11694 THEt -WORLD ~~ BANK ATLAS Population Gross natio nal product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gross national product per capta ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Agriculture in gross domestic product Daily calori supply per capita - - ~~~~~~~~~~Life expectancy Total fertility School enrollment For 185 countries and ternitories In three languages En trois langues En tres idiomas .:......GO il M ; k b -;: e - *; -~~~~~J~~9 w , 1? ,1X qv %r e /,/~~~~' CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES INDICE 3 Introduction 3 lintrodtictioni 3 Introducci6n 4 Population of the world's counLries 4 Population des pays et territoires 4 Poblaci6n de los paises y territorios del and territories du monde mundo 6 Statistics on 185 countries 6 Statistiques sur 185 pays et territoires 6 Estadisticas sobre 185 paises y tcrritorios and territories 10 Pnb par habitant, 1987 10 Pnb per cApita, 1987 10 Gonp per capita, 1987 12 Taux de croissance de la population, 12 Tasa de crecimiento de la poblaci6n, 12 Population growth rate, 1980-87 1980-87 1980-87 14 Gnp per capita growth rate, 1980-87 14 Taux de croissance du pnb par habitant, 14 Tasa de crecimiento del pnb per cApita, 16 Agriculture in gdp, 1987 1980-87 1980-87 18 Daily calorie supply, 1985 16 Part de l'agriculture dans le pib, 1987 16 La agricultura en el pib, 1987 20 Life expectancy at birth, 1987 18 Ration caloriquejournalicre, 1985 18 Suministro diario de calorfas, 1985 22 Total fertility rate, 1987 20 Espdrance de vie a la naissance, 1987 20 Esperanza de vida al nacer, 1987 24 School enrollment ratio, 1985 22 Indice synth6tique de f6condit6, 1987 22 Tasa de fecundidad total, 1987 26 Technical notes 24 Taux de scolarisation, 1985 24 Tasa de matricula escolar, 1985 29 The World Bank 27 Notes techniques 28 Notas tecnicas 29 La Banque mondiale 29 El Banco Mundial THE WORLD 2ff BANK ATLAS --. 1988 TIhe World Bank Washington, D.C. The colors, boundaries, denominations, and Les couleurs, frontieres, appellations et clas- Los colores, las frontcras, los nombres y las classifications in this Atlas do not imply, on the sifications figurant dans cet Atlas ne signifient clasificaciones que aparccen en este Atlas no paUt of thie World Bank and its affiliates, any pas quo la Banque mondiale Ct sos institutions denotan, por parto del Banco Mundial ni do sus judgment on the legal or other status of any ter- affili6es aient porte un jugement sur le statut afiliadas, juicio alguno sobre la condici6n ritory,or anyendorsementoracceptanceof any juridique ou autre d'un territoire quelconque, juridica o de otra especie de ninguno delos boundary. ni qu'elles reconnaissent ou acceptent une territorios, ni aprobaci6n o aceptaci6n de nin- frontire quelconque. guna de tales fronteras. The Eckert IV projection is used for all maps. It maintains correct areas for all countries but Lesplanispheres ont6t6 6tablis selon la projec- En los mapas se ha utilizado la proyecci6n to soine extent distorts shape, distance, and tion Eckert IV qui donne une representation Eckert IV que permite mantener las superficies direction. exacte de la superficie de chaque pays, moycn- correctas de todos los paises, si bien a costa de nant quelques distorsions dans les contours, les algunas distorsiones en cuanto a configuraci6n, This is the twenty-first edition of the World distances et les directions. distancia y orientaci6n. Bank Atlas. The twentieth edition was dated 1987, and an update of its data was published La pr6sente brochure est la vingt et unieme Esta es la vig6sima primera edici6n del Atlas in April 1988. edition du World Bank Atlas. La vingtiome del Banco Mundial. En 1987 se public6 la edition 6tait dat6e de 1987, ct des donn6es vig6sima edici6n y en abril de 1988, una Copyright © 1988 actualisees ont ete publiees en avril 1988. actualizaci6n de sus datos. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank Copyright © 1988 Copyright © 1988 1818 H Street, N.W. Banque intemationalepour lareconstruction et Banco Intemacional de Reconstrucci6n y Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. le d6veloppement/Banque mondiale Fomento / Banco Mundial 1818 H Street, N.W. 1818 H Street, N.W. All rights reserved Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Washington, D.C. 20433, EE.UU. Manufactured in the United States of America First printing September1988 Tous droits rdserves Reservados todos los derechos ISBN 0 8213 1117 4 Imprime aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique Hecho en los Estados Unidos de America Premier tirage septembre 1988 Primera impresi6n septiembre de 1988 ISBN 0 8213 1117 4 ISBN 0 8213 1117 4 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCCION This twenty-first edition of the Atlas presents Cette vingt et unieme ddition de l'Atlas En esta vig6sima primera edici6n del Atlas se current economic and social indicators that pr6sente une s6rie d'indicateurs 6conomiques presentan indicadores econ6micos y sociales describe trends, indicate orders of magnitude, etsociaux quid&criventdestendances, fournis- actuales que describen tendencias, indican and characterize significant differences among sent des ordres de grandeur, et temoignent de 6rdenes de magnitud y caracterizan diferencias countries. Since the indicators are not always differences significatives entre les pays. La importantes entre los paises. Puesto que los in- strictly comparable in coverage and definition, couverture et la ddfinition de ces indicateurs dicadores no son siempre estrictamente com- readers should refer to the Technical Notes. n'dtant pas toujours strictement comparables, parables en cuanto a cobertura y definici6n, los This year's most recent estimates (1987) are il est recommand6 au lecteur de se referer aux lectores deben remitirse a las Notas teenicas. more preliminary than usual because the pub- notes techniques. En esta edici6n, las estimaciones mas re- lication cycle has been speeded up to release Les estimations les plus recentes (1987) du cientes (1987) son mis preliminares que de the latest data more promptly. pr6sent Atlas revetent un caractere plus costumbre porque el ciclo de publicaci6n se ha TheAtlasrevealsthatrealpereapitaincome provisoire que celles des annees prec6dentes, acortado a fin de poner en circulaci6n los has risen during the 1980s for the majority of le cycle de production de cette vingt et unieme ultimos datos con mayor rapidez. countries. Some sixty developing countries, edition ayant dte raccourci pour diffuser plus El Atlas revela un aumento del ingreso real however, have suffered declining gnp per rapidement les dernieres donn6es disponibles. per capita en la mayorfa de los paises durante capita. Relative income levels are also affected L'Atlas montre que le revenu r&el par los afnos ochenta. Sin embargo, el pnb per by currency fluctuations, which have been habitant a augmente dans la plupart des pays capita declin6 en unos sesenta paises en desa- sharp during the decade. I lence the levels and pendant les annees 80. Cependant, une soixan- rrollo. Los niveles relativos de ingreso tambien the ranking of gnp per capita estimates have taine de pays en d6veloppement ont vu baisser reflejan la influencia de las fluctuaciones de las changed in ways not necessarily related to leur pnb par habitanL Les niveaux relatifs du monedas, que han sido pronunciadas en el economic performance. revenu sont dgalement influenees par les flue- ultimo decenio. Por lo tanto, los niveles The social indicators provide evidence of tuations monetaires, lesquelles ont ete tres relativos y la ordenaci6n de las estimaciones improved standards of living since the early marqu6cs pendant la d6cennie. Aussi les es- del pnb per cdpita se han modificado en formas 1970s. Recent trends are difficult to discern be- timations du pnb par habitant et le classement que no guardan necesariamente relaci6n con el cause conditions change gradually and data on des pays etabli sur cette base ont-ils subi des desempenio de la economfa. those conditions are less current and less fre- modifications qui ne sont pas n6cessairement Los indicadores sociales tambien dan tes- quently gathered. Iiees aux resultats 6conomiques. timonio de mejores niveles de vida desde co- Les indicateurs sociaux temoignent aussi mienzos del decenio de 1970. Las tendencias d'une amelioration des niveaux de vie depuis recientes son dificiles de observar porque las le d6but des ann6es 70. Les tendances recentes condiciones cambian paulatinamente y los da- sont difficiles a cerner, car les conditions chan- tos respecto a estas condiciones son menos ae- gent progressivement et les donnees qui s'y tualizados y serecopilan con menor frecuencia. rapportent, collectdes moins fr6quemment, ne sont pas aussi actuelles. 