'Share - People, Perspectives, Skills, Knowledge, Learning 7- 22258 Issue 3 Spring 2001 T h - --- 0 Tne. r we r of Partne rships INN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P 0 ^S u 1(2s, w S.dh ge Pogram,'';Xp., I .' WO_R: D JA, GROUP I }-.UN-. .---...-Lai' Staff Exchanlge Program. - . ~~~~~THE WORLD BANK GROUP? : World Bank Group Mission To fight poverty with passion and professionalis.n for lasting results. To help people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity, and.forging partnerships in the public and private sectors. To be an excellent institution that is able to attract, excite, and nurture diverse and committed staff with exceptional skills who know how to listen1 and learn. M _ ore than )50 vears after the World Bank ma(le its first loan, we turni to our partners in development to help us create a rernewed Bank-one that sliares its m)ost important resource. is Deopie. The Worl(d Bank Group's Staff Exchange Program is essentially a sharing of staff between thie Bank and a partner in4titution, with a particular focus on tile private sector. Througlh it, we lhope to develop long-lasting relationships, foster ciltural exchange, and enhanc e th .e I want to thank You, skills of both organizations. T'ogether we can make a positive all of you, for being our difference in the global developmellt arena, partners andfior helping Over the past (leea(le, the development environment for the Bank's clients has changed dramatically. The private sector lhas become more u active, governments have become more accountable for their remarkable endea7or for u7s, countries' development, and all the global plavers rely increasingly on and I hope useful endeavor the capacity to share knioidledge anti learninlg more rapidly. Our Staff Exchanige Program is one of' the nmost effective w%avs of for yOU. sharing kniowle(dge across anid witlinr our various companies. C institutions. an(d sectors, and of fostering cultural change in the obal deveopment conimtni I4. Arddrss to tile Statf Evtchange Programn FirIstAnnual global dcx elopinent community. (eFrIjere7tie alln( Halpo, 201/0 In the end, the almnost 5 billioni people who live in emerging economies deserve the benefits that an effective and competent global development par tners-slip canl provide. With ottI collaboration, tle Staf'f Exclhanige Prograni cani imiake clils happen. James D. Wolfensohin President World Batnk Group Staff Exchange global partners M alany organoizatiois -private industriy, 11(10goveriumeiotal orgallizations, the pitb)lic sectc-. dleve-lopmient ageici es-- -omi all iegiono nl M 'the worall currently participate in the Staff Exchange Program. AR3B (Aea Bntn ri Bovroin) Expori-luipori Bank oi Koa (KEXI Mt) Philiipp Holzmaimni \(A ArtijoAid FxxoIM hobil Plac(c I Doric Aga Khban Fundii lori Ec nonic l)evelopulent Fedlercal E rriemgeny VIaMagernent Ageri y Pn'tvatr i seCoopets Iw(C) tAKFF2D) (TEMA) L SU.S. Rio 11o. Pit Agence l'Fatn;aisc de ()6veloppeinent (ALlD) Fichtner GCmtH & (o. KG Sanlsung ((orpolation Alslom Fnan inal Super-visory Service ['SS) Korea SatnwaI lak I imited A tab UI an Developiuierit Inistitite (A U DI) Food ancl Agricu lture Organizai iojl of the Saudi Atalian Monn etael ar' Agrenti (SA M At A stri a.(rGoern ment of I nited Nations (LA(ii Saudili Aralorco Automtiadic SpA Fountaiin Publishieis,, UgaindIa Soul (ldll (rgr [anm ibiig( lIesea- h AvLttit, CropScience Gn;l)Hi Vuji B3atik I ii. Scottislt EnLterri-ai 13Bbrain Stock Exchaige (BSFI) Humaii Resources Dlexelopileut Canada Severn Tibent Vtiler Ititentiaoital Bauk of England (HRDC) SInA lI Inltrnational Bartik of' Israel lIDA Ireland Shinledi Hauk Bank of Korea ligenieni-Gesellslihafiir linernalionale Siemens fBatik of' Tokvo-M itsiibishi B'1TM) Plait ngsaufgalw n lGCIPi Soc G( te (ier l e BaTInCja (le F rance lirrier & Easte-n ITlealth (CaLe Netavor-k tIl (N'Ni) Stanfor IL iiivelrsi ix Boston U niversit Inier-Arneri(-ani Developnment Barik (1 [)B) State I-ni intmvittii'iial Potiectittn Adtti isiriot }3P tlite-ilatioltal Foo(l Policy Ri-seach N-li t tistiti- tSFPPA), (lil Bliisbliate City CIoun.ilifl-ishante City (IFPRI) Suez Entfit-rises [Itetrnational Inistitilie fIor -annagemnent Stinliortto Ctl-piilraition Caisse lit, l)ep(^s el CotLsigilatiolis Det-lJoptlwlt (IM9D) Stwedisl linWrtiationlal Dox -lopritt,ti Caiitliatl Ii tertiL tiltial Developmnent Agentcy International Labottr Orgatrization (110) ( ooperatioll Agenicy iSIlDA) (I II)A) Interltational ioutt Founi dation (IYF) [(NO Itternatioalit CH2M I lilL Ftarmilv tEf Contpaittes IUC N-rVolild Conser -vatin tJriIbolw W i)k o Ehcctrit Power Comipatty ([PFf20 Clhitia Finaitcial & Fi ontomii Publishing House Jlapanl - E.c-tionoic Plianoing Agent- Traetebel GI oiul (CFFII) Japari - Mitistotr of Fi llattc L BS. AG. (COMESA Clewring HBOnsr Japan Banik foIr I teroational Cooperationt [N Cenltre iotr legit(ilal lci velopiment Conocot (JrIlCi (I NCBTDI C orporac i)11 An tiilttiia Presente Japail External Trade Orgailization (j FTRO) ltinited Bank fou Afi ia. PlC Corporacli ifterhittiel Japit ltiileotatioiicil Cooperatitl Agerncyv I CA) I nitetl Natiois (l IN (')6elit Agricole 11(IlosueZ (C A) JP. Morgari Chase & Co t itited Nations Children's rundi(i (UNIT2FFi DaindlerClilyslel Kansai Eleitric Power Compalns U tnited Natiot*is Dlvi 1tlItiIti lPro.ginritcti Depar-tneimt fotr Intermational Development Kein latreit (I N DP) (DIFID). U.K. Koinatuit Tradling, Inc. t n ivirsitN ol Arizoriii I lte,ct'he Batnk Korea - Minictir of E2ducation Ln i elnsity of Glasgo, Deuts-lie Gesfeflsi laft fHi- Technitislthe Koiea - Minnistry of Finance aiid tctonomv t Viveuli G-up 7Zlsainunenarbeit (Ti'j) Korea - Ministry of Phatitit ig anti Budget Wes ct vY.Io Dlets Llhe Poi-t N orltd Net KLwait -un(Il for Arab Ecoinomnic Dlevelopinent WVi-tdl I ink for Dleveloiptenit (OIrgalilt.itio] lDevelopinent Biatik of Japan ID HBJ) I ahibever Initelrle tiona Developmenlt tfank of Si ltdtern Africa (I)BSA) Mr-n-k & (Comelpany Dlexial Millenniuimi Illstitltue Dow AgroSoiences LLC Mitsui & Cotaipany [Tre sdiler Batik Moldova, a overment of the Rlepuhlie of EastiVe,t IntstitLate (FWI) FiMutieh Re Cronit Ellet ci iite (le Frante e fIIF) NAL C Aleri hattl Baiik lI'LC nLIortpean Barik tor lRe( oistrci(itioo altil NippoII Life lnsitrnaice Corinpaliv lDeveliplelo t t'BR]ID) Nip[(ull St(- l-I Corporatioti ELo )D talt COinntissiotn (EC() Novatrib, Cr'op I rotec iot AnC A Nii par/cern arejoiniiig the ex(lcrlige /togrti' atil FiLtropeail wVCesttetit Baitk (F TIB) Organisation for T ronomic Co-otperatiotn & the tiule. Thbi.-rs u s i Got 1tll tis/ or Ilhe0 ed l'Man h e'Uropeali TraLini lg 1oottilation (ETF) Development (0ECD) 200]. I Welcome .t Dear Colleagues: Share People, Perspectives, Skills, Knowledge, Iearning T le thrist- of the Second AtinLal Coinference of the Statl I&Achtige Progrant is "tIn leIaslilit, Issue 3 1 Spring 2001 T tite Poser of Vartlerslips.i Ait icles in [Isis issuie ,it S/l tre illulstrate LhaL then ic in ataliy dirffe tilt wavs. About the Staff Exchange Program 4 Eig"lit of the piecet-, arc tirnt-hand aceoUlits fronm SEP participants. Several tell ofthe ecx- What's new at SEP traordidiary c ontrilotitimo that a participant tan iiiake at a lIosi institution-or even to b hst eOLnLItrv. You will read, hOr example, (f efforts to rebnuild( tradle anti investmnf-nt in war-torn Moving in, moving on 6 Koso i) and ot a p otenlial Ibreakll(rough in insnri ng trade wit 1 ilina tou al o will fiii(i front- Share pays dividends 7 Iiiie acco\untis of`)EP'pal Licipxatids ackliiig Somie of rlic NO_ld'l tUghlesL Challengtes: grc- Staff exchange, coming and going S hlouSe ga,es. the xuilnerability of Small fartmers, the digital divide, aii(l joblessness aniong the urlban pon tIther cmlitrilmtiollns einie fris seniuorW oWrld BaLink Group managers whio have Competition, compassion, and had [lie ellnefit of SEP participaintll thi leir programs. to Scotlands success 9 The feri or that emarlates from i lie aecounts of the partlerships in this issue is no acci- ienit. for the stones Conie froil extraordinary people ii-I lakers. explorers, and innovators Present at the unraveling 11 crossing houndanies, taking e hanLce andl tiserelhe a (mu lishlil,g the neW alid the dliffelent. SEP exchanges pivotal in Bank ( ollalboration in stl,l exchanges does not re(qiire that partrils he joinedl al the hilK rcview of Nigerian oil 12 iaS J oInt Waugl1 obserxes iS lli i ontlitrilitioIi to Ins issue. That is true es xc a, [tie Batik Groop Bank Group cooperation means help and ils partners l- gin to integrate staff exchanges inti other joint activities. adi aneing part- for small and medium enterprises 13 nershiip Lo a sharing (If intellectual Capitlal that builds mutual and iiodlividual tComparative Exchanges deliver flexible staffing advantage, solutions 14 1 odlahoratl ion does nit-an that planta as hate tioil i( ready fort Inganlization at challenge. Who's afraid of political risk? 15 By liringilig ill ntew perspectives. SlE.P participants alter the status no_ ---thee drix e hange atid cani ha- e a positive ilmipu t On etihtre. It's not always easy or fun, as Vlauriec Fitz Grer- Revitalizing Trepca 16 aId swarns. "The culture shock of transptising iudividlilaIs Irom one institntiiioi to aniotlier. Reducing the risks of doing business otligiln tI-iln to i IriN e tllerlilsel\s lalt cd o ilake a success of the ariatigeitictit. is lnol ce cry- in Africa 17 one cuup of tea hle c autions. Insuring small farmers against But the btenefils are hnuge wvien diftereni es. mtanaged creatively, Iiiatiire into new capa- natural disaster 1S bilitics. nets apliriabchs, and a reltcttctl cnmrgx and eciotilnitilnicl to aellivce-utleashinig New network supports policv the I-ie potwer of pativerships upOll wvhich our ColleCtive fUtcre as a global c iommunity dlepenidss research in the developing world 19 The powi crofpartilersliips is also reflected ii SlIPs rapiid groxs[I. Since tIc last,tsioifter- Doctor and linguist help bridge the int-e a vear ago, x e havt- gromit frinm 85 eiorporate partuers tti 118. an(h we add ahout tvxt development gap 20 tiev ones a itscttnth. The World Batik Group ctutseitlI hoits 72 SEP participants, ancl we have Multilaterals compare notes on stil 32 f itir twn saff itttitt tarner -ittiltatcesalitI irattiatilus.employment and training sector The progran is duvcliopinig a strjitg- rctiorl ctf success tin both sides tof the exi-halnge. with analytsis 22 promotiotns antI( leveragedI careers tn the past of ailmost all tf our aluhitli. Iln addition, wilat I like to refer to as the ifranchisini 1ID.4 A9 IDA assists the poorest (cliar expectationis on vork prograni, terins (counltries hy poviditig private sector and CIVIl of refel ence. performance e evaiuationi process. interesi-tree c redits With society enhances staff indlimi. Irainiaig, ec. adrnilpisirative in- .35-40 year malur-ities. I D)A is foi .iratioll (duratiotn of the assignment. Ieate. pritrnari Iv fiin(le(i by skills and brings our reloatlion. etc.): arn(I finaneial udetails (whic(h gOvertlClnt CpinuFril,tii,tis. partners into a strategic otgarlnzatioit pays lor 0hati). The participant t Oins the hlost organ i zatiopn IFC r 2The ILitertali joniul F[onae alliance serving our fOrthe start of the assignient (the duration is C- (orp)orationl. Th[le sI C iLporls co mnmon purpose of typit ally ul) to two years, with ati extension of' private enterprises in the up to a thu-id vear if both organizations agree). developi ng wtorldl thr-ogh loan development. Tlhe participant retiu-ns to the homne orga- andr equity firianticing anin a m izatioti at the end of' ihe aasigtlten d dnd range Of adv isorY ysefv ic cs. applies the ntcA Ieariii ng. TIhe ¶tluhilaierl lhlre,,1.ip'ot How to join us Program objectives - M.I.GA. Gtra,nli(nee/-gencxl MI CA offers The SEP office is our focal poinlt f'or Develop closer partuiClships an( loig-last- . irwstors .itsulanceagainst establishing and maintaining these part- ing elationshiips with oilier organizat iols riori oimere rcial risk atl h lps netshi ps. The SF P t aniager is the contact ofleratinig in thic global d velopnen t arena. goVerntetits in develolpinig for ativice ani( guidance on the pil-ocess. * Enhance the professional and techilical coLitltries attraCt foreigin The steps to establish the paltnership agree- skills and expertise of'participants (1oth otur ii test ilont. ent ipl lollow. stal'l and those tof partner organlizations) We agree with YoUI represeintative on the thrtougih a variety of'learningali(l skills de- 77ne hiteraliomial Cewtterfi)r mutual objectives to be gained through the velopment opportniilies oti the jolh. I c the ,Self/clien/ of hoe./nucn/ slaff exchange p)artnciship and on the skills, * Foster cultural change. knowledge ex- ;iSMln iC. l(1l ) eC ncou r ages Iieeds. alid tleveloptllental opportunities to be change, dti versityv and a slha ring of'peoplee the flow offiOreign itivettitetit gained in each assignment:. TIle Staff Ex- and talent tvith oir glohaal developmeilne to dtevelopuing eoutitries chLainge Program consists of single move- partners to strenigthen ttie qualfiy of work tIlvliugll arlbitration and iielits of staff in either direction hased on on glohal developnmenL ajid poierty neciliatLito tfau ilities. busiriess needIs. Ani exchange or - swa '' of alleviatiotn. @ staff' is tinot a requireimiellt. I What's new at the Staff Exchange Program? h(re, o0nLine (lebute(] March 26 W _ .-ldnk Share Online -zr at http://www.staffex change E0 F--d Sl w Rf o.h Ad1FJi PHk Ma.l 0 3 O htp vvolusffsuobonge orgIraokvlttor/ .org/Newsleluer. r' e Share \ I i d . .T Fveryv two weeks ShaIre's oline , edition delivers livelv reports on 0: tatF 1 ___________________ j To the SEP and Saond- NewsIPEP 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C norm Webonte people anid event[s of iriterest to tne ment C-unity - Our D_utsche_P_stnocrld_Ne premiere issue of th r.tL h Share Une Nawsletb- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oesIttr eoilh SEP comrmnunity withini the Worl]d ShWoe am e.teoly pru L h - f fo r I of this eahienement, SEP Lunches - Useful far Bank Group and its partner coin- ustogieyou KnowledeShar panies and "ruanizations. The new f your IpOanie5 os SndEP Co r & F - My91 *Wrld lank Group staff 2001 velicle coLnm)lelmenlts the other fea- aorndmane" quick, Br Paultne R..pasd Subscribe to the SEP 7 current int ereting Th. ^rd A-l rai6e C eft & EYPr f tle Sbff E-ch.W PFmgsm NewslIett tures of thie SFP knowledge portal, i f-Tti- e. PeropleOthwo Bld k Hofoo Wr&bp of USABB^l U whic h plremiered last fall. - nd work of the Staff New Director, Internal Commiunicatioiis * Back Issues of the which prenilered last fall. ~~~Exchange anrd Bo W.Ad Bank Commsumob-.o Newsletter Seoanrdmet Progromo. Slabf Ehaoge P.o&,Aluomoo - Geny R-ce - eppoord to We encourage you to share w'tlh Doctor puslo SEP & EopA - rly 9-1I, 200 your SEP collea-ues-explorers, The new Shnre runLine newsletter is found at www.staffexchange-orginewsletter. innlovators, and risk-takers all- news of developments at your com- --- panies andl organizations that exemplify the personal. corporate, - Share 1 A . J * economic, and social benefits of | Iewsl ti! staflfexchange antd he fertility of the . ....ber..ogi... - ....... public-private liiiks that are chang- Passord srmin,fer L r, raf 0 _ P o 3, Wofld Book Group ing the p)ara(digm of' development ou Sfatlonuchn otgtr L ia economics. lv rIi,CyfU A __ _ I R vrn p Onr newest space for sharing per- F|, spectives, skills, knowledge. and | n | e S , learning is clesigned to be fun as __________________________ well as informative, so clheck in D | e itao to ll i t!Mrl5 It*:Rn,Ca311 042S˘OD Down ad thfee ne~orosocoorflroe to i frequently. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ frepvcfloOs fri MvtUUJSR1I irup~~~~~~~~~~l 3ODD M SteP E rhaoge Program sch. rIroovo. 0r0 01211 OR 00 Of AM 'Usleasoisg flse Power of Better yet, conitribute! 80POIOhpS CheTopicderisol The Share Knowledge Portal is found at www.staffexchange.org. I Moving in, moving on Moving in Sc ilutber r hIas implemenIte a "nkiowl- oni a partnership established after Nils edige hub" that helps users locate information. Tcheyan returned to the World Bank from Ii Januarx, Walid Almurshed began a Massoud is collaboraitig wilhi St'R stall in his SFP assignment with ithe Aga Khan Fund. i ne-year assignmrient wilii l 1'C's Middle ri rilirig solutions to coimpl x prl)l)leriis ofit (i- A- sen ir nanager ror in rritrerljt. 'Ioureille East and North Africa Department. As an turing. classilyiiig, representiig, and re- wvill be respornsibie for implemi -nhrig the investment offier. he will have wide-ranging trieving knowledge. The SCR assignment lund's microfinatrue straiegv. He has been responsibilities in investnient promnotion. fi- builds on Moussavi's 20 years of experience with the World Bank since 1985. roost re- naricial urarkets, ant( credit and portfolio sil- arid research. mosL rccenlly as a senior in- cently as lead finan(cial se-toir special isi in the pe rvision. Almuirshed comes to the Bank formationi officer with the World Hanik's In- Soutlr Asia Finance ann( Private Sector De- Group from the Saudi Arabia Monetary formation Solutions Group. where he has velopment lnit, where le was respoirsible for Agency, where lie is a bankirig examiner anti rieveloped knowledge-nraniagenieril and dis- firuiranial sector work in India anti Nepal, a sprecialist iri flraud. His responisibiities at tance I arn-iiig tools. intelligenit systcirs ap- arid as adviser rOn r ural arIrid(i -rofiraticrc fo' the agency includel supervising Saudi banks plications, client-server systems, andi the reoion. flis earlier experience i tie Sul- and developing accounting standards for the object-orientedi models. tanate of Oman included establishing a gov- Saudli Ianking inrd ustrv in i ooperation with ernment-owned development bank for sinall Pr ieexaterhlouiseCritiers. In addilitiorr tn a AlsI iri Janmaryy Fumitaka Nakahama famriers anun fishiermeni itli tire tec-hnrial as- nianagement degree ftrom King Saud lni- of Bank ofTokyo-Mitsubishi began sistance of Franre's Credit Agricole. versitv in Riyadh, Alniurshedi has degrees in a stint as an investment officer with the joint ae(r-tiitinrg froi the lniversity of C olorado Hank-I I-C Oil anud Gas Divisiorr. He is a man- onathan Walters is on a tvo-vear see- and economies fromn California State ager of the natural resources project group at J oni(lment to BP Exploration in l.ondon. Po]ytechnic. Bank ofTokyo-Mitsuibishi. In BP's r-apidly growing A ugola Butsines, UniL, Wallers will foeus on eiisuoring tlial Arn- S laheddine Khenissi has joiner1 the M opesola Ogunsulire. an investment goia's growinig oil revenues reduce poverty an(i Sjapan Bank for International Ca- * M officer in the IFC's Agribusiness De- promote broad-iased economic development. operation's Country Econoomic Analysis partmncit. nas joined the International Ile also will assenible finadrcing for a plant Department as senior economist. In his two- Institute for Management Develop- to liquefh the natural gas r-eleasei dulring oil year assignment in 'okyo, Khenissi will an- ment's research and ilevelopimnent team iii protdiuction anwi thereby avoiti environreritally alvyze ttie a- ritoeionorini perfourince of Lausarilie, Switzerlanti. Thc two-y ear aIs- harnrifu nariiag. Inli is 12 vears in tire Banrk, J1BIC's major borrowing countries and assign signment will gixe Ogunsulire an opportunity WValters has worked as a macroecorinomist arti credit ratings based on that performance. A to conduct research in areas of'interest to the energy economist. focusing particularly on the ruerirbr1 Oif tire Wofirt Bank stall siune 1981, Bank Group. particularly entrepreineurshiip interfact beLAien the txo areas. He has Khenissi cornes froni the Africa Region's and small ann( me(lium-sized enterprises. worked extensively in Africa a(I the lorrner Poverty Reduction, Eotonrie Management The institurte will benefit bv learning more Soviet l liiioni. and Social Policv Sectoir. During hiis first ex- about t[ie Batik Group's operations. particu- temal assignrient (1993 97). he served as the larly IFC's private sector activities. Moving on IFC's representative in Bangladesh and Sierra .eorne. L eigh Sontheimer, an operationis offi- I ohn Guerre -omipletedi a ztie-year as- cer in Operational Processes antI Svs- J signment at the Biank in Jariarv. As an err- r wang-jo Kim wxas a dcari at a Ko- tems at tce Wori( Baik, has begun a tw-o-year vironmerital specialist in the Latin America G rean institution of higher education be- stint with the International Youth Foun- andl Caribbean Region. Guerre facilitated fore joiring the editc-atioti earn oftire Hank's dation in Baltiniore, Marylantdi where sIre lire exchanige ol' intfonirriatiror awl 1rrbrkered Humani Develotpment Network in February for will work as a program officer in the Global alliances among his ernployer, tile U.S. Fed- a one-year assignment. Working with the Dig- Revenue Initiatives Department. The foun- eral Emergency ManagementAgency. itaL [)ivide and Post Basic Educatitn and daliori supports prograris to iniprove tie lives tire Woinl(i Bank, ann( COUn1tries seeking to Traininig teams. Kiim will focus oni new tech- and prospects of young people. (See the story reduce the risk of catastrophic losses due to riologies that drive education reform. by the foundation's president, Rick Little, in natural disasters. this issue olf .Shrare.) S assoud Moussavi has beguin a two- N ora Lustig was senioir adfviser in the M year posting as a visiting scicntist with acques Toureille's two-year assignment N Poverty and Inequality Advisory Unit Schlumberger Cambridge Research Jwith the Aga Khan Fund for Economic at the Inter-American Development (SCR) in Cambridge, Unitedh Kingdom. Development in Aigleniroiit. France, builds Bank before joinirig tIb Wor]ri Hank ii July I 1999 as the deputy lirector, and later (liret- signmeut wilti hthe Chldren and Youth Cls- Development. Sillbtrnagl holds a rescarch- tor, of the World Development Report. I .istig ter itn ltie Bank*s HumnAn I )evelopment Net- bLisedl miaster of science inT anithropology and provided intellectual and managerial lead- vork. Silbernagi assessed chil(dreni anid youth ecologyv of developimient andl has 10 vears of ership to the WDR team. Ier assignment particiipation in selected Bank programs andl experincce with East Africa. Z ended in Februarv. helped(l prepare tihe Bank'; publication on children and yotith for thie upcomiing UN Tina Silbernagi of ihe Deutsche Special Scssion tin Chi Idlren. Through G(TI/. T Gesellschaft fuer Technische she is involved in the Ugandlai government's To leairn more about the Staff Exchange Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) in Eschborn. Ger- program to protect children and youth in (lif- Program, please risit our Web site at wiwu. many, c*ompleted a six-week SEP assignmenrt ficult cirecimstanices, operated Iy the Ugan- cctftdrc/hange.org. Check ou t our Share onLinic at the Woril Bank this winter. Duriig ier as- dat Miriistiv ol Gender. Labor, and Social newtsleller atl a'uas.sit{jxchaage.erg/rlcwc'sletter- Share pays dividends S taff exchange brings benefits- The review produ eeI recommendations Jochen Stange honored for lpersonial, organizational, economic. andtt ori restructuring and impnroving various as- change-management effort social-that are usually difficult to quan- pects of Nigerias petroleum sector. nolablN In February, the Management Committee of tify. But sometimes they are perfectly oh- refining. It was recently presente(d to IFC the World Banks Strategy and Resource Man- vious, as when an exchangee or alumnus of and World Rank management, and to the agemeint Vice Presidency (SRM I unaiinicoasly the Staff Exchange Prograin is recognized Nigerian government. honore(d Jochen Stange with a Team Per- for a job well done. Here are a few recent fccrmance Award fiir his "exceptional tontri- examples. Gerry Rice named director of itution" lo the renewal ofthe vice ptrisidleicy.s internal communications Corporate Resource Managemenit depiart- Michel Muylle receives IFC/PSI SEP alumnus Gerry Rice has been appointed ment. Citing "excellent teamwork skills," Corporate Awar-d director of internal uommmunications at the the award commernded Stange for having In late 1999, a multidisciplinary team of ex- World Bank, effective Tpril 9. He reports to helpe(d lay the groundwork for a more etfec- perts froim vari ouIs groups within the Bank the vice iprcsidcnL for lhumani resocurces. Lie and clficiciit depcartlncrit. began a compreletisive review of the petro- Rice joined the Batik in 1981 as a staff of- Stange is on exclianige to SRlM from leum sector in Nigeria. Exemplary of the ficer in the Corporate Secretariat. Since then, Siemens Business Services, where he is Bank's liversity, the tearim brought L[ogetlieir ex- lie has bettn miatiager ifr policy anti commin- a tprintcipal managertierit itonsultant with ex- perts in the fields of refining, retailing, ex- nications in the Officc (if the Managing Di- pertise in enterprise transfttrmation and lead- ploration and production, and transmission rectors, speechwriter anti assistant to the ership development. arid distribuLion. World Banik presi(lent, setiior external af- One of the members of the team was fairs officer in the Africa Region, and, most Mandla Gantsho to head Michel Muylle of Shell International. recently,seniorpartfierinthe CorporateStrat- Development Bank of Southern who had just joine d the Bank's Oil and Gas egy Group. He holds a Ph.D. in ncoderrn hiis- Africa Policy group under the Staff Exchange Pro- tory from Glasgow and Harvard universities. The Development Bank of Southern gram. "Michel broughit Lo the team an unbi- During 1999-2000, Rice undertook an Africa has appoinLted Mandla Gantsho ased but competent and relevant private assignment under the Staff Exchange Program to succeed Ian Goldin as chief executive sector background that greatly ctontrilbutedl Lo with Scctlanl's national development agency, when Gantsho's exchange assignment to tlie the team's impressive work,; said IFC exec- Scottish Enterprise. With Scotland's first IFC ends in June. According to Goldin, the utive vice president Peter Woicke. minister, Henry McLeish, Rice later drafted ideas and skills that Gantsho has accumulated In December 2()00, Muylle was among a "New Agenda for Scotland," whic:h is during his exchange period at the IFC, par- several members of the review team to re- reprinted in this issue of Share. ticularly in private sector development, will ceive a joint lF(/PSI Ctorporate Award. TIhe In his new position, Rice is responsible for have a significant impact on his manage- fact that a SEP participant was chosen for informing staff about corporate policies and ment of the DBSA and on DBSAs contribu- the awarl "demonstrates the valie of this in- programs, conveying staff views to manage- tion to growth and development in southern novative program to our organization," said rnent, and strcngthetiifg eohcsioti betweten Africa. Thc bank is headtquartcred in South Woicke. management anti staff. Africa. & I Staff exchange, coming and going 'KEveri c-. e erieil--. . ." errv Ri e aid Jochen Stam,,e pass -Tve retuined to the Banik feeling revital- K ~each other eveiy dav in the corri- 'It was reassuring to ized, reskilled ani(l iore confi(lent. In G ldors of'the World Biank. More bila dt Marchl. Rice wxas iiaine(d director of iileriial once i n the past vear they may have passed is I crluninariidtionS in the Ban1k s lidii a.7 i- each other dt 30,000) leet-Rice traveling developed during my SOUrces Vi'e Presidency. between \\ashington anid Scotland and Stange between Cerniany and(i Washington. career at the Bank are Munich-Washingtoni relevant on the outside, Joelien Stange is neW to developeni it work. Washington-Ediriburgi. hax ing r om( [LO Lie Brink's Si ilegyt ae" rd Re- terrv Rice, a U.1K. national and native of says Gerry Rice. I've sou rct Managemrrcnt Vicr lrsidincy (SlIM) Scotland. has spent imist of his career at the returned to the Bank frorim the ManagementLi Consulting (Grot) at World 1ank. His intcicst hn itie Staff Ex- Siemens, As a principai management ion- change .rograrm iollowccd a coriversation with feeling revitalized, sultant at Siemens be ru eat 1x hi I ped DJonald l)ewar Scotland's first "first ministel;" reskilled, and more foirmi the coinpanys, lar-gc lhil'ormialion and( a post eq(ialelil lo I hat ol pr1)ie rliiriister. AL C ( omritinii aion Group into a last-paced ser- that tinnc ScotIai milba(d List achi x eved "dle o- confident: kic 1(- al(l clictr-oriented 0oga,liziationf. Lotion" within the United Kingdom: for the first "1 was ready for somethin,g diifleren[t %xhc n time in 300 years it h ad its ownn parliameit. I learned that the Baik was looking for some- fccognizilig the Ialh-e o1' Rice's ir]terTia- manLi senliaars ani( pc iSentaliolis he niade one withiii (v expCerien ce ii th c hiange. lie re- tionial experience. Dewar asked him to cnome douini his SEP experience-were collected calls. "Having been in a for-profit organization to Si-otland to anauijlvxe its econorri from a into Seot/anods Cl/bal O)pportunit-:. publishedi all of riv life. I was intriguied at the thought glokal perspecLivc. "ItI was a vear out, hut not in 1999 by Glasgow ULiversitx's buhsi ness of Wooki ig in a de vcIopieil n rt gahiialion i" a year of'f." says Rice. 'T was fortonate to school. The boook drew the attention of THenry So far, Stange has had amiple opporttinities learfn ahout a countrv on the cusp of change Me Leish, I)cwar's successor as fi rst minisler, to us( his managenlenlt ski] Is. One of his Ili i-s and to take oni the challenges such a major who invited [lice to help hiim fashion a newi tasks was to work on the reniewal of' Corpo- charige implies" agerndatorthe cotii try. 