tLX UBLS - L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- EL. I. .. A t00 Michael Walsh X M*. o ,og Towud UX'kM U -d- t4 Low; suS i 1. It^,1f;= s ] Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program CLEAN FUELS FOR ASIA TECHNICAL OPTIONS FOR MOVING TOWARD UNLEADED GASOLINE AND LOW-SULFUR DIESEL PREPARED BY: MICHAEL P. WALSH AND JITENDRA J. SHAH THE WORLD BANK WASHINGTON, DC © 1997 The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First printing July 1997 The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this study are entirely those of the au- thors of the study, and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of its use. The cover design is by Beni Chibber-Rao, Graphic and Map Design Section, General Services Department, The World Bank. The layout is by Julia Lutz, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Asia Technical De- partment, The World Bank. TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ... ........................................................ Vii PARTNERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ............... ..... .........................................X... ...... ix ABBREvIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................. ....................................................... xi EXECUTIV SUMMARY .................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 1A:INTRODUCTION ................................................................... ................. 3 BACKGROUND ........................................................... 3 THE Ant QUALITY SiTuAnoN IN ASIA .................................................................... 3 Bangkok, Thailand ............................................................... 3 Beiing, China ............................................................... 4 Ho ChiMinh City, Vietnam ............................................................... 4 Hong Kong, China ............................................................... 4 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ............................................................... 4 Manila, the Philippines ............................................................... 4 Jakarta, Indonesia ............................................................... 4 Mumbai, India ............................................................... 5 Kathmandu, Nepal ............................................................... 5 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................... 5 ENDNOTES ........................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: GASOLINE ................................................................... .................... .... 7 TE BENEFITS OF REDUCING LEAD IN GASOLINE ........................................................... 7 Reduced Lead Health Risks .............. .................................................. 8 Reduced Vehicle Maintenance ................................................................ lo Pollution Reduction by Emissions Converters . .............................................................. 11 IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS ON UNLEADED GASOLINE ... .......................................... 12 Refinery Modification Options to Produce Unleaded Gasoline ....................................... 12 Valve Seat Recession ............................................................... 13 Potential Health Risks Associated with Lead Substitutes in Non-Catalytic Converter Vehicles ............................................................... 14 Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate Health Risks Associated with Lead Substitutes .......... 14 LUBRICANTS FOR TWO-STROIKE ENGINES ..................................................................... 20 C ON CLUS I ON S RE GA RD I NG CL EA N ER G A SO LE . .. .. .. .. .. .. ........... ** .. .. ... *a . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... es 2 0 END NOTES RE.A.. ING.C.. A.. ER.G.. O.IN............................................................... 21 CHAPE R 3:DESEL FUEL ............................................................ 23 SULFUR ........................................................... 23 iii CLEAN FuELs FOR ASIA: TECHAICAL OPTIONS FOR MOVING iv TOWARDS UNLEADED GASOuINE AND LOW-SULFUR DIESEL VOLATILITY .................................................. 25 AROMATIC HYDROCARBON CONTENT . ............................................ 26 OTHER FUEL PROPERTIES .............................................. . 26 FUEL ADDITIVES . ............................................. . 26 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CLEAN DIESEL FUEL . . ......................... 27 ENDNOTES . ............................................. . 27 CHAPTER 4:ALTERN.ATivE FuJEIs .................................................29 NATURAL GAS ................................................. 29 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ............................................... . 31 METHANOL .................................................. 32 ETHANOL ....................................................... ........................... 33 BIODIESEL ..................................................... ............................ 33 HYDROGEN ................................................ . 34 T'HE ECONOMICS OF ALTERNATIVE FUELS . . ............................................. 34 CLIMATE CHANGE ............................................................................ 36 ELECTRIC VEHICLES ............................................... 38 FACTORS INFLUENCING LARGE-SCALE USE OF ALTERNATiVE FUELS ............................... 38 ENDNOTES ............................................... 38 CHAPTER 5:IMPLEMENTING A CLEAN FuELS P.IROGRAM. . . . 41 IMPROVING FUEL QUALITY .................................. ............. 41 VEMICLE FUEL REQUIREMENTS ......... __oo .................. 41 FUEL PUmip NozzLE CEARACTERISTICS ...................................... ......... 41 ADOPrING CLEAN FUEL TAX INCENTIVES. . ............................................. 42 VEHICLE POLLUTION CONTROL EFFORTS UNDERWAY IN ASIA . . 42 Bangkok, Thailand ................................................... 43 Singapore.................................................. 44 Hong Kong, China ................................................... 46 South Korea .................................................. 47 Taiwan (China) .................................................. 47 COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAMS: THE UNITED STATES EXPERIENCE .... 50 CONCLUSo NS _ .N1o ...C.........ATIONS .... .................-.-.....o....... ooo 50 ENDNOTES oo....................... -.. _ ..o.................. ...-... -o - o.....o ..o ......... 50 CHAPTER 6:CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMM[ENDATIONS .................. _.... o..o...........o...__........ 53 CONCLUSIONS _o.......................... .................. o.o.oo....... o oooo 53 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... o..._ o ..o ............. oo.. o ......o. 54 APPENDIX A: ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM VEHICLE-RELATED POLLUTION . ........ _ 55 APPENDIx B: CONTROLS ON GASOLINE-FUELED VEHICLES .......................... ....... 63 APPENDIX C: CONTROLS ON DIESEL-FUELED VEHICLES ......... oooo-oo ... ........ o 73 APPENDIX D: INTERNATIONAL EIuSSION AND FUELS STANDARDS . ............ ........ 87 v BoxEs Box 2.1: What We Know About Lead Exposure, Past and Present ................................... 9 Box 2.2: Can Unleaded Gasoline be Used in Pre-Catalytic Converter Vehicles? ............ 13 Box 2.3: Colorado's Success Story .................................................................. 15 Box 2.4: The Effects of Oxygenated Gasoline: Wisconsin, Maine, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency .................................................................. 16 Box 2.5: Impact of Oxygenate Used ................................................................... 19 Box 3.1: Fuel Variables Found to Have a Significant Impact on Pollutant Emissions ... 23 Box 3.2: Options to Reduce the Sulfur Content of Diesel Fuel ............... ........................ 25 FIGURES Figure 2.1: Unleaded Gasoline Jigsaw Puzzle-Issues to Address, Pieces to Put Together 7 Figure 2.2: Economic Benefits of Reducing Lead Exposure ........................................... 10 Figure 2.3: Impact of Lead on Catalytic Converter-Equipped Cars ................................ 12 Figure 2.4: Representative Cost Comparisons Between Cars With and Without Catalytic Converters .............................................................. 12 Figure 3.1: Emissions from Buses in Finland .............................................................. 25 Figure 4.1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fuels ........................................................ 37 Figure 5.1: Implementing a Clean Fuels Program .......................................................... 41 Figure 5.2: Elements of a Comprehensive Vehicle Pollution Control Strategy ......... ...... 42 Figure 5.3: Trends in Emissions from U.S. Cars (normalized to 1970 levels) ......... ........ 51 TABLES Table 2.1: Environmental Residence Times For. Various Pollutants ................................ 8 Table 2.2: Cost Savings from Maintenance Reductions with Lead-free Gasoline (1980 Canadian cents per liter) .................................................................. 11 Table 2.3: Additional Savings from Leaded Versus Unleaded Gasoline .......................... 11 Table 2.4: Component Control Costs and VOC Emissions Reductions ............................ 20 Table 3.1: Environmental Classifications for Sweden .............................. ....................... 24 Table 4.1: Properties of Conventional and Alternative Fuels ................. ......................... 29 Table 4.2: Comparative Costs of Alternative Fuels (1987) ............................................... 35 Table 4.3: Costs of Conventional and Alternative Fuels in the United States ................. 35 Table 5.1: South Korea: Emissions Standards For New Gasoline and LPG Vehicles ..... 48 Table 5.2: South Korea: Emissions Standards For New Diesel Vehicles ......................... 49 Table 5.3: Emissions Trends In The United States (1970-90): Passenger Cars (tons per year) .................................................................. 50 CLAN FuEL FOR ASIA: TECHMvCAL OPTIONS FOR MOVING Vi TowARDs UNLEADED GASOUNE AND LOW-SULFUR DIEsEL FOREWORD Air pollution has become a serious issue in many policymakers to make informed choices among Asian cities. A major cause is the expanding motor technical and financial options available for vehicle population-with growth rates as high designing a clean fuels program that could as 23 percent in rapidly growing economies such ultimately improve Asian cities' air quality as China. Policymakers in Asia are beginning to significantly. review options to deal with vehicular pollution The Metropolitan Environment Improvement reduction. Experience worldwide has shown that Program (MEIP) facilitated the preparation of this the use of clean fuels-low-lead or unleaded publication by providing the authors with finan- gasoline and low-sulfur diesel-is a cost-effec- cial support, background data, and links to Asian tive way of reducing vehicular emissions. cities participating in MEIP. We hope that this The use of cleaner fuels in conjunction with report will be widely used by decisionmakers in catalytic converters would limit the total amount MEIP cities and in other cities throughout Asia. of emissions, thus reducing damage to human and ecosystem health. Its use would also lead to lower costs in terms of vehicle maintenance and effi- ciency for the individual owner. This report describes strategies, incentives, and LAGLnd Q vk methods to increase the use of clean fuels. It Maritta Koch- Weser provides policymakers with a range of al- Chief tematives that can be employed to develop a clean Asia Environment and Natural fuel strategy. We hope this report will assist Resources Division vii CLaEA FupEs FOR ASI: TEcHIMcAL OPnoNs FOR MOVING ToWARDos viii UN11D1D GAsoLIE AA Low-SuLFUR Dmsist PARTNERS AND CONTRIBUTORS We would like to acknowledge the groups and vice and guidance of Maritta Koch-Weser, Divi- individuals who contributed to this report and the sion Chief, and David Williams, MEIP Program promotion of clean fuel options in Asia. Core Manager. Internal reviews and comments were funding was provided by the United Nations provided by Asif Faiz, P. Illangovan, Masami Development Programme, the Australian Con- Kojima, Victor Loksha, Magda Lovei, Tanvi sultant Trust Funds, the Belgian Consultant Trust Nagpal Anil Somani, Gautam Surhid, Cor Van Funds, the Netherlands Consultant Trust Funds, Der Sterren, Walter Vergara, Ronald Waas, L. the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Af- Wijitilleke, and YaacovZiv. External peer review- fairs, and the Norwegian Consultant Trust Funds. ers were Charles Freed (U. S. Environmental Pro- Inputs to this report were provided by Katsunori tection Agency), BemieJames (Natural Resources Suzuki and Sonia Kapoor of the World Bank, Canada), Gregory Rideout(Environment Canada), and host governments and city administrations. and Tazio Yamada (consultant). The list of inter- The authors of this report are Michael P. Walsh national emissions and fuel standards contained (consultant) and Jitendra Shah (World Bank). in Appendix D was provided by Gregory Rideout In the World Bank's Asia Environment and (EnvironmentCanada). AnniceBrownwasrespon- Natural Resources Division, the Clean Fuels re- sibleforaccuracy and editing JuliaLutzprovided port was managed by Jitendra Shah, under the ad- editorial support and designed the report's layout. ix CUWN FuzIs FOR Asra: TEcJMcAL OPiroNs FOR Mowao TowARDs x UNIEADED GASOuNE AND LOW-SuLFUR DrIESL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AQG Air Quality Guideline NH3 ammonia AQIS Air Quality Information System NMHC non-methane hydrocarbons AQMS Air Quality Management System NO. nitrogen oxides BHP brake horsepower NO2 nitrogen dioxide BaP benzo(a)pryene OECD Organization for Economic BTU British Thermal Unit Cooperation and Development CARB Califomia Air Resources Board PAHs polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons CDC Centers for Disease Control (U.S.) Pb lead CNG compressed naturl gas PM particulate matter CO carbon monoxide PM10 particulate matter 10 microns or less DDT dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane ppm particles per million ETBE ethyl tertiary butyl ether PNA polycyclic nuclear aromatics EGR exhaust gas recirculation RFG refomulated gasoline EU European Union RVP Reid vapor pressure EV Electric vehicle SO2 sulfur dioxide FCC fluid catalytic cracking SOF soluble organic fraction FTP Federal Test Procedure (U.S.) SPM suspended particulate matter GDP gross domestic product TBA tertiary butyl alcohol GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring TSP total suspended particulate System TWC three-way catalyst HC hydrocarbons UNDP United Nations Development IPCC Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Program Change URBAIR Urban Air Quality Management LPG liquefied petroleum gas Strategy in Asia (World Bank) 9g micrograms (104 grams) USAID U.S. Agency for Intemational mg miligrams (10-3 grams) Development g/m3 micrograms per cubic meter USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection MCPA methylchlorophenoxyacetic acid Agency MEIP Metropolitan Environmental VOCs volatile organic compounds Improvement Program (World Bank) WHO World Health Organization MMT metylclopentadieny manganese tricarbonyl 1 gallon (U.S.) = 3.785 liters MON motor octane number 1 mile = 1.609 kilometers MTBE methyl tertiary-butyl ether NGO non-govemmental organization Note: Except as indicated, "dollars" refers NGV natural gas vehicle to 1995 U.S. dollars. xi CuL2P FUws FOR AsA: TRImcAiL OP27ONS FOR Mopwo TOWARDS UmA4DaD GAiSOur, AD Low-S uuFR DIm& EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Motor vehicles have brought increased mobility, means of reducing fine particulate emissions. and access to employment for greater numbers of Other diesel fuel properties such as volatility, people in Asia in the last decade. However, these aromatic content, and additives may have a benefits have been partially offset by excess ur- positive or negative effect on emissions. In ban air pollution and damage to human and eco- addition to the adoption of mandatory limits system health. Asian countries can no longer ig- on sulfur, tax policies can be very effective in nore air pollution, and must begin to design encouraging the use of low-sulfur diesel. comprehensive air quality management systems. 3. Encourage the use of alternative fuels. Al- These systems should encompass not only trans- ternative fuels that have been proven cost-ef- port policy but also large industries, small enter- fective should be promoted through policies prises, and domestic sources of pollution. that encourage substitution. Conservation of This report focuses on the abatement of oil products, energy security, and climate vehicular pollution through the use of cleaner change or global warming are additional rea- fuels such as unleaded gasoline and low-sulfur sons for encouraging the use of alternatives diesel. It aims to provide decisionmakers with a to conventional fuels. methodology for making informed choices con- In addition to these three important steps, the cerning the production and use of cleaner regular inspection and maintenance of vehicles transport fuels for motor vehicles. Transport should be encouraged. Poorly maintained cars are demand management, inspection and main- responsible for a disproportionate amount of ve- tenance, and advanced vehicle technology are the hicle emissions. Semi-annual inspection and main- other components of a vehicle pollution tenance of vehicles results in a substantial reduc- prevention program. tion in particulates, volatile organic compounds, The report recommends the following priori- and carbon monoxide emissions. Emissions re- tized policy options: duction can occur simultaneously with improved 1. Adopt a strategy for the progressive elimi- fuel economy and diminished need for repairs. nation of lead from gasoline. Using unleaded Asia's vehicle population is projected to con- gasoline and catalytic converters also leads to tinue growing well into the next century. If no reductions in other major pollutants such as action is taken now, air quality is bound to dete- hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen riorate, exacting a high toll on human health and oxides. Unleaded gasoline use should be en- possibly undermining many economic develop- couraged through clean vehicle standards and ment gains. Based on lessons leamed in other by making it cheaper than leaded gasoline at parts of the world, this report offers Asia's the pump. The benefits of eliminating lead out- policymakers some valuable tools and sugges- weigh the costs. tions for confronting the worsening air pollution 2. Reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuels. situation now, and ensuring a cleaner environ- Lowering the fuel density is also an effective ment in the future. I CiuwN FuBzs FOR AstA: TEcIfZcAL OpiroM FOR MowNm TowAws 2 UxuuDw GAsouNw Am Low-SLFtDUR n CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This report provides the methodology for improv- ides (NO.), and toxic substances such as fine par- ing air quality in large Asian cities through the ticles and lead, as well as contributing to second- use of clean fuels. This study is directed to ary by-products such as ozone.' Reducing vehicu- decisionmakers whose policies have a direct im- lar pollution usually requires a comprehensive pact on the production and use of cleaner trans- strategy encompassing the following elements: port fuels. The objective of this report is to pro- * automobile demand management (incentives vide a technical overview of the challenges and to reduce automobile use such as road tolls, opportunities for lowering vehicle emissions by parking restrictions, area licensing schemes, means of fuel modifications or substitutions. Is- mass transit availability, etc.); sues receiving particular attention are reducing * inspection and maintenance; and removing lead in gasoline and reducing * advanced vehicle technology; and sulfur in diesel fuel. * clean fuels. This report focuses primarily on clean fuels. It starts with a brief summary of the air pollution BACKGROUND problem in selected Asian cities, followed by the challenges and opportunities for lowering vehicle In 1995, the global motor vehicle population, in- pollution through greater use of clean or alterna- cluding passenger cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, tive fuels. The remainder of the report explores and three-wheeled vehicles (tuk-tuks or rickshaws) some of the pollution control efforts underway exceeded 700 million for the first time in history. in the region. While most of these vehicles remain concentrated in the highly industrialized Organization for Eco- nomic Cooperation and Development (OECD) THE AiR QuAim SITUATION iN ASIA countries, an increasing number of urbanized ar- eas in developing countries, especially in Asia, Over the course of the past two decades, there has now contain many motorized vehicles. Cities in- been an explosive growth in many Asian coun- cluding Bangkok, Jakarta, and Seoul have some tries' motor vehicle populations. As a result, seri- of the most congested roads in the world. While ous air pollution exposure problems caused by these vehicles have brought many advantages, in- vehicle emissions are emerging. The section be- cluding increased mobility and flexibility for mil- low takes a brief look at nine Asian cities. lions of people and more jobs, and enhanced many quality-of-life aspects, the benefits have been par- Bangkok, Thailand tially offset by excess pollution and adverse ef- fects on human health and the environment. Eleven years of air quality monitoring indicate Motor vehicles emit large quantities of carbon that the air pollutants of greatest concern in monoxide(CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen ox- Bangkok are suspended particulate matter (SPM), 3 CLEAN FuEI5 FOR AsLA: TECmCAL OPnoms FOR MoVmIO TowARDs 4 UMBADBD GASOUNE AAv Low-S uLFuR DiEsu especially respirable particulate matter (PMIO)2, ogy developed by the California Air Resources CO, and lead, caused mostly by the transport sec- Board, the Hong Kong Environmental Protec- tor. Current SPM levels in Bangkok's air, espe- tion Agency estimates that particulates from die- cially along congested roads, far exceed Thailand's sel vehicles alone cause approximately 290 pre- primary ambient SPM air quality standard. In mature deaths from lung cancer each year. 1993, curbside 24-hour average concentrations exceeded this standard on 143 out of 277 mea- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia surement days. Mobile sources continue to be the Bangkok population's biggest source of exposure. Based on available 1992 data, it was concluded that the air pollution problem is relatively serious Beijing, China in comparison with accepted air quality guide- lines.3 Annual and daily PM10 averages regularly In spite of a relatively small vehicle population, exceeded guidelines, as did CO and ozone. Fol- air pollution problems caused by motor vehicles low-up studies in 1994 continued to show seri- have started to emerge in major Chinese cities, ous problems, as particulates routinely exceeded especially Beijing. The number of automobiles guideline limits and appeared to be worsening. in Beijing is almost 10 percent of the total in all NO2 and particulate matter were the most perva- of China (19 million), and many Chinese-made sive air pollutants, and motor vehicles were again vehicles still use 20-year old designs, resulting found to be the main source of air pollution. in CO and HC emissions rates that are 10-20 times the levels emitted by modern engines. Ac- Manila, the Philippines cording to an air quality survey, motor vehicles contribute about half of the total CO, HC, and In Metro-Manila, air quality data are available, and NOX emissions coming from all pollutant sources. measured concentrations of PMIO routinely ex- Lead is another pollutant of concern; concentra- ceeded acceptable levels by a factor of more than tions of lead in Beijing are 1-1.5 gg/m3, and have three. Measured total suspended particulates (TSP) reached 14-25 ,ig/m3 in extreme cases. exceeded acceptable levels by even larger per- centages. Lead concentrations also exceeded Gov- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam emment standards.4 Monitoring indicates that both CO and NO2 occasionally exceed standards. Mea- Although available air quality data are limited, surement for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and total oxi- the Institute of Hygiene and Public Health con- dants indicated concentrations, at present, were ducted a monitoring study in 1993. Results showed within acceptable standards. Motor vehicles were that particulates, or dust, are a very serious prob- found to contribute over 40 percent of PM10.5 lem at present, and that CO and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) also exceeded current Vietnamese stan- Jakarta, Indonesia dards. The study demonstrated that although many sources certainly contribute to these prob- During the ten-year period between 1981 and lems, vehicle emissions seem to dominate. 1991, Jakarta's population doubled; there was also a tremendous rise in the number of vehicles, Hong Kong, China from approximately 900,000 to 1,700,000, mak- ing Jakarta's growth rate one of the highest in Particulates are Hong Kong's most serious pol- developing countries. These changes are reflected lution problem at present, and motor vehicles are in the city's poor air quality. Overall, traffic and estimated to be responsible for approximately 50 industry are Jakarta's main sources of air pollu- percent of PMIO emissions. Using the methodol- tion. TSP emissions are estimated at 96,733 tons 5 CHAP7ER 1: INMhODUCION per year, PM,0 emissions total 41,369 tons per and PM,o are often substantially exceeded. TSP year, and NOX emissions are calculated at 43,031 concentrations have been measured at above 800 tons per year. Annual TSP averages in the most jig/m3 (WHO TSP guidelines are 150-230 jig! polluted areas are 5-6 times the national air qual- m3). Visibility in the Valley has been reduced ity guideline. Motor vehicles were found to con- substantially, which has impacted tourism, one tribute 40 percent or more to PM1 06 of Nepal's major sources of revenue.8 Motor vehicles and scattered small brick manufactur- Mumbai, India ers were found to be the largest source of human exposure to air pollution. Greater Mumbai's population grew 38 percent between 1971 and 1981, and another 20 percent by 1991, reaching 9.9 million The expansion of CONCLUSIONS industry, increased production, and a 103 percent increase in the number of motor vehicles has led As the above examples illustrate, many major to a severe air pollution problem. Diesel trucks Asian cities' current air quality levels already and three-wheel vehicles contribute significantly reflect serious air pollution, with the transport to air pollution. The annual TSP concentration sector contributing about 50 percent of PM,o1 increased from 180 gg/M3 to approximately 270 Because the vehicle populations in most of pg/M3 between 1981 and 1990, an increase of these cities continue to grow, often at rates ex- almost 50 percent. Total annual emissions of TSP ceeding 10 percent per year, future air pollution and PM10 are estimated at 32,000 and 16,000 tons, problems will be even more serious unless ag- respectively, per year. World Health Organiza- gressive control efforts are undertaken. Fortu- tion (WHO) air quality guidelines and national nately, several countries in the region have de- guidelines for TSP are frequently exceeded in veloped significant pollution control efforts, Mumbai. Of the population, 97 percent lives in which are the subject of chapter 5. areas where the WHO guideline is exceeded. Measures to reduce air pollution in Mumbai must focus on the most important source-traffic- ENDNOTES which contributes about 50 percent of PM 7.7 1. See appendix A for a detailed review of ad- Kathmandu, Nepal verse health affects associated with vehicular air pollution. Kathmandu Valley's population grew 44 percent 2. PM10 refers to particles in the size range of 10 between 1980 and 1990. In 1992, its population microns or less. All of these particles are con- was estimated at 1,060,000, of which 54 percent sidered respirable and therefore, from the pub- was urban. The growth in population has been lic health perspective, more important than accompanied by a doubling in the number of larger particles. motor vehicles in the past decade, which can be 3. Japan International Cooperation Agency. seen in increases in the use of gasoline (150 per- August 1993. "Air QualityManagement Study cent), motor diesel (175 percent), kerosene (250 For Kelang Valley Region." percent), and fuel oil (580 percent) during 1980- 4. The World Health Organization is sponsoring 93. Air pollution measurements show that par- a study regarding "The Impact Of Vehicular ticulate pollution is the most significant problem Emissions On Vulnerable Populations In Metro in the Kathmandu Valley. Total TSP emissions Manila"; preliminary results indicate that 10 per year amount to 16,500 tons. PM1O emissions percent of school children (ages 6-14 years) are 4,700 tons per year. WHO guidelines for TSP have blood lead levels of 20 micrograms per Ci.AN FuBLs FOR AsA: TEcHNICAL O0Pzos FOR AfonNo TowAR,s 6 UAOtD& GAsouwe AND Low-S uFuR Diess deciliter or higher. This is twice the level of Report. Metropolitan Environmental Improve- concern identified in the umbilical cord study. mentProgran; TheWorldBank Washingtor D.C. All ofthe street child vendors tested (ages 6-15) 7. Larssen, Steinar et al., 1996. Urban Air Qual- had blood lead levels above 10 and many had ity Management Strategy in Asia: Greater levels over 30, an alarming statistic. Mumbai Report. Metropolitan Environmen- 5. Larssen, Steinar etal., 1996. Urban Air Qual- tal Improvement Program, The World Bank. ity Management Strategy in Asia: Metro Ma- Washington, D.C. nila Report. Metropolitan Environmental Im- 8. Larssen, Steinar et al., 1996. Urban Air Qual- provement Program, The World Bank. ity Management Strategy in Asia: Kathmandu Washington, D.C. Valley Report. Metropolitan Environmental 6. Gr0nskei, Knut Erik et al., 1996. Urban Air Improvement Program, The World Bank. QualityManagementStrategyinAsiw Jakarta Washington, D.C. CHAPTER 2: GASOLINE In most developing countries, gasoline consump- duce overall vehicle emissions. It will conclude tion contributes substantially to overall vehicle with recommendations for decisionmakers on emissions. The most critical issue is whether or how to advance the use of cleaner gasoline. not to reduce or eliminate the use of lead-based additives. Not many years ago, almost all gaso- line used contained lead (as an octane booster), THE BENErTS OF REDucING LEAD IN often in concentrations greater than 0.4 grams GASOLE per liter. Since the early 1 970s, there has been a steady movement toward reducing lead in gaso- In many ways, lead is an extremely useful mate- line and, increasingly, completely eliminating rial. It resists corrosion and weathering, is plen- lead. Countries as diverse as Austria, Brazil, Ja- tiful in readily accessible areas, and is easily pan, Thailand, and the United States have com- melted down for use. Because of these charac- pletely eliminated lead from gasoline (see appen- teristics, it has been widely used by humans for dix D for a list of international automo- tive emissions and fuel standards). In addition, Figure 2.1: Unleaded Gasoline Jigsaw Puzzle-Issues to Address, (in 1996) over 85 per- Pieces to Put Together cent of all new cars worldwide will require Valve the exclusive use of un- fIibc( ( Modifications leaded gasoline to pro- Information tect their emissions control systems (cata- lytic converters). This section of the report Fuericing Unleaded t will review the reasons / Policy ie ) Net work for the shift to unleaded gasoline (figure 2.1); address some of the ar- guments against the use of unleaded gasoline; NewVehide and finally summarize Octane Substitutes mStantars HealthEffects \ other fuel characteris- -_-____f___f__ tics used in reformu- lated gasolines to re- 7 CxeAN FuTs FOR AsM TECHMCAL OP2nom FOR MornG Tow,ARDs 8 UALuDED GAsOuzNE AAD Low-SuLFuR DiSaS centuries, in plumbing, printing, hunting, build- risks in urban areas. For example, based on data ing, and more recently as electrical insulation, collected in more than 60 U. S. cities by the Cen- radiation shielding, a.nd in paints and batteries. ters for Disease Control (CDC) (commonly Lead's inertness, which makes it a useful mate- known as the NHANES II study), the decline in rial, however, may also lead to its relatively long mean blood lead levels, computed by six-month environmental residence time, as indicated in intervals, almost parallels the declining amounts table 2.1.' of lead used in gasoline during 1976-80.3 After a careful review of the NHANESII data, Reduced Lead Health Risks CDC's Center For Environmental Health (Dr. Vernon Houk) explained, Gasoline lead affects human health through sev- "This reduction was real. It was not due to eral media, the most important of which is air. It chance, laboratory error, nor sampling of age, is generally recognized that over 90 percent of sex, race, urban versus rural areas, income lev- atmospheric lead concentrations in most urban els, or geographic regions. The most-significant areas using leaded gasoline are attributable to environmental change during this time was the gasoline lead emissions. Beyond this, however, reduced amount of lead used in the production gasoline lead increases the amount of lead in- of gasoline... (These data) clearly demonstrates gested through the digestive system. This is es- that as we have removed lead from gasoline, we pecially true of children who not only ingest this have also removed lead from ourselves and our lead through the normal food chain, but also play children."4 in lead-contaminated streets and yards. It is not In the past, leaded gasoline was cited as the surprising that "both average blood lead levels reason for elevated blood lead levels every sum- and cases of lead poisoning in children correlate mer in the United States. This was correlated to more strongly to gasoline lead than to lead in the increased use of automobiles during those air alone."2 Because of this close relationship, months. Automotive emissions are also the rea- reducing gasoline's lead has been demonstrated son why lead levels in the front yards of urban in the United States to significantly reduce health homes are two to three times greater than in the back yards. In Europe, the Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy, completed a study designed to determine Table 2.1: Environmental Residence the relationship between gasoline lead and hu- Times For Various Pollutants man uptake.5 The study replaced standard gaso- line lead with a variant having a different isoto- Pollutant Situalon lmne Remaining pic ratio, in order to follow the pathway of 24,5-T soil several 5D gasoline lead through the northern Italian region (herbicide) weelks of Piedmont, where the study was conducted. The MCPA soil s study reached the following conclusions: (herbicide) days 1. Gasoline lead is responsible for about 90 per- cent of airborne lead in Turin and about 60 DDT soil 4 months 74 percent of airborne lead in rural areas. (pescde) 2. Gasoline lead seems to contribute the finest Oil sea water 4-6 70 airborne lead particles. weeks 3. The percent of gasoline-supplied lead in blood Leam soil 7002) 90 was 24-27 percent in Turin; 12-21 percent in years the nearby countryside; and 11-19 percent in the remotest countryside. 9 CHA4PmR 2: GASOUNE Box 2.1: What We Know About Lead Exposure, Past and Present Because of lead's growing number of uses and long also impair overall fuel efficiency by not allowing the residence time, human lead exposure has been increas- use of up-to-date motor vehicle technology and more ing for many generations, and will probably continue efficient pollution reduction techniques.45 In adults, to accumulate in the future. It is now estimated that blood lead is related to blood pressure increase and to modem man's lead exposure is 100 times greater than cardiovascular disease, particularly strokes, heart at- background or "natural" levels. I Studies of annual arc- tacks, and premature death. The monetary benefits of tic ice layers in Greenland also indicate the rise in lead reducing adult illnesses would be substantial and would levels over the earth's surface. At this point in history, probably outweigh the costs.6 lead has been dispersed so widely that "it is doubtful In spite of these concerns, much of the discussion whether any part of the earth's surface or any form of regarding removal of lead from gasoline has focused life remains uncontaminated by anthropogenic lead."2 almost exclusively on costs and difficulties, and little More recent evidence continues to show "unambigu- on the benefits. The purpose of this section (and appen- ous evidence of the gasoline-related sources of lead in dix A) is to summarize some of these potential benefits. aged Greenland snow and ice."3 One of the modem world's major uses of lead is in Endnotes gasoline. In 1921 it was discovered that the addition of lead to gasoline raised octane levels. This was de- 1. Granjean, Phillippe, M.D., Odense University. May sirable because higher octane gasolines allow higher 1983. "Health Aspects of Gasoline Lead Additives," compression ratio engines with concomitant improve- presented at Conference Lead In Petrol. ments in thermal efficiency and fuel economy. How- 2. RoyalCommissiononEnvironmentalPollution,April ever, the addition of lead to gasoline caused a whole 1983. "Lead In The Environment," Ninth Rqpor. series of problems for automotive designers, includ- 3. Lobinski, Boutron, Candelone, Hong, Szpunar- ing troublesome combustion chamber deposits on pis- Lobinska, and Adams. 