Knowledge Series 026/16 PROVEN DELIVERY MODELS FOR LED PUBLIC LIGHTING ESCO Delivery Model in Central and Northwestern India Asian Electronics, Limited | Study #1 2  |  Energy Efficient Cities Initiative Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ESCO DELIVERY MODEL: ASIAN ELECTRONICS, LIMITED IN INDIA 1 Context 2 Regulatory and Policy Environment 3 Tracing the Development and Implementation Process 4 Project Development 4 Financing 4 Procurement 6 Installation 8 Performance Monitoring and Assurance 8 Main Challenges and Solutions 9 Lessons Learned 11 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 12 ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India i Ack n o w l e dg e m e n t s This case study was written by Pedzi Makumbe, Debbie K. Weyl, Andrew Eil, and Jie Li, with funding from The World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the Community Development Carbon Fund (CDCF), both of which are multi-donor technical assistance trust funds administered by The World Bank. The work was led by ESMAP in close collaboration with the Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience Global Practice (GSURR) and the Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice (GENDR) of The World Bank Group. The authors would like to thank Naman Shah, AEL Managing Director; Manoj Panchakshari, Super Wealth Financial Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.; V. Baraneedharan, Consultant; Aditya Dhar and Neeraj Gupta, Principal Investment Officer, International Finance Corporation; and W. Nick Bowden, Carbon Finance Specialist, World Bank. The report benefited tremendously from support and comments by Rohit Khanna, Practice Manager, ESMAP (World Bank). It also significantly benefited from comments by Wendy Hughes, Lead Energy Economist; Ivan Jaques, Senior Energy Economist; Martina Bosi, Senior Energy Economist, ESMAP (World Bank); Ashok Sarkar, Senior Energy Specialist (World Bank); and Luiz Maurer, Principal Industry Specialist (Interna- tional Finance Corporation). ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India iii E s c o D e l iv e ry M o d e l : A s i a n E l e ctr o n ic s , Limit e d I n I n di a Location 9 urban local bodies: Latur, Akola, Pune, Ajmer and Alwar Municipal Corporations, Ajmer and Alwar Urban Improvement Trusts, Bikaner, and Indore Project Dates 2005 to 2022 Project Size 121,365 lighting points in 9 Indian municipalities Implementing Agency ESCO: Asian Electronics, Limited (AEL) in central and northwestern India Funding Mechanism Carbon finance*; domestic Indian bank loans accessed by AEL Implementation/ 9 distinct municipal energy performance contracts between AEL and Procurement Process 9 Indian urban local bodies Expected Energy 50% Savings * Via the Community Development Carbon Fund managed by World Bank The population in Indian cities is rapidly expanding and putting a strain on municipal services. Street lighting is one such service; though widely valued, it is often poorly provided. There are over 3 million municipal streetlights in India and 5 to 10 percent are either overdesigned or underdesigned, resulting in inefficient and/or inadequate street lighting.1 Many use fairly old technology and are often poorly maintained. Thus, the quality of public lighting is often low, and municipal governments are motivated to both provide better lighting and expand coverage. However, costs often get in the way. Although just 1.5 percent of electricity consumption in India is due to municipal street lighting, street lighting electricity and maintenance costs can consume 5 to 10 percent of municipal budgets in large cities, and up to 20 percent in villages. Moreover, the cost of electricity has been rising, accounting for over 80 percent of all expenditure on street lighting, and municipalities are struggling to pay their lighting costs. The need to find cost-effective, efficient solutions for street lighting is acute. In the context of these challenges, energy service companies (ESCOs) have emerged offering fully financed shared savings energy performance contracts (EPCs) at little or no upfront cost to cities. This case study centers on how the confluence of the challenges and the ESCO opportunity led to the efficient lighting project in India starting with the nine municipalities of: Latur, Akola, Pune, Ajmer and Alwar Municipal Corporations, Ajmer and Alwar Urban Improvement Trusts, Bikaner, and Indore. The project benefited from carbon finance through the sale of certified emission reduction credits (CERs) to the World Bank-managed Community Development Carbon Fund (CDCF), a donor-supported fund purchasing carbon credits for projects in developing countries with social benefits for the host communities.2 The projects were implemented on a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) basis through an ESCO shared savings model. “Shared savings” means that the ESCO and the munici- pality shared performance risk: each would receive a fraction of the savings from the investment (as opposed to a guaranteed payment for either party). Asian Electronics, ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India 1 Limited (AEL) was the World Bank’s implementing partner as well as the energy services provider, compact fluorescent lights (CFL) manufacturer, and now LED luminaires provider. The projects emerged from a 2005 partnership between AEL and Econoler, a Canadian company with carbon finance expertise, to develop a strategy in India for municipal street lighting with carbon