'I' ieir work appeears in rate Resmi rce Management. a dlepartiment D)urilig his time in Scotlaid, llice worked this issuc of s./a re. withint SRM. f'or his x.xlic[p ional cotiltil- with Scottish Enterprise, the national devel- "It was reassuring to discover that tlhe tion" to that effiirt, lie earned a perforilmanc('e opuiilit agency. His wrilings on Scotland's skills I developed diiruirig miy iareer at ihe award froiii lie H ilmanagement (ommittee. place ill lie global econoiy -prepared for the f3ank are rclevant onl the outside." he savs. [See "lShare payS dividcnds" itn this issuc.l Having "ailed a siralegic view of de vel- opuilent woik, Slaogeii s lookinig tonWarid Lo the next phase of his program in which he will _le assigined to an operatioiial project or unit, _wherc he "v will really conic to uniilerstand tlic (lax -to-_day bisiness of (development." " rSI is a great investment in a staff mem- b her's professional development," saxs SRM vice president Anili Sooid, "i it it pays offifor the orgatiizationi as well. Whether vou are senly froni havillg both J ixhen Stangge and Gerry Rice on board. 9 -Patriciat Oterendr is a coirunun iict(cilOtions aS- Jochen Stange. Anil Sood, and Gerry Rice in the offices of the World Bank's Strategy sociate in the Hwinan Resources lice Presi- and Resource Manageirierit Vice Presidency. denty at the IV6if' d Butik. I Competition, compassion, and confidence-three keys to Scotland's success SEP alum and Scotland's leader chart new agenda for- Scotland SEP participant Gerry Rice spent 1999-2000 on an exchange assignment with Scottish Enterprise, Scotland's national development agency. During his assignment, he undertook a study of Scotland's role in the global economy. His findings were published in November 2000 in an influential book entitled Scotland's Global Opportunity. In the article below, Scotland's first minister, Henry McLeish, and Rice explore some of the key challenges and opportunities facing Scotland. A s we look ahead, it is clear that the -in b1usiness. finance, law, education, train- ple. we are now up against new challengers- uext fev years will be as pivotal as inig, media, comnuunications, an(d so on- fromit Dublin Lo Bangalore. MA ~a,any in our history. With one vear's now represent $1.3 trillion in "weightless" Another message is that Scotland's future experience of Ndevolved" status within the exports per vear. Put simplv, the most dynamic does not lie in trving to compete at the cheaper UnInited Kingdom and the first Scottish liar- economies oF le(lay tradle in ideas rathier than end o( ihe global market. Rather, oui chal- lianment in 300 ycars es[ablished. thc majofr commodities. issue facing us is how we clhart ouir course in With a strong educationl system. one of the world economy-one that is changing the highest annual proportio,ns of graduates The decisions and more rapidlv than at any time since the In- in Kurope, and our long history of inventors at dustrial Reyolutioin. Like all other countries. and innovation, Scotland should be well-po- Scotlandc needs to prepare for the Informa- sitioned to take advantage of the newv global now will determine lion Age. 'Ihe decisions and( actions that we demiiand(I for brains rather than hrawn. take now wxill determine what kindl of coun- Third, we have a new voice in the world. what kind of country trv our children and grandchildren will live With devolution. Scotland has taken the world our children and in. We stand at a moment of extraordlinarv stage in its own right for the first time since opportunitv the 18th century-when thc intellects of grandchildren will live Hume, Hutchinson. and Smith helped to in. We stand at a Three trends shape a new Scotland and. in the process, F,irst, we have new global access. The bane made a major contributioni Lo shaping a Ncw moment of of'Scotland's econonmic history is that we have World. extraordinary traditionall1 becni secn-and seen our- Therc is undoubledlv more international selves as a small countrv situated at the interest in Scotland than tlhere has becn in opportunity. northwestern tip of Europ)e. BIut with in- several centuries. The question nowv is how creasing economri an(i trade integration we wish to rise our new global voice. It is time across the world-powered by new to outline a new agenda for ScoLlalnd. lenge i to target thie higher-value, knowledge- technology-we now have unprecedented based functions-both for direct investment access Lo a global mllarkel for our prolucts and We must be competitive and exports-and to look afresh at our pr- services. WIthile global integration offers us a potentially tential areas of strength. There is huge and This new global access holds the potential utprecedented opportunity-redueing the growing global demand, for example, for fi- to signal the end of "peripherality" for Scot- past disadvantages of size and geography- nanicial services. distance learning. telemed- land. In the global economy. small countries, it also poses a threat. As computers and com- icine, rural and urban regeneration, oil and like small companies. have an adlvantage in omorsicationis shrink the world. global gas development, and other knowledge ser- being more flexible and able to move more competition is intensifyinig. The breathltakinig vices. Online training alone is already a $70 quickly. If' you are small, it is easier to get pace of technological development and the billion global market. Why should Scotland wired and to get access to the world. rapid diffusion of knouledge (aan enable couti- not provide these services-and others? Second, we can take advantage of the tries to "leapfrog' others by creating a fast new global emphasis on knowledge. lhe track to compretitive advantage. What are the We must be compassionate great global econionic megatrend of the last messages for Scotland? We pride ourselves, rightly so, in our sense decade has been the shift towards the export One message is siurply, to recognize the of communitv and social justice. These are of knowledge-based serv ices-a 50 percentt global nature of the competition we tace. fundamental values and integral to oar vision increase in the 1990s. These kinds of services Wheni bidding to win investment, for exam- of the future. Wie believe in a real sense of I _numier l children I iving in poverts- in ISot- a vvorld-clasdseli-atioi >sitell s--e(Olld tUx land more thlan doblxled. 'IhaLa is miacceitahle. noiii'-andl elslire that aorlr( hIiil]li'n .11(' pre- \ Weknow. hoivev cl tIalt economic growili pved witi tie skills aid confidence re(plireld _ hy itself provides no safeguard agailist irl- to lace the cliallenige iof the ;iihomLiat agal- equality-the hiistorv of the 1980s and mu(ch l'rio0itV nuainl -el two is to noan r'oCh 1nix- of tlhe 1990s in this notnitry deirionsiiated that q1uieklv and holdly lo inluse ilhe e-coniilelee htrickle-domix does riot work. Clearlv, therelore, ethos through evern sactor of our c('onolivi. 'U- xxe also lieed to scale up our inliestillent in cinriinerce loholls thc poticnlial to bc a Iiiatoi people-thi-ough edunation, heallth. ail(Iother d-iver in bet er govein meit. ii-silov iltt in ll action. Over the past generation, the nratiois inew IbLSiliessesa . x(I SlI)io it Io' 11n01- e alla- -J / ,t q thal have proisper(ed most liaxe iisiiiltlv done lished indisixties as Ithie niove to c'hanige tIli so bv combining economic growth with i n - w av th(y operate. h' liiirli't 'aI als oIk4 Ilc1p vestments in people-indeed the two are us to scale u) learniiig oppoxtLoInitieS iol val niiittually rein'oreing. fromil schoolsx to the workplace. Sio this is the agenda lior S olaiad. It is a Gerry Rice VVe must be confident tOLiglI 0nile. hlit it i- UlsO tk-UixIeIloUslx iCil- Confi(lence is so imnportant for smccess. A ing. \We stand at a uLlli(Ie t iiiiiielilt o giglohal In the old Scotland, we ntiajor-goal oflde volutiion was iO generate thiis opporltuinitx. Willt "gool. oldl-tas1lioiied Scot- could sit back, waiting oeater-senseof(oifide-iieand(espoxllibil- fiih dlctevixliiatiorln alxi xil th oix g(m] ilg COuld sit back, waiting itv. W\e must build on thiiis iomeaentUrn, because sense of self-i xiolixien ce. there i, iso do iiht tIal for government. In the tie generatior on (ic rx ideas and( ixex think- we i-an (lio it. ing is the lifebloodl of aiix -oxce esfll cOUntri. new Scotland, we need iiF Is t f i'bo)Ioar ucsii oii nierstW e and foremost. Scotlanil's new gover- broader ownership of nali-,e a-raigernielits iilisl respond lo the need(s of the Scottish people anid delivei- move i - the country's agenda- t&tively lir thiei. At the same time- it xould even as government he wrong to look ouilb lo politic ianln for lead- ership. WNe need a shiaredl sense olf Siotlandls accepts its responsibility e ietion acrs the eiitire to help set that agenda. xxidil lca(lcrslit) aerIOSS tihe StCetruLlin of pilb- lie and private sectors. as well as iii our civil sxocietv. In the old Scotland. ie could sit back. society. a belief that wxas ilenicil by too rniariy wiaiti ng foi governiieit. Iin the new Scuotla ox . ploliticians in the last 20 years. Ae want a we need broader oxinership of tIle country's xoinia.ssionate Seotland. But thaal means fac- agenda_even as governnieil, accepts its re- inug Up to souni halrd realities-and ni og- spoinsibility to lielp set thal agen(la. nizing the lixikage between ciompassion and Howx does this all translate into aclion?' Two conioipelitioll itmperatives are particu larly kc y i Setoliii - Being completitive in the global econoiny success in the global ecioinny-now ai(x is the key to securing jobs. and a jol) is the into the future-and they sit at the iol) of hi-st social poli cy. eii g eomieiiitive is also thc ageri(la for action. linkei tio econonui groxti. xilthout which h One of these is no surprise: education. If Scotland will fiiid it diflicoult to -eflerate the Scotland is to compete in Ihe glohal exonxmy. rexsoures iii eded to tackle lSocial depiivation. xuJr chiilducii iii st havc- access to the best Being a player iII the inierriational economny, learning opportUnities in tihe world. We have therefOre, is liiked lire(tly tofighting poverty long pridedl ourselves oii havixhg ail excellent at hoine. avid equitable educatioin system. RecentlY. This isi of burniig importance because cev- howeve'. qupestions haxe been raised as to idence indicates that poverty hlas becomxe whether that systenli is as good as was once -Henry -WeLsh isfiro minr q/scotId( iinore ofa problern over the last two decades. helieved -eWe most face wiji to those qIies- Gery Rice is the new director oxinterxl! (xomi- Thiroughout the I 98(s and eaily 99()s the tions honiestiv. invest in what it takes to build rlnuication,i at the 4l-i/ld feun/k. I Present at the unraveling Yongbeom Kim oSewo Finoncial Economist in theWord Bank's Financihl Sector Development ,'j- st4mmec SEP t-ought Yongbeom Kim from Korea's Ministry of Finance and Ecort">lv to the World Banik. Irn February, Kim shared his first-hand experience of the \s ar hn;ircal cr-isis with participants in the Emerging Markets Conference at the Mt r'DonouMh Schooi of Business at Georgetown University. A ucigust 29. 1 9)7. Froni my post in thc tions have heen indicted for accounting mal- ~Ministry of l'iiancee and tcononiv I watched as foreign piac lices. ani(d accounting firms reprimande(d MA T Wath l te , as foreil gil inVelft i oll- lotilieir negligeniee. As a result. senior man- Ioa,h-nI v-cooI vdunis o 1f blare ori [ie Ko- investors unloaded agers ali1 thieir accountants now take ani al- rean stock market. I kept mn finofl- cr crsserd. record volumes of shares together different attitude toxvar(d audits ani( ho pinIIg for a rall the next day. but it ix as no t contrils. to he. ItI retrostect, tlilev ell-off'fwas a piortenit on the Korean stock of a conling fiatnial crisi of Lunimaginable market. I kept my fingers Dynamism and dominance in scale. For the lneX\ feys months I worked * emerging economies tigilts at thte lllinlinist r Inig to imlplement crossed, hoping for a (Ilange (;oIIICS 'as in emerging economies. ill-fate(d poptlicv mnaiutres to boist the market. rally the next day, but it as the experience ofKOSDAQ shows. Online Decenmber 8 was an epochal (lav ill the hi- tradinifg was introdJuce(d in Korea in early tor of(if Kowa triancial markets. X leadinig was not to be. 199t8; now in10c than 60( percenit of equity Ie- 'it] i tl fil-iil ix rnt into lank ruptly--ni(me- tradliig is executed online. This level of dy- tllit ig 1,il liedIdd of at tue tinie. The falilnlre_ (of ialiisila Inieans thial ample tbtsiness oppor- several inm estnelilt nlanagelaient companies lu(vledl a special act on assct-backed seeu- tuni ties exist, hut one must be constantly lolionved. Soott the phone line aLt thie lillistt-v rities. the investimienit companv act. anm an act alert to them. rrre svanliped w itli -alls tfom angrx inve stori. cicating a sccondlai-v mortgage (corporation. I ke change. government is omnipresent MilliAiry staff hal t lo lent c(llular phonles to Irhalkis to vigorous promotional ffiort-. the in dynamic entergiiigf ecolomies. especially keelp iii ton-h ik ith theiri colleagoes. What a eWIVy estadilished KOESDAQ stock market in East Asia. vith it, long histor- of strong hbu- nghtlinarnt A "as! grcw quickhl. (Ihawing equal witlil Korea' reaucracy,a (i] sLate supremacy. liat tradhitioin The `\iorld Bank later -itedl the followhin ig other stoic'k Iliarket in Just thl-ee years. The is tlouble-edged. O(n the one hand, govern- factors in the tii riAl trisis: viu lleraliIities sulc esjful estahlishment of KOSDAQ helped ments (oitiinant power can stifle market de- in halnks ll( highlv levnra ged corporations. higlh-tec(h firmls and veliture businesses, veloipment and foster corruption and ia4-k of capital miarket (nexeloptitent. ina(le- paving the w-ay fitr a knowledge-hased inefficiency. On the other hantl. the rapidl uiliate inancrotecouln c polic ies estpecially eionory. itlidisirialization ol Japali. Iunea allKi Sin- flth-igil exchange). 