I Ai~~~~~~~~~~~~~,h*,. . : .%-. HUN|"AIAN POWE fR COMPANIES LTD. h QUICKART GAS TUBRINE POWER PLANT \ >;.4, ./ / t-f(SECONDARY RSERVEI ;,- N W.3~5 C S * * -0 0~~~~~~~~~~ a . CS .E i.hAT hO2 6|5 Quick-start Gas Turbine Power Plant ofir DETAILED ENVIONM£NTAL IMPACt SUDbY %%Aft 77 II. ,ssp DETAILED sa ENViRONMETAL iMPAC STD , ozsef iIa-te~e June 1996 -I ETV-ER6TERV Rt Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Denomination of the documentation: Quick-start gas turbine power plant of Liter (Secondary reserve) Prepared by: Office of Environmental Protection Work. No.: 7011-99 No. of documentation: 550/782 Office Head: ................................... Istvan T6th Proiect Manager: .................................... Peter Hayer Oualitv supervisor: .................................... Lajos Mohicsi Date: June 6,1996 2 ETV-ER6TERV Rt Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The present study was prepared by the Office of Environmental Protection of ETV-EROTERV based on the contract concluded with ERBE Power Engineering & Consulting Ltd., with the cooperation of Mr. P6ter Hayer - ETV-EROTERV, Office of Enviromnental Protection - compilation Mr. Istvan Bodnar - ETV-EROTERV, Office of Environmental Protection - propagation calculations Mr. Lajos Mohicsi - ETV-EROTERV, Office of Environmental Protecion - waste management Mr. Ferenc Bakonyi - ETV EROTERV, Mechanical Office No. I - mechanical technology VTUKI Innosystem Co. Ltd - subsurface and surface waters CONSULT-R Partnership Company - noise "Bakony" Museum of Natural Science - flora and fauna National Public Health and Medical Officer's Service (ANTSZ) of Veszpr6m County - air quality 3 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. PART I ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS I/1 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 11 1/2 BACKGROUND ................................................. 12 1/2.1 Altenatives of the location of the facility, reasons ...................... 12 I/2.2 The investigated technological versions, their evaluation ............ 13 1/2.3 Feasibility study ................................................ 14 113 GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT, LANDSCAPE ......................... 20 1/4 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF THE Sm ................................... 22 115 GEOLOGICAL, HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT .26 115.1 Geological conditions .......................... 26 1/5.2 Hydrogeological conditions .26 I/6 SELECTION OF THE AREAS TO BE INVESTIGATED .................. 28 I/7 STATUS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS AND SYSTEMS ... ...................... 29 1/7.1. Status of waters . . .29 1/7.1.1. Subsurface waters . . .29 1/7.1.2 Surface waters .30 I/7.2Geological and soil investigations . . .31 i/7.3Air quality . . .34 I/7.4Flora and fauna . . .39 Botany .39 Zoology .42 I.7.4.3 Botanical and zoologic indicator groups .43 Diversity of habitats and their changes .43 1/.7.5Noise emission, current noise load of the environment ... 43 4 ETV-ER(5TERV Rt. ( ~ > RV Power Engineering and Contractor Co. PART II THE PLANNED ACTIVITY AND THE EXPECTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS II/1 OPERATION OF THE PLANNED GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT .................................................... 53 II/2 CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY ................................................ 57 11/2.1 Earthworks .................................................... 57 II2.2 Construction, assembly ................... ................................. 57 II/2.3 Changes taldng place in the environmental elements ....................... 58 11/3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE OPERATION ................. 63 II/3.1 Air pollution and air quality ..................................................... 63 II/3.1.1 The expected airborn emissions of the power plant and their qualification .63 II/3.1.2 Detenrination of the height of the stacks .64 1113.1.3 Changes in the air quality in the impact area .71 11.3.2 Changes in soil quality .73 11/3.3 Changes in subsurface and surface water quality .74 II13.4 Impacts originating from the storage of raw materials and wastes 75 II/3.5 Impacts of noise emission of the power plant .76 II/3.6 Microclimatic impacts .79 II/3.7 Ecological prognostics for habitats .79 11/3.7.1 Natural and secondary grasses .82 1I/3.7.2 Natural forests ............... 82 11/3.7.3 Planted pine forests .82 1I13.7.4 Lakes, water flows .83 II/3.7.5 Areas under agricultural cultivation (ploughlands) .83 I113.8 Impacts on human health and other human impacts .84 I113.9 Social-economical impacts .84 I11/3.10 Impacts on the landscape ........................,,,,,,,..... 88 Il/3. 11 Other expected impacts due to average and operational troubles . 89 5 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Il/4 EXPECTED IMPACTS OF DECOMMISSIONING ............................ 91 I114.1 Changes in subsurface and surface water quality ................................ 91 1114.2 Changes in the soil quality .................................................... 91 11/4.3 Ecological changes .................................................... 92 1/4.4 Land use .................................................... 92 1115 DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES ..................... 93 I115.1 Protection of the air quality .................................................... 93 11/5.2 Water protection .................................................... 94 I115.3 Soil protection .................................................... 94 115.4 Noise protection .................................................... 95 IV5.5 Nature protection .................................................... 95 IV5.6 Landscape protection .................. .................................. 95 1115.7 Emergency response .................................................... 95 1116 MAIN UNCERTAINTIES AND MISSING DATA ............................ 97 1I/6.1 Planning circumstances .................................................... 97 11/6.2 Construction circumstances ..................................................... 97 116.3 Current environmental status and impacts ........................................ 97 11/6.3.1 Air quality .................................................... 97 11/6.3.2 Water quality .................................................... 98 II/6.3.3 Soil quality ................................................................................ 98 1/6.3.4 Ecological data .................................................... 98 I117 MONITORING SYSTEM .................................................... 100 11/7.1 Monitoring during construction .................................................... 100 1117.2 Monitoring during operation .................................................... 100 1117.2.1 Air pollution and air quality .................................................... 100 11/7.2.2 Investigation of subsurface and surface waters ........................ 101 II/7.2.3 Investigation of soil contamination .......................................... 101 1117.2.4 Biomonitoring .................................................... 101 6 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and RV Contractor Co. IN/8 SUMMARY II/8.1 Introduction ....................................................... 103 II/8.2 Description of the facility ....................................................... 104 I1/8.2.1 Installation ....................................................... 104 11/8.2.2 Description of the operation of the projected gas turbine power plan ........................................................ 105 11/8.3 Expected environmental changes and their evaluation ........................... 108 II/8.3.1 Investigation of the environmental impacts and the impacts areas.. 108 II/8.3.2Current status of the environment ................................................... 108 11/8.3.3 The construction and its impacts on the environment ..................... 110 11/8.3.4 Operation and its impacts on the environment ................................ 113 11/8.3.5 Expected impacts of deconmmissioning ........................................... 118 II/8.4 Environmental measures ....................................................... 119 Literature and studies prepared and used during the preparation of the environmental impacts study ....... 121 7 E1V-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and eVTERV Contractor Co. LIST OF FIGURES I/2.3.-1. Site plan 112.3.-2. Installation plan I/2.3.-3. Schematic drawing 1/5.1.-1. Map of seismic activities I/5.1.-2. Accelerations of 100-year frequency I/5.1.-3. Geomorphological conditions 1/5.1.-4. Geological conditions 1/5.1.-5. Genetical soil map I/5.1.-6. Soil quality conditions I/5.2.-1. Hydrogeological map of the Balaton Highland I/6.-1. Map of the investigated areas - Geology, soil and subsurface waters I/6.-2. Map of the investigated areas - Surface waters 1/6.-3. Map of the investigated areas - Air U6.4. Map of the investigated areas - Flora and fauna I/6.-5. Map of the investigated areas - Noise U/6.-6. Map of the investigated areas - Comprehensive map 1/7.1.1.-1. Average water yield of subsurface waters in the Bakony region 1/7.1.1.-2. Average depth of subsurface water wells in the Bakony region 1/7.1.2.-I. Map of surface waters of the region I/7.2.-I. Well logs of well K-2 1/7.2.-2. Well logs of well K-3 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and (TERV Contractor Co. 117.3.-1. Contamination trend - Kirilyszentistvan 117.3.-2. Contamination trend - Balatonfiizfb factory plant I/7.3.-3. Contamination trend - Balatonfiizfo (town) I/7.3.-4. Contamination trend - Peremarton I/7.3.-5. Contamination trend - Balatonahmadi I/7.3.-6. Contamination trend - VesprIn 1/7.5.-l. Location of noise measuring points II/l.-I./aa Operational scheme of the gas turbine II/I.-I./b Axonometric view of the gas turbine II/1.-2./a Section of the container unit of the gas turbine II/1 .-2./b Axonometric view of the container unit of the gas turbine II/3.1.2.-I. Comparison of 30-;ninute NOx, S02 and CO immissions, two- stack version 11/3.1 .2.-2. Distribution of 30-minute NOx immissions (values under the axis of the smoke plume) as a fumction of the distance calculated from the pollution source - in case of two stacks, H = 51 m II/3.1.2.-3. Comparison of 30-minute NOx, S02 and CO immissions in case of a single stack II/3.1.2.-4. Distribution of 30-minute NOx immissions (values under the axis of the smoke plume) as a fimction of the distance calculated from the pollution source - in case of a single stack 11/3.1.2.-5. Distribution of 30-minute NOx immissions (values under the axis of the smoke plume) as a function of the distance calculated from the pollution source - in case of two stacks, H = 40 m 11/3.1.2.-6. Comparison of the values of 30-minute NOx immissions of 40 and 51 m high stackss, in case of one single stack and two stacks 9 ETV-EROTERV Rt. (~ ) RV Power Engineering and Contractor Co. QUICK-START GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT OF LITER (Secondary reserve) DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY PART I ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS 10 E1V-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. V1 INTRODUCTION One of the outstanding objectives of the Hungarian energy policy approved by the National Assembly is the diversification of the energy sources, and - in view of wire energy - the extension of the connections. Therefore, in 1991, the Government made a decision, that the Hungaran energy system joins UCPTE, the association of the Western-European electric energy systems, which are on a higher technical level and which may guarantee a more safe electric energy supply for Hungary. One of the basic conditions of joining UCPTE is, that the Hungarian electric energy systen should have a quick-action, so-called secondary control reserve capacities of a size determined by UCPTE recommendations. These reserve capacities should be equivalent at least to the greatest capacity of the electric energy production unit of the system. In the Hungarian electric energy system the greatest capacity production units are the 460 MW blocs of the Nuclear Power Plant of Paks, thus the secondary control reserve capacity should be of 460 MW. In the recent years, the Hungarian Power Companies Ltd. (MVM Rt.) has performed comprehensive investigations for analyzing the most purposeful possibilities of ensuring the required reserve capacity. Based on the analysis, MVM has come to the conclusion, that 200 MW of the required reserve capacity should be ensured by establishing quick-start gas turbine power plants. 11 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and t ER6TERV ) Contractor Co. 1/2 BACKGROUND 1/2.1 Alternatives of the location of the facility, reasons Starting from the role of the secondary control power plants played in the electric energy system, MVM has come to the conclusion, that it would be purposeful to install the power plants serving for this purpose at the significant connection points of the electriC energy system, at the great substations of the network. In spring 1994 investigations have been carnied out for the possible locations. Four substations have been found as optimal locations for installation: the substation of the Nuclear Power Plant of Paks, the substation of Lit6r, the substation of Martonvisir and the substation of Saj6szoged. In autumn 1994 MVM invited ETV-ERC)TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. to prepare a detailed feasibility study and a preliminary environmental impact study for the above four locations. When evaluating the conceptual plans it has become clear, that at the substation of Martonvhsir the connection of the power plant to the network could only be done at much higher costs with respect to the other sites, therefore further investigations have been stopped by MVM for this location. For the locations of the Nuclear Power Plant of Paks, of Liter and Saj6szoged the detailed feasibility studies and the preliminary environmental impact studies have been completed by the beginning of 1995. Based on these documentations, in May 1995, MVM Rt started the licensing procedure of the facilities. In its decision No. 31.700-17/1995, the Environmental Inspectorate of the Middle Transdanubian Region prescribed to prepare a detailed environmental impact study fcr the secondary reserve gas turbine power plant to be established at thc :ubstation of Lit6r. In its decision No. 46/1995, the Hungarian Energy Office has granted a preliminary building permit for the secondary reserve power plant of Liter. 12 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. In January and February 1996, in possession of the preliminary building pernit issued by the Hungarian Energy Office, in cooperation with Ratky and Co. Marketing Communication Agency, MVM Rt. organized a public hearing in harmony with Govenmment Decree No. 146/1992.(XIA.). On April 22, 1996 a decision has been issued by the inter-depaazmental committee in connection with the information of the public, according to § 3 of the above said Govemment Decree. It2.2 The investigated technological versions, their evaluation A secondary reserve function can be ensured by the water reservoir power plants or the quick-start open-cycle gas turbine power plants. The advantages of the water reservoir power plant are: quick starting, the transfornation of the cheaper night electric energy to a day-time peak energy, the disadvantages are: the high specific investnent cost and the long building time. It would be impossible to build a water reservoir power plant by the time of the final joining to the UCPTE system - by the end of 1997 -, consequently, the only alteLiLative is the installation of quick-start gas turbines. Based on the evaluation of 12 informal proposals for gas turbines, which have been received during the past 2 years, we have drawn the general technical consequences, nanely, that the requirements of quick starting (rated output to be achieved in max. 10 minutes) are primarily met by the aeroderivative gas turbines, which are driving gears of airplanes transformed for industrial purposes. The most applicable types are LM 6000 (GE) and TRENT (Rolls-Royce) gas turbines, see installation plan 1I23.-2. These gas turbines comply with the environmental requirements, and - thanks to their layout characteristics (container-type structLre) - they can be installed easily, quicldy and efficiently. When evaluating the proposals, the enviromnental aspects shall fully be taken into considen-tion. The selection of the final type and the determination of the number of the units shall be based on the results of an intemational competition, taking also into consideration the environmental aspects. 13 ETV-EROTERV RL Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Since 100 ±20 MW has been determined in the preliminary building permit of the Hungarian Energy Office as the capacity of the power plant, therefore, when investigating the environmental impacts, 120 MW maximum capacity and a two-bloc structure shall be taken into consideration, however, in some cases, the single-bloc structure shall also be investigated. 1/23 Feasibility study The main items of the detailed feasibility study are the following: Location The 2.4 ha size location is in the outskirts of Lit6r, in N-E direction, in the northern part of the area surrounded by the Veszpr6m-BalatonfIzf5i and Veszpr6m-Kirilyszentistvhn roads and the so-called transformer transportation roads, in westem direction from the existing substation (see site plan No. 1/23.-i.). In the location the following equipment and systems shall be installed (see installation plan No. 1123.-2. and the attached schematic drawing 1123.-3): - gas turbine and auxiliary equipment - generator and auxiliary equipment - electric equipment of the power plant - electric technology of the substation - control system - environmental monitoring system - fuel supply system - water supply system - fire protection system The power plant shall be accessible by a connection road branching from the transportation road of the neighbouring substation. The plant shall have its own access and transportation roads and pavements according to the needs. The communal and fire water demands of the facility shall be covered through a branching from the main pipeline between the water works of Liter and the substation. 14 U U a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - O ~' " ^ X - lN4a i. B . 9 *1 I v , I I . I A l p p-.i .~~Qucksar i n aw - fj|fM:: H- -I l~~~~~~~~~ - - - -; - -- - - a I I I WI~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S 1~~~ II i' , -tt G j~~~~ >-...~~~4..m a _ |:g: 8e * I - L ¢ * I a _ s-- E ;/3 14s L r ------------------------------ ----------- " -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~LFj- I A r 1~~~~~~ 0~~~3 lI r XA - i1 ttgiZ,} \3 3 li | n l || i ii f 1 E II 1iiiE 0 FrY~~ '-0 lI50a .~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~tJ~ . ..I iI~~~~~ *k~ZN I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I. -------- -- -- ------- ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Equipment and systems Gas tnrbine and auxiliarv equipment The gas turbine and the auxiliary equipment are meant the following equipment between the cross section of the air suction inlet and the cross section of the steel stack outlet connecting to the flue gas channel of the gas turbine: - gas turbine unit operating with liquid fuel - steel base plate with base screws (with anchoring elements to be fixed with concrete) - noise-abating light-structure cover to reduce the noise emission of the machine unit - air suction and filtering system equipped with defroster, sound damper, after-flring gate and supportng structure - exhaust system equipped with sound damper, balance, snap and stack - fuel supply system, - burner system, - possibly a driving gear between the gas turbine and the generator, with a lubricating oil system - gas turbine lubricating oil system - starting and axle-driving system - cooling system - water injection system for reducing NOx emission (if necessary) - fire detection system, fire signalling, fire alarm, Co2 fire extinguishing system - pipelines for the auxiliary equipment - illumination system (indoor, outdoor) - ventilation system within the cover - lifting equipment for assembly and maintenance - electric and control technique with winrng. 