VoL. .7, National Road Project III and Junshan Yangtze River Bridge Engineering Project ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Hubei Provincial Communications Administration Wuhan, China March, 1997 A4 Content 1. Back_round I 2. En-ineerinn, Brief 4 3. Present Situation of the Environrment 5 4. Expected Environmental Impact and the Protection Measures 9 5. Alignment and bridge locationi 19 6. Environmnental monitor 19 7. Environmental Administration Organizations and Personnel Training 20 8. Public Participation 24 9. Resettlement 24 10. Summary 24 Appendix I Summary of action plan for the project III and Junshan bridge project Appendix 11 Environmental Spervision Plan Appendix III Urban Area Ambient Noise Standard (GB3096-93) Urban Area Ambient Vibration Standard (GB10071-88) Air Quality Standard (GB3095-82) Environmental Water Quality Standard (GB3095-82) Appendix Figure 1 Environmental Monitor Action Plan for Project III Appendix Figure 2 Environmental Monitor Action Plan for Jushan Yangtze River Bridge Appendix Table 1 Cost estimation for environmental protection measures for Project III Appendix Table 2 Cost estimation for environmental protection for Junshan Yangtze river bridge i National Road Project III and Junshan Yangtze River Bridge Engineering Project ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SUMMARY 1. Background 1.1 The national road project III of Beiijng-Zhuhai national trunk road (including Junshan Yangtze Bridge) in Hubei province is part of the "Two longitudinal and two lateral" national trunk roads, which shall be built in the year of 2000 as planned by the State Council. The Wuhan Junshan Yangtze River Bridge is an extra-bridge located at the joint section of the Beijing-Zhuhai national trunk road and the Shanghai-Chengdu national trunk road. In December 1992, the Hubei Provincial Communications Administration commissioned the desk study on Hubei section of Beijing-Zhuhai national trunk road. Therefore, in November 1993, the Hubei Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute (HPCPDI) completed the pre- feasibility study report of Hubei section of Beijing-Zhuhai national trunk road. In December 1993, the Hubei Provincial Planning Commission and the Hubei Provincial Communications Administration submitted the proposal of the project to the State Planning Commission. In September 1995, the additional report related to the two sections of Shanghai-Chengdu route. The HPCPDI conducted the "Pre-feasibility Study Report for Junshan Yangtze Bridge" and the "Feasibility Study Report for the Engineering Work of Junshan Yangtze Bridge". The Hubei Provincial Planning Commission submitted the "Written Ask for Adoption of BOT for Wuhan JunshanYangtze Bridge Project" to the State Planning Commission in October 1995. 1.2 Entrusted by the HPCPDI on behalf of Hubei Provincial Communications Department (HPCD) in March 1994, the Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications (a First Class Certificate holder for environmental impact assessment issued by the National Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter NEPA)) undertook the environmental assessment study for the national road project III. The "EIA Report for Hubei Province National Highway Project III" passed the preliminary exmination by the Ministry of Comrmunications (MOC) in August 1996, and passed the final examination by NEPA in October 1996, with official written reply. Entrusted by the HPCPDI on behalf of HPCD in May 1994, the Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute undertook the environmental impact assessment studv for the Beijing-Zhuhai national trunk road Junshan Yangtze river bridge engineering project. The "EJA Report for Wuhan Junshan Yanetze Bridge" passed the preliminary exmination by the MOC in August 1996, and passed the final examination by NEPA in March 1997, with official written reply. 13 The EIA report and the EAP (environmental action Plan) for the national road I project III and the Junshan Yangtze Bridge were submitted to the World Bank deleoation in September 1996. 1.4 Major environment related statutes and standards applicable to the project are as follows. -Environment related statutes: (1) "Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", December 26, 1989; (2) "Atmosphere Pollution Prevention and Control Law Of the People's Republic of China", June 1, 1988; (3) "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of Chi-.a". May, 1996; 4) "Cultural Relics Preservation Lawi of the People's Republic of China", September 20, 1993; (5) "Environmental Noise Pollution 1irevention --id Control Regulations of the People's Republic of China", September 26,1989; (6) "Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China", June 25, 1986; (7) "Water Law of the People's Republic of China",January 21. 1988; (8) "Water and Soil Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China"; (9) "Waterway Management Regulation of the People's Republic of China", June 10, 1988; (10) "Measures Concerning with the Environmental Protection and Management of Capital Construction Project" issued by NEPA, March 26, 1986; (11) -Specifications for Environmnent Protection Design for Construction Project"; (12) "Pollution Control Mangement Specifications for Drinking Water Resource Reservation Area": (13) "Safety Management Regulation for Chemical Dangerous Goods". February 17, 1987; (14) "Interim Measures Concerning with Report of Environmental Pollution and Destructive Accident", September 10, 1987: (15) "Measures Conceming with the Environmental Protection and Management for Communications Construction Project" issued by the MOC; (16) -Environment Impact Management Measures for Construction Project in Hubei Province ", October. 1993; (17) - Check and Acceptance Mani3- mcnt Measures fo-b Completion of Environment Protection Facilitv of Construction Project in Hubei Province". October, 1993>: -Environmental standards: ' GB3095-82 "Air Quality Standard": (2 GB3096-93 "Urban Area Ambient Noise Standard"; (3) GB3838-88 "Surface Water Quality Standard"; GB 11607-89 "Fishing Water Quality Standard"; 2 GB5749-85 "Dailv Life Drinking Water Sanitation Standard"; (4) "Industrv Noise Sanitary Standard", January 1, 1980; (5) GB12523-90 "Construction Site Noise Level Standard"; (6) GB7355-87 "Sanitary Strandard for Ambient Lead & its Inorganic Compound Content in Residential Area"; (7) GB4916-85 Bitumen Industry Pollutant Emission Standard"; (8) GB10071-88 "Urban Area Ambient Vibration Standard"; (9) GB1 1641-89 "Light Vehicle Pollutant Emission Standard"; (10) GB3842-83 "Emission Standard for Gasoline Engine Powered Vehicle at Idle Speed"; (11) GB3843-83 "Smoke Standard for Diesel Engine Powered Vehicle at Free Acceleration Mode"; (12) The measured background indicator for the soil and vegetation along the proposed road area shall taken as reference standard for soil and vegetation. The details of some important standards are set out in Appendix VI. 1.5 Assessment scope and the time period covered The assessment scope of the project is within the area of 200 meters from both sides along the central line of the proposed road. The assessment scope for vibration is within the area of 30 meters from both sides along the central line of the proposed road. The assessment scope of the social economic development, living standard, ecology environment and the pollutant source shall be in a properly extended areas, e.g. the water quality assessment area for Junshan Yangtze river bridge covering the area 500m down stream of the Yangtze river. The standards adopted in the EIA for the project are as follows: Class II standard of the GB3095-82 "Air Quality Standard" for atmosphere environmental assessment; GB3096-93 "Urban Area Ambient Noise Standard" for noise environmental assessment; GB 12523-90 "Construction Site Noise Level Standard" for construction period; Class II and Class III standard of GB3838-88 "Surface Water Quality Standard", GB 11607-89 "Fishing Water Quality Standard", and GB5749-85 "Daily Life Drinking Water Sanitation Standard" for ecological environrmental surface water assessment; GB 10071 -88 "Urban Area Ambient Vibration Standard" for noise assessment. According to the features and construction period of the engineering project, the time period covered by EIA shall be over the year of 1997 - 2020. The forecast year shall be the engineering construction period over 1997 - 2001; the short term operation period shall be by the year of 2000, the mid term by the year of 2010, and the long term by the year of 2020. 3 1.6 Assessment content The main content of the assessment is as follows: (I) N\'atural and social environmnent survey; (2) Traffic and vehicle tvpe survey, vehicle emission pollutant source analysis and calculation: (3) Current staus of environmental quality survey and assessement (eco-system, air, noise, vibration, water quality, etc.); (4) Environmental impact forecast (construction period, operation period, noise, vibration, water quality, etc.); (5) Environmental protection measures and recommendations; (6) Public participation; (7) Cost/benefit analysis. 2. Engineering Brief The main road of the project is composed of two parts: Dawu-Shenshan road section of Jing-Zhu route (Beijing-Zhuhai national road) (including Junshan Yangtze bridge); and Wuhan East section and West section of Hu-Rong route (Shanghai- Chengdu national road). The auxiliary enginering work of road includes three connection roads: Dawu link, Huayuan link, and Xiaogan link. The main road is built by motorway standard with total length of 202.8 km; the three connection roads are built by class II standard with total length of 39.7 km. The Dawu-Shenshan section is 143.4 km long, with 11 interchanges, 51 separate grade crossings, 265 underpasses, 5 extra-large bridges, 5 large bridges, with total investment cost about CNY 385.66 million. The north bank of Weijiawan bridge location for Junshan Yangtze river bridge is Junshan township, and the south bank is Jinkou township, with construction mileage of 5km. The bridge length shall be 2010m when the scheme of continuous "T'shape rigid structure is adopted; and the length shall be 1934m when the scheme of cable staved bridge is adopted. There are 13 culverts for the approach road, two separated interchanges, with total investment of CNY 1350 million. Wuhan East section of Hu-Rono route from Shenshan to Baoxie is 44.5 km. with 4 interchanges, 42 separate grade crossing, 50 underpasses, with total investment cost about CNY 860 million. Wuhan West section of Hu-Rong route from Quanli to Yongan is 9.9 km, with I interchange, 2 separate grade crossings, 25 underpasses. with total investment cost of about CNY 297 million. Dawu link fi-om Dawu interchange to national road 107 is second class road. with total length of 9.1 km, with I large bridge of 286.4 m long, I medium bridge of 42.9 m long, with total investment cost about CNY 38.498 million. 