finance incentives. Once the methodology had been developed and tested, AEL and Econoler approached the World Bank Carbon Finance Unit regarding a purchase agreement for carbon credits. Beginning in 2006, the World Bank and AEL began working on the project. Between 2005 and 2009, AEL signed up nine urban local bodies (ULBs), or municipal government entities,3 to street lighting energy performance contracts. As of April 2015, six years after signing up the last of the nine urban local body clients to the World Bank carbon finance project, AEL had nearly 20 municipal street lighting clients and was seeking to expand to Tamil Nadu state. The company had switched its entire manufacturing line from T-5 CFLs to higher efficiency LEDs. AEL learned through experience how best to structure contracts to protect itself from risks out of its control, such as poor infrastructure, disputes over actual savings, and nonpayment. Likewise, the Indian municipal street lighting market is transitioning from CFLs to LEDs. As LEDs have plummeted in cost and increased in reliability and market accessibility, a number of municipal corporations, including Pune and Indore, have switched over to LEDs. 121,000 luminaires have been switched to more efficient lighting. Context The project covers seven cities, encompassing nine urban local bodies: seven municipal corporations (MCs) and two urban improvement trusts (UITs). The urban local bodies are responsible for infrastructure improvements in the cities. The cities are spread across three states in central and northwestern India: Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. They range in size from 260,000 (Alwar) to 2.6 million (Pune), with most in the range of 300,000 to 500,000 inhabitants. Institutionally, municipalities in India are under little regulatory obligation to improve lighting quality to meet standards. India’s Code of Practice for Lighting, created in 1970 by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to establish lighting standards for categories of streets and roads, has not been updated since 1981. Further, as USAID report from 2010 notes, “since these guidelines are not enforced by any regulatory authority, it is common for municipalities to be unaware of the standards, and many fail to comply.”4 Consequently, project upgrades are not driven by regulatory compliance but by munici- palities’ initiative to save operating funds on electricity and maintenance, and to improve street lighting quality. From AEL’s perspective, opportunities for sound investments arose from three innovations: 1 | The advent of energy performance contracts (EPCs), allowing cash-strapped municipalities lacking access to debt capital to fund street lighting retrofits through savings shared with private contractors 2 | Significant improvement in lighting technology from incandescent to more efficient LEDs 2 Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting 3 | The possibility of partnering with Econoler to tap into carbon offset markets for emissions reduction credits At the outset of the project in 2008 to 2009, because no Clean Development Mechanism (CDM, the United Nations system for international carbon crediting) methodology for municipal street lighting efficiency yet existed, this approach represented an innovative test case. The CDM allows emission reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits, which can be traded and sold; these are used by industrialized countries to meet their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol.5 The CER payments represented an additional financial incentive to AEL and the municipalities because the project offered “additional” reductions in emissions: the baseline technology was incandescent lighting, which consumes more electricity and thus produces more emissions. Regulatory and Policy Environment Because most Indian municipal corporations are not creditworthy, they have limited options for raising capital for energy efficient streetlight investments through debt issuance. Energy performance contracts (whether for guaranteed, shared, or deemed-savings) have become the predominant model for financing public lighting in India. Under the National Energy Conservation Act of 2001, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) established guidelines for the energy efficiency performance contracting process. However, since 2005 to 2009, when the suite of AEL projects commenced, these guidelines had not been promulgated and officials in municipalities such as Akola Municipal Corporation had to develop their own bidding process.6 Despite the absence of national standards, however, there was a generally accepted set of municipal energy performance contracting practices. These included shortlisting ESCOs using the expres- sion of interest (EOI) process, issuing the request for proposal (RFP), evaluating and selecting the ESCO, negotiating the contract, and conducting measurement and verifi- cation (M&V).7 In India, the street lighting infrastructure tends to be owned by municipal corporations and urban infrastructure trusts rather than the electric utilities, which facilitates the coupling of equipment supply (including luminaires) with maintenance contracts. Consequently, AEL signed two parallel contracts with its client local governments: one for design, supply, and installation; and another for maintenance. This approach allowed AEL to create incentives for ongoing payment for operations and maintenance, and commit municipalities to pay for capital expenditures for lighting supply. AEL implemented these measures because securing payment is a challenge with many municipalities. In the case of maintenance contracts, AEL as service provider retains the ability to withhold services in the case of nonpayment. In AEL’s experience, these contracts tended to provide a strong incentive to pay because the municipal governments generally lacked capacity for adequate maintenance at the outset of the projects. In most cases, municipalities paid their pre-agreed monthly payments within 2 to 12 months of invoicing. Payments were generally calculated on the basis of deemed savings (the model evolved from shared savings to a deemed/ guaranteed savings model in later projects) determined during the auditing and pilot phases. Most public lights in India are not metered. ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India 3 T r a c i n g t h e D e v e l o p m e n t a n d I m p l e m e n tat i o n P r o c e s s The implementation process from the city perspective is summarized in Figure 1. Project Development In most of the cities in which AEL ultimately secured contracts, the firm would first approach city leaders with a project proposal. To secure interest and facilitate tendering, AEL would assist municipal governments by conducting an initial energy audit, developing the project’s scope, and consulting the authority on the preparation of appropriate procurement terms. In some cases, metered energy efficiency pilots were even conducted prior to bidding. In this way, AEL enabled cities to understand the scale of the opportunity and the potential to achieve savings without upfront capital investment. (In all cases, AEL won contracts through competitive procurement with a minimum of three bids. The energy audit and pilot installation could come before, during, or after the contractor’s selection, depending on the procurement terms.) The cities provided input into the project development process by defining geographic scope, desired service and infrastructure upgrades, and technology requirements based on standards. Financing In India, municipal corporations are greatly restricted in terms of access to debt capital. They do not have full autonomy over their finances and often require state-level approval to borrow funds. Further, for a variety of reasons, many cities are not currently credit- worthy. These problems are particularly acute in smaller second- and third-tier cities,8 which formed the client base for the AEL street lighting project. As a result, all upfront costs were entirely covered by AEL rather than by the municipalities. The World Bank estimates that the projects collectively had a combined capital cost of US$5.83 million. These projects were implemented on a build-own-operate-transfer basis through an ESCO shared savings approach. The World Bank Community Develop- ment Carbon Fund made no advance payments to AEL, and AEL used its AAA credit rating to secure corporate bank loans at rates of 12 to 15 percent. As a large-scale lighting manufacturer, AEL was more readily able to raise capital than many ESCOs, which often lack bankable assets and deep balance sheets. However, AEL reports that government contracts from client urban local bodies with strong credit ratings also assisted in securing loans,9 indicating there is increasing recognition among financial institutions of municipal energy performance contracts as viable collateral. AEL estimates that 10 percent of the cost of all its municipal street lighting energy performance contract projects goes to financing. As it signed on municipalities to street lighting energy performance contracts, AEL also negotiated ancillary CDM revenue-sharing clauses as part of the shared savings agreements, promising to pass along 50 to 97.4 percent of carbon credit proceeds (each city negotiated a different rate, which AEL attributes to the wide range of monitoring and compliance costs in each municipality). AEL is responsible for monitoring the CERs for the entire CDM crediting period. Following the experience of the pilot project in Indore, where it took an extra year for the city to provide payment for services after the end of the three-year project, AEL, working with the World Bank, designed a mechanism to receive expedited payment for installa- tion and maintenance of LED lighting systems out of savings. Measures to expedite 4 Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting Figure 1: Summary of the LED Street Lighting Implementation Process for Asian Electronics, Limited in India Project Financing Procurement InstallaƟon Development • CiƟes defined geographic scope • All elected for shared-savings / • IdenƟfy ESCO - three firms • AEL conducted baseline audits of the project ESCO model including revenues needed for compeƟƟve bidding • Pilot installaƟon including • Cites defined service and from selling cerƟfied emission • Publish RFPs meters infrastructure upgrades credits • Direct negoƟaƟon with the ESCO • Full-scale installaƟon including fixtures, poles, wiring, • AEL (the ESCO) secured • Sign two separate contracts: • Post-InstallaƟon: metering and ballasts corporate financing from local (1) shared savings contracts for • Audits and surveys to verify • CiƟes established technology or banks using its balance sheet at new installaƟon/retrofits (2) performance performance requirements 12-15% separate maintenance contract • Ongoing training of staff to • ESCO conducted energy audits, • AEL borrowed up to 60% of and carbon finance contract ensure adequate