SA.MARKAND REGIONAL STA4E UNITARY ENTERPRISE "SUVOKOVA" Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the year ended 31 December 2017 ii i I - IND[ IE N E NLN AUlDITORS' REPORT -3 I A l l %ff N 1 (F =INANCIAL FOS TON 5 li A N T oF C PRE HENSIVE KNCOME 7 f AI.l TEME Ni CHA iNGS N EIJTY 8 T A:rM4NT OFr FAS Fc,W Nj , i: '.: h riiu cI 1.errens0 6. Propurly, par irid ei iïenl 24 7. Invesiments ir the Suv,kms Oi?tiek 25 2. InvEntadies 2 9. Trade rncuivable ard olner reuewables 2S 10. Cash an.d zash ucuivaleib 26 11. Ch.tereci ca Dital 27 12. Horrw'ings 27 i 13. Rearueted captai 2 14. I rade payablEs and othEr payabIk 28 15j-, ....nue; 28 li. Cos1 uf 17. AdministraLv: jfluï ope'ahnG expenses I 18. G;coemmeeI G'an: 29 19. ØUtiur,pui t ii u c13 rre 20. F;ral uxperises and Inrome1 30 21. InzcDme Taes 30 22. ConUirgert lianilities 31 23. Related Party ransuciens 32 24 SegmenInfrmaic-i 32 25. I Air vaue 32 26 Risk Managemen 3 27. :ibsequ,ent event 37 GrantThornton AD 000 ant Thomtons 2WO121, Taucen yn. AäaL A Ten: +9 (1 244-W4$440 ;ps: +98 r7'I 244-43-4 At Gamt Thom;Ton' lIC A. A1y Sir. Ta51,eIt. 1012B Repubc al UzbeKaan Tel.: +99B 171 244-47-456 i porPax: -t-999 Ii:-244-4Y-43 N1) Ec P L i RAUDITORS' 1I)R' w M-wq L E. qiut l 2tii To the >wnrr and managrment ofsamwrkand tgi(im4E State Univary Enterprise C dr: nt expcrss all cprri i in- or LIC CLL)I r:j:zmg t;ff:al tstene [ tyfl i r Sm;inark:ud R.gicirnaj State j1iarflltrp1-1\1 "Suvoko H c". HBguse or rh :igi5cancc A li rriatters decr[ili å the "1tUis f:r LäS .mrrer of >jp.acc~ sectio of Our g.;rt, we h-¿C not ren abjk ID. Stin SUEiCiCl ,ppropnatC :LUli L1ideCLlc Mu prri:d a a si% lr an audit opi:r>n cmon csc rirL:licu] smienll CLt. K'" w-re engge d rnr auedit Che fL.n:i i-J:: l u tatenulln: ::YI ý,he Samaaýun . -t:H tc Uåa n -.i :vcMrEpns" u-c: a4. hlccint Icr thefi "Compariy'), which cnn:ri me fie -åri w::-i ··f 6nanc il ry>siltivnm a: .l Dcx ::r:-be.t 23M a mId Ma[c1 i comprehuuistv jncorre, u.inof chnngis cq än 1mr. of " c slg<-ws fo eu r hen a 1ný7kcnd jii.te ,mLe[tsa calecS Lsi:trui¡ .ef "viLl iu pc ir: il:d otlc tYe.11 ivnarori'i in lurruijiion Lr fr ";eli' C c y,.'ni, Mu i' i1 disCosd in Si temen at .: ;iig' in ctjuii. . :m at 31. DL ccrnir 2J 17 t10 Conpany ha UCC>trLizec:3 rnount ok 1S 4 51' 50532 lbcmsznd äs r-er chaige, iii 'h accL3tnLtiid IotEcl. Wc svere no .t wvL. itclh sffk L: i pp.oprL:cn r-aun au åi n n ra i m Jcr inccas ing of qccuamilzrc los=6. ÀcL:: rCI:ng[y, WC WL:5 f2-Le Tn Wo IiYr lhr 'ea ended 31 D1ce1Clwr iMU ] . 