75549 Republic of Senegal - Country Partnership Strategy CHAIR’S SUMMING UP ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors February 19, 2013 Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC/MIGA Country Partnership Strategy for the Republic of Senegal for the period of FY2013-2017 (IDA/R2013-0011[IFC/R2013-0017, MIGA/R2013-0005]) and agreed that it is aligned with the Government’s National Strategy for Economic and Social Development. Directors welcomed the focus on strong governance and sound government accountability as the strategy’s foundation and the proposed pillars of improving service delivery and laying the ground for accelerated economic growth. The Directors encouraged the current government to improve transparency and public accountability, and to maintain reform momentum and implement prior commitments. The importance of managing vulnerabilities - through disaster risk management and strong fragility assessments - was also emphasized. Directors also underscored the critical need for stronger, inclusive growth to reduce poverty, create jobs, and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. In this regard, they highlighted the importance of increasing agricultural productivity and took note of the intentions to ensure women benefited from improved agricultural technologies. More broadly, Directors called for continued attention to gender challenges and to population growth. Directors encouraged the government to accelerate reforms in the energy sector and looked forward to meaningful and timely progress to improve the investment climate. Toward this end, they recognized the need to leverage additional resources to address infrastructure gaps and, thus, encouraged the active engagement of IFC and MIGA. More broadly, Directors called for an integrated World Bank Group strategy together with other donors to support private sector development. Selectivity, and sequencing of reforms, were also encouraged. The importance of maintaining a solid macroeconomic policy framework and a stronger fiscal balance was underscored, so as to support improved service delivery. In this regard, Directors encouraged the strategy’s focus on stronger budget execution, improved access and accountability in the education and health sectors. Directors also expressed concern over the rapid re-accumulation of debt and urged that debt management receive due attention. Finally, Directors emphasized working closely with other development partners, building a strong monitoring and evaluation system, and providing critical advisory services and capacity building to assist the authorities in implementing their strategy. In this light, the effective use of Knowledge hubs to support South-South learning and fragility analysis in the Casamance was particularly encouraged. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.