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Fecal sludge management : diagnostics for service delivery in urban areas - tools and guidelines (English)

Addressing the need for fecal sludge management (FSM) from on-site sanitation systems is critical to improving sanitation in poor urban settlements. A preliminary review of the status of FSM in 12 cities, using secondary data, adopted certain diagnostic tools and proposed that others be developed further. This study has since been built on by further World Bank work using extensive primary data from five cities (Balikpapan, Dhaka, Hawassa, Lima and...
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Ross,Ian; Scott,Rebecca; Mujica,Ana; White,Zach; Smith,Mike.

Fecal sludge management : diagnostics for service delivery in urban areas - tools and guidelines (English). Water and sanitation program (WSP)|Water and sanitation program technical paper Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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