:RUOG %DQN )LQDQFHG 3URMHFW E1399 v7 World Bank Financed Project - Guangdong Pearl River Delta Urban Environment Project (II) Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project PIU: Foshan Water Group Co. Ltd. EIA Institute: Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection Apr. 2011 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. PROJECT BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. PURPOSE OF THE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................ 4 1.3. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.4. EVALUATION FACTORS ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.5. ASSESSMENT GRADE ............................................................................................................................... 9 1.6. FOCUS OF THE ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................. 12 1.7. ASSESSMENT SCOPE .............................................................................................................................. 12 1.8. ENVIRONMENTAL FUNCTION ZONE OF THE ASSESSMENT SCOPE AND APPLICABLE STANDARDS .......... 15 1.9. APPLICABLE STANDARDS USED IN ASSESSMENT................................................................................... 20 1.10. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREAS OF CONCERN ...................................................................... 22 1.11. SURROUNDING STATUS OF SELECTED PLANT SITES AND CURRENT LAND USAGE SITUATION AND PLANNING23 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF POLLUTION FACTORS................................... 27 2.1. EXISTING WWTP AND CURRENT SLUDGE DISPOSAL PRACTICE ........................................................... 27 2.2. SUMMARY OF THE SLUDGE DEWATERING PROJECT............................................................................... 34 2.3. ADVANCED SLUDGE DEWATERING PROJECT ANALYSIS ........................................................................ 35 2.4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FACTOR ....................................................................................................... 61 3. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES......................................................................................................... 75 3.1. ANALYSIS OF FINAL SLUDGE DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVE ......................................................................... 75 3.2. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 87 4. LEGALITY AND RATIONALITY ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT ............................................. 92 4.1. LEGALITY ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ......................................................................................................... 92 4.2. COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY .................................................................................. 95 4.3. COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS OF PROJECT WITH CORRESPONDING PLANNING .............................................. 96 4.4. ANALYSIS OF COMPLIANCE OF PROJECT WITH ENVIRONMENT FUNCTIONAL ZONING ........................... 98 4.5. ENVIRONMENTAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF PROJECT SITE SELECTION............................................... 99 4.6. NECESSITY AND RATIONALITY ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ....................................................................... 102 4.7. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 105 5. REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS AND DUE DILIGENCE............................................ 106 5.1. THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT SITUATION ................................................ 106 5.2. DUE DILIGENCE ................................................................................................................................... 113 1 6. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................. 131 6.1. WATER ENVIRONMENT STATUS MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT ....................................................... 131 6.2. AMBIENT AIR QUALITY BASELINE MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT ................................................... 139 6.3. ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BASELINE MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT ............................ 146 7. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PROJECTION AND ASSESSMENT DURING OPERATION PERIOD ............................................................................................................................................................. 149 7.1. AMBIENT AIR QUALITY IMPACT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 149 7.2. WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 165 7.3. ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT IMPACT PROJECTION AND ASSESSMENT .................................................... 167 7.4. SOLID WASTE IMPACT ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 170 7.5. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 175 8. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION............................... 179 8.1. ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS ON AIR QUALITY DURING CONSTRUCTION ........................ 179 8.2. ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS ON AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION ...... 181 8.3. ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS OF NOISE DURING CONSTRUCTION .................................... 182 8.4. ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS OF SOLID WASTE DURING CONSTRUCTION ..................................................... 185 9. ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ANALYSIS.............................................................................................. 187 9.1. ENVIRONMENTAL RISK IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................. 187 9.2. IMPACT ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ACCIDENT ................................................................... 188 9.3. PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY MEASURES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ACCIDENT ........................... 191 9.4. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ................................................................... 192 10. ANALYSIS OF MITIGATION MEASURES AND TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ................................................................................................................................................... 201 10.1. ANALYSIS OF AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY.................................................................................................................................................... 201 10.2. ANALYSIS OF WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY.................................................................................................................................................... 204 10.3. ANALYSIS OF NOISE POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY.................................................................................................................................................... 208 10.4. ANALYSIS OF SOLID WASTE POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY.................................................................................................................................................... 209 10.5. MITIGATION MEASURES FOR TRANSPORTATION ROUTES .............................................................. 212 10.6. ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AND COUNTERMEASURES DURING OPERATION ....................................... 213 10.7. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURES............................................................. 213 2 11. PUBLIC CONSULTATION ................................................................................................................. 219 11.1. PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................. 219 11.2. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ........................................................................................................... 220 11.3. FORM OF SURVEY .......................................................................................................................... 229 11.4. 9.4 CONTENTS OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION .................................................................................... 231 11.5. STATISTICS AND ANALYSIS OF SURVEY RESULTS .......................................................................... 234 11.6. FEEDBACKS FROM THE PUBLIC ...................................................................................................... 244 11.7. CONCLUSION OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION ...................................................................................... 246 12. CLEANER PRODUCTION AND TOTAL LOAD CONTROL ........................................................ 248 12.1. ANALYSIS OF CLEANER PRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 248 12.2. TOTAL LOAD CONTROL OF POLLUTION DISCHARGE ...................................................................... 256 13. ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS........................................................................................... 257 13.1. ANALYSIS OF PROJECT-RELATED DIRECT ECONOMIC BENEFITS .................................................... 257 13.2. ANALYSIS OF PROJECT-RELATED INDIRECT ECONOMIC BENEFITS ................................................. 257 13.3. ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL BENEFITS..................................................................................................... 258 13.4. INVESTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ......................................................................... 259 13.5. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ........................................ 259 13.6. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................ 262 14. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN(EMP) 263 14.1. OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 263 14.2. ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................... 263 14.3. TRAINING PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 268 14.4. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN......................................................................................... 270 14.5. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ........................................................................................... 283 14.6. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 291 15. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.............................................................................................. 294 15.1. PROJECT OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 294 15.2. PROJECT RATIONALITY AND COMPLIANCE .................................................................................... 294 15.3. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINES ........................................................................................................ 295 15.4. ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ................................................................................. 296 15.5. RISK ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................... 297 15.6. CLEANER PRODUCTION AND TOTAL POLLUTION LOAD CONTROL ................................................. 297 15.7. PUBLIC CONSULTATION ................................................................................................................. 297 3 15.8. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................ 298 4 Introduction Project Background The Feasibility Study of Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant has passed the initiation approval in August, 2006. According to the Feasibility Study (FS) approved by the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Committee, this project is planned to build a centralized sludge treatment facility with 400t/day capacity (with 80% of water content). It will use Thermal Drying Technology to reach the purpose of Volume Reduction, Decontamination and stabilization so as to avoid secondary pollution from the sludge to the surrounding environment. The project is(was) planned to invest 131 million RMB, among which 10.7 million USD will be financed by the World Bank and the remaining will be from the company itself or bank loan. Based on the project design proposal and treatment process described in the FS, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) completed the Environment Impact Assessment Report in 2006, and got approval from the Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. (GDEPB, 2006 No. 1011). The project has not yeat started construction. Under the circumstances of a New Era, New Technology and New Environment, and its requirements on sludge treatment, Design Institut working on the Feasibility Study started to revise the original proposal giving reference to the sludge treatment trial and experiment around Foshan City, and various sludge treatment technologies being implemented. The purpose of revision is to discuss the feasibility of adopting new technologies and process in this project to select an affordable and suitable treatment process to achieve Volume Reduction, Decontamination and stabilization and resource utilization in sludge treatment. According to the recommendation of the research paper, the Nanzhuang sludge 1 treatment project of Foshan city planned to use a new technology: the sludge will be lanfilled or utilized after being dewatered (water content is below 60%) inside each WWTPs (including Zhen an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang 4 WWTPs). Refer to figure 1.1-1 to see the project plants locations. According to the “The Environment Protection Law of PRC”, “Law of PRC on Evaluation of Environmental Effects”, and The Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection , any new building, expansion, rebuilding, moving, technical reconstruction project, and area development project, requires an environmental impact report. Authorized by PIU, Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection (GRIEP) is chosen to be in charge of the environmental impact assessment of the Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Project . Environmental Assessment Report of Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Project was completed, based on site investigation, review of engineering content, research of the pollutant discharge status and basic information such as project feasibility study etc., according to the requirement of Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment . 2 Cheng bei Zhen an Nan zhuang Sha gang Chancheng District Constructing site Figure 1.1-1 Project Construction site 3 Purpose of the Assessment (1) Through site investigation and inspection, to understand the project environmental baseline and environmental sensitivity factors. To analyze and evaluate the environmental feasibility of the project from the view of environmental protection and cost- benefits of the technology. (2) In addition to reviewing existing information about the area s natural and social economic conditions and current discharge of main pollution sources, conduct site baseline monitoring to inspect and evaluate the environmental quality baseline of the project area. (3) Through engineering pollution analysis and analogical investigation, to identify the magnitude of pollution source and discharge features of the project, and to identify main pollution factors and environmental impact factors. (4) To predict and evaluate the level and scope of potential impact to the surrounding environment caused by putting into use of the plant. (5) Using the principal of cleaner production, compliance discharge and total control of pollutant discharge, to evaluate the advanced treatment technology, and to evaluate the feasibility of the pollution prevention and mitigation measures of the project. (6) To provide scientific evidence for the governmental department to make decisions, for the design institute to optimize the design, and for the PIU to implement environmental management. Assessment Criteria National Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations 1 The Environment Protection Law of PRC, Dec., 1989 4 2 Law of PRC on Evaluation of Environmental Effects, Sept. 1, 2003 3 Law of PRC on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, June 1, 2008 4 Law of PRC on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, Revised April,2000 5 Law of PRC on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution, Oct., 1996 6 Law of PRC on Prevention of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste, Revised Dec.,2004 7 Law of Land Administration of PRC, Aug 28, 2004 8 Cleaner Production Promotion Law of PRC, June, 2002 9 Circular Economy Law of PRC, Jan. 1st, 2009 10 Renewable Energy Law of PRC, Jan. 1st , 2006 11 Energy Conservation Law of PRC, Revised Oct 28, 2007 12 Law of PRC on Water and Soil Conservation, June 29, 1991 13 Outline of the National Environmental Protection, issued by State Council in Dec.,2000 14 Decision of the State Council on Several Issues Concerning Environmental Protection, Aug., 1996 15 National Plan on Ecological Environmental Development, State Council, 1998 No. 36; 16 Notice about Strengthening Management of Environmental Risk Assessment within the Scope of Environmental Impact Assessment, SEPA, 2005 No. 152; Local Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations 1 Regulations on Environmental Protection Management of Construction Projects in Guangdong, Jan. 1st, 2005 2 Regulations on Environmental Protection in Guangdong, Sept. 24th, 2004 3 Guangdong Clean Water Plan, GD Government, 1997 No, 29; 5 4 Surface Water Functional Zoning of Guangdong Province, GD Governemnt, 2011 No. 29; 5 Guangdong Surface Water Functional Zoning (draft proposal), GD Government, 1999 No. 553; 6 Guangdong Clean Air Plan, GD Government, 2001 No. 7; 7 Notice about Strengthen Water Pollution Control, GD Government, 1997 No. 74; 8 Regulation of Solid Wastes Pollution Prevention in Guangdong, May 1st, 2004 9 Outline of Guangdong Environmental Protection Planning (2006~2020); 10 Regulation of Drinking Water Source Water Quality Protection in Guangdong, in the effect on July 1st, 2007; 11 Notice on Issuing the Guidance on Standard Practice on Setup Pollution Discharge Point in Guangdong, GDEPB, 2008 No. 42; 12 Regulation of Water Quality Protection in Pearl River Delta in Guangdong, No. 6 sub-meeting of No. 9 Guangdong People’s Congress Meeting on Nov. 27th, 1998; 13 Outline of the Pearl River Delta Environmental Protection Plan (2004-2020), Sept. 24th, 2004, No. 13 meeting of Guangdong 10th People’s Congress General Committee Meeting; 14 Implementation Plan for “Outline of the Pearl River Delta Environmental Protection Plan (2004-2010); 15 Plan of Foshan Drinking Water Source Protection; 16 Written Approval for Revising of the Foshan Beijiang River Drinking Water Source Protection Zone, GD Government, 2010 No. 75; 17 Notice of Issuing Foshan Air Quality Functional Zoning, Foshan Government, 2007 No. 154, Dec. 19th, 2007; 18 The Eleventh Five-Year Plan of Foshan Environmental Protection and Ecological Environment Development; Foshan Government, 2007 No. 17, Jan. 2007; 19 Chancheng District Regional Acoustic Environment Functional Zoning; 6 Technical Guides and Standards 1 Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment General Principles, HJ/T2.1-93 2 Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Air HJ2.2-2008 3 Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Surface Water HJ/T2.3-93 4 Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Sound Environment HJ2.4-2009 5 Temporary Measures on Public Consultation in Environmental Impact Assessment, SEPA, 2006 No. 28; 6 Comments on Implementing Public Consultation in Environmental Impact Assessment on Construction Project in Guangdong, Guangdong Government, 2007 No. 99; 7 Technical Guidance of Pollution Control Best Practice for Municipal WWTP Sludge Treatment and Disposal. Related Laws, Regulations and Documents 1 Temporary Regulation on Promoting Industrial Structure Reorganization, State Council, 2005 No. 40 (Dec. 2nd, 2005); 2 Notice on Strengthen New Project Environmental Protection Approval, SEPA, 2006 No. 394; 3 Notice on Strengthening Pollution Control of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, GDEPB, 2010 No. 157; 4 Resolution of the State Council on Implementing Scientific Development and Strengthen Environmental Protection, State Council, 2005 No. 39; 5 National Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes (Implemented in Aug. 2008) 6 Regulation on Implementing Hazardous Wastes Transportation Record Management in Guangdong; 7 World Bank Related Regulations 1 World Bank OP/BP4.01 and its Appendix (Environment Assessment), Jan., 1999 2 World Bank GP4.01 (Environment Assessment), Jan., 1999 3 World Bank Environmental Impact Assessment Information Data Pack (Vol. 1-3), (Revising) 4 World Bank GP4.07 (Water Resource Management), Dec., 2000 5 World Bank GP14.70 (Participation of NGOs in World Bank Financed Activities), Dec., 2000 Evaluation Factors 1 Atmospheric Environment According to air pollution features of the proposed project, current air quality of the region and the requirement of Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Air (HJ2.2-2008), PM10, SO2, NO2, H2S, NH3, and odor concentration was adopted in air quality baseline monitoring and assessment. H2S, NH3, and odor concentration was adopted in air pollution impact assessment. 2 Aquatic Environment Based on current water quality of the river bodies receiving discharge from each WWTP, in accordance with “Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment” HJ/T2.3- 93 , pH, SS, DO, BOD5, CODcr, NH4-N, Oil, TP etc. were identified as key parameters in water quality baseline evaluation. The additional wastewater generated by advanced dewatering facilities of each WWTP within the scope of this project ranged from only 21 to 3 71 m /d, and wastewater will be treated in municipal WWTPs and discharged in compliance with standards, therefore qualitative analysis on its impact to the water quality is adopted. 3 Acoustic Environment The main noise source is from industrial equipment. According to the demand of Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Sound Environment 8 HJ2.4-2009 , equivalent continuous A sound level was adopted in baseline environment quality assessment, and in environmental impact assessment. Assessment Grade According to relevant documents from the World Bank, after screening the type, location, sensitivity, scope and feature and size of potential environmental impact of this project, it is confirmed that the EA of this project is Category A. Based on “Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment” HJ/T2.1- 93 HJ/T2.3-93 HJ2.2-2008 HJ2.4-2009 , the assessment grades are as follows: The assessment grade of environmental air quality impact The assessment grades of ambient air quality impact of this project is based on the factors such as discharge volume of main pollutants, the complexity of surrounding terrain and the local ambient air quality standards. After the project put into use, the main atmospheric pollutants are NH3 H2S and etc. Based on the “Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment (Environmental Air)” HJ2.2-2008 , the assessment calculates separately the maximum ground concentration Pi (pollutant No. i) of each pollutant, and the corresponding maximum distance D10% of pollutant No i, when the land concentration parameter reaches the 10% limit pollutant No i. Pi is defined as: Ci Pi = × 100% C0i In which: Pi—the maximum ground concentration of pollutant No i, % Ci —the maximum ground concentration of pollutant No. i, calculated by projection model, mg/m3 C 0i —ambient air quality standards of pollutant No.i, mg/m3 The projection model used is city and flat terrain model, which considers the maximum ground concentration under all climate conditions (including under the most disadvantageous climate condition), but does not consider the smoke and buildings run off. By calculating the maximum ground concentration Pi and the corresponding maximum 9 distance D10% of ground concentration 10% limit of the main pollutants NH3 and H2S.The assessment grades of each pollutants can be confirmed based on table 1.5-1. Table 1.5-2 shows the assessment grade of the project. Table 1.5-1 Categorization of Assessment Grade Assessment Grade Assessment Criterion Grade 1 Pmax 80% and D10% 5 km Grade 2 Others Grade 3 Pmax 10% or D10% the minimum distance between the pollution source and the plant Table 1.5-2 Air Pollutants Assessment Grade Pollutants NH3 H2S Location Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Pollutant Source Area 45×35 69×24 40×30 42×24 45×35 69×24 40×30 42×24 Height of Pollutant 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Source Emission Speed g/s 0.00017 0.00009 0.00004 0.00004 0.00031 0.00015 0.00008 0.00008 Environmental Air Quality Standards mg/m3 0.20 0.01 Maximum Ground- level concentration 0.0001 0.0001 0.00004 0.00004 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 mg/m3 The distance of downwind maximum ground- 78 20 74 73 78 80 74 73 level concentration point to the source (m) 10 Maximum Grand- level concentration parameter 0.05% 0.05% 0.02% 0.02% 3.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% Pi( ) D10% m No Assessment Grade Grade 3 From Table 1.5-1, the impact assessment grade for air quality is Grade 3 according to Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment (Environmental Air) HJ2.2-2008 . The Impact Assessment Grade of the Surface Water Environmental Quality After the project been implemented, the additional wastewater volume discharged from advanced dewatering engineering for each WWTP is 21m3/d Chengbei Nanzhuang , 34m3/d Shagang and 71 m3/d Zhen an . All wastewater will be discharged into the river after being treated in the WWTPs. Jili Creek, the receiving river body of Nanzhuang WWTP should comply with class III water quality standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002 . Foshan Stream, the receiving river of Zhen an WWTP and Shagang WWTP and Foshan channel, the receiving river of Chengbei WWTP should comply with Class IV water quality standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002 . According to the Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment HJ/T2.3 93 , the water environmental impact assessment grade of the project is Grade 3. Impact Assessment Grade of Acoustic Environment Quality All the advanced dewatering workshops of each WWTP of this project are located within Class II acoustic environment functional zone. After the project being implemented, the noise levelof surrounding environment will not change significantly. According to the requirement of Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Air HJ2.2-2008 , the acoustic environment impact assessment grade of the project is Grade 2. Risk Assessment Grade 11 During the operation period, no hazardous materials will be used. The treatment process will use electricity as its power, and will not use any kind of fuel. The main risky material is the dewatered sludge, which remains as low level risk. According to Technical Guideline for Environmental Risk Assessment of Construction Project HJ/T169-2004 , the environmental risk assessment Grade of this project is Grade 2. Focus of the Assessment 1 Analyze and assess the environmental feasibility of the project implementation from the environmental and cost-benefit point of view based on factors such as the environmental sensibility, existing environmental capacity and etc. 2 Consider the control of odor as thekey issue; emphasize pollution factors analysis, cost-benefit feasibility study of the pollution prevention and control measures and estimate cleaner production level after the project implementation. 3 Environmental quality baseline and environmental impact projection and impact analysis of the plant before and after the project implementation. 4 The environmental impact and risk during the sludge transportation. 5 Analysis on how advance and clean the dewatering technology is. Assessment Scope Air Quality Assessment Scope The percentage of maximum ground concentration compared to standard of the discharge pollutant is below 10% in this project, which determines the assessment Grade is Grade 3. According to the requirement in the Guidance, the scope of air quality assessment is a 5km width rectangular area which is centered with the WWPTs. Refer to figure 1.7-1 for the environmental air assessment scope. Aquatic Environment Assessment Scope The receiving river bodies of all the WWTPs mentioned in the dewatering project are: Zhen’an: the treated wastewater is discharged to river body on the north, i.e. Foshan Stream; 12 Shagang: the treated wastewater is discharged to river body on the east, i.e. Lan Shi Da Stream, through Feng Shou Stream to Foshan Stream in the end; Chengbei: the treated wastewater is discharged to river body on the northeast, i.e. Foshan channel; Nanzhuang: the treated wastewater will be discharged through Nanzhuang floodgate to river body on the south, i.e. Jili Creek; The assessment scope for water quality is Foshan Stream and Foshan Channel: three sections (4#, 5#, 2# in Figure 1.8-1) 800m downstream of Hong Jiao Sluice and Zhen’an WWTP discharge outlet; Jili River Area (see Figure 1.8-1): Luonan Section to the end of Jili River (1.5 km away from Tanjiang River shown as 6# and 7# in Figure 1.8-1). Acoustic Environment Assessment Scope According to the “Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment Sound Environment” HJ2.4-2009 , the acoustic environment assessment scope of the project is the area 1 m outside of the project boundary and all environmental sensitive points within 200m from the sites. 13 2# Chengbei 1# Zhenan Nanzhuang 3# 4# Chancheng District 5# Air assessment area Shagang Project area Air inspection points Scale 1:100,000 Figure 1.7-1 Air Assessment Scope and Air Status Inspection Points 14 Environmental Function Zone of the Assessment Scope and Applicable Standards Water Environmental Function Area and Applicable Standards According to Guangdong Surface Water Functional Zoning (GDEPB, 2011, No. 29), Jili Creek, the receiving river body of Nanzhuang WWTP will implement class III of Surface Water Quality Standards (GB3838-2002). Foshan stream, the receiving river body of Zhen an WWTP and Shagang WWTP, and Foshan channel, the receiving river body of Chengbei WWTP will implement class IV water quality standards of Surface Water Quality Standards (GB3838-2002). According to the Plan of Foshan Drinking Water Source Protection” and the “Written Approval for Revising of the Foshan Beijiang River Drinking Water Source Protection Zone, GD Government, 2010 No. 75” and the fact that all the project locations are not related to drinking water source protection area, the assessment scope of the water environmental function area is decided as table 1.8-1 and figure 1.8-1. As for the drinking water source protection area, refer to figure 1.8-2. Environmental Air Quality Function Zone and Applicable Standards According to Foshan City Environmental Air Quality Function Zoning (Dec. 2007), the project area and environmental air assessment scope is categorized as environmental air quality Class II function area (figure 1.8-3). The environmental air quality should comply with Class II standards of Environmental Air Quality Standards (GB3095- 1996) and its 2000 revised version. Sound Environmental Function Area and Applicable Standards According to Chancheng District Environmental Noise Function Zoning and the environmental assessment approval documents of all the WWTPs, all the WWTPs of the project are located inside sound environmental Class II function zone (figure 1.8-4). Sound environmental quality should comply with Class II area standards of Environmental Quality Standards for Noise GB3096- 2008 daytime 60dB A night 50dB A . 15 4# Chengbei 3# 5# 1# 2# 4# Zhenan Nanzhuang Shagang 7# 6# Legend Class II Class III Class IV Proposed Project WWTP outlet Figure 1.8-1 Monitoring Points at Project Related Water Function Zone Scale 1:150,000 Monitoring Points 16 Drinking water source protection area of Nansha No.2 Jin Sha Water Plant Chengbei Drinking water source protection area of Sha Kou Shi Wan Water Plant Drinking water source protection area of Zi Dong Water Plant · Legend Zhenan 2 Class 2 drinking water source protection area Shagang 1 Class 1 drinking water source protection area Nanzhuang Water inlet of the water plant Project plants Discharge waterspout Figure 1.8-2 Drink Water Source Protection Zone within the Project Area Scale 1:128,000 17 Foshan City Environmental Air Quality Function Zone 3URSRVHG 3URMHFW Class I area Class II area Buffer area between Class I and II areas Figure 1.8-3 Air Environment Functional Zoning in the Project Area 18 Chengbei Chan Cheng District Environmental Noise Zoning Zhenan Nangang Shagang Class I Class II Class III Class IV Figure 1.8-4 Noise Level Zoning of the Project Area Proposed Project 19 Applicable Standards Used in Assessment Environmental Quality Standards 1 Class II of Environmental Air Quality Standards (GB3095-1996) and its 2000 revision version 2 Class III and IV of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (GB3838-2002) 3 Class II of Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) Pollutant Discharge Standards 1 Class I B (Nanzhuang) and Class II (Zhen an, Shagang and Chengbei) of Municipal WWTP Pollutant Discharge Standards GB18918-2002 2 Municipal WWTP Class I (Nanzhuang) and Class II (Zhen an, Shagang and Chengbei) of Guangdong Provincial Water Pollutant Discharge Limit DB44/26-2001 3 Class II air pollutant discharge limit of the Municipal WWTP Pollution Discharge Standards GB18918-2002 4 Class II of the revised edition of Effluvial Pollutant Discharge Standards (GB14554-93) 5 Class II of Noise Standards at Factory Boundary GB12348-2008 6 Noise limit of each construction phase respectively in the “Noise Limit for Construction Site Boundary (GB12523-90) Reference Standards Industrial Enterprise Design Hygiene Standards (TJ36-79) Detailed limit value applied in this environmental assessment are summarized in Table 1.9- 1~ Table 1.9-6. 20 Table 1.9-1 Environmental Air Quality Assessment Standards Unit: mg/m3 Items Sampling time Concentration Standards Limit daily average 0.15 SO2 1-hour average 0.50 (GB3095-1996) and its class 2 daily average 0.12 NO2 revised version 1-hour average 0.24 PM10 daily average 0.15 H2 S once 0.01 (TJ36-79) the maximum tolerance NH3 once 0.20 concentration of the hazardous Table 1.9-2 Water Environmental Quality Standards (Unit mg/L Water Quality Total pH DO COD BOD5 Oil NH4-N Parameters Phosphorus Class III Value 6 9 5 20 4 0.05 1.0 0.2 Class IV Value 6 9 3 30 6 0.5 1.5 0.3 Table 1.9-3 Sound Environmental Quality Assessment Standards Unit: dB(A) Sound Applied zone scope Standards (Environmental Quality Standards for Functional Noise (GB3096-2008)) Area Zone Daytime Night Class II Plant border and nearby 60 50 Zone residential area Table 1.9-4 Water Pollutants Discharge Standards Unit mg/L, except pH Water Quality Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N Zhen an, Shagang 60 30 30 25 WWTP and Chengbei Nanzhuang 40 20 20 8 Table 1.9-5 Standard Limits of Fugitive Emission of Air Pollutants Unit: mg/m3 No. Pollutants GB 18918 2002 GB14554-93 Discharge limit 1 H2S 0.06 0.06 0.06 2 NH3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Odor Concentration (None 3 20 20 20 Dimensional) 21 Table 1.9-6 Noise Discharge Standards Unit: dB(A) Construction Nose limit Standards haPse Main noise source Phase Daytime Night Bulldozer, grab, loading Foundation 75 55 Noise Limit for etc. Construction Site Construction Constructio Piling All kinds of pile drivers 85 Boundary Forbidden n (GB12523-90) Vibrating tube, electrical Structuring 70 55 saw etc. Decorating Crane, elevator etc. 65 55 Noise limit Noise Limit of Time Daytime Night Factory Boundary Operation GB12348- Class II 60 50 2008 Environmental Protection Areas of Concern The odor impact scope of a normal WWTP is between 100~300m around the plant border. However the odor intensity of the pollutant discharge of the dewatering workshop of this project is significantly less than the odor intensity of the whole WWTP. Moreover, the difference between the odor intensity before and after the new project is minimal. Therefore, the main focus of the assessment is the sensitive points such as schools and residential areas around 500m range of the project locations (the nearest sensitive point of Shagang WWTP is 680m far). According to the site investigation, such sensitive points are mostly villages, residential buildings, and 2 schools and 1 park. Refer to Table 1.10-1 and Figure 1.10-1 to 1.10-4 for main environmental protection targets near the project locations. 22 Table 1.10-1 Sensitive Points and Environmental Protection Targets Distance (m) Protection Protection Targets Category Location WWTP Proposed Scale requirements Boundary Project Nanhai Art Class II School N 110 115 1800 people environmental air High School quality Guihua High Class II sound School N 120 125 800 people environmental School quality Northeast Residence NEN 105 340 2000 people Zhen an residence area Class II Hongxing environmental air village W 120 500 800 people Village quality Culture Park Park NW 140 350 4ha Receiving Class IV water Foshan stream N 40 45 — environmental river body quality Class II Shagang village village NW 580 680 800 people environmental air Shagang quality Receiving NE 3000 3100 — Class IV water Foshan stream environmental river body quality Gua Bu Xun village W 200 210 800 people village Class II Fuxi village village S 15 450 460 people environmental air Fuxi peasants Residence S 10 390 320 people quality Chengbei apartment Receiving NE 90 95 — Class IVwater environmental Foshan channel river body quality Aochong ESE 150 390 480 people village village Class II environmental air village NE 340 490 420 people quality Nanzhuang Gaotian village Receiving S 1500 1700 — Class III water environmental Jili Creek river body quality Surrounding Status of Selected Plant Sites and Current Land Usage Situation and Planning The project will be implemented in 4 selected WWTPs. Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei WWTPs are all located in urban developed areas, where nearby buildings have already finished construction. Surrounding status of the three WWTPs and current land use are 23 shown in Figure 1.10-1~1.10.3. Nanzhuang WWTP is situated in newly developing areas, which is surrounded by ponds and bare lands at the moment (see Figure 1.10-4). According to Urban Planning of Foshan City (2005~2020), a new road namely Guiqi Road (80m length) will be built on south side of Nanzhuang WWTP, across which is designed as Class II residential district. North and East to Nanzhuang WWTP, it is planned as Class II industrial area, and the land on its west side is for municipal usage. (See Figure 1.10-5) 24 Northeast residence Culture park Nanhai art high school Gui Hua high school Dewatering workshop Figure 1.10-1 Sensitive Points of Zhenan Project Scale 1:10000 Shagang village Dewatering workshop Figure 1.10-2 Sensitive Points of Shagang Project Scale 1:10000 25 Dewatering workshop Gua Bu Xun village Figure 1.10-3 Sensitive Peasants Points of Chengbei Project apartment Fuxi village Scale 1:10000 Gaotian village Dewatering workshop Aochong village Figure 1.10-4 Sensitive Points of Nanzhuang Project Scale 1:10000 26 Project Description and Analysis of Pollution Factors Existing WWTP and Current Sludge Disposal Practice Summary of Existing WWTPs 1 Summary of Zhen an WWTP Started construction in 1991 and put into operation in 1995, the WWTP applied A/O treatment process to treat wastewater from east part of the city with a catchment area of 22 km2. Phase 2 of the project (100,000 m3/d) adopted advanced A2/O process and was put into operation in year 2005. Phase 3 (another 50,000 m3/d) of the WWTP also adopted A2/O process and started to accept wastewater from April 2010. According to the Long- term WWTP Planning (2020) for Zhen an , the total treatment capacity of Zhen an WWTP will reach 350,000 m3/d. Designed influent and effluent quality of Zhen an WWTP is shown in the table below: Table 2.1-1 Zhen’an WWTP design inlet and outlet water quality (unit: mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 250 130 150 35 25 4 Outlet 60 20 30 15 1 2 Summary of Shagang WWTP Currently, Phase 1 of the WWTP is in operation with a capacity of 100,000 m3/d. Shagang WWTP phase 1 was put into use in Nov. 2004 and adopted A2/O treatment process. According to the plan, total treatment capacity will reach 150,000 m3/d by 2020. Designed inlet and outlet water quality of Shagang WWTP is shown in the table below: Table 2.1-1 Shagang WWTP design inlet and outlet water quality (unit: mg/L) 27 Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 230 130 150 30 20 3 Outlet 60 20 25 10 1 3 Summary of Chengbei WWTP Chengbei WWTP locates in north of Chancheng District close to wholesale market in City North. Phase 1 of 50,000 m3/d used SBR process and was completed in 2006. Phase 2 of 50,000 m3/d used SBR process and was put into use in 2009. Designed inlet and outlet water quality of Chengbei WWTP is shown in the table below: Table 2.1-3 Chengbei WWTP design inlet and outlet water quality (unit: mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 250 130 150 30 25 3 Outlet 40 20 20 8 1.5 4 Summary of Nanzhuang WWTP Nanzhuang WWTP, which is currently under construction, locates in Nanzhuang County in Chancheng District. Phase 1 of the WWTP adopted A2/O treatment process with 25,000 m3/d and planned to be completed in end of 2011. Overall designed capacity of Nanzhuang WWTP is 250,000 m3/d in the long term. Designed inlet and outlet water quality of Nanzhuang WWTP is shown in the table below: Table 2.1-4 Nanzhuang WWTP design inlet and outlet water quality (unit: mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 250 140 150 30 25 4 Outlet 60 30 30 15 1 WWTP Sludge Disposal Proposals 28 1 Zhen’an WWTP Phase 1: Belt thickening + belt filter press, treated sludge water content is around 80%. Phase 2: integrated centrifuge thickening and dewatering unit, treated sludge water content is 75~80%; Phase 3: integrated centrifuge thickening and dewatering unit, treated sludge water content is 75~80%. Zhen’an WWTP (including 3 phases) can treat 110~120 t/d sludge (counted as 80% of water content). Treated sludge is transporting to Zhaoqing Yunan landfill (240 km away) for final disposal. Current sludge dewatering workshop, locating in the northwest of the WWTP between phase 1 and phase 2 wastewater treatment lines, consists of office, control room, equipment room, dewatering workshop, and sludge storage room. Main equipments are shown in the table below. Table 2.1-5 Main Equipments for Sludge Dewatering No Name Specification Quantity Remark 3 1 Sludge Centrifuge Q=40m /h 3 2 working 1 standby 2 Auto Chemical Dosing Station 1 3 3 Sludge Pump Q=40m /h 3 2 working 1 standby 3 4 Chemical Pump Q=0.2~0.8m /h 3 2 working 1 standby 3 5 Backwash Pump Q=25m /h 2 1 working 1 standby 3 6 Sludge Slicer Q=40m /h 3 2 working 1 standby 3 7 Shaftless Screw Conveyors Q=3m /h 3 8 Dilution Unit 3 9 Sludge Bucket Steel 3 With electrical control valve 2 Shagang WWTP Sludge Treatment Process: integrated centrifuge thickening and dewatering unit, treated sludge water content is 75~80%. Shagang WWTP (including 3 phases) can treat 55~60 t/d sludge (counted as 80% of water content). Treated sludge is transporting to Zhaoqing Yunan landfill (240 km away) for final disposal. Current sludge dewatering workshop, locating in the west of the WWTP, consists of electrical room, dewatering workshop, and sludge storage area. Main equipments are shown in the table below. Table 2.1-6 Main Equipments for Sludge Dewatering 29 No Name Specification Quantity Remark 1 Sludge Centrifuge Q=60m3/h 2 2 working 1 standby 2 Flocculants Preparing Unit N=7.5KW 1 3 3 Screw Sludge Pump Q=45-60m /h 3 2 working 1 standby 3 4 Dosing Pump Q=0.4~1.6m /h 2 Fit for the centrifuge 5 Flat Screw Conveyor L=12m 1 2 working 1 standby 6 Shaftless Screw Conveyors L=6m 1 Electrical Single Main Beam 7 W=3t 1 Hanged Crane 3 Chengbei WWTP Phase 1: Belt thickening + belt filter press, treated sludge water content is around 80%. Phase 2: Belt thickening + belt filter press, treated sludge water content is around 80%. Chengbei WWTP (including 3 phases) can treat 25~30 t/d sludge (counted as 80% of water content). Treated sludge is transporting to Zhaoqing Yunan landfill (240 km away) for final disposal. Current sludge dewatering workshop, locating in north of the WWTP, consists of control room, equipment room, dewatering workshop, and sludge storage room. Main equipments are shown in the table below. Table 2.1-7 Main Equipments for Sludge Dewatering No Name Specification Quantity Remark Thickening and Dewatering 1 Q=40~60m3/h 2 1 working 1 standby System Fit for the dewatering 2 Sludge and Reagent Mixer Q=40~60m3/h 2 system 3 Sludge Pump Q=10~60m3/h 2 1 working 1 standby 1 working 1 standby, 4 Dosing Pump Q=0.3~1.0m3/h 2 with dilution system 5 Backwash Pump Q=12m3/h 2 1 working 1 standby 3 6 Flocculants Preparing System Q=4m /h 1 7 Belt Conveyor 2 8 Compressor Q=30L/min 2 1 working 1 standby 9 Sludge Bucket Stainless Steel 2 4 Nanzhuang WWTP and Sludge Treatment Proposal Phase 1 of the WWTP plans to adopt belt filter press to treat sludge to water content of 80%. Phase 1 sludge treatment capacity is 30 t/d (counted as 80% of water content). Treated sludge is planned to transport to Zhaoqing Yunan landfill (240 km away) for final disposal. 30 Nanzhuang WWTP has not yet started construction. According to design documents, the sludge dewatering workshop, locating in the north of the WWTP, consists of electrical room, dewatering workshop, and sludge storage area. Main equipments are shown in the table below. Table 2.1-8 Main Equipments for Sludge Dewatering No Name Specification Quantity Remark 3 1 Belt Filter Press Q=30m /h 2 1 working 1 standby Integrated Chemical Dilution 2 Q=3-4Kg/h 1 and Dosing System 3 Pipe Mixer L=942 2 1 working 1 standby 3 4 Sludge Screw Pump Q=10-60m /h 2 1 working 1 standby 1 working 1 standby 5 Backwash Pump Q=18m3/h 2 with auto backwash filter 6 Compressor Q=50L/min 2 1 working 1 standby 7 Shaftless Screw Conveyors L=16m 1 Pollution from the Current Sludge Dewatering Practice and Control Measures 1 Wastewater Currently in the WWTPs, wastewater is generated mainly from sludge dewatering process. Main pollutants include CODcr, BOD5, SS and NH4-N. Table 2.1-6 summarizes the wastewater volume generated from dewatering process in each WWTP. Table 2.1-9 Wastewater Generation from Current Sludge Dewatering Facilities WWTP Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total 3 2280 1140 570 570 4560 Daily Discharge (m /d) Wastewater generated Annual Discharge 83.220 41.610 20.805 20.805 166.44 3 (10,000 m /a) Wastewater generated from sludge dewatering has all been sent to WWTP before discharging. In Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTP, treated effluent applies Class II of “Municipal WWTP Pollution Discharge Standard” (GB18918-2002) and Class II (for municipal WWTP) of Guangdong Water Pollution Discharge Limit (DB44/26-2001). In Nanzhuang WWTP, the treated effluent applies Class IB of “Municipal WWTP Pollution 31 Discharge Standard” (GB18918-2002) and Class I (for municipal WWTP) of Guangdong Water Pollution Discharge Limit (DB44/26-2001). According to information given by the PIU, Table 2.1-7 summarizes the main water pollutants generated by current dewatering facilities. Table 2.1-10 Pollutants Generated by Current Dewatering Facilities Pollutants CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N Discharge concentration mg/l 60 30 30 25 49.93 24.97 24.97 20.81 Zhen an Annual 24.97 12.48 12.48 10.40 Shagang Loading t/a 12.48 6.24 6.24 5.20 Chengbei Discharge concentration mg/l 40 20 20 8 Annual Nanzhuang 8.32 4.16 4.16 1.66 Loading t/a 95.7 47.85 47.85 Total t/a 2 Exhausted Gas Main air pollution caused by the sludge dewatering facility is odor released from sludge dewatering process. In order to reduce its impact to the environment, the four WWTPs have adopted or plan to adopt biological deodorants to control odor. EIA agency conducted onsite monitoring in sludge dewatering workshop in Zhen’an and Shagang WWTP. The results showed an odor level of Class 3.5. Detail pollutant concentration is shown in Table 2.1-11. Table 2.1-11 Monitoring Results of Existing Sludge Dewatering Workshops WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Pollutant Concentration NH3 0.13 0.18 mg/m3 H2S 0.269 0.284 The research showed that ventilation rate in Zhen’an and Shagang WWTP is 8640 and 4460 respectively. As other sludge conveying storage facility release little odor, it is assumed to be 20% of the odor released from sludge dewatering workshop. Pollution loading can then be calculated and results as shown in Table 2.1-12. Chengbei WWTP’s sludge dewatering facilities were under maintenance during research period, therefore site monitoring was not 32 conducted. Nanzhuang WWTP is not yet completed. Figures for these two WWTPs are resulted from analogy calculation based on relative treatment capacity. Table 2.1-12 Odor Emission from the Existing Sludge Dewatering Workshops Sludge Dewatering Workshop Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Pollutant NH4 1.348 1.008 0.393 0.393 Emission Speed (g/h) H2S 2.819 1.590 0.735 0.735 Pollution NH4 0.012 0.009 0.0034 0.0034 Discharge Load (t/a) H2S 0.025 0.014 0.0064 0.0064 3 Noise Major noise sources within the current sludge dewatering process include sludge pumps, water pumps, blowers, air compressors, dewatering equipments, mechanical gears, and transporting vehicles. Noise control measures include absorption at equipment base and insulation of compressor room. According to information provided by PIU, current noise level of the equipments is summarized in the table below: Table 2.1-13 Current Sources of Noise No. Source of Noise Location Noise Level dB A 1 Sludge frame filter press Sludge dewatering workshop 70 80 2 Centrifuge separator Sludge dewatering workshop 75 85 3 Compressor Compressor room 85 95 Sludge pump and water 4 Pump station 80 90 pump Sludge dewatering workshop and other 5 Blower 75 85 locations that have blower 6 Vehicle 75 85 4 Solid Wastes Dewatered sludge (with around 80% water content) is main solid waste generated from existing dewatering process in the WWTPs. Dewatered sludge is now transported to 33 Zhaoqing Yunan Landfill (240 km from Nanzhuang) for disposal. Domestic garbage is sent to local environmental sanitation department for disposal. According to information provided by PIU, current status of solid waste generation is summarized in the table below: Table 2.1-14 Current Status of Solid Wastes Generation (unit, t/d) WWTP Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Sludge 120 60 30 30 240 Existing Domestic Filter Press 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 garbage Workshop Total 120.01 60.01 30.01 30.01 240.04 Main Issues with Existing Facilities 1 High energy consumption: integrated centrifuge thickening and dewatering equipments are used in Zhen an Phase 2 and 3, Shagang WWTP and Nanzhuang WWTP. Those equipments consume large amount of energy which lead to high operation cost. 2 Dewatering results are not satisfactory: the WWTPs either use belt thickening + belt filter press or integrated centrifuge thickening and dewatering equipments , which can reduce the water content to only 80%. Such sludge is not accepted by most landfill sites. The Zhaoqing Yunan landfill accepting the sludge is 240 km away from the WWTPs, which leads to high transportation cost. 3 Sludge volume is relatively large: due to 80% of water content, the total volume of dewatered sludge is almost twice of advanced dewatered sludge with 60% of water content, and consequently doubles the transportation cost. The related odor and noise pollution brings negative impact to the environment during the sludge transportation process. Summary of the Sludge Dewatering Project 1 Project Name: Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant 2 Authorized Government Department: Land, Urban-Rural Development and Water Bureau of Foshan Chancheng District 3 PIU: Foshan Water Group Co. Ltd. 34 4 Project Scope and Treatment Process: 220 t/d (80% of water content) treatment capacity, sludge conditioning + frame filter press dewatering process. 5 Project Location: within the boundary of Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei, Nanzhuuang WWTPs, next to the existing sludge dewatering workshops. Nanzhuang WWTP locates west of Chancheng District, north to Kuiqi Road and west to West Changang Road. Zhen’an WWTP locates at No. 58 Zhongyi Road. Shagang WWTP locates at Shiwan Shagang. Chengbei WWTP locates at South East area to Guabuxun Water Gate. Plant locates of this project can be found in Figure 1.1-1. 6 Service Area of the Project: sludge produced from Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs. 7 Project Objective: to achieve Volume Reduction, Decontamination and stabilization so as to avoid secondary pollution from the sludge to the surrounding environment, and to promote Resource Utilization (Recycle & Reuse) when sludge quality allows. 