3 THE WORLD'S COUNTRIES Population, 1987 AND TERRITORIES (millions) TERRITORIES ,-7Canada 9 PAYS ET M Less than 1 TERRITOIRES 1 9 DUMONDE PAISES Y lii 10 - 49 TERRITORIOS DELMUNDO 50 - 99 JamNc.Ht 100 or more Costa R . : . =F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rerich Guiar : No data v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Colombia (Fr) LINo data wtEc dot, Wegtern *Anlerican Samoa (US) Bolivia French Polynesia ominican Republic ~~ Tonga ~~~(Fr) Puerto Ricb St. Kitts and Nevis 'ArIjha Tog >*(F)3 'Antigua and Barbudas Vi rgi|n I slan sA'ss - M ontse rrat ( UK) _ / i,~~~~Guadeloupe (Fr) Argentina Netherlands Antilles %Martinique (Fr) (Neth) St Luciao A a St. V acerit Grefiad4~ 3 ~ Trinidad an Venezuela 4 I!nFae roe Islands 5 . P- (Den) Ice an * N - n *an< dRep of Germany d Cfu - People Jan al~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e Cape ofMauItani Gbatr(U K) l f ? a ta ;C AabRpIlaRl '' a4 Verde cco Poraqt (UK) dlRep of Gerbma; Maii Nlger ChadpamnRep ffi ,,/ 9o (Rort) -Trust Fer orTrrf Sierra Leone dAilb hre Cem Rep G (US) *(ItS) Llbena 8 _ neroonAfrican Rep J ;,lamicBRpu Aighani Togo -' h Uganda / ' ' 54, f > .' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kiribat , Eouatorial Guinea= 0 ti(abo OKenya/ t n g E>" * QoPapu Sue Tome and Prinoipa Zaire Burunai),l_ l * _ e ue Peopieas Rep. uf tne Conga \ ianzani a , Seyc1ulles n5 wo>,lnd Zno ami lw * Comoros Zimbabwe M~~~~~aritiu Zambia l Sa udi Emr s, amibia MuritdniaMacaoP aBotwana NigerReuo 'mon e Tt New Calednha t ,J t/ ~~~~~~(Fr) I'Asrla(Fr) e (nb New ZeIlandk STATISTICS ON 185 COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES Gnp Population (pp. 4-5) Gnp per capita (pp. 10-11) Real growth Growth (prate rate Real growth Life expectancy Total fertility School enrollment (US$000,000) (ercent) (000) (percent) (US$) rate (percent) (pp. 20-2 1) (pp. 22-23) (pp. 24-25) Country or territory 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986-87 1970 1987 1970 1987 1970 1985 Afghanistan' Albaniia .. ..3,022 3,087 2.1 . .. . ..67 72 4.8 3.3 .. 89 Algeria 58,770 63,560 4.1 22,520 23,060 3.2 2,610 2,760 0.9 -0.4 52 62 '7.4 5.9 59 73 American Samnoab. . . 37 37 2.2 . .. . ..67 ... Angola ... *.8,999 9,243 2.6 . .. . ..37 44 6.4 6.4 .. 49 Antigua and Barbuda 193 211 5.2 8 1 82 1.2 2,380 2,570 3.9 5.7 . . 73 . . 1.9 .. 63 Argentinia 73,108 74,490 -0.4 31,030 31,436 1.6 2,360 2,370 -1.9 0.2 67 71 3.1 3.1 85 94 Aruba' .. ..60 60 1.0 . . . .. . . Australia 167,952 176,301 2.9 15,974 16,180 1.4 10,510 10,900 1.5 2.5 7 1 76 2.8 2.0 98 100+ Austria 75,494 90.484 1.7 7,565 7,557 0.0 9,980 11,970 1.7 1.0 70 74 2.3 1.5 83 85 Bahamas 2,254 2,488 4.9 236 241 2.0 9,550 10,320 2.8 1.7 63 70 3.5 2.9 .. 74 Bahrain ... .431 445 3.7 . . , ..62 70 6.4 4.1 77 99 Bangladesh 16,131 17,408 3.7 103,213 105,868 2.6 160 160 1.0 1.6 45 51 6.9 5.5 44 38 Barbados 1.305 1,358 0.7 254 254 0.3 5,140 5,330 0.4 1.1 68 75 3.2 1,8 93 100+ Belgium 93,723 112,009 1.0 9,859 9,860 0.0 9,510 11,360 1.0 0.3 71 75 2.3 1.5 92 95 Belize 204 219 2.1 170 175 2.6 1,200 1,250 -0.5 2.0 60 67 6.5 5.0 .. 82 Benin 1,142 1,315 2.6 4,177 4,315 3.2 270 300 -0.6 -5.7 44 50 6.9 6.5 31 45 Bennuda 1,143 .. -0.9 *56 57 0.7 20,410 .. -1.5 ... ... . BhuLan 171 201 ..1,313 1,345 2.1 130 150 .. 10.6 34 46 6.0 5.5 6 15 Bolivia 3,866 4,150 -2.7 6,611 6,796 2.9 510 570 -5.4 0.3 46 54 6.6 6.1 69 75 Botswana 1,015 1,175 12.8 1,107 1,146 3.5 920 1,030 9.0 10.7 50 59 6.5 6.5 52 76 Brazil d268.594 314,642 3.3 138,370 141,235 2.2 1,830 2,020 1.0 1.5 59 65 5.0 3.4 72 85 Bruneid 3,571 .. -1.4 *232 240 3.8 15,390 .. -5.1 * , 74 ..' 4.2 . . 100+ Bulgaria ... ..8,985 9,004 0.2 . . . ..70 72 2.0 2.0 96 100+ BuTkina Faso 1.239 1,426 2.0 8,101 8,330 2.6 150 170 -0.6 -0.7 43 47 6.6 6.5 9 19 Burmaa ,.. . 37,670 38,410 1.9 .. . . .52 60 5.6 4.3 53 61 Bunmndi 1,143 1,205 2.3 4,834 4,978 2.7 240 240 -0.4 -1.1 45 49 6.4 6.5 13 29 Cameroon 9,629 10,441 7.6 10,548 10,927 3.3 910 960 4.2 -4.6 48 56 5.7 7.0 56 67 Canada 364,465 390,052 2.9 25,612 25,861 1.0 14,230 15,080 1.9 3.1 73 77 2.3 1.7 95 100± Cape Verde 154 170 3.3 335 343 2.1 460 500 1.2 3.5 56 65 7.5 5.2 74 66 Central African Rep. 774 912 2.0 2,654 2,727 2.5 290 330 -0.5 -1.2 42 50 4.9 5.8 40 46 Chad 704 805 4.9 5,146 5,273 2.4 140 150 2.5 -1.9 40 46 5.3 5.9 19 22 Channel Islands'.... . 130 130 0.1 . . . ..72 76 .. 1.5 Chile 16,179 16,468 -0. 1 12,327 12,537 1.8 1,310 1,310 -1.8 3.6 62 72 3.8 2.4 93 95 China 314,570 319,780 10.4 1,054,041 1,068,734 1.2 300 300 9.1 7.9 6 1 69 5.3 2.4 88 77 Colombia 36,495 36,027 2.4 28,961 29,498 1.9 1,260 1,220 0.6 3.4 59 66 5.4 3.2 77 82 Comoros 131 160 3.6 409 424 3.5 320 380 0.1 -0.7 47 56 7.0 7.0 ., 60 Congo, People'saRep. 1,813 1,761 3.7 1,950 2,020 3.3 930 880 0.3 -8.6 52 59 5.9 6.5 80 80 Costa Rica 3,973 4,299 1.9 2,640 2,710 2.9 1,510 1,590 -0.9 0.5 67 74 5.A 3.3 79 75 C&ed'lvoire 7,442 8,262 1.1 10,650 11,069 4.2 700 750 -3.0 -5.9 46 53 6.6 7.0 40 50 Cuba .... . 10,194 10,270 0.9 .. . .. ..70 75 3.9 1.8 88 94 Cyprus 2,988 3,532 ..672 679 1.1 4,450 5,210 .. 6.3 71 75 2.6 2.3 71 79 C7zchoslovakia ... . 15,534 15.578 0.3 . . . ..70 71 2.1 2.1 77 80 Denmark 64.361 76,640 2.3 5,121 5,105 0.0 12.570 15,010 2.4 -0.3 73 76 2.2 1.4 92 100+ Djibouti' .. .. .... . . .. 47 . 6.6 .. 27 Dominica 104 115 4.3 79 80 1.3 1,320 1,440 3.0 3.3 .. 75 . 3.1 .. 90 Dominican Rep. 4,671 4,930 0.9 6,568 6,716 2.4 710 730 -1.4 5.2 57 66 6.6 3.8 74 88 Ecuador 10,870 10,333 0.9 9,638 9,898 2.9 1,130 1,040 -1.9 -7.9 58 66 6.4 4.3 73 86 6 Gnp Poputlaion (pp. 4-5) Gnp per capita (pp. 10-11) Real growth Growth (prate rale Real growth Life expectancy Total fertility School enrollment (US$000,000) (ercent) (000) (percent) (US$) rate (percent) (pp. 20-21) (pp. 22-23) (pp. 24-25) Country ortlerrit ory 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986-87 1970 1987 1970 1987 1970 1985 Egypt, Arab Rep. 34,014 36,028 5.3 49,739 50,954 2.7 680 710 2.6 5.1 50 62 6.1 4.5 60 72 El Salvador 4,002 4,220 -0.6 4,876 4,973 1.3 820 850 -1.8 0.7 58 62 6.4 4.9 63 60 Equatorial Guinea' .. 381 390 1.9 . .40 46 5.0 5.5 50 56 Ethiopia 5,121 5,537 0.8 43.498 44,788 2.4 120 120 -1.6 4.0 44 47 5.8 6.5 13 25 Faeroe Islands 549 .. ..46 46 0.8 11,930 . . . . .. . Fed. Sts. of Micronesiaf .. 85 85 2.5 . . . ... . ,. Fiji 1,239 1,091 -0.7 715 723 2.0 1,730 1,510 -2.6 -14.2 61 68 4.3 3.3 90 95 Finland 59,879 71,084 2.7 4,929 4,947 0.5 12,150 14,370 2.2 2.8 70 76 1.9 1.7 95 100+ France 593,481 714,994 1.2 55,389 55,609 0.5 10,710 12,860 0.7 1.2 72 77 2.5 1.8 93 100+ French Guiiana . . ..85 88 3.5.. . .. ... . . French Polynesia' ... .180 186 3.0 .. . . . . 69 .. 4.0 .. 89 Gabon 3,253 2,890 0.5 1,021 1,047 4.1 3,190 2,750 -3.5 -15.2 45 52 4.2 5.5 59 73 Gambia, The 176 177 -0.8 773 797 3.3 230 220 -4.0 -7.0 38 43 6.4 6.5 22 50 German Dem. Rep. ,.. . 16,624 16,625 -0.1 I. . . . 7 1 72 2.1 1.7 . . 85 Germnany, Fed. Rep. 735,330 879,630 1.7 60,909 60,824 -0.2 12,070 14,460 1.9 1.5 70 75 2.1 1.3 80 85 Ghana 5,115 5,328 1.4 13,163 13,599 3.4 390 390 -2.0 1.0 49 54 6.6 6.3 5 5 53 Gibraltar ... .29 29 0.0 . . . ... .. 3.0 Greece 39,854 43,557 2.1 9,966 10,002 0.5 4.000 4,350 1.6 -0.9 72 76 2.4 1.8 92 95 Greendand 465 . ..53 53 0.8 8,780 .. . .. . 3.5 Grenada 122 134 5.0 98 100 2.0 1,240 1,340 3.0 3.9 67 69 4.6 _3.3 .. 85 Guadeloupe5 ... . 335 336 0.4 . . . ..68 74 4.9 2.2 97 Guarnb -... 126 129 2.9 .. . . . . 72 4.7 3.1 .. 87 Guatemala 7,023 6,839 -0.9 8,195 8,438 2.9 1,050 940 -3.7 -0. 1 53 61 6.6 5.8 40 50 Gjuineaa ... . 6,322 6,470 2,4 . . . ..35 43 5.9 6.0 20 22 Guinea-Bissau 170 152 2.7 905 924 1.9 190 170 0.8 -2.8 35 39 5.9 6.0 38 40 Guyana 372 310 -6.0 799 807 0.8 470 380 -6.8 -10.0 63 66 4.9 3.1 75 73 Ilaid 2,063 2,221 -0.3 6.050 6,164 1.9 340 360 -2.1 -1.3 49 55 5.2 4.7 34 50 Hlonduras 3,362 3,627 1.6 4,528 4,677 3.6 740 780 -1.9 1.0 53 64 7.4 5.6 59 75 Hlong Kongd 38,025 45,280 6.8 5,410 5,479 1.2 7,030 8,260 5.5 12.1 69 76 3.4 1.8 78 85 Hungary 21,483 23,757 1.5 10,628 10,617 -0. 1 2,020 2,240 1.6 3.6 70 71 1.9 1.8 86 90 Iceland 3,246 4,083 1.8 243 245 1.0 13,360 16,670 0.7 7.0 74 77 3.2 1.9 89 97 India 227,007 241,305 4.8 781,367 797,060 2.1 290 300 2.6 -0. 1 47 57 5.8 4.3 54 60 Indonesia 82,644 76,766 4.1 166,627 169,735 2.2 500 450 1.9 1.2 47 57 5.5 .3.7 55 82 Iran, Islamic R ..p. g 45,582 47,007 2.8 . . . ..55 59 7.2 5.6 69 76 Iraqg .... . 16,492 17,105 3.6 . . . ..55 64 7.1 6.7 67 80 Ireland 18,137 21,761 -0.6 3,582 3,611 0.8 5,060 6,030 -1.4 2.5 71 74 3.9 2.5 96 98 Isle of Man' ,.. .65 65 0.1.. . , ... ... Israel 26,792 29,803 2.0 4,304 4,374 1.7 6,220 6,810 0.3 3.0 71 75 3.8 2.8 87 92 Italy 490,598 596,995 1.5 57,240 57,317 0.2 8,570 10,420 1.3 2.6 72 77 2.4 1.5 84 83 Jamiaica 2,028 2.256 -1.1 2,336 2,351 1.5 870 960 -2.5 4.5 67 74 .. 