Page 1 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Iceland This spreadsheet contains the data that is an input into: Tim Josling, "Distortions to Agriculture Incentives in Western Europe" Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 61, September 2008 . Available at and, without its Appendix, as Ch 3 in Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: A Global Perspective, 1955 to 2007 edited by K. Anderson, Washington DC: World Bank, 2009. NRA and production data have been supplemented by the Distortions project's core database compiled by Kym Anderson and Ernesto Valenzuela (2008) "Estimates of Global Distortions to Agricultural Incentives, 1955 to 2007", World Bank, Washington DC, October 2008). Available at Variable name Description ccode country code country Country year Year product Product, the word "GENERAL' refers to aggregate information trade_status Product trade status This is a product of a research project on Distortions to Agricultural Incentives, under the leadership of Kym Anderson of the World Bank’s Development Research Group ( The author is grateful for helpful comments from workshop participants, for computational assistance from Ernesto Valenzuela, and for funding from World Bank Trust Funds provided by the governments of Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands (BNPP) and the United Kingdom (DfID). Page 2 nra NRA, Nominal Rate of Assistance, by product NRA = NRA bms + NRA dms + NRA inputs , where NRAoutput = NRAbms + NRAdms nra_o NRAo, Nominal Rate of Assistance to output, by product nra_i NRAi, Nominal Rate of Assistance to input, by product nra_bms NRAbms, Nominal Rate of Assistance to output conferred by border market price support, by product nra_bms_x NRAbms (Exportable product), Nominal Rate of Assistance to output conferred by border market price support, by product nra_bms_M NRAbms (importable product), Nominal Rate of Assistance to output conferred by border market price support, by product nra_dms NRAdms, Nominal Rate of Assistance to output conferred by domestic price support, by product nra_covt NRA_covered_products, Value of production-weighted average of covered products NRA to covered products can be decomposed into: NRA_COVT = NRA_cov_bms + NRA_cov_dms + NRA_cov_inputs, where NRA_covered_output = NRA_cov_bms + NRA_cov_dms nra_cov_i NRA to inputs, value of production-weighted average of covered products nra_cov_o NRA to output, value of production-weighted average of covered products nra_cov_dms NRA to output conferred by domestic market price support, value of production-weighted average of covered products nra_cov_bms NRA to output conferred by border market price support, value of production-weighted average of covered products nra_bms_covm NRA to output conferred by border market price support, value of production-weighted average of covered products, only IMPORTABLES nra_bms_covx NRA to output conferred by border market price support, value of production-weighted average of covered products, only EXPORTABLES nra_bms_covh NRA to output conferred by border market price support, value of production-weighted average of covered products, only Non-Tradables nra_covh NRA covered products, value of production-weighted average, Nontradables nra_covm NRA covered products, value of production-weighted average, Importables nra_covx NRA covered products, value of production-weighted average, Exportables nra_covt_simpleave NRA, Simple average of covered products nra_ncm NRA Non Covered products, Value of production-weighted average, Importables nra_ncx NRA Non Covered products, Value of production-weighted average, Exportables nra_nch NRA Non Covered products, Value of production-weighted average, Nontradables nra_nct NRA non-covered products (total), Value of production-weighted average nps Non-product-specific assistance (NPSA), in USD NRA_TOTAL accounts for Covered and Non-Covered products nra_tott NRA All (primary) Agriculture, TOTAL for covered and non-covered and NPSA, Value of production-weighted average. nra_totp NRA All (primary) Agriculture, TOTAL excluding NPSA nra_totm NRA All (primary) Agriculture, Value of production-weighted average, Importables nra_totx NRA All (primary) Agriculture, Value of production-weighted average, Exportables nra_toth NRA All (primary) Agriculture, Value of production-weighted average, Nontradables nra_agtrad NRA Tradables-only in (primary) Agriculture, Value of production-weighted average. nra_nonagtrad NRA Non-Agricultural Sectors , Tradables rra RRA, Relative Rate of Assistance TBI Trade Bias Index= [ (1+NRA_X) / (1+NRA_M) -1] ú û ù ê ë é - + + = 1 1 1 t t N R A n o n a g N R A a g R R A Page 3 nra_totd NRA Total Ag., ixcl. NPSA and decoupled payment (in HI countries) nra_agtrad_decpay NRA Ag Tradables, including decoupled support in HI countires decpay Decoupled paymets (% of total vop) nps_input Non Product Specific payments (only) to inputs, relevant to HI countries rra_decpay RRA with decoupled payments included, HI countries er_econ Exchange Rate, estimated equilibrium, used in calculations, (LC/US) officialERproduct Official Exchange Rate by product, (LC/US) q Volume of Production, MT pd Domestic producer farmgate price, LC/MT Bp Border(undistorted) price , USD/MT vop_prod Value of production (at undistorted farm price), by product, USD vop_covt Value of production total COVERED products (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_covh Value of production COVERED products Non-tradables (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_covm Value of production COVERED products Importables (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_covx Value of production COVERED products Exportables (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_nch Value of production NON-COVERED products Non-tradables (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_ncm Value of production NON-COVERED products Importables (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_ncx Value of production NON-COVERED products Exportables (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_nct Value of production NON-COVERED products TOTAL (at undistorted farm price), USD vop_tot Value of production TOTAL Agriculture (at undistorted farm price), USD cte consumer tax equivalent in USD, by product cte_covh CTE , for all covered products , Value of consumption-weighted average, Non-Tradables cte_covm CTE , for all covered products , Value of consumption-weighted average, Importables. cte_covx CTE , for all covered products , Value of consumption-weighted average, Exportables cte_covt CTE , TOTAL for all covered products , Value of consumption-weighted average. cte_covt_ave CTE , TOTAL for all covered products , simple average voc_prod Value of consumption (at undistorted farm price), by product, USD voc_covh Value of consumption COVERED products Non-tradables (at undistorted farm price), USD voc_covm Value of consumption COVERED products Importables (at undistorted farm price), USD voc_covx Value of consumption COVERED products Exportables (at undistorted farm price), USD voc_covt Value of consumption total COVERED products (at undistorted farm price), USD Derived variables to estimate trade flows ssr Self Sufficiency ratio, from FAO (= Q/C (vol.)) or from OECD (= Q/C (value at undistorted prices)) shrimp Share of imports in consumption, FAOSTAT shrexp Share of exports in production, FAOSTAT ac_prod Apparent consuption (volume) R&D Research and Development Expenditures, USD pop_agreconact Pop. total economically active in Agr (from FAOSTAT) pop_agric Pop. agricultural (FAOSTAT) pop_nonagric Pop. non-agricultural (FAOSTAT) pop_rural Pop. rural (FAOSTAT) û ë + 1 N R A n o n a g Page 4 pop_total Pop. total (FAOSTAT) pop_urban Pop. urban (FAOSTAT) pop_toteconact Pop. total economically active (FAOSTAT) Page 5 region ccode country year product trade_status nra nra_o nra_i nra_bms nra_dms nra_bms_x nra_bms_m nra_covt nra_cov_i nra_cov_o nra_cov_dms HIC ISL iceland 1979 beef M 0.736369 0.736369 0 0.147472 0.588898 0.147472 HIC ISL iceland 1980 beef M 1.006552 1.006552 0 0.302301 0.704252 0.302301 HIC ISL iceland 1981 beef M 1.434974 1.434974 0 0.568584 0.866391 0.568584 HIC ISL iceland 1982 beef M 1.556164 1.556164 0 0.46148 1.094684 0.46148 HIC ISL iceland 1983 beef M 1.342644 1.342644 0 0.481088 0.861556 0.481088 HIC ISL iceland 1984 beef M 1.846583 1.846583 0 0.95886 0.887723 0.95886 HIC ISL iceland 1985 beef M 2.670057 2.670057 0 1.517338 1.152719 1.517338 HIC ISL iceland 1986 beef X 2.032387 2.032387 0 2.032387 0 2.032387 HIC ISL iceland 1987 beef M 1.33949 1.33949 0 1.33949 0 1.33949 HIC ISL iceland 1988 beef M 1.025993 1.025993 0 1.025993 0 1.025993 HIC ISL iceland 1989 beef X 0.950792 0.950792 0 0.950792 0 0.950792 HIC ISL iceland 1990 beef X 1.293039 1.293039 0 1.293039 0 1.293039 HIC ISL iceland 1991 beef M 2.344217 2.344217 0 2.344217 0 2.344217 HIC ISL iceland 1992 beef X 1.21092 1.21092 0 1.21092 0 1.21092 HIC ISL iceland 1993 beef X 0.64251 0.64251 0 0.64251 0 0.64251 HIC ISL iceland 1994 beef X 0.2997 0.2997 0 0.2997 0 0.2997 HIC ISL iceland 1995 beef M 0.334008 0.334008 0 0.334008 0 0.334008 HIC ISL iceland 1996 beef M 0.450398 0.450398 0 0.450398 0 0.450398 HIC ISL iceland 1997 beef X 0.988679 0.988679 0 0.988679 0 0.988679 HIC ISL iceland 1998 beef M 1.171067 1.171067 0 1.171067 0 1.171067 HIC ISL iceland 1999 beef X 1.276008 1.276008 0 1.276008 0 1.276008 HIC ISL iceland 2000 beef M 1.103875 1.103875 0 1.103875 0 1.103875 HIC ISL iceland 2001 beef M 0.950788 0.950788 0 0.950788 0 0.950788 HIC ISL iceland 2002 beef X 0.950178 0.950178 0 0.950178 0 0.950178 HIC ISL iceland 2003 beef M 0.943637 0.943637 0 0.943637 0 0.943637 HIC ISL iceland 2004 beef M 0.707546 0.707546 0 0.707546 0 0.707546 HIC ISL iceland 2005 beef M 1.079109 1.079109 0 1.079109 0 1.079109 HIC ISL iceland 2006 beef M 0.702019 0.702019 0 0.702019 0 0.702019 HIC ISL iceland 2007 beef M 0.573608 0.573608 0 0.573608 0 0.573608 HIC ISL iceland 1979 egg M 2.964112 2.964112 0 2.924289 0.039823 2.924289 HIC ISL iceland 1980 egg M 2.32769 2.32769 0 2.305252 0.022439 2.305252 HIC ISL iceland 1981 egg M 2.678761 2.678761 0 2.647304 0.031457 2.647304 HIC ISL iceland 1982 egg M 3.259779 3.259779 0 3.112633 0.147146 3.112633 HIC ISL iceland 1983 egg M 2.896156 2.896156 0 2.655164 0.240992 2.655164 HIC ISL iceland 1984 egg M 2.764103 2.764103 0 2.589081 0.175022 2.589081 HIC ISL iceland 1985 egg X 2.426664 2.426664 0 3.029773 -0.60311 3.029773 HIC ISL iceland 1986 egg X 4.556629 4.556629 0 4.556629 0 4.556629 HIC ISL iceland 1987 egg X 3.543586 3.543586 0 3.543586 0.00E+00 3.543586 HIC ISL iceland 1988 egg M 4.633441 4.633441 0 3.948741 0.6847 3.948741 HIC ISL iceland 1989 egg M 4.932486 4.932486 0 4.249157 0.683329 4.249157 Page 6 region ccode country year product trade_status nra nra_o nra_i nra_bms nra_dms nra_bms_x nra_bms_m nra_covt nra_cov_i nra_cov_o nra_cov_dms HIC ISL iceland 1990 egg M 3.771406 3.771406 0 3.244431 0.526975 3.244431 HIC ISL iceland 1991 egg M 3.548172 3.548172 0 3.027701 0.520471 3.027701 HIC ISL iceland 1992 egg M 4.167114 4.167114 0 3.589323 0.577791 3.589323 HIC ISL iceland 1993 egg M 3.718013 3.718013 0 3.38346 0.334553 3.38346 HIC ISL iceland 1994 egg M 3.449863 3.449863 0 3.398489 0.051374 3.398489 HIC ISL iceland 1995 egg X 4.201055 4.201055 0 4.201055 0 4.201055 HIC ISL iceland 1996 egg X 2.773849 2.773849 0 2.773849 0 2.773849 HIC ISL iceland 1997 egg M 2.791425 2.791425 0 2.791425 0 2.791425 HIC ISL iceland 1998 egg M 3.497312 3.497312 0 3.497312 0 3.497312 HIC ISL iceland 1999 egg M 3.945748 3.945748 0 3.945748 0 3.945748 HIC ISL iceland 2000 egg M 2.39707 2.39707 0 2.39707 0 2.39707 HIC ISL iceland 2001 egg M 1.52924 1.52924 0 1.52924 0 1.52924 HIC ISL iceland 2002 egg M 1.458745 1.458745 0 1.458745 0 1.458745 HIC ISL iceland 2003 egg M 1.713429 1.713429 0 1.713429 0 1.713429 HIC ISL iceland 2004 egg M 1.738776 1.738776 0 1.738776 0 1.738776 HIC ISL iceland 2005 egg M 2.876193 2.876193 0 2.876193 0 2.876193 HIC ISL iceland 2006 egg M 2.104205 2.104205 0 2.104205 0 2.104205 HIC ISL iceland 2007 egg M 1.76929 1.76929 0 1.76929 0 1.76929 HIC ISL iceland 1979 milk M 4.303585 4.303585 0 0.506256 3.797328 0.506256 HIC ISL iceland 1980 milk M 4.070065 4.070065 0 0.675577 3.394488 0.675577 HIC ISL iceland 1981 milk M 3.444775 3.444775 0 0.759735 2.68504 0.759735 HIC ISL iceland 1982 milk M 3.05206 3.05206 0 0.36027 2.691791 0.36027 HIC ISL iceland 1983 milk M 2.910484 2.910484 0 0.660415 2.25007 0.660415 HIC ISL iceland 1984 milk M 4.07021 4.07021 0 1.269603 2.800607 1.269603 HIC ISL iceland 1985 milk M 10.31803 10.31803 0 2.586901 7.731131 2.586901 HIC ISL iceland 1986 milk X 5.923653 5.923653 0 5.923653 0 5.923653 HIC ISL iceland 1987 milk M 8.583963 8.583963 0 8.583963 0 8.583963 HIC ISL iceland 1988 milk X 3.869849 3.869849 0 3.869849 0 3.869849 HIC ISL iceland 1989 milk M 2.716627 2.716627 0 2.716627 0 2.716627 HIC ISL iceland 1990 milk M 5.89115 5.89115 0 5.89115 0 5.89115 HIC ISL iceland 1991 milk X 5.382814 5.382814 0 5.382814 0 5.382814 HIC ISL iceland 1992 milk X 4.306129 4.306129 0 4.306129 0 4.306129 HIC ISL iceland 1993 milk M 4.493924 4.493924 0 1.812813 2.681112 1.812813 HIC ISL iceland 1994 milk M 4.019788 4.019788 0 1.635467 2.38432 1.635467 HIC ISL iceland 1995 milk M 2.761095 2.761095 0 0.947101 1.813993 0.947101 HIC ISL iceland 1996 milk M 3.611972 3.611972 0 1.381731 2.230241 1.381731 HIC ISL iceland 1997 milk M 2.994318 2.994318 0 1.080285 1.914033 1.080285 HIC ISL iceland 1998 milk M 3.897606 3.897606 0 1.649271 2.248335 1.649271 HIC ISL iceland 1999 milk M 3.954229 3.954229 0 1.62268 2.331549 1.62268 HIC ISL iceland 2000 milk M 1.916938 1.916938 0 0.453335 1.463603 0.453335 Page 7 region ccode country year product trade_status nra nra_o nra_i nra_bms nra_dms nra_bms_x nra_bms_m nra_covt nra_cov_i nra_cov_o nra_cov_dms HIC ISL iceland 2001 milk M 1.329031 1.329031 0 0.133895 1.195136 0.133895 HIC ISL iceland 2002 milk M 4.30066 4.30066 0 1.921395 2.379265 1.921395 HIC ISL iceland 2003 milk M 3.782221 3.782221 0 1.630754 2.151467 1.630754 HIC ISL iceland 2004 milk M 3.403424 3.403424 0 1.470314 1.93311 1.470314 HIC ISL iceland 2005 milk M 4.219172 4.219172 0 1.855732 2.363441 1.855732 HIC ISL iceland 2006 milk M 3.389455 3.389455 0 1.42284 1.966614 1.42284 HIC ISL iceland 2007 milk M 1.542238 1.542238 0 0.436758 1.10548 0.436758 HIC ISL iceland 1979 pigmeat M 1.456718 1.456718 0 1.236518 0.2202 1.236518 HIC ISL iceland 1980 pigmeat M 1.299765 1.299765 0 1.121706 0.178058 1.121706 HIC ISL iceland 1981 pigmeat M 1.684814 1.684814 0 1.467749 0.217065 1.467749 HIC ISL iceland 1982 pigmeat M 2.191333 2.191333 0 1.802609 0.388723 1.802609 HIC ISL iceland 1983 pigmeat M 2.090638 2.090638 0 1.655195 0.435443 1.655195 HIC ISL iceland 1984 pigmeat M 2.513299 2.513299 0 2.14665 0.366648 2.14665 HIC ISL iceland 1985 pigmeat X 2.328876 2.328876 0 2.519597 -0.19072 2.519597 HIC ISL iceland 1986 pigmeat M 3.372406 3.372406 0 3.372406 0 3.372406 HIC ISL iceland 1987 pigmeat X 3.062903 3.062903 0 3.062903 0 3.062903 HIC ISL iceland 1988 pigmeat M 4.269498 4.269498 0 3.446234 0.823264 3.446234 HIC ISL iceland 1989 pigmeat M 2.284267 2.284267 0 1.804647 0.47962 1.804647 HIC ISL iceland 1990 pigmeat M 2.030627 2.030627 0 1.621897 0.40873 1.621897 HIC ISL iceland 1991 pigmeat M 2.759629 2.759629 0 2.293219 0.46641 2.293219 HIC ISL iceland 1992 pigmeat M 1.957099 1.957099 0 1.597808 0.359292 1.597808 HIC ISL iceland 1993 pigmeat M 2.969149 2.969149 0 2.637806 0.331343 2.637806 HIC ISL iceland 1994 pigmeat M 2.271699 2.271699 0 2.21568 0.05602 2.21568 HIC ISL iceland 1995 pigmeat X 1.76186 1.76186 0 1.76186 0 1.76186 HIC ISL iceland 1996 pigmeat X 1.056227 1.056227 0 1.056227 0 1.056227 HIC ISL iceland 1997 pigmeat M 1.116743 1.116743 0 1.116743 0 1.116743 HIC ISL iceland 1998 pigmeat X 2.286025 2.286025 0 2.286025 0 2.286025 HIC ISL iceland 1999 pigmeat X 3.388869 3.388869 0 3.388869 0 3.388869 HIC ISL iceland 2000 pigmeat X 1.791305 1.791305 0 1.791305 0 1.791305 HIC ISL iceland 2001 pigmeat X 0.945549 0.945549 0 0.945549 0 0.945549 HIC ISL iceland 2002 pigmeat X 1.007349 1.007349 0 1.007349 0 1.007349 HIC ISL iceland 2003 pigmeat X 0.853341 0.853341 0 0.853341 0 0.853341 HIC ISL iceland 2004 pigmeat X 1.404885 1.404885 0 1.404885 0 1.404885 HIC ISL iceland 2005 pigmeat X 1.816738 1.816738 0 1.816738 0 1.816738 HIC ISL iceland 2006 pigmeat X 1.699098 1.699098 0 1.699098 0 1.699098 HIC ISL iceland 2007 pigmeat X 1.969276 1.969276 0 1.969276 0 1.969276 HIC ISL iceland 1979 poultry M 5.516446 5.516446 0 5.001448 0.514998 5.001448 HIC ISL iceland 1980 poultry M 4.747685 4.747685 0 4.337365 0.41032 4.337365 HIC ISL iceland 1981 poultry M 4.66231 4.66231 0 4.26386 0.39845 4.26386 HIC ISL iceland 1982 poultry M 6.342545 6.342545 0 5.197187 1.145358 5.197187 Page 8 region ccode country year product trade_status nra nra_o nra_i nra_bms nra_dms nra_bms_x nra_bms_m nra_covt nra_cov_i nra_cov_o nra_cov_dms HIC ISL iceland 1983 poultry M 6.81836 6.81836 0 5.086137 1.732223 5.086137 HIC ISL iceland 1984 poultry X 6.835456 6.835456 0 7.177258 -0.3418 7.177258 HIC ISL iceland 1985 poultry X 5.240403 5.240403 0 7.423646 -2.18324 7.423646 HIC ISL iceland 1986 poultry X 6.238377 6.238377 0 6.238377 0 6.238377 HIC ISL iceland 1987 poultry X 7.437832 7.437832 0 7.437832 0 7.437832 HIC ISL iceland 1988 poultry M 6.287369 6.287369 0 4.545644 1.741725 4.545644 HIC ISL iceland 1989 poultry M 5.725109 5.725109 0 4.68854 1.036569 4.68854 HIC ISL iceland 1990 poultry M 5.29599 5.29599 0 4.38801 0.90798 4.38801 HIC ISL iceland 1991 poultry M 4.965627 4.965627 0 3.945902 1.019725 3.945902 HIC ISL iceland 1992 poultry M 6.810332 6.810332 0 5.575695 1.234637 5.575695 HIC ISL iceland 1993 poultry M 6.598735 6.598735 0 5.837301 0.761434 5.837301 HIC ISL iceland 1994 poultry M 6.330829 6.330829 0 6.182716 0.148112 6.182716 HIC ISL iceland 1995 poultry X 6.149676 6.149676 0 6.149676 0 6.149676 HIC ISL iceland 1996 poultry M 5.241717 5.241717 0 5.241717 0 5.241717 HIC ISL iceland 1997 poultry X 5.213381 5.213381 0 5.213381 0 5.213381 HIC ISL iceland 1998 poultry X 5.948919 5.948919 0 5.948919 0 5.948919 HIC ISL iceland 1999 poultry X 5.709739 5.709739 0 5.709739 0 5.709739 HIC ISL iceland 2000 poultry M 6.136053 6.136053 0 6.136053 0 6.136053 HIC ISL iceland 2001 poultry X 4.936938 4.936938 0 4.936938 0 4.936938 HIC ISL iceland 2002 poultry X 4.714986 4.714986 0 4.714986 0 4.714986 HIC ISL iceland 2003 poultry X 3.768352 3.768352 0 3.768352 0 3.768352 HIC ISL iceland 2004 poultry X 5.337337 5.337337 0 5.337337 0 5.337337 HIC ISL iceland 2005 poultry X 6.484314 6.484314 0 6.484314 0 6.484314 HIC ISL iceland 2006 poultry X 6.335965 6.335965 0 6.335965 0 6.335965 HIC ISL iceland 2007 poultry X 5.157402 5.157402 0 5.157402 0 5.157402 HIC ISL iceland 1979 sheepmeat M 1.921159 1.921159 0 0.305904 1.615255 0.305904 HIC ISL iceland 1980 sheepmeat M 1.991702 1.991702 0 0.660733 1.330969 0.660733 HIC ISL iceland 1981 sheepmeat M 1.373807 1.373807 0 0.478267 0.89554 0.478267 HIC ISL iceland 1982 sheepmeat M 2.749004 2.749004 0 0.816877 1.932127 0.816877 HIC ISL iceland 1983 sheepmeat M 2.070804 2.070804 0 0.616332 1.454471 0.616332 HIC ISL iceland 1984 sheepmeat M 2.273224 2.273224 0 1.005096 1.268127 1.005096 HIC ISL iceland 1985 sheepmeat M 2.557288 2.557288 0 0.912104 1.645184 0.912104 HIC ISL iceland 1986 sheepmeat X 1.667136 1.667136 0 1.667136 0 1.667136 HIC ISL iceland 1987 sheepmeat X 3.225952 3.225952 0 3.225952 0 3.225952 HIC ISL iceland 1988 sheepmeat X 3.522186 3.522186 0 3.522186 0 3.522186 HIC ISL iceland 1989 sheepmeat X 2.815814 2.815814 0 2.815814 0 2.815814 HIC ISL iceland 1990 sheepmeat X 2.476958 2.476958 0 2.476958 0 2.476958 HIC ISL iceland 1991 sheepmeat X 3.136566 3.136566 0 3.136566 0 3.136566 HIC ISL iceland 1992 sheepmeat M 2.356976 2.356976 0 0.73924 1.617735 0.73924 HIC ISL iceland 1993 sheepmeat M 1.08808 1.08808 0 0.088533 0.999547 0.088533 Page 9 region ccode country year product trade_status nra nra_o nra_i nra_bms nra_dms nra_bms_x nra_bms_m nra_covt nra_cov_i nra_cov_o nra_cov_dms HIC ISL iceland 1994 sheepmeat M 1.000257 1.000257 0 0.057384 0.942874 0.057384 HIC ISL iceland 1995 sheepmeat M 1.386726 1.386726 0 0.251391 1.135335 0.251391 HIC ISL iceland 1996 sheepmeat M 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIC ISL iceland 1997 sheepmeat X 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIC ISL iceland 1998 sheepmeat X 1.091296 1.091296 0 1.091296 0 1.091296 HIC ISL iceland 1999 sheepmeat X 1.076804 1.076804 0 1.076804 0 1.076804 HIC ISL iceland 2000 sheepmeat X 0.841672 0.841672 0 0.841672 0 0.841672 HIC ISL iceland 2001 sheepmeat X 0.752227 0.752227 0 0.752227 0 0.752227 HIC ISL iceland 2002 sheepmeat X 0.263754 0.263754 0 0.263754 0 0.263754 HIC ISL iceland 2003 sheepmeat X 0.197686 0.197686 0 0.197686 0 0.197686 HIC ISL iceland 2004 sheepmeat X 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIC ISL iceland 2005 sheepmeat X 0.033469 0.033469 0 0.033469 0 0.033469 HIC ISL iceland 2006 sheepmeat X 0.109179 0.109179 0 0.109179 0 0.109179 HIC ISL iceland 2007 sheepmeat X 0.140485 0.140485 0 0.140485 0 0.140485 HIC ISL iceland 1979 wool M 0.002956 0.002956 0 -0.30037 0.303323 -0.30037 HIC ISL iceland 1980 wool M 0.322704 0.322704 0 -0.19032 0.513021 -0.19032 HIC ISL iceland 1981 wool M 0.499538 0.499538 0 -0.21756 0.717097 -0.21756 HIC ISL iceland 1982 wool M 0.57814 0.57814 0 -0.20209 0.780232 -0.20209 HIC ISL iceland 1983 wool M 0.231001 0.231001 0 -0.25961 0.490615 -0.25961 HIC ISL iceland 1984 wool M 0.146868 0.146868 0 -0.27953 0.426393 -0.27953 HIC ISL iceland 1985 wool M 0.574294 0.574294 0 -0.15974 0.734038 -0.15974 HIC ISL iceland 1986 wool X 0.389383 0.389383 0 0.389383 0 0.389383 HIC ISL iceland 1987 wool H 0.199375 0.199375 0 0.199375 0 HIC ISL iceland 1988 wool M 0.022575 0.022575 0 0.022575 0 0.022575 HIC ISL iceland 1989 wool M -0.08152 -0.08152 0 -0.08152 0 -0.08152 HIC ISL iceland 1990 wool M 0.318419 0.318419 0 0.318419 0 0.318419 HIC ISL iceland 1991 wool H 0.69798 0.69798 0 0.69798 0 HIC ISL iceland 1992 wool X 0.991711 0.991711 0 0.991711 0.00E+00 0.991711 HIC ISL iceland 1993 wool X 0.972588 0.972588 0 0.972588 0 0.972588 HIC ISL iceland 1994 wool X 0.26301 0.26301 0 0.26301 0 0.26301 HIC ISL iceland 1995 wool X 0.38761 0.38761 0 0.38761 0 0.38761 HIC ISL iceland 1996 wool X 1.479726 1.479726 0 1.479726 0 1.479726 HIC ISL iceland 1997 wool X 1.283554 1.283554 0 1.283554 0 1.283554 HIC ISL iceland 1998 wool M 2.130322 2.130322 0 2.130322 0.00E+00 2.130322 HIC ISL iceland 1999 wool M 1.849598 1.849598 0 1.849598 0 1.849598 HIC ISL iceland 2000 wool X 1.413382 1.413382 0 1.413382 0 1.413382 HIC ISL iceland 2001 wool X 1.534822 1.534822 0 1.534822 0 1.534822 HIC ISL iceland 2002 wool M 0.866916 0.866916 0 0.866916 0 0.866916 HIC ISL iceland 2003 wool X 1.150134 1.150134 0 1.150134 0 1.150134 HIC ISL iceland 2004 wool X 0.968259 0.968259 0 0.968259 0 0.968259 Page 10 region ccode country year product trade_status nra nra_o nra_i nra_bms nra_dms nra_bms_x nra_bms_m nra_covt nra_cov_i nra_cov_o nra_cov_dms HIC ISL iceland 2005 wool X 1.479394 1.479394 0 1.479394 0 1.479394 HIC ISL iceland 2006 wool X 1.423452 1.423452 0 1.423452 0 1.423452 HIC ISL iceland 2007 wool X 1.69968 1.69968 0 1.69968 0 1.69968 HIC ISL iceland 1979 GENERAL 2.187356 0 2.187356 1.755609 HIC ISL iceland 1980 GENERAL 2.325843 0 2.325843 1.616793 HIC ISL iceland 1981 GENERAL 1.916234 0 1.916234 1.250048 HIC ISL iceland 1982 GENERAL 2.672534 0 2.672534 1.906619 HIC ISL iceland 1983 GENERAL 2.253692 0 2.253692 1.51661 HIC ISL iceland 1984 GENERAL 2.691689 0 2.691689 1.487563 HIC ISL iceland 1985 GENERAL 3.903066 0 3.903066 2.242589 HIC ISL iceland 1986 GENERAL 2.78594 0 2.78594 0 HIC ISL iceland 1987 GENERAL 3.792438 0 3.792438 0 HIC ISL iceland 1988 GENERAL 2.979099 0 2.979099 0.076826 HIC ISL iceland 1989 GENERAL 2.373608 0 2.373608 0.060882 HIC ISL iceland 1990 GENERAL 3.191254 0 3.191254 0.07375 HIC ISL iceland 1991 GENERAL 3.729966 0 3.729966 0.080489 HIC ISL iceland 1992 GENERAL 2.953886 0 2.953886 0.430681 HIC ISL iceland 1993 GENERAL 2.069535 0 2.069535 0.952035 HIC ISL iceland 1994 GENERAL 1.712541 0 1.712541 0.775314 HIC ISL iceland 1995 GENERAL 1.723118 0 1.723118 0.757894 HIC ISL iceland 1996 GENERAL 1.159959 0 1.159959 0.398018 HIC ISL iceland 1997 GENERAL 1.14753 0 1.14753 0.378441 HIC ISL iceland 1998 GENERAL 2.062326 0 2.062326 0.47519 HIC ISL iceland 1999 GENERAL 2.139888 0 2.139888 0.486868 HIC ISL iceland 2000 GENERAL 1.418123 0 1.418123 0.37168 HIC ISL iceland 2001 GENERAL 1.147598 0 1.147598 0.332686 HIC ISL iceland 2002 GENERAL 1.414484 0 1.414484 0.450096 HIC ISL iceland 2003 GENERAL 1.352404 0 1.352404 0.455733 HIC ISL iceland 2004 GENERAL 1.411263 0 1.411263 0.48927 HIC ISL iceland 2005 GENERAL 1.617093 0 1.617093 0.490153 HIC ISL iceland 2006 GENERAL 1.491126 0 1.491126 0.456134 HIC ISL iceland 2007 GENERAL 1.132011 0 1.132011 0.379033 Page 11 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1979 beef HIC ISL iceland 1980 beef HIC ISL iceland 1981 beef HIC ISL iceland 1982 beef HIC ISL iceland 1983 beef HIC ISL iceland 1984 beef HIC ISL iceland 1985 beef HIC ISL iceland 1986 beef HIC ISL iceland 1987 beef HIC ISL iceland 1988 beef HIC ISL iceland 1989 beef HIC ISL iceland 1990 beef HIC ISL iceland 1991 beef HIC ISL iceland 1992 beef HIC ISL iceland 1993 beef HIC ISL iceland 1994 beef HIC ISL iceland 1995 beef HIC ISL iceland 1996 beef HIC ISL iceland 1997 beef HIC ISL iceland 1998 beef HIC ISL iceland 1999 beef HIC ISL iceland 2000 beef HIC ISL iceland 2001 beef HIC ISL iceland 2002 beef HIC ISL iceland 2003 beef HIC ISL iceland 2004 beef HIC ISL iceland 2005 beef HIC ISL iceland 2006 beef HIC ISL iceland 2007 beef HIC ISL iceland 1979 egg HIC ISL iceland 1980 egg HIC ISL iceland 1981 egg HIC ISL iceland 1982 egg HIC ISL iceland 1983 egg HIC ISL iceland 1984 egg HIC ISL iceland 1985 egg HIC ISL iceland 1986 egg HIC ISL iceland 1987 egg HIC ISL iceland 1988 egg HIC ISL iceland 1989 egg nra_cov_bms nra_bms_covm nra_bms_covx nra_covh nra_covm nra_covx nra_covt_simpleave nra_ncm nra_ncx nra_nch nra_nct nps nra_tott Page 12 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1990 egg HIC ISL iceland 1991 egg HIC ISL iceland 1992 egg HIC ISL iceland 1993 egg HIC ISL iceland 1994 egg HIC ISL iceland 1995 egg HIC ISL iceland 1996 egg HIC ISL iceland 1997 egg HIC ISL iceland 1998 egg HIC ISL iceland 1999 egg HIC ISL iceland 2000 egg HIC ISL iceland 2001 egg HIC ISL iceland 2002 egg HIC ISL iceland 2003 egg HIC ISL iceland 2004 egg HIC ISL iceland 2005 egg HIC ISL iceland 2006 egg HIC ISL iceland 2007 egg HIC ISL iceland 1979 milk HIC ISL iceland 1980 milk HIC ISL iceland 1981 milk HIC ISL iceland 1982 milk HIC ISL iceland 1983 milk HIC ISL iceland 1984 milk HIC ISL iceland 1985 milk HIC ISL iceland 1986 milk HIC ISL iceland 1987 milk HIC ISL iceland 1988 milk HIC ISL iceland 1989 milk HIC ISL iceland 1990 milk HIC ISL iceland 1991 milk HIC ISL iceland 1992 milk HIC ISL iceland 1993 milk HIC ISL iceland 1994 milk HIC ISL iceland 1995 milk HIC ISL iceland 1996 milk HIC ISL iceland 1997 milk HIC ISL iceland 1998 milk HIC ISL iceland 1999 milk HIC ISL iceland 2000 milk nra_cov_bms nra_bms_covm nra_bms_covx nra_covh nra_covm nra_covx nra_covt_simpleave nra_ncm nra_ncx nra_nch nra_nct nps nra_tott Page 13 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2001 milk HIC ISL iceland 2002 milk HIC ISL iceland 2003 milk HIC ISL iceland 2004 milk HIC ISL iceland 2005 milk HIC ISL iceland 2006 milk HIC ISL iceland 2007 milk HIC ISL iceland 1979 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1994 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1980 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1981 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1982 poultry nra_cov_bms nra_bms_covm nra_bms_covx nra_covh nra_covm nra_covx nra_covt_simpleave nra_ncm nra_ncx nra_nch nra_nct nps nra_tott Page 14 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1983 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1984 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1985 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1986 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1987 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1988 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1989 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1990 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1991 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1992 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1993 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1994 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1995 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1996 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1997 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1998 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1999 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2000 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2001 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2002 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2003 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2004 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2005 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2006 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2007 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1979 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 sheepmeat nra_cov_bms nra_bms_covm nra_bms_covx nra_covh nra_covm nra_covx nra_covt_simpleave nra_ncm nra_ncx nra_nch nra_nct nps nra_tott Page 15 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1994 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 wool HIC ISL iceland 1980 wool HIC ISL iceland 1981 wool HIC ISL iceland 1982 wool HIC ISL iceland 1983 wool HIC ISL iceland 1984 wool HIC ISL iceland 1985 wool HIC ISL iceland 1986 wool HIC ISL iceland 1987 wool HIC ISL iceland 1988 wool HIC ISL iceland 1989 wool HIC ISL iceland 1990 wool HIC ISL iceland 1991 wool HIC ISL iceland 1992 wool HIC ISL iceland 1993 wool HIC ISL iceland 1994 wool HIC ISL iceland 1995 wool HIC ISL iceland 1996 wool HIC ISL iceland 1997 wool HIC ISL iceland 1998 wool HIC ISL iceland 1999 wool HIC ISL iceland 2000 wool HIC ISL iceland 2001 wool HIC ISL iceland 2002 wool HIC ISL iceland 2003 wool HIC ISL iceland 2004 wool nra_cov_bms nra_bms_covm nra_bms_covx nra_covh nra_covm nra_covx nra_covt_simpleave nra_ncm nra_ncx nra_nch nra_nct nps nra_tott Page 16 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2005 wool HIC ISL iceland 2006 wool HIC ISL iceland 2007 wool HIC ISL iceland 1979 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1980 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1981 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1982 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1983 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1984 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1985 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1986 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1987 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1988 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1989 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1990 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1991 