I 3 1 DEC 2018 THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND ( NUSAF 3) (IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF 3) (IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2018 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL UGANDA I TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST ACRONYMS ........................ .. ........................ ... ..................................... ............................. .. ......... .. .............. 1 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450-UG) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2018 ........................................................................ ......................... ........... .............................. ............................. 2 Opinion ..... .. .......................................................... ........................ ............................................................... .... .. .. .. 2 Basis of Opinion .................................................................................................... ................... ........ .. ...... ............. 2 Key Audit Matters ................ ............. ........ ... .................... .. .......................... ...... ... ................................................ 3 • Implementation of Budget approved by Parliament .................... ... ......................................... ............ .. 3 Emphasis of matter .................. .. ............................................................................................. ........ .. .... ..... ..... ..... 4 • Subproject Grants - UGX.720,979,330 ..... ......... .... .... ........ .............. ....... ................... ..... .......................... 4 • Unaccounted for district operation funds - UGX.97,694,152 ........ .... ......................... .... ....................... 5 Other Information ................................................. ........................................... ................................... ................. s Responsibilities of the Accounting Officer for the Financial Statements ...................................................... 6 Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements ............................. ... ....... .......... ........... 6 Other Reporting Responsibilities .......... ....................................................................................................... ....... 8 REPORT ON AUDIT OF THE COMPLIANCE WITH LEGISLATION .......... .... .................................................... 8 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT OPERATIONS OF NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF 3) (IDA CREDIT N0 .56450 - UG) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2018 .......................... ... ............... ........................ ...................... .... ........................... .. .......... ............ 9 I LIST ACRONYMS Acronym Meaning IFMS Integrated Financial Management System ISSAis International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development NUSAF Northern Uganda Social Action Fund TST Technical Support Team MIS Management Information System DEC District Executive Committee DTPC District Technical Planning Comm ittee PRDP Peace, Recovery and Development Programme IHISP Improved Household Income Support Program LIS Livelihood Investment Support Cfs Community Facilitators URA Uganda Revenue Authority PFMA Public Financial Management Act PPDA Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets I REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450- UG) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JU NE, 2018 THE RT. HON. SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Opinion I have audited the accompanying financial statements of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) for the year ended 30th June 2018. The financial statements set out on pages 1 to 11 comprise of; • Statement of receipts and payments • Statement of fund balance • Statement of cash flows • Statement of special designated account activity • Notes to the financial statements including a summary of accounting policies used. In my opinion, the project financial statements present fairly in all material respects the financial performance of the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) for the year ended 30th June 2018 and the receipts and payments for the period then ended in accordance with the IDA guidelines and the basis of accounting stated in page 8 of the financial statements. Basis of Opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSA!s). My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statement's section of my report. I am independent of the project in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995) as amended, the National Audit Act, 2008, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Parts A and S) (!ESSA Code), the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Code of Ethics and other independence requirements applicable to performing audits of Financial Statements in Uganda. I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the !ESSA Code, and in accordance with other ethical requirements applicable to performing audits in Uganda. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. 2 Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in my professional judgment, were of most significance in my audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of my audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming my opinion thereon, and I do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. I have determined the matters described below to be key audit matters communicated in my report. • Implementation of Budget approved by Parliament Section 45 (3) of the Public Finance Management Act, 20 15 states that" An Accounting Officer shall enter into an annual budget performance cont ract with the Secretary to the Treasury which shall bind the Accounting Officer to deliver on the activities in the work plan of the vote for a Financial year, submitted under section 13 (15)" of the said Act. It has been observed over years that planned and budgeted for activities of a number of Government entities are not implemented thereby affecting service delivery. In the overall office wide planning, I assessed risks such as inadequate release of funds and failure to undertake budget monitoring and supervision that are likely to be the causes of failure to implement entity planned activities. The focus was put on the planned major outputs of the entities which greatly impact on the wellbeing of communities. Consequently, I developed specific audit procedures which included the evaluation of the financial and annual . physical performance by analysing government releases, testing consistency of planned outputs with the approved budget and verifying the accuracy and completeness of the reported actual outputs. Based on the procedures performed, I observed that the approved Project expenditure estimates for the financial year 2017/18 amounted to UGX.132,283,374,336, however, only UGX.66,455,226,732 was spent during the year, representing an absorption capacity of 50%. In implementing the project objective of providing effective income support and building resilience of poor and vulnerable household in Northern Uganda, management implemented a number of planned activities during the year. Implemented activities 3 My opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and I do not express an audit opinion or any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with my audit of the financial statements, my responsibility is to · read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially consistent with the financial statements or my knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work I have performed, I conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, I am required to report that fact. I have nothing to report in this regard. Responsibilities of the Accounting Officer for the Financial Statements Under Article 164 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 (as amended) and Section 45 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015, t he Accounting Officer is accountable to Parliament for the funds and resources of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG). The Accounting Officer is also responsible for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2015, IDA guidelines and the basis of accounting stated in page 8 of the financial statements, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the Accounting Officer is responsible for assessing the Project's ability to continue delivering its mandate, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to affecting the delivery of the mandate of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)- (IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG), and using the IDA Guidelines unless the Accounting Officer has a realistic alternative to the contrary. The Accounting Officer is responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAis will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are 6 considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAis, I exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. I also: • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. • Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Project's internal control. • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. • Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Project's ability to deliver its mandate. If I conclude that a material uncertainty exists, I am required to draw attention in my auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify my opinion. My conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of my auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) to fail to deliver its mandate. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. I communicate with the Accounting Officer regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I also provide the Accounting Officer with a statement that I have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with him/her all 7 relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on my independence, and where applicable, rel ated safeguards. From the matters communicated with the Accounting Officer, I determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. I describe these matters in my auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, I determine that a matter should not be communicated in my report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. Other Reporting Responsibilities In accordance with sections 19(1) of the National Audit Act, 2008, I report to you, based on my work described on the audit of Financial Statements, that; The activities, financial transactions and information reflected in the financial statements that have come to my notice during the audit, are in all material respects, in compliance with the authorities which govern them. REPORT ON AUDIT OF THE COMPLIANCE WITH LEGISLATION Thx terial non-compliance findings that came to my notice during the audit. John F.S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL KAMPALA lih December, 2018 8 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT OPERATIONS OF NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND {NUSAF 3 } {IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG} FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2018 Opinion I have aud ited the special account statement of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) for the year ended 30th June, 2018 which is set out on page 5 of the financial statements. In my opinion, Project management complied in all material respects with IDA rules and procedures and that the Special Account Statement for Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3)-(IDA CREDIT N0.56450 - UG) for the year ended 30th June, 2018 presents fairly in all material respects the account transactions and the closing balance as at 30th June 2018. Management Responsibility for the Special Account Statement Project management is responsible for preparation of the special account statement and its fair presentation in accordance with the requirements of the Government of Uganda regulations and IDA guidelines. Management is also responsible for designing and implementing internal controls relevant to the preparation of the special account statement that is free from material misrepresentation, whether due to fraud or error and selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's Responsibility My responsibility is to express an opinion on the Special Account Statement based on my audit. I conducted the audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and the IDA guidelines on auditing. Those standards and guidelines require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Special Account statement is free from material misstatements. I believe that the audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion. John F. S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL KAMPALA 17th December, 2018 9 Appendix 1- Budget performance Component Unit Item Description Budget (UGX) Actual Budget vs. D/o Actual outputs Audit remarks Management Released Actual Utilized as per response (For any (UGX) management area not or partially performed provide reason for underoerformance) Project Finance District Di strict operations 99.9% 99.9% Quarterly Funds distributed Utilisation of budget is management operations funds 3,630,080,000 3,625,546,660 4,533,340 funds sent to the to districts at 99 .9%. districts for operational costs like transport, SLP operation 170,326,000 95% stationary, motor 95% SLP Operations funds are funds 180,000,000 9,674,000 vehicle operation funds released on a maintenance quarterly basis based on accountability of previous funds received. Accountability must be at 80% before subsequent funds are released. Management Provision of Payment of ICT - 100% Photocopiers, Not applicable information ICT equipment for 700,000,000 700,000,000 laptops, system equipment districts scanners tablets Maintenance of all 40,995,413 68% Maintenance of Maintenance of We had budgeted for I CT Equipment 60,000,000 19,004,587 laptops laptops SUN systems