DCG.287/346/01 13I December, 2018 The Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament Parliament of Uganda Kampala REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2018 In accordance with Article 163, (4) of the Constitution of Uganda 1995 (as amended), I forward herewith audited Financial Statements of the above project for the financial year ended 30t' June, 2018 to ether with my report and opinion thereon. John F. S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL Copy to: The Inspector General of Government, Kampala The Hon. Minister of Ethics & Integrity, Kampala The Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Treasury Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing, Urban Development The Accounting Officer, Ministry of Lands, Housing, Urban Development " The Project Coordinator, USMID I THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE UGANDA SUPPORT TO MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT (USMID) PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30T"1 JUNE 2018 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL UGANDA TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMSOFA.R_ ....... O p in iono........ . .... . . . ..... . . . ......n... ... . . ... .... 3 Basis of O pinion... .... ..... .. ... . ........ Key A udit M atters ..... ......... ....... - --............. . 3 Other Matter. .......... ....... 4 * Under-absorption of funds by the Municipal Councils (MCs) ...... ........_4 Other Information ... .......... 5 Responsibilities of the Accounting Officer for the Financial Statements.......................... 5 Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements ........ 6 Other Reporting Responsibilitiesse ............................ LIST OF ACRONYMS Acronym Meaning GOU Governnent of Uganda IEC Information, Education and Communication INTOSA International Organizaton of Supreme Audit Institutions ISSA International Standards on Auditing NBI National Data Transmission Backbone EGI Electronic Government Information PFMA Public Finance Management Act, 2015 TAI Treasury Accounting Instructions UGX U-ganda Shillings USMID Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) Program FlY Financial Year MDA 'Ministry, Department, and other Agencies IDA International Development Association PSU Project Support Unit IFMS Integrated Financial Management System REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF UGANDA SUPPORT TO MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT (USMID) PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2018 THE RT. HON. SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT Opinion I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) Program for the year ended 30th June 2018. These financial statements comprise of the statement of financial position, the statement of financial performance, and cash flow statement together with other accompanying statements, notes and accounting policies. In my opinion, the financial statements of the Uganda Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) program for the year ended 301h June 2018 are prepared in all material respects in accordance with IDA guidelines and the cash basis of accounting as described under Note 2.0 to the financial statements. Basis of Opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs). My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statement's section of my report. I am independent of the Program in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995) as amended, the National Audit Act, 2008, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Parts A and B) (TESBA Code), the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Code of Ethics and other independence requirements applicable to performing audits of Financial Statements in Uganda. I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code, and in accordance with other ethical requirements applicable to performing audits in Uganda. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in my professional judgment, were of most significance in my audit of the financial statements of the current period. I have determined that there are no key audit matters to communicate in my report. Management explained that the funds were meant for implementation of project activities up to December 2018 when the project is scheduled to end. I advised managemenlt to review the project progress with a view of fast tracking its activities and enhancing the PSU absorption capacity. Other Information The Accounting Officer is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the statement of responsibilities of the Accounting Officer and the commentaries by the Head of Accounts and the Accounting Officer, and other supplementary information. The other information does not include the financial statements and my auditors' report thereon. My opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and I do not express an audit opinion or any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with my audit of the financial statements, my responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially consistent with the financial statements or my knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work I have performed, I conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information; I am required to report that fact. I have nothing to report in this regard. Responsibilities of the Accounting Officer for the Financial Statements Under Article 161 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 (as amended) and Section 45 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015, the Accounting Officer is accountable to Parliament for the funds and resources of the USMID Program. The Accounting Officer is also responsible for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2015, and the Financial Reporting Guide, 2018, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the Accounting Officer is responsible for assessing the Commission's ability to continue delivering its mandate, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to affecting the delivery of the mandate of the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) Program, and using the Financial Reporting Guide 2018 unless the Accounting Officer has a realistic alternative to the contrary. 5 Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. I communicate with the Accounting Officer regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I also provide the Accounting Officer with a statement that I have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with him/her all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on my independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. From the matters communicated with the Accounting Officer, I determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. I describe these matters in my auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, I determine that a matter should not be communicated in my report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. Other