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1992 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1993 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1994 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1995 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1996 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1997 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1998 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1999 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2000 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2001 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2002 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2003 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2004 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2005 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2006 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2007 GENERAL nra_cov_bms nra_bms_covm nra_bms_covx nra_covh nra_covm nra_covx nra_covt_simpleave nra_ncm nra_ncx nra_nch nra_nct nps nra_tott 0.431747 0.431747 2.187356 2.414478 1.34E+07 2.187356 6715112 2.287425 0.70905 0.70905 2.325843 2.252309 1.34E+07 2.325843 7286736 2.434259 0.666185 0.666185 1.916234 2.25414 1.59E+07 1.916234 7982297 2.016689 0.765915 0.765915 2.672534 2.818432 1.19E+07 2.672534 8650111 2.817888 0.737082 0.737082 2.253692 2.622869 9944118 2.253692 8514663 2.424942 1.204126 1.107402 7.177258 2.624588 6.835456 2.921392 8899468 144110 2.691689 9195568 2.89505 1.660477 1.245461 3.659857 4.107048 2.920361 3.730802 5822498 1208590 3.903066 3.903066 2.78594 3.372406 2.758574 3.372406 2.758574 3.454281 446675.7 9572806 2.78594 12900000 3.032492 3.792438 5.394746 3.405462 0.199375 5.394746 3.405462 3.9133 3602218 6291017 0.199375 3.792438 13700000 4.04903 2.902273 1.382544 3.700835 1.605577 3.700835 3.375844 4196378 7986049 2.979099 14600000 3.214625 2.312727 2.353979 2.260105 2.462589 2.260105 2.763367 6789645 5322769 2.373608 17500000 2.639896 3.117504 4.210021 2.13281 4.365597 2.13281 3.011084 3772255 4185319 3.191254 13600000 3.449182 3.649477 2.568994 4.178658 0.69798 2.877178 4.178658 3.262143 1925426 5216411 0.69798 3.729966 10700000 3.94445 2.523205 1.507723 3.131145 2.657798 3.131145 3.114326 3464858 5787571 2.953886 7615149 3.095055 1.1175 1.290306 0.703318 2.639553 0.703318 2.926143 7546373 3148525 2.069535 4216779 2.159134 0.937227 1.245056 0.291101 2.389747 0.291101 2.519307 8418283 4010659 1.712541 4141945 1.792674 0.965224 0.52267 2.176282 1.557519 2.176282 2.426004 1.08E+07 3934505 1.723118 3816827 1.789306 0.761942 0.568114 1.504902 1.069969 1.504902 2.087698 1.53E+07 3993460 1.159959 4727262 1.227786 0.76909 1.276641 0.489329 2.341662 0.489329 2.055443 6597232 1.20E+07 1.14753 4546737 1.211849 1.587136 1.653513 1.542819 2.840427 1.542819 2.860364 5492247 8226108 2.062326 6946363 2.177432 1.65302 1.889783 1.570559 3.774557 1.570559 3.028713 3394826 9747290 2.139888 5427266 2.231519 1.046443 1.11181 1.000241 2.009346 1.000241 2.228613 3424508 4845029 1.418123 4824175 1.49431 0.814912 0.420117 1.073987 1.259771 1.073987 1.711228 4199647 6399681 1.147598 4361702 1.217289 0.964389 1.77234 0.704864 3.623673 0.704864 1.937512 3873360 1.21E+07 1.414484 5418359 1.495032 0.896671 1.455098 0.600126 2.769024 0.600126 1.772686 3752998 7067292 1.352404 7567180 1.456583 0.921993 1.268073 0.684692 2.470898 0.684692 1.937175 5924144 8639793 1.411263 9381080 1.528258 1.12694 1.682491 0.82692 3.080262 0.82692 2.56977 5097181 9438488 1.617093 14500000 1.7815 1.034992 1.225381 0.905626 2.35281 0.905626 2.25191 4049074 5959044 1.491126 8225748 1.589755 0.752978 0.552583 0.95637 1.305064 0.95637 1.835997 6429760 6335011 1.132011 8417940 1.211147 Page 17 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1979 beef HIC ISL iceland 1980 beef HIC ISL iceland 1981 beef HIC ISL iceland 1982 beef HIC ISL iceland 1983 beef HIC ISL iceland 1984 beef HIC ISL iceland 1985 beef HIC ISL iceland 1986 beef HIC ISL iceland 1987 beef HIC ISL iceland 1988 beef HIC ISL iceland 1989 beef HIC ISL iceland 1990 beef HIC ISL iceland 1991 beef HIC ISL iceland 1992 beef HIC ISL iceland 1993 beef HIC ISL iceland 1994 beef HIC ISL iceland 1995 beef HIC ISL iceland 1996 beef HIC ISL iceland 1997 beef HIC ISL iceland 1998 beef HIC ISL iceland 1999 beef HIC ISL iceland 2000 beef HIC ISL iceland 2001 beef HIC ISL iceland 2002 beef HIC ISL iceland 2003 beef HIC ISL iceland 2004 beef HIC ISL iceland 2005 beef HIC ISL iceland 2006 beef HIC ISL iceland 2007 beef HIC ISL iceland 1979 egg HIC ISL iceland 1980 egg HIC ISL iceland 1981 egg HIC ISL iceland 1982 egg HIC ISL iceland 1983 egg HIC ISL iceland 1984 egg HIC ISL iceland 1985 egg HIC ISL iceland 1986 egg HIC ISL iceland 1987 egg HIC ISL iceland 1988 egg HIC ISL iceland 1989 egg nra_totp nra_totm nra_totx nra_toth nra_agtrad nra_totd nra_agtrad_decpay decpay nps_input rra_decpay nra_nonagtrad rra tbi Page 18 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1990 egg HIC ISL iceland 1991 egg HIC ISL iceland 1992 egg HIC ISL iceland 1993 egg HIC ISL iceland 1994 egg HIC ISL iceland 1995 egg HIC ISL iceland 1996 egg HIC ISL iceland 1997 egg HIC ISL iceland 1998 egg HIC ISL iceland 1999 egg HIC ISL iceland 2000 egg HIC ISL iceland 2001 egg HIC ISL iceland 2002 egg HIC ISL iceland 2003 egg HIC ISL iceland 2004 egg HIC ISL iceland 2005 egg HIC ISL iceland 2006 egg HIC ISL iceland 2007 egg HIC ISL iceland 1979 milk HIC ISL iceland 1980 milk HIC ISL iceland 1981 milk HIC ISL iceland 1982 milk HIC ISL iceland 1983 milk HIC ISL iceland 1984 milk HIC ISL iceland 1985 milk HIC ISL iceland 1986 milk HIC ISL iceland 1987 milk HIC ISL iceland 1988 milk HIC ISL iceland 1989 milk HIC ISL iceland 1990 milk HIC ISL iceland 1991 milk HIC ISL iceland 1992 milk HIC ISL iceland 1993 milk HIC ISL iceland 1994 milk HIC ISL iceland 1995 milk HIC ISL iceland 1996 milk HIC ISL iceland 1997 milk HIC ISL iceland 1998 milk HIC ISL iceland 1999 milk HIC ISL iceland 2000 milk nra_totp nra_totm nra_totx nra_toth nra_agtrad nra_totd nra_agtrad_decpay decpay nps_input rra_decpay nra_nonagtrad rra tbi Page 19 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2001 milk HIC ISL iceland 2002 milk HIC ISL iceland 2003 milk HIC ISL iceland 2004 milk HIC ISL iceland 2005 milk HIC ISL iceland 2006 milk HIC ISL iceland 2007 milk HIC ISL iceland 1979 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1994 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1980 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1981 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1982 poultry nra_totp nra_totm nra_totx nra_toth nra_agtrad nra_totd nra_agtrad_decpay decpay nps_input rra_decpay nra_nonagtrad rra tbi Page 20 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1983 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1984 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1985 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1986 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1987 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1988 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1989 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1990 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1991 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1992 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1993 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1994 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1995 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1996 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1997 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1998 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1999 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2000 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2001 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2002 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2003 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2004 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2005 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2006 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2007 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1979 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 sheepmeat nra_totp nra_totm nra_totx nra_toth nra_agtrad nra_totd nra_agtrad_decpay decpay nps_input rra_decpay nra_nonagtrad rra tbi Page 21 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1994 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 wool HIC ISL iceland 1980 wool HIC ISL iceland 1981 wool HIC ISL iceland 1982 wool HIC ISL iceland 1983 wool HIC ISL iceland 1984 wool HIC ISL iceland 1985 wool HIC ISL iceland 1986 wool HIC ISL iceland 1987 wool HIC ISL iceland 1988 wool HIC ISL iceland 1989 wool HIC ISL iceland 1990 wool HIC ISL iceland 1991 wool HIC ISL iceland 1992 wool HIC ISL iceland 1993 wool HIC ISL iceland 1994 wool HIC ISL iceland 1995 wool HIC ISL iceland 1996 wool HIC ISL iceland 1997 wool HIC ISL iceland 1998 wool HIC ISL iceland 1999 wool HIC ISL iceland 2000 wool HIC ISL iceland 2001 wool HIC ISL iceland 2002 wool HIC ISL iceland 2003 wool HIC ISL iceland 2004 wool nra_totp nra_totm nra_totx nra_toth nra_agtrad nra_totd nra_agtrad_decpay decpay nps_input rra_decpay nra_nonagtrad rra tbi Page 22 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2005 wool HIC ISL iceland 2006 wool HIC ISL iceland 2007 wool HIC ISL iceland 1979 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1980 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1981 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1982 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1983 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1984 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1985 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1986 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1987 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1988 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1989 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1990 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1991 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1992 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1993 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1994 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1995 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1996 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1997 