'or prtudlential re gula- Major ac-ts of deregulatioin inicldvc(tl ahll- gapore would niot have occurred without top- tilln, alid weak corporate govertanle. ishingl restrictions 011 se-urities issuance, (dIown leadership from goventniient. libiralixi hg lierge is alI acq uisilioils, fully letaiise gove-turlilt s exert i111lietise itn- -i:sp- nl mllkets In Korea optrlitig the ttomestic capital markeL to for- fluence on husiness activity in most enierg Before the crisis. Korea's linanuial sy tern rign il estors. fli'ai-ingconimissioll tees. ingectonomlies investors tlistwatch theni as kvan lominiatevd bv banks. imhen the syetll atid pcimittilng online trailing carefully as the! wateh mvire faimiliar husi- welttil Flat. no alterrialtive yapitad maIirket xas (Corporate gi eurnalce anld a-oulinting stan- nes, indicatiors. - axailalili to si-rne as a spare tire. For hliat lea- ilards have 110n beren thoroughly retiotnie(l. re- sOIn, po,ilttrisis re( ocvevr effoirts cotlcelitratell riovitig a key obstacle to deielopment of ov htillin,g tile u(Iltnies tic capital nialket. i apital markets. Nev prtov inions for co rporate The 1K,orean gviernmnents to' u-pronged ap- audlit coommilittees antii outsidle dlirnc-tors have -Iongbeoin Kir uspeciali:e.r in securifles intr- prtnali' horiuse l ott ptltllmion and( liel-egtila- increawetl nIanagement acvountaibility, antl A-et regulation and bond market dev'elopmenit liol. Kv fI tbifsill the Icgislati%e callmpaignL o r iglits of mitiorit\- sharehol(lers atre now ir the World Ranks Finannil Sector bevel- diiix r l'if the iioni stic capital imarket in- stronget. Toip m lanagels of insoiVerlt t orprpta- ionert Department. I SEP exchanges pivotal in Bank review I of Nigerian oil Strategic alliances fov sustainab'e development PIN A"C' Basil Abul-Hamayel and Michel Muylle came to the Banks Oil and Gas Policy unit in September 1999, just in time to help with an ambitious review of Nigeria's hydrocarbon sector.They really made a difference, says Peter Woicke. T he oil and( gas sector is crucial to sus- re-oreconne( increasedl participation of local tainable development in many de- IFCs incoming SEP businesses in the country's oil and gas opel- T veloping countries. Nigeria's case ations, consistent with the Blank's overall is notewortiv because of the relative size of exchangees brought to stiaegy fo, poverty alleviationr. the sector in the country's econoniv. Over the their work an informed So imnpressed were we witih the team's con- past 25 years. oil revenues have brought a tributions to the review of the petroleum sec- $300 billion into the Nigerian eeomoity. Oil priate tot i. Nigeria tliat several irerribers receiveid sales account formore than 70 percent of gov- sector background, the IFC/PSI Corporale Axward in December ernment revenie and 40 percent of the cooun- E . 20((10. One of the awardees was Michel ltv's gross domieslic producl. emonstrating the value Muylle of strategic alliance SEP really makes a difference in our or- Abundant oil, elusive benefits , gini7ation. e But oil has brought surprisingly few benefits between the Bank to this populous countrv. where 60 percent of Group and the private the peiople I ive below the povertv line armd Cc- sector. male adult illiteracv exceeds 50 percent. The country has failed to meet broad-based de- ielopiienlt Largces, anid tlhe oil and gas sec- tor. so critical to the country's future. is instrumenits and expertise in the oil. gas, and performing poorly. Refi ning, although barely chemical sectors. sustainable economically, has had a severe environmiental and social impact as multiple Private-sector talent deployed pipeline flres have (caused exierisive death arid Basil Abul-Harilayel, a financial specialist destructioni. wiith Saudi Aramco, and Michel Muylle, an In late 1999, the Bank began a compre- expert in refining, natural gas, and power hensive review of Nigeria's petroleum sectre; generation at Shell International, ha(d re- assembling a multidisciplinary team from cently joined the Oil and Gas Policy group across the W%orld B3ank Group with knowledge under the Bank's Staft Exchange Prograiri. in policy and privatc sector operations. The Thrown into thc review of the Nigerian hy- team's composition was emblematic of the drocarhon sector, they hrought to their work Bank's diversity, bringing together experts an informed and unbiased private Sector in exploration and production, transmission background that greatly contributed to the and distribution. refining, and retailing. It cov- team's impressive work, deinioristratirig hlie cred the technical, financial, legal, and reg- valuc of strategic alliance between the Bank ulatorv aspects of this highly complex sector. Group and the private sector to support siis- Several tearn members were selected frovm tainable developricit in client countries. the new group formed from the merger of the Among the key issues that the team iden- Bank's Oil and Gas Policy group with the tified were the importance of good govcr- private sector financing department of the nance, the role of the private sector, the great International Finance Corporation (1l"C). The benefits to the poor of reliable access to mod- Peter Woickre is also the nainaging director nIew unit offers governments anid the private ern fuels, and the urgency of mitigating the frr private sector development issues in the sector one-stop access lo the Batik Group's envirornmental imlpact of lhc sectori The teamn Worl(d Banr. I Bank Group cooperation means help for small and medium enterprises W hat do manufacturers of -T iTttm un) bicycle frames are the stock in cOiIsrirUtion nmiterials in - trade of Russia's USV hVcosoNo i-avte in Tonznion wti fl a talion cu srcposnituas in oanzaunia and o5rders fronit sonie of the awldeIsi t'p i-cle seafood prcessors in Vietnanr? 4m inantiufacttlers. .All hase experienteci strong, business New assistance fromir thie Batik Gro up's grnwirl_tiie result of assisLanic arrairgc . .. . t SAIE departimrent will help SEAF reach a new throul a joint initiatlie of the Worli Bank and level of impat. Following anearlier IICin- the International Finance Corporation IF1 C) vestment of $171I million in four iliffelent SEAF IhenLIsll Oll )so111 ani I meditiLm eniterpri see. fids 1Z( s C p21ity Bi il(lilg Facililt u tIi business sie' Mlarch 20001. the orld *-nis pr(vidi ig $850.000tt toi help tht organi- Batik Clroup's Smnall and Medium Enter- zation imlIiove an(i broaden its operations. prise tSMFEI Department Ilendis the policy S b expert,ise if tli e Worlci Batik ii ththe tiatis- iSmalltbusinessfindsitsvoice ar'tional ani(l company-level experience eof In Blosiia and I lerzegivina, the N\'orikl Batik IFC. Led Lv Haroid Rosen. the nerw dle- isj prep-aring a S40t million husioess adljust- pactunent will sCrve as tie cetlral tic-aring- .Ient cr( -dit to funId policy refonr in key areas house for SMIE activities across the World of the small L)u-ine»> envirtoinent. While Bank Group. working on a small liusiness map of Bosnia SMEs are imporIant in the fight agatistis last Juic. a lean fronm the SAIE departmenit poverti because theN create jobs, raise in- S realized the neetl to hol-ter ret-ently formned coties generate new tax reveniue aiI earin siall hbusiniess groups. Thle team obtairied foreigni exchanige. Bul oftenl the si rggle Small and medium-sized Cancadiian fit inlitig so tiat the Canadian against hcavy od(Is. Difficult lusittess eni-. Manufacturers and Exporters Association roninienits, disaclvantageous governmental enterprises create jobs, eouldi train the Bosnian groups. Work wias policies. -arcc financitng. and( other factoirs raise incomes, generate dorie it, i lose -oordination witl the World frecluently holti them liack. latik'-s ad justment team and received strong Ratherthari providing financing in its actn new tax revenues, and uppotrt fromii Sarajevo-haseld Southeast name. the joint (lefiarltinent---a-tin.g as a eat- earn foreign exchange. Europe Enterprise Development, a new FC- alNsI anti service proxvider-has establhishei i nanageir ltlilono)r initiative for Balkan xnvi-kirtg pIr4tnersiips us ith leatliog gli 'bal pily- But they struggle against sx. sM s the result is a fiew lesel uo diallogie ers in ntitrofinance. SME lending andl ectuil1 heavy odds. ibetween smiall business an(l givernrent. in Vestiileti b LirsinVess dei clopinelt serVit-es. RB carefulvl tr-aking the results of its lar- and ntkswlecdge crcationt. The coo'urdiniated iCe- llu au parlriershtipl, the Bank Group's rtisw spoiine shlouldI enalie tihe group an(i its [art- tompanies. By insesting $;200t.000 to $1 moil- SME tiepatirtnel t intetiis to create templates ners ti cont-entrate their developmental punc-h. lioli. SE AF s fu il(s lietointe large minotiitv fir replication in othier a renas. ihle tillt miate lhe SME P)epartmicrt is art enthusiastic -harc-hiltcrs. setkinig exit oppitLuritititxs once test7 The edcpa-tnietits ahilitY to buil(d last- Iparticipant iu tlie Staff Exth -mge Pi gr.gim le- ttie c-ip nlii lici-eso self--ustaining. Ini ik ng Iocal i apacity within operating hursine,ses cause exchanges hell) tlit- departmenit main- 12 years of opelialioti. SL AP has iiis esteil iii and the fitiatntial institutionUs e0onsutiio uor'lln- tain close sorkin_g relations i-ithi its partners. 165 SlFEs. helping -reate 7.01)( jolbs and.. panics. andl business asssoiciations that serve splark iihg extetisive productivity- growth. themn. t Investing in investors SEAFaistip n 'itleshtLSilC'Ss Supprort LO cn- A reieut coltta oltrtioiin with the il.S- and( trepreneurs to enhaiice perforimance. LEAFs Dutiti-h-based organizationii. Small Encerpcise Nizlinrv N\ovoigood friti(I inrvetsteii in LS\. a Assistatice Funds (S APF), illustrates the de- Russian niantifacturer of titaniumil bi c!le partimenUts approac-h. Through 14 investntent frairiies. in 19(8. Since then UsV's produii- funcis with a tiital Value of $1411) million. tion has gr'sin finin 20 to 60(1 frame- per SEAF Largets SM Es in de-eloping an(i tralt- itionith. Sales have cliimaed fr i m n$23.000 In c -Roh Wright is it c-omm10 ti(ctioins ti)f er in sitiori economies. O verseen frc'rn Washiington imiore titan S6(0.0(0(0 lthe r-sult tof SEAF'- tlhe Southll nid .MIdiuit Si-ded Ente7prise De- bhlt wiLh fiieli staffs nia(le if)miostly- of onal supportedl appearances at iiteritational bi- jetrtmeutt. Consultant Ann I/olince lso (out- nationals. the fund.s icdntifv pri nising Ysmiall -vcic tracdc shtss whOere Llte ctomparn tooki trihule(t lo this' arlicle. I Exchanges deliver flexible staffing solutions MIGA puts SEP to the test M.I.G.A. Experts from SEP partner organizations have rounded out MIGA's in-house expertise while bringing new ideas and fresh perspectives, says Karin Millett. SEP is also providing professional development opportunities for MIGA staff. Both are great strategic assets. T hle Staff' Excthange Progran lias direct investiiient. In lhe two years she spent tlie teniporarx home of' Carlos Mestre lioiii (openedI inp neus horizons for the Mul- with us. she achieved results by Coaching the European Commission in Brussels. A spe- T tilateral Investment Guarantee the s[a lnfof otIir iit lits' invest[rrii ciinP(lo(ioiI cialisl in pro Je ct ti celi eidal a hiawoer, Mestrei Agency. Because MIGA is small an(I has a agencies. building their capacity to target has -lnbuglht to MIGA nci,U approaches to ii- relativelIy young stall, opportunities ftor in- potential investors. ani helping them turn nancing projects and3 structorilng deals. He teroal job rotatioii are few,%. awl it sometimes prospel I jVe into actual invesir Cint. Wi ilsiin parlI ir paled i lie negolitalion of ic first %irldII isn't posSible to add itew stafl niembers Brinhk Group Trust lunid antI [olinanl ing quickly when n en skills Lre needed. I rarnnework Agreemient. idibi-links the, Fur,- In early 1997, jusi ali'tr I had heen I realized that we could pein Cornintlission w ili the 111I1). Il)A. I1(',. appoiniteh to head( up MIG-'s technical a-s- adod Ml CA. Mestre's flrst-hand knokldrdgc of' sistatl(e aol adiVisOC sei-Vi Ces Ltunit. kno wn supplement our in -house b)oth siles helped]umill aii ndlerstandinogoftlie as Investment Marketing Services. I ha(l a expertise by using SEP needs arll torial requirementts of eacl] paity. screndipuitolus conversation With Robert b pe a s. Miii-oritig Carlos Micstic', tlnsenee in Crawford, noN chief executive of Scottish to br ing in specialists. \\ashington is MXIGA attotlley Bertrand Mar- Enter-prise. Scolland(I's elonornic develop- chais. wIlo preseHilt shalres hiis skills iri po- nerit agency. wli)o Ivas t hen on a second- litical r-isk iisliianlce koith thle Ful[oteali nerit at the XIorld Balik. Knovtin, that otur also contributed to our new investiilenit pro- ( lonlission. Ivan Rossignol. M 1(X,'Vs spe ial developing-vi iuntry clients bernefit fiom ifit- inotion tool kit. hich ciintains tools and tec h- iepresentati x i';ir fii iva. i; in 1th si vindl line adhkire on attralting foreign direct in- niiques for attracling an(i retaining foreign year ofl his SEP exchange with the Common vesiment. I realizedl that we (could supplement Ifirect investment. Market for Eastern and Southern Africa in ou1r in-house cxpeiti s O) using SE.P to lbinu Ii Julv 2(000. RobertWhyte, director of Hara . Zinbl . and111 IIN tiow ISit A.Lri( iril in specialists from Scottish Enterprise and strategic futures at Scottish Enterprise- took 'rale Insurance Agencri in Nairohl)i. kenva. othIr CCagenecs. i ilsonr's plaece. lhrawing ori hlis work ill Last -car M(IGA;s Guaranlill (s DleparCirrll Attracting foreign dilrect investment re- -strategic futures." Wl 'vte lIas beenl dlevel- liosIted Peter Goepfert fr-otil the invC st[Inlint quilres iiiore than an attraetive legal and reg- oping CSways to assist Nl IG As Clielts in strate- hIankuii Ilivisiooi lf Germanis Dresdner Bank tllaloiry ramework. It also requires eflective gic planu ring. His assessments of the Group. II is repoil appeals in this issueoit] hme. investlmenit promolliin stalf to target poltetLial ecoioinic developrflcit imipact of Scottish OLir exchangees hrifig us xvitail knowledge investors in kev s iclor-s andil convicel the -mt Et1 (rise havel helped VIGA As clients to and( skills, 111but liy briig stiluilmtilig else as to invest. Thl-ouigi SEP. MICA has ielpe( its devise sYstenis to measure tciir success in xwell: an excitenielit abiout tle worik (Se (lo clients learln frotm sonie otd the (lost sUCo Cess- attrat ting and retainiing foreigil dli rect in- CSilh dcevelopiing ' littI-ies and ttil-alsitiOC [ill ix estCtent prloimliolt agencies in tlhe vesiiennrl. Just as important. his hackgroutd economics. aiiil a (Ils-c In ust tish tillic at worl(l. in evaluation is lieLping our depart nent to as- AICA lt niLike adiff'renei lndevelopilltent. 0 sess tlhe implact of tlhe tec hnic al assislance Praise from clients we provide. Within mnonths olf my neeling with Rohert "The SEP progrlnn is a real wviI-wiri sitila- Cirawfoid. Lena Wilson, deput\ dhirector of tioiC firl everyone. says Whlyte. "I'he individ- Forth lValley Enterprise, hal(l been seconiled ual the Batik, and the scluondingorganiatlion to VI IGA. Forth Valley is toie of the ScoItish all gain initienisel ftomin participatiltn. Enterprise's local Iiusincss developritent coin- -Kari C. Mi lletto took lle rein 'xll ttllt paniies. In the field. Wilson quickly eartie(i Spreading the benefits -1ark-hetillSeulCices7 M1/A'11A technito/l ashsis- praise from ouir clients. who benefited from Other MICA depaitmeiits have gaiie()1throughl ince 0t1(i advcnii senir-i oilut, in 1997. She her first-hland experience in wxinning foieign participatioll in SEP. 