81518 enGender Impact: The World Bank’s Gender Impact Evaluation Database Village Savings and Loans Associations, Gender Dialogue Groups, and Gender-Based Violence against Women in Cote d'Ivoire: Findings from a randomized community trial Author(s) Jhumka Gupta, Kathryn Falb, Denise Kpebo, Juliette Seban, Jeannie Annan Contact jhumka.gupta@yale.edu Country Ivory Coast Organizing Theme Gender Based Violence, Voice and Agency Status Completed Intervention Category Support Groups, Training Sector Social Development Conflict-affected women in Côte d’Ivoire have experienced high levels of gender-based violence. The overall aim of the two-armed research evaluation is to identify effective and scalable interventions for the prevention and response to gender-based violence and to evaluate the impact of a socio-economic program and discussion group on the incidence of physical and sexual violence and women’s individual agency. The research project is based on the hypothesis that compared to participation in a Village Savings and Loan Association (VLSA) only group, participation in a VSLA + Gender Dialogue Group will lead to a greater increase in women’s individual agency and decision-making ability that will improve her economic independence and decrease her vulnerability to violence. As a result, it is expected that there will be a beneficial impact on her, her family and community. The specific research objectives are as follows: 1) To assess the incremental impact of Gender Dialogue Groups added to the VSLA program on: a) Economic independence; b) Experiences of physical and sexual violence; c) Household decision-making; and d) Gender attitudes. Abstract 2) To explore qualitatively the process and potential pathways by which the different programmatic approaches might influence levels of violence, economic independence and decision- making. Overall, the findings illustrate that the addition of gender dialogue groups (GDGs) to economic programming only, reduced violence against women, although the majority of findings were not statistically significant. Increases in empowerment, financial autonomy, gender equitable attitudes and household decision-making were also noted among those that participated in VSLA + GDGs. There was no statistically significant increase in economic well-being, as measured by consumption and assessment, with the addition of the GDGs. However, these economic changes were not expected given that both arms received the VSLA component, although pre/post differences do indicate overall economic benefits. Qualitative findings suggest that GDGs were an acceptable approach to engaging men and women to improving shared decision-making, communication, mutual respect, and gender norms, while simultaneously offering economic benefits to the woman and her household. Taken together, data gleamed from this evaluation do indicate that the addition of the gender dialogue groups to the VSLA group savings program have the potential to yield Last updated: 14 August 2013 1 enGender Impact: The World Bank’s Gender Impact Evaluation Database reductions in IPV against women. Future research evaluations should seek to allow a greater time interval between the end of programmatic activities and endline assessment, as IPV is a complex behavior---and changes may occur long after the evaluation has ended (Heise L, 2011). Gender Connection Gender Focused Intervention Gender Outcomes Domestic violence, norms or attitudes towards GBV, intrahousehold decision making IE Design Clustered Randomized Control Trial (Clustered at group level) There are two intervention components First, the Village Savings and Loans Associations are designed to increase savings and capital acquisition. Members of a self-selected group voluntarily form a VSLA and save money through purchasing shares. The second treatment is comprised of Gender Dialogue Groups facilitated by International Rescue Intervention Commission (IRC). IRC facilitated 8 session where participants are encouraged to equalize the balance of power between their spouse and themselves. Participants engaged in dialogue and reflected on their own experiences, attitudes and values regarding financial decisions, the value of women, gender equality and violence. Intervention Period November-December 2010 24 villages were selected based on the following characteristics: they were identified as a priority region by the International Rescue Commission, they do not have history of Village Savings and Loans Associations, Villages were not participating in other GBV focused Sample population interventions. Women who were 18 years and older were recruited. 48 groups were created within the 24 villages, although 1 group dropped out. There were 1271 women surveyed at baseline and 1159 women surveyed at the endline. A treatment of just loans and savings groups was compared to loans and savings groups Comparison conditions and Gender Dialogue Groups Unit of analysis Individual Evaluation Period October 2010- August 2012 The program led to a slight reduction in IPV, however, the effect is not significant. Measures of household decision-making and gender attitudes also improved. The changes in attitudes may be the first step towards the reduction in violence. The Gender Dialogue Groups had no impact on financial outcomes. Women reported that there was limited Results violence related to receiving money from the VSLA groups, but violence was slightly higher in the control group. In terms of empowerment some of the measures of empowerment exhibited significant positive impacts including: expression of opinion about decision- making, negotiation of problems in family and community, and self expression. IPV may be under-reported because it is stigmatizing. Conversely, IPV may be over- reported because of increased awareness due to the intervention. The outcome, past-year Primary study limitations IPV, overlapped with when the dialogue groups took place, thus results would be biased downwards. Contamination o treatment arms may have also occurred. Women who participated may be different than the general population, limiting external validity. Funding Source LOGICA Trust Fund Gupta, J., Falb, K., Kpebo, D., Seban, J., Annan, J. (2013) "Village Savings and Loans Reference(s) Associations, Gender Dialogue Groups, and Gender-Based Violence against Women in Last updated: 14 August 2013 2 enGender Impact: The World Bank’s Gender Impact Evaluation Database Cote d'Ivoire: Findings from a randomized community trial Link to Studies http://www.logica-wb.org/Eng/CoteDIvoire.php#Point1 Microdata Last updated: 14 August 2013 3