upgrade ( quarterly) and (quarterly) and which didn't happen photocopies photocopies because we migrated (monthly) (month Iv) to IFMS Procure 234 286,355,867 72% Tablets for 72% of tablets This relates to lot 1 tablets for 397,800,000 111,444,133 Community were procured only. The balance Community Facilitators were procured in FY Facilitators 2018-2019 Annual office WIFI 30,379,500 51% Internet access Internet access The 60million is 60,000,000 29,620,500 for a year for a year inclusive of bundles for modems which is 27 .25million. Administration Learning Tours, study visits 96% Capacity Building Costs were lower than for various TST 270,000,000 259,078,060 10,921,940 for different anticipated and contract categories committee learning activities Transport Procurement of 23 - 0% Procurement in 23 Pickup Ad ministrative delays pickup double 4,164,840,000 4,164,840,000 process double cabins related to the cabin were not Procurement process. procured These will be procured in 2018-2019 Procurement Au dit Community - 0% Procurement Procurement During the Joint procurement 40,000,000 40,000,000 review Report review Report Implementation review and not done Support World Bank- support to Government Of communities Uganda Mission, a Independent - 0% Procurement Procurement decision was made to procurement audit 180,000,000 180,000,000 Audit Report review Report carry out these audit towards the WB-GOU Environment and - 0% Environmental Mid Term Review of social safeguard 150,000,000 150,000,000 and Social the Project. audit Safeguard Audit Reoort Safety net ICT MIS Payment to 17% Innception MIS not yet The Development of mechanism development impiger for MIS 455,004,852 75,389,266 379,615,586 report and developed MIS was expected to development prototype have ended in FY development 2017-2018 hence making the final payment but it didn't happen owing to some changes required in the MIS. Payment for the balance was done in FY 2018/19 Payment to GI5 160,626,435 33% GIS Server with GIS Server with To be done in FY for the GIS server 490,000,000 329,373,565 enterprise enterprise 2018/19 software software for software for mapping mapping not procured Payment 790,742,823 99% 1100 Biometric 1100 Biometric The difference was mechanism 800,000,000 9,257,177 devices devices because the exchange hardware purchased rate movement. MIS training Training of 558 86% Distri cts fully Districts were Costs were lower as of districts district staff on 390,000,000 336,270,974 53,729,026 skilled in use of bot fully ski lled anticipated MIS the MIS in use of the MIS Monitoring and Impact Impact evaluation This was for SLP and evaluation evaluation (midterm review DRF. report for NUSAF3) Impact evaluation 14% Impact Impact To be done in FY meetings held 40,000,000 5,780,376 34,219,624 Evaluation Evaluation 2018/19 Meetinos Meetinos not 11 held MGLSD Quarterly Quarterly 41,062,700 6% Transfers to Only 6% was They are developing a transfers to transfers to 669,025,520 627,962,820 MGLSD transferred to software, and in FY MGLSD MGLSD MGLSD 2017-2018 they hadn't met some requirements to qualify for more funds based on the fudiciary provision of 100% accountability of funds before additional funds are disbursed. Disaster Risk DRF scalability DRF DRF subproject 93% Impact Balance owed to final Financing subproject financing and 10,500,002,450 9,756,694,832 743,307,618 Evaluation payment to be done in and impact evaluation Reports FY 2018/19 evaluation Capacity Disaster risk DRF training for 11% Capacity Building Capacity Building To be done in FY building reduction national level 255,500,000 29,250,000 226,250,000 for different for different 2018/19 training stakeholder/ORF categories categories not committee, done NUSAF3 TST and DEDOPM staff Training for 15-Training using - 100% Capacity Building Capacity Building To be done in FY crop pasture GOE GLAM for 21,078,750 21,078,750 was not done 2018/19 DRDPM Capacity Training of 55-Training using 89% Upskilling of Upskilling of Costs lower than building DRF data GoeDDK for DADs 77,288,750 68,808,679 8,480,071 Subcounty Subcounty anticipated collection and subcounty chiefs/sentinels chiefs/sentinels chiefs/sentinels was not done 12 APPENDIX 2: STATUS OF SUBPROJECT ACCOUNTABI LITY AS AT 28TH NOVEMBER 2018 District Amount Accountability Balance /oge 0 Abim 4,651,780,611 4,651,780,611 - 100% Adjumani 2,080,567,000 2,080,567,000 - 100% Agago 2,006,880,732 1,971,794,431 35,086,301 98% Alebtong 1,577,637,445 1,577,637,445 - 100% Amolatar 1,672,769,007 1,660,506,490 12,262,517 99% Amudat 4,143,768,652 4,143,768,652 - 100% Amuria 2,252,240,391 2,252,240,391 - 100% Amuru 2,394,215,561 2,374,733,732 19,481,829 99% Apac 2,220,858,237 2,220,858,237 - 100% Arua 2,301,600,000 1,942,820,738 358,779,262 84% Budaka 1,079,000,000 1,079,000,000 - 100% Bududa 795,535,405 795,535,405 - 100% Bukedea 1,337,718,240 1,323,372,426 14,345,814 99% Bukwo 624,607,300 624,605,325 1,975 100% Bu lam bu Ii 1,031,842,000 1,031,842,000 - 100% Buliisa 1,309,934,878 1,296,754,869 13,180,009 99% Busia 1,394,438,914 1,394,438,914 - 100% Butaleja 1,606,889,548 1,606,889,548 - 100% Dokolo 1,373,561,497 1,373,561,497 - 100% Gulu 4,306,777,091 4,255,828, 344 50,948,747 99% Kaabong 9,822,261,877 9,822,261,877 - 100% 1,126,199,000 1,126,199,000 - Kaberamaido 100% Kapchorwa 974,284,687 974,284,687 - 100% Katakwi 1,200,779,100 1,182,839,640 17,939,460 99% Kibuku 1,013,626,136 1,013,626,136 - 100% Kiryandongo 2,350,461,650 2,316,401,229 34,060,421 99% ~itgum 3,047,563,889 3,047,563,889 - 100% Koboko 1,127,525,856 1,127,525,856 - 100% Kole 1,719,376,853 1,682,121,551 37,255,302 98% Kotido 8,501,281,120 8,478,591,864 22,689,256 100% Kumi 1,095,279,390 1,095,279,390 - 100% Kween 808,347,665 808,347,665 - 100% Lamwo 2,016,132,000 1,998,806,207 17,325,793 99% Lira 2,649,626,863 2,649,626,863 - 100% Manafwa 1,847,500,000 1,847,500,000 - 100% Maracha 1,050,810,875 1,045,823,320 4,987,555 100% Masindi 2,462,985,840 2,449,580,725 13,405,115 99% Mbale 2,344,181,000 2,344,181,000 - 100% Moroto 4,090,024,342 4,078,330,091 11,694,251 100% Mayo 1,311, 180,695 1,311,180,695 - 100% Nakapiripirit 4,600,869,648 4,600,410,943 458,705 100% Namisindwa 72,000,000 65,474,000 6,526,000 91% Napak 6,368,151,079 6,368,151,079 - 100% Nebbi 1,031,234,714 1,020,816,871 10,417,843 99% Ngora 856,123,509 856,123,509 - 100% Nwoya 2,095,395,496 2,095,395,496 - 100% Omero 2,289,763,400 2,289,763,400 - 100% otuke 824,100,475 824,100,475 - 100% Oyam 1,821,237,816 1,802,748,086 18,489,730 99% Pader 1,872,257,000 1,872,257,000 - 100% Pakwach 2,284,326,273 2,284,326,273 - 100% Pallisa 762,443,389 762,443,389 - 100% Serere 1,831,011,406 1,831,011,406 - 100% Sironko 1,070,300,400 1,053,405,900 16,894,500 98% Soroti 3,243,842,831 3,243,842,831 - 100% Tororo 2,085,092,768 2,085,092,768 - 100% Yumbe 2,037,404,300 2,037,404,300 - 100% Zombo 1,287,108,770 1,282,359,825 4,748,945 100% Total 127,154,714,621 126,433,735,291 720,979,330 99°/o 14 The Republic of Uganda OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) FINAL ACCOUNTS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2017/2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pg 1. Table Of Acronyms 2. Annual Progr es s report ii 3. St a tem ent Of Management Responsibilities V 4 . Receipts and Payments Account 1 5. IDA Statement of Fund Balance 2 6. Trust Fund Statement of Fund Balance 3 7. Translation of Cashbook Closing balances 4 8. IDA Designated Account Activity Statement s 9. District Cash book Balance 6 10. Staff Advance schedule 7 11. Notes to the Accounts i. Significant Accounting Policies (Note 1) 8 ii. List of IDA Receipts 9 111. List of JSDF Receipts 10 lV. Notes to the Financial Statements (Note 3) 11 12. Exchange Gain/ Loss calcula tions 12 -13 13.Bank Recon ciliation Statements i. NUSAF3 Designated Account( IDA) 14 ii. NUSAF3 Implementation Support Account 15 iii. NUSAF3 Designated Account ( JSDF) 16 14.Bank Statements NUSAF3 Final Accounts FY 201 7/18 TABLE OF ACRONYMS BOU Bank of Uganda CDD Community Demand Driven Model CPC Community Procurement Committee CPMC Community Project management Committee ewe Community Watershed Committee DEC District Executive Committee DRF Disaster Risk Financing DTPC Di~.trict Technical Planning Committee EPRA Extended Participatory Rural Appraisal GOU Government of Uganda IHISP Improved Household Income Support Programme IDA International Development Agency of World Bank IG Inspectorate of Government JSDF Japan Social Development Fu.:1d LIPW Labour Intensive Public Works LIS Livelihood Investment Support M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MGLSD Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development MIS Management Information Systems NUSAF3 The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund OPM Office of the Prime Minister PIS Project Implementation Support PRDP Peace, Recovery and Development Plan SAC Social Accountability Committee SEC Sub county Executive Committee SHS Shillings SLP Sustainable Livelihood Pilot SNM Social Net Mechanism STPC Sub county Technical Planning Committee STAAC Strengthening Transparency, Accountability & AntiCorruption TOT Training of Trainers TST Technical Support Team UGX Uganda Shillings USD United States Dollars WB World Bank NUSAF3 Final Accounts FY 2017/ 18 NUSAF3ANNUAL PROGRESSREPORT July 01, 2018 - June 30, 2017 1 .0 Introduction The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF3) is Community Demand Driven (CDD) Project fund ed with credit of US $ 130 million from the International Development Agency (IDA) of the ""vVodd Bank (WB) and a giant of US$ 2.857 million from Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF). The Project is being implemented under the broader Peace>, Recovery and Development Programme (PRDPJ) framcworl and is a sucu.:s .. or lo _JUSAF2. The implementation of the Proj ect is mainstrea1'lcd into th~ txisling goverrn11em structures both at national and local government levels in 56 districts distributed across the 8 sub regions of Lango, Acholi, West Nile, Bunyoro, Teso, Karamoja, Elgon and Bukedi. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is "to provide effective income support to and build resilience of poor and vulnerable households in Northern Uganda." Effective income support is defined as the increase in the value of household assets of beneficiaries of Labour Intensive Public Works (LIPW) and Livelihood Investment Support (LIS). Resilience is defined as the capacity of households and communities to adapt to a new strategy in the face of shocks and crises. The project is running from March 14 2016 to March 13 2021. During the period ended June 30th 20 18, the project disbursed funds to 4,457 Community Interest Groups (Subproj ects) to a tune of UGX 127,154,714,890. NUSA F3 Final Accounts FY 201 7/18 11 2.0 Project Components NUSAF3 operation is to be implemented through four components namely: 2.1) Labour Intensive Works and Disaster Risk Financing (USO 61m) Labour Intensive Works (LIPW) component provides beneficiaries from poor and vulnerable households with a seasonal transfer for multiple years in return for their participation in LIPW. Dis:.1<,ter Ri<;k Financing ( ,R :) c eve lops a mecfou ic::111 " \[ scaling up assistance to poor and vulnerable households immediately following disaster events and a system to cover the costs of this expansion. As at 30th June 20 18, 629 LIPW community subprojects were funded to the tune of UGX 37,620,563,373 and 272 DRF Commun it:., Interes Groups (S ,bproj eci::;) were funded to the tune of UCX 23,492,829,788. 2.2) Livelihood Investment Support (U SD 43.Sm) The Livelihood Investment Support component supports the government's aim to extend livelihood support to poor and vulnerable households and, by doing so, increase their productive assets and incomes. The LIS component is comprised of an Improved Household Income Support Program (IHISP) and a Sustainable Livelihoods Pilot (SLP). The objective of the IHISP is to improve the livelihoods and increase the incomes of targeted households in Northern Uganda by providing them with comprehensive skills development training, livelihood grants, and mentoring support. As at 30th June 2018, 3,388 IHISP subprojects were funded to the tune of UGX 59,993,321,460. The Sustainable Livelihoods Pilot (SLP) aims to generate lessons and develop evidence to inform more significant changes to livelihood support in the future . As at 30th June 2018, 168 SLP subprojects were funded to the tune of UGX 6,048,000,000 NUSAF3 Final Accounts FY 2017/ 18 lll Strengthening Transparency, Accountability, and Anti-Corruption (USD Sm) The pnmary objectives of the STAAC component is to contribute to the government' s commitment to increasing transparency and accountability in public service delivery and enhance the effectiveness of transparency, accountability, and Anti-Corruption processes in proj ect areas. 2.3) Safety Net Mechanism and "Proj~d Management (US 20.5m) Safety Net Mechanisms aim to lay the foundation for a Social Safety Net System as envisioned in the draft Uganda Social Protection Policy (USPP). It supports the MGLSD in establishing ancl strengthening systeni - - · - - · - .....__ General Supolv of Goods and Services ~_,!20,500 00 52,820,500 Consultancy Services-Short tenn I ,365,635,300 .00 1,365,635,300 Insurance 23 1,199,074.00 23 1,199,074 Travel Inland 939,715,390.00 939,715,390 I Travel Abroad Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 396,054,237.00 0.00 396,054,237 Maintainance- Civil 0.00 - Maintainance- Vehicles 436,610,664.00 436,610,664 Maintainance- Machinerv, Equipment & Furniture 39, 139,208.00 39,139,208 '· Transport Equioment Machinery and Equipment 1,047,027,067.00 000 1,047,027,067 - Furniture & Fixtures Capacity building partners 52,293 ..,_263 .QQ_ 8,421,797,729.00 --· 52,293 ,263 . 8,421,797,729 - Grants to subprojects 40, l 75,953,433.00 4,608,000,000 44,783,953,433 TOTAL PAYMENTS 61,817,565,832 4,735,582,400 66,455,226,732 Surolus/( Deficit) 64,974,759,355 755,466,750.00 65,730,226,105 Balance bid JSDF NUSAF3 Desi,mated Account - . 1 . !DA NUSAF3 Designated Account 77,000,000,000 . 77,000,000,000 IDA NUSAF3 Implementation Suooort Account 685,257,775 685,257,775 I District Ooerations funds advances 767,825,766 . 