Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................ 1 0.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1 0.1 Project Description................................................................................ 1 0.1.1 Location............................................................................................ 1 0.1.2 Project Features ................................................................................ 3 0.1.3 Need of the project ............................................................................ 5 0.1.4 Cost of the Project ............................................................................. 5 0.1.5 Direct and Indirect Benefits: ............................................................... 5 0.2 Base Line Status of Project Site .............................................................. 6 0.2.1 Air Environment ................................................................................. 6 0.2.2 Water Environment: ........................................................................... 9 0.2.3 Noise Environment:.......................................................................... 16 0.3 Identification and Prediction of Impacts ................................................. 19 0.3.1 Impact on Land Environment............................................................. 19 0.3.2 Impact on Air Quality ....................................................................... 20 0.3.3 Impact on Water Quality ................................................................... 20 0.3.4 Impact on Noise Quality ................................................................... 21 0.3.5 Socio-Economic Environment ............................................................ 21 0.3.6 Impact on Land and Soil Quality ........................................................ 22 0.4 Environmental Management Plan .......................................................... 22 0.5 Costs towards Implementation of Environment Management Plan ............. 22 0.6 Disclosure of EA & EMP Report ............................................................. 23 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................. 24 1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................... 24 1.1 Objectives ......................................................................................... 25 1.2 Scope of the Study ............................................................................. 25 1.3 Need for Environmental Impact Assessment........................................... 26 1.4 Project Proponent ............................................................................... 26 1.5 Generic Structure of EIA report ............................................................ 27 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................... 28 2.0 Project Location .................................................................................. 28 2.1 Description of the Proposed Project ....................................................... 28 2.1.1 Major Arterial Roads ...................................................................... 29 2.1.2 Arterial and Sub-arterial road network ............................................. 29 2.1.3 Collector road network ................................................................... 29 2.1.4 Proposed Road Elements ................................................................ 34 2.2 Salient features of the Project Area and influence area ............................ 39 2.3 Study of existing amenities .................................................................. 40 2.3.1 Terrain ......................................................................................... 40 2.3.2 Land Use ...................................................................................... 41 2.3.3 Villages and Towns ........................................................................ 41 2.4 Drainage Pattern ................................................................................ 42 2.5 Traffic Study Analysis .......................................................................... 44 2.6 Requirement of Natural Resources for the Project ................................... 45 CHAPTER 3 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ........................ 48 3.0 Approach and Methodology .................................................................. 48 3.1 Sub-Project Influence Area .................................................................. 48 3.2 Task 1: Collection of Baseline Environmental Data .................................. 48 3.2.1 Secondary Baseline Data ................................................................ 48 3.2.2 Primary Baseline Data .................................................................... 49 3.3 Task 2: Review of Policies, Regulations and Institutional Arrangements ..... 51 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City 3.4 Task 3: Identification of Potential Environmental Impacts ........................ 51 3.5 Task 4: Preparation of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan .... 52 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ... 53 4.0 Environmental Regulatory Framework ................................................... 53 4.1 Institutional Framework....................................................................... 53 4.2 Applicability of International, National, State and Local Environmental norms 53 4.3 World Bank Safeguard Policies ............................................................. 60 4.4 Statutory Clearance for Borrow area and Stone quarry ............................ 62 4.5 Applicability of Clearances ................................................................... 63 4.5.1 Environmental Clearance ................................................................ 63 4.5.2 Forest Clearances .......................................................................... 64 4.5.3 Other Permissions/ Clearances ........................................................ 65 CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ............................ 66 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives ..................................................................... 66 5.1. Overall Amaravati Master Plan / Land Pooling Scheme (LPS) .................... 66 5.2. Analyses of alternatives / Social Aspects considered for the roads grid: ..... 66 5.3. Environmental Aspects Considered ....................................................... 67 5.4. Neighborhood adjustments: ................................................................. 68 5.5. Project Alternatives Analysis as part of Master Planning Process ............... 71 5.6. Master Planning process ...................................................................... 71 5.7. No-Project Analysis ............................................................................. 73 CHAPTER 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ............... 75 6.0 Description of the Environment ............................................................ 75 6.1 Site and its Environs ........................................................................... 75 6.1.1 Geographical Features ...................................................................... 75 6.1.2 Geology & Soil Characteristics ........................................................... 75 6.1.3 Minerals.......................................................................................... 76 6.1.4 Hydro-Geology ................................................................................ 76 6.1.5 River Basins, Flood And Cyclones ....................................................... 77 6.1.6 Industries ....................................................................................... 84 6.1.7 Transportation ................................................................................. 84 6.1.8 Infrastructure .................................................................................. 84 6.1.9 Seismic Details Of The Area .............................................................. 84 6.1.10 Archeological Sites/Places Of Tourist Interest .................................... 84 6.1.11 Sources Of Irrigation And Cropping Pattern ....................................... 85 6.2 Meteorology of the study area .............................................................. 85 6.2.1 Climatic Conditions .......................................................................... 85 6.3 Air Environment ................................................................................. 88 6.3.1 Air Environment for Package -I .......................................................... 88 6.3.2 Air Environment for Package -II ......................................................... 92 6.3.3 Air Environment for Package -III........................................................ 94 6.3.4 Air Environment for Package -IV ........................................................ 98 6.3.5 Air Environment for Package -V ..................................................... 102 6.3.6 Air Environment for Package -VI ................................................... 105 6.4 Water Environment ........................................................................... 108 6.4.1 Surface water quality ................................................................... 109 6.4.2 Ground water quality ................................................................... 147 6.5 Noise Environment ............................................................................ 187 6.5.1 Noise Environment for Package -I.................................................. 187 6.5.2 Noise Environment for Package -II ................................................ 189 6.5.3 Noise Environment for Package -III ............................................... 191 6.5.4 Noise Environment for Package -IV ................................................ 194 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City 6.5.5 Noise Environment for Package -V ................................................. 196 6.5.2 Noise Environment for Package -VI ................................................ 198 6.6 Land Environment ............................................................................ 200 6.6.1 Geology ..................................................................................... 200 6.6.2 Soil ............................................................................................ 200 6.7 Biological Environment ...................................................................... 209 6.7.1 Land use .................................................................................... 209 6.7.2 Proposed Land-use ..................................................................... 210 6.7.3 Forests, Biosphere and Sanctuary.................................................. 213 6.7.4 Flora and Fauna in the Study Area ................................................. 213 6.8 Cultural and Sensitive Receptors: ....................................................... 215 6.9 Socio-economic Environment ............................................................. 216 6.9.1 Socio-economic Status of the Study area ....................................... 216 6.9.2 Public Consultations ..................................................................... 219 CHAPTER 7 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES..................................................... 230 7.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures .................. 230 7.1 Impacts of Location .......................................................................... 230 7.2 Impacts Due to Project Design ........................................................... 230 7.2.1 Avoidance of adverse impacts during Design Stage: ........................ 231 7.3 Impacts During Construction .............................................................. 231 7.3.1 Borrow Areas / Stone Quarries / Sand Quarries ............................... 231 7.3.2 Utilization of Fly Ash .................................................................... 234 7.3.3 Borrow Pit Restoration ................................................................. 234 7.3.4 Surplus Earth/ Muck/ Construction & Demolition Waste .................... 235 7.3.5 Soil Quality ................................................................................. 238 7.3.6 Impact on water resources and water quality .................................. 238 7.3.7 Impact on Air Quality ................................................................... 245 7.3.8 Impact on Noise .......................................................................... 247 7.3.9 Impact on Biological Environment .................................................. 247 7.3.10 Impacts on Human Use Values .................................................... 250 7.3.11 Impacts on Quality of Life ........................................................... 251 7.3.12 Impacts from Construction Workers Camp / Influx of Labor ............ 257 7.3.13 Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Pits ............................................... 258 7.4 Impacts during Operation Phase ......................................................... 259 7.4.1 Impact on Land use ..................................................................... 259 7.4.2 Impact on Air Quality ................................................................... 259 7.4.3 Impact on Noise Quality ............................................................... 265 7.5 Accident Hazards and Safety .............................................................. 268 7.6 Aesthetics ........................................................................................ 268 7.7 Evaluation of Impacts........................................................................ 268 7.7.1 Evaluation for Alternative Scenarios ............................................... 269 CHAPTER 8 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ................ 273 8.0 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................... 273 8.1 EMP Implementing Agency ................................................................. 273 8.2 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ................................................. 373 8.2.1 CSR in Companies Bill 2012 .......................................................... 373 8.2.2 Guidelines on CSR for Public Enterprises ........................................ 373 8.2.3 CSR Budgetary Allocations for this Project ...................................... 374 8.3 Environmental Training ..................................................................... 374 8.3.1 Training Module .......................................................................... 375 CHAPTER 9 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ............. 378 9.1 Pre-Construction Phase ..................................................................... 378 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City 9.2 Construction Phase ........................................................................... 378 9.2.1 Water Quality ............................................................................. 379 9.2.2 Air Quality .................................................................................. 379 9.2.3 Noise ......................................................................................... 379 9.2.4 Soil Quality ................................................................................. 379 9.2.5 Workers health and safety ............................................................ 379 9.3 Operation Phase ............................................................................... 380 9.4 Establishment of an Environment Management Cell .............................. 381 9.5 Implementation of EMP by Third party/ Project Management Consultant .. 381 CHAPTER 10 ENVIRONMENTAL COST ESTIMATES ............... 384 10.1 Budget for EMP Implementation ........................................................ 384 CHAPTER 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 396 CHAPTER 12 DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANT ENGAGED ....... 397 REFERENCES ...................................................................... 398 ANNEXURE -I...................................................................... 399 ANNEXURE -II .................................................................... 400 ANNEXURE III Environmental Baseline Map of 10 Priority Roads is attached separately.............................................. 402 Annexure – IV .................................................................... 403 ANNEXURE -V ..................................................................... 436 ANNEXURE -VI ................................................................... 437 ANNEXURE VII ................................................................... 451 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City List of Tables Table 2-1: Classification of Different types of roads ..............................................29 Table 2-2: Details of the proposed road network under ASCCDP ...........................30 Table 2-3: Packages of the Proposed 10 Priority Roads .........................................34 Table 2-4: General features of the Proposed 10 Priority Roads .............................34 Table 2-5: Environmental setting within sub-project influence area (10 km radius) ..............................................................................................................................39 Table 2-6: Other features of the area ...................................................................40 Table 2-7: Terrain Details ......................................................................................40 Table 2-8: Existing Land Use Distribution for Sub-Project Influence Area .............41 Table 2-9: List of Villages, Areas and Population in the Study Area .......................41 Table 2-10:Traffic volume prediction for the year 2050 .........................................44 Table 2-11: Quantities of Natural Resources required for the proposed roads ......46 Table 3-1: Sources of Secondary Data ...................................................................49 Table 4-1: Applicability of Environmental Regulatory Norms for Urban Roads .......54 Table 4-2: EC conditions pertaining to the proposed Roads ...................................63 Table 5-1: Package wise roads intersecting the villages ........................................68 Table 6-1: Details of Vagu/Stream High Flood Level (HFL) vs Finished Road Level (FRL) of the Proposed roads package wise. ...........................................................79 Table 6-2: Frequency of occurrence of Cyclone and Storms in AP ..........................84 Table 6-3 : Seasons of the study area ....................................................................86 Table 6-4 : Climatological Table for Gannavaram Station (1971 – 2000) ...............87 Table 6-5 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -I ..........................88 Table 6-6 Ambient air quality during study period in Package -I ...........................89 Table 6-7 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -II .........................92 Table 6-8 Ambient air quality during study period in Package -II .........................92 Table 6-9 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -III .......................95 Table 6-10 Ambient air quality during study period in Package -III ......................95 Table 6-11 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -IV .....................98 Table 6-12 Ambient air quality during study period in Package - IV ......................99 Table 6-13: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -V.....................102 Table 6-14: Ambient air quality during study period in Package -V .....................103 Table 6-15 : Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -VI ..................105 Table 6-16 : Ambient air quality during study period in Package -VI ...................106 Table 6-17 Surface water sampling locations in Package -I.................................109 Table 6-18 Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -I ..................................109 Table 6-19 Surface water sampling locations in Package -II ...............................114 Table 6-20 Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -II ................................114 Table 6-21 Surface water sampling locations in Package -III .............................120 Table 6-22 Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -III ...............................121 Table 6-23 Surface water sampling locations in Package -IV ..............................127 Table 6-24 Results of Surface Water Quality in the Package -IV .........................128 Table 6-25: Surface water sampling locations in Package -V ...............................134 Table 6-26: Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -V ................................134 Table 6-27 : Surface water sampling locations in Package -VI ............................140 Table 6-28 : Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -VI .............................141 Table 6-29 Ground Water sampling Locations in Package -I ................................147 Table 6-30 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -I.........................148 Table 6-31 Ground Water sampling Locations in Package -II ..............................153 Table 6-32 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -II .......................154 Table 6-33 Ground Water sampling Locations for Package -III ...........................159 Table 6-34 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -III......................160 Table 6-35 Ground Water sampling Locations for Package -IV ............................165 Table 6-36 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -IV ......................167 Table 6-37: Ground Water Sampling Locations in Package -V ..............................173 Table 6-38 : Ground water quality analysis results for Package – V ....................174 Table 6-39 : Ground Water Sampling Locations in Package -VI ...........................179 Table 6-40 : Ground water quality analysis results for Package - VI ...................181 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Table 6-41 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations in Package -I ............................187 Table 6-42 Noise Quality Status in the Package -I ...............................................188 Table 6-43 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations for Package -II .........................189 Table 6-44 Noise Quality Status in the Package -II .............................................190 Table 6-45 Ambient Noise monitoring Locations in Package -III .........................191 Table 6-46 Noise Quality Monitoring Status in the Package -III ..........................192 Table 6-47 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations in Package -IV ..........................194 Table 6-48 Noise Quality Status in the Package -IV .............................................195 Table 6-49 : Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations in Package -V .........................196 Table 6-50: Noise Quality Status in the Package -V .............................................197 Table 6-51 : Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations for Package -VI ......................198 Table 6-52: Noise Quality Status in the Package -VI............................................198 Table 6-53: National ambient noise level standards ............................................200 Table 6-54 Soil Quality Location for Package -I ...................................................201 Table 6-55 Soil Quality Analysis for Package -I ...................................................201 Table 6-56 Soil Quality Location in Package -II ...................................................202 Table 6-57 Soil Quality Analysis for Package -II ..................................................202 Table 6-58 Soil Quality Location in Package -III .................................................204 Table 6-59 Soil Quality Analysis for Package -III ................................................204 Table 6-60 Soil Quality Location for Package -IV .................................................205 Table 6-61 Soil Quality Analysis in Package -IV...................................................205 Table 6-62: Soil Quality Location for Package -V .................................................207 Table 6-63 : Soil Quality Analysis for Package -V.................................................207 Table 6-64: Soil Quality Location in Package -VI .................................................208 Table 6-65 : Soil Quality Analysis for Package -VI ...............................................208 Table 6-66: Land Utilization Pattern of the Study District (Hectare) ....................209 Table 6-67: Existing Land-use distribution for Sub-Project Influence Area .........210 Table 6-68 Proposed Phase Wise Prime Categorization of the Land Use ..............211 Table 6-69: List of Floral Species Along with Family Names ................................213 Table 6-70: List of Fauna Species along with Family Names and Status as Per IUCN And Wildlife Act Schedules ..................................................................................215 Table 6-71: Summary of identified Cultural & Sensitive Receptors within 100m of Proposed Roads ...................................................................................................216 Table 6-72: Demographic details of the project area ...........................................218 Table 6-73: Literacy rate in the project area .......................................................218 Table 6-74: Work force details in the project area. ..............................................219 Table 6-75: Village wise objections / suggestions on Draft Mater Plan ..............219 Table 6-76:Details of the Public Consultations carried out ..................................221 Table 6-77:Village wise objections and suggestions received during Public Consultations Vs Technical Committee Recommendations ..................................221 Table 7-1 : Avoidance of adverse impacts on environmental resources in 10 Priority Roads roads ............................................................................................231 Table 7-2: List of thermal power stations which fall within 300 Km radius..........234 Table 7-3 : Details of Surplus Earth/ Muck and C&D waste .................................235 Table 7-4: Details of Cross Drainage Structures for the proposed roads – Package I-IV .....................................................................................................................239 Table 7-5 : Details of Cross Drainage Structures for Package V-VI ......................241 Table 7-6 : Details of the Major Water Bodies Abutting the Project Roads...........242 Table 7-7 : Details of Environment Enhancement Measures for water bodies in the proposed roads ....................................................................................................245 Table 7-8: Total FDE from Haulage Roads, Excavation and Loading & Unloading activities ..............................................................................................................246 Table 7-9: Respective Fugitive Dust Emissions due to haulage roads, excavation and loading & unloading activities .......................................................................246 Table 7-10 : Details of trees to be cut in Proposed 10 Roads ...............................248 Table 7-11 : Details of proposed avenue plantation and median plantation in Proposed 10 priority roads. .................................................................................248 Table 7-12 Traffic Management-Potential Risks, Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................................255 Table 7-13 Key Assumptions Made for Different Possible Cases ..........................266 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Table 7-14 Junction wise predicted equivalent Noise levels for year 2050 ..........267 Table 7-15 : Impact Assessment for the Proposed Project (EIA WITHOUT EMP) .271 Table 7-16 : Impact Assessment for the Proposed Project (EIA WITH EMP) .......271 Table 8-1 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package -I ......................................................................................275 Table 8-2 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package 2 .......................................................................................295 Table 8-3 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package 3 .......................................................................................310 Table 8-4 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package 4 (E10+E14+N16) ............................................................328 Table 8-5 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package -V (E6)..............................................................................344 Table 8-6 : EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package -VI ....................................................................................358 Table 8-7: Awareness and Competence Training Module .....................................376 Table 9-1: Construction Stage Monitoring Schedule for Roads in the Project ......380 Table 9-2 : Operational Stage Monitoring Schedule for Roads in the Project .......380 Table 9-3 : Environmental Monitoring Schedule during Construction & Operation Phases .................................................................................................................383 Table 10-1 : Budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items to be covered in BoQs ................................................................................................................385 Table 10-2 : Budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items included in Project Cost .........................................................................................................392 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Table of Figures Figure 2-1: Location Map showing the proposed new capital city ..........................28 Figure 2-2: Proposed road hierarchy matrix ............................................................. Figure 2-3: Proposed Road network for the Capital city area of Amaravati............32 Figure 2-4: Proposed 10 Roads in Capital City area of Amaravati ..........................33 Figure 2-5: TCS for proposed 4-Lane + 2-Lane BRT Sub-arterial road for construction in Filling ................................................................................................................35 Figure 2-6: TCS for proposed 4-Lane + 2-Lane BRT Sub-arterial road for construction in Partial Cutting ...................................................................................................36 Figure 2-7: TCS for proposed 4-Lane Sub-arterial road for construction in Filling .37 Figure 2-8: TCS for proposed 4-Lane Sub-arterial road for construction in Partial Cutting ..................................................................................................................38 Figure 2-9: Terrain in the sub-project influence area ............................................40 Figure 2-10: Photograph showing Thullur and Malkapuram Village .......................42 Figure 2-11: Drainage map of Amaravati Capital City ............................................43 Figure 2-12: Quarry map around Amaravati Capital City .......................................47 Figure 3-1: Flow Chart showing the EIA Methodology ...........................................52 Figure 5-1: Proposed 10 Priority roads network in the capital city of Amaravati ...70 Figure 6-1:Hydro-geology map of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh .......................77 Figure 6-2: Map showing the Vagu/Stream High Flood Level (HFL) vs Finished Road Level (FRL) of 10 Priority Roads ............................................................................83 Figure 6-3 : The Rock cut Cave Temple, Undavalli in the sub-project influence area ..............................................................................................................................85 Figure 6-4 AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru ............89 Figure 6-5 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in the Study Area......90 Figure 6-6 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Study Area .........91 Figure 6-7 AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Malkapuram and Velgapudi .........92 Figure 6-8 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in the Package –II ....94 Figure 6-9 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Package -II ........94 Figure 6-10 AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Venkatapalem and Thullur ........95 Figure 6-11 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in the Package –III 97 Figure 6-12 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Package -III .....97 Figure 6-13 : AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Dondapadu and Navuluru ........99 Figure 6-14 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in Package –IV..101 Figure 6-15 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Package –IV ...101 Figure 6-16: AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Nelapadu and Ananthavaram .103 Figure 6-17 : Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 concentrations in the Study Area ............................................................................................................................104 Figure 6-18 : Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Study Area ....105 Figure 6-19 : AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Kuragullu and Yerrabalem ....105 Figure 6-20: : Graph Showing the PM10 & PM2.5 Concentrations in the Package - VI ........................................................................................................................108 Figure 6-21 : Graph Showing the NO2 & SO2 Concentrations in the Package -VI ..108 Figure 6-22 Surface Water Sample Collected at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru ...........109 Figure 6-23 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package –I ........111 Figure 6-24 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -I .........................................................................................................................111 Figure 6-25 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package -I ............112 Figure 6-26 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -I ...............................112 Figure 6-27Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -I .................113 Figure 6-28 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package -I........113 Figure 6-29 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -I................114 Figure 6-30 Surface Water Sample Collected at Malkapuram and Velagapudi .....114 Figure 6-31 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package –II ......117 Figure 6-32 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -II .......................................................................................................................117 Figure 6-33 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package -II ...........118 Figure 6-34 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -II .............................118 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Figure 6-35 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -II ..............119 Figure 6-36 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package -II ......119 Figure 6-37 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -II ..............120 Figure 6-38 Surface Water Sample Collected at Venkatapalem and Thullur Chakali Tank ....................................................................................................................120 Figure 6-39 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in the Package –III ............................................................................................................................124 Figure 6-40 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -III ......................................................................................................................124 Figure 6-41 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –III ........125 Figure 6-42 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -III ............................125 Figure 6-43 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package –III ............126 Figure 6-44 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package –III ....126 Figure 6-45 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -III.............127 Figure 6-46 Surface Water Sample Collected at Navuluruand and Dondapadu ....127 Figure 6-47 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in the Package –IV 131 Figure 6-48 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package –IV ......................................................................................................................131 Figure 6-49 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –IV ..........132 Figure 6-50 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -IV .............................132 Figure 6-51 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -IV ..............133 Figure 6-52 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package -IV .....133 Figure 6-53 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -IV .............134 Figure 6-54 : Surface Water Sample Collected Pond near Nelapadu ....................134 Figure 6-55 : Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package -V ......137 Figure 6-56 : Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -V ........................................................................................................................137 Figure 6-57: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in the Package -V ........138 Figure 6-58: Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -V .............................138 Figure 6-59: Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -V ..............139 Figure 6-60: Graph Showing the Turbidity values in the Package –V ...................139 Figure 6-61: Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -V ...........................140 Figure 6-62: Surface Water Samples Collected at River Krishna near Lingayapalem and Kuragallu lake ...............................................................................................140 Figure 6-63 : Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package -VI ....144 Figure 6-64: Graph Showing the Sulphate and Chloride Concentrations in Package – VI ........................................................................................................................144 Figure 6-65: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in Package -VI ..............145 Figure 6-66 : Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -VI ...........................145 Figure 6-67 : Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package –VI ...........146 Figure 6-68: Graph Showing the Turbidity values in the Package -VI ..................146 Figure 6-69 : Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -VI .........................147 Figure 6-70 Ground Water Sample Collected at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru ...........148 Figure 6-71 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –I ............150 Figure 6-72 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package –I ........................................................................................................................150 Figure 6-73 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package -I .........151 Figure 6-74 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package -I .....................................................................................................151 Figure 6-75 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package -I .................152 Figure 6-76 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –I ..............................152 Figure 6-77 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -I ................153 Figure 6-78 Ground Water Sample Collected at Malkapuram and Velagapudi ......153 Figure 6-79 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package -II ...........156 Figure 6-80 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -II .......................................................................................................................156 Figure 6-81 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package –II .......157 Figure 6-82 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package –II ...................................................................................................157 Figure 6-83 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package –II ...............158 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Figure 6-84 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –II .............................158 Figure 6-85 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -II ..............159 Figure 6-86 Ground Water Sample Collected at Abbarajupalem and Thullur ........159 Figure 6-87 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –III .........162 Figure 6-88 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -III ......................................................................................................................162 Figure 6-89 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package –III .....163 Figure 6-90 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package –III .................................................................................................163 Figure 6-91 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package –III..............164 Figure 6-92 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –III ...........................164 Figure 6-93 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -III .............165 Figure 6-94 Ground Water Sample Collected at Nekkallu and Dondapadu ...........166 Figure 6-95 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –IV ..........170 Figure 6-96 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package –IV ......................................................................................................................170 Figure 6-97 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package –IV ......171 Figure 6-98 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package –IV ..................................................................................................171 Figure 6-99 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package –IV ..............172 Figure 6-100 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –IV ..........................172 Figure 6-101 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -IV ............173 Figure 6-102 : Ground Water Sample Collected at Ananthavaram and Nelapadu .173 Figure 6-103: Graph Showing the Sulphate and Chloride Concentrations in Package –V ........................................................................................................................176 Figure 6-104: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in Package -V .............176 Figure 6-105: Graph Showing the Hardness and Alkalinity values in the Package –V ............................................................................................................................177 Figure 6-106 : Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –V ..........................177 Figure 6-107 : Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -V ...........178 Figure 6-108: Graph Showing the Fluoride values in the Package -V ...................178 Figure 6-109 : Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -V ........................179 Figure 6-110 : Ground Water Sample Collected at Neerukonda and Kuragullu ....180 Figure 6-111: Graph Showing the Sulphates and Chloride Concentrations in Package –VI ......................................................................................................................184 Figure 6-112: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in Package -VI ............184 Figure 6-113: Graph Showing the Hardness and Alkalinity values in the Package -VI ............................................................................................................................185 Figure 6-114 : Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –VI ........................185 Figure 6-115 : Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -VI ..........186 Figure 6-116: Graph Showing the Fluoride values in the Package –VI .................186 Figure 6-117 : Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -VI .......................187 Figure 6-118 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru .........188 Figure 6-119 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package –I ............189 Figure 6-120 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Malkapuram and Velagapudi ....190 Figure 6-121 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package –II ...........191 Figure 6-122 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Thullur and Abbarajupalem ......192 Figure 6-123 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -III ..........193 Figure 6-124 Noise Quality levels in Commercial Category of Package -III .........194 Figure 6-125 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Dondapadu and Nekkallu .........195 Figure 6-126 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -IV ...........196 Figure 6-127 : Ambient Noise quality sampling at Nelapadu and Ananthavaram .197 Figure 6-128 :Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -V ...........197 Figure 6-129: Ambient Noise quality sampling at Neerukonda and Penumaka ....198 Figure 6-130 :Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -VI ..........199 Figure 6-131 :Noise Quality levels in Industrial Category of Package -VI ............199 Figure 6-132 Soil sampling near Sakhamuru and Nekkallu using Crowbar ..........201 Figure 6-133 Soil sampling near Velagapudi and Malkapuram using Crowbar .....202 Figure 6-134 Soil sampling near Thullur and Abbarajupalem using Crowbar .......204 Figure 6-135 Soil sampling near Dondapadu and Rayapudi using Crowbar .........205 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City Figure 6-136: Soil sampling near Abbarajupalem and Velagapudi using Crowbar ............................................................................................................................207 Figure 6-137: Soil sampling near Nidamarru and Penumaka using Crowbar ........208 Figure 6-138: Proposed Land-use Map ................................................................212 Figure 6-139: Photographs showing stakeholder’s consultation workshop .........228 Figure 7-1 : Areas identified for proposed landfill and tentative Construction & Demolition dump site ..........................................................................................237 Figure 7-2 Predicted Carbon monoxide (CO) Concentration along 10 priority roads for the Year 2050 ................................................................................................261 Figure 7-3: Predicted Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Concentration along 10 priority roads for the Year 2050 ................................................................................................262 Figure 7-4 Predicted PM2.5 along 10 priority roads for the year 2050 ..................263 Figure 7-5 Predicted Concentration of PM10 along 10 priority roads ....................264 Figure 9-1 : Hierarchical structure of Environmental Management Cell ...............381 Figure 9-2 : Organizational Setup During Construction and Operation Phase ......382 Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City List of Abbreviations AAQ Ambient Air Quality ADB Asian Development Bank ADC Amaravati Development Corporation Limited AP Andhra Pradesh AP CRDA Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority APHA American Public Health Association APPCB Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board BA Borrow Area BIS Bureau of Indian Standards BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand BoQ Bill of Quantities BRT Bus Rapid Transit BSI Botanical Survey of India C/L Center Line CBD Central Business District CD Cross Drainage CFE Consent for Establishment CFO Consent for Operation cm Centimeters CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CoI Corridor of Impact CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CPSE Central Public Sector Enterprises CPWD Central Public Works Department CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone CSR Corporate Social Responsibility cu ft/s Cubic Feet/Second Cum Cubic Meters dB Decibel DFID Department for International Development DG Diesel Generator DMP Disaster Management Plan DPR Detailed Project Report DST Department of Science & Technology E East EA Environmental Assessment EC Environment Clearance EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMC Environmental Management Cell EMP Environmental Management Plan Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework FDS Fine Dust Samplers FHWA Federal Highways Administration FRL Finished Road Level GoAP Government of Andhra Pradesh GoI Government of India GW Ground Water Ha Hectares HC Hydro Carbon HFL High Flood Level HPa Hecta Pascals HYDS High Yield Deformed Bars IMD Indian Meteorological Department IRC Indian Road Congress IS Indian Standard ISO International Organization For Standardization JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KCC Krishna Canal Junction railway station code KL Kilo Litres Km Kilometre KWD Krishna Western Delta LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas m Metre MDR Major District Road mm Milli Metre MoEF & CC Ministry Of Environment, Forests And Climate Change MoSRTH Ministry Of Shipping Road Transport And Highways MPN Most Probable Number MW Mega Watts N North NABL National Accreditation Board For Testing And Calibration Laboratories NGOs Non-Governmental Organization NHAI National Highways Authority Of India no. Number NOC No Objection Certificates NOx Nitrogen Oxides NSRCCA Nagarjuna Sagar Right Bank Canal Command NTTPS Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Plant NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units PAP Project Affected People PIA Project Influence Area PM Particulate Matter PM10 Particulate Matter < 10 Micrometre size Preparation of Smart Integrated Environmental Assessment & Infrastructure Master Plan and Detailed Environmental Management Plan for Project Reports for Phase -I 10 Priority Roads – E8, N9, N4, N14, Infrastructure works for/at Amaravati E10, E14, N16, E6, N11, E12 City PM2.5 Particulate Matter < 2.5 Micrometre size ppm Parts Per Million R.D Relative Density R.dom Relative Dominance R.F Reserve Forests R.F Relative Frequency REET Rare Or Endangered Or Endemic Or Threatened RHS Right Hand Side RoW Right Of Way RPM Respirable Particulate Matter RWH Rain Water Harvesting S South s Second SC Scheduled Caste SEIAA State Environment Impact Assessment Authorities SO2 Sulphur Dioxide sq Square ST Scheduled Tribe SW Surface Water SWM Solid Waste Management TCE Tata Consulting Engineers TDS Total Dissolved Solids TIFAC Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council ToR Term of Reference URDPFI Urban and Regional Development Plan Formulation and Implementation Guidelines VGTM UDA Vijayawada Guntur Tenali Mangalagiri Urban Development Authority W West ZSI Zoological Survey Of India Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0.0 INTRODUCTION Road projects are generally undertaken to improve the economic and social welfare of the people. At the same time, they may also create an adverse impact on the surrounding environment. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has envisaged the development of World Class People's Capital of Andhra Pradesh which is being located in between the cities of Vijayawada and Guntur. APCRDA has plans to develop World Class integrated transport infrastructure systems with facilities for seamless travel in line with rapid urbanization for the Amaravati Capital City. A grid network is proposed for the new Amaravati Capital city and it is classified based on functions & capabilities. The different types of roads proposed are major arterial roads, arterial roads, sub-arterial roads and collector roads. Road network length of major arterial roads are 44 km, arterial roads are 107 km, sub-arterial roads are 145 km, collector roads are 277 km and internal roads are 1100 km. Among the proposed road network, 10 priority roads are of primary interest and the EIA report is prepared package wise for the proposed roads. Roads developmental activities will have an adverse effect on the neighboring Environment of the proposed project. Hence, these activities required to be well planned and should consider the environmental impacts. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a technique which is necessary for identification, quantification and assessment of potential environmental impacts. Assessment of these impacts should commence early in the planning process of the project to enable full consideration of alternatives and to avoid later delays and complications in the proposed project. The environmental impact study is a part of the Detailed Project Report of the total roads prepared for the World Bank. The MoEF&CC, Government of India, Notification of 14 th September 2006 and its amendment enlist projects in Schedule that proposed Green Field Capital of Amaravati has already got Environmental Clearance for the entire project from State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Andhra Pradesh in their vide order no. SEIAA/AP/GTN-151/2015, Dated:09.10.2015. According to MoEF&CC EIA Notification, the sub-arterial roads are neither falling under Category -A or Category -B hence, Environmental Clearance is not required. As per the World Bank Safe Guard policy, the project is classified as Category “A”. However, EIA and EMP report is prepared duly adopting both the National and WB norms (OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment). 0.1 Project Description 0.1.1 Location The proposed road network is predominantly of rural character within the area of proposed capital city area of 217.23 The grid network comprises roads designed and classified based on functions and capabilities. For classification of roads (as prescribed by the Urban and Regional Development Plan Formulation and Implementation Guidelines URDPFI 2014) were identified and used as the major classes of roads in the Master Plan are Major Arterial Roads, Arterial Roads, Sub-arterial, and Collector roads. Based on its classification, the Right of Way (RoW) and Length of the roads proposed in the project are given in Table -0.1. 1 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table -0.1: Classification of Different Types of roads S. No. Type of Road Nos. RoW (m) Length (km) 1 Major Arterial Roads 3 60 44 2 Arterial Roads 17 50 107 3 Sub Arterial Roads 17 50 145 4 Collector Roads - 25 277 Figure -0.1: Location Map Showing the Proposed New Capital City Unclassified roads such as collector, local and access roads are not identified at Master Plan level, however, detailed guidelines for local roads should be prepared by APCRDA to guide developers during development control. The proposed grid network will also be subcategorized based on the level of social interaction, in line with international practice to create streets for people in urban settings. The proposed road network of 10 Priority roads (10 nos.) namely are falling under sub-arterial roads category. 2 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 0.1.2 Project Features The new Capital city, Amaravati is an almost Greenfield site and is, therefore lacking in infrastructure. Major investment in transportation and infrastructure is required in the coming years to prepare the site as the new Capital of Andhra Pradesh. The transportation and infrastructural requirements, planning intention and objectives have been identified in the master plan. This is to guide the future detailed studies that will be conducted to develop detailed transportation and infrastructure plans for the Capital City. These recommendations have been included in the land use master plan to reserve appropriate land space for infrastructure development. The general features, environmental setting within 10 km radius of the project, other features of 10 Priority roads are given in Table -0.2, Table -0.3 & Table -0.4. Table -0.2: General Features of Proposed Roads (10 Roads) Road Type of Length Cost Package TCS No. of structures ID Road (km) (Cr.) Package-I E8 Sub-Arterial 14.955 4-lane + 2 lane BRT 3 Bridges & 17 Culverts 329.20 Package-II N9 Sub-Arterial 13.168 4 lane + 2 lane BRT 2 bridge & 17 Culverts 358.67 N4 Sub-Arterial 7.170 4 lane 2 bridges & 12 Culverts 169.34 Package-III N14 Sub-Arterial 8.272 4 lane 2 bridges & 7 Culverts 152.96 E10 Sub-Arterial 7.814 4 lane 1 Bridge & 14 Culverts 168.29 Package-IV E14 Sub-Arterial 7.360 4 lane 17 Culverts 203.14 N16 Sub-Arterial 8.777 4 lane 1 bridge & 12 Culverts 136.51 Package-V E6 Sub-arterial 9.844 4-lane + 2-lane BRT 4 Bridges & 19 Culverts 161.09 E12 Sub-arterial 6.79 4-lane + 2-lane BRT 1 Bridge & 23 Culverts 217.53 Package-VI N11 Sub-arterial 8.657 4-lane + 2-lane BRT 1 Bridge & 24 Culverts 40.25 Total Length 92.807 Total Cost (Cr.) 1936.98 3 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table – 0.3: Environmental Setting within 10 Km Radius of the Project S. No Particulars Details North East Coordinate- 16º30’30” N, 80º37’ E South West Coordinate-16º29’ N, 80º25’ E North West 1 Latitude and Longitude Coordinate-16º31’ N, 80º22’30” E South East Coordinate-16º24’30” N, 80º34’ E 2 Elevation above Mean Sea Level Varying from 18m to 260m NH16 passing within the boundary of the subproject 3 Nearest Highway influence area (SPIA) 4 Nearest Railway Station Krishna Canal Junction Railway Station near Tadepalli 5 Nearest Airport Gannavaram Airport 22 km, North-East Direction 6 Nearest City Vijayawada, 3 km North-East River Krishna on the northern fringes of the subproject 7 Rivers influence area, 160 m, North-East direction from N4 road 8 Hills/Valleys, Monuments Tadepalli Hills, 1.40 km The Rock Cut Cave Temple, Undavalli, 1650 m, North East 9 Archaeologically important places direction from E10 road No National Park within 10 km radius Reserve Forests (R.F) are as under: Tadepalli R.F, 1.37 km, North-East direction from E12 road Mangalagiri R.F, 2.49 km, South-East direction from E12 10 National Parks/ Forest areas road Karlapudi R.F, 2.3 km, West direction from E8 road Motadaka R.F, 4.71 km, South-West direction from N16 road and Kondapalli R.F, 6.18 km, North direction from N14 road List of major industries in 10 km Dr. Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Plant, 4.10 km North-East 11 radius direction. 12 Wildlife Sanctuary None within 10 km radius 13 Core Biosphere reserve None within 10 km radius 4 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table-0.4: Other Features of the Project S. Parameter (s) Description No 1 Location of Project Amaravati Capital City 2 Terrain Mostly Plain 3 Major Settlement along the Modugulankapalem, Malkapuram, Lingayapalem, Project Stretch Abbarajupalem, Nelapadu, Penumaka, Velagapudi, Venkatapalem, Bethapudi, Neerukonda, Undavalli, Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Krishnayapalem, Thullur, Navuluru, and Dondapadu 4 Rivers/ Streams/ Canals Seasonal streams:Kondaveeti Vagu and Pala Vagu 5 Forest area and Sanctuaries No 6 Length of the Existing Alignment - 7 Existing Carriageway Width - 8 Proposed Carriageway width 14m carriageway with 7m BRT lane (2×2 Lane configuration of 7 m carriageway along with 2 lane BRT) 9 Administrative locations Guntur District 10 State Andhra Pradesh The major requirement of the natural resources such as borrow earth, moorum, aggregates, sand, cement, HYDS bars, bitumen, water etc., for the construction of the 2/4/6-laning of the proposed road infrastructure in the study area. Borrow earth, moorum, sand and aggregate will be taken from operational licensed borrow areas and quarries located allocated for APCRDA by Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP. Steel, cement, bitumen, emulsion etc., would be sourced from authorized vendors. The water will be extracted from the nearest water bodies after getting formal approval from the irrigation department for construction and worker camps purposes. 0.1.3 Need of the project Roads play a significant part in national and regional economies particularly in the development of trade, tourism, and investment. Construction of the proposed 10 roads and its operation are of great significance because they are expected to generate a wide range of economic activities which should help local development and because a wide communication network is generally felt to represent the new capital city of Amaravati. 0.1.4 Cost of the Project The estimated cost of Rs. 1936.98 Crores is envisaged for the 10 Priority roads. Basic Environmental Management Plan (EMP) cost for Rs. 66.98 Crores and EMP cost included as integral part of the project is estimated to be Rs. 108.55 Crores. 0.1.5 Direct and Indirect Benefits: Road widening project can harmonize with the surrounding environment and serve multiple users with the following benefits. • The proposed roads will provide interconnectivity within the newly formed state capital of the Andhra Pradesh State and to the major National and State Highways 5 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of Avenue plants proposed along the roads as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. The Avenue plants proposed to be planted along the Proposed 10 roads are about 88,973 nos. either side of the road. The avenue plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, Nalla tumma, Neem, Veduru, Nagajemudu, Mango, Teku, Maredu etc. The budget allocation for the avenue plantation is Rs. 8.89 Crores. • Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four lane project median will be utilized. The median plantation is proposed in single/quadruple rows and the numbers of species proposed are 60,940 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. The budget allocation for the median plantation is Rs. 2.13 Crores. • There will be improvements of the economic growth in the surrounding places due to establishment of more industries, institutions, MNCs and other organizations. • Will improve the economic and social welfare of nearby people. • Will Increase access to markets, jobs, education, and health services. • Will Reduce transport costs for both freight and passengers. 0.2 Base Line Status of Project Site Secondary data of the project area has been collected from secondary sources like published literature from various government agencies, or institutions on physical, biological and social components of environment. The data were reviewed and verified for establishing existing environmental and ecological status within the project area. Following documents from different sources were consulted for collection of baseline environmental data. The primary baseline information on different environmental components were collected through field survey. Field surveys were carried out on primary information on the major environmental features such as settlement facilities, drainage pattern of the area, forest, trees within RoW of the alignment, water bodies, river crossing, sensitive receptors, etc. and were studied in detail, which helped in identifying areas of concern along the stretch and critical issues. Consultation with the local officials and public were carried out also on the salient environmental features of the project area, etc. Further, primary samples surveys for the environmental components, such as air, surface water, noise and soil quality that are critical in the context of the project were carried out through NABL approved laboratory. The Post-monsoon season monitoring was carried out in the months of October to November 2016. 0.2.1 Air Environment After a preliminary reconnaissance of the subproject influence area and considering the meteorological (predominant wind directions, wind speed) & topographic conditions, proposed traffic volume, major settlements and details on existing industrial activities in the study area, 2,2,4,6,2,4 stations in Package – I,II,III,IV,V and VI respectively were identified for carrying out Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) in the study area. The criteria adopted for selecting the monitoring stations, sampling and analysis was carried out as recommended by IS: 5182 and CPCB. The Air Quality data for the study period were collected at each location on 24 hourly twice in a week for one season as per national guidelines. The parameters selected 6 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 for analyzing ambient air quality status were Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Particulate Matter (PM10 & PM2.5), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbons. Package wise data reveals the findings as described below. Package-I: The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 38.5 – 48.3 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was recorded at Sakhamuru.The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 16.0 – 21.6 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was found at Sakhamuru.The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 4.8 – 5.6 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was found at Sakhamuru.The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 14.2 – 16.1 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was recorded at Sakhamuru.The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards of CPCB / WB-EHS Guidelines. In general, the ambient air quality in the study area is satisfactory and well within the stipulated CPCB Standards. Package II: The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 53.6 – 62.6 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was recorded at Velagapudi.The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 19.8 – 26.0 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was found at Velagapudi.The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 6.0 – 7.8 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was found at Velagapudi.The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 19.5 – 24.2 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was recorded at Velagapudi. The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be slightly exceeding for WB-EHS Guidelines for particulate matter and well within the stipulated CPCB standards for all the parameters. 7 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package III The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 43.4 – 68.3 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was recorded at Krishnayapalem.The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 19.6 – 28.4 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Krishnayapalem.The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 5.0 – 8.0 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Krishnayapalem.The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 16.2 – 24.4 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was recorded at Abbarajupalem.The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be slightly exceeding for WB-EHS guidelines for particulate matter and well within the stipulated CPCB standards for all the parameters. Package IV The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 42.6 – 56.8 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Bethapudi and minimum value was recorded at Nekkallu.The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 18.8 – 24.8 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Penumaka and minimum value was found at Nekkallu.The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 5.0 – 6.5 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Bethapudi and minimum value was found at Nekkallu and Krishnayapalem.The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 15.4 – 18.9 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Krishnayapalem and minimum value was recorded at Nekkallu.The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be slightly exceeding for WB-EHS guidelines for particulate matter and well within the stipulated CPCB standards for all the parameters. Package V The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 40.0 – 45.2 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the 8 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 locations. The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was recorded at Nelapadu.The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 16.2 – 20.17 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was found at Nelapadu.The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 5.1 – 5.9 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was recorded at Nelapadu.The Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) values were observed in the range between 15.3 – 17.2 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was recorded at Nelapadu.The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated CPCB standards/WB-EHS Guidelines for all the locations. Package VI The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 34.6 – 50.3 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Kurugallu and minimum value was recorded at NerukondaThe Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 14.0 – 20.8 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Yerrabalem and minimum value was found at Neerukonda.The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 4.2-6.8 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Kurugallu and minimum value was found at Neerukonda.The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 13.2-19.3 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Kurugallu and minimum value was recorded at Neerukonda.The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated CPCB standards/WB-EHS Guidelines for all the locations. 0.2.2 Water Environment: Surface Water Quality: During the study period, 2,3,7,8,1 and 6 Surface Water samples were collected & analyzed for assessing the water quality in Packages I,II,III,IV,V and VI respectively. Samples were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the study area. Analysis was done for selected physicochemical parameters along with bacteriological indicators of pollution have been used for describing the baseline status of water environment. Package wise surface water quality of the study area is discussed below: 9 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package -I: Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 8.16 – 8.18 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un-objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. Data on chemical characteristics indicated that the total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 130 to 260 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 252 mg/l to 738 mg/l and are well within the limits.The chlorides ranged between 45.0 – 220.0 mg/l and are well within the limits.The Nitrates ranged between 3.4– 6.3 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 16.4 – 76.8 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits.The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30 to 0.50mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit.The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.5 mg/l to 5.4 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes.Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 5 – 24mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents into nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 20-82 mg/l. Package-II: Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.80 – 7.98 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un-objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. Data on chemical characteristics: The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 160 to 700 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values.The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 336 mg/l to 1428 mg/l and are well within the limits.The chlorides ranged between 75.0 – 430.0 mg/l and are well within the limits.The Nitrates ranged between 3.7 – 9.4 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 11.8 – 53.9 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits.The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.60 to 0.80mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit.The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.4mg/l to 4.9 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 14 – 30 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents into nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 48-104 mg/l. 10 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package III Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.28 – 8.16 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un-objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. Data on chemical characteristics: The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 100 to 580 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values.The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 252 mg/l to 1436 mg/l and are within the limits.The chlorides ranged between 12.8 – 485.0 mg/l and are well within the limits.The Nitrates ranged between 3.1– 10.0 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 12.8 – 32.2 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits.The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30 to 0.90mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit.The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.1mg/l to 5.8 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 4.1 – 24 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents into nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 20-82 mg/l. Package IV Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.28 – 8.50 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un-objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. Data on chemical characteristics: The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 140 to 420 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values.The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 292 mg/l to 878 mg/l and are well within the limits.The chlorides ranged between 60 – 220.0 mg/l and are well within the limits.The Nitrates ranged between 4.2– 6.3 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 14.4 – 76.8 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits.The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30 to 0.80mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit.The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.1 mg/l to 5.4 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes.Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 6 – 24.0 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents into nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 30-82 mg/l. 11 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package V Data on physical characteristic indicated a pH value of 7.96 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un-objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. Data on chemical characteristics: The total hardness observed is found to be 160 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values.The total dissolved solids observed to be 448 mg/l and are well within the limits.The chlorides value is found to be 95 mg/l and are well within the limits.The Nitrates concentration is found to be 3.8 mg/l and the Sulphates concentration is found 72.1 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits.The Fluoride concentration is found to be 0.30 mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit.The Dissolved Oxygen is found to be 4.8 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes.Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is found to be 14 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents into nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be 44 mg/l. Package VI Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.20-8.29 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is unobjectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. Data on chemical characteristics: The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 120- 360 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values.The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 234-1186 mg/l and are well within the limits. The chlorides ranged between 65-310 mg/l and are well within the limits. The Nitrates ranged between 3.5-6.9 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 12.3-172.6 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30-0.80 mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.3-5.8 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 4-20 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents into nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 24-64 mg/l. 12 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Ground Water Quality: Ground Water Quality: Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the project corridor for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use hence the rate of extraction of groundwater is at a moderate scale. For assessing the groundwater quality in the study area, 2,2,4,6,2 & 5 samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells. Package wise analytical results are discussed in detail as below: Package -I: Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.18 – 7.90 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 600 to 800 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits and the permissible limits. The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 1527 mg/l to 1802 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l.The chlorides ranged between 320.0-370.0 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l the Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 7.6 – 13.3 mg/l and 257.4 – 291.5 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the permissible limits but within the desirable limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates.The Fluoride values found are in the range of 1.2 – 1.4 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The samples are within the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. Package II: Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.08 – 7.41 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 350 to 920mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits. However, the total hardness values exceeded the permissible limits at Malkapuram. The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 1014 mg/l to 1620 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l.The chlorides ranged between 145.1-210.0 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l.The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 6.3 – 8.8 mg/l and 20.7 – 45.8 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the desirable limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates.The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.80 – 1.1 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The fluoride content in the samples are not exceeding the permissible limit of 13 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1.5mg/l. Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. Package III : Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.28 – 7.78 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 320 to 680 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits. However, the total hardness values exceeded the permissible limits at two sampling locations namely Venkatapalem and Abbarajupalem. The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 954 mg/l to 1714 mg/l as against the desirable limits of 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits of 2000 mg/l.The chlorides ranged between 170.0-410.1 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l.The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 6.3 – 14.5 mg/l and 16.4 – 174.7 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the permissible limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates.The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.80 – 1.30 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The fluoride content in the samples found to be within the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. Package IV : Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.12 – 7.58 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 210 to 940mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits. However, the total hardness values exceeded the permissible limits at three sampling locations namely Penumaka, Navuluru and Bethapudi. The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 930 mg/l to 2868 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l except at Navuluru and Bethapudi.The chlorides ranged between 140.0-740.0 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l.The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 6.3 – 27.1 mg/l and 16.4 – 296.3 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the permissible limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates.The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.60 – 1.80 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The fluoride content in the samples collected at Navuluru and Bethapudi are found to be exceeding the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. 14 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package V : Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.33 - 7.46 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 660 - 1300 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits and the permissible limits. The Total Dissolved Solids are observed to be high and ranged between 1024 - 2488 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l except at Ananthavaram.The chlorides ranged between 160-750 mg/l. All samples are well within permissible limits of 1000 mg/l.The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 19.4-28.9 mg/l and 255.9-621.8 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the permissible limits for Sulphates.The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.6 – 2.1 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The samples are within the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l except at Nelapadu.Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. Package VI: Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.15 – 7.82 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 80- 2600 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the permissible limits at Ainavolu, Lingayapalem and Kurugallu.The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 1024- 10970 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are well within the permissible limits of 2000 mg/l except at Ainavolu and Yerrabalem . TDS is found to be high in all locations. The chlorides ranged between mg/l and are within permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l except at MandadamThe Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 7.6-58.6 mg/l and 21.4-254.3 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the permissible limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates. The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.8-1.80 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. Samples are well within the permissible limit of 1.5 mg/l except at Bethapudi and Yerrabalem. Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. Overall, groundwater quality in the study area is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after pre-treatment. 15 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 0.2.3 Noise Environment: The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring. The analysis of the same is given below: Package -I: There are two residential locations i.e., Nekkallu and Sakhamuru monitored in the Package -I. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 53.5 to 54.1 dB (A) & 45.5 to 46.3 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the CPCB Standards/ WB-EHS Guidelines in all monitored locations. Package-II: There are two residential locations i.e., Malkapuram and Velagapudi monitored in the Package -II. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 43.8 to 53.0 dB (A) & 45.7 to 54.3 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be slightly exceeding night time limits for both CPCB standards/WB-EHS Guidelines. Package III: There are three residential locations i.e., Venkatapalem, Krishnayapalem and Abbarajupalem monitored in the Package -III. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 51.9 to 53.3 dB (A) & 41.7 to 45.1 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits for both CPCB standards/WB-EHS Guidelines. The location Thullur fall under commercial category. The day and night noise levels are observed to be 68.6 dB (A) & 58.1 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 65.0 & 55.0 dB(A) and the noise levels are not found to be well within the limits at Thullur but well within the limits of WB-EHS Guidelines (70.0 & 70.0 dB(A)). This may be due to temporal local activity/commercial activities observed during the study period. Package IV: There are six residential locations i.e., Krishnayapalem, Penumaka, Navuluru, Bethapudi, Nekkallu and Dondapadu monitored in the project study area. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 51.9 to 56.5dB (A) & 41.7 to 46.7 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits of CPCB Standards/WB- EHS Guidelines in all monitored locations except at Dondapadu. This may be due to temporal local activity/commercial activities observed during the study period. Package V: In Package V, all the monitored locations fall under residential category. The daytime noise levels are found to be in the range of 50.2 dB(A) to 51.6 dB(A) and night-time 16 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 noise levels found to be in the range of 43.5 dB(A) to 43.7 dB(A) for residential category. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits for both CPCB standards/WB-EHS Guidelines. Package-VI: In Package V, all the monitored locations fall under residential category except Thullur, which falls under commercial category. The daytime noise levels are found to be in the range of 50.2 dB(A) to 51.6 dB(A) and night-time noise levels found to be in the range of 43.5 dB(A) to 43.7 dB(A) for residential category. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits for both CPCB standards/WB-EHS Guidelines. 0.2.4 Land Environment For land environment 2,2,4,6,2 & 5 numbers of soil samples were collected from different villages falling in the study area to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil for Package I,II,III,IV,V and VI respectively. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any, and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Package-I The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.99 – 8.02. If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples, EC is found to be in the range between 166 – 466 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 498 – 536 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 44 – 62 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 234 – 252 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Overall, the soil quality in the study area is found to be satisfactory and fit for plantation. Package-II The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 8.02 – 8.14. If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples, EC is found to be in the range between 316 – 398 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 546 – 612 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 46 – 54 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 228 – 264 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Overall, the soil quality in the study area is found to be satisfactory and fit for plantation. 17 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package-III The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.98 – 8.12. If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples, EC is found to be in the range between 124 – 866 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 456 – 596 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 47 – 66 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 239 – 264 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Package IV The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.98 – 8.12. If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples, EC is found to be in the range between 124 – 866 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 456 – 596 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 47 – 66 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 239 – 264 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Package V : The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 8.09-8.14. If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples, EC is found to be in the range between 105 - 248 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 528 - 544 Kg/ha, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 54-68 Kg/ha, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 244-268 Kg/ha, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Package VI: The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.96-8.14. If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples, EC is found to be in the range between 90-158 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 528 - 548 Kg/ha, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 44-58 Kg/ha, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 228-266 Kg/ha, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. 0.2.5 Biological Environment Land use: Project area general terrain condition is plain, hilly near the Rock Cut Cave Temple, Undavalli and near Ananthavaram village area and gently sloping towards of Krishna river basin area. The project area covered by Amaravati capital city is 217.23 18 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 sq km. About 75% land is developable, 2% of hills, 8% of Islands, 7% Village settlements, 6% of water bodies and 2% of River Krishna and rest is others. The proposed landuse is 25.7% primary green spaces, 20.7% rivers/streams/farm ponds, 8.8% of roads, 9.0% village settlements, 14.5% of residential/commercial, 7% industries, rest is others. There is no forest area present well within the corridor of impact and no rare and endangered species are present well within 10Kms radius of study area. Flora & Fauna: The proposed project of construction of roads in Capital City is passing through plain terrain and occasionally rolling terrain. The major crops grown in the sub- project influence area are paddy, chilli, cotton, red gram, black gram, among pulses, cereals like jowar and maize, sorghum, jute, fodder grass, subabul and commercial crops like turmeric. Whereas in the sub-project area no cultivation is envisaged. Faunal species like Common Mongoose, Squirrel, Indian Hare, Monkeys etc. are found in the study area. Some of the most common birds found in the project includes Doves, Yellow-throated sparrow, Maina, Bulbul, Jungle fowl etc. 0.3 Identification and Prediction of Impacts This section summarizes the pollution potential of the proposed road project and its possible impact on the surrounding environment during construction and operational phases. 0.3.1 Impact on Land Environment An engineering design of the road is prepared incorporating all environmental safeguards as per WB Environmental guidelines for highway projects. Design of roads is strategically carried out to ensure minimal negative impact on environment. About 1743 nos of trees & 78 nos of farm ponds are avoided from the corridor of impact in the proposed roads. However, there are a total of 39 nos of farm ponds whose lost water spread area of about 17.65 acres is lost and 849 nos. of trees are falling under the proposed alignments of 10 Priority Roads. Apart from these, there are no groundwater sources and cultural properties in corridor of impact. The estimated construction & demolition (C&D) waste and muck generated from 10 priority roads are given below : Road C&D (m3) Muck (m3) E8 1895 655470.54 N9 121.29 511576.3 N4 62.04 264308.03 N14 1769 365590.71 E10 0 390988.9 E14 474.15 366528.74 N16 0 438391.33 E6 686.28102 1093818.23 N11 70.79973 400716.97 E8 34.10999 344801 The total cost for the disposal of the C&D and muck is estimated to be Rs. 40.63 Cr and provision for the same is made in the EMP. 19 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 0.3.2 Impact on Air Quality Road construction will involve earth excavation, backfilling and concreting. Impacts on air during the construction phase could be due to earth excavation, backfilling and transportation of construction materials, D.G sets which may lead to rise in air pollution. It is estimated that a total reduction of 18731078.52 Tonnes/year of PM10 and 41624618.93 Tonnes/year of PM100 in fugitive dust emissions from haulage roads, excavation and loading & unloading activities during construction phase of 10 Priority Roads with an effective implementation of EMP throughout the construction phase. However, the impact on ambient air quality will not be significant, since the dust and gases generated is confined to the proposed area and as it will be taken care of by adopting suitable control measures as described in EMP. Also, this impact is localized. During operation phase, significant negative impact on the ambient air quality is envisaged due to increase of traffic in the Greenfield area. CALRoads (US EPA Preferred / recommended model) is an air quality model used to predict pollutant concentration near urban roads/ highways. Model requires source strength, meteorology and site geometry, the model can predict pollutant concentrations for receptors located within 500m of the roadway. The model runs based on crosswind Finite Line Source Gaussian formulation and the thermal turbulence created by hot vehicle exhaust & mechanical turbulence created by moving vehicles. The predicted air quality results and isopleths are given in impact assessment chapter. All the predicted values found to be well within the stipulated CPCB Standards for PM 10, NO2 & CO for the year 2050 in most of the locations. 