- --Xi. AAL~~~~~~-i* JOINT UNDP/WORLD BANK ENERGY SECTOR MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME (ESMAP) PURpOSE The Joint UNDP/ World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) was launched in 1983 to complement .ne Energy Assessment Programme which had been established three years earlier. An international Commission was convened in 1990 to address the creation of ESMAP's role in the Nineties. It concluded that the Programme had a crucial part to play over the next decade in assisting the developing countries to better manage their energy sectors given that the supply of energy at reasonable prices is a critical determinant of the pace and magnitude of the growth process. The Commission's recommendations received broad endorsement at the November 1990 ESMAP Annual Meeting. Today, ESMAP is carrying out energy assessments, preinvest.ment and prefeasibility activities and is providing institutional and policy advice. The program aims to strengthen the impact of bilateral and multilateral resources and private sector investment through providing technical assistance to the energy sector of developing countries. The findings and recommendations emerging from ESMAP activities provide govwrnments, donors, and potential investors with the information needed to identify economically and environmentally sound energy projects and to accelerate their preparation and implementation. ESMAP's operational activities are managed by two Divisions within the Industry and Energy Department at the Worla Bank and an ESMAP Secretariat. X The Programme's activities are governed by the ESMAP Consultative Group which consists of its co- sponsors, the UNDP and the World Bank, the governments which provide financial support and representatives of the recipients of its assistance. The Chairman of the Group is the World Bank's Vice President, Sector Policy and Research. He is assisted by a Secretariat headed by the Group's Executive Secretary who is also responsible for relations with the donors and securing funding for the Programme's activities. The Secretariat also gives support and advice to a Technical Advisory Group of independent energy experts which meets periodically to review and scrutinize the Programme's strategic agenda, its work program and other issues related to ESMAP's functioning. 'MThe ESMAP Strategy and Programs Division is responsible for advising on which countries shoald receive ESMAP assistance, preparing relevant ESMAP programs of technical assistance to these countries and supports the Secretariat on funding issues. It also carries out broadly based studies such as energy assessments. * the ESMAP Operations Division is responsible for the detailed design and implementation of tasks consisting mainly of sub-sectoral strategy formulation, preinvestment work, institutional studies, technical assistance and training within the framework of overall ESMAP country assistance programs. FUNDING The ESMAP represents a cooperative international effort supported by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and other United Nations agencies, the European Community, Organization of American States (OAS), Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), and a number of countries including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. FURTHER INFORMATION For furither information or copies of completed ESMAP reports, contact: Office of the Director OR The Executive Secretary Industry and Energy Department ESMAP Consultative Group The World Bank The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A. U.S.A. lj c L I) i II INDIA Mini-Hydro Development on Irrigation Dams and Canal Drops Pre-Investment Study Volume I: Main Report July 1991 Currency Equivalents Currency Unit - Rupees (Rs.) Rs. 1.00 = Paise 100 1 US Doliar = Rs. 17.90 Rate as of September 1990 Fiscal Year April 1 - March 31 Measures and Equivalents 1 cumec I 1 cubic meter per second 1 Kilowatt-hour (kWh) - 1,000 watt-hours 1 Gigawatt-hour = 1 million kilowatt-hours 1 kilovolt (kV) = 1000 volts 1 kilovolt-ampere (kVA) = 1000 volt-amperes 1 Meter (m) = 39.37 inches (in) 1 kilometer (km) - 1000 meters (0.6214 miles) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS APSEB Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board CEA Central Electricity Authority COSTBEN Cost Benefit Analysis Computer Program DNES Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources EIRR Economic Internal Rates of Return GOT Government of India IRFDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency KSEB Kerala State Electricity Board KPCL Karnataka Power Company NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation NPV Net Present Value PCCOSTAB Cost Estimation Computer Program PFC Power Finance Corporation PSEB Punjab State Electricity Board RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete REC Rural Electrification Corporation SEB State Electricity Board SCF Standard Conversion Factor TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . ............................................... i I, INTRODUClloN ........................................................ I A. Background .................................................... 1 B. Objectives ...................................................... 4 C. Cornduct of Pre-Investment Study .................................... 5 D. Counterparts For Study ........................................... 6 E. Prospects Studied . ............................................... 6 II. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AND STANDARDIZATION .......... ............. 10 A. Overview ..................................................... 10 B. Preliminary Analysis and Design ................................... 13 C. Standardization . ............................................... 19 m. DESIGN AND COSTING OF FACILITIES .............. ................. 24 A. Design of Civil Structures ........................................ 24 B. Design of Electrical Systems ...................................... 30 C. Grid-Tie Arrangements .......................................... 30 D. Capital Cost Estimates .......................................... 35 IV. ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF PROSPECTIVE SCHEMES ....... .......... 38 A. Introduction ... ............................... 38 B. Economic Value of Benefits and Costs ................................ 38 C. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis .................................... 39 V. FINANCIAL EVALUATION .................... ....................... 42 A. Introduction ................................................... 42 B. Cost Recovery Requirements for SEBs ............................... 42 C. Return On Equity For Private Sector ................................ 44 TABLES: 1. Economic Evaluation of Dam Based Mini-Hydro Schemes .................... viii 2. Economic Evaluation of Mini-Hydro Schemes at Canal Drops and Weirs .... ..... ix 3. Cashflow Balance for Mini-Hydro 'Cost Centers" ........................... ix 1.1 Irrigation Based Mini-Hydro Prospects in Selected States ..................... 1 1.2 Estimated Costs of Pilot Schemes in Southern Region ....................... 2 !.1 Overview of Turbine Performance Specifications .......................... 20 2.2 Standardised Specifications for Turbines ................................ 22 2.3 Standardised Design Specifications for Schemes ........................... 23 3.1 Unit Costs of Standardized Turbines and Generators ....................... 35 3.2 Capital Cost Estimates Schemes Associated with Dams/Barrages, and Weirs ..... 36 3.3 Capital Cost Estimates Associated with Canal Drops .37 Pare No. 4.1 Economic Evaluation of Dam Based Mini-Hydro Schemes ................... 40 4.2 Economic Evaluation of Mini-Hydro Sche-mes at Canal Drops and Weirs .... ... 41 5.1 Cashflow Balance for SEB Mini-Hydro "Cost Centers ....................... 44 5.2 Return on Equity for Private Investors ................................. 46 FIGURES: 2.1 Maddur Canal Drop Scheme (B/C Ratio) ............................... 15 2.2 MaddurFlow Duration Curve .............. .......................... 16 2.3 Maddur Energy Curve .......................... ................ 16 2.4 Sathanur Flow Duration Curve .......................... 18 2.5 Sathanur Head Duration Curve .......................... 18 2.6 Sathanur Energy Curve .......................... 18 2.7 Sathanur Dam Scheme (B/C Ratio) .......... ................ 18 BOXES: 1. List of Mini-Hydro Projects Studies .......................... iv 2.1 Multi-Unit Flow Control for Irrigation Based Mini-Hydro Schemes ..... ....... 14 2.2 Typical Preliminary Design Procedure for Canal Drop Schemes ..... .......... 15 2.3 Typical Preliminary Design Procedure for Dam Based Schemes ..... .......... 17 3.1 Minimizing Civil Works Cost of Dam Based Schemes ...................... 26 3.2 Realignment of Water Conveyance Structures ............................ 27 3.3 Eliminating By-Pass Channel for Canal Drop Schemes ...... ................ 28 3.4 Simplifying Construction of Multiple Drop Schemes ........................ 28 3.5 Use of Closed Conduits for By-Pass Channels ............................ 29 3.6 Alternative Grid-Tie Arrangements ............. ....................... 30 3.7 Comparative Analysis of Cost Estimates for Turbire ........................ 36 5.1 IREDA Mini-Hydro Loan Facility ............... ...................... 43 5.2 Terms of Lease Agreements in Karnataka ......... ...................... 45 ANNEXES: A. Derivation of Minimum Annual Energy Productivity for Schemes ..... ......... 47 B. Determination of Design Head for Dam Based Schemes ...... .............. 52 C. By-Pass Arrangements for Irrigation Based Mini-Hydro Schemes ..... ......... 59 D. Unit Costs of Equipment (1990 Prices) ...... ........................... 66 E. Sample Cost Estimates for Civil Works Component of Brindavan Scheme .... ... 71 F. List of Local Manufacturers of Mini-Hydro Plant in India ................... 78 G. Technical Drawings for Cast Study Schemes ............................. 82 Page No. FLOWCEIARTS/DIAGRAMS: Flowchart I: Preliminary Design of Prospective Mini-Hydro ..................... 11 Flowchart II: Screening and Optimizing Alternative Designs of Mini-Hydro ..... ...... 12 Flowchart III: Standardization of Designs for Prospective Mini-Hydro ..... ........... 21 Flowchart IV: Finalizing Desigu Specificatinns and Capital Cost Estimates ..... ....... 25 Diagram 1: Single Line Diagram (Capacity 350 kW - 1000 kW) .31 Diagram 2: Single Line Diagram (Capacity 1000 kW - 2000 kW) .32 Diagram 3: Single Line Diagram (Capacity 2500 kW - 5000 kW) .33 Diagram 4: Protection Scheme for Standardised Units .34 IBRD MAPS: 22781R Prospective Sites in 'iamil Nadu 22782 Prospective Sites in Kerala 22783 Prospective Sites in Andi;ra Pradesh 22784 Prospective Sites in Karnataka 22785 Prospective Sites in Punjab EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Purpose 1. The purpose of this pre-investment study was to review the design and economics of a series of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu in the southern region, and Punjab in the northern region. The study was conducted by the Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), working in collaboration with th- Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (DNES), the State Electricity Loards (SEBs) in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu, and the Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL). The report presents the results of the study in terms of the techno-economic concepts that were applied to improve the designs, minimize investment requirements, and thereby enhance the economic merits of the schemes. The report concludes with a economic and financial evaluation of prospective schemes in each of the five states. B. Structure of Report 2. The mair text of the report (Volume I) is structured as follows: Chapter I: Introduces the pre-investment study, reviews the objectives and scope of the study, and presents a brief overview of the irrigation based mini-hydro prospects in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Punjab. Chapter II: Reviews the methodology used for the conceptual design of the mini-hydro schemes and for standardization of equipment specifications. Chapter III: Elaborates on the main considerations used to streamline the layout of civil works and the electrical switching and protection systems. The chapter ends with a summary of capital cost estimates for each scheme. (hapter IV: Evaluates the economic viability of each of the mini-hydro schemes. The results are presented in terms of the economic internal rates of return, and the net present values at a 12% discount rate. Chapter V: Evaluates the financial impact of the schemes on each state, assuming that mini-hydro "cost centers" would be established by SEBs and the goal would be to achieve economic cost recovery. Also, the rate of return on equity is evaluated for private companies that may be interested in acquiring leases to develop captive power operations based on some of the mini-hydro prospects. Annexes: Contains additional data, information, and analysis for specific points that are highlighted in the main text. Technical Supplement: Volume II contains a complete se. of design data, graphs, technical drawings, photographs of sites, and Volume III presents the breakdown of cost estimates for each scheme within the five states. - ii I C. Background Overview 3. on India, there is the general perception that mini-hydro schemes are economically unattractive investments which must be assigned a lower priority relative to the large conventional hydropower systems. Over the past decade, the pace of India's large conventional hydropower program has slowed down because of: (i) the lack of financial resources in the states with the greatest hydropower potential; (ii) the recurring and drawn out disputes over water rights between states; and (iii) environmental and resettlement issues associated with large schemes; and (iv) the limited technical resources to proceed simultaneously with the preparation of several large schemes. Recognizing that the above impediments do not usually arise with mini-hydro schemes, the GOI is re-evaluating the scope for increasing the contribution of mini-hydro schemes to the power development goals of the Eighth Plan. 4. In a recently completed review of the country's non-conventional energy program, ESMAP concluded that all the basic prerequisites for economically viable mini-hydropower generation exist at sites in India that are associated with irrigation water storage and distribution mnfrastructure (i.e., to harness the hydraulic energy created by discharges from irrigation dams and the flow of water across diversion weirs and canal drops). Compared to river based schemes, the cost of developing irrigation based mini-hydro schemes should be considerably lower because most of the civil works have already been constructed. 5. The ESMAP assessment emphasized that the potential for power generation with this category of mini-hydro application was significantly large in the country because of the extensive infrastructure for surface irrigation; since independence in 1947, the total area under irrigation in the couIntry has increased from 19.5 million hectares to over 70 million hectares. In the mid-1980s, the Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) conducted a survey to obtain data and informatian on the potential for power generation on existing irrigation systems in the country. The information supplied by the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) indicated that over a thousand sites associated with existing irrigation dams, diversion weirs, and canal drops were among the most prospective sites for mini-hydropower development. The REC survey highlighted the concentration of prospects in the southern region, especially in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu where over 500 sites with the potential to produce 2000 GWh annually had been identified. 5. Despite the initial assessment by ESMAP, there still are doubts within the GOI about the economic viability of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes. These doubts persist because the average costs of developing pilot schemes in several states had exceeded Rs. 30,000 per kW installed in 1988 prices. Following the transfer of responsibility of mini-hydro schemes (up to 3 MW capacity) from the Department of Power (DOP) to the DNES, a multi-agency Sub-Committee on Mini-Hydropower was convened to formulate a strategy to improve the cost-effectiveness of mini-hydro programs in generaL and to review proposals for the Eight Five-Year Plan (1990-95). In parallel with the work of the Sub-Committee, the GOI through DNES requested ESMAP to assist further in critically evaluating proposals for new irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in several states, and if warranted by the findings, to address comprehensively the pre-invest.ment requirements for a multi-scheme investment program for consideration by international and/or domestic financial institutions. - iii v Improving Cost-Effectiveness 6. In response to the GOI request, ESMAP conducted a preliminary but critical examination of the available information and documentation on existing and proposed schemes. As a result, ESMAP identified three main shortcomings in the approach to irrigation based mini- hydro development in the country. First, the initial batch of schemes were conceived, designed, and executed as scaled down versions of large conventional hydro installations. Consequently, there are numerous redundancies in the designs for key features such as the layout of civil works, the facilities incorporated into the powerhouse structures, the selection of turbine-generator equipment, and the specification of electrical switching and protection systems. Second, due to the use of relatively complex layouts for the schemes, the gestation time to construct and commission the schemes has been unacceptably high. For example, it has taken over four years to complete the majority of the pilot schemes in the southern region. As a result of the slow pace of implementing the construction work, there has been a significant escalation in capital costs and in interest pavments during construction. Third; the viability of the pilot schemes were being undermined by the use of unnecessarily large numbers of technical staff to operate and maintain the mini- hydro schemes. The GOI concurred with the preliminary findings of ESMAP; consequently ESMAP proceeded with the study. D. Objectives 7. The principal objective of this study I/ was to apply techno-economic criteria to improve the design and economic viability of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes, and to identify and prepare a medium term investment program to develop a series of irrigation based mini- nydro schemes in the southern region of India. Accordingly, the study covered previously identified and investigated sites in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu which have similar topography and irrigation regimes. At the request of the DNES, the scope of ,Ae study was expanded to include twelve prospective sites in the State of Punjab, all of which are earmarked for development under the mini-hydro component of the ongoing World Bank/IDA financed Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Project. .1/ This activity was executed by an ESMAP team which comprised: Messrs. Am;rquaye Armar (Senior Energy Planner, World Bank) the Team Leader; Alfonso Posada (Power Systems Consultant) the Principal Adviser; and Arcot. S. Che!varaj (Hydropower Consultant), V. Sreenivasa Murthy (Electrical Engineering Consultant), and Robert A. Smith (Financial Analyst - Consultant). Messrs. Y. K. Murthy and A. N. Singh (Management Consultants), former Chief Executives of the Central Water Commission and the Central Electricity Authority, contributed to the review of institution building aspects of irrigation based mini- hydro development; Mr. Sivaguru Chelvaraj (Researcher) assisted the team by developing and applying specialized computer software to process the hydrological data into design curves (i.e., flow duration, head duration, and energy production curves) for each scheme; and Mr. Okorie Uchendu (Researcher) assisted on the application of the World Bank's PCCOSTAB and COSTBEN computer programs for the cost estimation and economic evaluation of schemes. The report was prepared by Messrs. A. Armar and A. Chelvaraj; the technical drawings were prepared by Mr. A. Chelvaraj and Ms. Yeshi Gonfa provided secretarial support. The report was reviewed and cleared by the GOI in June, 1991. The Government of Switzerland provided ESMAP with the funding for this activity. - iv - 8. The pre-investment studcy was structured to: (i) assess the technical and economic feasibility of developing between 10 to 20 prospects in each state, especially those that had already been investigated to at least the pre-feasibility stage by the respective SEBs; ,ii) critically evaluate the cost-effectiveness of engineering designs and specifications that had been proposed by the SEBs, and to redesign each scheme to maximize the number of kilowatt hours producel annually per unit of investment; (iii) update and revise the estimates of the capital costs of developing the schemes, and to evaluate the economic and financial viability of establishing the schemes to provide energy and voltage support to the power grid in the respective states; (iv) explore the scope for achieving full cost recovery on all phases of mini-hydro development; (v) evaluate the financial returns that private companies and investors wouid realize by developing the schemes as alternative sources of captive generation; and (vi) prepare a comprehensive report which would define technical concepts and design methodology used for the study, the relative benefits and costs of the proposed program, investment requirements at the state level, and the financial impact of the proposed program on the states. Despite the focus on the southern region, the design methodology was also meant to be applicable in future to the preparation of similar investment programs in the other regions and states of the country. E. Prospects Studied 9. Irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in India are the exclusive focus of LIST OF MINI-HYDRO PROSPECTS STDIED this study. In line with the DNES mandate, 2A BASED SCEMES CANAL DROP SCHEMES the original aim was to limit the scope of ANWI'RA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH the study to irrigation based mini-hydro Lower Manair Reservoir Guntur BC CIustor(4) prospects which, on the basis of previous Adanki IC Ctluster(2) pre-feasibility studies, would provide up to Lock Cn Suls 3 MW of instaled capacity. However, on Attehsaa Sriraaasgar Cluster (5) consultation with the SEBs about the Brindavan approach to be used for the Study, there Devrebeterkere KARNATAKA was a consensus that it would be more Harangi Anveri KabinI Kilaev appropriate to relax the ceiling on capacity, Haddur and to review all irrigation based mini- Nudhot Ralankottur hydro prospects for which a pre-feasibility NuQu Shahpur BC Ctuster(6) report had already been prepared. KERALA PUIJAB Accordingly, ESMAP collaborated with the angalam Abobar BC Cluster (4) DNES and the SEBs to critically examine Manlyar Shatinda BC Cluster(2) the original proposals and as necessary, to Peechi Bhakra MC Cluster(2) revise layouts and designs for schemes in Kuttiyadi Kotta BC Cluster (4) order to enhance economic attractiveness. TA IL NADU TAMIL NADU In al over fifty mini-hydro prospects in the Atiyar Grand Anicut southern region were reviewed, comprising Amravathy Tonkoral .M.P. . . . . Lower Shavani Tughlapatti eighteen sites which are associated with Peechiparsl VIIlampattf irrigation dams, three sites which are Perunchani Nettur USC located at either diversion weirs or Sethanue barrages, and over thirty sites on ten Thirumurthy branch canal twenty-two of which could Krfshng-rf be developed as five cluster schemes. In Box 1 addition, the study focused on twelve prospects in Punjab State which are located on the Sirhind and Bhakra Main Line Canals; all those prospects are earmarked for development under the ongoing Puinjab Irrigation and Drainage Project. Altogether, ten of the prospects would have an installed capacity greater than 3 MW; only five of those schemes (i.e, the Brindavan Dam scheme in Karnataka, the Maniyar Barrage scheme in Kerala, the Lower Bhavani (RBC) scheme in Tamil Nadu, and the canal drop schemes at Thablan and Chanarthal respectively in Punjab) would require mandatory technical clearance from the CEA because the estimated capital costs are equal to exceed Rs. SO million. F. Design Approach 10. All the prospective mini-hydro schemes would be linked to the grid at 11/33 kV sub- stations. To be economicaly viable, each scheme must be able to produce energy at or below the marginal energy costs of generation in the grid. Furthermore, sinoe irrigation operations must not be disrupted by the introduction of the mini-hydro schemes, the primary objective of design was to harness the optimal amount of energy from the existing pattern of irrigation discharges. Accordingly, the approach used in the study was to establish techno-economic criteria that would reflect the above requirements and operating constraints, and to use the criteria as the yardstick for evaluating and improving the original designs for each of the prospects. Economic Value of Energy Produced 11 The economic viability of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes was assessed in terms of their cost competitiveness relative to conventional sources of generation in the grid (i.e., from the least cost system development plan). Since India's power systems are planned and operated on a regional basis, the cost of generation from the proposed irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu were compared to tne marginal costs of generation in the Southern Regional Grid, while those in Punjab were assessed in the context of the Northern Regional Grid. 12. Given the large sizes of the southern and northern regional grid systems, it is clear that none of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes would be large enough to significantly affect the system development plans of the grids so as to require deferral of capacity expansion projects and/or a re-optimization of the use of existing thermal stations. Rather, the priui.ipal role of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes would be to alleviate localized energy deficits by providing energy support to improve the quality of service in remote portions of the grid, thereby displacing higher cost energy supplies from thermal power s :tions and reducing the extent of standby diesel auto-generation by industrial and commercial establishments. 