767,825,766 ) Staff Activity Advances 323,270,315 323,270,3 15 I Fund Balance elf (See statemenl offund balance) 143,751,113,211 755,466,750 144,506,579,961 i I ~ - ) f&( . I A \ I, I Principal Accountant ( ~~ l ' I l~rl ~;-~ ./ - / -~, ror: Permanent Secretary Pa'-ge I ' OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) IDA LOAN NO: 56450 IDA STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCE For the Financial Year ended 30 June 2018 Amount Shs -- - Bank 1-Jul-17 77,685,257,775 - -- - Advances 1,091 ,096,081 TOTAL 78,776,353,856 Surplus (Deficit) 64,974,7591354 - - -- - ·- ---- 30-Jun- 18 143,75 1,113 ,210 Represented by: IDA NUSAF3 Designated Account 83 ,716,873,078 IDA NUSAF3 Implementation Support Account 599,259,108 IDA NUSAF3 District Support Account 307,092,764 District Operations fu nds advances 2,373,899,880 Staff Activity Advances 672,666,382 Capacity Building partners 1,943,821,654 Subproject Advances 54,137,500,344 30-Jun-l 8 143 ,751,113 ,210 ~ ...~ /., Principal Accountant ~4 ·, Dir- .J~AF3 ~ ' (f( ~t1in.~ ., \ - ' I For: Permanent Secretary Page2 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) TRUST FUND NO: TF A2643 JSDF STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCE For the Financial Year ended 30 June 2018 Amount Shs l -Jul-17 Bank - Advances - TOTAL - I Surplus (Deficit) 755,466,750 30-Jun- l 7 - - - --- --- 755,466,750 Represented by: - JSDF NUSAF3 Designated Account 694,466,80$ --- ~" District Operations funds advance. 60,999,945 Staff Activity Advances - - -- - 30-Jun-18 755,466,750 ~- Principal Accountant Page 3 Office of t he P r ime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action fu nd (NUSAF3) Schedule showing Translation of Cashbook Account Closing Balances For the quarter ended 30th June 2018 Closing Cash Balances Currency Uganda Shillings United States Dollar~ (UGX) (USD) NUSAF3 IDA Designated Account USO 83,716,873,078 21,576,514 NUSAF3 Implementation Support Account NUSAF3 District Support Account UGX -- UGX --- 599,259,108 307,092,764 154.448.22 -+-- 79,147.62 NUSAF3 JSDF Designated Acco unt US O 694,466,805 178,986.29 Total Closing Cash Balances 85,317,691,756 21,989,0~6 Principal Accountant Page 4 7.0 IDA Designated Account (DA) Activity Statement For the Reporting Period Apr - June. 2018 Project Name: The Thhd Norther n Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF3) IDA Loan No: 56450 Deposit Bank: Bank of Uganda, Kampala. A/C No: 000030088400006 Currency of DA: US dollars PART I In USO In USO I 1. Cumulative Advances to end of current renortin2 period 69,000,000 2 . Cumulativ e Expenditures to e n d of last reportine: oerio d 16 ,563,854 3. Outstandine: Advance to be accounted (line 1 minus line 21 52 ,436,146 PART II I 4. Opening DA balance at beginning of reporting period " t9'1) " 5. Add/ subtract: Cumulative adjustments (if any) : 6. Advances from World Bank during reporting period 7. Add lines 5 and 6 43,936,366 8. Outstanding advances to be accounted for (add line 4 and line 7) 52,436,146 I 9. Closing DA balance at end of current reporting period 21,82~.492 10. Add/subtract: Cumulative adjustments (if any) J • ~ I liJ 11. Expenditures for current reporting period ' di t, 12. Add lin" 10 and line 11 30.61Q,654 13. Add l' -.nd line 12 52,43(:U46 14. Di' any) (line 8 minus line 13) (0) - - - PA' I ,orecasted amount to be paid by World Bank 21,4391499 : Closing DA balance after adjusments 21.825.492.00 ;ect payme nts/SC payments .dd lines 16 and 17 21,825,492 . Cash requirement from World Bank for next two reporting periods (line 15 minus line 18) NB: (1) Line 5: Cummulative adjustment is made of ; - Oustanding District Operational funds advances as at 31 s t March 2018 1,582,361.83 - Oustanding Staff advance as at 31st March 2018 140,813.91 - Oustanding Sub project advances as at 31st March 20 18 25,935,503.20 - Oustanding Capacity building partners as at 31st March 2018 1,266,406.86 - Oustanding MGLSD Advances as at 31st March 2018 11,280.09 - TOTAL 28,936,365.90 (2) Line 10: Cummulative adjusment is the closing amount of oustanding staff advances at the end of the Quarter is detailed as follows: - Oustanding District Operational funds advances as at 30th June 20 18 777,700.22 - Oustanding Staff advance as at 30th June 2018 122 ,931.18 - Oustanding Sub project advances as at 30th June 2018 17,234,996.64 - Oustanding Capacity building partners as at 30th June 2018 251,827.92 - Oustanding MGLSD Advances as at 30th June 2018 11,280.09 - TOTAL ltWv - Principal Account ant Office of the Prime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action fund (NUSAF3) IDA Loan No: 56450 Schedule showing NUSAF3 District Cashbook Closing Balances As at 30th June 2018 S/.\ District .\ame Balance SIN Dist.-ict Na me Balance l Abim 162,485,5 19 32 Kumi 30,962,520 2 Adjumani 23,239,627 . 33 Kween 24,690 ,739 3 Agago 28,967,672 34 Lamwo 29,245,896 --1 Alebtong 2,119 ,912 35 Lira 24 ,899 ,278 5 Amolatar 38,5 19,200 36 Manafwa 57 ,639 ,23$ 6 Amudat 132,247,576 ,, 37 Maracha 23,390 ,481 7 Amuria 51 ,254,959 38 Masindi 51 ,466 ,665 8 Amuru 23, 4r 113 39 Mhale 52 ,955,35$ - ~ - ·--- - - -- ----- - 9 Apac 29,146,256 40 Moroto 60,087,120 IO Arua 169,250 ,234 4 1 Moyo 24,552,394 II Budaka 22 ,557,181 42 Nakapiripirit 95,831,49& 12 Bududa 28,085,923 43 Namisindwa 22,018,000 13 Bukedea 30,551 ,852 44 Napak 65,424,733 14 Bukwo 32 ,528.439 45 Nebbi 27,887,876 15 Bulambuli -- ~i,221,177 - - 46 ]'Jg_o~ ·+-- 133 ,238 16 Buliisa -- -- n ,247,126 47 Nwoya - 1-- ~ , 3 72,46~ 17 Bu sia 29,213,222 48 Omoro _ ,_ 3 2 ,552, 169 18 Bu tale_ia -- 24,208.755 49 Otuke 42,150,902 19 Butebo 2-+, 580 ,000 50 Ovam 16 ,686,460 2( Dokolo l--1,747 ,999 5 1 Pmler 59,070 ,452 2 1 Gu lu 158,6 39,361 52 Pakwach 6,713,538 22 Kaa b on g 6 1,297, 694 53 Pa llisa 20,738 ,932 23 Kaberamaido 49 ,3 71 ,705 54 Serere 51,462,804 2--1 Kapchorwa 21,792,685 55 Sironko 47,276,366 25 Katalrn; 108,033,273 56 Soro ti 22,830,011 26 Kibuku 22 ,366,234 57 Tororo 134,908,254 27 Kiryandongo 99,473, 100 58 Yumbe 25,559,510 2~ Kitgum >+6, 191.502 59 Zom bo 950 ,736 29 Koboko b ,154 ,584 1,078,457,632 30 Kole 22,085,000 31 Kotido 107,564,031 ., 1,295,442,248 !' 2,373,899,880 GRAND TOTAL Principal Accountant Page 6 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) IDA Loan No: 5 6450 STAFF ACTIVITY ADVANCES AS AT 30TH JUNE 2018 Name 0-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-9 Months Above 9 Months Total 1 Doreen Julian Natwaoga 2,000,000 2,000,000 2 OKUK GEOFFREY 32,618,800 32,618,800 3 NAKABEMBE FAUSTA 60,000,000 60,000,000 4 MAUNGA PETER JAMES 17,552,700 17,552,700 5 Alfred Odera 2,332,000 2,332,000 6 OKUK GEOFFR EY 11 ,6&4,000 11 ,6&4,000 - 7 Robert Ochieng 450,000 450 ,000 8 Oturu Micheal 35,526.400 35,526,400 - 9 Oturu M icheal 34.703,500 34,70. 500 ·- -- - 10 Alfred Odera 35,029 700 3l: ,02'),700 f-- 11 Robert Ochieng 450,000 450,000 - f- --- 12 MALINGA PETER JAMES 5,258,000 5,258,000 13 Raphel Lubega 11 ,075,000 11 ,075,000 14 15 STEUA SENGENDO IRIAMA MARTHA - 7,892,29~ 4, 000,00J - -- 4,000 ,000 --- -- 7,892 ,299 16 Specious Bagintima - --- I 3,,l()tl I l T -3,000.000 l 17 18 Kisaka Sim on STEUA SENG ENDO - 15, A35 ,000 --- 'i8 /~4 '3. '-AA - -- i 15,835,000 58,843,486 19 20 21 STELLA SENGENDO IRI AMA MARTiiA Doreen Juhan Na~anga ::6, 171, 4... 5,2t.)0,QQI 39,920,000 - -t- 36,171 ,429 5 ,260,000 39,920,000 22 STELLA SENGENDO 3,910,857 3,910,857 23 Robert Oc.hieng 450,000 450,000 24 AOUNGO SARAH 2, 025 ,750 2,025,750 25 Awili Emily 21 ,535,000 21 ,535,000 --- Total 2 09 ,918 ,8 2 1 123,081 ,600 114,503,500 672,666 ,38 2 Principal Accountant Page 7 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER I I THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) ! IDA CREDIT No. 56450 NOTES I For the F inancial Year ended 30 June 2018 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Jbe principal accounti ng policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements arc I set out below: 1 Accounting Convention The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost con vention. 2 Reporting Currency The financial statements are presented in Uganda shillings 3 Income and Expenditure 1. Income is recognized in the accounts when received and LXpcnditutl, is recognized when paid 4 Fixed Assets Fixed assets are written off against income in the year of purchase. However, a separate inventory of fixed assets is maintained. I 5 Translation of Foreign Currencies I Transactions in foreign currencies during the year are converted into Uganda Shillings I (functional currency) at rates ruling at the transaction dates. Cash balances held in foreign currG:ncy are translated at the ruling rate at the financial year end. Any gains or losses on foreign currency ( I transactions or balances are dealt with in the Receipts and Payments account. I I '' Principal Accountant ( j I Page 8 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3 ) SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENT OF IDA CREDIT During FY 2 01 7 / 18 NOTES 1 Withdrawal Value Date Amount Amount Amount I Application USD XDR UGX No. I WA005 5-Feb-18 1§,Q.90 ,000 12,373,600 65,313!000,000 WA006 -- 2 2-Jun -18 -- 15,000 ,000 10,542 ,888 58 ,378 ,800,000 -- ==-~~-== -- I ·--- - - ._ --- - - - -- - TOTAL 33,000 ,0 00 22,9 16,489 123,691,800,0()0 ~ -- Principal Accountant ecretary Page 9 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENT FROM JDSF TRUST FUND During FY 201 7 / 18 NOTES] Withdrawal Value Date Amount USD Amount Amount Application XDR UGX No. I WAOOl 1-Nov-17 1,462 ,330 N/A 5,491,049,150 - - NLA - - - - - -- - - --·--· - - -- '"- ---~ ~· -=,,~-- = TOTAL 1,462,330 5,491,049, 150 Principal Accountant Dlrec or NUSAF3 \ Page 10 NOTE3 Office of the Prime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF3) IDA Credit No. 56450 Financial Year Ended 30 June 2018 Notes to the Financial Statements 1. The expenditure has been classified in ac..A,urdanu~ tu both CiOlJ d1a1t uf ac\,ounb and Schedule 1 of the Financing Agreement covers the Financial Year 2016/2017 2 · Office of the Prime Minister operates two designated accounts for IDA and JSDF denominated in USO, and an IDA account denominatrd in local currency for OP 1 operations in Dank of Uganda 56 Project Local Government Operation Account::, a, wdl <1-, 'i(i project louli Govurnnenl Subproject Accounts are maintained in various commercial h,mk s al District level. 3 · The advances in the Receipt:, and Payment Account represent:-- a1 li\ity advances to staff for activities that had not yet fully been completed, but were completed and acwunted after 30th June 2018 4· Closing bank balar-1ce on USD Designated account is translated at UGX/USD 3880 : being Bank of Uganda's average USO rate (selling and buying) at the time funds were received from IDA. The rates used to translate the transactions on the Designated Account, are the Bank of Uganda Spot rates on the date of expenditure. During the year under review, the Proj ect disb ursed a total of UGX.96,090,578,324 to subprojects. 5. From the project start to 30 June 2018, disbursements worth UGX 127,154,714,621 were made to districts Of this amount, a total of UGX 122,725,616,122 (97%) was accounted for at the close of the Audit in December 2017 as per subprojects schedule herein attached in the financial statements. A balance of UGX 4,429,098,499 (3%) remained unaccounted for. A rapid response team constituted to scale up accountability coupled with the NUSAF3 Web Based MIS through which districts account for funds has improved submission of accountabil ity. Full accountability expected by 31st October 2018 ~ -- Principal Accountant Page 11 Office of the Prime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action fund (NUSAF3) IDA Loan No.: 56450 Schedule showing Exchange Gain Calculation For Financial Year ended 30th June 2018 Particulars Opening Average A1n unt . Ill Gain/loss Exchange Transaction USD Rate Rate Dollar transfer to Districts Subprojects and 3,740.31 3,880.00 22,195,788 .00 3,100,525,187 operations accounts I Net Exchange Gain 22,195,788 3,100,525,187 N.B: The Exchange gain/loss was caused by a difference between the exchange rate used to translate opening balances on designated account and the actual transaction rate. ~' Principal Accountant Direr or NUSAF3 Page 12 Office of the Prime Minister The Third Northern Uganda Social Action fun d (NUSAF3) Trust Fund No.: TF A2643 Schedule showing Exchange Gain Calculation For Financial Year ended 30th June 2018 Particulars Opening Average Amount . Ill Gain/loss Exchange Rate Transaction USD Rate Dollar transfer to Districts Subprojects accounts - - 0 Net Exchange Gain - - N.B: The Exchange gain was caused by a difference between the exchange rate used to translate opening balances on designated account and the actual transaction rate. ft&£ . Principal Accountant OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THI RD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) IDA Loa n No: 56450 BANK RECONCJLIA TION STATEMENT AS AT 30TH JUNE 201 8 Account Title: OPM - NUSAF 3 DESIGNATED Account No. 000030088400006 Bank Na me: BANK OF UGANDA 1 Balance as per Bank statement -- -· ·-- - -- -·- - (USO) (USO) $21 ,576,51~.68 2 Balance as per Cashbook $21,576,513.68 --- - - - - -- -f------· I f- 3 Direct Credits - - - \ I- =T Date Chegue No. Pavee/Pur[!ose l!I OUII~ T -+- - - - - I I -· T Sub-total Direct Credits - - - - - -- -~ - - - r ,- - - - T_ _ - $0.0 0 -+· - --+---- Sub-Total (Line 2 plus line 3) $ 2 1,5 76 ,513. 68 I I 4 Add: Un prese nted Cheques: Date Cheoue No. Pavee/P uroose Amou nt - -- - ---- ·-- - - - - -~ - - - 5 Sub-total of unpresented cheques: $0.00 6 (Line 2 plus line 3 plus line 5) $21,576,513.68 7 Less: Uncredited receipts Date Cheoue No. Paxee/Pu reose Amount 8 Sub-total of Direct Debits $0.00 9 Reconciled Cashbook ba lance (Line 6 minus Li ne 8): $2 1,576,513.68 Difference - ~ -- Principal Accountant Page 14 OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHER.ft UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) IDA Loao No: 564!50 BANK RECONCILIATION' STATEMENT AS AT 30TH JUNE 201 8 Account Title: OPM - NUSAFJ INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT Acco unt No. 000030088000056 Bank Name: BANK OF UGANDA (UGX) (UGX) 1 Balance as oer Bank sta tem en t 599,259,108 2 Balance as oer Cashbook 599,259,108 3 Uncredited CheQues/U nbanked Cash Date C heQue No. Pavee/Pur"Dose Amount - - - I I Sub-total Direct Cred its I . -- -- - - -- - - Sub-Total (Line 2 olus line 31 - -- ----- --- - - - I ------ 599,259,I 08 4 Add: Unoresented Cheoues: - - - - ----- - - - - - -- I Date ----- ·- ·- fFT/Che9)1$_ '_u. Payee/Purp~~e _ 0-mount r \ - i - 5 Sub-total of unprescnted cheques: - ---- I - -t - --- -- I r r - ---i -- -~ - - - - - - - ·-c- l ·- 6 l(Line 2 olus line 3 olus line 5) 599,259,108 7 Less: Direct Debits Date Cheaue No. Pavee/Puroose Amount - - . . . - -- ---- 8 Sub-total of Direct Debits - - - - -- - --- - --- -· - -- - . -- 9 Reconciled Cashbook balance (Line 6 minus Line 8): 599,259,108 Difference - Principal Accountant OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) TRUST FUND No: TF A2643 BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 30TH JUNE 2018 Account Title: OPM - NUSAF3 JSDF Account No. 000030088400007 Bank Name: BANK OF UGANDA - (USD) (USD) - 1 Balance as per Bank statement - - -- -- $178,986.