 1.3 Resettlement action planning and the Project _-__-___-__-___-__-_-__-______ 6 1.4 the rap and the three gorges project__________________------------------------ 9 1 .5 Layout of report ______--_-____- ___- __- __- __--- - _- __- _______-__-- 1 0 ;'. SUMMARY OF PROJECT COMPONENTS ______________________________ ____ 1 2 2.1 general description of concerned sites -__-__-___________-__-________-_-___12 2.2 CUEP in Chongqing --------------------------------------------------------- 1 5 2.2.1 chongqing Waste water component_-I-------------------------------------------- 15 2.2.2 The MUNCIPAL SOLID WASTE project in chongqing city_-__________________________ 17 2.3 other components of cuep -------------------------------------------------- 1 8 2.3.1 CUEP in fuling ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 8 2.3.2 CUEP in Wanzhou 21 2.3.3 cuep in Nan bin ---------------------------------------------------------- 23 2.3.4CUEP iN QIANJIANG --------------------------------------- --------- --- -------- 24 2.4 total need for land acquisition/resettlement in chongqing city ---------------- 25 3. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS REQUIRING LAND ACQUISITION ,RESETTLEMENT AND THE EXTENT OF LAND REQUIRED FOR EACH COMPONENT27 3.1 The CUEP in Chongqing…---------------------------------------------------27 3.1.1 Waste water management in Chongqing ________________________-------------- - 27 3.1.2 Municipal Solid Waste Project in Chongqing --------------- ----------------- ___ 27 3.2 The CUEP in other areas of Chongqing Municipality -------------------------- 28 3.2.1 water supply in fuling -----------______________-----------------------------------28 3.2.2 Waste water in Fuling… __ ------------------- -28 3.2.3 Water supply in Wanzhou____________--- - ---------------------------------------- 28 3.2.4 Water supply in Nan Bin ---------------------------------------------------------- 29 4. OBJECTIVES OF THE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAMME_--------------- 31 '. Minimisation of land acquisition and resettlement_______________________-32 5.1 general and common principles __--_--_____--_________-__________-_-_____-32 5.2 Minimisation of land acquisition and resettlement in the component's areas__- 32 6. CENSUS SURVEY OF AFFECTED PEOPLE AND ASSETS --------------------- 34 6.1 Chongqing -----------------------------------------------------------------34 mnangnai Acacemy or oCIal 2C(len esjJ-4r1 - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 6.1.1 Methodologicai framework --------------------------------------------- -34 6.1.2 The impact dimension of the CUEP_----------------------------------------------- 35 6.1.3 the land acquisition _______________________________________________- 35 6.1.4 The affected houses _______________________-______________________ 36 6.1 .5 Affected units and enterprises _________--________________________________________-36 6.1.6 Affected crops --------------------_- _---------------------------------------- 37 6.1 .7 Affected infrastructures and other main assets ------------------------------------…37 6.1.8 The project affected persons ----------------------------------------------------- 38 6.1.9 The Affected vulnerable groups… ______________________________________________ 39 6.1.1 0 The socio-economic surveys __________________________________________________ 39 7. LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND RESETTLEMENT ENTITLEMENT POLICY_-________42 7.1 Brief account --------------------------------------------------------------- 42 7.2 The national Laws and Regulations- -_____________________________ 42 7.2.1 Ownership and Right of Use of Land ---------------------------------------------- 43 7.2.2 Land for Construction Purposes______________________________--------------------- 43 7.3 The regulations of the Chongqing Municipality __________-_____________-_____-44 7.4 The Resettlement entitlement policy_________________________________________-46 7.5 The compensation rates -----------------------------------------------------46 8. INSTITUTIO NAL ARRAN GEM ENTS ---------------------------------------47 8.1 general framework_-----------------------------------------------------_--- 47 8.2 Institutional arrangement at the general level of CUEP________________________-47 8.2.1 Resettlemnent Leading Group of the CUEP__________________________________-_______ 47 8.2.2 The Resettlement Office of the CUEP (pro)… _________________________________ 48 8.3 Institutional arrangement at components' level_______________________________ 50 8.3.1 Waste water and solid Waste Components in Chongqing City_ ___-_________________… 50 8.3.2 Components in Fuling, WanZHOU, and Nan Bin ------------------------------------…53 8.4 Training and development of the resettlement staff -------------------------- 56 8.5 Organisational Charts_------------------------------------------------------ 57 9. COSTS AND BUDGET --------------------------------------------------- 58 9.1 Flow of funds--------------------------------------------------------------- 58 9.2 Base cost… _____________________________________________________________ 59 9.3 The cost of preparing the RAP and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) ---------- 60 9.4 Administrative costs ------------------------------------------------------- 60 9.5 Contingencies -------------------------------------------------------------- 60 9.5.1 Physical contingencies ----------------------------------------------------------- 60 9.5.2 Price contingencies --------------------------------------------------------------…60 9.6 Annual cost estimated ------- - --------------------------------------------- 61 1 0. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------- 62 1 0.1 Jobs Creation ---------------------------------------------------------------_62 10.1.1 Absorbing labor --------------------------------------------------------------- 62 .; j.nyriaJ Mcauemy U , Uc- ) Cd efl r _j ziv ChDngqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 1 0.1.2 Self resettlement in finding jobs ------------------------------------------------ 63 1 0.2 Housing resettlement ------------------------------------------------------- 63 10.2.1 CQWWMP---------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 10.2.2 CQMSWP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 10.2.3 housing resettiement in Fuling and Wanzhou____________________________________-65 1 0.3 Resettlement of the affected units and infrastructures________________________ 66 10.3.1 Waste water management project in Chongqing ----------------------- - -------- 66 10.3.2 Other components in Chongqing (CQMSWP), Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin_------- 67 1 0.4 Resettlement of the vulnerable groups_-------------------------------------- 67 1 0.5 Resettlement actions and implementation schedule -------------------------- 68 1 0.S.1 Resettlement actions ----------------------------------------------------------- 68 1 0.5.2 Implementation schedule- -_________________________________________________ 68 11. CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION ----------------------------------- 70 11.1 Consultations and participation ---------------------- 70 11 .2 Resettlement Information Booklets (RIBs) _-__-_-_-_________-________-_____-71 1 2. Redress and Grievances…------------------------------------- -- ----- 73 1 2.1 The procedures____________________________--------------------------------- 73 13. MONITORING AND EVALUATION - INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ------------- 75 1 3.1 Internal Monitoring ---------------------------- - - - - 75 1 3.1.1 Objectives______________________________________----_------------------------ 75 1 3.1.2 Responsibility ----------------------------------------------------------------- 75 1 3.1.3 Indicators to be monitored ----------------------------------------------------- 75 13.1.4 Personnel --------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 1 3.1 .5 Methodology & Procedure ------------------------------------------------------ 76 1 3.1 .6 Report -----------------------------------------___----------------------- 77 1 3.2 External Monitoring and Evaluation------------------------------------------ 77 1 3.2.1 Objective ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 1 3.2.2 Indicators to be monitored ----------------------------------------------------- 77 13.2.3 Methodology______________________________----------------------- 80 13.2.4 Report____-_________________________________________________o_____________-80 13.3 Submission of the monitoring reports ------------------------------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -82 -(iangricdi Acaoemy or >ociaj :ciences/izu%.rl ra4y v Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: The main components of the final RAP report ................................................. 7 Table 2.1: The land for acquisition and resettlement in CUEP ........................................ 26 Table 3.1: The Required Land (in mu =1/1 5 ha) for the Components .......... .................. 30 Table 6.1: Overview of the impact dimension of the CUEP ............................................. 35 Table 6.2: The Main Socio-economic Indicators of the Affected s of the CUEP ............... 41 Table 9.1: Breakdown of costs for land acquisition and resettlement in CUEP ................ 58 Table 9.2: The summary of the land and compensation costs for CUEP (in Yuan) ........... 59 Table 1 0.1: The programs of absorbing labor in Chongqing ............... .......................... 62 Table 10.2: Eligibility criteria for the vulnerable groups (CUEP ....................................... 67 Table 13.1: The schedule for submitting the monitoring reports ............ ....................... 82 ri ingnai Acaoemy oi )U4di Jvr\aMf. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Location of Chongqing Municipality within China ............... ..........................1 Figure 1.2 Organisation of Project Preparation for CUEP ................................................2 Figure 1.3 Structure of Project Appraisal Documents .....................................................5 Figure 1.4: Location of Three Gorges Project ................................................................ 9 Figure 2.1: Location of Project Cities in Chongqing Municipality .................................... 13 Figure 2.2: Overview of the Chongqing Wastewater Component .................................... 16 Figure 2.3: Location of existing and proposed water treatment works in Fuling ............. 1 9 F igure 2.4: Location of existing and future WUfW in Wanzhou .............. .......................... 21 F igure 2,5: Location of WTW in Nanbin ................................................................ 23 Figure 2.6: Location of existing and future WTW in Qianjiang ........................................ 25 -nangnai Acacaemy ot zocial ,ciences/ZfUKrAh * t Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Pian Summary Report ACCRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACCRONYMS CDC Chongqing Drainage Company CMG Chongqing Municipal Government CMMB Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau CRBCC Chongqing Road and Bridge Construction Cny CUEP Chongqing Urban Environment Project CSWMC Chongqing Solid Waste Management Company PMO Project Management Office PRO Project Resettlement Office, or Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Utilisation RO Resettlement Office SASS Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences SMEDI Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute SOGREAH Sogreah Consultants SNC I Jndnqnai Acaaemy or :ociaL bciencesj-d,iutLri- 1 ass Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report ANNEXES Annex A Census Survey of Affected People and Assets Annex B Legal Framework Annex C Institutional Arrangements Annex D RAP Cost Estimates Annex E Implementation Arrangements .>ndnina9 Acauemy or ,ociai ZcIenLe/,,J-%r1 . t Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report ABBREVIATIONS CQ Chongqing city CQWWMP Chongqing Waste Water Management Project (component) CQMSWP Chongqing Municipal Solid Waste Project (component) DRA Design Review, and Advisory services FU Fuling FUWSP Fuling Water Supply Project (component) FUWWP Fuling Waste Water Project (component) GDP Gross Domestic Product LDP Landfill Disposal Project PAP People Affected by the Project NA Nan Bin (Shi Zhu District) NAWSP - Nan Bin Water Supply Project RAP Resettlement Action Plan RIP Resettlement Implementation Plan TGP Three Gorges Project TOR Terms of Reference TVE Towns and Villages Enterprises WA Wanzhou WAWSP Wanzhou Water Supply Project (component) WSP Water Supply Project WWMP Waste Water Management Project WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant 3nangnal Acaaemy or zocial ,ciences/.3Qmcair rQ A Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report UNITS bn billion cu.m. cubic meter ha hectare hh household M million m meter mu 1/15 ha m3/d cubic meter per day m2 square meter no number Rmb (or RMB) - Renmimbi (Yuan) $ US Dollar sq.m. meter square 'd)f1r9fId1 tAcaemy U1i )U4dI cL erLes/arj-.J Ura A, Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CUEP AND LAND REQUIREMENTS The Chongqing Urban Environment Project (CUEP) consists of seven components in water supply, sewage treatment and refuse treatment/disposal in five cities of Chongqing Municipality. Land acquisition is necessary as well as the relocation and economic rehabilitation of people affected by the project. Resettlement would be undertaken in accordance with the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) which has been prepared by specialists in Chongqing with technical assistance from institutes in Shanghai. Approximately 320 hectares (4809 mu) of land would need to be acquired, and almost 4,000 households (about 17,250 persons ) would be directly affected by the project, shown by component below: Project Component Land(ha) Households Estimated Resettled/PAPs Cost (Million Yuan) ChongqingWastewater 217.6 3329/14255 638.27 Fuling Wastewater 0.5 257/1696 12.36 Fuling Water Supply 4.9 51/225 2.39 Wanzhou Water Supply 4.4 22/81 2.18 Qianjiang Water Supply 0 0/0 0.0 Nanbin Water Supply 1.9 36/153 0.52 Chongqing Municipal Solid Waste 91.3 283/853 92.59 Management Total CUEP 320.6 3978/ 1 7263 748.30 The total cost for the RAP has been estimated at 748.30 million Yuan; this includes RAP preparation, monitoring and evaluation, administrative costs, and contingencies. riangnai Acaclemy J; zocIaI oienLeS/vumHNr , "!J ^ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report CARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT AFFECTED PEOPLE Of the total number of Projected Affected People (1 7,263) approximately 4% have been categorised as falling within a "Vulnerable Group" (the poor, the disabled, households headed by a woman, the aged and ethnic minorities), The low number of ethnic minorities reflects the small amount of resettlement for components such as the Nanbin and Qianjiang Water Supply Components, where ethnic minorities are predominant. Special measures have been proposed to ensure the successful rehabilitation of living standards of the vulnerable groups after resettlement. COMPENSATION Compensation for all affected structures would be paid at the replacement cost. Affected houses and enterprises would be provided with alternative plots of land for construction of structures. All affected labour would be re-employed in the same enterprises after reconstruction and would be paid a subsistence allowance for the duration of temporary unemployment. Compensation for land acquisition would be paid to the collectives, which would be responsible for redistribution of land among affected families. Temporary land acquisition would be compensated at rates equivalent to the productive value of affected land. Allowance would be paid to the affected people for moving to resettlement sites, and for facilitation transition to new houses and jobs. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RAP The lead group on land acquisition and resettlement in each project city would co-ordinate the resettlement program. Each city would establish its own land acquisition and resettlement offices. Internal monitoring and evaluation would be done by the municipal project offices. Separate monitoring institutions would carry out independent monitoring and evaluation. The total cost of the land acquisition and resettlement program, including physical and price contingencies, is Y 759 million (about $91 million). The detailed implementation schedule for the resettlement program has been drawn up. The specific compensation and relocation-related activities, which need to be completed before construction can commence on a given component, have been clearly listed in the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). The entire process of resettlement planning has been participatory. Census and socio-economic surveys were conducted with the full participation of affected ,nangnal Acacemy or bociai . etc- -.. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report persons. The municipal governments were fully involved in the process of RAP preparation. Implementation would involve municipal-level institutions and the representatives of the affected peoples. In order to ensure that each affected household is fully informed about the resettlement program, the municipal project offices would distribute resettlement information booklets. f1idnyri,d Acaoemy (1 OLIdi )(Ul6 ra.4yMc I Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report INTRODUCTION Chongqing Municipality, created out of Sichuan Province in May 1 997, is the 4th Municipality under direct control by the Central Government in Beijing (see Figure 1.1). The economy of Chongqing has traditionally been centred around a strong industrial base (largely secondary industries, including steel works, manufacturing, chemical industries, etc.). This economic development has been the focus for rapid urban growth, especially since the opening up of China from 1 979. However, these rapid expansions have not been accompanied by adequate environmental infrastructure, particularly in the fields of waste control and treatment (air, water and solid wastes). The Three Gorges Project situated downstream of the Chongqing Municipality adds an additional dimension to the difficulties facing Chongqing. The project itself will provide a direct economic benefit to the province facilitating the transport of industrial goods downstream to the Eastern Yangtze Delta Region (Shanghai and elsewhere) and beyond. However, the social (resettlement) and environmental (water quality) impacts of the project present the Municipality of Chongqing with a series of major challenges. It is within this context that Chongqing Municipal Government, with assistance from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), has embarked on an ambitious programme, the Chongqing Urban Environment Project (CUEP), of which the initial investment is in the order of 500 million US S. Figure 1 .1 Location of Chongqing Municipality within China 3nangnal Acaaemy OT ZOCIal zcenceS/5u4LA,1 Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report ~~~~~~ in 11THE CHONGQI NG URBAN ENVIRONMENT PROJECT CUEP is presently in its project preparation phase with implementation scheduled in 1 999 as part of the World Bank Lending Programme. The project preparation, largely carried out by Chinese (largely local) organisations -has been supported by various sources of international assistance to CUEP (see Figure 1 .2). Figure 1 .2 :Organisation of Project Preparation for CUEP' Umwa Dftoiw T~S (C+4REO0Qda lb II,~Pi FJ ~ WaR0101 kt.. __ Ch- MASTD+D*~)ER PLAN AND O,.0Qn WM. Wrn SW* ICJ.O P- k Kw (SPGCEA r ; R- .m. Wb WaV. Afm' P1w (ERM4SwoW~.W W".~ K/IKI _____________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WS". W,t,,vFusbkT Sky (CJL-DI GIS Design (ITSwtztanad I e"kys aJ, Prelemnary ErQgneerng Designf (SOGREM/FrancA) FUit SllAd Waste Fe-bilay tepAspao,) - EASISILm aa~WtrS~ .~~Ikff Er1.Tonnienl MOIIttOnng C0.,906w.t (ETVF-rarc.)STDE D,a E ing Desig. (SOGREAWJapan) - E NG e~araIt.= Of iocurnents (To be a.adeJpa)DESIGN - - W1 e.