Public-private Partnership Project for
Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan

      Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Executing      Jingyang Project Management
Agency:        Office

Prepared by:   China Railway Eryuan Engineering
               Group Co., Ltd.
               Sichuan Zhongwang Safety &
               Environmental Technology
               Consulting Co., Ltd.

               November 2019

1. Project introduction ...................................................................................... 6
     1.1. Project objectives................................................................................ 6
     1.2 Project introduction .............................................................................. 6
         1.2.1 Project components .................................................................... 6
         1.2.2 Potential environmental and social impacts and mitigation
         measures............................................................................................. 8
     1.3 Project stages .................................................................................... 10
2. Stakeholder engagement activities implemented in the past ..................... 10
     2.1     First-round stakeholder engagement activities ................................ 10
          2.1.1 Information disclosure .............................................................. 10
          2.1.2 Consultations ............................................................................ 13
     2.2 Stakeholder engagement activities to be implemented in the future
     .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Identification and analysis of stakeholders ................................................. 21
     3.1. Identification and analysis of environmental stakeholders ................ 21
         3.1.1 Identification of directly affected persons at the environmental
         dimension .......................................................................................... 21
         3.1.2 Identification of other interested parties .................................... 21
         3.1.3 Need analysis of environmental stakeholders .......................... 23
     3.2 Identification and analysis of social stakeholders .............................. 25
         3.2.1 Identification of directly affected persons at the social dimension
          .......................................................................................................... 25
         3.2.2 Identification of other interested parties ................................. 26
         3.2.3 Need analysis of social stakeholders ..................................... 28
     3.3 Identification of other stakeholders .................................................... 30
     3.4 Vulnerable groups / vulnerable individuals......................................... 30
         3.4.1 Identification of vulnerable groups / individuals ........................ 30
         3.4.2 Need analysis of vulnerable groups / individuals ...................... 32
4. Stakeholder consultation plan .................................................................... 35
     4.1. Purpose and schedule ...................................................................... 35
         4.1.1 Purpose .................................................................................... 35
         4.1.2 schedule ................................................................................... 35
     4.2 Proposed information disclosure approaches .................................... 36
     4.3 Proposed consultation approaches ................................................. 40
     4.4 Proposed approaches for inclusion of the opinions of vulnerable
     groups...................................................................................................... 47
     4.5 schedule ............................................................................................ 49
     4.6 Review of feedbacks.......................................................................... 49
     4.7 Next steps .......................................................................................... 49
5. Resources and responsibilities for implementing stakeholder consultation
activities ......................................................................................................... 51
      5.1 Resources ......................................................................................... 51
      5.2 Responsibilities .................................................................................. 52
6. Grievance redress mechanism .................................................................. 52
7. Reporting ................................................................................................... 57
Annex 1:Analysis of EIA stakeholders (for the water supply component) .... 58
Annex 2:Analysis of EIA stakeholders (for the drainage component) .......... 62
Annex 3:Analysis of SIA stakeholders (local residents) ............................... 69
Annex 4: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (schools) ......................................... 102
Annex 5: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (businesses and institutions) ........... 104
Annex 6: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (WWTP) .......................................... 107
Annex 7: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (water supply (water supply plant
(station) ........................................................................................................ 108
Annex 8: List of sites affected by LAR ......................................................... 114
Annex 9: Workshop Schedule ...................................................................... 118
Annex 10: Stakeholder Engagement Framework ........................................ 120
PPP    -   Public-Private Partnership
SPV    -   Special Purpose Vehicle
GBV    -   Gender-Based Violence
SEA    -   Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
SEP    -   Stakeholder Engagement Plan
 SN    -   Serial Number
PMO    -   Project Management Office
EIA    -   Environment Impact Assessment
SIA    -   Social Impact Assessment
RAP        Resettlement Action Plans
           Environmental and Social Management
ESMP   -
           Environmental and Social Management
ESMF   -
           Environment      and      Social   Impact
ESIA   -
           Environmental and Social
ESCP   -
           Commitment Plan
RPF    -   Resettlement Policy Framework
DRC    -   Development and Reform Commission
1. Project introduction
1.1. Project objectives

The Project aims to achieve financially sustainable improvements
of water supply, water quality and wastewater collection and
treatment conditions in the rural areas of Jingyang District,
Deyang Municipality, Sichuan Province through the introdu ction of
the public-private partnership (PPP) model.

1.2 Project introduction

1.2.1 Project components

The Project in vol ves 11 to wns and to wns hips administered b y Jingyang
District of Deyang C ity, including Dexin Town, Huangxu Town , Bailong
Town, Xiaoquan Town , Xiaogan To wn, Xin zhong Town , Shuangd ong Town ,
Hexin Town , and Yan gjia Town and so on . The main components of the
Project include: (1) co nstruc tion and upg rad ing of wate r suppl y fa cilities in
the respec ti ve to wns and to wnships , reinforcement and upg r ading of rural
wate r facilities, and c onstruc tion and upgra ding of rural sewage treatment
facilities; (2) con stru ction of the landsca pe impro vement demonstra tion
sites; (3 ) cons truc tio n of the “Cloud Platform�?; and (4 ) the technical
assistance component. F igure 1.2 .1-1 indic ates the geographical location
of the Project.

Figure 1 .2.1 -1: Geog raphical Location of Public -private Partnership
     Project for Water Su pply and Sanitation in Sichuan P rovince

The Project comprises of four components, namely, the
water        supply            and         drainage                      component,        the       water
environment improvement demonstration component and
the Cloud Platform component as well as the technical
assistance             component,                 as detailed                in    Table 1.2.1-1 as

                       Table 1. 2.1-1: Ke y project components

SN      Description                Construction works                       Unit    Qt y         Remarks
                                Construction of Bailong                                           Involve
                                                                            No.      1
                                 Wa t e r S u p p l y S t a t i o n                              16946m 2
                               U p g r a d i n g o f Xi n l i u W a te r                          Involve
                                                                            No.      1
                                        Supply Station                                           1520m 2
                                                                                                   To b e
                                  U p g r a d i n g o f e xi s t i n g                       upgraded to
                                                                            No.      37
                                  water supply station                                          pressure
 1      Wa t e r s u p p l y                                                                 pump station
                                                                                            Pipelines from
                                                                                            the new water
                                  C o n s t r u c t i o n o f wa t e r
                                                                             km     152          plant to
                                  c o n ve ya n c e p i p e l i n e s
                                                                                            e xi s t i n g w a t e r
                                                                                            supply station
                                C o n s t r u c t i o n o f wa t e r                         I n vo l vi n g 4 4
                                                                            Km      695
                                distribution pipelines                                           vi l l a g e s
                               Construction of pressure                     No.      5           Involve

SN       Description               Construction works                          Unit       Qt y       Remarks
                                      pump station                                                    1224m 2
                                                                                                    I n vo l vi n g 6
                                  U p g r a d i n g o f e xi s t i n g
                                                                               No.         4           e xi s t i n g
                                             W W TP s
                                                                                                       W W TP s
                                          Construction of
                                                                                                  Located in low
                                   w a s t e wa t e r t r e a t m e n t        No.         10
                                                                                                    hill areas
           S e wa g e                                                                                 Involve
                                          Construction of
          treatment                                                            No.         42
                              w a s t e wa t e r p u m p s t a t i o n s                               840m 2
                               Upgrading of septic tanks
                                    t o wa s t e w a t e r p u m p             No.         9
                                 C o n s t r u c t i o n o f s e wa g e                            I n vo l vi n g 5 7
                                                                               Km         875
                                               pipelines                                               vi l l a g e s
                                 I m p r o ve m e n t o f o ve r a l l
                                      e n vi r o n m e n t i n t h e
                                    demonstration sites
                               d e ve l o p e d o n t h e b a s i s o f
                                       t h e e xi s t i n g wa t e r
                                      landscape through
                              installation of plank roads,                                         I n vo l vi n g 11
 2                              p a vi l i o n s , g u a r d r a i l s a n d    /          /       vi l l a g e s i n 8
                               landscaping and greening                                                   t o wn s
                               so as to create recreation
                              a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t ve n u e s
                                  for local residents and
                                   fully demonstrate the
                               accomplishments of rural
                               Procurement, installation,
                                        d e ve l o p m e n t a n d
                                       commissioning of
 3      Cloud Platform                                                         Set         1
                                equipment and software
                               and replacement of smart
                                            water meters
                                 Research in promotion,
                                   capacity building and
           Te c h n i c a l
 4                               project management of                         No.         1
                               PPP projects in the water

1.2.2        Potential           environmental                         and      social         impacts         and
mitigation measures

1. Potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures

(1) Potential environmental impacts

Waste gas and wa stewa ter                        to be gen erated                   in   the construction
stagewill        mainly        comprises                   of       dust       and        exhaust       gas and
wastewater to be generated mainly comprises of wastewater from
washing and cleaning of construction vehicles and domestic
sewage generated by the const ruction workers. Noise impacts in

the construction stage are mainly ge nerated b y machinery and
transportation vehicles. The main solid wastes to be generated in
the construction activities are waste earthwork, construction
waste and domestic garbage. Soil e rosion is the main impacts on
the ecological environment in the construction stage.

In the operation stage, domestic sewage, equipment noise and
staff domestic garbage may be generated; the environmental
impacts of the drainage component will mainly be cau sed b y effluent,
odorandequipment noise to be generated by the wastewater
treatment plants (stations) and grid residue and sludge from the
wastewater treatment processes as well as domestic garbage to be
generated by the staff; visitors at the landscape im provement
demonstration sites may genera te domestic garbage.

(2) Mitigation measures for the potential environmental impacts

In the construction stage, excavation shall be prohibited outside
the boundary redline and construction sites shall be properly
enclosed and protected; foundation pits on the side of the Tudi
Temple shall be excavated vertically and grouted to pro tect the
vertical surfaces.

2. Potential social impacts and mitigation measures

(1) Potential social impacts

In the construction stage, non -local construction workers may
generate certain impacts on local community; the in crease of
transportation vehicles may cause impacts on the traffic safety in
the    local   community;        permanent   land   acquisition,      house
demolition and temporary land occupation may also generate social
impacts in the construction stage.

In    the   operation   stage,    water   price   may   rise   du e   to   the
implementation of the Project.

(2) Mitigation measures for the potential social impacts

In the construction st age of the Project, stronger efforts shall be
made in management of construction workers and transportation
vehicles, and implementation of the land and housing acquisition
policies as well as improvement of information disclosure and
public participation.

1.3 Project stages

During the feasibility study and design stage,               stakeholder
consultations was carried out in March and September 2019to
decide     project   siting,   land   occupation   rationality,   planning
compliance, intake position and capacity, and scope of water
source protection so as to identif y the viability and feasibility of
the project design.

At construction stage between project effectiveness and end of

At operation stage planned for beginning of 2025,

2. Stakeholder engagement activities implemented
in the past
2.1     First-round stakeholder engagement activities

2.1.1 Information disclosure

In March 2019, the PMO and the EIA and SIA agencies of the
Project implemented the information disclosure of the Project,
during which the basic information and potential environmental
and social impacts of the Project were disclosed as shown in Table

Table 2.1 .1 -1 Summa ry of First Round Information Disclosure

S.N     Method             Time                     Location                            Objecti ves                Remark s
                                        Public information we bsite of
                                                                             Stak eholders; to mak e
                                        Jingyang Distric t Peo ple’s
                                                                             stak eholders awa re o f project
 1      Inte rnet     March 6 , 2019    Gove rnment
                                                                             profiles and feedback channels,
                                        (http://www.tfjy.go v.c n/go vope
                                        n/show.cdcb?id=3590 2 )
                                                                             Stak eholders; to mak e
                                                                             stak eholders awa re o f project
 2    Newspaper       March 11 , 2019   Deyang Daily
                                                                             profiles and feedback channels,
                                                                             Stak eholders; to mak e
                                                                             stak eholders awa re o f project
                                                                             profiles and feedback channels,
        Bulletin                        Bulletin boards of e ve ry village
                                                                             etc. Village / community liaison
 3      boards        March 6 , 2019    committee in vol ved b y the
                                                                             officers are requi red to notif y
         Radio                          Project
                                                                             women, disabled pe rs ons and
                                                                             registered poo r hous eholds of
                                                                             the p roject information.
                                                                             Staff of exis ting wate r suppl y   Disclosure of
                                                                             and was tewa te r trea tment        supplementa
                                        Meeting room of Water                plants (sta tions); to mak e        ry
 4     Meetings       March 11 , 2019
                                        Resources Bureau                     stak eholders awa re o f project    information
                                                                             profiles and feedback channels,     to vulne rable
                                                                             etc.                                groups
                                                                                                                 Disclosure of
           Oral                                                                                                  supplementa
                                        Visits and n otification in          Women; to mak e stak eholders
      communicati                                                                                                ry
 5                     March 2019       person b y village / co mmunity      aware of projec t profiles and
         on and                                                                                                  information
                                        liaison officers                     feedback channels, e tc.
       notification                                                                                              to vulne rable
 6        Oral         March 2019       Visits and notification in           Disabled persons; to mak e          Disclosure of

S.N      Method         Time                    Location                        Objecti ves                Remark s
      communicati                  person b y village / co mmunity   stak eholders awa re o f project   supplementa
         on and                    liaison officers                  profiles and feedback channels,    ry
       notification                                                  etc.                               information
                                                                                                        to vulne rable
                                                                                                        Disclosure of
           Oral                                                      Registered poo r hous eholds; to   supplementa
                                   Visits and notification in
      communicati                                                    mak e stak eholders a ware of      ry
 7                    March 2019   person b y village / co mmunity
         on and                                                      project profiles and feedback      information
                                   liaison officers
       notification                                                  channels, e tc .                   to vulne rable

2.1.2 Consultations

The first round stakeholder consultation was conducted by the
PMO, the EIA and SIA agencies in March 2019 mainly through
start-up workshops, discussions, interviews and questionnaire
survey. Inform ation regarding such consultations is included in
Table 2-2.

                    Table 2.1 .2 -2 Summa ry of firs t round sta keholder consultations

SN    Methods       Time        Place                 Objecti ves                      Feedback
                                            Heads of township /to wn            Positivel y suppo rting
                                Meeting     gove rnments,       village     /   project construc tion;
                               rooms of     community            dire ctors ;   stak eholder      liaison
     Mobilization   March
1                             township /    pro viding        s tak eholder     officers      at      the              /
     work shops     2019
                                 town       consultation         trainings;     township / town and
                             gove rnments   totall y   11    mobiliza tion      community / village
                                            work shops held.                    level iden tified
                                            Resident rep resen ta ti ves;       (1)                  Mos t   (1)                An
                                            to no tify in pe rso n the          stak eholders         are    Environmental
                                            project          information,       supporti ve     to    the    and           Social
                    March     rooms of
2    Discussions                            communicating               and     Project.                     Management
                    2019       village
                                            listening to opinion s and          (2)Villagers of Group        Plan (ESMP) an d
                                            appeals;        to tally       6    5 of Lingmiao Village        other       rele vant
                                            discussions organi ze d.            presented             the    documents         will
                                            Staff of existing wate r            following      opinions      be p repared and
                                            supply     and     waste wate r     and suggestions :            implemented
                                Meeting     trea tment plan t (sta tions);      �?� Sewage leak age            them during the
                               rooms of     collecting         information           is not allowed          implementation
3    Discussions                 Water      about and consul ting about              although consen t       stage and the
                              Resources     job changes with the sta ff              is given to the         operational stage
                                Bureau      of existing wa te r s upply              construc tion of a      of the P roject. (2)
                                            and was tewa te r trea tment             sewage         pump     Sewage
                                            plant (sta tions).                       station    in    the    trea tment       fees
                               Meeting      Women; to notif y in p erson             village;                will be p riced and
                    March     rooms of      the projec t information,           �?� The            sewage      collected in strict
4    Discussions
                    2019       village      communicating               and          station must no t       accordance with
                             committees     listening to opinion s and               be located too          the        na tional,

SN     Methods        Time       Place                Objecti ves                     Feedback
                                            appeals;        to tally        6        close    to    the    pro vincial,
                                            discussions         orga nized ,         residential area      municipal,      and
                                            with a women partici pation              and       produce     district       price
                                            rate of abou t 30 %.                     impacts on the        setting methods
                                            Registered                  poor         residents .           and procedure s,
                                            households; to noti fy in           �?�      Sewage tank s,      and a hea ring will
                                            person       the         p roject        if     necessary,     be     held.     (3)
                     March      rooms of
5    Discussions                            information,                             must    be    fully   Discussions and
                     2019        village
                                            communicating                and         enclosed;             communications
                                            listening to opinion s and          (3)     Villagers     of   were held with
                                            appeals.                            Group 4 of Hongfu          and          further
                                            Disabled persons; dis abled         Village hope tha t the     explanations
                                            persons unable to a ttend a         waste wate r               were pro vided to
                                            symposium or fill out a             trea tment fee to be       the       residents
     Face-to-face    March     Household    questionnaire we re visited         collected        during    who      are     not
6                                                                               operation     will   be    supporti ve to the
      interviews     2019       surve y     and     consulted      by     the
                                            village/community        liaison    reasonable.                Project and the y
                                            officers during hous ehold          (4) 2 responden ts         have        become
                                            surve ys.                           disagree wi th the         supporti ve af ter
                                            Huangxu         Prison;        to   project construc tion;     such
                                            understand their a ttitude          7         responden ts     communications .
                                            towa rds                 p roject   disagree wi th projec t
                                            construc tion and verif y that      siting.
                                            the    Projec t    does       not
7                   May 2019       /        invol ve the use o f the
                                            manpower and material
                                            resources from the two
                                            prisons and one cen ter as
                                            the large wate r users in the
                                            operation stage .
     Face-to-face    March       Meeting    Resident rep resen ta ti ves;
      interviews     2019       rooms of    to communicate in p erson

SN     Methods       Time      Place                Objecti ves                 Feedback
                               village    and listen to opinion s and
                             committees   appeals;        to tally       167
                                          persons in tervie wed.
                                          Directly                 a ffected
                                          stak eholders: end wate r
                                          users, schools , busin esses
                                          and    ins titu tions,       wate r
                                          supply      and         dra inage
                                          station employees, etc.; to
                                          consult the opinion s and
                                          suggestions         of       these
     Questionnaire   March   Household
9                                         groups on their a ttitu des to
        surve y      2019     surve y
                                          the    Projec t      and       the
                                          environmental and social
                                          impacts;      totall y       2,498
                                          feedback s were rec eived
                                          from individuals, 61 from
                                          grassroo ts      o rganizations
                                          and 47 from busin esses
                                          and insti tutions .

2.2 Second-round stakeholder engagement activities
2.2.1 Information disclosure
In September 2019, the PMO and the SIA agencies of the Project implemented the 2 n d round information
disclosure of the Project, during which the SIA, RAP and other documents of the Project were disclosed.
Opinions and suggestions by the consulted stakeholders are shown in Table 2.2.1 -1 as follows.