~9 I 2 Balance as per Cashbook $178,986.29 I I , - ---+- 3 Direct Credits Date Cheg ue No. - I - ,r,y«IPocpose -- - ---- .\mo.ot - ~- -- -- I - 1 - ,- - Sub-total Direct Credit! - - ---- J_ - - - - ----- r - - -, -- - - - -i -- $0.00 -- --· -- - -- - Sub-Total (Line 2 plus line 3) $178,986.29 4 Add : Unpresented Cheques: I Date Cheoue No. Pavee/Puroose Amount - -- -- - - I 5 Sub-total of unpresented cheques: $0.00 I I 6 (Line 2 plus line 3 plus line 5) $178,986.29 7 Less: Uncredited receipts Date Cheoue No. Pavee/Puroose Amount 8 Sub-total of Direct Debits $0.00 9 Reconciled Cashbook balance (Line 6 minus Li ne 8): $1 7 8 ,98~. 29 Difference I- I Principal Accountant Di ent Secretary Page H, OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FUND (NUSAF3) APPENDIX 1: STATUS OF SUBPROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY AS AT 18th OCTOBER 2018 District Amount Accountability Balance %ge Arua 2,301,600,000 1,855,484,800 446,115,200 81% Lamwo 2,016,132,000 1,748,806,207 267,325,793 87% Masindi 2,462,985,840 2,058,738,225 404,247,615 84% Amudat 4,143,768,652 3,757,597,870 386,170,782 91% Nakapiripirit 4,600,869,648 4,250,750,943 350,118,705 92% Agago 2,006,880,732 1,671,794,431 335,086,301 83% Amuru 2,394,215,561 2,094,653,432 299,562,129 87% Buked ea 1,337,7 ~ 240 1,170,342,926 -r7.375.3]4 87% Gulu 4,306,777,091 4,081,827,431 I 224,949,660 95% Kotido 8,501,281,120 8,278,591,864 222,689,256 97% Amolatar 1,672,769,007 1,480,506,490 192,262,517 89% Apac 2,220,858,7-37 2,130,486,505 90,371,732 96% ·- Oyam 1,821,237 816 1,782,748,086 I '.l.8,489,730 98% Alebtong 1,577,631,445 1,42s,604, i29 I ·52,033,316 90% Mbale 2,344, 181.000 2,196,901 n~o t___ - n, 279,920 94°{ ·- Buliisa 1,309,934,878 1,296,754,869 t 13,180,009 99% Kiryandongo 2,350,461,650 2,316,401,229 34,060,421 99% Mayo 1,311,180,695 1,181,361,920 129,818,775 90% Adjumani 2,080,567,000 1,963,348,220 117,218,780 94% Amuria 2,252,240,391 2,142,369,665 109,870,726 95% Zo mbo 1,287,108,770 1,201,904,775 85,203,995 93% Kole 1,719,376,853 1,677,579,765 41,797,088 98% Sironko 1,070,300,400 1,033,405, 900 36,894,500 97% Koboko 1,127,525,856 1,093,642,617 33,883,239 97% Pakwach 2,284,326,273 2,254,588,054 29,738,219 99% Kaabong 9,822,261,877 9,800,643,504 21,618,373 100% Katakwi 1,200,779,100 1,182,839,640 17,939,460 99% Moroto 4,090,024,342 4,078,330,091 11,694,251 100% Nebbi 1,031,234,714 1,020,816,871 10,417,843 99% Namisindwa 72,000,000 65,474,000 6,526,000 91% Maracha 1,050,810,875 1,045,654,000 5,156,875 100% Bukwo 624,607,300 624,605,325 1,975 100% Abim 4,651,780,611 4,651,780,611 - 100% Budaka 1,079,000,000 1,079,000,000 - 100% Bududa 795,535,405 795,535,405 - 100% Bulambuli 1,031,842,000 1,031,842,000 - 100% Busia 1,394,438,914 1,394,438,914 - 100% Butaleja 1,606,889,548 1,606,889,548 - 100% Dokolo 1,373,561,497 1,373,561,497 - 100% Kaberamaido 1,126,199,000 1,126,199,000 - 100% Kapchorwa 974,284,687 974,284,687 - 100% OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER THE THIRD NORTHERN UGANDA SOCIAL ACTION FU N D (NUSAF3) APPENDIX 1: STATUS OF SUBPROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY AS AT 18th OCTOBER 2018 District Amount Accountabilit'! Balance %ge Kibuku 1,013,626,136 1,013,626,136 - 100% Kitgum 3,047,563,889 3,047,563, 889 - 100% Kumi 1,095,279,390 1,095,279,390 - 100% Kween 808,347,665 808,347,665 - 100% Lira 2,649,626,863 2,649,626,863 - 100% Manafwa 1,847,500,000 1,847,500,000 - 100% Napak 6,368,151,079 6,368,151,079 - 100% Ngora 856 1.· ' i:;09 856,12::' ..:;1s_. 1 orw ·------ 2,095, 395,496 2,095,3 95,/J.96 I -- - - 100% Nwoya Omoro 2,289,763,400 2,289,763,400 - 100% Otuke 824,100,475 824,100,475 - 100% Pader 1,872,257,000 1,872,257,000 - 100% Pallisa 762,4 I\2?9 762,443,38<' 100% Serere 1,831,0J 1,406 l,83 1,011,tlOG 1 100%1 So roti 3,243,8,11,S')l I 3,243,84VsV ' - 100% Tororo 2,085,092,763 2,085,09 2.768 I 100% Yumbe 2,037,404,300 2,037,404,300 - 100% Tot al 127,154,714,521 122,725,616,122 4,429,098,499 97% Customer No 00003 Account Number 000030088400006 Account Curren cy USO Opening Balance 22,000,000.09 Closing Balance21,576,513.68 Specified period (01-07-2017 - 30-06-2018) Transaction Date Description Debit Credit Balance 03-Ju l-17 -- --- I - ---- -22,000,000 ----- 04-Jul -17 - - 22,000,000 05-Jul-17 - - 22,000,000 06-Jul-17 - - 22,000,000 -- 07-Jul-17 Q4 2016 17 Operations - - I 216,9671 - - I - 21J83,o33 I 07-Ju l-17 - - 21,783,033 - 10-Jul-17 - - 21,783,033 11-Jul-17 - - 21,783,033 12-Jul-17 - - i- --r I I ,--- - 21,783,033 14-Jul-17 --- - I l - I 21,783,033I 17-Jul-17 - - I - - - I 21,783,033I 18 Jul 17 20-Jul -17 - - - -- ---- - - - - --- -- , I -- - T -- -- 1 - l 21,783,033I 21,783,on"l 21-Jul-17 - - 21,783,033 24-Jul-1 7 - - 21,783,033 25-Jul-17 - - - 21,783,033 26-Jul-17 - - 21,783,033 27-Jul-17 - - 21,783,033 28-Jul-17 - - 21,783,033 ------ - -- - 31-Ju l-17 - - 21,783,033 01-Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 02-Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 03 -Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 04-Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 07-Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 08-Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 09-Aug-17 - - 21,783,033 10-Aug-17 Transfer of USO lm Au g 2017 1,000,000 - 20,783,033 10-Aug-17 - - 20,783,033 11-Aug-17 - - 20,783,033 14-Aug-17 - - 20,783,033 15-Aug-17 - - 20,783,033 16-Aug-17 - - 20,783,033 17-Aug-17 Capacity partners 17001 OPM 1,262,718 - 19,520,3 14 17-Aug-17 - - 19,520,314 18-Aug-17 - - 19,520,314 21-Aug-17 - - 19,520,314 23-Aug-17 - - 19,520,314 24-Aug-17 - - 19,520,314 27-0ct-17 - - 8,548,511 30-0ct-17 - - 8,548,511 31-0ct-17 INSPIRE AF RICA TRANSFER 377,638 - 8,170,873 31-0ct-17 - - 8,170,873 - 01-Nov-17 - - 8,170,873 02-N ov-17 - - 8,170,873 03-Nov-17 - - 8,170,873 06-Nov-17 - - 8,170,873 07-Nov-17 - - 8,170,873 08-Nov-17 - -- -- - - - -- --· 1- - 8,170,873 09-Nov-17 17008 OPMD NUSAF3 - 26,678 - 8,144,195 09-Nov-17 10PM NUSAF31M N0'' 17 0 00,000 - I -, r -- - --;- I I '1 09-Nov-17 - - I - - I - -- I -1,14~,19s I 10-Nov-17 - l 7,144,19~ 13-N ov-17 transfer disb 2 2 - 7,144,193 ·- 13-Nov-17 - 7,144,193 - =-- r -- 14-Nov-17 - - - I :- -I 1,144,193 J 15-Nov-17 --- -- I - - I - I 7,144,193 I 1- ---- 16-Nov-17 -- 17-Nov-17 ---~ - - I I - l- l - - l I 7,144,193 7,~44,1931 I 20-Nov-17 --- I - -- l- 7,144,193 - -1 - 21-Nov-17 - l -"l 7,144,193 ----- 22- Nov-17 OPM 170090PMD N3 - l - 257,354 - 6,886,838 22-Nov-17 - - 6,886,838 23-Nov-17 - - 6,886,838 24-Nov-17 - - 6,886,838 24-Nov-17 I - - 6,886,838 24-Nov-17 I - 1 - I 6,886,838 27-Nov-17 - - 6,886,838 29-Nov-17 - - 6,886,838 30-Nov-17 - - 6,886,838 01-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 04-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 OS-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 06-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 07-Dec-17 - - - ---· - 6,886,838 08-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 11-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 12-Dec-17 - - 6,886,838 13-Dec-17 CF Allowances 17010D 108,210 - 6,778,628 13-Dec-17 JSDF PAKWACH 8,175 - 6,770,454 13-Dec-17 - - 6,770,454 14-Dec-17 - - 6,770,454 15-Dec-17 - - 6,770,454 18-Dec-17 - - 6,770,454 19-Dec-17 - - 6,770,454 20-Dec-17 - - 6,770,454 20-Feb-18 - - 17,852,760 21-Feb-18 - - 17,852,760 22-Feb-18 - - 17,852,760 - - 23-Feb-18 - - 17,852,760 27-Feb-18 -- -- - - - - ·- - - 17,852,760 - ·- 28-Feb-18 Capacity BP 17001 OPM CBP N3 824,697 - 17,028,063 .1 28-Feb-18 - - 17,028,063 01-Mar-18 - - 17,028,063 02-Mar-18 - - 05-Mar-18 --- - - - - - -17,028,063 17,028,063 06-M ar-18 - 07-Mar-18 -- -- 17,028,063 r -1;,028,063 09-Mar-18 - I - I - I 17,028,063 I 12-Mar-18 - I - I 17,028,063 I 13-Mar-18 IM USO Mar 18 T 1,0; 0,~ocii- - 16,028,063 I 13-Mar-18 - - I - - I 16,028,063 I ...,__, 14-Mar-18 I - T - I 16,02s,063 I - l - - 15-Mar-18 I - I 16,028,063 j 19-Mar-18 JSDF IDA Districts MarJf. I I 395,8451 · I 1s 612,219 I 19-Mar-18 Disb Cycl e 3 I 1,:ss4,7s9 I - I 1,111, .....,,J I I _ 7,?47,459 I 19-Mar-18 20-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 - - -- -I I - - - I f - - - - I 7,747,459 7,747,459 - - --->- 22-Mar-18 I - - 7,747,459 23-M ar-18 - - 7,747,459 26-Mar-18 27-Mar-18 28-Mar-18 29-Mar-18 - -I _ _J _ -- - - - - - - ---· - - - -_ - - 7,747,459 - - - -, - , - - .7,747,459 7,747,459 7,747,459 03-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 04-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 05-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 06-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 09-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 ·- 10-Apr-18 . - 7,747,459 11-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 12-Apr-18 - - 7,747,459 13-Apr-18 D3 CPMC TRAINING 239,717 - 7,507,742 13-Apr-18 CBA Allowances Q4 2018 17021 11,248 - 7,496,494 13-Apr-18 - - 7,496,494 16-Apr-18 NAMISIND Q3 Operations 3,902 - 7,492,593 16-Apr-18 - - 7,492,593 17-Apr-18 - - 7,492,593 18-Apr-18 TESO PEDO 68,364 - 7,424,229 18-Apr-18 OPM NUSAF3 12,280 - 7,411,949 18-Apr-18 CFs Q3 FY 201718 106,288 - 7,305,661 18-Apr-18 - - 7,305,661 19-Jun-18 - - 6,576,534 20-Jun-18 - - 6,576,534 21-Ju n-18 - - 6,576,534 . - - 22-Jun -18 8/ 0 FRNYUS33 - 15,000,000 21,576,534 ·-- - - 22-Jun -18 OUTWARD FUNDS TRANSFER CHARGE COMP 20 - 21,576,514 22-Jun-18 - - 21,576,514 25-Jun-18 - - 21,576,514 26-Jun-18 - - 21,576,514 27-Jun-18 - - 21,576,514 28-Jun -18 - - -- - - - -- I 21,576,514 29-Jun-18 - - 21,576,514 - I 1 Account Number 000030088000056 Account Currency UGX Opening Balance 685,257,775.00 Cl osing Balance599,259,108.00 Specified period (01-07-2017 - 30-06-2018) Transaction Date Description Debit Credit Balance 03-Jul-17 Transaction amount - 4,166,000 689,423,775 03-Jul-17 Tra nsaction amount - 3,680,300 693,104,075 10-Jul-17 59001RIAMA MARTHA 163380PM N3 96,000 - 693,008,075 10-Jul-17 59000MARA JOHN P16338 OPM N3 44,000 - 692,964,07? 10-Jul-17 5900KA M YA GEORG E16338 OPM N3 -- - 44,000 - 692,920,07) 10-Jul-17 59000TURU MICHEAL16J38 OPM N3 - 96,ooo I - 692,824,07t, 10-Jul-17 5900KANYESIGYE KEN 163380PM N3 44,000 - 692,780,07t, j 10-Jul-17 5900SI M ON KISAKA16338 OPM N3 10-Jul-17 5900 KUTEGEKA BEAi -- uG338 O: Iv. i\JJ l I 104,000 _ ,,Ou:: I -.- - -=-:, - 692, 676,07 t) -~-,· ..>...'.,0/µ 10-Jul-17 5900LIMLIM 16338 OPM N3 I 120,000 G92,J 12,07b 10-Jul-17 5900ADU KULE JIM 163380PM N3 44,000 - 692,468,075 10-Jul-17 5900LORIKA CARO 816338 OPM N3 104,000 - 692,364,07 t, 10-Jul-17 5900AJ IGA TONN Y16~38 OPM N3 44,000 - 60 ... ,320,07 t) - 10-Jul-17 5900MUSANA SAM 16318 OPM Ni - lI '10 ' coo I I I l V ,. 2 l,07 t) 10-Jul-17 5900AKAMPWERA 1631Q 0°M N3 -- I 1c ,1,000 I - l c~-,- 2 ),07 I - t:i C9 ., lh,07 ;-, - I 10-Jul-17 5900MWAKA TONNY16 2 ,38 OPM 1''3 l •Li,ooo I 1 6~-1.,%4,07 l I I 10-Jul-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 16338 OPM i\J3 I Ll2,0UU I - 1 t) 10-Jul-17 5900MWEHEYO SAM 161380PM N] 10-Jul-17 5900ASIIMWE DICK16338 OPM N3 --t ·- - 4,0001 44,000 - r GS_,J2J,07 t:> 691,876,07 ::, l 10-Jul-17 5900NABBANJA SUS16338 OPM N3 88,000 - 691, 788,07::, 10-Jul-17 5900PEDSON ASIIMWE 16338 OPM N3 96,000 - 691,692,07::, 10-Ju l-17 5900NAGAWA LE IR 16338 OPM N3 7,512,000 - 684,180,075 10-Jul-17 5900AWILI EMILY 16338 OPM N3 104,000 - 684,076,07$ 10-Jul-17 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 16338 OPM N3 10-Jul-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 16338 OPM N3 I- 104,000 96,000 - - - -_ - -, 683,972,075 - G8;j,876,075 - - · 10-Jul-17 5900NALUBEGA 16338 OPM N3 72,000 - 683,804,075 10-Jul-17 5900BAGIRAITIMA 516338 OPM N3 88,000 - 683,716,076 10-Jul-17 5900NYEKO GE016338 OPM N3 44,000 - 683,672,076 10-Jul-17 5900BRIAN BUGGAH16338 OPM N3 88,000 - 683,584,075 10-Jul-17 59000CHENG ROB16338 OPM N3 44,000 - 683,540,075 10-Jul-17 5900NALWANGA D16338 OPM N3 96,000 - 683,444,075 10-Jul-17 59000 DORA JOEL16338 OPM N3 44,000 - 683,400, 0~5 18-Jul-17 5900AR NOLD BROOKLYN 17004 OPM N3 - - 950,000 - 682,450,0'~5 18-Jul-17 5900KIYINGI 17005 OPM N3 588,300 - 681,861,775 18-J ul-17 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 17006 OP M N3 200,000 - 681,661,775 18-Jul-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 17002 OPM N3 1,000,000 - 680,661,775 18-Jul-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17002 OPM N3 930,000 - 679,731,775 18-Jul-17 59001RIAMA MARTHA 17002 OPM N3 1,730,000 - 678,001,775 18-Jul-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17002 OPM N3 1,730,000 - 676,271,775 18-Jul-17 5900KAMYA GEORG E17002 OPM N3 2,570,000 - 673,701, Til5 18-Jul-17 59000 DORA JOEL17002 OPM N3 1,465,000 - 672,236, 7~5 18-Jul-17 59000MARA JOHN Pl 7002 OPM N3 1,465,000 - 670,771, 7~5 18-Jul-17 5900MWEHEYO SAM17002 OPM N3 2,270,000 - 668,501,715 18-Jul-17 59000TURU MICHEAL17003 OPM N3 4,272,000 - 664,229,775 24-Jul-17 5900BAGIRAITIMA S17011 OPM N3 4,413, 106 - 659,816,669 24-Jul-17 5900NYEKO GE017011 OPM N3 1,073,000 - 658,743,669 24-Jul-17 59000YAMBI JOHN 170080PM N3 1,200,000 - 657,543,669 24-Jul-17 5900BRIAN BUGGAH 17011 OPM N3 4,413,106 - 653,130,563 04-Aug-17 59001MPIGER 17028 OPM N3 50,556,094 - 257,452,692 04-Aug-17 5900VICTORIA M 17035 OPM N3 564,866 - 256,887,826 04-Aug-17 5900KIYINGI 17029 OPM N3 591,000 - 256,296,826 04-Aug-17 5900TOYOTA 17030 OPM N3 1,066,400 - 255,230,426 04-Aug-17 5900BAGIRAITIMA 517036 OPM N3 1,000,000 - 254,230,4~6 04-Aug-17 5900KIRIGIME 17019 OPM N3 21,140,000 - 233,090,426 _V_ ~--0-4--A-u...c..g--1-7+-5-9-00 I_CT_O_ R _IA_M_1 0_3_1_0:P:M:_N-_3 _7_ ________ - _-_-·_- -J . - -57-3, 7-16-r--=_-_-_-_- ~ _ - 2-32,516,7ajo 