4 Hua'uan link from Huavuan interchange to national road 107 is second class road. wvith totaL length of 11.5 kin, with I large bridge of 162.5 m long, I medium bridge of 43 m long. 'With total investment cost about CNY 39.668 million. Xiaogan link is from Sancha interchange to national road 107, with total length of 12.2 km, I large bridge of 59.16 km, with total investment cost about CNY 30.434 million. Total investment for the project shall be CNY 6510 million. 3. Present Situation of the Environment 3.1 Landform and topographical features The area along this route is vast with great landfonn fluctuations. From Dwu to Xiaohe township of Xiaochang is heavy hilly area; from Fu river to Junshan is plain lake area; and the other areas are plain hilly. Soft soil is dispersed over this project area, so that there are about 22.7 km road section of this project have to be treated artificially. Meanwhile, the ground surface is characteristic of long time temporary water storage, with higher water table. The soil quality is poor with great water content; therefore, the soil shall have to be transported from a long distance for subgrade and pavement, which makes the engineering work difficult and the cost up. The geologic conditions of the area in the north of Fu river is quite good, according to the investigation, no areas with poor geologic conditions, such as landslide, rock slide, and soft ground, have been found. Ancient stratum has been found from Dawu to Huayuan, with bedrock along the route shallowly buried and the outcropping rock can be seen everywhere. The stratum from Huayuan to the north of Fu river is dominated by the middle and ancient time Pleistocene series with hard soil texture, along the route. The slope the irrigation canals and ditches is not only steep but also stable with high load capacity. The good geologic conditions provide reliable subgrade for the engineering work. The low-lying land in the road section from the south of Fu river to Junshan is characteristic of short term deposit, soaked with surface water and underground water for a long time, with soft soil texture and low load capacity, except for the highland of Dushan, Hengshan, Zhashan. Junshan, etc. within Caidian area, which has relatively good geologic conditions. The road section in the east of the West Lake area is mainly soil ground with thick and deep soft soil layer. The sections from Quanli to Yangan and from Jinkou to Baoxie belong to corrosion hilly area. Due to the corrosion by surface runoff, the landscape with topographical features of hills zigzagged with ditches has been formed. The average subgrade filling height shall be 3.5 - 4 meters. The section along the route is dominated by soil ground with relatively good geologic conditions with a few rocks; and poor geologic conditions having not been discovered. 5 3.2 Meteorology and hvdrology The impact areas of this project are located in the middle and low latitude, belonging to tropical continental monsoon humid climate featured with clear four seasons, long frost-free period. The annual average temperature is 15 - 17 °C: and the annual average rainfall is 1100 - 1450 mm. The rainfall in sunimer is up to 430 - 530 mm, accounting for 36 - 45% of the yearly total, with the rainfall in June being the most, followed by that in spring 330 - 490 rrmm accounting for 29 - 36% of the yearly total; that in autumn is 100 - 240 mm accounting for 17 - 19% of the yearly total; that in winter is 90 - 160 mm accounting for 8 - I I%. The areas along this route are abundant in surface water, with crisscross rivers and lakes, reservoirs and ponds spread everywhere, with rich run-off. The flow direction of the Yangtze River in this area is from southwest toward northeast. The statistics show that the annual water flux of the Yangtze River is 660 billion cubic meters. At normal water level, it is usually 1000 - 1700 meters in width and 17 - 26 meters in depth, with the maximum flow rate being 78800 m3/s and the minimum 4060 m3/s. The historic record highest water level at the bridge site is 27.64 meters and the lowest 10.08 meters, with the annual average 19.15 meters. The major water resources in the areas along the route is of good quality and are the main water source for industrial and agricultural production. The daily life drinking water is mainly from the underground and the water quality is good. 3.3 Socio-economic conditions Along the proposed road and the road section where the Yangtze River bridge shall be located, there are Dawu countv, Xiaochang county and Xiaonan district originally under the jurisdiction of Xiaogan prefecture; and the east of the West Lake area, Caidian area, and Jiangxia area under the jurisdiction of Wuhan municipality. According to the statistics, in 1992 the total area of Xiaogan prefecture and Wuhan municipality is 20024.11 square kin, accounting for 10.7% of the provincial total, with population of 12.3869 million, accounting for 22.5% of the provincial total, and the density of population is 619 person/km2. The Dawu county, within the area along the route, is the under-developed poor mountain area in Hubei province. In 1993 the per capital income for the local farmer is only CNY 625.27. The income for those in Xiaochang, Xiaonan, the east of the West Lake area, Caidian and Jiangxia within the directly affected area by the project is highcr than the provincial average. 3.4 The eco-environment The area along the route of the project has been relatively developed with manrv human activities. The original vegetation in the area has been destroyed and evolved into second growth and artificial vegetation. The standing timber in the area along the 6 route is dominated bv masson pine and Chinese fir; and the grain crops mainly are rice. wheat, barley, beans, and others; the main economic crops include cotton, rape, sesame, peanut. and tobacco; in addition, there are certain arnount of tea. mulbernr. fruit and vegetable along the area. The proposed road shall not pass through any national or provincial natural reservation area. In the area within 500 meters from both sides of the road, no rare animal or plant lawfully protected by the state has been found. The Yangtze River is the part of the habitat and pathway for river migratory fishes. Class I national conservative aquatic fauna such as white-flag dolphin (LVM). Chinese sturgeon (ASG) and Chinese paddlefish (PGM) can be found in Wuhan section, where Junshan Yangtze River Bridge is located, but it is not the major habitat area for these animals. The number of these precious aquatic animals is very small and they rarely occur in the river section where Junshan bridge is located. Further investigation of the conservative aquatic fauna shall be made with a special report to be submitted to the World Bank. 3.5 Tourist attractions and culture relics In the area along the proposed road, there are many tourist attractions, with prosperous prospects. According to the investigation conducted by the Cultural Relics Archaeological Research Institute of Hubei Province, there are two ancient cultural relics in the proposed road area, i.e. Buddhist Monk Tomb and Zhuge City Ruins. The Buddhist Monk Tomb is located in the northeast of Bashi village, Wangdian township Xiaochang county of Xiaogan municipality, with the proposed highway involved area being about 600m2. Zhuge City Ruin is located in the south of Zhuge villages Huanglin township, Caidian district of Wuhan municipality, with the proposed highway involved area being about 240m2. 3.6 Air quality According to the surveys in the recent years, the statistics analysis results show that the densities of SO2, NOx, TSP and CO in the air along the proposed project area of Dawu, Xiaogan, and Caidian, are all up to the Class II of the national air qualitv standard. 30 spots were set up to monitor the air quality conditions along the proposed road for measurement of CO, NOx, and TSP. The results showed that all the densities for 'Ox an CO were up to the standard of Class 11, except for TSP measured in fcz\- individual spot. Therefore the air environment condition is good enough for The construction of the road and the bridge project. 3.7 Noise and vibration According to the measured results at 26 monitor spots along the proposed project area, the noise levels in the daytime and night were all below the State standard level. except for that at individual spot, which shows the good condition of acoustic environment. 7 According to the rmeasured results at 6 monitor spots along the proposed Junshan bridge project area, the ground surface vibration is small, all below the standard limit, which shows the good condition of the environment. 3.8 Water resources and water quality The area along the proposed project is located in the east part of Hubei Province, the middle reach of the Yangtze River, and the east side of Jianghan plain area, with average annual rainfall of 1100 - 1450 mm for many years. The area is abundant in surface water, with crisscross rivers and lakes, reservoirs and ponds spread everywhere, with rich run-off. In the area there are Huan river, Fu river, Lun river, Wild Pig Lake, Wangmu Lake, Hanjiang river, Hougong Lake, Tongshun river, the Yangtze river etc. According the measured results by the Xiaogan Environmental Monitor Station, the water quality in the area is up to the correspondent standards, except for that of the Wild Pig Lake, which is polluted by oil. Therefore the water quality along the project area is fine. The measured results got from the monitor spots near the bridge site along the Yangtze River showed that all the 4 of the 6 measured factors: PH, BOD, Oil, and Permanganate Index wete up to the Class I - II standards, which meet the assessment standard. SS is seriously over the standard, because the Yangtze River is a high silt bearing river. 