Table 2.2 .1-1 Summa ry of Second Round Informa tion Disclos ure

S.N     Method            Time                      Location                           Objecti ves                 Remark s
                                       Public information we bsite of
                                       Jingyang Distric t Peo ple’s         Stak eholders; to mak e
                                       Gove rnment                          stak eholders awa re o f project
 1      Inte rnet     Sept. 3, 2019
                                                                            SIA, RAP con ten ts an d
                                       ( http://www.tfj y.go vope
                                                                            feedback channels, e tc.
                                       n/sho w. cdcb? id=38585 )
                                                                            Stak eholders; to mak e
                                                                            stak eholders awa re o f project
                                                                            SIA, RAP con ten ts an d
                                                                            feedback channels, e tc. Village
        Bulletin                       Bulletin boards of e ve ry village   / community liaison officers are
                       Sept. 3 - 6 ,
 2      boards                         committee in vol ved b y the         required to notif y wo men,
         Radio                         Project                              disabled persons and
                                                                            registered poo r hous eholds of
                                                                            the p roject information and
                                                                            consult their opinions and
           Oral                                                             Employees of existin g wa ter        Disclosure of
                                       Visits and notification in
      communicati                                                           supply and was tewa ter              supplementa
 3                    Sept. 6, 2019    person b y Water Affairs Bureau
         on and                                                             trea tment pla tns (s tations): to   ry
       notification                                                         mak e stak eholders a ware of        information

S.N     Method             Time                   Location                          Objecti ves                Remark s
                                                                         project SIA, RAP con tents and     to vulne rable
                                                                         feedback channels, e tc.           groups
                                                                                                            Disclosure of
           Oral                                                          Women: to mak e stak eholders      supplementa
                                       Visits and notification in
      communicati                                                        aware of projec t SIA, RAP         ry
 4                     Sept. 6, 2019   person b y Water Affairs Bureau
         on and                                                          contents and feedbac k             information
       notifi cation                                                     channels, e tc .                   to vulne rable
                                                                                                            Disclosure of
           Oral                                                          Disabled persons; to mak e         supplementa
                                       Visits and notification in
      communicati                                                        stak eholders awa re o f project   ry
 5                     Sept. 6, 2019   person b y village / co mmunity
         on and                                                          SIA and RAP conten ts and          information
                                       liaison officers
       notification                                                      feedback channels, e tc.           to vulne rable
                                                                                                            Disclosure of
           Oral                                                          Registered poo r hous eholds; to   supplementa
                                       Visits and notification in
      communicati                                                        mak e stak eholders a ware of      ry
 6                     Sept. 6, 2019   person b y village / co mmunity
         on and                                                          project SIA an d RAP contents      information
                                       liaison officers
       notification                                                      and feedback channels, e tc .      to vulne rable

The 2 n d round stakeholder consultation was then conducted by the PMO and the EIA agencies mainly to
disclose information on the contents of the ESMP, ESMF and ESIA Report of the Project . Information
regarding such consultations is included in Table 2 .2.1-2.

Table 2.2 .1 -2 S u mma ry of second round stakeh older consultation s

 SN     Methods              Time                            Place                                Objecti ves              Remark s

                                                                                      Stak eholders; to mak e
                                                                                      stak eholders awa re o f conten ts
                                             Public information we bsite of
                                                                                      of the projec t ESMP,,ESMF,
                                             Jingyang Distric t Peo ple’s
                                                                                      ESIA Report (elec tron ic
  1      Inte rne t     Sept. 2 0, 2019      Gove rnment
                                                                                      documents and p rinte d copies
                                             ( http://www.tfj y.go vopen /s
                                                                                      stored a t each town / township
                                    cb? id=38777 )
                                                                                      and PMO) and feedback
                                                                                      channels, e tc .
                                                                                      Stak eholders; to mak e
                                                                                      stak eholders awa re o f conten ts
                                                                                      of the projec t ESMP,,ESMF,
        Bulle tinb                           Bulletin boards of e very village
                                                                                      ESIA Report (elec tron ic
  2      oards,       Sept. 2 3 -25 , 2019   committee in vol ved b y the
                                                                                      documents and p rinte d copies
         radio                               Project
                                                                                      stored a t each town / township
                                                                                      and PMO) and feedback
                                                                                      channels, e tc .

2.2.2 Consultations

The second round stakeholder consultation was conducted by the PMO, the EIA and SIA agencies in
September 2019 mainly through discussions, online workgroups. Information regarding such consultations
is included in Table 2 .2.2-1.

                       Table 2.2 .2-1 Summa ry of second round stakeholder consultations

SN       Methods        Time        Place                Objecti ves                     Feedback
                                               Heads of to wnship /to wn
                                   Meeting     gove rnments,       villa ge    /
                                  rooms of     community            dire ctors ,
                                  Huangxu      villager    represen ta ti ves ;
                     September                                                     Positivel y supporting
 1     Discussions                 Town /      explaining and answering                                               /
                       2019                                                        project construc tion;
                                 Shuangdong    environmental ques ti ons of
                                    Town       the Project and no tifying
                                 Gove rnment   methods and chann els of
                                               obtaining the reports .
                                               Township              offi cials,
                                               represen tati ves from wate r       Support         projec t
                                   room of
                     September                 stations .       To         seek    construc tion.
 2     Discussions                Jingyang
                       2019                    comments from aff ected             Prepare      transi tion
                                               persons on transi tion plan         plan.
                                 Gove rnment
                                               of wate r sta tions.
                                               Gove rnment          age ncies;     Land     Prepara tion
                                 Gove rnment   consulting        go vernment       and      Reclamation
         Online      September   work groups   agencies        about       their   Center of Jing yang
 3                                                                                                            Already updated .
       work groups     2019      of Jingyang   opinions and sugge stions           District    amended
                                    District   on the S IA and RAP                 parts     of      the
                                               documents of the Pro ject.          documents.

3. Identification and analysis of stakeholders

3.1. Identification and anal ysis of environmental stakeholders

3.1.1 Identification of stakeholders follow ing the EI A process

The directly affected parties from the environmental perspective
are identified to be the sensitive receptors within the geographical
scope of the project ’ s environmental impacts assessment for each
environmental factors , as required in national environmental
impacts           assessment             technical        guidelines
(HJ2.4-2009,HJ2.3-2018,HJ2.2-2018,HJ19-2011),                 including
residents, schools, hospitals, nursaries, elderly care centers,
governments, public greenland s, etc. :

1) Noise: 200m outside the boundary of construction sites and
200m on each side of the pip elines ;

2) Surface water: 500m upstream and 3km downstream of the
wastewater discharge outlets;

3) Air environment: Class III EIA requires no identification of the
EIA scope of air environment;

4) Ecological environment: 300m outside the boundary of
construction sites and 200m on each side of the pipelines ;

5) Community safety: communities and schools in the project

Sensitive receptors and directly affected parties identified based
on the aforesaid criteria are detailed in Annex 1 and Annex 2.

3.1.2 Identification of Other Interested Parties

Based on the EIA and the ESS 10, following entities are identified
as other interested parties, see Table 3.1.2.

        Table 3.1.2-1: Analysis of other interested parties of

                  Environmental Impacts

      Name of direct
SN                                Rights / responsibilities
                         Responsible for environmental
                         impacts of noise, waste gas, solid
       Ecology and       wastes and ecological impacts
1      Environment       generated in the construction and
         Bureau          operation stage of the Project and
                         arrangement of wastewater discharge
                         outlets of the drainage component.
                         Responsible for justifying water
                         resources, reviewing and approving
     Water Resources
2                        water and soil conservation and
                         grantin g permits of river crossing for
                         the Project.
                         Responsible for traffic coordination
      Transportation     and granting permits of road crossing
         Bureau          in the construction stage of the
                         Permits are to be obtained from the
                         Expressway Administration Office for
4     Administration
                         crossing expressways under the
      Local cultural
         relics          Protecting cultural relics protection
      management         units at and above the county level.
                         Permits are to be obtained from the
6    Railway authority   railway authority for crossing railways
                         under the Project.
     No. 1 and No. 2
                         Permits are to be obtained from No. 1
                         and No. 2 Administration Division of
7       Division of
                         Dujiangyan Renmin Canal for water
                         extraction for the Project.
      Renmin Canal
     Agricultural and
8      Rural Affairs     Management of water ecology.

3.1.3 Need anal ysis of environmental stakeholders

                                Table 3.1 .3: Need an alysis of en vironmental stakeholders

                Stak eholder                                              Language
 Stak eholder                            Key charac teris tics                       notification       Special needs
                   group                                                    need
                                                                                                    Providing        proje ct
                                                                                                    charts and diag ra ms
                                  Approximately 12 ,50 0 persons ,                                  and explaining project
                                  mostly li ving in rural a reas wi th                              information            in
                                                                                       W ritten
                                  farming income as their main                                      non-technical
                                                                          Mandarin     notice,
                   Local          source of income;                                                 language. Othe r nee ds
                                                                          Sichuan    telephone,
                 residents        Not highl y educated : abou t 30%                                 to be de termined bas ed
                                                                           dialect      village
                                  at and belo w p rimary school and                                 on    village/community
                                  3% with a college education                                       needs.
                                  back ground.                                                      Sichuan dialect need ed
                                                                                                    for       the    elderly
                                                                                                    residents .
                                                                                        W ritten
                  School          17    schools,    mainly  p rimary                    notice,     Consultations      duri ng
                faculty and       schools and junior middle schools       Mandarin   telephone,     non-vacation      pe rio ds
                 students         of a small scale.                                     village     or spa re time;
                Businesses        32 businesses and institu tions,                      W ritten
                                                                                                    Consultations on wo rk
                    and           mainly health cente rs and small        Mandarin      notice,
                institu tions     businesses.                                         telephone
                                  Songbai Village wi th a population
                                  of about 6,000 ;
                 Songbai          The Tudi Temple was built in 2010                                 Inte rviews   require d;
                                                                          Sichuan    Telephone
                 Village          inves ted b y the villag e and with a                             public meetings.
                                  land occupa tion a re a of 10m 2 .
                                  Built b y and for loc al villagers,

               Stak eholder                                             Language
Stak eholder                          Key charac teris tics                        notification       Special needs
                  group                                                   need
                              the temple is not a protected si te.

                              Ecology        and       Environment
                              Bureau,        Water       Resources
                              Bureau, Transpo rta ti on Bureau,
                              Expresswa y           Administration                   W ritten
    Othe r                                                                                        Consultations on wo rk
               Gove rnment    Office,     local    cultural    relics                notice,
 interes ted                                                            Mandarin                  days ;       in tervie ws
               departments    authori ty, railwa y au thority, No. 1                 email,
   parties                                                                                        required.
                              and No. 2 Administra tion Office of                  telephone
                              Dujiangyan        Renmin        Canal,
                              Agricultural and R ural Affairs

3.2 Identification and analysis of social stakeholders

3.2.1 Identification of stakeholders follow ing the SI A process

The social s tak eholders iden tified under the Projec t a re a ll the users of
the water supply and sanitation services provided under the
Project,    including   local   residents,    schools,    businesses      and
institutions,   Huangxu      Pri son   (a   special   large    water    user) ,
residents affected by land acquisition and resettlement and
employees of water supply and wastewater treatment plants
(stations) affected by job changes due to project implementation.
See Annex 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the detailed lists.

1) End users

The Project involves 88 administrative villages in the 11 towns and
townships of Yangjia Town, Xiaoquan Town, Xinzhong Town,
Shuangdong Town, Hexin Town, Dexin Town, Bailong Town,
Huangxu Town, Xiaogan Town, Tianyuan Town and Donghu
Township. The end users of the Project mainly include:

(1) Local residents

The Project involves 88 administrative villages in the 11 towns and
township s of Yangjia Town, Xiaoquan Town, Xinzhong Town,
Shuangdong Town, Hexin Town, Dexin Town, Bailong Town,
Huangxu Town, Xiaogan Town, Tianyuan Town and Donghu
Township. The main stakeholders are residents of the 88 villages.

(2) Schools

Totally 17 schools are in volved. These are beneficiaries who may
have recommendations to project design, but not negatively

(3) Businesses and institutions

Totally 32 businesses and institutions are involved. These are

beneficiaries, not negatively affected. Since they are b ig water
users, may have recommendations for project design and

(4) Huangxu Prison

Huangxu Prison comprises of Sichuan Deya ng Prison ,Sichuan A ba Prison ,
and Sichuan W omen’s Compulsory Isola tion and Drug Rehabilitation
Center, referred to as “two prisons and one cente r�?. Project will pro vide
wate r suppl y and was te wa ter trea tment services to the p rison. Project will
not use an y produc ts or labor from the p ris on.

2) Employees of water supply and wastewater treatment plants

A total of 115 contracted wo rkers and among them 39 temporary
workers. There are potentially negative impacted persons if they
face redundancy as a result of consolidation of water facilities.
Those who are to retained will be potentially beneficiaries. A
transparent and meaningful consultation process is to be included
in the transition plan that will decide the criteria for retaining,
laying off, and retirement.

3) Residents affected by land acquisition and resettlement

The Project will involve land acquisition or resettlement due to the
construction of new wastewater treatment stations and pump
stations, water supply plants and stations, pressure pump stations
and protection of water sources. Details of residents affected by
land acquisition and resettlement are shown in Annex 8.

3.2.2   Identification of other interested parties

Based on the SIA and the ESS 10, following entities are identified
as other interested parties :

   SN             Name of                    Rights and responsibi lities
           Natural Resources an d       Responsible for management of land
              Planning Bureau           acquisition and rese ttlement and

SN           Name of                  Rights and responsibi lities
                                developing s tanda rds , p rocedures
                                and p rograms of land acquisition and
                                Coordinating traffic in the
                                construc tion s tage of the Projec t and
2     Transporta tion Burea u
                                granting permits fo r c rossing
                                highways unde r the p roject.
         Expresswa y            Gran ting permits for crossing
      Administration Office     expresswa ys unde r th e Project.
                                Gran ting permits for crossing
4       Railway au thori ty
                                railwa ys unde r the Project.
      Public Complaints an d    Managing public complaints and
        Proposals Bureau        feedback s.
                                Collecting wate r ta riff and managing
6    Water Resources Bureau     staff of wa ter suppl y and drainage
                                stations .
                                Safeguarding and managing rights
     Human Resources and
7                               and inte rests of labo r and
     Social Security Bu rea u
                                pove rty-s trick en popu lation
8    Public Security Bu rea u   Managing community safety.
      Safety Supervision
9                               Managing construc tion safety.
10      Finance Bureau          Managing LAR fund.
     Stability Main tenance     Maintaining community safety and
              Office            social stability
12        Price Bureau          Responsible for wa ter pricing;
                                Safeguarding and managing rights
13    Disabled Association
                                 and inte rests of disab led persons
                                Safeguarding and managing
14    Women’s Federation
                                women’s righ ts and in teres ts .

3.2.3   Need anal ysis of social stakeholders

                                 Table 3.2 .3: Need an alysis of socia l stak eholders

                 Stak eholder                                           Language
 Stak eholder                           Key charac teris tics                      notification        Special needs
                    group                                                 need
                                                                                                  Providing        proje ct
                                                                                                  charts and diag ra ms
                                 Approximately 200 ,00 0 persons ,
                                                                                                  and explaining project
                                 mostly li ving in ru ral areas wi th
                                                                                                  information            in
                                 farming income as their main                        W ritten
                                 source of income;                      Mandarin     notice,
                    Local                                                                         language. Othe r nee ds
                                 Not highly educa ted : about 30%       Sichuan    telephone,
                  residents                                                                       to be de termined bas ed
                                 at and below primary school and         dialect      village
                                                                                                  on    village/community
                                 3% with a college education                        broadcast
                                 back ground.
                                                                                                  Sichuan dialect need ed
                                 Poor population : 334 persons.
                                                                                                  for       the    elderly
                                                                                                  residents .
  All parties                                                                         W ritten
 affected b y                    17 schools, mainly primary                           notice,     Consultations      duri ng
 the Projec t   School faculty
                                 schools    and  juni or   middle       Mandarin   telephone,     non-vacation      pe rio ds
                and studen ts
                                 schools of a small scale.                            village     or spa re time;
                 Businesses      31 businesses and institu tions,                     W ritten
                                                                                                  Consultations on wo rk
                     and         mainly health cen ters and small       Mandarin      notice,
                 institu tions   businesses.                                        telephone
                                 Sichuan Deyang Priso n ,Sichuan
                                 Aba Prison, Sichuan Women’s                        W ritten      Site visits no t allowe d;
                  Huangxu        Compulsory Isola tion and Drug
                                                                        Mandarin     notice,      telephone     in tervie ws
                   Prison        Rehabilitation Cente r, referred                  Telephone      on wo rk days.
                                 to as “two p risons and one

               Stak eholder                                        Language
Stak eholder                         Key charac teris tics                    notification        Special needs
                  group                                              need
                Residents                                                       W ritten     Household           surve y;
                               Approximately 80 h ouseholds,
                affected b y                                       Mandarin     notice,      interpre ta tion   of RPF
                               mainly living on farming.
               resettlement                                                   Telephone      and RAP.
                               Jingyang District Gove rnment,
                               Natural Resources an d Planning
                               Bureau, Transportati on Bureau ,
                               Expresswa y        Administration
                               Office, Agricul tural and Rural
                               Affairs     Bureau,       Public
                                                                                W ritten
    other                      Complaints     and     Proposals                              Consultations on wo rk
               Gove rnment                                                      notice,
 interes ted                   Bureau,     Water     Resources     Mandarin                  days ;       in tervie ws
               departments                                                      email,
   parties                     Bureau, Finance Bure au, Human                                required.
                               Resources and Soci al Security
                               Bureau, Public Secu rity Bu reau,
                               Safety    Supervision    Bureau,
                               Stability Main tenan ce Office,
                               Disabled Association, Women’s

3.3 Identification of other stakeholders

Other stakeholders are primarily those with relationships of
interest with the Project (or other interested parties). Although not
directly    affected,    these      stakeholders       have      a      broader
understanding of the social characteristics of the project area and
the local population and will be directly or indirectly engaged in
the Project.

3.4 Vulnerable groups / individuals

3.4.1 Identification of vulnerable groups / individuals

Vulnerable groups / individuals are those more likely to be
adversely affected by or restricted in terms of benefiting from the
Project and are easily excluded from and thus disabled to be fully
engaged in the mainstream consultation process, therefore,
requiring appropriate measures and assistance to ensure their full
engagement in the project activities. The vulnerable groups of the
Project     include   women,      disabled       people,   reg istered     poor
households, and employees of existing water supply plants
(stations) and wastewater treatment plants (stations).

Table 3.4.1-1 Analysis of vulnerable groups / individuals

   Name of
  vulnerable                 Cause analysis                 Special needs
                  Women have limited
                  opportuni ties to enga ge in         Consultation needs to
                  consultations since th ey need to    take place when it is
                  take ca re of children and the       convenient for women
                  elderly;                             to a ttend. Inte rviews
                  Women are in a disad vantage d       took place a t
                  position in family due to            participants homes .
                  tradi tional mindset.