04-Aug-17 5900MT ELGON H 17024 OPM N3 04-Aug-17 5900VIVO ENERGY 17032 OPM N3 20~09,920 3,000,000 --;----- j- - - 209,506,790 ·- 212, ':>06, 790 04-Aug-17 5900NENAH LIMITED 17023 OPM N3 3,752,000 - 205,754,7~0 04-Aug-17 59000CHENG ROB17033 OPM N3 450,000 - 205,304,790 04-Aug-17 5900CHURCHILL 17022 OPM N3 15,987,526 - 189,317,264 04-Aug-17 59000LUM OFUNGI 1703 _4_0_P_M-N3-- ,.J30,000 - · - - - _ 18u,/87,2~ 04-Aug-17 5900ARROW CENTRE 17020 OPM N3 15,257,400 - 165,529,864 04-Aug-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 7025 OPM N3 2,000,000 - l63,S29,864 04-Aug-17 5900NAGJJJA STELL/\ 1 1, 1 ,,, , , rJ i , ,l, l, ; : J'-l , ,.)13,270 10-Aug-17 5900COUNTRY LAKE 17039 OPM N3 59,393,600 - 70,179,670 10-Aug-17 5900VICTORIA M 17035 OPM N 564,866 69,614,804 10-Aug-17 5900ALFRED OBOL 17036 1,000,000 68,614,804 10-Aug-17 Transfer of USD lm Aug 2017 3,591,830,000 3,660,444,804 10-Aug-17 WHT AFRICA BROAD 17038 OPM N3 610,169 3,659,834,635 14-Aug-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17040 OPM N3 12,819,000 3,647,015,635 14-Aug-17 5900AKAMPWERA 17040 OPM N3 390,000 3,646,625,635 ----- - -i--- --- - 14-Aug-17 5900ADUKULE JIM17040 OPM N3 825,000 3,645,800,635 14-Aug-17 5900LORIKA CARO 817040 OPM N3 390,000 3,645,410,635 14-Aug-17 Transfer to MG LSD 41,062,700 3,604,347,935 14-Aug-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17040 OPM N3 360,000 3,603,987,93t 14-Aug-17 5900MWEHEYO SAM17040 OPM N3 825,000 3,603,162,935 14-Aug-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17040 OPM N3 420,000 3,602,742,935 14-Aug-17 5900BAGIRAITIMA 17040 OPM N3 1,756,000 3,600,986,935 14-Aug-17 59000KUK OWERA 17040 OPM N3 390,000 3,600,596,935 14-Aug-17 59000MARA JOHN 17040 OPM N3 601,000 3,599,995,935 14-Aug-17 59000WARO J 17040 OPM N3 360,000 3,599,635,935 14-Aug-17 5900LIMLIM 17040 OPM N3 450,000 3,599,185,935 14-Aug-17 59000CHENG ROB17040 OPM N3 601,000 3,598,584,935 14-Aug-17 59000DORA JOEL17040 OPM N3 601,000 3,597,983,935 14-Aug-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 17040 OPM N3 420,000 3,597,563,935 17-Aug-17 5900LIMLIM 17043 OPM N3 600,000 3,596,963,935 17-Aug-17 59000CHENG ROB17043 OPM N3 1,020,000 3,595,943,93? I 22-Aug-17 AUG17 PAYE 17047 OPM N3 80,016,763 - 3,079,742,783 30-Aug-17 5900LORIKA CAROB 17052 OPM N3 4,325,000 - 3,075,417,7~3 30-Aug-17 5900LIMLIM 17053 OPM N3 2,100,000 - 3,073,317,783 30-Aug-17 5900NABBANJA SUS170520PM N3 1,540,000 - 3,071,777,783 30-Aug-17 5900LOR IKA CAROB 17053 OPM N3 4,325,000 - 3,067,452,783 30-Aug-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17052 OPM N3 1,960,000 - 3,065,492,783 30-Aug-17 5900NABBANJA SUS 17053 OPM N3 1,540,000 - 3,063,952,783 30-Aug-17 59000CHENG ROB 17052 OPM N3 -- - - 2,505,000 - 3,061,147,783 - 30-Aug-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17053 OPM N3 73,671,333 - 2,987,776,450 30-Aug-17 59000DORA JOEL 17052 OPM N3 2,505,000 - 2,985,271,45p 30-Aug-17 59000CHENG ROB17053 OPM N3 2,505,000 - 2,982,766,450 30-Aug-17 59000TURU MICHEAL 170520PM N3 1,680,000 - 2,981,086,450 30-Aug-17 59000DORA JOEL 170530PM NJ - ·- --- 2,505,000 - 2,]78,581,450 30-Aug-17 59000KUKU OWERA 170520PM N3 1,820,000 - 2,976,761,450 30-Aug-17 59000TU RU MICHEAL 17053 OPM N3 1,680,000 - 2,975,081,~~ - ----- r 30Aug 17 S900AKAr /1 P\/v ERA .., IV - 30-Aug-17 5900WANJALA JOEL17CJC'2 OPM ~b t I \,1 ' I 4/'.65,000 -l 1 , -· .,45 _,96b, ;9u,45p - . 30-Aug-17 59000KUKU OWERA17053 OPM N3 1,820,000 - 2,966,976,45 J 30-Aug-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 17052 OPM N3 ;- 1,960,000 - 2,965,016,45 J 30-Aug-17 5900AKAMPWERA 170~" OPM . 1 1,320,000 J., bJ,~~ 30-Aug-17 5900AWILI EMILY 170"" OPM r._ -- -- - - I '1,.., J/JCJJ l - I I .,of ,- ,0,78 30-Aug-17 5900PEDSON ASIIMWE 170530PM N3 - -- - I 1,680,0001 - - 2,868,560,783 ;__.._ 30-Aug-17 59000TURU MICHEAL170480PM N3 [ 1,200,000 - 2,367,360,781 ---- 30-Aug-17 5900BAGIRAITIMA S 17052 OPM N3 4,045,000 - 2,863,315, 78] 30-Aug-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17053 OPM N3 4,325,000 - 2,858,990, 78~ 30-Aug-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 170480PM N3 26,130,000 - 2,832,860,783 30-Aug-17 5900BR IAN BUGGAH 17052 OPM N3 - j l , 6 80,000 - 2,831,180,783 30-Aug-17 5900BAGIRAITIMA S 170530PM NJ I 4,Qc15,QQQ - 2,82 ,',~3.J, 7sfl 30-Aug-17 5900SHINE FM 170490PM N3 2,495,700 - 2,824,640,083 30-Aug-17 5900NALWANGA D 170520PM N3 4,185,000 - 2,820,455,08~ 30-Aug-17 5900BRIAN BUGGAH 17053 OPM N3 1,680,000 - 2,818,775,083 30-Aug-17 5900KIZIGE K MOSES 17050 OPM N3 816,000 - 2,817,959,08~ 30-Aug-17 5900KUTEGEKA BEATR 17052 OPM N3 770,000 - 2,817,189,08~ 30-Aug-17 5900NALWANGA D 17053 OPM N3 4,185,000 - 2,813,004,083 30-Aug-17 5900VICTORIA MOTOR 17051 OPM N3 1,864,754:__ - 2,811,139,32 30-Aug-17 5900LIMLIM 170520PM N3 2,100,000 - 2,809,039,321 30-Aug-17 5900KUTEGEKA BEATR 17053 OPM N3 770,000 - 2,808,269,3 29 07-Sep-17 5900AKAMPWERA 17054 OP M N3 2,160,000 - 2,806,109,329 07-Sep-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17054 OPM N3 2,000,000 - 2,804,109,329 07-Sep-17 5900STEP FM 17056 OPM N3 2,728,814 - 2,801,380,51~ 07-Sep-17 5900MT ELGON H 17055 OPM 8,171,376 - 2,793,209,139 07-Sep-17 MT ELGON WHT 17056 OPM N3 437,752 - 2,792, 771,38~ 07-Sep-17 STEPFM WHT 17056 OPM N3 146,186 - 2,792,625,201 07-Sep-17 Transaction amou nt - 180,000 2, 792,805,20] 12-Sep-17 5900FACULTY OF COMPUTER 17060 OPM N3 113,068,000 - 2,679,737,201 12-Sep-17 5900MUC COLLEGE 17059 OPM N3 120,483,000 - 2,559,254,20] 12-Sep-17 59000CHENG ROB17057 OPM N3 450,000 - 2,558,804,20~ 12-Sep-17 59001RIAMA MARTHA 17058 OPM N3 4,750,000 - 2,554,054,201 12-Sep-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17058 OPM N3 4,750,000 - 2,549,304,20~ 12-Sep-17 5900MWAKA TONNY17061 OPM N3 1,540,000 - 2,547,764,201 ! 12-Sep-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17061 OPM N3 11,015,000 - 2,536, 749,20] I 04-0ct-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17073 OPM N3 2,894,000 - 2,042,115,897 04-0ct-17 5900MUC COLLEGE 17068 OPM N3 424,008,000 - 1,618,107,897 04-0ct-17 5900MWEHEYO SAM 17073 OPM N3 770,000 - 1,617,337,897 04-0ct-17 5900MUBS 17069 OPM N3 395,738,000 - 1,221,599,897 04-0ct-17 5900NAGUJJA STELLA SEN 17070 OPM N3 34,573,571 - 1,187,026,326 04-0ct-17 5900UMEM E 17071 OPM N3 2,531,589 - 1,184,494,737 04-0ct-17 5900N WSC 16080 OPM N3 17072 OPM N3 - 191,632 - - 1,184,303,105 - ...._ 04-0ct-17 59001RI AMA MARTHA 17073 OPM N3 - - - I '.,394,000 - -- - ,.,18 ,10'),~ 04-0ct-17 5900KAMYA GEORG E 17073 OPM N3 770,000 - 1,180,639,10 04-0ct-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17073 OPM N3 3,088,400 - 1,177,550,705 04-0ct-17 5900ADUKULE JIM 17073 OPM N3 770,000 - 1,176,780,705 04-0ct-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 17073 OPM N3 3,350,000 - 1,173,430, 70 --- - 04-0ct-17 59000DORA JOE Ll 707J OPM N3 110,000 - l ,lh,060,70~ 04-0ct-17 5900MALINGA PETER 17073 OPM N3 ·~ 2,718,000 - 1,169,942,705 ,...__ 04-0 ct-17 5900MWAKA TONN Y17073 OP M 3 Ob vCt-1/ '..i900K1 I U \b, 170<.. \ ! 770,000 ,jU I I I 1,169,172, 70S , u1 I ··- I I I 06-0ct-17 5900BAGI RA ITIMA 1708~ OPM NJ 7b4,uJu - I l , 1.6,, ,IJ, IO'o .._-- 06-0ct-17 5900AWILI EM ILY 17074 OPM N3 3,100,000 1,164,379~ ) 06-0ct-17 5900KAMYA GEORGE1 7081 OPM N3 06-0 ct- 17 5900AKAM PW ERA 17074 0PM !\I" -I ,- 165,000 - \ >nr,nno , -- - -:~ 1,164,214,70) - 1, 1 C ·, 1 1 ,/0$ ~ 06-0ct J 7 59000(1-1 -NG ROB . l( - ()' , r I • l 1 v, -,- ,/0$ I t I I - ,_____ OGOct-17 5900NAGIJJJA '.jTEL ,'\' r•; 1 /()74 ( '. 1 __Ofi Oct-17 5900RIOJ\'{ HOHL '[li'· (lf ry1 :\I I I I r. / ( ~ ( I I I I I I I 1 L , II ,_.1 I ,7 L I - 1-·- I 06-0ct-17 59000TURU MICHL-AL 1,074 Ul'M N-5 -- - - - I ', I 1(;,llu, I - I I)• ~ ),121 I I I I 06-0ct-17 59000TURU MICHEAL ... nJ7i+ (Jl'f/1 1~.:S - 06-0ct-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17075 OPM N3 - I ii, .)(, .1 .... 3,470,000 l - I ., " , 1,135,90~:-fil= 1 ,,I 21 - 06-0ct-17 5900A KAMPWERA 17075 OPM N3 3,370,000 - 1,132,536, 72 --- r-- 06-0ct-17 5900MALINGA PETER 17075 OPM N3 ·I 3,450,000 - 1,129,086,721 06-0ct-17 59000TURU MICHEAL 17075 OPM N3 3,250,000 - 1,125,836,721 06-0ct-17 59000TURU MICHEAL 17075 OPM N3 06-0ct-17 5900VICTORIA M OTOR 17076 OPM N3 I I - 14,430, 000 481,000 - ,- I - --, ·->- - 1,111,406,721 - 1,110,~~2:i, 721 -- --- 06-0 ct-17 5900KI YING I 17077 OPIVi N3 - - - I ~ 3,3,300 I I 1,..!.1-~,J3 /,42 I 06-0ct-17 5900TOYOTA 17078 OPM N3 1,894,000 - 1,108,443,421 06-0ct-17 5900DESERT 17079 OPM N3 11,679,360 - 1,096,764,061 06-0ct-17 WHT DESERT BREEZE 17079 OPM N3 625,680 - 1,096,138,38:lj 06-0ct-17 WHT ACHOLI INN 17080 OPM N3 709,620 - 1,095,428, 76~ 06-0ct-17 WHT RIDAR HOTEL 17083 OPM N3 82,392 - 1,095,346,369 11-0ct-17 5900MARGARITHA PAL 17084 N3 13,025,600 - 1,082,320,769 11-0ct-17 5900DAVIS AND SH 17086 OPM N3 45,000,462 - 1,037,320,307 ~ 11-0ct-17 5900PEDSON ASIIMWE 17085 OPM N3 2,000,000 - 1,035,320,30~ 11-0ct-17 WHT MARGARITHA 17084 OPM N3 697,800 - 1,034,622,507 11-0ct-17 WHT DAVIS 17086 OPM N3 2,410,738 - 1,032,211,769 '-- 12-0ct-17 Transaction amount - 1,540,000 1,033,751,769 12-0ct-17 Transaction amount - 1,280,000 1,035,031,769 13-0ct-17 5900VICTORIA MOTOR 16087 OPM N3 606,874 - 1,034,424,895 13-0ct-17 5900RESTAURANT AFR 17088 OPM N3 3,402,800 - 1,031,022,095 13-0ct-17 WHT RESTAU AFR 17088 OPM N3 - - 217,200 1,030,804,895 16-0ct-17 170 - 2,000,000 1,032,804,895 16-0ct-17 170 - 45,000,462 1,077,805,357 16-0ct-17 Transaction amount - 63,000 1,077,868,357 19-0ct-17 5900ACHOLI INN 17080 OPM N3 13,246,240 - 1,064,622,117 19-0ct-17 59000WERA OKUK 17089 OPM N3 9,326,000 - 1,055,296, l l7 19-0ct-17 5900NSSF OKUK 17089 OPM N3 2,244,000 - 1,053,052,117 19-0ct-17 PAYE OKUK 17089 OPM N3 4,886,000 - 1,048,166,117 25-0ct-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17089 OPM N3 7,456,000 - 1,040,710,117 I 01-Nov-17 5900PEDS0N ASIIMWE 17113 OPM N3 27,232,000 384,688,724 01-Nov-17 WHT NILE FISHING 17100 OPM N3 531,356 384,157,368 01-Nov-17 WHT SOROTI HOTEL 17118 OPM N3 526,800 383, 630,568 01-N ov-17 WHT MT ELGO N HOTEL 17119 OPM N3 1,500,626 382,129,9~2 t -_ _ W 0_1-_N_o_v-_1_7+-_HT_M_T_M_O_R_O _T _O _O_H _E_L_ _T 1 7_ _ _P 12_0_0 _M_N_3_~f--- - 629,400 381,500,542 06-Nov-17 169 5,665,622 387,166,lEM - ---;--------1--- ·~ 07-Nov-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17105 OPM N3 1,580,000 385,:J86,164 07-N ov-17 5900MALINGA PETER 17105 OPM N3 - _- I 1, 160,uoo T - - - - - · - ~lLo,16,4 07-Nov-17 5900BRIAN BUGGAH 17106 OPM N3 1,680,000 382,446,16;4 07-Nov-17 5900NALWANGA D17106 OPM N3 13,935,000 368,511,164 07-Nov-17 5900TOYOTA 17102 OPM N3 1,002,600 367,508,564 07-Nov-17 5900ACCESS IT 17108 OPM N3 07-Nov-17 5900NEWV1SION 17101 OPM N3 247,545,000 30,7'.:iO,OOO 119,963,56fl -- 8S,213,56fl - 07-Nov-17 5900MONITOR 17104 OPM N3 29,700,000 59,513,56<'.l 07-Nov-17 5900TH E PEPPER 17103 OPM N3 1 4,061017 3S,Ll52,54~ 0/ r.ov 1/ S9000KL, OWi:R/, .J., I I ,1 ,'- I I , ..Hi/ I 07-N ov-17 5900AYOPO ANDRlW 1710/ OPM J3 I- 4,bSO,UUO 2u,ul2,.547 07-Nov-17 59000MARA JOHN P17105 OPM N3 _______ 2,J1s,_o_oo .. --ir--_2_~_,69~ _____ 07-Nov-17 WHT THE PEPPER 17103 OPM N3 08 Nov-17 Kwokende Isaac ID Ei5Y 1 09-Nov-17 OPM NUSAF3 1M I\JJ, ' I I j 1,288,983 ',399,833 - _,___ j 22,408, 564 3,614,790,000 1 3,62 ,29 ,7 · ~ 1',"03,731 jlt --- 09-Nov-17 5900NEWV1Sl0N 11 t:.. • '°'f 1·,1 ,._ 09 !\Jov 17 5900.AJIG.\ F)NNY ----- 11 )~ 0r, ~ 09-N ov-17 S900LIMLIM 17121 Ol'M N-{ 09 Nov-17 5900ALFRED ODER/, 1 1 2 Ut rJ' ~ ,1_:: I I I I I I I I I , '., ,C 1 l L,, ! ·, c. · J),000 l .J : J _ I ,- , :L,73f : ': · ~.ni I I ! j,02 , ,43,73l I f J,'; -, 5,ni I 09-Nov-17 59000CHENG ROB17121 OPM N3 I 0___ 546,00_ .. 13,622,017,731 - I 09-Nov-17 59000DORAJOEL17122 OPM N3 1,255,()()Q-- - - - - 3,G20,762,73f 09-Nov-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 17121 OPM N3 09-N ov-17 5900KIYING I 17123 OPM N3 I- 280,000 591,000 - - 3,620,482, 73i - 3,619,891, 731 09-Nov-17 59000DORA JOEL1712 1 OPM N3 09-Nov-17 5900AWILI EMILY 1712 OPM N-=l 1 09-Nov-17 5900MALINGA PETER 17 l.21 OPM 1~3 --- ~ I I 546,000 14,990,000 _ 2o0,0uu f -=---- +-l_ _ _ - - I 3,619,345,731 3,604,~ss,13fl 3,G(JL,,J::IJ, I 31 09-N ov-17 5900AJIGA TONNY17121 OPM N3 546,000 - - ~3,549,ill 09-Nov-17 5900IRIAMA MARTHA 17121 OPM N3 240,000 - 3,603,309,731 09-Nov-17 5900AKAMPWERA 17121 OPM N3 260,000 3,603,049,731 09-Nov-17 5900MWEHEYO SAM17121 OPM N3 546,000 3,602,503,73 1 09-Nov-17 5900NABBANJA SUS17121 OPM N3 240,000 3,602,263,731 09-Nov-17 5900KUTEGEKA BEATR17121 OPM N3 352,000 3,601,911,731 09-Nov-17 59000MARA JOHN P17121 OPM N3 546,000 ,601,36.5, 731 - -~ - ~ 09-N ov-17 5900AW ILI EMI LY 17122 OPM N3 930, 000 3,600,435,731 ---- - - - 09 --------------- -Nov-17 5900MALI NGA PETER 17122 OPM N3 -- 860, 000 3,599,575, 73~ 13-Nov-17 5900NATION M EDIA 17127 OPM N3 22,524,800 3,577,050,931 13-Nov-17 5900VICTORIA MOTOR 17126 OPM N3 2,374,868 3,574,676,063 15-Nov-17 Transaction amount 1,345,366 3,576,021,429 22-Nov-17 KWOKENDE ISAAC ID 65264 4,832,500 - 3,571,188.,92Q 22-Nov-17 CANON 17135 OPM N3 WHT 610,169 - 3,570,578,760 22-Nov-17 R KITARA 16310 OPM N3 WHT 126,000 - 3,570,452,760 22-N ov-17 GARUGA WHT 17039 OPM N3 3,181,800 - 3,567,270,960 22-Nov-17 SHINE FM WHT 17049 OPM N3 159,300 - 3,567,111,66Q 22-Nov-17 KKN WHT 17137 OPM N3 383,400 - 3,566,728,260 22-Nov-17 NOV 17PAYE 17143 OPM N3 88,780,763 - 3,477,947,497 22-Nov-17 5900BUNYONYI S 17128 OPM N3 23,301,600 - 3,454,645,897 22-Nov-17 5900PEDS0N ASIIMWE 17143 OPM N3 7,456,000 3,447,189,897 22-Nov-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17143 OPM N3 11,196,000 3,435,993,89~ ! 22-Nov-17 5900MFI 17115 OPM N3 5,665,623 3,430,328,274 I 23-Nov-17 5900LORIKA CARO 17145 OPM N3 1,870,000 - 3,169,326,103 23-Nov-17 5900BAFAKI CHARLES 17046 OPM N3 8,500,000 - 3,160,826,103 23-Nov-17 5900MWEHEYO SAM17145 OPM N3 1,794,000 - 3,159,032,103 23-Nov-17 5900AKAMPWERA 17146 OPM N3 1,040,000 - 3,157,992,103 t - - - - - ---t---- - - -- - - - - - - - - - + - - 23 -Nov-17 5900NYEKO GE017145 OPM N3 1,922,000 - 3,156,070,193 t--- - - - -- j - - - - - -- - ----------1---'---'·- - -, 23-Nov-17 5900MWAKA TONNY17146 OPM N3 1,870,000 - 3,154,200,103 23-Nov-17 5900ADUKULE JIM171450PM N3 23-Nov-17 5900PEDSON ASIIMW E 17146 r ')M N'.