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Malaysia economic monitor : towards a middle-class society (English)

Malaysia has in many ways become a success story in shared prosperity. Shared prosperity means that all households experience income growth, but growth is higher for those households at the bottom of the distribution, a pattern that leads to lower inequality. In the past 40 years, Malaysia drew on its natural resources to nearly eradicate absolute poverty, from 49 percent in 1970 to 1 percent in 2014. The number of Malaysians vulnerable to falling...
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Gil Sander,Frederico; Packard,Truman G.; Purnamasari,Ririn Salwa; Testaverde,Mauro; Wacker,Konstantin M.; Yap,Wei Aun; Yoong,Pui Shen.

Malaysia economic monitor : towards a middle-class society (English). Malaysia economic monitor Washington, DC ; World Bank Group.

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