3.9 Soil erosion and soil pollution Comprehensive investigation and analysis show that in the assessment area of the proposed project, serious soil erosion has been found in Dawu county, with the erosion rate over 5500 tons ' (km2 year), annual growth of soil erosion about 21.8 thousand ton, annual growth of soil erosion area about 10.3km2, and the soil erosion area accounting for 25% of the total natural area. The soil erosion in the project area of Caidian district, Jiangxia district, the east of the West Lake area is less serious, with the erosion rate about 1000 tons / (km2 . year) the erosion area accounting for 5% of the total. According to the measured results from the 7 monitor spots along the proposed road project, the organic contents in the farm land soil were below the provincial average. The fertility of the soil is at the lower middle level in terms of organic content. The measured PH results (6.85 - 7.52) show that it is neutral, suitable for farm crops. The measured Pb content was close to the geological average of that in Hubei Province, which belong to non-pollution class far from the critical content of 300 mg/kg, which indicates a very small accumulation of lead. 3.10 Transport The transport system in the proposed project area has been developed to some extent, with crisscrossed railways, highways, inland waterways and airlines. The Yangtze river and Hanjiang river are two golden waterway along the project area. 8 passing through most of the economically developed areas in China. Wuhan Port has become a key hub of waterway transport with Shanghai downstream in the east and Chongqing up stream in the west, and a modern port city for combined transport of inland waterwav barge and ocean shipping. Due to the recent years economic development, the traffic volume has been increasing and the road capacity can not meet the demand, with road traffic conditions deteriorating with each passing day. To improve the current situation, it is necessary to have the project for the economic taking off along the project area. 4. Expected Environmental Impact and the Protection Measures According to road project EIA, protection and mitigation measures, and the environmental action plan, the presentation and implementation of the expected environmental impact, and the protection measures shall be in three stages as follows, and the key EAP factors are set out in Appendix I. 4.1 Design period (1) Reasonable route selection The route scheme selection shall be based on technical standard, taking into considerations of such factor as cost, farmn land occupation, impacts on farm land, schools, resident areas, culture relics, irrigation and flood control, risk probabilities, resettlement, coordination with local development planning program, building material sources and processing work site selection, etc.. The route selection shall follow the principle of "close to but not get into the urban area". The public opinions shall be fully taken into account, including those from local government, the industrial enterprises, to make the route to be away from built-up areas. (2) Public convenience The partition effects caused by the road project shall bring inconvenience for the local people. The location and the class of the underpasses shall be decided through consultations with the local communities, as well as the local governments and parties interested, to adapt to the current conditions. A total of 352 underpasses shall be set out. The connection road is second class road with mixed traffic. Based on the principles for the underpass design set forth in the "Engineering Feasibility Studv". underpass shall be classified into three classes, as shown in Table 1. When condition allows, the underpass shall go dowrward at a depth of less than one meter. with drainage. Water shall be drained into the cvaporation pool or the side ditches (or deep borrow pit). The downward underpass section shall have concrete pavement. In addition, a number of large, median and small bridges shall be available for the local pedestrian and vehiicles traffic. 9 (3) Flood control This road section is characteristic of crisscrossed and densely distributed rivers, lakes and reservoirs, pools. Tongshun river is a seasonal river, and Fu river is a mountain river. The main rivers crossed over by this road section include Huan river, Fu river, Lun river, Hanjiang river, Tongshun river, Yangtze river, etc. 6 extra-large bridges, 28 large median and small bridges, 711 culverts will be built; for the connection road 13 large medium and small bridges, and 73 culverts will be built, for flood control in rainy season. The subgrade and the surface drainage systems have been included in the engineering design for protection of road from being damaged bv flood. Table 1 Underpass classification and its layout principles Class Width (m) Clearanice (mi) Layout principles l 8.0 3.5 Maior crossed county & township roads, mainly for vehicle & tractor traffic 1I 6.0 2.7 Major crossed village & farmland roads, mainly for small tractors & farm truck III 4.0 2.2 Crossed farmland paths, for pedestrians The flood discharge capacity has been fully taken into consideration in the design of the proposed road. Two flood gates have been set at the middle and lower stream of the Hanjiang river, which make the peak flood flow under control. Since part of the well irrigation system will be partitioned due to the construction of the road, proper measures will be taken to meet the irrigation needs. For the rivers crossing the road section and the irrigation system fed with river water, the water tunnels will be designed based on the existing irrigation system. Double or three hole tunnels will be set for major irrigation channels for both pedestrian and water passage. These measures will protect the original irrigation system in the best possible way. (4) Cultural relics protection So far there are two cultural relics have been found in the proposed project land use area, with total involved area of 840m2. The construction work of the road section involved with the relics shall not start until the excavation work for the relics have been completed. During the construction period, it is necessary to require the contractor to pay attention to the protection of the relics. Once any cultural relics unexpected before are found. construction shall stop immediately and the relic site be under protection, in which case the relics administration authority shall be informed in due course. Then decisions shall made by the authority to excavate the relics or to bypass the relics site. (5) Reduce land occupation Most area of this project are located in the Hanjiang plain area. Thc main engineering work shall need 22118700 cubic meters of earth and stone materials. The major borrow earth and stone cut shall be near by the both side of the route or 15 km away in the two directions of the road, with less farmland occupation as much as possible. Since this area is characteristic of more population and less farmland, in the 10 preliminary desian reasonable measures such as taking advantage of the near by barrens. (6) Land acquisition and resettlement It has been emphasized in the feasibility study and the preliminary design the principles which shall be followed in the route selection, i.e. to be away from the urban area as much as possible, to reduce resettlement as much as possible, and to reduce farmland occupation as much as possible, etc.. Therefore the number of the resettlement of the houses shall be 160, with building area of 156111.9 m2. A resettlement agency shall be established in Dawu, Xiaochang, Xiaonan, the east of the West Lake area. Caidian district and Jiangxia district by the project owner, responsible for land acquisition and resettlement, so that the land acquisition and resettlement can be accomplished before the project contractor entering into the construction site. Meanwhile, an independent supervision agency shall be set up composed of social scientists, responsible to supervise resettlement and compensation implementations to protect the interests of the affected people. The details are set out in the resettlement action plan (RAP). (7) Dust or air pollution The service area of the road shall be 100 meters away from the road center. The road administration building shall be 200 meters away from the separate grade crossing. To prevent the dust arising from the stone cutting, borrow pit, and the mixing plant affecting the sensitive resident areas, the above mentioned work site has been properly selected far away from resident areas. (8) Water pollution A total of five service and rest areas shall be set for the whole section. In the service area there should be waste water treatment equipment, to prevent the waste water from being discharged into the water area for public use. Only after having been treated can it be discharged for public use. (9) Noise barrier design A total of 5 noise barriers shall built for the whole section, with total length of 1500 meters, 3 meters high, and with estimated cost of CNY 1.5 million. The impact of the noise barrier on the pavement water discharge will be considered in the desigcn of the noise barrier, with the details shown in "Environment Protection Design'". 