AGUA VIVA PROJECTOFUBERABA EnvironmentalAssessment ExecutiveSummary 1 INTRODUCTION - The main objective of AGUA VIVA PROJECTis to improve the health of Uberaba's population throughan environmental sanitation andcultural andenvironmental pres The project comprises three main actions under discussion: (i) Environmental Integrated Sanztation, which foresees interventions in the sanitary sewer, water supply and urban drainage system; (i) Uberaba's Environmental and Czrltarral Presetvation and &covey, tbat foresees the environ&ental recovery of APA - Environmental Protection Area o f Uberaba River, the implantation of a 25 ha urban Park and of the FCtssil Vivo Project; (iii) Management and Planning which foresees measures for improving the sanitation semces, the environmental preservation and recovery, environmental education, social communication andinstitutional strengthening. The Project has been rated "A" by the World Bank in compliance with its sdfeguard policies (OP 4.01). So, during the Project's preparatory phase, there has been developed an Bnvironmental Assessment Report for the Project in order to identify its potential environmental impacts, recommend mitigative and compensatory measures of the negative impacts and maximize the positive ones. There has been also proposed an Envronmental Management Plan in which a!l these measures were foreseen as part of the Project. The followingdocument summarizes the results of the EnvironmentalAssessment Study. 2 BACKGROUNDS - The MunicipalDistrict o f Uberaba i s located inthe Trihgulo Mineiro region ihthe State of Minas Gerais, about 494 Km away from the capital - Belo Horizonte. It has 251,159 inhabitahts @GE - census ZOOO), and from this figure 243,406 areinthe urbanzone. AU municipal territory is withinthe hydrographic basin of the Grande river. The Municipal District of Uberaba has one of the biggest and most imp t paleontologic sites of Brazilwith 80-65 millions-year-old fossil registers. , Uberaba's main hydric body is the Uberaba river which crosses the Municipd District in the east/west direction. This river is the main water supply source of the city, however there is a serious aggravating 1 UBERABA PREFEITURA DE h ~ m b e e d m b ~ problem that it does not supply the required supply quota during the d eriod. Besides, it is the receiver body of most part of the urbannon-treated discharges of the M The mainurbanproblems of Uberaba refer to: (i) pollution o f watercourses dsmg from the discharge o f non-treated sanitary sewer; (ii) water supply rationing during severe dry season due to the msufficient capacity o f the current generator system; (iii)floods indowntownarising frorri the incapacity of the macro drainage system; and (iv) lack ofpublic leisure areas. Uberaba's current sanitary sewage system already has a wide coverage attendance of sewage collection (98% of the urbanpopulation). The discharge o f non-treated rformed in the several channels and streamlets th*cross the city, what makes it the most re r the pollutionof the streamlets of Lajes, Uberaba and Conquistinha rivers, determining a strong degradation of its waters quality,affecting, thus, the environmentalqualityoftheregion. Despite the high attendance rate (98.1'?/0), Uberaba's water supply system has several problems, especially in relation to its productive capacity which is not sufficient during the dry season, when rationing measures are required. This scenery i s worsened even more due to the highrate of losses which is about 37%. Almost all Uberaba's city is within the hydrographic basin o f Lajes streamlet and its affluents have been channeled in concrete aisles. These aisles compound the macro drainage system of the Municipal District and Uberaba's viary system has beenbuilt over them. With the increase of the areas whichwere rendered impermeable due to the progressive urbanization process, the flood in the mdn avenues and, this, in the central region of thebecame more frequent. Measures developed by the Local Government (Local Government Authority and CODAU) led to the proposition of a plan of investment in sanitation, drainage and environment2 management. The Project was then structured from this planandits mainobjectives are the followingo (i) Institutional strengthening of the Local Government, including the CODAU, in order to guarantee the execution of the Project and its sustainability; (ii) Recovery of the water quality and reduction of the environme dation o f the basins of Uberaba and Conquistinha rivers caused mainly by the di f urban non-treated sewage; Ti) Flood control inthe central area of the city (basin o f Lages stredet); (iv) Development of a Public Urban Park and leisure equipment, providing population with leisure opportunities andgreen areas near the urbanarea; (v) Environmentalrecovery of the Environmental Protection Area-APA of the Uberaba river, including solutions for the preservation o f the existent ecosystem and for a sustainable environmental zoning; (vi] Investments for improvingthe facilities and construction of s rt areas to the Centro de Pesquisas Paleontologicas Llewellyn Ivor Price, that i s for the researches and maintenance of the City District's paleontologicalmaterial. During the Project's preparatory phase there has been developed a s of studies by the Local Authority Government, with the supporto f theJapanese Government, the management of the World Bank, amongwhich, we can mention the following ones: Conceptual study for central interceptors Standardization o f water quality - QUAL2E and CEPIS for dam Study of the demands o f the water supply system Dams' security panel Conceptual study for ETA'S improvement Study of source alternatives for the water supply m Conceptual studyof macro drainage alternatives Institutional analysis of the executing and co-executing bodies of the program and development ofthe InstitutionalStrengtheningPlan Consolidation of the paleontologic property management -Fossil Vivo Project These studies have provided relevant technical, economical and environmental advantages to the Project, which were resultant from: (i) the introduction o f the sewage interceptor systttin of the central area of the 2 U CODAU UP-- .