                  Persons with hearing
                                                     Sign language
                  disabilitie s   have limited
                                                     interpre ters needed for
                  opportuni ties to enga ge in
                                                     persons with hearing
                  consultations due to obstacles
                                                     disabilities ;
Disabled          of co mmunication ;
                                                     Home visits needed for
                  Handicapped persons have
                                                     consultation with
                  limited opportunities to engage
                                                     persons with mobility
                  in consulta tions due to
                                                     difficulties .
                  inconvenience of mov ement.
                                                     Sichuan dialect need ed
                                                     for the elderly
                                                     residents .
                                                     visits needed fo r
                                                     consultation with
                  Water ta riff will increase the    handicapped poor
                  livelihood pressure of the         households.
                  registered poor house holds who    Consultations focuse d
                  mainly engage in fa rming.         on added cos t, and
                                                     whether there a re
                                                     means o f subsidy . This
                                                     could be further raised
                                                     during public hea rings
                                                     on water price .
                  Due to the consolidation of
Employees of      existing facilities und er the
                                                     Transparent and widely
existing wate r   Project, employmen t
                                                     consulted decision
trea tmen t       uncertain ty will be brought to
                                                     making process will b e
plants            more than 100 emplo yees of the
                                                     adopted, transition plan
(sta tions) and   existing wate r supply and
                                                     needs to demons tra te
wastewater        wastewater treatment plants
                                                     sufficien t meaningful
trea tmen t       (sta tions) , and they a re in a
                                                     participation in
plants            disadvantage posi tion to
                                                     consultation .
(sta tions)       influcen the transi tion
                  arrangemen t.

3.4.2 Need anal ysis of vulnerable groups / individuals

The potential needs of the stakeholders are summarized in the
table below, which describes the key characteristics and specific
needs of each stakeholder.

                       Table 3.4 .1 -1: Need analys is of vulnerab le groups / ind ividu als

              Stakeholder                                             Language
Stakeholder                        Ke y charac teristics                         notification       Special needs
                 group                                                  need
                               123        con trac t      work ers
                               (generall y to wn go ve rnment
                               or village committee staff on
              Employees of     a    pa rt -time      ba sis),    39
                                                                                    W ritten
              wate r suppl y   temporary work ers (local                                        Consultations on wo rk
                                                                      Mandarin      notice,
              and drainage     residents on a pa rt -time                                       days ;
                entities       basis),       gene rally      40 -60
                               yea rs old wi th an ed ucation
                               back ground of junior high
                               school or high school .
                               Accounting 50% of to tal
                               population;        no t      highly
                               educated;         approxi mately
                                                                      Mandarin      W ritten    non-week end,     chi ld
                               30% at and below primary
Vulnerable       Women                                                Sichuan       notice,     care and consulta tio ns
                               school and 3% with a
 groups                                                                Dialect    telephone     by     female      sta ff
                               college                  education
                               back ground;                 mostly
                               housewive s.
                                                                                                Confirmation required
                                                                                                with          townshi p,
                                                                                                liaison officials, si gn
                                                                                    W ritten    language interp rete rs
                Disabled       Not highl y educated , mostl y
                                                                      Mandarin      notice,     needed for deaf -mute
                persons        farmers.
                                                                                  telephone     persons;   Braille   for
                                                                                                blind          person s;
                                                                                                guardians needed for
                                                                                                communication      wi th
                                                                                                mentally handicapp ed

              Stakeholder                                   Language
Stakeholder                    Ke y charac teristics                   notification       Special needs
                 group                                        need
                                                                                      persons; visits need ed
                                                                                      for consulta tion wi th
                                                                                      handicapped persons .
              Registered                                    Mandarin    W ritten      Sichuan dialect need ed
                            334 persons , not highly
                 poor                                       Sichuan      notice,      for     the      elderly
                            educated, mostl y farmers.
              households                                     dialect   Telephone      residents .

4. Stakeholder consultation plan
4.1. Purpose and schedule

4.1.1 Purpose

To improve project design and achieve sustainable environmental
and social development of the Project.

4.1.2 schedule

Stakeholder consultations shall be carried out throughout the
project cycle , including the feasibility study stage, construction
stage and operation stage of the Project. See Table 4.1 -1 for the
specific schedule .

          Table 4.1 .2-1 : schedu le of stak eholder con sultations

                                         Time and channel of information
 Project stage         Timeframe                   disclosure
                                     1 s t round : Ma rch 201 9; 2 n d round: Jul y
                 1st     round :     2019;
                 March 2019          Information disclosure and feedback
   FS stage      2nd     round :     channel: Public information websi te of
                 September           Jingyang District; ESCP will also be
                 2019                disclosed via the sam e channel.

                                     Information disclosure and feedback
                 each      year
                                     channel: Public information websi te of
                                     Jingyang Distric t; u pdated ESCP will
                                     also be disclosed via the same channel.
                                     Feedback from stak eholders will be
                                     collected th rough pro ject GRM channel
 Construction                        on daily basis, and addressed through
    stage                            the GRM mechanism ;
                                     Independent     monitor ing   team      will
                                     engange with land acquisition and
                                     resettlement affected persons through
                 and 2024
                                     interviews and que sti onnaire su rve ys to
                                     monitor implementation of RAP, and
                                     findings will be reflected in the
                                     bi-annual monitoring reports.
                                     Every December;
                  December,          Information disclosure and feedback
  Opera tion
                 each yea r af ter   channel: Public information websi te of
                 2024                Jingyang Distric t; u pdated ESCP will
                                     also be disclosed via the same channel.

                                      Time and channel of information
Project stage     Timeframe                     disclosure
                                   Feedback /complaints from stak eholders
                After   end   of
                                   will be collected and addressed through
                                   Project GRM on daily basis.

4.2 Proposed information disclosure approaches

The proposed information disclosure approaches are described in
Table 4.2-1 as follows.

                              Table 4.2 -1 Propose d methods of information d isclosure

                                                                                        Percentage of
Project      Informa tion to be       Proposed      Schedule :          Target                               Responsible
 stage           disclosed            methods      place / da te     stakeholder                               person
                                                                                        stak eholders
                                                   Public                              60% of villagers
                                                                   stak ehol ders:
                                                   website    of                       have a ccess to
                                                                   villagers ,
                                                   Jingyang                            public website of    PMO      liaison
                                                                   businesses and
                                      Inte rnet;   District                            Jingyang             official
           1 s t Round information                                 institu tions,
                                      Newspaper    Gove rnment,                        District, De yang    Town/town ship
           disclosure:     P roject                                hospitals,
                                      ;            Deyang                              Daily and the        gove rnment
           information,                                            schools,
                                      Bulletin     Daily,                              other 40 % can       official
           Stak eholder                                            gove rnment
                                      boards;      bulletin                            be connec ted via    Village        /
           Engagement Plan (SEP)                                   departments ,
                                      Radio        boards     of                       radio         and    community
                                                   village                             announcements        official
                                                   committees/                         on        bulletin
                                                   March 2019                          boards.
                                                                   stak eholders.
FS Stage                                                           stak eholders:      60% of villagers
                                                                   villagers ,         have a ccess to
                                                   District                                                 PMO      liaison
                                                                   businesses and      public website of
                                                   Gove rnment                                              official
                                                                   institu tions,      Jingyang
           2 n d Round information    Inte rnet    public                                                   Town/town ship
                                                                   hospitals,          District,
           disclosure: E IA Report,   Bulletin     website ,                                                gove rnment
                                                                   schools,            announcements
           SIA Report, ESMP, SEP,     boards       village                                                  official
                                                                   gove rnment         on        bulletin
           SEF, ESCP                  Radio        committee                                                Village        /
                                                                   departments ,       boards and the
                                                   bulletin                                                 community
                                                                   vulnerable          other 40 % can
                                                   board       /                                            official
                                                                   groups,             be connec ted via
                                                   August 2019
                                                                   other               radio.
                                                                   stak eholders.
                                      Inte rnet    Jingyang        Households          60% of villagers     PMO      liaison
           2 n d Round information
                                      Bulletin     District        affected b y land   have a ccess to      official
           disclosure: RP, RPF
                                      boards       Gove rnment     acquisition and     public website of    Town/town ship

                                                                                          Percentage of
Project       Informa tion to be         Proposed     Schedule :          Target                               Responsible
 stage            disclosed              methods     place / da te     stakeholder                               person
                                                                                          stak eholders
                                        Radio        public          resettlement        Jingyang             gove rnment
                                                     website ,                           District,            official
                                                     village                             announcements        Village          /
                                                     committee                           on        bulletin   community
                                                     bulletin                            boards and the       official
                                                     board       /                       other 40 % can
                                                     August 2019                         be connec ted via
                                                                     stak eholders:      60% of villagers     PMO      liaison
           Executive repo rt of the                                  villagers ,         have a ccess to      official
                                                     Gove rnment
           Environmental        a nd                                 businesses and      public website of    Liaison Official
           Social     Manag ement                                    institu tions,      Jingyang              of         SPV
                                                     website ,
           Plan,       Stak eholder     Inte rnet,                   hospitals,          District,            Corporation ,
           Engagement Plan a nd         bulletin                     schools,            announcements        Town/town ship
           Environmental        a nd    boards                       gove rnment         on        bulletin   gove rnment
           Social      Commitment                                    departments ,       boards and the       official
           Plan,          including                                  vulnerable          other 40 % can       Village          /
Construc                                             construc tion
           monitoring resul ts.                                      groups,             be connec ted via    community
  tion                                               camps/Year
                                                                     other               radio.               official
 stage                                               2020 ~2024
                                                                     stak eholders.
                                                     Jingyang                            60% of villagers     PMO      liaison
                                                     District                            have a ccess to      official
                                                     Gove rnment                         public website of    Liaison Official
           Executive   repo rt     of                                Households
                                        Inte rnet,   public                              Jingyang              of         SPV
           Resettlement        Pl an,                                affected b y land
                                        bulletin     website ,                           District,            Corporation ,
           including    monitoring                                   acquisition and
                                        boards       village                             announcements        Town/town ship
           results .                                                 resettlement
                                                     committee                           on        bulletin   gove rnment
                                                     bulletin                            boards and the       official
                                                     board,                              other 40 % can       Village          /

                                                                                       Percentage of
 Project       Informa tion to be        Proposed     Schedule :         Target                             Responsible
  stage            disclosed             methods     place / da te    stakeholder                             person
                                                                                       stak eholders
                                                     construc tion                    be connec ted via    comm unity
                                                     camps/Year                       radio. 。             official
                                                     2020 ~2024
                                                                     stak eholders:   60% of villagers
                                                                     villagers ,      have a ccess to      Liaison Official
                                                     Gove rnment
            Executive repo rt of the                                 businesses and   public website of     of         SPV
            Environmental        a nd                                institu tions,   Jingyang             Corporation ,
                                                     website ,
            Social      Management      Inte rnet,                   hospitals,       District,            Town/town ship
Opera tio                                            village
            Plan      and    Sludge     bulletin                     schools,         announcements        gove rnment
n stage                                              committee
            Management         Pl an,   boards                       gove rnment      on        bulletin   official
            including     monitoring                                 departments ,    boards and the       Village          /
            results .                                                vulnerable       other 40 % can       community
                                                     construc tion
                                                                     groups,          be connec ted via    official
                                                                     other            radio.
                                                     2025 ~2044
                                                                     stak eholders.

Statement: Public opinions and improvement suggestions are warmly welcomed.

4.3   Proposed consultation approaches
            Table 4.3-1: Proposed consultation approaches for environmental impac ts in the Project

 Project                                                Schedule : place /        Target            Responsible
                  Issues             Approaches
  stage                                                      date              stakeholder            person
                                                                                                     PMO liaison
              Screening of                                  Village                                 Town/town ship
                                    public meetings,
            environmental and                           committees/March      Local residents        gove rnment
              social issues                                  2019                                       official
                                                                                                       Village /
                                                                                                  community official
                                                                                                     PMO liaison
                                                                               Teachers and             official
                                                                               students from        Town/town ship
                                    public meetings,
               Traffic safety                          Schools /Ma rch 2019   15 schools and         gove rnment
                                                                               their paren ts,          official
Preparati                                                                     Local residents          Village /
on stage                                                                                          community official
                                                                                                     PMO liaison
              Screening of                             Town and township                            Town/town ship
                                    public meetings,                          31 businesses
            environmental and                          gove rnments/Ma rch                           gove rnment
                                     questionnaires                           and insti tutions
              social issues                                   2019                                      official
                                                                                                       Village /
                                                                                                  community official
                Screening of                                                                         PMO liaison
                 impacts on                                 Village                                     official
                                    public meetings,
             Songbai Village                            committees/March      Songbai Village       Town/town ship
             Tudi Temple and                                 2019                                    gove rnment
            siting feasibility of                                                                       official

Project                                                     Schedule : place /          Target         Responsible
                  Issues              Approaches
 stage                                                           date                stakeholder         person
             Songbai Village                                                                            Village /
              pump station                                                                           community official

            Pipeline crossing                               Meeting room of            Water
                                                                                                        PMO liaison
               and wa ter            work meetings          Water Resources          Resources
                functions                                  Bureau / Ma y 2019          Bureau
             Water source of                                                        Renmin Canal
                                     Telephone and                                                      PMO liaison
             Bailong Water                                      April 2019              No. 1
                                  communication letters                                                   official
                 Plant                                                              Administration
                                                                                    Renmin Canal
             Water source of         Telephone and                                                      PMO liaison
                                                                April 2019              No. 2
            Xinliu Water Plant    communication letters                                                   official
                                                             Meeting room of
                                                                                     Agricultural       PMO liaison
             Aquatic ecolog y        work meetings         Agricultural Bu reau /
                                                                                       Bureau             official
                                                                 May 2019
                                                             Meeting room of           Natural
Preparati   Nature and sou rce                              Natural Resources       Resources and       PMO liaison
                                     work meetings
on stage    of land occupa tion                           and Planning Bureau /       Planning            official
                                                                 May 2019              Bureau
                                                             Meeting room of
                 Project                                     Jingyang Distric t                         PMO liaison
                                     work meetings                                      DRC
              identification                                Gove rnment, Ma y                             official

 Project                                                     Schedule : place /         Target           Responsible
                   Issues               Approaches
  stage                                                           date               stakeholder           person
             Pipelines crossing
                                                              Meeting room of
                national and                                                        Transporta tion      PMO liaison
                                       work meetings           Transporta tion
                 pro vincial                                                           Bureau              official
                                                             Bureau; June 2019
                                                              Meeting room of
                                                                                     Expresswa y
             Pipelines crossing                                  Expresswa y                             PMO liaison
                                       work meetings                                Administration
                expresswa ys                                    Administration                             official
                                                             Bureau, June 2019
                                                              Meeting room of
             Pipelines crossing                                                                          PMO liaison
                                       work meetings        Railway Bu reau, June   Railway Bu reau
                  railwa ys                                                                                official
                                                              Meeting room of
             Cultural heritage in                                                                        PMO liaison
                                       work meetings        Culture Bureau , Ma y   Culture Bureau
                project area                                                                               official
              Identification of
                                                              Meeting room of
              discharge ou tlet                                                     Environmental
                                                               Environmental                             PMO liaison
                and pollutant          work meetings                                 Protec tion
                                                             Protec tion Bureau ,                          official
                 discharge                                                             Bureau
                                                                March 2019
                                                                                      Deyang City
               Project sludge          Telephone and                                                     PMO liaison
                                                                 April 2019         In vestment and
                  disposal          communication letters                                                  official
                                                                                    Group Co., L td.
                                                                                                          PMO liaison
             Executive report of                                                                            official
                                                            Village committees /
Constructi      ESMP, etc .,          public meetings,                                                 Liaison official of
                                                            Every December in       Local residents
 on stage        including             questionnaires                                                  SPV Corporation
                                                             Year 2020 – 2024
             monitoring resul ts                                                                        Town/town ship
                                                                                                          gove rnment

 Project                                             Schedule : place /       Target           Responsible
                   Issues           Approaches
  stage                                                   date             stakeholder           person
                                                                                                Village /
                                                                                             community official
                                                                           stak eholders:
                                                                              villagers ,
                                                                                             Liaison official of
                                                                          businesses and
                                                                            institu tions,
             Executive report of                                                             Corporation To wn/t
Opera tion      ESMP, etc .,                         Every December in                            ownship
                                   Questionnaires                             schools,
 stage           including                           Year 2025 – 2044                           gove rnment
                                                                            gove rnment
             monitoring resul ts                                                                   official
                                                                           departments ,
                                                                                                  Village /
                                                                                             community official
                                                                           stak eholders.

                Table 4.3-2 Propose d consultation approaches for socia l impacts of the Projec t

Project                                                  Timetab le: place /       Target             Responsible
                  Issues            Approaches
 stage                                                         date             stakeholder             person
                                                                                                   PMO         liaison
              Screening of                             Village                                     Town/town ship
                                   public meetings,
            environmental and                          committees/March        Local residents     gove rnment
              social issues                            2019                                        official
                                                                                                   Village            /
                                                                                                   community official
                                                                                                   PMO         liaison
                                                                               Teachers      and
                                                       Town and townshi p                          Town/town ship
                                   public meetings,                            students     from
               Traffic safety                          gove rnments/Ma rch                         gove rnment
                                    questionnaires                             17 schools and
                                                       2019                                        official
                                                                               their paren ts
                                                                                                   Village            /
                                                                                                   community official
on stage
                                                                                                   PMO         liaison
              Screening of                             Town and townshi p                          official
                                   public meetings,                            32 businesses
            environmental and                          gove rnments/Ma rch                         Town/town ship
                                    questionnaires                             and insti tutions
              social issues                            2019                                        gove rnment
               collection and                                                  Staff of wa ter
            consultation of job                        Meeting  room    of     supply       and    PMO      liaison
            changes of s taff of                       Water    Resource s     waste wate r        official
                                    work meetings
             wate r suppl y and                        Bureau / Ma rch 21 ,    trea tment          Water Resources
                waste wate r                           2019                    plants              Bureau
             trea tment plan ts                                                (sta tions)
                 (sta tions)

 Project                                                   Timetab le: place /         Target           Responsible
                   Issues             Approaches
  stage                                                          date               stakeholder           person
                                                                                                     PMO        liaison
               Scope of LAR                               Affected households ,    Affected          Jingyang Office of
                                   Household surve ys
                 impacts                                  July 2019                households        Deyang    Natu ral
                                                                                                     Resources      and
                                                                                                     Planning Bureau
                Screening of
                                                                                                     PMO          liaison
             environmental and     Telephone intervie w   May 2019                 Huangxu Prison
                social issues
             Pipelines crossing
                                                          Meeting     room  of
                national and                                                       Transporta tion   PMO          liaison
                                     work meetings        Transporta tion
                 pro vincial                                                       Bureau            official
                                                          Bureau; June 2019
                                                          Meeting    room     of
                                                                                   Expresswa y
             Pipelines crossing                           Expresswa y                                PMO          liaison
                                     work meetings                                 Administration
                expresswa ys                              Administration                             official
Preparati                                                                          Bureau
                                                          Bureau, June 2019
on stage
                                                          Meeting    room     of
             Pipelines crossing                                                                      PMO          liaison
                                     work meetings        Railway Bu reau, Jun e   Railway Bu reau
                  railwa ys                                                                          official
                                                                                                     PMO         liaison
                                                                                                     Liaison official of
              Executive Report                            Village committees /
Constructi                          public meetings,                                                 Corporation To wn/t
             of ESMP, including                           Every December i n       Local residents
 on stage                            questionnaires                                                  ownship
             monitoring resul ts                          Year 2020 – 2024
                                                                                                     gove rnment
                                                                                                     Village             /
                                                                                                     community official

 Project                                               Timetab le: place /        Target             Responsible
                   Issues           Approaches
  stage                                                      date              stakeholder             person
                                                                                                  PMO         liaison
                                                                                                  Liaison official of
                                                                              Households          SPV
             Executive Report                         Village committees /
                                   Public meetings,                           affected b y land   Corporation To wn/t
              of RP, including                        Every December i n
                                    questionnaires                            acquisition and     ownship
             monitoring resul ts                      Year 2020 – 2024
                                                                              resettlement        gove rnment
                                                                                                  Village             /
                                                                                                  community official
                                                                              stak eholders:
                                                                              villagers ,
                                                                                                  Liaison official of
                                                                              businesses and
                                                                              institu tions,
                                                                                                  Corporation To wn/t
              Executive Report                                                hospitals,
Opera tion                                            Every December     in                       ownship
             of ESMP, including    Questionnaires                             schools,
 stage                                                Year 2025 – 2044                            gove rnment
             monitoring resul ts                                              gove rnment
                                                                              departments ,
                                                                                                  Village             /
                                                                                                  community official
                                                                              stak eholders.

