74179 Comoros: Economic Reform Development Policy Grant SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors November 29, 2012 Executive Directors approved an Economic Reform Development Policy Grant to the Union of Comoros in the amount of SDR 3.3 million (US$5 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0274). Directors expressed support for the program, which would help improve governance, transparency, and accountability and address economic and social vulnerabilities. In this context, Directors highlighted the importance of continued reforms of state-owned enterprises to improve overall governance and foster stronger growth and poverty reduction. Directors stressed the need to keep the momentum for reform through consistent and deepened engagement. Directors also acknowledged the country’s very limited institutional capacity and underscored the importance of stronger collaboration among all donors to provide a substantial mass of coordinated interventions. Finally, Directors commended the Government’s progress on macroeconomic and fiscal stabilization, including progress towards the HIPC completion point, and welcomed the progress achieved on key structural reforms. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.