-*E-+. city in the sanitary sewage system; (ii) a change of the additional water sup source, extinguishing the requirement for the implementation of the regulatory dam which has been previously foreseen inUberaba river; (iii) conceptual alteration o f the flood control system proposed for the central area o f the city. The environmental licensing of the interventions are in the following phases: (i) Preparatory studies to request the Previous License (LP): Sewage Treatment Plants, emissaries o f &e Conquistinha system; (jl) installation license phase &I): o f Uberaba river's left mar@, Leopoldino de Oliveira Interceptor detaining basin. Inrelation to Leopoldino de Oliveira basin's LI,which has been licensed by the municipal CODEMA, there is a dtspute with the State licensing body that has not been solved. There are some temporary grants for the use of the waters of Uberaba river and transposition from Claro river, inwhich there has been provided a term so that the Municipal can solve its problem of additional supply o f water. There are some deforestation permits in the APPs ateas with the respective mitigating and compensatory measures for the construction o f the interceptors of Uberaba system and for the transpositionworks of Claro river. 3-MAINACTIVITIES OFTHE PROJECT Next, there shall be described the main activities of the Project with the p o t e n d environmental and sodalimpacts. 3.1-ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION 3.1.1 -Sewage Collection, Transportationand Treatment: Uberaba's c t sanitary sewage system has a wide coverage in relation to the sewage collection (98% o f the urb pulation). However, the sewage is not treated and it is discharged in nutzrra into the several channel treamlets that cross the city. The Agua Viva Project foresees the complementation of the existent system through the implementation of two independent sewage systems (Uberaba System and Conquistinha System), whose main characteristics are presented inFigure 1and inTables 1and 2. Uberaba System shall be liable for attending about 75% of Uberaba's urban population and Conquistinha System shall attend the rest o f the population. There shall be built two sewage treatment plants [ETE]. Uberaba's ETE shallbe built 10 Km away from downtown, inthe northwest direction, inan area of 5 ha. Conquisthha's ETE shall be built in a 2,2 ha area in the southeast of the city. Uberaba System, in its original conception, did not foresee the imp in this phase, of the marginalinterceptors of the Lajes streamlet and its affluents inthe ce f the city. The system would operate from this point as ``unitary'', i.e., the sewage would be di the existent rainwater aisles and then, they would be jointly directedwith the drainage waters to UTE.There wouldbe built a diversor system which would discharge in Lajes streamlet flows ceeded ETE'S capacity during the floods. Studies developed during the Project's preparatory phase led to the proposal of implementation since now the sewageinterceptors, forming, thus, an "absolute separator" system. ET 3 UBERABA PREFEITURA DE h w m 6 7 0 3 M b - b W B l ~ Table 1:Proposedinterventions for the Sanitary Sewage System ofUberabaRiver's Basin. Table 2: Proposedinterventions for the Sanitary Sewage System of Condp2stinha River's Basin. Emissary) Diameter: 400" Attended Populauon (end o f the plan):80,421 inhabitants - - -- - - - .-__ _ - - -- -.- Endof the-plan:2027 - - - I - Sewage Treatment Plant - AverageQ: 147 l/s - 12,680 mj/day - - - - - -. - - _ _ _ - - - -- -- - - Uberaba ETE - - ----. - - - . - - _._ - _.-- Load of BODS:3,86Okg/d;y " _ - - _--~l-l".____---_- - -_- - - -- I---_ ---------I---- _.-_ Load of Suspended Soltds: 2,815 kg/day " --------- - - - - --111..__--..__I- II 11- .__ -.- Removal Efficiency: BOD (95*!0)-SS (go%> - - _-- - .- _--- ---- - . . -- - _ --- --- -- - .--- I _.-I_ 1Treatment Process: UASB Reactors 3 A e d lagoons complete mixture 3 Opaonalaeratedlagoons 3 Sludge drylngbeds The material taken duringthe preliminary treatment as well as the mudproduced m the treatment process after beingproperly dehydrated shallbe disposed inthe municipalsanitary landfiUwhich has been recently built.Studies to be developed later shall evaluate the possibility of using the aud to manure agricultural lands. The receiver body elected to receive the treated influents of Uberaba river ETE is Uberaba river itself, about 10 Km downstream the city's water capture, while the treated efDdent of Conquistinha ETE shall be discharged inConquistinha stream. Bothreceiving bodes are Grande dver's affluents. The implementation o f the sanitary sewage system may just require dispossessions of lands which are withinthe area o f direct performance of the measures ofthe proposed entepse, totalizlngapproximately 49 ha. The ETE'S are located in a ruralarea about 800 meters awaj from t~~Lban settlements and there shall not be required families' relocation. 