13. Accordingly, the economic value of the benefits of the mini-hydro schemes were derived in terms of the avoided costs of energy supply at the 33 kV level from the regional power grids. The high degree of congruity between the seasonal discharge of irrigat.on water and the seasonal variations in peak load within both regional grids, suggests that a capacity credit should be considered as an additional benefit of the proposed irrigation based mini-hydro schemes. However, given that the irrigation discharges are restricted to between nine to ten months each year, and that the SEBs do not have effective control of water flows even during those months of sustained operations, energy generation levels and capacity availability were considered to be "non- firm". Accordingly, capacity credits attributed to the proposed schemes were not quantified for the purposes of this evaluation which lends a conservative bias .o the economic value of the benefits. 14. During off-peak hours of service, the avoided costs of energy supply from the grid consists of the fuel costs plus variable operating and maintenLnce expenses of the less efficient or - vi - marginal stations in service (i.e, the short-run marginal costs of generation); the average of the avoided costs of energy supply from the grids was determined to be Rs. 0.55-0.60 per kWh, which after adjusting upwards to account for 15% T&D losses resulted in the estimate of Rs. 0.63-0.69 per kWh for the economic value of energy produced during off-peak periods by the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes. By contrast, during the periods of daily peak demand (about 5 h.)urs), power outages are widespread and large numbers of industrial and commercial consumers resort to the use of standby diesel generators. Under those circumstances, the avoided costs of energy supply were estimated to be equivalent to the variable costs of auto-generation from stand-by diesel units that are operated by commercial (Rs. 1.31 per kWH) and Industrial (Rs. 1.16 per kWh) establishments. Combining the avoided costs of energy during the off-peak and peak periods, the composite value of the energy produced by the proposed irrigation based mini-hydro schemes was estimated to be of the order of Rs. 0.80 per kWh. Techno-Economic Design Criteria 15. In designing economically viable irrigation based mini-hydro schemes, the primary objective is to maximize the number of kilowatt hours produced annually per unit of investment; this techno-economic criteria is referred to as the annual energy productivity of a given scheme. The robustness of the sizing procedure (i.e., maximizing annual energy productivity) was checked against the more elaborate analysis which calculated the B/C ratios for the incremental generation by each additional unit for prospective dam based schemes. The analysis confirmed that the energy productivity concept provides reliable and consistent techno-economic criteria for selecting the optimal the plant size. 16. During preliminary design, an iterative procedure was used to select and evaluate different configurations of multi-unit turbine-generators. Each configuration was screened to ensure that energy would be produced for Rs. 0.80/kWh or less; for design purposes, this required that each scheme would have to produce a minimum of 20.6 kWh annually per 100 Rs. invested to be competitive economically with power supply from the grid. Standardization of Designs 17. To improve upon the original designs, considerable attention was given to identifying practical measures to minimize capital costs. For turbine-generator units, this was achieved by developing a set of standardized specifications according to available heads and discharges. As a result, a set of eight standardized specifications based on runner diameters were developed for the turbine requirements of all fifty-three schemes, ranging in diameter from 2800 mm. to 1000 mm (iLe., for fixed blade tubular turbines). Similarly, a set of eight standardized capacities were specified for the induction (asynchronous) generators; the minimum capacity was 350 kW and the maximum was 3500 kW. All redundant equipment and instruments that had previously been incorporated into the electrical protection and switching arrangements were eliminated. Standardized single line diagrams and electrical protection schemes were developed to cater to the requirements of all the fifty-three schemes. To minimize the costs of civil works, alternative layouts and designs of the main civil structures were re-defined and evaluated according to three criteria: (i) structural modifications to the existing irrigation facilities were reduced to a minimurn; (ii) layouts of civil structures and electrical switching systems were streamlined to facilitate construction, so that schemes would be implemented within two irrigation seasons; and (iii) layouts were specified so as not to cause any permanent loss of productive agricultural land. To the extent possible for each category of mini- hydro scheme, a set of standard designs was developed for main civil structures, particularly the powerhouse structures, and the water intake and conveyance structures. - vii- Environmental Impacts 18. Prior to developing the schemes, each of the SEBs will need to obtain the necessary clearances from agencies that are responsible for forestry and environmental protection at the central and state GOI levels. Accordingly the revised designs were reviewed to ensure that none of the schemes would h,ave a negative impact on the environment or lead to the resettlement of nearby communities. Since the majority of the schemes are located in agricultural areas, special attention was given to specifying layouts for civil structures in a manner that would obviate the need to permanently destroy any productive agricultural land. For example, in canal drop schemes that utilize by-passes, the revised designs incorporate closed conduits for this reason. Similarly for the dam based schemes, the revised designs represent a marked improvement o'vr the original ones because major new civil works to create water intake and conveyance structures such as tunnels have been eliminated. Furthermore, none of the schemes will lead to the resettlement of communities or the displacement of existing farms. In each case, special care was taken to ensure that the water conveyance structures as well as the grid-tie arrangements would make maximum use of existing rights-of way for the states. Cost Estimation Procedure 19. Using information on 1990 proforma (budgetary) price quotations for equipment and materials that were made available by the SEBs as well as by international and local manufacturers and suppliers, the base costs of the main components of each scheme were computed. Total capital costs were estimated by increasing the base costs to incorporate: (i) the installation costs of the main items of equipment; (ii) physical contingencies; (iii) price contingencies to reflect inflation; and (iv) taxes and duties. Because of the detail provided in the standardized specifications for equipment and instrumentation, and the use of a minimum of civil works to establish the schemes, physical contingencies were calculated to be 5% of base costs. Price contingencies were derived assuming that the annual inflation rate (local costs) would vary from 8.4% in 1991, 7.0% during 1992-93, and decline to 6.6% by 1994. It also was assumed that taxes on the main cost items would be levied at 3% for civil works, 6% for electro-mechanical equipment, and 3% for electrical systems. More detailed and site specific development plans, including implementation schedules which dovetail with the irrigation system operating plans, would need to be prepared before more elaborate disbursement profiles for each state can be prepared. 2/ G. Evaluation of Schemes Economic Evaluation of Schemes 20. For economic analysis, a distinction was made between costs expressed in economic terms and those expressed in financial terms. In line with World Bank practice for economic analysis on India, the domestic component of the capital costs for equipment and civil works were 2/ The estimates of the base costs of the main components of each scheme, especially the electro-mechanical equipment, and the assumptions about the annual rate of inflation and price contingencies need to be revised due to the GOI decision in July, 1991 to adjust the exchange rate for the Rupee to a level of about Rs. 25 per US Dollar. During the period of the ESMAP study, the exchange rate was in the range between Rs. 17.5-18.5 per US Dollar. - viii- adjusted by applying a standard conversion factor of 0.8, and removing taxes and duties. Annual operating and maintenance costs were taken to be equivalent to 2% of capital costs over the 25 year economic life of each scheme. The economic value of the energy benefits would be Rs. 0.80/kWh; it is expected that during detailed design of the proposed India Renewable Energy Development Project, a more comprehensive assessment of the benefits would be made to incorporate capacity credits at a justified level. Cost Recovery Requirements For SEBs. 21. One of the goals for the follow-up to this study is to demonstrate that, despite the persisting financial problems of the SEBs, the schemes in each state could be executed and managed by SEBs in a manner that would ensure economic cost recovery. During the study, discussions were held with senior officials at the state level to define a suitable framework for involving the SEBs in the implementation the mini-hydro schemes. The discussions centered primarily on the need to streamline project management arrangements in each state, and to introduce an effective system for monitoring and controlling the cost-effectiveness of mini-hydro schemes; the overall aim, despite the persisting financial problems of the SEBs, was to ensure that the mini-hydro nrograms in each state would be managed by SEBs in a manner that would ensure economic cost recovery. The consensus reached was that it would be feasible to set up mini-hydro "cost centers" in the respective SEBs to record, control, and monitor all costs associated with the mini-hydro program, and to track progress in constructing and operating the schemes to achieve economic cost recovery and self- sufficiency. Accordingly, one objective for the financial analyses was to determine the "profitability" of the proposed SEB mini-hydro "cost centers". EcOo6IIC EVALUAMTIO OF DOM BASED NRII-NVUo SCUMIES SCHEME NAME INVESTMENT ENERGY PROD. EIRR NPV ll (Rs./kW) (kMh pa/100 Rs.) (t) (Rs.mittlion) KARNATAKA Brindavan 5592 117.5 65.7 428.7 NHranDi 5942 51.8 30.8 103.0 Kobini 10972 29.8 17.5 57.8 Nugu 8827 32.2 19.1 50.0 Deverebelerkere 5204 58.9 42.1 61.0 Mudhol 8915 58.3 34.5 33.2 Naleprabha 8228 44.2 26.3 50.4 TANIL NADU Lower shavani 5891 58.3 34.6 172.6 Thirumurthy 9602 45.9 30.4 64.4 Amaravathy 8482 46.1 27.4 75.3 Atliyar 11642 61.6 38.5 57.7 Sathanur 5362 75.7 44.0 136.9 Peechiparaf 11724 33.2 19.7 43.9 Perunchanf 12962 26.5 21.3 39.0 ANDRA PRADESH Lower Mansir 9297 71.3 41.4 136.5 KERALA Peechi 7836 73.2 41.2 210.0 Nangalam 14140 20.4 13.5 10.6 Kuttfyadi 9130 55.7 40.7 199.5 Nanlyar 5426 71.4 41.1 394.9 SOURCE: ESHAP estimates Table 1 ix- ECOIIC EVALUATION OF NINt-HYDRO SCHE1ES AT CANAL DROPS ASD IEIRS SCHEME NAME INVESTMEU T ENERGY PROD. U M 12 (Rs.IW) t(kWh pe/100 Rs.) (X) (Rs.miltion) ANDHRA PRADESH Guntur SC Ctuster 12395 44.3 22.9 429.8 Adanki BC Cluster 12891 21.3 14.2 119.4 Lock-In-Suts 9807 56.0 29.2. 97.0 PUNJAB Bhatinda tC Cluster 14702 38.S 20.4 91.5 KOtla DC Ctuster 19478 27.9 14.7 222.1 Abohar BC Cluster 17396 29.6 18.6 305.2 .Bhakra Cluster 14406 51.0 19.7 368.5 K&RUATAKA Shahpur BC Cluster 16981 21.6 13.3 206.8 Attehata Weir 22560 28.6 12.2 22.7 Maddur (MIC 1) 10089 44.4 29.1 67.8 Kilars (NBC 2) 16199 26.5 13.9 55.2 Anveri 10245 42.8 29.3 44.0 Rajankoltur 9848 30.3 20.3 49.8 SWRCE: ESMAP estimates Table 2 22. The minimum cashflow requirements of the SEB mini-hydro 'cost centers" were computed based on full recovery of costs incurred due to debt servicing plus the annual operation and maintenance of schemes (i.e., estimated to be 2% of capital cost per annum). Since the goal is to achieve economic cost recovery, it was assumed that revenues would accrue to the mini-hydro "cost centeWs" from the "sale" of energy to the grid; as such the financial value of the revenue generated by the mini-hydro "cost center" was established in terms of: (i) the tariff paid 'Tor bulk power imports into each state (i.e., from the National Thermal Power Corporation); and (ii) the average tariff for power sales from the grid in each state. CASULCW BALANC FOR NINI1-NYDR "COS aISERS TOTAL ENERGY WEIJHTED AVERAGE NET REVENUES FOR STATE CAPACITY OUTPUT AV. COST TARtFf COST CENTERSO (MW) (GWh/yr.) (RB./kWh) (Rs./kWh) (Rs. millions p.a) Andhra Pradesh 19.5 95.3 0.49 0.62 10.5-12.4 Kerala 26.6 120.0 0.29 0.53 .28.8-37.4 Karnataka 37.7 170.0 0.44 0.73 27.3-49.4 Tamil Nadu 24.8 81.5 0.39 0.87 17.1-39.1 Punjab 22.2 133.0 0.51 0.67 12.0-21.4 So-arce:ESAP estimates; SEEs and KPC. Table 3 24. Based on the minimum cashflow calculations, it was determined that the weighted average costs of generation for the "cost centers" in the southern states would vary from Rs.0.29/kWh in Kerala to 0.49/kWh in Andhra Pradesh (Table 3). Similarly in Punjab State, the weighted average cost of generation for the mini-hydro "cost center' was estimated to be Rs. 0.51/kWh. At present, the tariff for NTPC bulk power supply into the state grids in the southern region is Rs. 0.60/kWh. With the exception of Kerala, which is entirely dependent on hydropower, the average tariff for sales in the southern region is higher than the rate paid for NTPC supply. The average tariff for sales is Rs. 0.53/kWh for Kerala, and varies from Rs. 0.62-0.87/kWh in the other three states; for Punjab, the average tariff is Rs.0.67/kWh. Hence the net revenues in excess of minimum cashflow requirements would be positive for the mini-hydro "cost centers" in each state, indicating that the mini-hydro "cost centers" would be self-supporting (Table 3). Retum on Equity for Private Sector Schemes 25. Because the SEBs have limited resources available to accelerate the development of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes, the State governments have taken steps to encourage private sector participation in the development of the prospects; new guidelines and regulations have recently been issued to foster private sector participation in mini-hydro development as an alternative source of captive generation; in response, several private companies have expressed an interest in developing the schemes to improve the reliability of power supply to their associated industrial plants. The Karnataka State Government, for example, has approved leases for private development of several prospective mini-hydro sites including the canal drop scheme at Maddur, and the dam based scheme at Mudhol, both of which are covered in this report. Accordingly, a sample evaluation was made to determine the financial rate of return on equity that would be realized by the prospective private investors, based on the conditions stipulated in lease agreements in Kamataka. It has been assumed that the private companies would obtain up to 50% of the investment required in the forlrL of loans from the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) which currently would be available at an interest rate of 12.5% p.a with 10 years maturity. 26. With the conditions of the lease agreements in Karnataka, and assuming that designs presented in this study are adopted, the cost of generation at the Maddur canal drop would be Rs.0.73/kWh and at MudhoL Rs.0.61/kWh. The installed capacity of the irrigation based mini- hydro schemes will not be available at all times during the year; accordingly, the financial savings were confined to the variable costs of industrial diesel auto-generation (Rs. 1. 16/kWh). Taking into account the annual generation of each scheme, the deductions that would be allowed for depreciation (i.e., assuming 20 year straight line depreciation), wheeling charges to be levied by the Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB), but not the payments to be made to the State in lieu of electricity duties and the levies for maintenance of the irrigation reservoirs, the return on equity contributed by the private companies to develop each scheme would be 45% for the Maddur scheme, and 75% for the Mudhol scheme. Prima facie it would seem that development of the two schemes would be an attractive investment for private companies which need to secure a non- diesel source of captive power; private companies, especially those that plan to acquire diesel generators, would be in a position to pay royalty charges to gain access to the use of regulated water flows from irrigation reservoirs such as has already been proposed in Karnataka. - xi - H. Proposed Mini-Hydro Demonstration Program 27. All the twelve schemes in Punjab State are earmarked for development by the PSEB using World Bank/IDA financing for the mini-hydro component of the ongoing Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Project. The schemes in the southern region are to be developed as part of the mini- hydro demonstration component of the proposed India Renewable Energy Development Project. Under the proposed project, the World Bank is to provide financing to the GOI to establish a funding facility for mini-hydro development. It is envisaged that SEBs as well as private sector companies would be eligible for loans from the facility to develop the irrigation based mini-hydro prospects. Subject to the detailed preparation and appraisal of the proposed project, it is expected that the World Bank would provide technical assistance to address the following requirements for effective implementation of the schemes: (a) strengthening the capacity of IREDA to administer the funding facility in a manner that would accelerate the development of economically and financially viable mini-hydro schemes based on design principles and approach presented in this report. If feasible, a separate revolving fund would also be established at IREDA for pre-investment work needed to sustain the pipeline of viable mini-hydro projects; (b) conducting in-service training programs under DNES/IREDA sponsorship to develop the capablfity of professional personnel (i.e., from SEBs, private sector, etc.) involved in planning and executing irrigation based mini-hydro schemes, especially the investigation, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of grid-tied schemes; (c) strengthening the capacity of DNES to promote and support a nationwide effort to inprove planning and policy formulation for mini-hydro development, and to accelerate the investigation and preparation of prefeasibility studies for prospective mini-hydro schemes associated with existing and planned irrigation dams and canal systems in all states. (d) strengthening the capacity of the SEBs to implement the mini-hydro programs, especially on technical matters such as identifying, investigating, and preparing preliminary designs for mini- hydro prospects, and on project management involving the application of "cost centers' and project matrix arrangements to implement the schemes (e.g., supervising procurement and construction work, etc.). 28. During the study, discussions were held with senior officials at the Central and State GOI levels and the SEBs to define a suitable framework to minimize implementation delays. The consensus reached was that the following arrangement may be needed to strengthen the capacity at the state level to accelerate irrigation based mini-hydro programs during the Eighth Plan. Further work is required to resolve the issues below, taking into account the particular organizational settings in each state, and more in-depth World Bank appraisal of the proposed project. 29. Inter-AVgen Cordination at State Government Level The key agencies for developing irrigation based mini-hydro schemes are the SEBs and the Irrigation Departments. Currently, coordination between the two agencies on matters concerning investigation, design, construction, and operation of schemes usually is ad-hoc. There is consensus on the need to formalize such coordination by establishing Mini-Hydro Coordination Committees in each state. It is envisaged that such Committees, working under the chairmanship of the Secretary, Department of Power and/or -xli - Energy in the respective state governments, would meet at least once every six months to review progress, especially to resolve any issues and bottlenecks that may arise in the mini-hydro program, especially in arranging for all the necessary approvals of proposals that would be submitted by both public and pri ate sector organizations for the design and construction phases of each scheme. These arrangements need to be formalized before the implementation of the schemes gets underway for the proposed project. 30. Establishment of Mini-Hvd.ro Cells in SEBs. At present, there are no clear lines of accountability within the SEBs for the functions associated with mini-hydro development. Typically, the technical staff involved in the design, construction, and operation/maintenance phases of the mini-hydro are scattered in several departments within the SEBs. For the most part, persons designated as Project Managers for mini-hydro schemes have no direct administrative control over the staff involved in the design and implementation functions. In anticipation of an expanded mini- hydro program during the Eighth Plan, some steps have already been taken to improve coordination among the SEB technical staff; the approach has been to establish Mini-Hydro Cells or Divisions under the supervision of a Chief Engineer. For example, the PSEB already has established a Mini- Hydro Division under the supervision of the Chief Engineer (Mukerian Project); and the TNEB maintains a Mini-Hydro Cell under the supervision of the Chief Engineer (Civil Desigrns). On the other hand, the KPC has adopted the project matrix approach under which the Chief Engineer (Planning and Renewable Energy) takes charge of all aspects of the mini-hydro program, drawing as necessary on personnel from other departments. The roles and responsibilities of the Mini- Hydro Cells or Divisions need to be further elaborated, especially if the role of each SEB eventually becomes one of a State Nodal Agency to which the Committees could delegate some statutory tasks, such as securing formal clearances for the schemes from agencies responsible for regulatory matters concerming forestry and environmental protection, etc. 1. Conclusions 31. The study provides a systematic framework for designing economically viable mini- hydro schemes using the country's extensive infrastructure for surface irrigation. The mini-hydro component of the proposed India Renewable Energy Development Project is intended to translate the results of this study into a viable and cost-effective approach to develop the mini-hydro potential that is associated with the country's vast network of surface irrigation infrastructure, and to increase the contribution of such low cost and environmentally benign schemes to the overall strategy to reduce power supply deficits and improve service quality in outlying parts of the grid. The next steps are to proceed to prepare detailed designs, cost estimates, technical specifications for procurement purposes, and implementation plans for the mini-hydro schemes in each of the states covered by this study, and to systematically identify and develop similar schemes in the remaining states of the country. I. INTRODUCIION A. Background 1.1 In India, there is the general perception that mini-hydro schemes are economically unattractive investments which must be assigned a lower priority relative to the large conventional hydropower systems. Over the past decade, the pace of India's large conventional hydropower program has slowed down because of: (i) the lack of financial resources in the states with the greatest hydropower potential; (ii) the recurring and drawn out disputes over water rights between states; and (iii) environmental and resettlement issues associated with large schemes; and (iv) the limited technical resources to proceed simultaneously with the preparation of several large schemes. Recognizing that the above impediments do not usually arise with mini-hydro schemes, the GOI is re-evaluating the scope for increasing the contribution of mini-hydro schemes to the power development goals of the Eighth Plan. 2/ 1.2 In a recently completed review of the country's non-conventional energy program, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) concluded that all the basic prerequisites for economically viable mini-hydropower generation exists at sites in India that are associated with irrigation water storage and distribution infrastructure (i.e., to harness the hydraulic energy created by the discharge of water from irrigation dams, and across diversion weirs, and canal drops). 3. 1.3 Since independence in 1947, the total area under irrigation in the country has increased from 19.5 million hectares to over 70 million hectares. In the mid 1980s, the Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) conducted a survey to obtain data and information on the potential for power generation on existing irrigation systems in the country. The information supplied by the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) indicated that about eight hundred sites associated with surface irrigation structures in eight states were among the most prospective sites for mini- hydropower development (Table 1.1). IRRIGATIN BASED MINI-MYDRO PROSPECTS IU SELECTE STATES muAtE NO. OF SITES ESTI1ATED CAPACITY IDENJIFI ED _ gS) _ Andhra Pradesh 283 112 Karnataka 197 159 Tamit Nadu 33 115 Naharastra 114 69 Uttar Pradesh 62 153 Punjab 44 79 Bihar 38 34 Uest Bersal 23 57 794 778 Source: REC, CEA, DNES. Table 1.1 2/ India's hydropower potential is equivalent to about 100,000 MW of which only 5000 MW is associated with mini-hydro sites. Only 16,000 MW have been developed; some 47,000 MW are under construction, and a further 23,000 MW are at various stages of planning. 