RESTRICTED F1LE COPY Report No. EC - 154 \\. \\ This report was prepared for use within the Bank and it~ affiliated organizations. They do not accept responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. The report may not be published nor may it be quoted as repres~pting their views. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTR:UCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT ESTIMATED SERVICE AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS BOLIVIA CEYLON COLOMBIA IRAN KENYA KOREA MOROCCO PERU TUNISIA ZAMBIA. May 31, 1967 , Economics DepartmeD't~ " '\:\t_",=",= EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT - ESTIMATED SERVICE .AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS ./ 1. For the purpose of these Statistics, externa1 public debt: a. includes all debt which is payable to creditors outside the debtor country in foreign currency, goods or services, with an original maturity of one year or more, which is an obligation of the national government, a political sub- division or an agency of either, or an autonomous public body. However, it includes publicly-issued e}..~ernal bonds held in the debtor country. It also inclUdes externalil private debt guaranteed by the national govel~ent, a political subdivision or an agency of either, or an autono- mous public body, and incurred by debtors located within the debtor countr,y~ b. does not include: (1) transactions with the International Monetary Fund, (2) private debts unless they are guaranteed, (3) other external obligations, such as reparations, so long JlS the amounts and terms have not been agreed, and (4) d~~~ts repayable at the option of the borrower in local currency. 2. Table 1 shows debt outstanding including undisbursed and also the portion which is disbursed only. 3. Service p~ents for the years shown in Table 2 are the esti- mated amortization and interest payments due in foreign cur- rencies, goods or services on the debts summarized in Table 1. For a few loans where it has not been possible to separate interest from principal payments, int~~est is inclUded in the amorti zation colwnn. h. The service payments in Table 2, which reflect onlY existing debt, are not forecasts of the total of service p~ents that may be expected to be made in the years shown, since not only may new debts be contracted, but the terms and composition of the existing debt may be changed. 5. The Bank obtains the infor.mation used in the preparation of the tables mainly from reports contributed by the debtor coun- tries; supplementary information is obtained from published reports o~ creditor countries and other publications. Some figures are estimates of the Bank staft. 6. The tables are based on the latest information available on debt outstanding and repayment terms and do not necessarily agree with tables previously prepared as of the ~ame date, Which may not retlect this new information. GUIDE TO REroRTS IN WHICH DEBT TABLES HAVE APPEARED The reports issued in these ~series are: EC-B4, 85, 86, 89 Sec. M60-2l5/1, EC-90, 91, Sec o M61-17, EC-95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112 lIS, 116, liB, 124, 126, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 139~ 141, 142, 143, 146 JhB, 150 and 154 • fndex of ReEorts from December 31,-1959 Country Debt data as of December 31, 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Argentina EC-86/a EC-150 Australia EC-86-- EC-IOO/b EC-1l6 EC-13l EC-136 EC-141 EC-I,O Austria EC-91 EC-99 - EC-1l6 EC-l24 EC-134 EC-142 EC-146 Bechuanaland EC-139 EC-143 Belgium EC-90 EC-99 EC-IOB EC-134 EC-134 EC-142 EC-143 Bolivia Brazil EC-90 .. EC-118 EC-136 .... EC-154 EC-1l6 British Guiana EC ...99 EC-13I EC-136 EC-141 Ec-143 Burma EC-89 EC-lOO EC-l12 EC-139 EC~139 EC-139 Cey~on EC-91 EC-99 EC-lIS EC-131 EC-141 Ec-141 EC-154 Chile EC-90 EC~97 EC-IOB EC-IIB EC-142 EC-142 China EC-99 EC-112 EC-126 EC-139 EO-139 EC-l,O Colombia EC-89/c EC-97 EO-lOB EC-ilB EO-139 EC-139 EO-154 Congo. Rep. of EC-90- EC-99 ~- Costa Rica EC-96 EC-97 EC-106 EC-IIB EC-139 EC-139 EC-146 Cyprus ~- EC . . 