Reporting Responsibilities In accordance with sections 19 (1) of the National Audit Act, 2008, I report to you, based on my work described on the audit of Financial Statements that the activities, financial transactions and information reflected in the financial statements that have come to my notice during the audit, are in all material respects, in compliance with the authorities which govern them. John F.S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL 10t" December, 2018 7 The Accounting Officer is responsible for overseeing the Commissions' financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAIs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAIs, I exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. I also: * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Program's internal control. * Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. * Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast signiflcant doubt on the Program's ability to deliver its mandate. If I conclude that a material uncertainty exists, I am required to draw attention in my auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify my opinion. My conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of my auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) Program to fail to deliver its mandate. 6 '..verFIntf the RepubIof UgJd oinistry of L Sds, h ousing and Urban )evelopment Uganda Suppon to Municipal Iiurastucti Developmi (1 SMID) Pogram Tl1IIE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA MINISTRY O0 LANDS, l IOUSING AND UIZIBAN DEVIL OPME hNT UGNADA SUPPORT -T) MUNIC1PAI INFRASTRUCTURE DEVIT OPMENT (USMID) PROGRAM ruh Yard1 iadeal St eCnc 218S Ifori i bec Yca 1- liindel 30 j uniiie 2018 Mi ni stry of] 'ands,, I lo ii si ng wid LA-Imii De-, clopine ti t t i-anda )upport io Municipal Ilifi.ýisti,ii(-tìír(, Developinent (US1\11D) Prograni ýtý( I A L rA H ( :-p o [ u jý il I i I r, d t jí1, A , I ì I i: i::" t.,v ;- .. .................. ................ . ...... ... ....... ......... . ...... ..... . ................. . . ..... . .. .. .. ...... ....... ì ............. - ................ ..... ........ ............. ...... . . .... ............ ....... ................... ........ - .. ...... .... ................ ........ .. ... ... . ..... .. . .... ........... ... . 9 A k v -, lia l io ll M :Ilk n lk a l .............. ..... .... .. . ................ j'li S I c ( 1, 1;, ......... .................... .. ........... ý1 C o l-M r ilig P o h k c ,ý ...... ....... .................. ........ )1 be r N 'o fe ', [ o t h e 1 n a lm i;li S i a lc M L ]il ...... .............. ............ .................... sial L-In c ili o l co lli Jjah ilit ýc,ý and ...... ........ .................. Rank Ret oli( iliat ì(m,ý and hý<,t h.mk ýn ý ollints- ... ...... Mini stry of lands, Housing and Urban Deveopment 1ganda Support to uniipal InfdrarUCIlte )evelopmnt (USIID) Progran ST at nit ni Resinsiiliis o to [he Accournting OfIicr T he irancial statoments ri ors kn pangen 9 t11 åhv hcn prep:ared in a rianCC xwith the p i\Djs ni id llic M muc1 \l ngoile ni Ai, 2015 (l rli l Íinnciai si :itt lnt ha\'e hven xepri'l ( ih iidt icei tcsh hairis I iw'ouning amn 13npy W r e gxnraill, ÄC'upr' c LI 1C0 ini g [k-auuiC o 0 n le loili'sp l nu r. U nelr iut in ] lod d coch haså ni ic.offli 1 ng x i lii n s i podUC' fSisaS anel liii C it os a' are ruCog i.t] all 'pre'sentid inihsC l sinn 1 cia vments kn AccoirdicC m\l % proisäns (3 Sct-on -5 ald Schcdlå 5 of åi U Milåt 1ånancc :1:1 ix i t l