1997; 97?a5I GUANGZHOU CITYr CENTER INNER RING ROAD PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN Vol. GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTVIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE September 1997 4 THIS ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY THE GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE. THE INSTITUTE HAS BEEN CTRTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENC.Y OF CHINA | WITH A CLASS A CERTIFICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT. I CERTIFICATION CREDENTIALS OF THE INSTITUTE ARE SHOWN BELOW. I I CIRTIERTCATE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT I CERTIFIED: GTANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE II CATEGORY: CLASS A | IC: CERTIFICATE NO: GB IAC CA0953 | ! ! f. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN Author: Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute Director: Z. Q. Wu Contributors: G. P. Xu, senior engineer, environmnental impact assessment W. D. Wang, engineer, acoustics Z. X. Liang, senior engineer, ecology and landscape R. W. Xie, engineer, ecology Municipal Design Institute: M. Li, engineer J. H. Liu, engineer Project Office: Y. Y. Jiang, engineer Translator: Z. Q. Zhang, M. Sc., Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau K. Tian, M.Sc., Guangzhou Enviromnental Science Research Institute The Word Bank engaged the following coriultants from Jacques Whitford Environment Limited of Canada to assist in editing EAP: T.Earle Hickey, M.Sc John l.walker, Ph.D Gordon S.Chiu, MBA DaNid Pit] cher. B.Sc Teresa A.Drew I I GUANGZHOU ItR ENVIRONMENTAL ACMION PLAN 1. INSTRODUCTION ............. _. _. ._. . .............. . .... l lIBACKC.ROUND ..... 1 1.2 OBJECTTVES . . ......................... ...........2 1.3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILTIES OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS .3 1.3. 1 Legal Basisfor Enforcement 3 1.3.2 Project Organization .3 Guangzhou Citv Center Transport Project Steering Cominune .4 Guangzhou Construction Comnuission (GCC) .4 1.3.23 GZ Citv Center Transport Project Office and GZ City Center Transpori Construction & management Corporation ..............4 Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau (GEPB) .6 Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute (GESRI). ........ 6 1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS .6 1.4.1I Noise.6 1. 4.2 Vibration.Z z 1.4.3 Air Q,)ality. 1.4.4S. Sunshine..9 1.4.5S Attazinment of Stan7dards.9 1.5 OVERVZIEW ON ENVIRONMENT STATUJS AND IMPACT PREDICATION..9 1.5.J1Air Quality..9 1.5.2 Noise ........................................... 1.3.3 V.ibration ........................................... 1.5.3 ; Sutnshine .....................................................l 1.5.5 Ecolog andse .........................................11 1.5. 6 W ater quai id ...............................................................1/ 1.57 Cultu/ral and Heritage Resoutrces .................... 11 f1.5.8 Displacement and R2esettlement12.....................I 2. ENVIRONMENT AL P ROTE.CT.ON MEASURESS ..... .............9 .1 DESIGN. PHASE 1............................................. 3 2.1.1 Noise Ret..ction......................................... 13 2.1.2 Vibration ......................................... 17 L 5.3Ai Qrtaisitye .......................... .. ............................... ............ ... ..................................... ................. lE 2. .L Ecolog and Jandscape ..................................8 ............... / 2.1.5 Sanshine alsty ............... 18 2.1.6 Resettlemen it.1 ................19 2.1. 7 Su mmary ............... 19 2.2 CONSTRUCTION PHASE.ONMEASURES20 2.2.1 Noise.0 ............... .2.2 L ibrati d ion ................20 2. 3 Air Oualiy ........................2.1...... ................................. . 1 2.2.4 Ecology and Landscape .21 2.2.5 SuneZshine.. 1 2.2.6 Water Ou1aliiv.21 2.2. 7 ('uidt ral and Heritage Resources. 22 2..8 Summary ................23...........................2... 3 2.3 OPERATION PHASE .24 2.3.1 Noise. 24 2.32 Noise ................V.brat................................................................................ Z2 2.3.3 Air bationt / .................................. ........................................................ 24 2.3.4 Ec ology aid ..................................Landscap. 26 2.3.5 SEnshine6e .................................. 2 2.3.6 Wa er ...................................26 2.3. 7 Srtmmar? ......................... .......... ... ....... .......................................................... ......................... 23 2.4 LONG-ERAN PLANNANG ........................... 27 2.5 PAi3LIC a CONCER-eS AND RESPONSES............................. 28 3. ENVIRONM NTAL MONITRING PLAN ......................... September 1997 GUANGZHOU IRR ENVIRONMENTAL AClTON PLAN 3.1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS ......................................................... 30 3.1.1 Conistructioni Phase ........................................................ 30 3.1.2 Operation Phase ........................................................ 30 3. 1.3 Parameters, Frequency And Thiration ........................................................ 31 3-2 MONITORING INSTITUTION ........................................................ 31 3.3 MONITORING DATA MANAGEMENT ........................................................ 32 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN .. ...................... 33 4.1 SCHEDULE AND RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTIONS ........................................................ 33 4. 1.1 Schedit/e ........ 33 4.1.2 ZIstin.ttions Responsible for the Implememtaion of Alajor Mitigatnon Measures ..................... 33 4.2 Cos'r ES'IMATTS ............................. , , 34 4.Z. 1 Noise Alitigaion ........................ 34 4.2.2 Tree Planling ...................... 3' 4.2.3 Wiater Pollutioni C'oturo. ...................... 37 4.2.4 Experts CowLsidtation and Lec*izres .............................................. ......................................... 37 4.2. 5 Inspection ........................................................ 38 4.2.6 Traintinig ............................................. 3' Iernational Training ........................................... ...39 Domestic Training Program ........................................... .. 39 4.2. 7 Equipment and Implementation of 'Momitorizg Programs ................................. ............ 40 Purchase of Equipment .............................. .............. 40 Implementation of Eniironmental Mnitoring Programs ........................................... 40 Cost Sumar ............................................ .43 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.4-1 National Enviromnental Noise Standard for Urban Areas GB 3096-93 ........................... 6 Table 1.4-2 National Standard for Noise at Boundaries of Construction Sites GB 12523-90 .................7 Table 1.4-3 National Environmental Vibration Standard for Urban Areas GB 10070-88 ................... 7 Table 1.44 Standards for Ambient Air Quality .......................................................................7 Table 1.4-5 Standard for Type-identiiVing Test on Light-duty Vehicle GBI4761.1-93 ...........................8 Table 1.4-6 Standard for Consistency-checking Test on Light-duty Vehicle GB 14761.1-93 ...................8 Table 1.4-7 Standard for Exhaust Pollutants From Motorcycle Under Running Mode GB14621-93 ....8 Table 1.4-8 Standard for Exhaust Pollutants From Motorcycle at Idle Speed GB 14621-93 .. 9 Table 1.4-9 Objective for Assessing Sunshine Obstruction .................................................................9 Table 2. 1 - I Noise Mitigation Measures at Sensitive Receptors Along the Selected Alignment ........ S.... 15 Table 2.1-2 Noise Nfitigation Measures for the Residential Buildings Adjacent to the ......................... 16 Alignment ....................................................................... 16 Table 2.1-3 IRR Sections rith Sound Absorbing Pavement ............................................................... 17 Table 2.14 Summary of Design Phase Mitigation ....................................................................... 19 Table 2.2-1 Noise Standard for Boundaries of Construction Sites GB 12523-90 (Leq dB(A)) .............. 20 Table 2.2-2 Summary of Construction Phase Mitigation ............................................. 23 Table 2.3-1 Summary of Operation Phase Mitigation .26 Table 2.5-1 Public Concerns and Responses .28 Table 3.1-1 Parameters, Frequency And Duration ................................. .......................................... 31 Table 4.1-I Schedule for Implementation of EAP .33 Table 4.2- I Estimated Costs for Noise Reduction Measures at Sensitive Receptors Along the IRR (Phase 1) .34 Table 4.2-2 Estimated Costs for Noise Reduction Measures at Sensitive Receptors and Residential Buildings Along the IRR (Phase 2) ..36 Table 4.2-3. Basis of Cost Estimates for Noise Control Measures ................................................... 36 Table 4.2-4 Cost Estimate for Noise Mitigation (excluding compensation). ......................................... 37 Table 4.2-5 Cost for Tree Planting ......... 37 Table 4.2-6 The Plan Of Experts Consultation and Lectures ......... 38 Table 4.2-7 The Plan of Inspection ......... 38 Table 4.2-8 International Training ......... 39 September 1997 ii GUANGZHOU IRR ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN Table 4.2-9 Domestic Training .40. ....................................................... .. 40 Table 4.2-10 Estimated Costs for Training ............................................................. 40 Table 4.2-11 Equipment Required and Estimated Cost ..... ........................................................ 40 Table 4.2-12 Cost for monitoring and analysis ............................................................. 41 Table 4.2-13 Annual Labor cost for air quality monitoring ............................................................. 41 Table 4.2-14 Annual Labor cost for water quality monitoring ............................................................. 42 Table 4.2-15 annuaL Labor cost for noise and vibration monitoring .42............. 42 TABLE 4.2-16 Annual Labor Cost For Monitoring .. ............................................................. 42 TABLE 4.2-17 ANNUAL COST OF TRANSPORTATION DURING MONITORING ................... 43 Table 4.2-18 The total cost for noise reduction measures, planting, training and equipment purchasing (10,000 RMB) .............................................................. 43 Table 4.2-19. the total cost for environmental monitoring during construction phase in 3 years( 10,000RMB) ..4.......... 43 Table 4.2-20. the total cost for enviromnental monitoring during operation phase (10,00ORMB) 44 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1-1 Guangzhou City Center Inner Ring Road Alignmnent 1 Figure 2.1-1 Road Sections Requiring Noise Barriers 14 Figure 2.1-2 Design Mitigation for Noise-Cross Section 1 14 Figure 2.1-3 Design Mitigation for Noise-Cross Section 2 14 Figure 2.1-4 Design Mitigation for Noise-Cross Section 3-5 14 Figure 2. -5 Design Mitigation for Noise-Cross Section 6-8 14 Figure 2.1-6 Design Mitigation for Noise-Type A & B Noise Barrier Design 14 Figure 2.1-7 Design Mitigation for Noise-Type C & D Noise Barrier Design 14 Figure 2.1-8 Location of Sensitive Receptors Requiring Mitigation 15 Figure 2.1-9 Distribution of Households Along the Preferred Alignment 16 Figure 2.1-10 Road Sections Requiring Sound Absorbing Pavement 17 Figure 2. 1-11 The Mitigation Measures and Relative Sociat Factors along IRR Afignment 19 Figure 3.1-1 Location ofProposed Monitoring Sites 30 September 1997 ui GUANGZHOU IRR ENVIROMENTAL ACTTON PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Inner Ring Road (IRR), an express roadway planned to circle the city center of Guangzhou Municipality, is the most important element for improving transport in the city center areas. It will lead traffic away from the city center and play an important role in urban economic development. This project was the subject of an Environmental Assessment (EA) which was required and reviewed by both the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) and the World Bank. The EA Report concluded that the proposed Inner Ring Road project will assist in providing a solution to traffic congestion in the city center, improve the quality of urban life and stimulate economic development It was noted that the project will result in degradation of environmental quality to some extent in the immediate vicinity, but will make a positive contribution to pollution control in the overall urban area, especially in the city center. The prime purpose of the Enviromnental Action Plan (EAP) is to ensure that the recommended mitigation measures were implemented effectively. The project was judged to be environmentally feasible if the recommended mitigation measures for particular road sections were selected. The project also allows for the opportuiity to enhance the enviromnental conditions in the city center through longer term solutions such as traffic management, urban planning and implementing the various components of the Proposal for Vehicle Emission Control Research. Project Overview The proposed IRR (Figure 1.1-1) is 26.7 kn in length and approximately 90% of it consists of an elevated viaduct. Ground level sections are proposed along Liuersan Rd. and adjacent to the Guangzho.u Zoo. The alignrment (description follows a clockwise direction beginning at Liuersan Rd.) goes from the Shamian Island area of the city which is known for its cultural importance, along Liuersan Rd. and heads northward along the existing alignment of Huangsha Rd. and Nanan Rd. towards the Guangzhou Railway StatiorL East of the station the alignment follows Hengfu Rd. to the north. A new aligrunent to the south borders the Guangzhou Zoo for approximately 500 m and contnues south until it joins with Zongshan Rd. From there it curves to the west until the alignment divides north of the Pearl River. The two alignments (Donghu Rd. and Donghua Rd. S.) cross the Pearl River via the Haiyin Bridge and the Jiangwan Bridge (currently under construction) respectively. The two alignments rejoin on the south side of the Pearl River and will follow a new alignment along the proposed Nantian Rd. westward until it intersects with Industry Ave. and Hongde Rd. The aligmnent follows Hongde Rd. northward across the Pearl River via the Renmin Bridge, joining Liuersan Rd. on the north side of the river. September 1997 North to rfltway N| ihih~AySt.