1994. "Present Century Snow tons, spark plugs" and valves, and increased piston ring Core Record of Organolead Pollution in Greenland," wear and blow-by rates. Environmental Science and Technology: More importantly, as discussed in appendix A, evi- (28)1467-1471. dence has been accumulating that children in cities 4. Lovei, Magda. August 1996. "Phasing Out Lead are suffering adverse health consequences when lead from Gasoline: World-Wide Experience and Policy added to gasoline is emitted from vehicles. In addi- Implications," Environment Department Paper No. tion, lead deposits within engine combustion cham- 40, The World Bank: Washington, DC. bers lead to higher emissions of hydrocarbons, which 5. Faiz, Asif, Christopher S. Weaver, and Michael directly and indirectly harm health and well-being. Walsh. 1996. "Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles: Furthermore, the use of lead precludes the use of cata- Standards and Technologies for Controlling Emis- lytic converters, that have been demonstrated to sub- sions." The World Bank: Washington, DC. stantially reduce hydrocarbons and other noxious gases 6. Wijetilleke, Kariyawasam. "Cost-Benefit Analysis in vehicle exhaust. Ironically, by precluding the use of Mitigating Transport Pollution." World Bank of these advanced technologies, leaded gasoline may draft report. Assessing the study, the institute's director, 1. Only about 90 percent of the local gasoline Dr. Facchetti, noted that the relationship between contained the test isotope. airborne lead and blood lead is relatively equal 2. The study only measured local effects and between Europe and the United States-an in- could not account for lead emitted and blown crease of 1 microgram of lead per cubic meter of in from vehicles from other areas. ambient lead results in an increase of about 1-2 3. When the experiment ended, gasoline-related micrograms per milliliter of blood lead.6 Further- blood levels had not yet reached equilibrium; more, the Ispra experiment probably underesti- blood lead levels were still rising. mated the overall impact of gasoline lead on In adults, blood lead is related to blood pres- blood lead because: sure increases and cardiovascular disease, par- C,aw FuEs FOR AsA: TCHNiCAL OPnzoms FOR Monmo Tomws 10 ULEACBD G.Lsoa AvD Low-SUUvR Dra. ticularly strokes, heart attacks, and premature plug change intervals are usually doubled by the death. The monetary benefits of reducing adult use of unleaded gasoline, and at least one exhaust illnesses affected by airborne lead would be sub- system and exhaust silencer (muffler) replacement stantial, and would probably outweigh the costs during the life of a motor vehicle is eliminated. of reducing the lead (figure 2.2).' Lead-free gasoline is also linked to cost advan- tages regarding carburetor servicing, but this has Reduced Vehicle Maintenance been more difficult to quantify. Another significant advantage associated with One of the greatest benefits of eliminating lead lead-free gasoline is a lengthened interval be- from gasoline would be the reduction in health tween oil changes. Unleaded fuel has been dem- risks, but there would be additional benefits. For onstrated to significantly reduce engine rusting example, lead-free gasoline would save motorists and piston ring wear, and to a lesser degree, money by reducing the need to continuously re- sludge and varnish deposits and cam and lifter place spark plugs, mufflers, and other automobile wear.10 Because of this, oil change intervals in hardware exposed to gasoline and its combustion U.S. cars using unleaded fuel have become at products8 Lead scavengers are highly corrosive least twice as long as had previously been the and reactive; several surveys conducted when case. Intervals' of 10,000 miles are not uncom- leadedgasolinewaswidely available intheUnited mon in new cars. Increased oil change intervals States and Canada demonstrated that motorists cannot be attributed solely to lead removal (as is using lead-freegasolinespentmuch less on exhaust indicated by some increases in vehicles using system and ignition servicing than motorists us- leaded gasoline), but lead removal appears to be ing leaded gasoline.9 As a general principal, spark a contributing factor. This is significant not only Figure 2.2: The Economic Benefits of Reducing Lead Exposure : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . : ;. : . n. f. t. . M . . . . . . . . . . ...... n.. .. ..... ;. ; . ..E S8,000... ; .. . :l2:tw w uu_:zs. ; {. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... (s...s>: ..- S6,000 - . ... .... ;... i*. ...... . SS,OO_ ,::............ ::"::' ' * . S 4 ,0 0 0.. .. .. . -: ...................... ... : $8,000 _:1:::>. . .:. : :.:.:. . :.. . :: :.:.. ... : . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . $7,000 ..................... $6000 _ .:::: - .I :.**~P. .. irga/eiie euto S1 . . . . . . . ... . . . . e a ' c o f U C ln $5,000.: .::- *::::.::.*: :.: .:. _. ................ .. .........~~ ~ ~~~~~. ... . . . . $4,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.. . ........ $3,000 . ~ ~~~~. ...... .. $2,000 ........__ _ __ __ __ __ _ ....... ..... I microgramldeciliter reduction $1,000.~~~~~~~One year's cohort of US Children .- ~~~~~~~~$5,307 per IQ Point $0 11 CHAPlR 2: GASovm because of the reduced cost to the motorist, but also because of oil savings over the vehicle's life, Table 2.2: Cost Savings from and the reduced pollution potential of the used Maintenance Reductions with Lead-free oil. Perhaps more significant in reducing engine Gasoline (1980 Canadian cents per liter) wear are the additive packages that are added to unleaded fuel for lubricity, as well as changes in Cana Year Cost valve ring material. Savi The Environment Protection Agency (Canada) studied reductions in maintenance costs attribut- Wagrer (AmerCa 01 O.) 1971 1.4 able to lead-free and unleaded gasoline. An Aus- G(ay &Akhi ican 0i Co.) 1972 21 tralian review reported those results and found them to be significant." Expressed as 1980 Ca- Pahnke8eIBneyt)uPon9 1972 G3 nadian cents per liter, the results of the studies Adarm Cop.) 1972 Q4 concluded (table 2.2): A car consuming 10 liters of unleaded fuel Erument Caiada 1979 1.2 per 100 kilometers would experience mainte- nance savings averaging about Can$3 8 per year, or Can$0.024 per liter of gasoline. 12 Table 2.3: Additional Savings from Leaded Versus Unleaded Gasoline Pollution Reduction by Emissions Converters Process Leaded Unleaded The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gasoline Gasoline (USEPA) studied the impact of leaded gasoline spark plug changes every year every other on the performance of catalytic converters in year 1984. '3 Twenty-nine in-use automobiles with oil & filter changes twice per once per year three-way catalytic converter systems were year misfueled with leaded gasoline in order to quan- muffler replacements twice per 5 once per year tify the emissions effects. (For a review of con- yrs trols on gasoline-fueled vehicles, see appendix exhaust pipe once per 5 none B.) The vehicles used between four and twelve replacements yrs tanks of leaded gasoline (average lead content 1.0 grams per gallon). Four different test pro- grams were conducted, with different misfueling rates and mileage accumulation schedules. The volved in the USEPA program were normalized U.S. Federal Test Procedure (FTP) and several to the levels which existed prior to any lead con- short tests were conducted at various stages. The tamination, 14 then plotted as a function of the to- results of the program indicated that vehicle emis- tal amount of lead consumed. Normalization sions are primarily affected by the amount of lead made it possible to eliminate the influence of dif- passing through the engine, and secondarily by ferent emissions standards. Regression equations the rate of misfueling. In addition, lead in gaso- were then derived, relating HC, CO, and NO, line not only affects the performance of the cata- emissions respectively to the grams of lead con- lyst but poisons it as well. sumed by each vehicle (figure 2.3). Based on the data collected, it was possible to As figure 2.3 indicates, FTP emissions of HC, develop quantitative relationships between lead CO, and NO, generally increased steadily with consumption and HC, CO, and NOI emissions. continued misfueling. HC emissions increased the Emissions levels for each of the 29 vehicles in- most rapidly on a percentage basis, followed by Cr..o. FuEIs FOR AsM: TEicA& OpnoNs FOR MowvG ToswAs 12 UtZiBDED GASoLuE AND Low-SuLFuR DI-SEL CO, and to a lesser ex- tent, NOR. Reasonably Figure 2.3: Impact of Lead on Catalytic Converter-Equipped Cars good correlations exist for the relationship be- Normalized Emissions tween total lead con- sumed and emissions 6 increases of each pol- 5 * c , lutant, especially for . * NoXWV HC, one of the pollut- 4 N ants most affected. In 3 - - the case ofHC, approxi- 2 ', mately 90 percent of the variability in emissions 1 P can be explained by the o lead exposure. 0 so 100 150 200 Figure 2.4 shows an Grams Of Lead example of the com- parative cost of catalytic versus non-catalytic converters in gasoline Figure 2.4: Representative Cost Comparisons Between Cars With automobiles. The extra and Without Catalytic Converters cost of the catalytic 800 converter can be recov- -0 __--_---___--------_ ered within four years 600 ---With Catalytic Converter or less, depending on ~~600 - . > or less, depending on 00 --Without Catalytic Converer the actual emissions re- -_ duction and mainte- a 400 nance, and associated 30 health impact and other 200 * ** I S * cost assumptions. 100 0 o Cs4 V¶I I0 I0 I- I I I CO I t o0 IMPLEMENTATION Vehicle Age - - - - - CONSTRAINTS ON UNLEADED GASOLINE Refinery Modification Options to Produce While the problems (health, economic, and en- Unleaded Gasoline vironmental) associated with leaded gasoline have been outlined above, it is important to also Refinery investments are generally capital-inten- outline potential hazards associated with unleaded sive. The selection of technology to mitigate or gasoline. Lead is added to gasoline because it is eliminate adverse environmental impacts by fuel a low-cost octane enhancer. If lead is not added reformulation is a complex process. Addressing to gasoline the refinery must either modify its specific clean fuel reformulation characteristics processes to raise the octane level, or add alter- for each petroleum product (if addressed individu- native octane-enhancing additives, such as MMT, ally) may add substantially to costs, compared to ethanol MTBE, or ETBE. an integrated program encompassing gasoline, 13 CHAP7ER 2: GASouNIE diesel oil, and residual fuel oil. Other externali- Furthermore, care needs to be taken to ensure ties may require a program to be fragmented. that investments do not produce undesirable sec- Modifications and additions to existing re- ondary problems, and do not become a constraint fineries to meet emerging environmentally- to expanding the reformulation program as gaso- friendly gasoline specifications could range over line markets expand. a wide spectrum: * introducing changes in operating conditions Valve Seat Recession in naphtha reformers to either increase octane, or reformulate or decrease aromatics produc- As engine technology advanced during the leaded tion, depending on market characteristics; gasoline era, motor vehicle designers used lead's * changingthe crudeoil supplied to the refinery; friction-reducing properties to serve as a lubri- * modifying the fractionation process; and cant between exhaust valves and their seats, en- * introducing new processing facilities such as abling them to use a lower-grade metal for the alkylation, isomerization, fluid catalytic crack- valve seats. Leaded fuel shielded the valve seats ing, hydrocracking, and oxygenate production from excessive wear, or valve seat recession, facilities. which can occur at high speeds in engines with- The strategy used will need to be project-spe- out hardened valve seats. This protective func- cific and linked to desired objectives. A multi- tion is the reason why USEPA limited gasoline pronged program including reduced or eliminated lead content to 0.1 grams per gallon, rather than lead, limited benzene and aromatic levels, Reid banning its use entirely in 1985. However, the ac- vapor pressure control, and front-end octane im- tual incidence of valve seat recession is minus- provement could include all of the process op- cule;'5 the only vehicles even appearing to be vul- tions listed above. A more modest program might nerable travel consistently at very high loads and need only a few of those options. speeds, and even in these vehicles, additives other Aside from removing lead, limiting aromat- than lead have been shown to protect valve seats. ics and benzene must be factored into any gaso- There is no technical argument to retain any lead line reformulation program. As seen in the United in gasoline, if the refining capacity exists to pro- States in the early 1970s, when restrictions were vide the required octane in some other manner. first imposed on gasoline lead levels, the preferred For example, although Thailand completely elimi- option was to increase the octane number by more nated the sale of leaded fuel on January 1, 1996, severe reforming of naphtha to compensate for there has been no evidence of valve recession octane lost by eliminating lead. This increased problems in existing vehicles. However, it should the aromatics (especially benzene) concentrations be noted that in some countries (e.g., those that in gasoline. As the adverse health impacts of these manufacture cars without catalytic converters, or hydrocarbons began to be known, USEPA im- that import cars from these manufacturers) lack posed limitations resulting in the need for addi- of information concerning these issues may pose tional investments to eliminate the problem cre- a constraint to lead phaseout. ated by more severely reformulated naphtha. The costs of even a Box 2.2: Can Unleaded Gasoline be Used in Pre-Catalytic modest gasoline reformu- Converter Vehicles? lation program will be substantial. Therefore, it Yes, for most cars: is important to tailor the * Valve recession has not been observed under real-world conditions. program to meet specified * Lead substitutes (sodium, sulfur) available if needed. pnvirogr omeetal sjecifived * No other impediments identified. environmental objectives. CLEAN FuEs FOR ASIA. TECNICAL OPIONS FOR MOVING TowARDs 14 UNaADED GAsouvNE ANi LOW-SULFUR DIESEL Potential Health Risks Associated with Lead Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate Health Substitutes in Non-Catalytic Converter Vehicles Risks Associated with Lead Substitutes Refineries use a number of techniques to replace Low-lead gasoline as a transition fuel. Vehicles the octane formerly contributed by lead. As noted equipped with catalytic converters require un- above, increased catalytic cracking and reform- leaded gasoline so as not to destroy the converter ing are used to increase the concentrations of with lead deposits. Vehicles without catalytic high-octane hydrocarbons such as benzene, tolu- converters can use unleaded gasoline but do not ene, xylene, other aromatics, and olefins. Alky- require it. Because reducing or eliminating gaso- lation and isomerization are also used to convert line lead is desirable for public health reasons, straight-chain paraffins (relatively low-octane) to one transition strategy that may be used while higher-octane branched paraffins. Increased catalytic converter technology is being phased quantities of light hydrocarbons, such as butane, in is to continue to market fuel with a minimal are also blended. Use of high-octane oxygenated lead content. blending agents such as ethanol, methanol (with The octane boost from lead does not increase co-solvent alcohols), and especially methyl ter- linearly with lead concentration. The first 0.1 tiary-butyl ether (MTBE), as well as other agents, gram per liter of lead additive gives the greatest has increased greatly. In addition, the antiknock octane boost, and subsequent lead concentration additive methylcyclopentadienyl manganese increases give progressively smaller returns. This tricarbonyl (MMT) is permitted in leaded and means that two units of low-lead gasoline will unleaded gasoline in the United States, and a produce lower lead emissions than one unit of health testing program is being developed to as- high-lead gasoline of the same octane value, in a sess MMT's and oxygenates' effects on health. motor vehicle without a catalytic converter. If MiMT is also permitted in both leaded and un- octane capacity is limited, the quickest and most leaded fuel in Canada.16 economical way to reduce lead emissions may Some of these solutions have created or ag- be to reduce the gasoline supply's lead content gravated environmental problems of their own. by as much as possible, rather than encouraging For example, the increased use of benzene and non-catalytic converter-equipped cars to use other aromatics (which tend to increase benzene unleaded fuel. This also helps to reserve supplies emissions in the exhaust) have led to concern over of unleaded gasoline (often feasible to produce human exposure to benzene, which is carcino- and distribute only in limited quantities) for genic. The xylenes, other alkyl aromatics, and ole- catalytic converter-equipped vehicles truly fins produce much more ozone than most other requiring it. Reducing the permitted lead content hydrocarbons. Increased use of light hydrocarbons will also reduce the refining cost difference in gasoline produces a higher Reid vapor pres- between leaded and unleaded gasoline. If this is sure (RVP), and increased evaporative emissions. reflected in retail prices, it will reduce the Most of these lead substitutes are not a seri- temptation for owners of catalytic converter- ous concern if the switch to lead-free gasoline is equipped vehicles to misfuel with leaded combined with the introduction of catalytic con- gasoline. In the United States, as noted earlier, verters. As indicated in appendix B, catalytic the lead content of leaded gasoline has been converters tend to be especially effective on many limited to 0.1 grams per gallon (since 1985). In of the more reactive or toxic hydrocarbons. How- Europe, the maximum lead content of leaded ever, in order to maximize the health benefits of gasoline is 0.15 grams per liter. unleaded gasoline use in vehicles without cata- lytic converters, it is prudent to assure that ac- Non-hazardous lead substitutes. Blending small ceptable alternatives are used. percentages of oxygenated compounds such as 15 CHAPIxR 2: GAsowie ethanol, methanol, tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), Adverse health effects with MTBE. During the and MTBE and other ethers with gasoline has winters of 1993 and 1994, a number of U.S. cit- the effect of improving the antiknock perfor- ies using oxygenated gasoline (as required by the mance. Thus, the amount of lead can be reduced 1990 Clean Air Act) reported cases of people or even eliminated, without substituting poten- suffering from severe nausea, headaches, and tially hazardous aromatic compounds. other symptoms. These cases were apparently Exhaust HC and CO emissions are reduced linked to the exposure to MTBE fumes or its com- by the use of oxygenates, but NO% emissions may bustion derivatives. Following an intense public be increased slightly by leaner air-fuel mixtures. outcry over the use of oxygenated gasoline in The U.S. Auto/Oil study recently tested the ef- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the state ordered a study fects of adding 10 percent ethanol (3.5 percent of the health effects. The first phase has been oxygen by weight) and adding 1 5 percent MTBE completed and the results have been summarized (2.7 percent oxygen by weight) to industry-av- by several U.S. states and the USEPA (box 2.4). erage gasoline. For newer gasoline vehicles, the ethanol addition results showed a net decrease in Reformulated gasoline. Beyond substituting non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) (5.9 per- oxygenates that are less hazardous than lead, ad- cent) and CO (13.4 percent), and a net increase ditional gasoline modifications are possible. Re- in NOX emissions (5.1 percent). The MTBE ad- formulating gasoline reduces both regulated and dition results showed net decreases in NMHC (7.0 unregulated emissions. As part of a comprehen- percent) and CO (9.3 percent), and a net increase sive policy to reduce vehicle emissions. fuel re- in NO emissions (3.6 percent). formulation could not only offset any increased Alcohols such as ethanol tend to increase risks associated with introducing unleaded gaso- evaporative emissions and can therefore produce line, but would complement the elimination of higher total HC emissions than straight gasoline, lead health risks. This would result in an overall unless ambient temperatures are so low that reduction of the toxic and ozone-forming poten- evaporative emissions are negligible. Similar tial of gasoline, and gasoline vehicle emissions. adverse effects have not been reported for MTBE The potential for reformulating gasoline to and other ethers. Corrosion, phase separation on reduce pollutant emissions attracted considerable contact with water, and materials compatibility, other problems sometimes experienced with al- cohol fuels, are much less serious for ethers. For this reason, MTBE and other ethers are strongly Box 2.3: Colorado's Success Story preferred as oxygenated blending agents by many The success of one program in Colorado (United fuel marketers as well as for air-quality purposes. States) lead the U.S. Congress to mandate the use of The costs of using ethers are also relatively mod- oxygenated fuels (minimum 2.7 percent oxygen by erate (approximately US$0.01-0.03 per liter at weight) in areas with serious wintertime CO prob- present prices), so these substitutes can be a cost- lems. Colorado initiated a program to require the effective approach as well. addition of oxygenates to gasoline during winter To summarize, it is possible to substitute cer- months when high ambient CO tends to occur. The tain oxygenates . place of leadtoprodmandatory oxygen requirement forthe winter of 1988 tamn oxygenates in place of lead to produce un- (January-March) was 1.5 percent by weight, equiva- leaded gasoline with maximum health benefits, lent to about 8 percent MTBE. For the following no lead, and no increase in other toxic com- years, the minimum oxygen content required was 2 pounds. The case of Hong Kong, China (chapter percentby weight (equivalentto 11 percent MTBE). 5) demonstrates how unleaded gasoline can have These oxygen requirements were estimated to re- virtually the same aromatic content as leaded duce CO exhaust emissions by 24-34 percent in gasoline, in part due to the use of oxygenates." vehicles already fitted with 3-way catalyst systems. Ci.An,v FuELs FOR AsrA: TCIimcrAL OPTONS FOR MonNo TowARDs 16 UNIEADED GASOLINE AND Low-SUuR DrEsu Box 2.4: The Effects of Oxygenated Gasoline: Wisconsin, Maine, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wisconsin line use among the Milwaukee respondents, but was * Ambient air monitoring in Milwaukee detected re- not a predictor for such symptoms in Chicago or greater fonnulated gasoline'components. Wisconsin. * Levels found were not unusually high and did not * The most plausible explanation for this finding is that exceed any health guidelines. many symptoms reported by Milwaukee residents may * As in other studies, refueling a vehicle at a station have actually been due to colds or influenza and not without stage n vapor recovery equipment resulted RFG exposure; and therefore, other factors (e.g., viruses) in the highest exposure potential. may have influenced these adverse health effects. * Symptom prevalence in Milwaukee differed signifi- cantly from both Chicago, Illinois, and the remain- Awareness of Reformulated Fuels der of Wisconsin. * Individuals in Milwaukee and greater Wisconsin who * In Milwaukee, people were more likely to report purchased RFG since November 1994 were more likely unusual symptoms if they had had a cold or influ- to report specific symptoms than individuals who had enza, smoked cigarettes, or were aware of purchas- not purchased RFG since that date or were not aware ing RFG since November 1994. of the type of gasoline they purchased. * Symptom prevalence in Chicago (an area required * Since all gasoline purchased in Milwaukee was RFG, to use RFG) was no different from that in greater this suggests that knowledge of RFG, including pos- Wisconsin (an area not required to use RFG). sible awareness of potential negative effects of refor- * This finding suggests that factors other than RFG mulated gasoline in Milwaukee and greater Wiscon- use significantly contributed to differences in symp- sin, may have heightened the perception of current tom prevalence between Milwaukee and the other health status and led to the assumption that any health two areas studied. symptoms experienced were unusual and attributable * Individual symptoms and symptom patterns attrib- to gasoline exposure. uted to exposure to refornulated gasoline are non- * This finding is consistent with those in chamber tests specific, and similar to those experienced with com- where individuals noted RFG had a different odor than mon acute and chronic illnesses, such as colds, traditional gasoline. influenza, and allergies. * Since every symptom was statistically more preva- Maine lent in Milwaukee than the other two areas (includ- * Complaints reported in January-February 1995. Typi- ing symptoms not associated with gasoline or chemi- cal symptoms reported were non-specific dizziness, cal solvent exposure), it suggests that other factors, lightheadedness, and respiratory symptoms. in addition to the introduction of RFG in that city, * After an organized effort to ban the use of RFG was contributed to the survey responses. initiated, the Maine Bureau of Health began receiving unsolicited health surveys from York County, Maine. Respiratory Factors These health surveys were distributed by an organiza- * All three sample areas experienced the same rate of don called "Oxy Busters." Subsequently, the Bureau winter colds and influenza during the 1994-95 sea- of Health received 48 surveys reporting complaints son (55-60 percent). linked to RFG, including odors, headaches, breathing * Having had a cold or influenza was the strongest problems, sneezing, and other concerns. These surveys predictor of unusual symptoms attributed to gaso- were tabulated and analyzed. attention in the United States, as pressure to shift a great deal has been learned about the potential to alternative fuels increased during the middle to modify gasolines to significantly improve air and late 1980s. This effort led to a major coop- quality. An additional advantage of fuel refor- erative research program -between the oil and mulation is that it can reduce emissions from all automobile industries. A similar effort in Europe vehicles on the road, much as reducing lead in followed during the early 1990s. Consequently, gasoline reduces lead emissions from all vehicles. 17 CHAPIER 2: GASOUNE * In response to published newspaperreports, the Bureau * The Health Effects Task Force identified a suffi- ofHealthalsoreceived several letters andnumerous tele- cient quantity of available high-quality research in- phone calls describing healthproblems To date, the vast formation to recommend against banning MTBE majority of complaints have originated in York County. RFG because both regular gasoline and ozone rep- • This report was written to provide not only an over- resent significant public health hazards and envi- view and evaluation of specific health concerns that ronmental risks. have been linked to RFG, but also to place those con- * In fact, the use of MTBE RFG, in combination with cems specifically in context of Maine. To accomplish Stage II vapor recovery mechanisms at service sta- this, the health effects of gasoline without 11 percent tions, could be expected to achieve some positive MTBE, and the health effects of other air toxins in health impacts. Significant NO reductions are re- Maine and the nation were weighed. quired in RFG Stage II beginning in the year 2000. * In addition, the introduction of MTBE RFG, during MTBE health effects have been reviewed by the the late fall and early winter, occurred when exposure National Academy of Science and Health Effects to other factors having adverse health impacts (influ- Institute in 1996, with generally similar findings. enza and cold viruses, indoor air toxins, severe cold, and dry air) would be maximized. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency * Headaches, skin irritation, and respiratory problems * Gasoline vapors and vehicle exhaust contain vola- such as sneezing and shortness of breath all increased tile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen ox- during this season. ides (NOg) that react in the atmosphere in the pres- * ThehealthproblemsattributedtoRFGareverysimilarto ence of sunlight and heat to produce ozone, a major thoseraisedby citizensinotherpartsoftheUnitedStates. component of smog. * The investigation of health effects in Alaska appears * Motorvehicles also release toxic emissions, including to be inconclusive and has not been confmned by simi- benzene, a known human carcinogen. RFG contains lar studies done in New Jersey and New York. less ingredients contributing to these harmful forms * The presence of MTBE in groundwater was raised as a of air pollution Consequently, RFG reduces the U.S. significant environmental health and contamination is- public's exposure to ozone and certain air toxins. suebypersonsquestioningtheuseofMTBERFGinMaine * RFG contains oxygen additives (oxygenates) such * Review of the available literature, evaluation of in- as MTBE and ethanol. Although used in some fuels state sources of information, and discussions with other as octane enhancers since the late 1970s, oxygen- states, particularly Colorado, confirms the fact that ates were first widely used in a oxygenated fuel pro- MTBE has been found in groundwater in Maine and gram begun in 1992 in 39 urban areas. elsewhere in the United States (see the USEPA study). * This program was required by the 1990 Clean Air * MTBE has been detected in Maine groundwater (and Act in cities with high CO pollution. occasionally in drinling water) for about a decade, at Oxygenates increase the combustion efficiency of levels exceeding the current health-based standard of gasoline, thereby reducing motor vehicle CO emis- 50 parts per billion. At present, MTBE in drinking water sions. CO can also affect healthy individuals by is not thought to pose a significant health hazard. impairing physical capacity, visual perception, * Furthermore, contamination levels should be decreas- manual dexterity, leaning functions, and ability to ing as a problem with leaking underground storage perform complex tasks. tanks is addressed. * To date, research suggests that the oxygenates used * Because people have suggested the presently unsub- in reformulated gasoline pose no greater a health stantiated possibility of significant airborne MTBE risk than the standard gasoline RFG replaces, contamination of groundwater, increased surveillance while helping decrease vehicle emissions. Studies for MTBE in groundwater is recommended. are ongoing, however. The most significant potential emissions re- * reducing sulfur (to improve catalyst effi- ductions that have been identified for gasoline ciency); and reformulation have been achieved by making the * adding oxygenated blend stocks (with a cor- following changes: responding reduction in the high-octane aro- * reducing volatility (to reduce evaporative matic hydrocarbons which might otherwise be emissions); required). CLAw Fuas FOR Asu: TEaimcL OpnoNs FOR MOING TowMDs 18 UmADIJD GASOLNE mo Low-SuzyuR Drna Loweringvolatility: potential benefits of improv- proximately US$0.0038 per liter, assuming crude ing various fuel parameters. Fuel volatility, as oil at US$20 per barrel. These costs were largely measured by Reid vapor pressure (RVP), has a offset by credits for improved fuel economy and marked effect on evaporative emissions from reduced fuel loss through evaporation, leaving a gasoline vehicles with and without evaporative lower net cost to the consumer of approximately emissions controls. Tests on vehicles without US$0.0012 per liter. evaporative emissions controls showed that in- creasing the fuel RVP from 9 pounds per square Oxygenates. Blending small percentages of oxy- inch (psi) (62 kilopascals) to approximately 12 psi genated compounds such as ethanol, methanol, (82 kPa) roughly doubled evaporative emissions."' tertiary butyl alcohol, and MTBE with gasoline The effect is even greater in evaporation-con- reduces the fuel's volumetric energy content trolled vehicles. When fuel RVP was increased while improving antiknock performance. Oxygen- from 9 psi (62 kPa) to 12 psi (81 kPa) RVP fuel, ates thus make possible a potential reduction in USEPA found average diurnal emissions in ve- lead and harmful aromatic compounds. Assum- hicles with evaporative controls to increase more ing no change in the settings of the fuel metering than 5 times. Also, the average hot-soak emis- system, adding oxygenates will result in a leaner sions increased by 25-100 percent.'9 The large air-fuel mixture, which will reduce exhaust CO increase in diurnal emissions from controlled and HC emissions. These reductions are becom- vehicles is due to saturation of the charcoal can- ing less and less important due to recent models ister, which allows subsequent vapors to escape that do not overfuel the engine, and better adap- into the air. tive learning fuel management systems. Vehicle refueling emissions are also strongly affected by fuel volatility. In a comparative test Other fuel variables: Sulfur. Lowering sulfur on the same vehicle, fuel with 11.5 psi (79 kPa) in gasoline lowers CO, HC, and NO. emissions RVP produced 30 percent greater refueling emis- from catalytic converter-equipped cars. As noted sions than gasoline with 10 psi (64 kPa) RVP (1.45 by the Auto/Oil study, "The regression analysis versus 1.89 grams per liter dispensed).20 In re- showed that the sulfur effect (lowered emissions) sponse to data such as these, USEPA established was significant for HC on all ten cars, CO on nationwide summertime RVP limits for gasoline. five cars, and NO, on eight cars. There were no An important advantage of gasoline volatility instances of a statistically significant increase in controls is that they can affect emissions from emissions."'2' To the extent that oxygenates are vehicles already in use, and from the gasoline sulfur-free, their addition would tend to lower distribution system. Unlike new-vehicle emis- gasoline sulfur levels. The study indicated that sions standards, it is not necessary to wait for the NOX would go down by about 3 percent per 100 motor vehicle fleet to turn over before they take ppm sulfur reduction. Recently, the Canadian effect. The emissions benefits and cost-effective- Government has determined that sulfur causes ness of lower volatility are greatest where a few atmospheric formation of fine particles and that of the vehicles in use are equipped with evapora- sulfur reduction would yield 90 percent of the tive controls. Even when evaporative controls are health benefits expected from its proposed re- commonly used, as in the United States, control- formulations. ling volatility may still be beneficial to prevent in-use volatility levels from exceeding those for Other fuel variables. Results of the Auto/Oil which controls were designed. study demonstrated that "NOX emissions were In 1987, USEPA estimated that the long-term lowered by reducing olefins, raised when T 9 was refining costs of meeting a 9 psi (62 kPa) RVP reduced; and only marginally increased when limit throughout the United States would be ap- aromatics were lowered."22 In general, reducing 19 CHAPIER 2: GASOUNE aromatics and T90 caused statistically Box 2.5: Inpact of Oxygenate Used significant reductions in ex h au st mass MTBE: Can be added to gasoline up to 2.7 percent without any significant increase NMHC and CO in NOx. Two opposing effects appear to take place with addition of oxygenates. emissions. Reducing 1. Enleanment, which tends to raise NON. olefins increases 2. Lower flame temperatures, which tend to reduce NOX. With MTBE levels below the equivalent of 2.7 percent oxygen, the lower exhaust mass NMHC flame temperature effect seems to prevail. emissions. However, "the ozone forming Ethanol: Can be added to gasoline at levels as high as 2.1 percent oxygen with- potential" of the total out significantly increasing NOQ levels; above that point levels could increase vehicle emissions was (e.g., USEPA test data on over 100 cars indicates that oxygen levels of 2.7 per- reduced. 