data capture projects scope technical details project investment costs from • Pilot installaƟon tests : AnƟ- for CDM and provided consultaƟon on local banks theŌ and metering systems, • Automated or expedited preparing procurements terms • Carbon financing was secured establish measurement & payment systems for invoicing through an emission reducƟon verificaƟon protocols, training • Upkeep of sytem purchase agreement (ERPA) with • Establish payments system infrastructure World Bank-managed CDCF. (escrow accounts, expedited • Work with ESCO/operator to Payments are made upon invoicing) develop municipal verificaƟon of emission maintenance capacity for reducƟons handover • ESCO retained 2.6% to 50% of • Add system upkeep CDM credits depending on expenditures to city capital & negoƟaƟons within the city operaƟonal budget ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India 5 Figure 2: Notional Flows for the ESCO Model | LED Street Lighting Retrofit by AEL in Central and Northwestern India World Bank Private Banks Carbon Finance (using AEL Unit Balance Sheet) CDM Purchase Credits of CDM $$ $$ Credits Debt Service CDM AudiƟng & RegistraƟon loans US$ Repayments CDM Technical Luminaires Assistance Asian Electronics Limited AEL Luminaire ECONOLER Manufacturing (ConsulƟng Firm) (ESCO, CDM-Designated $$ $$ OperaƟng EnƟty) Monthly Payment RetrofiƩed ESCO Based on Calculated LighƟng Contract and NegoƟated Infrastructure Energy Savings Urban Local Body (Municipal CorporaƟon Lower Payment Local or Urban to Local UƟlity UƟlity Infrastructure Trust) InternaƟonal InsƟtuƟon UNFCC CDM AudiƟng & RegistraƟon BeƩer Local LighƟng Private Sector CDM Registry Taxes Municipal/ Affiliated EnƟty Municipal CITIZENS Financial Flow Other Flows payments—such as pre-calculated payments, automatic payments, and expedited government approvals—helped to shorten and limit arrears, though they did not eliminate them entirely. Figure 2 shows a simplified illustration of the project’s structure. Procurement The cities involved in these nine projects procured AEL independently and one at a time over four years from 2005 to 2009. Latur became the first city to contract with AEL, with its project commencing in December 2005, followed by Pune in January 2006, and Akola in September 2006. Subsequent cities were able to benefit from learning about the existing projects, which facilitated the spread of municipal street lighting energy performance contracts throughout India. However, in the absence of national guidance, each urban local body developed its own procurement process. For example, in 2006, Akol Municipal Corporation called for competitive bids to implement a street lighting retrofit project within their service territory, encompassing 13,003 luminaires, roughly 70 percent of them 40-watt CFLs (the remainder 6 Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting being high-pressure sodium and mercury high-impact discharge fixtures).10 Bidding parameters included maintaining luminance levels on the street to 20 to 30 lux,11 as per Indian Road Congress standards for street lighting. Bidding documents were designed by city officials. An analogous process was repeated in the other eight urban local bodies, with AEL often providing templates for bidding document design since municipalities were not familiar with energy performance contracts when AEL started.12 Though the process was not formally standardized, AEL reports that it used almost identical contracts with all client cities.13 Included in AEL’s package of goods and services were financing, technology, lighting products, and maintenance. The energy savings accrued from these investments were quantified and shared between AEL and each city in pre-agreed ratios for a period of 5 to 7 years. Generally, AEL negotiated payment of 80 percent of electricity savings to cover its capital, operating, and upfront financing expenditures; in the case of Akola, AEL captured 95 percent of electricity savings, and in Alwar Municipal Corporation, 87.5 percent. This is relatively high because AEL provided the full amount of upfront capital, which is quite expensive in India, and spent significant resources upgrading associated ancillary infrastructure. These costs were rolled into the shared savings contracts undertaken at AEL’s risk. Additionally, the real benefit to the cities was not savings but rather improvement in lighting services, which the cities did not have the money to invest in themselves. In later years, AEL began to separate capital improvements (luminaire replacement and infrastructure upgrades) from service contracts, and to secure guaranteed payback for those capital improvements independent of shared savings stemming from operations and maintenance. Ostensibly, this separation did not change the terms or structure of the energy performance contract (and thus was not challenged by municipalities), yet this practice helped to ensure collection of payments by AEL. Separate installation and mainte- nance contracts also allowed for flexibility in negotiating the extent and terms of maintenance. In Akola, in addition to electricity savings, the municipal corporation paid AEL a share of savings from reduced costs of maintenance, amounting to Rs 8.25 (US$0.17) per lighting fixture per year. Akola Municipal Corporation further paid AEL a fixed fee for annual operations and maintenance (O&M) expenditures, totaling Rs 1.1 million (about US$23,000).14 The city benefited by getting an upgraded public lighting system (and an improved