4 UBERABA PRLPEITURA DE m - m d b w i l w w " 3.1.2 -UrbanDrainage and Flood Control: The main problem o f the ui-ban drainage of the city of Uberaba results from the frequent floods o f its central area arising from the insufficiency of the main existent channels and aisles, Previously, the Municipal District had already hired a Plan for the Control o f urban Floods whose hydrological and hydraulic studies recommended the hplantation of 4 detaining basins to dampen the flow peaks so as to reduce them to the discharge capacity of the existent aisles. One of these basins, the biggest one, has been implemented. Recently, during the Project's preparatory phase there were developed new hydrological and hydraulic studies by FundaGZo Cristiano Ottoni [Christian0 OttofiiFatwld~~on] Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG [FederalUnivcmgofMznas Gerais]],in of order to: (i) the rainwater discharge conditions inthe mainchannels arid aisles in a variety or urban assess development sceneries; (ii) the current and future risks and their consequences; (jii) identify flood asses control and risk`s reduction alternatives; (iv) propose a more adv solution under the environmental and economical point of view. In the said study, several al es had been proposed and studied, includingthe construction o f detaining basins, implementation of additionalaisles or tunnels inorder to increasededischargecapacityofthe flood flows.These alternativeswere assessedmdividually or jointly in order to get the most proper solution under the technical, ecorhmical and environmental points ofview. The results o f the hydrological and hydraulic studies developed shows that keeping the system with the current configuration would mean the submission of the population to 10s and damages with a non- acceptable recurrence (2 years), also involvingthe risk o f loosing human es. The initial proposal of complementing the existent system with detaining basins inthe drainage sub-basins of the Lages streamlet also showed itself insufficient to guarantee the flood control with a recurrence period superior to 5 years. Frequent floods - central &rea o f Uberaba The other alternatives were proposed and analyzed in`order to guarantee the flood control with a 25-year- recurrence. Among them, the one which has been disanguished as the most technically, economically and envEonmentally feasible i s the alternative which considers the complementation o f the capacity o f the current system, includingthe detaining basin which has been constructed recently and the implementation of additional aisles inthe drainage system. This proposed alternative is summivlzed inFigure 2 and Table 3, below: 5 UBERABA PREFEITURA DE w""&wsiwatm PDL- RLR2 '1. 4;III LE$ I I I I I 21 I L I 3 III a 1 Figure 2. Hydrographic Basin of Lajes Streamlet Unifilar Chart considering the use of - reinforcement channels as conventional aisles. 6 PREFEITURA DE UBERABA l n ~ m . n . m & w . ~ --*- CODAU .-*- Table 3: Reinforcement ofthe Current SystemwithAisles 3.1.3 -Improvement of the Water Supply System: Comprises a series of interventions in the water productionand distributionsystems inorder to regularize the water supply m'dattend a future demand. The improvement o f the water supply system shall be accomplished thrdcigh three main actions: (i) Reinforcement of the water supply, considering that the captured source does not have water availability duringthe dry season to attend the city's demand; (ii) implementation of the loss control system inorder to reduce the current loss rate which, nowadays, is 37% o f the dammed up water; (iii) automatization of the water dammingup andtreatment systems. The current sources availability i s just 380 l/s, for supplying a demand of 1.100 l/s. Uberaba river, the mainsupplyingsource of the city consideringthe grantlimits ofwater usage, rnay supplyonly 230 I/s and the artesian wells complete the offer with morel50 l/s. The difference b een the demand and the availability has been obtained through a temporary grant for taking additiorrd flow from Uberaba river, what does not solve the problem during the most severe dry seasons due absolute non-availability ofwater duringthese periods. This situation is currently solved by the tran nof Claroriver's waters to the Uberaba river's basin, which is also performed 9tha temporary licenst: issued by state body that manages the hydric resources (Instituto Mineiro de GestZo das &pas- Itis clear that the current water supply system presents a high unsafeness level. Uberaba's local ent has already developed studies which led to the proposal of obtainingthe required additional ough the regularizationof Uberaba's river flow and, for this purpose, it proposed the construction o f a regularization dam ina place called Prainha. The Basic Project defined a 16-meter highdamwith a flood area of 43.4 hectares. Duringthe preparatory phase, the Security Panelwas put mto action, which concluded that the dam had geotechnical conception problems and did not have the required regularization capacity. Studies of the water quality additionally showed a strong hypereutrophication o f the rese The studies which have been performed showed that the proposed solution of the dam was not p under the technical and environmental aspects. Newstudies were developed dunngthe Project's preparatory phase and several additional or substitutive supply sources were analyzed, namely: (i) regularization o f the Uberaba mer's flow unth other dams' analysis; (ii) of Claro river, either through the current reversion implem Use defkitively or through a direct aduction up to the city; (iii)capture in Grande river; (iv) capture in Araguari river, and (v) Increase of the number ofartesianwells. The studes concluded that the best solution, under the technical, economical ahd environmental aspects, i s the definitive implementation o f the current temporary solution o f reversiori o f the Claro m e r waters to the Uberaba m e r basin. This alternative, which shall be detailed in a subsequbnt stage, shall be submitted to IGhVinorder to get the definitive grant o f the right o f use. 7 UBERABA PREFEITURADE m w Hpumblb UlllnpaUnb The system improvement also foresees a loss reducnon program whose impartance can be measured by the fact that its success shall release the Municipal District from the burdeh of mcreasing the system capacity within Project's validity, as evidenced by the study o f demand whith was developed. In other words, the loss reduction from about 37% to 15% assures that the generator system w h c h shall be implemented shall attend the period of 25 years. In relation to the water treatment plant, the proposed improvements aim at assuring the quality o f the treated water, operational costs reduction and implantation o f a residues treatment unit, that, currently, are discharged in city's rainwater net without any control. This unit, besides the resulting environmental benefit, shall also allow the recovery o f the waters used to wash filters and decanters, contributing, thus, for the loss reduction. 