96680 v3 GOVERNANÇA METROPOLITANA NO BRASIL: Subsídios para a Construção de uma Agenda e uma Estratégia (ANEXO 3 – Profiles of 15 MRs) METROPOLITAN GOVERNANCE IN BRAZIL: Inputs for an Agenda and Strategy (ANNEX 3 – Profiles of 15 MRs) 1 Annex 3: Profiles of 15 Metropolitan Regions1 Table of Contents 1. BELÉM ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. BELO HORIZONTE ............................................................................................................................................... 6 3. BRASÍLIA ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 4. CAMPINAS ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 5. CURITIBA ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 6. FLORIANÓPOLIS ................................................................................................................................................ 22 7. FORTALEZA ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 8. GOIÂNIA ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 9. MANAUS ........................................................................................................................................................... 34 10. PORTO ALEGRE ............................................................................................................................................... 37 11. RECIFE ............................................................................................................................................................. 41 12. RIO DE JANEIRO .............................................................................................................................................. 45 13. SALVADOR ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 14. SÃO PAULO ..................................................................................................................................................... 53 15. VITÓRIA ........................................................................................................................................................... 57 1 The analysis is based on the use of national census data from the IBGE and labor market statistics (RAIS-CAGED, Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados - Relação Anual de Informações Sociais) from the Ministry for Labor and Employment (MTE, Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego) for the period of 2000–2010. 2 1. BELÉM Context 1.1 Context Map of Belém Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 2,100,319 Belém Municipality Population (2010): 1,392,031 MR Land Area (km2): 2,537 Number of municipalities in MR: 6 Economic Growth 1.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 1.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 1.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 3 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 1.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR, (2000 & 2010) 1.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR (2010) 1.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Belém 75% 91% 99% 38% 31% 31% 52% Ananindeua 36% 90% 99% 12% 45% 44% 61% Benevides 70% 69% 97% 1% 17% 82% 2% Santa Barbara 68% 35% 96% 1% 10% 89% do Pará 0% Marituba 39% 64% 99% 4% 15% 81% 78% Santa Isabel do 65% 63% 97% 1% 10% 89% Pará 0% 4 Housing & Population Growth 1.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 1.9 Subnormal Agglomerations (2010) 1.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 5 2. BELO HORIZONTE Context 2.1 Context Map of Belo Horizonte Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 4,882,977 Belo Horizonte Municipality Population (2010): 2,375,444 MR Land Area (km2): 14,420 Number of municipalities in MR: 34 Economic Growth & Employment 2.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 2.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 2.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 6 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 2.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR, (2000 & 2010) 2.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 2.