2. Mit is dåudised in Nr 6 lo thc accnnI ln fOanu;i t9-VICLH U's It 31 DCCEIljer 2017 fhe rt 1Cniruing VaIJl of the pfoprI, plan and eegåpnent aniuunts UZS 126 C G7r t8han.-Lrf ?21)1i. U7S i ISj 343 i hcusand» inq vesen ting S2%I 1~ rche Comip nry' lss[ (2 1M 6: 78% 1Of fic (~:anVS :Lh :. 915a CIJ ie audir pMtLrür C n niied wc idci ii cerra n erl i i to or erirnänent of rCSLN:: I:v.I |L t dic zepurting dar c ch as. *h m: u m icurred [n-: ii-iin ts OprLCrffl5 fso[ 2M7 r thne 2kmu irf ljZS ['92 87) 464 I iaan rmd W s a 31 20t? the accursubted Jossec% ariunt U7S 229 252 9X thouwpnd: * 1 W t å ia ny , 1eL 1. rs amKuS u [i 0 ."l 53 924 ttosa.rd ari ne LÅ1->L4 it5 SJaeC L:al 1 i Liil i1 r imrr '1 1 224 584 277 ähouand; umd * I1 mai amiilitIeIIlIi- aii a'nel Lno Ire|rte f['r ir and euirent ire kilb ' it It pi I. är V d. i GrantThornton ['w'er, ilie ( ompany has not carred our an reparrmcrev:ew on åe propcg, plan[ and ILY :I. i :1... i 1 Dec1 i:-.m I 201-7 rcue n r tC frrciwc ViNCO1, rig rv di Sclou i in rOtC 5 111 rtY fCr ll LIV k l: Li 4: WILL:i c.L:r .L ll u i rLL-ll. i re 1.L:c i:at IL il 1 iL je i im d 1 e l 'iirrc rig :nfrii L1ii Y F ihe prc ip 'ri li ncn equipmcn- Due t< the nacre 2rd complexr!y A these a wwere to Make C,- -. esumat: and to dctenic the valmu of impaiment proväkion on [he carryinp vaäc of the CI)1mlarLy' nrpr rly, pIn 1L ^ciLip-nenl t <. d 31 rrrebirr Y-F . J3 ^ isc;il.i in Nyt. 8 :o he accompam-r. (,anca. Sr-e'entS, a2 at 31 December 2017, the :incr: ( ii Gcr:1[111 Viiirile5 :a rriiils (75: 1 ^ ir. 373 thr,i)ar.1d (2 16; 1JZ S 2 ÍT7 1 - 27 thotisin) |u IV L: ii >rL: i tU r TL:L[ ä cc in 1. I . L ci l 111l : ll i i i r:. f u p rtTr ec wc ic n W ,f- ti N."I cm s;s i inv 'r[0 p . fy L cL iga eLu. 1 L > c.pil i ' . 1i21.lgl1Cil l Licii il :r 1 L.Cii 1lC LIL: i]i / -II.L V Ulvwr KA 11.' jetCL'Orficl as of he repofritg date. >%i:'g ro ffiC Ll1ru:L äid Lf111Lä.LLI v rf ist :.C«!z5 wC: WC:L: 11eUfng docuåemis, we werC ncT able ro obtain :easonae asstrance with the corplecress and accracy of reven:-es and reiared CreCeaRl rrom indViJViIa for the yvar ended 31 December 2]J FuTbrrru>ret jm it i disrloed i-l riirn e 15 [. t-h acomnvnng -mianial statemen tg, the tecrnical L(L:1rL:5 ci l i1 hiIlg NYN l M 1C ii 11 019:t. åLLP 1: | i Ii v E31k i>fribl duta mx] : i,L-pp rt- ng docuren[:. we wtie ni able r ob[an S iji 'Jeit:T 2ud1 e:nL:de:c r u- i11rii i h r cemi lenuss irLd accuracy of the proceeds from dinviduas. Wc were unable io decnrLn the necd ro 4djUs rlit f eveiluc or receiVab]es from indiViduais. 