ni h i'' 0 whixx I f un th ait 1iounting l i 'r. ltiihcr, 1 am r so nisibk h li t h rgroi xt IInps'r ii's (Ii i ii mcx'0 appriat ied 10 xl VOEC w0 xW iHam t1o ACCrunt'Iiiw (Ier. 1m aIko i'Osidh for au"1il$ing any werninkent nCc111 " h t y th oc and Ior rcJn rlitnhng resoirs reikva hud r t die I d b vor n aeCout1, ofi v sot. H inally, i am flspnsibåcä fr put ling in pion cI i(t ss ems of 1'isk irnagCo l and interria ukitO1i in rSccion 4 ( Lol i hu Act rve[årihe Avvotus n' (Aker i oelCer uno, ai ann mJ hdgul PCfo IIAnCC Cr1 e i \th ti li Scret' l h 1 tolit'hr i nu y or uåc sid 1 e i hCM uilling poi er in aklaVerr on l i Si,' o h d i' \M pin o ihurv f\u tor a l i i i'r- SCctioisi 0 ;And 81 ä ie 0h33( rnspIrliraf iv'i 1 3 r [ ni k, o preparC n it l l)iii ha ycA y li iaiLmcd en 27 ?i*N 013 \\ as Je, arec] efluliw 4i11 0 1 eoer 20]. I1lie Program encucd on X "une, 2018 and is k inC een ]O IXrumhC 28 It släml i e 1 Innds, Iemili n v1m1 ae\lpimnll > in e eNCLunilliUL A3ei iCV l ai j la, Sepl ro N;li'ipld ]i. it iie In\a0 e (1 S21l1) InItSriiiii. a i Inu ligfain IDCvKl* nm nt (Ilb hr i VCi 1l enhancc Xh inisliltlinal iapaCity af the 14 M nicipal 1 llal mernlmiIi Vo iimaLnnvm iirl alviC sjuårry. i he Prograims C\CCtcd ojtucoics wc: SITo g hCled uapr il de l pnliipil in ilgiipl li leC ini i hc-,iia ldleglrc ay Urhan 'lning ' and own s I-fCC r en LIC( ) g(.neat iOw io Dinre:e in l, il planied llnhse11tt1c Lmlleelld by lfie Il1 parlicilpaing X l"i i a i å N l , 11x iii) h i di;aiiel apa il fy 0i \ I1 IL' 2 I Viban dlIe l.pent, maa1geCiti and U1ak o g p[mtl,I()'iIic i 1 l vc 1 1,1 i JD l J 0al Ín l I-u l 10 oKý 1,3 I-lR [lm \muiilng ( )Íic w[f Niiì p l n lIds, I lo lisinig anid L åhn 12mmieiŽ ni is lvl1Lii. lc kor o\prål ' i'il s pervi ml (1 S li ugen-ii iCiiCle Ciielit-a l 1[l ii] NIì M il siT\ r 11d[ IHue 1-1 pic i g N Í,i [ :leCs el . ul, Viet ofl C Vul Jai, li mit 1. 1cm1nal j in a, lira, klmä- Msaka, Mbek W MbUfam I Mämi , Sisni, and Tnfofr. The Eive yar pucL f Lm (n in ?Ol 1 11I f 1 0 e lo W c lCeeiiilm , 'cll 20 as plalliCd. 1 I Cl. te See Lnll'iII lcers le le N11 pil 1 eml ic 'rin inalis are :iCe niiliIe r al 11\Ni11 l .11 in e;lF'Ca 1 IL l [sr Le>[3eli'e 'Oli. ii lCCIId'miCe WlilL hablie ui:Íminme ALClut ll ie [mmx (clIl CiI\\IlhIPLINe, Kuy PerfOrnan Idh liän s 1 iii I 11c Irmlinis, peilp , t I i L' 1 i\tl Släs i. Nil (VåsiL5il de l St 50 \Uppn ). The clin; Ulimen si LloacCumuhlaed lpniuiJents 111111 Ile SXL Hlnk el SPR gal X (leve r ku allv pdellei 10 1 \ Ii UH \lälloD, heCncc an (d] åvki el 1 IS [|.8 0 Millie dli lo Fem CxChange [ i hel tii hävvei 1he pein Uffeney SloSDR A i K, lu ni et ~ =lY' L \ (i S Ni l l'l D Oiw ihu \ 1 ýar i-dC \vie , 1bli \\As a |lap lo ý01 \ -isi." Ìatn and Ir a \aa1 m M OPPUìN ILS\ em(9 (1ÌS) \\v, C hk, h l lOa bou( till a c: �.. 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I;' . ]�: �f1�:� �lt�€ЭIiC'I]�7,�1�tia'S. t�7г€'г �1�;:г- 1 t.ьt!;�;�:1 Г�[� u��;;;-�tC1ur,� ��i)t4t1 г.}1� 7�1.�� J�1,1s iIг ��? ��[tt€Эii�i!��.��I { (7ll€7Г1�� Ii! �1ц���7.4�; С'[}I}�`7"���11 Е.` �';'11��7 �i�� all'`:3�]a7']�"� tiLlC�7 Ll5 54?�.L1- �l�.;�7I €17�, ?�1 829 230 5 (>8L4T 7?87 iry joseph l\\l (( IPA, (WIP A MIMargar ia Aun ting (0>)licer i lead oi A cunits For: Program) (Coordinat or 斗戶 för st. 0.- Må= of l Amids, I lutnin,g alld Urb,,(11 ljanda SuMsmi m DJunålml lnkesuu(-ttii-(ý (USNUD) Program MjunåS 301t-in17 (Shs) (S 0) Äý IVily Nci wori 11 Yuar Okl Len: Iranmärr i o i hu I k+ monpr 0 r,r,.viou, ):cw- riiýinucs) IJ c i i i Cu.