E2105 v21 NORTHERN POWER COMPANY NORTHERN POWER CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING COMPANY • SECOND RURAL ENERGY PROJECT - ADDITIONAL FINANCING MV SECTION - ¥iNH PHUC PROVINCE VOLUME 4 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Hi!. N9i, 2010 NORTHERN POWER COMPANY NORTHERN POWER CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING COMPANY ... SECOND RURAL ENERGY PROJECT - ADDITIONAL FINANCING MV SECTION - ViNH PHDC PROVINCE VOLUME 4 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN HEAD OF PROJECT; NGurtN VAN TAN N ~ CONSULTANT; NGUytN QUANG TUA'! / Second Runl Energy Project - Additional Financing EnvironmtDtal Management Plan Sub Projed: Rural Medium Voltage Grid of Vinh Phuc Province TABLE Of' CONTENT PART I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 2 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. SECOND RURAL ENERGY PROJECT ... ADDITIONAL FINANCING .................................................................................... .4 2.1. Objectives ofthe Project: ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Capital sources: ................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.3 Executions in sequences:................................................................... " ... ,............... " .............. ,................ _ .......... 4 2,4 Required materials and machines: ......................................... ,,, ....... ,,,,,,,'",, ..,,.,,... ,... ", .. ,.... "".. " ............. "." ..... 4 2.5 !!aterial- to - works transportation manners: ........................................ " ..... " ....... " ............ ,." .." .................... 5 3. SECOND RUAL ENERGY PROJECT .. ADDITIONAL FINA.,,"ClNG ....................................................................................... 5 3.1 Vlnh Phw: general instntction ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Vinh Phuc project site ........................................................................................................................................ 5 PART II. LEGAL FOUNDATION ................................................................................................................................. 6 Y'ietnamese Laws and Regulations: .......................................................................... "..... ""............ ,.. ,....................... 6 The Word Bank safety poltcy: .......................... :.......................................................................................................... 6 PART ID:Fli'\'V1RONME1'1TAL IMPACTS DEFINITION ........................................................................................... 7 PART IV: MITIGATION PLAN T ABLE ..........................................-.......................................................................... 12 PART V: EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND SOLUTIONS ...................................................................................... 15 PART VI· PL'BLIC CONSULTATION ......................................................................................................................... 16 1. PUBLIC CONSULTATIO;; METHODS: .............................................................................................................................. 16 2. REALIZED PUBLIC PARTIClPATlON: .............................................................................................................................. 17 3. EXECUTI\lE SUM.\fARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION .................................................................................... 18 4. ANNOUNCEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 23 PART VD: MONITORING PLAN .......................-.........................................................................................................24 1. EXAMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR SIMC ................................................................................... 