~oo -1 ~Q Zhlyu sng.ng Rd . J / C.......... bu9 Rq ,s.ICntro of Gun--hou _HnQft Rd \ \;* Luhu1} 1 4 | |i fi { \ Oonfeg Rd E l - f "a. ff= 8 - h S in j R d . l E o _ t ~~~ < \ \ /!No e h ngh.n Rd 13 Ra. LEGEND MO aFigure of1-1 G n h S Celected Alignment , / Alternate Alignment scal.:1:45000 V x , Figure 1.1-1 Guangzhou City Center Inner Ring Road Alignment. GUANGZHOU ERR ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIOK PLAN The alignment passes through commercial and residential areas, and in many areas of the city the new structure will pass within 5-10 m of existing buildings. These facts and the number of potential sensitive receptors (educational, recreational and institutional buildings) which have been identified along the alignment presents a number of difficulties for effectively mitigating potential impacts. The road will be widened from existing widths (16-50 m) to a proposed width of 50 m. The number of lanes varies but generally consists of two- or three- lanes of traffic traveling in each direction. A new bridge structure will be required adjacent to the Renmin Bridge. The proposed alignment has 12 interchanges and 12 double-ramps. Average distance between interchanges is 1.5 km, with a minimum of 850 m; and the minimum distance between ramps is 345 m which is suitable for the designed traffic speed of 50 - 60 km/h. As part of the Environmental Assessment of the project there were a number of altemative alignments evaluated. Issues and concerns were addressed during the route selection process to minimize or reduce many of the potential adverse biophysical and socioeconomic impacts associated with the project. 1.2 Objectives As indicated above, the EA Report identified that the major environmental effects relate to noise and air quality. There are some landscape changes and sunshine obstruction occurrences at a few locations due to elevated road sections. Of the two major factors, the effective control of urban motor vehicle pollution will require a number of citywide strategies and countermeasures. These are summarized in this EAP (Section 2.3.3) and are more completely described in the Proposal for Vehicle Emission Control Research, a separate document related to the Enviromnental Component of the Guangzhou City Center Transport Project. This EAP identifies measures to minimize impacts during Design of the project as well as site-specific mitigation measures to be implemented during both Construction and Operation. This EAP provides the framework for the implementation of mitigation measures and environmental management and monitoring during the construction and operation of the project. This document details all commitments made in the EA Report and can be used as a reference document to ensure all environmental protection measures are implemented. An Environmental Action Plan: Identifies site-specific miligation measures Representatives of the EA team, Project Office and Design Team conducted field investigations at each of the sensitive points and proposed appropriate site specific engineering and managerial mitigation measures as identified during the EA process. These measures should be technically eftective and economically feasible. It is essential that these measures be provided to project designers in sufficient detail to ensure the contractors incorporate costs for mitigation. September 1997 2 GUANGZFHOU IRR ENVIRONMENTAL ACTMON PLAN * Provides an exclusive documentfor project implementation The EAP is one of the documents for the World Bank to appraise the project and provide a single source of environmental information for contractors, inspectors and others associated with the project during construction and operation. * Identifies institutional roles and responsibilities The roles and responsibilities of the various institutions and regulatory agencies are identified as well as proposed lines of communication and reporting relationships. * Outlines environmental monitoring during construction and operation phases The EAP identifies requirements related to the monitoring program. Environmental monitoring is undertaken during both the construction and operation phases to ensure the effectiveness of mitigation measures, to respond to unanticipated environmental concerns at an early stage and to determine the accuracy of impact predictions. 1.3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS 1.3.1 Legal Basis for Enforcement The EAP was prepared based on the results of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Report prepared for the project. The relevant legislation are as follows: * Environmental Management Regulations on Constuction Projects, No.(86)003, National Environmental Protection Agency; * Environmental Management Regulations on Construction Projects in Guangdong Province, Public Notice No. 57, July 24, 1994, the Standing Committee of Guangdong 8th People's Congress; * Implementation Rules for Controlling New Pollution of Construction Projects in Guangzhou, No.(1984)43, Guangzhou Municipal Government; * Rules for Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention in Guangzhou, passed by the 9th session of the Standing Committee of Guangzhou 10th People's Congress on May 20, 1994 and approved by the 10th session of the Standing Committee of Guangdong 8th People's Congress on March 15, 1995; * Environmental Management Procedures for Transport Projects, No. 17, the Ministry of Transport, P.R.C. 1.3.2 Project Organization Under the leadership of the Guangzhou Municipal Govemment, the organizations shown in the organization chart below will be responsible for enviromunental management during the construction and operation of the IRR. While the Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau (GEPB) has overall responsibility for September 1997 3 GUANGZHOU IRR EVQRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN environmental management, the other governmental agencies will provide the necessary support and coordination required for the successful implementation of the Environmental Action Plan. 1.3.21 Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Steeing Committee Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Steering Committee is the leader and organizing institute of IRR construction, responsible for overall decision making related to the project, such as selection of the alignment, scope of construction and project financing. Guangzhou Construction Commission (GCC) The GCC is a govemment agency in charge of municipal construction projects including the IRR. It is responsible for organization and coordination of institutions under its jurisdiction during the IRR construction and operation. Its responsibilities for the environmental protection related to IRR include: * Providing support to the environmental authority to enforce environmental laws and policies for road construction; * Providing Project Description input to the EA Report and EAP; and * Environmental management of construction activities. L.3.2.3 GZ City Center Transport Project OWice and GZ City Center Transport Construction & management Corporation The Environment Protection Team will be set up in the Engineering Department of GZ City Center Transport Construction & management Corporation, and has 2 full- time environment protection management staff, responsible for the EP management 'and supervision affairs during IRR construction and operation phase. The responsibilities of the Environment Protection Team are as following: * To organize routine monitoring of motor vehicle emissions, traffic noise and vibration; * To recommend further scientific research projects and treatment engineering based on the problems emerged during the IRR operation; * Providing assistance to the Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Guangzhou Public Security Bureau for making regulations and requirements for motor vehicles and sampling vehicle exhaust and noise emissions; * Assisting govemment agencies to deal with emergency responses for traffic accidents related to pollution, e.g. hazardous chemical spills; * Receiving complaints from residents and institutions along the IRR and assisting the local environmental authority. September 1997 4 Guangzhou IRR Environumental Action Plan r GZ Municipal Government [Gz Construction Commissiont GZ CitE Cntre Transport Project oZ City Centrv Transpodn Consfutoa StecrinMi ComiCnittee Office & managemennl Coperation I~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ r I , . . . | ~~~~~~~~~other depanments I Engineeting Departrment GZ Enviroomental oe bureaus l(RP Team with 2 fullEtime personne Protection Bureau c [ | 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 persons of EP Tealin in chuge ' 2 persot;s of EP Teann and i person |GZ E;nvironment | |GZ EnvironmentG l Scientific r e of M aP Supervision and o C frt each contractor in charge of EP Monitoring Center Research Institute Smanageent durin9 operation supervision and i7anagement during :phase : construction phase mnotor vehicle pollution IR..ARREP Environment monitoring control in center area Aton Plan during construction and _operation phasc GZ; IRR Environment Management Organization Chart September 1997 5 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau (GEPB) The GEPB is the agency within the Guangzhou Municipal Govermnent responsible for overall environmental management. It enforces its supervisory and administrative authority according to the national, Guangdong provincial and Guangzhou Municipal environmental laws, regulations and policies. It will have a supervisory and administrative authority over the envirormental protection related to the IRR. Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute (GESRI) The Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute was founded in 1977 and is under the direction of the GEPB. It was one of the first environmental research institutions to be granted Class A certification credentials for enviromnental assessment by the National Environmental Protection Agency. It has 21 senior engineers and 48 engineers out of a staff of 1 00. It has been equipped with a number of large precision instruments, such as inductively coupled plasma spectrophotometer (ICP), gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography, photospectrometer, noise and vibration level meters, and various instruments for routine monitoring and analysis of air, water and soil, which are capable of quantitative and qualitative measurements of organic, inorganic and hazardous contaminants. In recent years, the lab has conducted measurements for local, American and Singapore clients and has met their strict requirements. Last year the lab passed the test for Environmental Assessment Class A certificate holder and was certified for excellence. The staff has experience with monitoring industrial sources, traffic roads, machinery and regional environmental quality. The major tasks of the Institute include research for environmental management, planning and decision making and services for pollution control. For the IRR, the Institute was the primary author of the Environmental Assessment Report and the Environmental Action Plan and will be responsible for envirownental monitoring during construction and operation phase. 1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS 1.4.1 Noise Table 1.4-1 National Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Areas GB 3096-93 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L eq, d (A ) CATEGORY APPLICABLE AREAS DAY jNIGHT I Residential, educational, cultural and 55 45 institutional buildings 2 Combined residential, commercial and 60 50 industrial 3 Industrial 65 55 4 j Trunk roadsides 70 55 September 1997 6 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan Table 1.4-2 National Standard for Noise at Boundaries of Construction Sites GB 12523-90 Leg, dB(A) PHASE NOISE SOURCE NOISE LIMITATION Machinery Day-time Night-time Earthwork bulldozer, dredge, 75 55 loading Pile piling machinety 85 no operation Structure J concrete mixer, jigsaw 70 55 Decoration I crane, elevator 65 55 1.4.2 Vibration Table 1.4-3 National Environmental Vibration Standard for Urban Areas GB 10070-88 dB(VLz10 APPLICABLE ZONE I DAY NIGHT Special residential sites 65 65 Residential, educational and 70 67 cultural Mixed commercial 75 72 lndustrial 75 72 Trunk roadsides 75 72 Railway roadsides 80 80 1.4.3 Air Quality The table below lists the secondary standard of National Ambient Air Quality Standard GB 3095-82, applied to nitrogen oxides (WO0), carbon monoxide (CO), and total suspended particulate (TSP); National Sanitary Standard for Airbome Lead and Compounds GB7355-87 applies to lead (Pb); and the U.S. ambient air quality standard has been applied for Hydrocarbons (HC).Emission Standard for Exhaust Pollutants from Light-duty Vehicle GB14761.1-93 or Emission Standard for Exhaust Pollutants from Motorcycle GB14621-93 applies to exhaust pollutants from mobile vehicles. Table 1.4-4 Standards for Ambient Air Quality mg/ml3 (Pb, 1g/n) POLLUTANT NO. CO TSP Pb HC Hourly average 0.15 10.00 0.16 Dail average 0.10 4.00 0.30 1.5 0.16 Notes: The Secondary Standard is applicable to Tesidential commununities, mixed commercial, transport and residential land uses, cultural and historical heritage sites. September 1997 7 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan Table 1.4-5 Standard for Type-identifying Test on Light-duty Vehicle GB14761.1-93 g/Test Reference Weight CO HC(carbon equivaleht) NOx(NO2 equivalent) (RW) kg LI L2 L3 RW750JR11 65 10.8 8.5 750< RW850 71 11.3 8.5 850< RW<1020 76 11.7 8.5 1020< RW<1250 87 12.8 10.2 1250c RW<1470 99 13.7 11.9 1470c RW1700' 110 14.6 12.3 1700< RW<1930 121 15.6 12.8 1930< RW2150 132 16.4 13.2 2150< RW 143 17.3 13.6 Table 1.4-6 Standard for Consistency-checking Test on Light-duty Vehicle GB14761.1-93 g/test Reference Weight CO HC(carbon NOx(NO2 equivalent) (RW) kg equivalent) RW750[j2I 78 14.0 10.2 750< RW<850 85 14.8 10.2 850< RW<1020 91 15.3 10.2 1020< RW<1250 104 16.6 12.2 1250< RW!1470 119 17.8 143 1470300 40 50 15 10 New motorcycle R<100 20 30 13 10 produced since 100sR<300 20+ 30(R-100) 30+ 30tR-100) 13+ &R-10D) 10+ 4R-100') ___ __ ___ __200} 200 200) 200 1.1/1996 R>300 50 60 21 ; 14 September 1997 8 Guangzhou IRR Envronmental Action Plan Table 1.4-8 Standard for Exhaust Pollutants From Motorcycle at Idle Speed GB14621-93 Motorcycle type CO,0% HC, pm 4-cycles 2-cdles Fixed-type, prior to 1.1/1996 4.5 1500 7000 New, produced priorto 1.1/1996 5.0 2000 7800 In-use, produced prior 1./11996 5.0 2500 9000 Fixed-ty, since 1./11996 4.5 1200 7000 New, produced since 1. 