~ --- r 2~so, ooo I "'1-8F",ooo ! --·-- - - 3,152,150,103 -- +- .,, I )9, 1 8'3,1~3 23-N ov-17 5900LIMLIM 17146 OPM N3 - - 1,200,000 - 3,127,088,103 23-Nov-17 5900AS1IMWE DICK17146 OPM N3 1,870,000 - 3,125,218,103 23-Nov-17 59000CHENG ROB17146 OPM N3 1,870,000 - 3,123,348,103 23-Nov-17 5900NABBANJA SUS17146 OPM N3 53,227,000 - 3,070,121,~ _ 23-Nov-17 5900JO EL WANJALA17146 OPM ID l, 195,000 3,068,626,103 23-Nov-17 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17146 OPM N3 1,120,000 - 3,067,506,103 23-Nov-17 5900KAZUNGU 17146 ()PM N3 1 ,1qc;,ooo - 3,0f.f'),011,103 I 1 1 :'": Nov ~7 '>900BAC \.d ·1M~ .1, - u 1 I ' I ' I , 1 I ,.1.' ___2_ 3-_N_o_v- _1_ 7.,.. 5_9_o_os_1_M_O_N_K_1s_A_K_ ,G_O A_L_,_.•_ _P_ M _ :_J_ _ _ _ [ _,c_,o_'J_u.. . ,l1---- ·, J11 ---i-l_ .,o , J ,,lCB 23-Nov-17 5900VIVO ENERGY 17148 OPM N3 _ 3, 000,000 l_ - I 3,06_1,0~1, l~ 23-N ov-17 5900LORI KA CARO 17146 OPM _N_3_ _ _ _ _ I f 1,040,000 f _ - I 3,060,051,1~ 23-Nov-17 5900VIVO ENERGY 171 LV' OPM •n "'JOC',f)()" ! -I '1,nP,"';l, lQ3 23 Nov-17 5900KAf-.JVfSIGYE ~ I 7' 1.F , ,F :.· ' : , · ·1,, l I l ' i'.., I i ;:"' ,~:J, ! 1 ' 23-Novl75900MU SANASAM17'"rO,)r..,~'' I •1',0, :)n: 1 27-1\Jov-17 S900SIMON KISAKl\,-'r() 1 f'r,.tl ~·, ! 'n,-;,OOC : c 1 , '·,1 : ,1 ~ i > 27-Nov-17 5900AFRICELL171 ', L C"M ! i :00,000 I L ! :·o: , ~ 2 :,103__ ! 27 Nov-17 5900GEO INFQ_R_l7_15_~ '"':->M_N _' _ _ ! ' " ', "'10 I , , , ,1 . 01 ~ 1 28-N ov-17 1691 I - 1~073,000I 2,906,766,lq:3 1----29---N-ov---17-+-59_0_0_K_A-RU -M- E S ALIM1 7 4 30_ - 1- P_M-N3 - - -=- I I 1,~73,000 ~---:__ I 2,905,'i23, l ~ 29-Nov-17 WHT GIC 17152 OPM N3 6, 864,000 L - #,898,829,103 08-Dec-17 5900IT OFFICE U LTD 17157 OPM N3 25,6~4,435 j - 2,873,194,668 08-Dec-17 MARGARITHA 17154 OPM N3 WHT 613,440 I --- _ 2,872,581,228 I 08-Dec-17 5900MARGARITHA 17154-- - N-~------ - 0-PM I l I,'l.50,880 i - - - I ~,861, 130,34sl 08-Dec-17 5900 1T OFFICE U Lm 17158 OPM f~J - - -- I_ 3 ), i 12, G.1 ! - : 2,/JC, , )/,7~5 I 08-Dec-17 59001MPIGER 17159 OPM N3 303,336,567 - 2,189,661,218 08-Dec-17 59000WERA OKUK 17160 OPM N3 14,320,000 - 2,175,341,218 08-Dec-17 5900ALFRED ODERA 17160 OPM N3 1,820,000 - 2,173,521,218 08-Dec-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17160 OPM N3 1,300,000 - 2,172,221,2~8 08-Dec-17 59000DORA JOEL17160 OPM N3 2,284,667 - 2,169,936,551 08-Dec-17 5900NYEKO GE017160 OPM N3 5,345, 267 - 2,164,591,284 08-Dec-17 59000M ARA JOHN Pl7160 OPM N3 __ 1,873,734 __ - ?,162,717,550 08-Dec-17 5900LORIKA CARO 17160 OPM N3 1,820, 000 - 2,160,897,550 1 - - - - - - - . . . . _ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - + ---'---'--+ -- ----+--'----' 08-Dec-17 5900KARUME SALIM 17160 OPM N3 2,590,134 - 2,158,307,416 08-Dec-17 5900AKAMPWERA 17160 OPM N3 650,000 - 2,157,657,416 08-Dec-17 5900EXPONET 17153 OPM N3 ~- _?8,5~0,5~q ____ _ - -3.Q.69,_106,8~6 _ 08-Dec-17 5900MWAKA TONNY17160 OPM N3 615,000 - 2,068,491,856 08-Dec-17 5900KIYINGI 17155 OPM N3 563,300 - 2,067,928,556 08-Dec-17 Mt MOROTO 17156 OPM N3 WHT 436,500 - 2,067,492,0~6 l----0_8_-D 00 _e_c-_1_7.,..5_9_ _ T_ _M M _O _R_O 0_1 _T_ _ 1_56 7_ _0_ PM _ N _3 _o _ _ __ -;-_ 8,148,0 _ 2,_ o- + - - - - ---+-_ 0_59 _,_ 34_4_ _5 ,0 6-1 ..,_ 08-Dec-17 Exponent 17153 OPM N3 WHT 4,743,780 - 2,054,600,276 13-Dec- 17 DEC 17 PAYE 17163 OPM DD 11,938,000 - 2,042,662,2~6 13-Dec-17 DEC 17 PAYE 17162 OPM N3 88,780,763 - 1,953,881,5~3 13-Dec-17 KWOKENDE ISAAC ID 65264 6,732,000 - 1,947,149,513 13-Dec-17 5900AWILI EMILY 17162 OPM N3 9,326,000 - 1,937,823,513 13-Dec-17 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 17162 OPM N3 9,326,000 - 1,928,497,513 13-Dec-17 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17162 OPM N3 7,456,000 - 1,921,041,513 13- Dec-17 5900NALUBEGA 17162 OPM N3 2,048,000 - 1,918,993,513 03-Jan-18 59001MPIGER 17028 OPM N3 322,530,360 1,137,130,252 03-J an-18 5900MFI 17180 OPM N3 4,810,860 1,132,319,392 03-Jan-18 5900NABBANJA SUS16125 OPM N3 9,788,000 1,122,531,392 r---0_3_ 00_N_A_G_A_W -J_a_n-_1_8t-5_9_ _A IR _LE_ _ l7 _1_ _P_M 7_3_0 2,899,000 _ N_3- - - ~ > - ---:. 1,119,632,392 03-Jan-18 5900AUTOTUNE 17174 OPM N3 3,981,320 1,115,65 1,072 ~-----~--- - - - - - - ---~-~------------+ 03-Jan-18 LAKEVIEW 17177 OPM N3 872,280 1,114,778,792 t - - - - - - - + - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- 03-Jan-18 DESERT BREEZE 17176 OPM 1'13 - j 443,520 -- I r- - l 1,114,335,27?1 I 03-Jan-18 RESTAURANT AFR 171T OPM 03-Jan-18 JBN 17180 OPM N3 7,176,288 "C, 00 1,, 1 ',· 19,1n 1, 107, 072,88~ --- 04-Jan-18 Transaction amount 5,259,000 1,112,331,884 11-Jan-18 Transaction amount 31,261,500 1,143,593,384 l l-Jan-18 Transaction amount 2,040,000 1,145,633,38~ -t ll-Jan-18 Transaction am ount 2,775,700 1,148,409,08~ ll-Jan-18 Transaction amount 2,390,000 1,150,799,084 11-Ja n-18 5900IRIAMA MARTH A 1718~ OP ~ N? 1 7~n,ooo 1,J /I0,')69, --- -- '. I TA 171~~ c~ ;dr]-_1.b .·JlJI , ,_,u( I ~ir _· , r - - -l_l_ -J_ a_n-_1_ 8t-5_9_00_M_W_E_H_EY_O_SA_~_1_17_:_3_3_v_·~-~-l-=-~-=-:-=_ _ L, ,'C,JuG ~1 ,u,-,JJ,JMJ_ 11-Jan-18 5900VICTORIA MOTOR 17191 OPM N3 --------- 1,14S,%6,7?fl ~--1-1--J-a-n--1-8t-5-9-00_A_L_F-RE _D_O ER _ D_ _A_1_7_184 O _P _M_N_3____ -, 1,1'10,000 - - , 1,144,326-,7~~ -------+·-- 11-Jan-18 5900AUTOTU NE 17U~P. rp1v N~ I I 1, 14 ,hd1,53t I I • I ll-J,rn-l8 './_.100 1WI I EMILY 1/ c, , ' 1 l J :,(_ I -------+·-- I 1, I 11 Jan 18 5900ARROW CENTF'f "-.- ;'7 c) 01 r,. f.' 11 Jan-18 S9000Wf:RA OKUK P n,1, DM f\ ' i I , . )l l I 1 '. ' ,1 , 3' I c3 tI I --- --- --- I I ' ' I~ ~ I ,, L ,, ,H,13~ I I 11-Jan-18 5900TOYUTA 17186 OF' 11 I~ i ,400 - - - - - ·- - - I 11 Jan 18 5900LORlo,ooo _ J _.3,iSG, ,13J,3~-l - - T I - -::-::-::-i -- 19-Mar-1 8 5900LORIKA CARO n1 ~-, 'i-6 nDI\Jl : • ~ I I ',, 1 ,OOJ I 1 :., ! ' ..;-1,34 19-Mar-18 5900AYOPO ANDR E\J\. 1724__) Of'r.'l /\J3 I l,tiov,oouJ - - _I ~-0, ,.51J,31t _l .T 19-Ma r- 18 5900AWILI EMILY 172% O?i\.1 N 19-M ar-18 5900 KAR UM E 17245 OPM N3 -}- __ , 7 :u,JOC 3,620,000 - ~ , 1. ·~, ~lJ,34 3,141,950,340 19-Mar-18 5900AKAMPWERA 17246 OPM N3 1,740,000 - 3,140,210,34p 19- M ar-18 5900 OWERA OKUK 17245 OP M N3 6,364,000 - 3,133,846,34p 19-Mar-18 5900UM EME 17247 OP M N3 1,906,913 - 3,131,939,42 7 19-Mar-18 59000DORA JOEL17248 OPM N3 967,000 - 3,130,972,427 19-Mar-18 5900AIR OPTIONS 17249 OPM N3 1,165,600 - 3,129,806,827 - 19-Mar-18 5900VICTORIA M 172:J OPM N3 -- - I I ~,5u7,500 l - l J, ~lc..., .. 19,32/7 19-Mar-18 5900A FRICELL 172410PM 30,379,500 - 3,097,839,82~ 19-Mar-18 59000CHENG ROB17251 OPM N3 450,000 - 3,097, 389,827 19-Mar-18 5900VICTORIA M 17242 OPM N3 953,500 - 3,096,436,32 19-M ar-18 5900PEDS0N ASI IMWE 17252 OPM N3 2, 000,000 - 3,094,436,3217 19-Mar-18 5900MUSANA SAM17243 OPM N3 600,000 - 3,093,836,32 7 19-Mar-18 5900NA LU BEGA 17252 OPM N3 1,800,000 - 3,092,036,327 19-Mar- 18 5900AWI LI EMI LY 17243 OPM N3 1,250,000 - 3,090,786,327 - - 19-Mar-18 5900NWSC 17253 OPM N3 10288 239,916 - 3,090,546,411 19-Mar-18 5900ADUK ULE JIM17243 OP M N3 940,000 - 3,089,606,41 ~ 19-Mar-18 5900NEWV ISION 17254 OPM N3 1,864,407 - 3,087, 742,00fl 19-Mar-18 59000MARA JOHN P17243 OPM N3 940,000 - 3,086, 802,00~ 19-Mar-18 5900UAP 17256 OPM N3 28,733,207 - 3,058,068,797 20-Mar-18 17029041 OPM 19032018 - 7,320,000 3,065,388, 79V 22-Mar-18 5900NABBANJA SUS17257 OPM N3 21,486,500 - 3,043,902,297 22-Mar-18 5900TOYOTA 17258 OPM N3 195,003 - 3,043, 707,29fi 26-Mar-18 5900BAG IRAITIMA 517259 OPM N3 4,413,106 - 3,039,294,188 26-Mar-18 5900NSSF SBUG330184 17259 OPM N3 42,107,382 - 2,997,186,806 26-Mar-18 5900BRIAN BUGGAH 17259 OPM N3 4,413,106 - 2,992, 773,700 26-M ar-18 5900NYEKO GE0 17259 OPM N3 1,073,000 - 2,99 1,700,700 26-Mar-18 5900NALWAN GA D17259 OPM N3 7,456,000 - 2,984,244,700 26-Mar-18 59000CHENG ROB17259 OPM N3 1,073,000 - 2,983,171,700 26-Mar-18 5900IRIAMA MARTHA 17259 OPM N3 7,456,000 - 2,975,715,700 26-Mar-18 59000DORA JOEL17259 OPM N3 1,073,000 - 2,974,642,700 I 16-Apr-18 5900MALINGA PETER 17268 OPM N3 1,680,000 - 2,662,204,381 16-Apr-18 5900LORIKA CARO 817267 OPM N3 1,170,000 - 2,661,034,381 16-Apr-18 5900LORIKA CARO 817268 OPM N3 1,820,000 - 2,659,214,381 16-Apr-18 5900AJIGA TO NNY17268 OPM N3 1,610,000 - 2,657,604,38i 16-Apr-18 5900MALINGA PETER 17267 OPM N3 720,000 - 2,656,884,38 l 16-Apr-18 5900MWEHEYO SAM 17268 OPM N3 1,680,000 - 2,655,204,381 16-Apr-18 5900AYOPO ANDR EW 17268 OPM N3 ----·-- 16-Apr-18 5900MWAKA TONN Y17267 OPl\1 N:? 16-Apr-18 ----·- 5900AWILI EMILY 17268 OPM N3 -~1 1,680,000 2, 59,J ..d 1,820,000 - - - - 2,653,524,381 - - ~,GSl, fo,04$ 2,649,245,048 -'--+- -- 16-Apr-18 59001RIAMA MARTHA 17268 OPM N3 1,680,000 - 2,647,565,048 16-Apr-18 5900MWEHEYO SAM17267 OPM N3 2,240,000 - 2,645,325,048 16-Apr-18 5900ADUKULE JIM17268 OPM N3 1, 610,000 - - - ... - - - - - 2,643,715~ 16-Apr-18 5900KARUME 17268 OPM N3 1,G27,500 - 2, 642,087,54 16-Apr-18 5900NA88ANJA SUS17267 OPM N3 5,748,700 - 2,636,338,848 16-Apr-18 5900NALWANGA D17268 OPM N3 1,680,000 - 2,63,1, "58,848 ,___ - - - - , HiH I I I I 1 pr-lt- :dOOO I uhU l'/llu-J L I --' 0V J ' I --- - I l 16-Apr-18 5900ADUKULE JI M 17267 OPM N3 16-Apr-18 5900NAGAWA LEIR 172 67 OPM N3 16-Apr-18 5900NYEKO GE017268 OPM N3 - I -1 --- - l - - 1,79G,v6l 840,000- , 1,400,0~0 _ , __ - - - t - L,uJ.:,:o2 2,630,34 1 2,628,942,181 J 16-Ap r-18 5900KAMYA GEORGF 776R OPM N31 1, ';(](), noo , .... 'l'j) 181 I I l I l 16Apr-18 5900AKAM PW ERA 7,-,1 1 \,1,i - , , ) I ' I I L, ,- I I ,181 16-Apr-18 5900NAGUJJA STELLA SEN 17267 O;>f,1 'l 1 I :;0': n''O I· J I I I :., _,_,., I l] .:..,181 I ',- ., 2,1s I I _16·A~r-l8 5900 NAGUJJA STEl L ~ ,-2,:;81)"f 1• · · ~ , ~ ',(lLi., i 16-Apr-18 5900KIYINGI 17269 ufM W, '> ,UUO I I ~,tJL -, ,9tJ, 181 I I I -,---, ~.,,1si I , 16 Apr-18 5900ALFRED ODER' 1 7-.r7 Jpr • · : I J I' I 16-Apr-18 5900NYEKO GE017267 OPM N3 1,823,000 l - - 2,619,927, 181 -'---- 16-Apr-18 59000MARAJOHN P17268 OPM N3 - -·---- I 1,610, 000 [ ----..--- ,-i618-:-3 l 7,"isf 16-Apr-18 5900AS1IMWE DICK17267 OPM N3 1,543,000 - 2,616,774,181 16-Apr-18 59000CHE NG R0817267 OPM N3 1,570,000 - 2,615, 204,181 16-Apr-18 59000WERA OKUK 17268 OPM N3 -- 1,820,000 - 2,613,384,181 -- i -- - I - 16-Apr-l~ 5900AWILI EMILY 17267 OPM W! --·- I 780,000 - 2, L, i04,181 -I I 16-Apr-18 59000DO RA JOEL1 72S7 OPM N3 -- ·-· - I _L,.-,t.J,Cuo - I 2,.:: cL, .. ~ i, ~ 16-Apr-18 5900MWAKA TONNY17268 OPM N3 1,540, 000 - 2,609,094,18 16-Apr-18 59008RIAN 8UGGAH 17267 OPM N3 720,000 - 2,608,374,181 16-Apr-18 59000TURU MICHEAL17267 OPM N3 1,200,000 - 2,607,174, 181 16-Apr-18 5900ALFRED ODERA 17268 OPM N3 1,960,000 - 2,605,214,181 16-Apr-18 169 - 5,033,700 2,610,247,881 24-Apr-18 59000CHENG R0817269 OPM N3 450,000 - 2,609, 797,881 24-Apr-18 5900VIVO ENERGY 17270 OPM N3 3,000,000 - 2, 606,797,881 - 24-Apr-18 5900PEDS0N ASI IMWE 17271 OPM N3 200,000 - 2,606,597,881 24-Apr-18 5900NALU8EGA 17271 OPM N3 1,800,000 - 2,604,797,881 24-Apr-18 5900VICTORIA M 17272 OPM N3 1,287,500 - 2,603,510,381 24-Apr-18 5900ALFRED ODERA 17273 OPM N3 300,000 - 2,603,210,381 - - 24-Apr-18 59000DORA JOELl 7273 OPM N3 244,000 - 2,602,966,381 24-Apr-18 5900SIMON KISAKA17273 OPM N3 700,000 - 2,602,266,38i 26-Apr-18 WHT RESTUARANT A 17283 434,070 - 2,601,832,311 26-Apr-18 WHT ST LIRA 17283 87,000 - 2,601,745,311 26-Apr-18 5900NWSC17279 OPM N3 10288 256,324 - 2,601,488,987 26-Apr-18 5900MFI 17282 OPM N3 912,203 - 2,600,576,784 26-Apr-18 5900RESTAURANT A 17283 OPM 6,800,430 - 2,593,776,354 26-Apr-18 5900AWILI EMILY 17274 OPM N3 910,000 - 2,592,866,354 26-Apr-18 5900MALINGA PETER 17274 OPM N3 840,000 - 2,592,026,354 26-Apr-18 59001RIAMA MARTHA 17274 OPM N3 240,000 - 2,591,786,354 26-Apr-18 5900ADUKULE JIM17274 OPM N3 1,425,000 - 2,590,361,354 26-Apr-18 5900KARUME 17274 OPM N3 310,000 - 2,590,051,354 17-May-18 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 17295 OPM N3 9,489,900 - 2,145,944,245 17-May-18 5900ASIIMWE DICK17296 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 2,144,812,745 17-May-18 REFUND NUSAF 17044 OPM DR - 326,245,700 2,471,058,445 17-May-18 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17295 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 2,463,532,04~ 17-May-18 5900NSSF SBUG381497 17295 OPM N3 44,120,208 - 2,419,411,837 --- 17-May-18 5900PEDSON ASIIMWE 17296 OPM N3 17-May-18 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17296 OPM N3 - - I I 7,526,400 11,Cl58,300 t-- - - I 2,411,885,437 2,39S,927,137 ~ 17-May-18 5900NALUBEGA 17295 riplV' N3 I ,, 1 ,JOO - I 2;3<' , U,137 17-May-18 5900AWILI EMILY 17296 OPM N3 9,901,300 - 2,381,912,83~ 17-May-18 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 17296 OPM N3 9,489,900 - 2,378,422,937 17-May-18 5900NYEKO GE017295 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 2,377,291,437 17-May-18 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17296 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 2,369,765,037 17-May-18 5900NSSF SBUG381525 17296 OPM N3 - 44,120,208 - -- - 2,325,£,44,829 17- May-18 5900NALWANGA D17295 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 2,318,118,429 -- 17-May-18 59000CHENG ROB17295 OPM N~ 1,111,500 - 2,~1Fi,CJ86,929 I I . ' 'I l/-lVldy .1.0 JOUN,\ ck ,1- l ' I v I I ' ' ,- -i 17-May-18 5900IRIAMA MARTHA 1729) Orf\1 rJJ ---- I I 7/· 7 ,·+uU I - - I 2, ,0 I I l ,.J24 I I I- I 17-May-18 59000DORA JOELl 7295 OPM N3 17-May-18 5900NYEKO GE017296 OPM N3 -- - - ---- I - 1, n1,5oo 1,131,500 ] ., '") 1 r-r,,,-... f - - - l 2,306,216,02 2,305,084,529 - 17-May-18 5900KAMYA GEORGf:177')" '1PM ~·1 \ ' J' 1,?r , 5"',029 17 May-18 59000M RA nH~ nQ ... )Pf,• ~ ; l ) ' ,S29 •I ' . ,. ,, ,) I' I 2, ..,,., :, ~ :;,12~ 1 I ~- 17-May-18 5900NAL\VANGA [)172C1:"; Oi'M Nl , J ~, - - 17-May-18 590000-l NG ROP I l1 Y • r ~/l '• ' c, J I I ,, · --- 2,275,52~ 2,264,488,529 - 2, 265,620, 029 17-May-18 59000MARAJOHN P17796 OPM N3 I J, l'31,':>()0 l - I 7,7fi ~, <57,029i - -- --- - - - I I 17-May-18 5900LIMLIM 1729.S or i\'. N ' '' lJ, ' ' ~,SOO - I ,,4 , 3,52~ I 17-May-18 59000WERA OKUK 17295 OPM N3 9,901,300 - 2,234,092,22 17-May-18 5900KANYESIGYE KEN17296 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 2,232,960,729 17-May-18 59000TURU MICHEAL17296 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 2,225,434,329, 17-May-18 5900ADUKULE JIM17295 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 2,224,302,829 17-May-18 5900LORIKA CARO 17295 OPM N3 9,901,300 - 2,214,401,529 17-May-18 5900MALINGA PETER 17295 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 2, 206,875,129 17- May-18 5900KUTEGEKA BEATR17296 OPM N3 1,326,500 - 2,205,548,629 - 17-May-18 5900SIMON KISAKA17296 OPM N3 - -- -- - 9,901,300 - - 2,195,647,329 __,_ 24-May-18 5900BAGIRAITIMA 517296 OPM N3 4,487,390 - 2,191,159,939 24-May-18 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 17301 OPM N3 40,482,000 - 2,150,677,939 24-May-18 5900BRIAN BUGGAH 17296 OPM N3 4,487,390 - 2,146,190,549 