1. As it is dsclosed in notc 22 o the accompanymg manica. scarcles, fo te yCa ended 31 December 2û 2 teit Companyel d not disc!ose namre, ·ype and amounrs of rs rransaeuons with iclated paiC and "ey mnagement personnel compensation tn accordance with rote i.1 to [he fnaia.] statemcmts and Intemational Financing Reporcinp s-ndards We ver nor provided with sufficiment appropriate nforr.ation on nature. type and amc,nts tf ts transactions with related parties and key management pLr..i m ir.ti i 1 nik ~ l i l r lgJ, WL Weric 11(.l aI>Ie t :lu r m T Lir ;' c i Fi l tu:l ' 1v1le c i i u c;-mmrn 1 r nf LLN 7tZCLäLSC Uo<:j5 witht reJiåred )zrLLe, åici ke ru II4tig2 irit:2t LLAYIl 121 ic uuL Lhl 1 ILkuä` litu dsidosed in the Company's fLnarnciat srarernents as of and for the year ended 31 December 20]`. 6. Based on the audit procedures perforned and as at 31 Decem Der 2C,19, we :dentifEed that the Company ud nif rc:ogri; tl t gener1Ald admnistratuve erpvnses reiAted ro the ro et Coordiraiion Cmä, WilL:I i L1 1u4i.itiu.Li L! Ii l ILL1 C rri1 : ill AL:Lc ITälii W 1c -n t en PTTj ci OlicTr -ig N'Ar, i i. W C K:L! I1(1 1rc u(IV cL'L[ W t1 Lt:firen[ rr T lir . ir::cITTgn ;i1 ui in 1[ne r f 1ih i k 1 N . A- EorLdin L w Were not åh i dcrrcy u Ile 'lv a Lrd ZL .uul rcHepIed in [he Compil>y l in1;tiLjal ST-atremen-cs as of and for [ite 1car ecded 3 Li tcemEC: 20 l. I GrantThornton I [r'.i ti ÅkfL !' (bíï < .}t?| W Iuw ami:i fmly Ny M9c3.1 t the accompanylng r:'ii swennic wh[Ch idicares t-[It the Coump.yiln ui LrriL c rol Iit / 2 ; i1 ' 464 thoUsan Frej tht ycrir mriuLLIcd 1 [ ,cernber 2.17 and, 2ccumulaced I~r I i imI 2ånounted to UZS 229 252 996 tbumw . Jinir:er indle2wd ut Note i.1 to the 31 "uuuilij:ig kmanClai i maents, ths u il, r cifrLll~ indica e Emac the i i,a 5tb5znd1 uncrElnv SrLI i ru :Eise Ou5 douyi:.u 'k) elMU' Cvr r:.;Inys i bil.rv ro cocruc working s ac CinflntiDU r:»rr. sui r ipiloll is Lot LoTiLfied in res orl1 i ;iiallt. I:Iii:gu:1i11rLL LA ri'-jc i"ibC for hC prcpartior and imr puesen u u I accordancir vi ill' icrlucina[ linjLci.L Rilnp ..tanid . nd fur sli irn'em:l Cllr iS ang2ePMent de CE is I r s:.c : I i :abe c prcp:fation of Rnncal t'111: ert: 1.. ari I: LA ' oi i. eLli a L •L•wsm cJ-nent, whethtr du c Lud o: erroE. lI- prcpanýr{l 1:n fina,nc.A s til rk-rilmil" En:1Ll E L, i155C5bJ fr Sainpih C1l1r's~ A I.V .o IC a .Ullinæ5''Ti I'n 'fi:El 30.0CUASCSE N .'o ill A=.; ;I ir,u) cng (ig•w ii i-puca -iC. .'far!:: e tai.( . O • J (Eig crir.t1 ni :r,>t Aud rhL L iJ gc.L g cLuiLTI i rui::f of LC€iiuASg nksC mansgerneni eV Err :n Ii,ik 1c ic]LLocJdltA Lo m:'pny oe [o cesse jper:alOns,r h2s no rclstic atterntivr i: lo 1 . MigCncn: snd dhoGe ChaEged Wath m re r:v i nfikf for Ov€isceing the COmpnrY Qini4l I Icporltfg pr&ccCs. is Ic . 1):{rs.' { .n i f~-rb ( 17 ;J Ì Íit. tri 51 :r*:icr nÅ i.: ..i: ri:sp::nsbT is to conduC sn: aati itit ti : imp:uu. . :.r;incr i Cufthriipzs ir accordance Xrh ri l 1-1r:I AL-1., SZ-CLi d:ds On [in, d to 1 . i es (JUclir I U i Xi ., t'.i bcaue Of ~e ttes 'iCl.L. I: rn fis for Dis&.ainer Uf . C nJORs elic Sek i: ci' r r.jbrl .,c '-: ve not ale ro obtan SJ. ert iFiri Ij Ti i L 'iuLi. cvidence uo pæjide . . for ;s :lI ii i i 1rl Iba .ii L I LLel -l LI i nCta] Snterr nt Wc Sre ind"en ilfiP ci dm ( [:tMPai la LccoL, nc with tht eh' rV(ItLiT'err-1I.I lI il aeC .CVa t O OE aMi: V lE L IJrtLiM RWl rS and h*1 iu Eed Our jth c rW1 mmbil.I:I de ud.r cdi :-[ica.l .[qirements. :ng.--n :N Trirr Farm J\ud[c manager N.N. Yu]Chier Kb AXtibri.r: i A .XKh .'!.b·.:(lak:&io:jn • 21 I)reribr 2018 Tiikun., t Izhek4istun ä ii r Ei rIl L 11,.lpl.311L and E.uirrr__ni 6 126 651 078 1i : ä 33 N: . "'. -v1ý 5 lsecs 126 G51 0170 1 BI 055 243 1Cur.r±nt aset Invnir-r. :E 1 60}5 732 oj 1 1:7 I rade aiid DIh,"r rrriva ci r _ 9 -5 22 315 251 Cna_i ish Eiu1r, ___l__n 1 454 1 2 C.imn" as 21l Tolal As.mLs ___147 936 957 9 L Ji :m : ui .: ~harmi ::;pl13 11 13 4B.3.3 0483O53 R d4Mncte d:pil_ 4 R 719 95q¯501 A'rm,_nu sicd loss _2 2_ 25_2 913 ( 1 6 LT Y al _q_1 _211 535 9231 (14 11n4 Odaf LLi : iii N nn-c urre nl 1 Le ir! h1orrowirgs 12 2Š 9117 1_34 'Sle lis '.-11ef'lung-tr-m li;abulies 46 1113 fi2n 55 51 B Jon-current .1:: ii e I_33217i 95i 128 d1473! Cure III Ar n1 aY.Åbles 1 25 3'7 D25 14 -. -309g i im _ i r -iion_:I c_f i. i!! n hII 1: 13 1 524 9D 0053 1 1 I2rre1t_IiÍbiIi1i Total L ab itie 59 472 14113 O5é¯ 1 '131595 1i -j b1d-3 572 1T ..d........n... T 11 ' 1 i I' Il J I C(Q[P1.1 L l>ENSLIA Ik, RAVdl ue1 44 72 1716 36 202 4. 