0.3.3 Impact on Water Quality To prevent accumulation of water by the roadside, adequate cross drainage (CD) structures in the form of culverts with adequate discharge and drainage along the road capacity will be constructed. During reconstruction of old cross drainage structures and construction of new ones, diversion is required to aid uninterrupted movement of traffic. Material will not be put in the drainage to avoid blockage and prevent the erosion. This will help in protecting the aquatic ecology. There are 17 bridges (proposed) and 162 box/pipe culverts (proposed) operated for adequate discharge of cross drainage in the project. No permanent impact is anticipated on water quality due to the project. Construction activities may temporarily deteriorate surface water quality in terms of increased turbidity as well as oil and grease. The mitigation measures to protect the water quality include proper disposal of water and other liquid wastes arising from construction. Also, stream courses and drains will be kept free from dumping of solid wastes and earth material. River/Lakes/Farm ponds Abutting/Falling in the project: River Krishna is flowing in the study area from NW to SE of the project location. There are 74 nos. of farm ponds/ streams/canal abutting close to the 10 Priority roads. River Krishna is a perennial river, major streams such as Kondaveeti vagu & Pala vagu are having low-flow regime during March – July whereas farm ponds and lakes are dry between March – July. There are 39 nos of farm ponds falling within the corridor of impact. The lost water spread area on account farm ponds works out to be about 17.65 acres. Enhancement of equivalent water spread area is proposed in the streams, canals, vagus of sub- project influence area viz., Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other streams etc. 20 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The farm ponds/ lakes falling in the corridor of impact and sub-project influence area are mostly developed for meeting the agricultural needs of the villagers. These farm ponds/ lakes, canals & streams and River Krishna are having very common aquatic flora & fauna. Avia fauna are also found to be common species as identified in the Chapter -6. There are no migratory, rare, endangered and threatened species identified in the farm ponds falling under the proposed alignments of project. However, due importance will be given to the ecological habitat during improvement or rehabilitation of Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu and other streams. Population of local fauna is very minimal & translocation is not feasible. 0.3.4 Impact on Noise Quality The impact of noise levels from the project on the neighboring communities would be anticipated with the increase in vehicles and vary with vehicles speed. The increased noise level is attenuated by vegetative noise barriers (two rows of plants) in all the sensitive receptor areas as identified in Table 6.71. The major sources for noise pollution during construction will be movement of vehicles transporting the construction material to the construction yard and the noise generating activities at the yard itself. The construction equipment with high noise levels, loading and transportation of material near the borrow areas will affect the construction personnel and other humans in the area. During operation phase, prediction of noise model under diverse traffic conditions in newly formed Andhra Pradesh State capital of Amaravati is really a challenging task as there is no traffic exists on the road. The noise model showed better results than earlier developed noise model for Indian traffic conditions and it was developed by Environmental Systems Design Modeling Division, CSIR National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. The model has been developed to calculate equivalent traffic noise based on four input variables i.e. equivalent traffic flow (Qe), equivalent vehicle speed (Se) and distance (d) and honking (h). The traffic data is predicted and statistically analyzed peak hour (morning & evening rush hours) for the ultimate year 2050. The package wise assessment of noise levels is given in impact assessment chapter. Overall the predicted values found to be well matching with the similar density of population of India. The impact of noise levels from the project on the neighboring communities would be anticipated with the increase in vehicles and vary with vehicles speed. The increased noise level is attenuated by vegetative noise barriers (two rows of plants) in all the sensitive receptor areas as identified in Table 6.71. The major sources for noise pollution during construction will be movement of vehicles transporting the construction material to the construction yard and the noise generating activities at the yard itself. The construction equipment with high noise levels, loading and transportation of material near the borrow areas will affect the construction personnel and other humans in the area. 0.3.5 Socio-Economic Environment The following positive impacts are anticipated on the socio-economic environment during the project construction and operation phases. Several marginal activities and jobs would be available to the locals in the project. The project will provide livelihood opportunities during construction phase. The project will provide improvements in road network leading to improved socio economic status of the study area. The land prices are anticipated to rise. Increasing access to markets, investments, jobs, education, and health services. 21 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 0.3.6 Impact on Land and Soil Quality Construction of 4 lane/ 4 lane + 2 lane BRT road with urban roads norms may lead to a change in the land use pattern of areas adjacent to the road. The existing land adjacent to the road at present is mostly of barren and very partially agricultural use, Government of AP has already collected about 98% Capital City area under Land Pooling Scheme for the development of People’s Capital of Andhra Pradesh. The project corridor lies mostly in plain and thus, no disfiguration of land is envisaged due to construction activities except for the opening of borrow pits. 0.4 Environmental Management Plan Based on the detailed evaluation of the likely impacts on various environmental parameters, an environmental management plan is prepared. The mitigative measures for minimization of adverse impacts, green belt development/plantation program have been incorporated in the chapter on environmental management plan. Post-project Monitoring and analysis shall be carried out as described in the EIA report. The frequency, methodology of sampling and testing for various pollutants specified by CPCB/APPCB will be followed. This plan also specifies the organizational requirements and institutional strengthening necessary for sound environmental management of the project. The major components of the EMP are: 1. EMP Implementing Agency 2. Monitoring of the EMP implementation 3. Training on Environmental management 4. Budget for EMP implementation ADC/APCRDA will establish an Environmental Management Cell (EMC) to supervise and implement the mitigation measures as documented in the EMP. This EMC must also be adequately empowered to discharge the responsibilities as outlined in the EMP. To ensure smooth implementation of EMP the project proponent will have to collaborate with various government agencies like Public Works Department, Revenue Department, State Pollution Control Board, State Forest Department, Police Department and other allied departments. The EMC constituted by the APCRDA/ADC shall be the prime agency for monitoring all the activities during both the phases. Contractor will implement the day to day environmental monitoring, mitigation & management activities whereas; PMC will take care about the supervision of the day to day monitoring of environmental works. The Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC shall review & supervise all activities are monitored as per EMP. In addition to implementing and monitoring different environmental attributes, EMC shall also be actively involved in imparting training and raising environmental awareness level of Contractors and the construction staff so as to enable them to take the environmental aspects into consideration as and when required. 0.5 Costs towards Implementation of Environment Management Plan The design and construction of the project involves several items such as sprinkling on haulage roads, muck/debris disposal, plantation, erosion prevention, rehabilitation of Borrow areas, safety signage, etc., which are included in the contractor cost. Only those items that are not covered under the budget for construction are shown in the EMP implementation budget. The Budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items to be covered in BoQs works out to be 22 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Rs. 66.98 Crores and the budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items included in Project Cost works out to be Rs. 108.55 Crores. 0.6 Disclosure of EA & EMP Report Draft EA & EMP report was prepared and disclosed on APCRDA website on 4th March 2017, subsequently advertised both in leading Telugu and English daily Newspapers inviting public, NGO’s and other interested groups for public consultation workshop, and the same was held on 4th April 2017. Additional time was announced for submission of suggestions on the EA & EMP report by Email, post or by hand (none received). Additional public consultations were held at seven distributed villages from 19th to 22nd July 2017. The latest EA and EMP report was prepared duly incorporating all the minutes of meeting of public consultations/workshop and The World Bank comments issued in the month of June 2017. This report will be disclosed and once again presented at the proposed public consultation meeting to be held in the last week of August 2017. Upon receiving the comments if any, the final EA & EMP report will be delivered. 23 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Road projects are generally undertaken to improve the economic and social welfare of the people. At the same time, they may also create an adverse impact on the surrounding environment. People and property in the direct path of the road works are affected. The environmental impact of road projects include damage to sensitive Eco-systems, soil erosion, changes to drainage pattern and thereby groundwater, interference with animal and plant life, loss of productive agricultural lands, resettlement of people, disruption of local economic activities, demographic changes, accelerated urbanization and increase in air pollution. Road development and operation should, therefore, be planned with careful consideration of the environmental impact. To minimize these adverse effects that may be created by urban road development projects, the techniques of EIA become necessary. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has envisaged the development of World Class People's Capital of Andhra Pradesh which is being located in between the cities of Vijayawada and Guntur. The Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (AP CRDA) comprises parts of Krishna and Guntur districts in Andhra Pradesh state. The AP CRDA is constituted through Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Act, 2014 replacing Vijayawada Guntur Tenali Mangalagiri Urban Development Authority (VGTM UDA). The Capital Region covers broadly an area of about 8352.69 km2 from 56 mandals is the largest urban development region in the country. It includes 30 mandals from Krishna and 26 mandals from Guntur District. The region also includes the capital city of Andhra Pradesh state scheduled to develop in an approximate extent of 217 km2. In view of this, Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (AP CRDA) was enacted by Government of Andhra Pradesh by AP CRDA Act, 2014. The proposed capital city is being developed with ‘state-of-the-art’ infrastructure including world class roads, water supply facilities, administrative and institutional complexes, drainage, sanitation, Solid Waste Management (SWM) facilities, river front development etc., among others. APCRDA intends to prepare a Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master plan & Detailed Project Reports for Phase -I Infrastructure works for / at Amaravati Capital City. Under this project, a detailed Infrastructure Master plan consisting of individual master plans for transport, water, energy, ICT, landscapes, fire, disaster management. As a part of the sub-project design of the transport, APCRDA has plans to develop World Class integrated transport infrastructure systems with facilities for seamless travel in line with rapid urbanization for the Amaravati Capital City. A grid network is proposed for the new Amaravati Capital city and it is classified based on functions & capabilities. The different types of roads proposed are major arterial roads, arterial roads, sub-arterial roads, collector roads and internal roads. Road network length of major arterial roads is 44 km, arterial roads is 107 km, sub- arterial roads is 145 km, collector roads is 277 km and internal roads is 1100 km. Among the proposed road network, 10 Priority roads namely E8, N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 and E12 are of primary interest and the EIA report is prepared package wise for 10 Priority roads. The Urban Roads developmental activities effect adversely on the neighboring Environment of the proposed project. Hence, these activities required to be well 24 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 planned and should consider the environmental impacts. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a technique which is necessary for identification, quantification and assessment of potential environmental impacts. Assessment of these impacts should commence early in the planning process of the project to enable full consideration of alternatives and to avoid later delays and complications in the proposed project. 1.1 Objectives The major objective of this study is to establish present environmental condition along the project corridor through available data / information supported by field studies to evaluate the impacts on relevant environmental attributes due to the construction & operation of the proposed project; to recommend adequate mitigation measures to minimize / reduce adverse impacts and to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for timely implementation of the mitigation measures to ensure that the project will result in a high quality and safe road to users in a sustainable and environment-friendly manner. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study basically includes: • Establishment of the present environmental scenario; • Study of the specific activities related to the project; • Evaluation of the potential environmental impacts; • Undertake an analysis of alternatives by bringing in environmental considerations into the upstream stages of sub-project planning and design; • Preparation of Environmental Management Plan that specifies the measures to mitigate adverse impacts and enhance positive impacts of the sub- project on the environment, along with the monitoring, capacity building and institutional arrangements. 1.2 Scope of the Study The scope of the environmental report is given below: • An environmental screening and categorization framework for the proposed project to identify the environmental analysis and planning aspects of the project as per MoEF & CC EIA guidelines, 2006 & subsequent amendments thereof/ Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP) Environmental & Social Management Framework prepared duly considering the WB Guidelines. (Detailed Environmental Screening process is given in Chapter -3). • Review of National /International, state and local environmental regulatory requirements on environmental aspects, including assisting APCRDA /ADC in getting necessary approvals from the funding agencies. • Establishing environmental baseline, covering the specific location of project sites – such as major towns, junctions, existing bypasses, proposed bypasses, forest stretches, proposed quarries, borrow areas, sensitive locations (schools, temples, hospitals, archaeological sites etc.). • Carryout environmental study in the light of baseline conditions and proposed project activities to identify key environmental issues and defining the scope of detailed environmental assessment to be carried out as part of Infrastructure Master plan to APCRDA. During screening, consideration shall be paid to: 25 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 o Location of the project stretch with respect to environmentally sensitive areas, and community concerns. o Volume, nature and technology of construction. The screening process shall include stakeholder consultations. o Conduct environmental analysis of alternatives for urban roads bypasses and provide specific inputs to technical analysis of alternatives. o The objectives of such analysis shall be to minimize environmental impacts and provide specific inputs to feasibility analysis. • Impact assessment and prediction with respect to various environmental attributes i.e., land, air, water, noise, soil, socio-economic, ecological & biodiversity aspects of the project. • Preparation of Implementable Environmental Management Plan with budgetary provisions and suggesting post project monitoring plan. 1.3 Need for Environmental Impact Assessment Urban road developmental activities should be planned and executed after considering the potential environmental impacts. To minimize these adverse impacts that may be created by urban road development projects, the techniques of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) become necessary. Identification and assessment of potential environmental impacts should be an integral part of the project life cycle. It should commence early in the planning process of the project to enable a full consideration of alternatives and to avoid later delays and complications. 1.4 Project Proponent The Government has enacted Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (AP CRDA) Act 2014 (Act No. 11 of 2014) and it got assent of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh on 29-12-2014 and it came into force w.e.f 30-12- 2014. Section 3 of the Act enables the State Government to declare by Notification the “Capital Region” and “Capital City Area” for the State of Andhra Pradesh. Section-4 of the Act enables establishment of Capital Region Development Authority for planning, co-ordination, execution, supervision, financing, funding and for promoting and securing the planned development of the Capital Region and Capital city area for the state of Andhra Pradesh and for managing and supervising urban services in the new capital area and for the matters ancillary thereto. The Government notified 7068 km2 area for Capital Region vide G.O.Ms.No.253 MA & UD (M2) Department dated 30.12.2014. The Master Plan for Capital city for the area of 217 km2 and the Amaravati Development Corporation (ADC) has been formed for the development and implementation of Capital City Area. The AP CRDA has assigned the “Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan & Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure works for / at Amaravati Capital City” to M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad and M/s. GIIC, China, vide agreement dated 09.09.2016. 26 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1.5 Generic Structure of EIA report In terms of the EIA notification of the MoEF&CC dated 14th September 2006, the generic structure of the EIA document shall be as under: 1. Introduction 2. Project Description 3. Approach & Methodology 4. Environmental Regulatory Framework 5. Analysis of Alternatives (Technology and Site) 6. Description of the Environment 7. Anticipated Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures 8. Environmental Management Plan 9. Environmental Monitoring Plan 10. Environmental Cost Estimates 11. Summary & Conclusions 12. Disclosure of Consultants engaged 27 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.0 Project Location The proposed Amaravati City of Andhra Pradesh falls in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh and on the right bank side of Krishna River. This is covered in 24 revenue villages falling in three mandals namely Thulluru, Tadepalli and Mangalagiri and part of Tadepalli municipality. The site is abutting the River Krishna on the west of Old National Highway from Prakasam Barrage to Y-junction at Mangalagiri. The nearest railway station is Krishna Canal Junction Railway Station near Tadepalli and the nearest airport is at Gannavaram. The existing land use of the site is consisting of – fallow developable land, village settlements and farm ponds etc. The proposed road network is predominantly of urban roads category within the area of proposed capital city area of 217.23 km2. Project location map is given in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1: Location Map showing the proposed new capital city 2.1 Description of the Proposed Project The grid network comprises roads designed and classified based on functions and capabilities. For classification of roads (as prescribed by the Urban and Regional Development Plan Formulation and Implementation Guidelines URDPFI 2014) were identified and used as the major classes of roads in the Master Plan are: Major Arterial Roads, Arterial Roads, Sub-arterial, Collector roads and Internal roads. Based on its classification, the Right of Way (RoW) and Length of the roads proposed in the project are given in Table 2-1. 28 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 2-1: Classification of Different types of roads RoW S. No Type of Road Nos. Length (km) (m) 1 Major Arterial Roads 3 60 44 2 Arterial Roads 17 50 107 3 Sub-arterial Roads 17 50 145 4 Collector Roads - 25 277 5 Internal Roads - 15.6/17 1100 Total length of Road Network 1673 Unclassified roads such as collector, internal, local and access roads are not identified at Master Plan level, however detailed guidelines for local roads should be prepared by APCRDA to guide developers during development control. The proposed grid network will also be sub-categorized based on the level of social interaction, in line with international practice to create streets for people in urban settings. The different type of proposed roads is described below. 2.1.1 Major Arterial Roads • The major arterial roads will provide circulation along the fringe of the city, therefore allowing through-traffic to bypass the Capital city Core. • The downtown road will provide a traffic route from the major arterial road to the CBD • Speeds along major arterial road are generally high to minimize travel time along the major arterial roads • Major Industrial Zones to be located near the major arterial roads. 2.1.2 Arterial and Sub-arterial road network • An arterial and sub-arterial network is developed to ensure mobility between the major areas within the City i.e. CBD, commercial zones, major townships and transport hubs. • The arterial network also serves as the major transit corridors, especially for rapid transit systems. • The sub-arterial network supports the arterial network, and is the primary access to township development zones. • Infrastructure mains are to be located within or adjacent to the arterial network to ensure access to utilities. • Traffic speeds along arterial roads should be maintained at 40-60 kmph. 2.1.3 Collector road network • The collector road network is the main distributor of traffic at neighborhood level. • Access to developments is to be gained from the collector roads. • Access and Local roads are to be connected to the collector road network. • Collector roads are to be generally designed for higher social interaction, and therefore speeds should be limited to no more than 40kmh, depending on context. • Village Roads are to be integrated to the Collector Road network. 29 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The proposed road hierarchy matrix is shown in Figure 2-2 below. Fig 2.2 Proposed Road Hierachy The details of the proposed major road network in Capital City area is given in Figure 2-4. Ten sub-arterial roads as outlined below are proposed to be taken up on priority to facilitate access to maximum number of existing villages as well as institutions and land pooling scheme layouts. LPS schemes layouts that are getting connected are: Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Ainavolu, Penumaka, Navalluru, Buthalpudi, Krishnaiahpalem, Venkataiahpalem, Neerukonda, Velagapudi, Mandadam, Thulluru, Abbarajupalem, Anantavaram, Dondapadu etc. Table 2-2 shows the proposed 10 Roads+08 roads under ASCCDP Project are given below. Table 2-2: Details of the proposed road network under ASCCDP S. Road Chainage Length Geo Co-ordinates Type and RoW No ID (km) (km) From To 10 Priority Roads 16°27'33.43"N 16°27'34.23"N 1 E12 Arterial Road– 50m 0.000 to 6.79 6.79 80°29'57.57"E 80°33'46.77"E 16°28'49.82"N 16°32'41.60"N 2 N16 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 8.777 8.777 80°26'41.04"E 80°26'40.34"E 16°29'9.78"N 16°33'38.82"N 3 N14 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 8.272 8.272 80°27'51.77"E 80°27'51.03"E 16°29'9.08"N 16°29'10.35"N 4 N9 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 13.168 13.168 80°25'14.91"E 80°33'11.03"E 16°27'5.70"N 16°30'47.13"N 5 N4 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to7.170 7.170 80°33'11.47"E 80°33'26.20"E 16°29'49.92"N 16°29'51.17"N 6 E8 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 14.955 14.955 80°25'9.59"E 80°32'50.01"E 16°30'23.89"N 16°30'58.92"N 7 E6 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 9.844 9.844 80°25'49.58"E 80°30'49.04"E 16°28'53.81"N 16°33'35.93"N 8 N11 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 8.657 8.657 80°29'40.52"E 80°29'39.70"E 16°26'30.84"N 16°26'11.87"N 9 E14 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 7.360 7.360 80°29'47.37"E 80°33'47.39"E 16°28'42.29"N 16°29'5.63"N 10 E10 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 7.814 7.814 80°30'13.88"E 80°34'22.04"E 8 Roads (Phase II) 11 E2 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 6.10 6.10 16°32'41.61"N 16°33'18.36"N 80°26'40.37"E 80°29'39.76"E 12 E4 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 15.56 15.56 16°32'7.17"N 16°30'2.77"N 80°26'11.12"E 80°34'21.91"E 30 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Road Chainage Length Geo Co-ordinates Type and RoW No ID (km) (km) From To 13 E15 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 4.07 4.07 16°25'51.32"N 16°25'51.60"N 80°29'43.47"E 80°31'25.07"E 14 N1 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 3.67 3.67 16°28'23.50"N 16°29'49.79"N 80°35'22.94"E 80°35'49.40"E 15 N5 Arterial Road 0.000 to 2.06 2.06 16°25'52.41"N 16°27'0.21"N – 50m 80°32'55.83"E 80°32'55.60"E 16 N2 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 2.13 2.13 16°29'5.24"N 16°30'14.38"N 80°34'22.08"E 80°34'21.99"E 17 N7 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 12.24 12.24 16°25'17.54"N 16°31'48.26"N 80°32'0.70"E 80°32'33.82"E 18 N18 Sub Arterial Road – 50m 0.000 to 2.30 2.30 16°29'8.90"N 16°30'24.26"N 80°25'30.02"E 80°25'29.73"E 31 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-2: Proposed Road network for the Capital city area of Amaravati 32 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-3: Proposed 10 Roads in Capital City area of Amaravati 33 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2.1.4 Proposed Road Elements Road elements for the proposed road cross sections need to cater for all users. In the major arterial roads and arterial roads, the cross-sections should cater for higher vehicular volume, whereas in the sub-arterial and collector roads, emphasis will be given to the public and non-motorized transport users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists, and bus and rapid transit riders. For these purposes, the road widths for the defined roads are set in the master plan. To do this, road design guidelines have been developed for use in the master plan. These guidelines may be further refined based on the local authority’s requirements. The roads are further classified into packages as shown in Table 2-3. The general features of the proposed roads are given in Table 2-4 and Table 2-5. Typical Cross Section for 4-lane sub-arterial road with BRT for construction in filling and partial cutting is given in Figures 2-5 & 2-6 respectively and without BRT for construction in filling and partial cutting is given in Figures 2-7 & 2-8 respectively. Table 2-3: Packages of the Proposed 10 Priority Roads S. No Package Roads 1 Package-I E8 2 Package-II N9 3 Package-III N4,N14 4 Package-IV E10,E14,N16 5 Package-V E6 6 Package-VI N11 & E12 Table 2-4: General features of the Proposed 10 Priority Roads Road Type of Length Cost Package TCS No. of structures ID Road (km) (Cr.) Package-I E8 Sub-Arterial 14.955 4-lane + 2 lane BRT 3 Bridges & 17 Culverts 329.20 Package-II N9 Sub-Arterial 13.168 4 lane + 2 lane BRT 2 bridge & 17 Culverts 358.67 N4 Sub-Arterial 7.170 4 lane 2 bridges & 12 Culverts 169.34 Package-III N14 Sub-Arterial 8.272 4 lane 2 bridges & 7 Culverts 152.96 E10 Sub-Arterial 7.814 4 lane 1 Bridge & 14 Culverts 168.29 Package-IV E14 Sub-Arterial 7.360 4 lane 17 Culverts 203.14 N16 Sub-Arterial 8.777 4 lane 1 bridge & 12 Culverts 136.51 Package-V E6 Sub-arterial 9.844 4-lane + 2-lane BRT 4 Bridges & 19 Culverts 161.09 E12 Sub-arterial 6.790 4-lane + 2-lane BRT 1 Bridge & 23 Culverts 217.53 Package-VI N11 Sub-arterial 8.657 4-lane + 2-lane BRT 1 Bridge & 24 Culverts 40.25 Total Length 92.807 Total Cost (Cr.) 1936.98 34 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-4: TCS for proposed 4-Lane + 2-Lane BRT Sub-arterial road for construction in Filling 35 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-5: TCS for proposed 4-Lane + 2-Lane BRT Sub-arterial road for construction in Partial Cutting 36 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-6: TCS for proposed 4-Lane Sub-arterial road for construction in Filling 37 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-7: TCS for proposed 4-Lane Sub-arterial road for construction in Partial Cutting 38 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2.2 Salient features of the Project Area and influence area The new Capital city, Amaravati is almost a Greenfield site and is therefore lacking in infrastructure. Major investment in transportation and infrastructure is required in the coming years to prepare the site as the new Capital of Andhra Pradesh. The transportation and infrastructural requirements, planning intention and objectives have been identified in the master plan. This is to guide the future detailed studies that will be conducted to develop detailed transportation and infrastructure plans for the Capital City. These recommendations have been included in the land use master plan to reserve appropriate land space for infrastructure development. The environmental setting within 10 km radius of the project and other features are given in Table 2-5 & Table 2-6. Table 2-5: Environmental setting within sub-project influence area (10 km radius) S. Particulars Details No North East Coordinate- 16º30’30” N, 80º37’ E South West Coordinate-16º29’ N, 80º25’ E 1 Latitude and Longitude North West Coordinate-16º31’ N, 80º22’30” E South East Coordinate-16º24’30” N, 80º34’ E 2 Elevation above Mean Sea Level Varying from 18m to 260m NH16 passing within the boundary of the sub- 3 Nearest Highway project influence area (SPIA) Krishna Canal Junction Railway Station near 4 Nearest Railway Station Tadepalli, 1.26 km, East direction from N1 road 5 Nearest Airport Gannavaram Airport 22 km, North-East Directoin 6 Nearest City Vijayawada, 3 km North-East River Krishna on the northern fringes of the sub- 7 Rivers project influence area, 160 m, North-East direction from N4 road Tadepalli Hills, 1.40 km, East direction from N1 8 Hills/Valleys, Monuments road Archaeologically important The Rock cut Cave Temple, Undavalli and fort, 9 places 1650 m, North East direction from E10 road No National Park within 10 km radius Reserve Forests (R.F) are as under: Tadepalli R.F, 1.37 km, North-East direction from E12 road 10 National Parks/ Forest areas Mangalagiri R.F, 2.49 km, South-East direction from E12 road Karlapudi R.F, 2.3 km, West direction from E8 road Motadaka R.F, 4.71 km, South-West direction from N16 road Kondapalli R.F, 6.18 km, North direction from N14 road List of major industries in 10 km Dr. Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Plant, 4.10 km 11 radius North-East direction. 12 Wildlife Sanctuary None within 10 km radius 13 Core Biosphere reserve None within 10 km radius 39 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 2-6: Other features of the area S. Parameter (s) Description No 1 Location of Project Amaravati Capital City 2 Terrain Plain/Rolling Modugulankapalem, Malkapuram, Lingayapalem, Abbarajupalem, Nelapadu, Penumaka, Velagapudi, Major Settlement along the 3 Venkatapalem, Bethapudi, Neerukonda, Undavalli, Project Stretch Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Krishnayapalem, Thullur, Navuluru, and Dondapadu 4 Rivers/ Streams/ Canals Kondaveeti Vagu and Pala Vagu 5 Forest area and Sanctuaries - 6 Length of the Existing Alignment - 7 Existing Carriageway Width - 14m carriageway with 7m BRT lane (2×2 Lane 8 Proposed Carriageway width configuration of 7 m carriageway along with 2 lane BRT) 9 Administrative locations Guntur District 10 State Andhra Pradesh 2.3 Study of existing amenities The study has been conducted to know the existing amenities in the proposed project area. The Chainage wise features like terrain, land-use, nature of soil, location of water bodies, cross drainage structures have been recorded. 2.3.1 Terrain Terrain is classified by the general slope of the project area across the roads alignment. The general topography of the area along the project corridor is a combination of plain and rolling terrain shown in Table 2-7. Figure 2-9 is showing the photographs of the terrain in the sub-project influence area. Table 2-7: Terrain Details Type of Terrain Percentage Plain 98% Rolling 2% Figure 2-8: Terrain in the sub-project influence area (a) (b) 40 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2.3.2 Land Use The proposed 10 priority roads pass through villages like Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Ainavolu, Penumaka, Navalluru, Buthalpudi, Krishnaiahpalem, Venkataiahpalem, Neerukonda, Velagapudi, Mandadam, Thulluru, Abbarajupalem, Anantavaram, Dondapadu etc. Much of adjoining land is developable land and built up sections. There is no forest area involved in construction of the roads project. The type of land use pattern that exists along the project stretch in sub-project influence area is presented in Table 2-8. Table 2-8: Existing Land Use Distribution for Sub-Project Influence Area S. Capital City Proposed roads Land Use No Area (Ha) % Area (Ha) % 1 Developable Land 16302.2 75 419.4 97.6 2 Hills 426.5 2 0.0 0.0 3 Islands 1750.9 8 0.0 0.0 4 Village Settlements 1449.4 7 5.1 1.2 5 Water Bodies 497.5 6 3.1 0.7 6 River 1277.7 2 1.9 0.4 Total 21704.2 100.0 429.6 100 2.3.3 Villages and Towns This Section passes through Modugulankapalem, Malkapuram, Lingayapalem, Abbarajupalem, Nelapadu, Penumaka, Ananthavaram, Velagapudi, Venkatapalem, Bethapudi, Neerukonda and Nidamarru etc. Further there are more number of villages and hamlets with less density along the project stretch and the list of villages, areas and population are given in Table 2-9. The photographs showing the view of the sub-project influence area village is given in Figure 2-10. Table 2-9: List of Villages, Areas and Population in the Study Area S. Area in Mandal Village Population No km2 Lingayapalem including Hamlet 1 1554 Villages of Modugulankapalem 14.49 2 Uddandarayunipalem 1503 3 Malkapuram 1360 4 Velagapudi 8.09 2688 5 Sakamuru 6.58 1218 Thulluru 6 Nekkallu 5.71 1908 7 Dondapadu 1.56 2189 8 Nelapadu 5.74 1028 9 Venkatapalem 11.09 3732 10 Abbarajupalem 490 5.86 11 Borupalem 1190 12 Tadepalli Penumaka 8.85 7918 13 Krishnayapalem 6.34 1560 14 Bethapudi 19.53 6883 Mangalagiri Kuragallu including Hamlet villages 15 14.33 4340 of Neerukonda Total 129.77 49148 41 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-9: Photograph showing Thullur and Malkapuram Village 2.4 Drainage Pattern Capital city area is bound by several natural features mainly the Krishna River and seasonal streams, Kondapalli, Mangalagiri and Tadepalli reserve forest and hills. Existing terrain within the proposed Capital city is flat and gently slopes towards Northeast. All major and minor streams in this area originate either from South, Southwest or West, draining to Northeast and discharge finally in to River Krishna upstream of Prakasam Barrage. Amaravati area is currently protected from the floods within the Krishna River by a flood bund along the right bank of river. A typical drainage map of the Amaravati Capital City Region is given in Figure 2-11. Maps showing the drainage patterns of roads are attached separately in Annexure- I. 42 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-10: Drainage map of Amaravati Capital City 43 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2.5 Traffic Study Analysis An accurate estimate of the traffic that is likely to use the Project road is very important as it forms the basic input in planning, design, operation and financing. Transport Modelling Methodology The traditional four-stage transportation planning process has been adopted for the study. The population and employment projected by “Detailed Master Plan of Capital city - Amaravati” and “Draft Perspective Plan - 2050 for APCRDA region” and the land use plans were the key inputs for the Transport Demand estimation carried out. The model exercise is carried out for different horizon years of 2020, 2025, 2035 and 2050 for establishing the road adequacy and also to identifying the demand corridors. The process includes trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and traffic assignment. Trip generation is the first stage of the travel modelling. The trip generation is used to predict the total number of trips generated and attracted to each zone of the study area. The generated trips from each zone are then distributed to other zones based on the choice of destination. This is called trip distribution which forms the second stage of travel modelling for which Gravity Model was adopted. Modal split is the third stage of the travel demand modelling. It is used to determine the mode chosen by various trips while travelling from one zone to other. Trip assignment is the final stage of transport modelling in which, the determined mode wise trips/vehicles are loaded on to the network. Thus, at the end of the four stages of the modelling process the estimated trips are distributed and assigned on the proposed road network to get link/section wise estimated mode-wise traffic. The overall modelling process was carried out using Cube software, which is a flexible and open platform for transportation and land-use modeling package. It’s a proprietary of Citilabs, Inc., USA. Consultants’ are equipped with the latest version 6.4.2 of Cube software. The traffic figures predicted for the year 2050 at different proposed roads are given in Table 2-10 and the detailed traffic data can be found in Annexure-VII. Table 2-10:Traffic volume prediction for the year 2050 Traffic Range (Total no. of vehicles) Package Road ID: Min Max Package 1 E8 14222 58819 Package 2 N9 5516 26418 N4 15251 61544 Package 3 N14 3801 17673 E10 5287 41029 Package 4 E14 7895 36549 N16 9345 21556 Package 5 E6 9088 36795 N11 2912 18035 Package 6 E12 4257 34433 44 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2.6 Requirement of Natural Resources for the Project The major requirement of the natural resources such as borrow earth, moorum, aggregates, sand, cement, HYDS bars, bitumen, water etc., for the construction of the 2/4/6-laning of the proposed road infrastructure in the sub-project influence area. The quantity of the resources requirement in the project is given in Table 2-10 Borrow earth, moorum, sand and aggregate shall be taken from operational licensed borrow areas and quarries located around nearby areas. Steel, cement, bitumen, emulsion etc., would be sourced from authorized locally available industries/vendors in/around Vijayawada. The water will be extracted from the nearest water bodies after getting formal approval from the concerned department for construction and workers camps purposes. The details of the borrow areas, Metal and Sand quarries in the sub-project influence area are allotted for AP CRDA by the Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP; and the masshaul diagram of the same can be found in Annexure -II. The details of the quarry map around the Amaravati Capital City Area are given in Figure 2-12. The allocation of borrow areas for APCRDA as per the quantities recommended in Table -2.11. List of borrow areas and metal quarries are given in Annexure -II. 45 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 2-11: Quantities of Natural Resources required for the proposed roads S. Construction Quantity (Cum /Tones) No. Material Package -I Package -II Package -III Package -IV Package - Package -VI V E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 N11 E12 1 Borrow Earth (Cum) 6,03,975 5,78,740 4,20,695 3,78,260 4,57,900 3,41,305 3,95,706 324658 287694 239786 2 Moorum - - - - - - - 98 901 1682 3 Aggregates (Cum) 3,68,150 2,97,066 1,46,027 1,67,475 1,62,175 1,43,918 1,70,978 325934 257481 207330 4 Sand (Cum) 29,326 19,662 15,288 14,351 11,633 1,697 11,425 74101 36163 35428 5 Cement (MT) 16,300 11,845 9,455 8,002 7,000 727 6,382 38236 21946 15646 6 HYSD Bars (MT) 3,950 2,837 2,670 2,094 1,750 97 1,236 7982 4285 2768 7 Bitumen (MT) 6,203 5,097 2,000 2,367 2,325 2,118 2,484 4180 3576 2952 8 Emulsion (MT) 569 468 182 214 213 197 226 388 336 278 9 Water (KL) 10,000 8,000 6,500 5,500 4,500 1,000 4,000 91384 81333 67507 46 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 2-11: Quarry map around Amaravati Capital City 47 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 3 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 3.0 Approach and Methodology The approach for the preparation of EIA involves the following steps: A project specific Environmental Assessment study has been carried out for proposed Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan & Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure works for / at Amaravati Capital City in accordance with the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) developed for Roads & Highway Projects guidelines and Operational Manual of World Bank & guidelines of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India. The approach to carry out site specific EIA study was organized in four tasks and is based on the field investigations and reconnaissance surveys in the project area, collection, collation and analysis of secondary data and discussions with key stakeholders on the potential impacts of the project. Information on various environmental components were collected through survey oriented screening, collection of data using questionnaire, monitoring of air, water and soil quality and collection of secondary data. The Screening exercise along the proposed roads pinpointed the environmental constraints. The sensitive receptors identified during the screening exercise were further assessed for their criticality and impacts jointly by teams of environmental specialist, social impact specialist, design engineers and surveyors. The proposed alignment has been examined in detail for any direct, indirect or impact on environmental characteristics during report preparation. A variety of mitigation measures have been included in road design to minimize the adverse effects of road widening on environmental components. During screening, the following screening process was used to assess the extent of potential impacts on different environmental components. The analysis of location of environmental features with respect to the project alignment and extent of identified impacts due to project, reflect that most of the impacts are of low and medium extent and mainly related to construction activities which are mostly temporary in nature. Based on the environmental screening the project is Classified as Category-A project in accordance with World Bank’s Policy (OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment) and therefore it warrants site specific Environmental Impact Assessment. For Environmental Impact Assessment study, the task wise activities undertaken for screening process is presented below: 3.1 Sub-Project Influence Area The direct Corridor of Impact (CoI) has been considered 20m on either side, beyond RoW of all type of the roads. The sub-project influence area (SPIA) is considered as 10 km on either side of the road, for Eco-sensitive areas, such as wildlife sanctuary, national parks, tiger reserves, notified wetlands, elephant corridors, etc. as notified by the MoEF & CC, New Delhi. 3.2 Task 1: Collection of Baseline Environmental Data 3.2.1 Secondary Baseline Data 48 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Secondary data of the project area has been collected from secondary sources like published literature from various government agencies, or institutions on physical, biological and social components of environment. The data were reviewed and verified for establishing existing environmental and ecological status within the project area. Following documents from different sources were consulted for collection of baseline environmental data. The source of secondary data is given in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Sources of Secondary Data S. No Information Source 1 Topo sheets, District Planning Maps etc. Survey of India, GoI. 2 Meteorological Data for the year 1971 to India Meteorological Department, 2000 Gannavaram. 3 Geological Data Geological Survey of India 4 Reserved Forests, Protected Forests Forests Department, GoAP, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Forests Statistics MoEF&CC, New Delhi etc. 5 Land-use Pattern CRDA Master Plan 6 Wetland Atlas MoEF & CC, New Delhi 7 Demographic Profile District Statistics Handbook 8 Census of India Census of India, GoI 3.2.2 Primary Baseline Data The primary baseline information on different environmental components were collected through field survey. Field survey were carried out to collect information on the major environmental features such as settlement facilities, drainage pattern of the area, forest, trees within RoW of the alignment, water bodies, river crossing, sensitive receptors, air, water, noise and soil quality etc. and were studied in detail, which helped in identifying areas of concern along the stretch and critical issues. Consultation with the local officials and public were carried out also on the salient environmental features of the project area, etc. Further primary samples surveys for the environmental components, such as air, surface water, noise and soil characteristics that are critical in the context of the project were carried out. The post-monsoon season monitoring was carried out in the months of October to November, 2016. Ambient Air Quality: Ambient air monitoring stations were established at various locations along the project section accessing the ambient air quality in the project area. The air quality parameters considered for the study included Particulate Matter (PM10), Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and Carbon Monoxide (CO). The criteria for the selection of sampling sites were based on type of activity, residential, commercial, traffic congestion, urban centres, location of sensitive receptors etc. Monitoring was done 20-30 m away from the central line of the existing roads from the villages. 24 hourly monitoring was carried out twice in a week for one season. Water Quality: Grab samples were collected from River Krishna and farm ponds/lakes in the study are of APCRDA to assess the surface water quality in the project area. Ground water samples were collected from handpumps. The water samples were tested for different physico-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, pH, conductivity, TDS, BOD, COD, etc. using standard 49 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 methods (APHA, 1998). Bacteriological quality of the water was tested using the membrane filter method (APHA, 1998). Soil Quality: The composite soil samples were collected from different locations in the study area. They were analyzed for relevant physico-chemical parameters using standard analytical methods (Allen, 1989; Anderson and Ingram, 1993; Rowell, 1994) to assess the soil quality of the area. Noise Level: 24 hourly ambient noise level was measured using noise level meter at various key locations of study area during day and night time. The selection of sampling locations was based on land use & categorization of the study area. The noise levels have been expressed as an equivalent noise level (Leq), which is the measurement of sound pressure level as the logarithmic averaging time. Flora and Fauna Study: A list of all macroscopic plants is prepared based on extensive field survey covering the entire project site or core area. If any species cannot be identified, photos of the plant and plant parts are taken and a field note is prepared on the plant for subsequent identification. Quantitative data on frequency, density, dominance as percent cover etc are noted based on quadrants of 10 x 10 m in case of trees, 2 x 5 m in case of shrubs and 1 x 1 m in case of herbs. Cover is usually estimated by a modified line intercept method where the area occupied by each species is estimated as percentage of total length of a line transect either intercepted or over lain or under laid along with the transect. Data from field study is recorded in the following table. List of plant species found in the Project area Local name or common name Name of plant species Family (if any) Frequency, density and dominance of different species of plants (separate Table for each quadrant and transect will be maintained) Name of plant species Frequency Density as number % cover based on (recorded as + or – per quadrant line transects only) Relative frequency (R.F), relative density (R.D), relative dominance (R.dom) and Importance value indices (IVI) of different species Frequency Density Dominance IVI Name of plant species % R.F % R.D % R.Dom Based on the IVI values, Shannon –Wiener Indices of Diversity was calculated. Shannon – Wiener Indices of Diversity was calculated as the sum of pi value of each species multiplied by ln of pi using the following equation: 50 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Where, pi is calculated by dividing the IVI of a species by the total IVI of all species in the sampled community. 3.3 Task 2: Review of Policies, Regulations and Institutional Arrangements A review of all applicable operational policies / directives of MoEF&CC, State government, the World Bank and environmental laws / regulations in India, were carried out in this task. In addition to the above, the following key environmental regulations / policies in India that may affect / influence the project environment both during preparation and implementation stages were also reviewed. World Bank Safeguards Policies: • OP 4.01: Environmental Assessment • OP 4.04: Natural Habitats • OP 4.36: Forests • OP 4.09: Pest Management • OP 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement • OP 4.10: Indigenous Peoples • OP 4.11: Physical Cultural Resources • OP 4.37: Safety of Dams • OP 7.50: Projects on International Waterways • OP 7.60: Projects in Disputed Areas • Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines Other Indian Rules & Regulation and Polices: • EIA Notification, 2006 and amendment thereafter • Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 • Water (Prevention & Control) Act, 1974 • Air (Prevention & Control) Act 1981 • Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 • Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 • The Motor Vehicle Rule, 1983 • The Explosives Act, 1984 3.4 Task 3: Identification of Potential Environmental Impacts Based on the baseline environmental profile of the project area and proposed improvement and project activities, impacts of the proposed project on various environmental components were identified. The impacts were also analyzed with respect to pre-construction, construction and operation phases and were categorized in terms of magnitude and significance. The environmental impacts identified through the earlier tasks were used in the design formulation process to integrate environmental issues and for identification of suitable mitigation measures. 51 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3.5 Task 4: Preparation of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan Based on the nature and type of environmental impacts anticipated, mitigation measures for preventing / minimizing the same were identified and an Environmental Management Plan has been formulated both for the project execution and operation phases. Monitoring requirements and institutional responsibilities for the implementation of the suggested management plan has also been identified as part of this task. The cost for implementing the proposed environmental mitigation measures has been worked out and presented in the report for necessary budgetary allocations as part of the project cost. The methodology adopted is presented in the form of a Flow chart given in Figure - 3.1. Figure 0-1: Flow Chart showing the EIA Methodology Preliminary Field Visit Data from available Screening & Scoping of the Project sources Adoption of Standard ToR from MoEF&CC Manual/WB Mission issued ToR for EIA & EMP Study Assessment of Alternatives Secondary Assessment of baseline of Data environmental conditions and Collection suggestion on preferred alignment Impacts identification, prediction and suggesting suitable measures and additional studies (DMP) Preparation of Draft EIA & EMP report, disclosure, consultations Comments from World Bank (WB) & Incorporation of Comments and submission of Final EIA & EMP Report 52 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 4.0 Environmental Regulatory Framework The increase of environmental concerns has necessitated appropriate tools to protect the environment. India has developed a comprehensive regulatory framework to address environmental and social concerns in relation to development projects. Its wide-ranging enactments cover almost all major issues that need to be addressed in the course of development of infrastructure from a social and environmental perspective. The following section describes the institutional set-up and key legislation pertaining to environmental issues. 4.1 Institutional Framework The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) to serve as the focal point in the administrative structure for the planning, promotion and coordination of environmental and forestry programs. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has been renamed recently in the year 2014 as Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). The MoEF&CC has overall authority for the administration and implementation of government policies, laws and regulations related to the environment, including conservation, environmental assessment, sustainable development and pollution control. MoEF & CC identifies the need to enact new laws and amend existing environmental legislation when required, to continue to conserve and protect the environment. At the state level, the MoEF & CC authority is implemented by the Department of the Environment, Forests and Science & Technology. In 1976, the 42nd Constitutional Amendment created Article 48A and 51A, placing an obligation on every citizen of the country to attempt to conserve the environment. Thus, several laws related to environmental conservation were passed to strengthen existing legislation. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 is the landmark legislation as it provides for the protection of environment and aims at plugging the loopholes in the other related acts. The Government of India through specific legislation regulates the environmental management system in India. The Ministries / Statutory Bodies responsible for ensuring environmental compliance by project proponents include: • The Ministry of Environment & Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) • Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) • Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) • Department of Environment, Forests and Science & Technology in the States 4.2 Applicability of International, National, State and Local Environmental norms The proposed Road network in the Capital City area is attracting various International, National, State, regional and World Bank environmental laws, rules and regulations. These regulations and rules are helpful in impact mitigation and improvement of the environment. The environmental assessment study will be carried out as per the requirement of the National/State/World Bank environmental guidelines. The applicability of the regulatory norms is given in Table 4-1. 53 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 4-1: Applicability of Environmental Regulatory Norms for Urban Roads Applicability of Project Environmental Laws, Project Remarks Components Policies and Notifications Any act during implementation causing damage to environment As per the Environment (Protection) Act (EP) 1986, The Environment ambient noise levels are to be (Protection) Act, 1986 and maintained as stipulated by the further notifications issued Central Pollution Control Board under this Act. (CPCB) for different categories of areas like, commercial, residential and silence zones, etc., during sub-project construction and operation. Section -3 (2) (iii & iv). Water (Prevention and Applicable to all activities, which Control of Pollution) Cess discharge effluents because of Act, 1977 including Rules process or operations. Section 3 (2) (a) of the Act and Water (Prevention and Cess to the Govt. of India as per • Right of Way Control of Pollution) Act, Table -I & II for consumption of • Land Acquisition 1974 – as amended in water for domestic, commercial • Protected Social 1978 & 1988. and industrial purposes. Forestry throughout the Right of Way Applicable if the project involves Construction (RoW) Forest (Conservation) Act, of Proposed any activities in the reserved • Quarries 1980 – as amended in forests, village forests, protected 10 Roads in 1988. • Borrow Areas forests and other areas as the Capital City area. • Establishment of declared by the state Hot Mix Plants and Government. Forest Conservation Batch Mix Plants Act –Chapter –2.4 and Chapter – • Sensitive Locations 3.0. (Schools, hospitals, etc.) The Ancient Monuments • Archaeological and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, as Not applicable since The Rock cut Sites amended in 2010. Cave Temple, Undavalli is 1650 m, East direction from E10 road Ancient Monuments and (closest 10 Priority road) Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules, 1959. The act prohibits picking, uprooting, damaging, destroying, Wildlife Protection Act, acquiring any specified plant from 1972, amended thereof. any forest land. The Wildlife (Protection) It bans the use of injurious Rules, 1995. substances, chemicals, explosives that may cause injury or endanger any wildlife. A. P. New Sand Policy, The act prohibits in-stream 2016 mining of sand. The maximum sale price of the sand shall be 54 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Applicability of Project Environmental Laws, Project Remarks Components Policies and Notifications G.O.Ms.No.21 Dated: 19- read as Rs.500/- per cubic metre 01-2016 in the State. Read the following: The Government reserves the right to allot any of the specified 1) G.O.Ms.No.19, Ind. & sand bearing area on nomination Com. (M.II) Dept., basis for consumption of sand in Dt.15.01.2016. Government works such as Major Irrigation Projects, Capital Region 2) G.O.Ms.No.20, Ind. & Development and such other Com. (M.II) Dept., Public purposes on payment of Dt.15.01.2016. the Seignior age fees, contribution fund to DMF and MERIT at applicable rates. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification 1991 as Not Applicable amended till January 2011 Materials such as heavy metals, toxic inorganic, oils, emulsions, The Hazardous Wastes spent chemicals and Metal- (Management and finishing wastes emanating Handling) Rules, 1989 and during construction and subsequent amendments operation shall be stored and thereof till date. disposed of as per the Rules. Rule 17, 18 & 19 of the Act. Act enables the people to access legal aid to claim compensation in the event of an accident occurred while handling any hazardous The Public Liability substance. So, insurance needs to Insurance Act, 1991. be taken up by the project implementing agencies or contractors. PLI Act: Act 6 of 1991 as amended by Act 11 of 1992. Ministry of Environment Forests & Climate Change Not Applicable. (MoEF&CC) EIA Notification (New) issued on 14th The EIA Report should be September, 2006 and prepared as per the World Bank subsequent amendments guidelines thereof till date. World Bank Operational Directive and Operational Applicable in preparation of Policies for Environmental Environmental assessment Impact Assessment report, protection of cultural OP:4.01, property, forest clearances etc. OP 4.04: Natural Habitats, OP 4.36: Forests, OP 4.11: Operational Policy on 55 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Applicability of Project Environmental Laws, Project Remarks Components Policies and Notifications cultural property and OP 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement for roads & highways projects. Applicable Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 Under Rule 3(1) & 4 (1) - Clause 2, 3 & 6. Land Acquisition Act 1894 Land Acquisition Act 1989 & RFCTLARR Act, 2013. AP Capital City Land Pooling Scheme New Guidelines, The Andhra Applicable. Pradesh Capital City Amaravati Land Pooling To set out rules for the acquisition Scheme (Formulation and of land by Government. Implementation) Rules, 2015 – Amendment Notification. AP Municipal Administration & Urban Development (CRDA.2) Department G.O.MS.No. 41 Dated: 17-02-2016. Applicable. Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 To enforce urban roads/highway Rules of Road Regulations, codes during construction and 1989 operation. A brief description of relevant laws is given below: EIA Notification, 2006 This is the Indian Government’s Guidelines for environmental impact assessment governing all the development interventions that takes place within the boundaries of India. EIA notification was issued by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) in 2006. Under this EIA Notification, the projects listed in Schedule-1 of the Notification require prior environmental clearance. The objective of the notification is to formulate a transparent, decentralized and efficient regulatory mechanism to: • Incorporate necessary environmental safeguards at planning stage • Involve stakeholders in the public consultation process • Identify developmental projects based on impact potential instead of the investment criteria As per EIA Notification, 2006 and amendment thereafter, the Expansion of State Highway does not require environmental clearance except for the State highways 56 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 expansion project in hilly terrain (above 1000 m above mean sea level) and/or in eco-sensitive areas. As per Hon’ble Supreme Court’s direction, 10 km radius from the boundary of wildlife sanctuary will be considered as eco-sensitive zone till the actual radius of the eco-sensitive zone around the wildlife sanctuary boundary is notified by the state government. The MDR and ODRs do not come in the purview of EIA Notification, 2006. Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980: The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 is a Central Act of Parliament with a view to provide for the conservation of forest and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto. The act extends to the whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Section 2 of the act makes a provision of a prior approval of the Central Government necessary before a State Government or any other authority issues direction for de-reservation of reserved forests (which have been reserved under the Indian Forest Act 1927), use of forest land for non – forest purpose, assigning forest land by way of lease or otherwise to any private person or to any authority, corporation, agency or any other organization not owned, managed or controlled by the government and clear felling of naturally grown trees. The term “forest land” mentioned in Section 2 of the Act refers to reserved forest, protected forest or any area recorded as forest in the government records. Lands which are notified under section4 of the Indian Forest Act would also come within the purview of the Forest Conservation Act 1980. Submission of the proposals seeking approval of the Central Government under section 2 of the Act. - (1) Every user agency, who wants to use any forest land for non-forest purposes shall make his proposal in the appropriate Form appended to these rules, i.e. Form A for proposals seeking first time approval under the Act and Form B for proposals seeking renewal of leases where approval of the Central Government under the Act had already been obtained earlier, to the concerned nodal officer authorized in this behalf by the State Government, along with requisite information and documents, complete in all respects, well in advance of taking up any non-forest activity on the forest land. (2) Every State Government or other authority, after having received the proposal under sub-rule (1) and after being satisfied that the proposal requires prior approval under section 2 of the Act, shall send the proposal to the Central Government in the appropriate forms, within ninety days of the receipt of the proposal from the user agency for proposals seeking first time approval under the Act and within sixty days for proposals seeking renewal of leases where approval of the Central Government under the Act had already been obtained earlier: Provided that all proposals involving clearing naturally grown trees in forest land or portion thereof for the purpose of using it for re-afforestation shall be sent in the form of Working Plan or Management Plan. (3) The proposal referred to in sub-rule (2) above, involving forest land of more than forty hectare shall be sent by the State Government to the Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, with a copy of the proposal (with complete enclosures) to the concerned Regional Office. 57 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 (4) The proposal referred to in sub-rule (2) above, involving forest land up to forty hectares shall be sent to the Chief Conservator of Forests or Conservator of Forests of the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. (5) The proposal referred to in sub-rule (2) above, involving clearing of naturally grown trees in forest land or portion thereof for the purpose of using it for reafforestation shall be sent to the Chief Conservator of Forests or Conservator of Forests of the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Committee to advice on proposals received by the Central Government. - (1) The Central Government shall refer every proposal, complete in all respects, received by it under sub-rule (3) of rule 6 including site inspection report, wherever required, to the Committee for its advice thereon. (2) The Committee shall have due regard to all or any of the following matters while tendering its advice on the proposals referred to it under sub-rule (1), namely: - a. Whether the forests land proposed to be used for non-forest purpose forms part of a nature reserve, national park wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve or forms part of the habitat or any endangered or threatened species of flora and fauna or of an area lying in severely eroded catchment; b. Whether the use of any forest land is for agricultural purposes or for the rehabilitation of persons displaced from their residences by reason of any river valley or hydro-electric project; c. Whether the State Government or the other authority has certified that it has considered all other alternatives and that no other alternatives in the circumstances are feasible and that the required area is the minimum needed for the purpose; and d. Whether the State Government or the other authority undertakes to provide at its cost for the acquisition of land of an equivalent area and afforestation thereof. (3) While tendering the advice, the Committee may also suggest any conditions or restrictions on the use of any forest land for any non-forest purpose, which in its opinion, would minimize adverse environmental impact. Wild Life Protection Act, 1972: The Wildlife Act was passed in 1972 to protect the wildlife and their habitats. The habitat destruction due to agriculture, industries, urbanization and other human activities had led to the erosion of the country’s wildlife. The major activities and provisions in the act can be summed up as follows: 1. It defines the wildlife related terminology. 2. Enactment of an All India Wildlife Protection Act (1972). 3. It provides for the appointment of wildlife advisory Board, Wildlife warden, their powers, duties etc. 4. Becoming a party to the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES, 1976). 5. Launching a “national component of UNESCO’s ‘Man and Biosphere Programme’ (1971). 6. Under the Act, comprehensive listing of endangered wildlife species was done for the first time and prohibition of hunting of the endangered species was mentioned. 58 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 7. Protection to some endangered plants. 8. The Act provides for setting up of National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries etc. 9. The Act provides for the constitution of Central Zoo Authority. 10. There is provision for trade and commerce in some wildlife species with license for sale, possession, transfer etc. 11. The act imposes a ban on the trade or commerce in scheduled animals. 13. It provides for legal powers to officers and punishment to offenders. 14. It provides for captive breeding program for endangered species. Several Conservation Projects for individual endangered species like Lion (1972), Tiger (1973), Crocodile (1974) and Brown antlered Deer (1981) were stated under this Act. The Act is adopted by all states in India except J & K, which has its own Act. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974: The act resulted in the establishment of the Central and State Level Pollution Control Boards whose responsibilities include managing water quality and effluent standards, as well as monitoring water quality, prosecuting offenders and issuing licenses for construction and operation of any facility. This will include generation of liquid effluent during construction of road from civil engineering activities or from domestic activities in workers’ colony. There are specific penalties for violation, which include imprisonment for responsible officials. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981: The act empowers Central and State Pollution Control Boards for managing air quality and emission standards, as well as monitoring air quality, prosecuting offenders and issuing licenses for construction and operation of any facility. Air quality includes noise level standards. There are specific penalties for violation, which include imprisonment for responsible officials. This act has notified National Ambient Air Quality Standard for different regions e.g. Industrial, Residential and Sensitive. Air quality during construction and operation phases will be guided by this specific act. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986: This act was passed as an overall comprehensive act “for protection and improvement of environment” Under this act rules have been specified for discharge/emission of effluents and different standards for environmental quality. These include Ambient Noise Standard, Emission from Motor Vehicles, Mass Emission standard for Petrol Driven Vehicles, General Effluent Standards etc. especially important for road project. Fly ash Notification, 2016: As per the Notification No. S.O. 763 (E), dated 14.09.1999 and its amendment thereafter on 27.08.2003 and notification S.O. 2804 (E) dated 3 rd November 2009 by Ministry of Environment and Forests, it is mandatory to use fly ash within a radius of 300 km of Thermal Power Plant. No agency, person or organization shall within a radius of 300 km of Thermal Power Plant undertake construction or approve design for construction of roads of flyover embankments in contravention of the guidelines/ specification issued by the Indian Road Congress (IRC) as contained in IRC specification No. SP: 58: 2001. Any deviation from this direction can only be agreed to technical reasons if the same is approved by Chief Engineer (Design) or Engineer- in-chief of the concerned agency or organization or on production of certificate of “Pond ash not available” from the Thermal Power Plant(s) located within 100 kilometers of the site construction. This certificate shall be provided by TPP within two working days from the date of making request for fly ash. 59 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Soil required for top or side cover of embankment of roads or flyovers shall be excavated from the embankment site and it is not possible to do so, only the minimum quantity of the soil required for the purpose shall be excavated from soil borrow area. In either case, the topsoil should be kept or stored separately. Voids created due to soil borrow area shall be filled up with ash with proper compaction and covered with top soil kept separately as mentioned above. No agency, person or organization shall within a radius of 100 kilometers of coal or lignite based Thermal Power Plant allow reclamation and compaction of low lying areas with soil. Only Pond ash shall be used for compaction. They shall also ensure that such reclamation and compaction is done in accordance with the bye-laws, regulation and specification laid down by Authorities. All agencies undertaking construction of roads or fly over bridges including Ministry of Shipping Road Transport and Highways (MoSRTH), National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Central Public Works Department (CPWD), State Public Works Department and other State Government Agencies, shall within three months from the 1st day of September 2003 make provision in their documents, schedules of approved materials and rates as well as technical documents; including those related to soil borrow area or pits. Make necessary specifications/guidelines for road or fly over embankments that are not covered by the specification laid down by the Indian Road Congress (IRC). 4.3 World Bank Safeguard Policies Environmental Assessment – OP 4.01 Requirements Operational Policy 4.01 (OP 4.01) is one of the ten safeguard policies of the World Bank, which provides the Environmental Assessment (EA) guidance for the lending operations. The OP 4.01 requires the borrower to screen projects upstream in the project cycle for potential impacts. Thereafter, an appropriate EA approach to assess, minimize, enhance and mitigate potentially adverse impacts is selected depending on nature and scale of project. The EA needs to be integrated in the project development process such that timely measures can be applied to address identified impacts. The policy requires consultation with affected groups and NGOs to recognize community concerns and the need to address the same as part of EA. Cultural Property – OP 4.11 Requirements: The World Bank's Operational Policy Note 4.11 aims at preserving and avoiding the elimination of structures having archaeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historical, religious and unique natural values. Projects that could significantly damage non-replicable cultural properties are declined for funding and the Bank will in turn assist protection and enhancement of cultural properties encountered in the project rather than leaving that protection to chance. Natural Habitats – OP 4.04 Requirements: Operational Policy 4.04 sets out the World Bank's policy on supporting and emphasizing the precautionary approach to natural resource management and ensuring opportunities for environmentally sustainable development. As per this policy, projects that involve significant conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats are not supported by the Bank. Projects involving non-critical habitats are supported if no alternatives are available and if acceptable mitigation measures are in place. 60 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Forests – OP 4.36 Requirements: OP 4.36 sets out specific policy on protection of forests through consideration of forest related impacts of all investment operations, ensuring restrictions for operations affecting critical forest conservation areas, and improving commercial forest practice through use of modern certification systems. The policy requires consultation with local people, the private sector and other stakeholders in forest area. Involuntary Resettlement – OP 4.12: This policy describes Bank policy and procedures on involuntary resettlement as well as the conditions the borrowers are expected to meet in operations involving resettlement. The objective of the Bank's policy is to ensure that populations displaced by a project also benefit from the project and that livelihood and standards of living are improved, or at, least restored to earlier levels. Indigenous People – OP 4.10 Requirements: The World Bank policy on indigenous peoples, OP/BP 4.10, Indigenous Peoples, underscores the need for Borrowers and Bank staff to identify indigenous peoples, consult with them, ensure that they participate in, and benefit from Bank-funded operations in a culturally appropriate way- and that adverse impacts on them are avoided, or where not feasible, minimized or mitigated. As per the World Bank’s Environmental Safeguard policy, the project coordinating entity or implementing institution carries out Environmental Assessment (EA) during the preparation of each proposed sub-project as per country requirements and the requirements of this policy. The Bank appraises and recommends to strengthen the capabilities of the coordinating entity or the implementing institution to (a) screen sub-projects, (b) obtain the necessary expertise to carry out EA, (c) review all findings and results of EA for individual sub-projects, (d) ensure implementation of mitigation measures (including, where applicable, an EMP), and (e) monitor environmental conditions during project implementation. If the Bank is not satisfied that adequate capacity exists for carrying out EA, all Category A sub-projects and, as appropriate, Category B sub-projects including any EA reports are subject to prior review and approval by the Bank. The purpose of conducting an environmental assessment (EA) is to identify environmental and social consequences of the proposed sub-projects or components, to: • Ensure the identification of potential environmental issues and social concerns early in the implementation of a proposed project to incorporate necessary safeguards in project design to prevent potential adverse impacts by determining appropriate mitigation and compensation measures; • Minimize risks and enhance positive impacts/benefits; • Avoid delays and extra costs which may subsequently arise due to unanticipated environmental problems; • Identify the potential for maximizing environmental resources management and socio-economic benefits to local communities within the scope of the subproject. • The EA should cover physical-chemical, biological, socio-economic and cultural issues that are likely to arise during upgrading and widening of roads safety risks and appurtenance structures and associated activities as appropriate. 61 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The World Bank has classified the type of projects into following categories depending on the extent of the impact on environment: (i) Category A: A proposed project is classified as Category A, if it is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented. Such project requires full EIA study. (ii) Category B: A proposed project is classified as Category B if its potential adverse environmental impacts on human populations or environmentally important areas— including wetlands, forests, grasslands, and other natural habitats—are less adverse than those of Category A projects. These impacts are site-specific; few if any of them are irreversible; and in most cases mitigatory measures can be designed more readily than for Category A projects. (iii) Category C: A proposed project is classified as Category C if it is likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. Beyond screening, no further EA action is required for a Category C project. (iv) Category FI: A proposed project is classified as Category FI if it involves investment of Bank funds through a financial intermediary, in subprojects that may result in adverse environmental impacts. Thus, for Category-A project detail Environmental Assessment would be required. For the project requiring Environmental Clearance from the MoEF&CC, detailed Environmental Impact Assessment would be required in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and amended thereafter. For Category-B projects site specific EA is required and a generic environmental management plan (EMP) would be required to be prepared for such project. For Category C projects, no study beyond environmental screening is required. 4.4 Statutory Clearance for Borrow area and Stone quarry Mining of minor minerals such as sand, gravel, clay, marble and other stones will not be allowed in the country without the approval of the Central government. The Hon’ble Supreme Court, vide its order dated 27.02.2012 in I.A.No.12 -13 of 2011 in SLP (C) No.19628-19629 of 2009 titled Deepak Kumar etc. Vs. State of Haryana & Ors. has inter alia ordered that leases of minor mineral including their renewal for an area less than 5 ha be granted by the State / Union Territory only after getting environment clearance (EC) from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). In order to ensure compliance of the aforesaid order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, MoEF&CC issued an OM No.L-11011/47/2011-IA.II(M) dated 18.05.2012 stating inter alia that all mining projects of minor minerals including their renewal, irrespective of the size of the lease would require prior EC and that the projects of minor minerals with lease area less than 5 ha would be treated as Category “B” as defined in EIA Notification, 2006 and will be considered by the respective State Environment Impact Assessment Authorities (SEIAAs) notified by MoEF&CC and following the procedure prescribed under the EIA Notification, 2006. The mining projects having more than 5 Ha of lease area will be categorized as Category A project and will be appraised by Central Committee of MoEF&CC. Regarding the borrow area for ordinary soil, the Contractor should obtain environmental clearance from State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority 62 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 (SEIAA) of MoEF&CC in compl iance to the Supreme Court’s order and MoEF&CC conditions vide their circular no. L-11011/47/2011-IA. II(M) dated 20th June, 2013. If the area of a borrow area is less than 5 Ha, then this will be treated as Category- B-2 Project and will be appraised and approved based of only Form-1. No EIA study will be required for such area. However, if the size of the borrow area is more than 5 Ha then it will be categorized as “Category-B1” and therefore will require EIA study, based on which the SEIAA will give clearance for the same. 4.5 Applicability of Clearances 4.5.1 Environmental Clearance As the sub-project consists of only urban roads it doesn't need to comply with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification issued on 14th September 2006 (amended) by the MOEF, Govt., of India and as per the amended Notification of the MoEF on 22nd August 2013 on Highway projects. However, the proposed roads sub-project needs to get approvals from Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) are i.e., No Objection Certificates (NOC), Consent for Establishment (CFE) and Consent for Operation (CFO) for establishment and operation of Hot mix plants, batch mix plants, quarries etc. during the construction phase of the project. The MoEF&CC, Government of India, Notification of 14th September 2006 and its amendment enlist projects in Schedule that proposed Green Field Capital of Amaravati has already got Environmental Clearance for the entire project from State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Andhra Pradesh in vide order no. SEIAA/AP/GTN-151/2015, Dated:09.10.2015. No specific clearance is required for roads sub-project in the Amaravati Capital City area. According to MoEF&CC, EIA Notification, the sub-arterial roads are neither falling under Category -A nor Category -B hence, Environmental Clearance is not required. As per the World Bank Safe Guard policy, the project is classified as Category “A”. Hence, EIA/EMP report is prepared duly adopting the both national and WB norms. The EC conditions pertaining to the 10 Priority roads are compiled and given in Table -4.2. Table 4-2: EC conditions pertaining to the proposed Roads S. Applicable EC Condition Compliance Remarks No. 1 All roads should have rain water Provided storm water drains Storm water drains drains connected separately to either side of Right of Way included in package the treatment facility of the however they will be zone. (Point -12 of Water taken up as sub- Environment under Specific project subsequently Conditions) 2 Proponent shall ensure 53, 51, 60 & 95 nos. of RWH Pits Section -7.3.13 of EA construction of rain water are proposed either side of the & EMP report harvesting structures and also road at an interval of 500m for promote rain water storage use Package –I, Package –II, system by considering heavy Package –III and Package –IV 38 rains in the area. Proponent shall & 59 nos. of RWH Pits are make these as mandatory by proposed either side of the road incorporating in the Bye-laws of at an interval of 500m for APCRDA & CA (Point -06 of Package -V, Package -VI Water Environment under Specific Conditions) 63 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Applicable EC Condition Compliance Remarks No. 3 The proponent shall give priority 3m Sidewalk, 3m Cycle Track Section -2.2 of EA & for walking, cycling and and 7m BRT are proposed in EMP report integrated public transport Typical Cross Section for 4 – system for laying of the roads Lane + 2 – Lane BRT sub-arterial and usage of cleaner fuels and roads plying of fuel efficient vehicles on the road. (Point -01 of Air Environment under Specific Conditions) 4 The proponent shall ensure that All utility lines including ICT, Section -2.2 of EA & all utility lines (Electricity, Gas, F&I and WS are proposed to EMP report telephone, cable, water supply, be laid below the Sidewalk and sewerage, drainage etc.) shall be Cycle Track segments on either laid below the ground. Duct shall side of the 10 Priority Roads be provided along and across the roads to lay the utility lines. Major truck (water / sewerage) lines are to be laid along the utility corridor. (Point -10 of Air Environment under Specific Conditions). 5 All construction activities by the The project affects about 0.13% Section - proponent should ensure that of water spread area or .02% of the activities do not alter or do the capital city area. not adversely affect the water Enhancement of equivalent bodies and their ecology (Point - water spread area is proposed in 02 of Ecology under Specific the streams, canals, vagus of Conditions). sub-project influence area viz., Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other streams etc. As such the proposed water spread area in the capital city will increase by 197%. 4.5.2 Forest Clearances Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (amended in 1988) enacted by Government of India, restricts the diversion of forests for use of non-forest purposes. As per the Act, State Government requires prior approval of GoI for the use of forest land for non-forest purposes (means the breaking up or clearing of any forest land) or for assigning lease to any private person or agency not controlled by Government. The Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003 issued under this Act, provide specific procedures to be followed for conversion of forest land for non-forest purposes. The forest land conversion will follow the “Guidelines for Divers ion of Forest Lands for Non-Forest Purpose” under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Compensatory afforestation is one of the most important conditions stipulated for diversion of forest land. Cutting of trees in non-forest land, irrespective of land ownership, also requires permission from the State Forest Department. Afforestation to the extent of two trees per each tree felled is mandatory. There are no forest areas involved in the construction of roads in the Amaravati Capital City Area. Hence, no Forest Clearance is required. 64 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 4.5.3 Other Permissions/ Clearances The project implementing agency will ensure the following clearances before initiating the works. • Permission from I& CADD for new and widening cases and to draw water during the construction period. • All the borrow areas, quarries, sand mines proposed to be utilized in the project shall get the permissions from respective departments /owners. • Permission for breaking or shifting of public utilities like sewer lines or water pipe lines from water supply and sewerage boards. • Permission and clearance from electricity board for shifting/ moving of streetlights transformers, electric poles during construction of roads or fly over or pedestrian ways or any other likely sub projects. 65 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives The concept of alternative can be defined as a possible course of action, in place of another, that would meet the same purpose and need. Alternative analysis in EA is designed to bring environmental and social considerations into the “upstream” stages of development planning—project identification and earlier—as well as the later stages of site selection, design and implementation. The alignments of the proposed 10 Priority roads in the Amaravati capital city was finalized in the masterplan stage itself considering techno-economic feasibility and addressing the environmental and social issues of concern. The master plan was prepared and finalised by M/s. Surbana Jurong which was notified on Feb 23, 2016. The summary of the social and environmental considerations in finalization of proposed roads at different levels are as follows. 5.1.Overall Amaravati Master Plan / Land Pooling Scheme (LPS) The overall master-plan combined with the LPS went through multiple rounds of consultations and avoided physical displacement of over 100,000 current residents of 24 villages within the designated Amaravati City area as follows: • By design, LPS minimizes the extent of involuntary resettlement, even within the context of a very large land acquisition scheme (217 km 2) for Amaravati city. LPS allowed landowners to remain in the capital city area by returning to them an urban plot of land in exchange for the agricultural plot they contributed to the pool. The returnable plots are allotted within the same village. LPS has enabled over 100,000 villagers to remain within Amaravati City boundaries and to benefit from the future increases in land value that will result from the development of the capital city. • LPS in the Amaravati area excludes pooling of land within residential areas of the 24 villages located within the perimeter of the new capital city, to minimize as much as possible physical displacement / loss of homes. • Village infrastructure will be upgraded as part of project, to make sure villages have the same standards of infrastructure as the rest of the city. The extent of land acquisition that will be required to carry out infrastructure works within the villages was further minimized as explained below during planning for the roads network as explained below. 