3] In November, 1988, ESMAP issued a report: "India: Opportunities for Commercialization of Non-Conventional Energy Systems". - 2 - 1.4 Despite the initial assessment by ESMAP, there still are doubts within the GOI about the economic viability of irrigation based mini-hydro schermes. These doubts persist because of recent experience with the construction of pilot irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in the countty. During the Seventh Plan, the SEBs in the south initiated construction work on sixteen schemes (Table 1.2); as of September, 1990, only six of those schemes had been commissioned. In cost effectiveness terms, the schemes developed in Kerala were the most competitive (Rs. 14,000- 19,000/kW); altogether, about Rs. 260 million was spent to develop three irrigation based mini- hydro schemes. In Andhra Pradesh, the pilot program concentrated on mini-hydro prospects on the Kakatiya D83 Branch Canal. Work was initiated on six canal drop schemes, three of which already have been commissioned; as indicated in the table below, the expenditure on the schemes have been in the range of Rs.19000 to 28,000 per kW installed. The least cost effective schemes were in Karnataka. About Rs. 317 million was invested to develop four schemes with a total capacity of about 11 MW; the expenditure on three of the four schemes exceeded Rs. 48,000/kW installed. ESTINATED COSTS OF PILOT SCUEJES IN SOUTHERE RGION STATESCJHEME CAPACITY INVESTMENT a/ (kW) (Rs. mit.) (Rs./Kw) ANDORA PRADESH Kakatly. BC ( 3*220 12.5 18939 Cluster I ( 3*220 13.1 19848 - 3*220 14.4 21818 Kaketlys BC ( 3*500 23.0 23000 Cluster 2 ( 3*500 24.6 24600 ( 3*500 24.1 24100 KARNATAKA Sirtwar 1*1000 49.6 49600 KatmaLa 1*400 34.0 85000 Ganekat 1*350 17.3 49429 MatILurpur 2*4500 216.6 24067 KERALA Peppara 1*3000 56.7 18900 Nadupetti 1'2000 33.2 16600 Chlmonf 1*2500 36.0 14400 TANIL NADU Lower Shavani(LBC) 4*2000 207.5 25938 Vasgaf 2*3000 140.1 23350 Pykara 1*2000 69.1 34550 e/ utI estimates in 1988 prices. Source: APSES, KSEB, PSES, THEB, KPC. Table 1.2 -3 - 1.5 The cost of developing irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in other regions of the country have also been high. For example, the Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) recently commissioned four schemes which are located on canal drops located at Nidampur, Rohti, Tuhi, and Daudar on the Sirhind Canal (Map - IBRD 22785). The average eqpenditure for the schemes, which have a combined capacity of about 4 MW, 4/ was about Rs. 30,300/kW installed. 1.6 The private sector has been invited to participate in developing irrigation based mini-hydro schemes; the performance so far also has been poor. In Karnataka, the State government initially offered leases to allow private companies to develop six prospective sites. Six private companies signed leases to develop one or more sites; only one was able to mobilize the resor.rces required to begin construction at the site. Eventually, the leases for the remaining sites lapsed. The Karnataka Power Company (KPC) took over responsibility for the development of two of those sites. Improving Cost-Effectiveness 1.7 Following the transfer of responsibility of mini-hydro schemes (up to 3 MW capacity) from the Department of Power (DOP) to the DNES, a multi-agency Sub-Committee on Mini- Hydropower was convened under the auspices of the DNES Working Group for the Eighth Plan to formulate a strategy to improve the cost-effectiveness of mini-hydro programs in general, and to review proposals for the Eight Five-Year Plan (1990-95). In parallel with the work of the Sub- Committee, the GOI through DNES requested ESMAP to assist further in critically evaluating proposals for new irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in several states, and if warranted by the fimdings, to address comprehensively the pre-investment requirements for a multi-scheme investment program for consideration by international and/or domestic financial institutions. 1.8 Following the request for ESMAP assistance, a preliminary but critical examination was made of available information and documentation on the existing and proposed schemes. As a result, ESMAP identified three main shortcomings in the approach to irrigation based mini- hydro development in the country. First, the initial batch of schemes were conceived, designed, and executed as scaled down versions of large conventional hydro installations. Consequently, there are numerous redundancies in the designs for key features such as the layout of civil works, the facilities incorporated into the powerhouse structures, the selection of turbine-generator equipment, and the specification of electrical switching and protection systems. Second, due to the use of relatively complex layouts for the schemes, the gestation time to construct and commission the schemes has been unacceptably high. For example, it has taken over four years to complete the majority of the pilot schemes in the southern region. As a result of the slow pace of implementing the construction work, there has been a significant escalation in capital costs and in interest payments during construction. E/ Third, the viability of tne pilot schemes were being undermined by the use of unnecessarily large numbers of technical staff to operate and maintain the mini-hydro schemes. The 4/ The schemes were developed as part of a pilot program that was funded exclusively by the State Government in Punjab. 5/ In Tamil Nadu, such delays resulted in marked increases in the costs of establishing all three pilot schemes. Over the five years that it took to develop the schemes: the costs of the Lower Bhavani scheme increased from Rs. 207 million to Rs. 241 million; the costs of the Vaigai scheme also increased from Rs. 140 million to Rs. 162 million; and that for the Pykara scheme, from Rs. 70 million to Rs. 82 million. 001 concurred with the preliminary findings of ESMAP; consequently ESMAP proceeded with the Pre-investment study. B. Objecilves 1.9 Te principal objective of this stud_y was to apply techno-economic criteria to improve the design and economic viability of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes, and to identity and prepare a medium term investment program to develop a series of irrigation based mini- hydro schemes in the southern region of India. Accordingly, the study covered previously identified 2nd investigated sites in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu which have similar topography and irrigation regimes. At the request of the DNES, the scope of the study was expanded to include twelve prospective sites in the State of Punjab, ali of which are earmarked for development under the mini-hydro component of the ongoing World Bank/IDA financed Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Project. 1.10 The pre-investment study was structured to: (a) assess the technical and economic feasibility of developing between 10 to 20 prospects in each state, especially those that had already been investigated to at least the feasibility stage by the respective SEBs; (b) critically evaluate the cost-effectiveness of engineering designs and specifications that had been proposed by the SEBs, and to redesign each scheme to maximize the number of kilowatt hours produced annually per unit of investment. Also the aim was to determine the minimum infrastructure and equipment required to establish each scheme; (e) update and revise the estimates of the capital costs of developing the schemes, to evaluate the economic and financial viability of establishing the schemes to provide energy and voltage support to the power grid in the respective states; (d) explore the scope for achieving full cost recovery on all phases of mini-hydro development; and (e) evaluate the financial returns that private companies and investors would realize by developing the schemes as alternative sources of captive generation; (f) prepare a comprehensive report which would define technical concepts and design methodology used for the study, the relative benefits and costs of the proposed program, investment requirements at the state level, and the financial impact of the proposed program on the states. 1.11 Despite the focus on the southern region, the design methodology was also meant to be applicable to the preparation of similar investment programs in the other regions of the country. C. Cokiduct of Pre-Investment Study 1.12 The fieldwork was conducted in three phases in collaboration with counterparts from the DNES, the SEBs, and KPC. The preliminary evaluation of SEB proposals was done from September to December, 1989. §/ The second phase began in January, 1990; members of the ESMAP team visited all five states to collect and review site specific data and SEB proposals for each scheme to verify irrigation discharge data with irrigation authorities, and to inspect the prospective mini-hydro sites. Photographs of the sites are presented in the Technical supplement. After verifying the accuracy of pertinent data to establish key design parameters, each of the SEB proposals was critically examined, and compared to alternative layouts and turbine-generator configurations. Also during the second phase, ESMAP consultants held preliminary discussions with senior managers of the SEBs to identify and reviewv issues concerning the suitability of the present organizational set up in the SEBs for the implementation phase. 7/ 1.13 The second phase concluded in May, 1990 when the methodology for design and evaluation of schemes, and the preliminary results of the fieldwork, were reviewed with counterparts from the SEBs at a "Project Identification Workshop" in Bangalore, Karnataka. 1.14 The third phase began in June, 1990 and ended in December, 1990. The main goals were to: (a) update the capital cost estimates for each scheme based on revised designs for civil structures, electro-mechanical equipment, electrical protection and control systems, and the grid-tie arrangement; (b) re-evaluate the economics of the prospective schemes which take into account their role in providing energy and voltage support to remote parts of the grids in districts of the respective states; (c) evaluate the financial impact of the schemes on each state. Specifically, the aim was to establish minimum cashflow requirements to ensure full cost recovery on mini- hydro programs by the SEBs, and to assess the "profitability" of mini-hydro "cost centers" in each state; and (d) evaluate the financial attractiveness of the schemes to private sector companies. Given the conditions stipulated in recent approved lease agreements in the southern states, the aim was to determine the rate of return on equity for private sector companies which elect to develop captive power plants at some of the prospective sites. 0/ The findings were presented in the 'Working Paper on Project Identification", issued by ESMAP in December, 1989. V/ A draft working paper was prepared, entitled "The Institutional and Operational Aspects of Irrigation and Canal Based Mini-Hydropower Development", dated May 1990. D. Counterparts For Study 1.15 The principal counterpart agency for the GOI on this study is the DNES. Other concerned agencies at the central GOI level includes the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) which has the technical clearance responsibility for all power supply schemes that require an investment of Rs. 50 million or more. At the state level, the designated counterparts to ESMAP were: (a) the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Punjab respectively; and (b) the Karnataka Power Company (KPC). Other central and state GOI agencies which were consulted during the study include the Irrigation Departments in the respective states, the Rural Electricity Corporation (REC), the Power Finance Corporation (PFC), and the Alternate Hydro Electricity Center (AHEC). Officials of the GOI Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) and the DOP were regularly briefed on the progress of the study. E. Prospects Studied Prospects In The South 1.16 The States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu extend across the southern cone of the Indian Peninsula. These states are drained by the Godavari river to the north, the Krishna river in the central zone, and the Cauvery river to the south. The three major rivers rise in the high plateau areas of the Western Ghats, and flow eastward across the Deccan Plateau before discharging into the Bay of Bengal; they are the primary sources of water for an extensive network of irrigation schemes. Prior to independence, several major irrigation dams were constructed on the Cauvery river in both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, including the Krishna Raja Sagar (KRS) and Mettur schemes respectively. A few other large irrigation dams were constructed on the main tributaries of the Godavari (i.e., Nizamsagar) and Krishna ( i.e., Tungabhadra) Rivers. Since independence, large new irrigation dams have been constructed on all the three major river systems, including the Sri Rama Sagar on the Godavari River, the Nagar Junar Sagar and Upper Krishna systems on the Krishna River, and the Hemavathy in the Cauvery River basin. Moreover, a wide range of smaller dams and diversion structures and canals have been built to extend the rrigation network throughout the southern region. 1.17 The potential for power generation on irrigation dams, diversion weirs, and canals in the southern states is particularly good because of three factors. First, the terrain is undulating, hence numerous drops exist along the irrigation canals and diversion weirs in the region; such drops provide sufficient hydraulic heads for low-head (i.e., 3-15 meters) mini-hydro applications. Second, because of the relatively large number of irrigation storage reservoirs in the region, the hydraulic head that is created when water is discharged through sluices in irrigation dams into the canals is also suitable for power generation. Third, the irrigation season in the southern states extends from July through March. Therefore for about nine months each year, a fairly continuous supply of irrigation water is available for power generation. d/ ~/ Recent efforts in the region to promote integrated water management practices have improved the regulation of waterfiows in the main canals; therefore this practice has enhanced the scope for applying simple standard turbine-generator equipment to develop mini-hydropower schemes with high plant load factors. -7- 1.18 Adhra ha&Ah The Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board (APSEB) has identified a total of 286 prospective mini-hydro sites on the existing network of canals: (i) 165 are located at canal drops on the Sri Rama Sagar scheme on the Godavari River; and (ii) 106 canal drops on the Nagarjunar Sagar scheme on the Krishna River. Among the more promising sites are those located in a cluster along the D83 branch of the Kakatiya Canal, and on the Lower Manair Reservoir which also is linked to the Kakatiya Canal. The main prospects on the Nagarjuna Sagar (NSR) scheme are located on the Adanki Guntur, and Ongole Branch Canals. There are a only few dam based prospects in the state, including the Lower Manair reservoir which is covered by this study. The APSEB collaborated with ESMAP to review proposals on about 20 prospects (Map - IBRD 22783). These consist of canal drops on the Guntur, Adanki, Ongole, and Kakatiya D-83 Branch Canals, the Lock-In-Sula Regulator of Kurnool Canal, and the Lower Mannair Reservoir. Altogether, the prospects that are covered in this study have a total annual power generation potential of the order of 150 GWh. 1.19 Kamataka. The Karnataka Power Company (KPC) i/ has completed investigations and pre-feasibility studies on mini-hydro prospects associated with irrigation dams at Brindavan, Kabini, Nugu, and Harangi in the Cauvery river basin, 10/ and Mudhol, Malaprabha, and Devrebelerkere ./ in the Krishna river basin. Also, the KPC has completed investigations for over ten canal drop prospects along: (i) the Left Bank Canal on the Tungabhadra scheme which draws water from a major tributary of the Krishna river; (ii) the Visveswaraiah Canal which draws water from the KRS reservoir (i.e., the Brindavan Dam) on the Cauvery river; and (iii) the Shahpur Branch Canal which distributes water from the Narayanapur Reservoir on the Upper Krishna scheme. Altogether, the KPC collaborated with ESMAP to review proposals on seven dam based prospects, one prospect at the Attehala diversion weir, and five canal drop prospects, including a cluster comprising six drops or the Shahpur BC (Map - IBRD 22784). The prospects covered in this study have a total annual power generation potential of the order of 140 GWh. This estimate excludes the potential yield of the Tungabhadra LB Canal which already is under development by the KPC. 1.20 Tamil Nad In Tamil Nadu, several of the major irrigation schemes draw water from three rivers: the Cauvery rive; in the central zone; the Ponniar river in the north; and the Vaigai river which is adjacent to the Cauvery river. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) has zompleted investigations and pre-feasibility studies for mini-hydro prospects at irrigation dams at Lower Bhavani Amaravarthy, Thirmurthy, Sathanur, Peechiparai Perunchani and Aliyar. Also, schemes have recently been commissioned on three dams (Lower Bhavani, Pykara, and Vaigai). Although the TNEB also has investigated the mini-hydropower potential of several major irrigation canal systems in the state, the power potential of the canal systems combined is limited to about 6 MW. There are some 26 drops on the Cauvery Canal, 40 drops on the Periyar Canal, and over 60 drops on the Parambikulam Canal. The present thrust of the TNEB is to develop the dam based 2/ In Karnataka, the lead agency for developing the mini-hydro schemes is the KPC. The Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB), which is responsible for the state grid, purchases power in bulk from the KPC. jQ/ Investigations are near completion on the Hemavathi and Yagachi dams in the Cauvery River Basin. XI/ The Devrebelerkere Irrigation Tank is located on a tributary of the Tungabhadra rive.' in the Upper Khrisna River Basin. - 8 - schemes. The TNEB provided ESMAP with information and data for mini-hydro prospects associated with eight irrigation dams (Map - IBRD 22781) which when developed, would contribute about 130 GWh annually to the state grid. In addition, preliminary designs were developed for 5 canal drop prospects located on the Grand Anicut, Tongkorai Tughlapatti, Villampati, and Mettur West Bank canals, respectively. 1.21 Kelra Compared to the other three states in the south of India, irrigation dam and canal systems in Kerala are not as extensive. The main prospects for irrigation based mini- hydro development are associated with the numerous diversion weirs and barrages that have been installed for irrigation and water supply purposes. 12/ The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) has completed feasibility studies on the most promising prospects, including those associated with the Peechi Irrigation Dam, the Maniyar Barrage of the Pamba Irrigation project, 13/ the tailrace of the Kuttiyadi Dam which discharges water into the Peuvannunmuzhy Irrigation Reservoir, and the Mangalam dam (Map - IBRD 22782). The KSEB collaborated with ESMAP to review proposals on the above schemes which would yield about 120 GWh annually. Mini-Hydro Prospects in Punjab State 1.22 The state of Punjab is located on the Indo-Gangetic Plains which has a much more gently graded topography than exirts in the south. Over the past hundred years, an extensive network of irrigation canals has been developed in the state; water is diverted from three international rivers (the Ravi Beas, and the Sutlej) which flow from northwestern India into Pakistan. There is considerable potential for power generation at numerous canal drops (Map - IBRD 22785). Since the available heads at the majority of canal drops is less than five (5) meters, power generation is feasible only because of the relatively large flows which are available in the canals for over ten months each year. 1.23 In 1982, the Punjab Department of Irrigation and Power surveyed over 150 canal drops in the state and concluded that 110 MW could be harnessed from mini-hydro schemes. The Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) has since earmarked several prospects for development along: (i) the Sirhind Canal network which has 63 drops with a power generation potential of 43 MW; and (ii) the Bhakra Main Line Canal 14/ which has 34 drops and a power potential of 55 12/ Kerala has completed preliminary investigations for over 150 river bed schemes which require the construction of small diversion weirs, 25 of which have been studied to the feasibility level As part of the study, ESMAP prepared preliminary designs for sites at Chembukkadavu, Passukkadavu, and Wanchiam. XL/ The Kerala State Government plans to construct two additional barrages on the Kakkad river at Allunakal and Karikkayam to increase water supply to the Pamba Project. The proposed expansion would lead to the eventual development of a cascade of mini-hydro schemes at Maniyar, Allunkal, and Karikkayam on the Kakkad River which would eventually yield a total of 28 MW and 110 GWh/yr. 1A/ Also referred to as the Nangal Hydel Canal. . 9 - MW. TIhe PSEB also is proceeding to develoli the considerably larger power generation potential that has been identified in the Upper Bari Doab Canal (UBDC). 15/ The primary focus of this study is on the twelve prospective mini-hydro sites that have been identified on the Sirhind Canal network, plus two ott.ers on the Bhakra Main Line Canal, all of which are earmarked for cevelopment under the ongoing Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Project. I~/ The PSEB estimates that over 210 MW of power can eventually be harnessed from a special channel that has been constructed between the Madhopur Headworks and a cross regulator at Tibri on the UBDC. The prospects are being developed in four stages: three units of 15 MW each was installed during stage I; an additional three units of 15.45 MW are currently being installed under stage II; three units of 23 MW each are to be installed under stage m; and for stage IV, three units of 16.5 MW would be installed. - 10 - II. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AND STANDARDIZATION A. Overview 2.1 The primary design objective for irrigation based mini-hydro schemes is to maximize the number of kilowatt hours produced annually per unit of investment or the annual energy productivity at each site without disrupting irrigation operations. The robustness of the sizing procedure (i.e., to maximize annual energy productvity was checked against the more elaborate analvsis which calculated the B/C ratios for the incremental generation by each additional unit for prospective dam based schemes. The analysis confirmed that the annual energy productivity criteria provides a reliable and consistent basis for selecting the optimal the plant size. 2.2 An iterative procedure was used to select and evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of installing different configurations of multi-unit turbine-generators. ESMAP collaborate with SEB counterparts to improve the cost-effectiveness of original designs, thereby enhancing economic attractiveness, as described below: (a) Flowchart I - to obtain and verify the accuracy of all available data and information on the physical characteristics and irrigation discharges at the prospective sites. This required a considerable amount of fieldwork, including an inspection of each site to verify key design parameters, to develop a conceptual design of the alternative layouts that can be adopted for the scheme, and to convert the data on irrigation operations (i.e., discharges, reservoir levels, etc.) by computer into the appropriate flow duration, head duration, and energy curves for use in subsequent design work. (b) Flowchart II - to examine alternative turbine-generator configurations with the objective of maximizing annual energyproduction from available irrigation discharges (para 2.3). After screening to ensure that each scheme would meet minimum requirements (Annex A), the configuration with the highest energy productivity was selected. (c) Flowchart III - to classify the schemes according to the key design parameters of head and available discharge levels, and to develop a set of standard design parameters and performance specifications for electro-mechanical equipment i.e., turbines, generators, etc.). The database for the standardization consisted of the entire group of schemes (paras. 2.5 and 2.6). (d) Flowchart IV - to minimize the investment required to develop the schemes based on the configuration selected in the preceding stages. The aim was to streamline designs for the main components (Chapter m). 