Report No. 329-MOR Current Economic Position FILE COPY and Prospects of Morocco (In Two Volumes) Volume 11 Staistical Appendix February 7, 1974 EMENA Region Country Programs Department 11 Not for Public Use Document of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association This report was prepared for official use only by the Bank Group. It may not be published, quoted or cited without Bank Group authorization. The Bank Group does not accept respon- sibility for the accuracy or completeness of the report. CURRENCY EQUIVALE2TS US$ $ = JD 0.3125 JD 1 = 1,000 fils US$ 1 = DM 2.40 JD 1 = DM 7.68 ABBREVIATIONS JD = Jordanian Dinar DM = Deutsche Mark ton = metric ton JCI = Jordan Ceramic Industries Company Limited Lecico = Lebanese Ceramic Industries Company S.A.L. Agrob = Agrob Anlagenbau GmbH UNDP = United Natibns Development Program IDB = Industrial Development Bank of Jordan Statistical Appendix Table Number Title 1.1 Population, 1935, 1952, 1960 and 1971 1.2 Population by Sex and Age, 1971 1.3 Urban and Rural Population by Sex and Age, 1971 1.4 Urban Population by Sex and Age, 1960 and 1971 1.5 Working-Age Population, 1960, 1971 and 1977 1.6 Participation Rates, 1960 and 1971 1.7 Labor Force by Economic Sectors, 1971 1.8 Urban and Rural Employment by Sub-sectors, 197T 1.9 Employment by Profession, 1971 1.10 Analysis of Unemployment, 1971 x.11 Unemployed by Duration of Unemployment, 1971 1.12 Unemployment in Large Cities, 1971 1.13 Unemployment Rate by Sector, 1971 1.14 Unemployment by Age and Sex 1.15 Registered Emigration, 1963-1972 1.16 Internal Migrations, 1960, 1971 2.1 Gross Domestiz Product by Sector 1964-1972 _ 2.2 Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices 1964-197 2.3 Investment and Saving 1964-1972 2.4 Investment and Saving 1964-1972 2.5 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1964-1972 2.6 Approvals by the Investment Commission 1968-1972 3.1 Merchandise Exports, f.o.b., 1964-1st sem. 1973 3.2 Merchandise Imports, cif, 1964-1st sem. 1973 3.3 Merchandise Imports by Customs Category 1966-1972 3.4 Import Tariff Rates, 1971 3.5 Geographic Distribution of Foreign Trade 1964-lst sem. 1973 3-6 Balance of payments 1966-1972 3.7 External Reserves, 1964-1973 3.8 External Private Capital Inflows by Sector and Financing 1967-1972 3.9 External Loans, 1966 - 1st half 1973 3e10 External Grants, 1966 - 1st half 1973 3.11 Disbursements on French Loans 1966-1972 3.12 Disbursements on United States Loans, 1966-1972 4.1 External Public Debt Outstanding as of December 31, 1972 4.2 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Total 4.3 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Suppliers' Credits 4.4 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Private Banks Loans 4.5 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Publicly Issued Bonds 4.6 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Other Private Debts 4.7 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Loans from Int'l. Organizations 4.8 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Government Loans 4.9 External Public Debt as of December 31, 1972 - Unclassified France Statistical Appendix Page 2 Table Number Title 5.1 Central Government Accounts, 1965-1973 5.2 Central Government Current Revenue, 1960-1973 5.3 Central Government Current Expenditure, 1965-1973 5.4 Central Government Investment, 1960-1964 5.5 Central Government Investment, 1965-1973 5.6 Public Debt Operations, 1965-1973 5.7 Local Government Accounts, 1964-1972 5.8 Gross Saving of Selected Public Enterprises, 1966-1972 5.9 Fixed Investment of Selected Public Enterprises, 1966-1972 5.10 CDG - Balance Sheets, 1968-1972 5.11 CDG and Affiliates - Selected Activities, 1966-1972 5.12 Budget d'Equipement: Reconciliation entre Plan, Fiches de Projet et Loi de Finances, 1973 6.1 Monetary Survey, 1966 - June 1973 6.2 Assets and Liabilities of the Bank of Morocco, 1966 - June 1973 6.3 Assets and Liabilities of the Deposit Money Banks, 1966 - June 1973 6.4 Assets and Liabilities of Specialized Credit Institutions, 1969-1972 6.5 Distribution of Credit to the Private Sector, 1966-1972 6.6 Short-term Financial Saving, 1967-1972 6.7 Long-term Issues, 1968-1972 6.8 Structure of Interest Rates, 1973 7.1 Production of Selected Agricultural Products and Areas under Cultivation, 1966/67-1971/72 7.2 Exports of Agricultural Products by the Office de Commercialisation et d'Exportation (OCE), 1966/67-1971/72 7.3 Herd Size, 1967/68-1971/72 7.4 Distribution of Cultivated Area in the early 1960's 7.5 Agricultural Land Use, 1960, 1969 and 1973 7.6 Irrigable Land, 1960, 1.969 and 1973 7.7 Agricultural Production, Value-added and Employment, 1960-1973 Area of Main Crops, 1960, 1969 and 1973 7.9 Area under Fruit Orchardss 1960-1973 7.10 Agricultural Imports and Exports, 1965-1972 7.11 Large Dams and Water Works Completed in 1968-1972 7.12 External Irrigation Works Executed in 1968-1972 7.15 On-farm Irrigation Works Completed in 1968-1972 7.14 External Irrigation Works to be completed in 1973-1977 7.15 On-farm Irrigation Works to be completed in 1973-1977 7.16 Investment in Agriculture, 1968-72 and 1973-77 Statistical Appendix Page 3 Table Number Title 8.1 Mineral Production and Exports, 1964-72 8.2 Energy Production, 1964-1972 8.3 Indices of Manufacturing Production, 1964-72 8.4 Production and Exports of Canned Fish, 1965/66-1971/72 8.5 Production and Exports of Canned Fruit and Vegetables, 1964- 1st half 1973 8.6 Approvals by the Commission Des Investissements of Projects in the Processing and Extraction Industries 8.7 Assistance Approved by BNDE 9.1 Casablanca Cost of Living Index, 1962 - August 1973 9.2 Casablanca Wholesale Price Index, 1962 - August 1973 9.3 Exchange Rates, 1963 - August 1973 Table 1.1: POPULATION 1935, 1952, 1960 and 1971 (Thousands; mid-year estimates) Item 1955 1952 1960 1971 Moroccan Nationals Moslems 6,590 8,585 11,068 15,236 Israelites 185 218 162 31 Sub-total 6,775 8,803 11,230 15,267 Foreigners 265 539 396 112 Total 7,040 9,342 11,626 15,379 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Direction de la Statistique Table 1.2: POPUIATION BY SEX AND AGE, 1960 and 1971 (Thousands) Age Group Year Males Percent Females Percent Total Percent 0 - 4 1971 1,247 8.2 1,217 8.0 2,464 16.3 1960 1,073 9.2 1,122 9.7 2,195 18.9 5 - 9 1971 1,243 8.2 1,204 7.9 2,447 16.1 1960 955 8.2 918 7.9 1,873 16.1 10 - 14 1971 1,102 7.3 985 6.5 2,087 13.8 1960 616 5.3 467 4.o 1,083 9.3 15 - 19 1971 744 4.9 706 4.7 1,450 9.6 1960 371 3.2 351 3.0 722 6.2 20 - 24 1971 499 3.3 546 3.6 1,045 6.9 1960 407 3.5 501 4.3 908 7.8 25 -. 29 1971 402 2.7 502 3.3 904 6.o 1960 435 3.7 522 4.5 957 8.2 30 - 34 1971 387 2.6 493 3.3 879 5.8 1960 390 3.4 450 3.9 840 7.2 35 - 39 _971 389 2.6 420 2.8 809 5.3 1960 333 2.9 308 2.6 641 5.5 40o - 44 1971 349 2.3 388 2.6 737 4.9 1960 290 2.5 309 2.7 599 5.2 1 - 49 1971 265 1.7 230 1.5 4S> 3.3 1960 191 1.6 157 1.4 347 3.0 ! 54 1971 263 1.7 245 1.6 508 3.4 196o 204 1.7 219 1.9 422 3.6 55 - 59 1971 151 1.0 101 0.7 253 1.7 1960 107 0.9 74 1.2 181 1.6 64C - &~ <97' 176 1.2 195 1.3 370 2.4 i6c 169 1.5 195 1.7 364 3.1 65 and over 1971 370 2.5 337 2.2 707 4.7 1960 268 2.3 226 1.2 494 4.2 Total 1971 7,586 50.1 7,568 49.9 15,154 100.0 1960 5,809 49.9 5,817 50.03 11,626 100.0 Soiwce: 1960 and 1971 Population Censuses. Table 1.3: URBA AND RURAL POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE., 1971 (Thousands) Males Females Total Age Group Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Urban Population 0 - 14 1,190 22.2 1,190 22.2 2,381 444. 15 - 24 465 8.7 510 9.5 975 18.2 25 - 44 564 10.5 653 12.2 1,217 22.7 45 - 64 306 5.7 278 5.2 584 10.9 65 - 74 61 1.1 66 1.2 126 2.4 75 and over 35 0.7 38 0.7 73 1.4 Total 2,621 48.9 2,735 51.1 5,356 100.0 Rural Population 0 - 14 2,400 24.5 2,214 22.6 4,616 47.1 15 - 24 778 7.9 742 7.6 1,520 15.5 25 - 44 962 9.8 1,h49 11.7 2,112 21.6 45 - 64 549 5.6 493 5.0 1,042 10.6 65 - 74 162 1.7 149 1.5 311 3.2 75 and over 113 1.1 85 0.9 197 2.0 Total 4,964 50.7 4,832 49.3 9,798 100.0 Source: 1971 Population Census. Table 14: URBAN POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE, 1960 and 1971 (Thousands) Age Group Year Males Percent Females Percent Total Percent 0 - 4 1971 412 7.7 398 7.4 810 15.1 1960 291 8.5 291 8.5 582 17.1 5 - 9 1971 409 7.6 411 7.7 820 15.3 1960 242 7.1 248 7.8 490 14.4 10 - 14 1971 369 6.9 383 7.1 751 14.0 1960 178 5.2 163 4.8 341 10.0 15 - 19 1971 278 5.2 298 5.6 576 10.7 1960 121 3.5 129 3.8 250 7.3 20 - 24 1971 187 3.5 212 4.0 399 7.5 1960 126 3.7 158 4.6 284 8.3 25 - 29 1971 142 2.6 172 3.2 3214 5.9 1960 133 3.9 153 4.5 286 8.4 30 - 34 1971 139 2.6 179 3.3 318 5.9 1960 129 3.8 138 4.0 267 7.8 35 - 39 1971 148 2.8 164 3.1 312 5.8 1960 113 3.3 102 3.0 2.5 6.3 40 - 44 1971 135 2.5 138 2.6 274 5.1 1960 99 2.9 88 2.6 187 5.5 45 - 49 1971 107 2.0 91 1.7 198 3.7 1960 67 2.0 53 1.6 120 3.5 50 - 54 1971 92 1.7 84 1.6 176 3.3 196o 60 1.7 59 1.7 118 3.5 55 - 59 1971 54 1.0 42 0.8 96 1.8 1960 36 1.1 28 0.8 64 1.9 6O - 6Ll. 1972. 53 1.0 61 1.1 114 2.1 1960 blo 1.2 47 1.4 88 1.6 65 and over 1971 96 1.8 104 1.9 200 3.7 1960 56 1.6 63 1.8 119 3.5 Total 1971 2,620 48.9 2,736 51.1 5,357 100.0 1960 1,692 49.6 1,719 50.3 3,412 100.0 Source: 1960 and 1971 Population Censuses. Table 1.5: WORKING-AGE POPULATION, 1960, 1971 and 1977 Working-age Population 1960 1971 19771/ Total (thousands) 3,255 3,980 5,000 Urban (thousands) 978 1,403 1,900 (percent) 30.0 35.2 40.0 Rural (thousands) 2,277 2,577 2,968 (percent) 70.0 64.8 60.o / Third Five-Year Plan estimate. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 1.6: PARTICIPATION RATES, 1960 and 1971 (Percent) Males Females Age Group 1960 1971 1960 71 Less than 15 5.5 5.0 2.5 2.0 15 - 19 64.5 59.0 lo.o 16.5 20 - 24 87.5 85.o 7.5 7.5 25 - a 95.0 95.5 8.5 11.0 45 - 54 94.5 93.0 11.5 17.0 55 - 64 90.0 75.0 11.0 13.0 65 and over 66.0 34.0 6.5 3.5 Average 50.0 44.5 5.0 8.5 Source: 1960 and 1971 Population Censuses. Table 1.7: IABOR FORCE BY XCNOQNIC SECTORS, 1971 Sector Thousands Percent Agriculture 1,988.0 54.7 Energy and water -3,2.9 0.9 Mining 34.8 0.9 Manufacturing 3?1.. Housing & Public works 154.0 4.2 Transportation 100.4 3.0 Trade 260.3 7.2 Services 417.8 11.5 Government 254.8 7.0 Sub-Total 3,631.0 100.0 Unemployed - have worked before 158.2 4.0 - have nevrer worked 190.7 4.8 Sub-Total 348.9 8.8 Total labor force 3,979.9 108.0 Source: 1971 Population Census Table 1.8: URBAN AND R1JRAL EMPIOYMENT BY SUB-SECTORS, 1971 Urban Rural Total Sector/Sub-sector Thousands Percent Thousands Percent Thousands Percent Primary 60.2 5.1 1,927.8 78.9 1,988.0 54.7 Fishing 8.0 0.7 5.5 0.2 13.5 0.4 Forestry, hunting 2.7 0.2 14.8 0.6 17.5 0.5 Crops 45.2 3.9 1,574.2 . 1,619.4 44.6 Animal Husbandry 4.3 0.3 333.3 13.6 337.6 Secondary 479.1 40.4 231.1 9.5 710.2 19.6 Power and water 8.4 0.7 2.4 0.1 10.8 0.3 Energy 12.0 1.0 9.3 0.4 21.3 o.6 Mtini rg 14.0 1.2 20.8 0.9 34.8 0.9 Metal Works 54.9 4.6 19.5 0.8 72.4 2.0 of which: - general ( 9.2) (0.8) ( 2.8) (0.1) (12.0) (0.3) - miscellaneous ( 7.1) (0.6) ( 5.6) (0.2) (12.7) (2.3) - cars arid cycles (22.0) (1.9) ( 4.1) (0.2) (26.7) (0.7) Construction Materials 9.9 0.8 7.5 0.3 7.4 0.5 Building - Public Works 85.8 7.2 68.2 2.8 154.0 4.2 Chemical Industry 6.9 o.6 0.7 . 7.6 0.2 Food Industry 50.8 4.3 11.6 0.5 62.4 1.7 of which: -bread (14.2) (1.2) ( 3.4) (0.1) (17.6) (0.5) - cannirng (14.3) (1.2) ( 0.4) (0.1) (14.7) (0.4) Textile Industry 51.9 4.4 38.6 1.5 88.5 2.4 Clothing 45.8 3.9 18.5 0.8 64.3 1.8 Leather Industry 8.9 0.7 3.6 0.1 12.5 0.3 ,Footwear 16.0 1.3 4.( 0.2 20.9 0.6 Wood Industry 21.5 1.8 1,.3 0.5 33.8 0.9 6.7 o.6 0.4 * 7.1 0.2 Transportation & Telephone 85.6 7.3 14.8 0.9 1 00.1.! 3.0 of - highway (28.5) (2.4L) (11.7) (0.5) (40.2) (1.1) - water (14.6) (1.2) ( 0.6) ( . ) (15.2) (0.4) - other (25.1) (2.1) ( 0.7) ( * ) (25-8) (0.7) 647.8 54.5 285.0 11.6 932.8 25.7 i la d a 183.5 15.5 76.8 3.1 260.3 7.2 ~oich: - food (79.6) (6.7) (40.6) (1-7) (120.2) (3.3) - textiles & clothing (24.5) (9.1) ( 5.0) (0.2) ( 29.5) (0.8) liawlkers (27.0) (2.3) r 8.9) (0.4) ( 35.9) (1.0) - oLilthrs. (10.3) (0.9) (16.5) (0.8) ( 28.8) (0.8) - ultiple (7.1) (0.6) ( 0.9) ( . ) ( 8.0) (0.2) rloteLs, Restaurants 20.3 1.7 5.0 0.2 25.3 0.7 Real estate 2.7 0.2 0.4 . 3.1 Domestic service 94.1 7.9 33.3 1.4 127.4 3.5 Government 191.2 16.1 63.6 2.6 2541. . 7?.0 of which: - Education (57.3) (4.8) (23.4) (1.0) (80.7) (2.2) lt'her services 71.4 6.0 35.2 1.4 106.6 2.9 Unidentified activities 84.6 7.1 7u.7 ;e.9 155.3 4.4 Total 1,187.1 100.0 2,443.9 100.0 3,631.0 100.0 Sol.rce: 1971 Population Census Table 1.9: EMPLOYMENT BY PROFESSION, 1971 (Thousands) Profession Number Employers 93 Wage earning 1,481 Self employed 1,244 Domestic service 744 Apprentices 4 Non-classified 65 TOTAL 5,6)1 Source: 1971 Population Census Table '0- ANAITSIS CF UNEIPI1YMENT, 1971 Category Number 1. Unemployed who had worked before census date (V1) 5 - 24 year olds 36,377 25 - 44 year olds 68,193 45 - 64 year olds 46,880 65 - 74 year olds 4,923 more than 75 1,825 Sub-Total 1 58,1128 o,' "which: - Urban areas 65, 4o4 - ilural areas 2 7 9.14 2. Unemployed who had not worked before census date (Vp) Category 1 163,6i64 Category 2 4,358 Category 3 - 5,756 Sub-Total 190, 741 Total Unemployment 348,939 1/ Unemployed working for a first job without any training. 2/ Unemployed who made an inaccurate, insufficient job declaration. 3/ Unemployed who made no job declarations. Source: 1971 Population Census Table 1.11: UNEMPLYED BYr DURATION OF UNEMPWYMR'IT, 1971 1/ Iess than 3 months 3 - 3 months 5 - 6 months Total: 38,865 15,998 14,229 Urban Areas 21,637 11,375 9,h447 Rural Areas 17,228 4,623 4.,782 7 - 8 months 9 - 10 months 11 - 12 months Total: 10,070 9,555 17,285 Urban Areas 7,392 6,982 12,318 Rural Areas 2,678 2,573 4,957 More than 12 months No declaration TOTAL Total: 24,785 27,421 158,198 Urban Areas 23,643 _ 92,794 Rural Areas 1,142 27,,421 65,404 1/ Concemns unemployed who had worked before census date (V.1) only. Source: 1971 Population Census Table 1.12: UNEMPLOYMENT IN LARGE CITIES, 1971 Unemployment City - Unemployment Rate (Percent) i Marrakech 13,060 14.0 Tanger 8,210 15.5 Fes 11,700 12.8 Casablanca 60,190 16.0 Rabat-Sale 16,900 12.5 j/ Ratio of unemployed labor force in percent. Source: 1971 Population Census Table 1 .13; UNEMPIDYMET RATE BY SECTOR, 1971 1 (Percent) Sector Rate - Sector Rate Fisheries 5.0 Saw milling 5.5 Forestry 5.0 Paper manufacture 5.0 Crop production 1.5 Energy 3.0 Animal Husbandry 0.0 Housing and Public Works 7.5 Transportation 4.5 Mines 3.5 ------ Petroleum 3.0 Commerce 2.5 Metal processing 5.5 Services 2.5 Chemical 5.0 Government 3.0 Food processing 5.0 Other services 2/ 17.5 Textiles 4.0 Leather processing 5.5 1/ Concerns unerployed who had worked before census date (V1) only. 2/ Ratio of unemployed to-labor force. 3/ Including sectors not indicated in reports. Source: 1971 Population Census Table 1.14: UNEMPWYMENT BY AGE AND SEX (Percent of total) Age Group Total Unemployment Urban Unemployment Total V.1 V.2 Total V.1 V.2 15 - 19 Males 31.0 49.5 10.6 30.7 49.1 9.2 Females 74.7 61.2 14.3 44.9 60.1 15.7 20 - 24 Males 22.7 32.2 12.2 23.7 33.9 11.9 Females 20.2 26.6 9.4 22.3 28.3 11.0 25- 29 Males 10.0 11.1 8.7 9.5 10.6 8.2 Females 6.1 7.0 4.6 6.5 7.0 5.5 30 - 34 Males 7.7 7.2 8.2 7.3 6.4 8.3 Females 4.9 5.2 4.8 4.8 4.6 5.1 35 - 44 Males 13.3 , 27.9 12.9 . 27.8 Females 9.6 . 25.7 8.8 . 25.5 45 and over Males 15.4 , 32.3 15.9 . 34.6 Females 15.5 * 41.3 12.7 , 37.2 TOTAL Males 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Females 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Note: V.1 = unemployed who had worked before census date. V.2 - unemployed who had not worked before census date. Source: 1971 Population Census Table 1.15: RIEGISTERED IMIGRATION, 1963-1972 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972L/ pgBan!e/ 5,615 14,833 5,742 5,972 6,443 7,456 15,551 24,63 22,806 18,400 LTbYal/ - - 9 889 2,717 4,683 3,651 433 634 - W4titd Kiugdom 6 5 9 19 44 170 1,692 2,046 48 1,100 Gerwany 48- 2,330 36 14 23 27 1,826 881 5,837 2,200 989 1,827 55 8 4 2 21 123 71 30 Neth:1landPL/ 34 30 11 2 5 661 2,608 1,136 1,170 Others 123 230 78 41 122 141 117 242 232 2,600 - -W -~~ - - - - ~ - - -NO Tota1 7,218 19,249 5,959 6,954 9X355 12,484 23,519 31,006 30,764 25,500 L/ P:ltnauy "stimate. I Under emigration agreement of June 1, 1963. J Under emigration agreement of September 17, 1965. / Under emigration agirsment of June 21, 1963. / Undor emigration agrseent of PFbruary 17, 1964. lourco: MiniLtbr dui Travail Table 1.16: INTERNAL MIGRATIONS, 1960, 1.y71 Population Populaticn Average Annual Migratory Movements 2/ Provinces in 1960 in 1 971 Growth Rate Total. Aniual Rate Rabat-Sale 338,087 641,714 4.7 +132,310 +2.1 uasablanca 1,100,379 1,719,421 4.1 +267,300 +1.5 Ben-'-Mellal 474,001 663,691 3.1 + 35,350 +0.5 Nadcor 347,566 480,517 3.0 + 20,100 +0.4 Jhouribga 236,777 328,304 3.0 + 16,530 +0.4 Kenitra 995,913 1,345,975 2.8 + 28,550 +0.2 Tanger 164,246 215,502 2.5 - 2,010 -0.1 Tanfaya 18,361 24,161 2.5 - 40 -0. 