23 cent or more could increase NO. emissions by 3-4 percent). The Auto Oil Air Rega gtoxins, Quality Improvement Research Program (Auto/Oil) concluded that there was a Regarding toxlns, statistically-significant increase (of about 5 percent) in NO with the addition of the reduction of aro- 10 percent ethanol (3.5 percent oxygen). matics from 45 percent to 20 percent caused ETBE: Appears to be an attractive source of oxygenates. However, not enough the following: data exists regarding its NOX impact to come to a reasonable conclusion about it. 1. 42 percent reduction The Auto/Oil study revealed an approximately 6 percent increase in NO., but the in benzene but a 23 results were not statistically significant. percent increase in formaldehyde, 2. 20 percent increase in acetaldehyde and about presented by the California Air Resources Board a 10 percent increase in 1,3-Butadiene, and (CARB) were also figured into the study. 3. 31 percent reduction in 1 ,3-Butadiene, but in- The total manufacturing cost of producing significant impacts on other toxins. reformulated gasoline is the sum of the capital Reducing olefins from 20 percent to 5 percent recovery cost and the operating cost. An example resulted in a 31 percent reduction in 1,3-Butadi- of the individual fuel component costs and the ene but had an insignificant impact on other associated incremental percent reduction in VOC toxics. Lowering the T90 from 360°F to 280°F emissions is shown in table 2.4. resulted in statistically significant reductions in USEPA proposed a range of VOC standards benzene, 1,3-Butadiene (37 percent), formalde- and NO xstandards based on particular combina- hyde (27 percent), and acetaldehyde (23 percent). tions of fuel component controls which reduce VOC (and VOC plus NO) emissions at a cost of Cost-effectiveness. It is difficult to estimate the less than US$5,000 and less than US$10,000 per costs and cost-effectiveness of fuel modification, ton, respectively. USEPA believes these ranges because fuels' characteristics differ widely from to represent the upper limit of costs that will be one refiner to another. Individual fuel compo- incurred by many ozone non-attainment areas nent control costs, and the effects of changes in while achieving attainment. one fuel component versus another are two inte-- Estimates of the costs and cost effectiveness gral parts in determining cost effectiveness. of California RFG continue to come down. While USEPA studied these two integral parts: results developing regulations, CARB estimated costs derived from refinery modeling performed by to be US$0.12-0.17 per gallon. Recently, a Turner, Mason, and Company (for the Auto-Oil USEPA analysis placed the costs at Economics group) and Bonner & Moore Man- US$0.08-0. 11 per gallon (US$0.02-0.03 per li- agement Science (for USEPA). Survey results ter). This analysis estimated the cost effective- Ci.4N FuEI5 FOR AsIA: TEC:HmCAL OP7ONS FOR MOnVDV TowARDs 20 UlmADED GASOUNE AND LOW-SuLFUR DIESEL ness of the California RFG to be Table 2.4: Component Control Costs and VOC Emissions US$4,100-5,100 per Reductions ton of VOC and NO _ control; Federal Phase Component Control Level Incremental Cost Cumulative VOC 1 RFG was estimated to (clgal) Reduction (%) cost US$3,100 per ton Oxygen 2.0 Wt % 1.67-3.36* 9.0 of VOC control.24 Benzene 1.0 vol % 0.69 9.0 RVP 8.1 psi 0.57 17.6 LUBRICANTS FOR RVP 7.4 psi 1.67 25.3 Two-SToiKE Sulfur 160 ppm 0.35-0.57 26.4 ENGINS Oxygen 2.7 Wt % 0.59-1.18* There is a visible Olefins 5.0 vol % 1.81-2.44 30.2 "blue" or white smoke Sulfur 50 ppm 1.45-1.86 31.2 in the exhaust of a two- stroke engine, due to Aromatics 20% 0.61-0.98 31.4 the all-loss system of *Based on MTBE. lubrication. This is fur- ther exacerbated by ex- cessive use of lubrication, especially if the lubri- 2. Lead scavengers that accompany leaded gaso- cant or gasoline is adulterated, or used in a line have been identified as human carcino- poorly-maintained engine. The use of modem gens; eliminating lead in gasoline will reduce synthetic smokeless lubricants is recommended this cancer risk. for two-stroke engines (especially three-wheel- 3. Studies in both Europe and the United States ers) in urban areas. The environmental benefits show that gasoline lead is responsible for about far outweight the small extra cost. A government 90 percent of airborne lead and that 1 micro- requirement mandating the dispensing of quality gram per cubic meter of ambient lead will cause lubricants, along with gasoline at authorized deal- a 1-2 microgram per milliliter increase in blood ers for the two-stroke vehicles, would deter adul- lead levels. This is in addition to the lead bur- teration of gasoline and lubricating oils. den which may be associated with food, drink- ing water, and other sources; this burden can vary dramatically from country to country. CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CLEANER 4. The availability of lead-free gasoline can fa- GASOLINE cilitate extensive reductions in other major motor vehicle pollutants, hydrocarbons, CO, 1. A growing body of data on lead's adverse NO., aldehydes, and polynuclear aromatic hy- health effects, especially in young children, drocarbons (PAHs), by allowing the use of indicates there may be no "safe" level. Re- catalytic converters. duced lead in gasoline has been shown to re- 5. Motor vehicle emissions of HC, CO, and NO. duce the risk of behavioral problems, lowered cause or contribute to a wide range of adverse IQs, and decreased ability to concentrate. impacts on public health and general well-be- Adult health is also affected by blood lead ing. Those impacts include increased angina which increases the risk of high blood pres- attacks in individuals suffering from angina sure and cardiovascular diseases. pectoris, greater susceptibility to respiratory 21 CHAPlR 2: GAsoLaNE infection, more respiratory problems in school 3. Annest, J. Lee. 1983. "Trends In Blood Lead children, increased airway resistance in asth- Levels of the United States Populations," Lead matics, eye irritation, impaired crop growth, Versus Health. dead lakes, and forest destruction. Emissions 4. U.S. Court of Appeals, No. 82-2282, Small reductions can occur simultaneously with RefinerLeadPhase-Down TaskForce, et. al. equally significant reductions in fuel consump- v. USEPA, April 22, 1983. tion and vehicle maintenance. Studies in 5. Facchetti May 10-11,1983. "The Isotopic Lead Canada support reduced maintenance costs, Experiment,"; "Isotopic Lead Experiment, Sta- as a result of using unleaded gasoline, of about tus Report," Facchetti and Geiss, Commission Can$0.024 per liter. of the European Communities, 1982. 6. The best strategy for eliminating lead in gaso- 6. Facchetti. May 10-11, 1983. "The Isotopic line is to eliminate its use over a specific time Lead Experiment." period, as several countries have done. 7. For a compelling analysis of the health im- 7. Tax policies that price unleaded fuel substan- pacts of leaded gasoline, see Lovei, Magda. tially lower than leaded fuel have been found August 1996. "Phasing Out Lead from Gaso- to be very effective in stimulating the sales of line: World-Wide Experiences and Policy Im- unleaded fuel. Hong Kong and Singapore have plications," Environment Department Paper adopted such policies. No. 40, The World Bank, Washington, DC. 8. Countries concerned about limited supplies of 8. Gray and Azhari. "Saving Maintenance Dol- unleaded gasoline may wish to maintain a lars With Lead-Free Fuel," SAE # 720014. higher price for unleaded gasoline. This strat- 9. Hinton et al. "Gasoline Lead Additive And egy, however, tends to favor the continued Cost Effects of Potential 1975-1976 Emission purchase of cheaper leaded fuel, increasing the Control Systems," SAE # 730014. risk of damaging the catalytic converter. 10. Hinton et al. "A Study of Lengthened En- 9. Reformulating gasoline by modifying param- gine Oil-Change Intervals," Pless, SAE # eters such as volatility, oxygenates, sulfur lev- 740139. els, and HC mix can reduce HC, CO, and toxic 11. Mowle, M.G. 1981. "The Benefits of Un- emissions by 10-30 percent. leaded Petrol," Institution of Engineers Trans- 10. Using oxygenates such as MTBE in cold tem- portation Conference. perature environments clearlyreduces CO, but 12. Mowle, M.G. 1981, op. cit. has raised concerns regarding adverse health 13. Michael, R. Bruce, USEPA. October 8-11, effects in certain susceptible individuals. Stud- 1984. "Misfueling Emissions of Three-Way ies to date by USEPA and several U.S. states Catalyst Vehicles," presented at the Society have failed to identify a serious problem, but of Automotive Engineers, Fuels and Lubri- additional studies are ongoing. cants Meeting, SAE Paper #841354. 14. (Emissions)/(Emissions with no lead). 15. Weaver, C.S. 1986. "The Effects of Low- ENDNOTES Lead and Unleaded Fuels on Gasoline En- gines," SAE Paper No. 860090, SAE Interna- 1. Royal Commission on Environmental Pollu- tional: Warrendale, Pennsylvania. tion. April 1983. "Lead In The Environment," 16. The Canadian government has recently an- Ninth Report. nounced its intention to ban the use of MMT in 2. Schwartz, Joel. April 6, 1983. "Health Effects unleaded gasoline because of concerns regard- of Gasoline Lead Emissions," U.S. Environ- ing its potential impact on catalyst performance mental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. and oxygen sensors and onboard diagnostics. CBAN FuEIs FOR AsIA TEawcAL OPnons FOR Monwo TowARs 22 UtwDED GASsoL(E AND Low-S&%FuR DiEasE 17. Ha, Kong. 1994. Information on Hong Kong's Warrendale, Pennsylvania. Unleaded Gasoline Program. Environmental 21. Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Protection Agency, Hong Kong, China. Program. February 1991. "Effects Of Fuel 18. McArragher, J.S. et al. 1988. "Evaporative Sulfur Levels On Mass Exhaust Emissions," Emissions from Modem European Vehicles Technical Bulletin No. 2. and their Control," SAE Paper No. 880315, 22. Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research SAE International: Warrendale, Pennsylvania. Program. December 1990. "Initial Mass Ex- 19. Office of Mobile Sources. 1987. DraftRegula- haust Emissions Results From Reformulated tory Impact Analysis: Control of Gasoline Gasolines," Technical Bulletin No. 1. VolatilityandEvaporativeHydrocarbonEmis- 23. Colucci and Wise. June 7,1992. "Auto/Oil Air sions From New Motor Vehicles. U.S. Envi- Quality Improvement Research Program- ronmental Protection Agency: Washington, DC. What Is It and What Has It Learned?" presented 20. Braddock, J.N. 1988. "Factors Influencing at XXIV Fisita Congress, London, England. the Composition and Quantity of Passenger 24. Atkinson, Dr. R. Dwight. May 1993. "The Car Refueling Emissions: Part II," SAE Pa- Case For California Reformulated Gasoline- per No. 880712, SAE International: Adoption By the Northeast." CHAPTER 3: DIESEL FUEL The quality and composition of diesel fuel can SULFUR have important impacts on pollutant emissions. Diesel-powered vehicles are an important part of Diesel emissions contain sulfur in particulate and commercial vehicle fleets throughout the world. gaseous form, and thus any reduction in sulfur They also produce large amounts of particulate has dual advantages. Recent evaluations carried matter emissions from unburned fuel and lubri- out in Europe show the benefits of reduced sul- cating oil, and from sulfur in the fuel. Diesel par- fur in diesel fuel for lowering particulates. For ticulate emissions are very small and thus have a example, preliminary data released from the Auto/ maximum health impact. Because diesel combus- Oil study showed that lowering the diesel fuel tion produces very high flame temperatures, high sulfur level from 2000 particles per million (ppm) amounts of nitrogen oxides (NO.) are produced. to 500 ppm reduced overall particulate from light- NOX contributes to photochemical smog and, duty diesels by 2.4 percent, and from heavy-duty through secondary atmospheric transformations, diesels by 13 percent.' The relationship between to particulate aerosols. Improved engine designs particulates and sulfur level was found to be lin- and, very recently, add-on devices such as oxi- ear; for every 100 ppm reduction in sulfur, there dation catalysts or particulate filters have is a 0.16 percent reduction in particulate from achieved considerable success in reducing par- light-duty vehicles and a 0.87 percent reduction ticulate matter emissions. Traps that rely on fuel from heavy-duty vehicles. additive catalysts such as cerium for semi-con- USEPA has also established a clear relation- tinuous regeneration have also been successful ship between sulfur in diesel fuel and particulate in reducing emissions. However, even with these emissions.2 The direct sulfate emissions factor advances, cleaner diesel vehicle particulate emis- (grams per mile) is calculated as follows: sions remain much higher than from comparable DSULV = 13.6 * (1.0 + WATER) * FDNSTY * gasoline-fueled vehicles. (For a review of con- SWGHTD * DCNVRT/FE trols on diesel-fueled vehicles, see appendix C.) DSULV: direct sulfate emissions factor for a class and model year of vehicles. DCNVRT: fraction of sulfur in the fuel that is converted directly to sulfate (2.0 percent). Box 3.1: Fuel Variables Found to Have a FDNSTY: density of diesel fuel (7. 1 1 pounds per Significant Impact on Pollutant Emissions gallon). 1. Sulfur content and the fraction of aromatic hy- FE: fuel economy for the class and model year drocarbons contained in the fuel. of the vehicles. 2. Volatility of the diesel fuel (85 or 90 percent dis- SWGHTD: weight percent of sulfur in diesel fuel. tilled temperatures). WATER: weight ratio of seven water molecules 3. Use of fuel additives. to sulfate, 7 * 18/96 = 1.3 1. 23 CLEAN FuELs FOR AsIA: TECHNCAL Opnows FOR MonNO TowARDs 24 UNEADEP. GAsoLrNE AAD Low-SuLyuR Dm%SL 13.6: units conversion factor= (453.59 * 3)/100 Certain precious metal catalysts can oxidize where 453.59 = number of grams in a pound, SO2 to sulfur trioxide (SO3), which combines with 3 = weight ratio of SO4 to sulfur, and the divi- water in the exhaustto form sulfuric acid. The rate sion by 100 is to correct for the weight per- of conversion with the catalyst depends on the cent of sulfur. temperature, space velocity, and oxygen content The gaseous sulfur emissions factor is calcu- of the exhaust, and on the activity of the catalyst. lated as follows: Generally, catalyst formulations that are most ef- SO2EF.=9.07 * FDNSTY *. SWGHTD * (1- fectiveinoxidizinghydrocarbonsand CO are also CNVRT)/FE most effective at oxidizing SO2. The presence of SO = the sulfur emissions factor of a vehicle significant quantities of sulfur in diesel fuel thus of a given class and model year. limits the potential for emissions catalysts or cata- 9.07: units conversion factor = (453.59 * 2)/100 lytic trap-oxidizers for use in controlling PM and where 453.59 = number of grams in a pound, HC emissions. 2 = weight ratio of SO2 to sulfur, and the divi- Atmospheric SO2 oxidizes to form sulfate par- sion by 100 is to convert for the weight per- ticles much the way it does in the precious metal cent of sulfur. catalyst The presence of the catalyst merely speeds Clearly, improving diesel fuel quality reduces up a reaction which would occur anyway (although diesel emissions and increases the prospects for this can have a significant effect on human expo- advanced after-treat- ment technology. Swe- den and Finland have Table 3.1: Environmental Classificatonsfor Sweden shown that very low- sulfur diesel fuel is fea- Fuel Characteristic Urban Diesel I Urban Diesel 2 Standard sible and beneficial. Both countries have in- Maximum Sulfur (%) 0.001 0.005 0.2 troduced the use of MaximumAromatics(%O) 5 20 very low-sulfur fuel Maximum PAH (%) 0.02 0.1 (less than 0.005 percent by weight), resulting in Distillation: substantially reduced IBP (min) 0C 180 180 sulfu~r emissions. swedirenisiontrodu 10 percent (min) - - 180 Sweden introduced environmental classifi- 95 percent (max) 285 295 * cationsfordieselfuelin Density kg/m3) 800-820 800-820 January 1991, with tax Cetane Number 50 47 relief for both sulfur content and composi- Tax Rate ($/m3)@ 126 165 199 tion. Thesewere further Notes: revised in January 1992 In addition to the urban grades, one summer and three winter standard grades are specilied. to the classifications summarizedintable 3.1. 95 percent distilaton varies with grade: Summer 370; Winter 340 Figure 3.1 illustrates the # Density varies with grade: Summer 820-860 kgAn3; Winter 800-845 (-26 C); Winter 800-840 benefits produced by (-32 and -38 C grades) using very low-sulfur ##4549 diesel fuel on urban §1994taxratesexdudeaddedvaluetax. buses in Finland. 25 CHAPIER 3: DiEsm FUEL sure to reaction prod- ucts). According to Figure 3.1: Emissions from Buses in Finland analysis by California Air Resources Board NOx (G/kWh) Particulate (G/kWh) staff, roughly 1.2 16 0.4 pounds of secondary 12 0.3 NOxP particulate is formed 10 Partiulat per pound of SO2 emit- 8 0.2 ted in the South Coast 4 l. Air Basin. For a diesel 2 engine burning fuel of 0 C;b 0.29 percent by weight w o°' 6@ I 6°^ I of sulfur at 0.42 pounds 0 of fuel per horsepower Note: OB Old Bus; MB = Modem Bus; NF = Nonnal Fuel; CF = City Diesel; per hour, this iS equ iv a- CAT =Oxidation Catalysts lent to 0.85 grams per horsepower-hour. For comparison, the aver- age rate of primary or directly emitted particulate lation curve," specifying the temperature at which emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines in use various percentages of the hydrocarbons have was about 0.8 grams per horsepower-hour. boiled away. A low (10 percent) boiling point Aside from its particulate-forming tendencies, (T10) is associated with a significant content of SO2 is recognized as a hazardous pollutant in its relatively volatile hydrocarbons. Fuels with this own right. The health and welfare effects of SO2 characteristic tend to exhibit somewhat higher in diesel vehicle emissions are probably much HC emissions than others. Formerly, a relatively greater than that of an equal quantity emitted from high (90 percent) boiling point (T90) was consid- a utility stack or industrial boiler, since motor ve- ered to be associated with higher particulate emis- hicle exhaust is emitted close to ground level near sions. More recent European studies have shown roads, buildings, and people. that this effect is spurious-the apparent statisti- cal linkage was due to the higher sulfur content of these high-boiling fuels. VOLATILITY In a Dutch study, the test fuels were composed of two sets of clearly different (T85 and Tgo) boil- Diesel fuel consists of a mixture of hydrocar- bons having different Box 3.2: Options to Reduce the Sulfur Content of Diesel Fuel molecular weights and boiling points.4 As a re- 1. In the crude state, increase the proportion of low-sulfur crude oil. sult, some of it boils 2. Reduce the cut point of diesel fractions from both primary distillation as well away on heating, while as from the fractionation of secondary processing streams to 350-3600C. away on heating, while 3. Improve fractionation efficiency to eliminate inter-stream overlaps during frac- the remainder's boiling tionation of diesel oils. point increases. This 4. Hydro-treat gas oil feedstocksto fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) and/orhydrofme fact is used to charac- FCC diesel fractions; reduce proportions of FCC oil blended into final product terize the range of hy- diesel oil to reduce olefins and avoid stability problems. drocarbons in the fuel 5. Install hydrocrackers that would enable production of very low-sulfur satu- in the form of a "distil- rated diesel with high cetane numbers. CQAN FUEJS FOR Asu: TECHNICAL OP2TONS FOR MOVING TOWARDS 26 UxLuDED GASOUNE AAD Low-SuLFuR DIESPL ing points, between which sulfur content varied organic fraction (SOF) emissions. Increased aro- independently. A highly significant effect of matic content may also be correlated with in- 85-90 percent boiling point temperatures was creased SOF mutagenicity, possibly due to in- found, in addition to a significant sulfur effect creased polycyclic nuclear aromatics (PNA) and and a probably significant aromatics content ef- nitro-PNA emissions. There is also some evi- fect. A typical effect of a 20°C change in 85 per- dence that more highly aromatic fuels have a cent boiling point is 0.05 grams per kWh at greater tendency to form deposits on fuel injec- present particulate levels. As mentioned earlier, tors and other critical components. Such depos- this may be related to generally higher 85 or 90 its can interfere with proper fuel/air mixing, percent boiling points, which in the test fuels went greatly increasing PM and HC emissions. up to 350-360°C. Commercial diesel fuels in Europe show values up to about 370°C. OTHER FUEL PROPERTIES AROMATIC HYDROCARBON CONTENT Other fuel properties may also have an effect on emissions. Fuel density, for instance, may affect Aromatic hydrocarbons are compounds contain- the mass of fuel injected into the combustion ingoneormore benzene-like ring structures. They chamber, and thus the air/fuel ratio. This is be- are distinguished from paraffins and naphthenes, cause fuel injection pumps meter fuel by volume, the other major hydrocarbon constituents of die- not by mass, and a denser fuel contains a greater sel fuel, which lack such structures. Aromatic mass in the same volume. Fuel viscosity can also hydrocarbons are denser, have poorer self-igni- affect the fuel injection characteristics, and thus tion qualities, and produce more soot in burning. the mixing rate. The fuel's corrosiveness, clean- Ordinarily, "straight run" diesel fuel produced liness, and lubricating properties can all affect by simple distillation of crude oil is fairly low in the fuel injection equipment-possibly contrib- aromatic. hydrocarbons. However, catalytic uting to excessive in-use emissions if the equip- cracking of residual oil to increase gasoline and ment wears out prematurely. Reducing fuel den- diesel production results in increased aromatics sity is an effective means of reducing fine content. A typical straight run diesel might con- particulate emissions. tain 20-25 percent aromatics by volume, while a diesel blended from catalytically cracked stocks could have 40-50 percent aromatics. FUEL ADDITIVES Aromatic hydrocarbons have poor self-igni- tion qualities, so diesel fuels containing a high Several generic types of diesel fuel additives, fraction of aromatics tend to have low cetane including cetane enhancers, smoke suppressants, numbers. Typical cetane values for straight run and detergent additives, can also have a signifi- diesels are in the range of 50-55; those for highly cant impact on emissions. In recent years some aromatic diesel fuels are typically 40-45, and may additive research has been directed specifically be even lower. This produces delays in starting at emissions reduction. vehicles when the engine is cold, and increases Cetane enhancers are used to improve diesel combustion noise, HC, and NON. fuel's self-ignition qualities. These compounds Increased aromatics content is also correlated are generally added to reduce combustion noise with higher particulate emissions. Aromatic hy- and ignition delays, both adverse impacts of high drocarbons have a greater tendency to form soot aromatic fuels. Cetane enhancers also appear to while burning, and the poorer combustion qual- reduce the aromatic hydrocarbons' adverse im- ity also appears to increase particulate soluble pacts on HC and PM emissions. However, PM 27 CHAPER 3: D;E,E Fun emissions are somewhat higher than what would CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CLEAN DIESEL result from the use of a higher quality fuel. These FUEL findings are not universal. A Dutch study detected no significant effect of ashless cetane-enhancers 1. There is a clear worldwide trend toward lower on NO. or particulates. levels of sulfur in diesel fuel. At a minimum, this would reduce particulate emissions from Smoke-suppressing additives are organic com- diesel vehicles. Recent European studies in- pounds of calcium, barium, or sometimes mag- dicate that for every 100 ppm sulfur reduc- nesium. Added to diesel fuel, these compounds tion, there is a 0.16 percent reduction in par- inhibit soot formation during the combustion pro- ticulates from light-duty vehicles, and a 0.87 cess, and thus greatly reduce visible smoke emis- percent reduction from heavy-duty vehicles. sions. Their effects on the particulate SOF are 2. Other diesel fuel properties such as volatility, not fully documented, but one study of a barium density, aromatic content, and additives can additive has shown a significant increase in the have positive or negative effects on diesel ve- polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) con- hicle emissions. Increasing the cetane num- tent and SOF mutagenicity. ber of the fuel usually has beneficial effects Particulate sulfate emissions are greatly in- on emissions. creased with these additives, since they readily 3. In addition to the adoption of mandatory lim- form stable solid metal sulfates which are emit- its, studies show that tax policies can be very ted in the exhaust. Thus, the overall effect of re- effective in encouraging the introduction and ducing soot and increasing metal sulfate emis- use of low-polluting diesel fuels. sions may be either an increase or decrease in the total particulate mass, depending on the soot emissions level at the beginning, and the amount ENDNOTES of additive used. 1. The Auto/Oil Programme, informal briefing, Detergent additives (often combined with a cet- Brussels, March 21, 1995. ane enhancer) help to prevent and remove coke 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Feb- deposits on fuel injectortips and othervulnerable ruary 1995. "Draft Users Guide To Part 5: A locations. By maintaining new engine injection Program For Calculating Particle Emissions and mixing characteristics, these deposits can help From Motor Vehicles." to decrease in-use PM and HC emissions. A study 3. Mikkonen, Seppo and Neste Oy. June 5, 1993. for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) "Reformulated Fuels Reduce Automotive estimated that fuel injector problems of trucks in Emissions," Finnish Air Pollution Prevention use cause PM emissions that are 50 percent higher News. than those from new vehicles. A significant frac- 4. Boiling points are measured in terms of units tion of this PM emissions excess is unquestion- of temperature (T), the temperature at which ably due to fuel injector deposits. gasoline is vaporized or distilled. CiBAp FuEns FOR ASiA: TECyrhNCAL OnioNs FOR MovoW TowARDs 28 UNLDED GAsoLiNE AND Low-SULFUR Disssi CHAPTER 4: ALTERNATIVE FUELS The possibility of substituting cleaner-burning al- * ethanol (derived from grain); ternatives for gasoline has drawn increasing at- * biodiesel (derived from vegetable or other oils); tention over the last decade. Motives for these * compressed natural gas (CNG, mainly com- substitutions include conservation of oil products posed of methane); and energy security, as well as reducing or elimi- * liquefied petroleum gas (LPG, composed of nating pollutant emissions. Some alternative fu- propane and butane); els offer large, cost-effective reductions in pol- * electricity; lutant emissions. Alternative fuels' air quality * hydrogen; and claims must be evaluated carefully, because in * synthetic liquid fuels derived from hydroge- many cases similar or even greater emissions re- nation of coal, and various fuel blends such as ductions can be obtained with a conventional fuel gasohol. by using a more advanced emissions control sys- tem. Which approach is more cost-effective de- pends on the relative costs of the conventional NATURAL GAS and the alternative fuel.1 Alternative fuels include the following: Natural gas (85-99 percent methane) has many methanol (derived from natural gas, coal, or desirable qualities as a spark-ignition engine fuel. biomass); Clean-burning, cheap, and abundant in many Table 4.1: Properties of Conventional and Alternative Fuels FuelType Diesel Gasoline Methanol Ethanol Propane Methane Energy content (LHV) (MJ/kg) 42.5 44.0 20.0 26.9 46.4 50.0 Liquid density (kgA) 0.84-0.88 0.72-0.78 .792 .785 .51 .4225 Liquid energy density (MJAI) 36.55 33.0 15.84 21.12 23.66 21.13 Gas energy density (MJAI) - @ atmospheric - - - - 0.093 0.036 -@ 200 bar - - - - - 7.47 Boiling point, OC 140-360 37-205 65 79 -42.15 -161.6 Research octane no. -25 92-98 106 107 112 120 Motor octane no. - 80-90 92 89 97 120 Cetane no. 45-55 0-5 5 5 -2 0 29 CLEA, FUES FOR Asr: TECHImCa OPnOPs FOR MoVnNo TowAws 30 UH/uDED GASOuNE AND Low-SULFUR DlESrw parts of the world, natural gas already plays a creasing the compression ratio and making other significant role in Argentina, Canada, Italy, New changes, although this is not usually done in ret- Zealand, Russia, and the United States. Recent rofitting situations because of the cost. Nearly advances in natural gas vehicle and engine tech- all present light-duty NGVs use stoichiometric nology in a number of countries have combined engines with or without three-way emissions cata- to boost natural gas' visibility and market poten- lysts. A few heavy-duty natural gas vehicles also tial as a vehicle fuel. Other advances include new use stoichiometric engines. storage cylinder technologies, international stan- dardization, and new factory-manufactured natu- Lean-burn engines use an air-fuel mixture with ral gas vehicles (NGVs). These have helped en- significantly more air than is required to burn all hance the market potential of natural gas. of the fuel. The extra air dilutes the mixture and Nearly all NGVs now in operation have been reduces the flame temperature, reducing engine- retrofitted from gasoline models. Natural gas' out nitrogen oxide (NO.) emissions and exhaust physical properties make these conversions rela- temperatures. Reduced heat losses and various tively easy. A typical conversion costs about thermodynamic advantages make lean-burn en- US$1,500-4000 per vehicle, due mostly to the on- gines approximately 10-20 percent more efficient boardfuelstoragesystem's cost Currentfuel prices than stoichiometric engines. Without turbocha- mean that many highiiuse vehicles could recover rging, however, a lean-burn engine's power out- this cost in a few years due to fuel cost savings. put is less than that of a stoichiometric engine. In recent years, several thousand new, factory- Turbocharging reverses the situation because lean built light-duty NGVs have been produced in the mixtures knock less readily. Therefore, lean-burn United States, mostly by the Chrysler Corpora- engines can be designed for higher levels of turbo- tion. Ford has announced plans to begin limited charger boost than stoichiometric engines, thus production of an optimized natural gas passen- achieving higher power output. These engines' ger car in 1996. The Chrysler and Ford vehicles lower temperatures also contribute to engine life incorporate fuel metering and emissions control and reliability. For these reasons, most heavy- systems similar to those in modem fuel-injected duty natural gas engines have a lean-burn design. gasoline vehicles. These vehicles are the cleanest This category includes a rapidly-growing num- non-electric motor vehicles ever made-easily ber of heavy-duty lean-burn engines developed meeting California's stringent ultra-low vehicle and marketed specifically for vehicular use. emissions standards. Their incremental cost in their present, limited-volume production, range Dual-fuel diesel engines are a special type of lean- about US$4,000-5,500 more than gasoline ve- burn engine in which the air-gas mixture in the hicles, or about 20 percent of the selling price. cylinder is ignited not by a spark plug but by injec- Estimates claim that under mass production the tion of a small amount of diesel fuel that self- incremental cost would drop to around ignites. Most diesel engines can readily be con- US$1,500-2,500 per vehicle. verted to dual-fuel operation, retaining the option Natural gas engines can be grouped into three to run on 100 percent diesel fuel if natural gas is main types by combustion system-stoichiomet- not available. Because of the flexibility this al- ric, lean-burn, and dual-fuel diesel. lows, the dual-fuel approach has been popular Most NGVs now in operation have stoichio- for heavy-duty retrofit applications. Current dual- metric engines that have been converted from fuel engine systems tend to have very high HC gasoline engines. These engines are either bi-fuel and CO emissions due to the production of mix- (able to operate on natural gas or gasoline) or tures too lean to burn at light loads. However, dedicated to natural gas. In the latter case, the developments such as timed gaseous fuel injec- engine can be optimized for natural gas by in- tion systems, promise to overcome this problem. 31 CHAPIER 4: ALRmnAn FuELs Sincenatural gas is mostlymethane, NGVshave frastructure and transport costs. Where gas is lower non-methane hydrocarbon (NMIHC) emis- available by pipeline from the field, its price is sions than gasoline vehicles, but higher methane normally set by competition with residual fuel emissions. When the fuel system is sealed, there oil or coal. Market-clearing price under these are no evaporative or running-loss emissions, and conditions is typically about US$3.00 per mil- refueling emissions arenegligible. Cold-start emis- lion BTU (equivalent to about $0.41 per gallon sions from NGVs are also low since cold-start of diesel fuel). Natural gas compression costs can enrichment is not required, reducing both NMHC add another US$0.50-2.00 per million BTU, and CO emissions. NGVs are normally calibrated depending on the facility's size and the natural with somewhat leaner fuel-air ratios than gaso- gas supply pressure. line vehicles, which also reduces CO emissions. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) costs vary con- Given equal energy efficiency, carbon dioxide siderably, depending on specific contract terms (CO2) emissions from NGVs are lower than from (there is no effective "spof' LNG market). Small- gasoline vehicles, since natural gas has a lower scale natural gas liquefaction costs about US$2.00 carbon content per unit of energy. In addition, per million BTU, normally making it uneconomic the high octane value of natural gas (120 or more) compared to CNG. Where low-cost remote gas is makes it possible to attain increased efficiency available, LNG production can be quite economic. by increasing the compression ratio. Optimized Typical 1987 costs for LNG delivered to Japan heavy-duty NGV engines may approach diesel were about US$3.20-3.50 per million BTU. Ter- efficiency levels. NOX emissions from uncon- minal receipt and transportation would probably trolled NGVs may be higher or lower than com- add about US$0.50 to the wholesale cost. parable gasoline vehicles, depending on the en- gine technology, but they are typically somewhat lower. Light-duty NGVs equipped with modem LIQuEFUD PETROLEUM GAs electronic fuel control systems and three-way catalytic converters have achieved NOX emissions Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is already widely more than 75 percent below the California ultra- used as a vehicle fuel in Canada, the Netherlands, low vehicle emissions standards. and the United States. As a spark-ignition en- In the last several years, a number of heavy- gine fuel, it has many of the same advantages as duty engine manufacturers have developed die- natural gas, with the additional advantage of be- sel-derived lean-burn natural gas engines for use ing easier to transport. A major disadvantage is in emissions-critical applications, such as urban its limited supply, which would rule out any large- transit buses and delivery trucks. These engines scale conversion to LPG fuel. As with natural incorporate low-NOX technology used in station- gas, nearly all LPG vehicles presently in opera- ary natural gas engines, and typically an oxida- tion are retrofitted gasoline vehicles. The costs tion catalyst. They are capable of achieving very of converting from gasoline to LPG are consid- low NO., particulate, and other emissions levels erably less than those of converting to natural (less than 2.0 grams per BHP-hr NO and 0.03 gas, due primarily to the fuel tanks' lower cost. grams per BHP-hr particulate) with high effi- A light-duty vehicle typically costs about ciency, high power output, and most likely, longer US$800-1,500 to. convert. As with natural gas, life. Three such engines have recently been cer- the conversion cost for high-use vehicles usually tified in California: the Cummins L1 0engine for can be recovered within a few years through transit buses, and the Hercules 5.61 and 3.71 en- lower fuel costs. Engine technology for LPG gines for school buses and medium trucks. vehicles is very similar to that for NGVs, with Natural gas costs vary greatly from country the exception that LPG is seldom used in dual- to country, and even within countries, due to in- fuel diesel applications. CESAN FuELs FOR ASI: TECMCAL OPnoNS FOR Monjvo TowARDs 32 UNLADED GAsolSAND Low-SuLFuR DiESuE LPG has many of the same emissions charac- lar or somewhat lower ozone impacts. Formal- teristics as natural gas. The two fuels are similar, dehyde emissions (a primary combustion prod- except that LPG is primarily propane (or a pro- uct of methanol) tend to be significantly higher pane/butane mixture), rather than methane, which than those from gasoline or other alternative fuel affects the composition of exhaust volatile or- vehicles. However, other toxic air emissions (es- ganic compound (VOC) emissions. LPG is pro- pecially benzene) tend to be lower, while form- duced in the extraction of heavier liquids from aldehyde emissions have been controlled success- natural gas, and as a by-product in petroleum re- fully by emissions catalysts. fining. Presently, LPG supply exceeds demand Heavy-duty methanol engines are capable of in most petroleum-refining countries, which much lower NO. and particulate emissions than keeps the price low relative to other hydrocar- similar heavy-duty bus diesel engines, while en- bons. Wholesale prices for consumer-grade pro- gine-out NMOG and formaldehyde emissions pane in the United States have been about tend to be higher. However, these emissions have US$0.25-0.30 per gallon for several years, or been controlled successfully by emissions cata- about 30 percent less than the wholesale cost of lyst converters. diesel on an energy basis. Depending on the lo- Methanol can be produced from natural gas, cation, however, the additional costs of storing coal, or biomass. At current and foreseeable and transporting LPG may offset this advantage. prices, the most economical methanol feedstock is natural gas, especially where found in remote regions where natural gas has no ready market. METHANOL The current world market considers methanol a commodity chemical, rather than a fuel; world Widely promoted in the United States as a "clean methanol production capacity is limited and pro- fuel," methanol has many desirable combustion jected to be tight through the 1990s and beyond. and emissions characteristics, including good Methanol is a feedstock in the production of lean-combustion characteristics, low flame tem- MTBE, and anticipated increased demand for perature (leading to low NO% emissions), and low MTBE for reformulated gasoline will place photochemical reactivity. Methanol's major strong pressures on price and supply in the fore- drawbacks are its cost and price volatility. There seeable future. is little prospect for methanol to become price- The world market price of methanol has fluc- competitive with conventional fuels unless world tuated dramatically in the last decade, from oil prices increase greatly. US$0.25 per gallon in the early 1980s to With a fairly high octane number of 112 and US$0.60-0.70 in the late 1980s. The lower price excellent lean-combustion properties, methanol reflected a glut, while the higher value reflected a is a good fuel for lean-burn Otto-cycle engines. temporary shortage. Recent estimates of the long- Its lean combustion limits are similar to those of term supply price of methanol for the next de- natural gas, while its low energy density results cade are US$0.43-0.59 per gallon. This would be in a flame temperature lower than hydrocarbon equal to US$0.90-1.23 on an energy-equivalent fuels, and thus lower NOx emissions. basis (compared to present spot gasoline prices Light-duty vehicles using M85 tend to have on the order of US$0.70 per gallon). In addition NO1 and CO emissions similar to gasoline ve- to new methanol supply capacity, any large-scale hicles. The total mass of tailpipe non-methane vehicular use of methanol would require substan- organic gas (NMOG) emissions tends to be simi- tial investments in fuel storage, transportation, lar to (or higher than) gasoline vehicles, but and dispensing facilities, which would further NMOG's lower ozone reactivity results in simi- increase the delivered cost of the fuel. 33 CHAP ER 4: ALmwRNAI7IE FuELs ETHANOL availability of a large and inexpensive biomass resource, this program still depends on massive Ethanol has attracted considerable attention as a government subsidies. motor fuel due to the success of the Brazilian Prooalcool program. However, despite this program's technical success, the high cost of pro- BIODIESEL ducing ethanol (compared to hydrocarbon fuels) means that heavy subsidies are required. Biodiesel is produced by reacting vegetable or Ethanol, the second lowest of the alcohols in animal fats with methanol or ethanol to produce a molecular weight, resembles methanol in most lower-viscosity fuel similar in physical charac- combustion and physical properties. The major teristics to diesel. Such fuels can be used as is or difference is ethanol's higher volumetric energy blended with diesel. Engines running on pure content. Fuel-grade ethanol, as produced in Bra- biodiesel tend to have lower black smoke and CO zil, is produced by distillation, and contains sev- emissions but higher NOX emissions, and possi- eral percent by weight of water. In addition, pure bly higher particulate emissions. These differences (anhydrous) ethanol is used as a blend stock for are not very large. Other advantages of biodiesel gasoline both in Brazil and the United States. By include a high cetane number, very low sulfur blending 22 percent anhydrous ethanol with gaso- content, and the fact that it is a renewable resource. line to produce gasohol, Brazil has been able to Disadvantages include high cost (US$1.50-3.50 completely eliminate the need for lead as an oc- per gallon before taxes), reduced energy density tane enhancer. resulting in lower engine power output, and a low Emissions from ethanol-fueled engines are not flash point, which may be hazardous. Biodiesel's well characterized but are believed to be high in effects on engine performance and emissions over unburned ethanol, acetaldehyde, and other alde- long-term use are not well documented. hydes. These can be controlled with emissions Although there are no published field test data catalysts. Uncontrolled NOX emissions are some- on engine emissions or performance and dura- what higher than with methanol, but still lower bility for vehicles using blended or neat biodiesel, than gasoline engines. Cold-starting ethanol en- there are some reports on short-term effects mea- gines is not a serious problem in the warm Bra- sured in the laboratory. The general consensus is zilian climate but would be a concern in colder that blended or neat biodiesel has the potential to countries. reduce CO emissions (although these are already Ethanol is produced primarily by fermenting low), smoke opacity, and measured HC emis- starch from grains or sugar (from sugar cane). sions. However, studies show an increase in NO As a result, fuel ethanol production directly com- emissions from biodiesel fuel, compared to die- petes with food production in most countries. sel fuel under normal engine conditions. This is Ethanol's resulting high price-US$1.00-1.60 partly due to biodiesel's higher cetane number, per gallon in the United States in the last few which causes a shorter ignition delay and higher years (equivalent to US$1.56-2.50 per gallon of peak cylinder pressure (some may also be due to gasoline on an energy basis), has effectively ruled the fuel's nitrogen content). Reduction in smoke out its use as a motor fuel except in Brazil and emissions is believed to be due to better com- the United States, where it is heavily subsidized. bustion of the short-chain hydrocarbons found Brazil's Prooalcool program, promoting the use in biodiesel, as well as the oxygen content's ef- of fuel ethanol in motor vehicles, has attracted fect. Other data also show that mixing oxygen- worldwide attention as the most successful alter- ates with biodiesel indicates a reduction in HC native fuel implementation program. Despite the emissions when biodiesel is used. However, the CUuH FUELS FOR AsA: TBCFIMCAL OPnoNs FOR MonNo TowARDs 34 UM.ADED GASouNS AAv LowSuLFuR Dril organic acids and oxygenated compounds found duce the hydrogen. In the long-term event of dras- in biodiesel may affect the response of the flame tic measures to reduce CO2 emissions (to help ionization detector, thus understating the actual reduce the effects of global warming), hydrogen HC emissions. The behavior of these compounds fuel produced from renewable energy sources with respect to adsorption and desorption on the would be a possible solution. surfaces of the gas sampling system is not known. Hydrogen can be stored on-board a vehicle as More studies are needed to understand the or- a compressed gas, liquid, or in chemical storage ganic constituents in the exhaust gases from as metal hydrides. Hydrogen can also be manu- biodiesel-powered engines before firm conclu- factured on-board the vehicle by reforming natu- sions can be drawn regarding HC emissions. ral gas, methanol, or other fuels, or by the reac- Controversy exists concerning the effect of tion of water with sponge iron. biodiesel on particulate matter emissions. Biodiesel's cost is the principal barrier, mak- ing it less attractive as a diesel substitute. Veg- THE EcoNoMIcs OF ALTERNATiVE FUELS etable oils used in making biodiesel cost about US$2.00-3.00 per gallon. If the credit for glyc- Alternative transport fuel economics depend on erol (a by-product of the biodiesel transes- the cost of production and the additional costs of terification process, and a chemical feedstock for storage, distribution, and end-use. Production costs many industrial processes) is taken into account, are a function of abundance or scarcity of the the cost of converting vegetable oils to biodiesel resources from which the fuel is produced, and is approximately US$0.50 per gallon. Thus, the the technology required to extract those resources. total biodiesel fuel cost is about US$2.50-3.50 The additional costs of storage, distribution, and per gallon. This is substantially higher than con- end vehicle use are also important. Gasoline, die- ventional diesel, which currently costs about sel fuel made from heavy oils, and natural gas US$0.75 per gallon before taxes. If waste veg- require relatively minor changes to existing dis- etable oil is used, the cost of biodiesel may be tribution and end-use systems, while CNG and reduced to roughly US$1.50 per gallon. Since alcohol fuels require larger modifications. the heating value for biodiesel is less than diesel, Organization of Economic Cooperation and more fuel must be burned to provide the same Development (OECD) estimates of the costs (pro- work output as diesel fuel, adding to biodiesel's duction, distribution, and end-use) of alternative cost disadvantage. fuels are shown in table 4.2. These estimates are based on 1987 costs and technology. According to OECD's International Energy Agency, CNG HYDROGEN and Very Heavy Oil (VHO) products could be economically competitive with conventional Hydrogen may be the cleanest-burning motor fuel, gasoline at 1987 prices. Methanol and synthetic although many of its properties make it difficult gasoline made from natural gas were close to to use in motor vehicles. Hydrogen's potential to competitive, under optimistic assumptions about reduce exhaust emissions stems from the absence gas prices. Methanol from coal or biomass, and of carbon atoms in its molecular structure. The ethanol from biomass were estimated to have a only pollutant produced from hydrogen combus- cost at least twice that of gasoline (IEA, 1990). tion is NOx (lubricating oil may still contribute A World Bank study (Moreno and Bailey, small amounts of HC, CO, and particulates). 1989) found that at crude oil prices of US$10 per Hydrogen combustion also produces no direct barrel or lower (1988 prices), alternative fuels CO2 emissions. Indirect CO2 emissions depend were generally uncompetitive. At US$10-20 per on the nature of the energy source used to pro- barrel, custom-built propane-fueled high mileage 35 CHAP1FR 4: ALTRA 7AvE FUES vehicles and retrofitted vehicles using CNG Table 4.2: Comparative Costs of Alternative Fuels (1987) trickle-fill refueling (mostly applicable to Fuel Overall Cost (1987 USS per barrel-gasoline energy captive vehicle fleets- equivalent) urban buses, taxis, and Crude oil (assumed price) 18 delivery trucks-with Conventional Gasoline 27 high annual mileage Compressed Natural Gas 20-46 and restricted range) became competitive. Very Heavy Oil Products 21-34 At US$20-30 per bar- Methanol (from gas) 30-67 rel, CNG fast-fill and Synthetic Gasoline (from gas) 43-61 propane-fueled low Diesel (from gas) 69 mileage vehicles would be competitive. Metha- Methanol (from coal) 63-109 nol from natural gas Methanol (from biomass) 64-126 becomes competitive Ethanol (from biomass) 66-101 above US$50 per bar- Source: Internatonal Energy Agency.1990. 'Substtute Fuels for Road Transport: A Technology rel of crude oil, while Assessment.' OECD, Paris. Table 4.3: Costs of Conventional and Alternative Fuels in the United States. Gasoline (a) Methanol (b) Ethanol (c) LPG (c) CNG(d) LNG(e) Hydrogen (fl Wholesale 0.51-0.68 0.32-0.42 1.29-1.45 0.25-0.45 0.25-0.50 0.40-0.55 0.25 ($/galg) Wholesale 0.41-0.54 0.56-0.74 1.70-1.91 0.29-0.53 0.26-0.52 0.53-0.72 0.85 ($/thermh) Retail ($/gal) 0.97-1.32 0.80-0.92 n/a (i) 0.95-1.10 0.40-0.90 n/a 9.60-16.00 Retail 0.78-1.06 1.41-1.62 n/a 1.12-1.29 0.41-0.93 n/a 33.10-55.17 ($thermr) (a) Gasoline wholesale and retail prices - Oil & Gas Joumal, December 21,1992, page 114. (b) Methanol wholesale prices - Oxy-Fuel News, October 5,1992, page 9. Methanol retail prices - current Califomia retail prices. (c) Ethanol and LPG wholesale prices - Oxy-Fuel News, October 5,1992, pp. 8-9. LPG retail prices - current Califomia retail prices (d) Wholesale and retail pnces - Industry estimates (e) LNG wholesale prices - Industry estmates (f) Hydrogen retail prices are based on quotes from industrial gas suppliers. (g) natural gas and hydrogen are priced in dollars per 100 ft3 (h) Therm = 100,000 Btu n/a not currently available at retail ouflets CLEAN FuFis FOR ASIA: TECHMCAL OPnoms FOR MovINO TowADs 36 UmuDBD GASOuNE AND Low-SuFuR DiEsa synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel do not become 13-14 percent to global warming. competitive until the price of crude oil reaches As greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmo- US$70 per barrel. For CNG-fueled vehicles, the sphere, they amplify the earth's natural green- high cost of fuel transport in tube trailers sug- house effect, profoundly and perhaps irrevers- gests that CNG would be competitive at the crude ibly threatening humankind and the natural oil prices indicated above only if filling stations environment. While most scientists agree on glo- are located near a natural gas pipeline or distri- bal warming's overall features, considerable un- bution network. certainties still surround its timing, magnitude, and regional impacts. The global climate system is complex, and interactions between the atmo- CLIMATE CHANGE sphere and the oceans are still imperfectly un- derstood. Climate change, or the "greenhouse effect," is a Two recent events have heightened this major stimulus for switching to alternative fuels. concern. In late November 1995, the Inter- This change in climate occurs when certain gases governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) allow sunlight to penetrate to the earth but par- Working Group I concluded that "the balance of tially trap the planet's radiated infrared heat in evidence suggests that there is a discernible the atmosphere. Some of this warming is natural human influence on global climate." 2 More and necessary. Over the past century, however, recently, a provisional report issued by the British human activities have increased atmospheric con- Meteorological Office and the University of East centrations of naturally occurring water vapor, Anglia concluded that the earth's average surface C02, methane, and other infrared-absorbing temperature climbed to a record high in 1995.3 (greenhouse) gases, and added new and very pow- In spite of commitments by most industrialized erful infrared-absorbing gases to the mixture. countries to stabilize or reduce CO2 emissions, Even more disturbing, in recent decades the at- very little progress has occurred in the mosphere has begun to change at dramatically transportation sector. Recent strategies such as accelerated rates as a result of human activities. mandatory increases in fuel economy or According to a growing scientific consensus, if substantial increases in fuel taxes have proven current emissions trends continue, the buildup of disappointing. Biofuels, giving off dramatically infrared-absorbing gases is likely to turn earth's lower CO2 emissions, are therefore emerging as natural atmospheric greenhouse into a progres- one of the more attractive and less painful sively warmer "heat trap." This phenomenon is approaches to lowering greenhouse gas commonly referred to as "global warming." emissions. Various human activities contribute to climate One seminal study released in late 1991 as- change. Recent estimates indicate that by far the sessed greenhouse gas emissions from a variety largest contributor (about 50 percent) is energy of potential fuels; some of the results are sum- consumption, mostly from the burning of fossil marized in figure 4.1.4 This study concluded that fuels. The release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), in considering total fuel cycle CO2 emissions (in- the second largest contributor to global warm- cluding not only direct vehicle emissions, but fuel ing, accounts for approximately another 20 per- production and distribution, feedstock produc- cent. CFCs are known to deplete the stratospheric tion and distribution, and vehicle materials and ozone layer; these stable and long-lived chemi- assembly), methanol and ethanol produced from cals are also extremely potent greenhouse gases. wood are among the two most attractive fuels Deforestation and agricultural activities (espe- available, exceeded only by solar power. Bio- cially rice production, cattle raising, and the use mass-based fuels could reduce substantially of nitrogen fertilizers) each contribute about transportation's contribution to global warming. 37 CHAPIER 4: ALThRNA27J FuEsi Figure 4.1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fuels rogen (from ...nuclear) H rogen (from solar) E anol (from wood) E. anol (from com) C< NG (from wood) M thand (from wood) Di el - thanol (from coal) LP I - l~~~~~~~ CIN E ,tg; .2 Mithanal (from nat. : 0~~~, aA e Z E [ | -gas) Re bmm. Gasoline L U. LE St Gasoline c , j§ g E s R sE CD (ollw jed swejB) SUOISSIWO JUGlBAlnba-Zo3 Source: U.S. Department of Energy, 1991. CmN FuELs FOR ASIA: TECHNicL OP2ONS FOR MOVING TowARDs 38 UmBADSD GASOUNE AAD Low-SuLFUR Dr=sa ELECTRIC VEHICLES to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been rec- ognized in the Global Environmental Facility's Environmental concerns have prompted the use new Transport Sector Operational Programme.'5 of electric vehicles (EV) in the United States and around the world. UNDP estimates that the emerg- ing and rapidly-growing EV market will go from FACTORS INFLUENCING LARGE-SCALE USE OF virtually zero in 1996 to US$2.5 billion by 2000.5 ALTERNATIVE FUELS In the United States, California has mandated the target of 10 percent of its fleet being zero emis- 1. Introducing alternative fuels requires changes sions (almost certainly electric) by 2003 6 Many in distribution, marketing, and end-use systems. companies have developed or are developing 2. Apart from the economics, inadequate fuel electric vehicles, some 'of which (particularly supply or unreliable distribution systems could small vehicles such as electric bicycles and mo- adversely affect consumer acceptance of al- torcycles) can be used in the developing world. ternative transportation fuels. Introducing electric vehicles in the develop- 3. Experience with the use of ethanol in Brazil ing world is sometimes advocated as an opportu- and CNGinNewZealand suggeststhat the main nity to move to environmentally sustainable trans- factors influencing large-scale introduction of portation. There are several encouraging CNG and alcohol fuels are price competitive- examples in Asia. A demonstration fleet of elec- ness, feedstock availability and cost (e.g., tric vehicles is already operating in Kathmandu, sugar cane for ethanol or natural gas for CNG), Nepal.' Electric three-wheelers ("tuk-tuks") are fuel safety and quality standards, a reliable dis- being manufactured in Thailand.8 Electric mo- tribution system, and the vehicles' technical torcycles have been developed in Taiwan.9 quality (driveability, durability, and safety). USAID has been promoting electric vehicle tech- 4. Brazil's use of ethanol and New Zealand's use nology in India.'0 Similar projects have been of CNG demonstrate that it is possible to de- proposed for Bangladesh. velop a large alternative fuels market within a EV's life-cycle environmental characteristics reasonable time frame if the financial incen- depend on the fuel used to produce the electric- tives are favorable, and efforts are made to ity. Electric power based on hydropower or natu- overcome industry and consumer uncertainty. ral gas results in significantly reduced emissions. In both instances, substantial subsidies had to Some other fuels (especially coal) may actually be offered to private motorists to persuade produce an increase in overall emissions if used them to switch to alternative fuels. to charge EV batteries, but still have the positive effect of localizing emissions. II EV technology is presently considered too ex- ENDNOTES pensive, although its promoters have expressed ambitions for commercialization in both industri- 1. Derived from analysis prepared by Chris alized and developing countries.7'12 High costs and Weaver. Faiz; A, C. Weaver and MP. Walsh, short range (miles per charge) have limited the November 1996. "Air Pollution From Motor mass appeal of EVs. New developments in elec- Vehicles: Standards and Technologies For Con- tric battery technology are critical to progress.'3 trolling Emissions." Sacramento, CA: Engine, Along with battery-powered EVs, other options Fuel, and Emission Engineering, Incorporated such as fuel cell technology, which converts fuel 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. energy directly into electricity without combus- Spring 1997. Inside the Greenhouse, USEPA tion,'4 appear very promising but are even more State and Local Climate Change Program, p. expensive at present. EV technology's potential 1. Washington, DC. 39 CHAPzER 4: ALwUnvs Fuzs 3. Airey, M.J., M. Hulme, and T.C. Johns. 1996. the World Bank. Environmental Protection "Evaluation of Simulations of Terrestrial Pre- Agency: Taiwan (China). cipitation by the U.K. Met. Office Hadley 10. USAID India and Energy Technology Inno- Centre Model," GeophysicalResearch Letters, vation Project. January 1997. "Electric Vehicle 23(13): 1657-60. Investment Opportunities in India." 4. Delucchi, Mark. Emissions of Greenhouse 11. OECD/IEA. 1993. "Cars and Climate Gases from the Use of Transportation Fuels Change". p. 94-95. andElectricity, Volume 1, ANL/ESD/TM-22. 12. Sperling, D. Winter 1994-95. "Gearing up Argonne National Laboratory, Department of for electric cars," Issues in Science and Tech- Energy, 1991. nology, p. 33-41. 5. The Financial Times, April 8, 1997. 13.Aragane,J. March 1997. "OverviewofAdvanced 6. Motavalli, Jim. March/April 1997 "The Ties Batteries Technologies for EV Applications in that Blind: Big Oil Goes Hunting for Electric Japan" Tokyo, Japan Lithium Battery Energy Cars in California. If it Wins, We All Lose". Storage Technology Research Association The Environmental Magazine VIII(2):37. 14. Williams, R. March 14, 1997. "Opportuni- 7. Faiz, A., C. Weaver, and M. Walsh. 1996. "Air ties forElectric Drive Vehicles in Coping with Pollution From Motor Vehicles: Standards and the Multiple Problems Posed by Transporta- Technologies for Controlling Emissions." tion Systems". Presentation at the STAP Washington, DC: World Bank. Workshop on Transportation, Nairobi, Kenya. 8. Communication with the World Bank Resi- 15. STAP/GEF. March 14-15, 1997. "Report on dent Mission in Bangkok, April 1997. the STAP Workshop on Options for Mitigat- 9. Chen, Hsiung-Wen. "Development of the Elec- ing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the tric Motorcycle in Taiwan." Presentation at Transport Sector," p. 6-7. C12WV FuELs FOR Asu.: TBafmcAL Opniyo FOR Mo Wa TowADs 40 UNUuDED GASOUNE ND Low-SuzRirx Di&S CHAPTER 5: IMPLEMENTING A CLEAN FUELS PROGRAM Implementing a clean fuels program can take at least one grade of unleaded gasoline by a de- many forms, including strict government man- fined date. Refinements of this approach might dates, fiscal incentives, or some combination of limit this to only stations pumping a certain vol- the two. Mandates can focus on fuel quality, ve- ume of fuels. Another approach would require hicle fuel requirements, or fuel pump nozzles. all regular-grade fuel of a certain octane to be Some of the more common approaches are sum- unleaded, while allowing the premium grade to marized below (figure 5.1). remain leaded. Bangkok chose this approach for its clean fuel program by requiring all gasoline to be unleaded by 1996. IMPROVING FUEL QUALITY Perhaps the simplest and most direct approach is VEHICLE FUEL REQuIREMErNTs to rule that some or all grades of fuel meet spe- cific characteristics by a certain date. For ex- Another approach requires that all new vehicles ample, all stations might be required to provide from a specified date onward only be allowed to use fuels meeting certain characteristics (e.g., unleaded gasoline). This approach has been implemented in Singapore, where all new cars Figure 5.): Implementing a Clean Fuels are required to operate on unleaded gasoline. This Program addresses any concerns about valve seat reces- sion and soft valve seats, and eliminates lead emissions from these vehicles. For detailed in- & Fuel MPump Aformation regarding international fuel emissions NsPzzue standards, see appendix D. Ta/ s fr Cealean FUEL Pump NozzLE CHARACTERISTICS / aes eo Vhcle Fuel Clean Fuels Fuels Requirements As noted earlier, vehicles equipped with catalytic converters require unleaded gasoline to ensure that these systems are not destroyed. When leaded Fuel gasoline is cheaper than unleaded, the chances Quality of misfueling are high. To prevent such vehicles from being deliberately or inadvertently fueled with leaded gasoline, cars with catalytic convert- ers can be equipped with filler inlet restrictors or 41 CIBAN FuEIs FOR AsIA. TEafMcAL OPIONS FOR MOnNo TowARDs 42 UNLuDBD GAsowis Aoi Low-S uFw DIESEL design changes that do not allow leaded fuel nozzles Figure 5.2: Elements of a Comprehensive Vehicle Pollution to fit. While this is by no Control Strategy means a fail-safe ap- proach, it is definitely a EAN step in the right direction. VEHICLE ADOPTING CLEAN FUEL TAX INCENTIVES TRAOITC Rather than directly man- MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT dating unleaded gasoline or low-sulfur diesel fuel, or in addition to this step, CLEAN many governments have FUELS introduced tax policies in- tended to give the cleaner fuel a lower market price than the dirtier fuel. Theoretically, public demand program's goal is to reduce vehicle emissions to will then assure the cleaner fuel's availability and a degree necessary to achieve healthy air as rap- use. This strategy can be used in the absence of a idly as possible. This should be accomplished sales mandate or as a complement to accelerate within practical technological, economic, and clean fuel's market penetration. Hong Kong pro- socially feasible limits. This goal generally re- vides one of the most successful examples of this quires a comprehensive strategy encompass- incentive. ing new vehicle emissions standards, deaner Experience shows that fuel pricing must play a fuels, vehicle maintenance, and traffic and key role in any strategy to encourage cleaner fu- demand management and constraints. These els. For example, in the United States during the emissions reduction goals should be achieved in 1970s and early 1980s, leaded gasoline was con- the least costly manner. Exhaust and evapora- sistently less expensive than unleaded As a result, tive motor vehicle emissions standards should be in spite of fuel nozzle size restrictions and vehicle based on a realistic cost-benefit analysis, keep- fuel filler inlet restrictions, many people destroyed ing in view proposed countermeasures' techni- their catalytic converters by using leaded fuel. cal and administrative feasibility. The following technological approaches' may VEHICLE POLLUTION CONTROL EFFORTS be used to achieve desired emissions standards: UNDERWAY IN AsIA * fitting new vehicles with emissions control devices and requiring such devices to be ret- A great deal has been leamed about reducing ve- rofitted to existing vehicles; hicle emissions, and this knowledge has been * modifying fuels or requiring the use of alter- translated into strategies that lower emissions per native fuels in certain vehicles; and kilometer driven and reduce actual driving. Both * traffic and demand management and policy approaches can be used to lessen future air pol- instruments. lution damage in Asian cities. However, many of these measures' potential Generally, a motor vehicle pollution control benefits will be lost if they are not buttressed by 43 CHAP 7R 5: IMPLEMvI7VNG A CLEAN Fus PROGRAu regulatory and economic instruments that assure are at moderate risk for health effects associated that vehicle owners, manufacturers, and fuel sup- with CO (angina in people with chronic cardio- pliers have sufficient incentives to achieve the vascular disease), and 1.3 million people at mild desired goals. A key element of the overall strat- risk (inability to concentrate and headaches for egy, therefore, must be effective enforcement people in the general population).3 to ensure adequate compliance with standards. A World Bank study (1992) indicates that if Several jurisdictions in Asia have successfully Bangkok's ambient concentrations of SPM and implemented some or all of these strategies. Spe- lead were reduced by 20 percent from 1992 lev- cific examples in Hong Kong, Singapore, South els, the midpoint estimates of the annual health Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand illustrate some of benefits from less sickness would be US$1 to 1.6 these efforts. billion. Benefits in terms of lower mortality would amount to between US$300 million and Bangkok, Thailand 1. 5 billion. The study assigned various monetary values to the estimated health risks found by the In response to the serious air pollution threat, USAID study, and estimated an economic ben- Thailand's Seventh Plan has placed a high prior- efit of US$10.7 million annually from CO re- ity on improving air quality. Definite targets have duction in Bangkok.4 been set to control particulates (SPM), carbon monoxide (CO), and lead in Bangkok. Based on a Bangkok's current program. A number of careful review of available air quality data, it is measures have been adopted to mitigate air pol- estimated that roadside emissions of particulates, lution problems caused by the transport sector. CO, and lead must be reduced by 85 percent, 47 These are aimed not only at controlling exhaust percent and 13 percent, respectively, if Bangkok gas emissions, but also at improving fuel and is to achieve acceptable air quality.2 To date, there engine specifications, implementing an in-use is no evidence of an ozone or nitrogen dioxide vehicle inspection and maintenance program, (NO2) problem. However, since certain hydrocar- improving public transport through mass transit bons are known to be toxic, it is prudent to adopt systems, and improving traffic conditions through measures that will reduce these emissions as well. better traffic management. One-hour concentrations of CO in congested The following measures have been introduced streets have been on the decline since 1992, but to reduce vehicle emissions: 8-hour averages have not similarly declined. This 1. Introducing unleaded gasoline at prices lower suggests that during peak traffic hours new cars than leaded gasoline (effective May 1991). and emissions control technology may lessen the 2. Reducing the maximum allowable lead in air quality problem, as the traffic volume is the gasoline from 0.4 to 0.15 grams per liter (ef- same. However, the peak hours may be longer; fective January 1, 1992). Ambient lead levels thus the longer averaging time (8-hour) may pro- have declined in recent years due to reduced duce stable or increasing results. The high val- lead content in gasoline and the increased use ues observed for the 8-hour averages are about of unleaded gasoline. 20 mg/m3. Similarly, curbside 8-hour average 3. Phasing out leaded gasoline entirely (January concentrations of CO are close to and sometimes 1, 1996). exceed Thai standards (20 mg/m3). Concentra- 4. Reducing the sulfur content of diesel fuel sul- tions as high as 25 mg/m3 have been recorded. fur from .1.0 to 0.5 percent by weight (by April A U.S. Agency for International Development 1992 in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area, and (USAID) study (1990) attempted to rank envi- nationwide after September 1992); and mak- ronmental health risks to Bangkok's 5.5 million ing the use of low-sulfur diesel fuel manda- residents. It was estimated that 270,000 people tory in Bangkok (since September 1993). Ci.EAA FuES FOR AsIA: TEcHMcAL OpnoNs FOR MOVING TowARDs 44 UDSD GAsoI1'. AND Low-SuL;uR DIESEL 5. Reducing the diesel fuel T90 from 370°C to ity monitoring network is deployed it will be criti- 357C(by April 1992 in the BangkokMetropoli- cal to periodically update the air quality targets. tan Area, and nationwide after September 1992). 6. Requiring all new cars with engines larger than Conclusions. Bangkok, like many other 1600 cubic centimeters to meet ECE R-83 megacities, has serious air pollution problems standards (effective January 1993); and all cars associated with energy use in the transport sec- required to comply after September 1993. tor. Several factors, including population growth 7. Converting taxis and Tuk-Tuks to operate on and rapid economic expansion, are fundamental liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). issues that need to be addressed in any long-term 8. Introducing ECE R40 requirements for mo- planning. Rapid industrialization and urbaniza- torcycles (effective August 1993), followed tion, coupled with a previous lack of land-use soon afterward by ECE R40.01; the govern- planning, have contributed to atmospheric pol- ment then decided on a third level of controls lution associated with the transport sector. This which began to be phased in during 1995. problem has been intensified by inadequate road 9. Implementing ECE R49.01 standards for infrastructure for the rapidly growing vehicle heavy-duty diesel engine vehicles. population, and the lack of a mass transport sys- 10.Reducing diesel fuel sulfur levels from the tem to offer a viable substitute for private ve- current 0.5 percent by weight to 0.25 (by hicles. These factors tend to push people to rely 1996), and 0.05 by the year 1999. more on their private vehicles (contributing to Currently, noise and emissions testing is man- congestion), rather than drive less. datory under the Land Transport Department's It is recognized that this problem can be alle- (LTD) general vehicle inspection program. All viated through several measures: source reduc- new vehicles are subject to such inspection. Of tion through improvement of fuel quality, inspec- in-use vehicles, only those vehicles registered tion and maintenance programs, vehicle standards, under the Land Transport Act (buses and heavy- and traffic and demand management (including duty trucks) and commercial vehicles registered a good mass rapid transit system). A great deal under the Motor Vehicles Act (taxis, Tuk-Tuks, of policy work needs to be done to understand and rental vehicles) are subject to inspection dur- travel demand (demand-side management). ing annual registration renewals. It is expected that the LTD will soon require all in-use vehicles Singapore to be inspected. Private inspection centers are be- ing licensed. Vehicles in use for ten or more years In Singapore, motor vehicle emissions are a sig- are subjected to an annual inspection, while newer nificant source of air pollution. The vehicle popu- vehicles will be subjected to inspection at differ- lation has been steadily increasing over the past ent time periods, to be determined by the LTD. decade as a consequence of rapid urbanization and economic growth. At the beginning of 1993, the Future Plans. Further investigations underway motor vehicle population stood at approximately will introduce more stringent standards for mo- 550,000. Singapore's Clean Fuels Program has torcycles and light and heavy trucks, and lead to eight major components: land transport policy, the further purchase of compressed natural gas mobile source controls, traffic management mea- (CNG) buses to reduce the smoke problem. sures, vehicle registration and licensing, a vehicle As a comprehensive motor vehicle pollution quota system, the weekend car scheme, the area control strategy has been introduced in Bangkok, licensing scheme, and public transportation. the most critical data needs appear to be those re- lated to motorcycle and diesel vehicle particulate Singapore's land transport policy strives to pro- emissions factors. In addition, as the new air qual- vide free-flowing traffic within the constraints of 45 CHAP1R 5: IMPLEMePnNG A CLEAv FUELs PROGRAM limited land. A four-pronged approach has been * Since October 1992, motorcycles and scoot- adopted to achieve this objective: ers have been required to comply with U.S. 1. Minimizing the need to travel, through sys- emissions standards before they can be regis- tematic town planning. tered for use in Singapore. 