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Belo Horizonte 100% 98% 100% 96% 0% 3% 12% Contagem 99% 96% 100% 89% 4% 7% 9% Betim 98% 97% 100% 85% 2% 14% 12% Ribeirão das Neves 96% 92% 100% 72% 3% 25% 5% Santa Luzia 98% 95% 100% 83% 3% 15% 9% Ibirité 99% 97% 100% 80% 4% 16% 11% Sabará 96% 90% 100% 86% 3% 11% 4% Vespasiano 99% 92% 100% 82% 10% 9% 19% Nova União 72% 74% 100% 58% 12% 31% 0% 7 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Esmeraldas 74% 82% 100% 20% 5% 75% 3% Pedro Leopoldo 95% 95% 100% 62% 5% 33% 0% Mário Campos 89% 96% 100% 42% 2% 56% 0% Caeté 89% 87% 100% 78% 6% 17% 0% Igarapé 90% 89% 100% 59% 5% 35% 0% Brumadinho 76% 89% 100% 57% 9% 35% 0% Nova Lima 93% 98% 100% 79% 15% 6% 0% Matozinhos 94% 97% 100% 66% 2% 32% 0% Sarzedo 96% 98% 100% 83% 3% 14% 0% São Joaquim de Bicas 88% 86% 100% 46% 25% 29% 0% Lagoa Santa 95% 95% 100% 40% 14% 45% 0% São José da Lapa 96% 98% 100% 67% 15% 18% 3% Jaboticatubas 63% 55% 98% 35% 13% 52% 0% Raposos 96% 98% 100% 84% 1% 15% 0% Mateus Leme 84% 88% 100% 56% 6% 38% 0% Itaguara 77% 79% 100% 72% 8% 20% 0% Itatiaiuçu 66% 78% 100% 59% 14% 26% 0% Rio Acima 94% 94% 100% 78% 6% 17% 0% Capim Branco 92% 91% 100% 18% 6% 76% 0% Baldim 78% 46% 99% 53% 2% 44% 0% Florestal 78% 81% 100% 76% 2% 22% 0% Confins 96% 98% 100% 1% 1% 97% 0% Juatuba 92% 86% 100% 47% 6% 47% 0% Rio Manso 61% 62% 99% 2% 2% 97% 0% Taquaraçu de Minas 54% 52% 98% 30% 13% 56% 0% 8 Housing & Population Growth 2.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 2.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 2.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 9 3. BRASÍLIA Context 3.1 Context Map of Brasília Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 3,716,996 Brasília Municipality Population (2010): 2,562,963 MR Land Area (km2): 55,402 Number of municipalities in MR: 23 Economic Growth & Employment 3.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 3.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core (2010) 3.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers, Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 10 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 3.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR, (2000 & 2010) 3.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 3.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Brasilia 95% 83% 100% 81% 8% 11% 5% Luziânia 59% 80% 100% 14% 13% 73% 0% Águas Lindas de 87% 88% 100% 2% 17% 81% Goiás 0% Valparaíso de 75% 87% 100% 30% 39% 31% Goiás 1% Formosa 88% 89% 99% 28% 16% 56% 0% Novo Gama 88% 82% 100% 15% 24% 61% 2% 11 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Planaltina 85% 87% 100% 21% 4% 75% 0% Unaí 81% 81% 98% 72% 7% 20% 0% Santo Antônio 71% 75% 100% 27% 17% 55% do Descoberto 0% Cidade 88% 91% 100% 44% 12% 44% Ocidental 0% Cristalina 69% 78% 99% 16% 26% 58% 0% Padre Bernardo 57% 53% 98% 16% 8% 76% 0% Alexânia 71% 74% 100% 1% 17% 82% 0% Pirenópolis 72% 67% 99% 4% 29% 66% 0% Buritis 71% 70% 97% 17% 10% 73% 0% Cocalzinho de 54% 70% 99% 1% 18% 81% Goiás 0% Abadiânia 73% 64% 100% 58% 21% 21% 0% Corumbá de 59% 44% 99% 2% 24% 73% Goiás 0% Cabeceiras 74% 78% 99% 1% 20% 78% 0% Cabeceira 81% 50% 99% 2% 8% 90% Grande 0% Água Fria de 52% 51% 98% 0% 1% 99% Goiás 0% Vila Boa 73% 72% 98% 6% 21% 74% 0% Mimoso de 45% 42% 93% 5% 15% 80% Goiás 0% Housing & Population Growth 3.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 3.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 12 3.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 13 4. CAMPINAS Context 4.1 Context Map of Campinas Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 2,798,477 Campinas Municipality Population (2010): 1,080,999 MR Land Area (km2): 3,645 Number of municipalities in MR: 19 Economic Growth & Employment 4.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 4.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 4.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in (2010) Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 14 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 4.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 4.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 4.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Campinas 98% 96% 100% 86% 6% 8% 12% Sumaré 97% 94% 100% 93% 2% 4% 3% Americana 98% 99% 100% 98% 1% 1% 0% Indaiatuba 94% 95% 100% 93% 4% 3% 0% Hortolândia 98% 98% 100% 37% 15% 48% 1% Santa Bárbara 99% 99% 100% 98% 1% 1% 0% do Oeste Valinhos 91% 97% 100% 88% 7% 5% 0% Itatiba 88% 94% 100% 83% 11% 6% 0% 15 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Paulínia 97% 92% 100% 90% 4% 6% 0% Vinhedo 96% 95% 100% 82% 13% 5% 0% Cosmópolis 96% 97% 100% 92% 3% 5% 1% Nova Odessa 98% 96% 100% 96% 1% 4% 0% Monte Mor 91% 96% 100% 51% 17% 32% 0% Jaguariúna 94% 98% 100% 88% 7% 5% 0% Artur Nogueira 89% 90% 100% 87% 4% 9% 0% Pedreira 97% 97% 100% 94% 3% 2% 0% Santo Antonio 90% 96% 100% 56% 29% 15% 0% de Posse Engenheiro 75% 93% 100% 71% 16% 13% 0% Coelho Holambra 68% 96% 100% 66% 9% 25% 0% Housing & Population Growth 4.