25 2. MONITORING PLAN TABLE........................................................................................................................................... 26 3. LEVEL OF MONITORING TABLE ................................................................................................................................... 27 PART VDI: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS .............................................................................................. 31 PART IX: MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 33 PART X: CAPACITY BUILDING .................................................................................................................................. 34 PART Xl: ESTIMATED COSTS FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION (VND) .............................................................. 35 COPY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE ......................................................................................................... 36 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................................................37 Construction Consulting Center - Powtr Company No.1,. Pagel Second Rual Energy Project - Additional Fiuancing Environmental Management Plan Sub Projec:t: Rural Medium Voltage Grid of V1nh Phuc Province PART I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Project Overview I. Project title Second Rual Energy Project - Additional Financing i 2. Programmed title I 3. New- construction or New:c;::J i Rehabilitation: D • rehabilitation project i • V'mh Tuang District: 8 communes V'mhNinh Binh Duang Ngfi Kien LyNban AnTuang Lfing Hoa Vinh Thjnh KimXc Vi¢t - President of COmmune commune national front. 3. HHs representatives -----. ,'~-' 1. Nguy6n Van Yen President of Interestcd'in compensation and Kim Xli PPC support issues from project investor. 7 PPC 07/0812009 18 commune 2. Chu Van DOng - Vice president of ~ Affects of project to Jiving PPC. environment. ~ Construction Consulting Center .- Power Company No.1,. Page 20 Seeond Rual Energy Project - Additional Financing Environmental Management Plan Sub Project: Runl Medium Voltage Grid of Vinh Pbue Province Number of No Commune Place Time Represen tati ve people Comments participa 1-·- ---+---t-­ nts 3. Ng6 Giang N6ng - commune national front. President of ! 1- Construction and usage safety. 4. Ph;;u:n Van VlfCm President of- veterans' organization 5. HHs representatives 1-----1------­ --+ ---+ I. Dao Ti€n Anh - Vice president of Interested in compensation and PPC. support issues from project investor. 2. Dam Van Bleh - President of "1- Affects of project to living commune national front. environment. An TlfCmg 8 commune PPC 10/08/2009 18 3. Ph;;u:n Thj Vui - President of I Construction and usage safety. women's organization 4. U Van Hi¢p - President of commune farmer organization. S. HHs representatives _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- L__ ___ II I - --I ____ l. - - - - - - - ­ y ~n L<,c District "-----,--- ­ I - Tidy unnecessalY materials of Y~n Dong "" 1. Trlln Huy Toan - President of commune Meeting-l place of hamlet 05/08/2009 J 12 commune national front 2. Nguytn Qu6c Bao - construction stage, which make President of I impact on cultivation of people. commune farmer organization Safety methods in construction and ~----~-- -----'­ Construction Consulting Center - Power Company No.1,. Page 21 , Second Rna) Energy Project - Additiunal :Ftnancing Sub Project; Rural Medium Voltage Grid ofVanh Phu\: Province Environmental Management Plan ··-l rN~ ..... Number of Commune P1"ttlTI~ participa Representative people Comments I I nts 3:Ngi.lYiin lbj Tam President of operation stage women's organization Supervision of local people in 4. Nguy6n Due Co - President of mitigating environmental impact veterans' organization 5. T;t Van Due - Secretary of commune youth group 6. HHs representatives .