4.2 Construction period (1) Noise impact 'The noise during construction period mainly comes from the construction machines and transport vehicles. Long time exposure to intense noise environment shall cause many kinds of illness for human body, including deaf. The noise related deaf usually is in connection with noise level as well as the duration for the person exposed to the noise. For hurnan being's health, according to the "Industry and II Enterprise Noise Hygiene Standard", reasonable working shift shall be arranged, to reduce the time for the workers to be exposed in the noise environment, or by changing work shift so as to have time to recover his/her hearing abilitv. Meanwhile. proper maintenance of the construction machines is important to keep the noise in lowest possible level. For those working close to the noise source, such labour protection measures as wearing noise proof-earplug , head helmet, shall be adopted, with work time reduced properly. Since human body is sensitive to noise, to guarantee the night rest for the residents close to the work site, the construction machines shall stop working in the work site, which is less than 200 meters away from the resident area, from 22:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning. The noise from road construction machinery is characteristic of abrupt, irregular, discontinuous, and high intensity, which can be mitigated by changing its operation manner, such as the machine with high intensity noise can be used in the day time (6:00 - 22:00) or the work time for various machines can be properly arranged. The noise stemming from transport and other work can also be reduced or mitigated through improved management and training. (2) Impact of air pollution The air pollution during construction period mainly comes from lime and soil mixing, running of different vehicles on the work site. In addition, the loading and unloading of the cement concrete mixer and the road construction materials also produce dust. To mitigate dust pollution at the construction site, the following measures shall be adopted: - Close system should be equipped for the mixers. The mixing plant shall be installed with two stage dust remove device. Health care shall be provided for the employees. The mixing plant shall be located 500 meters away to the leeward of the sensitive areas. - Watering treatment on the construction site, particularly such places as the mixing plant, cement concrete storage and mixing site, etc. - While filling and compacting proper watering shall be needed for compacting, afterwards frequent watering shall also be necessary to prevent dust flying. - The contractor shall be responsible for proper management of bulk building materials, the storage of which shall be at least 500 meters away from residential areas and the material shall be covered when it is stored in the open air. The borrow earth shall be gathered together for filling; after completion of the engineering work, the borrow earth shall be filled back to the borrow cut. (3) The disposal of the wastes from the labour camp and the construction site shall be the contractor's responsibility. It is necessary for the wastes to be gathercd together for disposal or treatment regularly; particular attention shall be paid for the waste water while the construction site is close to the rivers, such as the construction 12 site for Hanjiang river bridge, Fu river bridge. and Tongshun bridge. Most solid wastes are the packages and the residuals of the materials, which also shall be timely gathered and disposed all together. Training shall be done before hand, and regular check and examination shall be made during construction period. (4) Traffic management during construction period Most of the sand and stone materials shall be transported via county or township roads to the construction site. There are also other materials such as steel. cement, etc.. which shall be prepared or purchased. To prevent road traffic jam, it is necessary to strengthen traffic management for the project owner and the contractor in cooperation with the local public security bureau, traffic administration department, waterway management department so as to smooth the traffic and keep the work going on properly. The temporary road built for the project by the contractor shall be principally on the right of way of the one side of the constructed road. If more land area is needed, the contractor shall apply to the project owner for approval and the owner shall be responsible for completion of the land acquisition procedure; and the supervisory engineer shall be responsible for the supervision of the implementation of the temporary road land acquisition and road construction. The traffic management action plan is as follows. - To smooth the traffic on the existing road, temporary road shall be built, where the constructed road intersected with the existing road. Generally the temporary road shall be located at one side of the existing road. After the separate grade crossing having been completed and open to traffic, the temporary road shall be modified in due course. - Since the road traffic is busy, strengthening traffic management shall be necessary during the construction period, including time schedules for particular traffic, such as night operation for some material transport. Therefore it is better for the contractor to make transport planning. - To prepare the materials in advance, such as sand and stone can be transported in off peak season of the road traffic. - The traffic administration department shall cooperate with the relevant parties to smooth the traffic, particularly when accident happens. (5) Measures to prevent the water body from being polluted by hazardous materials The runoff may be hazardous to the water body, mainlv due to such materials as bitumen. limestone, etc., ws%hich might be mixed with the rain-water. Therefore proper management of the storage of these materials can be effective. Even though, the soil erosion caused by cutting and filling for this project is not serious, the contractor shall pay attention to the soundness of the drainage system. 13 Temporarv deposition pool shall be set when it is necessary to prevent the river from being blocked by the discharged soil. During the construction period of the bridge, the boring pile construction process shall be adopted for under water pier construction, which can significantly reduce the impact on the water quality caused by the substrate silt resuspension . The waste silt generated by drilling shall be disposed at a designated site by barge, so that the water pollution caused bv the silt can be reduced to the minimum. Personnel training for the employees shall be carried out to avoid abnormal oil leakage from piling driver as much as possible. (6) Protection of eco-system To protect the forest resources from being damaged, it is forbidden to get borrowing earth from the forest or set labour camp and material storage in the forest. During the construction period, a separation belt shall be set to forbidden anybody entering into the forest area. After the construction, any damage to the vegetation shall be restored or rehabilitated. The borrow earth shall not be taken from the farmland as far as possible. If it is necessary, the surface soil in a thickness of 30 cm shall be preserved in one place, which shall be filled back timely after the construction, to make the impact on the eco and agricultural system to the minimum. Proper measures shall be taken for the contractor to reduce the time of land occupation and to enhance the consciousness of environment protection by education and training. The borrow cut, the fill back and the naked land shall be timely reinforced during the construction. After completion of the earth work, quick growth grass seeds or turf shall be planted to protect the side slope. To stabilize to subgrade, motar slab combined with grass or totally covered grass slope can be used to protect the filled side slope. For the cut side slope, shotcrete, molar slab, etc. surfacing technology can be used for protection. Subgrade protection can be done together with the engineering work and implemented by time schedule. Many years investigation and study on the eco-system of the middle and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River show that the rapid reduction of the number of the rare aquatic animals such as white-flag dolphin, Chinese sturgeon and Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze River is mainly due to unlawful fishing and the waterbome transport development. The construction of the bridge shall neither do harm to the aquatic animals nor change their living environment. 14 The boring pile construction process shall be adopted for the deep water pier construction, which can significantly reduce the negative impact caused by the substrate silt resuspension . The waste silt generated by drilling shall be disposed at a designated site by barge, so that little impact shall be produced by the engineering dredge and the silt disposal. The substrate silt quality at Wuhan section of the Yangtze River is fair, small amount of silt resuspension caused by dredging shall not result in serious pollution. The sewage generated by the labour camp shall not be discharged directly into the nver, and shall be collected in designated place on the bank for treatment and disposal, to protect the aquatic animals from being affected by polluted water. The environment protection consciousness of the workers shall be enhanced through education and training in cooperation with aquatic ecological experts and experienced fisherman. Once any rare aquatic animal is found passing by the construction site water area, necessary measures shall be taken accordingly. (7) To implement the "three simutaneousness" The waste water treatment facility, green belt, the noise barrier, the combined windows and heightened walls surround the house shall be designed by the contractor according the requirements. The details are shown in the "Environmental Engineering Design Documents". If the requirements of the "three simutaneousness" can not be met, the project shall not be accepted and put into use. 4.3 Operation period (1) Traffic noise control The management of road traffic, transport and road maintenance shall be strengthened during the operation period, jointly by NEPA, local EPB and local traffic management department of public security bureau. Over sized or over loaded vehicles shall not be allowed to operate on the road. According to the "Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations of the People's Republic of China", 'the motor vehicles operation on road shall equipped with muffler and the horn in conformity with specified specifications, and shall keep in good condition of technical performance. The noise level produced by the vehicle shall not above the standard for motor vehicle noise emission. Those do not comply with the vehicle noise emission standard shall not be given the operation license." Table 2 shows the allowed noise level for motor vehicles. According to forecast the traffic noise will not be over the GB3096-93 standard level of Class 4, in short term, mid term and long term, with the daytime 70dB isopleth being 60 m from the center. In short term, the nighttime 55dB(A) isopleth will be 100 m from road side for road section of Quanli-Yongan, Shenshan-Baoxie. Dawu-Hanlao, Hanlao-Sancha and Sancha-Quanli; and the nighttime 55dB(A) isopleth will be 120 m from road side for road section of Quanli-Shenshan. Table 3 shows the noise level overage at the sensitive spots along the road section. i5 Table 2 The standard of allowed noise level for motor vehicles (GB1495-79) Vehicle category dB (A) Truck 8 tons < gross weight < 15 tons | 89 3.5 tons < gross weight < 8 tons 86 aross xweight < 3.5 zons 84 Liaht fi-CI vehicle 84 Bus 4 tons < gross weight < II tons 86 gross weight < 4 tons 83 Passenger car 82 Motorcycle 84 Wheel type farn use tractor I< 60 hp) 86 Table 3 Noise level overage in sensitive spots (Unit: dB(A) No. Name of place Location Distance 2000 2010 2020 ( m) Daytime Nighttme Day tDaime NNighttime Daytime |Nho I Dawu Liuwan Primary Schoo! K29+500 100 2 5 5 8 7 | 10 5 2 Wqliav%an K37+900 80 - 5 - 48 - 1 7.0 3 Yangliucun Prirnary School K41 900 60 4 7.5 7_ 109 97 i 13.2 4 Jiiiahe Village K'49+500 100 | - - 30 - 5 j 5 Zhouiazui K(62+000 IS0 0 6 , 2.9 6 Pengeiafan K73+S000 0 0 30 5.5 7 Friendship Primary School K89+100 100 2 0 5 5 0 8 0 70 10.5 8 Shang Li Iia Wan 1K97+900 80 LS - 4 8 7 0 9 Baxingwan K105l+900 100 - - 5.5 10 Dongeue Middle School, Kt 13+500 180 0 7 0 A 4 0 2 8 6.i i Lunhezui Village K1i20+600 60 24 - 56 - 680 12 Sandadut Shisidui K138+100 80 1 7 - 7 1 13 Datang7iao Village K144+300 8S0 o 2 1 i 4S - 6.8 14 Xinhuzc K148+700 60 3.5 i 9 | S I 15 Lonewane Shisizu K1 59+200 100 j.6 46 I 6.5 i6 Hanvane No Hieh School K1162+400 60 5 9 9 4 9 0 1 12.5 10 8 14.3 17 ZhugeCits K 163+400 80 3.0 i - : _18 Citan2wan K;+2D0O 60 3 - 7 6 * I ,SX !9 QianfenE Prtmary School K(4+200 120 1 2 4.7 I 4_'i 7 7 6 i 1 9.5 20 Qiznl:altng i;6+400 60 3.7 - _ 6S _ 8.5 21 Shane Zuo Wan iC8+200 60 3.7 - _ 6 S S5 2 Caoshanliang Village K1I3+300 60 3.0 - | 53 - 69 23 Tang:iacun. N\nf I Priman Sch Ki199+800 60 4 6 80 i 03 5 11 9 24 Xinanli K201+500 60 - 3.0 ° i - | 5; - 6 9 25 Lrmiao P-rnnmrE Schon. ii208+450 50 2.5 1 4 3 9 6 3 26 Siwane VKia ii214+450 60 6 30 . 