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1998 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1999 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2000 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2001 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2002 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2003 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2004 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2005 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2006 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2007 GENERAL nra_totp nra_totm nra_totx nra_toth nra_agtrad nra_totd nra_agtrad_decpay decpay nps_input rra_decpay nra_nonagtrad rra tbi 2.187356 2.287425 2.287425 2.292428 2.292428 0.005003 6715112 1.998569 0.098 1.994012 2.325843 2.434259 2.434259 2.447723 2.447723 0.013464 7286736 2.140002 0.098 2.12774 1.916234 2.016689 2.016689 2.018499 2.018499 0.00181 7982297 1.749088 0.098 1.74744 2.672534 2.817888 2.817888 2.82446 2.82446 0.006572 8650111 2.445459 0.11 2.439538 2.253692 2.424942 2.424942 2.432246 2.432246 0.007304 8514663 2.092114 0.11 2.085534 2.691689 2.624588 6.835456 2.89505 2.904054 2.904054 0.009004 9195568 2.598206 0.085 2.589908 1.161751 3.903066 4.107048 2.920361 3.903066 3.916112 3.916112 0.013046 15200000 3.530979 0.085 3.518955 -0.23236 2.78594 3.372406 2.758574 3.032492 3.032492 3.032492 0 12900000 2.804237 0.06 2.804237 -0.14039 3.792438 5.394746 3.405462 0.199375 4.04903 4.077446 4.077446 0.028416 13700000 3.790044 0.06 3.763236 -0.31108 2.979099 1.605577 3.700835 3.214625 3.242285 3.242285 0.02766 14600000 3.002156 0.06 2.976061 0.804144 2.373608 2.462589 2.260105 2.639896 2.661391 2.661391 0.021496 17500000 2.454143 0.06 2.433864 -0.05848 3.191254 4.365597 2.13281 3.449182 3.475112 3.475112 0.025931 13600000 3.311283 0.038 3.286302 -0.41613 3.729966 2.877178 4.178658 0.69798 3.94445 3.971315 3.971315 0.026865 10700000 3.789321 0.038 3.76344 0.335677 2.953886 2.657798 3.131145 3.095055 3.105431 3.105431 0.010376 7615149 2.955136 0.038 2.94514 0.129408 2.069535 2.639553 0.703318 2.159134 2.161556 2.161556 0.002421 4216779 2.045815 0.038 2.043482 -0.532 1.712541 2.389747 0.291101 1.792674 1.792914 1.792914 0.000239 4141945 1.693263 0.037 1.693032 -0.61912 1.723118 1.557519 2.176282 1.789306 1.789306 1.789306 0 3816827 1.689784 0.037 1.689784 0.241939 1.159959 1.069969 1.504902 1.227786 1.4862 1.4862 0.258414 4727262 1.397493 0.037 1.148299 0.210116 1.14753 2.341662 0.489329 1.211849 1.465079 1.465079 0.25323 4546737 1.332147 0.057 1.092573 -0.55431 2.062326 2.840427 1.542819 2.177432 2.474187 2.474187 0.296755 6946363 2.337355 0.041 2.052289 -0.33788 2.139888 3.774557 1.570559 2.231519 2.534278 2.534278 0.302759 5427266 2.39508 0.041 2.104245 -0.46161 1.418123 2.009346 1.000241 1.49431 1.751685 1.751686 0.257376 4824175 1.645851 0.04 1.398375 -0.33532 1.147598 1.259771 1.073987 1.217289 1.547128 1.547128 0.329839 4361702 1.470541 0.031 1.15062 -0.08221 1.414484 3.623673 0.704864 1.495032 1.787919 1.787919 0.292887 5418359 1.704092 0.031 1.420011 -0.63128 1.352404 2.769024 0.600126 1.456583 1.793802 1.793802 0.337218 7567180 1.715065 0.029 1.38735 -0.57545 1.411263 2.470898 0.684692 1.528258 1.852027 1.852027 0.323769 9381080 1.77165 0.029 1.457005 -0.51462 1.617093 3.080262 0.82692 1.7815 2.113943 2.113943 0.332443 14500000 2.04096 0.024 1.716308 -0.55225 1.491126 2.35281 0.905626 1.589755 1.939095 1.939095 0.34934 8225748 1.87021 0.024 1.529058 -0.43163 1.132011 1.305064 0.95637 1.211147 1.548601 1.548601 0.337454 8417940 1.488868 0.024 1.159323 -0.15127 Page 23 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1979 beef HIC ISL iceland 1980 beef HIC ISL iceland 1981 beef HIC ISL iceland 1982 beef HIC ISL iceland 1983 beef HIC ISL iceland 1984 beef HIC ISL iceland 1985 beef HIC ISL iceland 1986 beef HIC ISL iceland 1987 beef HIC ISL iceland 1988 beef HIC ISL iceland 1989 beef HIC ISL iceland 1990 beef HIC ISL iceland 1991 beef HIC ISL iceland 1992 beef HIC ISL iceland 1993 beef HIC ISL iceland 1994 beef HIC ISL iceland 1995 beef HIC ISL iceland 1996 beef HIC ISL iceland 1997 beef HIC ISL iceland 1998 beef HIC ISL iceland 1999 beef HIC ISL iceland 2000 beef HIC ISL iceland 2001 beef HIC ISL iceland 2002 beef HIC ISL iceland 2003 beef HIC ISL iceland 2004 beef HIC ISL iceland 2005 beef HIC ISL iceland 2006 beef HIC ISL iceland 2007 beef HIC ISL iceland 1979 egg HIC ISL iceland 1980 egg HIC ISL iceland 1981 egg HIC ISL iceland 1982 egg HIC ISL iceland 1983 egg HIC ISL iceland 1984 egg HIC ISL iceland 1985 egg HIC ISL iceland 1986 egg HIC ISL iceland 1987 egg HIC ISL iceland 1988 egg HIC ISL iceland 1989 egg er_econ officialerproduct pd q bp vop_prod vop_covt vop_covh vop_covm vop_covx vop_ncm vop_ncx vop_nch 3.526 6.63E+08 6.63E+06 4.797642 4.55E+08 4.55E+06 7.224184 4.56E+08 4.56E+06 12.35153 3.44E+08 3.44E+06 24.84277 3.24E+08 3.24E+06 31.69374 2.78E+08 2.78E+06 41.50767 2.42E+08 2.42E+06 41.10177 4.03E+08 4.03E+06 38.67647 6.22E+08 6.22E+06 43.04852 7.25E+08 7.25E+06 57.10947 7.02E+08 7.02E+06 58.37768 6.86E+08 6.86E+06 59.09571 5.04E+08 5.04E+06 57.61941 7.98E+08 7.98E+06 67.64211 8.73E+08 8.73E+06 69.98966 9.70E+08 9.70E+06 64.76596 9.45E+08 9.45E+06 66.69141 8.79E+08 8.79E+06 70.96926 6.66E+08 6.66E+06 71.17397 6.25E+08 6.25E+06 72.42963 6.21E+08 6.21E+06 78.84744 5.87E+08 5.87E+06 97.6708 4.59E+08 4.59E+06 91.58546 4.89E+08 4.89E+06 76.69326 5.79E+08 5.79E+06 70.19215 7.86E+08 7.86E+06 62.87518 8.51E+08 8.51E+06 69.89877 1.03E+09 1.03E+07 64.07485 1.22E+09 1.22E+07 3.526 1.95E+08 1.95E+06 4.797642 2.68E+08 2.68E+06 7.224184 2.61E+08 2.61E+06 12.35153 2.09E+08 2.09E+06 24.84277 1.77E+08 1.77E+06 31.69374 1.94E+08 1.94E+06 41.50767 2.02E+08 2.01E+06 41.10177 1.48E+08 1.48E+06 38.67647 2.14E+08 2.14E+06 43.04852 1.48E+08 1.48E+06 57.10947 1.39E+08 1.39E+06 Page 24 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1990 egg HIC ISL iceland 1991 egg HIC ISL iceland 1992 egg HIC ISL iceland 1993 egg HIC ISL iceland 1994 egg HIC ISL iceland 1995 egg HIC ISL iceland 1996 egg HIC ISL iceland 1997 egg HIC ISL iceland 1998 egg HIC ISL iceland 1999 egg HIC ISL iceland 2000 egg HIC ISL iceland 2001 egg HIC ISL iceland 2002 egg HIC ISL iceland 2003 egg HIC ISL iceland 2004 egg HIC ISL iceland 2005 egg HIC ISL iceland 2006 egg HIC ISL iceland 2007 egg HIC ISL iceland 1979 milk HIC ISL iceland 1980 milk HIC ISL iceland 1981 milk HIC ISL iceland 1982 milk HIC ISL iceland 1983 milk HIC ISL iceland 1984 milk HIC ISL iceland 1985 milk HIC ISL iceland 1986 milk HIC ISL iceland 1987 milk HIC ISL iceland 1988 milk HIC ISL iceland 1989 milk HIC ISL iceland 1990 milk HIC ISL iceland 1991 milk HIC ISL iceland 1992 milk HIC ISL iceland 1993 milk HIC ISL iceland 1994 milk HIC ISL iceland 1995 milk HIC ISL iceland 1996 milk HIC ISL iceland 1997 milk HIC ISL iceland 1998 milk HIC ISL iceland 1999 milk HIC ISL iceland 2000 milk er_econ officialerproduct pd q bp vop_prod vop_covt vop_covh vop_covm vop_covx vop_ncm vop_ncx vop_nch 58.37768 1.80E+08 1.80E+06 59.09571 1.77E+08 1.77E+06 57.61941 1.68E+08 1.68E+06 67.64211 1.68E+08 1.68E+06 69.98966 1.81E+08 1.81E+06 64.76596 1.66E+08 1.66E+06 66.69141 2.31E+08 2.31E+06 70.96926 1.99E+08 1.99E+06 71.17397 1.34E+08 1.34E+06 72.42963 1.27E+08 1.27E+06 78.84744 1.48E+08 1.48E+06 97.6708 1.54E+08 1.54E+06 91.58546 1.79E+08 1.79E+06 76.69326 2.56E+08 2.56E+06 70.19215 2.22E+08 2.22E+06 62.87518 2.08E+08 2.08E+06 69.89877 2.33E+08 2.33E+06 64.07485 2.84E+08 2.84E+06 3.526 1.26E+09 1.26E+07 4.797642 1.35E+09 1.35E+07 7.224184 1.52E+09 1.52E+07 12.35153 1.49E+09 1.49E+07 24.84277 1.33E+09 1.33E+07 31.69374 1.06E+09 1.06E+07 41.50767 5.18E+08 5.18E+06 41.10177 8.96E+08 8.96E+06 38.67647 7.91E+08 7.91E+06 43.04852 1.68E+09 1.68E+07 57.10947 2.06E+09 2.06E+07 58.37768 1.24E+09 1.24E+07 59.09571 1.39E+09 1.39E+07 57.61941 1.75E+09 1.75E+07 67.64211 7.37E+08 7.37E+06 69.98966 7.71E+08 7.71E+06 64.76596 1.11E+09 1.11E+07 66.69141 8.99E+08 8.99E+06 70.96926 1.03E+09 1.03E+07 71.17397 9.86E+08 9.86E+06 72.42963 9.62E+08 9.62E+06 78.84744 1.40E+09 1.40E+07 Page 25 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2001 milk HIC ISL iceland 2002 milk HIC ISL iceland 2003 milk HIC ISL iceland 2004 milk HIC ISL iceland 2005 milk HIC ISL iceland 2006 milk HIC ISL iceland 2007 milk HIC ISL iceland 1979 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1994 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1980 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1981 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1982 poultry er_econ officialerproduct pd q bp vop_prod vop_covt vop_covh vop_covm vop_covx vop_ncm vop_ncx vop_nch 97.6708 1.45E+09 1.45E+07 91.58546 9.71E+08 9.71E+06 76.69326 1.31E+09 1.31E+07 70.19215 1.66E+09 1.66E+07 62.87518 1.53E+09 1.53E+07 69.89877 1.70E+09 1.70E+07 64.07485 3.21E+09 3.21E+07 3.526 1.42E+08 1.42E+06 4.797642 1.90E+08 1.90E+06 7.224184 1.82E+08 1.82E+06 12.35153 1.58E+08 1.58E+06 24.84277 1.54E+08 1.54E+06 31.69374 1.71E+08 1.71E+06 41.50767 1.91E+08 1.90E+06 41.10177 1.89E+08 1.89E+06 38.67647 2.65E+08 2.65E+06 43.04852 2.33E+08 2.33E+06 57.10947 3.38E+08 3.38E+06 58.37768 3.74E+08 3.74E+06 59.09571 3.36E+08 3.36E+06 57.61941 4.57E+08 4.57E+06 67.64211 3.16E+08 3.16E+06 69.98966 3.95E+08 3.95E+06 64.76596 5.11E+08 5.11E+06 66.69141 6.44E+08 6.44E+06 70.96926 6.22E+08 6.22E+06 71.17397 4.06E+08 4.06E+06 72.42963 3.41E+08 3.41E+06 78.84744 4.47E+08 4.47E+06 97.6708 6.12E+08 6.12E+06 91.58546 5.94E+08 5.94E+06 76.69326 6.45E+08 6.45E+06 70.19215 6.91E+08 6.91E+06 62.87518 7.37E+08 7.37E+06 69.89877 8.14E+08 8.14E+06 64.07485 8.07E+08 8.07E+06 3.526 4.92E+07 4.92E+05 4.797642 6.22E+07 6.22E+05 7.224184 6.32E+07 6.32E+05 12.35153 4.67E+07 4.67E+05 Page 26 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1983 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1984 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1985 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1986 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1987 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1988 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1989 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1990 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1991 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1992 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1993 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1994 