15 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Generator and auxiliar equipment The synchronous generators connected to the gas turbines shall be air cooled, their output voltage shall be determined by the supplier. The energizing shall be statical or by rotary diodes. Each machine shall be provided with a switchgear of a generator output voltage. The connection between the generator switches and the house service, as well as the main transformer, shall be ensured by a clad bus by phases. The auxiliary equipment of the generator also include neutral instruments, measuring switches and the overvoltage protection. The protection system shall be digital. Electric equipment of the power plant Each machine unit shall have an independent 0.4 kV a.c., 220 V and 24 V. d.c., as well as a 230 V ac. break-in operation system. The fuel supply system, the outbuilding installation, the fire water system, and the demi water system shall have separate 0.4 kV distnrbutors. Electric technology of the sub-station The electric technology of the sub-station is meant the section between the 120 kV switches of the bloc transformer and the 120 kV bus bar, including all pnmary and secondary (protection and control technique) equipment, transmission line and cable. It also includes the sub-station switching equipment serving for the supply of the power plant stand-by ransformer, and the connecting cable. The generated electric energy is conducted from the bloc transformer of the gas turbine unit to the 120 kV switching gear through a single system 120 kV overhead line. 16 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Control technique equiDment The gas turbine power plant shall operate under the control of the National Electric Load Distributor (OVI), i.e. OVT shall decide on the switching on/off of the gas turbine units. Therefore, OVT should get all infonnation on the basis of which starting and the operating conditions of the gas turbine can be judged. The power plant shall be controlled by the OVT staff, while supervision and trouble shooting shall be the responsibility of the OVIT sub- station staff of Liter. OVT shall be connected through the sub-station. The process control of the power plant, as a whole, shall be ensured by the control technique of the power plant, superordinated to the autonomous control systems. Environmental monitoring sstem For controlling the emissions polluting the air, S02, NOx, solid particles, 02 and CO/CO2 measurng and evaluating systems shall be established, operating on a permanent basis. Fuel upply system Fuel shall arrive to the power plant by road, in tank-trucks. Two twin-type, covered discharge stations shall be established for the reception of the trucks, i.e. four max. 30 cum trucks can be discharged in the same time. Three 30 cu.m/h capacity pumps shall serve for discharging the fuel, one of which shall be a reserve. Fuel shall be stored in two 1000 cum above-ground cylindrical tanks in vertical position, provided with a fixed roof and an inner floating roof. The talk shall have thermal insulation, an alumina sheet casing and a reinforced concrete protective ring. At each machine unit fuel shall be supplied from the oil tanks to the spray pump installed before the gas turbine by 2 (one working, one reserve) parallel- connected intermediate pumps, respectively it shall be circulated in a condition ready for service between the tanks and the spray pump. 17 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and ( ERd TERV ) Contractor Co. An oil separator shall be installed, together with the required technological equipment, for the collection of oily waste waters running down from the access road leading to the discharging place, of the technological waste waters and of the oils spilling at the gas turbine machine unit. as well as for the separation of the oil from waste waters. The separated oily sludge shall be pumped into a container, then transported for disposal. Water supplv systems Demi water supply system Demi water system shall supply water to the cooling system, and, if required, to the equipment reducing NOX emission of the gas turbines. Demi water shall be transported by tank-trucks to the power plant. The equipment of demi water supply are the following: - two 300 cu.m capacitr demi water tanks - two 20 cu.m/h capacity pumps for filling the tanks - two 30 cu.m/h capacity pumps for forwarding demi water from the tanks to the machine units; hoisting: 20 m Communal water supply Communal water demand of the plant is 0.1 cu.m/day, max. 1 cu.m/month. Communal water is supplied by a pipe branching from the drinking water pipeline of the sub-station. Communal waste water shall be collected in a closed tank, then it shall be transported for disposal. 18 E1V-ERCTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Fire water supply A 450 cu.m fire water pool shall be built for the power plant. According to Section 3.1.7 of the Hungarian Standard Specifications the pool should fully be filled within 48 hours. This requires a 2.6 I/s capacity pipeline. Fire water shall also be supplied by the above mentioned pipeline. Fire protection systems When designing fire protection, the two 1000 cu.m fuel oil tanks should be taken into consideration together with their auxiliary equipment, oil pump house, and the tank-truck discharge stations. The container units of the gas turbine and the generator are provided with separate C02 xctinguishers by the manufacturer. The control room of the sub-station shall have a new, "intelligent" fire signalling center. The signals shall arrive directly to the center installed in the control room of the sub-station, and then to the fire brigade of the municipality. 19 ETV-ERO1TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 113. GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT, LANDSCAPE The site of the projected plant is located at the meeting point of two medium regions - Bakony region and Mez6fold -, and it is divided to fiurther small regions, thus reflecting the variety of the environment. To North-West from Liter the site is bordered by the Veszprem highland, to Sout-East by the Balaton highland and, as a continuation, the Vilonya mountains, while to East from Ffizfgyartelep the neighbouring region is Sirr&t. Within the geographical environment of the plant there are the following settlements: at a distance of about 3 kIn S6ly (300 inhabitants),Vilonya (600 inhabitants) and BalatonfEof (5300 inhabitants), at a distance of 2 kan KiTilyszentistvin (300 inhabitants), the nearest - at a distance of approx. 1 kan - is Liter (1850 inhabitants). The majority of them are very old settlements, with the traditional "single street" aniangement, but, during the recent years, they have undergone significant changes. There are new buildings everywhere, but it is Liter which has expanded mostly. Vor5sber6ny and Balatonffifd are mostly resort places, while Peremarton-Gyhrtelep and FizOgyfrtelep are expressly mdustrial settlements with modem housing estates. The above settlements have originally been agricultural settlements - the lands of loose rocky soil have been under agricultural cultivation, while the dolomites have been used for grazing - but since the appearance of the industrial plants in the region a part of the population works in the industry. The region is crossed by the following railway lines: at North by the Budapest-Szombathely railway line, at East by the Hajmask6r-Csajig railway line and its embranchment at BalatonfUizfd. Two main roads cross the region: main road No. 8 from Szekesfeh6rvar to Veszprem and its side-road to the Balaton, and secondary main road No. 72 which connects the region with highway M-7. The determining morphological element of the natural landscape is a dolomite range in NE-SW direction. The treeless parts of the rocky surface covered with a thin soil layer are characteristic to this rolling, slightly wavy country. The northem part is a highland of an average altitude of 200 m BSL located at the two sides of main road No. 8, which has a slight slope to NE direction, and which lowers from 210 m to 180 m. The surface, which seems to be uniform from a greater distance, is interrupted, in a mosaic-like shape, by small cone- shaped fornations and groups of cone-shaped formations, and ridges, between them there are depressions without an outlet and small valleys - keeping the traces of a long-standing karstic process. In the main direction (NE-SW) the dolomite range is almost cut into two parts by the so-called "great structural line of Liter" which is followed by Bendola-creek, too. Along the Iine there have been for millions of years, and still there are, seismic activities, and 20 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. the interaction of the petrographical structure and the erosion has resulted in a specific morphological picture. At the NW side of the "Lit6r crack" there is a lower strip of eroded red sand rock and aleurolite from the Permian epoch. The Bendola-creek, which has its source in the great structural zone, runs in this wide, erosion bed, cut into the filled bottom of the valley. The section of the valley over Lit6r is still at an altitude of over 200 m, but at the railway station its altitude is below 170 m, then the valley widens and unites with the S6Iy basin, which is at an altitude of 155 m. At the SE side of the crack there are Triassic dolomite blocks of an altitude of 230-250 m BSL (Nyerges- mountain, Mogyor6s-mountain, Vilonya-mountains) with steep slopes running down to the valley of Bendola-creek located at an altitude lower by 50-80 m. The dolomite range is transversely cut into smaller pieces by short and steep dry valleys. In SE direction gently sloping hillsides and ridges run down between the valleys to the edge of Sarret located at an altitude of 140-150 m. The above mentioned karstic formations can also be found on this higher range of mountains. It is a result of the uncovered karstic surface, that the region is lacking natural water flows. After Bendola-creek the second significant water flow is SRd. This creek also runs at the foot of dolomite rocks, which are likely steep, but lower than those of Lit6r (10-30 m), then, at Hajmisker it turns to S- SE direction and crosses the dolomite range through two short, steep-walled canyons and runs to the lowland of Sarret. The most important geomorphological and landscape formations of the region are: - the karstic dolomite surface along main road No. 8 - the steep slope of the Liter crack with dolomite blocks - the right side of Sed-creek, with dolomite rocks, between Kdita and Hajmasker - the crossings of Sed-creek at S6ly and Vilonya This specific "dolomite" landscape is destroyed by the sight of the planted pine trees, which do not harmonize with the original, native plants of the region, just like the numerous small quarries and large gravel pits, which are often used as illegal waste disposal sites. 21 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Ergineering and ( ERdTERV ) Contractor Co. 1/4 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF THE SITE From climatic point of view the area belongs to the edge of Mezofold, which is the driest part of the Transdanubian region, meanwhile the temperatures are similar to the average values of the country. The temperature data have been provided by the meteorological station of Veszprem. Detailed meteorological data are shown in Tables 1/4-1, 1/4-2, 1/4-3 and 1/4-4, based on the data of 1988-1993 recorded by the meteorological station of Veszpr6m: Table 1/4-1 - Average and extreme values of the average temperature Average Maximum Minimum January 0.6 4.0 -2.3 February 1.5 5.6 -1.7 March 5.9 10.5 2.1 April 9.4 14.6 4.9 May 14.5 19.9 9.3 June 17.3 22.8 12.4 Julv 20.2 26.2 14.7 i Auis_ 20.6 26.6 15.3 September 15.2 20.6 10.7 October 9.8 14.6 5.8 November 3 6.3 0.1 December 0.4 3.3 -2.0 Yearly 9.9 14.6 1 5.8 22 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Table i14-2 - Average value of the relative humidity (%) January 80 Februarv 75 March 71 April 67 May 65 June 69 July 62 August 62 September 69 October 76 November 83 December 82 Yearly 72 Table 1/4-3 - Average number of rainy days per mouth and per year Precipitation >0.1 mm >1.0 mm >5.0 mm >10.0 mm January 6 3 1 0 February 10 5 1 1 March 9 6 2 1 April 11 7 2 1 May 11 7 2 1 June 13 8 4 2 July 9 8 4 3 August 8 5 4 2 September 9 5 2 2 October 10 7 4 3 November 13 7 4 2 December 11 6 2 1 Yearly 118 73 32 17 23 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and X RVERp Contractor Co. Table 1144 - Frequency of wind directions and average wind velocity associated with wind directions Wind direction Frequency Average wind (%) velocity (mWs) N 11 3.8 N-NE 2.5 2.7 NE 1.7 2.6 E-NE 1.6 2.7 E 7.9 3.1 E-SE 7 2.6 S 3.3 2.7 S-SE 4.3 2.3 S 7.1 2.2 S-Sw 4.9 2.5 SW 5.1 2.8 W-SW 3.1 3.1 W 4.5 3.1 W-NW 2.6 3.2 NW 13.7 4.1 N-NW 14.4 4.1 Calm 5.3 _ In the region there is no meteorological station where the vertical temperature gradient is examined (there are only 13 such meteorological stations in the country). The closest measuring station analyzing the vertical temperature gradient is in Si6fok, but due to the influence of Lake Balaton, their data differ from the transmission conditions of the area of the projected power plant in such a great measure, that they could not be taken into consideration. Therefore, the average occurrence frequencies in the wind velocity and stability categories are same as the national average frequencies in Table 1/4-5 (Bede-Gacs). 24 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Table 1/4-5 - Average occurrence frequencies by wind velocity and stabilitv cstegories. % Stability Wind velocity category category 0,1 | 0,9 2,5 4,4 6,7 9,3 12,3 1 6 Total I 0,3 1,7 1,5 0,2 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 3,8 2 0,3 2,2 2,2 0,5 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 5,3 3 0,5 3,5 3,9 1,1 0,2 0,1 0,0 0,0 9,3 4 0,4 4,3 5,6 2,2 0,6 0,1 0,0 0,0 13,2 5 0,4 5,9 9,1 4,6 1,6 0,4 0,1 0,0 22,1 6 0,5 7,2 14,6 10,1 5,2 1,7 0,4 0,1 39,8 7 0,0 0,9 2,9 1,9 0,7 0,1 0,0 0,0 6,5 Total 2,4 25,7 39,8 20,6 8,5 2,4 0,5 0,1 100 25 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 1/5 GEOLOGICAL, HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1/5-1 Geological conditions The geological environment of the site of the projected plant structurally is a part of the SE wing of the central mountain range. The area, which is bordered by main cracks, tectonically is characterized by cracks and faults, folds and local archings, scalings and stridings. From seismic point of view, it is more sensitive than the average (see Tables 1/5.1-1 and 115.1-2). The majority of the small region is built from the materials of mezozoic dolomite and lime stone formations. Lit6r village and its environment is located at the meeting point of the Bakony mountain and the Balaton Highland, along the so-called Lit6r furrow (See Fig. 1/5.1-3). In the development of the geological structure of the area the funrows have played a significant role. They can be divided into two groups: the cross-wise furrows of NW-SE direction, due to their open character, indicate aquiferous strips; the NE-SW direction longitudinal furrows, perpendicular to the above, have a closed character, they are not aquiferous, and they are parallel to the strike of the mountain. In the geological construction of the area, the base rock can be found directly under the thin topsoil: limestone, respectively dolomite, at some places lime marl with clay marl inclusions. At a great part of the area base rock formations can be found directly on the surface. The geological and pedological conditions are shown by Figs. I15.1-4, -5 and -6. 1/5.2 Hydrogeological conditions The most significant water resources in the area of the projected plant are the karstic waters in the Triassic carbonate deposit, which forms the base rock of Bakony. The current volume of the karstic waters of the region depends on the water level and the pressure conditions. The rate of infiltration is primarily a function of precipitation. 26 La Commonwealth of Independent - 2..' ,4:' ~~ States (CIS) A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Slovenia r w h f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ik cfF-s Fig. 1/5.1A- - Map of maximum seismic activities Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Slovenia It, yX;OsxAO Fig. 116.1.-2 Accelerations of 100-year frequenci . . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 350 , * 3, b ;q , S - - IS Db^ 1* s~h -K":^b'> ¢- ..,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............ ?4 t ' 14 , 4 r . O |d 1- t - , _ I AI~ ri~~i Structural-morphological great forms Lithology Age of surfacial formations Mountains Eluvial arcns and clay loam detritus Geneal ttmy or Older form . .. .Ancient ruptured. folded block mountain Ti lva mso ietn --- Lower mountain of medium height . . . Thin elual nes on limestone Medieval block mountains with uplifts (folded) L._ .;c and dolomite surfaces I r; Ancient and Teiary fonms a) highlands and ridges of mountains of medium height * - Clav loan alluviumt on late Tertiary :b) lower ridges , volecoclk. uartly reseled on L General Miocene form ' Volcaniclmountain a)ridges ofinountainsofmedium Loessv m.glialloa Hill-countries b) lower ridges height on Tertaty.Quatenm loose dcoosit =l Hilly slopes in Teriary4Quatemary of_ Dtnial clay band rora eove Lowver- and Upper-Pannonian. Hilly ridges loose deposits Slope deposits, deluvia (resettied resp. = a U Plicne form Inter-mountain small basins aCcutnutlated by slope washing, i!O-IJ Loper-.PMedistm-n aornd solifluction and mass movements) L Upper-Plistocene fonn Plains M7r High flood pin Fluvial m Sandy, loess-like slope deposit, slope | Geral Holocene form Low flood plain . Sandy or deitaIl clav, gbcia loan ;i Ancient and late-Holocene form Talus with benches Plain loessy loam MON SopOS and loessy loamixed m d Deying form Talus covered by quick sand with fossile soil Plain covered by loess Slide rock. detritus in loamy bedding Buj BU.ding form Topographic forms Planationdnudation-dcasim forms Neogene volcanic mountains Tectonic and sub crustal forms Slightly artculated foot surfaer. i~]Paeusra~hgln Rifi valley slpe before he mountains Phttcusudicc,highlnd Fonner foot surifce heavily Uplift uedby valleys | Upperlevelofsideridges RliSpDlRt bench ower mdey d Lower level of side ridges, MORntDin dge, stnheral b* L.!oiovl ftec foot surface ?Wira. js7 Tempeature *C, chamacistic dcnent transformed by plaation Block mountains ~ Wateryield 00 t/PrC Sea-evel atitudeErosion-denudlation-plnation benc, r w Wateryield IODUP- Sea-level altitiide -P t, i dri*tce Old decayed block in top position Spring vwith minerals diktnc -- Abrasion bench. terrace -. Old decayed block covered 9 Othersprings with Tariy deposit 200 Height (m) characteristic to the topography Foot edge Old block with rtiar t S]ordecying Tertimy deposit Dmudation basin i Old block swfice sunkk I in treshold or bench position, pedinnented in the Neogcne . DeasZion valley 1% J Old decayed block sunk below the covered surface -Denudation nmnadrock Slip slope; mountin edge Wmus of a povisiona water flow 1/5.1-3 - Geomorphological conditions V,> -.' ' '''':, t b?. .--..... ': Grvel . Flluvial gravel Freshwater limestone IZj Andesite e, Fluvial sand Fhvial sand Clay. sand. brown coal layers '. Gravel. sad. day = Quick sand, dedgy sand W m Beach dvng Sand, cl y, gavlCos im clay deposited by wind - Sandy loess. loessy sand -M Beach drifing E Limestone, marl. clay a Lai limestonc sand, clay. Loess. yelow earth Lim limemud nnd, , Lbicstonc marl. sandstone. lamieet - mud, limeao lmsaond. brwn coal M dst B B n and red erth Paz, pent mud -t ime marl. imtne, bsw H Andesile ntff h Grvel Meadow clay Batia redetposired bauxite RioCtebff I;, smw ma~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~teriaL. int&ticoloured clay ~ ilt lb Loessy mud Ns I , MaL imesne brown coal. t Sandy clq marl ~'Gravel j Alkaline soil cly Wornglmera of Alka o meaegre. (los lessy mud,[ay. sard) Bauxite bauxite material -'-.. sCanlrciy. mvn coal Gravel ,m AEluvial sand, alluvial mud. Mat. limestone- sandstone Mr: Sand.sandsne gavd.l cl 4 Sand 'e:tJ Bastt ihi aa , Siliceous rL ltilestone. Fmr Sudsnso iv Sand ~ ~ ~ ~~-sib alluSaial nds-o-e -rhwaterlmtoasali tmaliceousymarl 'lay mamrl t ui) Frcshwater lznestoke, sinter ii Taptuff 4%tE Limestonc and marl a Cly, clay marl (supi) - Piedmont deposits Sand, sandstone, gravel, e Bmchiopodic, amnonitic . ei madl sandstne, freshwater lim es_- limestone, ngwnus clay conglomatc (lantorl) Main dolomitc Slte cly, phyllitc (alng Lake Dabaon) Uppr marl oSaulyDchsteBn liaestonre limestone with fireswreM Geen slate with serpentine . w,~ Limestone. diabase, P t vim Quartz mica schist, quanz phyllite Dolomite. dolimite and limestcne Lim ic schist, with fold Cil conglomerate iT-rtLimcswzc, litecs one with ftreso 0 _:meton, liestne wth nP O mica schist, leukophyllite, quite Multicoored late clay.Snc L limestone . dolomite Guess Berchy and salty red sandstone n -.conglonmete Cwccitcfnv - Light-gry. semi-rysalline s3 Fault,te arow shws towards the left pat Oldpaeozoic and C Striding, the nedles show th direction of striding laepaleozoic granite and migmatite adhesive slates Fig. I/5.1.4 - Geological conditions - I Soil types and sub-types Quick sand i Chemozem-type sand _ Meadow solonetz turning into steppe 2 Rendzina-soil , Typical cheozem 22 Solonetz meadow soil - with calci-sinter 3 Erubase soil, black moist land ;3J- Lowland chemozem 23 Meadow soil -. .-'" . with calci-sinta V Very sour. non-podsole, Lowland chernozent - brown forest soil t' with ialci-sinteT ;*;, Meadow alluvial soil salty in deep layers Podsole brown forest soil I5 Meadow chenmoz Marshy meadow soil 6 Brown forest soil with clay I$ I Meadow chernmozem. Fen soil ;- inwash J saltv in deeper lavers 7 7 Pseudogleic brown forest soil 17 Alluvial chenowzem Reclaimed fcn. divided into lots - Brown soil, brown "1RamanIn"' __J forestssoil - I- to. Solonchak Soil of marshy woodlands 9 Fossil brown forest soil Solonchalk-solonetz & z Rough alluvium Chernozem brown forest soil Meadow solonet Loose deposits Sandy tertay and older Solid rocks :. dcposits Clav and clay loam loessy Moist land, Teriary and Sandstone deposits -- " \ older deposits loessydmedpoysloas -an Clay and lay loam, gnw Slate clay. phyllite loessy deposits ; -'and lake bed or alluvial deponitc l Sandy loam, loessy deposiss Mediumk-cledsgy loam,tn ote glacial and lake bed or bndestc, dolite aluvial deposits . Clay and cay loam, Sandy loam gaalndlake + Granite. pomphyz Tertary and older deposits bed or afluvial deposits __ Medieval loam, Sandy glacia and lake k Aneieroie,bsl Tertiamy and older deposisj 'bdo luildpts s x Jrx i Sandy loam,.. .