139 EC-146 Derunark EC-9J.t! EC-lOO EC-1l2 EO-118 EC~136 EC-136 EC-146 Dominican Rep. EO-lIB EC-133 EC-l39 East Africa EC-91 EC-lOO EACSO a L.i EC-ll$ EO-133 EC-133 EC-148 ED-148 Ecuador EC-89 EC-99 EC-1l2 EC-126 EC-136 EO-141 EC-146 El Salvador EC-86 EC-97 EC ...I06 EO-lIB EO-133 EC-137 EO-143 Ethiopia Ec-86 EC-95 EC-106 EO-lIB EC-133 EC-I;? EC-1hB Fed~of Rhodesia & Nyasaland EC-9l EC-lOO EO-115 EC-13I Finland EC-86 EC-95 EC-IOa EO-l24 EC-133 EC-139 EC-1h6 France EC-91 EC-IOO EC-lOB EO-13l EC-137 EC-141 EC-146 Gabon - EC-143 EC-143 EC-143 Ghana Greece Guatemala EC-91 .. ~ Ed~133 EO-133 EC ...136 EO-lOB EC-131 EC-142 EC-142 EC-143 Honduras EC-90 EC~7 EC~106 EO-124 EC~136 EC-136 EC-146 Iceland EC-86 EC-99 EC~J.06 EC-124 EC-139 EC-139 EC . . l46 India EC-86 EC-IOO EC ...I06 .... EC -1,0 Iran EC.86L! EC-1OOL! ~ EC-l.54LJ, iio1 Ireland EC-146 See footnotes at end of table. GUIDE TO RERJRTS IN WHICH DEBT TABLES HAVE APPEARED (CONT.) The reports issued in these series 'are: EC-84, 85, 86, 89 Sec. M60-215/l, EC-90, 91, Sec. M61-17, EC-9.5, 91, 99, 100, 106" 108, 112 11" 116, 118, 124, 126, 131, 133, 134, 136, 131, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146 148, 150 and 154 Index of Reports from December 31, 1959 Country Debt data as of December 31, 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Israel EC-91 EO-l00 EO-1l6 EC~131 EC-136 EC-142 Italy EC-89 EO-IOO EC-1l6 EC-131 EC-136 Ec-141 ~c-150 Jamaica EC-139 EC-146 Japan EC-90 EC-95 EC-1l2 EC-126 EC-139 EC-139 EC-148 Kenya a /. 2 EO-1l5 EC-I)3 EC-133 EC-154 EC-154 Korea ~- - EC-138 EC-133 EC~37 EC-154 Lebanon Luxembourg ,EC-89 EO ....90 EO-100 EC-IOO EO-l12 EC-131 EC-137 EC-137 EC-143 -- Malaya EC-89 EC-99 EC •.ll, - :tvIalaysia EC-148 EC-148 EC-148 Malta EC-134 EC-137 Ec-143 Mauritania -- EO-~39 Mauritius Mexico EC-90 '- EO-lOa EC-l31 EC-146 Ec~i46 EC-IOB EC-126 EC-134 EO-136 EC-146 Morocco EC-136 EC-146 EC-154 EC-154 Netherlands EO-IOO EC-ll, EC-124 EO-l34 EO-137 Ec-143 New Zealand Nicaragua EC-86 -- EO-lOa EC-124 EC-139 EO-139 EC~106 EC-llB EO-I33 Ec-141 Ec~143 EC-146 Nigeria EO-ll, EC-I)3 EC-133 EC-148 Ec-14B Norway EO-89 EC-ll, EC-124 EC-131/kEC-139 Ec-143 Pakistan EO-86 EC-I00Lg, EC-ll,/iEC-126 EO-137 Ec-141 EC-I,O Panama EC-90 EC-97 EC-Ioa-EC-133 EO-l33 EC ...142 EO-148 Paraguay EC'!-90 EC-9, EC-I06 EC-126 EC-133 EO-139 EC-I$O Peru EC-91 EC-lOO EC-ll2 EC-126 EO-137 EC-137 EO-I$4 Philippines EO-85 EC-99 EC-1l2 EC-124 EC-136 EC-136 EC-143 , Portugal EC-ID6 EC-118 EC-134 EC-131 EC-146 Rhodesia ... EC-I,O RUallda-Urundi EO-~ EO-lOO Sierra I.eone EC-131 Singapore EC-143 South Africa EC-9I 00-97 EC ..112 FEC-124 Ee-137 EC-137 EC-146 Spain EC.B6 EO-99 EO-118 EC-141 EC-141 EC-146 Sudan EO-8, EC-95 EC . . 112 EC-l26 EO-13? EC-137 EC-l,O Swaziland EC-124 EC-142 EC-J.h2 EC-143 Tangax¢ka EO-US EO-I)3 EO-I) 3 Thailand EC-86 EO-9S EC-106 EC-118 EC-134 EC-14I EC-148 Trin1dad&Tobago EC-99 EC ....11, EC-126 EO-142 Ec-142 EC-143 Tanzania - EC-14B EC-148 Tuni~ia EO-llB EC-136 EC-141 EC-154 Turk~1 EC-9, EC-139 ... See footnotes at end of table. GUIDE TO RER:>RTS IN WHICH DEBT TABLES HAVE APPEARED (CONT • ) The reports issued in these series are: EC-84, 8$, 86, 89 Sec. M60-21SI1, EC-90, 91, See M61-17, EC-95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112 ll 115, 116, 118, 124, 126, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146 148, 1,0 and 154 ~ex of Reports £rom December 31, 1959 Country Debt data as of December ~1~ « 1959 1966 1961 T9b2 19 3 1964 1965 Uganda LJ. l- _'ale EG-lIS EC-133 EC-133 EC-150 EC-150 United Kingdom EC-89 EC-95 EC-115 EC-li8 EC-142 Uruguay EC-89 ED-1OO EC-1l2 EO-UB EO-1S0 EC-1S0 EC-150 Venezuela EC-97 EC ....106 EC-IIB EC-133 EO-137 EC-150 Yugosla'i'ia EC-89 EC-97 EC-1l6L!EC-126 EC-141 EC-J..41 Zambia EC-154 /a Data as of April 30, 1960. 