1 Taza 445,745 578,556 2.24 - 9,2480 -0.2 IMel-es 577,137 753,117 2.4 - 8,200 -0.2 Fes 830,999 1,071,416 2.3 - 22,500 -0.3 857,893 1,168,010 2.3 - 3,250 -0.3 El Hoceima 191,1495 246,594 2.3 - 6,1240 -0.3 Marrakech 1,237,196 1,55b,541 2.1 - 76,510 -0.5 Ksar El Souk 380,949 471,620 2.0 - 29,100 -0.6 Tetouan 647i271 796,278 1.9 - 52,400 -0.7 Settat 545,725 670,769 1.9 - 45,750 -0.7 Oujda 523,130 633,828 1.8 - 53,000 -0.8 Safi 739,477 897,946 1.8 - 90,170 -0.8 El Jadida 489,637 590,923 1.7 - 51,300 -0.9 Ouarzazate 434,2480 522,376 1.7 - 50,000 -0.9 Total 11,626,2470 15,379,259 2.6 +0 0.0 1/ Estiates assuxnang a uniform annual growth rate of 2.6. :ource_ Third Five-Year Plan (1 973-1977) Table 2.1: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY SECTOR, 1964-1972 (Millions of 1960 Dirhamss) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Agriculture 2990 3150 2780 3070 3980 3650 3720 3950 4090 Energy 250 260 280 280 310 330 350 370 430 Mining 590 590 580 580 580 620 620 630 760 Industry and Handicraft 1330 1320 1370 1420 1490 1580 1700 1780 1840 Construction, public works 440 460 500 580 570 610 700 750 740 Commercel/ 2150 2130 2140 2280 2440 2550 2730 2840 2950 Transport and other non-Gov't. services 1720 1780 1820 '1890 2010 2090 2190 2300 2390 GovernmentS' 1140 1120 1190 1260 1380 1440 1540 1640 1710 Gross Domestic Product at marke rice9s' 10610 10810 10660 1]1 i760 6- -280 3 C0 14260 14910 Growqth Rates (in percent) GDP at constant prices 1.0 1.9 - 1.4 6.6 12.3 0.9 5-3 5.2 4.6 GDP at current prices 5.3 5.4 - 2.4 5.9 12.6 4.0 6.5 9.5 8.5 Implicit price deflator 4.3 3.4 - 1.0 - 0.7 0-3 3.1 1.1 4.1 3.7 1/ Includes indirect taxes for about 30 percent of the total. / Deflated by the cost of living index. S/ Corresponds to "Production Interieure Brute" plus government wages and salaries. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 2.2: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT AT MARKET PRICES 1964-1972 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Private Consumption 9,310 9,780 9,670 10,090 10,790 11,790 12,700 13,670 14,770 Public Consumption 1,860 1,800 1,880 1,930 2,130 2,320 2,500 2,740 2,930 Purchases ( 520) ( 440) ( 450) ( 430) ( 480) ( 540) ( 580) ( 610) ( 630) Wages and Salaries (1,340) (1,360) (1,430) (1,500) (1,650) (1,780) (1,920) (2,130) (2,300) Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1,370 1,440 1,530 1,890 1,970 2,180 2,610 2,700 2,670 Changes in Stocks -20 - -150 30 720 -160 -60 70 -70 Net Exports -30 140 -90 -340 -300 -210 -790 -610 -150 Exports of goods and non factor services (2,750) (2,700) (2,780) (2,800) (3,060) (3,380) (3,530) (3,730) (4,340) Imports of goods and non factor services (2,780) (2,560) (2,870) (3,140) (3,360) (3,590) (4,320) (4,340) (4,490) Gross Domestic Product 12490 13.160 12.840 13.600 15.310 15.920 16,960 18,570 Net Factor Income from abroad -230 -280 -320 -190 -250 -140 -80 70 170 Gross National Product 12.260 12.880 12,520 13.410 15,060 15.780 16.880 18.640 20,320 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan and Office des Changes Table 2.3: INVESTMENT AND SAVING 1964-1972 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1370 1440 1530 1890 1970 2180 2610 2700 2670 Central government l/ 600 630 520 1070 960 1010 1150 1120 1190 Local government 2' 40 50 100 110 120 150 120 90 80 State enterpris y)73O ) 60 260 150 330 350 380 250 260 Private sector ) ) 650 560 560 670 960 1240 1140 Changes in Stocks -20 - -150 30 720 -160 -60 70 -70 Resource Gap -30 140 -90 -340 -300 -210 -790 -610 -150 Gross Domestic Saving 120 i= 2 1580 2390 1810 1760 2160 2450 Net Factor Income from abroad -230 -280 -320 -190 -250 -140 -80 70 170 Net Current Transfers from abroad 20 30 - 60 100 150 140 150 110 Gross National Sa n 1110 1330 970 1450 2240 1820 1820 2380 2730 Central government - -360 -80 10 360 260 410 520 440 220 Local government 5/ 270 260 30 30 40 50 30 300 340 State enterpris y )1200 )1150 290 320 260 340 510 400 500 Private sector ) ) 640 740 1680 1020 760 1240 1670 1/ Capital expenditure on Treasury basis 2 As calculated and subject to qualifications in Table 5.9 Residual I Budget surplus on current account olus receipts from development tax on sugar and net income from postal services S As calculated and subject to qualifications in Table 5.8 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Office des Changes and Ministhre des Finances Table 2.4:INVESTMENT AND SAVING 1964-19721/ (percentage of GNP) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 11.2 11.2 12.2 14.1 13.1 13.8 15.5 14.5 13.1 Central goverrment 4.9 4.9 4.1 8.0 6.4 6.4 6.8 6.0 Local government 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 State enterprises ) 6.0 )5.9 2.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 1.3 1.3 Private sector ))5.2 4.2 3.7 4.2 5.7 6.7 5.6 Changes in Stocks -0.2 - -1.2 0.2 4.8 -1.0 -0.4 0.4 -0.3 Resource Gap -0.2 1.1 -0.7 -2.5 -2.0 -1.3 -4.7 -3.3 -0.7 Gross Domestic Saving 10.8 12.3 10.3 11.8 15.9 11.5 10.4 11.6 12.1 Net Factor Income from abroad -1.9 -2.2 -2.6 -1.4 -1.7 -0.9 -0.5 0.4 0.8 Net Current Transfers from abroad 0.2 0.2 - 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.5 Gross National Saving 9.1 10.3 7.7 10.8 14.9 11.5 10.8 12.8 13.4 Central government -2.9 -0.6 0.1 2.7 1.7 2.6 3.1 2.4 1.1 Local government 2.2 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 1.6 1.7 State enterprises 98 )892.3 2.4 1.7 2.1 3.0 2.1 2.4 Private sector ) ) 5.1 5.5 11.2 6.5 4.5 6.7 8.2 1 See footnotes to table 2.3. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Office des Changes and Ministere des Finances Table 2.5: GROSS FIXFD CAPITAL FORMATION, 1964-1972 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 (Millions of current Dirhams) Equipment 550 580 600 780 860 980 1210 1130 1060 Private construction 340 320 540 360 380 410 510 670 750 Public works 480 540 590 750 730 790 890 900 860 Total rO 1440 0 189O 1970 2180 2610 SQO ?70 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.. _ f~f _ _ _ _- (Millions of 1972 Dirhams) Equipment 710 710 710 910 970 1070 1280 1160 1060 Private construction 400 370 400 400 430 460 560 700 750 Public works 550 610 650 830 790 850 940 920 860 Total 1660 1690 IL60 2140 2190 ?YQ ? 2780 2670 (Ratiosl/) Incremental capital output ratio 24.2 5.0 2.1 2.0 2.3 3.6 2.8 3.6 j Derived from. data in 1972 prices and calculated as the three year centered average of fixed investmen-t divided by the tincee year centered average increraent in GDP lagged by one year. Source: Seer4tariat d'Etat du Plan Table 2.6: AW1BNAIS IN 1 IUVETNM (XN(ESSION 1968-1972]! (Nillios of cwrrnt Dixhs) 1968 1969 1970 3971 1972 Tburi 74.0 76.1 333.3 153.0 87.2. Mines , 152.6 7.7 67.4 Industry 219.4 132.0 487.0 301.7 353.5 Suga- 105.0 - 88.6 120.0 (66.8 Foodstuffs 9.3 24.6 4.9.5 39.4 Textiles 19.6 41.6 26.1 23.0 17.3 Confection / 6.4 1.2 8.7 Mfechanical industries 5.1v 9.A5 Ws.6 13.4 Petroleum products 33.6 6.6 13(0.4 17.3 Construction materials 20.6 36,8 31a8.2 Paper 1y 3.1i' 15.5 20.7 2.8 PharTaceuticals 0.2 1.7 16. 7 1.4 0.5 Miscellaneous 44.0 37.1 90o. 28.5 109.2W T otal 293.4 206.1 ?22 462.4 508.o Approarals during the first symoter :1973 wounted to DH 662 mlWlion. included under mioce4aQ DH 63.7 million for rubber project W DH 45.6 minlion for ships Source: Secretariat of the former Coraission des Inveatissmit8 Table 3.1: MERCHANDISE EXPORTS, f.o.b., 1964 - lt sem. 1973 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 jet se. 1973 TLIAL - 2,219 2.207 2.168 2456 470 2.526 2.953 2.037 Food. beverages, tobacco 1,074 1.050 1.052 1.062 1.169 1.185 1.249 1.206 1.384 1.046 citrus fruit 311 314 335 346 420 389 357 389 429 346 Tomatoes 129 137 149 175 144 146 180 163 179 188 Potatoes 31 49 59 47 39 25 40 38 47 55 Otber fresh vegetables 28 48 30 40 41 42 47 43 47 32 Conned fish 134 73 122 115 130 124 127 148 134 83 Legumes & pulses 65 89 54 50 94 94 132 89 138 66 Fruit & vegetable conserves 47 50 51 59 51 65 56 88 113 64 Wine 112 86 69 60 24 37 43 19 31 45 Fruit & vegetable juices 16 14 22 19 24 36 38 22 31 17 Dried fruits 24 34 23 30 18 27 25 27 41 13 Others 1>77 156 138 121 184 200 204 180 194 137 Aaricultural raw materlals 144 140 174 141 134 238 166 153 259 192 Olive oil 6 3 44 6 7 91 16 21 111 89 Cotton 25 30 26 40 26 34 31 27 45 32 Cork 17 16 16 18 20 22 21 15 16 13 Vegetable horsehair 32 27 26 21 19 19 21 16 15 8 Esparto grass 6 5 5 4 5 6 4 7 7 3 Vool, fur, hides, ski- 13 9 9 7 6 2 1 1 8 1 Paper pulp 16 18 .18 15 19 24 30 34 21 (46 Other 29 32 30 30 32 40 42 32 36 C Minerals & Quarryint Products 835 864 784 764 754 776 794 772 883 520 Phospbate 578 573 534 546 544 551 572 588 673 388 Lead 64 100 76 59 66 65 71 69 90 51 Iron 40 38 32 35 25 32 29 17 11 6 Wanagese 52 51 52 41 34 30 28 23 27 18 Zinc 20 33 26 27 21 24 14 9 10 5 Cobalt 16 10 14 12 15 13 7 6 18 9 Coal -12 13 6 7 6 5 6 5 2 2 Copper (53 (46 (44 (37 (43 (56 (67 14 14 (41 Othero ~ ~ ~ ~ (3 ~ 4 ((41 38( NAnufacturea. non-food 166 153 158 179 221 257 261 395 427 279 Leather 11 13 14 17 21 25 20 27 27 10 Se di-finished cork products 7 7 7 6 5 6 6 6 9 6 49 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~33 72 69 46 ' er=!f-fnisbhd products 73 75 4 77 83 83 56 Inestwut goods 10 6 5 2 8 3 13 40 30 35 Synthetic textiles - - 1 4 3 14 17 28 34 4 Carpets 9 9 10 11 12 18 Z8 39 59 40 Clothing 6 4 3 5 5 16 21 34 46 28 Hosiery 2 6 5 3 4 4 4 9 12 Leather handicrafts 14 13 6 11 13 13 13 19 17 Shoes 8 4 2 4 4 5 5 5 12 Other consumer goods 26 16 16 16 16 39 * 24 33 29 Soure:. Office des Changes Table 3.2: MERCHANDISE IMPORTS, cif, 1964-lst sem. 1973 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1st sen.1973 Total 2.338 2.172 2.418 2.621 2.790 2.844 3.471 3.533 3.577 2.215 Foods (except oil L oilseeds), beveraRes, tobacco 657 571 660 723 619 452 583 701 625 472 Soft wheat 51 79 202 303 216 40 130 243 137 145 Sugar 327 262 191 149 119 109 138 149 169 174 Tea 70 56 64 68 82 103 90 84 86 24 Butter & Cheese 28 25 25 32 40 41 44 38 30 12 Coffee 30 30 33 36 35 31 49 32 35 22 Milk 19 23 20 26 26 26 27 35 39 19 Tobacco 19 15 18 17 18 26 23 26 30 14 Wheat flour 16 23 12 15 10 11 2 - - - Others 97 58 95 77 73 65 80 94 99 62 Fuel & raw materials 393 441 435 418 529 507 616 702 723 412 Crude oil 85 73 79 80 107 102 114 145 T7F 98 Lubricants 17 18 14 14 22 27 27 26 30 17 Gasoline & diesel fuel 5 4 2 8 7 8 17 31 26 5 Other oil products 19 23 22 25 30 28 31 34 27 14 Lumber 71 64 76 69 80 83 102 105 99 63 Edible oils 3 118 94 60 86 47 81 141 103 65 Paper pulp 13 12 15 14 13 19 24 17 18 12 Others 180 129 133 148 184 193 220 203 248 138 Semi-finished products 464 458 522 554 621 738 872 795 958 557 Metal products, non-electrical 156 135 141 172 181 207 294 247 315 175 Cotton & synthetic textile yarn 46 56 90 76 86 122 108 85 111 68 Paper and cardboard 34 27 30 32 34 37 48 47 53 31 Fertilizer 22 27 27 35 42 30 24 28 37 31 Other chemicals 39 48 50 47 60 61 76 78 120 68 Industrial gold 14 10 6 4 5 7 8 5 13 3 Others 153 155 178 188 213 274 314 305 309 181 Finished products for agriculture & industry 344 353 385 529 588 663 833 789 710 443 Industrlal equipment 153 165 158 340 347 415 51.1 498 529 290 Agricultural equipuent 20 24 27 23 51 54 43 52 40 25 Automotive vehicles & parts 25 16 22 12 13 17 44 28 28 24 Others 146 148 178 154 177 177 235 211 113 104 Consumer goods 480 349 416 397 433 484 567 546 561 331 Automobile & auto parts 71 54 61 87 135 169 182 193 172 103 Domestic hardware & major appliances 32 20 32 35 48 59 70 57 63 39 Pharmaceuticals 61 56 62 48 53 49 50 53 60 32 Textiles 131 52 97 71 24 25 29 27 35 18 Others 185 167 164 156 173 182 236 216 231 139 Source: Office des Changes 7Q&ble .s4: !POWr TRIFF -SS S1 liports ~~~Guatorsa fece'ipts Tariff latee t( (MU millions of 0R) -(in mill-ious oŁ DH) lpfrc)nt) I-ivetotent goods and conisruction materials Agricultural materials 524D 91_6 l.6 Electrical materials 54.7 89.6 16.4 Machinery 73.9 12.5 18.9 Itron and mild steels 239.7 0.7 Q.3 Other ferrous alloys 47.-0 7.5 11.9 Non-ferrous metals 10.1 0.7 7.3 Metal products 16.7 5.3- 3i.8 Glassware 5.2 1.9 37.2 Ciment 12.0 2.1 1-.17 Trucks and other vehicles 38.5 10.1 26.3 In termedUfte Goods Chemicals 76.1 9.2 12.2 Paper 41.5 9.1 -22.0 Lumber 4.7 0.6 12.0 Fertilizer 28.1 - - Consumer Goods Milk produicts 73.3 17.7 24.2 Meat - - 1.9 Cereals 253.5 - - Beverages 1i1.4 8.3 73.3 Tabacco 26.4 - Sugar ,49.7 15.6 10.4 Pharmaceuticals 52.0 7.6 14.6 Perfuaees 0.6 1.6 1-50.0 Shoes 0.6 0.6 -95.1 Electrical appliances 4.4 1.6 35.0 Cars and bicycles 14*.1 122.2 87.2 Textiles Cotton yarn 3.8 .8, 22.4 Synthetic yarn 60.3 12.2 20.2 Synthetic cloth 16.8 I}0.8 64.1 Woolen cloth 1.0 0.1 72-.7 Cotton cloth 5.2 2.7 52.7 Printed cotton 0.7 0.4 53.0 Hosiery 0.5 0.4 -74.6 Clothing i. 1.5 78.9 i*n Nateritls Pqpr pulp Wood 1M3.6 8.0 7.7 wool 15.7 - Oil and oil products 2o9.t 7.7 3.3 Total 1851 298 / Tariffs have changed little since 1971. / Weighted averages based on a sample containing 52 percent of total i ports. Source: Ministere des Finances Table 3.3:MERCHANDISE IMPORTS BY CUSTOMS CATEGORY 1966-1972 (millions of current Dirhams) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Foods 659.6 722.8 618.8 452.2 583.0 701.2 624.8 list A - 124.2 139.3 155.5 157.1 426.5 425.9 457.9 list B 2/ 495.2 547.1 445.5 278.9 154.2 274.9 164.3 list C -/ 40.2 36.4 17.8 16.2 2.3 0.4 2.6 Energy 117.1 126.7 165.7 164.6 189.2 235.6 255.0 list A 0.1 - 0.2 0.4 1.2 1.4 4.7 list B 117.0 126.7 165.5 164.2 188.0 234.2 250,3 list C _ _ _ Raw Materials 318.0 291.3 363.2 342.4 426.5 466.5 468.6 list A 74.1 66.4 88.2 90.4 199.7 196.1 234.5 list B 243.0 222.5 270.6 251.3 223.7 270.3 233.2 list C 0.9 2.4 4.4 0.7 3.1 0.1 0.9 Semi-finished products 522.4 553.5 620.6 738.3 872.1 794.7 957.6 list A 295.5 326.9 387.4 465.0 715.5 625.4 758.4 list B 225.5 225.1 229.3 271.3 156.0 168.3 198.4 list C 1.4 1.5 3.9 2.0 0.6 1.0 0.8 Equipment goods 385.1 528.9 588.3 662.4 833.3 789.3 710.2 list A 196.6 250.6 416.9 485.5 632.3 610.1 526.4 list B 180.1 276.5 163.2 175.8 174.9 169.6 170.5 list C 8.4 1.8 8.2 2.1 26.1 9.6 13.3 Consumer goods 415.8 396.8 433.3 483.4 567.2 545.4 561.2 list A 166.5 191.6 162.4 190.0 440.8 431.4 441.4 list B 247.4 203.9 269e6 293.1 125.8 113.5 119.1 list C 1.9 1.3 1.3 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.7 Total 2418.0 2620.0 2789.9 2844.3 3471.3 3532.7 3577.4 list A 857.0 974.8 1210.6 1388.4 2416.0 2290.3 2423.3 list B 1508.2 1601.8 1543.7 1434.6 1022.6 1230.8 1135.8 list C 52.8 43.4 35.6 21.3 32.7 11.6 18.3 Not subject to authorization. V Subject to authorization. - Imports generally prohibited. Source: Office des Changes and Administration des Douanes Table 3.5: GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN TRADE 1964-1st sem. 1973 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1st sem. 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Exports (f.o.b.) France 958 952 911 886 876 863 904 918 964 725 Federal Republic of Germany 239 187 175 174 189 209 227 214 265 180 Benelux 156 158 144 155 158 171 203 179 231 159 United Kingdom 104 111 108 123 134 143 137 126 136 82 Italy 57 5 73 86 134 200 16J 119 265 166 Subtotal 1514 1461 1411 1424 1491 i5 16 1861 1312 Spain 90 139 89 79 76 100 93 107 164 93 Algeria 36 56 23 24 30 71 66 83 98 65 Cuba 56 41 32 26 27 43 20 16 5 1 United States 29 38 48 50 43 47 40 37 48 24 USSR 27 56 56 79 79 73 71. 89 113 105 Others 467 416 509 464 541 535 546 638 664 437 Total 2219 2207 2168 2146 2287 2455 2470 2526 2953 2037 Imports (c.i.f.) France 911 879 944 981 880 866 1075 1083 1112 715 Federal Republic of Germany 132 140 153 236 216 279 304 267 268 176 Benelux 102 98 108 88 54 191 197 176 193 127 Italy 64 70 79 93 139 152 187 210 200 104 United Kingdom 69 59 8 89 123 .148 161 144 160 80 Subtotal 1278 1246 132i 1487 1412 1636 1924 1880 1933 1202 United States 231 271 287 266 380 214 392 501 270 191 Cuba 243 186 85 70 49 68 62 74 45 23 USSR 49 45 81 95 100 159 166 142 142 52 Others 424 603 703 849 767 927 936 1187 747 Total 2338 2172 2418 2621 2790 2844 3471 3533 3577 2215 Source: Office des Changes Ta.b1iA -6 BAlANCE OF PAYMENtS 1966-1972 (Mlin l Corceot Dirhans) 1966 1967 1968 _1969 1970 971 1972 Re.. gxp,. Ra. Ralla. Ra Ra. ap. i.. R... Isp. Be1. sec. Ea.P 8.1. Rae. Exp. 81.e. Ra. a. Mechandise 2L1§ 2241 -73 2146 2431 -285 2278 2587! 