'lie Legal Depar tiltnlit is joiitted -111G4 il 1 995. I Who's afraid of political risk? Peter Goepfert Project Manager. StrateSic Debt Frankfurt, Dresdner KleinwortWasserstein,the investment banking dinision Q Dresdner of Dresdner Bank Grup The successful staff exchange between Dresdner KleinwortWasserstein and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) has contributed to a productive sharing of knowledge between the two institutions, says Peter Goepfert. I niagine slut nol have invested in an outu- lendi rs lor qualdfied eross-border invesl- dner Bank Group has beenl cooperatinrg in the standing project with excellent economics nieits in developing me mber countries. MIGA iinterest of Cernian investors for many years. *in a prospering developing, country. After insures new investments-as well as eligible The staff' exchange has been a success for spending co(isiderahble timtoe and finld , Voll todlelltizaliois. expansions, and] privaLiza- bothi DresdnIier Kicinwort Wassers tein and ar(n iruinitg a state-of-the-ant operation. and tions against the risks of transfer restriction MIGA. Working together with MIGA's highly local demanidl is soarinc In short all com- an(lcurrency inconvertibility.expropriation, professional and results-oriented staff hias mercial risks are perfectly tisiler your coiitol. notlonly beeil a listinct pleasure bulnt, above You leel that you deserve an abnlidamtt flow of all. an excellezit knowledge sharing exercise resenues that wi allow you to finance xour iiext Designed to serve a for both sides. Design ed to ser%e a multinia- project or, perhaps, to huy a big limousine. tiotial community of investors. MICGA is wxell Could anything be missing? Wihat if. out multinational positioned to meet the demwand for PRI in a oif tlei blue, your earninigs could no longer be community of investors, world of globalization, Investors atid lenders ct oclted itilo foreigi c urreiiy ati( Irans- appreciate Lie unparalleled proteclioni of the ferred out ofcountrv? Vi' hat if your produe- MIGA is well positioned World Bank u-nbrella, wlhich has proven to be tion license were withlidawn wiithout prior to meet the demand for extremely effective in etisuring the most fa- nolieve? What if ..2 vorable political envvirnment and the best way (ntce you realize that your pro-ject is vul- PRI in a world of to prevent political threats to investments neraible to soitle otlihe aforetinentioned risks, globalization. Covered hy a VII IX gliFralleC. wiich we call political risks. where dlo you Could ther-e be a smarter way of coombini- [i nil pr iteeti on'? In vestors ant1 1 enders pt ir- itig the oni(lue strength of the World Batik urm- suitig investmiett projects exposCed lo politi- war antd civil disiturbance. atid breach of coii- btella w ith thce flexibiliLy Ihal investors and cal risks would, first of all, think about tract undler various strncttures, including cap- lenders-eager to stay in the driver's seat of political risk insuranec (PIRl). ital mnarkets tranisactionis. As a developmental their finaieings-expcct nowadays? From a Wheni structuring project finance transac- organization. MIICA has to make sure that pro- project finaniee perspective, this flexibility ap- tiotis wit h inherenit political risks. we at t)res- jects are. financially a nd economically vi- pears to bee crucial in to(lav's market emivi- iner Kltuinwort Wasserstein have been able, environmentally sound. and meet the ronmnent, which is characterized Ih reduced attaching utmost importance to providing pro- labor standardvs anil development objectives lendinig appetite of commercial banks dlue to jeeL sponsocs. iaii(il where necessar,. with the of'the host country. fiortfolio constraints atind returi expectations. ii(ist appropriate Pll cover available. While In the PRI marketplace. MICA is one tof the and bv innreasiiig impoltance of capital mar- workimig with political risk insurers and Lal- most prominenit players. Through its Cooper- ket fundling for large projects. ancing thie pros and eons of variious kitids of ative U tiderwritinig programii at(l CoinsUrance As tor our above outstanding project, one PlH I offered in the otarkeplapce, one particu- anod reinsuranee agreemnents, MIGA helps in- wou]d. of course, assume that, possibly with lar insurer attracted our special attention: vestors receive the insuranmee capacity ner- tlte help of a banik advising you, all political MICA. the Mtiltilateral Investment GCuarani- esary for large protects atid encourages risks have been taken care of professionally. tee Agency. Therefore, Dresdiler Haik Group,. pri ate insurcrs to enter iew itiarkets. Aimii- It tliaL case, D)resdner Kleimsvort Wasser- afterjoining the Statt'Exchange ProgrLmi Of the ing at inereasing the PRIl capacity available stein and MICA would salute Your foresight Wkorld Blaik Gr-oulp iri 1999. wŽs pleased to to tlie Gertian investmilent communlity anId ancl entourage yoti lo forget a)ot thle big lint- second soneone to MlGA to vork as under- identifying pro)jects for joint coNxerage. MICA ousine and I to discuss N iith us the political risk wAriter to learn tirimre ahbitut pHI from the per- recently signied a memnrandumi of under- aspects of your next promising investment. t speetive iuf this uniique iisurer standintig 1ith PricewaterhouseCoopers MICA oflers lInng-term political risk in- Deutsche Revision (PwCV(I, Germtany's na- -Peter Goepjert worked s oin underwreiter rt soran(Ce coverage to eligible investors and tioiial investment insurer, with whom Dres- MHI4 in 1999- 2000. Revitalizing Trepca Building the peace in Kosovo The struggle for political power between Serb and Albanian in Kosovo set off a decade of conflict. Less well known is the story of the Trepca industrial complex in the peace process. The international community's efforts to revitalize the facility illustrate the importance of partnerships. as exemplified by SEP participant Bernard Salome and colleague Dana Eyre. lie pits of itr- *M inin _ workers, hell) tile (0oiaiunuitx Wiih iMettalxioirks C(lieniii( ia th a tisiiolllo C(ioiiler(iiaoll p- T ClIdine ITrepca`-a large ii- eratioii, at(i euipi(tiirepca to run diustrial organihzlion of ahout 30 major sites, in anl eNiVi OinflenialIV sOLI d way. lir s.e i-lenir-eiiti-irs. and( salelters. along with lH Ii-e egac- of eN ironnieitial 'ial ler fac loies and assoc iated I facilities- liamage is so greal that if the new iidNve beenirinid sidiie BSoiin linies. Irepca Trepca were saudled iaiith the cO- providled silver till Serlhian kings ant. at its iviision costs, coniiiiiclrial iFlcratioti ieeight in I he fohirer Yugoslax Repub liic. at- woult not lie vial e. Coivincing doniors COi-ined ifo [hlree-cjuarte-s of Kosovos ec-onomn of that tact has not been easy. SoMme Trepea retains significant econoliic ploOriset donors ima,ine that UINMIIK is tri! i'l' to as a mLi Foern leaiu an( zinc proiluetion facility, reNevive a dinilosaur fri all tlie age when great FULa it is subistaiitial llburlcied hy is past. socialisL-comllbilnes ioininatei tie ie-oonlici- After iTito&s death in 1981. Belgrade gradnually teir-ain ifEastetn Euronpe-. Nibting cotild be io-inslildletd control of the fLcilit-. The firing furither froni tlie truth. tJNMIK seeks to of AlbIanianr mandgemtent andl woikers in create Itue coliditions uniter ahiuh Tireiiia 198(8-19 Fed to direct ollflict intcittling hiunge- c an comnpete for privxate i iitstnieiit. li- stiikes Ix- miniers proiest liaciles. anid a range The Trepca works t-eflect the conflicts of iiui-lelledi in the ic onsequenc-es ol past mis- of repressive resptonses hliom Belgrade. Kosovo nianagenient and political exploitatiir. lirepia niatters to the United Nations In- lniagining lec-ihnical silutijOIiS is selioiii terim Administr ation Mission in Kosovo sure gr-w to curtail it-adl tiollulion bV S>iuttilig VxIV rv iffiC-nit. inUt assenibli Mig ani riitiiitaii- (L NMlKK) i-Li ise ot its implications tor the dowin snielter facilities in Zvecan- ing a teaLiii to impl ement those soiulions al- peace plocess in Kosiovo. WitIi signifiiant op- UN MIK neided peiple who would be able ways requir is suistanitial cffort. -TPh eg)i ali st eratioits in Montenegro an(d Serbia, Trep-a is to mainitain ciontact witlI the lecal la or force c-haleiiige of all holiever, is building lid t - ital io efbin is io l ink dlie reugion in productL ive. a iiI help niainta itn [Le iicacc fllot ling Itic riersh iFis wilt i the local pOpFl ation. iatlier thai iii ionfiontationai. ixays. The plaiit's shutdown. SEP exchangee Bernard Salome. Kosovois citizenis al e ilealiig the traumia w-ork fOtce histou calhv incl-udedi both Albhan- who had servet i as tU\NIIK's lead adviser oi't iar loss. and(i dispilaiement: tlie conse- ian aiiti St->i-uau xxotirkers alitd niaiiagenienit aniii negotiator on Treplia since early 200(0(, quenecs of 10 wars of eltini apart ieidz, the ani(i major faiilities were loiatel iil oth SerFb- ilox was responsible fo- a large. compl ex pioblenms of tranisition fi -oni socialism to a andI Albaniart-dnominated areas Factional clis- and politicallv charged indu striaI facility of market economy-: anld the opportunity offind- riuLes wxxitlin lheS-r- niit Allianiai popullatiolls -30 iiajor sites spiead oveie 1 000 squat-e kilo- ing a proiductive plat e in a niew i nlioci rac ale fhe(tieiitl n ini rroredl in disF)uItes with iii nmetres. with a work force ott5.((000 people. The It is easy to lorget that they are the c-ore ofii he Ti-cIc-as maliagen ilcnt arit1 labor. UINN-IlK teanm liad to stabilize the situation am13 peatce process. ans tlial thete have the great- So I NAIIK quickly realized that Trepca ixas move toward getting a safe anti sListainahle est oblitacles tlti overi-ome i loo ciomplicalted lo manage alone, tlic- ageriy iniiustty back to wnork. d('UIiId l-e chnw i al reS01-1 Ces l, bf- O ruling a The rapidIly chaniging politicat situation- -Bernvirv Salomnie acc Dacen E)e te.mserccd sI plartnersh i p wilt h internatioial mining anti with c-rises ranging froni iinuts tto acid spills anmd heIid coi/ dep/)ut /iev(l of t/e EcOiiJnli(it Pol- iiOnuit in- fi niis: W-ash i ngtoin Group Iiiterlla- sabotage-strainedi relatioiins bsetwteen UNIVMIK ic- Office, (//ice oJ/the Specil R/Rprsentaiuice innal tunitet3 States )t Te- lngenierie (F ranrie t and l [l'. of t/ie Sec retary Gcenerarl, U NMIK. mai/il Mi - auth hut iienl- C(on tac- Sa-e(ileil. Or-gan ized I as I'he struggle to align (loior peic-eptions anit ionic v'epart refi-orn Ki-ivi koo' in M(l tr-/i 2009. Ihe International ie( hlrliic-l Tearn Kosovo p[iorities with L NMIK'sviewof' Tiepca'siolein Bern(irci Soalotmue has /ioN ii in iWor/cl doit stn/l lIli, the partners were initially asked to (lo the peace process is anoltlier challenge. Con- iniernbersince 1988. Fl-re is oi le/nefirom /ice d I0 ipirehensiVe auii(lil of the IaCihities. but xerting Trepta to s-i -cessfitl com miiriercial oper- /ot /lt o / I:1t r/miii/ o/ io,i/ Scca - ev ents iquic-kly led I 1l iitio a tar iniire Ioli- atl oIi ill reqouire extensive wiork to clisLue salt I ity A i5, 7.:S No ji- Pos'gricc/ito t Sr-/iu1, il-allv signific anlt rule, as internationial pres- access to the mines. reirain manaigetilent anit Monierex; C(li/ornia. I Reducing the risks of doing business in Africa Regional insurance scheme butlcs privute invesLment The new African Trade Insurance Agency will bring down the high cost of trade financing in Africa and make financing available to more businesses. According to Onno RuihI, the Staff Exchange Program played a key role in ATI's early success. I 11 997. wfhen (CIMESA-the CorTmorn ot iiLierriatioiial ml]ar- Market for Eastern and Southern ket practice anil to Africa-was planning Afrira> first f-ee adlapt the application I rn lIe areat ,i (tnl nle]( t-Ihal IIIe i iIi atixe t iocess to laCifitate couldI li successful onlv if accoimipaniietd l) access by) African ell- otlier service> that wiuld encourage s ompa- trepreneurs. Firmaltv; nics to take adilanta(ge of the opportunities cve- we agreed to work in _ aterI by the news trade area. However, tooperation wvith tihe (I;OMESA anid seven of its ntenmber stales- privale seclor. 13utiulrui. K-rea, Malao, i. Rwamida, Tanizania, Ufgandcia. andi Zamilbia-realizedi thiat Africa; Building the private sector faces severe constraints. chief partnership aniing them the perception that Africa is ttO' The blueprint was em- i-ikv. African governmenit, cannot lie tiusted bodied in a discussion to mainitain a stable business eourt inment. the paper that wvas sent to argumcent goes. ani( there i> altvavs the threat interested -ountries Onno Rahl (second from right) with the World Bank delegation tf war or rivil strife. The consequence is that adli to iefveral inter- to the first general assembly of the African Trade Insurance finattaingfoltprodfuctive ratisatliotis ii Aftica tatioal ltauksaitd iii- Agency in Nairobi in February. SEP participant Ivan Rossignol is is scarce and expensive. surers. In the last seated behind Ruhl. (uarter tif 1998, a joint Birth of a partnership COMESA-`orld Bank team traveled It eiglht Riding the momentum In 199,. COMEESA learned that the Woild vo-ntitnesin Atficaaand tol.noltiotocollectfee(l- of regional integration liaiik Iil stippo-ted lihectreation or'political ]ack. In eac counlr the I-IOSt iiimportantt Iueet- At thc fiflit summit of COMESA i n Mauritius risk insurance facilities for tradte finiance in ing was a (la-v-long session witsi kev officials andI on Max 18, 2000. the agreenient establish- Btosnia-Herzegttina al -\Ilhania. The fac-il- representatives ot the privale ser-toir gloups ing tlle African Tratle Insurance Agency wvas ities helped get the private sector hack into tiiat were later institutionalized as the projects' adopted. T hree * ountries-Burundi. Kenya, hiusintess after the crises thete. lot-al rrehnic-al Advisory Comtnmittees. ,\ tar- atiil I gatdla-signled Ille agreerment on the Sonit aftet. I was imtited to a COMESA ritoer gioul) froi eachleountry-lbut still coii- spot. The agency's fitrst geeneral assemblv ministers' nieeting to disctis> the Bank's ex- taminiig botith publie auth private seclor took place on Felintars 19-20. 2001. ivitli six prenenee in Bosnitanti Albania. Ideas ijuicklv meinbhers was leputized to attendl afollow-up countries a founidiig iienibers. B) the stan- began trt etiierge. ant we agreeti to tvork to- meetiing in Harare. That group wvas clubbed the dlards of iiltilateral ctooperation. that is geliter to tlevelotp an Afrita mi solution lo the 'leelincal Adlvisory Group. roekel spee(l- t was acltieted because even7- prolblems of obtaining finanieing for trade. A key meeting hebtween the vice president one ins olvedl unclerstooit that ATI would pro- An intfli-mal project teani ii mposedl of staff otf the kirltd hank's Africa Region, Callisto vi(le a solutiotn lo ani tirgent biusiness prohilem. at the COMES A Cleariitg House, represen- Madavo. and a COMET-SA dlelegatiott let by ATI i- no+s reaclv to take up its role as a tat i t es of three states, anti mr Worhl Bank Secretars (General Erastus Mwencha followed major fa-ilitator of trade finaince in the regiton. Bijsnia-Allbania teati canivassed the markelts on Septtembtler 30. 