6 jo ! _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ I r 27 Bao' \ Nbl:JI I 1i225-100 ! S 7 . - -- i 2S Leshan Ile> Schoo K1+600 100 | - j 29 Leinepenz SThool iC3+570 | S0 o 1 , 10 bLeudiai Iriirir, Schoul K(8+100 | 100 oc | - | j jI 1Xiiqiio Sdlo.,! K2+200 5 (; __ 1 7 i9 - : . , 8 32 Ke--i~C (.6Ai 6P o i .33 |Z/huzh:ivi'ciool K l0+100 | 51 | -_ _ _ °5 3i - 4 | lb In the mid term, the nighttime 55dB(A) isopleth will be less than 140 m from road side for road section of Dawu-Hanlao and Shenshan-Baoxie; less than 160 m for road section of Hanlao-Sancha-Quanli; less than 180 m for road section of Quanli- Yongan; and less than 200 m for road section of Quanli-Shenshan. In the long term, the nighttime 55dB(A) isopleth will be 180 m from road side for road section of Shenshan-Baoxie; 200 m for road sections of Dawu-Hanlao and Sancha-Quanli; and 220 m for road sections of Hanlao-Sancha, Yongan-Quanli. Quanli-Shenshan. The forecast shows that the noise level at places over 50 m away from both sides of the road will not be over the class IV standard level (daytime 7OdB(A), nighttime 55dB(A)) specified in the standard of GB3096-93, for the connection road. The noise mitigation measures and cost estimation are listed in Table 4. Table 4 Noise mitigation measures and cost estimation for sensitive spots No Name of place Location Distance Mitigation measures Implementation Cost I (m) time . CMYIOCO I Dawu Liuwan Pnmary sch. K29+500 iG0 300m long 3m high noise barrier 2005 - 2010 300 2 Wujiawan K37+900 80 Heighten the enclosing wall, 2005 - 2010 100 improve widow and door 3 Yangliucun Pnmary School K4 1 900 60 300m long 3m high noise barrier Construction period 300 4 liiiaheVillage K49+500 100 Heightentheenclosingwall 2010 - 2015 80 5 Zhoujliazui KI62+000 150 Heighten the enclosing wall 2015 - 2020 o0 6 Pengjiafan |K73+800 100 Heighten the enclosing wall 2010 - 2015 g0 7 FnendshipPrimarvSchol |K89+I00 | iO0 300nmlong3mhighnoisebarrier 2005 - 2010 300 8 Shang Li iia Wasn K97+900 SO Heighten the enclosing vril, 2005 - 2010 100 ______________|_____ improve window and door _ . 9 Baxingwan K1 05+900, 100 Heightentheenclosingwall 2010 - 2015 80 10 DongyuseMiddleSchool K113+500W 180 200mlong22mhighenclosing wall 2010 - 2015 40 i 1Lunhezui Village K 120+600 60 Heighten the enclosing wall, 2005 - 2010 100 i__I_|__! Improve window and door 12 SandaduIShisiduI 1K138+100 80 Di|to 2005 - 2010 100 13 Datanghiao Village 1 144+300 s0 Ditto 2005 - 2010 100 14 Xinhuzui K 148+700 60 Ditto 2000 - 2005 100 15 Longwang Shisizu K 1 59+200 100 Ditto 2005 - 2010 100 16 Hangvang No 3 High Sch. K 162+400 60 300m long 3m high noise barrier Construction period 30C 17 Zhuge City K163+400 80 Heighten the enclosing wall, 2000 - 2005 100 I_improve window and door 18 Citanewan K3+200 60 Ditto 2000- 2005 100 19 Qzanfeng Pnmary School K4+200 120 200m long 2m high enclosing wall 2005 - 2010 40 20 Qianjialing K6+400 60 Heighten the enclosing wall, 2000 - 2010 100 I___________ ________ improve window and door 21 Snane Zuo Wan K8+200 60 Dituo 2000 - 2005 IOU 22 Caoshanliang Village K183+300 60 Dito 2000 - 2005 ioc 23 Tangitacun,Xinfu Prim Sch K1199+800 60 300m long 3m high noise barrier Construction period 300 24 Xinwanli K201+500 60 Heighten the enclosing wall, 2000 - 2005 h)0 improve window and door Lirnia,o Primar> School K20r- 45C. 150 200rn long 2- highicsnclosing wall 2010 - 2nd 401 26 Siwang Viiage |K214+450 60 Heighten the enclosing wall, 2000 - 2005 10 j improve window and door . 27 Baoxie (Xiao Majizi) |K225-100 80 Heighten the enclosing wall 2005 - 2010 S0 Total 3420 17 (2) Vehicle emission control According to the forecast, the daily average and anytime measured pollutant of CO concentration along the proposed road side is not over the limit of class II standard of the State air envirornment standard. But the daily average concentration of NOx will be over the standard level in some area, which will be at road section of Hangyang No.3 High school, Zhuge City, Citangwan, Qianjialing and Shangzuowan by the year of 2020. Therefore, during the operation period the impact of vehicle emission on the sensitive spots will be relatively small. The trucks loaded with bulk fine materials shall be covered with canvas to prevent the materials from being spilt over the road or in the air. To reduce the air pollution, at the sensitive road section with overage of NOx, such as Junshan Yangtze river bridge at K1 77+600, green belt may be established. Trees shall be planted on both sides of the road to adsorb harmful gas. The evergreen broadleaf tree is the best followed by coniferous tree and deciduous tree in terms of their adsorption capability. Therefore such trees as camphor, Chinese littleleaf box, etc. shall be planted along side the road. On the side slope turf shall be planted combined with other plants to beautify the environment. For each road section of Hangyang No.3 High School at K162+400, Zhuge City at K166+400 and Huanjiawan at K177+600, where overage of air pollutants is forecasted, a 200 m long 20 m wide green belt will be built respectively to reduce the impact by vehicle emissions and noise. The cost is estimated about CNTY 500 thousand. (3) Maintenance of drainage system In the beginning of the operation period, part of the drainage system may be partly blocked by dust and sand deposits due to action of seasonal showers on side slope and pavement. Therefore regular maintenance of the drainage system shall be necessary. Particular attention shall be given to the raining water logging in the underpasses caused by heavy showers. Motar slab paving shall be used for drainage outlet and the side ditch to prevent water erosion and the small wvaterfall effect. Meanwhile bulk material transported by open truck shall be covered. (4) Public campaign Public campaign for clean road shall be necessary to ban discarding litters on road. (5) Traffic management To prevent spilling of the bulk materials transported by open truck, necessary 18 package shall be used. Road side check of the truck loading conditions at the toll station shall be made. (6) Local development planning It is recommended to the local urban and township development planning authorities that no more schools and hospitals should be built within areas 200 m from road side. Newly built resident areas and other buildings should be 100 meters away from the main road and interchange; as for the connection road, no more schools and hospitals should be built within 50 meters from the road side. 5. Alignment and Bridge location Preliminary route aginment was identified in the feasibility study stage, with 7 section schemes considered and 2 bridge location schemes for Junshan Yangtze river bridge compared in terms of engineering, economic, environmental and social factors, taking into account of opinions from both local people and government departments, as the result of which is the present alignment. For example, there were schemes of Beijing-Zhuhai route passing through Caidian Houguan area, Houguanhu lake east route, Houguanhu lake west route and Houguanhu lake direct through route. Although the east route scheme has one bridge opening span less for the lake crossing bridge with good transport condition, the land form fluctuates greatly making horizontal and longitudinal alignment difficult and longer in length with more resettlement work. The west route scheme has less resettlement work, but the geological condition is relatively poor with less detour road for construction and with great amount of earth and stone work. Although the direct through scheme increases the bridge span, the total route length is the shortest with smooth alignment and with the least earth and stone work, less resettlement work, less land occupation and less environmental impact. Therefore, the direct through scheme is recommended. For the west link of Hurong (Shanhai-Chengdu) route, Yongan-Zhushan section, Yongan-Quanli section scheme has been selected, with 2.6km less in length, 15705.4m less house relocation, 1158 less people affected, 66 sites less power supply facilities' relocation. For the bridge location of Junshan Yangtze bridge, there were schemes of Weijiawan location and Houshan location. The Weijiawan location has been recommended after assessment and comparisons in terms of engineering geology, navigation impact. land acquisition and resettlement as well as environmental factor. 6. Environmental monitor To mitigate pollution, to supervise implementation of environrnent protection and 19 mitigation measures, to check the environmental forecast and to timely modifv environrnent protection measures based on monitoring results during the construction and operation period, an environmental monitoring plan has been set forth for this project. According to the monitoring plan, monitor of noise, air environment and water quality during the construction and operation period shall be contracted out by the local EPA, for road sections with possible overage of the standard limits particularly for the sensitive spots. The details of the monitor plan are listed in Appendix I Envirornental Monitoring. 