- Organic glacial and lake Tertiary and older deposits ..L: bed or alluvial deposits Fig. 1/5.1-5 - Genetical soil map ;7Tyz--..~~~~~~~~~~~ra". l~~~~~~~~~~~~i ,, ;* - , ! .>V* %'jrt\ // ~ ..' Projected lantsite 4(R* - ,-- _ VI.Fa ! _, -''VlA _;z . f ;;- . - _ __ ._~ - - K VI I Z * _ _ _ 7 No. of soil value Quality category No te Carbonaw go,7 .100 Sanld l ] [11S 80.1 90 Sandy loam It. LIILiL 701-80 Loam 60.1 -70 1 _1 IV Clay loam 60.1-60 V Clay II 40.1 -W VI vi mram32:.3 4Gmavel 30.1-40 VIl Stone 20.1-3D : VlillKt lrmrsm; ,_3:' 2ohi, peal t l!H 10.1-20 lx 0.1.10 x Fig. 1/5.1-6 - Soil quality conditions ETV-ERC5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and tvvTERV Contractor Co. The last years are characterized by the lack of precipitation in the whole region. According to forecasts, the extremely dry period, characteristic to the recent years, is not yet over, and we cannot count with a significant increase of the natural water supply in the coming few years. Regarding the water balance, the decisive proportion of tappings of water resources are mine water excavations since the mid of 1960's. In the recent years the karstic water volumes excavated by mines have significantly reduced. In general, it can be stated, that, in the last decade, due to the decreasing infiltrations and the excessive mine water excavations, the pressure and water level values, characteristic to the karstic water, have significantly reduced. Despite of the favorable changes which have taken place in the recent years, the current situation shall be decisive for a long period of time in the management of the main karstic water resources. From hydrogeological point of view, the area is also significantly influenced by the geological structure and the crossing furrows. Along the NE-SW direction furrows, which are not aquiferous, there are several springs, since here the crosswise water flows meet vanous aquifers, which help the water to come to the surface in the form of spring Strip. Wes can find such strips in the line of Gyulafirit&t, Ostni, Varpalota and Inota. The appearance of the furrows in the area of Lit6r has an importance, since by the striding of the impermeable and aquiferous layers on each other, a formation is reproduced similar to the water floors of Balaton. The hydrogeological conditions of the area are shown on Fig. 115.2-1. The springs come to the surface at an altitude of 200 m BSL or over this altitude. The water of the spdrings flows in eastern and south-eastem direction, this corresponds to the slope direction of the area. The spring of Diszn6domb comes to the surface at an altitude of 215 m BSL. In the area of the projected plant no break out of spring is expected, here the karstic water can only be reached by deep drilling. Due to the geological structure of the area, water can only be obtained from karstic water. For greater volumes deep wells should be drilled, since we have to count with the lowering of the static water level. 27 ;~ ~ I L *l LJ l4 L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >#- a;i rdlScale: M I: 00000 lik ~~~~~~~~0 1 2 3 4 5 km KarstiC spring,Provided with a cadastral 3 ~~~~~~~~number by VITUKI Supposed underwater springs on the bank -PM.~~~~~~~ 2 Spring water plant 9 G Water wells and monitoring wells -4d and Upper Triassic limestone _ _ -ror dolomite appearing on the surface * D... K1 N iocene sarT_atan limestone Pliocene freshwater limestone Border line of the Balaton Highland …---Surface divide ......... Subsurface divide' ______________________________________________ - ~~Triassic-Permijan water resourcc boundary' ~~~~~m n y ~~~~~Ilydirogeological nmap of the Balaton Hiighlandi [K Area with douible tapping9 ___ U ~~~~~~~~Prepared biy Ulisz'.l Mauchli birscd oi tllic nu1ip u~l LojLI U.)czy (NIAI I). Oc~tober PTDT Arca ovcr the Pcrmian water resource ____________________________ D),11wi by: Nlr%. S-zlindlurnI6 Csiki Fig. 1/5.2-1 ETV-EROTERV Rt Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. 1/6 SELECTION OF THE AREAS TO BE INVESTIGATED The areas to be investigated for the e"'isting environmental status and for the impacts of the operation of the projected power plant have been selected and presented separately, according to the enviromnental elements and the investment phases (see Table 1/6.r and Figs. I/6.-i, -2, -3, 4, -5 and -6). Table 116.-i - Display of the investigated areas according to environmental elements and investment phases Environmental Investirated area element resp. During the assessmnent During the During operation impact of the basic status construction karstic water wells Subsurface waters close to the plant plant site plant site (K-2, K-3) Surface waters Bendola-creek - S6d plant site plant site Geology, soil karstic water wells close to the plant plant site plant site ______________K -2 K -3 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ local measuring immediate vicinity the environment Air points of the National of the plant and the within 5 km Immission Measuring transportation routes distance around the Network power plant the area indicated on immediate vicinity the environment Flora and fauna Map No. I/6.-4. of the plant and the within 5 kan transportation routes distance around the power plant the environment of the enviromment of the environment of Noise the sub-station and the power plant and the power plant and the closest residential the transportation the transportation buildings routes routes 28 L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 V.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- daW r N, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /*a \N 0~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.. U,16j v~~~~~~~~~~. I 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ I C) Cavem water well ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ . L Envisaged 3ite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fig. 1/6-1 -'Map of the Investigated aream - Geology, soil and subsurface I, '- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~atr I. ~~~~~~~~~L. N~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ir~~~~~~~~~~.- 4 ~~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'5 Pi ~ ~~~~~~~~~ 0 -4 1Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S.. r~~~~~~~S * d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S Suff*ace water4 ~I~.'< ~1g 16-NlpfhemstgtdaesSufc wtr I~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' -ARP - aq~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .1*~~~~~~~~~~~~~T -. ~ ~ ~~~~. VESZ ,, ~~~~~~~~~~~~Litr1 S. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ny#-4 a~me5vamas W., Legend 5'~~~~Y br~~~lLarAIIkAs *~~~~~~~~ Possible route for transport Fi. 1/-3- apo th ivsigatedsSaoeasT-oAitrigtto t ~ ~ ~ ~ L. l . 4 l | § ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L i E IdolmdI gf tes IW 1 al vARPALOT I t 5- . \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | - -.bcrlt o rlsln 15, d $/ t' ,1.-a Pwrpalsiiilneae ig. 11-1- baOrIeivslltaes - Flo andan V1. A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* - n rs eto n r n i ua. . '. . _ _ _ * . .... . . . * ~ I, i 2;,"1 * ' 5 1 -/ 4< - 'l ' . ~...''''I'-*95-t1 'A Bala 'IL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - '-4 fludais ftest area .-tI during flora and fauina survey ; -- - . Possible route lor tranisport a.I. Power plant's influience area Fi.164-Il' fteIvstgtdaes- lr n an in respect of flora and fauna .- 1. /-- Ipofhenvtiadars-Foradfua uI:;IA ..ais'*dr ~Vf Legend Noise measuring surface Possible route for transport Power plant's inflence area Fig. I/6-5-apofth invest d respect of oise 'U; ? v v v / 1 '\Z' "!'g. 00; / I I __ ? Af~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-W \ 6- @; t t' t ' i ' '. J bJ I I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L . a a a L.: {; .bLegend be kti / / . 4 I* Caverm water well Power plant's influence area | S * Water monitoring station nrsctoniI' : Z. M= ED Powe pln' inlec areaesl owrln'ituneae r *fi .......... %jS - 4 2 3 2 >;;S;i, ;4- ' .. _ ~lmmssounda moio ringesta tion in respect of air quality, / Er1Er~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~Budre of tes are flor an fauna/- ;lpo h icsiae aes-Cmree a during flora and fauna survey Possible route for transport I~ ~~~~~~N * H 0~~~~~a VD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 7i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*; i a- v-" ~~~~~ 'A -'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I X~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. a' teep - / I, /~~~~~A EVC&&k5l ir.'i AOf ~' ' ~ 'f U ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. 1/7 STATUS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS AND SYSTEMS 1/7.1 Status of waters I/7.1.1 Subsurface waters The most significant water resources in the area of the projected plant are the karstic waters in the Triassic carbonate deposit, which forms the base rock of Bakony. The subsurface water yields and the general water depth of the wells are shown in Figs. 1/7.1.1.-i and -2. We have water quality data of karstic water wells K-2 and K-3 which are located in the vicinity of the projected plant from the time of their establishment (for the location of the wells see Fig. 1/52.-I). These data are displayed in Tables 117.1.1.-1 and -2 (VITUKI data base). Table II7.1-1 - Analytical results of the karstic water of well K-2 K-2 K-2 Limit value Analyzed component 24.04. 1970 26.05. 1970 MSZ 45011-1989 Ammonium (mg/I) 0,0 0,0 1,0 Iron (mg/1) 0,0 0,0 1,0 Manganese (mg/l) 0 0 0,5 Nitrate (mg/l) 30 24 20 Nitrite (mg/1) 0 0 1,0 Chloride (mg/1) 17,0 14,0 350 Sulfate (mg/l) - 300 Oxigen consumption 1,00 1,00 (mg/I) Alkalinity (ml n HCI/1) 10,0 9,6 Total hardness (nk°) 31,8 29,4 50-350 Total salt (mg/I) 375 606 29 I/P 50 . . 50-loo 00-300 -2003 0 - , - o~~~~~ 25 km Average yield of subsurface waters (l/p) in the Bakony region (Prepared by J. Balogh based on: J. Urbancsek: Cadaster of deep wells of Hungary) Fig. 1/7.1.1-1 - Average yield of subsurface waters in the Bakony region m LI :: ;1 <50 ThIlI 50-100 100-200 ! > ~200 J[|4' - I ~Xt <, ~~~~~~/~ 25/km Average depth of subsurface water wells (Prepared by J. Balogh based on: J. Urbancsek: Cadaster of deep wells of Hungar. Fig. 117.1.1-2 - Average depth of subsurface water wells in the Bakony regior E1V-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Table 1/7.1.1-2 - Analytical results of the karstic water of well K-3 Analyzed component K-3 K-3 K-3 K-3 Limit value 14.02.'80. 26.02.'80. 25.03.'80. 29.04.'80. MSZ450/1-198 Ammonium (mg/l) 0,33 1,96 0,16 0,l 1,0 Iron (mg/l) 0,7 - 0 1,1 1.0 Manganese (mg/i) 0 - 0 - 0,5 Nitrate (mg/I) 32,5 18,0 15,7 32,5 20 Nitrite (mg/l) 0 1,9 0 0,08 1,0 Chloride (mg/I) 70,0 364 10 18,0 350 Sulfate (mg/1) - 15,0 - 26,0 300 Oxigen consumption 1,84 2,3 0,48 1,9 (mg/i) Alkalinity (ml n HCIlI) 8,6 8,2 8,2 6,8 Total hardness (nk°) 27,4 51,4 24,4 24,6 50-350 Total salt (mg/i) 645 - 535 - Comparing the chemical composition of the water of the wells with the standard specifications on drinldng water, the water of the wells can be qualified as "acceptable". The relatively high nitrate contents can possibly be attributed to the aquitard and aquiferous formations coming to the surface, while the significant hardness refers to the karstic origin. 117.1.2 Surface waters Bendola-creek runs in the immediate vicinity of the area under investigation, it falls to Sed at Veszprem (see Fig. 1/7.1.2.-i). No water quality data are available for Bendola, the closest water quality analyzing station is in Veszpr6m, on Sed. Bendola is in the Sd-Nador system catchment area, which belongs to the left-side catchment area of the Si6 river. The S&d-Nador system catchment area is 2,067 sq.km. The Sed-Nador system is being contaminated by significant contamination sources. Due to the numerous mine water and waste water inflows, the reduction of springs as a result of the mining activity, dammings and passages, we can practically not speak of natural water yield and water flow. The bed and the water yield of Sed of Veszpr6m is divided at S6ly, the characteristic water yield - practically the full water yield - is forwarded by the Sarviz- Malom canal, the bed of S&d-Veszpr6m collects 30 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c Veszpr.6m plateau Projecte plant site Wk.z Fi' r-NO W1 Fig. 1/7.1.2-1 - Map of surface waters of the region Table I/7.1.2.-. - Qualification according to Hungaran Standard Specification MSZ 12749 04FF26 10: Veszpr6mi-S6d, 20.7: S61y, Meder6rtelep Min6sitett id8szak: 01.01.'94. - 31.12.'94. Componert n min. max. average dipesmion DOM 90% 95% C1s Group A: Oxygcn supply - Cas V. Dissolved ox. mg/I 26 3.00 11.10 8.03 1.979 02464 5.40 3.45 Ill. Ox. saL % 26 30.6 95.6 74.4 14.43 0.1941 51.4 36.8 111. Bioch.Ox.m.-S 6m4gI 26 2.5 35.0 10.6 7.53 0.7117 21.4 24.1 V. Chem.Ox.Dem.e. mgAl 26 4.8 25.5 8.9 3.70 0.4150 9.7 10.9 111. Chem.Ox.Demd e. mgI 26 10 72 34 13.7 0.404S 46 62 IV. Toxicity mg/I 0 - - - - - - S(Plantebuck)-ind 4 1.30 2.15 2.01 - - - - II. Group B: Nutrient supply - Claus V. NH4-N mg/I 26 3.50 1.07 12.07 4.163 03454 16.36 17.13 V. N02-N mg/I 26 0.017 0.772 0.331 0.1797 0.5431 0.518 0.634 V. N03-N mg/I 26 0.51 5.67 2.39 1.512 0.6339 430 4.69 II. P04-P PgA 26 192 3990 2169 1023.2 0.4718 3574 3670 V. Tobl P pgMI 26 1230 5750 2977 1256.7 0.4221 4553 5154 V. Chlorophyll-a w/A 12 1.5 22.9 7.4 6.68 0.9031 13.5 17.3 II. Group C: Mcrobial pameter - Cla V. Colifonm i/ml 23 0.0 9200 3033.2 2116.9S 19543 15235 4130.0 V. Group D: Organic and inoqgnic micropolutant - Clas V. Oil pgn 17 0 370 119 126.9 1.0628 257 353 V. Pbcnols 1Ag 15 0 22 5 5.5 1.2U32 10 13 M1. ANA-dctcgrnts MA/ 17 15 426 174 115.5 0.6N36 342 413 IV. Al (disolved) Pg/ 0 - - - - - - - - As (dissolved) MA 0 - - - - - - - - B (disolved) P6/1 0 - - - - - - - - CN (total) pgA 0 - - - - - - - - CN (fec) pgA 0 - - - - - - - - Zn(dissolved) pgA 9 0 261 73 - - - Iv. Hg (dissolved) P6/I 0 - - - - - - - Cd (disolved) PMA 9 0.0 1i.0 2.9 - - - V. Cr (dissolved) Pg/I a 0.n 23.2 5.2 - - - Hi. Cr-VI pg/l 2 0.0 0.0 D.0 - - - - 1. Ni (dissolved) p/l 9 0.0 14.0 53 - - - - 1. Pb (dissolved) Pgt 9 0.0 6.0 1.3 - - - - 11. Cu (disolved) g/ 9 0.0 31.0 12.9 - - - - 111 Beuzopyme pg/I 0 - - - - - - - Cbloroform PgOI 0 - - - - - - - CC14 pg/l 0 - - - - - - - Trichloro-ethylene pgI 0 - - - - - - - Temtclorodb. g/ 0 - - - - - - - Ludane pgI 0 - - - - - - - - Malion pg/A 0 - - - - - - - 2.4-D pg/I 0 - - - - - - - MCPA pg/I 0 - - - - - - - Aktinit Pk pg/A 0 - - - - - - - - PCB pg4 0 - - - - - - - PentacbloroL pg/ 0 - - - - - -° Total . BqB 0 - - - - - - - Cs-137 Nq/O 0 - - - - - - - Sr-9D Bq/1 0 - - - - - - Tritim Bq/l 0 - - - - Gwoup E Olber pramecers - Cas 11. pH (Labor) 26 8.00 .65 8.23 0.182 0.0221 5.46 5.63 .11 Conductivity pS/c 26 675 1027 S77 929 0.0946 990 1015 Ill. Dissolved Fc Mg/I 12 0.00 0.33 0.10 0.109 1.1443 0.25 0.30 111. Mn (dissolved) wg/ 12 0.00 .10 0.04 0.022 0.5059 0.05 0.07 1. Table 1/7.12.-Z- Qualificafton according to Hungarian Standard Specification MSZ 12749 04FF28 lO: Vcszpr6mi-SWd, 1.1: 6si Minisitett idszak: 01.01.'94. - 31.12.'94. Conaonita n min. "ax. avem dispnion DIM 90% 95% Clan Gmoup A: Oxygen mipply - Clan V. Disolved ox. mdlI 26 3.00 10.60 643 1.752 0.2645 3.33 3.17 IV. Ox. sOL % 26 33.3 S7.S 62.1 14.02 0.2260 405 33A IV, Bioch.Ox.Dem.-s mdl 26 3.6 34.0 13.9 BAB 069 25.S 30.7 V. Ckem.Ox.Dem.e. nll 26 11.8 34,4 202 3.39 02671 26.6 23.6 V. Cbm.Ox.Dan4e. mmgI 26 32 145 77 28.6 0.3721 109 126 V. Toxicity mg/I 0 - - - - - - - S(Pntebuckind 0 - - - - - - CGWup B: Nultient supply - Cas V. N1H4-N mg/ 26 6.01 3132 21.04 7.775 03695 2999 33.13 V. N02-N MgOI 26 0.226 2.766 1.010 0.5709 0.5651 1.530 1.729 V. N03-N mg/I 26 0.66 65.43 13.36 17.3'1 12995 4091 42.40 V. P04.P pg1 26 616 4522 3010 93C.6 03091 4134 4273 V. Total p MO 26 2080 6300 3933 1057.7 0.2676 493S 5890 V. ChlorophylI MA 6 5.7 133.2 33.2 - T - IV. Group C: Micgobial parmtes - Cla V. Colifono i/Eil 22 0.2 16000.0 311S.4 4903.14 1.5723 9060. 12260.0 V. GToup D: Orgnic and inoqpnic micwpoluln - Cb V. Oil P6a/ 17 0 360 123 124.5 1.0126 343 352 V. Pbenols W/l 15 2 161 33 45.7 1.4054 74 105 V. ANAdcerg.ns pl 16 9 293 144 703 0.4S13 139 216 11. Al (disolved) gA 0 - - - - As (disolved) Wll 0 - - _ _ _ _ _ B (dissolved) pg 0 - - CN (total) Dl/ 0 - - - - - - - - CN (irec) i 0 - - Zn(disolved) Wi/ 6 20 157 IDI - - - - IV. Hg (disolved) WA1 0 - - - - - - -_ Cd (dissolved) Wp/ 6 0.0 14.0 3.S - - - V. Cr (dissolved) NgoI 6 0.0 5.0 l.S - - - - 1. Cr-VI Wi/ I 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - - - 1. Ni(dissolved) pi/ 6 0.0 11.0 6.3 - - - - Pb1 (dissolved) pgI 6 0.0 7.0 2.2 - - - - IL Cu (dissoIved) pg/I 6 0.0 37.0 L5 - - - - IlL HeopySnCu pg/I 0 - - - - - - - - Chlhoform 0 - - - - - - - - CCI4 0 - - - - - - - - Tn-hcbko.dhylcne MA 0 - - - - - - - - Tetrachloroth-. 0 - - - - - - - - Lmdanc P64 0 - - - - - - - - Malation Dg/ 0 - - - - - - - - 2.4-D pg/ 0 - - - - _ - - - MCPA pig 0 - - - - - - - - AktinitPk Mg 0 - - - - - - - - PCB pgN 0 - - - - - - - - Pentachlorot. pg/ 0 - - - - - - - - TotalP. Bql 0 - - - - - - - - Cs-137 BqA 0 - - - - - - - - Sr-90 Bq/ 0 - - - - - - - - TriSrun S/ 0 - - -- Group E: Otherpamcters - Class V. pH (Labor) 26 7.78 L60 8.12 0.1S8 0.0231 8.32 3.49 I. Conductivity pScm 26 1120 3S32 2660 729.0 0.2740 3524 3306 V. Dissolved Fc ag/I 12 0.00 0.27 0.13 0.091 0.7207 0.24 025 111. Mn (dissolved) mg/I 12 0.02 0.11 0.07 0.029 OA103 0.10 0.10 I. ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. only the treated waste waters discharged by the industrial and communal waste water plants. The treated waste water of Veszprem town and that uf the Bakony Works are discharged to Sed-Veszprem. Due to the division of the water system S6d-Veszpr6n practically starts to run with empty bed at Vilonya, and it is a recipient of the industrial waste waters of the Nitrok6mia Industrial Plants of BalatonfUzfo-, the Frzfo Plant of the Company of Paper Industry, the Chemical Work of Peremarton and the Papkeszi Plant of NIKE. In addition to the industrial load, the volume of communal waters directed to S6d from the Balaton catchment area is also decisive. It is a basic problem, that the springs of Herend, feeding the water flow, do not supply sufficient springwater, contrary, due to depression the water leaks from the bed along the section between Veszpr6m and Herend. Earlier, some sections of Sed-Nador of Veszpr6m, due to mine water inflows, have had free water resources, but mine water inflows have been stopped. All these tendencies have significantly been intensified by the long-standing dry period. The outwash of the organic microcontaminants from the mud of the bed can be expected for a long period of time. Based on the computerized water quality data base of VrIUKI, the data measured in 1994 in the bed sections of Sed-Veszprem at S6ly and Osi are shown in Tables 117.1.2.-l and -2. The S6ly bed section is found before meeting Bendola, while the Osi bed section can be found after the meeting point. Based on the displayed data it can be stated, that in the Osi bed section the water quality is much worse, especially with respect to the oxygen and nutrient supply (it is of category V, heavily contaminated). The significant deterioration of the water quality can clearly be attributed to the fact, that along the investigated section great industrial plants are discharging their waste waters to the creek, which are treated only in part. 117.2 Geological and soil investigations The geological conditions of the immediate environment of the projected plant is demonstrated by the successive layers of the two karstic water wells mentioned under point I17.1.1 (for the location of the wells see Fig. 1/5.2.-1). 31 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and td3ERp ~~~~~~~~~~~~Contracor Co. When maling the research boring for well K-2, under the thin topsoil detrital limestone was crossed up to 3.0 m, then compact limestone conglomerate was explored up to 59.5 m with lime marl benches. Then, up to 87A m, bauxite and Permnian sandstone was found. The successive layers are shown in Fig. 1/7.2.- 1, while the detailed description of the layers is found in Table 1/7.2.-4. When making the research boring for well K-3, under the thin topsoil detrital limestone was crossed up to 2.0 m, then limy dolomite was found up to 94.0 m. Up to 118.0 m slate clay was explored, then again dolomite and limestone was found. The successive layers are shown in Fig. 1/7.2.-2, while the detailed description of the layers is found in Table 117.2.-2. 32 peoItoL 0- 0Cl) 0 - co n Clay (yellow) 0.. ,Limestone, pieL 6 2 {~ {7-f1 o Limesy ctone gray cuJng ,0) o ,' 4 ,,- ;,-Coesmpe1 C9 consisfing of0-8mm } ,^ '-s' ..._ .c 5- Cla--I *. 1_-,_§ 4 Gslightly (yellow)n grn )! C Li-'Liz'sandmestone, edolore' 5, LUmestone, (yelowish-(graY) Z E 1 | -.,;,l. rnLimestonegr, cuttings, Limestone, ,dolomite &V) X~~~5 0 Limestone, dolomiteanysa (grayn) _ -- ,o Core sampleli. . clayey sandstone, . -. (resandstone, red-coloured.1 mixed cuttings, heavily! CL a.4 with many sand grains) .89 o ~Core samplell1. C' . .Sandstone A ~~~~~~(red coloured cuttings,'!a E 0:.... 