4.4 Proposed approaches for inclusion of the opinions
of vulnerable groups

The   vulnerable    groups      under        the   Project   include     women,
registered poor households, and employees of existing water
supply   plants    (stations)    and         wastewater      treatment    plants
(stations), etc.

The proposed consultation approaches are described as follows:

        Table 4.4-1: Proposed approaches for inclusion of the opinions of vulnerable groups

 Project                                              Ti m e t a b l e :           Ta r g e t                                                                       Responsible
                 Issues         Methods                                                                                  Approaches
 stages                                               Place / date              stakeholders                                                                          persons
                                                                                                           W om e n o ff i c i a l s /                         P MO L i a i s o n
                                 Public            Me e t i n g r o o m o f                                i n ve s t i g a t o r s p r e f e r r e d f o r    O ff i c i a l s
              Screening of
                                meetings,          vi l l a g e                                            i n t e r vi e w a n d c h i l d r e n c a r e      To wn o r t o w n s h i p
              social impact                                                          W om e n
                               questionnai         c o m m i t t e e / Ma r c                              required;                                           l i a i s o n o ff i c i a l s
                                   res             h 2019                                                  Th e e l d e r l y p e o p l e s p e a k            Vi l l a g e / c o m m u n i t y
                                                                                                           Sichuan Dialect.                                    o ff i c i a l s
                                                                                                           Confirmation required with
                                                                                                           t o wn s h i p , vi l l a g e / c o m m u n i t y
                                                                                                           l i a i s o n o ff i c i a l s , s i g n
                                                                                                           language interpreters                               P MO L i a i s o n
                                                   Me e t i n g r o o m o f
                                                                                                           needed for deaf-mute                                O ff i c i a l s
              Screening of                               t o wn o r
                                                                                     Disabled              persons; Braille for blind                          To wn o r t o w n s h i p
              social impact    I n t e r vi e ws       t o wn s h i p
                                                                                     persons               persons; guardians needed                           l i a i s o n o ff i c i a l s
                 issues                             g o ve r n m e n t /
                                                                                                           f o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n wi t h              Vi l l a g e / c o m m u n i t y
                                                     Ma r c h 2 0 1 9
                                                                                                           mentally handicapped                                o ff i c i a l s
Preparation                                                                                                p e r s o n s ; vi s i t s n e e d e d f o r
   stage                                                                                                   c o n s u l t a t i o n wi t h
                                                                                                           handicapped persons.
                                                                                                                                                               P MO L i a i s o n
                                                   Me e t i n g r o o m o f
              Screening of       Public                                                                                                                        O ff i c i a l s
                                                         t o wn o r               Registered
              social impact     meetings,                                                                  O ff i c i a l s / i n ve s t i g a t o r s         To wn o r t o w n s h i p
                                                       t o wn s h i p                poor
              issues, water    questionnai                                                                 speaking Sichuan Dialect                            l i a i s o n o ff i c i a l s
                                                    g o ve r n m e n t /          households
                  t a r i ff       res                                                                                                                         Vi l l a g e / c o m m u n i t y
                                                     Ma r c h 2 0 1 9
                                                                                                                                                               o ff i c i a l s
                                                                                E m p l o ye e s o f
                                                                                e xi s t i n g w a t e r
               Screening of                        Me e t i n g r o o m o f
                                 Public                                         supply plants
               social impact                               Wa t e r
                                meetings,                                       (stations) and                                                                 P MO L i a i s o n
                  issues,                             Resources
                               questionnai                                        w a s t e wa t e r                                                           O ff i c i a l s
              impacts on job                       B u r e a u / Ma r c h
                                   res                                             treatment
                 positions                                  2019


The proposed Schedule of the Project developed in accordance
with the preparation progress of the Project is shown in Table

                        Table 4.5-1 Project Schedule

                                                                       Deadline of
  SN       Project s tage                    Duration                  stak eholder
                                                                        feedback s
            Preparation          Octobe r 2018 ~ Dece mber
   1                                                                  December 2019
               stage                          2019
           Implementation        January 2020 ~ Dece mber
   2                                                                  December 20 24
               stage                          2024
             Opera tion          January 2025 ~ Dece mber
   3                                                                  December 2044
               stage                          2044

4.6 Review of feedbacks

Stakeholders may provide feedbacks to the PMO by mail, in
written or verbal form (including telephone) and through personal
interviews. The PMO shall record, screen and classfy the problems
and    ,    when   nece ssary,    deli ver    such   p roblems   to     all   relevant
departments for further action s . The PMO shall be respon sible for
following up with an y further actions and providing feedback s. The PMO
undertak es to submit to the stakeholders a summary report on the
final decision and how the feedbacks are incorporated.

4.7 Next steps
Project progress reports shall be submitted from time to time,
includin g repo rts ab out the environmental and social performance
of theProject and the implementation of the stakeholder
consultation plan and grievance redress mechanism . At least one
report shall be submitted to the stakeholders under the Project .
Howeve r, such reports shall be submitted twice a year in the
construc tion stage .

5. Resources and responsibilities for implementing
stakeholder consultation activities
5.1 Resources

Dedicated human and material resources shall be provided at all
levels including the PMO, the environmental and social specialists
employed b y the P MO and the township and community liaison
officers to facilitate effective management and implementation of
stakeholder consultation activities.

1 ) PMO: Taking the primary responsibility for implementing
    stakeholder    consultation   activities,   the   PMO   shall   be
    responsible for the overall coordination and organization of
    stakeholder consultation activities. Designated person who
    will oversee the implementation of this SEP:      Mr. Li Huixiang,
    Director of Bureau of Housing and Construction Tel: 0838-256
    7521, E-mail address:, Address: B107,
    People's Government of Jingyang District, Deyang City.

2 ) Environmental and social specialists employed by the PMO:
    providing technical supports and guidance to and adequately
    assisting and participating in the stakeholder c onsultation

3 ) Township or town and village / community liaison officers:
    coordinating    and    organizing    stakeholder     consultation
    activities and connecting stakeholders with the Environmental
    and Social Specialists and PMO.

4 ) SPV Corporation: Employed by the PMO in the construction
    stage of the Project, responsible for environmental and social
    management in the construction stage and operation stage of
    the Project. The contact information of SPV Corporation shall
    be disclosed in the updated SEP af ter determination of the
    SPV Corporation.

5.2 Responsibilities

1) Monthly stakeholder management meetings shall be organized
by the PMO / SPV Corporation and township / town and village /
community officials responsible for stakeholder consultations and
the environmental and social specialists shall be invited to attend
such meetings.

2) A reply shall be provided in 7 days as of the receipt of
stakeholders’ opinions to i nform the stakeholders of the adoption
and follow-up action of their opinions, including the final decisions
and reasons for non -adopted opinions. If no reply is provided
beyond the 7 day de adline d, it shall be necessary to follow up with
the relevant part ies abou t the re view p ro gress and timeframe and give
feedbacks to the stakeholders accordin gly .

3) The PMO / SPV Corporation officials shall be responsible for
recording,   tracking and     managing     the   consultation   process,
database and commitment registration , etc. The PMO and SPV
Corporation shall both be responsible for the management of the
relevant documents.

6. Grievance redress mechanism
1) Grievance redress mechanism and institutions

For the purpose of making timely responses to the concerns and
grievances of the project -affected people on the environmental
and social impacts of the Project, a grievance redress mechanism
and an appeal committee shall be established under the Project as
a formal procedure and in stitution for receiving and evaluating the
complaints and appeals by the affected communities and public.
The grievance redress mechanism aims to solve problems in a
quick, effective and transparent way adaptable to the local culture.
Grievances may be fil ed in the form of claims, complaints or
benefit sharing, resettlement or issues concerning compensation

procedures, and shall not be subject to retaliation.

The Appeal Committee will be mainly composed of heads of the
PMO, the environmental departments, th e land and resources
authority and the heads of local communities or village committees
and shall serve as one of the important institutions for handling all
complaints related to the Project.

In order to improve the efficiency of the grievance redress
mechanism, the grievance redress procedure shall be simplified to
the ex tent possible . Management of the Appeal Committee shall be
assigned to the committee members at the level of the village
committees and the PMO, who shall record the recommendations
and appeals in a timely manner. The contents of such records shall
include discussions, recommendations and resolutions.

The decision making process shall engage participants of different
levels depending on the nature of the recommendations to come
up with a solution. The court will act as the ultimate decision
maker. Here shown as follows is the specific process:

2) Channels and methods

Affected   persons   of   the   Project,   e.g.   community   members,
vulnerable groups / individuals, project implementation staff, civil
society and the media, are encouraged to file complaints and
opinions to the entities responsible for stakeholder consultations.

The community and the public may su bmit their complaints through
the following channels: 1) telephone hotline: 0838 -256 7521; 2)
email address:; 3) face -to-face communication,
or 4) questionnaires from each village committee.

3) Procedures

All complaints , simple or complex , shall be resolved in a quick and
effective manner within 7 days, with feedbacks given to the
complainant at the earliest possible time as necessary.

The affected person shall file a complaint with the village
committee in writing. The complaint form shall be signed and
dated by the affected person. If the affected person is unable to
write, assistance shall be provided to him / her to write a note
attached with his / her thumbprint.

The village committee may address the di sputes based on the
nature of the complaints and the related issues and sh all submit
issues tha t a re no t resolved or beyond the scope of their duties and
responsibilities to the PMO for adjudication. The village committee
shall k eep re cords of all the complaints received, re so lved and
forwarded PMO coordinator for further action and ho w the c omplaints
are resol ved and gi ve a written notice to the complainant within 7

The PMO coordinator shall submit all the unresolved complains
and appeals to the PMO Appeal Committee, which shall review the
complaints and appeals according to the laws and regulations and
develop an appropriate action plan. All complaints about abuses
and potential corruptions in service shall be communicated to the
relevant authorities within 7 days of receipt of the complaint, and
the PMO Appeal Committee shall communicate to the complainant
the actions already taken.

Complaints and appeals may also be submitted to any member of

the management team of the PMO Appeal Committee in addition to
the village committee. Upon the receipt of a complaint by the
members    of     the   Appeal   Committee     management      team,    the
committee's coordinator shall record and submit such complaints
to the Appeal Committee for detailed study. If the coordinator is
engaged    in   the     complaint,   the   complaint   shall   be   directly
forwarded to the person in charge of the PMO.

The PMO Appeal Committee shall make a reply within 7 days,
during which the complainant shall be consulted. If the co mplainant
is dissatisfied    with the results of assessment of the assets
involved in the complaint, a request shall be made to the Appeal
Committee for reassessment of the concerned assets. If such
assessment takes a long time, the Appeals Committee shall not if y
the affected pe rson through the village council that his / her
complaint is under consideration.

The Appeals Committee shall prepare a report containing a
summary of all complaints and appeals and provide it to the PMO
on a quarterly basis.

If the affected perso n is dissatisfied with the decision made by the
PMO Appeals Committee and other authorities at higher levels, o r
no agreement is reached at this stage, the complaint may be filed
through the formal court procedure.

4) Gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploita tion and
abuse (SEA)

The implementation of the Project will have positive impacts on
the local community. However, gender -based violence (GBV) and
sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) may occur among project

In all cases, such incidents shall be reported and handled through
the Grievance Redress Procedure. Since GBV and SEA are

criminal offences and are different in nature from the other
complaints   usually   handled   through   the   grievance   redress
mechanism, such cases must be reported to the public security
department. The GRM provides information that GBV victims could
choose to seek professional consoling and remain descrete.

7. Reporting
Feedbacks about the results of the consultation activities shall be
provided by mail, telephone, and door -to-door visit. Any objections
to such feedbacks may be submitted through the grievance
redress channels (as d etailed in Section 6).

Annex 1:Analysis of EIA stakeholders (for the water supply component)
Town and    Village /    Stakeholder                                                   No. of                 Language    Notification       Special
                                                  Stakeholder group                              population                                                   Notes
township   community     description                                                 household                  needs      method             need
                                                                                        No.       Person
           Townsite of    Townsite of
                                              Residents within 200m from
            Xiaoquan       Xiaoquan                                                     80          320
                                                Xiaoquan Water Plant
              Town            Town                                                                                                                            Water
             Minan        Villagers of     Villagers within 200m from Minan                                                                                   supply
  Town                                                                                  30          120
             Village     Minan Village            Water Supply Station                                                                                        station
              Lilang      Villagers of     Villagers within 200m from Liyuan
                                                                                        40          120
             Village     Lilang Village           Water Supply Station                                                                    Project
                          Villagers of                                                                                                    diagrams
Tianyuan    Baijiang                       Villagers within 200m from Jingfu
                            Baijiang                                                    10          40                                    and charts
  Town      Village                              Water Supply Station
                             Village                                                                                                      needed;
                            Xiaogan         All residents in Xiaogan Nursing                                                              project
           Townsite of                                                                   /          80
Xiaogan                  Nursing Home                     Home                                                                            information
 Town                     Residents of        Residents within 200m from                                                                  shall         be
             Town                                                                       20          80
                            townsite         Xiaogan Water Supply Station                                                                 interpreted in
                          Residents of                                                                                                    non-technica
            Huangxu                           Residents within 200m from                                                      Written
                            Huangxu                                                     10          40        Mandarin,                   l terms. The
            Townsite                            Huangxu Water Plant                                                           notice,
                            Townsite                                                                           Sichuan                    other needs
             Xinhua       Villagers of         Residents within 200m from                                      Dialect                    depending
                                                                                        15          60                    village radio
             Village     Xinhua Village     Hongshan Water Supply Station                                                                 on           the
           Shuangyuan    Wangjiamiaozi     Villagers within 200m from Huilong                                                             villages        /
                                                                                        15          60                                    communities
             Village         Village              Water Supply Station
             Xinlong       Villagers of    Villagers within 200m from Xintai                                                                  Sichuan
                                                                                        20          80
             Village     Xinlong Village         Water Supply Station                                                                          dialect
Huangxu                                                                                                                                     needed for
                          Villagers of
 Town       Wuquan                            Villagers within 200m from                                                                    the elderly
                           Wuquan                                                       10          40
            Village                          Wuquan Water Supply Station                                                                     persons.
                          Villagers of
            Daquan                            Villagers within 200m from
                           Daquan                                                       45          180
            Village                          Daquan Water Supply Station
                          Villagers of
            Dongtai                           Villagers within 200m from
                           Dongtai                                                      40          160
            Village                          Dongtai Water Supply Station
           Chaoyang       Villagers of        Villagers within 200m from                                      Mandarin,     Written       Project
                                                                                        50          150
            Village       Chaoyang          Chaoyang Water Supply Station                                      Sichuan      notice,       diagrams

Town and    Village /     Stakeholder                                                 No. of                 Language   Notification       Special
                                                  Stakeholder group                             population                                                  Notes
township   community      description                                               household                  needs     method             need
                                                                                       No.       Person
                              Village                                                                         Dialect    telephone,     and charts
             Donghu                                                                                                     village radio   needed;
                           Residents of
              Water                            Residents within 200m from                                                               project
                             Donghu                                                    30          120
              Supply                          Donghu Water Supply Station                                                               information
Donghu        Station                                                                                                                   shall         be
            Dadi Water     Residents of                                                                                                 interpreted in
                                               Residents within 200m from                                                               non-technica
              Supply         Donghu                                                    15          60
                                              Donghu Water Supply Station                                                               l terms. The
              Station       Township
             Xinlong                                                                                                                    other needs
              Water         Villagers of      Residents within 200m from                                                                depending
                                                                                       20          80                                   on           the
              Supply      Xinlong Village     Xinlong Water Supply Station
              Station                                                                                                                   villages        /
             Yangjia                                                                                                                    communities
 Yangjia      Water        Residents of       Residents within 200m from                                                                .
                                                                                       20          80                                       Sichuan
  Town        Supply        townsite          Yangjia Water Supply Station
              Station                                                                                                                        dialect
             Fengchen                                                                                                                     needed for
                           Residents of                                                                                                   the elderly
             g Water                          Residents within 200m from
                           Fengcheng                                                   10          40                                      persons.
              Supply                        Fengcheng Water Supply Station
                           Villagers of
              Water                           Residents within 200m from
                           Changjiang                                                  25          100
              Supply                        Changsheng Water Supply Station
              Water                           Residents within 200m from
                          Wuxing Village                                               15          60
              Supply                          Wuxing Water Supply Station
 Dexin     Fuxing Water
                                              Residents within 200m from
 Town         Supply      Fuxing Village                                               15          60
                                              Fuxing Water Supply Station
           Xinyu Water
                                            Residents within 200m from Xinyu
              Supply      Xinyu Village                                                20          80
                                                  Water Supply Station
              Water                           Residents within 200m from
                          Shengli Village                                              15          60
              Supply                          Shengli Water Supply Station

Town and    Village /    Stakeholder                                                  No. of                 Language    Notification       Special
                                                 Stakeholder group                              population                                                   Notes
township   community     description                                                household                  needs      method             need
                                                                                       No.       Person
             Bailong      Residents of       Residents within 200m from
                                                                                       20          80
              Town       Bailong Town        Bailong Water Supply Station
                          Villagers of
            Guoyuan                          Residents within 200m from
                            Guoyuan                                                    15          60
             Village                        Guoyuan Water Supply Station
                          Villagers of
            Songbai                          Residents within 200m from
                            Songbai                                                    10          40
             Village                        Guoyuan Water Supply Station
             Qingjin      Villagers of       Residents within 200m from
                                                                                       15          60
             Village     Qingjin Village     Qingjin Water Supply Station
                          Villagers of       Residents within 200m from
                         Longxingqiao        Longxingqiao Water Supply                 5           20
            o Village
                             Village                   Station
             Qinghe       Villagers of       Residents within 200m from                                                                  Project
                                                                                       10          40                                    diagrams
             Village     Qinghe Village      Qinghe Water Supply Station
                          Villagers of                                                                                                   and charts
           Longdong                        Longdong Residents within 200m                                                                needed;
                           Longdong                                                    10          40
            Village                           from Water Supply Station                                                                  project
                          Villagers of                                                                                                   information
Shuangdo    Liangshui                         Residents within 200m from                                                                 shall         be
                           Liangshui                                                   20          80
 ng Town     Village                        Liangshui Water Supply Station                                                               interpreted in
                          Villagers of                                                                                       Written
           Zhongxing                         Residents within 200m from                                      Mandarin,                   l terms. The
                           Zhongxing                                                   15          60                        notice,
            Village                        Zhongxing Water Supply Station                                     Sichuan                    other needs
                             Village                                                                                      telephone,
                                                                                                              Dialect                    depending
Xinzhong     Liuma        Villagers of     Residents within 200m from Xinliu                                             village radio
                                                                                       15          60                                    on           the
  Town       Village     Liuma Village           Water Supply Station
                                                                                                                                         villages        /
                                                 Residents within 200m from                                                              communities
             Longya       Villagers of
                                             Yingxiongling Water Supply                20          80                                    .
             Village     Longya Village
                                                        Station                                                                              Sichuan
                          Villagers of                                                                                                        dialect
            Dezhong                          Residents within 200m from
                          Changying                                                    10          40                                      needed for
             Village                        Changling Water Supply Station
 Hexin                      Village                                                                                                        the elderly
 Town                     Villagers of                                                                                                      persons.
            Dezhong                          Residents within 200m from
                           Dezhong                                                     15          60
             Village                        Dezhong Water Supply Station
             Xinmin       Villagers of       Residents within 200m from
                                                                                       15          60
             Village     Xinmin Village      Xinmin Water Supply Station

Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                                               No. of                 Language   Notification   Special
                                               Stakeholder group                            population                                       Notes
township   community    description                                             household                  needs     method         need
                                                                                   No.       Person
 Bailong    Bailong     Local breeding   Local breeding farms around the                                                                       ed
                                                                                   1           10
  Town       Town           farms             proposed water plant                                                                            water

Annex 2:Analysis of EIA stakeholders (for the drainage component)
Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                                               No. of                 Language    Notification
                                               Stakeholder group                            population                                Special need       Note
township   community     description                                            Household                 needs        method
                                                                                   No.       Person
                         Villagers of      Villagers within 200m from                                                                 Project
                           Yongxin        Wastewater Treatment Station             20          80                                     diagrams and
                           Village         Yongxin Village, Hexin Town                                                                charts needed;
                                           Villagers within 200m from                                                                 project
            Xiaohe       Villagers of
                                         Wastewater Treatment Station of           22          88                                     information
            Village     Xiaohe Village
                                           Xiaohe Village, Hexin Town                                                                 shall be
                                           Villagers within 200m from                                                                 interpreted in
                         Caijiayuanzi                                                                                   Written
            Townsite                     Wastewater Treatment Station of           11          44        Mandarin,                    non-technical
                           Village                                                                                      notice,
                                                   Hexin Town                                            Sichuan                      terms. The
                                                                                                          Dialect                     other needs
                                                                                                                     village radio
 Hexin                                                                                                                                depending on
 Town                                                                                                                                 the villages /
                         Villagers of      Villagers within 200m from
                          Dezhong        Wastewater Treatment Station of           60          240
                           Village       Changshou Village, Hexin Town
                                                                                                                                      dialect needed
                                                                                                                                      for the elderly
                        Students and
                          faculty of        Southeast of Wastewater
                                                                                                                        Radio,            Legend
                            Hexin        Treatment Station in Changshou                                  Mandarin                                       Schools
                                                                                                                     written notice      needed.
                         Changshou             Village, Hexin Town
                        Hope School

Town and     Village /     Stakeholder                                               No. of                 Language    Notification
                                                 Stakeholder group                             population                               Special need      Note
township   community       description                                             Household                 needs        method
                                                                                      No.       Person
                                              Villagers within 200m from
                            Villagers of
            Longdong                       Wastewater Treatment Station in                                                              Project
                            Longdong                                                  60          240
              Village                       Longdong Village, Shuangdong                                                                diagrams and
                                                        Town                                                                            charts needed;
                                              Villagers within 200m from                                                                project
                            Villagers of
             Zuanshi                       Wastewater Treatment Station in                                                              information
                             Zuanshi                                                  28          112
              Village                        Zuanshi Village, Shuangdong                                                                shall be
Shuangdo                      Village
                                                        Town                                                                            interpreted in
ng Town                                                                                                                   Written
                                             Residents within 200m from                                     Mandarin,                   non-technical
                           Residents of                                                                                   notice,
             Townsite                      Wastewater Treatment Station in            18          72        Sichuan                     terms. The
                             townsite                                                                                   telephone,
                                           the townsite of Shuangdong Town                                   Dialect                    other needs
                                                                                                                        village radio
                                              Villagers within 200m from                                                                depending on
                            Villagers of
            Zhongxing                      Wastewater Treatment Station in                                                              the villages /
                            Zhongxing                                                 12          48
              Village                      Zhongxing Village, Shuangdong                                                                communities.
                                                        Town                                                                            Sichuan
                                                                                                                                        dialect needed
                                              Villagers within 200m from
                            Villagers of                                                                                                for the elderly
           Baihe Village                    Wastewater treatment station in           22          88
                           Baihe Village                                                                                                persons.
                                            Baihe Village, Xinzhong Town
 Town                                                                                                                     Written         Project
                                              Villagers within 200m from                                    Mandarin,
              Ma’an         Villagers of                                                                                  notice,       diagrams and
                                            Wastewater treatment station in           31          124       Sichuan
              Village      Ma’an Village                                                                                telephone,      charts needed;
                                            Ma’an Village, Xinzhong Town                                     Dialect
                                                                                                                        village radio   project

Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                                                 No. of                 Language   Notification
                                               Stakeholder group                              population                             Special need      Note
township   community     description                                              Household                 needs       method
                                                                                     No.       Person
                                         Villagers within 200m from No. 1                                                            information
            Xinhua       Villagers of
                                         Wastewater treatment station in             14          48                                  shall be
            Village     Xinhua Village
                                                  Xinzhong Town                                                                      interpreted in
 Town                                    Villagers within 200m from No. 2
                                                                                                                                     terms. The
                                         Wastewater treatment station in             23          92
                                                                                                                                     other needs
                                                  Xinzhong Town
                                                                                                                                     depending on
            Dongtai                         Villagers within 200m from                                                               the villages /
            Village      Villagers of    Wastewater Treatment Station in                                                             communities.
                                                                                     32          128
             (Fuxin     Fuxin Village     Dongtai Village (Fuxin Village),                                                           Sichuan
            Village)                              Huangxu Town                                                                       dialect needed

                         Villagers of       Villagers within 200m from                                                               for the elderly
Huangxu    Chaoyang
                         Chaoyang        Wastewater Treatment Station in              5          20                                  persons.
 Town       Village
                           Village       Chaoyang Village, Huangxu Town
                                         Sensitive receptors within 200m
                                           from Wastewater Treatment
                        NPG company                                                                                                                    Entity
                                           Station in Chaoyang Village,
                                                  Huangxu Town

                         Villagers of    Villagers within 200m from No. 1
Tianyuan    Huajing
                        Tangjiayuanzi    Wastewater Treatment Station in             34          136
 Town       Village
                           Village        Huajing Village, Tianyuan Town

Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                                                No. of                 Language    Notification
                                               Stakeholder group                             population                               Special need      Note
township   community     description                                             Household                 needs        method
                                                                                    No.       Person
                                         Villagers within 200m from No. 2
                        Zhoujialaoyua    Wastewater Treatment Station in
                                                                                    27          108
                          nzi Village     Huajing Village, Tianyuan Town
                                         Sensitive receptors within 200m
                                         from No. 2 Wastewater Treatment
                        Breeding farm                                                                                                                   Entity
                                            Station in Huajing Village,
                                           Tianyuan Town (Provisional)

                                         Sensitive receptors within 200m
                        Villagers and
                                           from Wastewater Treatment
                         business of                                                25          270
                                             Station in Xieyue Village
                        Xieyue Village
            Xieyue                               Tianyuan Town
                                         Sensitive receptors within 200m                                                                Project
                         Gas station       from Wastewater Treatment                                                                  diagrams and
                                             Station in Xieyue Village                                                                charts needed;
                                                 Tianyuan Town                                                                        project
                                                                                                          Mandarin,                   information       200m
                                                                                                          Sichuan                     shall be           from
                                          Xiaogan Town Hongfu Village,                                     Dialect                    interpreted in   Class II
Xiaogan     Hongfu                                                                                                    village radio
                        Fufeng Village      Villagers within 200m from              12          48                                    non-technical     water
 Town       Village,
                                          Wastewater Treatment Station                                                                terms. The       source
                                                                                                                                      other needs      protectio
                                                                                                                                      depending on     n zone

Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                                                 No. of                 Language   Notification
                                               Stakeholder group                              population                             Special need       Note
township   community     description                                              Household                 needs       method
                                                                                     No.       Person
                                          Sensitive receptors within 200m                                                            the villages /
                                         from wastewater treatment station                                                           communities.      Entity
                                         in Hongfu Village, Xiaogan Town                                                                Sichuan
                                            Villagers within 200m from                                                               dialect needed
                        Yingjiayuanzi    Wastewater Treatment Station in             25          100                                 for the elderly
                                          Gonghe Village, Xiaogan Town                                                                  persons.
             Village                        Villagers within 200m from
                                         Wastewater Treatment Station in                                                                               Entity
                        and Electrical
                                          Gonghe Village, Xiaogan Town
                          Co., Ltd.
                                            Villagers within 200m from
                        Xiaojiayuanzi    Wastewater Treatment Station in             35          140
                                          Lingmiao Village, Xiaogan Town
                        Residents and       Villagers within 200m from                                                                                 Small
                        businesses of    Wastewater Treatment Station in             214         700                                                   busines
                        Lianhe Village     Lianhe Village, Xiaogan Town                                                                                 ses
                         Villagers of       Villagers within 200m from
                          Huanghe        Wastewater Treatment Station in             300         900
                           Village        Huanghe Village, Xiaogan Town

                         Villagers of       Villagers within 200m from
 Yangjia    Gaodou
                           Gaodou        Wastewater Treatment Station in             18          72
  Town       Village
                           Village        Gaodou Village, Xiaogan Town

Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                                                   No. of                 Language    Notification
                                                 Stakeholder group                              population                               Special need       Note
township   community     description                                                Household                 needs        method
                                                                                       No.       Person
                                                                                                                                                           Within a
                                                                                                                                                           Class II
                                             Villagers within 200m from
                        Yangjiayuanzi     Wastewater Treatment Station in              12          48
            Nanshu                          Nanshu Village, Yangjia Town                                                                   Project
            Village                                                                                                                      diagrams and
                                                                                                                                                           n zone
                                                                                                                                         charts needed;
                                             Villagers within 200m from
                        Drivers’ school   Wastewater Treatment Station in                                                                                  School
                                            Nanshu Village, Yangjia Town
                                                                                                                                         shall be
                                             Villagers within 200m from
            Qinghua                                                                                                                      interpreted in
                         Xiejiayuanzi     Wastewater Treatment Station in              28          112                     Written
            Village                                                                                          Mandarin,                   non-technical
                                           Qinghua Village, Yangjia Town                                                   notice,
                                                                                                             Sichuan                     terms. The
                             Jiayi                                                                                       telephone,
                                                                                                              Dialect                    other needs
                         Renewable         Sensitive receptors within 50m                                                village radio
                                                                                                                                         depending on
                           Energy            from No. 1 pump station in                 1           5                                                       Entity
                                                                                                                                         the villages /
                          Recycling                Xinzhong Town
Xinzhong                                                                                                                                 communities.
            Townsite       Station
 Town                                                                                                                                       Sichuan
                                           Sensitive receptors within 50m                                                                dialect needed     Small
                                             from No. 2 pump station in                23          40                                    for the elderly   busines
                          villages in
                                                   Xinzhong Town                                                                            persons.          s
                            Small         Villagers within 200m from Pump                                                                                   Small
            Townsite      business,       Station in the townsite of Huangxu           32          128                                                     busines
                          villages in                   Town                                                                                                  s

Town and    Village /   Stakeholder                              No. of                 Language   Notification
                                      Stakeholder group                    population                             Special need   Note
township   community    description                            Household                 needs       method
                                                                  No.       Person

 Annex 3:Analysis of SIA stakeholders (local residents)

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                    Stakeholder group      population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                              need       method          need

                                       Longxingqiao      Longxingqiao Village,                                           Project
                                     Village, Group 11    Group 11 villagers                                             diagrams
                                                                                                                         and charts
                                      Longxingqiao       Longxingqiao Village,                                           needed;
                                     Village, Group 8      Group 8 villagers                                             project
                                       Longxingqiao      Longxingqiao Village,                                           shall be
                                     Village, Group 12    Group 12 villagers                                             interpreted
                                                                                              Mandarin,   notice,
             Bailong    Longxingqi    Longxingqiao       Longxingqiao Village,                                           non-techni
Plain area                                                                          450       Sichuan     telephone,
              Town      ao Village   Village, Group 1      Group 1 villagers                                             cal terms.
                                                                                              Dialect     village
                                                                                                                         The other
                                      Longxingqiao       Longxingqiao Village,                                           needs
                                     Village, Group 5      Group 5 villagers                                             depending
                                                                                                                         on the
                                      Longxingqiao       Longxingqiao Village,                                           villages /
                                     Village, Group 3      Group 3 villagers                                             communiti
                                      Longxingqiao       Longxingqiao Village,                                           Sichuan
                                     Village, Group 4      Group 4 villagers                                             dialect

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language    Notification     Special
  Type                                                    Stakeholder group      population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                              need       method           need

                                                                                                                         needed for
                                       Longxingqiao      Longxingqiao Village,
                                                                                    585                                  the elderly
                                     Village, Group 17    Group 17 villagers

                                       Longxingqiao      Longxingqiao Village,
                                     Village, Group 13    Group 13 villagers

                                     Songbai Village,      Songbai Village,
                                        Group 17          Group 17 villagers

                                     Songbai Village,      Songbai Village,
                                        Group 20          Group 20 villagers
                                     Songbai Village,      Songbai Village,
                                        Group 6            Group 6 villagers

                                     Songbai Village,      Songbai Village,
                                        Group 5            Group 5 villagers

                                     Songbai Village,      Songbai Village,                               Written        Project
                                                                                    180       Mandarin,
             Bailong     Songbai        Group 14          Group 14 villagers                              notice,        diagrams
Plain area                                                                                    Sichuan
              Town       Village                                                                          telephone,     and charts
                                     Songbai Village,      Songbai Village,         180                   village        needed;

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language   Notification     Special
Type                                              Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                          need      method           need

                                   Group 1        Group 1 villagers                            radio          project
                                  Xiangyang       Xiangyang Village,                                          shall be
                                                                          180                                 interpreted
                               Village, Group 6    Group 6 villagers
                                  Xiangyang       Xiangyang Village,                                          non-techni
                                                                          225                                 cal terms.
                               Village, Group 2    Group 2 villagers
                  Xiangyang                                                                                   The other
                    Village                                                                                   needs
                                  Xiangyang       Xiangyang Village,
                                                                          225                                 depending
                               Village, Group 1    Group 1 villagers
                                                                                                              on the
                                                                                                              villages /
                                  Xiangyang       Xiangyang Village,
                                                                          270                                 communiti
                               Village, Group 3    Group 3 villagers

                               Guoyuan Village,   Guoyuan Village,                                            Sichuan
                                  Group 6         Group 6 villagers                                           dialect
                                                                                                              needed for
                  Guoyuan      Guoyuan Village,   Guoyuan Village,                                            the elderly
                   Village        Group 5         Group 5 villagers                                           persons.

                               Guoyuan Village,   Guoyuan Village,
                                  Group 1         Group 1 villagers

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                               Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                    Stakeholder group       population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                               need       method          need

                                     Guoyuan Village,     Guoyuan Village,
                                        Group 15          Group 15 villagers

                                     Honghua Village,      Honghua Village,
                                        Group 8            Group 8 villagers

                                     Honghua Village,      Honghua Village,
                                        Group 6            Group 6 villagers
                                     Honghua Village,     Honghua Village,
                                        Group 10          Group 10 villagers

                                     Honghua Village,      Honghua Village,
                                        Group 4            Group 4 villagers

                                      Qingjin Village,   Qingjin Village, Group                                           Project
                                         Group 6               6 villagers                                 Written        diagrams
                                                                                               Mandarin,   notice,        and charts
             Bailong     Qingjin
Plain area                            Qingjin Village,   Qingjin Village, Group                Sichuan     telephone,     needed;
              Town       Village                                                     405
                                         Group 9               9 villagers                     Dialect     village        project
                                                                                                           radio          information
                                      Qingjin Village,   Qingjin Village, Group      180                                  shall be

       Town and    Village /      Name of                                               Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group       population                                           Note
       township   community     stakeholder                                               need      method           need

                                 Group 15              15 villagers                                               interpreted
                               Qingjin Village,   Qingjin Village, Group                                          non-techni
                                                                              270                                 cal terms.
                                 Group 12              12 villagers
                                                                                                                  The other
                               Qingjin Village,   Qingjin Village, Group                                          needs
                                                                              450                                 depending
                                 Group 11              11 villagers
                                                                                                                  on the
                                                                                                                  villages /
                               Nangui Village,    Nangui Village, Group
                                                                              225                                 communiti
                                  Group 2             2 villagers

                   Nangui      Nangui Village,    Nangui Village, Group                                           Sichuan
                   Village        Group 1             1 villagers                                                 dialect
                                                                                                                  needed for
                               Nangui Village,    Nangui Village, Group                                           the elderly
                                  Group 3             3 villagers                                                 persons.

                                  Townsite         Townsite residents        1350

                   Qinghe      Qinghe Village,    Qinghe Village, Group
                   Village        Group 2              2 villagers

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                    Stakeholder group      population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                              need       method          need

                                     Qinghe Village,     Qinghe Village, Group
                                        Group 4               4 villagers

                                     Qinghe Village,     Qinghe Village, Group
                                        Group 8               8 villagers

                                     Qinghe Village,     Qinghe Village, Group
                                        Group 10             10 villagers

                                     Qinghe Village,     Qinghe Village, Group
                                        Group 11             11 villagers

                        Shuangyua     Shuangyuan         Shuangyuan Village,
                                                                                    383                                  Project
                         n Village   Village, Group 3     Group 3 villagers
                                                                                                          Written        and charts
                                     Jianglin Village,     Jianglin Village,                                             needed;
                                                                                    383       Mandarin,   notice,
             Huangxu                    Group 10          Group 10 villagers                                             project
Plain area                                                                                    Sichuan     telephone,
              Town                                                                                                       information
                         Jianglin                                                             Dialect     village
                                     Jianglin Village,     Jianglin Village,                                             shall be
                         Village                                                    225                   radio
                                        Group 14          Group 14 villagers                                             interpreted
                                     Jianglin Village,      Jianglin Village,       360                                  non-techni

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                           Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                           need      method           need

                                  Group 16         Group 16 villagers                                          cal terms.
                                                                                                               The other
                               Jianglin Village,    Jianglin Village,                                          needs
                                                                           585                                 depending
                                  Group 15         Group 15 villagers
                                                                                                               on the
                               Jianglin Village,    Jianglin Village,                                          villages /
                                                                           225                                 communiti
                                  Group 13         Group 13 villagers

                               Jianglin Village,   Jianglin Village,                                           Sichuan
                                   Group 2         Group 2 villagers                                           dialect
                                                                                                               needed for
                               Jianglin Village,   Jianglin Village,                                           the elderly
                                   Group 6         Group 6 villagers                                           persons.