7. Environmental Administration Organizations and Personnel Training Organization and administration of environmental protection work for this Project are as follows. There are administration agency, excutive agency and environment monitor agency. Figure I shows the organization chart for the Project III. Figure 2 shows the organization chart for the Junshan bridge project. Figure 3 shows the report procedures for environmental monitoring work for Project III. Figure 4 shows the report procedures for environmental monitoring work for Junshan Bridge project. The environmental monitoring shall be the responsibility of highway environmental monitor unit and the supervision engineer. The World Bank Project Office of HPCD is responsible for the construction period monitoring plan for the Project III; the World Bank Project Office of HPCDand the Junshan Bridge BOT Project Corporation are responsible for the Junshan bridge environmnental monitoring plan. In the operation period Hubei Provincial High-grade Highway Management Bureau (HPHHMB) is responsible for the monitoring plan for the Project III. The World Bank Project Office of HPCD and the Junshan Bridge BOT Project Corporation are responsible for the Junshan bridge in the operation period. The The provincial EPA shall be responsible for routine supervision, and the local EPA for local environmental protection issues in local areas within its jurisdiction, according to EAP and relevant laws and regulations. Environmental protection monitoring plan is summarized in Appendix II. The training program includes domestic training and training going abroad, as follows: (1) One month going abroad training of 5 persons for from environmental administration organization, with estimated cost of USD 7.5 thousand per man-month, making a total of 5 x 7.5 = 37.5 thousand (USD) (equivalent to about CNY316.25 thousand); (2) Half month domestic training of 36 persons for environmental monitor work, with cost estimation of USD1.2 thousand per man-month, making a total of 36 x 0.5 x 1.2=21.6 thousand (USD) (equivalent to about CNY179.3 thousand). The grand total raining training cost is about CNY 495.55 thousand. 20 EPO of MOC World NEPA Top Supervisor Bank ProvincialII Communication EPO of Provincial Top routine Department EPB Supervisor EPO of PCD HPCD WB Regional & Project Office Municipal Routine EPB Supervisor Manage & r District & Executive County EPB S ___ ~Agency __ _,Super-visor |EPO of |Construction Stage Sancha Of fice E|Un 3ae Quanli Office Environment Supervisor Engineer Operation Stage C a Figure 1 Environmental protection organization for Project III 21 EPO of MOC World N PA Top Supervisor DC ~Bank WB HC I 1 Provincial Top routine | EPO | i EPB Supervisor EPO of PD__ H::e Provincial Routine it EPOof EPB Supervisor |HCD WB PO|. Wua EIA nitEPCBP Supervisor Manage & Executive _ Agency ___ |RoadEnvironrent Monitor Center |Design Unit Road Environmental Monitor UnitI Contractor Operation Management Unit Engineering Supervisor Operation Construction Stage Stage Figure 2 Environmental protection organization for Junshan Yangtze Bridge 22 NEPA MOC EPO |B Construction HPEPB HPCD FP0 Period HPCD WB Project Office | oclEPB P|-M l ~~EPO Monitoring station Operation Period Figure 3 Monitoring report system NEPA MOC EPO F HP ~ ~ ~ IICD MunicipallEPBB Monitoring Unit Figure 4 Monitoring report system for Junshan Yangtze Bridge 23 8. Public Participation To carry out the project in the best possible way, many meetings for the public participation have been held organized by the environmental assessment unit cooperated with the project owner and the design unit. The representatives of the units the interested parties along the project areas attended the meetings, to discuss such issues as the alignment scheme of the project, the location of the interchanges, and major environmental concerns, with suggestions and recommends. Meanwhile investigations were made on the socio-economic status and the opinions of the affected communities and the non-government organizations on the project and the resettlement arrangements. The public participation survey results are set out in Appendix V. The resettlement program has been made based on the opinions of the people concemed, with details shown in the resettlement action plan (RAP). And the summary of public participation by use of equiry form is shown in Table 5. Table 5 Summary of social survey for the proposed road project I In favour of or againsi the road project in favour of. 100% 2. If aeree with the route selection laree. 96%: no idea, 4% 3if the road project is good for local development good, 94%; no idea. 6% 4.Any opinion on farm land occupation & resettlement no complain. 91%: complained. 3%: no idea. 6% 5. If understand the resettlement policy understand. 34%: do a little, 540; don't, 12% 6. If abide by the land acquisition & relocation scheme y'es,& no idea 0.2%: ves but on conditions, 99.8% 7 If there is anvyfrpact on your dailv life for the road. noise, 47%; vehicle emissions, 18%: dust, 35% S. Suggestions to mitigate the impact planting, 98%: noise barrier, 82%; far away from village, 1 69% 9. Resettlement Sampled survey has been made of the opinions of the communities affected by the project, including all the households going to be resettled, those directly affected, individuals and persons in charge of collective unit. A total of 8144 enquiry formns were issued and returned back totally. 93.1% of the people involved with resettlement ask for compensation, 81.1% request to be locally resettled, 77.2% ask for shift or change their job. Based on the requests and the governument policy, resettlement and reconstruction development plan include land acquisition, houshold resettlement, infi-astructure facility relocation, employment etc., with details shown in RAP. 10. Summary So long as the Environmental Action Plan (EAP) is implemented, the mitigation or elimination of the various negative impacts can be achieved. 24 T-wo historical sites, Buddhist Monk Tomb and Zhuge City Ruin, have been found so far along the project area assessed. The construction of road sections involved with the two sites area will not start until excavation of the sites is completed, or the road section alignment may be modified if it is necessary. During the construction period. the laws concemed with the culture relics shall be observed. therefore the impact on the culture relics shall be verv small. The risk of the earth quake and the dangerous goods transport caused by the project is very small, with little impact on the flood control along the project areas. The locally arranged resettlement shall be carried out for the project, which not results in great amount of people's relocation from the rural area to the urban area. No impact on the wild life has been found for the project, which is good for the development of the tourist resources along the project area. Many years investigation and study on the eco-system of the middle and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River show that the rapid reduction of the number of the rare aquatic animals such as white-flag dolphin, Chinese sturgeon and Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze River is mainly due to unlawful fishing and the waterbome transport development. The construction of the bridge shall neither do harm to the aquatic animals nor change their living environment. During the construction period of the bridge, the boring pile construction process shall be adopted for under water pier construction, which can significantly reduce the impact on the water quality caused by the substrate silt resuspension . The waste silt generated by drilling shall be disposed at a designated site by barge, so that the water pollution caused by the silt can be reduced to the minimum. The environmental investment for the proposed road and the road bridge over the Yangtze River shall account for 0.5%o of the total project investment (not including such costs as land compensation and resettlement compensation, and those for the underpasses. subgrade protection and drainage), the economic benefit of which shall be greater than the environmental loss, with details seen in the EIA report. The impact arising from the project shall be at an acceptable level; and due to the environmental investment. the environment conditions shall be improved alone the existing national road 107. To actually materialize the environment protection measures, organizations responsible for environment protection are going to be set up and shall be more effective in their work with accumulated experience. The environmental management plan, the environmental supervision plan. the environmental monitor plan and the environmental action plan have been made. 25 Appendix I Summarv of action plan for the project III and Junshan bridge project Environmental Actions have been taken / Actions will be taken Unit in charge factor A. Design stage I Route scheme Highway alignment has been selected among 7 alternatives: bridge location HPCD World Bank selection selected between two options. to reduce land occupation. air pollution and Project Office noise level as much as possible. _ (HPCD WBPO) 2 Traffic 352 underpasses and 16 flyovers were designed for convenience of local Ditto interference people 3. Soil erosion Plantation for the median strip. side slope and two sides along the Ditto propopsed road (including approach road of the bridge) for protection: Permanent and temporary drainage system is designed. together with soil retaining wall, interception ditch and mortar bound. to reduce soil erosion land the impact on the irrigation system. 4. Air pollution Due to great amount of earth and stone work. quarry site and borrowing pit Ditto are selected taking into account of possible dust pollution and other environmental sensitive problems. 5. Water Waste water treatment facility has been designed for the service areas and Ditto pollution the bridge construction site, with polluted water being discharged into the local underground sewage system: design of a comprehensive subgrade and p_ avement drainage system has been completed. 6. Noise Overlapped joint has been designed for bridge head to reduce vehicle Ditto bumping noise and vibration caused by bridge head joint. three noise barriers of 300m long 3m high each for Hangyang No3 high school, Yangliu primary school and Xinfu primary school respectively. 