24-May-18 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17301 OPM N3 -- 1,680,000 - - ---- - - 2,144,510,549 --4- 24-May-18 5900NABBANJA SUS17296 OPM N3 4,487,390 - 2,140,023,159 24-May-18 59001NTERNATIONAL P 17308 OPM N3 284,130,375 - 1,855,892,784 - 24-May-18 5900PEDSON ASIIMWE 17304 OPM N3 24-May-18 59001RIAMA MARTHA 17306 OPM N3 2,864,250 5,260,000 - 1,853,028,534 1,847,768,534 - 24-May-18 5900SIMON KISAKA17297 OPM N3 15,835,000 - 1,831,933,534 24-May-18 5900UMEME 17298 OPM N3 1,611,796 - 1,830,321,738 24-May-18 5900NWSC 17300 OPM N3 10288 190,692 - 1,830,131,046 24-May-18 5900LIMLIM 17299 OPM N3 300,000 - 1,829,831,046 24-May-18 59000CHENG ROB17299 OPM N3 590,000 - 1,829,241,046 24-May-18 5900ALFRED ODERA 17299 OPM N3 280,000 - 1,828,961,046 24-May-18 59000DORA JOEL17299 OPM N3 590,000 - 1,828,371,04q 22-Jun-18 59000MARAJOHN P17331 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 894,653,27i 22-Jun-18 5900LORIKA CARO 17330 OPM N3 650,000 - 894,003,27 1 22-Jun-18 5900KANYESIGYE KEN17331 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 892,871,77 22-Jun-18 59000TURU MICHEAL17331 OPM N3 7,5 26,400 - 885,345,371 22-Jun-18 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 17330 OPM N3 650,000 - 884,695,3n 22-Jun-18 5900KUTEGE KA BEATR1733 1 OPM N3 1,326,500 - 883,368,87 _ 22-Jun-18 5900SIMON KISAKA17331 OPM N3 9,901,300 - 873, 467,57 22-Jun-18 5900MWE HEYO SAM17330 OPM N3 - --+--------+--- i ---1,131,000 - 87 ~ -- ,J3·.J,sn 1-- 22-Ju n-18 5900LIMLIM 17331 OPM N3 19,363,500 - 852,973,07'.I. 22-Jun-18 59000WERA OKUK 17331 OPM N3 9,901,300 - 843,071, 77!1 22-Jun-18 5900ADUKULE JIM17331 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 841,940,27;1 22-Jun-18 5900LORIKA CARO 17331 OPM N3 8,161,300 - 833,778,9.1_ 22-Jun-18 5900MALIN GA PETER 17331 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 826,252,57~ 22-Jun-18 5900NWSC 17326 OPM N3 10288 305,548 - 825,947,028 22-Jun-18 5900AJIGA TON NY1733 1 OPM N3 1,131,500 - 824,815, 523 l - ---. --- I 22 Jun U' r9oor.1us~,NA SAIV11 r -. ' ''' 1 0:~1 :_-_-=- _ ,... _;.. i 1 , '?1 ror - ,..J ·1' -~ - ' ·1 81C, . S",62a 22-Jun-18 5900KARlJME SALIM n31 1i J 2,242,846"l- - - ,-- 813,914J77 I _I- 22-Jun-18 5900UMEME 17327 OP M N3 _ 22-Ju n-18 5900AKAMPWERA 17331 OPM N3 22-Jun-18 5900MWAKA TON NY17"~ 1 OPM N" - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ·- 22-Jun 18 5900 1N LINE PRINT . , r"~ (\'l'\,1 • - --1 'I - - 8,1. 61,300 I .,.,1 SOO ..J~_,, 'J~ T. -- --- 1 { - 805,753,477 80-','2:,977 ·,-~1,977 I 22-Jun-18 5900ALFRED ODER A 17V1 OPl\ft n I I 11 ,'lS8,300: -- -- - -- -, 7°.~,lf:\677 1 22-Jun 8 5900MWrHEYO SAMJ'~V 'lN.1 ~' " I ' ':•°"701; 1- -----, 70•. l< ',177 22-Jun 18 5900 1N LINE PRINT 11= 2·: ,J:''\,1 ;,i: I I I ' j ' J,VJ\. I i -- - - I I , , -,· :.J,577 I 22 Jun 18 5900ASIIMWE' D10'1 r,-., /'""'',r. ~· I ·• ' .,-:; ''" l - - I _:; . . ,077 22-Jun-18 5900NABBANJA SUS1733 1 OPM N3 i 4,487:390 i - i 784,609,68,_ 22-J un-18 5900LIMLIM 17330 OPM N _3___ - - - I 750,000 - 783,859,687 22-Jun-18 5900P EDSON AS IIM WE 1 -7-33_1_0-PM N3 -- - I_ 7,526,400 - - -- - + - - - - - - + - - - - -~ - 776,333,2817 22-Jun -18 5900NAGAWA LEIR 17331 OPM N3 11,958,300 - 764,374,9~ 1--- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - ------+-- -- ---+-- - -- --+- 22-Jun-18 59000CHENG RO B173 30 OPM N3 1,131,000 - 763,243,987 - - -~ - - - -- ;---------i 22-Jun -18 5900AWILI EMILY 1T331 OPM N~ 22 -Jun -18 5900NAGUJJA STELLA 1n-,-: Oi "·· ,-, 22-Jun-18 5900ALFRED ODERA 17330 OP M N3 I ", ~l=-=---=--' g,161,300 100,000 - 75'.:i,082,6817 - 111~,-..1..c,7817 744,892,~ 7 l 22-Jun-18 5900AYOPO ANDREW 17331 OPM N3 7,526,400 - 737,366,387 22-Jun-18 5900NSSF SBUG40465817331 OPM N3 44,120,208 - 693,246,179 22-Jun-18 JUNE18 PAYE 17331 OPM N3 93,987,071 - 599,259,108 Account Number 000030088000055 Account Currency UGX Opening Balance 0.00 Closing Balance307,092,764.00 Specified period (01-07-2017 - 30-06-2018) Transaction Date Description Debit Credit Balance 07-Jul-17 Q4 201617 Operations - - 776,680,000 776,~8~ - ----- 07-Jul-17 5900BUDAKA N3 Q4 OP r ur ', 07-Jul-17 5900KITGUM N3 Q4 OP Fun ds 07-Jul-17 5900NEBB1 N3 Q4 OP Funds I 15,520,000 11,810,000 - -- 7, .. ,~J0,000 749,350,000 11,660,000 - 737,690,000 07-Jul-17 5900BUDUDA N3 Q4 OP Funds 11,570,000 - 726,120,000 07-Jul-17 S900KOB0KO N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,760,000 - 710,360,000 07-Jul-17 5900NGORA N3 Q4 OP Fund s 13,110,000 - 697,250,QOO 07-Jul-17 5900BUKEDEA N3 Q4 OP FunJs -- - - 11,570,000 - 68S,G8o,doo 07-Jul-17 5900KOLE N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,110,000 - 672,570,000 07-Jul-17 5900AMURIA N3 Q4 OP Fun ds 15,610,000 - 656,9 60, 000 - -- ('7 I ,I 17 :9003twv 10 • 1~ n1 or I l --- T - £ l 07-Ju l-17 5900KOTID0 N3 Q4 OP Fune 07-Jul-17 5900NWOYA N3 Q4 OP Funds --- i I I - 11,810,000l 13,110,000 - 1 - I 0~ .:,' U,000] 620,230,000 - 07-Jul-17 5900BULAMBULI N3 Q4 OP Funds 07-J ul-17 5900KUMI N3 Q4 OP Fund s ---- -- - -, I 13,110,000 15,610,000 - 607,120,000 591,510,000 07 Jul-17 59000MORO N3 Q4 OP ~ur 11,660,000 ·•,.., r;,10 - - - - -r Jv,,l,,i), - 0 -Jul-17 S900ElULIISA I'd Q4 OP .J1, -- ---- - 'I lJ, loO,ci'ool - - 0] 07 Jul-17 5900KWEEN N'l Q'I OP F1i:,rl 0 - I B,110,00~i - - - I - ",':~0,tl 07-Jul-17 59000TUKE N~ Q4 OP F11nd· I r - S" >, '0,0 0 l -, n.110,000 - - ----- J/ Jul 17 '>900BUS1A N ~ Q'I Of) Fur -Jc I' ---,- r,ooc 1 - -- -T I .: - ',~ - 07-Jul-17 59001AMWO N3 0.4 OP f11n -- - I ' l3,2o0,00U I ,r_ 1..,,0 o o,-Jul-17 59000YAM N3 Q4 OP Funds I 11,660,000 - r 'i.:../,'fJ0,000 07-Jul-17 5900ABIM N3 Q4 OP Funds 07-Jul-17 5900BUTALEJA N3 Q4 OP Funds 07-Jul-17 5900LIRA N3 Q4 OP Funds - -+ I 11,810,000 15,520,000 15,610,000 - - - 485,620,000 470,iOO,opo 454,490,000 07-J ul-17 5900PADER N3 Q4 OP Funds 11,810,000 - 442,680,opo 07-Ju l-17 5900ADJUMANI N3 Q4 OP Fu nds 15,610,000 - 427,070,000 07-Jul-17 5900DOKOLO N3 Q4 OP Fund s 15,610,000 - 411,460,0PO ·- I 07 Jul 17 5900MANAFWA N 3 Q4 Q;'; 1) T I - , obo,ooo I ____ L JJ ,c,,I),,~ l 07 Jul-17 5900PALLISA N3 Q4 OP Fune, 11,570,000 388,:::;o,opo - - - - - -· 07-Jul-17 5900AGAGO N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,110,000 - 31s,120,obo 07-Jul-17 5900GULU N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,610,000 - 359,510,000 07-Jul-17 5900MARACHA N3 Q4 CF Allowances 11,810,000 - 347,700,000 07-Jul-17 5900SERERE N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,110,000 - 334,590,000 07-Jul-17 5900ALEBTONG N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,110,000 - 321,480,000 07-Jul-17 S900KAAB0NG N3 Q4 OP Funds 11,810,000 - 309,670,000 07-Jul-17 S900MA51ND1 N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,520,000 - 294,150,000 07-Jul-17 5900SIRONKO N3 OP Fu nds 15,610,000 - 278,540,0!)0 07-Jul-17 5900AMOLATAR N3 Q4 OP Funds 11,570,000 - 266,970,000 07-Jul-17 5900KABERAMAID0 Q4 OP Funds 15,610,000 - 251,360,000 07-Jul-17 5900MBALE N3Q4 OP Funds 15,520,000 - 235,840,000 07-J ul-17 5900SOROTI N3 OP Funds 15,610,000 - 220,230,000 07-Jul-17 5900AM UDAT N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,110,000 - 207,120,000 07-Jul-17 5900KAPCHORWA N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,610,000 - 191,510,000 07-Jul-17 5900MOROTO N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,760,000 - 175,750,000 07-Jul -17 TORORO N3 OP Funds 15,520,000 - 160,230,000 07-Jul-17 5900AMURU N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,610,000 - 144,620,000 07-Jul-17 5900KATAKWI N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,110,000 - 131,510,000 07-Jul-17 5900MOYO N3 Q4 OP Funds 11,810,000 - 119,700,000 07-Jul-17 5900YUMBE N3 Q4 OP Funds 11,810,000 - 107,890,0~0 07-Jul-17 5900APAC N3 Q4 OP Funds 15,610,000 - 92,280,000 07-Jul-17 5900KIRYAND0NG0 Q4 OP Funds 13,020,000 - 79,260,000 07-Jul-17 5900NAKAPIRIPIRIT Q4 OP Funds 19,760,000 - 59,500,000 07-Jul-17 5900ZOMBO N3 Q4 OP Funds 13,260,000 - 46,240,000 07-Jul-17 5900ARUA N3 Q4 OP Funds 19,760,000 - 26,480,000 I 08-Se p-17 5900BULAMBULJN3 Ql 1718 CFAllowa 6,144,000 - 30,328,000 08-Se p-17 5900KUMI N3 Ql 1718 CF Allowa 6,144,000 - 24,184,000 08-Sep-17 59000MORO N3 Ql 1718 CF Allowa 6, 144,000 - 18,040,000 08-Sep-17 5900BULII SA N3 Ql 1718 CF Allowa 6, 144,000 - 11,896,0bO 08-Sep-17 5900KWEEN N3 Ql 1718 CF Allowa 6,144,000 - 5,752,000 18-Sep-17 SLP Operations 17 003 OPMD N3 20S,897,000 211,649,0 )0 18-Sep-17 Disb 1Lot217004 OPM DN 3 5,050,363,821 5,262,012,8 '1 ~ 18-Sep-17 5900BULAM BULJ N3 SUBPROJECT __ 26,400,000 '.:i,235,6~2.8~1 18-Sep-17 5900LI RA N3 SUBPROJECT 2~6,633,74:n- - - - ,-4,'l8~ '');J78 18-Sep-17 5900BUSIA N3 SUBPROJECT 56, 228,618 - - 4,932,750,460 18-Sep-17 5900MANAFWA N3 SUBPROJECT 37,500,000 - 4,895,250,460 18-Sep-17 5900GULU N3 SLP Operations 29,429,000 4,865,821,460 18-Sep-17 5900BUTALEJA N3 SUBPROJECT 6,488,700 4,859,332,760 18-Sep-1 7 5900MARACHA N3 SUB PROJECT 16,000,000 - 4,843,332,710 - 18-Sep-17 5900SOROTI N3 SLP Operations I 29,429,000 _- - 0 4,813,903,71 18-Sep-17 5900DOKOLO N3 SUBPROJECT 17,500,000 - 4,796,403,7b0 18-Sep-17 5900MBALE N3 SUBPROJECT I 140,000,000 ----,-- .,,..., ,.'""\f'I ')(\A I - - "l 4,656,403,7~0 ,. - ., "1" 18-Sep-17 5900GULU N3 SUBPROJECI I I 180,130,590 I - [ 4, l; ,.-S· L,110 I 18-Sep-17 5900NEBBI N3 SUBPROJECT - I 122,220,000 - I 4,316, 624,110 _ 18-Sep-17 5900KOTID0 N3 SLP Operations 18-Sep-17 5900KAPCHORWA N3 SUB PROJECT 18-?_~e.:12~oo~MURIA N3 <;lJBPROJr ~ - -=--, I 'I 23,522,000 25,8 39,111 ., ,C 72,000 - 4,293,.1u ..,12Q_ _ _ - __ [ _ 4,261,263,099 'l, J/'-,- . )Sc_, t-- 18 St';.'-17 5qr,0LJRA N3 c .P Opera 1, ; " , - >,0 1~0 I I ,. , ·, J~- I 18-Ser-17 5900 KAPCHORWA N3 <;!JBPR() ~(: I 1-9,,11_,,2001 I ,,,,,,r,,q59! ]:?_-Ser-17 5900NWOYA N3 SIJB PROJF(T I l[)R 7%,822 l- I 1 <} " ) 11/)37 I .11:, '.:>t,)·17 '.:i900KAPCHO, f\JAN3Slr l', f----18_-_Sep-17 5900KIRYANDONGO N3 'Ll".''r' , , ,uGO ; ,'2G,1117 I : I , ', "• J i: . .,,t1 l + 18-Sep-17 59000YAM N3 SUBPROJ, Cl ll,1,G 73,018 3/U ..>,--u,SU - --- 18-Sep-17 5900BUTALEJA N3 SLP Ope~ations _ _ 18-Sep-17 5900KIBUKU N3 SUBPROJ ECT ------ 23,522,000 _6_2,_2_07_,_76_ 0 ,- 3,449,166,812 ---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,387,SSCJ,0_¥_ ·- 18-Sep-17 5900PAD ER N3 SUBPROJECT 165,548,049 - 3, 22? ,011,0.Qe__ 18-Sep-17 5900 MASINDI N3 SLP Operations 23,s22,ooo - 3,198,489,ooe 18-Sep-17 5900ADJUMANI N3 SUBPROJECT - - - - - - - - 62,497,942 - 3,135,991,06;1 18-Sep-17 5900KITGUM N3 SUBPROJECT 286,499,167 2,84'.l,491,894 18-Sep-17 5900SOROTI 3 SUBPR01Err 9°, 1 so,311c; I- - r , (', 1, 4b 1 18-Sep-17 5900AGAG O N3 SUBPROJECT l -----·-- 145,999,505 - - --;-- 2,G(Yl, J l, J4 j 18-Sep-17 5900KOBOKO N3 SUBPROJECT 60,239,000 - 2,544,493,044 18-Sep-17 5900TORORO N3 SUBPROJECT 535,575,223 - 2,008,917,82ll 18-Sep-17 5900ALEBTONG N3 SUBPROJECT 103,715,000 - 1,905,202,821 18-Sep-17 5900KOLE N3 SUBPROJECT 124,388,526 - 1,780,814,295 18-Sep-17 5900YUMBE N3 SUBPROJECT 260,511,600 - 1,520,302,695 18-Sep-17 5900AMURU N3 SUBPROJECT 242,250,000 - 1,278,052,695 18-Sep-17 5900KOTIDO N3 SUBPROJECT 100,005,450 - 1,178,047,24~ 18-Sep-17 5900ZO MBO N3 SUBPROJECT 90,948,270 - 1,087,098,97$ 18-Sep-17 5900APAC N3 SUBPROJECT 208,650,000 - 878,448,975 18-Sep-17 5900KUMI N3 SUBPROJECT 109,306,975 - 769,142, 000 18-Sep-17 59000MORO N3 SUBPROJECT 135,120,000 - 634,022,000 18-Se p-17 5900ARUA N3 SUBPROJECT _5 4 _2,9 _ _o_ ,o_ o_ o_o_ _____- _ _ _ 1s1,122,ooo 18-Sep-17 5900KWEEN N3 SUBPROJECT 16,500,000 - 164,62 2,000 18-Sep-17 5900BUDAKA N3 SUBPROJECT 17,000,000 - 147,622,000 18-Sep-17 5900LAMWO N3 SUBPROJECT 141,870,000 - 5,752,000 27-Sep-17 Otuke 17002 OPMD TOPUP ON CFs - 392,000 6,144,000 03-0ct-17 59000TUKE N3 Ql 1718 CF All owa - 6,144,000 - 03-0ct-17 2nd Disbursement Subprojects - 32,729,289,348 32,729,289,348 04-0ct-17 5900AGAGO N3 SUBPROJECT 773, 782,300 - 31,955,507,048 04-0ct-17 5900KOLE N3 SUBPROJECT 1,265,984,800 - 30,689,522,248 04-0ct-17 5900ALEBTONG N3 SUBPROJECT 773,502,545 - 29,916,019, 70~ 04-0ct-17 5900KWEEN N3 SUBPROJECT 374,596,000 - 29,541,423,703 04-0ct-17 5900AMOLATAR N3 SUBPROJ ECT 636,539,006 - 28,904,884,697 04-0ct-17 5900MBALE N3 SUBPROJECT 1,581,021,000 - 27,323,863,697 04-0ct-17 5900AMURU N3 SUBPROJECT 705,772,239 - 26,618,091,458 l I 06-0ct-17 5900KUMI N3 CPMC 2nd Disb 1,358,880 10,833,803,746 06-0ct-17 5900PADER N3CPMC 2nd Disb 27,857,040 10,805,946, ~06 06-0ct-17 5900BULAMBULIN3 CPMC 2nd Disb 21,742,080 10,784,204,626 06-0ct-17 5900KWEEN N3 CPMC 2nd Disb 15,627,120 10,768,577,506 06-0ct-17 5900SERERE N3 CPMC 2nd Disb 29,895,360 10,738,682,146 06-0ct-17 5900BULIISA N3 CPMC 2nd Disb 20,383,200 10, 718,298,~6 06-0ct-17 5900LAMWO N3 CPMC 2nd Disb 4,076,640 10, 714,2 22,~06 - ------ I 06-0ct-17 5900SIRONK N3 CPMC 2nd Disb I 20,383,200 10,G9~,~~:,·~ 25-0ct-17 5900DOKOLO N3 SUBPROJfC'T - 1 886,340,440 -I J,sv .