$rVT SEI -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P~W W.nWw Eer.e f 7U a 1D PREPARAT.1 1r THE CH NG IN EB et.frg ISMEE Within the water oupply and waste water sectors, the initial phases of project formulation (Master-Plan Review, Feasibility Studies and Preliminary Engineering) Nnangnal Acaaemy or zociat -ciences/3uc.,rt - - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report have been co-ordinated by SOGREAH via a funding made available by the Government of France (Phases I & 11 of a Design Review and Advisory assignment). Additional funding has also been supplied by Icelandic and Swedish World Bank Trust Funds. The Engineering Design Phase (Phase 111) of the study has also been co-ordinated by SOGREAH via a funding made available by the Government of Japan to Chongqing Municipal Government. Snanghai Academy or Social Sciences/SOGRLAH r<9t: , Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE REPORT This Resettlement Action Plan Report (R7) represents the final report of the Resettlement Action Plan prepared by the Municipality of Chongqing for World Bank's appraisal of the CUEP. The report follows the guidelines provided in the World Bank 0. D. 4.30 (dated June 1990) regarding resettlement planning and complies with the TOR defined by the Bank in the Aide Memoire n'1 dated June 10 1997 and entitled "Resettlement Issues and Actions". This report has been updated with respect to that published in December 1 998 to take into account work done on the RAP during 1 999. The overall summary of CUEP is included in an accompanying report (Executive Summary, RIO) Other volumes in this series cover the following components of CUEP RI 1. 1 Chongqing Waste Water Component RI 1.2 Fuling Water Supply Component RI 1.3 Fuling Waste Water Component RI1 .4 Wanzhou Water Supply Component RI 1.5 Qianjiang Water Supply Component R11 .6 Nanbin Water Supply Component The final report for Environmental Assessment (R6) is covered in a separate volumes together with a draft report covering the proposed technical assistance and training (RI 2, Draft Technical Assistance and Training Report) The relationship between this series of reports is illustrated in Figure 1.3. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Figure 1.3 Structure of Project Appraisal Documents IR11: INTERI,. REPORT 3.FULING WASTE Rl1: INTERIM GY& R I EXUCUTIvE REPORT K SI L10 AR 1 .CHONGOING WASTE WATER DESIGN METHODOLOGY & PARAMETERS SECONDARY NETWORK PRIMARY NETWORK CHONGQING URBAN TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT MONITORING AND PROJECT CONTROL O&M COST ESTIMATES IMPLEMENTATION AND PROCUREMENT ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PROJECT OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC CONTEXT PROJECT STRATEGY PROJECT RATIONALE PROJECT ANALYSIS Rll: INTERIM SUSTAINABILITY & RISKS REPORT LOAN CONDITIONS ; ,IA liAN IMPLEMENTATION II: iNTERIMY EPORT LOGY& WANZHOU WATER , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T R6 EA R1: IIhTE R IM GY& REPORT - 2.FULING WATER SUPPLY DESIGN METHODOLOGY & P7 RAP PARAMETERS WATER INTAKES WATER TREATMENT NETWORK O&M MONITORING AND R1 2 TA CONTROL 2COST ESTIMATES IMPLEMENTATION AND PROCUREMENT ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS -nangnai Acaoemy or .'ociai Jciences/.u%rw-n -L n Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 1.3 RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLANNING AND THE PROJECT The primary objective of the Chongqing Urban Environmental Project (CUEP) is to provide a safe environmental setting for sustainable growth of urban areas in the newly .created Chongqing Municipality (CM), under the responsibility of the Chongqing Municipal Government (CMG). Project Cities included in CUEP are Chongqing (Wastewater and Solid Waste Components), Wanzhou District, (Water Supply Component), Fuling District (Water and Wastewater components), Nan Bin, Shi Zhu District (Water Supply Component) and Qian jiang County (Water Supply Component). In addition, CUEP includes an environmental monitoring component, an urban management information system, a cultural heritage component and finally various institutional strengthening and training activities.. As regards the RAP two documents have been already delivered to the World Bank: an inception report in December 1 997 and a draft report in November 1998. This present final report is composed of: * One main summary report framed according to the World Bank requirements and Proposed Outline (June 1997). Tables and various materials borrowed from the volumes related to each component of the CUEP are inserted in the annexes.. * Six final RAPs related to each component of CUEP in Chongqing, Fuling Wanzhou, an Nan Bin. Editing agencies and consulting organisations involved in the production of these documents are mentioned irrTable 1.1. The individual RAPs have been developed on the basis of the project descriptions included in the Feasibility Studies and Preliminary Engineering of the project components. In some instances, notably in the case of the Chongqing Wastewater Component significant changes to the component have been proposed (to a certain extent to reduce the cost of the RAP) which have not as yet been integrated within the RAP. To a certain extent the project affected persons and RAP costs summarised in this report can be taken as maximum figures, likely to be reduced as a result of refinements to the Preliminary Engineering Designs. There is also a component of the CUEP in Qian Jiang. A preliminary design study was delivered in March 1 999 by the Sichuan Water Conservancy Survey Mapping. This component covers Baijiawan Standby water treatment, small extension of Sanyangging water treatment works, distribution network equipment and treatment works and pump station equipment. However there is no impact of the water supply component in Qian Jiang on people in terms of displacement and resettlement. According to the Director of the Water Conservancy and Power Bureau of Qian Jiang (July 1 999), one household was resettled in April 1 999 due bnangnal Acaaemy OT ::ociai zciences/lUKtAl ra9c h Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report to a waste water project not included in the CUEP. Consequently, Qian Jiang is not covered by the RAP/CUEP. The components related RAP have been prepared by agencies mandated by CMC under the supervision of the Chongqing Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Utilisation (PMO Chongqing) with the assistance of consultants mentioned in Table 1.1. SOGREAH Consultants have provided Design Review, and Advisory services and assisted t CMG for the RAP from October 1 997 to the end of August 1 999 (preparation and production of the present final report). In Chongqing, Chongqing University assisted the two projects owners for the preparation of the draft reports (CQWWMP and CQMSWP) delivered to the World Bank in mid 1998. The Economic Legal and Social Consultancy Center of the ShanghaY Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) was appointed by PMO Chongqing and project owners from early 1 998 to August 1 999 for training and methodological assistance to local agencies (Chongqing, Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin) and for the production of the final RAPs. Table 1.1: The main components of the final RAP report Components of the Editing agencies Assistance report Chongqing Municipal Government Volume I through: Synthesis of RAP - i) PMO Chongqing ii) Chongqing Drainage Cny, iii) Chongqing Solid for CUEP Waste Management Cny SOGREAH (DRA services) + and the Chongqing Road and Bridge Construction Cny. Appendices Volume 11 Chongqing Municipal Government SOGREAH (DRA services) RAP through: ShanghaY Academy of Social Sciences (second phase) Waste Water i) PMO Chongqing, ii) Chongqing Management Project Drainage Cny, Chongqing University (first phase) in Chongqing and the Chongqing Road and Bridge (CQWWMP) Cny Chongqing Municipal Government Volume IlIl through: SOGREAH (DRA services) RAP i) Chongqing Management Office of Shanghai Academy of Social the World Bank's Capital Utilisation Sciences (second phase) Landfill Disposal ii) Chongqing Solid Waste 5nangnat Academy or rocial -C1encesybUUKtAt1 royc v Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Project in Chongqing Management Cny, Chongqing University (first phase) (CQMSWP) and the Chongqing Road and Bridge Construction Cny, Chongqing Municipal Government Volume IV through: SOGREAH (DRA services) RAP PMO Fuling District Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Water Supply Project Utilisation Shangha'i Academy of Social in Fuling Sciences Chongqing Management Office of (FUWSP) the World Bank's Capital Utilisation Volume V Chongqing Municipal Government RAP through: SOGREAH (DRA services) Waste Water Fuling District Management Office Management Project of the World Bank's Capital in Fuling Utilisation Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (FUWWP) Chongqing Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Utilisation Chongqing Municipal Government SOGREAH (DRA services) Volume VI through: RAP Wanzhou District Management Shangha'i Academy of Social Office of the World Bank's Capital Sciences Water Supply Project Utilisation in Wanzhou Chongqing Management Office of (WAWSP) the World Bank's Capital Utilisation Volume VII Chongqing Municipal Government SOGREAH (DRA services) RAP through: Water Supply in Nan Chongqing Management Office of Shangha'i Academy of Social Bin the World Bank's Capital Utilisation Sciences (NAWSP) bnangnal Acacemy or Nociai )ciencesfjtIt-ux , at* Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 1.4 THE RAP AND THE THREE GORGES PROJECT Description of the RAP for the CUEP would not be complete without mention of the Three Gorges Project and the extensive Resettlement Action Plan currently being implemented by Chongqing Municipality. The Three Gorges Project is located in the Xiling Gorge of the Chang Jiang mainstream in the Yichang county of the Hubei Province. The project consists mainly of a large dam across the ChangJiang, hydroelectric power station houses and navigation structures. Figure 1.4: Location of Three Gorges Project S8A.ANXI I '--- -\J ~~~~~~~~~s.-.'- W ' ! 1..,. s6A.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .>~ 0 21r 30 41..-. R K T%'- U _ s . i i 115 \, ) S /wSSA EC~~~~~~Q.& s.10 TA The dam wili be of a concrete gravity type, with a crest elevation of 185 m above sea level and a length of about 2300 m. The spillway section is located in the middle of the riverbed, with the intake-dam and non-overflow dam on both sides of the spillway section. The construction is aimed to be completed by 2009, with a first phase operational by 2003. ,rian9nai Acaaemy or ,ocia ro a - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Organisational structures have been set up to carry out resettlement in the framework of TGP. The TGP's resettlement programme is directly supervised by the Government of China, of which the executive body for the task is the Chinese Bureau for Land Acquisition and Resettlement, under the Construction Commission of the State Council of the PRC. In Chongqing Municipality a Resettlement Management Bureau (RMB) which directly reports to the Chinese Bureau, for Land Acquisition and Resettlement has been established. There are also specific resettlement offices in cities such as Wanzhou and Fuling which report to RMB Chongqing. Resettlement would cost about 40 billion RMB and the plan should be completed in 2009. The RAP has been prepared from 1992 to 1997, during which time socio-economic surveys were carried out. In Chongqing Municipality alone there are around 600,000 people to be resettled and 1,600 enterprises are to be relocated due to the project. Among these people, the majority are rural; nevertheless, nearly 1 00,000 residents from large cities such as Wanzhou and Fuling would be displaced. During the process of preparation of the RAP, information has been disseminated on a large basis among affected people. Furthermore, to protect the waterfront of existing towns such as Chongqing, Fuling and Wanzhou, embankments are currently under construction. In the case of Chongqing, "bund roads" are under construction in association with these embankments. In the case of Fuling (and to a lesser extent Chongqing), the construction of these embankments will inevitably entail a certain amount of resettlement. The RAPs associated with these civil works are not included in this project; in the case of Fuling, the RAP for the embankment is part of the overall RAP for TGP. Nevertheless, the fact that the Fuling wastewater project, and to a lesser extent the Chongqing wastewater project, are linked to the embankment projects has caused some confusion in the demarcation of PAPs between each project. 1 .5 LAYOUT OF REPORT The ensuing chapters of this report deal with the following topics Chapter 2 provides a summary of the project components and the total land requirements established after the completion of the feasibility studies/preliminary engineering design; Chapter 3 describes in detail the land requirement of each sub- component (treatment facilities, pipelines, interceptors) etc.; -fnangnal Acaoemy OT :ociai Mciefcesn sCirq Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Chapter 4 Outlines the objectives of the resettlement programme; Chapter 5 Describes how during the project preparation land minimisation has been taken into account; Chapter 6 Summarises the findings of the census surveys of the project affected people dealing in turn with the characteristics of the land acquired, the affected dwellings, works units and enterprises, affected crops, infrastructure and other assets, and finally the socio- economic breakdown of the PAPs themselves; Chapter 7 Briefly outlines the legal framework of the RAP and the resettlement entitlement policy; Chapter 8 Describes the institutional framework proposed for implementation of the RAP in Chongqing Chapter 9 Presents the costs and proposed budget for the RAP Chapter 10 Outlines the proposed implementation program for the RAP; Chapter 11 Discusses public consultation and participation; Chapter 12 summarises the redress and grievance procedures; Chapter 13 Details RAP monitoring and evaluation from both an internal and external standpoint The report is accompanied by a series of annexes covering the following topics Annex A Census Survey of Affected People and Assets Annex B Legal Framework Annex C Institutional Arrangements Annex D RAP Cost Estimates Annex E Implementation Arrangements Sfnanghat Academy or SoCial SClenceS/bSOLRkAfH rdyt i Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 2. SUMMARY OF PROJECT COMPONENTS 2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CONCERNED SITES Chongqing Muncipality is located in the Southwest of China, where economic growth is expected to speed up in Pie near future. This growth is strongly encouraged by the Chinese national authorities and by the World Bank aiming to equilibrate the fast economic growth of Eastern (Yangtze Delta Region) and Southern regions (Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong) of China. According to the Chongqing Urban Water Environment Project pre feasibility report (May 1 997), gross agricultural product and gross industrial product should reach in Chongqing respectively Rmb2O8 billion in 2000 comparing with Rmbl 09 billion in 1 996. Like in coastal provinces, agricultural land use should progressively and dramatically give way to greater industrial (town and village enterprises or TVEs) and urban uses (real estates projects, recreational areas, diminution of farmlands in metropolitan areas). Development of infrastructures should also lead to land use reallocation, particularly in the vicinity of the largest cities. fidflydC :id fX.dutmy ui juuw , -i I i Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Figure 2.1: Location of Project Cities in Chongqing Municipality ° 50 lO0 01 50 200 km , I I I nztn Chongqing Municipality (CM) was created in March 1997, and then separated from Sichuan Province. Its population reaches today about 30 million of people, among which 80% are rural and 20% urban. Chongqing. Chongqing consists of 11 Districts, 3 cities and 7 counties. It is located at the confluence of two rivers, Chang Jiang and Jialing Jiang, and the prefecture covers 23,114 km2 with a population of 15,297,100 (Statistical Yearbook, 1 997). The city of Chongqing comprises six urban Districts: Yuzhong (575,800inh., 22km2), Dadu Kou (202,400inh., 94 km2), Jiang Bei (442,800inh., 214km2), Shaping Ba (633,200inh., 383km2), Jiu Long Po (676,100inh., 443km2), Nan'an (428,500inh., 279 km2); totalling nearly 3 million people to which a significant floating population (estimated at 500,000) should be added. The present area of Chongqing covers 6,076 km2. The population of Chongqing is expected to growth noticeably in the following years (1.88% to 2010 and 1.34% to 2020), assuming simultaneously a better optimisation of the population density (revised Master Plan, 1998). In particular, the main urban area of Chongqing is expected to develop dramatically (from 1 63 km2 in 1995 to 240 km2 in 2010 (Cowi, 1997) which should lead to a decrease of existing farmland. Chongqing is located in a strategic region (the Tail of the Dragon) for the general development of China. Non only Chongqing' s area harbours both agricultural Snianghai Academy ot Social Science5/oUbKtAH ra;yc r- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report and (heavy but increasingly light) industrial production units, but the proximity of the Three Gorges Dam and the increasing number of infrastructure projects in the surrounding hinterland (expressways and roads framing corridors, power plants, dikes...) should provide new opportunities for business and employment. Chongqing' s urban population should grow rapidly until 2020 due in particular to the rapid expected economic growth (industrialisation, services) and to the affluence of rural population from many parts of the WYR (Western Yangtze Region). According to Chreod (1997), the yearly GDP per resident in Chongqing is estimated at Rmb6,021 in 1994 with noticeable differences from one area to another (Rmb8,041 in the central District). Since many large heavy -and polluting- industrial units have been establishing in Chongqing for a long time, authorities now seek encouraging industrial re-conversion and productions more suitable to market needs (professional equipment, consumption goods...). As a result, the number of TVEs tends to grow rapidly. In line with industrial and demographic development, CMG is attempting to bridge the gap between existing collective equipment and housing supply and demand. The square meter price (housing cost) in urban areas ranges from Rmbl,000 to Rmb3,000 in the downtown area. Wanzhou District. Wanzhou District (8,355,800 h) is located on the Chang Jiang, 321 km downstream of Chongqing urban area and covers 13,8km2. Areas covered are Longbao, Tianshan (or Tiangsheng) and Wuqiao, totalling a population of 1,616,500 inh. The total uirban population has been estimated at 276,900 inh (revised master Plan, 1 998). It should continue to raise during the next decades. According to the Wanzhou Construction Commission, the population should reach one million in 201 0. Clearly, the TGP project will have a strong influence on the demographic situation in Wanzhou. Recent estimates claim that around 118,000 new immigrants will settle in Longbao as a result of TGP. Around 50,000 of the District's present residents will require resettlement due to the submergence of the town resulting from TGP. As a result, resettlement areas are in construction in the three Districts, such as the Wuqiao New Zone. In Wanzhou the average GDP per registered resident was estimated at Rmbl,722 in 1994 with Rmb2,390 in Longbao, the central District (Chreod, 1 997), thus far below the level recorded in Chongqing. Fuling District. Areas to which this report refers in Fuling prefecture (3,710,000 inh. 1 2,800 km2. in 1 997) are the only 'urban' areas of the prefecture, called Zhi Cheng (578,900 inh. in 1997; 1,534km2), and Li Du (500,500 inh. in 1997; 1,412 km2). They are located at the confluence of Chang Jiang and Wu Jiang, 1 20km downstream of Chongqing urban area. The urban population of Zhi Cheng District which is now 200,000 should reach 500,000 in 2050, according to the pre-feasibility studies. Average GDP per capita was nearing Rmb2620 in Fuling (Chreod, 1 997). Fuling is expected to develop rapidly in coming years, due to its -nangnal Acaaerny or zocial -ciencesi,'uuGKtA farJ z Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report proximity to Chongqing to which it is connected by a new highway, to be completed end of 1 999. -Nan Bin (Shi Zhu District). Nan Bin Township (Xian) is the administrative centre of Shi Zhu District, Qian Jiang Development Zone, and is located 40km away from the Changjiang. The urban area covers 2,5km2. The town has grown steadily since 1 969. The urban population is now 30,000, among which the floating population is 3,600, and should reach 80,000 according to the pre-feasibility study prepared by SMEDI. 