1/1 996 4.5 1800 7000 | In-use, produced since JIl.996 4.5 2200 8000 1.4.4. Sunshine The objective listed in the following table has been adopted for assessing sunshine obstruction. Table 1.4-9 Objective for Assessing Sunshine Obstruction SUNSHINE APPLICATIONS OBJECTIVE Class I Nursery, kindergarten, sanitanrum, humid 5 - 6 hr workshop Class ii Teaching building, office, public 3 - 4 hr building, general workshop Class II1 Recreational building, office, public I - 2 hr or full- building, and recreational unit of window sunshine processing plant at noon 1.4.5 Attainment of Standards It is quite difficult to enforce the ambient air quality and noise standards listed above due to the existing levels of air and noise pollution. While incremental pollution from the project will be mitigated, the proposed measures may not result in attainment of the standards at heavily polluted road sections. Compliance with the sunshine standard is a fimction ofthe width of specific road sections. 1.5 OVERVIEW ON ENVIRONMENT STATJS AND IMPACT PREDICATION 1.5.1 Air Quality The IRR will improve transportation efficiency in the urban center. Traffic will move faster and there will be less congestion and less queuing at intersections. It is predicted that, as a result of construction of the MR, the average speed in the city center will increase to 22.2 km/hr from the current 16.6 km/hr rather than falling to 16.3 km/hr if the IRR is not built. As the speed improves, the emissions from vehicles will decrease resulting in a net improvement in the overall air quality. Within the corridor of the IRR, however, the traffic will increase and the quality of the air will deteriorate. September 1997 9 Guangzbou MRR EnviromnentaW Action Plan * The status and Impacts in the IRR Corridor The existing roadways on the IRR are trunk roads, along both sides of which the air pollution is rather heavy. Based on the results of monitoring in January,1995, all HC and TSP readings exceeded the standards, 74.5% of NOx readings and 12.8% of CO readings exceeded the standards, only Pb (lead) concentrations were under the limit. With the growing population of vehicles, whether IRR is built or not, the pollution in the corridor will deteriorate. Based on the predication for concentration in the IRR corridor in 2000 and 2010, within 5-25m of the roadway HC concentration will exceed the standard by 3-4 times if with IRR. Within 500m HC average concentration with IRR will be 50-60% higher than that without IRR For NOx ,the concentration near the roadway will exceed the standard by 1.1-1.5 times if with IRR. With 500m the average concentration with IRR will increase more 150-200% than that without IRR; As for as CO, whether with IRR or without IRR, the concentration will basically be lower than the standard limit, but its average concentration with IRR will be 20- 50% higher than that without IRR. As a conclusion, the concentration of air pollutants, especially of NOx, will increase to some extent with IRR comparing to that without IRR. * IRR will mitigate the vehicle emission pollution upon the center area W-ith IRR, the ratio of vehicles in center area will decrease and the speed will increase. Based on the feasibility research and other data from designing and planning department, whether in 2000 or in 2010, the vehicle speed in center area will increased to certain extent with IRR than that without IRR. As indicated by concentration predication, within 500 m of the roadway in city center, HC concentration will averagely be 44% lowver, NOx' 43% lower, CO 40% lower if IRR is in operation.; * Air quality predication in center area With the economic development and increasing modernization in Guangzhou, the population of vehicle will rapidly increase in 10 or 20 years. As a result, the air quality in city area will deteriorate. Based on the predication, the concentration of CO and NOx caused by vehicle emission will be higher in 2010 whether the IRR is built or not. CO concentration wil1 increase to 7.34kg/zm3 from current 2.89kg/rm3; NOx concentration from current 0.11 6kg/m3 to 0.3179kglm3; With IRR, the concentration won't increase so rapidly as that without IRR. Therefore, the IRR can slow down the process of air quality deterioration, i city area 1.5.2 Noise The noise level Leq within 25m on both IRR. sides exceeded the standard by from 4.4 to 17.3 dB. The noise problem is serious and will continue to deteriorate. As a result of increased traffic volume, traffic noise in the project area is predicted to increase. Compared with the estimates without the IRR, the noise level with the IRR is I to 7 dB(A) higher; 2 - 4 dB(A) for existing roadways with heavy traffic; 5 - 7 dB(A) for September 1997 10 Guangzhou IRR Envrnental Action Plan existing roadways with small traflic volume; and I - 5.3 dB(A) for sensitive receptors within 100 m of the roadway. 1.5.3 Vibration The existing vibration levels along the IRR aligmnent will be within standards except at a few intersections or heavy traffic roadways. When the TRR is in operation, all the roadway can meet the standard except at, where vibration levels at the red lines exceed the standard slightly during peak- hours. The IRR may increase the vibration level slightly. 1.5.4 Sunshine The sunshine distance coefficient is small in the project areas. The sunshine time will be shorter with than without the IRR. The effective height of all IRR viaducts is smaller than the critical sunshine height at noon and the IRR viaducts will obstruct sunshine on buildings on the red line to various degrees. The obstruction time ranges from 1.2h to 9.3h on the winter solstice which has the shortest sunshine duration of the year. 1.5.5 Ecology and landscape The IRR aligmnents in Huangsha Avenue, Huanshi W. Road, Huanshi C. Road, and Hengfu Road now have wide open space and greenery, and additional viaducts will not have significant impact on the landscape. Significant changes may occur at roadways at Liuersan Rd., Meidong Rd. east of the zoological gardens, Zhongshan Ist Rd. in front of the Standing Committee, and Meidong S. Rd. The non-viaduct option for the Liuersan Rd. will result in an insignificant impact. 1.5.6 WVater quality Activities during road widening, building demolition and viaduct construction may produce a great deal of earth and dust. It won't have any significant impact on surface water quality provided timely collection of earth and dusts. Two planned bridges will have no significant impact on water quality if sedimentation is done properly. In [RR operation phase, the vehicle population in center area won't increase, as a result, the amount of pollutants into waterway from non-point sources won't change, therefore, there won't be new impact on the waterway. 1.5.7 Cultural and Heritage Resources Among the 15 cultural and henrtage resources, 2 of the them are at sensitive points, the Shamian Cultural Protection Zone and the Marshal's Court. During construction, the project phase has no other impact on the resources other than dust. During the operational phase, the project will have no significant impact on the Zone due to the widening of the existing Liuersan Road and no significant impact on the Court due to refurbishment and planting of trees. September 1997 Ii Guangzbou IRR Enviromnental Action Plan 1.5.8 Displacement and Resettlement The IRR is 26.2 km long in total (or 26.7 km long with Nantian alignment). The total tloor space to be displaced is 438,339 m2, comprising 180,591 m2 for commercial facilities, industries, and office buildings, and 247,747 m2 for households. There are 1,726 commercial, industrial and office buildings, and 17,259 employees. A total of 6,194 households and 21,679 residents will be displaced. The amount of displacement associated with the selected Nantian Road alignment will be one third of that of T13 alignment. As indicated in above predication, the impact of the IRR along the west, north road sections is not so heavy as along some sections of east, south part of IRR. September 1997 12 Guangzbou IRR Envirnmena Action Plan 2. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURES In order to mitigate the environmental pollution caused by the IRR, it's necessary to take some measures. At first, during alignment selection all the impact factors will be comprehensively analyzed and the precaution be conducted to minimize the impact. For example, a ground-level roadway expansion instead of a viaduct was adopted on Liuersan Rd; The Nantian Rd alignment has been selected over the T13; the alignment in front of the Standing Committee building at Zhongshan 1st Rd will be moves south lOm to keep the IRR viaduct 40m away from the building. Secondly, some mitigation measures will be taken on sensitive road sections or sites, e.g. sound absorption pavement, noise absorption barriers, double-glazed windows. Thirdly, long-term mitigation measures will be taken, e.g. transportation control, transportation limit in center commercial area, vehicle emission control project and the rational configuration in city planning. In order to mitigate the negative impact of IRR, In project construction the relative regulations stipulated in Environmental Management Regulations on Construction Projects must be implemented. It must be accomplished to simultaneously design, construct and perform the environment protection facilities with major project. Based on the principles above, the corresponding mitigation measures have been put forward in the EA report. 2.1 DESIGN PHASE Through comparing several options from aspects of engineering technology and environment impact, the IRR alignment has been determined as following: Liuersan Rd - Huangsha Ave - Nanan Rd.- Huanshi W Rd - Huangshi C Rd - Hengfu Rd - Meidong N Rd - Meidong Rd - Zhongshan 1st Rd - Donghua Rd -- Jiangwan Bridge and Haiying Bridge - Nantian Rd - Hongde Rd - Remning Bridge - - Liuersan Rd, the total length is 26.7km. 2.1.1 Noise Reduction Confguration and construction materials * Increasing the number of levels of viaduct, results in more extensive and louder traffic noise. No multiple layer viaduct will be designed except at interchanges. * In order to minimize noise impacts, porous material will be in place of conventional concrete and asphalt for road level smoothness and sound absorption. Based on testing results from Hong Kong, this modification to the road surface can reduce noise by up to 5 dB(A). The sensitive sections will use with sound absorption surface. * Larger structures and the application of flexible joints, as well as minimizing the number of joints (crevices) will be used where feasible to reduce the noise generated due to bumps by vehicles. September 1997 13 Guangzhou IRR Environmenal Action Plan Application of flexible supports, such as rubber plates and bowl shaped supports, will be used where feasible to buffer vibration of the structure and reduce noise level. Sound barrier design The location, shape, matenal(the sound insulation amount must be more than 35dB(A) for the material used in the section of Zoology Garden while 25dB(A) for other sections), and height of sound barriers with roadside absorptive lining is dependent on the function of roadside buildings, noise levels, road configuration, resistance to wind and erosion, safety and urban landscape. As part of the integration of mitigation into project design, the Municipal Design Institute has assisted with the preliminary design of noise mitigation structures as recommended by the EA and other studies. The primaTy structures proposed for noise mitigation are sound barriers, however other methods such as increasing the height of road dividers are also proposed. The locations of areas requiring noise barriers and preliminary design drawings are shown in Figures 2.1-1 to 2.1-7. These drawings have been incorporated for inforrnation only, as they may be modified during the detailed design phase. The originals are available through the Municipal Design Institute. The construction of noise barriers incorporates translucent anti-uv panels to reduce sunshine obstruction. Periodic cleaning of the panels will be required. The cross section drawing for the Zoological Gardens (Figure 2.1-3) illustrates the configuration of the depressed roadway along this section. The retaining wall on the side adjacent to the Zoo is elevated and will be vegetated to provide additional noise protection. Protection of buildings and sensitive receptors adjacent to the road In those newly developing areas and old-city-rebuilding areas, the first row of buildings along the IRR will not be assigned for sensitive uses such as schools, hospitals, libraries and kindergartens, but can be assigned for commercial facilities, parkling lots and other insensitive uses. These measures have been indicated in the Guangzhou Overall Plan and will be implemented under supervision of the Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau. The term "red line' is a planning term used to descnrbe the permissible limit of development. Which will make full use of the land and reduce the noise impact on the sensitive receptors. Some of the most sensitive receptors are in buildings adjacent to the IRR and near overpasses. The application of sound insulation, such as double-glazed windows, in combination with air conditioning will be dependent on the site-specific situation. For the receptors along the IRR sensitive to sound, the application of noise barriers, double-glazed windows and other mitigation measures will also be based on existing conditions. In order to minimize potential noise impacts, representatives from the Project Office, GESRI and GMDI carried out on-site visits to the sensitive receptors along the IRR and discussed in detail the mitigation measures proposed by GESRI. The parties September 1997 14 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action PlaD reached agreement on noise control measures as identified in Figure 2.1- 8 as summarized in Table 2.1-1. Table 2.1-1 Noise Mitigation Measures at Sensitive Receptors Along the Selected Alignment NR | SENSITTVE j SELECTED MITIGATION |NOTlES I RECEPTOR ,l W-S. Liuersan Rd I Shamian Cultural select ground level aligmnent; apply vibration dampening Protection Zone sound absorbing pavement; use sound mounts on viaduct of all absorbing pavement on existng viaduct the IRR W-C. Huangsha Avenue 2 Guangzhou Railway double glazing & ventilation double glazing 13 M2 Kindergarten No. 2 sound absorbing pavement _ 3 Guangzhou Railway double glazing for 2 levels & ventilation doubk glazing 70 m2 Hospiial sound absorbing pavemenw 4 Guangzhou High regional redevelopment and School No. 50 compensation l < ~~~~~sound absorbingpavement 5 Guangzhou High compensation for reconstruction of School No. I Building No. 3 by year 2000 sound absorbing pavement -8 Guangzhou Railway redevelopment & compensation* Kindergarten No. sound absorbing pavement 10 Huangsha Avenue double glazing for classrooms & teachers double glazing 96 m2 Primary School office e ______________ D sound absorg pavemient *W-N Huaiihi W. Rd. 3 Huanshi W. Rd double glazing for classrooms & teachers double glazin 677 M2 Primary School office (593 m2 for corridors) L_____________ sound absorbing pavement , 14 Guangzhou Normal higher bnck security wall wall to 5 m high, 72 m College Primarv reflective noise barrier long School. sound absorbing pavement tranarent barrier 4 m double glazing for residual noise high, 350 m long double lazing 734 m2 _________________________________ (691 m for corridors) N-E. Hengfiu Rd. 22 Guangzhou Skin double glazing & ventilation double glazing 136 m2 Disease Control sound absorbing pavement Institute . _ 23 Guangdong Chinese double glazing & ventilation double glazing 750 m2 Medicine Hospital sound absorbing pavement 24 Hengfu High School double glazing for 3 - 6 levels & double glazing 123 ml .