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 4.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 16 4.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 17 5. CURITIBA Context 5.1 Context Map of Curitiba Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 3,218,580 Curitiba Municipality Population (2010): 1,746,896 MR Land Area (km2): 15,419 Number of municipalities in MR: 16 Economic Growth & Employment 5.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 5.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR (2010 ) 5.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 18 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 5.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 5.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 5.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Curitiba 99% 97% 100% 92% 4% 3% 8% São José dos Pinhais 89% 96% 100% 69% 21% 9% 0% Colombo 97% 99% 100% 59% 23% 18% 2% 19 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Araucária 93% 95% 100% 56% 28% 16% 2% Pinhais 99% 98% 100% 80% 15% 6% 0% Campo Largo 86% 92% 100% 39% 26% 35% 2% Almirante Tamandaré 95% 97% 100% 22% 44% 34% 6% Piraquara 94% 97% 100% 69% 16% 15% 0% Fazenda Rio Grande 95% 98% 100% 50% 28% 22% 0% Lapa 68% 65% 99% 51% 15% 34% 0% Campina Grande do Sul 83% 93% 100% 72% 15% 13% 0% Rio Negro 84% 90% 100% 37% 45% 18% 0% Rio Branco do Sul 70% 80% 98% 32% 24% 44% 0% Campo Magro 84% 87% 99% 20% 41% 39% 2% Itaperuçu 82% 73% 99% 13% 6% 81% 6% Mandirituba 68% 71% 99% 5% 35% 59% 0% Quatro Barras 93% 97% 99% 66% 19% 16% 0% Quitandinha 65% 60% 99% 1% 24% 74% 0% Cerro Azul 50% 40% 95% 8% 45% 47% 0% Contenda 65% 68% 99% 5% 27% 68% 0% Tijucas do Sul 54% 82% 98% 1% 47% 52% 0% Balsa Nova 86% 93% 99% 21% 59% 20% 0% Piên 79% 70% 99% 1% 62% 37% 0% Bocaiúva do Sul 66% 74% 99% 12% 49% 39% 0% Agudos do Sul 64% 51% 98% 1% 14% 85% 0% Campo do Tenente 85% 82% 99% 4% 57% 39% 9% Adrianópolis 48% 62% 96% 9% 30% 61% 0% Tunas do Paraná 57% 45% 99% 3% 2% 95% 0% Doutor Ulysses 36% 20% 93% 2% 59% 39% 0% 20 Housing & Population Growth 5.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 5.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 5.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 21 6. FLORIANÓPOLIS Context 6.1 Context Map of Florianópolis Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 877,706 Florianópolis Municipality Population (2010): 421,203 MR Land Area (km2): 7,466 Number of municipalities in MR: 22 Economic Growth & Employment 6.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 6.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of 6.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in MR (2010) Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 22 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 6.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 6.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 6.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Florianópolis 94% 93% 100% 52% 37% 11% 3% São José 98% 98% 100% 48% 46% 6% 1% Palhoça 91% 96% 100% 19% 66% 16% 3% Biguaçu 82% 97% 100% 24% 61% 14% 0% Santo Amaro da 78% 97% 100% 29% 55% 16% Imperatriz 0% 23 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Governador 93% 90% 100% 8% 67% 25% Celso Ramos 0% Antônio Carlos 46% 94% 100% 2% 60% 38% 0% Águas Mornas 26% 42% 100% 3% 66% 31% 0% São Pedro de 59% 83% 100% 7% 71% 22% Alcântara 0% Housing & Population Growth 6.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 6.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 6.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 24 25 7. FORTALEZA Context 7.1 Context Map of Fortaleza Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 3,610,379 Fortaleza Municipality Population (2010): 2,447,409 MR Land Area (km2): 5,795 Number of municipalities in MR: 15 Economic Growth & Employment 7.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 7.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 7.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in (2010) Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 26 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 7.