2.9 78 80 Japan 1,561,124 1,92-5,614 3.8 121,492 122,129 0.6 12,850 15,770 3.1 3.2 72 78 2.1 1.8 96 99 Jordanh 4,110 4,370 3.0 3,620 3,752 3.7 1,500 1,540 -0.8 -3.6 54 65 7.3 5.8 91 90 Kenya 6,790 7,500 2.9 21,221 22,097 4.2 320 340 -1.3 1.6 47 56 7.8 7.7 66 71 Kiribati 32 32 ..65 66 1.9 500 480 .. -1.8 .. 52 .. 4.2 .. 83 Korea, Dem. Rep. ... . 20,862 21,330 2.4 . . . ..59 68 5.4 3.6 Korea, Rcp. of 98,289 112,947 8.8 41,467 42.031 1.4 2,370 2.690 7.3 10.5 59 69 4.3 2.1 81 95 Kuwait 29,472 27,324 1.1 1,775 1,837 4.2 16,600 14,870 -3.0 -4.7 66 72 7.3 4.7 77 89 7 Gnp Population (pp.4-5) Gnp per capita (pp. 10-1 1) Real growth Growth rate rate Real growth Life expectancy Total fertility School enrollmtent (US$000,000) (percent) (000) (percent) (US$) raze (percent) (pp. 20-21) (pp. 22-23) (pp. 24-25) Country or territory 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986-87 1970 1987 1970 1987 1970 1985 Lao PDR 643 590 ..3,684 3,774 2.1 170 160 .. -0.6 40 5 1 6.1 5.8 .. 54 Lebanon' .. .. .... . , ., LesotLho 576 591 2.8 1,586 1,629 2.7 360 360 0.1 -0.3 49 56 5.8 5.8 71 78 liberia 1,009 1,030 -2.1 2,253 2,327 3.3 450 440 -5.2 -4.1 43 55 6.3 6.6 42 52 libya 21,688 22,326 -6.6 3,908 4,057 3.9 5,550 5,500 -10.1 -6.5 52 62 7.6 6.9 Luxembourg 4,816 5,805 4.5 366 366 0.0 13,160 15,860 4.5 2.4 70 74 1.9 1.4 .. 81 Macaog ... . 402 413 3.6 . .. , ..60 71 4.6 2.5 Madagascar 2,387 2,172 -0.9 10,551 10,894 3.3 230 200 -4.0 -5.3 45 54 6.0 6.4 60 76 Malawi 1,207 1,223 3.0 7,380 7,629 3.3 160 160 -0.3 -2.9 40 46 7.8 7.6 42 45 Malaysia 29,478 29,556 3.7 16,110 16,560 2.7 1,830 1,800 0.9 1.8 61 68 5.4 3.5 67 75 Maldives 56 58 6.8 189 195 3.3 300 300 3.3 1.1 47 54 .. 6.5 .. 73 Mali 1.302 1,576 2.4 7,576 7,768 2.4 170 200 0.0 2.0 40 47 6.5 6.5 17 16 Malta 1,240 1,444 1.6 360 360 .0.2 3,440 4,010 1.8 4.4 70 75 2.1 1.7 83 87 Martiniguieb ... . 329 329 0.1 . .. . ..67 77 4.6 2.1 100 + 94 Mauritaniia 755 816 1.1 1,809 1,858 2.6 420 440 -1.5 0.5 42 48 6.0 6.5 .. 26 Mauritius 1,259 1,524 5.5 1,029 1,042 1.0 1,220 1,470 4,4 8.9 62 67 3.8 2.2 70 77 Mexico 152,281 149,395 0.6 80,247 81,950 2.2 1,900 1,820 -1.6 3.0 61 69 6.6 3.6 76 87 Mongolia ... .1,960 2,011 2.8 . .. . .59 64 5.8 4.6 90 94 Morocco 13,134 14,213 3.0 22,466 22,968 2.5 580 620 0.5 -1.3 51 60 7.0 4.3 37 53 Mozambique 2,857 2,135 -7.0 14,186 14,591 2.7 200 150 -9.5 -7.6 40 48 6.6 6.3 47 38 Namibia' ... . 1,179 1,218 3.1 .. . .44 55 6.1 6.1 Nepal 2,826 2,836 4.5 17,038 17,444 2.5 170 160 2.0 0.7 41 48 6.4 5.9 26 54 Netherlands 145,765 173,357 1.3 14,563 14,616 0.5 10,010 11,860 0.8 1.5 74 77 2.5 1.5 93 98 Netherlands Antilles b ... .191 191 -0.6 .. . . . . 66 .. 2.2 .. 70 New Caledoniab ... .152 154 1.5 . . . 61 68 4.3 3.3 .. 100+ New Zealand 23,314 27,131 1.7 3,277 3,298 0.9 7,110 8,230 0.9 -0.4 71 74 3.2 1.9 92 94 Nicaragua 2,473 2,959 -0.8 3.388 3,501 3.4 730 830 -4.7 10.3 53 61 6.9 5.5 56 76 Niger 1,699 1,898 -2.5 6,592 6,798 3.0 260 280 -5.3 -7.8 39 45 6.8 7.0 11 17 Nigeria 72,190 39,533 -1.9 103.147 106,736 3.3 700 370 -5.0 -7.7 43 51 6.9 6.9 37 64 Norway 63,981 71,420 3.8 4,169 4,175 0.3 15,350 17,110 3.5 1.4 74 77 2.6 1.7 95 97 Oman 8,414 7,768 13.7 1,294 1,345 4.5 6,500 5,780 8.7 -1.6 44 55 7.2 6.9 25 65 Pakistani 34,723 36,211 6.6 99,215 102,474 3.1 350 350 3.3 3.5 46 52 6.9 6.7 27 31 Painama 4,815 5,128 2.5 2,227 2,272 2.2 2,180 2,240 0.3 -0.4 65 72 5.3 3.1 87 83 Papua New Guinea 2,430 2,555 1.9 3,411 3,494 2.1 710 730 -0.l1 -0.2 46 53 6.1 5.1 37 38 Paraguay 3,791 3,923 1.1 3,808 3,922 3.2 1,000 1,0m -2.0 1.4 61 67 5.6 4.6 64 68 Peru 23,224 29,682 1.5 20,210 20,730 2.6 1,150 1,430 -1.1 5.9 54 61 6.4 4.1 85 98 Philippines 32,134 34,638 -0.9 57,036 58,279 2.4 560 590 -3.3 3.1 59 64 6.4 4.6 87 90 Poland 77,762 72,439 2.6 37,503 37,786 0.9 2,070 1,920 1.7 1,3 70 72 2.3 2.3 89 94 Portugal 24,176 29,555 2.7 10,187 10.212 0.4 2,370 2,890 2.2 6.2 67 73 2.9 1.7 78 83 PuertoRico 17,181 18,472 3.4 3,312 3,346 0.5 5,190 5,520 2.8 4.1 72 76 3.2 2.4 92 87 Qatar 4,172 4,129 -9.2 317 334 5.9 13,16,0 12,360 -14.3 -7.0 65 69 6.9 5.6 83 96 Reunionb. . . 555 565 1.5 -. . . . 62 71 4.3 2.4 91 100 Romnaniag --.. . 22,850 22,946 0.5 . .. . .69 71 3.1 2.1 93 90 Rwanda 1,824 2,008 0.1 6,236 6,454 3.3 290 310 -3.1 -3.3 48 49 7.8 8.0 32 42 Saint Kitts and Nevis 73 80 1.7 46 47 0.9 1,590 1,700 0.8 1.8 .. 70 5.1 3.0 .. 66 Saint Lucia 184 196 5.9 140 143 2.1 1,320 1,370 3.8 1.0 72 .. 3.8 .. 79 8 Gnp Population (pp. 4-5) Gnp per capita (pp. 10-1 1) Real growth Growth (prate rale Real growth Life expectancy Total fertility School enrollment (US$000,000) (ercent) (000) (percent) (US5$) rate (percent) (pp. 20-21) (pp. 22-23) (pp. 24-25) Country or territory 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 1980-87 1986 1987 19804?? 19864?7 1970 1987 1970 1987 1970 1985 Saint Vincent 114 121 5.8 III 112 1.3 1,030 1,070 4.5 2.2 .. 69 .. 3.0 .. 85 Sdo Tom6 and Principe 37 32 -3.1 III 114 2.8 330 280 -5.8 -7.5 .. 65 .. 5.3 .. 84 Saudi Arabia 83,270 .. -8.1 * 11,976 12,459 4.1 6,930 . . -11.7 * . . 52 63 7.3 7.1 42 58 Seisegal 2,833 3,545 3.0 6,770 6,969 2.9 420 510 0.1 1.3 42 48 6.4 6.5 26 35 Seychclles 188 210 0.7 66 66 0.7 2,750 3.180 0.0 1.9 66 70 . . 3.2 . . 97 Sierra Leone 1,205 1,172 -0. 1 3,752 3,845 2.4 320 300 -2.5 -1.6 3 4 4 1 6.3 6.5 26 3 9 Sitsgapore 19,260 20,717 6.8 2,585 2,610 1.1 7,450 7,940 5.6 7.3 68 7 3 3.4 1.7 7 8 9 2 Solomonlslands 149 123 6.4 283 293 3.7 530 420 2.6 -8.2 5 1 5 9 6.4 7.3 . . 46 Somnalia 1,553 1,656 3.7 5,547 5,712 2.9 280 290 0.8 -1.4 40 47 6.7 6.8 25 22 South Africa 59,445 62,926 3.8 32,436 33,285 2.3 1,830 1,890 1.5 1.0 49 61 5.4 4.5 65 Spain 187,983 233,417 2.1 38,699 38,866 0.5 4,860 6,010 1.6 4.0 72 76 2.9 1.8 89 96 Sri Lanka 6,297 6,560 3.7 16,101 16,362 1.5 390 400 2.2 1.3 64 70 4.4 2.8 77 83 Sudan 6,758 7,646 -1.4 22,567 23,214 2.8 300 330 4.0 0.1 42 49 6.7 6.6 32 36 Suriname 982 972 -2.7 402 411 2.3 2.440 2,360 -4.9 -10.1 64 67 5.6 3.7 76 87 Swaziland 478 496 4.7 689 713 3.4 690 700 1.3 -0.9 47 55 6.9 6.5 74 87 Sweden 109,876 131,142 1.9 8,354 8,357 0.1 13,150 15,690 1.8 2.5 74 77 2.1 1.7 90 90 Switzerland 115,710 138,163 1.7 6,504 6.501 0.3 17,790 21,250 1.5 1.3 73 77 2.1 1.5 86 87 Syrian Arab Rep. 19,088 20,421 3.1 10,846 11,248 3.6 1,760 1,820 -0.5 -0.3 57 65 7.6 6.8 71 88 Tanzansia5 6,280 5,202 1.6 23,049 23,884 3.5 270 220 -1.8 -0.5 45 53 6.4 7.0 33 45 T'hailand 41,374 44,785 4.6 52,642 53,535 2.0 790 840 2.6 5.3 58 64 5.6 2.8 62 64 Togo 782 963 -0.3 3,144 3,254 3.4 250 300 -3.5 1.0 44 53 6.6 6.5 60 60 Tonga 69 72 ..98 99 1.3 700 720 .. 3.0 . . 65 . . 4.0 Trini dad and Tobago 6,425 5,130 -5.0 1,199 1,217 1.5 5,360 4,220 -6.4 -5.6 66 70 3.7 2.8 83 87 'l'unisia 8,276 9,019 3.3 7,311 7,481 2.3 1,130 1,210 0.9 3.4 54 63 6.5 4.3 60 77 Turkey 57,249 63,643 5.4 51,550 52,850 2.5 1,110 1,200 2.8 4.5 56 65 5.3 3.7 66 76 Uganda 3,430 4,086 0.6 15,160 15,655 3.1 230 260 -2.4 0.1 47 48 6.9 6.9 28 38 United Arab Emirates 21,891 22,827 -4.8 1,403 1,456 5.3 15,600 15,680 -9.5 -1.2 65 69 6.8 5.7 72 82 United Kingdom 510,738 592,946 2.6 56,734 56,851 0.1 9,000 10,430 2.5 3.8 72 75 2.4 1.8 93 94 United States 4,234,218 4,486,176 3.0 241,596 243,381 1.0 17,530 18,430 2.0 2.1 71 75 2.3 1.9 96 100+ Uruguay 5,740 6,556 -1.8 2,982 3,014 0.4 1,920 2,180 -2.3 4.4 69 71 2.9 2.6 85 90 USSR ... . 281,123 283,555 1.0 . .. . ..70 70 2.4 2.4 95 100 Vanuatu' . . 135 139 2.5 . . ..... 63 . . 6.3 . . 61 Venezuela 59,601 48,241 -0. 1 17,791 18,271 2.8 3,580 3,230 -2.3 0.0 66 70 5.4 3.8 76 79 Viet Nam' ... . 63,341 65,001 2.6 .. . . . . 66 .., 4.4 .. 69 Virgin Islands (U.S.)d 1,074 . 0.6 *110 114 2.2 9,760 .. -1.5 .... 73 5.3 2.6 Western Samoa 93 93 ..165 166 1.1 560 560 .. 1.0 61 65 .