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Modeling the long-term health and cost impacts of reducing smoking prevalence through tobacco taxation in Ukraine (English)

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable premature deaths. Smoking’s effects will continue to devastate lives in many countries, including Ukraine, if measures are not implemented to reduce its prevalence. Tobacco industry tactics can become an important factor in determining the level of cigarette consumption. The present report provides evidence from a modeling exercise undertaken to predict the health and related cost impacts that may stem from...
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Webber,Laura Elaine Irene; Andreeva,Tatiana; Sotomayor Noel,Renzo Efren; Jaccard, Abbygail; Retat, Lise; Xu, Michael.

Modeling the long-term health and cost impacts of reducing smoking prevalence through tobacco taxation in Ukraine (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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