2.2 CUEP IN CHONGQING 2.2.1 CHONGQING WASTE WATER COMPONENT Existing Situation. The city is facing major pollution of its rivers, particularly the Jialing Jiang, a principle source of potable water. Almost all of the municipal wastewater and a large proportion of industrial wastewater enter the river system without treatment, causing significant pollution within the city. The Jialing Jiang with a water quality objective of Class ll, is in its lower reaches actually classified as Class IV. Notable pollutants passing the Class IlIl level are oils and phenols (largely of industrial origin) and ammonia and faecal coliforms (indicative of contamination with urban wastewater). Without the project organic pollution levels will rise dramatically, further endangering the already precarious potable water supplies. At present, only 50,000 cubic meters per day (m3/d) of the estimated 850,000 m3/d of wastewater produced in Chongqing are treated at the existing Tangjiaqiao works, which serves a small catchment in the Jiangbei District (to the north of the central district). Wastewater production is projected to increase in line with economic development and population, reaching approximately 1.5 million m3/d by 2020. Proposed Wastewater Component (Y 2508.0 million; $302.2 million). The proposed component will comprise the following works (see Figure 2.2): * -An entire primary sewerage network (length of 78 km) comprising a series of interceptors ranging in size from 1.5x1 .5m to 3.5x3.5m, constructed either by cut-and-cover or by tunneling methods; * An inverted siphon of external diameter of approximately 4m together with an upstream pretreatment and pumping station conveying wastewater under the Yangtse river from the central business district of Chongqing; -)fdngnat Acacemy or zociai )ciences/svL(rKtA. rage I o Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report . The Tangjiatuo wastewater treatment works (pre-treatment) with an initial capacity of 300,000m3/d and an associated 2200 mm outfall 2 km from the works to the outfall at Tongluo Gorge on the Yangtse river; * The jiguanshi wastewater treatment works (pre-treatment) with an initial capacity of 600,000 m3/d and an associated 4000 mm outfall 220m long situated approximately 1 km from the works to the nearby Yangtse river; and A program of secondary sewer construction, including link sewers totaling approximately 200km The waste water component of CUEP will represent the first of a waste water project totalling three phases : phase I 1 999-2003; phase 11 2004-2008; phase Ill 2009-2013. The first phase related to the two plants would include preliminary treatment (screening and grit removal) of collected wastewater and discharge to the Chang Jiang through appropriate outfall facilities. At a later date, advanced processes such as secondary treatment including nutrient removal could be implemented, possibly around 2009. Care should therefore be taken in the first phase design to provide for the possibility of the future extension (hydraulic design, land requirements, control and monitoring, etc.) Figure 2.2: Overview of the Chongqing Wastewater Component T* S~ wwr 0 5 10 15 20 (ibmet .nangnal Acacemy or -ociai zcCences/.UUKtAN eage I/ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report For the interceptors, affected areas will be Jiulongpo District, Yuzhong District, Shapingba District, Jiangbei District, Nan'an District. Construction works should start in January 2000. As noticed in §1.3, the final design of the interceptor/collector/secondary pipes is still to be officially approved by the Planning Commission of the CMG. Consequently the present outcomes resulting from investigations should be confirmed. Broad estimates indicate that the total number of people affected by the project is 14,255. Affected areas by the CQWWMP represent 3263.5 mu (21 7.56ha). The ,total cost of resettlement is estimated at 638.26 million RMB, that is 25% of the total cost. 2.2.2 THE MUNCIPAL SOLID WASTE PROJECT IN CHONGQING CITY Existing Situation. Per capita waste generation has been assumed to rise from 0.95 kg/capita/day in 1996 to 1.22 kg/capita/day in 2020. These generation figures exclude up to 10% which is already recycled at the household level. This gives estimates for total wastes generated rising from the 1 996 level of 3 000 tpd to 6 700 tpd in 2020. By 2020 it is anticipated that about 20% of the estimated wastes generated will be recovered for recycling, leaving the remainder requiring treatment and disposal., The collection of the MSW is carried out in two stages: primary collection removes MSW from households and deposits it at a central point or collection station withinf the locality; secondary collection takes the waste from the collection stations for disposal at one of the nine existing treatment and disposal facilities, Primary collection is generally arranged by resident's committees or social units and secondary collection is primarily the responsibility of the district environmental sanitation management agencies (DESMAs). Disposal is achieved by open dumping at eight sites currently operated by the DESMAs. These dumps have little in the way of leachate or gas controls, although six have rudimentary leachate treatment facilities. Waste is generally tipped and allowed to tumble down a tipping face which can be as steep as 60% Until recently no compaction or grading was used at the sites although such approaches now appear to have been introduced at some of the sites. Waste pickers are present at all of the sites, working in hazardous and dangerous conditions, and removing items for recycling. The ninth is operated by the Chongqing Environmental Sanitary Research Institute and is located at Liujiaolanya. The facilities feature a combination of mechanised and hand sorting of materials for recycling, incineration at seven of the facilities and, in two cases, composting. None of these facilities operates effectively and their contribution to recycling is not significant. Most sewage is dealt with through the use of septic tanks. The DESMAs presently provide a septic tank emptying service using a small fleet of 24 five ton capacity iidln9yrldi *caoemy or _ociai dciences/uQLjKt.Ar1 rage l o Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report *suction tankers. About a third of these suction tankers have been identified as needing replacement by 2000. These suction tankers currently discharge at eight small anaerobic digestion facilities. These facilities appear to be too small to cope with the required throughput and do not work effectively, failing to meet current discharge standards. Alternative disposal means are therefore required untii the new sewerage system is operational. After that, there will continue to be a need for a service for emptying public toilets and the septic tanks of buildings outside of the main area served by the new system. Proposed Solid Waste Management Component (Y 485 million; $59.1 million). The proposed component will comprise the following works: • a fleet of 8 and 1 0 ton capacity REL RCVs for use in six of the city's nine districts where they can be used to greatest effect; * new storage bins ranging in size from 0.66 to 1.1 m3 capacity for use with the new REL RCVs; * A new sanitary landfill with a first phase to provide disposal capacity for up to 1 5 years. The site has been designed to accept 1 500 tpd of MSW and will incorporate a composite liner of clay and HDPE fabric, appropriately protected by geotextile membranes and sand layers. A leachate drainage system and landfill gas venting system have been included The landfill will be situated in Changshengqiao Town, covering 1100 mu (73,33 ha) and representing a capacity of 21 M m3. The site of the future landfill disposal station is located in a rural and hilly area situated around 20 km away from the centre of Chongqing (Southeast), in Nan an District, on the east side of the Nan an mountain. It is also situated close to the Yuqian highway (3-4 km). Total land affected by the LDP is 91 .33 ha (1 370 mu) and the total number of PAP is 853. The cost of resettlement is estimated at 92.582 million RMB, that is 1 9% of the total cost. 2.3 OTHER COMPONENTS OF CUEP 2.3.1 CUEP IN FULING Existing Situation. Fuling is situated on the confluence of two rivers, the Chang Jiang and the Wu Jiang. It is an irmportant transport hub in Chongqing Municipality, connected to Chongqing itself by a new highway and serving as a port. The urban population is projected to grow from the current 200,000 to 500,000 by 2020. This however includes a number of new towns associated with the Three Gorges Project; in the project area population growth is more moderate, rising from a current 1 80,000 to about 305,000 by 2020. Fuling Water Supply Component: There are currently three water treatment works supplying the main urban area of Fuling. Of these, WTPI wifl be abandoned shortly due to its age, the pollution -of the near-bank source by _Jilaliqflai tA1_dUt-_ifY UJ U11o1: s:,JuXrn.g Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report upstream urban discharges and the need to construct a retaining embankment around the central district of Fuling. The poor quality of potable water is confirmed by social surveys with 60% of the sampled population dissatisfied with the overall water quality. Currently, WTP2 is undergoing extension from a current capacity of 30,000 m3/d to a total capacity of 60,000 m3/d . The water distribution system comprises about 23 km of mains of diameters and particularly in the old urban area is need of rehabilitation and strengthening; pipe failures are reported to be frequent with 30% of the population complaining of frequent interruptions to supply. There are two high-level reservoirs with a combined capacity of 2,500 cubic meters Present supplies are inadequate to meet present and future water demand and are endangered by nearby wastewater discharges. Water demand has been projected to rise to about 140,000 in 2010 and 180,000 in 2020. This implies a need for an additional supply of about 100,000 m3/d by the year 2010. The proposed option is to construct a new WTP upstream of the current (and future) main urban area, thus not affected by near-bank pollution plumes. A first phase of 50,000 m3/d has been proposed for financing in this project. Figure 2.3: Location of existing and proposed water treatment works in Fuling _ tHA~~~NG JIANG r 9|PROPOSED wT-vW =No 3 - o Existing WTW 0 1 2 kiiometres * Prooased WTw Proposed Water Supply Component (Y 96.6 million; $1 1.6 miliion). The first phase financed under the project will have a capacity of 50,000 m3/d. The component will comprise the following works: .)11411911di tAWtGifly Ul _)ULid} ul te y v ^ raj *v Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Pian Summary Report . An intake from the Chang Jiang upstream of Fuling near to the Yangtze Bridge atTianzidian of ultimate capacity 100,000 m31d with an initial 50,000 m3/d pumping capacity; * A 820 mm raw water transmission main 0.7 km long, to the treatment plant; The water treatment plant upstream of Fuling with a capacity of 50,000 m3/d; Treated water pumping station; A treated water transmission main comprising 2.7 km of pipes of 920 mm; New water distribution pipelines comprising 3.2 km of 600mm, 7.3km of 400mm and 5.3km of 300mm pipes; and * Distribution network improvements of existing networks The total cost of resettlement has been established at nearly 2.3 million RMB. Total number of PAP is 225 and affected area is 73.66 mu. Fuling Wastewater Component. Currently all wastewater from the wastewater from the central area of the city is conveyed in sewers discharging directly to the Chang Jiang and the Wu Jiang. The sewerage in the main urban area is combined, with about 13 main outfalls to the Chang Jiang and 14 to the Wu Jiang. Currently, discharges in and upstream of the harbour zone have a clear impact on water quality. The raw water for Nr. 1 WTP is polluted by these discharges; secondly, the visual impact of the wastewater discharges is apparent especially in the harbour area where recirculating currents tend to trap floating matter. Before implementation of the Three Gorges Project, there is little necessity for providing any form of wastewater treatment for Fuling, other than pre-treatment. Nevertheless, interception of the current wastewater systems with discharge downstream of the confluence of the Wu Jiang with the Chang Jiang will protect the current water intakes and also improve the visual aspect of Fuling harbour. The project would be implemented in co-ordination with the new embankment project. In a second stage, treatment will be provided. The total average wastewater flows are projected at 11 0,000 m3/d in 201 0, and 123,700 m3/d in 2020 Proposed Wastewater Component (Y 147.0 million; $17.7 million). The proposed works would comprise the following: * Reinforced concrete pipe interceptors 4.5 km in length running along the south bank of the Chang jiang, of diameters ranging from 800 mm to 1,200 mm; . Reinforced concrete pipe interceptors 1.6 km in length running along the west bank of the Wu Jiang, of diameters ranging from 600 mm to 1,200 mm; * A pre-treatment and pumping station upstream of the Wu Jiang siphon; .|iaillai ^tcxauciliy uLt oo ul:lxz/us_ rayjc E I Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report A siphon consisting of two 11 00 mm steel 50Om in length under the Wu Jiang; A reinforced concrete box culvert (1 500x1 500 mm) 2.5km in length conveying flows from the inverted siphon to the future treatment plant site; * A 200m long steel outfall of diameter 1 500mm with 4 risers; * Link sewers and missing connections 2.3.2 CUEP IN WANZHOU Existing Situation. Wanzhou situated some 320 km downstream of Chongqing on the Chang Jiang has a current population of 280,000, expected to grow rapidly to 900,000 by 2020. Known as the "Gateway to Sichuan", Wanzhou is the second largest port, after Chongqing on the upper Chang Jiang. Dominant industries include food processing and light industry. It is the town the most affected by the Three Gorges Project, with around 2/3 of the existing urban area to be submerged by the backwater from the dam in the long term. The total population served by the current water supply service area is estimated at 265,000, representing a 95% coverage of the population of the urban area. The urban area of Wanzhou is divided into three seperate demand zones served by three separate systems. On the west bank of the Chang Jiang, are found the areas of Longbao and Tian Cheng; on the east bank is found the area of Wu Qiao, location of one of the major Three Gorges Resettlement Areas. The Longbao demand zone has three treatment works with total capacity of 11 0,000m31d (see . The intakes of these three treatment works are currently affected by upstream pollution sources; furthermore these intakes are likely to be flooded as part of TGP; WTP Nr. 2 is old an currently needs replacing. The existing works for both the Tian Cheng and Wu Qiao demand areas are small, 12,000 and 5,000m3/day respectively and are seriously affected by pollution. Both plants will also be flooded by TGP. Water demand in Wanzhou as a whole is predicted to rise from a current 94,000 m3/day to 244,000 m3/day in 2010 and 365,000 m3/day in 2020. Figure 2.4: Location of existing and future WT'W in Wanzhou J..a Cd . IIr%LkaUWC,iy U. JUeJL, .c r\ cn -- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report X x 1 |PRtOPOSED TONGZIYUANG WW |\ O Eidshng [ * Projected wRw n6,~ ~ 7kiometres %C Projected wwTw Proposed Water Supply Component (Y 139.9 million; $16.8 million). The proposed water supply component comprises the following works: * Construction of a new water intake of overall capacity 100,000 m31day upstream of the main urban area of Wanzhou to supply the new WTP; * Construction of a new water treatment works with an initial capacity of 50,000 m3/day supplying both the Longbao and Tian Cheng demand areas; * Construction of a new intake of 1 00,000 m3/day supplying raw water to the existing WTW Nrs. 1 and 3, upstream of the existing intakes; * Reinforcement and replacement of the existing water distribution systems. Total number of PAP for the WAWSP is S1 and affected area is 65.90 mu. i)f lail Id C MLdU1II Yu I )VU,dJ JLIUIlu , IC - - - - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 2.3.3 - CUEP IN NAN BIN Existing Situation. Nanbin is the administrative centre of Shi Zhu county of Chongqing Municipality. It lies on the Long He river about 40 km from the right bank of the Chang Jiang. The current population of 30,000 is projected to rise to 56,500 in 2010 and over 70,000 in 2020. The total population served by the current water supply service area is estimated at 20,000. There is an old existing WTW of capacity 1 0,000 m3/d whose intake is at risk from pollution. Water demand is projected to rise to over 1 5,000 m3/d in 2010 and approximately 30,0000 m3/d by 2020. Figure 2.5: Location of WTW in Nanbin - =^f -*-~~~~~~Proposed Long He-t - *- i - < . . ' ~ ~ = <_ Rivers WTW Proposed Existing Proposed Nanbin Component (Y 36 million; $4.3 million). The proposed works comprise the following: * Construction of a new water intake of capacity 30,000 m3/day upstream of the main urban area of Nanbin to supply the new WTW; * Construction of a new water treatment works with an initial capacity of 1 8,000 m3/day supplying * New transmission lines from the new WTW to the town of Nanbin; * Reinforcement and replacement of the existing water distribution systems. ,)nangnai Academy or sociai )ciences/lUUKLAr1 rac -- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Total number of PAP for NAWSP is 1 53 and affected area covers 28.80 mu. 2.3.4 CUEP IN QIANJIANG Existing Situation. Qianjiang county town is located in the Qianjiang autonomous region, in the south-east of Chongqing Muncipality. It is the economic and administrational centre of the region, with tobacco and tourism as the major industries. The urban population has been growing rapidly over recent years (at greater than 8%); this population growth is projected to continue from the present day value of 78,000 to 56,000 in 201 0 and 73,000 in 2020. There are three existing WTWs serving the project area as follows.(see The Old Area WTW (5000 m3/d), intended to abstract water from the Qian Jiang. However, because of increasing pollution and changing river flow patterns (a minimum flow of 36 I/s, perhaps linked to upstream deforestation), the WTW has been out of operation for five years. Sheng Yang Gong WTW also serving the Old Urban Area, constructed in 1992 with a capacity of 20,000 m3/d. It uses raw water from Xiao Nan Hai reservoir supplied by an aqueduct about 32 km long. Feng Jia Zheng WTW extracts water from the Zhe He. It has a design capacity of 400 m3/d but because of lower water levels at the intake site, its present capacity is-only 1 00 m3/d. The present system suffers from many problems. The aqueduct from Xiao Nan Hai reservoir supplying Sheng Jia Zheng WTW fails each year because of land slips, some serious. The Qian Jiang is polluted and can no longer provide a continuous supply of water to the Old Area WTW. Feng Jia Zheng WTW is small, old and dilapidated; it is on a very restricted site, with no possibility for extensions. Less than 30% of domestic users are satisfied by the water supply service, 1 0% use water cleaner and 40% buy purified water for drinking. Less than 1 0% of domestic users reported interruptions in water supply. Water demand for Qianjiang as a whole is projected to rise to about 74,000 m3/d in 2010 and 126,000 m3/d in 2020. -nangnal Acauemy OT zbociai :ciences,>-,uuKwAr- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Figure 2.6: Location of existing and future WTW in Qianjiang 7-l Existing WTW /V Aqueducts - -+ > . ~~~~~~~~Reservoirs Rivers Proposed Water Supply Component (Y 61.2 million; $7.4 million). The proposed scheme will comprise the following: * Rehabilitation of the existing 32km aqueduct from Xiao Nan Hai reservoir to the Shengjia Zheng WTW; Extension of the Sheng Jia Zheng WTW by 30,000 m3/d; Construction of a new WTW of 30,000 m3/d at Baijawan served by the Dongtang reservoir; * Rehabilitation of the Chengbei canal supplying the Baijawan WTW; * Extension and rehabilitation of the existing distribution network (by the addition of 27.5 km of pipe network). As noted previously, there is no resettlement associated with this component. 2.4 TOTAL NEED FOR LAND ACQUISITION/RESETTLEMENT IN CHONGQING CITY Totally the land required by the CUEP approximates 320 hectares (481 0 mu) of which 96.5% in Chongqing City. The global situation regarding land acquisition and land for resettlement for the CUEP is described in Table 2.1. Mnangnai Acacemy OT zocjal I)Cences/JufKtAr r1 _ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Table 2.1: The land for acquisition and resettlement in CUEP Land for acquisition (mu) Land for acquisition (mu) Total -project areas- -resettlement areas- Total Ac- To be Total Acquired To be quired acquired acquired (mu) Chongqing 3681.6 - 3681 951.8 951.8 4633.4 Wanzhou 65.90 - 65.90 65.90 Fuling 80.1 6 - 80.16 80.16 Nanbin 28.80 - 28.80 - 28.80 Total 3857.4 - 3857.46 951.8 951.8 4808.26 6 I .lHd11yl141 t-LdUt:f1lY Ul ZLstUdi .ttFUlviso " wJ ~ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 3. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS REQUIRING LAND ACQUISITION /RESETTLEMENT AND THE EXTENT OF LAND REQUIRED FOR EACH COMPONENT 3.1 THE CUEP IN CHONGQING The components of the CUEP located in Chongqing and the land to be acquired have been described in Chapter 2 and indicated in Table 3.1. 3.1.1 WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT IN CHONGQING The WWMP in Chongqing concerns five Districts: Nan'an, Jiulongpo, Jiangbei, Shapingba and the central District of Yuzhong located on the peninsula. The two WM`TP of Tangjiatuo and Jiguanshi will be located in rural areas north of the central District. There, the two sub-Districts of Tangjiatuo and Jiguanshi will be affected. The CQWWMP will affect 3263.4 mu of land (nearly 217.6 ha) among which 989.5 mu (nearly-65,97 ha) for the interceptors and collectors, 1082 mu (72.13 ha) for Jiguanshi WWTP and 1191.9 mu (79.46 ha) for Tangjiatuo WWTP. Of this, the cultivated land represents 1311.6 mu (40% of the total land to be acquired), consisting mainly of irrigated land, vegetable land, orchard and dry land. The component itself requires 2581.6 mu of land (nearly 1 72.1 1 ha) whereas 681.8 (45.45ha) are to be acquired as resettlement area (210 mu in Jjiguanshi and 471.8 mu in Tangjiatuo). Details are provided in Table 3.1. Construction of interceptors and collectors will affect Nan'an (298.87 mu), Jiulongpo (66.3 mu), Jiangbei (321.16 mu), Shapingba (139.93 mu) and Yuzhong Districts (163.19 mu). 21 sub-Districts and Townships should be affected, as indicated in Appendix I. All the required land has to be acquired. Most of the land will be permanently acquired and the share of the land to be borrowed is estimated at 327 mu, that is nearly 10% of total land required. This land is mainly located in urban areas affected by the construction of the interceptor/collectors and secondary systems. 3.1.2 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PROJECT IN CHONGQING -nangnai Acacemy or -ociai tciences,zuLuKCAri rayc e Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report The landfill disposal project will affect 1370 mu of land. The landfill project itself will cover * 1 00 mu in four villages (chun) located in Nan'an District: Chayuan (901.9 mu), Huahong (88.1 mu), Liangfeng (11 0 mu). The resettlement areas, totalling 270 mu, will be located in the vicinity: Shatang (85 mu), Xintang (125 mu) and Taohuadian (60 mu) villages. Cf. Appendix I. These villages encompass the villager groups of Xujiawan, Baishulin, Tieluwan, Laochaofang, Shuijingwan, Xinfangzi (Chayuan); Citangpo (Huahong); Qilongwan (Lianfeng); Shita and Zhuangzishang (Shatang); Tangzipo and Dalubian (Xin Tang); Tangjiabazi (Taohuadian). The affected area is located in rural areas and 100% of the land will be permanently acquired. Among the 1370 mu to be acquired, 1150.2 mu represent cultivated land, mainly dry and irrigated land. General description of land requirement is given by Table 3.1 below. Further details are indicated in Annex A. 3.2 THE CUEP IN OTHER AREAS OF CHONGQING MUNICIPALITY 3.2.1 WATER SUPPLY IN FULING The water supply component in Fuling requires 73.66 mu. The project is located at the intersection of the 319 National Highway and of the presently planned Xingfu road. The component will be located on the land of the Tianzidian 7th villager group, Fuling District. The site is close to the toll booth of the bridge crossing the Chang Jiang. The land covers rural area and is mainly occupied by vegetable cultures (cf. appendix 1). It should entirely be acquired. The cultivated land to be acquired (vegetable land) represents 3.67% of the total cultivated land of the affected villager group. 3.2.2 WASTE WATER IN FULING The waste water component in Fuling will require 7.5 mu of land located in the Zhi Cheng district bordering the left bank of the Wu Jiang. The site is currently occupied by medium rise housing with a fairly dense urban population. 3.2.3 WATER SUPPLY IN WANZHOU The water supply project is located in a rural area, in Wanzhou District, where the 4th villager group of the Tongyuan Village (Longbao Township) is set. It requires 65.90 mu of land, of which the share of cultivated land (irrigated and dry lands) 3nangnai Acaaemy or )ociai )cjences/ r~r1 -=- -- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report -represents 8.70% of the total existing cultivated land of the villager group (cf. appendix.l). Most of the land is composed of irrigated land and, to a lesser extent, dry land. 3.2.4 WATER SUPPLY IN NAN BIN The component requires 28.80 mu, entirely to be acquired for the project. It is located on a rural area occupied by the 7th villager group of the Shuangqing Township, situated in the suburb of the Nan Bin village, Shi Zhu District. Most of the affected land is composed of irrigated land. Cultivated land to be acquired represents 2.54% of the existing cultivated land available to the villager group (1,01 8 mu). ,ndngnai Acaaemy or bOLdlI Jefi(.et1 .A n _ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Table 3.1: The Required Land (in mu =1/1 5 ha) for the Components Component and Component- Land to Compo- Land Land for Total affected area possessed be nent wise requested by resettlement (mu) land acquired required the project land CQWWMP 3263.4 3263.4 2581.6 681.8 3263.4 Nan'an District _ 1082 1082 872.0 210 1082 Jiangbei District _ 1191.9 1191.9 720.1 471.8 1191.9 Urban Districts: Jiulongpo, Nan'an, _ 989.5 989.5 989.5 989.5 Yuzhong, Shapingba, Jiangbei CQMSWP - 1370 1370 1100 270 1370 Chayuan Village - 901.9 901.9 901.9 - 901.9 Huahong Village - 88.1 88.1 88.1 - 88.1 Liangfeng Vill. - 110 110 110 _ 110 Shatang Vill. 85 85 85 Xin Tang Vill. 125 125 125 Taohuadian Viil. 60 60 - 60 60 FUWSP 73.66 73.66 73.66 - 73.66 Tianzidian vill., _ 73.66 73.66 73.66 _ 73.66 Fuling District FUWWP 7.5 7.5 7.5 - 7.5 Zhi Cheng _ 7.5 7.5 7.5 - 7.5 District WAWSP _ 65.9 65.9 65.9 - 65.9 Tongyuan vill. 65.9 65.9 65.9 - 65.9 Wanzhou District NAWSP 28.80 28.80 28.80 - 28.80 Hongchun vill., Nan Bin Township, 5hizu _ 28.80 28.80 28.80 _ 28.80 District DIdrIgfidi MLdUtfrly Ug >ULIds ..I 1eLIL J U.. n r fr r Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report GRANDTOTAL - 4809.26| 4809.261 3857.461 951.8| 4809.261 4. OBJECTIVES OF THE RESET7LEMENT PROGRAMME The main objective of the resettlement program is to ensure that the production -levels, income-earning capacity, and living standards of the project-affected persons (PAPs) can be improved, or at least restored to the level prior to that before implementation of the RAP. A series of measures will be taken to safeguard the entitlements of the affected people. They can be listed as follows: * To ensure that all people affected by a component receive compensation at replacement cost for their total loss due to the project, and are well resettled and rehabilitated so that they can share the benefits of this component; * Special care will be taken for the vulnerable groups (i.e. poor households, households with disabled members, households headed by a women, elderly people-living alone, and people belonging to ethnic minorities): assistance in building and moving into resettlement areas and new houses, allocation of specific compensations. * To provide adequate compensation to the collective for the cultivated land acquisition. The compensation will mainly be used to increase the productive capacity of the collective; * To help affected people whose houses are relocated to select their new sites and build their new houses, and to allow them to harmonise with their new environment as smoothly as possible; • The implementation of both land acquisition and resettlement will be monitored and evaluated (M&E) by an independent monitoring institute. The representatives of the PAPs will participate in the organisation of the resettlement and the responsible institution will define appropriate procedures and provide to the PAPs suitable means to redress any grievances. fladrlyrlu I A(Id : MtUf(:iy u1 ;UuICd w erIt;: C Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 5. MINIMISATION OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT 5.1 GENERAL AND COMMON PRINCIPLES Owing to the co-ordinating role played by organisations such as PMO Chongqing and PMO in Fuling and Wanzhou, CRBCC (in Chongqing) assisted by consultants (such as SOGREAH, SMEDI or SASS) during preparation and design phases for all components of CUEP, the minimisation of land and resettlement obeyed to identical principles in the different components of the CUEP. Designs of components have been made according to principles of saving land, minimisation of cultivated land, avoiding high-yield cultivated lands and minimisation of relocation of people. To this respect, opinions from local governments and surveys among affected residents enabled to consider several options for components' location by repeating comparisons. As soon as each project will start the implementation will be carried out in accordance with the RAP to minimise impacts. Measures will be taken to rehabilitate or reconstruct affected residences and/or infrastructures as soon as possible. Even after the start of construction works related to each component, further efforts such as implementation of innovative construction techniques, or seek for efficiency of construction management will be provided aiming to mitigate negative impacts on affected areas and to limit damages due to each component (such as traffic, noise...) to PAPs' work and life. Such environmental impacts and the proposed mitigation measures are covered in the Environmental Assessment for CUEP. 5.2 MINIMISATION OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT IN THE COMPONENT'S AREAS In Chongqing (WWMP), efforts have been made to find the most convenient places minimising displacement of people and land to be acquired. In particular project owners have taken into account the future development of Chongqing urban area, especially urbanisation of affected districts: this development and the necessity to avoid affecting land which will be soon necessary to the economic and social development of Chongqing's population, has lead to locating the WWTW sites downstream of Chongqing. As regards the two WWTPs, the surface of iand required has changed little since the estimation made in late 1998 (cf. RAP draft report, November 1998): from 2258 mu it is presently estimated at 2274 mu. However the number of PAPs remain the same. As noted above the interceptors/collectors and secondary network systems represent the most important issue faced by Chongqing Municipality as regards resettlement. The present estimated number of PAPs (1 4255 people) represents a maximum figure. Engineering design works related to the four concerned routes n;InynfidJ Mcduteffly ui -WUdOl ILSE .)EJ%oRLn f -Y -' Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report are still to be finalised and approved by the Planning authorities of CMG to enable a definitive evaluation of the number of PAPs. it is expected that the number of PAPs will be lowered. For example, recent investigations suggested that nearly one thousand people could be removed from the PAPs (bypass of an harbour area). It should be noticed that minimisation efforts have resulted in the minimisation of the number of units affected (41) in Chonqging area, thus preserving the productive capacity of the affected Districts and employment. In Chongqing (MSW), the land required by the component is estimated at 1 370 mu in July 1 999. Compared with the figure resulting from the last design for the landfill (1 770 mu, as indicated in the Draft RAP report, November 1 998) this represents a noticeable decrease (more than 29%o), even if partially due to financial considerations. No units and enterprises are affected by the project, and the number of PAPs has been decreased from 967 (November 1 998) to 853 July 1 999). Agencies responsible for the project's location have also been keen to take the opportunities provided by the general development of Nan'an District to facilitate the relocation of the 247 affected households in areas benefiting of infrastructures (Shatang, Xin Tang and Taohuadian). In Fuling (WSP), the land required by the project is 73.66 mu, that is only 3.67% of the total cultivated land of the affected village of Tianzidian. Only 1 00 of the 225 affected people will need resettlement. No units or enterprises, no utilities or social infrastructures are to be affected by the component. In Fuling (WWMP), the land required is estimated at 7.5 mu, with approximately 260 PAPs and 73 affected units. However, at this stage the number of PAPs and affected units accredited directly to this project should be considered as a maximum; it would seem that this resettlement is linked primarily to the embankment project and therefore to be funded from the RAP for TGP. In Wanzhou (WSP), the land required by the project is 65.90 mu. Only 81 affected people are numbered. The retained option limits the surface of cultivated land required and does not affect units, social or utilities infrastructures. This results in the possibility to apply a land for land principle based on re-adjustment. In Nan Bin (WSP), successful efforts have been made to minimise the land acquisition. representing only 2.54% of the total cultivated land of the affected village (Hong chun, written Hongchun in'this report). The entire land required by the project is moderate, only 28.80 mu. Among other consequences (no houses nor units affected), this will enable an easy re-adjustment among residents of Hongchun. 'nangnal ACaoemy or Zocial sciences/UUKtArl ra1:: - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 6. CENSUS SURVEY OF AFFECTED PEOPLE AND ASSETS 6.1 CHONGQING 6.1.1 METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK In order to evaluate precisely and entirely the impacts of land acquisition and resettlement of the two components of CUEP in Chongqing, the PMO Chongqing made arrangements for census of affected people and assets. As described in Chapter 10 (Implementation Arrangements and Schedule), the census and the socio-economic survey will be pursued in the next weeks. The preparation for the census was done meticulously: working out of investigating plans, design of all survey tables, training of investigators, contacts taken in advance with the governments and the relevant agencies in affected areas, conducting trial surveys on site to test survey tables and to show to investigators how to use them. The investigating team comprises the relevant personnel from the CRBCC, the Land Administration, the Planning Administration, the Public Security, the Civil Affairs Department, the Food and Statistics Department of affected Districts, Township Governments and affected Villager Administrative Committees. The fact that the same organisation, the CRBCC - assisted by consultants for methodological-aspects, the Chongqing University (1st phase) and the SASS - co- ordinated the census and socio-economic surveys for the two components, allowed a higher efficiency and better synergy in the preparation and realisation of the work. Many meetings were organised by local authorities and the CRBCC in 1 998 to describe the RAP and more specifically to train the responsible teams for census and socio-economic surveys; 21 preparing sessions dealt with the CQWWMP from March to July 1998 and 13 with the CQMSWP from July to September 1998. Training sessions were also set by SASS at the beginning of 1 999 and in Summer 1 999 to improve the quality of the census. The realisation of census has been based on the principle of door to door survey. The socio-economic survey has been based on data gathered by statistic agencies (in particular the Statistical Bureau of Chongqing) and validated by surveys among she and production groups on affected sites. The uncertainty affecting the design of some sub-components (in particular the routes for the collectors/interceptors) justifies the need for further investigations to be conducted. According to the outline proposed by the World Bank, results of census and socio-surveys related to each of the six components of the CUEP are recorded .311aily(ictl -kLduetf 1Y bUl - idl O> Jla:MiWurnI - I Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report into a series of tables which have been inserted into appendices and are also available in Volumes II to VI of the RAP. 6.1.2 THE IMPACT DIMENSION OF THE CUEP Table 6.1: Overview of the impact dimension of the CLIEP no Affected areas unit CQWWM CQMSW FUWSP FUWWP WAWSP NAWSP Total A 8 cB D E F C H 1 cultivated land acquisition mu 1,311.6 1,150.2 54.85 0.0 53.18 25.89 2,595.72 2 non-cultivated land mu 1,951.8 219.8 18.81 7.5 12.72 2.91 2,213.54 acauisition . 3 total land acquisition mu 3263.5 1,370 73.66 .7.5 65.90 28.80 4,809.36 total affected buildings sq.m 271,98 19,408 2,566.6 39,174 2,909.8 0 336,044. 5 total affected households no. 3,329 283 51 257 22 36 3,978 6 total PAPs person 14,255 853 225 1696 81 1S3 17,263 7 affected households of no. . 274 46 6 19 0 36 381 _ . vi,lnprn hle orormnu _ . 8 PAPs of vulrierable groups person 456 75 8 67 0 153 759 The CUEP should totally affect 17,263 people and 4,809 mu of land. Table 6.1 shows that most of impacts of the CUEP with regard to the RAP are caused by components projected in Chongqing area. In particular the urban dimension of the CQWWMP accounts for the relative importance of non cultivated land required. The numbers of Districts, Townships and Villages have been mentioned in chapter 3. Names of all areas affected by each component are available in Annex A or in volume 11 to VI of the RAP. 6.1.3 THE LAND ACQUISITION Land acquisition for the whole CUEP represents a total of 4,809 mu. Among them the share of cultivated land against total land required represent for the different components 40.2% (CQWWMP), 19.1% (CQMSWP), 74.5% (FUWSP), 0% (FUWWP), 80.6% (WAWSP), 77.4% (NAWSP). As regards cultivated land, the main categories of land affected are the followings - CQWWMP: Irrigated land (392.9 mu), vegetable land (287.5 mu) orchard (235 mu) and dry land (229 mu) against 1 311.6 mu of cultivated land affected. - CQMSWP: irrigated land, (493.2 mu) and dry land (402 mu) againstl 150.2 mu of cultivated land affected. 'oldfs9fadi HiLdGe:ily Ut --UXial te^t>ov rCn|- - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report - FUWSP: Vegetable land (54.85 mu) against 54.85 mu of cultivated land affected. - FUWWP: all urban land - WAWSP: Irrigated land (36.01 mu) against 53.1 8 mu of cultivated land affected. - NAWSP: irrigated land (22.30 mu) against 25.89 of cultivated land affected. Details about categories of land affected by each component are available in Annex A or in volume 11 to VI of the RAP 6.1.4 THE AFFECTED HOUSES CUEP will affect 336,000 sq.m. of houses settling presently 1 7,263 persons and 3,978 households. Investigations reveals that most of these houses are timber tile and brick concretein Chongqing. A component by component approach shows that the main types of affected houses are as follows: - CQWWMP: brick concrete (1 56,464 sq.m) and timber tile (37,930 sq.m) houses, against a total floor space of 211,363 sq.m, particularly due to the urban dimension of the component's impacts. - CQMSWP: brick timber (9594 sq.m) and timber tile (7942 sq.m.) houses against a total floor space of 1 9,408 sq.m - FUWSP: timber tile (1 245.3 sq.m) and brick timber (877.3 sq.m) houses against a total floor space of 2566.6 sq.m. - FUWWP: brick concrete (11,376 sq. m) and brick timber (1,244 sq. m) houses against a total floor space of 13472 sq.m, - WAWSP: timber tile (1086.6 sq.m) and brick timber (888.8) houses against a total floor space of 2909 sq.m. - NAWSP: no houses are affected by the component. Details about categories of houses affected by each component (including plots areas and enclosing walls) are available in Annex A or in volume 11 to VI of the RAP. 6.1 5 AFFECTED UNITS AND ENTERPRISES Two components affect work units and enterprises: _) , 0a 1~ ,i IGCLI '-%o v s a Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report - As no cultivated land is affected, FUWWP will affect little in the way of trees, etc. The major impact is to sunning ground (1,936 sq. m), stone banks (4,048 m3) and wires (2,400m). - As it is located in the rural area, the WAWSP will essentially affect trees (in particular 8,253 miscellaneous tree seedling and 9,206 miscellaneous trees), and sunning ground (688.6 sq.m). 