                               Jianglin Village,   Jianglin Village,
                                   Group 9         Group 9 villagers

                               Jianglin Village,   Jianglin Village,
                                   Group 3         Group 3 villagers

                   Xinlong     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                   Village        Group 18         Group 18 villagers

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                            Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                   Stakeholder group     population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                            need       method          need

                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                                         Group 7          Group 7 villagers

                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                                        Group 13         Group 13 villagers

                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                                        Group 11         Group 11 villagers

                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                                                                                  270                                  Project
                                        Group 21         Group 21 villagers
                                                                                                                       and charts
                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,                                             needed;
                                        Group 15         Group 15 villagers                             Written        project
                                                                                            Mandarin,   notice,        information
             Huangxu     Village
Plain area                           Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,                  Sichuan     telephone,     shall be
              Town                                                                225
                                         Group 2          Group 2 villagers                 Dialect     village        interpreted
                                                                                                        radio          in
                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,                                             non-techni
                                        Group 23         Group 23 villagers                                            cal terms.
                                                                                                                       The other
                          Sanhe      Sanhe Village,     Sanhe Village, Group      450                                  needs

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group       population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                              need      method           need

                   Village     Group 10 and 15     10 and 15 villagers                                            depending
                                                                                                                  on the
                                Sanhe Village,    Sanhe Village, Group                                            villages /
                                                                              225                                 communiti
                                  Group 9             9 villagers
                                Sanhe Village,    Sanhe Village, Group                                            Sichuan
                                  Group 4             4 villagers                                                 dialect
                                                                                                                  needed for
                                 Guangping         Guangping Village,                                             the elderly
                                Village, Group     Group 14/16/17/18          540                                 persons.
                                 14/16/17/18           villagers

                                  Guangping        Guangping Village,
                   Village                                                    270
                               Village, Group 3     Group 3 villagers

                                  Guangping        Guangping Village,
                               Village, Group 8     Group 8 villagers

                               Jinqiao Village,   Jinqiao Village, Group
                                   Group 4              4 villagers
                               Jinqiao Village,   Jinqiao Village, Group
                                   Group 1              1 villagers

             Town and    Village /      Name of                                               Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                   Stakeholder group       population                                            Note
             township   community     stakeholder                                               need       method          need

                                     Jinqiao Village,   Jinqiao Village, Group
                                         Group 2              2 villagers

                                     Jinqiao Village,   Jinqiao Village, Group
                                         Group 3              3 villagers

                                     Jinqiao Village,   Jinqiao Village, Group                                           Project
                                         Group 5              5 villagers                                                diagrams
                                                                                                                         and charts
                                     Jinqiao Village,   Jinqiao Village, Group                                           needed;
                                         Group 7              7 villagers                                                project
                                     Mianhe Village,      Mianhe Village,                                 Written        shall be
                                                                                    360       Mandarin,   notice,
             Huangxu                    Group 1           Group 1 villagers                                              interpreted
Plain area                                                                                    Sichuan     telephone,     in
                         Mianhe      Mianhe Village,      Mianhe Village,                     Dialect     village        non-techni
                                                                                    360                   radio
                         Village        Group 7           Group 7 villagers                                              cal terms.
                                                                                                                         The other
                                     Mianhe Village,      Mianhe Village,                                                needs
                                        Group 4           Group 4 villagers                                              depending
                                                                                                                         on the
                          Xinxin        Xinxin           Residents of Xinxin                                             villages /
                        Community    Community and        Community and                                                  communiti

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                           Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                           need      method           need

                    and           Mengjia          Mengjia Community                                           es.
                   Mengjia       Community
                                                                                                               needed for
                               Wuxing Village,      Wuxing Village,
                                                                           270                                 the elderly
                                 Group 1            Group 1 villagers
                   Wuxing                                                                                      persons.
                               Wuxing Village,      Wuxing Village,
                                 Group 3            Group 3 villagers

                                   Hongyang        Hongyang Village,
                               Village, Group 14   Group 14 villagers

                                   Hongyang        Hongyang Village,
        Town                                                               180
                               Village, Group 8    Group 8 villagers

                                   Hongyang        Hongyang Village,
                   Village                                                 180
                               Village, Group 9    Group 9 villagers

                                   Hongyang        Hongyang Village,
                               Village, Group 15   Group 15 villagers

                                  Hongyang         Hongyang Village,       270

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                            Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                   Stakeholder group     population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                            need       method          need

                                     Village, Group 12   Group 12 villagers

                        Changjiang      Changjiang       Changjiang Village,
                          Village    Village, Group 1     Group 1 villagers

                                        Changjiang       Changjiang Village,
                                                                                  225                                  Project
                                     Village, Group 4     Group 4 villagers
                                                                                                                       and charts
                                         Changjiang      Changjiang Village,
                                                                                  270                                  needed;
                                     Village, Group 10   Group 10 villagers
                        Changjiang                                                                                     project
                          Village                                                                                      information
                                        Changjiang       Changjiang Village,                            Written        shall be
                                     Village, Group 8     Group 8 villagers                 Mandarin,   notice,        interpreted
Plain area                                                                                  Sichuan     telephone,     in
                                        Changjiang       Changjiang Village,                Dialect     village        non-techni
                                     Village, Group 2     Group 2 villagers                             radio          cal terms.
                                                                                                                       The other
                                         Wenquan         Wenquan Village,                                              needs
                                     Village, Group 4    Group 4 villagers                                             depending
                                                                                                                       on the
                                         Wenquan         Wenquan Village,                                              villages /
                                     Village, Group 8    Group 8 villagers                                             communiti

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language   Notification     Special
Type                                                Stakeholder group      population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                              need      method           need

                                    Wenquan         Wenquan Village,
                               Village, Group 12    Group 12 villagers                                            Sichuan
                                   Wenquan          Wenquan Village,                                              needed for
                               Village, Group 1     Group 1 villagers                                             the elderly
                               Wenquan Village       Wenquan Village
                                  Group 6            Group 6 villagers

                                   Wenquan          Wenquan Village,
                               Village, Group 7     Group 7 villagers

                                    Wenquan         Wenquan Village,
                               Village, Group 17    Group 17 villagers

                                Fuxing Village,    Fuxing Village, Group
                                   Group 2              2 villagers

                                Fuxing Village,    Fuxing Village, Group
                   Village                                                    810
                                   Group 7              7 villagers

                                Fuxing Village,    Fuxing Village, Group      225

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                             Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                    Stakeholder group     population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                             need       method          need

                                         Group 1              1 villagers

                                         Longquan         Longquan Village,                                             Project
                                     Village, Group 4     Group 4 villagers                                             diagrams
                                                                                                                        and charts
                                          Longquan        Longquan Village,                                             needed;
                                     Village, Group 17    Group 17 villagers                                            project
                                         Longquan         Longquan Village,                                             shall be
                                     Village, Group 9     Group 9 villagers                                             interpreted
                                                                                             Mandarin,   notice,
              Dexin                      Longquan         Longquan Village,                                             non-techni
Plain area                                                                         240       Sichuan     telephone,
              Town                   Village, Group 1     Group 1 villagers                                             cal terms.
                                                                                             Dialect     village
                                                                                                                        The other
                                      Xinyu Village,     Xinyu Village, Group                                           needs
                                        Group 16             16 villagers                                               depending
                                                                                                                        on the
                                      Xinyu Village,     Xinyu Village, Group                                           villages /
                                        Group 15             15 villagers                                               communiti
                        Xingguang       Xingguang        Xingguang Village,                                             Sichuan
                          Village    Village, Group 5     Group 5 villagers                                             dialect

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language    Notification     Special
  Type                                                    Stakeholder group      population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                              need       method           need

                                                                                                                         needed for
                                        Xingguang         Xingguang Village,
                                                                                    225                                  the elderly
                                     Village, Group 7      Group 7 villagers

                                        Xingguang         Xingguang Village,
                                     Village, Group 8      Group 8 villagers

                                         Xingguang        Xingguang Village,
                                     Village, Group 17    Group 17 villagers

                                         Xingguang        Xingguang Village,
                                     Village, Group 18    Group 18 villagers

                                         Xingguang        Xingguang Village,
                                     Village, Group 12    Group 12 villagers

                        Yongquan        Yongquan         Villagers of Yongquan
                         Village         Village                 Village
                         Minan        Minan Village,     Minan Village, Group
                         Village        Group 10             10 villagers

Plain area   Xiaoquan     Minan       Minan Village,     Minan Village, Group       360       Mandarin,   Written        Project

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                             Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group      population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                             need      method           need

        Town       Village        Group 3              3 villagers                     Sichuan    notice,        diagrams
                                                                                       Dialect    telephone,     and charts
                               Jianghe Village,     Jianghe Village,                              village        needed;
                                                                             180                  radio          project
                                   Group 9          Group 9 villagers
                   Jianghe                                                                                       information
                    Village                                                                                      shall be
                               Jianghe Village,     Jianghe Village,
                                                                             180                                 interpreted
                                  Group 10         Group 10 villagers
                   Lilang                          Villagers of Lilang
                                Lilang Village                               270                                 cal terms.
                   Village                               Village
                                                                                                                 The other
                   Lilang      Lilang Village,     Villagers of Lilang
                                                                             180                                 depending
                   Village      Group No. 6       Village, Group No. 6
                                                                                                                 on the
                                                                                                                 villages /
                               Nongli Village,    Nongli Village, Group
                                                                             180                                 communiti
                                 Group 2              2 villagers

                   Nongli      Nongli Village,    Nongli Village, Group                                          Sichuan
                   Village       Group 6              6 villagers                                                dialect
                                                                                                                 needed for
                                                   Villagers of Nongli                                           the elderly
                                Nongli Village                               360
                                                         Village                                                 persons.

             Town and    Village /         Name of                                              Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                     Stakeholder group       population                                           Note
             township   community        stakeholder                                              need       method          need

                                        Bayi Village,     Bayi Village, Group 5
                                         Group 5                villagers

                           Bayi         Bayi Village,     Bayi Village, Group 6
                          Village        Group 6                villagers

                                                            Villagers of Bayi
                                         Bayi Village                                 270

                                        Wuhui Village,    Wuhui Village, Group
                                         Group 13            13 villagers
                                        Wuhui Village,    Wuhui Village, Group
                                         Group 15            15 villagers

                          Wuhui         Wuhui Village,    Wuhui Village, Group
                          Village       Group 16/17         16/17 villagers

                                         Jinji Village,   Jinji Village, Group 1                            Written        Project
                                                                                      540       Mandarin,
             Xiaoquan                      Group 1               villagers                                  notice,        diagrams
Plain area              Jinji Village                                                           Sichuan
               Town                                                                                         telephone,     and charts
                                         Jinji Village      Villagers of Jinji        225                   village        needed;

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                           Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                           need      method           need

                                                         Village                                radio          project
                                  Changyuan        Changyuan Village,                                          shall be
                                                                           270                                 interpreted
                               Village, Group 5     Group 5 villagers
                  Changyua        Changyuan        Changyuan Village,                                          non-techni
                                                                           180                                 cal terms.
                   n Village   Village, Group 9     Group 9 villagers
                                                                                                               The other
                                   Changyuan       Changyuan Village,
                                                                           180                                 depending
                               Village, Group 10   Group 10 villagers
                                                                                                               on the
                                                                                                               villages /
                               Hongdou Village,     Hongdou Village,
                                                                          1035                                 communiti
                                  Group 4           Group 4 villagers

                               Hongdou Village,     Hongdou Village,                                           Sichuan
                                  Group 8           Group 8 villagers                                          dialect
                                                                                                               needed for
                               Hongdou Village,    Hongdou Village,                                            the elderly
                                  Group 10         Group 10 villagers                                          persons.

                               Hongdou Village,     Hongdou Village,
                                  Group 9           Group 9 villagers

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                            Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                  Stakeholder group      population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                            need       method          need

                        Townsite        Townsite        Townsite residents       4500

                                     Gonghe Village,     Gonghe Village,
                                        Group 3          Group 3 villagers

                                     Gonghe Village,     Gonghe Village,
                                        Group 5          Group 5 villagers
             Xiaogan     Gonghe
              Town       Village
                                     Gonghe Village,     Gonghe Village,
                                        Group 6          Group 6 villagers

                                     Gonghe Village,     Gonghe Village,
                                        Group 8          Group 8 villagers

                                     Heping Village,   Heping Village, Group                                           Project
                                        Group 8             8 villagers                                                diagrams
                                                                                            Mandarin,   notice,        and charts
             Xiaogan     Heping      Heping Village,   Heping Village, Group                                           needed;
Plain area                                                                        405       Sichuan     telephone,
              Town       Village       Group 11             11 villagers                                               project
                                                                                            Dialect     village
                                                                                                        radio          information
                                     Heping Village,   Heping Village, Group                                           shall be
                                       Group 13             13 villagers                                               interpreted

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language   Notification     Special
Type                                                Stakeholder group      population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                              need      method           need

                               Hongfu Village,     Hongfu Village, Group
                                                                              540                                 non-techni
                                  Group 4               4 villagers
                   Hongfu                                                                                         cal terms.
                   Village                                                                                        The other
                               Hongfu Village,     Hongfu Village, Group
                                                                              810                                 needs
                                  Group 6               6 villagers
                                                                                                                  on the
                               Lingmiao Village,     Lingmiao Village,
                                                                              180                                 villages /
                                   Group 1           Group 1 villagers
                               Lingmiao Village,     Lingmiao Village,
                                                                              360                                 Sichuan
                                   Group 2           Group 2 villagers
                  Lingmiao                                                                                        dialect
                   Village                                                                                        needed for
                               Lingmiao Village,     Lingmiao Village,
                                                                              225                                 the elderly
                                   Group 7           Group 7 villagers
                               Lingmiao Village,    Lingmiao Village,
                                   Group 10         Group 10 villagers

                   Yangliu     Yangliu Village,      Yangliu Village,
                   Village        Group 3            Group 3 villagers

                  Huanghe      Huanghe Village,      Huanghe Village,         180

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                  Stakeholder group    population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                          need       method          need

                         Village         Group 7        Group 7 villagers

                                                        Huanghe Village,8/
                                     Village,8/ Group                           225
                                                         Group 9 villagers

                                     Huanghe Village,   Huanghe Village,
                                        Group 10        Group 10 villagers

             Yangjia     Nanshu      Nanshu Village,     Nanshu Village,
              Town       Village,      Group 12         Group 12 villagers

                                     Nanshu Village,     Nanshu Village,
                                                                                180                                  Project
                                       Group 13         Group 13 villagers
                                                                                                                     and charts
                                     Nanshu Village,    Nanshu Village,                               Written        needed;
                                        Group 6         Group 6 villagers                 Mandarin,   notice,        project
             Yangjia     Nanshu
Plain area                                                                                Sichuan     telephone,     information
              Town       Village,
                                                         Nanshu Village,                  Dialect     village        shall be
                                     Nanshu Village,
                                                         Group 3 and 4          180                   radio          interpreted
                                     Group 3 and 4
                                                            villagers                                                in
                                     Nanshu Village,     Nanshu Village,        180                                  cal terms.

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language   Notification     Special
Type                                              Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                          need      method           need

                                   Group 2        Group 2 villagers                                           The other
                               Nanshu Village,    Nanshu Village,                                             depending
                                                                          180                                 on the
                                  Group 7         Group 7 villagers
                                                                                                              villages /
                               Qinghua Village,   Qinghua Village,                                            communiti
                                                                          360                                 es.
                                  Group 11        Group 11 villagers
                               Qinghua Village,    Qinghua Village,                                           dialect
                                  Group 14        Group 14 villagers                                          needed for
                                                                                                              the elderly
                               Qinghua Village,    Qinghua Village,                                           persons.
                                  Group 12        Group 12 villagers
                               Qinghua Village,    Qinghua Village,
                                  Group 13        Group 13 villagers

                               Qinghua Village,   Qinghua Village,
                                   Group 8        Group 8 villagers

                               Qinghua Village,   Qinghua Village,
                                   Group 6        Group 6 villagers

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                  Stakeholder group    population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                          need       method          need

                                     Qinghua Village,   Qinghua Village,
                                         Group 4        Group 4 villagers

                                                        Qinghua Village,
                                     Qinghua Village,
                                                         Group 1 and 2          360
                                      Group 1 and 2

                         Yangjia     Yangjia Village,   Yangjia Village,
                         Village        Group 4         Group 4 villagers

                                     Yangjia Village,    Yangjia Village,
                                                                                180                                  Project
                                       Group 14         Group 14 villagers
                                                                                                                     and charts
                                     Yangjia Village,   Yangjia Village,                              Written        needed;
                                        Group 2         Group 2 villagers                 Mandarin,   notice,        project
             Yangjia     Yangjia
Plain area                                                                                Sichuan     telephone,     information
              Town       Village
                                     Yangjia Village,   Yangjia Village,                  Dialect     village        shall be
                                        Group 8         Group 8 villagers                             radio          interpreted
                                     Yangjia Village,    Yangjia Village,                                            non-techni
                                       Group 10         Group 10 villagers                                           cal terms.

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                            Language   Notification     Special
Type                                               Stakeholder group     population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                            need      method           need

                                                                                                                The other
                               Yangjia Village,      Yangjia Village,
                                                                            315                                 needs
                                 Group 18           Group 18 villagers
                                                                                                                on the
                                  Fengcheng        Fengcheng Village,
                                                                            180                                 villages /
                               Village, Group 6     Group 6 villagers
                                  Fengcheng        Fengcheng Village,
                               Village, Group 5     Group 5 villagers                                           Sichuan
                                  Fengcheng        Fengcheng Village,                                           needed for
                                                                            225                                 the elderly
                               Village, Group 1     Group 1 villagers
                                  Fengcheng        Fengcheng Village,
                    Village                                                 270
                               Village, Group 8     Group 8 villagers

                                   Fengcheng       Fengcheng Village,1
                               Village,1 Group 6    Group 6 villagers

                                   Fengcheng       Fengcheng Village,
                               Village, Group 13   Group 13 villagers

                                 Fengcheng         Fengcheng Village,       180

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                           Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                   Stakeholder group    population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                           need       method          need

                                     Village, Group 14   Group 14 villagers

                                         Fengcheng       Fengcheng Village,
                                     Village, Group 12   Group 12 villagers

                         Xinlong     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                         Village,       Group 13         Group 13 villagers

                                     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,
                                                                                 225                                  Project
                                        Group 17         Group 17 villagers
                                                                                                                      and charts
                         Xinlong     Xinlong Village,     Xinlong Village,                                            needed;
                         Village        Group 15         Group 15 villagers                                           project
             Yangjia                                                                                   Written
              Town                                                                         Mandarin,   notice,        information
                                     Xinlong Village,1    Xinlong Village,1                                           shall be
Plain area                                                                       180       Sichuan     telephone,
                                         Group 6          Group 6 villagers                                           interpreted
                                                                                           Dialect     village
                                                                                                       radio          in
                         Townsite                                                                                     non-techni
                                         Townsite        Townsite residents     4500
                        Community                                                                                     cal terms.
                                                                                                                      The other
             Tianyuan    Huajing     Huajing Village,     Huajing Village,                                            needs
               Town      Village,       Group 5           Group 5 villagers                                           depending

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language   Notification     Special
Type                                              Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                          need      method           need

                                                                                                              on the
                               Huajing Village,    Huajing Village,
                                                                          225                                 villages /
                                 Group 14         Group 14 villagers
                               Huajing Village,   Huajing Village,
                                  Group 9         Group 9 villagers                                           Sichuan
                               Huajing Village,    Huajing Village,                                           needed for
                                 Group 12         Group 12 villagers                                          the elderly
                               Huajing Village,    Huajing Village,
                                 Group 11         Group 11 villagers

                               Wangyi Village,     Wangyi Village,
                                 Group 12         Group 12 villagers

                               Wangyi Village,    Wangyi Village,
                   Wangyi        Group 9          Group 9 villagers
                               Wangyi Village,    Wangyi Village,
                                 Group 4          Group 4 villagers