2. Building an extensive and comprehensive * SinceJanuary 1991, alldieselvehicleshavebeen network of roads and expressways, augmented required to comply with smoke standards stipu- by traffic management measures, to provide lated in UN/ECE Regulation No. 24.03 before quick accessibility to all parts of Singapore. they can be registered for use in Singapore. 3. Promoting a viable and efficient public trans- * All in-use vehicles are required to undergo port system, integrating both the Mass Rapid periodic inspections to check their roadwor- Transit (MRT) and bus services. thiness and idling exhaust emissions. Vehicles 4. Managing the number and operation of ve- that fail inspection are not allowed to renew hicles to prevent congestion on the road. their road tax. Mobile Source Controls. Singapore's strategy Traffic Management Measures. Singapore, a to reduce pollution from motor vehicles is a two- city-state with a large population living on a small pronged approach. The first is to improve en- land mass, is unique in many ways. Urbaniza- gines and fuel quality to reduce emissions; and tion, industrialization, and infrastructural devel- the second is to use traffic management measures opment are still progressing in earnest, fueled by to control the vehicle population and fuel con- a: growing economy. This combination of fac- sumption. The Pollution Control Department tors shows a potential for serious environmental works closely with the Registry of Vehicles to problems from both stationary and mobile implement this strategy. sources, if the sources are not managed or con- * During 1981-87, the lead content of gasoline trolled properly. The need to manage traffic flow was gradually reduced from 0.8 to 0.15 grams has given rise to a unique set of traffic manage- per liter. The use of unleaded gasoline was ment measures. promoted in February 1990 through a differ- ential tax system that made unleaded gasoline Vehicle Registration and Licensing. The ex- S$O. 10 cheaper per liter than leaded gasoline pense of owning and operating a vehicle in at the pump. All gasoline-driven vehicles reg- Singapore has discouraged excessive growth in istered for use in Singapore after July 1991 the vehicle population. Car owners wishing to were required to use unleaded gasoline. These register their cars must pay a 45 percent import measures resulted in the greater use of un- duty on the car's open market value (OMV), a reg- leaded gasoline. About 57 percent of all gaso- istration fee of S$ 1,000 for a private car (S$5,000 line sold in Singapore by the end of 1993 was for a company-registered car), and an Additional unleaded. Registration Fee of 150 percent of the OMV. * The sulfur content in diesel fuel was first lim- In addition, car owners pay annual road taxes ited to 0.5 percent by weight, and has been re- based on the vehicle's engine capacity. Road tax duced to 0.3 percentby weight since July 1996. on company-registered cars is twice as high as * Motor vehicle emissions standards have been for privately-owned vehicles. Diesel vehicles are progressively tightened since 1984, and the charged a tax six times greater than the road tax standards currently in force are the European on an equivalent gasoline vehicle. Union Consolidated Emissions Directive 91/ To encourage drivers to replace their old cars 441 and Japanese emissions standards (Article with newer, more efficient models, a Preferen- 31 of Safety Regulations for Road Vehicles) tial Additional Registration Fee (PARF) system (see appendix D). was introduced in 1975. Private car owners who CLLAN FuELs FOR AsIA: TEcHIcAL OPnONs FOR MOVING TowARDs 46 UmaDeD GASouS AND Low-SuLFuR DIESEL replace their cars within ten years are given PARF The Area Licensing Scheme (ALS) was intro- benefits that can be used to offset a new car reg- duced in June 1975 to reduce traffic congestion in istration fee. For used cars registered on or after the city during peak hours. At that time it only af- November 1, 1990, PARF benefits vary accord- fected passenger cars. The scheme has since been ing to the age of the vehicle at deregistration. modifiedtoincludeallvehiclesexceptambulances, For cars registered before November 1, 1990, a fire engines, police vehicles, and public buses. fixed PARF benefit is given upon deregistration based on the car's engine capacity. To provide a Public transportation in Singapore is widely higher PARF benefit to car owners who deregister available and includes a mass rapid transit (MRT) their cars before ten years, all PARF-eligible cars system, a comprehensive bus network, and over registered on or after November 1990 receive 13,000 taxis. higher fees if the vehicle is newer. Conclusions. Aside from regulations on engines Vehicle Quota System. As high taxes alone were and fuel quality, traffic control measures have not keeping vehicle population growth at an ac- significantly contributed to Singapore's air qual- ceptable rate, a vehicle quota system was intro- ity. Although the present measures appear ad- duced to achieve that objective. Since May 1990, equate, Singapore will continue to investigate any person wishing to register a motor vehicle more improvements. Pilot studies of three elec- must first obtain a vehicle entitlement in the ap- tronic road pricing systems are being carried out propriate vehicle class, through monthly bidding. in Singapore, and the most suitable system will Successful bidders pay the lowest successful bid be selected for implementation in 1997. price of the respective category in which they bid. A vehicle entitlement is valid for ten years Hong Kong, China from the vehicle's registration date. On the entitlement's expiration, if the owner wishes to Hong Kong's vehicle pollution control effort continue using the vehicle, the entitlement must continues to focus on diesel particulate, currently be revalidated for another five or ten years by the most serious pollution problem. Motor ve- paying a revalidation fee (pegged at 50 percent hicles are said to be responsible for approximately or 100 percent of the prevailing quota premium). 50 percent of PMIO emissions (see appendix D). Weekend Car Scheme. The weekend car scheme Current Program. The sulfur level of diesel fuel was introduced in May 1991 to allow people to has been reduced to 0.2 percent by weight (as of own private cars without adding to traffic con- April 1995), and there are plans to lower it to gestion during peak hours. Cars registered under 0.05 percent (April 1997). this scheme enjoy substantial tax concessions, Diesel vehicle emissions standards were also including a 70 percent reduction in road tax and tightened in April 1995. After that date, all new a registration tax rebate of up to S$15,000. Week- passenger cars and taxis were required to com- end cars are identified by their red license plates, ply with 1990 U.S. standards (PM = 0.12 grams fixed in place with a tamper-evident seal. They per kilometer, NO. = 0.63), European Union Step can only be driven between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. 1 standards (93/59/EEC PM = 0.14, HC + NO = during the week, after 3 p.m. on Saturdays, and 0.97), or Japanese standards (PM = 0.34, NO = all day on Sundays and public holidays. Week- 0.72 for vehicles weighing less than 1.265 tons end cars can be driven outside those hours but or 0.84 for those above). Similar requirements owners must display a special day license. Each will apply to all light and medium goods vehicles weekend car owner is given five free day licenses' and light buses. Emissions standards for small per year and can buy additional ones at S$20 each. diesel vehicles will be tightened to EURO 2 stan- 47 CHAPThR 5: IMPLBtm'N A CIEN FUrxs PROGRAU dards staring April 1998 (96/69/EMPM 0.08 and South Korea 0.10, HC + NOX = 0.7 and 0.9 for indirect injec- tion and direct injection engines, respectively). A series of recent amendments in the Air Qual- For goods vehicles and buses with a design weight ity Control Law will gradually tighten South of 4.0 tons or more, starting April 1997, either Korea's vehicle emissions standards, as summa- the 1994 U.S. standards (PM = 0.13 grams per rized in tables 5.1 and 5.2. kWh, NO. = 8.04) or the EURO 2 standards (PM Diesel fuel sulfur levels were reduced to a = 0.15; NOx = 7.0 for all engines) will apply. maximum of 0.4 percent by weight between Feb- The in-usesmokelimit,nowbasedontheEEC ruary 2, 1991 and December 31, 1992; to 0.2 free acceleration test (72/306/EEC), was 60 HSU; during January 1, 1993-December 31, 1995; and in certification, the limit was lowered to 35 HSU 0.1 thereafter. Korea is also investigating pos- starting April 1997. sible improvements to their inspection and main- Encouraged by a price differential of HK$1 tenance (L/M) program, including the possible ad- per liter for unleaded gasoline as compared to dition of the IM240 test procedure. leaded, by 1997 unleaded gasoline represented There is ongoing research in the use of diesel 80 percent of total gasoline sales. The benzene particulate filters. On-road testing of prototype content of unleaded gasoline is only 3.44 per- systems in operating buses is presently under cent, virtually the same as leaded gasoline (regu- evaluation. lation requires it to be less than 5.0 percent). Taiwan (China) Future Plans. An analysis of motor vehicle-re- lated urban particulates indicates that 14 percent The Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency come from buses, 33 percent from goods vehicles, (TEPA) has developed a comprehensive approach 51 percent from diesel vehicles weighing under to motor vehicle pollution control. Building on 4.0 tons, and the remaining 2 percent comes from its early adoption of 1983 U.S. standards for light- gasoline vehicles., duty vehicles (starting July 1, 1990) it recently * As a matter of policy, Hong Kong is looking moved to 1987 U.S. requirements, including the for ways to reduce diesel vehicle mileage. A 0.2 grams of particulates per mile standard, as of government working group has been formed July 1, 1995. Heavy-duty diesel particulate stan- to study the technical feasibility of natural gas dards almost as stringent as 1990 U.S. emissions vehicles. The short-term focus is on LPG-fu- standards (6.0 grams per brake horsepower-hour eled taxis, while other natural gas vehicles are NO, and 0.7 grams of particulate, using the U.S. being investigated. transient test procedure) became effective July * Advancement in new technologies, such as 1993. In July 1997, 1994 U.S. standards (5.0 NOx electrical vehicles, are also being monitored and 0.25 particulates) will be adopted. Currently closely. The Government has waived the First diesel fuel contains 0.3 percent by weight of sul- Registration Tax (which can amount to as fur, and a proposal to reduce levels to 0.05 per- much as 50 percent of a vehicle's price) to cent by 1997, is under consideration. encourage the introduction of electrical ve- In December 1992, the Executive Yuan ap- hicles into Hong Kong. proved increases of up to 1,700 percent for the * The government plans to implement an in- amount of fines to be levied on motorists who spection and maintenance program for diesel violate the Air Pollution Control Act. The new vehicles in the near future. fine schedule raises the maximum motor vehicle * Hong Kong also remains interested in the pos- pollution fine from NT$138 to NT$2,357. All sibility of retrofitting buses with either emis- forms of motorized transportation are included sions catalysts or diesel particulate filters. in the new fine schedule, including airplanes, CLEN FuELs FOR ASIA: TEymcAL OPnONS FOR MOVING TowARDs 48 UNEsDED GASOuNE AND Low-SuLFuR DIESEL boats, and power water skis. The new fines took designed to use secondary air injection, and effect early in 1993. all new two-stroke motorcycles are now fit- Clearly, the most distinctive feature of ted with catalytic converters. Taiwan's program is its motorcycle pollution * Since 1992, electric motorcycles have been control effort, which reflects just how much available; however, sales have been modest. motorcycles dominate the vehicle fleet, and the * Motorcycle durability requirements were im- extent of the resulting emissions. posed in 1991. All new motorcycles are required * The first standards for new motorcycles were im- to demonstrate the ability to meet emissions posed in 1984-8.8 grams per kilometer for CO, standards for a minimum of 6,000 kilometers. and 6.5 grams per kilometer for HC and NOX * Since 1991, all new motorcycles must be combined, using the ECE R40 test procedure. equipped with evaporative controls. * In 1991, the limits were reduced to 4.5 grams * In order to reduce the pollution from motor- of CO per kilometer, and 3.0 for HC and NOX cycles, TEPA is actively promoting a motor- combined. These requirements were phased cycle inspection and maintenance (I/M system. in over a two-year period, and by July 1993, In the first phase (February-May 1993), TEPA were applied to all new motorcycles sold in tested approximately 113,000 motorcycles in Taiwan. As a result of these requirements, Taipei City. Of these, 49 percent were clean, four-stroke motorcycle engines have been re- 21 percentwere marginal, and30 percent failed. Table 5.1: South Korea: Emissions Standards For New Gasoline and LPG Vehicles Vehicle Type Date Of Implementation Test CO NOx Exhaust HC Evap HC (gtest) Small Size 1987 7/1 CVS-75g/km 8.0 1.5 2.1 4.0 Car* 2000 7/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.62 0.25 2.0 PassengerCar 1980 1/1 10-Mode 26.0 3.0 3.8 - 1984 7/1 10-Mode 18.0 2.5 2.8 - 1987 7/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.62 0.25 2.0 2000 1/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.25 0.16 2.0 Light Duty 1987 7/1 CVS-75 6.21 1.43 0.50 2.0 Truck' 2000 1/1 CVS-75@ 2.11 0.62 0.25 2.0 2000 1/1 CVS-75@@ 6.21 1.43 0.50 2.0 Heavy Duty 1980 1/1 6-Mode 1.6% 2200 ppm 520 ppm Vehicle 1987 7/1 U.S. Transient 15.5 10.7 1.3 4.0 1991 2/1 13 Mode 33.5 11.4 1.3 2000 2/1 13 Mode 33.5 5.5 1.4 Notes: ^ Less than 800 cc of Engine Displacement GVW < 3 tons @ GVW < 2 Tons |@GVW Between 2 and 3 Tons 49 CHAPThR 5: IMPrlBMmNGa A Ci&4N FuEis PROaM Between December 1993 and May 1994, ap- * To further control motorcycle emissions, TEPA proximately 142,000 motorcycles were in- has drafted the Third Stage Emissions Regu- spected with 55 percent passing (up 6 percent lation, to be implemented from 1998. The new from the earlier program), and 27 percent standards will lower CO to 3.5 grams per kilo- failed (dropping 3 percent). The most com- meter, and HC plus NO° to 2 grams, and the mon repair for failing motorcycles was re- durability requirement will be raised to 20,000 placement of the air filter, at an average cost kilometers. The market share for electric-pow- of NT$20. ered motorcycles will be mandated at 5 per- Table 5.2: South Korea: Emissions Standards For New Diesel Vehicles Vehicle Type Date of Implementadon Test CO NOx HC PM Smoke Passenger Car 1980 1/1 Full Load - - - - 50% 1984 7/1 6-Mode 980 ppm 1000/590* 670 - 50t 1988 1/1 6-Mode 980 850/450 670 - 5trh 1993 1/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.62 0.25 0.12 1996 1/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.62 0.25 0.08 2000 1/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.62 0.25 0.05 Light Duty 1980 1/1 Full Load - - - - 50%h Truck* 19847/1 6-Mode 980 1000/590 670 - 50°h 1988 1/1 6-Mode 980 850/460 670 - 50% 1993 1/1 6-Mode 980 750/350 670 - 400h 1996 1/1 CVS-75 6.21 1.43 0.5 0.31(0.16)@ _ light Duty 2000 1/1 CVS-75 2.11 0.75 0.25 0.12 Truck < 2 Tons All Other Ught 2000 1/1 CVS-75 6.21 1.00 0.5 0.16 Duty Trucks Heavy Duty 1980 1/1 Full Load - - - - 50°h Vehicle 1984 7/1 6-Mode 980 1000/590 670 - 50°h 19881/1 6-Mode 980 850/450 670 - 50°h 1993 1/1 6-Mode 980 750/350 670 - 40°h 19961/1 13-Mode 4.9 11.0 1.2 0.9 35% 2000 1/1 13 Mode 4.9 6.0 1.2 0.25(.1@@) 25% Notes: * rect Ilnjecdorlndirect Injection GVW < 3 tons @ GVW < 2 Tons @@ City Bus Only CjAN FuEIs FOR Asi: TEkmmCa OPyONS FOR Monmo TowARDs 50 ULEAD&w GASUNE Am Low-Su FuR DtnswL cent. In addition, TEPA will extend the peri- CONCLUSIONS odic motorcycle I/M program. As the above examples illustrate, substantial ef- forts to address motor vehicle pollution have been COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAMS: THE UNITED made and are continuing throughout many Asian STATES EXPERIENCE countries. Several conclusions can be drawn from these efforts: Since 1970, the United States has adopted an * There are many comprehensive motor vehicle aggressive strategy to reduce auto emissions and pollution control programs in the Asia region. improve air quality. This strategy has many * A wide variety of strategies have been imple- elements, including unleaded gasoline, tighter mented and tailored to the particular problems standards for new vehicles, in-use vehicle and capabilities of a particular country or inspection and maintenance programs, and most city-one size does not fit all. recently, reformulated and low-volatility * In virtually every serious effort to reduce gasoline. As a result, over the past 25 years, on- motor vehicle pollution, cleaner fuels, espe- highway cars' emissions rates have declined cially unleaded gasoline and lower-sulfur die- dramatically. As newer vehicles equipped with sel fuel, have played a.critical role. advanced emissions controls replaced older, more-polluting ones, there has been a clear downward trend in emissions of all major ENDNOTES pollutants. This is especially encouraging in light of the continued rapid growth in vehicles and 1. See appendices B and C for a review of gaso- vehicle-miles traveled by cars during this same line- and diesel-fueled vehicle pollution con- period. There were 50 million more cars on U.S. trol technologies, respectively. highways in 1990 than in 1970. Had emissions 2. These emissions, especially particulates, come per mile not been lowered, passenger cars in 1990 from many sources in addition to mobile would have emitted 65 percent more CO, HC, sources, which will need to be controlled as and NO. than in 1970. In other words, as well. It is assumed in this first order analysis illustrated in table 5.3, passenger car CO was that the same percentage reduction will be reduced from 68 million metric tons to 27, instead needed from all sources, including mobile of climbing to 112 tons. sources, to achieve the required overall emis- Figure 5.3 illustrates auto emissions reductions sions reduction. to date: 60 percent for CO; 70 percent for HC; 3. U.S. Agency for International Development and 46 percent for NO.. Lead emissions from all "Ranking Environmental Health Risks in highway vehicles have also been reduced dra- matically, and between Table 5.3: Enissions Trends In The United States (1970-90): 1970 and 1993, high- Passenger Cars (tons per year) way vehicle lead emis- sions declined from Cadl Mo H i NibzgsnOAdes 171,960 to 1,380 short 1970 AcPA 67.9 8.87 4.36 tons. This example best 1990Ach 269 2.65 2.34 illustrates that a strong motor vehicle pollution 1990 Potenfial* 1120 14.6 7.2 control program can be Wat mtd hws ocwed id poDuton contbs not been rqwred dunng fs penod. effective. 5 1 CHAPIER 5: ILzEMPEAINO, A CiFAN FcrsE PROGRAM Figure 5.3. Trends in Emissionsfrom US. Cars (normalized to 1970 levels) 200, 0 NONMETHANE HYDROCARBONS . -ARBON MONOXIDE a 9ITROGEN.OXIDES 1508 i EHICLE MILES TRAVELLED 150)°i i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Bangkok, Thailand," Vols. 1 & 2, Working and Non-Productivity Approaches," draft Pa- Paper, 1990. per prepared for UIJNDP/World Bank/UNCHS 4. E. Shin et. al. "Economic Valuation of the Urban Management Program, 1992. Urban Environment with Emphasis on Asia CLEAN FuES FOR ASIA: TEcJJmcAL OPnoNs FOR MOVING TowARs 52 Up&ADeD GAsouE AND LOW-SULFUR DiesEL CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In the last decade, Asian cities have undergone a (b)In every serious effort to reduce motor ve- tremendous growth in industrial output and hicle pollution, cleaner fuels-especially un- vehicle population. This growth has worsened air leaded gasoline and lower-sulfur diesel fuel- pollution in metropolitan areas, and unless have played a critical role. corrective actions are taken to improve the current 3. A growing body of data on lead's adverse ef- air quality situation, environmental damage and fects on health, especially in young children, human health impacts will undermine economic indicates theremay be no "safe" level. Reduced growth. Motor vehicle pollution is a primary lead in gasoline has been shown to reduce contributor to air pollution in all the major cities children's risk of behavioral problems, lower in Asia. There is considerable evidence that IQs, decreased ability to concentrate, and for tighter emissions standards in new cars, adults, blood pressure-related health issues. oxygenated and reformulated gasoline, and 4. Lead scavengers that accompany leaded gaso- alternative fuels will help reduce vehicular line have been identified as human carcino- emissions. Nevertheless, a number of obstacles gens; eliminating gasoline lead will also re- must be overcome before these changes can be duce this cancer risk. put into place on a large enough scale to make a 5. Studies in Europe and the United States show measurable difference in air quality. This report that gasoline lead is responsible for about 90 provides technical options for implementing a percent of airborne lead, and that I microgram clean fuels program in Asia. per cubic meter of ambient lead causes a 1-2 microgram per milliliter increase in blood lead levels. This is in addition to lead that may be CONCLUSIONS found in food, drinking water, and other sources. This burden can vary significantly 1. Because motor vehicle populations in most from country to country. Asian cities continue to grow at rates often 6. Hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), exceeding 10 percent per year, serious air pol- nitrogen oxides (NO.), and particulate matter lution problems can be expected in the future. cause or contribute to a wide range of adverse 2. Many Asian countries are making substantial impacts on public health and general well-be- efforts to address their motor vehicle pollu- ing, including increased angina attacks in vul- tion problems. Several conclusions can be nerable individuals; greater susceptibility to drawn from these efforts: respiratory infection; more respiratory prob- (a) A wide variety of strategies are being imple- lems in school children; increased airway re- mented, often tailored to a particular city or sistance in asthmatics; and eye irritation. Fur- country's problems and capabilities. There is thermore, these emissions are known to impair a recognition that "one size does not fit all." crop growth and destroy lakes and forests. In 53 CL" FUIs FOR ASIA: TScumcAL OPiowS FOR MovINO TowARDs 54 UNEADED GASONS AAD Low-S uLFuvR DrasmI addition to their direct adverse health effects, vehicle emissions. Raising the cetane number HC and NOx contribute to the formation of appears to have positive impacts on emissions. photochemical smog and ozone, known to 13. Some alternative fuels, such as natural gas, cause many adverse effects. do offer the potential for large, cost-effective 7. A direct strategy to eliminate lead in gasoline reductions in pollutant emissions, in specific is to progressively ban the use of leaded gaso- cases. Air-quality claims for alternative fuels, line; several countries, including Thailand, however, must be carefully evaluated, because have adopted this strategy. in many cases similar or even greater emis- 8. Concerns have been raised regarding poten- sions reductions can be obtained with conven- tial valve seat recession in older vehicles with tional fuels and more advanced emissions con- "soft" valve seats if unleaded gasoline is used. trol systems. Which approach is the most However, real-world evidence indicates that cost-effective depends on the conventional and this is not a serious problem. alternative fuels' relative costs. 9. Tax policies that price unleaded fuel signifi- cantly below leaded fuel, as done in Hong Kong and Singapore, have also been found to RECOMMENDATIONS be very effective in stimulating the sales of unleaded fuel. 1. Encourage the use of lead-free gasoline and 10. While significantly reducing CO, the use of catalytic converters. oxygenates such as MTBE in cold tempera- 2.. Encourage tax policies that price unleaded ture environments has raised concerns regard- gasoline lower than leaded fuel. ing adverse health effects in certain suscep- 3. Encourage gasoline reformulation by modi- tible individuals. Studies by USEPA and fying parameters such as volatility, oxygen- several U. S. states have failed thus far to iden- ates, sulfur levels, and hydrocarbon mix. tify a serious problem, although additional 4. Reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuels to research is ongoing. 0.05 percent by weight. 1 1. There is a clear worldwide trend toward lower 5. Promote an Inspection and Maintenance (I/ levels of sulfur in diesel fuel. At a minimum, M) Program. Emissions reductions can occur this reduces particulate emissions from diesel simultaneously with improvements in fuel vehicles. Recent European studies indicate that economy and reductions in vehicle mainte- for every 100 ppm reduction in sulfur, there nance costs. Reduced maintenance as a result will be a 0.16 percent reduction in particulate of using unleaded rather than leaded gasoline from light-duty vehicles and a 0.87 percent can save about Can$0.02 per liter. reduction from heavy-duty vehicles. Sulfur in 6. Encourage the use of alternative fuels includ- fuel also contributes to sulfur dioxide (SO2) ing methanol, ethanol, biodiesel, compressed in the atmosphere. natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, electric- 12. Other diesel fuel properties such as volatil- ity, hydrogen, synthetic liquid fuels derived ity, aromatic content, and additives can also from hydrogenation of coal, and various fuel have positive or negative effects on diesel blends, such as gasohol. APPENDIX A: ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM VEHICLE-RELATED POLLUTION Cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, and buses This is especially important because, "[O]f all emit significant quantities of carbon monoxide the persons in the community, the newborn child (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOX), is the most prone to injury from overexposure to and fine particles (PM10). Leaded gasoline, where lead for several reasons, and the damage that may it is still used, is a significant source of lead in be caused then will have the greatest long-term urban air. As a result of these emissions, many social and economic consequences." 4 Another major cities around the world are severely pol- study which monitored 249 children from birth luted. This section will review some of the health to two years of age found that those with prena- impactsof these pollutants. tal umbilical cord blood lead levels at or above 10 micrograms per deciliter consistently scored lower on standard intelligence tests than those at LEAD lower levels.5 A series of studies in the United Kingdom During the last two decades, there has been an confirmed these findings.6 Even after taking 15 explosion of knowledge about the adverse health social factors into account, an IQ number deficit impacts of long-term exposure to low levels of of three was consistently found. While these sta- ambient lead." 2 In response to this growing body tistics are not necessarily significant in any indi- of data, most industrialized countries, and sev- vidual study (which is largely influenced by the eral developing countries, have introduced un-. size of the sample, among other factors), the body leaded gasoline. Several countries have already of data consistently shows such effects. prohibited the use of leaded gasoline entirely. In addition, Dr. Winneke (Germany) offered fur- Lead's toxic properties at high concentrations ther evidence that "neuropsychological effects are have been known since ancient times, as lead has causally related to very low blood lead levels"7 been mined and smelted for more than 40 centu- Whiletheseeffectsmaynotbedominantinanypar- ries. Although precaution regarding lead's use ticularinstance, they arevery real and preventable. has been widespread for centuries, only recently Several comprehensive studies regarding the has lead's adverse impacts at very low levels been health impacts of lead have been conducted and fully appreciated. Some of the most innovative the major conclusions are summarized below. work in this area was the 1979 report by Dr. Herbert Needleman which showed that children The US National Academy of Sciences (1980) with high levels of lead accumulated in baby teeth experienced more behavioral problems, lower The U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) IQs and decreased ability to concentrate.3 More study "Lead in The Human Environment" re- recent evidence indicates that it is not only the ported, "[T]he evidence is convincing that expo- length and severity of lead exposure that affects sures to levels of lead commonly encountered in health damage, but at what age exposure begins. urban environments constitute a significant haz- 55 CL&4Hv FUELs FOR AsA: TECMCAL OPHOjm FOR MopwVN TOwARDs 56 UtzADED GASOLINE AND Low-S uFuR DIEs& ard of detrimental biological effects in children, is compelling evidence that gasoline lead is a ma- especially those less than three years old. Some jor cause of lead poisoning in young children." small fraction of this population experiences par- In making this assessment, the Court found, ticularly intense exposures and is at severe risk." "[R]ecent studies suggest that the recognized Following that report, NAS recommended, "[A] danger point of 30 micrograms per deciliter is serious effort should be made to reduce the too high and that lead reduces intelligence at baseline level of exposure to lead for the general blood lead levels as low as 10-15 micrograms population of the United States."8 per deciliter. . . [O]ther studies have correlated blood lead levels of 10-15 micrograms per deci- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency liter with altered brain activity." The Court con- cluded that, "[T]he demonstrated connection be- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tween gasoline lead and blood lead, the (USEPA) summarized its results as follows: "The demonstrated health effects of blood lead levels majority of the comments emphatically rejected of 30 micrograms per deciliter or above, and the the proposition that lead was no longer a public significant risk of adverse health effects from health problem. Sixty-four comments were re- blood lead levels as low as 10-15 micrograms ceived from the professional health community per deciliter, would justify USEPA in banning and academia. Sixty of these opposed any loos- lead from gasoline entirely."" ening of the lead standard, and many suggested that tighter controls would be desirable. Thirty- United Kingdom, The Royal Commission on two comments were received from local and state Environmental Pollution (1983) governments. All of these supported retention of the current standard to protect the citizen's health. In 1983, the Royal Commission reported that Most of the commenters pointed to previous stud- "[T]he safety margin between the blood lead con- ies, as well as their own experiences, to demon- centrations in the general population and those strate that lead has an adverse effect on people at at which adverse effects have been proven is too very low dosages, and that the more the problem small... it would be prudent to take steps to in- is studied the lower the acceptable level of lead crease the safety margin of the population as a becomes. They concluded that protection of pub- whole." It continued that, "[M]easures should be lic health and welfare demands that all reason- taken to reduce the anthropogenic dispersal of able steps be taken to eliminate lead from the lead wherever possible... .12 environment."9 In October 1982, USEPA decided Most recently, British researchers reviewed as a result of this review to reduce the amount of every epidemiological study on lead and IQ pub- lead in gasoline even further. lished since 1979 that examined over 100 chil- Based on the growing body of data showing dren, and measured IQ as a function of blood or the adverse effects of lead, in 1985 USEPA re- tooth lead levels. Based on a meta-analysis of all duced the maximum allowable lead content in the data, they concluded that a doubling of body leaded gasoline to 0.1 grams per gallon. As part lead burden from 10 to 20 micrograms per deci- of that rulemaking, USEPA uncovered evidence liter in blood levels was associated with a mean linking lead in the blood to high blood pressure.'0 fall of about 1-2 IQ points.13 In summary, the available evidence indicates The U.S. Court of Appeals (1983) that "[T]here is no known physiological function served by lead in mammalian metabolism. As far The U. S. Court of Appeals completed its review as cells are concerned, each molecule of lead has of USEPA's decision to lower gasoline lead lev- the potential to disrupt the chemical basis of nor- els. In its opinion, the Court stated that, "[T]here mal cellular function. For nerve cells, this inter- 57 APPENDix A ference is particularly destructive because com- a decrease in time to onset of angina pain in those munications between cells in the brain depends individuals suffering from angina pectoris and upon precisely controlled movements of such exposed to elevated levels of ambient CO.16 molecules such as calcium, sodium, potassium and chloride. Lead can interfere, on a molecule by molecule basis, with these essential elements."'4 NITROGEN OXIDES As a class of compounds, nitrogen oxides (NO.) LEAD SCAVENGERS are linked to a host of environmental concerns that negatively impact human health and welfare. When lead additives were first discovered to im- Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been linked with in- provegasolineoctanequality,theywere also found creased susceptibility to respiratory infection, in- to cause many problems associated with vehicles, creased airway resistance in asthmatics, and de- especially significant deposits in the combustion creased pulmonary function.,' 8 It has been chamber and on spark plugs, causing durability shown that even short-term NO2 exposure results problems. To relieve this, lead scavengers were in a wide range of respiratory problems in school added with lead to gasoline to encourage greater children-coughs, runny noses, and sore throats volatility in lead combustion by-products so they are among the most common.'9 A French study would be exhausted from the vehicle. These scav- by Dr. Orehek has shown that asthmatics are es- engers are used today in leaded gasoline. Ulti- pecially 'sensitive to even one-hour exposures.20 mately, such additives are largely emitted from A small group of asthmatics were initially ex- vehicles. This is important because these lead posed to carbachol, a broncho-constrictor repre- scavengers, most notably ethylene dibromide, sentative of urban pollen, and then to NO2; some have been found to be carcinogenic in animals, participants experienced adverse effects, such as and have been identified as potential human car- increased airway resistance, at levels as low as cinogens by the National Cancer Institute.'5 Their 0.1 parts per million for 1 hour. removal, along with the removal of lead, should NO. also participates in the formation of the result in significant health benefits. family of compounds known as photochemical oxidants, and in acid deposition. Finally, as a re- sult of secondary transformations in the atmo- CARBON MONOXIDE sphere, NO. emissions are converted to nitrates, thereby increasing the accumulation of particu- Carbon monoxide (CO)-an odorless, invisible lates in the air.2' gas, created when fuels containing carbon are burned incompletely-poses a serious threat to human health. Persons afflicted with heart dis- PHOTOCHEMICAL OXEDANTS ease and carrying fetuses are especially at risk. Because hemoglobin's affinity for CO is 200 The most widespread air pollution problem in times greater than for oxygen, CO hinders oxy- temperate climates is ozone, a photochemical gen transport from blood into tissues. Therefore, oxidant resulting from the reaction of NOX and more blood must be pumped to deliver the same hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight. Motor amount of