- 4.8 Yemen, PDR 915 956 -3.4 2,205 2,276 3.2 420 420 -6.3 -1.2 40 51 7.0 6.6 56 52 Yemen Arab Rep. 5,070 4,918 7.4 8,191 8,430 2.5 620 580 4.7 2.4 39 46 6.8 6.8 1 9 42 Yugoslavia 53,546 57,985 0.7 23,280 23,413 0.7 2,300 2,480 0.0 -2.1 69 7 1 2.3 1.9 84 87 Zaire 5,064 5,287 0.2 31,672 32,655 3.1 160 160 -2.8 -2.3 45 53 6.2 6.1 6 1 80 Zambia 1,897 1,696 -1.1 6,946 7,196 3.5 270 240 -4.4 -1.4 46 53 6.7 6.8 67 72 Zimbabwe 5,116 5,265 2.2 8,705 9,001 3.7 590 590 -1.5 -1.9 51 58 8.0 5.9 47 96 Not available. Data are for years other than those specified. a. Gnp per capita estirtnated to be les than $500. b. (Sop per capita estimrsated to be in the $3,000X-$5,999 range. c. linp per capita estimated to be mome than $6,000. d. References to gnp estate to gdp estimates. e. Gtrp per capita estimated to be in the $500-$l,499 range. f. Foroerly past oftheTnst Territoriesofthe Pacific Islanals. g.airp per capita etimnated tobe inthe ,$1,500-$2,999range. h. Data forgripcover the East Bariksonly. i. Data for gnp cover mainiland Tanzaniia otty. 9 GNP PER A country's gnp divided by its population The distribution of gnp per capita Gnp per capita, 1987 CAPITA, Shares of world population I vimg iti coJItries (US $) 1987 with different levels of gnp per capita Less than $500 PNB PAR Pnb d'un pays divis6 par le nombre de ses $500 - $1,499 HABITANT, habitants. Fli $1,500- $2,999 1987 $3,000 - $5,999 PNB PER El pnb del pais dividido por su poblaci6n. $6,000 or more CAPITA, \ No data 1987 Country groups are the same as those in the map hey at right Summary table Gnp Number Gnp Population per capita of (US$000,000) (000) (US$) Gnp per capita, 1987 counlries 1987 1987 1987 Less than $500 45 810,000 2,683 300 $500 - $1,500 36 369,000 416 890 $1,500 - $3,000 22 999,000 478 2,090 $3,000-$6,000 16 493,000 103 4,790 $6,000 or more 38 10,793,000 721 14,970 No data 29 612 10 4,r kNP PER CAPITA, or V' 987 - Where the people are... Where the income is Average gnp per capita (45) 300 (4) (e) z 890 LI (768 (0h Number of countries m20 1 1 2.090 W (22) (is) | 4,790 (16) 14,790 (i-) 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0 2 4 a 8 1 0 11 Population (billions) Gross national product (billions of US $) POPULATION The average annual percentage change in a GROWTH country's population. The absolute change in How fast the population is growing Population growth rate, GROW TH a year is the sum of birdts and immigrants Shates of worl population 9roWill 1980-87 (annual %) RATE, minus the sum of deaths and emigrants. 1980-87 m 30 or more LI]j 2. 2 - 3. 0 TAUX DE Taux moyen annuel de variation de la popula- 1 5 2 CROISSAN E Dtion d'un pays. La variation absolue au cours LI\] 1 .5 - 2. 1 CROISSANCE d'une ann6e est egale a la somme des nais- DE LA sances et du nombre d'immigrants, moins la 1 .0 - 1 .4 POPULATION, somme des ddc6s et du nombre d'6migrants. U Less than 1.0 1980-87 No data TASA DE Porcentaje anual de cainbio en el numero do, CRECIMIENTO habitantes del pais. El cambio absoluto en un afilo es la suma de los nacimientos e inmigran- DE LA tes menos la suma de las defuniciones y los.. DP E BL A C I Oos memigran oes .Ia su m a do a defu ciones y los Country groups are the same as those in the map key at right POBLACION, ~~~emigrantes. 1980-87 Summary table Gnp per capita ranking Gnp of economies with more than, Number Gnp Population per capita 1 million people, 1987 Population growth of (US$000,000) (000) (US$) rate, 1980-87 countries 1987 1987 1987 Population 6 growth. Less than 1% 36 6,084,000 561 10,850 1980-87 (porcont) 1.0% - 1.5% 16 5,561,000 1,412 3,940 4 1.5% - 2.2% 23 556,000 986 560 2.2% - 3.0% 40 922,000 976 950 3.0% or more 42 342,000 467 730 0 No data 29 ..612 12 ______________________________________-2 __ Ira. lslainic Rp R -i = _ German Dem Rep. 3 ...... .. ___ __ _ Czechoslovakia C __._________ Korea. DGem Rep. - ________ ~~Saudi Arabia j ___________ USSR ....._____ =____Alb__ Viel Hama 00 > __ -________ - ___________ __________ BRomania _ ,_ _ Le_bhutanoa I @ s >L Ban g laid esh t { t~~An ol ____=_________ ______________ Moo Zoia _ y g - I~~~~~~~~~ = = U~~~~~AgOandoa 5 In 5,,- - _ EtniopuX r_ oZambique Chad | _ =~~~ S = _ ~ Rwuand . _ Malawi = Nepal Z air Burkina Pass o Madagascar '~~~~~~~ ~~~Mali == TJanzania r_ zCmbia __ _ Yomsn~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~Arnbhin ; Burundi U=anaa Niger _W . - _ = Dommmcan Rep. \ T JSomalia OSirr Leorne - ! ! TunL - Rerir Biendn Guinea Sudan , Ce,,lral African Rep. C Losotha Hai ti figeria ( l _ Orrrnark1- O Sf5 ' -....... ....SriLaka f :--- -:-:_:~ = = = Yndem Arra. PO.R Liboria NW _ _ Mauritania Indonesia - ~~~~~~~~Senegal Yemen Arab Rep Zimbabwe iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinow ~~~~Prilippreas - . I ~~~~~~~~~Morocco Egp,Arab Pep Papua NewiGie DorrAican Rep. Cole drivoire Honduas _ El Salsaclor Corgo. People's Rap. C ., ~~~~~~~~~Guatemala Jamaica cameronr Prarguay - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~Ecuador .... ......... ~~~~~~~~~~Colombia Chile - Pera Meouritius -. Jcrdan W ~~~~~~~~~Costa Rica Synan Arab Rep Sooth Africa Poland ____________ ~Brazil Panama _______ ____ - Argentin Ygeslaia l/ Korea. Rep. of Caton Algeria ' Portugal L j__ AL ~Venezuela "'<( Tritidad anr Tobago4' Puerto Rico - ..-- ---- ~~~Oman Spain Israel - New~~11 Zalard long Kong Uniter Kingdom Italy fiustralia ' AustTia Francea' Pisland FerdrgPd Rep Canada ... ernai' - Sweden *Japan UrWed Ureb Emirates 0 Urle tates f ~~~~~~~~~~~~Switzerland 0to Jo Ct~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P GNP PER The average annual percentage change in a Gnp per capita CAPITA ^country's real gnp per capita. How gnp per capita is changing growth rate, CAPITA Slhafes of world populatiorl livinig ir countries GROWTH with different rates of growth in gnp per capita 1980-87 (annual %) RATE, Less than 0 1980-87 m 0-0.9 TAUX DE Variation annuelle moyonne, en pourcentage, 1.0 - 1.9 CROISSANCE du pnb r6el par habitant d'un pays. DU PNB PAR 2.0 -2.9 HABITANT, m3.0or more 1980-87 No data TASA DE Porcentaje de cambio anual medio del pnb per CRECIMIENTO capita real de un pais. DEL PNB Country groLps are the same as thoce in the map key at right PER CAPITA, 1980-87 Summary table Gnp per capita ranking Gnp of economies with more than Nwmber Gnp Population per capita 1 million people, 1987 Gnp per capita of (US$000,000) (000) (US$) growth rate, 1980-87 countries 1987 1987 1987 Gnip per capita 12 gfivwth. 1980-87 Less than 0% 61 662,000 713 930 (percont) 0%- 1% 24 1,170,000 246 4,760 6 1% - 2% 19 3,322,000 741 4,480 2%-3% 16 5,646,000 1,318 4,280 3% or more 23 2,644,000 1,462 1,810 -6 No data 43 ..532 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 12 GNP PER CAPITA J GROWTH RATE, 1980-87 .. 0 00SE.7G MK 6M6XB2439Xs6n 6eo 66w 2niMML 2 g 68zzo % 6 g D 6 d 6 0 666 Er 1 ' Er o af. ~- 00 P BlIM-ulffllm-M, a P025!o O "EM j4.096 \f ~~~~gnp per capta, 1987 64 SHARE OF Thc value added in a country's agriculture sec- Dependence on agriculture Share of AGRICULTURF tor, as a percentage of gross domestic product. ShaDes of wnold population living in courtiies with agriculture IN GDP, different portions of gdp coming from agriculture In gdp, 1987 1987 m 30 or more D:_ 20 - 29 PART DE Valeur ajoutee du secteur agricole, en pour- FII 10 - 19 L'AGRICULTURE centage du produit int6ricur brut. DANS LE PIB, 6 - 9 1987 _ Less than 6 \ / _ 2~~~~~LI No data PROPORCION El valor agregado en el sector agricola de un \ / _ pafs, como porcentaje del producto intermo DE LA bruto. AGRICULTURA EN EL PIB, Country groups are the same as those in the map key at rlght 1987 Summary table Gnp per capita ranKing of economies with more than Gnp 1 million people, 1987 Number Gnp Population per capita S hare of agriculture of (US$000,000) (000) (US$) in gdp, 1987 countries 1987 1987 1987 Shiare" of /5 Less than 6% 37 10,892,000 777 14,010 in gdp, 1987 (percent) 6% - 10% 16 596,000 199 3,000 50 10% - 20% 30 974,000 521 1,870 20% - 30% 30 309,000 536 580 25 30%o or more 44 694,000 2,369 290 0 No data 29 . . 612 16 ________________________________________-25 ______= han,__ - w Islamic Rep. g E ____=_ Kampuche em. 3 _________ ________ - Genrman Demn. Rep.> Czechoslovakia _ m ____._____ Korea Doe Rep __________ Saudi Armbia _____ _____ _____ ____ USSR = 3 ____-- - t-ahiet Nam co ________ ________ A Rlania Lebanon - _ _ _ __ ______ Soom~al , _______ ___ t_ _ _ ______ AS hairatLsne -_________ __________ ________ vAlania _____ _____ _____ __________ ____ A nola --- 9 _ _ CU;dn9tm Eo~ Atrica Rsp , r tia ~ ~ _____ _Kenya ' t3 Chad _______ _____ _ E --~ Muntania ~;B' -q = ; . __ tnd~~~~~~~~~Lonsa 'POP _= __ Y e nlnoenAab Rp/_ _ ~ ~ _ Papua N3VV GuineaBurkina Fas - _t=_ ___ _ MLarralasuiv, L ^- f Stssna' ~ w i ) 5Madagascar V Mali Tanzania ;_ - Uruguay_IIndi Som,alda 4 *-- I > _ PIndia K q ~~~~~~~~~China Toga Sierra Leane Berin Sudan P- t 0 _ 0 _ PuCentral Alican Rep .11 .- Hong Kng '"C-f . , j . _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t Itaty ;a W = Pak8istnr P M. = ria Uba itaia i I . F~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ranae\ _MaFitlania, I n d-oonesia = 1 ,,= Senegalk.. _ r._ S nBolivia i_ __ = UYemen Arab Rep. d -~~~~~~~ ~~~Zimbabwe P1lidippinoa _____9__ _ ________ Morcco Egyat, ArbRoap Don.inican Pop. Honduras ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Col OtD -Dra 7 _____________ ~Niclaragu ____________ - El saivanor CongD, PeoplAa ReP. ______ Gu~aimaica - ----Camioi Jordyana T.rin Arab Re Colombi Braile : t M~~~~~~~~~~nauriiu -f t J~~~~~~~~~~organy Costan Ria Mopalaysia Syrian.ra Rep.0 SuhAlgrica Venclan Graeoe Irlanda Israelf~ SGreece - United Kicgom rande NMJapand Unmite rbEiae Ausraria SFitneland za JapanO Untd rb mrae DAILY The calorie content of the food produced and DAILY X rs l) l limported for domestic consumption, divided Adequacy of food supply Daily calorie supp CALORIE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shiar es of wor d populatioi liv rig in coutntfKns p er c apita, 1985 CALORIE by a country's population ari( expressed as a with different evels of food suplyV SUPPLY daily amount. PER CAPITA, Less than 2,30C 1985 _ 2,300 - 2,600 C~~~~~~~ 2,600 - 2,900 RATION Valeur caloriquc des aliments produits ou . Ct ALORIQUE X rimport5s pour la consommation interieure, 2,900 - divisee par le nombre d'habitants du pays et 3,300 JOURNALIERE cxprim6e en valeurjournalire. 