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 7.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 7.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Fortaleza 93% 93% 100% 60% 15% 25% 15.4% Caucaia 82% 73% 98% 40% 18% 42% 5.5% Maranguape 83% 60% 95% 19% 15% 66% 4.7% Maracanaú 97% 92% 99% 51% 19% 30% 1.2% Aquiraz 20% 45% 97% 10% 28% 62% 0.4% Pacatuba 96% 60% 100% 62% 16% 22% 2.2% Cascavel 45% 59% 95% 3% 12% 85% 0.0% Pacajus 59% 55% 99% 1% 6% 93% 0.0% 27 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Horizonte -- 68% 99% 6% 8% 86% 0.0% Eusébio 58% 89% 99% 14% 19% 67% 0.0% São Gonçalo do 50% 64% 92% 19% 9% 72% Amarante 0.0% Itaitinga 91% 73% 98% 3% 3% 94% 2.2% Guaiúba 84% 39% 93% 14% 6% 79% 21.4% Chorozinho 52% 22% 96% 0% 5% 95% 0.0% Pindoretama 37% 55% 97% 0% 1% 99% 0.0% Housing & Population Growth 7.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 7.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 28 7.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 29 8. GOIÂNIA Context 8.1 Context Map of Goiânia Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 2,173,006 Goiânia Municipality Population (2010): 1,301,892 MR Land Area (km2): 7,315 Number of municipalities in MR: 20 Economic Growth & Employment 8.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 8.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 8.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 30 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 8.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 8.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 8.7 Service Coverage % House- % House- Access to Sewage Treatment holds with % House- holds with % House-holds Metropolitan Access to holds with % House-holds Access to in Subnormal Region/ Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Piped Agglomerates Municipality Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using Water (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) (2010) Network Goiânia 93% 93% 100% 70% 8% 22% 0% Aparecida de 58% 94% 100% 19% 18% 63% Goiânia 0% Trindade 85% 95% 100% 38% 11% 51% 0% Senador Canedo 81% 95% 100% 1% 24% 75% 0% 31 % House- % House- Access to Sewage Treatment holds with % House- holds with % House-holds Metropolitan Access to holds with % House-holds Access to in Subnormal Region/ Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Piped Agglomerates Municipality Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using Water (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) (2010) Network Inhumas 84% 94% 100% 29% 6% 64% 0% Goiandira 85% 86% 100% 2% 17% 81% 0% Bela Vista de 57% 73% 100% 32% 7% 61% Goiás 0% Nerópolis 82% 93% 100% 1% 69% 29% 0% Hidrolândia 55% 68% 100% 1% 14% 85% 0% Guapó 76% 76% 99% 48% 25% 27% 0% Goianápolis 74% 94% 100% 1% 14% 85% 0% Aragoiânia 56% 83% 100% 0% 2% 98% 0% Nova Veneza 82% 76% 100% 1% 6% 93% 0% Bonfinópolis 87% 93% 100% 0% 7% 92% 0% Abadia de Goiás 75% 86% 100% 34% 1% 65% 0% Terezópolis de 75% 88% 100% 1% 7% 93% Goiás 0% Santo Antônio de 86% 92% 100% 0% 10% 90% Goiás 0% Caturaí 71% 52% 100% 1% 37% 63% 0% Caldazinha 58% 66% 100% 2% 44% 54% 0% Brazabrantes 78% 81% 100% 2% 2% 96% 0% Housing & Population Growth 8.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 8.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 32 8.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 33 9. MANAUS Context 9.1 Context Map of Manaus Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 2,106,866 Manaus Municipality Population (2010): 1,802,525 MR Land Area (km2): 101,475 Number of municipalities in MR: 8 Economic Growth & Employment 9.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 9.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 9.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 34 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 9.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 9.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 9.7 Service Coverage % House- % House- Access to Sewage Treatment holds with % House- holds with % House-holds Metropolitan Access to holds with % House-holds Access to in Subnormal Region/ Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Piped Agglomerates Municipality Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using Water (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) (2010) Network Manaus 75% 94% 99% 41% 23% 36% 16% Iranduba 62% 52% 96% 2% 13% 85% 35% Manacapuru 56% 64% 96% 8% 17% 74% 3% Itacoatiara 73% 61% 98% 4% 17% 79% 1% Presidente 58% 62% 96% 29% 10% 61% Figueiredo 0% Rio Preto da Eva 47% 20% 97% 1% 9% 90% 0% 35 Housing & Population Growth 9.