22 tombs only and 1,400 m of wires will also be affected. - Due to the limited surface of land required the NAWSP will affect very few infrastructures (only 60 m of wire) and few other assets (some tenths of trees and tree seedlings). There are no social infrastructures (schools, hospitals and dispensaries, kindergarten, sport fields...) affected by the components of the CUEP. Details about infrastructures and other assets affected are available in Annex A, table 1.4. and in Chapter 6 of Volumes tl to VI. 6.1 .8 THE PROJECT AFFECTED PERSONS The CUEP will totally affect 1 7,263 people. Among them, 3966 will be affected due to impacts of CQWWMP on units and enterprises. Total number of people affected by house relocation will reach 11,985 for the whole CUEP. - CQWWMP: 10,289 people (3329 households) will be affected by house relocation, mainly due to the interceptors/collectors and secondary pipes systems, whereas no people will be affected only by the acquisition of land. - CQMSWP: 747 people (243 households) will be affected by house relocation (in particular in Chayuan village), whereas 106 people will be affected only by the acquisition of land in resettlement areas of Shatang, Xintang and Taohuadian. - FUWSP:. In Tianzidian village, 1 00 people (21 households) will be affected by house relocation, whereas 125 people (30 households) will be affected by the acquisition of land. - FUWWP: In Zhi Cheng district, 768 people (257 households) will be affected by house relocation, whereas 928 people (268 households) will be affected by the acquisition of land. - WAWSP: In Tongyuan village, 81 people (22 households) will be affected by house relocation, whereas no people will be affected by the acquisition of land. - NAWSP: In Hongchun, no people will be affected by house relocation, whereas 1 53 people (36 households) will be affected by the acquisition of land. -ndfn9lndi MAcauemy oi )ouId, wIeII1a' ,rr --, Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Pian Summary Report Details about project affected persons and for each component are in Annex A and in chapters 6 of Volumes II to VI. 6.1.9 THE AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUPS Excluding overlapping effects, a total of 759 people belonging to vulnerable groups have been recorded as affected by the CUEP. A major category are the poor people, defined as those whose monthly income per capita is below Rmbl 00 in Chongqing and below Rmb95 in Fuling, Rmb90 in Wanzhou, Rmb80 in Nan Bin (categ. A). Other categories are households comprising disabled or handicapped members (categ. B), households headed by women (categ.C), isolated elderly people (categ. D), and households belonging to any of the 55 minorities of the PRC (categ. E). - CQWWMP. Total number of people belonging to vulnerable groups is 456 (274 households). Most of them belong to categories C (201 people and 107 households) and D (1 78 people and 1 25 households). 23 people belong to ethnic minorities (6 households). - CQMSWP. Total number of people belonging to vulnerable groups is 68 (43 households). Most of them belong to categories B (1 8 people and 8 households) and C (57 people and 38 households). No people belong to ethnic minorities. - FUWSP. Total number of people belonging to vulnerable groups is 8 (6 households). Most of them belong to categories B and (6 people and 5 households) and E (2 people and 2 households). Thus, 2 people belong to ethnic minorities. - FUWWP: Total number of people belonging to vulnerable groups is 42 (19 households). Most of them belong to categories A (23 people and 4 households) and B (1 2 people and 1 1 households). No people belong to ethnic minorities - WAWSP There are no vulnerable groups affected by the component. - NAWSP Total number of people belonging to vulnerable groups is 153 (36 households), that is 1 00% of the people-affected by the component. All of them belong to the category E (these people belong to the Tu ethnic minority). Details about vulnerable groups and for each component are available in Annex A and in chapters 6 of Volumes II to VI. 6.1.10 THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEYS .>4dl kis l tAa U tcl:lly Qi JW>Jal ;1l>z > v , Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report The results of the surveys carried out in the different areas affected are detailed in tables inserted in Annex A and commented in the Volumes Jl to VI. These areas are: - QCWWMP: Districts of Nan'an, Yuzhong, Jiulongpo, Jiangbei, Shapingba. - CQMSWP: Nan'an District - FUWSP and FUWWP: Fuling District - WAWSP: Wanzhou District - NAWSP: Shi Zhu District The following table gives an overview of the situation in the six groups of areas concerned by the components. In the case of CQWWMP, average figures for the six districts have been calculated where appropriate (lines 6, 7 and 8). 3f,drlIylil ^ALdUClIy UW )U4..di oLe. wIon ._ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Table 6.2: The Main Socio-economic Indicators of the Affected s of the CUEP No Item Unit | CQWWMP CQMSWP FUWSP FUWWMP WAWSP NAWSP A B C D E F G H 1 total population person 2,800,600 440,600 1,087,000 same as 1,642,500 490,000 FUWSP 2 non- person 2,047,900 288,500 229,800 same as 330,000 54,300 agric. FUWSP popul. 3 Agric person 752,700 152,100 857,200 same as 1,31 2,500 435,700 Popul FUWSP 4 total area 1340.9 279 2,946 same as 3,457 3,013 FUWSP 5 Cultivate same as d land FLWSP area mu 586,065 104,145 1,019,265 1,015,965 458,805 6 average cultivated mu/ same as lancl per FUWSP agricultur al person person 0,64 0.68 1.19 0.77 1.05 7 local revenue RMB 206,758,00 130,150,00 137,460,00 same as 181,220,00 49,620,000 0 0 0 FUWSP 0 8 per capita yearly same as incomme of the FUWSP agriohltural RMB 2853,8 2,418 1,519 1,505 1.166 households Figures related to the six districts of Chongqing affected by the CQWWMP are averages when appropriate (items 6, 7 and 8 in Table 6.2.). This general overview illustrates economic disparities existing between the different areas of the CM, Chongqing and its urban districts (such a Yuzhong or Jiangbei) being to this respect the most advantaged areas. It explains also differences between compensation rates (cf. next chapter).The socio-economic survey will be continued during the resettlement implementation phase and reported by the external monitoring and evaluation agency. -)ii,fi91dJ MLdUCtJ1Y Ul -3ULial)U&x) V@ \ -i Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 7. LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND RESETTLEMENT ENTITLEMENT POLICY The Objective of the resettlement programme is to improve or at least restore the income levels and standards of living of the affected persons. 7.1 BRIEF ACCOUNT The RAP of each component is prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations listed below and the World Bank O.D 4.30 on Involuntary Resettlement (June 1 990). The resettlement implementation of the Project will be based on the specific provisions of the RAP agreed between the World Bank and the Borrower (the Project Owner). Policies on [and acquisition and resettlement are formulated at three levels of Government in China: - The Central Government has established the basic policy framework through the promulgation of national regulations and implementation guidelines; - Provincial Governments have issued either general or project-specific regulations on implementation of national regulations; - Prefectures,- Municipalities and Counties have issued regulations applying to specific projects. 72 THE NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS The following laws and regulations define the key policies on land acquisition and resettlement: 1. The Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China (passed by the 1 6th session of the 6th National Congress in June 1 986, revised first by the 5th session of the 7th National Congress in December 1988, revised second by the 4th session of the 9th National Congress in August 1998 and coming into force from January 1, 1999), Implementation.Regulations of Land law (coming into force from February 1, 1 991). 2. The State Forestry Law (coming into force from January 11, 1 985) and its implementation regulations (coming into force from May 10, 1 986). 3. The Provisional Regulation.s of the State Cultivated Land Occupation Tax (coming into force from April 1, 1 987). .),c1itaf l ;r a H tLF llq Ul .3u.-al JI IC, v r -:s- - .- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 4. The Law of City Planning of the People's Republic of China (passed by the 1 1 th session of the 7th National Congress in December 1 989, and coming into force from April 1, 1 990) 5. The Regulations on Management of Demolishing Urban Houses of the People's Republic of China (passed by the 76th routine session of the State Council in January 1991, and coming into force from June 1, 1 991) As regards the Law of Land Administration quoted above, the most important points are the followings: 7.2.1 OWNERSHIP AND RIGHT OF USE OF LAND Article 10: Land collectively owned by peasants shall be operated and managed by the rural collective economic organisations. Article 11: People's Government at the County level shall register and put on record lands collectively owned by peasants and issue certificates to certify the ownership concerned. People's Government at the County level shall register and put on record the use of land collectively owned by peasants for non-agricultural construction and issue certificates to certify the right to use the land for construction purposes. People's Government at the County level shall register and put on record uses of land owned by the State by units or individuals and issue certificates to certify the right of use. Article 12 Changes in tenures and uses of land, should go through the land alteration registration procedures. 7.2.2 LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Article 45: The acquisition of the following categories of land shall be approved by the State Council: - 1. Basic farmland; - 2. Land exceeding 35 hectares (525 mu) outside the basic farmiand; - 3. Other land exceeding 70 hectares (1050 mu). Acquisition of other types of land than those described in the preceding paragraph shall be approved by the People's Governments of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities and submitted to the State Council for recording. Article 47: In acquisition of land, compensation should be paid according to the original purposes of the land acquired. l)aIarlyfldl ACduemy Uo >ULUdl rerILes, -Un Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Compensation fees for land acquired include land compensation, resettlement subsidy and compensation for attachments to or standing crops on the land. The compensation fee for cultivated land should be 6 tol 0 times the average annual production value per mu during the three years prior to acquisition. Based on the number of agriculture population to be resettled, the regulations stipulate payment of a resettlement grant. The amount of the resettlement grant is to be determined on a per capita basis and should be 4 to 6 times the average output value per mu during three years prior to the land acquisition. The amount of the grant, however, should not exceed 1 5 times the average value of the production. In reference to the land compensation and resettlement subsidy for cultivated land acquired, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should establish compensation rates for other types of land. Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities should determine compensation rates for attachments and standing crops. In acquisition of vegetable fields in suburban areas, units using the land should pay new vegetable field development and construction fees. Should the resettlement grant be proved inadequate to maintain the previous living standards of the affected people, People's Governments of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities can increase the amount of the resettlement grant. However, the combined amount of the compensation for land and resettlement grant should not exceed 30 times the average annual production value per mu during the previous three years. Article 49: Rural collective economic organisations shall make public to their members receipts and expenditures regarding land compensation fees for land acquired and shali accept their supervision. It is forbidden to embezzle or divert land compensations and other related expenses. Article 50: Local People's Governments at all levels shall support rural collective economic organisations and the peasants in their efforts toward development and improvement of management of production or in starting up enterprises. 7.3 THE REGULATIONS OF THE CHONGQING MUNICIPALITY Most regulations are common to all components of CUEP, apart from those specifically related to urban areas in Chongqing and to Fuling and Wanzhou areas. 1. The Sichuan Province Implementation Regulations of the State Land Law (passed by the 26th session of the 6th Sichuan Province's Congress on July 2, 1 987, revised first by the 1 2th session of the 7th Sichuan Province's Congress on November 15, 1989, and revised by the 1 5th session of the 8th Sichuan Province's Congress on June 20, 1995). JiJ3111119fO ALdC ily I U '=%.Id U v -. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 2. Chongqing Management Methods of Land for Construction Purposes (passed by the 87th routine session of the Chongqing Government in August 1 991, and coming into force from September 1, 1 991). 3. Chongqing Declaration, Examination and Approval Procedures of Land for Construction Purposes (coming into force from November 23, 1 988). 4. The Chongqing Urban Planning Management Regulations (passed by the 6th session of the 1 1 th Chongqing City's Congress in March 1 989, approved by the 9th session of the 7th Sichuan Province's Congress in May 1 989, and coming into force from May 2 5, 1 989). 5. The Chongqing Management Regulations on Demolishing Urban Houses (passed by the 27th session of the 11th Chongqing City's Congress in August 1 992, approved by the 31st session of the 7th Sichuan Province's Congress in September 1 992, and coming into force from November 3, 1 992). 6. The Chongqing Fee Standards of Demolishing Urban Houses (passed by the 1 6th Chongqing City's session in April 1 995, and coming into force from July 1, 1 995). 7. The Chongqing Regulations on the Compensation and Resettlement for Land Acquisition (passed by the 29th Chongqing Government routine session in October 1 994, and coming into force from December 1, 1 994). 8. The Chongqing Regulations on the Housing Resettlement for non-agricultural people changed from agricultural people due to land acquisition (coming into force from July 1 5, 1 995). 9. The Notice of Chongqing Calculating Standards of resettlement fees for non- agricultural people changed from agricultural people due to land acquisition (coming into force from July 1 5, 1 995). 1 0. The Chongqing Regulations on the Compensation for the Standing Crops and Attachments due to Land Acquisition (coming into force from September 15, 1995). 11. (Fuling area). The Fuling Civil Planning District Regulations on the Compensation and Resettlement for Land Acquisition (passed by the 16th Fuling government routine session in August 1997, and coming into force from September 1 997). 12. (Wanzhou area). The Wanzhou City Unified Regulations on the Land Acquisition (coming into force from March 1 9, 1 996). )IldrlyllaJ 0ALd0eM1y 01 )ULUdi Le^ ( r\r,-un * Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 7.4 THE RESETTLEMENT ENTITLEMENT POLICY Entitlement policies related to each component composing the CUEP will be submitted to the same four basic principles. Entitlement matrix for all components are inserted in appendix 11. 1. All affected assets will be compensated at their full replacement cost without any deduction for depreciation; 2. Compensation payments will be made before the acquisition of land and assets; 3. Compensation rates were negotiated with the governments of the affected areas and the representatives of the PAPs; 4. All affected persons who loose assets occupied by them before the project cut-off date will be assisted in their efforts to restore their standards of living without discrimination on the basis of their tenure status. 7.5 THE COMPENSATION RATES They are defined according to the relevant laws and regulations, with reference to the actual conditions of the Project, and through a process of negotiation between local governments and representatives of PAPs. These negotiations were organised: - from October to December 1998, in Chongqing City (WWMP and LDP) - from 09/98 to 01 /99 in Fuling, Wanzhou, and Nan Bin. Compensation rates per component are listed in tables of appendix II. Compensation rates to be paid for affected land, structures land other assets will not be inferior to rates described in the tables listed in appendix 11. They will be adjusted by the actual inflation rate: - from December 1 998 to the rime when the compensation is actually paid in Chongqing city (WWMP and LDP) - from January 1 998 to the time when the compensation is actually paid in Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin. bnanqnal Acaaemy or -ociai bciences, UuKc-n . - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 8. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 8.1 GENERAL FRAMEWORK Several- institutions have been set up to achieve the resettlement programme. All resettlement arrangements were made in Chongqing, Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin between July 1 998 and April 1 999 (cf. chapter 1 0 and appendix V). At the general level of the whole CUEP, a Resettlement Leading Group and one Resettlement Office (hereinafter called PRO or Project Resettlement Office) have been set up. At the specific level of each component, the following organisations have been set up: - One Resettlement Leading Group and one Resettlement Office at the component level. - One Resettlement Company for each component in Chongqing (CQWWMP and CQMSWP). - For each component, Resettlement Offices at the i) Districts (Qiaonan Economic and Technology Development Area in Fuling)) and ii) Townships levels. Other organisations belonging to municipal and local administrations as well as enterprises and consulting bodies are concerned with land acquisition/resettlement preparation and implementation. They participated in the resettlement plan, will be involved in its implementation phases and are therefore represented in organisations described hereinafter. They are listed in appendix ll. 8.2 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT AT THE GENERAL LEVEL OF CUEP 8.2.1 RESETTLEMENT LEADING GROUP OF THE CUEP The Resettlement Leading Group of the CUEP is composed of the relevant leaders from the Chongqing Planning Committee, the Chongqing Construction Committee, the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau, the Chongqing Planning Bureau, the Chongqing House and Land Administration Bureau, the Chongqing Municipal Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Utilisation (PMO), the Chongqing/Fuling World Bank Loan Project Management Office, the J11 a.1I4l %LdaUtiily U. .)ULidl I ..IV t:)s.' rL, - f Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Chongqing/Wanzhou World Bank Loan Project Management Office, the Chongqing/Qianjiang World Bank Loan Project Management Office. A leader of the Chongqing Construction Committee is the head of the Resettlement Leading Group for CUEP. The functions of the Resettlement Leading Group of the CUEP are: A. To take important political decisions regarding land acquisition and resettlement preparation, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation related to the CUEP in accordance with World Bank's requirements on resettlement; B. i) To play a co-ordinating role for agencies concerned with land acquisition and resettlement preparation, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation for CUEP and ii) to guide their work; C. To review and to discuss internal monitoring reports submitted by the PRO; D. To review and to discuss independent reports submitted by concerned implementation agencies and relevant departments 8.2.2 THE RESEtTLEMENT OFFICE OF THE CUEP (PRO) The PRO is composed of the specialised staff in charge of the land acquisition and resettlem-ent from the Chongqing Planning Committee, the Chongqing Construction Committee, the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau, the Chongqing Planning Bureau, the Chongqing House and Land Administration Bureau, the Chongqing Municipal Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Utilisation (PMO), the Chongqing Drainage Co., Ltd., the Chongqing Solid Waste Treatment Co., Ltd., the Chongqing Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., the Chongqing/Fuling World Bank Loan Project Management Office, the Chongqing/Wanzhou World Bank Loan Project Management Office, the Chongqing/Qianjiang World Bank Loan Project Management Office. A leader of the Chongqing Municipal Management Office of the World Bank's Capital Utilisation (PMO) is the head of the PRO. The functions of the PRO are: A. To organise i) the census and socio-economic surveys related to the affected people and assets and ii) the preparation of the RAP of the CUEP following World Bank's requirements on resettlement; B. To train the staff of the resettlement offices of the different components; C. To organise the implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement in accordance with the RAP approved by the World Bank; D{dIgildfIIl 0kiCCd fliy C}l )OWL.dl L UlC / Q^-- - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report D. To undertake internal monitoring works regarding the implementation of the resettlement caused by the CUEP; E. To suggest solutions aiming to solve problems identified by internal monitoring during the implementation of the RAP; F. To regularly report to the Resettlement Leading Group of the CUEP concerning advancement of the work, problems raised and remedial measures to be considered. -[idr,in(ai H-caUemy or UOLial IL"rtj< ur-c*n Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 8.3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT AT COMPONENTS' LEVEL Nota: Details regarding institutional arrangement related to each component can be found in volumes i to VI. The terms of 'Chongqing Municipal Drainage Management Component' and 'Chongqing Municipal Solid Waste Management Component' are sometimes used in chapter 8 of volumes if and III as equivalent of, respectively, CQWWMP and CQMSWP. 