30 2450 2641 -191 2463 3156 -693 2518 3211 -693 2947 3253 -306 Non-Factor U"rI... 613 625 -12 653 708 .55 778 772 6 926 946 -20 1068 1165 -9 1212 1129 83 ~ 1389 1234 155 Frelght and insorance 61 176 -115 66 191 -125 88 203 -115f 88 2T39 - 151 115 312 -197 129 318 -189 164 322 -158 Other tranaport.tion 8 56 -48 10 58 -48 13 70 -57 26 74 -48 31 82 -51 45 86 -41 57 109 -52 Travel 379 164 215 400 189 211 490 235 215 614 267 347 682 310 372 760 300 460 893 388 505 G trao,actions 113 157 -24 126 170 -44 187 144 43 151 265 -114 158 352 -194 196 313 -117 195 310 -115 Other no-factor ser-lce. 52 92 -40 51 100 -49 40 120 480 47 101 -34 82 109 -27 82 112 -30 80 105 -25 Factor Services 193 511 -318 237 425 -188 244 492 -248 361 496 -135 391 467 -76 550 484 66 700 526 174 Investeent incme 35 245 -210 29 212 -183 44 267 1-223 59 265 -206 74 283 -209 70 310 -240 60 324 -264 Private (15) (143) (-128) (15) (128) (-1135 (28) (138) (-110) (20) (1351) (-115) (23) (151) (-128) (22) (149k) (-127) (19) (148) (-129) Poblic 2/(20) (102) (-82) (04) (84) (-70) (16) (129) (-113) (39) (130) (-91) (51) (132) (-81) (48) (161) (-113) (41) (176) (-135) Salaries (rkt ec1c7-158 266 -108 208 213 -5 200 225 -25 302 231 71 317 184 133 480 174 306 640 202 438 CorrantTranfers 182 183 1 196 133 63 218 127 96 250 103 147 250 _115 135 270 119 151 261 148 113 panalona 143 59 84 143 62 S1 151 67 84 166 70 96 165 75 90 162 71 91 136 74 62 Private (1433 (-) (143) (143) (-) (143) (151) (- (151) (166) (-) (166) (165) (-1 (165) (162) (-) (162) (136) (-) (136) Peblic (-) (59) (-59) (-) (62) (-62) (-) (67) (-67) (-) (70) (-70) (-) (75) (-75) (-1 (71) (-71) (-) (74) (-74) Other 3139 124 -85 53 71 -18 67 55 12 84 33 51 85 40 45 108 48 60 125 74 51 PrivaLe- (39) (119) (-60) (53) (65) (-12) (67) (48) (19) (84) (29) (55) (85) (33) (52) (108) (40) (68) (125) (66) (59) P,sbllc (-) (5) (-5) (-) (6) (-6) (-) (7) (-7) (-) (4) (-4) (-3 (7) (-7) (-5 (8) (-8) H- (8) (-8) C.r-eo: Accosmt Balance 3156 3560 -404 3232 3697 -465 3518 3973 -455 3987 4186 -199 4172 4903 -731 4550 4943 -393 5297 3161 136 Ion. and Mediia. lTax Capital PrIvate Sector 67 45 22 83 36 47 58 8 4 91 44 47 140 34 106 170 49 121 166 94 72 Dir..ct Invaatisent by foege.41 24 17 59 8 51 35 17 18 57 38 19 120 26 94 ill 12 99 136 45 91 foreigmer. 17 3 14 7 11 -4 3 1 4 12 6 6 12 8 4 23 37 -14 13 49 -36 Cha.g.. i. Fot.ig.Aa.. t.of Moroccans 9 3 6 17 6 Il 15 - 15 9 - 9 2 2 34 - 34 12 - 12 blocked accot. (.et) - 15 -15 - it -11 3 - 3 13 - 13 6 - 6 2 - 2 3 - 5 Lxxna and Medina Tan. Cait.1 Public Sector 651 276 375 558 145 413 638 259 399 557 225 332 760 205 535 848 317 531 589 361 228 Drants 148 - 148 115 - 115 166 - 166 134 - 134 100 - 100 92 - 92 80 - 80 S.pplisrs -eadits 227 41 186 269 55 214 167 147 20 193 75 118 402 66 336 432 155 277 285 243 42 loan L. foreign esebang 175 167 6 125 57 68 253 92 161 155 88 67 198 100 98 312 141 171 217 90 127 Los. naldlehas 88 8 8o 43 14 29 63 20 43 71 16 55 57 16 41 4 18 -14 1 19 -18 FereiV holdings 1ndirh- .(oet) - 60 -60 - 19 -19 7 - 7 - 46 -46 - 23 -23 - 2 -2 - 8 -8 Other 15 - 15 6 - 6 2 - 2 4 - 4 3 - 3 8 1 7 6 1 5 Banie Balance . 3874 3881 -7 5873 3878 -5 4234 4250 -16 4635 4455 180 5072 5142 -70 558 30 259 6052 5616 436 Short-leon Capital 115 171 -56 112 200 -88 85 208 -123 133 209 -76 421 247 174 103 63 40 87J 238~ -151 Cosmier.ial eredlt. (ot) 91 - 91 2 - 2 1 - 1 77 - 77 253 - 253 89 - 89 - 41 -41 lhsatboci.ed assets bald abroad 24 166 -142 98 200 -102 84 202 -118 51 209 -158 141 247 -106 14 63 -49 79 197 -118 Errori;and missions - 5 -5 12 - 12 - 6 -6 5 - 5 27 - 27 - - - 8 - 8 SM Allocation ----- - ---- 77 .. 77 61 - 61 61 - 61 M~t.r aoLvvssut (+ ia nat. decrease in asse..ts) 80 17 463 119 26 493 228 89 +139 128 232 -104 27 208 -181 - 360 -360 70 416 -346 Ban nio Morocco 694 17 +52 118 14 +104 206 83 +123 128 196 -68 22 180 -158 - 339 -339 39 339 -300 (;ross official raeserve 60 - +60 55 - +55 - 46 -46 - 196 -196 - 104 -104 - 87 -87 - 282 -282 paytaarsent aagee .tse...t. - 17 -17 63 - 4.63 - 37 -37 9 - 49 22 - +22- 31 -31 39 - +39 Foreign liabilities 9 - +9 - 14 -14 206 - +206 119 - +119 - 76 -76 - 221 -221 - 57 -57 Cosreial Ralka11 +11 1 12 -11 22 6 +16 - 36 -36 5 28 -23 - 21 -21 31 77 -46 Foreign assets 11 - 1_1 - -12 -12 - -6 -6 - 27 _-27 - 28 _-28 - 4 _-4 - 77 -7 7 Foreign liabilities - - +1 22 - +22 - 9 -9 5 - +5 - 17 -17 31 - +31 - Co.parable fig-sro for years before 1966 are not -vai1sble. - Remittaxscas saide thr.ogh the postal checking syort are inclded under privote trans.fers. 3- Ineldea settle.sent of balances cc forelgni transactiona of postal checking systes. llonrce: Office des Changes, DSivio-l- des Etude. et d. la Balanc.e den Paei-ets (1972). Table _.7: EXTERNAL RESERVES, 1964-1973 (Millions of current Dirhams) Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Central Bank 278 545 493 389 266 334 492 831 1131 Assets 340 610 567 449 532 719 801 919 1162 Gold 172 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 SDRs - - - - - - - 14 84 Foreign exchange 91 339 273 212 324 471 602 690 769 Fund position I/ - 56 61 66 - - - - 144 Payments agreernts 77 109 127 65 102 91 76 108 58 Other assets - - - - - 51 17 - - Liabilities 62 65 74 60 266 385 309 88 31 Prgimar Balnks 103 66 55 66 50 86 109 130 176 Assets 176 133 122 134 140 167 195 199 276 Liabilities 73 67 67 68 90 81 86 69 100 Total Reserves 175 479 548 455 316 420 601 961 1307 1/ Not included in the offlicial gross reservcs accore2ing to ITF d.efinitioun V Cournierpatt of an eate]n'; go-eCFnt loan teN,; on the Centv-al BFo'Ik s sheett Source: Internatioual Monetary Statistics Table 3.LS: EXTERNAL PRIVATE CAPITAL INFLOWS BY SECTOR AND FINANCING, 1967 -972 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Total inflow 65.6 53 .4- 68.8 131.7 135,1 148.8 currency inflow 1/ 44.4 23.1 40.9 78.5 108.7 112.9 change in foreign holdings- 21.2 30.3 27.9 53.2 26.4 35.9 Agriculture 0.3 0.5 4.7 5.5 3.8 8.1 currency inflow 0.3 0.3 1.2 4.1 3.3 0.9 change in foreign holdings - 0.2 3.5 1.4 0.5 7.2 Mining and oil 17.6 11.1 12.1 11.9 20.5 10.0 currency inflow 17.6 6.3 12.1 11.9 17.1 10.0 change in foreign holdings - 4.8 - - 3.4 - Manufacturing 27.1 16.8 21.4 59.5 44.9 51.8 currency inflow 8.5 4.8 9.6 22.5 35.6 40.0 change in foreign holdings 18.6 12.0 11.8 37.0 9.3 11.8 Construction works 4.7 4.1 6.3 10.5 22.4 13.7 currency inflow 4.7 1.7 6.1 10.5 22.4 12.2 change in foreign holdings - 2.4 0.2 - - 1.5 Tourism 0.5 4.5 5.3 5.8 9.3 6.3 currency inflow 0.5 1.1 0.8 2.8 5.1 4.3 change in foreign holdings - 3.4 4.5 3.0 4.2 2.0 Other services 15.4 16.4 19.0 38.5 34.2 58.9 currency inflow 12.8 8.9 11.1 26.7 25.2 45.5 change in foreign holdings 2.6 7.5 7.9 11.8 9.0 13.4 / The Moroccan balance of payments includes movements in convertible foreign private holdings in Morocco and official counterpart funds. - Statistical difference of DH 13.4 million as compared with balance of payments. Source: Office des Changes Table 39: EXTERNAL LOANS, 1966 - 1st half 1973 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1st half Item 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Disbursements 503 443 492 423 660 756 509 1_2 United StatesiJ 137 135 164 177 258 293 124 52 France 226 161 62 81 101 109 159 25 Germany, Federal Republic of 7 105 167 23 84 153 51 7 IBRD/IDA 61 41 61 67 75 124 115 40 USSR - - - - - 64 40 46 2 Kuwait 57 - 24 30 23 13 13 3 Iran - - 2 30 15 13 7 - Italy _ _ _ 2 34 15 - Other official aid 15 - 23- 11 2 8 8 3 Adjustments / - 1 -11 2 4 8 6 Repayments, 26 145 399 225 205 361 United States ... 31 59 69 88 114 ... France ... 207 103 79 91 99 Germany, Federal Republic of ... 2 5 8 36 10 ... IBRD/IDA ... ... 9 29 25 25 25 ... USSR ... ... - - - 22 76 ... Kuwait ... ... - - - 14 19 ... Iran ... - - -- - - Italy ... ... - - - 4 4 ... Other official aid ... 150 49 2 34 4 Adjustments ... ... - - 22 3 10 L/ Loans include concessionerl arrangements for the financing of wheat imports. 2/ Under "official aidt". / Differences with balance of payments, i/ Includes a Belgian loan of DR 22 million. Source: Office des Changes Table 3.10: EXTERNAL GRANTS, 1966 - 1st half 1973 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1st half Country 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 United States 104 69 112 88 48 28 23 21 France 44 46 46 38 42 43 43 20 Germany, Federal Republic of - - 8 8 - 6 2 1 Italy - - - - - - - 5 Other official aid - - - - 10 15 12 3 Total 148 115 166 134 100 92 80 50 Source: Office des Changes Table 3.11: DISBURSEMENTS ON FRENCH LOANS, 1966-1972 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 In Merchandise 1316.0 1398.0 28.9 77.8 101.4 95.6 117.1 Food ( 77.5) ( 123.7) (13.2) (- ) (-) ( - ) ( - ) Projects.i(5.)) 1.)/l 7)~r.8 14.5) ( 16.6) ( 27.5) Programs/ )( 54.1) ( 16.1) (15.7) (77.8) (879) (78.1) ( 88.4) In Foreign Currency 43.3 20.9 25.3 3.2 - 10.4 21.7 Sub-total 174.9 160.7 54.2 81.0 101.4 106.0 138.8 In Dirhams 51.3 - 7.8 - - 3.4 - Total 226.2 160.7 62.0 81.0 101.4 109.4 138.8 S/ Breakdown differs slightly from total.. Source: Office des Changes Table 3.12: DISBURSEMENTS ON UNITED STATES LOANS, 1966-1972 (Millions of current Dirhams) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 In Merchandise 115.0 86.2 100.1 105.5 201.0 279.4 121.5 Food . . . . ( 23.0) (130.0) ( 82.0) Projects, . . . . ( 11.0) ( - ) ( 3.0) Programs . . . . (168.0) (150.0) ( 44.0) In Foreign Currency 2.8 6.o 1.6 0.6 - 13.0 1.8 Sub-total 117.8 92.2 101.7 106.1 201.0 292.4 123.3 In Dirhams 19.5 43.0 62.7 70.9 57.0 o.8 0.7 Total 137.3 135.2 164.4 177.0 258.0 293.2 124.0 / Figures from the United States Embassy; give slightly different totals. Source: Office des Changes and United States Embassy Table 4.1 EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING AS OF DECENBER 31i1972Y (IN THOUSANDS OF U.S. DOLLARM) DEBT OUTSTANDING DECEER 31#19T2 CREDITOR COUNTRY UNDISO TYPE or CREDIOSR DISBURSED BURSED TOTAL BELGIUM 216 * 218 FRANCE 26,186 260186 GERMANY CFED&REPeOF) 22#620 22,620 UNITED KINGDOM 229 229 SUPPLtERS 49.253 49#253 BELGIUM 7106 * 7.106 FRANCE 51.772 3.664 55P436 UNITED KINGDOM i*311 1 1*311 PRIVATE BANKS 60Dl89 3P664 63.853 FRANCE 16,263 16.263 SPAIN 1O.235 a 10.235 MULTIPLE LENDERS 2#613 ' 2.613 PUBLICLY ISSUED BONDS 29.111 29.111 CANADA 1#492 ' 1.492 FRANCE 3-,569 a 3.569 OTHER PRIVATE FINANCIAL 1NST. 5.061 a 5.061 AFRICAN DEVeBANK 2,770 30 2,800 ISRO 844.911 157,348 242.259 IDA 15.441 22.158 37.599 LOANS FROM INTL. ORGANIZATIONS 103.122 179.536 282.658 BELGIUM a 550 558 DENMARK 581 3.001 3.582 FRANCE 184P653 2.027 186A680 GERMANY CFFD*REP&OF), 116#242 27#6P6 143.868 HUNGARY 530 530 IRAN 13,417 383 13.800 ITALY 8.377 * 8*377 KUWAIT 44.752 7.95* 52.708 POLAND 2J085 2.085 SPAIN 22o990 22.*990 USA 196P998 22P884 219.882 USSR 10764 12#626 23.390 YUGOSLAVIA 280 a 280 LOANS rROM GOVERNMENTS 601.669 77#041 678.730 FRANCE 3,687 , 3.687 UNCLASSIFIED 3,68? ' 3.687 TOTAL EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT 852.092 260.261 1.112.353 21 Debt repayable in foreign currency with a maturity of over one year Excludes interest in arrears on government loans from France Source: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.2: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 19T72 - TOTALS (1w THOUSANDS OF Us. DOLLARS ) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD KE-INNZNO OF PERIOD CANCELO DISBURSED INCLUDING CONNITO DISSURSE- SERVICE PAYNENTS5J ADJUSTS YEAR ONLY UNDISWURSED MENTS NENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL NENTS (1) (2) (t) (-J4) (5) -6) (7) (a) 1968 472x351 645*544 139*Tl1 1090071 27,SO 19*743 47#250 -2656 1969 554*4*2 755*'092 98*469 66r58 316480 20*045 56*525 027,232 1970 565P214 789*,849 152P635 128,721 35*016 23*554 58*570 '2,038 1971 659i977 905,430 IS1*035 I1-1160 49*048 26*562 75*610 29*180 19?7 791o826 1#036P591 1507741 1200579 49,041 30*167 79*200 025,977 1-973 8 2*092 1*112*353 92*632 66,577 34*631 101*208 61*419 1974 922,266 1,1071*95 590894 73,945 34*955 1086099 0 1975 9008215 1.033P250 - 38PS7n 72*0*6 33*129 105*215 1976 8,75P05 961*164 29*709 88*737 31*274 1000011 1977 6450 91 892*421 - 21*510 62*62? 30*865 93*493 1978 t7Y4868 82950r40 10,282 60*422 30*403 90*62S 191b 743,335 7670985 1 5*096 59*869 28*552 08*421 1980 698*562 708.116 7 7*532 61*449 26,660 880109 1981 644*646 646*661 ' 1*827 58*593 24*655 83*249 1982 587*880 588#074 185 53*236 22*470 7%*706 0 1983 534,829 534*838 0 9 53#933 20*411 76*344 1984 480*904 480*904 * 51*078 18*202 69#281 1985 429,826 429,826 -45930 16*051 61*982 1986 383P896 383#896 - 41*023 14*221 55*244 1987 342*873 342*873 0 0 34*215 12*503 46*799 198f 308*65-8 308658 u * 29*570 11* 281 40*0851 - 1989 279*089 279089 .O 25*387 10*118 35*504 0 1990 2-53*702 253*702 . 22*9;95 9*056 32*081 1991 230*701 230407 1 6 20,755 68162 28*917 1992 209*952 209*952 ' 11,619 7*281 25.900 Projected amounts reflect currency realignment in March, 1973 - Includes service on all debt listed in Table 1 prepared October 18, 1973, with the exception of the following for which repayment terms are not available UNCLASSIFIED (FRANCE) $3,687 Source: IBUD Debt .1eporting System Table 4.3: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - SUPPLIERS' CREDITS (IN THOUSANDS or u.s. DOLLARS) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING OF PERIOD. CANCELM LATIONS# DISBURSED INCLUDING COMMITO DISBURSE- SERVICE PAYNENTS ADJUSTO YEAR ONLY UNDISBURSED NENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL NENTS Clt ) (2) (3) (4) (5) C6) (T) CO) 1968 55.663 58.167 7.135 9D639 6.667 2.392 9.059 7 1969 58,628 58.628 3. 155 3.155 6.140 4#022 10. 162 '20994 1970 52.649 52.649 12.444 120081 7#722 20833 10,555 1971 57.008 57.371 1.758 2.127 7r757 3,195 10,952 5.718 1972 57.090 57.090 7'639 3#192 11.031 2 1973 49,253 49.253 12.068 4.026 16#094 6.166 1974 43.371 43,371 * 11,290 3.165 14.455 1975 32#081 32,081 ' ' 10.838 2i341 13.179 1976 21.243 21.243 ' a 7.932 1,562 9.494 19?7 13.312 13.#312 5 - 5.70? 1.021 6#728 1978 7.604 7.604 - 4.016 577 4#594 1979 38588 3588 a - 1,445 304 1.748 1980 2.143 2.143 ' - 1,433 169 1.602 a 1981 711 711 a - 7I 34 744 Source: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.4: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - PRIVATE BANKS LOANS (IN THOUSANDS OF U.s DOLLARS) DEST OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING OF PERIOD CANCEL LATIONIt DISBURSED INCLUDING COMMIT* DISBURSEt SERVICE PAYMENTS ADJUtT YEAR ONLY UNDISBURSED MENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL MENIS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) () S) 1968 * 19.920 12P626 W S * a 1969 12#626 19.920 2.700 3.7$0 1.203 343 1.546 6815 1970 15.202 20#602 25.086 12.299 1.445 1#324 2,769 el 1971 26J055 44J242 30.234 31.514 6,637 1,267 7.904 2.505 1972 55.233 70.424 782 10.90 5.936 1.520 7.456 '1.417 1973 60.189 63.853 4.071 13#040 2#821 15.861 6.885 1974 57,698 57P698 14.871 2.713 17.585 1975 42,827 42.827 l 11,683 1.972 13.655 a 1976 31.143 31^143 a - 9J507 1.37)3 10t.0 5 1977 21,637 21.637 a 5s706 928 6#634 1978 15#931 15.931 5s706 652 6.350 1979 10#225 1O0225 ' ' 5,002 377 5#3T9 198C 5.223 5.223 - 3#392 173 3J565 1981 1J831 1.831 S 1.831 48 1.BY9 Source: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.5: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - PUBLICLY ISSUED BONDS (IN THNUSANDS OF U.S. DOLLARS ) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING OF PERIOD CANCEL LATIONS* DISBURSED INCLUDING COMMIT& DISBURSEO SERVICE PAYMENTS ADJUST& YEAR ONLY UNDISBURSED MENTS HENTS PRINCIPAL IHTEREST TOTAL HEN"IS (1) C2) C3) (4) (5) 6.) (7) (8) 1968 39#934 39,934 -*936 1I793 3*729 109 1969 38.10T 38#107 796 796 1,839 - 1,706 3,545 02'742 1970 34P322 34*322 a 0 2,783 2,038 4e821 05 1971 31*534 31s534 a ' 1#916 140705 3*621 2:*506 1972 32,124 32,124 a 3336 1,668 5.004 323 1973 29J111 29J111 a - 1*803 1,452 3*256 2#928 1974 30.235 30,235 I 8 1,848 1,*364 3e212 1975 28,388 28J388 1 - 1,719 1,o274 2.993 0 1976 26,669 26J669 a 1.603 1,0188 2J790 1971 25,066 25P066 a - 1.560 1.105 2,666 1978 23,506 23,506 ' 1t481 - 1025 25S06 - 1979 20.632 20#632 - 1*189 885 2, 074 1980 19#443 19,443 1' 1100 825 1*933 1981 180334 18.334 0 758 770 1,528 - 1982 17?,#577 17.577 - 747 737 1. *b4 0 1933 16.830 16.830 693 704 1,0397 1984 16,g137 16*137 - ? 