3,300 - or morE PAR HABITANT, 1985 W No data SUMINISTRO El contenido de calorias de los alimentos DIARIO DE producidos o importados para consum o DIARIO DE intemo, dividido por la poblaci6n de un pais y Country groups are the sase as those in the map key at right CALORIAS expresado como una cantidad diana. PER CAPITA, 1985 Gnp per capita ranking of economies with more than 1 million people, 1987 How dominant is agriculture... How abundant is food... Average gnp per capita ___________________________ _D_ D00 rinly cnilorif 4,000 (4&) ~~~~~~~~~~~300 sA) upply per capita C36j) 890 198 3,000 C22) 2,090() 16e3 4.790 (ia) 2,000 Q Number of countries 3 14 790 (38) II 1 1 1 I 1111 1 1 1 1,000 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 0 800 1600 2400 3200 Share of agriculture in gdp (%) Daily calorie supply per capita 18 0 _ __ __ ___ _ _- = kar, lulamric Rep. W- ___. __ ____ - _ am8urrnea Dam C Cuba . . _ ~~~~~Czechoslovakia_ ____________ _____=____ Korea Deri Repop ____________ ____________Saudi'Arabia ! _ . ;> = ~~~~~~Viet Nam X t ________._. ._____ _ _ eRraria >r° 1L M _ Sjurkina Faso ___ ____- *g-anl} _ _l ______ S dAlbania 1 Eulgaria IL __ I ______boamique Chad> M Bhatan Lao PER - r_ kargladean mo- ~~~~~~~~Malawi Noepal Zaire =urkira Faso Mladagaucar mall =-_______ ____________ Tanzania Zambia Burundi r _ _ = Philippinos_ l.rdia X _ gLalEa~~~~~~~~nd _ ,ra Ch na SierRra Le' n __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ram onca J ______= Gungar_ Sudan Central African Rep. Kenya Pakiatan LGaolro L _ ;_ = Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ugolavl ___ ,[Ni _ Algeria N Sri Lanke T Yamenl. POR Liberia 4 ~~~~~~~~~Mauritania -; llr - sDnn~~~~~~~~~baurel - { t I, . = AL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ndnslia < Senegal Yemer Arab Rep. 1 4 ~~~~~~~~Zimbalowe Phirippiinee Morocco Egypt, Arab Rep, ____r -___ _ttuw__Pait New Guinea DomincanRep in Oloone Rep. El Salvaror ____ ~~~~~~~~Conpo eolc. Rp . SGa e mala Jamaica Cameroon Paraguay Botsu.en Ecu ador - .1.STunieia * > 7* Tn Cga Colombia Peru Mauritiu Jordan Coata Rica maloaYia Syrian Arab Rep = ~~~~-- ac~~~orlh Arrica -Poland Brazil Uruguay -~~~~~ ~Hungary Panama Koe.Rep of L ~~~~~~~Gabcon * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Algoria * - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Poriugal . Trinidad anad Tobago * I~~~~ G~reece I 1 ~~~~~Puerto Rico W Ger~~~~~an Hong Kong i United Kingdom I lb- Italy-- . Austria - - - P~~~~~~~~irland Geenay. Ped. Rep, KuoniliW * ~~~~~~~Denmark boddArat BEmirates on~~~~~~~~~~~~r Ad~~~~~~~~~~~~C -.o-~~~~~~an C a~~41 LIFE The average number of years a newborn baby would live if pattcrns of mortality prevailing The prospect of life at birth Life expectancy at birth, EXPECTA NC'If fr all pople a the tie of it birth cre toShares of world population living in countries 1987 (years) EXPECTANCY for all people at the time of its birth were to with different life expectancy at brth AT BIRTH stay the same throughout its life. Less than 50 1987 D 50 - 64 ESPERANCE Nombre moyen d'ann&es quo vivrait un W 6 6 nouveau-n6 siles tendances de la mortalit_ 65 - 69 DE VIE A LA observ6es pour l'ensemble de la population au NAISSANCE, moment de sa naissance restaient inchangdes 70 - 72 1987 tout au long de son existence. 73 or more ESPERANZA Numero de aflos que, en promedio, vivirfa un No data recien nacido si las tendencias do mortalidad prevalecicntes para toda la poblaci6n en el AL NACER, momento de su nacimiento permanecieran 1987 constantes durante toda su vida. CouLtry groups are the same as those In the map key at right Life expectancy in the Life expectancy at birth (years) Gnp per capita ranking 16 largest developing of oconomies wilh more than countries Q 1987 1 million people, 1987 70 El 19870 F- 1970 (0) Life expectancy, 80 1so X ii1o1987 (years) 60 6 50 40 40 20 Viet Nam Ethiopia China Pakistan Indonesia Egypt Turkey Brazl 20 Iran Bangladesh India Nigeria Philippines Thailand Mexico Repof O b lan, Islamc > m r _____ _____ _____ ___ - _ Kanrpacbea Dem_ . ______ - _sGerman Dem Rsp. _s x _________ _________Czochoslovakia m ___________ bon~~~~~~~Kcea. Derr Rep _ _ - Sauci Arabia _________ _____ Viot Namn ______________ ___ _________ ________Lebanon _______________ ___________A Sta Mon na I ._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ __ At,aoauaZ* 5 nulqaria ____________ _ ______-_ - Etbopia b_que __________ __________ ~~Clad r ___________ _____.____ i Lao PDR -____________ _______ _ ara_ b lar.s ulb sh _________ _________ ~~~~Malawi ____________ ____________ - N"pal ___________ ___________ hnrina Faso * - I________ ; ___=_ _ Tanzania ____________________________ Zambia gii > l = Rxssn~Uoda % Somalia Inoia China ik ~~~~~~~Si.ra Leone Rwanda - GLirea Sudan Central Atrican Rap. ,. ____= Konya _ . Lesotho Haiti _ ^ _ _ _ ~~Gnana _\ ^t.. -Sri Lanka Yemon, POR - Liberia Mauritania Indonesia Aemen Arab Rep. Zimbatw' I .gypt.- Arab R op . - P = Nrt9lapia b ".GuInea bom= rica, Rep, . _ = FGeiramnany, Fed Pep ^e a1va,_ - ~ ~ ~ _ Col nI9onlno O llcnduras ._- Dnimaragk bl Salvadno F Con ao Peo pe's Rep. Gua emoiao . - .SwieCamroor Paotraguay Ecuador Turkey Tunisia m m . ~~~~~~. ~~Colombia m E ~~~~~~~~~~Chile Penru- Mauritius - - = ~~~~~~Cnosta Rica ... - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Syrian Arab Rep ~A~V Poland Panamay Argonfina rugoslav a Korea, Rep. ol Galton AIgoria Venezuela - ~~~~~ ~ Greece adTng -~~~~ ~Oman L Onto Kingdom le Net eranda Australi Prance Finlland Germany Fod Rep Ci au a ant Itonma k Sweden p Japa Ur50tad Arab, Elniatea E 4 S'ri tottes IIL Ssitzerland -A. - Pt)~~~~' ~~.o-corn 0 -~~c cOjOnOan tO (~~~01 TOTAL The number of children a woman will bear Family size Total fertility rate, 1987 FERTILiTlY dulring hcr lifetime, given prevailing age- Fml ieTtlfriiyrt,18 ER T ITE, spcific fertility ratges. p nShares of world populatiotn living in countries (births) RATE, scicfetltras.with different total fertility rates 1987 M 5 or more \EJ4 - 5 INDICE Nombre d'enfants auquel une femme donnera \ 3 4 SYNTDtN IQUE naissance pendant son existence, calcule sur la _ SE FND NQUbase des taux observes de f6condite par Age. _ DE FECONDlTE, m 2 - 3 1987 Less than 2 TASA DE Nunnero de hijos que una mujer tendra durante ED No data FEC U NDID rlKrl AD n SU vida, de acuerdo con las tasas prevalecientes de fecundidad especifica por edades. TOTAL, 1987 Counlry groups arc the samc as those in the map key at right Total fertility in the Gnp per capita ranking Y ~~~~~Total fertility rate per woman (births) of economies wilh more lhan 16 largest developing 1 million people, 1987 countries _ 1970 8 C0 1987 Total f,rtlity 8 7 p0r voerrmn, 19 87 6 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~births) 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3I 2 2 Viet Nam Ethiopia China Pakistan Indonosia Egypt Tjirkoy Brazil Iran Bangladesh India Nigeria Philippines Thailand Mexico Korea, 22 ReCo __ _ _ _ * -l Iran. Islamic ReP. z German Dem. Rep j4 _=I=__ | _ Burma | Czechoalovakia Korea, Dem. Rep. - - ~~~~Saud dratWa USSR 4: __-== _ ~ ~~I _ _ I Wau°a'ArnbSP . Romania - - ~~~~~~~Lehanor = ~ ~~~ ~ ~ - N arnibia n,f Alb,anna I = Q Argota &, I R~~~~I~Supria ^ _ _ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ozambique CMa mha !_ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bhutar,_ J'*' ' B an , anglrdeh _ __ ____ Baeni B r:aina ____________ .4Ceta agascar A _______ Ken,r a_ _ _ ___ * basa __________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zambia N ge S ma Cn _ _ _ _ t sger~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nia. ; _ - Sr Lank ; S.. Ieia Lenn . . G_ L s _ Sensgal Afrian Rep Pak tan Lesotho - - W~~~~~~~~~ait, Aiiiiiiiiiiiin ~ ~ ~ ~ - Sri Lanka Yeren.t PDR Liberia Maaritania Indonesia Senegal 'Yemen Arab Rep er- e Zmbabwe - d .... _ = _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Honduras .__^z ; f W ' ~~_ _ eaaNw: GLine s | _a ~-.- P . - .