8.3.1 WASTE WATER AND SOLID WASTE COMPONENTS IN CHONGQING CITY 8.3.1 .1 LEADING GROUPS In Chongqing, a Resettlement Leading Group has been set up for each of the two components: - The Resettlement Leading Group of the CQWWMP is composed of the relevant leaders from the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau, the Nan'an District Government, the Chongqing Drainage Co., Ltd., the Chongqing Road & Bridge Co. A leader of the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau is the head of the Component Resettlement Leading Group. - The Resettlement Leading Group of the CQMSWP is composed of the relevant leaders from the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau, the Nan'an District Government, the Chongqing Solid Waste Management Co., Ltd., the Chongqing Road & Bridge Co. A leader of the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau is the head of the Component Resettlement Leading Group. Responsibilities of the two Leading Groups are identical: A. To take important policy decisions regarding land acquisition and resettlement preparation, planning, implementation, and monitoring/evaluation for the component in accordance with World Bank's requirements on resettlement; B. i) To play a co-ordinating role for agencies concerned by the land acquisition and resettlement preparation, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation for the component and ii) to guide their work; C. To review and to discuss internal monitoring reports submitted by their respective PRO. D. To review and to discuss independent reports submitted by concerned implementation agencies and relevant departments. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 8.3.1 .2 RESETTLEMENT OFFICES In Chongqing a Resettlement Office has been set for each component. The Resettlement Office of the CQWWMP is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau, the House & Land Administration Department, and the Township government/Sub-District offices - of the Jiangbei District, Shapingba District, Yuzhong District, Jiulongpo District and Nan'an District Government - the Chongqing Drainage Co., Ltd., the Chongqing Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd. Leaders of the Chongqing Road & Bridge Co., Ltd., and the affected areas head the Resettlement Office of the CQWWMP. The Resettlement Office of the CQMSWP is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Chongqing Municipal Management Bureau, the House & Land Administration Department, and the Townships Government/Sub-District offices of the Nan'an District Government, the Chongqing Solid Waste Management Co., Ltd., the Chongqing Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd.. Leaders of the Chongqing Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., and the affected areas head the Resettlement Office of the CQMSWP. Responsibilities of the two Resettlement Offices are identical: - To organise i) the census and the socio-economic survey of affected people and assets and ii) to prepare the RAP of each component following World Bank's requirements on resettlement; - To train the staff of the subordinated resettlement offices; - To organise the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement related to concerned component in accordance with the RAP approved by the World Bank; - To undertake internal monitoring activities on resettlement implementation. - To suggest solutions for solving problems identified by internal monitoring agencies and during the implementation- of the RAP; - To regularly report to each component's Resettlement Leading Group concerning the advancement of the work, problems faced and remedial measures to be considered. RESETTLEMENT COMPANIES -ldflnydl caCuenly Qi D OIdi l,tLJtW i4fl I -, Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report One resettlement company has been set up for each component of the CUEP in Chongqing. The Resettlement Company of the CQWWMP is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Chongqing Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., from the Office, the Operation & Planning Dept., the Engineering Dept., the Resettlement Dept., and the Finance Dept. A leader of the Chongqing Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., heads the Resettlement Company of the CQWWMP. The Resettlement Company of the CQMSWP is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Chongqing Road & Bridge Co., Ltd., from the Office, the Operation & Planning Dept., the Engineering Dept., Resettlement Dept., and the Finance Dept. A leader of the Chongqing Road & Bridge Co., Ltd., heads the Resettlement Company of CQMSWP. Responsibilities of the two Resettlement Companies are identical: - To conduct the census and the socio-economic survey of the affected people and assets and the preparation of the RAP regarding each component in Chongqing city following World Bank's requirements on resettlement; - To train the staff of every department concerned; - To conduct the implementation regarding land acquisition and resettlement in accordance with the RAP approved by the World Bank; - To sign the resettlement contracts with Districts' resettlement offices and other agencies concerned; - To pay funds for the land acquisition and resettlement on time; - To regularly report to the Resettlement Leading Group of the concerned component about work progress, problems faced and remedial measures. DISTRICTS AND TOWNSHIPS LEVELS Land acquisition and resettlement led by two components in Chongqing city imply the decisive involvement of 5 Districts and 24 Townships/Sub-Districts. A resettlement office has been set within each of these governmental bodies. Each resettlement office is composed of specialised personnel in charge of land acquisition and resettlement belonging to the concerned District/Township/sub- District Government: i) As regards Districts from the government and its Departments of Construction, Planning and House & Land Administration in affected areas ii) As regards Townships and Sub-Districts from the Township Government/Sub-District office and Land Administration Department. zfldngnc9i *ecaaemy or I _t- -- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report District Resettlement Offices: - Co-operate- with the relevant agencies in conducting the census and surveys; - Train the staff of the subsidiary resettlement office (townships/sub-Districts); - Implement the RAP; - Receive resettlement funds from the Resettlement Company of the component and allocate these funds to subsidiary resettlement offices (Township/Sub- Districts) according to established procedures; - Guide and supervise land acquisition and resettlement work in relevant townships and villages; - Report to the Resettlement Company of the component on work advancement, problems faced and remedial measures regularly. Township/sub-District Resettlement Offices - Co-operate with the relevant agencies to conduct census and surveys; - Train the staff of the subsidiary resettlement office; - Assigned by the District Resettlement Office, carry out land acquisition and resettlement within their respective jurisdiction; - Receive-the resettlement funds from the District Resettlement Office and allocate them to the collectives or PAPs according to the working procedures; - Examine and record all resettlement activities within their jurisdictions; - Regularly report to the District Resettlement Office on work advancement, problems faced and remedial measures. 8.3.2 COMPONENTS IN FULING, WANZHOU, AND NAN BIN COMPONENTS' LEADING GROUPS IN FULING, WANZHOU, AND NAN BIN The Leading Group for resettlement in these areas are composed as following. In Fuling (FUWSP), the Leading Group is composed of the relevant leaders from the Fuling District Planning Bureau, the Fuling District Construction Bureau, the Administrative Committee of the Qiaonan Economy and Technology Developing Area, the Fuling District State Land Bureau, and the Fuling District Piped Water Co., Ltd. etc. A leader of the Fuling District Government is the head of the Resettlement Leading Group of the FUWSP. 'W dilfl.0 1di aC t2fiy Ui -OIl)u ticu IItt Iv ^ Qta ,- ~ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report In Fuling (FUWWP), it is composed of the relevant leaders from the Fuling District Planning Bureau, the Fuling District Construction Bureau, the Fuling District State Land Bureau, and the Fuling District Drainage Co., Ltd. etc. A leader of the Fuling District Government is the head of the Component Resettlement Leading Group. In Wanzhou (WAWSP), the leading Group is composed of the relevant leaders from the Wanzhou District Planning Committee, the Wanzhou District Construction Committee, the Wanzhou District State Land Bureau, the Chongqing Wanzhou World Bank Loan Project Management Office, the Wanzhou Unified Land Acquisition Office, and the Wanzhou District Piped Water Co., Ltd. etc. A leader of the Wanzhou District Government is the head of the Resettlement Leading Group of the WAWSP. In Nan Bin (NAWSP) It is composed of the relevant leaders from the Shi Zhu District Planning Committee, the Shi Zhu District Construction Committee, the Shi Zhu County World Bank Loan Project Management Office , the Shi Zhu County State Land Bureau, and the Shi Zhu County Piped Water Co., Ltd. etc. A leader of the Shi Zhu County Government is the head of the Component Resettlement Leading Group of the NAWSP. Their respective responsibilities are the same than those described above concerning Leading Groups set up in Chongqing (cf. point 8.2.1 .). COMPONENTS' RESETTLEMENT OFFICES IN FULING, WANZHOU AND NANBIN The concerned Resettlement Offices are composed as following. In Fuling (FUWSP), the component's Resettlement Office is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Fuling District Planning Committee, the Fuling District Construction Bureau, the Administrative Committee of the Qiaonan Economy and Technology Developing Area, the Fuling District State Land Bureau, and the Fuling District Piped Water Co., Ltd. etc. The leader of the Fuling District Planning Committee heads the Resettlement Office of the FUWSP. In Fuling (FUWWP), the component's Resettlement Office is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Fuling District Planning Bureau, the Fuling District Construction Bureau, the Fuling District State Land Bureau, and the Fuling District Drainage Co., Ltd. etc. The feader of the Fuling District Planning Bureau is the head of the Component Resettlement Office. In Wanzhou (WAWSP), the Component's Resettlement Office is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Wanzhou District Planning Committee, the Wanzhou District Construction Committee, the Wanzhou District State Land Bureau, the Chongqing Wanzhou World Bank Loan Project Management Office, the Wanzhou Unified Land Nidn9rica. McaQemy vr ZoCidl uNeJur1 . --V- - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report .Acquisition Office, and the Wanzhou District Piped Water Co., Ltd. etc. The leader of the Wanzhou District Planning Committee heads the Resettlement Office of the WAWSP. In Nan Bin (NAWSP), the component's Resettlement Office is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Shi Zhu District Planning Committee, the Shi Zhu County Construction Committee, the Shi Zhu District World Bank Loan Project Management Office , the Shi Zhu District State Land Bureau, and the Shi Zhu District Piped Water Co., Ltd. etc. The leader of the Shi Zhu District World Bank Loan Project Management Office heads the Resettlement Office of the NAWSP. Responsibilities of each component's RO in Fuling, -Wanzhou and Nan Bin are nearly the same as those assumed by ROs in Chongqing city and described in (for a comprehensive description, please refer to chapter 8 of volumes If to VI). In addition to these responsibilities resettlement offices in Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin will - Conclude land acquisitioh and resettlement contracts with the i) Qiaonan Developing Area (Fuling), ii) Longbao Township and other relevant institutions (Wanzhou), iii) Suangqing Township and other relevant institutions (Nan Bin). - Pay every fund related to the land acquisition and resettlement. THE RESETTLEMENT OFFICES AT THE LEVEL OF THE AFFECTED AREAS Local organisations involved in the components are the Qiaonan Economical and Technol.ogical Development Area (Fuling District), Longbao Township (Wanzhou) and Shuangqing Township (Nan Bin, Shi Zhu District). Each of them has set one resettlement office. In Fuling (FUWSP), the R.O. of Qiaonan Economic and Technological Development Area is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Administrative Committee of the Qiaonan Economy and Technology Developing Area including Construction, Planning, State Land, and Resettlement Dept. A leader of the Administrative Committee of the Qiaonan Economy and Technology Developing Area heads the Resettlement Office of the Development Area. In Wanzhou (WAWSP), the Longbao Township R.O. is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Longbao Township Government including Construction, Planning, State land, and Resettlement Dept. A leader of the Longbao Township Government is the head of the Township Resettlement Office. In Nan Bin (NAWSP), the R. 0. of Shuangqing Township is composed of the specialised personnel in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement from the Shuangqing Township Government including Construction, Planning, State Land, J)ILCl4 Ji Ml H Ul:illy JI UJ, .J.UJ.ICjt\LU.fvfl * - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report and Resettlement Dept. A leader of the Shuangqing Township Government is the head of the Resettlement Office of the Township. Responsibilities of these R. 0. in Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin are identical: - To co-operate with the relevant agencies in conducting the census and surveys; - To trains the staff of the resettlement office; - To implement the RAP; - To receive the resettlement funds from the Resettlement Company of the component and to allocate them to affected collectives or individuals according to the working procedures; - To guide and supervise the land acquisition and resettlement advancement in relevant township and villages; - To examine into details and to record the implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement work within their respective jurisdiction. - To regularly report to the Resettlement Office of the component about the advancement of the work, problems faced and remedial measures. 8.4 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESETTLEMENT STAFF Staff of all agencies concerned will be trained for specific needs regarding land acquisition and resettlement. These agencies are the Resettlement Leading Groups at the levels of i) the whole CUEP and ii) the six components; ROs at the components, Districts and Townships levels, villagers and residents (for the list of concerned agencies, refer to chapter 8 of volumes 11 to Vlt). Trainers will be the resettlement consultants recognised by the World Bank, and will have received 'Resettlement and Rehabilitation' training from the Bank. Training will take place on each component's site (Chongqing, Fuling, Wanzhou, Nan Bin), including places where the resettlement will be carried out. Among items to be considered in training courses are: - Specific provision of the RAP; - Skills of the implementation and management of the resettlement; - Methods for data and other information collection; .d 1a t .Iy l .Lt, aI 1 ) y ~Juofl : : r.-S- - . Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 8.5 ORGANISATIONAL CHARTS Organisational charts for each component of the project are inserted in appendix 111. In the cases of Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin, these charts depict the institutional arrangements made at the specific level of each component. J a r a mo Z,fy Ul .)UL.aI .J%..c:L >/£Wsr _.C3 __I Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 9. COSTS AND BUDGET Costs associated with land acquisition and resettlement for each component of CUEP are included in their respective overall budget. During the implementation of the-RAP, the annual expenditure related to land acquisition and resettlement will be included in the annual investment plans of each component. The total cost for land acquisition and resettlement for the CUEP is estimated at 748 million RMB. The CQWWMP represents more than 85% of this amount due to the large number of PAPs concerned by the interceptor and collector sub- component. The CQMSWP represents approximately 12 % of this amount. The following table describes the respective total costs component by component. Table 9.1: Breakdown of costs for land acquisition and resettlement in CUEP Components Total Land Share against total Acquisition and cost Resettlement costs for Land Acquisition (12/98 prices) & Resettlement CUEP CQWWMP 638,266,601 .2 85.3% CQMSWP 92,5 82,046.0 12.4% FUWSP 2,338,71 9.0 0.3% F-UWWP 1 2,360,454.0 .1.7% WAWSP 2,176,115.9 0.3% NAWSP 515,906.6 0.1% Total CUEP 748,239,842.7 100.0% 9.1 FLOW OF FUNDS On the basis of the compensation policies and rates indicated in the RAPs corresponding to each component, resettlement offices at successive levels (component, company and Districts, Townships and villages) will sign compensation agreements with their subordinated agencies in charge of resettlement implementation and with affected people separately according to their jurisdiction. Details about flow of funds component by component are inserted in Annex D ' fa, nL.t.JC II )? , L U..jai , I. .I3, Lu, .r , I , Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Payment of funds received from project owners by resettlement offices will be made promptly in accordance with these agreements. 9.2 BASE COST The base costs are estimated according to the compensation levels set out in tables inserted in Annex C. Detailed breakdown of cost estimates for each component of the CUEP requiring a RAP is available in Annex D. Table 9.2 below describes the most important categories of costs, component by component. Table 9.2: The summary of the land and compensation costs for CUEP (in Yuan) CQWWMP CQMSWP ;FUWSP FUWWP WAWSP NAWSP CUEP Land 49,935,927 34,976,490 1,287,506 2,1181 1,183,217 367,304 87,752,562 acquisition L 3 Resetti. subsidy 48,860,000 14,927,500 - 63,787,500 Standing crops 2,098,587 1,840,320 46,623! - 21,606 13,380 4.020,516 Houses 50,698,470 3,107,370 411,2081 8,419.8061 362,934 - 62,999,787 Infrastruct. and '13,968,120 2,093,055 92,1391 122,7441 106,179 1,469 16,383,706 {other assets____ _ ___ Resettl. 36,569,450 580.150 - I 963,375i - - 38,112,975 allowances i _ esettl. areas 329,758,280 19,601,9301 - _ __ _ 349,360,210 Total Base-Cost 531,888,83 77,126,815 1,837,476 9,508,0421 1,673,935 382,153 622,417,25 cost of 10,637,777 1,543,034 91,874 47S,402F 83,697 38,215 12,869,999 preparing the RAP and M & E administrative 15,956,665 2.314,551 91,874 475,402 83,697 19,108 18,941,297 physical | 53,188,883 7,751,171 183,748 950,S04 167,394 38,215 62,280,215 continencies _ price 26,594,442 3,857,585 183,748 950,804 167,394 38,215 31,792,188 icontingencies I total 638,266,60 92,593,1561 2,388,719 12,360,454j 2,176,116 515,907 748,300,93 l~~~ ~~ 11 l 31 Categories indicated in this table are the followings - Land acquisition, composed of compensations for different categories of land affected: irrigated land, vegetable land, dry land, orchard, forests land, grassland, fish ponds, house plot, waste land... - Resettlement subsidies - Compensations for standing crops - Compensations for houses, which comprises all types of houses, simple structures and enclosing walls - Infrastructures and other assets: different kind of trees, tombs, wires and wire poles. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report - Allowances provided to units, workers and affected people for moving, resettlement allowances 9.3 THE COST OF PREPARING THE RAP AND MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) The cost of preparing the RAP and monitoring and evaluation of the whole CUEP reaches Rmbl2.87 million. It has been established at the following rates of the total amount of compensations: 2% in Chongqing (WWTP and LDP); 5% in Fuling (SWP) and Wanzhou (SWP); 1 0% in Nan Bin (WSP) 9.4 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS The administrative costs for the land acquisition and resettlement of the components of the CUEP reach Rmbl 8,94 million which are budgeted at the following rates of the total amount of compensations: 3% in Chongqing (WWTP and LDP); 5% in Fuling (SWP), Wanzhou (SWP) and Nan Bin (WSP) 9.5 CONTINGENCIES Contingencies cover a large range of aspects such as the livelihood of the local residents or operation of units and enterprises. Costs estimates for contingencies for the RAP implementation include provisions for both physical and price contingencies-which are the major contingencies to be taken into account. They are estimated at a total cost of Rmb 94 million for the whole CUEP.. 9.5.1 PHYSICAL CONTINGENCIES Physical contingencies have been included to provide for any changes in design or alignment and for any unforeseen circumstances during the implementation of the RAP. Physical contingencies are budgeted at the rate of I 0% of the total amount of compensations. 9.5.2 PRICE CONTINGENCIES The cost of land acquisition and resettlement of all components of CUEP is based on the current annual prices. The inflation rate and the inflation allowances must be estimated accordingly: for each component of CUEP the price contingencies for inflation are budgeted at 5% of the total amount of compensations. IIa I i,s a taLitIIIly U I . I lIt:I e t.)J / J - f I W Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Compensation rates wili be adjusted by the actual inflation rate from 12/98 to the time when the compensation is actually paid. The total amount represented by price contingencies for all CUEP is 31.79 million RMB. 9.6 ANNUAL COST ESTIMATED According to the schedule related to the beginning of civil works in the different areas, the land acquisition and resettlement for all the components of the CUEP will be carried out mainly in 1 999 (cf. chapter I0 Implementation arrangement). According to the present schedule it is estimated that 80% of the expenditures related to land acquisition and resettlement will be disbursed in 1999 and the remaining 20% will be used and in 2000. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 10. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS 10.1 JOBS CREATION The affected agricultural persons due to the land acquisition of the CQMSWP will -be resettled according to the agricultural way. 1 0.1.1 ABSORBING LABOR Due to their differences of scale between the components in terms of impacts, two case should be considered: the two components in Chongqing on the one hand and the components in Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin on the other hand. * In Chongqing People whose current job is affected by the two components can be proposed jobs in or can decide to find a new one by themselves. Proposals for creation of new employment will be based on programs for absorbing labor totalling 1 860 jobs, as indicated in table 10.1. Table 10.1-: The programs of absorbing labor in Chongqing Unit of absorbing labour labourers to be absorbed remarks Tanjiatuo WWPT, 160 Jiguanshi WWTP Community services 200 _ _ Agricultural company 750 Community institutions 350 such as schools, dispensaries, public utilities total CQWWMP 1460 Changshengqiao Landfilt 60 _ Community Services 70 Agricultural Company Community public 90 such as schools, hospital, institutions public facilities total CQMSWP 400 Most of jobs proposed will be created by the creation of two agricultural companies to be set up near the Jiguanshi water treatment plants and to the landfill station. Each of them will occupy, 200 mu. They will develop high-yield, top quality, high-efficient agriculture, improve agricultural industrial operation on the base of vegetable land and orchard, and form the mechanism of organic combination and mutual-promotion on production, processing and consuming. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report Each unit absorbing labour will receive RMB 1 7,500 for an absorbed labourer and every worker will be trained in the training schools or the units before he begin to work. * In Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin, modalities for the creation of jobs will be identical. Because of the small influence of land acquisition of the components on the local average cultivated land per person, the cultivated land belonging to every affected administrative villages will be readjusted to resettle the affected agricultural persons. The affected administrative village will redistribute their cultivated land to the eligible villagers on an equal basis. The land compensation and resettlement subsidy to the affected administrative villages will only be used to develop the collective economy and will not be applied to any other use. According to the characteristics of the affected area of the component, the funds will be applied to: 1. Increase agricultural income from the remaining cultivated land by improving the irrigation facilities, seeds, and the planting modes, etc.; 2. Develop investments regarding water, electricity, road, forestry, and grass in Fuling; 3. Open up wasteland and exploit agricuiture production potentialities in the non-cultivated and low-yield land; 4. Develop the second and third industries related to agriculture so as to improve the production ability of the affected administrative villages. The application of the funds will be observed and monitored during the implementation. 10. 1.2 SELF RESETTLEMENT IN FINDING JOBS Those who possess specific skills may also seek jobs by themselves. Approved by their families and having notified, they will receive RMB 1 7,500 per person. Information and training shall be timely provided for those who seek jobs by themselves. 10.2 HOUSING RESETTLEMENT Housing resettlement in Chongqing comprises a resettlement housing program covering the two WWTW sites (Tangjiatuo and Jiguanshi) and the landfill site (Taohuadian, Shatang, Xin Tang). ariangnai Acaaemy oi _ uuj . Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 10.2.1 CQWWMP All displaced people will move to resettlement areas. All the affected residents of the interceptors/collectors will be resettled in the vicinity of their original living place. Tangjiatuo Resettlement Area Tangjiatuo Resettlement Area, is located in Tangjiatuo Township, jiangbei District and covers 41 3 mu of land. It can settle 1 700 households, 5000 people, far more .than the number of people affected by the Tangjiatuo WWTP. The resettlement area makes use of the drop in level of the terrain, through building bar-style residences mainly, to form a pleasingly asymmetrical combination of space. A high productivity agricultural area is located along the Liangcha River and Xiangshui Channel, and an agricultural products processing area is built nearby. The planned Wutang Road and the trunk road connecting the National Highway 319 cross the area are the commercial main road, and the Wutang Road Turntable is the commercial centre. A school, nursery and hospital are located next to the orchard of the Liangcha River, as well as the cultural amenities chiefly including cinema, restaurants, square centre and the Taipingchong Park. Jiguanshi Resettlement Area Jiguanshi Resettlement Area, which is located in the Jiguanshi Township, Nan'an District], covers 210 mu of land. The area can settle 600 households and 1800 people. The resettlement area makes use of the drop in level of the terrain, through building bar-style residences mainly, to form a pleasingly asymmetrical combination of space. A high productivity agricultural area is located along the lake, and an agricultural products processing area is built nearby. In the area, the Jitan Road is the commercial main road, and the Township Government Turntable is the commercial centre. A school and nursery are located next to the Riverside Park, which is taken as the key point to built cuitural amenities chiefly including the cinema, water amusement park. Housing resettlement of other affected people All the residents affected by the interceptors/collectors sub-component, in accordance with the principal of "voluntariness", can choose between one of two options )nangnai Acaoemy or -ociai . - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Pian Summary Report To receive a cash resettlement compensation calculated at the replacement price of their original residence. This enables the PAPs buy their new residences themselves. Houses built in the vicinity of their former house. All affected residents will be resettled near their original houses and will be consulted about the new proposed housing sites. The PAPs will receive house compensations at replacement cost, moving allowances and transition allowances. Salvageable materials from the PAPs' old houses will remain their property. 10.2.2 CQMSWP Taohuadian Resettlement Area, which is located to east of the Changshengqiao Township Government and covers 60 mu of land, is divided into two by a stream. The resettlement area can hold 1 60 households, 500 people. The resettlement area is located along the stream: the eastern part is the resident area, the western part is the commercial area, the northern one is the waste water management area, and the southern one is the industrial area. The whole area taking the county fair as the centre, in accordance with the terrain, forms a resettlement area with complete facilities and convenient traffic. Shatang and Xin Tang are two adjacent resettlement areas, which are located about 2.5 -km-away from the landfill. Shatang and Xin Tang are very close to the Huangming road. They are situated in the Eastern part of Changshengqiao Township. Their area covers about 210 mu and can resettle 160 households, around 500 people. The agriculture company mentioned above will be located in the area formed by the two villages. Chayuan Road is the central communication line of this area. It is planned to construct in Shatang and Xin Tang residential areas and parks in its northern part. A high level agriculture area and an industrial zone will be set in the eastern part of this area. In its southern part, market, school, bus station and living areas will be constructed. Shatang and Xin Tang benefit of a convenient situation for transportation. 0.2.3 HOUSING RESETTLEMENT IN FULING AND WANZHOU There is no housing resettlement in Nan Bin. As regards Fuling and Wanzhou, all the affected residents will be resettled in the original villages and will be consulted regarding new housing sites and compensation rates. The PAPs will receive the house compensation at replacement cost, and moving subsidies and transition subsidies. In addition salvageable materials from their old houses will also belong to the PAPs. Jo Iai 191I cti &^t,oU%-Jy u A ZIU>o a J-lclai z _>vQrLr%n I _tl --_ Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 10.3 RESETTLEMENT OF THE AFFECTED UNITS AND INFRASTRUCTURES 1 0.3.1 WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT IN CHONGQINC According to the impact category, the affected units and enterprises are divided into two types: i) units and enterprises which are only partially affected and do not need to be relocated; ii) those needing to be relocated. The demolished structures of the units and enterprises affected partially are the auxiliary houses (buildings), simple houses (buildings) and enclosing walls, etc.. Therefore, they don't need relocation and will not suffer from interruptions in their operations. Their structures will be compensated according to the replacement value. No depreciation will apply to the calculation of the amount of compensation. Last, the value of the old materials which can still be used will not be deduced from the total amount compensation. Measures of compensation and resettlement for the units and enterprises which need to be relocated are described as follows: 1. Suitable alternative land at least of a similar size to their original one will be provided to the affected units and enterprises. To ensure sufficient time for their restoration, affected units and enterprises will be consulted about the transitional period. Sufficient time will be planned and left for their reconstruction. The reconstruction will be planned to be completed at least 3 months before initiation of the civil construction of the sub-component. 2. Their affected assets will be compensated at their replacement cost. No depreciation will apply to the calculation of the amount of compensation. Also, the value of the old materials which can still be used will not be cut from the total amount compensation. 3. Compensation will be paid for all the transport expenses of machinery and equipment. Compensation will also be provided for removing and reconstructing the machinery and equipment. - 4. Compensation will be paid to affected units and enterprises for their losses of net market profits for the period when production is stopped. The total amount of compensation for production interruption will be calculated by daily net income (taken from their annual accounting records) multiplied by the actual days of production interruption. .>,a 9j ciyilot mWa_c:If4 l Iy Ul J>ULIGM -LICII:, ILC-.I1 t - Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 5. Subsidies will be paid to the staff of the affected units and enterprises for their losses for the period when production is stopped. The staff wifl receive monthly subsidies equivalent to their average salaries. The affected infrastructures will be reconstructed and rehabilitated before the start of land acquisition. 10.3.2 OTHER COMPONENTS IN CHONGQING (CQMSWP), FULING, WANZHOU AND NAN BIN There are no units and enterprises affected by the other components. All demolished infrastructures will be compensated according to their replacement value. Moreover, the value of the old materials which can still be used will not be cut from the total amount of compensations. The affected infrastructures will be reconstructed and rehabilitated before the land acquisition takes place. 10.4 RESETTLEMENT OF THE VULNERABLE GROUPS The vulnerable groups include the poor households, those having the disabled members, headed by women, households where the aged live alone and those having the ethnic minority members. The specific eligibility criteria for the vulnerable groups are defined as follows. Table 1 0.2: Eligibility criteria for the vulnerable groups (CUEP household category criteria 1 below the following average monthly low income people income per person: Rmbl 00 (Chongqing), Rmb95 (Fuling), Rmb9O (Wanzhou), Rmb8O (Nan Bin) 2 disabled people the households having the disabled members 3 women the households headed by women 4 aged people the households where the aged above 70 live alone 5 ethnic minorities the households having the ethnic _ -1 nminority members Vulnerable groups were described in section 6.1.9. above. For all components of the CUEP the following measures will be taken to ensure the rehabilitation of the living standards of these groups after resettlement: ..), cI . rI at: I a, IH Y JU, Ia .)...ItI L vuL.J-. n *-a!J f Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 1. To make every organisational and financial effort at the administrative village levels in helping and supporting the vulnerable groups in building their new houses and relocating their households; 2. To give priority to the reasonable demands of the vulnerable groups, such as expressing preferential choice for the new housing sites; 3. To make the specific compensation payment to the vulnerable groups. 10.5 RESETTLEMENT ACTIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 1 0.5.1 RESETTLEMENT ACTIONS Resettlement actions are identical for all components of the CUEP and are listed in appendix V and in each chapter 1 0 of the individual report (Volumes i to VI). Resettlement preparation started in June 1 998. Resettlement implementation is expected to be completed before the start of civil works (January 2000). Agencies responsible for land acquisition and resettlement have already been established - during the first quarter of 1999 as described in chapter 7. It is expected to sign resettlement contracts before the end of September 1 999, to pay compensations until December 1 999. It is also expected to build new structures before the end of November 1 999 and to resettle people and units (CQWWMP) one month before the civil works start (except in Nan Bin where there is only re-adjustment of land). Details are available in appendix V. 1 0.5.2 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Planned schedules are almost the same for all components and essentially differ at the last stages of the resettlement implementation process due to construction works and different types of impacts according to the component. Detailed implementation schedules provided in the different RAPs (cf. appendix V) are based on the hypothesis that the beginning of the works will be the following: - January 2000 for the CQWWMP, the CQMSWP, the WAWSP, the FUWSP. - February 2000 for the NAWSP. It has been indicated that the whole CUEP is now subject of delays in preliminary design studies approvals and, therefore the beginning of detailed design studies may be delayed. Consequently, available implementation schedules related to resettlement should be considered as subject to modifications: schedules related to each component will be adjusted according to the change in the project implementation schedule. However, the length of each phase defined by the plan will remain similar. Should the project be delayed for any reason, the pace for UdgI1191il CJ LdLCU Ut LI )L VId. -.Ltfer L/-%frl * .! .v, Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report implementation of resettlement would remain the same as that indicated in Annex E. They are also available in chapter 1 0 of volumes 11 to VI. 0. 1a; ta, P-, LauWZ.4y Ut JV& .Utia JI%CJ It..C3j J¼JIf\V I * Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 11. CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 11 .1 CONSULTATIONS AND PARTICIPATION All RAP related to components of CUEP have been prepared with the active participation of the PAPs. The consultation and participation process will follow a identical general frame for all components of CUEP, although slight differences due to differences in their respective impacts (cf. below). The participation started with the dissemination among PAPs of the resettlement information concerning each component. As early as enabled by engineering feasibility studies and the preliminary design, alignment schemes were decided through the solicitation of the PAPs' opinions. In Chongqing, Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin it is planned to organise meetings to disseminate more detailed information to PAPs after the Construction Land Use Certificate is5 obtained, i.e. from September 1 999 (cf. previous chapter). During the course of the preparation of the RAP, the PAPs participated in the following activities: 1. Components' impacts on people and assets resulted from census. The local governments and representatives of the PAPs participated in these censuses. 2. Socio-economic surveys have been carried out with the participation of PAPs and representatives of the affected areas. 3. In the course of designing i) the entitlement policies and compensation rates, ii) and implementation program, the PAPs' suggestions and options were fully considered. During the course of implementing and monitoring land acquisition and resettlement, the PAPs and their representatives will participate in the following activities. In Chongqing (CQWWMP and CQMSWP) - Affected people/workers have the choice to accept ajob provided in designated units or enterprises or to choose to seek jobs by themselves (cf. Implementation arrangement, chapter 1 0). - Affected residents will construct their new houses according to their own building plans. - Affected units and enterprises to be relocated due to the component will be consulted as regards the selection of their new site and definition of transitional periods. IdI,y1laJi M(.deLIiiy ui Juw/al I -V- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report - Should the PAPs be dissatisfied with compensations allocated, they can voice their grievance (cf. chapter 1 2). - The PAPs can find out about entitlement policies and about implementation progress by obtaining relevant information from concerned organisations (cf. chapter 8: institutional arrangements). 