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 9.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 9.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 36 10. PORTO ALEGRE Context 10.1 Context Map of Porto Alegre Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 4,011,224 Porto Alegre Municipality Population (2010): 1,409,939 MR Land Area (km2): 9,803 Number of municipalities in MR: 32 Economic Growth & Employment 10.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 10.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 10.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in (2010) Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 37 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 10.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 10.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 38 10.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Porto Alegre 99% 96% 100% 86% 8% 5% 11% Canoas 97% 97% 100% 73% 21% 6% 2% Gravataí 76% 99% 100% 67% 17% 16% 1% Viamão 90% 95% 99% 38% 39% 23% 1% Novo Hamburgo 76% 98% 100% 56% 37% 7% 8% São Leopoldo 97% 95% 100% 77% 17% 6% 3% Alvorada 97% 98% 99% 55% 33% 12% 0% Sapucaia do Sul 90% 98% 99% 69% 22% 9% 0% Cachoeirinha 86% 98% 100% 86% 10% 4% 0% Guaíba 93% 96% 100% 74% 13% 13% 3% Esteio 93% 95% 100% 61% 31% 8% 0% Sapiranga 59% 97% 100% 66% 26% 8% 0% Campo Bom 74% 98% 100% 77% 18% 5% 0% Montenegro 80% 95% 100% 59% 31% 10% 2% Taquara 59% 85% 100% 46% 38% 16% 0% Parobé 44% 94% 100% 66% 24% 10% 0% Estância Velha 64% 99% 100% 26% 67% 7% 1% Santo Antônio 54% 78% 99% 15% 57% 28% da Patrulha 0% Charqueadas 97% 98% 100% 59% 33% 8% 0% Eldorado do Sul 83% 96% 99% 62% 28% 10% 4% Igrejinha 71% 99% 100% 36% 53% 11% 0% Portão 29% 97% 100% 38% 54% 8% 5% Dois Irmãos 96% 100% 100% 57% 38% 5% 0% Triunfo 51% 97% 99% 26% 32% 42% 0% Nova Santa Rita 37% 93% 99% 29% 37% 34% 0% São Jerônimo 77% 79% 98% 12% 60% 28% 0% Ivoti 90% 100% 100% 9% 64% 27% 0% Rolante 56% 93% 99% 15% 51% 34% 0% Nova Hartz 5% 81% 100% 39% 58% 3% 0% Arroio dos Ratos 94% 95% 100% 39% 29% 31% 0% Capela de 30% 94% 99% 31% 61% 8% Santana 0% Glorinha 48% 68% 100% 6% 60% 35% 0% Araricá 1% 97% 100% 33% 44% 24% 0% 39 Housing & Population Growth 10.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 10.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 10.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 40 11. RECIFE Context 11.1 Context Map of Recife Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 3,688,428 Recife Municipality Population (2010): 1,536,934 MR Land Area (km2): 2,774 Number of municipalities in MR: 14 Economic Growth & Employment 11.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 11.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 11.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 41 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 11.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 11.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 11.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Recife 87% 95% 99% 55% 16% 29% 22% Jaboatão dos Guararapes 79% 87% 99% 26% 21% 53% 34% Olinda 93% 92% 99% 41% 18% 42% 23% Paulista 90% 81% 100% 46% 16% 38% 13% 42 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Cabo de Santo Agostinho 86% 88% 98% 32% 20% 48% 48% Camaragibe 82% 91% 100% 21% 20% 59% 7% São Lourenço da Mata 75% 76% 98% 32% 8% 60% 13% Igarassu 81% 81% 99% 9% 12% 79% 3% Abreu e Lima 91% 92% 99% 34% 11% 55% 8% Ilha de Itamaracá 76% 56% 98% 1% 20% 79% 15% Moreno 83% 72% 97% 41% 14% 46% 18% Itapissuma 88% 76% 98% 14% 12% 74% 4% Ipojuca 61% 69% 94% 35% 19% 45% 5% Araçoiaba 58% 64% 97% 5% 4% 90% 29% Housing & Population Growth 11.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 11.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 43 11.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 44 12. RIO DE JANEIRO Context 12.1 Context Map of Rio de Janeiro Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 11,838,752 Rio de Janeiro Municipality Population (2010): 6,323,037 MR Land Area (km2): 5,327 Number of municipalities in MR: 19 Economic Growth & Employment 12.