~~~~~~~~~~~~, I= rdLrits _ .......... ';o>i- -y 5 T~~~~~~~~hNaraSa- El Salnador CD ,Penpiek Pep. Jamaica F EL __: _ - BbsR -, l) >s/ 9 T~~~~aragey W4 b *- _1 _ _ Hn ogs . fiwr g ) f f - = TtaTunisia ri t iZ _ Nrrt9hierrl~~co mans* aChles 1- ________. _ __________ Ceoasa Rica ___________ Malaysia Mlexico _ Syria Arab Rep ______ Sefth Africa Bra/il r,st ~ ~ ~ ~ i Yaolai * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kerea. Rep of it - O Gabon Al ge.i on Tnriniad and Tobago Greece - Puerto Riceo -n - - ~~~~~~Libya oj4 O_ man Jear alanc Bustalia AnstrietI - ~~~~~~~~Franct Gemn Ped. Rep Canada A - Dermnark Sweden - - ~~~~~~~~Japa -- Unite'd Arab Emirates, UnitedSlates 1 ~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~Switzerland Ct -~~~~~~~- CD m CD SCHOOL The number of children in primary and secon- ENROI VI,MENT dary school, expressed as a percentage of the Enrollment in school School enrollment ENRATIOLLT number of school-age children mth diff(t(5 ow lllf , w;. ratio. 1985 ( 1985 Less than 60 _ \ 2 60 - 69 TAUX DE Nombre d'enfants inscrits dans les 6ecoles 70 79 Sc;OnL ARDISATION primaires et secondaires, en pourcentage du S19 LA8 J SATIO5 nombre des enfants d'age scolaire. - 1985 _ 180 -89 90 or more No data TASA DE Numero de alumnos que asisten a las escuelas M ATRI C ULA primarias y secundarias, expresado como por- MATRICULA centaje del n6mero de ninios y nifias en edad ESCOLAR, escolar. 1985 Couintry grouips are tlo siame inf; those i) tile nmap key al it I . School enrollment in the Gnp per capita ranking 16 largest developing School enrollment as a percentage of school-age population of economies with more than countries 1 million people 1987 0 ies5 100 1975 Schlool or-rollmont 100 ratio 1985 80 (percert) | 0 75 40 I 20 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25 Viet Nam Ethiopia China Pakistan Indonesia Egypt Turkey Brazil Iran Bangladesh India Nigeria Philippines Thailand Mexico Korea. 24 Rep.of __r. Islam= Rep. m cn ___ \ Kabrpuclea Dom m> Z ' Gema Dem. Rep. - .______= ____ _____ _EBurma Cura ___ ______ _______ C2chslaovakia -~~~~~ - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~Korea. Dew Rep _ _ C __ Saudi Arabia ______ ________ _________ USSR ___ =__ -- Viet Nanm 3 = | = knd~~~~~~~~Rwia r ____________ =___________ SiLebamanon I . 31_ __ _ ____ __= _ Pfah isatan _ | ___________ ____________ B oAghana * w- aeO =anRepa SonaliaV " Taola - CUr~~~~~~~~~~Zeia ToNganl Sierr[oe Berm lWc = = ~~~~~~~~~~~~i = Naragw Guiream Central A rican Rep. Kenya Pakd ,,t Haiti G=aa Sri LAnka r kUI_ _ _~~~~~Te po PD Rn L 1ibr ea = Ro - T ~~~~~~~Mauritania hioAaresia Yern Arab Rtea. Zimbabwe Phlppies -. _ Scan Rea T.ailand El Salvador er Peoples Reir Jamaica Cameoaub Paraguay Bolsowaa Ecuarlo C_'arlrbia PaM Maopaul Cesta Roea Syri-, Arab Re p eomAh Africa _____ R~~~olard ----- - Bradil tPgsarama Kerea Rep of Gabor Algeria Greece IrF ~~~~~PeiertoRPico W keitedKgor - ' tan '_ O an AugLotrda liar]ria KuwLai ait C- Fianc Dermark U.".te Arab Enwiateu Sw ited States 0 0 S) , G~ ~~) Co TECHNICAL The Atlas reports data compiled in accordance measures domestic production regardless of its The school enrollment ratio is distorted to with internationally agreed methods. The allocation to foreign and domestic claimants. the extent that children under 6 or over 17 are NOTES World Bank modifies basic data to improve ir- Gnp data in national currencies are con- enrolled-notably for countries where primary ternational comparability, but weaknesses in verted to the U.S. dollar for comparison across school starts at an age other than 6 years. This basic data collection affect the reliability and countries. As a rule, the World Bank converts distortion accounts for some countries having comparability of the data for many economies. gnp at official exchange rates. An alternative ratios of 100+. Readers should take these limitations into ac- rate is used when the official exchange rate is count when comparing data across countries judged to diverge by an exceptionally large Other calculation issues and country groups. margin from the rate effectively applied to in- Growth rates of gnp, population, and gnp per Changes in this edition ternational transactions. capita are average annual growth rates com- The conversion factor for any year is the puted by fitting trend lines to the logaritthmic Two new indicators are included in the graphic average of the exchange rate for that year and values of population and of gnp and gnp per spreads this year: share of agriculture in gdp the two preceding years, adjusted for differen- capita at constant market prices for each year and daily calorie supply per capita. The main ces in rates of inflation between the country and of the period. Growth rates sometimes refer to table remains the same as in previous years. the United States. This averaging smooths fluc- a shorter period than 1980-87. In the main charts this year, each indicator tuations in prices and exchange rates. The Throughout the Atlas, the data for China do is plotted as a blue line graph against a green resulting estimate of gnp in U.S. dollars is not include Taiwan, China. background bar graph that ranks economies dividedbythemidyearpopulationtoobtainthe Moredetailed technical notes may befound from poorest to richest by gnp per capita-on a per capita gnp in current U.S. dollars. in the World Bank's World Development semilog scale. A red regression line em- Real growth rates are calculated from con- Report 1988. Readers interested in a fuller ex- phasizes the indicator's trend, relative to each stant price data expressed in national currency. planation of the technical issues are invited to economy's order in the gnp per capita graph. Value added in agriculture covers forestry, address their queries to the Socio-Economic Economics for which data arc not available for hunting, and fishing, besides agriculture. Data Division, International Economics the blue line are interpolated. Availableestimatesdonotalwaysincludefood Department, World Bank, 1818 H Street, Economic indicators grown by rural households for their own use. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Gnp is the main yardstick of economic activity Population in a country. It is the sum of the final output of The estimates of population are from the U.N. goods and services produced by the domestic Population Division with some adjustments by economy and net factor income (net receipts the World Bank. Refugees not permanently from labor and capital) from abroad. Gdp settled in the country of asylum are generally considered to be part of their country of origin. Social indicators Demographic data are from the U.N. Popula- tion Division, education data are from Unesco, and calorie data are from FAO. All are supple- mented by data from World Bank sources. 26 N OTES Les donn6es figurant dans 1'Atlas ont et6 eta- Pourpennottre Ics comparaisons entre pays, caloriques, de la FAO. Dans tous les cas, elles TFCHNIQUES blies conform6mcnt aux m6thodes accept6es A les donn6cs du pnb exprim6es en monnaie na- sont compl6t6cs par des donn&es provenant dc 1'6chelon intemational. La Banque mondiale tionale sont converties en dollars des Etats- la Banque mondiale. modifie Ies donn6es de base pour am6liorer Unis. En principe, la Banque mondiale effectue Le taux de scolarisation est biais6 dans la leur comparabilite intemationale, mais les cette conversion aux taux de change officiels. mesure ou les eleves des ecoles comprennent deficiences de la collecte des donnees de base Elle utilise un autre taux lorsqu'ellejuge que le des enfants de moins de 6 ans ou de plus de 17 ser6percutentsurla fiabilit6 et la comparabilit6 taux officiel s'&earte excessivement du taux ef- ans-notamment dans les pays ou la scolarite des renseignoments relatifs a un grand nombre fcctivoment appliqu6 aux transactions interna- primaire ne commence pas a l'age de six ans. de pays. Le lecteur est invit6 a tenir compte de tionales. Cette distorsion explique pourquoi certains ces limitations lorsqu'il voudra faire des com- Le taux auquel est effectuee cette conver- pays ont un taux sup6rieur a 100. paraisons entre pays et groupes de pays. sion pour une annee quelconque correspond a Modifications dans cette edition la moyenne du tatix de change pour lannee en Autres questions lies aux calculs cause et les deux anndes precedentes, corrig6 Les taux de croissance du pnb, de la population Deux nouveaux indicateurs ont 6te ajout6s aux du diff&rentiel d'inflation entre le pays con- et du pnb par habitant sont des taux de crois- graphiques: la part de l'agriculture dans le pib siddre et les Etats-Unis. Cette m6thode permet sance annuels moyens calcules en etablissant et la ration calorique journaliere par habitant. de