sense of safety, enhanced aesthetics, etc.) as well as reduced volatility in its lighting bill. By all reports, the projects were deemed a success by both the urban local body administrations and by AEL itself. Significant energy savings were achieved in all nine locations. An independent consultant who monitored the project reported that the local authorities were quite satisfied with the energy and cost savings, the improvement in maintenance, and the resulting improvement in performance. AEL provided reliable maintenance for many years, often significantly upgrading degraded street lighting infrastructure, and ensuring that upwards of 90 percent of luminaires were in operation at all times. The installed CFLs achieved reductions in monthly bills of up to 30 to 40 percent.15 Electricity savings across the nine urban local bodies were estimated at 47,000 MW from December 2012 to September 2014.16 Furthermore, at the end of the day, AEL was able to secure payment from the municipalities (though not without challenges, as described later). Because the urban local bodies made no upfront payments (for either installation or maintenance), AEL borrowed up to 60 percent of entire project costs up front from private banks. ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India 7 Installation AEL signed design, supply, and installation (DSI) contracts with nine municipal govern- ments to replace baseline lighting with more efficient lighting. (Maintenance contracts were signed separately.) The seven municipal corporations and two urban improve- ment trusts at the outset of the project in 2008 to 2009 included more than 121,000 luminaires. This total included all municipal roadway luminaires in all municipal corpora- tions and urban improvement trusts except for that of Pune, for which 13,970 out of the city’s roughly 100,000 roadway luminaires were included. The number of luminaires per municipality ranged from 4,700 to 26,000, with an average of roughly 13,000 per municipality. From the date on which the municipality issued the work order, it would take AEL one month to complete the initial baseline audit, followed by a pilot installation complete with metering. Once the pilot proved successful based upon metered savings, AEL would proceed with the complete installation of streetlights, which, for the larger cities, would take two to three months. This included wiring and often replacing of poles and other defective equipment. In some cases, a reengineering and redesign of lighting was necessary. AEL estimated that 5 to 10 percent of streetlights were “overdesigned” (with wattage too strong, too many luminaires, or placed too close together), while 1 to 3 percent were underdesigned.17 AEL also ensured remote monitoring at “nodes,” or switch points, that controlled blocks of lights to track electricity usage and monitor performance. However, an operations audit showed that in most locations, only about 5 to 10 percent of switch points were equipped with functioning meters.18 In Akola, the selection of 10 percent of lights for monitoring was explicitly defined in the terms of the contract.19 Performance Monitoring and Assurance For each city, AEL hired a project manager responsible for maintenance and for ensuring adequate resources and equipment were available. Due to adverse conditions (e.g., variable voltage and blackouts, poor infrastructure quality) and stiff penalties for low-burning efficiency (i.e., low luminaire performance rate), AEL instituted a practice of always maintaining a local inventory of replacement bulbs equivalent to 1 percent of the total number of luminaires in use. Furthermore, AEL instituted proactive, preventive replacement of bulbs prior to the expiry of their expected lifetimes. In fact, AEL sometimes replaced bulbs preventively every 90 days, or after roughly 1,000 hours, regardless of the status of the bulbs.20 AEL’s status as a CFL/LED manufacturer facilitated aggressive luminaire sourcing and replacement. By the end of 2013, in keeping with the 5- to 7-year maintenance schedules agreed at the outset, five of the nine urban local bodies were still contracting AEL for service and maintenance. Four others had assumed their own maintenance following the expiration of the AEL service contract. The first annual performance survey, as required by the CDM Project Design Document (PDD), conducted by a World Bank consultant, revealed that more than one-third of all luminaires were not functioning across the nine cities surveyed— a dramatic increase from the roughly 5 percent non-functioning fixture rate established in the contracts for AEL’s maintenance period (Table 1). As the table shows, lamp performance varied considerably—from 45 to 79 percent per surveyed location. Satisfactory performance per contract terms is 95 percent, which AEL claimed to be meeting and exceeding when payments from the cities were current. 