16/ Also at this stage, a preliminary grid-tie arrangement was defined to "export" the energy into the local grid. I/ The irrigation storage st; uctures are already in place. Hence no additional investment is required to regulate the discharges which are available for nine to ten months each year; consequently, mini-hydro schemes with high plant load factors can be established with a minimum of additional infrastructure. - 11 - PROCEDURE FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF PROSPECTIVE MINI-HYDRO SCHEMES Compile Documerntatlo on Identied and Investigated Prospects RPAew Data and Informabon on Prospects; Classify Prosp Under Dam Based or Canal Based Categones Visi Sites of Prospects to Verity Informatbn, Devebop Conceptual Design of Layout of Cbi Structures and Grid-lre Establish Key Design Parameters Dam Based Prospects Weir and Canal Drop Prospects Devep Flow Duration Curves, F Devet Flow Head Duraton Curve and Durabn Cur the Tablwater Rathg Curve r Determine Gross Head, Head Determine Gross Head, Losses, Maximum and Mirdmumr Head Losses. Design Heads Heads and Design Heads (including CIubbed Drops) Develop Develop Energy Curves Energy Cufves Specify Altemative Configurations Select Design Flows per Unit Design Heads and Unit Capacity sads1W4865 (/o?) cakaw4s438B - 12 - II PROCEDURE FOR SCREENING AND OPTIMING ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS OF MINI HYDRO SCHEMES Energy Cuives Flow Duration Curves 1~~~~~~~ Determine Maximum Design Discharge (tOx.) Available for 20% Duration Specffy Alternative Configuratons and Discharges per Turbine Unit to Utlize Omax. Spedfy Energy Productviy (kwh'Rs and kwtVkw) for Each Alternative Configuraion Rank Energy Productrvity d Alternatives Select Configuration with Highest Energy Productivity Classify and Standarifize Designs 9ad91w4M5( cakW484380 - 13 - B. Preliminary Analysis and Design 2.3 After verifying the accuracy and reliability of site specific data in the proposals submitted by the SEBs, reviewing key design parameters for each scheme, and developing conceptual layouts for the schemes, either individually or in groups, the following procedure was used to develop preliminary designs: (a) the site specific data (i.e., hydrological, topographical, geological, and layout of local grid, etc.,) was collated and evaluated. Computerized flow duration curves were prepared for all schemes. For dam based sites, the design head was established after a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between discharge levels and the level of the reservoir and tailwater respectively (Anne B). (b) energy curves for each scheme were produced by integrating the area under flow duration curve for a specified head. By examining the shape of both the flow duration and energy curves respectively, a number of alternative configurations were specified assuming the application of multi-unit turbine flow control (Box 2.1). One key factor in determining the number of units for canal drop schemes usualy was the canal width; in the majority of cases, two or three units of similar capacity were Specified for analysis (Box 2.2). For dam based schemes, the key factors were the number of sluices that had been made available by the irrigation authorities for the scheme, the maximum throughput capacity of each sluice, and the need to retain some sluices to by-pass the turbines during periods when irrigation discharges would exceed the requirement for power generation or the shut-down of the turbines; (c) estimates of the energ production capability under each of the alternative configurations were derived from the energy curve, assuming an 80% efficiency of the turbine-generator units. The annual value of the energ produced was computed based on Rs. 0.80/kWh (Chapter V); also preliminary estimates of the capital costs of each configuration were made. 17/ (d) benefit-cost ratios for each unit were estimated, and used to establish the minimum unit load factor for screening purposes (Figue 21); only units with benefit cost rations higher than 1.0 were retained. For the majority of schemes, the cut-off point for Rs. 0.80/kWh was determined to be the 20% exceedance level on the flow duration curve. For dams based schemes, there usually were two or more configurations involving different capacities to screen. After the analysis of B/C ratios has established the optimal number of units per scheme, the relative energy productivity of the different configurations were analyzed along the lines shown m Box 23. The plant size for each scheme was selected to maximize energy productivity. 12/ The approach used to develop preliminary cost estimates was to start with cost estimates for the basic turbine-generator set-up. The data on equipment costs were obtained from a variety of local and international sources, including from the SEBs and manufacturers in India. On subsequent analysis of capital costs, the cost of turbine and generator was found on average to be 50-60% of total capital costs of an irrigation based mini-hydro scheme. - 14 - Nult -Unit Flte Control for Irrfgation Based Nini-Hydro Schemes The flow duration curve indicates the percentage of time that the available discharges .'at ' given site is8exceeded (i.e., percentage exceedance levels). The multi-unit ftow control .concept assumes that e nmiber of fixed blade turbines would be used to harness the energy from the discharges. The turbines would operate at or near the design peak efficiency, and one or more units would be started or stopped according to the available flow. Usually, turbines of equal. sizes are selected; each turbine becomes the back-up unit for the others during maintenance, etc. Ther total output of enargy at a given:site can be increased either by: Ci) adding more units of the sane size; or (it) introducing larger capacity. nits. ...:. As indicated in the raph below, during perfods w hen the ftlow of irrigation water is high, there is a corresponding rise in the tailwater leveL; this leids to a slight reduction in :net head. The efficiency of the turbines can be maintatned by Dadjusting the blade angle. A simple hand cranking mechanism would be suitable for the purpose. The optimal nrAber of equal stzed turbine units is established based on economsi benefit-cost analysis; the benefit-cost ratio for each unit has to be equal or greater than 1.0. The benefits are defined in terms of the annual energy produced tiws the economic value of the energy, and the costs are determined based on the anmual costs of generation Ci.e., fixed plus operating and maintenance costs). Q ~~~~~~~~~H ft3/s m3/s m ft 700 . - 500 151 f | ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 400 . '. ~~~~~10KI . 300 .Flow *2 200 . 100 . -_ _ : . ~01: O Turbinel I S 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 36S Days Box 2.1 - 15 - typical Pretiminary Design P. ocedure for Canal Drop Schemes: The Naddur scheme, Kernataka The proposed Naddur scheme io located at a bend in the Maddur Branch Canal of the Visveswaraiah sain Canal in the Mysore District of Karnataka. The available head at the location 1s 13.4 meters. Details on the proposed Layout are presented in Box 3.5 betow. Flow Duration Curve (fig. 2.22: The flow duration curve was developed based on 10 years of data provided by KPC. The preferred configuration was two etual sized units. The maximum discharge level for design purposes, (fixed at the 20X exceedance point on the curve) was about 17 cumecs. Using turbfnes with fixed blades1 it was apparent that the design discharge per unit would be 8.5 cumecs. for two units, the discharge required at full capacity would be 8.5 cumecs for the first unit, and 8.5 cumecs for the second. Assuming that the generators would be rated for lOX overload capacity, the installed capacity for the scheme would be 2 x 1000 kU. Also the available head, taking into account losses due to friction in the water conveyance system, was estimated to be 13.4 meters. Enety Curve (Vii. 2.3): The energy curve was prepared for a design heed of 13.4 meters. The energy output represents the area under the flow duration curve, assuming a 100X conversion efficiency; all estimates of the energy output were adjusted downwards assuming that the efficiency of the turbine*generators would be 80X. Hence the energy output would be 6.3 Gih for the first unit, nd 2.63 GWh for the second unit. From the energy curve, It is clear also that the additional energy that could be recovered from the remaining flows (i.e., over 17 cumecs) would be insignificant. BnMf it-Cost Ratio for Units: The B/C ratios were estimated for each unit tc. determine the minimum load factor that would be viable assuming a Rs. 0.80/kWh economic value of energy. It was determined that below 20X unit load factor, It would not be economic to harness additional energy from the flows. The B/C ratios for the two units under the finat configuration (i.e., 2 x 1000 kW) are indicated below. gnur Unit Load Factor Enermy Outout B/C Ratio (X) (GWh) 1 72 6.31 3.58 _.2 30 2.63 1.49 Plant 51 8.94 2.54 Box 2.2 MADDUR CANAL DROP SCHEME 2 B/C Ratio 1.? . __ 1M ~~20X Xs3C Unit Loaa Factor (%) Figure 2.1 E'z g airlo (SU OI III 1 w) LIA1 A6JaU3 91 01 8 9 f0 0 .............. .... ... ........... ..... ........ .................................... .... ...... . ......... .. ....... ............ ............ ........... ................. ........... ....... ...... ....... .. .. ........................ 'l.............. 4.... .- . ........ ...... ............ ............ .............. J II / !D 6B-0 --_3 svawno a6Jveu.s!o DAJnf Ab6JaU3 auepeezx3 e8gluo3Jed %08 %09 %O' XOZ XO *.-- ----0 .. .-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... U(pis) /A4 aoo1 x z t(Ido) /t) 0001 X : Juo03 i Us:(p) WEI (Odo) W,-Ei- H ................................. ............... ------i------------- 'O T(pis) wnD) S-t ' (ido) wn 5E:) 1 . s3awn3 a6jvq3asl unoo vvs - 91 - - 17. Typicat Preliminary Design Procedure for Dam Based Schemes: The Sathanur Domn Scheme, tafi Nadu The Sathanur Dam Is located at a reservoir an the River Ponniar; the average annual yield frtam the catchamnt (10,826 kmF) is 410x10WW which is released through five dam sluices of 1.52m width and 1.83. height. About 13 cumecs is discharged continuously from the sluices into two canals. Two of the existing five sluices would be utilized for the proposed mini-hydro scheme. The powerhouse would be located adjacent to the dam, where the svailable head is 27.7 meters. The original proposal was to install 2 x 7.5 NW, and to produce 27.7 CIh/year. fow Dugration Cure tfi. 2.4): The revised proposal is based on daily discharge data at Sathanur over a 1S year period. From the flow duration curve, it is apparent that units could be installed to utilize 10 cumeos each, l0 cumecs would be available for the first unit for up to 73% duration; an additional 10 cumecs would also be available to the second unit for about 30% duration; and so on up to 70 cumecs for less than 10% duration. Head Duration Curve (Fig 2.5): The head was found to be 20 meters for 60-70% duration, between 20 to 25 meters for 50-60% duration, and 25 to 30 meters for 35-50% duration. A design head of 27.5 meters, which corresponds to the 40% duration, was selected. Hence for this study, the design head is assumed to be 27.5 meters. Hence, by adopting a design discharge of 10 cumecs per unit, units of 2500 kW would be feasible. EneMry Curve (Fi. 2.6): The energy curve, produced based on the average flows and the design head, provides the following information on the incremental energy that could be recovered at the dam by increasing the design discharge level in steps of 10 cumecs. Assuming 80% efficiency of the turbine- generator sets, the energy output and B/C ratios from a munlti-unit configuration would be (Fig. 2.7): UoIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Eneray tGWh 14.0 8.0 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.2 air, latl 2.06 1.69 0.42 0.29 0.21 0.17 0.04 Analysis of An-wal Eneray Productivity: The original proposal to install 2 x 7500 kW requires the use of two sluices to handle the entire 70 cunecs of discharge from the dam; this would not be feasible. However, the above analysis of unit benefit-cost ratios indicated clearly that it would not be economic to use more than two units. After some iteration and analyses of benefit-cost ratios of units in alternative configurations, the relative energy productivity with the two unit configuration for four alternatives were evaluated. As indicated below, the results confirm that the 2 x 2500 kW would have the highest energy productivity. ANALYSIS OF ENERGY PRODUCTIVITY OF ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATIONS Capacity (kg) 2*2000 2*2500 2*3500 2*5000 , Energy Output (MO) 19.2 22.5 24.0 25.6 Plant Load Factor (X) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Cost Estimates Civil Structures 6.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 Electro-Nech 7.4 8.8 12.3 15.6 Electricals 9.3 11.2 18.4 24.4 Grid-Tie 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 Total 25.9 29.7 43.9 56.7 Investment (R. J installed) 6489.0 5940.0 6271.4 5670.0 Eremy Prod CKWh g.a/100 Rs.) 74.1 75.7 54.7 4S.2 _ .synchronous generators were specified for units with capacity greater than 3.5 IN. Box 2.3 18 - Sfo aHioNUR SATHANUR HEAD DURATION CUREV FIow Duration curve | hafg* Cubma 12~~~~~~~- (*PC _2 CU _ ___ . !~~~PLiAnta.?A?n -xced- Coaltx 5kw(Opt), I MO - - w - - . 80;4 ....................!------- . ... .. .. . . .. . . j, . ................... °1 i3 *i211 12 ---'--....... ...................--'.'l'' 1 I iz~~~~~~~nrgy Curvel AnaySS o BC Rti I .. ......._._ __. ... . Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 I to i 1 s i is * 2 Mu~~~~~i Iwq I(h(I16l ntNm e Fiur 2.6Fiure2. - 19 - C. Standardization 2.4 The scale of operation of the mini-hydro prospects is small relative to the size of central power stations in the respective states. Therefore, it is not cost-effective to develop one- off designs for each prospect. Furthermore, the type and performance of turbines for mini-hydro applications vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer; some degree of flexibility is required at this stage of design so that eventually it would be possible to consider alternative configurations of turbines that also would satisfy minimum performance specifications. Given the advantages of some degree of standardization, it was considered useful to develop a set of minimum performance specifications to correspond to the range of available heads and discharges for the prospects covered by this study. 2.5 The procedure outlined in Flowchart III was used, as described below: (a) Classification of Schemes by Head and Discharge. First, the schemes were grouped into eight standardized head categories. Second, for each category of standardized head, the schemes were allocated to sub-categories based on a set of standardized discharges per unit (Table 2.2). (b) Development of Standardized Specifications for Turbines. The runner specifications (i.e., the maximum operating speed of turbine, minimum diameter of runners) for each category of design head and discharge was computed and compared with those indicated on reference monographs (Annex C) which had been obtained from international engineering design firms and local manufacturers in India. 18/ A set of eight standardized runner diameters were developed for the turbine requirements of the schemes, ranging in diameter from 2800 mm. to 1000 mm (Table 23) for fLxed blade tubular turbines. For the most part, runner diameters were uniform for schemes associated with the major irrigation systems. For example, due to standardization, all schemes on the Guntur and Adanki Branch Canals of the Nagarjuna Sagar system in Andhra Pradesh would handle 22.5 cumecs per turbine- generator unit; therefore a common runner diameter of 2000 mm was specified. (c) Development of Standardized Specifications for Induction Generators. Induction (asynchronous) generators, essentially induction motors which are driven at slightly above synchronous speed, were specified for all schemes. The analysis indicated that induction generators were required for with eight capacities in the range 350 kW to 3500 kW. 19/ The operating speed of induction generators were specified; the difference between the rotating speeds of the turbine and generator were used to establish the specification for speed increasing mechanisms. The goal was to keep XL/ Use of the data from specific manufacturers and engineering firms does not necessarily imply endorsement of them. 12/ The primary function of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes is to provide energy to the remote sections of the grid. Hence, induction generators, which require no separate excitation source since they draw magnetizing current from the grid, were considered to be appropriate. Induction generators are commercially available in India. Several units of 2 and 3 MW capacity have been installed in Tamil Nadu for irrigation based mini-hydro schemes at Lower Bhavani(RBC), Vaigai and Pykara Dams respectively. - 20 - the speed of the turbines as high as possible and to minimze the gearbox ratio by maintaining the lowest feasible spe,ed for the generators. (d) Revision of Prenbnay Desigs Using Standardized Specifjcadons. The preliminary designs for each scheme were adjusted to reflect the standardized specifications for design head, design discharge levels, and installed capacity. Table 2.1: Overview of Turbine Performance Specifications Type of Turbine Rated Min./Max Rated Min./Max. Remarks Head -Hr Head Power -Pr Capacity - L (m) (% of Hr (kW (% of Pr) Vertical Fixed Slade Propeller 2-20 and 556125 250- 30-115 may be operated tUp to 140% of rated over 15,000 and head depending on turbine setting aover Vertical Semi-Kaplan with 2-20 and 45-150 1000- 10-115 Adiustable Blades (propeller) over 15.000 _ _ Vertical Francis 8-20 and 50- 125 250- 35-115 Minimum rated head is 8 meters over 16,000 iJorizontal Francis 8-20 and 50-125 250-2000 35- 115 Minimum rated head Is 8 meters; __________________ over _ . maximum ca acitd is 2000 kW Tubular (adjustable blades/fixed 2-18 65-140 250- 45*115 qates) Is_ I_ __ _ 15,000 Tubular (fixed blade runner with 2.18 55-140 250- 35-115 wicket aates) ___I _ __ _ 15.000 Bulb 2-20 45-140 1000. 10-115 minimum capacity is 1000 kW l________ _________ 15. 000 Rim 2-9 max. 45-140 1000-8000 10-115 minimum capacity is 1000 kW Riaht Angle Drive Propeller 2.18 55-140 250-2000 45-115 maximum caDacity is 2000 kW Open Flume 2-11 max. 90-110 250-2000 30-115 maximum caoacity is 2000 kW Closed Flume 2-20 1 50-140 250-3000 35-115 maximum capacity is 3000 kW Crossflow 6-20 50-125 250-2000 10-115 maximum capacity is 2000 kW Hr, the Rated Head, is defined as the head at which full gate output equals the rated output of the generator. Sourc: ESMAP - 21 - III PROCEDURE FOR STANDARDIZATION OF DESIGNS FOR PROSPECTIVE MINI-HYDRO SCHEMES Select Optnum Configuraton of Scheme Design Head, Design Flow AMange Deslgn Heads in Groups of Lmited Range, and Seect Standardized Desin Head Review Design Flows Specified for Each Cateory of Design Head, a Select Standarized Grups of Design Dscharges For Each Catelory dentry Technically Feasible Turbine Optons, Compute Minimum Runner Diameters, and Maximum Turbine Speeds Taking Into Account Cavition Fatrs, Turbine Settings, etc. [Comprute Generator Output and Selet =popriate Seeds to ne Speed Spedcy Speed Increaser Requirements and Select Generator Speed Establish Final Designs for Schemes, Standardized Specfications (Design Head, sadshv4865 III) Fiows, Unit Capac es, etc.) cakNw48438D - 22 - Table 2.2: Standardized Specifications for Turbines S0HEME NAME STANDARDIZED STANDARDIZED NO. OF TURBINE ROTATING SPEED GENERATOR HEAD DISCHARGE UNITS RUNNER DIA. TURBINE GENERATOR CAPACITY :(METERS) (CUMECS) (MM) (RPM) (RPM (kW) Chanarthal 3.0 50.0 4 2800 100 600 1000 Thablan 3.0 50.0 6 1000 Ohupkl 3.0 30.0 2 2500 187.5 780 650 Dolowal 3.0 30.0 2 8W Sabanpur 3.0 30.0 2 6so Chakgal 3.0 30.0 2 650 Narangawal 3.0 30.0 3 850 KIlb 3.0 30.0 2 650 Tugal 3.0 22.5 a 2000 187.8 750 350 Solar 3.0 22.5 2 350 11 Sidhana 3.0 12.0 1 1400 187.5 750 350 Dalla 4.25 30.0 2 2500 250 750 1000 5BC 3 4.25 22.5 2 850 3 ABC 1 4.25 22.5 2 650 Lower Manalr 7.0 22.8 2 1500 3aC 1 7.0 22.5 3 2000 214 600 1250 GBC 4 7.0 22.5 2 1000 Kuttlyadl 2 7.0 12.0 2 1400 333 0oo 80s Kutyadl 3 7.0 12.0 2 650 SeCt 7.0 7.5 3 350 SBC2 7.0 7.5 3 350 88C3 7.0 7.5 3 350 SBC4 7.0 7.5 3 350 83Co 7.0 7.5 1 350 i1 Aetlhala 7.0 7.5 1 350 CSC 2 10.0 22.5 3 2000 187.5 750 1250 ABC 2 10.0 22.5 2 1250 Lock-l.SuIa 10.0 22.5 2 1500 Malaprabha 10.0 12.0 2 650 Peechiparal 10.0 12,0 2 1400 333 6oo 850 Klbra 10.0 12.0 2 650 Kabini 10.0 12.0 3 850 03C5 10.0 5.0 3 1000 333 6o0 350 S Manpalam 10.0 5.0 1 333 000 350 Brlndavan 13.0 30.0 3 2500 375 600 3500 Mugu 13.0 12.0 2 1400 428 600 1000 0eweb.Iorkere 1 13.0 12.0 1 1000 Maddur 13.0 7.5 2 1250 428 600 1000 Mudhol 13.0 7.5 1 1000 6 Thirlmurthy 13.0 7.5 3 6so L. Shavanl 15.0 30.0 2 2500 250 75o 3500 Manlyar 15.0 22.5 6 2C00 300 600 2500 Kuttlyad 1 18.0 12.0 2 1400 428 600 1300 Harangl 15.0 12.0 3 1800 P,runchanl 15.0 7.5 2 1250 428 800 650 Rajankollur 15.0 7.5 3 650 7 Anverl 15.0 7.5 2 650 Amauavathy 21.0 12.0 2 1400 423 600 2000 2 Pechl(COSM 21.0 7.8 1 1250 428 o0 1500 Pechl(RSH) 30.0 12.0 2 1400 500 750 2500 Sathanur 30.0 12.0 2 S00 750 250 3 1Avar 30.0 5.0 2 1000 800 750 1250 52 121 SOURCE: ESMAP computatlone - 23 - TABLE 2.3 STANDARDIZED DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR SCHEMES STATEiSCHEME fSANQAfRDlZEQ DESIGN SPECiFICATIONS Head >ha CaRacit Energy ProducIon (meters) tm3) (kW) (GWh/yr. @ 80%e eff.) ANDHMA PHAVeSH Adanki SC 1 4.25 22.5 2 650 3.64 Adanki ac 2 10 22.5 2 1250 6.8 Guntur BC 1 7 22.5 3-1250 1 7 Guntur BC 2 10 22.5 3-1250 19.8 Guntur BC 3 4.2S 22.5 2 650 6.4 Guntur BC 4 7 22.5 2-1250 10.5 Look-in-Sula 10 22.5 2*1500 16.48 Lower Manair 7 22.5 2 1500 16 KARNATA Attehala 7 7.5 1 350 2.8 Anveri 15 7.5 2*650 5.26 Brindavan 13 30 3-3500 62 Dveverebelekere 13 12 1-1000 9.07 Harangi 15 12 3-1500 14.52 Kabini 10 12 3*650 6.25 Kilara 10 12 2 650 5.8 Maddur 13 7.5 2'1000 8.3 Malaprabha 10 12 2*1000 8.08 Mudhol 13 7.5 1- 000 4.86 Nugu 13 12 2*1000 6.15 Rajankollur 15 7.5 3-650 6.33 ShahpurBC 1 7 7.5 3-350 5.1 Shahpur BC 2 7 7.5 3-350 3.9 Shahpur SC 3 7 7.5 3*350 3.65 Shahpur BC 4 7 7.5 3-350 4.15 Shahpur BC 5 10 7.5 2*650 4.88 Shahpur SC 6 7 7.5 1 *350 2 KEHALA Kuttlyadi PHI 15 12 2-1500 17.1 Kuttlyadl PH2 7 12 2*650 5.7 Kuttiyadi PH3 7 12 2-650 5.7 Peechi I (CBU) 21 10 1-1500 10 Pechi II (RBU) 30 12 2*2500 17.1 Mangalam 10 S 1 350 1.3 Maniyar 15 22.5 6-2500 57.1 TAMIL NADU Allyar 30 5 2*1250 9.32 Amaravathy 21 12 2-1000 10.58 Lower Bhavani 15 30 2-3500 24.25 Peechiparal 10 12 2-650 5.95 Perunchani 15 7.5 2-650 5.1 Sathanur 30 12 2-2500 21.82 Thirumurthy 13 7.5 3-650 7.73 PUNJAB Babanpur 3 30 2'650 7 Chakbhai 3 30 2 650 7.2 Chanarthal 3 so 4*1000 29.25 Chupki 3 30 2'650 30 Dalla 4.25 30 2-1000 9.2 Dolowal 3 30 2-650 8.12 Kita 3 30 2 650 6.48 Narangwal 3 30 3'650 8.8 Thablan 3 50 6*1000 44.2 Tugal 3 22.5 3 350 6.5 Salar 3 22.5 2'350 3.44 Sidhana 3 12 2 350 4.12 soUC: ESMAP CgmguaUtlons - 24 - III. DESIGN AND COSTING OF FACILITIES A. Design of Civll Structures 3.1 The primary objective was to minimize the costs of civil works. The original layouts and designs for the main civil structures were revised according to three criteria: (i) structural modifications to the existing irrigation facilities were reduced to a minimum; (ii) layouts of civil structures were simplified to facilitate construction, specifically so that schemes would at most be implemented within two irrigation seasons; and (iii) layouts of water conveyance structures were realigned so as not to cause any permanent loss of productive agricultural land or other adverse environmental impacts. To the extent possible for each category of mini-hydro scheme, a set of standard designs were developed for main civil structures, particularly the powerhouse structures, and the water intake and conveyance structures. Powerhouses 3.2 Regardless of the category and size of scheme (i.e., dam based, canal drop, etc.), the current powerhouse designs for irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in India are generally scaled down versions of structures that are used for large conventional hydro stations. Typically, there are redundancies in the design of the powerhouses, which are due in large part to the provisions made for an overhead crane and an array of electrically operated equipment (e.g., pumps, servo-motors), instrumentation to control operations such as automatically operated gates (i.e., to regulate water levels on the existing irrigation canal, and to open the main canal as a bypass for water in the event the mini-hydro plant trips or is shut-down). 3.3 Two options were defined during the study. The first option was to eliminate completely the powerhouse structure if the generators used are manufactured for outdoor installation. For the option without a powerhouse, all controls and instrumentation would be installed in a small cubicle or a metal-clad switchboard that would also be built for outdoor installation. The second option was to retain a simplified powerhouse which would contain the minimum facilities to protect key parts of the mini-hydro equipment, particularly the generators and instrumentation; there would be no overhead crane. The powerhouse would consist of a small cubicle with a provision in the roof, in the form of a removable hatch for the use of a mobile crane to hoist the electro-mechanical equipment during installation or maintenance operations. Both option. (i.e., with or without the powerhouse structures) are illustrated in the technical drawings (Annex G). Nevertheless, to be conservative for cost estimation purposes, a simplified powerhouse structure has been included for each scheme. Water Intake and Conveyance Structures. 3.4 The original layouts and designs for the water intake and conveyance facilities were simplified to facilitate construction. To the extent possible, standardized designs were to be developed for the penstocks, closed conduits, and open channels. The main features of the alternative designs for the different categories of mini-hydro schemes are as follows. - 25 - IV PROCEDURE FOR FINALIZNG DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS AND CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES AND FOR EVALUATING VIABIUTY OF PROSPECTIVE SCHEMES SPecfica'tons of Schemes Based on Standardzed Parameters, et F Spedly lterative Grd-Tie Arangements Develop Standardized Desgns Wtfor Cl Stcures Intake, ue-Line Diagram and DirectConn/Dectxion to Wa ouseer EcncalcPttettonSrhemes : to Nearest SubSton Evauate Load Flows In Vkiniby of Grid-Tie and Esmate Energy Losses .I Select Grid-Te Alernative with MLinmum Lasses Prepare Detaild Cost Esflmates fr Eadc Scheme Based on Standardzed Conflaurations and Selected Gridlie Arrngement - Determine Economic Rates ol Rtrun, and NPV of Benefits for Schemes I GCompute Mnimum Cash Flow I Requirements tor Mhal Cost ReP wt setsN48SSS /W; cakc483E - 26 - 3.5 Dam based schemes. Since the majority of the prospective dam based Ninmiflizng Civil harks Cost of D Based Schemes: schemes are located in marnataka and Tamil The Brindvan Schem, Karnataka Nadu, th, revised layouts and designs were Te original layout invotves extensive clvit prepared after a critical review of the works (i.e., excavation of rock) to construct a by- original proposals in the two states. In pass tunnel to divert water from the reservoir Karnataka, the original proposals typically through a powerhouse and into the existing canal. require extensive excavation through rock in The revised layout eliminates the tunnel by using order to construct entirely new intakes and the existing irrigation sluices as the intake for tunnels to by-pass the sluices in the existing the ini-twdro scheme. dams. By contrast in Tamil Nadu, the At 1990 prices, the original layout excavation work is eliminated in the original would require an expenditure of Rs. 9.6 million, Rs. proposals which make use of the existing 3.6 million, and is. 3.4 million for the lntake sluices as intake structures; the penstocks structure and tunnel, the powerhouse structure, and wouldbe drectl attchedto th sluces.the taft race/spillway structures respectively. By would be directly attached to the sluices. eliminating the tunnel and simplifying the powerhouse structure, the expenditure would be 3.6 The revised layout further reduced to about Rs. 2.0 million; a savings of about refines the approach taken in Tamil Nadu is. 10 million in the cost of civil works. A and uses the existing sluices as intake detaited breakdown of cost estimates for civil works and uses the existing sluices as intake are presented in Arnex E. structures; each sluice would be fitted with a trash rack, gate or stoplog, hoists, and a "beilmouth" made of reinforced cement COMRARATIVE COSTS ESTIMATE FOR CIVIL UORKS concrete (RCC). Steel penstocks would be CIVIL WORKS ESTIMATES COSTS anchored into the existing sluices, and COMPONENT (Re. million) encased in backfill concrete. LO/ A conically Oriainal Layout Revised Layout shaped draft tube would be instaled at the Intake Channel 7.00 0.43 outlet from the turbines, to divert the water inlet Tunmel 2.65 into a rectangular pool. The rectangular Powerhouse 3.56 0.67 poot which would maintain the water level Tatlrace 2.56 0.50 in the draft tube, would empty out into the ypas/Spiltway 0.86 0.07 existing irrigation canal. To achieve design 16.95 1 .8g discharge levels for a few schemes e.g., SWRCE Annex E. Brindavan), penstocks would need to be I installed in all sluices. In such cases, special Box 3.1 by-passes would be incorporated into the penstocks at a suitable point upstream of the turbines to allow for spilling in the event the turbines are shut down (Annex C). As indicated in Box 3.1, significant savings in capital costs would be realized by using the simplified layouts and powerhouse designs for dam based schemes. 