1999. The parLicipianits (Operatinig miore like a corporationi than a po- to undlerstand(i the real itepedlinients to trade. agreetl that the Wtorld Bank noulil support litic-al bodv. it does itot look much like a mnll- Me quit-kby tame to understand that the proli- CO MESA anil the partitipatitig countrieis in tiilaciral agentcY. Btl it do-s have fl potential lemn allow-ed for only one type of solution: a re- developiing the Regional Trade V'acilitatiott to develop a wide range of export credit ser- gional onte. It trulv is ait African problem. Project. Totisetisre sufficient technical ea- viees bI) korking irt particership witl the pri- The concepts hehintl what later hecante the pacity tn the grouid. Ivan Rossignol. a inent- vate seetor. * African Trade Insurance Agenc-v were simple. her tof the staffofthe 3atik Group's Mullilateral We agreed that eat-h government musst le re- Itvestnsetit Guarantee Agencv. reinforced the -Otnno Ru/hl is the World Bank' jean-i leader sponsiile for political tisks ii its oivi mounntrv. team in Harare. a move made possible hb the ftr the Regionmol Trode Facilitation Project. WNe agreedt ti use itisti-imments that were haseil Bank's Staff Exchange Program. The rieu-s expres.sed here ore his own-t. I Insuring small farmers against natural. | disaster IFPRI Researchers at the World Banlk, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and several universities are exploring ways to tap financial markistance 50l bisil ,iiiss nre- to researli-els ill Olw eloptigvillg 1 wrld Vilie vciNcld ill tiltl ro- p sillfiiltalneousy raising tlantar[ar of clualitN. Ti grains first round late, CDIN hai conilidititeil Illort thian -12 xxerl soilet-tl lo a Imlilli(lin to Ili(c-' activities. irilis. inlepen- dent reviews. Winne rh, Home-growrn think tanks Merv honionretl at thI (GN also has siught to increase nettworking Tookio co nferentei oppo)trtimintic ( Sit rest arn hers. Tirniugh (GDNet. Nt time samie time. . (CDIN; interactive \Neh site xswNxvg.dnet.argf) kaiwabe points out Lyn Squire (front row, center) and colleagues from the Global tilt' coninilinit) tan lpost prtofiles of irtliVixlUal him, hi-i SH' experi- Development NeLwork. Eiichiro Kawabe is to the left of Squire reisearnhers and( institultes. holdl olm-lime dlis- ence has helpedh hinin and Akifurni Kuchiki is ir the back row, left, ti'sliOtil, alit I pl st antiI review etNear h and(I POI- and( his coU,, Irs lvhui Ir it'y lirieiia--s. GtD)N's se cond aniual i oinfrelene future partnersli lp. in 'Uttkvo iii Dect-nilter 20((1( altrat-tedl more 'artic ipants see GDN Moves to Independence thanI 500 researt-hers froi1 around(I IhP siorldl each other at lutici ( itoisistent x ith 1 )V's stroig suppItrt fil ex- x ery twio uceks, so After being nurtured inside the World Bank for the first two years cliaugus of scholars at(1 staff. lveo of the niot' SEi contribiutc's to of its existence, in July 2001 GDN will become an independent or- nieniber-s ofthe GDN secretariat in Viashiing- net-xiorking amonog ganization located inWashington in its own premises.The I 3-mem- tiOt carmne lo (;N [li rotui theI St all i\4i-hanlgc parlici pant orgariiza- ber governing body of the independent GDN was presented last year lPirgrain (SSEP. Both liaxe proxell to h)e stronag lions." A\s a result. to the network's annual meeting in Tokyo. Coming from all regions assets. Etichiro Kawaoe. Frou the Jlapaiese piaiticipatils experi- of the globe, the new board members have already begun to shape gtsmernnent's Clahitiet (I ffice. antI Akifumrn en e go hvsondl the the organization's future.The World Bank will retain close ties with Kachiki, liron thie Japan Trade Q7 ganization's personal to proinote GDN, providing financial support to the secretariat for five years. htistitute ofl Desvelopinig Fctuimies. pilasyedi a larger uinlerstantdl- iniportait roles in the imiplemicentatiotn if tlie irig helweel their (A ;i I)al Develo ipmiteit Xix art Is i- tn pmetitio n. c ou tries tiorigin and ithe gli il al i-titinmunitv. change is ill i (ititinue il lav il the future nf net- whilh ret ignize- higil-quilal ty reseanr h a iiI i in- r al wirk iiIapat -Iitb i liliig. The (IDN 'OIli- novatixe ieseltitnent cidtS f(l tll tile tie the links hetw len the sevex n regitinal hubs and niunity can look firxxard to anothier opportunity -eloititi tgorhl. 'I'he [w i hat alsui sesed as Jlapan thiough the GD)N annual tonferentces It tietAvork. excliange. andshare knoowledge later strotig liaisons xvith (GDN's set en r egio iiia I net- ani( tlevelopmtient awNards, le Ila , ixtirket I to .e- this sear at the 'rhiiirl Annual GDN Conlerentce wiirks anti( aw-i'lpe ing t ic tic Lh, nvl iii- e lo- tile t'uittling luo-int the Asia-Pat-itic reginil lorii in RBit tIe Jatneiro froiri IDeemtier 'e: > A recent seminar at the European Union's European Training Foundation (ETF) examined hiow several large miultilateral organizations handle sector analysis in employment and training, thanks to the initiative of David Fretwell, a lead employment and training specialist in the World Bank's Europe and Central Asia Region. Fretwell is on a 10-morith SEP assignment from the World Bank to the ETF. H s0 do ILil ilateral i ItstitUt iou 0 i j ildle-ittiomne injintries in the Me(diter- From analysis to policy approalch sector analyses in crl- rainean. Cetral and Eastern EnoL-pe. the (her lie lme It 1 e arW>. itnl atMliorijil il1 H tox itieni an ining? The iorl I Ne ewI Independent Slates. and Mongi olia. iitjiorns aLid f couitries in transitionl have doilei 1lank. Ful'roI'lwa Ltioot tAJFl. Intlerraiiorial ' though eAonloollic con lcs ttLISai II itlt- ('1O>isill'1al)lt 1(11)1 a iiolie tlII)lo)ll n111a(11 IEaiotir (OrgaŽization (lii)) andl (irgantiisaLtion poix e soinial nd( empiry itient inflilators il traillilng sectlil Mtth of tile ork oNas built F Eor nomic (Co-iperllioll and Developq- the loung terimi. as delion-strate( Iy Itle np- oi fniraewoiks dievellpe-l dlririlg Ilte 980s Itelil (il':A)i) till COMIjLIti tbLch ailalvse>. so inig ol ' ctoI Inties inI sever-al eouIItries of in latin nierienca \\-sternt Lutipe. and 1Norill Hut are theiln pactic(l-' iiisistelit Could Cenitr-al Eur-ope, (lev (an (ise high un- Ameiica. T'hose anlydses, and >ulI)seqileiit tIhy lie nImproved throigh icooperatinti. tet- eiaptlonteiit inl the shio(rt (tlit h h , i-lo0t Iro lisi led to oUitct(Oii- Still] aS kirkin(g. a1t11 a beittr undilcistaifiing oF tlie iiiancn for lHInllatl Caiiitll amid Cu sing tIle (Ot(I) Jobus Strlnegy and Iilucationi Inl- i-nitext x,ithin ohich intilutions operate. temrporary tint seveir': hardshiip for vxlner- diiatirs, ilie liroipeami knillilxp o tl Sliat- a1le groutps. egxy aid ils it eiti'hntaŽtks and inliialtrs. the I-wlowar'l nior-e consisrent analyses Tihe Tn seminar examinied tite, differing 11(1 E.llm1loment (Lutlook, and the merit Itl e-rh Felbttaro represenaives the four policies and practices ol the' pariicipatinig \Xorld flanik stiraegg vpwes on) 0oiial pro- nulti laterals ani selected ELI partner noun- rgan izaLions ti (letetrinille hor tIey at e linked tection. Irbltotr and I 'iuat itl. ries gaihered at FIFT healdquiarters iti luirit. with-aind sripport ot lirlder-ecollotnli arild Ie selinat plo\ rided ai execlletil lli- ltak. lo n ge sotme antsers. An agency of the so ial developimeirit. A stsheriati analsis luititv for t ' paiticipating olgalnizati l( to EiFOlpean l noient', ETl lias been assistinig of policiies iti Ithe emploviieril and trainingg share tihe tonsiderable lasly of' kunoledge (o(i with tIm (e-signl allmi iallagciltelt of tiailtiii sig lol ill a given setting call ilentify weak how sector anialysis call andl(I should(I he dolle Lill(I eripl((x ieiit-lateil reimnrm programis in litnkages between ec-ionutite treii(ls (-HuCh as in transilion eIiononlilies ani d llo\ analx ses cal LA p Iattrine r omilies sirtlie 1995. 1t i- 5 nox silyltlI atil (eaildlIa fim labor), obstacles [i) tlh ict cortVtlc int)o c'olitinick putlicics atitdl in- evint g imir i ntoi a eenter oftexpert ise in tr1ainlinlg use (if huLiman capital (such as restrictive hii- grants of reliorni I'artiCi Ita1nts q(lesti(lis S WTI arttl enilploynitel]t polic( itig ,pdolicies), and baltiers to tlie idextliiy- %ariedl ;tiiil probinig: Vklmi h 1ta [lie ol)jeetee" Lconiimic re>trnetuCrtI1 CoutinuLCes tlo af- ienit of applosriiate bItniall cpital (suCIm as iif tle sei'[or anialses? Himu is the anal]tii'al ect thie so(eial ftairic ol transitional arn(i pool' training priogianOs). prleo cirgallizeuf? Mm hat are thIe kex teltni- 'al e'lercrts int'lu(ed ill tlibc anahy)sis A\ial 50~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il ca 0i .'"t' the itt(li ' tte4C iJ1#\ ('i11 atlt t ('Oileo I' n1yses li Žtt (la1lte(l 09~ Lalbai Poidic SeminariL in Apill to le1ati m)r(1 ; baltomit lalbor poliiy issues. Adltli- j tiinalt'ontitr-sptecili hI flli]-op ineasott's, liii lid1. njoint FlTlV-Worlil Bank fri'ojc'l't (le- sigrn lilissiolis. are beilig plamd tIaI fi itlig tpe(wilist ill lith Hr/1it(tilt l)er'lop- ______ moo~~4 ", tiei SenrUirL Cnit ii) t/n' /(tropen'1( imimi Gut/ru - - .>Aii I ogu tit t/ie UtrlVd Ban n/. lio' in/lir- Tli(t)lo a)( tnill' lilt of c(IllI b fir lnig/ (-t Toe etea-n Fecnn''e;c io Eipean Tra~iing Fa)-n(lor)nu n aloLly i'r.t/i./ Tri-sector partnerships build workplace skills Cor porate- - -' '- The emergence of corporate social responsibility and the willingness of companies to join forces with international organizations is helping thousands of young people around the world to lead successful, productive lives by acquiring vital job skills, says Rick Little, founder of the internationalYouth Foundation (IYF). 1 ti ettjane grew tip) in a tarin] in Sur'prising ran imlpaiverip iietih northern piroiince (of partnerships j P* S11titcii Tfrihca - Th lihe compil eted Oii) He .il -0I eThut.,the Iis iiiiiversitx 1egree-, lie fLuid hilniselli at Glob AihaMnce tor a S the age iif22 unable to fin I a joI), even alter 'VeWokers and Com- a to i-\ e al sear-li. H ip Prospects toik ;- adra- -nialles, biriis to- -W iiintii tattl alter hi i-iittreidi a poalil [littda[ )- gCthe( F0111idations.F Vid-e VOHg11', penole pI'itl hI vokplact skills gihi'al lotpanie rnii- prstital tea-naership-" at l(cLil i-on- NG is, and interi panics. [iiilil "icks alt(r radllyuatitg Froni ilatiailal institutions _ ile llrain, Phuti Iiomil a jib x%ith a mala- ta improve ithe wvoiL- atieirielit to-llaiix in J0ohacSllnrU1-g. His placc'lxcrIicill- >adull lbreakthrluglhl i%as a result of the' 'Maki' A life pirspetct il tat .*- ;wri c t onnl-ction Pirogranl. a jointi arttnership Ibe- torvt itorkers arotlild _i tNct (te \ikia aid IYi . I oL.111am of wlitnt are in their late Ricl Little and fi-iends Challenge and opporturnity letis atl iearL- teen- Ph trtis stori hi glighis bloth the plight anil tics. The NIliante is anl initiatiNt oi IYF anitl fntni in n'vat ive progranms to insplire learnilig tile romiiise o(f ioiing p eople sinuggliig top the WXXoil Hank's Bausir P71 nmtnel . !I E)' cit develo It Iir tiith ieadii sJlihp. griom tIp in a linme of se eepinug ehaiige. TIhex veloprment. which plronmotes replit-able [art- Other 1t F Iorpolrate partners incIu(le Lace en rii u ls c Iac ul-iges-froil I he spreail nlipshil 1 ini v ilI i p the publc i sect it, pir ate M'ca-osotr, which is in r easi ig access to eil- oi Ill AiS an ii ri s ing uiit'rip ni rii t tnL t I i-lit- stcito. nut1I c ivi e usociHneat iotnl ll ehnloig antgilion n I ople in nic viol ce ani(i enviromi enta ilainage. Yet Now ac Live in Thailanld. - icinain, am I Ind1n- Po liand, Sou th Africa. Russia, an(I the lhi] i- thanuks ill pa rt to the new plohil et ororriv nesia. the Allimic e p[)vitliesti-niHiig a inll tl ie irles; anil (I is,-, Sytstemns whitch is oftering aii(t the cxplosIon I f infimmation techrio1- learnin ug opportuanities that r- oll ndtl tkIx irk- jl)i traininig oppt(irtuit ilie for tdisadvantagetI ogy, they al so have iinparaleled opporil- ers i tie nis and aipirations-thus heriefil- v-tth in the Philippines a n,l Wlest H3alik and nities tio [earl] new- skills aad(l shape thieir ing niot rnkl wIrkers andl theiLr farlilifis. lut Caza. onwit futures. their fat-ories and tite gloilal eoinpaities who Wliteii I It ia dr-itl I N 1-ealJ agpi. I krtL' ciipliv theni. Nike aii I Gap ai I[ le lia iet'' ''It's wol-th it- ttiat buiiiliig partniershipi-hiith plolhal anel t-L Tt-lt :torpoiate partitnrs, all w' lilhik for- Builring complex relatioliships dlemanlfds timte lo-al Nould lie critial to oui etlltts toi ili- varid to otiiem; j;iiiing. mida] jialie neeandl a gotil deal oF Ca.ltumal seil- plioNe the lives null( JrTsOeclts of y4 ilg pelo- Lu cent Techamlotgies and( I) F have es- sitix it The Wor-l BEank has })een a catalyst ple. Yet I iiexei iniaginedl thatl o iiiiix of the ilaitishetl a partnHershiup airie,1 at primlotitig t10t only in promioting tri-seetoil- f ollabora- o1pp)iiulliti es IOr ileveloupilng linnuuti potetliLil Itarnling aiilpimg Ii onp e lrt al I illost tiis- tiouns iiit al so in ensuring that the'ir rllait wNVltllI arise thiiugh the antimis oi gpi lbal ,-or- ailvantaped t-hilirei auntt ytitli. As a Lesiilt Nalutlie lessons are shareil byv ille 'ilol1 pt tratitii aillI inLerriaLit ndl i,sttituit iori like ,f this fitur vear, $15 nurilli i proje it. Ioung cIuiilnlnlitV. - the Xiorldl Panik. people liv ing it a reii,ote intligenons cfiiit- Th,' en iirgeoci nl t loorate soe iaL rc- nIiinitNx in Austialia are gaiin img at iess Lo spoiiniility, aitil the in creasinug x illinitrnes, - ointenpiiorary infornidti in tet itittiloo: h hil- o cotiiipaniei tt joirt-l c to witli interiiatitniial lieu n iiHcijillg hate a ch;-rn-e to spendl a ti%il society frgnnizat, i ws,pratitniakiiuit lin- week on a fnalil farmiI Japanese youth in Rictk Little flsiser-ves as ti/elifric-/i tha/e O)t- (tinlticn> aii i lot-al tini ci im-ntl or gai ii- tiL' c'i t, (Knit obe hto reftise tt attei(l si hool erfmting (mouncil fir ri/e (lr1 il1 1/limit-i- for zatiOnIs-otteit iti partllersip Pviitli lit-al or are - heing 1tared I batk ititij the ' lassro1rnl li ltort-t'rt (uid CoMnin17litii.N ( itnititire tl nationial giiverulmtneilts-is haviiitg a signlfi- mllusitc. art. andn iew -olilpllLems: atnl lioN-iil- /IF' id /lic iVPorl/d BanCt Siutiries P"arltners caliiti pr-f noutr effortis -ome (hildreh n in Mexico C it, are lenefiti/ng fiir le-elopinieiri. IUCN,the World Bank, and the Staff Exchange