0O.2-0.6 mm2 a) _ IL3,0 medium rolled grains w -a. 3,0 me. * IJ72- Core saMple Ill. Fig. 117.2.-I - Successive layers Of k2rstic water well K-2 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineerirg and Contractor Co. Table I/7.2-1. - Detailed description of the well logs of well K-2 Depth Detailed description m 0,0-0,5 Clay (yellow, heavily cledgy, heavily limy, with a few limestone pieces, slightly loessy) 0,5-3,0 Limestone pieces (light yellowish-grayish, prous at some places, heavily decayed surface) 3,0-13,0 Limestone (yellowish-grayish, cuttings, 0 0.2-2.0 mm grains with wom surface, white and red coloured grains) 13,0-34,0 Limestone (gray, cuttings, 0 2-8 mm slightly worn grains, grains consisting of sharp splintery-fracturing solid rock material) 34,0-46,0 Limestone. dolomite (gray, cuttings, 0 0.5-0.6 mm, sharp- splinter plate- fracturing grains, when adding 10% HC1, the powder of the material is intensively fizzin, the larger pieces not so much) 46,0-50,0 Limestone. dolomite (gray, cutting, 0 0.5-5.0 mm slightly worn grains, based on the well logs and the following core sample it is porous, meshy) 50,0-51,0 Dolomite (dark-gry, porous-meshy structure, wih a decaying surface at som plces, when adding 10% HCI it is intensively -____________ fizzing) 51,0-56,2 Limestone. dolomit (gray cuttings, 0_2-6 m medium rolled grains, slid roc material) 56,2-87,4 Clav sanstone. sandstone (red coloured, mixed-type cuttings, heavily limy, with many sand grains, with sandstone material from the boring, based on the well logs less clayey between 62 __________and 65 m and 70 and 73 m 87,4-89,0 Sandstone (red, coarse grain, heavily rolled grains, in siliceous bonding material, with many coloured mineral grains, with carbonate components) 89,0-113,0 Sandstone (red coloured cuttings, 0 0.2-0.6 mm medium rolled grains, mainly of quartz mterial, with a few coloured mixture, mixed-type) 113,0-114,0 Sandstone (red coloured, cledgly, non-limy, the upper part of the sample is more compact, with violet-brownish ptches, fin grain, th lower part of the sample is of medium-size an coarse grains of 0 0.2-0.6 mm mdium rolled grains, many quartz grain, with fewer coloured mixture) l 33 Whit,. ciompat Nial --I~~~~~~~~~~ 1t gjle oTpd ocmtra > -r,, but consisting of relatively X ~~~~large crystals -. o5 *1 -5. .il. I e Z w S ~E)dmely cracked. n F o t . ~~yellovwish-grayish_, 0.0I. /,, ~~Yellbwish-grayish.. . ' / r~he yellowish-%*ite dolomite _4 0 i s a bt 0kny. c B ~~~Cement-glray. non-limy. _ VI _ g ln~~~DkmiiXe breccia ? i }24 ,C Based an well logs. 0. 4)0 ' = _ Z Whitv 130, Yel.cmsh-whitee a bit limy. bmesting of restone. . 30eYellouns-n ite. Ex tredoly mrcei.t Yellowish-white 144,0._ Dolomite w cith Mietn n150,t Ye(Iowish-whte, limy. _Le dolowh-ite. - o D o Yellow. some gray firestone and slate cay pieces. ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineerng and UTERV Contractor Co. Table 1/7.2-2 - Detailed description of the well logs of well K-3 Depth, Detailed description m 0,0-2,0 Arenes 2,0-58,5 Limv dolomite (white, compact, but consisting of relatively large crystals) 58,5-80,0 Limn dolomite (Extremely cracked, yellowish-gray) 80,0-94,0 Dolomite with firestone (yellowish-gray, yellowish-white, a bit limy) 94,0-118,0 Slate clay (cement-gray, non-limy) 118,0-124,0 Dolomite breccia (based well logs) 124,0-130,0 Dolomite with firestone (yellowish-white, a bit limy) 130,0-134,0 Limestone with firestone (yellowish-white) 134,0-144,0 Limy dolomite (yellowish-white) 144,0-150,0 Dolomite breccia (yellowish-white, liny) 150,0-180,0 Limy dolomite (yellow, with a few gray firestone and slate clay pieces) 1/7.3 Air quality The Department of Air Hygiene of the National Public Health Institute (OKI) prepared a study on the air quality of the area of Balatonfiffi-Lit6r in the period between October 1988 and March 1994. The study was based on the measuring data of the National Immission Measuring Network. We demonstrate the air quality conditions of the region on the basis of this study. Description of the general air conditions of the Balatonfia*XLivir region The Central-Danubian industrial area, from Szekesfehervar to Ajka, from environmental point of view, is the most exposed region of the country. Within this region, the area surrounded by Varpalota, Veszprem and Balatonfiizfo is the most contaminated area. This also holds for the air of the region. 34 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. According to the regulations in force, the pollution load indexes for Liter and BalatonfUizr, for solid particles are: S02, NOx and CO - 60%, other contaminants - 50%. From the emission data of the region, OKI has detennined by propagation calculations the average immission values for the settlements of the region. These values are shown in Table 17.3.-4. Table 1/7.3.-1 - Immission values caleulated from the propagation of the emissions (many years' average coneentrations) Igm3 Settlement s02 NO2 Dust CO Balatonalmadi 15 33 33 850 Balatonf;fii 23 35 48 970 Balatonkenese 23 35 40 950 Kiralyszentistvan 18 24 36 650 Lit6r 20 26 40 950 Papkeszi 23 35 40 950 S6ly 18 24 36 650 Szentkirilyszabadja 20 26 48 970 Veszpr6m 30 45 40 1100 Note: The yearly limit values for the pollutants of the table in the areas of Protection category I are the following S02 70 pg/m3 N02 70 jig/rm3 dust 50 pg/rm3 CO 2000 jg/rm3 The background pollution of the area are significantly influenced by the industrial emissions of the Inota-Varpalota-P6t region and Balatonflzifo. 35 ETV-ERlTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The main pollution source of the narrower BalatonfiizfSo-Lit6r area is the P(zfoi industrial plant: chemical industry, power plant and paper mill. The nearby road traffic is also a significant pollution source, mainly in the summer period: road traffic along the shore of Lake Balaton, in western direction main road No. 8, and the road connecting the two latters, crossing Lit6r. The increased pollution in a 100-200 m section of this road is well manifest by the measurements. According to the data of the environmental infornation system, in the relevant 20x20 m emission cadaster the following emissions were measured in 1992, as shown in Table In7.3.-2. Table 117.3.-2 - Values of the 20x20 km emission cadaster of the Balatonffizf5-Lit6r area in 1992 ilotonslyear Power Residential plant Industry Traffic services, Total -O.kt i 1 05 9agricltre SO_,kt 5.6 0,1 8,5 NO, kt 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,1 1,6 Solid kt 0,3 0,6 0,1 0,1 1,1 CO kt 1,3 13,2 1.8 0.2 16.5 As it is shown in the Table, in the case of sulfur-dioxide the emissions of the power plant was decisive, while the overwhelming majority of carbon- monoxyde emissions can be attributed to the industrial technologies. Description of the air quality of the BalatonfizfW&Litir region Kirilyszentistvhn (Fig. 1/73.-4) Sulfur-dioxide pollution is much higher than the average. Outstanding values appear in the heating season, but these are still below the limit value. Nitrogen-dioxide pollution is significantly higher than the average value, also with respect to the 98% frequency. There is only a small difference between the values of the heating and non-heating seasons. Looking back to several years, the pollution trend is stagnating below the limit value. Settling dust values show outstanding values in some specific half-years, but these excess values have no tendency or regularity. Among the basic pollutants settling dust is the one which shows a significant excess frequency (12-30%). 36 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Balatonfizfe-gvartelep (Fig 1t7.1.-2) Sudfur-dioxide pollution is low, outstanding values appear only in the 98% frequency value, but only in some specific heating seasons. Its tendency is stagnating below the limit value. Nitrogen-dioxide pollution has an increasing tendency, but it is still under the limit value. The summer and winter values do not differ significantly. 98% frequency values are significantly higher than the average, in some cases there are also outstanding values. Settling dust load is stagnating, excess values occurred in two half-years (1989-90 heating season, 1991 non-heating season). Balatonfuzfd (town) (Fig. I/ 73.-3) With respect to the average values, suUkr-dioxide pollution cannot be considered significant, outstanding values were registered in the 98% frequency values, primarily in the heating seasons. In 1990 there were excess values both in the heating and non-heating seasons, but since then no excess values appeared, i.e. sulfur-dioxide pollution shows a stagnating tendency. Nitrogen-dioxide pollution started with high values in 1989. After a provisional reduction it is increasing again, but there were no excess values neither in the heating season, nor in the non-heating season. Settling dust load reached an excess value in 1990-91, since then it was below the limit value. Peremarton (Fig. 1/73.14) Sulfir-dioxide pollution is stagnating on a low level, there have been no excess values. Nitrogen-dioxide polludon is on a higher level, but no excess values were measured. The pollution tendency is slightly increasing. Settling dust load have shown a decreasing tendency during the measuring period. Excess values were measured in 3 half-years (1989 non-heating seison. 1989-90 and 1991-92 heating seasons), in the last two years of the measuring period no excess values were measured. 37 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Balatonalmadi (Fig. 1173.-5) Sulfur-dioxide pollution is on a low level, no excess values were registered in the measuring period. There were some outstanding values in some specific half-years, which are also shown by the 98% frequency values (1989-90 and 1991-92 heating seasons). Nitrogen-dioxide pollution was below the limit value with one exception (1989-90 heating season). The pollution tendency is stagnating. However, the 98% frequencies show significant concentrations with respect to average in every half-year. Settling dust load shows an increasing tendency, but it is still below the limit value. Significant excess occurred only in one single half-year (1991 non- heating season), but this was the only case. VesZDrem (Fig. I/7.3.-6) We calculated an average value from the measuring data of the three measuring stations of the town, since we consider the town as a source with respect to the impact to the region. (From this point of view it is not important to display in detail the pollution registered by the measuring stations.) Sulfur-dioxide pollution is on a low level, it has a stagnating tendency below the limit value. Similar to the above cases, the 98% frequencies show higher values in some specific half-years, which refers to local impacts. Nitrogen-dioxide pollution shows a more steady picture, the tendency is also stagnating, however, there are outstanding values in every half-year. In such cases the 98% frequency values show three times higher concentrations than the average. There was an excess by 5-10% in almost every half-year, which is significant, and which can be attributed to the traffic. Settling dust load is significant in the town, there is a 10% frequency of excess values in every half-year. Settling dust load tendency has not shown any change during the measuring period. 38 Kira Iyszentistvan Fig. 117.3-1 Pollution trend S02,N02,pg/m3 Settling dust. g/m2'30 days 120j -16 100 14 12 601 [ -8 80.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 401 j6 [4 20 - --.. 88-89F 89NF 89-90F 9ONF 90-91F 91NF 91-92F 92NF 92-93F 93NF 93-94F half-year S02 N02 --- Settlingdust, F IhnIf-vfpr with h:ttnne) N\IF: h:If-v,Ppr withnilt heatina) Balatonfiuztb) gyarielepF Pollution trend S02,NO2,pg/m3 Settling dust 9Qi1112*Z3 days 120 II loOj 30~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a 60 40 .; '10l o lu 88-89F 89NF 89-90F 9ONF 90-91F 91NFr 91-921- 92?1' b -9:3F 9:311F S:Y-94F half-year - 802 N02 - Settling dust F (half-year with heating) NF (half-year without heating) Balatonfiz f6 Fig. M.3.3 Pollution trend S02,NO2,,ug/m3 Settling dust g/nm2-3(j days 120 1 100' 8°0! I, 60 .,.. ... *.1 40- 2 202 1 - t- X * . . * . - 88-89F 89NF 89-90F OONF 9U-91F 91HU F 9t-!950 m stack heigh, according to decree No. 4/1986.(VI. 2.) OKTH, ** - for dry fle gas of normal condition (273 K, 101.3 kPa), 15 % oxygen content, - blackering number according to the Bacharach scale 63 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. I1.3.1.2 Deternination of the height of the stack Determination of the height of the stack on the basis of the emission limit values Based on hourly emissions we have determined the height of the stack required according to regulations (decree 21/1986.(VI.2.)MT, 4/1986.(VI.2.)OKTH, and Hungarian Standard Specifications MSZ 21854). The height of the stack shall always be determined on the basis of the expected volume of the dominating (most critical) pollutant. In our case the dominant pollutant is NOx. The current air quality limit values for the site, respectively for the block to be built are shown in Table 11/3.1.2.-4. The plant belongs to Protection category 1, therefore, these limit values should be taken into consideration when determining the height of the stack. Table Il/3.1.2.- - Air quality limit values (excerpts from the Hungarian Standard Specificstions MSZ 21854-1990), pz/ma Pollutant Rate of Protection category I. hazard year 24 hours 30 mninutes SO2 3 70 150 250 CO 2 2000 5000 10000 Soot 1 25 50 150 NO2 2 70 85 100 NO.., 2 100 150 200 The load index of Lit6r for S02 and for nitrogen-oxides is 50, thus the official limit value shall be: 100 - 50 K2= 05 100 64 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The regional emission limit value of the point source has been determined with the following formula: En = Ef*Kl 'K2 where: En is the regional emission limit value of the point source K1 is the permissible air quality limit value of the given pollutant for 24 hours, in 1ig/m3 K2 is the official regulatory value Ef is the emission factor depending on the height of the stack and the number of emission points: Ef.i Ef= __ n where: Ef.j is the regulatory value prescribed in the Decree n is the number of point sources Based on the above data it can be checked, whether the projected stack meets the official requirements. The applied height of the stack is 51 m. In this case the permissible S02 and NOx emission shall be: In case of the 2-stack version Ef.i 2.0 n 2 Ef 1.0 En = 1.0 x 150 x 0.0 75 kg/h In case of one single stack Efi 2.0 n I Ef 2.0 En=2.0x 150 x0.50 = 150 kg/h The NOx emission of the power plant (max. 149 kg/h resp. 74 kg/h) is lower than the regional emission limit value, thus the applied height of the stack - 51 m - meets the requirements. 65 ETV-ER45TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The height of the stack determined in the present study differs from that of the preliminary enviromnental impact study, since on the basis of the informative proposals and the previous discussions with the potential suppliers it has become clear, that, thanks to the technical development, there exist quick-start gas turbines the NOx emission of which is significantly lower than before. Comparing the expected S02 emissions with the regional emission limit values belonging to the required stack heights we get a result, according to which the quantity of S02 is 51% of the limit value. Controlling stack height determined from the emission limit values on the basis of air qualitv limit values For controlling the 51 m stack height determined in the above, respectively for determining the required basic data for the estimation of the expected air quality, we have made propagation calculations for the environment of the power plant For the calculations we have used the computer program developed by the Environmental Office of ETV-EROTERV Rt. The above program works on the basis of the methods specified in the following Hungarian Standard Specifications: MSZ 21457/4-80 - Transmission parameters of air pollutants. Determination of the measure of turbulent dispersion. MSZ 21459/1-81 - DeteImination of the anmission of air pollutants. Calculation of the pollution impact of the point sources. MSZ 21459/5-85 - Deterination of the transmission of air pollutants. Determination of the effective height of the emission. 66 ETV-ER(5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. During the calculation of propagation - as a result of the experience of the preliminary environmental impact study and updating of data - we have calculated 30-minute concentrations of nitrogen-oxides, sulfur-dioxide and carbon-monoxide (under the axis of the smoke plume) within 20 km distance from the plant. We have not calculated daily (24 h) and yearly immissions, since - due to the short and fluctuating daily respectively yearly operation times (10 startings/year in average, 2-hour operation time per starting) the calculated average values shall not be characteristic; - ithe calculated 30-ninute maximum imniissions are lower than the 24-hour healthy limit values (for NOX: 150, resp. 70 ,ug/cu.m in the areas of outstanding protection category) reduced by the basic load, and even than the yearly limit value (100 gg/cu.m) for areas of protection category I, reduced by the basic load. We have not dealt with solid particles as air pollutants, since solid particles are not characteristic to the emissions of gas turbines. During the calculations we have examined the following basic situations in case of 51 m stack height: 1. 2-stack version, various pollutants pollutants to be examined: NOX, S02, CO Meteorological conditions: atmospheric stability class: 7 (unstable) wind velocity: 3 m/s (average value) 2. 2-stack version, various meteorological conditions pollutants to be examined: NOx meteorological conditions: atmospheric stability class: 5-7 wind velocity: 2-6 mI/s 3. single stack version, various pollutants pollutants to be examined: NOX, S02, CO Meteorological conditions: atmospheric stability class: 7 wind velocity: 3 m/s 4. single stack version, various meteorological conditions pollutants to be examined: NOx meteorological conditions: atmospheric stability class: 5-7 wind velocity: 2-6 m/s 67 ETV-ER6TERV Rt Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The results of the investigations are shown in Tables IU3.1.2.-, -2, -3, -4. Based on Figs. 11V3.1.2.-I and E113.1.2.-3 it can be stated, that, in all cases, the dominant pollutant is NO,. Comparing Figures Il/3.1.2.-i and II13.1.2.-3, respectively EV13.1.2.-2 and II/3.1.2.-4 it can be stated, that the emissions of the 2-stack version are the double of the single-stack version and the maximnu values appear closer to the emission source. This phenomenon can be attributed to the height difference of the stacks. The actual height of the stack is the height of the level, where the axis of the smoke plume leaving the stack becomes horizontal, its value is the sum of the additional and the built heights of the stack. The additional stack height is the height of the smoke plume over the stack following discharging. The additional stack height depends on the thernal and kinetic energy of the flue gas, as well as on the meteorological conditions in the ascent domain of the smoke plume As a result of the interaction of the ambient air, the flue gas emitting from the stack shall gradually loose its energy. The time of this process depends (in addition to the parameters of the ambient air) on the mass and the temperature of the smoke plume (thermal energy) and on the speed of the emission (Icinetic energy). In the case of the projected gas turbine power plant - two-stack version - the same volume of the flue gas shall be emitted by two stacks, and the two smoke plumes shall not mix up with each other. Thus the total energy of the specific parts shall only be the half of that of the single-stack version. Consequently, the additional height of the stacks shall be lower than that of the smoke plume of the single- stack version. 68 Comparison of 30 - minute NOx, S02 and CO Immissions in case of the two - stacks version 25 Permissible values for protection category 1. NOx: 200 [ Vg/m3 1; 802: 250 1 pg/m3 1; CO: 10000 [p g/m3 ] 20 - 8 =7; v =3m/s - NOx Stack height H = 51 m 15- - 02 C ~~~~~~~~-CO 0 E 5 0 0 0 Lg) LQ C C Distance from the pollution source Fig. 11/3.1.2.-4. Distribution of 30 - minute NOx Immissions (values under the axis of the plume rise) relative to the distance calculated from the pollution source - In 25 - Cne of two sitek- Permissible ,,Stack height H - 51 m; Permissible value for Protection class I: 200 ,igJm3 20 - - _--__---_---___ -- .._ R 8f1\\/>=6, v=2mls E S 6 e . v 4 mnis ', 15*- F >,_ __ X I I \ \ ~~~~~~~A \ - 5; v =6 r/s ot ot to to to 10 ICo a 0 o o ot o o0 o to o0 o to o o Dlstance from the pollution source, m Fig. ll/3.l2.22. S-5 v=4m Comparison of the 30 - minute NOx, 802, and CO immissions in case of a single stack version 14 Permissible values for protection category 1. NOx: 200 [ 1glm3 1; 12 . ,>S02: 250 ( pgtm3 1; CO: 10000 [pglm3 1 '12 -l . S=7; v =3m/s -NOx 10 _ _ _ Stack helght H-51 m - S02 -CO E o - 0 0 * Dlistance from the pollution source, m Fig. 1113.1.2.