5.2.Analyses of alternatives / Social Aspects considered for the roads grid: The analysis of alternatives for the road development of the Amaravati Capital City was undertaken at the development of the Detailed Perspective Plan1 and is useful to understand the ‘with and without project’ scenarios. The existing roads in the Capital Region (that covers 8603.32 including the Amaravati Capital City of 217.23 sq. km) include National Highway (357 km), State Highway (365 km), Major District Road (1822 km), Other District Roads (857 km) and Village Roads (5391 1 Dated 26 December 2016 and disclosed on the website of the APCRDA at 66 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 km). Major district roads, other district roads and village roads currently play a large role in connectivity within the Capital Region. The key issues with this road network, which are likely to get aggravated in the ‘without project’ scenario are: heavy traffic congestion due to insufficient lane capacity; poor road quality and under-funded existing road maintenance leading to deterioration of roads. The project will develop a road hierarchy which is required to address the key issues. The proposed hierarchical road network involves major arterial roads (52 km), seed access road (19 km), arterial roads (94 km), sub-arterial roads (151 km) and collector roads (277 km). • Integration of Villages: The alignments of the roads were finalized considering maximum connectivity to the villages in the Capital City Region viz Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Ainavolu, Penumaka, Navalluru, Buthalpudi, Krishnaiahpalem, Venkataiahpalem, Neerukonda, Velagapudi, Mandadam, Thulluru, Abbarajupalem, Anantavaram, Dondapadu etc. • The alignments of the roads were finalized considering that maximum right of way (RoW) of the roads lies in government owned lands and lands acquired through land pooling scheme. • These roads are also connecting proposed Government Complexes, statup areas, knowledge hubs, recreational hubs, electronic city etc. • The Amaravati Master Plan envisages a grid network of roads for providing both internal connectivity as well as connectivity to highways (NH-5 & NH- 9)/ transport corridors to the wider core & extended regions of AP CRDA. • The roads passing through the existing village settlements in the draft master plan (published December 2015) were affecting a total of around 3578 structures; as a result, the draft master plan was modified after the period of objections/suggestions. The number of affected structures in the settlements were reduced to about 589 in the final master plan (published February 2016) by slightly realigning 5 North-South sub-arterial roads and 2 of East-West sub-arterial roads without affecting the objective of perfectly straight arterial roads as well as a true North alignment for all sub arterial roads within the capital city. • A total of 4740 objections/suggestions were received from various sources such as grama sabhas, e-mail communication, post and by hand. All the objections/ suggestions received were carefully evaluated by a technical committee constituted for this purpose. The major categories of objections/ suggestions related to: 1. Demand for demarcating boundaries of village settlement areas within which land pooling will be exempted with the exception of master plan infrastructure requirements, and 2. Demand to identify the exact survey numbers where lands will be returned in each village and also to avoid locating such returnable residential/ commercial plots on low lying areas especially in villages of Borupalem, Neerukonda, and Navuluru. As per request of people the returnable lands are changed from low lying areas near streams/ water spread areas to other areas. 5.3. Environmental Aspects Considered • Various environmental considerations were taken while fixing the alignments during the masterplan stage. Due care was taken to avoid maximum number of trees and ponds falling in the RoW. There are 67 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 about 1743 nos. of plants and 78 nos. of farm ponds avoided in the corridor of impact of the project in the proposed 10 roads. • As per the Ancient Monuments & Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, as amended in 2010. Due care has been taken during master plan stage by consiering the minimum distance of 200m away from the Rock cut cave temple, Undavalli. Hence, there is no impact on Rock Cut Cave temple is envisaged due to proposed 10 roads project. • Based on historical information and projections carried out there is a concern regarding flooding of parts of the Capital City on account of flash floods in Kondaveeti Vagu. Engineering interventions for flood mitigation are planned to address this issue. Proposed 10 roads Finished Road Levels (FRLs) are compared with proposed High Flood Levels (HFLs) of seasonal streams such as Kondaveeti vagu and Pala vagu. The details of the same are: • The Eastern roads such as E8 & E10 roads are crossing Kondaveeti vagu near Nekkallu & Krishnayapalem. The FRL of E8 is +39.7 to +39.8m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +33.3 to +35.6m. The FRL of E10 is +21.90 to +22.0m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +15.3m. • The Northern roads such as N4, N9, N11, N14 & N16 roads are crossing Kondaveeti vagu & Pala vagu near Krishnayapalem, Neerukonda, Velagapudi, Kondamraju palem, Sakhamuru, Abbaraju palem, Nekkallu and Borupalem. The FRL of N4 Road is +21.30 to +22.0m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +15.3 to +35.6m. The FRL of N9 is +22.00 m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +16.40m. The FRL of N11 is +22.00 m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +16.60m. The FRL of N14 is +23.70 m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +16.70m. The FRL of N16 is +31.30 m whereas the HFL of the vagu is +29.0m. Overall, all the proposed roads are found to be located above proposed HFLs of the Kondaveeti vagu and Pala vagu. Hence, no issue of the flood impact is envisaged in the project. • Ten roads are designed in such a way that there will be a very minimal impact on existing water bodies, rivers etc. Several existing villages are present in the capital city area; Extreme care has been taken during the masterplan stage to avoid the intersection of the road alignment through the villages and minimal damage to existing environment. The various villages which are intersecting with the proposed 10 Priority roads alignment are given in the Table 5-1 Table 5.1: Package wise roads intersecting the villages S. No Package Road ID Name of Intersecting Villages 1 Package -I E8 - 2 Package -II N9 - 3 N4 Venkatapalem Package -III 4 N14 Thulluru, Abbarajupalem 5 E10 - 6 Package -IV E14 Nowluru 7 N16 - 8 Package V E6 Ananthavaram, Thullur 9 E12 - Package-VI 10 N11 Lingayapalem 5.4.Neighborhood adjustments: 68 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The Section 57 of the APCRDA Act provides for making neighborhood adjustments if required in response to feedback, on the ground developments as implementation proceeds. APCRDA is authorized to approve such changes and there is an internal LPS Committee that reviews and approves such changes. The provisions of this section also provide for such adjustments to be also deemed to be part of the final LPS notified through the clause in Section 57 (8), " the notified final land pooling scheme shall be deemed layout development permission by the Authority". 69 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 5-1: Proposed 10 Priority roads network in the capital city of Amaravati 70 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5.5.Project Alternatives Analysis as part of Master Planning Process 1. Unlike standalone infrastructure projects (e.g. roads, drainage etc.), planning of a greenfield project of the scale of the Amaravati Capital City project is a complex, dynamic process, given the large number of parameters (e.g. spatial form, connectivity, land use, density etc.) that need to be considered at different scales (regional, city, neighborhood LPS etc.). While there could be various plan options, these options are part of an iterative, conceptual process, and often do not have the level of granularity to be formalized into “draft” design formats. Once a broad concept has been agreed upon, it is then developed over time into a more detailed draft Master Plan. The draft Master Plan is gazette and subsequently consulted and discussed, and feedback from stakeholders is sought. The final Master Plan is gazetted after various options have been considered, and feedback from stakeholders has been incorporated. Even after a Master Plan is gazetted, it is not permanent and it does not remain static. The Master Plan can undergo a series of changes at the neighborhood level (LPS) through an institutionalized process (e.g. small modifications in land use and road alignments etc.) as priorities change, local conditions evolve, and demands vary. The Master Plan is also likely to be revised at regular intervals (usually about 5-15 years or when the city reaching the full projected Master Plan population), during which more major changes that affect broader areas may take place. 2. Upstream and downstream considerations pertaining to social and environmental concerns were a key part of the development process of the Amaravati Master Plan, as will be shown below. Moreover, environmental and social considerations helped frame the options that could be built into the Master Plan. 5.6.Master Planning process 3. Design alternatives for the Amaravati Capital City Development were deliberated and built in as part of the process of developing the city’s Master Plan during: (i) the early stages of developing the Concept Plan; (ii) during the development of the Master Plan and (iii) during the implementation of the Master Plan (post-gazette). They were either incorporated as part of the design process, or as part of the feedback/consultation processes. 4. The Master Plan was developed as part of a Government-to-Government agreement between GoAP and the Government of Singapore. A MOU between the two governments was signed in December 2014, the objective of which was to prepare the Capital City Master Plan. Subsequently, Surbana, a private firm (formally the Housing and Development Board of the Government of Singapore) was tasked to develop a concept Plan (July 2015), which was detailed into a draft Master Plan (December 2015) and subsequently into a notified Master Plan for Amaravati (February 2016). Surbana’s expert ise in planning stems from the company’s experience in the design of housing estates and townships in Singapore. The methodology it used in Amaravati is also largely based on the planning process adopted by the planning authority in Singapore. Surbana completed the final detailed Master Plan for Amaravati in February 2016. There were subsequent local level (minor) revisions to the final Master Plan to address neighborhood level issues. 71 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5. The key stages of the Master Plan development process included the following steps, which included consideration of various design options and alternatives:. a. From Concept Plan (July 2015) to Draft Master Plan (December 2015): (i) Vision: The vision of “The People’s Capital” was translated into broad strategies that were used as guidance for developing the Master Plan, such as ensuring livability, good connectivity, economic growth, preserving greenery, incorporating water and environment, and heritage into the Master Plan. (ii) Overall spatial form, density: It is also during this stage that the projected population (to determine housing needs), economic growth (to determine commercial/industrial needs) were estimated. These are then used as parameters to determine the broad conceptual spatial form, (e.g. center of city, zones) and density, based on the carrying capacity of available land. (iii) Land use and boundaries: Land use distribution was determined at this stage. This included determining the boundaries of the city to avoid environmentally sensitive areas and provided a rough organization of different zones and land use patterns. (iv)Integration of villages: It was decided upfront as a planning parameter that the 27 villages located within the perimeter of the capital city were to be retained and integrated into the Master Plan, taking into account the technical requirements that would be needed in terms of infrastructure (e.g. rights-of-ways for roads). It was also decided the villages should be upgraded to and integrated with the more modern infrastructure of the rest of the city. (v) Road grid and intra-city connectivity: A broad road grid was laid out, mainly for the key arterial roads that connect the key zones of the city. (vi)Integration of environmental assets: It was decided that the city will capitalize and integrate as much of the natural assets (greenery, waterfront) into the city plans. The provision of ample green spaces and waterways was envisaged. b. From Draft Master Plan (December 2015) to Final Master Plan (February 2016): (i) Avoidance of existing structures: The roads passing through the existing village settlements in the Draft Master Plan affected a total of around 3,600 structures. This was modified after a series of consultations to about 590 in the Final Master Plan by realigning seven sub-arterial roads, while keeping the technical requirements for intra- city connectivity intact. (ii) Flooding and road realignment: Roads were also realigned to less flood- prone areas and engineering interventions were considered. 72 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 (iii) Returned lands: Based on consultations and feedback, returned lands were adjusted to be located away from low-lying areas. (iv)Preservation of trees and ponds: Due care was taken to avoid the maximum number of trees and ponds. The removal of about 1800 plants/trees and destruction of about 80 ponds were avoided in the proposed 10 roads, through realignment of these roads. (v) Preservation of heritage sites: The Master Plan ensures that a minimum distance of 200m buffer is kept from the Rock cut cave temple, Undavalli. Hence, there is no impact on Rock Cut Cave temple from the proposed 10 roads proposed under the project. c. Post-Final Master Plan (February 2016) and going forward: (i) Neighborhood adjustments: Neighborhood level adjustments are ongoing and Section 57 of the APCRDA Act provides for making neighborhood adjustments if required in response to feedback, on the ground developments as implementation proceeds. APCRDA is authorized to approve such changes and there is an internal LPS Committee that reviews and approves such changes. (ii) Master Plan review and revisions: The Master Plan is a living document and does not represent the final form. As the city is developed over time, the Master Plan should also evolve and respond to its context. Section 41 of the CRDA Act provides for carrying out modifications and the process has been institutionalized as outlined in the Act. The ‘Authority’ has delegated this function to ‘Executive Committee’ of CRDA. A policy for carrying out the layout changes and adjustments is notified. Through this mechanism, review and revisions can be considered in the future. Major changes are usually conducted every 5- 15 years duly considering the city development progress, needs and demands. 5.7.No-Project Analysis 6. The option of not developing a new Capital City for the GoAP was not a viable option. Once the decision was taken to develop the city, the GoAP applied several criteria in identifying a suitable location for the new Capital City and laid the initial groundwork for its development. The following discuss key considerations as part of the site selection and approach to development: a. Availability of land: GoAP was cognizant of the need for land assembly. Existing cities such as Vijayawada would not have provided the necessary land and services for the new administrative center. Land acquisition in urban areas would have been very disruptive to many. A greenfield site was thus considered. Amaravati provided the proximity to Vijayawada and was mostly agriculture lands which was not densely populated. b. Proximity to existing urban centers: Despite being labelled as a greenfield development, the location of the planned Amaravati Capital City is an “extension” of two major urban centers: Vijayawada across the Krishna River (the second largest city of AP after the bifurcation, with a population of 1.03 million) and Guntur (with a population of more than 700,000). 73 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 These centers are within 30 minutes driving distance of the planned city, and will serve to provide a network of cities, offering synergies and opportunities for economic specialization. The region is also near several major economic centers such as Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Visakhapatnam and Tirupati. c. Strong connectivity: The region has a strong transport infrastructure network, including rail (Vijayawada and Guntur cities have major railway stations), national highways (the NH-5 and the NH-9 passes through the region), and an airport near Vijayawada. This interconnectivity is critical to establishing balanced regional development and attracting residents and businesses to Amaravati. Songdo City, Korea, was developed as part of a larger development plan, including the construction or rehabilitation of connective transport infrastructure prior to the city’s development. d. Access to labor and resources: The region also has good access to a skilled workforce (such as engineering, food processing, textiles, etc.); rich agriculture production; and water to cater to a growing urban population. 74 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 6.0 Description of the Environment This chapter provides an overall description of the existing environmental status in the sub-project influence area. Studies were conducted to generate baseline data within a 10 Km radius along the proposed project on micro – meteorology, air quality, ground and surface water quality, noise levels, land environment including soil quality, geomorphology, land-use pattern, forest cover, biological environment and socio-economic status of the population, etc. From these inputs, possible significant impacts are identified. Impacts are quantified and an appropriate Environmental Management Plan is prepared to manage and mitigate these impacts. As a primary requirement of EIA process, the EIA report has been prepared based on the standard ToR given in the “EIA and EMP for Roads Sub -projects” by MoEF & CC and World Bank. For the study area, primary Environmental baseline data was collected by M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad during October & November 2016 through M/s. Vison Labs, Hyderabad (A laboratory Recognized by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, S.O. 1680 (E), Dated 02.07.2014 and NABL), which was engaged for the field study of air, water, noise, soil etc. The basic site & its environs are analyzed during the field study to know the pre-existing status of the study area and the same is described below. 6.1 Site and its Environs The reconnaissance survey and subsequent field studies are carried out in the study area and the major aspects were emphasized with respect to the geography, geology & soil, hydro-geology, river basins, forests & wildlife sanctuaries, transportation, socio-economic aspects, industries, and climatological conditions of the sub-project influence area are collected and analyzed. The details of the same are given below: 6.1.1 Geographical Features This section contains a detailed description on existing environment of the proposed project area including physical and biological environment in the study area. The project area passes through Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh. Guntur District: Guntur is one of the 9 Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. It is located between 15° 18’ and 16° 50’ North latitude and 70° 10’and 80° 55’ East longitude. It is bounded by Krishna and Nalgonda districts on the North, by Prakasam and Mahabubnagar districts on the West, by Prakasam district on the South and by Krishna district, and the Bay of Bengal on the East. The district has a coastline of 42 km. The total geographical area of the district is 11328 km2. Guntur district lies at an elevation of 33m from sea level. The district is mainly plain, with a few hill ranges. The average rainfall in the district is 830mm during South-West monsoon. Guntur district is divided into 3 Revenue divisions: Guntur, Tenali and Narsaraopeta. The district is divided into 57 Mandals and 729 revenue villages The Ethipothala water falls near Macherla, Kottappakonda shrine, Amaravati stupas, Nagarjunasagar dam, Managalgiri temple etc are the major centres of tourist attraction. Krishna is the main river, which traverses 250 km in the district, irrigating an area of nearly 5 lakh Ha. Chandravanka, Naguleru and Gundlakamma are the 3 major rivulets. 6.1.2 Geology & Soil Characteristics 75 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Geology: The area is underlain by various geological formations of different age groups ranging from Archaean to Recent. The Archaean basement complex comprising the granite- gneisses, Schists, Khondalites, Charnockites and basic dykes of dolerites form the predominant rock types in the central part. The fringe of the Archaeans in the central part is represented by Cuddapah basin, namely Nallamalai group of Upper Cuddapahs. In a sequential order, the younger Kurnools occurring in the Cuddapahs and those in the western parts of the district are thrust over by the Cuddapahs and these in turn by the Archaean granite-gneisses. The Upper Gondwana group of sandstones and shales out crop are seen at Guntur. The youngest rock types of the district appear to be of Mio- Pliocene age followed by the Alluvial deposits of Recent to Sub-Recent age. Soil: The soils in general are very fertile and they are broadly classified as Black cotton, Red loamy and sandy loamy. Black cotton area is in 70%, Red loamy in 24% and sandy loamy in about 6% of the area in the district. 6.1.3 Minerals Guntur district has deposits of limestone, clay, quartz, copper, and lead. Lime stone is abundantly available in Pidiuguralla, Macherla, Pondugula and Tadipalli areas. Copper deposits are found at Agnigundala. Napa stones are found in abundance in various places in this district. 6.1.4 Hydro-Geology Guntur District: Ground water occurs in the granites, gneisses, schists, charnockites and Khondalites of Archaean age in the weathered to semi-weathered portions under water table and semi-confined conditions. In general, the thickness of weathered zone varies from 10 to 30m and the fractured zones extend from 30 to 50m bgl. The fracture porosity decreases with depth and appears negligible below 50m. The Open wells constructed in the hard rock area generally vary in depth from 10 to 15m. The depth to water table varies from 4 to 10m. The yields range from 30 to 80 cubic meters per day. The bore wells constructed in the hard rock range in depth from 50 to 120m and the yields vary from 3,000 to 10,000 liters per hour. Dug wells are feasible in Guntur Mandal, bore wells are not feasible in these areas due to shallow basement. The sandstones of Upper Gondwanas at Chebrolu Mandal, are good water bearing, open wells and tube wells are feasible in these rocks, Ground water occurs under confined conditions and the potential aquifer exist down to 60 to 70m only followed by thick clay. Open wells are feasible and can be constructed to a depth of 10 to 12m in the villages of Suddapally, Narakodur, Chebrolu, Gundavaram etc. The chemical quality of groundwater exhibits considerable variations from place to place. It is observed from the data in pre-monsoon period (May-2008) that the EC value ranges from 700 to 7780 μs/cm, TDS from 480 to 4979 - ppm, pH from 7.65 to 8.95, Cl from 60 to 1850 ppm, F from 0.1 to 2.16 ppm, and NO3 up to 463 ppm. The quality of groundwater is generally suitable for both drinking as well as for irrigation purposes in study area. Similarly, Fluoride contamination is well known in Mandal and in localized pockets of Nuzendla, pedakurapadu and Krosuru mandals. (Source: Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Guntur District, 2008-09, APGD). 76 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-1:Hydro-geology map of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh Source: Ground Water Brochure, Guntur District, September 2013 The hydro-geological map of Guntur district was collected from “Ground Water Brochure, Guntur District, prepared by Central Ground Water Board, September 2013” and the same thing is given in Figure 6-1. 6.1.5 River Basins, Flood And Cyclones Krishna River System: Krishna, the second largest river in the state, flows 780 km from Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra before entering Andhra Pradesh. The main tributaries are Koyna, Bhima, Ghataprabha, Mallaprabha, Tungabhadra, Yerla, Warna and Dudhganga in combined Andhra Pradesh State. The river gets most of its water from Western Ghats. The catchment area of the river is 2,58,818 km2, of which 29.45% is in combined Andhra Pradesh. Most part of this basin comprises rolling and undulating country except the western border which is formed by an unbroken line of ranges of the Western Ghats. The important soil types found in the basin are black soils, red soils, laterite and lateritic soils, alluvium, mixed soils, red and black soils and saline and alkaline soils. An average annual surface water potential of 78.1 km³ has been assessed in this basin. Out of this, 58.0 km³ is utilizable water. Culturable area in the basin is about 203,000 km2, which is 10.4% of the total culturable area of the country. Floods occurred to River Krishna: In 2009 October, heavy floods occurred, isolating 350 villages and leaving millions homeless, which is believed to be first occurrence in 1000 years. The flood resulted in heavy damage to Kurnool, Mahabubnagar, Guntur, Krishna and Nalgonda Districts. The entire city of Kurnool was immersed in approximately 10 feet (3.0 m) water for nearly 3 days. Water inflow of 1,110,000 cu ft/s (31,000m3/s) was recorded at the Prakasam Barrage, which surpassed the previous record of 1,080,000 cu ft./s (31,000 m3 /s) recorded in the year 1903. The map showing the Vagu/Stream High Flood Level (HFL) vs Finished Road Level (FRL) of the proposed roads is given in Figure 6.2 (attached separately due to space constraint). Details of Vagu/Stream High Flood Level (HFL) vs Finished Road Level (FRL) of the proposed Roads are given in Table 6.1. Chainage of road along the vagu is highlighted in 77 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 'green' whereas chainage of road across the vagu is highlighted in 'yellow' in Table -6.1. 78 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-1: Details of Vagu/Stream High Flood Level (HFL) vs Finished Road Level (FRL) of the Proposed roads package wise. Chainage of the road Median edge Chainage of vagu HFL of vagu Road ID along/across the level (FRL) of Vagu section Remarks section in m section in m vagu in m road in m Package-I E8 7900 23.767 15400 17.63 E8 8100 24.165 15600 17.75 E8 8200 23.958 15800 18.14 E8 8400 23.544 16000 18.81 E8 8600 23.911 16200 19.32 E8 8800 25.059 16400 19.80 E8 9000 26.175 16600 20.20 E8 9100 26.301 16800 20.50 E8 9200 26.090 17000 20.73 E8 9400 25.656 17200 20.87 E8 9500 25.456 17400 21.04 E8 9700 26.215 17600 21.26 E8 9800 26.804 17800 21.57 E8 10000 27.983 18000 22.17 No inundation is anticipated on E8 10200 28.714 18200 22.78 the road along E8 10400 28.350 18400 23.75 the vagu since E8 10600 28.953 18600 24.56 FRL > HFL E8 10800 30.798 18800 24.90 E8 11000 32.644 19000 25.18 E8 11100 33.566 19200 25.38 E8 11300 35.411 19400 25.52 E8 11500 36.398 19600 25.67 E8 11700 35.482 19800 25.82 E8 11900 34.201 20000 25.98 E8 12100 34.529 20200 26.28 E8 12300 35.000 20400 27.24 E8 12500 35.025 20600 28.00 E8 12700 36.124 20800 29.54 E8 12900 38.156 21000 30.24 E8 13050 39.500 21200 30.51 79 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Chainage of the road Median edge Chainage of vagu HFL of vagu Road ID along/across the level (FRL) of Vagu section Remarks section in m section in m vagu in m road in m E8 13250 39.617 21400 30.73 E8 13450 38.774 21600 30.93 E8 13650 38.130 21800 31.15 E8 13900 39.768 22000 33.33 No inundation is E8 14050 39.837 22200 34.58 anticipated on E8 14200 39.844 22400 35.64 the road across vagu since FRL > HFL Package-II N9 9100 22.000 10400 15.30 N9 9100 22.000 10600 15.40 No inundation is Kondaveeti vagu N9 9100 22.000 10800 15.40 anticipated on from N9 9100 22.000 11000 15.40 the road across Krishnayapalem vagu since FRL > To Neerukonda HFL N9 9100 22.000 11200 15.40 N9 2500 22.000 6000 16.30 N9 2550 22.000 6200 16.40 No inundation is N9 2550 22.000 Pala vagu 6400 16.40 anticipated on N9 2550 22.000 (Navigable) 6600 16.40 the road across N9 2600 21.998 6800 16.50 vagu since FRL > HFL Package-III N4 3700 20.717 5200 15.30 N4 3800 21.685 5400 15.30 N4 3900 22.000 5600 15.30 No inundation is Kondaveeti vagu N4 4000 22.000 5800 15.30 anticipated on from the road across Krishnayapalem vagu since FRL > to Neerukonda HFL N4 4100 22.000 6000 15.30 N4 4200 21.987 6200 15.30 N4 2800 21.235 400 15.50 80 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Chainage of the road Median edge Chainage of vagu HFL of vagu Road ID along/across the level (FRL) of Vagu section Remarks section in m section in m vagu in m road in m N4 2700 21.973 600 15.60 No inundation is N4 2500 22.000 800 15.60 anticipated on Pala vagu N4 2350 21.554 1000 15.60 the road across (Navigable) N4 2200 20.259 1200 15.60 vagu since FRL > HFL N4 2000 20.307 1400 15.65 N14 7300 23.730 18000 22.17 No inundation is Kondaveeti vagu N14 7300 23.730 18200 22.78 anticipated on from 7300 the road across Shakamuru to N14 23.730 18400 23.75 vagu since FRL > Ananthavaram HFL N14 600 23.700 13800 16.70 No inundation is N14 500 23.700 14000 16.70 anticipated on N14 480 23.700 Pala vagu (Non- 14200 16.70 the road across navigable) vagu since FRL > HFL N14 460 23.700 14400 16.80 Package - IV E10 1700 19.943 4800 15.30 E10 1900 19.543 5000 15.30 E10 2100 19.143 5200 15.30 E10 2200 19.279 5400 15.30 E10 2400 21.390 5600 15.30 E10 2600 22.000 Kondaveeti vagu 5800 15.30 E10 2750 22.000 6000 15.30 No inundation is from anticipated on E10 2900 22.000 Krishnayapalem 6200 15.30 the road across E10 3100 22.000 to 6400 15.30 vagu since FRL > E10 3200 21.942 Neerukonda 6600 15.30 HFL E10 3400 20.570 6800 15.30 E10 3600 20.593 7000 15.30 E10 3700 20.427 7200 15.30 E10 3800 20.107 7400 15.30 E10 3900 19.784 7600 15.30 81 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Chainage of the road Median edge Chainage of vagu HFL of vagu Road ID along/across the level (FRL) of Vagu section Remarks section in m section in m vagu in m road in m E14 - - - - - - N16 7460 31.007 20000 28.00 N16 7380 31.341 Kondaveeti vagu 20200 29.00 No inundation is N16 7280 31.341 from 20400 30.00 anticipated on N16 7240 31.370 Shakamuru to 20600 31.00 the road across Ananthavaram vagu since FRL > HFL N16 0 23.190 15200 18.30 N16 150 23.510 15400 18.80 No inundation is N16 300 23.791 15600 19.90 anticipated on Pala vagu (Non- N16 500 24.133 15800 19.90 the road along navigable) N16 640 23.938 16000 19.90 the vagu since N16 800 23.604 16200 19.90 FRL > HFL N16 900 23.405 16400 19.90 Package -V E6 - - - - Package-VI E12 - - - - - - N11 3200 22.000 8400 16.60 N11 3220 22.000 8600 16.60 N11 3240 22.000 8800 16.65 No inundation is Pala Vagu anticipated Since N11 3240 22.000 (Navigable) 9000 16.65 FRL > HFL N11 3240 22.000 9200 16.70 N11 3240 22.000 9300 16.70 82 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-2: Map showing the Vagu/Stream High Flood Level (HFL) vs Finished Road Level (FRL) of 10 Priority Roads 83 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Cyclones: The state of Andhra Pradesh experienced 71 cyclones during 1892-1997, each time with colossal damage. Between 1892 and 1977, 56 cyclones affected the seven coastal districts. The district wise figures are given in the following Table which indicates that Nellore, Krishna and Srikakulam districts had more number of cyclones. The frequency of occurrence of Cyclone and storms in AP are given in Table 6-2. Table 6-2: Frequency of occurrence of Cyclone and Storms in AP S.No. District No. of Cyclones and Storms in Coastal AP 1 Srikakulam 4 & 10 2 Vizianagaram - 3 Visakhapatnam 3&7 4 East Godavari 4 & 11 5 West Godavari -- 6 Krishna 8 & 13 7 Guntur* 1&2 8 Prakasam 2&4 Source: Disaster Management Department, Govt. of AP Note: 1. The figures in bold indicate severe cyclones 2. *: Study Districts 6.1.6 Industries The District has 38 Large and Medium Industries in the sectors based on Lime Stone, Granite, Sand etc. with an investment of Rs 653 Crores. The Deccan Cements Ltd, Sri Chakra Cements and KCP Cements are some of the predominant industries. There are 11 Industrial Estates, 4 Autonagars and 2 Shopping Complexes in the District. 6.1.7 Transportation The study district is having a good transport system in the State of Andhra Pradesh. These are connected to all the major cities across the country through various major and local highways, railways, waterways and air. There is a couple of major highways. State Highways and MDRs, Panchayat roads etc. Common modes of road transport within the cities /towns are city buses, cars and auto-rickshaws etc. 6.1.8 Infrastructure The study area has well-developed and extensive infrastructural facilities in place. The power supply position is good and almost all the villages in study district are electrified. The districts head quarter Guntur have facilities like housing, hospital, drinking water facility, school and technical education, universities, medical college, etc. Emergency medical care and firefighting facilities are also available at all Tehsils headquarters along the proposed project corridor. 6.1.9 Seismic Details Of The Area As per the seismic hazard map of India updated in 2000 by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the study district Guntur lies in Zone -III. As classified in BIS map, Zone -V indicates the most seismically active region, while zone -II is the least seismically active region. However, the sub-project influence area falls in ‘low to medium damage risk zone’ region only. 6.1.10 Archeological Sites/Places Of Tourist Interest The Rock Cut Cave Temple, Undavalli: The Rock Cut Cave Temple, Undavalli, a monolithic example of Indian rock-cut architecture and one of the finest testimonials to ancient vishwakarma sthapathis, 84 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 are in the village of Undavalli in Tadepalle Mandal in the Guntur District, and near the southern bank of the Krishna River in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. The caves are located 6 km south west from Vijayawada, 22 km north east of Guntur City of Andhra Pradesh. The Rock cut Cave Temple, Undavalli are 1650 m, North East direction from E10 (nearest in 10 Roads) and is shown in Figure -6.3. As per “The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, as amended in 2010”, the construction activities should be 200m away from the ASI site. Since all of the 10 proposed roads are away from 200m of the site, no impact on Rock Cut Cave Temple is envisaged. Figure 6-3 : The Rock cut Cave Temple, Undavalli in the sub-project influence area During the baseline study, no artefacts have been identified in the corridor of impact as per the discussions with the local people. 6.1.11 Sources Of Irrigation And Cropping Pattern The major crops grown in the sub-project influence area are paddy, chilli, cotton, red gram, black gram, among pulses, cereals like jowar and maize, sorghum, jute, fodder grass, subabul and commercial crops like turmeric, guar gum. The district has 2 major and 1 medium irrigation projects: the Nagarjunasagar Right Bank Canal Command (NSRCCA), Krishna Western Delta (KWD) Canal System and Guntur Channels Scheme. The total area irrigated by all sources in the district is 4,30,806 ha which works out to be 23.33% of the total area of the district. Out of this about 3,56,328 ha (82.71%) is irrigated through canal network and 1.94% through lift irrigation. 14% area is irrigated through tube wells and filter points and the rest 1.35% area is irrigated through tanks, farm ponds and other sources. 6.2 Meteorology of the study area 6.2.1 Climatic Conditions Meteorological data was compiled from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), for Gannavaram station, which is located within the sub-project influence area. The climatological data was compiled for a period of 30 years (1971 – 2000). Data on tropical storms and cyclones were compiled from IMD for a period of more than 100 years. The whole year is divided into four seasons as given in Table-6.3. 85 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-3 : Seasons of the study area Season Months Characteristics Summer March-Mid of June Hottest part of the year, occurrence of dust storms. South-west monsoon Mid of June- Characterized by predominantly September SW winds. Generally strong and persistent winds prevail. Post monsoon October-November Characterized by predominantly NE winds. Fair weather with the variable winds. Winter December-February Cool season of the year Temperature: The cold weather commences towards the end of November when the temperature begins to fall in Gannavaram is observed as the coldest month, with the mean daily maximum temperature at 30.0°C and the mean daily minimum at 18.4°C. The period from March to May is the hottest month with the mean daily maximum temperature at 44.6°C and a mean daily minimum at 19.6°C. With the advance of south–west & north-east monsoon by about mid of June there is an appreciable drop in temperatures. By about 3rd week of November, when the monsoon withdraws, the day temperature begins to increase slightly but the night temperatures decreases steadily. After November both day and night temperatures decrease rapidly. Humidity: The relative humidity observed is high generally during the south-west & north-east monsoon season (64-82%). The air is generally dry during the rest of the year, the remaining part of the year being the summer season the humidity is ranging between 52 -75%. Winds: In Gannavaram winds are light to moderate with some strengthening in the period from May to August (8.6 – 11.0 Km/Hr) and the winds are blowing west and south-west. During the post- monsoon and cold season, winds blow mostly from the east or north-east. By March, south westerly’s and westerlies started blowing and continue during the rest of summer. The south west monsoon season winds are mostly from directions between south-west and North West. Cloudiness: During the south – west monsoon season the sky is heavily clouded to overcast (3.8–6.5 Oktas). There is rapid decrease of cloudiness during the post- monsoon season. For the rest of the year, the sky is mostly clear or lightly clouded. Rainfall: The rainfall in Gannavaram in general increases from the south-west towards the north east. About 69.5% of annual rainfall is received during the south- west monsoon season. July being the peak rainy month with 189 mm, the variation in the Annual rainfall from year is almost compatible with the base levels. The Annual rainfall of the Gannavaram station is observed as 921mm. The climatological data for Gannavaram station was compiled for a period of 30 years (1971 – 2000) and presented in Table-6.4. 86 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-4 : Climatological Table for Gannavaram Station (1971 – 2000) Air temperature Rain fall Month Station Mean Extremes Humidity Cloud amount Monthly No. Total in Total Heaviest Date Mean level Dry Wet Daily Daily Highest Lowest highest Date lowest Date Relative Vapour All Low total of wettest in rainfall and wind pressure blue blue max min in the in the and and humidity pressure clouds clouds rainy month driest in 24 year speed month city year year days with month years year with year hpa 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 c c 0 0 c % hpa mm mm mm mm kmph Jan I 1013.4 22.3 20.2 30.0 18.4 32.5 15.4 35.9 22 11.1 7 81 22.0 2.1 0.9 0.8 0.3 59.1 0.0 47.5 2 6.3 II 1009.4 27.5 21.3 1990 1992 55 20.5 2.3 1.0 1985 1985 Feb I 1011.6 24.3 22.1 32.7 20.5 35.7 17.6 37.8 14 14.4 22 81 24.9 2.5 1.5 9.2 0.6 66.9 0.0 45.7 16 6.9 II 1007.8 30.0 22.7 1954 1993 52 21.8 2.0 1.2 1994 1972 Mar I 1009.9 26.7 24.1 35.7 22.6 38.7 19.6 43.3 29 17.0 1 79 28.0 3.1 2.2 9.7 0.7 138.8 0.0 76.4 19 7.3 II 1005.6 32.7 23.9 1953 1976 46 22.7 1.5 0.6 1967 1967 Apr I 1002.5 29.7 26.3 37.8 25.5 41.5 22.4 44.5 24 19.4 21 75 31.5 4.4 3.4 17.1 1.1 83.8 0.0 77.5 25 8.8 II 1003.5 34.8 25.8 1985 1971 47 26.1 2.6 1.1 1971 1953 May I 998.9 31.7 26.7 40.0 27.4 44.6 22.7 47.6 23 19.4 1 67 31.2 4.4 2.3 44.3 2.4 411.0 0.5 210.0 10 9.8 II 1000.9 36.8 26.5 1966 1997 45 26.7 3.8 1.5 1969 1978 1990 Jun I 996.9 30.5 25.5 37.4 27.0 42.6 22.9 46.7 11 21.5 25 66 28.6 5.8 1.8 118.7 6.8 300.7 15.4 156.9 16 11.0 II 1001.5 35.0 26.1 1953 1957 49 26.6 6.0 2.6 1957 1976 1996 Jul I 998.1 28.1 25.4 33.7 25.3 37.8 22.8 41.0 7 21.4 13 79 30.2 6.3 2.1 189.2 11.9 588.2 47.4 211.3 23 9.2 II 1002.3 31.6 26.1 1966 1993 64 29.4 6.5 2.8 1988 1971 1989 Aug I 998.9 27.8 25.2 32.7 25.1 36.0 22.8 38.3 7 21.4 9 81 30.1 6.3 2.2 174.3 10.6 392.4 10.0 95.0 12 8.6 II 30.6 26.0 1971 1992 69 29.9 6.4 2.7 1978 1993 1986 Sep I 1004.8 25.8 33.0 25.0 36.2 2 2.5 38.6 4 18.2 6 82 3 1.3 5.6 2.2 158.3 8.4 483.2 11.4 143.3 27 6.1 II 1001.2 26.3 1972 19 73 31.1 6.1 2.6 19 64 2000 19 57 54 Oct I 1008.0 24.9 3 2.1 23.8 34.8 21.0 37.9 15 17.6 24 81 29.6 4.4 1.8 129.3 7.1 419.7 0.0 200.6 16 5.7 II 1004.7 25.4 1980 1967 76 29.8 5.2 2.3 1969 19 95 Nov I 1011.0 22.3 31.0 21.4 33.2 17.7 35.2 20 14.6 30 75 24.5 3.4 1.1 59.7 3.1 247.7 0.0 148.3 20 7.0 II 1007.8 23.0 1979 1970 65 24.4 4.2 1.7 1994 19 77 Dec I 1013.6 20.1 29.9 19.1 31.8 16.0 34.2 14 13.0 14 75 21.3 2.6 0.7 11.0 0.8 93.4 0.0 71.7 2 6.6 II 1010.0 21.1 1965 1970 57 20.4 3.2 1.1 1985 20 00 Annual I 1007.4 27.1 24.0 33.8 23.4 45.1 14.7 47.6 23 11.1 7 77 27.8 4.2 1.8 921.5 53.6 1488.9 621.7 211.3 23 7.8 Total or II 1003.5 31.0 24.5 5 1966 1 1992 58 25.8 4.2 1.8 1956 1979 7 1989 Mean No. of III 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 51 51 30 30 30 30 29 29 49 49 49 30 Years Source: IMD, Gannavaram 87 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 6.3 Air Environment Methodology In assessing the environmental impact, collection and interpretation of baseline data is of prime importance. The primary data for the study period were collected 24 hourly twice in a week for October-November 2016 as per national guidelines. The criteria followed for selecting the AAQM stations is recommended by IS: 5182 and CPCB. They are: • The sampling station had free exposure so that it did not collect air from stagnant pockets. • It was not obstructed by large structures including hills. • The sampling point was not directly influenced by any local source of emission. • It was located at a minimum height of 1.5m from the ground level. Monitoring and analytical procedure: Ambient air quality was monitored for the presence of contaminants existing in the air. To evaluate and quantify the air pollution problem, measurements were carried out for various air pollutants mentioned above. This data was used not only to evaluate the air quality in the study area but also as the basis to develop programs aiming at preventing the spread of pollutants leading to a risk to human health and general environment. Fine Dust Samplers (FDS) were used for ambient air sampling of selected parameters. The method for the selected parameters are based on the methods recommended by IS: 5182. Selection of monitoring parameters: The parameters selected for analyzing ambient air quality status were Sulphur dioxide (SO 2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Respirable Particulate Matter (PM 10), Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Carbon Monoxide (CO). 6.3.1 Air Environment for Package -I Primary Data After a preliminary reconnaissance of the study region and taking into account the meteorological, topographic conditions (predominant wind directions, wind speed) and considering the spatial relationship of various land uses in accordance with the BIS Guidelines (IS: 5182 (part-14)-1985) and details on existing activities in the study region, Air Quality monitoring was carried out at two (02) locations in Package -I (E8). The study was carried out during the month of November 2016. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) locations are given in Table -6.5 and are shown in Figure- 6.4 Table 6-5 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -I Station Number Station AAQI-1 Nekkallu AAQI-2 Sakhamuru 88 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-4 AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru Data analysis The observed concentrations of various pollutants at all the sampling stations were processed. The existing baseline levels obtained during the study period at two (02) monitored locations are presented in Table -6.6. The recorded concentrations are compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards as notified on 16.11.2009 by MoEF. Table 6-6 Ambient air quality during study period in Package -I Location/Category Result CPCB WB-EHS Min Max Mean Standard Guidelines PM 10 (µg/m3) Nekkallu 42.6 48.3 45.5 100 50 Sakhamuru 38.5 42.5 40.5 100 50 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Nekkallu 18.8 21.6 20.2 60 25 Sakhamuru 16.0 18.3 17.2 60 25 SO2 (µg/m3) Nekkallu 5.0 5.6 5.3 80 20 Sakhamuru 4.8 5.2 5.0 80 20 NO2 (µg/m3) Nekkallu 15.4 16.1 15.8 80 40 Sakhamuru 14.2 15.0 14.6 80 40 CO (mg/m3) Nekkallu <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 4 - Sakhamuru <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 4 - As can be seen from the above Table: • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 38.5 – 48.3 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was recorded at Sakhamuru. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 16.0 – 21.6 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the 89 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was found at Sakhamuru. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 4.8 – 5.6 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was found at Sakhamuru. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 14.2 – 16.1 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m 3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was recorded at Sakhamuru. • The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m 3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS/WB-EHS standards/Guidelines for the study period in Package -I. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -I is satisfactory. The graph of PM10 & PM 2.5 and SO2 & NO2 are shown in the Figures -6.5 & 6.6. 120 100 80 Min. 60 Max. µg/ m3 Mean 40 CPCB Standard 20 0 Nekkallu Sakhamuru Nekkallu Sakhamuru (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) PM 10 (µg/ m3) PM 2.5 (µg/ m3) Figure 6-5 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in the Study Area 90 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 90 80 70 60 50 Min. Max. 40 Mean 30 CPCB 20 Standard 10 0 Nekkallu Sakhamuru Nekkallu Sakhamuru (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) SO2 (µg/m3) NO2 (µg/m3) Figure 6-6 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Study Area Secondary Data Secondary data is collected from “EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City” prepared for APCRDA by Tata Consulting Engineers limited and the baseline studies for this report were carried out during Summer season (May-June) of 2015. The comparisons are as follows for Package -I. • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 48 – 52 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was recorded at Sakhamuru. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 26.0 – 29.0 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Sakhamuru and minimum value was found at Nekkallu unlike the trend in primary data. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 16 – 18 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Sakhamuru and minimum value was found at Nekkallu unlike the trend in primary data. The values were found to be well within the standard as compared to primary data. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 27 – 29 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Sakhamuru and minimum value was found at Nekkallu unlike the trend in primary data. The values were found to be well within the standard as compared to primary data. 91 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS standards for the study period in Package -I. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -I is satisfactory. 6.3.2 Air Environment for Package -II Primary Data After a preliminary reconnaissance of the study region and taking into account the meteorological, topographic conditions (predominant wind directions, wind speed) and considering the spatial relationship of various land uses in accordance with the BIS Guidelines (IS: 5182 (part-14)-1985) and details on existing activities in the study region, Air Quality monitoring was carried out at two (02) locations in Package -II (N9). The study was carried out during the month of November 2016. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) locations are given in Table -6.7 and are shown in Figure-6.7. Table 6-7 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -II Station Number Station AAQII-1 Malkapuram AAQII-2 Velgapudi Figure 6-7 AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Malkapuram and Velgapudi Data analysis The observed concentrations of various pollutants at all the sampling stations were processed. The existing baseline levels obtained during the study period at two (02) monitored locations in Package -II are presented in Table -6.8. The recorded concentrations are compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards as notified on 16.11.2009 by MoEF. Table 6-8 Ambient air quality during study period in Package -II Location/Category Result CPCB WB-EHS Min Max Mean Standard Guidelines PM 10(µg/m3) Malkapuram 58.2 62.6 60.4 100 50 Velgapudi 53.6 56.4 55.0 100 50 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Malkapuram 23.4 26.0 24.7 60 25 92 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Velgapudi 19.8 21.5 20.7 60 25 SO2 (µg/m3) Malkapuram 7.1 7.8 7.5 80 20 Velgapudi 6.0 6.4 6.2 80 20 NO2 (µg/m3) Malkapuram 22.4 24.2 23.3 80 40 Velgapudi 19.5 20.1 19.8 80 40 CO (mg/m ) 3 Malkapuram <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 4 - Velgapudi <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 4 - As can be seen from the above Table: • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 53.6 – 62.6 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was recorded at Velagapudi. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 19.8 – 26.0 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was found at Velagapudi. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 6.0 – 7.8 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was found at Velagapudi. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 19.5 – 24.2 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m 3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Malkapuram and minimum value was recorded at Velagapudi. • The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS/WB-EHS standards/Guidelines for the study period in Package -II. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -II is satisfactory. The graph of PM10 & PM 2.5 and SO2 & NO2 are shown in the Figures -6.8 & 6.9. 93 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 Min. 60 Max. µg/m3 Mean 40 CPCB Standard 20 0 Malkapuram Velagapudi Malkapuram Velagapudi (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) PM 10 (µg/ m3) PM 2.5 (µg/ m3) Figure 6-8 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in the Package –II 90 80 70 60 50 Min. Max. µg/m3 40 Mean 30 CPCB 20 Standard 10 0 Malkapuram Velagapudi Malkapuram Velagapudi (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) (AAQ-1) (AAQ-2) SO2 (µg/m3) NO2 (µg/m3) Figure 6-9 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Package -II 6.3.3 Air Environment for Package -III Primary Data After a preliminary reconnaissance of the study region and taking into account the meteorological, topographic conditions (predominant wind directions, wind speed) and considering the spatial relationship of various land uses in accordance with the BIS Guidelines (IS: 5182 (part-14)-1985) and details on existing activities in the study region, Air Quality monitoring was carried out at four (04) locations in Package -III. The study was carried out during the month of November 2016. Ambient Air 94 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Quality Monitoring (AAQM) locations are given in Table -6.9 and are shown in Figure- 6.10. Table 6-9 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -III Station Number Station AAQIII-1 Venkatapalem AAQIII-2 Krishnayapalem AAQIII-3 Thullur AAQIII-4 Abbarajupalem Figure 6-10 AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Venkatapalem and Thullur Data analysis The observed concentrations of various pollutants at all the sampling stations were processed. The existing baseline levels obtained during the study period at four (04) monitored locations in Package -III are presented in Table -6.10. The recorded concentrations are compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards as notified on 16.11.2009 by MoEF. Table 6-10 Ambient air quality during study period in Package -III Location/Category Result CPCB WB-EHS Min Max Mean Standard Guidelines PM 10 (µg/m3) Venkatapalem 50.3 54.9 52.6 100 50 Krishnayapalem 43.4 46.2 44.8 100 50 Thullur 64.2 68.3 66.25 100 50 Abbarajupalem 48.5 52.4 50.45 100 50 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Venkatapalem 20.5 23.2 21.85 60 25 Krishnayapalem 19.6 20.1 19.85 60 25 Thullur 25.7 28.4 27.05 60 25 Abbarajupalem 20.0 22.3 21.15 60 25 SO2 (µg/m3) Venkatapalem 5.4 6.0 5.7 80 20 Krishnayapalem 5.0 5.4 5.2 80 20 Thullur 7.8 8.0 7.9 80 20 Abbarajupalem 5.1 5.5 5.3 80 20 95 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 NO2 (µg/m3) Venkatapalem 17.0 18.2 17.6 80 40 Krishnayapalem 17.5 18.9 18.2 80 40 Thullur 22.0 24.4 23.2 80 40 Abbarajupalem 16.2 17.0 16.6 80 40 CO (mg/m3) Venkatapalem <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Krishnayapalem <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Thullur <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Abbarajupalem <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - As can be seen from the above Table: • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 43.4 – 68.3 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was recorded at Krishnayapalem. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 19.6 – 28.4 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Krishnayapalem. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 5.0 – 8.0 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Krishnayapalem. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 16.2 – 24.4 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m 3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was recorded at Abbarajupalem. • The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m 3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS standards for the study period in Package -III. When compared with WB-EHS guidelines, PM10 and PM2.5 values are found to be slightly higher side. In general, the ambient air quality in the study area is satisfactory. The graph of PM10 & PM 2.5 and SO2 & NO2 are shown in the Figures -6.11 & 6.12. 96 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 Min. 60 Max. µg/m3 Mean 40 CPCB Standard 20 0 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 PM 10 (µg/ m3) PM 2.5 (µg/ m3) Figure 6-11 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in the Package –III 90 80 70 60 Min. 50 Max. µg/m3 40 Mean 30 CPCB Standard 20 10 0 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 SO2 (µg/m3) NO2 (µg/m3) Figure 6-12 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Package -III Secondary Data Secondary data is collected from “EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City” prepared for APCRDA by Tata Consulting Engineers limited and the baseline studies for this report were carried out during Summer season (May-June) of 2015. The comparisons for Thullur, Venkatapalem and Abbarajupalem are as follows for Package -III. • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 46 – 60 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur 97 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 and minimum value was recorded at Abbarajupalem. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 27.0 – 43.0 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Abbarajupalem. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 15 – 23 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Abbarajupalem. The values were found to be well within the standard as compared to primary data. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 26 – 42 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Thullur and minimum value was found at Abbarajupalem. The values were found to be well within the standard as compared to primary data. As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS standards for the study period in Package -III. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -III is satisfactory. 6.3.4 Air Environment for Package -IV Primary Data After a preliminary reconnaissance of the study region and taking into account the meteorological, topographic conditions (predominant wind directions, wind speed) and considering the spatial relationship of various land uses in accordance with the BIS Guidelines (IS: 5182 (part-14)-1985) and details on existing activities in the study region, Air Quality monitoring was carried out at six (06) locations in Package -IV. The study was carried out during the month of November 2016. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) locations are given in Table -6.11 and are shown in Figure-6.13. Table 6-11 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -IV Station Number Station AAQIV-1 Krishnayapalem AAQIV-2 Penumaka AAQIV-3 Navuluru AAQIV-4 Bethapudi AAQIV-5 Nekkallu AAQIV-6 Dondapadu 98 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-13 : AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Dondapadu and Navuluru Data analysis The observed concentrations of various pollutants at all the sampling stations were processed. The existing baseline levels obtained during the study period at six (06) monitored locations in Package -IV are presented in Table -6.12. The recorded concentrations are compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards as notified on 16.11.2009 by MoEF. Table 6-12 Ambient air quality during study period in Package - IV Location/Category Result CPCB WB-EHS Min Max Mean Standard Guidelines PM 10 (µg/m3) Krishnayapalem 43.4 46.2 44.8 100 50 Penumaka 50.3 54.5 52.4 100 50 Navuluru 51.6 54.2 52.9 100 50 Bethapudi 52.4 56.8 54.6 100 50 Nekkallu 42.6 48.3 45.5 100 50 Dondapadu 51.4 56.1 53.8 100 50 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Krishnayapalem 19.6 20.1 19.9 60 25 Penumaka 22.4 24.8 23.6 60 25 Navuluru 19.2 22.8 21.0 60 25 Bethapudi 19.3 23.7 21.5 60 25 Nekkallu 18.8 21.6 20.2 60 25 Dondapadu 20.8 22.3 21.6 60 25 SO2 (µg/m3) Krishnayapalem 5.0 5.4 5.2 80 20 Penumaka 5.8 6.2 6.0 80 20 Navuluru 5.6 6.0 5.8 80 20 Bethapudi 6.0 6.5 6.3 80 20 Nekkallu 5.0 5.6 5.3 80 20 Dondapadu 5.8 6.0 5.9 80 20 NO2 (µg/m3) 99 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Krishnayapalem 17.5 18.9 18.2 80 40 Penumaka 16.8 17.5 17.2 80 40 Navuluru 15.8 16.2 16.0 80 40 Bethapudi 17.4 18.4 17.9 80 40 Nekkallu 15.4 16.1 15.8 80 40 Dondapadu 18.0 18.5 18.3 80 40 CO (mg/m3) Krishnayapalem <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Penumaka <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Navuluru <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Bethapudi <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Nekkallu <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - Dondapadu <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4 - As can be seen from the above Table: • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 42.6 – 56.8 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Bethapudi and minimum value was recorded at Nekkallu. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 18.8 – 24.8 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Penumaka and minimum value was found at Nekkallu. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 5.0 – 6.5 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Bethapudi and minimum value was found at Nekkallu and Krishnayapalem. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 15.4 – 18.9 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m 3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Krishnayapalem and minimum value was recorded at Nekkallu. • The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m 3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS standards for the study period in Package -IV. When compared with WB-EHS guidelines. PM10 values are found to be slightly on the higher side. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -IV is satisfactory. The graph of PM10 & PM 2.5 and SO2 & NO2 are shown in the Figures -6.14 & 6.15. 100 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 Min. 60 Max. (µg/ m 3) Mean 40 CPCB Standard 20 0 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 AAQ-5 AAQ-6 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 AAQ-5 AAQ-6 PM 10 (µg/ m3) PM 2.5 (µg/ m3) Figure 6-14 Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 Concentrations in Package –IV 90 80 70 60 50 Min. 40 Max. µg/m3 Mean 30 CPCB 20 Standard 10 0 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 AAQ-5 AAQ-6 AAQ-1 AAQ-2 AAQ-3 AAQ-4 AAQ-5 AAQ-6 SO2 (µg/m3) NO2 (µg/m3) Figure 6-15 Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Package –IV Secondary Data Secondary data is collected from “EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City” prepar ed for APCRDA by Tata Consulting Engineers limited and the baseline studies for this report were carried out during Summer season (May-June) of 2015. The comparisons for the villages Navuluru and Nekkallu are as follows for Package -IV. • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 49 – 52 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m 3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Navuluru and minimum value was recorded at Nekkallu. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. 101 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 26.0 – 28.0 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Nekkallu and minimum value was found at Navuluru. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 15 – 16 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Navuluru and minimum value was found at Nekkallu. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 27 – 28 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The maximum value was recorded at Navuluru and minimum value was found at Nekkallu. The values were found to be well within the standard similar to primary data. As a whole, the gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS standards for the study period in Package -IV. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -IV is satisfactory. 6.3.5 Air Environment for Package -V Primary Data After a preliminary reconnaissance of the study area and taking into account the meteorological, topographic conditions (predominant wind directions, wind speed) and considering the spatial relationship of various land uses in accordance with the BIS Guidelines (IS: 5182 (part-14)-1985) and details on existing activities in the study area, Air Quality monitoring was carried out at two (2) locations in Package - V (E6). The study was carried out during the month of November 2016. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) locations are given in Table -6.13. Table 6-13: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -V Station Number Station AAQV-1 Nelapadu AAQV-2 Ananthavaram 102 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-16: AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Nelapadu and Ananthavaram Data analysis The observed concentrations of various pollutants at all the sampling stations were processed. The existing baseline levels obtained during the study period at eight (08) monitored locations are presented in Table-6.14. The recorded concentrations are compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards as notified on 16.11.2009 by MoEF&CC. Table 6-14: Ambient air quality during study period in Package -V Location/Category Result CPCB WB-EHS Standard Guidelines Min Max Mean PM 10(µg/m3) Nelapadu 40.0 45.1 42.6 100 50 Ananthavaram 40.5 45.2 42.9 100 50 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Nelapadu 16.2 18.1 17.2 60 25 Ananthavaram 17.5 20.17 18.8 60 25 SO2 (µg/m ) 3 Nelapadu 5.1 5.6 5.4 80 20 Ananthavaram 5.4 5.9 5.7 80 20 NO2 (µg/m3) Nelapadu 15.3 16.1 15.7 80 40 Ananthavaram 16.5 17.2 16.9 80 40 CO (mg/m3) Nelapadu <1 <1 <1 4 - Ananthavaram <1 <1 <1 4 - As can be seen from the above Table: • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 40.0 – 45.2 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was recorded at Nelapadu. • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 16.2 – 20.17 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the 103 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was found at Nelapadu. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 5.1 – 5.9 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was recorded at Nelapadu. • The Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) values were observed in the range between 15.3 – 17.2 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations The maximum value was recorded at Ananthavaram and minimum value was recorded at Nelapadu. • The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m 3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS/WB-EHS standards/Guidelines for the study period in Package -V. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -V is satisfactory. The graphs of PM10 , PM 2.5, SO2 & NO2 concentrations in the study area are shown in the Figures -6.17 to 6.18. 120 100 80 Min. 60 Max. µg/ m3 Mean CPCB 40 Standard 20 0 AAQV-1 AAQV-2 AAQV-1 AAQV-2 PM 10 PM 2.5 Figure 6-17 : Graph Showing the PM10 & PM 2.5 concentrations in the Study Area 104 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 90 80 70 60 50 Min. Max. µg/ m3 40 Mean CPCB 30 Standard 20 10 0 AAQV-1 AAQV-2 AAQV-1 AAQV-2 SO2 NO2 Figure 6-18 : Graph Showing the SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the Study Area 6.3.6 Air Environment for Package -VI Primary Data After a preliminary reconnaissance of the study area and considering the meteorological, topographic conditions (predominant wind directions, wind speed) and considering the spatial relationship of various land uses in accordance with the BIS Guidelines (IS: 5182 (part-14)-1985) and details on existing activities in the study area, Air Quality monitoring was carried out at seven (05) locations in Package -VI (N11, E12). The study was carried out during the month of November 2016. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) locations are given in Table -6.15. Table 6-15 : Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Package -VI Station Number Station AAQVI-1 Ainavolu AAQVI-2 Lingayapalem AAQVI-3 Neerukonda AAQVI-4 Kuragallu AAQVI-5 Yerrabalem Figure 0-19 : AAQ Monitoring stations installed at Kuragullu and Yerrabalem Data analysis The observed concentrations of various pollutants at all the sampling stations were processed. The existing baseline levels obtained during the study period at five (05) 105 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 monitored locations in Package -VI are presented in Table: 6-16. The recorded concentrations are compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards as notified on 16.11.2009 by MoEF&CC. Table 0-16 : Ambient air quality during study period in Package -VI Location/Category Result CPCB WB-EHS Min Max Mean Standard Guidelines PM 10 (µg/m3) Ainavolu 46.3 50.1 48.2 100 50 Lingayapalem 40.5 43.8 42.2 100 50 Neerukonda 34.6 36.7 35.7 100 50 Kuragallu 48.5 50.3 49.4 100 50 Yerrabalem 40.3 48.5 44.4 100 50 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Ainavolu 17.1 20.6 18.9 60 25 Lingayapalem 16.4 19.6 18 60 25 Neerukonda 14 16.2 15.1 60 25 Kuragallu 18.5 21 19.8 60 25 Yerrabalem 17.5 20.8 19.2 60 25 SO2 (µg/m3) Ainavolu 5 5.4 5.2 80 20 Lingayapalem 4.8 5.3 5.1 80 20 Neerukonda 4.2 4.5 4.4 80 20 Kuragallu 6.1 6.8 6.5 80 20 Yerrabalem 5 5.8 5.4 80 20 NO2 (µg/m3) Ainavolu 15.8 16.3 16.1 80 40 Lingayapalem 15 16.1 15.6 80 40 Neerukonda 13.2 14.8 14 80 40 Kuragallu 18.4 19.3 18.9 80 40 Yerrabalem 15.2 16.4 15.8 80 40 CO (mg/m3) Ainavolu <1 <1 <1 4 Lingayapalem <1 <1 <1 4 - Neerukonda <1 <1 <1 4 - Kuragallu <1 <1 <1 4 - Yerrabalem <1 <1 <1 4 - As can be seen from the above Table: • The Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10) values observed in the range between 34.6 – 50.3 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 100 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Kurugallu and minimum value was recorded at Nerukonda • The Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) values were found in the range between 14.0 – 20.8 µg/m3 as against the CPCB standard of 60 µg/m 3 for residential/industrial category. All the values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Yerrabalem and minimum value was found at Neerukonda. • The Sulfur dioxide values were observed in the range between 4.2-6.8 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the 106 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 locations. The maximum value was recorded at Kurugallu and minimum value was found at Neerukonda. • The Dioxides of Nitrogen (NO2) values were observed in the range between 13.2-19.3 µg/m3 against the CPCB standard of 80 µg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The maximum value was recorded at Kurugallu and minimum value was recorded at Neerukonda. • The carbon monoxide (CO) levels observed were <1.0 mg/m 3 as against the CPCB standard of 4mg/m3 for residential / industrial category. The values were found to be well within the stipulated standards for all the locations. The gaseous concentrations at all the locations are well below the NAAQS/WB- EHS standards/Guidelines for the study period in Package -VI. In general, the ambient air quality in the Package -VI is satisfactory.The graph of PM10 , PM2.5 SO2 & NO2 Concentrations in the study area are shown in the Figures -6.20 & 6.21. 107 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 Min. 60 Max. µg/m3 40 Mean CPCB 20 Standard 0 AAQVI-1 AAQVI-2 AAQVI-3 AAQVI-4 AAQVI-5 AAQVI-1 AAQVI-2 AAQVI-3 AAQVI-4 AAQVI-5 PM 10 PM 2.5 Figure 0-20: : Graph Showing the PM10 & PM2.5 Concentrations in the Package -VI 90 80 70 60 50 Min. 40 Max. µg/m3 30 Mean 20 CPCB Standard 10 0 AAQVI-1 AAQVI-2 AAQVI-3 AAQVI-4 AAQVI-5 AAQVI-1 AAQVI-2 AAQVI-3 AAQVI-4 AAQVI-5 SO2 NO2 Figure 6-21 : Graph Showing the NO2 & SO2 Concentrations in the Package -VI 6.4 Water Environment Selected physico-chemical parameters along with bacteriological indicators of pollution have been used for describing the baseline status of water environment. Generation of baseline data for water quality covers sources of ground and surface water. Assessment of water quality in the study area includes. • Surface water quality (IS – 2296) 108 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Ground water quality (IS – 10500) 6.4.1 Surface water quality Surface water quality for Package –I During the study period two (02) samples were collected for assessing the water quality in Package -I (E8). The sampling locations are designated as SWI1 to SWI2 as described in Table -6.17 and are shown in Figure -6.22. These were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the region. Table -6.17 presents surface water quality obtained at different locations. Figure 6-22 Surface Water Sample Collected at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru Table 6-17 Surface water sampling locations in Package -I Location Code Location SWI-1 Tank near Nekkallu SWI-2 Tank near Shakamuru Table 6-18 Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -I S. Parameter Units IS:2296 SWI-1 SWI-2 No Class C Limits 1 pH at 25 OC - 6.5 – 8.5 8.18 8.16 2 Color Hazen 300 120 18 3 Conductivity at 25 OC µS/cm -- 1162 414 4 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 1500 738 252 5 Turbidity NTU -- 18.0 5.80 6 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 4 4.5 5.4 7 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- 82 20 Demand 8 BOD ( 3 days at 27oC) mg/L 3 24 05 9 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L -- 260 130 10 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L -- 180 120 11 Calcium as Ca mg/L -- 56 32.0 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/L -- 28.8 12.0 13 Chloride as Cl mg/L 600 220 45.0 14 Sodium as Na mg/L -- 142.6 32.4 15 Potassium as K mg/L -- 3.5 1.7 16 Sulphate as SO4-- mg/L 400 76.8 16.4 17 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 50 6.3 3.4 109 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 18 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- 5.6 2.8 19 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.5 0.50 0.30 20 Residual Sodium mg/L -- <0.1 <0.1 Carbonate 21 Iron as Fe mg/L 50 0.12 0.04 22 Zinc as Zn mg/L 15 0.040 0.020 23 Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Chromium as Cr mg/L 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 25 Lead as Pb mg/L 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 26 Temperature oC -- 25.8 26.2 27 Total Suspended Solids mg/L -- 26.2 8.6 28 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- <0.02 <0.02 29 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 30 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.002 <0.0001 <0.0001 31 Totlal Arsenic as As mg/L 0.2 <0.001 <0.001 32 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 33 Hexavalent Chromium as mg/L -- <0.05 <0.05 cr-6 34 Copper as Cu mg/L 1.5 0.036 0.026 35 Total Plate Count MPN/250ml -- 48*102 560 36 Coli form Organisms cfu/ 100ml Should not 380 14 exceed 5000 Data analysis: The surface water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS- 2296 Class -C Limit (Drinking water source after conventional treatment). The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 8.16 – 8.18 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un- objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 130 to 260 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. o The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 252 mg/l to 738 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The chlorides ranged between 45.0 – 220.0 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The Nitrates ranged between 3.4– 6.3 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 16.4 – 76.8 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. o The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30 to 0.50mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. • Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. 110 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.5 mg/l to 5.4 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. • Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 5 – 24mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents in to near by water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 20-82 mg/l. Overall, the surface water quality is found to be satisfactory. The graphs of BOD & DO, Chloride & Sulphate, Nitrate, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity and TDS in the Package -I are shown in the Figures -6.23, 6.24, 6.25, 6.26, 6.27, 6.28 & 6.29. 30 25 20 15 BOD mg/l DO 10 5 0 Desirable SWI-1 SWI-2 Limits Figure 6-23 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package –I 700 600 500 400 Chloride mg/l 300 Sulphate 200 100 0 Desirable SWI-1 SWI-2 Limits Figure 6-24 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -I 111 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 60 50 40 30 mg/l Nitrate 20 10 0 Desirable SWI-1 SWI-2 Limits Figure 6-25 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package -I 9 8 7 6 5 pH Lower Limit 4 Upper Limit 3 2 1 0 SWI-1 SWI-2 Figure 6-26 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -I 112 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1400 1200 1000 800 µS/cm C onductivity 600 400 200 0 SWI-1 SWI-2 Figure 6-27Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -I 20 18 16 14 12 10 NTU Turbidity 8 6 4 2 0 SWI-1 SWI-2 Figure 6-28 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package -I 113 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 mg/l TDS 600 400 200 0 Desirable SWI-1 SWI-2 Limits Figure 6-29 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -I Surface water quality for Package -II During the study period three (03) samples were collected for assessing the water quality in Package -II (N9). The sampling locations are designated as SWI1 to SWI3 as described in Table -6.19 and are shown in Figure -6.30. These were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the region. Table -6.20 presents surface water quality obtained at different locations. Figure 0-30 Surface Water Sample Collected at Malkapuram and Velagapudi Table 6-19 Surface water sampling locations in Package -II Location Code Location SWII-1 River Krishna near Uddandarayunipalem SWII-2 Stream near Velagapudi SWII-3 Stream near Malkapuram Table 6-20 Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -II S. Parameter Units IS:2296 SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 No ClassC Limits 1 pH at 25 OC - 6.5 – 8.5 7.98 7.80 7.93 114 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2 Color Hazen 300 130 150 140 3 Conductivity at 25 µS/cm -- 570 2276 1492 OC 4 Total Dissolved mg/L 1500 336 1428 954 Solids 5 Turbidity NTU -- 14.20 15.30 17.6 6 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 4 4.4 4.9 4.4 7 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- 48 104 62 Demand 8 BOD ( 3 days at mg/L 3 14 30 18 27oC) 9 Total Hardness as mg/L -- 160 700 520 CaCO3 10 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L -- 160 460 480 11 Calcium as Ca mg/L -- 36 144 112 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/L -- 16.8 81.6 57.6 13 Chloride as Cl mg/L 600 75 430 165.0 14 Sodium as Na mg/L -- 54 194.8 98.9 15 Potassium as K mg/L -- 2.1 4.9 3.5 16 Sulphate as SO4-- mg/L 400 11.8 53.9 215.6 17 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 50 3.7 9.4 6.3 18 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- 1.8 8.0 4.2 19 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.5 0.60 0.80 0.80 20 Residual Sodium mg/L -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Carbonate 21 Iron as Fe mg/L 50 0.12 0.14 0.14 22 Zinc as Zn mg/L 15 0.030 0.036 0.032 23 Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Chromium as Cr mg/L 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 25 Lead as Pb mg/L 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 26 Temperature oC -- 25.8 25.8 26.5 27 Total Suspended mg/L -- 22.6 29.1 32.2 Solids 28 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 29 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 30 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.002 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 31 Totlal Arsenic as As mg/L 0.2 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 32 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 33 Hexavalent mg/L -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Chromium as cr-6 34 Copper as Cu mg/L 1.5 0.016 0.040 0.038 35 Total Plate Count MPN/250ml -- 24*102 46*102 45*102 36 Coli form Organisms cfu/ 100ml Should not 140 360 380 exceed 5000 Data analysis: The surface water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS- 2296 Class -C Limit (Drinking water source after conventional treatment). The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.80 – 7.98 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un- objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. • Data on chemical characteristics: 115 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 o The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 160 to 700 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. o The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 336 mg/l to 1428 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The chlorides ranged between 75.0 – 430.0 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The Nitrates ranged between 3.7– 9.4 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 11.8 – 53.9 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. o The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.60 to 0.80mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. • Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. • The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.4mg/l to 4.9 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. • Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 14 – 30 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents in to nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 48-104 mg/l. Overall, the surface water quality is found to be satisfactory. The graphs of BOD & DO, Chloride & Sulphate, Nitrate, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity and TDS in the study area are shown in the Figures -6.31 6.32, 6.33, 6.34, 6.358, 6.36, & 6.37. 116 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 35 30 25 20 BOD mg/l 15 DO 10 5 0 Desirable SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Limits Figure 6-31 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package –II 700 600 500 400 Chloride mg/l 300 Sulphate 200 100 0 Desirable SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Limits Figure 6-32 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -II 117 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 60 50 40 30 mg/l Nitrate 20 10 0 Desirable SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Limits Figure 6-33 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package -II 9 8 7 6 5 pH Lower Limit 4 Upper Limit 3 2 1 0 SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Figure 6-34 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -II 118 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2500 2000 1500 µS/cm C onductivity 1000 500 0 SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Figure 0-35 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -II 20 18 16 14 12 10 NTU Turbidity 8 6 4 2 0 SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Figure 0-36 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package -II 119 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 mg/l TDS 600 400 200 0 Desirable SWII-1 SWII-2 SWII-3 Limits Figure 0-37 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -II Surface water quality for Package -III During the study period seven (07) samples were collected for assessing the water quality in Package -III (N4 & N14). The sampling locations are designated as SWIII1 to SWIII7 as described in Table -6.21 and are shown in Figure -6.38. These were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the region. Table -6.22 presents surface water quality obtained at different locations. Figure 6-38 Surface Water Sample Collected at Venkatapalem and Thullur Chakali Tank Table 6-21 Surface water sampling locations in Package -III Location Code Location SWIII-1 Lake near Navuluru SWIII-2 Pala Vagu near Krishnayapalem SWIII-3 Kondaveeti Vagu near Krishnayapalem SWIII-4 River Krishna near Venkatapalem SWIII-5 River Krishna near Borupalem SWIII-6 Lake in Thullur SWIII-7 Chakali cheruvu near Thullur 120 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-22 Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -III S.No Parameter Units IS:2296 Class SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 C Limits 1 pH at 25 OC - 6.5 – 8.5 8.03 7.28 7.65 8.16 8.10 8.09 8.15 2 Color Hazen 300 140 120 225 18 15 180 240 3 Conductivity at 25 OC µS/cm -- 664 470 464 414 516 1402 1128 4 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 1500 418 292 288 252 320 898 1436 5 Turbidity NTU -- 16.3 12.8 15.6 5.80 5.50 14.0 17.5 6 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 4 4.1 5.4 4.5 5.4 5.8 4.4 4.2 7 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- 38 30 58 20 26 56 82 Demand 8 BOD ( 3 days at 27oC) mg/L 3 06 06 16 05 06 18 24 9 Total Hardness as mg/L -- 140 150 140 130 220 100 580 CaCO3 10 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L -- 160 130 140 120 140 270 100 11 Calcium as Ca mg/L -- 32 32.0 32 32.0 48 24.0 120 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/L -- 14.4 16.8 14.4 12.0 24 9.6 67.2 13 Chloride as Cl mg/L 600 100 60 50.0 45.0 70 275 485 14 Sodium as Na mg/L -- 84.6 36.3 39.1 32.4 12.7 266.8 233.5 15 Potassium as K mg/L -- 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.7 3.6 6.2 5.8 16 Sulphate as SO4-- mg/L 400 22.2 14.4 14.0 16.4 12.8 32.2 30.1 17 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 50 4.4 4.4 3.8 3.4 3.1 5.6 10.0 18 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.6 4.2 4.8 19 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.5 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.4 0.9 0.90 20 Residual Sodium mg/L -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Carbonate 21 Iron as Fe mg/L 50 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.16 0.20 22 Zinc as Zn mg/L 15 0.034 0.020 0.016 0.020 0.0 40 0.050 0.042 23 Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Chromium as Cr mg/L 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 25 Lead as Pb mg/L 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 26 Temperature oC -- 26.3 25.6 26.8 26.2 25.4 26.3 26.2 27 Total Suspended mg/L -- 14.6 10.2 10.1 8.6 10.0 32.2 38.4 Solids 121 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 28 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 29 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 30 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.002 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 31 Totlal Arsenic as As mg/L 0.2 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 32 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 33 Hexavalent Chromium mg/L -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 as cr-6 34 Copper as Cu mg/L 1.5 0.035 0.042 0.022 0.026 0.020 0.028 0.032 35 Total Plate Count MPN/250ml -- 36*102 25*102 41*102 560 420 54*102 49*102 36 Coli form Organisms cfu/ 100ml Should not 136 98 188 14 <0.0001 360 390 exceed 5000 122 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis: The surface water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS- 2296 Class -C Limit (Drinking water source after conventional treatment). The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.28 – 8.16 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un- objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 100 to 580 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. o The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 252 mg/l to 1436 mg/l and are within the limits. o The chlorides ranged between 12.8 – 485.0 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The Nitrates ranged between 3.1– 10.0 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 12.8 – 32.2 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. o The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30 to 0.90mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. • Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. • The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.1mg/l to 5.8 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. • Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 4.1 – 24 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents in to nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 20-82 mg/l. Overall, the surface water quality is found to be satisfactory. The graphs of BOD & DO, Chloride & Sulphate, Nitrate, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity and TDS in the study area are shown in the Figures -6.39, 6.40, 6.41, 6.42, 6.43, 6.44 & 6.45. 123 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 30 25 20 15 BOD mg/l 10 DO 5 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Desirable Limits Figure 6-39 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in the Package –III 700 600 500 400 300 Chloride mg/l Sulphate 200 100 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Desirable Limits Figure 60-40 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package - III 124 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 60 50 40 30 mg/l Nitrate 20 10 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Desirable Limits Figure 6-41 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –III 9 8 7 6 5 pH 4 Lower Limit 3 Upper Limit 2 1 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Figure 6-42 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -III 125 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 µS/cm 600 C onductivity 400 200 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Figure 6-43 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package –III 20 18 16 14 12 10 NTU 8 Turbidity 6 4 2 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Figure 6-44 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package –III 126 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 mg/l 600 TDS 400 200 0 SWIII-1 SWIII-2 SWIII-3 SWIII-4 SWIII-5 SWIII-6 SWIII-7 Desirable Limits Figure 6-45 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -III Surface water quality for Package -IV During the study period eight (08) samples were collected for assessing the water quality in Package -IV (E10, E14 & N16). The sampling locations are designated as SWIV1 to SWIV8 as described in Table -6.23 and are shown in Figure -6.46. These were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the region. Table -6.24 presents surface water quality obtained at different locations. Figure 6-46 Surface Water Sample Collected at Navuluruand and Dondapadu Table 6-23 Surface water sampling locations in Package -IV Location Code Location SWIV-1 Kondaveeti Vagu near Krishnayapalem SWIV-2 Pala Vagu near Krishnayapalem SWIV-3 Tank near Penumaka Jr. College SWIV-4 Tank near Penumaka SWIV-5 Lake in Bethapadu SWIV-6 Lake in Navuluru SWIV-7 Tank near Nekkallu SWIV-8 Lake in Dondapadu 127 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-24 Results of Surface Water Quality in the Package -IV S.No Parameter Units IS:2296 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV- Class C 8 Limits 1 pH at 25 OC - 6.5 – 7.66 7.28 8.50 7.64 8.22 8.03 8.18 8.12 8.5 2 Color Hazen 300 125 120 220 230 150 140 120 220 3 Conductivity at 25 OC µS/cm -- 564 470 1334 1392 528 664 1162 1174 4 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 1500 342 292 836 878 320 418 738 742 5 Turbidity NTU -- 13.6 12.8 15.8 18.3 15.0 16.3 18.0 15.1 6 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 4 5.2 5.4 4.5 4.6 4.9 4.1 4.5 4.6 7 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L -- 32 30 70 82 44 38 82 50 8 BOD ( 3 days at 27oC) mg/L 3 08 06 18 20 12 06 24 14 9 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L -- 150 150 380 420 150 140 260 180 10 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L -- 150 130 390 420 140 160 180 380 11 Calcium as Ca mg/L -- 36.0 32.0 80.0 88.0 32.0 32 56 40.0 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/L -- 14.4 16.8 43.2 48.0 16.8 14.4 28.8 19.2 13 Chloride as Cl mg/L 600 70 60 170 165.0 60.0 100 220 130 14 Sodium as Na mg/L -- 56.8 36.3 127.6 122.3 48.7 84.6 142.6 178.5 15 Potassium as K mg/L -- 2.5 2.3 3.0 3.1 2.3 2.4 3.5 4.3 16 Sulphate as SO4-- mg/L 400 24.4 14.4 27.3 32.2 30.7 22.2 76.8 15.2 17 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 50 4.4 4.4 5.0 5.6 4.2 4.4 6.3 4.4 18 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- 2.8 2.8 3.8 4.2 3.4 3.0 5.6 3.6 19 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.5 0.40 0.30 0.60 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.50 0.8 20 Residual Sodium Carbonate mg/L -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 21 Iron as Fe mg/L 50 0.6 0.06 0.14 0.14 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.12 22 Zinc as Zn mg/L 15 0.024 0.020 0.028 0.024 0.016 0.034 0.040 0.062 23 Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Chromium as Cr mg/L 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 25 Lead as Pb mg/L 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 26 Temperature oC -- 26.6 25.6 26.5 26.5 26.8 26.3 25.8 25.9 27 Total Suspended Solids mg/L -- 12.8 10.2 18.2 15.3 08.4 14.6 26.2 28.8 28 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 29 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 30 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.002 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 128 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 31 Totlal Arsenic as As mg/L 0.2 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 32 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 33 Hexavalent Chromium as cr-6 mg/L -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 34 Copper as Cu mg/L 1.5 0.042 0.042 0.036 0.030 0.016 0.035 0.036 0.032 35 Total Plate Count MPN/250 -- 28*102 25*102 43*102 42*102 34*102 36*102 48*102 46*102 ml 36 Coli form Organisms cfu/ Should 114 98 245 222 138 136 380 350 100ml not exceed 5000 129 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis: The surface water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS- 2296 Class -C Limit (Drinking water source after conventional treatment). The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.28 – 8.50 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un- objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 140 to 420 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. o The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 292 mg/l to 878 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The chlorides ranged between 60 – 220.0 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The Nitrates ranged between 4.2– 6.3 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 14.4 – 76.8 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. o The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30 to 0.80mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. • Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. • The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.1 mg/l to 5.4 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. • Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 6 – 24.0 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents in to near by water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 30-82 mg/l. Overall, the surface water quality is found to be satisfactory. The graphs of BOD & DO, Chloride & Sulphate, Nitrate, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity and TDS in the study area are shown in the Figures -6.47, 6.48, 6.49, 6.50, 6.51, 6.52 & 6.53. 