2O/ The penstocks would be manufactured to fit the shape of the existing sluices. Typically, the initial section of the penstocks would be rectangular to fit the sluices exactly; a transitional section would be built to change the shape of the penstock from rectangular to square, and eventually to circular before the link-up with the turbines (refer to technical drawings for Lower Bhavani Scheme). - 27 - 3.7 Schemes at Irgation Barages and Diversion Weirs. Two of the prospective schemes in this category are located in Kerala. One of them is associated with the tailrace discharges of the Kuttiyadi Dam which is used downstream for irrigation purposes. The other is located on the Maniyar barrage. The revised layout for dams based schemes were not applicable because there are no sluices. Except for the realignment to reduce the length of the water conveyance structures for the proposed schemes, and the use of closed conduits to obviate the need to permanently destroy agricultural land, there are no major differences between the original and revised designs for the Kuttiyadi Tailrace scheme (Box 3.2). The appropriate by-pass arrangement for the powerhouse would incorporate pressure regulator valves, as indicated in Annex C. Realn Iwmnt of Water Cwnveyance Structures: Kuttiyndi Tai trace, Kerala The orignal layout would require extensive civil works: an Intake structure consisting of a 7.6 meter tong weir to divert the taftrace discharges into the power chanmel; a water conveyance structure coeprising of a 805 meter tong power channel (1.5 meter bed width) which would link up to a head regulator (5 m. x 2.6 m) equipped with a hoist, a forebay-underground RCC tank (21 m diameter, 11.5 m deep), a 100 meter long penstock (1.65 m diameter); and a 126 meter torg -aqueduct (dimensions 3.4 meter x 2.6 meter) which would run alongside the power channetl The powerhouse itself would be a large structure (32.75 x 9 x 9.75) and designed to fulty enclose two 2500 kW turbine- generator units. The taltrace of the mini-hydro schep 'a 50 meter long channel, Would discharge into the Peruvannumnuzhy Irrigation Resetvoir. After an extensive inspection of. the area, especially the topography along the banks of the river, the layout was revised to take advantage of the following features: MI) the Length of the river from the tailrace of the large power station to -the irrigation river is 550 meters coqpared to over 800 meters for the power channel in the original proposal; (fi) there already exlst drops at three sites along the river bed Which if developed in a cascade, would provide the same cuwlative head for power generation as in the original proposal. Hence, a revised and sioplified layout was prepared. Powerhouse would be located at three points along the river bed: the first would utilize a 15 meter drop and would be linked to the tailrace of the large power station by a closed conduit; the second would be located at a 5.5 meter drop along the river bed; and the third would also located at a S.S meter drop at the point where the river discharges into the.irrigation reservoir. Small barrages (5 meter high)woutd be built at two pofnts along the river bed to divert iwater into the intake structures for the second and third powerhouses. if neeessary, flash boards, trest gates, and hoists would be installed at the main intake structure for the first powerhouse. In each case, the tailrace would consist of an open chamnel and a stop log to maintain the water tevet in the draft tube. By realigning the entire power channel, the revised layout: t ) reduces by 50% the length of water conductor system; Mi) augments the overall energy production capacity at the site; and (iIi) obviates the need to destroy existing coconut trees along the path of the power channel which would have resulted In a potentially adverse envirox entel impact. . Box 3.2 - 28 - 3.8 Schemes at Sutgle Canal DAM The revised layouts for schemes on Sliminating By-Pass Owent for Canal Orcp Schedms: single canal drops are intended to eliminate cowaatiw costs for Kilore Schewe, Karnataka the use of a separate by-pass or diversion As shown in Annex G, two alternatives to the original channel. In such cases, the existing canal layout proposaL have been prepared: (f) Alt 2 with a would be used as the water conveyance by-pass channel, but with the powerhouse relocated structure; the equipment would be installed from the beginning to the end of the channel; and (i i) downstream of the canal drop, Alt 3 without the by-pass, using a 200 meter long pre- imnmediately downstream Of the cana drop, cast concrete condult which would be laid along the and a simple by-pass arrangement would be sidewatl of the existing canal. The estimated cists incorporated at the intake structure. are as foltows. Alternatively, a penstock made out of CIVIL ESTIMATED COST precast concrete conduit would be installed STRUCTURE (Rs. millions) along the sidewall of the e,;dsting canaL ALT 2 ALT 3 Both alternative layouts were evaluated for UWTH BY-PASS WITHOUt the prospective scheme at Kilara on the CHANNEL BY-PASS Gates ~~1.0 Visveswaraiah Left Bank Canal in Intake 1.0 0.7 Karnataka. In addition to reducing the Channel 5.9 environmental impact (i.e., loss of Penstock 5.1 Powerhouse 0.5 0.7 agricultural land), the savings in capital Taitrace 0 0.1 costs by eliminating the by-pass channel at Miscetl. .5 0.7 Kilara was estimated to be Rs.3.6 million Totat 10.9 7.3 (Box 3.3). B oX 3.3 3.9 Schemnes Utilizing Multiple Drops. For such schemes, the main goal was to simplify construction requirements (Box 3.4). In general, there are no major differences between the original and revised designs, except were feasible to realign the channel to reduce the length of the water conveyance structures, and to use closed conduits to obviate the need to permanently destroy agricultural land. Bascule gates or crest gates would be installed slightly upstream of the canal drops to control the water level in the canaL and an intake which would be fitted with a trash rack and a stoplog. To maintain flows in the canal when the powerhouse is shut down, automatically regulated crest gates would be provided at the first drop structure (Annex C). *fit1fffne Ccnstrution of futtipte Drop Schemes: 6n$tur Branch Conal Cluster, Andhra Pradesh The orignal proposal by would estabifsh four schemes along a 10 mile section of the canal. the first scheme would utilize 3 drops (total head 6.9 meters) on the ffrst mile of the branch canal; the second iWould combine 4 drops (total head 8.85 meters) along the second mile; the third, 2 drops ' totat'head 3.71 meters) along the fifth mile; and the fourth, 3 drops (total head 8.52 meters) along the ninth mle. During the'preliminary design and standardization process, it became apparent that the W nf furation of 'the second scheme could be changed from one scheme (i.e., coobining 4 drops for totat head 8.8S meters) to two schemes (I.e., combinfng 2 drops for head of 4.25 meters for each scheme). As a result" the length of the bypass channel was reduced by 250 meters, the cross-section of the by- -pss chawnel 'as reduced thereby allowing for significant savings in costs due to excavation of the ''channel and thepoerhouse. Also, the change simptlfied the design of the intake structure and control echanfsa (.e, stop-log and trashrack) at the junction with the main canal. The construction period 'for the" reVised layout would be one year compared to three for the original layout. Detalts are indiatied'on the'technical drawings for the scheme. Since the anhual energy productivity is much higher for the original layout (i.e., total head 8.85), It may still be retained as the besis for developing the scheme. Box 3.4 - 29 - 3.10 Use of Closed Conduits. To obviate the need to permanently destroy productive agricultural land near the canal drop sites, the revised designs incorporate the use of closed conduits which would be buried in trenches. Two types were defined: (i) cut and cover conduits which would be cast in situ. The conduits would be lined on all sides and closed at the top with RCC slabs, thereby allowing for their use as pressure conduits; or (ii) precast RCC pipes, 2I. which would be laid either on the surface, or buried. The relative costs of using the two options were evaluated in detail for the Maddur canal drop scheme in Karnataka (Box 3.5). Use of Closed Cowdults for ly-pass ChannelsThe TM N r Schem Karrutaka . hi original proposal was to construct the powerhouse structure iauedfately downstream Of thei"ntake structure, and to use a 300 motor long tat race which would be an open channel. Rinse the schome is located in sugarcane faums, productive: agricuttural land would be destroyed. Also extensive excavation of rock (about 29,000 m3) would be required to wacmeodate the horizontal shaft turbine (S-type) with an extended forebay leading up to the powerhoute (see drawines in Annex 0). Several atternative layouts for the Iaddur schema were deveLoped to minimize rock excavation, and to obviate the need to permanently destroy land under cultivation, For the revisd layouts, the horizontal shaft turbine was replaced by one with a vertical shaft (elbot t*pX draft tube), and the location of the powerhouse was moved further away from the intako :tructure to one of three possible locations: (M) the first (Alt I) was at a point some 50 meters=downstream of the intake structure; (it) the second (Alt ID) was 100 meters downstream OfUthe intake; and (iMi) the third (Alt 111) was 200 meters downstroam of the Intake structur e. Instead of the open channel which would require permanent loss of sugarcane growing oand, the by-pass channel would consist either of a "cut and cover" conduits which would be cast in situ, 'or a precast concrete conduit which would be buried in trenches across the .field:' ' optionsfhe layout for Alt 11 would require the minimum expenditure for civil works. Five 'optic:s'to convey water'from the intake structure io the powerhouse were evaluated. As Indlcated below, the least cost option invotved the use of a 100 meter long "cut and cover" tondu'it and a.tailrace consisting of a 200 meter lon open charnel. A similar layout with a pwtcast concrete conduit would be slightly more expensive but probably easier to install, since'they could be fabricated within 20 km of the site. The cost of the civil works for the revised layout is estimated to be Rs. 7.3 miltion compared to Rs. 12.3 million for the original proposal. About Rs. 3.3 mlllion of the reduction in costs would be achieved by avoidin*'the excavation of some 23,500 O3 of rock, and'reducing concreting requirements by 1600 .3). Estimated Cost of Alternative Water Conveyance Structures for Alt. 11 (Rs. milLion) Type of structure Intake Penstok e.rcbh e tailrace I2"ak .1Prec4st Home Pipe(200 m) 2.7 8.3 0.48 11.48 2.Cist in situ Trough (300 Om) 2.7 3.9 0.48 7.08 3.Cast in Situ Trough (100 m) 2.7 1.95 0.48 1.06 6.19 4.Precast'Hoao PipeP600m) 2.7 4.15 0.48 1.06 8.39' 5.0pen S tuw"el with Embankment 2.7 3.1 0.74 1.06 7.60 S CE: ESMAP.estimates Box 3.5 L1/ The pipes would be buried in channels. Excavated materials would be used as backfill for the pipes. - 30 - B. Design of Electrical Systems 3.11 The original set of 'Single-Line Diagraums" for electrical switching, protection, and control incorporate a large number of redundant instruments. Hence the main thrust of the study has been to simplify those proposals with a view to reducing both capital and maintenance costs (e.g., eliminate use of battery powered controls). A set of eighteen standardized single-line diagrams were developed for the fifty schemes. The complete set of detailed diagrams on the layout of the electrical systems are presented for each of the fifty schemes in the Technical Supplement. Further simplifications to reduce costs may be appropriate; for example, load break switches instead of circuit breakers could be installed between the generators and the transformers. 3.12 Similar work was done to streamline the protection systems for the induction generators and transformers. Three sets of standard protection schemes were prepared for the schemes: (i) Category A"' for schemes comprising units of 350 kW and 650 kW capacities; (ii) Category 'B" for schemes with unit capacities of between 1000-2500 kW; and (iii) Category "C" for schemes with units of capacity greater than 3500 kW. The standardized protection arrangements also are presented in the drawings below. C. Grid-Tie Arrangements 3.13 The approach used was to select grid-tie arrangements which would connect each iini-hydro scheme directly by 11 kV lines to a nearby 11/33 kV sub-station. Considering energy losses, that arrangement may not always be the least cost option. There is the need for more detailed analysis tc determine the grid-tie arrangement that would minimize energy losses; detailed analysis would need to be made of line losses, voltage drops during peak load periods, etc. In some cases (Box 3.6), the preferred arrangement may require the use of higher voltage lines (i.e., 33 kV to 110 kV). Alternative Grid-Tie Arrar_e,nts Lower Ihgat S eme: The powerhoe for the scheoe would be located adjacent to the powerhouwe of the recently commissioned 8 14W plant. The existing powerhouse is connected by a three circuit 11 kV Line (each 6 km. Lons) to the nearby 110/11 kV substation at shavanisaar. Two aLternative grid- tie arrarnements for the proposed scheme are: (I) use of three new circuits of 11 kV tines to connect the scheme to the shavanisagar su6-station; (f ) linking the two powerhouses by a 200 meter Long line (11 k), instatling a step-up transformer (11/110 kV) for the combined output (8 + 7 NW), and connecting by 110 kV to the shavanisagar sub-station. The extra cost of instaLilng the 110 kY tine for the second alternative couLd be offset by the costs of acquiring wayteaves for the adWitionat 11 kV lines plus the energy losses under the first aLternative. Hence further studies need to be conducted at the time of detalled design. prio-avagsm Scheme: The nearest sub-station is located at getgota (110/11 kY) which is about 10 km from the powerhouse. four circuits of 11 kV lines would be required to transfer the energy from the 10.5 NW scheme. in addition, the capacity of the Betgota sub-statlon wouLd have to be expanded. The attermative woutd be to add a 11/110 kV step-up transformer at the powerhouse, and to conMect the scheme to the BetgoLa sub-station with a 110 kV line. The reduction in costs due to energy losses msy more than offset the increased cost of using the 110 kV tine. Maddur Canal Drop Scheme: The nearest sub-station to the powerhouse for the Maddur scheme is located 10 km away at Wandya. The load in the immediate vicinity of the scheme is stightLy higher than 2 14w, the installed capacity at Naddur. By feeding the energy from the scheme directly into the Local distribution ines, costs as well as energy losses would be minimized. guntur Branch Canal Cluster: The cluster comprises five schemes (total capacity about 11 NW) along the canal in the Guntur District. The nearest sub-station, located near Narasarsopet which is about 16 km away from that stretch of the canal handLes 11/33 kV. Erergy losses are likely to be high if the schemes are connected by 11 kY lines to the sub-station. The alternative worth further evaluation would be to link atl the powerhouses at one point, install a transformer to step up from 11 kV to 33 y, and to transfer the energy at 33 kV to the sub-station. Box 3.6 MINI HYDRO POWER PROJECTS ESMAP STUDY STANDARDIZED A 4 SVIl SINGLE UNE DIAGRAMS FOR K0G fUSE CAPACiTY 350 kw - 1000 kw LEGEND PLINTI MOUITIO TERAN$IORMIR 41KV OP - GENERATOR + ISOLATOR FOR AD SWITCHb ( POWER TRANSFORMER - S iREAKER MG FusSE. +0* AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER LIGHrNING @ ARRESTOR 9_ 0 ~~~~~~~~~~.4.15As @L 50 kW UNIIS ACBBOOA 1200KVA EOR2M4 .1IMANGALAM I 2 ATTEHALLA' 3 SKAHNJql3 ShAHPUR 113 1 1 L750 KVMA t R 3 MC SHAHPURI113 SHAHPURIV 3 ShAHP,R v 3 SHANPUR VIl2. S _ ( o *S;i;_ i'TUGAt. 3< SALAR .2-6'SIVHANA 2 SERVICE SUPY 2 POLE TRLICT 6So kW UNILTS 3.3 ILI KVt25OO KWA 1X GIJNTURIIA.3i GUNTUR 8 3,-3) GUNTUR 0 2iCADANKI'I I 3 ___ _ < 3.11 2 A i, KUTTIYADI III. 2 KUlTTYADI V 2, 7 TH1RUMJRTHY 3 At8I J . PECNI PAZAT - 2C'j,PERUNCHAN- 2 !i KILARA 2 11KABINI 3 ...cWv-I -_ 4.4J* t 4 / * RAJANKOLLOR - 1 ANVERI 2 \,4 NARANGWAL I _ ACa _ t * $ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHUPRl 2 ig DOLOWA~ 2 lt, KIL]I 2 HAE-3 i , , f p NotE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ) FOC. a 0141rS , THE TRANSFORIAIR CAPCITY EG?S NV4S b) CAPACITOR eAI44K IS KVARt. |A&J S H _ .IOLt 41 hv KYLI IS PRoPOSEOD '0 TASFr. TXVA ACB _ --i LOAD. AHOTHER UlIE CAN SE TAKEN FPOI 4 POLE - $~~~TRUCTURI TrO CATER LOCAL LOADS. _ _ 47]4 flUCtU.OR 03. Y STRP UP, (THIE StRVICt TRAN SfORI.1 4 POLE STRUCI 1WILL BE -3/0 415 LV A PLACEO O TIlE L.T. SIDE OF P 'T TIE STEP UP TRANSfORMER 0 TIt CABACIVOR SARI. IS NOT RfageIRQ I TIlg StRUCTURE ETC WILL BE 0 fOR SS KY CLtARANCE. N.PUI4TH MOUNTED TRANSFORMER WITH4 LA S MOUNTED ON 8OO'( 2) l k V BRAKER CSOv 4 No, S.) iikV AS swricEI .- 4. 4433 4) CAPACITOR SANK A00 "VAR(20oKVAR/QR) B) STATION SERVICE TRANSIORWMIR 0 45/11kV, n.OOWYA- i US 3.3111 KV 1250KVA - 100 KVA _ zit i @,) ,mck (sQGLs, uiNT A-4 POLE - 2) DEVARA8ELEKERE, 3) MUDIAOL. SIRIJCTIIAE co15AI Kv Xtooo kw ( 2 us4vs) 3,3111XV 2500KVA 10.A ) DALLA, 2) "4ADVOR, , | | | t + + ~~~~~~~~4) MALAPRABAA. t | s.3/r1 st H too KV2 1) CHANNARTELAL. AS^ET I Of a sadsdw48595( / t - 32 - I TAYIJO Jikftv~ZS2A~i. - :0SVICE Q 2soo kw ( 2 utcrs) AA/~ /A if i) PEECHI 11 _Cv @ t/- -Q ' ~~~~~~~~~~~2) SHAHPUR &&- oM<*O 3. 3/A _ ,9" 7Y-v 9,9/!Rt twsoo kw ( s UNITS) -~ > - / <11) LOWER SHhAVAWI. 4 2500 kW ( 6 uNt5s) 4) MA1IYAR. A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ G sTATION 'W-(' -<*fJ-* 1/O AV f*750 KVA ( soo kW ( utiTs) I &J E / - 1) LOWER RHAVANI. -~~~ ~~ 1LM_/_ EXIStME P.H. 6 OLt S.rqoc¶ 1 ( 3500 kW ( 3 UW.ITS) +t1/110 KV t32 KHA 4) BRiNKAVAN. SrAVI?OM TRAOR,aER sooo kW ( 3 UNIts) ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ii fOlV O. I 7OnVA i) MANIYAP. MINI HYDRO POWER PROJECTS ESMAP STUDY STANDARDIZED ± SINGLE UNE DIAGRAMS FOR -Po..4 1!#vql CAPACITY 27b0kw -5000kW SHEELT 3 VC 3 sadBsw48( S( U) 10o0 1,w ' N u,rr;) 1) 1ABALAN. 6 POEf SRo. r&RE b too xVA ( ieso kW ( 2 UNITS) _v<>t3J/11t;V~13/11 XY3S k i J I, ADDANKI -II 41 PO,C STrn9 T 3 /331 4700XV9 ( 50 kW (3 UNITS) > + | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 GUNTHUR-1I - ni 1, l t g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21 GUNTHUR -11 ir- 5TBI-ON iS0 kW4 ( -Z UNITS) _V ,lflv 3750 KvA UTTIYADI _4Wz <>_< tu_4J @ X 9 ~~~~~~~~~3) LOWERMANIAR fb Po -T ~ ~ 1KUTIAO 3>r333|1t f XV5625tf KVO i soo kW ( 3 UNITS) )1 k , > 1~~~~~~~~) WAR ANGt .~~~~~ ~ ~~~ - 1. .. SMKI-#-t" @ 2000 kW ( SINGLS UNIT) 5 i! F+-.t-I I PEECHI * IOe sTAyeyu s T~ 2) DEVARADELEKERE StMArT/N 2000 kW ( 2 UNITS) A SEMtWCE 8 1) KUTTIYADI 2) AMARAVATHI MINI HYDRO POWER PROJECTS ESMAP STUDY STANDARDIZED SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMS FOR 6 fPoa ST*U6CLAC CAPACITY 1000 kw - 2000 kw . . 5E oP 3 sada*45 3.) - 34 - Th '( PRorA cT/ON scdEEs_s HqVw 8EE_6R0u6 CA.riGoRr !4 3so AJv AhJD v50 /W CROACIry . ITS 0h orA'YE UN/irs C?GR0X 6 1000 A./ 125 g /500Krf 4 2500kw (cAr600£QY_C _.3sr-w wtoSOQO kW C4RAcA tNt DirrIlzs ILtusrAThrD ,v P1641,eeS PT F Prr Vs -PO-AkA B 'C MsoA* M/'/MU gOUAQ'MrS Ru ffArISFAC70r PWOTSZ01 OF6fVRA,9f S AND UOW oR 7noIvFA,Cr/oiv.S CAy 85 CI?'_OIVT9 As ^¢ 15 OR cr,cS of sTT4 WReADri- cTr ~~~~~~~~~~BOARDS 7H mq AA/,rn4M cosr OP- rYes c4ipeofIR cr k&AY NOr NCoED es. *. (J DOvo Aeo) /EVcC PRowIsiw OP AmPlf/Q,w eeltAQ s /S poSSL wih'ogr k3'i,CM-c/AAom9N IN Oi'.f'4i9L COSf t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £6ENP .__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ CT _ CwRkeAVr TRA?4sroRMeR? .SC/YE:A.#/EB (/000 kw -2500 hJ ~ Pr PorEwflm rqNmFfoRmee C TT t2. TERM/I4L Wn4FX 5J~+ SATP ZIP TRANS FORM ER P rr Pr TERMIA/vI r,A To5o OTWCR >/rS F FUSE =0s b _ OVdR SP'e RELAY ( - rca Pr _ d } ov6e cuRtar Aeor _- IDM -_r 7W F9,aU RELy AS | | 057- PI/sE 9/vS o sLvCr CURRevr ReLiY .rrO 3 P oveR Volr96E R&tkY F21- UND&e voLYr9eR nLY Y AMMET& ® As AMMETER Sttvrc- SCHIEME-C (35001tw -saoooV. Gvs Vo trME TtR sw,rcA sR 4RA SvDMI (DQ v_ oLrtne 7sA w ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~() K_ VPTr tn Er,t _ 0 ' nATIhfEogR 5 frUcA ~£ f W'9T' lAfli? i)lEfR 0 tPr p Prr g_ PoWVER rAC7VR m6iER A C B - /e ciRcuIr 6RtO'KAAR _ cr V cA - VacLt/M CIRCwT Y3ReAKik icrr r MlNI IIYDO poQweR PROJ6ST £MAP SroDY PorEcrTwE SC.qeME r1R S,M9,0ARDISaPON ado/w4MS9( /o4) - 35 - D. Capital Cost Estimates 3.13 The base costs of each scheme (i.e., in financial terms) were computed in 1990 prices (Annex D) according to the following categories: (a) civil structures, comprising gates, intake, channel/penstock, powerhouse, tailrace; (b) hydro-mechanical equipment, comprising the turbine and its auxiliaries, and the inlet valve; (c) electrical equipment, comprising the induction generator and its auxiliaries, the transformers, capacitors, breakers, switches, etc.; (d) grid-tie materials and labor costs, especially for the transmission line. 3.14 The base costs were entered into the World Bank's PCCOSTAB software as UNIT- cos OF STAUtZRED domestic prices. The costs were increased to WMIIS ARD I;OlVATM$ incorporate: (i) the costs of installing the main Turbine items of equipment (i.e., turbine and auxiliaries, Ruvwier No. of No. of Unit Cost generator and auxiliaries, etc.), based on o. () -n latU jRs.millons)e/ relationships indicated in Annx D; (ii) physical - 2 10 .9. contingencies, at 5% of base costs; (iii) price 2000 9 25 6.0 contingencies to reflect inflation; and (iv) taxes and 1400 14 28 4.0 duties. Price contingencies were derived assuming 1250 15 32. 3.0 that the annual inflation rate (local costs) would -total 52 121 vaiy from 8.4% in 1991, 7.0% during 1992-93, and decline to 6.6% by 1994. It also was assumed that &enerator %o.. of No. of Unit Cost taxes on the main cost items would be 3% for civil 3olY- tka2 ie3A Units RAitloa/ works, 6% for electro-mechanical equipment, and 32500 2 15 7.5 3% for electrical systems. The estimates for all the Iooo f 2 3.0. schemes are shown in the Tables 3.2 to 3.4 below. 1500- 5 10 2.5 1250 4 10 2.0 1000 8 V0 1.5 3.15 The selection of fixed vane/fixed 000 - 40 1.0 blade turbines instead of full kaplan turbines, 350 .. -?A 0.8 induction generators instead *of synchronous 52 121 generators, elimination of governor systems, etc., as o .. . . . ^ ............. ^ ...... et uni'ts cost-data inAnnex o . well as the selection of materials for turbine Source: ESIP estimates:. . fabrication are all critical factors to minimize the capital cost of schemes. For example, several of the original specifications prepared by the SEBs were based unnecessarily on the use of stainless steel to I fabricate the turbines (i.e., runners, blade, runner Table 3.1 chamber); the costs would be reduced considerably by using aluminium bronze. As shown in the example based on the proforma price quotations for turbine specifications for the original and revised designs of a prospective scheme (Box 3.7), the scope for reducing costs is considerable. - 36 - : 4aretiv4 Analysis of Cost Estimates for Turbines: :1The Ontr SC I Scheme, Andhra Pradesh Th.-. rg1inal design was to instail 3x1200 kw turbine-Venerator units; it had been specified that .; the-turbine would be a full kaplan with tubular downstream elbow CS-type) configuration. The ..9paeccatians:..for main colponents were: (i) the turbine would have four blades made of cast stainless steel a carbon stool hub, and the runner diaieter would be 1850 mm.; (Ii) the runner . chwiP would be split horizontally and also fabricated with stainless steel; and (f1i) the draft tube *one -and bend would be fabricated from stoelplateo.In a 1dtion, the turbine would be e-6qu#pped'with an oil putpino unit and an ofl head for blade control, a draft tube dewatering systal,, and a earbox (240/7 0 rpe.). The proforsa price quotation obtained from a local manufacturer in ascmber, 1990 frAicated that the cost would be about Re. 13.7 million, including The revSWed staodardized dks6n would require the Installation of 3x1250 ok units. The units would b fixed-vane/fixed blade turbines with upstream elbow configuration, and would be fabric4ted in aluetnium bronze. The runner diameter would be 2000 M.; a gearbox (214/600 rpm) wold als.o be provided. osAed on proforma price quotations obtained from manufacturers, tho cost of.the turbine, earbox, and auxiliaries would be about Re. 6.5 million. in addition to the simpler configuration of the turbine, the reduction in costs can be attributed t6 .(I) substitution of staintess steel with tm.ainium bronze for fabrfcation of main ;turbine compo6nts; (it) eltmination of oil pumping unit and oil head uhich ias necessary for Box 3.7 CAPITAL COS ESTIMATES SCIEIS ASIAT hITS DAI U ES, AW IltS (Rs.millions) o1 Total l .s.:Sa~tericalion . ICivil Nvd-ech, Ettlet. Grid^Tie Cos ARDNRA PRADESH 1. Lower anair 10.3 14.8 7.8 0.2 33.1 KA*NATAKA 1. Xudh.ol Dam 3.5 3 7 3.5 0.8 11.4 .2. Nalaprebha Dam 4.9 9.9 5.4 0.2 20.4 3. beverebelerkere 9.9 4.9 3.3 0.3 18.4 4. Attehalla heir 3.8 3.6 1.8 0.5 9.7 5,. rindovan Dam 4.6 29.4 30.1 2.9 67.0 6. Mugu Dma 4.6 9.S 5.2 1.8 20.9 7. HarangV Dam 4.5 14.2 10.8 1.5 31.0 8. Kabini Dai 4.5 14.2 5.1 1.2 25.0 AERALA I. Peechi Dam 1. 2.2 3.6 3.3 3.8 12.9 Peechi Oam 1 7.1 10.5 11.7 4.8 34.1 2.'