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1995 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1996 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1997 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1998 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1999 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2000 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2001 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2002 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2003 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2004 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2005 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2006 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2007 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1979 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 sheepmeat er_econ officialerproduct pd q bp vop_prod vop_covt vop_covh vop_covm vop_covx vop_ncm vop_ncx vop_nch 24.84277 4.13E+07 4.13E+05 31.69374 5.76E+07 5.76E+05 41.50767 9.14E+07 9.14E+05 41.10177 9.08E+07 9.08E+05 38.67647 9.92E+07 9.92E+05 43.04852 5.24E+07 5.24E+05 57.10947 6.68E+07 6.68E+05 58.37768 9.16E+07 9.16E+05 59.09571 9.06E+07 9.06E+05 57.61941 8.58E+07 8.58E+05 67.64211 7.88E+07 7.88E+05 69.98966 7.88E+07 7.88E+05 64.76596 1.25E+08 1.25E+06 66.69141 1.21E+08 1.21E+06 70.96926 1.46E+08 1.46E+06 71.17397 1.60E+08 1.60E+06 72.42963 1.67E+08 1.67E+06 78.84744 1.46E+08 1.46E+06 97.6708 1.92E+08 1.92E+06 91.58546 2.10E+08 2.10E+06 76.69326 2.96E+08 2.96E+06 70.19215 2.78E+08 2.78E+06 62.87518 3.47E+08 3.46E+06 69.89877 3.16E+08 3.16E+06 64.07485 4.11E+08 4.11E+06 3.526 2.49E+09 2.49E+07 4.797642 2.63E+09 2.63E+07 7.224184 3.50E+09 3.50E+07 12.35153 2.23E+09 2.23E+07 24.84277 1.67E+09 1.67E+07 31.69374 1.54E+09 1.54E+07 41.50767 1.35E+09 1.35E+07 41.10177 2.21E+09 2.21E+07 38.67647 1.89E+09 1.89E+07 43.04852 1.59E+09 1.59E+07 57.10947 1.65E+09 1.65E+07 58.37768 1.67E+09 1.67E+07 59.09571 1.61E+09 1.61E+07 57.61941 9.63E+08 9.63E+06 67.64211 1.27E+09 1.27E+07 Page 27 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1994 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 wool HIC ISL iceland 1980 wool HIC ISL iceland 1981 wool HIC ISL iceland 1982 wool HIC ISL iceland 1983 wool HIC ISL iceland 1984 wool HIC ISL iceland 1985 wool HIC ISL iceland 1986 wool HIC ISL iceland 1987 wool HIC ISL iceland 1988 wool HIC ISL iceland 1989 wool HIC ISL iceland 1990 wool HIC ISL iceland 1991 wool HIC ISL iceland 1992 wool HIC ISL iceland 1993 wool HIC ISL iceland 1994 wool HIC ISL iceland 1995 wool HIC ISL iceland 1996 wool HIC ISL iceland 1997 wool HIC ISL iceland 1998 wool HIC ISL iceland 1999 wool HIC ISL iceland 2000 wool HIC ISL iceland 2001 wool HIC ISL iceland 2002 wool HIC ISL iceland 2003 wool HIC ISL iceland 2004 wool er_econ officialerproduct pd q bp vop_prod vop_covt vop_covh vop_covm vop_covx vop_ncm vop_ncx vop_nch 69.98966 1.23E+09 1.23E+07 64.76596 1.09E+09 1.09E+07 66.69141 2.10E+09 2.10E+07 70.96926 2.37E+09 2.37E+07 71.17397 2.23E+09 2.23E+07 72.42963 2.29E+09 2.29E+07 78.84744 2.63E+09 2.63E+07 97.6708 2.22E+09 2.22E+07 91.58546 2.59E+09 2.59E+07 76.69326 2.95E+09 2.95E+07 70.19215 2.70E+09 2.70E+07 62.87518 3.54E+09 3.54E+07 69.89877 3.08E+09 3.08E+07 64.07485 3.27E+09 3.27E+07 3.526 5.70E+08 5.70E+06 4.797642 4.16E+08 4.16E+06 7.224184 3.73E+08 3.73E+06 12.35153 2.73E+08 2.73E+06 24.84277 2.73E+08 2.73E+06 31.69374 3.15E+08 3.15E+06 41.50767 2.22E+08 2.22E+06 41.10177 3.00E+08 3.00E+06 38.67647 3.64E+08 3.64E+06 43.04852 5.64E+08 5.64E+06 57.10947 4.03E+08 4.03E+06 58.37768 2.45E+08 2.45E+06 59.09571 1.33E+08 1.33E+06 57.61941 2.46E+08 2.46E+06 67.64211 1.97E+08 1.97E+06 69.98966 2.97E+08 2.97E+06 64.76596 3.48E+08 3.48E+06 66.69141 1.68E+08 1.68E+06 70.96926 1.76E+08 1.76E+06 71.17397 1.23E+08 1.23E+06 72.42963 1.01E+08 1.01E+06 78.84744 1.52E+08 1.52E+06 97.6708 1.13E+08 1.13E+06 91.58546 9.78E+07 9.78E+05 76.69326 1.51E+08 1.51E+06 70.19215 2.20E+08 2.20E+06 Page 28 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2005 wool HIC ISL iceland 2006 wool HIC ISL iceland 2007 wool HIC ISL iceland 1979 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1980 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1981 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1982 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1983 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1984 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1985 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1986 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1987 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1988 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1989 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1990 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1991 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1992 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1993 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1994 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1995 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1996 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1997 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1998 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1999 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2000 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2001 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2002 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2003 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2004 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2005 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2006 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2007 GENERAL er_econ officialerproduct pd q bp vop_prod vop_covt vop_covh vop_covm vop_covx vop_ncm vop_ncx vop_nch 62.87518 1.78E+08 1.78E+06 69.89877 1.64E+08 1.64E+06 64.07485 1.61E+08 1.61E+06 3.526 53700000 53700000 0 0 0 4.797642 53800000 53800000 0 0 0 7.224184 63600000 63600000 0 0 0 12.35153 47600000 47600000 0 0 0 24.84277 39800000 39800000 0 0 0 31.69374 36200000 35600000 576440 0 0 0 41.50767 28100000 23300000 4834357 0 0 0 41.10177 42400000 1889878 40500000 0 0 0 38.67647 42400000 3642395 14100000 24700000 0 0 0 43.04852 50000000 17200000 32800000 0 0 0 57.10947 53600000 30100000 23600000 0 0 0 58.37768 44900000 21300000 23600000 0 0 0 59.09571 42400000 1325267 11100000 30000000 0 0 0 57.61941 44700000 16700000 28000000 0 0 0 67.64211 36400000 25700000 10700000 0 0 0 69.98966 39300000 26600000 12700000 0 0 0 64.76596 43000000 31500000 11500000 0 0 0 66.69141 50400000 40000000 10400000 0 0 0 70.96926 52100000 18500000 33600000 0 0 0 71.17397 46600000 18700000 28000000 0 0 0 72.42963 46100000 11900000 34200000 0 0 0 78.84744 55100000 22800000 32300000 0 0 0 97.6708 52000000 20600000 31400000 0 0 0 91.58546 51300000 12500000 38900000 0 0 0 76.69326 61800000 21400000 40400000 0 0 0 70.19215 65600000 26700000 38900000 0 0 0 62.87518 73900000 25900000 48000000 0 0 0 69.89877 73400000 29700000 43700000 0 0 0 64.07485 93600000 47200000 46500000 0 0 0 Page 29 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1979 beef HIC ISL iceland 1980 beef HIC ISL iceland 1981 beef HIC ISL iceland 1982 beef HIC ISL iceland 1983 beef HIC ISL iceland 1984 beef HIC ISL iceland 1985 beef HIC ISL iceland 1986 beef HIC ISL iceland 1987 beef HIC ISL iceland 1988 beef HIC ISL iceland 1989 beef HIC ISL iceland 1990 beef HIC ISL iceland 1991 beef HIC ISL iceland 1992 beef HIC ISL iceland 1993 beef HIC ISL iceland 1994 beef HIC ISL iceland 1995 beef HIC ISL iceland 1996 beef HIC ISL iceland 1997 beef HIC ISL iceland 1998 beef HIC ISL iceland 1999 beef HIC ISL iceland 2000 beef HIC ISL iceland 2001 beef HIC ISL iceland 2002 beef HIC ISL iceland 2003 beef HIC ISL iceland 2004 beef HIC ISL iceland 2005 beef HIC ISL iceland 2006 beef HIC ISL iceland 2007 beef HIC ISL iceland 1979 egg HIC ISL iceland 1980 egg HIC ISL iceland 1981 egg HIC ISL iceland 1982 egg HIC ISL iceland 1983 egg HIC ISL iceland 1984 egg HIC ISL iceland 1985 egg HIC ISL iceland 1986 egg HIC ISL iceland 1987 egg HIC ISL iceland 1988 egg HIC ISL iceland 1989 egg vop_nct vop_tot cte cte_covh cte_covm cte_covx cte_cov_ave cte_covt voc_prod voc_covh voc_covm voc_covx voc_covt 0.147472 1.24E+07 0.302301 1.26E+07 0.568584 1.15E+07 0.46148 1.14E+07 0.481088 6.91E+06 0.95886 5.39E+06 1.517338 4.90E+06 2.032387 3.49E+06 1.33949 8.12E+06 1.025993 8.39E+06 0.950792 6.99E+06 1.293039 6.70E+06 2.344217 5.29E+06 1.21092 7.97E+06 0.64251 8.29E+06 0.2997 8.97E+06 0.334008 9.98E+06 0.450398 8.92E+06 0.988679 6.64E+06 1.171067 6.28E+06 1.276008 6.16E+06 1.103875 5.94E+06 0.950788 4.71E+06 0.950178 4.81E+06 0.943637 5.98E+06 0.707546 7.97E+06 1.079109 8.63E+06 0.702019 1.05E+07 0.573608 1.24E+07 2.924289 1.99E+06 2.305252 2.72E+06 2.647304 2.66E+06 3.112633 2.25E+06 2.655164 2.01E+06 2.589081 2.13E+06 3.029773 1.45E+06 4.556629 1.42E+06 3.543586 2.11E+06 3.948741 2.00E+06 4.249157 1.71E+06 Page 30 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1990 egg HIC ISL iceland 1991 egg HIC ISL iceland 1992 egg HIC ISL iceland 1993 egg HIC ISL iceland 1994 egg HIC ISL iceland 1995 egg HIC ISL iceland 1996 egg HIC ISL iceland 1997 egg HIC ISL iceland 1998 egg HIC ISL iceland 1999 egg HIC ISL iceland 2000 egg HIC ISL iceland 2001 egg HIC ISL iceland 2002 egg HIC ISL iceland 2003 egg HIC ISL iceland 2004 egg HIC ISL iceland 2005 egg HIC ISL iceland 2006 egg HIC ISL iceland 2007 egg HIC ISL iceland 1979 milk HIC ISL iceland 1980 milk HIC ISL iceland 1981 milk HIC ISL iceland 1982 milk HIC ISL iceland 1983 milk HIC ISL iceland 1984 milk HIC ISL iceland 1985 milk HIC ISL iceland 1986 milk HIC ISL iceland 1987 milk HIC ISL iceland 1988 milk HIC ISL iceland 1989 milk HIC ISL iceland 1990 milk HIC ISL iceland 1991 milk HIC ISL iceland 1992 milk HIC ISL iceland 1993 milk HIC ISL iceland 1994 milk HIC ISL iceland 1995 milk HIC ISL iceland 1996 milk HIC ISL iceland 1997 milk HIC ISL iceland 1998 milk HIC ISL iceland 1999 milk HIC ISL iceland 2000 milk vop_nct vop_tot cte cte_covh cte_covm cte_covx cte_cov_ave cte_covt voc_prod voc_covh voc_covm voc_covx voc_covt 3.244431 2.32E+06 3.027701 2.31E+06 3.589323 2.10E+06 3.38346 1.92E+06 3.398489 1.85E+06 4.201055 1.65E+06 2.773849 2.27E+06 2.791425 1.99E+06 3.497312 1.55E+06 3.945748 1.44E+06 2.39707 1.95E+06 1.52924 1.87E+06 1.458745 1.94E+06 1.713429 2.83E+06 1.738776 2.61E+06 2.876193 2.44E+06 2.104205 