7b Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1961 To Revised in Bec. M60-215/1 dated December 9, 196o., 7d Revised in Sec. M6l-17 dated January 25, 1961 7e Data as of March 20, 1960. 7f Debt outstanding as of September 22, 1961 Zi Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1961. In h Debt outstanding as of May 31, 1961. 7f. Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1962. lJ -· Shown under East Africa. 7k This is a revision of a table appeared in EO-134. Z1 Data as of March 21, 1966 0 Economics Department A. M. Kamarck, Director Prepared by Statistical Services Division Arthur E. Tiemann, Acting Chief Helen W. Paulson, Editor BOLIVIA Table 1: IBRD FETIMA.TFS OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUSTANDING (INCliJDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.5. d allars) neSt outstanding December 3£, 1965 Type,of debt Inciuding Disbursed undisbursed on~ Pub1icl,y-issued bonds 61,906 61,906 Private~-placed debt 26,185 26,185 IDA credits l~JOOO 4,543 IDB loans 11,087 10,648 u.s. Gove::L"nment loans Export- Import bank 33,929 33,929 AID 6B,009 25,730 Ibpartment of Agriculture (p .L. hBC, Title IV) 4,396 4.z396 Sub-total 106,334 64)055 Loans from other governments Argentina $4,312 54,)12 Brazil 11,840 1l,840 Czechoslovakia 1, 1.5 Federal Republic of Germany 5,828 5,665 United Kingdom 700 700 Venezuela 2,000 2,000 Yugoslavia 56 56 Sub-total 741751 74!5 88 295,263 241,925 Table 2: IBRD E3TlMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECE)lBER 31, 1965 L1 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) ~[ Servlce Ea~en~s Year Amorti- 1n- Total zation terest 1966 7,867 4,416 12,283 1967 7,677 6,295 13,972 !/'" 1968 8,141 6,081 14,228 1969 8,667 5,862 14,729 1970 10,471 S,741 16,212 1971 10,669 5,,83 16,4,2 1972 8,777 5,289 14,066 1973 8,783 5,021 13,,804 1974 B,13~ 4,705 12,836 197~ 7,274 4,639 11,913 /1 Includes service on all debt listed in Table 1 except lor - tbeequi wlent of $5,143,000 for whioh repqment terms are not available. CEYLON Tab1e 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBTOurSTANDING (INCLUDIOO UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER .31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Debt outstariding December 31, 1965 Type of debt Including Disbursed undisbursed onlY Public~-issued bonds /1 10,721 10,721 Privately-placed debt -- 1,620 1,)27 IBRD loans 32,453 29,359 Loans from governments Canada 10,513 3,895 China 14,276 10,051 Germany 9,300 5,001 Poland 622 622 United Kingdom 10,612 3,962 U.S.S.R. 29,884 18,)11 Yugoslavia 840 840 Sub-total 76 2047 42 z682 120,841 84,089 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $6,779,000 (equivalent). Table 2: !BRD ESTD1ATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCm AS OF DEC:&l-lBER 31, 1965 L! (In thousands ot U.S. dollars) Service E!l!!!ents Year Amorti- 1n- zation terest Total 1966 5,470 3,530 9,000 1967 $,928 3,653 9,581 1968 6.100 ),407 9,507 1969 6,164 3,165 9,)29 1970 6,349 2,831 9,180 1911 6~158 2,493 8,651 1912 S,J.h4 2,272 7,416 1913 5,119 2,083 7,202 1974 5,224 1,,892 7,116 1915 10,696 1,415 12,1l1 Ii Includes service on ali debt listed in Table 1 except fo~ -- the equivalent of $36,764,000 for which terms of repayment are not available. COLCl4BIA Table 1: mRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LOrn-TERM PUBLIC DEBT ourSTANDING (INCLUDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DEC~;~R 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Debt outstanding December 31, 1965 Type of debt Including Disbursed undisbursed on+v PubliclY-issued bonds 34,861 34,861 Private~-p1aced debt 253,271 126,910 IBRD loans 316,289 221,177 IDA credit 19,500 10,680 IDE loans 54,562 19,655 u.s. Government loans Export-Import Bank 65,902 ,0,490 AID 267,762 177,345 SUb-total 333,664 227,835 Loan from the Government of the Netherlands 1,383 1,)83 1,013,531 642,502 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMEN'lS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 /1 (In thousands of U.So dollars) Service Ea~ents Year