STATUTORY UDIT REPORT To, · The Mission Director, State Health Society, Maharashtra Mumbai Introduction We have audited the accompanying expenditure statements / financial statements of the RCH Program Phase-II, Routine Immunisation, Pulse Polio Immunisation and Additionalities under NRHM including National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) and all the NationahDisease Control Programmes i.e. RNTCP--I financed under World Bank Credit No'. 5376-IN. NLEP, 100, IDSP and NVBDCP (World Bank Cr. No. No. 2964-IN) and all Non-Communicable Control Programmes i.e NPCB, NPCDCS, NTCP, NPCD_,_ (Deafness), NPHCE, . · NMHP, NOHP etc. implemented through the 'Maha~ashtra,.- State Health Society, Mumbai as of 31!! March, 2018. , 'Our' responsibility is to expr~ss · an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Scope We conducted our audit in accordance with standards on auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit a1$o· . includes assessing the accounting ·. principles used and significant estimates •made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our op'ir)ion. 1 ' ,. t . ' Opinion , a. The statements of account dealing with this report i_nclu~e funds received ' from World Bank under RNTCP-II (Cr. No. 5376-IN). b. The audited _financial statements include funds received from the Asiah Development Bank under "suppornnq Natlonal Urban Health Mission-Results Based Lending", Loari#3257 dated July28"' 2015", and' amounts claimed · under the loan are eligibl'e for.financing under the credit arrangements. The· expenditure as mentioned in the respective schedule for NUHM .has been incurred during the year under review for the National Urban Health Misslon by the SHS from all sources of funds lncludinq loan proceeds, and allocation for use of loan proceeds' has not been showp sep'aratelf. . . s & ·.!' ~G ,.. ~r "'o c. The audited financial statements include ft.inds Development Bank under "Supportjng · National Uffian Results Based Lending" , Loan # 3257 dated July 28, 2015 ., and amot,fhts claimed under the loan are eligible for financing under the credit arrangements. The expenditure as mentioned in the respective schedule for NUHM has been incurred during the year under review for the National Urban Health Mission by the SHS from all sources of funds including loan proceeds, and allocation for use of loan proceeds has not been shown separately. d. We have obtained all the informations and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the· purpose of our examination. e. In our opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the State Health Society" so far as appears from our examination of the books . ., f. The statements of account dealt with in this report are in agreement with the books of account of State Health Society. g. Financial Statements of the State is the consolidated Financial Statements of· the State and District Societies and other related units. h. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations giveh to us the said consolidated accounts of ·the State .and District Societies, gives the lnformatton in the manner so required and giv.e a . true and fair view:- 1. In the case of the balance sheet, of the State of affairs of the Society as at 31st March, 2018. 2. In the case of the Income and Expenditure. Account of the excess of income over expenditure / deficit of income over expenditure for the year ended on that date. , · 3. In case of Receipts and Payments Account of the receipts and payments during the year ended on that date. i.' In addition with respect to FMR/SOEs, adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank for reimbursements of expenditures incurred; i j. The expenditures so claimed are eligible for financing under the Credit Agreement; and However, FMG, SHS has informed us that, copy of Credit Agreement with respective agencies are with MOHFW, Go! and not with SHS, Mumbai. Hence, we could not comment on the same. k. Procurement of goods and services has been carried out as per the Procurement manual by Central/ State guideline. "'· Your's faithfully For, TACS & Co. Chartered ccountants (CA Rajesh o e Partner M. No. 046715 FRN - 115064W ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) " STATE HEALTH SOCIETY MAHARASHTRA (Maharashtra Stale) :ltd Floor. Arogyo Bhavan. Saint George's Hospital Compound. Neer CSI Slahon. Mumbai. <00001 Receipts,. P2~':t. Account for the Year Ended 31-03-2018 Amount in Rupees RECEIPTS Opening Balance Grant-In-aid Misc. Amount of received during Receipts Advances the year (Including Name of the district Cash Bank Sub-Total Other Grants (Includes refunded/adjusted Interest Grand Total chegue received refund of against exp.during or to be received EMO/SD) the year from GOii 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SHSM H.Q. 147392.00 7 404697853. 