7to 673 1*383 1985 15,427 15.427 741 642 1*383 o 1986 14P686 14. 686 X 609 609 1;217 1987 14,077 14o077 564 582 1*,166 1938 13,493 13.493 a 565 556 P1121 1989 12,928 12,928 a 555 531 ip086 1990 12p3?3 12,373 a _ 579 07 1*086 1991 11,794 11,794 a 604 482 10806 1992 110190 11*190 630 457 1 086 So'urssŽ: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.6: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - OTHER PRIVATE DEBTS (IN THOUSANDS OF Us.. DOLLARS ) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING OF PERIOD CANCEL-. LATIONSo DISBURSED INCLUDING COMMIT- DISBURSE- SERVICE PAYMENTS ADJUIT YEAR ONLY UNDISBURSED MENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL MENTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (_)_M_it_ * 1968 64721 64721 S a81 340 921 2 1969 6,142 6P142 - 530 279 609 *683 1970 40929 4,929 ' 520 257 777 *2 1971 4,407 4040? 1P733 1'733 535 235 770 349 1972 5,954 5,954 ' 645 256 903 0246 1973 5O061 5,061 - 635 277 912 405 1974 4*831 40831 ' 662 244 906 - 1975 4,169 40169 - 690 210 901 S 1976 3P418 3,47?8 T20 175 895 1977 2#758 2i758 ' - 736 137 873 1978 2F022 2,022 - - 655 99 r* 1979 1,367 1,367 534 65 599 - 1980 834 834 ' - 394 37 431 - 1981 440 440 ' ' 279 18 297 - 1982 160 160 ' ' 160 5 165 Source: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.7: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - LOANS FROM INT'L. ORGANIZATIONS (IN THOUSANDS OF U.S. OOLLARS) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING OF PERIOD CANCEL, LATIONS. DISBURSED INCLUDING COMNIT' DiSBURSEm SERVICE PAYMENTS ADJUST' YEAR ONLY UNDISBURSED MENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL MENTS (1) C2) C3) (4) (5) (6) (7) CS) 1968 29.549 68P761 159000 12.039 1,532 1J764 39296 '223 1969 40,056 82.006 60.600 13,22? 49902 2#900 7J002 'l 1970 48,380 137,703 27.800 159694 49912 34 24 68636 a1.328 1971 59.162 159P263 43#500 26.192 5i114 49684 9,798 -2#173 1972 80.240 195P476 97.000 27.447 5*364 5#454 108le 84'454 1973 103.122 282.658 - 409659 59410 6.215 11#625 1974 138.371 277,248 a 359925 ?,275 7.340 14.615 1975 167P021 269P973 ' 27.562 8.030 8.071 16s0l1 1976 186P553 261.943 a 23P452 9038? 8&;611 18.19z 19,7t 20OP618 252.S56 18P027 10,608 1o0499 21.467 1978 207P977 241.888 - 9.948 11.319 12P390 234 09 b 1979 206.606 230,569 l4,9tO 11*1902 12,388 240290 1960 209.605 218.668 7.r336 12,T91 12.195 24.986 1981 204S150 205.8778? 1#631 139698 119760 25.459 1982 192,082 192.178 ' 8? 14,166 10.899 25.065 1983 178.003 178P012 - 9 149636 9.972 24.608 a 1984 163P376 163.376 * 15'651 8#953 24.604 1985 147.725 147.725 0 149479 T7862 22.341 1986 133,246 133,246 a 12,669 6#957 19,626 1987 120577 1205P77 - 9,960 6,124 16.084 1988 110,618 110618 8 8.965 5,518 14#463 1989 101.653 101,653 9 90O29 4,931 13.960 a 1990 92.624 92.624 ' 7,053 4,389 11.441 - 1991 85,571 85.571 7 - 7,578 3,926 11.504 a 1992 77.993 77,993 ' a 7.493 39430 10.*923 o,rcY: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.8: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - GOVERNMENT LOANS (IN THOUSANDS Of U.S. DOLLARS) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING or PERIOD CANCEL' LATIONI. DISBURSED INCLUDING COMMIT' DISBURSE* SERVICE PAYMENTS ADJUST& YEAR ONLY UNDISBURSED MENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL MENTS Cl) C2) (3) (4) CS) C6) C?) Cs) 1968 340.484 471,961 97.656 74.767 164791 13,454 30*245 '2.537 1969 399.183 550.289 31.218 45P630 21,866 10.795 32.661 '19.997 1970 409.792 539J644 87.305 88.647 1?'634 130378 31.012 '*02 1971 481.811 608.613 73,810 790594 27,089 15.476 42.565 20.195 1972 567,185 675P529 49.305 78J555 25*921 180075 43.996 020183 1973 60! 669 678.730 a 37.902 33#620 19.640 53*460 480702 1974 647*760 693.812 a 23P969 3?#999 2OP127 58#126 1975 633.730 655.813 ' 11.315 39*126 19.261 58.387 1976 605.919. 616.687 a 6e257 39,589 16.166 57,755 1977 572,587 577.099 a 3.491 38.250 16P875 55. 125 1978 537.827 538P848 ' 334 37.245 15.659 5,9904 - 1979 500.917 501.603 ' 196 39P798 14.534 54.332 - 1980 461.315 461.805 196 42.331 130261 55.592 1981 419.180 419.475 ' 196 41.316 12.026 53.342 1982 378.060 378*159 98 38#163 10.830 480992 1983 339P996 339P996 38.605 9.734 48.339 1984 301.391 301.391 - ' 34.71S 8.576 43*293 1985 266#674 266.674 ' a 30,710 7*548 38#258 1986 235.964 235.964 - 27.745 6.656 34.401 1987 208#219 208.219 23.671 5.88r 29*549 1988 184.548 184.548 ' 20*040 5,207 25.247 1989 164.508 164.508 '' 15803 4.656 20.459 1990 148.705 148.705 - ' 15.363 4,190 19#553 1991 133.342 133J342 ' 12.573 3,?54 16#327 1992 120.769 12O0769 U 10*49? 3,395 13.891 5ource: IBRD Debt Reporting System Table 4.9: EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1972 - UNCLASSIFIED FRANCE (IN THOUSANDS OF U.S. DOLLARS) DEBT OUTSTANDING TRANSACTIONS DURING PERIOD BEGINNING OF PERIOD CANCELO LATIONS# DISBURSED INCLUDING CONNIT DISBURSEO SERVICE PAYNENTS ADJUST YEAR ONLY UNOtSBURSED NENTS MENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL NEWTS Cl) (2) (3) C4) CS) X*) C?) C) 1 9r 1 3.687 3 68? 1973 3,687 3,687 6 ' 3.687 Source: IBM) Debt Reporting System Table 5.1: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS, 1965-1973- (Millions of Dirhams) 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1973 Item Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate Jan-Jun Current Revenue 1,889 1, 2,292 2 586 2 825 3.128 L3.19 6 EL9 1,872 Direct Taxes 471 520 548 6 8 730 753 799 947 40S Custom Duties 375 453 475 454 513 599 568 562 642 366 Indirect Taxes 526 574 604 693 943 1,080 1,228 1,257 1,294 742 Registration Fees 110 119 126 137 173 210 228 244 281 146 Property Income 48 41 50 49 58 62 67 67 66 18 State Monopolies and Enterprises 142 172 351 388 322 313 343 303 419 126 of which: Phosphate (OCP) ( - ) ( - ) ( 160)( 120) ( 60) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( 90) ( 30) Tobacco ( 127) ( 134) ( 144) ( 168) ( 172) ( 185) ( 194) ( 211) ( 200) ( 93) Other 217 96 138 167 158 134 132 144 230 69 Current Ex-.penditure 1.971 2 048 2,103 2448 2,601 2,755 2,950 1 5.64?0 L Interest on Public Debt 129 139 187 197 213 221 264 287 71 Personnel 1,185 1,247 1,340 1,438 1,586 1,707 1,843 2,050 2,248 1,055 Materials and Supplies 480 464 488 537 555 591 602 636 921 338 Heavy Maintenance 39 37 37 41 41 42 35 37 38 6 Subsidies and Other Transfers 92 78 62 169 127 155 131 142 138 45 Other 46 57 38 76 95 47 118 60 8 51 Current Surplus (- - Deficit) - 82 - 73 189 138 224 373 369 187 239 316 Income from Sugar and Postal Adm. 5 86 167 121 182 143 72 32 38 6 Repayments on Public Debt - 54 - 90 - 53 - 111 - 91 - 111 - 153 - 158 - 175 - 120 Investment Expenditure - 635 - 524 -1,074 - 962 -1,008 -1,145 -1,123 -1,189 -1,050 - 311 Budgetary Deficit - 766 - 601 - 771 - 814 - 693 - 740 - 835 -1,128 - 948 - 109 Extra-budgetary Receipts 15 27 - 38 - 47 - 97 - 4 20 31 7 75 Miscellaneous -56 50 - 40 - 139 - 22 25 - 49 - 6 12 25 Overall Deficit - 807 - 524 - 849 -1,000 - 812 - 719 - 864 -1,103 - 929_"- 9 Financing of Overall Deficit 807 524 849 1 000 812 719 864 1.,10 929 9 Treasury and Postal Deposits 93 1 4 6 - 2 69 13 - 20 i 87 30 - 34 Domestic Borrowing 179 95 96 238 345 220 213 333 335 112 of which: Long-term ( 50) ( 64) ( 76) ( 107) ( 75) ( 109) ( 84) ( 123) ( 200) ( 30) Medium-term (net) ( 120) (- 30) (- 15) ( 22) ( 57) ( 130) ( 13) ( 19) ( 65) ( 27) Short-term (net) ( 9) ( 61) ( 35) ( 109) ( 213) ( 241) ( 116) ( 191) ( 200) ( 109) External Borrowing 527 259 291 220 252 349 472 457 215 67 of which: Long-term ( 435) ( 264) ( 186) ( 305) ( 302) ( 270) ( 324) ( 419) ( 250) ( 87) Medium-term (net) ( 25)( 11)( 2) ( 5)( 3) ( 38) ( 47) ( 78)( 10)( 7) Short-term (net) ( 67) (- 16) ( 103) (- 90) (- 53) ( 41) ( 101) (- 40) (- 45(- 27) Central Bank Advances _ 46 3 303 273 202 170 - 89 226 349W- 136 Treasury s Current Account 54 21 - 1 - - - - - - - / Cash basis; comparable data before 1965 are not available. 2/ The overall deficit may increase by DH 160 million as a result of subsidies on cereals importe which the '¶raasury nay have to pay; in this case, Central Bank advances would rise to DE 509 million. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Trdsor Table 5.2: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CURRENT REVENUE, 1960-1973 OHillions of Dirhams) 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Item Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Bud. Est. _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Direct Taxes 242 248 15 530 356 471 521 548 670 686 0 75 81 94A/ Agricultural Taxi 63 55 404043 35 37 63Z47 5$ 46 5 Business Licence Fee 6 5 35 35 40 53 58 55 59 74 76 75 77 80 Tax on Business Profits 130 145 190 200 216 294 318 339 406 412 430 429 431 470 Tax on Salaries and Wages 40 40 45 50 55 78 101 104 123 136 155 173 195 220 Complementary Income Tax - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 Urban Property Tax 3 3 5 5 5 2 9 13 19 16 21 20 31 25 Liquor Licence Fee - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 Penalties on Arrears - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Customs Duties ___350 _329 329 440 453 5 453 475 455 - 595 562 . Import Duties and Taxes .. ... ... ... * 32 401 404 395 7 537 506 Export Duties ... ... ... ... 43 48 67 54 53 54 58 58 60 Other Custom Duties ... ... ... ... ... 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 2 Indirect Taxes 545 5 407 42 515 526 575 6 693 943 1.2 1.417 1.654 Consumption Taxes 254 274 285 290 306 321 353 379 402 440 473 496 493 719 Turnover Tax (TPS) . .89 110 122 135 210 205 222 225 291 503 762 730 924 935 Other Current Receipts 316 558 9 42 580Q _E1 428 -.741 711 7 3 790 884 Registration and Stamp Duties 74 84 85 94 I96 Il 119 126 137 173 210 228 244 281 Property IncomeJ S41 42 47 46 49 48 41 50 49 58 62 67 67 66 State Monopolies and Enterprises- 88 103 117 120 246 142 172 351 388 322 315 293 303 308 Miscellaneous Revenue 43 40 40 41 108 59 49 68 70 93 91 90 147 199 Transfer Receipts 70 70 90 130 80 157 47 70 97 64 61 57 30 30 Total 1,250 1,299 1,478 1,627 1,904 1,889 1,976 2,292 2,557 2,853 3,299 3,284 3,550 4,127 IJ Official receipts for the years 1968 through 1973 were adjusted for purposes of comparability with earlier ypars. g/ Shown under the respective direct taxes until 1972. 3/ Excluding the following amounts, which were paid out as subsidies to local governments: DH 160 million in 1968 and 1969; DR 157 million in 1970; DH 155 million in 1971; and DR 100 million in 1972 and 1973. / Excluding tobe'cco tax receipts listed in footnote 5. J Including tobacco tax receipts (DH 172 million in 1969; DH 185 million in 1970; DH 194 million in 1971; DU 195 million in 1972; and DR 200 million in 1973) and amounts transferred to the Regional Development Fund (DR 119 million in 1969; DH 78 million in 1970; DH 99 million in 1971; DH 140 million in 1972; and DH 150 million in 1973). J Including DR 30 million not shown in breakdown, which represe.;. expected receipts from a new tax on dividend and interest income. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Budget Details may not add up to totals due to rounding. Small discrepancies with Treasury data in Table 5.1 cannot be all explained. Table 5.3: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CURRENT EXPENDITURE, 1965-1973 (Millions of Dirhams) 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Item Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate Economic Services 261 265 281 298 311 318 324 55 5 Trade and Shipping 17 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 12 Industry and Mines - 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 Public Works and Commnmications 102 105 105 112 115 118 116 122 132 Agriculture and Agrarian Reform 142 143 158 168 178 184 190 209 222 Development 1 1 1 - - - - - - Social Services 659 692 740 792 871 9635 i64 1 1.9 1.219 Education and Culture 451 447 512 558 29 717 811 919 935 Youth and Sports 17 16 18 19 19 20 21 24 29 Labor and Training 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 18 Public Health 181 188 199 203 211 213 217 233 237 Administration and Security 566 596 614 696 '755 785 __T 922 987 National Defence 287 299 319 381 421 445 445 512 554 Royal Gendarmerie 32 33 37 38 43 45 48 59 67 Auxiliary Forces 94 96 97 99 99 98 102 115 115 Interior 9/ 49 52 49 57 64 72 70 78 73 National Security 104 115 113 121 128 126 142 159 178 MiscellaneousU 355 331 329 476 467 477 527 492 832 Total 1,842 1,883 1,964 2,261 2,404 2,543 2,722 2,955 3,413 v Kxcludig interest on public debt. 2/ Excluding subsidies to local goverents equal to DR 160 million in 1968 and 1969, DU 157 million in 1970, DH 155 million in 1971 and DR 100 million in 1972 and 1973. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction d,u Budget Details may not add up to totals due to rounding. Small discrepancies with Treasury data ir T3ble 5.1 cannot be all explained. Table 5.4: CENTRAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT, 1960-1964 (Millions of Dirhams) Item 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Agriculture 110 110 146 202 142 Industry, Mines and Fishing 34 58 65 104 108 Electricity 9 7 10 10 19 Transportation 59 75 100 135 102 Telecommunications 13 14 12 24 22 Community Development 75 68 75 70 64 Educat'on and Health 32 35 66 59 64 Administrative Equipment 9 9 11 28 32 Others2/3/ 11 45 33 37 57 Tota1l' 351 420 519 669 610 j|j Including infrastructure for Safi industrial project; that is: DH.12 million in 1963 and DH 1 million in 1964. 2/ Mainly expenditure on reconstruction of Agadir since 1961. S/ Excluding repayments on public debt. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Budget Details may not add up to totals due to rounding. Table 5.5-: CENTRAL GOVERMNlT INVES'ThENT, 1965-1973 (Millions of Dirhams) 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Agricuiture 159 170 4 420 523 503 461 440 742 Dams - 10 84 123 172 193 202 208 203 Irri'ationL/ 96 81 136 129 188 180 135 77 258 Dry Farming, Livestock?]' 11 37 64 114 66 91 68 127 171 Cor.servation, Forestry 32 39 54 33 29 5 4 5 21 .Research / >/ - - - - 18 13 5 7 12 Work Programn - - - - 28 5 15 iO 60 Other 20 7 10 21 22 16 31 6 15 Industry . iries and Handicrafts 36 ~3 45 23 53 13 _28 49 _7 l;.neral Research 14 13 14 15 39 7 37 38 63 Safi Chemical Complex 22 17 23 3 4 3 24 - - Other - 3 8 5 10 3 199- 11 4 Tourism 6 14 37 28 37 30 33 19 69 Hotels 2 4 24 16 18 16 29 14 36 Other Infrastructure 4 10 13 12 19 14 4 5 33 Transport and Communications 107 89 111 100 134 161 169 209 202 Ports 14 16 13 13 27 20 22 25 25 Roads 47 39 51 38 42 66 78 102 83 Air Transport 11 12 14 22 40 34 26 37 21 Telecommunications 35 22 33 28 25 41 42 45 73 Social Services 101 65 60 80 83 94 164 176 552 Education and Sports 47 28 23 43 46 62 111 106 312 Public Health 18 16 10 10 8 6 14 18 83 Urban Developnent and Housing ) ) ) ) 12 15 18 20 77 Water Supply )36 )21 )27 )27 7 3 13 32 80 Work Program ) ) ) ) 10 8 7 - - Administrative Buildings and Equipment 27 26 53 53 46 66 41 189 201 Military Facilities 14 22 25 27 7 5 62 73 206 Reconstruction of Agadir 27 19 15 17 2 1 4 - - Capital Transfers 156 82 168 1 0 125 203 127 147 199 Railways Company (ONCF) 20 19 12 26 2 42 34 29 47 Electricity and Water 23 17 59 47 42 70 78 18 54 Sugar Companies ) 30 49 51 ) - 15 - - Chemicals (Maroc Chimie) 113 3 10 10 ) 91 - 90 83 Equipment Grants (BNDE) ) 6 6 20 7 - - 10 15 Other, excluding Phosphate Co. (OCP) ) a 33 13 ) - (223) ' - _ Total 634 521 862 918 1,011 1,075 1,298 1,302 2,238 j/ Including part of expenditures on dry farming and livestock since 1969. 3,' Dacluding expenditures on forestry since 1970. S/ Shown under other headings prior to 1969. / Including transfers of DR 181 million representing Treasury advances made in previous years. Lb Included in industry, mines and handicrafts with the following breakdown: DH 70 million for CNCA, DH 25 million for BRPM, DH 15 million for ONMR, DH 9 million for ONT, DH 70 million for ONCF, DH 12 million for SEFERIF, DH 20 million for ONMT and DE 2 million for ONE. Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Budget Discre?ancies with Treasury data in Table 5.1 due to time Lags in recording expenditures between Direction du Tresor et Direction du Budget. Table 5.6: PIUBLIC DEBT OPERATIONS, 1965-1973 (Millions of Dirhams) 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Itenm Estimate Disbursements ,55 _L7 904 12062 1 20& 1 6 1,903 2 External debt 568 566 351 362 314 384 513 535 275 Long-term ( 435) ( 264) ( 186) ( 305) ( 302) ( 271) ( 324) ( 420) ( 250) Medium-term ( 28) ( 15) ( 4) ( 16) ( 12) ( 48) ( 52) ( 92) ( 15) Short-term ( 105) ( 87) ( 161) ( 41) ( - ) ( 12) ( 48) ( 25) ( 10) Internal debt 587 471 553 700 894 1,281 1,390 1,654 1,787 Long-term ( 50) ( 64) ( 76) ( 107) ( 75) ( 108) ( 84) ( 121) ( 80) Medium-term ( 220) ( 30) ( 65) ( 72) ( 86) ( 90) ( 44) ( 84) ( 70) Short-term ( 317) ( 577) ( 412) ( 512) ( 733) (1,083) (1,262) (1,449) (1,637) 2. Repaymenrs 470 571 571 709 69 1,205 1. 76 1,587 1886 External debt 47 176 93 226 118 116 167 229 272 Long-term ( 39) ( 72) ( 34) ( 90) ( 61) ( 83) ( 120) ( 120) ( 132) Medium-term ( 8) ( 4) ( 2) ( 8)( 6) ( 11) ( 11) ( 45) ( 50) Short-term ( - ) ( 100) ( 57) ( 128) ( 51) ( 22) ( 36) ( 64) ( 90) Internal debt 423 395 478 483 575 1,089 1,209 1,358 1,614 Long-term ( 15) ( 18) ( 21) ( 21) ( 25) ( 28) ( 31) ( 36) ( 43) Medium-term ( 100) ( 60) ( 80) ( 50) ( 29) ( 220) ( 30) ( 65) ( 71) Short-term ( 308) ( 317) ( 377) ( 412) ( 521) ( 841) (1,148) (1,257) (1,500) 3. Interest 1c6 165 159 192 202 215 223 264 287 External debt 69 96 71 113 110 110 132 152 160 Long-term ( 69) ( 93) ( 69) t 108) ( 105) ( 107) C 125) ( 158) ( 144) Medium-term ( -)( 2) ( 1) ( 3)( 3)( -)( -)( 3)( 2) Short-term ( -)( )( 1)( 2) ( 2)( 2)( 7)( l1)( 14) Internal debt 57 69 68 79 92 103 91 112 127 Long-term ( 13) ( 15) ( 15) ( 25) ( 25) t 34) ( 36) ( 34 ( 41) Medium-term t 13) ( 18) ( 16) ( 16) ( 17) ( 19) ( 13) ( 13) ( 15) Short-term ( 11) ( 36) ( 37) ( 38) C 50) ( 51) ( 42) ( 65) ( 71) 4. Net Sorrowing (1-2) 605 266 3L _53 _5. 46C 527 602 176 External 521 190 258 136 196 268 346 306 3 Internal 164 76 75 217 319 192 181 296 173 Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Trdsor Small discrepancies with Table 5.1 (financing) cannot all be explained. Table 5.7: LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS, 1964-1972 (Millions of Dirhams) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1. Ordir.yry Revenue 549 626 266 294 314 327 340 750 804 Provinces and Prefectures 69 123 29 28 29 30 31 146 140 Municipalities 356 371 225 233 248 257 262 462 504 Autonomous Centers 59 56 12 13 15 16 17 66 72 Rural Communes 65 76 n.d. 20 23 24 28 76 88 of which: Central Government Transfers (250) (202) (192) (224) (230) f iZ5.) (296) Provinces and Prefectures 36 52 29 28 29 30 29 73 68 1 :-cipalties 191 123 157 160 175 184 184 200 200 ...tonomous Centers 12 13 6 7 7 v7 v 13 Rural Communes 10 13 n.d. 11 13 14 8 7 14 2. Boirowing 7 9 12 16 18 21 21 17 34 Provinces and Prefectures - - - - Municipalties 7 8 11 16 17 21 19 15 33 Autonomous Centers 1 1 1 - 2 - 2 3 2 Rural Communes - - - - - - - 3. Ordinary Expenditure 276 6 237 266 275 281 58 448 460 Provinces and Prefectures 26 57 28 28 28 30 31 85 68 Municipalties 214 256 198 207 212 214 239 299 327 of which: Transfers to Central Government (4) (6) (24) (25) (25) (25) (25) (8) (8) Autonomous Centers 13 19 10 11 12 13 14 27 27 Rural Communes 23 31 n.d. 20 22 24 28 38 39 4. Investment Expenditure 40 55 10_ 10 124 149 117 9 Provinces and Prefectures 5 13 44 41 54 89 39 42 21 Municipalties 18 28 37 43 47 48 56 33 42 Autonomous Centers 10 5 8 6 8 8 8 10 8 Rural Communes 8 8 15 15 15 15 15 8 8 5. Gross Saving (1-3) 272 263 29 28 39 46 27 303 344 Provinces and Prefectures 43 66 1 - - - - 61 73 Municipalties 143 115 27 26 36 43 24 164 177 Autonomous Centers 45 37 2 2 2 3 2 40 46 Rural Communes 41 45 n.d. - - - - 38 50 Source: Ministere des Finances, Direction du Tresor Details may not add up to totals due to rounding. Table 5.8: GROSS SAVING OF SELECTED PUBLIC ENTERPRISES, 1966-i972-A (Millions of Dirhams) Item 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Phosphate Co. (OCP) 209 194 107 160 278 142 193 Railways Co. (ONCF) - 5 9 18 19 6 5 Electricity Co. (ONE) - - 9 - - 19 62 Water Co. (REI/ONEP) 5 5 6 6 7 10 7 Tea and Sugar Co. (ONTS) 45 10 13 19 13 4 4 Sugar Cos. 10 22 46 48 81 107 100 Export Co. (OCE) - 30 16 27 31 30 32 Deposit Fund (CDG)?j 17 51 48 60 79 77 102 Total 286 317 254 338 508 395 505 / The data presented here have serious shortcomings since the selected public enterprises do not prepare their accounts on a consistent basis, and some do not report them fully to the Ministry of Finance (e.g., OCP and.ONE until 1971). / The Deposit Fund (Caisse de Ddp8t et de gestion, CDG) is the state-owied apex financial institution for a number of public funds: the social security fmnd (CNSS), the national saving fund (CEN), the pension fund, the guarantee fund, etc. Increases in compulsory deposits of these funds with the CDG are shown here. Source: Minist!re des Finances, Direction du Budget and mission estimates Table 5.9: FIXED 1NVESTMENT OF SELECTF.D PUBLIC ENTERPRISES, 1966-19721/ (Millions of Dirhams) Itemll 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Phosphate Co. (OCP) 125 56 92 141 212 103 64 Railways Co. (ONCF) - 10 7 9 8 5 11 Electricity Co. (ONE) 30 65 41 44 106 90 77 Water Co. (REI/ONEP) 5 5 8 25 21 16 64 Sugar Cos. 85 - 155 107 6 6 ... Export Co. (OCE) 9 2 11 6 3 2 Deposit Fund (CDG)?/ 5 13 19 21 27 26 48 Totals-" 259 151 333 353 383 246 264 Central Gov't TransfersAJ 82 168 170 125 203 127 147 Grand Total 341 319 503 478 586 373 411 j The data presented here have serious shortcomings since the selected public entemprises do not prepare ttheir accounts on a consistent basis, and sonme do not reporlt them fully to the Ministry of Finance (e.g., OP and ONE until 1971). ?/ Tile Dleposit F&nid (caisse de Ddp8t: et de gest-tcic, CDC) is the state-m e .ed epex fkilrt(;cii1 instSitution for a nvm'erz of public fuids (r-ea nute 2 of TaplA 58M.)c It proides credit to the Treasury and t' e semi-public antd private secters, and i t makes dire vr I enves.L men ts (irn l ant d, biA.Idi mgs and affIii ) a . Thc I mItte- are shouin here. E/ Fcluhding Central Gov' t capital trainsfers, wherever clearly identifiasble. i/ CCpital transfers to the selected enterprises in thIis table a.d to otiher eiater- prises, as shoxm in Table 5.5. Source: MNinistt%re des Finances, Direction du Budget and mriission estihiiates. CAilioa of Dirhm s; end of period) Itei 1968 1969 1W 1971 1972 LI:ABUT~ES 8, 551 61 67 781 890 Sight Denosit8e- 393 45N 59 of Which: () (131) (164) (1885) (218) (241) (CNSS) (232) (259) (309) (342) (376) o:her) ()30) (33) (54) (36) (45) Legal Guarat;: a Deobirs 27 31 37 40 4 Managed Auada Dodits 75 6 68 72 112 of whieh- (JRAk) ( 13) ( 13 ( I,) ( 9) ( 1) ,,YD5 r, 49) 43), 43) 4-7 7') EY=YT i 5 1) 1 .;) 13) 21) (Otner) ( 2) ( 1 ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) Affiliates Deposits 2 1 1 3 4 Blocked Accounts 4 4 4 4 Total Deposi_ts 501 716 828 Other Short-term Liabilities 15 17 11 21 12 Initial Capital 17 17 17 17 17 Reserves 5 5 8 9 11 Year's Net Income 13 14 13 18 21 ASSETS 551 1781 890 Cash and Liquid Assets 31 32 35 34 Short-term Credit 300 302 275 204 224 Medium-term Loans and Ir,. 212 262 34 210 249 Long-term Loans and Part. 3 ) ) 295 345 Fixed Assets (net) 13 18 34 36 37 of whfich: -Land) ( 12) .' 17 ( 32) ( 34) ( 35) OTHR COTbNnS-/ 181 182 161 1 83 Local Goverrmint Fund (FEC) 108 90 72 54 97 Hotel and Housing Bank 'CLAi) 68 90 8T 81 66 Agricultural Bank (CtA) 5 2 1 1 1 Pledged Securitles 20 ;LI CDG is a deposit and management fund (Caisse de DdpSt et de Gestion) which manages and receives deposits from various public funds (see notes 2 and 5) and provides credit to the Treasury and the semi- public and private sector, and amakes direct investments. 2/ 1nc1udes a eposits fro the nationaal saving fEd (CEN)) the national socila secuTity fund (CNSS), the central guarantee fund, public notariea: court clerks, etc. / Inc'1ucdes deiosits from the national retirement and assurance fund (CA). tha p@ension fund (FDP), the labor fund (MDT), the local goverraeut . ;nd (EC), etc. g/ Underitiri cai=ents not recorded in balance sheet. Source, Caitse de D#p6t et de Gestion, Annual Reports. Tabe 5.11: CDG AlsD AFFILIATES - SELECTED ACTIVITIES, 1966-1972i/ (Millions of Dirhams; end of period) Activity 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1. CDG Credit to Treasury (Purchases of Gov't Bonds) 168 160 165 191 233 258 308 2. CDG Participations ... 45 50 62 65 75 94 u- which: (Tourism) ... ( 16) ( 21) ( 33) ( 37) (737) ( 37) (Banking) ... ( 11) ( 11) ( 10) ( 10) ( 13) ( 22) (Industry) ... (- ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) (9) (14) (Other) ... (18) ( 18) ( 19) ( 18) (16) (21) 3. National Retirement and Assurance Fund (CNRA) Deposits with CDG 17 15 13 13 11 9 12 Security Portfolio 14 19 26 26 41 53 59 4. Local Gov't Fund (FEC) Loans outstanding 122 136 153 170 195 212 243 5. Pension Funds (FDP) Portfolio 10 10 16 16 16 16 14 6. Labor Protection Fund (FDT) 7 7 8 11 11 11 10 7. Automobile Guarantee Fund 3 5 8 10 10 11 13 / See notes to Table 5.10 Source: Caisse de Ddp8t et de Gestion, Annual Reports. T`bla 5.-121 DIM#= D'0UI PDII : ; CIATICU Wl PLAx, PlAU Dl PRfWT IT 101 DI TP B, 1933 Dodet C?didts _ 02 Awooin^" t d'aqoip_not Cogditd d Eoag.wso Popott. 2OlS t*da Itudla t.atl do paiamot 1974. p?0j12 pSStS 4 IlsapiSt, .5rticl,> SSaze6r~no,po ;io I.Setl97 ;"3-?7 ' 1973 et sutoaem 4to. 62dcutdo tourt faire _____ 124.0 j-v 104-5 3a PA, SoSrki- t Id'tEt 1.o, o D.oloppemt R"ll iel et S la Tosation da. Cadres A.hit d, t -ri ru, no ststio- &, bgtinotg 9.6 2.3 7.3 Itoaoi.n. ~teoIW-I a!n6 iqo et d'X-io .i. 5pplqsd 3.7 1.4 2.3 2 Dcoom tot;nsoolLs d_o sct.tcnc d ' 1i toforti. 0.4 0.1 0.3 Cs,sslzs. Notiosol dt 0 sont-tatiuo 1.5 0.3 1.2 ItoStd, spStcLatio,ln, 16.6 4.3 12.3 A1C.1it i0nO son tAt- o1 iofoootio,soo 5'$ - 3.S Lss__tu pour lt S lppen,- do 1 slooperatimo 2.6 - 2.6 Verttosnot ass i/od, s. s t-.l..n ppbshlqso, 3.0 3.0 Offico '.i.t.5 d ?khr SubsntsL-rr - st+Ltoeoot n I'OG1 P (1)2/ 15.2 2.5 12.7 Se-rdot-ijsZ .5 .. n ; s Po1 tio, 114tioo,a1 Ddpr n eo ;I_eaet6 s En tn PSi 3009.0 60 0 240.0 DSirstio. ' 'lruLoOrng - oSncsblos Attia. 9.5 5.1 4.4 Dir,tn o t !' ' -r sOsat - Cuntr-b - Istelgyd - 27 8 3.6 24.2 lir5ct, Cs. l'krorc,rsc - Ctn ron intayd 5.6 0.3 5 j DiLection GE lr1soant - Crntval. d'Cahat at do "t. do pfl ux brut.t It0.21 lIIlla 0.9 - D.9 9zodcvnnnitson dt 1IArtlsaoot 7.1 1.9 5.2 lNIS ThOC 5'PE AI1- AIINIflTVIS TARIAT souiM." DU C G VouM 8.9 1 i _ BiCitns- Adnisiitro tif 3.7 0.8 2.9 x ioprit .e oEfin1oole (1) 3.7 0.4 2.9 2 Ecole INtlosnolo d Adssn16tratson Prbliqwa 1.5 0.2 1.3 2 hLtSTAT R DE L 1-05TAIDO 2000 0o6 HSinr.- Ads i nMrsstifn 3. 0.°3 2.7 x C-e-r d. .o-tnn JiouosiiacSqoo 0.7 0.7 . 2 Rrhr (1) 184.0 52.5 151 5 Issoss Cis 1cogrsn'siqse anrosoin f'i) 12.3 2.4 9.9 NTSTZR. DU T9 t-`I1r 1513 9 48 0 105n9 Bsti6ent6 Ad tniotooSfo 2.0 2.0 - Etude - 7 0 0.5 6.5 Frorssnions Proaf.ooios.s,tl Sdt.libr. 4.1 0. S3.6 APsisosstj (1) 1.0 0.2 0.8 p.d.iicitd 60.0 9.0 51.0 Subvessrtivnso d'issvooniaoemanc il 105(7 (1) 17.8 35.9 41.9 tillN571RE IF LA _iSTICE 102.4 1IB0 84.4 Jurid ltt ion- Bdtiwntt Adni.intratif 1.0 1.0 2 COo_ stopr_n d. R...Lt 5.0 0.8 4. 2 Conr dAppl et Tribun l du Sad.d de Rb.t 4.0 . 4.0 x Conr Spdoial do 3s.tti- 1.0 - 1 0 x TIribunmox Rdgionsuo 17.2 3.5 14.0 x Tr-ioi ur du Sda.d at autos. Toibursu 22.5 3.6 18. 9 X Tssftso.sux Sontouo -S 6 1.8 1.8 x Issstitut Natoonal d'Etudeas Jdioiaires 0. 0.5 - x COdifi-stiOo do 1. lgti6-ott-a 0.2 0.2 - Adwilistrati0n BEtlucots Adsisinstrsti t 1.1 0.1 1.0 Ctsitro no PLl-att.l doo Cadrea. Pditaatiaire 1.0 - 1.0 CpDlite ... 1hitLnRitOO 16.5 3.3 13.2 PKait.n- er. Agricols 8,5 1.0 7.5 MoinonoL Cnttleo 5.5 0.4 5.1 Prnioo05 Civllos 14.8 2.2 12.6 8111SAU _aus55 .2DI9NI5 . -k 14.0 'ilatia.nse Adtioint-atiof 1.8 1.8 Onssis.5e-rtstons ptrna;ont--. L Iwdtnoe'sr 18.5 4.5 14.0 Intt ssss.: sitirmns s ACo.lostziort5 11.21.5 3.9 17.6 LooS 9.9 22.8 5.050 3.7 /a itos ions evicolen 8.2 StAon do .tc dq. 3ine x Stations da ntoet bovine 1 S Po..e d inseinotis rtifiicle 6.4 a C nire Satient l d'insinotion netifiniclie 1.31 , In-titi NStiensi d'incistion .etifinioilc 13.1w x P i.eec et oboentien, tlj 29.1 3.7 Is.l Acchet s eteni1 eponiol do vIgorictien 2.3 0.5 1.8 DLi.ecion de 1!levye.CeSi--tine de prsddits do ic1.. CoosnrcoLijoiitn do 1- vionde 0 0._ 5C ta-btrcc as cllente de lo!it '.l0 2.5 12.5 sonarateire as coetroic I1ititr 0.4 .nsiorl session d'.atre- prec-it. aDiaiec 0.5 0.1 0.4 K Dlri .s do iehcro.. iqs Stzzlcasoo.oo rieenioieo 20.6 3.7 16.3 x o.n dno vdgit... 2.2 0.4 1.8 C Lr fficil 0.7 . 0.7 Cn:r,s ir;eon 3 7 0.5 3.2 Serv,cco Consronn 4.4 2.1 2.3 3 Etides tereralen so opdcnoliodsc 11.9 2.0 9.8 a ELtten tnr_cidisnon. entirangas t oeivioirs 18.3 3.7 14.6 2 L p-renthb.. indtqus 1'in.ortitud. eonsceoat 1'4tit d'o- ot. -3 - Budget CridIt _ tAt d' Avft d4equipDsct Crddits d I ognaSeent Reports Iouvaaw Etudns Etuds Total de Paieet 19t4 projeto prate oi a Chapitr-, .orttc., et;-r'ropho or Ligre 1973-77 173 et otivartoo A2tto rdoutda cours faire Direottn.. do 1 inoot'garoena Arito1e 01 do 1t fortior prf*edioninlla ncL-t oiArr-so.q-s at Ctt-ti eire hognID i3.6 5.3 8.3 x rei- il d'aejrtoaita,'n do tidus4s 3.2 0.9 2.3 Eco.-s tooue --'go ? d'1,inaieurs de Sale 1.3 0.7 0.6 (r) t00i3 du. G- rci it do Topographic do IbShi. 1.7 0.9 0.8 x Eole.o 3'Herrtoatleso do lina',os 0.4 0.1 0.3 x Ecole d'ASric.lo± -to d'0.aosiosio 0.3 0.2 0.1 I Fect- ,'Agrtossaaoe lr Soe ihio 0.3 0.1 0.2 x ico'.;,e Mcoalss Agricole do SILdi Roknado1 0.4 0.2 O.i x Fcole doyote og'avlevaa do Pe,s.rt-tdoitra 1.3 0.4 0.9 x Fenlr dAvi:- t-s.e di Zrolb-Prcksno 1.7 0.8 0.9 0 Fool,eR.tic Y. resoit-,t de Sitd 1.3 0.4 0.9 x C-t-eodo sa- - .,riclre 5.8 1.9 3.8 (a) Dir-c.ion da lt o Ccrvat en. fnclore ot dv So-visa Teporaphique 55: so-ea rLa ....dr .h .. aJ-': F-s Ci. 5 . 6.4 0.6 5. () ir-es. d',i a--oFdecrt It de Ic odvioLso do "eaasu gdoddoiqn et de la cart. 14.5 2.1 12.4 x Grands pdr- oL raso oto-a ot tresox. 24.4 1.9 22.5 0 C-dsntcs llo..c 34.3 16.4 17.9 x Dire-tioc a. -Ia at iaordn. et do Is Conoervatien dos Sole 0501cc> ca . ald--rccf2 '0.f 4.2 x WZALre a beroctberoo 3.0 . 2.9 14., x Cia:ir.. 4rpii.... :in_ oete e ........ 1.8 10.2x Pteeiotttast*, 2.2 o.6 1.6 a Chensor2.1 0.3 1.8 Envisrarr,esmaet 3.5 0.7 2.8 x x P5cc Zologiqse ds T'gdore. 5.2 0.9 4.3 x Rbhoe.o-ot, lo ,lan t t -r-rtss. coro-lotife 97.0 18.S 78.- x tloa av.- t sestserrolon doo sole 46.3 7.8 38.1 Steir-gteont de. -006,- 9.0 0.9 8.1 x tnrass:siro Ofttltoa.l s'arn,tter 750 - 752 x Arestetorleio at oandse era pertonrs en innSte 3.0 0.2 .2. FD-des at ddh- de9d -oo t.rodsri foroanittr 1.2 0.2 0.2 a tosŽOerarea fnore:toiros 5.0 o.6 4.4 Sirertond Icedil bSILs on Fibeur Ohtisaoara edrtnlol.srortfe do serrie Ceatr.l 7.7 1.1 6.6 Sltinessoc adcm:eternrert d.oe Services Provi-tai-s 11.0 j.1 7.9 ?I titor's, odasoeora¶Os des Centrts do Trsvsa- 22.2 4.2 15.0 2ited-o tdssldr.e 20.7 4.2 16.s OR22A do Is .ieoes 89.5 25.9 6',.6 LOtlA do Ghort - Sln'e- 269.1 66.5 202.6 laRMi,' aee D.o 'I'kl llS.S 28.7 86.8 0&K5A do 1,sos 89.1 25.1 64.0 03tV/. do Tsdte 63.8 14.3 49.4 004vA do Tosslolor 46.3 15.1 31,2 O0lVA1 d'Outret :ata 55.9 24.1 31.8 010i,. d" Souse -I-Iaea 154.3 54.9 99.4 Proier d'sasnr, eae-re do Lookk-n 99.6 3.5 96.1 P_no.r_i_te PetCs to et reon isydroolqne 125.0 10.0 110.0 tori p.rant Cr oecor. 70.0 i6.0 54.0 Sorxrrrreo.-nt at Asodnegonon:to totdgrde oD eo 25.0 3.0 22.0 ttoixos^srorsto 122.9 19.1 105.8 Ctact. do Trev--r 190.1 32.0 157.3 MLN.S'2P0i ft 't'.sTf AJY. aTICS ET DES CObOICATIONSB 2640.4 544.6 ma./ BSti-tenn 5.7 1.1 4.6 x tories de- Tnrooe P- - it- b Eorte Idti- nbe. dae T-ovoon Pablies do Casoblsn.e 13.0 5.4 7.6 a E-or do, grtves- Pebli.t do Rabat 1.4 0.1 1.3 : C.entr de Fieetoooo do do 1'Adnonautiqu Ctivil eat 1a Xdtdorolgie 4.3 1.7 2.6 x Tr.ore do Ro-oreth. or d'addoeti.n d'es Roal oesino o.nfinno e L-OlEP (1) 154.1 24.4 129.'7 Add-otton &s 1 .ones. retits ounce Muoitro at Caesblens. (1) 334.5 78.6 255.9 Autreo iAd1 i..oIctoo iS.4 2.3 13.1 T-Ts d ssseintssooont 12.2 2.5 9.7 a a Dir.etion do 1'llydr-coiqee Pfti-onts sdoinitotrntift 5.7 1.9 3.8 (a) nve-tsire, bii.n nt ...trAle d.e res.ouroas en ecu 45.° 8.6 36.7 (a) Etod-c 2 &dmrol 41.2 4.0 37.5 (M) Etrade, artoestinros Osro-go nor Iten Er-b' biS 2.1 x 2. I Sora do rrepean..tioo do Ait tadol 2.0 ) ns e to Lsi,ddn 2.7 7 1.0 4.8 x Coast don Roooo no prior doss do Sidi Dn.. 1.1 Srtoa -aonteete do arusn 4.7 7 Sotes - t-1 ,Iotve5oo evorootigono) 2 0 4 3.5 3.2 a .oak ne - 'gsOrro; ar e hoadiar el Ghocrf 9.0 1.0 ).5 taetlou'os -f oogne d Srd 1.5 1 Fair ttGaos Bo-rage C-ttinoiro sor 1t Tiflt _ _ tress dosont 10.7 s s. ZaOtsarr t lasso-. 3 5 2.0 12.2 x. Aeinoaao to cton t ToS-er-Tdtoecr 10.5 - - Tosese eeC n i doe a,tdo avengag.. 