ý4 (ý i i å i -ý rý 0 CTåråwg) ,cljlltt on i ý j i i i J ý ;A ýAJ i e 111 i t i e ]v uc c, Al KL Incest of nov ni K (mri- 1 6 37,9 51,4 0 3 (9,698,504,512 5) exl lern ior i lic Ycmr Oosi ny Ncl I -i moicial \Vort h 6, 7 2 2,8 9,2 3 0 5,084,877,827 '71 .......... ----------- -i, .. .... 1) A Y any ka\vtllllýl « PA, l 1 11"" Accouriting (Mar l Imal of Sil~ låna lkopgom (luinhneaoi- i Mliii siry of Lanidi s, I iousing and tU irban DevCliopmnlt U gand a Support to MIutnicipal iiifrastrctureI)evelopmntn (U SMIDI ) Progiami Cash lw St at emnt for i hvet" arlnd 2018 2017 Assets Note (UGX) (UGX) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES MDG and MCG Grants Receipts 80,482,376,754 98,098,245,110 Central Government USMID Grants 13,756,471,914 18,360,066,462 Gou Contribufion to VAT on USMID Infra - 21,438,711,900 Cash paymeits to employees and suppliers (12,515 872,625 (_5,6-75254.719) 81,722,976,043 122,221,768,753 (Increase)/Decrease in operating Assets (lncrease)/Decrease in Receivable to Staff 1,270,000 - 15,767,763 [ncrease/(Decrease) in Liabilities - 2,107,600,913 Foreign Exchangc gains 397,352,114 342,14,7/2 Net cash from operating activities 82,121,598,157 124,655,716,675 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Developmient Grants (MDG & MCG) (80,482,376,754) (98,098,245,110) transferred to Municipa! LGS GoU Contribution to VAT on USVID Infrastructure Net cash from Investing activities (80,482,376,754) (119,536,957,010 Net increase/(deerease) in Cash arid 639,221,403 5,118,759,665 Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents at the 1635,/68,16o beginning of the period 5,083,607,827 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of 6,722,829,230 16,754,527,825 the period flsay l ds, I I ousing 'nd UJrb,In f)cvclo)111ct I Zganda Support io Mulnicipal Jifrasonclure Developmem (USMID) Prograin RZ e'onctiliai itoni of i movemnt of easb di uring i hie vear 30-jun 8 30 un 78 A\t th[e enno inghclYcare2yea 5,08-3>,87 6,7 ,272 I~~LJ Cs II ras?r é' hÜ(Tu N Hus Prniou Ybari Iae) :01 )11K 1t nm il PA 11.\ -Ait etS l( 2 va'Jl,'0 2 I\ co i ) -lc ]- I uh to . h IIe 1 (2Iin]tL huhumei cash (qivale)\dunt uuL io a i Ii I æ (Ic»i»'t'cc i h ~h t i 639 22I,4103 ( I1 0 919 999) She ( sh /uow Sti at en At it C end of h bc yea 6 72 829,23 0 5,083 ,607,827 IOi j p<»&N tSCS lO m 11 I JcaS O Sttementi eash ai t nd eaSh CQ\iV:dentis eomnpt-i 30] June 20)18 DC junt 20IS (Shs) (Shv) 6 722 829_229 5,08 3,607,827 DC \ Qr n oeh\ Kaima (( TA *I PEA) MIarga;mret I a a ;\ccoutiig ( )l huer Ilcxad of Aeeettnt s I ni: IPrograrm (-clrina ori i л Nliiiisti-y, änd Ui-ban Dcvclopjucnt I l ~mid a S uppni: to NI tiiii('il)ýll l 1) fi-as truc t in-c t SIN111» Pro-ram .SIW vmenr I)cý-jol-iiiýkilec hasucl on Allninkl Plan and Receipts Note Annual Budget Actual Perf. Varlance IDA - Municipal Development Grants )1 80,482,376,754 80,482,376,754 IDA - Central Government C13 Grants 2,2 19,494,2ý47945 13,756,471,914 5,737,776,031 Total 99 976 624 699 94,238,848,668 5,737,776,031 Payments IDA - Munbpal Development 3-1 Gr,lnts 80,482,376,754 80,682,376,754 cA - MLIHUD CýIPýJ(Jty BL]ilClil'lp, 3,3 Granl-s 19,238,701,85-5 12,51.5,872,625 6,722,829,230 Tota l 99,721,078,60 92,998,249,37 6,722 829 230 Surplus/(Deficit) for the year 1,240,599,289 .................. ------ ------- Accouill ino 01 ficer l Icael ol ,ýceollills 1.