3.2-UBERABA'S ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL PffESERVATION AND RECOVERY Despite it i s the main public supply source o f the Municipal District, the IJberaba river Basin faces a relevant environmental problem: the water quality o f Uberaba river and its hain affluents. Among the mainreasons of Uberaba river andits affluents' environmental degradation, mustbe pointed out the following ones: (i) discharge of non-treated sanitary sewage; (ii)excessive al of water for several uses; (ii) non-existence o f a proper treatment o f valley's bottom; (iv) non-codb-olled discharge of residues andwaste material; (v) poorenvironmentaleducation. The &a Viva Project proposes measures to reduce the environmental degrddation o f Uberaba river and its affluents within the area that crosses Uberaba's Municipal Distric recurrence of the environmental problems presently identified in this area. Besides the dons inthe urban sanitary sewage collection and treatment system, which has alreadybeen rein, the Project also proposes a set of interventions in order to improve the water quality of Uberaba's river andits affluents. Onthe other hand, the Project also proposes the paisag~sticrecovery o fLajes streamlet's margins, through the construction of a linear park, indu truction of bicycle paths, aktivities of re-planting and gardening and construction of urbanfa ,conveniencecenters, stzLgriantmaters,etc). 3.2.1 - EnvironmentalRecovery of Uberaba river's APA It refers to the hydrographic basin area o f Uberaba river upstream from the present dam, with an area of 463km2, which has already been defined by State Law No. 13,183 of January 21a, 1999 as an "Environmental Protection Area - APA". T h e environmental recovery of Uberaba river's APA shall occur as from following activities: (i) development and implantation of a handling plan; (ii) recovery o f ciliary, d hillside forests; (iii) development of a planinorder to prevent risk o f accidents with dangerous Hydric management system; (v) geoprocessing service. 3.2.2- Cdrrego das LajesPark Bymeans o f anurbanistic andpaisagistic there i s the intenuon to implement a Linear Park o f approximately 25 hectares along the Lages stream the city until the confluence with Uberaba river, that shall provide a leisure area o f importance to the population of the city and surroundings. The project comprises the construction of leisure, sport, culture andmeditation complexes, for any age, social and race ranges, democratizing the public area and allowing a better view of a strategic area of the city. 3.2.3- F6ssil Vivo Project: The F6ssil Vivo Project performs the asso between the scientific research activity and the measures directed to education, protection siliferous deposits and stimulation of the economic activity in Peir6polis area, through the scient& tourism. It is foreseen investments for the improvement o f facilities and construction of sup areas to the Centro de Pesquisas Paleontol6gicas Llewellyn Ivor Price. The following specific es are also foreseen: (i) structuring o f the paleontologic safeguard and recovery for the increase istent annual collection; (ii) andenlargementoftheDinosaursMuseum; (iii) andins repair repair f geo-paleontology labs; (iv) construction ofpublic WC'S; (v) construction and repair of the Centro de Apoio ao Turismo, Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensgo [Tormstn, Instrz/ction, Research and Extension Swpporhng Centg; (vi) urbanization of the internal and external areas o f Centro Price; (vii) planand communication and marketing; (viii) purchase o f equipment, furniture and thematic park for children recreation; (k)revi and recovery o f the old Caieira do Meio; (x) development and implantation of the paisagisti ,including the Jardim Paleontol6gico; 8 3.3-MANAGEMENTAND PLANNING Comprise a series of measures which aims at contributing so that Uberaba's Local Authority bodies may perform more effectively and efficiently the functions proper to it through dirkct assignments within the Project's action field. So, it shall include efforts in order to increase persoanel qualification in several thematic areas o f Project's interest, operational updating, reinforcemedt o f Local Authority's environmental inspection ability and development of specific studies. It is fmtseen the performance of activities for reinforcing actions within environmental sanitation, presematioh and recovery areas (by equipping the Environmental Guard and the Environmental Municipal Secretariat; development of technical and operationalprocedures manuals).Environmental educational projects, social communication plan, personnel qualificauon, implementation of geoprocessing and s turing of the Project's management system. 9 UBERABA PREFElTlJRA DE ~ - - 4 M , I S ~ 4 -ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 4.1-SAFEGUARDS OFTHEWORLD BANK The Project was rated inthe "A" category, pursuantto the environmental polities of the World Bank, and the following "Safeguards" have been requested: (i) EnvironmentalAssessment (OP 4.01); (ii) Habitats Natural (OP4.04); (ii)CulturalProperty (OP4.11.03); (iv) Dams' Security. The project properly approached indetails the impacts related to these safeguards and proposed the required mitigating measures. 