.' Kuttlyadi 1 5.8 10.1 7.7 0.1 23.7 Kuttlyadi 11 2.2 9.5 3.9 0.1 15.7 Kuttiyadi Ill 2.5 9.5 3.8 0.1 15.9 3. Naniyar Barrage 14.1 43.9 34.1 1.9 94.0 4. Rangalem DaM 2.4 0.5 2.3 1.2 6.3 TANIL MADU 1. Lower Shavanl 4.6 19.6 22.1 1.2 47.4 2. : Thirumurthy 4.6 7.2 5.3 3.1 20.2 3. Amaravathy 3.8 9.5 9.3 2.4 24.9 4. Allyar 4.2 4.3 7.1 0.1 17.7 S. Sathanur 7.5 9.5 12.0 2.9 31.9 6. Peechiparai 4.9 9.9 4.2 0.1 19.1 7. Perunchani 4.9 7.5 4.3 2.2 18.9 S04Q£ ESNAP estimates Table 3.2 -37 - 05PITAVGIS ElSiTES SCN ASSOCI VITO CANAL SO 5 < > - - (Rs.al ll ion) - Total c~~~~~~~vIHdUe Elct Gri-Ti - . l rf-t - OIIBAPWES - ; ft~u Bvranchi anal Cluster 1t1 SOc I t(1O-O-55O) 8.3 21.9 7.4 0.9 38.5 1.2 -OC i ( 24 00) 14.0 20.5 6.1 2.3 42.9 l.S k08 tt (NS-2-550) 5.9 14.6 4.1 0.2 24.9 1.4 050 IV (m9-1-550) 8.5 14.6 5.3 0.2 28.7 50 CCluster totil 34.7 95.1 ; 27.2 1.9 158.9 Adank Brah Canal Cluster ; - ; .1- ABC I (R17-4 0) 6.5 14.6 3.9 4.4 29.5 4 ABC 11 (1A18-3-220) 6.5 14.6 6.5 1.1 28.7 ... ..ABC Ctuster Total 13.0 29.2 10.4 5.5 58.2 3. ;CLock-n4Sula 11.6 15.2 8.2 1.9 37.1 KAKTAIA 1. Shahiaur 8ranch Canal Cluster :A 5501 o f hS*S s :3.8 14.6 3.x 0.7 22.9 1.2 SBC 2 8.7 11.1 4.1 0.7 24.6 1,3 sac 3 9.3 11.1 3.8 0.7 24.9 1.4 SIC 4t 4.8 11.1 3.8 0.7 20.5 , '1.5 - S - OC 5i, ,' , 3.3 11.1 , 3.8 0.7 19.1 " 1.6' -SBC 6 4.3 3.7 1.9 0.7 10.6 ,SOC Cluster Total 34.4 162.9 21.2 4.2 122.7 i2*. - ejRankiSollar B 5.8 ' 11.1 5S.5 ' 1.5 24.0 3. Aiwerrt SC 4.6 7.4 4.0 0.6 16.7 4. i Ma'ddur ' ' e8.4 7.2 ' 5.3 1.2 22.1 ,S. Kit8ra Scheme 11.8 ' 9.4 6.1 0.7 28.0 -Rhatinda BrAahh Cent Cluster 1. Chak shoi 3.6 19.1 4.0 0.7 27.4 2. SId , a 1.7 7.2 1.8 0.6 11.5 KatIe Branch Canal cluster 3,; Dobo*al 3.9 19.6 4.0 0.4 27.9 - 4. abonpur 3.9 19.6 '4.0 0.4 27.9 5. Killa 3.3 19.6 4.0 0.4 27.2 6.- Saar 2.6' 14.6 3.0 0.3 20.6 Abahar Branch Canal Cluster 7. . arangwal 3.6 29.1 5.2 0.2 38.1 8. Dalla 5.3 19.6 5.2 0.2 30.3 9.;, Tugal ' -' 3.6 21.9 3.7 0.4 29.8 ,'10.', Clhioki'' " "'64.2 19.6 4.0 0.4 28.2 akra Coanal Hvdel) Canal 11. Chan"rthal 11.6 46.8 '9.5 0.6 68.7 12.ThaiblbM 13.9 70.9 14.5 '6.S 105.9 - E: ESNAP estimates. Table 3.3 - 38 - IV. ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF PROSPECTIVE SCHEMES A. Introduction 4.1 The economic viability of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes was assessed in terms of their cost competitiveness relative to conventional sources of generation in the grid (ie., from the least cost system development plan). Since India's power systems are planned and operated on a regional basis, the cost of generation from the proposed irrigation based mini-hydro schemes in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu were compared to the marginal costs of generation in the Southern Regional Grid, while those in Punjab were assessed in the context of the Northern Regional Grid. To measure the economic value of the net benefits from the proposed schemes, the economic internal rate of return and the net present value for each scheme at a 12% discount rate were derived. 22/ B. Economic Value of Benents and Costs Economic Value of Benefits 4.3 Given the large sizes of the southern and northern regional grid systems, 2,3/ it is clear that none of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes would be large enough to significantly affect the system development plans of the grids (i.e., requiring a deferral of capacity expansion projects and/or a re-optimization of the use of existing thermal stations). Rather, because the power supply situation in both regional grids is energy constrained, 24/ the principal role of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes would be to alleviate localized energy deficits by providing energy support to improve the quality of service in remote portions of the grid and to displace higher cost energy supplies from thermal power stations. Furthermore, the additional output from the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes would reduce the extent of standby diesel auto-generation by industrial and commercial establishments. 4.4 Avoided Costs of Energy Supply. The economic value of the benefits of the mini- hydro schemes were derived in terms of the avoided costs of energy supply at the 33 kV level from the regional power grids. Specifically, during off-peak hours of service, the avoided costs of energy supply from the grid consists of the fuel costs plus variable operating and maintenance expenses of the less efficient or marginal stations in service (i.e, the short-run marginal costs of generation). lTnese can reach as high as Rs. 0.65/kWh at the generation busbar in the Southern Regional Grid (e.g., TNEB's Ennore Station), and up to Rs. 0.75/kWh in the Northern Regional Grid. However, the less efficient stations tend also to lack the operational flexibility required to curtail their 22/ The COSTBEN computer program of the World Bank was used to perform the economic analysis. 22/ The installed capacity is of the order of 12500 MW in the Southern Regional Grid, and about 14500 MW in the Northern Regional Grid. 24. The peak energy demand in the Southern Regional Grid is of the order of 180 GWh/day, but the supply capability is only about 160 GWh/day. In the Northern Regional Grid, the peak energy demand exceeds 190 GWh/day but the energy supply capability is only 180 GWh/day. - 39 - operation during periods of reduced system loading; therefore an average of the avoided costs of energy supply from the grids (Rs. 0.55-0.60 per kWh) was used to set the economic value of the benefits from the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes. Since the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes would be tied to the grid at the 11/33 kV sub-stations, the energy would be generated much closer to the point of electricity use, and therefore the savings from the transmission and distribution (T&D)losses that would be avoided is significant. Accordingly, the avoided cost of energy supply from the grid was adjusted upwards (assuming 15% T&D losses) to arrive at economic value of benefits in the range of Rs. 0.63-0.69 per kWh. 4.5 During the periods of daily peak demand (about 5 hours), power outages are widespread and large numbers of industrial and commercial consumers resort to the use of standby diesel generators. Under those circumstances, the avoided costs of energy supply would reflect the variable costs of auto-generation from stand-by diesel units operated by commercial (Rs. 1.31 per kWH) and Industrial (Rs. 1.16 per kWh) establishments. Combining the avoided costs of energy supply during the off-peak and peak periods, the composite value of the energy produced by the proposed irrigation based mini-hydro schemes was estimated to be in the order of Rs. 0.80 per kWh. 4.6 Capacity Credit for Schemes. The high degree of congruity between the seasonal discharge of irrigation water and the seasonal variations in peak load within both regional grids, suggests that a capacity credit should be considered as an additional benefit of the proposed irrigation based mini-hydro schemes. However, given that the irrigation discharges are restricted to between nine to ten months each year, and that the SEBs do not have effective control of water flows even during those months of sustained operations, energy generation levels and capacity availability were considered to be "non-firm". Accordingly, capacity credits attributed to the proposed schemes were not quantified for the purposes of this evaluation which lends a conservative bias to the economic value of th - benefits. It is expected, however, that during detailed design of mini-hydro investment programs irf each state, a more comprehensive assessment of the benefits would be made to incorporate capacity credits at a justifiable level. Economic Capital Costs 4.7 To arrive at the economic capital costs associated with the irrigation based mini- hydro schemes, the domestic component of the capital costs for equipment and civil works (Tables 3.3 and 3.4) were adjusted by applying a standard conversion factor of 0.8, and removing taxes and duties. Annual operating and maintenance costs were taken to be equivalent to 2% of capital costs over the 25 year economic life of each scheme. The economic capital costs per installed kW for each scheme is presented in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 below. C. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis 4.8 The cashflow streams of the costs and (energy) benefits for the prospective mini- hydro schemes were developed both for each schemes as follows. The entire capital costs for each scheme would be disbursed during the first year of construction hence interest during construction would be charged for one year at a rate equal to the opportunity cost of capital (12%), and added to the costs of each scheme. Benefits (i.e., energy production) would begin to accrue after 18 months of the start of work on each scheme. To obtain the net present value (NPV) of each scheme, the cash flow streams of the respective costs and benefits were also discounted at 12% per annum over the 25 year economic life of each plant. - 40 - 4.9 The EIRR for the dam based schemes were in the range of 14-66% (Table 4.21), and for schemes located on canal drops, 12-29% (Table 4.2). The NPV at 12% discount rate, the investment per unit of installed capacity (i.e., in xconomic prices), and the annual energy producdiviy of each scheme are summarized also in same tables. :'~ :.::;Mt OF OMS MM a IM-Oi $ SCHEE MANE VlOE ENERGY PRCO. EIRWt 'kIA pr1/00 Rs.) C ) (ll..ilon) KAMATAICA DBriOndvn 55s92 11ti.s 65.? 428.7 Haflngi 5942 51.8 30.8 103.0 tn, 10972 29.8 17.5 57.8 Wuw I , U27 32.2 19.1. 50.0 D.v.r*beIerkere 5204 58.9 42.1 61.0 144201 8915 58.3 34.5 33.2 I4Moprabha 8228 44.2 26.3 50.4 .,TAXI . MAU Lou.' 8havanf 5891 58.3 34.6 172.6 ThirtW*thy 9602 45.9 30.4 64.4 Amaravothy 8482 46.1 27.4 75.3 Atiyar 11642 61.6 34.5 57.7 Sathanur 5362 75.7 44.0 136.9 P.echiPara1 11724 33.2 19.7 43.9 Perwihani 12962 26.5 21.3 39.0 ANODHRA PRIADESH Loitert Nauw 9297 71.3 41.4 136.S KERgALA' P6e4hi - - 7836 73.2 41.2 210.0 .niVwe 14140 20.4 13.5 10.6 Xt*ttly&dI Cascade 9130 55.7 40.7 199.5 4antyar 5426 71.4 41.1 394.9 SJ%M: ESAW estimstes Table 4.1 -41 - EC NIC EVAMLUTIONO O NI-StDRO SCH AT CA DROS uAN 1 SCRE iNlE NAI~E JIIEgDTI (kW IOO Re-. -R e.mi2f ANHfA PRibESf uentur BC CluMter 12395 44.3 22.9 429.8 Adariidd Bt Cluster 12891 21.3 14.2 119.4 tock-ZI*Sula 9807 56.0 29.2 97.0 PllNJAB'' shatinda sC Cluster 14702 38.5 20.4 91.5 votla 4c Clu6ter 19478 27.9 14.7 222.1 Abohar SC Cluster 17396 29.6 18.6 305.2 Bhekra 14406 51.0 19.7 368.5 KARRATAKA Shahpur BC Cluster 16981 21.6 13.3 206.8 Attehata Weir 22560 28.6 12.2 22.7 Naddur . 10089 44.4 29.1 67.8 Kit r,. 16199 26.5 13.9 55.2. Amert 10245 42.8 29.3 44.0 RaJ^nkotlur 9848 30.3 20.3 49.8 SjJBR: ESNW estimates Table 4.2 - 42 - V. FINANCLAL EVALUATION A. Introduction 5.1 The financial attractiveness of the proposed mini-hydro schemes was evaluated from two perspectives. The first perspective is that the SEBs which may have the responsibility of implementing several of the schemes covered by this study. The aim of the evaluation was: (i) to establish the minimum cashflow requirements to ensure full recovery by the SEBs of the costs associated with debt servicing, and the operation and maintenance of the irrigation based mini- hydro programs, assuming that each SEB would establish "cost centers" to manage and monitor accounts for all phases of the respective mini-hydro programs. Since the State governments are encouraging the private sector to invest in developing irrigation based mini-hydro prospects, the second perspective for the financial analysis was that of evaluating the attractiveness of private captive generation with irrigation based mini-hydro. It was necessary to determime the rate of return on equity for private development of two schemes in this study, using as an example, the conditions stipulated in recent lease agreements in Karnataka. B. Cost Recovery Requirements for SEBs 5.2 Rationale for Mini-Hvdro "Cost Cen=tei1 One of the goals for the follow-up to this study is to demonstrate that, despite the persisting financial problems of the SEBs, the schemes in each state could be executed and managed by SEBs in a manner that would ensure economic cost recovery. During the study, discussions were held with senior officials at the state level to define a suitable framework for involving the SEBs in the implementation the mini-hydro schemes. The discussions centered primarily on the need to streamline project management arrangements in each state, and to introduce an effective system for monitoring and controlling the cost-effectiveness of mini-hydro schemes; the overall aim, despite the persisting financial problems of the SEBs, was to ensure that the mini-hydro programs in each state would be managed by SEBs in a manner that would ensure economic cost recovery. The consensus reached was that it would be feasible to set up mini-hydro "cost centerse in the respective SEBs to record, control and monitor al costs associated with the mini-hydro program, and to track progress in constructing and operating the schemes to achieve economic cost recovery and self-sufficiency. Accordingly, one objective for the financial analyses was to determine the 'profitability" of the proposed SEB mini-hydro 'cost centers". 5.3 Finaocing for SEB 'Cost Genters. So far, the bulk of the funds used for the development of the initial batch of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes has been mobilized from the state government level. The GOI provided some financial support to the state government initiatives and extended some credits and grants through agencies such as the DNES, the REC, and the Power Finance Corporation (PFC) respectively. 2J/ For the Eight Plan, the GOI plans a substantial increase in its direct financial support to the states for irrigation based mini-hydro schemes; the DNES expects that an allocation of about Rs. 1500 million (US Dollars 90 million) would be made available for mini-hydro development, 50% of which would be earmarked for irrigation based schemes. 2a/ The DNES provided grants to the APSEB for the development of pilot schemes on the Kakatiya D83 BC; additional funds have been earmarked for pilot schemes in Punjab state. The REC provided credits for the schemes in Tamil Nadu; and the PFC has provided a supplementary loan to develop a scheme in Karnataka. - 43 - 5.4 It was assumed that up to 25% of the investment required to develop the schemes in each state will be mobilized in the form of equity contributions from the respective State Governments or the SEBs into the mini-hydro "cost centers". The bulk of the financing (75%) for the mini-hydro 'cost centers" would be obtained as loans from public agencies such as the Power Finance Corporation (PFC), the Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), / and more probably the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA). tREDA iini-Nydro Loan Facility In September, 1990, the Board of IREDA approved the following conditions for financial support to mini-hydro projects. Both public and private sector organizations, including those in the joint or cooperative sector were eligible for loans, provided the equity contribution of the principal sponsors ould have to be at teast 25X of the total investment required. IREDA toans would not exceed 50X of the total sost of any mini-hydro scheme, up to a limit of Rs. 10 million. The IREDA "Guidelines for financial Assistance" stipulates that: ti) the interest rate would be 12.5X p.a, with a rebate of 0.5X if repayment of principal and interest charges were made consistently punctual; (ii) loans would be repaid in 10 years, with a 3 year grace period; (iii) a loan commitment charge would be applied at O.5X of loan amount up to a ceiling of Rs. 1.0 miltion; and (iv) a Bank Guarantee would be required to secure the loan. Box 5.1 5.5 Mnimum Cashflow Requirements. The current lending terms for these agencies are almost the same; therefore it is assumed that loans would be provided to the mini-hydro "cost centers" at 12.5% interest rate and an amortization period of 10 years. In Punjab State, where the financing for the schemes has already been secured under the ongoing Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Project, assuming that the funds are to be transferred by the State Government to a mini- hydro "cost center" in the PSEB as loans with terms similar to those offered by REC or PFC. 5.6 The minimum cashflow requirements of the mini-hydro "cost centers" were computed based on full recovery of costs incurred due to debt servicing plus the annual operation and maintenance of schemes (i.e., estimated to be 2% of capital cost per annum). The weighted average costs of generation for the "cost centers" in the southern states was estimated to vary from Rs.0.29/kWh in Kerala to 0.49/kWh in Andra Pradesh. Similarly in Punjab State, the weighted average cost of generation for the mini-hydro 'cost center" was estimated to be Rs. 0.5 1/kWh. 5.7 Revenuesfor the "Cost Centers. Since the goal is to achieve economic cost recovery, it was assumed that revenues would accrue to the mini-hydro "cost centers" from the "sale" of energy to the grid; as such the financial value of the revenue generated by the mini-hydro "cost center" was established in terms of: (i) the tariff paid for bulk power imports from the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTP'?); and (ii) the average tariff for power sales from the grid in each state. 24/ The OECF of Japan has established a line of credit at the REC which may be used by the SEBs to finance some of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes covered by this study. Schemes under consideration include Brindavan (Karnataka)and Lower Bhavani (Tamil Nadu). -44- CASUFLOM SLACE FOR SO NIMBI-HY0 CO CENTERS- TOTAL ENERGY WEIGHTED AVERAGE NET REVENUES FOR STATE CAPAITY, OTPUT AV, COT TAOF "COTERS'S (MW) CGUh/yr.) (Rs./kUh) (As./kWh) (Rs. miLtIns p.a) Andra Pradesh 19.5 95.3 0.49 0.62 Kterala 26.6 120.0 0.29 0.53 28.8-37.4 Karnataka 37.7 170.0 0.44 0.73 27.3-49.4 T.ail kNadu 24.1 82.8 0.39 0.87 17.1-39.1 Punjab 22.2 133.0 0.51 0.67 12.0-21.4 Source:ESMAP estimates; SEBs and KPC. Table 5.1 5.8 At present, the tariff for NTPC bulk power supply into the state grids in the southern region is Rs. 0.60/kWh. 25/ With the exception of Kerala, which is entirely dependent on hydropower, the average tariff for sales in the southern region is higher than the rate paid for NTPC supply. X6/ The average tariff for sales is Rs. 0.53/kWh for Kerala, and varies from Rs. 0.62- 0.87/kWh in the other three states; for Punjab, the average tariff is Rs.0.67/kWh. As shown in Tabk 5.1, the net revenues in excess of minimum cashflow requirements would be positive for the mini-hydro 'cost centers" in each state, indicating that the mini-hydro "cost centers" would be self- supporting. C. Return On Equity For Private Sector 5.10 The State Governments in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh respectively are encouraging private companies to invest in mini-hydro schemes as an alternative source of captive generation. Recently, the Karnataka State Government approved leases for private development of several prospective mini-hydro sites including the canal drop scheme at Maddur, and the dam based scheme at Mudhol. The Andra Pradesh State Government also has offered leases to private investors for the development of all the mini-hydro prospects that are covered in this study (ie.,the cluster of five schemes on the Guntur Branch CanaL the schemes on the Lock-In-Sula Regulator of the KC CanaL etc.). Z/ The average cost of generation in PSEB thermal power stations is of the order of Rs.0.90/kWh; variable costs due to fuel and annual operation and maintenance is estimated to be Rs.0.60/kWh. X6/ The other states depend to a greater extent on higher cost thermal power stations. For example, the cost of power from TNEB's existing thermal power stations at Mettur and Ennore are estimated to be Rs.0.95/kWh and Rs.1.06/kWh respectively. The cost of generation at KPC's Raichur thermal power station is estimated to be at least Rs/0.75/kWh, and the cost of generation at APSEB's Vijayawada thermal station exceeds Rs.0.8/kWh. - 45 - 5.11 The aim of the financial analysis was to determine the rate of return on equity for potential private investors, based on the conditions stipulated in lease agreements in Karnataka (Box 5.2), including restrictions on how financing should be mobilized; private companies would be required to contribute at least 25% in the form of equity, raise up to the maximum of 50% of the required capital investment for the schemes in the form of loans from IREDA (Box 5.1), and secure the balance as debt from private sources. It was assumed that private commercial loans would be secured for repayment over 6 years at an interest rate of 17%. 5.12 With the conditions of the lease agreements in Karnataka, and assuming that designs presented in this study are adopted, the cost of generation at the Maddur canal drop would be Rs.0.73/kWh. Similarly the cost of generation at Mudhol would be Rs.0.61/kWh. The installed capacity of the irrigation based mini-hydro schemes will not be available at all times during the year; this implies that the financial savings should be confined to the variable costs of industrial diesel auto-generation (Rs. 1.16/kWh). terms of Lease Agreements in Karnataka the State Goverrwmnt of Karnataka has offered private companies the option of obtaining lohg term teases to develop mini-hydro schemes on irrigation canals. The basic terms and conditions which are stipulated in recent lease agreements between the Karnataka State Government and a few private companies, and are pertinent to the analysis of the financial viability from the private company's perspective are as follows: (a) a nominal fee of Rs.1000 per animum wilt be charged for the duration of the tease which allows for private ownership of the mini-hydra facilities to extend over a 40 year period; (b) a royalty for water use will be charged at the rate of 10% of the orevaiting electricity tariff for high tension industrial cornuers. The royalty would be Rs.0.115/kWh at current tariff levels in the state; (c) electricity duties will be levied from time to time, as is required by the state goverrwwnt; (d) the cost of installing a transmission line to connect the mini-hydro scheme to the state grid wilt be borne by the private company. For each of the schema reviewed by ESMAP, the estimates of total capital costs already include the grid-tie requirements; (e) the operation and maintenance costs of the mini-hydro scheme would be borne by the private company. The OUt costs are estimated to be 1% of the total capital costs of each scheme; and Cf) a charge equivalent to 10% of energy wheeled through the state grid will be imposed by the KES to cover the costs of power transmission from the captive mini-hydro scheme to the point of consumption by the prfvate company. Box 5.2 5.13 Taking into account the annual generation of each scheme, the deductions that would be allowed for depreciation (i.e., assuming 20 year straight line depreciation), wheeling charges to be levied by the Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB), but not the payments to be made to the State in lieu of electricity duties and the levies for maintenance of the irrigation reservoirs, the return on equity contributed by the private companies to develop each scheme would be 45% for the Maddur scheme, and 75% for the Mudhol scheme. Prina face it would seem that development of the two schemes would be an attractive investment for private companies which - 46 - need to secure a non-diesel source of captive power; private companies, especially those that plan to acquire diesel generators, would be in a position to pay royalty charges to gain access to the use of regulated water flows from irrigation reservoirs such as has already been proposed in Karnataka. ,ETI ON EITY .F, ,,tPTIVATE 1INW.TORS : cFhe Hims ; Saddur 'kuchol .siitagttd Capacity (NW) 2.0 1.0 AwNwi Genra8tion (GWil) 8.93 5.20 : .. ilbeing Charge (lOX) ....... 05 . -: et Generation (C) 8:04 4.68 CapitM Cost tRs. milliont 2.26 11.40 . Construction Znterest (Rs. milli-n) 3.03 1.43 ..Jotal Financing (Rs. million) 27.29 12.83 Financing Ptan (Ra. milions).. .. Equity (25%) 6.82 3.21 Public Financing (SOX) 13.6S 6.41 :-Private Financing t25%) 3.= Total Investment 27.29 12.83 C"hf low Requirement (Ro. aitlion/yeSr);; D ebt Servicin 4.37 2.05 : oRyatties (ft.0.1¶5/kh) 1.03 0.60 Total Cashf lo; 5.88 2.88 Cost of Generition (Rs./kilh) : ini-hydro Schenm 0.75 0.61 Standby Oiesel Generator 1.16 1.16 Financial Savings (Rs. million) - Standby Diesel Generator 3.44 2.55 less Depreciation (5X/yr.) 4 0 LUA1 Nit Financial Savings (Rs. mitlion) Standby Dieset Ceneator 3.10 2.39 Of aetwn n Equity ' 7S Source: ES4AP estimates Table 5.2 - 47 - ANNEX A DERIVATION OF MINIMUM ANNUAL ENERGY PRODUCTIVITY - 48 - ANNEX A Pagel of 4 AMNIN A: DERIVAT ON OF NtNIMU AWNAL-ENRGY -PIONUTIVITY Introduction In order to inprove the economic viability of irrigation based mini-hydro schemes the primary objective for design is to maximize the number of kilowatt hours produced annually per unit of investment; the length of the irrigation season a critical factor in determining the economic viability of schemes since the aim is to achieve a high plant load factor. The concept of Uminimum annual energy productivity" is a useful criteria for screening design proposals for prospectives schemes. The value of the minimum annual eneray productivi y is derived from the estimated economic value of energy, as presented below. The minimum value for economic viability remains a constant and does not change with plant factors. 1. Derivation of Minimum Annual Enerav Productivity The key parameter is the economic value of the power to be supplied into the grid by the prospective irrigation based mini-hydro scheme; this value was determined to be Rs. 0.80/kWh. as indicated in Chapter 4 (paras. 