Program in a changing world The forces of globalization that are reshaping the modern nation-state are also reshaping the world's international institutions, says John Waugh. In an increasingly complex ("globalized") other specialists to collaborate first on species world, irnlivi(l, ]ifistlill ions cannol hope The key to a successful conservation, then on parks and( protected to marshall all of the knowledge and tools areas. and( later oni cross-ciming, issues of necessary to rise to all social, economic, or relationship is that Ia, e(onomics, communication, at( ecosys- environmental challenges. differing perspectives, [tlil Management. IlCN alsf) becarne a on- In Critical Choices: The bnited lVations, vening force for the shiftling roster of atitors 'Veuworls, (ind Glohal Governance, Wolfgang nanaged creatively, ineiiviroriinental issues-heginiingi vith sci- Reinicke and Francis Deng describe the improve mutual cntific societies. adding olifer- nongovern- emergence of networks and partnerships that a mental andl governmeintal actors (in calling cul across the private sector and civil soci- understandings and 11jercasingly 1hose rtt-o ti-[ie developing wosrld, ety. governments, and international institu- capabilities and and linally welcoming slates as ruenilers. tions. The new networks-which link actors IIJCN changes in profOtUndl WxIaV the oful- that until recently had operated in a seclor- therefore benefit all look ol those wvho participate irn il. ()-ganiiza- alized, linear structu ire-have sprnig up in involved. tiofis with global scope gain an appreciation response to the realities of'globalization. of the on-thte-griuand tea] ties reflected iri the IUCN-TheWorld Conservacion Union concerns of' smaller organizations, whii Le tihe (officially. tlhe Tnterriatiorial Jniion ir tort- F'oinded in 1948 as a union of conservation smallergroups in turngim in a ppreciation or servatioti of Nature and( Natural Resources), interests-at that time largelv nongovern- the global approach neccssamy to ai(lless tile although known as an institution, is already mental-IUCN has evolved through the years. forces that complicate their ownn niiSsions. perhaps a prototvpc of the network lor pub- It began as an international frarnework for net- IUCN has ricitefited iro,m stalI exchanges lic policy dlescribed hy Reinicke and Deng. works that brought together scientists and with the World Bank. It, managenient cia- gIi | 4,0 AGENCY Me S,4, pacitN lias been subslasntiall en- *I he list goes on, sugge'tillg 1lial hanied throulgh the partir-ipjation ol o the potential lOr partnerships is kuv staff neinber, i the Baiik,,, C-N(lional Rgoa key staff membertis in thle BaisksE: Fit i.inmm - b ,,, Committees equal1 asd large. The next "te)p >r_evl-lr e 2.Žvelup'rrK- L PF e n irn it - for I LCN ancl the World Bank mnay Harvand. ItUCN i ha returned Iithe he to illtelate taffexcllallges witlh favor, prox idir-' throughl SEP a se- a -h other joint activitiesi, perhaps draw- niorii human resources adviser. Hans 'iig upon the V`orld Bank InsiiSic 0(, _ogrcrr, to lie Bank'> ,uman H4 n and mur joint exlerience wvith task Resour(es Vice Presidency. f< o burr-es, such as thoe World (Comnmission It is fitting that tlle first Wllvorld Santk staff 4eiTONALANGOAi onl l)arms. tiiiiletlon)exchange Lo ILn(N is it the field - SEP max lIe unilerstood as one of tie nivr- efxenirotnmental law, (Ch.;rlr I evr fromn iadl manifestations of a rlcepli felt-anii deeply the Bank's Environnmental and lnternialioial conemiendlalle-desirc wii tlii [ll,- Batik to in- L.aw Uniiit, has for the past ti' years sened as tioinship Nwith a gli ,al netwolrk with which the teglrate mor-e effectively with other orgailiza- the nieadl of IUtICN>s Ens ironmenital I a (Cen- Bank can parlrier to aIddress einerging legal ancd tions. Bitt col laib orati in cioes not itquire that ter in Botnm Germany. The Cetiter provides poliCV issue-. gdathelr and( disseminiale knoiv- ICPN and tie \irkrld Bank lIe joined at the hip. technical advice to 1LCNs fieldl programs, ei Ige, ai( explore new ways ti niplemient in- The ke tba successful relationship is that dif- tiailitaills a lawv lihrary ar 11 database, proru hoes tcrnatiortal itis Lruitierits at(i ilrocesses at tire leri ng p[eis iew tix es, t tarrage I c rcativel, ni- 1)01 ikialiuins (n Cin ironimetital lav, aid ter- initernatioinal anwl national level. plorve mutual understandings ai(i capabilities kices the IUCN Coiminission on Fxiroini- SF'P hil.l ileniontrated tremenldous pti- and therefore betlefil all involved. 0 menital law, a netliork o f almi ost t)0 experts tential as an integrati ng foree. igshliiruhing tLi- in the field of en ironimetital liw. itierous areas in which kVrld Bank atid I1ICN J/ihn Waigh u'as ned IfifAs /iio/point ro TI linrlluh SEE the Env iroinmerital I aw (Cen- expertise rouldl be joined. inrcluli rig: WI orldi Bank arnd C'N relXt-iotiis ot /Rte begititiirg ter ias oltainiedi atop legal expert with neuw per- * Mitigation4efirmate c hange and( its impacts:. or'200/1. Hle joined IllC.N in 1989 a//er work- slpecrtives in tire chrllenges iif iniplenienting * Jle applii-at ion of i-ross-setnrial pcosys- i72g in praut'lted urea s5 temn p/aJnnila in TlP.5/ both national law ad(i internationial agree- tenm approaches. Altici anid hasserridl in LUCN/ ( rs a protected tients peItaiiitig to the enviroiinnenit ai sus- * Suslainahle finanie for liioiliversity rcr speciliost, senior progruinr officer. and taiahibc dcvelopimcnt, The exchange aNdl rionsers ationi. o(irime pirograin coordlna7tor. He is (rlso) the lienefit tire Baank hy cementing a lasting rela- * Management if acr-ess to tiatural resi,uries. DeP)0in DirectorrfJULCN Rlnshington ()jjire. gram contribute to strengthening * Ability to mobilize and convene di- Framework agreement knowledge, empowerment, and gover- verse actors behind common with the World Bank nance at global, regional, and local levels: objectives. Since 1995, a framework agreement has * A unique structure in which govern- * Capacity to use knowledge, empow- guided the collaboration of IUCN and mental and nongovernmental actors erment, and governance within and the World Bank in environmental and work together. between states to achieve practical sustainable development.The agreement * A global network of social, economic, action. has resulted in the creation of the political, legal, natural sciences, and * Leadership in thinking strategically World Commission on Dams, joint pub- educational actors that provide high- and creatively at global, regional, and lications, workshops, missions, and staff quality technical advice. national levels. exchanges. Collaboration is expected to * Access to up-to-date and relevant * Commitment to nurture and facilitate grow in the years to come. knowledge about species, ecosystems, informed dialogue among key stake- legal mechanisms, and other conser- holders to influence actions and pro- vation-related fields. mote the resolution of conflicts. Catalyzing a global carbon market L ess is mo-e Greenhouse gases affect the whole world.That's why Ikuo Nishimura has come to the World Bank. W hy would anyonie ever want to ducing greenhlouse gas enrissiois. N ishimura greenhouse gas etrissioris. 'Ihal's winy -buty- buy someone else's pollution? workedl on reducing emissions bv rehabilitat- ing someone else's pollution' works. v Ali aI y h woLrl i the Wo ril ing anid developirig a siiall hydroclcctic darii O)r it would work i fthere was a sysen i ri Baank want to help? to replace a diescl generator. which everyone hai(l confidence. 'I'hat is ex- 'I'e tradi iig i' greenhrioose gas emissions Nishimura brings to the Hrank more than actiy why the B3ank set up lIhe Prototype Car- is a powerful idea that has grown out ol thc five years of tech in cal expertise and project Iccin lund. It is inic rided as a demonscriis trot inc reasingly urgent debate on climate change. experience. He also gives the Bank w hat it to the world( th aL trading greenhouse gas re- Aware that clevelopirig eounriries suffer mosi niost lacks, perspec'Live fro [ithe private sector duci tions throuigh pro jeet s will work. 'I'he froi culinmale bhanige. and( keen to prove that -a vital contribution by SEP participants Fund provides a credlilule process hoir c han- hlie idea can twork, the Bank set op the Pro- from corporate partners. nelitig investnient to where it will (lio the nio9st [otypi (Cali la ruid in 1999. 'I 'lie Prototype Carl)bon Eunci is base(i on a goo( (in lerimis of reciuci ng pollution andi con- 'I'o givie this vital project the 1iest chance very simple fact-that the worl( has only one trinrting to the sustainable developiceiorillif the of' sucic'ess. tuie Bank wantcdi o biring inr ad- al mosphere. RIedUCling grcenhousC gas cnlis- hlost counlry). arcil for venrilvi ig 1halt ile iri- ditioinal expertise. and( bring ing expertise sions in one country will bIenefit evertone. tended reiduco tins lake place. in ti he Barik G rioup is whiat the Stafl' Ex- A Ithough the indlusirial coonritries produce l.ike tire best SF1' partiti pants. N ishiiict 'a c hange programii is all abiout. a lheavy output ol greenhtouse gases, much of is cxci ted by the oppor oL ilty L Io cri rtg know I - SEPI tarried to oiie of its longstanling part- their industrial plant is already highly efficient, edge back to his home company, as well as tiers. 'lokyo Electrie Notir Comrpany. In No- anti to redice te cir e missioins further wouldi bringing it intci IInc l3anik. 'I'he eii(l of'his as- vemlner 1999. Ikuo Nishimcira arrived from take a lot ofmoney. Muc h greater impact can siglinierit at the 3atik will c:ertainly not fbe the TIFPCO tio start his assignment at the Bank. lie obitainedl by spent]dirig theA satire money on end of itis involvement with lile Prcrototype A l-yvear veteran ofTEIPCO, Nishiniura has plants thot need technoclogical improvement. (Carbon Fundc, because ''EPCO is amoing the a backgncounil in arch iC ctuetaL engirieericig But Lice plan ts wlhose cmiissioiis could be 17 coiipanics that, alon gwith 6 goverrirnist am:c urboato planncirig. redruced most are likelv to be in cLeveloping providl the cash backing fior the Futtl. When the worlibs large sl prixale electric aniI Irtrsition rountrics. where'as t[ie increy VHe believes tle ruost usefil thtitig lie has utility ibeggn to reccognize chniate change as an to retrofit them is in industrial ecountries. The learniel at the lBank so far is how tio pick outl important corporaitet sotial responsibility answer is Io ridge tile gap Lb rlade. 'I'lie in- tIre projects that really need( hell) froii tire N ishimurat was iivolvecl itn develcoping the dustrial coutntries 1prcovide the monev, and F"cund, and how to avoid puttinig inoiey into pr- companys strategy. ln 1995J EPPC() led an in- the reduction in emissions (courits as their (ton- jects that wioul(l happett anyway. "Before I ternational pilot project in ln(donesia on re- tribution towards the lUN targets for cutling came here, I was not very clear about this lor derline. arid this is a very good tilling-il' , 1 TEPCO did not have this capacity our con- Intribtiorn to the proiject might result in nothing." Wirth it rore than 30( projects in the pilpeline, the Prototype Carbon FLun(d is well on the wvay tco provinig that everytine benefits if yolti trade reductions in greenhoiuse gas emis- siOrrS. Anid SEP has shclwn once again that the Ba nk clients, partic:ipants, and partners ben- efit when you share knowle(dge. ( --Ikuo Ni.shimiurtir a scnior )_ eoc'rrunrntreental .sperit(list re.spora- silcie for outreacIT chad project _TzEPCOz clere/o,crocni cJt I/he Wic/cI c/ank' s I__1 Prototype rCarbon Fuucd.lie ti.calco prori:ues Ikuo Nishimura (third row, far right) at the April 2000 founding of the Prototype ;notcgcrnerfl cupport / hr ie Ba,ris National Carbon Fund. CDII Strcrtegy Studies progromM. i Staff exchanges-The best of two worlds RecollectiLons of se f-- rnvented \/eteran'' of the exchange system Participants in professional exchange programs sometimes have to assert themselves within their host institutions to make the best of the opportunity if those institutions are not practiced at integrating visiting staff. But self-assertion is worth the reward, says Maurice Fitz Gerald, whose exchange experience covers more than three decades. Everyone can win from staff exchanges. F or riliiN icars, exciranges lia. beeeen ioiii a inerchant ban k in tre CiLtv of Lod(lon. \ iew-edI ])v certaill social groups as the The culture shock of If mn tenure had been any shorter, it would )best way of de eloping an unds:ler- .n. not have been as Usefiil to either side. staniiirg for tie latiguage, CUlturP, ar(d pac- transposing individuals As itwas, I was able to participate fully in trtes offa teighimoring countr-. In i,aniy fanliies. from one institution to the interniational work of the bIank. Trust. witir branches in Iwo cultures. childreni tra- a h o them comnbinre I with snop diplomatic background. (lii lally speit tli itirs ilh their cousigs ng trh e led tlie batik to allow me to act as an adviser tholse ver' reasons. Given the long-standinig to drive themselves hard to ceitain governments in Africa. a rule that e\perik eO e of exci haneres within OIir cOLunI- it hail traditionally 1performed withl great skill. trics. tlhirelorc, it is slightlY surprisirng ilta to make a success of the Illie cxpoer-ijenic imiproved diplomatic skills vihen the pjroife-<.ional world reinkerite(t it. it arrangement, is not and inl the process. I hope, benefited the cilrinied ini'o,atioi ar(eI even gave it grandI new ohank. Wheniniv terrm was up I rerinainedl in titles such as *iiterchinge" ai(l -inteniship.