8 Main Construction Enginerring: construction of advanced sludge dewatering facilities. Sludge final disposal proposals are only as a discussion topic in the EA report( ). Construction content of the project includes wet sludge storage, sludge treatment workshop, dewatered sludge storage, office and control center, power substation, and etc. 9 Project Investment: total investment of 100.9 million RMB, among which 10.7 million USD (equals to 69.55 million RMB) is financed by World Bank loan. 10 Working Hours: 365 days a year, 3 shifts a day, 8 hours each shift. Advanced Sludge Dewatering Project Analysis Necessity of the Project 1 Construction of the sludge treatment facility is necessary to ensure environmental and social value of municipal wastewater treatment in Foshan Wastewater treatment capacity and rate of treatment increased dramatically in recent years. As a result, sludge produced largely increased. Sludge as a by-product of wastewater 35 treatment is a compound which may contain organic matters, bacteria, pathogen, inorganic solids, colloid and heavy metals. Without proper treatment, it is harmful to human health and may cause secondary pollution to surrounding environment, which will offset the benefit brought by wastewater treatment, in another word discount the environmental and social value created by implementing wastewater treatment. Therefore, it is important to integratively manage sludge and to reduce secondary pollution caused by municipal sludge to the largest extent. 2 Construction of the sludge treatment facility is necessary to protect people s livelihood in Foshan. Sludge contains a lot of organic matter which will release odor during natural fermentation and evaporation which can affect people s daily life. Filtrate from sludge dewatering contains also high concentration of pollutants which might pollute surface and ground water system. 3 Construction of the sludge treatment facility is necessary to protect the ecological environment. Without proper treatment, pathogens, heavy metals and other hazardous components in the sludge may enter the food-chain then attack human body and break the balance of ecosystem. In summary, construction of the sludge treatment facility is very necessary. Advance Sludge Dewatering Process 1 Introduction of the Treatment Process Sludge enhanced dewatering is the dewatering method that involve sludge conditioning, cell membrane break-through, releasing bound water, absorption water and internal cell water, which improve dewatering performance of sludge and reach sludge water content below 60%. At present, there are different domestic nomenclatures of the above technology; conditioning agents include inorganic substances, organic substances or microorganism; dewatering equipments include ordinary filter pressing equipments, high pressure or vaccum pressing equipments. To sum up, enhanced dewatering technology is consisted of the following 4 steps. 36 Step 1: sludge thickening. Sludge pre-thickening is needed by gravitythickening to reach water content of about 95%, as the water content of sludge in the sludge storage tank in the WWTP is about 99.3%, which will cost large consumption of agent by direct dosing to the high water content sludge; water content of the dewatered sludge is about 80%, and with dosing of polymeric flocculant; large amount of water is combined within the flocculant, therefore, it is needed to change the structure of the combined flocculant to be smaller and decentralized, so that the following dosing can be more homogenized. Generally speaking, technology of dosing of organic substance or inorganic substance use large sludge thickening tank for the sludge thickening; in some circumstance, moderate amount of agent (mainly inorganic flocculant) is used to accelerate the thickening and sedimentation, to reduce the volume of thickening tank; however, sludge need not to be pre-thickened by adopting technology of microorganism agent. Step 2: sludge conditioning. It is the core of the entire process. For technology of inorganic or organic agent dosing, structure of cell is further destroyed to release the intercellular water and reduce the sludge water content by regulating the pH (normally about pH=12) of the sludge and dosing of substance of high hydrolyzation and oxidation (e.g. Fe3+), with dosing amout of 1-4%; for technology of microorganism agent, organisms in the sludge is digested by the microorganism to reduce sludge amount by adding active microorganism (normally only one time adding is required, as microorganism can reproduce in the sludge and water mixture), aeration and continuous nutrient substance (nutramin, N, P, K, methanol) required by microorganism. Since some water is released from conditioned sludge, sludge and water mixture is then sedimented to reduce the consumption of agent; the supernatant is treated in the WWTP and the following inactivation and flocculation are conducted for the sediment. Step 3: inactivation and flocculation of sludge. Inactivator and flocculant are added for sludge and water mixture inactivation, to sterilize and remove the odor, which control the emission of odor; porous grid framework is also formed in the sludge so as to improve the compressibility of sludge and improve the strength of the newly formed floccules. CaO is used as inactivator for the organic agent, inorganic agent and the microorganism agent technology, under some circumstances, polyacrylamide is also added to enhance the flocculation effect. The dosage is about 2% (97% water content slugde). Step 4: Sludge dewatering: filter unit is consisted of filter plate, membrane plate and filter membrane; solid-liquid separation of sludge is done by feeding pump pressure when hydro- 37 cylinder compress tightly the filter plate; Membrane-type filter press technology is applied to press the filter cake to improve the dewatering efficiency of the filter press. Normally, traditional plate-and-frame filter press or box pressure filters can be used, more advanced variable high pressure filter press can be also used. Sludge from municipal WWTP can be dewatered to water content of below 60% by sludge condintioning plate-and-frame filter press enhanced dewatering technology, which is higher in dewatering effectiveness than that of ordinary mechanical dewatering technology. Sludge of 99% water content is pumpd from sludge storage tank in WWTP to sludge conditioning tank; dewatering performance and bioactivity of sludge are improved by adding surface active agent, additives, dewatering auxiliaries and flocculants, etc; sludge is then pumped to plate-and-frame filter press for filter press dewatering, which is batch-type dewatering, with interval of about 2.5 hours. 2 t sludge of water content below 60% is produced by single set of machine in a operation process, which reduce sludge amount by more than half, further achieve sludge reduction, stabilization and harmlessness. The Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant-Quality of Sludge for Co-landfilling (CJ/T249- 2007) requires that sludge water content should be below 60% for co-landfilling, Mix ratio between garbage and sludge should be less than 8%, sludge used as mulchingsoil should be less than 45% in water content and for soil use the water content should be also below 60%. Sludge dewatered by enhanced dewatering can meet all the requirements above, and be landfilled, incinerated or reused. The agent dosage is about 3 , which will not pose major impact on the sludge weight. Moreover, expensive natural gas is not used as fuel; the equipments are flexible and can make use of every single space in each plant, so as to save construction land use, and reduce the cost of wet sludge transport and reduce the impact of wet sludge transport on the environment. 2 Rationality of treatment process This project is enhanced sludge dewatering. Chapter 2.2.1 of Guideline on Best Available Technologies of Pollution Prevention and Control for Treatment and Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (on trial) HJ-BAT-002 issued by MEP in Feb 2010 indicates that, sludge thickening and dewatering are classified as sludge pre-treatment technologies , therefore, this project is sludge pre-treatment project. 38 Chapter 3.4.2 of Guideline indicates that, sludge dewatering includes natural drying dewatering, thermal drying dewatering and mechanical dewatering, dewatering refer to mechanical dewatering in this Guideline. Common mechanical dewatering includes filter press and centrifugal dewatering, of which filter press mainly refer to plate-and-frame type and belt type . In chapter 8.2 Guideline on Best Available Technologies of Pollution Prevention and Control for sludge pre-treatment , it is indicated that, Best Available Technologies system of Pollution Prevention and Control for sludge pre-treatment include collection system, thickening system, digestion system, dewatering system, storage and transport system, metering system and auxiliary facilities, etc. , mechanical dewatering is applicable to medium-large municipal WWTPs , batch-type gravity thickening is applicable to small municipal WWTPs . Dewatering technology adopted in this project is mechanical dewatering; Zhen an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs belong to large scale WWTP, therefore, dewatering technology adopted by this project is in line with the recommended best available technologies in the Guideline on Best Available Technologies of Pollution Prevention and Control for Treatment and Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant 39 Figure 2.3-1 Process Diagram of the Advanced Dewatering System C R A T D P C C D D S O B S S S C S S S S T O S T P T T P F P U S D R T WWTP S F P C W W W C T P A 40 3 Temporary Storage of Dewatered Sludge Dewatered sludge is temporarily stored in a sludge bucket inside the dewatering workshop and transported out regularly. Vehicle used to transport sludge is modified 5 t Dongfeng Truck. Depending on sludge volume, transportation frequency in each plant is: 12 trips/d in Zhen an WWTP, 6 trips/d in Shagang WWTP, and 3 trips/d in Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs, which is a total of 24 trips/d. Filter press is operated in batches with 2.5 hr per batch. Sludge will be sent offsite once it s produced, and leftovers will be sent together with the next batch. Zhen an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs will be equipped respectively 4, 3, 2, and 2 sets of dewatering equipments, which will produce 8t, 6t, 4t, and 4t of sludge every batch. Therefore, sludge can be sent offsite no longer than 2.5 hrs after dewatered. Engineering Design of the Advanced Dewatering Proposal 1 Key Design Parameters Water content before treatment: 99%; Water content after treatment: below 60%; Sludge volume before and after treatment is summarized in the table below: Table 2.3-1 Sludge Volume Before and After Treatment WWTP Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Before Dewatering t/d, water 2400 1200 600 600 content 99% After Dewatering t/d, water 60 30 15 15 content 60% Design Treatment Capacity 120 60 30 30 t/d, water content 80% 2 Proposed Equipment Dewatering equipments of each plant mainly include: filter press equipment, air compressing equipment, agitator, sludge (water) pump, tanks and containers etc. Major equipements of each plant are listed in the tables below: 41 Table 2.3-2 List of major equipments of enhanced sludge dewatering project in Zhen’an WWTP Power Id Equipments Specification Uint Number Material Remark (kW) sludge plate- 1 and-frame filter LY1250 13 set 4 End product press machine 2 air compressor 2.48/10 18 / 2 End product 3 sludge pump 15 / 4 End product raw sludge 4 sludge pump / End product sludge into 22 6 dewatering machine 5 washing pump 18.5 / 1 End product 6 extrusion pump 15 / 4 End product 7 screwpropelle 7.5 / 4 End product 8 screwpropeller / End product 11 3 9 agitator 5.5 / 2 End product agent 10 agitator / End product conditionin 15 4 g 11 sediment tank 100m3 / 4 steeliness 12 conditioning 50m3 / steeliness 4 tank 13 clean water 12m3 / steeliness 2 tank 14 agent agitator 10m3 / 2 steeliness tank 15 dosing pump 5.5 / 2 End product 42 16 air tank 4m3 / 6 steeliness 17 crushing 18.5 set 1 End product equipment 18 dryer 0.75 / 1 End product 19 lime silo 75m3 / 2 steeliness 20 lime milk 1.5 / 4 End product metering pump 21 lime milk 1m3 / 2 steeliness equilibriumbox 22 lime milk 2m3 5 / 2 steeliness agitator tank 23 volumetric 0,5~1m3/h 0.75 / 2 screwfeeder 24 vibrating feeder 2.5 m3 3 / 2 Table 2.3-3 List of major equipments of enhanced sludge dewatering project in Shagang WWTP Power Id Equipment Specification Unit Number Material Remark kW sludge plate- and-frame 1 LY1250 13 set 3 End product filter press machine 2 air compressor 2.48/10 15 / 2 End product 3 sludge pump 15 / 2 End product raw sludge 4 sludge pump / End product sludge into 22 5 dewatering machine 43 5 washing pump 18.5 / 1 End product 6 extrusion / End product 15 3 pump 7 screwpropelle 7.5 / 3 End product 8 screwpropelle 11 / 3 End product 9 agitator 5.5 / 2 End product agent 10 agitator / End product conditionin 15 4 g 11 sediment tank 100m3 / 2 steeliness 12 conditioning 50m3 / steeliness 2 tank 13 clean water 12m3 / steeliness 2 tank 14 agent agitator 10m3 / 2 steeliness tank 15 dosing pump 5.5 / 2 End product 16 air tank 4m3 / 3 steeliness 17 crushing 18.5 set 1 End product equipment 18 dryer 0.75 / 1 End product 19 lime silo 75m3 / 1 steeliness 20 lime milk 1.5 / 2 End product metering pump 21 lime milk 1m3 / 1 steeliness equilibriumbo x 44 22 lime milk 2m3 5 / 1 steeliness agitator tank 23 volumetric 0,5~1m3/h 0.75 / 1 screwfeede 24 vibrating 2.5 m3 3 / 1 feeder 45 Table 2.3-4 List of major equipments of enhanced sludge dewatering project in Chengbei WWTP Power Id Equipment Specification Unit Number Material Remark kW sludge plate- and-frame 1 LY1250 13 set 2 End product filter press machine 2 air compressor 2.48/10 15 / 2 End product 3 sludge pump 15 / 2 End product raw sludge 4 sludge pump / End product sludge into 22 4 dewatering machine 5 washing pump 18.5 / 1 End product 6 extrusion / End product 15 2 pump 7 screwpropelle 7.5 / 2 End product 8 screwpropelle 11 / 2 End product 9 agitator 5.5 / 2 End product agent 10 agitator / End product conditionin 11 4 g 11 sediment tank 60m3 / 2 steeliness 12 conditioning 30m3 / steeliness 2 tank 13 clean water 12m3 / steeliness 2 tank 14 agent agitator 10m3 / 2 steeliness tank 46 15 dosing pump 5.5 / 2 End product 16 air tank 4m3 / 3 steeliness 17 crushing 18.5 set 1 End product equipment 18 dryer 0.75 / 1 End product 19 lime silo 40m3 / 1 steeliness 20 lime milk 1.1 / 2 End product metering pump 21 lime milk 1m3 / 1 steeliness equilibriumbo x 22 lime milk 2m3 3 / 1 steeliness agitator tank 23 volumetric 0,15~0.3 0.55 / 1 screwfeede m3/h 24 vibrating 1.5 m3 3 / 1 feeder 47 Table 2.3-5 List of major equipments of enhanced sludge dewatering project in Nanzhuang WWTP Power Id Equipment Specification Unit Number Material Remark kW sludge plate- 2.48/10 End product and-frame 1 15 / 2 filter press machine 2 air compressor 15 / 2 End product 3 sludge pump 22 / 4 End product raw sludge 4 sludge pump / sludge into 18.5 1 End product dewatering machine 5 washing pump 15 / 2 End product 6 extrusion / 7.5 2 End product pump 7 screwpropelle 11 / 2 End product 8 screwpropelle 5.5 / 2 End product 9 agitator 11 / 4 End product agent 10 agitator 60m3 / steeliness conditionin 2 g steely 11 sediment tank 30m3 / 2 steeliness 12 conditioning 12m3 / steeliness 2 tank 13 clean water 10m3 / 2 steeliness tank 14 agent agitator 5.5 / End product 2 tank 48 15 dosing pump 4m3 / 3 steeliness 16 air tank 18.5 set 1 End product 17 crushing 0.75 / 1 End product equipment 18 dryer 40m3 / 1 steeliness 19 lime silo 1.1 / 2 End product 20 lime milk 1m3 / 1 steeliness metering pump 21 lime milk 2m3 3 / 1 steeliness equilibriumbo x 22 lime milk 0,15~0.3m3/h 0.55 / 1 agitator tank 23 volumetric 1.5 m3 3 / 1 screwfeede 24 vibrating 2.48/10 End product 15 / 2 feeder 3 Plant Layout and Surrounding Areas It is planned to built the advanced sludge dewatering facilities within or next to the existing dewatering workshop. According to the process design, it requires a storage area and a dewatering workshop. Within storage area, there are a pre-treatment workshop with chemical preparation, storage and dozing equipments. Within sludge dewatering workshop, there are filter press and pump sets. Detailed layout and surrounding areas of each WWTP is shown in Figure 2.3-2~9. a Zhen an WWTP According to the current plant layout of Zhen’an WWTP, advanced sludge dewatering facilities are planned to be built in the area south to the existing dewatering workshop. 49 All facilities will be built in one workshop. According to process design, a 45*35 m workshop with light steel structure will be built. It will cover a total area of 2000 m2. b Shagang WWTP The advanced sludge dewatering facilities are planned to be built next to the existing dewatering workshop. It will be divided into storage area and dewatering workshop. Storage area will be located around current sludge storage tank, with an area of 1017m2. Existing dewatering workshop will be renovated to advanced dewatering workshop. It will cover a total area of 1800 m2. c Chengbei WWTP Similar to Shagang WWTP, the area will be divided into storage area and dewatering workshop. The storage area (605 m2) will locate next to existing dewatering workshop which is west to the power substation. Existing dewatering workshop will be renovated to advanced dewatering workshop. It will cover a total area of 1100 m2. d Nanzhuang WWTP Nanzhuang WWTP is currently under construction. The original sludge dewatering workshop will be upgraded to the advanced sludge dewatering workshop. All facilities will locate in a single workshop. According to process design, a 40*30m workshop with light steel structure will be built. It will cover a total area of 1500 m2. Total construction area of advanced dewatering workshop in each WWTP is summarized in the table below: Table 2.3-3 Total Construction Area of the Dewatering Workshop in each WWTP WWTP Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Area 2000 1800 1100 1500 Covered m2 Workshop Dewatering Workshop Dewatering 2 Area m 1575 (existing): 440 Workshop 1200 Pump Station:112.5 (existing): 484 50 Sludge Dewatering Workshop Figure 2.3-2 Site Location of the Zhen’an WWTP Sludge Dewatering Workshop (Scale 1:960) 51 Chemical tanks Settling tanks Conditioning tanks Sludge bucket Chemical Pump Clean water tank Pump station Chemical Storage; control room (2nd floor) Frame Filter Press Air tanks Compressor Room/2nd Compressor floor repairing room Figure 2.3-3 Layout of Zhen’an WWTP Sludge Dewatering Workshop (Scale1:260) 52 Settling Tanks Conditioning Existing Sludge Tank Tank Chemical Storage Clean Water Tank New Pumping Station Existing Dewatering A/ A/ O Worshop Figure 2.3-4 Layout of Shagang WWTP Sludge Dewatering Workshop Scale1:500 53 Sludge Bucket Chemical Room Filter Press Platform 2nd Floor Control Room Air Tank Compressor Compressor Room 2nd Floor Maintenance Room Figure 2.3-5 Layout of Shagang WWTP Advanced Sludge Dewatering Workshop Scale 1:230 1:150 54 T A S T C S C W T C T E S D W E S T Figure 2.3-6 Layout of Chengbei WWTP Sludge Dewatering Workshop Scale 1:500 55 Sludge Bucket Chemical Room Filter Press Platform 2nd Floor Control Room Air Tank Compressor Compressor Room 2nd Floor Maintenance Room Figure 2.3-7 Layout of Chengbei WWTP Advanced Sludge Dewatering Workshop Scale 1:230 1:150 56 Sludge Dewatering Workshop Figure 2.3-8 Site Location of Nanzhuang WWTP Sludge Dewatering Workshop Scale 1:900 57 Chemical tanks Settling tanks Conditioning tanks Sludge bucket Chemical Pump Clean water tank Pump station Chemical Storage; control room (2nd floor) Frame Filter Press Air tanks Compressor Room/2nd Compressor floor repairing room Figure 2.3-9 Layout of Nanzhuang WWTP Sludge Dewatering Workshop Scale 1:230 58 2.3.4 Public Utility and Staff Arrangement 1 Water Supply and Sewage System Water will be supplied by WWTP. Drainage system is designed consistent with existing drain which is a separate system. Production and domestic wastewater will be discharged directly into the drainage system in the plant and sent to WWTP for treatment. Table 2.3-7 Project Water Usage, unit: m3/d WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Domestic water usage (from 1 1 1 1 municipal water supply) Industrial water usage (from 10 8 5 5 municipal water supply) Industrial recycle water (from 50 30 20 20 treated wastewater) 2 Power Supply System Power will be supplied through a separate electrical control cabinet from the WWTP power substation. Most equipments are 380/220V low voltage installations. Electricity supply to firefighting equipment, firefighting control room, anti-smoke facility, fire-alarm system, network system, emergency lighting system and evacuation signal is categorized as Class II. Other usage is categorized as Class III. According to the feature of electrical load and use requirement, two lines of 10kV power will be provided from substation to ensure Class II usage. Power supply circuit will be connected to the closest 2 10kV switch. Lighting of the project includes routine lighting and emergency lighting. Evacuation lighting will be settled at entrance, evacuation routes and emergency exits. 3 Lightening Protection Design According to relevant design criterion, buildings of the project should have protection from lightning strikes, lightning sensor and lightning invasion. In top of buildings, lightning network connected to flash device and form a grounding ring with reinforced concrete roof slab, beam-column and reinforced concrete base is 59 recommended. Protective grounding of electric equipment should be connected to the grounding ring nearby. Outlet of the cable, metal skin and steel pipe should also be connected to the grounding ring and the ground-resistance should less than one . Lightning guard should be set additional around buildings to protect person on the path or green open space. Coordination with the environment should also be considered when setting the lighting guard. Electric instrument and test equipment in the network center according to its type should be equipped with various computer signal electronics arrester, DC power surge absorption device and over-voltage protection device distribution system etc. 4 Ventilation System Ventilation system setup in electric room and equipment room is shown in Table 4-1. Table 2.3-8 Ventilation System in Electric and Equipment Rooms Output Name of rooms System form Input volume remarks volume transformer Mechanical blowing-in and 20 20 substation exhaust Mechanical blowing-in and Pump house 6 6 exhaust Mechanical blowing-in and Garage 6 6 exhaust Mechanical exhaust and natural Public toilets 15 15 blowing-in Sludge Mechanical exhaust and natural dewatering (6) (6) blowing-in workshop 5 Firefighting System This project locates in the WWTP, and all fire water will be supplied by the WWTP. Outdoor fire water system will be used for fire water supply in the sludge dewatering system. Indoor fire water system will be used for indoor fire water supply in sludge dewatering workshop. 60 In the transformer room and power substation, gas fire extinguishing system should be equipped to put out an electrical fire. According to nature of the building, grade of fire risk, quantity of inflammable material, rate of fire spread, difficulty of fighting and the type of fire, moderate portable extinguisher should be equipped to put out an initial fire. 6 Sludge Test For the purpose of analyzing and monitoring pollutant emissions data, a chemical laboratory equipped with necessary analysis and test equipment is required for the project. Main items of analysis are: Water: CODcr, BOD5, pH, DO, SS, LAS, oil, Volatile Phenol, sulfide, cyanide, Cr6+, benzene, NH4-N, TP; Sludge: heat value, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Be, Ba, Ni, As Mainly instruments include: analyzer, COD Analyzer, heating effect indicator, high- performance tester, high-performance desktop chromatography, mass spectrometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, microwave absorption moisture gage, dust analyzer, thermal flowmeter, precision incubator etc. 7 Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance Tasks of electrical and mechanical maintenance room include mechanical maintenance, electrical maintenance, instrument maintenance and daily maintenance, minor repair and emergencies handling of process units, vehicle and other equipments in the plant. A electrical and mechanical maintenance room has been set up in the plant and its maintenance capacity satisfy the need of the project. 8 Staff Organization 7KH SODQW LV RSHUDWLQJ  KUV D GD\ ZLWK  VKLIWV D GD\ DQG  KUV SHU VKLIW (DFK SODQW KDV  RSHUDWLQJ VWDII LQFOXGLQJ  RSHUDWRUV  PDQDJHU DQG  GULYHU Environmental Impact Factor Wastewater 1 Wastewater generated from the sludge dewatering project 61 The dewatering project will not build dormitory and canteen. Wastewater from the project includes filtrate from sludge dewatering and domestic wastewater. Wasted liquid and rinsing water of specific containers generated from lab will contain heavy metal, strong acid and basic solutions, which need to be assigned to licensed entity for harmless treatment. Normal rinsing water from the lab can be discharged into the WWTP for treatment. Table 2.4-1 summarizes wastewater generated from sludge dewatering. Such wastewater contains CODcr, BOD5, SS, NH4-N, consulting other similar project quality of the wastewater can be found in table 2.4-2. Table 2.4-1 Wastewater Generated from the Sludge Dewatering Project (unit m3/d) WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Domestic 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 3.6 Wastewater* Lab rinsing 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 wastewater Filtrate from 2350 1178 590 590 4708ı Sludge Filter Press Total 2351 1179 591 591 4712ı *counted as 90% of water usage, see Table 2.3-4 Major pollutants above are CODcr, BOD5, SS,NH3-N etc. according to the data in “Technologies of Sludge Enhanced Dewatering Treatment and Reuse Disposal in Xiamen” (Xie Xiaoqing, Water Industry Market, 2010.7), concentration of CODcr in wastewater from sludge enhanced dewatering is about 1200mg/l, BOD5 about 800mg/l, NH3-N about 120mg/l and SS about 100mg/l. According to the data collected from study tours to 9 similar sludge enhanced dewatering projects in Guangzhou, Xiamen, Hangzhou and Wuxi in October 2010 (CODcr concentration is 250~1200mg/l); the water quality is shown in Table 2.4-2. Table 2.4-2 Water Quality of Wastewater Generated from the Project (unit m3/d) Pollutant CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N Concentration mg/l 1100 400 100 75 Pollution Zhen an 943.93 343.25 85.81 64.36 Load Shagang 473.37 172.13 43.03 32.28 t/a Chengbei 237.29 86.29 21.57 16.18 Nanzhuang 237.29 86.29 21.57 16.18 62 Total 2991.88 1087.96 271.98 204.00 Those wastewater streams will be treated in the WWTPs. Water quality after treatment is shown in Table 2.4-3. Table 2.4-3 Designed Treated Wastewater Quality Pollutant CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N Concentration (mg/l) 60 30 30 25 Zhen an 51.49 25.75 25.75 21.45 Pollution loading t/a Shagang 25.82 12.91 12.91 10.76 Chengbei 12.94 6.47 6.47 5.39 Concentration (mg/l) 40 20 20 8 Pollution loading t/a Nanzhuang 8.63 4.31 4.31 1.73 Total t/a 98.88 49.44 49.44 39.33 According to routine monitoring data from Foshan Environmental Monitoring Centre, treated effluent water quality is significantly lower than discharge limits. Therefore, the actual water pollution of the project would probably be much lower than estimated in Table 2.4-3. Some of the monitoring data is summarized in the table below: Table 2.4-4 Water Quality Monitoring Data of WWTP Treated Effluent (unit: mg/L) Pollutant CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N 2010.05 10 1.0 8 0.132 Zhen’an 2009.11 17 2 9 0.202 2009.08 15 4.8 9 1.171 Shagang 2009.11 13 2 6 0.108 2010.05 18 1.7 10 0.543 Chengbei 2009.11 23 2 7 0.618 Discharge Standard 60 30 30 25 Actual measurement 10 23 1.0 4.8 6 10 0.108 1.171 range Max recorded value / 38.3% 16.0% 33.3% 4.7% standard value (%) 3 Water Balance 63 Water balance of each WWTP is summarized in Figure 2.4-1~3. W W S S D W S D S M WWTP D C W L S H W C L Figure 2.4-1 Water Balance of Zhen’an WWTP Sludge Dewatering Project W W S S D W S D S M WWTP D C W L S H W C L Figure 2.4-2 Water Balance of Shagang WWTP Sludge Dewatering Project 64 W W S S D W S D S M WWTP D C W L S H W C L Figure 2.4-3 Water Balance of Cheng’an and Nanzhuang WWTP Sludge Dewatering Project 2 Wastewater Volume Increase in Each WWTP After implementation of the sludge dewatering project, wastewater discharge generated will change due to higher dewatering efficiency. Such increase ranges from 21 to 71 m3/d in each WWTP, and details are showed in table below. Table 2.4-5 Wastewater Volume Increase Caused by the Project (unit: m3/d) WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Advanced Wastewater volume 85.812 43.034 21.572 21.572 171.99 3 sludge (10,000 m /a) dewatering Pollution CODcr 51.49 25.82 12.94 8.63 98.88ı project loading (t/a) NH4-N 21.45 10.76 5.39 1.73 39.33ı Wastewater volume 3 83.220 41.610 20.805 20.805 166.44 Existing (10,000 m /a) workshop Pollution CODcr 49.93 24.97 12.48 8.32 95.70ı loading (t/a) NH4-N 20.81 10.40 5.20 1.66 38.07ı Wastewater volume 3 2.592 1.424 0.767 0.767 5.55 (10,000 m /a) Variation Pollution CODcr 1.56 0.85 0.46 0.31 3.18ı loading (t/a) NH4-N 0.64 0.36 0.19 0.07 1.26ı Exhausted Gas 65 Main air pollution generated from proposed project is the odor from the sludge dewatering. The sewage contains obvious odor and foul smell, during the sludge treatment process, the odor is mainly generated from the microorganism aerobic/anaerobic fermentation process. The process adopted in this project includes two parts: sludge conditioning and mechanical dewatering. The sludge is transmitted into the sealed conditioning tank from the sludge storage tank and delivered to the dewatering workshop by pipelines. The whole process is well insulated. Therefore odor is mainly generated from the filter press. The “Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants” (GB 14554-93) lists 8 indicators for odor pollution assessment, namely NH3, trimethylamine, H2S, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene. According to research, NH3 and H2S are the key indicators of odor from municipal WWTP. As odor concentration is a result of combination of different exhausted gas, it is difficult to test concentration and composition of each component. This report uses analogy method to identify odor concentration and then discharge intensity. According to the monitoring in dewatering rooms in Zhen’an and Shagang WWTPs (Table 2.1-11), concentration of H2S is 1.8 times than NH3 in dewatering room; accordin to the comparison between odor and pollutant concentration, H2S contributes far more than NH3 to the odor. This report is to define the discharge situation of H2S in enhanced dewatering project by analogy, and then calculate the discharge amount of H2S by analogy of monitoring results in sludge dewatering rooms in Zhen’an and Shagang WWTPs. 1 Comparison with Limits in the “Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants” (GB 14554-93) According to monitoring data of the sludge dewatering workshop in Dashadi WWTP, odor level at different locations ranged from 40~56 (non-dimensional), an average of 48.5. Interpolating calculation based on data in Table 2.4-6 shows corresponding NH3 concentration of 3.23 mg/m3, and H2S concentration of 0.24 mg/m3. Table 2.4-6 Odor Limit at Plant Boundary (quoted) Class II Class III No. Parameter Unit Class I New Existing New Existing 66 1 NH3 mg/m3 1 1.5 2 4 5 3 2 H2S mg/m 0.03 0.06 0.1 0.32 0.6 Odor Non- 3 10 20 30 60 70 Concentration dimensional Odor is generated from filter press platform in Dashadi WWTP. The platform is 144 m2 large and 12m high equipped with fans. Net capacity of the platform is 1700 m3. Ventilation rate is 10200 m3/h with exhaustion every 6-hour. Therefore corresponding pollution emission speed is 32.95g/h for NH4 and 2.45g/h for H2S. 2 Estimation Using Odor Level Detected Onsite Relationship between odor pollutant concentration and odor level is showed in Table 2.4-7. Odor level is categorized as 6 Classes as showed in Table 2.4-8. Table 2.4-7 Relationship between Odor Pollutant Concentration (ppm) and Odor Level* Odor Odor Level Pollutant 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 NH3 0.1 0.6 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 40.0 H2S 0.0005 0.006 0.002 0.06 0.2 0.7 8.0 * “Summary of Odor Research in Japan”, translated by Shi Lei Table 2.4-8 Categorization of Odor Level Class Indicator 0 No smell 1 Hardly be smelled (smell threshold) 2 Weak smell, but can be recognized (cognition threshold) 3 Easily be recognized smell 4 Strong smell 5 Unendurable strong smell * “Public Hazard Guide”, Japan Analytical Chemistry Committee, Guangdong Editorial Take Dashadi WWTP sludge filter press workshop for example, odor can be recognized during site visit, but the smell is not strong, odor level is around Class 3. Moreover, project owner has visited all together 9 sites with similar sludge dewatering process in Guangzhou, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Wuxi and etc., among which 8 67 sites are categorized as Class 3 odor level. According to ventilation rate calculated before, the corresponding emission speed is 15.50g/h for NH3 and 0.92g/h for H2S. 3 Esimiation Based on Actual Monitoring Data from Zhen’an and Shagang WWTP Onsite monitoring showed that odor level was Class 3.5 at Zhen’an and Shagang WWTP. Actual H2S concentration is 0.29 mg/m3 in average. Onsite monitoring showed that odor level was Class 3.5 at Zhen’an and Shagang WWTP. Actual H2S concentration is 0.29 mg/m3 in average. Odor level in Dashadi WWTP is Class 3. According to Table 2.4-7, corresponding H2S concentration is 0.08 mg/m3. 4 Odor Estimation Using Monitoring Data from Datansha WWTP According to “Current Environment Status Report of Guangzhou Datansha WWTP (Phase 1, 2)”, the monitoring result of H2S in the sludge dewatering room is 0.075 0.130 mg/m3, with average of 0.085mg/m3. 5 Calculation of Odor Emission from Sludge Dewatering Process Take sludge filter press room in Dashadi WWTP as example, the pollutants discharge rate is estimated by analogy as Table 2.4-9. Of the 3 analogy results, the corresponding value analogized to standard value of Odor Pollutants Emission Standard is higher, as the standard value provides the concentration limit of single odor gas, while actual odor is the result of effect of various gas, therefore, the estimated value is remarkably higher. Estmated values of other 3 methods are very near. Actually the relation between odor concentration and odor gas concentration is obtained on the basis of various monitored results, therefore, it is approximate to the actual situation. Table 2.4-9 Odor Pollutant Emission Speed from Dewatering Workshop in Dashadi WWTP 3 Analogy Method H2S Concentration mg/m Comparison with the “Emission Standard for Odor Pollutant” 0.24 Estimation Using Odor Level Detected Onsite 0.09 Estimation Using Monitoring Data from Zhen’an and Shagang 0.08 WWTP Estimation Using Monitoring Data from Datansha WWTP 0.85 68 Value used in this Report 0.09 Odor in the sludge filter press room of Dashadi WWTP is mainly from filter press platform, which is 144m2 in area and 12m high. The platform is equipped with fan to strengthen the local ventilation. Effective room of the platform is about 1700 m3 air volume is calculated as 10200 m3/h considering 6 air exchange in 1 hour, the concentration of H2S is 0.09 mg/m3 and corresponding discharge rate of H2S is 0.92 g/h. 6 Calculation of Emission from other Odor Pollutants During sludge dewatering, sludge delivery between storage tanks and filter press is through pipelines. Because the whole process is covered, odor emission is minimal. Sludge bucket for dewatered sludge might release some odor, however dewatered sludge cake release very little odor. It is estimated that emission from the above process counts 20% of the overall odor emission, i.e. discharge rates of H2S is 0.10g/h and 0.18 g/h. 7 Odor Pollution Emission Calculation for the Proposed Project Enhanced sludge dewatering process is used in this project; Major equipements are basically the same as that used in Dashadi WWTP, and the major equipments of the dewatering room and the layout plan of the dewatering room is basically the same as that in Dashadi WWTP. Furthermore, odor concentration during dewatering process in enhanced sludge dewatering projects in Xiamen, Hangzhou and Wuxi, etc. is about class 3. It can be seen that there are no big difference of odor emission between similar enhanced sludge dewatering projects. Odor fugitive emission has been calculated for Dashadi WWTP by analogy with monitoring results of Zhen’an and Shagang WWTPs. Therefore, odor pollutants emission can be calculated by analogy with situation with enhanced sludge dewatering project in Dashadi WWTP. Sludge treatment capacity is 120t/d (sludge of 80% water content) in Dashadi enhanced sludge dewatering project, which has 4 sludge filter press machines. By analogy analysis, discharge rate of H2S during dewatering, sludge conditioning and temporary dry sludge storage is about 1.1 g/h. By analogy with monitoring result of Zhen’an and Shagang WWTPs (see Table 2.1-11), ratio of discharge rate between NH3 and H2S is 1/1.8. 69 According to the sludge treatment capacity of each plant in this project, odor emission can be calculated by analogy with the above data. Since the odor emission is mainly from the sludge filter press process, number of filter press machine is mainly considered during analogy. The calculation is shown in the table below. Table 2.4-10 Estimation of Odor Emission from the Proposed Project Advance Sludge Dewatering Project Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Sludge Volume (80% water content) 120 60 30 30 Number of Sludge Dewatering 4 3 2 2 Cycles Pollutant Emission NH4 18.0 13.5 9.0 9.0 Speed (g/h) H2S 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.6 Pollution Discharge NH4 0.158 0.119 0.079 0.079 Load (t/a) H2S 0.021 0.016 0.011 0.011 8 Change of Odor Pollution Loading after Implementation of the Proposed Project According to the calculation result in Table 2.1-12 and Table 2.4-10, odor emission before and after project construction is shown in Table 2.4-11. NH3 emission and H2S emission in the sludge dewatering room of the 4 WTTPs are reduced by 61.2% and 62.5% respectively. Table 2.4-11 Odor emission before and after project construction Enhanced sludge dewatering Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total project Rate of pollution NH3 0.012 0.009 0.0034 0.0034 0.0278 emission(g/h) H2S 0.025 0.014 0.0064 0.0064 0.0518 Amount of NH3 0.0053 0.0027 0.0014 0.0014 0.0108 pollution emission (t/a) H2S 0.0096 0.0048 0.0025 0.0025 0.0194 2.4.3 Noise Noise is generated from sludge pumps, water pumps, blowers, air compressors, sludge dewatering equipments, operation gearings and working vehicles. Most of the equipments locate in dewatering workshop and pumping station, which is similar to the current situation. Noise level will have very little change after implementation of the project. Table 2.4-12 Main Noise Sources Before and After Project Implementation 70 Sound Level dB A No. Source of Noise Location of the Source Existing Proposed Project Sludge frame filter 1 Sludge dewatering workshop 70 80 70 80 press 2 Centrifuge separator Sludge dewatering workshop 75 85 None 3 Agitator Sludge conditioning tank None 70 80 4 Compressor Compressor room 85 95 85 95 Sludge pump and water 5 Pump station 80 90 80 90 pump Sludge dewatering workshop 6 Blower and other locations that have 75 85 75 85 blower 7 Vehicle 75 85 75 85 2.4.4 Solid Wastes Solid wastes generated from this project are dewatered sludge, domestic garbage and lab wasted liquid. The laboratory liquid waste may contain hazardous elements such as heavy metal, strong acid and strong basic solutions?; the corresponding rinsing water also contains the above elements, therefore, the dedicated container shall be collected and sent to qualified entities to conduct hazard-free treatment. Treated sludge in each WWTP will contain 60% of water content. According to the "List of Strictly Control Waste in Guangdong Province" (updated in 2009), it is considered as strict control waste of Guangdong Province (HY06), its treatment and disposal should be handled by qualified entity. Management account and the transfer manifest system should be established for sludge transfer. Solid wastes generated by each WWTP are summarized in the table below. Table 2.4-13 Solid Wastes Generation Before and After Project Implementation (unit, t/d) WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Sludge 120 60 30 30 240 Existing Domestic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 Dewatering Garbage Workshop Total 120.01 60.01 30.01 30.01 240.04 Advance Sludge 60 30 15 15 120 71 Sludge Domestic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 Dewatering Garbage Workshop Wastes 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 Liquid from Lab Total 60.011 30.011 15.011 15.011 120.044 Variation -89.999 -26.999 -14.999 -14.999 -119.966 Figure 2.4-4 Sludge Cake after Advanced Dewatering 2.4.5 Pollution Factor Analysis during Transportation Treated sludge forms firm solid sludge cake as shown in Figure 2.4-4, which contains as low as 60% water content. Due to its low water content, original odor from untreated sludge is largely reduced. There is no problem of spillage or leakage during transportation of sludge cake. Main pollution factors during transportation are odor emission from sludge cake; impacts on sanitation caused by sludge falling from the trucks when overloading or uncovered transportation; and odor emission and impacts on sanitation caused by sludge falling during severe car accidents. It is planned to use vehicles with insulation to transport sludge cake to reduce odor emission during transportation and falling off. Probability of occurring car accident is 72 low, but such accident will cause large amount of sludge falling off. Odor from the sludge will affect the near areas, and have negative impact on the nearby sanitation. 73 2.4.6 Summary of Water, Air and Solid Wastes Pollution Generated from the Proposed Project Table 2.4-14 Pollution Load Before and After Proposed Project Implementation Advanced Existing Main Pollutant Unit Sludge Variation Ratio Facility Dewatering 3 10,000 m Volume 166.44 171.99 +5.55 +3.3% /a Wastewater COD t/a 95.70 98.88 +3.18 +3.3% NH4-N t/a 38.07 39.33 +1.26 +3.3% Exhausted H2S t/a 0.0278 0.0108 -0.0170 -61.2% Gas NH3 t/a 0.0518 0.0194 -0.0324 -62.5% Sludge 10,000 t/a 8.76 4.38 -4.38 -50% Domestic t/a 14.6 14.6 0 0 Garbage Solid Wastes Wasted Liquid from t/a — 1.46 +1.46 +100% Lab In the existing facilities, noise is mainly generated from sludge pumps, water pumps, blowers, compressor and centrifuge. Noise level is generally around 70~95dB(A). In the Noise proposed project, noise will be mainly generated from sludge pumps, water pumps, blowers, compressor and frame filter press. Noise level is generally around 70~95dB(A). The difference between before and after is minimal. 74 Analysis of Alternatives Analysis of Final Sludge Disposal Alternative Sludge Quality Analysis According to the data from construction unit, the leach monitoring data of sludge from each WWTP of Chancheng District by a specialized monitoring department indicate that monitoring value of all parameters are lower than the limit set in The Hazardous Waste Identification Standard-Leaching-out Toxicity Identification (GB50810.3-2007). The sludge could not be identified as hazardous waste. Table 3.1-1 Sludge Leaching Data of WWTPs of Chancheng District Monitoring value mg/L) GB50810.3-2007 Parameters Zhen’an Dongpo Shagang limit mg/L) Hg 0.00043 0.00151 0.01381 0.1 Pb 0.047 0.0028 0.008 5 Cd 0.0405 0.03942 0.0352 1 Cr 0.0084 0.0205 0.02503 5 Cu 0.0079 0.00492 0.000065 100 Zn 0.79 0.81 0.92 100 WWTPs of Chancheng District have assigned qualified monitoring units to conduct 1 to 2 component analysis of sludge annually. The results are shown in Table 3.1-2; Nanzhuang WWTP will be put in use in 2011. Since there are ceramic factories in Nanzhuang, it is estimated that the component of Nanzhuang WWTP sludge is similar to that of Shagang WWTP. Overall, WWTPs of Chancheng District receive industrial wastewater (mainly industrial wastewater from ceramics), so heavy metal content is higher, organic matter content is low. 75 Table 3.1-2 Analysis of Sludge Component (mg/kg) Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Parameters 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 Pb 248.17 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 B / / 126 256 51.8 173 16.9 / / 234 456 116 / 30.4 / CN- / / 5 4 0.51 0.17 0.114 / / 3.2 0.15 1.28 / 0.766 / TOC / / 353.2 311.8 302 293 370 445.4 / 320.1 310 468 177.8 526 280.8 (g/kg) K / / 1070 1360 7140 12200 9640 / / 1680 7810 20700 / 8590 / T-N / 40.1 / 27.3 30.1 27.3 31.5 28.6 6.42 0.28 18.3 27.4 / / 18.1 (g/kg) T-P 13.22 / 1.2 1.8 21.3 24.9 15.6 / 1.41 2 8.6 10.5 / 13.8 8.15 (g/kg) Fe / / / / 0.4 0.3 / / / / 0.8 / / / / Cl- / / / / 256 315 / / / / 231 / / / / F- / / / / 7.4 4.6 / / / / 9.9 / / / / Analysis of Final Sludge Disposal Method After advanced dewatering, potential sludge disposal methods include sanitary landfill, agricultural use, soil condition, incineration, brick making and additive of cement clinker production. 1 Sanitary landfill Sanitary landfill is the way of landfill that takes measures to control gas emission and leachate. It is different to the traditional landfill way that it takes bottom and slope liner 76 systems, treats or recovers the landfill gas and leachate, takes measures of compaction and covering with soil, so as to avoid secondary pollution by traditional landfill method. Sludge sanitary landfill is the engineeringed method with consideration of environment protection, scientific site selection, strict design, construction and operation management. It has become a relatively widely used sludge disposal technology. Facilities and operation of sanitary landfill have the advantages of simple equipment, large capcity, and relatively less capital investment. It also has disadvantages of large land occupation, long-distance transport, and difficulty of site selection. As the environmental protection requirements are becoming stricter and stricter, the standard of design and construction of landfill is becoming higher, corresponding construction investment and operation cost has accordingly increased. Usually sludge is landfilled mixing with municipal solid waste to avoid specific site selection and construction and fully utilize the pollution control facilities of the municipal waste landfill. The Disposal of Sludge from Municipal WWTP Sludge Quality for Co-landfillin GB/T23485-2009 was issued in 2009. Table 3.1-3 The Disposal of Sludge From Municipal WWTP Sludge Quality for Co- Landfilling GB/T23485-2009 No. Control Parameters Limit value mg/kg dried sludge 1 Cd 20 2 Hg 25 3 Pb 1000 4 Cr 1000 5 As 75 6 Ni 200 7 Zn 4000 8 Cu 1500 9 Mineral oil 3000 10 Phenol 40 11 CN- 10 12 Water content (%) 60% 13 pH 5 10 14 mixture ratio 8% 2 Agricultural Application and Soil Conditioning 77 Land use and agricultural use of sludge include application in soil conditioning, gardening, fertilizer. In terms of components of sludge of WWTPs from various places, WWTP sludge is richer in the content of organic matters, nitrogen and phosphorus and so on than that in the barnyard manure. The WWTP sludge is also rich in potassium and other trace elements. Physical, chemical and biological properties of soil can be improved by using sludge as fertilizer. China is a country in great need of fertilizer. It will be a broad development prospect in WWTP sludge application in the combined fertilizer. Therefore, the State Council has promoted the application of organic combined fertilizer in the “Fertile Soil Project”. If carcinogenic substances and heavy metals contained in sludge exceed standards, it will lead to chronic poisoning of animal and plants after long-time contact. Therefore, least heavy metal concentration and large amount reduction in pathogen is a prerequisite of land use and agricultural use of sludge. Currently, national pollutant control standard for land use and agricultural use of sludge are: Pollutant Control Standard Limit Value for Agricultural Use of Sludge GB4284-84 , Pollution Control Limit for Agricultural Use of Sludge GB18918-2002 , Disposal of Sludge of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sludge Quality of Agricultural CJ/T309-2009 , etc. Table 3.1-4: Pollutant Control Standard Limit Value for Agricultural Use of Sludge GB4284-84 Maximum permissible Concentration mg/kg dried sludge No. Parameters in natural and alkali in Acid soil soil PH 6.5 PH 6.5 1 Cd and its compound in Cd 5 20 2 Hg and its compound in Hg 5 15 3 Pb and its compound in Pb 300 1000 4 Cr and its compound in Cr 600 1000 5 As and its compound in As 75 75 6 Ni and its compound in Ni 100 200 7 Zn and its compound in Zn 500 1000 8 Cu and its compound in Cu 250 500 9 B and its compound in B of water- 150 150 78 solubility 10 Mineral Oil 3000 3000 11 Benzo(a) pyrene 3 3 Table 3.1-5 Pollution Control Limit for Agricultural Use of Sludge GB18918-2002 Maximum permissible Concentration mg/kg dried sludge No. Control Parameters in natural and alkali in Acid soil soil pH 6.5 pH 6.5 1 (Cd) 5 20 2 Hg 5 15 3 Pb 300 1000 4 Cr 600 1000 5 As 75 75 6 Ni 100 200 7 Zn 2000 3000 8 Cu 800 1500 9 B 150 150 10 Mineral Oil 3000 3000 11 Benzo(a) pyrene 3 3 12 PCDD/PCDF 100 100 adsorbable organic halides adsorbable 13 500 500 organic halides AOX in CL 14 PCB 0.2 0.2 79 Table 3.1-6 Disposal of Sludge of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sludge Quality of Agriculture CJ/T309-2009 Limit mg/kg dried sludge No. Control Parameters A level sludge B level sludge 1 As 75 75 2 Cd 3 15 3 Cr 500 1000 4 Cu 500 1500 5 Hg 3 15 6 Ni 100 200 7 Pb 300 1000 8 Zn 1500 3000 9 Benzo(a) pyrene 3 3 10 Mineral Oil 3000 3000 PAH(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) 11 5 6 12 Water content % 60% 13 Partical size (mm) 10mm harmful substance such as metal, ceramics, 14 Impurity tile glass, and etc. sundries 3% in quality mortality 15 95% of roundworm 16 Fecal coliform 0.01 17 TOC (g/kg) 200 18 NPK concentration(g/kg) 30 19 PH 5.5 9 3 Incineration Incineration is the most thorough method for sludge treatment, by which carbohydrate in sludge is turned into CO2 and water. Volume of sludge is reduced by 80 90%, which can reduce cost of residue landfill and transportation. Furthermore, virus and bacteria are killed in high temperature, and heat can be recovered during incineration. However, gas emission during sludge incineration contain pollutants such as dust, dioxin, heavy metals etc, which requires good leakproofness of the incineration system and strict treatment of the exhausted gas, to avoid negative impact on the surrounding environment. More width of sanitary protection zone is required for incineration system. According to the Disposal of Sludge of 80 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sludge Quality of Incineration CJ/T290-2008 , it is required that the sludge quality for incineration meets the standard below: Table 3.1-7 Physical and Chemical Parameters of sludge incineration CJ/T290-2008 Control Parameters Content of Catergory PH Water content QDW (KJ/kg) Organic matters % self sustained 5 10 50 5000 50 incineration combustion- supporting - 5 10 80 3500 50 incineration Drying- 5 10 80 3500 50 incineration 4 Brick and Cement Additives Brick making and usage in cement clinker production are the common solutions of treatment of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant. This secondary usage of sludge can recover material and energy. Pollution control facilities in brick factories and cement plants can also significantly reduce secondary pollution during treatment of sludge. The standard for sludge use of brick making and cement additive is Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sludge Quality for Brick Making CJ/T314- 2009 , Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sludge Quality for Cement Clinker Production CJ/T314-2009 . Table 3.1-8 Pollution Parameter and Limit for Sludge Use in Cement Clinker Production CJ/T314-2009 No. Control Parameters Limit mg/kg dry sludge 1 Cd 20 2 Hg 25 3 Pb 1000 4 Cr 1000 81 5 As 75 6 Ni 200 7 Zn 4000 8 Cu 1500 Table 3.1-9 Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Sludge Quality for Brick Making CJ/T314-2009 No. Control Parameters Limit mg/kg dry sludge 1 Cd 20 2 Hg 5 3 Pb 300 4 Cr 1000 5 As 75 6 Ni 200 7 Zn 4000 8 Cu 1500 9 mineral oil 3000 10 volatile phenol 40 11 cyanide 10 12 pH 5 10 13 water content 40% 14 mixing ration 10% 3.1.3 Selection of Sludge Final Disposal Alternatives 1 Sanitary landfill Historical data show that, some parameters (mainly Zn Ni) in Shagang WWTP exceed the standard (see table 3.1-10 black italic part). Recent 3 years data indicates that only Zn of Shagang WWTP in 2009 and Cd of Chengbei WWTP in 2010 exceed the standard, but the mixed sludge of each WWTP does not exceed the standard; water content of sludge after advanced dewatering is below 60%, which meet the requirement of landfill standard. Sludge sanitation landfill after advanced dewatering is viable for this project. 82 FWGC and ONXY company have reached a preliminary agreement that Baishiao Sanitation Landfill will accept sludge from WWTPs. Sludge can be accepted and landfilled when water content is below 60% and other major parameters meet the standard of sanitation landfill requirement. Table 3.1-10 Comparison between Component of Sludge and Landfill Standard (mg/kg) Monitoring value Landfill Parameters Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei standard 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 20 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 25 Pb 248.2 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 1000 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 1000 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 75 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 1500 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 4000 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 200 CN- / / 5 4 0.51 0.17 0.114 / 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 / 0.766 / 10 2 Agricultural Use and Soil Rehabilitation Compared with the A standard of agricultural use (applicable to acid soil), monitoring data indicate that Cd, Cu, Zn all exceed the standard and Ni, Hg exceed the standard to a serious extent (see table 3.1-11); compared with B standard of agricultural use (applicable to non- acid soil), Cu and Zn in sludge from Zhen’an WWTP and Shagang WWTP all exceed the standard, and a few other parameters also exceed the standard (see table 3.1-12). Hg records high concentration in Chengbei sludge, while other parameters meet the B standard of agricultural use. Due to impact of acid rain, soil in PRD is normally acid, and not applicable to B standard of agricultural use, therefore the market is limited. Generally speaking, sludge of this project is not suitable for agricultural or soil improvement use due to high heavy metal concentration. 