4.3 through 4.7). Other parameters include: (i) the discount factor (12X p.a); (ii) the Standard Conversion Factor (0.80), which in accordance to standard World Bank practice in India is applied to convert financial costs into economic costs; OMii) the economic life of the mini-hydro schemes which is assumed to be 25 years; and iv the annual operating and maintenance (O&N) costs which is assumed to be 2X of the capital costs. From the above, the capital recovery factor was estimated to be 12.7X p.a. Also since is it assumed that construction would take 18 months, interest during construction is applied for one year at the 12% p.a. discount rate. II. Calculation of Maximtr Toterable Investment (Rs./kW) The first step is to calculate the maximum tolerable investment per installed kilowatt which would enable power to be produced at or below the economic value for energy (i.e., Rs. 0.8/kWh). For illustrative purposes, it is assumed that the plant load factor would be 30X (i.e., the plant would produce 2628 kWh/kW installed capacity). The maximun tolerable investment per installed kW varies with plant load factor, as shown in Figure Al. a. arnual value of energy produced is (0.80 Rs./kWh x 2,628kWh/kW installed) or 2,102 Rs./kW installed. b. the equivalent investment including construction interest charges is 2,102 Rs./kWh divided by the capital recovery factor plus annual OL cost factor (i.e., 0.127+0.02). The coffouted value is 14.254 Rs./lk c. Hence, the equivalent investment less construction interest charges becomes 14,254 divided by 1.12 or 12.726 Rs./kW. In eonomic terms, the maximum tolerable investment per kU installed - Rs. 12,726 In financial/commercial terms (i.e., after applying the Standard Conversion Factor of 0.8), the maximum tolerable investment per kU installed becomes (12,726 divided by 0.8) or 15.908 Rs./kW fi1. Calculation of Miniium Annual Enerav Productivity per Rupee Invested The minimum annual energy productivity per unit of investment is derived from the economic value of energy; it however is not dependent on the plant load factor and therefore is a more useful criteria for designing irrigation based mini hydro schemes where different configurations with a range of plant load factors need to be screened. The value of the minimum annual energy productivity is derived by dividing the annual energy output of a given scheme by the maxim... tolerable investment, as indicatftf below. The results for a range of values of the economic value of energy is shown in Figure A.2. a. (2628 kWh/kW installed divided by 12,726 Rs./kWh) a 20.6 kWh p.a./100 Rs. invested in economic terms b. 20.6 kWh p.a./lOORs. x SCF (0.8) becomes 16.5 kWh p.a./100 Rs. invested in financial terms - 49 - ANNEX A Page2 of 4 Design Criteria for Schemes Maximum Tolerable Investment Levels RsA./W installed (Thousands) 25 , l -20% pit --30% Plf,. 10 . *--4 ---4-0x--'--.............. + _ , . 104 F ,,,,......,,,,:::::.::::,.. ........................ .....' ,, O.B 0.7 0.8 0.9 I Economic Value of Energy (Rs./kWh) Figure A.1 Criteria for Design of Schemes Minimum Annual Energy Productivity kWh per annum/ 100 Rs. invested 30 25 ". . .. ....... ..... ................................... ................................. 15L J 0.8 0 0. 0.9I Economic Value of Energy (Rs,/kWh) Figure A.2 -50- ANNEX A Page 3 of 4 ; '6E.. L@. FaCtr .E 4< I.. '....*. *. ,2. ,xW'.""".."..'. kst ,,. OIwtr~ h 20. 11.3 Xtotriat 15i.6 1i 1, l ,., 4. * . *4............ ... * . *4b*.B *? ..4.. . ; Tabte Ag2 U#SUIlTR.Ik) 5?J 53 77 - *.,f xTbL.OA...........*l_"*ts ............:' '...:,, :: : : .. t :AAT .'.) :;-.2. ..... -.f: . :O................. .;..- *:.'..i..................... ., t ..., ',. '.es .; ( sf.5ss- ........... .,:.). .: ............ ...... energ I prtld (kIIfllOO.Re 72.t1 :d8.-.- Tebte A2 -51- ANNEX A Page 4 of 4 PM&CI tMNI-HYDRO SCHEM .D ,:,..~~~~~~~~~~~ .... . .*-.."._.,_ _ . .,. . . . . . .. . .. ._. .. .. .. .... :apacIty (ku) 1500 1000 N... w'gy output (Glh) 10.0 6.9 l.atnt: oi4 Factor <} 0.7 0.7 Cast. .te . .tim,.tes, tivif Structures 2.0 2.0 ,: . . :.Eletro-Nch 4.4 3.3 .': EleetrIlcets 3.3 3.0 Orid-Tie ..... .............~~~~....... ................. .......... . TQ. . tatit .9.; S. _w_*b_ ~~........... ,-s-.... ... ......... ............_ .,. estafent C6.ikg) 6480 8138 >. W P,odQuct vity (kWh/100 Rs.) 103.1 83.1 ~~~~~~~~~~........... .......-.... -. TableA 3 - 4AMIYAR ZUIN-IIYDR0 SCHEME .> _*_,__,,.,,_.,_............... ;.................................._,___..__ : CpciPty (kW) 6*2500 3*5000 ehergy Output (Gci) 56.8 50.5 aPtaat toad factor 1X) 0.4 0.4 : st Estfmates eivil Structures 13.0 13.0 Electro-Mech 41.0 31,5 - Eleetricals ~~~~31.0 48.3 , ~~~~~~~~~....... ... ..... Total 85.0 92.8 .. .s.+. ................., _.. _............... P.. .,....._,,,_,,,_,,,,_, invetiient (Rs./kU) 5665 6187 Enrgy Produ;ctivity (kUb/Rs.) 10.0 8.2 .......... ............. ................................... TableA4 - 52 - ANNEX B DElERMINATON OF DESIGN HEAD FOR DAM BASED SCHEMES -53- ATNEX B Page 1 of 6 ANNEX B: DETERMINING THE DESIGN HEAD FOR DAM BASED SCHEMES The Lower Bhavani Scheme, Tamil Nadu Lower Bhavani Irrigation dam is located in Satyamangalam Taluq of Periyor District in Tamil Nadu, and is about 60 km by road from the city of Coimbatore. The dam discharges through five sluices, each of which has a dimension of 1.83m x 3.05m, and can handle an equivalent of 30 cumecs. The TNEB proposal would utilize discharges through two sluices, hence the remaining three sluices would be used as by-passes in the event one or two units are shut down. Head Duration Curve The TNEB provided ESMAP with 15 year series reservoir data on water draw down levels and tail water levels respectively. The data was used by ESMAP to prepare a series of curves to explore the relationship between head, flood rise level (FRL) in the reservoir and tailwater levels, etc. as shown in the graphs. From the head duration curve, it is apparent that the variation in head for an average year would be 15.92 m for a tailwater level (TWL) of 259.60 and 16.92 m for a TWL of 258.60m. For 1974, which was selected as a critical year for design purposes, a head of 16m and above was available for only about 10% of time (at TWL of 256.52). The equivalent availability for other heads were as follows: (i) 15m - 30%; (ii) 13m - 54%; (iii) 1 Im - 70%; and (iv) 9m - 82%. A gross head of 15.5m was available for 20% of the time. Tafiwater Rating Curve The other curves shown below are based on the following relationships. The variation in gross head is plotted with changes in: (i) discharge level (at a reservoir draw down level of 2683); (ii) discharge level (at a reservoir FRL of 280.25); and (iii) the installed capacity, is plotted in the other two curves respectively. These are represented as H = f(Q) at reservoir level 268.30; (ii) H = f(a) at FRL 280.25, and (iii) H = f(N), where N is 3500 kW, 7000 kW and 10,500 kW, based on H = N/8.5Q. The intersection points "A" indicate for a discharge of 36 cumecs (draw down level of 268.30 meters, N = 3500kW), the available head would be 11.2 meters. Similarly the intersection point "C" indicates that the net head would be only 10.5m for discharges of 80 cumecs for an installed capacity of N = 7000 kW. For un installed capacity of 7000 kW, the reservoir level would fall to 268.8 meters. The sluices would be required to handle discharges of 78.5 cumecs which would be about 10 cumecs more than the maximum available discharge (67 cumecs) that was available during the entire 15 year period covered by the data. If the minimum reservoir level increased from 268.86 to 274.4, a discharge of 48 cumecs would allow for a guaranteed output of 7000 kW for a head of 17.2 meters. By restricting the discharges to 60 cumecs, the draw down level would fall to about 273 meters, and an 7000 kW output could be maintained at a design head of 15.5 meters. No '4-4 0 *57.49 25sas2 1 33 257.33 25727 957.go t3r7qo29N 1466. 13 TAIL RATING CSRVE IS BASEP 0H 100 06 CANAL FLOWS WlITOUr POWEdR HOUSE :r - 60 9/S 0F SLIRCE. 1 MIIM o0 TAIL WATER TAKINo 11110 S EREN 1- OF DRA89 O f DRAFT T&383 OUT LET I5 25.9O0 3 TnuS LEveL HaS &aN LooRED To 288l 60 WITH INICUNED "tAFT TUBS z HEACE FOR NET HEAD CALCULALTIOS 258.60- 26.8 so - -71 co is C.OmSo - - DEREK LOST DUE 1T 5 QGEMC CX*=wtON AGAINST 2-nl to FOR ' 10/HORIZONrAL DRAFr ruSa 0 s 2S . . -* 10 20 o0 40 50 60 7tLOWTO SA00 D4SCUARGE IN CUMECS. _-VI14UN1 YDRO POWER o T^uI WATER RATIMG CURVE SMCET I OF a 30-0 I tOSOD A~~~~~~~~~ Q WA\ LWAXEEL \ 3500 54EET I OF 2 INDICATE S NET hE4AD FOR DRAW DOWN | % . LEVEL OF 268 30. 1-5I SUEET INDICATES Q V s H CONDIORS FOR DRAW DOWN 1-EVEL Of 274-40 1000 . . , _,_, , , to 20 so 40 so 60 70 ea 0 as, ~0 nlo 300 U 28025 FRL vo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 M 1 \A<\ 10~~ ~I 00 -30 (et) 274- 40 M)D.D L. 20-00 csi 60000 $Cg I0*00 ot ~~~~~~~~~~~AS - NRT HEAD FOR, INSTALLED CAPACITY c a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SSOO AKO0 DISClAARGE au _ zIS 6 S¢C s I} CO- NET KEAD 15 ao-Som FOR INSTALLE CAPACITy 7000 kW .t z a REQUIRED PICAE 0 I FO T4IS CONDITION O * { D ' ' $ , , 16 78-Sm5/ Sec. 10 290 30 40 50 60 70 peo go 100 0io 120 _57 - ANNEX B Page 5 of 6 The Brindavan Scheme, Karnataka The Brindavan Dam is located on the KRS reservoir, which is part of the Cauvery River basin. The proposed mini-hydro schemes would utilize discharges from the dam into the Visveswaraiah Main Canal. Head Duration Curve and Tailwater Curve The proposed Brindavan minihydro project near Mysore envisages utilization of flows in three vents which feed the Viswesawaraiah Canal. Based on the analysis the relationship between head and discharge levels (i.e., the TWL rating curve), and the head and draw down levels for a range of installed capacities, the available bead would exceed 13 meters for 50% of time. Hence 13 meters is used by ESMAP as the design head. Table i.: Brindavan Dam Mini-Hydro SuCheme, DeBuln Calculitions for Net Head Discharge-a TWL Head (meters) Head (meters) (cumecs) (meters) relative to FRI rehative to MQDL tO 733.45 18.80 14.14 20 733.70 18.55 13.09 30 733.90 18.35 13.69 40 734.08 18.17 13.51 50 734.23 18.02 13.38 60 734.40 17.85 13.19 70 734.57 17.68 13.02 80 734.68 1757 12.91 90 734.80 17.45 12.79 100 734.92 17.33 12.87 Hz F(Nlnst) a NInstI8.5 0 Discharge-0 Head (meters) for Head (meters) for Head (moterls) to (cumecs) Ninst. 5000 kW Afinst- 3500 kW Mgist- 2500 kW 10 S8.80 41.18 29.41 20 29.41 20.59 14.71 30 19.60 13.73 09.80 40 14.71 10.29 07.35 50 11.77 08.24 05.88 60 09.80 06.86 04.90 70 08.40 05.88 04.20 80 07.35 05.15 03.68 90 06.54 04.50 03.27 100 05.88 04.10 02.94 Discharge-0 Head (meters) for Head (meters) for Head (meters) for (cumecs) A Ninst- 7000 kW Ninst- 7600 kW Ninstw 10500 kW 10 82.35 88.23 123.53 20 41.18 44.12 81.77 30 27.45 29.41 41.18 40 20.59 22.06 30.88 50 16.47 17.65 24.71 60 13.73 14.71 20.59 70 11.76 12.61 17.65 80 10.29 11.03 15.47 90 09.16 09.80 13.73 100 08.24 08.82 12.35 %0 4.4 IMS!T l0,500 | 0 9S.0 0 "4)~~. igm CURVES FOR MET HEAD isoCUswa i = F (Q) FOR Na INST io,soo kw .0|\ CURVE Cs) a 7, Kw CURVE 4 - 7.000 kw CURVE 5,ooo kw 60@o i MST \ CURV S) S3.500 kVi _ °°°\ \\ \ CuRvr - s oo kw 9 5 A CURVE GC I F(G) AT MAIMUM RESERVOIR WL. (F.R.L) t- 60.0 \ \ CURVE ® 1 4 F(Q) AT MINIMUM amsEsvRvoar% WI. Z 45.o0 \ 40* I(EFOR r 4 INST 10500 KW aj~~~ 4 i :. BRINDAVAN lo 20 30 40 50 60 70 so loo 1MINI HYDRO POWER PROJECT > Of SCHARP ? It4 CulIECs - 59 - ANNEX C BY-PASS ARRANGEMENTS FOR IRRIGATION BASED MINI-HYDRO SCHEMES - 60 - ANNEX C ANNEX Ca BY-PASS ARRANGEMENTS FOR IRRIGATION BASED MINI-HYDRO SCHEMES Irrigation flows should not at all be disrupted by the operation of the mini-hydro schemes. This is a critical design condition which requires the installation of appropriate by-pass arrangements for most schemes. The main types of by-pass arrangement that are considered by ESMAP to be compatible with the designs presented in this report are reviewed below. Bl-Pass Arrangements for Dam-Based Schemes The main objective is to maintain irrigation discharges through dam sluices when the mini- hydro scheme has to be shut down at short notice because of operational problems such as a short circuit or system failure. In several of the schemes covered in this study, there would not be a major problem because there would be adequate capacity in the remaining sluices to handle the required discharge levels. For a few schemes such as the Brindavan Dam in Karnataka, the plan is to install penstocks turbines in each of the three sluicps; by-pass arrangements are therefore necessary to ensure that irrigation operations would conti ie even when the units have to be shut down. The flow duration curve for Brindavan indicates that the irrigation discharges vary from almost zero to as high as 300 cumecs; however the maximum discharge to be handled by the mini- hydro scheme would be 100 cumecs. Hence during the 60 days (i.e., 18% duration level) that irrigation discharges would exceed 100 cumecs, all the surplus flows (about 50-60 cumecs in each sluice) has to be released through a by-pass arrangement. The proposed configuration of the scheme is 3 units of 3500 kW each, would require the discharge of 30 cumecs through each sluice; each of the sluices has an cross-sectional areas of 7 square meters and hence the discharges would occur at a velocity of about 4 m2/sec. However to accommodate the maximum discharge of 100 cumecs per sluice, the velocity would be about 13 m2/sec., which can only be handled by lining the sluices with steel. Accordingly the proposed by- pass arrangement would be in the form of a steel conduit. The steel conduit would be a pipe of about 2.5 to 3.0 meters in diameter which would be connected to the penstock at a point slightly upstream of the intake to the power house. A pressure regulator may not be necessary because the existing canal structure is able to fully absorb the hydraulic jump immediately downstream of the sluices. The proposed arrangement is shown in the drawings below. By-Pass Arrangement for Canal Drop Schemes For canal drop schemes, the alternatives would involve: (i) installing the by-pass immediately upstream of the powerhouse; or (b) installing automatically regulated crest gates at t.ie drop structure. For illustrative purposes, the options for the Guntur Branch Canal are reviewed. The canal which is designed to handle about 80 cumecs, has a bed width of the Guntur Branch Canal is 22 meters; the side walls have a slope of 1:1, the depth of the flows is about 3 meters, and the free board is I meter. The drop structure at the proposed scheme is 25 meters wide. Since the location of the powerhouse (i.e., on the by-pass channel) is relatively far from the drop structure, there may be some difficulties in synchronizing the operation of crest gates and the turbines. Moreover, mechanical means have to be used to operate the gates which would be large (i.e., 25 meters wide). The recommended arrangement would be to install a by-pass at the powerhouse, using one of the three configurations which are illustrated below. 1 0-0 1 IKST 10.500 75s | 3~~~~0 0 H lttST| 85-0 CURVES FOR NET HEAD ,,0 ,< \CURVE N H F (Q) PFOR N INST 10.500 kw 75o0 7| \ CURVE = _ 7, So KW 700 CURVE ( 7.000 kW 60\\ \ CURVE (:E = 5,000 kIw 60-o a MsT CURVE (EJ = 3,500 kV/ 5 0 0 0 s s o \ \ \ > C u R V 6 1 P 2 , s0 o k w CURVE i R- F (0) AT MAXIMUM R£SERVOIR WL (F.R.L) w _ \ 9 \ CURVE iC) 4 F (Q) AT MIMIMVM RESERVOIR WI. 45.0 0 | t | tAST X14 F(Q) FOr N ',ST too50o kW 4 00 3\ a4 034 150 So11I O0 50 60 _2 t } ,_ __t 2 §1 F r- -='BRINDAVAN to 20 so 46 50, 00 710 80 so '< °MINI HYDRO POWER PROJECT - > OISCHARG5 R IN CUMECS . _ , . - _ _ _ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- - -- - Page 62 -600mm.R.CC WALL IPROPOSEDI oP y E PASS PIPgE - A B A RICK MASONRY ANCHOR BARS SECTION -A.A :~~~~~~~~ EL7 -4.6L - C -- i.- L - SECTION OF PENSTOCK, POWER HOUSE & DRAFT TUBE PL A N A E L E VA T I O N PLAN OF POWE R HOUSE NOTES :- UPSTREAM ELBOW WITH CROSS WALLS, LONGITUOINAL WALLS A' AND El IN SECTION A A INDICATES PHASE-I MINI HYDRO P(>NER PROJECT ANDL SERVE PASSPP COFENTAMFRE LIE.TAHE CLEILLULAR STRUCTURE AND PHASE CONSTRUCTION . DRILLING FOR FOUNDATION ESMAP -STUDY WILL SERVE AS COFFER DAM FOR EACHMASONUNIT. ANCHORS IS WITH JACK HAMMER. ROCK EXCAVATION IN TAIL RACE IS WItH DRILLING AND WEDGING. DAM BASED SCHEMES WITH ALTERNATIVE POWER HOUSE^ LAYVOtJTS ...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 W o. . .. CD~ 03 GENERAT0R HOUSING X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~PENSTOCK\ to 1~~~~~~. DUCT ?_ VALVE a ROD A RLIEF PISTON I5. HYDRAULIC SERVOMOTOR A 6. 6 SLIDE VALVE ELEVTO 5 7,89,1J0.II. PIPES.ELVTO VALERL CASE PLLAN l -{ - ir _ilT OF A S'NCHROIOUS liPSS VALVEIR NSTC 0 FLOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- F I~~~~~~~~~~~SIA CCASE 0 TURNE PRESSURE REGUATOR OPERATION OF PRESSURE REGULATOR &MFl HYMOPO PROJC ESMAP STUDY BYE PASS WITH HOLLOW BSUNGER VALVE AND PRESSURE REGULATOR Page 64 -RRAFT TUBE EXIT "'-BYE PA SSI(Ow ) PIT TURBINE WITH BYE PASS I m tDIFFERENT DESIGNS OF COMBINED HPPS -- ~~~~LEG3END:- (BYE PASS AND TURBINE FLOW) Ot -FLOW THROUGH TURBINE. OW-BYE PASS SPILL. OENERATOR NOTES - I. PIT TYPE ( DRAFT TUBE EXIT TO BYE PASS I, 3I VERTICAL SHAFT W,TH ELBOW DRAFT TUBE BYE PASS Ow w BELOW DRAFT TUBE at X 33i1. b VERTICAL SHAFT BYEPASS JOINING DRAFT TUBE OOw at EXITING INTO BYE PASS SPILLWAY CHANNEL, OtJ at~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PIT TYPE PIER OUTLINE. PIERS FOR PIT TYP>'. ITOY APPLICABLE FOR HEADS UPTO 10 METRES. AND BYE PASS BYE PASS FOR DAM & CANAL BASED POWER STATION - 65 - ANNEX C B-Pass Arrangement for Closed Conduits The options for such schemes (e.g, Kuttiyadi) would be similar to those for the dam based schemes that use penstocks. To maintain the pressure in the conduits, the appropriate arrangement would be to install a pressure regulator valve, as illustrated below. - 66 - ANNEX D UNIT COSTS OF EQUIPMENT (1990 PRICES) - 67 - ANNEY D ANNEM D: UNIT COSTS OF ELUWIPIENT FOR NINI-HYDRO SCUHCES (1990 Prices) Main Con*onents for Costina Schemes. 1. The total capital costs for each of the prospective mini-hydro schemes are derived according to the following components: (i) Hydro-mechanical Ecauipment, comprising of the turbines (including auxiliaries) and inlet valves; (it) Electrical Eauiument, comprising the induction generators (including auxiliaries), transformers, and other electrical equipment such as breakers, switches, fuses, etc.; (Mii) Civil Structures, comprising the intake structure, water conveyance structures (e.g., penstocks, open channels, concrete conduits, draft tubes, etc.), powerhouse structure, and water level control structures (e.g. gates, stop togs). Cost of Hydro-Neciianical Euuimment Table 1: Unit Costs - Inlet Valve, Turbine and Auxiliaries (Rs. millions) Runnr Diamtete (mwi) 2800 2500 2000 1800 1600 1400 1250 1000 Inlet Valves 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.18 Turbine & Auxiliaries 9.2 8.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.5 gote: Inlet valve diameters are 200-300 mm. larger than runner diameters. C0st of Electricat EguiMnDt Table 2: Electrical Costs - Induction Generators Pard Auxiliaries (Rs millions Capacity (KW) 350 650 100Q 1250 1500 2000 2500 3500 Cost (Rs. Millions) 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 7.5 Table 3: Electrical Costs - Transformers (Rs. million) V.ltage (KV) 0.415/11 3.3/22 3.3/33 111110 KVA 500 1200 1750 5000 1625 3125 4700 13250 18750 Costs 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.8 2.0 2.5 Voltage (KV) 3.3/11 KVA 1250 1625 2500 3125 3750 5000 5625 6250 9000 Costs 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.3 - 68 - ANNEX D Other Electrical Ites: Table 4: Electrical Cost Breakers, A.S. Switches, N.G. Fuses, Lightning Arrestors and Pole Structures (Rs million) Voltage (KV) 11 22 33 110 Breakers 0.15 0.2 0.22 0.45 A.D.Switches 0.005 0.006 0.009 0.02 H.0.Fuses 0.001 0.002 0.005 - Lightning Arrestors 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.054 Pole Structures a/ 2p 0.02 0.02 0.03 4p 0.04 0.04 0.06 6p 0.06 0.06 0.08 a/ see attached schematic on pole structures. Installation Costs In the absence of data on the actual costs of installing mini-hydra equipment in India (i.e.,turbine and auxiliaries, generators with auxiliaries5 and switchyard equipment), the installation costs have been estimated taking into account the following points: 1) Total number of simitar runners 2) Total number of similar generators. 3) Rurnner installation takes place during early and middle stages of project construction when facilities are restricted. 4) Altgrnent tevels of equipment have to be carefully fixed and delay in civil works may upset erection schedule. Runner I Generator No. of Erection Costs diameter Capacity Units (% of (%of (mm) (kW) electro- electricals I mech) ) 2800 1000 10 1 _4 1_s__ 2500 3500 5 5 s _ 1000 2 5 6 _________ 650 13 5 5 2000 2500 6 5 7 1500 4 5 7 _________ 1250 8 5 5 __________ 1000 25 7 350 5 7 1400 2000 2 4 1500 5 4 6 1000 3 4 4 650 13 4 3 330 6 4 3 1250 1500 1 4 7 ._________ 1000 3 4 7 650 7 4 6 .-________ 350 18 4 4 1000 1250 2 4 4 350 4 4 4 4 '_ POLE STRACTURE.--- tPOLE STRACTURE. SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM A 4W.4POLE STRUCTUREI $6POLE STRUCTURE A). 2POLE STRUCTURE C.6 POLE STRUCTURE dR t t ! ~1 1 K V 2 2 KV - 3000 MMt ~~~33 KV - 4500 M tt81 I9)4 POLE (ji STRUCTURE S , L _O_i __ X _ } I 0 \iEscrfiPrtoN !ItKV 22KV 33KV I _=_ i L--- .. __ - L t I 2POLESTRUCT .018 .015 .02 Cr*G v 2 4POLE STRUCT .04 .04 45 f> 3 6POLESTRUCT .055 .055 .0751 VI1W A & E VIEW-C VIE-4 L.ARRE,GR .001- .0018 .005 -I.LI6"IS ARRESTOR 2.A.B.LtTCH 3. I r C.FUS 5 A.B.SWITCH .005 .008 .01 - ~~~~~6 CAPACITOR 2 ~ ~~I BANK K00 KVAR . 015 .02 .025 k 7 ~_ __H.G.FUSE .001 .002 .003 B.TA-loN SEI9CE WANSFXER 6.L.T.DIiTRl@UTIONSERVICE TRANS FORMER. .015 .02 .03 __________ ____ ____ ~ ~ 9 L.T.Oistribution L~~~LI~~LJL~ ~~~CS 4) TICA-L AL ~ EtMINI H4YDRO POWJER PROJECT VIEW AE VIEW-C VIEW-B9 FOG VIEW-0 STANDARDISED ELE-CTRICAL i.LIGHTNING ARRESTOR 2.A.0.SWITCII 3. N.6.FUSE 4 CAPACITOR SANK.SYTMLOU -15.STATION SERVICE 'TRANSFORMER 6. L.T. DISTRIBUTION BOX WITHG FUSE. sadtmsJV4S6 9 5 0 co t C0 0A 0W 0 1-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1l 0~~~~~~~~9 3 0~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. CJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L 1C SI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I - 71 - ANNEX E SAMPLE COST ESTIMATES FOR CBVIL WORKS COMPONENT OF BRINDAVAN SCHEME - 72 - ANNEX E Page 1 of 6 ANNE E: SIMPLE COST ESTIPATES FOR CIVIL MS C TNUT OF BNINAVAN SCHEME Tab Et: frindavan Dam Sch=e - Civil Lorcks Cost (in Rs million) Item Description of Wlork Cost 1. Excavation 0.033 2. Concrete 0.514 3. Steel a) Reinforcement 0.298 b) Structural Steel 0.654 4. Other items and miscellaneous 2.01 Total 4.200 A suiaary of the civil works costs based on project components are given below. Table E2: Brirdavan Dam Schem - Civil Works Costs by Prolect Cow-t in ts ilies item Prolect C onent cost 1. Approach pipe (RCC) & Penstock 0.43 2. Power House 0.67 3. Tail Race & Auxiliaries 2.17 a) Draft Tube (0.5) b) Tail Race (0.07) c) Reoulators (1.6) 4. Others 0.93 a) Preliminary works (0.15) b) Tenporary Sheds (0.1) c) T & P at 1 (0.035) d) Naintenance Charges at 1 % (0.035) e) Establishment Charges at 8 X (0.282) f) Miscellaneous at 5 X (0.176) g) Vehicles, etc (0.1) h) Rouding Off (0.052) Total 4.200 The details of penstock, powerhouse, tail race including draft tube, and regulators and preliminaries are shown in Table 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively - 73 - ANNEY E Page 2 of 6 Table E3: Brundvm Dm Schm - foaMh Pipe ad P 6mtok Cas (in lb Ritliin) iLtemn~grk UnIW 9axntiXx Iat t 1. Preparation of surface including Squ 35 13.2 0.0005 bending, cleaning, chiseling, etc 2. Providing and laying 14 20 cc mix with Cum 39.12 905.35 0.035 20 mm and down size aggregates for approach pipes (RCC) including mixing, laying, vibrating, curing, etc 3. Providing and reinforcement including Tomes 3.1 8843.6 0.027 fabrication charges etc., conplete for item 2 4. Providing and fixing penstock pipes including Tonnes 11.79 25000 0.295 fabrication charges 5. Providing and Laying N 20 cc mix with 20 m NSA Cum 29.64 905.35 0.027 for covering the penstock pipes including mixing, laying, vibrating, curing, etc 6. Providing and fixing reinforcement including Tonnes 2.33 8843.6 0.021 fabrication charges for item 5 7. Contingencies at 3 X 0.013 8. Work charged establishment at 2 % and rounding off 0.010 Total 0.428 - 74 - ENNEX E Page 3 of 6 Table E4: rrindavan D Scheze - oei Huse Costs (in Rs mdtlion) I tem Wo-rk Yntt Quant t Rate Cost 1. Preliminaries such as surveys, setting out, etc LUmp Sum 0.010 2. Excavation in hard rock Cup. 12.35 78.2 0.010 3. Preparation of surface including benching, cleaning, chiseling, etc SqW 123.5 13.2 0.002 4. Providing dowel rods including drilling rods Rmt 60 92.8 0.006 5. Providing and Laying M 20 cc mix with 20 mm NSA Cum 60.8 824.28 0.050 for covering the penstock pipes including mixin3, laying, vibrating, curing, etc 6. Providing and laying N 20 cc mix with 20 mu NSA Cum 166.09 905.35 0.150 including mixing, laying, vibrating, curing, etc compete for walls and beams 7. Providing and laying N 20 cc mix with 20 mu NSA Cum 38.91 905.35 0.035 for roof slabs including mixing, laying, vibrating, curing, etc for roof slab 8. Providing and fixing reinforcement including Tonnes 22.58 8843.6 0.200 fabrication charges for item no. 5, 6, and 7. 9. Providing and laying mass concrete mix 1-15 with 40 CLm 143.56 750.53 0.108 mm NSA for filling the place between the units up to the level RL 736.69 m including mixing, laying, vibrating, curing, etc complete 10. Providing and fixing rolting shutters of size 3 x 4 m Sqm 12 521.6 0.006 both mechanically and electrically. 