-._.. -~·I .-. .-.f--. ..... ·-1· . _...­ .. ..---o---~:----I 1. Nguy6n Qu6c Vi~t - President of - Local people are interested in commune national front impact of magnetic field on local 2. Nguyen Thi Tan - President of I people life. Meeting women's organization - Project impact on land area. Tam Wing 2 place of 08/08/2009 16 3. Nguyen Van Nghinh - President of I - Construction time at commune commUne hamlet elder organization 4. Nguy60 Hai Ba President of veterans' organization 5. HHs representatives -r------+ +--- .--{.... .. I l.m Due Long - President of PPC. 1- Local people are interested in Lien Chilli 3 PPC 09/08/2009 14 2. Vii Van TAm - Secretary of I compensation before construction. commune commune youth group. - Affects of construction to L. Construction Consulting Center - Power Company No.1,. Page 22 Second Rual Energy Project - Additional Finapciog Environmental Management Plan Sub Project: R\lral Medium Voltage Grid of Vinh Phuc Province No Commune -M.:l Time NU:, Representative people Comments participa nts ---t- .- -----r-. ­ 3. Nguy~n Van H6ng ' . PresIdent of I commune's traffIc. . veterans' organization 4. DO Thlmh HU'llg President of commune national front. 5. I-ills representatives 1. Nguyen Xulin HQc - President of I - Local people are interested in PPC. compensation before construction. H6ngCMu 4 PPC 07/08/2009 16 2. Biti Van Bien President of I Affects of construction to traffic commune commune national front. and living environment of 3. I-llis representatives commune. \----_u \u_ ~._u ~---\\ 1. T\i H6ng Thiing ­ Vice President - Loe-a"-l-p-eo-p-=le-to-t-Cal::-Iy-ag-r-e-e-W1-;'-;lh---! of PPC. I' project implementation and hope it Nguy~tDuc 5 PPC 09/08/2009 17 2. Nguy~n Anh Til - Secretary of will operate soon. commune commUne youth group - Interested in compensation and 3. HHs representatives environment issues of project. ---­ Meeting r--- -----­ if-­ Dao Dlnh Chiem - I President of --Local people totally agree with PPC. project implementation and hope it 6 I Te Li\ commune place of I 09/08/2009 13 2. T~ Van Hilng ­ Director of power I will operate soon. hamlet _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _- ' - _ _---'_ _ _ _L -_ _ _L - cooperative. Interested in compensation and Construction ConSUlting Center -- Power Company No.1,. Page 23 Second RuaJ Energy Project- Addidonal Financing Environmental Management Plan Sub Project: Rural Medium Voltage Grid-or Vinh Phuc Province I , Numher of No Commune Place Time Representative people Comments participa Ilts -- ---- -~---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -­ 3_ HHs representatives environment issues during project implementation. - - - r----- --- III Blnb Xuyen District 1. Ph\lffi Dinh ThOn - Vice president - Local people are interested in . ofPPC impact of material transportation on 2. Ph"m Van M~u - President of i commune roads. Trung My commune national front I - Suggestion to construction units I PPC 06(08/2009 17 3. Truang Thi Thanh - President of ' on road repairing if they make. commune women's organization - Safety methods in operation stage. I 4. Nguyi!n Minh D"o - President of veterans' organization 5. HHs representatives -- -- ---- L Nguy~n Van Dtr - Vice president -- Local people are interested in ofPPC construction noise and waste. Tan Phong 2 PPC 07(08(2009 13 2. Nguy~n Van Tfch President of - Project safety in operation stage. commune commune national front I 1--­ - - - - --- --- 3. IIBs representatives D,!-oDuc 'TLe Van Hung - President of PPC Local people are interested in 3 PPC 09(08/2009 12 commune 2. Nguyen Hoang Tiru- President of compensation of project. - -~- ---- ---- Construction Consulting Center - Power Company No.1,. Pag<: 24 Second Rnal Energy Project Additional Finandn-g Environmental Management Plan Sub I)rojeet: Rural Medium Voltage Grid of Vinh Phuc Province [1:m~=-1 NU:ber , .. Plaee Time Representative people Comments participa nts I- --+- .... ~--. .