()]-: Proormil Coordinalor M inistryX of ILnds, Hiou sinog andc1 Urb)an I)evel opm en t I Iganda S ot tf Mniicipal Infrastructure Developmenit ( SMID) Program D'sigina id Accout Ie-omciliatioii S mtatcmints as at 301'mie, 2018 Mntry o nsHmu- nmgn I Irhan P'rograml ipIlment ing \g'lentev;i''f:iJ.Ht sn i rm Projectt Name: L r ______ ]Developmnt Prgram IDA Credit No- 522 ; I ' n jgTmd A iccunt \ui i\ill, Recdn ation .erpi oid Repvit:lFro l ju1 y 201 to 30t hi2ii D A Deposi Ban Hainlk til I imnda ( I ) Ami nt W: 200810002i C i ifl f D \ [iis Stat1es DIItar. (tSY) Part i ciulars Note- US$ PARkI I wunobt iv, ýda -to the dwinf curren reporing pæriudxl4 3- OutstalI i hl ' advaicce to h< iccoui cd fd r (I 1i11' I Inil i s 6 S,812,247. Une 2) PA RT 11 pv n g \ h banc es at th bw inn re1mpuran5 pnud 5kd" ubwr cum=hahiy Adjis; menv ( any) 6. Add advan Ce4 fr~m \WorIl Q Hk ý dng ur wrentiR, riori;n I tiI 8 Aø n \4 i anid7) 6 m'812,247-78 r ni A halances atrnd c urreikunn rupøoni purod. a, ui [2JIAA7 \L Nik ih rwe: ku u tv xldn u me h ,,n - i any) i p.ru! 扩 NIhåarv of JAtnäs, 11 lousiiig ,tiltl Urbýwi De\ elopnýcnl Vganda stipport U) Munjöpal Infrastructure (USMID) Piogram Par iculi-s Owe t is$ U, ÄJd linc Oanil liln. H 13, Add line- 9 and 12 63,812,247.77 14. Tällärence (äknyp finv 8 måns Ile 1 -3 00) Pit Izi- III 15X km i ål-C Å11101111MO hupmel 15p. \VA NI) ----- «-ýLEIIILIIýtl I VC Adj111SI. 111CHUS) I iC- 1')["'1 a'Jýttsu'L! ltlreuaý4 al 00ý H1,1 0 1-x J-MIKI 1,311 k inc 15A l in,,, Iii'» DA h:Lým)CC Al i cr alj 17. Duvur payns w o i pekyns n i s - ----- ------- ----- 0 CU i Anc 16 an il I i in, i 7 la)- Casål Reell -enlen .11, -om i lic \Voräl i)anlälw i hälli 11:1)0111 ]]g PC1-i 0(1 S' (i Ä 11C 15C ill i 11 LUS I J f Ic I KS) PARJI IV- - -- - ---- - - - --- - -------- 0, 1 )""ý ign ý i i c(1 1311 ri: I ý>ý i i vi cu pc i- e e i i i i i i g re w rel s 21, lle,ilnaick Acc~ IM « as ler hank vikanensni 1156.78 ,3 x).'ýi [.- k 13 1 c, DÅ no! in hank 20 pWI unjerninpå alfa ta 11 indcared El 1 PAYHWIUS l lr)ln ffl lus rclici:Lckl in 1)"tnk Sid-ta ris (23024) Reconewel DA Casli 13alancc 28,221156.78 ----- ----- ........ .......... ---------- 11 0k lialvý _10'ýCpll G, VA, (11 A) Utl ý2"11 f \VaJL13 ký 1 Accollill ing Officer I [(acl oi o 1,: 1, rog n i i i i ( ýo o rd i i i: kl o r r Miinistry of iands, I oIsing and iUrbaii )cvelopmni 1Ugandai Suppori n Municipal nfrastructue )evclopment (1:SMID) Program Ne01's to 1he iancial SLaCeIniles A~cry nt i ny;1 dåiujcs Thms arw i hu mpa in WprineipIen, hans con vunt ins, riules and practices If Inti ernat innal lopmentts Ä ;\lsso lin/\'id Bank hat hte adied by rhe Ministry of 1Lands, ti. sn and 1 rt,i lc tålncnct in preparång and piesning the Omincial sitam ntn Í1 hu prinuipall ý,ccwruniiliis atnpe in rhu Iremjrvjon 4 ihfiew fäarial ti ients are st out belo - Thcs policit's hv bt en conist ently applied in al s reqiredi by I be lV'egalii (lii yanc'ttcing ag'em't h ln the~ Gvermnett'ftgand Asi'nin r e lv 1u I li -eXL s ililthi l iC i C '¯>itir ptr1d incli0ran1 Cil sttul mcn s havC brun rCCrLsuicd to ur tat ffic coriat in wlicl the inblimthm iS presenlcd is cnsisl t W,iti li itti ni1: i litc ciTvrcnl yi l inancill slatcmclts. 7) Rrwannei lRc'ciniuenl'c'sciii t'l.ll:Hìiil , c.Iils.tccImilc'iC l üd[, niE iimcilii [iii'il'ic cliii i \>rs oi l. b d oi cl iii lict' iilc u , \'iciclt'O ituircil ,c all tcd 'lly li as n csfül ti IË CEie ii:y WclCl il is pieiDtL!C dxii in Oul i !t\\ tf CCencrmiv it-Ceul nr 5 Mitiicpal Infar eute 1)evelopment (IISI iI)) Progm Aniexes to (lie Fiancial Stalem tent 2018 2017 (UGX) (UGX) DLn MLIUL[ hcs 1 xecuted Capacity Building Activities for 6,325,504,494 10,270,691,031 iProgramn LG-s [D[l#6 Program LGs with Town 3485,780883 4,168,994,039 Clerks in Place Total 