Solomon Islands Conirnunity Governance and Grievance Management Project Granit No. {TF#j: 18206 Prepa red: 7 August 2014 Updated: 3 August 2016 (versior 4 of 2016) By: ProJect Maragement Unit . Proc urenient thresholds and Prior Review Thresholds: 1. Procurement Methods Procurenient Threshiolds Prior Review ThireshoIds Goods: International Competitive idoing 2US$500,000 All conrads subject to prior review Shopjping }US$500,000 First two contracts Direct Contracing Meet the criteria set out ir para. 3.7 All cotrads subJect to prior review of Procurement Guidelines I. Selection of Constiltants: Selection Metbods Procurenient Thresbolds Prior Review Thresholds F irrs (QCBS, QBS, LCS, CQS ard SSS) ln accord ance with t he Bank's 2US$100,000, ard all S5S contracts Comul:arts Guidelines Individual Consultants 2US$50,000exception made to SSS contradts, legal and procuremer related assignnrents, where all cotrads are subject to prior review) I Procurenment Pi-n for Goods and Selection *f Cousuletani 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 Coract Bef Desenpio: of C or=n :timate Co:: i:nmate Cot Type of procureme Reiew by Contrac Contran Conuact Contract Contract Connc Ref No. Procmement nrtSelectio Bark (Prior SininE Complenor amonmt amn SiEmm2 DaTe Executon Infor r. Method Po::) Date Date '>Lanned) USD SBD ( unddl-v -¯D SED (Actr. 1 7.13 mm-dd w I 7.13 und Procuremem of Good: l Office equip=ent (Lp-top. rinter CopterTax 16.790 :19.13 G-ood: shopping Prir Jan-15 4-7ul-15 3.5-5 6.00 19-Jun-15 KCT S ervice: Combinior Ld la P,rincialEcuipmert 9.744 33.00 Good: Shopping Po:: lb Office equip=ent (Lap-tcD. Pnnter Coper?ax 14.531 :19.713 Good: Shoppir. Prior Combinatiero - Office fmitre (de-k. chsn. tihs caDulet. 32.760 233.59 Good: Shoppi. Po:: Feb-15 24-Sep-15 3.316 5- 155 16-Sep-13 Univer:a] mu-uding :.ipDig) Traders Ltd 2 P:ovincialOfleFuic ure 9.74_. 8.000 Good: Shoppinz po: Apr-12 S P-rincial SUPpo - Pro;indal Projec: 73.080 630.030 Good: ShoppiL,g Priär Cooirator ktuitv. C ommunicatior. pnninE etc. 5 Comun C.otiou: Equip=ent - mcbile: for PMU. 18.290 130.43 Good: hoppi. Do:: Mar-15 33-Occ-15 1.635 11.8003 30-Oc:-15 Solonon Drorncial Eot coutzerpan: Telekom Co Ltd Comnu.mtion: equDuew (eplaQements due t Good: Shoppi.g po:t May-16 26-M.a-16 729 5.203 26-Ma--16 Sol ronc la daamageýwearC 6.093 50.000 4 Radio 194.210 1.386.856 Good: Shepping Po:: Jul-16 31-Aug-if 6 S morge umt 65.j20 46.58 Good: Shoppir Po:: Feb-15 28-Occ-15 2.59:1 1.01 75 -Oc-i5 Umver:al 7 Saferv eqpment 9.742 33.000 Good: Shoppir post s Tramms equipmenw 5.460 38.930 Good: Shoppinz po:: Apr-15 33-Oc:-15 905 6.45 30-Oc:-i5 Advnec T-eþolpze Ltd 9 AccourttLg Sofnvare 1.230 .7:0 Good: Direct Priov Mar-15 :4-hu-15 720 5.135 19-Jun-15 Edde Pitmtara l ICYroc-n 2= 13 SmaffDm&o.on- Shonatrangandn årkhop: 42.075 330.030 Good: lShoppi, po:- Jun-1- S ComnnFcatiowM&edia - Curicum Deve.CptUEn 24.360 230.00 Gods zhoppi.g Pos Apr-1? and DtiìutL TotALProurement of Good: -3.98 X,9,116 XS3' 163"'90 Sel cdon Of Co:ulkits laldidmui CaUtant i TramaE adCunicium Specialt (ternatioral) 163.800 1.167.894 Co:itat: IC Prior Jan-15 33-Oc-15 $1.458 366.896 26-Aug-15 Kate HigE Oa TraLmin and Cmicuium 1peciali;(tetnmaioal)- 163.800 1167.894 Com tnit: IC Prior Apr-1 new S Couununtrn Outreach & Taning Specia:t 81900 583.94 Comitant: IC Prior D,-2-16 0 5-un-16 33.855 2 41.603 05-Jun-15 Koreta Kaw. Conwtractetion 67.i10 183.230 CowLtmant: IC Prior Jun-i6 05-lun-Y 6.7 483.203 31-Mr-16 3 Pro:ect Coordmrtor 196.560 .0.43 3 Con tant: IC Prior Jan-15 08-7eS-16 37154 265.121 34-May-15 Contract exerion 1 46.2 363.942 Con:itant: IC Prior May-15 04-Apr-16 46.221 3.942 09-Feb-16 Joe Rami Contactexteoa 47. 93 3-6.325 Comætat: IC Prior APr-16 1S-Apr-16 4'793 36.325 34-Apr-16 4 FLance SpecialT I C.350 1214.596 Cowt,,Lant: IC Prior Ma--15 :6-May-16 28.305 199.675 15Ma-15 4a FLEance and Prouremern Speciali 26.4-6 1887_ ConuLtant: IC Prior Sep-16 25-May-I6 26.4-6 18s.-75 24-Sep- 15 5 M&E Conuhan7 (intematcnal) i11.50 -88.364 Coa:ltant: IC Po:: Sep-1- '-No-16 22.660 161.566 28-Sep-16 Georgina Clark 53 M&E Conultan: (i.tematwnal) - New 5.00C 41.052 Co tant: SS Po:: Jan-1 37-Ieb-201 6 M&E Speciah:1(Lccal) -1.000 513.360 Cowt,,Lant: IC Prior Oc?-16 13-Oct-l? 29.965 215.65 1-Oc7-16 C.trton Kiko - Shoren Fmance ard Prcmeren Specialit 7.00 51.336 Co=Ltant: IC - SS Prior M p-16 09-Aug-16 '.200 51336 39-ME-16 MarearetKi:i Contrat er=iom .-2 35.882 Cotrant: IC Prior Aug-16 09-Oc:-16 12.99" 94.875 09-Mar-16 8 Ftrance and Procremen: SpecialT (newý I-0.350 1.214.596 Coanitant: IC Prior Oc:-16 13-Oc:-1' 3 -.805 269.551 10-OcT-16 Mararet KLi 9 BerefLcLann (6 -nramirr' 49.350 351.866 Cow-rant: IC Po:: Aug-16 01-No-16 14.19- 103.803 10-Oc7-16 Enumera:ors 103 Pro:ect Coordrator eplacement 196.360 0.251.2-5 Co=trant: IC Prior Oc--17 10-Oc:-12 33.2-9 379.r87 10-Oct-16 Rzain DLi 00 Pro;incialCoordna:or 0 8.000 62.672 CotLant: Po:: Mar-1 02 Prmcial Coordinaor 2 8.000 6'.6~' Co t-ant: Po::- i3 FLrance A :itance - Sort Tei= 5.000 35.650 Coæ-mltant: Po:: Mar-1 ?¯om & pofridi th&&¢Cæu r i ExeaaL Audit 20.450 146.022 Co-mtant: C QS Prior Apr-16 29-Apr-16 6.01 :4.003 15-Apr-16 Bacn and 02. Exceia Audit - 2016 17 20.480 146.022 Co trant: SS Prior Apr-17 O-Apr-1- ISa Mid-Teim Su:tainability - In:ttruttonalPoitical 2,.675 15.933 Com Lant: S S Po:: Aug-16 33-No--16 36.336 255.856 M-Nor-16 Melanie Phillip: Exendio 1 20.000 142.630 Cotant: SS Po:: Feb-i 31-Mar-1- 13.-'64 98.1 3- 02-Feb-1V 05i Mid-Teim Su:tainabilit - Sal 2.5 1:2.933 Cotrant: SS Po:: Aug-16 30-N4o-16 19.7-0 .36¯ 15-No-16 Bea SChl:z 14 Mid Tei= Reiew 24.6-5 1:5.933 Comtlant: SS Po:: Jun-- 0l-Aug-1- 15 Decentrali:aor.Anayia Work 63.822 550.030 ærCowant: SS Po:: Apr-i' -r.