+--­ .... -+-~. .1--...... commune national front - Construction and operation safely. 3. HHs representatives Environment and construction waste. 'Iv I 1---'--1 _ .. Tam Duong District 1. Le Blnh Dan - President of PPC 2. Phung Quang Huan - President of - Noise problem of construction 1- Agree with project. commune national front 3. Nguyen Vlin Nho - President of veterans' organization Hgp Thinh 4. Phung Dile Ky President of 1 PC 07/08/2009 23 commUne commune farmer organization 5. Nguye,n Thj D9 - President of women's organization 6. PhUng Quang Hung - Secreta,y of commune youth group i 1 r-.. Huang Dao ._.... --~- .._. 7. HRs representatives 1. Vii Van--'Q:-\-'ly-n-h---~Pr-e-s7id7e-n-t-o""'f~PC=PC~+--~L~oc·al people are interested in 2 . PPC 06/08/2009 12 2. Phung C{)ng Nguyen- Secretary of permanent and temporary l ._--­ commune ---- -- ~ commune youth group. compensation of project. Construction Cousulting Center·- Power Company No.1,. Page 25 Second Rusl Energy Project ~ Additional Financing Environmental Management Plan Sub Project: Rural Medium Voltage Grid of Vinb Phuc Province ~ I~ Place ~~ Number I of No Commune Time Representative people Comments participa nts -~-~ ~--~~ ~-- ~ ~--~ 3. Hils representatives Song 1_0 District I_V ~~ 1. Nguyen Tien Dien President of - Support the project and hope it wi!! PPC be implemented soon, 2, Db NgQc Thu~n President of - Intensify supervision during velerans' organization construction stage 10 mitigate the 3. Hoang Tien Hue President of impact on local traffic and minimize commune farmer organization construction-waste. D6nNhan I PPC 07/0812009 26 4. Nguy~n Van Tuyen - Secretary of commune commune youth group , 5. Db Til! Kim Mili - President of commune national front 6. Lb Thj Thuy Nga - President of women's organization I ---- r~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 7. HHs representatives 1. Vii Van Thanh President of PPC Local people are interested in Tam Son 2. Hoang Van Nam - President of compensation of project in 2 PPC 07/0812009 15 commune commune national front construction stage. 3, Nguyen Thj Thoa - President of - Environmental issues to local -------~ ---- Construction Consulting Center - Power Company No.1,. roge 26 Second Rltal Eoergy Project - Additional Financing Environmental Management Plall n I----TI Sub Project: Rural Medium Voltagc Grid of Vinh Phnc Prollince . Number ~ - ---- l-- -------­ - ---- - - --- No Commune· Place Time Representative people Comments participa , nts I ~', mg.ru~,oo people's living. 4. HHs representatives I -- -- I. -Nguy';n Ti , - ,,;:,;. f' ~ " 2:'4 t~)A'; ',.~ }:,\ "' \ , 1". 'UG ~<- \ , ,~ It' , 4 , 0-94200 '" '" \.- ',-" _,.r:-,c"~ D'~' 7" sh'.,Ctl\; ("~ .. ... ,_-$0<> .,~ 1'0>., /J,; '""." ,.. !'>.' J:, . SOt.' ~I- ~ ,<,,' llE¥:il6n;"""'" 1;jin1 ("wa" \ , \ , I L.: '-~ .. -.-( \ ~ >;0/>' rr.""h , , 1_,< r' ,~3<'",'~~'" -" -, ~, i' P~kut7 ,!<.'dc,.MJI.­ r.:~~t :~t>-, '-', '." T~:wg "~"'i ',,~,," H"~ ,~, lh"nn 1 ~nt'fl-i~' ,.. -~, l1L"" " Lm-- ~l",; ,"" ~ "i Wi~'~" I LX. , l1\u 'fi'\O -'C"'P""~ HAN9r Thewl. Tn:. 'j '! ,'",' Construction Consulting Center - Power Company No. t,. Page 38 Second Rnal Energy Project·- Additional Financing Bac Giang Province • Environmental Management PJan ANNEXB PUBLIC CONSULTATION LIST 1. Head of Project: Nguy~n Viin Tlin 2. Consultant: Nguy~n Quang TuAn Construction Consulting Center - Power Company No.1,. Page 39 Second Rual Energy Project - Additional Financing Bac Giang Province • Environmental Mallagement Plan ANNEX C -IMAGES OF THE CONSULTATIONS Construction CODsulting Center - Power Company No~l,. Page 40 Second Rna} Energy Project - Additional Financing Bac Giang Province • Environmental Management Plan ~l'~.J;;.4~.~ ....~~...ir;;.. .i:;... i:nL._............. - / J- '.1- . tJ!. - .... . f}" &:.t.,. r ' p-... .-:-::...IIt.. ...\(:J;I!••• .alc......a~.. ::~..,.. /zJu...:.1.VY..." ....C#.1j... ~ ...............~.