130 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 30 25 20 15 BOD mg/l 10 DO 5 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Desirable Limits Figure 6-47 Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in the Package –IV 700 600 500 400 300 Chloride mg/l Sulphate 200 100 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Desirable Limits Figure 6-48 Graph Showing the Chloride and Sulphate Concentrations in the Package –IV 131 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 60 50 40 30 mg/l Nitrate 20 10 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Desirable Limits Figure 6-49 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –IV 9 8 7 6 5 pH 4 Lower Limit 3 Upper Limit 2 1 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Figure 6-50 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -IV 132 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 µS/cm C onductivity 600 400 200 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Figure 6-51 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -IV 20 18 16 14 12 10 NTU 8 Turbidity 6 4 2 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Figure 6-52 Graph Showing the Turbidity Concentrations in the Package -IV 133 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 mg/l 600 TDS 400 200 0 SWIV-1 SWIV-2 SWIV-3 SWIV-4 SWIV-5 SWIV-6 SWIV-7 SWIV-8 Desirable Limits Figure 6-53 Graph Showing the TDS Concentrations in the Package -IV Surface water quality for Package -V During the study period one (1) sample were collected for assessing the water quality in Package -V (E6 roads). The sampling locations are designated as SWV1 as described in Table -6.25. These were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the study area. Table -6.26 presents surface water quality obtained at different locations. Figure 6-54 : Surface Water Sample Collected Pond near Nelapadu Table 6-25: Surface water sampling locations in Package -V Location Code Location SWV-1 Pond near Nelapadu Table 6-26: Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -V S. Parameter Units IS:2296 SWV-1 No Class C Limits 1 pH at 25 OC - 6.5 – 8.5 7.96 2 Color Hazen 300 110 3 Conductivity at 25 OC µS/cm -- 712 134 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Parameter Units IS:2296 SWV-1 No Class C Limits 4 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 1500 448 5 Turbidity NTU -- 13.3 6 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 4 4.8 7 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- 44 Demand 8 BOD ( 3 days at 27oC) mg/L 3 14 9 Total Hardness as mg/L -- 160 CaCO3 10 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L -- 140 11 Calcium as Ca mg/L -- 40.0 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/L -- 14.4 13 Chloride as Cl mg/L 600 95.0 14 Sodium as Na mg/L -- 86.7 15 Potassium as K mg/L -- 2.1 16 Sulphate as SO4-- mg/L 400 72.1 17 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 50 3.8 18 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- 2.4 19 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.5 0.30 20 Residual Sodium mg/L -- <0.1 Carbonate 21 Iron as Fe mg/L 50 0.10 22 Zinc as Zn mg/L 15 0.024 23 Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 <0.1 24 Chromium as Cr mg/L 0.05 <0.001 25 Lead as Pb mg/L 0.1 <0.001 26 Temperature oC -- 246.3 27 Total Suspended mg/L -- 26.1 Solids 28 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- <0.02 29 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.005 <0.001 30 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.002 <0.0001 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.2 <0.001 32 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.01 <0.001 33 Hexavalent Chromium mg/L -- <0.05 as cr-6 34 Copper as Cu mg/L 1.5 0.025 35 Total Plate Count MPN/250ml -- 35*102 36 Coli form Organisms cfu/ 100ml Should not 250 exceed 5000 135 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis: The surface water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS- 2296 Class -C Limit (Drinking water source after conventional treatment). The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristic indiacated a pH value of 7.96 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un-objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The total hardness observed is found to be 160 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. o The total dissolved solids observed to be 448 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The chlorides value is found to be 95 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The Nitrates concentration is found to be 3.8 mg/l and the Sulphates concentration is found 72.1 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. o The Fluoride concentration is found to be 0.30 mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. • Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. • The Dissolved Oxygen is found to be 4.8 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. • Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is found to be 14 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents in to nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be 44 mg/l. Overall, the surface water quality is found to be satisfactory. The graphs of BOD & DO, Sulphate & Nitrate, Chloride, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity and TDS in the Package -V are shown in the Figures -6.55, 6.56, 6.57, 6.58, 6.59, 6.60 & 6.61. 136 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 16 14 12 10 BOD mg/L 8 DO 6 4 2 0 Tolerance Limit SWV-1 Nelapadu Figure 6-55 : Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package -V 700 600 500 400 Chloride mg/L 300 Sulphate 200 100 0 Tolerance Limit SWV-1 Nelapadu Figure 6-56 : Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -V 137 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 60 50 40 mg/L 30 Nitrate 20 10 0 Tolerance Limit SWV-1 Nelapadu Figure 6-57: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in the Package -V 9 8 7 6 5 pH pH 4 3 2 1 0 Lower Limit Upper Limit pH Figure 6-58: Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -V 138 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 800 700 600 500 µS/cm 400 Conductivity 300 200 100 0 SWV-1 Nelapadu Figure 6-59: Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -V 14 12 10 8 NTU 6 Turbidity 4 2 0 SWV-1 Nelapadu Figure 6-60: Graph Showing the Turbidity values in the Package –V 139 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 (mg/L) 800 TDS 600 400 200 0 Tolerance Limit SWV-1 Nelapadu Figure 6-61: Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -V Surface water quality for Package -VI During the study period six (06) samples were collected for assessing the water quality in Package -VI (E12, N11). The sampling locations are designated as SWVI- 1 to SWVI-6 as described in Table -6.27. These were identified considering proximity to the project site, their activities and depending upon its utility by the people in the study area. Table -6.28 presents surface water quality obtained at different locations. Figure 6-62: Surface Water Samples Collected at River Krishna near Lingayapalem and Kuragallu lake Table 6-27 : Surface water sampling locations in Package -VI Location Code Location SWVI-1 Tank near Ainavolu SWVI-2 Krishna River near Lingayapalem SWVI-3 Pond near Neerukonda SWVI-4 Kuragallu lake SWVI-5 Lake near Yerrabalem SWVI-6 Kondaveeti Vagu _Mandadam-Kuragallu Road 140 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-28 : Results of Surface Water Quality in Package -VI S. Parameter Units IS:2296 SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 No Class C Limits 1 pH at 25 OC - 6.5 – 8.5 8.22 8.16 7.20 8.29 8.26 7.12 2 Color Hazen 300 110 15 165 180 185 120 3 Conductivity at 25 OC µS/cm -- 596 486 944 1876 1366 710 4 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 1500 364 304 592 1186 858 234 5 Turbidity NTU -- 12.8 6.8 16.5 19.2 18.1 13.1 6 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 4 4.5 5.8 4.3 4.8 4.5 4.6 7 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- 56 24 40 64 54 50 Demand 8 BOD ( 3 days at 27oC) mg/L 3 18 04 12 20 16 14 9 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L -- 120 130 160 360 240 210 10 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L -- 160 130 240 400 340 190 11 Calcium as Ca mg/L -- 28 32 36.0 80 52 44 12 Magnesium as Mg mg/L -- 12 12 16.8 38.4 26.4 24 13 Chloride as Cl mg/L 600 85 65 140 310 215 115 14 Sodium as Na mg/L -- 78.6 48.7 138.9 260.8 198.7 72.3 15 Potassium as K mg/L -- 2.0 2.0 3.1 3.5 3.5 2.8 16 Sulphate as SO4-- mg/L 400 12.3 13.8 23.8 85.6 27.9 172.6 17 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 50 3.5 3.8 5.6 6.9 6.3 5.3 18 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- 2.0 2.6 4.0 5.2 5.4 3.5 19 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.5 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.80 0.60 0.30 20 Residual Sodium mg/L -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Carbonate 21 Iron as Fe mg/L 50 0.14 0.08 0.10 0.16 0.15 0.08 22 Zinc as Zn mg/L 15 0.025 0.024 0.030 0.028 0.042 0.022 23 Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Chromium as Cr mg/L 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 25 Lead as Pb mg/L 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 26 Temperature oC -- 25.6 25.8 26.8 26.5 26.3 27.2 27 Total Suspended Solids mg/L -- 26.4 10.2 16.1 20.4 12.5 12.6 28 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 29 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 30 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.002 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 141 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Parameter Units IS:2296 SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 No Class C Limits 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.2 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 32 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 33 Hexavalent Chromium as mg/L -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 cr-6 34 Copper as Cu mg/L 1.5 0.020 0.020 0.054 0.061 0.060 0.028 35 Total Plate Count MPN/250ml -- 34*102 480 38*102 43*102 41*102 25*102 36 Coli form Organisms cfu/ 100ml Should not 240 12 122 168 148 102 exceed 5000 142 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis: The surface water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS- 2296 Class -C Limit (Drinking water source after conventional treatment). The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.20-8.29 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. Odour of water is un- objectionable. The Colour of water found to be well within desirable limit. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The total hardness observed to be constant in all samples and is in the range of 120-360 mg/l. The contribution of calcium is more than magnesium to the total hardness, which is reflected clearly from calcium and magnesium values. o The total dissolved solids observed are ranged between 234-1186 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The chlorides ranged between 65-310 mg/l and are well within the limits. o The Nitrates ranged between 3.5-6.9 mg/l and the Sulphates ranged between 12.3-172.6 mg/l and the observed values found to be consistent in Nitrates and Sulphates. Nitrates and Sulphate values are well within the limits. o The Fluoride values found to be in the range of 0.30-0.80 mg/l as against the desirable limits of 1 mg/l. • Data on trace metals i.e., Fe, Zn, B, Cr & Cd concentrations found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and are found to be very well within desirable limit. • The Dissolved Oxygen in the sources is ranging between 4.3-5.8 mg/l as against the minimum requirement limit 4mg/l, which implies sustainability of aquatic life in the tanks /lakes. • Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is observed to be slightly high and ranged between 4-20 mg/l as against the specified limit of 3mg/l. This may be due to intrusion of domestic effluents in to nearby water bodies. The COD is found to be ranged between 24-64 mg/l. Overall, the surface water quality is found to be satisfactory. The graphs of BOD & DO, Sulphate & Nitrate,Chloride, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity and TDS in the study area are shown in the Figures -6.63, 6.64, 6.65, 6.66, 6.67, 6.68 & 6.69. 143 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 25 20 15 BOD mg/L DO 10 5 0 Tolerance Limit SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 Figure 6-63 : Graph Showing the BOD and DO Concentrations in Package -VI 700 600 500 400 Chloride mg/L 300 Sulphate 200 100 0 SWVI-1 SWVI-3 SWVI-5 Tolerance Limit SWVI-2 SWVI-4 SWVI-6 Figure 6-64: Graph Showing the Sulphate and Chloride Concentrations in Package –VI 144 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 60 50 40 m g/L 30 Nitrate 20 10 0 Tolerance Limit SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 Figure 6-65: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in Package -VI 9 8 7 6 5 pH 4 3 2 1 0 Lower Limit Upper Limit SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 Figure 6-66 : Graph Showing the pH values in the Package -VI 145 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 µS/cm 1000 Conductivity 800 600 400 200 0 SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 Figure 6-67 : Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package –VI 25 20 15 NTU Turbidity 10 5 0 SWVI-1 SWVI-2 SWVI-3 SWVI-4 SWVI-5 SWVI-6 Figure 6-68: Graph Showing the Turbidity values in the Package -VI 146 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 mg/L TDS 600 400 200 0 SWVI-1 SWVI-3 SWVI-5 Tolerance Limit SWVI-2 SWVI-4 SWVI-6 Figure 6-69 : Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -VI 6.4.2 Ground water quality Ground water quality for Package -I Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the sub-project influence area for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use, hence the rate of extraction of ground water is at a moderate scale. For assessing the ground water quality in the Package -I (E8) of 10 Priority roads, two (02) samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells and given in Table -6.29. Selection of samples considered as per the utilization of the people along the proposed road development projects. Mostly ground water is used for domestic, drinking, gardening, floor washing and industrial purposes. The ground water quality analysis results are given in Table -6.30 and the locations are shown in Figure -6.70. Table 6-29 Ground Water sampling Locations in Package -I Location Code Bore Well Location GWI-1 Nekkallu GWI-2 Sakhamuru 147 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-70 Ground Water Sample Collected at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru Table 6-30 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -I S.No Parameter Units IS:10500 GWI-1 GWI-2 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits 1 pH - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.18 7.90 2 Color (Hazen units) Hazen 5 15 <05 <05 3 Taste - Agree Agree Agree Agree 4 Odor - Agree Agree UO UO 5 Conductivity µS/cm -- -- 2814 2464 6 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 1 5 2.80 2.10 7 Total Dissolve solids mg/L 500 2000 1802 1527 8 Total Hardness as mg/L 200 600 600 800 CaCO3 9 Total Alkalinity mg/L 200 600 560 500 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 75 200 140 192.0 11 Magnesium as Mg mg/L 30 100 60 76.8 12 Chloride as Cl mg/L 250 1000 370 320 13 Sulphate as SO4 mg/L 200 400 291.5 257.4 14 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.0 1.5 1.20 1.40 15 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 45 100 13.3 7.6 16 Sodium as Na mg/L -- -- 363.8 192.9 17 Potassium as K mg/L -- -- 5.5 4.1 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0.3 NR 0.20 0.16 19 Zinc as Zn mg/L 5 15 0.082 0.080 20 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- -- <02 <02 Demand 21 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- -- 12.0 5.2 22 Temperature oC 0.003 NR 26.8 27.3 23 Total Suspended mg/L 0.05 NR <0.1 <0.1 Solids 24 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L Absent Absent <01 <01 25 Bio chemical oxygen mg/L -- -- <01 <01 Demand 26 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 27 Oil & grease mg/L -- -- <0.1 <0.1 28 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 29 Residual sodium mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 carbonate 30 Lead as pb mg/L 0.01 NR <0.02 <0.02 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 148 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 32 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.001 NR <0.0001 <0.0001 33 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.003 NR <0.001 <0.001 34 Hexavalent Chromium mg/L -- -- <0.05 <0.05 as cr-6 35 Total Chromium mg/L 0.05 NR <0.05 <0.05 36 Copper as Cu mg/L 0.05 1.5 0.050 0.025 37 Total Plate Count MPN/ml -- -- ND ND 38 Coli form Organisms cfu/ ml Absent Absent ND ND Note: Agre – Agreeable, UO – Unobjectionable, ND – Not Detected, NR – No Relaxation, NA – Not agreeable, Obj – Objectionable Data analysis: The ground water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS: 10500 Drinking Water Standards. The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.18 – 7.90 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations • Data on chemical characteristics: o The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 600 to 800 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits and the permissible limits. o The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 1527 mg/l to 1802 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l. o The chlorides ranged between 320.0-370.0 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l. o The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 7.6 – 13.3 mg/l and 257.4 – 291.5 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the permissible limits but within the desirable limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates. o The Fluoride values found are in the range of 1.2 – 1.4 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The samples are within the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. • Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. The ground water quality in the study area is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after treatment. The Concentrations of Nitrate, Chloride & Sulphate, Fluoride, Total hardness & Total Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids, pH and Conductivity in the Package -I are shown in the Figures - 6.71, 6.72, 6.73, 6.74, 6.75, 6.76 & 6.77 respectively. 149 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 60 mg/l Nitrate 40 20 0 Desirable Permissible GWI-1 GWI-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-71 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –I 1200 1000 800 600 Chloride mg/l Sulphate 400 200 0 Desirable Permissible GWI-1 GWI-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-72 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package –I 150 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 mg/l F luoride 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Desirable Permissible GWI-1 GWI-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-73 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package -I 900 800 700 600 500 Total Hardness mg/l 400 Total Alkalinity 300 200 100 0 Desirable Permissible GWI-1 GWI-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-74 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package -I 151 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2500 2000 1500 mg/l TDS 1000 500 0 Desirable Permissible GWI-1 GWI-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-75 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package -I 2500 2000 1500 mg/l TDS 1000 500 0 Desirable Permissible GWI-1 GWI-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-76 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –I 152 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2900 2800 2700 2600 µS/cm Conductivity 2500 2400 2300 2200 GWI-1 GWI-2 Figure 6-77 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -I Ground water quality for Package -II Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the sub-project influence area for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use; hence the rate of extraction of ground water is at a moderate scale. For assessing the ground water quality in the Package -II (N9) of 10 Priority roads, two (02) samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells and given in Table -6.31. Selection of samples considered as per the utilization of the people along the proposed road development projects. Mostly ground water is used for domestic, drinking, gardening, floor washing and industrial purposes. The ground water quality analysis results are given in Table -6.32 and the locations are shown in Figure -6.78. Table 0-31 Ground Water sampling Locations in Package -II Location Code Bore Well Location GWII-1 Malkapuram GWII-2 Velagapudi Figure 6-78 Ground Water Sample Collected at Malkapuram and Velagapudi 153 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-32 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -II S.No Parameter Units IS:10500 GWII-1 GWII-2 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits 1 pH - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.08 7.41 2 Color (Hazen units) Hazen 5 15 <05 <05 3 Taste - Agre Agre Agre Agre 4 Odor - Agre Agre UO UO 5 Conductivity µS/cm -- -- 2614 1638 6 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 1 5 2.10 2.10 7 Total Dissolve solids mg/L 500 2000 1620 1014 8 Total Hardness as mg/L 200 600 920 350 CaCO3 9 Total Alkalinity mg/L 200 600 1040 490 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 75 200 232 68 11 Magnesium as Mg mg/L 30 100 81.6 36 12 Chloride as Cl mg/L 250 1000 145.1 210 13 Sulphate as SO4 mg/L 200 400 45.8 20.7 14 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.0 1.5 0.80 1.1 15 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 45 100 8.8 6.3 16 Sodium as Na mg/L -- -- 172 224.0 17 Potassium as K mg/L -- -- 4.3 3.3 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0.3 NR 0.20 0.16 19 Zinc as Zn mg/L 5 15 0.072 0.062 20 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- -- <02 <02 Demand 21 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- -- 9.4 4.8 22 Temperature oC 0.003 NR 26.9 27.2 23 Total Suspended mg/L 0.05 NR <0.1 <0.1 Solids 24 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L Absent Absent <01 <01 25 Bio chemical oxygen mg/L -- -- <01 <01 Demand 26 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 27 Oil & grease mg/L -- -- <0.1 <0.1 28 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 29 Residual sodium mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 carbonate 30 Lead as pb mg/L 0.01 NR <0.02 <0.02 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 32 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.001 NR <0.0001 <0.0001 33 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.003 NR <0.001 <0.001 34 Hexavalent Chromium mg/L -- -- <0.05 <0.05 as cr-6 35 Total Chromium mg/L 0.05 NR <0.05 <0.05 36 Copper as Cu mg/L 0.05 1.5 0.042 0.034 37 Total Plate Count MPN/ml -- -- ND ND 38 Coli form Organisms cfu/ ml Absent Absent ND ND Note: Agre – Agreeable, UO – Unobjectionable, ND – Not Detected, NR – No Relaxation, NA – Not agreeable, Obj – Objectionable Data analysis: The ground water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS: 10500 Drinking Water Standards. The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: 154 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.08 – 7.41 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 350 to 920mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits. How ever, the total hardness values exceeded the permissible limits at Malkapuram. o The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 1014 mg/l to 1620 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l. o The chlorides ranged between 145.1-210.0 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l. o The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 6.3 – 8.8 mg/l and 20.7 – 45.8 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the desirable limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates. o The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.80 – 1.1 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The fluoride content in the samples are not exceeding the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. • Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. The ground water quality in the study area is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after treatment. The Concentrations of Nitrate, Chloride & Sulphate, Fluoride, Total hardness & Total Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids, pH and Conductivity in the study area are shown in the Figures - 6.79, 6.80, 6.81, 6.82, 6.83, 6.84 & 6.85 respectively. 155 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 60 mg/l Nitrate 40 20 0 Desirable Permissible GWII-1 GWII-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-79 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package -II 1200 1000 800 600 Chloride mg/l Sulphate 400 200 0 Desirable Permissible GWII-1 GWII-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-80 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -II 156 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 mg/l F luoride 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Desirable Permissible GWII-1 GWII-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-81 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package –II 1200 1000 800 600 Total Hardness mg/l Total Alkalinity 400 200 0 Desirable Permissible GWII-1 GWII-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-82 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package –II 157 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2500 2000 1500 mg/l TDS 1000 500 0 Desirable Permissible GWII-1 GWII-2 Limits Limits Figure 6-83 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package –II 9 8 7 6 5 pH Lower Limit 4 Upper Limit 3 2 1 0 GWII-1 GWII-2 Figure 6-84 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –II 158 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3000 2500 2000 µS/cm 1500 Conductivity 1000 500 0 GWII-1 GWII-2 Figure 6-85 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -II Ground water quality for Package -III Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the sub-project influence area for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use, hence the rate of extraction of ground water is at a moderate scale. For assessing the ground water quality in the Package -III (N4 & N14) of 10 Priority roads, four (04) samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells and given in Table -6.33. Selection of samples considered as per the utilization of the people along the proposed road development projects. Mostly ground water is used for domestic, drinking, gardening, floor washing and industrial purposes. The ground water quality analysis results are given in Table -6.34 and the locations are shown in Figure -6.86. Table 0-33 Ground Water sampling Locations for Package -III Location Code Bore Well Location GWIII-1 Venkatapalem GWIII-2 Krishnayapalem GWIII-3 Thulluru GWIII-4 Abbarajupalem Figure 0-86 Ground Water Sample Collected at Abbarajupalem and Thullur 159 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 0-34 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -III S.No Parameter Units IS:10500 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Desirable Permis Limits sible Limits 1 pH - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.78 7.42 7.78 7.28 2 Color (Hazen Hazen 5 15 <05 <05 <05 <05 units) 3 Taste - Agre Agre Agre Agre Agre Agre 4 Odor - Agre Agre UO UO UO UO 5 Conductivity µS/cm -- -- 1540 2218 2094 2688 6 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 1 5 2.10 2.40 2.10 2.30 7 Total Dissolve mg/L 500 2000 954 1376 1348 1714 solids 8 Total Hardness mg/L 200 600 680 580 320 640 as CaCO3 9 Total Alkalinity mg/L 200 600 430 630 570 620 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 75 200 148 108 72 132 11 Magnesium as mg/L 30 100 88.8 74.4 33 74.4 Mg 12 Chloride as Cl mg/L 250 1000 170 320 230 410 13 Sulphate as SO4 mg/L 200 400 82.1 16.4 174.7 117.4 14 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.0 1.5 1.20 0.80 1.30 0.90 15 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 45 100 8.8 6.3 12.6 14.5 16 Sodium as Na mg/L -- -- 37.0 236.9 327.5 316.9 17 Potassium as K mg/L -- -- 3.7 4.7 5.1 5.1 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0.3 NR 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.80 19 Zinc as Zn mg/L 5 15 0.72 0.690 0.084 0.920 20 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- -- <02 <02 <02 <02 Demand 21 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- -- 5.2 6.8 10.8 11.6 22 Temperature oC 0.003 NR 26.8 26.2 26.8 26.6 23 Total Suspended mg/L 0.05 NR <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <01 Solids 24 Dissolved mg/L Absent Absent <01 <01 <01 <01 Oxygen 25 Bio chemical mg/L -- -- <01 <01 <01 <01 oxygen Demand 26 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 27 Oil & grease mg/L -- -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 28 Phenolic mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Compounds 29 Residual sodium mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 carbonate 30 Lead as pb mg/L 0.01 NR <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 31 Total Arsenic as mg/L 0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 As 32 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.001 NR <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 33 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.003 NR <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 34 Hexavalent mg/L -- -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Chromium as cr- 6 35 Total Chromium mg/L 0.05 NR <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 36 Copper as Cu mg/L 0.05 1.5 0.034 0.023 0.040 0.030 37 Total Plate Count MPN/m -- -- ND ND ND ND l 38 Coli form cfu/ ml Absent Absent ND ND ND ND Organisms 160 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Note: Agre – Agreeable, UO – Unobjectionable, ND – Not Detected, NR – No Relaxation, NA – Not agreeable, Obj – Objectionable Data analysis: The ground water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS: 10500 Drinking Water Standards. The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.28 – 7.78 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. Data on chemical characteristics: The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 320 to 680 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits. How ever, the total hardness values exceeded the permissible limits at two sampling locations namely Venkatapalem and Abbarajupalem. The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 954 mg/l to 1714 mg/l as against the desirable limits of 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits of 2000 mg/l. The chlorides ranged between 170.0-410.1 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l. The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 6.3 – 14.5 mg/l and 16.4 – 174.7 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the permissible limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates. The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.80 – 1.30 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The fluoride content in the samples found to be within the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. The ground water quality in the Package -III is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after treatment. The Concentrations of Nitrate, Chloride & Sulphate, Fluoride, Total hardness & Total Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids, pH and Conductivity in the study area are shown in the Figures - 6.87, 6.88, 6.89, 6.90, 6.91, 6.92 & 6.93 respectively 161 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 60 40 mg/l Nitrate 20 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-87 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –III 1200 1000 800 600 Chloride mg/l 400 Sulphate 200 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-88 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package -III 162 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 mg/l F luoride 0.4 0.2 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-89 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package –III 800 700 600 500 400 300 Total Hardness mg/l 200 Total Alkalinity 100 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-90 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package –III 163 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2500 2000 1500 1000 mg/l TDS 500 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-91 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package –III 9 8 7 6 5 pH Lower Limit 4 Upper Limit 3 2 1 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Figure 6-92 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –III 164 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3000 2500 2000 µS/cm 1500 Conductivity 1000 500 0 GWIII-1 GWIII-2 GWIII-3 GWIII-4 Figure 6-93 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -III Ground water quality for Package -IV Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the sub-project influence area for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use, hence the rate of extraction of ground water is at a moderate scale. For assessing the ground water quality in the Package -IV (E10, E14 & N16) of 10 Priority roads, six (06) samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells and given in Table -6.35. Selection of samples considered as per the utilization of the people along the proposed road development projects. Mostly ground water is used for domestic, drinking, gardening, floor washing and industrial purposes. The ground water quality analysis results are given in Table -6.36 and the locations are shown in Figure -6.94. Table 0-35 Ground Water sampling Locations for Package -IV Location Code Bore Well Location GWIV-1 Krishnayapalem GWIV-2 Penumaka GWIV-3 Navuluru GWIV-4 Bethapudi GWIV-5 Nekkallu GWIV-6 Dondapadu 165 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-94 Ground Water Sample Collected at Nekkallu and Dondapadu 166 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-36 Ground water quality analysis results for Package -IV S.No Parameter Units IS:10500 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits 1 pH - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.42 7.12 7.16 7.40 7.18 7.58 2 Color (Hazen units) Hazen 5 15 <05 <05 <05 <05 <05 <05 3 Taste - Agre Agre Agre Agre Agre Agre Agre Agre 4 Odor - Agre Agre UO UO UO UO UO UO 5 Conductivity µS/cm -- -- 2218 1870 4624 3964 2814 1452 6 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 1 5 2.40 2.00 3.10 2.90 2.80 1.8 7 Total Dissolve solids mg/L 500 2000 1376 1118 2868 2458 1802 930 8 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 200 600 580 750 890 940 600 210 9 Total Alkalinity mg/L 200 600 630 440 960 820 560 460 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 75 200 108 136 160 248 140 52.0 11 Magnesium as Mg mg/L 30 100 74.4 98.4 119.6 77 60 19.2 12 Chloride as Cl mg/L 250 1000 320 300 710 740 370 140 13 Sulphate as SO4 mg/L 200 400 16.4 54.5 296.3 100.2 291.5 52.6 14 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.0 1.5 0.80 1.10 1.60 1.80 1.20 0.60 15 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 45 100 6.3 8.8 27.1 8.8 13.3 8.2 16 Sodium as Na mg/L -- -- 236.9 78.2 647.7 472.8 363.8 231.8 17 Potassium as K mg/L -- -- 4.7 4.8 5.0 4.7 5.5 4.0 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0.3 NR 0.12 0.20 0.26 0.28 0.20 0.60 19 Zinc as Zn mg/L 5 15 0.690 0.580 0.760 0.560 0.082 0.450 20 Chemical Oxygen mg/L -- -- <02 <02 <02 <02 <02 <02 Demand 21 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- -- 6.8 6.4 20.4 10.2 12.0 6.6 22 Temperature oC 0.003 NR 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.4 26.8 26.2 23 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 0.05 NR <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <01 24 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L Absent Absent <01 <01 <01 <01 <01 <01 25 Bio chemical oxygen mg/L -- -- <01 <01 <01 <01 <01 <01 Demand 26 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 27 Oil & grease mg/L -- -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 28 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 29 Residual sodium mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 carbonate 167 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 30 Lead as pb mg/L 0.01 NR <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 32 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.001 NR <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 33 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.003 NR <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 34 Hexavalent Chromium as mg/L -- -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Cr6+ 35 Total Chromium mg/L 0.05 NR <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 36 Copper as Cu mg/L 0.05 1.5 0.023 0.030 0.092 0.058 0.050 0.024 37 Total Plate Count MPN/ml -- -- ND ND ND ND ND ND 38 Coli form Organisms cfu/ ml Absent Absent ND ND ND ND ND ND Note: Agre – Agreeable, UO – Unobjectionable, ND – Not Detected, NR – No Relaxation, NA – Not agreeable, Obj – Objectionable 168 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis: The ground water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS: 10500 Drinking Water Standards. The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.12 – 7.58 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 210 to 940mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits. How ever, the total hardness values exceeded the permissible limits at three sampling locations namely Penumaka, Navuluru and Bethapudi. o The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 930 mg/l to 2868 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l except at Navuluru and Bethapudi. o The chlorides ranged between 140.0-740.0 mg/l and are well within the desirable and permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l. o The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 6.3 – 27.1 mg/l and 16.4 – 296.3 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the permissible limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates. o The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.60 – 1.80 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The fluoride content in the samples collected at Navuluru and Bethapudi are found to be exceeding the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l. • Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. The ground water quality in the study area is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after treatment. The Concentrations of Nitrate, Chloride & Sulphate, Fluoride, Total hardness & Total Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids, pH and Conductivity in the study area are shown in the Figures - 6.95, 6.96, 6.97, 6.98, 6.99, 6.100 & 6.101 respectively. 169 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 120 100 80 60 40 mg/l Nitrate 20 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-95 Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentration in the Package –IV 1200 1000 800 600 Chloride mg/l 400 Sulphate 200 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-96 Graph Showing the Chloride & Sulphate Concentrations in the Package –IV 170 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 mg/l 0.6 F luoride 0.4 0.2 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-97 Graph Showing the Fluorides Concentration in the Package –IV 1200 1000 800 600 Total Hardness mg/l 400 Total Alkalinity 200 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-98 Graph Showing the Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity Concentration in the Package –IV 171 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 mg/l TDS 1000 500 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Desirable Permissible Limits Limits Figure 6-99 Graph Showing the TDS Concentration in the Package –IV 9 8 7 6 5 pH Lower Limit 4 Upper Limit 3 2 1 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Figure 6-100 Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –IV 172 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 µS/cm 2500 Conductivity 2000 1500 1000 500 0 GWIV-1 GWIV-2 GWIV-3 GWIV-4 GWIV-5 GWIV-6 Figure 6-101 Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -IV Ground water quality for Package -V Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the sub-project influence area for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use, hence the rate of extraction of ground water is at a moderate scale. For assessing the ground water quality in the Package -V (E6) of 10 Priority roads, two (2) samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells and given in Table -6.37. Selection of samples considered as per the utilization of the people along the proposed road development projects. Mostly ground water is used for domestic, drinking, gardening, floor washing and industrial purposes. The ground water quality analysis results are given in Table -6.38. Table 0-37: Ground Water Sampling Locations in Package -V Location Code Bore Well Location GWV-1 Nelapadu GWV-2 Ananthavaram Figure 6-102 : Ground Water Sample Collected at Ananthavaram and Nelapadu 173 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 0-38 : Ground water quality analysis results for Package – V S. Parameter Units IS:10500 GWV-1 GWV-2 No Desirable Permissibl Limits e Limits 1 pH - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.46 7.33 2 Color (Hazen units) Hazen 5 15 <05 <05 3 Taste - Agre Agre Agreeabl Agreeable e 4 Odor - Agre Agre Unobjectiona Unobjecti ble onable 5 Conductivity µS/cm -- -- 4588 1616 6 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 1 5 3.2 1.8 7 Total Dissolve solids mg/L 500 2000 2844 1024 8 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 200 600 1300 660 9 Total Alkalinity mg/L 200 600 480 300 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 75 200 320 192 11 Magnesium as Mg mg/L 30 100 120 43.2 12 Chloride as Cl mg/L 250 1000 750 160 13 Sulphate as SO4 mg/L 200 400 621.8 255.9 14 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.0 1.5 2.1 0.6 15 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 45 100 28.9 19.4 16 Sodium as Na mg/L -- -- 450.8 61.6 17 Potassium as K mg/L -- -- 4.7 4.6 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0.3 NR 0.26 0.16 19 Zinc as Zn mg/L 5 15 0.078 0.06 20 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L -- -- <02 <02 21 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- -- 18.2 7.8 22 Temperature oC 0.003 NR 26.2 26.5 23 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 0.05 NR <0.1 <0.1 24 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L Absent Absent <01 <01 25 Bio chemical oxygen mg/L -- -- <01 <01 Demand 26 Phosphate as PO4 mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 27 Oil & grease mg/L -- -- <0.1 <0.1 28 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 29 Residual sodium carbonate mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 30 Lead as pb mg/L 0.01 NR <0.02 <0.02 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 32 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.001 NR <0.0001 <0.0001 33 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.003 NR <0.001 <0.001 34 Hexavalent Chromium as mg/L -- -- <0.05 <0.05 cr-6 35 Total Chromium mg/L 0.05 NR <0.05 <0.05 36 Copper as Cu mg/L 0.05 1.5 0.05 0.034 37 Total Plate Count MPN/m -- -- l ND ND 38 Coli form Organisms cfu/ ml Absent Absent ND ND Note: Agre – Agreeable, UO – Unobjectionable, ND – Not Detected, NR – No Relaxation, NA – Not agreeable, Obj – Objectionable Data analysis: The ground water collected from various sources are analyzed for Physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS: 10500 Drinking Water Standards. The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: 174 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.33 - 7.46 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations • Data on chemical characteristics: o The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 660 - 1300 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits and the permissible limits. o The Total Dissolved Solids are observed to be high and ranged between 1024 - 2488 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the desirable limits but well within the permissible limits 2000 mg/l except at Ananthavaram. o The chlorides ranged between 160-750 mg/l. All samples are well within permissible limits of 1000 mg/l. o The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 19.4-28.9 mg/l and 255.9-621.8 mg/l. Samples are exceeding the permissible limits for Sulphates. o The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.6 – 2.1 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. The samples are within the permissible limit of 1.5mg/l except at Nelapadu. • Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. The ground water quality in the study area is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after treatment. The Concentrations of Sulphate & Nitrate, Chloride, Total hardness & Total Alkalinity, pH, Conductivity Fluoride, Total Dissolved Solids in the Package -V are shown in the Figures -6.103, 6.104, 6.105, 6.106, 6.107, 6.108 & 6.109 respectively. 175 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 mg/L Chloride 2000 Sulphate 1500 1000 500 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Limits Figure 6-103: Graph Showing the Sulphate and Chloride Concentrations in Package –V 120 100 80 Nitrate( ,g/L) 60 Nitrate 40 20 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWV-1 GWV-2 Limits Figure 6-104: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in Package -V 176 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1400 1200 1000 800 Total Hardness mg/L 600 Total Alkalinity 400 200 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWV-1 GWV-2 Limits Figure 6-105: Graph Showing the Hardness and Alkalinity values in the Package –V 9 8 7 6 5 pH pH 4 3 2 1 0 Lower Limit Upper Limit GWV-1 GWV-2 Figure 6-106 : Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –V 177 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 µS/cm 2500 Conductivity 2000 1500 1000 500 0 GWV-1 GWV-2 Figure 6-107 : Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -V 2.5 2 1.5 mg/L Fluoride 1 0.5 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWV-1 GWV-2 Limits Figure 6-108: Graph Showing the Fluoride values in the Package -V 178 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3000 2500 2000 1500 mg/L TDS 1000 500 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWV-1 GWV-2 Limits Figure 6-109 : Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -V Ground water quality for Package -VI Ground Water is one of the main sources of water in the sub-project influence area for domestic, commercial and other irrigation use, hence the rate of extraction of ground water is at a moderate scale. For assessing the ground water quality in the Package -VI (N11, E12 ) of 10 Priority roads, five (05) samples were collected from the identified bore wells/dug wells and given in Table -6.39. Selection of samples considered as per the utilization of the people along the proposed road development projects. Mostly ground water is used for domestic, drinking, gardening, floor washing and industrial purposes. The ground water quality analysis results are given in Table -6.40. Table 6-39 : Ground Water Sampling Locations in Package -VI Location Code Bore Well Location GWVI-1 Ainavolu GWVI-2 Lingayapalem GWVI-3 Neerukonda GWVI-4 Kuragullu GWVI-5 Yerrabalem 179 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-110 : Ground Water Sample Collected at Neerukonda and Kuragullu 180 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-40 : Ground water quality analysis results for Package - VI S. IS:10500 N Parameter Units GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Desirable Permissible o 1 pH - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.2 7.33 7.15 7.2 7.82 2 Color (Hazen units) Hazen 5 15 <05 <05 <05 <05 <05 3 Taste - Agre Agre Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Unobjectiona Unobjectio Unobjectio Unobjection Unobjection 4 Odor - Agre Agre ble nable nable able able 5 Conductivity µS/cm -- -- 17694 1616 2150 2716 3607 6 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 1 5 4.1 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 7 Total Dissolve solids mg/L 500 2000 10970 1024 1334 1684 2236 8 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 200 600 2600 660 570 700 80 9 Total Alkalinity mg/L 200 600 450 300 520 540 980 10 Calcium as Ca mg/L 75 200 480 192 152 144 16 11 Magnesium as Mg mg/L 30 100 136.8 43.2 45.6 81.6 9.6 12 Chloride as Cl mg/L 250 1000 4570.8 160 300 435 505 13 Sulphate as SO4 mg/L 200 400 1743.2 255.9 112.1 178.6 94 14 Fluorides as F- mg/L 1.0 1.5 2.9 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 15 Nitrates as NO3 mg/L 45 100 84.4 19.4 19.2 11.3 8.2 16 Sodium as Na mg/L -- -- 2865.3 61.6 226.3 296.5 787.7 17 Potassium as K mg/L -- -- 6.2 4.6 4.3 4.7 3.5 18 Iron as Fe mg/L 0.3 NR 0.32 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 19 Zinc as Zn mg/L 5 15 0.09 0.06 0.54 0.64 0.82 20 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L -- -- <02 <02 <02 <02 <02 21 Silica as SiO2 mg/L -- -- 36.4 7.8 9.4 10.6 10.5 22 Temperature oC 0.003 NR 27.8 26.5 26.8 25.4 26.2 23 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 0.05 NR <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L Absent Absent <01 <01 <01 <01 <01 25 Bio chemical oxygen Demand mg/L -- -- <01 <01 <01 <01 <01 26 Phosphate as po4 mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 27 Oil & grease mg/L -- -- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 28 Phenolic Compounds mg/L 0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 29 Residual sodium carbonate mg/L -- -- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 181 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. IS:10500 N Parameter Units GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Desirable Permissible o 30 Lead as pb mg/L 0.01 NR <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 31 Total Arsenic as As mg/L 0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 32 Mercury as Hg mg/L 0.001 NR <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 33 Cadmium as Cd mg/L 0.003 NR <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 34 Hexavalent Chromium as cr-6 mg/L -- -- <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 35 Total Chromium mg/L 0.05 NR <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 36 Copper as Cu mg/L 0.05 1.5 0.074 0.034 0.032 0.038 0.052 Not Not Not Not 37 Total Plate Count MPN/ml -- -- Not detected detected detected detected detected Not Not Not Not 38 Coli form Organisms cfu/ ml Absent Absent Not detected detected detected detected detected Note: Agre – Agreeable, UO – Unobjectionable, ND – Not Detected, NR – No Relaxation, NA – Not agreeable, Obj – Objectionable 182 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis: The ground water collected from various sources are analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The results are compared with BIS: 10500 Drinking Water Standards. The detail description of sample analyzed is given as below: • Data on physical characteristics indicated variations in pH ranged between 7.15 – 7.82 as against IS standard of 6.5 – 8.5. The physical Taste of water is agreeable and Odour of water found to be un-objectionable at all sampling locations. • Data on chemical characteristics: o The Total Hardness observed to be varying in all samples and is in the range of 80-2600 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 200mg/l. Samples are exceeding the permissible limits at Ainavolu, Lingayapalem and Kurugallu. o The Total Dissolved Solids observed to be high and ranged between 1024- 10970 mg/l as against the desirable limits 500 mg/l. Samples are well within the permissible limits of 2000 mg/l except at Ainavolu and Yerrabalem . TDS is found to be high in all locations. o The chlorides ranged between mg/l and are within permissible limits of 250 mg/l – 1000 mg/l except at Mandadam o The Nitrates and Sulphates values observed to be ranged between 7.6-58.6 mg/l and 21.4-254.3 mg/l. Samples are not exceeding the permissible limits for both Nitrates and Sulphates. o The Fluoride values found are in the range of 0.8-1.80 mg/l as against the desirable limit of 1.0 mg/l. Samples are well within the permissible limit of 1.5 mg/l except at Bethapudi and yerrabalem. • Data on trace metal concentration found to be consistent in all the analyzed samples and very well within permissible limit. The ground water quality in the study area is satisfactory as compared with BIS: 10500 standards. The water can be used for domestic, commercial and agriculture purposes. It can also be used for drinking after treatment. The Concentrations of Sulphate & Nitrate, Chloride, Total hardness & Total Alkalinity, pH, Conductivity Fluoride, Total Dissolved Solids in the Package -VI are shown in the Figures -6.111, 6.112, 6.113, 6.114, 6.115, 6.116 & 6.117 respectively. 183 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 mg/L Chloride 2000 Sulphate 1500 1000 500 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Limits Figure 6-111: Graph Showing the Sulphates and Chloride Concentrations in Package –VI 120 100 80 60 mg/L Nitrate 40 20 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Limits Figure 6-112: Graph Showing the Nitrate Concentrations in Package -VI 184 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3000 2500 2000 1500 m g/L Total Hardness 1000 Total Alkalinity 500 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Limits Figure 6-113: Graph Showing the Hardness and Alkalinity values in the Package -VI 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 pH 1 0 GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Permissible Acceptable Limit Limits Figure 6-114 : Graph Showing the pH values in the Package –VI 185 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 µS/cm 10000 Conductivity 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Figure 6-115 : Graph Showing the Conductivity values in the Package -VI 3.5 3 2.5 2 m g/L 1.5 Fluoride 1 0.5 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Limits Figure 6-116: Graph Showing the Fluoride values in the Package –VI 186 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 12000 10000 8000 6000 mg/L TDS 4000 2000 0 Acceptable Limit Permissible GWVI-1 GWVI-2 GWVI-3 GWVI-4 GWVI-5 Limits Figure 6-117 : Graph Showing the TDS values in the Package -VI 6.5 Noise Environment 6.5.1 Noise Environment for Package -I Primary Data In view of the proposed road project, field monitoring was carried out at two (02) locations in Package -I (E8) as shown in Table -6.41. The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring in the present study. Noise monitoring was carried out for 24 hours at each location. Noise monitoring locations and noise levels recorded i.e., Leq day, Leq night, are presented in Table - 6.42 and are show in Figure -6.118. Table 0-41 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations in Package -I Location Location Name Code NI-1 Nekkallu NI-2 Sakhamuru 187 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-118 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Nekkallu and Sakhamuru Table 6-42 Noise Quality Status in the Package -I Station Location Category Leq day Leq Night CPCB Standards No. dB(A) dB(A) & WB-EHS Guidelines dB(A) NI-1 Nekkallu Residential 53.5 46.3 55 & 45 NI-2 Sakhamuru Residential 54.1 45.5 55 & 45 Note: Day monitoring is from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm and Night monitoring is from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am Data analysis Residential Category: There are two residential locations i.e., Nekkallu and Sakhamuru monitored in the Package -I. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 53.5 to 54.1 dB (A) & 45.5 to 46.3 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard/WB-EHS Guidelines of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits in all monitored locations. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure -6.119. Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -I 188 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-119 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package –I Secondary Data Secondary data is collected from “EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City” prepared for APCRDA by Tata Consulting Engineers limited and the baseline studies for this report were carried out during Summer season (May-June) of 2015. The comparisons for Nekkallu and Sakhamuru are as follows for Package -I. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 53.9 to 58.7 dB (A) & 40.0 to 54.6 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are exceeding the limits in Sakhamuru because of temporal local agricultural activity at Nekkallu in summer season unlike post-mosoon season of primary data. 6.5.2 Noise Environment for Package -II Primary Data In view of the proposed road project, field monitoring was carried out at two (02) locations in Package -II as shown in Table -6.43. The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring in the present study. Noise monitoring was carried out for 24 hours at each location. Noise monitoring locations and noise levels recorded i.e., Leq day, Leq night, are presented in Table -6-44 and are show in Figure -6.120. Table 0-43 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations for Package -II Location Code Location Name 189 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 NII-1 Malkapuram NII-2 Velagapudi Figure 6-120 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Malkapuram and Velagapudi Table 6-44 Noise Quality Status in the Package -II Station Location Category Leq day Leq Night CPCB Standards No. dB(A) dB(A) & WB-EHS Guidelines dB(A) NII-1 Malkapuram Residential 53.0 54.3 55 & 45 NII-2 Velagapudi Residential 43.8 45.7 55 & 45 Note: Day monitoring is from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm and Night monitoring is from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am Data analysis Residential Category: There are two residential locations i.e., Malkapuram and Velagapudi monitored in the Package -II. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 43.8 to 53.0 dB (A) & 45.7 to 54.3 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standards/WB-EHS Guidelines of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day noise levels are found to be well within the limits in all monitored locations. Night time noise levels are slightly higher. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure -6.121. 190 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-121 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package –II 6.5.3 Noise Environment for Package -III Primary Data In view of the proposed road project, field monitoring was carried out at four (04) locations in Package -III as shown in Table -6.45. The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring in the present study. Noise monitoring was carried out for 24 hours at each location. Noise monitoring locations and noise levels recorded i.e., Leq day, Leq night, are presented in Table -6.46 and are show in Figure -6.122. Table 0-45 Ambient Noise monitoring Locations in Package -III Location Location Name Code NIII-1 Venkatapalem NIII-2 Krishnayapalem NIII-3 Thullur NIII-4 Abbarajupalem 191 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-122 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Thullur and Abbarajupalem Table 6-46 Noise Quality Monitoring Status in the Package -III Station Location Category Leq day Leq Night CPCB Standards No. dB(A) dB(A) / WB-EHS Guidelines dB(A) NIII-1 Venkatapalem Residential 52.8 42.7 55 & 45 NIII-2 Krishnayapalem Residential 51.9 41.7 55 & 45 NIII-3 Thullur Commercial 63.4 54.0 65 & 55 / 70 & 70 NIII-4 Abbarajupalem Residential 53.3 45.1 55 & 45 Data analysis Residential Category: There are three residential locations i.e., Venkatapalem, Krishnayapalem and Abbarajupalem monitored in the Package -III. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 51.9 to 53.3 dB (A) & 41.7 to 45.1 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standards/WB-EHS Guidelines of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits in all monitored locations. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure -6.123. 192 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-123 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -III Commercial Category: The location Thullur fall under commercial category. The day and night noise levels are observed to be 68.6 dB (A) & 58.1 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 65.0 & 55.0 dB(A) and the noise levels are not found to be well within the limits at Thullur. This may be due to temporal local activity/commercial activities observed during the study period. However, when compared with WB-EHS guidelines, the noise values are well within the guidelines. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure -6.124. 193 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-124 Noise Quality levels in Commercial Category of Package -III Secondary Data Secondary data is collected from “EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City” prepared for APCRDA by Tata Consulting Engineers limited and the baseline studies for this report were carried out during Summer season (May-June) of 2015. The comparisons for Venkatapalem, Thullur and Abbarajupalem are as follows for Package -III. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 53.2 to 62.3 dB (A) & 38.6 to 41.8 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day noise levels are exceeding the limits in Venkatapalem because of temporal local agricultural activity at Venkatapalem in summer season unlike post-mosoon season of primary data. 6.5.4 Noise Environment for Package -IV Primary Data In view of the proposed road project, field monitoring was carried out at six (06) locations in Package -IV as shown in Table -6.47. The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring in the present study. Noise monitoring was carried out for 24 hours at each location. Noise monitoring locations and noise levels recorded i.e., Leq day, Leq night, are presented in Table -6.48 and are show in Figure -6.125. Table 6-47 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations in Package -IV Location Location Name Code NIV-1 Krishnayapalem NIV-2 Penumaka NIV-3 Navuluru NIV-4 Bethapudi NIV-5 Nekkallu NIV-6 Dondapadu 194 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-125 Ambient Noise quality sampling at Dondapadu and Nekkallu Table 6-48 Noise Quality Status in the Package -IV Station Location Category Leq day Leq Night CPCB Standards & No. dB(A) dB(A) WB-EHS Guidelines dB(A) NIV-1 Krishnayapalem Residential 51.9 41.7 55 & 45 NIV-2 Penumaka Residential 53.9 44.2 55 & 45 NIV-3 Navuluru Residential 53.6 46.7 55 & 45 NIV-4 Bethapudi Residential 52.0 43.7 55 & 45 NIV-5 Nekkallu Residential 53.5 46.3 55 & 45 NIV-6 Dondapadu Residential 56.5 46.7 55 & 45 Note: Day monitoring is from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm and Night monitoring is from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am Data analysis Residential Category: There are six residential locations i.e., Krishnayapalem, Penumaka, Navuluru, Bethapudi, Nekkallu and Dondapadu monitored in the project study area. The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 51.9 to 56.5dB (A) & 41.7 to 46.7 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standards/WB-EHS Guidelines of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits in all monitored locations except at Dondapadu. This may be due to temporal local activity/commercial activities observed during the study period. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure -6.126. 195 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-126 Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -IV Secondary Data Secondary data is collected from “EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City” p repared for APCRDA by Tata Consulting Engineers limited and the baseline studies for this report were carried out during Summer season (May-June) of 2015. The comparisons for Navuluru and Nekkallu are as follows for Package -IV. • The day and night noise levels are observed to be in the range of 53.9 to 55.4 dB (A) & 38.1 to 40.0 dB(A) as against the CPCB Standard of 55 & 45 dB(A) respectively. The day noise levels are slightly higher than the limits in Navuluru because of temporal local agricultural activity at Navuluru in summer season unlike post-monsoon season of primary data. 6.5.5 Noise Environment for Package -V Primary Data In view of the proposed road project, field monitoring was carried out at two (02) locations in Package -V (E6) as shown in Table -6.49 . The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring in the present study. Noise monitoring was carried out for 24 hours at each location. Noise monitoring locations and noise levels recorded i.e., Leq day, Leq night, are presented in Table -6.50. Table 6-49 : Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations in Package -V Location Code Location Name NV-1 Nelapadu NV-2 Ananthavaram 196 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-127 : Ambient Noise quality sampling at Nelapadu and Ananthavaram Table 6-50: Noise Quality Status in the Package -V CPCB Standards & Station Leq day Leq Night Location Category WB-EHS Guidelines No. dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) NV-1 Nelapadu Residential 50.2 43.5 55 & 45 NV-2 Ananthavaram Residential 51.6 43.7 55 & 45 Note: Day monitoring is from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm and Night monitoring is from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am Data analysis In Package V, all the monitored locations fall under residential category except Thullur, which falls under commercial category. The day time noise levels are found to be in the range of 50.2 dB(A) to 51.6 dB(A) and night time noise levels found to be in the range of 43.5 dB(A) to 43.7 dB(A) for residential category. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits in all monitored locations. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure 6.128 for residential category. 60 50 40 30 dB 20 10 0 Standard Standard NV-1 NV-2 Leq day(dB) Leq Night(dB) Figure 6-128 :Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -V 197 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 6.5.2 Noise Environment for Package -VI Primary Data In view of the proposed road project, field monitoring was carried out at five (5) locations in Package -VI as shown in Table -6.51. The locations were selected based on the land use pattern, traffic intersections and diversions along the existing alignment. Precision integrated sound level meter having statistical unit with digital display was used for ambient noise level monitoring in the present study. Noise monitoring was carried out for 24 hours at each location. Noise monitoring locations and noise levels recorded i.e., Leq day, Leq night, are presented in Table -6.51. Table 0-51 : Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations for Package -VI Location Code Location Name NVI-1 Ainavolu NVI-2 Lingayapalem NVI-3 Neerukonda NVI-4 Kuragallu NVI-5 Yerrabalem Figure 6-129: Ambient Noise quality sampling at Neerukonda and Penumaka Table 6-52: Noise Quality Status in the Package -VI Station Location Category Leq day Leq Night CPCB Standards No. dB(A) dB(A) & WB-EHS Guidelines dB(A) NVI-1 Ainavolu Residential 53.6 43.8 55 & 45 NVI-2 Lingayapalem Residential 53 45.3 55 & 45 NVI-3 Neerukonda Residential 48.4 42.5 55 & 45 NVI-4 Kuragallu Residential 52.8 44 55 & 45 NVI-5 Industrial Estate Industry 75 & 70 /70 & 70 51.2 43.6 near Yerrabalem Note: Day monitoring is from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm and Night monitoring is from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am 198 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Data analysis The day time noise levels are found to be in the range of 48.4 dB(A) to 53.6 dB(A) and night time noise levels found to be in the range of 42.5 dB(A) to 45.3 dB(A) for residential category. The day time noise level is found to be 51.2 dB(A) and night time noise level found to 43.6 dB(A) for industrial category. The day & night noise levels are found to be well within the limits in all monitored locations, except at Ligayapalem. It is exceeding the noise limits at night time. Industrial estate near Yerrabalem falls under Industrial category. The Noise quality levels of the study are shown in the Figure -6.130, 6.131 for residential and industrial category respectively. 60 50 40 30 Leq day dB(A) dB Leq Night dB(A) 20 10 0 Standard Standard NVI-1 NVI-2 NVI-3 NVI-4 Leq day Leq Night Figure 6-130 :Noise Quality levels in Residential Category of Package -VI 60 50 40 30 Leq day dB(A) dB Leq Night dB(A) 20 10 0 Standard Standard NVI-5 Leq day Leq Night Figure 6-131 :Noise Quality levels in Industrial Category of Package -VI National Ambient Noise Standards/WB-EHS Guidelines The Central Pollution Control Board has specified ambient noise levels for different land use for day and night times. Importance was given to the timing of exposure and areas designated as sensitive. The World Bank EHS guidelines follow WB-EHS 199 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 guidelines for Noise. The National ambient noise level standards are given in Table -6.53 along with WB-EHS guidelines. Table 6-53: National ambient noise level standards Area Category Limits in Decibels Limits in Decibels (dB(A)) Code (dB(A)) - CPCB – WB-EHS Guidelines Day Time Night Time Day Time Night Time A Industrial 75 70 70 70 B Commercial 65 55 70 70 C Residential 55 45 55 45 D Silence Zones 50 40 - - Note: • Day Time is recorded in between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m (CPCB) and 7 am and 10 p.m (WB-EHS) • Night time is recorded in between 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. (CPCB) and 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. (WB-EHS) • Silence zone is defined as areas upto 100 meters around such premises as hospitals, educational institutions and courts. The silence zones are to be declared by the Competent Authority. • Use of vehicular horns, loudspeakers and bursting of crackers shall be banned in these zones. • Mixed categories of areas should be declared as one of the four above mentioned categories by the Competent Authority and the corresponding standards shall apply. Source: EPA Notification [G.S.R. 1063 (E) dt. 26.12.1989 published in the Gazette No. 643 dt. 26.12.1989]. 6.6 Land Environment The alignment of proposed project in Capital City is passing mostly in barren and fallow lands, majority of which were already acquired for construction of the road through land pooling. The project corridor lies in mostly plain and rolling and thus, no disfiguration of land is envisaged due to construction activities except for the opening of borrow pits. The borrow pit locations have already been identified and will be restricted to those areas only. 6.6.1 Geology The study area is underlain by various geological formations of different age groups ranging from Archaean to Recent. The Archaean basement complex comprising the granite-gneisses, Schists, Khondalites, Charnockites and basic dykes of dolerites form the predominant rock types in the central part. The fringe of the Archaeans in the central part is represented by Cuddapah basin, namely Nallamalai group of Upper Cuddapahs. In a sequential order, the younger Kurnools occurring in the Cuddapahs and those in the western parts of the district are thrust over by the Cuddapahs and these in turn by the Archaean granite-gneisses. The Upper Gondwana group of sandstones and shales out crop are seen at Guntur. The youngest rock types of the district appear to be of Mio – Pliocene age followed by the alluvial deposits of Recent to Sub-Recent age. 6.6.2 Soil Soil for Package -I For land environment two (02) samples were selected from different villages in the study area to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Meticulous attention was paid to collect adequate amount of 200 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 composite soil samples at three depths for analysis. The samples were collected in dependable, waterproof containers marking the samples accurately, distinctly and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The soil sampling locations and results of the analysis are presented in Table -6.54 & 6.55 and are shown in Figure -6.132 respectively. Figure 0-132 Soil sampling near Sakhamuru and Nekkallu using Crowbar Table 6-54 Soil Quality Location for Package -I Location Code Soil Sampling Location SI-1 Nekkallu SI-2 Sakhamuru Table 6-55 Soil Quality Analysis for Package -I S.No Parameter Units SI-1 SI-2 1 Texture Silty Clay Silty Clay Sand (%) % 08 28 Silt (%) % 50 30 Clay (%) % 42 42 2 pH at 25 oC - 8.02 7.99 3 Conductivity at 25 oC µs/cm 166 466 4 Bulk Density g/cc 1.18 1.21 5 Available Nitrogen kg/ha 498 536 6 Available P as PO4 kg/ha 62 44 7 Available K kg/ha 234 252 8 Exchangeable Ca meq/100gr 5.68 5.54 9 Exchangeable Mg meq/100gr 0.88 0.76 10 Exchangeable Na meq/100gr 2.72 2.32 11 Organic Carbon % 0.96 0.94 12 Manganese meq/100gr 0.20 0.12 13 Zinc meq/100gr 5.84 8.64 14 Boron meq/100gr 0.12 0.26 Data analysis As it can be seen from the Table -6.55: • The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. • Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.99 – 8.02. • If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples EC is found to be in the range between 166 – 466 µS/cm. 201 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • The available Nitrogen in the soil is 498 – 536 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. • The available Phosphorous in the soil is 44 – 62 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • The available Potassium in the soil is 234 – 252 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Soil for Package -II For land environment two (02) samples were selected from different villages in the Package -II to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Meticulous attention was paid to collect adequate amount of composite soil samples at three depths for analysis. The samples were collected in dependable, waterproof containers marking the samples accurately, distinctly and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The soil sampling locations and results of the analysis are presented in Table -6.56 & 6.57 and are shown in Figure -6.133 respectively. Figure 6-133 Soil sampling near Velagapudi and Malkapuram using Crowbar Table 6-56 Soil Quality Location in Package -II Location Code Soil Sampling Location SII-1 Malkapuram SII-2 Velagapudi Table 6-57 Soil Quality Analysis for Package -II S. Parameter Units SII-1 SII-2 No 1 Texture Silty Clay Silty Clay Sand (%) % 22 30 Silt (%) % 40 46 Clay (%) % 38 24 2 pH at 25 oC - 8.02 8.14 3 Conductivity at 25 oC µs/cm 398 316 4 Bulk Density g/cc 1.22 1.19 5 Available Nitrogen kg/ha 546 612 6 Available P as PO4 kg/ha 54 46 7 Available K kg/ha 264 228 8 Exchangeable Ca meq/100gr 6.60 5.82 202 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Parameter Units SII-1 SII-2 No 9 Exchangeable Mg meq/100gr 1.24 1.02 10 Exchangeable Na meq/100gr 2.80 2.68 11 Organic Carbon % 1.30 0.90 12 Manganese meq/100gr 0.42 0.20 13 Zinc meq/100gr 9.16 7.74 14 Boron meq/100gr 0.24 0.18 Data analysis As it can be seen from the Table -6.57: • The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. • Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 8.02 – 8.14. • If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples EC is found to be in the range between 316 – 398 µS/cm. • The available Nitrogen in the soil is 546 – 612 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. • The available Phosphorous in the soil is 46 – 54 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • The available Potassium in the soil is 228 – 264 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Soil for Package -III For land environment four (04) samples were selected from different villages in the Package -III to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Meticulous attention was paid to collect adequate amount of composite soil samples at three depths for analysis. The samples were collected in dependable, waterproof containers marking the samples accurately, distinctly and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The soil sampling locations and results of the analysis are presented in Table -6.58 & 6.59 and are shown in Figure -6.134 respectively. 203 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-134 Soil sampling near Thullur and Abbarajupalem using Crowbar Table 6-58 Soil Quality Location in Package -III Location Code Soil Sampling Location SIII-1 Venkatapalem SIII-2 Krishnayapalem SIII-3 Thullur SIII-4 Abbarajupalem Table 6-59 Soil Quality Analysis for Package -III S.No Parameter Units SIII-1 SIII-2 SIII-3 SIII-4 1 Texture Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Sand (%) % 20 20 16 16 Silt (%) % 30 42 44 36 Clay (%) % 50 38 40 48 2 pH at 25 oC - 8.12 8.12 7.98 8.09 3 Conductivity at 25 oC µs/cm 570 866 124 220 4 Bulk Density g/cc 1.16 1.22 1.14 1.06 5 Available Nitrogen kg/ha 456 468 596 524 6 Available P as PO4 kg/ha 47 56 66 53 7 Available K kg/ha 239 244 242 264 8 Exchangeable Ca meq/100gr 5.86 5.64 5.90 5.48 9 Exchangeable Mg meq/100gr 1.36 0.72 1.02 1.02 10 Exchangeable Na meq/100gr 2.24 4.20 2.30 2.30 11 Organic Carbon % 1.02 1.20 0.86 0.96 12 Manganese meq/100gr 0.42 0.42 0.10 0.24 13 Zinc meq/100gr 8.84 12.4 3.86 6.02 14 Boron meq/100gr 0.34 0.38 0.08 0.12 Data analysis As it can be seen from the Table -6.59: • The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. • Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.98 – 8.12. • If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples EC is found to be in the range between 124 – 866 µS/cm. • The available Nitrogen in the soil is 456 – 596 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. • The available Phosphorous in the soil is 47 – 66 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. 204 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • The available Potassium in the soil is 239 – 264 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Soil for Package -IV For land environment six (06) samples were selected from different villages in the Package -IV to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Meticulous attention was paid to collect adequate amount of composite soil samples at three depths for analysis. The samples were collected in dependable, waterproof containers marking the samples accurately, distinctly and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The soil sampling locations and results of the analysis are presented in Table -6.60 & 6.61 and are shown in Figure -6.135 respectively. Figure 6-135 Soil sampling near Dondapadu and Rayapudi using Crowbar Table 6-60 Soil Quality Location for Package -IV Location Code Soil Sampling Location SIV-1 Krishnayapalem SIV-2 Penumaka SIV-3 Navulur SIV-4 Bethapudi SIV-5 Nekkallu SIV-6 Dondapadu Table 6-61 Soil Quality Analysis in Package -IV S.No Parameter Units SIV-1 SIV-2 SIV-3 SIV-4 SIV-5 SIV-6 1 Texture Silty Silty Silty Silty Silty Silty Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Sand (%) % 20 16 16 20 08 24 Silt (%) % 42 30 38 37 50 40 Clay (%) % 38 44 46 43 42 36 2 pH at 25 oC - 8.12 8.11 7.78 8.02 8.02 7.90 3 Conductivity at 25 oC µs/cm 866 235 136 86 166 178 4 Bulk Density g/cc 1.22 1.11 1.24 1.09 1.18 1.08 5 Available Nitrogen kg/ha 468 524 488 542 498 498 6 Available P as PO4 kg/ha 56 54 44 58 62 44 7 Available K kg/ha 244 268 258 254 234 259 8 Exchangeable Ca meq/1 5.64 5.80 5.40 5.12 5.68 5.62 00gr 205 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 9 Exchangeable Mg meq/1 0.72 1.04 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.86 00gr 10 Exchangeable Na meq/1 4.20 2.82 1.56 2.14 2.72 2.34 00gr 11 Organic Carbon % 1.20 1.04 0.92 1.02 0.96 0.92 12 Manganese meq/1 0.42 0.32 0.14 0.11 0.20 0.20 00gr 13 Zinc meq/1 12.4 8.2 5.40 5.68 5.84 4.86 00gr 14 Boron meq/1 0.38 0.30 0.14 0.10 0.12 0.08 00gr Data analysis As it can be seen from the Table -6.59: • The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. • Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.78 – 8.12. • If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples EC is found to be in the range between 86 – 866 µS/cm. • The available Nitrogen in the soil is 468 – 542 mg/Kg, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. • The available Phosphorous in the soil is 44 – 62 mg/Kg, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • The available Potassium in the soil is 234 – 268 mg/Kg, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Soil for Package -V For land environment two (02) samples were selected from different villages in the study area to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any, and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Meticulous attention was paid to collect adequate amount of composite soil samples at three depths for analysis. The samples were collected in dependable, waterproof containers marking the samples accurately, distinctly and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The soil sampling locations and results of the analysis are presented in Table -6.62 & 6.63 respectively. 206 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-136: Soil sampling near Abbarajupalem and Velagapudi using Crowbar Table 6-62: Soil Quality Location for Package -V Location Code Soil Sampling Location SV-1 Nelapadu SV-2 Ananthavaram Table 0-63 : Soil Quality Analysis for Package -V SL.No Parameters Unit SV-1 SV-2 1 Texture Silty Clay Silty Clay Sand (%) % 24 12 Silt (%) % 36 34 Clay (%) % 40 54 2 pH at 25 oC - 8.09 8.14 3 Conductivity at 25 oC µs/cm 105 248 4 Bulk Density g/cc 1.16 1.13 5 Available Nitrogen kg/ha 528 544 6 Available P as PO4 kg/ha 68 54 7 Available K kg/ha 244 268 8 Exchangeable Ca meq/100gr 6.44 6.10 9 Exchangeable Mg meq/100gr 0.46 1.24 10 Exchangeable Na meq/100gr 1.60 3.02 11 Organic Carbon % 0.84 1.14 12 Manganese meq/100gr 0.12 0.24 13 Zinc meq/100gr 5.28 7.32 14 Boron meq/100gr 0.06 0.26 Data analysis As it can be seen from the Table -6.61: • The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. • Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 8.09-8.14. • If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples EC is found to be in the range between 105 - 248 µS/cm. • The available Nitrogen in the soil is 528 - 544 Kg/ha, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. • The available Phosphorous in the soil is 54-68 Kg/ha, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. 207 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • The available Potassium in the soil is 244-268 Kg/ha, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. • Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Soil for Package -VI For land environment five (05) samples were selected from different villages in the Package - VI to understand the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. The activities around the sampling sites were also taken into consideration to understand the sources of pollution if any, and all other factors governing the Physico-chemical properties of the soil. Meticulous attention was paid to collect adequate amount of composite soil samples at three depths for analysis. The samples were collected in dependable, waterproof containers marking the samples accurately, distinctly and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The soil sampling locations and results of the analysis are presented in Table -6.64 & 6.65 and are shown in Figure -6.137 respectively. Figure 6-137: Soil sampling near Nidamarru and Penumaka using Crowbar Table 6-64: Soil Quality Location in Package -VI Location Soil Sampling Location Code SVI-1 Ainavolu SVI-2 Linayapalem SVI-3 Neerukonda SVI-4 Kurugallu SVI-5 Yerrabalem Table 6-65 : Soil Quality Analysis for Package -VI SL.No Parameters Unit SVI-1 SVI-2 SVI-3 SVI-4 SVI-5 1 Texture Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Sand (%) % 24 14 22 26 20 Silt (%) % 32 46 36 30 32 Clay (%) % 44 40 42 44 48 2 pH at 25 oC - 8.13 8.04 7.96 8.14 8.06 3 Conductivity at µs/cm 96 136 124 158 90 25 oC 4 Bulk Density g/cc 1.02 1.10 1.13 1.20 1.04 Available 5 kg/ha 542 548 544 528 484 Nitrogen Available P as 6 kg/ha 44 58 48 56 53 PO4 7 Available K kg/ha 266 228 242 266 264 Exchangeable meq/1 8 6.2 5.22 5.40 5.66 5.88 Ca 00gr 208 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 SL.No Parameters Unit SVI-1 SVI-2 SVI-3 SVI-4 SVI-5 Exchangeable meq/1 9 0.62 0.64 1.44 1.16 0.48 Mg 00gr Exchangeable meq/1 10 2.60 1.72 1.96 2.24 1.28 Na 00gr 11 Organic Carbon % 1.14 0.82 1.02 1.14 0.86 meq/1 12 Manganese 0.26 0.14 0.18 0.26 0.24 00gr meq/1 13 Zinc 7.60 5.26 5.24 7.48 6.42 00gr meq/1 14 Boron 0.30 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.18 00gr Data analysis As it can be seen from the Table -6.65: The soil along the study area is classified as silty- clay in nature. Characterized by pH, the values are in the range of 7.96-8.14 If the soil’s Electrical Conductivity (EC) falls below 1000 micro Siemens, the soil can be classified as normal. In analyzed samples EC is found to be in the range between 90-158 µS/cm. The available Nitrogen in the soil is 528 - 548 Kg/ha, found to be average/sufficient requirement for the plantation. The available Phosphorous in the soil is 44-58 Kg/ha, found to be average requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. The available Potassium in the soil is 228-266 Kg/ha, found to be sufficient requirement for the plantation and agricultural purposes. Trace metal concentrations found to be low. Environmental Baseline Map for all the monitoring locations in 6 Packages of 10 Priority Roads of Capital City (Air, Noise, Surface water, Ground water and Soil) is attached separately in Annexure -III 6.7 Biological Environment 6.7.1 Land use The proposed project of construction of roads in Capital City is passing through Plain terrain and rolling terrain. The land utilization pattern of the Guntur district is given in Table – 6-66. Table 6-66: Land Utilization Pattern of the Study District (Hectare) S. Land Utilization Particulars Guntur No. 1 Forest Area 161.9 2 Land under non-agricultural use 156.8 3 Permanent Pastures 18.9 4 Cultivable Waste Land 31.0 5 Land under miscellaneous crops and groves 32.3 6 Barren and unclutivable land 34.4 7 Current Fallows 41.5 209 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Land Utilization Particulars Guntur No. 8 Other Fallows 38.4 9 Total Geographical Area 1139.1 Source: Agriculture contingency plans of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh State (2008-09) Existing Land-use Project area general terrain condition is plain, hilly near The Rock cut Cave Temple, Undavalli area and near Ananthavram village area and gently sloping towards of Krishna river basin area. The project area covered by Amaravati capital city is 217.23 sq. km. Existing land use distribution for sub-project influence area is given in Table 6-67. Table 6-67: Existing Land-use distribution for Sub-Project Influence Area S. Capital City 10 Roads Land Use No Area (Ha) % Area (Ha) % 1 Developable Land 16302.2 75 419.4 97.6 2 Hills 426.5 2 0.0 0.0 3 Islands 1750.9 8 0.0 0.0 4 Village Settlements 1449.4 7 5.1 1.2 5 Water Bodies 497.5 6 3.1 0.7 6 River 1277.7 2 1.9 0.4 Total 21704.2 100 429.6 100 6.7.2 Proposed Land-use The Capital city Detailed Master plan integrates the various city layers as one comprehensive land use plan that will guide future developments within the city The Zoning Map is an implementable plan which identifies specific zoning districts within the Capital city based on their predominant land use, and the desired intensity and building height for that area. As illustrated in the Capital city zoning map, the following zoning districts are proposed for the Capital city: • Residential (R1, R1A, R2 and R3) • Commercial (C1, C2, C2a, C3, C4 and C5) • Industrial (i1, L1) • Parks and Open Spaces (P1, P2, P3) • Special Areas (SP1 , SP2) • Reserved Sites (RS1, RS2) To enable successful implementation of the Capital City Master Plan, a development phasing has been proposed for guiding the implementation and government budget requirements for the immediate and future projects. With this intention, the Capital City Detailed Master Plan proposes 3 development phases catering to the city’s short, medium and long-term requirements. • Phase 1 will span for the first 10 years for catalyzing urban developments within the Capital City. This phase will include a large number of infrastructure projects to create the critical base for development. • Phase 2 will focus on the medium-term development (2025-2035) to momentize urban development within the Capital City. • Phase 3 will focus on the long-term development (2035-2050) to complete the vision and goals for the Capital city. 210 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The phase wise prime categorization of the land use is given in Table –6.68. Table 6-68 Proposed Phase Wise Prime Categorization of the Land Use S.No. Landuse Phase -1:2015-2025 Phase -2: 2025- Phase -3: 2035- (Catalyze) 2035 (Momentize) 2050 (Sustain) Area % Area % Area % (Sq.Km) (Sq.Km) (Sq.Km) 1 Primary Green 39.2 25.68% 7.9 10.96% 25.74 7.00% 2 River 31.6 20.68% 0.0 0.0% 0.01 0.01% 3 Roads 13.4 8.79% 7.7 10.74 17.77 10.65% 4 Industries 10.6 6.94% 3.9 5.39% 23.06 13.83% 5 Village Settlements 13.7 8.97% 3.5 4.86% 3.93 2.36% 6 Medium Density 12.92 8.0% 15.05 21.0% 16.67 10.00% Residential 7 Secondary Green 5.1 3.34% 5.5 7.61% 8.57 6.00% 8 High Density Residential 3.9 2.53% 15.05 21.0% 16.90 10.14% 9 Seed 4.7 3.07% 3.0 4.23% 2.93 1.76% 10 Commercial 6.50 4.0% 5.62 8.0% 5.92 4.00% 11 Others 11.18 8.0% 4.78 6.21% 45.29 34.25% Total 152.8 100.00% 72 100% 166.79 100.00% Source: APCRDA Master Plan Passive, Active and Protected Zones: Passive, Active and Protected Zones are demarcated as P1, P2 and P3 in the CRDA Masterplan. The definition of the areas are given below: Passive Recreational Zone (P1): P1 zoning are established to provide recreational and leisure facilities and activities in selected areas that have unique features (including visual corridors, environmentally sensitive areas, buffer areas, or along significant routes). Active Recreational Zone (P2): P2 zoining is established to provide parks that offer active recreational and sporting activities. While structures within the parks are allowed, the general character of the Active Recreational Zone should remain as green and recreational. Protected Area (P3): P3 zoning districts have been established to conserve and protect the environmentally sensitive areas such as rivers which are rich in nature and biodiversity. These areas are non-developable for other strategic purposes. In the case of highly sensitive areas like forests and rivers the zoning for the protected areas shall supersede. As of now, the key features of these zones are not finalized and the permitted zone wise features as mentioned in Zoning Regulations of Amaravati City, 2016 are given below: Passive zone features: Botanical gardens, arboretums, conservatories, Outdoor recreational facilities, such as hiking and bicycle trails, greens and commons, sitting areas and picnic areas. Active Zone features: Sports Complexes, Theme Parks, Resort Hotels, Golf Courses, Recreational Clubs, Zoo and Stadiums. Protected Zone features: River Krishna, Kondaveeti Vagu, Pala Vagu, Lakes etc. Proposed land use map of Amaravati city is given in Figure -6.138. 