oxygen. Numerous studies in humans vehicles are a major source of both of these pre- and animals have demonstrated that individuals cursor pollutants. Ozone causes eye irritation, with weak hearts are placed under additional coughing, chest discomfort, headache, upper res- strain by the presence of excess CO in the blood. piratory illness, increased asthma attacks, and re- In particular, clinical health studies have shown duced pulmonary function.22 Cz&vv FuE1s FOR ASIA: TBCMCAL OPimos FOR MOVING Tow.Dws 58 UNRA.D, GASOsEm Amt LOW-SULFUR DiEsFI USEPA has recently proposed to lower the addition, the study was larger and represented a current ozone air quality standard from 0.12 parts greater geographic area than any previous study. per million (ppm) to 0.08 ppm.3 Furthermore, at- Air pollution data from 151 U.S. metropoli- tainment of the standard would no longer be based tan areas were linked with individual risk factors upon l-hour averages, but instead on 8-hour aver- in 552,138 adults who resided in these areas when ages. The proposed revised standard would pro- were enrolled in this 1982 study. Deaths were vide protection for children and other populations ascertained through 1989. Sulfates and fine par- vulnerable to a wide range of ozone-induced ticulate air pollution were associated with a dif- health effects, including decreased lung function ference of approximately 15-17 percent between (primarily in children active outdoors), increased mortality risks in the most polluted cities, and in respiratory symptoms (particularly in highly sen- the least polluted cities. Even in cities meeting sitive individuals), hospital admissions and emer- U.S. Federal Clean Air standards, the risk of death gency room visits for respiratory causes (among is 2-8 percent higher than in the cleanest cities. children and adults with pre-existing respiratory Certain particles appear to be especially haz- diseases such as asthma), and inflammation and ardous. For example, diesel particles, because of possible long-term damage of the lungs. their chemical composition and extremely small Ithas also been demonstrated in numerous stud- size, have raised special health and environmen- ies thatphotochemical pollutants seriously impair tal concerns. Diesel PM consists mostly of three certain crops' growth. For example, the Congres- components: soot formed during combustion, sionalResearchService(U.S. Library of Congress) heavy hydrocarbons condensed or adsorbed on found that "[T]he short-run or immediate impacts the soot, and sulfates. In older diesels, soot was of ozone are evident in annual crop yield de- typically 40-80 percent of the total PM. Newer creases estimated at US$1.9 to US$4.3 billion."24 in-cylinder emissions controls have reduced the soot contribution to particulate emissions from modem emissions-controlled engines consider- PARTICULATES ably. However, much of the remaining particu- late mass consists of heavy hydrocarbons A series of studies released in the last few years adsorbed or condensed on the soot. This is re- indicate that particulates (PM) may be the most ferred to as the soluble organic fraction (SOF) of serious urban air pollution problem. By correlat- the particulate matter. The SOF is derived from ing daily weather, air pollutants, and mortality in lubricating oil, unburned fuel, and compounds sixU.S. cities, scientists have discovered that non- formed during combustion. The relative impor- accidental death rates tend to rise and fall in near tance of each of these sources varies from en- lockstep with daily PM levels-but not with other gine to engine. pollutants.25 Because the correlation held up at The International Agency For Research on even very low levels-in one city at just 23 per- Cancer conducted a comprehensive assessment cent of the federal PM limit-these analyses sug- of available health information on diesel PM in gested to the researchers that as many as 60,000 June 1988, and concluded that diesel PM is prob- U.S. residents per year may die from breathing ably carcinogenic to humans.25 particulates at or below legally allowed levels.26 Other studies conducted at the Fraunhofer In- More recently, another study has emerged stitute in Germany have suggested that the diesel showing a strong link between particulate air particle itself, stripped of organic and other sur- pollution and mortality.27 The study is distinc- face materials, may also be carcinogenic. Studies tive in that it used a prospective cohort design under the auspices of the Health Effects Institute that allowed for direct control of other individual (HEI), a jointly funded industry-go'vernment pro- risk factors such as cigarette smoking or diet. In gram, recently verified this conclusion. An HEI 59 APPLADIX A study reported that, "[R]esults, and recent find- PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY ings from other laboratories, suggest that (1) the OF PARTICULATE MATTER small respirable soot particles in diesel exhaust are primarily responsible for lung cancer devel- Atmospheric particles originate from a variety of oping in rats exposed to high concentrations of sources and possess a range of morphological, diesel emissions, and (2) at high particle concen- chemical, physical, and thermodynamic proper- trations, the mutagenic compounds adsorbed onto ties. Examples include combustion-generated par- the soot play a lesser role, if any, in tumor devel- ticles such as diesel soot or fly ash, photochemi- opment in this species."29 This is quite signifi- cally produced particles such as those found in cant, as it indicates that it is important to control urban haze, salt particles formed from sea spray, the particles themselves, not just the organic and soil-like particles from resuspended dust. Par- material sitting on the surface of the carbon. ticles are liquid or solid; others contain a solid In a subsequent analysis, HEI raised questions core surrounded by liquid. Atmospheric particles about this conclusion. The authors argue that be- contain inorganic ions and elements, elemental cause the rats were exposed to very high concen- carbon, organic compounds, and crustal com- trations over their full lifetimes, the observed pounds. Some atmospheric particles are hygro- effects are more likely the result of the impair- scopic and contain particle-bound water. The ment of the rat's ability to clear particles from its organic fraction is especially complex. Hundreds lungs, leading to inflammation and rapid cell pro- of organic compounds have been identified in liferation. The researchers noted that similar ef- atmospheric aerosols, including alkanes, alkanoic fects did not occur in hamsters, and results with and carboxylic acids, polycyclic aromatic hydro- mice were mixed.30 carbons, and nitrated organic compounds. 32 While further studies are carried out to deter- Particle diameters span more than four orders mine which diesel particle elements are most of magnitude-from a few nanometers to one hazardous, the prudent course of action would hundred micrometers. Combustion-generated par- seem to be to reduce both the organics and the ticles, such as those from power generation, auto- particulate mass. mobiles, and tobacco smoke, can be as small as To put the concerns with diesel NOx and PM 0.01 micrometers or as large as 1 micrometer. into perspective, one recent study attempted to Atmospheric particles produced by photochemi- quantify the healthbenefits associated with reduc- cal processes range in diameter from 0.05 ing diesel PM and NO x.3 Based on a careful re- micrometers to 2 micrometers. Fly ash produced view of the available health information, the au- by coal combustion ranges from 0. I micrometers to thors concluded that reducing one gram per mile 50 micrometers or more. Wind-blown dust, of PM or NOX over a 100,000-mile vehicle life- pollens, plant fragments, and cement dust are gen- time would produce benefits of US$11,432 and erally above 2 micrometers in diameter. US$1,175, respectively. Focusing specifically on Recent measurements of the size distributions Los Angeles' 1992 heavy-duty vehicle fleet, the of primary particles confirm USEPA conclusions authors conclude that a 50 percent reduction in that most fugitive dust emissions are particles NOX and PMIO emissions would be worth larger than 2.5 micrometers, and that most emis- US$9,200 and US$13,500 pervehicle. A 90 per- sionsfromcombustionsourcesareinsizessmaller cent reduction would have a value of US$16,600 than 2.5 micrometers. As illustrated in figure A.1, and US$24,300 per vehicle respectively. It is diesel truck emissions are almost all less than 1.0 important to emphasize that these amounts re- micrometer in size; particles in this size range are flect only the health benefits. Studies indicate that especially hazardous when inhaled as they are able the economic benefits of reduced soiling and to penetrate to the deepest part of the lung, where improved visibility are also significant. the critical gas exchange takes place. Cz.4jv FuEIs FOR AsA TEcHAmcAL OPnONS FOR MOVING TowARDs 60 UNDED GASOuNE AMD LOW-SuLFUR DiBsEL SOURCES OF SUSPENDED Figure A. 1: Size Distribution of Typical Particles PARTICLES The ambient atmo- 140% sphere contains both Labove 10 microns primary and secondary 120% - E <10 micron 1<2.5 micron particles; the former /<1 micron are emitted directly by 100% ___; ____<_miro sources, and the latter are formed from gases 80% - (SO2, NO., NH3, VOCs). Fugitive dust is 60% - a primary pollutant. Major sources of par- 40% - ticle emissions are clas- sified as major point 20% - sources, mobile sources, and area 0% Diesel Fugitive Dust sources; these are an- thropogenic. Natural sources also contribute to ambient concentrations. and diesel-fueled motor vehicle engines are the Fugitive dust is a major PM,O contributor at primary source of mobile source emissions inmost nearly all sampling sites, although the average countries, and consequently, emissions estima- fugitive dust source contribution is highly vari- tion methods are most highly developed for these able between sampling sites in the same areas, vehicles. Motor vehicle exhaust contains high and is also highly variable between seasons. concentrations of organic and elemental carbon, Primary motor vehicle exhaust in the United but their ratios are very different from those found States represents as much as 40 percent of aver- in wood combustion, elemental carbon being age PMIO at many sampling sites. Vegetation nearly equal to the organic carbon abundance. burning outdoors and residential wood burning are significant sources in residential areas. Fugi- tive dust from paved and unpaved roads, agri- OTHER ToxIcs cultural operations, construction, and soil erosion constitute about 90 percent of nationwide primary The 1990 Clean Air Act directed USEPA to com- emissions in most countries. Fugitive dust con- pleteastudyoftoxicairemissionsassociatedwith sists of geological material that is suspended into motorvehicles and motor vehicle fuels. The study the atmosphere by natural wind and anthropo- found that the aggregate risk in the United States genic activities from sources such as paved and is 720 cancer cases. Gasoline and diesel PM, which unpaved roads, construction and demolition of are considered to represent motor vehicle polycy- buildings and roads, storage piles, wind erosion, clic organic matter (POM), are roughly equal con- and agricultural tilling. tributors to the risk. The combined risk from gaso- Mobile sources are major emitters of primary line and diesel PM was 16-28 percent of the total, particles, NO., and VOCs. They are also minor depending on the year examined. Benzene is re- emitters of SO2 and ammonia. On-road gasoline- sponsible for roughly 10 percent of the total for all 61 APPENDIX A years. The aldehydes, predominately formal- Table A.]: Summary of WHO-Recommended Guidelines dehyde, were respon- sibleforroughly4percent Compound Guideline Value Averaging rime ofthetotal for all years. A variety of studies Ozone* 120 g/m3 (0.06 ppm) 8 hours have found that in met- Nitrogen Dioxide 200 g/m3 (0.11 ppm) 1 hour ropolitan areas mobile Nitrogen Dioxide 4050 g/m3 (0.0210.026 ppm) Annual sources are possibly the Niron Dioxide 1- 0 gI m( ppmmAnual most important air pol- Carbon Monoxide 100 mg/m3 15 minutes lution source category, Carbon Monoxide 60 mg/m3 30 minutes in terms of contribu- Carbon Monoxide 30 mg/m3 1 hour tions to health risks. For example, accord- Carbon Monoxide 10 mg/m3 8 hours ing to USEPA, mobile Particulate Maiter sources are responsible * Resulting from the photochemical reaction betNeen hydrocarbons and nitogen oxides. for almost 60 percent of air pollution-related No guideline values were set for particulate matter because there is no evident threshold for cancer cases in the effects on morbidity and mortality. United States per year. Lead Levels," The New England Journal Of CONCLUSIONS REGARDING Medicine. 300(13). ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS 4. Moore. January 24, 1980. "Exposure to Lead In Childhood: The Persisting Effects," Nature. Vehicle emissions of CO, HC, NO., and fine PM re- 283(24). sultin avariety of adverse effects on health and the 5. Yule, Lansdown, Millar and Urbanowicz. environment Focusing solely on the health con- 1981. "The Relationship Between Blood Lead sequences of these pollutants, the World Health Concentrations, Intelligence and Attainment Organization (WHO) recently published revised in a School Population: a Pilot Study," Devel., air quality guidelines for Europe, which are sum- Med Child Neurology, (23):567-576. marized in table A. 1. 6. Needleman, 1989. 7. Comments at Conference, Lead In Petrol, Winneke, May 1983 ENDNOTES 8. U.S. National Academy of Sciences. 1980. "Lead In The Human Environment". Wash- 1. Needleman, H. March/April 1980. "Lead ington, D.C. Exposure And Human Health: Recent Data On 9. August 27, 1982. Federal Register. 47(167). An Ancient Problem," Technology Review. 10. Schwartz, J., H. Pitcher, R. Levin, B. Ostro, 2. Office of Research and Development, U.S. and A.L. Nichols. 1985. Costs andBenefits of Environmental Protection Agency. December Reducing Lead in Gasoline: FinalRegulatory 1977. "Air Quality Criteria For Lead." ImpactAnalysis, ReportNo. EPA-230-05-85-- 3. Needleman, H. et al. March 29, 1979. "Defi- 006, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. cits In Psychological And Classroom Perfor- 11. United States Court of Appeals, No. 82-2282, mance Of Children With Elevated Dentine Small Refiner Lead Phase-Down Task Force, et. al. v. U.S. EPA, April 22, 1983 CL&sw FuE1s FOR Asu: TECHMCAL OpnONS FOR MoVrNo TowAos 62 UNADED G.GASONE AND Low-SuFuR Di&sEL 12. Royal Commission on Environmental Pollu- nitrogen to form nitric acid. tion (U.K.) April 1983. "Lead In The Envi- 22. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. April ronment," Ninth Report. 1978. "Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And 13. Pocock S.J., et al, "Environmental Lead and Other Photochemical Oxidants." Children's Intelligence: A Systematic Review 23. December 1996. Federal Register. of the Epidemiological Evidence", BMJ 1994, 24. Congressional Research Service, Library of November 5; 309: 1189-97. Congress. May 1982. "Air Pollution Impacts 14. Silbergeld, Dr. Ellen. Autumn 1982. "Lead On Agriculture And Forestry." Poisoning," Toxic Substance ControlNewsletter. 25. Dockery et al. December 9, 1993. "An Asso- 15. Sigsby et al. "Automotive Emissions of Eth- ciation Between Air Pollution And Mortality ylene Dibromide," Society of Automotive In Six U.S. Cities," The New England Jour- Engineers, #820786. nal of Medicine. 16. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 26. Schwartz, Dr. Joel. May 1991. "Air Pollu- March 1990. "Air Quality Criteria For Car- tion and Daily Mortality in Philadelphia," pre- bon Monoxide" (External Review Draft). sented at the 1991 meeting of the American 17. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. June Lung Association, Anaheim, CA. 1980. "Air Quality Criteria For Nitrogen Ox- 27. Pope at al. 1995. ides" (Draft). 28. International Agency For Research on Can- 18. Ferris. May 1978. "Health Effects of Expo- cer uses the term "carcinogen" to denote an sure To Low Levels of Regulated Air Pollut- agent that is capable of increasing the inci- ants, A Critical Review," Journal of The Air dence of malignant tumors. Pollution Control Association. 29. Mauderly et al. October 1994. "Pulmonary 19. Mostardi et al. September/October 1981. "The Toxicity of Inhaled Diesel Exhaust and Car- University Of Akron Study on Air Pollution bon Black in Chronically Exposed Rats," Health and Human Health Effects," Archives of En- Effects Institute Research Report No. 68. vironmental Health. 30. The Health Effects Institute. 1995. 20. Orehek, et. al. February 1976. "Effect of 31. Small, A. and C. Kazimi, Department of Eco- Short-Term, Low-Level Nitrogen Dioxide Ex- nomics, University of California-Irvine. Janu- posure on Bronchial Sensitivity of Asthmatic ary 1995. "On The Costs of Air Pollution From Patients," The Journal of Clinical Investiga- Motor Vehicles," The Journal of Transport tions, Vol. 57. Economics. 21. Atmospheric nitrate is essentially secondary, 32. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. April formed from reactions involving oxides of 1995. PMCriteriaDoament (Draft). April1995. APPENDIX B: CONTROLS ON GASOLINE- FUELED VEHICLES Over the last decade, great progress has been gies involve the physics of combustion, changes achieved in the development of control technolo- in engine design, and exhaust treatment devices. gies that have dramatically reduced gasoline-fu- eled vehicle emissions, and the many adverse health and environmental effects of these emis- COMBUSTION AND EMISSIONS sions. However, to maximize these benefits and utilize the best available technology-the emis- Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions include thousands sions catalyst-it is necessary to fuel catalyst- of chemical compounds, generally resulting from equipped vehicles exclusively with unleaded incomplete fuel combustion. The amounts emit- gasoline, since lead poisons converter systems. ted are related to the air/fuel mixture inducted, The following section reviews the technologies peak temperatures and pressures in each cylin- available to reduce gasoline vehicle emissions, der (whether lead is added to the gasoline or not), and the important role that catalysts play in a and hard-to-define factors including combustion successful long-term clean fuel strategy. chamber geometry. Before emissions controls were mandated, en- gine crankcase fumes were vented directly into Nitrogen oxides (NO.) are generally formed the atmosphere. Crankcase emissions controls in- during conditions of high temperature and pres- volved closing the crankcase vent port, and were sure, and excess air (to supply oxygen). Peak tem- introduced in new automobiles in the early 1 960s. peratures and pressures are affected by a number Controlling these emissions is no longer consid- of engine design and operating variables as well ered a significant technical issue. as the concentrations of NOX in the exhaust. Evaporative hydrocarbon (HC) emissions re- sult from fuel evaporation in the carburetor float Carbon monoxide (CO) results from incomplete bowl and fuel evaporation in the gas tank. Con- combustion of carbon contained in the fuel. Its trolling these emissions generally requires feed- concentration is generally governed by complex ing the HC vapors back into the engine to be stoichiometry and equilibrium considerations. burned with the rest of the fuel. When the engine The only major engine design or operating vari- is not operating, vapors are stored either in the able that seems to affect its concentration is the engine crankcase, or in charcoal canisters which air/fuel mixture: the leaner the mixture or the absorb these emissions to be burned off when more air per unit of fuel, the lower the CO emis- the engine is started. sions rate. The most difficult emissions control problem is that of vehicle exhaust emissions. Fortunately, Lead compounds (and their associated scaven- progress has been made during the last decade in gers) are emitted by an automobile almost directly developing control technologies that can dramati- in proportion to the amount of fuel used by a cally reduce exhaust pollutants. These technolo- vehicle, and the concentration of lead in the fuel. 63 CzBui FuEs FOR ASIA.: TBCNIMCAL Opnos FOR MUoNo TowARDs 64 UALSADED GASOUNE 1AA Low-SuLFuR DIEsEL ENGINE DESIGN PARAMETERS Conpression Ratio and Combustion Chambers Certain engine design parameters can induce sig- nificant changes in emissions. Most notable According to the fundamental laws of thermo- among these are the air/fuel ratio and mixture dynamics, increases in compression ratio lead to preparation, ignition timing, and combustion improved thermal efficiency, and concurrently, chamber design and compression ratio. increased specific power and reduced specific fuel consumption. In actual applications, in- Air/Fuel Ratio and Mixture Preparation creases in compression ratios tend to be limited by available fuel octane quality. Over time, a The air/fuel ratio has a significant effect on all balance is struck between increased fuel octane three major pollutants (CO, HC, and NO.) from values (through refining modifications and fuel gasoline engines. In fact, engine-out CO emis- modifications, such as the addition of tetraethyl sions are almost totally dependent on the air/fuel lead to gasoline), and higher vehicle compres- ratio, while HC and NOx emissions rates are sion ratios. strongly influenced, depending on other engine Compression ratios can be linked to combus- design parameters. CO emissions can be dramati- tion chamber shapes, and in certain combinations cally reduced by increasing the air/fuel ratio to these parameters can have a significant impact the lean side of stoichiometric. HC emissions can on emissions. Higher surface to volume ratios also be reduced significantly by increasing the will increase the available quench zone and lead air/fuel ratio until flame speed becomes so slow to higher HC emissions; conversely, more com- that pockets of unburned fuel are exhausted be- pact shapes, such as hemispherical or bent roof fore full combustion occurs or, in extreme cases, chambers, reduce heat loss and increase maxi- if misfire occurs. Conversely, NOx emissions in- mum temperatures. This tends to increase the crease as air/fuel mixtures are enleaned up to the formation of NOX while reducing HC. Further- point of maximum or peak thermal efficiency. more, combustion chamber material, and size and Beyond this point, further enleanment can result spark plug location can influence emissions. In in lower NO emissions rates. general, because of its higher thermal conduc- tivity, aluminum engine heads lead to lower com- Ignition Timing bustion temperatures, and therefore lower NO. rates, although at the expense of increased HC Ignition timing is the second most important en- emissions. Since the length of the flame path has gine control variable affecting "engine-out" HC a strong influence on engine detonation and fuel and NOx from modern engines. When timing is octane requirement, larger combustion chambers optimized for fuel economy and performance, HC that can lower HC emissions tend to be used only and NOx emissions are also relatively high (ac- with lower compression ratios. tual values depending, of course, on other en- gine design variables). As ignition timing is de- layed (retarded), peak combustion temperatures EMISSIONS CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES tend to be reduced, thereby lowering NOx and peak thermal efficiency. By allowing combus- Tighter emissions standards have required that tion to continue after the exhaust port is opened more specific attention be given to the treatment (resulting in higher exhaust temperatures), oxi- of vehicle exhaust emissions. Commonly used dation of unburned hydrocarbons is greater, and technologies to control exhaust emissions include overall hydrocarbon emissions are reduced. recirculation of exhaust gases, electronic control 65 APPsNDix B of engine performance, exhaust after-treatment charge's burn rate or flame speed. Dilution can devices, and advanced combustion techniques. then be increased until the burn rate again be- State-of-the-art engine modification alone comes limiting. Several techniques have been cannot reduce emissions to the same extent as used to increase burn rate including increased can a three-way catalyst. Compared to a carbu- "swirl" and "squish," shorter flame paths, and retted engine, an electronically controlled engine multiple ignition sources. equipped with a 3-way catalyst can reduce CO emissions from a mean rate of 7.5 grams per ki- Electronics lometer to 1.5 grams per kilometer; HC emis- sions from 1.5 grams per kilometer to 0.25 grams With so many interrelated engine design and per kilometer; and NO. from 2.0 grams per kilo- operating variables playing an increasingly im- meter to 0.25 grams per kilometer. Electronic fuel portant role in the modem engine, the control injection and ignition systems (EFI) without a system has become increasingly important. Spark catalytic converter are effective in reducing CO timing modifications must be closely coordinated and HC emissions but have only a minor impact with air/fuel ratio changes and amount of EGR, on NO, emissions.' lest significant fuel economy or performance penalties result from emissions reductions, or Exhaust Gas Recirculation NO emissions increase as CO decreases. In ad- dition, controls that can be more selective de- Recirculating a portion of the exhaust gas back pending on engine load or speed have been found into the incoming air/fuel mixture is frequently beneficial in preventing adverse impacts. used as a technique to lower NON. The dilution To meet these requirements, electronics have of the incoming charge reduces peak cycle tem- begun to replace more traditional mechanical perature by slowing flame speed and absorbing controls. The conventional combination of car- some combustion heat. buretor and distributed ignition systems can now Charge dilution of homogeneous-charge en- be replaced by electronic fuel injection (EFI) and gines by excess air and/or by exhaust gas recir- ignition to provide more precise control.2 Fur- culation (EGR) has been used for many years. ther, electronic ignition timing control has been The use of excess air alone results in relatively shown to optimize timing under all engine con- small NOX reductions of about 35-40 percent. ditions, and has the added advantage of reduced When EGR is incorporated, substantially higher maintenance and improved durability, compared NOx reductions have been demonstrated. How- to mechanical systems. When both ignition tim- ever, excessive dilution can result in increased ing and EGR are electronically controlled, NOx HC emissions, driveability problems, or fuel emissions can be reduced with no fuel economy economy losses. penalty, and in some cases, with an improvement. Fuel consumption can be modified when EGR is utilized. Brake-specific fuel consumption and Exhaust After-Treatment Devices exhaust temperature decrease with increasing EGR, because dilution with EGR decreases Emissions catalysts and thermal reactors, generi- pumping work and heat transfer, and increases cally known as exhaust after-treatment devices, the ratio of specific heats of the burned gases. were developed in order to achieve a quantum Improvements in mixture preparation, induction reduction in exhaust emissions beyond those at- systems, and ignition systems can increase dilu- tainable through engine design modifications. tion tolerance. The latest technique for improv- The catalyst comprises a ceramic support, a ing dilution tolerance is to increase the air-fuel washcoat (usually aluminum oxide) to provide a CmBAN FuELs FoR Asma: TECHMCAL OPHONS FOR MoviNa To mcws 66 UwsADBD GSouNS AAD LowvSuLPuR DIEs.L very large surface area, and a surface layer of sensitive to the use of leaded gasoline. Even an precious metals (platinum, rhodium, and palla- occasional tank of leaded gasoline will have a dium are the most commonly used) to perform small but permanent effect on the level of emit- the catalytic function. The catalyst is housed in a ted pollutants. metal container forming part of the vehicle ex- Thermal reactors are well-insulated vessels haust system. For effective operation, the cata- with internal baffling to allow several passes of lyst temperature must exceed the light-off value the exhaust gas to maintain high temperatures and (about 3000 °C), which takes 1-3 minutes in typi- extend the residence time, and therefore promote cal urban driving conditions.3 The cost of a cata- oxidation of CO and HC emitted from the en- lytic converter and its accompanying equipment gine. To maintain high temperatures, they are is about US$250-750 per automobile (1981 often used in conjunction with exhaust port lin- prices), equivalent to a 4-20 percent increase in ers, which reduce heat losses. In spite of this, a vehicle cost.4 Over the life of a vehicle, these major problem with these systems is the diffi- devices can reduce HC emissions by an average culty in maintaining exhaust temperatures high of 87 percent, CO by 85 percent, and NO. by 62 enough to promote combustion. Measures to in- percent.5 crease exhaust temperatures such as retarded ig- An oxidation catalyst is a device placed on the nition, richer air/fuel ratios, or valve timing de- tailpipe of a car. If the chemistry and thermody- lays result in increased fuel consumption. namics are properly maintained, the device will Because of these problems, thermal reactors have oxidize almost all the HC and CO in the exhaust gradually disappeared. stream to carbon dioxide and water vapor. Start- ing in 1975, oxidation catalysts have been placed Lean-Burn in more than 80 percent of all new cars sold in the United States. In 1981, they have been placed At one point, it was believed that combustion on 100 percent of new cars. A major impediment advances, especially lean-burn, might ultimately to the use of catalysts is lead in gasoline. Cata- allow the catalyst to be eliminated. Recent expe- lyst systems are destroyed by the lead in vehicle rience, however, indicates that low HC and NOx exhaust. A unique advantage of catalysts is their levels are not attainable across the range of nor- ability to selectively eliminate some of the more mal driving conditions through the use of ad- harmful compounds in vehicle exhaust such as vanced combustion technology alone. At least an aldehydes, reactive hydrocarbons, and poly- oxidation catalyst is needed to control HC emis- nuclear hydrocarbons. sions. Also, under higher speeds and higher load Three-way catalysts are able to lower HC, CO driving modes, such as those reflected in the re- and NOX levels simultaneously. Volvo first in- cently established European extra urban driving troduced them in the United States in 1977. They cycle, supplemental NOX control may also be became widely used when the U.S. NOx stan- needed. Recent European studies of high-speed dard became more stringent (1.0 grams per mile) driving conditions demonstrate that three-way in 1981. For three-way catalysts to work effec- catalysts are necessary to minimize NO emis- tively, it is necessary to control air/fuel mixtures sions. In addition, concerns regarding toxic pol- much more precisely than is needed for oxida- lution are increasing, and lean-burn engines do tion catalyst systems. As a result, three-way sys- not appear to be as effective as conventional tems have indirectly fostered improved air/fuel catalyst-equipped engines in lowering poly- management systems such as advanced carbure- nuclear organics and other noxious compounds tors, throttle body fuel injection, and electronic from motor vehicle exhausts, unless they are also controls. Three-way catalyst systems are also equipped with catalytic converters. CLsAN Fuws FOR AsI: TECHMCAL OpgoNs FOR MoVING TowARws 68 UDuwED GAsouiNE AND Low-SULFuiR DIESEL Recognizing that Table B.l: The Cost to Consumers of Various Emissions Control there is no universal Technologies: consensus regarding the cost and fuel economy Technologies Price Increase Fuel Consumption impacts of emissions (percent) Increase (percent) regulations, it would Lean-bum engine with carburetor and 1.0 -2 still be fair to say that conventional ignition technologyexistswhich Pulsair and EGR 4,5 +3 can lower emissions at Lean-bum engine with carburetor and 2.0 +1 a cost of approximately programmed ignition 3-5 percent ofthe over- all cost of a vehicle ReGalibrated conventional engine with EFI 8.0 +2 with no pollution con- Lean-bum engine and EFI 9.0 -7 trols, and with im- Lean-bum engine oxidation catalyst 4.5 -3 proved fuel economy. Open loop 3-way catalyst carburetor 4.1 +2 Lean-bum engine-closed loop, EFI varable 15.0 -7 TECHNOLOGICAL intake system-oxidation catalyst ADvANCES ON THE Closed loop-EFI-3-way catalyst 13.0 +3 HORIZON Baseline: small vehicle, 1.4 litre conventional carburetor engine meeting ECE 15/04 standard. Vehicle emissions re- duction technology is continually evolving. tained from three sources: (i) a study conducted Futurecontrolelementswillincludelowertracelead for USEPA; (ii) a price survey of dealer parts levels in unleaded gasoline more advanced emis- departments; and (iii) direct request to the manu- sions control components more durable catalysts, facturers for parts price information. Based on better air fuel management systems, and electron- the above sources, new automobile price in- ics Califomia still plaguedby severesmogcondi- creases resulting from tighter U.S. emissions stan- tions inLosAngeles, continues itsworldwide lead- dards were estimated (table B.2). All emissions ershipinextendingpollutioncontrolrequirements. standards have been converted to the U.S. 1975 test procedure (CV5-75) along with the U. S. com- Technological improvements for controlling pliance program. HC and CO. The level of tailpipe HC emissions An international workgroup has been formed from modem vehicles is primarily a function of under the auspices of the Convention on Long engine-out emissions, and the catalyst's overall Range Transboundary Air Pollution to discuss conversion efficiency, both of which are highly methods for researching VOC emissions and con- dependent the fuel and ignition systems function- trol strategies. As part of the development of a ing properly. A fairly comprehensive system UN ECE protocol to control these emissions, a which tackles this problem has evolved. A sig- technical annex (dealing with mobile sources) nificant portion of HC and CO emissions are gen- was drafted in Switzerland on April 6, 1990. The erated during cold starts, when the fuel system is major conclusion was that closed loop three-way operating in a rich mode and the catalyst has not catalyst technology is cleaner and more efficient yet reached its light-off temperature. There are than either engine modifications or lean-bum set- many feasible technological improvements on the tings with open loop catalysts. horizon that are expected to control HC and CO 69 APPENDlix B emissions more strin- gently, not only reduc- Table B.2: U.S. Automobile Emissions Standards (grams per ing emissions levels in mile) and Estimated Additional Cost (1968-96)"7" new vehicles, but also emissions for vehicles Model Year HCICOINOx (grarrsirnile) Initial cost increase (US$ 1981) in service. 1968-69 5.9/50.8/N.R. 30 Increased use of fuel 1970-71 3.9/33.31N.R. 50 injection. The trend to- 1972 3.0/28.8/N.R. 70 ward increased use of 197374 3.0/28.