4 iriir--al 1 f2(32s 9&1}| <29--32 205y k s''-r Profqt 11 7 G 224 ¯ i270 21!5 %HWUU.AKT 9v95=1e 17 11211 502 5}[U0 CS77 e---,. <0 r- pai un ofrade rEcei I r- 13 2S2 7n4 2 586 059: "u=.r nrrien, -ir;,'il i 4a 4z72 i 0j (Juc' com ________ 19 AgMSa ~~ 2 120 e09 Fanlïoe o 20 201 510 081 ) 4 -93 72) Fin acc inwme 2 _1 SGP0 1s 15 211 Lss befora ta x M192 SDø S3Q) (8 4A 9i5) lWc "'iLaxe>r:.em 2o a35) (60 O!¯1 Los r the s2r 11'2 S70 4G4| [- (>8 2 D42) I I wd 2nd gpL" I.i m IX LA .d m llìvÙ.u up :1u1: 1 i : iil 0 I I � � ��� � � ;�, �� � � � � � о � ал �- � '� а � гч '� 1 � � �у �у �4 OG7 п '� � � `� �. , �т �� � � � � � � � �' я� '4' � ЧD qO {�3, �i �`• 4Ф 1�б �4'.цэ т � °.... �' �я.. �_ �� S� ; ' Т � � � ь.9 � _1 � f'f� Е � е� �i" '®�S t` � � .: ' '�F � �Ld Э} . {� .. Qь 1 а г�+ rз> i й ~г�, ' di {]�: ; С`а �] т � л..-} � г�'.. � � ; . . �&� � � :г� �~;' �L. 1$,,,.. �# �f: � � лЭ � гг i�� � п � � i � ��. 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' � U: ц1 � � � € Ф f � ..� Г� �г . � �� Сг� � � � С I � � д 1 � r� ы е _ и~ .. .� �: 7'г С ., С � WФ . г J, n д� � R-�'' � Г � �� � = i .s' � . . < , ® � с °� г_j � � � � � � � ; �'' - � r,'i . � �' ........ .. n a om avIMM 1,n m -.;,x..1..iv,71 Mån eon Åar 0-1.91 08s6 i ro ni wp hnwiiý, Is-m, Wic'i..ur f .-ed !ýssets bir, a ýýeis 27471 229 5 ä2 02 bi i!,:ns 01 C.MIMPIII % ffi re! ýpralrnsnaqement or S-j'cakä k9i 44 066 1,1 , v.,- -ä, i i or 9 3 2&2 0 5 2 SES D5D .4473 få 14s70 sål u::, _wc 9 la diMumnces, Pet anlowii 2 -, (10 tt S 21j 1 560 150 1 7t 3 2 si,2 S 12 6 s- q4 4131 in Inad- rncuvah.,"ý & E rid 2-IIIei i ELh t äý 709 419 710, 9e HR inväl _rhr. 11 670 042'1 K-!!:-rn.-ise f irurs sa in deierýtä inc, 5-m exper st se ock lus ää d aumr Ngss e's 653713 - ------ -- - - - - 4ö'-cashikani--EKIEII19 5 "4 =1 JS 611 791) utvites 5e DIA- ý:ed ä VW .;25 595 734) ý5ý ý201 21-. MCC ul Eli 115 e d i ýN jyvk,!11:Irkq ;irIfvilies JS Skib VSj Firern tyg å trividies wressag dl l rJIA1-9 i Sitid 124 7! ~ ----kl !Ä borrowe d toWP. 222 93å22 3ý 8 11 751 ljapienl ä Minumer fe-dE PR lit 11 92S ssi) I'c..91.dbul,ion DI gan -a ma B9 212 071400 Ii IIM.I pad 1-51 paid Måsh from fl narpc:i ng achvilles 977 77 B30 39B Not Jvernanehn u25h W CAII ITISAM:s Can 11§ LIL-1 5ý. .plequelsom w iý _ Df rii, easý- .3-7- :.s -e hqq r rýrýi y-si le si å 5:34 5. 7 1. C, L. 2 Cp ah and åså ejuivaluni!;, en.