13,756,471,914 10,494,498,533 Not-e 4: Tansle-s Ree ved 1 rom the T reasCrv onsolidated FLnd 2018 2017 (UGX) (UGX) VA1 Relea(sedT by GoU - Total 4,489,744 035.00 TIe funding I lI he Projet wa a l vr -i om IJo A \l r d ak Governmen topped direcu lainding, of \T 0in 14M- M1inistrv of' l and, lo and Irban Developmnullt i inda Suppo t Municipal In fras Y ctu re 1)evelo e (1SMI I) Program AnnexeNs to 1h Fiina ialj SrtaLtementl s \Io i( 5:ri Note 5.1 Transfer of Municipal Development Grants (MDG) to Program Municipal Councils Municipal Council 2018 2017 (UGX) (UGX) Arua 5,218,474,136.00 5,761,392,014.00 En teb be- 4 199,335,795.00 4,716,174,938,00 Fort Portaj or poIa 3,161,370,065.00 3,296,297,262.00 Guluj 18,671,695,901.00 19,664,659,438.00 Hoi a 5,590,205,854.00 6,614,771,497.00 Jinja 5,011,023,566.00 5,119,949,571.00 } sr1 :>Ix> I.li -»i f, i; 2Ai,u'- linistry o' 'iuds, 1lousing and Urban Developmcnt I ýanda Stippor i o Mu k nii I Ifr a Isuct ure Developm1ce11t (t SMJ l) Program) \nnexes o the inaucial Stalenticu Nete 10: St ti neni of cii ingent liabit es and guarani ces - - -n| n -- - i (SL>s> (5[S) ll i' -o un ,D i in in:, n Jt l Domt sin ( jib n ics i Aw cR I( inae~( N nA udmn i( t vil cts1u L lliu s I[ ( - lliIPUti, niauViiii u ih ii (I n NAl: L eriwi (nit min m illng Lesar he yl hor te Ii: St[atjwii ti Oitu s tining oMitil m2etl s T]here \vere [no ttiuit iiFd i:li:i:miliCiliS Il t iløi Fit, »ølS »'tt t: 2 pibilcnit Fis løst dltting t he ijiancial year IciC \\Veril ilii nitFi' it Jiiin ilt0 inanliF ar:I [lFitt SNJL VFlFFl [Ministty of La nMdS, 1 lousing< an(1 Urban I)evelopmicnt Ugandla Support lo M iil Infrastute 1 evelopmei (tSMi)) Program Annexes o ilie Financial Stltemn cnts Note 13: Cash halanc: reportedi in Activity Staueme1t1n CÄAI h1 C i]pnd in m 1i y ,476,690.00 1 '(ANDA St1RT1V O1) MU NICIPAI. INIR ASTRI CIIRI DIEV1 OPMIN - PRKO RAM RE1CONCI Il ATI(ON STA Il lI Nl I OR BANK A( CO NT No. 000120088400024, 1 SMl l) PRIOGRAM (US D(t)LLA R ACCUNI) UiS$ Balmncca pur .o S In m 1,0 _60 lInCC a per I(:l h lt 1,660 92K ij k"W pe -1 t'l ev aI 1 1, 7O>3,6 6 e e)2 37-45 KAMPALA ROAD, P.O. BOX 7120. KAM PALA DIRECT LINE 256-414- 233722 GENERAL LINE 256-414- 258441 FAX LINE 256-414- 259343 TELEX 256-414-61059 CABLES UGABANK Enal info@bou.or.uJg W b Website www.bou.or.ug Va 5,2018 .\ I):stry iLands, i !0ousing and Urban) I)eveilopment 'i iBox 769% KainpalaUganda Certifiça_te of ank Accouni Balances as at tne 30, 2018 R r, eC is made to yor ler Re: A\DM 15/39/01 datrd Julv 2, 2018 (iln the above su blect >1 nd h1n I Hl]c5 \'io IS c. oin thU SCCOtntS hCkl VWith 13a1K Of Ui os ala lS i 3 jUn 001>20J)38DX000031 M WORLD IA AI T IA Y GX00 Al > l'NE lGI SUS'AINABI. DWV PRO'IJ - SO CA NI .ACtSS PLAKii NNING»Vl AN DEV I000 2120880000.58 UGÉX .3,433,8 o,))50 0 ALBEDlINE{ Ri EGK(N SUSTAiAIA.k DEV3 PRO,- I..CA LAC '.%, i ANNIXNG AN]) IEV 00)0120088)4000128 USD 3 75 579) 97 DEVELO] -.1 . 8 AND) AlDMCIN I'TRATION' REFORMI ;( X i 15i8.591,2'Mil9i 000!20006X 89 7 00 COMPH>81I'T]']ENES]S9 AND) NTERPR1I 1018 25 DE2V] WIiN I I AND) AI)MINiTRATiIN R20RM LU]) 265,28022 UGANDA SUP]OT TO7 MIC KA1] INFRiA%'zR4L¾ TIR) DEVELOPIIi)JMENTi(USM) D) MI00 120088400)02) INER1ASTiRLCTURE DV' EVE)OPMNTI(iSMi I USDY I70 i 9 AND1%)]íE R NE'I 15 AlXNDA i iLI 000 0088)0A%'i)'l05ARX X iU 2: !I.»"I)I)t' I 1-ui 05 l a l he vcois ef the slatmint of accounts for eanse of reference. TIot Sekiri Adrian Mwiine _.Director Ag. Assistant Director Cop Ao 1 A c cuntan General, Mo -eAPcD The Auitori Gee raT, Office of the Audliter Genera!