(Y3.1 100 fuel injection has sev- eral distinct advantages 1975-76 1.5/15.013.1 150 over carburetion as a 1977-79 1.5/15.012.0 175 fuel control system, in- cluding more precise 1980 0.41/7.0/2.0 225 control of fuel meter- 1981 0.4113.4/1.0 350 ing, better compatibil- 1990 (proposed 0.2513.4/0.4 (by 1995/96) n.a ity with digital electron- legisabUon) ics, better fuel economy, 0.I25/3.4/0.2 (by 2003) n.a. and better cold-start N. R =notrequied. function. Fuel metering precision is important in n. a. not available. maintaining a stoichio- 1/ OECD [1988a]. Transport and Environment, Paris. metric air/fuel ratio for USEPA 11988]. Mobile Source Emission Standards Summary. Office of Air and Radation, efficient three-way United States Environment Protection Agency, WashingtDn, D.C. catalyst operation. Effi- cient catalyst operation, in turn, reduces the need for dual-bed catalysts, TableB.3: Conclusion of UNECEProtocol (1990) air injection, and EGR. Technology Option Emission Level Cost Fuel ConsumpUon Better driveability from Uncontrolled 400 <100 fuel injection has been a motivation to convert Engine Modifications 100 Base 100 engines from carbure- Lean Setting w/ox. Cat 50 150-200 100 tion to fuel injection. In Closed Loop TWC 10 250-400 95 fact, it has been pro- Advanced Closed Loop 6 350-600 90 jected that the percent- age of new California light-duty vehicles with fuel-injection will reach 95 percent by the early cision, and also gives manufacturers the ability 1990's, with 70 percent being multi-point. Be- to integrate fuel and emissions control systems cause of fuel injection systems' inherently better into an overall engine management system. This fuel control, this trend is highly consistent with permits early detection and diagnosis of malfunc- more stringent emissions standards. tions, automatic compensation for altitude, and Fuel injection's compatibility with onboard to some degree, adjustments for normal wear. electronic controls enhances fuel metering pre- Carburetor choke valves, long considered a tar- CLV FupEs FOR AswA. TECHNCAL OPromS FOR MoviNo TowARDs 70 UNLEADED GAsoLUfN AND Low-S uFuR DIEsa get for maladjustment and tampering, are re- portion of motorized vehicles in developing coun- placed by more reliable cold-start enrichment tries, particularly in East and South Asia. While systems in fuel-injected vehicles. they are responsible for a relatively small frac- Closed-loop feedback systems are critical to tion of total vehicle kilometers of travel (VKT) maintaining good fuel control. However, when in most countries, they often contribute substan- they fail, emissions can increase significantly. In tially to air pollution. This is especially true of fact, CARB in-use surveillance data show that motorcycles and auto-rickshaws with two-stroke component failure in a closed-loop system fre- engines running on a mixture of gasoline and lu- quently is associated with high emissions. bricating oil. It has been estimated that uncon- CARB's new onboard diagnostics requirement trolled motorcycles in industrialized countries will enable the system to alert the driver when emit 22 times as much HC and 10 times as much something is wrong with the emissions control CO as automobiles controlled by U.S. 1978 lev- system and will help the mechanic to identify the els.9 In Taiwan, HC emissions from two-stroke malfunctioning component. engine motorcycles were 13 times higher than Improvements to the fuel control and ignition emissions from new four-stroke motorcycles, and systems, such as increasing the ability to main- over 10 times higher than the emissions from tain a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio under all op- in-use passenger cars. CO emissions from erating conditions, and minimizing the occur- two-stroke motorcycle engines were similar to rence of spark plug misfire, will result in better those from four-stroke engines.'0 overall catalyst conversion efficiency and less Technologies available to control emissions opportunity for catastrophic failure. These im- from two- and three-wheeled vehicles are similar provements, therefore, have a two-fold effect: (i) to those available for other Otto cycle-powered limiting the extra engine-out emissions that would engines. Reducing the amount of lubricating oil be generated by malfunctions, and (ii) helping to in the fuel is one possible approach. Refining the keep the catalyst in good working condition. fairly simple carburetors used would significantly Several alternative catalyst configurations will reduce HC, CO, and smoke emissions. Catalytic probably be used in the future to meet lower emis- converters are also technologically feasible for sions standards. It is also likely that dual-bed cata- these engines." lysts will be phased out, and a warm-up catalyst Many modern engines use a separated lubri- (preceding the thermal warm-up catalyst or cation system which uses leaner fuel/oil ratios, TWC) will be used for cold-start HC control. To and therefore reduces smoke. Since 1986 mopeds avert thermal damage and lower the catalyst de- with catalysts have been available in Austria and terioration rate, this small catalyst will probably Switzerland. In Taiwan motorcycles have been be bypassed at all times except during cold starts. similarly equipped since 1992. Warm-up air injection could also be used with a High smoke and unburned HCs from two- single-bed TWC for cold-start HC control. As stroke engines are no longer technologically nec- HC standards are lowered, preheated catalysts essary. New technology promises to resolve these will probably become more important for many concerns. Direct cylinder electronic fuel injec- cars' pollution control systems. tion, electronic computer control, and catalytic exhaust conversion are now common solutions. In addition, advanced two-stroke engines, such Two- AND THREE-WHEELED VEHICLES: as those being developed by the U.S. firm Or- SPECIAL CONCERNS bital indicate that these engines can be even cleaner and more fuel-efficient than four-stroke Two- and three-wheeled vehicles, especially mo- engines. torcycles and auto-rickshaws, constitute a large 71 APPENiDxB ADDITIONAL HEALTH BENEFITS FROM multi-ring aromatics which are likely to be in gaso- CATALYSTS line vehicle exhaust. This was verified in a study conducted several years ago which measured vari- In addition to significant improvements in CO, ous PAHs both with and without a catalyst. The HC, and NO emissions, emissions catalysts have data showed that PAHs are removed, often sub- several additional advantages. stantially, by catalysts (table B.6). Aldehydes are the most prevalent oxygenated organic species in gasoline engine exhausts. They tend to be highly photochemically reactive, and ENDNOTES can cause serious eye irritation. One particular aldehyde-formaldehyde-has been found to be 1. European Conference of Ministers of Trans- carcinogenic in animal tests. As illustrated be- port. 1990. Transport Policy and the Envi- low (table B.4), these compounds are effectively ronment. Organization of Economic Coopera- reduced by catalysts. tion and Development: Paris. 2. European Conference of Ministers of Trans- Reactive hydrocarbons. Exhaust HC standards port. 1990. Transport Policy and the Envi- are generally written in terms of total HCs. Cer- ronment. Organization of Economic Coopera- tain of these HCs, such as methane, are of less tion and Development: Paris. environmental concern because they are chemi- 3. European Conference of Ministers of Trans- cally stable and tend not to produce photochemi- port. 1990. Transport Policy and the Envi- cal smog."2 However, since catalytic converters tend to selectively oxidize the more reactive HCs, a greater proportion of the HC species partici- pating in the photochemical reactions leading to Table B.4: Aldehyde Emissions from smog will be reduced by catalysts. Passenger Cars Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). VehicbType Aid5hy Emissions from this class of HCs are of particu- Wrams per mile) lar interest because of their direct carcinogenic Average of 10 norcatalyst 0.141 effects on specific PAH compounds that have gasoline cas been detected in vehicle exhaust. Most notable Aveage of 3 catalyt gasoine cars 0.023 among the PAHs is benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), a five- Averas_of__catayst_asolie___0.02 ring aromatic that has been shown in a number of experiments to be an animal carcinogen. Listed below are BaP emissions data from Table R 5: BaP Emissions from passenger cars with various types of control tech- Passenger Cars with Different Emissions nology (table B.5). Controls ThesedatashowthatPAHemissionsfromgaso- linepowered cars arereduced substantiallyby con- Vehicle Type Emissions (Micrograms trols designed to reduce HC and CO, and that cata- per mile) lytic converters can almost eliminatethem. In fact, Pre-emissions control 12.04 thecatalyst-equippedvehicles reduced BaP by over 1968 emissions controls 2.77 99 percent from pre-controlled levels, and by about 96 percent from 1970 levels with first-generation 1970 emissions controls 1.62 emissions controls. There is every reason to con- Catalyst-equipped 0.08 clude that the catalyst has similar impacts on other CLEAN Fueis FOR ASIA Teaicaa OPI7oNS FOR Movao Towmp.os 72 UNBADED GASOLE AND Low-SULPUR DIESEL ronment. Organiza- tion of Economic Table B. 6: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons With and Wthout Cooperation and a Catalyst Development: Paris. 4. Organization of Eco- Polycyclic Without Catalyst With Catalyst Percent nomic Cooperation Aromatic/Hydrocarbon Reduction and Development. phenanthrene 1.85 0.16 91 1988. Transportand anthracene 0.61 0.04 93 Environment, Paris. fluoranthrene 2.27 0.23 90 5. French, H.F. 1990. "You Are What Phrene 2.91 1.50 48 You Breathe," perylene 1.21 0.40 67 World Watch. 3(3). benzo(a)pyrene 0.94 0.17 82 Washington, D.C. benzo(e)pyrene 2.76 0.41 85 6. European Confer- ence of Ministers of dibenzopyrenes 0.28 0.23 18 Transport. 1990. coronene 0.41 0.27 34 Transport Policy I and the Environ- ment. Organization of Economic Cooperation Impact of and Control Strategies for Trans- and Development: Paris. portation-Induced Air Pollution." Bureau of 7. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Air Quality Protection and Noise Control, En- Development. 1988. TransportandEnviron- vironmental Protection Agency, Taiwan ment, Paris. (China). 8. Office of Airand Radiation, U.S. Environmen- 11. Organization of Economic Cooperation and tal Protection Agency. 1988. Mobile Source Development. 1988. TransportandEnviron- FmissionsStazdardsSurnr1y. Washington, D.C. ment, Paris. 9. Organization of Economic Cooperation and 12. While not a direct health concern in the ur- Development. 1988. Transport and Environ- ban environment, methane, one of the gases ment, Paris. accumulating in the upper atmosphere, is an 10. Shen, S.-H., and K.-H. Huang, K-H. 1989. important potential greenhouse gas. "Taiwan Air Pollution Control Programme- APPENDIX C: CONTROLS ON DIESEL-FUELED VEHICLES Diesel engine emissions are determined by the Common approaches to emissions control re- characteristics of the combustion process within quire a series of diesel engine modifications in- each cylinder. Primary engine parameters affect- cluding fuel injection, electronic engine controls, ing diesel emissions are the fuel injection system, combustion chamber modifications, air handling engine control system, air intake port and com- characteristics, reduced oil consumption, bustion chamber design, and the air charging turbocharging, injection retard, exhaust gas re- system. Actions to reduce lubricating oil con- circulation (EGR), and reduced heat rejection sumption can also impact hydrocarbon (HC) and (ECMT 1990). particulate (PM) emissions. Beyond the engine Efficient combustion through improved mix- itself, exhaust aftertreatment systems such as trap ing of air and fuel results in lower HC and smoke oxidizers and catalytic converters can play a sig- emissions. Electronic control of fueling levels and nificant role. Finally, modifications to conven- timing, combined with high-pressure fuel injec- tional fuels, or alternative fuels, can substantially tion systems, can be quite beneficial. lower or raise emissions. The following sections Turbocharging increases NOx emissions but re- will review the status of each technology area, as duces particulates. Charge cooling (cooling the chapter 5 summarized the fuel impacts. intake air after the turbochargers) directly reduces Except for PM, exhaust emissions (particularly NOX emissions by reducing peak cycle tempera- HC and carbon monoxide) from diesel engines tures and pressures. Injection retard is the most are quite low compared to gasoline engines; there- effective way of reducing NOx emissions, but fore much of the attention to diesel exhaust emis- increases fuel consumption, smoke, and HC emis- sions has focused on PM and nitrogen oxide sions, particularly under light loading. EGR can (NO.) emissions. PM from diesel exhaust con- significantly reduce NOX but may double particu- sists of soot, condensed HCs, sulfur-based com- late emissions. Effective control of lubricating pounds, and other oil-derived material. Smoke oil through engine design prevents it from enter- is the immediately visible portion of particulate ing the engine piston rings, valve guides or tur- emissions, and its opacity depends on the num- bochargers, and has been shown to reduce HC ber and size of carbon particles present. The main emissions by about 50 percent (ECMT 1990). cause of black smoke is poor maintenance of air In order to achieve low levels of particulate filters or fuel injectors. Fuel quality can also af- emissions, manufacturers have also developed fect smoke emissions, through fuel density, aro- exhaust treatment devices that are added to clean matic content, and certain distillation character- up the exhaust after it leaves the engine. Several istics (T. J. Russell, 1989, ECMT, 1990). devicesarebeingevaluated. Oneisaflow-through Most the techniques for reducing PM and HC catalytic converter designed to operate on low- emissions from diesel engines also improve com- sulfur fuel. This may reduce the soluble organic bustion efficiency and are fuel efficient. How- fraction of particulates by as much as 90 percent, ever, they result in higher NOX exhausts. and may also reduce the carbon portion. Another, 73 Cl.Ao FuOLs FoR AsA TEa1McL OPnovs FOR Monvo TowAws 74 UNBADED GASONB AmND Low-SuzFuR DrzyEs probably more promising aftertreatment device, cally have very high fuel injection pressures and is the trap oxidizer control system, which has six to nine spray holes per nozzle. demonstrated particulate control efficiencies, in In the IDI engine, much of the fuel/air mixing some instances, of over 90 percent. is due to the air swirl induced in the prechamber as air is forced into it during compression, and to the turbulence induced by the expansion out of ENGINE MODICATIONS the prechamber during combustion. These en- gines typically have better high-speed perfor- Air Motion and Combustion Chamber Design mance than DI engines, and can use cheaper fuel injection systems. Historically, IDI diesel engines The geometries of the combustion chamber and have exhibited lower emissions levels than DI air intake port control the air motion in the diesel engines, but with recent developments in DI en- combustion chamber, and thus play an important gine emissions controls this is no longer the case. role in air/fuel mixing and emissions. A number Disadvantages of the IDI engine are the extra heat of different combustion chamber designs, corre- and frictional losses due to the prechamber, re- sponding to different basic combustion systems, sulting in a 5-10 percent reduction in fuel effi- are presently being used in heavy-duty diesel ciency compared to a DI engine. engines. This section outlines the basic combus- A number of advanced, low-emitting, and tion systems in use, their advantages and disad- fuel-efficient high swirl DI engines have recently vantages, and the effects of changes in combus- been introduced; it appears that these engines will tion chamber design and air motion on emissions. completely replace existing 1ID designs. Combustion Systems Direct Injection Combustion Chamber Design Heavy-duty diesel engines use several different Changes in the engine combustion chamber and types of combustion systems. The most funda- related areas demonstrate potential emissions re- mental difference is between direct injection (DI) ductions. Design changes to reduce the crevice engines and indirect injection (IDI) engines. In volume in DI diesel cylinders increase the amount an IDI engine, fuel is injected into a separate of air available in the combustion chamber. "prechamber," where it mixes and partly burns Changes in combustion chamber geometry-such before jetting into the main combustion cham- as the use of a reentrant lip on the piston bowl- ber above the piston. In the more common DI can markedly reduce emissions by improving air/ engine, fuel is injected directly into a combus- fuel mixing and minimizing wall impingement tion chamber hollowed out of the top of the pis- by the fuel jet. Optimizing the intake port shape ton. DI engines can be further divided into high- for best swirl characteristics has also yielded sig- swirl and low-swirl. nificant benefits. Several manufacturers are con- Fuel/air mixing in the DI engine is limited by sidering variable swirl intake ports to optimize the fuel injection pressure and any motion im- swirl characteristics across a broader range of parted to the air in the chamber as it enters. In engine speeds. high-swirl DI engines, a strong swirling motion is imparted to the air entering the combustion The crevice volume is a part of the compression chamber by the design of the intake port. These volume lying outside the combustion chamber. engines typically use moderate to high injection This includes the clearance between the top of pressures, and three to five spray holes per nozzle. the piston and the cylinder head, and the "top Low-swirl engines rely primarily on the fuel in- land"-the space between the side of the piston jection process to supply the mixing. They typi- and the cylinder wall above the top compression 75 APPENDIX C ring. The smaller the crevice volume, the larger low-speed and high-speed performance. At low the combustion chamber volume can be for a speeds, a higher swirl ratio provides better mix- given compression ratio, effectively increasing ing, permitting more fuel to be injected and thus the amount of air available for combustion. greater torque output at the same smoke level. The major approaches to reducing the crevice However, this can result in too high a swirl ratio volume are to reduce the clearance between the at higher speeds while impairing the airflow to piston and cylinder head through tighter produc- the cylinder. Too high a swirl ratio can also in- tion tolerances, and moving the top compression crease HC emissions, especially under light loads. ring toward the top of the piston This increases Attaining an optimal swirl ratio is more diffi- the top ring's working temperature, and poses me- cult in smaller engines because they experience chanical design problems for the piston top and a wider range of engine speeds than heavy en- cooling system. These problems have been ad- gines. One solution to this problem is to vary the dressed through redesign and the use of more ex- swirl ratio as a function of engine speed. A two- pensivematerials. Thehigherpistonringtempera- position variable swirl system has been devel- ture may also make additional demands on the oil. oped and applied to some diesel engines in Ja- pan, and is being considered for engines used in In high-swirl DI engines, are-entrant combustion the United States as well. Test data using this chamber shape (where the lip of the combustion system show a noticeable reduction in PM and chamber protrudes beyond the walls of the bowl) NO emissions due to optimization of the swirl provides a substantial improvement in perfor- ratio at different speeds. mance and emissions over the previous straight- sidedbowl designs. Researchers atAVL List (Aus- Fuel Injection tria) found that a re-entrant bowl gave a 20 percent reductioninPMemissionscomparedtothosemea- The fuel injection system is one of a diesel sured from a straight-sided bowl at the same com- engine's most important components. It includes pression ratio. NOX emissions increased 3 per- the process by which the fuel is transferred from cent, but the re-entrant bowl combustion chamber the fuel tank to the engine, and the mechanism was found to be more tolerant of retarded injec- by which it is injected into the cylinders. The tion timing than the straight-sided bowl. fuel injection's precision, characteristics, and tim- Because of the superiority of the re-entrant ing determine the engine's power, fuel economy, bowl design in high-swirl engines, nearly all manu- and emissions characteristics. facturers of such engines are developing or al- The fuel injection system normally consists ready using this approach. Similar improvements of a low-pressure pump transferring fuel from in the performance of low-swirl DI engines may the tank to the engine; one or more high-pres- also be possible through modifications to com- sure fuel pumps creating the pressure pulses that bustion chamber geometry, but there is little send the fuel into the cylinder; the injection agreement on what the optimal shape should be. nozzles where fuel is injected into the cylinder; and a governor and fuel metering system. These Optimal matching of the intake air swirl ratio determine how much fuel is injected on each with combustion chamber shape and other vari- stroke, and thus the power output of the engine. ables is critical for emissions control in high-swirl The major areas of concentration in fuel in- engines. The swirl ratio is the ratio of the rota- jection system development are increased injec- tional speed of the air charge in the cylinder to the tion pressure, increasingly flexible control of in- rotational speed of the engine-determined by the jection timing, and more precise governing of design of the air intake port. The selection of a the fuel quantity injected. Systems offering elec- fixed swirl ratio involves some trade-offs between tronic control of these quantities and fuel injec- CLAN FUsEI FOR AsIA: TECamcza O"nom FOR Monva ToztwAs 76 UNEADED GASOmNE AND Low-SULFR DiHsE tion rate have been introduced. Some manufac- pump line nozzle systems. With improvements turers are also pursuing technology to vary the in electronic control, these systems offer better rate of fuel injection over the injection period in fuel economy at low emissions levels than the order to reduce the amount of fuel burning in the pump line nozzle systems. For this reason, many premixed combustion phase. Reductions in NOX heavy-duty engine models sold in the United and noise emissions, and maximum cylinder pres- States were equipped with unit injectors for the sures have been demonstrated using this ap- 1991 model year. proach. Other changes have been made to the injection nozzles themselves to reduce or elimi- Fuel injection pressure and injection rate. nate sac volume, and to optimize the nozzle hole High fuel injection pressures are desirable in or- size and shape, number of holes, and spray angle der to improve fuel atomization and fuel/air mix- for minimum emissions. ing, and to offset the effects of retarded injection timing by increasing the injection rate. It is well Injection system types. Fuel injection systems established that higher injection pressures reduce used in heavy-duty diesel vehicles can be divided PM and smoke emissions. High injection pres- into two basic types. The most common type con- sures are most important in low-swirl direct in- sistsofasinglefuelpump(typicallymountedatthe jection engines, since the fuel injection system is side of the engine) which is driven by gears from responsible for most of the fuel/air mixing in these the crankshaft, and connected to individual injec- systems. For this reason, low-swirl engines tend tion nozzles at the top of each cylinder by special to use unit injector systems, that can achieve peak high-pressure fuel lines. These pump line nozzle injection pressures in excess of 1,500 bar. injection systems can be further divided into two The injection pressures achievablein pump line subclasses: distributor fuel pumps, in which a nozzle fuel injection systems are limited by the singlepumpingelementismechanicallyswitched mechanical strength of the pumps and fuel lines, to connect to the high pressure fuel lines for each as well as by pressure wave effects, to about 800 cylinder in turn; and in line pumps, having one bar. Improvements in system design to minimize pumping element per cylinder where each is con- pressure wave effects, and increases in the size nectedto its own high pressure fuel line. The latter and mechanical strength of the lines and pump- type is much more common in heavy-duty trucks. ing elements have increased the injection pres- The most common alternative to the pump line sures achievable in pump line nozzle systems sub- nozzle injection systems are systems using unit stantially from those achievable a few years ago. injectors, in which the individual fuel metering The pumping elements in all current fuel in- and pumping element for each cylinder is com- jection systems are driven through a fixed me- bined in the same unit with the injection nozzle chanical linkage from the engine crankshaft. This at the top of the cylinder. The pumping elements means that the pumping rate, and thus the injec- in a unit injector system are generally driven by tion pressure, is a strong function of engine speed. the engine camshaft. At high speeds the pumping element moves rap- Worldwide, many more engines are made with idly, and injection pressures and injection rates pump line nozzle injection systems than with unit are high. Conversely, at lower speeds, the injec- injectors, due primarily to the higher cost of unit tion rate is proportionately lower, and injection injector systems. Presently, three U.S. engine pressure drops off rapidly. This poor atomiza- manufacturers (accounting for more than half of tion and mixing at low speeds can be a major U.S. heavy-duty engine production) produce unit cause of high smoke emissions during lugdown. injector-equipped truck engines. Due to the ab- Increasing the pumping rate to provide adequate sence of high pressure fuel lines, unit injectors pressure at low speeds is impractical, as it would are capable of higher injection pressures than exceed the system pressure limits at high speed. 77 APPEADIX C A new type of in-line injection pump which rate of injection. Based on these data, it appears provides a partial solution to this problem, has likelythata30-40 percentreduction inNOX emis- recently been developed. The cam driving the sionscouldbeachievedthroughthistechniquewith- pumping elements in this pump has a non-uniform out significant adverse impacts on fuel consump- rise rate. This allows the pumping rate (at any tion or HC or PM emissions. As a side benefit, given time) to be a function of the cam angle. By engine noise and maximum cylinder pressures (for electronically adjusting a spill sleeve, it is pos- a given power output) would also be reduced. sible to select the portion of the cam's rotation when fuel is injected, and vary the injection rate. Low sac/sacless nozzles. The nozzle sac is a small Injection timing varies at the same time, but the internal space in the tip of the injection nozzle. system is designed for the desired injection rate The nozzle orifices open into the sac so that fuel and injection timing to correspond fairly well. flowing past the needle valve first enters the sac, Ishida and co-workers obtained a 25 percent re- then sprays out the orifices. The small amount of duction in PM emissions, and a 10 percent re- fuel remaining in the sac tends to burn or evapo- duction in HC using this system with virtually rate late in the combustion cycle, resulting in sig- no increase in NOx. The same approach could nificant PM and HC emissions. The sac volume easily be applied to a unit injector system using can be minimized or even eliminated by rede- an electronically controlled spill valve. signing the injector nozzle. One manufacturer Another approach to increasing injection pres- reported nearly a 30 percent reduction in PM sure at low engine speeds is using emissions through elimination of the nozzle sac. electro-hydraulic actuators for injection instead It is also possible to retain some of the sac while of mechanically-driven pumping elements. designing the injector nozzle so that the tip of Through appropriate design and control schemes, the needle valve covers the injection orifices such systems can control and maintain fuel in- when it is closed. This valve covers orifice (VCO) jection pressures almost independently of engine injector design is used in some production en- speed. A number of such systems have been de- gines, and in many engines was developed to scribed in the technical literature, but to date, such comply with 1991 U.S. emissions standards. systems were introduced in the US in 1991. Engine Control Systems Initial injection rate and premixed burning. Reducing the amount of fuel burned in the Traditionally diesel engine control systems have premixed combustion phase can significantly been closely integrated with the fuel injection reduce total NOX emissions. This can be achieved system, enabling the two systems to be discussed by reducing the initial rate of injection while together. These earlier control systems (still used keeping the subsequent rate of injection high to in most engines) are entirely mechanical. The last avoid high PM emissions due to late burning. This few years have seen the introduction of an in- requires varying the rate of injection during the creasing number of computerized electronic con- injection stroke. While this represents a difficult trol systems for diesel engines. With the intro- design problem for mechanical injections sys- duction of these systems, the scope of the engine tems, it still should be possible using control system has been greatly expanded. electro-hydraulic injectors. Another approach to the same end is split injection where a small Most current diesel engines still rely on mechani- amount of fuel is injected in a separate event cal engine control systems. The primary func- ahead of the main fuel injection period. tions of these systems include basic fuel meter- Data published by a U.S. manufacturer show a ing, engine speed governing, maximum power marked beneficial effect from reducing the initial limitation, torque curve "shaping," limiting CLV FUELS FOR As/: TEcimcAL OPTIONS FOR MOvwNG TowARDs 78 UpwADED GAsoINS AAD Low-S uLFuR DIEFL smoke emissions during transient acceleration, synchronousidlespeedcontrol,ai !adaptivelearn- and often, limited control of fuel injection tim- ing. This includes strategies to identify and com- ing. Engine speed governing is accomplished pensate for the effects of wear, and component to through a spring and flyweight system which component variation in the fuel injection system. progressively (and quickly) reduces the maxi- By continuously adjusting the fuel injection mum fuel quantity as engine speed exceeds the timing to match a stored "map" of optimal timing rated value. The maximum fuel quantity itself is versus speed and load, an electronic timing con- generally set through a simple mechanical stop trol system can significantly improve on the NO / on the rack controlling injection quantity. More particulate and NOx/fuel economy trade-offs pos- sophisticated systems allow some "shaping" of sible with static or mechanically variable injec- the torque curve to change the maximum fuel tion timing. Most electronic control systems also quantity as a function of engine speed. incorporate the functions of the engine governor Acceleration smoke limiters are needed to pre- and the transient smoke limiter. This helps to re- vent excessive black smoke emissions during tran- duce excess particulate emissions due to mechani- sient acceleration of turbocharged engines. Most cal friction and lag time during engine transients, of these engines are designed to limit the maxi- while simultaneously improving engine perfor- mum fuel quantity injected as a function of turbo- mance. PM emissions reductions of up to 40 per- charger boost so that full engine power is devel- cent have been documented with this approach. oped only aftertheturbochargercomesupto speed. Other electronic control features such as cruise Many pump line nozzle fuel injection systems control, upshift indication, and communication incorporate mechanical injection timing controls. with an electronically controlled transmission will Since the injection pump is driven by a special also help to reduce fuel consumption, and will shaft geared to the crankshaft, injection timing thus likely reduce in-use emissions. Since the can be adjusted within a limited range by vary- effect of these technologies is to reduce the ing the phase angle between the two shafts using amount of engine work necessary per mile, rather a sliding spline coupling. A mechanical or hy- than the amount of pollution per unit of work, draulic linkage slides the coupling back and forth their effects will not be reflected in dynamom- in response to engine speed or load signals. eter emissions test results. In mechanical unit injector systems, the in- jectors are driven by a direct mechanical linkage Turbocharging and Intercooling from the camshaft, making it very difficult to vary the injection timing. Cummins, in its California A turbocharger consists of a centrifugal air com- engines, has introduced a mechanical timing con- pressor feeding the intake manifold mounted on trol which operates by moving the injector cam the same shaft as an exhaust gas turbine in the followers back and forth with respect to the cam. exhaust stream. By increasing the mass of air in Although effective in limiting light-load HC and the cylinder prior to compression, turbocharging PM emissions under stringent California NOx correspondingly increases the amount of fuel that standards, these systems have proven troublesome can be burned without excessive smoke, and thus and unpopular among users. increases the potential maximum power output. This also improves the engine's fuel efficiency. Computerizedelectronicengine control systems The process of compressing the air, however, have greatly increasedthepotential flexibility and raises its temperature, increasing the thermal load precisionoffuelmeteringandinjectiontiming con- on critical engine components. By cooling the trols. Inaddition,wholenewcontrol functionshave compressed air in an intercooler before it enters been made possible, such as road speed govern- the cylinder, the adverse thermal effects can be ing,alterationsincontrolstrategyduringtransients, reduced. In addition, the density of the air in- 79 APPENDIX C creases, and allows an even greater mass of air gine response and fixed geometry turbocharger to be confined within the cylinder, thus further characteristics, a number of engine manufactur- increasing the maximum power potential. ers are considering the use of variable geometry Increasing the air mass in the cylinder and turbines. In these systems, the turbine nozzles can reducing its temperature can reduce both NOx and be adjusted to vary the turbine pressure drop and PM emissions as well as increase fuel economy power level in order to match the engine's boost and power output from a given engine displace- pressure requirements. Thus, high boost pressures ment. Most heavy-duty diesel engines are pres- can be achieved at low engine speeds without ently equipped with turbochargers, many of wasteful overboosting at high speed. The result which have intercoolers. In the United States, all is a substantial improvement in low speed torque, engines were equipped with these systems by transient response, and fuel economy, and a re- 1991. Recent developments in air charging sys- duction in smoke, NO., and PM emissions. tems for diesel engines have been primarily con- Prototype VGTs have been available for some cerned with increasing the turbocharger effi- time, but they have not been used in production ciency, operating range, and transient response vehicles. The major reasons for this are their cost characteristics. This has been accompanied by (as much as 50 percent more than a comparable improved intercoolers to further reduce the tem- fixed geometry turbocharger), reliability con- perature of the intake charge. Tuned intake air cems, and the need for a sophisticated electronic manifolds (including some with variable tuning) control system to manage them. With the forth- have also been developed to maximize air intake coming deployment of electronic engine controls efficiency in a given speed range. on virtually all U.S. vehicles, these arguments have lost much of their force. VGTs' fuel Turbocharger refinements. Turbochargers for econormy and performance advantages are great heavy-duty diesel engines are already highly de- enough to outweigh the costs in many applica- veloped, buteffortsto improvetheirperforrnance tions. As a result, VGTs should be available on a continue. The major areas of emphasis are im- number of production heavy-duty diesel engines proved matching of turbocharger response char- in the near future. acteristics to engine requirements, improved tran- sient response, and higher efficiencies. Engine and Other types of superchargers. A number of al- turbocharger matching is especially critical be- temative forms of supercharging have been stud- cause ofthe inherent conflict between the response ied with respect to overcoming the mismatch characteristics of the two types of machines. En- between turbocharger and engine response char- gineboostpressurerequirements aregreatestnear acteristics. The two leading candidates at present the maximum torque speed, and mostturbocharg- are the Sulzer ComprexTm gas dynamic super- ers are matched to give nearoptimal performance charger, and mechanically assisted turbocharg- at that point. At higher speeds, the exhaust flow- ers, such as the "three wheel" turbocharger de- rateisgreater,andtheturbinepoweroutputiscor- veloped by General Motors. The major respondingly higher. Boost pressure under these advantages of these systems are superior low- circumstances can exceed the engine's design speed performance and improved transient re- limits, and the excessive turbine backpressure sponse. These advantages would be expected to increases fuel consumption. Thus, some compro- yield some improvement in PM emissions, as well mise between adequate low speed boost and ex- as driveability and torque rise. cessive high speed boost must be made. Presently, most intercoolers rely on the en- gine cooling water as a heat sink, since this mini- Variable geometry turbochargers (VGTs). mizes the components required. However, this Because of the inherent mismatch between en- water's relatively high temperature (about 90°C) Ca.N Fuws FOR AsiA: TEacwicA OPyois FOR MoVING TowARDs 80 