~.....,...... m. Y kien binb lu~n (nh~ xet, datth gia) va de xullt eua Tu Vlln (v~ elic ket qua tham van neu eren, di1-e bi¢t Ut giai phap giam thi~ cae tac dl)ng tieu c\fC ti~m tang d6i v& cae hI) bi atth huang bOi. Dg an, di1-e bi¢t d6i v& cae h(> Iii. dan t(le thit~u s6 sao eho phU hqp v~ van bOa ... ) ..~.~...~...L··~··ri1····~..l··dci... ~. .~ .... ~. .f~............ . ...~ ...~..~.... ~... ~..rftu:....~ ....-.............................................................................. A-~iiif6c: / DAN THANHNIltN , . .f' . .' ! --ftJv, I: .. , --r;[-j - <:.~)' 2 Oil tm: Nang lI!I:mg nong then 2 /ai trq b6 sung - PhBn Irung ap - Tlnh Vinh PhUc eONG HOA XA H()I eHU NGHIA Vle;T NAM Di;lc I~p • T" do • H::mh phuc ••.•• & •.... ............. , Ngay ........ thdng .... fliim 20 ..... A ') ","- A "..' BIEN BAN THAM VAN CQNG BONG BANH GIA TAc B()NG Mtn TRUONG I· THANH PHAN THAM DlJ 1. D~i di~n cbu diiu tlI - Ong/ba: ...................................................... Chue V\l : ............................... . . Ong/ba: ...................................................... Chue V\l : ............, .................. . 2. D~i di~n don v! tlI van: Cong ty tlI van xay d1,l1lg Di~n mi~n Bac - Ong/ba: Nguy~n Duo ThAng Chue V\l : Ph6 Ghim Doc - Ong/ba: Nguyen Van Tan Chuc V\l : CB TII van 3. D:p di~n UBND xli: ~ ..M&.. Huy~n: l!i~ ..Tli'n~ Tinh: VTnh PhUc - Ong/ba: .~ ... JlaiI1..< ...Xi:k.. .................... Chue V\l : ..... /.CrJtMP........... - Ong{ba: ...................................................... Chlic V\l : .............................. .. - Ong{ba: ..............:........................ " ............. Chlic V\l : ............................... . - Ong/ba: ...................................................... Chuc V\l : ................................ 4. D~i di~n cac hi;li, doim thi dja phlIong: - Ong/bit .fw.... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . Chlic .. Ji;: .. V\l : ...... ~ .._............. - Ong/ba: .. :fIta,-:... Jh'ik.... ~ ........................ Chlic V\l : .... 1JNe................... - Ong/ba: ........................... :.......................... Chuc V\l : .............................. .. - Ong/ba: ...................................................... Chuc V\l : ............................... . . Ong/ba: ...................................................... Chuc V\l : .............................. .. - Ong/ba: ...................................................... ChUc V\l : ............................... . 5. D ~. d'" cac h Q gIa d' h ....................... ng110'1" J~n • . . ,n II • N(H DUNG THAM VAN 1. ThOng tin do Don v! tlI van thong bao: . - NQi dung dl,l an ( 19 do dAu ttl, quy rno cong trinh, vi tri huang tllyen ... ). - Chinh sach chfnh sach Moi wOng cua WE va eua chinh phu Vi~t Nam 1 Mt.Ie tieu eua Danh gia tac d9ng moi truang (v6i. y kie'n tu .van eua nguai dan va c9ng dOng) la de xuat cac giffi phap giam thielu ciic tic d9ng tieu evc tiem tang ve Moi tnrang (bao gom moi truang tv nhien va xii hQi) .­ . Thong baa ve cac tac d9ng va mde d9 !inh huang den moi twang do vi~e thVe hi~n dV an glly nen. Ok bi~n phap giam thielu eac tac dqng nay theo danh gia ella don vi tu van. 2. Ykien tham van eua ei)ng dong: I I of J.~I ~ I 0_. I ~ f), JJ, I ,.... U)··~··~· .. r.....,.... .. I ' ~ ·!lij··r.~....I.a~.-tfo.. ~ ..~.....~... CI»1- ........ . ·~. ~···f. ~Q:..· b;....~·~..tJ,.:..#.~.~ . ~ . ~. ~ . ~.........................,.......... at..AeM..... ...\fb.i... '~""':""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''' ..·:....·.. ........· .... .. ·..; .. · ....;·· .. · .... · .............. · .. m. Y kien blnh I~n (nh~n xet, danh gia) va d~ xuat eua Tit van (ve cae k€t qua tham vlfn neu tren, ~c bi¢t la giiii phap giiim thitu cac tac d9ng tieu evc tiem tang d6i vOi cae, hQ bi iinh huang hOi Dl! an, d~c bi~t d6i vOi cac h(1 la dan tQc thi8u s6 sao eho phU hqp ve van hoa ... ) ~ ~- rP ~- LV • ...... (I I..l. I .l. - ....I. I .L ­ • ..-r. •• Q;W.~.:1.~.?It.1'''~'''~'''''1 ....0.6r.... )il.@..•tM;J,.:?.a~ .. gl-\.,-•..~ ....... . ...... ~"!f lNi... .zV,J!iR ...