______ _ ventilation E-N Yongfu Villa. Meidong N. Rd. 26 Guangzhou double glazing & ventilation Guangzhou Municipal Municipal higher guard board Engineering School: Engineering School, sound absorbing pavement double glazing 555 m2 Xinghai Musical (160 m2 for corridors) School Xinghai Musical School: September 1997 15 Cross Section 4 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lk P/1\ Cros BOG/ I I I Cross.cUo M / J 0 I ] E A \ V - ffi Dnng fu J |Rd Cross Sfttion C SIctlonS Cross Sectionsetio OUcjI,aORd f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~onlngR Z h ull eW S Z ho n grs h a n R d . \h , R\ a nLe g e n d l fl ! c v \ '5 \ Noise Barriers \ \ | \ 0 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Noto:Numboro hi brackets tie esfmet \n\' \', ,g4 Rd.nguitornoebarrieru Figure 2.1-1 Road Sections Requiring Noise Barriers 1U1 2.1-1 tt*15MPPb9DSS Cros I I hg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :1 tL ..I ._*I IThs preliminary dedign is for information purposes only. Original drawing produced at a scale of 1 : 200. Cross SLIoni I o , (Huenshi West Rood) [ 1 c1 Figure 2.1-2 Design Mitigation for Noise - Cross Section 1 1 2.1-2 AIJijfil OT j111 ) nt,b Jji,j I#; I I I v A3 Thspreliminary design Is tot Informsto purposes only. Original drawing produced at a scale oftI: 200. ilgure 2.1-3os Dsigun MiiainfrN iei rs eto r~~i ~, (M AslffWi- Rood) ~ r~~4~gd,'r -,t~--~ I I A~~ 12m~~~~~~! Cross Secton3 , Cross SSlon 4 (Herne Rd. CMSSCtO (HflVu Rd.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~(Yongftu Vlliog.) me. sote: ; ( l This preliminary design Is for Informstlon purpoes |__o Orginal drawing produced at a ata o 0. -A W m-e. tt-. Cros S7ctloni S 1 u (Mel ngfRd.. JhngWong Rd.. SaoosngtAd. E) SA.tl Ia "OR _. t I-, Figure 2.1-4 Design Mitigation for Noise - Cross Sections 3-5 P1q 2.1-4 AJJfjf 3-5 J I PA r M02taaa XMILIVA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.a r1t62'F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I- - ;~~~~~;~~.;;5. -~~~~~ Cr.'", Section e (Zhonpahan Rd. 1) Cross fsecton 7 (Dongshian Poovt.a Hospital S.,n absoibt,n pavsernt to be used In viaduct Sound abeorbing pavemont to be used In viaduct This preliminary design Is for infotrmaton purposes C= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~only. Original dtawring produced at i sceal of I1: 200 lound absorin pavement to be used In 'induc Iaa Figure 2.1-5 Design Mitigation for Noise - Cross Sections 6-8 I AlrMumIJbmc stv Me________Clm.hl SitapuEbgi~~~~~gw, - - -------.- -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O !w0OEtil*4tLx"I&- an,o pangs 11irimut m Frame ~~~~~tf anl ***I1tukMTlrt I N IA i Units a.contibooea as-.pl wbtno indiatod 4¶ fj . - - 2 Oaoign of aumjn insulatig boant i.sugtd hhsmn , oa dda niingo and gloat lboom; haOunmand using Sm.no light bls -toluted R s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nti uilbsnlolM boant lto aP LX p .n. s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Antlusnd toad shall ba Westono than 550 Nin,2 Using slanl 1.b.sm wfti, whRe al,mlnu, Noto menn, Window of soud Insulating board can be '~~~~~ II i-i r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~awkend 380 dogws., tho m,aln structure no It corn,ndod to us. Elevationt 3Reitcommena,d to usoe 01d hrtoiled ~l I-beenm lnn otea A'Vt FR W, 4 Instuill.l,of n LX pesna In requitad by LX pan"s, upplWo. Prmpi stuninum A Noise ~~~~~~~~~~~~irrler ~~~~~~~pesf, sit epnWn peAS shailt be icm piated, I-Id. prt. shlli be rus profe JFip. os0b-re using two deg,"e anitlue paint -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At rrr ln pert s.11ai be Sueld wlth anti met oil sa.ed u4thl. sili- V.l. thia I iba~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hli be' Is.nod after lntollitim, S-opls pangs shait be gent to desgnr,Inn* Fn. intn and apprucel try -otacn,.t beito, Innteiieilo l5ri E A5Q0LX98Wt mrI _____ _ ______ _____ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N~ote: Alumlnufn boom, - -------------- . - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This preliminary design Is far information purposes" *909 uiii1u stop oniy. Original drawing ptoduced at a seale of I1: 20. Pans I SilmSmwbnIl~ Pivot fiWitil hId~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pivt 151598 ~ ~ ttft¶ Handle 111*111WARIBockJ h ~n'~*n,cn Latch 4grtin BVMR f* Figure 2.1-6 Design Mitigation for Noise - Type A & B Noise Barrierrr - '* Design 1tYI9ti5~ II 2-1- A,--II KM- f M--VA- f - - I I~~ ~~~~~~~ ... I *tuod E~tqt*~E --4.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. esmmm,ofsoun nttM-t 9 bar*d issugsted lousea~tt t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it =4VInrlN =4fMt@SNm UI:. : I _"ott,*twlt**t ---- ~~~~~~~~~1 -- --- -l i0mp"rolln 2*1111tHHa, 4,50 otaiisoWkb,wfl 4mmt#support bets rdsMIl So 'td btir lo 42 cmmndd o se4m IMu c. r _eq|r, Th 5 m ln stuc4 r tist WIto UW*d to Lt __ . . . . _ . . . i I Un1t * It are cn ptime b ct p h Qffl4..,*i04 3. Ies tIn of souyd Insu i board is .ugges . . o ,ted t usse _ _- ---~.-~ _UWl0mm~ l0mmpolycerborsnte4150 atels st eep lube ziscsplotd Iealdseritpte hflad ___ - - _ _ --- illRi WiFr '- board ofm 4mm or tOmm NOupo board. Road d_dor be _Solid whord h. recomm ndetd b us1 4mm light blue eoloured "f!!_', ~~-" -0, O' sft Instal-lairvone or,at-wn odree Ia 5 /2 t _ : : ::: 1 t4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rquired. themeln sructureontI rbecommnde n to us - '\ *wOtmFH IJtt precest 2Smmrf bolt. 6iYt4fl1,r104 3. intabllaton of polycorbonate board Is requIred by suppllar exey stInles 50 / Smm staInls stel tube shlee, alt enos Parbs shill be xInc*pleted; InsIde perbe ehall be X- rellr / ~~~~~~~~~~wvIth 4mm @It04 rust-proofed using t wo degre a nti-not paIntt;AM movIng pas sratih" Iltoed dh4ider be tillbd with antirust oll seeled stt slic get thIs shell be cheried / rilIrt90olod altr InstallHon. ------°r - - - - - - - - @- - -----104 staInless sl 4. Sinple board tsha be snt bt dsignr Aor eamination and approval by consructos bore Inhistleon. C'DOtiJ . l-lAllf - P* £f ti2 ' . 1 c7awnSo 1111c05 x I-I Croos Section OUEltd9l14Atcut tit VItA yurnim it Notes Cros SectIon of Type C ndO [ At _0 ... tfith *e,lmI*m 1&mm hnycomnb polycNrbonost board for Type C O r _ Cost of beee ord 4mm *olId polycrbonast for Type D go9. 45. __._ -. Instalaton IncluMd | -- isie - I t el Includtsooel 1 1 Lr) 2400 of t_ns_li ton. Jalr s 11tginmwtr K 1~ Ki] f ttil 1Thls preflmInery design Is for Intorrile on purposes i w _ 3mmsaIness steel }lr 1111only. Original drawing ptoduced at a scale of I 2 0. I r Ft3F X WUWI0||i rw iilrI SI)J¢11!lormmptlircarl3onst 1r, it j fjJ iI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UW~~ board 4,R 1ET01#J:20 RI Cra sfttor A T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M moots *6 cHo n Il-H Croe Section Cross SectIon A ".- I ____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V--- -1--__ _ _ _- Li-- ----r _ __C.--- -.- -_-_--'-_ __ _=T___ _ __ ___ _ ___ 4 ___al_ Figure 2.1-7 Design Mitigation for Noise - Type C & D Noise Barrier Design IV I - 4 *7 I, m irral T-,Ir 1w7- iiV 'ft a I -k. MI I 'p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' \ t i Xt * I - -~~~~~I Contra c fWhou Hangfu Rd.feg Rd S\ "t'. '- fu ''R, CS. X,Ns-Ei"w*~R No B J iongmhSi Rd.Luhu Rd 4 )uobao R/. --- ~ Ra - . t j ( ~--_ _ Rd E _ , __ l | ;i! | | 1 8 Ai 5 0 ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dw gbng RdX Jiangwen r.r£1 Ro-Zhon9th«nRd 8I d _ _ - _ _ crWidg 0 S - a soab:1\¢ X40 -a\\ "-7 ' ;W ________ ____ ___ ._ ._ _iTk~ \ . Figure 2.1-8 Location of Sensitive Receptors Requiring Mitigation 2.1-8 ^F*§RX++""X"Zt*+6tl Bt dg I I Guangzhou IRR Enviromnmental Action Plan NR SENSITIVE SELECTED MITIGATION NOTES RECEPTOR double glazing 264 m2 27 Guangzhou reflective noise barrier barrier 7.5 m high, 600 m Zoological Gardens sound absorbing pavement long south to Xianie E. Rd 29 Donghuan High reflective noise barrier barner 4 m high, 200 m School sound absorbing pavement long double glazing for residual noise double glazing 1365 mn (685 ml for corridors) E-S, Zhongshan Ist Rd. 32 Guangzhou High sound absorbing pavement School No. 62 33 Guangzhou Railway higher security wall waDl to 6 m high, 83 m Dongshan sound absorbing pavement long Kindergarten Donghua E. Rd. ... ._ 36 Dongshan People's reflective noise barrier transparent barrier 4 m Hospital sound absorbing pavement high, 701 m long double glazing for residual noise double glazing 618 m2 37 Zhongshan 2nd Rd School: reflective noise barTier Zhongshan 2nd Rd Primary School, sound absorbing pavement Primary School: double Caiyuandong double glazing for residual noise glazing 713 m2 (605 M2 Kindergarten Idndergarten: relocation for corridors) Jiangwan Rd 39 BinJiang C. Rd reflective noise barrier transparent barrier 4 m Primary School sound absorbing pavement high, 299 m long No. 2 double glzing for residual noisc double glazig 452 m2 . ~~~~~(376 m forcorri&irs) 5, Nantian. Rd._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 Guangdong Medical double glazing for 1 -3 levels of clinic, 4 - double glazing 808 m2 Colege 9 levels of dormitory, 2 level of office sound absorbing pavement , 55 Renhezhi Primary double glazing for south building double glazing 435 m2 I___ School sound absorbing pavement (356 m2 for corridors) *Note: the compensation cost will be integrally arranged by the Project Office. Due to the high density of housing as illustrated in Figure 2.1-9, and proximnity of these buildings to the alignment, mitigation is required to minimize noise impacts. Table 2.1-2 summarizes the extent of double-glazed windows proposed for each section. Table 2.1-2 Noise Mitigation Measures for the Residential Buildings Adjacent to the Alignment Road Start - End Selected Mitigation House- Double Section holds Glazing W-C Huangsha Tunnel - double glazed windows 756 4536 Chongbian Ist Rd l__ _5_2 W-C |Nanan Highway . double glazed windows 522 3132 W-N Dongfeng W. Rd - sound absorbing pavement 534 I 3204 l Guangyuan W. Rd j double glazed windows _ _ N-W Guangyuan W. Rd - double glazed windows 180 1080 Y Xiaobei Rd j _ September 1997 16 Guangzhou IRR Envirnmental Action Plan Road Start - End Seleed Misigation House- Double Section holds Glazing N-E Hengfu Rd sound absorbing pavement 486 I 2916 double glazed windows l E-N Hengfu ITnerchange - sound absorbing pavement 514 3084 Junyi Football Court transparent reflective noise bamer4 m high. 1000m long l E-C Dongfeng E. Rd- sound absorbing pavemeent 244 1464 Zhongshan 1 st Rd double glazed windows I E-S Meidong S Rd - sound absorbing pavement 508 304S Donghua E. Rd double glazed windows E-S Donghua S. Rd double glazed windows 329 1974 S-E Jianwan Rd - Shushe sound absorbing pavement 540 t 3240 Interchange double glazed windows l transparent reflective noise barTier 4 m high, 510 m long l S-C Nantian Rd. sound absorbing pavement 389 2334 double glazed windows l Toial ______________________________________________ j5002 30012 Notes: Average 2.5 windows per household, 6 m2 per household The extent of sound absorbing pavement required for each road section identified on Figure 2.1-10, is presented in Table 2.1-3. Table 2.1-3 IRR Sections With Sound Absorbing Pavement ROAD START - END LENGTH SECTION _ __m_ W-S Liuersan Rd. 1200 W-C Huansha Tunnel - Chongbian Ist Rd 950 W-C, W-N Huanshi Rd. W. 500 N-E Hengfu Rd. 750 E-N. E-C, Hengfu Interchange - Junyi Football 2950 E-S S-E Dongshao Rd. - Shushe Interchange 900 S-E Jianwan Rd. - Shushe Interchange 300 S Nantian Rd. S00 Total 8050 2.1.2 Vibration * Flexible joints, flexible structure joints, heavy rubber bowl mounts and all rubber mounts will be used for vibration attenuation. * Road surface quality and roughness have direct impact on traffic vibration. Therefore it will be designed to use the quality materials for road surface, e.g., imported asphalt, and road surtace roughness will be rationally controlled. If road surface roughness is I mm lower the vibration level would decrease 4 dB(A). For the IRR, the roughness of the road surface will be less than 4 mm. * The land use function of both sides will be rationally planned, the buildings sensitive to vibration will not be permitted within 40 m of the road. The measure has been indicated in the Guangzhou Overall Plan and will be implemented under supervision of the Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau. September 1997 17 ) J / d i / 0 ( -_ Hurn>ilJP _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4*/rn Ce it of Guangzhou Hengfu Rd _ |.*(#/yongRd Colour T.V. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 Apf - t.