-3. Distribution of 30 - minute NOx Immissions (Values under the axis of the plume rise) as a function of the distance calculated from the pollution source - 16 in case of a single stack Stack height H = 51 m; 14- Permissible values for Protection class I.: 200 pg/m3 1 4 - r I~~~~ 4v .';p _ S_u1l: =6 v -anils I=. /\\ m5=/ v=4m/s S=6. v=2m/s 12 E | \ & \ 8 ,7/' "8 , ,' S=-5; v=-6 m/s E 10 S=5: v=4m/s 02 || \ v=27m/s E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E 4.- 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v* _) ) U) O U) ) U) ) U) ) U) U) U 1 10 1 0 U) U) U) 11*I* N> C') d~ u) ( Is. CO v) 0 '- C') t I) (0 s- 0 0) Distance from the pollution source, m Fig. 11/3.1.2.-4. ETV-EROTERV Rt Power Engineering and Contractor Co. In case of the projected power plant, the additional stack height originates mainly from the buoyancy resulting from the difference between the temperature of the ambient air and that of the emitting flue gas. The ascending effect originating from the kinetic energy of the flue gas is significantly smaller. Therefore, a possible rise of the emission speed shall not mean a significant rise of the additional stack height, at the same time, it shall have a negative influence on the efficiency of the power plant. Based on the analytical results of the 2-stack version of greater pollution, we can state the following (see Fig. EU13.1.2.-2): According to the propagation calculations, maximum concentrations appear within the most unfavorable meteorological concentrations (S = 7, v = 6 m/s - frequency is less than 1%) at a distance of approx. 1300 m from the source. In case of NOx the concentration is 12% of the 30-minute limit values for the areas of protection category 1 (200 t g/cu.m), i.e. 25 p.glcu.m. Within the most frequent meteorological conditions (S = 6, v = 3 m/s - frequency: 13%) the maximum concentration appears at a distance of approx. 7 km from the source, its value is 7% of the limit value, i.e. 14 g/cu.m. Based on the above results it can be stated (see Table II/3.13.-1) that the immissions o the power plant are below the permissible concentrations (limit value reduced by the basic load), and thus the 51 m stack height is satisfactory from the point of view of immission. Determination of the stack height on the basis of the immission limit values The result received during the control of the 51 m stack height (there is a significant difference between the actual immissions and the limit values) draws the attention to the fact, that the immissions do not justify the construction of 51 m high stacks. Therefore, in the following, we shall examine the inmmissions in case of lower stack heights. During the investigation we search for the height at which the standard air quality values determined for the environment of the plant shall be met in all cases (i..e. we shall not permit even short-time excess, which can be tolerated according to the Hungarian Standard Specifications MSZ 21854- 1990). 69 ETV-ER65TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The calculation method is based on propagation models using the meteorological data base of the region, according to MSZ 21457/4-80, as well as according to Sheet 5-85 of MSZ 21459/1-81, calculating with various stack heights. Based on these calculations, the stack should have a height, at which the 30-minute maximum concentration shall never be over the limit value corrected according to the basic load (taking into consideration, that a part of the investigation area is of outstanding protection category). During calculations, in order to eliminate the impacts of mechanical turbulence generated by the facilities, we calculated with a stack height higher at least by 2.5 times than the buildings in the surrounding, i.e. we have taken 40 m as a starting data, as the minimum acceptable stack height. At this height, in case of the highest pollution, taking into consideration the 2-stack version and various meteorological conditions, the result of the calculation shall be, that there shall be no excess values in case of the stack height of 40 m (see Fig. lI/3.1.2.-5). The explanation of the difference between the calculation of the stack height on the basis of the immission limit values and the calculation on the basis of the emission limit values can be, that the current Hungarian regulations for the protection of the air quality do not take into consideration the physical characteristics of the exhausted flue gas. In our case, the mass flow of the discharge flue gas is 2.5-3-times more than that of a traditional boiler firing the same quantity of fueeL and its temperature is about 500°C (while the flue gases discharged by a traditional equipment are of a temperature of 100-200°C). Accordingly, there are numerous stack heights (according to the propagation calculation, in our case, in case of a 2-stack version, within normal operational conditions Ah = 185 m, while in case of the single stack version Ah = 259 m), which have the same impact from the point of view of the propagation of the airbome emissions. Comparing the results of the calculations for the two different stack heights, within the most unfavorable meteorological conditions (S = 7, v = 6 m/s), it can be stated, that, at a stack height of 40 m, the immission value is higher by about 10% than at a stack height of 51 m, while it is significantly below the limit values (see Fig. 11/3.1.2.-6). 70 Immissions [jiglm3] 0 cJn CA ~ 0 CA a 1350 2350 2 3350 rA 4350 5350 6350 7350 8350 C a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 3~~~~~~~~ * 9350 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- o10350 'an ~~~ 12350~ ~ ~ ~~~I C 0E 14350 03Z oc15350Z 16350~~~~~~~ 17350 r 18350 19350 ID Comparison of the values of 30 - minute NOx immissions of 40 and 51 m high stacks., in case of one single stack and two stacks 30- _H =40 rn - in case of two stacks 25 ~~~~.H 51 rn- in case of two stacks S07; vWSmIS c20 E ~ ~~~~ 40 m - In case of one single stack ~15 6, ~H=51 rn-ina tne single stack 0 - oD CD CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Q 0D 0~ CD CD 0 0 (D VI CD V' 0 TI WI' (a %- V-C ' O -C - ~~ N C~~) C~~) l t W) o - . a, Distance from the pollution source, m Fig. 11/3.1.2.-6. ETV-ERCTERV Rt. Power Engineerng and Contractor Co. 11/3.1.3 Changes of the air quality in the impact area Operational impacts on air guality From the point of view of air quality, a circle of a radius of 5 km around the stack is considered as the impact area of the power plant, since in this area, according to the presented propagation calculation, the maximum 30-minute NOx concentration remains below 10% of the air quality limit value in the areas of Protection category 1, within all meteorological conditions. In the areas of Outstanding protection category of the impact area (the area between main road No. 72 and Lake Balaton) immission remains below 20% of the relevant 30- minute air quality limit value (in case of NOx: 85 pg/cu.m). Over the 5 km distance inmmission shall firther reduce. Thus, on the basis of the upgraded calculations, the iInpact area of the power plant has become smaller than a circle of a radius of 10 kn,. which has been investigated by the Preliminary environmental impact study. The reason is the significantly lower achievable nitrogen-oxide emission. The values calculated with the tansmission model are superposed to the existing pollution level of the area, i.e. to the background pollution. These summarized values should be compared with the prescribed air quality limit values. The expected changes of the air quality in the concerned settlements are shown in Table I1/3.1.3-1. Based on the data of the table it can be stated, that Considering the periodical short-time operation, and that the immission caused by the gas turbine, even if superposed to the basic load, shall remain below the air quality limit values in any of the setflements, the expected emissions of the power plant shall not result in a pernicious pollution load to the environment. Imnacts of tranrsportations and vehicle traffic The majority of transportations shall be fuel and demi water transportation by road. The frequency is, on the average, 24-24 tank trucks of a capacity of 30 cu.m per year. The time schedule of transportations is irregular, it depends on the operation time of the gas turbine. The air pollution caused by transportation is insignificant with respect to the current load of the heavy traffic roads of the region. 71 Table 11/3.1.3.-4. - Expected air qualities of the settlements in the investigated area Max. NO, Basic load + 'he Settlement Distance from the Basic NO, load, immission of the Impact of the NO, limit value, power plant, lpg/ml power plant** power plant** WWlmI . . Im i ._____________ IjigIm 3i Ijig/ms _____[ l_W_ _l Liter 500-2000 26 25 (27) 51 (53) 200 KirAlyszentistvAn 2000-3000 24 22 (23) 46 (47) 200 Balatonfazffi 35 Areas of Protection category 1. 2000-8000 22 (23) 57 (58) 200 Areas under outstanding protection 4500-8000 15 (16) 50 (51) 85 S6ly 2500-3500 2' 20 (21) 44 (45) 200 Vilonya 3000-7000 100* 18 (19) 118 (119) 200 Haimask6r 3500-5500 100* 17 (18) 117 (118) 200 Papkeszi 5000-6000 35 15 (16) 50 (51) 200 Notes: The basic load values in the table are immission values determined by OKI by transmission calculation from the regional emission data. The actually measured average immission are lower than these values. * - no basic load has been calculated for the settlements, no measurement have been carried out, basic load data indicated in the table have been taken from the table of Attachment No. 1. to Decree No. 4/1986. (VI.2.) OKTH - in parentheses: exr cted values in case of stack height of 40 m. E1V-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11.3.2 Changes in the soil quality Soil quality may potentially be affected by the oil manipulations (transportation, racking, storage and feeding), as well as by the contact with wastes. The normal operation of the plant - thanks to the applied technical protective solutions - has no negative impact on the soil. During the racking and the storage of the oil the applied technical solutions (the oil resistant concrete tray under the racking equipment, the pipelines and the fittings; in case of the tanks the protective ring made of reinforced concrete) shall prevent the oil from spilling to the ground. In the area of the projected power plant traffic roads shall have a hard cover, and the pavements shall have a slope towards the catch basins. Liquid materials running down from the roads, and originating from the raclkng places and the technological system (rainwater, spilling, leakage, etc.) shall run to the oil separator, where these materials shall appropriately be treated and cleaned. The applied technology and the monitoring system shall immediately detect the leakages of the fuel and lubricating systeme, and shall ensure the corrective measures without delay, thus minimizing the losses and the possibility of the environmental damages. The negative impacts caused by the wastes can be avoided by the full respect of the relevant rules and regulations. Soot deposit in surface waters and in the soil, originating from the flue gases discharged from the stacks, is practically insignificant and thus negligible. 73 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineerng and Contractor Co. 113.3 Changes in the quality of surface and subsurface waters In the area there is no surface water, water excavation of water discharge. The communal water demand of the power plant is 0.1 cu.m/day, maximum 1 cu.m per month. The power plant shall be provided with a 450 cu.m fire water pool, which, according to the Hungarian standard specifications (MSZ 9779/4) has to be filled with water within 48 hours. This quantity requires a pipeline of 2.6 l/s capacity. These water demands shall be satisfied by a branching from the drinldng water pipeline supplying the sub-station with water. Demi water, required for the additional water supply used for the cooling system and, if required, for the reduction of the NOx emission of the gas turbines, shall be transported by road, in tank-trucks. During the provisional stay of the operating staff in the power plant approx. I cu.m communal waste water may produce per month. It shall be collected in a closed waste water reservoir and than transported for disposal. A drain system shall be built for the collection of rainwater. From places where rainwater can be contaminated with oil (for example the oil racking station) rainwater shall be discharged to an oil separator. Thus the oil concentration of rainwater shall be below 2 mg/l. The treated rainwater shall be infiltrated into the soil. The most important lake in the area of the projected power plant is Balaton (Ffizfoi bay). For the water quality of Balaton the power plant shall only have an impact through its airborne emissions, and, as a consequence, through the increased immission and acidic deposits. These impacts shall not be significant, thanks to the few emissions and the short and periodical operation of the plant, as well as to the great volume of the water of the lake. The closest water flow is Bendola-creek In the projected power plant no technological waste water shall generate, the communal waste water shall be collected in closed containers and transported from the plant for disposal, rainwater - after treatment - shall be discharged onto the ground in the plant area. Thus the waste waters of the plant shall not contaminate the creek. The impact of the airborne emissions of the plant on Bendola-creek shall not be significant, since, as a result of the actual stack height, both the immission and the deposits shall be negligible in such a distance from the plant. 74 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Thanks to the geological conditions of the area, we need not to count with the contamination of the subsurface waters, however, the technical solutions serving for the protection of the soil shall also serve for the protection of die subsurface waters. II3.4 Impacts originating from handling and storage of raw materials and wastes Raw materials In the plant site we have to count only with the storage and handling of fuel oil and demi water as raw materials. The storage and handling of demi water has no impact on the enviromnent. Demi water shall be transported to the plant by road, in tank-trucks, and it shall be stored in two 300 cu.m capacity tanks. Fuel oil shall also be transported by road, in tank-trucks. Two 1000 cu.m capacity tanks shall be built for the storage of the fuel oil. In connection with the handling and the storage of the fuel oil, the soil shall be protected with technical solutions as described in Section EV/3.2. Similarly, technical solutions (isolating cocks, gate valves, floating roof) shall ensure, that the hydrocarbon emission shall be insignificant. Communal wastes Communal wastes shall consist of the generating organic wastes and the packing materials of the auxiliary materials. Their volume shall be about 2 cunm per year. They shall be collected together with the communal wastes of the sub-station. They shall be transported for disposal by the local company of public hygiene. Technological wastes The hazardous wastes generating during the operation of the power plant consist of various used oils, oily rags, oil absorbents, used storage batteries and filter elements. The characteristic hazardous wastes and their estimated average volume per year (based on the data of other power plants) are shown in Table 11/3.4-1. 75 E1V-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Table Il/3.4.-l - Estimated average amount per year of hazardous wastes Sort of hazardous waste Estimated average amount, kg/year used oil 350 oily rag 10 oil absorbent material 200 oily suldge from the oil traps 50 used storage batteries 150 air filters of the gas turbines 40 According to the relevant regulations (decree No. 5611981.(XI.18.)MT and decree No. 27/1992.(I.30.)Korm modifying the above decree) the hazardous wastes shall be collected separately, according to sorts, and they shall temporarily be stored in a special hazardous waste storage place in the plant area. They shall be disposed by licensed companies specialized for this activity. (Preliminary discussions have taken place with Nitrok6mia Rt. which issued a declaration of intent for the incineration of the oily wastes.) The potential suppliers have been informed, that the use of asbestos-containing thermal insulation or sealing materials, the halone gases for fire extinguishing, and halogenated transformer oils are not permitted. 11/3.5 Impacts of noise emission originating from the operation of the plant The immission limit values for work Dlaces are prescribed by the Hungarian Standard Specifications MSZ 18151/2-83: - the equivalent sound pressure level A of the noise affecting the workers may not exceed LAeq = 85 dB; - the highest sound pressure level A of the noise may not exceed, in any case, LAI = 125 dB. 76 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The investigation of the noise emission of industrial plants and constructions and the determination of the noise emission limit values are included in the Hungarian Standard Specifications MSZ-13-111-85: The highest permissible noise emission limit value is LKH = 70 dB(A). This value should be measured on a vertical measuring surface exposed parallel with the border line of the plant, at a distance of "d" from the border line. d = 10 m. The noise load caused by the new facility has been investigated at the dwelling houses located in the concerned area. At the dwelling houses to be protected the resultant of the noise, originating from the newly installed equipment, the existing sub-station and the ground noise, may not exceed the currently permissible noise load limit values. This means, that, at the investigated 5 dwelling houses 40 d13(A) noise load limit value should be met during the night (see Table 117.5.-1). The potential suppliers have been informed, that the sound pressure level measured on the emission surfaces exposed in a distance of 1 m from the container units to be installed, respectively from the buildings may not exceed 85 dB(A). We have made calculations in order to determine, whether the noise load limit value can be met at 85 dB(A) noise emission. When making the calculations, the damping effect of the air, the earth effect, shielding (the dwelling houses to be protected have a free overlook to the new plant), the damping effect of the vegetation (the height and the density of the existing vegetation may not reduce the emitted noise), and the impact of the meteorological conditions have not been taken into consideration. The two gas turbines installed close to each other and the two stacks (taking into consideration, that primarily the top of the stack shall emit noise) can be considered point sources due to the distance of the dwelling houses to be protected. The distance from the dwelling houses is the multiple of the largest sizes of the new facilities. The distance-dependant damping has been calculated with the following formula: ALt = 20 lg(rl/r2) where ri 600 m (distance of the closest dwelling houses to be protected from the projected plant) r2 I m (distance of the emission surface from the equipment) 77 ETV-ERCTERV Rt Power Engineering and Contractor Co. As a result of the calculation, in the case of the dwelling houses located at a distance of 600 m from the new facility, the distance-dpendant damping is 55 dB(A). The sound pressure level at a distance of 2 m from the facade of the dwelling houses to be protected (taking into consideration a correction of -3 dB due to the echo, and 4 point sources) is 38.4 dB(A). This means, that the new facilities in themselves do not exceed the noise load limit value, not even during the night. Calculating from the measuring data, in the night period the current effective sound pressure level A at the dwelling houses is 35 dB(A). The sound pressure level generated by the new facilities shall be superposed to this noise at the given exposure points. Summarizing the two sound pressure levels at the exposure points, the resultant shall be 40 dB(A) at the dwelling houses. Based on the summarized levels, at the dwelling houses there shall be no excess noise load during the night. In day time the noise load limit value is higher (50 dB(A) ). The noise emission of the power plant shall be identical day and night, thus it seems to be clear, that there shall be no excess noise load during the day either. In summaTy, it can be stated, that the noise emission of the projected plant shall increase the noise load of the dwelling houses in the area with respect to the cunrent values, but no excess noise load is expected neither in day time, nor during the night. Noise originating from traffic For the supply of the consumed fuel - taking into consideration the storage capacity of the available tank park - we have count with the traffic of at least one single 40 cu.m capacity tank-truck. 78 ETV-ER1TERV Rt Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The equivalent noise level has been calculated on the basis of the traffic data, as follows: the calculated equivalent sound pressure level A at a distance of d = 7.5 m from the centre line of the road shall be: LAeqm = 23.2 +10 Ig Qm + 16.7 Ig vm dB(A) where: Qm = 0.125 dB - number of passing heavy truck per hour vm - 50 km/h - velocity of the truck in the residential area I truck turn-round/day in the given route means the passing of 2 heavy trucks (1- 1 in each direction). The reference time is 16 hours, i.e. on the average 0,125 heavy truck shall pass in each hour. Calculating with the given formula this means, that the transportation activity in itself shall produce 42.5 dB(A) equivalent sound pressure level A at a distance of 7.5 m from the centre line of the road. Currently the average equivalent sound pressure level A on the fuel transportation road is 60 dB(A), and thus the resultant of the two sound pressure levels shall be 60.07 dB(A). Consequently, the transportation of the fuel supply may cause an increase of 0.07 dB(A) in the noise load, which is negligible. 