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 12.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 12.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in (2010) Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 45 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 12.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 12.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR \ 12.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House- % House-holds Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with holds with % House- in Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to % House- Access to holds Using Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom holds Using General a Septic (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Other Drain Sewage Tank (2010) Network Rio de Janeiro 98% 85% 100% 91% 4% 5% 20% São Gonçalo 80% 89% 100% 68% 14% 18% 1% Duque de 63% 92% 100% 77% 9% 14% 7% Caxias 46 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House- % House-holds Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with holds with % House- in Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to % House- Access to holds Using Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom holds Using General a Septic (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Other Drain Sewage Tank (2010) Network Nova Iguaçu 76% 92% 100% 78% 6% 16% 1% Niterói 97% 83% 100% 87% 5% 8% 14% Belford Roxo 74% 85% 100% 73% 9% 18% 7% São João de 93% 97% 100% 90% 4% 5% 10% Meriti Magé 40% 93% 100% 48% 16% 36% 8% Itaboraí 27% 89% 100% 41% 25% 34% 1% Nilópolis 91% 98% 100% 96% 3% 1% 2% Queimados 83% 87% 100% 69% 15% 16% 4% Maricá 19% 85% 100% 12% 52% 36% 7% Itaguaí 81% 93% 100% 69% 9% 22% 7% Japeri 83% 82% 100% 60% 9% 31% 2% Seropédica 94% 90% 100% 58% 7% 35% 9% Guapimirim 56% 88% 100% 47% 23% 30% 0% Paracambi 68% 84% 100% 77% 6% 17% 12% Tanguá 31% 91% 99% 56% 3% 41% 1% Housing & Population Growth 12.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 12.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 47 12.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 48 13. SALVADOR Context 13.1 Context Map of Salvador Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 3,574,804 Salvador Municipality Population (2010): 2,676,606 MR Land Area (km2): 4,354 Number of municipalities in MR: 13 Economic Growth & Employment 13.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 13.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR 13.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in (2010) Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 49 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 13.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 13.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 13.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Salvador 99% 61% 100% 91% 2% 6% 32% Camaçari 93% 89% 98% 53% 14% 34% 7% Lauro de Freitas 97% 85% 99% 55% 26% 19% 6% Simões Filho 93% 62% 98% 59% 8% 33% 1% Candeias 94% 70% 98% 66% 10% 24% 9% Dias d´ávila 92% 82% 99% 44% 17% 39% 0% São Sebastião 72% 78% 95% 55% 15% 30% do Passé 0% 50 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House-holds in Metropolitan holds with Access to holds with % House-holds Subnormal Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to % House- % House- Agglomerates Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General holds Using holds Using (2010) (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage a Septic Tank Other Drain (2010) Network Mata de São 80% 72% 97% 27% 17% 56% João 0% Vera Cruz 92% 60% 97% 14% 12% 74% 19% São Francisco 92% 65% 96% 52% 17% 31% do Conde 16% Pojuca 87% 73% 99% 80% 8% 12% 0% Itaparica 88% 47% 97% 41% 9% 50% 0% Madre de Deus 100% 99% 100% 91% 1% 8% 0% Japeri 83% 82% 100% 60% 9% 31% 2% Seropédica 94% 90% 100% 58% 7% 35% 9% Guapimirim 56% 88% 100% 47% 23% 30% 0% Paracambi 68% 84% 100% 77% 6% 17% 12% Tanguá 31% 91% 99% 56% 3% 41% 1% Housing & Population Growth 13.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 13.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 51 13.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 52 14. SÃO PAULO Context 14.1 Context Map of São Paulo Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 19,672,582 São Paulo Municipality Population (2010): 11,244,369 MR Land Area (km2): 7,947 Number of municipalities in MR: 39 Economic Growth & Employment 14.