- (. tulk) , uu Rd 2Ap2 4m Hu shUd sm / \ '\ 7 X ~ < 3; \^ e> / Not Evaluated(911 Rd.b:1:U000 _ R / 8 Apt. -d E0 0-8 StOdOIS 244 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ZApta. A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bet ApWuirmi I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 09Sto,l" zhuji r No2. zh 9rgshn Rd Noi?tribntsha Fod an td (:9 ~ 12.- A3;1i'Y8*61 *J7 Apft. 6'~~~ (201A lAptau) 781 Apte. '320 Aptsa*m) Rive ~ ~~ j~~~~~14~~~~~lozhu PearlRir WS - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sinjiang Rd ~ rd - -- -~~~~~ 14.1 ,, ~~~(1098 ApI/M)'q BId 2 ~~~~~~~0-N Conn, Os I 234 Apte~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~Number of Households/km "a.a:1 :45000 V\A. ' \ INot Evaluated t8Apts, ' d$'Ito 200 06 pApteIIm) 20-2 0 to 400P ~~~ v~~~~\ ~ aSf,t0'1m , 400 to 800P Figure 2.1-9 Distribution of Households Along the Preferred Alignument I r J G ) R Yongfn Ed 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 )) V ZhuJIa4g Bri ge No 8 Zhongshi Rd. 1 /2hn o Zthl Rd OVObSORd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DntogR - - -- Zh- NO 2 _ Obro R sehg | Zhj.~ Sr NO \. anghe |d \ O9 gsha I n /d ~/ s xW~S 11200ml |lojiang Bd B ' niag . B-\/Hlid go /Bride | *A20mnHlniyin 0 05 1 Kilometers legend scalo:1:45000 -n\ ' e644 \ \; R 2 ' % /Sound Absorbing Pavement Note: Numbers In brackets Indicate gedmated length lot sound absorbing pavement Figure 2.1-10 Road Sections Requiring Sound Absorbing Pavement 1f 2.1-10 MIBWJMJ I I Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan 2.1.3 Air Quality * The split type of viaduct has been designed on possible sections for the transport and dispersion of motor vehicle emissions. * The distance between the alignment and adjacent buildings on both sides will be increased for dispersion of motor vehicle emissions. 2.1.4 Ecology and Landscape The IRR is on the boundaries of the old Guangzhou city which has developed into the city center. Its enviromnental impact depends on street width, land use and sensitive receptors. The environmental assessment on air quality, noise and landscape identified that the impact on N-W IRR is not so significant as on roadways of south and east IRR. Preferred Alignments W, Liuersan Rd. selected over Heping Rd.; N, Huanshi C. Rd. selected over North Railway and Zhiyuangang Rd. N-E, Meidong N. Rd. selected over Huanshi E. Rd.; E, Meidong Rd. selected over Shuiying Rd. and Guangzhou Avenue. T13 was initially chosen from alternative alignments T13, Yanjiang Rd., and Ma Gully - liangnan W. Rd. - Nantian Rd. Nantian Rd. was ultimately selected since the narrow T13 may cause difficulty for viaduct construction and excessive traffic noise and air pollution. Landscape Concerns o The Shamian Island. The additional viaduct on Liuersan Road would not only increase the environmental load of the adjacent area but also have significant impact on the surrounding landscape. Under the situation, the construction and designing department have decided to widen the existing ground roadway rather than to add a viaduct. * The Zoological Gardens. Ground road on Meidong Road, instead of a viaduct, was selected in order to maintain a good environment for the Zoo to the west. * The Standing Committee building. The Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial People's Congress building requires wide open space in the front. To ensure compatibility between the viaduct and the building, it was decided that the viaduct moves south 10 m to 40 m and was configured to blend with the surroundings. The road section covers 160 m from Dadao Road intersection to Nonglin Road (E) intersection. 2.1.5 Sunshine Obstruction * During alignment selection, the demand to maintain a 5 m setback between adjacent buildings and the red line of the IRR will be basically satisfied. September 1997 18 Guangzhou IRR Environmentat Action Plan 2.1.6 Resettlement * Consideration for minimizing resettlement during alignment selection aW;d engineering design resulted in a reduced requirement for demolition and resettlement. 2.1.7 Summary Table 2.1-4 summarizes the mitigation and responsibility for implementation that has been incorporated or is proposed during the design phase of the project to assist in minimizng potential impacts. The mitigation measures and relative social factors along IRR alignment were indicated in Figure2. I-l I Table 2.1-4 Summary ofDesign Phase Mitigation -isuedConcerl Measures Re"ponsibity. Ecology and * Viaduct design compatible with Guangzhou Municipal Engineering LAndscape the Standing Committee buildings Design Institute . Selection of Nantian Road Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau aligrment overT13 Guangzhou Micia Engining * Selection of ground level Desig Institue alinment of Liuersan Rd & Meidong Rd . The increased distance between Guangzbou Municipal Engineeing Air Quality the aignment and adjacent Design Institute buildings on both sidesl Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau a Split type of viaduct Noise/ a No multiple layer viaducts excepi Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau Vibration at intchanges Guangou Municipal Engineering * Flexiblejoints, flexible structure Design Institute joints, heavy rubber bowl mounts and all rubber mounts used for vibration attenuation * The quality materials for road surface, the roughness of the road surface less than 4 mnm. * Sound absorbing pavement and noise barrier for sensitive sections * Double-glazed windows and ventilation for the first row buildings most affected by noise * Proper land use of the closest building . The buildings sensitive to vibration from more than 40 m of the road Sunshine * Setback of adjacent buildings to Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau red line of the IRR greater than 5 Guangzhou Municipal Engineering m Design Institute Reseedemee * Algmnent & design schemes wift Guangzbou Reseuleme Offlice least demolition & resettlement, resettlment site planing _ September 1997 19 Figure 2.1-11 The Mitigation Measures and Relative Social Factors along IRR Alignment \h ng Sound-AbsorbiRd. Pavmen AT%I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~li C|rrtre ofe Guangzho ! ou Rd E . ,Sl N98 /te }SC i @ | 4 Rd. H;UH t pD lloS2bFsdsbanRd / s t X 0 t =# p d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ndviraiO 5 \ ,obdoRd. / 8 i ( lRd. Hunsh Rd LEGEN Zn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ Dongleng Rd|E Zhlt s \ \t L ^t o atandS rs Cen t.d ^~ ~ ~~~4 ptsZ e 1, huo^/leibellt n az tutr LPSK /t)d\ \\ - 2 /| AFypldomcrs I Guangzhou IRR Environmental Acuon Plan 2.2 CONSTRUCTION PHASE 2.2.1 Noise Although it is inevitable that noise will be generated during construction, noise impacts on surrounding areas can be mitigated to some extent. Contractors must abide by the provisions for construction noise prevention and control in the Rules for Environmental Noise Prevention and Control in Guangzhou. It is prohibited to use steam, diesel engines and impact piling in all the project sites, and concrete mixers in the areas designated by the municipal authonrties The following mitigation measures will be enforced. The use of noisy machinery, such as percussion hammers, pneumatic dnlls and rock crushers during the middle of the day (12:00-14:00) and during night time (22:00-06:00) will be prohibited. Limits for noise at construction sites are presented below: Table 2.2-1 Noise Standard for Boundaries of Construction Sites GB12523-90 (Leq dB(A)) ACTIVIrY NOISE SOURCE NOISE LIMTATION day-tiTne nigbt-time Earthwork bulldozer, excavator 75 55 Pile piling machinery 85 D no operation Structure concrete mixer 70 55 Decoration crane, elevator 65 55 D Employ low noise machinery, or machinery with noise shielding and/or sound absorption materials, e.g., on-site power generator with enclosure; * Codes of Good Practice. Contractors will rationalize work timetable and sittings, keep noisy operations away from sensitive points, carry out regular maintenance and repairs, and enforce strict implementation of operation procedures; and - Construction structures such as viaduct structures widely used in the IR.R, must be prefabricated off-site and then transported for installation. 2.2.2 Vibration * To mitigate vibration of large construction machinery, contractors will abide by the Rules for Environmental Noise Prevention and Control in Guangzhou. ft is prohibited to use steam, diesel engines and impact piling in all the project sites, and concrete mixers can only be used in areas designated by the municipal authorities. * Except for emergency engineering, operation of strong vibration machinery will be limited to 07:00-12:00, and 14:00-22:00. Any extension of operation time must be approved by the municipal construction authorities and be carried out with appropriate mitigation measures in place. * Operation of excavators will be restricted to designated areas approved by the GEPB. * Low vibration level machinery will be used and be subject to regular maintenance and repairs. September 1997 20 Guangzbou IRR Environmenal Action Plan 2.2.3 Air Quality The IRR construction will take a number of years and cover wide areas. Mitigation measures to prevent or reduce dust include the following: v Site enclosure structures and water spraying will be used to reduce dust dispersion and pollution. * Transportation corridors will be located away from residential communities and other sensitive points, vehicles transporting materials will be covered with tarpaulin to prevent dirt and soil from dropping and be washed before leaving the loading or unloading materials sites. * Measures to minimize dust due to on-site mixing and unloading operations will be implemented. * Concrete mixing stations will be located off-site and away from the city center. * Proper operation, maintenance and repair of power generators and construction machinery will be carried out to minimize emissions. 2.2.4 Ecology and Landscape The following measures will be implemented: D Maintain a quiet environment for animals in the Zoological Gardens west of the Meidong Road; i Preserve existing vegetation. e Preserve cultural relics. 2.2.5 Sunshine Sunshine obstruction caused by construction equipment and temporarily erected structures will be minimized. 2.2.6 Water Quality Viaduct Construction Road expansion and building demolition generates a lot of debris and dust. Most of the IRR alignment is on existing roadways and the new routes include parts of the T13, Nantian Road and Meidong N. Road. Rainfall contributes to runoff and flow to the waterways through a combined sewage system. * The most important countermeasure is cleaning and efficient collection and can prevent or minimize impacts on surface water quality and reduce the potential to clog sewers. * The extent of ground excavation will be minimized. * Diversion channels will be used on downward slopes where there is a potential for runoff to enter surface drainage systems. Bridge Construction September 1997 21 Guangzbou IRR Enviromental Acidon Plan On the 1RR there will be new bridge east to the existing Renmin Bridge. Measures such as the creation of settling ponds will be taken to minimize siltation of waterways during activities related to construction of the bridge piers. Contingency Plan There has been a series of emergency plan, system and management organization in Guangzhou. The relevant personnel have been trained and possesed corresponding rich treatment experience. In order to prevent water pollution of the Pearl River and gullies from accidental spills of fuels and hazardous chemicals and avoid accidental leakage during the transportation of dangerous goods, the department of transportation regulates certification. As a rule, the Public Security Bureau issues permits for the transportation of dangerous goods. If an accident does occur, it will be handled by the Environmental Protection Bureau, public security, and transportation departments accordingly. Certificates and permits for transportation of dangerous goods T The City of Guangzhou's dangerous goods transportation regulation (Guangzhou No.128, 1994) stipulates: transportation of dangerous goods must be approved by the city transportation department, and a certificate permitting road transportation must be obtained; the motor vehicle being used must be in good condition with corresponding equipment for fire protection and a dangerous goods sign. it also stipulates that no three-wheel motor vehicle, ttor, non-motorized vehicle or motorcycle be allowed to carry dangerous goods. * To transport explosive and chemical dangerous goods, carriers must obtain a permit for explosive goods transportation or a permit for hazardous chemical transportation from the Public Security Bureau. Response to accidents . The National Environmental Protection Law stipulates that when there is an accident or incident, the responsible organization will take action immediately; inform the affected or possibly affected organizations and residents; report to the local Environmental Protection Bureau and other related organizations, and submit to any investigation required. If any dangerous goods leakage or accident occurs on the IRR, according to the National Water, Atmosphere Pollution Prevention Law and the City of Guangzhou's pollution prevention management regulation, the accident will be handled by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Public Security Bureau, and transportation departments. 2.2.7 Cultural and Heritage Resources Along the IRR there are only two heritage sites, i.e., Shamian Island and the Marshal's Court which can be affected by noise. It has been determined that other September 1997 22 Guangzhou IRR Envinmmental Action Plan than measures related to noise, no additional site-specific mitigation measures are required for the protection of Cultural and Heritage Resources. In the unliely event of the discovery of heritage resources during excavation, operation will be stopped at once, it will be reported to the authonrties in charge and treated under their commends. 