211 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-138: Proposed Land-use Map 212 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 6.7.3 Forests, Biosphere and Sanctuary According to Champion and Seth classification of forests 1968, the forest type in study area falls in dry deciduous forests and the area falls in hot arid climatic zone. The study area mainly falls under Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh State. The forests, flora and fauna data was collected from the Forest Department and given below. Forests in the Study Area: There is no forest area falling under the Corridor of Impact(CoI) area and there are no rare and endangered species present in the study area. 6.7.4 Flora and Fauna in the Study Area The structure and type of vegetation depends on climatic conditions and physiography of an area. Climate of the study area is much suited for the variety of vegetation because of 921mm cumulative annual rainfall. Because of humus and fertile nature of soil, the big trees are supported. The silt percentage of soil is less which is another reason for more vegetation. A floral enlistment of trees, shrub & herbs with their scientific names, common names and the family to which they belong are presented in a tabular format. The floral species and their status with reference to IUCN Red data book has been placed in the Table -6.69. The contents of this subsection are based primarily on reconnaissance survey carried out by the team of AARVEE associates during the month of November 2016 & available information collected from secondary data. Table 6-69: List of Floral Species Along with Family Names Classification as S.No Name of the plant Local name Family per IUCN Redbook 1 Acacia nilotica Nalla tumma Mimosaceae Not assessed 2 Emblica officinalis Usiri Euphorbiaceae Not assessed 3 Aegle marmelos Maredu Rutaceae Not assessed 4 Butea monosperma Modugu Fabaceae Not assessed 5 Acacia catechu Nalla sundra Mimosaceae Not assessed 6 Annogeissus latifolia Chiru manu Combretaceae Not assessed 7 Prosopis cineraria Jammi Fabaceae Not assessed 8 Tectona grandis Teku Verbenaceae Not assessed 9 Calotropis Jilledu Apocyanaceae Not assessed 10 Ficus religiosa Ravi Moraceae Not assessed 11 Azadirachta indica Neem Meliaceae Not assessed 12 Bougainvillea sp. Paper flower Nyctaginacear Not assessed 13 Bilanites aegyptica Gara Balanitaceae Not assessed 14 Thevitea peruviana Paccha ganneru Apocyanaceae Not assessed 15 Nerium indicum Ganneru Apocyanaceae Least concern 16 Zizyphus jujube Regu Rhamnaceae Not assessed 17 Boswellia serrata Guggilam Burseraceae Not assessed 18 Aristida setacea Paraka gaddi Poaceae Not assessed 19 Eragrostis tenella Garika gaddi Poaceae Not assessed 20 Mangifera indica Mango Anacardiaceae Data deficient 21 Diospyrous sp. Ullinda Ebenaceae Not assessed 22 Bombax ceiba Buruga Malvaceae Not assessed 23 Carica papaya Papaya Caricaceae Not assessed 24 Terminalia alata Nalla Maddi Combretacear Not assessed 25 Madhuca indica Ippa Sapotaceae Not assessed 26 Zizyphus nimmularia Jittaregi Rhamnaceae Not assessed 213 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Classification as S.No Name of the plant Local name Family per IUCN Redbook 27 Strychnous nuxvomica Musti Loganiaceae Not assessed 28 Polyalthia longifolia Naramamidi Annonaceae Not assessed 29 Ficus bengalensis Banyan Moraceae Not assessed 30 Achyranthus aspera Uttareni Amaranthaceae Not assessed 31 Ocimum sanctum Tulasi Lamiaceae Not assessed 32 Cassia auriculata Tangedu Fabaceae Not assessed 33 Clitoria ternatea Sankupushpam Fabaceae Not assessed 34 Rhizophora mucronata Uppuponna Rhizophoraceae Least concerned 35 Opuntia vulgaris Nagajemudu Cactaceae Data deficient 36 Buchanania axillaris Sarapapu Anacardiaceae Not assessed 37 Bambusa arundanacea Veduru Cyperaceae Not assessed Measures to compensate removed plants during construction There are 1388 nos. of plants needs to be removed from roadsides in the alignment of the proposed 10 priority roads because of the Construction. The types of plants to be removed are neem, mango, tamarrind, pipal, karanj etc. The short-term impact due to felling of plants will be compensated in long term through the proposed plantation programme. The local plant varieties will be identified and the same will be planted along the aqueduct and surrounding areas. Mitigation Measures: • Plantation programme shall be promptly adopted to restore and further enrich the loss of vegetation. • Plantation with an appropriate mix of indigenous and specially suited species shall be carried out along the corridor. The number of plants proposed to be planted is 1,44,891 with avenue and median plantation in the proposed 10 priority roads. • Local plant varieties especially, soil bounding species will be planted near to the constructed aqueduct and also in the surroundings in order to hold the soil tightly. Field study on Fauna in sub-project influence area Since the animals except for a few sedentary species and a few residents move from place to place either for feeding or breeding or for shelter etc., it may not be possible to prepare separate lists of fauna for core and buffer zones unless the core area is very large as in case of a reservoir. The mere absence of a species at the time of sampling does not rule out its presence. One may not have seen a cobra in a particular place for years but it could still visit that place. To overcome such problems, a list based on both primary survey and secondary data is prepared. The primary survey takes in to account both direct evidence and indirect evidence including the circumstantial evidence. All relevant scientific documents such as the scientific publications, documents and reports are a good source of information provided they are site, area and location specific. Further, they have to be recent but not decades old. In the absence of such data and information, reports of eye witness accounts and information from local non-Governmental organizations shall also be considered. Due attention should be paid to rare or endangered or endemic or threatened (REET) species. In order to find out whether a species comes under any of the REET categories, references are made to IUCN Red Data, Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 and its amendments thereof, Botanical survey of India (BSI) and Zoological Survey of India (ZSI). The details of the fauna present in the study area are given in Table -6.70. 214 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-70: List of Fauna Species along with Family Names and Status as Per IUCN And Wildlife Act Schedules Status in Schedule of IUCN S. Name of the animal Local name Family Wildlife classification No Protection Act, 1972 1 Vulpes benghalensis Fox Canidae II NA 2 Felis chaus Jungle cat Felidae II Least concerned 3 Herpestes auropunctatus Mongoose Herpestidae IV NA 4 Lepus nigricollis Indian Hare Leporidae - Least concerned 5 Canis lupus pallipes Wolf Canidae I Not assessed 6 Viverricula indica Civet Viverridae II Least concerned 7 Varanus griseus Indian monitor Varanidae I NA 8 Calotes versicolor Garden lizard Agamidae - NA 9 Pitas mucosus Rat snake Colubridae II NA 10 Vipera russelli Viper Viperidae II NA 11 Terpsiphone paradisi Fly catcher Monarchidae - Least concerned 12 Prinia buchanani Warbler Muscicapidae - Least concerned 13 Pavo cristatus Pea Fowl Phasianidae I NA 14 Ardeola grayii pond heron Ardeidae Least concerned 15 Lanius cristatus Shrieks Laniidae - Least concerned 16 Streptopelia orientalis Doves Columbidae - Least concerned 17 Patronia xanthocollis Yellow Plocidae - NA throatedsparrow 18 Astrilda sp. Munia Plocidae - NA 19 Pycnonotus sp. Bulbul Pycnonotidae - Least concerned 20 Drycopus javensis Woodpecker Picidae - NA 21 Tephrodornis Wood shrike Tephrodornithidae - Least concerned pondicerianus 22 Dendrocygna autumnalis Duck Anatidae Least concerned 23 Psittacula krameri Parrot Psittaculidae Least concerned 24 Mycteria leucocephala Painted stork Ciconiidae IV Near threatened Study of Aquatic flora and Fauna: The major aquatic species identified in the study area are i.e., Carps, cat fish, murrel, prawns, barbus etc. It is very much important to take care that developments as per master plan and zonal developmental plan activities show least impact on the aquatic life otherwise, increasing sediment load due to the recipient water bodies i.e. ponds and Krishna River will restrict the penetration of solar energy in the water body. This will affect photosynthesis of the aquatic flora, which in turn will have adverse impacts on the aquatic fauna. Since most of the water bodies remain dry during the non- monsoon months, this impact will be negligible. But the implementation of the following measures will help to avoid soil erosion and further minimize the impacts of the aquatic fauna. 6.8 Cultural and Sensitive Receptors: As per the World Bank norms schools/hospitals/worship places, which fall within the the Corridor of Impact (CoI), ie. 20 m either side of the construction area are treated as sensitive receptors. Special care has to be taken during construction phase of the project in case of these receptors. As a matter of abundant precaution, receptors falling within the 100m either side of the roads are identified and given in Table 6- 71. 215 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-71: Summary of identified Cultural & Sensitive Receptors within 100m of Proposed Roads Name of Name of the Cultural & RHS/ S.No the Road Chainage Sensitive Receptors LHS 1 E8 -- -- -- 5000 Temple near Thulluru village RHS 9300.00 to 9400.00 School near Ananthavaram LHS 2 E6 village -- -- 3 N11 -- 4 E10 -- -- -- 5 E12 -- -- -- 6 E14 700 School near Navalluru village RHS 7 N16 -- -- -- 3400.00 to 3500.00 School near Thulluru village LHS 700 to 800 Boddurayi near Abbarajupalem LHS village 700 to 800 School near Abbarajupalem LHS 8 N14 village 9 N9 -- -- -- 300.00 to 400.00 Hospital near Venkatapalem LHS 10 N4 village 6.9 Socio-economic Environment Socio-economic characteristics of the sub-project influence area would normally have a bearing on the present traffic and would further influence the traffic levels in the future. Given this, the socio-economic profile of the sub-project influence area has been studied and presented in brief in the ensuing sections. The Project stretch passes through Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, located in Southern India. Guntur lies between 15° 18’and 16° 50’ North latitude and 70° 10’and 80° 55’East longitude. The district has a coastline of 42 kms. The total geographical area of the district is 11328 sq kms. Guntur district lies at an elevation of 33m from sea level. The district is mainly plain, with a few hill ranges. The average rainfall in the district is 830mm, through South-West monsoon. Major crops grown are paddy, chilli, cotton, red gram, black gram, among pulses, cereals like jowar and maize, sorghum, jute, fodder grass, subabul and commercial crops like turmeric, guar gum. It is bounded by Krishna & Nalgonda districts on the North, by Prakasam and Mahabubnagar districts on the West, by Prakasam district on the South and by Krishna district, and the Bay of Bengal on the East. Krishna is the main river, which traverses 250 kms in the district, irrigating an area of nearly 5 lakh Ha. Chandravanka, Naguleru and Gundlakamma are the 3 major rivulets. 6.9.1 Socio-economic Status of the Study area A. Study District Profile: Guntur district is an administrative district in the Coastal Andhra region of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The administrative seat of the district is located at Guntur, which is also the largest city of the district in terms of area and population. It has a coastline of approximately 100km and is situated on the right bank of Krishna River that separates it from Krishna district and extends till it empties into the Bay of Bengal. It is bounded on the south by Prakasam district and on the west by the state of Telangana. It has an area of 11,391 km2 (4,398 sq. mi) and is the 2nd most populous district in the state a population of 4,889,230 as per 2011 census of India. 216 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Population: In 2011, Guntur had population of 4,887,813 of which male and female were 2,440,521 and 2,447,292 respectively. In 2001 census, Guntur had a population of 4,465,144 of which males were 2,250,279 and remaining 2,214,865 were females. Guntur District population constituted 5.78 percent of total Maharashtra population. In 2001 census, this figure for Guntur District was at 5.86 percent of Maharashtra population. Population Growth Rate: There was change of 9.47 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, Guntur District recorded increase of 8.72 percent to its population compared to 1991. Density of Population: The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that density of Guntur district for 2011 is 429 people per sq. km. In 2001, Guntur district density was at 392 people per sq. km. Guntur district administers 11,391 square kilometers of areas. Literacy Rate: Average literacy rate of Guntur in 2011 were 67.40 compared to 62.54 of 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 74.79 and 60.09 respectively. For 2001 census, same figures stood at 71.24 and 53.74 in Guntur District. Total literate in Guntur District were 2,960,441 of which male and female were 1,634,726 and 1,325,715 respectively. In 2001, Guntur District had 2,455,965 in its district. Sex Ratio: With regards to Sex Ratio in Guntur, it stood at 1003 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 984. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 945 girls per 1000 boys compared to figure of 959 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data. Urban Population: Out of the total Guntur population for 2011 census, 33.81 percent lives in urban regions of district. In total 1,652,738 people lives in urban areas of which males are 819,030 and females are 833,708. Sex Ratio in urban region of Guntur district is 1018 as per 2011 census data. Similarly, child sex ratio in Guntur district was 947 in 2011 census. Child population (0-6) in urban region was 162,968 of which males and females were 83,713 and 79,255. This child population figure of Guntur district is 10.22 % of total urban population. Average literacy rate in Guntur district as per census 2011 is 78.03 % of which males and females are 83.97 % and 72.25 % literates respectively. In actual number 1,162,507 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 617,432 and 545,075 respectively. Rural Population: As per 2011 census, 66.19 % population of Guntur districts lives in rural areas of villages. The total Guntur district population living in rural areas is 3,235,075 of which males and females are 1,621,491 and 1,613,584 respectively. In rural areas of Guntur district, sex ratio is 995 females per 1000 males. If child sex ratio data of Guntur district is considered, figure is 945 girls per 1000 boys. Child population in the age 0-6 is 332,761 in rural areas of which males were 171,120 and females were 161,641. The child population comprises 10.55 % of total rural population of Guntur district. Literacy rate in rural areas of Guntur district is 61.95 % as per census data 2011. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 70.14 and 53.77 percent respectively. In total, 1,797,934 people were literate of which males and females were 1,017,294 and 780,640 respectively. 217 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 B. Study Area Profile Demography: As per the 2011 census the total population of the project area is 97906. Out of the total population of the project area male population is 48677 and female population is 49229. Sex ratio 1011 is higher than the state level which is 940 females per 1000 male. The mandal wise demographic details are given in Table -6.72 and the details of land holders in the capital city area. Table 6-72: Demographic details of the project area S. Demographic details Project Area No 1 Number of Houses 27271 2 Total Population 97906 3 Total Male population 48677 4 Total Female population 49229 5 Sex ratio (Per 1000 Male) 1011 6 Total Population (0-6yrs) 9786 7 SC population 29051(29.67%) 8 ST Population 4275(4.36%) Source: Census , 2011 of Andhra Pradesh Literacy: As per the table the literacy rate for the project area is 62% which is lower than the state literacy level which is 67%. However, there is a significant gap between male (33%) and female (28%) literacy rate. The details of the literacy rates are given in the Table -6.73 below. Table 0-73: Literacy rate in the project area Sl.No Literacy details Project Area 1 Total No. of Literates 60706 2 No. of Male Literates 33075 3 No. of Female Literates 27631 4 Total Literacy Rate 62 % 5 Male Literacy Rate 33.78% 6 Female Literacy Rate 28.22 % Source: Census, 2011 of Andhra Pradesh Economic Activity: The major economic source of the area is agriculture and allied activities, and the major crops grown are paddy, cotton, chilly, corn, maize, vegetables, etc. Jasmine flower is the major source of income in the area, the income from the jasmine flower will be mainly impacted from the proposed project activity (as per discussion with locals). Work participation: Work participation in the project area is only 50.47%. From that main workers are 46.45%, from the main worker’s cultivators are (5.96%) & other allied activity workers are 12.86% and rest is marginal workers which are 4.01%, the non-worker population covered the major portion of the population which is 49.52%. In the study area, total main worker population is 45%, from that cultivators are 7%, main allied activity workers are 26%, and household and OT workers are 0.63% & 11%, the marginal population of the area is 5% and the major portion covers the non-worker population which is 49%.the details of the work participation given in the Table –6.74. 218 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-74: Work force details in the project area. Sl.No Work participation Project Area 1 Total Worker 49415 (50.47%) 2 Main Workers 45483 (46.45%) 3 Cultivators 5840 (5.96%) 4 Main AL 26276 (26.83%) 5 HH Industry 772 (0.78%) 6 OT Workers 12595 (12.86%) 7 Marginal Workers 3932 (4.01%) 8 Non-workers 48491 (49.52%) 9 Male non-worker 18785 (19.18%) 10 Female non-worker 29706 (30.34%) Source: Census. 2011 of Andhra Pradesh 6.9.2 Public Consultations The APCRDA has notified the Draft Master Plan for Capital City on 26 th December 2015 and sought objections /suggestions from the public for a period of 30 days from the date of Notification. All the objections/ suggestions received from the public from various sources were compiled in Minutes of the Technical Committee Meeting held on 7th February, 2016 at APCRDA on scrutiny of objections /suggestions received from public on the draft Master Plan of Capital City – Amaravati. The members in the Technical Committee are Directors of Planning, Development Control, Chief Planning Officer, Principal Planner, Planning Officer of APCRDA and Director - Town & Country planning, AP. Village wise objections and suggestions received on draft Master Plan related to road sub-project are given in Table -6.75. About 4000 objections/suggestions have been received, which were considered and about 3600 structures were avoided from getting displaced by construction of roads. Table 6-75: Village wise objections / suggestions on Draft Mater Plan Village Objections/Suggestions Technical Committee's Recommendation Abbarajupalem Existing burial ground (Survey no 9 & Burial ground may be retained. 10) is marked in Commercial Zone (C4) Major arterial road is cutting across The Shivalayam temple is excluded Survey no 96 (Shivalayam temple). from from the right of way of N14 road. Velagapudi Survey no 163 contains 1 acre of May be considered. R3 to be rezoned. graveyard/cemetery Venkatapalem Road is passing on the bund, on May be considered. Road is marked on Manthena Sathyanarayana Raju the bund and no proposal to shift the Ashramam. bund exists in the stretch. Proposed road alignment falls on Survey May not be considered. School falls no 180/2 (Global school). under expressway alignment. Krishnayapalem Request to realign the major arterial May be agreed for road and vaagu road and proposed vaagu that is passing realignment, in view of the proposed through village grama kantam. reservoir which is suggested as part of the flood management (500m length / 6.2 acres area / 103 no. of structures are being affected (under road) Penumaka Don’t disturb natural heritage for May not be considered. Heritage will construction of roads (tunnel not be disturbed as it is beyond 300 m construction). from caves. Tunnel will act as a feature for the city. Major arterial is passing through the May not be considered as it is a minor Survey no’s 257,254,256 (Rama arterial road. mandir). Thullur Request for changing the alignment of May not be considered road that is passing through Survey no 172 which is a petrol bunk. 219 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Village Objections/Suggestions Technical Committee's Recommendation Sakhamuru Aterial Road is hitting village to be Major Arterial Road and hence cannot exempted be diverted Anantavaram Request to realign the major arterial May agree for realignment, as it is on road that is passing through village the edge of the village. Realignment grama kantam. will connect the TTD Temple development. Stakeholder’s Consultation Meeting Proceedings & Minutes of Meetings for the Public Consultation Meetings Conducted from 19th to 22nd July 2017 at Navalluru, Abbarajupalem, Thulluru, Ananthavarm, Rayapudi, Penumaka and Yerrabalem Villages of Guntur District in Amaravati Capital City Area. 1. Participants 1. At each village between 15 to 25 members Consisting of: a. farmers who have - participated in LPS, Focused Group i.e., affected by land acquisition, affected by roads passing through their sites in village sites b. Main representatives from associations / NGOs c. Public Representatives d. Aarvee Associates e. Representatives from Print and Electronic Media. 2. Line department officials: 6 Competent Authorities from revenue units, Officials of - CRDA, ADC, Urban Development, etc. 3. Observers: Sr. Social Expert from the World Bank The participants included women representatives as well. The list of Public Consultation participants consisting of name, mobile number and signature are filed in the Project dossiers and can be accessed by interested stakeholders. 2. Introduction Draft Environmental Assessment & Environmental Management Plan (EA-EMP) reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads were prepared and disclosed at various villages and on the website of CRDA under the World Ba nk supported “Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP)” section. Comments and suggestions on the draft documents were invited. The public consultations on Draft EA-EMP reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads are conducted for accomplishing wider awareness, share contents of the documents and seek feedback from the participants leading to finalization of the documents and adopting for the Bank supported project - ASCCDP. The details of the Public Consultations carried out are given in Table 6-76. 220 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 6-76:Details of the Public Consultations carried out S.No. Date Name of the Village Duration (hrs.) 1 19.07.2017 Navalluru Village 2.30 (Hrs. 10.00 to 12.30 ) 2 19.07.2017 Abbarajupalem 2.00 (Hrs. 14.00 to 16.00 ) 3 19.07.2017 Thulluru 2.00 (Hrs. 16.30 to 18.30 ) 4 20.07.2017 Ananthavaram 2.30 (Hrs. 11.00 to 13.30 ) 5 20.07.2017 Rayapudi 2.00 (Hrs. 14.30 to 16.30 ) 6 21.07.2017 Penumaka 2.00 (Hrs. 17.00 to 19.00 ) 7 22.07.2017 Yerrabalem 2.00 (Hrs. 11.00 to 13.00 ) CRDA official chaired the Public Consultations and briefed the agenda of Consultations at each village and encouraged participants to voice their feedback after a brief presentation on Draft EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads for addressing them and incorporating the same into EA-EMP reports duly adopting the World Bank norms. 3. Public Suggestions and Feedback Public consultations were held with large number of people in villages of Amaravati i.e., Navalluru, Abbarajupalem, Thulluru, Ananthavaram, Rayapudi, Penumaka and Yerrabalem affected villages, the suggestions and comments of public related to the Environment have been incorporated in the EA & EMP Report. Village wise objections and suggestions received during Public Consultations are given in Table 6-77. Table 6-77:Village wise objections and suggestions received during Public Consultations Vs Technical Committee Recommendations Name of Comments Responses to the Comments given by the APCRDA/Consultant Village(s) Extension of the E14 road till NH-5 The roads are proposed duly adopting the Highway (Vijayawada - Guntur) for the Master Plan and E14 is ending near Railway better connectivity. line and not feasible to extend under this Navalluru project. The locations such as Nagamayyaputta These locations are already noted and temple, Government Elementary school adequate mitigation measures will be and Masjid are near to E14 Road. suggested in the EA &EMP Report. Along the E14 Road, there are few Full acquisition will be done and the houses are partially falling and how the compensation will be made accordingly. compensation will be made to them. How the compensation will be made for Compensation will be made to them as per some of the houses falling under non the Government norms. patta lands of E14 Road. How the compensation will be made for Compensation will be made to them as per Isolated house is present outside the the Government norms. village Traffic Congestion will raise during Adequate provisions for diversion of the Abbarajupa construction phase of the project will traffic without affecting the local traffic will lem affect the movement of the villagers be made by the contractor and the same is also put under the contractor conditions. 221 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of Comments Responses to the Comments given by the APCRDA/Consultant Village(s) Are there any provisions from the In the capital city region, Government is Government for assistance in giving special loan assistance upto 25 lakhs development of the domestic dairy without interest for the development of the farms? domestic/ household/ small scale industries. There are some trees such as vepa, Avenue & median plantation is proposed thumma, chinta are cutting in the duly adopting IRC SP 21-2009: Guidelines proposed projects. How will you on Landscaping and Tree Plantation in the compensate the same? proposed project. Plots allocated to us are having Thulluru Action will be taken by the AP CRDA after Lift Irrigation pipeline underneath. When having consultation with Minor Irrigation will you remove the same?. Department. Construction jobs shall be allocated to ADC/ AP CRDA is going for National the locals or Prioritisation for petty Competitive Bidding process. The labour contracts in the construction of successful bidders will be mandated to the road shall be given to the locals. employ locals as per contract. Site clearance for the proposed road Adequate mitigation measures already Thulluru activities is obstructing the existing suggested in EMP and the same will be peramvagu and other streams around asked to strictly implement by the the Thulluru. Contractors. Are there any provisions from the In the capital city region, Government is Government for assistance in giving special loan assistance upto 25 lakhs development of livelihood of women and without interest for the development of the household petty works? domestic/ household/ small scale industries. Heavy vehicle movement is damaging Adequate maintenance of the existing road the roads around the Thulluru and traffic will be taken care by AP CRDA /ADC. congestion may be more during Provisions for diversion of the traffic construction phase of the roads. without affecting the local traffic will be made by the contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions. Houses falling under Project will be As per the guidelines of the AP CRDA, the vacated after construction of the new time duration of 6 months will be given to house only. the owners for the construction of the new houses or equivalent amount of rent will be paid to them. In case project affected persons want more time they can request the AP CRDA during negotiation process. Considerably traffic around the village is Adequate maintenance of the existing road increased and damaging the roads and will be taken care by AP CRDA /ADC. obstructing the movement of vehicles Provisions for diversion of the traffic temporarily. without affecting the local traffic will be made by the Contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions. Dust pollution issue is raising day by day Adequate environmental mitigation Ananthavar in all the roads leading to Village. measures are already suggested in EMP am with budgetary provisions to take care of the construction phase of Roads project. For project Affected Persons (House As per the guidelines of the AP CRDA, the loosers) Rental Allowance for Rs. 5000/- time duration for 6 months will be given to shall be given for eight months instead the owners for the construction of the new of six months. houses or equivalent amount of rent will be 222 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of Comments Responses to the Comments given by the APCRDA/Consultant Village(s) paid to them. In case project affected persons want more time and compensation, they can request the AP CRDA during negotiation process. Government is organising Skill Government is organising the Skill Development activities for the people of Developmental activities i.e., sewing, jute Capital City and after the completion of bag manufacturing, car driving, mobile the same will they provide any financial repairs, computer courses horticulture, assistance. poultry forms development etc. In the capital city Government is giving special loan assistance upto 25 lakhs without interest for the development of the domestic/ household/ small scale industries. Kalpana fabrics representation to the AP The point was noted and the same will be CRDA is discussed brought to the notice of higher officials of AP CRDA/ADC. Health schemes offered by the The same will be brought to the notice of Government are not covered for all the the AP CRDA/ADC higher officials. Rayapudi diseases. It would be better that a corporate level Multi-specialty hospital to be established within the Capital City Region. Plantation shall be removed where-ever The plantation is being removed on the the developmental activity is proposed proposed developmental activities i,e., instead of clearing all. Roads, Govt. Buildings, institutions etc. There is no plantation removed other than developmental area. Sand tippers/ heavy vehicles are Provisions for diversion of the traffic disturbing the vehicle movement of the without affecting the local traffic will be villagers. made by the Contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions of 7 & 11 Roads projects. As of now dust pollution is very less. The provision for the water sprinkling in During construction of the roads construction of Roads is already made in adequate measures to be taken. the EA & EMP Report with budgetary provision as well as enforcing the same in Contractor conditions. Hence, the issue will Penumaka be taken care. Majority of the group members raised The same will be brought to the notice of the issue that the education fees the AP CRDA/ADC higher officials. reimbursement is not yet started. They are expecting it to be started so that they will be benefited. Majority expressed that some the people At Skill Development Centre training will be participated in the Skill development given on i.e., sewing, jute bag programme but the opportunities they manufacturing, car driving, mobile repairs, got are not as per the training received. computer courses horticulture, poultry forms development etc. However, the trained applicants have to be worked as per the requirements of the Employer. 223 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of Comments Responses to the Comments given by the APCRDA/Consultant Village(s) Villagers are Demanding for a The same will be brought to the notice of corporate hospital in their area and the the AP CRDA/ADC higher officials. provision to accept this health card will be of great help. Majority said that the existing fees The same will be brought to the notice of reimbursement can be extended to KL the AP CRDA/ADC higher officials. University Regarding skill development center, some people already undergone training in Nowluru-1 training center. About 20 Yerrabalem to 30 women participated in Job mela and 3 got employment. Some of the farmers constructed their The same will be brought to the notice of houses with building the AP CRDA/ADC higher officials. permission/approvals. Now they realized that they need to get permission and requested AP CRDA for the exemption. Mr. R Sambasiva Rao said that no water The provision for the water sprinkling in bodies are affected because of the construction of 7 & 11 Roads is already roads project and the present pollution made in the EA & EMP Report with levels are too low. However, During the budgetary provision as well as enforcing construction phase of the road project the same in Contractor conditions. Hence, dust pollution may arise. the issue will be taken care. Traffic Management to be taken care Provisions for diversion of the traffic during the construction of the roads without affecting the local traffic will be project. made by the Contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions of 7 & 11 Roads projects. 4. Closing Remarks The Public Consultations concluded with the receipt and acknowledgement of the comments and views expressed by the participants for which suitable measures will be taken to resolve in the context of the EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads documents. Proceedings and Minutes of meeting for Stakeholder’s Consultation is given in Annexure -IV. Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop Draft Environmental Assessment & Environmental Management Plan (EA-EMP) reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads were prepared and disclosed on 04-03-2017 on the website of CRDA under the World Bank supported “Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP)” section. The public is notified through public notice on news. Comments and suggestions on the draft documents were invited. Proceedings and Minutes of meeting for Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop is given in Annexure -IV. The public consultation Workshop on Draft EA-EMP reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads is conducted on 04-04-2017 for accomplishing wider awareness, share contents of 224 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 the documents and seek feedback from the participants leading to finalization of the documents and adopting for the Bank supported project - ASCCDP. A Public Notice in both Telugu and English was published well before the workshop date and wide publicity was undertaken within the capital city about the workshop by CRDA. B.L. Chennakesava Rao, Director-Lands of APCRDA chaired the workshop and welcomed all the participants. J.S.R.K. Sastry, Director-Strategy of APCRDA briefed the day’s agenda of workshop and encouraged participants to voice their feedback after a brief presentation on Draft EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads for addressing them and incorporating the same into EA-EMP reports duly adopting the World Bank norms. Members Present: The following participants voiced their suggestions during the consultation workshop which are summarized below. 1. 32 members consisting of a. farmers who have – participated in LPS, affected by land acquisition, affected by roads passing through their sites in village sites b. main representatives from associations / NGOs – i. Rajadhani Rytu Parirakshana Samiti ii.Thullur Educational Society c. Public Representatives d. Aarvee Associates e. Representatives from Print and Electronic Media 2. Line department officials: 16 Competent Authorities from revenue units, Officials of – CRDA, ADC, PHED, Irrigation, Urban Development, Forests, etc. 3. Observers: Sr. Environmental Expert from The World Bank The participants included women representatives as well. The list of Public Consultation participants consisting of name, mobile number and signature are filed in the Project dossiers and can be accessed by interested stakeholders. Issue - wise suggestions /feedback is precisely minuted below: A. Environmental 1. Due to road construction water flow to the existing farm ponds will be stopped and tanks/farm ponds will not be filled. Due to this ground water level will be reduced after certain period and necessary mitigation measures to be adopted during the design stage and ensure better water storage/supply. 2. Requested to check the idea of planting the saplings before commencement of construction activity. Requested for affected trees transplantation. Suggested to encourage citizen participation in every village in maintenance of avenue plantation. 225 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3. Existing Land use pattern- Showed that agricultural area as %. Shall be reworked. CRDA suggested considering the project area as vacant land as the land was already acquired by CRDA under Land Pooling scheme two years before the study period. 4. Monitoring of Air pollution. Mr J.S.R.K. Sastry suggested incorporating the method followed, sampling protocol, transportation method, accreditation lab details etc. Limitations and assumptions to be discussed. Suggested to consider other than the vehicular pollution in the capital city area. 5. Impact on water spread area. Suggested to categorize the water spread area as natural and manmade ponds separately with usage and depth. 6. Avenue plantation - Suggested providing more no of plants inconsideration with Forest Department Guidelines. 7. Monitoring of Air, Water Noise quality, baseline data. Suggested to monitor the pre-monsoon at sample locations (approx. 10 locations) and analyse in capital city area. 8. Water spread area for 11 roads need to be corrected. Suggested to categorize natural, manmade ponds area and need to discuss road wise farm ponds, tanks etc. 9. Need to show the water flow details to existing ponds and restoration plan of ground water levels in the ponds. Suggested to show the water flow details to existing ponds in maps and discuss the restoration mechanism of ground water levels in pond areas especially Thulluru tank and Chakalicheruvu tank areas. 10. Need to discuss major challenges faced during preparation of EIA B. Engineering 1. Requested for extension of E-6 road from Thulluru to Nelapadu for a length of 2.10 km. 2. Impact on farm ponds should be minimal and suggested to conduct the consultations during design preparation to avoid farm ponds, provision of under passes and service road 3. Need to provide underpasses whenever crossing is required. To continue the access to the existing road network to the villages, they are requested to construct the underpasses as priority. C. Social 1. Thullur education society school will be affected due to proposed N-14 road. Requested to avoid the education centre. 2. Replacement cost for the affected structures. Requested for more compensation. 3. Need to discuss the project benefits and suggested to discuss the project benefits such as social, economic growth and population will be benefited etc., by each road for every 10 years. Closing Remarks The consultation workshop concluded with the receipt and acknowledgement of the comments and views expressed by the participants for which suitable measures will be taken to resolve in the context of the EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads documents. Those issues which are outside the scope of the EA-EMP documents have been compiled and circulated to the respective authorities for taking necessary further steps. 226 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Further it is intimated that feedback by email or telephone to APCRDA or Aarvee is also accepted till 15th April 2017. Respective contacts were shared during the end of presentation. (none received) The issues raised during the Public Consultation are addressed in EA & EMP report and Photographs showing Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop are given in Figure -6.139 below. 227 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 6-139: Photographs showing stakeholder’s consultation workshop 228 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Disclosure of EA & EMP Report Draft EA & EMP report was prepared and disclosed on APCRDA website on 4th March 2017, subsequently advertised both in leading Telugu and English daily News papers inviting public, NGO’s and other interested groups for public consultation workshop, and the same was held on 4th April 2017. Additional time was announced for submission of suggestions on the EA & EMP report by Email, post or by hand (none resceived). Additional public consultations were held at seven distributed villages from 19th to 22nd July 2017. The latest EA and EMP report was prepared duly incorporating all the minutes of meeting of public consultations/workshop and The World Bank comments issued in the month of June 2017. This report will be disclosed and once again presented at the proposed public consultation meeting to be held in the last week of August 2017. Upon receiving the comments if any, the final EA & EMP report will be delivered. 229 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 7 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 7.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures The Urban Road development projects exhibit a symbiotic relationship between the environment and development with both positive and negative and reversible and irreversible impacts. The present chapter gives the analysis of the environmental impacts in the proposed project corridor and suggested suitable mitigative measures. Matrix method will be adopted as methodology for assessment of cumulative impacts on the project. Based on the scoping of the areas and the work being proposed the following key issues were assessed for this project. • Preservation of aesthetic and landscape of the area to the possible extent • Effective restoration of borrow area and quarries • Noise and air quality • Tree removal and tree plantation • Sanitation and waste disposal • Road safety • Protection of flora and fauna Road development projects can have impacts or cause impacts in four specific situations as follows: • Impacts of Location • Impacts of Project Design • Impacts during Construction, and • Impacts when the Road become Operational. 7.1 Impacts of Location The road stretch has no specific impacts from the location. During this phase, those impacts, which are likely to take place due to the layout of the project, have been assessed. These impacts are: 1. Project Affected People (PAPs) 2. Change of Land use 3. Loss of trees/forest 4. Utility/Drainage Problems 5. Impact on Historical and Cultural Monuments 6. Impact on Local Transport Facilities 7.2 Impacts Due to Project Design The engineering design of the road is being prepared incorporating all environmental safeguards. The basic design criteria have been covered in Project Description. The side drains, stone pitching near high embankments, up gradation of structures and protection with the crash barriers near high embankments are being taken care in the 230 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 design of the project to ensure the construction of 4 lane/ 4 lane + 2 lane BRT in Capital City of Andhra Pradesh in Guntur district. 7.2.1 Avoidance of adverse impacts during Design Stage: The environmental resources which get covered as sensitive receptors as per Bank guidelines that have been conserved in Corridor of Impact (CoI) through continued interaction between the design and environmental teams, package wise in 10 Priority roads are given below in Table -7.1 using the road wise maps generated for Corridor of Impact (CoI) area which are attached separately as Annexure -V. Table 7-1 : Avoidance of adverse impacts on environmental resources in 10 Priority Roads roads Package Trees avoided Farm ponds Ground Cultural in Corridor of avoided in water properties Impact (CoI) Corridor of sources in in Corridor Impact Corridor of of Impact (CoI) Impact (CoI) (CoI) I 275 20 Nil Nil II 289 4 Nil Nil III 365 18 Nil Nil IV 621 16 Nil Nil V 67 2 Nil Nil VI 126 18 Nil Nil 7.3 Impacts During Construction Since the construction is dependent on the quality and properties of the available material, the choice of material, particularly the management of borrow pits, assumes importance during construction. 7.3.1 Borrow Areas / Stone Quarries / Sand Quarries The proposed project corridor requires raw materials from borrow areas, metal quarries and sand quarries. Borrow Areas with large quantity of earth/ gravel material is required for widening of formation and embankment, necessitating earth / gravel from borrow pits. • Borrow Areas: Large quantity of earth / gravel material is required for widening of formation and embankment, necessitating earth / gravel from borrow pits. Borrow earth shall be taken from in & around the study area as per the requirement of sub-project (road) component. 10 nos. of operational licensed borrow areas are allotted for APCRDA for the proposed 10 Priority roads by Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP. • Metal Quarries: 4 nos. of operational licensed metal quarries are allotted for the proposed roads for APCRDA by Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP. • Sand Quarries: Assuming 8 nos. of sand quarries will be used for the proposed roads, one each for each package of 10 Priority roads with concerned approval from Directorate of Mines & Geology, AP. 231 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Proposed Mitigation Measures: • To avoid any embankment slippage, the borrow areas will not be dug continuously, and the size and shape of borrow pits will be decided by the Site Engineer. Redevelopment of the borrow areas to mitigate the impacts will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall evolve site- specific redevelopment plans for each borrow area location, which shall be implemented after the approval of the Supervision Consultant. • Precautionary measures as the covering of vehicles will be taken to avoid spillage during transport of borrow materials. To ensure that the spills, which might result from the transport of borrow and quarry materials do not impact the settlements, it will be ensured that the excavation and carrying of earth will be done during day-time only. The unpaved surfaces used for the haulage of borrow materials will be maintained properly. Borrowing of earth shall be carried out at locations recommended as follows: o Non-Cultivable Lands: Borrowing of earth will be carried out up to a depth of 2.0m from the existing ground level. Borrowing of earth shall not be done continuously. Ridges of not less than 8m width shall be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. Small drains shall be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate drainage. Borrow pits shall have slopes not steeper than “1 vertical” in “4 horizontal”. o Productive Lands: Borrowing of earth shall be avoided on productive lands. However, in the event of borrowing from productive lands, under circumstances as described above, topsoil shall be preserved in stockpiles. The conservation of topsoil shall be carried out as per the standard procedures. At productive land locations, the depth of borrow pits shall not exceed 45cm and it may be dug out to a depth of not more than 30cm after stripping the 15cm topsoil aside. o Elevated Lands: At locations where private owners desire their fields to be leveled, the borrowing shall be done to a depth of not more than 2m or up to the level of surrounding fields. Borrow pits along Roadside: Borrow pits shall be located 5m away from the toe of the embankment. Depth of the pit should be such that the bottom of the pit shall not fall within an imaginary line of slope 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the edge of the final section of the bank. Borrow pits should not be dug continuously. Ridges of not less than 8m width should be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. Small drains should be cut through the ridges to facilitate drainage. o Borrow pits on the riverside: The borrow pit should be located not less than 15m from the toe of the bank, distance depending on the magnitude and duration of flood to be withstood. o Community / Private Ponds: Borrowing can be carried out at locations, where the private owners (or in some cases, the community) desire to develop lands (mostly low-lying areas) for pisciculture purposes and for use as fish ponds. 232 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 o Borrow Areas near Settlements: Borrow pit location shall be located at least 0.8 km from villages and settlements. If unavoidable, they should not be dug for more than 30cm and should be drained. • Quarries and borrow pits will be back filled with rejected construction wastes and will be given a vegetative cover. If this is not possible, then slopes will be smoothed and depression will be filled in such a way that it looks more or less like the original ground surface. • During works execution, the Contractor shall ensure preservation of trees during piling of materials; spreading of stripping material to facilitate water percolation and allow natural vegetation growth; re-establishment of previous natural drainage flows; improvement of site appearance; digging of ditches to collect runoff; and maintenance of roadways where a pit or quarry is declared useable water source for livestock or people nearby. Once the works are completed, and at own expense of the Contractor, he shall restore the environment around the work site to its original splits. • To create a safe environment under the terms of The Mines and Quarries Act the faces should be reduced to a naturally stable slope or be adequately fenced to prevent access to the top and bottom of the faces. Such a fence must be of a height as prescribed under The Mines Act with a barbed wire top strand designed to exclude the public from the quarry area. Depending on the location of the site presence of a permanent lake is considered to be as at is factory alternative to a fence. • As per the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of ‘brick earth’ and ‘ordinary earth’ for purpose of construction of roads, embankments etc., attract the following guidelines. 1. The activity associated with borrowing for construction of roads, embankments etc. shall not involve blasting. 2. The borrowing/ excavation activity shall be restricted to a maximum depth of 2m below general ground level at the site. 3. The borrowing/ excavation activity shall not alter the natural drainage pattern of the area. 4. The borrowed/ excavated pit shall be restored by the project proponent for useful purpose (s). 5. Appropriate fencing all around the borrowed/ excavated pit shall be made to prevent any mishap. 6. Measures shall be taken to prevent dust emission by covering of borrowed/ excavated earth during transportation. 7. Safeguards shall be adopted against health risks on account of breeding of vectors in the water bodies created due to the borrowing/ excavation of earth. • Appropriate plant species for the planting programme should be selected in consultation with ecological consultant and local forest department. Depending on the limitations on the availability of appropriate plant material, harsh growing conditions (lack of irrigation and hot summer) and ongoing quarry rehabilitation operations there may be substantial loss of plantation and the planting programme may have to be continued for over 233 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3–5 years. As plantings are progressively established they should be monitored before undertaking the next stage to ensure maximum plant survival rates. 7.3.2 Utilization of Fly Ash Appreciating the overall concern for environmental and management issues pertaining to fly ash, which otherwise is a very useful by-product of thermal power plants, the Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science & Technology (DST), and Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India identified “Safe Disposal and Gainful Utilization of Fly Ash” identified the Highways as one of the thrust area. There are two Thermal Power Stations identified which falls within 300 Km from the project corridor. The lists of thermal power stations identified are mentioned in table -7.2. Table 7-2: List of thermal power stations which fall within 300 Km radius S.No Name of the Capacity Location District State Distance power plant (MW) from Rayapudi (Km) 1 Narla Tatarao 1760 Ibrahimpatnam Krishna Andhra 37 Thermal Power Pradesh Station 2 Kothagudem 1720 Paloncha Khammam Telangana 169 Thermal Power Station Hence, Provision for Utilization of Fly Ash is to be made as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly Ash Notification 2007 and the subsequent amendments in 25 th January, 2016. The same shall also be put under the BoQs. Utilization of Fly ash in the highways shows the positive impact on the environment. Utilization of fly ash will not only minimize the disposal problem but will also help in utilizing precious land in a better way. Construction of road embankments using fly ash, involves encapsulation of fly ash in earthen core or with RCC facing panels. Since there is no seepage of rain water into the fly ash core, leaching of heavy metals is also prevented. When fly ash is used in concrete, it chemically reacts with cement and reduces any leaching effect. Even when it is used in stabilization work, a similar chemical reaction takes place which binds fly ash particles. Hence, chances of pollution due to use of fly ash in road works are negligible. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the priority roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the priority roads. Hence, It is not feasible to use fly ash in the proposed roads which has no embankments. 7.3.3 Borrow Pit Restoration Arrangements for opening and using material from borrow pits shall contain enforceable provisions for the extraction and restoration of the borrow area, and their surroundings, in an environmentally sound manner to the satisfaction of the Site Engineer. Areas shall be graded to ensure drainage and visual uniformity, and arrangements shall be made to collect and preserve top soil for use in the excavated borrow pit sides and bottom to make it green area alternatively, these borrow areas would be sited as far as possible on high grounds or hillocks. Top soil shall be 234 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 replaced and the area will be re-vegetated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The top soil can also be used for side slope, median covering for the growth of shrubs and grass. Additional borrow pits will not be opened without restoration of those areas no longer in use. 7.3.4 Surplus Earth/ Muck/ Construction & Demolition Waste The total quantity of surplus earth/ muck generated from the 10 Roads during the construction phase is about 4832192m3. This includes the muck generated from various utilities passing beneath the road ROW. The muck produced from various utilities other than roads are storm water, Water Supply, Power, Gas, Waste Water, and ICT. The amount of Construction and demolition waste generated due to the construction of the road is about 2686.84 m3. An amount of Rs 4063.33 Lakhs is provided in the EMP for the disposal of the same. Details of surplus earth/ muck generated and C&D waste for various packages is given in Table -7.3. Table 7-3 : Details of Surplus Earth/ Muck and C&D waste S. Type of Surplus Earth/ Muck C&D waste No road (in Cum) (in Cum) Quantities EMP Cost (Rs Quantities Remarks in Lakhs) 1 Package -I 655470.54 552.19 58.80m3 Construction & Demolition (E8) dump site is identified near Tadepalli. This is designated dump site as identified in master plan. 2 Package - 511576.30 429.83 121.29m3 Construction & Demolition II dump site is identified near (N9) Tadepalli. This is designated dump site as identified in master plan. 3 Package - 629898.73 530.65 1241.42m3 Construction & Demolition III dump site is identified near (N4 & Tadepalli. This is designated N14) dump site as identified in master plan. 4 Package - 1195908.97 1004.96 474.15m3 Construction & Demolition IV dump site is identified near (E10, E14 Tadepalli. This is designated & N16) dump site as identified in master plan. 5 Package -V 1093818.23 919.38 686.28 m3 Construction & Demolition (E6) dump site is identified near Tadepalli. This is the designated dumpsite as identified in master plan 6 Package - 745518.75 626.32 104.90 m3 Construction & Demolition VI dump site is identified near (N11, E12) Tadepalli. This is the designated dumpsite as identified in master plan Source: Assessed by M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad To dispose the C&D waste generated from Package -I a low-lying land (3m deep) of 19.60 m2 is required. Similarly, for Package -II, Package –III, Package –IV, Package -V and Package VI of the proposed roads 40.43 m2, 413.80 m2, 157.05 m2, 228.76 m2 and 34.96 m2 of land is required respectively. As per the Solid Waste Draft Master Plan, Construction & Demolition dump site is identified near Tadepalli duly 235 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 adopting Construction & Demolition (Management & Handling) Rules, 2016 and Solid waste landfill site is identified in the outskirts of Mangalagiri duly adopting Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2016. These are the designated dumpsites as identified in master plan. Details of areas identified for proposed landfill and tentative Construction & Demolition dump site are given in Figure -7.1. 236 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 0-1 : Areas identified for proposed landfill and tentative Construction & Demolition dump site 237 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 7.3.5 Soil Quality The problems of soil erosion exist in the stretch due to varying topography, erratic rainfall and swift velocities of water in the drains during monsoon. Top Soil Loss: The loss of fertile topsoil / humus may occur because of the extension of carriageway along the proposed corridor, hence care and precaution need to be taken to preserve the layer and reuse the soil as it contains the humus. Soil Erosion: It may occur due to the uneven topography and intensity of rainfall. A major problem of erosion may occur due to the removal of age-old trees along the roadside within ROW. The removal will result in the instability of soil binding and soil structure, as uprooting will make the soil loose. Erosion may occur due to the swift velocities of drains in monsoon. Since the terrain is mostly plain there may not be an issue of erosion and sediment in sub-project influence area. However, there are 17 nos. of major and minor bridge crossings and 162 nos. of culverts proposed at vagus/streams that are prone for soil erosion and sedimentation. An adequate provision of stone pitching on embankments is already made in civil contract near high embankments close to water bodies and grass turfing provision is made for the remaining stretches. During construction activity there may be some sort of sediment issue might arise, already mitigation measure that muck should not be disposed in 500m close proximity to water bodies/ drainage system is suggested. Mitigation measures include periodic maintenance of drains to check scouring of soil and limiting construction activities of culverts and bridges to dry seasons. Measures should be taken to prevent contamination of soil by bituminous material and other chemicals utilized during construction. No agricultural land would be used for borrow areas. The excavated top soil will be properly stored for reuse. In addition to the engineering design the corridor will be planted with trees to support and strengthen the soil binding capacity. 7.3.6 Impact on water resources and water quality To prevent accumulation of water by the road side, adequate cross drainage (CD) structures in the form of culverts with adequate discharge and dream along the road capacity will be constructed. During reconstruction of old cross drainage structures and construction of new ones, diversion is required to aid uninterrupted movement of traffic. Material will not be put in the drainage to avoid blockage and prevent the erosion. This will help in protecting the aquatic ecology. 17 bridges (proposed) and 162 culverts (proposed) are operated for adequate discharge of cross drainage in the project and the details of culverts for the proposed roads are mentioned in Table –7.4 and Table - 7.5 for Package I-IV and Package V- VI roads respectively. For the said cross drainage structures, every care has been taken to the safe flow of water towards the downstream. No permanent impact is anticipated on water quality due to the project. The construction of the project needs partial filling of the farm ponds roadside which remain dry during non-monsoon. The details of water bodies/ lakes abutting within 500m radius from the project road are given in Table –7.6. 238 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Construction activities may temporarily deteriorate surface water quality in terms of increased turbidity as well as oil and grease. The mitigation measures to protect the water quality include proper disposal of water and other liquid wastes arising from construction. Also, stream courses and drains will be kept free from dumping of solid wastes and earth material. Table 7-4: Details of Cross Drainage Structures for the proposed roads – Package I-IV Chainage Span/ Dia Arrangement S.No. Proposal (km.) (proposed) Package I E08 1 0+440 3x2 New 2 0+920 3 x 1.5 New 3 1+120 3 x 1.5 New 4 1+640 3 x 1.5 New 5 2+360 3 x 1.5 New 6 3+220 3 x 1.5 New 7 4+320 3 x 1.5 New 8 4+820 3 x 1.5 New 9 5+440 3 x 1.5 New 10 6+160 3 x 1.5 New 11 6+640 3 x 1.5 New 12 8+300 3 x 1.5 New 13 8+800 3 x 1.5 New 14 9+380 3 x 1.5 New 15 10+500 3x2 New 16 12+980 3 x 1.5 New 17 14+860 3 x 1.5 New E10 1 0+320 3x2 New 2 0+920 3 x 1.5 New 3 1+420 3 x 1.5 New 4 1+860 3x2 New 5 2+360 3 x 1.5 New 6 3+180 3x2 New 7 3+740 3 x 1.5 New 8 4+580 3 x 1.5 New 9 5+040 3 x 1.5 New 10 5+600 3 x 1.5 New 11 6+100 3 x 1.5 New 12 6+620 3 x 1.5 New 13 7+120 3 x 1.5 New 14 7+620 3 x 1.5 New E14 1 0+860 3 x 1.5 New 2 1+030 1.20 New 3 1+045 1.20 New 4 1+700 1.20 New 5 2+560 3x2 New 6 3+050 1.20 New 7 3+065 1.20 New 8 3+350 3 x 1.5 New 9 3+515 2 x 1.5 New 10 3+645 1.20 New 11 3+730 1.20 New 12 4+120 1.20 New 239 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Chainage Span/ Dia Arrangement S.No. Proposal (km.) (proposed) 13 4+135 1.20 New 14 4+420 3 x 1.5 New 15 5+490 3 x 1.5 New 16 5+600 3 x 1.5 New 17 6+905 1.20 New N4 1 0+100 3x2 New 2 0+700 3 x 1.5 New 3 1+280 3 x 1.5 New 4 1+700 3 x 1.5 New 5 2+120 3 x 2.5 New 6 3+080 3 x 1.5 New 7 3+600 3x2 New 8 4+880 3 x 1.5 New 9 5+380 3 x 1.5 New 10 5+900 3x2 New 11 6+400 3 x 1.5 New 12 7+060 3 x 1.5 New N09 1 0+820 3 x 2.5 New 2 1+690 3 x 1.5 New 3 2+570 3x4 New 4 3+360 3 x 1.5 New 5 3+840 3 x 1.5 New 6 4+400 3 x 1.5 New 7 4+900 3 x 1.5 New 8 5+220 3 x 1.5 New 9 5+740 3 x 1.5 New 10 6+240 3 x 1.5 New 11 6+700 3 x 1.5 New 12 7+220 3 x 1.5 New 13 7+800 3 x 1.5 New 14 8+360 3 x 1.5 New 15 9+640 3 x 1.5 New N14 1 0+260 3 x 1.5 New 2 1+460 3 x 1.5 New 3 2+000 3 x 1.5 New 4 2+590 3 x 1.5 New 5 3+220 3 x 1.5 New 6 3+830 3 x 1.5 New 7 4+240 3 x 1.5 New N16 1 0+300 3 x 1.5 New 2 0+890 3 x 1.5 New 3 1+240 3 x 1.5 New 4 1+780 3 x 1.5 New 5 2+600 3 x 1.5 New 6 3+160 3x4 New 7 3+580 3 x 1.5 New 8 5+560 3 x 2.5 New 9 6+820 3 x 2.5 New 10 7+960 3 x 1.5 New 11 8+460 3 x 1.5 New 12 8+740 3 x 1.5 New 240 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-5 : Details of Cross Drainage Structures for Package V-VI Sl.No Chainage Type of Structure Span Arrangement (No.*L*H/Dia.) Package V E06 1 76 Box Culvert 1 x 6.0 x 1.5 2 1169 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 3 1236 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 4 1247 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 5 1558 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 6 1648 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 7 1682 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 8 2349 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 9 2565 Major Bridge 2x25+3x37+2x25 10 3233 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 11 3329 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 12 3340 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 13 3765 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 14 3775 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 15 4025 Minor Bridge 1 x 10.0 x 1.5 16 4064 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 17 4200 Minor Bridge 1 x 30.0 x 1.5 18 4370 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 19 4823 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 20 5923 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 21 5939 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 22 6931 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 23 7440 Major Bridge 30+37+30 Package VI E12 1 77 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 2.0 2 375 Box Culvert 1 x 2.0 x 1.5 3 973 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 4 1135 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 5 1158 Box Culvert 1 x 3.0 x 1.5 6 1348 Box Culvert 1 x 2.0 x 1.5 7 1789 Box Culvert 1 x 3.0 x 1.5 8 2194 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 9 2382 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 10 3085 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 11 3230 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 3.0 12 3337 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 13 3495 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 14 3550 Box Culvert 1 x 2.0 x 1.5 15 4140 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 16 4290 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 17 4700 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 2.0 18 4776 Box Culvert 1 x 2.0 x 1.5 19 4967 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 20 4974 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 21 5193 Box Culvert 1 x 5.0 x 1.5 22 5337 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 23 5740 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 24 6600 Major Bridge 12X37 N11 1 491 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 2 1088 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 241 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Sl.No Chainage Type of Structure Span Arrangement (No.*L*H/Dia.) 3 1575 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 4 1741 Box Culvert 1 x 6.0 x 1.5 5 2148 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 6 2228 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 7 2555 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 8 2636 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 9 3027 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 10 3230 Major Bridge 3x37 11 3336 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 12 4338 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 13 4570 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 14 5052 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 15 5308 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 16 5390 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 17 5796 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 18 5957 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 19 6530 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 20 6846 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 21 7000 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 2.0 22 7340 Pipe Culvert 1 x 1.20 23 8096 Box Culvert 1 x 2.0 x 1.5 24 8250 Box Culvert 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 25 8635 Box Culvert 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 Table 7-6 : Details of the Major Water Bodies Abutting the Project Roads Name of the Water Body/Package abutting Chainage Side Remarks 10 Priority roads E-10 Stream 4750+00 to 5000+00 NE-South RHS Stream 5100+00 to 5200+00 NE-South Crossing Stream 5200+00 to 5500+00 NE-South LHS Farm Pond 6700+00 to 7500+00 - RHS Stream 8800+00 NE-South Crossing Stream 8800+00 9050+00 NE-South LHS Stream 8900+00 to 9600+00 NE-South RHS West to River Krishna 9800+00 to 9900+00 North South E-8 Farm Pond 12050+00 to 12550+00 - LHS Farm Pond 5750+00 to 6250+00 - RHS Farm Pond 4400+00 to 4700+00 - Crossing Farm Pond 4150+00 to 4950+00 - Both sides Farm Pond 2300+00 to 2550+00 - RHS Stream 1300+00 to 1400+00 North-South Crossing Stream 800+00 to 900+00 North-South Crossing E14 Farm Pond Near to Buthapudi - RHS Farm Pond Near to Navuluru - Crossing &LHS N16 Farm Pond 1000+00 to 1600+00 - LHS near N14 Farm Pond 1000+00 to 1600+00 - LHS- Farm Pond 3400+00 to 4000+00 - RHS 242 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of the Water Body/Package abutting Chainage Side Remarks 10 Priority roads River Krishna 8000+00 to 8200+00 West-South North N9 Stream 4100+00 North-South Crossing Lake 3800+00 to 4300+00 North-South Both sides Farm Pond 9800+00 to 10300+00 - RHS Farm Pond 10400+00 to 10900+00 - RHS Stream 12800+00 to 12900+00 East-West Both Farm Pond 0.000+00 - South Stream 3000+00 to 3100+00 East-West Crossing Farm Pond 2800+00 to 3300+00 - Both N4 Stream 2200+00 West-South Crossing Canal 1900+00 to 4000+00 West-South RHS Stream 4600+00 NW-South Crossing River Krishna 7000+00 to 7200+00 West-South RHS E6 Farm pond 900 Center Within Farm pond 900 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 500-700 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 1800 RHS Within Farm pond Within+20 1900-200 Crossing buffer Farm pond Within+20 2500-2600 RHS buffer Farm pond Within+20+200 3300-3400 Both buffer Farm pond Within+20 4100-4200 LHS buffer Farm pond 4300 Crossing Within Farm pond Within+20 5000 LHS buffer Farm pond Within 6100-6200 RHS boarder+20 buffer N11 Farm pond 2600 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond Within+20 2900-300 RHS buffer Farm pond 3100-3200 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 3100-3200 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 3200-3300 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 3700-3800 RHS Within Farm pond 3800-3900 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4000-4100 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4100-4200 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4200-4300 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4300-4400 RHS 20+200 buffer Farm pond /Stream 4500-4600 LHS 20+200 buffer Farm pond 4700-4800 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4700-4900 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4900-5000 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4900-5000 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 4900-5000 LHS 20+200 buffer Farm pond 5000-5100 LHS 200 buffer 243 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of the Water Body/Package abutting Chainage Side Remarks 10 Priority roads Farm pond Within+20 5300-5400 RHS buffer Farm pond 5600-5700 LHS Within Farm pond 5400-5500 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 5400-5500 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 5700-5800 RHS 200 buffer Farm pond 5700-5800 Middle Within Stream 6200-6400 LHS 200 buffer Farm pond 6600-6700 RHS 20 buffer Farm pond 2600 RHS 200 buffer E12 Within+20 Stream 1100-1200 Crossing buffer Within+20 Stream 2400 Crossing buffer Within+20 Farm pond 5700 LHS buffer Within+20+200 Stream 6700 Crossing buffer Water bodies (River/ Stream/ Canal/ Lake/ Farm pond) mentioned in the above table exist within 500m either side of Right of Way (RoW). River Krishna is a perennial river, seasonal streams such as Kondaveeti vagu & Palu vagu are having low-flow regime during March – July whereas farm ponds and lakes are dry between March – July. The farm ponds/ lakes falling in the corridor of impact and sub-project influence area were mostly developed for meeting the agricultural needs of the villagers. These farm ponds/ lakes, canals & streams and River Krishna are having very common aquatic flora & fauna. Avia fauna are also found to be common species as identified in the Chapter -6. There are no migratory, rare, endangered and threatened species identified in the the farm ponds falling under the proposed alignments of the project. However, due importance will be given to the ecological habitat during improvement or rehabilitation of Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu and other streams. Population of local fauna is very minimal & trans-location is not feasible. Green Initiatives/ Environment Enhancement Measures for water bodies There is a loss of about 17.65 acres of water spread area due to the proposed alignment of 10 roads. This area corresponds to about 0.1% of the water spread area of the capital city. Enhancement of equivalent water spread area is proposed in the streams, canals, vagus of sub-project influence area viz., Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other streams etc. As such the water spread area in the capital city is proposed to be increased by 197%. The cost of the same will be included under ADC/ APCRDA and does not fall under the BoQs of the 10 Priority Roads. Package wise details of farm ponds within the alignment, volumes of water spread area lost and budget provision made in EMP is given in Table -7.7 below. 244 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-7 : Details of Environment Enhancement Measures for water bodies in the proposed roads Packages No. of farm Volume of water Budget for ponds within spread area lost (in enhancement of Alignment m3) equivalent water spread area (in Rs. Lakh) Package 1 (E8) 13 3755.855 13.18 Package 2 (N9) 4 3206.03 11.25 Package 3 (N4 & N14) 1+14 55102.875 193.41 Package 4 995.235 4+1+2 3.49 (E10, E14 & N16) Package V (E6) 8 5851.87 - Package VI (N11,E12) 23 2532.775 - Total 39 142889.28 221.33 Source: Assessed by M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad, assumed depth of 2m 7.3.7 Impact on Air Quality Road construction will involve earth excavation, back filling and concreting. Impacts on air during the construction phase could be due to earth excavation, back filling and transportation of construction materials, D.G sets which may lead to rise in air pollution. However, the impact on ambient air quality will not be significant, since the dust and gases generated is confined to the proposed area and as it will be taken care of by adopting suitable control measures as described in EMP. However, this impact is localized. Impacts on air during the construction phase could be due to transportation of construction equipment, construction material and road construction activities. Operation of hot mix plants and Asphalt Plants will result in the emission of fumes and obnoxious gases to the environment. Loading/ unloading of construction materials and their transportation, particularly through the unpaved or un-metaled sections of the road may lead to a rise in the ambient SPM and RPM levels. Material handling, spillage may occur during the transportation of construction materials. Fugitive dust emission during construction phase due to movement of trucks on haulage roads, excavation activities and loading & unloading activities is estimated based on US EPA reference documents. Notable inputs for the model include 54 precipitation days for Amaravati Capital City area (Gannavaram IMD station) – with precipitation > 2.54 mm, 12% silt and 2% moisture content. 95% EMP efficiency is assumed. It is estimated that a total reduction of 18731078.52 Tonnes/year of PM10 and 41624618.93 Tonnes/year of PM100 in fugitive dust emissions from haulage roads, excavation and loading & unloading activities during construction phase of 10 Priority Roads with an effective implementation of EMP throughout the construction phase. The details of Total Fugitive Dust Emissions due to haulage roads, excavation and loading & unloading activities along with the cumulative reduction in tonnes per year when EMP is implemented with 95% efficiency are given in Table -7.8. The details of respective Fugitive Dust Emissions due to haulage roads, excavation and loading & unloading activities along with the reduction in tonnes per year when EMP is implemented with 95% efficiency are given in Table -7.9 245 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-8: Total FDE from Haulage Roads, Excavation and Loading & Unloading activities Total FDE from Haulage Roads, Excavation and Loading & Unloading activities of 10 Priority Roads in Amaravati Capital City area (Construction Phase) PM FDE without EMP FDE with EMP (95% efficiency) FDE reduction due to EMP Category Tonnes per year Tonnes per day Tonnes per year Tonnes per day Tonnes per year Tonnes per day PM10 19716924.76 54018.97 985846.24 2700.95 18731078.52 51318.02 PM100 43815388.34 120042.16 2190769.42 6002.11 41624618.93 114040.05 Source: Assessed by M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad Table 0-9: Respective Fugitive Dust Emissions due to haulage roads, excavation and loading & unloading activities PM FDE without EMP FDE with EMP (95% efficiency) FDE reduction due to EMP Category Tonnes per year Tonnes per day Tonnes per year Tonnes per day Tonnes per year Tonnes per day FDE from Haulage Roads of 10 Priority Roads in Amaravati Capital City Area (Construction Phase) PM10 19713879.29 54010.63 985693.96 2700.53 18728185.33 51310.1 PM100 43808620.66 120023.62 2190431.03 6001.18 41618189.62 114022.44 FDE from Excavation of 10 Priority Roads in Amaravati Capital City Area (Construction Phase) PM10 407.62 1.12 20.38 0.056 387.24 1.06 PM100 905.81 2.48 45.29 0.124 860.52 2.36 FDE from loading and unloading activities of 10 Priority Roads in Amaravati Capital City Area (Construction Phase) PM10 2637.84 7.23 131.89 0.361 2505.95 6.87 PM100 5861.88 16.06 293.09 0.803 5568.78 15.26 Source: Assessed by M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad 246 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Mitigation Measures: • Hot mix plants shall be located away from the inhabited areas, residential settlements and water bodies. • Trucks and tippers carrying earth for filling, sand, gravel or stone will be duly covered with Tarpaulin sheets to avoid spilling. • Dust level at the construction sites shall be controlled by sprinkling water on haulage roads thrice in a day. • Construction material, machinery and equipment will be maintained in a good working condition and shall be handled with due precaution and only by trained professionals. 7.3.8 Impact on Noise The impact of noise levels from the project on the neighboring communities would be anticipated with the increase in vehicles and vary with vehicles speed. The increased noise level is attenuated by vegetative noise barriers (two rows of plants) in all the sensitive receptor areas as identified in Table 6.71. The major sources for noise pollution during construction will be movement of vehicles transporting the construction material to the construction yard and the noise generating activities at the yard itself. The construction equipment with high noise levels, loading and transportation of material near the borrow areas will affect the construction personnel and other humans in the area. Mitigation Measures: • The required mitigation measures include location of construction equipment at least 250m away from inhabited areas. In addition, construction workers should be provided with protection devices like earplugs. • Other ancillary measures include maintenance of equipment in good condition, proper design of engine enclosures. Project activities shall be coinciding with periods when people would be least affected. Construction activities shall be strictly prohibited between 10 pm and 6 am in residential areas. 7.3.9 Impact on Biological Environment There is no forest area in the project impact area. Some plants/ saplings needs to be cut due to the proposed project. i) Flora A detail of the plants to be cut for various roads is given in Table -7.10 below. The predominant species going to be felled include Ravi, Nalla tumma, Neem, Veduru, Nagajemudu, Mango, Teku, Maredu etc. These are all ubiquitous species. The cost of felling and transportation of felled trees which are 2-7 years old with a girth size varying from 15-35 cm is Rs. 4000/- per tree in Amaravati Capital City. The cost of felling of trees is incorporated in EMP and BoQs. The short-term impact due to felling of trees will be compensated in long term through the proposed avenue plantation programme. There are 13,228 nos. of trees proposed to be replanted in the Package -I by avenue plantation for a total length of 13.25 Kms, excluding the Major bridges; 12,834 nos. of proposed to be replanted in the Package -II by avenue plantation for a total length of 12.86 Kms, excluding the major bridges; 14,960 nos. of trees proposed for a length of 14.99 Kms in Package -III, excluding the major bridges and 23,583 nos. of trees proposed for a length of 23.63 Kms in Package -IV, excluding 247 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 the major bridges. Guidelines on Landscape and Tree Plantation.There are 9513 nos. of trees proposed to be replanted in the Package -V by avenue plantation for a total length of 9.84Km, including the Major bridges; 14855 nos. of trees proposed to be replanted in the Package -VI by avenue plantation for a total length of 15.44 km, including the major bridges; as per the IRC: SP:21-2009: Guidelines on Landscape and Tree Plantation. It is estimated that the length of the project stretch for Package -I is about 13.65 Kms, median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for 2 medians in 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads. Hence, the estimated median plantation for Package -I is around 9,091 nos. The length of the project stretch for Package -II is about 13.16 Kms, median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for 2 medians in 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads. Hence, the estimated median plantation for Package -II is around 8,765 nos. The length of the project stretch for Package -III is about 15.50 Kms, median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for 2 medians in 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads (in future). Hence, the estimated median plantation for Package -III is around 10,323 nos. The length of the project stretch for Package -IV is about 23.91 Kms, median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for 2 medians in 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads (in future). Hence, the estimated median plantation for Package -IV is around 15,924 nos.It is estimated that the length of the project stretch for Package -V is about 9.84Km, median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for 2 medians in 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads. Hence, the estimated median plantation for Package -V is around 6553 nos. The length of the project stretch for Package -VI is about 15.44 Km, median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for 2 medians in 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads. Hence, the estimated median plantation for Package -VI is 10283 nos. Details of avenue plantation and median plantation for various packages of 10 roads are given in Table -7.11. Table 0-10 : Details of trees to be cut in Proposed 10 Roads Trees to be planted as per Forest Package Road ID Affected Trees Conservation Act, 1980 and subsequent amendments thereof I E8 266 798 II N9 96 288 N4 195 III 981 N14 132 E10 62 IV E14 322 1467 N16 105 E6 85 255 V N11 94 282 VI E12 31 93 Total 849 2547 Table 0-11 : Details of proposed avenue plantation and median plantation in Proposed 10 priority roads. Package I Avenue Plantation Median Plantation E8 13,228 9,091 Package II Avenue Plantation Median Plantation N9 12,834 8,765 Package III Avenue Plantation Median Plantation 248 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 N4 6,916 4815 N14 8,044 5508 Package IV Avenue Plantation Median Plantation E10 7,610 5201 E14 7,315 4882 N16 8,658 5841 Package V Avenue Plantation Median Plantation E6 9,513 6554 Package VI Avenue Plantation Median Plantation N11 8,522 5761 E12 6,333 4522 Total 88,973 60,940 Mitigation Measures: • An avenue plantation programme shall be promptly adopted to restore and further enrich the loss of vegetation. Plantation with an appropriate mix of indigenous and especially suited species shall be carried out along the corridor. The number of avenue plants proposed to be planted is nos. 88,973 throughout the proposed 10 roads. • Along the extreme edge of road boundary, fall growing and desert trees such as Ravi, Nalla tumma, Neem, Veduru, Nagajemudu, Ganneru, Mango, Teku, Maredu etc shall be planted at 3 m from the outer ROW of the project stretch. • In the median, the Flowering plants & shrubs with a height of about 2m shall be proposed to be planted. The plantation in the median will serve, as a barrier against glaring headlights of the vehicular traffic plying in the opposite direction. Further, this will improve the aesthetics of the road. The suggested plantation in the median is Bougainvillea, Thevita peruviana (Be still tree), Nerium Oleander (Ganneru dwarf) etc. ii) Fauna Terrestrial Fauna: During the construction, no impact on the wildlife is anticipated. Aquatic Fauna: There are 75 nos. farm ponds identified in the project stretch of 200m radius, most of them remain dry during non-monsoon months. Increasing sediment load to the recipient water bodies i.e. farm ponds and rivers will restrict the penetration of solar energy in the water body and increase the turbidity in the water bodies. This will affect photosynthesis of the aquatic flora, which in turn will have adverse impacts on the aquatic fauna. Since most of the water bodies remain dry during the non-monsoon months, this impact will be negligible. But, the implementation of the following measures will help to avoid soil erosion and further minimize the impacts of the aquatic fauna. Mitigation Measures: • Works shall be commenced at least 500m away from water bodies, • Construction of bridges and culverts shall be accomplished during the non- monsoon periods. 249 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Filling up of farm ponds will be resorted only after exhausting all other options. • The direct discharge of oil and chemical spills to the water bodies shall be prohibited. 7.3.10 Impacts on Human Use Values i) Land Use Construction of 4 lane/ 4 lane + 2 lane BRT road with Urban Roads norms may lead to a change in the land use pattern of areas adjacent to the road. The existing land adjacent to the road at present is mostly of barren and agricultural use. The project corridor lies mostly in plain and thus, no disfiguration of land is envisaged due to construction activities except for the opening of borrow pits. The borrow pit locations have already been identified and will be restricted to those areas only. Mitigation Measures: 1. Construction activities shall be limited to the corridor only. 2. Care shall be taken to ensure that the construction workers camp does not disturb the surrounding land use. 3. Existing access/ entrances to the urban roads shall be duly maintained. 4. The bypass/ flyovers alternatives that are best from Engineering, Environmental and Social aspects are selected for this project. ii) Flood Characteristics The proposed roads (10 roads) project proposes one hundred and sixty two (162) cross drainage structures proposed in the form of Box/ Pipe culverts. There are seventeen (17) bridges proposed in 10 roads. The project stretches are designed for above HFL hence, the flooding in the area can be avoided. Mitigation Measures: All the structures shall have adequate waterway. The design discharge shall be evaluated for flood of 100 years in case 4 laning is considered in the design of the project. • Raising of the embankment height above the submergence depth, with provision of balancing culverts. • Providing drain on both sides of the widened road and extending the drains to a proper outfall. • Proper supervision during construction to avoid blocking of micro-drainage across the road. • Maintaining existing drainage outlets. • Replace inadequate or distressed drainage structures. 250 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Adequate number of cross drainage structures will be provided along the bypasses. 7.3.11 Impacts on Quality of Life i. Socio-economics, Land Acquisitions and Re-settlements Impacts and mitigation measures associated with social environment in the sub- project influence area (SPIA), land acquisition and resettlement of project-affected persons (PAP) have been dealt in report. ii. Archeological Sites and Chance find of Artefacts. As per “The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, as amended in 2010”, the construction activities should be 200m away from the ASI site. Since all of the proposed 10 roads are away from 200m of the site, no impact on Rock Cut Cave Temple is envisaged. During the baseline study, no artefacts have been identified in the corridor of impact as per the discussions with the local people. In the case of chance find of artefacts the following mitigation measures shall be followed. Mitigation Measures : • In the case of chance find of artefacts, the contractor will not disturb the found artefacts further until an assessment by competent professionals is made and actions consistent with the requirements of ASI are taken. • The Contractor, on behalf of the APCRDA/ADC, will coordinate with the Archeology Department to designate an on-site representative during the entire duration of the project. • All workers will undergo a briefing with the Archeology Department to ensure safeguarding of artefacts/heritage resource and cultural/religious practices. iii. Traffic Management Plan The proposed 10 Roads project is completely passing through greenfield area and there are no major state highways or national highways within core area of 500m. However, there are panchayat, village and major district roads are existing and crossing the proposed roads. Site-specific traffic management plan shall be done by the contractor during construction phase of the sub-project as stated in General Conditions of Contract – GCC 62 (c), duly adopting the following key components of traffic management plan. Purpose of Overall Traffic Management Plan The overall traffic management plan is designed and intended to specify adequate safety measures in advance against identified hazards and stipulated implementation of the said safety measures to ensure safe movement of traffic during the construction operations of the proposed 10 priority Roads. The objective of safety standards is to provide safe travel to the drivers of vehicles plying along the Urban Roads always in the day, throughout the year and provide protection to the project workers when they are on the work. This overall traffic management plan delineates the safety standards in terms of Construction zones, Signs and Safety measures in work zones and during normal operations. 251 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Construction Zone: Construction Zones are an integral part of any road construction system. The safety practices in construction will, therefore, be oriented towards reducing conditions, which lead to such hazards and consequent stress whereby risk of accident increases. Safety measures will be aimed at avoiding hazardous conditions especially in work sub zones where major construction activities are going on. For all purposes, the entire stretch will be treated as work sub zone. Signs: The construction and maintenance of signs fall into the three major categories viz. regulatory signs, warning signs and guide signs as other traffic signs do. Ref: IRC: 67-2001 (Code of Practice for Road Signs). These signs will be placed on the left- hand side of the road. Some other signboards will also be used to regulate the Traffic, which have not been standardized. Ref: - IRC:SP:55-2014 (Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones) However they confirm with the general requirement of shape and color, and their message is brief, legible and clearly understandable, i.e., CAUTION- Men and Machinery at work Go Slow, CAUTION- Work in Progress Go Slow etc. 252 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The location, frequency and type of signboards will be governed by the kind of traffic situations arising during the construction. Signboards of the type ‘men at work’ and ‘speed limit’ will be provided at locations wherever required on a case-to-case basis. Traffic Management Practices: The traffic management strategies include the following fundamental principles: 1. Making the traffic safety an integral and high priority element of the project. 2. Avoid inhibiting traffic as much as possible. 