14draatoe,uoo fsaeoxg, Co .oo .fian do Ait Adet (Osnotay Ynosf) 8.0 0.7 7.3 a Bhrrtga ieastosr LEdaehbi 0.3 0.3 A o Gor_osgo ttaonss Zdd&lhil (Zim) 5.0 0.4 4.6 x _rrsa id:_.s 1!9: i.6 is.6 4.0 a fiorroe YAssefc too 'gt.sriise 17.9 13.9 4.0 x btrrs5 is as.- Rs-a 66.2 48.1 13.2 t Osboou - cesrro5 doe croon 20.0 - 20.0 t Ltkkaoa - brrss- de sKho-dist ci CGonf 130.3 2.0 125.3 x nlsTskos - bn-rsgo do gs-de 6.1 _ 6.1 x BSreag- do Sono e.rmoc 99.6 - 99.6 a lopnopodonton.- SS.0 1S.O 40.0 a Co-vtnoi .n . isntoto-n tnechntrse 25.5 a Oeenroesont, ons-vettin et gron... r6porsti.n. doe nerasg hydreoliqua. 43.5 3.2 40.3 a Partociputiros eD-o ddptsaos d'rttblistioeont doe ouvrages da production at de tranaport d'dl rctriitd e1) 241.1 48.2 192.9 tlICtrificaton n-1 ale et dee petite cntras (1) 26.0 6.0 20.0 pots Ce Pr-t do T.goUor 1! 14.9 2.0 12.9 Port to M ntssnn.o (1) 1.4 0.5 0.9 Port do Conshlanoss (1) - - 69.7&/ Port do SOf, ,: 15.1 3.2 11.9 Poot do boroors. (1) 22.0 12.8 9.2 Pert d :'.0,air (', 38.8 4,0 34.8 Ports Otooadoa:. s 8.6 i.8 6.7 Phr-. t en dlioes (31 2.0 o.6 1.4 ,' L.os- do 69.7 tlli.ens do D14 pour 1t Port de Caaablne, qut finaens lui_2- e dip.e."s 41 ijta ti-he.nt, sot aeslua do totl pour 1. Xiniethre at idiqud. ponr aLaira. cpitr, Artiel. Pegob etreL4pw e ivwA eSWA oos f_tr .lro~ti9 . _i t .1 _ _ ___ _ Dir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dq1 ceti8t dhang Lout-3 a toj D1r.otlo d oo.6- Pragr_ Caoadc.i Tr -.oa As.. rout. e- - C__L.e 72.0 > Antr -te* pCt,Dpaa 8.0 ) 2MA5 11.9 = :loo. seOdl. 244 ) x Gro-. ro par.-tion 1 . 23.9 109.1 6. P00400 iocutier Tr.vaoa sa 347 4.T - x Gca.. rpap-tron 1.9 1.9 - X et1d.e des Cr-epor ) 0.2 _ Acqnisition d. ecerel- 1.7 1. S Itirer-ire- tsourlotiqooc ^3.5 5.6 26.S Cntoootinn. n.Innonsoco do. cbsseira n.orialcs. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~57.3 22.6 44.7 Poly-one. nArtravlerd 44.1 13.9 30.2 Projeco *pdoioiqoa - i.frastconnnro ndns tlqsso. FAaS 0.2 - 0.2 Pi.te. d'.anon a- gise_t nijr. 1.4 0.3 1.1 foqnnitiot 4ce etdniei ds toomtr pblie. 18.0 2.5 1.5 Dir etion d l'Air l*fr -t-,clute adronautique Acbah do o- - in. 3.0 0.5 2.5 Adro- d. C-dbIe-c-V- r 84.2 3.2 8'20 x Adrodro. da Rob.t-Sa1 1.7 0.5 1.2 Adrodr= dt Tar.- P.k h-aef 4.0 2.0 2.0 x o AdrAro d .obc-daa9.4 5.6 3.6 a Adr _dro de P4.-sal.. 0.5 0.5 - A6-dro e d'Agadir Icoogano 14.6 0.1 14.5 Adrodro dOuJd.-Anosd. 10.8 1.9 8.9 x Adrodrore d 'Al Riotoe 2.9 0.7 2.2 x Aerodrt de Kacr-Eo-So-k 0.8 0.8 Adrodr. d. Curra.t. 0.5 0.5 - x x Ad-od-o do Nedo- 3.1 1.0 2.1 lquipont. .6ronstiqoeo 32.8 4.4 28.4 x x EquipinCt oddoololque 13.5 0.7 12.8 x x Ed".. do eor,i ta ltipnton. A 0 ) 240.0 43.2 196.8 E..tude. b:L d S.foootaiOl,n . t a1 hn . , 1.0 0.2 0.8 lodoaneic oh do Safi-Iove.ei..aot. & 1. (2saegs do Iltan ~~~~ ~~0.3 0.3 - Infrastru-tu-s. to-rfotLqses 87 0 23.9 6351 !.=bllce t :n I. lae iodutiello d. T.W.r 23.0 7.7 15.3 ConsCrtution ee g eese nt d'td blij,ano .ctlaloo. 96.2 41.3 54.9 Iafrastructureoff.reotes .u pro.JA Maroe Pbo.phfo Qs..ia. do ,r 29.7 4.1 25.6 travsn- pareoir.s 9.8 - 9.8 Alies.tatioo en . an 9.7 1.0 8.7 YINISTERE D25 POSTES DES TEi.EGRbA'ES LT DES TELZP'OYS - _ '0IISTEEE DE L'gDUCATION NATIONALE 1203.7 .1 982. HINISTERE DU TRAVAIL. DES AFPAIRES SDCIALES DE LA JEUNESSE T DES SPORTS2 118.7 205 96.0 Bitinen.t AdoDinitratif. 2.3 0.1 2.2 x C-ntr-o de qsalificotioo et do fortlon C-nt-en do qulift-tiotl t for-ti-o profo...ioqllo 22.3 3.6 18.8 t To.tiltt Nationa1 do fortioo d.. Cadret tobehina & Csablanca 3.9 0.2 3.7 x C-ntro do forn.-tion du bitneo.t do Casablanc- 1.5 0.1 1.4 r In_ti_t Notional do Slc-dr.atit et do c-Wtabilitt de C ..blaoa 0.3 _ 0.3 0 CGntre- de S ecctsnlst at do C.nptsbilitA 2.1 2.1 0 Instit.t Notionl do foration de. tailloors de Y bzzt t. 2 1.2 r Autres C-otren do foreoti.o prof*s.ionnal11 do tsllenr 0.1 _ 0.1 r Io.tOevt de f_oioo dos Age oc- niBo_ 0.8 0.8 S.b-enti-n. pout Mot-trueooin do bot... do travail 0.5 0.1 0.4 J-n--n et aport.- boti-Dt sdinlt-tlfo 3.7 3.7 Jonc... .t ports: Centres do ro-ducaticn 10.5 2.4 7.6 A.tlvitda do 1. Joosa Cn. tp do vocuanon 3.9 1.2 2.7 x CMot-na doccuoil 9.3 0.4 8.9 Neaman0 doo Jaun 1.5 2 1.5 3.7 Fond- do conto3r. 5.6 _ 3.6 a Pro-otion FeninIen Foyor e -in-ns 3 5 0.1 3 5a Fond- do nontouro 1.8 - 1.8 E9olpacento apartt1. Pisciqe -ooert., C.oablana 56 6 Salle Ooisport, Ca..blan X St-d- d'Athl.tio, C..blanc- 2.3 Cano-C lionjti l dos Spoot., RYbat 12.1 2110 20.4 Aot_.. Cos.plo apornifo 5.0 x B-tLa-nt 3.7 a Foods do noco-ra 7.2 7.2 lnsnttom loyal do PrnrF ti.n 2.0 2.0 x KINISTERE )- LA ScAIE FUBLIQIIE 319.3 64 B-ti-t. d.oinliO-atlf 2.0 2.0 hoapitjli-rs -nl-tral-airo. CocOon Unlo_raitnir, do cabot 62.1 43.7 18.4 4 Contra Hoapitalir Univ-roi-tni do Casablanc 40.2 1.0 39.2 o pltaco odSnau,, ap.Ls.o. t provinc.sna -48pita1 provincial do wO.a"osaat 5.0 0.5 4 a 118pit.l priocvui.1 do K- Y.-Stuk .1 0.5 4.6 6 RApital provi.c6cl do ollOla 7.0 0.8 6.2 0 Hbpita1 proui..ial d'zl Jdida 3.0 0.2 2.8 a odpit-l pravi-ci.l do Kdnitra 6.2 0.9 5.3 O8pital provincial do Sotran 5.1 0.2 4.6 e dp ta provincial do la,o'obga 5.0 0.1 4.9 a -Sptal proninclal do T-ca 5.0 0.1 4.9 a dSp t.i ptovinxia1 dAI HoNeid 2.7 0.1 2.6 x Sipits p-ronical do Sadtr 2.6 0.3 2.3 CaP 0pitO. protvlnolAl do Sea n S O5.0 0.1 4.9 a 86p~t.op~vlala1cr Tcc2oo- 5.2 0.2 4.7a cdplra provncialdo T.tooa 1.0 0.1 4.9 a W Lee dip.n... d inYrlaonnonen in ri T anon fi-anca inttgralcant par 10 bdndficos d'saplaitatim It eInt lesl des ddpaneas totles do P*Ia. _' Y copr-. DH 2 illion. qui r-predanl. . n t rr ur duddition dn- 1 Lo do 1 Ft---. k1t C6dlts atat d'Avoa*_cint Wo"uiPmet Cr4Its dbgopm,.t uvt u xwa It o ud. Cha.itr, Article, P ... rold,. at LLgo Total as P&Linb 1974 P:OJet puts an C973-77 1973 Ot aoty.os h kme tudcu courtS toli Prd"goU-t Otton -diali*toctm d t,,, c2.2 12.1 70.1 (x) C0ll1.g Notio-Il do $,td Poblito at Coatro ot.ivl o flptWfotto foold 14.8 5.9 8.9 0 hospitallers r4L1o ux8 C ntre, h.spittli., d'AC.dir 5.4 0.2 6.2 Contre hospit.lier r4joa.l do V&. 5.2 0.5 4.7 Cootro rAgiot"l do lrorkch 6.3 0.2 6.1 x Cootre ho.pit.lier rdgio-a d Nokoc 5.2 0.5 4.7 x Cootre hospit.lior rgionol d4Oujd. 5.2 0.1 5.7 x HlSpitout do Zoo. H8pit.l d. Z.oo do C R-bioooo. Soeho., Moire. 6.o 0.1 5.9 x H8pitol do Xone do Cootblio., Cr8tes 6.0 0.1 5.9 0 98pital do Zon. dlogeouoiro 3.6 0.5 3.1 (x) MINISMESR DES FAB'VS1. 01S AFFAIUS ISLANIOIIS ET Dg 1A C0ULTz 47.1 ,*, 40.7 Biti-.te -dJ triti.trstfs 2.0 2.0 Co-otruccion et re.tooratiom d'ddift.. de dol1t 12.0 2.2 9.8 x Moists, do 1i culture 23.3 2.8 20.5 Muodoo 4.4 1.8 2.6 Bibliotttq... *t *rchiwv NItieq-1.o 5.8 0.1 5.7 x ADMINISTRATION OE LA O10NSE IAZItEUI4S MINISTERE D'ETAT ChACE DI LA COOPSIATION ET DE LA ft M D CM D M .0 115,0 TOTAL 11U77.4 4 21/ toolU-t Port de Ca..bla.oo *t PTT (voit sotqs 4 at 5). Table 6.1: MONETARY SURVEY, 1966 - June 1973 (Millions of dirhams, end of period) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 March June Sept. Dec. March .T,ne Sept. Dec. March June Assets Foreign assets (net) 549 455 311 416 598 824 948 983 958 1,264 1,388 1,473 1,301 1,365 1,615 Central bank (493) (390) (262) (330) (489) (730) (845) (886) (828) (1,110) (1,179) (1,313) (1,125) (1,136) (1,394) Deposit money banks (56) (65) (49) (86) (109) (94) (103) (97) (130) (154) (209) (160) (176) (229) (221) Domestic credit 3,623 4,075 4,877 5,343 5,533 5,443 5,557 5,697 5,961 5,979 6,233 6,328 6,930 6,921 7,018 Claims on Government (net)-/ (1,578) (1,923) (2,256) (2,779) (2,963) (2,874) (2,966) (2,864) (3,027) (3,148) (3,370) (3,311) (3,584) (3,587) (3,556) of which: Central bank 590 891 1,161 1,364 1,528 1,369 1,346 1,330 1,432 1,490 1,549 1,390 1,678 1,592 1,585 Deposit money banks 569 580 647 859 896 947 980 986 1,011 1,054 1,194 1,208 1,181 1,248 1,262 Claims on private sector (2,045) (2,152) (2,621) (2,564) (2,570) (2,569) (2,591) (2,833) (2,934) (2,831) (2,863) (3,017) (3,346) (3,334) (3,463) of which: Rediscounted at 172 220 293. 261 279 229 154 335 319 153 94 262 339 358 336 central bank Liabilities Maney 3,799 4,141 4,688 5,198 5,543 5,541 5,804 5,987 6,208 6,406 6,715 6,971 7,338 7,334 7,763 Currency outside banks (1,429) (1,614) (1,859) (2,122) (2,262) (2,197) (2,229) (2,409) (2,461) (2,525) (2,658) (2,791) (2,945) (2,918) (3,086) Demand deposits (1,862) (1,973) (2,290) (2,438) (2,649) (2,681) (2,832) (2,915) (3,042) (3,153) (3,315) (3,356) (3,544) (3,560) (3,803) Private sector deposits with (89) (102) (91) (82) (93) (105) (103) (115) (121) (124) (115) (111) (124) (189) (115) central bank Postal checking deposits (202) (221) (232) (274) (288) (265) (279) (301) (324) (320) (311) (377) (362) (362) (335) Private sector deposits with Treasury (217) (231) (216) (282) (251) (293) (361) (247) (260) (284) (316) (336) (363) (385) (424) Quasi-oney 212 254 360 431 408 447 448 449 476 520 551 555 547 570 557 Capital accounts 183 209 217 245 277 328 312 309 356 340 339 352 374 367 351 gSm allocations --- --- --- --- 77 138 138 138 138 198 198 198 198 198 198 Other iten (net) -22 -74 -77 -115 -174 -187 -197 -203 -259 -221 -182 -275 -226 -183 -236 V Includes the counterpart of postal checking deposits and of private sector deposits with the Treasury. Source: *_nque du Maroc Table 6.2. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE BANK OF MOROCCO, 1966 - June 1973 (Millionu of dirhams, end of period) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Assets Foreign assets 567 449 532 718 801 961 1,051 1,037 919 1,195 1,263 1,356 1,162 1,221 1,437 Claims on Government 615 920 1,191 1,392 1,563 1,399 1,380 1,353 1,474 1,526 1,583 1,425 1,724 1,628 1,571 Claims on banks 172 220 293 261 279 229 154 335 319 153 94 262 339 358 336 Claims on private sector 364 338 386 448 408 407 403 399 453 399 456 413 491 528 489 Liabilities Reserve money 1,592 1,800 2,061 2,350 2,540 2,515 2,557 2,751 2,817 2,877 2,998 3,141 3,326 3,277 3,465 Cucrency outside banks (1,429) (1,614) (1,859) (2,122) (2,262) (2,197) (2,229) (2,409) (2,461) (2,525) (2,658) (2,791) (2,945) (2,918) (3,086) Currency with deposit money banks (.) (34) (38) (43) (48) (46) (48) (57) (54) (51) (46) (69) (68) (66) (76) Bankers' deposits with central bank (.) (50) (73) (103) (137) (167) (177) (170) (181) (177) (179) (170) (189) (184) (188) Private sector deposits with central (89) (102) (91) (82) (93) (105) (103) (115) (121) (124) (115) (111) (124) (109) (115) bank Government deposits 25 29 30 28 35 30 34 23 42 36 34 35 46 36 36 Foreign liabilities 74 59 270 388 312 231 206 151 91 85 84 43 37 85 43 Capital accounts 38 47 37 39 47 72 72 72 66 66 78 78 51 51 51 SDR allocations -- -- -- -- 77 138 138 138 138 198 198 198 198 198 198 Other items (net) -11 -8 4 14 40 10 -19 -11 11 11 4 -39 58 88 40 Source: Banque du Maroc. Table 6.3. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS, 1966 - June 1973 (Millions of dirhams, end of period) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 March June Sept. Dec. March June Sept. Dec. March June Assets Reserves 65 78 106 142 185 196 209 233 234 232 217 236 246 249 256 Cash (... ) (34) (38) (43) (48) (46) (48) (57) (54) (51) (46) (69) (68) (66) (76) Deposits with the central bank (... ) (...) (...) (99) (137) (150) (161) (176) (180) (181) (171) (167) (178) (183) (180) Foreign assets 122 133 139 167 195 186 198 191 199 220 284 232 276 302 295 Claims on Government 569 580 647 859 896 947 980 986 1,011 1,054 1,194 1,208 1,181 1,248 1,262 Claims on private sector 1,681 1,814 2,235 2,116 2,162 2,162 2,188 2,434 2,481 2,432 2,407 2,604 2,855 2,806 2,974 Liabilities Demand deposits 1,862 1,973 2,290 2,438 2,649 2,681 2,832 2,915 3,042 3.153 3,315 3,356 3,544 3,560 3,803 Time deposits 212 254 360 431 408 447 448 449 476 520 551 555 547 570 557 Foreign liabilities 66 68 90 81 86 92 95 94 69 66 75 72 100 73 74 Liabilities to Central bank 172 220 293 261 279 229 154 335 319 153 94 262 339 358 336 Capital accounts 145 162 180 206 230 259 243 240 287 289 276 274 323 316 300 Other items (net) -20 -72 -86 -133 -214 -217 -197 -189 -268 -243 -209 -239 -244 -272 -283 Source: Banque du Maroc. Table 6.4: ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF SPECIALIZED CREDIT INSTITUTIONS, 1969 - 1972 LJ (Millions of Dirhams, end of period) 1969 1970 1971 1972 2/ Assets Claims on Treasury 211 200 21i 257 Claims on banks 121 73 71 80 Claims on private sector 932 1,081 1,264 1,542 Claims on local governments 98 80 85 101 Security holdings ) 104 128 157 Other assets ) 58 55 57 Liabilities Capital accounts 154 183 195 240 Government assistance 143 148 157 i60 External borrowing- 169 198 252 293 Domestic borrowing 74 98 131 237 Short-term deposits 581 669 743 869 Central bank loans 332 300 294 351 Other liabilities (net) 12 - 44 44 j/ Banque Naticlale pour le Developpement Economique (BNDE), Caisse de DUpft et de Gestion (CDC), Caisse Marocaine des Marches (CMM), Caisse Nationale de Crddit Agricole (CNCA), and Credit Immobilier et Hotelier (CIH). 2J rteliminary estimates. Source: Banque du Maroc Table 6.5. DISTRIBUTION OF CREDIT TO T PRIVATE SECTOR, 1966 - 19721/ (Millions of Dirhams, end of period) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 By sector Cormerce 4L29 447 6L6 581 6o0 697 7h3 Yining and industry 759 890 990 1,036 1,087 1,279 1,467 Agriculture 215 319 505 525 485 547 615 Construction 94 129 155 179 166 171 185 Tourism 20 39 79 145 151 192 213 Other 219 212 261 282 3h6 391 54o By origin Deposit money banks 1,438 1,665 2,050 2,036 2,o65 2,378 2,760 Specialized credit institutions 298 371 586 712 774 899 1,003 Development Bank (134) (160) (170) (171) (194) (25.3) (307) Agriculture (85) (117) (250) (289) (310) (32L) (32h) Construction and hotels (68) (86) (158) (245) (263) (318) (368) Other credit institu- tions (11) (8) (8) (7) (7) (7) (4) By maturity Long-term 194 237 314 398 426 526 678 Mediuzm-term 109 118 178 204 225 337 h09 Short-term 1,433 1,681 2,144 2,1h6 2,188 2,414 .2,676 Total 1,736 2,036 2,636 2,748 2,839 3,277 3,763 i/Based on records of the Service Central des Risques which covers loans extended by all financial institutions except the Caisse de Depot et de Gestion (CDG). The coverage, however, is not complete as small loans are not declared. Source: Banque du Maroc. Table 6.6, SHORT-TE FINANCIAL SAVING, 1967 1972 (Xillions of Dirhams, end of~ period) - Financial Asset 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Time deposits with banks 254 360 431 1408 1476 5il7 Deposit-s with 101 126 155 183 216 2214 Deposits with ONCGA/ -.- - 18 17 30 Treasury bonds: - 6 months to public - - - 30 41 31 - 6 months, current account 148 143 45 5 39 35 BNDE3/ certificates 10 10 8 10 10 9 Total 1413 5:4l 639 703 799 876 -/Caisse d'Epargne Nationale, a national q4ing fuid. Z/Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricolo2 t3p ig lturl bank. -/Banque Nationale de D6veloppement ooiq, industial development finance company. Source: Banque du Maroc. Table 6.7. LONG-TERM ISSUES, 1968 - 1972 (Millions of Dirhams) Issues 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Treasury bonds (5-year mat.) 71 86 90 44 84 Government bonds 106 77 105 84 123 of which: (15-year bonds) ( 63) ( 51) ( 73) ( 45) ( 90) Government guaranteed issuesi/ 69 42 98 59 30 Private issues 278 175 375 277 356 of which: (share cap. increases) (188) (115) (276) (188) (277) (new companies) ( 83) ( 46) ( 99) ( 89) ( 79) L/Excluding 3NDE certificates which are shown in Table 6.6. Source: Banque du Maroc. Page 1 of 4 Table 6.8. STRUCTURE OF :NTEREST RATES, 1973. (Percent per annum) Category Rate I. Lending Rates A. Bank on iXiorocco 1. Short-term Credit to Private Sector a. - Ordinary Short-term and Discount - Cormercial paper, Morocco 3.50 - Export paper, French Franc area 3.50 - Export paper, outside FF area 3.00 - Advances, goods and industrial warrants 3.75 - General warehouses warrants 3.50 - Finan ial paper 4.50 - CNCA2. short-term / / 3.00 - Short-term guaranteed by CDG or 02sL/ 3.50 - Equipment credits, less than 2 years 3.50 b. - Advances to Banks against Treasury Bonds (in excess of minimum bond holdings) - 6-month bonds 3.530 - 1-year bonds 3.627 - 5-year bonds 4.6o c. - Discount of Treasury bonds (last 90 days) - 1-year bonds 3.50 - 5-year bonds 4.60 2. Medium-term Credit to Private Sector - Depo t money banks 3.625W _ CN CA_L 3.0 CIH 3.5 3. Credit to Government In addition to lega'l advances which are made without interest, the Bank of Morocco makes advances to the Government on the following terms: - Advances against Treasury bonds (CNCA.A/) 3.50 - Payment of customs vouchers 3.50 - Advances against gua7 teed bonds 3.50 - Advances against FEC°/ paper 3.625 - Advances against CIL7/ bonds 6.25 Page 2 of 4 -' (~e >-*'co-Yd. STRUCTURE OF INTER3ST RATES, 1973. (Percent per annum) Category Rate B. Beposit ey anks 1. cr.