lisser les fluctuations des prix et des taux de des courbes de tendance a partir des donn6es, Le tableau principal reste identique a celui des change. On divise ensuite le pnh en dollars des exprimees sous forme logarithmique, sur la ann6es prec6dentes. Etats-Unis obtenu par le nombre d'habitants en population et sur le pnb et le pnb par habitant Dans les diagrammes principaux, la valour milieu d'ann6e pour obtenir le pnb par habitant aux prix constants du marche pour chaque de l'indicateur est represent&e par une ligne en dollars courants dos Etats-Unis. annec de la pdriode. Les taux de croissance se bleue, surimposee au diagramme en barres Les taux de croissance reelle sont calcul6s a rapportent parfois a une periode inferieure a la (color6 en vert) indiquant le classement des partir de donn6es sur les prix exprimdes en pdriode indiquee (1980-87). pays-du plus pauvre au plus riche, selon leur valour constante dans la monnaie du pays. Dans tout l'Atlas, les donnees relatives a la pnb par habitant-exprim6 sur une base semi- La valour ajout&e du secteur agricole est Chine ne comprennent pas Taiwan, Chine. logarithmique. Une droite de regression- celle des branches agriculture, chasse, sylvicul- Les lecteurs trouveront des notes techniques coloree en rouge-indique la tendance de ture et p&he. Les estimations disponibles ne plus detaill6es dans le Rapport sur le l'indicateur, par rapport au classement de cha- comprennentpas toujours l'autoconsommation d6veloppement dans le monde 1988 publi6 par que pays scion son pnb par habitant. Dans le des menages ruraux. la Banque mondiale. Ceux qui souhaiteraient cas des pays pour lesquels on ne disposait pas . plus d'explications sur ces questions techni- des donn&es n6cessaires a l'&tablissementdc la Population ques sont invites a envoyer leurs demandes de ligne bleue, on a proc6d6 par interpolation. Les estimations de la population sont celles de renseignements a l'adresse suivante: Socio- Indicateurs 6conomiques la Division de la population des Nations Unies, Economic Data Division, International Eco- avec quelques ajustements operes par la Ban- nomics Department, World Bank, 1818 H Le pnb est la principale mesure de l'activite que mondiale. Los r6fugi6s qui ne sont pas Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. economique d'un pays. II correspond a la installes de facon permanente dans leur pays somme de la production finale de biens et ser- d'asile sont gdneralement compt6s dans la vices de l'6conomic nationale et du revenu net population do leur pays d'origine. des facteurs (r6muncration nette du travail et du capital) en provenancede l'exterieur. Lepib Indicateurs sociaux mesure la production interieure, quelle que soit Los donnees proviennent, pour la population, la nationalit6 des producteurs. de la Division de la population des NU, pour l'education, de l'Unesco et, pour les rations 27 NOTAS En el Atlas se presentan datos recopilados de distribuci6n entre origen interno y extemo. ciones Unidas, los datos sobre educaci6n de la TECNICAS acuerdo con m6todos internacionalmente con- Los datos sobre el pnh en monodas Unesco, y los datos sobre calorias son de la veidos. El Banco Mundial modifica los datos nacionales se convierten a dolares de los Es- FAO. Todos los datos sc comiipleneLtaii con ot- basicos para mejorar la comparabilidad inter- tados Uilidos para la comparaci6n entre paises. ros provenientes de fuentes del Banco Mundial. nacional, pero, en el caso de muchos paises y Como regla general, el Banco Mundial con- La tasa de matrieula escolar estd distor- grupos de pafses, las deficiencias en la reco- vierte el pnb al tipo oficial de cambio. Se utiliza sionada en la medida en que haya nifios pilaci6n de esos datos afectan a su confia- otrotipocuandoseconsideraqueelcambioofi- matriculados menores de 6 afios o mayores de bilidad y comparabilidad. Los lectores deben cial difiere en un margen excepcionalmente 17, en especial en los paises donde la escuela tomar en cuenta estas limitaciones al comparar amplio dcl que efectivaniente se aplica a las primaria comienza a una edad distinta do los 6 datos entre paises y grupos de pafses. transacciones en divisas. affos. Esta distorsi6n explica el hecho de que El factor de conversi6n correspondiente a alunos paises tengan tasas superiores a 100. Cambios en esta edici6n cualquier anio es el promedio del tipo de cam- Este anlo se incluyen dos nuevos indicadores en bio de ese anio y los dos ainos anteriores, ajus- Otros problemas de calculo los diagramas: la proporci6n de la agricultura tado en funci6n de las diferencias en tasas de Las tasas de crecimiento del pnb, la poblaci6n en el pib y el suministro diario de calorfas per inflacion entre el pais y los Estados Unidos. y el pnb per edpita son las tasas medias de creci- cdpita. El cuadro principal es el mismo de aftos Este procedimiento suaviza las fluctuaciones miento anual que han sido calculadas ajustan- anteriores. de precios y tipos de cambio. La estimaci6n do las lineas de tendencia a los valores logarit- En los graficos principalos, cada indicador resultante del pnb en d6Mares de los Estados micos de la poblaci6n, el pnb yel pnb percdpita es un trazo de color azul en un diagrama de Unidos se divide por la poblaci6n a mediados a precios constantes de mercado para cada ailo barras con un fondo color verde, que ordena las de anio para obtener el pnb per capita en d6lares del periodo. En algunos casos las tasas de creci- economias desde las mas pobres a las mds ricas corrientes de los Estados Unidos. miento se refieren a un periodo mas corto en seg6n el pnb per capita-en escala semilo- Las tasas reales do erecimiento se calculan uno o dos ailos que el perlodo indicado de garitmica. Una linea de regresi6n roja pone de a partir de datos de precios constantes expre- 1980-87. relieve la tendencia del indicador, en relaci6n sados en la moneda nacional. En todo el Atlas, los datos relativos a China con el lugar que cada pais ocupa en el grafico El valor agrogado en la agricultura abarca, no comprenden a Taiwan, China. del pnb per cdpita. En el trazo azul se han in- ademas, la silvicultura, la caza y la pesca. Las En el Informe sobre el Desarrollo Mundial terpolado los paises para los cuales no se dis- estimaciones disponibles no siempre incluyen 1988 del Banco Mundial se incluyen notas tec- pone de datos. los alimentos cultivados por las familias rurales nicas mds detalladas. Se invita a los lectores que Indicadores econ6micos para su propio uso. tengan interes en obtener una explicaci6n mas El pnb esla medda prncipalde la ctiviad Pobaccompleta de los problemas tecnicos a dirigir sus El pnb es la modida principal do la actividad Poblac6n consultas a la Divisi6n de Datos Sociocecon6- econ6mica de un pafs. Es la suma de la pro- Las estimaciones de la poblaci6n provienen de micos, Departamento de Economia Intema- ducci6n final de bienes y servicios de la eco- la Divisi6n de Poblaci6n de la Secretaria de las cional, Banco Mundial, 1818 H Street, N.W., nomia nacional y el valor neto de los ingresos Naciones Unidas, con algunos ajustes hechos Washington, D.C. 20433, EE.UU. por factores (ingresos nctos de mano de obra y por el Banco Mundial. Los refugiados que no capital) proveniontes del exterior. El pib mide se han establecido pormanentemente en el pais la producci6n intema sin tener on cuenta su de asilo por lo general se consideran parte de la poblaci6n de su pafs de origen. Indicadores sociales Los datos demogrdficos provicnen de la Divi- si6n de Poblaci6n de la Secretarfa de las Na- 28 THE WORLD BANK LA BANQUE MONDIALE EL BANCO MUNDIAL The World Bank is a multilateral development La Banque mondiale est une institution multi- El Banco Mundial es una instituci6n multila- institution whose purpose is to assist its deve- latcrale de developpement dont l'objectif est teral de desarrollo cuya finalidad es ayudar a sus loping member countries further their economic d'aider ses pays membres en developpement a pafses miembros en desarrollo a intensificar su and social progress so that their people may live promouvoir IcLur progres economique et social progreso econ6mico y social de manera que sus better and fuller lives. The term "World Bank" pour quc Ieur population puisse mener une vie habitantes puedan alcanzar una vida mejor y refers to two legally and financially distinct en- meilleure et plus 6panouie. L'expression mas plena. La expresi6n "Banco Mundial" com- tities: the International Bank for Reconstruction "Banque mondiale" d6signe deux organisations prende a dos cntidades juridica y financiera- and Development (IBRD) and the International juridiquement et financierement distinctes: la mente distintas: el Banco Intemacional de