83 Table 3.1-11 Comparison between Component of Sludge and Standard of Agricultural Use (mg/kg) Monitoring value A Standard Parameters Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei of Agricultural 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Use Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 3 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 3 Pb 248.17 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 300 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 500 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 75 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 250 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 500 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 100 B / / 126 256 51.8 173 16.9 / / 234 456 116 / 30.4 / 150 TOC / / 353.2 311.8 302 293 370 / / 320.1 310 468 / 526 / 200 (g/kg) Table 3.1-12 Comparison between Component of Sludge and B Standard of Agricultural Use (mg/kg) Monitoring value B Standard of Parameters Zhen’an Zhen’an Zhen’an Agricultural 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Use Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 20 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 15 Pb 248.17 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 1000 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 1000 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 75 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 500 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 3000 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 200 B / / 126 256 51.8 173 16.9 / / 234 456 116 / 30.4 / 150 TOC / / 353.2 311.8 302 293 370 / / 320.1 310 468 / 526 / 200 (g/kg) 3 Incineration 84 Historical monitoring data indicate that sludge from each WWTP from Chancheng District are different in heat value, which partly meet the Physical and Chemical Parameter for Sludge Incineration CJ/T290-2008 ; the organic matters in each WWTP is too low for incineration (see Table 3.1-13 to Table 3.1-15). Furthermore, 1000m of width of sanitary protection zone is required for sludge incineration plant, while it is hard to find a suitable plant location in Chancheng District at present. Therefore, incineration is not suitable for sludge treatment and disposal of this project. Table 3.1-13 Comparison between Component of Sludge and Sludge Incineration Standard (mg/kg) Monitoring value Incineration Parameters Zhen’an Zhen’an Zhen’an Standard 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 TOC / / 353.2 311.8 302 293 370 445.4 / 320.1 310 468 177.8 526 280.8 500 (g/kg) Table 3.1-14 Heat Value Analysis of Sludge from WWTPs of Chancheng District Gross heat Gross heat WWTP Water content value kilocalorie Certificate No. value MJ/kg /kg 10% 9.36 2238 NM-050800537 Sludge of 20% 5.92 1415 NM-050800538 Zhen’an 40% 5.63 1346 NM-050800539 10% 1.51 361 NM-050800540 Sludge of 20% 1.27 303 NM-050800541 Shagang 40% 1.13 270 NM-050800542 Table 3.1-15 Physical and Chemical Parameters for Sludge Incineration CJ/T290-2008 Control Parameters Concentration of Category PH Water content QDW (KJ/kg) organic matters % self sustained- 5 10 50 5000 50 incineration 85 combustion- supporting - 5 10 80 3500 50 incineration Drying- 5 10 80 3500 50 incineration 4 Brick Making Historical data indicates that Hg exceed standard in each WWTP, Cd exceed standard in Chengbei WWTP in 2010 (see Table 3.1-16). The water content of sludge after advanced dewatering is 60%, which does not meet the requirement of brick making (water content below 40%). Furthermore, brick making is not permitted by local policy. Therefore, sludge use of brick making is not suitable for treatment and disposal in this project. Table 3.1-16 Comparison between Component of Sludge and Brick Making Standard (mg/kg) Monitoring value Brick Making Parameters Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Standard 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 20 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 5 Pb 248.17 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 300 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 1000 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 75 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 1500 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 4000 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 200 5 Additive to Cement Manufacturing Historical monitoring data show that Zn, Ni and Cd exceed the standard. Recent 3 years data shows that Cd of Chengbei WWTP exceeds the standard in 2010, but the mixed sludge of each WWTP does not exceed the standard. Generally speaking, sludge from each WWTP is suitable for additive of cement clinker production. However there is no cement plant in Foshan, it is suitable for sludge use as cement additive if accepted by neighboring districts. 86 Table 3.1-17 Comparison between Component of Sludge and Standard of Additive of Cement Clinker Production (mg/kg) Monitoring value Parameters Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Standard 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 20 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 25 Pb 248.17 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 1000 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 1000 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 75 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 1500 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 4000 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 200 6 Conclusion Generally speaking, due to high heavy metal concentration, low organic matter content and taking into account of the environment impact factors, sludge after advanced dewatering from WWTPs of Chancheng District is not suitable for agricultural, incineration or bricking making use. The viable way of sludge treatment and disposal way is landfill. If sludge can be accepted by cement plants from neighboring districts, use for cement clinker production additive is also a way of sludge treatment and disposal for Chancheng District. All large-scale factories have been shut down or moved out from Chancheng District except Nanzhuang. Large-scale factories of Nanzhuang are planned to be shut down or moved out when Nanzhuang WWTP is put into use. Therefore, WWTPs from Chancheng District will not accept industrial wastewater. According to monitoring data, sludge quality of each WWTP has improved in 2010. Although the sediment of pipeline network still contains certain pollutants such as heavy metals, it will reduce gradually. Therefore, treatment and disposal methods such as soil improvement, incineration and etc. will be further discussed when sludge quality of each WWTP further improves. Alternative Analysis Other Sludge Dewatering Process 87 As shown above, limited by the sludge quality, the treatment and disposal alternative is sanitation landfill with municipal solid waste in accordance with sludge landfill standards. Two common used treatment alternatives are as follow: 1 Advanced Dewatering Alternative Conditioner is added to the sludge to improve its dewatering performance, then water is squeezed out from sludge by high pressure frame dewatering equipments to obtain sludge of about 60% water content, reducing half of the sludge volume. The operational cost is lower than thermal drying alternative because it does not need external heat source. 2 Thermal Drying Proposal Water is evaporated from wet sludge by external heat source, to increase dryness of sludge and reduce the sludge volume and kill the harmful matters such as pathogenic bacteria. Dryness of sludge can reach 50~95% and the sludge volume is significantly reduced. “No Project Option (Business As Usual?)” :Situation without new project implementation and remaining the current sludge dewatering process of the WWTPs is also discussed. The comparison of alternatives is as table below Table 3.2-1 Comparison of sludge treatment alternatives Advanced dewatering Thermal Drying Parameters No Project alternative alternative Water is evaporated Conditioner is added to from wet sludge by the sludge to improve Sludge dewatering by external heat source, its dewatering board frame to increase dryness of performance, water is dewatering equipment Process sludge and reduce the squeezed out from and centrifugal sludge volume and kill sludge by high dehydrator the harmful matters pressure frame such as pathogenic dewatering equipments bacteria. water content of sludge(%) 60% 20% 80% sludge quantity (t/d) 120 55 220 Final disposal way Landfill Landfill Landfill Baishiao Waste Baishiao Waste Yunan Waste Landfill acceptance site Sanitation Landfill in Sanitation Landfill in in Zhaoqing Gaoming Miaocun Gaoming Miaocun 88 distance of transportation 83 83 240 (km) operational gas 0 4.7 0 cost* transportation 1.00 0.46 5.28 (10,000 landfill 1.12 0.52 1.76 RMB/d) Total 2.12 5.68 7.04 Current dewatering Current dewatering room and land within 2 ha of new land room and land within New land acquisition WWTP is used, no acquisition WWTP is used, no new land acquisition new land acquisition New investment (10,000 8155 10487 0 RMB) Controlled within 100-200m away from Controlled within Environment Impact area WWTP plant boundary WWTP * Transportation cost:1RMB/ t.km, landfill cost of Baishiao Landfill : 93RMB/t, landfill cost of Yunan Landfill: 80RMB/t, In terms of operational cost, thermal drying alternative has remarkable advantage that it can reduce cost of transport and landfill to a great extent, but its cost of gas is high; Operational cost of “No project” is the highest because of the largest sludge volume; the operational cost of the advanced dewatering alternative is the lowest. In terms of new investment, cost of “No project” is the lowest, investments of thermal drying and advanced dewatering are relatively high. Compared with the cost reducing of “No project”, new investment of thermal drying alternative can be recovered in 21.12 years, new investment of advanced dewatering alternative can be recovered in 4.54 years. From perspective of environment impact, impact area of thermal drying alternative is larger than other alternative because centralized sludge drying. Furthermore, thermal drying alternative involved new land acquisition. Generally speaking, thermal drying alternative can reduce water content of sludge to a great extent, reduce cost of transport and landfill, but its cost of gas and new investment is the highest and involve land acquisition; “No project” alternative involve no new investment or new land acquisition, its environment impact area is relatively small, but its cost of transport and landfill is the highest; Advanced dewatering alternative can significantly reduce the water content of sludge, its cost of transport and landfill is the lowest and no new 89 land acquisition is involved, investment is high but it can be recovered in short term. Therefore, advanced dewatering is the optimal alternative of the three alternatives. Comparison between this alternative and the approved alternative in 2006 Construction unit had proposed thermal drying process for the sludge drying in the sludge treatment plant, and the EIA has been approved by the EPB. Hereafter, this alternative is compared with the approved alternation in 2006. Table 3.2-2 Technical and economic comparison of sludge treatment and disposal technologies This alternative enhanced Approved alternative in Alternatives dewatering technology 2006 thermal drying technology Exsisting dewatering room and Special land for Nanzhuang Sludge Site selection nearby areas of Zhen’an, Shagang, Treatment Plant Chengbei, Nanzhuang WWTPs WWTP sludge thickening tanküü sludge thickening tanküüsludge centrifugal dewatering / belt filter Process condintioningüüplate-and-frame Drying plant sludgeüüsludge filter pressüüsanitation landfill thermal dryingüüsanitation landfill plate-and-frame filter press wet sludge storage, dry sludge storage, machine, air compressor, sludge sludge mix tank, cyclone separator, Major equipments pump, water pump, conditioning biogas cabinet, conveyor, drying tank sediment tank dosing burner, fluid-bed, condenser, equipment, conveyor, sludgehopper biological odor control device Daily Treatment 220 water content of 80 400 water content of 80 capacity t/d Total investment 10,000 10090 13164 RMB Unit treatment 272.5 low 477 high cost RMB/t Sludge reduction after 50 75 treatment Construction period 6 months More than 15 months Personnel requirement Ordinary operation Specialized technical personnel high 90 personnel general requirement requirement anti-explosion requirement in special Safety requirement no special requirement area Low odor level during sludge Low odor level during sludge Odor treatment treatment objective of “minimum, Achieve the objective of steady and innocuous” “minimum, steady and innocuous” Fully Achieved sludge sludge Dewatered sludge has been made recycling objective Dry sludge is used as auxiliary fuel into soil, brick etc. Water content after Below 20%, full drying can be Below 60% treatment reached requirement of clean no requirement Need to use natural gas fuel Major equipment are import Major equipment and All domestic equipments equipment, and the Lead-time is at parts least 6 months Small impact on nearby Small impact on environment after environment because the water sludge drying; high energy content being below 60% and consumption for thermal drying Environmental and sludge in dry solid state; in line process; odor can not be avoided social impact with environment protection policy during transport, load and unload and of energy saving, pollution treatment for the 80% water content reduction and efficiency wet sludge improvement Recommendation Recommended Not recommended According to the comparison, Thermal drying alternative proposed in 2006 is 75% higher in unit treatment cost than this project, and it has problems of long construction period, high requirement of operation and safety, and consumption of fuel. Correspondingly, thermal drying alternative proposed in 2006 has the advantages of high drying efficiency, significant reduction effectiveness. Sludge enhanced dewatering alternative is recommended after comparison between two alternatives 91 Legality and Rationality Analysis of the Project Legality Analysis of Project (1) In accordance with Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC and its implementation regulations and Management Regulation of Pollution Prevention for Drinking Water Protection Zone. Clause 57 of Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC(amended in No.32 meeting of 10th NPC on Feb 28th 2008) provides that pollutant discharge point setting is prohibited within Drinking Water Protection Zone. The clause 60 says that construction, extension construction of projects that seriously pollute the water body is prohibited; the reconstruction of project is not allowed to increase pollutant discharge amount. None of the WWTPs involved in this project is located within the drinking water protection zone, none of the discharge points of each WWTP is located within the drinking water protection zone. This project is advanced dewatering of WWTP sludge. Wastewater is mainly from domestic wastewater of staff, cleaning water from laboratory and wastewater from advanced dewatering process. Wastewater of each WWTP is treated by secondary biological treatment system in each WWTP and discharged in line with discharging limit. According to regular monitoring data of Foshan Environment Monitoring Center, pollutant concentration of treated wastewater from each WWTP is lower than standard and the treated wastewater can be discharged meeting the requirements. Therefore, it will not post negative impact on water quality of receiving water body. Therefore, this project could not be identified as the project that seriously pollute the water body or the project that increase the pollutants. This project is not in the list of the projects that prohibited by the Clause 57 and Clause 60 and other clauses in the Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC (amended in No.32 meeting of 10th NPC on Feb 28th 2008). (2) In accordance with Water Quality Protection Regulation of PRD in Guangdong Province. 92 According to Clause 18 in Water Quality Protection Regulation of PRD of Guangdong Province, “small scale chemical pulp and paper production, leather, electroplating, printing and dyeing, dyestuff, refining, pesticide, and other projects with serious pollution are prohibited” in PRD. This project is advanced dewatering of sludge from WWTPs and environment protection project, which is not in the prohibited list of this regulation. Clause 23 of this regulation provides that, “solid waste is prohibited to dump into the water body by any unit or individual. Measures should be taken for storage, transport and disposal of solid waste to avoid environment pollution” Sludge will be dewatered to below 60% water content and trucked by enclosed which have seepage proof and anti-leakage function; sludge treatment rooms are equipped with anti-leakage, seepage proof and anti-spill facilities, which is in compliance with Clause 23 of this regulation. The project construction is also in compliance with the Clause 27 which is related to requirements of drinking water protection zone. (3) In accordance with Guangdong Provincial Drinking Water Resources Protection Regulation. This project is not in the list of prohibited construction projects in Clause 15 of Guangdong Provincial Drinking Water Resources Protection Regulation. Clause 15 of Guangdong Province Drinking Water resources Quality Protection Regulation provides that: following projects are prohibited to be constructed in the surface drinking water resources protection zone: 1 construction, reconstruction projects with discharge of persistent organic pollutants or pollutants containing Hg, Cd, Pb, As and Cr etc. 2 set up discharge points; 3 storage tanks, storage, storehouse, oil gas pipeline for oil and other toxic and harmful substance, and the recover site and workshop for the waste; 4 catering and entertainment facilities that occupy the surface of drinking water resources such as river and lake or discharge pollutants to the water body such as river and lake. 93 5 construction of Livestock and poultry farms, breeding area; 6 Other projects that pollute the water resources. This project is advanced dewatering of WWTP sludge. Wastewater is mainly from domestic wastewater of staff, cleaning water from laboratory and wastewater from advanced dewatering process. Wastewater of each WWTP is treated by secondary biological treatment system in each WWTP and discharged compliant with standards. Therefore, this project will not discharge persistent organic pollutants or pollutants containing Hg, Cd, Pb, As and Cr etc. No wastewater discharge point is set up in this project. This project is not in the list of the projects in Clause1 and Clause 2. This project is advanced dewatering of WWTP sludge. Advanced sludge dewatering facilities are planned to be set up within or beside the current dewatering rooms , which aims to improve the current dewatering facilities of low efficiency. It is not the setting of storage of toxic and harmful substance, waste recovering site of buying, sorting, classification and transport, or waste workshop of waste disassembling, substance refining. This project is not in the list of projects provided in the Clause 3 above. This project is not in the list of projects provided in the Clause 4, Clause 5 or Clause 6 either. Therefore, this project is not in the list of prohibited projects provided in the Clause 15 of Guangdong Province Drinking Water resources Quality Protection Regulation. No activity is prohibited by the Clause 16 of the Guangdong Province Drinking Water resources Quality Protection Regulation This project is environment protection project of advanced sludge dewatering, which does not involve activities that prohibited by the Clause 16 of Guangdong Province Drinking Water resources Quality Protection Regulation: “discharging, dumping, piling, landfilling, burning of poisonous materials, radioactive substances and oil, acid and alkali kind of materials, industrial waste, domestic waste, medical wastes, feces and other waste” . To sum up, this project conforms to the provision and requirement of Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC and its implementation regulations, Management Regulation of Pollution Prevention for Drinking Water Protection Zone, Guangdong Province 94 Drinking Water resources Quality Protection Regulation, and Water Quality Protection Regulation of PRD in Guangdong Province. Therefore, the advanced sludge dewatering project construction in the WWTPs is in accordance with the requirements of current laws and regulations of environment protection. Compliance Analysis of Industrial Policy According to No.40 order of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Guidance Catalog of the Industrial Structure Adjustment (2005) and Guangdong Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalogue (2007 version), sludge of each WWTP (including Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs)in this project is treated by advanced dewatering (water content below 60%) and landfilled, which will achieve sludge stabilization, reduction, and harmlessness, avoiding secondary pollution, resources/energy/landfill space saving, and ecological environment protection. This project is on the encouraged project list in the Item 23(reduction, recycling and harmlessness treatment and comprehensive utilization project of city and town waste and other solid waste) of the Category 26 (environment protection, resources saving and comprehensive utilization). Industry of this project is supported by Guangdong Province, and in compliance with state and local industrial policy requirement. In order to strengthen the pollution prevention and control of municipal WWTP sludge, protect and improve the environment quality, A series of requirements have been put forward by state and province. Notice on Strengthening of Pollution Prevention and Control of Municipal WWTP Sludge (Huanban [2010]157) require that, “For construction, reconstruction and extension of WWTP, sludge treatment facilities(sludge stabilization and dewatering facilities) and the wastewater treatment facilities should be planned, constructed and put into use at the same time. For the existing WWTPs without sludge treatment, sludge treatment facilities should be constructed and put into use within 2 years since date this notice is issued” The Notice on Issue of “Comments on Further Strengthening of Sludge Treatment and Disposal of Municipal WWTPs of Our Province” (Yuehuanfa[2010]113) require that, “by end of 2012, rate of sludge innocent treatment should be above 80 in the cities of city level”, “positively draw on the merits and apply the sludge enhanced dewatering, 95 anaerobic digestion, aerobic fermentation, waste heat drying technologies, treat the sludge according to corresponding standards”, “sludge treatment and disposal site should be clearly defined when construting, reconstructing and extending WWTPs; if construction of sludge treatment facilities is needed, sludge treatment and disposal facilities and the main WWTP project should be designed, constructed and accepted at the same time”. According to the requirement of Huanban[2010]157 and Yuehuanfa[2010]113, this project is to construct sludge treatment facilities in existing WWTPs (Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei) and newly constructed WWTP (Nanzhuang), to ensure that Foshan will reach the sludge innocent treatment rate of above 80 by end of 2012; moreover, the sludge enhanced dewatering technology adopted in this project is a widely used and mature process, therefore, this project construction meet the requirements of national and local industrial policies. Compliance Analysis of Project with Corresponding Planning 1 Compliance Analysis of Project Construction with Relating Guangdong Environment Protection Planning Guangdong Province Outline of Environment Protection Plan (2006-2020) ( No. 24 session of the 10th Standing Committee of the NPC, 2006) indicated to improve management of solid waste treatment: “encourage enterprises to strengthen technology improvement, reduce comsuption of energy and materials and the production of solid waste”. According to the requirement of ecological protection requirements of the Pearl Rriver Delta Environmental Protection Plan (2004 ~ 2020), PRD is divided into strict protection zone, important ecological function protection area, ecological function conservation area, resource development and utilization zones, urban construction and development area, ecological buffer area between city clusters (see figure 8.3-1), as basis of regional ecological protection and management. As shown by Figure 8.3-1, project construction site is located in the urban construction and development zone, does not belong to strict protection zone, important ecological function protection area or ecological function conservation 96 area, which is compliant with the Pearl Rriver Delta Environmental Protection Plan (2004 ~ 2020). This project is in compliance with the requirement of the Guangdong and PRD environment protection plans. 2 "11th five-year" Foshan Environmental Protection and Ecological Construction Plan The "11th five-year" Foshan Environmental Protection and Ecological Construction Plan (Foshan [2007] 17, January 2007) proposes to " properly treat and dispose sludge for municipal wastewater treatment plants and plan to construct WWTP sludge treatment plant.". Sludge of each WWTP (including Zhen an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs) in this project is properly treated by advanced sludge dewatering (water content below 60%) and landfilled, which will achieve sludge stabilization, reduction, and harmlessness, avoiding secondary pollution and protect the ecological environment. Therefore, this project meets the requirement of 11th five-year" Foshan Environmental Protection and Ecological Construction Plan. 3 Outline of the “11th five year” Plan of Foshan National Economic and Social Development Outline of the 11th five year Plan of Foshan National Economic and Social Development proposes to invest 9.7 billion RMB for the construction of ecological environmental protection projects, speed up the construction and improve a series of water environment and comprehensive urban environment improvement infrastructures, including six aspects of 20 projects such as WWTP construction, waste treatment and disposal, hazardous waste disposal, air pollution abatement, environmental management capacity building and ecological environment protection construction. It is planned to construct Foshan Industrial Solid Waste Treatment Centers and Medical Waste Treatment Center. Pay special attention to the follow-up projects of Foshan Pearl River Water Environment Improvement Project, continue to strengthen renovation basins and inner creeks improvement works, concentrate on projects of Zhen an WWTP, Foshan Waterway 97 Dredging, Sludge Treatment, to speed up to achieve the objective of comprehensive environmental improvement. This project is advanced sludge dewatering for each WWTP (including Zhen an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs). Therefore construction of this project is in accordance with the requirement of the Outline of Eleventh Five-year National Economic and Social Development Plan of Foshan City. 4 Drainage Planning of Foshan Central Region According to the Drainage Planning of Foshan Central region, in the medium term, “sludge is required to be condensed and dewatered to reduce the sludge amount, and the water content should be below 75 . Sludge disposal methods such as sanitary landfill, land use and incineration are studied by experiment.” This technologies applied in proposed projects are advanced sludge dewatering (water content below  ) for each WWTP (including Zhen an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs) and landfill. Therefore construction of this project is in accordance with the requirement of Drainage Planning of Foshan Central region. To sum up, the construction of sludge advanced dewatering project is in accordance with requirement of environment protection plan of Guangdong and Pearl River Delta, 11th five-year" Environmental Protection and Ecological Construction Plan of Foshan, National Economic and Social Development Plan of Foshan, and Drainage Planning of Foshan Central region. Analysis of Compliance of Project with Environment Functional Zoning According to the Ambient Air Quality Functional Zoning of Foshan, location of each WWTP belongs to class 2 of air quality zone. Class 2 standard of Ambient Air Quality Standard and GB3095-1996 amended version in 2000 is applied. (see Figure 1.8-3). According to the Yue Huan Han [1999] No.553 Surface Water Environment Zoning of Guangdong Province (Trial Implementation), Class III standard of Surface Water Quality Standard GB3838-2002 is applied to Jili Creek (receiving water body of 98 Nanzhuang WWTP), class IV standard is applied to the Foshan Creek (receiving water body of Zhen an WWTP and Shagang WWTP) and Foshan Waterway (receiving water body of Chengbei WWTP). According to Drinking Water Resources Protection Plan of Foshan and Approval and Reply on Adjustment of Drinking Water Resources Protection Plan of Beijiang Water System of Foshan (Yuefu Han [2010] No.75), no drinking water resources protection area is involved in the project areas of each project. The ambient water functional zoning is detailed in Table 1.8-1 and Figure 1.8-1, the drinking water resources protection zoning is shown in Figure 1.8-2. According to the Regional Ambient Noise Functional Zoning of Chancheng District, each plant location of this project belong to class 2 of ambient noise functional zone (See Figure 1.8-4), class 2 standard of Ambient Noise Quality Standard GB3096- 2008 (daytime 60dB A nighttime 50dB A is applied. Location of this project belong to class 2 zone of ambient air quality, class III and IV of ambient water functional zone. No drinking water resources protection area is involved in project location. Project location is in accordance with environment functional zoning of Foshan. Environmental Feasibility Analysis of Project Site Selection Location of WWTPs (Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang) in this project belong to the class 2 area of ambient air quality, class 2 area of acoustic environment and class III and IV area of water environment; location of WWTPs do not involve drinking water protection zone, which meet the environmental functional zoning of Foshan City. Furthermore, project construction is within each WWTP (Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang), does not involve new land acquisition; the land within the WWTPs belong to the city construction land use, which is in accordance with the land use planning of Foshan City. According to environment impact analysis during operation in Chapter 7, increase of wastewater and pollutant discharge is very small after sludge enhanced dewatering project construction, the wastewater is treated by WWTP, there is no significant impact on the receiving water body under normal operation condition of WWTPs. 99 NH3 and H2S emission of the sludge dewatering rooms in 4 WWTPs are reduced by 61.2% and 62.5% respectively to reduce impact of odor of WWTPs on the nearby sensitive points after enhanced sludge treatment project construction in each WWTP. Besides, sludge is quickly trucked away after dewatering, the temporal storage time is normally less than 2.5 hours. In the 4 projects, when any sludge transport vehicle does work, vehicle within the WWTP can be deployed, therefore, the sludge will not be retained in the treatment site for long time, so to avoid odor pollution due to the fermentation from the long time stock of sludge. 100 Project Location Figure 3.4-1 Planning of PRD Ecological Control Zones 101 Major equipments of enhanced sludge dewatering are in the dewatering room and pump house, which is similar to the existing sludge dewatering project. The noise level varies little before and after project construction; taking into account the worst case that all noise sources impact at the same time, the boundary noise level estimation value of day time and night time meet the class 2 standard of the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB 12348 2008), which is basically similar to the change of current situation; therefore, noise from equipments in the sludge dewatering room has little impact on the nearby acoustic environment. In conclusion, construction of enhanced sludge treatment projects in each WWTP (Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang) is in line with the environmental functional zoning of Foshan City and corresponding land use planning; furthermore, construction of enhanced sludge dewatering project has little impact on the nearby water environment and acoustic environment, and reduce the odor emission in the WWTPs, thus reduce the impact on the ambient air of the nearby sensitive points. Necessity and Rationality Analysis of Project 1 Rationality and Necessity Analysis of Sludge Advanced Dewatering Process Along with the rapid development of economic and urban construction, urban population increase, the wastewater amount has increased accordingly. Wastewater treatment of 1 ton will result in 0.2 0.3% of sludge. There are 3 WWTPs in Chancheng District with total capacity of 400,000 m3/d and sludge output 237t/d (80% water content). Sludge amount will increase along with the implementation of extension project of Zhen’an WWTP, Shagang WWTP and Chengbei WWTP and the construction of Nanzhuang WWTP. Municipal wastewater sludge belongs to hazardous wastes. It will pose threat on the ecological environment if it is directly disposed without treatment. Municipal wastewater sludge treatment is important for the healthy development of municipal wastewater treatment. Sludge reduction, stabilization and harmlessness are urgent and necessary for the treatment way of the increasing amount of wastewater sludge in Foshan. The traditional sludge dewatering facilities are mainly: frame press filter, belt press filter and centrifugal dewatering machine; normally these dewatering equipment can only achieve 80 of sludge water content. For frame press filter, belt press filter, the automation level is low 102 and cost of reagent is high, with odor in dewatering room. Although odor of sludge can be control to some extent by using centrifugal dewatering machine, the electricity consumption is high, the capacity is hard to increase and the cost of maintenance is high. Compared with the above dewatering equipment, the sludge conditioning + frame press advanced dewatering technology adopted in this project can dewater the WWTP sludge to the water content of less than 60%, reduce the water content as well as the sludge output. Dewatered sludge is in the cake shape without leachate or odor. Odor is better controlled in the sludge dewatering room. Cost of reagent, water and electricity and so on is relatively low. Cost of dewatering cost of one ton is reduced by 40 RMB. Furthermore, for the following sludge disposal, sludge below 60 water content has significant advantages of the following disposal; half of the fermentation cycle can be reduced for sludge composting; it can be directly added into the incineration facilities if it is disposed by incineration. Similar “sludge conditioning and frame press advanced dewatering technology” has been successfully implemented in the sludge treatment and disposal in Shunde Lunjiao Municipal WWTP of 30,000t/d, Panyu Dongchong Textile Printing WWTP of 30,000t/d and Guangzhou Dashadi Municipal WWTP of 200,000t/d. Treatment and disposal effectiveness is good and anticipated objective has been achieved during 3 to 8 month operation. Therefore, construction of this project will contribute to the reduction, stabilization and harmlessness of wastewater sludge of Foshan and enhance the sludge treatment level of this area. It is of significance of improving ecological construction and pollution control of PRD and construction of Green Guangdong. 2 Requirement of Demonstration Project of Sludge Reduction and Harmlessness Sludge disposal ways are various without a clear main technical route. Standardizing the sludge treatment and disposal and reducing pollution of sludge treatment and disposal to the environment have become an urgent need of pollution control and treatment. Advanced sludge dewatering project with premise of amount reduction, stabilization and harmlessness will help to protect ecological environment, reduce disposal cost and boost the development of recycling economy. Reducing sludge water content is the premise for sludge 103 landfill, incineration and recycling reuse. Objective of harmlessness and amount reduction can be achieved by using supplementary energy for sludge dry, but its cost and investment are high. Sludge conditioning and frame press filter advanced dewatering technique has the characteristics of stable operation, less secondary pollution and wide scope of usage; it has become a developing direction of resolving the difficulty of sludge treatment. Rapid development of economy has posed great pressure on the ecological environment protection work. Wastewater sludge amount is increasing along with the increasing scale of WWTPs. Volume reduction, stabilization and harmlessness treatment in the source of WWTP will effectively resolve the way of sludge disposal. Therefore, implementation of this project will provide a new pattern for harmless sludge treatment of Foshan, and serve as a positive example in improving harmless sludge treatment level of Guangdong Province. 3 Rationality of Constructing Advanced Sludge Dewatering Project in WWTPs Sludge conditioning frame press filter advanced dewatering technique can be considered as upgrading of existing sludge dewatering facilities in each WWTP. To the largest extent, it can utilize existing facilities and workshops, and will not require new land therefore save a lot of cost. Traditional dewatering facilities in WWTPs normally can only achieve 80 sludge water content. It has shortcomings of low automation level, high cost of reagent and electricity, difficulty in sludge odor control and etc. Sludge conditioning frame press filter advanced dewatering technique has the advantages of high dewatering effectiveness, low operational cost, odorless sludge cake and avoiding secondary pollution. These problems will be resolved after improvement of existing dewatering facilities of WWTPs. Furthermore, advanced sludge dewatering in WWTPs is virtually sludge reduction from the source of sludge production to avoid secondary pollution during sludge transportation. Sludge is dewatered directly to below 60 water content; the shape and property of sludge is stable, with no leachate or odor, which facilitate the following sludge disposal. All in all, constructing advanced sludge dewatering project in each WWTP is good for volume reduction from the sludge production source, stabilization, harmlessness, improvement of sludge dewatering effectiveness, reduction of dewatering cost. Furthermore, existing dewatering rooms in WWTPs are utilized so that it can save cost of new construction of advanced sludge dewatering facilities elsewhere. 104 Conclusion The analysis indicates that this project is in accordance with Guangdong industry development policy, requirements of environmental protection regulations of state and provincial level, requirements of Guangdong Province, PRD and Foshan City and Foshan environmental functional zoning. Project construction can effectively resolve the problem of sludge disposal, and boost the sustainable development of city. This project will utilize the existing facilities of WWTP. The sludge conditioning frame press filter advanced dewatering technique has the advantages of less investment and operational cost, large treatment capacity, stable operation, less secondary pollution and full utilization of land of the WWTP. Therefore, advanced sludge dewatering project construction in the WWTP is in accordance with laws and regulations and reasonable. 105 Regional Environmental Status and Due Diligence The natural environment and social environment situation Natural environment 1 The geographical location Foshan city is located in central south of Guangdong Province , covering areas from north latitude 22 ° 38 throughout 23 ° 34 and from east longitude 112°22 to 113°23 , with Guangzhou adjacent in the east, Jiangmen and Zhongshan in the south, Zhaoqing in the west and Qingyuan in the north. Distance from east to west and south to north are both about 103km, 3848.49 km2 in area, including Chancheng, Nanhai, Shunde, Sanshui and Gaoming districts,. Foshan is located in the middle of the pearl river delta, within 50km distance from Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Qingyuan and Zhaoqing, and within about 100km distance from Hong Kong and Macau, which is convenient for foreign economic communication. Air and land transportation lines have provided good condition for economic development. Guangmao railway travels through from east to west, and main roads such as Guanghai, Guangzhu highways and Guangfo and Fokai highways and etc travel through Foshan, Foshan airport is located within Foshan with 10 airlines for direct flight to many cities; there are 50 major waterways with nearly 1000km navigation mileage and more than 20 ports that make water transport extend in all directions. The project is located in Nanzhuang Town southwest of Foshan Chancheng District (see Figure 3-1), 25 kilometers away from Guangzhou. The town area is 76.7 km2, with one urban district administrative office, 18 villagers' committees, and total number of 7.5 million permanent residents. 2 Climate and meteorology Foshan city is located in the south of the tropic of cancer and belongs to the south tropical and subtropical monsoon climate region, its main characteristic is: pluvial heat in the same 106 season, wet cold spring, long summer without extremely hot, warm fall and winter and sunny drought. Annual average temperature is 22.2 ºC. January is the coldest month with average temperature of 13.5ºC; July is the hottest month, with average temperature of 29.1ºC; Normally, the most extreme minimum temperature is above 3ºC, lowest recorded is 1.9ºC (January 17, 1967). Extreme highest temperature is 39.2ºC (July 18, 2005). Average annual rainfall of this region is 1653.0 millimeter, total annual rainfall is 1400 ~ 2000 millimeters, maximum record in 2008 is 2343.8 mm and the minimum record is 1075.7 mm (1991). Rainy season is from April to September, accounting for 80% of year total. Rainfall from May to June is over 250 millimeter for it is the intensive rainy period of a year. Annual average sunshine duration is 1739.6 hours, between 1500 ~ 2100 hours. Rainy weather occurs often from Feb to April, with monthly sunshine duration of only 60 ~ 90 hours. Sunshine is abundant from July to December. Sunshine is most abundant in July of a year. Monsoon climate’s characteristics are: predominant northeast wind in fall and winter, predominant southeast wind in spring and summer. Average wind speed is 2.2m/s. 3 Geology and Geomorphology In terms of tectonic unit, Foshan is part of Huanan bow area. Caledon tectonosphere exists to the east of the Guangzhou - Foshan – Jiujiang line, is consisted of all sorts of gneiss, quartzite, schist, and shallow metamorphic sandstone. Hercynian-Indochina tectonosphere exists to the north of the Foshan – Guangzhou- Jiujiang, consisted of sand shale, limestone, etc. There are conglomerate, sandstone volcanic rock mass in Shunde urban area, which belong to Yanshan tectonosphere. A few of granite exist in Shunde, which is the product of magma intrusion in the Yanshan period. Complex fracture during the Himalayan movement period resulted in graben basin in Sanshui, trachyte in Dazhugang, basalt in Zoumaying and Wangjiegang, and tufa in Huachong. The geological structures can be divided into 5 groups: deposit underwent of NNE strike direction in Sanshui Heshengkeng; Sanshui fracture, Langshi fracture, west to east fracture 107 near Rongqi of west to east strike direction; Luoke fracture, Hecheng-Jinji fracture; Sanzhou-Xiqiao Mountain fracture, Tanbu-Dali fracture of northwest strike direction. The geological structure dominates the development of geomorphology, result in the geomorphic characteristics of scattered hills and cross river network. The terrain in northwest is high and southeast low. The highest point is in Gaoming Zaomushan with altitude of 805m. the lowest point is in Sanshui Dadawo, with altitude of - 1.7 m; Beijiang is connected in Sanshui Sixianjiao, which is the peak of Xibeijiang Delta. 2 third of the city area is Xibeijiang Delta Plain and is valley alluvial plainor of its tributaries, which is distributed over most part of Shunde and Nanhai and northeast part of Gaoming. Old delta is gradually transit into new delta from northwest to southeast. Except sporadic residual hills, the terrain is flat. The altitude is about 0.7 ~ 2.5m in the cross river network alluvial plain. In addition, sporadic trachyte hills, basalt, limestone caves, conglomerate and paleocoast remain line of 5000 years ago resulted by earth crust risen result in the unique geomorphologic landscape. Chancheng District, Nanhai District and Shunde District belong to degree seismic protection area, Sanshui and Gaoming belong to degree seismic protection area. 4 Hydrological Features of Surface Water Beijiang river, the second main stream of Pearl River is the biggest river flowing through Foshan from northwest to southeast. Beijiang originated in Jiangxi, flows southwards through Yingde, Qingyuan into Sanshui of Foshan, and is connected with Xijiang in Sixianjiao of Sanshui. The main stream turns its flowing direction southeastwards through Sanshui Xinan and is connected with Shunde Waterway at Chancheng Zidong, and then flow into sea via Hongqili, Shawan Waterway and Jiaomen. The mainstream flow into Lubaochong, Xinanchong and into Pearl River after converge, the main stream flow into Tanzhou Waterway in Chancheng Zidong, and converge with Shunde Waterway in Xihaikou. The length of Beijiang mainstream is 468km, with 100.2km within Foshan, and 13 tributaries, catchment area of 46,700 km2. Its water resource is abundant with average daily discharge of 49 billion m3. there is big difference between wet season and dry season in flow. According to data of Hengshi hydrological monitoring station, the annual average flow is 1106m3 / s, and the assurance P = 95% flow is 193 m3 / s. 108 According to monitoring data from 1959 to 2001 of Sanshui Station, average daily flow in the driest month is 203m3/s, average daily flow in the driest consecutive 10 days is 168 m3/s, average annual driest daily flow is 115 m3/s. the flood peak of 20 year return flood in Sanshui Station is 13100 m3/s, 14800 m3/s for 50 year return flood. The width of river is 700-2000m. According to monitoring of hydrological monitoring station, the average annual flow is 7764 m3/s, and the total annual runoff is 254 million m3. Shunde waterway is a major river of Beijiang traverses Foshan City. It flows from Beijiang mainstream, via Nanzhuang Town of Chancheng, Shatou Town of Nanhai, Lecong of Shunde, Beijiao and into Zhongshan City, and finally into South Sea via Hongqili and Shiziyang. Its length is 50 km, and width 300-500m. it is the major water resources of Nanhai District, Shunde District of Foshan City. Water intake of Nanzhou Water Supply Plant in located in the Huangchong Section in Beijiao Town with capacity of 1 million t/d. the average runoff with 90% guarantee rate in the driest month is 61.47 m3 / s, and 96.1 m3/s for the average runoff with 50% guaranteed rate. Dongping Waterway is also a major river of Beijiang that traverses Foshan City. It is available for ships of 1000 ton. It flows from Beijiang mainstream, via Nanzhuang Town, Shiwan Town of Chancheng District and Chencun Town of Shunde District, and then into Panyu District of Guangzhou, and into South Sea via Hongqili and Shiziyang. The catchment area is over 100 square kilometers, and the total length is about 80 km. From 1959 to 2001, the average annual minimum daily flow, minimum daily flow in consecutive driest 10 days and minimum average daily in driest month are 110 m3/s 58 m3/s 186 m3/s respectively. It shows that, the Dongping Waterway is abundant in water resources. There are Xiaotang, Foshan, Shiwan, Lanshi and Pingzhou Harbors along the Dongping Waterway. Tanzhou Waterway is wide and deep and Pingzhou Waterway is narrow, deep and of high flow velocity and many bends. (such as Dadaowan, Baishexuan, etc.). Jili Creek is an inner river that traverses Nanzhuang Town. It is connected with Dongping Waterway in the east and with Shunde Waterway in the west. It is the major pollution receiving water body in Nanzhuang. The river is 30-50m wide and about 10 km long. 5 Soil and Vegetation 109 Ecological environment quality is good in project areas, vegetation coverage is high. The soil is fertile, abundant resources, plain and low terrain, numerous fish ponds and waterfowl breeding, it is a beautiful and of good environment area in Pearl River Delta (PRD). The project location belongs to subtropical plains in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, of which fish ponds and rivers accounted for most part. The zonal vegetation was formerly the south tropical rainforests, wet birth, marshy raw water pine, mangrove. Due to human activities, primeval forest have already been destroyed completely, leaving only scattered species such as Aporusa dioica, Ficus microcarpa, etc. Currently most vegetations are grassiness community, bamboo grove community, melons and vegetables composite community, small area of ecological forest of with Ficus microcarpa communities and Eucalyptus urophylia community, the ecological community village residence, town and village ecological garden landscape communities, mud flat and grass, etc. Social Economic Overview 16.7% Overview: Chancheng district is one of five Districts of Foshan, only 6 Km from east Guangzhou, 96 kilometers from southeast Hong Kong, 135 kilometers from south Macao; Guangzhou-zhuhai, Guang Zhan highway and Guangmao railway traverses through its territory; the transportation is convenient. Chancheng has jurisdiction over a town and three street agencies; it is the capital of Foshan People’s Government and the center urban area of Foshan. Foshan city “originated from Jin dynasty and famous in Tang dynasty”, has long history and the famous name of home town of Yue opera, home town of ceramic art, home town of martial arts, home town of folk arts and home town of Qiuse arts. As of North Song dynasty, it was called as one of the “Four famous towns” with Hubei Hankou, Jiangxi Jingdezheng, and Henan Zhuxian. There is a Zumiao called by foreign friends as museum of fork art, Liang Garden, and Huangfeihong Museum. Chancheng District Committee and the district government conscientiously implement the scientific outlook of development, focusing on the comprehensive competitiveness of strategic objectives, adhere to the concept of developing "high-quality goods economy", "high-quality goods city". Politics, economy, culture and other social undertakings of various fields has achieved great progress. In 2008, Chancheng’s realization in GDP is 82.45 billion RMB, up 16.5 %; Industrial output fulfilled is 187.045 billion RMB, up 16.9%; Total retail sales 110 amount of consumer goods is 26.279 billion RMB, up 25%; Export amount is 6.749 million US dollars, up 1.4%, Fixed asset investment is 24.007 billion RMB, up 14.3%; The actually utilized foreign capital is 304 million US dollars, up 20.4 %; General budget income of Chancheng is 2.31 billion RMB, up 16.7%. Industry: the 2008 Chancheng has achieved 187.045 billion RMB total industrial output in 2008, up by 16.9%., of which above-scale industrial output value is 166.917 billion RMB, up by 17.8 percent. Key features Industrial operation is: first, the heavy industrial production growth continues to lead, with 19.8 percent higher in growth rate han light industry. Light and heavy industry have reached respectively 50.352 billion and 116.565 billion RMB, with growth rate of 4.9% and 24.7% respectively; second, state-owned enterprises is the major force that promotes rapid growth of Chancheng industrial enterprise production. State-owned enterprises have reached output of 44. 