                               Wangyi Village,     Wangyi Village,        225

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                           Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                   Stakeholder group    population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                           need       method          need

                                         Group 3         Group 3 villagers

                                     Wangyi Village,     Wangyi Village,
                                       Group 8           Group 8 villagers

                                     Wangyi Village,     Wangyi Village,
                                                                                 180                                  Project
                                       Group 6           Group 6 villagers
                                                                                                                      and charts
                         Wangyi      Wangyi Village,     Wangyi Village,
                                                                                 225                                  needed;
                         Village,      Group 1           Group 1 villagers
                                     Wangyi Village,     Wangyi Village,                               Written        shall be
                                       Group 2           Group 2 villagers                 Mandarin,   notice,        interpreted
Plain area                                                                                 Sichuan     telephone,     in
                                     Baijiang Village,   Baijiang Village,                 Dialect     village        non-techni
                                         Group 6         Group 6 villagers                             radio          cal terms.
                                                                                                                      The other
                         Baijiang    Baijiang Village,    Baijiang Village,                                           needs
                         Village        Group 13         Group 13 villagers                                           depending
                                                                                                                      on the
                                     Baijiang Village,   Baijiang Village,                                            villages /
                                         Group 2         Group 2 villagers                                            communiti

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language   Notification     Special
Type                                                Stakeholder group      population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                              need      method           need

                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,
                                   Group 3           Group 3 villagers                                            Sichuan
                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,                                            needed for
                                   Group 4           Group 4 villagers                                            the elderly
                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,
                                   Group 5           Group 5 villagers

                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,
                                  Group 11          Group 11 villagers

                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,
                                   Group 1           Group 1 villagers

                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,
                                  Group 10          Group 10 villagers

                               Baijiang Village,     Baijiang Village,
                                  Group 20          Group 20 villagers

                   Xieyue      Xieyue Village,     Xieyue Village, Group      180

             Town and    Village /       Name of                                             Language    Notification    Special
  Type                                                   Stakeholder group      population                                            Note
             township   community      stakeholder                                             need       method          need

                         Village,       Group 12             12 villagers

                                     Xieyue Village,    Xieyue Village, Group                                           Project
                                        Group 11             11 villagers                                               diagrams
                                                                                                                        and charts
                                     Xieyue Village,    Xieyue Village, Group                                           needed;
                                        Group 9              9 villagers                                                project
             Tianyuan    Xieyue      Xieyue Village,    Xieyue Village, Group                                           shall be
Plain area                                                                         180
               Town      Village,       Group 3              3 villagers                                                interpreted
                                                                                             Mandarin,   notice,
                                     Xieyue Village,    Xieyue Village, Group                                           non-techni
                                                                                   360       Sichuan     telephone,
                                        Group 2              2 villagers                                                cal terms.
                                                                                             Dialect     village
                                                                                                                        The other
                                     Xieyue Village,    Xieyue Village, Group                                           needs
                                        Group 7              7 villagers                                                depending
                                                                                                                        on the
                                     Dongmei Village,     Dongmei Village,                                              villages /
                                        Group 8           Group 8 villagers                                             communiti
 Low-hill    Shuangdo   Dongmei
  area        ng Town    Village,
                                     Dongmei Village,     Dongmei Village,                                              Sichuan
                                        Group 7           Group 7 villagers                                             dialect

           Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language    Notification     Special
 Type                                                 Stakeholder group    population                                            Note
           township   community      stakeholder                                          need       method           need

                                                                                                                   needed for
                                   Dongmei Village,   Dongmei Village,
                                                                              225                                  the elderly
                                      Group 5         Group 5 villagers

                                   Dongmei Village,   Dongmei Village,
                                      Group 1         Group 1 villagers

                                   Dongmei Village,   Dongmei Village,
                                      Group 2         Group 2 villagers

                                   Dongmei Village,   Dongmei Village,
                                      Group 3         Group 3 villagers

                                   Dongmei Village,   Dongmei Village,
                                      Group 11        Group 11 villagers

                                                      Townsite residents
           Xinzhong    Townsite
             Town     Community
                                   Chadian Village,   Chadian Village,
                                      Group 7         Group 7 villagers

Low hill   Xinzhong    Chadian     Chadian Village,    Chadian Village,       180       Mandarin,   Written        Project

        Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language   Notification     Special
Type                                                 Stakeholder group      population                                           Note
        township   community      stakeholder                                              need      method           need

areas    Town       Village       Group 23/24       Group 23/24 villagers                Sichuan    notice,        diagrams
                                                                                         Dialect    telephone,     and charts
                                Jianshan Village,     Jianshan Village,                             village        needed;
                                                                               180                  radio          project
                                    Group 1           Group 1 villagers
                   Jianshan                                                                                        information
                    Village                                                                                        shall be
                                Jianshan Village,     Jianshan Village,
                                                                               225                                 interpreted
                                    Group 7           Group 7 villagers
                                 Longju Village,    Longju Village, Group
                                                                               180                                 cal terms.
                                   Group 19             19 villagers
                                                                                                                   The other
                                 Longju Village,    Longju Village, Group
                                                                               180                                 depending
                                   Group 13             13 villagers
                                                                                                                   on the
                                                                                                                   villages /
                    Longju       Longju Village,    Longju Village, Group
                                                                               180                                 communiti
                    Village        Group 20             20 villagers

                                 Longju Village,    Longju Village, Group                                          Sichuan
                                   Group 6/8            6/8 villagers                                              dialect
                                                                                                                   needed for
                                 Longju Village,    Longju Village, Group                                          the elderly
                                   Group 3/4            3/4 villagers                                              persons.

           Town and    Village /       Name of                                              Language    Notification    Special
 Type                                                   Stakeholder group      population                                           Note
           township   community      stakeholder                                              need       method          need

                                   Gaozhi Village,     Gaozhi Village, Group
                                     Group 20              20 villagers

                                   Gaozhi Village,     Gaozhi Village, Group
                                     Group 18              18 villagers

                       Gaozhi      Gaozhi Village,     Gaozhi Village, Group
            Hexin      Village,      Group 19              19 villagers
                                   Gaozhi Village,8/     Gaozhi Village,8/
                                      Group 9            Group 9 villagers

                                   Gaozhi Village,     Gaozhi Village, Group
                                     Group 2               2 villagers

                      Townsite         Townsite         Townsite residents       1500

                                   Diaoqiao Village,     Diaoqiao Village,                              Written        Project
                                       Group 4          Group 4 Residents                   Mandarin,   notice,        diagrams
Low hill    Donghu    Diaoqiao
                                                                                            Sichuan     telephone,     and charts
 areas     Township    Village
                                   Diaoqiao Village,     Diaoqiao Village,                  Dialect     village        needed;
                                       Group 2          Group 2 Residents                               radio          project

       Town and    Village /       Name of                                          Language   Notification     Special
Type                                              Stakeholder group    population                                           Note
       township   community      stakeholder                                          need      method           need

                                                  Gaohuai Village,1/                                          shall be
                               Village,1/ Group                           180
                                                  Group 2 Residents                                           interpreted
                                                                                                              cal terms.
                                                                                                              The other
                                                                                                              on the
                                                                                                              villages /
                               Gaohuai Village,    Gaohuai Village,
                                                                          180                                 communiti
                                  Group 3         Group 3 Residents

                                                                                                              needed for
                                                                                                              the elderly

Annex 4: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (schools)

   Town and                                                                               Language    Notification
                        Stakeholder description                Stakeholder group                                      Special need    Note
   township                                                                                 needs      method

  Bailong Town     Bailong Town Junior Middle School

                   Mengjia School, Jingyang District,
 Huangxu Town
                             Deyang City

                       Dexin Junior Middle School
   Dexin Town
                         Dexin Primary School

                        Xiaoquan Middle School

                      Jingyang District Haoertong                                                                     Consultations
                             Kindergarten                                                                                  to be
                 Xiaoquan Minzu Primary School (main       All students and faculty and              School radio,
 Xiaoquan Town                                                                            Mandarin                        during
                              campus)                                parents                         written notice
                    Xiaoquan Minzu Primary School                                                                      periods and
                              (branch)                                                                                 spare time.

                    Xiaoquan Minzu Primary School

                     Deyang No. 10 Middle School
  Xiaogan Town
                   Fujianglu Primary School, Jingyang
                             District, Deyang

                     Yangjia Liheng Primary School
  Yangjia Town
                 Jingyang District Qianqiu Middle School

   Town and                                                                           Language    Notification
                        Stakeholder description            Stakeholder group                                      Special need    Note
   township                                                                             needs      method

 Xinzhong Town             Xinzhong School                                                                        Consultations
                                                                                                                       to be
                      Hexin Town Siyuan School                                                                      conducted
                                                       All students and faculty and              School radio,
  Hexin Town                                                                          Mandarin                        during
                      Hexin Town Siyuan School                   parents                         written notice
                            Kindergarten                                                                           periods and
                  Donghu Township Boai Junior Middle                                                               spare time.
Donghu Township

Annex 5: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (businesses and institutions)

                                                                                           Language    Notification
 Town and township          Stakeholder description               Stakeholder group                                     Special need     Note
                                                                                             needs      method
   Bailong Town              Bailong Health Center                  All employees

                       Guangshen Concrete Corporation                All workers                                                       Businesses

                        Deyang Shuxian Liquor Brewery                All workers                                                       Businesses

                       Deyang Mingyuan Electricity and
                                                                     All workers                                                       Businesses
                           Electric Pole Co., Ltd.
  Huangxu Town
                                                             Nursing home All employees�?                                                Nursing
                         Huangxu Town Nursing home
                                                                        �?户                                                               home
                        Deyang Senhua Paint Chemical
                                                                     All workers                                                       Businesses
                              Industry Co., Ltd.
                      Deyang Junxuan Pavement Material
                                                                    All employees                                       Consultation   Businesses
                                  Co., Ltd.                                                           Written notice,
                                                                                           Mandarin                       on work
                     Deyang Yida Mechanical and Electrical                                             telephone
                                                                    All employees                                          days.       Businesses
                         Thermal Treatment Co., Ltd.
                                                             Nursing home employees and                                                 Nursing
                           Dexin Town Nursing home
                                                                        users                                                            home
    Dexin Town
                     Deyang Kehao Papermaking Co., Ltd.             All employees                                                      Businesses

                      Deyang Shuangxing Glass Co., Ltd.             All employees                                                      Businesses

                     Deyang Jinxing Agricultural Machinery
                                                                    All employees                                                      Businesses
                           Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                         Deyang Dongke Hydropower
   Xiaogan Town                                                     All employees                                                      Businesses
                            Equipment Co., Ltd.
                      Sichuan Deyang Xianfeng Chemical
                                                                    All employees                                                      Businesses
                              Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Language    Notification
Town and township          Stakeholder description                 Stakeholder group                                    Special need     Note
                                                                                             needs      method
                      Deyang Jingyang District Xiaogan                                                                                   Health
                                                                     All employees
                           Town Health Center                                                                                            Center
                    Xiaogan Power Station, Deyang Power
                                                                     All employees                                                     Businesses
                       Xiaogan Police Station, Jingyang
  Xiaogan Town                                                       All employees                                                       Entity
                    Branch, Deyang Public Security Bureau
                        Squadron No. 24, Traffic Police
                                                                     All employees                                                       Entity
                    Brigade, Jingyang District, Deyang City
                      Xiaogan Town Veterinary Station,
                                                                     All employees                                                       Entity
                        Jingyang District, Deyang City
                    Yangjia Town Machinery Manufacturing
                                                                     All employees                                                     Businesses
                                  Co., Ltd.
                         Yangjia Town Health Center                  All employees
  Yangjia Town                                                                                                          Consultation
                                                              Nursing home employees and              Written notice,                   Nursing
                         Yangjia Town Nursing home                                         Mandarin                      s on work
                                                                         users                         telephone                         home
                     Tianyi Machinery Manufacturing Co.,
                                                                     All employees                                                     Businesses
 Xinzhong Town          Xinzhong Town Health Center                  All employees
   Hexin Town             Hexin Town Health Center             Health Center employees
                    Deyang Chenlong Cement Product Co.,
 Tianyuan Town                                                       All employees                                                     Businesses
                       Deyang Dongfang Power Station
                                                                     All employees                                                     Businesses
                     Technological Development Co., Ltd.
                      Sichuan Desaier Chemical Industry
 Tianyuan Town                                                       All employees                                                     Businesses
                                 Co., Ltd.

                          Feiguo Concrete Co., Ltd.                  All employees                                                     Businesses

                                                                                  Language    Notification
Town and township         Stakeholder description          Stakeholder group                                   Special need       Note
                                                                                    needs      method
 Tianyuan Town         Tianyuan Town Health Center      Health Center employees
                                                                                             Written notice,
                    Guangdong Wen’s Poultry in Deyang        All employees        Mandarin                      s on work       Businesses
Donghu Township                                                                                                   days.
                     Donghu Township Health Center      Health Center employees
                                                                                                               Site visit not
                                                                                             Written notice,    telephone       Main water
 Huangxu Town                Huangxu Prison                 Prison director       Mandarin
                                                                                              telephone          interview        user
                                                                                                               allowed on
                                                                                                               work days.

Annex 6: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (WWTP)
   Town and
                 Sensitive stakeholders   Stakeholder group   Language needs   Notification method          Special need           Notes

 Bailong Town    Bailong Town WWTP

 Huangxu Town    Huangxu Town WWTP

  Dexin Town      Dexin Town WWTP
                                                                                 Written notice,
                                            Existing staff       Mandarin                            Consultations on work days.
 Xiaoquan Town   Xiaoquan Town WWTP

 Xinzhong Town   Xinzhong Town WWTP

    Donghu         Donghu Township
   Township            WWTP

Annex 7: Analysis of SIA stakeholders (water supply (water supply plant (station)

                       Stakeholder      Stakeholder      Language
 Town and township                                                  Notification method    Special need      Notes
                       description         group           needs

                     Xiaoquan Water
   Xiaoquan Town                        Existing staff

                      Minan Water
   Xiaoquan Town                        Existing staff
                      Supply Station

                      Liyuan Water
   Xiaoquan Town                        Existing staff
                      Supply Station

   Tianyuan Town       Jingfu Water
                                        Existing staff
                      Supply Station                                  Written notice,     Consultations on
                                                                       telephone            work days.
   Xiaogan Town       Xiaogan Water
                                        Existing staff
                      Supply Station

                     Zhongxing Water
  Shuangdong Town                       Existing staff
                      Supply Station

                     Longdong Water
  Shuangdong Town                       Existing staff
                      Supply Station

  Shuangdong Town    Liangshui Water    Existing staff

                      Stakeholder     Stakeholder      Language
Town and township                                                 Notification method    Special need      Notes
                      description        group           needs

                     Supply Station

                    Huangxu Town
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                    Tap Water Plant

                    Wuquan Water
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                     Daquan Water
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                     Dongtai Water
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                    Chaoyang Water
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                    Hongshan Water
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station
                                                                    Written notice,     Consultations on
                                                                     telephone            work days.
                     Huilong Water
 Huangxu Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                       Stakeholder      Stakeholder      Language
Town and township                                                   Notification method   Special need   Notes
                       description         group           needs

                      Xintai Water
 Huangxu Town                           Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                    Dadi Water Supply
Donghu Township                         Existing staff

                     Donghu Water
Donghu Township                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                     Xinlong Water
  Yangjia Town                          Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                     Yangjia Water
  Yangjia Town                          Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                    Fengcheng Water
  Yangjia Town                          Existing staff
                     Supply Station

   Dexin Town         Water Supply      Existing staff

   Dexin Town         Wuxing Water      Existing staff

                      Stakeholder     Stakeholder      Language
Town and township                                                 Notification method    Special need      Notes
                      description        group           needs

                    Supply Station

                    Fuxing Water
   Dexin Town                         Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                    Longquan Water
   Dexin Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                     Xinyu Water
   Dexin Town                         Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                     Shengli Boost
   Dexin Town                         Existing staff
                     Pump Station

                    Bailong Water
  Bailong Town                        Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                    Guoyuan Water                                   Written notice,     Consultations on
  Bailong Town                        Existing staff   Mandarin
                    Supply Station                                   telephone            work days.

                    Songbai Water
  Bailong Town                        Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                      Stakeholder     Stakeholder      Language
Town and township                                                 Notification method   Special need   Notes
                      description        group           needs

                     Qingjin Water
  Bailong Town                        Existing staff
                     Supply Station

  Bailong Town       Water Supply     Existing staff

                     Qinghe Water
  Bailong Town                        Existing staff
                     Supply Station

   Hexin Town        Water Supply     Existing staff

                    Changying Water
   Hexin Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                     Xinmin Water
   Hexin Town                         Existing staff
                     Supply Station

                    Dezhong Water
   Hexin Town                         Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                     Stakeholder      Stakeholder      Language
Town and township                                                 Notification method   Special need   Notes
                     description         group           needs

                     Xinliu Water
 Xinzhong Town                        Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                     Baihe Water
 Xinzhong Town                        Existing staff
                    Supply Station

                    Jianshan Water
 Xinzhong Town                        Existing staff
                     Supply Station

Annex 8: List of sites affected by LAR
 S.N                   Site                        Location          Stakeholder group     Language needs                   Special need     Notes
         Changjiang Village No. 1 Pump            Dexin Town
                    Station                   Changjiang Village
         Changjiang Village No. 2 Pump            Dexin Town
                    Station                   Changjiang Village
                                             Dexin Town Wenquan
  3      Wenquan Village Pump Station
          Xingguang Village No. 1 Pump            Dexin Town
                    Station                    Xingguang Village
                                                  Dexin Town
  5     Longquan Village      Pump Station
                                               Longquan Village
                                                Xiaoquan Town
  6    Xiaoquan Village No. 1 Pump Station
                                               Xiaoquan Village
                                                Xiaoquan Town
  7    Xiaoquan Village No. 2 Pump Station
                                               Xiaoquan Village
                                              Xiaoquan Town Jinji
  8         Jinji Village Pump Station
                                                Xiaoquan Town
  9        Wuhui Village Pump Station                                                                                         Household
                                                 Wuhui Village
                                                                                                               Written          survey,
          Yongquan Village No. 1 Pump          Xiaoquan Village     Households affected       Mandarin,
  10                                                                                                           notice,      interpretation
                   Station                     Yongquan Village      by land acquisition   Sichuan Dialect
                                                                                                             telephone       of RPF and
          Yongquan Village No. 2 Pump          Xiaoquan Village                                                                   RP
                   Station                     Yongquan Village
        Shuangdong WWTP Pump Station          Shuangdong Town
                    No. 1                      Dongmei Village,
        Shuangdong WWTP Pump Station          Shuangdong Town
                    No. 2                      Dongmei Village,
        Shuangdong WWTP Pump Station
  14                                          Shuangdong Town
                    No. 3
        Shuangdong WWTP Pump Station          Shuangdong Town
                    No. 4                     Jinluoqiao Village
        Shuangdong WWTP Pump Station          Shuangdong Town
                    No. 5                     Jinluoqiao Village
  17       Shuangdong Town WWTP               Shuangdong Town
                                              Shuangdong Town
  18            Tongjiang WWTP
                                               Guquan Village
  19         Zuanshi Village WWTP             Shuangdong Town
S.N                   Site                         Location         Stakeholder group     Language needs                   Special need     Notes
                                                Zuanshi Village

