76164 CASE STUDY 34: COLOMBIA – SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FINANCE PROGRAM Barriers Lack of access to credit, lack of track record in sustainable energy Instrument Portfolio guarantee – pari passu Application Guarantee covering 50% of the potential losses of an energy efficiency/ renewable energy portfolio Amount US$108 million equivalent (50% covered by the guarantee) PROJECT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES capacity of banks and technical service providers, as well as to raise awareness of sustainable energy in the While Colombia possesses significant potential for market. energy efficiency savings in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors, increasing sustainable energy INSTRUMENTS USED investments confront a number of barriers including: The financial mechanism is an unfunded risk sharing the absence of activities specifically targeted towards facility (denominated in local currency). Under this supporting sustainable energy efforts, and in particular mechanism, IFC and IDB will cover 50% of the losses of the lack of a services market to support companies an up to US$108 million portfolio of energy efficiency interested in using energy more efficiently such as and renewable energy loans booked by Bancolombia. energy service companies; lack of awareness among private enterprises as to the economic benefits of INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS sustainable energy; and lack of available financing for Under the project, IFC and IDB agree to guarantee such investments as a result of banks’ perceived risks eligible sustainable energy loans originated by and their lack of capacity and experience with this asset Bancolombia. Eligible activities to be supported by the class. project include projects targeting larger SMEs and mid- This project aims to increase the available funding for sized industrial companies in energy intensive sectors of energy efficiency projects in Colombia, through the industry in Colombia. provision of a risk sharing facility by IFC and IDB to OUTCOMES Bancolombia, to cover a portion of the losses of a sustainable energy portfolio and encourage the The project will support the financing of a US$108 development of its sustainable energy lending business. million portfolio of sustainable energy projects. By sharing credit risk in a sustainable energy portfolio, Moreover, being the first commercial bank entering the the project will encourage Bancolombia to enter this sustainable energy finance area in Colombia, asset class. Bancolombia is expected to have a catalytic effect on the industry and will contribute to the mainstreaming of This is the first large commercial financing project for sustainable energy lending. sustainable energy finance in Colombia, and is part of the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) Colombia Sustainable Energy Finance Program to promote sustainable energy financing among local banks. The program also includes an advisory component to help build the internal 1 | R E F I N e www.worldbank.org/energy/refine Further reading IFC, BANCOSEF: Summary of Proposed Investment – click here Climate Investment Funds, Colombia Sustainable Energy Finance Program (C-SEF, the “Program�) – click here 2 | R E F I N e www.worldbank.org/energy/refine