UNBADeD GASOIN E wi Low-SuuFui? Dtesu limits the benefits available. For this reason, an optimization of piston ring tension and shape, increasing number of heavy-duty diesel engines attention to valve stem and turbocharger oil seals, are being equipped with low-temperature charge and other possible sources of oil loss. However, air cooling systems. present technology requires some oil consump- The most common type of low-temperature tion in the cylinder, for its lubricating and corro- charge air cooler emits heat directly to the atmo- sion protective functions. sphere through an air-to-air heat exchanger Advances in piston and cylinder tribology mounted on the truck chassis in front of the ra- could potentially eliminate or greatly reduce oil diator. Although bulky and expensive, these consumption in the cylinder. Areas such as charge air coolers are able to achieve the lowest boundary lubrication and development of low charge air temperatures -in many cases, only friction ceramic coatings are presently the sub- 10-1 5°C above ambient. An alternative approach jects of much research. The potential for trans- is low temperature air-to-water intercooling, forming this research into durable and reliable which in the United States has been studied by engines on the road is yet to be demonstrated. Cummins Engine. Cummins has chosen to retain the basic water air intercooler, but with drasti- cally reduced radiator flowrates to reduce the AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEMS water temperature coming from the radiator. This water is then passed through the intercooler be- In order to achieve very low levels of PM emis- fore it is used for cooling the rest of the engine. sions, manufacturers have developed exhaust control devices, cleaning up the exhaust after it Intake Manifold Tuning leaves the engine. Several devices are available. One is a flow-through oxidation catalytic con- Tuned intake manifolds have been used for many verter, installed on a vehicle designed to operate years to enhance airflow rates on high-perfor- on low-sulfur fuel, which can reduce the particu- mance gasoline engines, and are being considered lates' soluble organic fraction (SOF) by as much for some heavy-duty diesel engines. A tuned mani- as 90 percent, and may reduce carbon as well. fold provides improved airflow and volumetric Another is a trap oxidizer control system which efficiency at speeds near its resonant frequency, can achieve 90 percent or even greater particu- although at the cost of reduced volumetric effi- late reductions. Catalyst and trap technology can ciency at other speeds. At least one medium- and be combined to provide even greater control. Fi- heavy-duty manufacturer is considering a vari- nally, research and development on NOx able resonance manifold in order to improve air- aftertreatment systems is taking place, and posi- flow characteristics at both low and high speeds. tive results are beginning to emerge. Lubricating Oil Control Catalytic Converters A significant fraction of diesel PM (10-50 per- A diesel catalytic converter oxidizes a large part cent) consists of oil-derived HC and related solid of the SOF's HC constituents, as well as gaseous matter. Reduced oil consumption has been a de- HC, carbon monoxide (CO), odor-creating com- sign goal of heavy-duty diesel engine manufac- pounds, and mutagenic emissions. Unlike a cata- turers for some time, and the current generation lytic trap, a flow-through catalytic converter does of diesel engines already uses fairly less oil than not collect any of the solid PM. This simply its predecessors. Further reductions in oil con- passes through in the exhaust. This eliminates the sumption are possible through careful attention . need for a regeneration system with its attendant to cylinder bore roundness and surface finish, technical difficulties and costs. The particulate 81 AppE,Ix C control efficiency of the catalytic converter is, one study reported that oxidation catalysts could of course, much less than that of a trap. How- reduce particulate SOF by 90 percent under cer- ever, a PM control efficiency of even 25-35 per- tain operating conditions, and could reduce total cent is enough to bring many current engines particulate emissions by 40-50 percent. SOF within existing emissions standards. destruction is important since these emissions Diesel catalytic converters have a number of contain numerous chemical pollutants of particu- advantages. First, in addition to reducing particu- lar concern to health experts. Another benefit of late emissions, the oxidation catalyst greatly re- the oxidation catalyst is that it also controls gas- ducesHC, CO, andodoremissions. Thecatalystis eous hydrocarbon and CO emissions in exhaust also very efficient in reducing emissions of gas- by 80-90 percent. Finally, catalysts noticeably eous and particle-bound toxic air contaminants reduce diesel exhaust odor. such as aldehydes, PNA and nitro-PNA. While a precious metal-catalyzed particulate trap would Trap Oxidizers or Filters have the same advantages, the catalytic converter is less complex, smaller, and cheaper. In addition, A trap oxidizer system consists of a durable par- the catalytic converter has little impact on fuel ticulate filter (the "trap") positioned in the en- economy or safety, and usually does not require gine exhaust stream, along with some means for replacement. Also, the catalytic converter is arela- cleaning the filter by burning off ("oxidizing") tively mature technology-millions of catalytic the collected PM. Building a filter capable of col- converters are used in gasoline vehicles, and die- lecting diesel soot and other PM from the ex- sel catalytic converters have been used in,under- haust stream is a straightforward task, and a num- groundminingapplicationsformorethan 20 years. ber of effective trapping media have been Potential sulfate emissions are a major disad- developed and demonstrated. The most challeng- vantage of catalytic converters. Precious metal ing problem of trap oxidizer system development catalysts' tendency to convert SO2 to particulate was the process of "regenerating" the filter by sulfates requires the use of low-sulfur fuel. Oth- burning off the accumulated PM. erwise, sulfate emissions increases would more Diesel PM consists primarily of a mixture of than counterbalance the decrease in SOF. Fortu- solid carbon coatedwithheavy HCs. The ignition nately, Europe, Japan, and the United States have temperature of this mixture is about 500-600°C, already decided to reduce diesel fuel sulfur con- which is above the normal range of diesel engine tent, making catalyst technology viable. exhaust temperatures. Thus, special means are An oxidation catalyst causes chemical reac- needed to assure regeneration. Furthermore, once tions without being changed or consumed. An ignited, this material burns at very high tempera- oxidation catalytic converter consists of a stain- tures which can easily melt or crack the particu- less steel canister that typically contains a late filter. Initiating and controlling the regen- honeycomb-like structure called a substrate. eration process to ensure reliable regeneration There are no moving parts, just interior surfaces without damaging the trap is the central engi- on the substrate coated with catalytic metals such neering problem of trap oxidizer development. as platinum or palladium. It is called an oxidiz- Numerous techniques for regenerating particu- ing catalyst because it transforms the pollutant, late trap oxidizers have been proposed. These in this case SOF, into harmless gases by means of approaches can generally be divided into two oxidation. The oxidation catalyst has been opti- groups-passive and active systems. Passive sys- mized so that engine durability and reliability are tems must attain conditions required for regen- unaffected, and no fuel penalties will occur. eration during normal vehicle operation. The Oxidation catalysts are able to control a sig- most promising approaches require a catalyst (ei- nificant portion of particulate SOF. For example, ther as a coating on the trap or as a fuel additive) CL.-AN FuEls FOR AsiA: TEcJcNL OPHONS FOR MOVING TowA,ws 82 UNBADED GASoLuIN& A,Low-SuLFuR DIEsEL in order to reduce the collected PM ignition tem- regeneration capability also provides some in- perature. Regeneration temperatures as low as surance against regeneration system failure. Fi- 420°C have been reported with catalytic coatings, nally, the use of a catalyst may make a simpler and even lower temperatures are achievable with regeneration system possible. fuel additives. Although normal heavy-duty diesel exhaust Active systems monitor PM buildup on the trap, temperatures are not high enough under all oper- and trigger specific regeneration actions when ating conditions to provide reliable regeneration needed. A wide variety of regeneration triggers for a catalyst-coated trap, exhaust temperature have been proposed such as diesel fuel burners, can easily be increased by changing engine op- electric heaters, and catalyst injection systems. erating parameters. Retarding the injection tim- Passiveregenerationsystems face special prob- ing, bypassing the intercooler, throttling the in- lems from heavy-duty vehicles. Exhaust tempera- take air (or cutting back on a variable geometry tures from heavy-duty diesel engines are normally turbocharger), or increasing the EGR rate will low, and recent developments such as charge air increase the exhaust temperature dramatically. cooling and increased turbo charger efficiency Applying these measures consistently would se- reduce them further. Under some conditions, it riously degrade fuel economy, engine durabil- would be possible for a truck to drive for many ity, and performance. However, an electronic hours without exceeding the exhaust temperature control system can selectively apply these mea- (400-450'C) required to trigger regeneration. sures to regenerate the trap. In addition, since Engine and catalyst manufacturers have they are normally needed only at light loads, ef- experimented with a wide variety of catalytic fects on durability and performance should be materials and treatments to assist in trap imperceptible. regeneration. Good results have been obtained Fuel additives may play a key role in trap- both with precious metal (platinum, palladium, based systems, although concerns have been rhodium, silver) and base metal (vanadium, raised about metallic additives' possible toxic- copper) catalysts. Precious metal catalysts are ity. Cerium-based additives have not yet raised effective in oxidizing gaseous HC and CO and these concerns, and recent studies of buses in particulate SOF, but are relatively ineffective at Athens, Greece, have shown encouraging results. promoting soot oxidation. Unfortunately, these These additives were able to lower engine-out metals also promote the oxidation of S02 to particulate emissions as well as facilitate regen- particulate sulfates such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4). eration. Ongoing studies in South Korea continue In contrast, the base metal catalysts are effective to show high promise also. Further analysis of in promoting soot oxidation, but have little effect health effects assessment may be required for on HC, CO, NOX or SO2. Many experts believe, cerium-based additives. that ultimately, precious metal catalysts must be In order to protect the filter from overheating an important element of an effective particulate and possible damage, some trap systems have a control system because it specifically attacks the exhaust gases bypass which is triggered only "bad actors." when exhaust temperatures reach critical levels. Catalyst coatings also have a number of ad- The bypass operates infrequently and only for a vantages in active systems. The reduced ignition very short time. Systems also have been designed temperature and increased combustion rate (due with dual filters-one filter collects while the to the catalyst) mean that the regeneration sys- other is being regenerated. tem needs less energy. Regeneration will also Traps are being further developed for optimiz- occur spontaneously under most duty cycles, ing regeneration systems which are simple, reli- greatly reducing the number of times the regen- able and reasonably priced to demonstrating du- eration system must operate. The spontaneous rability ofthe trap system in real world operation. 83 APPENDIX C Nitrogen Oxide Reduction Techniques Most of the devices described in the Acurex re- port are in relatively early stages of development Under certain conditions NOx can be chemically and would require extensive changes in reduced to form gaseous oxygen and nitrogen. heavy-duty diesel-powered engines compared to This process is used in modern closed-loop today's designs. three-way catalyst-equipped gasoline vehicles to control NO emissions. However, catalytic NOx Status of Aftertreatment Applications reduction as used in gasoline vehicles is inappli- cable to diesels. Because of their heterogeneous In Europe, over 500,000 diesel automobiles each combustion process, diesel engines require sub- year are equipped with catalysts, and virtually all stantial excess air, and their exhaust inherently new diesel cars sold in Austria, France, and Ger- contains significant excess oxygen. The manycomesoequipped.Publicdemandforclean three-way catalysts used on automobiles require diesels and tax incentives are spurring the use of a precise stoichiometric mixture in the exhaust these devices. "Oxidation catalysts can lower CO, in order to function. In the presence of excess HC and particulate emissions considerably, and oxygen, their NO conversion efficiency rapidly also improve the odor of diesel exhaust."' After approaches zero. Step 2 light duty vehicle standards are introduced, A number of aftertreatment NO. reduction virtually all new diesel light-duty vehicles sold techniques which work in an oxidizing exhaust in Europe are expected to be equipped with at stream are currently available or under develop- least an oxidation catalyst by 1997. ment for stationary pollution sources. These in- In 1994, a number of U.S. engine manufactur- clude selective catalytic reduction (SCR); selec- ers offered catalyst-equipped trucks capable of tive non-catalytic reduction (Thermal DenoxTm); meeting the 0.1 PM standard. Indeed, catalysts and reaction with cyanuric acid (RapReNoxTM). are being used on a significant number of 1994 However, each of these systems requires a con- model year heavy-duty (8,500-33,000 pounds tinuous supply of some reducing agent, such as GVWR range) trucks to help manufacturers meet ammonia or cyanuric acid, to react with the NO.. tougher PM standards. Also, engine manufactur- Because this agent needs to be frequently replen- ers will use catalysts to meet the 0.07 bus stan- ished, and it is difficult to ensure that the replen- dard, and may be able to meet the 0.05 standard ishment is performed when needed, such systems on some bus engines. Recently, 200 school buses are considered impractical for vehicular use. with Caterpillar 3116 engines were equipped with A report prepared by Acurex (under contract catalysts as part of a demonstration program spon- to the California Air Resources Board), "Tech- sored by the California. Catalysts will also be an nical Feasibility of Reducing NOX and Particu- available option for urban bus engines rebuilt late Emissions From Heavy-Duty Engines," con- under USEPA's bus rebuild requirements. cluded that NOX can potentially be reduced as NOX reduction catalysts (DeNO. catalysts), low as 2.5 grams per BHP-hr. This standard currently at the prototype stage, offer the poten- would require a combination of some or all of tial for considerably lower NOX emissions, and the following emissions control approaches: very may begin to be applied to some vehicle models high pressure fuel injection, variable geometry over the next few years."2 turbocharging, air-to-air aftercooling, optimized By the year 2000, further improvements will combustion, electronic unit injections with mini- have to be made to all passenger car diesel en- mized sac volumes, rate shaping, exhaust gas gines in order to attain proposed standards-0.04 recirculation, and sophisticated electronic con- grams per kilometer of PM and 0.5 grams per trol of all engine systems. Such controls would kilometer each of HC and NO. "To achieve substantially increase cost and fuel consumption. [these levels,] both engine types, the ID and the CUB4N FuEis FOR ASuA: TECHMCAL OPnoNs FOR MoVING TowARDs 84 U,'ADBD GAso.NuE AND Low-S uFuw DIESEL DI, must be equipped with sophisticated emis- sibility of achieving zero visible smoke under all sions control systems which include: operating conditions. * Electronically controlled injection system; "To achieve standards projected beyond the * Injection rate shaping (at least for the DI); year 2000 there is already significant research * Multi valve technology; and development on NO reduction (DeNO.) Turbocharging; catalysts. Development of particulate traps and * Intercooling; regeneration technology is also underway, and if * Controlled EGR; and successful, this will enable further significant * Oxidation Catalyst"3 reductions in exhaust particulate emissions."5 "Hydrocarbon levels of less than 0.03 grams Engine manufacturers throughout the world per kilometer over the European emissions cycle are subjecting trap systems to a full range of are possible with a well optimized catalyst evaluation. In addition, devices continue to be equipped diesel car, which is comparable with evaluated by other parties interested in diesel the requirements of the California Low Emissions particulate control. Vehicle (LEV) standards."4 Trap oxidizers are not only being developed For heavy-duty vehicles, "[T]o comply with for new vehicles, but also as a control device that the European Stage III standards all engines are can be retrofitted to existing trucks and buses. In likely to feature 4 valve per cylinder combustion fact, traps already have been retrofitted on urban systems, and very high pressure injection sys- buses and fire trucks in a number of cities around tems with injection pressure in excess of 1500 the world. bar. These engines will also incorporate new tech- nologies for NO reduction, such as the use of pilot injection or exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). EFFECT ON FUEL CONSUMWTION AND COSTS If EGR is employed, significant problems asso- ciated with engine durability will need to be over- Diesel vehicle fuel economy is likely to see an come. However, these engines will offer the pos- overall operating costs increase of about 2 per- Table C. 1: Cost of Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions Control Technology Technology Estimated extra cost as percent of engine first cost (excluding development costs) Baseline engine, no emissions control equipment. Developed for Nil performance only. Injection timing retard Nil Low sac volume/valvecoverng orifice nozzle Minimal Turbocharging 3-5 percent Charge cooling 5-7 percent Improved high pressure fuel injection 13-15 percent High pressure fuel injection with electronic control 14-16 percent Variable geometry turbocharging (assuming already applied to engine) 1-3 percent Particulate trap 4-25 percent Source: ECMT 1990 85 APPENDIX C cent as a result of stringent exhaust emissions particulate traps, which have not yet been proven limits. The techniques available for reducing NO. durable. Table C. I shows estimated cost increases emissions (primarily ignition retard and EGR) for individual engine modifications that will be will lead to poor fuel economy; other engine needed to meet future emissions standards. improvements such as increased use of turbocharging and charge cooling, better control of injection rates, and timing may offset some of ENDNOTES the fuel efficiency losses. Additional equipment (e.g., charge coolers or 1. Ricardo. 1994. "Automotive Diesel Engines particulate traps) needed to comply with exhaust & the future." emissions requirements are likely to increase ve- 2. Ricardo. 1994. Op. cit. hicle costs. More advanced equipment, such as 3. Pisching, F. 1994. "Vehicle Engine Develop- electronic fuel injection systems or variable ge- ment Trends under Future Boundary Condi- ometry turbochargers will increase costs initially, tions," SAE # 945001, Fisita 94. but those costs should come down when such 4. Ricardo. 1994. "Automotive Diesel Engines equipment becomes standard. Vehicle mainte- & the future." nance costs are not likely to increase except for 5. Ricardo. 1994. Op. cit. CLEA FuELs FOR ASI: TEcHwcL OP27ONS FOR MoviNo TowAws 86 UAIIDED GASOUNE AND LOW-SFUR DiEsFi APPENDIX D: INTERNATIONAL EMISSION AND FUELS STANDARDS Table D.1: Canada and US Tier 1 Emission Standards (1994-)-Light-Duty Vehicles and Trucks Table D.2: U.S. Tier 1 Emission Standards (1994-)-Heavy-Duty Engines and Urban Buses Table D.3: E. U. Light-Duty Vehicle Emission Standards (1996-) Table D. 4: E. U. Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Emission Standards (1993-2000) Table D.5: Japan Vehicle Emission Standards (1997) Table D. 6: Hong Kong Vehicle Emission Standards (1997) Table D. 7. South Korea Vehicle Emission Standards (1996) Table D. 8: Current Exhaust Emissions Standards Republic of Singapore Table D. 9: Diesel Driven Exhaust Emission Standards Republic of Singapore (effective July 1997) Table D. 10: Emission Standards for Japan Table D. 11: Hong Kong New Vehicle Emisssion Standards (as of 1 April 1995) Table D. 12: Hong Kong Automotive Fuel Specifications Table D. 13: Malaysia Gasoline Vehicle Emissions Standards Table D. 14: Malaysia Diesel Vehicle Emissions Standards Table D. 15: International Vehicle Exhaust Emission Regulations-Automobiles Table D.16: International Vehicle Exhaust Emission Regulations-Light Duty Trucks Table D.1 7: International Vehicle Exhaust Emission Regulations-Heavy Duty Trucks Table D.18: Lead Added to Gasoline (1990-2000) 87 CUiAjN Fu&s FOR AsmA: TECHMCAL OPHONS FOR Monmw TowARDs 88 UNLADED GAsoLuNE AND LOW-SULFUR DIESEL Table D.J: Canada and US Tier I Emission Standards (1994-)-Light Duty Vehicles and Trucks Vehicle GVWR Fuel LVW or ALVW Mileage NMHC CO NOx (gimi) PM (glmi) (Ibs) (Ibs) (miles) (glmi) (gimi) Light-Duty all non-diesel all 50,000 0.25 3.4 0.4 0.08 Vehicles all diesel all 5,000 0.25 3.4 1.0 0.08 all non-diesel all 100,000 0.31 4.2 0.60 0.10 all diesel all 100,000 0.31 4.2 1.25 0.10 Light-Duty 0 - 6,000 non-diesel 0 - 3,750 50,000 0.25 3.4 0.4 0.08 Trucks 0 - 6,000 diesel 0 - 3,750 50,000 0.25 3.4 1.0 0.08 0 - 6,000 non-diesel 3,751 - 5,750 50,000 0.32 3.4 0.7 0.08 0 - 6,000 diesel 3,751- 5,750 50,000 0.32 3.4 0.7 0.08 0 - 6,000 non-diesel 0 - 3,750 100,000 0.31 4.2 0.60 0.10 0 - 6,000 diesel 0 - 3,750 100,000 0.31 4.2 1.25 0.10 0 - 6,000 non-diesel 3,751 - 5,750 100,000 0.40 5.5 0.97- 0.10 0 - 6,000 diesel 3,751 - 5,750 100,000 0.40 5.5 0.97 0.10 Heavy >6,000 non-diesel 3,751 - 5,750 50,000 0.32 4.4 0.7 - Light-Duty >6,000 diesel 3,751 - 5,750 50,000 Trucks >6,000 non-diesel >5,750 50,000 >6,000 diesel >5,750 50,000 >6,000 non-diesel 3,751 - 5,750 120,000 0.46 6.4 0.98 0.10 >6,000 diesel 3,751 - 5,750 120,000 0.46 6.4 0.98 0.10 >6,000 non-diesel >5,750 120,000 0.56 7.3 1.53 0.12 >6,000 diesel >5,750 120,000 0.56 7.3 1.53 0.12 Note: (jVWR = gross vehicle weight registered; LVW = loaded vehicle weight; ALVW = axle loaded vehicle weight 89 AppsDIx D Table D.2: U.S. Tier I Emnssion Standards (1994-)-Heavy duty Engines and Urban Buses Vehicle Fuel GVWR (Ibs) Mileage NMHC (glhp-hr) CO (glhp-hr) NOx (glhp-hr) PM (g/hp-hr) Heavy non-diesel < 14,000 110,000 1.1 14.4 4.0 Duty Trucks non-diesel >14,000 1.9 37.1 4.0 diesel urban buses 110,000 1.3 15.5 4.0 0.05 diesel trucks 1.3 15.5 4.0 0.10 Table D.3. E. U. Light Duty Vehicle Emission Standards (1996-) Wi GMV Rd HC+Mk§" 00D, RM§"t OLI ci dSd ca 10 GM dedrjsfrcS tO 01) Lj 0-1i9D d 2 272 014 TD 1;51-1,7 a 1t4 517 09 Table D. 4. E. U. Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle Emission Standards (1993-2000) Category Engine Power HC ( CO (ghkw-hr) NOx (glkwhr) PM (ghkw-hr) Eurol 1993 < 85 Kw 1.1 4.5 8.0 0.63 > 85 Kw 1.1 4.5 8.0 0.36 Euro 2 1996 all 1.1 4.0 7.0 0.15 Euro 3 2000 TBD TBD TBD CLEAi FUELs FOR AsIA: TECHNICAL OPniONS FOR MoviNm TowARDs 90 UirDED GASOLINE AND LOw-SuLFUR DIESEL Table D.5. Japan Vehicle Emission Standards (1997) Vehicle GVWR (tons) Fuel HC (g/km) CO (g/km) NOx (g/km) PM (glkm) Light-Duty < 1.7 non-diesel Vehicles diesel 0.4 0.08 Light-Duty 1.7 12 non-diesel diesel 4.5 0.25 Table D. 6: Hong Kong Vehicle Emission Standards (1997) Vehicle GVWR (tons) Fuel HC (glkm) CO (glkm) NOx (glkm) PM (glkm) Light-Duty < 1.7 non-diesel Vehicles diesel 0.63 0.12 Light-Duty 1.712 non-diesel diesel 91 APPENDIXD Table D. 7: South Korea Vehicle Emission Standards (1996) Vehicle GVWR (tons) Fuel HC (glkm) CO (g/km) NOx (g/km) PM (g/km) Light-Duty Vehicles all non-diesel diesel 0 25 2.11 0.62 0.08 Light-Duty Trucks < 2 non-diesel diesel 0.5 6.21 1.43 0.31 HDE (g/kWh) all non-diesel diesel 1.2 4.9 11.0 0.9 Table D. 8: Current Exhaust Emissions Standards Republic of Singapore Type of Vehicle Emission Standard (for Registration) Implementation Date Petrol-dnven vehicles European Union Directive 911441/EEC (Consolidated Emissions 1 July 94 Direcbve) or the JIS 78 Emission Standard Diesel-drven vehicles UN/ECE R 24.03 Black Smoke Emission Standard 1 January 91 Motorcycles & Scooters United States Code of Federal Regulabons (US 40 CFR 86.410-80 1 October 91 Emission Standard) Table D. 9: Diesel Driven Exhaust Emissions Standards Republic of Singapore (effective July 1997) Vehicle Type Emission Standard Applicable Implementation Date Passenger Cars 93/59/EEC 1 July 97 JIS 94 Standard 1 July 97 - 30 June 98 Light Commercial 93/59/EEC 1 July 97 Vehicles JIS 93 Standard 1 July 97 - 30 June 98 Heavy Duty 91/542/EEC Stage 1 1 July 97 Vehicles JIS 94 Standard 1 July 97 - 30 June 98 CLEAH FuELs FOR Asrw: TEcHmca Opno.s FOR MoVIwO TowARDs 92 UNLEADED GASOUNE AND Low-S uFuR Dres Table D. 10: Emission Standards for Japan Motor Vehicle Category Permissible limits recommended for Target Values Measurement Mode (mean-Value) CO HC NOx PM Smoke Small and mini-sized 13.0 g/km 200 g/km 0.30 g/km - - ISO 6460 (attached two-wheeled motor vehicles; With Measurement mode) Four- cyple engines 1st and 2nd class motor-driven 8.0 g/km 300 g/km 0.10 4/km - - ISO 6460 (attached cycles with Two- cycle engines Measurement mode) Gasoline-and LPG-fueled 6.50 g/km 0.25 g/km 0.25 gkm - - 10 * 15 Mode mini-sized trucks (excluding those with two-cycle engines) Gasoline and 1.7t < 6.50 g/km 0.25 g/km - - - 10 * 15 Mode LPG-fueled, GVW < medium and 2.5t heavy-duty motor vehicles (excluding passenger vehicles with seating capacity of less 2.51.265 tonne NOx-0.84 PM-0.34 93159/EEC Type 1 (g/km) HC+NOx-0.97 93/59/EEC Type 1 (g/km) HC+NOx-0.97 CO-2.72 CO-2.72 PM-0.14 maximum mass exceeds 2,500 tonne OR designed to carry more than 6 occupants including driver RW <=1.250 tonne HC+NOx-0.97 RW < = 1.250 tonne HC+NOx-0.97 CO -2.72 CO- 2.72 PM- 0.14 1.250 tonne < RW < + 1.700 tonne HC+NOx-1.4 1.250 tonne < RW < =1.700 tonne HC+NOx-1 4 CO-5.17 CO- 5.17 PM-0.19 RW > 1.700 tonne HC+NOx - 1.7 RW > 1.700 tonne HC+NOx 1.7 CO-6.9 CO -6.9 PM-0.25 CisoAN Fupjs FOR AsIA. TECICAL OPnohs FOR MokwNo TowARDs 94 UNLADED GASOUNE AD Low-SuLFUR DIBSaL Table D. II: Hong Kong New Vehicle Emisssion Standards (as of I April 1995) (pt 2) Class of Vehicle Politive Ignition Engine Compression Ignition Engine Test Procedure Limits Test Procedure Limits Light Goods Vehicle US FTP 7S (glkm) HC - 0.50 US FTP 75 (g1km) HC - 050 / Light Bus / wcth DW not more than CO 46.20 CO0-620 1.7 tonne NOx-0.75 NOx-0.75 PM - 0.16 Japan 10.15 mode (g/km) HC - 0.39 Japan 10.15 mode (gAm) HC - 062 CO - 2.70 CO - 2.70 NOx-0.48 NOx-0.84 PM -0.34 931591EEC Type I (glkm) 93159/EEC Type 1 (g/km) RW < + 1.250 tonne HC+NOx-0.97 RW < = 1.250 tonne HC+NOx-0.97 CO - 2.72 CO - 2.72 1.250 tonne RW < 1.700 tonne HC+NOx- 1.4 PM - 0.14 CO - 5.17 1.250 tonne < RW < 1.700 HC+NOx- 1.4 tonne CO -517 PM - 019 Light Goods Vehicle US FTP 75 (glkm) HC - 0.50 US FTP 75 (gRkm) HC - 050 I Light Bus I with DW more than 1 7 CO. 6.20 CO -6.20 tonne but not more NOx-1.10 NOx-1.10 than 2.5 tonne PM - 0.28 Japan 10.15 mode (g/km) HC - 2.70 Japan 10.15 mode (glkm) HC - 0.62 C0-17.0 CO -270 NOx-0.98 NOx-1.82 PM - 0.43 93/59/EEC Type 1 (glkm) 93159/EEC Type 1 (g1km) RW < = 1.250 tonne HC+NOx- 0.97 RW < = 1.250 tonne HC+NOx-0.97 CO - 2.72 CO- 2.72 1.250 tonne RW < = 1.700 tonne HC+NOx- 1.4 PM-0.14 CO - 5.17 1.250 tonne RW < = 1.700 HC+NOx-1.4 tonne RW > 1.700 tonne HC+NOx- 1.7 CO - 5.17 CO- 6.9 PM - 0.19 RW > 1.700 tonne HC+NOx -1.7 CO - 6.9 95 APPENDIX D Table D.ll: Hong Kong New Vehicle Emisssion Standards (as of I April 1995) (pit 3) Class of Vehicle Politve Ignition Engine Compression Ignition Engine Test Procedure Umits Test Procedure Limits Light Goods US FTP 75 (g/km) HC - 0.50 US FTP 75 (ghkm) HC - 0 50 Vehicle / Light Bus I with DW more CO - 6.20 CO - 6.20 than 2.5 tonne but not more than 3.5 NOx-1.10 NOx-1.10 tonne PM -0.28 Japan HDP 13 mode (g/kwh) HC - 7.90 93159/EEC Type I (g/km) CO - 136 RW < = 1.250 tonne HC+NOx-0.97 NOx-7.20 CO - 2.72 93159/EEC Type 1 (g/km) PM - 014 RW < = 1.250 tonne HC+NOx - 0.97 1.250 tonne < RW < = 1.700 tonne HC+NOx-1.4 CO - 2.72 CO - 5.17 1 250 tonne < RW < = 1.700 HC+NOx-1.4 PM - 0.19 tonne CO - 5.17 RW > 1.700 tonne HC+NOx-1.7 RW > 1.700 tonne HC+NOx- 1.7 CO - 6.9 CO - 6.9 PM - 0.25 Goods Vehicle I US HDO Transient (g/kwh) HC - 2.55 US HDD Transient (9/Kwh) HC - 1.74 Light Bus / Bus / with DW more than CO - 49.7 CO - 20.8 3.5 tonne NOx -0.70 NOx-8.04 PM - 0.80 Japan HDP 13 mode (ghwh) HC - 7.90 91/542/EEC (gkwh) HC - 1.1 CO - 136 CO - 4.5 NOx-7.20 NOx- 8.0 Engine Power < = 85 kw PM - 0.61 Engine Power > 85 kw PM - 0.36 FTP - Federal Test Procedure DW - Design Weight RW - Reference Mass HDP -Heavy Duty Petrol (Gasoline) HDO-Heavy Duty Otto HDD-Heavy Duty Diesel CLEAN FumEs FOR AsIA: TECHNICAL OP 7ONS FOR Mo iNG TowA.os 96 UNLEADED GAsOLINE wD Low-SuLFuR DrEsn Table D. 12: Hong Kong Automotive Fuel Specifications Diesel Properties 1 April 1995 1 April 1997 TestMethod Sulphur (% by Wt.) .20 Maximum 0.05 Maximum ASTM D4294 Cetane Number 50 Minimum 50 Minimum ASTM D613 Viscosity (mm2/s) 2.0-4.5 2.0-4.5 ASTM D445 Distillation (C) ASTM D86 IBP Report Report 10 % Volume Report Report 50 % Volume Report Report 90 % Volume 357 Maximum Report 95% Volume 370 Maximum Density (kg/i) .820-.860 .820-860 ASTM D1298 Unleaded Petrol Properties 1 April 1995 1 April 1997 Test Method Lead (g/L) .013 Maximum .005 Maximum ASTM D3237 Sulphur (% Mass) .10 Maximum .050 Maximum ASTM D1266 Motor Octane Number 85.0 Minimum 85.0 Minimum ASTM D2700 Research Octane Number 95.0 Minimum 95.0 Minimum ASTM D2699 Benzene (% Vol) 5 % Max.(voluntary) 5 % Maximum ASTM D4420 Methanol (% Vol) (a) 3 % Maximun ASTM D5599 Ethanol (% Vol) (a) 5 % Maximum ASTM D5599 Iso-propyl alcohol (% Vol) (a) 5 % Maximum ASTM D5599 Tertiary butyl alcohol (% Vol) (a) 7 % Maximum ASTM D5599 Iso-butyl alcohol (% Vol) (a) 7 % Maximum ASTM D5599 Ethers containing 5 or more carbon atoms per molecule (% Vol) 10 % Maximun ASTM D5599 (a) Other organic oxygenates (% Vol) (a) 7 % Maximum ASTM D5599 Mixture of all organic oxygenates 97 APPENDIX D Table D. 13: Malaysia Gasoline Vehicle Emissions Standards Emissions Standard Effective Date ECE R 24.03 (for all diesel vehicles) September 1, 1996 ECE R 49 (for heavy-duty vehicles having GVW > 3.5 September 1, 1997 tons) ECE R 15.04 (for vehicles having GVW <3.5 tons) September 1, 1997 93/59/EEC (for vehicles having GVW up to 3.5 tons) January 1, 1997 (new models) ECE R 49-02 (Euro 1) (for having duty vehicles having January 1, 1997 (new models) GVW up to 3.5 tons) Table D. 14: Malaysia Diesel Vehicle Emissions Standards Emissions Standard Effective Date ECE R 15-04 (for vehicles having GVW <3.5 tons) November 1, 1996 91/441/EEC (for vehicles having GVW >2.5 tons) January 1, 1997 (new models) 93/59/EEC (for vehicles having GVW <3.5 tons) January 1, 1997 (new models) 94/12/EC (for vehicles having GVW up to 2.5 tons) January 1, 1997 (new models) GVW = gross vehicle weight New Automobiles Used Automobiles Country Yr. of Reg. Lead (g/L) HC (ppm) N02 (gIkm) CO (%) Yr. of Reg. Lead (glL) HC (ppm) N02 (glkm) CO (/) Anguilla No Regulabons Argentna 1995 N/A Jan.96-400 '96-1.4 Jan.95-2.5 1995 N/A '83-91-900 N/D '83-91-4.5 Jan.97-250 '97-0.6 Jan.97-05 '92-92-600 '92-92-3.0 l 0 | Jan.99-250 '99-0.6 Jan.99-0.5 '95-400 '95-2.5 Barbados No Regulabons Bermuda No Regulabons Bolivia 1995 N/A 200 1.13-1.90 2.0 1995 N/A 400-700 1.13-1.90 3.0-6.0 ; 0 Brazil 1992 N/A '92-1.2 g/km '92-1.4 '92-12 g/km N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ' '97-0.3 g/km '97-0.6 '97-2.0 g9km Q Chle 1991 N/A 0.25 g/km 0.62 2.11 gRkm 1994 N/A 500-800 - 3.5-4.5 A Cdumbia 1996 N/A 0.25 g/km 0.62 2.10 g/km 1996 N/A 750 - 4.5 Costa Rica 1996 N/A 350 800 ppm 2.0 1995 N/A No limits No limits 4.5 Dominican Republic No regulations El Salvador There is a law controlling emissions, but there are no regulabons Hati No regulabons Honduras 1999 N/A 126 - 0.5 1,998 N/A 601 - 5.5 Jamaica No Regulabons Netherlands Antiles No Reguations , Nicaragua 1997 0.013 125 - 0.5 1997 0.013 800 - 4.5 Paraguay No Regulabons Peru No Regulabons, except for CO limits for one historical area in Lima Z; Trinidad & Tobago No Regulations Uruguay No Regulabons N/A=Not Applicable N/D=No Data 00 New Ught Duty Trucks Used Light Duty Trucks Country Yr.of Reg. Lead (glL) HC (ppm) N02 (glkm) CO (%) Yr. of Reg. Lead (g/L) HC (ppm) N02 (g/lkm) CO (%) ' Anguilla No Regulations Argentna 1995 N/A Jan.95-400 '95-2.5 Jan.95-2.5 1995 '83-91-900 N/D '83-91-4.5 Jan.97-250 '97-06 Jan.97-0.5 '92-92-600 '92-92-3.0 Jan.99-260 '99-0.6 Jan.99-0.5 N/A '95-400 '95-2.5 : Barbados No Regulations Bermuda No Regulations Bobvia 1995 N/A 200 1.13-2.57 2.0 1995 N/A 400-700 1.13-2.57 3.0-6.0 ' Brazil 1994 '96t0.4 g/kwh '94-2.45gIIkwh '94-14.4glkwh '94-11.2g/kwh N/A N/A N/A WA N/A '00-0.15glkwh '96-1.23g/kwh '96-9.OgRkwh '96-4.9g/kwh '00-1.10glkwh '00-7.Og/kwh '00-4.0g/kwh CNle 1991 N/A 0.5glkm 1.43g/km 6.2g/km 1994 N/A 500-800 - 3.5-4.5 Columbia 1996 NIA 1.05g/km 1.43g/km 11.5g/km 1996 N/A 750 - 4.5 Costa Rica 1995 N/A 350 800gtkm 2.0 1995 N/A No Umits No Umits 4.5 Dominican No Regulations Republic El Salvador There is a law controlling emissions, but there are no regulations Hati No Regulations Honduras - N/A - - - N/A - - - Jamaica No Regulations | Nicaragua - N/A - - - - N/A - - - Paraguay No Regulations Peru No Regulations, except for CO bmits for one historical area in Lima Trinidad & Tobago No Regulations Uruguay No Regulations " N/A=Not Applicable NID=No Data New Heavy Duty Trucks Used Heavy Duty Trucks t . Country Yr. of Reg. Lead (gIL) HC (ppm) N02 (glkm) CO (%) Yr. of REG. Lead (gIL) HC (ppm) N02 (glkm) CO (%) Anguilla No Regulations Argentina 1995 Jan.95-600 Jan.95-14.4 Jan.95-3.0 1995 Jan.95-600 NID Jan.97-3.0 e Jan.97-400 Jan.97-2.5 Jan.97-2.5 Jan.97-400 Jan.95-2.5 Barbados No Regulations Bermuda No Regulations Boliva 1996 - 200 4.50 2.0 1995 - 400-700 4.5 3.0-6.0 Brazil 1994 '96-0.4g/kwh '94-2.45g/kwh '94-14.4g/kwh '94-11.2g/kwh N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A '00-0.15g/kwh '96-1.23g/kwh '96-9.Og/lkwh '96-4.9g/kwh . '00-1.lOg/kwh '00-7.0g/kwh '00-4.0g/kwh Chile - Columbia 1996 N/A 10.0g/km 10.0g/km 25.Og/km 1996 N/A 750 - 4.5 Costa Rica 1995 N/A 350 800ppm 2.0 1995 N/A No limits No limits 4.5 Dominican No Regulations Republic El Salvador There is a law controlling emissions but there are no regulations Haiti No Regulations Honduras - N/A - - - - N/A - - - Jamaica No Regulations Nicaragua - N/A - - - - N/A - - - Paraguay No Regulations Peru No Regulations, except for CO limits for one historical area in Lima Tnnidad & No Regulations Tobago Uruguay No Regulations N/A=Not Applicable NlD=No Data Actual Additions (Tons of PbNYear) Planned Additions (Tons of Pb/Year) Last Year Leaded t Country 1990 1993 1995 1996 1998 2000 -asoline Available 45 60 0 0 0 0 1996 ArgentineEg3 1490 960 34 0 0 0 1996 Refisan Est 100 Est.100 0 0 0 0 1996 400 290 0 0 0 0 1996 Barbados RefEst125 116 107 127 Est75 EST.25 2000 Barbados Bolivia 19.8 23.3 0 0 0 0 1995 Q Brazil 0 0 0 0 0 0 1992 Chile(1 Ref.) 310 290 250 Est250 Est200 Est200 N/R Columbia EstO 0 0 0 0 0 1990 Costa Rica 71 86 57 12.6 0 0 1996 438 Est 431 452 400 Est375 Est350 no date - Eminican Republic 2400 1466 1328 569 0 0 2000 El Salvador 138 225 202 84 0 0 1996 4 Guatemala Est140 0 0 0 0 0 1991 p Honduras Est125 0 0 0 0 0 Ref. S/D in 1992 Jamaica 2700 1022 1217 973 486 243 no date b Mexico 8957 2293 1501 924 512 0 1999 Is Netherlands Anbiles Est2500 Est2200 Est1800 Est1400 EstlOOO Est600 No Date Nicaragua Est.150 Est.150 Est150 Est90 0 0 1996 Panama Est500 Est500 Est500 Est500 Est500 Est500 - Paraguay 93.6 67.2 86.1 187.6 Est80 Est80 No Date Peru 1500 1450 1413 1149 1134 1159 No Date Est75 46 23 23 8 8 2000 Trinidad &Tobago 380 406 410 410 410 410 No Date Uruguay Venezuela 4783 4221 3637 3160 2870 2853 2007 TOTALS 27440 16403 13167 10259 7650 6428 No.ofcountriescontribuflngtototal 20 18 17 16 12 11 % of 1990 value 100 59.8 48.0 37.4 27.8 23.4 No.ofcountriescontribuflngtototal 20 18 17 16 12 11 N/D = No data Est = Estmate by Alconsult CLEaN FuEs FOR ASA: TEcumcAL OpnoNs FOR MOonNa TowA,s 102 UNLEADED GAsouNE AND Low-SULFuR DIESEL m TINTON Buk VAMP*M bwk==W kwommi PM= BaRaHsmmw wahk4momw w#ffm:(M)4%VA Ndwk(MM2494 avw Adgn by Bons afte-Rao