94985 fflTEGRATEDSAFEGUARDSDATASHEET CONCEPT STAGE D ate ISDS p repared/Updated: 29 - August - 2014 I . BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country: Burkina Faso Project ID: P149434 Project Name: Local Forest Communities Support Project (FYIS) (Pl49434) Task Team Leader: Mbaipor Lucienne Estimated Appraisal Date: 15-January-20 15 Estimated Board Date: 15-May-20 15 Managing Unit: GENDR Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Sector: General agriculture, fishing and forestry sector (80%);Public administration-Agriculture, fishing and forestry (20) Theme: Decentralization (P);Participation and civic engagement (P);Other rural development (S) Financing (in USD MiUion) Financing Source Amour t BORROWER/RECIPIENT oo.o p Strategic Climate Fund Grant 4.5P Financing Gap o.op Total 4.s p Environmental Category B - Partial Assessment Is this a Repeater project? No B. Project Objectives The proposed Project Development Objective is to develop the capacity and support specific initiatives of local communities living in and around forests in Burkina Faso and to strengthen the r participation in FIP and other REDD+ processes at the local level. C. Project Description • The global DGM program document has been prepared and country-level projects will reflect key elements ofthe global design with country-specific features as necessary. • The DGM envelope for Burkina Faso has been established at US$4.5 million. The project will be implemented over a five-year period, from 2015 to 2019. C. Project Description I. Project Description 8. The global DGM program document is being prepared and country-level projects will reflect key elements of the global design with country-specific features. The indicative DGM envelope for Burkina Faso is $4.5 million. The project will be implemented over a five-year period from 2014 to 2019. 9. The project will have the following two components: • Component 1 : Development of managerial, technical capacities and skills of local people and local communities: this component will be available to support ·the training in leadership development, conflict resolution and negotiations skills to ensure active participation in initiatives related to natural resource-based mitigation and adaptation to climate change, training and capacity development for securing and strengthening customary land tenure and resource rights and traditional forest management systems of indigenous peoples and local communities and for reducing cultural, social, economic and policy barriers to such rights and to the continuance and enhancement of traditional forest management systems ; • Component 2 : Promotion of eco11omic activities and rural livelihoods : the grant will support in sustainable management and development of natural forests as well as restoration and natural regeneration of previously degraded or converted forests; economic activities and rural livelihoods practices such as putting in place infrastructures and equipment for production, transformation and conservation of product, modem livestock (breeding), support to forage crop. Further details on activities and funding allocation will be developed during project preparation in consultation with communities in the target areas, in discussion with the National Steering Committee. D. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) The project will have interventions at the national and sub-national levels. National level interventions will occur predominantly in Ouagadougou while investments at the local level will occur in 5 Regions and 32 communes (26 rural and 6 urban) that border classified fore t and woodland areas (East, le Nazinon, la Boucle du Mouhoun, Far-South and Bontioli). 11~ exact locations for specific investments are not yet known. E. Borrowers Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies The Civil Society Organization current capacity to manage environmental and social World Ban~ policies remains limited. A broad capacity assessment will be carried out and measures taken. Tr~ Government and the Bank are preparing a Forest Investment Operation on which the current proje t will be blended. Most of the policies trigger under the FIP project will be applicable to this projec . The proposed project will support environmental and social training to Civil SoCiety Organizatio n with the aim to ensure effective implementation of the Environmental and Social safeguards policie . In addition, the National Execution Agency will receive adequate guidance from the Bank s safeguards specialist project team. F. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team • Emeran Serge Menang Evouna, Environmental Safeguards Specialist (GENDR) • Joseph Ellong, Social Safeguards Specialist (GSURR) Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) Environmental Assessment OP/BP Yes The project activity under sub component 2 will 4.01 support sustainable management and development of natural forests as well as restoration.and natural regeneration of previously qegraded or converted forests, economic activities and rural livelihoods practices such as putting in place infrastructures and equipments for production, transformation and .conservation of product. These activities may have environmental impacts even at very small and limite< scale. An ESMF for the FIP-Decentralized Forest and Woodland Management Project (Pl43993) will be prepared, consulted upon, and disclosed in the country and at the InfoShop prior Appraisal mission. Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 Yes While the project will take place in natural habitats, project activities will not be undertaken near or inside critical ecosystems. As the project will enhance the quality ofthe management of forest and woodlands, particular attention will be paid to these ecosystems. The conception of the subprojects will avoid any threa to critical ecosystem. The ESMF to be elaborated in accordance with OP4.01 for: the FIP project will provide guidance on avoiding or mitigating impacts or natural habitats. · Forests OP/BP 4.36 Yes No activity of the project is expected to promote timber exploitation or to finance activities which will contribute to destroy the forest. OP4.36 is triggered to underscore the attention that must be paid to aspects related to the protection of the forest resources during project preparation and implementation. Improving Forestry management policies is a primary focus of this project. While the project will explore integrated forest management as part of a strategy of increasing carbon sequestration potential the main expected result is improved forest management. The ESMF of the FIP project includes guidance on managing forestry issues. Pest Management OP 4.09 No This policy is not triggered but the project activities will encourage the use of biological pest management best practices. Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP Yes This policy is triggered because the project will support 4.11 under Component 2, construction of infrastructures and forages that may need earth excavations. In addition, Burkina Faso has a rich cultural heritage that needs to be preserved. The ESMF that will be prepared for the PIP-Decentralized Forest and Woodland Management Project (P143993) will cover this aspect. Chance finds procedures will be incorporated into civil works contracts and buffer zones will be created to avoid any damage to cultural resources such as sacred forests and graveyards. The project implementation team wi II be extra vigilant to ensure that project activities do not affect such sites. In addition, the project will work closely with local populations who continue to apply r itual forest fires. Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 No There are no Indigenous Peoples in the project area. Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP Yes No involuntary resettlement is anticipated; however, 4.12 because of the possibility for limitation of access (essentially related to the possible impact on trad itional transhumance corridors and grazing lands) a process framework for the FIP-Decentralized Forest and Woodland Management Project (P143993) will be prepared, reviewed, approved and disclosed in the targeted areas and at the InfoShop. This process framework will be applied to the DGM project. Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No N/A Projects on International Waterways No N/A OPIBP 7.50 Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP No NIA 7.60 Piloting the Use of Borrower No NIA Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects (OP/BP 4.00) III. SAFEGUARD PREPARATION PLAN A. Tentative target date for preparing the PAD Stage ISDS: QER tentatively scheduled for November 5, 2014 B. Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed. The specific studies and their timing should be specified in the PAD-stage ISDS. The Project will use the safeguards documents of the FIP project which will be implemented in the same area as the PAPF. The project has been transferred to the GP team. IV. APPROVALS Task Team Leader: Name: Lucienne Mbaipor '~~~ 'hO - - 2 }~I 15 Approved By: Regional Safeguards Coordinator: Sector Manager: f,Name: Benoit B quet 'Os' .5n ~_ . C h~ -f" Date: ol/ 23 J20 J5