72 7 404845245. 72 11637352994.00 10852643601.00 89025652.24 1457452333.27 202234314. 7 5 31643554140.98 SHSM • PERIPHERY 5893668722.86 5893668722.86 17214948489.68 231086H212.54 Grant Total 147392.00 13298366576.58 13298513968.58 28852301483.68 10852643601.00 8()025652.24 1457452333.27 202234314.75 54752171353.52 PAYMENTS ciosino Balance Funds utilized/expenses during the year \ Purchase of Advances given Cheques/Draft Name of the district (other than fixed Refund of EMO/SD Refund to State :· Cash Bank Total fixed assets during the year In Hand assets) as shown In the Income & Expendltue a/c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SHSM H.O. 2201753861.10 651689.00 17214948489.68 94937515.00 740436920.09 10279.00 11390815387.11 ') 31643554140.98 SHSM • PERIPHERY j 12771540677.80 1457452333.27 8879624201.47 23108617212.54 - I 14973294538.90 651689.00 17214948489.68 94937515.00 21978892S3.3E 1(1279_00 20270439588.58 54752171353.52 "~cs~ ForTACS ondCo. For, TAC8 6 1,0. v- ( ;vv} ((t ... ti\)~ aA<ar 76646 1446000 888762 633884.00 20 Nashik .70303 873000 765696 37001.00 21 Osmanabad -362095 643229 281134 0.00 22 Part>hani 153200 393000 310069 236131.00 23 Pl.Ile 807038 964000 833243 937795.00 24 Raigad 710193 727000 967924 469269.00 25 Ralnagin 21965 785622 1535022 -727435.00 26 Sangi 108012 584709 2574949 -1882228.00 27 Satara 153173 ~99000 3104117 -2151944.00 28 Sindhudurg 350275 1209318 1559593 0 00 29 SOlapur 139831 824000 1120305 ·156474.00 30 Thane 4119293 1499112 . 3067287 2551118 00 31 Wardha ·523437 1252038 728601 0.00 32 Wastim 14922 308000 317100 5822.00 33 Yavalmal 97120 761903 ·351326 507697.00 34 NVBDCP HQ A 32528066 32528066 0.00 Total 43421114.00 43605228.00 52654911.50 32528066.00 1843364.50 ~~ Director (F&AJ State Health Society Maharashtra ~--· '"''' .,,,,. """"'«''""' Slale Health Society Maharashtra \..:. r--, Schedule VI STATE HEALTH SOCIETY MAHARASHTRA 3rd Floor, Arogya Bhavan, Saint George's Hospital Compound, Near CST Station, Mumbai 1 Schedule of Cash & Bank Balance AS ON 31-03-2018 (in Rs.) Opening Balance os on 01.04.2016 Closing Balance os on 31-03-2017 SI. No. Particular of BoJJk/Cosh ·cash BonK l,;Osn Bonk RMNCH+ 45565.00 4, 163,702.983.94 9424.00 9,909,091,508.83 NUHM 900.407.630.91 175.327.949.91 NDCPs NVBDCP 4356.00 33.343.644.00 595.00 1,413,654.00 RNTCP 69462.00 136. 702,863.00 69.058.306.50 IDSP 523.00 10,676,765.00 152.00 1,368.564.40 NLEP 27.478.00 25.413, 156.00 6,077,838.00 NCO NPCB 8.00 506.886.00 8.00 5.992.599.25 NCD 13.343.427 .87 100.00 19.808,044.22 EPF 35,714.411.00 A YUSH - Other 48.574.913.00 29,992.035.00 13th Finance(IMR) 1,679,544.735.00 1. 136. 970,476.00 Total (A) 147,392.00 7,028,374,176.72 10,279.00 11,390,815,387.11 Director (F&A) Cornmlssione ) & Mission Director (NHM) State Heallh Society Maharashtra State Health ociety Maharashtra /". Schedule VIII ST ATE HEALTH SOCIETY MAHARASHTRA 3rd Floo,. Arogya Shavon. Saint George·s Hospital Compound. Near CST Station. Mumbai 1 SCHE0UlE OF lnle-18 36 000 000.00 36,000,000.00 36,000,000.00 36,000,000.00 11 G.27034/37/20.17-NHM-F-E ( 1621 13-fel>-18 4800000.00 4,800,000.00 4,800,000.00 4,800,000.00 12 G.27034/37/2017-NHM·F-E ( 15-Mor-18 68 700 000.00 68,700,000.00 68,700,000.00 68, 700,000.00 13 IOaenlll• ~c- tlon (161,588,425.09) (161,588,425,09) (161,588,425.09) 1161,588,425.09) 14 NUHM Fund Refu nded 100,100,000.00 (100,100,000.00) (100,100,000.00J TOTAL 332,707,HZ.OO 332,707,332.00 600.5 11,574,91 600,511,57 •. 91 620,069,&40.12 620,069,640,82 100,100,000.00 213,049,266.09 213,049,266.09 11:d mt,t setf tNit the conditions on whkh th• 1rant-in-aid was sanctioned hive bffn dully futfil~d / lfe.belnc futU\led and that I have uerclled the to•owinc checlc.s to see that monl!y was actually utilized for th. purpose for which it was Certified thl t I have 11tlsf sanctioned. Kinds of Checks exercised: 1. Audited by Chartered Account•nt Firm appointed by State He1hh Society, Govt. of Mah1ruhtr1 (name of the Suite), 2. Audfted by Chlrtered Accountant Flrm appointed by Govt. of India. - -fAC.r ~f~~) ~\_t~ ·?,-; ~k ....., ~ ~.Ceo '((\~"' Pinner U Director (Rn) St•te Health Society ~ haruhtra Commlssloner Heahh Suvl