4.1.1-OP 4.01 EnvironmentalAssessment There has been developed an Environmental Assessment Report in ce with the environmental policies o f the Bank, applicable to the "A"Category Projects. The Proje es the interventions related to the improvement o f the sanitation public semces (Water supply and s ,sewage), floodcontrolinthe urban area, environmental recovery of Uberaba river's basin, which has been legally defined as an "environmental protection area", measures to support the pres 's cultural inheritance, construction of the urbanpark and government and planningactions. The measure o f the negative impacts have been included in an Environmental Management Plan, e associated costs, the responsibilities for its implementation andthe schedules. There were public consultations duringthe environmental licensing of the Pioject's components and during the studies o f the social evaluation. They were complemented by a consultation during the Project's preparatory phase, which occurred on February 2nd, 2005, inwhich the Enviionmental Assessment Report which has beenpreviously developedwas presented and discussed. 4.1.2-OP 4.04 Natural Habitats The Safeguard Policy o f Natural Habitat was demanded by the Agua Viva ct due to the fact that there are proposals o f mterventions inUberaba river's Environmental Protection -APA,amaintenance unit of sustainable use and in permanent preservation areas (areas of 30 m of side of the seasonal bed of watercourses) according to the Forest Code. Uberaba river's APA was organzed with the object of protecting the hydric resources of the basin as the mainwater supply source of the city o f Uberaba. Initially, the Project planned the construction of a dam in the Uberaba river within an APA area. Duringthe Project's elaboration, thi was not considered due to technical and environmental reasons and the proposed production system es the consolidation of the reversion from Claro river's basinwaters, beingincompliance with APA'S o Regarding the intervention in the APPs, they are limited to the interceptor of the left margin of Uberaba river, which has already been constructed, to the mterceptors that shall be implemented in Uberaba and Conquistinha's systems, out of the urban area, and to the construction ear park along the Lages' streamlet. The environmental law allows the performance o f these kindo intheAPPs.Inaddition,it i s already foreseen recovery measures o f the area affected by the in which has been recently concluded, inclusively the vegetation recomposition. In relation to the that shall be built, there were advised some special cares in order to limit the suppression o f the vegetation and measures to recover the vegetation that mightbe affected. The construction o f the Linear Park o f the Lajes' streamlet is deemed a compensatory measure. 4.1.3- OP 4.11 CulturalProperty The Safeguard of the Cultural Property was demqded by the Agua Viva Pr e to the fact that Uberaba Municipal District comprises one of the larger and more important Paleo Sites in Brazil, with fossil records dated o f 80 to 65 million years. Although the interventions e the Project are initially located in areas of non-potential occurrence o f fossiliferous deposits, the Project, besides the measures for the strengthening the management of the paleontologic inheritance, foresees sbecial procedures which shall be adopted during the construction phase with the support and supervision of the Centro de Pesquisas Paleontol6gicas. These procedures comprised in the Environmental Manual of Construction foresee: (i) previous field inspection (before issuance o f the notice to bid for the works) expected interventions by a team o f the Centro Paleontol6gico, evaluation o f the possibility o f sites' oc ce and the measures to be 11 CODAU -.91c..- adopted; (ii) def*fiition o f the general procedures o f a "lucky safeguard" already defmed in the manualand includingtrainingo fthe builder's team, provisionof explicative booklets, etc. 4.1.4- OP 4.37 Dam's Security The original conception o f the Project foresaw: (i) construction o f the regulatory dam as a generator the source for the water supply system o f the city; (ii) dams forming detaining basins for the macro drainage system, i.e. the Leopoldino de Oliveira dam, already constructed, and three o Incompliance with the Bank`s policies and safeguards, there has been formed a Dam's Security Panelduring the development of the Project. In relation to the regulatory dam of Ub a river, the Panel's studies evidenced i t s technical non-feasibility, under the geotechnical and hydrologic dspects (required regularization ability). Inrelation to the detaining basins, the studies of the macro drainage alternadves evidenced its insufficiency as a solution for the reduction o f floods in the city within a recurrence p e r i d superior to 5 years. So, there only remains inthe project the existent darn in Leopoldino de Oliveira detaZrringdam. In relation to it, the Dams' Panel considered the existent documents of the project (executive and "as built" project) insufficient to make a safe assessment and suggested the performance o f technical surveys, reference files and the exploration to know the site and specific essays to allow the analysis o f the wbrk stability. These stuches shall be performed during the first execution year of the Project inthe basic project stage of the macro drainage , system inorder to assess the possibilityof permanence of the detaining bash inthe system and its operative rules. Itis important to emphasize that the studies of macro drainage alternatives, of the water supply alternatives, as well as the conclusions provided by the Dams' Panel itself, resulted