11.3.6 Microclimatic impacts Due to the operation of the projected power plant - as a result of the short operation time (20 hours per year on the average) and the relatively small volume of flue gases - we do not have to count with detectable changes of the microclimate. 11/3.7 Ecological prognostics for habitats This is the flora and the fauna on which the projected power plant may have a more significant impact through its airbome emission. The impact of the power plant shall superpose on the impact of the air pollution originating from the neighboring industrial areas, and cannot be separated from it. 79 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The changes in the ecological conditions of habitats (biocenoses) can already be prognosticated on the basis of the available data. Based on the investigations and the available data only reversible changes can be expected in the impact area. Their measure depends on the meteorological conditions during operation and on the species of the vegetation. The reversible change caused by the operation of the plant is smalL its impact can be compensated by living creatures. No irreversible change in the flora and fauna can be expected on the basis of the volume of the emitted pollutants. The correctness of the prognostics can be controlled by establishing biomonitoring areas. The rectangular control areas should be marked out in places calculated on the basis of the dominating wind direction and the atmospheric stability conditions, within the characteristic vegetation types. The determining air pollutants are nitrogen-oxides and sulfur-dioxide. With the help of air humidity these pollutants shall form acid compounds, which shall affect the parts of the plants above the ground. In the impact area of the plant, the thin rendzina generating on the limy base rock shall buffer the acid effect, and thus the changes resulting from getting sour of the soil can be excluded (appearance of acidophilous vegetation). The impacts on the animals living in the impact area may occur in two ways: a) directly, through the pollutants in the air (NOx, S02, resp. their acid forms). Depending on the rate of pollution and on the sensitivity of the species - the multiplication rate, - the number of the populations, and - the diversity of the species in the area may reduce; 80 ETV-EROTERV RL (5E Power Engineering and (ER V ERV Contractor Co. b) indirectly, through the vegetation. In case of the degradation of the vegetation and the supersession of some alimentation plant species, even a part of the phytofaguous species may disappear from the area. The lairs indispensable for the species may also cease. By the reduction of the density of alimentation animals, the predator populations may also be endangered. However, the above described process is excluded by the reversible nature of the damages which may occur to the vegetation. Since ecosystems are quite complex systems, it is very difficult to foretell the impacts resulting from the environmental changes. We have extended our investigations both to the vegetation and some specific groups of the vertebrate and invertebrate animals. From among vertebrate animals primarily the species fixed to a place (or particularly fixed to a place) and their populations are applicable for making prognostics. The amphibia are exclusively sensitive to enviromnental pollution, just like reptiles, severl species of which are bioindicators. From among invertebrate species primarily the insects and the spiders shall be investigated, ground-beetles indicate well any unfavorable changes of the biotopes. In the present stage of the investigations the only thing we can do is, that we assess the expected location and the flora and fauna of the impact area - primarily that of the maximum pollution concentration -, and that of Sukori-mountain, which was proposed as a control area, we estimate the size of the populations, we select the more valuable species, we determine their position in the ecosystem, in the food-chai,n and, later on, through the monitoring systm, we can follow with attention the changes which have taken place. Based on the expected impacts of the power plant and on our knowledge from literature, in the following we descnbe the most important habitats and the associated impacts to be expected. 81 ml ETV-ER65TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. II/3.7.1 Natural and secondary grasses We consider as natural grasses the open and closed dolomite rock grasses, secondary grasses are the rock grasses on the sloping steppes (formerly there have been calciphilous oakwood, rarely karstic scmb forests in their places), and nitrophilous grass-lands along water flows. It is a large area, the dry grasses which grow on a shallow soil cannot be used well, but they are valuable from the point of view of botanical nature protection. From zoological point of view they are the most valuable biotopes of the impact area. The area has a lot of rare xerotherxmal insect species. As far as the vertebrate species are concerned, up to the present two reptile species (speedy and green lizards) and some bird species living on the soil and in bushes have been found (in a few number). In this type of habitats only reversible changes can be expected. 11/3.7.2 Natural forests In the investigated area, all those forests can be considered natural, which have oakwood species (karstic scrub forest, calciphilous oakwood, sessile Turkey oakwood and hornbeam oakwood). The economic value of the large-size calciphilous oakwoods is small, at the same time, they play a significant role in preserving the soil layer, and many protected plant and animal species live within the forests. These indigenous communities are stable, the impact of the power plant on these species shall expectedly be small and it shall possibly be compensated (reversible) by their self-regulating system. 11/3.7.3 Planted pinewoods On the naked dolomites primarily black pine, rarely Scotch fir was planted. Black pine did not live up to the expectations for the afforestation of barren dolomites. When young, it tolerates well dry conditions, but at the age of 30-40 years its water demand shall be proportionate to its size, and the dry climate without any 82 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. formation of dew at dawn cannot satisfy this water demand, therefore it becomes to die. According to literature data, it tolerates well air pollution compared with other pine species. Approx. 50% of the black pine plantations on Mogyor6s-hegy are older trees, the other part consists of young, "brush-dense" plantations. These forests offer a good home exclusively for birds from among vertebral animals, but especially those forests, in which there are also other trees and bushes among the pine woods. The homogenous pine forests were almost free of birds in the period under investigation, and the small variety of species was especially apparent. Mainly nightingale, greenfinch and warbler were found. 1I/3.7.4 Lakes, water flows The most important lake in the area of the projected power plant is Balaton (F&fdi bay), the closest water flow is Bendola-creek. As it was already mentioned in Section I13.3, the impact of the power plant on water quality shall not be significant, thus we do not count with a measurable impact in the ecological system of waters. II/3.7.5 Areas under agricultural cultivation (ploughlands) Based on the findings of the site walks it can be stated, that on the overwhelming part of the ploughlands mainly crop and rape are cultivated. Crop tolerates well air pollution. In connection with rape we have no data from literature, but it is cultivated in large quantities in the surrounding of Papkeszi: according to several decades' experience it can be cultivated in this area despite of the heavy air pollution. We do not count with significant impacts with respect to the agricultural areas, and the possible reversible impacts shall be tolerated by the cultivated plants. 83 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and tVERV Contractor Co. Il/3.8 Impscts on human health and other human impacts The power plant shall have an impact on the population through the air pollution and the increase of the noise load. Taking into consideration periodical and short-tine operation, as well as the fact, that the immissions caused by the gas turbine shall remain, in any of the settlements in the area, below the limit values of public health (as shown in Section II/3.1), even if they are superposed to the basic load, the expected air pollution shall not have a negative impact on the health of the population. The noise emission of the projected power plant shall slightly increase the noise load of the dwelling houses to be protected in the area with respect to the current values, but no excess noise load is expected neither in day time, nor during the night, as it was described in Section II/3.5. 11.3.9 Social-economical impacts In January and February 1996, in possession of the preliminary building permit of the Hungarian Energy Office, in cooperation with Ritky and Co. Marketing Communication Agency, MVM Rt. organized a public information in harmony with Government Decree No. 146/1992.(XI.4.). On April 22, 1996 a decision has been issued by the inter-departmental committee in connection with the information of the public, according to § 3 of the above said Government Decree. T'he decision included the following: 1. On a preliminary basis, in its session of December 20, 1995 the Committee was of the opinion, that the concept of the development of a secondary reserve power plant, within the framework of the development program of MVM Rt. - as a precondition of joining the Westem-European power system - is in harmony with the objectives of the Hungarian energy policy and with the viewpoints of the protection of the environment. 84 Sl ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 2. The Committee states, that during the preparatory phase of making a decision on the development the feasibility study and the preliminary environmental impact study have been prepared. The Hungarian Energy Office issued a preliminary building permit and, in January 1996 - based on the approved "program for the information of the public" - MVM Rt started the information of the great public. The technical public hearing took place in Lit6r, on February 29, 1996, where the concerned communities could make comments and proposals. 3. The Committee, in order to ensure the proper control of the program, invited -by way of competition - an Expert Organization, which performed the following tasks based on a contract: - they managed the reconciliation of the interests and supervised the procedure and the correctness of the progran, - they cooperated with the PR-agency selected by the investor in the preparation and the carrying through of the public information, as well as in the organization and the procedure of the public sessions and public hearings, - they followed with attention the public relation fonrms and events taking place between the investor and the communities of the concerned region, they ensured an objective background for the reconciliation of the interests and they prepared the official report of the technical public hearing, - they prepared a surmary report for the Committee about the realization of the public information program and the reconciliation of the interests, in the framework of which they evaluated the documents prepared during the preparation and the realization of the program, they made comments on the activity of the PR agency with special regard to the contents of the "program for the information of the public", they supervised the PR-documentation prepared during the specific work phases, they made proposals supporting the decision-making of the Committee. 85 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Based on the opinions voiced during the public hearing of February 29, 1996 in Lit6r, on the data of the second follow-up public opinion poll, as well as on the contents of the summary report of the Expert Organization, the Committee states, that the concemed population do not refuse the investment project, at the same time they make certain reservations from environmental point of view. The majority of the questions referred to the noise level associated with the operation, the quality of the fuel to be used, the emission of the pollutants, the distance from their settlement, groundwater contamination, etc. The responses of the representation of the investor were satisfactory for the most part. One of the people making more than 40 comments during the technical public heanng was of the opinion, that the decision on the investment project would be made by referendum, but nobody else has supported the idea. The Committee considers satisfactory the public information procedure connected with the building of the 100 MW capacity gas turbine secondary reserve power plant of MVM Rt. in Lit6r with the condition, that following the preparation of a detailed environmental impact study the public should be informed in every respect. The Committee - with regard to the great interest of the public - is of the opinion, that the investor, during the licensing procedure, should keep on informing the concemed municipalities about the most important decisions associated with the projected power plant (for example the selection of the technology, the fuel material, the final plant site, etc.), the investor should ensure the access for the municipality to the public documents in connection with the projected power plant - primarily the detailed environmental impact study to be prepared -, and for the public the possibility of inspection of these documents and the possibility to make comments. 86 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and (5 VTER,>Contractor Co. 4. At the same time, the Committee draw the attention of the investor, the concerned municipalities and the licensing authorities to the following: in the tender invitation for the supply of the gas turbine the new limit values and requirements for the protection of air purity and air quality should be indicated, which are in harmony with the regulations of the protection against noise - in relation with the secondary reserve capacity. These new limit values and requirements shall enter into force within the framework of the current law on environmental protection, the concerned municipalities - in harmony with the conmnents made during the technical public hearing - with the involvement of the competent environmental regulatory agencies, should initiate, that the investor takes the responsibility of ensuring the availability of controllable information about the quantity (consumption) and quality (for example sulfur content) data of the energy carriers required for the operation of the secondary reserve capacity, collecting the oily waste waters generating in the plant in a closed container, and having an acceptance declaration by a licensed disposal plant, building an appropriate monitoring system for controlling the environmental impacts (air, waters) during operation, - the Hungarian Energy Office should prescribe in its license the obligation of posterior reporting about each staring in order to control the secondary character of the capacity. In the opinion of the Committee it would be purposeful, that the investor and the representatives of the concemned municipalities pursue a direct reconciliation about the requirements voiced by the local population at the technical public hearing of February 29, 1996, first of all in order to avoid the increase of the load to the environment. 87 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineenng and (eVJ5TER ) pContractor Co. Taking into consideration the statements of the summary report of the Expert Organization, and on the basis of the experiences of the technical public hearing of February 29, 1996, the Committee is of the opinion, that the public information process in connection with the projected 100 MW capacity gas turbine secondary reserve power plant of MVM Rt. in Liter was satisfactory, and considers the prescribed Commission activity as closed, with the condition, that, parallel with the preparation of the detailed environmental impact study, the public should be kept informed - about the details of the protection of the environment - until the next public hearing on the environmental protection to take place according to govemment decree No. 86/1993.(V.4.)Korm. modified with govemment decree No. 6711994.(VA.)Korm. With regard to the opinion of the Committee, the licensing procedure by the regulatory agencies and the preparation for the construction of the 100 MW capacity gas turbine secondary reserve power plant of MVM Rt. in Liter can be continued. 11.3.10 Impacts on the landscape The site of the new gas turbine power plant is located in the outskirts of Lit6r, to NE from the village, in the area surrounded by the roads connecting Veszpr6m with Balatonf;;zfo- and Veszpr6m with Kirilyszentistvan, in westem direction from the transformer transportation road and the existing 120/35 kV power station. The area is accessible from the transformer ransportation road. The plant shall be built on an agricultural area (following the exclusion of the area from agricultunal cultivation). The landscape shall not significantly influenced by the sight of the power plant, since the neighboring sub-station already gives an industrial character to the area. With regard to the general appearance of the projected facility, it shall fit to the existing buildings of the sub-station. The gas turbines shall have an 51 (40) m stack(s). After the completion of the building works, the area shall be grassed. 88 EIV-ER5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11/3.11 Other expected impacts due to average and operational troubles Due to the applied technological and technical solutions, as well as to the character of the plant, hazardous materials may enter into the environment only in case of average. Such hazardous materials can be the fuel and lubricating materials, as well as the fire extinguishing materials in case of fire, which can be qualified as case of average. Potential sources of danger are in connection pardy with the transportation, movement, racking of storage of hazardous materials, respectively with the possible failure of cables, fittings, storage means and tanks. A case of average may occur as a result of - disaster (earthquake, thunderstroke) - fire - traffic accident - technological problem, operational trouble - aggressive human action (intentional damaging, terrorist action). In this section we describe only the possible impacts, the elimination shall be dealt with in Section II/5.7. The greatest possible average is fire, during which both the fire and the extinguishing may result in environmental damages. 89 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineedng and Contractor Co. During fire the combustion products (flue gases, smoke, soot, etc.) enter into the air, where gases shall mix according to the current weather and wind conditions, while heavier solid particles (soot) after a certain time shall deposit on the soil. The propagation of the pollution can hardly be determined, since it depends on the meteorological conditions, the dispersion processes, as well as on the natural and artificial settling effects (for example water spraying). A part of the water and the foam material (type: LW ATC FC 600) used for extinguishing - mixing with the buming material - shall inevitably spread on the soil, respectively enter into the soil, and, in such a case, it shall contaminate it. Average - endangering the cleanliness of the soil and the waters - may caused by operation troubles of the equipment, respectively by the hazardous materials leaking from injured storage tanks (fuel materials, lubricating matenals). From this point of view, the most dangerous situation is, when an operation trouble occurs in the fuel supply system, since in such case of average oil may leak from the system. The operational troubles of the fuel supply system may also result in air pollution, due to the evaporation of the fuel material hydrocarbon emission may occur. The environmental impacts of the aggressive human actions cannot be estimated without knowing the motivations and the intentions. 90 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. 11A EXPECTED IMPACTS OF DECOMMISSIONING The projected life time of the power plant is 30 years. After the shut-down of the plant the equipment shall be disassembled and transported from the site. The dismounted machine equipment can be recycled (iron scrap). The underground concrete structures shall remain in place. No waste shall remain on the site. The expected impacts of decommissioning are similar to those of the construction period, but somewhat smaller. We have to count primarily with air pollution and noise caused by dismounting works and transportation. 