8 Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting Table 1: Summary of Lamp Performance Survey, January 2014 Number of CFL Number of CFL Percentage of Name of Maintenance Status, Lamp Fittings Lamp Fittings Lamp Fittings Location Jan. 2014 Surveyed in Operation in Operation 1  Bikaner AEL 360 246 68% 2 Alwar MC AEL and subcontractors 367 265 72% 3 Alwar UIT AEL and subcontractors 398 248 62% 4 Ajmer UIT AEL 412 261 63% 5 Ajmer MC AEL 373 295 79% Municipal Corp. (as of 6 Indore 336 241 72% 9/13) 7 Akola Municipal Corp. 348 227 65% 8 Pune Municipal Corp. 345 155 45% 9 Latur Municipal Corp. 320 177 55% Total AEL 1910 1315 69% Total Municipal Corp. 1349 800 59% Source: Adapted from V. Baraneedharan, “Annual Survey of Lamp Performance (2013) for CDM project ‘Bun- dled street lighting energy efficiency projects implemented by AEL in India,’” February 2014. In project locations where AEL was providing maintenance during the survey period, higher lamp performance was observed (79% in Ajmer and 72% in Alwar Municipal Corporations); where AEL was not providing it, lower lamp performance was recorded (45% in Pune and 55% in Latur). Overall, AEL-maintained networks have maintained a rate of performance at least 10 percent greater than that of cities maintaining their own networks (69% vs. 59%)—but still well below target, contracted levels. There are a number of possible explanations for this discrepancy. Most prominently, the methodologies for measuring CDM performance and fulfilment of municipal contracts are different. CDM methodologies measure the performance of each luminaire (bulb), whereas urban local body contracts with AEL mandate performance of fixtures, which are considered to be performing if any bulb in a multiple-luminaire fixture (e.g., four bulbs) is functioning. This means that AEL could consider a fixture with some functioning and some non-functioning luminaires to be “operational,” whereas the CDM would not. There are two other possible explanations. First, the project audit discovered that these performance levels surveyed both metered and non-metered fixtures. It is possible that AEL maintained 90 percent performance only for metered switch points and associated fixtures. Second, AEL withheld maintenance in at least one city where payments were significantly delayed, leading to a rapid deterioration in performance rates. Thus, it is paramount to design contracts with the right measurement and verifi- cation protocol. Main Challenges and Solutions Table 2 lists a number of the problems that arose during implementation, and summarizes how AEL and the cities sought to solve them. ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India 9 Table 2: Summary of Problems and Solutions during AEL’s LED Street Lighting Implementation Problem Solution 1 Establishing a baseline. AEL began to calculate baseline and savings both on Generally, luminaire performance rates an initial sampling basis and actual functioning basis rose from 65–85% at the outset to simultaneously. AEL added provisions in the contract to greater than 95% (of fixtures and not ensure that savings calculations would be adjusted to luminaires) under AEL’s maintenance. take into account higher overall operational efficiency Increased functioning lights increased (i.e., more functioning luminaires compared to the electricity consumption, reducing baseline), reflecting savings per functioning fixture savings by up to 30%. Cities would or luminaire block rather than absolute system-wide often blame AEL for lower-than-expected electricity use reductions. savings. 2 Proper streetlight design. At AEL included in the project the capability to undertake least 5–10% of city streetlights are not “lightscaping,” or street lighting redesign, within the planned effectively—overdesigned or project scope, and adjusted baseline electricity use underdesigned—resulting in inefficient calculations and capital expenditures accordingly. and/or inadequate street lighting. 3. Delays in payment. Since the AEL set aside adequate resources to maintain streetlights municipal governments are generally irrespective of delayed payment. Also, AEL increasingly cash-strapped and payment approvals separated maintenance and supply into two discrete face bureaucratic inertia, there may contracts, allowing AEL to recover the supply-related be delays in receivables. AEL regularly income notwithstanding potential nonpayment for experienced 60–90-day delays in maintenance. Also, the government clients preapproved the approval and transfer of monthly a significant share of payments due to AEL and instituted payments. expedited payment approval procedures. 4. Electricity theft. Theft, particularly Utility companies, clients, and AEL worked together to in second- and third-tier cities, is a implement measures such as concealing the supply points, major concern, which can result in installing tamper-proof meters, etc. Increased upfront reduced savings, resulting in cities’ expenditures for electronic metering, tamper proof seals, defaulting on the payment as agreed in and Load Management Systems with GSM technology the contract. were adopted by AEL in later projects to curtail theft. 5. Asymmetrical balance of To ensure 100% client satisfaction and maximum risk borne. Maintenance contracts burning efficiency, AEL adopted preventive maintenance generally place all performance risks practices. If a tube rod CFL has a life of 5,000 hours, the on the ESCO, yet AEL does not control ESCO will initiate replacement upon completion of 4,900 voltage quality, electricity reliability, hours of burning to reduce the down-time to minimal and other infrastructure concerns possible levels. Also, AEL maintained a minimum 1% that impact luminaire performance. inventory at the site to ensure timely replacement. AEL Furthermore, the penalties borne by also began negotiating inclusion of incentives necessary AEL due to nonperformance are large: to offset high costs of keeping performance above up to Rs 50 (US$0.79) per day per the 90% contracted threshold. One method employed light. was the inclusion in AEL’s contracted services of more extensive upfront infrastructure investment to ensure lighting performance and upkeep. 