25 billion RMB, up 43%, 26.1 percent more than the district overall data; third, pillar industry’s supporting role has been further strengthened. Above-scale industrial output value has achieved 143.913 billion RMB, up 28.7% , 10.9 percent more than above-scale industrial growth, percentage weight has increased from 73.8 to 86.2%; forth, sales situation of industrial products is good, sales-output ratio reach 98%, up 0.3 percent year-on-year. Large leading enterprises continue to play a leading role. 10 leading enterprises have reached about more than 30 percent of the total industrial output. Business tourism: Services development in 2008 has speeded up, and become the major force of increasing employment, promoting high-quality goods economy. Year-round service value added is 34.472 billion RMB, up 16.5%. Total amount of retail sales of consumer goods is 26.279 billion RMB, up by 25%, year-on-year increase up 1.7 percent. In 2008, Chancheng has achieved total tourist income of 5.164 billion RMB, up 10.23%, of which tourist foreign exchange income is 185 million USD, up by 9.5%; overnight guests reception is nearly 2.025 million person-time, up by 1.91%. Tourist quality safety supervising is effectively implemented, the tourism industry is of integrity self-discipline, there is no major tourist safety and quality accident during a year. Agriculture: in 2008, rural economic income of Chancheng amounted to 38.332 billion RMB, with an increase of 15.3%; distributable income of farmers is 3.181 billion RMB, an increase of 13.9%; The per capita income of farmer is 10258.9 RMB, an increase of 6.2%. Further establishing and improving rural financial management system, to formulate the 111 Financial Management System of Chancheng Rural Collective Economic Organizations and Accounting System of Chancheng Rural Collective Economic Organizations to ensure normalization and standardization of rural financial publication. Promulgated and implemented Social Endowment Insurance Implementation Plan of Chancheng Rural Cadres and Further Deepening Joint-stock System Reform Plan of Rural Chancheng. The rural comprehensive reform is deepening. Education: by the end of 2008, the kindergarten fulfillment rate reached 57.9% and high grade rate reached 32.77%, with year on year increase by 13.89% and 11.51% respectively. For compulsory education, 96 school have 100% reached the standard of “Standardization Schools of Guangdong Compulsory Education". 62 primary or high schools are of high quality, accounting for 64.58% of the total. Teacher team building is advancing smoothly. First 9 brand schools, 15 brand famous headmasters, and 59 famous school teachers were chosen in September. Same Salary Within Same City policy has been implemented since January 1st. Healthcare: infectious disease condition in 2008 is stable without substantial infectious disease outbreak; Medical units of district level have achieved 5.098 million person-time outpatient services, 39400 discharges from hospital, which have increased year-on-year by 10.03% 11.13% respectively; Maternal and child health care work have further been strengthened, with zero maternal mortality rate and 1.88 ‰ infant mortality, and 98.17 healthcare management of children under 7, 95.48% of maternal health care system management rate, 99.98% of hospital parturition rate. The health system has invested an overall research fund of 1.826 Million RMB, obtained 25 scientific research projects. Since July 1st, Fundamental healthcare insurance system of Chancheng Residents Outpatient Service has been established, which include all urban or rural residents in the scope of outpatient medical insurance system to achieve fundamental objective that everyone has fundamental medical safeguard. Since October 1, fundamental outpatient insurance system for employees has been implemented to signify that Chancheng District has entered the era of comprehensive medical insurance. As of December 31, number of resident basic outpatient insured has reached 176,000 and insured employees reached 348,000. 112 Due Diligence Relevant WWTP Due Diligence EIA Approval for All WWTPs and Current Implementation Status Zhen an WWTP was constructed as early as 1991. Environmental management by that time required only an EA form to be filled for Zhen an WWTP project. The completed form was approved and officially sealed by Foshan EPB, which said it was agreed on the site selection of Zhen an WWTP (March 5th, 1992), however a separate approval document wasn t issued. Except that, all WWTPs has conducted EIA and obtained approval from EPB. Relevant approval and implementation status of the WWTPs is summarized in Table 5.2-1. The summary of approval documents (in table below) focus on environmental management measures instead of quoting applied pollution discharge standards. 113 Table 5.2-1 EIA Approval and Status of Implementation of the WWTPs WWTP Authorized Document No. Time of Key Points in the Approval Document Status of Implementation Project Government Approval Acceptance Department Investigation Spreading of deodorant was adopted to Adopt sufficient control measures at odor control odor; 100 m safety distance was sources; set up at least 100 m of safety Phas set up; low noise equipment was selected Accepted by Foshan EPB F2004-004 2004.02.13 distance; select low noise equipment and e2 and insulation and absorption measures FoShan EPB adopt effective noise mitigation measures; were adopted; sludge was sent to sanitary carry out sludge disposal measures; landfill; Zhen’ Water recycle facility was constructed in Implement water recycle facility; online an phase 3; online monitoring was installed monitoring on final outlet; implement at outlet; biological odor treatment was odor treatment for all phases; set up at Phas Guangdong GDEPB installed at main odor source, reaction Not yet 2006.07.10 least 100 m of safety distance; select low e3 EPB [2006] No. 1008 tank and aeration tank were covered and conducted noise equipment and adopt effective noise implemented odor treatment; sludge is mitigation measures; send sludge to Bai planned to be dewatered and send to Bai Shi Ao landfill for disposal Shi Ao Landfill for disposal 114 biological odor treatment was adopted; Adopt effective measures to mitigate odor 300 m safety distance was set up; low emission; set up 300 m of safety distance; Phas noise equipment was selected and Accepted by Foshan EPB F2005-005 2005.01.31 choose low noise equipment; and adopt e1 insulation and absorption measures were FoShan EPB noise mitigation measures; improve site adopted; sludge is sent to sanitary landfill; Cheng greening over 40% of green coverage bei Covers to main facilities were applied and Apply cover to main facilities and treat biological treatment of odor was Phas Chancheng odor; set up greening buffer zone in Accepted by CB-2009-C10 2009.05.04 implemented; greening buffer zone in e2 District EPB between with Fuxi Village; set up safety FoShan EPB between with Fuxi Village was set up; 100 distance according to the EA report m of safety distance was set up Install online monitoring at outlet; set up Online monitoring was installed at outlet; minimal 300 m of safety distance; apply 300 m of safety distance was set up; effective measures to mitigate biological odor treatment was Accepted by Shaga Phas Guangdong GDEPB environmental impact of odor and 2003.03.06 implemented; low noise equipments were Guangdong ng e1 EPB [2003] No. 156 exhausted gas carrying bacteria; chose selected and insulation and adsorption EPB low noise equipments and adopt effective measures were taken; sludge is sent to noise reduction measures; carry out sanitary landfill sludge disposal Install online monitoring at outlet; set up The project is currently under Nanzh Phas Not yet Foshan EPB F2006-14 2006.04.03 minimal of 150m safety distance; select construction, and environmental uang e1 conducted low noise equipment and apply noise protection measures are to be taken; 115 mitigation measures; carry out sludge disposal 116 Summary of WWTPs Operation and Management 1) Operation and Management of WWTPs and Relevant Standard Procedures All the 4 WWTPs in the scope of this project are currently operated by Foshan Water Group and implementing a same set of management procedures. In daily operation, WWTP operation company focus on the control of inlet and outlet water quality and sludge quality, and implements emergency response measures to different breakdowns and accidents. Foshan Water Group has established a set of management procedures and emergency response plan, main documentations include: 1) Standard Procedure on Control Parameters and Frequency of Wastewater, Sludge Monitoring (FSX/WI033) 2) WWTP Discharge Standard (FSX/WI055) 3) Standard Working Procedure of the Central Laboratory (FSX/WI057) 4) Standard Procedure of Sampling and Sample Management (FSX/WI058) 5) Standard Procedure of Data Statistical Analysis and Control (FSX/WI061) 6) Emergency Plan on Inlet Water Quality Exceeding Design Maximum Allowed Loading (FSX/WI024) 7) Emergency Plan on Non-compliance Discharge (FSX/WI143) 8) Reporting System (FSX/WI032) 2) Data Recording WWTP operater keeps original data recording daily monitoring and equipment maintenance records, and carry out statistical analysis of the data. Relevant documentations include: 1 Daily Testing Form of Central Lab 2 Monthly Testing Form of WWTP 3 Quarterly Testing Form of WWTP 4 Original Record of COD 117 5 Original Record of MLSS and SV 6 Original Record of SS 7 Original Record of Sludge Microscopic Check 8 Original Record of TDS and TS 9 Original Record of NH4-N 10 Original Record of BOD5 11 Original Record of Sludge Water content 12 Original Record of TN 13 Original Record of TP 14 Original Record of Cl- 15 Original Record of MLVSS 16 Original Record of pH, DO, color 17 Original Record of NO2-N 18 Original Record of NO3-N 19 Original Record of Fecal Coliform 20 Calibration and Maintenance Record of Testing Instruments 21 Equipment Repair Record 22 Wastewater and Sludge Testing Parameters and Frequency 3) Water quality, Sludge quality monitoring frequency and main testing parameters WWTP Operation Company’s central lab is responsible for testing inlet and outlet water quality. Major control parameters include COD, SS, NH4-N, BOD5, TN, TP, Cl-, pH, DO, Color, Fecal Coliform. Testing frequency is 4 times a day. Foshan EPB has installed online monitoring instruments at each WWTP outlet to monitor volume and quality of the treated wastewater. The monitoring parameters are COD and flow rate. 118 Foshan EPB has assigned Guangzhou Drainage Monitoring Station to carry out regular test on sludge quality. Testing items include Cd Hg Pb Cr As Cu Zn Ni B CN- TOC K T-P. The test is carried out 1~2 times a year. 4) Monitoring on Ambient Environmental Quality Water quality of the receiving water body, ambient air quality and acoustic environment monitoring is carried out by Foshan EPB in line with routine environmental quality monitoring activities. Pollution Emission Monitoring Data from Existing WWTPs 1 Water Pollution According to government EIA approval, Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTP should comply with Municipal WWTP Pollution Discharge Standard (GB18918-2002) Class II and Guangdong Water Pollution Discharge Limit (DB44/26-2001) Class II for Municipal WWTP. Table 5.2-2 Water Pollution Discharge Standard Unit mg/L Limits CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N Zhen’an, Shagang, WWTP 60 30 30 25 Chengbei Table 5.2-3 WWTP Treated Effluent Water Quality Monitoring Data (Unit:mg/l) Pollutant CODcr BOD5 SS NH4-N 2010.05 10 1.0 8 0.132 Zhen’an 2009.11 17 2 9 0.202 2009.08 15 4.8 9 1.171 Shagang 2009.11 13 2 6 0.108 2010.05 18 1.7 10 0.543 Chengbei 2009.11 23 2 7 0.618 Standard 60 30 30 25 Range of Actual 10 23 1.0 4.8 6 10 0.108 1.171 Monitoring Figure Percentage of Max Concentration 38.3% 16.0% 33.3% 4.7% Compared to Standard 2 Air Pollution 119 According to government EIA approval, Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTP should comply with Municipal WWTP Pollution Discharge Standard (GB18918-2002) Class II and Odor Pollution Discharge Standard (GB14554-93) Class II for newly built and expanded plants. The limit values are shown in the Table below: Table 5.2-4 Non-point Source Air Pollution Discharge Limits (Unit: mg/m3) Discharge No. Pollutant GB 18918 2002 GB14554-93 Limits 1 H2 S 0.06 0.06 0.06 2 NH3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Odor Intensity 3 20 20 20 (Nondimensional Parameter) Historical data shows that air pollution at the boundary of Zhen’an Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs all complied with discharge standards. Historical data is summarized in the table below. Table 5.2-5 Monitoring of Air Pollution at WWTPs’ Boundary (Unit: mg/l) NH3 H2S Odor Intensity Pollutants (Nondimensional Parameter) Zhen’an North 0.79 Not detected <10 Side Boundary Zhen’an South 2005.12 0.13 0.03 <10 Side Boundary Shagang East 0.80 Not detected <10 Side Boundary Chengbei South 2007.07 0.015~0.020 Not detected <10 Side Boundary Chengbei South 2007.09 Not detected~0.018 Not detected~0.014 <10 Side Boundary Standards 1.5 0.06 20 Range of Actual Monitoring Not detected~0.79 Not detected~0.014 <10 Figure Percentage of Max Concentration Compared to 52.7% 23.3% <50% Standard 3 Noise According to government EIA approval, Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTP should comply with Noise Standards at Factory Boundary GB12348-2008 Class II, i.e. <=60 dB(A) during daytime, and <=50 dB(A) during nights. Monitoring data during this research shows that noise level at the boundary of Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs all complied with standards. Monitoring figures are shown in the table below. Table 5.2-6 Current Noise Level (Unit: dB(A)) 120 Time and Value 2010.11.23 2010.11.24 Monitoring Points Daytime Night-time Daytime Night-time East side boundary of Zhen’an 53.1 46.4 53.9 47.1 South side boundary of Zhen’an 52.6 45.5 53.1 45.5 West side boundary of Zhen’an 52.6 46.7 52.7 46.5 North side boundary of Zhen’an 54.6 48.5 56.5 47.5 Northeast side boundary of Shagang 57.4 47.5 57.1 48.3 South side boundary of Shagang 57.1 47.2 56.9 47.7 Northwest side boundary of Shagang 57.9 48.9 56.3 47.1 Southeast side boundary of Chengbei 49.8 43.5 51.2 44.2 South side boundary of Shagang 52.1 44.6 52.5 43.7 West side boundary of Shagang 57.1 49.1 56.3 47.2 Northeast side boundary of Shagang 56.3 47.6 57.4 46.3 GB3096-2008 Class II 60 50 60 50 4 Sludge Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs generate around 220t/d (counted as 80% water content) sludge. Currently, belt filter press or sludge centrifuge are used to dewater the sludge to water content of 75~80%. Treated sludge is sent to Zhaoqing Yunan Landfill (240 km away) for final disposal. According to historical record from 2006~2010, sludge from Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTP contains farely high level of heavy metal, but it still complied with quality standard for mixed landfill. Moreover, project owner assigned professional agency to conduct leaching test for sludge from Chancheng district WWTP. Relevant parameters all comply with standards in Hazardous Wastes Identification Test – Leaching Toxicity Test (GB50810.3-2007), i.e. it isn’t categoried as hazardous wastes (see Chapter 3.1 for details). Governmental Approval and Implementation Status of “Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project” 1 Governmental Approval Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project is a sub-project of the World Bank Financed Guangdong Pearl River Delta Urban Environment Project (II) . According to the Feasibility Study, the project consists of building a centralized sludge treatment plant with 400 t/d of capacity (calculated based on 80% moisture content) in 121 Nanzhuang WWTP in Chancheng District. The project aims to use Thermal Drying Technology to reach the purpose of Volume Reduction, Decontamination and stabilization so as to avoid secondary pollution from the sludge to the surrounding environment. The project was planned to invest 131 million RMB, among which 10.7 million USD would be financed by the World Bank and the remaining would be from the company itself or bank loan. The PIU assigned Zhongshan University in 2006 to develop the EA report for “PRD(II) Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project”, and obtained Guangdong EPB approval on July 10th, 2006 (GDEPB [2006] No. 1011). The approval document agreed that the project would be built in Luonan Village in East South of Chancheng District using “fluid-bed drying process” to treat municipal WWTP sludge from Zhen’an, Dongpu, Shagang, Chengbei, Nanzhuang WWTPs and some from WWTPs outside of Chancheng District. The total treatment capacity is 400 t/d (with 80% moisture content), and production rate of dry sludge (10% moisture content) is 87 t/d of. Dried sludge will be sent to Bai Shi Ao landfill in Gaoming Miao Village. Feasibility Study Report of this project has also obtained approval from Guangdong Development and Reform Commission on August 28th, 2006. 2 Requirements and Cotnrol Measures for Environmental Protection According to “Environmental Impact Assessment for the Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project (PRD Urban Environment Project II)” and No 1011 government notice issued by GDEPB in 2006, the requirements for environmental protection include: 1) Discharge wastewater into Nanzhuang WWTP for treatment and compliant discharge into river body; total wastewater volume is 7455.7t/d; 2) Use natural gas as fuel source; adopt odor control measures; conduct insulation during sludge storage and transporation; and conduct waste treatment before final waste disposal; 3) Adopt vibration reduction, noise isolation, noise absorpotion, muffling and etc. to mitigate noise pollution; adopt vibration reduction device at pump base, insulate pumping station, select low noise level compressor and adopt vibration reduction and muffler; 4) Properly arrange equipment layout and apply greening to reduce noise; 5) Apply deodorization and detoxification treatment to dry sludge then ship by insulated trucks to Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming for final landfill disposal; 122 6) Clean and ship out domestic garbage in time to Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming, conduct disinfection and apply pesticides in garbage onsite piling area; 7) Apply 100 m safety distance. 3 Project Implementation Status The project site is within the boundary of Nanzhuang WWTP phase 1 site. Currently, Nanzhuang WWTP has started construction. But this project hasn t yet conducted in detailed engineering design, and no actual construction taken place. Large Industrial Enterprises within the Wastewater Collection Areas of each WWTP According to research data, many large industrial enterprises have already been closed or relocated from Chancheng District to the suburban areas. Information from Chancheng District EPB shows that there were 31 large industrial enterprises in Chancheng District in 2009 (see Table 2.2-10), which all are located in Nanzhuang catchment area and will be closed or relocated within 1~2 years. Therefore, by year 2009 there were no more large industries within the catchment area of Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs. It is estimated that by 2012 when Nanzhuang WWTP is put into use there will be no more large industries operating in the catchment area. According to information from Chancheng District EPB, the 8 enterprises discharged industrial wastewater compliant with discharge standards, and the rest of companies all realized Zero Liquid Discharge . Named companies above had no record of violations of environmental protection laws and regulations during year 2009. Table 5.2-2 Wastewater Discharge from Large Industries in Chancheng District Industrial Wastewater 10,000 t/a Wastewater Pollution Loading t/a Treated Wastewater Compliance Volatile Wastewater Discharge Discharge COD NH4-N Oil Phenolic CN- Name of the Company Volume Volume Volume compounds Foshan Rongmei Industry Ltd. 43000 43000 43000 6259 742.7 123 Foshan Xingfa Innovation Co., 650800 605000 605000 18816 10698 680.6 60.5 2.4 Ltd. Foshan Shenfang (United) Ltd. 9360 9360 9360 6664 0.9 28.1 Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing 21682 21682 21682 787.1 1.3 2.2 Ltd. Foshan Hualian Xiwa Ltd. 28178 28178 28178 619.9 140.9 Foshan Nanzhuang Heng’an 223000 223000 223000 11936 16.7 Textile Ltd. Foshan Xinmingzhu Sanitary 15000 3800 3800 117.8 0.2 Appliance Ltd. Foshan Chancheng Guangyu 21682 21682 21682 604.9 0.2 8.7 2.2 0.7 Aluminum Ltd. Foshan Chancheng Xingtou Qunxing Ceramic Factory 265000 — — — — — — — Foshan Huisheng Ceramic Ltd. 157371 — — — — — — — Foshan Liangjian Ceramic Ltd. 104208 — — — — — — — Guangdong Qianghui Ceramic Ltd. 60000 — — — — — — — Foshan Yingji Ceramic Ltd. 211608 — — — — — — — Foshan Jintuo Ceramic Ltd. 3240000 — — — — — — — Foshan Baoshima Ceramic Ltd. 150000 — — — — — — — Foshan Guangzhu Ceramic Ltd. 285000 — — — — — — — Guangdong Nengqiang Ceramic Ltd. 256570 — — — — — — — Foshan Xinjiaxiang Ceramic Ltd. 144000 — — — — — — — Guangdong Junshi Ceramic Ltd. 152000 — — — — — — — Foshan Jiataomei Ceramic Ltd. 10256 — — — — — — — Foshan Xinhengyue Ceramic Ltd. 50000 — — — — — — — Foshan Juzhimei Ceramic Ltd. 247593 — — — — — — — Foshan Ouyu Ceramic Ltd. 93000 — — — — — — — Foshan Wei’erda Ceramic Ltd. 36000 — — — — — — — Foshan Jianxing Ceramic Ltd. 143200 — — — — — — — Foshan Dengke Ceramic Ltd. 156789 — — — — — — — Foshan Shuangxi Ceramic Ltd. 94650 — — — — — — — No. 2 Plant of Foshan Rongzhou Construction Ceramic Ltd. 90000 — — — — — — — Foshan Yuexiang Ceramic Ltd. 16154 — — — — — — — Foshan Samite Ceramic Ltd. 128432 — — — — — — — Foshan Hengnuo Ceramic Ltd. 135000 — — — — — — — 124 Sludge Sanitary Landfill Site Due Diligence 1 Summary Bai Shi Ao Sanitary Landfill in Gaoming Miao Village is a licensed garbage detoxification disposal facility. This project was approved by Guangdong EPB (GDEPB, 2002 No. 658 Notice) and Guangdong DRC (GDDRC, 2002 No. 1221 Notice), and started operation in 2005. According to information provided by the design institute, the project covers 1433 MU land with a design capacity of 24 million m3 and design service life of 30 years. By 2010, the landfill treated 3000 t/d of garbage, and had total treatment of 3 million t occupying 2.4 million m3 of capacity. It can continue to operate for another 27 years with a daily treatment volume of 3000 t. The landfill is operated by ONXY. As described in the BOT contract of Gaoming Bai Shi Ao Sanitary Landfill, the site has to accept and treat municipal WWTP sludge in Foshan city. Foshan Water Group has come to a preliminiary agreement with ONXY regarding treatment of sludge in Bai Shi Ao Landfill. Sludge will be accepted by the landfill when sludge quality meets key control limit of the landfill, especially water content under 60%. On March 10th 2011, Foshan Water Group signed MOU with ONXY regarding sludge landfill disposal. ONXY agreed to accept 100~150 t/d of sludge from this project with water content under 60%. 2 Environment Protection Facilities and Corresponding Management Measures According data from construction unit, EIA of Gaoming Baishiao Sanitation Landfill was approved by Guangdong Provincial Environment Protection Bureau GD Env. Letter No.[2002]658 . Environment management requirement of environment approval and the implementation by Baishiao Landfill are listed below: Table 5.2-3 Environment Protection Facilities in Baishiao Sanitation Landfill Major requirement GD Env. Letter No. Implementation No.[2002]658 10-7cm/s double layer liner system should 1 be adopted for the landfill bottom, with Implemented in the design and construction permeability coefficient less than 10-7cm/s Construction of leachate treatment facilities with capacity no less than 700m3/d and with Implemented in the design and construction 2 capacity of regulating reservoir no less than of wastewater treatment plant 9000 m3 125 gas collection, recover and reuse; gas gas collection network has been installed 3 should be treated before discharge if it is and burned not suitable for recover or reuse Low noise level equipments should be Low noise level equipments are selected selected and measures such as sound and measures such as sound insulation, 4 insulation, vibration reduction and noise vibration reduction and noise elimination elimination adopted and adopted implementation of specialization special trucks are adopted for waste 5 management to avoid environment transport and transport regulation has been pollution during transportation established accident emergency plan has been accident prevention and emergency plan 6 established and emergency facilities have should be established and implemented been equipped. online monitoring equipments should be set 7 installed up for the wastewater discharge point 500m width of sanitation safety distance is More than 500m of width of sanitation set up, there is no village, residential 8 safety distance should be set up community and other sensitive objects within. 3 Statistical Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Records At Bai Shi Ao Landfill, 4 times a year of environmental monitoring including air quality, water and ground water quality, leachate, soil and noise, are conducted on landfill site and surrounding sensitive areas. According record during Sept. 2010 provided by Bai Shi Ao Landfill, air quality at all sensitive points complied with standards; landfill leachate was treated and compliant discharge; noise level at site boundaries was compliant with standards; soil quality at landfill site and sensitive points all met standards; 2 out of 8 parameters (H2S, odor) measured within landfill and 2 monitoring points at site boundary exceeded standards for air quality; water quality within landfill site met standards except NH4-N, although it didn’t’ affect surface water environment since such water was all used in greening onsite; ground water quality monitored at 8 well mostly met standards except pH, color and Coliform. Statistical analysis of monitoring data is shown below: 1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Result The results show that all parameters at sensitive points (2#, 3#) were compliant. H2S and odor level at gas collection in landfill site (1#) and Zone 1 boundary (4#) 126 exceeded standards. It is concluded that odor released from landfill has caused some impact to air quality on site and at site boundary but very little to sensitive points in surrounding areas. 127 Table 5.2-4 Landfill Site Air Quality Monitoring Data (unit: mg/m3) Number Monitoring Range of No. of Non- Parameter of Limits Point Concentration compliance Sample NH3 20 0.241~0.493 1.5 0 H2S 20 0.041~0.102 0.06 14 1# Landfill Site Odor 5 70~83 20 5 Gas SO2 20 0.043~0.116 0.5 0 Collection NO2 20 0.055~0.102 0.24 0 Inlet CO 20 1.688~4.500 10 0 TSP 5 0.205~0.238 0.3 0 NH3 20 0.046~0.150 1.0 0 H2S 20 Not dectected 0.03 0 2# Odor 5 Not dectected 20 0 Lu Dong SO2 20 0.023~0.93 0.15 0 Mountain Forestry Park NO2 20 0.025~0.098 0.12 0 CO 20 0.650~1.388 10 0 TSP 5 0.095~0.116 0.12 0 NH3 20 0.047~0.152 1.5 0 H2S 20 Not dectected 0.06 0 Odor 5 Not dectected 20 0 3# SO2 20 0.025~0.096 0.5 0 Miao Village NO2 20 0.041~0.106 0.24 0 CO 20 0.725~1.313 10 0 TSP 5 0.096~0.133 0.3 0 NH3 20 0.342~0.558 1.5 0 H2S 20 0.027~0.087 0.06 6 4# Odor 5 32~41 20 5 Landfill Zone SO2 20 0.041~0.108 0.5 0 1 Boundary NO2 20 0.045~0.115 0.24 0 CO 20 1.063~2.538 10 0 TSP 5 0.169~0.195 0.3 0 2 Treated Leachate Quality Monitoring Results Monitoring point for treated leachate is located at outlet of the leachate treatment platn. Discharge limit for pH is quoted from “Guangdong Water Pollution Discharge Standard” (DB44/26-2001) Table 4: Maximum Allowed Concentration Class I for 2nd Category of Pollutant. Limits for other parameters are quoted from “Domestic 128 Garbage Landfill Pollution Control Standard” (BG16889-2008) Table 2: Maximum Allowed Water Pollutant Concentration from Existing and New Domestic Landfill. Monitoring data shows that treated leachate complied with relevant standards. Table 5.2-5 Treated Leachate Water Quality Monitoring Data (unit: mg/l, except pH and color, Coliform: count/l) Item pH Color SS CODcr BOD5 HN4-N Coliform Monitoring 7.52 4 6 78 18.8 5.86 <100 Data Standard 6~9 40 30 100 30 25 10000 Limit 3 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Results Monitoring point for surface water is located at outlet of the oxidization ditch in the landfill site. “National Surface Water Quality Standard” (GB3838-2002) Class II standard is applied. Monitoring figures show that all parameters except NH4-N are compliant with the standard. Table 5.2-5 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Data (Unit: mg/l, exept pH, Coliform: counts/l) Item pH CODcr BOD5 HN4-N TN TP Monitoring 7.52 20 1.4 1.753 2.57 0.07 Figure Standard Limits 6~9 20 4 1.0 1.0 0.2 6+ Item Pb Cr Cd Hg As Coliform Monitoring Not Not Not 0.00012 0.0020 5200 Figure detected detected detected Standard 0.05 0.05 0.005 0.0001 0.05 10000 Limits 4 Gound Water Monitoring Results 10 well were drilled in the landfill site, among which 2 didn’t meet requirements for water quality monitoring. Therefore ground water quality monitoring was conducted at 8 points. “National Gound Water Quality Standard” (GB 14848-1993) Class III Standard was adopted. All parameters except pH, color and coliform were compliant with the standard. 129 Table 5.2-5 Ground Water Quality Monitoring Data (Unit: mg/l, exept pH, color, coliform: counts/l) Percentage of actual Rate of non- Item Monitoring Data Limits measurement compliance in the samples pH 5.82~7.65 6.5~8.5 100% 25% Color 2~40 15 100% 50% Pb 0.00018~0.00595 0.05 100% 0 Cd Not detected~0.00104 0.01 50% 0 6+ Cr Not detected ~0.010 0.05 12.5% 0 As 0.0009~0.0023 0.05 100% 0 Hg Not detected 0.001 0 0 4 6 Coliform 2.8×10 ~ 4.4×10 3 100% 100% 5 Soil Monitoring Results “Soil Environmental Quality Standard” (GB 15618-1995) Class II was applied. Samples taken at sensitive points around landfill site were all compliant with the standards. Table 5.2-6 Soil Monitoring Data (unit: mg/Kg) Item Monitoring Points Soil Type Hg As Cd Cr Pb Downstream of 0.020 10.2 0.14 37 80 oxidation ditch Sand Soil West side of Lu (reddish 0.041 12.3 0.11 45 97 Dong Forestry Park brown) Side of leachate 0.081 10.0 0.11 12 90 adjustment tank Limits 0.5 30 0.30 200 300 6 Site Boundary Noise Level Monitoring Results Noise level monitoring point was set at boundary of landfill Zone 1. “Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary” (GB 12348-2008) Class II standard was applied. The monitoring results show noise levels during daytime and nighttime at site boundary were all compliant with the standard. Table 5.2-7 Noise Level at Site Boundary (Unit: dB) Monitoring Point Date Daytime Leq Night-time Leq Landfill Zone 1 2010.9.15 52.8 48.5 130 boundary Limit Value 60 50 Environmental Baseline Assessment Water Environment Status Monitoring and Assessment Water Environment Status Monitoring 1 Monitoring and assessment scope According to requirements in the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment – Surface Water Environment HJ/T2.3-93 , water environment assessment scope of pollution receiving water bodies from WWTPs such as Foshan Creek, Foshan Waterway, Jili Creek is selected as the water(aquatic?) environment baseline assessment scope. 2 Setting of monitoring sections According to requirements in the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment – Surface Water Environment HJ/T2.3-93 , monitoring sections are set up in pollution receiving water bodies such as Foshan Creek, Foshan Waterway, Jili Creek, Fengshou Creek. Since Nanzhuang WWTP is under construction, and recent quality of Jili Creek does not have big change, historical monitoring data is collected instead. Setting of monitoring sections is shown in Table 6.1-1 and Figure1.8-1. Table 6.1-1 Ambient water status monitoring section setting Section Section location River Remark number 1500m upstream of discharge point of 1# monitoring result Zhen’an WWTP Foshan Creek in November 800m downstream of discharge point of 2# 2010 Zhen’an WWTP 3# Zhongshan Bridge Monitoring data Foshan 4# Hongjiao Water Gate collection of Waterway 5# Wensha Bridge 2010 6# Luonan Jili Creek Monitoring data 131 1.5km before Jili Creek influx into collection of 7# Tanzhou Waterway 2009 3 Monitoring time, frequency First phase of site monitoring (when was the second phase?) was conducted in November 2010 in Foshan Creek and Fengshou Creek with continuous 3 day sampling and 2 sample a day(tide and ebb). Water quality monitoring data of Foshan Waterway and Jili Creek in 2009 is also collected for analysis. Sampling, sample preservation and analysis is conducted according to the method specified in Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-88-2002) and Monitoring and Analysis Method of Water and Wastewater (4th edition). Specific analysis method and minimum detection limit of each water quality monitoring parameter are shown in Table 4.1-2. 4 Monitoring parameters 9 analysis parameters of monitoring sections of Foshan Creek in 2010 are water temperature, pH, SS, DO, BOD5, COD, NH4-N, oil, TP. 4 monitoring parameters of Foshan Waterway in 2010 are COD, DO, NH4-N and TP; 13 monitoring parameters of Jili Creek are water temperature, pH, DO, COD, BOD5, LAS, NH4-N, TP, volatile phenol, oil, sulfide, copper, hexavalent chromium. 5 Statistics of monitoring results Monitoring result is shown in Table 6.1-2. Table 6.1-2 Water quality analysis method and minimum detection limit Detection threshhold No. Parameters Analysis method (mg L) water 1 The thermometer measurement —— temperature 2 pH Glass electrode method 0.01pH 3 DO iodometry 0.2 4 SS gravimetric method 4 132 5 CODCr Dichromate method 5 6 BOD5 dilution and seeding method 0.5 7 Oil infrared spectrophotometry 0.1 8 NH4-N Nessler’s reagent colorimetric method 0.03 Ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric 9 TP 0.01 method After distillation by means of 4-AAP spectro- 10 Volatile phenol 0.005 photometric method Table 6.1-3 Statistics of monitoring results (Foshan Creek) unit: mg/L Water Time Section temperature pH SS DO BOD5 CODCr NH3-N Oil TP 1#—tide 22.0 6.87 23 5.4 2.7 <10 0.20 0.02 0.12 1#—ebb 22.5 6.93 25 5.3 2.4 <10 0.18 0.03 0.14 11.22 2#—tide 22.1 7.12 20 5.3 2.6 <10 0.13 0.02 0.13 2#—ebb 22.5 7.03 22 5.2 2.8 <10 0.13 0.04 0.14 1#—tide 21.5 6.93 24 5.2 2.7 <10 0.28 0.03 0.10 1#—ebb 22.0 6.95 22 5.5 2.6 <10 0.33 0.03 0.13 11.23 Not 2#—tide 21.5 7.20 26 5.7 2.8 <10 0.12 0.14 detected 2#—ebb 22.0 7.14 24 5.6 2.9 <10 0.11 0.02 0.15 Not 1#—tide 20.8 7.01 23 5.7 3.2 <10 0.15 0.16 detected 11.24 1#—ebb 21.5 7.03 25 5.5 2.7 <10 0.21 0.03 0.15 2#—tide 20.8 7.14 24 5.8 2.7 <10 0.10 0.02 0.14 2#—ebb 21.5 7.21 23 5.6 2.5 <10 0.16 0.04 0.15 Table 6.1-4 Statistics of monitoring results (Foshan Waterway) unit: mg/L Time Section DO CODCr NH3-N TP 3#—tide 4.9 14.5 0.51 0.18 4#—tide 3.7 16.7 0.91 0.22 5#—tide 2.8 33.3 2.34 0.31 2010.8.4 3#—ebb 4.4 12.9 1.04 0.25 4#—ebb 3.1 12.3 1.39 0.27 5#—ebb 2.2 17.5 1.72 0.28 133 134 Table 6.1-5 Statistics of monitoring results (Jili Creek) unit: mg/L No. Monitoring result (mg/L, except pH and otherwise specified) Sampling NH4- Volatile Time pH CODcr BOD5 SS DO Oil TP point N phenol 6#—tide 7.31 25.4 12.0 70 2.32 0.40 0.05 0.10 0.002L 6#—ebb 7.33 29.0 13.8 68 2.00 0.56 0.09 0.11 0.002L 2009.5.16 7#—tide 7.73 16.5 5.1 61 3.37 0.23 0.12 0.04 0.002L 7#—ebb 7.62 17.8 6.8 70 3.09 0.35 0.15 0.04 0.002L 6#—tide 7.24 25.0 11.2 67 2.30 0.35 0.04 0.10 0.002L 6#—ebb 7.30 28.5 14.3 62 2.01 0.50 0.08 0.11 0.002L 2009.5.17 7#—tide 7.83 17.1 5.5 68 3.56 0.27 0.13 0.04 0.002L 7#—ebb 7.72 18.4 7.2 76 3.20 0.39 0.16 0.05 0.002L 6#—tide 7.34 25.7 12.0 72 2.20 0.42 0.06 0.16 0.002L 6#—ebb 7.38 29.3 15.1 68 1.95 0.57 0.09 0.12 0.002L 2009.5.16 7#—tide 7.84 17.5 5.7 69 3.44 0.28 0.14 0.04 0.002L 7#—ebb 7.75 18.6 7.5 78 3.14 0.41 0.18 0.05 0.002L Water Quality Baseline Assessment 1 Assessment Criteria According to the “Guangdong Province Surface Water Environment Functional Zoning” (Guangdong EPB [1999] No. 553) Class III water quality standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-88-2002) is applied to Jili Creek, class IV water quality standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-88-2002) is applied to Xiebian Creek, Foshan Creek, Fengshou Creek and Foshan Waterway. Surface water quality standards for this project are shown in Table 6.1-6. Table 6.1-6 Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-88- 2002) (mg/L, except pH) Class IV standard of GB3838- Parameters Class III standard of GB3838-2002 2002 pH 6 9 6 9 135 DO 3 6 SS 150 150 BOD5 6 4 CODCr 30 20 NH4-N 1.5 1.0 Oil 0.5 0.05 Volatile phenol 0.01 0.005 Sulfide 0.5 0.05 TP 0.3 0.2 2 Assessment method According to the monitoring results, Single water quality index assessment method recommended in Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment HJ/T2.3-93 is adopted. By using standard index method, standard index of single water quality index at j point is: S i , j = C i , j / C S ,i Standard index for DO DO f − DO j S DO j = DO f − DOs DO j ≥ DO S DO j S DOJ = 10 − 9 DOs DO j < DO S Standard index for pH 7.0 − pH j S pH , j = 7.0 − pH sd pHj 7.0 PH j − 7.0 S pH , j = PH su − 7.0 pHj >7.0 where Ci j — monitoring concentration value of assessment parameter i at j point mg/L 136 Cs i — standard limit value of assessment parameter i, mg/L DOj — DO at j point mg/L DOf —saturated dissolved oxygen concentration, mg/L DOf = 468/(31.6+T) T: water temperature pHj —pH at j point pHsd — lower limit of pH in surface water quality standard pHsu—upper limit of pH in surface water quality standard. Water quality index > 1 means the water quality index exceed the standard limits, the bigger the water quality index is, the more seriously the indicator exceed the standard. 3 Assessment result Surface water quality monitoring result is shown in Table 6.1-7 ~ Table 6.1-9, with baseline monitoring results and surface water quality standard. Table 6.1-7 Statistics of monitoring results (Foshan Creek) unit: mg/L Time Section pH SS DO BOD5 CODCr NH3-N Oil TP 1#—tide 0.13 0.15 0.61 0.45 0.33 0.13 0.04 0.40 1#—ebb 0.07 0.17 0.62 0.40 0.33 0.12 0.06 0.47 11.22 2#—tide 0.06 0.13 0.62 0.43 0.33 0.09 0.04 0.43 2#—ebb 0.02 0.15 0.64 0.47 0.33 0.09 0.08 0.47 1#—tide 0.07 0.16 0.64 0.45 0.33 0.19 0.06 0.33 1#—ebb 0.05 0.15 0.59 0.43 0.33 0.22 0.06 0.43 11.23 Not 2#—tide 0.10 0.17 0.56 0.47 0.33 0.08 0.47 Detected 2#—ebb 0.07 0.16 0.57 0.48 0.33 0.07 0.04 0.50 Not 1#—tide 0.01 0.15 0.56 0.53 0.33 0.10 0.53 Detcted 11.24 1#—ebb 0.02 0.17 0.59 0.45 0.33 0.14 0.06 0.50 2#—tide 0.07 0.16 0.54 0.45 0.33 0.07 0.04 0.47 2#—ebb 0.11 0.15 0.57 0.42 0.33 0.11 0.08 0.50 Table 6.1-8 Statistics of monitoring results (Foshan Waterway) unit: mg/L 137 Time Section DO CODCr NH3-N TP 2010.8.4 3#—tide 0.69 0.48 0.34 0.60 4#—tide 0.88 0.56 0.61 0.73 5#—tide 1.60 1.11 1.56 1.03 3#—ebb 0.77 0.43 0.69 0.83 4#—ebb 0.98 0.41 0.93 0.90 5#—ebb 3.40 0.58 1.15 0.93 Table 6.1-9 Statistics of monitoring results (Jili Creek) (unit: mg/L) No. Monitoring result (mg/L, except pH or otherwise specified) Sampling NH4- Volatile Time pH CODcr BOD5 SS DO Oil TP point N phenol Not 6#—tide 0.16 1.27 3.00 0.47 3.04 0.40 1.00 0.50 detected Not 6#—ebb 0.17 1.45 3.45 0.45 4.00 0.56 1.80 0.55 detected 2009.5.16 Not 7#—tide 0.37 0.83 1.28 0.41 0.94 0.23 2.40 0.20 detected Not 7#—ebb 0.31 0.89 1.70 0.47 0.98 0.35 3.00 0.20 detected Not 6#—tide 0.12 1.25 2.80 0.45 3.10 0.35 0.80 0.50 detected Not 6#—ebb 0.15 1.43 3.58 0.41 3.97 0.50 1.60 0.55 detected 2009.5.17 Not 7#—tide 0.42 0.86 1.38 0.45 0.91 0.27 2.60 0.20 detected Not 7#—ebb 0.36 0.92 1.80 0.51 0.97 0.39 3.20 0.25 detected Not 6#—tide 0.17 1.29 3.00 0.48 3.40 0.42 1.20 0.80 detected Not 6#—ebb 0.19 1.47 3.78 0.45 4.15 0.57 1.80 0.60 detected 2009.5.16 Not 7#—tide 0.42 0.88 1.43 0.46 0.93 0.28 2.80 0.20 detected Not 7#—ebb 0.38 0.93 1.88 0.52 0.97 0.41 3.60 0.25 detected 138 As shown in Table 6.1-7, each monitoring parameter of Foshan Creek meets the class IV standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-88- 2002). As shown in Table 6.1-8, only parameters in 5 # section exceed the class IVstandard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-88-2002) during flood tide and ebb tide. The water quality of other sections is good. As shown in Table 6.1-9, of all the monitoring parameters, COD, BOD5, DO and oil in Jili Creek monitoring section exceed the standard, can not meet the class III water quality standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-88- 2002). It is because that Nanzhuang WWTP has not been put into use and the domestic and industrial wastewater is directly discharged into the Creek. Water quality of Jili Creek will improve when Nanzhuang WWTP is constructed and put into operation. Ambient Air Quality Baseline Monitoring and Assessment Ambient Air Quality Baseline Monitoring 1 Assessment monitoring scope According to the characteristics of air pollution emission, dilution and diffusion of this project and the requirement of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment – Ambient Air HJ2.2-2008 , rectangular area with proposed project as the center and side length of 6km is selected as the assessment scope of air quality baseline. 2 Location of monitoring points Monitoring point location setting mainly follows the following principles a. According to the meteorological characteristic during sampling, monitoring points should be located in the downwind direction of the prevailing wind direction. b. Monitoring location in the nearest sensitive points for air pollution c. According to Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment – Ambient Air HJ2.2-2008 , ambient air quality monitoring setting should mainly 139 follow the environment functional area principles and take into account of uniform distribution principles. According to the principles above, and taking into account of full use of historical monitoring data, 6 air quality baseline monitoring points are set up in the nearest sensitive points of each WWTP. Characteristics pollutants of this project are monitored. Regular monitoring data and historical monitoring data of Chancheng District are also collected to reflect situation of regular parameters such as SO2, NO2 and PM10. Monitoring points are shown in Table 6.2-1 and Figure 1.7-1. Table 6.2-1 Setting of Air Quality Baseline Monitoring Points Location of monitoring No. Parameters Remark point 1# Nanhai Art High 1# NH3 H2S Odor School 2# 2# Guabuxun Village monitoring data 3# Shagang Village 3# NH3 H2S Committee 4# 4# Aochong Village EIA report of Shuixiang New Town in 5# 5# Nanzhuang Chancheng – ecological greening project in east SO2 NO2 and PM10 district (2009) Data collection of regular monitoring data Other regular air monitoring of Chancheng District data of 2009 3 Monitoring and analysis method Technical Specification of Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Method and Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) are adopted as the monitoring and analysis method. See table 6.2-2. Table 6.2-2 Analysis method for air quality baseline monitoring Parameters Analysis method detection threshhold Odor triangle odor bag method 10 non-dimensional 140 Methylene blue spectrophotometric H2S method 0.001mg/m3 NH3 Nessler reagent spectrophotometric 0.01mg/m3 method N (1 naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride colorimetric method NO2 0.015 method pararosaniline hydrochloride SO2 0.007 spectrophotometric method PM10 flow sampling, gravimetric method 0.001 4 Monitoring time and frequency According to the Technical Guideline of requirement of Environmental Impact Assessment - Air Environment (HJ2.2-2008), first phase monitoring was conducted in November 2010. Except for WWTPs itself, there are no other enterprises around with NH3, H2S as characteristic pollutant. WWTPs are running smoothly, with stable emission of characteristic pollutant. According to the guideline requirement that " monitoring days can be reduced if there is no project around in the assessment area with the same characteristic pollutants", the monitoring arrangements for each characteristic pollutant, ie NH3, H2S and odor is: continuous sampling for 3 days with 4 samplings each day (Beijing time 02, 08, 14, 20). Meteorological observation was conducted to record temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction, wind speed and rain etc during sampling. WWTPs were in normal production condition during monitoring. For monitoring data collection of regular parameters such as SO2, NO2 and PM10, monitoring time should not be less than 7 days. 5 Statistics of Monitoring Results Monitoring data is shown in Table 6.2-3, meteorological data in Table 6.2-4. 141 Table 6.2-3 Current Air Quality Monitoring Results (units: mg/m3) No. Sampling time SO2 NO2 PM10 NH3 H2S Odor 02:00 / / / / / 08:00 / / / / / November / Not 22 14:00 / / 0.06 0.001 Detected 20:00 / / 0.05 0.001 11 Not 02:00 / / 0.06 0.001 Detected November 08:00 / / / 0.06 0.001 10 23 14:00 / / 0.05 0.001 10 1# 20:00 / / 0.08 0.002 11 Nanhai Not Art High 02:00 / / 0.06 0.002 Detected School November 08:00 / / / 0.04 0.001 11 24 14:00 / / 0.05 0.001 10 20:00 / / 0.07 0.002 12 Not 02:00 / / 0.09 0.001 Detected November Not 08:00 / / / 0.06 0.001 25 Detected 14:00 / / / / / 20:00 / / / / / 2# 02:00 / / / / / Guabuxu November 08:00 / / / / / / n Village 22 14:00 / / 0.04 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.04 0.002 / 02:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / November 08:00 / / 0.02 0.001 / / 23 14:00 / / 0.01 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.06 0.002 / 02:00 / / 0.02 0.001 / Not November 08:00 / / 0.002 / / Detected 24 14:00 / / 0.01 0.002 / 20:00 / / 0.05 0.002 / 142 No. Sampling time SO2 NO2 PM10 NH3 H2S Odor 02:00 / / 0.05 0.001 / November 08:00 / / 0.05 0.002 / / 25 14:00 / / / / / 20:00 / / / / / No. Sampling time SO2 NO2 PM10 NH3 H2S Odor 02:00 / / / / / November 08:00 / / / / / / 22 14:00 / / 0.05 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.03 0.002 / 02:00 / / 0.04 0.001 / November 08:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / / 3# 23 14:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / Shagang 20:00 / / 0.06 0.001 / village Not 02:00 / / 0.03 / committ Detected November ee 08:00 / / / 0.03 0.002 / 24 14:00 / / 0.02 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.04 0.001 / 02:00 / / 0.05 0.001 / November 08:00 / / 0.06 0.002 / / 25 14:00 / / / / / 20:00 / / / / / 4# 02:00 / / / / / Aochong November 08:00 / / / / / / village 22 14:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / 02:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / November 08:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / / 23 14:00 / / 0.04 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.05 0.004 / 02:00 / / 0.03 0.001 / November 08:00 / / 0.02 0.001 / / 24 14:00 / / 0.04 0.001 / 20:00 / / 0.05 0.003 / 143 02:00 / / 0.03 0.002 / November 08:00 / / 0.04 0.002 / / 25 14:00 / / / / / 20:00 / / / / / May 14, 2009 0.091 0.066 0.118 / / / May 15, 2009 0.084 0.094 0.113 / / / 5# May 16, 2009 0.081 0.078 0.107 / / / Nanzhua May 17, 2009 0.089 0.053 0.104 / / / ng May 18, 2009 0.089 0.081 0.109 / / / May 19, 2009 0.089 0.09 0.114 May 20, 2009 0.086 0.079 0.102 / / / Average value of Chancheng 0.039 0.052 0.066 / / / District in 2009 Table 6.2-4 Meteorological data summary during sampling Air Air Wind Monitoring environment Wind Weather temperature pressure speed time parameters direction condition ( ) (kPa) (m/s) 2:00~3:00 —— —— —— —— —— November 8:00~9:00 —— —— —— —— —— 22 14:00~15:00 25 100.2 NE 1.5 sunny 20:00~21:00 22 100.3 N 1.6 sunny 2:00~3:00 20 100.4 NE 0.5 sunny November 8:00~9:00 23.5 100.5 N 0.8 sunny 23 14:00~15:00 26 100.2 NE 1.2 sunny 20:00~21:00 22 100.3 NE 1 sunny 2:00~3:00 20.5 100.5 NE 1.2 sunny November 8:00~9:00 23 100.3 NE 0.8 overcast 24 14:00~15:00 26 100.2 NE 0.6 sunny 20:00~21:00 22 100.4 C C overcast 2:00~3:00 20 100.4 N 1.6 overcast November 8:00~9:00 23 100.3 NE 1.3 sunny 25 14:00~15:00 —— —— —— —— —— 20:00~21:00 —— —— —— —— —— 144 6 Monitoring results for air pollutants at boundaries Based upon previous data, analysis on concentrations of air pollutants at boundaries of WWTPs was performed as detailed in table 6.2-5. Table 6.2-5 Monitoring data on concentrations of air pollutants at boundaries of WWTPs Unit: mg/l Type of Air Pollutants NH3 H2S Odor Concentration North boundary of 0.79 not detected <10 Zhen’an WWTP South 2005.12 boundary of 0.13 0.03 <10 Zhen’an WWTP East boundary not detected of Shagang 0.80 <10 WWTP South not detected boundary of 2007.07 0.015~0.020 <10 Chengbei WWTP South boundary of not detected 2007.09 not detected ~0.018 <10 Chengbei ~0.014 WWTP Standard applied 1.5 0.06 20 Concentration test range not detected ~0.79 not detected~0.014 <10 Maximum compliance 52.7% 23.3% <50% percentage Air Quality Baseline Assessment 1 Assessment standard Air quality assessment standards is shown in table 6.2-5. Table 6.2-5 Ambient Air Quality Standard (unit mg/m3) Concentration Pollutant Time span Standards limit 1 Hour average 0.50 SO2 daily average 0.15 class 2 standard of Ambient Air Quality 1 Hour average 0.24 NO2 Standard (GB30912.1-1996) daily average 0.12 PM10 daily average 0.15 145 NH3 once 0.20 Hygiene Standards for Industrial H2S once 0.01 Enterprises Design (TJ36-79) class 2 of boundary standard of the Odor -- 20 Odor Pollutant Emission Standard 2 Assessment result According to current status monitoring data and historical monitoring data, monitoring result of SO2, NO2 and PM10 in the assessment area meet the class 2 standard of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB30912.1-1996) and its amendment list; Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide meet the standard of Hygiene Standards for Industrial Enterprises Design (TJ36-79); Concentration of odor meet the class 2 of boundary standard of the Odor Pollutant Emission Standard. As indicated by previous monitoring data, concentrations of air pollutants at boundaries of Zhen’an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs could meet the requirements of relevant standards. Acoustic Environmental Quality baseline Monitoring and Assessment Acoustic Environmental Quality baseline Monitoring 1 Setting of Monitoring Points According to noise sources distribution and location of sensitive points around the plants, according to the requirement of Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment of Acoustic Environment (HJ2.4-2009), monitoring points are set up at boundary of each WWTP nearby the location of sludge dewatering project. 2 Monitoring time and frequency First phase monitoring was conducted in November 2010, continuously lasting for 2 days and 2 times each day; monitoring time is: 8:00 17:00 (daytime), 22:00 ~ 0:00 next day (nighttime). 3 Measuring Method and Norms According to corresponding requirements of the Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment of Acoustic Environment (HJ2.4-2009), 146 Standards for Acoustic Environmental Quality (GB3096-2008), Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB12348-2008), weather condition is good, with no rain and wind speed less than 5.5 m/s during monitoring. Microphone is installed outdoor one meter away from the boundary, with height of 1.2 ~ 1.5 meters. 4 Monitoring instruments Model HY105 of type 2 integrating sound level meter is used for monitoring. Acoustic and electrical performance of this monitoring instruments is in accordance with requirements of international standards IE [651 (1979)]. The type of microphone is capacitor microphone. Sound level calibrator B&K 4230G type (1000Hz, 94dB) is used for calibration before each monitoring. 5 Monitoring value According to the requirement of Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment of Acoustic Environment (HJ2.4-2009), equivalent continuous A sound level is selected for sound level monitoring. 6 Assessment value According to the characteristics of noise source, equivalent continuous A sound level is selected for the sound level monitoring. Following formula is adopted for the culculation of equivalent continuous A sound level. 1T  Leq = 10log  ∫ 100.1Lp (t ) dt  T 0  T——monitoring time s Lp(t)——dB A Instantaneous sound level, dB (A) Li——dB A sound level value of ith sampling, dB (A) n——number of sound level samples in monitoring point samples in equal time intervals, formula above can be simplified as: 1 n  Leq = 10log  ∑100.1Li dt   n i =1  7 Monitoring Result 147 Acoustic environmental monitoring result is shown in Table 6.3-1. Table 6.3-1 Acoustic Environmental Monitoring Result (unit: dB (A)) date and monitoring value 11.23 11.24 Daytime nighttime daytime nighttime monitoring point 1# east boundary of Zhen an 53.1 46.4 53.9 47.1 dewatering room 2# south boundary of Zhen an 52.6 45.5 53.1 45.5 dewatering room 3# west boundary of Zhen an 52.6 46.7 52.7 46.5 dewatering room 4# north boundary of Zhen an 54.6 48.5 56.5 47.5 dewatering room 5# north east boundary of Shagang 57.4 47.5 57.1 48.3 dewatering room 6# south boundary of Shagang 57.1 47.2 56.9 47.7 dewatering room 7# north west boundary of Shagang 57.9 48.9 56.3 47.1 dewatering room 8# south east boundary of 49.8 43.5 51.2 44.2 Chengbei dewatering room 9#south boundary of Chengbei 52.1 44.6 52.5 43.7 dewatering room 10# west boundary of Chengbei 57.1 49.1 56.3 47.2 dewatering room 11# north east boundary of 56.3 47.6 57.4 46.3 Chengbei dewatering room 12# east boundary of Nanzhuang 42.6 40.9 41.9 38.9 dewatering room 12# south boundary of Nanzhuang 43.7 39.2 42.6 39.5 dewatering room 14# west boundary of Nanzhuang 41.2 40.1 41.5 39.5 dewatering room 15# north boundary of Nanzhuang 39.6 38.1 41.0 37.5 dewatering room 148 GB3096-2008 class 2 standard 60 50 60 50 Environmental Noise Quality Baseline Assessment Project location is of the class 2 environmental noise functional area, where the class 2 standard of Acoustic Environmental Quality (GB3096-2008) is applicable [daytime 60dB (A), nighttime 50dB (A)]. As shown in Table 6.3-1 acoustic environmental quality monitoring results can be seen that, acoustic environmental monitoring values of all boundaries can meet the standards of class 2 of Acoustic Environmental Quality (GB3096-2008). Acoustic environmental quality in the project areas is good. Environmental Impact Projection and Assessment during Operation Period Ambient Air Quality Impact Analysis Ground Meteorological Characteristics The project area is located in the south of Tropic of Cancer, a subtropical and subtropical monsoon climate zone, the main characters are: with hot rainy season, more cold and wet in spring, longer summer without extremely hot, warm and sunny autumn with drought. The ground meteorological data collected statistical information on weather data in Foshan Nanhai Meteorological Station. Its latitude and longitude is: N23 ° 03 ', E113 ° 08', 3km (Zhen'an) to 16.5 km (Nanzhuang) far from four sewage treatment plants. According to the weather statistics of Nanhai Meteorological Station in Nanhai District of Foshan City from Jan 1st 1957 to Dec 31st 2008, the annual average temperature of this area is 22.2ºC. January the coldest, with and average temperature of 13.5 º C; July the hottest, with an average temperature of 29.1 º C; From June to September, the average temperature is above 27 ºC. In terms of average temperature 149 in each ten days: the first ten days in Jan and Feb are the coldest days with an average temperature of 13.3 13.7 ºC; the temperature will gradually rise from last ten days of Feb. The highest temperature reaches 29.2 ºC in the second ten days of July while the last ten days in July and 1st ten days in Aug will reach 29.1 ºC, and then the temperature will go down. Seasons differentiated by climate: average temperature in ten days 10ºC defines winter, average temperature in ten days 22ºC defines summer, while the temperature between the above two scopes defining spring or autumn. There is no winter in most of past years in this area, the summer lasts from mid-April to October. Most of the annual lowest temperature is above 3ºC while the lowest recorded as 1.9ºC (on 17th Jan, 1967). The annual highest temperature is 39.2ºC (18th July 2005), while the days with a temperature above 39 ºC all appeared after 2004. The historical records of annual average temperature show that the temperature rise obviously since 1986, and it is higher than the average level after 1997, the annual average temperature keeps above 23ºC from 1998 to 2007. The annual average rainfall in this area is 1653.0mm, the annual total rainfall is between 1400~2000mm, while the heaviest recorded as 2342.8mm(in 2008), the smallest recorded as 1075.7mm(in 1991). From April to September it is rainy season (flood season), the total rainfall amounts 80% of the whole year. The rainfall in May and June is all above 250mm and it is the centralized rainy period. The biggest monthly rainfall is 909.2 mm(in June 2008), the biggest daily rainfall is 279,8mm (on 23rd Aug 1999, due to the impact of No.9908 typhoon which caused the huge storm). The average sunshine duration in this area is 1739.6 hours yearly, and the annual sunshine duration is between 1500~2100 hrs, there are more rain and cloudy days from Feb to April, monthly 60~90 hrs sunshine duration. There is abundant sunshine from July to December, and the longest sunshine duration is in July all the year around. Total hours of sunshine over the past years show: the annual sunshine hours are less than the past since 1992. 