Amort i- 1n- zation terest Total 1966 70,085 22,490 92,,74 1967 50,683 25,405 76,088 1968 48,452 24,090 72,542 1969 42,930 26,165 69,095 1970 44,109 24,017 68,126 1971 36,002 21,794 57,797 1972 32,091 19,906 5J.,997 1973 31,919 18,247 50,166 1974 33,416 16,946 50,362 1975 36,086 '16,162 52,248 II Includes service on all debt listed in Table 1 except for -- the equivalent of $145,116,000 for which repayment terms are not available or are not being followed. ~ Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM-AND IDNG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING (INCLUDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF MARCH 21, 1966 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Debt outstanding March 21, 19ff> Type of debt Including Disbursed undisbursed only Priv.atelY-placed debt 171,892 54,726 IBRD 166,455 103,956 U.S. Govermnent loans Export-Import Bank 44,578 24,211 AID 179,652 157,506 Surplus property 23,388 23,388 Prior grants converted to credit 712 712 Department of Agriculture 17,298 15,119 Sub-total 265,628 220,936 Loans from other governments Czechoslovakia 15,000 France 60,765 Germany 30,750 22,696 Hungary 10,000 Poland 15,000 United Kingdom 11,200 U. S.S.R. 291 2°35 433,750 22,696 1,037,725 402,314 Table 2; IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PA'YMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TEBM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF MARCH 21, 1966 /1 (In 'thousands of U.S. dollars) Service payments Year Total 1966 50,120 18,625 68,744 1967 54,777 22,174 76,951 1968 63,342 23,195 86,537 1969 69,918 22,962 92,880 1970 78,045 22,113 100,157 1971 75,196 20,477 95,672 1972 70,744 17,968 88,712 1973 55,846 15,772 71,618 1974 53,167 14,034 67,201 1975 53,831 12,107 65,938 Z! Includes service on all debt listed in Table 1 except for the eqUivalent of $128,995,193 for which rep~­ ment terms are riot available. KENYA Table 1: !BRD ESTINATES OF EXTEm!AL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING (INCLUDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OFt DECEMBER 31, 1964 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Debt outstanding December 31, 1964 Type of debt including Disbu,r~ed undisbursed only Publicly-issued bonds /1 72,176 72,176 PrivatelY-placed debt -- 8,294 8,266 IBRD loans /2 13,33$ 5,338 IDA. c redits - 7,300 39 U.S. Government - AID 2,200 Loans from other governments Germany 14,374 7,242 United Kingdom 89,239 88,693 Sub-total 103,613 95,935 206,918 181,754 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $23,979,000 (equivaient). Z[Guaranteed by the United Kingdomo Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIill4- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1964 /1 (In thousands of U.Ro dollars) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1965 3,895 91 392 1),287 1966 6,014 9,474 15,488 1967 5,121 9,510 14,631 1968 5,813 9,415 15,228 1969 6,012 9,192 15,204 1970 15,745 8,865 24,610 1971 6,413 8,414 14,827 1972 6,022 7,752 13,774 1973 6,2,8 7,492 13,750 1974 6,)02 7,190 15,492 /1 Includes service on all debts listed in Table 1 except -- for the equivalent of $15,098,OCO for which repayment temrs are not available. -- KENYA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERl~L MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING (INCIDDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRE~IES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Debt outstanding December 31, 1965 Type of' debt Including Disbursed undisbursed only Public~-issued bonds /1 67,785 67,785 Privately-placed debt - 9,000 9,000 IBRD loans /2 12,628 5,110 IDA credits- 10,300 749 U.S ~ Government loans AID 2,750 Department of Agriculture 10,724 7,047 Sub-total 13,474 7,047 wans from other governments Germany 7,342 7,319 United Kingdom 165,295 111~20~ 118,524 Sub-total 17 ~, 'E l 2 3 2 208,216 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $26,516,000 (equivalent). 72 Guaranteed by the United Kingdom. Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYlJIENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 Ll (In thousands of UoS o dollars) Service Eayments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1966 6,117 10,487 16,604 1967 6,920 11,190 18,llO 1968 7,307 11,268 18,575 1969 7,557 11,21) 18,770 1970 15,911 10,892 26,80) 1971 8,264 10,057 18,3 21 1972 8,152 9,509 17~661 1973 8,,384 9,142 17,526 1974 10,505 8,727 19,23 2 1975 7,479 8,,294 15,773 /1 Includes service 'on all debt listed in Table 1 except fo,r the -- equivalent of $44,892,000 for which repayment terms are not available. KOREA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMA.TES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERJ~ PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING (INCLUDTIJG UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of UGS o dollars) Debt outstana~ng necemEer 31, 1965 Type of debt Including Disbursed undisbursed on~ Privately placed debt 129,559 58,331 IDA credit 14,000 13,993 U.S. Government1oans - AID 153,689 31,960 Loans from other governments Germany 18,680 11,675 United Kingdom 1,400 Sub-total 20,080 11,675 317,)28 3.15,959 Table 2: IBRD ESTD1ATES OF SERVICE PAYr{~~I\"TS ON EXTE~NA.L MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DEGENBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Service Ea~en~s Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1966 10,330 3,686 14,016 1967 16,703 .7,627 24,330 1968 17,921 7,,582 25,503 1969 18,542 6,930 25,472 1970 17,110 5,931 23,041 1971 15,341 5,049 20,390 1972 13,803 4,233 18,036 1973 13,895 3,508 17,403 1974 8,963 2,808 11,771 1975 7,550 2,527 10,077 MOROCCO Table 1: lBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDI~I- AND IDNG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING (INCLUDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1964 (In thousands of U.S. dollars) ------.-----------------------,-----------~~--~~~~---------- Debt outstanding December 31, 1964 Type of debt Including 'Disbursed undisbursed only Publicly-issued bonds 43,Oll 4),011 lERD loans 32,494 3,616 u.s. Government loans - AID 64,946 64,946 wans from France 13°2°45 130~!!2. 270,497 241,619 Table 2: lBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- A1lD LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196b /1 (In thousands of UoS. dollars) -- Service payments Year Amortization Interest Total 1965 7,045 8,498 15,543 1966 8,03 2 8,894 16,926 1967 8,413 9,282 17,695 1968 9,127 8,948 18,075 1969 9,605 8,579 18,184 1970 9,775 8,194 17,969 1971 9,668 7,810 1"1,478 1972 9,979 7,431 17,410 1973 10,180 7,036 17,216 1974 10,346 6,640 16,986 Z! Includes service on ill debt listed in Table 1 except for the equivalent of $3,867,000 outstanding on publicly- iss ued bonds 'tv'hi ch are redeemable on demand of bearer 0 \\ 11.., MOROCCO - Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDlNG - (INCLUDING UNDISBTmSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands 0,t;"ij.8. dollars) Debt outstanding December 31, 19~ Type of debt Including Disbursed undisbursed on~ () Pub1ic~-issued bonds 47,641 47,641 mRD loans 42,007 10,808 IDA credit 11,000 U.8. Government Loans AID 73,,~91 64,848 Loans from other governments France 176,127 172,207 Germany 22,375 10,527 Kuwait 28.2 000 16,800 Sub-total 226 2502 199 2534 401,141 322,830 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENr8 ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 L! (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Servioe Ea~ents Year Amorti- In- zation terest Total 1966 9,911 11,797 21,708 1967 10,405 12,564 ~.2,969 1968 11,605 12,443 24,048 1969 11,077 12,233 29,310 1970 <13,763 11,710 25,473 1971 15,238 11,188 26,426 1972 15,721 10,595 26,316 1973 15,874 9,914 2~,848 1974 15,929 9,364 2,,293 '", 1975 16,030 8,755 24,785 /1 Includes service on all debt listed in Table 1 except for the - equivalent of $24,017,000 for which repayment terms are not available. ~!! Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDn~G -(INCLUDDlG UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U S dollars) & Q ~.outstandin~ December 31l 1965 · Type of debt Including Disb~rsed undisbursed only Publicly-issued bonds 41,650 -- ---- 41,9650 Privately-placed debt 314,913 203,315 IERD loans 151,532 86,275 IDB loans 19,313 10,268 u.s. Government loans Export-Import Bank 52,144 18,625 Other 58,857 20,120 SUb-total 111,001 38,745 Loans from other governments Argentina 6,241 6,241 Germany 41,000 3,730 Sub-total 47,241 ~971 6B5,650 390,224 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 /1 (In thousands of U 8" dollars) 0 - _ _ _ _ Servi~ E~~s . Year Amor\~~ zation Inter'est TOtal 1966 72,803 21,001 93,804 1967 46,~57 24,008 70,565 1968 50,608 24,228 74,836 1969 51,253 20,782 72,035 1970 52,992 18,441 71,432 1971 49,488 16,567 66,055 1972 41,261 12,869 54,1.31 1973 34,918 10,88,3 45,801 1974 29,883 9,399 39,283 1975 23,064 8,007 31,071 -rr- Includesservice on all debt listed in Table 1 except for -- the equivalent of $39,482~OOO for which terms of repay- ment are not available. TUNISIA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LOW-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING (INCLUDING mmISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S~ dollar equivalents) Debt outstanding . Type 1of debt including undiSbursed December 31, 1965 Public~-issued bonds /1 3,414 Private~-p1aced debt -- 115,812 IBRD loans 7,000 IDA credits 5,000 u.s. Government loans Export.- Import Bank 3,689 AID 72,650 SUb-total- 76,339 Loans from other governments Bulgaria 1,453 Czechoslovakia 271 Denmark 1,448 East Germany 576 Federal Republic of German,y 20,000 France 59,183 Italy 16,000 Kuwait 28,000 Poland 772 SWeden 2,320 U.8.S .R. 13,280 Yugoslavia 3,101 Sub-total 146,403 Nationalized property 20 353,988 /1 Includes bonds to the value of $441,000 repayable in French francs or Tunisian - dinars. Table 2: IBRn ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM . PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 /1 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service Ealments Year Amorti- 1n- Total zation terest 1966 26,280 8,996 35,276 1967 27,430 9,716 37,146 1968 29,338 9,615 38,953 1969 31,296 8,383 39,679 1970 25,606 7,677 33,283 ;t.971 17,743 6,273 24,016 1972 17,293 5,651 22,944 1973 16,321 4,919 21,240 1974 14,556 3,972 18,,28 197, 13,714 3,504 17,218 /1 Includes service on all debts listed in Table 1 except -- for loans to the value of $1,963,000 for which amorti- zation terms are not available. WlBIA Table 1: IBID ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERIwl PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDIOO (INCLUDING UNDISBURSED) DUE IN FOREIGN CURREN'CIFB AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U~S. dollars) ~~~!9di~ Dece!!!~ 31..~ 1965 Type or debt Including Disbursed undisbursed onJy Pub1iCly-i~sued bonds /1 59,524 59,,24 Privately-placed debt -- 3,808 3,808 mRn loans /2 53,965 52,490 U.S. Government loans - AID 2,750 2,750 Loans from other governments Tanzania 23 United Kingdom !i2 ,896 Sub-total 42,919 38,195 162,966. 156,767 71 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $6,832,000 (equivalent). Z[ Guaranteed by- the United KingdomCl Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM ... AND LONG .. TERM PUBLIC DEBT IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES .AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 L! (In thousands of U.S. dollars) Service E!l!ents Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1966 5,062 8,241 13,303 1967 5,291 8,021 1),312 1968 $,616 7,778 13,394 1969 $,869 7,493 13,362 1970 11,$19 7,030 18,.549 1971 6,485 6",0 13,035 1972 18,792 7,8,36 24,628 1973 ,,360 5,1,9 10,519 .. 1974 12,06$ 4,871 16,936 1975 ~,525 4,311 9,836 .• ' /1 Includes service on all debts listed in Table 1 except for - the equivalent of $8,8Jb.,OOO for which repayment terms are not available.