Re- Development Association (IDA). The IBRD Banque intemationale pour la reconstruction et construcci6n y Fomento (BIRF) y la Asociaci6n and IDA have three related functions: to lend le developpement (BIRD) et l'Association inter- Internacional de Fomento (AIF). El BIRF y la funds, to provide economic advice and techni- nationale de developpement (IDA). La BIRD et AIF tienen tres funciones relacionadas: prestar cal assistance, and to serve as a catalyst for l'IDA onttroisfonctionsconnexes: accorderdes fondos,proporcionarasesoriaecon6micayasis- stimulating investment by others. prets, fournir des conseils economiques et une tencia tecnica, y actuar como catalizadores para The IBRD finances its lending operations assistance technique, et servir de catalyseur aux estimular las inversiones que efectuian otros. primarily from borrowings in the world capital investissements d'autres parties. El BIRF financia sus operaciones crediticias markets. IDA extends assistance to the poorest La BIRD finance ses op6rations de pret prin- bAsicamente con los emprestitos que obtiene en countries on easier terms, largely from resour- cipalement en contractant des emprunts sur les los mercados mundiales de capital. La AIF ofre- ces provided by its wealthier members. Funds marches financiers mondiaux. L'IDA accorde ce asistencia a los paises mas pobres en condi- from such other sources as governments, coin- une aide aux pays les plus pauvres a des condi- ciones mas favorables, principalmente con re- mercial banks, export credit agencies, and other tions plus libdrales, essentiellement grace aux cursos proporcionados por los pafses miembros multilateral institutions are increasingly being ressources que lui fournissent sos pays membres mAs ricos. Fondos de otras fuentes tales como paired with World Bank funds to cofinance les plus riches. De plus en plus souvent, les pro- gobiernos, bancos comerciales, organismos de projects. The World Bank also provides loans jets aides par la Banque mondiale sont cofi- credito de exportaci6n yotras instituciones mul- to help developing countries adjust their eco- nances par d'autres sources : gouvernements, tilaterales se suman con frecuencia creciente a nomic policies and structures in the face of banques commerciales, organismes de credit a los fondos del Banco Mundial para cofinanciar structural problems that threaten continuing l'exportation, et autres institutions multilate- proyectos. El Banco Mundial tambidn propor- development. rales. La Banque mondiale accorde aussi des ciona prestamos para ayudar a los paises en The International Finance Corporation prets aux pays en d6veloppement pour les aider desarrollo a ajustar sus politicas y estructuras (IFC), an affiliate of the World Bank, seeks to a faire face, en ajustant leurs structures et leurs econ6micas en vista de los problemas estruc- promote growth in the private sectorof develop- politiques dconomiques, aux problemes struc- turales que amenazan el desarrollo continuo. La ing countries by mobilizing foreign and domes- turels qui menacent la poursuite de leur crois- Corporaci6n Financiera Intemacional (CFI), tic capital to invest alongside its own funds in sance. instituci6n afiliada del Banco Mundial, se commercial enterprises. La Socidtd financiere intemationale (SFI), dedica a fomentar el desarrollo econ6mico del As of December 31, 1987, IBRD had 151 qui est affili6e e la Banque mondiale, cherche A sector privado de los paises en desarrollo members, IDA 137, and the IFC 133. promouvoir la croissance du secteur prive des movilizando capital externo e interno que pays en developpement en mobilisant des capi- invertira, junto con sus propios fondos, en taux etrangers et nationaux A investir avec ses empresas comerciales. propres ressources dans des entreprises coin- Al 31 de diciembre de 1987, el BIRF con- merciales. taba con 151 miembros, laAIF 137 ya CaFI 133. Au 31 dcembre 1987, la BIRD comptait 151 membres,l'IDA 137 etla SF1 133. 29 THE WORLD BANK AND IFC OFFICES AROUND THE WORLD World Bank Central African Republic Indonesia Nigeria Switzerland IFC Headquarters Rue des Missions Jalan Rasuna Said, Kav. B-1 0 Plot 1 309A ITC Building 1818 H Street, N.W. B.P. 819 Suite 301 Karmu Kotun Street 54 rue de Montbrillant Headquarters Washington, D.C. 20433 USA Bangui,C.A.R. P.O. Box 3241JKT Victoria Island B.P. 104 181WSHiStreet, N.W. New ~~~~~~~ ~China Kuningan P.O. B3ox 127 121 1 Geneva 20 CIahnCo,D..243 S 747NThi Avenue (26th oor) Building number3 (3rd floor) Jakarta 12940, Indonesia Lagos, Nigeria Switzerland Crno dvore New Yoirk, Nvewu Y2rk 10017) Xiyuan Hotel Compound Japan Pakistan Tanzania Corner of Booker Washington USA Erligou Xi Jiao Kokusai Building P.O. Box 1025 NIC Building (7th floor B) an Jacques teets P.O. Box 9509 Room 916 Islamnabad, Pakistan P.O. Box 2054 Cj Cody Bangladesh Beijing,China 1-1 Marunouchi3-chome Peru DaresSalaarn,Tanzania Abidjan01,Coted'voire 3A Paribagh Cioak gp Dhaka, 1000 Bangladesh Colombia Chiyoda-ku Avenida Central 643(1o Piso) Thailand Egypt EdiidoAseuraorade[Vale- Tokyo 100, JPan Apartado 4480 Udom Vidhya Building 3 Elbergas Street Boenin Carrera 10, No. 24-55 (Piso 17) Kenya Lima, Peru 956 Rama IV Road Garden City Zone Residenfelle de la Radio Apartado Aereo 10229 Reinsurance Plaza Philippines Sala Daeng Caro. Egypt B. P. 03-2112 Bogota, DE Colombia (5th and 6th floors) Mulg-Storey Building, Room 200 B3angkok 1 0500, Thailand France Cotonou, Benin Congo Taifa Road Roxas Boulevard Togo 66, avenue d'lena Bolivia Avenue Amilcar Cabral P.O. Box 30577 Manila, Philippines 169, ruedu 13janvier 75116 Paris, France Edificdo BISA (4o Piso) Immouble ARC (Se 6tage) Nairobi, Kenya Rwd Immeuble BTCI (Be etage) India 16de Julio 1628 Brazzaville, Congo Madagascar Bwan aa OUOn B.P. 3915 55 Lodi Estate CasiPaa 8692 C6te d lvoire 1, rue Patrice Lumumba BRD Building Lome,Togo P.O. Box 416 La Paz, Bolivia Corner of Booker Washington B.P. 4140 B. P. 609 Turkey New Delhi 3, India Brazil and Jacques AKA Streets Antananarivo 101, Madagascar Kigali, Rwanda co UNDP P.K. 407 Indonesia Setor Comercial Sul Quadra 2 Cocody Malawi Saudi Arabia Ataturk, Bulvai, 197 Jalan Rasuna Said, Kav B-10 Numero78 EdificioOK,4Andar B.P. 1850 Red Cross House Capital City a ra Kavakildere Suite 301 Brasilia, DF 70.300 Brazil Abidjan 01, Cote d'lvoire P.O. Box 30557 Electicty Street Ankara, Turkey P.O. Box 324/JKT Brazil Ethiopia Lilongwe, 3 Malawi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Uganda Kuningan Edificio SUDENE ISTE NewTelecommunications Mali P.O. Box 4463 Jakarta 12940, Indonesia CidadeUniversitara 50,000 Building (1st floor) lmmoubleCNAR Senegal Kampala,Uganda Japan Recife, PE Brazil Churchill Rox5 rue Square Lumumba mPlaced'Indpendance United Kingdom Kokusai Building BoFrnasi P..Bx51 .84B.P. 3296 New Zealand House (1 5th floor) Room 91 3 c/o Furnas Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Bamako, Mali Dakar, Senegal Haymarket I- 1 Marunouchi 3-chome Centrals Eletricas SA. France Mauritania kLondon SWIY4TEEngland Chyoda-ku Rua Real Grandeza, 219 66, avenue d'lena Villa Number 30, ILOTA Somavla Condon,2ndflEoEnglandeCTokyo d00,Japan Bloco C, Nono Andar 75116 Paris, France Quartier Socof im Savoy Centre (2nd floor) Zaire Kenya RiodeJaneiro PU24000Brazil B.P 667 ~~~P.O. Box 1825 Building UZB Kenya l RiodeJaneiro, RJ 24000 Brazil Ghana B.P. 667 Mogadishu, Somalia Avenue des Aviateurs msurance flaza Burkina Faso 69 Eighth Avenue Extension Nouakchott, Maurtania B.P. 14816 (5thand6thfloors) immeuble BICiA (3e 6tage) Northridge Residential Area Mexico Sri Lanka PishsO.aieTaf Roxa357 B.P. 622 P.O Box M27 Nacional Financiera SNC Development Finance Kinshasa 1, Zaire30577 Ouagadougou, BurkinaFaso Accra,Ghana Isabel LaCatolica No.51 DFCCBuilding (1 stloor) Zambia Nairobi,Kenya Burundi Guinea Primer Piso 73/5 Galle Road Ben Bella Road Philippines 45, avenue de la Poste Cite des Natons, Villa 39 Colonia Centro 06006 P.O. Box 1761 P.O Box 2960 Central Bank of the Philippines B.P. 2637 B. P. 1420 Mexico City, D.F. Mexico Colombo, 3 Sri Lanka Lusaka1 Zambia Five Storey Main Building Bujumbura,Burundi Conakry,Guinea Nepal Sudan Zimbabwe Manila, Philippines Cameroon India Jyoti Bhawan, Kantpath * Sudan Kuwaiti Centre CABS Centre (12th floor) Turkey Immeuble Kennedy 55 Lodi Estate P.O. Box 798 Tower No.1 (7th floor) Stanley Avenue Taksim Avenue Kennedy P.O. Box 416 Kathmandu, Nepal Nile Avenue P.O. Box 2960 Istm B.P. 1128 New Delhi 3, India Niger P.O. Box 2211 Harare, Zimbabwe stanbul, Turkey Yaonde, Cameroon Immeuble BDRN Khartoum East, Sudan United Kingdom (12e etage-escalier A) New Zealand House (1 5th floor) B.P. 12402 Haymarket Niamey, Niger London, SWI Y4TE England ISSN 0085 8293 ISBN08213 11174