150 The annual average relative humidity of this area is 80%, in April it is the moistest month all the year around while in November and December it is the driest months. The relative humidity decreases gradually from mid-1980s, from 1995 till now the relative humidity is all under the past year, while in 2007 and 2008 the relative humidity is lowest which is just 71%. Monsoon climate manifested in this area: northerly wind prevails in autumn and winter, southeasterly wind prevails in spring and summer. The annual average wind speed is 2.2 ms/sec. Evaluation Factors and Source Strength Forecast The main content of this project is to build sludge dewatering facilities in each WWTP, without sludge disposal facility afterwards. The main construction components include sludge conditioning tank, pump area, dewatering treatment platform, administrative and control room, power substation and etc. Main air pollutant to be generated from proposed advanced sludge dewatering project will be unpleasant odor during sludge dewatering. Meanwhile, operation of deodorization process associated with wastewater treatment facility is now ongoing for Phase III Zhen’an WWTP project. And reconstruction of associated deodorization process for Phase I and II Zhen’an WWTP projects is proposed. Therefore, analysis on Phase III Zhen’an WWTP project as an example was performed for projection of variations in air quality at sensitive receptors after implementation of proposed WWTPs. Calculation parameters in Table 7.1-2, 3, 4 and 5 were cited from EA Report for Phase II Urban Environment Project for Pearl River Basin - Reconstruction of Phase III Zhen’an WWTP in Foshan Municipality and relevant test data. 151 Table 7.1-1 Calculation Parameters Used for Sludge Workshops Type of pollutant NH3 H2 S Location Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Area of pollution 45×35 69×24 40×30 42×24 45×35 69×24 40×30 42×24 sources (m2) Height of pollution source 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 (m) Emission 0.00017 0.00009 0.00004 0.00004 0.00031 0.00015 0.00008 0.00008 rate g/s 7.1-2 Calculation Parameters Used for Existing Pollution Sources from Phase I Zhen’an WWTP Type of pollutant NH3 H2 S Biological Sedimentati Thickening Biological Sedimentat Thickening Pollution source tank on tank tank tank ion tank tank Area of pollution 85×76 84×84 10×10 85×76 84×84 10×10 sources (m2) Height of pollution 3 3 3 3 3 3 source (m) Emission rate g/s 472.25 34.97 0.4 1.19 0.15 0.0019 7.1-3 Calculation Parameters Used for Existing Pollution Sources from Phase II Zhen’an WWTP Type of pollutant NH3 H2 S Biological Sedimentati Thickening Biological Sedimentat Thickening Pollution source tank on tank tank tank ion tank tank Area of pollution 90×73 70×70 9×8 90×73 70×70 9×8 sources (m2) Height of pollution 3 3 3 3 3 3 source (m) 152 Emission rate g/s 676.5 35.17 0.36 1.70 0.15 0.0017 7.1-4 Calculation Parameters Used for Existing Pollution Sources from Phase III Zhen’an WWTP Type of pollutant NH3 H2 S Biological Sedimentati Thickening Biological Sedimentat Thickening Pollution source tank on tank tank tank ion tank tank Area of pollution 80×40 50×50 10×10 80×40 50×50 10×10 sources (m2) Height of pollution 3 3 3 3 3 3 source (m) Emission rate g/s 318.89 17.58 0.37 0.804 0.074 0.0018 7.1-5 Calculation Parameters Used for Zhen’an WWTP after Implementation of Deodorization Process Item Unit Data Phase II Phase III Phase I Zhen’an Name of Point source Zhen’an Zhen’an WWTP WWTP WWTP Altitude of chimney bottom m 0 Height of chimney m 10 Inner diameter of chimney m 0.4 Outlet velocity of flue gas m/s 19.2 Ambient temperature K 293 Outlet temperature of flue gas K 293 Intensity of Ammonia Kg/h 0.030 0.037 0.018 assessment 0.0005 parameters H2S Kg/h 0.0007 0.0003 at pollution sources Projection Results and Impact Analysis for Ambient Air 153 (1) Air pollution projection results for Zhen’an WWTP The projection results for emissions from sludge dewatering workshop of Zhen’an WWTP are listed in Table7.1-6. As indicated in Table 7.1-6, after reconstruction of sludge dewatering process in Zhen’an WWTP, maximum ground concentration of NH3 emission from dewatering workshop was 0.0001mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 0.05% (limit value of assessment standard is 0.2mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration occurred at 78m away from the workshop, thus its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. And maximum ground concentration of H2S emission from point source was 0.0003mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 3.0% (limit value of assessment standard was 0.01mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration occurred at 78m away from the workshop, thus its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. The projection results for air emissions after implementation of deodorization process in Zhen’an WWTP are shown in Table 7.1-7 and Table 7.1-8. As indicated in Table 7.1-7, after implementation of deodorization process, under most unfavourable meteorological condition maximum ground concentrations of NH3 emissions at all of sensitive receptors would greatly decrease. After addition with effects from sludge dewatering project, maximum ground concentrations of NH3 emissions at sensitive receptors could meet the requirements of assessment standard, which is 0.20 mg/m3. Among these, the maximum ground concentration of NH3 was 0.006 mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 3.0%, which was located in Culture Park. Therefore, the impact of Zhen’an WWTP on ambient air at regional sensitive receptors was rather little. Table 7.1-6 Calculation results for contributions of non-point pollution sources from sludge workshops of Zhen’an WWTP 154 Pollution source Sludge Dewatering Workshop Type of pollutant NH3 H2S Projected Concentration Projected Concentration Distance to leeward downwind percentage downwind percentage side of pollution concentration compared to concentration compared to source D(m) 3 3 C(mg/m ) standard P(%) C(mg/m ) standard P(%) 50 0.0001 0.05 0.0003 3.0 100 0.0001 0.05 0.0002 2.0 200 0.0001 0.05 0.0002 2.0 500 0.0000 0 0.0001 1.0 Maximum 0.0003(distance 0.0001 (distance concentration on to pollution to pollution 0.05 3.0 leeward side source: 78m) source: 78m) (mg/m3) Assessment 0.01mg/m3 0.20mg/m3 standard Table 7.1-7 Impacts of air pollutants on sensitive receptors before/after implementation of deodorization process in Zhen’an WWTP (NH3) Concentration for existing Concentration after implementation of Sensitive project deodorization process Concentration receptors Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Proposed Variation subtotal subtotal I II III I II III project Nanhai Art High 0.0931 0.1264 0.1027 0.3222 0.0018 0.0022 0.0011 0.0001 0.0051 -0.3171 School Guihua High 0.0896 0.1217 0.0976 0.3089 0.0018 0.0022 0.0011 0.0001 0.0051 -0.3038 School Residential area in the 0.1006 0.1369 0.1139 0.3514 0.0018 0.0022 0.0011 0.0001 0.0051 -0.3463 northeast Hongxing 0.0896 0.1217 0.0976 0.3089 0.0018 0.0022 0.0011 0.0000 0.0051 -0.3038 Village Culture 0.0778 0.1052 0.0801 0.2631 0.0021 0.0026 0.0013 0.0000 0.006 -0.2571 Park 155 Tabel 7.1-8 Impacts of air pollutants on sensitive receptors before/after implementation of deodorization process in Zhen’an WWTP H2S Sensitive Concentration for existing Concentration after implementation of receptors project deodorization process Concentration Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Proposed Variation subtotal subtotal I II III I II III project Nanhai Art High 0.0017 0.0022 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0002 -0.0016 School Guihua High 0.0016 0.0021 0.0000 0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0002 -0.0015 School Residential area in the 0.0018 0.0024 0.0000 0.0020 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 -0.0019 northeast Hongxing 0.0016 0.0021 0.0000 0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 -0.0016 Village Culture 0.0014 0.0019 0.0000 0.0014 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 -0.0012 Park (2) Air pollution projection results for Shagang WWTP The projection results for emissions from sludge dewatering workshop of Shagang WWTP are listed in Table7.1-3. As indicated in Table 7.1-3, after reconstruction of sludge dewatering process in Shagang WWTP, maximum ground concentration of NH3 emission from dewatering workshop was 0.0001mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 0.05% (limit value of assessment standard is 0.2mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration occurred at 80m away from the workshop. The ground concentration of NH3 in Shagang Village was 0 mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 0% (limit value of assessment standard is 0.2mg/m3), thus its impact on 156 the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. And maximum ground concentration of H2S emission from point source was 0.0001mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 1.0% (limit value of assessment standard was 0.01mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration occurred at 80m away from the workshop. The ground concentration of H2S in Shagang Village was 0 mg/m3. Thus its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. Table 7.1-3 Calculation results for contributions of non-point pollution sources from sludge workshops of Shagang WWTP Pollution Source Sludge Dewatering Workshop Pollutant NH3 H2S Concentration Concentration Distance to Projected Projected percentage percentage leeward side of downwind downwind compared to compared to pollution source concentration concentration standard standard P(%) D(m) C(mg/m3) C(mg/m3) P(%) 50 0.0001 0.05 0.0001 1.0 100 0.0001 0.05 0.0001 1.0 200 0.0001 0.05 0.0001 1.0 500 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 680 Shagang 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 Village Maximum 0.0001 (distance to 0.0001 (distance concentration on pollution source: 0.05 to pollution 1.0 leeward side 80m) source: 80m) (mg/m3) Assessment 0.20mg/m3 0.01mg/m3 standard (3) Air pollution projection results for Chengbei WWTP The projection results for emissions from sludge dewatering workshop of Chengbei WWTP are listed in Table 7.1-4. 157 As indicated in Table 7.1-4, after reconstruction of sludge dewatering process in Chengbei WWTP, maximum ground concentration of NH3 emission from dewatering workshop was 0.0004mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 0.02% (limit value of assessment standard is 0.2mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration occurred at 74m away from the workshop. The sensitive receptor with maximum ground concentration of 0.0002mg/m3 and concentration percentage compared to standard of 0.01% was located in Guabuxun Village. Thus its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. And maximum ground concentration of H2S emission from point source was 0.0001mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 1.0% (limit value of assessment standard was 0.01mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration of H2S occurred at 74m away from the workshop. The sensitive receptor with maximum ground concentration of 0.0001mg/m3 and concentration percentage compared to standard of 1.0% was located in Guabuxun Village. Thus its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. Table 7.1-4 Calculation results for contributions of non-point pollution sources from sludge workshops of Chengbei WWTP Pollution Source Sludge Dewatering Workshop Pollutant NH3 H2S Concentration Concentration Distance to Projected Projected percentage percentage leeward side of downwind downwind compared to compared to pollution source concentration concentration standard standard P(%) D(m) C(mg/m3) C(mg/m3) P(%) 50 0.00004 0.02 0.0001 1.0 100 0.00004 0.02 0.0001 1.0 200 0.00003 0.02 0.0001 1.0 500 0.00001 0.01 0.0000 0 Guabuxun 0.00002 0.01 0.0001 1.0 Village 210 Fuxi 0.00008 0.04 0.0000 0 158 Village 450 Farmer lodging house in Fuxi 0.00001 0.01 0.0000 0 Village 390 Maximum 0.00004 (distance 0.0001 (distance to concentration on to pollution 0.02 pollution source: 1.0 leeward side source: 74m) 74m) (mg/m3) Assessment 0.20mg/m3 0.01mg/m3 standard (4) Air pollution projection results for Nanzhuang WWTP The projection results for emissions from sludge dewatering workshop of Nanzhuang WWTP are listed in Table 10.2-5. As indicated in Table 10.2-5, after reconstruction of sludge dewatering process in Nanzhuang WWTP, maximum ground concentration of NH3 emission from dewatering workshop was 0.0013mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 0.65% (limit value of assessment standard is 0.2mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration occurred at 73m away from the workshop. The sensitive receptor with maximum ground concentration of 0.0003mg/m3 and concentration percentage compared to standard of 0.15% was located in Aoyong Village. Thus, its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. And maximum ground concentration of H2S emission from point source was 0.0001mg/m3 with concentration percentage compared to standard of 1.0% (limit value of assessment standard was 0.01mg/m3). And the ground maximum concentration of H2S occurred at 73m away from the workshop. The sensitive receptor with maximum ground concentration of 0.0001mg/m3 and concentration percentage compared to standard of 1.0% was located in Aoyong Village. Thus, its impact on the ambient air quality in project area will be minimal. 159 Table 7.1-5 Calculation results for contributions of non-point pollution sources from sludge workshops of Nanzhuang WWTP Pollution Source Sludge Dewatering Workshop Pollutant NH3 NH3 Concentration Projected Concentration Distance to leeward Projected downwind percentage downwind percentage side of pollution concentration compared to concentration compared to source D(m) C(mg/m3) 3 standard P(%) C(mg/m ) standard P(%) 50 0.00004 0.02 0.0001 1.00 100 0.00003 0.02 0.0001 1.00 200 0.00002 0.01 0.0001 1.00 500 0.00000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 Aoyong 0.00001 0.01 0.0000 0.00 Village 390 Gaotian 0.00001 0.01 0.0000 0.00 Village 490 Planned plot for residence in the 0.00003 0.02 0.0001 1.00 south of Nanzhuang WWTP 100 Maximum 0.00004(distance to 0.0001 (distance concentration on pollution source: 0.02 to pollution 1.0 leeward side 73m) source: 73m) (mg/m3) Assessment 0.20mg/m3 0.01mg/m3 standard Distribution of pollutants ground concentration under all meteorological conditions including unfavorable conditions were taken into account in the estimation model. As indicated in projection results, implementation of proposed project will not pose any distinct negative impact on air quality at sensitive receptors, even under unfavorable conditions. (5) Analysis of environmental impacts due to odor pollution 160 Based upon ground concentrations of odorous pollutants at key sensitive receptors around the proposed WWTPs and comparisons in Table 7.1-6, odor intensities at sensitive receptors around Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTP were much lower than those of Class 1, which were much lower than olfactory threshold. Therefore, project implementation will not pose any distinct impact of unpleasant odor on surrounding areas of the proposed WWTPs. Table 7.1-6 Relation between concentration of odorous pollutants and odor intensity * Odorous Classification of Odor Intensity Pollutant 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 NH3 0.1 0.6 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 40.0 H2S 0.0005 0.006 0.002 0.06 0.2 0.7 8.0 *“Research Overview on Public Nuisance due to Odor Pollution in Japan” Shi Lei edited; In general, present concentrations of odorous pollutants at boundaries of Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs could comply with relevant standards. As indicated baseline monitoring and field investigations, no distinct impacts of odorous pollutants will be caused in sensitive receptors. And odor intensities at sensitive receptors around proposed WWTPs were much lower than those of Class I. Therefore, project implementation will not pose any distinct impact of unpleasant odor on surrounding areas of the proposed WWTPs. The environmental quality of proposed project areas is generally good. After construction of advanced sludge dewatering workshops, sludge amount will greatly decrease. The emission of odor pollutants will not appear to increase if sludge to be generated can be transported on a timely basis. And the concentrations of odorous pollutants at boundaries will be compliant with relevant standards which will not lead to deterioration in air quality at sensitive receptors. Meanwhile, implementation of deodorizaion process for wastewater treatment facilities is ongoing in all WWTPs concerned. As shown in projection results for Zhen’an WWTP, impacts of air pollutants by existing WWTPs on surrounding sensitive receptors will be greatly lessened after construction of deodorization 161 facilities. And regional air quality will be consequently improved in some degrees, ompared to current one. Safety Distance for Atmospheric Environment The safety distance from air pollution is calculated in accordance with guidance, and in line with the calculation results, the ground concentration of NH3 and H2S emission from the WWTPs are below of the environmental and quality standards which is 0.2mg/m3 and 0.01mg/m3, none of the points were found exceeding the standards within the assessment scope, thus the safety distance for atmospheric environment is unnecessarily to be set up. Safety Distance for Health Protection It is applicable to non-point source emission in this case. NH3 and H2S are used as factors to calculate the Safety Distance for Health Protection in sludge workshop in the WWTPs. Calculation method Qc/Cm [ BLC+0.25r2 0.50 D L ]/A Qc Achievable level of emission control of non-point harmful gas pollution in industries, kg/hr Cm Standard Concentration Limit mg/m3 L safety distance required for industries and enterprises m R Equivalent radius of the project in which pollutant emission occurs , m. Use land area of the project S (m2) to calculate, r= S/ 0.5 ; A, B, C, D -- safety distance calculation coefficient, dimensionless, select from table 10.2-6 according to recent five-year average wind speed of the area and type of pollution from the industry. 162 When result of safety distance for two or more of pollutants are at the same protection level, the protection level of such project should be upgraded to the higher level. When safety distance is within 100 meters, the differential of each protection level is 50 meters; more than 100 meters but less than or equal to 1000 meters, the differential of each protection level is 100 meters, when it is above 1000 meters , the differential of each protection level is 200 meters. The Selection of Calculation Parameters 1) Wind speed: In recent years, the annual average wind speed is between 2 4m/s; 2) Level of atmospheric pollution sources from industrial enterprises Level of atmospheric pollution of industrial enterprises is Class . 3 Calculation of coefficient: A = 350, B = 0.021, C = 1.85, D = 0.84. 4 Equivalent radius: the equivalent radius of non-point source emission is approximately 1.13m. Table 7.1-6 Calculation of coefficient of safety distance Safety Distance L,m L 1000 10002000 5-year average Coefficient Industrial enterprises constitute a category of atmospheric wind speed pollution sources I II III I II III I II III <2 400 400 400 400 400 400 80 80 80 A 2 4 400 400 400 400 400 400 80 80 80 >4 700 470 350 700 470 350 380 250 190 <2 0.01 0.015 0.015 B >2 0.021 0.036 0.036 <2 1.85 1.79 1.79 C >2 1.85 1.77 1.77 <2 0.78 0.78 0.57 D >2 0.84 0.84 0.76 163 Result The calculation result is detailed in table 7.1-6. Table 7.1-6 The calculation results of various safety distance in sludge dewatering workshops Result of safety distance Sensitive points determination of safety WWTP calculation m within the safety value m NH3 H2 S distance Zhen’an 3.5 4.8 50 None Shagang 1.5 2.1 50 None Chengbei 1.8 2.5 50 None Nanzhuang 1.0 1.3 50 None According to the concept of Safety distance, it means the minimum distance from border of units which generate pollutant, to the boundary of residential area. Currently the main entities within the Safety distance are buildings within WWTPs, rivers and lands used for municipal roads, while there is no sensitive point such as residential area. It seems not repulsive to proposed project; therefore, it is feasible to set up 50m as safety distance. Considering the safety distance of this project, residential buildings shall not be built within this distance. The sensitive points of this project are all located beyond the safety distance, there is no sensitive point within, therefore, there is no residential area to be relocated. Conclusion Environmental impact projection and evaluation of air quality show that in normal operation condition, the project emissions of NH3 and H2S will not impose significant negative impact on air quality in the surrounding areas. In order to effectively control on the air pollution, the project should further improve the level of cleaner production, enhance efforts on air pollution control to reduce emissions of air pollutants, in particular, to strictly prevent accidental emissions. 164 It is suggested that 50m safety distance shall be set up in different sludge dewatering workshops. Water Environment Impact Analysis Sewage Discharge Status 1 Sewage discharge volume After sludge advanced dewatering in the WWTP, the sludge water content will drop from current 80% to under 60%, the sludge volume will be greatly reduced. Reduction of sludge water content will result in change of wastewater volume, which can be seen from Table 7.2-1. Table 7.2-1 Effluent volume change after implementation of sludge advanced dewatering WWTP Zhen’an Shgang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Daily discharge 3 2280 1140 570 570 4560 Existing (m /d) Project Annual discharge 3 83.220 41.610 20.805 20.805 166.44 (10000 m /a) Daily discharge After 3 2351 1179 591 591 4712 (m /d) implementation Annual discharge of this project 85.812 43.034 21.572 21.572 171.99 3 (10000 m /a) Daily load Volume 3 71 39 21 21 152 (m /d) increase or Annual load reduction 2.592 1.424 0.767 0.767 5.55 3 (10000 m /a) Treatment 3 (10000 m /d) 35 15 20 25 95 Capacity 2 Change in discharge pollution loading After the completion of sludge advanced dewatering in WWTP, the major pollutant emission changes is detailed in Table 7.2-2. 165 Table 7.2-2 Pollutant Discharge Variation Unit: m3/d WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Total Sewage discharge 85.812 43.034 21.572 21.572 171.99 Sludge 3 (10,000 m /a) dewatering Pollution CODcr 51.49 25.82 12.94 8.63 98.88 project load (t/a) NH4-N 21.45 10.76 5.39 1.73 39.33 Sewage discharge 3 83.220 41.610 20.805 20.805 166.44 Existing (10,000 m /a) project Pollution CODcr 49.93 24.97 12.48 8.32 95.70 load (t/a) NH4-N 20.81 10.40 5.20 1.66 38.07 Sewage discharge 3 2.592 1.424 0.767 0.767 5.55 (10,000 m /a) Variations Pollution CODcr 1.56 0.85 0.46 0.31 3.18 load (t/a) NH4-N 0.64 0.36 0.19 0.07 1.26 Water Environment Impact Analysis According to the Table 7.2-1, the increasing volume from the sewage discharge after the sludge dewatering is very little, while the sewage increasing volume in Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang are respectively 71 m3/d 39 m3/d 21 m3/d and 21 m3/d, which counts to 0.036% 0.04% 0.02% and 0.04% of its discharge volume (daily treatment capacity). The sludge advanced dewatering will not cause large increase in the treated sewage discharge volume in the WWTP. From Table 7.2-2 we can see that the increments of major pollutant discharge after the advanced sludge dewatering is very small, the increment of COD in Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTP is respectively 1.56t / a, 0.85t / a, 0.46t / a and 0.31t / a, NH4-N increase is 0.64t / a, 0.36t / a, 0.19t / a and 0.07t / a, which counts for 0.036%, 0.04 %, 0.02% and 0.04% of their total emissions. There will not be significant increase in the pollutant emission due to the sludge advanced dewatering project in WWTP. Currently at Jili Creek, monitoring fdata shows non-compliance of COD BOD5 DO and oil to "Surface Water Environmental Quality 166 Standard"(GB3838-2002) Class III water quality standard. This is because the Nanzhuang WWTP haven’t been put into operation and domestic sewage and partial industrial sewage are directly discharged into the river. With the completion of Nanzhuang WWTP, water quality of Jili Creek will be improved. In general, sludge dewatering project will bring very little additional pollution, the addition wastewater will be treated in the WWTP and under the normal operation of WWTP, it will not cause significant impact on the receiving river bodies. Acoustic Environment Impact Projection and Assessment Sources of noise The noises of the sludge advanced dewatering process are generated from mud pump, water pump, blower, air compressor and sludge dewatering equipment as well as operation of gears. The main equipments of the sludge advanced dewatering engineering are located mainly in sludge dewatering workshop and pump station which is similar to the existing sludge dewatering facilities. The noise intensity from equipment changed little before and after the construction of proposed projects. Table 7.3-1 The sources of noise before and after the project implementation Quantity Noise Nanz SN Name Unit Zhen Shag Chen concentration huan Total an ang gbei dB A g Sludge frame filter 1 set 4 3 2 2 11 70 80 press 2 Air compressor set 3 3 2 2 10 85 95 3 Mud pump set 14 11 7 7 39 80 90 4 Backwash pump set 1 1 1 1 4 80 90 5 Agitator set 6 6 6 6 24 70 80 Projection Model 167 According to the noise source emission characteristics, combined with the requirements of guidelines, point source projection model is chosen to simulate the noise attenuation with distance from the pollution sources. a) Noise level caused by point sources at assessed area is calculated using the geometric divergence noise attenuation formula: LA (r ) = LWA − 20 lg r − 8 in the formula: LA(r)—A Sound level (dB) at r meters away from the source LWA- A sound power level (dB) of the point source; r- distance from the point source (m); b) Estimation method of theoretical multiple-sources sound pressure level: n L A = 10 lg ∑10 0.1LAi i =1 In the formula: LA is the total sound pressure level of n point sources at a particular location, dB (A); LAi is equivalent sound level of a particular location caused by No. i point source, dB (A). Contents of the Projection and Analysis The analysis is choosing the worst scenario, in which all noise sources are operating at the same time, to predict its impact on acoustic environment in the plant, and compare it to the regulated limits therefore evaluate and conclude the potential impact of the operation to surrounding environment. Projection Results Analysis 168 By using the above models, noise level at all WWTP boundaries was projected and resulted the boundary noise estimation. The results are detailed in Table 7.3-2~Table 7.3-5. Table 7.3-2 The Projection Results of Impact of Equipment on Acoustic Environment (Zhen’an) Day Night Projection Stand Projection Standard Location value ard value limit limit East border 53.9 47.1 South border 53.1 46.5 60 50 West border 52.7 46.7 North border 56.5 48.5 Table 7.3-3 The Projection Results of Impact of Equipment on Acoustic Environment (Shagang) Day Night Location Projectio Standard Projection Standard n value limit value limit Northeast border 57.4 48.3 South border 57.1 60 47.7 50 Northwest border 57.9 48.9 Table 7.3-4 The Projection Results from Equipment Impacted on Acoustic Environment (Chengbei) Day Night Location Projectio Standard Projection Standard n value limit value limit Northeast border 51.2 60 44.2 50 South border 52.5 44.6 169 Northwest border 57.1 49.1 Table 7.3-4 The Projection Results of Impact of Equipment on Acoustic Environment (Nanzhuang) Day Night Location Projection Standar Projection value d limit value East border 42.6 40.9 South border 43.7 39.5 60 50 West border 41.5 40.1 North border 41.0 38.1 All WWTP should comply with Class II of “Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary” (GB 12348-2008). As shown in Table 7.3-2 ~ Table 7.3-5, taking in to account of all noise sources in the worst scenario, the projected night and day time noise level meets the requirement of Class II. Moreover, noise level is almost the same as current status, the impact of sludge dewatering project on the acoustic environment is minimal. Solid Waste Impact Analysis Solid Waste means solid or semi-solid wastes generated from production, construction, daily life and other activities that generates pollution. It can be divided into hazardous waste and general waste according its toxic and harmful level. Solid waste pollution prevention and control should follow principal described in the "Law of PRC on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes" Article III: “The main principal for solid waste pollution control in China is to reduce production of solid wastes and hazards, fully recycle of solid wastes and safely treat and dispose solid wastes, therefore to promote cleaner production and circular economy” Firstly, it should start from reform of production process to eliminate or reduce production of solid waste; secondly, it should promote recycle and utilize of valuable waste, and finally, it should apply hazard-free treatment of those wastes that can not yet be utilized to prevent and mitigate its 170 negative impact. In addition, during the collection, storage, transportation and disposal of solid waste, a comprehensive management system should be adopted to prevent flying up, flowing away and leakage of the wastes. At the same time, implementation of solid waste registration (respecting the “Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes”) is necessary to avoid secondary pollution to air, water and soil. This chapter focuses on summarizing the sources, type, quantity, nature and final disposal of solid wastes generated from the proposed project, and analyzing the waste treatment and disposal proposals. The Production of Solid Waste The solid waste generated from advanced sludge dewatering process mainly includes the filter-pressed sludge and staff domestic garbage. In addition, various laboratory wasted liquid may contain hazardous elements such as heavy metal, strong acid and strong alkaline solutions; the corresponding rinsing water also contains the above elements; therefore, the dedicated container shall be provided for collection and sent to qualified entity to conduct the hazard-free treatment. The sludge water content is approximately 60% after filter press. Type, Source and Nature of Solid Waste 1 Domestic garbage The garbage generated by the project staff is mainly from daily life, work and canteen leftovers, which is categorized as general solid waste. 2 Sludge Sludge is generated from the WWTP. According to the "List of Strictly Control Waste in Guangdong Province" (updated in 2009), it is considered as strict control waste of Guangdong Province (HY06), its treatment and disposal should be handled by 171 qualified entity. A management account book as well as transfer manifest system should be established for sludge transfer. 3 Laboratory Liquid Waste The laboratory liquid waste may contain hazardous elements such as heavy metal, strong acid and strong basic solutions; the corresponding rinsing water also contains the above elements, therefore, the dedicated container shall be collected and sent to qualified entities to conduct hazard-free treatment. PIU should comply with "Article on Implementing (Hazardous Waste Management Practices) in Guangdong Province" and delivered the waste to qualified units for treatment. Temporary storage of such waste should strictly follow the relevant requirements in "Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage"(GB18597-2001). Volume of Solid Wastes Generated Domestic wastes: according to former calculation, domestic wastes generated by sludge dewatering in each WWTP is 0.01t/a. The domestic wastes should be collected timely and treated by the sanitation sector. After advanced dewatering, the sludge generated by Zhen’an WWTP, Shagang WWTP, Chengbei WWTP, Nanzhuang WWTP are 60t/a 30 t/a 15 t/a and15 t/a respectively, will be disposed in landfill. The liquid waste from chemical laboratory is 0.001t/a in average, and will be treated by qualified entities. The quantity and quality of the solid wastes is shown in table 7.4-1. Table 7.4-1 The Quantity and Quality of the Solid Wastes (t/a) WWTP Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Summatio n Current Sludge 150 57 30 30 267 172 filter press Domestic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 room wastes Subtotal 120.01 60.01 30.01 30.01 267.04 Sludge 60 30 15 15 120 Domestic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 Advanced wastes dewatering Laboratory 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 project liquid waste Subtotal 60.011 30.011 15.011 15.011 120.044 Variation -89.999 -26.999 -14.999 -14.999 -146.966 Analysis of Environmental Impact from Solid Wastes Hazardous elements in the solid wastes can reach the environment through water, soil and air, the impact depends on the quantity and concentration of the pollutant during emission. Based on the types and composition of the solid wastes generated from this project, the pollution will be multilateral if not controlled properly, these impacts will include: (1) Analysis of impact on soil The solid wastes from this project can’t be used directly in agriculture or common storage. If used directly in agriculture, the harmful elements will penetrate into soil easily by weathering, rainwater or runoff, they will kill the microorganism in soil, destroy the system balance created by microorganism and surrounding environment, it will cause that the vegetation cannot grow, the soil will be polluted. The common storage needs area, it is estimated that every 10,000 tons of wastes stored needs one acreage of area, the more stored the more area needed. This will even worsen the situation of limited arable lands per capita. (2) Analysis of impact on water Once the solid wastes encounter with the water and surface runoff, the harmful elements in solid wastes will be leached out and enter and pollute the surface water, if leaching into the soil, it will pollute ground water, which could cause secondary pollution on surface water and ground water. If the solid wastes are discharged into the river directly then they will make greater water pollution, not only 173 causesedimentation, but also interrupt existing acqutic eco-system and use value ofthe water. (3) Analysis of impacts on air quality Generally the solid wastes pollute the air by following ways: fine grained waste residue and wastes spread to the air by the wind, harmful gas and dust generated during transportation and odor during disposing solid wastes. If the solid wastes cannot be disposed properly, such as being stored outdoors randomly, it will make an impact on the air. (4) Impact on sanitation If the solid wastes such as domestic wastes stored too long, it will have an impact on the sanitary condition of working and living environment, the health of people will be threatened. To sum up, if the solid wastes generated from this project were not disposed properly, it would make a secondary pollution on water, air quality, soil and sanitation, harm the ecological environment and health of people. Therefore, the national and local laws and regulations must be strictly implemented to severely manage and safely handle the solid waste generated from this project, in particular for the disposal of the hazardous wastes. Treatment and Disposal Requirements of Solid Waste The staff domestic garbage shall be timely collected and disposed by the Sanitation Sector. The sludge generated from waste water treatment in this project shall be delivered to Gao Ming Bai Shi Ao Landfill for disposal. Laboratory wastes produced by each WWTP shall be safely disposed by qualified entity, while random piling is prohibited. Special storage place must be set up with proper storage and management complying with the "Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage"(GB18596-2001) and "Technical Guidance on Hazardous Waste Pollution Control”; measures to should be taken to prevent scattering, run-off, leakage; operation should be conducted by professionals, and 174 ensure separate collection and storage. In summary, by implementing appropriate solid waste storage, treatment and disposal measures proposed in this report, the solid wastes generated by this project could be effectively treatment and disposal and will not cause secondary pollution to the surrounding environment. Brief Summary The solid wastes generated from the WWTP mainly include lab liquid waste (hazardous waste), sludge from waste water treatment and domestic garbage. If the solid waste is not collected and treated it may impact on the followings: occupation of land soil pollution water pollution air pollution impact on environmental sanitation. In particular for the hazard waste, as it contains toxic and hazardous elements, all the treatment process shall be strictly monitored and delivered to qualified units for safe disposal. Transportation Impact Analysis The sludge transportation routine is shown in Figure 5.5-1. 1 Chengbei WWTP: Chenbei WWTP Huochang Road Wenchang Road West Foshan Av. Jili Av. Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming Miao Village 2 Zhen’an WWTP: Zhen’an WWTP Chaoan Road South Jihua Road Foshan Av. Jili Av. Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming Miao Village 3 Shagang WWTP: Shagang WWTP Shagang New Road Foshan Av. Jili Av. Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming Miao Village 4 Nanzhuang WWTP: Nanzhuang WWTP Nanzhuang Av. Foshan 1st Ring Road Jili Av. Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming Miao Village 175 At present the sludge transport vehicles used is the Dongfeng trucks with 5 tons capacity, special vehicles converted, with good insulation (enclosing or sealing?). According to the capacity of each sludge treatment plant, its transport frequency is: Zhen’an WWTP 12 trips / day, Shagang WWTP 6 trips / day, Chengbei WWTP and Nanzhuang WWTP are all 3 trips / day, for a total of 24 trips / day. After the advanced dewatering workshops built in WWTPs, the sludge after the advanced dewatering will be delivered to Bai Shi Ao Landfill in Gaoming Miao Village for sanitary landfill. The sludge transportation condition is same as current in the WWTPs, i.e. using vehicle with insulated cover. When the sludge water content decrease to 60%, the sludge will become hard solids, with intense structure, not loose, not brittle, and less odor compared to current sample (water content 80%), while transport trips will be reduced by 50%, the overall transport frequency will become only 24 vehicle trips / day. To maintain good condition during transport, trucks are sealed, so the odor emission during the transport will not cause significant negative impact on air quality. Based on measurement for sludge vehicles for Dashadi WWTP, odor intensity on both sides of vehicles was approximately classified as Class 2, and that away from 10m was approximately Class 1. The distance between neighboring sensitive receptors and transportation route is over 20m. Hence, no impact of unpleasant odor will be caused during transportation. 176 Chengbei Zhen’an Cross Jili Creek Cross Dongping Nanzhuang Shagang Waterway Cross Shunde Waterway Cross Xijiang River Landfill Site Figure 7.5-1 Dry Sludge Transportation Route Scale 1:180000 177 Cross Dongping Waterway Cross Jili Creek Cross Shunde Waterway Cross Xijiang River Figure 7.5-2 Sludge Transporting Route and Water Protection Zones scale 1:256000 178 Environmental Impact Assessment during Construction Analysis and Assessment of Impacts on Air Quality during Construction Main Air Pollutants to be generated during Construction The proposed project construction sites are relatively small. Number of construction workers on site is not more than 20, and no specific canteens will be constructed on site. The following air pollutants will be generated during construction: 1) Dust 2) Exhausted gas to be generated from construction machinery and vehicles During construction dust is mainly generated from transportation of construction materials, loading and transportation of spoils, and the exposed surface due to excavation at construction site in windy conditions. The fuel combustion during operation of the construction machinery and vehicles will generate exhausted gas. And diesel-engine generators used at construction sites will also generate exhausted gas. Temporary canteens will be constructed on site. Exhausted gas will be generated from the fuel and natural gas used by stoves in canteens. Analysis of Main Impacts on Air Quality during Construction 1. Impacts of Dust Generation Dust generation differs from types, scopes of construction activities and weather conditions. Dust will mainly be generated from the following construction activities: 1) Construction dust to be generated by vehicles on dirty roads 2) Loading and unloading of construction materials and waste 3) Excavation at construction sites 179 Dust emission caused by material transportation will compose the greatest impacts within a long time. The impacts of construction dust will be deteriorated with road status and exposure of soil at construction sites. In general, the dust generation, is proportional to the velocity, weight of vehicles and dust accumulation for each type of surface. According to EA Report for Chengde Gas Project loaned by ADB the dust concentration from both sides of the road could reach 8-10 mg/m3 during spoil transportation at construction sites. Similarly, the dust concentration from both sides of the road at construction sites is estimated to be 8 mg/m3. As described in EA Report for Phase I LNG Transfer Stations and Transmission Trunk Project prepared by Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection in Dec, 2002 and approved by SEPA, USAEPA’s FDM was applied to project the impacts of fugitive dust on construction sites. The projection results indicated that dust from general construction sites had distinct impacts on surrounding area within 150m. As for larger sites, dust from construction operations had distinct impacts on surrounding area within 500m. And maximum dust concentration was 1.6mg/m3 which appeared in the area within 100m. Dust generation can be greatly reduced if control measures are carried out during construction, including spraying water on site and reducing wind speed by installation of fences. As estimated, dust generation will be reduced by 70% if two measures described above are implemented and at the same time applying low driving speed, cleaning wheels and car bodies, and using canvas to cover dust-generating materials. As estimated, TSP concentration at points of 100m away from plant boundaries will be reduced to 0.45mg/m3. And TSP concentration at points of 250m away from plant boundaries is approximately 0.30mg/m3, which equals to daily average TSP concentration. TSP concentration at points far away from 300m will be lower than the daily average, which will greatly lessen impacts of dust nuisance on surrounding air quality. 2. Impacts of exhausted gas to be generated by construction machinery and vehicles 180 Diesel is usually used as fuel for construction machinery. Exhausted gas will be generated during start-up. Transport vehicles are usually large-sized diesel-driven vehicles, which will generate exhausted gas. Air pollutants to be generated from construction machinery and vehicles include CO, NOX and PM10. Hence, operation of construction machinery should be far away from residential area. And transport routes should be planned to avoid sensitive points to lessen adverse impacts on air quality as much as possible. Mitigation Measures for Air Pollution during Construction (1) Mitigation measures for dust reduction 1) Spray water to maintain the humidity of construction sites and dust-generating materials; 2) Spray water on main access and areas with construction activities on a timely basis, namely every 2 hours, at poor weather conditions and dry seasons. 3) Slow down while driving on dust-generating roads 4) Set up cleaning equipment for wheel and car body at proposed site gates, clean public roads if necessary. 5) Use canvas as cover during transportation of dust-generating materials. 6) Reduce heap(pile?) height during loading and unloading, strictly control driving speed as vehicles enter into loading areas, clean loading areas on a timely basis. (2) Mitigation measures for reduction of exhausted gas form construction machinery and vehicles. Operation of construction machinery should be far away from residence. And transport routes should also avoid passing through villages. Analysis and Assessment of Impacts on Aquatic Environment during Construction 181 Main Water Pollutants during Construction Wastewater to be generated during construction of proposed project mainly includes slurry to be generated during excavation and drilling, petroleum-containing washing water to be generated during operation of construction machinery and equipment, and domestic wastewater etc. Analysis of Impacts of Wastewater Pollutants during Construction During construction, the amount of domestic wastewater is calculated for 20 construction workers for each WWTP. Daily generation of domestic wastewater will be 0.1 ton per person per day. Thus, daily generation of domestic wastewater for each WWTP will be approximately 2 tons. In addition, a small amount of wash water will be generated from construction equipment and vehicles. In accordance with relevant regulations for construction site, 3 phased septic tanks should be built to treat the wastewater. The wash water will be discharged into local WWTPs through pipeline network after oil removal. The wastewater amount is very limited. Therefore, the treated wastewater will not bring any adverse impacts on local water quality. Analysis and Assessment of Impacts of Noise during Construction This chapter specifies analysis of impacts of noise from vehicles and construction machinery on surrounding environment. Assessment Criteria Class 2 Environmental Quality Standard for Noise GB3096-2008, namely 60dB(A) at daytime and 50dB(A) at night, is applicable to assessment area. The noise levels at plant boundaries will comply with Class 2 Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary GB12348-2008, which includes 60dB(A) at daytime and 50dB(A) at night. Noise Limit for Boundaries of Construction Site GB12523-90 is applicable during Construction, as detailed in Table 8.3-1. Table 8.3-1 Noise Limit for Construction Work 182 Noise Limit (dB(A)) Construction conducted Daytime Night Site preparation 75 55 Piling 85 Not Allowed Structuring 70 55 Construction and decoration 65 55 Noise Levels of the Main Construction Machinery The various construction machinery used for proposed project during construction are detailed in Table 8.3-2. Table 8.3-2 Noise Levels of Various Construction Machinery Unit: dB(A) Distance of testing pointed to No. Type Lmax construction machinery (m?) 1 Blender 5 90 2 Loader 5 90 3 Bulldozer 5 86 4 Excavator 5 84 5 Lorry 5 89 6 Mobile Crane 5 86 Projection Model Point Source Distance Attenuation Model: Loct(r) = Loct(r0)-20lg(r/r0)- L in which, Loct(r) is sound pressure level when distance equals to r; dB(A) Loct(r0) is sound pressure level when distance equals to r0; dB(A) L: Attenuation during transmission Projection Results and Analysis of Noise Projection results are shown in Table 8.3-3 183 Table 8.3-3 Projection Results for Impacts of Noise from Construction Machinery Distance (m) Activities 1 10 20 50 100 150 200 250 300 500 Earthwork 90 70 63 55 50 47 44 42 40 38 Ground construction 86 65 59 51 45 41 39 37 35 33 As indicated above, construction noise is attenuated when distance increases. Noise levels at projection points 100m away from noise source could reach 50dB(A) and 45 dB(A) during excavation and ground construction. As the coverage of construction area is large, the noise level outside of site boundaries will be lower than 55 dB(A), which can comply with Noise Limit for Boundaries of Construction Site GB12523- 90. There will be no sensitive points within the distance of 100m away from construction site. However, special attention should be paid in order to avoid construction activities by equipment with high noise emission. The construction noise will terminate with completion of construction. Thus, the duration of noise nuisance will be short. Environmental Protection Measures for Acoustic Environment during Construction The impact analysis indicated that the construction noise will pose a certain impacts on acoustic environment. To lessen the potential impacts, the PIU should take the following control and mitigation measures in compliance with Law of Noise Pollution Control and Prevention. (1) Use of various pile drivers is forbidden. As intensity of noise source from pile drivers are enormous, use of pile drivers should be avoided, especially at night. (2) Select machinery devices with low noise emission or devices with noise insulation and attenuation as much as possible, enhance equipment maintenance; (3) Arrange construction time and construction areas in a proper way. Construction activities with high noise emission should be away from noise sensitive receptors. If necessary, temporary noise insulation barriers should be set up around high noise sources to lessen the impacts of noise nuisance; 184 (4) Avoid use of diesel-driven generators if power supply is available; (5) Stipulate construction progress and schedule in a proper way and control the operation time of equipment with high noise emission; (6) Avoid the operation of equipment with high noise emission at rest period, such as at noon or night; (7) Manage the access of vehicles to construction sites in a proper way and reduce the noise to be generated by horning. Analysis of Impacts of Solid Waste during Construction Main types of solid waste during construction include domestic waste from staff of the site, spoil from excavation when building WWTP, waste bricks and construction materials during pipeline construction. Analysis of Impacts of Solid Wastes during Construction As analyzed above, solid waste for proposed project will not be defined as hazardous waste, according to National Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes and Guangdong Provincial Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes. However, solid waste without proper treatment will affect traffic and pollute environment. During transportation, spilling caused by dirty vehicles will pollute the streets and roads, affect city landscape and traffic, and pose serious impact on aquatic and terrestrial environment. After construction, construction sites will be messy if construction wastes, such as waste metal, wood and bamboo etc. are not collected and treated. And soil erosion will take place without treatment of sludge to be generated during construction. During operation, domestic waste without collection and treatment will cause river pollution and pose serious impacts on landscape and sanitation. Besides, river sediments will be polluted if solid waste sinks to the river bottom. And diffusion of solid waste in the water bodies will generate hazardous substances, which can destroy the aquatic ecosystem. 