6. PAPs can raise their opinions and suggestions on the resettlement to the agencies concerned (cf. chapter 8: Institutional arrangements). In Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin - Displaced people can choose a proper housing resettlement plan (Fuling, .Wanzhou). - If the PAPs are dissatisfied with the compensation provided, they can voice their grievance (FuLling, Wanzhou, Nan Bin) - The PAPs can find out about the entitlement policies and about implementation progress and get relevant information from organisations concerned (Fuling, Wanzhou, Nan Bin, cf. Institutional arrangements). - PAPs can express their opinions and suggestions on resettlement to responsible agencies (Fuling, Wanzhou, Nan Bin, cf. Chapter 8: Institutional arrangements) in the framework of all components of CUEP, after the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement, PAPs and their representatives will participate in the following activities: 1. PAPs can make suggestions related to improvement of facilities and infrastructures in their communities so as to facilitate their integration and to harmonise with their new environment as soon as possible. 2. The PAPs will participate in the socio-economic impact survey carried out by the independent monitoring and evaluation institute, and let know their satisfaction degree on various aspects of resettlement and on problems they face regarding the rehabilitation of their living standards so that agencies concerned can do their best to solve various difficulties reported. 1 1 .2 RESETTLEMENT INFORMATION BOOKLETS (RIBS) To ensure that PAPs and affected areas' authorities fully understand details of the resettlement program, and are informed about compensation and rehabilitation packages applicable to the Project, Resettlement Information Booklets (RIBs) icidnqnai Mcauemy oi crdi . Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report related to each component will be distributed in affected areas as soon as the project is approved by each planning authorities. RIBs will contain two parts: Part I The basic features of the RAP A. Brief description of the project components requiring land acquisition; B. Resettlement and rehabilitation poiicies for all categories of project impacts; C. List of agencies responsible for the delivery of resettlement entitlements; D. Details about grievances redress and procedures of appeal; E. Brief description of the internal and external monitoring process. Part 11 Entitlements of the affected units and enterprises (CQWWMP), households and persons/individuals. A. Description of the detailed impact of the project on the specific categories of households; B. Options for resettlement and rehabilitation. )(Idn9fl4i /-4LdU%t"y u1 .)UL1a i C I -,- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 12. REDRESS AND GRIEVANCES Since the entire resettlement and rehabilitation program is being carried out with the participation and consultation of the PAPs, it is expected that no major grievance issue will arise. However, to ensure the possibility for affected people to redress their grievances related to any aspect of the land acquisition and resettlement, detailed procedures have been established for all components of the CUEP. I 2.1 THE PROCEDURES - Stage 1 If any affected person is prejudiced by any aspect of the resettlement and rehabilitation program, he/she can lodge (oral or written grievance) with the following agencies: In Chongqing city: a)The Villager Administrative Committee b)The Township Resettlement Office In Fuling (WSP), the Tianzidian Villager Committee In Fuling (WWP), Village Administrative Committee In Wanzhou the Tongyuan Villager Committee In Nan Bin the Hongchun Villager Committee Oral complaint will be registered and written down by the receiving unit. The above issue will be resolved within 1 5 days. - Stage 2 Should the aggrieved person be not satisfied with the decision of the villager administrative committee or the Township Resettlement Office, he/she can bring the complaint within one month to: the concerned District Resettlement Office as regards the WWMP in Chongqing, the Nan'an District Resettlement Office as regards the LDP in Chongqing, the Resettlement Office of the Qiaonan Economy and Technology Developing Area as regards the Fuling WSP, the Resettlement Office of the Subdistrict as regards the Fuling WWP. the Longbao Township Resettlement Office as regards the Wanzhou WSP, -fdrn1nnaj Mcaaemy OT JocJai z,CenLe5/ JM,-rI Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report the Shuanqing Township Resettlement Office as regards the Nan Bin WSP, The above issues will be resolved within 1 5 days. - Stage 3 Should the aggrieved person be not satisfied with the decision of the above mentioned Resettlement Offices, he/she can submit the complaint within one month to: the Resettlement Office of the Chongqing Municipal Drainage Management Company (WWMP in Chongqing) the Resettlement Office of the Chongqing Solid Waste Management Company (LDP in Chongqing) the Resettlement Office of the Fuling Water Supply Component (WSP in Fuling) the Resettlement Office of the Fuling Drainage Component (WWP in Fuling) the Resettlement Office of the Wanzhou Water Supply Component (WSP in Wanzhou) the Resettlement Office of the Shizu Nan Bin WS component (WSP in Nan Bin) The above issues will be resolved within 15 days. - Stage 4 Should-the aggrieved person be not satisfied with the decision of the above mentioned offices or the aggrieved complain not responded within 15 days, he/she can submit the complaint to the Resettlement Office of the CUEP within 3 months from the date of the original record. The Project Resettlement Office will reach a decision on the complaint within 1 month. - Stage 5 Should the aggrieved person be dissatisfied with the decision, he/she can appeal to the People's Court in accordance with the ((Civil Procedure Act" within 1 5 days of receiving the decision of the Project Resettlement Office. Aggrieved Aspects PAPs can make an appeal on any aspect of the land acquisition and resettlement, including the compensation being offered. Detailed procedures for redress of grievances and the appeal process are publicised in RIBs distributed to the PAPs. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report It is worth noting that the negotiation should prevail as the privileged way to settle occasional conflicts related to land acquisition and resettlement, as usual in China. The above appealing procedures will be employed only when the -mutual negotiation and mediation fails. 13. MONITORING AND EVALUATION - INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL To ensure that the implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement is carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements of the RAP and to guarantee the progress and quality of the resettlement action, this action will be monitored and evaluated both internally and externally during preparatory arrangements, implementation, and after completion. All resettlement implementation plans concerned by CUEP will follow the same procedures as regards evaluation, both internal and external. 13.1 INTERNAL MONITORING The Resettlement Office (PRO) of each component will undertake the routine internal monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement so as to ensure that all the responsible units follow the schedule and comply with the principles of the RAP of the component. 1 3.1.1 OBJECTIVES The objective of the internal monitoring is to monitor the implementation of the whole Resettlement Action Plan for each component. 13.1.2 RESPONSIBILITY 1. To ensure the implementation of the specific provisions of the RAP; 2. Monitor the progress of various tasks regularly so as to identify and timely solve problems and to further ensure that the resettlement is completed in line with the schedule. 1 3.1.3 INDICATORS TO BE MONITORED 1. Payment of compensations to affected people, collectives and units (when concerned) according to the compensation rates defined by each resettlement entitlement policy (all components of CUEP). 2.Payment of transition subsidies to the affected people who choose to work in the units and the enterprises or to seek jobs by themselves during their period of unemployment.(WWMP and LDP in Chongqing city) o.).0l Iy . - oU :ljly uL .)V.4di : s * 2- Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 3. The determination of the new housing sites and building plans by considering affected residents' options. The number of households finishing building new houses at the scheduled time will be recorded. In order to compare the conditions of the former and new houses, the houses to be removed will be registered which will be kept in the file records of the project (all components of CUEP). 4. Rehabilitation of infrastructures affected by the component (all components of CU EP) S. Payment of pension to elderly people, the nursing fee, the medical care fees to the concerned people (WWMP and LDP in Chongqing city). 6.Payment of the self-seeking jobs subsidies to the persons who seek jobs by themselves (WWMP and LDP in Chongqing city) 7. For units and enterprises to be relocated, besides compensation for their affected assets, allocation of a suitable new site, compensation for moving and rebuilding their equipment, payment for losses due to production interruption and relative wages shall be provided (WWMP in Chongqing city). 8 Redistribution of the cultivated land within the affected administrative villages, and use the land compensation and resettlement subsidy to develop their collective economical development (components in Fuling, Wanzhou and Nan Bin). 13.1.4 PERSONNEL - Each component's PRO will be responsible for the internal monitoring activities. It will collect: information from the concerned departments once every 3 months and insert gathered information and data in relevant tables. On this basis the database can be renewed quarterly. 1 3.1.5 METHODOLOGY & PROCEDURE 1. Identify the major indicators to be monitored, and set corresponding tables for the departments concerned to fill them every month or season; 2. Carry out sampling verifications to examine the correctness of the filled tables; 3. Convene regular meetings to report on progress of the resettlement, and supervise the progress of implementation; 4. Pay visit to the project sites irregularly so as to appraise the progress of the on-site jobs; 5. Set up the system of regular report. -Idnl9nddl ACdUenly U, )ULidi , . Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 13.1.6 REPORT Internal monitoring reports will be prepared every 6 months according to the data and information obtained from the survey tables. The reports will be submitted by each component's Resettlement Office to their concerned Resettlement Leading Group and to the Resettlement Office of the CUEP. Each component's Resettlement Leading Group will convene to discuss internal monitoring reports after they are submitted to it. It will identify those delays or issues related to the resettlement implementation resettlement compared with the resettlement and rehabilitation program. 13.2 EXTERNAL MONITORING AND EVALUATION In order to ensure the proper implementation of resettlement, the independent .consulting institute and the consulting specialist that is recognised by the World Bank, familiar with the Project and which participated to the resettlement planning of the Project has been entrusted as the external agency and personnel for independent monitoring and evaluation of the land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation activities of all components of CUEP. 3.2.1 OBJECTIVE Looking at the overall implementation from a broader, long term point of view, the independent monitoring and evaluation agency for each component of CUEP, will follow up the resettlement activities to evaluate whether the goals of resettlement are achieved through: 1. Compliance with the specific provisions of the RAP; 2. Improvement in the standards of living of the PAPs or at least maintenance of their pre-project levels of well-being. Responsibilities 1. Before implementation of the RAP, to verify the census result and engage in the socio-economic survey on the PAPs including their standards of living; 2. During implementation of the RAP,.to conduct the overall monitoring of the RAP and to express suggestions regarding the improvement of the implementation; 3. After implementation of the RAP, to survey and to evaluate the socio-economic influence of the component. 13.2.2 INDICATORS TO BE MONITORED In addition to the above-mentioned indicators, the independent monitoring and evaluation institute will aiso monitor and evaluate the following indicators: -" I I a I >L12WZJJ 1 Y Ju-,aI JLI . Zi ' i' Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report a) Payment of compensation - Payment of sufficient compensation to all the PAPs one month before the civil construction of each project starts; - To monitor and to gather detailed records about types, rates, amounts, dates and beneficiaries of compensations; b) Links between the resettlement and the civil works construction of the project; The resettlement will be finished at least 1 month before the initiation of civil construction of the Project; c) Provision of employment / payment of pensions to elderly people -Jobs shall be provided to eligible PAPs laborers at least 3 months prior to the land acquisition starts. - jobs to be provided to the PAP shall be close to his / her house and must be approved by him / her in advance. - Occasionally, adequate training shall be provided to PAPs before he / she formally takes the job. - The PAPs shall be paid transitional subsidy before jobs are provided. - The PAPs' salary shall be sufficient for the rehabilitation of their living standard. - Subsidies shall be paid 3 months in advance to those PAPs who select to seek jobs by themselves. - The eligible elderly PAPs shall be paid old-age pension before the start of land acquisition; - The specific assistance to elderly PAPs shall be able to ensure the rehabilitation of their living standard. d) Rehabilitation of affected infrastructures - All the necessary infrastructures will at least be rehabilitated to their pre- acquisition level; - Compensations for affected infrastructures will be adequate for reconstructing them to the pre-acquisition level in quality; e) Provision of Housing (apart from Nan Nin) - The PAPs will be provided with the new housing sites in accordance with their choice; Ji,419 a II,IQ P-N.aWuz IIy u uiou a k IC II6ZJ/JJ4* = Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report - The PAPs' new settlements will be close to their former ones; - The PAPs must move into their new houses 1 month prior to the civil construction of the project; - The compensation payment for self-constructed houses will be formulated in compliance with the criteria and features of the construction equivalent to the reconstruction cost of the house in spite of the depreciation and the value of the usable material of the former houses; - - Monitoring and gathering detailed records about the PAPs specific requirements as regards moving into their new houses, dates of moving and general resettlement of housing; - The PAPs will obtain the resettlement compensation, transitional subsidy and award, etc. which they are entitled; f) Satisfaction Degrees of the PAPs - The PAPs' satisfaction degree and opinions regarding various aspects of the resettlement program; - The mechanism and speed of handling conflicts; g) Living standards of the PAPs Surveys about living standards of PAPs will be carried out. Surveys will employ the combination of stratum sampling and group random sampling so as to identify and report about potential problems in rehabilitation of living standards. General socio-economic surveys and analysis will be conducted about 1 year after completion of the land acquisition and resettlement and will result in reports about living standards and conditions of the PAPs after their resettlement so as to evaluate the actual impact of the implementation of the RAP on PAPs' living standards. h) Resettlement of affected units and enterprises (W'WMP in Chongqing) - All affected units and enterprises will receive compensation payment adequate for their equipment without considering depreciation and the value of usable materials; - The new locations and transitional periods of affected units and enterprises which need to be relocated will be decided through the consultation with them. - All affected workers will be paid subsidies equivalent to their normal salary during the production interruption period; _)ildilylidl At.,CUtifly U1 m'W_Ll4 .>U1-5 Jv!Jn - B Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report - Affected units and enterprise will be paid compensation for loss of net profits due to production interruption during the period of resettlement and project construction; 13.2.3 METHODOLOGY a) Questionnaires in depth interviews and observational methods will be employed in the survey. The investigating staff, who have received systematic training, will carry out on-the-spot investigations, talk with the PAPs so as to be informed of their opinion on various problems and therefore conduct the monitoring and evaluation of the Project's component from various angles and a wider viewpoint; b) 1 00% of the affected administrative villages, and 1 0% of the directly affected households will be investigated in monitoring the implementation of the RAP; c) Data and information will be collected by the following methods: - Apply questionnaires to the relevant villages, units, and households to be answered by individuals; - Direct visit to affected people and units (when concerned); - Groups on special problems will be organised so as to identify such problems concenring the eligible old PAPs, women, children, affected units and enterprises, etc. Related investigations will be carried out at least every 6 months and reports submitted -accordingly; d) Collected data and information will be analysed according to affected areas, resettlement site, time and types of the influence, compensation level, duration of resettlement, etc.; e) The independent monitoring and evaluation institute will maintain a database composed by data and information collected for various reports. The case of every project-affected household will be considered through separate record in the database which will be continuously updated according to the most recent information. 13.2.4 REPORT The independent monitoring and evaluation institute will compile reports of monitoring and evaluation every 6 months after the implementation of the RAP begin. The report will compose of a quantitative part ( in order to verify the data and information provided in the internal monitoring report ) and a qualitative part ( see the above ). The report will be submitted to each component's Resettlement Leading Group and the Resettlement Office of CUEP to be transmitted to the World Bank on April 30 and October 31 every year. Each report will comprise 5 parts: Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettlement Action Plan Summary Report 1. Verification of the implementation of the RAP; 2. Review of compliance of compensation, resettlement, and rehabilitation arrangements with major objectives stipulated in the RAP; 3. Report about the participation and satisfaction degree of PAPs as regards the resettlement program; 4. Identification of the main problems facing by implementation of the RAP and suggestions for solving problems and improving the overall efficiency of the land acquisition and resettlement program; 5. Reporting about initiatives taken by the concerned departments, as suggested in the last report. Each component's Resettlement Leading Group and the Resettlement Office of the CUEP will convene a meeting to discuss and decide solutions regarding problems identified in the independent monitoring report immediately as soon as possible after it is submitted. -g ~ ~ i .Jn.Q * s1 Ia -aw I I r--W , . .,c,. . .. Chongqing Urban Environment Project Resettiement Action Plan Summary Report 1 3.3 SUBMISSION OF THE MONITORiNG REPORTS All the monitoring reports of the land acquisition and resettlement regarding each component are listed as follows: Table 13.1: The schedule for submitting the monitoring reports Reporter reported agency name frequency/time The Component Resettlement Leading Group, The Component The Project The internal Once every six months Resettlement Office Resettlement monitoring (Feb 28 and Aug 31 Office report every year) The Component Resettlement Leading Group, The Independent The Project The external Once every six months Monitoring and Resettlement monitoring (Apr. 30 and Oct 31 Evaluation Institute Office, The Project report every year) Resettlement Leading Group, The World Bank