3. Guide Drivers in a clear and positive way. 4. Routine inspection of traffic control element and traffic operations 5. Protection to Project workers on work site Traffic Control Devices: i. Warning Signs: • The advance warning for the construction operation ahead will be provided by the warning sign ‘Men at Work’ about 100m earlier to the work zone. • It will be followed by ‘Over Taking Prohibited’ signboard. These signs will be placed on the left hand side of the road. ‘Men at Work’ and ‘Overtaking Prohibited’ signboards w ill be as per IRC67: 2001. ii. Barricading: Barricade using the CGI sheets would be on vertical steel post. The horizontal members of barricades would be of metal. These should be 200 mm-300 mm wide and should be painted in alternate yellow and black stripes of 150 mm width. The stripes should slope away at an angle of 45° in the direction traffic is to pass. Where the barricades extend entirely across the carriageway, the stripes should slope downward towards the direction the traffic must turn in detour. The main intention of the barricading is to restrict the entering of the traffic in work area and protecting main carriageway traffic from falling in excavated or lower level area. These barricading will be provided at regular interval of 03 m. Height of Barricade would be 1.5 m. iii. Flagman: To avoid collision between construction vehicle and traffic; Flagmen with flags will be effectively used at the exit/entry points of working stretch. The flags for signaling will be 0.60 m x 0.60 m size, made of a good red cloth and securely fastened to a staff of approximately 1m in length. Safety of project workmen at site: • Safety of the Project Workers at site during duty hours will be ensured. Safety measures appropriate (as per Project Safety Plan) for the job will be adopted. • The job specific PPEs i.e. Helmets and Safety jackets will be provided to workmen at site and it will be compulsory for them to wear the same. • Site engineers will ensure the use of Personal Protection Equipments (PPEs) by workmen. o Use of Safety Jacket will be compulsory for the workmen engaged for roadwork. o Use of Safety helmet will be compulsory for all workmen including the staff. • Labour Laws in force will be followed. Maintenance of traffic control devices: 253 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 For maintenance of installed traffic control devices, a separate team shall be engaged. They will be provided with two vehicles for transportation of materials and labor. This team will periodically check for disturbed devices and maintain them accordingly. Permanent Barricade: Permanent barricades provided along the construction work of road will channelize the vehicles along the existing road. Main intention of this barricade is to make traffic aware about the construction work in progress. This is a psychological barrier preventing vehicles from going astray in to construction area. Permanent barricade will be made of GI sheets fixed with properly anchored with steel. GI wire will be used to fasten the sheets for better stability. These sheets will be painted with alternate yellow and black inclined strips or red and white vertical strips. For night visibility, red reflective sheets will be fixed on barricades Pavement barricade: The finished kerb on the median side of carriageway will be pavement barricade preventing the vehicles from entering into the area under construction. The portion of kerb above the finished asphalt top will prevent vehicles from crossing the median under construction, and its further entry into construction area. In eccentric and concentric widening situations kerb will be the pavement barricade wherever its casting has been completed. Delineators: Delineators will be of cylindrical shape and will be made of concrete. They will be painted with black and white circumferential strips. Red colored reflectors or retro reflective sheet will be fixed to the delineator so as to make it visible to the traffic from either direction during night. These delineators will be placed at a suitable spacing to guide the drivers along a safe path and control the flow of traffic. Construction Entry/ Exit points: Construction entry/ exit points will be clearly identified and marked. Construction traffic will be allowed to enter/ exit the construction area through these openings only. These will be marked with signboards or red colored flag. Traffic Management - Potential Risks, Impacts and Mitigation Measures The potential risk, impacts and mitigation measures associated during construction and operation phase of the 10 priority roads are given in Table 7.12. 254 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-12 Traffic Management-Potential Risks, Impacts and Mitigation Measures Potential Risks Potential Impacts Proposed Mitigation Measure Construction methods Traffic delays causing Consider methods of construction at an may cause disruption to frustration to drivers. early stage during the design to reflect traffic. community needs and reduce delay times therefore minimising the impact on traffic. Traffic management - Potential community ▪ Determine traffic routes leading to LPS inadequate anticipation issues causing schemes that are getting connected and communication of dissatisfaction and are: Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Ainavolu, issues. frustration. Penumaka, Navalluru, Buthalpudi, Krishnaiahpalem, Venkataiahpalem, Neerukonda, Velagapudi, Mandadam, Thulluru, Abbarajupalem, Anantavaram, Dondapadu etc., and engage with community to refine details. ▪ Confirm pre-existing conditions. ▪ Consider the need for night assessment. ▪ Identify any short-term corrective actions. Severe delays to traffic Community ▪ Establish good public relations from perceived by the dissatisfaction, the outset. community as a direct claims for loss of ▪ Erect Early Warning information signs result of the trade, time delays. through Variable Message Signs (VMS). construction activities. ▪ Early engagement of affected property/business owners to explain process and ascertain needs and potential effects of changed access. Access for Emergency vehicles and Liaise with Emergency Services at an early emergency services personnel unable to stage to establish requirements and restricted. attend to an emergency measures to be adopted in the Vehicle situation. Movement Plan (VMP) Major Traffic Incident. Local traffic disrupted ▪ Regular checking of Implementation upsetting locals. of Traffic Management Plan. ▪ Have procedures in place for rapid recovery, Keep locals informed. Access to site for Traffic disruption ▪ Development of this Plan in conjunction deliveries. or interference. with Community Communication Strategy - access points will be high risk locations and will need detailed consideration. ▪ Simplification of traffic staging will simplify access arrangements or minimise impacts. ▪ Signage and pre-delivery notifications for delivery routes to be clear and simple as per the VMP. Traffic Speed. Works in multiple areas Traffic to generally be reduced to 30kmph across the Project may speeds within construction zone. result in intermittent Construction zone to be full length of the speed changes that Project. CTMP to consider simplifying traffic may frustrate road staging to avoid construction zone users. impacting on traffic. Pedestrian access. Potential disruption to Liaise closely with the 29 villages of Capital progress causing city area relevant bodies i.e., village pedestrians to not panchayat, R&B, minor/major irrigation, comply with forests etc., from an early stage to ensure pedestrian provisions. pedestrian access provisions are adequately addressed, well established and maintained. Inadequate provisions Traffic delay. Design temporary break down bays. 255 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Potential Risks Potential Impacts Proposed Mitigation Measure for break-downs Consider temporary verges where possible during construction. during design of traffic staging. Public or livestock Traffic Incident. Provide clear delineation and fencing. entering on Arterial / Educate community (neighbours of Sub-arterial roads WorkCover requirements etc.). "Neighbours Unauthorised access to induction". Channel interests through site. formally organised tours. Dangerous entry and Traffic Incident. Ensure that entries and exits are designed exits to sites and to cater for expected traffic volumes and properties. with respect to sight distances, acceleration and deceleration provision and clear advanced warning signage. Reduced Traffic delay, Implement effective community allowable confusion to engagement strategies that will consider movements commuters that may businesses, property owner’s requirements. lead to an incident. Damage to local roads Road damage and ▪ Allow for heavy vehicle movements in due to heavy vehicle potential incidents of traffic staging and planning to ensure movements. accidents. Poor existing, temporary alignment and community and pavements are suitable during the Panchayat construction period. relationship. ▪ Carry out Road Dilapidation Surveys and immediate repairs to the roads to be carredout by the same through R&B Department. Impact of construction Increased traffic on ▪ Monitor the road safety on haulage roads traffic on haulage the haulage roads and during construction. roads excessive damages to ▪ Implement measures where reasonable the local roads. and feasible, in consultation with 29 Panchayats of the Capital City Area, should additional road safety issues to be identified and appropriate road safety measures to be adopted. iii. Accident, Health and Safety Construction activities will cause hindrance to the existing traffic flow. Thus, short- term impact in terms of accident is anticipated during construction phase of the project. Adequate safety measures to be considered during construction phase of the project. Mitigation Measures: • Reduce speed through construction zones. • Construction of bridges/ culverts shall be carried out prior to construction of new corridor at the first stage. • Proper cautionary signs shall be displayed at construction sites. • Diversion roads will be provided wherever needed. iv. Aesthetics and Landscape The proposed construction of 4 lane/ 4 lane + 2 lane BRT road will require very partial removal of roadside plantation, which will deteriorate the corridors aesthetic values temporarily. But the proposed plantation all along in long run will improve the aesthetics and landscaping of the corridor. Dis-figuration of the landscape is also anticipated due to opening of borrow pits. 256 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Mitigation Measures • Mixed plantation shall be carried out at roadside and flowering shrubs shall be planted in the median • Borrow pits shall be resurfaced with conserved topsoil (borrow pit opening shall be as per IRC 10-1961). • Plan for controlled development shall be evolved by land planning agencies. • There shall be proper vigilance to avoid squatter development all along the corridor. 7.3.12 Impacts from Construction Workers Camp / Influx of Labor Local labourers shall be employed for the construction activities to the extent possible. Nevertheless, development of new roads at Amaravati Capital City is likely to lead to influx of workers to the project site which can have adverse social impacts on the local communities, especially since the communities are rural and unskilled in specialized jobs. Therefore, special attention is to be paid by the contractor and implementing agencies (APCRDA / ADC). As for this (10-roads) project is concerned, the number of persons to be employed during the peak and average construction period would be around 1400 nos. and 700 nos. respectively. The period of construction is tentatively worked out for 12 months for roads in the project. For the welfare of the labourers, standards will be followed as per the Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996. . A number of mitigation measures will be undertaken as part of project implementation for these 10 roads, including: Contractual Provisions: The contract documents for roads construction will include the contractual provisions related to Environmental Safeguards, Health and Safety (ESHS) as per Bank requirements and Indian local laws. These provisions will help ensure that these measures are implemented by the civil contractors. Labour Welfare and HIV/AIDS Plan : As per the provisions of the aforesaid contract, the Contractor should ensure compliance with appropriate labour laws and implement labor welfare measures including ensuring equal wages for equal work and timely payment to site workers, insurance of site workers, prohibit child labor, create healthy and conducive working environment at construction site, ensure safety of the workers and prevent accidents of construction workers and creating awareness through programs on HIV/AIDS among the workers to reduce the risk of transfer of the HIV virus between and among construction workers, their families and the local community. Project Management Consultant (PMC): There will be a Project Management Consultant (PMC) who will monitor these issues / risks and the mitigation measures as part of overall contract supervision. Accordingly, these have been incorporated in the Terms of Reference (TORs) for engagement of such PMC(s). To the extent feasible, engage as many locally available unskilled, semiskilled and skilled human resource as practically possible The Contractor will also put in place communication measures to address the risk of gender-based violence, including through training and periodic awareness raising among the workforce, informing workers about national 257 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 laws that make sexual harassment and gender-based violence a punishable offence; Code of Conduct: The contractor shall prepare a Worker Code of Conduct and actively communicate and train workers on the same, besides having measures related to sanctions for noncompliance. Health and Safety: Poorly designed Construction Workers Camps can impact well- being due to crowding, inadequate ventilation, etc., and contribute to spread of disease. Inadequate attention to electrical and fire safety can lead to accidents. In order to mitigate these, the Contractor is to ensure that construction workers’ camp make adequate provision for adequate space, ventilation, lighting, electrical and fire safety, etc. In addition, adequate electrical and fire safety measures including protected wiring and panels, use of fire-resistant materials, provision of fire extinguishers and/or sand buckets, will be put in place. Fully equipped first-aid facility shall be provided at the campsite. Awareness campaigns on health and safety will be organized periodically at the construction workers’ camps. Sanitation and Waste Disposal: Sewage, sullage and solid waste generated at the construction workers camp will be properly disposed of appropriately to prevent health and hygiene related problems. Mitigation Measures for Sanitation and Waste Disposal: • Contractor to prepare, and obtain approval from APCRDA/ADC a detailed public health utilities plan for the workers’ camp and other working sites. This plan will make adequate provision for safe disposal of all solid and liquid wastes and the plan will also include provision for prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials, etc. The Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. • Labourers residing in the camps shall be provided with safe drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities (including separate toilets for women and men, separate washing and bathing spaces, soak pits and/or drains, etc.), cooking gas and all other amenities as per the prevailing labour laws. Domestic waste generated will be treated and disposed as prescribed by the local civic authorities. • No solid or liquid waste from the Construction Workers camp will be diverted to any water body. • After the construction, the campsite shall be restored to a level and clean condition. 7.3.13 Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Pits There are 53, 51, 60, 95, 38 & 59 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed either side of the road at an interval of 500m for Package -I, Package -II, Package -III , Package –IV, Package V and Package VI of the proposed roads respectively. All put together, 356 nos. RWH Pits are proposed for the project. The Rain water harvesting pits are having diameter of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m are proposed in the project. The project stretches were considered about 91.5 Km excluding settlements, bridge portions etc in the proposed roads (10 roads). The budget provision is made in the EMP for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is 258 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 estimated to be Rs. 38.85 Lakhs out of which Rs. 7.95 Lakh, Rs. 7.65 Lakh, Rs. 9.00 Lakh, Rs. 14.25 Lakh, Rs 5.7 Lakhs and 8.85 Lakhs for Package -I, Package -II, Package –III, Package –IV, Package V and Package VI of the proposed roads respectively. 7.4 Impacts during Operation Phase 7.4.1 Impact on Land use Road development may lead to establishment of petty shops and other commercial pursuits by the local people. Local statutory bodies will strictly enforce land use. In addition, the project proponent should prevent development of squatter settlements and encroachments on the vacant portions of the RoW of the road. 7.4.2 Impact on Air Quality The prediction of air quality model under diverse traffic conditions in newly formed Andhra Pradesh State capital of Amaravati is really a critical task as there is no traffic exists on the road. Air quality analysis across 10 priority roads was assessed using CALRoads View (US EPA Preferred / recommended model). CALRoads View is an air quality model used to predict pollutant concentration near roads. Model requires source strength, meteorology and site geometry, the model can predict pollutant concentrations for receptors located within 500m of the roadway. The model runs based on crosswind Finite Line Source Gaussian formulation and the thermal turbulence created by hot vehicle exhaust & mechanical turbulence created by moving vehicles. CALRoads View air quality model developed to assess air quality impacts of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), and suspended particles near roadways. The model was developed by the Lakes Environmental. The CALRoads View model can: • Predict pollutant concentrations for receptors at different locations. • Be used to model multiple sources and receptors, curved alignments, or roadway segments with varying emission factors. • Model air quality near intersections, street canyons, and parking facilities. • Summarize the contributions from each link to each receptor. Inputs for the model include meteorology data (Amaravati), roughness coefficient, ambient concentration, mixing zone width, emission coefficient, traffic volumes, emission factors etc. The assessment of air quality was performed for all the 10 priority roads considering worst case scenario for number of vehicles expected on 2050. CO, NO2 and particulate matter were considered to find the air quality of the project area using the model. Weighted average of emission factor was taken by considering the percentage of types of vehicles on the total traffic. Emission factors were calculated for different pollutants as 2.77, 2.71 and 0.15 g/miles for CO, NO2 and particulate matter respectively. The iso-pleths obtained for CO, NO2 PM2.5 and PM10 is given in Figures -7.2, 7.3, 7.4 &7.5 respectively. Carbon Monoxide (CO): As can be seen from the Figure – 7.2, the predicted values of CO varied from place to place. The maximum concentrations of CO predicted is 1.83 ppm (2.10 mg/m3) near Venkatapalem and Krishnayya palem. The moderate value predicted is in between 1.2-1.4 ppm (1.38 – 1.60 mg/m3) near Sakhamuru, Ainavolu, Krishnayya 259 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 palem and Venkatapalem. Minimal value predicted is about 0.6-1.0 ppm (0.69-1.15 mg/m3) in the remaining areas of the Amaravati Capital city. When compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) limit of 4mg/m3, the predicted values for the year 2050 is much lower, showing no adverse effect of traffic on environment. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): As can be seen from the Figure – 7.3, the predicted maximum concentrations of NO2 ranges from 0.02 ppm (37.63 micro gram/m3) near Navaluru, Krishnayya Palem and Venkata Palem. The moderate value predicted is in the range 0.005-0.013 (9.4- 24.5 micro-gram/m3) near Krishnayyapalem, Penumaka, Nelapadu, Ainavolu, Sakhamuru and Venkatapalem villages. Minimal values observed are less than 0.002 ppm (3.8 micro gram/m3) in the remaining areas of the Amaravati Capital city . When compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 80µg/m3, the predicted values are well within the prescribed standards. Particulate Matter (PM2.5): As can be seen from the Figure –7.4, the predicted maximum concentration of PM2.5 is 55.37 micro gram/m3 near Krishnayapalem, village. The moderate values predicted are in the range of 30-38 micro-gram/m3 near Krishnayya Palem, Ainavolu, Mandadam and Venkata Palem villages. Minimal values observed are in the range 24-28 micro-gram/m3 in the remaining areas of the Amaravati Capital city. When compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 60micro gram/m3, the predicted values for the year 2050 are well within the prescribed standards. Particulate Matter (PM10): As can be seen from the Figure –7.5, the predicted maximum concentration of PM10 is 86.89 micro gram/m3 near Krishnayapalem, village. The moderate values predicted are in the range of 60-70 micro-gram/m3 near Nelapadu, Sakhamuru,Krishnayya Palem, Ainavolu, Mandadam, Malkapuram, Mandadam, Velgappudi and Venkata Palem villages. Minimal values observed are in the range 55-57.5 micro-gram/m3 in the remaining areas of the Amaravati Capital city. When compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 100micro gram/m3, the predicted values for the year 2050 are well within the prescribed standards. Overall the predicted concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 CO and NO2 found to be well within the stipulated CPCB Standards for the year 2050. It is already suggested to go for 2 rows of Avenue plantation on either side of the proposed 10 priority roads which will further reduce(than the predicted values at 2050) the air pollution in the Amaravati Capital city area. Also it is expected that the pollution load from the vehicles in the coming years will be substantially reduced and majority of the vehicles will be running on electric power. The projected concentrations may reduce further on this account. 260 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 7-2 Predicted Carbon monoxide (CO) Concentration along 10 priority roads for the Year 2050 261 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 7-3: Predicted Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Concentration along 10 priority roads for the Year 2050 262 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 7-4 Predicted PM2.5 along 10 priority roads for the year 2050 263 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 7-5 Predicted Concentration of PM10 along 10 priority roads 264 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 7.4.3 Impact on Noise Quality Traffic noise has become an urban problem and it is a common reality in major cities throughout India. It significantly affects human health, especially for people living in the vicinity to major roads/ highways. The prediction of noise levels under diverse traffic conditions at different junctions of newly formed capital city Amaravati of Andhra Pradesh state is a challenging task as there is very less traffic exists presently on the road. The proposed 10 priority roads namely E8, N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, E12 & N11 are getting connected the majority of Land Pooling Schemes in the Capital City area are: Nekkallu, Sakhamuru, Ainavolu, Penumaka, Navalluru, Buthalpudi, Krishnaiahpalem, Venkataiahpalem, Neerukonda, Velagapudi, Mandadam, Thulluru, Abbarajupalem, Anantavaram, Dondapadu etc. In addition to that these roads are also connecting the proposed major residential, commercial complexes, statup areas, industrial areas in the Capital City area. The model used in the present study was developed by 'Environmental Systems Design Modeling Division, CSIR -National Environmental Engineering Research Institute', Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. The noise model performs reasonably well under different traffic conditions and could be implemented for traffic noise prediction at other regions of India as well. As it is one of the few noise prediction methods that consider honking along with other parameters, predicted values are more reliable than other models. The model was developed to calculate equivalent traffic noise based on four input variables i.e. equivalent traffic flow (Qe ), equivalent vehicle speed (Se), distance from the source to the receiver (d) and honking per minute (h). The traffic data is predicted for the year 2050 and is used for the prediction of noise levels at that time in dB(A). According to the model following cases were considered for noise analysis: • Case -I represents congested traffic where equivalent vehicle speed (Se) is less than 30 km/h duly considering honking. The formula used is: Leq = 2.772xLogQe - 0.2205xSe – 0.2045xd+0.335xh+76.74 Where, d: distance from the centre line of the RoW to habitation, h: honking count / min • Case -II represents free-flowing traffic where equivalent vehicle speed(Se) is greater than 30 km/h duly considering honking. Leq = 4.461xLogQe + 0.1983xSe – 0.3771xd+0.582xh+59.44 • Case -III represents calm traffic where no honking is recorded. Leq = 5.116xLogQe - 0.7554xSe – 0.5435xd+33.39 Considering all the major Junctions in the 10 Priority Roads are selected and traffic volume is taken for the worst-case scenario duly taken into account of higher traffic volume predicted at a junction. Apart from the above, the user is also considered the following assumptions on speed of the vehicle, distance & honking keeping in view of the project site and duly studying the similar cities in India are: 265 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Assumptions: 1. Noise levels for highest traffic volume expected on each junction was calculated keeping worst case scenario in concern. 2. Vehicles were classified in 4 different classes: i. Heavy vehicles (HV): Heavy goods vehicles + buses ii. Autos: Light goods vehicles/pickups + mini/midi buses Iii. Medium vehicles: Car/Taxi/Van iv. Light vehicles: 2-wheeler motor vehicles 3. Key Assumption are made for three different possible cases Table 7-13 Key Assumptions Made for Different Possible Cases S.No. Model Input Unit Case -I: Case -II: Case -III: Parameter (s) Se<30 & h>0 Se>30 & h>0 Se>0 & h=0 1 Heavy Vehicle (SHV) Kmph 15 30 30 Speed 2 Autos (SAUTO) Speed Kmph 20 40 40 3 Medium Vehicles Kmph 25 45 45 (SMV) Speed 4 Light Vehicles (SLV) Kmph 35 45 45 Speed 5 Distance (d) from the m 40 40 40 centreline of the Road 6 honking (h) Counts Counts/min 20 5 0 Note: Se: Eqvivalent Vehicle Speed, h:honking 3. Research papers states that introduction of electric & hybrid motor vehicles may reduces the traffic noise of 5 dB(A) and and each row of plantation either side of RoW will reduce 3 dB(A) of noise. As per the discussions had with the APCRDA/ADC, the Amaravati city is promoting the use of Electric & hybrid cars as the city progress towards development. Overall, it is assumed that electric & hybrid motor vehicles and with two rows of plantation can reduce noise levels of about 11 dB(A) and bring the values well within limits. Prediction of Noise Level: In all the 10 priority roads, the predicted equvalent traffic flows are assessed and varying from 13672 – 112109 nos. for the year 2050. The model is predicted for all the intersections of the major junctions and considering the worost case traffic scenarios. The predicted noise levels for the three scenaios of traffic such as Congested flow, free flow and Calm flow traffic in the project are assessed and given in the Table – 7-14. 266 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 0-14 Junction wise predicted equivalent Noise levels for year 2050 Road Noise Levels as per the original Noise Levels (dB(A)) considering Intersection model dB(A) Electric and hybrid vehicles with two rows of plantation Case -I: Case -II: Case -III: Case -I: Case -II: Case -III: Se<30 & Se>30 & Se>0 & Se<30 & Se>30 & Se>0 & h=0 h>0 h>0 h=0 h>0 h>0 E6- N9 82.2 74.5 63.9 71.2 63.5 52.9 E6-N11 83.3 76.2 65.8 72.3 65.2 54.8 E6-N14 82.7 75.3 64.7 71.7 64.3 53.7 E6- N16 83.3 76.3 65.9 72.3 65.3 54.9 E8-N11 84.6 77.5 66.4 73.6 66.5 55.4 E8-N14 83.8 76.2 65.0 72.8 65.2 54 E8-N16 83.5 75.7 64.4 72.5 64.7 53.4 E8-N9 84.9 77.5 65.7 73.9 66.5 54.7 E10-N4 84.3 77.0 65.9 73.3 66 54.9 E10-N9 84.1 75.7 63.3 73.1 64.7 52.3 E12-N4 85.2 78.5 67.6 74.2 67.5 56.6 E12-N9 84.7 76.9 64.8 73.7 65.9 53.8 E14-N9 85.3 77.3 64.7 74.3 66.3 53.7 Source: Assessed by M/s. Aarvee Associates, Hyderabad As can be seen from above Table: • The predicted noise levels for the Case I scenario is ranging from 82.2 dB(A) to 85.3 dB(A). The values seem to be moderate to high and the similar scenario is aniticipated in the peak hour traffic conditions between 08.00 to 10.00 am in the morining and 06.00 to 09.00 pm in the evening. Considering electric and hybrid vehicles with two rows of plantation shows the reductionof noise levels from 71.2 to 74.3dB(A.) • The predicted noise levels for the Case II scenario is ranging from 74.5 dB(A) to 78.5 dB(A). The values seem to be moderate and the similar scenario is aniticipated during day time excluding non-peak hours. Considering electric and hybrid vehicles with two rows of plantation shows the reductionof noise levels from 63.5 to 67.5dB(A.) • The predicted noise levels for the Case III scenario is ranging from 63.9 dB(A) to 67.6 dB(A). The values seem to be moderate and the similar scenario is aniticipated during night time excluding non-peak hours. Considering electric and hybrid vehicles with two rows of plantation shows the reductionof noise levels from 52.9 to 56.6dB(A.) Case -II & III Scenarios are more likely reliable prediction for the newly formed Capital City of AP. And Case I is mostly not envisaged in the project. However, 267 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 case II and III are mostly meeting the CPCB commercial standards of 65&55 decibels for day and night respectively. 7.5 Accident Hazards and Safety There is a possibility of accidents in the project stretch as more number of vehicles are expected in this road. In the event of spillage of hazardous chemicals, a spillage containment mechanism will be developed along with the participation of police and the fire department. In addition to this an emergency response mechanism should be evolved to tackle accidents and spillage of substances. 7.6 Aesthetics There are various measures taken in the proposed project stretch to improve the traffic movement and public convenience along the project corridor. Junctions development with landscape, median plantation in 4 lane road and avenue plantation along the project will improve the aesthetics of the project. The public amenities, Energy efficient LED lights, Cycle tracks, Side Walks, BRT & BRT Shelters and parking place for long distance travelers have been provided for in the project design. 7.7 Evaluation of Impacts The environmental impact of a project depends both on the project activities and on the background environmental setting. The environmental impact assessment process involves four basic steps: • Identification • Evaluation • Interpretation • Communication For the present project, the matrix method is used for assessment of impacts. In the present case the impact, a scale of –4 to +4 is taken. This method is selected because it identifies the impact of each project activity on each of the environmental attributes. Evaluation and interpretation of impacts is mostly subjective and convey a holistic view of the environmental impact of the project. Matrix Method The matrix used for EIA consists of project activities on the x-axis and the environmental attributes likely to be affected by these activities on the y-axis. Each cell of the matrix represents a subjective evaluation of the impacts of a activity on a particular attribute in terms of magnitude and importance. A blank cell indicates no impact of the activity on the component. The magnitude (M) is represented by a number from 1 to 4, Where, 1 = minimal, 2 = appreciable, 3 = significant & 4 = severe Positive sign (or no sign) indicates beneficial impact and negative sign indicates adverse impact. The importance (I) of the impact is given on a scale of 1 to 4 in each cell. This number indicates relative importance of the impact of the activity on the concerned attribute for this project. The magnitude and importance are multiplied to get a score of each cell. The score of individual cells in each row are added to 268 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 determine the total impact of the project activities on each attribute. Similarly, the score in individual cells in each column are added to determine the total impact of each activity on all the environmental attributes likely to be affected. The grand total of all cells indicates the total project impact. Since both ‘M’ and ‘I’ vary from 1 to 4, the total score in each cell can theoretically vary between –16 to +16. Therefore the total project impact can vary between (-16 x total number of cells in the matrix) and (16 x total number of cells in the matrix). To compare score from matrices containing different number of cells, the total project scores can be normalized to a scale of 100 as follows Total project impact scale of 100 = ((Total project impact computed by matrix)/ (16 x total number of cells in the matrix)) X100 On this scale, the overall impact can be classified as follows: Total project impact Magnitude of impact (Scale of 100) -100 to –75 Severely adverse -75 to –50 Significantly adverse -50 to –25 Appreciably adverse -25 to 0 Minimally adverse 0 to 25 Minimally beneficial 25 to 50 Appreciably beneficial 50 to 75 Significantly beneficial 75 to 100 Extremely beneficial 7.7.1 Evaluation for Alternative Scenarios EIA without EMP This scenario was based upon the assumption that the proposed development would go ahead without any environmental management options being implemented. The total project impact for the scenario, as can be seen in Table -7.15, was found to be –74 on a scale of (+/-) 1344. The score on a scale of (+/-) 100 for this scenario was found to be -5.5, which is on the minimally adverse side. This shows that if the project goes ahead without an EMP, the adverse impact on the existing environment would be several times that of the impact without the project. Thus, the EMP described in Chapter –8 will have to be implemented to minimize the potential negative impact due to the proposed activity. EIA with EMP If the environmental management strategies discussed in Chapter -8 is fully implemented, the adverse impact of the project would be reduced, and there will be an overall improvement in physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic environment of the capital city area. This is reflected in the total project impact score of +107 on scale of (+/-) 1536, as shown in the Table -7.16 below, for this scenario. The score on a scale of (+/-) 100 for this scenario was found to be +7.0, which is on the beneficial side. Therefore, the proposed activity will be beneficial for the environment of the area, provided the EMP is in place. It is clear from the above, that the proposed road development project would have negative effect without implementing certain environmental management strategies. If EMP, as discussed in the Chapter -8, is strictly adopted and implemented, the 269 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 adverse impacts will be reduced and the overall environmental quality of the area would improve. 270 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-15 : Impact Assessment for the Proposed Project (EIA WITHOUT EMP) Environmental components Project activities likely to affect environmental components likely to be affected Site Construction Transportation Solid Traffic Waste Post Total preparation/ /other construction waste escalation water construction impact Resettlement activities materials generation generation and component and and its operational Rehabilitation handling. phase Air quality M -1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2 -19 I 1 2 2 2 2 2 Noise M -2 -3 -1 -2 -2 -3 -22 I 1 2 2 1 2 2 Surface water quality M -2 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -15 I 1 2 2 1 1 2 Ground water quality M -1 -1 -1 -1 -5 I 2 1 1 1 Soil quality / erosion M -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -10 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Land use pattern M -2 -2 -1 -1 -2 -14 I 2 2 1 1 2 Flora and Fauna M -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -18 I 2 2 1 1 2 Aesthetics M -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -11 I 1 2 2 2 2 Safety M -2 -2 -1 -2 -2 -17 I 2 2 1 2 2 Human health M -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -14 I 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Socio-economic status M 4 3 1 1 1 3 35 I 3 3 2 1 2 3 Economy, trade and M 2 2 2 1 2 4 36 commerce I 2 3 2 2 2 4 Total Action Impact -3 -27 -16 -12 -8 -4 -4 -74 Table 7-16 : Impact Assessment for the Proposed Project (EIA WITH EMP) Environmental Project activities likely to affect environmental components components Site Construction Transpor tation Solid waste Traffic Waste water Greenbelt Post Total likely to be preparation/ /other construction generation escalation generation development construction/ impact affected Resettlement activities materials component 271 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 and and its Operational Rehabilitation handling phase Air quality M -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -2 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Noise M -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -2 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Surface water M -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -8 quality I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ground water M -1 -1 -1 -1 -4 quality I 1 1 1 1 Soil quality / M -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 -2 erosion I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Land use pattern M -2 -1 -1 -1 2 1 -4 I 2 2 1 2 2 1 Flora and Fauna M -2 -1 -1 -1 2 1 -2 I 2 1 1 1 2 1 Aesthetics M -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 -1 I 2 2 2 1 2 2 Safety M -1 -1 -1 -1 -7 I 2 2 2 1 Human health M -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Socio-economic M 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 66 status I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Economy, trade M 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 70 and commerce I 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Total Action Impact 3 5 7 8 10 -4 51 27 107 I = Importance, M = Magnitude; Impact scale: 1 = Minimal, 2 = Appreciable, 3 = Significant, 4 = Severe. Positive sign (or no sign) indicates beneficial impact, Negative sign indicates adverse impact, Blank indicates no impact 272 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN 8.0 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) state the procedure in which the project proponent would carry out the implementation of the mitigation measures and ensure compliance with environmental regulations that are binding on the project. This plan also specifies the organizational requirements and institutional strengthening necessary for sound environmental management of the project. The major components of the EMP are: 1. EMP Implementing Agency 2. Monitoring of the EMP implementation 3. Training on Environmental management 4. Budget for EMP implementation. 8.1 EMP Implementing Agency ADC/APCRDA will establish an Environmental Management Cell (EMC) to supervise and implement the mitigation measures as documented in the EMP. This EMC must also be adequately empowered to discharge the responsibilities as outlined in the EMP. To ensure smooth implementation of EMP the project proponent must collaborate with various government agencies like Public Works Department, Revenue Department, State Pollution Control Board, State Forest Department, Police Department and other allied departments. The EMC constituted by the APCRDA/ADC shall be the prime agency for monitoring all the activities during both the phases. Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC shall supervise all activities and accordingly advise the Contracting Company to improve on areas where any short comings are observed. In addition to implementing and monitoring different environmental attributes, APCRDA/ADC shall also be actively involved in imparting training and raising environmental awareness level of Contractors and the construction staff to enable them to take the environmental aspects into consideration as and when required. The details of Packages are given below: Package Road Description Package-I Construction of E8 Road near Krishnayapalem to Nekkellu E8 (Western Boundary) in Amaravati Capital City, Guntur. Package-II Construction of N9 Road near Uddandarayunipalem to N9 Nidamarru (Southern Boundary) in Amaravati Capital City, Guntur. Package-III Construction of N4 Road near Venkatapalem to Navuluru N4 (Southern Boundary) and N14 Road near Borupalem to Sakhamuru (Southern N14 Boundary) in Amaravati Capital City, Guntur. Package-IV Construction of E10 Road near Penumaka to Inavolu E10 (Western Boundary), E14 Road near Mangalagiri to Neerukonda (Western E14 Boundary) and N16 Road Abbarajupalem to Nekkellu (Southern N16 Boundary) in Amaravati Capital City, Guntur. 273 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package-V Passing in the NW side of Capital City area near to E6 Ananthavaram Village Package-VI Passing through the South side of capital city area E12 boundary. Nearby village is Kuragallu. Passing through middle (NS direction) of Capital City. N11 Nearby villages are Ainavolu, Nelapadu The details of EMP implementation and implementation responsibilities for 6 Packages of the proposed roads (10 Roads) are given in Tables -8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 & 8.6. These tables comprehensively list out the tasks to be performed and completed by the Contracting Company, costs to perform these tasks and lists out the agencies that are involved and responsible for ensuring the timely completion of the tasks outlined under EMP. The contractor’s responsibilities in matters related to protection of environment shall be the part of the tender document. The contractor shall ensure daily, weekly and monthly environmental monitoring, mitigation & management measures for preparing monthly report, the PMC personnel would consist of a dedicated Environment Specialist to monitor the compliance throughout the construction phase of the project and report the same to the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. The Project specific environmental formats are given in Annexure -VI. Tables -8.1 to 8.6 give the provisions that are built in the bid document to protect and safeguard the environment by the Contractor/ Concessionaire or Amaravati Development Corporation (ADC). 274 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 8-1 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package -I S. Project Action to be taken Frequenc Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues y Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditio & Cost ns (Rs. Lakh) Design Phase 1. Alignment • The new alignment is proposed in Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - the Capital City of Andhra Pradesh. Development The proposed length for the Package Authority (CRDA) 1 of Priority roads (7 roads) in the project is 13.65 Kms with a Right of Way of 50m. The land required for this project is falling under Land Pooling Scheme of APCRDA. 2. Interference on • Passageways are designed /widened Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - People for road development work to meet Development the needs of the local residents and Authority (CRDA) vehicles. 3. Soil Erosion • In slopes and suitable places along Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - the corridor of impact, bush grass Development will be planted, and retaining wall, Authority (CRDA) water intercepting ditches, and masonry rubble will be built to prevent soil erosion. • Temporary and permanent drainage systems are designed to minimize the soil erosion and the impact on irrigation canals. 4. Cultural Relics • No cultural relics present in the Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / - - corridor of Impact. Archaeological dept. 275 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5. Flood • Adequate care has been taken for Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / I & - - the purpose of free flow of flood CAD Department discharge in the design stage itself. There are 3 major bridge and 17 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) are proposed for Package 1 of Priority roads (7 roads) in the project to allow the free flow of the natural flood water in the area. 6. Preparation of • Under APCRDA Land Polling Scheme Quarterly AP CRDA, Revenue AP CRDA, Revenue - - feasible land the majority of the land was already Department in Department in acquisition plan acquired and no major issue of land consultation with consultation with the affected the affected acquisition is envisaged. people people • Prepare and administer land use control measures. Construction Phase 1 Tree plantation 1. Prepare an action plan for about 266 Monthly Director, GCC Sr. No. 9 & nos. of trees to be felled along the Contractor / Landscape & 15.2.2 10.64 Package 1 of Priority roads (7 roads) Concessionaire Environment of (Felling of APCRDA/ADC in trees) in the project stretch. An amount of consultation with 164.10 Rs. 10.64 Lakhs provision is made the Forest dept. (Avenue in EMP for felling of trees in Package and Median 1. There are 798 nos. of trees need Plantation) to be planted as per the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and subsequent amendments thereof. 2. Intimate forest department before cutting trees. Prepare action plan for avenue and median plantation. 3. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the Package 1 of Priority 276 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 roads (7 roads) of Project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 266 nos. of trees are affected due to the proposed Package 1 of Prioirty roads (7 roads) of the project. Hence, 13,228 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. 4. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. 5. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 13.65 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provisions of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for two medians of 13.65 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 9,091 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. 6. Budget allocation for avenue and median plantation is Rs.164.10 Lakhs or 1.64 crores for Implementation. 277 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2 Borrow pits and 1. 10 nos. of operational licensed Monthly Contractor / GCC Sr. No. 9 & Quarry sites borrow areas and 2 nos. of Concessionaire Director, 15.2.2 4.00 (stone / sand). operational licensed metal quarries Landscape & Environment of are allotted for APCRDA for the APCRDA/ADC/ project by Department of Mines & Mining & Geology Geology, GoAP Department, 2. Assuming sand quarries of 4 nos. GoAP/ CE, one for each package in the project. APCRDA/ CE, ADC 3. Borrow areas shall be carried out upto depth of 2.0m in non-cultivable & elevated lands, 0.45 m in productive lands etc. with a slope of not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. 4. Borrow areas shall be away from the 15m of the 2 nos. of water bodies identified in the project. 5. Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and landscaping of the borrow pits utilized in the project shall be done duly adopting Borrow areas shall be rehabilitated/ mitigation measures to be taken duly adopting the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of 'brick earth' and 'ordinary earth' for purpose of construction of roads, embankments etc., An amount of Rs. 1.00 Lakh provision is made in the EMP for each borrow area. 278 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3 Site for storage 1. The location of the Campsite shall Monthly Contractor / Director, GCC - and be selected by the Contractor duly Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 construction confirming the labour laws. Environment of camp. APCRDA/ ADC 4 Sewerage and 2. Proper sanitation facilities (bio- Monthly Contractor / Labour GCC Sr. No. 9 & solid waste toilets) at the construction workers Concessionaire department / 15.2.2 10.00 disposal. camp shall be provided Health department /Director, 3. Domestic refuse shall be collected Landscape & separately for bio-degradable waste Environment of as well as the inert waste and the APCRDA/ADC same shall be sent for the disposal as per the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000. 4. It is envisaged that approximate 300 – 500 Kg of domestic solid waste (300 – 500 gm/person) per day will be generated from the workers camps which will be disposed of to the nearest solid waste disposal sites as discussed above. 5 Traffic 1. Secure assistance from local police Monthly Contractor or Director, GCC 62 - management for traffic control during the Concessionaire Landscape & (c) construction. Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. Safety measures shall also be undertaken by installing road signs and markings for safe and smooth movement of traffic. 6 Air Quality 1. There are five residential categories Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & locations monitored in the study Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.30 (for area and the air quality Control Board / Air quality Director, monitoring) concentrations are found to be well Landscape & 279 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 within the CPCP Standards. The Environment of same shall be monitored during the APCRDA/ADC construction phase of the project. Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter -6. 2. During construction, a good number of trucks will carry the construction material for which emission of air pollutants will increase. We should see that all the vehicles deployed for construction of the project will have to keep “Pollution Under Control” certificates. DG sets will also emit air pollutants in the area during construction period. The emission generated during construction will be temporary and localized in nature. 3. Vehicles carrying construction material shall be covered to avoid spilling. 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.30 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season (other than monsoon season). All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow 280 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. Hot mixing plant shall be over 500m away from residential neighborhood and 300m away from the road. 6. Mixing equipment shall be seated and equipped with dust removal device. 7. Water will be sprinkled in morning and evening hours at the construction yards and the unpaved sections of the road. 7 Noise level 1. There are three commercial and five Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & residential categories monitored in Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.09 (for the study area and the monitored Control Board / noise Director, quality levels found to be slightly higher Landscape & monitoring) side for only three stations when Environment of compared with the CPCB Standards. APCRDA/ADC The same shall be monitored during the construction phase of the project. Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter -6. 2. Stationary equipment shall be placed as far as possible from residential areas to minimise noise impacts on the near inhabitants. 3. Noise quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount 281 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 of 0.09 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In- charge. 4. Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. near habitation 5. Provision of ear plugs to workers exposed to high noise levels in the project who work in batch mix plants, hot mix plants, quarries etc. 8 Water Quality 1. There are two nos. of surface water Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & quality samples and two nos. of Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.96 (for ground water quality samples Control Board / water Director, quality monitored in the package. The Landscape & monitoring) surface water quality is found to be Environment of satisfactory and matching with the APCRDA/ADC IS:2296 Class C Standards. 2. The ground water quality is found to be satisfactory. During construction the water quality shall be monitored and take appropriate mitigation measures as given in Chapter-6. 3. Slightly high BOD is reported at Tank near Nekkallu (24) in Package -I and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could 282 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources 4. It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is workers camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio-toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD 5. Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) with in villages premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged 6. Prior permission of the concerned engineer and regulatory authorities shall be taken regarding the discharge or disposal 8 Water Quality 1. Water quality monitoring shall be Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & carried out at 4 locations + 4 WQM Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.96 (for locations of the package in 3 Control Board / water seasons and compared with the Director, quality baseline levels and amount of 0.60 Landscape & monitoring) Lakhs shall be allotted for water Environment of quality monitoring during APCRDA/ADC construction period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon. All 283 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 2. Soil laden run off will not be diverted to water bodies. Provision of waste disposal site for waste from construction and storage yards shall be made. 3. Vehicle maintenance and refueling will be confined to areas under construction yard to trap discarded lubricant and fuel spills. 9 Soil quality 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & suggested sensitive locations (2 Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.24 locations) of Package 1 Control Board / Director, 2. An amount of 0.24 Lakh shall be Landscape & allotted for soil quality monitoring Environment of during construction phase (of 1 APCRDA/ADC year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 10 Water logging 1. The majority of the project stretch is Monthly Contractor or Director, GCC - and stagnation plain & horizontal land which will be Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 of water in the act as water logging areas during Environment of Borrow pits the rainy seasons and may cause APCRDA/ADC the breeding of the vectors in the area. 2. Uncontrolled digging of approved Burrow pits in the areas will be avoided to prevent water accumulation which results in 284 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 breeding of disease causing vectors in the area. 11 Occupation 1. Labourers shall be equipped with Contractor or Labour GCC - Health and proper safety gears like helmets, Concessionaire department 2.3(i) Safety gloves and gum boots. /Director, 2. Periodic health checkup of Landscape & construction workers. Environment of APCRDA/ADC 12 Basic amenities 1. Adequate sanitary facilities shall be Monthly Contractor or Labour GCC Sr. No. 9 & and sanitation provided to the workers to avoid Concessionaire department / 15.2.2 4.00 facilities for health related problems. Sanitation Health Department labourers waste from workers camp will not /Director, be diverted to water bodies. Landscape & 2. Periodic health checkup of labourers Environment of shall be done. APCRDA/ADC 3. Contractor to prepare, CRDA’s approved detailed public health utilities plan for the workers camp and other working sites, which make adequate provision for safe disposal of all wastes and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials etc. 4. Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. 5. Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in each package 4 units*12 members. An amount of Rs. 1 Lakh per Bio-toilet provision is made in EMP and this include oil & grease removal tank costs as well. 13 Fuel for 1. Adequate supply of fuel Monthly Contractor or Labour GCC - labourers (LPG/Kerosene) shall be provided to Concessionaire department / 15.2.2 the labourers to avoid felling of Health Department 285 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 trees for cooking ad other domestic /Director, chores. Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 14 Prevention of Stabilizing the embankment with Monthly Contractor or Concerned local GCC - erosion and appropriate technique immediately Concessionaire department 15.2.2 scouring after placing. /Director, 1. The high embankment slopes near Landscape & to the major bridges are washed out Environment of or weaken and the same shall be APCRDA/ADC strengthened. 2. Treating high embankment slopes with rip rap, stone pitching or other technologies to prevent erosion. 3. Construction of toe drain all along the road on both sides. 4. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 15 Drainage 1. Adequate care has been taken for Monthly Contractor or Irrigation GCC - system the purpose of free flow of flood Concessionaire /Director, 15.2.2 discharge in the design stage itself. Landscape & There are 3 major bridge and 17 Environment of culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) APCRDA/ADC are proposed in the project to allow the free flow of the natural drainage water in the area. 2. Construction of toe drain along the road on both the sides. 3. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 16 Conservation of 1. To preserve the forests, earth Monthly Contractor or Forests GCC - Eco-resources borrowing, piling, and building Concessionaire department/ 15.2.2 temporary camps are prohibited in Director, forests lands. Landscape & 2. Arable lands should not be used as Environment of earth borrowing whenever possible. APCRDA/ADC 286 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 If needed, the topsoil (30cm) should be kept and refilled after construction is over to minimize the impact on ecosystem and agriculture. 3. Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle- raising lands. 17 Green 1. Loss of water spread volume due to Monthly ADC Minor Irrigation/ GCC 13.18 (for Initiatives/ the project 7511.71 Cum from 13 Archaeological/ 15.2.2 enhanceme Environmental farm ponds within alignment and Endowments/ nt of water Enhancement enhancement of equivalent water Director, spread Measures spread area is proposed in the Landscape & area) streams, canals, vagus of sub- Environment of 260 (for project influence area viz., APCRDA/ADC beautificati Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other on of lakes/ streams etc. farm 2. Beautification of lakes/ farm ponds ponds) of 52 nos. present within 200m from the Right of Way (RoW). 18 Communication 1. Local materials should be used as Monthly Contractor or Transport GCC - s and much as possible so as to avoid long Concessionaire Department 15.2.2 Transportation distance transportation that of earth /Director, and stone. Landscape & 2. If there are traffic jammed during Environment of construction, measures should be APCRDA/ADC taken to move the jam with the coordination of transportation and public security department. 3. Temporary access should be built at the interchange of the urban road and other roads. 4. Passing time on Urban Roads will be limited, similar measures will also be applied to roads with traffic jams. 287 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5. Materials may be delivery in advance in relatively leisurely season of traffic. 6. A transportation plan of materials will be formulated to avoid delivered of them at peak hours on existing roads. 19 Rain Water 1. The package stretch was considered Monthly Contractor or GW Department GCC Sr. No. 9 & Harvesting about 13.255 Km excluding Concessionaire /Director, 15.2.2 7.95 settlements, bridge portions etc. Landscape & 2. There are 53 nos. of RWH Pits are Environment of proposed either side of the road at APCRDA/ADC an interval of 500m. The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. 3. The budget provision for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is estimated to be Rs. 7.95 Lakhs. 20 Utilization of Fly 1. In the proposed project, There are Monthly Contractor or Director, GCC - Ash two Thermal Power Station namely Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 Narla Tatarao Thermal Power Environment of Station (NTTPS) and Kothagudem APCRDA/ADC Thermal Power Station identified /APPCB and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the project has to be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling has to be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges. 288 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the seven roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the seven roads. It is not feasible to use fly ash in the 10 Priority roads with out embankments 21 Surplus earth/ 1. The quantity of muck /surplus earth Monthly Contractor or Director, GCC Sr. No. 9 Muck disposal generated in the project is Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 552.9 and C&D waste 655470.54 Cum. The muck Environment of generated mostly consists of APCRDA/ADC 0.05 (for expansive black cotton soil. Hence C&D waste its reuse for project is not disposal) recommended. The excess muck will be disposed off in identified locations. 2. The C&D waste generated in this package is 58.80 Cum. It will be disposed in the dump site identified for C&D waste disposal near Tadepalli and this is designated dump site as identified in master plan as discussed in Section 7.3.4 22 Energy efficient • Integrating solar energy generation Monthly Contractor or Director, GCC Sr. No. 9 & initiatives right from the project planning and Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 1727.98 design stage for the project to be Environment of sustainable is essential. Solar LED APCRDA/ADC lights to be proposed wherever its possible. Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following: 289 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 • Use of energy efficient motors and pumps, • Use of energy efficient lighting, • Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the task, • Proper size and length of cables/ wires to match the rating of equipment, • Use of energy efficient air conditioner. The contractor shall design site offices for maximum daylight and minimum heat gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be used where feasible. 1,196 Double arm Solar/ Energy efficient LED streetlights are proposed for Package -1. 23 Oil & Grease Oils and greases and waste are likely Monthly Contractor or Director, GCC - to be generated from cleaning of Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 vehicles near workers camp, oil & Environment of grease removal tank having size of APCRDA/ADC 1.5×1.5×1.2 m shall be installed at initial stage of effluent treatments and it is suggested to use Green-seal certified bio-degradable cleaning solvents for cleaning of vehicles at camp sites Operation Phase 1 Air Quality 1. Monitor periodically the AAQ at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & suggested locations. Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.30 (for 2. Developing road side vegetation for Control Board air quality pollutant sinking. /Director, monitoring) Landscape & 290 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3. Enforcing different control measures Environment of to minimise pollution. APCRDA/ADC 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.30 Lakhs shall be allotted for monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. Public will be educated about the regulations on air pollution and noise of vehicles. 2 Road safety and 1. Prepare and administer a monitoring Quarterly Contractor or Director, GCC - traffic system on road accidents. Concessionaire Landscape & 15.2.2 management 2. Adequate number of road signs with Environment of clear visibility shall be installed. APCRDA/ADC/Traff 3. In case of spill of hazardous ic Police dept. materials, report to the relevant departments at once and deal with it in accordance with the emergency plan. 4. Drivers and Public will be educated about the Safety regulations. 3 Noise level 1. Provision of vegetative noise Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & barriers (two rows of plants) has Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.09 (for been proposed at sensitive areas Control Board / noise and other noise prone areas. Director, monitoring) 2. Periodic monitoring of ambient noise Landscape & levels at suggested locations Environment of 3. Erecting sign boards at sensitive APCRDA/ADC and residential locations, prohibiting 291 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 the use of air horns. Particularly near schools, temples and hospitals. 4. Noise monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.09 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue plants proposed to be planted in the project are about 13,228 nos. either side of the road to control noise levels. 4 Soil 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 & characteristics specified distance from the corridor Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 0.24 for assessing soil contamination by Control Board / vehicular emissions. The analyzed Director, samples shall be compared with the Landscape & baseline values monitored at 2 Environment of locations along the Project corridor. APCRDA/ADC 2. An amount of 0.24 Lakh shall be allotted for soil quality monitoring (2 stations) during operational phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 292 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5 Water Quality 1. As part of sewerage master plan, 13 Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC Sr. No. 9 STPs are proposed covering 29 Concessionaire State Pollution 15.2.2 & villages of Amaravati Capital City Control Board / 0.96 area. So, the high BOD levels are Director, not envisaged once the STPs are Landscape & functional. Environment of 2. Periodic monitoring of water quality APCRDA/ADC at suggested sensitive locations (4 locations + 4 WQM locations) in Package 1 3. An amount of Rs. 0.96 Lakh shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during operation phase (of 1 year), once in 3 months other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 6 Maintenance of 1. Avenue Plantation: There are two Quarterly Contractor or Forests GCC Sr. No. 9 & road side rows of avenue plants proposed Concessionaire Department/Direct 15.2.2 164.10 plantations along the project corridor as per or, Landscape & IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue Environment of plants proposed to be planted in the APCRDA/ADC project are about 13,228 nos. either side of the road. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, Nalla tumma, Neem, Veduru, Nagajemudu, Mango, Teku, Maredu etc. 2. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. 3. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 13.65 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a 293 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 provisions of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for two medians of 13.65 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 9,091 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. 4. Employment of local people for the maintenance of plantation along the corridor. 7 Maintenance of 1. The drainage system will be Quarterly Contractor or Irrigation GCC - Drainage periodically cleared so as to ensure Concessionaire department/ 15.2.2 System water flow. Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 294 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 8-2 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package 2 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) DESIGN PHASE 1. Alignment The new alignment is proposed in the Capital City Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - of Andhra Pradesh. The proposed length for the Development Package 2 of the Priority roads (7 roads) in the Authority (CRDA) project is 13.16 Kms with a Right of Way of 50m. The land required for this project is falling under Land Pooling Scheme of APCRDA. 2. Interference Passageways are designed/widened for road Monthly DPR Consultant - - on People development work to meet the needs of the local AP Capital Region residents and vehicles. Development Authority (CRDA) 3. Soil Erosion In slopes and suitable places along the corridor of Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - impact, bush grass will be planted, and retaining Development wall, water intercepting ditches, and masonry Authority (CRDA) rubble will be built to prevent soil erosion. Temporary and permanent drainage systems are designed to minimize the soil erosion and the impact on irrigation canals. 4. Cultural Relics No cultural relics present in the corridor of impact. Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / - - Archaeological dept. 5. Flood Adequate care has been taken for the purpose of Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / I & CAD - - free flow of flood discharge in the design stage Department itself. There are 2 major bridge and 17 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) are proposed for Package 2 of Priority roads (7 roads) in the project to allow the free flow of the natural flood water in the area. 6. Preparation of • Under APCRDA Land Polling Scheme the Quarterly AP CRDA, AP CRDA, Revenue - - feasible land majority of the land was already acquired and Revenue Department in acquisition plan no major issues of land acquisition is envisaged. Department in consultation with the consultation with affected people • Prepare and administer land use control the affected measures. people CONSTRUCTION PHASE 295 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 1 Tree plantation • Prepare an action plan for about 96 nos. of Monthly Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & trees to be felled for Package 2 of the Priority & Environment of 3.84 Contractor or roads (7 roads). An amount of Rs. 3.84 Lakhs APCRDA/ADC in (Felling of Concessionaire provision is made in EMP for felling of trees in consultation with the trees) Package 2. There are 288 nos. of trees need to Forest dept. 159.01 be planted as per the Forest Conservation Act, (Avenue and 1980 and subsequent amendments thereof. Median • Intimate forest department before cutting trees. Plantation) Prepare action plan for avenue and median plantation. • Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along Package 2 of the Priority roads (7 roads) as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 96 nos. of trees are affected due to the proposed Package 2 of Prioirty roads (7 roads) of the project. Hence, 12,834 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. • Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. • Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 12.86 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provisions of 333 nos. of plants in two medians per kilometer for 12.86 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 8,765 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. • Budget allocation for avenue and median plantation is Rs. 1.59 Crores for Implementation. 296 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 2 Borrow pits and 1. 10 nos. of operational licensed borrow areas Monthly Contractor / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Quarry sites and 2 nos. of operational licensed metal Concessionaire 4.00 Director, Landscape (stone / sand). quarries are allotted for APCRDA for the project & Environment of by Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP APCRDA/ADC in 2. Assuming sand quarries of 4 nos. one for each consultation with package in the project. Mining & Geology Department, GoAP/ 3. Borrow areas shall be carried out upto depth of CE, APCRDA/ CE, 2.0m in non-cultivable & elevated lands, 0.45 m ADC in productive lands etc. with a slope of not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. 4. Borrow areas shall be away from the 15m of the 2 nos. of water bodies identified in the package. 5. Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and landscaping of the borrow pits utilized in the project shall be done duly adopting Borrow areas shall be rehabilitated/ mitigation measures to be taken duly adopting the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of 'brick earth' and 'ordinary earth' for purpose of construction of roads, embankments etc.,. An amount of Rs. 1.00 Lakh provision is made in the EMP for each borrow area. 3 Site for storage The location of the Campsite shall be selected by Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and the Contractor duly confirming the labour laws. Concessionaire & Environment of construction APCRDA/ADC camp. 4 Sewerage and 1. Proper sanitation facilities (bio-toilets) at the Monthly Contractor / Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & solid waste construction workers camp shall be provided Concessionaire Health department 10.00 disposal. /Director, Landscape 2. Domestic refuse shall be collected separately & Environment of for bio-degradable waste as well as the inert APCRDA/ADC waste and the same shall be sent for the disposal as per the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000. 297 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 3. It is envisaged that approximate 300 – 500 Kg of domestic solid waste (300 – 500 gm/person) per day will be generated from the workers camps which will be disposed of to the nearest solid waste disposal sites as discussed above. 5 Traffic 1. Secure assistance from local police for traffic Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC GCC - management control during the construction. Concessionaire & Environment of 62 (c) APCRDA/ADC 2. Safety measures shall also be undertaken by installing road signs and markings for safe and smooth movement of traffic. 6 Air Quality 1. There are five residential categories locations Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & monitored in the study area and the air quality Concessionaire State Pollution 0.30 (for Air concentrations are found to be well within the Control Board / quality CPCP Standards. The same shall be monitored Director, Landscape monitoring) during the construction phase of the project. & Environment of Adequate measures shall be taken as per the APCRDA/ADC mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter - 6. 2. During construction, a good number of trucks will carry the construction material for which emission of air pollutants will increase. We should see that all the vehicles deployed for construction of the project will have to keep “Pollution Under Control” certificates. DG sets will also emit air pollutants in the area during construction period. The emission generated during construction will be temporary and localized in nature. 3. Vehicles carrying construction material shall be covered to avoid spilling. 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.30 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during construction period of 1 year, 298 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) once in a season (other than monsoon season). All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. Hot mixing plant shall be over 500m away from residential neighborhood and 300m away from the road. 6. Mixing equipment shall be seated and equipped with dust removal device. 7. Water will be sprinkled in morning and evening hours at the construction yards and the unpaved sections of the road. 7 Noise level 1. There are three commercial and five residential Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & categories monitored in the study area and the Concessionaire State Pollution 0.09 (for monitored levels found to be slightly higher side Control Board / noise quality for only three stations when compared with the Director, Landscape monitoring) CPCB Standards. The same shall be monitored & Environment of during the construction phase of the project. APCRDA/ADC Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter - 6. 2. Stationary equipment shall be placed as far as possible from residential areas to minimise noise impacts on the near inhabitants. 3. Noise quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.09 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 299 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 4. Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. near habitation 5. Provision of ear plugs to workers exposed to high noise levels in the project who work in batch mix plants, hot mix plants, quarries etc. 8 Water Quality 1. There are three nos. of surface water quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & samples and two nos. of ground water quality Concessionaire State Pollution 0.48 (for samples monitored in the package. The surface Control Board / water quality water quality is found to be satisfactory and Director, Landscape monitoring) matching with the IS:2296 Class C Standards. & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. The ground water quality is found to be satisfactory. During construction the water quality shall be monitored and take appropriate mitigation measures as given in Chapter-6. 3. Slightly high BOD is reported at Stream near Velagapudi (30) in Package -II and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources 4. It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is workers camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio-toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD 5. Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) with in villages premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged 300 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 6. Prior permission of the concerned engineer and regulatory authorities shall be taken regarding the discharge or disposal 8 Water Quality 1. Water quality monitoring shall be carried out at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & 4 locations of the package in 3 seasons and Concessionaire State Pollution 0.48 (for compared with the baseline levels and amount Control Board / water quality of Rs. 0.48 Lakhs shall be allotted for water Director, Landscape monitoring) quality monitoring during construction period of & Environment of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon. APCRDA/ADC All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 2. Soil laden run off will not be diverted to water bodies. Provision of waste disposal site for waste from construction and storage yards shall be made. 3. Vehicle maintenance and refueling will be confined to areas under construction yard to trap discarded lubricant and fuel spills. 9 Soil quality 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at suggested Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & sensitive locations (2 locations) of the package Concessionaire State Pollution 0.24 Control Board / 2. An amount of 0.24 Lakh shall be allotted for soil Director, Landscape quality monitoring during construction phase (of & Environment of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon APCRDA/ADC season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 10 Water logging 1. The majority of the project stretch is plain & Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and stagnation horizontal land which will be act as water Concessionaire & Environment of of water in the logging areas during the rainy seasons and may APCRDA/ADC Borrow pits cause the breeding of the vectors in the area. 2. Uncontrolled digging of approved Burrow pits in the areas will be avoided to prevent water accumulation which results in breeding of disease causing vectors in the area. 301 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 11 Occupation 1. Labourers shall be equipped with proper safety Contractor or Labour department GCC 2.3 (i) - Health and gears like helmets, gloves and gum boots. Concessionaire /Director, Landscape Safety & Environment of 2. Periodic health checkup of construction workers. APCRDA/ADC 12 Basic amenities • Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided to Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & and sanitation the workers to avoid health related problems. Concessionaire Health Department 4.00 facilities for Sanitation waste from workers camp will not be /Director, Landscape labourers diverted to water bodies. & Environment of • Periodic health checkup of labourers shall be APCRDA/ADC done. • Contractor to prepare, CRDA’s approved detailed public health utilities plan for the workers camp and other working sites, which make adequate provision for safe disposal of all wastes and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials etc. • Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. • Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in each package 4 units*12 members. An amount of Rs. 1 Lakh per Bio-toilet provision is made in EMP and this include oil & grease removal tank costs as well. 13 Fuel for • Adequate supply of fuel (LPG/Kerosene) shall Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 - labourers be provided to the labourers to avoid felling of Concessionaire Health Department trees for cooking ad other domestic chores. /Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 14 Prevention of • Stabilizing the embankment with appropriate Monthly Contractor or Concerned local GCC 15.2.2 - erosion and technique immediately after placing. Concessionaire department scouring /Director, Landscape • The high embankment slopes near to the major & Environment of bridges are washed out or weaken and the APCRDA/ADC same shall be strengthened. 302 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) • Treating high embankment slopes with rip rap, stone pitching or other technologies to prevent erosion. • Construction of toe drain all along the road on both sides. • Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 15 Drainage 1. Adequate care has been taken for the purpose Monthly Contractor or Irrigation /Director, GCC 15.2.2 - system of free flow of flood discharge in the design Concessionaire Landscape & stage itself. There are 2 major bridge and 17 Environment of culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) are APCRDA/ADC proposed in the project to allow the free flow of the natural drainage water in the area. 2. Construction of toe drain along the road on both the sides. 3. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 16 Conservation of 1. To preserve the forests, earth borrowing, piling, Monthly Contractor or Forests department/ GCC 15.2.2 - Eco-resources and building temporary camps are prohibited in Concessionaire Director, Landscape forests lands. & Environment of 2. Arable lands should not be used as earth APCRDA/ADC borrowing whenever possible. If needed, the topsoil (30cm) should be kept and refilled after construction is over to minimize the impact on ecosystem and agriculture. 3. Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle-raising lands. 17 Green 1. Loss of water spread volume due to the project Monthly ADC Minor Irrigation/ GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Initiatives/ 6412.06 Cum from 4 farm ponds within Archaeological/ 11.25 (for Environmental alignment and enhancement of equivalent Endowments/ enhancement Enhancement water spread area is proposed in the streams, Director, Landscape of water Measures canals, vagus of sub-project influence area viz., & Environment of spread area) Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other streams etc. APCRDA/ADC 125 (for 2. Beautification of lakes/ farm ponds of 25 nos. beautification present within 200m from the Right of Way of lakes/ (RoW). farm ponds) 303 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 18 Communications 1. Local materials should be used as much as Monthly Contractor or Transport GCC 15.2.2 - and possible so as to avoid long distance Concessionaire Department Transportation transportation that of earth and stone. /Director, Landscape 2. If there are traffic jammed during construction, & Environment of measures should be taken to move the jam APCRDA/ADC with the coordination of transportation and public security department. 3. Temporary access should be built at the interchange of the urban roads and other roads. 4. Passing time on Urban Roads will be limited, similar measures will also be applied to roads with traffic jams. 5. Materials may be delivery in advance in relatively leisurely season of traffic. 6. A transportation plan of materials will be formulated to avoid delivered of them at peak hours on existing roads. 19 Rain Water 1. The project stretch was considered about 12.86 Monthly Contractor or GW Department GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Harvesting Km excluding settlements, bridge portions etc. Concessionaire /Director, Landscape 7.71 & Environment of 2. There are 51 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed APCRDA/ADC either side of the road at an interval of 500m. The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. 3. The budget provision for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is estimated to be Rs. 7.71 Lakhs. 20 Utilization of Fly 1. In the proposed project, There are two Thermal Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Ash Power Station namely Narla Tatarao Thermal Concessionaire & Environment of Power Station (NTTPS) and Kothagudem APCRDA/ADC /APPCB Thermal Power Station identified and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the project has to be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and 304 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) Fly ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling has to be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges. 2. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the seven roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the seven roads. It is not feasible to use fly ash in the 10 Priority roads with out embankments 21 Surplus earth/ 1. The quantity of muck /surplus earth generated Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 Muck disposal in the project is 511576.3 Cum. The muck Concessionaire & Environment of 429.83 and C&D waste generated mostly consists of expansive black APCRDA/ADC 0.10 (for cotton soil. Hence its reuse for project is not C&D waste recommended. The excess muck will be disposal) disposed off in identified locations. 2. The C& waste generated in this package is 121.29 Cum. It will be disposed in the dump site identified for C&D waste disposal near Tadepalli and this is designated dump site as identified in master plan as discussed in Section 7.3.4 22 Energy efficient • Integrating solar energy generation right from Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & initiatives the project planning and design stage for the Concessionaire & Environment of 1522.50 project to be sustainable is essential. Solar LED APCRDA/ADC lights to be proposed whereever its possible. Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following: • Use of energy efficient motors and pumps, • Use of energy efficient lighting, • Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the task, 305 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) • Proper size and length of cables/ wires to match the rating of equipment, • Use of energy efficient air conditioner. The contractor shall design site offices for maximum daylight and minimum heat gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be used where feasible. 1,054 Double arm Solar/ Energy efficient LED streetlights are proposed for Package 2. 23 Oil & Grease • oils and greases and waste are likely to be Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - generated from cleaning of vehicles near Concessionaire & Environment of workers camp, oil & grease removal tank APCRDA/ADC having size of 1.5×1.5×1.2 m shall be installed at initial stage of effluent treatments and it is suggested to use Green-seal certified bio- degradable cleaning solvents for cleaning of vehicles at camp sites OPERATION PHASE 1 Air Quality 1. Monitor periodically the AAQ at suggested Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & locations. Concessionaire State Pollution 0.30 (for air Control Board quality 2. Developing road side vegetation for pollutant /Director, Landscape monitoring) sinking. & Environment of 3. Enforcing different control measures to APCRDA/ADC minimise pollution. 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.30 Lakhs shall be allotted for monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 306 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 5. Public will be educated about the regulations on air pollution and noise of vehicles. 2 Road safety and 1. Prepare and administer a monitoring system on Quarterly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - traffic road accidents. Concessionaire & Environment of management APCRDA/ADC/Traffic 2. Adequate number of road signs with clear Police dept. visibility shall be installed. 3. In case of spill of hazardous materials, report to the relevant departments at once and deal with it in accordance with the emergency plan. 4. Drivers and Public will be educated about the Safety regulations. 3 Noise level 1. Provision of vegetative noise barriers (two Quarterly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & rows of plants) has been proposed at sensitive Concessionaire & Environment of 0.09 (for areas and other noise prone areas. APCRDA/ADC noise monitoring) 2. Periodic monitoring of ambient noise levels at suggested locations 3. Erecting sign boards at sensitive and residential locations, prohibiting the use of air horns. Particularly near schools, temples and hospitals. 4. Noise monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the project in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.09 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue plants proposed to be planted in the project are about 12,834 nos. either side of the road to control noise levels. 307 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 4 Soil 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at specified Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & characteristics distance from the corridor for assessing soil Concessionaire State Pollution 0.24 contamination by vehicular emissions. The Control Board / analyzed samples shall be compared with the Director, Landscape baseline values monitored at 4 locations along & Environment of the Project corridor. APCRDA/ADC 2. An amount of 0.24 Lakh shall be allotted for soil quality monitoring (2 stations) during operational phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5 Water Quality 1. As part of sewerage master plan, 13 STPs are Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 proposed covering 29 villages of Amaravati Concessionaire State Pollution & Capital City area. So, the high BOD levels are Control Board / 0.48 not envisaged once the STPs are functional. Director, Landscape & Environment of 2. Periodic monitoring of water quality at APCRDA/ADC suggested sensitive locations (4 locations) in the package 2 3. An amount of 0.48 Lakh shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during operation phase (of 1 year), once in 3 months other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 6 Maintenance of 1. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of Quarterly Contractor or Forests GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & road side avenue plants proposed along Package 2 of the Concessionaire Department/Director, 159.01 plantations Priority roads (7 roads) as per IRC-SP-21: Landscape & 2009. There are 96 nos. of trees are affected Environment of due to the proposed Package 2 of Priority roads APCRDA/ADC (7 roads) of the project. Hence, 12,834 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain 308 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. 2. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. 3. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 12.86 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provisions of 333 nos. of plants in two medians per kilometer for 12.86 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 8,765 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. 4. Employment of local people for the maintenance of plantation along the corridor 7 Maintenance of 1. The drainage system will be periodically cleared Quarterly Contractor or Irrigation GCC 15.2.2 - Drainage so as to ensure water flow. Concessionaire department/ System Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 309 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-3 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package 3 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) DESIGN PHASE 1. Alignment The new alignment is proposed in the Capital City Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - of Andhra Pradesh. The proposed length for Development Package 3 of the Priority roads (7 roads) in the Authority (CRDA) project is 15.50 Kms (N4-7.23 Kms & N14-8.27 Kms) with a Right of Way of 50m. The land required for this project is falling under Land Pooling Scheme of APCRDA. 