7. Flood Bridge design for safe flood discharge meets the requirement of the flood Ditto once in 300 years for extra-large bridge, once in 100 years flood for large bridge. The road passing through the flood control area of East West Lake - are has been agreed bv the Wuhan Municipality. Hubei Province and the flood control department of the Ministry of Water Resources. 8 Cultural relics Two historical sites have been found along the proposed road area, which HPCD WBPO will be excavated before the road construction work. Hubei Provincial Culture Bureau 9. Afforestation Afforestation plan has been made to reduce and mitigate air pollution and HPCD WBPO beautification of the environment. Two green belts of 200m long 20m wide guilt for Hangyang No.3 high school and Zhuge city and one 100m long and 2om wide green belt for Guangi iawan. 10. Public Survey of the public opinions on the proposed project in the affected areas. Ditto participation Inform the liborary (or other public agency, if there is no liborary) in the affected are of the information about the proposed project and ask for exhibition of the EIA documents to the public so as to make to project being understood by the local community and other non-government organizations, to get more comments from the public by difl'lrcnt kind ol meetings. and make known to the public all the results come out from i______________ consultaiions I1. Land Land acquisition and resettlement plan has been made to make proper Ditto acquisition & arrangement for the resettled peopic and appropriate compensation. Resettlement l 12. Dangerous In the areas with important water resources the polluted water will be Dino goods spillage discharged into non-sensitive areas; and sewage pool will be set with facility capable to cut-off sewage flow in case of emergency to be continued next page 26 continue from last page Enx\ironmcntal Actions have been taken I Actions will be taken Unit in chargc ta.tor I |B. Construction p riod I Dust Air All reasonable measures. including sprinkle, will be adopted to reduce air HPCD WBPO. pollution pollution during the construdtion period. especially in the vicinity o HPHHHMB EPO. resident areas: Junshan Yangtzc Material storage site will be far away from residential area in the leeward Bridge Project direction and the materials be covered or sprinkled; and covered when Co. (JYBPC) transported by open truck; Contractor The mixing station will be located in the leeward direction at least 500m away from residential area; The mixer should have goods sealing and dust remove device, with appropriate measures taken to protect the operator; Construction workshop should be equipped with dust collection device. 2. Soil erosion/ Within 3 months after completion of subgrade construction, tree and grass JYBPC. water pollution plantation on side slopes and the road side will be conducted; and BPCD WBPO. necessary rehabilitation or reconstruction will be made if the existing Contractor irrigation or drainage system were damaged; All necessary measures to prevent the rivers and water channels or the existing irrigation and drainage systems from being blocked; While permanent drainage system being built, temporary irrigation and drainage ditch or pipe will be set; All possible measures will be taken such as sediment pool for treatment waste waTer during construction, not being directly discharged into the river and the irrigation system; Spoils produced from pile construction will be disposed to designated place (see Appendix Figure 2). Pit for the-spoils should be set in two parts for different kinds of spoils, i.e. the spoils dug out from depth over 3m usally contain more heavy metal, which may have negative impact on undergroubd water by permeation and should be put in permeability reducing pit, to prevent impact on water body. The sewage water from the labour camp will not directly discharged into water body and should be treated in one place before being discharged according to relative standards. Material storage yard should be set away from river with measures taken to prevent the materials being rushed away into the river by raining water. Open ditch should be dug around the material storage area or surrounded with soil retaining wall, to protect the water quality of the water body along the road area. Effective measures should be taken to prenvent oil pollution over the water area with first aid program for emergency accident to remove oil pollution. Oil polluted water in parking and garage areas is not allowed to be discharged ~itfiout control. and should be treated in oiin piacc bcibrc hbing discharged The Contractor can collect the oil polluted water and send to trcatment plant or by using of oiliwater separater bought from the market for treatment. - 3. Noise No construction work will be arranged at night (22: - 6:00) for work sitc Ditto where rcsidential area exists withini 150mn: If the wvork have to he done it night it shouid be subject to the approval by local govemnicnt and environmncntal protection department. Meticulous maintenance of construction machine to keep the noise at lower level. to be continued next page 27 continue from last page Environmental Actions have been taken i Actions will be takcn Unit in chargc I-actor I 4 Ixo-resources No borrowing pit shal; be set in wood areas: HPCD WBPO. protection Reduce borrowing pit on farm land as mucn as possible. if it is necessary JYBPC. the surface soil should be preserved in one place and put back after Contractor completion of the engineering awork: Strictly ban hunting in the project area: In case there is any rare aquatic fauna occur. ask for help from expert and experienced fishman, without disturbance to the animal; Spoils should be disposed without blight to farmland and other facilities, without blocking of river flow. and the spoils disposal site should selected in consultation with the local environmental protection department. 5. Cultural relics Once any cultural relics unexpected before are found during construction Ditto the engineering work shall stop immediately and the relic site be under protection, in which case the relics administration authority shall be informed timely. The work shall not resumed unti excavation is completed. ___________ In sensitive areas it is necessary to have one relics expert on-the-spot. 6. Construction Sewage water treatment facility shall be provided, the drinking water Ditto labour camp quality should meet the state standards for drinking water. It is necessary to pay particular attention to the santary condition in the labour camp, with regular garbaee cleanine and treatment. 7. Transport Careful select of transport route for construction material transport. to Ditto management avoid long distance transport, with less interference with the local existing traffic as far as possible, to reduce dust and noise: To ease traffic and to prevent traffic jarn it is necessary to get advice from the communication department and public security depatment; Temporary road will be built acrossine the existing road, when necessary; Construction material transport planning to avoid peak hour of the existing traffic. 8. Work safety Lighting and safetm sgins and markines will be provided on temporary road; eqforcement of traffic regulation: Effective safety and warning signals will be adopted during construction. C. Operation stage 1 Noise / Ban unnecessary homing at night time, HPHHMB EPO. Air pollution Set air protection green belt at places where measured pollutant exceeding JYBPC the standard limit, set noise barrier and other measures taken at places where noise level exceeding the standard limit: Green belt shall be built at places. where measured pollutant exceeding the standard limit based on monitoring results. 2. Vehicle Strengthen vehicle maintenancemanagement to make sure roadworthness Ditto mangement of the vehicle; Strengthen vehicle emission inspection and implementation of the noise and emission sLandards. no permission o. ceni;icate %%ill b.: issued fbr unqualified vehicle: Vehicle speed limit on motorway and the bridge is 60 - 120kkm/h. Strengthen education conceming xvith environmental issues related to Ivehicles and eniorcemcnt of the regulations. to be continued next page 28 continue from last page ILEnuironmental Actions have been taken,' Actions will be taken Unit in charge I acaor. . l'ossible spill First aid team will be organized by HPHHMB and the EPB of Hubei HPHHMB. of dangerous province to deal with possible spillage accident of dangerous goods; an IYBPC. goods action plan is going to be worked out for the Project Ill by the team for the Hubei Public emergencies; Security Bureau Three certificates are required: transport permission. driver certificate, and Traffic Department safety escorn certificate for dangerous goods transport. strict enforcement o (I-PSBTD) the relattie regulations; Special route specified by the public security bureau should be followed as well as the parking spots; To implement the first aid according the action plan in case of the accident, and inform competent authorities in time; a monitoring group will be established to deal with the accident. 4. Road control No permanent building shall be established within the control area of 60m PHHMIB, area from both sides of roadside ditches. JYBPC D. Environmental control 1. Air quality (I) Construction period HPHHMB EPO, For Project Ill: Provincial (a) Monitor item: TSP, bitumen smoke Highway Monitor (b) Frequency: Bitumen mixing plant. Unit (PHMU), once a week, 3 consecutive days, twice/day for IYBPC TSP and bitumen smoke; Lime soil mixing station and unpaved detour road randam check. one day twice/day for TSP: For Junshan Yangtze bridge: (a) Monitor item: NOx, CO. THC. TSP and dust. (b) Frequency: once every 2 months. 