2.2.8 Summary Table 2.2-2 summarizes the mitigation and responsibility for implementation that is proposed during the construction phase of the project to assist in minimizing potential impacts. Table 2.2-2 Summary of Construction Phase Mitigation Issue/Conc Measures Executive/ Remarks ern Responsibilitv I Noise * No noisy operations during the middle of the contractor addressed in day(12:00 -14:00) & at night(22:00-6:00) IRR Administration the bid * Select low noise equipment Office documents * Enclosure & absorption of high noise GESRI equipment * No noisy operation in sensitive areas, or temporary enclosure * off-site pre-fabrication Vibration * No piling operations permitted contractor addressed in * No operation with excess vibration during IRR Administration the bid raiddle(12:00 -14:00) day and night(22:00- Offie documents 6:00) G;ESRI * No excavatoir operation in sensfitie aras * Sekct low vibration ao n,I Air * Water spraying & enclosur coneruor addressed in QualitY * Transport corridor away from sensitive MRR Admimistration the bid points, cover trucks, wash tuks before Office documents leaving the loading o-r unloading sites GESRI * Dust control at mixing station Guangzhou niire * Point source controls ianagement department Ecology . Maintain quiet surroundings contmractor addressed in and * Preserve existing vegetation IRR AdministTation the bid Landscape * Protect histoncal & ecological sites Office documents Sunshine * Minimize obstruction of equipment & contractor addressed in structure the bid documents Water * Prevent clogging of sewers during viaduct contractor addressed in Quality construction IRR Administration the bid * Prevent fluvial sedimentation during bridge Office documents construction GESRI September 1997 23 Guangzhou IRR Environmenta Acton Plan 2.3 OPERATION PHASE 2.3.1 Noise Vehicle noise control, traffic management, sound insulation and pavement maintenance * The GEPB is responsible to impose and enforce more stringent noise emission standards. Together with the Environment Monitoring center, the traffic police branch of the Public Security Bureau implement regular vehicle noise inspection. One of the most effective wvays of reducing traffic noise is to eliminate noisy vehicles, to undertake noise control planning and to establish noise control objectives for Guangzhou. * The traffic police branch of the Public Security Bureau is in charge of designating relevant regulation such as restricting overloaded and heavy duty vehicle traffic on viaducts and limiting vehicle speed, especially at night. * Sound barriers and viaduct pavement will be regularly inspected and maintained by the Municipal Engineering Repair department. 2.3.2 Vibration The rougher the road surface becomes due to wear over time, the stronger the vibration. in addition, vibration will increase if changes occur to fleet composition and speed pattem, e.g., a greater proportion of heavy-duty and medium-duty vehicles and/or faster traffic. * To prevent and reduce traffic vibration duing the operational phase to meet the requirements for various zones prescnrbed by the Environmental Vibration Standard for Urban Areas GB10070-88, attention will be paid to road structure and efficient road and traffic management. * Regulations are to be imposed for restricting passage of heavy-duty trucks through sensitive road sections at night and speed limit restrictions will be placed on heavy and medium-duty trucks on the IRR. It is in the range of duty for the traffic police branch of the Public Security Bureau. 2.3.3 Air Quality - Motor Vehicle Emission Control One component of the overall Guangzhou City Center Transport Project is the Proposal for Vehicle Emission Control Research. The objective of the proposal is to provide a strong foundation for a research program and associated strategies to address the problem of increasing air pollution from mobile sources. The main components of the program are: - to use unleaded gasoline - to establish a vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (ILM) system - to establish a Guangzhou vehicle emission research center * - to expand the automated monitoring network of Guangzhou to monitor air quality September 1997 24 Guangzhou IRR Emviromental Action Plan Unleaded Fuel Compared with many large and medium sized cities in China, Guangzhou is in the position which is favorable for the introduction and promotion of unleaded fuel. The Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex is able to produce unleaded gasoline on a scale which is feasible for local introduction and the citizens are aware of the importance of environmental protection. The public will also support to use unleaded fuel. GZ municipal government has decided to use unleaded fuel in overall Guangzhou since Oct, 1, 1997, the unleaded fuel will also be used in overall Guangdong province in 1998, therefore, with the IRR implement, the lead pollution won't be resulted from vehicles. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I,7') Program The vehicle I/M will have three-phase .The initial phase will include the following: a management structure will be developed and proposed to the municipality; the present f/M program will be expanded to 18 sites and upgraded; and a motorcycle emission l/M pilot station and a training center will be established. Phases 2 and 3 will see the continuation of training efforts, provision of equipment for monitoring the results of the testing program and increasing the inspection activities. Vehicle Emission Research CenSer The main function of this component is to establish a centralized vehicle research facility and the administrative management necessary for the monitoring and control of vehicle pollution. 'Te main objectives are to: - conduct research on the inspection and testing of vehicle emissions; - support and execute the D/M of in-use vehicles; - study and support vehicle pollution control technologies including the use of unleaded gasoline, and catalytic converters; - facilitate the random inspection of vehicles; and - develop a means of technical supervision for monitoring and control of vehicle emissions. The proposed research center would consist of an I/M station for staff training and conducting research; an advanced vehicle testing area to support the testing of potential emission control technologies; and a center dedicated to conducting emissions research on engines. A utomated A ir Quality Monitoring Network The establishment of an automated monitoring system will assist the GEPB to understand the dynamics of air quality in the city and the associated contribution of vehicle emissions to the overall air pollution. This resource is necessary to assess the benefits of the other components of the MVPC proposal. In addition the network will be helpful in the improvement of traffic management, environmental program management, policy perfectness and public awareness. September 1997 25 Guangzhou IRR Environental Action Plan The automated system, consisting of the monitoring substations and a controlling center, would be achieved by upgrading two to three existing stations and establishing two new stations. Among the parameters to be monitored are traffic condition factors, emission concentrations of various parameters and meteorological conditions. 2.3.4 Ecology and Landscape It is necessary to preserve the existing green spaces along roadways and plant more trees along the new sections of the IRR. The road sections that require tree planting include Meidong Road North (1,900 meters), Meidong Road (795 meters), Zhongshan Road-Jiangwan Xing Chen (3,290 meters), Baogang Road North (930 meters) and Nantian Road (2,600 meters). Total length of the road sections in the North section of the IRR is 6,075 meters and 3,530 meters in the South. 2.3.5 Sunshine In newly developing and rebuilt area, nurseries, kindergartens will be located at the roadsides with Class I sunshine level, the teaching buildings of school along roadsides with Class 2 sunshine level, and not in the first row buildings along the aligrunent. . These measures have been indicated in the Guangzhoul Overall Plan and will be implemented under supervision of the Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau 2.3.6 Water Quality - An emergency plan will be developed to prevent water pollution in the Pearl River and gulies from accidental spills of fuels and hazardous chemicals during operation (See Section 2.2.6). TMe height of guard board on viaduct along the waterways will be increased to prevent hazardous materials from dropping into watenvays in case of emergency; the sewage from viaduct will be discharged into the collection pond to be treated in mass. 2.3.7 Summary Table 2.3-1 summarizes the mitigation and responsibility for implementation that has been incorporated or is proposed during the operation phase of the project to assist in minimizing potential impacts. Table 2.3-1 Summary of Operation Phase Mitiption IssuefConcem Measures Responsibility Noise and * Maintenance and repair of road surface, noise Vibration insulation facilities Guangzhou Traffic Police * Stringent noise emission standard Mtunicipal Engineering * Regular & compulsory l/M Repair department * Enfibrce reguiation on horns * Traffic management a Speed & duration limits on heavy-duty vehices Air Quality e Stringent emission standards The Project Office September 1997 26 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan lssue/ Concern Measures Responsibility * Improved I/M programs * Unleaded fuel. catalytic converter, tI/M, research center, automated monitoring * Motor vehicle growth control * Mass transit systems Sunshine * In new developed and rebuilt area, nurseries, IRR Administrative Office knerganens will be located at the roadsides prermises owners with Class I sunshine level, the teaching buildings GUPB of school along roadsides with Class 2 sunshine level Water Qualitv * Contingency plan for accidental spills of fizels and IRR Administration Office chemicals GMED * Higher guard board to prevem hazardous materials from dropping into waterways in case of emergency, the collection pond for the sewage from viaduct 2.4 Long-term Planning Besides adopting the above short-term mitigation measures, in order to reduce the transportation pollution of IRR, the traffic volume of IRR will be controlled through limiting the traffic demands based on the discussion with GZ Municipal Planning Bureau, GZ Transport Planning Research Institute, GZ Construction Commission and other relative institutes. The detailed measures will be performed by the relative responsible institutes. - The measures for traffic volume control in city center area: I. Combining with reconstruction of the old city area, to control population, building density and commercial area, to increase municipat and public facilities (including public trasportation system, bicycle line system and overpass, etc.)and green area, and to perfect the roads system. 2. To implement the priority of public transportation in city center area, the specific line for public transportation will be set. For trunk roads in commercial center areas, to set the pedestrian walk zone and to implement traffic control, to restrict car park in central commercial areas. 3. To improve and perfect the transportation management facilities such as traffic signals, road mark lines and the fences for separating vehicle, bicycle and pedestrians. 4. For newly developed small residential area, to perfect the public facilities meanwhile controlling the population in the area, bettering the living level. 5. To carry out road toll collection, controlling the traffic volume entering the IRR. The measures for land use planning along alignment of IRR 1. To be strictly in accordance with the principle of overall planning for old city area reconstruction. 2. The first row of buildings along the IRR should not be assigned sensitive uses such as schools, hospitals and kindergartens. Within lOOm of the red line the land can not be assigned for these sensitive uses. 3. The buildings sensitive to vibration can not be set within 40 m of the red line. 4. The distance between the first row of buildings and the IRR red line must be more than 5m. September 1997 27 Guangzhou IRR Environmenul Action Plan 5. To locate rooms used for teaching, offices, public buildings and general workshops along the routes with Class 2 sunshine level. 6. Nurseries, kindergartens, sanitariums, and greenhouses will be assigned along routes with Class I sunshine level or in higher stories. 7. For dwelling house, to choose advisable room azimuth and increase the vertical height of windows. 8. In the range of land use for viaduct and entering lanes, to avoid the main entrance of the building connecting with the road. 9. To implement Transportation Impact Valuation fbr the large buildings newly constructed or reconstructed along the LRR alignment. 2.5 Public Concerns and Responses By means of interviews, surveys, public consultation meetings, to inquire the public comments on the impact of IRR construction, to discuss the public concerns and take the appropriate countermeasures for the concerns. As can be seen in Table 2.5-1. Table 2.5-1 Pubric Concerns and Responses Concerns Responses Remarks Public facilities ought to be integrated The chairperson from the Project into the construction residential areas fo; Office promised that the Project the relocation program and the Office will make sure that the ompensation be provided prior to government policies and regulations elocation, the govemment should assist on relocation and compensation will mployees of the enterprises that will be be implemented. ected to find new employment O built viaduct on Liuersan Rd will It has been decided to adopt a mpact the landscape and ecological ground-level roadway expansion environment of Shamian Cultural instead of a viaduct. Protection Zone. A concem with respect to student safety Me unicipal Construction * t the street crossing due to the IRR and Commission made the commitment ncreased the traffic volume, an overpass at the meeting to construct satisfy should be built. the requirement of the Huangsha Pnmary School. At present, there is a small zigzag road The construction institute agreed to eading to Xianlie Rd. from the consider the request for a road exit. Municipal Engineering Vocational School, it was requested there be an exit from the main road in front of their school. The leaders from GZ Zoological Garden Through expounding and proving, responded intensively on the alignment it's impossible to use the alternative along east side of the Garden and alignment, the sound absorbing request alignment be changed. avement and noise barrier will be applied, and viaduct won't be built September 1997 28 GUango MR Environmental Acton Plan Concerns Responses Remarks near the Garden. he general office of the Provincial As lack of alternative alignment, it People's Congress requested there be no would be impossible to solve the levated structure in front of their ffic problem without constructing buildings. a viaduct. The best mitigation option would be to move the alignment southward by ten meters and harmonize the design and color of he viaduct structures with the buildings of the People's Congress. Dongshan District People's Hospital This concern had been identified as pointed out that additional space needs a pnority, the best option would be o be provided between the pedestrian to revise the design of the Dongshan lane and the hospital building. verpass by relocating the ramp. The Binjiang C. Rd. Primarv School The Municipal Construction No.2 requested the school be relocated Commission indicated that the eastward and the Municipal concem will be addressed as a Construction Commission assist the prioritv. After consulting with the school to acquire the land parcel. Land Use Planning Bureau of the Haizhu District, a specific response wll be provided to the school. The GZ Workers' Palace No.2 request As Nantian Rd has been selected the alignment be moved northward to over T-13, the alignment won't pass avoid separating the palace. he palace. uangdong Medical College suggested ue to the existing traffic, it would the Changgang Road alignment for the be difficult to handle the increase in south section. the taffic volume anticipated as a result of the IRR. The environment nd design groups undertook a cific study on this option and esults of the studies indicated that it as not feasible. *:The relevant EP measares are listed in Table 2.1-1. September 1997 29 Guangzhou IRR Envirornmental Action Plan 3. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN Environmental Monitoring is normally undertaken during both construction and operation phases to ensure the effectiveness of mitigation measures, to respond to unanticipated enviromnental concerns at an early stage and to determine the accuracy of impact predictions. Specific monitoring programs are outlined by phase as well as responsibilities for the collection and analysis of data and the reporting requirements. The purposes of the environmental monitoring plan are to a) evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures; b) respond to unanticipated environmental impacts when the IRR is under construction; c) provide supporting information for formulating regulations and improving traffic management and environmental controls, based on monitoring data. The monitoring will be undertaken by Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute. The automated system, as one component of the Proposal for Vehicle Emission Control Research, consisting of the monitoring substations and a controlling center, will be achieved by upgrading two to three existing stations and establishing two new stations. Among the parameters to be monitored are traffic condition factors, emission concentrations of various parameters and meteorological conditions. The establishment of the automated monitoring system will assist the GEPB to understand the dynamics of air quality in the city and the associated contribution of vehicle emissions to the overall air pollution. This resource is necessary to assess the benefits of the other components of the MVPC proposal. In addition, the network will be helpful in the improvement of traffic management, environmental program management, policy perfectness and public awareness. Therefore, the new automated monitoring stations won't be set up exclusively for IRR monitoring. The data from the automated monitoring system mentioned above will be fully utilized for analysis. 3.1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS 3.1.1 Construction Phase Monitoring frequency will be once in a season in the construction phase. Ten sampling points for noise, vibration and 7 sampling points for air quality are proposed: Shamian, Guangzhou Railway Hospitaljust for noise and vibration), Guangzhou Normal Primary School, Hengfu High School, Guangzhou Zoological Gardens, Guangdong Family Planning Research Institute(just for noise and vibration), Guangzhou Railway Dongshan Kindergarten(just for noise and vibration), Dongshan People's Hospital, eastern Baogang N. Road (Shushe Village) and guangdong medical college. Surface water quality monitonng sampling will take place on the upper and lower reaches of renming Bridge, and two locations to be determrined at sensitive construction sites (Figure 3.1-1). 3.1.2 Operation Phase Monitoring frequency will be once in a season in the operation phase. The same ten sampling points for noise, vibration and air quality are proposed for the operation September 1997 30 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan phase monitoring (Figure 3.1-1). No surface water quality sampling is proposed for the operation phase. 3.1.3 Parameters, Frequency And Duration The following table outlines in summary the recommended sampling program for both the construction and operation. Additional details on the proposed monitoring program (including costs) can be found in Section 4.2.5. Table 3.1-1 Parameters, Frequency And Duration PARAMETER FREQUENCY DURATION SITES PHASE RESPON SI- B-IITY Noise Leq 3 day/quarter 06:00 - 22:00 : 10 | construction GESRJ 22:00 - 06:00 10 operation Vibration VLZIO 3 day/quarter 06:00 - 22:00 10 construction GESRI I 1 22:00 - 06:00 10 operation Air Quality TSP I day/quarter 00:00 - 24:00 7 construction GESRI 7 operation dust 7 construction ._____________ ______________ ______________ 7 operation NOx 7 daytquarter I saxnpleM4 hr 7 conrTuction Co _ _I_I _ _ 7 operaion Water Quafiv CG%b TSP, i dayltwitr 2 samplaes/day 4 constructio GESRI OilI Pb, Cu, Cr, 3.2 MONITORING INSTTITUTION The Guangzhou Environmental Scientific Research Institute will be responsible for Environmental Monitoring and reporting throughout the construction and operation phases. Other institutions responsible for aspects related to monitoring and legal action include the Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau and they will provide relevant input to the monitoring reports. A report will be prepared quarterly and one comprehensive repon will be produced annually. Contents of the report will include results of environmental monitoring in comparison to standards for the various parameters, location and sampling time, statistics, analysis and evaluation, and signature. One report will be submitted to each of the following authorities and institutions: Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and IRR Administration Office; the Guangzhou Environrmental Monitoring Center for input to reports on environmental quality in Guangzhou; and the Working Group for the EA on the IRR for further assessment of the completed IRR. September 1997 31 < 1 r j t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~North to rslhey /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - -? l -_ Huenshi Rtd E / |OiE l 8 48 \ ,<|hugongteng Rd ERd. I'~~~~~1 ThujIa go No S Z \ / ;hofgShUlLRd +,. . 0 0 < Duob oRd I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ \ t 9 4 _ J e J<~ ~~~~~~uenhi d scZhu:1 :4o000 /iS C Z < _ i No Vaon an r U"r>X$ tti0|490\ \ i5L * tg / * WaleRW uality(Conaiucton only) Figure3.1-1 Location of Proposed Monitoring Sites. WI 3.1-1 RTd'We*I r s > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guangzhou [RR Environmental Acfion Plan 3.3 MONITORING DATA MANAGEMENT The IRR monitoring data is very important for the future environmental management of transportation. It will be utilized to determine the accuracy of the environmental quality predication and provide scientific basis for formulating or modifying environmental management measures in future. As a result, it is proposed to set up the database of IRR environmental monitoring data. Report Format and Timing Contents of Report: Original readings, including parameters, sampling sites and timing, statistics, environment quality assessment and analysis, and signature Report Timing: quarterly reports and annual comprehensive report Report Receivers Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau, IRR Management Office and World Bank as the primary receivers, the EA team for environmental impact assessment. September 1997 32 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan 4. IMPLEMENTATFON OF THE ENWIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN 4.1 SCHEDULE AND RESPONSIBLE INST1I TU ONS 4.1.1 Schedule The engineering work of IRR is expected to start in the end of 1998 and construction will cover 3 years. The implementation schedule for the EAP is shown in Table 4.1-1. Table 4.1-1 Schedule for Implementation ofEAP COMPONENT 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 RESPONSIE 1 3 4 _ 2 i31g 4 _ _ 3 4 _ 2 3 4 I | 2 1 3 4 sslcro Environmental _ _ Vs) GEPB Training(5ys for Contractors Overseas Training GESRI Purchasing and GESRI Preparation of Monitoring Monitoring- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GESRI Consruction Phase Implementation of ------- IRR Project Noise Olc Reduction (9 mcqsLer Office Tree Planting _ _IRRPject Office Monitoring- G - |ESRI Operation Phase _ I 4.1.2 Institutions Responsible for the Implementation of Major Mitigation Measures The National Enviromnental Protection Law stipulates that design, construction and operation of environmental protection measures must be executed at the same time as the design, construction and operation of any construction project. The environmental mitigation measures identified in the IRR EA Report and this document will be implemented in the following manner: Mitigation measures for noise pollution: * The Guangzhou NMunicipal Design Institute (a part of the GEMB) will be responsible for the design of the sound absorbing pavement and noise barrier. The construction of the sound absorbing pavement and noise barriers will be an integral part of the construction contract(s) for the road sections and the September - ?97 33 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan contractors will have contractual obligations to implement the mitigation measures. The IRR Construction Administration Office will be responsible for determining contractors for the installation of double glazed windows. Special design for the road section in front of the People's Congress: * The Municipal Design [nstitute will be responsible for the design which hannonizes with the architectural style of the People's Congress buildings. The contractor wrho will construct the road section will be responsible for implementing the special design. Tree planting: * The IRR Engineering Office and Construction Administration Office will be responsible for the tree planting required by the EAP. The GESRI and the GMDI will provide assistance to project office on supervising contractors for the acceptance of any engineering and construction work required for the above-mentioned EAP mitigation measures. Preparation of bid documents: The Project Office will ensure mitigation measures outlined in this EAP are incorporated into the contact documents. 4.2 Cost Estimates 4.2.1 Noise Mitigation Based on the preliminary design of the IRR and proposed mitigation, Tables 4.2-1 to 4.2-3 provide an estimate of the cost for noise mitigation. These estimates may change as the mitigation is refined during the detailed design of the project. Table 4.2-1 Estimated Costs for Noise Reduction Measures at Sensitive Receptors Along the IRR (Phase 1). Sensitive Sound Noise Double Increased Increased Reference cost, Receptor Absorbing Barrier Glazed Divider Guide Rail Note (Cross Estimate Pavement (m) Window Height Height Section #)2 RMB (length-m) (in2) 1.8m (m) 2.0m (m) (10,000) Shamian Island 8500 m2 204 (1200 mX Guangzhou Railway 2500 M2 13 Kindergarten (300 m) #2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 62.5 Guangzhou Railway 70 Hospital I I I I I I September 1997 34 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan Sensitive Sound Noise Double Inaceased .reased Reference Cost' Receptor Absorbing Barier Glazed Divider Guide Rail Note (Cmss Esimate Pavement (M) Wmdow Height Height Section #)2 Rl __ength-n) . (m_2 1.8mm (m) 2.Om (m) (10,000) Guangzhou 5000 mrn Railway (200 m) 3 120 Kindergarten #4 Huangsha Avenue 5600 mi2 96 137.3 Primary (200 m) School Huanshi W. Road Primary 677 (No 1) School Guangzhou 712.8 Nonnal 14000 m2 350x2. (734) 350x2.5 72 4 (734.9) College (500 m) 5 (No. 1) Pnnmary School Guangzhou Skin Disease 136 500x2 (No. 3) Control Institute__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Guangzhou 11000 365.6 Chinese (500 m) 750 Medical Hospital # 2 Hengfu High 6500 52 123 159.7 School (250 m) _ _ Municipal High School 7100 m2 555+ 200x2 (No. 4) 225 Xinghai (200 m) 264= Musical 819 School Guangzhou Zoological 21320 m2 600,+ 1000+40 (No. 2) 1192.7 Garden (I600 m 100 0 Donghuan 5940 m 200x3 (1365) 200x3 4 325.6 High School (300 m) (No. 5) (366.6) Guangzhou High School (No 6) #62 . Guangzhou 7000 m2 300x2 83 215 Railway (300 m) Dongshan Kindergarten Dongsha People's 5320 m2 300x2 (618) 300x2 4 370.7 Hospital (300 m) (No. 7) (389.2) Zhongshan Rd. 2 Primary 3280 m2 400 (713) 400 4 240.7 School (250 m) (No. 8) (262.1) Caivuandong Kindergarten _ Relocation | Total Estimated _ . _ 4432.9 September 1997 35 Guangzhou IRR Enviromnental Action Plan Sensitive Sound Noise Double Increased Increased Refcrence Cost' Receptor Absorbing Barrier Glazed Divider Guide Rai Note (Cross Estimste Pavement (M) Wmdow Height Height Section #)2 RMB (lengtb-m) (n') 1.8m (m) 2.Om (m) (10,000) Cost (4535.8) Notcs: 1. See Table 4.2-3 for basis of cost esimates. 2. Number in brackets refers to Cross Section Drawings (Figures 2.1-2 - 2.1-j) 3. Building to be rebuilt and cmpensmtion provided 4. Double glazed windows will be instaled if predicted noise leIels can not be met after mitigation applied Addibtimal costs and estimate of requirernent in brackets. Air conditioning will be considered if double-glazed windows are is instaled. S. Costs lor relocation and compensation are not incfuded 6. All the cost will be integallh arranged by the Protect OfiEcc Table 4.2-2 Estimated Costs for Noise Reduction Measures at Sensitive Receptors and Residential Buildings Along the IRR (Phase 2). Sensitive Sound Noise Double Increased Increased Reference Cost, Receptor Absorbiig Barrier Glazed Divider Guide Rail Note Estimate Pavement (m) Window Height Height (Cross RMB (length-m) (in) 1.8m (m) 2.0m (m) Section#) (10,000) Guangzhou High School #50 Guangzhou 3900 m 2 93.6 High (250 m) School #1 Binjiang C. Rd. Primary 2400 in2 300 (452) 300 300 3 186 Schood#2 (300 m) (199.6) Guangdong Medical 5000 rn2 808 144.2 Colege (250 m) Renhezbi Primary 5000 m2 800 133.1 School (250 m) Residential Buildings Adjacent to 12000 5lOx2 30012 510x2 4 2101.6 IRR (5002 (900 i :) A p Is) _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Estimated 2771.3 Cost _____ ____________________ 748 Notes: l. See Table 4.2-3 for basis of cost estimates. 