11. Providing and fixing steel windows SqU 6 72 0.004 12. Providing oil painting to PH walls Sqm 429.22 8.6 0.004 13. Providing weather proof compound LS 0.010 14. Providing weather proof course over roof slab Sqm 121.6 49.5 0.006 15. Water supply and sanitary arrangement to power house LS 0.020 16. Providing drainage arrangements LS 0.015 17. Contingencies st 3 X 0.019 18. Work charged establishment at 2 X 0.013 19. Rounding off 0.002 Total 0.669 - 75 - ANNEX E Page 4 of 6 Table E5^ Brindavan Dm Sdwhma - Draft Tube Cost (n as millaio) 1. Excavation In hard rock Cu 171 78.2 0.013 2. Providing and fixing draft tube steel pipes including fabricatfon charges Tonne 14.37 25000 0.359 3. Providing and laying RCC draft tube pipes up to gate structure using CC, N-20,20 - NSA including mixing, vibrating, curing, etc Cus 26.88 905.35 0.024 4. Providing and laying concrete covering for steel draft tube pipes using 1-20, CC mix Cum 36.3 905.35 0.033 S. Providing and fixng reinforcement including fabrication charges for item no. 3 and 4. Tonne 4.96 88U43.6 0.044 6. Contingencies at 3 X 0.014 7. Work charged establishennt at 2 X 0.009 8. Rounding off L0 Total - 76 - AnNEX Ex Page 5 of 6 Table E6: Brindavan Dao Schm - Tai t ace Costs (in Rs million) LtO Uork Unit Quantity Rate Cost 1. Excavation in hard rock Cum 123.5 78.2 0.010 2. Preparation of surface including binding, SqW 120 13.2 0.002 3. Providing M-20,20 m NSA for tail race bed concrete including mixing, vibrating,laying, curing, etc Cum 57 905.35 0.052 4. Contingencies at 3 X 0.002 5. Work charged establishment at 2 X 0.001 6. Rounding off Total 0.069 Table ET: Brindavan DOm Scheme - egutors Cost (in is million) JItem KUor Unt Quantit Rate Cost 1. Providing and fixing tail race gate including gantry crane and erection Cum 1 1500000 .500 2. Contingencies at 3 X '.05 3. Work charged establishment at 2 X !.031 and rounding off Total 1.581 Table E8: Brifncwn DaOn Scheme - Prel iminar iWorks Costs (in Rs million) Ite Uork Cost 1. Surveys 0.025 2. Hydrological and Neteorological investigations 0.025 3. Testing of materials 0.025 4. Printing project reports, estimates, etc 0.025 5. Vehicles for inspecting officers 0.02 6. Surveys and Mathematical instruments 0.02 7. Niscellaneous and unforeseen expenditures 0.01 Total - 1 - 77 - ANNEX E Page 6 of 6 For the canal-based mini hydro schemes Maddur civil works cost estimates are given as examples in Table 10 and 11. TIble Eg: Natk&w Canal Civil torks Costs Estimte Cmn as mtllion) KPC Proposal tItem N.rk Mddur Alt.ll *addul AIlM. (190 Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost 1. Excavation a) Soil 143 30000 1.227 30000 1.227 4000 1.672 b) Rock 13 5500 0.521 5500 0.521 29000 2.749 2. Concrete a) M15 13 1420 1.015 1420 1.015 3000 2.145 b) 120 13 120 0.11 120 0.11 140 0.129 3. Steel a) Reinforcement T 25 0.26 25 0.26 23 0.24 b) Strwutural T 1 0.013 1 0.013 1 0.013 4. Embankment M3 31500 0.882 31500 0.882 13200 0.37 5. Miscellaneous L.S - 0.936 - 0.936 - 5 6. Uater Conductor 37 626 - system Total _23 11.22 12.3 Table 11: Naddtr Schm: Civil IJrks Costs by Prolect CorMnnent Cn Rs mi.tion) Intake ESMAP Alternatives Struclure Pstock Powerhouse Talrace Alt.1 Precast Home Pipe(200 m) 2.7 8.3 0.48 11.48 Alt.2 Cast in Sits Trough (300 m) 2.7 3.9 0.48 7.08 Alt.3 Cast in Sita Trough (100 m) 2.7 1.95 0.48 10.6 15.73 Att.4 Precast Home Pipe(100 m) 2.7 4.15 0.48 10.6 17.93 Alt.5 Open Turmel with Embankment 2.7 3.1 0.74 10.6 17.14 - 78 - ANNEX F LIST OF LOCAL MANUFACrURERS OF MINI-HYDRO PLANT IN INDIA - 79 - ANNEX F Page 1 of 3 ANMNEXF LIST OF LOCAL NUFACTURERS OF MINI-HYDRO PIANT IN INDIA A. Types of Turbines 1) Syphon: Tubular with syphon intake, turbine above tail water level and no gate or valve. Head restricted to 5 meters. For heads above 5 meters and up to 30 meters, syphon intake with extended penstock, setting below tail water level. Powerhouse - conventional. 2) Vertical Kaplan: Propeller with radial wicket gate configuration. Control system designed so that variation in blade angle is coupled with the wicket gate setting. Speed increaser providee. 3) Francis: Radial (low specific speed) and mixed flow types (peak efficiency at considerably higher specific speed). 4) Cross Flow: impulse turbine with partial arc admission conical draft tube. Flat efficiency curve for a range of 1/3 to full flow. 5) Propeller: Fixed blade with or without provision of manual adjustment of blades. Components include wicket gates, runner and draft tube. Blade adjustment, if provided, for 40-105% rated flow. 6) Tubular (upstream elbow): Generator outside and upstream of turbine. Connected through speed increaser. Blades fixed or adjustable (semi-kaplan). No wicket gates, shut off/start up valve or gate required. 7) Tubular (bulb): Generator within bulb directly connected or through epicyclic or planetary gears. Fixed or adjustable blades. Two variations to this type are rim type (generator rotor mounted on the periphery of turbine runner blades); Lip seal design limited to 15 meter head with runner dia 3.5 m). Fixed blades and capacity up to 2,000 kw. Escher Wyss design for higher heads and capacity or externally mounted right angle drive generator. B. Manufacturers by Location in India DELHI 1. Flovel Private Ltd. A-219, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I New Delhi-110 020 2. M/s. Triveni Engineering Works Ltd. Projects & Engineering Division B-65, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Delhi-110 020 - 80- ANNEX F Page 2 of 3 3. Jyoti Limited Industrial Area F.O. Chemical Industries Vadod&.a-390 003 KARNATAKA 4. Foress Engineering (India Pvt. Ltd.) Peenya Industrial Estate desarhalli Bangalore 5. Tungabhadra Steel Products Ltd. Tunga Bhadra dam Karnataka-583 225 KERALA 6. M/s. Steel Industries Kerala Ltd. Jupiter Building Complex Post box No. 807, M.G. Road Trichur-680 004 Kerala MADHIYA PRADESH 7. Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd Piplani Bhopal EUNJAB 8. Punjab Power Generation Machines Ltd. SCO 108 & 109 Sector 8-C Chandigarh-160 018 TAMIL NADU 9. Best & Crompton. Small Hydel Project Division 39, Industrial Estate (North) Ambattur, Madras-600 098 WEST BNA 10. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 3 B, Shakesphere Sarani P.O. Box 619 Calcutta-700 071 -81 -NEXF Page 3 of 3 C Cngines with Alternative Fuels MAHARASHTRA 1. Crompton Greaves Ltd. Kanjur Bhandup Bombay.400 078 2. Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. 13, Laxmanrao Kirloskar Road Khadki Pune-411 003 urT,AR PRADESH 3. Sterling Machine Tools B-13, Foundry Nagar Hathras Road Agra-282 006 D. Battery Powered Vehicles MADHYA PRADESH 1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. P.O. Piplani Bhopal-462 022 MAHARASHTRA 2. M/s. Chatabe Vehicles (India) Ltd. "Sadguru", 16-French Bridge Road Chowtalty, Bombay400 007 - 82 - ANNEX G TECHNICAL DRAWINGS FOR CASE STUDY SCHEMES 1. Brindavan Dam Scheme, Karnataka 2. Maddur Canal Drop Scheme, Karnataka 3. Kilara Canal Drop Scheme, Karnataka 4. Guntur Branch Canal Scheme, Andhra Pradesh 5. Kuttiyadi Tailrace Scheme, Kerala 6. Tugal Canal Drop Scheme, Punjab 7. Lower Bhavani Dam Scheme, Tamil Nadu PoWER HOUSE E5MAP ALrERNATTVI T, B | K.R.S. RESERVOIR 43 e~~~~~FR L EL 752.25 i \. I f :. . ,- wF o I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ..... 0.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 ° -us/i(sas NMOMTS FOR ESMAP K.P.C.M OML ALTERNATIVE) cocoflut & ,n2 o ird ~~~~~~~~~~~oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~n Ar'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Suoron _ VAshveshworagz: canol- __'f7' ! ~~~~~~~~~S U L _ _ / e 74L . - 1 A--. ~~~~~~Pddy fieIdS. ~..~ .- LAYOUT PLAN XP.C.L.ROPOSAL NOTES REFER SWEET 2 OF 2 FOR ESMAP ALT WTr4 POWER HIOUSE AT SLUICE. THE SLUICES (AN DIVES_T --,ouH ...... jrhvo Kr (747 Tu HANDLE 9X2OaGOm*/Sc OR A MAXIMU1M OF 91 M-o 1-cowo4y *s9uBSUWU C**o Cb - .l. Ar DRO 3X3Om'l/SEC. SURPLUS FLOWS* (V ANY,CAM BE _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ . M i IiA t 4 L E D 1t" %P C L A L T UR H A TV E W IT H S N PI O l 4 itWE INTAKE (s5OW IN 1S4 $ATHANUR--N.N.E.B DRAWING) AND A LARGE CAPACITY - n I r~ - ----- -- S N SIAFT & UPST REM Roc ELBOW--- - _ TYNE POWER O PO W R PRO EC Q~~~~~tLLT TUNNELwf,,I __ _2, J w ~~~~~~~~~MINI HYDO POWER PRQJBCT ESMAP STUDY laBRINDAVAH DAM & POWER HOUSE SECTION OF POWER HOUSE - KPCL PROPOSAL KPCL PROPOSAL A FSNAP ALTER%ATIVm SHEET: i OF 2 s859w4S5( , ) CJL OF 5LUICE 3 -s C/L oF SLUICE 2 C/1L OF SLUICE I-, DETAILS ARE 5SHOWN CLwm ,IN PLAN AND SECTION OLF Si. E EI.734-61 L34TW- 61.73230 ~ ~ ~ ~ : EL733.64 L- S.-TION OF P845TOCK, POWER I4WSE MI DRAFT TU8. - ---- ----- --- --- 1. _ ~~~~~~~ ~~~5600 __ 6000 _ _2j MINI _ YDRO POWER PROJECT 1 ~~~~~EStMAP STUDY BR2INC)AVAN DAMA AND fPOWER S4OUSE PLAN OF POWE HOSE ESMAP ALTERNATIVES SHEE.T 2 OF 2 sadstw4859S( .1) -85- H I 150: 0l i 1:X OL9tF WATER CONDUCTOR SYSTEM __A (hMC 5 OMWMhi ,1~ PLASSNOWR 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PA CH-0 SUM.SN ,_-1.rzwtxsx_' CRE5 _O CR OT E0 s0 >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P" FO mtwR MOMENT JAY, CH WT _E COrEll _NUi 69LN CH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5900 HDRITDWtAL 59AFT~~~~~O CANELATFOEB YSL 8OU- ol - 4 n 4 |FPX |(OA1NA R f0 ii HOo PWf RJC RD B ! $1 ii F "1 L ! 2 t | waCDun Casaa PowrR HD USE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*f B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r.A EL 7 r ° 51 PROFILe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EA~ OF SWPPA191 WEIRTR rs WAil.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Rsw}55 \_ _ 86 - 14°° ' * 0 X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a-B - '°4 *44 ,-.j H t-644- 'B CROSS SECTION Al CH: esso == CROSS SET1NA CH: 9210 CROSS SECTION AT CH: 93a0 CEOSS SECTION Al CIT ESSO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ COS SCIO r H 98 B-A BALBj r--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~4 H~~~~~~~A "T CROSS S~.CI0wCROSSI:SECTION9 ATY OU FL120 E a 4 4j 4 2. ..................*.... 9 . _ ¢ S E C T IO N OF POWER hO U SE - ESMAP ALT- 3 . I OTA S ~~~~~~~~ NOTES: _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t 1F4 -T- I . K.| L _2sc--u oo _ _ r ~~~~~~PLAN OF POWER 14OUSE-E3MAP 'L 3 DTI EENORwRUUE-ATa D.A_PAT PTEMED SECTON Off DAM & POWER HOUSE KPt.C.L. PR0ROSAL SEE OEVX_ &7TP L3N se9^W1HCDSFO IA> 94~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CIA TD B09 B oocI. OBO e 9T O AQ4W,N .0-4 40 9 CUANAL It - a *7 1l 4 ,4 0l9 94PRO1ECT LAY4L4 T KPCLA PROPOSAL MAPIVw4S LALTNSN7 88 - _H,u,YDAuIC PERTICLLAMS m . 0 0225 D 0ROP AT Jl DOFP Ar IT DP AT r DROP AT r DEMP Al S F PERT7CU.4IS 2LE-2-F2-00' MIE 2-3 -220t Et2-F4-440' MIE2-Fs-5t' M1EZ-f7-220' A l - vA U/s I D v$ tl/5 |i, li/f S I D/5 1V5 0JS _. 1 CU5OCS 37 37 3 3t40 3#4 3440 944-0 3440 3440 344D 34.f-4 2 O0o F01L IN 97fl40 t 25.312. *IA2,ft3 *m.447 t12J.3l0 t.1,260 *NIE .39 4,,9. 405 1J73577 It7531 NIg.3A 3 8tS0 wIornm 2{.344 2J. 34,6 oE 346 20 34 23, 346 26. 3K4 -2d.346 Zl. 36 2S 3K6 13" 4 f5D IA(MRS ST 3.I7 .. IT 3.7 [3. 7 3, 17 9317 3.,17 .17 ,.17 j 9.17 5 Ff1L IN 1 r1 ti 3 25.42, 1`26.,53 24.07 S 1,'124.4g3 tI4.444 t2l±,601 +22, .7C W,2t ,W A 120. Y00 '119.402 5 7514 IN A1TR.7. W123.36 *IZ77,548 *2I537. 2.,393 N2.s.3522.,223/23 W,430 t 121.661 120,391 e $01 W.Drli OF / 0. tia 2 .3657 C. 0.961t3,.67 6,096 /3,657 6,090/3,6,7 C,l0 0 61 , 6g7 l2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~SRAE AL Iho111 1111 170 ,1- 111 1/700 00011 1/72000 170 PR 0 19 ItEHT ORoO ,.29 2. 134 1,.20 1,291. _ i _ rI ASL DIMEN NS . -41 V\MI U 7'E CRESR 4TH 23.20 - _ tS 2t.0 | LE1i20ONS '~~~ 4. Nolso ~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~iP R O Po:A L - ~~~~~~~~~~~, __ .~~~~~~~ 92 DRP - 11 CREST LEVEL 1,123. 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SUITABLE REIOSHAESS C0EFP0c1ENr 910NrRHO r 117.4 70 TESTS L1)VING151 i ?EEA1,.ero. 25*.2- o 2--2222 0012,1 3It,ls, 24/H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II IIYDRO POWER PROJECT GUNTUR CAN/AL PCW01i HOU/SE tLYOU7 ESMAP STUDOY GUiNTUJR CA,NAL DROPS FROM 2-2-02 T02-7-200 APSE 8 PROPOSAL AND ESMAP ALtERNATIlY0 LAYOUT SHEEr lOF sads/w48596j 9.) - 89 - 4- = - .A kalI R> ATL.I^A, Aor pAnOros *A F HATFAZLF XFL ^ > ~~254M 2i . 256 SLUICESO WE R A _ ~~~~~~~~~L 25_0 i S. 90 || A PWRHUE N A T L42C TAIL WATE St LEVEL CDY 7.c4--O ROC a':OERMU KEY PL A N ESMAP LTr ATIY Zx3SOOkw ALT ~~ ~ ~ SMP LT-RATv 2x 3500kw ALT _ SHEET 3 Of 5 sad_w4859s{ 7r) - 97 - i EL 26S.00 IVOOD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DRV 7A E OSDEE70T SSCA EL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E 259 .45 CANAL SLUICE EL 254.00 SIZE #3x 3.05 L.- S E C T I ot N OF PENSTOCK POWE-R HOUSE 4DRAFt TUL E 1- AL 4RANEMN OR _EEAO PK)W..E;R 1 -lO (B ELT.DRIVE) £$M AL 2 U.M_=N _ CANAL EE O TOP X ~PROPOS7DO O)~Yg Y| _ ~~~~~ALT -I _ : - r~~~ L AN 2x360w ALT SUITABLE MODlf CAIONS0 SUCH AS RIM I - ~~~~~~~~~~TYPE OR BELT DRIVE TO RIC*T ANGLE > ~~~~~~ADDltlONA. FLOOR SPACE If NECCSAYLT ' ~~LOWER SHAVANIEMPP°XY NC ALT IRRANGEMENT FOR GENERATOR' MVR U4OtUSE (INELTr DRIVE) E5MAP ALTERNATIVE 9HEE'T 4 Of 5I $ads/w48W6( 79 0 B =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TW L EL 2SS@.6 ~OFSI L-SECTION OF PENSTOCK POWER HOUSE AND DRAFT TUBE 00 MASONRY OaM 13008in l _. 5~~~950 _ 6000 vo _ 1 r r l l I0 3500 7 C 4 ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ teZ 2400 z tv 2 . 1< _ _ < = t g R E~~~~FSSAP S;TUD' ( LOwER BHAVANI P LAN - PaWER HOU POWER I40U SE 3x2SOOkw ALT ESMAP ALTRHt4AT%VE SHEET S OF S eadS4W4( 80) ENERGY SECTOR MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME COMPLETED ACTIVITIES County Actity Date Number SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Africa Regional Anglophone Africa Household Energy Workshop 07/88 085/88 Regional Power Seminar on Reducing Electric Power System Losses in Africa 08/88 087188 Institutional Evaluation of EGL 02/89 098/89 Biomass Mapping Regional Workshops 05/89 - Francophone Household Energy Workshop 08/89 103/89 Interafrican Electrical Engineering College: Proposals for Short- and Long-Term Development 03/90 112/90 Biomass Assessment and Mapping 03/90 - Angola Energy Assessment 05/89 4708-ANG Benin Energy Assessment 06/85 5222-BEN Botswana Energy Assessment 09/84 4998-BT Pump Electrification Prefeasibility Study 01/86 047/86 Review of Electricity Service Connection Policy 07/87 071/87 Tuli Block Farms Electrification Study 07/87 072/87 Household Energy Issues Study 02/88 - Urban Household Energy Strategy Study 05/91 132/91 Burkina Faso Energy Assessment 01/86 5730-BUR Technical Assistance Program 03/86 052/86 Urban Household Energy Strategy Study 06/91 134/91 Burundi Energy Assessment 06/82 3778-BU Petroleum Supply Management 01/84 012/84 Status Report 02/84 011/84 Presentation of Energy Projects for the Fourth Five-Year Plan (1983-1987) 05/85 036/85 linproved Charcoal Cookstove Strategy 09/85 042/85 Peat Utilization Project 11/85 046/85 Cape Verde Energy Assessment 08/84 5073-CV Household Energy Strategy Study 02/90 110/90 Comoros Energy Assessment 01/88 7104-COM Congo Energy Assessment 01/88 6420-COB Power Development Plan 03/90 106/90 C6te d'Ivoire Energy Assessment 04/85 5250-IVC Improved Biomass Utilization 04/87 069/87 Power System Efficiency Study 12/87 - Ethiopia Energy Assessment 07/84 4741-ET Power System Efficiency Study 10/85 045/85 Agricultural Residue Briquetting Pilot Project 12/86 062/86 Bagasse Study 12/86 063/86 Cooking Efficiency Project 12/87 - Gabon Energy Assessment 07/88 6915-GA Country Actvity Date Number The Gambia Energy Assessment 11/83 4743-GM Solar Water Heating Retrofit Project 02/85 030/85 Solar Photovoltaic Applications 03/85 032/85 Petroleum Supply Management Assistance 04/85 035/85 Ghana Energy Assessment 11/86 6234-OH Energy Rationalization in the Industrial Sector 06/88 084/88 Sawmill Residues Utilization Study 11/88 074/87 Guinea Energy Assessment 11/86 6137-GUI Guinea-Bissau Energy Assessment 08/84 5083-GUB Recommended Technical Assistance Projects 04/85 033/85 Management Options for the Electric Power and Water Supply Subsectors 02/90 100/90 Power and Water Institutional Restructuring (French) 04/91 118/91 Kenya Energy Assessment 05/82 3800-KE Power System Efficiency Study 03/84 014/84 Status Report 05/84 016/84 Coal Conversion Action Plan 02/87 - Solar Water Heating Study 02/87 066/87 Pen-Urban Woodfuel Development 10/87 076/87 Power Master Plan 11/87 - Lesotho Energy Assessment 01/84 4676-LSO Liberia Energy Assssment 12/84 5279-LBR Recommended Technical Assistance Projects 06/85 038/85 Power System Efficiency Study 12/87 C81/87 Madagascar Energy Assessment 01/87 5700-MAG Power System Efficiency Study 12/87 075/87 Malawi Energy Assessment 08/82 3903-MAL Technical Assistance to Improve the Efficiency of Fuelwood Tjse in the Tobacco Industry 11/83 009/83 St4tus Report 01/84 013/84 Islamic Republic of Mauritania Energy Assessment 04/85 5224-MAU Household Energy Strategy Study 07/90 123/90 Mauritius Energy Assessment 12/81 3510-MAS Status Report 10/83 008/83 Power System Efficiency Audit 05/87 070/87 Bagasse Power Potential 10/87 077/87 Mozambique Energy Assessment 01/87 6128-MOZ Household Electricity Utilization Study 03/90 113/90 Niger Energy Assessment 05/84 4642-NIR Status Report 02/86 051/86 Improved Stoves Project 12/87 080/87 Household Energy Conservation and Substitution 01/88 082/88 Nigeria Energy Assessment 08/83 4440-UNI Rwanda Energy Assessment 06/82 3779-RW Energy Assessment 07/91 8017-RW Staus Report 05/84 017/84 Improved Charcol Cookstove Strategy 08/86 059/86 Improved Charcoal Production Techniques 02/87 065/87 -3 - Country Activity Date Number Sao Tome and Principe Energy Assessment 10/85 5803-STP Senegal Energy Assessment 07/83 4182-SE Status Report 10/84 025/84 Industrial Energy Conservation Study 05/85 037/85 Preparatory Assistance for Donor Meeting 04/86 056/86 Urban Household Energy Strategy 02/89 096/89 SeycheUes Energy Assessment 01/84 4693-SEY Electric Power System Efficiency Study 08/84 021/84 Sierra Leone Energy Assessment 10/87 6597-SL Somalia Energy Assessment 12/85 5796-SO Sudan Management Assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Mining 05/83 003/83 Energy Assessment 07/83 451 1-SU Power System Efficiency Study 06/84 018/84 Status Report 11/84 026/84 Wood Energy/Forestry Feasibility 07/87 073/87 Swaziland Energy Assessment 02/87 6262-SW Tanzania Energy Assessment 11/84 4969-TA Peri-Urban Woodfuels Feasibility Study 08/88 086/88 Tobacco Curing Efficiency Study 05/89 102/89 Remote Sensing and Mapping of Woodlands 06/90 - industrial Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance 08/90 122/90 Togo Energy Assessment 06/85 5221-TO Wood Recovery in the Nangbeto Lake 04/86 055/86 Power Efficiency Improvement 12/87 078/87 Uganda Energy Assessment 07/83 4453-UG Status Report 08/84 020/84 Institutional Review of the Energy Sector 01/85 029/85 Energy Efficiency in Tobacco Curing Industry 02/86 049/86 Fuelwood/Forestry Feasibility Study 03/86 053/86 Power System Efficiency Study 12/88 092/88 Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Brick and Tile Industry 02/89 097/89 Tobacco Curing Pilot Project 03/89 UNDP Terminal Report Zaire Energy Assessment 05/86 5837-ZR Zambia Energy Assessment 01/83 4110-ZA Status Report 08/85 039/85 Energy Sector Institutional Review 11/86 060/86 Power Subsector Efficiency Study 02/89 093/88 Energy Strategy Study 02/89 094/88 Urban Household Energy Strategy Study 08/90 121/90 Zimbabwe Energy Assessment 06/82 3765-ZIM Power System Efficiency Study 06/83 005/83 Status Report 08/84 019/84 Power Sector Management Assistance Project 04/85 034/85 Petroleum Management Assistance 12/89 109/89 Power Sector Management Institution Building 09/89 - Charcoal Utilization Prefeasibility Study 06/90 119/90 -4. Country Acdti Date Number ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Asia Regional Pacific Household and Rural Energy Seminar 11/90 - Bangladesh Energy Assessment 10/82 3873-BD Priority Investment Program 05/83 002/83 Status Report 04/84 015/84 Power System Efficiency Study 02/85 031/85 Small Scale Uses of Gas Prefeasibility Stu-y 12/88 - China County-Level Rural Energy Assessments 05/89 101/89 Fuelwood Forestry Preinvestment Study 12/89 105/89 Fiji Energy Assessment 06/83 4462-FUJ India Opportunities for Commercialization of Nonconventional Energy Systems 11/88 091/88 Maharashtra Bagasse Energy Efficiency Project 05/91 120/91 Mini-Hydro Development on Irigation Dams and Canal Drops Vols. I, II and III 07/91 131/91 Indonesia Energy Assessment 11/81 3543-IND Status Report 09/84 022/84 Power Generation Efficiency Study 02/86 050186 Energy Efficiency in the Brick, Tile and Lime Industries 04/87 067/87 Diesel Generating Plant Efficiency Study 12/88 095/88 Urban Household Energy Strategy Study 02/90 107/90 Biomass Gasifier Preinvestment Study Vols. I & II 12/90 124/90 Malaysia Sabah Power System Efficiency Study 03/87 068/87 Myanmar Energy Assessment 06/85 5416-BA Nepal Energy Assessment 08/83 4474-NEP Status Report 01/85 028/84 Papua New Guinea Energy Assessment 06/82 3882-PNG Staus Report 07/83 006/83 Energy Strategy Paper - - Institutional Review in the Energy Sector 10/84 023/84 Power Tariff Study 10/84 024/84 Solomon Islands Energy Assessment 06/83 4404-SOL South Pacific Petroleum Transport in the South Pacific 05/86 - Sri Lanka Energy Assessment 05/82 3792-CE Power System Loss Reduction Study 07/83 007/83 Status Report 01/84 010/&4 Industrial Energy Conservation Study 03/86 054/86 Thailand Energy Assessment 09/85 5793-TH Rural Energy Issues and Options 09/85 044/85 Accelerated Dissemination of Improved Stoves and Charcoal Kilns 09/87 079/87 Northeast Region Village Forestry and Woodfuels Preinvestment Study 02/88 083/88 Impact of Lower Oil Prices 08/88 - Coal Development and Utilization Study 10/89 - Tonga Energy Assessment 06/85 5498-TON Vanuatu Energy Assessment 06/85 5577-VA Westemn Samoa Energy Assessment 06/85 5497-WSO -5- Country Acfivity Date Number EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA (EMENA) Morocco Energy Assessment 03/84 4157-MOR Status Rxport 01186 048/86 Pakistan Household Energy Assessment 05/88 - Assessment of Photovoltaic Programs, Applications, and Markets 10189 103/89 Portugal Energy Assessment 04/84 4824-PO Syria Energy Assessment 05/86 5822-SYR Electric Power Efficiency Study 09/88 089/88 Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Cement Sector 04/89 099/89 Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Fertilizer Sector 06/90 115/90 Tunisia Fuel Substitution 03/90 - Turkey Energy Assessment 03/83 3877-TU Yemen Energy Assessment 12/84 4892-YAR Energy Investment Priorities 02/87 6376-YAR Household Energy Strategy Study Phase I 03/91 126/91 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN (LAC) LAC Regional Regional Seminar on Electric Power System Loss Reduction in the Caribbean 07/89 - Bolivia Energy Assessment 04/83 4213-BO National Energy Plan 12/87 - National Energy Plan (Spanish) 08/91 131/91 la Paz Private Power Technical Assistance 11/90 111/90 Natural Gas Distribution 03/91 125/91 Prefeasibility Evaluation Rural Electrification and Demand Assessment 04/91 129/91 Chile Energy Sector Review 08/88 7129-CH Colombia Energy Strategy Paper 12/86 - Costa Rica Energy Assessment 01/84 4655-CR Recommended Technical Assistance Projects 11/84 027/84 Forest Residues Utilization Study 02/90 108/90 Dominican Energy Assessment 05/91 8234-DO Republic Ecuador Energy Assessment 12/85 5865-EC Energy Strategy Phase I 07/88 - Energy Strategy 04/91 - Haiti Energy Assessment 06/82 3672-HA Status Report 08/85 041/85 Honduras Energy Assessment 08/87 6476-HO Petroleum Supply Management 03/91 128/91 Jamaica Energy Assessment 04/85 5466-JM Petroleum Procurement, Refining, and Distribution Study 11/86 061/86 Energy Efficiency Building Code Phase 1 03/88 - Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels Phase I 03/88 - Management Information System Phase I 03/88 - Charcoal Production Project 09/88 090/88 FIDCO Sawmill Residues Utilization Study 09/88 088/88 Country Activity Date Numer Mexico Improved Charcoal Production Within Forest Management for the State of Veracruz 08/91 138/91 Panama Power Syscem Efficiency Study 06/83 004/83 Paraguay Energy Assessment 10/84 5145-PA Recommended Technical Assistance Projects 09/85 - Status Report 09/85 043/85 Peru Energy Assessment 01/84 4677-PE Status Report 08/85 040/85 Proposal for a Stove Dissemination Program in the Sierra 02/87 064/87 Energy Strategy 12/90 - Saint Lucia Energy Assessment 09/84 5111-SLU St. Vincert and the Gruiadines Energy Assessment 09/84 5103-STV Trinidad and Tobago Energy Assessment 12/85 5930-TR GLOBAL Energy End Use Efficiency: Research and Strategy 11/89 - Guidelines for Utility Customer Management and Metering 07/91 - Women and Energy-A Resource Guide 'Te International Network: Policies and Experience 04/90 - 083091 Thmi reS Th, 79. . ' -d 4 W~~ 06,KARNATNDHRA PRADESH AA the AOt olt f TAKA.ANDHR f z Wold0 o. d lR KARNATAKA "dnd =koo d lA. hR I- -- t0..,.. c.o..oroU .,y -,Sg Mod.as '4.~~~~ ~ ~ ~ .1A 1V0"'_, /a<,' . Z _/fiS j < o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Konthoporo.. ) n~~~nogrnl, ; /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eRoo Boo,s t A~~~.A KARNATAKA )c...,N , \ i ' -~~~~~~~~~~~~ -'t t < ~~~~~~~~PNDICHERRY Ud. ... r 0_ (~~~~~~~* - ' .. IV % Coimbotore - . KARAIKAL (Pondicherry) T,ro,bcWhoppoIIio Thonjor Aiy, , l_~~~ J- /m vhy<< '\ b-- 26~~~~2 PROJECTS COMPlETED KOZHIKODE 29 ..f" 1. CHEERAKUZHI 2 M*AAMPUZsA K 3. WAtAYR KuftioA,6 - 31 4. MANGAtAM /30 5. POtHUNDY ,, 6 GAYATHRI - ) 7. VAZHANI , 5. ffECHI4 2. 9. CHAtAKUDV 32 3. ,J 34fk tO. NEYVAR - PROJECTS UNDER IMPLEMENTATION MALAPPURAM t- 22 11. KAULADA j1 12 MUVAITUPUZHA 1i IOAAALAYAR \ " 14, KAKKA0AVU ( PALGW-A 9 > II PAZHIASSI i M J,PZIOY 1A KUTIAOY -- 35 36 1,1 A 12 KANHIRAMPUZHA ' 7 // 5 4 , Mangflgu It CHITTURPU2HA 5 \-g.vc/ It PIRIYAR VAtEVY \P .R ! /i 20 PAAAI \IACHR- 21. KARAPUZHA 22. ATTAPPAY Chimoni \ 3 23. CIUMINI-011UP1. 23 .38 3 13~~~~~X 19 t> \ , MwpI h /,8 KOTTAYAM ' ___,#5 # QUILON j I / : ~ ~~~ o, 20X, 30 40 50 60 s8 " Kit V %'-< KARNATAKA C1 V , 8 , S w .EW X ~~~~~~~INDIA \ K U R N O,fiO L i0 $t # .Onyoie gSiDEVELOPMENT OF IRRIGATION BASED MINI-HYDRO PROJECTS To If_ tr_v2r iPROSPECTIVE SITES IN ANDHRA PRADESH 'A N A N T IPUR. Mnioi htop X C ;+;A pA1cli *dnl44ydie Pried - Canals wi.th Muiple MInliHydro Sit 4 {~~~ t_1>, ~~ cudphf Nehe_ Dams W4 < _ &, t U , X X t . Rivers 14 14 > 7g-#>/-) < ~~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~+~~ X ,&'' ;<'- ¢ ~~~~~~~~~~~Railroads / Stte Capital I District Headquarters } t C H I T T O atR - | - District Boundaries ,,,,,,,,_~"~ To h..go/o r Chittooc , .. - State Boundaries KIL 0llOMETER E ~~~ 8 55 ItO ~~~~~~~~~~150 - |_.- 0 2S SO 75 5 70 T. J MILES TAMIL NADU ' 8-` /82 NOVEMBR 1990 INDIA DEVELOPMENT OF IRRIGATION BASED MINI-HYDRO PROJECTS PROSPECTIVE SITES IN KARNATAKA 8. A ^*gFiiHydrDtrojK j fGODAVARI < f % tBor MAHARASHTRA S o -Si B o. / . ( o Molew Tao. ,ad Cta -' * - Se and Union TQ BCSY I"d _ Goloor~G~I,ago 8 50 100 lr~ _vz-s ? I, Stl. ..dU.i- T. --,-y 61.l. oBi , ~~s ise~~~~~ S* < * o ~~~~~~~~~~~C A U V E 1E trV M-00It Horang; " . t slor - r TAMIL 12' NADU P0N3iERJ) K E RA LA LA( _ X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 , ,4\r thi, "bOr Jqk,e X J A M M U 17iiff7*710[-f f7Th7Widd A tI D ? 7#w A. b- :^sto77277 K A S H M I R / pa007, ~V.5oAtn5 nnd77 Pa 7an717Inwobr .fw j . g LolUDCsOllNroH I M A C H A L / . ^*v (Pobt.I b..t U400 MWI pR AD ES H vr'~~~~~~~~~~~~h N f4 \ j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ne ,Croo=onnensin.\ P AK I S T A N , . - on, C ' ji tovgSo X Lolo '$ \ tet> 7C Snli ydr f~~~~~~ 'nd~r ' 55utan,5, N.., Kp.,thol.~~~~~as. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R, H.1 w ._ Feropu, 8on-w°A &Gilf oLtdhinoRo-o / k Bneron AG"i f2bbln\ D.n.iieA N--g- g ' aMohoh KibA vJiT^Roh o PoziolAoch r<-i -g-f ,,i D - ADiolpuro ,; 0., R HaJ A S r H N , t 'S- ATh.hi ) Af y H A RaY A NnASgal ANdAp O lO 20 3L 4L SL] aD ~ ~ ~ ~ ALsib-1 I I IC 5,,,1 40 so 6nl KILOMETERS INDIA DEVELOPMENT OF IRRIGATION BASED MINI-HYDRO PROJECTS PROSPECTIVE SITES IN PUNJAB • Prospecti/e Mini-Hydro SiCs Popsed Small Hyrro Sibs Waterlaogd Areas • Existing Mini-Hydro Projects - --Eistin Mai. and Branch Canals Saline Areas Exishing Distributary Canals Rivers o SiDtann s Hodworkrs a Shbe Copithl o Towns and V,llopos - Stat or Union Temrri Bsoundaries -Intrnational Boundaries