-o~ aotal SeLciori of Con;akanr: Total Se]ection of Cennalt3n 0[C and Firm)' 1462443 599635 42993548 Totat Procurement 61.60- 4.459.33B COlM NITY GOTRNANCE AND GRIE\¯ANCE MANAGENEENT PROJE CT MINISTRY OF PRO\INCL O\ C¯ITRNE-T ÅND INSTIT-IONAL STRENGTHENING 2015 CONTIRACT REGISTER A. PROCUREMENT OF GOODS INo Descdp don Contnactor Nane Contraer No. Value SBD) Procurnent of Goods 1 Offce Ecpment - Laptops. Cop:er 3 in-ore ICT Semces Ltd 42005 61 .000.00 I MYOB ACIun Software Eddie Pitiuara 4227 .135.0) ' Office Fiurtue - Deks. Chmir & Filil Cabinets U,iversal Traders Ltd 42036 57155.0 4 Unifor - Polo Shs G]oba Diital Pre,s 42156 328.0 5 Uni fonr - Pants. Soes an d Soek B:C 421 56 5304.30 6 StcraLe Unt -Filinr Cabinets - 2 Drawers Uriveral Tradere 42 196 17.050.30 Mobile Phos - BLU Studio G Soomn Teleiom 4'125 11010 S -I a:r.rz Eppent - Canæra Advanxed Technoo2 42243 6.450.0 Total 189.2:2'0 B. SELECTION OF CONS¯LTAX-TS No. Desciiption Contactor Name Contraer No. \¯alue Duition Staits Dare SBD Selection of Consiltant . Proect Co::rdinator 4e Rau: 339.2. One Yea 20:an-151 2 Finance QOñicer C-eorge Taara 2 199.675 One Year 1 .Ma-15 3 Coratitv Oneach & Traran2 Speciat Koreta Kadi .; 24. .630 One Year OS-Juni-15 3 -camŽ.g2Ct.m::uiu Specialst Kiie Eig3- - 422.S 60Dae s 26.Aug-15 4 Finance & Procu.:eaent Spe::·tst George Ta.sra ) 188.- -. OneYetrl 2--Sep-15~ Tr>tal L39.135I rпосгlхЕмЕхт 3оlотоп Iвlапдв : 3olomon Ielande Соттигцty Governance аъд Grievance Management Project PI.AN Geueral Iaformatioa Countty: S0lотоп Islaпds Bank'в Approvвl Date of the Origiual Ргосиюттt Р]а¢: 2018-11-22 Aeaieed P1an Daй(в): (wmma deBneated, lеаае Ыank if поv �019-08-29 PtojecE ID: Р147005 GPN Date: Project Name: Solomon Islanda CommuniLy Govemavice avd Gгievavice Мапвgетепс Projeec Loan / Credit No: TF / 18206, TF / В004Э Еквв¢tinq рqврьу(iвв)Minietry of Provincial Governmenc апд Inecitucional Screngtheving WOR89 Bid Evaluvtiun Actiиty Rв£егепыв Va. / Dгыft Ridding Loan / Ceedic Market Ргвсигвтвпt Prequalifiration EвtimaWd AcWa1 Атош.t Реогвьв Dгaft PrequalifiгaNon Pгвqualiбeation Bpeeifie Рюеигетепс Biddivg Doeament Proposal 9иЪтiьвiвп / Аврыrt мд Deьmption Component Rвviыи Туре Mвthod Dьсшавпt / 6igned Свпtгасt Conceact СвтрlеЧвп No. Approxeh Рюевsь (У/ЛТ) Amwnt N9$) (U5$) 9tatuь Овситеп4ь ЕvаlвпНвп Report Notice / Invitaбon аь Iвьиед Opвning / Minutes Remmmendetion Евг .1uыiliггtion Award Рlьппед e4tual Рlтиед AcNa1 Рlаппед Lиtual Рlаппед АгЕиа1 Рlьмыд Ав[иь1 Рlхппед AcNx1 Planned Actual Рlаппед LиNaL Рlаппвд Авtиаl Ooons Bid Eь�Wшtion Actiиty Яв[вгепсе Чв. / Dгa1t Biddiпg Loxn / Credit Mazket Prowrement Ргеqиаliбгдбвп ЕвЧтаtед AeNa1 Amount Ргогввь Dralt Prequalifiuation Proyualificetion 9pecifie Ргосигвтвпt Фdding Dueuments Ргврвьаl 9uбmiьeion / Аервг! апд пвьт;р п wтрвпвпе аеавw турв мвгпва пввитвпе / s�епва wпlгаве wпггаге евтv:вnвп No. Approach Prвгевв (У/Л� Amount N5$) (ц9$) SGевь Dвеитвпtв Evalwcion ЯврвеЕ Noeiгe / Invitatioп ыь Gвиед Opening / Minuteв Rewmmыndation for Juвeifirveion Award Рlаппвд Асеивl Planned АеШа1 Рlыппед AetunL Рlмпвд Aetual Рlамвд Actual Рlаппвд Аесиаl Рlаппыд AeNa1 Рlаппвд e4tuaL Рlаппвд AeNa1 р, vг �г wип..тп i+тча ь iпг g rn m,�w :ыг n