                                                 Huangxu Town
20      Jinqiao Village   Pump Station
                                                 Jinqiao Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
21        Daba Village Pump Station
                                                  Daba Village
                                              Huangxu Town Sanhe
22      Sanhe Village     Pump Station
                                                 Huangxu Town
23      Xinlong Village    Pump Station
                                                 Xinlong Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
24    Guangping Village      Pump Station
                                               Guangping Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
25      No. 3 Boosting Pump Station
                                               Guangping Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
26       No. 1Boosting Pump Station
                                                 Honghai Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
27      No. 4 Boosting Pump Station
                                               Changping Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
28      No. 2 Boosting Pump Station                                                                                          Household
                                                 Fuxing Village
                                                                                                              Written          survey,
       Fuxing Village Residential Area           Huangxu Town      Households affected       Mandarin,
29                                                                                                            notice,      interpretation
                    WWTP                         Fuxing Village     by land acquisition   Sichuan Dialect
                                                                                                            telephone       of RPF and
         Huangxu Chaoyang Village                Huangxu Town
30                                                                                                                               RP
       residential area --- drip filtration     Chaoyang Village
                                                 Huangxu Town
31      Mianhe Village     Pump Station
                                                 Mianhe Village
                                                 Xinzhong Town
32       Baihe Village Pump Station
                                                  Baihe Village
      Xinzhong Baihe Village residential         Xinzhong Town
             area --- drip filtration             Baihe Village
         Xinzhong Maanshan Village               Xinzhong Town
       residential area --- drip filtration    Maanshan Village
      Xinzhong No. 2 Wastewater Pump             Xinzhong Town
                    Station                     Chadian Village,
      Xinzhong No. 3 Wastewater Pump             Xinzhong Town
                    Station                     Chadian Village,
      Xinzhong No. 4 Wastewater Pump             Xinzhong Town
                    Station                     Chadian Village,
      Xinzhong No. 1 Wastewater Pump             Xinzhong Town
                    Station                     Chadian Village,
S.N                  Site                      Location          Stakeholder group     Language needs                   Special need     Notes
                                            Xinzhong Town
39       Longju Village, Pump Station
                                             Longju Village,
                                            Xinzhong Town
40       No. 5 Boosting Pump Station
                                            Chadian Village,
                                            Xinzhong Town
41       Xinliu Water Supply Station
                                             Longju Village,
                                            Xinzhong Town
42               Xinliu Pond
                                             Longju Village,
                                             Xiaogan Town
43      Yangliu Village, Pump Station
                                            Yangliu Village,
                                             Xiaogan Town
44       Xiaogan No. 3 Pump Station
                                           Lingmiao Village,
                                             Xiaogan Town
45       Xiaogan No. 4 Pump Station
                                           Lingmiao Village,
                                         Xiaogan Town Heping
46       Xiaogan No. 1 Pump Station
                                         Yangjia Town Xinlong
47       Yangjia No. 5 Pump Station
                                             Yangjia Town
48       Yangjia No. 4 Pump Station                                                                                       Household
                                            Gaodou Village
                                                                                                           Written          survey,
                                         Yangjia Town Yangjia   Households affected       Mandarin,
49       Yangjia No. 3 Pump Station                                                                        notice,      interpretation
                                                Village,         by land acquisition   Sichuan Dialect
                                                                                                         telephone       of RPF and
                                             Yangjia Town                                                                     RP
50       Yangjia No. 1 Pump Station
                                          Fengcheng Village,
                                             Yangjia Town
51       Yangjia No. 2 Pump Station
                                            Qinghua Village,
                                            Tianyuan Town
52    Tianyuan Wastewater Pump Station
                                            Xieyue Village,
                                             Bailong Town
53       Longxingqiao Pump Station
                                         Longxingqiao Village
                                             Bailong Town
54           Bailong Water Plant
                                            Songbai Village
                                             Bailong Town
55      Songbai Village Pump Station
                                            Songbai Village
                                             Bailong Town
56      Guoyuan Village Pump Station
                                            Guoyuan Village
        Hexin Town Changshou Village          Hexin Town
           Treatment Station -MBR         Changshou Village
58           Hexin Pump Station              Hexin Town
S.N                 Site                      Location        Stakeholder group     Language needs                   Special need     Notes
       Hexin Town Yongxin Village           Hexin Town
      residential area – drip filtration   Yongxin Village
                                                             Households affected
60         Hexin Town WWTP                  Hexin Town                                                                 Household
                                                              by land acquisition
                                                                                                        Written          survey,
61    Longshengyuan Liquor Brewery                                                                      notice,      interpretation
                                                                  Resettled         Sichuan Dialect
                                           Bailong Town                                               telephone       of RPF and
62       Huxianlin Breeding Farm                                                                                           RP

Annex 9: Workshop Schedule
       Town and            Targets of               Place of meeting (village
  SN                                                                               Meeting contents
       township          communication                     committee)
 1                                                      Yongquan Village
 2                  (1) Party secretary and               Minan Village
 3                  villager committee director          Jianghe Village
 4                  of all administrative                 Lilang Village
 5     Xiaoquan     villages                              Nongli Village        (1) Project introduction;
 6       Town       (2) Villagers’                         Bayi Village         (2) Public consultation.
 7                  representatives of                    Wuhui Village
 8                  sensitive receptors related            Jinji Village
 9                  to the Project                     Changyuan Village
 10                                                     Hongdou Village
 11                 (1) Party secretary and             Huanghe Village,
 12                 villager committee director          Gonghe Village
 13                 of all administrative                Heping Village
 14     Xiaogan     villages                             Hongfu Village,        (1) Project introduction;
 15      Town       (2) Villagers’                       Yangliu Village,       (2) Public consultation.
                    representatives of
 16                 sensitive receptors related          Lingmiao Village,
                    to the Project
 17                 (1) Party secretary and             Longxingqiao Village
 18                 villager committee director            Songbai Village
 19                 of all administrative                  Qinghe Village
 20     Bailong     villages                              Honghua Village       (1) Project introduction;
 21      Town       (2) Villagers’                         Qingjin Village      (2) Public consultation.
 22                 representatives of                     Nangui Village
 23                 sensitive receptors related           Guoyuan Village
 24                 to the Project                       Xiangyang Village
 25                 (1) Party secretary and              Changjiang Village
 26                 villager committee director           Wenquan Village
 27                 of all administrative                 Hongyang Village
 28                 villages                                Xinyu Village       (1) Project introduction;
       Dexin Town
 29                 (2) Villagers’                       Xingguang Village      (2) Public consultation.
 30                 representatives of                    Longquan Village
 31                 sensitive receptors related            Fuxing Village
 32                 to the Project                         Wuxing Village
 33                 (1) Party secretary and                Nanshu Village,
 34                 villager committee director           Qinghua Village,
 35                 of all administrative                  Yangjia Village,
 36     Yangjia     villages                             Fengcheng Village,     (1) Project introduction;
         Town       (2) Villagers’                                              (2) Public consultation.
                    representatives of
 37                 sensitive receptors related           Xinlong Village,
                    to the Project
 38                 (1) Party secretary and             Shuangyuan Village
 39                 villager committee director           Jianglin Village
 40                 of all administrative                 Xinlong Village
 41     Huangxu     villages                               Sanhe Village        (1) Project introduction;
 42      Town       (2) Villagers’                       Guangping Village      (2) Public consultation.
 43                 representatives of                     Jinqiao Village
 44                 sensitive receptors related           Mianhe Village
 45                 to the Project                       Xinxin Community
 46                 (1) Party secretary and               Huajing Village,
 47     Tianyuan    villager committee director           Wangyi Village,
 48       Town      of all administrative                 Baijiang Village,
 49                 villages                              Xieyue Village,       (1) Project introduction;
 50                 (2) Villagers’                        Longju Village,       (2) Public consultation.
 51     Xinzhong    representatives of                    Chadian Village,
          Town      sensitive receptors related
 52                 to the Project                       Jianshan Village,

     Town and              Targets of             Place of meeting (village
SN                                                                               Meeting contents
      township           communication                  committee)
53   Hexin Town   (1) Party secretary and              Gaozhi Village,
54     Donghu     villager committee director         Diaoqiao Village,
55    Township    of all administrative               Gaohuai Village,
                  villages                                                    (1) Project introduction;
                  (2) Villagers’                                              (2) Public consultation.
     Shuangdon    representatives of
56                                                    Dongmei Village,
      g Town      sensitive receptors related
                  to the Project

Annex 10: Stakeholder Engagement Framework
Since the locations of the borrow pits and spoil disposal sites of the Project are
not yet finalized and changes may occur during the construction stage of the
Project to the location of some sites and routes of some pipelines, it is
necessary to develop a Stakeholder Engagement Framework as a guideline
for future identification and analysis of stakeholders and development of
stakeholder engagement plan after the specific sites and scope are
determined. Here described as follows is the Stakeholder Engagement
1. Project introduction
Project components and potential environmental and social impacts.
2. Stakeholder engagement activities implemented in the past
If consultations or disclosure activities were carried out in the past, including
information disclosure and informal / formal meetings / consultations, a
summary of these activities and disclosed information shall be provided.
3. Identification and analysis of stakeholders
3.1 Identification and analysis of environmental stakeholders
1) Residents and schools within the following scopes:
�?� Noise: 200m outside the boundary of construction sites and 200m on each
  side of the pipelines;

�?� Surface water: 500m upstream and 3km downstream of the wastewater
  discharge outlets;
�?� Air environment: Class III EIA requires no identification of the EIA scope of
  air environment;
�?� Ecological environment: 300m outside the boundary of construction sites
  and 200m on each side of the pipelines;
�?� Community safety: communities and schools in the project area.
Sensitive receptors and directly affected persons identified based on the
aforesaid criteria.
2)Direct stakeholders
Entities with the resources and capabilities to obstruct the progress of the
Project are defined as direct environmental stakeholders
3) Need analysis of environmental stakeholders
3.2 Identification and analysis of social stakeholders
1)Persons affected by land acquisition;

2)Direct stakeholders
Entities with the resources and capability to obstruct project progress are
defined as direct stakeholders.
3)Need analysis of social stakeholders
3.3 Identification and analysis of other stakeholders
Other stakeholders are primarily those with relationships of interest with the
Project (or other interested parties). Although not directly affected, these
stakeholders have a broader understanding of the social characteristics of the
project area and the local population and will be directly or indirectly engaged
in the Project.
3.4 Vulnerable groups / individuals
1) Identification and analysis of vulnerable groups / individuals
2) Need analysis of vulnerable groups / individuals.
4.     Stakeholder consultation plan
4.1     Purpose andschedule
To achieve sustainable environmental and social development of the Project;
level of acceptance of the Project; to enable effective participation in the
design, implementation and operation of the Project.
Stakeholder consultations shall be carried out throughout the construction
stage and operation stage of the Project as planned in the table below.

 Project stage         Timeframe          Time and channel of information disclosure
                    At least two rounds
                    of consultation and
                                          Time to be determined.
                                          Information disclosure and feedback channel:
     Preparation    disclosure
                                          Public information website of Jingyang District;
        stage       activities shall be
                                          ESCP will also be disclosed via the same
                    implemented in the
                    FS stage of new
                                          Every December;
                                          Information disclosure and feedback channel:
     Construction   Once a year on
                                          Public information website of Jingyang District;
        stage       December
                                          updated ESCP will also be disclosed via the
                                          same channel.
                                          Every December;
                                          Information disclosure and feedback channel:
      Operation     Once a year on
                                          Public information website of Jingyang District;
       stage        December
                                          updated ESCP will also be disclosed via the
                                          same channel.

4.2 Proposed information disclosure approaches
The project information shall be disclosed on the internet (Jingyang District
Public Website), newspapers (Deyang Daily), and bulletin boards (of village
committees / communities).
4.3    Proposed consultation approaches
Specific issues for consultation shall be identified for different stakeholders
and consultation activities shall be implemented by means of public meetings,
questionnaires or interviews.
4.4 Proposed approaches for inclusion of the opinions of vulnerable groups
Vulnerable groups / individuals are those more likely to be adversely affected
by or restricted in terms of benefiting from the Project and are easily excluded
from and thus disabled to be fully engaged in the mainstream consultation
process, therefore, requiring appropriate measures and assistance to ensure
their full engagement in the project activities. The vulnerable groups of the
Project include women and registered poor households.
4.5 schedule

                                                                 Deadline of
  SN       Project stage                Duration                 stakeholder

  1       Preparation stage    October 2018 ~ December 2019    December 2019

  2     Implementation stage   January 2020 ~ December 2024    December 2024

  3       Operation stage      January 2025 ~ December 2044    December 2044

4.6    Review of feedbacks
Stakeholders may provide feedbacks to the PMO by mail, in written or verbal
form (including telephone) and through personal interviews. The PMO will
record, screen and sort the problems and submit them to all relevant
departments for further action, which shall be followed up with by the PMO.
The PMO is committed to submit to the stakeholders a summary report on the
final decision and how the feedbacks are incorporated.
4.7 Next steps
Project progress reports shall be submitted from time to time, including the
environmental and social performance of the reported project and the
implementation of the stakeholder consultation plan and grievance redress

mechanism. At least one report shall be submitted to the stakeholders under
the Project except in the construction stage during which such reports shall be
submitted twice a year.
5. Resources and responsibilities            for   implementing     stakeholder
consultation activities
5.1 Resources
Dedicated human and material resources shall be provided at all levels from
the PMO, the employed environmental and social experts to the township and
community liaison officers to facilitate effective management and
implementation of stakeholder consultation activities.
1) PMO: Taking the primary responsibility for implementing stakeholder
   consultation activities, the PMO shall be responsible for the overall
   coordination and organization of stakeholder consultation activities.
   Responsible person: Director Li, Tel: 0838-256 7521, E-mail address:, Address: B107, People's Government of Jingyang
   District, Deyang City.
2) Environmental and social specialists employed by the PMO: providing
   technical supports and guidance to and adequately assisting and
   participating in the stakeholder consultation activities.
3) Township or town and village / community liaison officers: coordinating and
   organizing stakeholder consultation activities and connecting stakeholders
   with the Environmental and Social Specialists and PMO.
4) SPV Corporation: Employed by the PMO in the construction stage of the
   Project, responsible for environmental and social management in the
   construction stage and operation stage of the Project. The contact
   information of SPV Corporation shall be disclosed in the updated SEP
   before determination of the SPV Corporation.
5.2   Responsibilities
1) Monthly stakeholder management meetings shall be organized by the PMO
/ SPV Corporation and township or town and village / community officials
responsible for stakeholder consultations and the environmental and social
specialists shall be invited to attend such meetings.
2) A reply shall be provided in 7 days as of the receipt of stakeholders’ opinions
to inform the stakeholders of the adoption and follow-up action of their opinions,
including the final decisions and reasons for non-adopted opinions. If no such
a reply is provided within 7 days as required, it shall be necessary to follow up
with the relevant parties and give feedbacks to the stakeholders about the
review progress and timeframe.
3) The PMO / SPV Corporation officials shall be responsible for recording,

tracking and managing the consultation process, database and commitment
registration, etc. The PMO and SPV Corporation shall both be responsible for
the management of the relevant documents.
6.   Grievance redress mechanism and institutions
1) Grievance redress mechanism and institutions
For the purpose of making timely responses to the concerns and grievances of
the project-affected people on the environmental and social impacts of the
Project, a grievance redress mechanism and an appeal committee shall be
established under the Project as a formal procedure and institution for
receiving and evaluating the complaints and appeals by the affected
communities and public. The grievance redress mechanism aims to solve
problems in a quick, effective and transparent way adaptable to the local
culture. Grievances may be filed in the form of claims, complaints or benefit
sharing, resettlement or issues concerning compensation procedures, and
shall not be subject to retaliation.
The Appeal Committee will be mainly composed of heads of the PMO, the
environmental departments, the land and resources authority and the heads of
local communities or village committees and shall serve as one of the
important institutions for handling all complaints related to the Project.
In order to improve the efficiency of the grievance redress mechanism, the
grievance redress procedure shall be simplified to the extent possible.
Management of the Appeal Committee shall be assigned to the committee
members at the level of the village committees and the PMO, who shall record
the recommendations and appeals in a timely manner. The contents of such
records shall include discussions, recommendations and resolutions.
The decision making process shall engage participants of different levels
depending on the nature of the recommendations to come up with a solution.
The court will act as the ultimate decision maker. Here shown as follows is the
specific process:

       Village /        Town / townships         Appeal Committee   Court
     community and methods
Affected persons of the Project, e.g. community members, vulnerable groups /
individuals, project implementation staff, civil society and the media, are
encouraged to file complaints and opinions to the entities responsible for
stakeholder consultations. The community and the public may submit their

complaints through the following channels: 1) telephone hotline: 0838-256
7521; 2) email address:; 3) face-to-face communication, or
4) questionnaires from each village committee.
3) Procedures
All complaints , simple or complex, shall be resolved in a quick and effective
manner within 7 days, with feedbacks given to the complainant at the earliest
possible time as necessary.
The affected person shall file a complaint with the village committee in writing.
The complaint form shall be signed and dated by the affected person. If the
affected person is unable to write, assistance shall be provided to him / her to
write a note attached with his / her thumbprint.
The village committee may address the disputes based on the nature of the
complaints and the related issues; unresolved issues or issues beyond the
scope of their duties and responsibilities shall be submitted to the PMO for
adjudication. The village committee shall record and keep all the complaints
received, how the complaints are resolved and the complaints forwarded to
PMO coordinator for further action by the village committee. A notice shall be
given by the village committee to the complainant in writing within 7 days.
The PMO coordinator shall submit all the unresolved complains and appeals to
the PMO Appeal Committee, which shall review the complaints and appeals
according to the laws and regulations and develop an appropriate action plan.
All complaints about abuses and potential corruptions in service shall be
communicated to the relevant authorities within 7 days of receipt of the
complaint, and the PMO Appeal Committee shall communicate to the
complainant the actions already taken.
Complaints and appeals may also be submitted to any member of the
management team of the PMO Appeal Committee in addition to the village
committee. Upon the receipt of a complaint by the members of the Appeal
Committee management team, the committee's coordinator shall record and
submit such complaints to the Appeal Committee for detailed study. If the
coordinator is engaged in the complaint, the complaint shall be directly
forwarded to the person in charge of the PMO.
The PMO Appeal Committee shall make a reply within 7 days, during which
the complainant shall be consulted. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the
results of assessment of the assets involved in the complaint, a request shall
be made to the Appeal Committee for reassessment of the concerned assets.
If such assessment takes a long time, the Appeals Committee shall notify the
affected person through the village council that his / her complaint is under
The Appeals Committee shall prepare a report containing a summary of all

complaints and appeals and provide it to the PMO on a quarterly basis.
If the affected personis dissatisfied with the decision made by the PMO Appeals
Committee and other authorities at higher levels, or no agreement is reached
at this stage, the complaint may be filed through the formal court procedure.
4)Gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA)
The implementation of the Project will have positive impacts on the local
community. However, gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation
and abuse (SEA) may occur among project participants.
In all cases, such incidents shall be reported and handled through the
Grievance Redress Procedure. Since GBV and SEA are criminal offences and
are different in nature from the other complaints usually handled through the
grievance redress mechanism, such cases must be reported to the public
security department.
7. Reporting
Feedbacks about the results of the consultation activities shall be provided by
mail, telephone, and door-to-door visit. Any objections to such feedbacks may
be submitted through the grievance redress channels.