~.... ~......:................................................................................. D~ D~N CHi! DAU TU D~I DI~N DON Vl TUVAN . H(H Pill) NU DoAN THANHNIEN - 2 Df! Em: Nang Il1C1fJg nang lbOn 2 tBi Ira bo sung - Ph8n [rung aD - Tinh Vfnh PhUc CONG HOA xA HOI CHI] NGlU..;\. VIItT NAM DQe I~p - TtJ do - H~nh phUe ----- &----­ ............. , Ngay ........ th(mg .... /lam 20 ..... BIEN BAN THAM VAN CQNG DONG DANH GIA TAc f)()NG MOr TRUONG I - THANH PHAN THAM DV 1. D~i di~n eM daD tu - Ong/ba.: ...................................................... Chuc V\l : .............................. .. - Ong/ba.: .......................... ............................ Chuc V\l : ............................... . 2. D~i di~n don vi tu van: Cong ty tu van xay dtJDg Di~n mi~n Bae - Ong/ba.: Nguyen DU'c ThAng ChUc V\l : PM Giam D6c - Ong/ba.: Nguyen Van Tan . ChU'c V\l : CB Tl1 van 3. f)~ di~n UBND xa: ~ ..H;.... Huy~n: L.\j)..~. Tinh: Vi'nh PhUc -0 ng/bg/b~~ , ~.:~~.~~ ................... ChCh~c V\l ~ .....r.~ .................. . - 0n a. ..p~..... Im:M....~................... uc V\l . .......,.,v. ..................... . - Ong/ba: JJ.iJ.IltJ....)(~v..:t~; ................ Chuc V\l : ..... CN~ ..~ ... - Ong/ba.: .......... ....... ..... .................... ............ Chuc V\l : ............................... . 4. f)~i di~n cae hl)i, doan th~ dia phuong: - Ong/ba.: J>h:Ir.~LJf~...Ui"........................ Chuc vu : ....: ...H!IQ.............. - Ong/ba: ~..::1t..:. .. I..(k~ ................ Chuc ~ : ......... d~J... ............. - Ong/ba.: -It~.. ..r:.6/..~ ............... Chuc V\l : .......:ff!..A!). .............. . - 0ng/ba: ltk.... ~... ~ ................. Chuc V\l : .... :iffl:J... ~............... - Ong/ba: ...................................................... ChU'c V\l : ............................... . - 0ng/ba: ...................................................... Chuc V\l : ............................... . 5. ~i di~n cae hI) gia dlnh ....................... ngum n . N(n DUNG THAM VAN 1. ThOng tin do f)on vi tu van thOng bao: . - N¢i dung dt;r an ( 19 do dAu tu, quy m6 c6ng trinh, vj tri hu6ng tuyen ... ). - Chfuh sach chfnh sach MOi tJl1ang cua WB va. cua chinh phil Vi¢t Nam 1 - MII-c tieu cua Danh gia tac d¢ng m6i trubng (vOi y kien tu van cua nguO'i dan va cOng dOng) la de xua:t cac giai ph3.p giam thi~u cac Hk dOng tieu qrc tiem tang v6 M6i trubng (bao gem m6i trubng II! nhien vGa hOi) - Thong bao ve cae lac d¢ng va muc dO anh hui'mg den m6i trubng do vi~c thvc hi~n dl,Y an gAy nen. cac bi~n ph3.p giam thi~u cac tac dOng nay theo danh gia cua don vi tu va:n. 2. Ykien tham van cua cQng dong: _ .. ""N:f:.~~ -i.;~.. dt..... a:J....(y(4.. w:,...~.·j,JJ.···v.;r'h· .. ~·.dc::. "~;~~~"'~'~'~'~U:;':"":""''''':';''''''''~''''''';i; .... ~ ...:....::;;........:. .-;.. ::I'I!..."'M... au..... ~ .. l.t •.• ~.. , . - . . ,.. :::1l+.1... ~ ...~ ...r'i..~.~....~.,.~... .~Jdt.f1 ...dt..p~..~ ... ~.ckI.;.. k{....ck...di;:........................................................ ~...eluLf..rsu:... J[t? ..,4~. (lM.daii..."sk.. ~ .. ~.. k;;.I... Jdr.. ..~I/di:L ............ ~ . m. Y kien binh lu~n (nh~ xel, danh gia) va d~ xuat eua Tu van (ve cac M'I qua Iham viin neu tren, d~c bi~t Ia giai phap giam thi~u cac tae dOng lieu cl!c tiem tang d6i vOi cae h9 bi 3.n:h hui'mg blri DI! an, d~e bi~t doi vOi cae h¢ Iii dAn tQ<; lhieu s6 sao cho phii hgp ve van hoa ... ) .... ~.c.'~· tr\ ?" # ~ J,;..::".. ~:.. ~ ...4.~.t4:.4' .. Q!;1,...fi;,... :tv..JI;;:~....... : .... .. , ..........:.]' ..................................................................................................................................... '" 12k:. •• D~ DItN CHU DAU TU D~ DI~N DON VJ TU VAN HUOl\j<1j:::{~'fi~!\.. ~f ......·......··.. ·..·..·.. ·····....··..··· /~·~~~f£-::pj.16 C flU T!C H D~I D~N cAc HQI, DoAN THt DlA PmJ~2:c;" ~f: -, HQI cl,lU M~T TR!N T6 H(n NONG ~tr:~;{;" '"Gf%Z~OAN cHmN BINH ~.y6c DAN THANH NmN /~.j~~:.:--.':j; '~/" I' \\~ ./ '\ ., 2