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 14.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of 14.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan MR (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 53 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 14.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 14.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 14.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House- holds with Access to holds with % House-holds % House- holds in Metropolitan Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to holds % House- Subnormal Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General Using a holds Using Agglomerate (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage Septic Other Drain s (2010) (2010) Network Tank Arujá 93% 98% 100% 56% 30% 14% 0% Barueri 99% 97% 100% 91% 5% 4% 1% Biritiba-Mirim 66% 93% 100% 61% 20% 19% 0% Caieiras 96% 94% 100% 86% 7% 8% 3% Cajamar 91% 88% 100% 70% 7% 23% 4% Carapicuíba 98% 96% 100% 81% 7% 12% 7% Cotia 91% 93% 100% 53% 29% 18% 1% 54 % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- holds with % House- % House- holds with Access to holds with % House-holds % House- holds in Metropolitan Region/ Access to Direct Solid Access to with Access to holds % House- Subnormal Municipality Piped Water Waste Bathroom General Using a holds Using Agglomerate (2010) Collection (2010) Sewage Septic Other Drain s (2010) (2010) Network Tank Diadema 99% 96% 100% 97% 1% 2% 21% Embu das Artes 98% 95% 100% 73% 7% 20% 13% Embu-Guaçu 77% 91% 100% 41% 16% 43% 0% Ferraz de Vasconcelos 98% 96% 100% 83% 2% 14% 6% Francisco Morato 96% 91% 100% 50% 9% 41% 5% Franco da Rocha 95% 94% 100% 68% 7% 25% 7% Guararema 69% 88% 100% 44% 27% 28% 0% Guarulhos 98% 96% 100% 87% 2% 11% 16% Itapecerica da Serra 90% 97% 100% 36% 17% 47% 1% Itapevi 95% 95% 100% 75% 9% 16% 1% Itaquaquecetuba 97% 98% 100% 71% 10% 19% 8% Jandira 99% 98% 100% 84% 7% 9% 2% Juquitiba 59% 78% 100% 22% 25% 53% 0% Mairiporã 71% 91% 100% 35% 33% 31% 0% Mauá 99% 97% 100% 90% 1% 9% 18% Mogi das Cruzes 90% 95% 100% 77% 10% 13% 0% Osasco 99% 93% 100% 84% 6% 10% 11% Pirapora do Bom Jesus 92% 92% 100% 64% 9% 27% 0% Poá 99% 99% 100% 94% 2% 4% 0% Ribeirão Pires 95% 98% 100% 81% 6% 13% 3% Rio Grande da Serra 95% 98% 100% 61% 17% 22% 0% Salesópolis 63% 87% 100% 55% 29% 17% 0% Santa Isabel 72% 82% 100% 55% 23% 22% 0% Santana de Parnaíba 91% 97% 100% 43% 30% 27% 3% Santo André 98% 94% 100% 95% 2% 4% 11% São Bernardo do Campo 98% 87% 100% 89% 3% 7% 18% São Caetano do Sul 100% 99% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% São Lourenço da Serra 58% 67% 100% 41% 34% 25% 0% São Paulo 99% 95% 100% 92% 2% 6% 10% Suzano 92% 97% 100% 82% 8% 10% 2% Taboão da Serra 100% 92% 100% 91% 3% 6% 10% Vargem Grande Paulista 87% 98% 100% 47% 38% 16% 0% 55 Housing & Population Growth 14.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 14.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 14.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 56 15. VITÓRIA Context 15.1 Context Map of Vitória Basic Facts: MR Population (2010): 1,685,384 Vitória Municipality Population (2010): 325,453 MR Land Area (km2): 2,331 Number of municipalities in MR: 9 Economic Growth & Employment 15.2 Annual Growth in GDP and Income Per Capita, 2000-2010 15.3 Income of Residents, Metropolitan Core vs. Rest of 15.4 % of High Income Skilled Workers in Metropolitan MR (2010) Core vs. Rest of MR, 2000 & 2010 57 Water, Sanitation & Solid Waste 15.5 Worst Served Municipalities in the MR 15.6 Service Provision in Core City vs. Rest of MR 15.7 Service Coverage % House- Access to Sewage Treatment % House- % House- holds with % House- holds with holds % House- % Access to % House- holds in Metropolitan Region/ Access to with holds with House- Direct Solid holds Subnormal Municipality Piped Access to Access to holds Waste Using Agglomerat Water Bathroom General Using a Collection Other es (2010) (2010) (2010) Sewage Septic (2010) Drain Network Tank Vila Velha 99% 95% 100% 97% 2% 2% 7% Serra 97% 93% 100% 82% 4% 14% 8% Cariacica 97% 92% 100% 76% 4% 19% 7% Vitória 99% 96% 100% 80% 6% 13% 13% Guarapari 90% 91% 100% 52% 14% 34% 14% Viana 90% 88% 100% 67% 4% 29% 16% Fundão 81% 82% 100% 31% 8% 60% 0% 58 Housing & Population Growth 15.8 Housing Growth (2000-2010) 15.9 Subnormal Agglomerates (2010) 15.10 Population Growth (2000-2010) 59