64584 Proposed IDA Crisis Response Window Support for the Horn of Africa Drought Emergency SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors September 15, 2011 The Executive Directors considered the President’s Memorandum and Recommendation on the Proposed IDA Crisis Response Window Support for the Horn of Africa Drought Emergency and approved: (i) an allocation of US$250 million from the IDA Crisis Response Window (CRW) to the Drought Emergency in the Horn of Africa; (ii) the use of CRW financing for projects at the regional and country level on an exceptional basis; and (iii) the provision of a grant of $30 million from CRW to UNHCR on an exceptional basis, as outlined in paragraph 9 of the report (IDA/R2011-0280). Executive Directors noted the severity and scale of the drought emergency, including the impact on the most vulnerable groups, and supported a robust role for the World Bank in the international response to the crisis. They welcomed the comprehensive scope of the proposed US$1.88 billion Horn of Africa Drought Response Plan and commended the Bank’s efforts in working closely with international partners. They emphasized the importance of adhering to the Bank's comparative advantage in linking emergency-related projects with the achievement of long term development goals, including investments in irrigation, agriculture, and food security. They called for updates on the emerging costs of the crisis. Moreover, they stressed the importance of close ongoing engagement between the Board and Management to ensure efficient use of resources and effective program implementation, as well as on future crisis-related responses.                                                               This summary is not an approved record.