1I14.1 Changes in subsurface and surface water quality The power plant - during its normal operation - shall not have any impact on the quality of subsurface and surface waters, therefore, likely, there shall be no change in the quality of waters after decommissioning. In case of a deconmnissioning performed by the contractor with the utmost care to be expected, no negative impact or contamination may occur to the subsurface and surface waters of the area. 1114.2 Changes in the soil quality T*he power plant - during its normal operation - shall not have any impact on soil quality, therefore, likely, there shall be no change in the quality of soil after decommissioning. In case of a decommissioning performed by the contractor with the utmost care to be expected, no negative impact or contamination may occur to the soil in the area. 91 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. 1114.3 Ecological changes Decommissioning and the cease of air pollution shall have a favorable influence on the flora and fauna of the region by all means. After decommissioning only the underground engineering structures shall remain in the site, the hollow underground structures (fire water tank, cable ducts) shall be filled. In case of a complete decommissioning, these structures shall not mean "traps" which may cause damage to the ecology of the region. II14A Landscape, land use After decommissioning the area shall be arranged and grassed. The landscape shall be restored, however, the current use of land (ploughland) can possibly not be restored. 92 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11/5 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES I1/5.1 Protection of the air quality At the gas turbines, in case of oil firing, the characteristic air pollutants are: nitrogen-dioxides, sulfur-dioxide, carbon-monoxide and soot. Carbon-monoxide and soot emission at the gas turbines can be kept below the emission limit values without special environmental measures. At the gas turbines two technological solutions can be applied for meeting NOx emission iimit values: water injection into the combustion chamber. This shall reduce the temperature at the places which can be considered critical from the point of view of nitrogen-dioxide generation. With this solution the amount of the generating nitrogen-dioxide can significantly be reduced. an appropriate bumer construction (so-called Dry-low-NOx burners), which keeps nitrogen-oxide generation on a low level. This solution is currently used at the gas turbines burning gaseous fuel, but experiments are underway with oil fired bumers, and such bumers shall expectedly appear on the market within one or two years. In the present study we have supposed the application of the water injection method At the gas turbines the sulfur-dioxide emission limit values can be met by the proper selection of the fuel material. In the power plant investigated by the present study the sulfur contents of the fuel material is very low (max. 02%/6), and thus the emission limit values can be met. 93 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11/5.2 Water protection The generating communal waste water shall be collected and treated in a closed waste water reservoir, and then transported for disposal. In the projected plant site - due to its position (in the area there is no water flow) - surface and subsurface waters could only be contaminated through the soil, and thus the following measures to be taken for the protection of the soil shall also serve for the protection of the waters. 11153 Soil protection The technical solutions (oil-resistant tray at the oil racking station and under the pipelines and fittings, a reinforced concrete protective ring for the tanks) shall prevent the oil from spilling onto the soil. An oil trap shall be built for the collection of oily waters rumning down from the access road of the racking station, as well as for the collection of the oils spilling at the gas turbine units. Oily waters shall be cleaned in an oil separator. The oil concentration of the water discharging from the separator shall not exceed 2 mg/I. T-he separated oil shall be pumped into a container and then tranwsported for disposal. Wastes shall be collected separately, according to sorts, and they shall temporarily be stored in a separate storage place in the plant. They shall be remediated by a licensed company specialized for this activity. 94 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Il/5.4 Noise protection In the pmjected power plant the noise protection shall be ensured by silencers, by special sound insulations and by the light-structure casing. II/5.5 Nature protection Nature protection shall be ensured by the optimal design of the plant, taking into full consideration the environmental requirements (selection of the fuel material, water injection) and by the way of construction. EU/5.6. Landscape protection With regard to the general appearance of the projected facility, it shall fit to the neighboing sub-station. After the completion of the construction of the plant the area shall be arranged and gassed, the newly planted trees shall intercept the sight of the plant.. 11/5.7 Averages and the plan for their elimination In order to prevent the pemicious impacts of accidents which may occur during transportation and on the material movement routes, the traffic roads in the projected plant area shall have a hard cover, and the pavements slope towards the catch basin. Liqid materials runnig down from the road and from the racking station, as well as originating from the technological system (rainwater, spills, leakages, etc.) shall be collected in the oil separator, where they shall be treated and cleaned up to a appropriate measure. The leakages of the fuel material and lubricating material systems shall immediately be explored by the monitoring system thus making possible to take the necessary measures without delay, and also to minimize losses and the possibility of causing 95 EIV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. environmental damages. The technical solutions (a concrete tray at the oil racking station and under the pipelines and the fittings, in case of the tanks a steel protective ring with a reinforced concrete base) shall prevent oil from spilling onto the ground in case of operational troubles. For the case of earthquakes and thunderstrike - tacing into account their frequency and energy - the prescriptions for designing are included in the national standard specifications, the compliance of which shall be supervised by the regulatory authorities tbrough the building permits and the license for use. When dimensioning the foundations from statical point of view, former seismic activities in the region are taken into consideration. The greatest possible case of average which may occur is a fire. The elimination of such averages and fire protection are prescribed in detail in the relevant official regulations. Planned fire protection is effective against fire averages.. When extinguishing fire, the fire extinguishing material shall spread on the soil in a relatively small part of the area, thus the extension of the contamination can easily be delineated and the contamination can effectively be eliminated. In order to reduce these damages, after the fire the following steps should be taken as soon as possible: - collection and absorption of the spilled hazardous materials and contaminated water - assessment of the rate of contamination clean-up or remediation of the contaminated soil. The protection against aggressive human actions shall be ensured by applying a fence around the site and by guarding. The action plan for the elimination of averages can be prepared on the basis of the technical prescriptions provided by the suppliers. The action plan shall be prepared in the knowledge of these technical prescriptions, after the selection of the supplier. 96 L ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineerng and Contractor Co. 11/6 MAIN UNCERTAINTIES AND MISSING DATA 11/6.1 Designing conditions The main uncertainties of the designing conditions originate from the fact, that the type and the supplier of the equipment is not yet selected. The projected power plant shall be of 100-120 MW capacity. During the analysis of the enviromnental impacts the highest possible - 120 MW - capacity has been considered effective. Thus the associated air pollution and noise emissions can be considered as the highest estimated values, and the actual emissions shall expectedly be lower. 11.6.2 Building uncertainties The main uncertainties of the building also originate from the fact, that the type and the supplier has not yet been selected. Therefore, the volume of the construction/assembly works, the number and the type of the machines and the tansportation vehicles, as well as the material quantities to be transported have only been estimated on the basis of earlier experiences. 11/6.3 Current environmental status and impacts I116.3 Air quality In connection with the air quality and the air pollution of the projected power plant there are several uncertainties. The first uncertainty originates from the fact, that the type of the equipment is not yet selected, and thus the emission of the equipment has been detennined on the basis of the data provided by the potential suppliers. 97 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The second uncertainty is connected with the assessment of the state level. The air quality of the area of the projected power plant has been characterized on the basis of the measuring results of the National Immission Measuring Network. The measuring points of the Network have not been located optimally from the point of view of the power plant under investigation in the present study, they have been selected from another aspects (investigation of the impacts of the industrial plants in the region, heavily polluting the area). The next uncertainty is the limited reliability of the propagation calculation model. According to experiences, the difference between the calculated values and the actual immissions can be max. 20%. II16.3.2 Water quality The uncertainties associated with water quality appear in the characterization of the current status. No waste water shall be discharged from the projected power plant, and thus we do not have to count with an impact on water quality in the area. This was the reason why we had not performed investigations for determining the quality of the surface and subsurface waters of the area, we only displayed the existing and accessible data. 1116.3.3 Soil quality In the case of soil quality the uncertainty is the lack of data necessary for the characterization of the current status. Since the projected power plant shall have no impact on the soil, no investigations have been performed for determining soil quality in the area or in its surrounding. 98 ETV-E.ROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11/6.3.4 Ecological data The collection and the processing of the ecological data is done on a continuous basis. The evaluation of these data can take place only after the completion of the assessment. The impact of the operating power plant on the flora and the fauna shall be followed through biomonitoring investigations. Therefore, in the following, we shall deal with the uncertaintiy factors which can be expected during the biomonitoring investigations, and their elimination. The succession of quadratic sample areas: The flora and fauna and the composition of the species in the biomonitoring quadratic sample areas are dynamically changing, they develop in a detennined direction in a longer run. However, the occurring impacts on succession are manifest not only in the quadratic sample areas, but also in their control areas, and thus they can be interpreted in the course of the investigations. Changes im the ecological conditions of the guadratic sample areas: the following impacts are expected to occur in the quadratic sample areas: - changing of the use (for example grazing, afforestation, etc.) - grie.vous disaster (for example natunal or antropogenic fires). Uncertainty factors can be reduced by an agreement with the owner and by marking out the quadratic sample areas on an accidental basis. 99 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and ( ERdTERV ) Contractor Co. IIM7. MONITORING SYSTEM III/7.1 Monitoring during construction No separate monitoring system shalU be designed for the investigation of the impacts during the construction - due to the measure of the impacts. At the same time, during the construction/assembly works, the investor shall supervise the building company and the other contractors on a continuous basis, and shall follow with attention the respect of the environmental regulations. II1.2 Monitoring during operation Il/7.2.1 Air pollution and air quality The following characteristic data and components of the flue gas shall be measured in the stack during operation, on a continuous basis: - So2, - NOX, - solid particles (soot), - Co, - or C02, - temperature of the flue gas, - volume flow of the flue gas The measuring data shall be processed by a computer program registering and evaluating the data according to the relevant regulations. Due to the short operating times (20 hours per year, on the average) the building of a separate inunission measuring system is not justified. 100 ETV-ER(5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11/7.2.2 Investigation of surface and subsurface waters 'he projected power plant, in the course of its normal operation, shall not have an impact on the surface and subsurface waters, thus there is no need to build a monitoring system for the investigation of these environmental elements. 11/7.2.3 Investigation of soil contamination The projected power plant shall not have an impact on the soil either, and thus there is no need to build a monitoring system for the investigation of the soil. The operation of the oil trap shall be controlled by sampling the soil and by analyzing the sample for oil concentration on a monthly basis. 11/7.2.4 Biomonitoring The decision-making on the necessity of a biomonitoring system, and its design shall only be possible after the completion of the basic investigations. Due to the expectedly small impact the quadratic sample areas should be marked out in the most polluted areas. The quadratic sample areas should include the characteristic vegetation units of the investigated area: - open dolomite rock grass - sloping steppes with rock grass - calciphilous oakwood - planted black pinewood. It is important, that the ecological conditions of the quadratic control areas be identical or similar - except pollution. Primarily the similar habitats of Sukori- mountain belonging to Vilonya can be taken into account as control areas. 101 I ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. QUICK-START GAS TURBINE POWER PLA]NT OF L1T]R (Secondary reserve) DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY SUMMARY 102 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. In the course of the present work we performed the detailed environmental impact assessment of the projected power plant and we compiled a Detailed Environmental Impact Study, the main topics of which are summarized in the following, in harmony with § 13 of Government Decree No. 15211995(XU.12.): 1I/8.1 Introduction One of the outstanding objectives of the Hungarian energy policy approved by the National Assenbly is the diversification of the energy sources, and - in view of wire energy - the extension of the connections. Therefore, in 1991, the Govenmment made a decision, that the Hungarian energy system joins UCPTE, the association of the Westem-European electric energy systems, which are on a higher technical level and which may guarantee a more safe electric energy supply for Hungary. One of the basic conditions of joining UCPTE is, that the Hungarian electric energy system should have a quick-action, so-called secondary control reserve capacities of a size determined by UCPTE recommendations. These reserve capacities should be equivalent at least to the greatest capacity of the electric energy production unit of the system. In the Hungarian electric energy system the greatest capacity production units are the 460 MW blocs of the Nuclear Power Plant of Paks, thus the secondary control reserve capacity should be of 460 MW. In the recent years, the Hungarian Power Companies Ltd. (MVM Rt.) has performed comprehensive investigations for analyzing the most purposeful possibilities of ensuring the required reserve capacity. Based on the analysis, MVM has come to the conclusion, that 200 MW of the required reserve capacity should be ensured by establishing quick-start gas turbine power plants. 103 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 1118.2 Description of the facility IIV8.2.1 Installation Starting from the role of the secondary control-purpose power plants played in the electric energy system, MVM Rt. has come to the conclusion, that it would be purposeful to locate such power plants at the more important junction points of the electric energy system, close to the large sub-stations of the network. The 2.4 ha size location of the projected power plant is in the outskirts of Lit6r, in N-E direction, in the northem part of the area surrounded by the Veszpr6m- Balatonfiizfwo and Veszpr6m-KiralyszentistvAn roads and the so-called tansformer transportation roads, in western direction from the existing substation, according to site plan No. 1123.-1. In the plant the following equipment and systems shall be installed (see installation plan No. I/23.-2): - gas turbine and auxiliary equipment - generator and auxiliary equipment - electric equipment of the power plant - electric technology of the substation - control system - environmental monitoring system - fuel supply system - water supply systems - fire protection systems. 104 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. IU8.2.2 Description of the operation of the projected gas turbine power plant It is a basic requirement, that the projected power plant units reach maximum capacity within 10 minutes after starting by the National Electric Load Distributor (OVT). It is owing primarily to the aeroderivative gas turbines - transformed from airplane gear drives for industrial purposes - that the requirement of quick starting can be met. Based on statistical data, the expected number of starting shall be minimum 5, maximum 60. After startng a 2-hour operation time is expected. During this period of time the defected unit can again be put into operation, or a reserve unit can be started. The most probable number of working hours per year shall be: 10 x 2, i.e. 20 hours/year. The projected power plant shall operate without permanent operating staff. The decisive technological element of the power plant is the gas turbine, which has three main parts: the compressor, the combustion chamber and the turbine. The compressor compresses the suction air to the required pressure for combustion. The fuel is burnt by special bumers. The turbine is rotated by the expansion of the high pressure and high temperature flue gas discharging from the combustion chamber. Electric energy is generated by a generator connected to the turbine. The generating flue gas is discharged to the open air through a stack. The gas turbine is mounted with a silencer both at the suction side and at the stack. The operation scheme and the axonometric view of the gas turbine is shown in Fig. 11/1.-l, while the view and the axonometric picture of the container unit are shown in Fig. II/1.-2. 105 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. During combustion at a high temperature a part of the suction air and the nitrogen- containing compounds of the fuel form nitrogen oxides. Their amount depends on the temperature of the flame and on the time of residence of the gases in the combustion chamber. The rate of nitrogen oxide generation can be kept on a low level by the proper formation of the combustion chamber, respectively by water injection. The fuel also contains some sulfir, in a very small quantity (max. 0.2%). During combustion this forms sulfur dioxide. The carbon monoxide and soot emission of the newest types of turbines is minimal. In the present phase of planning neither the number of the required gas turbines has not been determined, nor the type has not been selected. Based on the received informal proposals we have selected one from among the possible types for demonstrating the envirommental imnpacts of the projecte-' power plant, which has the most unfavorable characteristics from environmental point of view. The power plant shall have 100-120 MW capacity generated by one or two gas turbines. The most probable solution shall be a two-block faciiity, but the single- block version cannot be excluded either. During the investigation of the environmental impacts the most important difference between the two solutions is the analysis of the air pollution, since there is a significant difference between them with respect to immission. During the investigation of the environmental impacts the highest possible capacity - 120 MW - shall be considered as a reference. The characteristics of the power plant associated with this capacity (based on the received informal proposals and the preliminary discussions with the potential suppliers) are the following: Capacity: 120 MW Efficiency: 40% Quantity: I or 2 Operation: Number of startings/year - average 10 - maximum 60 - minimum 5 Expected operation time of one single starting 2 hours 106 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Sulfur content of the projected fuel: max. 0.2% Heating value of the fuel: min. 41 000 kJ/kg Fuel consumption: 7.3 kg/s Discharged flue gas: 365 kg/s, which is equivalent to 285 cu.m/s flue gas of normal condition (273 K, 101.3 kPa) Temperature of the emitting flue gas: 480°C Concentrations of pollutants in the emitted flue gas: nitrogen oxides max. 145 mg/cu.m (70 ppm) sulfur-dioxide max. 104 mg/cu.m carbon-monoxide max. 20 mg/cum soot <4 (blackening number according to the Bacharach scale) Emission of pollutants: nitrogen oxides max. 149 kg/h sulfur-dioxide max. 107 kg/h carbon-monoxide max. 20.5 kg/h Height of the stack 51 m (40 m) Noise emission of the equipment: max. 85 dB(A) sound pressure level on the emission surfaces exposed at a distance of 1 m from the container units, resp. from {he buildings 107 ETV-ER5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 11/8.3 Expected environmental changes and their evaluation 11/8.3.1 Investigation of the environmental impacts and the impact areas The areas to be investigated for the current environmental status and for the impacts of the operation of the projected power plant have been selected and presented separately, according to the environmental elements and the investment phases (see Table 1/6.