3 consecutive days. 4 times/day for NOx, CO, THC and TSP: once a month for dust. (c) Monitor spot: Zhangjiadun, Zhoujiagang, Huangjiawan for NOx, CO, THC, and TSP: material transport road, Zhurushan Quarry for dust. (2) Operation period (a) Monitor item: NOx, CO. THC and TSP: (b) Frequency: twice a year, 3 consecutive days. 4 times/day; (c) Monitor spot: Hangyang No.3 High School, Zhuge City, Citangwan, Qianjialing. Shangzuowan. Zhangjiadun, Zhoujiagang, Huangjiawan; (3) Specifications for monitor In accordance with the exsting effective standard method issued by NEPA to be continued next page 29 continue from last page Environmental Actions have been taken , Actions will be taken Unit in charge factor 2 Noise (I) Frequency: (a) Construction period: once a week: (b) Operation period: 4 times a year. 2 consecutive days. once in daytime and once in nighttime; (2) Monitor spot: (a) Construction period: for Project 111, at places where rcsidential buildings or sensitive receivers exist within area of 200m from worksite: for Junshan Yangetze bridge, the samne as those set for air quality monitor; (b) Operation period: for Project III, at such places as, Liuwan primary school, Quanfeng primary school, Xinfu primary school, Dongyue high school, Hangyang No.3 high school, Limiao primary school, Friendship primary school, Xinwanti, Siwangcun, Xiao Majiali. Qianjialing, Shangzuowan, Zhuge city, Caoshanliang village, Citangwan, Fujiawan, Shang Lijiawan, Lunhezui village. Sandadui Shisidui, Datangjiao viliage, Xinhuzui, Longwang Shisizu, Dingwan, Chenwan, Jijiahe village, Zhoujiazui. Pengjiazfan. Baxingwan, schools and villages in the area 200m from the road; for Junshan Yangize bridge, the same as those set for air quality monitor. (3) Specifications for monitor: In accordance with the exszing effective standard method issued by NEPA. 3. Water quality (1) Monitor item: HPHHMB. BOD, SS, oil, temperature. disolved oxygen; PHMU. (2) Frequency: JYBPC (a) Construction period: once a year: (b) Operation period: once every 3 years; (3) Monitor spot: (a) Construction period: cross section of Hangjiang river, Huanshui river bridge location of Weijiawan. Wuchang water supply plant section; (b) Operation period: cross section of Hangjiang river, Huanshui river bridge location of Weijiawvan. Wuchang water supply plant section; (4) Specifications for monitor: In accordance with the exsting effective water quality standard issued by NEPA. 30 Appendix [I Environmental supervision plan Stage Agency Work content Purpose Feasibility NEPA 1. Examine the lOR of EIA I.To ensure the EIA content full, covered proper stud\ MOC(EPO) topic arrangement. withi key points highlighted Hl'EPB 2. Examine the EIA 2.To ensure the possible serious issues for the WB prqject to be addressed properly HPCD 3. Examine the draft of EAP 3.To ensure there is feasible action plan Design & NEPA 1. Examine preliminary design for 1. To carry out the three simutaneousness" construction MOC(EPO) environment protection & EAP. & & EAP. and land acquisition and resettlement. land acquisition and resettlement. period HPEPB; 2. To examine if there is investment 2. To make sure the investment being made Local, for environment protection municipal 3. To check construction site: 3. To make sure the work site mixing meet the & county material handling, mixing plant. requirements of environment protection level EPA 4. To check dust & noise control 4. To reduce the impact & implement measures & work time schedule regulations 5. To check poisonous & harmful 5. To reduce the impact on the surrounding & to material storage & emissions implement the regulations 6. To check waste water & machine 6. To make sure the surface water not to be oil disposal & treatment polluted 7. Cutting & borrowing site, spoils 7. To make sure the landscape & the land disposal, soil erosion, blocking of resources being preserved and resumed drainage system and river 8. Check quarry site, spoils site, 8. To protect landscape and land resources. those who has caused the pollution are responsible for make up. 9. To check the implementation o 9. Preparation for check and acceptance of the the "three simutaneousness" & the environment protection engineering work work progress by time schedule PCRB 10. Check if there is cultural relics 10. To protect cultural relics supervised by the underground Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau (PCRB) I11. Check protection of the relics I1. No damage to the found relics Operation HPHHMB I. Inspect vehicle road worthness, I. Enforcement of traffic regulation and emission period Local & emiisions; standard; municipal 2. Check pollution treatment and 2. Bring into full play the protection facilities. to & county discharge & mitigation effect; meet environmental quality standard level EPA 3. Check environmental quality over 3. Enforcement of environmental regulations sensitive area- and to protect people's heath Local. 4. Check wastes disposal in service 4. Pollution control meet with the requirements municipal area, to meet with the standards of the state and local standards & county 5. Ckech if surface water discharged 5. To protect water body from being polluted level EPA in the right way by suface water discharge along the road area. 6. Strengthen accident manaeement 6 To eliminate the cause of accident make sure and monitor system. set up first aid traffic satety and sate operation of road action plan fo; emergencies and to prevent pollution from spreading once accident happens Local 7. Check if it ic necessary take 7. To protect environment on solid ground public lurnhier actions to deal %with pos,iblel security & unforcseen environmental issue fire fighting department 31 Appendix III Urban Area Ambient Noise Standard (GB3096-93) Classification Day time Night time Applicable area 0 50 40 Special residential district 55 45 Residential, culture & education district 2 60 50 Residential, commercial. industrial mixed area 3 65 55 Built-up industrial area 4 70 55 Both sides of trunk road Urban Area Ambient Vibration Standard (GBI0071-88) (unit: dB) Applicable area Day time Night time Special residential district 65 65 Residential, culture & education district 70 67 Mixed district 75 72 Both sides of trunk road 75 72 Air Quality Standard (GB3095-82) Density li its (mg_m3) Pollutant Sample time Class 2 TSP daily average 0.30 any time 1.00 IP daily average 0.15 any time 0.50 annual daily average 0.06 So, daily average 0.15 any time 0.50 NOx daily average 0.10 any time 0.15 CO daily average 4.00 any time 10.00 03 0.16 Environmental Water Quality Sta dard (GB3095-82) GB3838-88 Class 11 GB5749-8i GBI 1607-89 GB3838-88 Class 111 Surface water quality Drinking water quality Fishino water qualiit Surface waler quaiti (for Proiect 111) standard standard (for lunshan Bridge) PH 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 PbS .l05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Oil s 0.05 0.05 0.05 BOD5S 3 5 4 32 Appendix Figure I Alignment of tho Proposed Hlgbwmy Legend 13 Datangjiao Village - \i .xn,war o-n'cc-rn 1 Noise Monitor Spot * 14 Xinghuzui i ji r n>ml.o. .ard cmo,,ie-cl ~*~ J Air Monitor Spot A 15. Longwang Shisizu ;l .c*ccc.ccis Rolict Spot dn Water Quality Monitor Spot 16. HnyangNo3. High School \ I ) , i z M-1 | / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cultural Relics Spot 4k I17 Zhuge;City _\ - " I. IDasvo LiLwBn Primary School 19 Qiniling Primaryschrol ____; ;* -\ 2 Fuj,aican 20 Qanvjaling A 3 + s; 3 Yanigliucuo P,smarySchool 21 Shangzoowan ,. . I 1^ 0 X g 4liiiRhe VillaQe 22. ConshAnliang Village 7 \' - S, .o. . ~42 * i Zhoujiazui 23. l1gnacun Xinfu Primary School 6Penigafan 24 Xznwani- I ,,, ,, \ 1 7. F iendsh,p Primary School 25 Limso Primary School ! ,. ,s,i,,, <,,,,,, - \ > eShangLiuiawan 26 Sw anacun i > 1u1x> exralv si RL ~~~~~~~9. Basheng.an 2 7 Baoxie (Xiso A4Ji.lI) Jyt1t* f - , , .,,', . 0I Dongyue Primary School 28 Xinqiao Primary School _ _h~ ,,,, , *. . .* ,s 11 Cabghezui Village 29. Weizhan Primary School - a 12 Saodadui Shis,dui 30 Zhuzhso Pfimary School< 2 " .j- i - ._ it~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __\.~ ~ ---. 3 i , . - CFIHINA c ltrt PROVINCE NATIONAI HIGHWAY PRO.IF.t1 m I I _ I Appendix Figiire 2 EAP Chart for JYRB JZNAH I I ,APPendix I Cost estimation for environmental protection Item Content or calculation method I Investment Environmental effect l | ~~~~~~~~~~CN Y m ill1ion_I E1A & design Monitor. report, design i Current condition survey, forecast, control. optimization, measure implementationI Planting Plant turf& utees. median strip, Mitigation for air, noise. ecology, resident CNY50000/km - 197.8km 9.89 health, and landscape beautification CNY20000/km x 32.8km 0.656 Mitigation mcasures Higher wall. install noise-proof 1.9 To reduce noise pollution, protec: the doors & windows. plant green residents' and students' health Noise barrier belt. enclosing wall . Noise barrier: CNY 1000/m 1.5 Protection measure Toll station built with sound To protect the employees' health for toll station insulation materials & structure 0.60 and air conditioner. etc. Protective green belt Hanyang No.3 high school & 0.4 Mitigate air pollution to protect students and Zhuge city: 200m x 20m teachers and local community Beautification Beautification of toll station. 0.7 To beautify the environment for travel, work dormitory. interchange, & living area, to improve efficiency & buildings and road signs reduce accident Environmental Personnel training for road 0.4893 To improve the professional skill for training construction and management environment protection Sewage water treat- Dail life sewage and vehicle 3 Prevent the water body from being polluted ment for service area washing waste water treatment by sewage and waste water. and Io protect for the 5 service areas ecological environment Cultural & historical Investigation of cultural and Protect cultural and historical relics relics protection historical relics (not including 0.27 the unforeseen cost) Monitoring Monitor 2.1708 Monitor equipment 2.5647 Unforeseen cost 5% of above mentioned total 1.29704 Total _27.23784 1 Appendix Table 2 Cost estimation for environmental protection for Junshan Yangtze river bridge r Period Item Cost (CNY) Remark Drainage protection 1.587.543 Special subgrade treatment 1.536.122 IDesign SLaaC Underpasses 4,939.272 Have been listed in Farm land compensation 12.719.000 engineering budget Rcsettlement 928.609 Greenine 200.000 Will be reflected Green belt for air pollution control 100.000 in design Construction camp . Domestic sewage treatment facility 400.000 Garbage collection and transport 59.600 Bom by the Material site protection against run-off 25.000 Contractor Construction Machine oil waste water 65.000 stage Silt treatment (pit digging & transport) 150.000 Oil spill contingency treatment material 125.000 Aquatic fauna protection calculate later on in nother report Environmental monitoring 207.760 Born by the Owner Sprinkle vehicle 400.000 Rent or bought by the Contractor Environmental monitoring 35.760 Operation stage Chemicals leakage emergency treatment 145.000 Born by the Owner Sprinkle vehicle 400.000 Others Training Separated in Project III Total 23.623.576 Sprinkle vehicle onl! ________ ________ ________ _______ ________ ________ _______ ___ ____ ________ _ calculated once