6. Savings distortions due to Installation of Load Management Systems with GSM nonperformance of lights. technology enables AEL and municipal clients to Nonperforming luminaires due to monitor streetlights functionality. Any major variance outages and failures may also result in in load indicates non-functioning streetlights or theft. lower utility bills. GSM technology would work on real-time basis and indicate the location of the variance. Source: Adapted from ESCO brief, drafted by AEL. 10 Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting These problems—particularly higher-than-expected maintenance costs, disputes over actual savings, and payment delays—tended to fritter away AEL’s profits and, according to AEL, made some of its first contracts not profitable until proper remediation and improved contract design corrections were made. Specifically, to secure more timely payment, AEL: (a) began separating payment for infrastructure (“supply”) from operations and maintenance; and (b) invested more up front in improved infrastructure for performance, metering, and theft prevention. Generally, clients were pleased with performance. Akola Municipal Corporation, which signed a six-year maintenance contract upon installation in 2007, experienced 2.1 million kWh (56%) in annual energy savings and Rs 6.4 million (US$133,000) in cost savings in the first year, providing full repayment in 11 months.21 Lessons Learned 1 | Adequate protocols for establishing data collection systems are necessary for effective monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV). A key drawback of the project was the lack of compatibility between the monitoring required by AEL’s business practices and contracts with its client cities, on one hand, and CDM monitoring requirements on the other. Because AEL’s energy performance contracts with Indian urban local bodies were based primarily on deemed rather than metered savings, AEL was ill-equipped to meet the rigorous metering and monitoring requirements of the CDM. Should CDM or other carbon revenues be part of municipal street lighting projects in the future, these monitoring practices and requirements should be synchronized or the more rigorous monitoring agency (CDM, in this case) would need to have a mechanism in place. 2 | Difficulty establishing appropriate baselines for the projects from which to account for savings. India’s rapidly growing, poorly managed municipal street lighting networks create numerous challenges for establishing the proper baseline. Streetlight network expansion as well as the increase in electricity use due to improved mainte- nance (i.e., greater numbers of functioning luminaires) necessitate calculations of expected “rebalancing” as well as regular, real-time updating of appropriate baselines at monthly or quarterly intervals. Such appropriate baselines may also be impacted by deferred ESCO maintenance due to nonpayment by the municipal client. 3 | Mechanisms for securing payment of the ESCO by the municipal corpora- tion are critically important. AEL did not use secured escrow contracts or automatic payment mechanisms. Initially, delays resulted from bureaucratic challenges regarding disputed savings, and municipal government cash-flow problems. In later projects, AEL redesigned contracts to expedite and automate payment approvals, anticipate contingencies in cases of disputed savings, and reserve the right to withhold maintenance in the case of nonpayment (which AEL did for one municipal corporation). Such barriers to prompt payment should be addressed at the project design stage to ensure the financial and operational viability of the ESCO model in India; AEL is already addressing them in more recent street lighting ESCO projects. ESCO Delivery Model: Asian Electronics, Limited in India 11 4 | Provisions are needed to address issues over which the ESCO has no control. Although ESCOs have little to no ability to control irregular voltage, blackouts, electricity theft, vandalism, and poor infrastructure quality and maintenance— none of which fall under their contractual obligations—they are sometimes held accountable when things go wrong. Energy performance contracts should make specific provisions absolving ESCOs of responsibility for such issues. Even better, mechanisms should be established to allow municipal governments, ESCOs, and other key stakeholders (such as state regulatory bodies and distribution companies) to address them. Endnotes 1 Infrastructure Development Department, Govern- 8  India classifies its cities into six “tiers” on the basis ment of Karnataka, June 2012. “Pre-Feasibility of population; Tier 2 is 50,000–99,999 people and Document: Energy Efficiency Project Energy Tier 3 is 20,000–49,999 people. Efficiency in Street Lighting through ESCO’s at 9  Written correspondence, Naman Shah, August Hubli-Dharwad.” ( 2015. docs/81_DMA_PFR_EnergyEfficiencyinStreet 10 World Bank CDM Project Design Document. lightingatHUbli_final.pdf); Hyperion Green Energy 11 Lux is the International System unit of illumination; India LTD, “Municipal DSM: The LED Alternative,” it is equal to one lumen per square meter. 