185 As for treatment and disposal of solid wastes, the spoil to be generated from pipeline construction should be backfilled as much as possible. During excavation the topsoil and subsoil should be piled separately, during backfilling, subsoil should be backfilled prior to backfilling of topsoil, which can retain soil fertility. If sludge and spoil that cannot be backfilled are stored on-site, serious soil erosion would take place. Therefore, according to rules specified by local sludge management offices, sludge and spoil should be landfilled or transported to the nearby quarry to restore ecological environment, which avoids soil erosion. Therefore, the impacts on surrounding environment will be very little. Domestic wastes should be cleaned and collected by sanitation companies and then transported to municipal landfill sites for disposal. Once management is enhanced and feasible measures are implemented, potential solid wastes will not cause hazard to the environment. Mitigation Measures for Impacts of Solid Wastes during Construction During construction, domestic wastes in living and working areas should be collected on a timely basis and be transported to the designated place for storage. One sanitary team together with one vehicle and some metal waste bins should be assigned for each construction area. The waste bins should be placed in locations with raining sheltering, good ventilation and convenient traffics. Solid wastes should be categorized for storage and collection according to waste characteristics. Recyclable waste should be sent to qualified waste recycling companies. The construction contractors is required to strictly follow the relevant regulations regarding management of sludge and spoil disposal, handle the formalities and dispose of sludge and spoil at designated places after approval. Particle materials and solid waste must be sealed, packed and covered during transportation. No spilling is allowed. The vehicles should operate along specified routes at the specified time. 186 Mixing of construction waste with domestic waste and mixing of hazardous waste with construction waste are forbidden, strictly following the Management Rules for Municipal Construction Waste. As for solid management, a waste management plan is required, which includes implementation plan of waste disposal, reporting procedures for waste control, report formats and maintenance procedures etc.. Environmental Risk Analysis Environmental Risk Identification Risk Material Identification During the operation of the project, no poisonous, hazardous, flammable or explosive materials are used as raw material, additive or fuel. The main material mentioned in the project production process is the sludge treated from the city WWTPs. According to the appendix A1 of Technical Guideline for Environmental Risk Assessment of Construction Project HJ/T169-2004 , the municipal wastewater, sludge and domestic waste are not categorized as the poisonous, flammable or explosive materials mentioned in the Appendix A1. They are not categorized as hazardous wastes listed inside the “National Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes . Municipal wastewater and sludge contain all kinds of colloid, organic matters, solid granule and floccule curdy such as mud, sand, fibre, and animal and plants residuals and etc.. Its heavy metal content level is quite high. The organic matters in the sludge mainly consists of primary organic matters such as amino acid, humus acid, bacteria and its metabolite, PAH, compound of heterocyclic ring, organic sulfide, and volatile odorous compound etc.. Their structure is quite simple and has been oxidized in biological treatment. They are easy to be decomposed in high temperature. If sludge is leaked directly into the water body or leaks indirectly into the water body accompanied with rainwater, the pollutants in the sludge (such as heavy metal pollutant) may enter directly into water body and cause water body contamination. Types of Environmental Risk 187 Environmental risks of sludge treatment mainly are accidents of sludge trucks during the transportation, in which the container is damaged and the sludge leaks out. Environmental risk impact is the impact of organic matter and heavy metal in the sludge to the surface water quality. If the sludge leaks into the drinking water source protection area, it may cause contamination to the drinking water source. Possible leak-out situations are: 1 Accidents during transportation: When the sludge container is broken, which causes the sludge leaks into the water body. The sludge in the water body will release organic matter and heavy metal and may affect the water quality of river body. According to the analysis of sludge transportation route, the sludge transportation will keep away from drinking water source protection area, which means there will be no direct impact to the drinking water source protection area. 2 Sludge leakage caused by accidents during dewatering and loading / unloading process in the plant: The possibility of this situation is quite low. Besides, the leaks inside the plant can be treated properly so that the sludge cannot leak into the surrounding surface water body. Therefore, it will not cause significant negative consequences. Impact Analysis of Environmental Risk Accident Accident Source Analysis Refer to figure 5.5-1 for the sludge transportation routes. The sludge transportation route for each WWTP is: 1 Chengbei Plant: Chengbei Plant Huochang Road West Wenchang Road Foshan Road Foshan Road Jili Road Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill of Gao Ming Miao village 2 Zhengan Plant Zhengan Plant South Chaoan Road Jihua Road Foshan Road Jili Road Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill of Gao Ming Miao village 188 3 Shagang Plant Shagang Plant New Shagang Road Foshan Road Jili Road Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill of Gao Ming Miao village 4 Nanzhuang Plant Nanzhuang Plant Nanzhuang Road Foshan Yi Huan ili Road Qiaogao Road S113 Bai Shi Ao Landfill of Gao Ming Miao village The main water bodies that will be passed over during the transportation are Dongping water channel crossed over by Foshan Road, Jili Creek crossed over by Foshan Yi Huan, Shunde channel crossed over by Jili Road, and Xijiang River crossed over by S113 figure 5.5-1 . The water bodies mentioned above are not connected with Grade 1 and 2 drinking water source protection area. If transportation trucks accounter accidents when they are passing through the above 4 water bodies, and the sludge leaking out, it will affect the water quality of the above 4 water bodies. Accident Probability Analysis 1 Calculation formula of accident probability The following formula can be used to calculate the probability of the water environmental impact accident when passing through the water body during the sludge transportation of the project: P Q0×Q1×Q2×Q3 P ——risk probability of water contamination accident may happen during transportation sludge through important section of river Q0——present probability of major traffic accident in the area such as trucks crash into each other and run over. time / million × kilometers Q1——absolute trips of sludge transportation trucks. million / year Q2——distance of important section of river. kilometers Q3——ratio of P Vs. probability of normal road accident. 2 Major parameters Q0 the average probability of traffic accident is 0.1323 time / million×kilometer×year , referring to probability of traffic accident of Foshan city. 189 Q1 traffic loads that cross over Dongping channel, Jili Creek, Shunde channel and Xijiang river are 0.0077 million / year, 0.0011million / year and 0.0088 million / year respectively. Q2 The distance of the roads that cross over Dongping channel, Jili Creek, and Shunde channel are 350m, 210m, 500m, and 1000m respectively. Q3 1.0, considering the average situation. 3 Calculation Result After calculation, the accident probabilities of sludge transportation trucks passing over west Pearl River fairway section and Liuxi River section are: Table 9.2-1 Probability of water body pollution caused by traffic accident of sludge transportation P Q0 Q1 Q2 (Time / (Time / million × (Million Q3 No. Water body (kilometer) thousand kilometer × year) / year) years) Dongping channel (Foshan 1 0.1323 0.0077 0.35 1.0 0.36 Road) 2 Jili Creek (Foshan Yi Huan) 0.1323 0.0011 0.20 1.0 0.03 3 Shunde channel (Jili road) 0.1323 0.0088 0.50 1.0 0.58 4 Xijiang river (S113) 0.1323 0.0029 1.00 1.0 1.16 From the prediction result in table 9.2-2, the probabilities of water contamination that will happen during the sludge transportation trucks crossing over Dongping channel, Jili Creek, Shunde channel and Xijiang river of the project are 0.36 time / thousand years, 0.03 time / thousand years, 0.58 time / thousand years, and 1.16 time / thousand years respectively. Assume that the project is going to operate 10 years, then the number of the water contamination accidents might happen during the 10 years is from 0.0003 time 0.0116 time, which is quite low. Accident Consequence Analysis The main water bodies that will be crossed over during the transportation are Dongping channel crossed over by Jihuang road, Jili Creek crossed over by Foshan Yi Huan, and Shunde channel crossed over by Jili Road. The above river bodies being crossed over are not connected to Grade 1 and 2 drinking water source protection 190 area. If transportation trucks occer traffic accidents when passing over the above water bodies, sludge on the trucks may drop to the ground and leak into the water bodies, which will cause instant negative consequence to part of the water bodies. The main consequence is the increase of the concentration of organic matter and heavy metal. However this consequence will not affect directly the water quality of the water source. Since the sluge transportation trucks are insulated, accident will not cause large spilt of sludge. Therefore, accidents will not greatly affect the water quality. Summary Analysis indicates that the probability of traffic accident when passing over Dongping channel, Jili Creek, and Shunde channel, and water contamination caused by it is very limited. If an accident happens, the main impact will be the increase of concentration of organic matter and heavy metal. To avoid or reduce the accident probability and the negative consequences to the surface water quality caused by the accident, it is necessary to adopt pertinent risk prevention and emergency response measures. As a whole, the environmental risk of the project is acceptable, therefore, from the environmental risk point of view, the implementation of the project is feasible. Prevention and Emergency Measures for Environmental Risk Accident In order to strengthen the management, to ensure an effective control of the sludge transportation trucks, and to reduce the sludge leak-out incident and its negative consequence to the environment to the minimum, PIU should establish a Sludge Transportation Management Procedure to bring out an effective management scheme. The management procedure should identify each department s duty during the transportation and procedures of whole process of sludge transportation and loading/unloading, strictly implement in accordance with the Sludge Transportation Management Procedure to minimize the sludge leak-out incidents. Prevention measures t include: 1 Select safe vehicle model forsludge transportation; 2 Require sludge transportation truck supplier to provide a type of vehicle with excellent insulation which does not drop or leak; 191 3 Rinse the wheels and truck bodies, the sludge transportation trucks before going on the road; 4 Sludge transportation trucks have to install GPS system; 5 Vehicles need a regular maintenance to keep them in a good condition; 6 Check insulation of the transportation trucks before loading to ensure no leaking of sludge; 7 Transportation trucks must have obvious safety warning signs; 8 Specify the travelling route, and do not voluntarily change it; 9 Obey the traffic rules, and enhance the safety awareness, especially when cross through the bridges crossing over water bodies under bad weather conditions such as the rainy day. 10 Transportation trucks must have water-proof covering cloth, which can prevent the rain water to dissolve heavy metal and organic matter inside the sludge and leak into the water body. 11 Strengthen the environmental protection awareness and professional training of dealing with emergencies of transportation truck drivers and its escort. Emergency Response Plan of Environmental Risk In order to deal with the incident in time when it happens, and to minimize the consequences, PIU should establish a “Emergency Response Plan of Environmental Risk Accident”. The act should arrange the emergency management commanding organization, duties and responsibilities and emergency management procedures in details, so as to deal with the environmental risk accident and to adopt effective measures. Related risk emergency response plan should include the following contents: 1 Specify the hazardous targets of environmental risk and environmental protection targets Environmental risk source: sludge loading facilities and sludge transportation trucks. 192 Environmental protection targets: mainly include water bodies when crossing over Dongping channel, Jili Creek and Shunde channel. 2 Establish emergency management organization of environmental accident. Specify related responsible person and accident management procedure. 1 Emergency management commanding organization The recommended emergency management commanding organization of environmental accident is as follows: 193 Logistic safeguard team (team leader: administration supervisor) Commander of each action team Rescue goods supply team (team leader: warehouse supervisor) Deputy commander in chief Site commander in chief First aid and danger elimination team (team leader safety engineer) Emergency team for environmental contamination? (team leader environment engineer) 194 Onsite staff evacuation team (team leader HR supervisor) Site protection security team (team leader security captain) Urgent repair team for site facilities (team leader repair engineer) Urgent repair team for water and power supply (team leader electric engineer) 2 Emergency management procedure of environmental risk accident Accident emergency management procedure figure 9.4-1 truck drivers Emergency telephone number emergency center staff on duty emergency management commanding team Transport Fire brigade Medical Environment Other Management Dept. department protection departments department Figure 9.4-1 Flow Chart of Accident Emergency Procedure 3 Warning and Contact Information 1 Communication equipment and communication network Equip each department and functional department with special-line telephones in order them to connect with functional departments at any time. Establish broadcasting system inside the plant to communicate the information in time. 2 Signal standard During the accident, use site alarm, broadcasting, walkie-talkie, alarm telephone exchange and telephone to report the information. 3 Emergency contact numbers for usable resources 195 Specify the contact list of emergency management commanding team members and department emergency management responsible person, including name and contact numbers etc.. Specify external (public) contact number for emergency aid. 4 Accident countermeasures 1 Sludge leaks onto the road or highway: immediately dispatch vehicles to move away the sludge and clean the site. 2 In the rainy day, cover the leak-out sludge with the water proof cloth to minimize the pollutants being washed away, and move away the sludge as soon as possible. 3 Inform the emergency management commanding team and environmental protection bureau and also inform the water supply department of the Foshan Water Group to prepare for the anti-pollution activities. 4 Take a close monitoring on the flow direction of the polluted water body. Take corresponding measures to minimize the scope of the pollution area. 5 Emergency environmental monitoring, site treatment, first aid, and control measures If the accident happens, it should organize an environmental monitoring team as soon as possible to monitor the accident site and its surrounding environment. Take samples of pollutants in the environment and put them under monitoring so as to know the accident characteristics, risk type, pollutant concentration, risk level and number of affected people, which will provide scientific evidence for taking the site treatment, first aid and anti-toxin, anti-explosion, and non-proliferation measures. 196 1 Flow chart of the procedure: Personnel Personal Entering the Sampling & organization protection site monitoring Continuous Reporting the Analyzing monitoring result 2 Before conducting environmental monitoring, adopt a reliable anti-toxic and anti-explosion measure based on the known information. 3 During the monitoring, keep in touch with the commanding headquarter and report to it in time. 4 Take both fixed and mobile monitoring methods for the site monitoring. Items that need to be monitored are discharged waste water and air pollutants during the accident. Monitoring work should take place through out the whole emergency management process. Take dynamic monitoring and report the result to the site commander in chief in time. Monitoring items should be selected in accordance with the type of the accident. Parameters of environmental risk monitoring are: waste water COD, Oil, Hg, Pb, Cd, As and Ni. 5 Keep the samples during the monitoring so as to use in further studies. 6 Assess the causes of the accident, casualties and environmental impact. Learn from the experience so as to avoid such kind of accident to happen again and to provide scientific evidence for the future emergency aid work of the HQ. 197 6 Closing procedure of emergency aid of environmental accident 1 Preconditions of terminating the emergency aid Accident site has been controlled and causes of the accidents have been eliminated. The leakage or emission of pollution source has been minimized below the limit. Hazard of the accident has been eliminated and there is no possibility of secondary accident. All kinds of professional emergency response activities for the accident site are no longer necessary to continue. Take necessary measures to protect the environment from receiving another harm. Take necessary collection and protection measures to avoid sludge, waste water or other pollutants entering into the environment. Environmental impact has basically been eliminated. 2 Closing procedure of emergency response Emergency response measures are closed. Inspectors go into the site to inspect the site. When the site inspectors inform that the hazard has been controlled effectively, the commanding team announces the closing instruction. Commanding team announces to end the emergency status. Release the accident alarm in the surrounding area. Evacuation team then gathers the staff back to its post. Resume the production and report to the commander in chief. 3 Activities after the termination of emergency response actions Arrange personnel to clean the site. Initiate the accident investigation, aftermath management, insurance claim and rebuilding work. Report to the component authority in charge, environmental protection bureau, bureau of 198 work safety, police, fire brigade, communication and public health department of the local government. Investigate the causes of the accident to prevent such accident to happen again. Make records of the accident. Organize professional department to assess the emergency response measures based on the practical experience. Revise the emergency response measures timely. 7 Training program 1 Training for the emergency response team Carry out a training program to the staff about knowledge of environmental accident. Put environmental accident prevention, emergency deployment, and comprehensive coordination as main training content, in order to improve the capability of emergency response team to deal with the environmental accident. 2 Staff training for the emergency response Train the staff with environmental safety education program and conduct examination. Moreover, take regular environmental safety education and periodical practice so as to promote the emergency response awareness. 3 Publicity of emergency response knowledge of the environmental accident to the surrounding unit and personnel Dispatch publicity materials about the company’s emergency response to the environmental accident to the surrounding units and personnel. Take periodical practice together with surrounding units. 8 Drilling program and revision of emergency countermeasures act In order to act promptly and ordely after the environmental accident, and to minimize the loss caused, it is necessary to prepare the emergency response plan. Detailed actions are: 1 Every year, adjust the organization based on personnel reassignement to ensure the emergency response teams are functional. 199 2 Prepare the material and equipment based on the job duty and responsibility. Assign specific staff to take in charge of the equipment storage and maintenance in order to ensure the equipments are in good condition. 3 Monthly check of the emergency response recordss and equipment maintenance. 4 Carry out emergency response practice regularly. 5 Revise and update the emergency response plan regularly and timely. 200 Analysis of Mitigation Measures and Technical and Economic Feasibility Analysis of Air Pollution Prevention Measures and Technical and Economic Feasibility 1 Exhausted Gas Emission Exhausted gas pollution from WWTPs is mainly unpleasant odor during advanced dewatering process. The sludge has distinct unpleasant odor. During sludge treatment, odorous gas is mainly generated from aerobic/anaerobic fermentation of microbes in wet conditions. Processes adopted for proposed project include sludge conditioning and mechanical dewatering. The sludge from storage will be delivered to sealed conditioning tanks and then sent to dewatering workshop. The entire treatment process will be performed in a closed environment. Therefore, no odor emissions will be generated in the ambient air. The odor emissions from WWTPs concerned can be calculated in accordance with the sludge treatment capacity. As odor emissions will be mainly generated from filter press, the number of press filters should be taken into account. Calculation results are shown in the table below. Table 10.1-1 Estimation of Odors Emissions for Proposed Project Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang Project WWTP WWTP WWTP WWTP Sludge treatment capacity (water 120 60 30 30 content of 80%) Amount of filter press 4 3 2 2 NH3 18.0 13.5 9.0 9.0 Emission rate (g/h) H2S 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.6 Pollution emission NH3 0.158 0.119 0.079 0.079 (t/a) H2S 0.021 0.016 0.011 0.011 201 2 Exhausted gas control and prevention measures Sludge treatment capability after project implementation is the same as that of current situation in WWTPs concerned. Prior to project implementation, sludge from WWTPs concerned was treated by frame press filters or centrifugal compressors after being conditioned. After project implementation, sludge will be conditioned to reduce generation of odor emissions and the decrease of water content and volume after dewatering will also cause reduction of odor emissions. In addition, biological deodorant was applied in existing dewatering workshop in WWTP concerned to reduce odor concentration. The organics will be decomposed by biological deodorant through microorganisms and probiotics. And generation of ammonia and H2S as odor sources together with production and reproduction of detrimental bacteria will be treated by the biological deodorant. 3 Selection of Deodorization Technology Biological Oxidation End products of biological oxidation include CO2 and H2O, which will not cause secondary pollution. It can be divided into 4 categories in terms of filtration methods, including biofiltration tank, biofilter (soil, composting and bog muck), and packed column for deodorization (absorption and adsorption), biological scrubber (aeration and biological scrubbing). Natural Plant Deodorization The basic principle of this technology is to use special plant extract as deodorant together with advanced spraying or atomizing technologies. The atomized molecules are equably dispersed in the air to adsorb odor-generating molecule, as well as have reactions such as decomposition, polymerization, substitution and displacement, which facilitate the change in structures of odor-generating molecules. The end products are harmless molecules such as water, oxygen, nitrogen etc. The types of 202 odor-generating molecules depend on odor generation sources. Therefore, it is proposed to select specific plant extracts for deodorization. Activated Oxidation Activated oxidation is to employ static electricity with high frequency and high voltage (activated oxygen generators can emit hundreds of billions ions with high energy) to generate high density activated oxygen with high energy for deodorization, which is a transition from between oxygen molecule and ozone. The process is conducted in normal temperature. Therefore, it is also called microtherm combustion. The products are chalcogen aggregates, such as O2, O2-, O2+, ·OH HO2, ·O, which have intensive oxidation ability. High Energy Ion Purification The technology is based upon principles of electric field ionization. Lots of particle was generated from ion generators. The collision of particle with oxygen molecules forms positive and negative oxygen-ions. The positive oxygen-ions have very strong oxidability to decompose pollutants such as methyl, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide and to produce small-sized harmless molecules of carbon dioxide and water. At the same time, oxygen ions can destroy the living conditions of bacteria and also reduce the indoor bacteria concentration. The charged ions can absorb suspended particles which is several times heavier than themselves. The ions with particles fall down by gravity. Consequently, suspended colloids in air can be eliminated. As indicated by practice, efficiencies of 4 aforesaid technologies are high. Among those, biological oxidation technology has the advantages of stable effect with low operation expenses and investment, easy operation and maintenance, and low energy consumption. Like other projects, proposed project will apply biological deodorant to oxidize odorous gas in a biological way. As a result of visits to existing dewatering workshop, the odor intensity in existing dewatering workshop exceeded Class 3. Based upon the visit to sludge advanced dewatering workshop in Dashachi WWTP of Guangzhou, the odor intensity was 203 nearly Class 3 which was lower than that of existing project sites. It is considered that odor emissions will be reduced and local air quality will be improved after project implementation. Therefore, the odor control measure by biological oxidation after sludge conditioning is feasible. At present, WWTPs in large cities, such as Datansha WWTP in Guangzhou, concentrated odor treatment alternatives for sludge dewatering workshops were implemented for control of odor from sludge dewatering process in an effective way. The operation efficiencies of those odor control alternatives were relatively good, which were higher than 90%. Well-organized collection and treatment measures can be also taken into account for further reduction of odorous offgas emissions if feasible. Analysis of Water Pollution Prevention Measures and Technical and Economic Feasibility 1 Wastewater generation For proposed project, there will be no new construction of dorms and canteens. The staff will handle accommodation and meals by themselves. The wastewater mainly includes domestic waste and industrial wastewater to be generated from advanced dewatering. As for site laboratories, all types of waster liquid and wash water may contain hazardous and toxic components, such as heavy metal, strong acid and strong base. Therefore, the wastewater should be collected in specific containers and then sent to qualified company from hazard-free treatment. General wash water from laboratories should be discharged into municipal WWTP for centralized treatment. The sludge generation from dewatering in WWTPs concerned is detailed in Table 10.2-1. Main water pollutants include CODcr, BOD5, SS and NH3-N. The comparisons of wastewater quality in WWTPs concerned are shown in Table 10.2-2 below. Table 10.2-1 Statistics on Wastewater Discharge for Proposed Project Unit: m3/d Zhen an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang WWTP Subtotal WWTP WWTP WWTP WWTP Domestic 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 3.6 204 wastewater * General wash water 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 in labs Wastewater from 2350 1178 590 590 4708 sludge dewatering Subtotal 2351 1179 591 591 4712 Table 10.2-2 Parameters of Water Quality for Proposed Project Unit: m3/d Pollutant CODcr BOD5 SS NH3-N Concentration mg/l 1100 400 100 75 Zhen an 943.93 343.25 85.81 64.36 WWTP Shagang 473.37 172.13 43.03 32.28 WWTP generation Chengbei t/a 237.29 86.29 21.57 16.18 WWTP Nanzhuang 237.29 86.29 21.57 16.18 WWTP Subtotal 2991.88 1087.96 271.98 204.00ı After project implementation, effluent discharge will correspondingly change due to increase of dewatering efficiency. The increase of effluent discharge ranges from 21 WR 71 m3/d as detailed in Table 10.2-3. 205 Table 10.2-3 Variation Situation of Sludge Discharge in this Project m3/d Zhen Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang WWTP an Subtotal WWTP WWTP WWTP WWTP Wastewater discharge 85.812 43.034 21.572 21.572 171.99 3 (10000 m /a) Proposed Pollutant CODcr 51.49 25.82 12.94 8.63 98.88 project discharge NH3-N 21.45 10.76 5.39 1.73 39.33 (t/a) Wastewater discharge 83.220 41.610 20.805 20.805 166.44 (10000 m3/a) Existing Pollutant CODcr 49.93 24.97 12.48 8.32 95.70 Project discharge NH3-N 20.81 10.40 5.20 1.66 38.07 (t/a) Wastewater discharge 2.592 1.424 0.767 0.767 5.55 (10000 m3/a) Variation Pollutant CODcr 1.56 0.85 0.46 0.31 3.18 discharge NH3-N 0.64 0.36 0.19 0.07 1.26 (t/a) 2 Mitigation Measures for Wastewater Total capacity of Zhen’an WWTP is 350000 m3/d . A/O treatment process was adopted at Phase I; improved A2/O treatment process was adopted at Phase II and III. Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Zhen’an WWTP is detailed below. Table 10.2-4 Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Zhen’an WWTP (mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 250 130 150 35 25 4 Outfall 60 20 30 15 1 Phase I Shagang WWTP is currently put into operation with a capacity of 100000 m3/d, and A2/O treatment process. Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Shagang WWTP is detailed in following table. 206 Table 10.2-5 Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Shagang WWTP (mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 230 130 150 30 20 3 Outfall 60 20 25 10 1 Phase I Chengbei WWTP has a treatment capacity of 50000 m3/d with improved activated sludge treatment process. And Phase II Project of Chengbei WWTP will increase the treatment capacity of 50000 m3/d with the same treatment process. Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Chengbei WWTP is detailed in following table. Table 10.2-6 Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Chengbei WWTP (mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 250 130 150 30 25 3 Outfall 40 20 20 8 1.5 Phase I Nanzhuang WWTP is still under construction with a capacity of 25000 m3/d and modified A2/O treatment process. Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Nanzhuang WWTP is detailed in following Table. Table 10.2-7 Designed water quality at inlets and outfalls of Nanzhuang WWTP (mg/L) Parameter CODcr BOD5 SS TN NH4+-N TP Inlet 250 140 150 30 25 4 Outfall 60 30 30 15 1 Class II Pollutant Discharge Standard for WWTP GB18918-2002 and Class II Discharge Limit for Water Pollutant in Guangdong Province DB44/26-2001 are applicable to Zhen an, Shagang and Chengbei WWTPs. Class IB Pollutant Discharge Standard for WWTP GB18918-2002 and Class I Discharge Limit for Water Pollutant in Guangdong Province DB44/26-2001 are applicable to Nanzhuang WWTP. 207 The wastewater after dewatering will be treated in existing treatment facilities of WWTPs in compliance with relevant standards prior to being discharged. The increase of wastewater generation from proposed dewatering house will be very little and ranges from 0.01 to 0.03% with maximum increase in Shagang WWTP, which will not exceed the capacity of WWTPs concerned. The increase of pollutants discharge at outfalls will also be very little, which will not cause significant changes in local aquatic environment quality. Therefore, a tiny increase of wastewater generation from proposed project is feasible. Analysis of Noise Pollution Prevention Measures and Technical and Economic Feasibility Major Noise Sources Major noise sources for advanced dewatering in WWTPs concerned mainly include sludge pumps, water pumps, blowers, air compressors, sludge dewatering device and conveying system. Main devices for proposed project are mainly placed in dewatering workshop and pump rooms. Compared to existing projects, there will no distinct changes in noise intensity after project implementation. Table 10.3-1 Major Noise Sources before and after project implementation Number Noise Shagan Chengb Nanzhu No. Name Unit Zhen’an Level g ei ang Subtotal WWTP dB(A) WWTP WWTP WWTP 1 Frame press filter Set 4 3 2 2 11 70 80 2 Air compressor Set 3 3 2 2 10 85 95 3 Sludge pump Set 14 11 7 7 39 80 90 4 Water pump Set 1 1 1 1 4 80 90 5 Blender Set 6 6 6 6 24 70 80 Noise Pollution Control Measures To lessen impacts of noise nuisance caused by dewatering devices in WWTP concerned on surrounding environment, the following measures are proposed: 208 (1) For large noise sources, during installation, sheltering, noise insulation, vibration prevention and attenuation should be implemented for noises sources. Mitigation measures such as insulated rooms, walls and noise damp, should be taken to lessen noise radiation and transmission. And noise prevention measures for fans, air compressors and water pumps should be implemented. (2) Devices should be placed in closed rooms with noise insulation meausres. Vibration attenuation should be performed at pump inlets and outlets. Noise damping should be implemented at blower inlet and outlet. Sound absorption should be implemented in dewatering rooms. And noise damping should be implemented for ventilation system of closed dewatering rooms. (3) Device maintenance should be carried out on a regular basis, such as use of lubricant to keep devices in good conditions and reduce noise generation. (4) Place equipment with high noise emission in a proper way according to the general layout to keep the equipment away from sensitive areas, place equipment with high noise emission at low elevation as much as possible to reduce further noise transmission. (5) Use geographic condition, e.g. fences between noise source and sensitive areas to mitigate noise transmission. Equipment with high noise emission should not be placed at plant boundaries. As indicated by projection and analysis results, noise from dewatering devices in WWTPs concerned will not bring distinct adverse impacts on regional acoustic environment. The proposed noise mitigation measures are feasible. Analysis of Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Measures and Technical and Economic Feasibility Sources and Category of Solid Waste 209 Solid waste generated during advanced dewatering includes sludge cake after press filtration and domestic wastes. Besides, liquid wastes from laboratories and wash water may contain hazardous and toxic components such as heavy metal, strong acid and alkali, which should be collected in specific containers and then sent to qualified company for hazard-free treatment. Water content of sludge after dewatering in WWTPs concerned will be approximately 60%. Generation and characters of solid waste are shown in Table 10.4-1. Table 10.4-1 Generation and Characters of Solid Waste (t/a) Zhen’an Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang WWTP Subtotal WWTP WWTP WWTP WWTP Sludge 150 57 30 30 267 Existing Domestic dewatering 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 waste workshop Subtotal 120.01 60.01 30.01 30.01 267.04 Sludge 60 30 15 15 120 Domestic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 waste Proposed Waste liquid Project from 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 laboratories Subtotal 60.011 30.011 15.011 15.011 120.044 Variations -89.999 -26.999 -14.999 -14.999 -146.966 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste (1) Domestic Waste Domestic waste and waste packages are considered as general waste which will be stored in compliance with rules specified by sanitation authorities, and collected and treated by sanitation authories in charge. (2) Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste, e.g. waste liquid from laboratories, will be sent to qualified company for safe disposal. 210 (3) WWTP Sludge WWTP sludge will be landfilled after advanced dewatering. Based upon monitoring data on sludge, certain data (mainly Zn and Ni concentrations) for Shagang WWTP were not compliant with relevant standards as shown in bold and italic in Table 10.4-2. In recent three years, Zn concentration for Shagang WWTP in 2009 and Cd concentration for Chengbei WWTP in 2010 were beyond the limit values of relevant standards. However, sludge from WWTPs after mixing will be compliant with relevant standards. The proposed water content after advanced dewatering will be lower than 60%, which can meet the requirements for landfilling. Initial Agreement between Foshan Water Group and ONXY Company was signed for acceptance of sludge from WWTPs in Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site. After advanced dewatering, water content of municipal sludge should be not higher than 60%. And it is also required that other key parameters should meet the requirements of relevant standards. Thus, sludge from WWTPs can be disposed of in the landfill sites. Table 10.4-2 Analysis and Comparision of Sludge Components and Standards for Sludge Landfilling (mg/kg) Test data Chengbei Item Zhen’an WWTP Shagang WWTP Landfill Standard WWTP 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 Cd 5.88 3.69 1.79 2.47 3.57 4.62 3.21 3.1 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 2.4 12.5 43.6 20 Hg 8.24 16.35 4.26 2.29 3.71 2.23 1.78 1.96 7.39 15.32 2.46 6.72 2.47 19.6 1.93 25 Pb 248.2 68.7 52.9 79.7 125 218 164 120 507.97 266 2.22 535 166 178 101 1000 Cr 76.85 55.87 73.8 163 125 294 526 156 146.5 161 193 873 509 291 66 1000 As 43.98 45.86 36.9 64.69 23.1 38.9 32.9 64.5 23.12 82.46 19 62.6 53.8 44.6 50.4 75 Cu 666.43 762.7 1200 846 893 756 555 399 183.04 672 251 535 182 344 130 1500 Zn 1420.5 868.1 1910 2250 1850 2690 1110 664 2692 5140 3990 4370 1610 1390 640 4000 Ni 48.93 45.22 165 254 41.7 113 61.3 44 60.64 265 69.8 186 91 212 55 200 CN- / / 5 4 0.51 0.17 0.114 / 6.05 4.89 4.11 7.64 / 0.766 / 10 The aforesaid sludge treatment and disposal alternatives are technically feasible. 211 The proposed treatment and disposal of solid waste are technically feasible. Mitigation Measures for Transportation Routes Sludge Transportation Routes and Methods After dewatering total amount of sludge from WWTPs concerned will be 120t/d. The frequency for sludge transportation will be 24 times (trips?)/d, namely sludge transportation by 24 vehicles from Chancheng District to Gaoming every day. The proposed transportation routes for each WWTP are shown in Figures 5.5-1. (1) Chengbei WWTP: Chenbei WWTP Huochang Road Wenchangxi Road Foshan Avenue Jili Avenue Qiaogao Road S113 Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site in Miao Village of Gaoming (2) Zhen’an WWTP: Zhen’an WWTP Chaoannan Road Jihua Road Foshan Avenue Jili Avenue Qiaogao Road S113 Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site in Miao Village of Gaoming (3) Shagang WWTP: Shagang WWTP Shagangxin Road Foshan Avenue Jili Avenue Qiaogao Road S113 Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site in Miao Village of Gaoming (4) Nanzhuang WWTP: Nanzhuang WWTP Nanzhuang Avenue Foshan 1st Ring Road Jili Avenue Qiaogao Road S113 Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site in Miao Village of Gaoming Due to location of WWTPs concerned, transport through urban areas is inevitable. Pollution receptors along routes include residence, enterprises and institutions on both sides of the roads. The generation of odor pollutants after advanced dewatering will be very little. And closed vehicles are used for transportation, which will control impacts of noise nuisance in greatest degrees. The PIU should improve vehicle insulation and conduct careful inspection and maintenance of vehicles to avoid sludge 212 spillages. The unqualified vehicles should be discarded to protect local air quality and sanitation along transportation routes. Mitigation Measures for Impacts of Transportation Routes To lessen impacts of waste transportation, the following measures are proposed. Use sealed vehicles to transport sludge, enhance maintenance of vehicles and update vehicles on a timely basis to ensure sealing performance of vehicles. Clean vehicles on a regular basis, carry out cleaning work along the routes and road sides in a proper way. Avoid transportation in rush hour as much as possible. Equip each vehicle with communication tools in case of emergency. Once accidents occur, transport staff should notify relevant administrative department to respond as soon as possible. Strengthen education and technical training for drivers to avoid traffic accidents Environmental Risks and Countermeasures during Operation Environmental risk during operation of proposed project mainly is sludge leakage due to traffic accidents during sludge transportation. Therefore, corresponding prevention measures and emergency schedules should be implemented for control the occurrence of environmental risk to the utmost and control of risk influence to the utmost in case of emergency. Summary of Environmental Protection Measures. Negative impacts and proposed mitigation measures during construction are summarized in Table 10.7-1 and Table 10.7-2. Negative impacts and proposed mitigation measures during operation are summarized in Table 10.6-3. Risk prevention measures and emergency schedules for proposed project are listed in Table 213 10.7-4. Pollution Mitigation and environmental management measures for associated projects are shown in Table 10.7-5. 10.7-1 List of Environmental Impacts during Construction Pollution Nr. Adverse Environmental Impacts Source Fly dust will be generated during drilling, construction, material 1 Fly dust transportation and treatment. Impact scope can be controlled within 100m of construction sites after implementation of appropriate measures. Industrial and domestic Industrial and domestic wastewater to be generated during construction 2 wastewater may affect quality of surface water and clog sewers if being discharged during into surface water or municipal sewerage network without treatment. construction Construction machinery and transport devices will pose potential 3 Noise impacts on surrounding residential areas or other sensitive receptors. Impact scope ranges from 0 to 100m. On-site solid 4 A certain amount of construction waste, spoil and domestic waste to be waste generated at construction sites needs to be disposed of. VegetationProposed project will be implemented in existing sludge dewatering 5 workshops in WWTPs and surrounding empty land. Therefore, no deterioration distinct vegetation deterioration will be caused. Proposed project will be implemented in existing sludge dewatering 6 Soil erosion workshops in WWTPs and surrounding empty land. Therefore, no distinct soil erosion will be caused. 10.7-2 List of Mitigation Measures for Environmental Impacts during Construction Environmental Pollution Prevention Measures Element — Spaying at construction sites and on dust generation sources to keep humid; — Under dry weather, spay water on roads with high transport frequency and high work load on a regular basis (every two hours); — Slow down while driving on the road with dust; — Equip wheels and car body rinsing devices at outlet of construction sites. Ambient air Clean up public roads if necessary; — Cover the vehicles with convas during transportation of dust-generated materials; — reduce the height variation as much as possible during loading. Control driving velocity into loading areas in a strict way and clean the loading areas on a regularly basis. — remove construction machinery as well material transport routes from villages — install septic tank for advanced treatment of dung-containing wastewater; Aquatic — treat on-site washing water through screening grids; environment — discharge all types of wastewater after treating wastewater in compliance with relevant standards. — Forbid using all types of pile drivers. Avoid operation of pile drivers if Acoustic possible, especially at night, due to high noise intensity and serious impacts, environment — Select construction machinery with low noise emission or devices with noise insulation and damping if possible. Enhance equipment maintenance; 214 — Arrange construction time and sites in a proper way. Remove construction sites with high noise levels from noise sensitive receptors if possible. Set up temporary sound barriers around pollution sources with high noise level if required, so as to lessen noise nuisance; — No use of diesel generators if possible when municipal power supply is available. — Arrange construction schedule and plan in a rational way and limit the construction period for operation of device with high noise level; — Avoid use of devices with high noise intensity at noon break and night if possible; — evacuate vehicles into construction sits in a rational way and mitigate noise due to car horn. — Refill the spoil as much as possible during pipeline construction; — Pile up topsoil and bottom soil in a separate way during excavation. And refill bottom soil prior to topsoil refilling so as to maintain topsoil fertility; — Pile up remaining sludge and spoil in designated areas in compliance with Soild waste regulations by local sludge management offices if the sludge and spoil cannot be refilled. And transportation of the sludge and spoil to abandon quarry is also feasible for ecological rehabilitation; — transport domestic wastes to municipal sanitary landfill sites for disposal after collection by qualified cleaning companies. 10.7-3 List of Mitigation Measures for Environmental Impacts during Operation Pollution Adverse Impact Mitigation Measures Source Unpleasant odor will be 1 Condition sludge to reduce water content of sludge to generated from sludge be treated; Air pollution dewatering workshop 2 Spray biological deodorant to reduce emission of and odor during operation. odorous gas. Installation of concentrated deodorization However, odor facility will be also taken into account; nuisance generation will decrease 3 Enhance routine environmental monitoring, entrust due to process environmental monitoring authorities to monitor odor improvement. concentrations in surrounding areas. During advanced sludge dewatering, sludge 1 Discharge the wastewater after treatment in the generation will slightly Water WWTPs in compliance with relevant standards; increase compared to 2 Monitor effluent quality by operators and monitor pollution current level. However, water quality of surrounding water bodies by relevant no distinct changes will EPBs. be caused for the WWTP. 1 Implement noise insulation, shielding, shockproof and damping measures, such as rooms with insulation equipment, noise barriers and mufflers, so as to attenuate sound radiation and transmission during installation of devices with high noise levels. And Machinery noise to be implement corresponding noise prevention measures for Noise generated by wastewater blowers, press filters and water pumps, etc. treatment facilities 2 Install devices in closed areas with sound insulation, implement vibration attenuation at inlet and outlet of water pumps, damping measures at inlet and outlet of blowers, sound adsorption in service rooms, and also damping measures for ventilation of closed service rooms. 215 3 Maintain devices on a regular basis and apply lubricant to maintain devices in good conditions and reduce noise levels during operation. 4 Place devices with high noise intensities according to general layout, remove these devices from noise sensitive areas if possible and install these devices in low altitude to lessen long distance transmission if possible. 5 Take advantage of natural landform to lessen noise transmission, e.g. setup of fences between sound sources and sensitive receptor. Installation of devices with high noise levels at plant boundaries is not allowed. 1 Transport sludge to Gaoming Baishiao Landfill Site Water content of through closed vehicles after thickening and advanced dewatered dewatering. Establish mangenement account list and sludge will be 60% transfer form systems for sludge transportation. Solid waste which includes domestic 2 Domestic wastes will be treated by sanitation and wastes and a small hygience authorities. amount of waste liquid 3 Collect a small amount of waste liquid from labs in a from labs proper way and delivery the waste liquid to a qualified company for hazard-free treatment. Sludge Odor nuisance will be 1 Use vehicles with sealing measures to transport generated during sludge sludge and enhance maintenance and upgrade vehicles transportation transportation and on a timely basis to ensure good sealing of vehicles for sludge leakage may sludge transportation. occur and cause 2 Clean up vehicles on a regular basis and implement environmental risks to road cleaning. surface water. 3 Avoid rush hours if possible. 4 Equip every vehicle with required communication tools for emergency. Report relevant authorities for proper handling as soon as possible in case of accidents during sludge transportation. 5 Enhance education and technical training for drivers to avoid occurrence of traffic accidents. 216 10.7-4 Prevention Measures and Contingent Plan for Environmental Risks Type of Specific Measures Measure Set priority in use of vehicles of high safety performance. — Require vehicle suppliers to provide vehicles of good sealing performance without leakage. — Clean wheels and car bodies after sludge loading. — Equip vehicles with real-time positioning monitoring system. — Maintain vehicles on a regular basis to ensure the good driving performance. Examine sealing performance of vehicles prior to loading to ensure sludge Prevention transportation without spillage and leakage. measures for Label vehicles with remarkable safety signs. Stipulate transport route without random adjustment. environmental Obey traffic rules, enhance awareness of driving safety, especial in rainy days risks and bridge construction crossing water bodies, more caustions need to be exercised for occurrence of traffic accidents. Equip vehicles with waterproof cover. Cover the vehicles in case of spillage and leakage during sludge transportation on a timely basis to stop pollutants such as heavey metal and organics in sludge together with storm water from entering into water bodies. Enhance professtional training of awareness of environmental protection and contingent plan for drivers and persons concerned. — Establish emergency organization for environmental accidents and identify persons in charge and accidents response procedures In case of sludge spillage and leakage on roads and highways, arrange vechiles to remove sludge immediately and clean the sites as well. Cover the spilled sludge in waterproof cloth in rainy days to reduce pollution discharge if possible, and remove the sludge as soon as possible. At the same time, report emergency management team and EPBs immediately and report water supply divisions of Foshan Water Group on a timely basis to ensure the preparation for pollution prevention Strictly monitor flow direction of polluted water bodies and implement Contigent corresponding contingent plan to control pollution coverage within a small plan for region. Implement reliable antitoxin and explosion-proof measures based opon environmental knowledge of project progress prior to environmental monitoring. risks Keep in touch with headquarters at any time and report the headquarters on a timely basis during monitoring. Monitor in fixed and flexible way for accident prevention. The monitoring items should include accident effluents and air pollutants. The monitoring should cover the whole process with active monitoring. And monitoring results should be reported to site manager on a timely basis. Attentions should be paid to sample storage during monitoring to facilitate further verification. Assessment should be made for accident origin, casualties and hazard to environment causes. Lessons should be learnt to avoid the re-occurrence of accidents and provide scientific basis for further emergency relief. 10.7-5 Enviromental Protection Measures for Associated Projects Associated Adverse Mitigation Measures Project Impact 217 1 Deodorization by means of biological deodorant and setup of green belts in the plant and at plant boundary. Zhen’an 2 Cover the main odor generation sources prior to collection for WWTP deodorization. The implementation of aforesaid deodorization methods was completed for phase III project. Air pollution 3 Set up sanitary protection zone in the width of 100m. and odor 1 Cover main devices, spray biological deodorant and build up nuisance Chengbei green belts in the plant and at plant boundary. WWTP 2 Set up sanitary protection zone in the width of 100m. 1 Deodorization by means of biological deodorant and setup of Shagang green belts in the plant and at plant boundary. WWTP 2 Set up sanitary protection zone in the width of 300m. 1 Treat wastewater in WWTPs through A/O, A2/O or improved A2/O process prior to discharge in compliance with relevant standards; Wastewater Zhen’an, 2 Monitor effluent quality by operators and setup on-line monitoring Chengbei, devoces at outfalls by EPBs to monitoring flow rate and COD. Shagang 1 Implement environmental protection measures such as construction of WWTPs rooms with sound insulation, sound-proof wall and mufflers during Noise installation of pollution sources with high noise intensity. 2 maintain devices on a regular basis, apply lubricant to keep devices in a good condition and reduce noise to be generated during operation. 