75528 Republic of Rwanda Electricity Access Scale-up and Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) Development Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION* Meeting of Executive Directors February 19, 2013 Executive Directors approved the Additional Credit to Rwanda Electricity Access Scale-Up and Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) Development Project in the amount of SDR 39 million (US$60.0 million equivalent) in the payments terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2013-0009). Directors commended the Republic of Rwanda and the Bank team for the integrated project design that addresses providing access to electricity to poor households, while promoting the use of efficient renewable energy alternatives. They underscored the pivotal role of increased access to electricity services to Rwanda’s economic transformation and rural development. In particular, Directors highlighted the importance of the project’s impact in rural areas by stimulating investments as well as through improved social service delivery. They urged the Bank to capture and disseminate lessons learned from the implementation of the program. Directors also highlighted the critical importance of the project impact evaluation to measure welfare and private sector outcomes attributable to electrification. Executive Directors welcomed the programmatic approach of Rwanda’s energy access program as a basis for strong collaboration among development partners in support of increased access to modern energy services. They also stressed the importance of assessing climate change impact in Rwanda’s power grid infrastructure moving forward. _________________________________________ *This summary is not an approved record.