2. Costs for relocation and compensation are not included. ; . Double glazed wvindos will be installed if predicted noise levels can not be met after mitigation applied. Additonal costs and estimate of requirement in brackets. Air conditioning will be considered if double-glazed Additional windowws are installed 4. Includes costs for installation of air conditioning for up to I(K)O RMBlsousehold. 5. All the cost will be anrranged by the Project Office. Table 4.2-3. Basis orCost Estimates for Noise Control Measures ITEM (unit) UNIT PRICE NOTES Sound Absorbing Pavement (mn) 240 Incremental Cost Noise Barrier (m) - 3300 Cost estimate assumes a Type A Noise Barrier Zoo structure 4800 RMB/m September 1997 36 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan rTEM (unit) UlNIT PRICE NOTES (RUB) 5 m high baer an extra 300 RMB/m Double Glazed Windows (min) 300 Assumes each household has 6 m' of windows Increased Road Divider Height (rn2) 750 Height increased to 1.8 m Increased Guide Rai Height (m) 230 Height increased to 2.0 m A summary of the cost estimate for noise mitigation measures for the sensitive receptors, such as hospitals, schools, kindergarten etc., and for the first row of buildings along the IRR is shown in Table 4.2-4. Table 4.2-4 Cost Estimate for Noise Mitigation (excluding compensation). MITIGATION MEASURE COST ESTIMATE (RMB 10,000) Noise Barriers 1,553.28 DoubJe Windows 1,673.38 Sound Absorbing Pavement 3,152.64 Increased Road Divider and 941.3 Guide Rail Total Estimated Cost 7,320.6 4.2.2 Tree Planting The cost for tree planting along the IRR is shown in Table 4.2-5. Table 4.2-5 Cost for Tree Manting ROAD SECTION LENGTH OF COST TREE PLANTING (RMB (m) 10,000) Meidong N. Rd. 1,990 119.4 Meidong Rd. 795 47.7 Zhongshan Rd. I - 3,290 197.4 riangwan Xiin Chen T13 930 55.9 Nantian Rd. 2,600 156 Other sections 100 Total 676.3 Estumate based on RMB 6(KM per meter. 4.2.3 WvVater Pollution Control In order to prevent mud, sand and construction material flowing into drainage and water courses, runoff during construction will be controlled by contractors. Since control of runoff is the responsibility of the contractor, the cost for this part has not been estimated. 4.2.4 Experts Consultation and Lectures For the Environmental Protection issues related to roads, the domestic and foreign experts will be invited to give subjective lectures on Environmental Protection, and September 1997 37 Guangzhou [RR Environmental Action Plan introduce the advanced experience, so as to raise the work ability and managerial level of related personnel. The plan is shown in Table 4.2-6. Table 4.2-6 The Plan Of Experts Consultation and Lectures Contents Number of experts Duration Cost(10,000 yuan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~RMB) * Environmental protection knowledge 2(domestic) I month 5.90 and pollution management * Pollution control, Environment 2(toreign) I month 30.8 monitoring and assessment Total: 36.70 4.2.5 [uspection The relevant specialized technical personnel and managerial personnel will be sent to study experience of vehicle emission control in Beijing, technologies of viaduct noise control in Shanghai, and some experience of road noise barrier in Xian. As for as overseas inspection, they will study the advanced technologies of vehicle exhaust purification facilities, technologies of noise reduction on sound absorbing pavement, technologies of road noise barrier and the protection measures for the impact acceptors along roadsides; they will also study and inspect the protection measures for the cultural and heritage resources along roadsides, and the method and experience of public consultation. The plan can been seen in Table 4.2-7 Table 4.2-7 The Plan of Inspection Impection contents Inspectors Places Cost(10,000 yuan RM) X Treatment techniques for noise 4(domestic) Beijing, 5.00 Shanghai, Xan - Treatment techniques and management 3(overseas) Japan, Hongkong 20.00 for Environment Protection . . Total: 25.00 4.2.6 Training In order to raise the level of professional and managerial staff, they need to upgrade their knowledge in the areas listed in Table 4.2-6. An overseas training program is proposed for 6 Environment Protection professional technical and managerial personnel from GESRI, etc. Contractors enviromnental awareness and appropriate knowledge of environmental protection is critical to the successful implementation of the EAP. A domestic training program is proposed to train contractors who will be involved in the IRR construction and EP professional staff from managerial organization involving in IRR operation September 1997 38 Guangzhou [RR Environmental Action Plan International Training Table 412- International Training TRAINING ON Urban Noise Control Techniques Environmental Impact Assessment Metbodologies on Risk Assessment Public Consultation and Evaluation Geographical Information Systems for environrmental decision making and analysis Vehicle Emission Testing and Polution Control Technologies Pollution Prevention Through Traffic Management Water Pollution Control Appcation of eco_noc policies fr Envionmental Magement Optimization technis and cost Benefit Analysis Monitoring and modeling of urban transport pollution TRAINING NST1TUTIONS Overseas (e.g. Canada) NUMBER OF TRAINEES 6 TRAING PERIODS 6 weeks A six-week overseas training program is proposed to provide Chinese trainees fromn above organizations with practical, hands-on experience and skills related to enviromnental management of urban transport or similar projects. The objectives of this training program will be accomplished through technical sessions, institutionuI visits (environmental regulatory agencies, research labs, and universities), field trips (to environmental facilities and project sites) and informal discussions and hands-on practical expenence through placement at offices of enviromnental consulting firms. Such a training program will enhance the technical, manageral and operatonal skills of the trainees. They will be exposed methodologies for environmental assessment and monitonng of projects relevant to urban transport. They will observe vehicle testing and pollution control technologies, the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for environmental decision maldng analysis and noise and air pollution modeling. Furthermore, the training will provide the trainees with the skills required to enhance the successful implementation of the IRR and other projects. 4.Z.6.2 Domestic Training Program It is critical to train contractors and IRR administrative staff who will be involved in the construction and operation of the IRR. Without appropriate enviromnental awareness and knowledge and skills required for the implementation of the mitigation measures, it would be difficult for contractors to implement effective environmental protection measures. A taining program wil train the contractors prior to the commencement of any project activities. A summary of this program is presented in Table 4.2-9 and associated costs for both programs are shown in and Table 4.2-10. September 1997 39 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan Table 4.2-9 Domestic Training # ~~~~~~~~~~contractors| TRAINIG NEEDS environmental laws and regulations On construction environmental monitoring guidelines, pollution prevention measures and techniques during construction phase lTRARINSG AUJTHORITY Guangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau NTUBER OF TRAINES 16 DURATION 10- 15 days Table 4.2-10 Estimated Costs for Training Country/Citv Duration People cost, (days) ' (MB 10.000) Guangzhou 15 16 12.6 Overseas 45 6 64.2 Total I_I 76.8 4.2.7 Equipment and Implementation of Monitoring Programs Purchase of Equipment Additional equipment will be required for comprehensive monitoring of the Project. The estimated cost for this equipment is summarized in Table 4.2-1 I. Table 4.2-11 Equipment Required and Estimated Cost Instrument Unit Price Total Cost' Infrared Analyzer (Type 48) 1 20 20 Gas Chromatography I 40 40 Liquid Chromatography 1 60 60 Vibration Analyzer I1 17 17 Total 137 , (RWf3-1,(fK)) 4.2 7.2 Implementation of Environmental Monitoring Programs Costsfor sample analysis Cost estimation is based on the Standard Clause of Guangzhou Environmental Monitoring [ 1 996] No. 56 Seotember 1997 40 Guangzhou IRR Environmeral Action Plan Table 4.2-12 Cost for monitoring and analysis Phase Parameter Monitoring Samples Frequency Unit Price Sub-total Cost Sites per Days/Event Events/ Events/yr for Analysis for Analysis quarter Event (RMB) (RMB) Construction TSP 7 1 I 1 4 495 13,580 Pb Dust 7 1 1 1 4 905 25,340 NO, 7 4 7 1 4 40 31,360 CO 7 4 7 1 4 37 29,008 CODMu 8 2 1 I 4 53 3,392 TSS 8 2 1 1 4 55 3,520 Oil 8 2 I 1 4 57 3,648 Pb 8 2 1 1 4 70 4,480 Cu 8 2 1 1 4 70 4,480 Cr 8 2 I 1 4 70 4,480 NI 8 2 1 1 4 70 4,480 Zn & 2 1 1 4 70 4,480 Noise 10 3 3 1 4 13 4,6S0 Vibration 10 3 3 1 4 26 9,360 Total(annual) 146,288 Operation TSP 7 1 1 1 4 495 13,580 Pb Dust 7 I I 1 4 905 25,340 NO., 7 4 7 1 4 40 31,360 CO 7 4 7 1 4 37 29,008 Noise 10 3 3 1 4 13 4,680 '%Vibration 10 .3 3 1 4 26_ 9,360 Total(annual) 113,328 Notes: l. Cost for sampling, sample petxmi and sample analysis ae inclAced i the pric of data analysis 2. TSP is sampled y nmAdin volume sampter Z4 hous a day, and cost is 20 RMBlbr. Pb is sampled by high volume sampler Z4 bors a day, and cost is 3 RMSB. 3. Water quality mmuitoring an Pearl River will be done during constuction pbase only, four imes a vear Two water quality sanpling stations with verical sampling points at each location w%ill be chosen. Snmples will be taken duinng the tide nsing and uide ebbing. Sampling wiv last one day. Labor Cost Air quality monitoring Each monitoring location will require two persons; one responsible for NO, and CO sampling and the other for TSP and Pb sampling. Three drivers are required during the construction phase and hvo during operation. The total cost is summarized in Table 4.2-13. Table 4.2-13 Annual Labor cost for air quality monitoring Phase Parameters Personslsite Sites Days/event Events/qr Events/y Cosi/personlday Cost Construcfion CO, NO,7 1 9 | 4 160 40,320 TSP 1 |_ 7 3 | 1 4 160 13,4401 Drivers 3 I_1__ 9_ _ 1 4 J 160 17,280 Total 71,040 Operation CO,NO, I 7 | 9 | 1 | 4 160 40,320 i TSP 1 I 7 3 1 4 160 13.440 September 1997 41 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Acion Plan Phase Parameters Persons/site Sites 1Days/eventEvensl/qr rvaes/yj Cost/person/day Cost Drivers 3 1 9 1 4 160 171280 Total 71.040 Water quality monitoring Each monitoring section will need four persons for water quality monitoring of Pearl River. One person will be responsible for one discharge point of a construction site. One driver is required. The total cost is provided in Table 4.2-14. Table 4.2-14 Annual Labor cost for water quality monitoring Phase Persons/site Sites Days/event Events/qr Events/ Cost/person/day 1 Cost . yr Construction 4 2 3 I 4 1 60 15,360_ 1 2 3 1 4 160 3,840 Total 19,200 Noise and vibration monitoring Each monitoring location requires four persons responsible for noise and vibration monitoring. Three drivers will be required dunrng both construction and operation phases. The total cost is summarized in Table 4.2-IS. Table 42-15 annual Labor cost for noise and vibration monitoring Phase Components Persons/site Sntes Dlaysevent Evensqr Events / cost J - . Eyr personld Construction Noise&Vibration 4 1 0 5 1 4 160 128,000 Drivers 3 5 j 1 4 160 9,600 Total 137,600 Operation Noise& Vibration 1 4 | 10 i 5 1 4 | 160 128,000 Drivers 3 5 1 4 160 9,600 !_________ Total 137,600 Total cost for monitoring labor TABLE 4.2-16 Annual Labor Cost For Monitoring Components Phases Constuction Opeiation Noise & Vibration 137,600 137,600 Air QualitY 71,040 71,040 Water Quality 19,200 Total 227,840 208,640 Cost of transportation September 1997 42 Guangzhou IRR Environrnental Action PLan TABLE 42-17 ANNUAL COST OF TRANSPORTATION DURING MONITORING Phase Component # Vehicles Cost/vehicle/d Daysevent ventqr Event/yr Cost RMB Construction Air Quality 3 350 7 I 4 29.400 Water Quality 1 350 1 1 4 1,400 C (boat) 2000 1 I 4 8,000 Noise/Vibration 3 350 3 ] 4 12,600 Total 51,400 Operation AirQuality T 3 - 350 7 1 T 4 29,400 Noise/Vibration 3 350 3 1 4 12,600 Total 42,000 Cost Summnary The total cost for noise reduction measures, planting, training and equipment purchasing is summarized in Table 4.2-18, the total cost for environmental monitoring during construction phase(in 3 years) is summarized in Table 4.2-19, the total cost for environmental monitoring during operation phase(in 2 years) is summarized in Table 4. 2-20. Table 4.2-18 The total cost for noise reduction measures, planting, training and equipment purchasing (10,000 RMB) Components Sub-component cost Cost Sub-total North South Secfion _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~section ___ Nois Contrul Noise Bariacs 1,162.36 390.92 1,553.28 Double WindIows 1243.70: 429.68 1,673..3S Sond Absorbmg Pavemnxm 2,567.04 585.60 3,152.64 1cased Road Divider& 796.70 144.60 941.30 Guidc Rail Landscaping Trce Planting 608.67 67.63 676.30 Training Domestic& Foreign 141 141 Purchase of 137 137 Total .W. 6,656.47 161.43 8,74.9 Table 4.2-19. the total cost for environmental monitoring during construction phase in 3 years(10,OOORMB) Item Cost in North Sebton Cost in South Section Sub-total Samplc Analysis 11.5112 3.1176 14.6288 Labor 18.002 4.782 22.784 Transport 4.048 1.092 5:14 Site Rental 12.39 2.73 15.12 Power Cost 0.42 0.08 0.50 Equipment Repairing 3.4 0.20 3.60 Data Processing 8.5 1.02 9.52 Reporting 21.65 3.15 24.75 Average annual cost 79.8712 16.1716 96.0428 Total 239.6136 48.5148 288.1284 September 1997 43 Guangzhou IRR Environmental Action Plan Table 4.2-20. the total cost for environmental monitoring during operation phase (10,OORMB) Item Cost in North Sewion Cost in South Sedion Sub-toal SampleAnalvsis 8.2152 3.1176 11.3328 Labor 16.0800 4.782 2.864 Transport 3.1080 1.092 4.2 * Site Rental 11.13 2.42 13.55 Power Cost 0.34 0.06 0.40 Equipment Repairing 3.40 0.20 3.60 Data Processing 6.2 1.05 7.25 Reporting 17.15 J 3.15 20.3 Average annual cost 65.6252 15.8716 81.4968 Total(in 2 years) 131.2504 31.7432 162.9936 September 1997 44