1 Deliver sludge into Yunan Sanitary Landfill Site in Zhaoqing after thickening and dewatering. After project implementation, deliever Solid waste dewatered sludge into Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site in Gaoming Miao Village for disposal 2 Domestic wastes will be treated by sanitation and hygiene authorities. Foshan Water Group will be in charge of operation management of WWTPs involved in the proposed project. The operation models for WWTps are unified. During routine operation, operators will exercise Others cautions to monitoring of water quality at inlet and outlet as well sludge quality. And a complete recording system will be established together with contingent plans for various breakdown and accidents. 1 Build up collection pipeline and explosion-proof systems for flammable Air pollution offgas. The offgas to be generated from the landfill site will be collected and odor and incinerated by torch. nuisance 2 Set up sanitary protection zone in the width of 500m. 1 Employ bilayer anti-seepage process with anti-seepage coefficient less than 10-7cm/s Baishiao Leachate 2 transfer leachate from retention tank for greening as reuse after on-site Sanitary leachate treatment. Landfill Select devices with low noise emission and implementation of specific Site in Noise sound insulation, vibration attenuation and damping meaures. Gaoming Pollution Use specific vehicles for waste transportation and establish transport Miao during manuals. Village transportation Set up 10 groundwater monitoring wells and monitoring points for air quality in neighboring Miao Village Ludongshan Forest Park. Conduct Others environmental monitoring for landfill site and surrounding sensitive receptors for 3-4 times. The monitoring covers air quality, surface water, ground water, leachate, soil, noise and etc. . 218 Public Consultation According to the “Law of Environmental Impact Assessment of PRC”, the “Temporary Method for Public Consultation during EIA (SEPA 2006 No.26)” and the “Notifications on Printing and Distribution of Opinions on Implementing Public Consultation related to Environmental Management of Construction Projects in Guangdong Province (GDEPB 2007 No.99)”, public consultation and information disclosure of this project has been performed by PIU with the technical assistance and support of the EA agency so as to improve rationality and fairness of EIA work and get a full understanding of public opinions and expert suggestions on project implementation. Public Consultation Procedure Integrated with EIA work, public consultation during the preparation of EIA documents was performed as described in Figure 11.1-1. Assigning of the EIA work Project Information disclosure, initial collection of public opinions and Preparation of draft EA report Disclosure of simplified and draft EA reports Public investigation and consultation Preparation of EA report Public consultation Other work process for EIA Figure 11.1-1: Public Consultation Procedure during EIA 219 Information Disclosure 1 Entrusted by Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection (GRIEP), the PIU carried out project information disclosure on the local website of Foshan Water Group (http://www.fswater.com/) as well as at neighboring pollution receptors for 10 working days. The details were disclosed of as follows. 220 1RWLILFDWLRQ RQ 3XEOLF &RQVXOWDWLRQ IRU 3RWHQWLDO (QYLURQPHQWDO ,PSDFWV UHODWHG WR )RVKDQ 1DQ]KXDQJ 6OXGJH 7UHDWPHQW 3ODQW 3URMHFW 1. Project Overview: The proposed Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant project is located within the boundaries of Nanzhuang WWTP, Zhen an WWTP, Shagang WWTP and Chengbei WWTP. The proposed treatment capacity is 240 t/d dewatered sludge with 80% water content. The goal of sludge treatment is to dewater WWTP sludge by employing sludge conditioning and frame filter press advanced dewatering techniques to achieve water content lower than 60% so as to realize reduction and hazard-free treatment of sludge from municipal WWTPs and to minimize negative impacts of sludge on the local ecological environment. The implementation of proposed project will greatly reduce sludge treatment and disposal costs. No expensive natural gas is used as fuel and the treatment facility is quite flexible which requires less land, reduces wet sludge transportation cost and minimize potential negative impacts on environment during transportation. As a whole, the proposed project will bring great economic, environmental, social benefits and energy efficiency. 2. PIU: Foshan Water Group Company Ltd. Address: Foshan Municipality Chancheng District Tongjixi Road 16 Water Supply Mansion; e-mail: liuyanhui gz@126.com; Tel: 0757- 83808173; Fax: 0757-83808173; Contact person: Ms Liu. 3. EA agency: Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection Address: Guangzhou Municipality Tianhenan Road 24; e-mail: hkszhoulin@126.com; Tel: 020- 85515283; Fax: 020-87540073; Contact person: Ms Zhou. 4. EIA work procedure and Terms of Reference (TOR): analysis of environmental impacts of on-site sludge treatment, survey on environmental baselines in project sites, projection and assessment of impacts on environmental elements and protection zones, collection of public opinions and suggestions, identification of mitigation measures for potential environmental pollution, and prevention, control and management measures for ecological environment protection. 5. Scope of public consultation and key issues of concern: collection of public opinions and suggestions on environmental protection issues, such as environmental impacts, mitigation measures, and selection of project sites. 6. Main methods for public consultation: contact with PIU or EA agency can be available via mail, fax, telephone, correspondence and visit. Foshan Water Group Company Ltd. Oct. 2010 221 The details of first round of public consultation on the website are presented in Figure 11.2-1. And the details of information disclosure at neighboring pollution receptors are presented in Figure 11.2-2. Figure 11.2-1 Information Disclosure for proposed project on the website (first round) 222 Notice in Chengbei WWTP Notice in Shagang WWTP Notice in Zhen an WWTP Bulletin board in Guabaxun Village Bulletin board in Fuxi Village Notice in Aochong Village Figure 11.2-2a Sites of Information Disclosure 223 Notice in Gaotian Village Bulletin board in Shagang Village Notice in Guihua High School Notice in Nanhai Art High School Bulletin board in Xinger Community of Bulletin board in Guihua Community Zhen an Village Figure 11.2-2b Sites of Information Disclosure (first round) \ 2 Second round of information disclosure 224 After completion of draft and summary of EA reports, on Dec. 6th 2010, preparation of EA report was disclosed on the local website of Foshan Water Group (http://www.fswater.com/) as well as at neighboring pollution receptors for 10 working days. The information disclosed of included: ¾ Project overview; ¾ Description of potential impacts of the proposed project on the environment; ¾ Key points of prevention and mitigation measures for potential negative environmental impacts; ¾ Key points of EIA conclusions made in EA report; ¾ Methods and deadline for public access to EA Summary, and methods and deadline for public request for supplemental information from PIU or EA agency entrusted by PIU; ¾ Scope of public consultation and main issues; ¾ Forms of public consultation; ¾ Time frame for the public to express their opinions The details of second round of information disclosure on the website are presented in Figure 11.2-3. And the details of information disclosure at neighboring pollution receptors are presented in Figure 11.2-4. 225 Figure 11.2-3 Information Disclosure for proposed project on the website (second round) 226 Bulletin board in Shagang Village Commission Notice in Shagang WWTP Notice in Zhen an WWTP Notice in Guihua High School Notice in Chengbei WWTP Bulletin board in Guabaxun Village Figure 11.2-4a Sites of Information Disclosure (second round) 227 Bulletin board in Aochong Village Notice in Nanhai Art High School Notice in Gaotian Village Bulletin board in Zhen an Village Bulletin board in Fuxi Village Bulletin board in Guihua Community Figure 11.2-4b Sites of Information Disclosure (second round) 228 Form of Survey After first round of information disclosure, EA agency made visits to sensitive areas close to advanced dewatering workshops of WWTPs to get an initial understanding of public opinion and suggestions on project implementation. During initial survey, neither specific opinions nor suggestions were made by the public as the public had no idea about the proposed project. Some of surveyed persons consulted the EA agency to understand the project progress, and the EA agency provided information on proposed project and informed the public of second round of public consultation and disclosure of EA summary to raise public awareness. After completion of draft EA report and second round of public consultation and disclosure of EA summary, consultation with residents and relevant entities close to proposed project sites was carried out by the EA agency and PIU in the form of questionnaire survey,. The main form of public survey in villages/communities close to proposed project sites was questionnaire survey to individual residents. The main targets included representatives of villages/communities and schools, cadres, teachers and students at different ages of different occupations, religions, ethnic groups, education levels and genders. The main form of survey on government and relevant entities was direct consultation. The comments were provided by surveyed entities with official chop. The sites of public consultation in neighboring villages/communities are shown in Figure 11.3-1. 229 Survey in Gaotian Village Survey in Shagang Village Survey in Guihua High School Survey in Fuxi Village Survey in Aochong Village Survey in Guabuxun Village Figure 11.3-1 Sites of Public Consultation 230 Contents of Public Consultation 1 Public Survey in villages/communities Main contents of public survey included public attitude, opinion and suggestion on the proposed project. The survey questionnaire distributed is shown in Table 11.4-1. Table 11.4-1 Public Survey Questionnaire for Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project 1 Project Introduction Project Overview The proposed Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant project locates within the boundary of Nanzhuang WWTP, Zhen an WWTP, Shagang WWTP and Chengbei WWTP. The proposed treatment capacity is 240 t/d dewatered sludge with 80% water content. The goal of sludge treatment is to dewater WWTP sludge by employing sludge conditioning and frame filter press advanced dewatering techniques to achieve water content lower than 60% so as to realize reduction and hazard-free treatment of sludge from municipal WWTPs and to minimize negative impacts of sludge on the local ecological environment. Implementation of the proposed project will greatly reduce sludge treatment and disposal costs. No expensive natural gas is used as fuel and the treatment facility is quite flexible which requires less land, reduces wet sludge transportation cost and minimize potential negative impacts on environment during transportation. As a whole, the proposed project will bring great economic, environmental, social benefits and energy efficiency. Main Pollution Sources Construction period: industrial wastewater, C&D waste, noise, dust, etc. Operation period: domestic wastewater, wastewater to be generated by sludge filtering, washing water, odorous gas from advanced dewatering process, noise, dry sludge, solid waste and laboratory wastewater. Main Mitigation Measures Construction period: select construction machinery and process with low noise emission; noise insulation and control of construction at night; sprinkle the sites on a regular basis, load raw materials with sealing measures to reduce dust pollution; recycle and reuse treated wastewater, discharge residual wastewater into WWTP and discharge in compliance with standards. 231 Operation period: discharge wastewater into receiving water bodies after treatment in WWTPs; build up green areas to lessen odor nuisance due to small amount of odorous gas; take insulation, vibration attenuation and noise elimination measures; dispose of sludge in sanitary landfill after advanced dewatering process, transport domestic waste to local sanitation agency for treatment, entrust qualified waste treatment company to treat laboratory wastewater as hazardous waste. 2 Contact Information PIU: oshan Water Group Company Ltd. Foshan Municipality Chancheng District Tongjixi Road 16 Water Supply Mansion Contact Person Ms Liu Tel 0757-83808173 EA Agency Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection Address Guangzhou Municipality Tianhenan Road 24 Contact Person Ms Zhou Tel 020-85515283 Fax 020-87540073 2 Public Questionnaire Survey Personal Information Name Gender Occupation Education Age Tel: Impacts of proposed project Residence Work Neither Residence/Work location Question 1 Do you know about the proposed project Well( ) a little no( ) Question 2 What do you consider as current main environmental issues during sludge dewatering in proposed WWTPs ? Noise( ) Air Pollution ( ) Water Pollution ( ) No idea( ) Others(please specify) 232 Question 3 What do you consider as main potential environmental impacts caused by the proposed project Construction period Exhausted gas( ) Noise( ) Wastewater( ) Solid waste( ) No idea( ) Others(please specify) Operation period Exhausted gas( ) Noise( ) Wastewater( ) Solid waste( ) No idea( ) Others(Please specify) Question 4 How will regional environmental quality change after project completion, compared to current quality Better( ) No significant change( ) Worse( ) No idea( ) Question 5 What do you think of impacts on your daily life and work caused by project implementation Positive impacts( ) No significant impacts( ) No idea ( ) Negative impacts( ) Negative impacts (please specify) Question 6 Are you concerned about potential environmental issues caused by proposed project Construction period yes( ) It doesn’t matter to me. ( ) no( ) No idea( ) Operation period yes( ) It doesn’t matter to me. ( ) no( ) No idea( ) Question 7 As a whole, do you favor implementing the proposed project? yes ( ) It doesn’t matter to me. no( ) if no, please specify Question 8 In view of environmental protection, what are your suggestions and opinions on the project implementation Attached sheets are available. 2 Government and Relevant Entity survey 233 Main contents of government and relevant entities consultation included attitudes, opinions and suggestion on the proposed project. The survey questionnaire distributed is shown in Table 11.4-2. Table 11.4-2 Survey Questionnaire for Relevant entities within Environmental Sensitive Areas Name of Company Seal Date Contact Person Tel Question Comments 1. Comments on wastewater, exhausted gas, solid waste and noise emission caused by proposed project 2. The potential negative impacts on favor ok oppose the environment is considered limited after implementation of if oppose, please specify your concern corresponding environmental In view of environmental protection protection measures. In view of Others environmental protection, what is altitude towards proposed project 3. Requirements and suggestions on other environmental issues Statistics and Analysis of Survey Results 234 Statistics for Information Disclosure Duration of first round of information disclosure: from October 25th to November 8th 2010; Duration of second round of information disclosure: from December 6th to December 21st 2010. During information disclosure, a resident from Gaotian Village made a phone call to express their opinions on project implementation. The person thought that the project will bring sludge from WWTPs to Nanzhuang WWTP for treatment and it would pose serious negative impacts on neighboring villages. Statistics of Public Opinions 1 Analysis of survey representation On the principle of being universal and focusing on key points, public survey was performed after the completion of draft EA repot in form of questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed on a selective basis to residents and related personnel in surrounding areas of proposed project, which covered Nanhai Art High School, Guihua High School, Shagang, Guabuxun, Fuxi, Aochong and Gaotian Villages. In total, 70 questionnaires were distributed and returned with 100% return rate, 67 surveyed individuals lived or worked in sensitive receptors within 2000m of assessment area. It is required that over 70% of surveyed individuals live or work in project-affected area including areas with environmental risks. In this case, 95.7% of surveyed individuls was directly or indirectly affected by proposed project. The factors, such as occupation, education and age, were taken into account during public survey. And the surveyed samples are representative. The surveyed units included Zhen an, Nanzhuang, Zinan, Shagang, Guabuxun, Fuxi Village Committees and Foshan Nanhai Art High School. It is also required that over 70% of surveyed units should be located in project-affected area including areas with environmental risks. In this case, 100% of surveyed units might be affected in the assessment area. 2 Statistics on Survey Results 235 Specific distribution scopes and number of survey questionnaires are shown in Table 13.5-1. Personal data on surveyed public is shown in Table 11.5-2. Statistical results on survey questionnaires are shown in Table 11.5-2. Table 11.5-1 Distribution of Survey Questionnaires Number of Number of Relative Location Distance m Questionnaire Questionnaire Bearing distributed returned Nanhai Art High NW 180 5 5 School Guihua High N 120 3 3 Zhen an School Zhen an W 500 7 7 Nanhai and 3 3 Chancheng Shagang Shagang Village NW 690 15 15 Guabuxun Village W 200 10 10 Chengbei Fuxi Village S 450 8 8 Aochong Village ESE 390 5 5 Nanzhuang Gaotian Village NE 490 7 7 Nanzhuang 7 7 Subtotal 70 70 As indicated in Table 11.5-1, over 70% of surveyed public was living/working within project affected areas, which met the requirement of “Notification on Printing of Implementation Opinions on Public Consultation for Environmental Management regarding Construction Project in Guangdong Province” (GDEPB 2007 No.99). The detailed information on surveyed public is shown in Table 11.5-2. 236 Table 11.5-2 Personal Information of Surveyed Public WWTP No. Name Gender Occupation Education Age Tel Residence/Work Place 1 Zhou Ronghua Male Worker Primary school 43 82413093 2 Zhou Shan Female Worker University 23 82834230 Secondary 3 Lin Yujia Male Farmer 22 school Junior high 4 Zhou Zhuansheng Female Worker 50 82820455 school 5 Li Shuang Female Farmer Junior high 19 13543614252 Fuxi Village school Junior high 6 Huo Xinyun Male Farmer 54 84484782 school Junior high 7 Lin Yongqian Male 50 13702561474 school Junior high 8 Huang Xiaoxia Female Worker 43 1370256811 Chengbe school i 9 Liang Huandaià Femaleà à à 50à 85536616à Security 10 Lu Weijià Maleà Primary schoolà 62à 15302869853à guardà 11 Yang Yipingà Femaleà à à à 13794005273à 12 Ye Zhenhuaà Maleà à à à 13927739426à Junior high 13 Fan Botianà Maleà Workerà 39à à school Guabuxun Village Junior high 14 Ye Qiucunà Maleà Workerà 28à 13923200773à school Senior high 15 Zhou Zhulinà Maleà à 35à à schoolà 16 Yang Bingjingà Maleà à à à 13902813394à 17 Ye Zhihuià Maleà à à à 85566337à 18 Xu Hongxiaà Femaleà à à à 13679878668à Zhen a 1 He Zhaocui Female 40 13802633166 n Junior high 2 Chen Ruinan Male laborer 65 13600301307 school 3 Liang Qiong Female 40 13727341153 4 Chen Yuhui Male Worker 40 13923141416 Zhen’an Village Senior high 5 Yang Zhihong Male laborer 50 13702553792 school 6 Lu Rungen Male College 40 13923110433 7 He Lankang Male laborer College 35 13695177555 8 Liu Guangwen Female Teacher University à 86221112à Nanhai Art High School 9 Lu Xiaolin Female Teacher University 42à 18923151946à 237 WWTP No. Name Gender Occupation Education Age Tel Residence/Work Place Secondary 10 Chen Zhongping Male Student 20à à school Secondary 11 Chen Yahong Female Student 18à à school Secondary 12 Huang Weishao Male Student 19à à school 13 Yongquan Male Teacher '%"!(!($à 14 Wu Yihua Male Student High school 17 à Guihua High School 15 Luo Zhiwei Male Student High school 17 à Guicheng Nanxing’er 16 Liang Zhiyun Female Employee Bachelor 29 à Road Yulan Village Chancheng District 17 Lu Riming Male Technician Master 30 "&%%%""à Guicheng 18 Wu Yaoguang Male Technician Bachelor 30 à Chancheng District WWTP No. Name Gender Occupation Education Age Tel Residence/Work Place Senior high Shagang 1 Liang Zhuosong Male 53 13923149832 Lanshixi District school water conservation Senior high 2 Mo Manjiang Male Driver 34 13622711713 agency of Shiwan school Community Power station of 3 Liang Chengjian Male Driver Bachelor 27 13827766839 Shagang 4 Liang Ruiguang Male 26 13889922008 Shiwan Shagang Power station of 5 Zhang Hui Male Farmer Primary school 57 13006720968 Shagang Junior high 6 He Yanshan Female 36 13420603663 Shiwan Shagang school Secondary 7 Li Binghuang Male 26 13929991951 school 8 Mr Zhong Male Driver 13827772746 Junior high 9 Zhou Pingchu Male Security 47 13528903337 school 10 Mr Chen Male 32 Junior high 11 Male Guan Chengqi school 30 13798697189 12 Mrs Li Female 13420651390 13 Mrs Wen Female 23690626553 Senior high 14 Male Li Yunxin laborer school 44 15813419919 238 WWTP No. Name Gender Occupation Education Age Tel Residence/Work Place Secondary 15 Male Zhang Nuo laborer school 22 Junior high 1 Liao Xueyi Male 27 82074210 school 2 Xie Xiaoqun Female Farmer 50 Junior high 3 Mr Luo Male Farmer 65 Aochong Village school Junior high 4 Mr Luo Male Farmer 60 13809702237 school 5 Mrs Luo Female 36 Nanzhuang Village 6 Mr Luo Male Accountant College 33 85332227 Commission Nanzhuang Zitong Road 7 Mr Luo Male Accountant College 35 85332227 100 Junior high 8 Mr Liang Male Worker 45 school Nanzhua Junior high ng 9 Lan Yinghuang Male Worker 30 school Junior high 10 Cui Wenxiang Male 43 13528903337 laborer school Gaotian Village 11 Huang Xiaolan Female laborer 45 85325835 12 Xiang Xinlian Female College 32 Senior high 13 Pan Sheng Male Farmer 45 school 14 Mrs Lu Female farmer 15 Luo Huanying Female Civil servant Bachelor 25 85332218 16 Mrs Feng Female 50 85315285 17 Fu Linglin Male College 24 1502424730 Nanzhuang Junior high 18 He Changping Male resident 40 15918130986 school 19 Mr. Jin Male 13542643573 2 Statistics of Questionnaire return rate 70 questionnaires were distributed and returned which amounted to return rate of 100%. The details are shown in Table 11.5-3. Table 11.5-3 Statistical Result of Public Survey No. Question Answer Subtotal Percent know well 27 39 1 Question 1 know a little 33 47 no idea 10 14 239 No. Question Answer Subtotal Percent Noise 20 29 Air pollution 36 51 2 Question 2 Water pollution 8 11 No idea 12 17 Other 0 0 Exhausted gas 23 33 Noise 40 57 Construction Wastewater 10 14 Period Solid waste 5 7 No idea 5 7 3 Question 3 Exhausted gas 48 69 Noise 12 17 Operation Wastewater 12 17 period Solid waste 7 10 No idea 2 3 Better 41 59 No significant changes 18 26 4 Question 4 Worse 8 11 No idea 2 3 Positive impacts 21 30 No significant impacts 46 66 5 Question 5 No idea 2 3 Negative impacts 1 1 Concerned 22 31 It does not 10 14 Construction matter period No 23 33 concern 6 Question 6 No idea 6 9 Concerned 15 21 It does not 12 17 Operation period matter No concern 36 57 No idea 3 4 7 Question 7 favor 61 88 It does not matter 7 10 240 No. Question Answer Subtotal Percent Oppose 1 1 Other 1 1 They hoped that they would see blue sky, green water and 8 Question 8 natural oxygen bar. 3 Analysis of survey results 1 Do you know about the proposed project 39% of surveyed public knew about proposed project well, 47% knew a little and 14% did not know. The PIU should enhance the propaganda to improve public knowledge of the project. 2 What do you consider as current main environmental issues during sludge dewatering in proposed WWTPs? Over 50% of surveyed public considered air pollution as current main environmental issue during sludge dewatering in proposed WWTPs. Most public thought odor was main environmental issue in proposed WWTPs. 3 What do you consider as main potential environmental impacts caused by the proposed project Construction period: 57%of surveyed public considered noise as main potential environmental impact and most public were concerned about noise during construction. Operation period: 69% of surveyed public considered air pollution as main potential environmental impact, and most public thought that unpleasant odor would be generated from proposed WWTPs. 4 How will regional environmental quality change after project completion, compared to current quality 59 % of surveyed public thought that the environmental quality would be better, 26% thought that no significant changes would be found and 11% thought that it would be worse than current situation. As a matter of fact, the odor from WWTPs can be mitigated if all of pollution prevention and control measures are well implementation. 241 5 What do you think of impacts on your daily life and work caused by project implementation 30% of surveyed public thought proposed project would bring positive impacts, 66% thought proposed project would bring negative impacts and 3% had no idea. Most public thought that the proposed project would not pose significant impacts on their own life and work. 6 Are you concerned about potential environmental issues caused by proposed project Construction period: 33% of surveyed public were not concerned about environmental issues caused by proposed project, 14% thought it would not matter to them and 31% showed their concerns. Operation period: 57% of surveyed public were not concerned about environmental issues caused by proposed project, 17% thought it would not matter to them and 21% showed their concerns. 7 As a whole, do you favor implementing the proposed project? 88% of surveyed public favored project implementation, 10% thought it would not matter to them; one person did not express his opinion and one person opposed project implementation, he did not favor the construction of Nanzhuang WWTP close to the village. Meanwhile, during information disclosure, a resident from Gaotian Village made a phone call to express their opinions on project implementation. The person thought that the project will bring sludge from WWTPs to Nanzhuang WWTP for treatment and it would pose serious negative impacts on neighboring villages. 8 In view of environmental protection, what are your suggestions and opinions on the project implementation The public hoped that they could see blue sky and green water after implementation of pollution prevention and control measures. 9 Survey on impacts of existing wastewater treatment facilities In addition, the surveyed public explained the environmental issues for existing WWTPs, which included odor nuisance to Guihua High School close to Zhen’an 242 WWTP, especially some impacts on the school when south wind is prevailing. Except Zhen’an WWTP, no specific comments were made on sensitive receptors due to operation of existing facilities of other three WWTPs. Statistics of Survey on Relevant Entities The survey involved 19 entities including Zhen’an, Nanzhuang, Zinan and Shagang, Guabuxun and Fuxi Village Commissions and Foshan Nanhai District Art High School. Among those, Zhen’an Village Commission refused to express their opinions and Zinan Village Commission could not fill out the questionnaire without approval from government agencies in charge. The rest 17 entities filled in the questionnaire, as detailed in Table 11.5-1. Table 11.5-1 Distribution of Survey Questionnaire to Neighboring Entities No. Name of Entities Contact Person Tel Xiebian and Guabuxun Village Commission 1 Yang Xi’en 13802633809 of Dali Town, Nanhai District Fuxi Village Commission of Zumiao 2 Zhou Runqiang 82832537 Community, Chancheng District 3 Nanzhuang Village Commission Luo Lixian 85332329 Nanhai Art High School of Foshan 4 Liu Guangwen 86221112 Municipality (Nanhai Normal School) 5 Shagang Village Commission Zhang Ruchao 13702913165 6 Guihua High School Liang Yongquan 13728551197 7 Foshan Huabiao Ceramics Co.,Ltd Pan Xulong 13690186779 Foshan Chancheng District Deyi Ceramics 8 Wu Jinqi 13929963359 Wholesale Department Foshan Chancheng District Faquan Ceramics 9 Li Senzhi 13528982877 Wholesale Department Foshan Chancheng District Transport 10 Xiao Haifeng 13798667802 Department 11 Foshan Xinjie Transport Department Liao Dingquan 89913628 12 Foshan Zhanhua Logistics Center Feng Zhixiao 13929998580 13 Foshan Changtong Transport Department Mao Guanghui 13539333888 Foshan Chancheng District Zhihong 14 Chen Yuhui 13923141416 Hardware Plant 243 No. Name of Entities Contact Person Tel Foshan Chancheng District Chuangyite 15 He Lankang 13695177555 Printwork Foshan Chancheng District Guicheng Tianjia 16 Zhou Rushu 13902813371 Electromechanical Installation Department Foshan Chancheng District Shengdalong 17 Mr Liang 13702927907 Hardware Machinery The main opinions of the 17 entities included implementation of environmental protection measures to ensure discharge compliance and limited impacts on surrounding environment during operation; enforcement of the national discharge standards Unpleasant odor would be generated from Zhen an WWTP, which could pose negative impacts on neighboring schools, especially when south wind was prevailing. As for project implementation, one entity, namely Guihua High School, expressed disagreement; 6 entities favored with preconditions, including Fuxi Village Commission, Foshan Nanhai District Art High School, Foshan Chancheng District Transport Department, Foshan Xinjie Transport Department, Foshan Zhanhua Logistics Center and Foshan Changtong Transport Department. And the rest 10 surveyed entities expressed their agreement. In summary, 94.1% of surveyed entities favored project implementation. The other suggestions and opinions on environmental protection regarding proposed project are summarized as follows. It is suggested that the project could take into account protection of the surrounding environment, prepare emergency response measures. Environmental protection should be set as priority; Exhausted gas emission should be reduced as much as possible and noise should be avoided at school time; Pollution should be strictly prevented and controlled. Feedbacks from the Public During public consultation, one person surveyed and Guihua High School opposed 244 project implementation. Meanwhile, during EIA information disclosure, objection of one villager from Gaotian Village was received. After further communication, the EA agency learned about the main reasons of those objections as listed below. 1 The villager from Gaotian Village opposed construction of Nanzhuang WWTP close to the Gaotian Village; 2 The other villager from Gaotian Village who made a phone call thought that treatment of sludge from other WWTPs at Nanzhuang would bring serious negative on the surrounding villages. 3 The contact person of Guihua High School expressed that unpleasant odor would be generated when south wind was prevailing, which could pose negative impacts caused by Zhen an WWTP on the school. In response to aforesaid objections, the EA agency made explanations to the villagers from Gaotian Village and communicated with Guihua High School and the villager. The explanations and responses were as follows. The proposed project content was not construction of WWTP but construction of advanced sludge dewatering facility. Therefore, it was suggested that the villagers give opinions and suggestion on the advanced sludge dewatering facility. The proposed sludge treatment plant project would be constructed in Shagang, Zhen an, Chengbei and Nanzhuang Villages simultaneously. The sludge from WWTPs would not be transported to and treated in Nanzhuang. During operation there would be no significant change in the total load of air pollutants, such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, from proposed dewatering workshops and would eventually be reduced. Meanwhile, as for odor from Zhen an WWTP, the odor control measures in the WWTP were taken by the PIU, which included sealing of on-site odor sources, namely all types of tanks, installation of biological deodorization unit on those equipment and facilities, and setup of green areas to lessen the odor to be generated from WWTPs. 245 After communication and explanation, two villagers with objections still opposed construction of Nanzhuang WWTP and doubted that sludge from other WWTPs would be transported to Nanzhuang for treatment. The contact person of Guihua High School thought that the deodorization measures for Zhen an WWTP had not been taken yet. They still disagreed prior to the implementation of those measures. The aforesaid objections mainly focused on construction of WWTPs instead of project implementation. The EA agency had explained to the public. Therefore, those objections were not acceptable. In the chapter related to environmental impacts of this EA report, calculation and analysis on impact on ambient air before / after implementation of deodorization project of Zhen’an WWPT were performed. As indicated by calculation, under most unfavourable meteorological condition, maximum ground concentrations of H2S and NH4 at sensitive receptors would greatly decrease, compared to current ones. After addition with impacts caused by sludge dewatering project, concentration percentage compared to standard of maximum ground concentration of H2S was 4.85% and that of NH4 was 8%. And maximum ground concentrations of H2S and NH4 could meet the requirements of relevant assessment standards. To dispel these concerns and worries about proposed project implementation, the PIU should enhance project propaganda and explanation to improve the public understanding of proposed project. At the same time, environmental protection should be set as priority during construction and operation and all of pollution prevention and control measures should be strictly implemented to gain the public support. Meanwhile, the PIU expressed that implementation of odor control measures for Zhen an WWTP would be accelerated. And after construction the PIU would make visits to pollution receptors, e.g. Guihua High School to know about efficiency of odor control on a timely basis so as to gain long-term support from the public. Conclusion of Public Consultation 246 In conclusion, most public showed their agreement for the proposed project in existing sites. Meanwhile, some affected persons showed worries about potential environmental impacts caused by project implementation, expressed their concerns about the nearby environment quality and their own vital interests and also strong environmental awareness to which attention should be paid by the PIU. To dispel the public misgivings, PIU should enhance project introduction and propaganda and also improve public knowledge and understanding of project implementation. At the meantime, environmental protection should be considered as key issue by the PIU during construction and operation. The PIU should strictly implement pollution prevention and control measures to gain public supports 247 Cleaner Production and Total Load Control Analysis of Cleaner Production Cleaner production is referred to as environmental protection initiative throughout production procedure and product life cycle. As for production procedure, cleaner production includes saving of raw materials and energy, elimination of toxic and hazardous raw material and minimization of waste and emissions and reduction of their toxicity prior to discharge. As for products, it is intended to minimize impacts on human beings and environment throughout life cycle, namely from raw material extraction to product disposal. During cleaner production it is required to update design, use clean energy and raw materials, employ advanced technologies and devices, improve management and comprehensive use so as to prevent pollution through source reduction strategy, improve resources utilization efficiency, reduce or avoid pollution generation and discharge during production, procurement and consumption. The comprehensive environmental protection strategies are applied to production procedure and products, which mitigates or eliminate hazard to human health and environment. Production Process 1 Sludge Dewatering During operation, sludge conditioning with surfactants, dehydrants and flocculants will improve sludge dewatering performance and biological activity. And afterwards the sludge will be transported to the frame filter press though sludge pumps for advanced dewatering. After advanced dewatering, the water content of sludge from WWTPs can reach lower than 60% which is much higher than that of traditional machinery dewatering. Therefore, advanced dewatering can replace multi-stage sludge dewatering, which greatly decrease sludge treatment and disposal fees. The dose of chemicals is approximately 3 , which will not influence the sludge weight. During advanced dewatering, no expensive natural gas is used as fuel and on-site sludge treatment also decreases delivery expenses for wet sludge and lessen potential negative impacts on environment during transportation. As a whole, the proposed 248 project will bring great economic, environmental, social benefits and energy efficiency. As long-term difficult problem for technicians, viscous phase is the key point for breakthrough of sludge dewatering. The advanced sludge dewatering has solved the viscous phase issue and is considered as a significant breakthrough in WWTP sludge dewatering technology. As analyzed above, considering the sludge characters, sanitary landfilling of treated WWTP sludge together with municipal waste is identified as final sludge disposal alternative. The proposed sludge treatment will be compliant with relevant standards regarding sludge landfilling. At present, the two common sludge treatment alternatives are advanced dewatering and thermal drying Table 12.1-1 Comparison of Advanced Dewatering and Thermal Drying Process Advanced Dewatering Thermal Drying Parameter Investment low high Operation expenses low high Facility National facility Main devices are imported Operation Easy Relatively complicated Water content 60% 20% Secondary pollution Light Serious As indicated in Table 12.1-1, thermal drying can minimize water content of sludge, which decreases subsequent disposal costs. However, compared to advanced dewatering, the incineration cost and investment for thermal drying are relatively higher with larger coverage of environmental impacts. The advanced dewatering can greatly reduce water content of sludge with lower investment and operation expenses as well as smaller coverage of environmental impacts. Therefore, advanced dewatering is preferable. 2 Sludge transportation The following measures will be taken during sludge transportation 249 Use sealed vehicles to transport sludge cake to lessen odor nuisance during transportation in an efficient way and avoid material scattering Clean the wheels and car bodies after loading and prior to setting off; Equip the sludge vehicles with real time monitoring system; Check the tightness of vehicle prior to loading to ensure that neither spill nor leak will happen during transportation; Label the sludge vehicles with remarkable safety signs; Stipulate delivery route and avoid the transport in pollution receptors, e.g. source water protection zones; Alteration as one pleases is forbidden Equip the vehicles with water-proof cover; Stop the falling sludge with heavy metal and organics together with storm water from discharging into water bodies on a timely basis. The implementation of aforesaid measures can avoid spill and leak during collection and transportation which will mitigate negative impacts on the environment during collection and transportation. In summary, the proposed mitigation measures during sludge transportation are environmentally sound. Dewatering Devices The frame filter press selected for proposed project is flexible enough to operate in limited spaces in proposed project sites, which can save construction areas. Meanwhile, compared to common frame filter press, the filter press has the following advantages. The feeding system will be equipped with spiral distributors, which improves sludge distribution, thickness of sludge cake as well as water content. Raised granular filter bed can improve sludge dynamics and homogeneity which avoid cracking due to pressure increase and greatly improve the pressure on the filter press; Filter fabrics with taper filtration pores can greatly reduce the resistance of filter media and improve the hydrophobicity of filter fabrics; 250 During dewatering through the frame filter press, the pressure is increasing at an interval of 2 bars, which reduces the resistance during formation of sludge cake and greatly improve the dewatering ability of frame filter press. The dewatering applied in proposed project can produce sludge with water content lower than 60%, which reaches sludge reduction, stability and hazard-free. The sludge treatment system from feeding to outlet of filter press is constantly closed. Compared to other types of sludge treatment systems, this system has better performance, in terms of energy saving, automation and safety, as detailed in Table 12.1-2. Table 12.1-2 Comparison of Different Types of Sludge Dewatering Systems Traditional Filter press Dewatering Dewatering Devices frame filter centrifugal Device applied belt filter press press dehydrator for this project Water content 75 80 75 83 75 80 Lower than 60 treatment 60 75 60 88 60 75 Lower than 33 capacity t Consumption kwh/t 5 15 5 20 30 60 6 15 DS Ratio for Chemicals 1 1 0.7 0.7 Expenses Use of Wash Water Medium Large Small Small Ordinary (Odor Good (no odor generation Poor (Odor Site Conditions Good (closed ) from sludge during nuisance) cake) unloading) Scaling Available Not available Not available Available Automation Ordinary Ordinary Good Good Safety Ordinary Poor Ordinary Good Maintenance Charges Medium High High Medium As indicated in Table 12.1-2, the advanced frame filter press has lower power consumption and larger amount of washing water, compared to conventional filter press. The power consumption of advanced frame filter press ranges from 6 to 15 kwh/t DS, which is approximately 75% of that of centrifugal dehydrator. The chemical dose and amount of wash water is almost same as that of centrifugal 251 dehydrator. And maintenance charges of advanced frame filter press are the lowest among dewatering devices. In summary, the advanced frame filter press for proposed project have high performance in water and energy saving. Pollution Prevention and Control Measures The main sludge treatment process includes sludge conditioning and mechanical dewatering. The sludge from stores from WWTPs will be delivered to closed conditioning tank through ducts. And afterwards the sludge will be delivered to dewatering workshop. The entire process takes place in a closed condition so as to avoid liquid and gas leaks. After being conditioned and dewatered, the treated sludge has good performance in stability, which includes: volume decrease of 50%; loss of organics 3 heat loss 5 increase in solid content 3‰ Correspondingly, the odor emissions to be generated from sludge cake will decrease after sludge dewatering. In addition, biological deodorants were applied in existing dewatering workshop to decrease odor concentration. After implementation of advanced dewatering, biological deodorants will still be fed to decrease odor concentration. Meanwhile, sealing measures will be implemented during sludge transportation to avoid spillage and leakage and transportation time will be stipulated in a proper way to avoid rush hour during operation. Random inspection of sludge vehicles will be carried out to ensure the tightness and operation performance of these vehicles. Comparison and Analysis of Cleaner Production 252 The comparisons of operation of existing sludge dewatering systems in proposed WWTPs and operation after project implementation are shown in Table 12.1-3. 253 Table 12.1-3 Comparisons of Sludge Dewatering Systems System Shagang Chengbei Nanzhuang after Item Zhen an WWTP WWTP WWTP WWTP reconstructi on Phase 1: Belt thickening and dewatering Belt Centrifugal Existing Centrifugal system thickening thickening Automatic sludge thickening and Phase 2 and 3: and and frame filter treatment dewatering Centrifugal dewatering dewatering press process complex thickening and system complex dewatering complex Water content of 75%-80% 78%-80% 78%-80% 78%-80% <60 sludge Sludge Volume generation 150 57 120 15 decrease m3/d 55 Cost for sludge 200 200 200 200 160 dewatering Poor Good (no Poor (exposures Ordinary (exposures to Ordinary odor to be Odor to the air, strong (closed the air, strong (closed generated control unpleasant odor ) conditions) unpleasant conditions) from sludge odor ) cake) Sand-like, Sand-like, Sand-shaped, Sand-like, Cake- leachate leachate leachate leachate shaped, Character generation generation generation with generation with neither of sludge with odor with odor odor after long odor after long leachate nor after long after long time retention time retention odor time retention time retention Note: Cost for sludge dewatering power consumption water consumption chemical expenses maintenance charges 254 As indicated in Table 12.1-3, water content of treated sludge will significantly decrease after implementation of reconstruction of proposed sludge dewatering system. And odor from dewatering workshop will be controlled in a proper way. The cost for sludge will decrease CNY 40/t. In addition, concerning sludge disposal, the water content lower than 60% will be advantageous. If the treated sludge is used for composting, the fermentation period will be halved. And the treated sludge can be fed into incinerators without further treatment in case of incineration. The advanced dewatering technology by sludge frame filter press was applied in Shunde Lunjiao Municipal WWTP with a capacity of 30000t/d, Panyu Doyong Printing and Dyeing WWTP with a capacity of 30000t/d and Guangzhou Dashadi Municipal WWTP with a capacity of 0.2 million t/d in June 2009, respectively. After operation for 3-8 months, treatment and disposal efficiencies were proved to be good and completely met the expected requirements. Among those applications, the Dashadi WWTP Sludge Treatment and Disposal Project was completed on October 9th 2009 in Guangzhou Dashadi WWTP. The treatment capacity of Dashadi WWTP (phase 1) was 0.2 million t/d. To meet the requirements of sludge treatment in Dashadi WWTP, automatic frame filter press with a capacity of 150 t sludge (counted as water content of 80%) was constructed. The construction of new sludge treatment facility in Dashadi WWTP ensured productivity as well as sludge treatment capacity, which realized pollution sources prevention, reduction of carbon emission and energy saving. The odor concentration after advanced dewatering treatment was approximately 3, which is generally acceptable. The dewatered sludge was stabilized in hardness. The COD concentration in leachate was approximately 250mg/L, which can be treated by WWTP with no subsequent influence on the wastewater treatment process. The personnel arrangement was determined to be 5 persons/shift, which indicates high level of automation. Hence, after implementation of advanced sludge dewatering project in Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs, the WWTP concerned can realize energy saving and discharge reduction. Besides, the project implementation will contribute to regional sludge reduction, stabilization and hazard-free treatment, which can improve regional sludge treatment ability. 255 Suggestions To ensure the implementation of cleaner production, it is suggested that complete environmental protection and health safety management systems should be established, such as ISO14000 Environmental Management System and EHS Management System and Cleaner Production Audit. Conclusions on Cleaner Production The proposed sludge dewatering through frame filter press will realize sludge reduction, stabilization and hazard-free treatment, which is one of cleaner production projects with energy saving and discharge reduction. Besides, no leachate will be generated with low odor concentration after formation of sludge cakes, which can control secondary pollution in an efficient way. To ensure the implementation of cleaner production, it is suggested that complete environmental protection and health safety management systems should be established, such as ISO14000 Environmental Management System and EHS Management System and Cleaner Production Audit. Total Load Control of Pollution Discharge According to “Notification on Implementation of Pre-approval of total Discharge Amount of Key Pollutants for Construction Project” (GZEPB No. [2008]69), attention should be paid to requirements of cleaner production together with discharge compliance and requirements of relevant codes. Based upon technical and economic feasibility justifications for environmental protection measures, Total Load control target for pollutants discharge caused by proposed project should be specified in connection with regional Total Load control of pollutants discharge in a rational way. The effluents to be generated will be treated by municipal WWTP and the exhausted gas emissions from proposed project sites will be generally the same as those before project implementation. Therefore, there will be no distinct changes in discharge and emissions from WWTPs concerned after project implementation. No extra discharge/emission quota is required from the regional target. 256 Analysis of Economic Benefits Analysis of Project-related Direct Economic Benefits (1)Analysis of key parameters for economic benefits The total investment for proposed project is CNY 81.55 million. The average operation revenue after project implementation is estimated to be CNY 33.73 million and total profits is estimated to be CNY 7.64 million per year. The key indicators for economic benefits are detailed in Table 13.1-1. Table 13.1-1 Key Indicators for Economic Benefits after Project Implementation No Item Unit Indicator 1 Total project investment 8155 2 Annual operation revenue 3373 3 Annual operation tax and added values 0 4 Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) CNY 10000 0 5 Annual total profits 764 6 Annual income tax 191 7 Annual after-tax profits 573 8 Payback period year 9.74 9 financial internal rate of return (FIRR) % 10.87 10 Breakeven point % 60 (2)Comprehensive evaluation As one of public utility projects, the proposed project requires a certain amount of investment during construction and operation. As indicated in Table 13.1-1, total profits is estimated to be CNY 7.64 million per year with profit rate o 9.37%, following the principles of breakeven with meager profits. The results also indicate that the FIRR is estimated to be 10.87%, which is higher than sector-based discount rate (4%). And the payback period is estimated to be 9.74 years, which is shorter than sector-based value (18 years). Therefore, the proposed project is economically sound. In general, the project implementation will bring many economic benefits. Analysis of Project-related Indirect Economic Benefits 257 In addition to economic benefits above, the proposed project with advanced dewatering will bring indirect economic benefits, including energy saving and decrease of economic losses caused by sludge pollution. 1 Energy saving Multi-stage treatment of sludge is required to reach water content lower than 60% for further landfilling or reuse as construction material as water content after thickening and dewatering is approximately 80% in common WWTPs. The advanced dewatering processes applied for proposed project can reach water content lower than 60% at one step, which saves a large amount of energy for drying. 2 Saving of sludge treatment fees At present, sludge treatment fee is approximately CNY 200/t. After advanced dewatering process, the sludge amount will decrease from 87600t/a to 43800t/a with reduction rate of 50%, which can save CNY10.74 million/a. 3 Land appreciation The proposed project will solve the problem of municipal sludge treatment, which prolongs the service life of landfill sites, upgrade use value of municipal land and avoid secondary pollution. Therefore, the proposed project will improve investment climate and attract investment of foreign fund. Hence the project implementation will bring enormous indirect economic benefits. Analysis of Social Benefits The proposed project is not only a public utility project but also an environmental protection project. The project implementation can solve the problem of municipal sludge treatment and disposal in Foshan Municipality, which will reconstruct and improve sludge treatment system in WWTPs of Foshan Municipality. The project implementation will realize reduction, stabilization and hazard-free treatment of sludge, which can greatly mitigate environmental pollution and improve public living conditions, control and prevent all types of epidemics and public hazard, improve public health and facilitate sustainable development of municipal economy. 258 Investment for Environmental Protection The proposed project is an environmental protection project which is related to pollution prevention. The investment for environmental protection is CNY5.91 million, which is 5.9 % of total investment (CNY 100.90 million). The details are shown in Table 13.4-1. Table 13.4-1 List of Environmental Investment after Project Construction Environmental Protection Facility Investment (CNY 10,000) Sludge testing device 250 Prevention and control Waste collection facility and ducts 261 of wastewater pollution Exhausted gas treatment Biological deodorant spraying facility 20 vibration damping and noise insulation Noise control facility 40 devices 6XEWRWDO 571 Percentage on total investment Cost Benefit Analysis of the Project Environmental Impacts During project construction and operation, environmental impacts such as generation of air and water pollutants, noise and solid waste will affect local environmental quality in some degrees. However, after environmental protection investment is paid, the project implementation will not pose distinct adverse impacts on local environment if environmental management is enhanced to strictly control all parameters related to environmental impacts in an effective way. Environmental benefits are the most significant benefits during and after project implementation, which include the following aspects. The advanced dewatering technology employed in proposed project will realize water content lower than 60% at one phase, which can reduce the difficulties in subsequent treatment and disposal as well as disposal cost. No additional heat is required, which 259 can reduce energy consumption for sludge drying and also land use due to sludge landfilling. Meanwhile, the project implementation will facilitate the mitigation of sludge pollution in Chancheng District of Foshan Municipality. The proposed project is an environmental protection project which will follow the principles of reduction, stabilization and hazard-free treatment, and wastewater, exhausted gas, noise and solid waste during project operation will be treated in compliance with relevant environmental protection standards. However, it is still possible to generate secondary pollution, which will bring a certain adverse impacts on the surrounding environment and life of local residents. 