in beneficial changes under the technical, economical and environmental aspects in the conceptions of the dood control and water supply systems, with the elimination o f the dams which were expected to be constru 4.2- GENERAL ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTS There has been identified, evaluated and interpreted the possible environmentdl impacts that may be caused by the implementation o f the interventions proposed by the Agua Viva project inthe planning, implementing and operational phases o f the enterprise, as well as proposal o f mitigating mea`sures of the negative impacts and the maximizing measures of the positive ones. There has been also asse e impact of the solutions alternatives, even the dismissed ones, as these analyses were usefui in the se process of the solutions. The projects shall directly or indirectly benefit allMunicipal District's populauon. 4.2.1 -Positive Impacts Dm!ngthePhnntngandthe Work Execdon Phases During the planning phase the main positive impacts are the increase o f the associative forms o f performance, the incentive to the gathering between the Municipal Secretariats and other intervening bodies inthe Project. Inorder to reinforce these beneficial effects, there shall be developed social communication, environmental education, community participation, social and environmental banagement measures. During the work execution phase, the matn positive impact refers to an increase of employment offer to the city's population and the reinforcement to be adopted is to recommendthe builders to give priority to the hiringof the local population. Du&g the UperationPhase The implementation of the Project shall result inthe mainposiuve impacts: .. Recovery o f the water quality o f the region's hydric resources -Lages streamlet, Conquistinha stream andUberabariver. Assurance o fwater supplyto the city population even duringcritic asons. Significant reduction o f the flood events inthe city, with the conse economical benefits. Offer of public leisure areas to the populationwith the consequent social benefits. Inaddition, the interventions o fthe Project shallhavethe followingpositiveimpacts: 12 Sanitary Sewage System: (i) improvement of the water quality of Uberaba and Conquistinha rivers; (ii) improvement of population's health conditions. These impacts shall be reinforced with measures aimed at eliminating the crossed connections, monitoring o f the water quality and health conditions. The simulations made with Qual2E evidenced the following impacts in relation to the ed oxygen, under minimum flow conditions ( 4 7 ~ 0 )of the receiver bodies: (i)o treatment: n c s consistent with class 4 (CONAMA Resolution 20/86), with the possibility o f anaerobiosis alongall Conquistinha andwithin 30 km o f Uberaba River; (ii) a preliminary treatment: the same conditions as the previous ones noticed in with Conquistinha and in 10 Km of Uberaba River; (iii) treatment with a 90% r nefficiency of the organic load: class 2 conditions in Uberaba liver and class 3 in Conquistinha; Inr to the fecal coliforms, the class 2 conditions shall only occur with the implementation o f ETEs disinfection. This measure shall be conditioned to the downstream uses. Water Supply System: (i) Assurance o f water supply throughout the year, ely during the dry seasons; (ii)reduction o f the water loss rate inthe system, including recovery of part water of ETA'Sunits; (iii) environmental improvement due to the elimination of ETA'S residues e; (iv) reduction of the system's operational cost. These impacts shall be reinforced by Operational Mprovement and maintenance measures of the system's units. Urban Drainage System: The flood control in the central area of a is the significant impact obtained with the implementation o f the drainage system proposed inthe The implementation of the drainage system assures the control for a recurrence period of 25 ye erational and maintenance measures shallreinforce this benefit. Uberaba'sEnvironmental and Cultural Preservation/Recovery: The positive impacts of this component are: (i)the physical and environmental recovery and preservationofUb s APA; (ii) consolidation of the cultural values and environmental focus; (iii) enlargement of the gre isure areas; (iv) valorization of the real estates near the park (v) increase of the fossil collection o f (vi) potentiahation of the paleontologic tourism; (vii) improvement o f the social and economical cohditions of Peir6polis. These impacts shall be reinforced by the implementation of environmental education measures. Governing and Planning: The expected actions shall result in positive impacts for the Project's implementation and to assure the sustainability inthe longrun. 4.2.2- Negative Impacts Duni?gthePlanningand WorkExecutionPhases Duringthe planningphase the mainimpact shall be the generation of expectations in the population that resides within the Project's intervention areas. The development of the expected measures of social communication, environmental education and community participation in oider to explain and stimulate population shall be the instruments to be used in order to assure full compliance of the population, considering the Project's benefits, Inrelation to population's expectations in relation to eventual problems of ETES' operation, the local government has arranged for the community in the vicinity to visit Brasilia's Ems, showingits operation. During the work execution there are typical impacts of this phase related to the construction activities, especially in urban areas where the interface with the activity and the PO on is greater. The following impacts are common ones: (i) increase of the noise, dust, motor gas; (ii) interdidtion of paths, pavements and accesses; (5)traffic deviations and traffic of heavyvehicles; (iv) transit of people strange to neighborhood; (v) damages to public equipment and houses; (vi) damages to local business; (vii) deterioration o f the urbanistic and paisagistic condittons; (viii) risk to the water quality,; (ix) workers and passers-by's security, etc .These impacts are temporary and reversible and can be minimized through the adoption o f proper preventive measures and constructive procedures and methods which are detailed in the Environmental Manual of Construction that is anintegradngpart of the EnvironmentalReport. The need to discharge materials, especially those deriving from the cons of drain galleries, requires specific measures for the selection and protection o f the areas that shall be d for the transportation of the materials. There shall be defined the specific routes and security co w h c h are foreseen in the Environmental Manualof Construction. 13 UBERABA PREFEITURA DE -M*-6W`nnpanu The works of the sanitary sewage shall further require dispossessions and may cause vegetation suppression as well as the disturbance of the fauna, in a smaller scale. Some mitigating sures have been proposed in order to assure fair conditions for the compensation of the real estates and recovery o f the vegetation affected. Uberaba's Municipal District has one of the largest and most important Paleontologic Site o f Brazil. During the implantation of the interventions, the soil excavation may expose a great amount of sedimentary rocks from the cretaceous period, which may present fossils. The implementation of joint specific procedures with the Centro de Pesquisas Paleontol6gicas and those listed inthe EnvironmentalManualof Construction is the proper measure to avoid damages to this cultural inheritance. On the other had, these procedures guarantee the recovery, rescuing andmaintenance of this material. Dur;ingtheOperationPhase Sanitary Sewage System: The negative impacts o f this system within the o tional phase shall be limited to: the possibility of obstruction and rupture of the collecting nets, odor ehissions in the ETEs, eventual overflow of effluents to the watercourses and increase of the sewage fees collected from the attended population. Measures for the system's operational improvement and mainte e, creation of a green belt in the ETEs, social communication and creation o f a social fee have been s ted in order to mitigate the impacts considered hereinbefore. Water Supply System: The negative impact o f this system that is deemed significant is related to the flow alterations in Claro (downstream the water taking) and Saudade (downstream from the pointwhere it receives the reverted flow o f Claro river). It i s advised the performance of the hydradt/hydrological monitoringof the said courses inorder to notify eventual control andrepair measures. Urban Drainage System: The system causes impacts especially in the wbrk execution phase, as it has already been described. Duringthe operation phase the transference o f the d o ~ peaks downstreami s the g mainnegative impact of the proposed system. The system project shallforesee the implementation o fenergy dissipators and the protection of the natural imaginary line that crosses the deepest part o f the valley itself. Uberaba's Cultural and Environmental Preservation /Recovery: Theke shall occur negative impacts from the persons affluence and to Peir6polis region due to the measures foreseen inthe F6ssilVivo Project. Valorization of sites, changes regarding the soil use, envEonmental degrad ,increase inthe water and electric energy consumption, vandalism and sound pollution are foreseeabl equences from an increase of the number of visitors to a place that is, presently, typically rural. Th direction of the economic activities requires qualification o f the local labor, such as training to work Is, restaurant, execution of handcrafts and tourism guide. Besides, there must be established from now o n a program for improvingthe security, the environmental education, planningandregulations for the zoning of the soil's use. 4.4- ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTPLAN The Environmental Assessment Report comprises several mitigating, co ensatory and reinforcement measures to assure the reduction o f the negative impacts and the extensio& of the positive ones. These measures, as well as their costs, schedules and persons in charge for its implementation constitute the Environmental Management Plan, which shall be exposed next. Most part of the activities included in the Environmental Management Planis included inthe engmeedngproject itself, A d does not require a separate document. 4.4.1 -Environmental Management System: The ,%a Viva Project shall have as Borrower, before the World Bank, the Local Government of Uberaba and as the general rdinating body the Centro Operacional de Desenvolvimento e Saneamento de Uberaba - CODAU. Ode Program Management Unit- UGP-shallbeimplemented w i h CODAU'S scope and shall have the competition o f the Technical Units, on behalf o f other bodies of the localgovernment pertaining to the sectors involved with the Program.The Environmental and Social Management System - SGSA -integrates itself to the Project Management System and shall be liable for: (i)coordinating the social and environmental m e the Project; (E) inspecting, following-up and directing the execution of the mitigating measures re the environmental licenses and the recommendations o f the Environmental Manual of Cons ; (iii)implementing the 14 UBERABA PREFPITURADE MU.- bwUislmpmnu subcomponents o f the environmental educational and institutional strengthening. The costs o f this acuvity are included inthe Project's Management andAdministration. 