- everyone's cup oftea. the Citv ol London. Most institutions do not Sonle mray see the corncept if exchanges be- Bred in the bone (r iiniig a threat-a variation of the faniliar s a self-inveterie *eteran ol ilte exrhaiige naturally find it easy to lIrain (ilraiii. Ilowever; the (ift from tie punb- svsterin in faurilI an(1 prifessionial life. I have absorb temporary lic to the pri.ate sector should niiot he con- never dlioibted its valIe. \Wlheit in the earla sidered as a disadvantag,e. Indee(l. if the years of lher .Conservative gov eirirent, v itir secondments, and It e r t (ifo exchange nianiages LO relax aiil plrivatization the thr-rne (of the day. Margaret takes a forceful soften tie porlarizatiohi hetween itistitutions, Thatichier airnuarri ell itilur l ietgi b cltee im gr-o(emnluieiits, ando( ihe privale sec tor, Iheln il the goenritnentadtiithe nivatres individual to imni pose siriuld lie en(Couraged to the geutestetpossi- hailedi as a visionary at last, a p rimiie rinis- himself or herself within. ile degree. The lo ss fronr one side to thie ter vNas, willing to encourage miseegeratilin i- e other shoulud nrrotlie tperceived ws a failure if twVeen the pUblic ail(I private sectors. thie sisteni; it shouldl lie eilionied as hring- Ir fat,. it, vas liew Cor lise rrative pii mlem cs- Biitisti exrhLaricen thrIOLrghi tle EN A svsterri irig a greater degree iof rrilnerstandirig and(i ile sor, [Edward Ileatlr. wiro in 192-2. seeking tii are nowv a regular feature of relations be- dissenrination if skillh. The Freri(hlb practice enhance relation-s }ielween France aridl Brintin tween Britain andi Fraline. yv whiiih grarlulates rf ENA revolve froiii high at tLie I inc 01irf ilaiiis ac eession oI Ire roi- AL first. suah ixchanges rcequired iironsiid- ioists iU goveinieiit li ilte aileradeirip ol large rnrir Market, agu e ed witih Frenicrh presidenit erable trust froinm boti sides. partirularly wheti. state enterprises hias ofteir beein to the lben- JAr-qles PonipidmOr tiat a young Britisr ciVi I as in nrN case, the British participant was in- efit of France. serv rr ai froiri thi F'or cigir 11t1icc shiuil eii er N itedl Lo frillokn tihe 1till ENA cosursc. If tirC ex- Seri irri ees li Oni rnu 1 nilateral Iintii ri al in- the ifrole Natioiaie d'Administration (FtN A) ihange was to he a success, the host slitutiins to privale finriacial inrstitutioins- anld Ilrat souieorre fir itoi Ilec F renichr side shiould go- ernrirerrt jiee(lei to reel that it c ould opeen such as iliose nh ho have unoved Ibetween the get tic knon the British. I was the younrg all its doors, witlout prejudice, to the N isitor. International Finance Corporation aird Dres- Bfitisit civil servanl. Vi iomiterpmart whim i hoi iould tleli sit if tile private ofiesofrTnit- dner Kleinwort Wasserstein-bring thie (anie to Linrgarrld later served as France's istvrs. in irefectures. adl in state companies. strong analticti and arivisory experience prime minister, iearder ot the National As- that their institutional background will liave senibly, ai(rl minister of tirance. Crossing London, crossing gi en tirerir. Thc rmirrninirr interest thal ledi to Those exchanges uere suCh a success in cultures the exeirarige presurmiably irreanis that that giviing particiipants a haridle on the policies. Later, when Tlliateier s exeiiange polirv ire- exiperierrca will he exploite(d by tire host in- procedures. ecceitricities. anid personalities came effective. I was inivited to leave the stitutiorn; tile opinioi and advice ofsecorldees 0. eithler sime if tile liralriiel that Franco- loreigil Olffice lhur three andt a hall Iears to will be actively sought. I themrseltves barl to inake a sicurc(ss of iie arrangenIent. is not everyoue;s cupi of lea. 'The re are, those wxho. alter a sinrt time. Ihave [een dlisappointeild h the process aLd have xWanted tc i-ltUrn hoice- There ure a lso Llios- w ho fueat that ic1leagues arde ouertakirng tiheti in their ahsence and thaLit ilev will niot get -uf- ficienit rer-oiilin aim tliheir w n i nsl iti- tion for their new expcrience. Ilhev too liax been tempted to (-ut short theit -;ec(idmeiTIt- Illo returr lo minld their umcks. Maurice Fitz Gerald (second from eftL with IFC nvestment officerYang Li (second Surpassing benefits from righ). Li is presetitly oan a SEP exchange svith Di esdner Kicimwort Wasser-stein. It' omn [triCs Ila d elI(lugh, cuIe caII alxI.s ax I where Fitz Geraid is senior adviser in the Strategic Debt department.With Fitz Gerald disadlvsantages ii a partieularecourse of Iction and Li are Rashad Kaldany (far left) and Dimitris Tsitsiragos (center) from the Oil, Gas. or policy. However. (-ross-fertilization aLd(I and Chemical department at IFC, and BeUlah vri WVyk. financial ~anagci with Sasol c-xhanige amtiug iinshlillitiom in the privale. Limited. pulblie. and i ILItilaterdi settCirli( shoul[( be eniLan ced. Bunk (Grotip secolinlees will gaiin Nut chatzof the seconeeds positiolii ai(i the greater cawaiencss fcoilnriercia ari(d coipo- experience that he or shie might gain froni sec Some may see the rate di -ive i- aiii( a goot i-11de-Staiildiung 0f the ontirient? Here it is difficult to iake rate- c e of eay Inwhi-h prifessiolial fiirancial seivices gorical observations. hecause so Iiiuch (lepend COncept of excuanges arre pov idled. \Wmrking at the Iiaeriatinoial 1'i- I thle i ndisitdual. D)esplite tlePres Ulled i-nil- becoming a threat-a nanclie C.irr)0,t ifail i r tlie WV01-lId Mirik inl- ple me ntar itN of inLerests. miios irlistiiitioris (lo . . vesl,,ierlt ci nmercial eminker, wil kIring -ioav variatirion ofls i)the frfan, thei asoair nOt naturallv findl it easy tn allsorr tepuraraton of the familiarii skills tn the fore. Int ics cissx ill seconinients, ailil it takes a forceftil indivisi- brain drain. However, the gain a fLu -greater understanilingd cgtof'ixerlinent ual to impose hiniiself or he self within. d f the pu ipit ssureI. . ""plitial xorinsiraiiits. arid thi ecarn-- unrift from the puuulc to tul interilCe that multilateral illStitntiiiu- Awkward moments the private sector should ni-st iiiaragc I ifUilfill their i i ii- I can inaLgi ne tiatl islhen I mioved froni the Fur- .rumstanices andl conditionis thant are not alwaYs eigri Servic e lilie rner-liant bank iri the not be considered as a popu lar. CitsY questions wex e asded abouti the vaine I disadvantage. Wte have all seen ad ( lived witli thi so-cial could bring an(d the contribution I coul(e benefits that exchange- have broiught. I.x- make. W hat (department woulid be prepared chlinges are roi palt anti plaliel of eiliiat ixon to a-rry lmie, a possible passenlger? Despite ini- obser e fcr thCInS eve tic pressues ofx woric progidLanS Similar beneftis xi il ct-c-le thiiioughx tial tUspicilons anil a shredi of enribarrass- ing in such an itistititolin,i the expected speeied prolessional exrchanges. The pullib seetor iiieiit t hat the histitutioii ni migt havxc txr-el and qualhlv cdeliverv. anicr the sense of co(n- will cottinuee to improve through a lelter Lil liar(ler at the outset. it woinrked. o doun t this mitment-which is not, as mani would thave dierstanding of the xvays ol -orniller(ciail praic- is the -ase vV illi sal c Smcli( inctltlie ils, as it. neessarily xisivcsi ]1Y personal riesat(l ioin lice. Similaili. the ip ivalh s e tor canl pe rh ilii ixterix a finiir theii- eet anud learn to im1pose gain. '[lie iiiter-n may- also Ie impressed Iy the hetter liei thile onstrainits aniiI practices ot Ihemselves. 'Ffle oriiis for the sure-ess of aiy degree of responsibhifity I hat is devolveil in [lie pubhlic seittor are imclerstootl anri lakenl arrangenmnrnt. therefore. nmust rcst riore NA itih private finailci-al institutions aru d the coonfi- iniio ac-oulit. The axivoc ates of exchange must the intlivisdiil; institutiolln are not generallv x erine xwith which dec isions are takeri at woirk- he en oliraget t(ie veloli Iheie inlitiatlives experiencedl eriougix vet at maniaginlg siort - ing level with mill imc ill n il urea luatic and( (congratulatedi Milen they sicc eeik I or xe(litim-termii inIterins. interiference, This, in fail, is shat ser-ondees Sec-oriidies Irom a m ultilateral to a private will iimiss inos[ la-li ilite return it t heir c i- -I1ouritce Fit: Gerutl(! is ( fiorin cx Britis h financial instituution gain1 from having tI face plovers in the public sectIor. diplonait u ho was seconaed ft-om the Foreign2 realities of oftnilmicia lifc acm(i thi dailv re- Therc hase beeix faitures. 'Ihe cultuie W/inistrx ixnd staved to rrorlc in the Citi( of quiremenlt to suatisfy commercial clients in an shock iif transposing indivirvluais froni one .owrionn, clhere he oas ihard ciose reltion.xs weith/ intensely ciompletilixve environmien Il They may instittilion to anotlier. ohliging tierii to drive the Ui orld Bunk anxxl II"(C. I The World Bank is ... people Human Resources is involved every day in the totality of the World Bank's work-at the front lines and behind the scenes-through individual and career development programs, learning and leadership initiatives, and hands-on operational advice.The Staff Exchange Program is a vital link in its chain of programs, says Kathy Sierra. aften inmv career at to policies and statutes. a s the World Baink I have _n /nd our role isn't limrited to thie W had Llic privilege of Bank's staff and institutional being invited to clients' coun- clients. In a real way we interact tnes to experience their concerns with everyone the Bank and contribute to pr-ojects that touches-from villagers con- will improve their lives and the c. i i cerned about the quality of their lives of their children. I accepted water to thie cehild of a staff mem- the call to becoime the Bank's hber entering school for the first vi e president for hIiiuman re- 7 tirne and the retiree whose life- sources because I know that our time commitmenit to the organi- staff are dedicated to helping our zation could fill the pages of a clients fight poverty. history book. HIhmal] resources is more thanl l o The Staff Exchange Program is administering policies and trans- a vital part of our web of pro- actions. The vice presidleney has - gramis, embodving thie ideals of the responisibility of putting to the Bank and( emphasizing the the best possible use that most importance of' itb humian re- precious of resources-human sources throughi its collaborative capital. Our f'inancial expertise spirit. By exchanging staff' withi and technical knowledgc rest in oraanizations that share our aoals, the final analycis on our people, we pass on our knowledge and without whom therc is 1io Worhld our passion. In return, we learn Bank. front those who have (lone things To our work we bring many beLter or diflerentlv. tools formal and informiial, so- To incoming SEP partici- cial and technological. individlu- | X w , pants-past, present. arid future alistic anti collaborative. In -1 am grateful for y(our contri- casual conversations (over coffee Iritions to the Bank. Wel have ap- in the atriumif of the Bank's nain preciated your hard svork and complex to fornial meetings (of Bank mis- diligence in the face of a translerred loyalty sions wvith client countries, we strive to re- By exchanging staff with and limit d time. I hope that you will absorb spond to those in need of our assistance . . something of the Bank's passion for its mis- through learning programs. knowledge shar- organizations that share sion and pass it on to others. e ing efforts, and effective strategies to imlect the our goals, we pass on our institution's staffing needs. At times our role is controversial, as we knowledge and our imme(diale belween Imie conflicting demaniis of passion. In return, we our constituencies andl balance hard realities with the aspirations of real people with a real learn from those who commitment to the goals of thc organizatioin. have done things better IJnlike the col(d facts of finance or the tabu- lar truths of an engineer. our work involves or differently. Kathy Sierra is thte World Banoks new rice human emotions and expectations in addition presidentfor hunman resources. 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The health prob- lems the world faces today are too complex to address as individual organizations; only by working together can sustainable improvement in global health be achieved. www.undp.org/jobs o~~~~~~~~ desperation.2P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ID At hc UnitedNations Milien- Iti ' to take Sid- nim Suiespt, Put your ideas, experience and expertise to work. the world's leaders pledged I ITNDP is a 'thinking and learning' orgailzatioii at the forefronnt of today's dev elopmcnt dialogue in ch-ampioning the poor and disadvantaged. Ouir focus is on provwhdng devel- to cult globail poverty upinig couIitrses with knowledge-based consulting services and building niational, re- gional and global coalitions for change. With a strong history of inclusion and in isalfbjY 20115. consensus-building, IJNDP has earned the trust and partnership of leaders across the developing world. We are now~% hiriiig a new generation of expert practitioners wlho want Thei Uraitedl Nations l)e~ ebopmenr ro contribure to thos partnerships by offering strategic approaches ro long-standing prob- lems. We seek inidividuals who can coimonuisicate advice anjd new ideas -across cultures Progranine and allI strata of society. is chargecd xvitr help'ing Vie have over 60 international opporninities at various levels in the following practice areas: to snake this liappen. Democratic Governance Poverty Eradication (including Macroeconomics, Social Impact & Gender Equiry) Wec wand von in wnr k wvith usi-, Energy and Environment Peace-Building and Disaster Mitigation Information and Communications Technology HPV/AIDS For more information, please visit our Web site. Or send e-mail to initiativewr undp.org. We eseial encourage women to apply and value geographical diversity in our workforce. 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JIV f wRecent IYF corporate alliances include: - a ~~~ Ayala Corporation * Merrill Lynch * Cisco Systems * Microsoft YA X .* Deutsche Bank * Nike 9 g Ii * Financial Times * Nokia * Fuji Xerox * Shell * Gap, Inc. * Unocal *^ * Kellogg. * Visteon * Lucent Technologies IYF also serves as secretariat of the Global Partnership for Youth Development, an initiative of the World Bank's Business Partners for Development. For further information contact: International Youth Foundation 32 South Street, Suite 500 Baltimore, MD 21202 Tel: 410-951-1500 Fax: 410-347-1188 Email: youth@iyfnet.org t www.iyfnct.org Energy Technology Energy management, energy consultancy, facility and equipment planning Power Supply Planning of electricity network upgrades and extensions, power transmission and distribution, power grid control centers Environmental Technology Environmental protection concepts, development and implementation of environmentally oriented engineering solutions Water Resources and Infrastructure Development, planning and realization of water supply and sewerage systems, hydropower plants, landfill construction, land management Consulting Business and management consultancy Fichtrier GmbH &Co. KG Sarvveystrasse 3 *701 91 Stuttgart PO.Box 10 14 34 *7001 3 S[uLLgart Germany Phone: 49-711 8995 0 Fax:--49 -7 11- 89 95 459 e-mail: v. fichLer de ww. fichtnerde FCHTNER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C *- AU, J * *,r IL~ _~~~~~~~~~~ *t% *e -rjn without wRk. Without barriers. Without hi-i'ic. A corpo- ration whose sole mission is to make it ,easier for customers to conUir(- in fast- paced markets. Where a neTL of doing business creates com:Tfi; that link suppliers, manufacturers ITI : customers. We are the combined brain .1ms.+a of 160,000 people with a passicl for creating value. At ABB, we build kn: f for tomorrow's world. u w w . a b b. c o m Brain Power.' Statf Exchange Pr-ogram The World Bank GroLIp 18 8 H Street, N.W Washingron, D.C. 20433 Uniiited States of America Tel: 202.473.082 1 Fax: 202.477.4744 Web sitc: xvww.sraffexchange.org E-miad: share@'\worldhank.org