1 Wastewater Main types of wastewater to be generated include domestic waste, washing water from laboratory and wastewater to be generated from advanced dewatering process. The wastewater from WWTPs concerned will be treated through existing on-site biological and chemical processes prior to being discharged in compliance with relevant discharge standards. As described in Chapter 2, the increase of COD is estimated to be 3.18 tons/a and the increase of NH3-N is estimated to be 1.26 tons/a after project completion, compared to existing situation. The environmental losses due to pollutants discharge can be measured by codes of discharge fees. According to the 8th Term of Management Methods for Levying and Use of Discharge Fees in Guangzhou Province No.116 Document issued by Guangdong Provincial Government, which came into effect on August 1st 2007, the discharge fees shall be levied according to national Levy Standard and Calculation Methods for Discharge Fees .. According to Levy Standard and Calculation Methods for Discharge Fees , levying of discharge fees depends on types and amount of pollutants discharged, which is CNY0.7 every pollution equivalent. The calculation of discharge fees for water pollutants is as follows. Calculation of pollution equivalent of water pollutants: 260 Pollution equivalent of one type of pollutant pollutant discharge kg /pollution equivalent weight of this pollutant kg Calculation of discharge fees: Levying of exhausted gas emission CNY0.7× sum of the pollution equivalents of 3 types of pollutants The number of pollutant types are ranked depending on pollution equivalents, and can not exceed 3. 13.5-1 The pollution equivalents of all types of pollutants are shown in 13.5-1. Table 13.5-1 Pollution Equivalents of Water Pollutants to be discharged in this Project Pollution Equivalent Pollutant Discharge t/a) Pollution Equivalent Weight Kg COD 3.18 1 3180 NH3-N 1.26 0.8 1575 Correspondingly, the annual economic loss due to water pollution during operation is calculated as follows: Economic loss due to water pollution = Wastewater discharge fees =0.7×(3180+1575)=3328.5 RMB Hence, the economic loss due to water pollution is CNY3328.5/a. 2 Exhausted gas The main impact on air quality caused by proposed project is odor to be generated during sludge dewatering. Based upon information provided by the PIU, sludge conditioning during project operation can decrease odor emissions. Meanwhile, water content and volume will decrease after dewatering, which leads to decrease of odorous gas. In addition, biological deodorant was sprayed in existing dewatering workshop of WWTPs to decrease odor concentration. As a result of site visit, the odor intensity in existing dewatering workshop was 3 which is similar to that of proposed project. 261 Therefore, it is projected to be no distinct changes in odor emissions from dewatering workshop of WWTPs after project implementation which will cause no economic losses due to exhausted gas pollution. 3 Noise Main potential sources of noise nuisance for proposed project include sludge and water pumps, fan, air compressor, sludge dewatering devices, conveying facility and vehicles. The intensity of noise sources ranges from 70 to 95 dB(A). The main devices will be placed at sludge dewatering workshops and pump houses, which will be similar to the current situation. Therefore, there will be no distinct changes in noise intensity after project implementation. 4 Solid Waste After advanced dewatering, the treated sludge with water content of 60% will form solid sludge cake, which is proposed to be transported by closed vehicles to reduce odor generation and avoid material spilling during transportation. After project completion, the sludge generation will decrease from 87600 tons/a to 43800 tons/a, which is approximately 50% of sludge volume. The project implementation will bring a certain adverse impacts on the local environment. However, these impacts can be lessened to an acceptable level after implementation of corresponding pollution prevention and control measures. Comparably, the economic losses due to negative environmental impacts will be far less than economic and social benefits after project implementation, that is, the project implementation will bring economic benefits due to positive environmental impacts. Conclusions The analysis results indicate that the economic and social benefits will be far more than economic losses due to environmental impacts during project operation. The project implementation can facilitate sustainable development of both environment and economy in some degrees. Therefore, the project implementation is feasible. 262 Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan(EMP) Objectives As shown in EIA results, the project will have a certain impact on environment during the construction and operation period. The EMP will specify environmental mitigation measure, environmental management, supervision and monitoring. The EMP will be used as operation manual for the activities above, which includes: 1 operation manual for environmental protection. After being reviewed by World Bank, this version of EMP will be used as operation manual regarding environmental protection to be distributed to construction supervision entity, environmental monitoring agency and other relevant entities during construction and operation. 2 identification of responsibilities and rules of relevant entities. The responsibilities and rules of relevant authorities and management agencies will be specified. And communication channels and methods for all parties concerned will be identified. 3 identification of environmental mitigation measures and environmental monitoring plan during construction and operation. Organizational Framework Organizational Framework for Environmental Management Institutions The organization framework for environmental management institutions during project construction and operation is shown in Figure 14.2-1 and Figure 14.2-2. 263 WB Environment Division Top Environmental Supervision Local Environmental Foshan Municipal EPB WB Foshan PMO Supervision Environmental Foshan Water Group Protection Entity during Construction EA Agency Project Supervision Entity Design Institute Project Contractors Figure 14.2-1 Organizational Framework for Environmental Management during Construction Top Environmental WB Environment Division Supervision Local Environmental Foshan Municipal EPB WB Foshan PMO Supervision Foshan Water Group Environmental Protection Entity during Operation Project Operator Director of EM Division and Environmental Technicians Environmental Management during Routine Environmental Operation of Pollution Operation Management Prevention Facilities Figure 14.2-2 Organizational Framework for Environmental Management during Operation 264 Responsibilities and Rules and Environmental Management Institutions Based upon project characters, the implementation of project-related environmental protection measures needs to be supervised by relevant entities of WB and local environmental protection authorities of Foshan Municipality. During construction, specific environmental supervisors should be assigned to assist the PIU to conduct site supervision. The responsibilities and rules of all environmental management institutions are as follows. WB Environment Division is in charge of supervision of whole project and addressing the requirements of environmental protection. Foshan WB PMO is in charge of assisting WB Environment Division to conduct environmental supervision. Foshan Municipal EPB is in charge of environmental supervision throughout the project implementation according to requirements of WB Environment Division and relevant laws and regulations regarding environmental protection. Foshan Water Group Company Ltd is in charge of comprehensive project planning, making arrangement and coordination of project preparation, implementation, and supervision and management. During construction and operation, Foshan Water Group Company Ltd will perform environmental supervision and supervise the implementation of Three Synchronies Policy for construction of environmental protection facilities to ensure the project operation. Foshan Water Group Company Ltd will ensure the implementation of environmental management measures specified by environmental protection authorities and WB, and also assist the environmental management authorities to perform routine supervision. Environmental Supervision Entity is in charge of assisting the PIU to supervise the implementation of on-site environmental protection measures and also assisting the environmental management authorities to conduct routine environmental supervision The main responsibilities of environmental supervision engineer include: 1 ensuring the handling of all project-related approvals and implementation of EMP prior to commencement of project construction. 265 2 verification of implementation of environmental protection measures by the PIU and all staff of project operator in compliance with the contract signed. 3 communication with construction teams to inform them of on-site environmental requirements, make recommendations on remediation measures, notify formal operation manual to the PIU and project operator as required. 4 communication with the PIU, project operator and construction consultants to enhance communication among them; understanding of opinions on some special issues to rapidly inform construction management engineer of urgent issues during project implementation. 5 supervision of implementation of environmental monitoring plan during construction and construction progress of environmental protection facilities following Three Synchronies Policies to ensure the success in environmental protection acceptance prior to the deadlines. Director of Environmental Protection and Environmental Technicians are in charge of implementing laws and regulations regarding environmental protection, understanding of environmental status measured by monitoring( ) center, making statistics and analysis of pollutants discharge, organizing the preparation and implementation of overall environmental protection planning and annual plan. The director and environmental technicians are responsible for overall environmental management, propaganda on environmental protection knowledge and promotion of new technologies concerned, and routine inspection of operation of environmental protection facilities and troubleshooting on a timely basis. They are also in charge of knowledge of operation of environmental protection facilities, filing of pollution sources and operation status of environmental protection facilities to make statistics on environmental protection work, filing and preserving testing documentation. The testing documentation will report testing activities, status of testing devices and equipment, and hazard-free treatment, disposal and testing of wastewater, exhausted gas and hazardous waste accurately. The director and environmental technicians are in charge of preparation, coordination and implementation of environmental monitoring plan meeting the requirements of environmental protection authorities in charge. They are also in charge of handling relevant pollution accidents and disputes, supervision and 266 inspection of implementation of Three Synchronies Policy for construction, reconstruction and extension projects, and participating in completion acceptance of environmental protection facilities, etc. Responsibilities of Project Contractors The qualified contractors should be selected for project implementation. The mitigation measures during construction should be included in contractors’ bidding documents and also included in final construction contracts as contractual requirements for project contractors to ensure the EMP implementation in an efficient way. The responsibilities of project contractors are as follows. 1 It is required that contractors and construction supervisors should take relevant training on environmental protection and environmental management. The contractors need to assign one full-time environmental technician. Those environmental technicians are required to take training to be qualified for their jobs, based upon training program. 2 During construction. Contractors should communicate and coordinate with local public, put up bulletin boards in each construction areas to notify the specific construction activities and schedule. Meanwhile, the contractors need to disclose contact person and telephone number for the public to make complaints and provide suggestions on construction activities. 3 As on-site environmental protection and management measures, at the same time of implementation of wastewater, exhausted gas, noise and solid waste prevention and control measures, professional environmental technicians should be assigned by contractors to be in charge of environmental management during construction. Besides, the project sites should be equipped with noise detection devices to test noise levels at surrounding pollution receptors so as to ensure the compliance with environmental standard for noise. 4 Construction schedule should be stipulated in a proper way. The transportation of construction material should avoid rush hour. The vehicles should drive along specific routes. The construction with high noise emissions during demolition or decoration should be carried out at daytime. Construction at night is forbidden. 5 Occupational EHS for construction teams should be carried out in a proper way. 267 Training Program It is required that PIU, construction contractors and supervisors should participate in compulsory EHS training prior to construction commencement. Training Program during Construction A qualified entity to be entrusted by the PIU will provide trainings for full-time and part-time environmental technicians of construction contractors and supervision entity. The trainees also include technical directors and specific administers from relevant contractors and supervision entity. The training contents include 1 national, Guangdong provincial and Foshan municipal laws and regulations regarding environmental protection in project management and relevant documents and codes; 2 environmental protection measures and requirements of environmental protection during construction specified during project design; 3 operation manual for environmental protection during project construction. Environmental protection directors of EPB and design institute and relevant specalists from EA and monitoring agencies can be invited as training lecturers. Training Program during Operation The proposed training program for environmental personnel during operation will be organized by EPB. Training courses can be taught by relevant environmental protection specialists from universities, research academies and project operator or short-term training program. The cost for training of environmental protection knowledge during construction and operation sums to CNY 72,000. Table 14.3-1 Training Program for Environmental Protection Personnel Phase Category Number of Period Cost 268 trainees (CNY10,000) Training tour for national good Design and Design and project practices and pollution 1 3.0 planning planning prevention control projects Environmental technicians 1 person for each After 0.6 from PIU and contractors entity identification PIU:4 persons of Construction Environmental supervision Operator:4 contractors 0.8 engineer persons and prior to All construction personnel 80 construction 0.8 Environmental managers from After 4 After 0.4 operator construction construction Environmental technicians and prior to 4 and prior to 0.8 from operator operation operation All personnel 76 0.8 subtotal 7.2 Table 14.3-2 Training Contents during Construction Training Contents Training Duration Common Introduction of environmental impacts elements and Half-day on Environmental environmental protection measures; site knowledge for Introduction of pollution receptors and concerning environmental training construction issues at construction sites, and introduction of surrounding areas workers for construction sites.; Responsibilities and rules of environmental management engineers, environmental supervisors and construction supervisors, and key reporting points of those environmental issues; Waste management for construction camps and sites; Pollution control measures for construction sites; Codes of non-compliance and penalties specified in relevant laws and regulations; Common health Route of transmission and prevention methods for HIV/AIDS and Half-day on and safety STD; site knowledge of Alcohol and drug prohibition; training construction 269 construction Access to medical care and other medical assistance in case of workers emergency and normal situation, such as STD testing and consultation; Common sense of health and safety, including basic processes of traffic safety and management of explosion, fire and hazardous waste; Use of personal protection equipment (PPE); Non-compliance penalties; Table 14.3-3 Training for Environmental Management Personnel for Operator Trainees Tranining Contents Training Duration Environmental WB project management procedures; 1 day management Filling, disclosure, communication and reporting personnel mechanisms of environmental data; Environmental risk and contingency management; Inspection and approval procedures for health and safety. Training tour for national good projet Training tour for advanced technologies and practices and pollution environmental management practices prevention control projects Environmental Operation manual of devices including standards, 2 days technicians testing, methods, sample delivery, data monitoring and reporting; Environmental risk and contingency management; Potential spills and leaks and impacts on environment and human health, contingence plan including priority response, location and use of emergent equipment. All staff WB project management procedures; 1 day proir to Considerations of treatment and disposal of wastewater. operation Exhausted gas and spoil to be generated during operation; Operation manual of environmental protection facilities; Environmental risk and contingency management. Environmental Management Plan 270 The project implementation will comply with relevant national laws and regulations regarding environmental protection to ensure the synchronies of design, construction and operation of environmental protection facilities with main project contents. At different phases, environmental management, mitigation measures and specific implementation entities concerned are shown in Table 14.4-1. 271 Table 14.4-1 Summary of Project-related EMP Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) Design Period Wastewater Treat storm water and sewage separately Exhausted Select appropriate mechanical ventilation system and equip workshops with deodorant Not included in Foshan Water gas devices design expense Design institute Group Company Noise Select devices with low noise emission, consider vibration attenuation for foundation, place and calculated Ltd. air compressors, pumps with high noise emission in closed separate rooms, consider separately environmental protection measures, such as insulation Construction Period General - Set up effective organization framework to perform supervision and monitoring of project- impacts of related environment, specify personnel responsibilities and operation procedures to handle Foshan Water construction non-compliance in a rapid and efficient way. Group Company 3 activities on - Rules of environmental issues should be specified in the bidding documents for Ltd. / the contractors. And the responsibilities of contractors in view of environmental protection Contractor environment should be included in contractual documents. Impacts on - Prepare on-site management measures to avoid pollution; Contractor Foshan Municipal 4 water quality EPB 272 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) water quality - install septic tank for advanced treatment of dung-containing wastewater; EPB - treat on-site washing water through screening grids; - discharge all types of wastewater after treating wastewater in compliance with relevant standards. - Spaying at construction sites and on dust generation sources to keep humid; - Under dry weather, spay water on roads with high transport frequency and high work load on a regular basis (every two hours); - Slow down while driving on the road with dust; Impacts on - Equip wheels and car body rinsing devices at outlet of construction sites. Clean up public Foshan Municipal Contractor 2 air quality roads if necessary; EPB - Cover the vehicles with canvas during transportation of dust-generated materials; - reduce the height variation as much as possible during loading. Control driving velocity into loading areas in a strict way and clean the loading areas on a regularly basis. - remove construction machinery as well material transport routes from villages - Construction noise should comply with Noise Limits for Construction Site GB12523-90. - Forbid using all types of pile drivers. Avoid operation of pile drivers if possible, especially Impacts on at night, due to high noise intensity and serious impacts, Foshan Municipal acoustic - Select construction machinery with low noise emission or devices with noise insulation Contractor 1.2 EPB environment and damping if possible. Enhance equipment maintenance; - Arrange construction time and sites in a proper way. Remove construction sites with high noise levels from noise sensitive receptors if possible. Set up temporary sound barriers 273 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) around pollution sources with high noise level if required, so as to lessen noise nuisance; - No use of diesel generators if possible when municipal power supply is available. - Arrange construction schedule and plan in a rational way and limit the construction period for operation of device with high noise level; - Avoid use of devices with high noise intensity at noon break and night if possible; - evacuate vehicles into construction sits in a rational way and mitigate noise due to car horn. - Refill the spoil as much as possible during pipeline construction; - Pile up topsoil and bottom soil in a separate way during excavation. And refill bottom soil prior to topsoil refilling so as to maintain topsoil fertility; - Pile up remaining sludge and spoil in designated areas in compliance with regulations by Impacts of Foshan Municipal local sludge management offices if the sludge and spoil cannot be refilled. And Contractor 2 Solid Wastes EPB transportation of the sludge and spoil to abandon quarry is also feasible for ecological rehabilitation; - transport domestic wastes to municipal sanitary landfill sites for disposal after collection by qualified cleaning companies. Impacts on - Establish strict rules of operation workers and construction site management for Foshan Water 1.2 public health contractors Group Company - On-site EMP should be established by contractors, and be reported to the PIU. The PIU Contractor Ltd./ Foshan together with Foshan health authorities will perform supervision and inspection for Municipal EPB / construction site management and health conditions Foshan 274 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) - Establish strict hygiene and epidemic prevention systems Municipal Board of Health Impacts on -Design construction sites in a proper way Environmental Included in site site -Establish strict on-site security system Supervision management fee personnel Team/Foshan and not safety Contractor Municipal calculated Supervisory separately Bureau for Work Safety Impacts on - The contractors are required to implement relevant on-site safety rules, including Foshan Water Included in site offsite installation of fences, notification to the public concerned, construction of main access and Group Company management fee personnel temporary path for construction, and establishment of contingence plan for transport Ltd./Foshan and not safety accidents Contractor Municipal calculated - Establish specific on-site and offsite traffic rules Supervisory separately Bureau for Work Safety Operation Period 275 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) Impacts on - Discharge all the wastewater after treatment in the WWTPs in compliance with relevant Foshan Water 5.2/a water quality standards; Group Company (monitoring cost Contractor - Monitor effluent quality by operators and monitor water quality of surrounding water Ltd / is not included) bodies by relevant EPBs. Foshan Impacts on - Odor concentration at boundaries will comply with Class II Odorous Pollutants Emission Municipal EPB air quality Standards (GB14554-93). - Condition sludge to reduce water content of sludge to be treated; 2.5/a - Spray biological deodorant to reduce emission of odorous gas. Installation of concentrated (monitoring cost deodorization facility will be also taken into account; is not included) - Enhance routine environmental monitoring, entrust environmental monitoring authorities to monitor odor concentrations in surrounding areas. 276 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) Impacts on - Implement noise insulation, shielding, shockproof and damping measures, such as rooms Included in acoustic with insulation equipment, noise barriers and mufflers, so as to attenuate sound radiation operation cost, environment and transmission during installation of devices with high noise levels. And implement not calculated corresponding noise prevention measures for blowers, press filters and water pumps, etc. separately - Install devices in closed areas with sound insulation, implement vibration attenuation at inlet and outlet of water pumps, damping measures at inlet and outlet of blowers, sound adsorption in service rooms, and also damping measures for ventilation of closed service rooms. - Maintain devices on a regular basis and apply lubricant to maintain devices in good conditions and reduce noise levels during operation. - Place devices with high noise intensities according to general layout, remove these devices from noise sensitive areas if possible and install these devices in low altitude to lessen long distance transmission if possible. - Take advantage of natural landform to lessen noise transmission, e.g. setup of fences between sound sources and sensitive receptor. Installation of devices with high noise levels at plant boundaries is not allowed. 277 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) Solid waste - Transport sludge to Gaoming Baishiao Landfill Site through closed vehicles after Included in thickening and dewatering. Establish management account list and transfer form systems for operation cost, sludge transportation. not calculated - Domestic wastes will be treated by sanitation and hygiene authorities. separately - Collect a small amount of waste liquid from labs in a proper way and delivery the waste liquid to a qualified company for hazard-free treatment. Sludge - Use vehicles with sealing measures to transport sludge and enhance maintenance and transportatio upgrade vehicles on a timely basis to ensure good sealing of vehicles for sludge n transportation. Foshan Water - Clean up vehicles on a regular basis and implement road cleaning. Included in Group Company - Avoid rush hours if possible. operation cost, Contractor Ltd / - Equip every vehicle with required communication tools for emergency. Report relevant not calculated Foshan authorities for proper handling as soon as possible in case of accidents during sludge separately Municipal EPB transportation. - Enhance education and technical training for drivers to avoid occurrence of traffic accidents. Prevention - Set priority in use of vehicles of high safety performance. Foshan Water Included in measures for - Require vehicle suppliers to provide vehicles of good sealing performance without Group Company operation cost, environment leakage. Contractor Ltd / not calculated al risks - Clean wheels and car bodies after sludge loading. Foshan separately Equip vehicles with real-time positioning monitoring system. Municipal EPB 278 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) Maintain vehicles on a regular basis to ensure the good driving performance. - Examine sealing performance of vehicles prior to loading to ensure sludge transportation without spillage and leakage. - Label vehicles with remarkable safety signs. Stipulate transport route without random adjustment. - Obey traffic rules, enhance awareness of driving safety, especial in rainy days and bridge construction crossing water bodies, more cautions need to be exercised for occurrence of traffic accidents. - Equip vehicles with waterproof cover. Cover the vehicles in case of spillage and leakage during sludge transportation on a timely basis to stop pollutants such as heavy metal and organics in sludge together with storm water from entering into water bodies. - Enhance professional training of awareness of environmental protection and contingent plan for drivers and persons concerned. Contingent - Establish emergency organization for environmental accidents and identify persons in plan for charge and accidents response procedures Foshan Water environment - In case of sludge spillage and leakage on roads and highways, arrange vehicles to remove Included in Group Company al risks sludge immediately and clean the sites as well. operation cost, Contractor Ltd / - Cover the spilled sludge in waterproof cloth in rainy days to reduce pollution discharge if not calculated Foshan possible, and remove the sludge as soon as possible. separately Municipal EPB - At the same time, report emergency management team and EPBs immediately and report water supply divisions of Foshan Water Group on a timely basis to ensure the preparation 279 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) for pollution prevention - Strictly monitor flow direction of polluted water bodies and implement corresponding contingent plan to control pollution coverage within a small region. - Implement reliable antitoxin and explosion-proof measures based upon knowledge of project progress prior to environmental monitoring. - Keep in touch with headquarters at any time and report the headquarters on a timely basis during monitoring. - Monitor in fixed and flexible way for accident prevention. The monitoring items should include accident effluents and air pollutants. The monitoring should cover the whole process with active monitoring. And monitoring results should be reported to site manager on a timely basis. - Attentions should be paid to sample storage during monitoring to facilitate further verification. - Assessment should be made for accident origin, casualties and hazard to environment causes. Lessons should be learnt to avoid the re-occurrence of accidents and provide scientific basis for further emergency relief. Environment - Build up collection pipeline and explosion-proof systems for flammable offgas. The offgas Included in al impacts to be generated from the landfill site will be collected and incinerated by torch. Baishiao WWTP operation related to - Set up sanitary protection zone in the width of 500m. Sanitary Foshan EPB cost, not Baishiao - Employ bilayer anti-seepage process with anti-seepage coefficient less than 10-7cm/s Landfill Site calculated in this Sanitary - transfer leachate from retention tank for greening as reuse after on-site leachate treatment. project Landfill Site 280 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) Landfill Site - Select devices with low noise emission and implementation of specific sound insulation, vibration attenuation and damping measures. - Use specific vehicles for waste transportation and establish transport manuals. - Set up 10 groundwater monitoring wells and monitoring points for air quality in neighboring Miao Village Ludongshan Forest Park. Conduct environmental monitoring for landfill site and surrounding sensitive receptors for 3-4 times. The monitoring covers air quality, surface water, ground water, leachate, soil, noise and etc. Environment - Treat wastewater in WWTPs through A/O, A2/O or improved A2/O process prior to al Impacts discharge in compliance with relevant standards; on Zhen’an, - Monitor effluent quality by operators and setup on-line monitoring devices at outfalls by Shagang, EPBs to monitoring flow rate and COD. Chengbei, - Spray biological deodorant at key odor generation sources and setup of green belts in the Zhen’an, Included in Nanzhuang plant and at plant boundary to adsorb odorous pollutants to be generated. And main odor Shagang, Foshan Water WWTP operation WWTPs generation sources were covered prior to collection for deodorization for Phase III Zhen’an Chengbei, Group/ Foshan cost, not WWTP Project, which have been proposed for Phase I and II Zhen’an WWTP Project. Nanzhuang EPB calculated in this - Implement environmental protection measures such as construction of rooms with sound WWTPs project insulation, sound-proof wall and mufflers during installation of pollution sources with high noise intensity. - Maintain devices on a regular basis, apply lubricant to keep devices in a good condition and reduce noise to be generated during operation. - Deliver sludge into Baishiao Sanitary Landfill Site in Gaoming Miao Village after 281 Implementation Supervision EMP Budget Item Recommended Mitigation Measures Agency Agency (CNY10000) advanced dewatering. - Operators will exercise cautions to monitoring of water quality at inlet and outlet as well sludge quality. And a complete recording system will be established together with contingent plans for various breakdown and accidents. 282 Environmental Monitoring Plan The environmental monitoring during construction and operation aims at full understanding of pollution updates of proposed project, changes in local environmental quality, impact coverage and updates of environmental quality during operation on a timely basis, reporting those updates to authorities concerned, which provides a scientific basis for project-related environmental management. Monitoring plan is mainly prepared for advanced sludge dewatering project. However, monitoring program during operation needs to cover monitoring activities for advanced sludge dewatering project and associated project. During operation monitoring activities include monitoring of wastewater to be generated from advanced sludge dewatering project (monitoring of WWTP outfalls), monitoring of concentration of odorous pollutants and odor intensity at plant boundaries, and noise at boundaries. These activities are not separately listed in monitoring program for WWTP concerned. The environmental management and monitoring programs for various phases are shown in Table 5.2-1. The monitoring cost during construction is CNY 30,500 and monitoring cost during operation is CNY 22,400. 283 284 Table 14.5-1 Project-related Environmental Monitoring Plan Monitoring Monitoring Unit Price Total Budget Monitoring Supervision Environmental Element Monitoring Point PIU Parameters Frequency (CNY) (CNY10000/a) Agency Agency Construction period Water Industrial Outfalls pH, petroleum, Once at 500/time 0.81 Qualified and Foshan Foshan quality wastewater COD and SS commencement, independent Water Municipal Outfalls of pH, petroleum, and once at mid-term 400/time environmental Group EPB construction sites and SS and once at final monitoring Company machinery phase entity Ltd. maintenance areas WWTPs Outfalls of WWTPs pH, petroleum, 4 times/day 0 0 COD and SS (analysis of routine monitoring data of WWTPs) Air quality North plant boundary TSP Once for excavation 400/time 1.28 Qualified and Foshan Foshan towards dewatering and structuring at independent Water Municipal houses of Zhen’an commencement, environmental Group EPB WWTPs once for monitoring Company West plant boundary construction at mid- 400/time entity Ltd. towards dewatering term houses of Chengbei WWTPs -285- Monitoring Monitoring Unit Price Total Budget Monitoring Supervision Environmental Element Monitoring Point PIU Parameters Frequency (CNY) (CNY10000/a) Agency Agency Southwest plant 400/time boundary towards dewatering houses of Shagang WWTPs North plant boundary 400/time towards dewatering houses of Nanzhuang WWTPs Acoustic environment 16 monitoring points LAeq(dB) Once at 100/time 0.96 Qualified and Foshan Foshan at plant boundaries of commencement, for each independent Water Municipal WWTPs once at mid-term monitoring environmental Group EPB and once at final point monitoring Company phase; entity Ltd. And twice for each day (daytime and night) Unit Total Budget Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Supervision Monitoring Point Price (CNY10000/ PIU Element Parameters Frequency Agency Agency (CNY) a) -286- Operation Water quality Outfalls of WWTPs pH, COD, BOD5, Analysis of WWTP Included in 0 Monitoring Foshan Foshan SS, NH3-N routine monitoring operation department of Water Municipal data cost of WWTPs Group EPB 4 times every day WWTPs, Company COD, flow rate Online monitoring not WWTPs Ltd. calculated pH, COD, BOD5, Twice every year Independent separately SS, NH3-N qualified monitoring entity Plant boundaries of Qualified and 2400/time Zhen’an WWTP independent Plant boundaries of 2400/time environmental Concentrations of Chengbei WWTP monitoring Air quality H2S, NH3, odor and Twice every year 1.92 Plant boundaries of 2400/time entity CH4 Shagang WWTP Plant boundaries of 2400/time Nanzhuang WWTP -287- Unit Total Budget Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Supervision Monitoring Point Price (CNY10000/ PIU Element Parameters Frequency Agency Agency (CNY) a) Operation 16 monitoring points LAeq(dB) Twice every year; 50/time at 0.32 at plant boundaries of for each each Acoustic environment WWTPs monitoring, once at monitoring daytime and once at point night Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Included in 0 Laboratories at Foshan Zn, Ni, As, operation project sites Water petroleum, volatile expenses, Group Sludge stores in WWTP phenol, sulfides, Once every month no extra Company WWTPs operators cyanides, water budgets Ltd./ Foshan Solid waste content of sludge Municipal EPB 0 Laboratories of Baishiao Foshan Spot check for each Sludge landfill sites sludge landfill Landfill Municipal batch sites Site EPB Operation (Baishiao Landfill Site) -288- Unit Total Budget Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Supervision Monitoring Point Price (CNY10000/ PIU Element Parameters Frequency Agency Agency (CNY) a) Operation Wastewater Outfall of leachate pH, color, SS, 4 times every year Included in 0 Independent Baishiao Foshan treatment facility CODcr, 4 times every year operation qualified Landfill Municipal BOD5, HN4-N, 4 times every year cost of monitoring Site EPB fecal coliform 4 times every year Baishiao agency Surface water Surface water in the pH, CODcr, BOD5, Sanitary landfill site TN, HN4-N, TP, Landfill 6+ Site, not Pb, Cr , Cd Hg, As, fecal calculated coliform separately Groundwater 10 groundwater pH, COD, HN4-N, monitoring wells Hg, Cd, Cr6+, Pb, As Boundaries of landfill site H2S, NH3, Neighboring sensitive Air quality odor concentration, receptors such as SO2, NO2, CO, TSP Miao Village and Ludong Forest Park -289- Unit Total Budget Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Supervision Monitoring Point Price (CNY10000/ PIU Element Parameters Frequency Agency Agency (CNY) a) Operation Boundaries of landfill LAeq(dB) Acoustic environment site Downstream of Hg, As, Cd, Cr, Pb oxidation pond West of Ludong Forest Soil Park Neighboring area of regulating container for leachate Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Included in 0 Laboratories at Foshan Water Zn, Ni, As, operation project sites Group Sludge stores in petroleum, volatile expenses, WWTP Company Once every month WWTPs phenol, sulfides, no extra operators Ltd./ Foshan Soild waste cyanides budgets Municipal EPB 0 Laboratories of Baishiao Foshan Spot check for Sludge landfill sites sludge landfill Landfill Municipal each batch sites Site EPB -290- Information Management Information Exchange It is required that environmental management should cover required information exchange among different departments of project owner, contractors and operators. Meanwhile, external information exchange for relevant entities and puble should be carried out. Internal information exchange should be performed in form of meeting and internal brief reports. However, official meeting is required once every month. All information to be exchanged should be recorded and filed. External information exchange will be performed once every half year or every year. The information to be exchanged with other parties needs to be summarized and filed. Recording For an effective operation of the environmental management system, a complete recording system should be established and following records should be maintained: 1. Stipulations of laws and regulations; 2. Permits; 3. Environmental factors and impacts; 4. Training; 5. Check, calibration and maintenance activities; 6. Monitoring data; 7. Effectiveness of rectifications and prevention measures; 8. Information of parties involved; 9. Auditing; 10. Evaluation. -291- In addition, control for various aforesaid records is required, including tagging, collection, listing, filing, keeping, management, maintenance, query, term of keeping, disposal, etc. Report Mechanism During the implementation of the project, the contractors, monitoring agency and Project Management Office should keep a record of items including project progress, implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP), environmental quality monitoring results, etc., and report to relative authorities. The main contents consist of the following 6 parts: 1 Project environmental supervision engineer will made detailed monthly records on EMP implementation, submit monthly reports to the PIU and municipal PMO on a timely basis. The monthly report includes implementation of environmental protection measures, progress in environmental monitoring and monitoring data. 2 The contractors and operator will make detailed quarterly records on project progress and EMP implementation, report quarterly reports to PMO on a timely basis, and also forward the quarterly reports to municipal EPB. 3 After completion of environmental monitoring, monitoring agency will submit monitoring reports to operators and environmental supervision engineer on a timely basis. 4 Municipal PMO will submit project progress reports to provincial PMO on a timely basis, and forward the reports to the provincial EPB. The semiyearly project progress reports prepared by PMOs include EMP implementation, such as progress of EMP implementation and especially environmental monitoring results. 5 In case of serious non-compliance regarding environmental protection, environmental supervision engineers and PMO will report the non-compliance to local environmental protection authorities, and further report to authorities at different levels if required. 6 The EMP implementation reports should be completed prior to the deadlines set by WB and be submitted to WB. The EMP implementation reports will include the following contents. -292- 1 Project progress; 2 Implementation of EMP including implementation of training program and project- related environmental protection measures, progress in environmental monitoring and also key monitoring data; 3 Possible public complaints: Records of key points of complaints, solutions and public satisfaction in case of complaints; 4 EMP implementation plan for the following year. -293- Conclusions and Suggestions Project Overview Foshan Water Group Company Ltd is in charge of construction of proposed Foshan Nanzhuang Sludge Treatment Plant Project. The proposed project content covers reconstruction of existing sludge treatment process Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs in Chancheng District. The proposed advanced dewatering will reach water content lower than 60% in sludge from aforesaid WWTPs. The proposed project sites are located at vacant land close to existing sludge dewatering workshops in Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTPs. The existing dewatering devices will be used and new land acquisition is not required. The proposed project involves construction of wet sludge store, sludge treatment workshop, dewatered sludge store, control cabinet, high and low voltage power supply room, etc. The proposed treatment capacity is 220d/t (counted as water content of 80%). The proposed treatment processes are sludge conditioning and plate and frame press advanced dewatering( ). The total investment is approximately CNY 100.9 million including USD 10.7 million, approximately CNY 69.55 million. Project Rationality and Compliance The analysis results indicate that the proposed project implementation complies with national and Guangdong provincial sector development policies, national and Guangdong provincial laws and regulations regarding environmental protection, codes of environmental protection of Guangdong Province, Pearl Delta Area and Foshan Municipality, and Environmental Function Zoning of Foshan Municipality. The proposed project implementation will solve the problem of sludge treatment and disposal in Foshan Municipality in an efficient way, which facilitates the sustainable development of Foshan Municipality. The proposed project with advanced dewatering technology in existing WWTPs has many advantages, such as low investment and operation expenses, large treatment capacity, stable operation and little secondary -294- pollution. And the vacant areas in existing WWTPs will be fully used as proposed project sites. Therefore, the project implementation in existing WWTPs is rational and sound. Environmental Baselines 1. Baselines of Surface Water Quality The environmental monitoring data indicated that all of monitoring parameters in Foshan Stream as proposed receiving water body could meet the requirements of Class IV Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002. The concentrations of COD, DO, NH3-N and total phosphorus at Wensha Bridge Section of Foshan Watercourse exceeded Class IV Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002. Except the non-compliance at Wensha Bridge Section, all of monitoring parameters at other sections of Foshan Watercourse could meet the requirements of Class IV Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water. The concentrations of COD, BOD, DO and petroleum at Jili Creek Section exceeded Class III Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002 because the Nanzhuang WWTP has not been put into operation yet and domestic wastewater and part of industrial wastewater from surrounding areas were discharged into the Jiliyong Section without treatment. As the completion and operation of Nanzhuang WWTP, the water quality of Jiliyong Section will be improved. 2. Baselines of Air Quality As indicated in baseline monitoring and historical monitoring data, the concentration of SO2, NO2 and PM10 in assessment areas could meet the requirements of Class II Environmental Quality Standard for Ambient Air GB30912.1-1996 and its amendment. The concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in assessment areas could meet the requirements of Hygiene Standard for Design of Industrial Enterprises TJ36-79. And the odor concentration could comply with concentrations at plant boundary of Class II Odorous Pollutants Emission Standards. 3. Baselines of Acoustic Environment -295- The results of baseline monitoring indicated that noise levels at WWTP boundaries could meet the requirements of Class II Environmental Quality Standard for Noise. Therefore, the quality of local acoustic environment was good. Assessment of Environmental Impacts The projection and assessment of air quality indicated that ammonia and hydrogen sulfide generated would not pose distinct adverse impact on local air quality during normal operation of proposed dewatering workshop? in WWTPs. To prevent and control air pollution in an efficient way, cleaner production should be further enhanced to reduce amount of air pollutants emissions, especially to prevent accidental emission. It is suggested that the safety distance to dewatering workshop in WWTPs should be identified to be 50 meters wide. The addition of wastewater discharge after advanced dewatering process is estimated to be very little. The additions of wastewater discharge of Zhen’an, Shagang, Chengbei and Nanzhuang WWTP are estimated to be 71m3/d, 39m3/d, 21m3/d and 21m3/d, respectively, which are 0.036%, 0.04%, 0.02% and 0.04% of treatment capacities of corresponding WWTPs, respectively. Therefore, the proposed advanced dewatering will not cause a significant increase in wastewater discharge of WWTPs. Therefore, the proposed project will not pose distinct adverse impacts on receiving water bodies of these WWTPs. The noise projection showed after completion of dewatering workshop, noise levels projected at plant boundaries at daytime and night would comply with Class II2 Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary which would be similar to the current status. Therefore, noise nuisance to be generated from devices in dewatering workshop will not bring serious impacts on surrounding acoustic environment. As indicated by the anaylsis, lab waste liquid to be generated is classified as hazardous waste which needs to be strictly managed during the whole process and disposed of in a safe way by a qualified company. In Guangdong Province, sludge dewatering is controlled in a strict way, which includes sanitary landfilling, establishment of management account lists and transfer form systems for sludge transportation and implementation of covering and anti-seepage and anti-leakage measures during -296- transportation. Thus, solid wastes to be generated from proposed project will not pose any negative impact on surrounding environment. Meanwhile, no negative impacts will be generated along transport routes during sludge transportation. Risk Assessment The analysis results indicated that the probability of water pollution due to accidents during transportation through Dongping Watercource, Jili Creek Section and Shunde Watercource would be very low. Once the accident happens, the concentrations of organics and heavy metal will increase a bit, which is the main impact on local water quality. To avoid or reduce accident occurrence as well as potential adverse impacts on quality of surface water after accidents, specific risk prevention measures as well as emergency response plans should be implemented. As a whole, the environmental risks of proposed project are acceptable. Therefore, in view of environmental risks, the project implementation is feasible. Cleaner Production and Total Pollution Load Control The proposed sludge dewatering through board-frame press filter will realize sludge reduction, stabilization and hazard-free treatment. In addition to good performance in water and energy saving, no leachate will be generated with low odor emission after formation of sludge cakes, which can control secondary pollution in an efficient way. The proposed project is a cleaner production project with energy saving and discharge reduction. The effluents to be generated will be treated by municipal WWTP and the exhausted gas emissions from proposed project sites will be generally the same as those before project implementation. Therefore, there will be no distinct changes in discharge and emissions from WWTPs concerned after project implementation. No extra discharge/emission quota is required from the regional target. Public Consultation -297- Most public favored project construction in existing sites. Meanwhile, some public concerned about potential negative impacts of project implementaion on the environment and also expressed their worries on surrounding environmental quality and their own vital interests, which showed strong awareness of environmental protection. Great attention should be paid to those concerns by the PIU To dispel these concerns and worries about proposed project implementation, the PIU should enhance project propaganda and introduction to improve the public understanding of proposed project. At the same time, environmental protection should be set as priority during construction and operation and all of pollution prevention and control measures should be strictly implemented to gain the public support. Conclusions In summary, the proposed project implementation will comply with relevent national and provincial sector policies, laws and regulations regarding environmental protection, and planning of environmental protection. The main goal is to improve existing sludge drying processes in WWTPs concerned. After project implementation, generation and discharge of all type of pollutants will generally be the same as current status. After effective prevention and control, all pollution parameters will not bring distinct adverse impacts on surroundingenvironmental and pollution receptors. The project constrution, capacity and treatment processes to be applied are feasible. The PIU should strictly follow the management rules of Three Synchronies Policy, complete all application and approval procedure, and also ensure the implementation of all of environmental protection measures specified in this EA report. During operation, device maintenance should be enhanced to ensure the normal operation of environmental protection facility. Thus, the proposed project will not pose distinct adverse impacts on the surrounding environment. The project implementation is environmentally feasible. -298-