12 AEL helped cities get interested in and design 2 World Bank CDM Project Design Document, street lighting services procurement. When AEL 2012. World Bank Project Information Document, first approached them, municipal street lighting April 2009. contracts were nearly unknown in India, so AEL 3 Urban local bodies—such as state ­ public works helped to create the market. The templates did not departments, municipalities, and corporations—­ ­ give AEL any special advantage when it came to manage the public utility services in each state. bidding for the work, and as the market matured, 4 USAID, 2010. Guidelines: Energy Efficient Street cities no longer needed templates from AEL. Lighting (New Delhi: USAID ECO-III ­ Project). 13 Written correspondence, Naman Shah, August 2015. Energy%20Efficient%20Street%20Lighting%20 14 ESMAP, “Good Practices in City Energy Guidelines.pdf Efficiency,” 2009. 5 CDM, 15 Interview, V. Baraneedharan, April 2015. 6 ESMAP. “Good Practices in City Energy Efficiency: 16 World Bank, Implementation Status and Results Akola Municipal Corporation, India - Performance Update No. 3, March 2015. Contracting for Street Lighting Energy Efficiency.” 17 Interview with Naman Shah, AEL, April 2015. ESMAP, Energy Efficient Cities ­ Initiative. October 18 V. Baraneedharan, “Annual Survey of Lamp Per- 2009. formance (2013) for CDM project ‘Bundled street files/CS_India_SL_Akola_020910.pdf lighting energy efficiency projects i­mplemented by 7 Jas Singh, Dilip R. Limaye, Brian Henderson, and AEL in India,’” February 2014. Xiaoyu Shi. Public Procurement of Energy ­ Efficiency 19 ESMAP, “Good Practices in City Energy Services: Lessons from International ­ Experience Efficiency,” 2009. (Washington, DC: IBRD/The World Bank), 2010. 20 Interview with Naman Shah, April 2015. 21 ESMAP, “Good Practices in City Energy 10986/13540 Efficiency,” 2009. Acr o n ym s a n d A b b r e vi ati o n s AEL Asian Electronics Limited ESCO energy service company BOOT build-own-operate-transfer kWh kilowatt hour CDCF Community Development LED light-emitting diode Carbon Fund MC municipal corporation CDM Clean Development Mechanism MWh megawatt hour CER Certified Emission Reductions Rs Indian rupee (currency) CFL compact fluorescent light UIT Urban Improvement Trust EPC energy performance contract US$ United States dollar (currency) 12 Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting PROVEN DELIVERY MODELS FOR LED PUBLIC LIGHTING ESCO Delivery Model in Central and Northwestern India: Asian Electronics, Limited is one in a series of seven knowledge products produced by ESMAP in an attempt to help cities work through the challenges associated with implementing LED public lighting programs. The publications include six case studies and a synthesis report which summarizes the case studies. Each case study describes the context in which decisions were made, then recounts the problems encountered and solved to realize the implementation of the programs. The challenges include real-life examples of: cities managing to attract private sector participants to provide necessary financing and technical expertise; programs implemented in municipalities that are not creditworthy and have limited policy and institutional support; small municipalities of about 2,500 residents as well as cities with several million residents; cities managing perceived Written by | Pedzi Makumbe, Debbie K. Weyl, Andrew Eil, and Jie Li risks; and cities effectively handling the measurement and verification of electricity savings accruing from the implementation of more efficient LEDs. Photo Credits Cover: ©Sumit Kumar; Inside Cover: ©Vladimir Sklyarov;  Proven Delivery Models for Page ii: ©Johnny Greig; Page iv: ©Hinging Sand LED Public Lighting | Synthesis Available via, unless otherwise indicated. of Six Case Studies Production Credits Production Editor | Heather Austin CASE STUDIES Typesetting | Automated Graphic Systems, Inc. 1 ESCO Delivery Model in Central Copyright © May 2016 and Northwestern India: Asian Electronics, Limited The International Bank for Reconstruction 2  Super-ESCO Delivery Model in And Development / THE WORLD BANK GROUP Vizag, India: Energy Efficiency 1818 H Street, NW | Washington DC 20433 | USA Services, Limited J oint Procurement Delivery 3  The text of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or nonprofit uses, without special permission Model in Ontario, Canada provided acknowledgement of the source is made. Requests for permission to reproduce portions for resale or commercial purposes should be sent to the ESMAP Manager at the address above. ESMAP 4 Public-Private Partnership encourages dissemination of its work and normally gives permission Delivery Model in Birmingham, promptly. The ESMAP Manager would appreciate receiving a copy of the United Kingdom publication that uses this publication for its source sent in care of the address above. 5 Lease-to-Own Delivery Model in All images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used Guadalajara, Mexico for any purpose without written permission from the source. 6 Municipal Financing Delivery Model in Quezon City, Philippines Available at: The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) is a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank. It provides analytical and advisory services to low- and middle- income countries to increase know-how and institutional capacity to achieve environmentally sustainable energy solutions for poverty reduction and economic growth. ESMAP is funded by Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, as well as The World Bank. For more information about ESMAP’s Energy Efficiency program and public lighting transformation activities, please visit us at Energy Sector Management Assistance Program The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA email: web: