OFFICIAL L 6 DOCUMENTS The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION ANC DEVELOPVENT WC. 2043 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAl DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS January 28, 2013 H.E Rafe H. Al-Eissawi Min ster of Finance Min stry of Finance Bab Al-Muadham, Hay Al-Uluni Baghdad, Iraq Re: Iraq: Public Vinance Management Reforms Project (Grrant. No.TF094654) Amendment to Grant Agreement Excellency: We refer to the Grant Agi eenent. dated July 20, 2009, between the Ministry of Finance of Iraq (Rec pient) and the Internation,l Levelopment Association (World Bank), for the above-mentioned Proji-ct (the Project). We also r.fet to your letter of December 12, 2012 and a letter from the Deputy Min ster of Finance datcd October 2 0, 2011, requesting certain amendments to the Grant Agreement. We are pleased to inforn ycu th it, after due consideration, the World Bank concurs with the request, and consequent y the G: ait Agr,,ement is hereby amended as set forth below. 1. The first paragraph of t[ e P earr ble to the Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: "I am writing on behalf of :he Liternational Development Association (the "World Bank") to indicate the World Bank's agreoment, as administrator of grant funds contributed by various donors (collectively "Donors"), to make a grant in an amount not exceeding two million six hundred twenty one tho isand at d five hundred United States dollars ($2,621,500) (the Grant) to the Ministry of Finan..e cf Iraq (the "Recipient")." 2. Paragraph 5 of the Annc x to the Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: "5. The Activities s iall be completed by not later than August 31, 2013, or such later date as the Bank may establish by r otice to the Recipient (the Closing Date). After the Closing Date, the Bank may at a iy lime :ancel the remaining balance of the Grant." Except as specifically emeided by this amendment letter, all other provisions of the Grant Agreement remain in fu.1 force , nd effe(t. -2- Please confIrm your agr .emc nt to the foregoing by signing the form of confirmation set forth below and returning one fully xecuted original of this amendment letter to us and retaining one original for your records. Ihis ;mendment letter shall become effective as of the date of countersignature. Sincerely, INTE ZNATIC NAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Ejic Lc Borgne, Acting Country Director Authorized Representative AGREED MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF IkAQ By -4 . Name: .l THMIIAA/