4.4.2 -Social Communication Program (R$ 150,000.00): The objective o f this program is to favor the Project implementation through the participation o f the population which has been directly or indirectly affected by the interventions and, fiially, of all the Municipal District's populatibn. The most active segments of the public and private community shall be notified about the Project's maidactivities and implementation phases and shall be encouraged to participate actively of the enterprise. The Planning Municipal Secretariat shallbeincharge o fthis activity. 4.4.3 -Sanitary andEnvironmentd EducationProgram (R$300,000.00): There shallbe implemented an environmental and sanitary program with local and extensive approach diffusingto population ingeneral the environmentalvalues, concepts and perception of the importance o f the environment to the water quality, th inshort, the health quality.%s is expected to motivate community environmental protection and preservation measures. The local approach the population around the physicalinterventions and aims at subordinating environmental care into an effective event, having as its central axle the r There shall also be developed a Social and Environmental Monitoring, program for the quality and quantity assessment of the social perception of the meaning of the Agua Viva Project alongthe period and for a systematic follow-up of the values, concepts, assessments and collectivity practices, and their respective changes due to the environmental education measures, The Environmental arid Sanitary Education program shall be held during the Project's implementation period and the E ent Municipal Secretariat - SEMEA - shall be in charge o f it, under the coordination o f a ent Group comprised by representatives o f UGP, of the Social Communication Advising Department, o f the Education Municipal Secretariat and of SEMEA itself. 4.4.4 - Program for the Extinction of Crossed Connecti (R$ 500,000.00): the implementation of this program i s essential to guarantee th benefits arising from the improvement of the water quality comprised in the Project are lished. The city's sewage and rainwater nets have been constructedalong the term, bein age discharge into drain pipes and vice-versa a common practice. The program shall be implemented by CODAU, simultaneously with the interceptors works of each basin, and it shdl be concluded six months after conclusionof the last interceptor. 4.4.5 -Operation andSecurityProgramofLeopoldino de Oliveira DetslihingBasin (Rs 35,000.00): In compliance wlth the recommendations of the Dams' Security Panel, there shd be implemented an operation and security plan for the Leopoldino de Oliveira dam, in order to assure: (i) correct operation of the the equipment in relation to its specific function o f preventing the flood; (i) the security o f the solid pieces o f stonework of the dam against rupture risks and downstream damages; (iii)an alert system for all contingencies that may involve risks for the population; (iv) an assessment bf the feasibility and security to use the area with leisure activities during the dry seasons. The program has been initiated in 2004 with the Dams' Security Paneland shall be terminated in2005. 4.4.6 -Monitoringof the Water Quality of Uberaba River and Con a Stream. (R$ 120,000.00): There shall be implemented a monitoring plan of the waters of Uberaba inand of the Conquistinha stream, whose main objective shall be the verification of the efficiency of the ineasures implemented in the Project for the improvement of the water quality o f these basins. Itwill also &OW the acknowledge and repair o f eventual problems concerning the water quality o f the basins. I t s result e integrated to the Brazilian System o f Information about the Hydric Resources. The Environment al Secretariat - SEMEA - shall be liable for the implementation of the program. Other institutions part of the production of information, diagnosis and monitoring of the waters within this Project scope, namely: FEAM, IGAM, CODAU. 4.4.7 - Hydrologic Monitoring (R$ 500,000.00): The proposed hydrologic monitoring shall provide information in order to assess Uberaba's urban drainage system, improve the consistency o f the hydrologic studles, allow the use o f standards of hydrologic simulation which are ?nore trustful and implement 15 preventive and corrective measures for the urban drainage problems, i.e., to improve the urban drainage management system o f the MunicipalDistrict. I t s executionterm is estimated m 5 years. 4.4.8 - Construction Environmental Manual. This Manual was developed to be used as a proper environmental practices guide which shall be defined by the companies that shall be hired for the execution of the works. So, it must be attached to the bidding process so that the companies may be previously instructed about the requirements. UGP and the constructing companies are e for its implementation. 4.4.9 -Institutional Strengthening (R$ 2,900,000.00): From the chardcterization and analysis of the institutional environment o f the Agua Viva Project, an harmonic set of measutes was defined considering the improvement of the legal, technical and management abilities of the municipal organizations involved in the execution o f the Project and inthe operation o f the systems resulting from the investments foreseen therein. T h i s set of measures i s the vehicle (measure- medium) o f institutio for the execution of the environmental and social programs of the hgua Viva Project. So, Strengthening Plan shall provide qualification of the organizations directly in charge of p public services related to environmental, urbaninhastructure and sanitation management. The tal and the Work Planning Municipal Secretariats and the CODAU shall be the organizations which shall be prioritarily considered. There shall be implemented measures in order to equip the organizations, train personnel and develop technical and operational manuals. 16