-2>e,. Credit Reciscou tabLe commercial paper, 'sur place" Lediscountaole corrmercial paper, "c1'p1ace 6.757 -on-red%scourntable commercial paper, r5ur place't 7.257/ Non-redi-scountable commercial paper "pla' 7.757/ General warehouse warrants 5.757/ Paper endorsed or guaranteed by 14.75c/ Overdrafts 6.oo_/ 2. iPiediua--ter, Credit (rediscounta with Bank of Morocco) Ordinary credit 6.50 / Credit guaranteed by CDG 6.20- C. Other Financial Institutions 1. Short-te r Credi t a. 6NCA_ 9/ Seasonal loans 6.002 Crop financing, organizations (cotton, alfa) 5.009 Warrants (cereals, cotton) 4.759/ ArtLal fattening 6. 'To/ b.Loc, offices credit 2.00;_S b. &_q17 Guarantees (for pre-financing) 6.751/ Acceptances (for part of works) 6.457/ Acceptances (for total works) 6157/ Acceptances (for small businrs=ien) 6. 207 2. Medium- and Long-term Credit a. 9/ Residencial construction loans 8.75-' Hotel construction loans: - mortgage loans (building) 4.54/ - secured loans (equipment) 4.502' b. BNDE 1,/ ri!'. ' .oans since January 1, 1972 9.00 c. CNA A Loans to individuals - for equipment 6.50g21 - .or workirg capital 6.s02/ 7.oans to organizations 9 - .or gndustrial equipment 6.5 5O - 2or workir.. capital 6.5 9 Jocal o7ffices loans 2.00 Page 3 of 4 Table 6.8 (cont d.) STRUCTURE OF INTEREST RATES, 1973. (Percent per annum) Category Rate II. Deposit Rates A. Deposit Yoney Banks 1. Sight depositsL2/ 1.50 2. Time deposits and certificates -' - from 3 to less than 6 months 2.50 - from 6 to less than 12 months 2.75 - from 12 to less than 18 months 3.00 - from 18 to less than 24 months 3.25 - from 24 to less than 36 months 3.75 - from 36 to less than 48 months 4.10 - from 48 to less than 60 months 4.25 - over 5 years free B. National Saving Fund (CEN) 3.10 C. Treasury - 6-month bonds issued to the public 3.50 (real yield = 3.53% at 6 months, 3.429% at 3 months) - current account bonds issued to banks, specialized financial institutions and insurance companies: - for 6 months (real yield.= 3.53%) 3.50 - for 1 year (real yield = 3.627%) 3.50 - for 5 years 4.60 - compulsory bonds (nominal, 5 years) issued to wage and salary earners 4.00 - bonds issued to non-residents for use of funds in capital accounts (10 years, bearer) 4.00 - bonds issued to businesses for use of funds in investment reserve (10 years, nominal) 5.00 - Government and Government-guaranteed bonds (15 years issued at DH 9.84 for face value of DH 10) 6.25 -/Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole, the agricultural bank. I/Caisse de Depot et de Gestion, a Government-owned deposit and management fund. J Caisse Marocaine des Marches, a public fund for the financing of Government purchases (mainly public works). Page 4 of 4 Table 6.8 (concluded). g/A 10 percent additional commission is collected on credits which are not guaranteed by the Government. S Credit Immobilier et Hotelier, a public bank for residential and hotel construction. S Fonds d'Equipement Communal, a public fund for loans to local goverrments which is managed by CDG. Y'Maximum authorized rate. & Minimum rate. 2/Fixed rate. L'Rate per six months. S Banque Nationale pour le Ddveloppement Economique, the industrial development finance company. L'Maximum rate fixed by a decision of the Minister of Finance dated September 8, 1967. Source: Banque du Maroc. Table_.1: PRODUCTION OF SELECTED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND AREAS UNDER CULTIVATION, 1966/67-1971/72 (In thousands of hectares and thousands of tons) _ 196{65 - 1965166 1966/67 1967/68 1968/69 1969/70 1970/71 _ 9172 Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Prodluctico Cereels 3,881 2,800 4,000 1,563 4,047 3,161 4,687 6,889 4,589 4,370 4,465 4,236 4,652 5,346 4,577 5,162 Bard wheat 1,154 889 1,234 923 1,221 933 1,399 2,069 1,467 1,225 1,438 1,418 1,517 1,642 1,50, 1,631 Soft wheat 375 30o6 401 199 431 335 530 709 478 369 454 383 489 547 495 530 B,rlc-y 1,717 1,168 1,174 506 1,775 1,541 2,106 3,494 2,037 2,204 1,890 1,953 1,998 2,572 1,93) 2,466 MCC 7e 2, x'454 320 438 154 471 236 - 498 415 465 450 510 319 453 390 481 368 Rice 4 18 5 25 5 27 8 41 10 50 10 40 1 3 3 14 Other 177 99 148 64 144 89 146 161 132 72 163 123 194 192 162 153 _____3 376 216 361 397 364 294 466 392 427 337 4931 414 Br c, "I beau;s ... ... 151 89 150 97 115 170 167 155 181 190 190 243 259 267 Cbick peas ... ... 142 68 133 65 121 118 85 73 158 137 108 2 53 34 Gie-n peas ... ... 55 34 54 31 65 52 51 33 61 33 70 50 9. 62 Ler ils ... ... 23 7 12 5 21 22 32 19 37 15 28 16 39 20 Other ... ... ... ... 27 18 39 35 29 14 29 16 31 27 39 31 VEgetables Tomatoes ... ... .. ... 277 21 210 ... 250 ... 460 Potatoes ... ... ... ... 9 205 22 190 8 300 9 350 6 Sugar beets1 ... ... 14 382 16 364 26 748 32 899 35 1,114 43 1,584 60 1,677 Coti-ou- (unginned) ... ... 21 30 22 17 15 20 17 22 20 19 17 19 20 27 Oil seeds Sunflower ... ... 9 3 6 1 10 4 17 7 24 21 15 12 37 25 L i n. r e d , 9 5 4 2 ... 3 4 3 8 8 3 Olives?/ ... ... ... ... ... 267 146 152 152 492 168 320 180 160 192 506 Oliv oil ... ... ... ... - 23 - 85 - 55 - 20 - 25 ... 55 Citrus fruits ... ... ... * 55 717 62 787 65 735 66 887 68 832 69 ... Gropes . . ... ... .,. 72 - 65 310 59 160 59 203 59 267 57 264 Wine (in 1,000 hl.) ... ... ... ... - 1,368 - 1,750 - 700 - 1,253 - 1,150 i.. 1,146 Ij Areas under cultivation for sugar beets refer to harvested areas only. 2/ Figures for areas relate to areas bearing more than 40 olive trees per hectare. Sources: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Rdesultats par culture de la camo 9; and data provided by the Office de Commercialisation et d'Exportation, and the Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan. Table 7.2: EXPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS BY THE OFFICE DE COMMERCIALISATION ET D'EXPORTATION (OCE), 1966/67-1971/72 Units 1966/67 1967/68 1968/69 1969/70 1970/71 1971/72 Volume Citrus fruits 1,000 t. 522 609 534 617 583 607 Tomatoes 1,000 t. 118 99 125 102 99 112 Potatoes 1,000 t. 67 83 47 63 67 81 Other vegetables 1,000 t. 29 18 22 26 20 17 Wine 1,000 hl. ... 967 1,257 1,227 517 363 Cotton 1,000 t. 6 10 6 5 4 6 Value, f.o.b. Citrus fruits DH million 373 444 382 400 434 437 Tomatoes DH million 139 94 175 137 112 148 Potatoes DH million 43 359 30 42 42 43 Other vegetables DH million 33 24 35 37 31 30 Wine DH million ... 39 52 63 17 18 Cotton DH million 25 42 30 28 22 31 Average f.o.b. price Citrus fruits DH/kg. 0.71 0.73 0.71 0.65 0.'74 0.72 Tomatoes DH/kg. 1.17 0.94 1.40 1.34 1.13 1.32 Potatoes DH/kg. 0.64 0.46 o.63 0.67 o.63 0.53 Other vegetables DH/kg. 1.15 1.33 1.59 1.42 1.55 1.76 Wine DH/hl. ... 40.3 41.3 41.3 32.8 49.5 Cotton DH/kg. 4.17 4.20 5.00 5.60 5.50 5.17 Source: Data provided by the Office de Commercialisation et d'Exportation. Table 7.3: HERD SIZE 1, 1967/68-1971/72 (In thousands of head) 1967/68 1968/69 1969/70 1970/71 1971/72 Cattle 2,536 2,57'6 2,674 2,718 2,785 Sheep 10, 918 11,174 11,724 11,120 11,907 Goats 5,852 5,826 5,553 5,023 4,616 Camels 140 147 ].41 146 139 Hogs - - 19 11 20 1/ Only incudes taxable animals, i.e. cattle over 18 months old, weaned sheep and goats, and camels over 2 years old. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.4: DISTRIBUTION OF CULTIVATED AREA IN THE EARLY 1960'si/ Category of Cultivator No. of Cultivators Total Area (thousands) (thousands of hectares) Landless 300 Possessing less than 2 ha 680 550 Possessing between 2 and 4 ha 205 627 Possessing between 4 and 10 ha 165 1, 086 Possessing between 10 and 20 ha 41 586 Possessing more than 20 ha 15 538 Sub-total 1,306 3,387 Other privately-held land/ ... 170 Foreign owned land:/ ... 350 Collectively owned land ... 550 Total ... 4,457 JJ Excluding orchards (300,000 ha) and fallow (averaging 2,200,000 ha per year) 2/ Mainly modern farms owned by Moroccans ~/ Including the former 'lots de Colonisation' S/ Including the 'habous', namely land belonging to religious communities. Source: Ministere de l'Agriculture et Reforme Agraire Tab 7 5: AGRICULTURAL LAND USE, 1960, 1969 and 1975 (Thousands of hectares) Spring Spring Spring1 1960 ij 1969 1970-2 Total land area 45,000 45,0001' 45,000!' Less: Non-agricultural land 22,500 21,525L' 21,284!' Grazing land 8,000 8,000! 8,000! Alfa land 2,800 2,800!' 2, ooo! Forest 4,900 5,143 5,226 Estimate 1 Estimate 2 Cultivable land 6,800 7,532 7,690 7,690 of which: Fallow ( 1,675) ( 1,944) (1,885) (1,675) Cultivated ( 5,125) ( 5,588) (5,805) (6,015) Cultivable land according to Potential use: 2 5588 O _05 Irrigable land 680 763 843 843 Perennially 390 473 553 553 Temporarily 290 290 290 290 Non-irrigable land 4,445 4,825 4,962 5,172 Cultivable land accordi to actual use: 5,125 5,588015 Irrigated 525 608 705 705 Rainfed 4,600 4,980 5,100 5,310 !! Rough estimates 2/ First estimates based on various crop reports, Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Ministbre de l'Agriculture and mission estimates Table 7.6: IRRIGABLE LAND, 1960, 1969 and 1973 (Thousands of hectares) Category 1960 1969 1973 Land equipped to receive perennial i_rrigAtion ,,390 _A 553 Modern equipment ORMVAI/ command areas 75 143 253 Small irrigable areas 50 70 80 Old equipment ORMVAX/ command areas 145 140 120 Small irrigable areas 120 120 100 Land equipped to receive temporary irri tion 290 290 290 Winter irrigation 100 100 100 Irrigation through flooding only 190 190 190 Total irrigable land 680 763 843 j/ Offices regionaux de mise en valeur agricole (regional agricultural development authorities). Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Ministere de l'Agriculture and mission estimates. Table 7.7: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, VALUE-ADDED AND EMPLOYMENT, 196o-i9731/ Item 1960 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197r3 Production (DH millions) 3,270 3,470 3,160 3,690 5,040 4,070 4,300 4,860 4,790 4,700 Value added (DH millions) 2,510 2,690 2,380 2,850 4,100 3,160 3,350 3,880 3,780 3,660 Rural population (Thousands) 8,210 8,970 9,125 9,285 9,445 9,615 9,790 9,965 10,145 10,330 Production per capita (Dirhams) 398 387 346 402 534 422 435 488 472 455 Value added per capita (Dirhams) 306 300 268 307 434 529 342 389 372 354 Fmployment (Thousands) 1,800 1,870 1,885 1,900 1,915 1,930 1,945 1,960 1,985 2,000 Production per worker (Dirhams) 1,816 1,856 1,676 1,942 2,640 2,109 2,210 2,480 2,413 2,350 Value added per worker (Dirhams) 1,394 1,438 1,263 1,500 2,141 1,637 1,722 1,980 1,904 1,830 j/ Excluding fishing. Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan and mission estimates Table 7.8: AREA OF MAIN CROPS, 1960, 1969 and 1973 (Thousands of hectares) Crops 1960-/ 19699' 197#' Winter cereals 3,476 4,062 4,370 Spring cereals 032 538 578 Pulses 348 372 439 Oil and industrial crops 28 83 149 Vegetables 94 120 140 Intensive fodder 30 48 97 Fruit orchards 440 505 572 Sj Rough estimates 2/ Agricultural census estimates Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Ministere de l'Agriculture and mission estimates Table 7.9: AREA UNDER FRUIT ORCHARDS, 1960-1973 (Thousands of hectares) Fruits 1960 1969 1972 1973 Olives 170 233 266 275 Citrus 55 65 70 72 Dates 40 40 40 40 Almonds 65 70 85 86 Apricots 5 5 6 6 Vineyards 76 61 59 59 Other 29 31 34 34 TOTAL 440 505 560 572 1/ Preliminary estimates Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.10: AGRICULTURAL IMPORTS AND EXPORTS, 1965-1972 (Millions of Dirhams) Item 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Imports Food stuffs, beverages and tobacco 571 660 723 619 452 583 701 625 Other (wood, cotton and textiles) 120 166 145 166 205 208 191 210 Total imports 691 826 868 785 657 791 892 835 Exports Foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco 1,050 1)052 1,062 1,164 1,185 1,249 1,206 1,384 Other raw and semifinisihed products (leather, cork, tobacco, etc.) 168 205 175 172 287 220 225 354 Total exports 1,218 1,257 1,237 1,336 1,472 1,469 1,431 1,738 Agricultural trade surplus 527 431 369 551 815 678 539 903 Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.11: LARGE DAMS AND WATER WORKS COMPLETED IN 1968-1972 Normal Command Year Capacity Area Operation Works (m3) (ha) Began Mahamed V (MOULOUIA)L/ 730 20,000 1967 Bou Areg Canal - - 1968 Head tunnel - - 1969 Nakhla (Strengthening) 9 700 1968 El Kansera (Elevation)(GHARB) 297 28,000 1969 Moulay Youssef (Alt Aadel)(TESSAOUY) 230 27,000 1970 Hlassan Addakhil (Ziz) 380 15,000 1971 Mansour Eddahbi (Zaouia Nourbaz)(DRAA) 560 18,000 1972 Youssef Ben Tachfine (Tankist) (MISSA) 310 19,000 1973 Idriss 1 er (Arabat)(GHARB) 1,270 80,000 19'.3 Bou Regreg 2 500 - 1974 TOTAL 4,286 256,700 - j/ CompLetion works S/ ~For urban water suppiy SQurce: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Ministire de l'Agriculture and Ministere des Travaux Publics. Table 7.12: EXTERNAL IRRIGATION WORKS EXECUTED IN 1968-1972 ' (Hectares) Plan ORMVA Targets Actuals Moulouya 27,500 19,000 Gharb 13,860 6,710 Sebou 6,000 8,200 Doukkala 6,200 10,000 Haouz 16,250 11,250 Tadla 22,300 17,300 Quarzazate 3,600 400 Souss-Massa 6, 000 Loukhos 3,500 - Tafilaletl' 11,600 22,000 Quarzazate3-. 6,000 12,000 TOTAL 122,810 106,860 i/ "Equipements externes" which include all works between dam and farm. U/ Office regionaux de mise en valeur agricole (regional agri- cultural development authorities). / MLain irrigation works only. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan, Ministere des Travaux Publics and Ministere de l'Agriculture Table 7.15: ON-FARM IRRIGATION WORKS COMPLETED IN 1968-1972 Area ORMVA!/ (ha) Moulouya 17,100 Gharb 8,660 Sebou 8,200 Doukkala 8,150 Haouz 11,250 Tadla 14,500 TOTAL 67,860 1 Offices regionaux de mise en valeur agricole (regional agricultural development authorities). g/ Including 8,150 hectares equipped with facilities for overhead irrigation (sprinklers). Source: Secr6tariat d'Etat au Plan and Ministere de l'Agriculture. Table 7.14: EXTERNAL IRRTGATION WORKS TO BE COMPT,ETED JN 1973-1977 (hectares) ORMVAgI 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 TOTAL Molouya - large area 500 2,370 3,300 3,600 920 10,690 Gharb PTT - large area 5,800 6,700 5,500 5,400 4,200 27,600 Gharb Beht - large area 300 300 300 300 300 1,500 Doukkala - large area 2,000 2,300 2,800 1,300 2,100 10,500 Haouz - large area 4,800 3,500 4,200 4,500 1,500 8,500 - small area 1,000 400 100 400 - 1,900 Tadla - large area 4,300 1,500 2,600 3,200 1,800 13,400 Tafilalet - small area 600 200 1,000 1,500 1,500 4,800 Quarzazate - small area - 220 200 30.0 - 720 Souss-Massa - large area 2,500 8,600 8,400 - - 19,500 Loukhos - large area - - - 3,300 4,000 7,300 TOTAL - large area 22,200 25,270 27,100 21,600 14,820 108,990 - small area 1,600 820 1,300 2,200 1,500 7,420 TOTAL 21,800 26,090 28,400 23,800 16,320 116,410 / "Equipements externes" which includes all irrigation works between dam and farm. / Offices regionaux de mise en valeur agricole (regional agricultural develop- ment authority); large area refers to command areas in excess of 5,000 hectares; small area refers to command areas below 5,000 hectares. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 7.15: ON-FARM IRRIGATION WORKS TO BE COMPLETED IN 1973-1977 (Hectares) Area 1975 1974 1975 1976 197Y TOTAL Moulouya - 1,800 1,400 800 - 4,000 Gharb 8,900 9,500 5,400 4,200 5,700 33,500 Doukkala 3,600 700 2,800 1,300 2,700 10,500 Haouz 5,500 3,500 3,600 900 - 13,500 Tadla 1,500 1,500 7,000 2,400 1,400 6,800 Souss-Massa 600 6,600 8,000 3,100 - 18,300 Loukhos - - 5,300 4,000 7,300 TOTAL ORMVAS/ 20,100 21,600 19,800 15,200 13,200 89,900 Small irrigated areas/ 1,600 800 1,300 2,200 5,900 TOTAL 20,100 23,200 20,600 16,500 15,400 95,800 S/ Offices regionaux de mise en valeur agricole (regional agricultural develop- ment authorities. U/ Less than 5,000 hectares. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table '.i6: INVESTMENT IN AGRICULTURE, 1968-72 and 1973-77 1968-72 1273-77 Targets?i Actuals Targets 1. Irrigated agriculture 1859 1588 1666 Dams and large works 951 984 603 of which: Studies ( 95) ( 77) ( 132) Ongoing ( 511) ( 505) ( 161) New ( 545) (502) ( 310) External irrigation works'V 648 502 762 Farm irrigation works i/ 260 201 301 2. Rainfed agriculture §/ 203 148 349 Extension 65 53 75 Field preparation 138 95 274 3. Livestock production 128 92 209 4. Rainfed land distribution 56 22 12 5. Miscellaneous support 901 652 1209 Work program i/ 452 325 651 DERRO project / 82 68 100 Agricultural education 13 17 30 Agricultural research 107 45 83 Forestry 156 130 215 Land registration 52 37 80 Subsidies to agr. industries 39 30 50 Total 3141 2502 3556 IJ Excluding investment bv private farmers which is relatively small. 