THE WORLD BANK WORLDBANKGROUP 29-jan-2019 Date: Mr. Francesco La Camera Director General Ministry for the Environment. Land and Sea Directorate for Sustainable Development. Environmental Damage European Union and International Affairs Via Cristoforo Colombo. 44 0014 -- Roma Italy Donation to the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund (TF No. 069013) Dear Mr. La Camera: 1. We are pleased to acknowledge the intention of the Republic of Italy. acting through its Ministr% for the Environment. Land and Sea (the "Donor") to make a donation to the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund (TF No. 069013) (the *Trust Fund-) in the amount of seven million Euros (EUR 7.000.000) (the "Donation") in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the Terms and Conditions applicable to Donations to the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund attached hereto as Annex 1. Annex I constitutes an integral part of this letter (the "Letter"). 2. The Donor shall deposit the Donation into such bank account designated by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the "IfBRD"), as Trustee for the Adaptation Fund (the 'Trustee"). promptly followVing countersignatu re of this Letter by the Donor and submission of a payment request by IBRD. When making such deposit. the Donor shall instruct its batik to include in the payment details information (remittance advice) field of its SWIFT payment message. information indicating: the amount paid, that the payment is made by the Donor for the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund (TF No. 069013) (the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund). and the date of the payment (the "Payment Instruction'). In addition, the Donor shall provide a copy of Donor*s Payment Instruction to the Trustee by email sent to aftrustcc ab 4. The Trustee shall convert the Donation funds into the holding currency of the Trust Fund, namely United States Dollars, promptly upon receipt of the Donation funds and the Payment Instruction containing the information specified in paragraph 3 at the exchange rate obtained by the Trustee on the date of the conversion. Iremainider of page intentionally left blank Except as provided for in paragraph 3 above, the offices responsible for coordination ofall matters related to the implementation of this Agreement are: For the Trustee: Director Trust Funds and Partner Relations Development Finance The World Bank 1818 11 St. NW Washington, DC 20433 Tel: 1 202 473 7414 F-mail: airustee@ \ For the Donor: Mr. Francesco La Camera Director General Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Directorate for Sustainable Development, Environmental Damage European Union and International Affairs Via Cristotforo Colombo, 44 0014 -- Roma Italy Tel: 0039 06 572 2810 1/02/04 Fax: 0039 06 572 28175 E-mail: lacamera.francesco@(mi 6. This Letter may be modified only by written consent between the parties. 7. For the purpose of this Letter, the term "Agreement" referred to in Annex I to this Letter will be deemed to refer to this Letter. 8. The I BRI) w, ill disclose this Letter and related information on this Trust Fund in accordance with the World Bank Policy on Access to Information. By entering into this Letter, the Donor consents to such disclosure. [remainder of page intentionally left blanki 9. Please confirm your agreement with the foregoing by signing, dating. and returning to us the enclosed copy of this Letter. Upon receipt bv the Trustec of tlie copy of this Letter countersigned by you. the agreerment contained lierein will becomne effeetive as of the date of the countersignature. Sincerely. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT as Trustee for the Adaptation Fund Mei Leng Cag Acting Director 'rust Funds and Partner Relations Development Finance AGREED: THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY, ACTING THROUGII ITS MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND SEA 13 v: Francesc,'a ca le ira Director General Directorate 101 SustaIi nabIle\Developmiieit. Enviroiiiiiental Damage European Union and International Affairs Date: { / -4- Annex 1 Terms and Conditions applicable to Donations to the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund 1. Terms of Donation 1.1 In accordance with the Adaptation Fund Guidelincs for Accepting Donations approved by the Adaptation Fund Board during its Lighth Meeting in Bonn from November 16-18. 2009 (the "Guidelines), the Donation shall be unconditional and form part of tbc Adaptation Fund Trust Fund's general resources with no specific sectoral, regional or proj ect-b\ -project carmarkinu of thc Donation. 1.2 In accordancc with the Guidelines, it is understood that the Donation: (i) shall not establish any membership or governance rights in the Adaptation Fund for the benefit of the Donor; (ii) is not intended to contcr a special advantage or prefcrence to the Dtonor in obtaining access to information not othcrwise in the public domain. or to the Adaptation Fund Board, Sceretariat. Trustec or staff; (iii) is not intended to confer a special advantage or preference to the Donor in competing with any otler entity in relation to any Adaptation Fund procurement: and (iv) shall have no bearing on anv ongoing or subscquent business decisions by, or opportunities with, the Adaptation Fund Board. 1.3 The Donor may use the Adaptation Fund logo, trademark or name only in the manner approved by the Adaptation Fund Board. Publicity about the Donation. press briefings and other materials on the Donation to be issued by the Donor shall be subjcct to prior written approval of the Adaptation Fund's Secretariat. 2. Administration of the Donation Tbc Donation shall be administered by the Trustec in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. the Terms and Conditions of Services to be provided by the International Bank for Reconstruction and )cv'elopment as Trustec for the Adaptation Fund, as may be amended from time to tinie. the relevant decisions of the Confercnce of tbe Parties serving as the meeting of tbe Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. and the decisions of tbc Adaptation Fund Board. 3. Reporting The Donor acknowledges that no separate reporting from the 'Trustec will be provided in connection with the use of the Donation. In accordance with the Guidelines, reports on the activities of the Adaptation Lund will be accessible through the Adaptation Fund website: \ 4. Termination In accordance with the Guidelines, the Trustec may terininate this Agreement by giving the Donor sixtv (60) davs prior written notice and may return all or part of any uncommitted balance of the Donation to the Donor wvithin 60 business days of such notice. 5. Disclosure The Trustee may disclose this Agreement and the arrangements contemplated hereunder in accordance with the World Bank's policy on disclosure of information, in effect at the time of such disclosure. By entering into the Agreement. the Donor consents to its disclosure and of the arranements contemplated hereunder. 6. Privileges and Immunities Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered a waiver of any privileges or immunities of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Under its Articles of Agreement or any applicable law, all of which are expressly reserved.