2.74E+06 1.76929 3.34E+06 0.506256 1.36E+08 0.675577 1.22E+08 0.759735 9.12E+07 0.36027 1.29E+08 0.660415 6.98E+07 1.269603 4.86E+07 2.586901 4.37E+07 5.923653 8.82E+06 8.583963 8.05E+06 3.869849 1.64E+07 2.716627 2.07E+07 5.89115 1.24E+07 5.382814 1.38E+07 4.306129 1.71E+07 1.812813 2.80E+07 1.635467 2.78E+07 0.947101 4.21E+07 1.381731 3.30E+07 1.080285 3.71E+07 1.649271 3.26E+07 1.62268 3.60E+07 0.453335 6.12E+07 Page 31 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2001 milk HIC ISL iceland 2002 milk HIC ISL iceland 2003 milk HIC ISL iceland 2004 milk HIC ISL iceland 2005 milk HIC ISL iceland 2006 milk HIC ISL iceland 2007 milk HIC ISL iceland 1979 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1994 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1980 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1981 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1982 poultry vop_nct vop_tot cte cte_covh cte_covm cte_covx cte_cov_ave cte_covt voc_prod voc_covh voc_covm voc_covx voc_covt 0.133895 7.04E+07 1.921395 3.27E+07 1.630754 4.37E+07 1.470314 6.03E+07 1.855732 5.70E+07 1.42284 6.28E+07 0.436758 1.16E+08 1.236518 1.71E+06 1.121706 2.24E+06 1.467749 2.16E+06 1.802609 2.05E+06 1.655195 1.94E+06 2.14665 2.24E+06 2.519597 1.66E+06 3.372406 1.91E+06 3.062903 2.62E+06 3.446234 3.28E+06 1.804647 4.65E+06 1.621897 5.04E+06 2.293219 4.37E+06 1.597808 5.93E+06 2.637806 3.79E+06 2.21568 4.11E+06 1.76186 4.94E+06 1.056227 6.33E+06 1.116743 6.28E+06 2.286025 4.05E+06 3.388869 3.39E+06 1.791305 4.44E+06 0.945549 5.72E+06 1.007349 4.73E+06 0.853341 4.82E+06 1.404885 5.91E+06 1.816738 6.31E+06 1.699098 6.97E+06 1.969276 6.91E+06 5.001448 5.80E+05 4.337365 7.22E+05 4.26386 7.31E+05 5.197187 6.56E+05 Page 32 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1983 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1984 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1985 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1986 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1987 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1988 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1989 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1990 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1991 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1992 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1993 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1994 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1995 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1996 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1997 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1998 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1999 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2000 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2001 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2002 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2003 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2004 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2005 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2006 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2007 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1979 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 sheepmeat vop_nct vop_tot cte cte_covh cte_covm cte_covx cte_cov_ave cte_covt voc_prod voc_covh voc_covm voc_covx voc_covt 5.086137 6.82E+05 7.177258 5.29E+05 7.423646 4.85E+05 6.238377 8.56E+05 7.437832 7.42E+05 4.545644 1.13E+06 4.68854 9.02E+05 4.38801 1.14E+06 3.945902 1.35E+06 5.575695 1.23E+06 5.837301 1.01E+06 6.182716 8.38E+05 6.149676 1.11E+06 5.241717 1.26E+06 5.213381 1.44E+06 5.948919 1.59E+06 5.709739 1.64E+06 6.136053 1.52E+06 4.936938 1.66E+06 4.714986 1.43E+06 3.768352 1.63E+06 5.337337 2.05E+06 6.484314 2.56E+06 6.335965 2.34E+06 5.157402 3.04E+06 0.305904 8.74E+07 0.660733 6.40E+07 0.478267 6.34E+07 0.816877 7.66E+07 0.616332 5.07E+07 1.005096 3.32E+07 0.912104 3.88E+07 1.667136 1.39E+07 3.225952 1.56E+07 3.522186 1.31E+07 2.815814 1.45E+07 2.476958 1.52E+07 3.136566 1.39E+07 0.73924 3.20E+07 0.088533 4.23E+07 Page 33 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1994 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 wool HIC ISL iceland 1980 wool HIC ISL iceland 1981 wool HIC ISL iceland 1982 wool HIC ISL iceland 1983 wool HIC ISL iceland 1984 wool HIC ISL iceland 1985 wool HIC ISL iceland 1986 wool HIC ISL iceland 1987 wool HIC ISL iceland 1988 wool HIC ISL iceland 1989 wool HIC ISL iceland 1990 wool HIC ISL iceland 1991 wool HIC ISL iceland 1992 wool HIC ISL iceland 1993 wool HIC ISL iceland 1994 wool HIC ISL iceland 1995 wool HIC ISL iceland 1996 wool HIC ISL iceland 1997 wool HIC ISL iceland 1998 wool HIC ISL iceland 1999 wool HIC ISL iceland 2000 wool HIC ISL iceland 2001 wool HIC ISL iceland 2002 wool HIC ISL iceland 2003 wool HIC ISL iceland 2004 wool vop_nct vop_tot cte cte_covh cte_covm cte_covx cte_cov_ave cte_covt voc_prod voc_covh voc_covm voc_covx voc_covt 0.057384 3.51E+07 0.251391 3.64E+07 0 2.53E+07 0 2.31E+07 1.091296 2.14E+07 1.076804 2.09E+07 0.841672 2.34E+07 0.752227 2.11E+07 0.263754 2.45E+07 0.197686 2.83E+07 0 2.53E+07 0.033469 3.31E+07 0.109179 2.88E+07 0.140485 3.06E+07 -0.30037 1.17E+07 -0.19032 1.11E+07 -0.21756 1.37E+07 -0.20209 1.07E+07 -0.25961 7.54E+06 -0.27953 7.99E+06 -0.15974 7.80E+06 0.389383 2.98E+06 0.199375 3.64E+06 0.022575 5.75E+06 -0.08152 4.12E+06 0.318419 2.49E+06 0.69798 1.33E+06 0.991711 2.45E+06 0.972588 1.94E+06 0.26301 2.88E+06 0.38761 3.45E+06 1.479726 1.67E+06 1.283554 1.74E+06 2.130322 1.24E+06 1.849598 1.03E+06 1.413382 1.06E+06 1.534822 9.75E+05 0.866916 1.11E+06 1.150134 1.20E+06 0.968259 1.86E+06 Page 34 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2005 wool HIC ISL iceland 2006 wool HIC ISL iceland 2007 wool HIC ISL iceland 1979 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1980 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1981 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1982 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1983 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1984 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1985 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1986 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1987 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1988 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1989 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1990 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1991 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1992 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1993 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1994 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1995 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1996 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1997 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1998 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1999 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2000 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2001 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2002 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2003 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2004 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2005 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2006 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2007 GENERAL vop_nct vop_tot cte cte_covh cte_covm cte_covx cte_cov_ave cte_covt voc_prod voc_covh voc_covm voc_covx voc_covt 1.479394 1.51E+06 1.423452 1.39E+06 1.69968 1.36E+06 13400000 67100000 0.415764 1.403075 0.415764 2.51E+08 2.51E+08 13400000 67200000 0.642172 1.316088 0.642172 2.16E+08 2.16E+08 15900000 79500000 0.628367 1.423991 0.628367 1.85E+08 1.85E+08 11900000 59500000 0.542393 1.649852 0.542393 2.33E+08 2.33E+08 9944118 49700000 0.649925 1.556388 0.649925 1.40E+08 1.40E+08 9043578 45200000 1.088188 7.177258 2.123861 1.12038 99600000 529257 1.00E+08 7031087 35200000 1.624177 3.386142 2.547088 1.688417 95100000 3599421 98700000 10000000 52400000 3.372406 3.036883 3.454281 3.056119 1910501 31400000 33300000 10800000 53300000 0.199375 4.945373 3.385837 3.9133 3.718797 3642395 16200000 21100000 40900000 12200000 62200000 1.609085 3.715065 2.911603 2.850686 20500000 29500000 50100000 12100000 65800000 2.363062 2.209772 2.449151 2.301548 32100000 21500000 53600000 7957574 52800000 4.046042 2.115426 2.7477 3.112638 23400000 21900000 45300000 7372240 49800000 0.69798 2.60876 4.253467 2.975486 3.62547 1325267 13300000 27700000 42400000 9252429 53900000 1.151628 3.113335 2.572975 1.935908 41300000 27500000 68700000 10700000 47100000 0.998463 0.70515 2.19643 0.96403 77000000 10200000 87200000 12400000 51700000 0.976243 0.290783 2.007493 0.876581 69600000 11800000 81500000 14700000 57700000 0.591736 2.134151 2.004672 0.764411 88400000 11100000 99600000 19300000 69700000 0.820608 1.504664 1.769093 0.909746 68600000 10300000 78800000 18600000 70700000 1.160489 0.495347 1.78201 0.880784 45400000 32900000 78300000 13700000 60300000 1.660202 1.556407 2.539173 1.619356 41700000 27000000 68700000 13100000 59200000 1.715928 1.595554 2.695635 1.661199 38500000 32100000 70600000 8269537 63300000 0.683838 1.008137 2.019527 0.778083 70600000 28900000 99600000 10600000 62600000 0.217868 1.051492 1.540494 0.448717 77000000 29500000 1.06E+08 15900000 67300000 1.863469 0.636022 1.597618 1.25248 35800000 35400000 71200000 10800000 72600000 1.556863 0.478823 1.465333 1.118504 52500000 36000000 88400000 14600000 80200000 1.394433 0.599297 1.661017 1.130776 70900000 35200000 1.06E+08 14500000 88400000 1.793896 0.722203 2.232136 1.37617 68100000 43500000 1.12E+08 10000000 83400000 1.347999 0.804786 1.970965 1.162261 76000000 39500000 1.16E+08 12800000 1.06E+08 0.483542 0.856815 1.678071 0.573814 1.31E+08 41900000 1.73E+08 Page 35 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1979 beef HIC ISL iceland 1980 beef HIC ISL iceland 1981 beef HIC ISL iceland 1982 beef HIC ISL iceland 1983 beef HIC ISL iceland 1984 beef HIC ISL iceland 1985 beef HIC ISL iceland 1986 beef HIC ISL iceland 1987 beef HIC ISL iceland 1988 beef HIC ISL iceland 1989 beef HIC ISL iceland 1990 beef HIC ISL iceland 1991 beef HIC ISL iceland 1992 beef HIC ISL iceland 1993 beef HIC ISL iceland 1994 beef HIC ISL iceland 1995 beef HIC ISL iceland 1996 beef HIC ISL iceland 1997 beef HIC ISL iceland 1998 beef HIC ISL iceland 1999 beef HIC ISL iceland 2000 beef HIC ISL iceland 2001 beef HIC ISL iceland 2002 beef HIC ISL iceland 2003 beef HIC ISL iceland 2004 beef HIC ISL iceland 2005 beef HIC ISL iceland 2006 beef HIC ISL iceland 2007 beef HIC ISL iceland 1979 egg HIC ISL iceland 1980 egg HIC ISL iceland 1981 egg HIC ISL iceland 1982 egg HIC ISL iceland 1983 egg HIC ISL iceland 1984 egg HIC ISL iceland 1985 egg HIC ISL iceland 1986 egg HIC ISL iceland 1987 egg HIC ISL iceland 1988 egg HIC ISL iceland 1989 egg shrexp shrimp ssr ac_prod rd pop_agreconact pop_agric pop_nonagric pop_rural pop_total pop_toteconact pop_urban 0.805992 0.556139 0.61281 0.525896 0.741749 0.750662 0.719946 1.156155 0.765604 0.863938 1.004428 1.024857 0.952601 1.001032 1.052977 1.081548 0.946307 0.985553 1.001882 0.994682 1.009028 0.987889 0.973522 1.016881 0.967264 0.986389 0.986389 0.986389 0.986389 0.989954 0.993257 0.991449 0.965457 0.938146 0.953502 1.180091 1.040889 1.01339 0.843263 0.916769 Page 36 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1990 egg HIC ISL iceland 1991 egg HIC ISL iceland 1992 egg HIC ISL iceland 1993 egg HIC ISL iceland 1994 egg HIC ISL iceland 1995 egg HIC ISL iceland 1996 egg HIC ISL iceland 1997 egg HIC ISL iceland 1998 egg HIC ISL iceland 1999 egg HIC ISL iceland 2000 egg HIC ISL iceland 2001 egg HIC ISL iceland 2002 egg HIC ISL iceland 2003 egg HIC ISL iceland 2004 egg HIC ISL iceland 2005 egg HIC ISL iceland 2006 egg HIC ISL iceland 2007 egg HIC ISL iceland 1979 milk HIC ISL iceland 1980 milk HIC ISL iceland 1981 milk HIC ISL iceland 1982 milk HIC ISL iceland 1983 milk HIC ISL iceland 1984 milk HIC ISL iceland 1985 milk HIC ISL iceland 1986 milk HIC ISL iceland 1987 milk HIC ISL iceland 1988 milk HIC ISL iceland 1989 milk HIC ISL iceland 1990 milk HIC ISL iceland 1991 milk HIC ISL iceland 1992 milk HIC ISL iceland 1993 milk HIC ISL iceland 1994 milk HIC ISL iceland 1995 milk HIC ISL iceland 1996 milk HIC ISL iceland 1997 milk HIC ISL iceland 1998 milk HIC ISL iceland 1999 milk HIC ISL iceland 2000 milk shrexp shrimp ssr ac_prod rd pop_agreconact pop_agric pop_nonagric pop_rural pop_total pop_toteconact pop_urban 0.874802 0.865446 0.901002 0.940744 0.992841 1.008428 1.016909 0.999655 0.86498 0.879256 0.76111 0.821642 0.921092 0.902325 0.851542 0.851542 0.851542 0.851542 0.32636 0.33419 0.420218 0.344348 0.450253 0.486944 0.374563 1.01605 0.982336 1.028135 0.993958 0.994109 1.009084 1.026511 0.51429 0.528927 0.511717 0.527092 0.533208 0.558642 0.50475 0.458322 Page 37 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2001 milk HIC ISL iceland 2002 milk HIC ISL iceland 2003 milk HIC ISL iceland 2004 milk HIC ISL iceland 2005 milk HIC ISL iceland 2006 milk HIC ISL iceland 2007 milk HIC ISL iceland 1979 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1994 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 pigmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1980 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1981 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1982 poultry shrexp shrimp ssr ac_prod rd pop_agreconact pop_agric pop_nonagric pop_rural pop_total pop_toteconact pop_urban 0.422276 0.538758 0.545154 0.491127 0.491127 0.491127 0.491127 0.910368 0.922576 0.919151 0.878194 0.92264 0.851987 1.083733 0.989205 1.012237 0.840538 0.852314 0.857878 0.878412 0.877669 0.910638 0.978593 1.034747 1.016165 0.99082 1.002786 1.006129 1.008432 1.070319 1.25653 1.338807 1.168522 1.168522 1.168522 1.168522 0.92097 0.928611 0.929631 0.844011 Page 38 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1983 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1984 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1985 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1986 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1987 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1988 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1989 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1990 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1991 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1992 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1993 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1994 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1995 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1996 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1997 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1998 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1999 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2000 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2001 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2002 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2003 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2004 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2005 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2006 poultry HIC ISL iceland 2007 poultry HIC ISL iceland 1979 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1980 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1981 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1982 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1983 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1984 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1985 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1986 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1987 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1988 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1989 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1990 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1991 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1992 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1993 sheepmeat shrexp shrimp ssr ac_prod rd pop_agreconact pop_agric pop_nonagric pop_rural pop_total pop_toteconact pop_urban 0.778442 1.043622 1.396846 1.060195 1.337695 0.608732 0.875803 0.938231 0.807284 0.829412 0.871146 0.960047 1.125703 0.958704 1.01281 1.004175 1.022669 0.963145 1.155024 1.468211 1.822821 1.3523 1.3523 1.3523 1.3523 0.638149 0.741498 0.887202 0.601694 0.627901 0.75767 0.646289 1.597041 1.210522 1.212078 1.139197 1.099386 1.153165 0.58067 0.574597 Page 39 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 1994 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1995 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1996 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1997 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1998 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1999 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2000 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2001 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2002 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2003 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2004 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2005 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2006 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 2007 sheepmeat HIC ISL iceland 1979 wool HIC ISL iceland 1980 wool HIC ISL iceland 1981 wool HIC ISL iceland 1982 wool HIC ISL iceland 1983 wool HIC ISL iceland 1984 wool HIC ISL iceland 1985 wool HIC ISL iceland 1986 wool HIC ISL iceland 1987 wool HIC ISL iceland 1988 wool HIC ISL iceland 1989 wool HIC ISL iceland 1990 wool HIC ISL iceland 1991 wool HIC ISL iceland 1992 wool HIC ISL iceland 1993 wool HIC ISL iceland 1994 wool HIC ISL iceland 1995 wool HIC ISL iceland 1996 wool HIC ISL iceland 1997 wool HIC ISL iceland 1998 wool HIC ISL iceland 1999 wool HIC ISL iceland 2000 wool HIC ISL iceland 2001 wool HIC ISL iceland 2002 wool HIC ISL iceland 2003 wool HIC ISL iceland 2004 wool shrexp shrimp ssr ac_prod rd pop_agreconact pop_agric pop_nonagric pop_rural pop_total pop_toteconact pop_urban 0.664857 0.56993 0.827708 1.026862 1.041932 1.094653 1.120398 1.051761 1.059046 1.040092 1.067824 1.067824 1.067824 1.067824 0.697571 0.612142 0.521788 0.5056 0.60145 0.628211 0.533735 1.007194 1 0.980392 0.978261 0.984848 1 1.005025 1.015228 1.031273 1.006969 1.008065 1.008772 0.990415 0.982456 1.433362 1.159186 0.88035 1.253467 1.181591 Page 40 region ccode country year product HIC ISL iceland 2005 wool HIC ISL iceland 2006 wool HIC ISL iceland 2007 wool HIC ISL iceland 1979 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1980 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1981 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1982 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1983 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1984 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1985 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1986 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1987 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1988 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1989 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1990 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1991 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1992 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1993 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1994 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1995 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1996 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1997 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1998 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 1999 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2000 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2001 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2002 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2003 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2004 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2005 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2006 GENERAL HIC ISL iceland 2007 GENERAL shrexp shrimp ssr ac_prod rd pop_agreconact pop_agric pop_nonagric pop_rural pop_total pop_toteconact pop_urban 1.181591 1.181591 1.181591 2231991 13000 2490807 12000 2473636 12000 2176249 13000 1630656 13000 1886177 13000 1852188 14000 2378000 14000 3497734 14000 4326978 15000 3786763 15000 4554652 15000 5086325 15000 4020520 15000 3067320 15000 3279342 15000 3278265 14000 3659992 14000 3371037 14000 3420071 14000 3465018 13000 3236250 13000 2771043 13000 3295829 13000 4315112 13000 4425709 12000 6077756 12000 4883491 5912460