2/ As revised during the Second Plan period, 1968-72. ~/ Irrigation works between dam and farm. 4/ Including some extension work. 5/ Including expenditure by ORMVAs (regional agricultural de- velopment authorities) on rainfed areas within their geographical areas. i/ "Promotion naturale", a program of public works. 7/ A project to protect the soils and accelerate rural develop- ment in the Rif mountainous area, North of Morocco. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.1: MINERAL PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS, 1964-72 (In thousands of tons) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Production General index (1958 = 100)i/ ... .. 123 125 123 131 131 134 161 Phosphate rock 7,203 9,825 9,428 9,922 10,512 10,702 11,424 12,030 15,105 Iron ore 888 951 1,017 893 809 752 873 623 234 Manganese 75 55 78 88 73 120 112 100 96 Lead ore 104 113 120 116 121 117 130 124 146 Zinc ore 81 95 94 83 68 71 32 22 36 Cobalt ore 4 17 18 18 15 15 6 10 11 Copper 7 ... 9 8 10 9 12 15 14 Export Phosphate rock 10,040 9,480 9,134 9,289 10,014 10,190 11,163 12,002 13,559 Iron ore 1,077 991 837 923 659 859 814 459 545 Manganese 86 70 77 71 79 82 27 88 113 Lead ore 111 111 89 80 90 76 74 75 138 Zinc ore 73 106 90 76 85 93 39 16 22 Cobalt ore 16 14 19 19 18 16 9 4 14 Copper 10 .. 7 8 6 11 10 13 13 LI Including coal and petroleum production. Source: Secr4tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.2: ENERGY PRODUCTION, 1964-1972 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 General index (1958 = 100) 147 153 162 165 181 194 208 218 _-L51 Electricity 128 135 141 142 162 179 193 207 232 Crude oil extraction 161 138 139 133 119 79 62 31 38 Crude oil refining 691 708 779 803 851 946 970 948 1,234 Coal extraction 78 82 88 95 88 71 85 93 107 Production Coal extraction (1,000 t.) 482 419 451 482 451 397 433 475 547 Electricity sales (million kwh) / 1,216 1,156 1,217 ... 1,407 1,548 1,830 1,962 2,126 Crude oil extraction (1,000 t.) 120 121 103 99 89 58 46 23 28 Crude oil refining (1,000 t.) 1,073 1,100 1,211 ... 1,322 1,470 1,507 1,495 1,917 Uj Figures refer to sales by the Office National d'Electricite only. Source: Sccr4tariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.3: INDICES OF MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION, 1964-72 (1958 = 100) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Foodi/ 127 127 158 144 136 141 162 165 166 Textiles 184 181 190 196 224 267 289 299 321 Leather 102 100 104 96 112 121 107 112 109 Construction materials 143 139 145 145 168 186 224 239 239 Chemical industries 117 134 152 154 170 174 172 208 232 Metalworking industries 107 103 102 114 124 136 147 145 150 Paper 138 133 143 147 157 178 178 172 155 Vegetable and animal fats 121 125 121 136 140 121 129 153 177 Miscellaneous industries 129 117 125 133 128 137 147 161 174 Total manufacturing production 2/ 130 130 134 138 142 152 161 167 185 y' Excluding canning production 2/ Excluding construction and public works and firms employing fewer than ten workers. Source: Secretariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.4: PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS OF CANNED FISH, 1965/66-1971/72 (In millions of Crates) j/ 1965/66 1966/67 1967/68 1968/69 1969/70 1970/71 1971/72 Production Sardines 1.63 2.48 2.28 2.33 2.10 2.05 2.98 Tuna 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.11 0.04 0.08 0.04 Mackerel 0.35 0.24 0.32 0.29 0.38 0.28 0.25 Others 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 - 0.01 Total 2.14 2.85 2.77 2.75 2.53 2.41 3.28 Exports Sardines 1.69 2.14 1.82 2.18 2.17 2.04 2.35 Tuna 0.13 0.09 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.02 Mackerel 0.28 0.24 0.34 0.27 0.46 0. 0.22 Total 2.10 2.47 2.28 2.51 2.66 2.40 2.60 j/ Each crate weighing 17.5 kg. Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan Table 8.5: PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS OF CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, 1964-1st half 1973 (In thousands of tons) 1st half 1964 i965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Production Canned fruits ... 16.8 22.8 27.2 18.6 19.0 16.5 19.0 25.0 ... Fruit ... (11.2) (15.1) (17.7) (12.2) (17.2) (14.7) (17.0) (23.0) ... Fruit pulp ... ( 4.5) (6.9) (7.8) (5.6) ( 0.6) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ... Jams ... ( 1.1) ( 0.8) ( 1.7) ( 0.8) ( 1.2) ( 1.8) ( 2.0) ( 2.0) Canned vegetables ... 10.4 8.3 11.0 9.1 14.8 12.0 15.0 16.0 ... Green peas ... 1,9) (1.1) (1.3) (1.2) (1.3)() () () .. Green beans ... ( 2.3) ( 1.1) ( 1.6) ( 1.5) ( 2.4) ( ) ( ) ( ) .. Tomatoes .,. ( 5.1) ( 5.0) ( 6.6) ( 5.2) ( 8.2) ( . ( ) ( )... Other .. (1.1) (1.1) (1.5) (1.2) (2.9)() () ().. Canned fruit and vegetable juices ... 14.4 12.0 15.3 20.6 24.0 33.0 24.0 25.0 ... Canned olives .. 9.3 15.0 18.0 17.0 25.0 20.0 33.0 39.0 ... Exports Canned fruits 22.1 18.2 23.4 18.7 21.5 18.3 15.4 18.0 24.2 9.2 Canned vegetables 6,3 11.8 3.7 9.0 7.2 10.4 8.8 12.5 12.3 10.8 Canned fruit and vegetable juices 15.5 9.7 12.5 12.5 17.2 23.6 32.8 23.8 24.9 12.5 Canned olives 10.1 10.6 13.7 18.7 14.9 22.6 17.2 31.3 33.4 20.5 Source: Secretariat drEtat au Plan Table 8.6: APPROVALS BY THE COMISSION DES INVESTISSEMENTS OF PROJECTS IN THE PROCESSING AND EXTRACTION INDUSTRIES / (In millions of DH) 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Sugar 105.5 - 263.3 105.0 - 88.6 ) ) ) 159.4 ) 66.8 Food products 18.8 29.7 16.3 9.3 16.5 49.5 ) ) Textiles 57.5 103.0 157.6 19.6 41.6 26.1 23.0 17.3 Mechanical industries 10.1 3.5 7.4 5.8 9.0 42.5 13.4 - Petroleum products 3.6 21.8 10.4 33.6 6.6 130.4 17.3 - Leatherwork and jewelry 1.1 1.9 1.3 1.4 3.3 9.8 1.3 - Plastics 3.2 1.8 0.8 5.1 6.5 4.1 0.4 5.0 Household goods 2.5 1.1 0.9 2.1 0.2 3.6 1.3 10.6 Paper 2.7 2.4 14.4 1.9 8.4 15.5 20*7a,' 102.9?/ Pharmaceutical products 0.1 1.7 3.6 0.2 1.7 16.7 1.4 0.5 Miscellaneous (including mines) 24.1 13.6 18.1 55.4 18.1 252.8V' 224.3 jL9 Total 229.2 180.5 494.1 219.4 111.9 639.6 462.4 580.0 ! Excluding investments in tourism and transport I Mission estimate 3/ of which: 152.6 million DH for mines and 63.7 million DH for rubber projects. Source: Secretariat de la Commission des Investissements Table 8.7: ASSISTANCE APPROVED BY BNDE (In millions of DR) % of total, average 1959-1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1959-1972 Type of assistance Direct loans Up to 3 years 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 0.7 L.9 3.3 _ 0.5 4 to 5 rears 22.3 8.3 10.7 5.8 19.6 42.7 15.3 22.4 9.5 6 to 8 years 53.2 34.9 19-3 18.0 21.3 35.9 32.6 44.2 16.8 9 to 12 years 22.3 10.9 12.7 10.4 2.0 80.3 62.1 46.2 16.0 More than 12 years 61.8 1.4 6.6 29.9 21.9 .9 _ - 8.1 Total 159.9 56.0 49.9 64.2 65.5 164.7 113.3 112.8 50.9 Rediscounts 244.1 22.1 70.6 39.2 5.4 96.6 133.7 65.0 43.8 Participation in capital 9.5 5.5 2.1 - 0.1 3.0 17.9 8.9 3-0 Guarantees, etc. 30.1 - 0.2 4.7 - 2.3 Total E 8.6 122.8 108.1 70 264.4 264.9 1 1OG.0 Purpose New enterprise 212.3 48.4 81.9 91.0 29.7 33.2 138.0 51.7 44.4 Expansion 231.3 35.2 40.9 17.1 41.3 231.2 126.8 134.9 55.6 Type of ownership Publicly controlled 129.4 11.3 49.0 25.0 - 86.0 79.9 29.2 26.5 Privately controlled 314.2 72-3 73.8 83.1 71.0 178.4 185.0 157.5 73.5 Nationality Moroccan control 264.5 51.8 94.5 62.1 39.1 194.6 103.8 10S.5 59.3 Foreign control 179.1 31.8 28.3 46.0 31.7 69.8 161.1 81.2 40.7 Sector Energy and mines 100.7 7.2 1.0 5.5 - 33.1 36.8 39.2 14.5 Petrol and petroleum products 61.4 - 18.4 1.9 - 77.0 6.4 7.0 11.1 Textiles 49.2 43.9 10.3 2.7 16.0 42.9 14.6 3.0 11.8 Foodstuffs and beverages 65.3 8.7 56.2 48.6 8.2 33.0 107.9 5.6 21.6 Mechanical industry 48.7 0.8 3.0 1.6 1.5 0.3 0.1 - 3.6 Chemical industry 35.1 - 6.4 1.6 0.1 9.0 0.4 0.1 3.4 Agriculture 4.1 7.2 0.5 0.4 - - 0.1 - 0.8 Transport 36.8 - 5.2 - 6.3 9.0 4.0 29.4 5.9 Tourism - 6.2 7.0 34.9 21.9 2.9 - - 4.7 Miscellaneous 45.0 9.5 14.9 10.8 17.0 57.1 94.5 102.3 22.7 Source: BNDE Table 9.1: CASABLANCA COST OF LIVING INDEX, 1962 - August 1973-V (October 1958 - September 1959 = 100) 2/ ~~~~~~~~~Food ________ Other Period-/ General Total Cereal Meat Dairy Other Clothing Housing Total Personal Medical Transpor- Miscel- Index Products Items Care Care tation laneous Weights 100 55.0 13.2 9.6 5.5 26.0 12.0 17.0 16.0 5.8 2.2 3.2 4.8 1962 112.7 113.7 100.0 138.2 125.9 109.6 121.1 106.8 109.3 111.4 105.5 113.3 106.0 1963 119.2 121.1 99.0 165.2 130.0 119.4 130.5 112.6 110.8 111.4 106.6 113.3 110.2 1964 124.1 128.1 98.7 177.5 149.8 129.5 134.4 113.4 113.8 111.4 118.6 113.3 114.7 1965 128.3 132.6 99.0 184.8 147.3 137.9 138.4 114.0 119.6 111.3 137.5 115.8 123.5 1966 127.0 128.8 99.4 168.2 123.1 136.9 145.1 114.1 120.0 111.3 137.6 118.3 123.3 1967 126.0 127.4 102.5 161.6 111.8 136.7 144.7 113.7 120.3 111.4 y1.8 118.7 123.7 1968 126.6 127.7 100.4 178.8 99.0 136.7 144.0 116.6 120.1 112.1 137.8 116.3 123.8 1969 130.3 131.9 99.2 193.2 94.1 136.8 145.4 118.8 125.8 113.5 151.2 116.3 135.1 1970 132.0 133.3 99.9 199.8 92.6 138.0 146.0 120.4 128.6 115.4 154.4 116.3 140.5 1971 137.4 141.8 105.7 216.5 149.9 138.9 149.1 121.7 130.6 120.3 155.4 116.3 140.9 1972 Jan. 143.2 150.7 lli.9 242.4 144.5 131.9 149.5 125.0 132.2 126.4 169.0 116.3 132.6 Feb. 144.7 152.4 111.9 244.1 160.5 132.4 149.5 128.2 132.2 126.4 169.0 116.3 132.6 Mar. 145.8 154.4 111.9 248.3 160.6 132.3 149.5 128.2 132.2 1_5.4 169.0 116.3 132.6 Apr. 143.7 150.5 111.8 235.0 160.1 131.4 149.5 128.2 132.2 126.4 169.0 116.3 132.6 may 142.2 147.9 115.5 221.5 159.3 131.3 149.5 128.2 132.3 126.4 169.6 116.3 132.6 Jun. 140.1 145.0 111.6 217.2 152.1 131.0 149.5 125.4 131.9 125.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 Jul. 140.5 145.7 111.8 219.3 146.6 131.6 149.5 125.6 131.9 125.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 Aug. 140.6 145.7 111.6 222.9 150.2 131.6 149.7 125.6 131.9 125.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 Sept. 141.4 147.1 111.4 224.4 155.8 132.0 149.7 125.6 132.3 126.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 Oct. 142.3 147.7 111.1 221.2 155.4 132.9 149.7 128.9 132.3 126.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 Nov. 142.9 148.8 111.0 235.3 154.3 132.4 149.7 128.9 132.3 126.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 Dec. 143.9 150.7 111.2 245.4 153.6 132.5 149.7 128.9 132.3 126.3 169.6 116.3 132.6 1973 Jan. 144.8 152.3 111.3 258.4 153.4 132.4 149.7 128.9 132.5 126.3 171.3 116.3 132.6 Feb. 144.3 151.3 111.1 254.0 153.8 132.3 149.7 128.9 132.5 126.3 171.3 116.3 132.6 Mar. 144.6 152.0 111.5 248.4 154.0 132.3 149.7 128.7 132.3 125.8 171.3 116.3 132.6 Apr. 143.6 149.8 111.6 229.3 153.9 132.8 150.0 129.5 132.4 126.0 171.7 116.3 132.6 may 143.7 150.0 111.7 225.0 153.8 133.5 150.4 129.5 132.4 126.0 171.7 116.3 132.6 Jun. 143.7 149.8 111.7 222.9 153.6 134.1 150.4 129.5 132.8 126.9 171.7 116.3 132.6 Jul. 145.3 152.5 111.7 223.8 153.6 134.6 150.4 129.5 133.4 128.7 171.7 116.3 132.6 Aug. 147.5 155.5 112.7 233.2 153.5 135.6 150.4 131.7 134.7 132.2 171.7 116.3 132.6 / Weights and selected items for the index are based on a family expenditure survey conducted in Casablanca, in 1955; there are 111 items in the index. 2/ Monthly averages. Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Division des Statistiques. Table 9.2: CASABLANCA WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX, 1962 - August 19731/ (1939 s 100) By Origin Agricultural Products Industrial Products Periods' All Do- im- Total Cere- Meat Other Total Fuel Metals Textile Chemi- Other Items mestic ported ales . Leather cals 3./ Weights 100 77 23 70 36.4 11.9 21.7 30 7.2 8.4 7.5 2.4 4.5 1962 3.82 3.79 3.89 3.74 2.95 6.30 3.66 4.00 3.66 3.25 5.12 3.78 4.45 1963 3.93 3.92 3.99 3.90 2.82 7.19 3.91 4.01 3.75 3.26 5.07 3.65 4.51 1964 4.16 4.04 4.57 4.17 2.94 7.90 4.17 4.14 3.92 3.33 5.31 3.58 4.64 1965 4.36 4.22 4.83 4.46 3.21 7.94 4.63 4.13 4.96 3.48 5.01 3.66 4.73 1966 4.45 4.34 4.84 4.56 3.87 6.61 4.59 4.20 3.95 3.52 5.21 3.75 4.69 1967 4.5'7 4.49 4.85 4.76 4.34 6.34 4.61 4.12 3.99 3.55 4.86 3.81 4.63 1968 4.19 3.99 4.85 4.18 3.11 6.61 4.64 4.20 4.04 3.58 5.01 3.96 4.60 1969 4.25 4.04 4.96 4.20 2.73 7.94 4.63 4.28 4.30 3.69 5.18 4.04 4.81 1970 5.54 4.39 5.12 4.62 3.41 8.14 4.70 4.50 4.12 3.83 5.08 4.05 4.94 1971 4.77 4.66 5.18 4.81 3.54 8.87 4.72 4.68 4.85 3.84 5.63 4.05 4.99 1972 4.87 4.82 5.06 4.91 ... ... ... 4.77 ... ... ... 1972 Jan. 4.92 4.90 5.05 5.00 3.73 9.53 4.65 4.74 4.97 3.84 5.78 3-87 ., Feb. 4.94 4.92 5.04 5.01 3.73 9.56 4.65 4.78 5.06 3.90 5.78 3-87 ... Mar. 5.06 5.07 5.05 5.18 3.82 10.27 4.66 4.78 5.06 3.92 5.78 3-87 Apr. 4.73 4.63 5.06 4.68 3.27 9.00 4.66 4.84 4.97 3.92 6.10 3-87 5.07 May 4.63 4.51 5.06 4.57 3.31 8.42 4.59 4.76 4.97 3.92 5.77 3-87 5.08 Jun. 4.62 4.50 5.06 4.57 3.30 8.71 4.42 4.75 4.96 3.92 5.77 3-87 5.07 Jul. 4.75 4.67 5.06 4.75 3.50 9.12 4.43 4.76 4.96 3.92 5.77 3.87 Aug. 4.81 4.7s 5.05 4.84 3.61 9.35 4.44 4.75 4.96 3-92 5.77 3-87 ... Sept. 4.82 4.75 5.06 4.84 3.66 9.03 4.52 4.76 4.96 3.92 5.80 3.87 ... Oct. 5.02 5.02 5.06 5.13 3.99 9.59 4.51 4.76 4.97 3.92 5.80 3.87 ... Nov. 5.06 5.06 5.09 5.17 3.86 10.12 4.67 4.79 4.97 4.01 5.84 3.87 ... Dec. 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.19 3.86 10.25 4.67 4.79 4.97 4.01 5.84 3-87 1973 Jan. 5.31 5.39 5.09 5-53 4.17 11.17 4.72 4.79 4.96 4.02 5.84 3.87 Feb. 5.19 5.24 5.09 5.36 4.22 10.00 4.75 4.80 4.99 4.02 5.84 3-87 Mar. 5.22 5.25 5.15 5.39 4.39 9.59 4.77 4.82 4.99 4.04 5.84 3.87 Apr. 5.14 5.14 5.17 5.27 4.40 8.86 4.75 4.84 4.99 4.07 5.84 3-87 May 4.49 5.59 5.21 5.75 ... ... ... 4.89 ... ... ... ... Jun. 5.52 5.62 5.22 5.75 ... ... ... 4.98 ... ....... Jul. 5.53 5.63 5.23 5.75 ... ... ... 5.00 ... ... ... ... Aug. 5.64 5.'76 5.25 5.90 ... ... ... 5.02 ... ... ... ... j Weights and selected items are based on survey conducted in Casablanca in 1939. / Monthly averages. / Weighted averages of other items in the category. Source: Secrdtariat d'Etat au Plan, Direction de la Statistique Table 9.3: EXCHANGE RATES, 1963 - August 197A/ (Dirhams; selling rates) ° C a a |~~~~~C a' . a, ? ,4 t. Z H w o @ t o z z e i i c X H tt v ~~~~~~~~~d coco 4 _s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 coO , 4 4k id 14 3 ft Sv>>Zs ~~~4 .140 -0 CO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0-4 1 O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . c0 HI D r 0.h 0: O C 14 .- 1 ,-0w 7.C o.4 l 7 31.2.1di 45.3 469 1.4 7.754 74 9784 12 1 1.40 1 0 4.6 0 70 70 . 7.4 0 0 0 .. 1 31.12.1966 5.0 4.70 14.18 73.62 71.14 98.24 1.28 17.9 .41 1-4 0 .48 1 0. co 0 4 C. 91. 0 000 904 Date -4 .-4 .-.4 .-4 .-4 -4 It( -44 .~A4 -.4 31.12.1963 5.03 4.67 14.107 72.94 70.28 96.92 1.27 17.56 1.40 10.10 1.17 8.08 ... 19.46 0.91 31.12.1964 5.03 4.69 14.04 72.75 70.52 97.89 1.27 17.51 1.40 10.13 1.17 8.05 ... 19.48 0.91 31.12.1965 5.03 4.68 14.10 73.03 70.39 97.26 1.26 17.61 1.40 10.14 1.16 8.05 ... 19.49 0.91 31.12.1966 5.08 4.70 14.18 73.62 71.14 98.24 1.28 17.69 1.41 10.16 1.18 8.14 8.48 19.66 0.91 31.12.1967 5.04 4.67 12.14 67.55 70.68 97.83 1.26 17.63 1.40 10.15 1.17 8.08 7.23 19.54 0.91 31.lE.1968 5.08 4.83 12.11 67.75 71.10 98.17 1.27 17.80 1.41 10.15 -.18 8.15 7.29 19.68 0.91 31.12.1969 5.07 4.72 12.19 67.78 71.01 98.29 1.57 17.88 1.40 10.22 1.17 8.08 7.26 19.64 0.91 31.12.1970 5.04 4.98 12.06 67.29 70.66 97.52 1.38 17.65 1.40 10.13 1.17 8.08 7.23 19.51 0.91 31.12.1971 4.77 4.76 12.16 67.61 71.26 97.82 1.46 17.45 1.47 10.72 1.22 8.03 7.24 20.12 0.91 30.11.1972 4.61 4.64 10.85 67.28 70.24 97.48 1.44 17.20 1.43 10.48 1.22 7.89 7.27 19.94 0.91 30.05.1973 4.10 4.11 10.49 68.04 72.00 94.74 1.50 16.70 1.45 10.59 1.32 6.98 7.05 20.43 0.93 30.06.1973 3.91 3.92 10.04 69.11 74.37 96.95 1.62 17.64 1.51 10.91 1.35 6.88 6.s5 22.77' 0e95 31.07.1973 3.90 3.88 9.73 70.66 73.05 96.05 1.66 17.32 1.50 10.90 1.35 6.66 6.89 22.53 0.94 31.08.1973 4.00 3.99 9.82 69.17 71.34 94.94 1.62 17.18 1.49 10.64 1.32 7.07 7.05 22.04 0.92 3J Exchange rates for the cutrrencies of Morocco's main trading partners. a' Rates for commercial transactions. Source: Banque du Naroc Note: Since May 1973, the above rates apply to exchange made "par virements" (i.e., through banks and tlte posetl system). The cash exchange rates are slightly different, since they are adjusted less frequenitly than the "virerezat" rateE.