-1,0 year 454 152 51B 534 % i a nu ball Z'ý! hcluý: i i jf 11,- 11:i.p :n i i i, i 1 Notes to the financial staternents 1, Ma14 JACVidy Of 1111 Companyf l i ||. " 111 . L-IMIl'iva NUVA" lI ~ r Irhai "10t lä aC W S ,. WLMM II"i I . i W a vIii M A åtr!i , i ' i. : \11 t igel, \\0~ -3i11,111 ; Nk 1 ~ i iliM i,' . i e hm il l lkiii's' 1e.t *'.- : il.l: l \i.: ris oi:,[ L sr,,uiFuh.i 1 i . 1 ii iit ; iri i : ::rig ig.;iédiiIeCi i * : -,i il .l i Ii uL li. ri iii.iIi . i Lu iiVc' "I 1 ln N l-T -s,i L . i. ili ITU i -- i""': " i of ur R V i d 1 W : i l A L .k 0 as ii d r-.r:; d e . l ie q i,i i gir .| m iaui fii r u I indn sis n I IL i i i- e l'vli-ci .1iii ix::i rii r:. f LIiJiLì . c i -:l ir I . itt -.. sar - 1iis ilr Vii. t * 1ii1 1 1 I 113 0.11.:. Id D|1 -. , a(11 i.l l . .. k :s'' i U 111iL r' i i . iiiit .l ik, ,u . yi * TIi ii i n g dailli T 1 l L . ii i nrl C iL1 k Ji 1 i I vi Ir i '. w liC 1t ii P :1 itTS 1 I 1 lc 'i:.LLa L>Orc du ic'i '11 Il 11i c ~ u\ k : , r 1~ .ia ii i ~ Ti 1C -fj l ~ ~ ~ JCa LIT. 1 IliT T .. L V v aLL ; 1 1 p 1 d v ila ied ug Innme un in r.i N!5 wu.urr sriw, ki is i s ~- lc il im x i, m i l iiit- ruerräLi i.: lIli|- ii lT:i .ik-it-: irA :iAm äit l C an; l i 1 IC cL-LI Vr .! ' i :ul 1 ': äc klm ; I -. s U 1:. l~ ~ .li L: iii t « 1. rimIC i >: I L t¡iR>j L r 1' . i bc i atSI : s'y' ;' h 1 i irJ iW :.i ju ! 1 Ii-pi:i ~ ii: KtLU IAl Prx'i icii~ -,:i :'u.lif i r t l. rtul i i: iiii i . i .:e i.le >21v I ii | 1 ru a 11: a L . : .-s hR .. e Ca = O L a i n . Il lan Il i i: i 1 ITU1. *t tI r. .1 E d7. W1 a att kf . 1-yii rLi. iiiu ru:t' iI ii i i i i D I-ii ;i i + ia fäl1 i: ,1l m- Gf.%Liu untW ofÍ : N-U Rqavär , I vu1 aS l 2: 1 1 1 1d 1n sonu nrp . mfd i:Y- ++ [LUk)i i : ix.' m in[l L a lcl0:de uu:rd i m ipa i v 'iu [mL ar ä m 1mi nn i åIen T u c ms Vim dl l'u'ruj : b- Gi ta: nuis.ii <: iur;t ILM: Ii iPLI= a.rt 1 if i .1LP i 'iiL C al i Lj i iL.i: lT Callü) 11 iii v.I-il.i iii i1 f'rcfi iies :iw; nest~ :at flia Cm ~ n: 'uriy `,71`: L ir;c f V :111 r- tn y r. l ia r . : ml ui Id ;i r ji 1i uii Tiiii ijr illiL I W i ij. 1 . C & L.2 ? i< <'F' 'u tu(L [ i'i .' Irl :. 1 "+ m ue ::r kOd" alu d: a i i k u jasisT | l i iii 1 u l-Pi 1ý" ls ki.l il r i C i di a |1 e i v i i'iL LW o m l K 1d l [n cL- iu l.oi r ri u, I wi wc ui%: iriL. [ i i tl(1C u Iriu a i ni I s I h u L q~ i l i a e UTnnon 0 riLuTi 111 k- l ri im.: IC'L,e Jjyiwiii in itn