2. Interference on Passageways are designed/widened for road Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - People development work to meet the needs of the local Development residents and vehicles. Authority (CRDA) 3. Soil Erosion In slopes and suitable places along the corridor of Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - impact, bush grass will be planted, and retaining Development wall, water intercepting ditches, and masonry Authority (CRDA) rubble will be built to prevent soil erosion. Temporary and permanent drainage systems are designed to minimize the soil erosion and the impact on irrigation canals. 4. Cultural Relics No cultural relics present in the corridor of impact. Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / - - Archaeological dept. 5. Flood Adequate care has been taken for the purpose of Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / I & CAD - - free flow of flood discharge in the design stage Department itself. 2 major bridge and 12 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in N4 and 2 major bridge and 7 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in N14 are proposed for Package 3 to allow the free flow of the natural flood water in the area. 6. Preparation of • Under APCRDA Land Polling Scheme the Quarterly AP CRDA, AP CRDA, Revenue - - feasible land majority of the land was already acquired Revenue Department in acquisition plan Department in 310 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) and no major issues of land acquisition is consultation with consultation with the envisaged. the affected affected people people • Prepare and administer land use control measures. CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 Tree plantation • Prepare an action plan for about 195 (N4) and Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & 132 (N14) nos. of trees to be felled along the Concessionaire & Environment of Package 3 of Priority roads (7 roads). An APCRDA/ADC in 13.08 amount of Rs. 13.08 Lakhs provision is made in consultation with the (Felling of EMP for felling of trees in Package 3. There are Forest dept. trees) 981 nos. of trees need to be planted as per the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and subsequent amendments thereof. 185.73 (Avenue and • Intimate forest department before cutting trees. Median Prepare action plan for avenue and median plantation) plantation. • Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the Package 3 of Priority roads (7 roads) as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 195 (N4) and 132 (N14) nos. of trees are affected due to the proposed Package 3 of Prioirty roads (7 roads). Hence, 14,960 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. • Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. • Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 14.99 Kms. Median 311 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) plantation is proposed with a provisions of 666 nos. of plants (only two rows are proposed since BRT is planned in the remaining space in future) per kilometer for 14.99 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 10,323 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. • Budget allocation for avenue and median plantation is Rs. 1.85 Crores for Implementation. 2 Borrow pits and 1. 10 nos. of operational licensed borrow areas and Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Quarry sites 2 nos. of operational licensed metal quarries Concessionaire & Environment of (stone / sand). are allotted for APCRDA for the project by APCRDA/ADC/ Mining 4.00 Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP & Geology Department, GoAP/ 2. Assuming sand quarries of nos. one for each CE, APCRDA/ CE, package in the project. ADC 3. Borrow areas shall be carried out upto depth of 2.0m in non-cultivable & elevated lands, 0.45 m in productive lands etc. with a slope of not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. 4. Borrow areas shall be away from the 15m of the 2 nos. of water bodies identified in the project. 5. Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and landscaping of the borrow pits utilized in the project shall be done duly adopting Borrow areas shall be rehabilitated/ mitigation measures to be taken duly adopting the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of 'brick earth' and 'ordinary earth' for purpose of construction of 312 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) roads, embankments etc.,.An amount of Rs. 4.00 Lakh provision is made in the EMP for each borrow area 3 Site for storage The location of the Campsite shall be selected by Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and the Contractor duly confirming the labour laws. Concessionaire & Environment of construction APCRDA/ADC camp. 4 Sewerage and 1. Proper sanitation facilities (bio-toilets) at the Monthly Contractor / Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & solid waste construction workers camp shall be provided Concessionaire Health department disposal. /Director, Landscape 10.00 2. Domestic refuse shall be collected separately for & Environment of bio-degradable waste as well as the inert waste APCRDA/ADC and the same shall be sent for the disposal as per the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000. 3. It is envisaged that approximate 300 – 500 Kg of domestic solid waste (300 – 500 gm/person) per day will be generated from the workers camps which will be disposed of to the nearest solid waste disposal sites as discussed above. 5 Traffic 1. Secure assistance from local police for traffic Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 2.3 (i) - management control during the construction. Concessionaire & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. Safety measures shall also be undertaken by installing road signs and markings for safe and smooth movement of traffic. 6 Air Quality 1. There are five residential categories locations Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & monitored in the study area and the air quality Concessionaire State Pollution concentrations are found to be well within the Control Board / 0.60 (for Air CPCP Standards. The same shall be monitored Director, Landscape quality during the construction phase of the project. & Environment of monitoring) Adequate measures shall be taken as per the APCRDA/ADC 313 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter - 6. 2. During construction, a good number of trucks will carry the construction material for which emission of air pollutants will increase. We should see that all the vehicles deployed for construction of the project will have to keep “Pollution Under Control” certificates. DG sets will also emit air pollutants in the area during construction period. The emission generated during construction will be temporary and localized in nature. 3. Vehicles carrying construction material shall be covered to avoid spilling. 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 4 locations of the package in3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.60 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during construction period of 1 years, once in a season (other than monsoon season). All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. Hot mixing plant shall be over 500m away from residential neighborhood and 300m away from the road. 6. Mixing equipment shall be seated and equipped with dust removal device. 7. Water will be sprinkled in morning and evening hours at the construction yards and the unpaved sections of the road. 314 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 7 Noise level 1. There are three commercial and five residential Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & categories monitored in the study area and the Concessionaire State Pollution monitored levels found to be slightly higher side Control Board / 0.18 (for for only three stations when compared with the Director, Landscape noise quality CPCB Standards. The same shall be monitored & Environment of monitoring) during the construction phase of the package. APCRDA/ADC Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter - 6. 2. Stationary equipment shall be placed as far as possible from residential areas to minimise noise impacts on the near inhabitants. 3. Noise quality monitoring shall be carried out at 4 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.18 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 4. Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. near habitation 5. Provision of ear plugs to workers exposed to high noise levels in the project who work in batch mix plants, hot mix plants, quarries etc. 8 Water Quality 1. There are seven nos. of surface water quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & samples and four nos. of ground water quality Concessionaire State Pollution samples monitored in the package. The surface Control Board / 1.68 (for water quality is found to be satisfactory and Director, Landscape water quality matching with the IS:2296 Class C Standards. monitoring) 315 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 2. The ground water quality is found to be & Environment of satisfactory. During construction the water APCRDA/ADC quality shall be monitored and take appropriate mitigation measures as given in Chapter-6. 3. Slightly high BOD is reported at Chakali cheruvu near Thullur (24) in Package -III and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources 4. It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is workers camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio-toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD 5. Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) with in villages premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged 6. Prior permission of the concerned engineer and regulatory authorities shall be taken regarding the discharge or disposal. 8 Water Quality 7. Water quality monitoring shall be carried out at 7 Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & locations+ 7 WQM locations of the package in 3 Concessionaire State Pollution seasons and compared with the baseline levels Control Board / 1.68 (for and amount of 1.68 Lakhs shall be allotted for Director, Landscape water quality water quality monitoring during construction & Environment of monitoring) period of 1 years, once in a season other than APCRDA/ADC monsoon. All monitoring to be carried out at all 316 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 8. Soil laden run off will not be diverted to water bodies. Provision of waste disposal site for waste from construction and storage yards shall be made. 9. Vehicle maintenance and refueling will be confined to areas under construction yard to trap discarded lubricant and fuel spills. 9 Soil quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at suggested Concessionaire State Pollution sensitive locations (4 locations) in the package Control Board / 0.48 3 Director, Landscape & Environment of 2. An amount of 0.48 Lakh shall be allotted for soil APCRDA/ADC quality monitoring during construction phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 10 Water logging 1. The majority of the project stretch is plain & Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and stagnation horizontal land which will be act as water Concessionaire & Environment of of water in the logging areas during the rainy seasons and may APCRDA/ADC Borrow pits cause the breeding of the vectors in the area. 2. Uncontrolled digging of approved Burrow pits in the areas will be avoided to prevent water accumulation which results in breeding of disease causing vectors in the area. 11 Occupation 1. Labourers shall be equipped with proper safety Contractor or Labour department GCC 2.3(i) - Health and gears like helmets, gloves and gum boots. Concessionaire /Director, Landscape Safety & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 317 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 2. Periodic health checkup of construction workers. 12 Basic amenities • Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided to Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & and sanitation the workers to avoid health related problems. Concessionaire Health Department facilities for Sanitation waste from workers camp will not be /Director, Landscape 4.00 labourers diverted to water bodies. & Environment of APCRDA/ADC • Periodic health checkup of labourers shall be done. • Contractor to prepare, CRDA’s approved detailed public health utilities plan for the workers camp and other working sites, which make adequate provision for safe disposal of all wastes and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials etc. • Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. • Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in each package 4 units*12 members. An amount of Rs. 1 Lakh per Bio-toilet provision is made in EMP and this include oil & grease removal tank costs as well. 13 Fuel for • Adequate supply of fuel (LPG/Kerosene) shall be Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 - labourers provided to the labourers to avoid felling of Concessionaire Health Department trees for cooking and other domestic chores. /Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 14 Prevention of Stabilizing the embankment with appropriate Monthly Contractor or Concerned local GCC 15.2.2 - erosion and technique immediately after placing. Concessionaire department scouring /Director, Landscape 318 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) & Environment of • The high embankment slopes near to the major APCRDA/ADC bridges are washed out or weaken and the same shall be strengthened. • Treating high embankment slopes with rip rap, stone pitching or other technologies to prevent erosion. • Construction of toe drain all along the road on both sides. • Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 15 Drainage 1. Adequate care has been taken for the purpose of Monthly Contractor or Irrigation /Director, GCC 15.2.2 - system free flow of flood discharge in the design stage Concessionaire Landscape & itself. There are 2 major bridge and 12 culverts Environment of (slab / box / pipe culverts) in N4 and 2 major APCRDA/ADC bridge and 7 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in N14 are proposed for Package 3 to allow the free flow of the natural drainage water in the area. 2. Construction of toe drain along the road on both the sides. 3. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 16 Conservation of 1. To preserve the forests, earth borrowing, piling, Monthly Contractor or Forests department/ GCC 15.2.2 - Eco-resources and building temporary camps are prohibited in Concessionaire Director, Landscape forests lands. & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. Arable lands should not be used as earth borrowing whenever possible. If needed, the topsoil (30cm) should be kept and refilled after 319 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) construction is over to minimize the impact on ecosystem and agriculture. 3. Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle-raising lands. 17 Green 1. Loss of water spread volume due to the project Monthly ADC Minor Irrigation/ GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Initiatives/ 110205.73 Cum from 15 small & medium farm Archaeological/ Environmental ponds within alignment and enhancement of Endowments/ 193.41 (for Enhancement equivalent water spread area is proposed in the Director, Landscape enhancement Measures streams, canals, vagus of sub-project influence & Environment of of water area viz., Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other APCRDA/ADC spread area) streams etc. 2. Beautification of lakes/ farm ponds of 22 nos. 110 (for present within 200m from the Right of Way beautification (RoW). of lakes/ farm ponds) 18 Communications 1. Local materials should be used as much as Monthly Contractor or Transport GCC 15.2.2 - and possible so as to avoid long distance Concessionaire Department Transportation transportation that of earth and stone. /Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. If there are traffic jammed during construction, measures should be taken to move the jam with the coordination of transportation and public security department. 3. Temporary access should be built at the interchange of the urban roads and other roads. 4. Passing time on Urban Roads will be limited, similar measures will also be applied to roads with traffic jams. 320 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 5. Materials may be delivery in advance in relatively leisurely season of traffic. 6. A transportation plan of materials will be formulated to avoid delivered of them at peak hours on existing roads. 19 Rain Water 1. The package stretch was considered about 14.99 Monthly Contractor or GW Department GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Harvesting Km excluding settlements, bridge portions etc. Concessionaire /Director, Landscape & Environment of 8.99 APCRDA/ADC 2. There are 60 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed either side of the road at an interval of 500m. The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. 3. The budget provision for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is estimated to be Rs. 8.99 Lakhs. 20 Utilization of Fly 1. In the proposed project, There are two Thermal Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Ash Power Station namely Narla Tatarao Thermal Concessionaire & Environment of Power Station (NTTPS) and Kothagudem APCRDA/ADC /APPCB Thermal Power Station identified and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the project has to be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling has to be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges. 2. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the seven roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 321 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the seven roads. It is not feasible to use fly ash in the 10 Priority roads with out embankments 21 Surplus earth/ 1. The quantity of muck /surplus earth generated in Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Muck disposal the project is 264308.03 Cum in N4 and Concessionaire & Environment of and C&D waste 365590.71 cum in N14. The muck generated APCRDA/ADC 550.86 mostly consists of expansive black cotton soil. Hence its reuse for project is not recommended. The excess muck will be disposed off in identified locations. 2. The C&D waste generated in this package is 1831 Cum. It will be disposed in the dump site identified for C&D waste disposal near Tadepalli and this is designated dump site as identified in master plan as discussed in Section 7.3.4 22 Energy efficient • Integrating solar energy generation right from Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & initiatives the project planning and design stage for the Concessionaire & Environment of project to be sustainable is essential. Solar LED APCRDA/ADC 1079.19 lights to be proposed whereever its possible. • Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following: • Use of energy efficient motors and pumps, • Use of energy efficient lighting, • Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the task, 322 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) • Proper size and length of cables/ wires to match the rating of equipment, • Use of energy efficient air conditioner. The contractor shall design site offices for maximum daylight and minimum heat gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be used where feasible. 574 (N4) & 662 (N14) single arm Solar/ Energy efficient LED streetlights are proposed 23 Oil & Grease Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Concessionaire & Environment of • oils and greases and waste are likely to be APCRDA/ADC generated from cleaning of vehicles near workers camp, oil & grease removal tank having size of 1.5x1.5x1.2 m shall be installed at initial stage of effluent treatments and it is suggested to use Green-seal certified bio- degradable cleaning solvents for cleaning of vehicles at camp sites OPERATION PHASE 1 Air Quality 1. Monitor periodically the AAQ at suggested Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & locations. Concessionaire State Pollution Control Board 0.60 (for air 2. Developing road side vegetation for pollutant /Director, Landscape quality sinking. & Environment of monitoring) APCRDA/ADC 3. Enforcing different control measures to minimise pollution. 323 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 4 locations of the project in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.60 Lakhs shall be allotted for monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. Public will be educated about the regulations on air pollution and noise of vehicles. 2 Road safety and 1. Prepare and administer a monitoring system on Quarterly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - traffic road accidents. Concessionaire & Environment of management APCRDA/ADC/Traffic 2. Adequate number of road signs with clear Police dept. visibility shall be installed. 3. In case of spill of hazardous materials, report to the relevant departments at once and deal with it in accordance with the emergency plan. 4. Drivers and Public will be educated about the Safety regulations. 3 Noise level 1. Provision of vegetativenoise barriers (two rows Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & of plants) has been proposed at sensitive areas Concessionaire State Pollution and other noise prone areas. Control Board / 0.18 (for Director, Landscape noise 2. Periodic monitoring of ambient noise levels at & Environment of monitoring) suggested locations APCRDA/ADC 3. Erecting sign boards at sensitive and residential locations, prohibiting the use of air horns. Particularly near schools, temples and hospitals. 324 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 4. Noise monitoring shall be carried out at 4 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.18 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the package as per IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue plants proposed to be planted in the project are about 14,960 nos. either side of the road to control noise levels. 4 Soil 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at specified Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & characteristics distance from the corridor for assessing soil Concessionaire State Pollution contamination by vehicular emissions. The Control Board / 0.48 analyzed samples shall be compared with the Director, Landscape baseline values monitored at 4 locations along & Environment of the Project corridor. APCRDA/ADC 2. An amount of 0.48 Lakh shall be allotted for soil quality monitoring (4 stations) during operational phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5 Water Quality 1. As part of sewerage master plan, 13 STPs are Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 proposed covering 29 villages of Amaravati Concessionaire State Pollution Capital City area. So, the high BOD levels are Control Board / & not envisaged once the STPs are functional. Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 1.68 325 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) 2. Periodic monitoring of water quality at suggested sensitive locations (7 locations + 7 WQM locations) of the package. 3. An amount of 1.68 Lakh shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during operation phase (of 1 year), once in 3 months other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 6 Maintenance of 1. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue Quarterly Contractor or Forests GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 road side plants proposed along the Package 3 of Priority Concessionaire Department/Director, plantations roads (7 roads) as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There Landscape & & are 195 (N4) and 132 (N14) nos. of trees are Environment of affected due to the proposed Package 3 of APCRDA/ADC 185.73 Prioirty roads (7 roads). Hence, 14,960 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. 2. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. 3. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 14.99 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provisions of 666 nos. of plants (only two rows are proposed since BRT is planned in the remaining space in future) per kilometer for 14.99 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 10,323 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., 326 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. 4. Employment of local people for the maintenance of plantation along the corridor 7 Maintenance of 1. The drainage system will be periodically cleared Quarterly Contractor or Irrigation GCC 15.2.2 - Drainage so as to ensure water flow. Concessionaire department/ System Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 327 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 7-4 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package 4 (E10+E14+N16) S. Project Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No related Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) DESIGN PHASE 1. Alignment The new alignment is proposed in the Capital City Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - of Andhra Pradesh. The proposed length for the Development Package 4 of Priority roads (7 roads) is 7.81 Kms Authority (CRDA) (E10), 7.33 Kms (E14) and 8.77 Kms (N16) with a Right of Way of 50m. The land required for this project is falling under Land Pooling Scheme of APCRDA. 2. Interference on Passageways are designed/widened for road Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - People development work to meet the needs of the local Development residents and vehicles. Authority (CRDA) 3. Soil Erosion In slopes and suitable places along the corridor of Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - impact, bush grass will be planted, and retaining Development wall, water intercepting ditches, and masonry Authority (CRDA) rubble will be built to prevent soil erosion. Temporary and permanent drainage systems are designed to minimize the soil erosion and the impact on irrigation canals. 4. Cultural Relics No cultural relics present in the corridor of impact. Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / - - Archaeological dept. 5. Flood Adequate care has been taken for the purpose of Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / I & CAD - - free flow of flood discharge in the design stage Department itself. 1 major bridge and 14 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in E10, 0 major bridge and 17 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in E14 and 1 major bridge and 12culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in E10 are proposed for Package 4 of Priority roads (7 roads) to allow the free flow of the natural flood water in the area. 328 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 6. Preparation of • Under APCRDA Land Polling Scheme the Quarterly AP CRDA, AP CRDA, Revenue - - feasible land majority of the land was already acquired and Revenue Department in acquisition plan no major issues of land acquisition is envisaged. Department in consultation with the consultation with affected people • Prepare and administer land use control the affected measures. people CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 Tree plantation • Prepare an action plan for about 62 (E10), 322 Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & (E14) and 105 (N16) nos. of trees to be felled Concessionaire & Environment of along the Package 4 of the Priority roads (7 APCRDA/ADC in 19.56 roads) in the project stretch. An amount of Rs. consultation with the (Felling of 19.56 Lakhs provision is made in EMP for felling Forest dept. trees) of trees in Package 4. There are 1467 nos. of trees need to be planted as per the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and subsequent 291.56 amendments thereof. (Avenue and Median • Intimate forest department before cutting trees. plantation) Prepare action plan for avenue and median plantation. • Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the Package 4 of Priority roads (7 roads) as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 62 (E10), 322 (E14) and 105 (N16) nos. of trees that are affected due to the proposed Package 4 of Prioirty roads (7 roads). Hence, 23,583 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. • Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. • Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 23.63 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provisions of 666 nos. of plants (two rows are proposed since BRT is planned in the remaining space in 329 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 future) per kilometer for 23.63 Kms. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 15,924 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. • Budget allocation for avenue and median plantation is Rs. 2.91 crores for Implementation. 2 Borrow pits and 1. 10 nos. of operational licensed borrow areas Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Quarry sites and 2 nos. of operational licensed metal Concessionaire & Environment of (stone / sand). quarries are allotted for APCRDA for the project APCRDA/ADC/ Mining 4.00 by Department of Mines & Geology, GoAP & Geology Department, GoAP/ 2. Assuming sand quarries of 6 nos. one for each CE, APCRDA/ CE, package in the project. ADC 3. Borrow areas shall be carried out upto depth of 2.0m in non-cultivable & elevated lands, 0.45 m in productive lands etc. with a slope of not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. 4. Borrow areas shall be away from the 15m of the 2 nos. of water bodies identified in the project. 5. Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and landscaping of the borrow pits utilized in the project shall be done duly adopting Borrow areas shall be rehabilitated/ mitigation measures to be taken duly adopting the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of 'brick earth' and 'ordinary earth' for purpose of construction of roads, embankments etc., An amount of Rs. 4.00 Lakh provision is made in the EMP for each borrow area 330 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3 Site for storage The location of the Campsite shall be selected by Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and the Contractor duly confirming the labour laws. Concessionaire & Environment of construction APCRDA/ADC camp. 4 Sewerage and 1. Proper sanitation facilities (bio-toilets) at the Monthly Contractor / Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & solid waste construction workers camp shall be provided Concessionaire Health department disposal. /Director, Landscape 10.00 2. Domestic refuse shall be collected separately & Environment of for bio-degradable waste as well as the inert APCRDA/ADC waste and the same shall be sent for the disposal as per the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000. 3. It is envisaged that approximate 300 – 500 Kg of domestic solid waste (300 – 500 gm/person) per day will be generated from the workers camps which will be disposed of to the nearest solid waste disposal sites as discussed above. 5 Traffic 1. Secure assistance from local police for traffic Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 2.3 (i) - management control during the construction. Concessionaire & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. Safety measures shall also be undertaken by installing road signs and markings for safe and smooth movement of traffic. 6 Air Quality 1. There are five residential categories locations Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & monitored in the study area and the air quality Concessionaire State Pollution concentrations are found to be well within the Control Board / 0.90 (for Air CPCP Standards. The same shall be monitored Director, Landscape quality during the construction phase of the project. & Environment of monitoring) Adequate measures shall be taken as per the APCRDA/ADC mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter - 6. 2. During construction, a good number of trucks will carry the construction material for which emission of air pollutants will increase. We should see that all the vehicles deployed for construction of the project will have to keep 331 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 “Pollution Under Control” certificates. DG sets will also emit air pollutants in the area during construction period. The emission generated during construction will be temporary and localized in nature. 3. Vehicles carrying construction material shall be covered to avoid spilling. 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 6 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.90 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during construction period of 1 years, once in a season (other than monsoon season). All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. Hot mixing plant shall be over 500m away from residential neighborhood and 300m away from the road. 6. Mixing equipment shall be seated and equipped with dust removal device. 7. Water will be sprinkled in morning and evening hours at the construction yards and the unpaved sections of the road. 7 Noise level 1. There are three commercial and five residential Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & categories monitored in the study area and the Concessionaire State Pollution monitored levels found to be slightly higher side Control Board 0.27 (for for only three stations when compared with the /Director, Landscape noise quality CPCB Standards. The same shall be monitored & Environment of monitoring) during the construction phase of the project. APCRDA/ADC Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter - 6. 332 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2. Stationary equipment shall be placed as far as possible from residential areas to minimise noise impacts on the near inhabitants. 3. Noise quality monitoring shall be carried out at 6 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.27 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during construction period of 1 years, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 4. Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. near habitation 5. Provision of ear plugs to workers exposed to high noise levels in the project who work in batch mix plants, hot mix plants, quarries etc. 8 Water Quality 1. There are eight nos. of surface water quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & samples and six nos. of ground water quality Concessionaire State Pollution samples monitored in the package. The surface Control Board / 1.68 (for water quality is found to be satisfactory and Director, Landscape water quality matching with the IS:2296 Class C Standards. & Environment of monitoring) APCRDA/ADC 2. The ground water quality is found to be satisfactory. During construction the water quality shall be monitored and take appropriate mitigation measures as given in Chapter-6. 3. Slightly high BOD is reported at Tank near Penumaka (20) in Package -IV and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources 333 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 4. It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is workers camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio-toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD 5. Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) with in villages premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged 6. Prior permission of the concerned engineer and regulatory authorities shall be taken regarding the discharge or disposal. 8 Water Quality 7. Water quality monitoring shall be carried out at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & 12 locations + 2 WQM locations of the package Concessionaire State Pollution and compared with the baseline levels and Control Board / 1.68 (for amount of 1.68 Lakhs shall be allotted for water Director, Landscape water quality quality monitoring during construction period of & Environment of monitoring) 1 years, once in a season other than monsoon. APCRDA/ADC All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 8. Soil laden run off will not be diverted to water bodies. Provision of waste disposal site for waste from construction and storage yards shall be made. 9. Vehicle maintenance and refueling will be confined to areas under construction yard to trap discarded lubricant and fuel spills. 9 Soil quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at suggested Concessionaire State Pollution sensitive locations (6 locations) in the package Control Board / 0.72 4. Director, Landscape 334 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2. An amount of 0.72 Lakh shall be allotted for soil & Environment of quality monitoring during construction phase (of APCRDA/ADC 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 10 Water logging 1. The majority of the project stretch is plain & Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and stagnation horizontal land which will be act as water Concessionaire & Environment of of water in the logging areas during the rainy seasons and may APCRDA/ADC Borrow pits cause the breeding of the vectors in the area. 2. Uncontrolled digging of approved Burrow pits in the areas will be avoided to prevent water accumulation which results in breeding of disease causing vectors in the area. 11 Occupation 1. Labourers shall be equipped with proper safety Contractor or Labour department GCC 2.3(i) - Health and gears like helmets, gloves and gum boots. Concessionaire /Director, Landscape Safety & Environment of 2. Periodic health checkup of construction workers. APCRDA/ADC 12 Basic amenities • Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided to Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & and sanitation the workers to avoid health related problems. Concessionaire Health Department facilities for Sanitation waste from workers camp will not be /Director, Landscape 4.00 labourers diverted to water bodies. & Environment of APCRDA/ADC • Periodic health checkup of labourers shall be done. • Contractor to prepare, CRDA’s approved detailed public health utilities plan for the workers camp and other working sites, which make adequate provision for safe disposal of all wastes and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials etc. • Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in each package 4 units*12 335 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 members. An amount of Rs. 1 Lakh per Bio- toilet provision is made in EMP and this include oil & grease removal tank costs as well. 13 Fuel for • Adequate supply of fuel (LPG/Kerosene) shall Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 - labourers be provided to the labourers to avoid felling of Concessionaire Health Department trees for cooking ad other domestic chores. /Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 14 Prevention of Stabilizing the embankment with appropriate Monthly Contractor or Concerned local GCC 15.2.2 - erosion and technique immediately after placing. Concessionaire department scouring /Director, Landscape & Environment of • The high embankment slopes near to the major APCRDA/ADC bridges are washed out or weaken and the same shall be strengthened. • Treating high embankment slopes with rip rap, stone pitching or other technologies to prevent erosion. • Construction of toe drain all along the road on both sides. • Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 15 Drainage 1. Adequate care has been taken for the purpose Monthly Contractor or Irrigation /Director, GCC 15.2.2 - system of free flow of flood discharge in the design Concessionaire Landscape & stage itself. There are 1 major bridge and 14 Environment of culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in E10, 0 APCRDA/ADC major bridge and 17 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in E14 and 1 major bridge and 12culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) in E10 that are proposed in the project to allow the free flow of the natural drainage water in the area. 2. Construction of toe drain along the road on both the sides. 336 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 16 Conservation of 1. To preserve the forests, earth borrowing, piling, Monthly Contractor or Forests department/ GCC 15.2.2 - Eco-resources and building temporary camps are prohibited in Concessionaire Director, Landscape forests lands. & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 2. Arable lands should not be used as earth borrowing whenever possible. If needed, the topsoil (30cm) should be kept and refilled after construction is over to minimize the impact on ecosystem and agriculture. 3. Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle-raising lands. 17 Green 1. Loss of water spread volume due to the project Monthly ADC Minor Irrigation/ GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Initiatives/ 1990.47 Cum from 7 farm ponds within Archaeological/ Environmental alignment and enhancement of equivalent Endowments/ 3.49 (for Enhancement water spread area is proposed in the streams, Director, Landscape enhancement Measures canals, vagus of sub-project influence area viz., & Environment of of water Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other streams etc. APCRDA/ADC spread area) 2. Beautification of lakes/ farm ponds of 38 nos. 190 (for present within 200m from the Right of Way (RoW). beautification of lakes/ farm ponds) 18 Communications 1. Local materials should be used as much as Monthly Contractor or Transport GCC 15.2.2 - and possible so as to avoid long distance Concessionaire Department Transportation transportation that of earth and stone. /Director, Landscape & Environment of 2. If there are traffic jammed during construction, APCRDA/ADC measures should be taken to move the jam with the coordination of transportation and public security department. 3. Temporary access should be built at the interchange of the urban roads and other roads. 337 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 4. Passing time on Urban Roads will be limited, similar measures will also be applied to roads with traffic jams. 5. Materials may be delivery in advance in relatively leisurely season of traffic. 6. A transportation plan of materials will be formulated to avoid delivered of them at peak hours on existing roads. 19 Rain Water 1. The package stretch was considered about Monthly Contractor or GW Department GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Harvesting 23.630 Km excluding settlements, bridge Concessionaire /Director, Landscape portions etc. & Environment of 14.17 APCRDA/ADC 2. There are 95 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed either side of the road at an interval of 500m. The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. 3. The budget provision for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is estimated to be Rs. 14.17 Lakhs. 20 Utilization of Fly 1. In the proposed project, There are two Thermal Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Ash Power Station namely Narla Tatarao Thermal Concessionaire & Environment of Power Station (NTTPS) and Kothagudem APCRDA/ADC /APPCB Thermal Power Station identified and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the Package 4 has to be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling has to be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges. 2. As per the designs, he proposed pavement crust for all the seven roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 338 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the seven roads. It is not feasible to use fly ash in the 10 Priority roads with out embankments 21 Surplus earth/ 1. The quantity of muck /surplus earth generated Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Muck disposal in the project is 390988.9Cum in E10 and Concessionaire & Environment of and C&D waste 366528.74in E14 and 438391.33 in N16. The APCRDA/ADC 1004..81(for muck generated mostly consists of expansive muck/surplus black cotton soil. Hence its reuse for project is earth) not recommended. The excess muck will be disposed off in identified locations. 0.39 (for 2. The C&D waste generated in this package is C&D waste 474.15 Cum. It will be disposed in the dump disposal) site identified for C&D waste disposal near Tadepalli and this is designated dump site as identified in master plan as discussed in Section 7.3.4 22 Energy efficient • Integrating solar energy generation right from Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & initiatives the project planning and design stage for the Concessionaire & Environment of project to be sustainable is essential. Solar LED APCRDA/ADC 1674.36 lights to be proposed whereever its possible. • Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following: • Use of energy efficient motors and pumps, • Use of energy efficient lighting, • Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the task, • Proper size and length of cables/ wires to match the rating of equipment, • Use of energy efficient air conditioner. 339 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 The contractor shall design site offices for maximum daylight and minimum heat gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be used where feasible. 626 (E10), 588 (E14) and 703 (N16) nos. of single arm Solar/ Energy efficient LED streetlights are proposed 23 Oil & Grease Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Concessionaire & Environment of • oils and greases and waste are likely to be APCRDA/ADC generated from cleaning of vehicles near workers camp, oil & grease removal tank having size of 1.5x1.5x1.2 m shall be installed at initial stage of effluent treatments and it is suggested to use Green-seal certified bio- degradable cleaning solvents for cleaning of vehicles at camp sites OPERATION PHASE 1 Air Quality 1. Monitor periodically the AAQ at suggested Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & locations. Concessionaire State Pollution Control Board 0.90 (for air 2. Developing road side vegetation for pollutant /Director, Landscape quality sinking. & Environment of monitoring) APCRDA/ADC 3. Enforcing different control measures to minimise pollution. 4. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 6 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.90 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 340 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5. Public will be educated about the regulations on air pollution and noise of vehicles. 2 Road safety and 1. Prepare and administer a monitoring system on Quarterly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - traffic road accidents. Concessionaire & Environment of management APCRDA/ADC/Traffic 2. Adequate number of road signs with clear Police dept. visibility shall be installed. 3. In case of spill of hazardous materials, report to the relevant departments at once and deal with it in accordance with the emergency plan. 4. Drivers and Public will be educated about the Safety regulations. 3 Noise level 1. Provision of vegetative noise barriers (two Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & rows of plants) has been proposed at sensitive Concessionaire State Pollution areas and other noise prone areas. Control Board / 0.27 (for Director, Landscape noise 2. Periodic monitoring of ambient noise levels at & Environment of monitoring) suggested locations APCRDA/ADC 3. Erecting sign boards at sensitive and residential locations, prohibiting the use of air horns. Particularly near schools, temples and hospitals. 4. Noise monitoring shall be carried out at 6 locations of the project in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.27 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5. There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue plants proposed to be 341 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 planted in the project are about 23,583 nos. either side of the road to control noise levels. 4 Soil 1. Periodic monitoring of soil quality at specified Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & characteristics distance from the corridor for assessing soil Concessionaire State Pollution contamination by vehicular emissions. The Control Board / 0.72 analyzed samples shall be compared with the Director, Landscape baseline values monitored at 4 locations along & Environment of the Project corridor. APCRDA/ADC 2. An amount of 0.72 Lakh shall be allotted for soil quality monitoring (6 stations) during operational phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 5 Water Quality 1. As part of sewerage master plan, 13 STPs are Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 proposed covering 29 villages of Amaravati Concessionaire State Pollution Capital City area. So, the high BOD levels are Control Board / & not envisaged once the STPs are functional. Director, Landscape & Environment of 2. Periodic monitoring of water quality at APCRDA/ADC 1.68 suggested sensitive locations (12 locations + 2 WQM locations)in the package 4 3. An amount of 1.68 Lakh shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during operation phase (of 1 year), once in 3 months other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Environmental Expert/ Engineer In-charge. 6 Maintenance of 1. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of Quarterly Contractor or Forests GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & road side avenue plants proposed along the Package 4 of Concessionaire Department/Director, plantations Priority roads (7 roads) as per IRC-SP-21: Landscape & 291.56 2009. There are 62 (E10), 322 (E14) and 105 Environment of (N16) nos. of trees that are affected due to the APCRDA/ADC proposed Package 4 of Prioirty roads (7 roads). Hence, 23,583 nos. of trees are proposed to be 342 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. 2. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. 3. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 23.63 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provisions of 666 nos. of plants (two rows are proposed since BRT is planned in the remaining space in future) per kilometer for 23.63 Kms. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 15,924 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. 4. Employment of local people for the maintenance of plantation along the corridor 7 Maintenance of 1. The drainage system will be periodically cleared Quarterly Contractor or Irrigation GCC 15.2.2 - Drainage so as to ensure water flow. Concessionaire department/ System Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 343 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 0-5 EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package -V (E6) S. Project related Action to be taken Frequency Implementation Supervision Relevant Relevant No Issues Agency Agency Contract BoQ Items Conditions & Cost (Rs. Lakh) DESIGN PHASE 1. Alignment The new alignment is proposed in the Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - Capital City of Andhra Pradesh. The Development proposed length for the Package V of Authority (CRDA) proposed roads in the project is 9.84 Km with a Right of Way of 50m. The land required for this project is falling under Land Pooling Scheme of APCRDA. 2. Interference on Passageways are designed/widened for Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - People road development work to meet the needs Development of the residents and vehicles. Authority (CRDA) 3. Soil Erosion In slopes and suitable places along the Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - corridor of impact, bush grass will be Development planted, and retaining wall, water Authority (CRDA) intercepting ditches, and masonry rubble will be built to prevent soil erosion. Temporary and permanent drainage systems are designed to minimize the soil erosion and the impact on irrigation canals. 4. Cultural Relics No cultural relics present in the corridor of Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / - - Impact. Archaeological dept. 5. Flood Adequate care has been taken for free flow Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / I & CAD - - of flood discharge in the design stage itself. Department There are 4 bridges and 19 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) are proposed for Package V of the proposed 10 roads in the project to allow the free flow of the natural flood water in the area. 6. Preparation of Under APCRDA Land Polling Scheme most Quarterly AP CRDA, Revenue AP CRDA, Revenue - - feasible land the land was already acquired and no major Department in Department in acquisition plan issues of land acquisition is envisaged. consultation with the consultation with the Prepare and administer land use control affected people affected people measures. 344 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 Tree plantation Prepare an action plan for about 85 nos. of Monthly Contractor/Concessio Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & trees to be felled along the Package V of naire & Environment of 3.4 (Felling the proposed roads in the project stretch. APCRDA/ADC in of trees) An amount of Rs. 3.4 Lakhs provision is consultation with the 118.067 made in EMP for felling of trees in Package Forest dept. (Avenue and V. There are 255 nos. of trees need to be Median planted as per the Forest Conservation Act, Plantation) 1980 and subsequent amendments thereof. Intimate forest department before cutting trees. Prepare action plan for avenue and median plantation. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the Package V of Proposed roads (E6) of Project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 85 nos. of trees are affected due to the proposed Package V of proposed roads of the project. Hence, 9513 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 9.84 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for two medians of 9.84 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 6553 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. Budget allocation for avenue and median plantation is Rs. 118.067 Lakhs or 1.18 crores for Implementation. 2 Borrow pits and 10 nos. of operational licensed borrow areas Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Quarry sites and 2 nos. of operational licensed metal Concessionaire & Environment of 4.00 (stone / sand). quarries are allotted for APCRDA for the APCRDA/ADC / Mining & Geology 345 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 project by Department of Mines & Geology, Department, GoAP/ GoAP CE, APCRDA/ CE, Assuming sand quarries of 6 nos. one for ADC each package in the project. Borrow areas shall be carried out upto depth of 2.0m in non-cultivable & elevated lands, 0.45 m in productive lands etc. with a slope of not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. Borrow areas shall be away from the 15m of the 2 nos. of water bodies identified in the project. Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and landscaping of the borrow pits utilized in the project shall be done duly adopting Borrow areas shall be rehabilitated/ mitigation measures to be taken duly adopting the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of ‘brick earth’ and ‘ordinary earth’ for purpose of construction of roads, embankments etc., An amount of Rs. 1.00 Lakh provision is made in the EMP for each borrow area 3 Site for storage The location of the Campsite shall be Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and construction selected by the Contractor duly confirming Concessionaire & Environment of camp. the labor laws. APCRDA/ADC 4 Sewerage and Proper sanitation facilities (bio-toilets) at the Monthly Contractor / Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & solid waste construction workers camp shall be provided Concessionaire Health department / 10 disposal. Domestic refuse shall be collected separately Director, Landscape for bio-degradable waste as well as the inert & Environment of waste and the same shall be sent for the APCRDA/ADC disposal as per the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000. It is envisaged that approximate 300 – 500 Kg of domestic solid waste (300 – 500 gm/person) per day will be generated from the workers camps which will be disposed of to the nearest solid waste disposal sites as discussed above. 346 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5 Traffic Secure assistance from local police for Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 62 (c) - management traffic control during the construction. Concessionaire & Environment of Safety measures shall also be undertaken APCRDA/ADC by installing road signs and markings for safe and smooth movement of traffic. 6 Air Quality There are 2 locations monitored in the study Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & area and the air quality concentrations are Concessionaire State Pollution 0.30 (for Air found to be well within the CPCB Standards. Control Board / quality The same shall be monitored during the Director, Landscape monitoring) construction phase of the project. Adequate & Environment of measures shall be taken as per the APCRDA/ADC mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter -6. During construction, a good number of trucks will carry the construction material for which emission of air pollutants will increase. We should see that all the vehicles deployed for construction of the project should keep “Pollution Under Control” certificates. DG sets will also emit air pollutants in the area during construction period. The emission generated during construction will be temporary and localized in nature. Vehicles carrying construction material shall be covered to avoid spilling. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.30 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season (other than monsoon season). All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. Hot mixing plant shall be over 500m away from residential neighborhood and 300m away from the road. Mixing equipment shall be seated and equipped with dust removal device. 347 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Water will be sprinkled in morning and evening hours at the construction yards and the unpaved sections of the road. 7 Noise level There is one commercial and seven Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & residential categories monitored in the study Concessionaire State Pollution 0.09 (for area and the monitored levels found to be Control Board / noise quality slightly higher side for only three stations Director, Landscape monitoring) when compared with the CPCB Standards. & Environment of The same shall be monitored during the APCRDA/ADC construction phase of the project. Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter -6. Stationary equipment shall be placed as far as possible from residential areas to minimise noise impacts on the near inhabitants. Noise quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.09 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. near habitation Provision of ear plugs to workers exposed to high noise levels in the project who work in batch mix plants, hot mix plants, quarries etc. 8 Water Quality There are 1 no. of surface water quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & samples and 2 nos. of ground water quality Concessionaire State Pollution 0.84 (for samples monitored in the project. The Control Board / water quality surface water quality is found to be Director, Landscape monitoring) satisfactory and matching with the IS:2296 & Environment of Class C Standards. The ground water quality APCRDA/ADC is found to be satisfactory. During construction, the water quality shall be 348 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 monitored and take appropriate mitigation measures as given in Chapter-6. Slightly high BOD is reported at Pond near Nelapadu (14) in Package -V and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) within villages premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is worker camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio- toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD Prior permission of the concerned engineer and regulatory authorities shall be taken regarding the discharge or disposing of any material arising from the execution of the works. During construction, it will be ensured that contractor does not dispose debris in water bodies. Water quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 ground water samples + 1 surface water and 4 WQM locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.84 Lakhs shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. 349 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Soil laden run off will not be diverted to water bodies. Provision of waste disposal site for waste from construction and storage yards shall be made. Vehicle maintenance and refueling will be confined to areas under construction yard to trap discarded lubricant and fuel spills. 9 Soil quality Periodic monitoring of soil quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & suggested sensitive locations (2 locations) of Concessionaire State Pollution 0.24 Package V Control Board / An amount of 0.24 Lakh shall be allotted for Director, Landscape water quality monitoring during construction & Environment of phase (of 1 year), once every season other APCRDA/ADC than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 10 Water logging and Most of the project stretch is plain & Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - stagnation of horizontal land which will be act as water Concessionaire & Environment of water in the logging areas during the rainy seasons and APCRDA/ADC Borrow pits may cause the breeding of the vectors in the area. Uncontrolled digging of approved Burrow pits in the areas will be avoided to prevent water accumulation which results in breeding of disease causing vectors in the area. 11 Occupation Health Labourers shall be equipped with proper Contractor or Labour department / GCC 2.3 (i) - and Safety safety gears like helmets, gloves and gum Concessionaire Director, Landscape boots. & Environment of Periodic health checkup of construction APCRDA/ADC workers. 12 Basic amenities Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & and sanitation to the workers to avoid health related Concessionaire Health Department / 1.00 facilities for problems. Sanitation waste from worker’s Director, Landscape labourers camp will not be diverted to water bodies. & Environment of Periodic health checkup of labourers shall be APCRDA/ADC done. Contractor to prepare, CRDA’s approved detailed public health utilities plan for the worker’s camp and other working sites, which make adequate provision for safe 350 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 disposal of all wastes and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials etc. Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in each package 4 units*12 members. An amount of Rs. 1 Lakh per Bio-toilet provision is made in EMP and this include oil & grease removal tank costs as well. 13 Fuel for labourers Adequate supply of fuel (LPG/Kerosene) Monthly Contractor or Labour department / GCC 15.2.2 - shall be provided to the labourers to avoid Concessionaire Health Department / felling of trees for cooking and other Director, Landscape domestic chores. & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 14 Prevention of Stabilizing the embankment with Monthly Contractor or Concerned local GCC 15.2.2 - erosion and appropriate technique immediately after Concessionaire department / scouring placing. Director, Landscape The high embankment slopes near to the & Environment of major bridges are washed out or weaken and APCRDA/ADC the same shall be strengthened. Treating high embankment slopes with rip rap, stone pitching or other technologies to prevent erosion. Construction of toe drain all along the road on both sides. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 15 Drainage system Adequate care has been taken for free flow Monthly Contractor or Irrigation / Director, GCC 15.2.2 - of flood discharge in the design stage itself. Concessionaire Landscape & There are 4 bridges and 19 culverts (slab / Environment of box / pipe culverts) proposed in the project APCRDA/ADC to allow the free flow of the natural drainage water in the area. Construction of toe drain along the road on both the sides. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 16 Conservation of To preserve the forests, earth borrowing, Monthly Contractor or Forests department/ GCC 15.2.2 - Eco-resources piling, and building temporary camps are Concessionaire Director, Landscape prohibited in forests lands. 351 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Arable lands should not be used as earth & Environment of borrowing whenever possible. If needed, the APCRDA/ADC topsoil (30cm) should be kept and refilled after construction is over to minimize the impact on ecosystem and agriculture. Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle-raising lands. 17 Green Initiatives/ Loss of water spread volume due to the Monthly ADC Minor Irrigation/ GCC 15.2.2 20.54 (for Environmental project is 11703.74 m3 from 8 farm ponds Archaeological/ enhancement Enhancement within alignment and enhancement of Endowments/ of water Measures equivalent water spread area in the streams, Director, Landscape spread area) canals, vagus of sub-project influence area & Environment of 40 (for viz., Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other APCRDA/ADC beautification streams etc. of lakes/ Beautification of lakes/ tanks/ farm ponds of tanks/ farm 8 nos. present within 200m from the Right ponds) of Way (RoW). 18 Communications and Local materials should be used as much as Monthly Contractor or Transport GCC 15.2.2 - Transportation possible to avoid long distance Concessionaire Department / transportation that of earth and stone. Director, Landscape If there are traffic jammed during & Environment of construction, measures should be taken to APCRDA/ADC move the jam with the coordination of transportation and public security department. Temporary access should be built at the interchange of the urban road and other roads. Passing time on Urban Roads will be limited, similar measures will also be applied to roads with traffic jams. Materials may be delivery in advance in relatively leisurely season of traffic. A transportation plan of materials will be formulated to avoid delivered of them at peak hours on existing roads. 19 Rain Water The package stretch was considered about Monthly Contractor or GW Department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Harvesting 9.84 Km excluding settlements, bridge Concessionaire Director, Landscape 5.72 portions etc. & Environment of There are 38 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed APCRDA/ADC either side of the road at an interval of 352 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 500m. The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. The budget provision for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is estimated to be Rs. 5.72 Lakhs. 20 Utilization of Fly 1. In the proposed project, there are two Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Ash Thermal Power Station namely Narla Tatarao Concessionaire & Environment of Thermal Power Station (NTTPS) and APCRDA/ADC /APPCB Kothagudem Thermal Power Station identified and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the project must be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly Ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling should be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges. 2. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the proposed 10 roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the pr0posed roads. It is not feasible to use fly ash in the proposed roads without embankments. 21 Surplus earth/ 1. The quantity of muck /surplus Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 Muck disposal and earth generated in the project is Concessionaire & Environment of 919.38 C&D waste 1093818.23 Cum. The muck generated APCRDA/ADC mostly consists of expansive black cotton soil. Hence its reuse for project is not recommended. The excess muck will be disposed off in identified locations. 2. The C&D waste generated in this package is 686.28 Cum. It will be disposed in the dump site identified for C&D waste disposal near Tadepalli and this is the 353 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 designated dumpsite as identified in master plan as discussed in Section 7.3.4 22 Energy efficient Integrating solar energy generation right Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 initiatives from the project planning and design stage Concessionaire & Environment of for the project to be sustainable is APCRDA/ADC essential. Solar LED lights to be proposed wherever its possible. Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following: • Use of energy efficient motors and pumps, • Use of energy efficient lighting, • Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the task, • Proper size and length of cables/ wires to match the rating of equipment, • Use of energy efficient air conditioner. The contractor shall design site offices for maximum daylight and minimum heat gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be used where feasible. 23 Oil & Grease Oils and greases are likely to be generated Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - from cleaning of vehicles near workers Concessionaire & Environment of camp, oil & grease removal tank having APCRDA/ADC size of 1.5x1.5x1.2 m shall be installed at initial stage of effluent treatments and it is suggested to use Green-seal certified bio- degradable cleaning solvents for cleaning of vehicles at camp sites OPERATION PHASE 1 Air Quality Monitor periodically the AAQ at suggested Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & locations. Concessionaire State Pollution 0.30 (for air Developing road side vegetation for Control Board / quality pollutant sinking. Director, Landscape monitoring) Enforcing different control measures to & Environment of minimize pollution. APCRDA/ADC 354 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.30 Lakhs shall be allotted for monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC Public will be educated about the regulations on air pollution and noise of vehicles. 2 Road safety and Prepare and administer a monitoring Quarterly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - traffic system on road accidents. Concessionaire & Environment of management Adequate number of road signs with clear APCRDA/ADC /Traffic visibility shall be installed. Police dept. In case of spill of hazardous materials, report to the relevant departments at once and deal with it in accordance with the emergency plan. Drivers and Public will be educated about the Safety regulations. 3 Noise level Provision of vegetative noise barriers (two Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & rows of plants) has been proposed at Concessionaire State Pollution 0.09 (for sensitive areas and other noise prone areas. Control Board / noise Periodic monitoring of ambient noise levels Director, Landscape monitoring) at suggested locations & Environment of Erecting sign boards at sensitive and APCRDA/ADC residential locations, prohibiting the use of air horns. Particularly near schools, temples and hospitals. Noise monitoring shall be carried out at 2 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.09 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. 355 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue plants proposed to be planted in the project are about 9513 nos. either side of the road to control noise levels. 4 Soil Periodic monitoring of soil quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & characteristics specified distance from the corridor for Concessionaire State Pollution 0.24 assessing soil contamination by vehicular Control Board / emissions. The analyzed samples shall be Director, Landscape compared with the baseline values & Environment of monitored at 8 locations along the Project APCRDA/ADC corridor. An amount of 0.24 Lakh shall be allotted for soil quality monitoring (2 stations) during operational phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 5 Water Quality Periodic monitoring of water quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 suggested sensitive locations (1 SW Concessionaire State Pollution & locations + 2 GW + 4 WQM locations) in Control Board / 0.84 Package V Director, Landscape As part of sewerage master plan, 13 STPs & Environment of are proposed covering 29 villages of APCRDA/ADC Amaravati Capital City area. So, the high BOD levels are not envisaged once the STPs are functional. An amount of Rs. 0.84 Lakh shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during operation phase (of 1 year), once in 3 months other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. 6 Maintenance of Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of Quarterly Contractor/Concessio Forests Department/ GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & road side avenue plants proposed along the Package V naire Director, Landscape 118.067 plantations of proposed 10 roads of Project corridor as & Environment of per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 85 nos. of APCRDA/ADC 356 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 trees are affected due to the proposed Package V of proposed 10 roads of the project. Hence, 9513 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 9.84 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for two medians of 9.84 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 6553 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. Employment of local people for the maintenance of plantation along the corridor. 7 Maintenance of The drainage system will be periodically Quarterly Contractor or Irrigation GCC 15.2.2 - Drainage System cleared to ensure water flow. Concessionaire department/ Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 357 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 8-6 : EMP: Implementation Schedule with Supervising Organization/ Authority for Package -VI Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) DESIGN PHASE 1. Alignment The new alignment is proposed in the Capital Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - City of Andhra Pradesh. The proposed length Development for the Package VI of the proposed (N11, Authority (CRDA) E12) in the project is 15.44 Kms with a Right of Way of 50m. The land required for this project is falling under Land Pooling Scheme of APCRDA. 2. Interference Passageways are designed/widened for road Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - on People development work to meet the needs of the Development residents and vehicles. Authority (CRDA) 3. Soil Erosion In slopes and suitable places along the Monthly DPR Consultant AP Capital Region - - corridor of impact, bush grass will be planted, Development and retaining wall, water intercepting ditches, Authority (CRDA) and masonry rubble will be built to prevent soil erosion. Temporary and permanent drainage systems are designed to minimize the soil erosion and the impact on irrigation canals. 4. Cultural Relics No cultural relics present in the corridor of Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / - - Impact. Archaeological dept. 5. Flood Adequate care has been taken for free flow of Quarterly DPR Consultant AP CRDA / I & CAD - - flood discharge in the design stage itself. Department There are 2 bridges and 47 culverts (slab / box / pipe culverts) are proposed for Package VI in the project to allow the free flow of the natural flood water in the area. 6. Preparation of Under APCRDA Land Polling Scheme most of Quarterly AP CRDA, Revenue AP CRDA, Revenue - - feasible land the land was already acquired and no major Department in Department in acquisition issues of land acquisition is envisaged. consultation with the consultation with plan Prepare and administer land use control affected people the affected people measures. CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 Tree Prepare an action plan for about 125 nos. of Monthly Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Plantation trees to be felled along the Package VI of the & Environment of Contractor/Concessionaire proposed roads (E12, N11) in the project APCRDA/ADC in 358 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) stretch. An amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs provision consultation with 5 is made in EMP for felling of trees in Package the Forest dept. (Felling of VI. There are 375 nos. of trees need to be trees) planted as per the Forest Conservation Act, 184.52 1980 and subsequent amendments thereof. (Avenue and Intimate forest department before cutting Median trees. Prepare action plan for avenue and Plantation) median plantation. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the Package VI of the proposed roads (N11, E12) of Project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are 125 nos. of trees affected due to the proposed Package VI) of the project. Hence, 14855 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 15.44 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for two medians of 15.44 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 10283 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. Budget allocation for avenue and median plantation is Rs.184.52 Lakhs or 1.84 crores for Implementation. 2 Borrow pits 10 nos. of operational licensed borrow areas Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & and Quarry and 2 nos. of operational licensed metal Concessionaire & Environment of 4.00 sites (stone / quarries are allotted for APCRDA for the APCRDA/ADC / sand). Mining & Geology 359 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) project by Department of Mines & Geology, Department, GoAP/ GoAP CE, APCRDA/ CE, Assuming 6 sand quarries with, one for each ADC package in the project. Borrow areas shall be carried out upto depth of 2.0m in non-cultivable & elevated lands, 0.45 m in productive lands etc. with a slope of not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. Borrow areas shall be away from the 15m of the 2 nos. of water bodies identified in the project. Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and landscaping of the borrow pits utilized in the project shall be done duly adopting Borrow areas shall be rehabilitated/ mitigation measures to be taken duly adopting the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016 for activities of borrowing/ excavation of ‘brick earth’ and ‘ordinary earth’ for purpose of construction of roads, embankments etc., An amount of Rs. 1.00 Lakh provision is made in the EMP for each borrow area 3 Site for The location of the Campsite shall be selected Monthly Contractor / Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - storage and by the Contractor duly confirming the labour Concessionaire & Environment of construction laws. APCRDA/ADC camp. 4 Sewerage and Proper sanitation facilities (bio-toilets) at the Monthly Contractor / Labour department GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & solid waste construction workers camp shall be provided Concessionaire / Health 10.00 disposal. Domestic refuse shall be collected separately department / for bio-degradable waste as well as the inert Director, Landscape waste and the same shall be sent for the & Environment of disposal as per the MSW (Management & APCRDA/ADC Handling) Rules, 2000. It is envisaged that approximate 300 – 500 Kg of domestic solid waste (300 – 500 gm/person) per day will be generated from the workers camps which will be disposed of 360 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) to the nearest solid waste disposal sites as discussed above. 5 Traffic Secure assistance from local police for traffic Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 62 (c) - management control during the construction. Concessionaire & Environment of Safety measures shall also be undertaken by APCRDA/ADC installing road signs and markings for safe and smooth movement of traffic. 6 Air Quality There are 5 locations monitored in the study Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & area and the air quality concentrations are Concessionaire State Pollution 0.75 (for Air found to be well within the CPCP Standards. Control Board / quality The same shall be monitored during the Director, Landscape monitoring) construction phase of the project. Adequate & Environment of measures shall be taken as per the mitigation APCRDA/ADC measures suggested in the Chapter -6. During construction, a good number of trucks will carry the construction material for which emission of air pollutants will increase. We should see that all the vehicles deployed for construction of the project should keep “Pollution Under Control” certificates. DG sets will also emit air pollutants in the area during construction period. The emission generated during construction will be temporary and localized in nature. Vehicles carrying construction material shall be covered to avoid spilling. Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 5 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.75 Lakhs shall be allotted for air quality monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season (other than monsoon season). All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 361 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) Hot mixing plant shall be over 500m away from residential neighborhood and 300m away from the road. Mixing equipment shall be seated and equipped with dust removal device. Water will be sprinkled in morning and evening hours at the construction yards and the unpaved sections of the road. 7 Noise level There is one commercial, one industrial and Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & five residential categories monitored in the Concessionaire State Pollution 0.225 (for study area and the monitored levels found to Control Board / noise quality be slightly higher side for only three stations Director, Landscape monitoring) when compared with the CPCB Standards. & Environment of The same shall be monitored during the APCRDA/ADC construction phase of the project. Adequate measures shall be taken as per the mitigation measures suggested in the Chapter -6. Stationary equipment shall be placed as far as possible from residential areas to minimize noise impacts on the near inhabitants. Noise quality monitoring shall be carried out at 5 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.225 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. near habitation Provision of ear plugs to workers exposed to high noise levels in the project who work in batch mix plants, hot mix plants, quarries etc. 8 Water Quality There are 6 nos. of surface water quality Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & samples and 5 nos. of ground water quality Concessionaire State Pollution 362 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) samples monitored in the project. The Control Board / 1.68 (for surface water quality is found to be Director, Landscape water quality satisfactory and matching with the IS:2296 & Environment of monitoring) Class C Standards. The ground water quality APCRDA/ADC is found to be satisfactory. During construction, the water quality shall be monitored and take appropriate mitigation measures as given in Chapter-6. High BOD is reported at Kuragallu lake (20) and lake near Yerrabalem (16) in Package -VI and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) within villages premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is worker camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio-toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD in Package -VI and this high value can be attributed to a village intervention close to water bodies. This could possibly be due to wastewater, cattle slurry, solid waste, domestic wastewater already joining into streams, tanks and other surface water sources Under SIIMP, the proposed project is already having provision for improvement of existing infrastructure (sewerage, storm water, solid waste and water supply) within villages 363 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) premises, hence further deterioration of surface water is not envisaged It is envisaged the only source of contribution of BOD is worker camps. Already provision is made in EMP that bio-toilets and oil & grease tanks should be constructed for abatement of further deterioration of BOD Prior permission of the concerned engineer and regulatory authorities shall be taken regarding the discharge or disposing of any material arising from the execution of the works. During construction, it will be ensured that contractor does not dispose debris in water bodies. Water quality monitoring shall be carried out at 5 ground water samples + 6 surface water and 3 WQM locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 1.68 Lakhs shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during construction period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC Soil laden run off will not be diverted to water bodies. Provision of waste disposal site for waste from construction and storage yards shall be made. Vehicle maintenance and refueling will be confined to areas under construction yard to trap discarded lubricant and fuel spills. 9 Soil quality Periodic monitoring of soil quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & suggested sensitive locations (5 locations) of Concessionaire State Pollution 0.60 Package VI Control Board / An amount of 0.60 Lakh shall be allotted for Director, Landscape water quality monitoring during construction 364 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) phase (of 1 year), once every season other & Environment of than monsoon season. All monitoring to be APCRDA/ADC carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 10 Water logging Most of the project stretch is plain & Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and horizontal land which will be act as water Concessionaire & Environment of stagnation of logging areas during the rainy seasons and APCRDA/ADC water in the may cause the breeding of the vectors in the Borrow pits area. Uncontrolled digging of approved Burrow pits in the areas will be avoided to prevent water accumulation which results in breeding of disease causing vectors in the area. 11 Occupation Labourers shall be equipped with proper Contractor or Labour department GCC 2.3 (i) - Health and safety gears like helmets, gloves and gum Concessionaire / Director, Safety boots. Landscape & Periodic health checkup of construction Environment of workers. APCRDA/ADC 12 Basic Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided Monthly Contractor or Labour department GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & amenities and to the workers to avoid health related Concessionaire / Health 2.00 sanitation problems. Sanitation waste from worker’s Department / facilities for camp will not be diverted to water bodies. Director, Landscape labourers Periodic health checkup of labourers shall be & Environment of done. APCRDA/ADC Contractor to prepare, CRDA’s approved detailed public health utilities plan for the worker’s camp and other working sites, which make adequate provision for safe disposal of all wastes and prevention of spillages, leakage of polluting materials etc. Contractor will be required to pay all costs associated with cleaning up any pollution caused by their activities and to pay full compensation to those affected. Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in each package 4 units*12 members. An amount of Rs. 1 Lakh per Bio-toilet provision is made in EMP 365 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) and this include oil & grease removal tank costs as well. 13 Fuel for Adequate supply of fuel (LPG/Kerosene) shall Monthly Contractor or Labour department GCC 15.2.2 - labourers be provided to the labourers to avoid felling Concessionaire / Health of trees for cooking and other domestic Department / chores. Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 14 Prevention of Stabilizing the embankment with appropriate Monthly Contractor or Concerned local GCC 15.2.2 - erosion and technique immediately after placing. Concessionaire department / scouring The high embankment slopes near to the Director, Landscape major bridges are washed out or weaken and & Environment of the same shall be strengthened. APCRDA/ADC Treating high embankment slopes with rip rap, stone pitching or other technologies to prevent erosion. Construction of toe drain all along the road on both sides. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 15 Drainage Adequate care has been taken for free flow of Monthly Contractor or Irrigation / Director, GCC 15.2.2 - system flood discharge in the design stage itself. Concessionaire Landscape & There are 2 bridges and 47 culverts (slab / Environment of box / pipe culverts) are proposed in the APCRDA/ADC project to allow the free flow of the natural drainage water in the area. Construction of toe drain along the road on both the sides. Avoiding obstruction of existing drainage during filling. 16 Conservation To preserve the forests, earth borrowing, Monthly Contractor or Forests GCC 15.2.2 - of Eco- piling, and building temporary camps are Concessionaire department/ resources prohibited in forests lands. Director, Landscape Arable lands should not be used as earth & Environment of borrowing whenever possible. If needed, the APCRDA/ADC topsoil (30cm) should be kept and refilled after construction is over to minimize the impact on ecosystem and agriculture. 366 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle-raising lands. 17 Green Loss of water spread volume due to the Monthly ADC Minor Irrigation/ GCC 15.2.2 8.14 (for Initiatives/ project is 5065.55 m3 from 12 farm ponds Archaeological/ enhancement Environmental within alignment and enhancement of Endowments/ of water Enhancement equivalent water spread area in the streams, Director, Landscape spread area) Measures canals, vagus of sub-project influence area & Environment of 115 (for viz., Kondaveeti vagu, Pala vagu, other APCRDA/ADC beautification streams etc. of lakes/ Beautification of lakes/ tanks/ farm ponds of tanks/ farm 23 nos. present within 200m from the Right ponds) of Way (RoW). 18 Communications Local materials should be used as much as Monthly Contractor or Transport GCC 15.2.2 - and possible to avoid long distance transportation Concessionaire Department / Transportation that of earth and stone. Director, Landscape If there are traffic jammed during & Environment of construction, measures should be taken to APCRDA/ADC move the jam with the coordination of transportation and public security department. Temporary access should be built at the interchange of the urban road and other roads. Passing time on Urban Roads will be limited, similar measures will also be applied to roads with traffic jams. Materials may be delivery in advance in relatively leisurely season of traffic. A transportation plan of materials will be formulated to avoid delivered of them at peak hours on existing roads. 19 Rain Water The package stretch was considered about Monthly Contractor or GW Department / GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & Harvesting 15.4 Km excluding settlements, bridge Concessionaire Director, Landscape 8.87 portions etc. & Environment of There are 72 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed APCRDA/ADC either side of the road at an interval of 500m. 367 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. The budget provision for the RWH structures are provided at the rate of Rs. 15000/pit and the total amount is estimated to be Rs. 8.87 Lakhs. 20 Utilization of 1. In the proposed project, there are two Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - Fly Ash Thermal Power Station namely Narla Tatarao Concessionaire & Environment of Thermal Power Station (NTTPS) and APCRDA/ADC Kothagudem Thermal Power Station identified /APPCB and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the project should be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly Ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling should be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges. 2. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the proposed roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be 21 Surplus 1. The quantity of muck /surplus earth Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 earth/ Muck generated in the project is 400716.97 cum Concessionaire & Environment of 626.32 disposal in N11 and 344801 Cum in E12. The muck APCRDA/ADC generated mostly consists of expansive black cotton soil. Hence its reuse for project is not recommended. The excess muck will be disposed off in identified locations. 2. The C&D waste generated in this package is 104.90 Cum. It will be disposed in the dump site identified for C&D waste disposal near Tadepalli and this is the designated dumpsite as identified in master plan as discussed in Section 7.3.4 368 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) 22 Energy Integrating solar energy generation right Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & efficient from the project planning and design stage Concessionaire & Environment of initiatives for the project to be sustainable is essential. APCRDA/ADC Solar LED lights to be proposed wherever its possible. Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following: • Use of energy efficient motors and pumps, • Use of energy efficient lighting, • Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the task, • Proper size and length of cables/ wires to match the rating of equipment, • Use of energy efficient air conditioner. The contractor shall design site offices for maximum daylight and minimum heat gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be used where feasible. 