-i and Figs. 1/6.-). 11/8.3.2 Current status of the environnent In summary, based on the available data and the performed noise measurements, the current environmental status of the projected power plant can be characterized as follows: Air quality According to the measurements of the National Immission Measuring Network the air quality in the area of Liter shows a favorable picture with respect to the basic pollutants. The air quality of the neighboring settlements with respect to sulfur- dioxide and nitrogen-dioxide pollution can be considered satisfactory, while the settling dust load is objectionable. Subsurface waters The most important water resource in the area of the projected power plant is the karstic water resource stored by the Triassic carbonate deposit constituting the base rock of Bakony. Based on the analytical results of the water of the karstic wells close t the site, it can be stated, that the water quality of these wells is "acceptable". 108 ETV-ERITERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Surface waters The closest water flow is Bendola-creek, which runs into S6d-Veszpr6m at Vilonya. No water quality data are available with respect Bendola, the nearest water quality measuring station is on S6d-Veszpr6m. Based on the available data it can be stated, that the water quality of S6d-Veszpr6m is very bad (it is of category V, heavily polluted), especially with respect to the oxygen and nutrient supply. This significant deterioration of water quality can clearly attributed to the fact, that along the investigated section there are large industrial plants, which discharge their waste waters - partly treated, partly without treatment - into S6d-Veszpr6m. Noise According to the results of the measurements performed in April 1996 to asses the current noise load, the noise emission of the sub-station is below the permissible noise limit values, both in day time and during the night. At the dwelling houses, due to the noise load of the heavy-traffic road the ground noise is higher than the noise load caused by the sub-station, it is over the 50 dB(A) noise load limit value. During the night the ground noise of the environment is lower than in day time. The noise load at the investigated dwelling houses was below the limit value, it was max. 39 dB(A). 109 ETV-ERC5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. II/8.3.3 The construction and its impact on the environment The building materials and the technological equipment shall be transported to the site by road. The construction period - approx. 8-10 months - shall be characterized by an intensive transportation activity, therefore we have to count with the increase of the road traffic. Transportation of building materials: in average 100 t/day (i.e. 4-5 trucks/day, during earthworks and concrete works 6-8 trucks/day). During the construction period approx. 600-700 cu.m concrete resp. approx. 60 t steel shall arrive to the site. Concrete shall be tranWorted in mixer trucks. Technology: main equipment (turbines, generators, transformers - machine parts, stack parts, tanks) shall be transported pre-assembled, by special trailers. Auxiliary equipment and machine parts shall be transported by normal tucks with an average frequency of 2-3 trucks/day during the 2-3 month period of assembly. Since the plant site shall already be excluded from agricultural cultivation by the time of the construction works, so-called "green damages" (treading underfoot) during construction may not be expected. The excavated topsoil shall be stockpiled separately and shall be backfilled after the construction, and care shall be taken, that a humic layer shall be at the top, where it is needed. During the construction and assembly works mobile toilets and bathroom containers shall be installed on the site based on an agreement with the building company. The collection and the disposal of the generating waste water shall be the responsibility of the building company. 110 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The communal waste and the debris which is not qualified as hazardous waste (for example offal, packing materials, etc.) shall be collected and disposed by the contractor performing the building and assembly works. According to the relevant regulations, possible hazardous wastes (as for example paint wastes, oily rags, etc.) in all cases shall be collected, stored on a temporary basis and disposed by the contractor. During the construction and the assembly we have to count primarily with air pollution and noise, caused by the works and the transportation activity. Impacts on air quality During the construction works we have to count with a temporary dust load of the environment due to the removal of the vegetation, the foundation work and other earthworks. The air pollution by the exhaust smoke of the machines shall not be significant due to the distance of the construction site from the residential area (the closest dwelling house is at a distance of 600 m). The pollution of the access roads of the site means a secondary pollution (the vehicles passing through the area shall disturb the clay-mud-sand mixture on the road from time to time), but this shall affect only the immediate vicinity of the roads, the pollution shall decrease parallel with the distance from the construction site. The air pollution by the exhaust smoke of the increased road traffic shall not be significant compared with the current pollution load of the heavy traffic roads in the area. Thus the traffic associated with the construction shall not have a significant impact on the air quality of the area. 111 ElTV-ER6TERV RL Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Impacts on soil quality and on surface and subsurface waters Possible soil and water contamination shall be prevented by full compliance with the water protection and waste management regulations. Noise load of the environment during the construction of the projected power plant During construction we have to count with the following activities (increasing the noise load): - Transportation of materials and equipment necessary for the construction, - noise of the construction and the assembly, - transportation of the wastes and debris generating during construction. The construction works shall be performed in day time, in the open air. Considering the distance of the dwelling houses to be protected from the site of construction (the closest dwelling houses to be protected are at a distance of 600 m from the site), excess noise load values are not expected at the dwelling houses to be protected. Impacts on the flora and fauna The projected site currently is under agricultural cultivation, thus no values can be found in the area from the point of view of the flora and fauna. The construction and assembly works shall not disturb natural habitats. 112 . I ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 118.3A Operation and its impacts on the environment The gas turbine power plant is one of the currently known technologies of electric energy production processes which causes the least environmental pollution. During its operation only airbome emissions and noise mean a pollution load to the environment. Air quality Expected emissions of the power plant polluting the air In Table 11/3.1.1-1 we .zr:npared the expected airborne emissions of the power plant with the penr.ni%ibie emission limit values according to regulation 4/1986.(VI.2.)OKTH, respectively with the expected technological emission limit values, known as projected values. By comparing the expected highest airborne emissions with the limit values we have stated, that the emissions are below the permissible values. Changes in the air quality caused by the power plant From residential point of view the air quality (immission) during operation is more important than the emissions of the plant., since air quality has an impact both on humans and the flora and fauna. In addition to the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the emitted flue gas, air quality depends on numerous furtier factors, such as: the height of the stack, the meteorological conditions (wind velocity and its changes by height, wind direction, changes of the air temperature by height, etc), the topography and the articulation of the soil surface (plants, buildings). The correlation between the emissions and the air quality can be determined by propagation calculation. 113 ETV-ER5TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. We have made propagation calculations according to the standard specifications for the environment of the power plant, in order to determine the data required for the estimation of the expected changes in air quality. The propagation of air pollutants is decisively influenced by the stability of the atmosphere (mixing capability - S) and win velocity. Therefore, we performed the propagation calculation for the lability category (S=7) causing the highest concentration close to the soil, and for the most characteristic, normal stability category (S6). In Hungary, the most unfavorable air condition (S=7) occurs with a frequency of 6.5%, while the most characteristic air condition (S=6) occurs with a frequency of 39.8%. The results of the investigation are shown in Figs. II/3.1.2-1, -2, -3, and 4. In the figures it is well shown, how much general increase is caused by the power plant in the concentrations of pollutants at various distances from the stack. The calculated values shall be added to the existing pollution level - basic load - of the area. These aggregated values should be compared with the permissible limit values of air quality. The expected changes in the air quality of the settlements of the impact area are shown in Table 11/3.13.-1. Based on the data of the table it can be stated, that, considering the periodical, short-time operation, anc; that the imission caused by the gas turbine, even if superposed to the basic load, shall remain below the air quality limit values in any of the settlements, the expected emissions of the power plant shall not result in a penicious pollution load to the environment. Soil quality, quality of surface and subsurface waters Soil quality may potentially be affected by the oil manipulations (transportation, racking, storage and feeding), as well as by the contact with wastes. The normal operation of the plant - thanks to the applied technical pru ective solutions - shall have no negative impact on the soil. 114 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Thanks to the geological conditions of the area, we need not to count with the contamination of the subsurface waters, however, the technical solutions serving for the protection of the soil shall also serve for the protection of the subsurface waters. In the plant area there are no surface water flow, water extraction or water discharge. The communal and fire water demand of the plant shall be satisfied by a branching from the drinking water pipeline supplying the sub-station with water. Demi water, required for the additional water supply used for the cooling system and, if required, for the reduction of the NOx emission of the gas turbines, shall be transported by road, in tank-trucks. During the provisional stay of the operating staff in the power plant approx. I cu.m communal waste water may produce per month. It shall be collected in a closed waste water reservoir and than transported for disposal. Communal wastes shall consist of the generating organic wastes and the packing materials of the auxiliary materials. Their volume shall be about 2 cu.m per year. They shall be collected together with the communal wastes of the sub-station. They shall be transported for disposal by the local company of public hygiene. The hazardous wastes generating during the operation of the power plant consist of various used oils, oily rags, oil absorbents, used storage batteries and filter elements. Hazardous wastes shall be collected separately, according to sorts, and they shall temporarily be stored in a special hazardous waste storage place in the plant area. They shall be disposed by licensed companies specialized for this activity. 115 E1V-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Impacts of the noise emission during the operation of the power plant The potential suppliers have been informed, that the sound pressure level measured at a distance of 1 m from the container units to be installed, respectively from the buildings may not exceed 85 dB(A). By this noise emission value we have determined the noise load caused by the projected power plant. According to calculations, the noise emission of the power plant shall increase the noise load of the dwelling houses to be protected with respect to the current noise load, but it shall not cause excess values neither in day-time nor during the night. Based on the results of the measurements carried out for the determination of the basic noise load, it can be stated, that the noise at the dwelling houses located close to main road No. 72 is currently high due to heavy traffic, higher than the expected noise load of the operation of the projected power plant. Impacts on human health in the environment The enviromnental impacts of the projected power plant - taking into consideration the basic loads, too - shall remain below the limit values with respect to human health in any of the settlements of the impact area, thus the operation of the projected power plant shall not have a pernicious impact on the health of the residents. Social-economicas impacts In January 1996 - based on the approved "Public information program" - the investors started the information of the great public. Based on the opinions voiced during the public hearing of February 29, 1996 in Liter, and the data of the second follow-up public opinion poll it can be stated, that the concerned population do not refuse the investment project, at the same time, they make certain reservations from environmental point of view. 116 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. With regard to the great interest of the public, the investor, during the licensing procedure, shall keep informed the concerned municipalities about the most important decisions associated with the projected power plant (for example the selection of the technology, the fuel material, the final plant site, etc.) and shall ensure an access for the municipality to the public documents in connection with the projected power plant - primarily the detailed environmental impact study to be prepared -, and for the public the possibility of inspection and making comments. Impacts on the landscape The landscape shall not significantly be influenced by the sight of the power plant, since the neighboring sub-station already gives an industrial character to the area. With regard to the general appearance of the projected facility, it shall fit to the existing buildings of the sub-station. The gas turbines shall have an 51 (40) m stack(s). After the completion of the building works, the area shall be grassed. J 117 ETV-EROTERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. 1I/8.3.5 Expected impacts of decommissioning The projected life time of the power plant is 30 years. After the shut-down of the plant the equipment shall be disassembled and transported from the site. The dismounted machine equipment can be recycled (iron scrap). The underground concrete structures shall remain in place. No waste shall remain on the site. After decommissionmng the area shall be arranged and grassed. The landscape shall be restored according to the original status, however, the current use of land (ploughland) can possibly not be restored. The expected impacts of decommissioning are similar to those of the construction period, but somewhat smaller. We have to count prnmarily with air pollution and noise caused by dismounting works and transportation. During deconmnissioning no negative impact or contaniination may occur to the waters and the soil of the area. Decommissioning and the cease of air pollution shall have a favorable influence on the flora and fauna of the region by all means. After decommissioning only the underground engineering structures shall remain in the site. In case of a complete decommissioning these structures shall not mean "traps" which may cause damage to the ecology of the region. 118 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineenng and Contractor Co. 1118.4 Environmental measures Protection of air guality In order to reduce the emission of nitrogen-oxides, water shall be injected into the combustion chamber of the gas turbine, which shall reduce the temperature at the critical points from the point of view of NOx generation. This solution may significantly reduce the volume of the generating nitrogen-oxides. The limit values of sulfur-dioxide emission can be met by the proper selection of the fuel material. Soil and water protection TIhe generating communal waste water shall be collected and treated in a closed waste water reservoir, and then transported for disposal. The technical solutions (oil-resistant tray at the oil racking station and under the pipelines and fittings, a reinforced concrete protective ring for the tanks) shall prevent the oil from spilling onto the soil. An oil trap shall be built for the collection of oily waters running down from the access road of the racking station, as well as for the collection of the oils spilling at the gas turbine units. Oily waters shall be cleaned in an oil separator. The oil concentration of the water discharging from the separator shall not exceed 2 mg/I. The separated oil shall be pumped into a container and then transported for disposal. 119 ETV-ER65TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. The applied technology and the monitoring system shall immediately detect the leakages of the fuel and lubricating systems, and shall ensure the corrective measures without delay, thus minimizing the losses and the possibility of the environmental damages. Wastes shall be collected separately, according to sorts, and they shall temporarily be stored in a separate storage place in the plant. They shall be remediated by a licensed company specialized for this activity. Noise protection In the projected power plant the noise protection shall be ensured by silencers, by special sound insulations and by the light-structure casing. 120 ETV-ER6TERV Rt. Power Engineering and Contractor Co. Studies prepared and used during the environmental assessment, literature 1. ETV-EROTERV Rt.: Secondary reserve gas turbines. Detailed feasibility study - Lit6r, Budapest, 1995. 2. ETV-ER6TERV Rt.: UCPTE secondary gas turbines, Preliminary Environmental Impact Study - Lit6r plant, Budapest, 1995. 3. VITUKI-Innosystem Kft.:Quick-start gas turbine power plant of Liter, Detailed environmental impact study - Work parts associated with surface and subsurface waters, Budapest, 1996. 4. National Meteorological Service - Commercial Servicing Office: Meteorological data in the area of Lit6r, 1995. 5. Bakony Museum: Preliminary work parts for the detailed enviromnental impact study on the Liter plant of UCPTE Secondary Gas Turbines, Zirc, 1996. 6. National Public Health Institute: Expert opinion - Air quality of the Balatonffozf5--Liter region, Budapest, 1994. 7. Consult-R Bt.: UCPTE secondary gas turbines, Liter plant, Detailed environmental impact study, work parts associated with noise, Budapest, 1996. 8. G&bor Bede - Ivan Gacs: Propagation of pollutants in the atmosphere, BME Engineers' Further Training Institute, Budapest, 1980. 9. Dr. Ivan Gacs - Istvan Bodnar Modeling of the propagation of air pollutants, Er6terv Information Bulletin, No. 32, Budapest, 1994. The above studies and literature can be inspected at the following address: ETV-EROTERV Rt. - Environmental Office Budapest, Angyal u. 1-3. Istvin T6th, office head (Tel.: 215-5722) 121