23 Oil & Grease Oils and greases are likely to be generated Monthly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - from cleaning of vehicles near worker’s camp, Concessionaire & Environment of oil & grease removal tank having size of APCRDA/ADC 1.5x1.5x1.2 m shall be installed at initial stage of effluent treatments and it is suggested to use Green-seal certified bio- degradable cleaning solvents for cleaning of vehicles at camp sites OPERATION PHASE 1 Air Quality Monitor periodically the AAQ at suggested Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & locations. Concessionaire State Pollution 0.75 (for air Developing road side vegetation for pollutant Control Board / quality sinking. Director, Landscape monitoring) Enforcing different control measures to & Environment of minimise pollution. APCRDA/ADC Air quality monitoring shall be carried out at 5 locations of the package in 3 seasons and 369 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.75 Lakhs shall be allotted for monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC Public will be educated about the regulations on air pollution and noise of vehicles. 2 Road safety Prepare and administer a monitoring system Quarterly Contractor or Director, Landscape GCC 15.2.2 - and traffic on road accidents. Concessionaire & Environment of management Adequate number of road signs with clear APCRDA/ADC visibility shall be installed. /Traffic Police dept. In case of spill of hazardous materials, report to the relevant departments at once and deal with it in accordance with the emergency plan. Drivers and Public will be educated about the Safety regulations. 3 Noise level Provision of vegetative noise barriers (two Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & rows of plants) has been proposed at Concessionaire State Pollution 0.225 (for sensitive areas and other noise prone areas. Control Board / noise Periodic monitoring of ambient noise levels at Director, Landscape monitoring) suggested locations & Environment of Erecting sign boards at sensitive and APCRDA/ADC residential locations, prohibiting the use of air horns. Particularly near schools, temples and hospitals. Noise monitoring shall be carried out at 5 locations of the package in 3 seasons and compared with the baseline levels and amount of 0.225 Lakhs shall be allotted for Noise monitoring during Operational period of 1 year, once in a season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of 370 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the project corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2011. The avenue plants proposed to be planted in the project are about 14855 nos. either side of the road to control noise levels. 4 Soil Periodic monitoring of soil quality at specified Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & characteristics distance from the corridor for assessing soil Concessionaire State Pollution 0.60 contamination by vehicular emissions. The Control Board / analyzed samples shall be compared with the Director, Landscape baseline values monitored at 5 locations & Environment of along the Project corridor. APCRDA/ADC An amount of 0.60 Lakh shall be allotted for soil quality monitoring (5 stations) during operational phase (of 1 year), once every season other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 5 Water Quality Periodic monitoring of water quality at Quarterly Contractor or Andhra Pradesh GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 suggested sensitive locations (6 SW locations Concessionaire State Pollution & + 5 GW + 3 WQM locations) in Package VI Control Board / 1.68 As part of sewerage master plan, 13 STPs are Director, Landscape proposed covering 29 villages of Amaravati & Environment of Capital City area. So, the high BOD levels are APCRDA/ADC not envisaged once the STPs are functional. An amount of Rs. 1.68 Lakh shall be allotted for water quality monitoring during operation phase (of 1 year), once in 3 months other than monsoon season. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations or follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 371 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Relevant Project Relevant S. Implementation Supervision BoQ Items related Action to be taken Frequency Contract No Agency Agency & Cost (Rs. Issues Conditions Lakh) 6 Maintenance Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of Quarterly Contractor/Concessionaire Forests GCC 15.2.2 Sr. No. 9 & of road side avenue plants proposed along the Package VI Department/ 184.46 plantations of the proposed roads (N11,E12) of Project Director, Landscape corridor as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. There are & Environment of 125 nos. of trees are affected due to the APCRDA/ADC proposed Package VI of the project. Hence, 14855 nos. of trees are proposed to be planted. The plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, marri, Gulmohar, rain tree, Ganuga, Neem, Nagajemudu, Mango, Maredu etc. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four laning road, project median will be utilized. Median plantation is proposed along the four lane stretches of total length 15.44 Kms. Median plantation is proposed with a provision of 333 nos. of plants per kilometer for two medians of 15.44 Kms of 4 lane + 2 lane BRT. Hence, the estimated median plantation is around 4522 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. Employment of local people for the maintenance of plantation along the corridor. 7 Maintenance The drainage system will be periodically Quarterly Contractor or Irrigation GCC 15.2.2 - of Drainage cleared to ensure water flow. Concessionaire department/ System Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC 372 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 8.2 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The World Bank Group, stating, “Corporate social responsibility is the commitment of businesses to contribute to sustainable economic development by working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large, to improve their lives in ways that are good for business and for development.” The core elements of the CSR are: 1. Care for all stakeholders 2. Ethical functioning 3. Respect for workers’ rights and welfare 4. Respect for human rights 5. Protection of Environmental 6. Activities for Social and Inclusive 8.2.1 CSR in Companies Bill 2012 The Companies Bill, 2012 incorporates a provision of CSR under Clause 135 which states that every company having net worth Rs. 500 crore or more, or a turnover of Rs. 1000 crore or more or a net profit of rupees five (05) crore or more during any financial year, shall constitute a CSR Committee of the Board consisting of three or more Directors, including at least one Independent Director, to recommend activities for discharging corporate social responsibilities in such a manner that the company would spend at least 2 per cent of its average net profits of the previous three years on specified CSR activities. Per Schedule-VII of Companies Bill, 2012 the following activities can be included by companies in their CSR Policies: - • Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty; • Promotion of education; • Promoting gender equality and empowering women; • Reducing child mortality and improving maternal health; • Combating human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, malaria and other diseases; • Ensuring environmental sustainability; • Employment enhancing vocational skills; • Social business projects; • Contribution to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund or any other fund set by the Central Government or the State Governments for socio- economic development and relief and funds for the welfare of the Scheduled Caste, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women; and • Such other matters as may be prescribed. 8.2.2 Guidelines on CSR for Public Enterprises The Department of Public Enterprises had issued Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) in April, 2010 which have been issued formally to the Ministries/Departments for compliance in the CPSEs under their administrative control. Following are the some of the salient features of guidelines on CSR & Sustainability: (i) Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability is a company’s commitment to its stakeholders to conduct business in an economically, 373 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 socially and environmentally sustainable manner that is transparent and ethical. (ii) In the revised guidelines, CSR and Sustainability agenda is perceived to be equally applicable to external and internal stakeholders, including the employees of a company, and a company’s corporate social responsibility is expected to cover even its routine business operations and activities. CPSEs are expected to formulate their policies with a balanced emphasis on all aspects of CSR and Sustainability – equally with regard to their internal operations, activities and processes, as well as in their response to externalities. (iii) In the revised guidelines, CSR and Sustainable Development have been clubbed together in one set of guidelines for CSR and Sustainability because of close linkage between the two concepts. (iv) Public Sector enterprises are required to have a CSR and Sustainability policy approved by their respective Boards of Directors. The CSR and Sustainability activities undertaken by them under such a policy should also have the approval/ratification of their Boards. Within the ambit of these guidelines, it is the discretion of the Board of Directors of CPSEs to decide on the CSR and Sustainability activities to be undertaken. (v) The financial component/budgetary spend on CSR and Sustainability will be based on the profitability of the company and shall be determined by the Profit After Tax (PAT) on the company in the previous year. S.No. PAT of CPSEs in the Previous Range of Budgetary allocation for CSR & Years Sustainability Activities (as % of PAT in Previous Year) 1 Less than 100 Crores 3-5% 2 Rs. 100 Crores to Rs. 500 Crores 2-3% 3 Rs. 500 Crores and Above 1-2% Loss making companies are not mandated to earmark specific funding for CSR and Sustainability activities. However, they must pursue CSR and Sustainability policies by integrating them with their business plans, strategies and processes, which do not involve any financial expenditure. They may also collaborate with the profit making CPSEs and assist them in ingenious ways without financial support in CSR and Sustainability activities. 8.2.3 CSR Budgetary Allocations for this Project CRDA has undertaken the development of the proposed project road stretch of 4- lane roads. The estimated cost of 10 Priority roads (10 roads) is Rs. 1936.98 Crores. CSR in Companies Bill, 2012 stating that the budgetary provisions shall be made on PAT, which is not envisaged throughout the concessions period for this project. However, as per the Government of India initiative taken on CSR activities, the lump-sum amount provision of Rs. 4 Crores shall be made in the project initially and the same shall be reviewed and adjusted time to time by the CSR Board of Directors for this project. 8.3 Environmental Training The Environmental Management Cell (EMC), in addition to implementing and monitoring different environmental attributes, shall also be actively involved in imparting training and raising environmental awareness level of Contractors and the construction staff to enable them to take the environmental aspects into consideration as and when required. 374 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 In the long term, the EMC can impart additional and specialized training in the Environmental Management of the road system. 8.3.1 Training Module As a part of its capacity building initiatives, APCRDA /ADC will provide formal training to its personnel to develop comprehensive understanding of environmental and social issues and the associated risks. Thus, a training program has been devised for employees at different levels. This training program aims to provide APCRDA's/ADC's employees with the necessary expertise and other project participants like workers, civil contractor(s), construction project management team (viz., Project Management, Project Engineers and Project Superintendents/ Supervisors) to recognize Environmental & Social (E&S) issues at project sites, and develop suitable safeguards. These training programs would to be conducted with the help of local and national training institutions and individual technical experts. Project Management Unit is formed for the smooth implementation of Strategic Environmental & Social Assessment – Environmental & Social Management Framework (SESA -ESMF) in the Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP). The Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC will identify select courses offered by the premier institutions in India and develop an E&S training module. The Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC with the assistance of the Environmental Engineers (EE/DE) will coordinate these training programs. The Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC will customize the course contents to suit the needs of the urban road infrastructure projects. Two types of training will be conducted, namely: • Awareness training • Competence training Awareness training will be imparted to all senior staff of APCRDA (Engineers and above) on a rotational basis and other project participants like workers, civil contractor(s), construction project management team (viz., Project Management, Project Engineers and Project Superintendents/ Supervisors). This training program will mainly cover an appreciation of E&S issues, APCRDA /ADC environmental policy and vision, Environmental Induction Program, Environment & Social (E&S) initiatives and requirements to be implemented. To provide competence training, needs identification will be done by The Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC for their Engineers. The training program will mainly cover the introduction to SESA -ESMF, pollution prevention techniques, environmental management systems, implementation of EMP ec. Executive Engineers (EE)/ Deputy Executive Engineers (DE)/ Others having the following basic skills would be selected to receive the competence training: • Masters /Engineering degree in civil/ chemical / environment • Environmental Science Graduate with Masters in geology/ biology/ mathematics etc. • At least 5 years of experience in handling direct portfolios. • Good communication skills in English. Table -8.7 provides an outline of the awareness and competence training modules to be prepared. 375 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 8-7: Awareness and Competence Training Module Training Institutions S.No. Module Course Outline Duration Frequency Target Audience /Individual Expertise A. Awareness Training 1 APCRDA /ADC EHS policies and APCRDA's /ADC E&S policy, 30 min. Once Every All Senior Staff of APCRDA APCRDA/ ASCI /ESCI Environmental Induction Program requirements and initiatives year for all staff and other staff including workers, civil contractor(s), construction project management team (viz., Project Management, Project Engineers and Project Superintendents/ Supervisors) 2 Environmental & Social (E&S) • Introduction to Indian regulatory 30 min. Once Every All Senior Staff of APCRDA ASCI /ESCI Regulations framework and environmental & year for all staff social legal requirements for projects /sub-projects of AP CRDA/ADC and implementation bottlenecks. • E&S requirements of major funding institutions like World Bank, WB- EHS etc 3 Introduction to causes of pollution • Introduction to air, water, noise and 60 min. Once Every All Senior Staff of APCRDA ASCI /ESCI /AP PCB/ and its consequences on land pollution. year for all staff EPTRI environment • Global environmental issues. • Case studies of infrastructure projects (urban roads) and associated environmental impacts. B. Competence Training 1 Introduction to APCRDA's /ADC's • SESA -ESMF principles 4 Hrs Once in every Senior Management & ASCI /ESCI/ EPTRI Strategic Environmental & Social • SESA -ESMF Forms and formats and six months Executive Engineers (EE)/ Assessment – Environmental & check sheets. Deputy Executive Engineers Social Management Framework (DE) (SESA -ESMF) and procedures • Environmental & social regulation in India (Acts and rules) • SESA -ESMF Risk Classification of AP CRDA /ADC. • Project appraisal methodology. • Risk management and mitigation techniques. 376 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Training Institutions S.No. Module Course Outline Duration Frequency Target Audience /Individual Expertise • Monitoring requirements. 2 Pollution Prevention Techniques • Cleaner production practices. 4 Hrs Once in every Senior Management & ASCI /ESCI / EPTRI six months Executive Engineers (EE)/ /Eminent Environment • Cleaner production initiatives for Deputy Executive Engineers Expert World Bank EA, EB & EC Categories (DE) of infrastructure projects. • Air pollution control techniques • Wastewater treatment techniques. • Solid & Hazardous waste substances management • Occupational health and safety Management 3 Environmental management • Introduction to environment 1 day Once in every Senior Management & ASCI /ESCI / EPTRI systems and Implementation of management systems (EMS) and six months Executive Engineers (EE)/ /Eminent Environment Environmental Management Plan benefits Deputy Executive Engineers Expert (EMP) (DE) • EMS implementation techniques. • Monitoring and measurement of EMP performance in line with BoQs 377 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 9 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 9.1 Pre-Construction Phase The environmental monitoring programme is a vital process of any Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of development project for review of indicators and to take immediate preventive action. This helps in signaling the potential problems resulting from the proposed project activities and will allow for prompt implementation of corrective measures. APCRDA has keen interest in environmental monitoring as it is an integral part towards better environmental management of air, noise, water quality etc both during construction and in operation. Generation of dust and noise are two main issues during any large construction activity. Degradation of water quality is another. During construction, management of dust was carried out by monitoring Suspended Particulate Matter. Now, the same is being done by monitoring Particulate Matter (size less than 10microns). Similarly, for example, noise monitoring is carried out by recording dB(A) values. The parameters are monitored in pre-construction, construction and operation phase and are based on the need to evaluate the deviation of environmental conditions from baseline environmental conditions due to construction and operation of the Roads. If it is observed that environmental conditions are deteriorating, then proper mitigation measures will be taken. The monitoring parameters are thus those that are generally impacted during construction activities. Impact monitoring during construction help to discipline the contractors and assist them in meeting their contractual obligations. Construction phase monitoring data is also intended to evaluate the efficacy of some control mechanisms found in the environmental manual which are then either modified, upgraded or deleted. Monitoring is also extended to the operational phase, to ascertain the impacts over a long-term period. These parameters are also of immediate public concern. Over a period, much environmental monitored data has been generated and is also of academic interest. The data is much sought after by Institutions, NGOs and interested public. The environmental monitoring will be required during both construction and operational phases. The following parameters are proposed to be monitored: • Water Quality, • Air Quality, • Noise • Soil Quality • Workers health and safety Environmental monitoring during pre-construction phase is important to know the baseline data and to predict the adverse impacts during construction and operations phases. Pre-construction phase monitoring has been done for the proposed project for air, noise, water, soil quality and ecology. The results so obtained are documented in Chapter 6. 9.2 Construction Phase During construction stage, environmental monitoring will be carried out for air quality, noise levels, water quality, and ecology. Environmental monitoring should be carried out at the locations where baseline monitoring was carried-out. These numbers could be modified based on need when the construction commences. The contractor shall ensure daily, weekly and monthly environmental monitoring, mitigation & management measures for preparing monthly report, the PMC 378 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 personnel would consist of a dedicated Environmental Specialist to monitor the compliance throughout the construction phase of the project and report the same to the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. The project specific environmental formats are given in Annexure -VI. The monitoring program shall also be conducted by Project Management Consultant/ third party on a random sample basis covering 20% of sampling requirements in addition to, and independent of the tests that need to be carried out by the contractor as specified in the EMP under the supervision of Director, Landscape & Environment of ADC/APCRDA. 9.2.1 Water Quality Since water contamination leads to various water related diseases, the project authorities shall establish a procedure for water quality surveillance and ensure safe water for the consumers. The water quality parameters are to be monitored during the entire period of project construction. Monitoring should be carried out by NABL certified private or Government agency. Water quality should be analyzed following the procedures given in the standard methods. Parameters for Surface water quality monitoring will be as per IS: 2296 and for Ground water quality monitoring will be as per IS: 10500. The monitoring points could be ground and surface water. 9.2.2 Air Quality Air quality is regularly monitored by Central/State Pollution Control Boards at number of places in Amaravati Capital City. In addition to these, air quality should be monitored at the locations of baseline monitoring as reported in Chapter 6. The parameter recommended is Particulate Matter (PM10). The contractor will be responsible for carrying out air monitoring during the entire construction phase under the supervision of APCRDA 9.2.3 Noise The noise will be monitored at construction sites for entire phase of construction by the site contractor and under the supervision of APCRDA. 9.2.4 Soil Quality Soil quality should be monitored at the locations of baseline monitoring as reported in Chapter -6. 9.2.5 Workers health and safety Monitoring of health risk issues that might arise throughout the project life time will be done. Epidemiological studies at construction sites and workers camp will be performed to monitor the potential spread of diseases. Regular inspection and medical checkups shall be carried out to workers’ health and safety monitoring. Any reoccurring incidents such as irritations, rashes, respiratory problems etc. shall be recorded and appropriate mitigation measures shall be taken. Contractor will be the responsible person to take care of health and safety of workers during the entire period of the construction and project proponent shall review/audit the health and safety measures/plans. However, supervision agency for Workers health and safety is the project proponent, APCRDA, which should include site representation, compliance monitoring, training and incident management. The monitoring Schedule for Air, noise, water and soil are presented in Table -9.1 for Roads in the Project. 379 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 9-1: Construction Stage Monitoring Schedule for Roads in the Project Parameter Frequency No. of Locations (Package & road wise) I II III IV V VI E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 E12 N11 Air (PM10) 24 hours, Once in 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 months other than monsoon season Noise Hourly for 24 hours, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 Once in 3 months other than monsoon season Water Once in 3 months 8 4 7 7 5 5 4 3 6 4 other than monsoon season Soil Once in 3 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 other than monsoon season 9.3 Operation Phase Even though the environmental hazards during the operation phase of the project are minimal, the environmental monitoring will be carried out for air, noise, water, soil and ecology during operation phase of the project. The parameters monitored during operation will be PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO2 & SO2 for air, water quality parameters will be monitored as per BIS 10500. The monitoring schedule is presented in Table -9.2 for Roads in the Project. The monitoring program shall also be conducted by Project Management Consultant/ third party on a random sample basis covering 20% of sampling requirements in addition to, and independent of the tests that need to be carried out by the contractor as specified in the EMP under the supervision of Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC Table 9-2 : Operational Stage Monitoring Schedule for Roads in the Project Parameter Frequency No. of Locations (Package & Road wise) I II III IV V VI E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 E12 N11 Air (PM10) 24 hours, Once in 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 months other than monsoon season Noise Hourly for 24 hours, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 Once in 3 months other than monsoon season Water Once in 3 months 8 4 7 7 5 5 4 7 10 4 other than monsoon season Soil Once in 3 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 other than monsoon season The results of Air quality, water quality, noise quality and soil quality will be submitted to management quarterly during construction phase and semiannually during operation phase. All monitoring to be carried out at all baseline locations, wherever not mentioned follow the directions of the Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. The monitoring schedule for both construction and operational phases of all the roads is presented in Table -9.3. 380 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 9.4 Establishment of an Environment Management Cell It is recommended that APCRDA establishes Environment Management Cell at the initial stage of the project itself. The cell should be staffed with an Environmental Engineer/Officer and a Technical Assistant (environment background). The task of the cell would be to supervise and coordinate studies, environmental monitoring and implementation of environmental mitigation measures, and it should report directly to Director, Landscape & Environment of APCRDA/ADC. The Hierarchical structure of Environment Management Cell is shown in the figure -9.1 below. Figure 9-1 : Hierarchical structure of Environmental Management Cell 9.5 Implementation of EMP by Third party/ Project Management Consultant As per the requirement of World Bank, a Third-party engineer/ Project Management Consultant shall be deployed at site during construction phase of the project for an effective Implementation of EMP. Organizational setup for Environmental Monitoring during construction and operation phase are shown in Figure -9.2. 381 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Figure 9-2 : Organizational Setup During Construction and Operation Phase 382 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 9-3 : Environmental Monitoring Schedule during Construction & Operation Phases 383 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 10 ENVIRONMENTAL COST ESTIMATES 10.1 Budget for EMP Implementation The design and construction of the project involves number of items such as erosion prevention, rehabilitation of borrow areas, safety signage, etc., which are included in the contract cost. Only those items that are not covered under the budget for construction are shown in the EMP implementation budget. The Budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items to be covered in BoQs works out to be Rs. 66.98 Crores and the budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items included in Project Cost worked out to be Rs. 108.55 Crores as given in Tables-10.1 & 10.2 respectively. The main components are: • Tree plantation / Transplantation • Environmental Enhancement Measures • Green initiatives • Environmental monitoring during construction and operation phase • Training during construction and operation phase • Initiatives to be undertaken as part of Corporate Social Responsibilities. • Dust Suppression systems • Muck/ Debris Disposal and C&D Waste 384 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 10-1 : Budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items to be covered in BoQs Package Package Package Package Package Package Unit cost/ III IV VI S. TOTAL II V I Item Lump sum No. COST cost (Rs.) E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 N11 E8 I. Logistics cum Administrative costs 1 Vehicles/ Package @ Rs 50,000/- 1 Vehicle cost per month 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 36.00 for 12 vehicle months 1 location for 12 Office administration (including months @ man power costs) and logistics etc 2 Rs.166666.5 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 6.66 6.67 6.67 20.00 10.00 10.00 120.00 for Environment Management Cell /- per (EMC) month/ Package II. Construction costs Sprinkling of water thrice in a day all along the stretch & 3 - 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 219.00 Erosion control Retaining walls, slope pitching and turfing. (Included in project cost) 385 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Package Package Package Package Package Package Unit cost/ III IV VI S. TOTAL II V I Item Lump sum No. COST cost (Rs.) E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 N11 E8 (365 days x 3 times x 1 year x 2 vehicles/road x Rs. 1000/trip) Muck/Debris and C&D Waste Disposal from site Road C&D (m3) Muck (m3) E8 1895 655470.54 N9 121.29 511576.3 N4 62.04 264308.03 Rs. 84/- per 4 552.19 429.83 222.07 308.58 328.43 308.28 368.25 919.38 336.66 289.66 4063.33 N14 1769 365590.71 m3 # E10 0 390988.9 E14 474.15 366528.74 N16 0 438391.33 E6 686.28102 1093818.23 N11 70.79973 400716.97 E8 34.10999 344801 III. Tree Plantation Avenue trees including 3 years maintenance – around 13,228 nos. of trees in Package I; 12,834 nos. of trees in Package II; 14,960 nos. of trees in Package III 5 1000/Tree 132.28 128.34 69.18 80.42 76.09 73.16 86.57 95.13 85.21 63.33 889.71 ;23,583 nos. of trees in Package IV; 9513 nos of trees in Package V and 14855 nos of trees in Package VI including tree guards (Rs. 1000/tree) 386 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Shrub plantation in median and landscaping in 4/6- lane estimated median plantation for Package I is around 9,091 nos, Package II is 213.25 6 around 8,765 nos, Package III is 350/Plant 31.81 30.67 16.86 19.27 18.21 17.08 20.44 22.93 20.16 15.82 around 10,323 nos, Package IV is around 15,924 nos, Package V is 6554 and Package VI is 10283 @ Rs.350/- including maintenance for one year. IV. Monitoring costs: Construction Phase (1 year) Air Quality Monitoring (21 Monitoring stations) once every month other than monsoon season during the construction period – (21 Stations x 3 seasons x 1 Year) No. of E8 – 2 stations monitoring N9 – 2 stations locations* 3 7 N4 – 2 stations 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.30 0.30 0.45 3.15 seasons*Rs. N14 – 2 stations 5,000 per E10 – 2 stations station E14 – 2 stations N16 – 2 stations E6 - 2 station, E12 - 3 station, N11 - 2 stations. 387 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Noise level Monitoring (21 Monitoring stations) once every month other than monsoon season during the construction period – (21 Stations x 3 seasons x 1 Years) No. of E8– 2 stations monitoring N9 – 2 stations locations* 3 8 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.135 0.945 N4 – 2 stations seasons N14 – 2 stations *Rs.1500 E10 – 2 stations per station E14 – 2 stations N16 – 2 stations E6 - 2 station, E12 - 3 station, N11 - 2 stations. Water Quality Monitoring (61 Monitoring stations) once in a season other than monsoon season during the construction period – (61 Stations x 3 Seasons x 1 Years) No. of E8– 8 stations monitoring N9– 4 stations 9 locations*3 0.96 0.48 0.84 0.84 0.6 0.6 0.48 0.84 0.48 1.20 7.32 N4 – 7 stations seasons*Rs. N14 – 7 stations 4000 per E10 – 5 stations station E14 – 5 stations N16 – 4 stations E6 - 7 station, E12 - 10 station, N11 – 4 stations. 388 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Soil Quality Monitoring (21 Monitoring stations) once every month other than monsoon season during the construction period – (21 Stations x 3 seasons x 1 Years) No. of E8– 2 stations monitoring N9 – 2 stations locations*3 10 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.36 2.52 N4 – 2 stations seasons N14 – 2 stations *Rs.4000 E10 – 2 stations per station E14 – 2 stations N16 – 2 stations E6 - 2 station, E12 - 3 station, N11 - 2 stations. Awareness programmes 11 LS 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 1.66 1.67 1.67 5.00 2.50 2.50 30.00 (Lumpsum) Rs. 1.00 Rehabilitation, Resurfacing and 12 Lakh per 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 1.33 1.33 1.34 1.00 0.50 0.50 18.00 landscaping of the borrow pits borrow area 356 Rain Water Harvesting Structures (RWH) Pits of dia. 1.5m with a depth of 3.8 m at an interval of 500m either side of the road. Package 1 (E8) – 53 Package 2 (N9)- 51 Rs. 15000 13 Package 3 (N4) – 28 7.95 7.71 4.16 4.84 4.58 4.40 5.21 5.72 5.12 3.75 53.44 per RWH Package 3 (N14) – 32 Package 4 (E10) - 31 Package 4 (E14) -29 Package 4 (N16) - 35 Package 5 (E6) – 38 Package 6 (E12) – 34 Package 6 (N11)- 25 V. Monitoring costs: Operational Phase (1 year) 389 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Air Quality Monitoring (21 Monitoring stations) once every month other than monsoon season during the construction period – (21 Stations x 3 seasons x 1 Year) No. of E8 – 2 stations monitoring N9 – 2 stations locations* 3 14 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.30 0.30 0.45 3.15 N4 – 2 stations seasons*Rs. N14 – 2 stations 5,000 per E10 – 2 stations station E14 – 2 stations N16 – 2 stations E6 - 2 station, E12 - 3 station, N11 - 2 stations. Noise level Monitoring (21 Monitoring stations) once every month other than monsoon season during the construction period – (21 Stations x 3 No. of seasons x 1 Years) monitoring E8– 2 stations locations* 3 15 N9 – 2 stations 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.135 0.945 seasons N4 – 2 stations *Rs.1500 N14 – 2 stations E10 – 2 stations per station E14 – 2 stations N16 – 2 stations E6 - 2 station, E12 - 3 station, N11 - 2 stations. 390 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Water Quality Monitoring (61 Monitoring stations) once in a season other than monsoon season during the construction period – (61 Stations x 3 Seasons x 1 Years) No. of E8– 8 stations monitoring 16 N9– 4 stations locations*3 0.96 0.48 0.84 0.84 0.6 0.6 0.48 0.84 0.48 1.20 7.32 N4 – 7 stations seasons*Rs. N14 – 7 stations 4000 per E10 – 5 stations station E14 – 5 stations N16 – 4 stations E6 - 7 station, E12 - 10 station, N11 – 4 stations. Soil Quality Monitoring (21 Monitoring stations) once every month other than monsoon season during the construction period – (21 Stations x 3 seasons x 1 Years) No. of E8– 2 stations monitoring N9 – 2 stations locations*3 17 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.36 2.52 N4 – 2 stations seasons*Rs. N14 – 2 stations 4000 per E10 – 2 stations station E14 – 2 stations N16 – 2 stations E6 - 2 station, E12 - 3 station, N11 - 2 stations. Sub Total 784.31 655.67 354.61 455.45 463.32 438.95 516.27 1100.00 487.27 414.75 5676.60 Service tax @18% 141.18 118.02 63.83 81.98 83.40 79.01 92.93 198.00 87.71 74.66 1021.79 Grand Total 925.48 773.69 418.44 537.43 546.72 517.96 609.20 1298.00 574.98 489.41 6698.39 Say Rs 66.98 Crores 391 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Table 10-2 : Budget for Environmental Management Plan for Items included in Project Cost V V V P P P P P P g g g g g g k k k k k k a a a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e e c c c c c c I I I I I I I I S. Unit cost/ E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 N11 E8 No Item Lump sum Total . cost (Rs.) Energy efficient streetlights Rs. 4 lane — 150 watt LED, 10 m high 1,06,084/- pole every 25m per Double 2 lane BRT – 90 watt LED, at 9m arm high on other arm streetlight E8 – 1196 Double arm streetlights Rs. N9 – 1054 Double arm streetlights 1,03,924/- 500.9 1 N4— 574 Single arm streetlights per single 1727.98 1522.5 578.25 546.70 513.68 613.98 481.62 430.70 352.20 7268.55 4 N14 — 662 Single arm streetlights arm E10 - 626 Single arm streetlights streetlight E 14 - 588 Single arm streetlights N16—703 Single arm streetlights E6 – 454 Double arm streetlights E12- 332 Double arm streetlights N11- 406 Double arm streetlights 4 units per Construction of 4 Bio-toilets in package*12 each package where each Bio- 2 members*1 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 4.00 2.00 2.00 24.00 toilet unit possess 5 one piece Lakh per toilet bio-toilet Labour camps, health and other 3 LS 10 10 5 5 3.33 3.33 3.34 10.00 5.00 5.00 60.00 services 4 Solid waste management LS 10 10 5 5 3.33 3.33 3.34 10 5 5 60.00 Felling of trees Package I – 266 Nos. Package II – 96 Nos. 5 Package III – 327 Nos. 10.64 3.84 7.8 5.28 2.48 12.88 4.2 3.40 3.76 1.24 55.52 Package IV – 489 Nos. Package V – 85 Nos. Rs. 4000/- Package VI – 125 Nos. per tree Allocation of Budget towards the 6 Corporate Social Responsibility 100 100 50 50 33.34 33.33 33.33 100.00 50.00 50.00 600.00 (CSR) activities LS Loss of water spread area due to Rs. 175.5/- 7 the project and enhancement of per m3 of 273.18 136.25 16.83 286.58 60.85 30.19 102.45 60.54 110.78 13.11 1090.76 equivalent water spread area excavation# 392 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 V V V P P P P P P g g g g g g k k k k k k a a a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e e c c c c c c I I I I I I I I S. Unit cost/ E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 N11 E8 No Item Lump sum Total . cost (Rs.) along the ponds/lakes present # within 200m from the Right of Way (RoW). Rs. 5.00 & Lakh per Beautification of lakes/ tanks/ beautificatio ponds within 200m from the Right n of one of Way (RoW). pond Total water spread area lost is 17.65 acres.Package wise details of volume of water lost are given below, Package I – 7511.71 m3 of excavation and 52 ponds for beautification Package II – 6412.06 m3 of excavation and 25 ponds for beautification Package III – 110205.73 m3 of excavation and 22 ponds for beautification Package IV – 1990.47 m3 of excavation and 38 ponds for beautification Package V – 11703.74 m3 of excavation and 8 ponds for beautification Package VI – 5065.55 m3 of excavation and 23 ponds for beautification 8 Training Programmes LS 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.66 1.67 1.67 5 2.5 2.5 30 Environmental quality monitoring by Third Party/ Project Management Consultant (PMC) At least 20% 9 of sample 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 0.87 1.11 10.86 At least 20% of sample size in size budget both construction phase and operation phase 591.1 Sub Total 2141.91 1792.70 935.72 653.80 600.52 765.42 678.67 613.55 435.16 9199.69 8 393 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 V V V P P P P P P g g g g g g k k k k k k a a a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e e c c c c c c I I I I I I I I S. Unit cost/ E8 N9 N4 N14 E10 E14 N16 E6 N11 E8 No Item Lump sum Total . cost (Rs.) 106.4 Service tax @18% 385.54 322.69 168.43 117.68 108.09 137.78 122.16 110.44 78.33 1655.94 1 697.5 1104.1 Grand Total 2527.45 2115.39 771.48 708.61 903.20 800.83 723.99 513.49 10855.63 9 5 Say Rs. 108.55 Crores Note: # Cost per m3 is Rs. 84/-. (Page no. 39, AP Common SOR 2015-16) ## Cost for Removal of wet silt and sludge from sullage drains with aid of baskets and vessels. (Page no. 289 of SOR 2015-2016 GoAP) 394 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Budget under the purview of Amaravati Development Corporation (ADC): From Table -10.2, the budget components under the purview of ADC are component I – Construction cost which includes item 5 – Felling of Trees, component II - Green Initiatives/ Environmental Enhancement Measures which includes item 9 – Environmental Enhancement Measures and component III- Training programmes which includes item 10 – Training Programme Budget under the purview of Contractor/ Concessionaire: From Table -10.2, the budget component under the purview of Contractor/ Concessionaire is component I - Construction costs which includes items 1,2,3,4 & 6 – Energy efficient streetlight, Bio- toilets, Labor camps, Solid waste management & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Budget under the purview of Third party/ Project Management Consultant. From table 10.2, the component under the purview of Third party/ Project Management Consultant is component IV – Third party/ Project Management Consultant Environmental Quality Monitoring which includes item 11 – Environmental quality monitoring by Third Party/ Project Management Consultant (PMC) 395 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 11.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed construction of 4 lane/ 4 lane + 2 lane BRT roads in Capital City of Andhra Pradesh can harmonize with the surrounding environment with the following direct and indirect benefits. 1. The proposed roads will provide inter connectivity within the newly formed state capital of the Andhra Pradesh State and to the major National and State Highways. 2. To improve the economic and social welfare of nearby people. 3. There will be improvements of the economic growth in the surrounding places due to establishment of more industries, institutions, MNCs and other organizations. Environmental Improvement Measure Adopted in the project are: 1. During the construction phase of the project, air pollution will be increased due to various construction activities, movement of construction vehicles etc. and the same will be mitigated by sprinkling of water thrice in a day. An amount of Rs. 2.91 Crores provision is made in the EMP implementation budget to take care of this issue. 2. Avenue Plantation: There are two rows of avenue plants proposed along the roads as per IRC-SP-21: 2009. The avenue plants proposed to be planted in the project are about 88,973 nos. either side of the road. The avenue plants proposed are i.e., Ravi, Nalla tumma, Neem, Veduru, Nagajemudu, Mango, Teku, Maredu etc. The budget allocation for the avenue plantation is Rs. 8.89 Crores. 3. Median Plantation: Since the project is construction of four lane project median will be utilized. The median plantation is proposed in single/quadruple rows and the numbers of species proposed are 60,940 nos. The median plant proposed in the project are i.e., Bougainvillea, Nerium Oleander, Thevitia Nerifolia, Tabernaemontana Coronaria etc. The budget allocation for the median plantation is Rs. 2.13 Crores. 4. There are 356 nos. of RWH Pits are proposed either side of the road at an interval of 500m. The proposed RWHs are having dia. of 1.5 m with a depth of 3.8 m. The budget provision for the RWH structures are already made in the EMP and amount is estimated to be Rs. 0.53 Crores. 5. In the proposed project, there are two Thermal Power Station namely Narla Tatarao Thermal Power Station (NTTPS) and Kothagudem Thermal Power Station identified and which fall within 300 Km from the project corridor. Utilization of Fly Ash in the project has to be made at high embankments and approaches to major bridges as per the IRC SP:58 – 2001 and Fly ash Notification 2007 and the same shall also be put under the BoQs. 25% of earth required for filling has to be replaced with fly ash at high embankments and approaches to major bridges and the same shall also be estimated and put under the BoQs. As per the designs, the proposed pavement crust for all the 10 Priority roads is 1.115 m and the difference from ground level to FRL varies from 0.5 to 1.2 m. To achieve FRL, existing ground need to be cut to lay all the pavement crust in this regards embankment is not arrived in all the 10 Priority roads. It is not feasible to use fly ash in the 10 Priority roads without embankments. 6. The total budget for implementation of EMP during construction & operation phases of the project for items to be covered in BoQs is Rs. 66.98 Crores. 396 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 CHAPTER 12 DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANT ENGAGED 12.0 DISCLOSURE OF THE CONSULTANT ENGAGED Aarvee Associates is a premier, ISO 9001:2008 certified multi-disciplinary engineering consulting company, established in 1989 and based at Hyderabad in India. We have a pan-India presence, with branch offices in New Delhi, Ahmedabad and Bhubaneshwar, and project offices in all the major states across the country. We also have a wholly-owned Australian subsidiary, Aarvee Associates Pty Ltd, based at Brisbane, Queensland. In addition to over 1,000 successful assignments in India, we have carried out projects in Australia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Gabon, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Uganda. We have worked on projects funded by various international agencies including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Department for International Development (DFID), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). M/s. Aarvee Assocates Architects Engineers and Consultants Pvt., Ltd., Hyderabad is a Civil Engineering Consultancy accredited by QCI-NABET in their Vide letter no. NABET/EIA/SA091/254 Dated: 12th December 2013 for doing EIA and EMP Studies in “Highways, Railways, Transport terminals, and Mass Rapid Transport Systems Sector”. 397 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 REFERENCES • David L. Rowell: Soil science: methods and applications, 1994. Longman Scientific & Technical • Anderson, J.M., Ingram, J.S.I. (Eds.), 1993. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility: a Handbook of Methods. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. • Census, Government of India, 2011 • Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) Manual,1999; • Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India • Draft Detailed Master Plan of Capital City AMARAVATI – Prepared by Surbana Jurong Private Limited. • Ecological Impact Assessment Series, 2002, Central Pollution Control Board. • EIA & EMP of Amaravati Capital City, September 2015, TATA Consulting Engineers Limited. • EIA notification 2006, Ministry Of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. • Fly ash Notification, 2007, Ministry Of Environment, Forests and Climate Change • Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Ministry Of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. • Ground Water Brochure Guntur District, ANDHRA PRADESH, September 2013, Central • Ground Water Board, Ministry Of Water Resources • Guidelines for Capacity of urban roads in plain Areas by INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS, 1990 (IRC 106-1990) • Guidelines for Use of Flyash in Road Embankments (IRC:SP-58 2001), Indian Roads • Congress (IRC), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) • Guidelines for Water Quality Management, 2008, Central Pollution Control Board • , 100 years Cyclone Data , • Disaster Management Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh •, Indian Meteorological Department, Hyderabad Government of India • IS 10500, Drinking Water — Specification, Bureau of Indian Standards 2012 • IS: 2296; Surface Water Quality Standards, Bureau of Indian Standards, 1982 • Land Acquisition & Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act (LARRA), 2013, Government of India • Manual for Rain Water Harvesting; CPWD, 2012 • National Ambient Air Quality Standards, CPCB notification dated 18th November 2009 • Noise pollution (Regulation and control) Rules, 2000; Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1998. • American Public Health Association (APHA). • Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Ministry Of Environment, Forests •, US EPA document for estimating Fugitive Dust Emissions from Unpaved Roads (AP-42 Section 13) • IRC: SP:55-2014 (Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones) 398 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Annexure -I Road wise maps of Drainage Pattern are attached separately 399 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 ANNEXURE -II Estimation of mineral in proposed mining blocks for CRDA in Guntur S.No Mandel Village RS Total Tapped Un Appr.Oept• Of Estimated Quantity (Cum) Remarks NO. Extent Area Tapped Mining(m) (Acres) (Acres) Area Un Tapped Un Tapped (Acres) Total Tapped Area Tapped Area Area Area I GRAVEL 1 Tadepalli Penumaka 171 239.40 . 49.70 6.00 0.00 1206815 0 1206815 2 Mangalagiri Athmakuru 202/1 89.20 71.80 15.00 6.00 1.00 364230 300000 664230 3 Mangalagiri Bethapudi 390 26.86 5.00 5.00 6 .00 4.00 120000 75000 195000 4 Mangalagiri Bethapudi 327 31.25 5.00 5.00 6.00 2.00 120000 40000 160000 5 Amaravati Lemalle 33 8.39 . 7.00 6.00 0.00 198303 0 198303 Private Land 6 Amaravati Lemalle 47 2.19 . 1.70 6.00 0.00 48159 0 48159 7 Amaravati Endroy 228 12.09 Black Cotton Private Soil land 8 Amaravalt Endroy 215 10.00 . 10.00 6.00 0.00 240000 0 240000 Unsurveye d 9 Amaravat i Endroy 264 120(app . 10.00 6.00 0 240000 0 240000 Hill Unsurveye ) d Hill 10 Amaravati Endroy 9 4&96 13.00 . 13.00 6 .00 0 312000 0 312000 Total 32645 07 11 METAL l Mangalagiri Neerukonda 484 179.75 . 110.00 15.0 0 660000 0 6600000 Hill 0 0 2 Thuluru Ananthavaram 221 350.00 100.0 . 0 15.00 5400000 900000 6300000 Hill 0 Total 12900 000 Ill COLOR GRANITE 1 Thulluru Ananthavaram 221 350.00 33.00 . 0 . 600000 100000 700000 Hill 400 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Masshaul diagram for Amaravati Capital City -· · ·. · ··-i: "· - · ···"" '" !IM · Fl(1'11 ... --- ., ,. .... ·- • - . ...... - ""'" "' 401 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Annexure III Environmental Baseline Map of 10 Priority Roads is attached separately 402 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Annexure – IV Proceedings & Minutes of Meetings for the Public Consultation Meetings Conducted from 19 to 22 July 2017 at Navalluru, Abbarajupalem, Thulluru, Ananthavarm, Rayapudi, Penumaka and Yerrabalem Villages of Guntur District District : Guntur Date : 19.07.2017 to 22.07.2017 Locality : Amaravati Time : 10:00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. Municipality / Amaravati Venue : Navalluru, Abbarajupalem, Corporation Thulluru, Ananthavaram, Rayapudi, Penumaka and Yerrabalem. Sub-project : Public Consultation on Draft EA Duration : 2.00 hrs. / 2.30 hrs at & EMP Reports for 7 Priority each place Roads & 11 Roads. I. Participants 1. At each village between 15 to 25 members Consisting of: a. farmers who have - participated in LPS, Focused Group i.e., affected by land acquisition, affected by roads passing through their sites in village sites b. Main representatives from associations / NGOs c. Public Representatives d. Aarvee Associates e. Representatives from Print and Electronic Media. 2. Line department officials: 6 Competent Authorities from revenue units, Officials of - CRDA, ADC, Urban Development, etc. 3. Observers: Sr. Social Expert from The World Bank The participants included women representatives as well. The list of Public Consultation participants consisting of name, mobile number and signature are filed in the Project dossiers and can be accessed by interested stakeholders. 403 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 II. Introduction Draft Environmental Assessment & Environmental Management Plan (EA-EMP) reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads were prepared and disclosed at various villages and on the website of CRDA under the World Bank supported “Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP)” section. Comments and suggestions on the draft documents were invited. The public consultations on Draft EA-EMP reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads are conducted for accomplishing wider awareness, share contents of the documents and seek feedback from the participants leading to finalization of the documents and adopting for the Bank supported project - ASCCDP. The details of the Public Consultations carried out are given below: S.No. Date Name of the Village Duration (hrs.) 1 19.07.2017 Navalluru Village 2.30 (Hrs. 10.00 to 12.30 ) 2 19.07.2017 Abbarajupalem 2.00 (Hrs. 14.00 to 16.00 ) 3 19.07.2017 Thulluru 2.00 (Hrs. 16.30 to 18.30 ) 4 20.07.2017 Ananthavaram 2.30 (Hrs. 11.00 to 13.30 ) 5 20.07.2017 Rayapudi 2.00 (Hrs. 14.30 to 16.30 ) 6 21.07.2017 Penumaka 2.00 (Hrs. 17.00 to 19.00 ) 7 22.07.2017 Yerrabalem 2.00 (Hrs. 11.00 to 13.00 ) Mr. J.S.R.K. Sastry, Director-Strategy of APCRDA chaired the Public Consultations and briefed the agenda of Consultations at each village and encouraged participants to voice their feedback after a brief presentation on Draft EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads for addressing them and incorporating the same into EA-EMP reports duly adopting the World Bank norms. 404 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 III. Public Suggestions and Feedback Public consultations were held with large number of people in villages of Amaravati i.e., Navalluru, Abbarajupalem, Thulluru, Ananthavaram, Rayapudi, Penumaka and Yerrabalem affected villages, the suggestions and comments of public related to the Environment have been incorporated in the EA & EMP Report. Village wise objections and suggestions received during Public Consultatons are given below: Village wise objections and suggestions received during Public Consultations Vs Technical Committee Recommendations Name of the Objections / Suggestions Technical Committee Village(s) Recommendations Extension of the E14 road till NH-5 Highway The roads are proposed duly adopting the Master Navalluru (Vijayawada - Guntur) for the better Plan and E14 is ending near Railway line and not connectivity. feasible to extend under this project. The locations such as Nagamayyaputta These locations are already noted and adequate temple, Government Elementry school and mitigation measures will be suggested in the EA Masjid are near to E14 Road. &EMP Report. Along the E14 Road, there are few houses Full acquisition will be done and the compensation are partially falling and how the compensation will be made accordingly. will be made to them. How the compensation will be made for some Compensation will be made to them as per the of the houses falling under non patta lands of Government norms. E14 Road. Abbarajupalem How the compensation will be made for Compensation will be made to them as per the Isolated house is present outside the village Government norms. Traffic Congestion will raise during Adequate provisions for diversion of the traffic construction phase of the project will affect without affecting the local traffic will be made by the movement of the villagers the contractor and the same is also put under the contractor conditions. Are there any provisions from the In the capital city region, Government is giving Government for assistance in development of special loan assistance upto 25 lakhs without the domestic dairy farms? interest for the development of the domestic/ household/ small scale industries. There are some trees such as vepa, thumma, Avenue & median plantation is proposed duly chinta are cutting in the proposed projects. adopting IRC SP 21-2009: Guidelines on How will you compensate the same? Landscaping and Tree Plantation in the proposed project. Plots allocated to us are having Thulluru Lift Action will be taken by the AP CRDA after having Irrigation pipeline underneath. When will you consultation with Minor Irrigation Department. remove the same?. Construction jobs shall be allocated to the ADC/ AP CRDA is going for National Competitive locals or Prioritization for petty labour Bidding process. The successful bidders will be contracts in the construction of the road shall mandated to employ locals as per contract. be given to the locals. Site clearance for the proposed road activities Adequate mitigation measures already are obstructing the existing suggested in EMP and the same will be 405 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of the Objections / Suggestions Technical Committee Village(s) Recommendations Thulluru peramvagu and other streams around the asked to strictly implemented by the Contractors. Thulluru. Are there any provisions from the In the capital city region, Government is giving Government for assistance in special loan assistance upto 25 lakhs without development of livelihood of women interest for the development of the and household petty works? domestic/household/smallscale industries. Heavy vehicle movement is damaging the Adequate maintenance of the existing road will be roads around the Thulluru and traffic taken care by AP CRDA /ADC. Provisions for congestion may be more during construction diversion of the traffic without affecting the local phase of the roads. traffic will be made by the contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions. Houses falling under Project will be As per the guidelines of the AP CRDA, the time vacated after construction of the new house duration of 6 months will be given to the owners only. for the construction of the new houses or equivalent amount of rent will be paid to them. In case project affected persons want more time they can request the AP CRDA during negotiation process. Ananthavaram Considerably traffic around the village is Adequate maintenance of the existing road will be increased and damaging the roads and taken care by AP CRDA /ADC. Provisions for obstructing the movement of vehicles diversion of the traffic without affecting the local temporarily. traffic will be made by the Contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions. Dust pollution issue is raising day by day in Adequate environmental mitigation measures are all the roads leading to Village. already suggested in EMP with budgetary provisions to take care of the construction phase of Roads project. For project Affected Persons (House As per the guidelines of the AP CRDA, the time loosers) Rental Allowance for Rs.5000/- shall duration for 6 months will be given to the owners be given for eight months instead of six for the construction of the new houses or months. equivalent amount of rent will be paid to them. In case project affected persons want more time and compensation, they can request the AP CRDA during negotiation process. Government is organizing Skill Development Government is organizing the Skill Developmental activities for the people of Capital City and activities i.e., sewing,jute bag manufacturing, after the completion of the same will they car driving, mobile repairs, computer courses provide any financial assistance. horticulture, poultry forms development etc. In the capital city Government is giving special loan assistance upto 25 lakhs without interest for the development of the domestic/household/small scale industries. Kalpana fabrics representation to the AP The point was noted and the same will be brought CRDA is discussed to the notice of higher officials of AP CRDA/ADC. Health schemes offered by the Government The same will be brought to the notice of the AP are not covered for all the diseases. It would CRDA/ADC higher officials. be better that a 406 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Name of the Objections / Suggestions Technical Committee Village(s) Recommendations Rayapudi corporate level Multi-specialty hospital to be established within the Capital City Region. Plantation shall be removed where-ever the The plantation is being removed on the proposed developmental activity is proposed instead of developmental activities i,e., Roads, Govt. clearing all. Buildings, institutions etc. There is no plantation removed other than developmental area. Sand tippers/ heavy vehicles are disturbing Provisions for diversion of the traffic without the vehicle movement of the villagers. affecting the local traffic will be made by the Contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions of 7 & 11 Roads projects. Penumaka As of now dust pollution is very less. During The provision for the water sprinkling in construction of the roads adequate measures construction of Roads is already made in the EA & to be taken. EMP Report with budgetary provision as well as enforcing the same in Contractor conditions. Hence, the issue will be taken care. Majority of the group members raised the The same will be brought to the notice of the AP issue that the education fees reimbursement CRDA/ADC higher officials. is not yet started. They are expecting it to be started so that they will be benefited. Majority expressed that some the people At Skill Development Centre training will be given participated in the Skill development on i.e., sewing, jute bag manufacturing, car programme but the opportunities they got are driving, mobile repairs, computer courses not as per the training received. horticulture, poultry forms development etc. However, the trained applicants have to be worked as per the requirements of the Employer. Villagers are Demanding for a corporate The same will be brought to the notice of the AP hospital in their area and the provision to CRDA/ADC higher officials. accept this health card will be of great help. Yerrabalem Majority said that the existing fees The same will be brought to the notice of the AP reimbursement can be extended to KL CRDA/ADC higher officials. University Regarding skill development center, some people already undergone training in Nowluru-1 training center. About 20 to 30 women participated in Job mela and 3 got employment. Some of the farmers constructed their houses The same will be brought to the notice of the AP with building permission/approvals. Now they CRDA/ADC higher officials. realized that they need to get permission and requested AP CRDA for the exemption. Mr. R Sambasiva Rao said that no water The provision for the water sprinkling in bodies are affected because of the roads construction of 7 & 11 Roads is already made in project and the present pollution levels are the `EA & EMP Report with budgetary provision as too low. However, During the construction well as enforcing the same in Contractor phase of the road project dust pollution may conditions. Hence, the issue will be taken care. arise. Traffic Management to be taken care during Provisions for diversion of the traffic without the construction of the roads project. affecting the local traffic will be made by the Contractor and the same is also put under the Contract conditions of 7 & 11 Roads projects. IV. Closing Remarks The Public Consultations concluded with the receipt and acknowledgement of the comments and views expressed by the participants for which suitable measures will be taken to resolve in the context of the EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads documents. 407 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Those issues which are outside the scope of the EA-EMP documents have been compiled and circulated to the respective authorities for taking necessary further steps. 408 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 1. Attendance Sheet and Photos Report of Public Consultation - Navalluru Village 409 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Navvaluru Village 410 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 2. Attendance Sheet and Photos Report of Public Consultations - Abbarajupalem Village 411 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Abbarajupalem Village 412 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 3. Attendance Sheet and Photos Report of Public Consultations – Thulluru Village 413 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Thulluru Village 414 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 4. Attendance Sheet and Photo Report of Public Consultations - Ananthavaram Village 415 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Date: 20/07/2017 Village - Anantavaram (APCRDA Office) SI. No Designation Signatur e I.. 416 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Ananthavaram Village 417 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 5. Attendance Sheet and Photos Report of Public Consultation - Rayapudi Village 418 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Rayapudi Village 419 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 6. Photo Report and Attendance sheet of Public Consultations - Penumaka Village 420 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Penumaka Village 421 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 7. Photo Report and Attendance sheet of Public Consultation - Yerrabalem Village 422 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Public Consultation Photos - Yerrabalem Village 423 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Local News Paper Coverage on 20.07.2017 (Andhra Jyothi) 424 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Proceedings and Minutes of the Stake Holders Meeting on 4th of April 2017 at AP CRDA Office, Thulluru, Guntur District D strict Guntur Date 04.04.2017 LQC(llity Andhra Pradesh Capital City Time 11:00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m. Region Municipality/ AP CRDA &ADC Venue AP CRDA Conference Hall, Corporation Thulluru. Sub-project Public Consultation on Draft EA & Duration 3.00 hrs. EMP Reports for 7 Priority Roads & 11 Roads. I. Participants 1. 32 members Consisting of a. farmers who have participated in LPS, affected by land acquisition, affected by roads passing thro ugh t heir sites in village sites b. main representatives from associations / NGOs - i. Rajadhani Rytu Parirakshana Sam iti ii. Thullur Educational So ci ety c. Public Representatives d. Aarvee Associat es e. Representatives from Print and Elect ronic Media 2. Line department officials: 16 Competent Autho rit ies fr om revenue unit s, Officials of - CRDA, ADC, PHED, I rr igat ion, Urban Development, Forest s, etc. 3. Observers: Sr.Environmental Expert from The World Bank The participants included women representa ti ves as well. The list of Public Consu ltat ion part icipants cons isting of name, mobile number and signature are filed in the Project dossiers and can be accessed by interested stakeholders. 425 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 II. Introd uctio n Draft Environmental Assessment & Environmental Management Plan (EA- EMP) reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads were prepared and disclosed on 04-03- 2017 on the website of CRDA under the World Bank supported "Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project (ASCCDP)" section. The public is notified through public notice on news. Comments and suggestions on the draft documents were invited. The public consultation Workshop on Draft EA-EMP reports for 7 & 11 Priority Roads is conducted on 04-04-2017 for accomplishing wider awareness, share contents of the documents and seek feedback from the participants leading to finalization of the documents and adopting for the Bank supported project - ASCCDP. A Public Notice in both Telugu and Englis h was published well before the workshop date and wide publicity was undertaken within the capital city about the workshop by CRDA. B.L. Chennakesava Rao, Director-Lands of APCRDA chaired the workshop and welcomed all the participants. J.S.R.K. Sastry, Director-Strategy of APCRDA briefed the day's agenda of workshop and encouraged participants to voice their feedback after a brief presentation on Draft EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads for addressing them and incorporating the same into EA- EMPreports duly adopting the World Bank norms. III. Public Suggestions and Feedback The following participants voiced their suggestions during the consultation workshop which are summarized below. Detailed speaker-wise record of discussions is available with APCRDA/Aarvee project file. 1. K. Panakala Reddy, Penumaka, 2. Mr. Dhanekula Ramarao, Nelapadu, 3. Mr. Ponnakonda Srinivasa Rao, Thullur, 4. Mr. P. Surendra Babu, Thullur, 5. Mr. Nutalapati Sivaramakrishna, Thullur 6. Mr. Kambampati Balakrishna, Thullur, 7. Mr. Lanka Sudhakar, Venkatayapalem, 8. Mr. Jonnalagadda Venkateswara Rao, Thullur Education Society, 9. Mr. Ganesh, Abbarajupalem, 10. Mr. Gantapati Narasimha Rao, Krishnayapalem. In addition, a few other speakers briefly spoken on this issue. Issue - wise suggestio ns / fe edback is precisely minuted below: A. Environmental 1. Due to road construction water flow to the existing ponds willbe stopped and tanks will not be filled. Due to this ground water level will be reduced after certain period and necessary mitigation measures to be adopted during the design stage and ensure better water storage/supply. 2. Requested to check the idea of planting the saplings before commencement of construction activity. Requested for affected trees transplantation. Suggested to encourage citizen participation in every village in maintenance 426 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 of avenue plantation. 3. Existing Land use pattern- Showed that agricultural area as %. Shall be reworked. CRDA suggested to consider the project area as vacant land as the land was already acquired by CRDA under Land Pooling scheme two years before the study period. 4. Blue Bull animal. Need to remove blue bull from flora and fauna para. 5. Monitoring of Air pollution. Mr J.S.R.K. Sastry suggested to incorporate the method followed, sampling protocol, transportation method, accreditation lab details etc. Limitations and assumptions to be discussed. Suggested to consider other than the vehicular pollution in the capital city area. 6. Impact on water spread area. Suggested to categorize the water spread area as natural, and manmade ponds separately with usage and depth. 7. Avenue plantation - Suggested to provide more no of plants inconsideration with Forest Department Guidelines. 8. Monitoring of Air, Water Noise quality, baseline data. Suggested to monitor the pre-monsoon at sample locations (approx. 10 locations) and analyse in capital city area. 9. Water spread area for 11 roads need to be corrected. Suggested to categorize natural, manmade ponds area and need to discuss road wise ponds, tanks etc. 10. Need to show the water flow details to existing ponds and restoration plan of ground water levels in the ponds. Suggested to show the water flow details to existing ponds in maps and discuss the restoration mechanism of ground water levels in pond areas especia,ll y Thulluru tank and Chakalicheruvu tank areas. 11. Need to discuss major challenges faced during preparation of EIA B. Engineering 1. Requested for extension of E-6 road from Thulluru to Nelapadu for a length of 2.10 km. 2. Impact on irrigation tanks should be minimal and suggested to conduct the consultations during design prepa,r ation to avoid irrigation tanks, provision of under passes and service road 3. Need to provide underpasses whenever crossing is required. To continue the access to the existing road network to the villages, they are requested to construct the underpasses as priority. C. Social 1. Thullur education society school will be affected due to proposed N-14 road. Requested to avoid the education centre. 2. Replacement cost for the affected structures. Requested for more compensation. 3. Need to discuss the project benefits and suggested to discuss the project benefits such as social, economic growth and population will be benefited etc., by each road for every 10 years. 427 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 IV. Closing Remarks The consultation workshop concluded with the receipt and acknowledgement of the comments and views expressed by the participants for which suitable measures will be taken to resolve in the context of the EA-EMP reports of 7 & 11 Priority Roads documents. Those issues which are outside the scope of the EA-EMP documents have been compiled and circulated to the respective authorities for taking necessary further steps. Further it is intimated that feedback by email or telephone to APCRDA or Aarvee is also accepted till 15th April 2017. Respective contacts were shared during the end of presentation. 428 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Photo Report of consultation workshop Photographs Showing Briefing of the Agenda of meeting and EA&EMP Report 429 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Photographs Showing the Issues Raised by Public 430 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Invitation for attending meeting (Telugu & English Notice) 431 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Local News Paper Coverage on 05.04.2017 (Andhra Jyothi & Eenadu) 432 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Details of Participants Attended the Public Consultation Workshop 433 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 434 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 435 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 ANNEXURE -V Road wise maps for Corridor of Impact (CoI) are attached separately 436 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 ANNEXURE -VI ENVIRONMENTAL FORMATS - TO BE ADOPTED DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE 437 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM 1 DETAILS OF BATCHING PLANT (To be filled by the Contractor) Name of Location Report for Batching Plant Reporting Month…………………….. Date of Submission…………………... 1. Environment Features of the surrounding area 1.1 Name and Location of Batching Plant 1.2 Wind Direction 1.3 Name (s), distance population and type of settlements in a 1.5km radius of site 2. Details of Batching Plant and Mitigation Measures taken 2.1 Installed Capacity 2.2 Average Utilization 2.3 Last Maintenance date 3. Explain Air Pollution and Noise Pollution Control Measures taken at the Batching Plant site Remark Submitted Checked Approved Signature Signature Signature Name Name Name Designation Contractor Environmental Engineer of In-charge Officer (ASCCDP) Construction Supervision Consultant 438 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-2 DETAILS OF MUCK DUMPING OPERATIONS (To be filled by the Contractor) Dumping site location _ Reporting Month…………………….. Date of Submission …………………. 1. Environment Features of the surrounding area 1.1 Location of Dumping site 1.2 Capacity of Dumping Site 1.3 Safety Measure taken at Dumping (s) 1. 2. 3. 4. Remark Submitted Checked Approved Signature Signature Signature Name Name Name Designation Contractor Environmental Engineer of In-charge Officer (ASCCDP) Construction Supervision Consultant 439 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-3 DETAILS OF MACHINERY DURING CONSTRUCTION (To be filled Monthly by the Contractor) Location Name Reporting Month…………………….. Date of Submission ………………….. 1. Details of Machinery Operation 1.1 Total No. of Machinery in Operation (Nos.) 1.2 Number of pavers 1.3 Number of Rollers 1.4 Number of Excavators 1.5 Number of Graders 1.6 Number of Dumpers 1.7 Number of Cranes 1.8 No. of workshops with repairs facility (furnish location and Workshop on Facility Location type of facility provided) Provided 1.9 Number of vehicles in repair at each location 1.10 Details of waste disposal 1.11 Others Remark Submitted Checked Approved Signature Signature Signature Name Name Name Designation Contractor Environmental Engineer of In-charge Officer (ASCCDP) Construction Supervision Consultant 440 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-4 POLLUTION MONITORING Construction site location _ Construction Stage: Report − Date: Month Year Mitigation measures suggested in last report complied or Not………………………………………………… If not reasons thereof……………………………………………………………………….…………………… (Location at which monitoring to be conducted as per EMP) Sl. No. Chainage Details of Duration of Instrument Completion Monitoring Standards Results Reasons for Mitigation Type of area Remark (km) monitoring s used Parameters exceeding Measures (Residential / standards suggested Industrial / Commercial) 1. Air Monitoring (As per National Ambient Air Quality Standards, CPCB (2009) As per As per PM2.5 60 µgƒm3 PM10 100 µgƒm3 Engineer in SO2 80 µgƒm3 Charge CO 02 mgƒm3 NOx 80 µgƒm3 2. Water Monitoring (As per Drinking Water Quality Standards, IS 10500, 2012) As per As per pH 6.5−8.5 Section 8.1 BOD Nil Charge COD Nil TDS 500 mgƒl 441 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Sl. No. Chainage Details of Duration of Instrument Completion Monitoring Standards Results Reasons for Mitigation Type of area Remark (km) monitoring s used Parameters exceeding Measures (Residential / standards suggested Industrial / Commercial) Chlorides 250 mgƒl Nitrates 45 mgƒl Sulphates 200 mgƒl Iron 0.3 mgƒl Calcium 75 mgƒl Lead 0.01 mgƒl 3. Soil Monitoring As per As per pH <7.0 Acid decision of Section 8.1 6.5−7.5 Neutral Engineer in Organic 0.5 −0.75 % Charge Matter Sodium 0−1 % Potassium 2−6 % Chloride 0−1 % Available 280−560 442 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Sl. No. Chainage Details of Duration of Instrument Completion Monitoring Standards Results Reasons for Mitigation Type of area Remark (km) monitoring s used Parameters exceeding Measures (Residential / standards suggested Industrial / Commercial) Nitrogen Phosphorou s 11.5 − 24.5 kgƒhac Arsenic < 20 mgƒkg Cadmium < 1 mgƒkg Mercury < 1 mgƒkg Lead < 35 mgƒkg 0.0−2.0 Electric NonSaline Conductivity 4.1−8.0 Saline 4. Noise Monitoring (As per National Ambient Noise Standards, CPCB As per As per Lday Residential−55 decision of Section 8.1 dB(A) Engineer in Commercial− Charge Lnight Residential−45 dB(A) 55 dB(A) Remark Submitted Checked Approved Signature ……………… Signature ………………….. Signature ………………… Name …………………. Name ……………………… Name …………………….. Designation ………….. Environmental Engineer of In-charge Officer Contractor Construction Supervision Consultant 443 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-5 RESTORATION OF CONSTRUCTION SITES (To be filled by the Contractor) Construction site location (Reporting by Contractor to ASCCDP) Construction stage: Monthly Report – Date ………Month ………Year. Sl. Contract Labor Construction Plant Disposal Top Soil No. Package Camp Site Locations Camp O R O R O R O R Preserved Restored Remark: Submitted Checked Approved Signature ……………… Signature ………………….. Signature ………………… Name …………………. Name ……………………… Name …………………….. Designation ………….. Designation ……………….. Designation ……………… Contractor Environmental engineer (PMC) In-charge Officer (ASCCDP) 444 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-6 FORMAT FOR KEEPING RECORDS OF CONSENT OBTAINED BY CONTRACTOR Construction site location Construction Stage: Report – Date: Month Year Sl. Contractor’s Applicable Obtained Valid Acts on up to No. Name Clearance Agencies Remarks CONSTRUCTION SITE LOCATION Remarks: Submitted Checked Approved Signature ……………… Signature ………………….. Signature ………………… Name …………………. Name ……………………… Name …………………….. Designation ………….. Designation ……………….. Designation ……………… Contractor Environmental engineer (PMC) In-charge Officer (ASCCDP) 445 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-7 CHECKLIST FOR ENVIRONMENT INSPECTION (Points / Issues to be covered) Construction site location Date of Inspection Environmental Management Plan Measures Item Task Yes/No Remarks 1 Provision of a personnel accountable for implementation of EMP Measures with Contractor 2 Consent of APPCB to Establish Batching Plant 3 Consent of APPCB to operate Batching Plant 4 Compliance of APPCB Conditions for Batching Plant installation and operation 5 Whether compliance reported through monthly Progress report to In-Charge (ASCCDP) 6 PUC taken for all Construction vehicles 7 Concrete platform with trap under bitumen boiler, Fuel Tank for Batching Plant and generator set provided or not 8 Precautions to prevent contamination of soil by emulsion, oil and lubricant taken while storing 9 Providing cover to fine construction material & bituminous mix during transportation 10 Muck /debris disposal: a) Present status of land b) Closure and completion plan 11 Site specific traffic Safety management Plan: a) Contractor installed the warning / regulatory Traffic signs at the construction site b) The arrangement adequate 12 Safety equipment i.e helmet, gloves, gumboot, mask, earplugs etc. provided to workers 446 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 13 Health Facility at camp and work site i.e. First Aid kit & suitable vehicle for conveyance in case of emergency / accident 14 Permit for Procuring River sand 15 Licence from Department of mines for quarrying 16 Consent to establish / operation of crusher 17 Provision of labour camp with sanitation & potable water 18 Fire precautions at Plant and site Office 19 Air and noise monitoring done in camp site 20 Whether any cultural property is being impacted 21 Status of drainage provision in camp area 22 General House Keeping Remarks:…………………………………………………………….. Submitted Checked Approved Signature ……………… Signature ………………….. Signature ………… Name …………………. Name ……………………… Name……………….. Designation ………….. Designation ……………….. Designation ………… Contractor Environmental engineer In-charge Officer (ASCCDP) of Construction Supervision Consultant 447 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 FORM-8 ENVIRONMENT SUMMARY SHEET (To be filled monthly by supervisory staff and Submitted to APCRDA/ADC) Construction site location Month Date Sl Description Yes/No Remarks No. 1 NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE A Cement Batching Plant Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 2 POLLUTION UNDER CERTIFICATE Vehicles Machineries 3 No Objection Certificate for Diesel Gen set Location 1 Location 2 4 Labour Camps No. of sites Identified Approved Opened Conforms to conditions imposed at the time of opening of sites 448 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Closed 5 WORKERS No of workers employed No of male workers No of female workers No of day workers 6 Borrow Area No. of sites identified Approved Opened Quantity of available material Quantity of material Utilized Quantity of Topsoil preserved Quantity of top soil used No of sites closed No. of sites Rehabilitated 7 Quarry No. of sites identified Approved Opened Material available Material obtained No. of sites Rehabilitated 8 Disposal Locations No. of sites identified Approved Opened Amount of Waste disposed 449 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Type of waste disposed No. of sites Rehabilitated 9 Road Safety Road Safety norms and approved Traffic plan 1 Cleaning of Culvert/ drains 0 No. of culverts/ drains Nos Cleaned 11 Trees No of trees marked for cutting in field No of trees cut No of trees to be Planted Trees Planted 12 Haulage Roads Adequacy of maintenance of Haulage Road Network Remarks:…………………………………………………. Submitted Checked Approved Signature …………… Signature ………………….. Signature ………………… Name ……………… Name ……………………… Name …………………….. Designation …………. Designation ……………….. Designation ……………… Contractor Environmental Engineer (ADC) Independent Engineer 450 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 ANNEXURE VII Conclusions & Recommendations from Ex-Post Audit on EMP Implementation The Ex-Post Audit is conducted during January – February 2018 by M/s. Centre for Environment Development. The audit findings regarding implementation of EMP in under construction 10 sub-arterial roads, suggested interventions and time-bound action plan for effective implementation of EMP are submitted vide its report dt. March 20182. The Audit concluded that “The Audit Team verified the actions and provisions in EMP, whether implemented in a manner expected till date and found them to have been complied as noted above, and suggested that additional measures may be taken - licenses awaited to be obtained quickly. Others include Lake rejuvenation works, improve income opportunities by offering greening works, vagu cleaning, C&D waste management fly-ash use, diversion of trucks (accomplished), quarry site management plan, enhanced road signage, PPE awareness, establishment of environmental social management cell, GRC strengthening.” The outcome of the Ex-Post Audit categorized as per EMP - with findings, suggested interventions for improvement with indicative target timelines is summarized hereunder: 1. Regulatory compliances such as Consent to Establish (CTE), Consent to Operate (CTO), Authorization for storage of hazardous waste are obtained by 2 contractors and the remaining are awaiting the consents. Labour license, first-aid boxes, wages registers are complied by all contractors. 3 contractors are conducting Environmental Monitoring Testing and have obtained PUC Certificates for construction vehicles while the others are in progress. It is recommended that the pending compliances are completed by March / April 2018. A full list of regulatory compliances is presented in Appendix VII of the Ex-Post Audit Report. 2. It is noted that NGT as such did not issue any specific direction in respect of construction of roads and recommended establishment of two Committees to monitor compliance with the EIA clearance conditions and directions from time to time. APCRDA compliance monitoring Team may consider synchronizing their reporting formats with the World Bank's formats for optimization. In addition, fortnightly reviews are recommended to take stock of regulatory compliances in respect of NGT and EC. 3. Retaining and improvement of water bodies in study Area may be given priority as per EC and NGT conditions, not only to ensure ground water recharge, but also for biodiversity and aesthetic value. 4. It is observed that in case of Kondaveeti Vaagu, all the proposed bridges are at a side, without blocking flows. Kondaveeti Vaagu is full of duckweed at stretches, which is effectively reducing the cross section of the existing Vaagu. Therefore, till storm water network including navigation channels are in place, it is recommended to clear the cross section of existing 2 Copy of the Ex-Post Audit Report is available in project files. 451 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 Kondaveeti Vaagu before monsoon, to avoid inundation which might affect the roads project. 5. Bridges are considered in case of Kondaveeti Vaagu and Pala Vaagu crossings. In case of ponds/water tanks through which roads are passing, due to economic reasons, instead of bridges considered only road with a provision of box culverts/pipes to balance flow on either sides of the Road. As a result, affected water tanks/ponds are having temporary bunds and portion on road alignment is getting dried. There is a temporary impact due to the roads construction across the ponds, therefore, if costs are a prohibition for having bridges, atleast 1/3rd of the length of the road stretch over the affected water tanks may be provided with passage, for maintaining ecological balance. 6. The ground water use for construction purposes is banned in Andhra Pradesh. Therefore, contractors are to rely on surface waters from the nearby lakes/water from the Krishna River for their works. The existing agricultural bore wells use during summer requires regular monitoring. 7. Construction and demolition waste is intended to be dumped at identified low lying areas as per EMP. APCRDA shall consider establishing C&D waste processing facility, for recovery and recycling of resource material in building the capital city. The timelines may synchronize with proposed demolition activity of the houses falling on the proposed 10 sub-arterial roads. 8. Sensitive receptors such as legislative Assembly, church, temple, schools, and human settlements just adjacent to the right of way (RoW) require special considerations in designing the noise barriers, as two lanes of tree plantation may not be able to give required attenuation. Considering physical noise barrier up to 2.5 m height at these sensitive stretches besides additional lines of tree plantation may be required. (Target: May 2018) 9. It has been reported that 8-12 feet tall plants are proposed to be planted all along the roads on both sides. As dust fall could affect the survival of the plants, the plantation is scheduled to commence once the roads are nearing completion. It has been reported that a separate nursery is being maintained for the plants, which would supply required plants, under the supervision of Forest Department. It is recommended to plant native species as far as possible. (Ongoing activity) 10. Huge number of trucks movement through the existing settlements and adjacent to the cash crops such as tobacco is a concern due to air pollution and noise. Alternative routes avoiding villages are to be explored. (Task completed, as at the time of drafting this report, it is reported that alternate routes avoiding villages are identified and are used by contractors.) 11. As per Master Plan, navigation channel is to be laid, and Pala Vaagu is also to be made a channel with increased size to accommodate the storm water relief. If storm water channel works and road works time lines are synchronized, material transportation costs can be optimized and resources can be effectively utilized. 12. Quarrying site near Ananthavaram, is relatively barren land having no known sensitive receptors than the visitors to the Balaji temple (on the hill). As such, it is given to understand that a large water reservoir with park is planned in rehabilitation of the site after use. A detailed quarry management and redevelopment plan is to be developed by ADCL and put it in place for restoration. (Target: October 2018) 452 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 13. As per the MoEF&CC, Government of India, fly ash available in thermal power plants within the vicinity, shall be utilized in infrastructure projects including road embankments having more than 3 m height. Till now, fly ash is not utilized in roads project, as most of its stretch gets exempted from 3m height of the road condition. However, exemption from fly-ash utilization requires following a procedure that may be initiated. Distance from VTPS, travel route, traffic congestion, and associated pollution problems are a concern for transportation of fly ash from VTPS. Alternatives such as barges use on the river, or other suitable mechanism need to be explored to avail this resource, without significant ecological impact, on priority, keeping the spirit of MoEF&CC Notification. (Target: April 2018) 14. The contractors have established construction camps while formal lay out approvals are in process. 15. All the contractors are sourcing the quarrying material from licensed quarries only. It is recommended to periodically review the license status. 16. Package I, II, III and IV contractors have complied with gaseous emission requirements while the others are in process of compliance. 17. It is observed that material delivering vehicles are not covered and therefore, it is recommended to periodically take up water sprinkling. 18. At the camp sites it is observed that sanitation facilities are in place and during the audit team interactions, no complaints were received from workers on sanitation. As a good practice the sanitation facilities may be continually improved. 19. It is observed that road signs and other safety measures are in place, the PMC may intervene and ensure improvement. 20. It is observed that at camp sites waste waters are not discharged into water bodies. The water logging observed at one of the wet mix plants shall be attended to, immediately. PMC shall suggest location specific improvement plans. 21. The workers’ safety through PPEs and periodic health check -ups, regular awareness training sessions shall be treated with high importance. 22. While it is observed that package I contractor is supplying packaged food to the workers, other contractors may be encouraged to do the same or provide LPG to make available the fuel. 23. It is observed that the project works are far away from the forests and no camps are located in forest areas. 24. Rain water harvesting pits are recommended to be established before monsoon duly studying the feasibility with respect to stage of roads. 25. It is observed that the construction works are not leading to any issues related to – fear of uncertainties regarding future, loss of access, or pressure on existing infrastructure due to labour camp – as the RAP provisions are being simultaneously implemented. 26. It is recommended to strengthen "Environmental and Social Management Cell" with dedicated (not additional charge) and competent Lead Environmental Specialist and dedicated Social Specialist with supporting Team; and Lead Specialists should directly report to the Head of the Authority. Similar dedicated positions are to be created in ADCL with supporting Team and reporting mechanism, for effective implementation of EMP and RAP in order to achieve sustainable development and inclusive growth. 453 Preparation of Smart Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan Environmental Assessment & Environmental and Detailed Project Reports for Phase-I Infrastructure Management Plan for 10 Priority Roads – E8, works for/at Amaravati City N9, N4, N14, E10, E14, N16, E6, N11 & E12 27. While the GRM and existing systems are addressing the grievances, it may be further strengthened through GRC and Citizens Committee with exclusive focus on EMP implementation grievances. 28. While a day-to-day review of EMP implementation shall be carried out by PMC / ADCL a half-yearly audit may be taken up by external agency. 454