• :.,o,.:i66 - --+- 25-0ct-17 5900KITGUM N3 SUBPROJECT 741,662,726 9,065,835,940 25-0ct-17 5900LIRA N3 SUBPROJECT 1,632,271,690 7,433,564,250 25-0ct-17 5900MANAFWA N3 SUBPROJECT 860,000,000 6,573,564,250 25-0ct-17 5900MASIND1 N3 SUBPROJECT 1,582,368,840 4,991,195,-- - -- ---- - I - ...1, JI.,,! I 13-Nov-17 5900Y UMBE N3 SUBPRQJr T ; 350,470,000 j I 22-Nov-17 OPM 170090PMD N3 930,420,000 930,420,000 22-Nov-17 5900ALEBTG 201718 Q2 Operations 15,577,000 - 914,843,000 22-Nov-17 5900KAABONG 201718 Q2 Operations 15,009,000 - 899,834,000 22-Nov-17 5900MA5IND1 201718 Q2 Operations 17,753,000 - 882,081,000 22-Nov-17 5900SIRONKO 201718 Q2 Operations 18,077,000 - 864,004,000 22-Nov-17 5900AMOLAT 201718 Q2 Operati ons - 14,253,000 849,751,000 22-Nov-17 5900KABERAMA 201718 Q2 Operations - 18,077,000 831,674,000 - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - ' - -- -- ---- ------,1----- -- -+-- - - -- -+--- -- - 22-Nov-17 5900MBALE 201718 Q2 Operations 17,753,000 - 813,921,obo 22-Nov-17 5900SOROTI 201718 Q2 Operations 18,077,000 - 795,844,000 22-Nov-17 5900AMUDAT 201718 Q2 Operations 15,577,000 - 780,267,000 22-Nov-17 5900KAPCHOR W 201718 Q2 Operations 18,077,000 - 762,190,000 22-Nov-17 5900MOROTO 201718 Q2 Operations 17,917,000 - 744,273,0 - ~ - --'---'-- -+-------+----'--.:.. bO 22-Nov-17 5900TORORO 201718 Q2 Operations 17,753,000 - 726,520,0bo 22-Nov-17 5900AMURU 201718 Q2 Operations 18,077,000 - 708,443,000 22-Nov-17 5900KATAKWI 201718 Q2 Operations 15,577,000 - 692,866,000 22-Nov-17 5900MOYO 201718 Q2 Operations 15,009,000 - 677,857,000 22-Nov-17 5900YUMBE 201718 Q2 Operations 15,309,000 - 662,548,000 22-Nov-17 5900APAC 201718 Q2 Operations 18,077,000 - 644,471,000 22-Nov-17 5900KIRYAND0 201718 Q2 Operations 21,753,000 - 622,718,000 22-Nov-17 5900NAKAPIT 201718 Q2 Operations 22,509,000 - 600,209,000 22-Nov-17 5900ZOMBO 201718 Q2 Operations 16,009,000 - 584,200,000 22-Nov-17 5900ARUA 201718 Q2 Operations 22,509,000 - 561,691,000 22-Nov-17 5900KIBUKU 201718 Q2 Operations 15,253,000 - 546,438,000 22-Nov-17 5900NAPAK 201718 Q2 Operations 16,009,000 - 530,429,000 22-Nov-17 5900BUDAKA 201718 Q2 Operations 17,753,000 - 512,676,000 I 13-0ec-17 5900AMURIA N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 193,536,opo 13-0ec-17 5900BUKWO N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 187,392,000 13-0ec-17 5900KOTIOO N3 Q2 CF Allowances 12,288,000 175,104,000 13-0ec-17 5900N W OYA N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 168,9Go,opo 13-0ec-17 5900BULAMBULI N3 Q2 CF Allowa nces 6, 144,000 162,816,000 13-0ec-17 5900KUM I N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6, 144,000 156,672,000 t--- - - - - + -- - - - - ' - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - . ,-. - - - ---r--- - - 13-0ec-17 5900 0MORO N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 150,528,000 13-0ec-17 5900BULIISA N3 Q2 CF AIIOWdllCes 6,144,000 ---- 1,t 11,j84,000 H Oec-17 5900KWEEN NJ Q2 CF Allow, ,1r·c 13-0ec-17 5900 0TU KE N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6~144:0oo r l -~ 6,144,000 132,096,000 13-0ec-17 5900BUSIA N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 125,952,000 13-0ec-17 5900LAMWO N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 119,808,000 13-0ec-17 59000YAM N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 113,664,000 13-0ec-17 5900ABIM N3 Q2 CF All owancf>s 12,288,000 101,376,000 13-0 ec-1 7 5900BUTAL EJA N3 Q2 CF All owances 6,144,000 - :::-::i:-- 9:i,232,000 13-0ec-17 5900LIRA N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144,000 89,088,000 13-0ec-17 5900PAOER N3 Q2 CF All owances 6, 144,000 82,944,000 ........ !""\ ., -, ~"" ",. r,, l .~ • • ' t .... t"'\ ... ., 1 --, l l 1-- -- -~ '1 I I I J j 13-0ec-17 590000KOLO NJ Q2 CF Allo, anu b,144,000 I I J rJ:>b,QOO I 13-0ec-17 5900MANAFWA N3Q2 CF Allowa nces 6,144,000 I -- ---- 1 - oo 64,s~2, 13-0ec-1 7 5900PALLI SA N3 Q2 CF Allowances 6,144--;ooo 1 -- ~ r :id,..,68,000 6,144,000 I ---_ 1 ---- 13-0ec-17 5900AGAGO N3 Q2 CF Allowances s2,224,ooo] 13 Oec-17 5900GULU NJ Q2 er Al ,.. , c 1 +1,00( T - [ -;- JOG i 1 L,ec 1/ '>900MAIIACH.\ N Q2, - , , 'I I 1 • , luu , +- ' 13 Dec 17 5900SERERE ~!3 Q2 Cr /\I c1 - n r 6,144,ooo I I , --, ~o l 13-Dec-17 5900ALEBTONG N3 Q2 r t·." , n, r '41,000 I 1 ,, r:o l r 1 '"'l D ·)9JllKAJ1BONl ,. u. ' - O,lv : I ,L ' l - - [ ~l L, u c 17 :.,'.;00MASIND1 :"\JJ Q~ U, , , J,11.+,(;JL, I _ I ,• ,,,)UL I 13-Dec-17 5900SIRONKO N3 Q2 Cf Allu,vanu=> G,144,000 j _ I • I 03-Jan-18 Disbu rsment 2 lot 2 - I14 -,1 - 2-1,-6s-2,173 14,121,6s2,173 I 03-Jan-18 ORF Trigger 2 1- 9 --_--,-- _,4 _ 14 s-s,- I - 3,832- - 23,579,826,005 11-Jan-18 CPMC Fund s ORF Trig 2 - I 95,880, 000 23,67S,7o6Aos - - - - - - - - - - --+-- - ----+----''--_:_-+---'--..;....__:_,f---1 11-Jan-18 CBA Allowances Q3 41,329,638 23,717,035,643 11-J an-18 5900MOROTO ORF CPM C Funds 12,860, 000 - 23,704,175,643 11-Jan-18 5900GULU N3 SUBPROJECT - 3-r-------127.,612, 749,760 1_,0_9_1_,4_2_5,-88 11 Ja,1 18 '.i900TORORO NJ SUBPF 0,. ' , ::J,9S3,00ol [ - - ,, FL 1 11-Jan-18 5900NAKAPIT ORF CPMC Fu ..Is 10,160,000 l _l____?_.l,::.__.~<2_l 11-Jan-18 5900KABERAMAIDO N3 SUBPROJECT 361,199,000 - 21,130,437,760 11-Jan-18 5900YUMBE N3 SUBPROJECT 450,000,000 - 20,680,437,760 11-Jan-18 5900NAPAK ORF CPMC Funds 20,320,000 - 20,660,117,760 11-Jan-18 5900KATAKWI N3 SUBPROJECT 306,359,800 - 20,353,757,960 11-Jan-18 5900AMOLATAR N3 SUBPROJECT 779,508,500 - 19,574,249,460 11-Jan-18 5900KIBUKU N3 SUBPROJECT 217,810,970 - 19,356,438Al90 11-Jan-18 5900BU KEDEA N3 SUBPROJECT _ _3 7_ 4_ 6_ ,7_ 1, _ 00 0_ _ ~----- _ _ _9,008,677 ,490 1 - - - -- ---- 11-Jan-18 5900KITGUM N3 SUBPROJECT 200,500,000 - 18,808,177,490 11-Jan-18 5900BUOAKA N3 SUBPROJECT 625,000,000 - 18,183,177,490 11-Jan-18 5900KOBOKO N3 SUBPROJECT 494,565,600 - 17,688,611,890 11-Jan-18 5900MBALE N3 SUBPROJECT 101,160,000 - 17,587,451,890 11-Jan-18 5900KWEEN N3 SUBPROJECT 66,000,000 - 17,521,451,~90 1-------+-------- ---------- -- 11-Jan-18 5900ABIM N3 SUBPROJECT 2,058,940,000 - 15,462,511,8 90 11-Jan-18 5900LAMWO N3 SUBPROJECT 204,191,000 - 15,258,320,890 11-Jan-18 5900ALEBTONG N3 SUBPROJECT 614,205,900 - 14,644,114,990 11-Jan-18 5900LIRA N3 SUBPROJECT 106,044,000 - 14,538,0701\990 11-Jan-18 5900AMURIA N3 SUBPROJECT 815,601,000 - 13,722,469,990 11-Jan-18 5900MANAFWA N3 SUBPROJECT 619,000,000 - 13,103,469~990 11-Jan-18 5900AMURU N3 SUBPROJECT 1,169,413,322 - ll,934,056J668 11-Jan-18 5900MOYO N3 SUBPROJECT 229,377,000 - 11,704,679;668 11-Jan-18 5900BUDUDA N3 SUBPROJECT 107,446,335 - 11,597,233,333 11-Jan-18 5900NEBBI N3 SUBPROJECT 280,832,429 - 11,316,400,904 11-Jan-18 5900ABIM ORF CPMC Funds 3,730,000 - 11,312,670,904 I 11-Jan-18 5900BUKWO N3 SUBPROJECT 11-Jan-18 5900NWOYA N3 SUBPROJECT 35,000,000 249,778,270 - - 11,277,670(904 11,027,892,634 I 15-Feb-18 5900KITGUM 201718 Q3 Operations 12,864,000 - 1,739,610,070 15-Feb-18 5900NEBBI 201718 Q3 Operations 12,864,000 - 1,726,746,q7o 15-Feb-18 5900ABIM CPMC Training 0 2L2 56,100,000 - 1,670,646,070 15-Feb-18 5900KITGUM CPMC Training D2L2 5,984,000 - 1,664,662,WO 15-Feb-18 5900KOBOKO 201718 Q3 Operati ons 16,296,000 - 1,648,3 66,000 15-Feb-18 5900NGORA 201718 Q3 Operati ons 14,364,000 - r 1,§?~,0 0 ~ 15-Feb-18 5900KOBOKO CPMC Training D2L2 15,708,000 - 1,61'1,294,070 -- - +- 15-Feb-18 5900BUKEDEA 201718 Q3 Oµeration~ - I is4o,ooo - r 1 ,~,.., ,(.,, - 1 ,000 15 Feb-18 5900KOLE 201718 Q3 Orer 'o I I '4,364,000 I ,ot?o l 15-Feb-18 5900AMURIA 201718 Q3 Operations 15,864,000 l,J/S,52t * - 15-Feb-18 5900AMOLAT CPMC Training D2L2 33,660,000 - 1,541,866,0 0 15-Feb-18 5900KWEEN CPMC Training D2L2 2,992,000 - 1,538,874,070 15-Feb-18 5900BUKWO 201718 Q3 Operations 13,296,000 - 1,525,578,070 15-Feb-18 5900KOTIDO 201718 Q3 Operati ons 13,296,000 - 1,512,282,070 15-Feb-18 5900NWOYA 201718 Q3 Op erations - --- - 14,364,000 - 1,49 / ,J13,0VO 15-Feb-18 5900AMURIA CPMC Trai ning D2L2 31,416,000 - 1,466,502,070 15-Feb-18 5900LAMWO CPMC Training 02~ __ 8,976,000 - 1,457,52~070 1 r r .... r 1 n rt"\"f1VI 111\11' -,r171 on:> r, - - I n ~ "'' l r .... ~ - 15-Feb-18 59000MORO 201718 Q,1 0 1,, , J,/ I · ,364,ooo I I ,, ,,,1!70 I 15-Feb-18 5900AMURU CPMCTraining D2L2 I _45,628,0~ - I 1,383170,f 20-Feb-18 5900SERERE 201718 Q3 Operations - -- I .J.4,364,000 - -- - l ... ,3G8,80u,O 0 20-Feb-18 5900YUMBE CPMC Traini ng D2L2 20-Feb-18 .::.g')nA~BTG 7.01718 Q- 0;-iPr - - I I 18,700,000 - - 0 - .oro r T 1,350, lOG,O 0 - -- - - 20-Feb 18 5 "10'1RONK0 JOl 718 < r, ' 'I J 1 I I , 'VI ,i cI I I 1-- 20-Feb l~S900AMUDA:::_ 701718 i_p 0, ,, 20-Feb _]8 S900SOROTI 701 /l8 Q, Op. rst1 2) FEb 18' __ :OA!"I 'O 11 Q3' ' 20Fcb 18 5')0.0~'UMB[_]'Jl 718 Q:> )p l t(, 1 r C I I I I ; C 0 7'l,O (' ',064,roo ' G,OC I I I I ! I I I I I I > ·r' , ,1 o t ' , ,;,o I I I I i I 20-Feb-18 5900BUDAKA 201718 CJ,.< ~;, • '" ,.)1'0,00C J I ' ' ,,J!/0 20-Feb-18 5900ALEBTG CPMC Train ing D2L7. - -- I 26,180,000 l j - 1,213, 768,0D'O 20-Feb-18 5900BUDUDA 201718 Q3 Opcrati~-is_ -- - I 17,540,00oj _ _ _ T 1,,01, 1 s,0110 I 20-Feb-18 5900BUDUDA CPMC Trainin g D2L2 I 2,244,00CJj - - _ -· 1- 1,1.98,984,070 . 20-Feb-18 5900BULAMBUL 201718 Q3 Operation s I 14,040,ooof - l- 1,184,944,070 I -1 20-Feb-18 5900BUDAKA CPMC Trainin g D2L2 20,944,000 - 1,1c1,ooo,wo 20-Feb-18 5900BUTALEJA 201718 Q3 Operation~ I 1 s,540,000 I -- - i- --- --- , 1 ~P,,Llf.0,070 I I ,___ 20 FPb 18 5900!:IULAMBUl rpMC Tr , OM' - >------ ' I -- ' I 20-Feb-18 5900KABERAMA 201718 QJ ~f"l:.'._Ll'' I ' .~-1,000 --- I \_ -:)~~ I 20-Feb-18 5900BUTALEJA CPMC Training D2L2 3,740,000 . 1,125,864,070 20-Feb-18 5900KATAKWI 20.1718 Q3 Operations 12,864,000 - 1,113,000,070 20-Feb-18 5900KABERAMA CPMC Trainin g D2L2 15,708,000 . 1,097,292,070 20-Feb-18 5900LIRA 201718 Q3 Operations 17,064,000 - 1,080,228,0\70 20-Feb-18 5900KATAKWI CPMC Training D2L2 5,984,000 - 1,074,244,070 20-Feb-18 5900MANAFWA 201718 Q3 Operations 12,540,000 - 1,061,704,070 20-Feb-18 5900LIRA CPMC Training D2L2 2,992,000 - 1,058,712,070 - 20-Feb-18 5900MARACHA 201718 Q3 Operntions 13,296,000 - 1,045,416,070 20-Feb-18 5900MANAFWA CPMCTra ining D2L2 17,952,000 - 1,027,464,070 20-Feb-18 5900MBALE 201718 Q3 Operations 15,540,000 . 1,011,924,0ii'O 20-Feb-18 5900MBALE CPMC Training D2L2 1,496,000 - 1,010,428,070 20-Feb-18 59000TUKE 201718 Q3 Operation s - I 14,364,000 - . - 996,064,070 20-Feb-18 59000TUKE CPMC Tra ining D2L2 3,740,000 992,324,ovo 20-Feb-18 59000YAM 201718 Q3 Operations 12,540,000 - 979,784,070 20-Feb-18 5900SOROTI CPMC Training D2L2 29,920,000 - 949,864,070 20-Feb-18 5900AMUDAT ORF Trigger2 Funds 949,864,070 - - 22-Feb-18 B/0 /01293554493183 KIBUKU LG NUSAF3 SUB PROJECT - 62,207,760 62,207,760 28-Feb-18 Capacity BP 17001 OPM CBP N3 . 2,990,111,000 3,052,318,760 28-Feb-18 ENTERPRI WHT 17001 OP M N3 CBP 9,409,161 . 3,042,909 ,5~9 28-Feb-18 5900AGROMAX 17001 OPM N3 CBP 840,000,000 - 2,202,909,599 28-Feb-18 5900AG ROMAX 17001 OPM N3 CBP 371,710,650 - 1,831,198,949 28-Feb-18 5900ENTERPRISE 17001 OPM N3 CBP 1,685,603,689 - 145,595,260 28-Feb-18 5900VICTORIA 17001 OPM N3 CBP 83,387,500 - 62,207,760 19-Mar-18 JSDF IDA Districts Mar18 - 1,440,000,000 1,502,207,760 19-Mar-18 Disb Cycle 3 - 28,683,099,155 30,185,306,9ll.5 I 13-Apr-18 5900NEBB1 CMPC Training D3 Ll 1,360,000 - 14,404,281,5P8 13-Apr-18 5900NGORA CMPC Training D3 Ll 5,590,000 - 14,398,691,5P8 13-Apr-18 5900KAAB0NG CMPC Training D3 Ll 94,520,000 - 14,304,l 71,5p8 13-Apr-18 5900NWOYA CMPC Training D3 Ll 19,040,000 - 14,285,131,5~8 13-Apr-18 5900KIRYAND0 CMPC Training D3 Ll 2,920,000 . 14,282,211,5S8 13-Apr-18 59000MORO CMPC Training D3 L1 56,440,000 - 14,225,771,598 13-Apr-18 5900KITGUM CMPC Traini~ 03 L1 10,880,000 - 14,214,891,598 13-Apr-18 5900K0BOKO CMPC Training D3 '1 r I u,370,000 14,208,5.cl,598 - - l --·------- I I 13-Apr-18 5900PADrR CMPC Trainir g r' ' '3,220,000 - - -I ,::.9~·-"·-,:o98 13-Apr-18 5900KOLE CMPC Training D:.: L1 1,410,000 - 14,193,891,598 13-Apr-18 5900PALLISA CMPC Trai ning D3 L1 13,600,000 - 14,180,291,598 13-Apr-18 5900KOTID0 CMPC Training D3 Ll 92,780,000 - 14,087,511,598 13-Apr-18 5900KUMI CMPC Training D3 L1 31,400,000 - 14,056,111,598 13-Apr-18 5900ADJUMANI CMPC Training D3 Ll 32,640,000 - 14,023,4 71,5~8 13-Apr-18 5900KWEEN CMPC Training D3 Ll -, 2,920,000 14,020,551,5S8 13-Apr-18 5900AGAGO CMPC Training D3 Ll 21,000,000 - 13,999,551,598 13-Apr-18 5900LAMWO CMPC Training D3 L1 P l\r,r 18,5900/'0~~q() rMr>r Tr - ~' ----! 52,580,000 ".,., n1 r - 13,946,971,5~8 '~ P I 1-- ·-··--- - 13-Apr-18 5900APAC CMPC Training ~ _, L I 19,01~1 I u,906, .. 01,598 I 13-Apr-18 5900MASIND1 CMPC Training D3 L1 I 8,510,000 --- - 13,897,691,598 ·- 13-Apr-18 5900NAMISIND CMPC Trair,;, .g C.3 Ll l :>,070,000 L,894,621,S98 13-Apr-18 5900KITGUM 201718 Q3 CS:\ Allowances ----T - 7,026,800 13,88 7,'..,81\, 798 13-Arr-18 5900MASIND 1?01718 n~ rr 'I A' ""c' ,c - --- T - -- .,100 ! -.- ~ ,30 ·,- .~.JS8 n /,;--r-18 5900KOTID0 20171 '3 Q ' . ' ,, .,800, ._ ,_:..,_:,=~- ,JBu 1---- 13-Apr-18 5900KAPCHORW 70171 >< 0' ~, ,. Ld:,11.,_, : I I - _, 8 " .. ,(. .,211) i ,2/-J, .,,.,, ' _ -1 I r;r r l·'0 - ,.~ 13-Apr-18 5900PAKWACH 701718 r,_-, r l ~ I,-•\;;/.~ r1 ' ' 1J) ,· [ - 1 I 1 ,,v . .. , '-, ~8 /\pr 1F,'.lQ ·~ ' .!Jc, ' ,___ C - - ·- -l----- '" - I ') 15 A;-ir 18 N/•MISIND 0" Opnr;iti()P I ,ll'.J,I\YI l u~ 14,, L.1, ,1..C f 19i~l,:.~ ... lc--Apr-18 '.i900SORO I! , 01 i lo Q ' ,1, I -- -- t--- , ,-.5e1,8UL) I I ..:J.:,-"'-d64 I I 16-Apr-18 5900LIRA 201718 Q3 CBA Allow,mces --- - ---i- 2,63 8,800 I 287,'186,s64 16-Apr-18 5900BUTALEJA 201718 Q3 CrlA .1\llowances :,s3s,soo I 2,A,u•,i,764 16-Apr-18 5900AMUDAT CMPC Traini ng D3 L1 34,730,000 250,117,764 16-Apr-18 5900ARUA CMPC Tra ining D3 L1 66,780,000 - 183,337,764 16-Apr-18 5900BUDAKA CMPC Trainin g D3 L1 8,360,000 . 174,977,764 16-Apr-18 5900BUDUDA CMPC Train ing D3 L~- - 5,690,000 169,287,764 16 Apr-18 sgooBUI AMRl II CMPC I ' r , ' ' -T ', 1 ~o,ono , - -,- ·- - I '- -_,J ,- ' ' t,. I - 16-Apr-18 5900MARACHi\ CMPS~i_,g_~ ! ;1/80,000 ! .1. L. . ,t.it..,/,, 64 - --- I 16-Apr-18 5900MBALE CMPC Train ing D3 L1 4,080,000 - 138,58/,164 16-Apr-18 59000YAM CMPC Training D3 Ll 27,200,000 . 111,387,764 16-Apr-18 5900SERERE CMPC Training D3 L1 2,040,000 - 109,347,764 16-Apr-18 5900SIRONKO CMPC Training D3 L1 6,120,000 - 103,227,764 16-Apr-18 5900SOROTI CMPC Training D3 L1 18,960,000 - 84,267,764 16-Apr-18 5900YUMBE CMPC Training D3 Ll 22,060,000 - 62,207,764 18-Apr-18 JSDF OPERATIONS 17025 - 61,008,000 123,215,764 18-Apr-18 TESO PEDO - 250,939,600 374,155,364 18-Apr-18 OPM NUSAF3 - 45,075,000 419,230,:~64 18-Apr-18 CFs Q3 FY 201718 - 390,144,000 809,374,364 18-Apr-18 5900BUDUDA N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 803,230, 64 18-Apr-18 5900KOB0KO N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 797,086, 64 18-Apr-18 5900NGORA N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 790,942, 64 18-Apr-18 5900SOROTI 201718 Q4 SLP Operati 15,252,000 - 775,690,364 18-Apr-18 5900BUKEDEA N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 769,546,364 18-Apr-18 5900KOLE N3 Q3 CF Allowan ces 6,144,000 - 763,402,364 18-Apr-18 5900AMURIA N3 Q3 CF Allowan ces 6,144,000 - 757,258,364 18-Apr-18 5900LIRA 201718 Q4 SLP Operati 9,015,000 - 748,243,364 18-Apr-18 5900BUKWO N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 742,099,364 18-Apr-18 5900KOTID0 N3 Q3 CF Allowances 12,288,000 - 729,811,364 18-Apr-18 5900NWOYA N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 723,667,364 18-Apr-18 5900MASIND1 201718 Q4 SLP Operati 9,015,000 - 714,652,364 18-Apr-18 5900BULAMBULI N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 708,508,364 18-Apr-18 5900KUMI N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 702,364,364 18-Apr-18 59000MORO N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 696,220,364 04-May-18 5900Butebo Q3 201718 Operations 14,340,000 - 319,291,364 04-May-18 5900TE50 PEDO 17002 OPMD N3 CPB 250,939,600 - 68,351,764 17-May-18 5900AMURIA N3 Q3 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 62,207,764 31-May-18 Inspire WHT 17003 OPM CBP 5,602,350 - 56,605,4;14 31-May-18 Q4 201718 CF Allowances - 547,840,000 604,445,4~4 31-May-18 CBP May 18 - 1,224,823,150 1,829,268,Sp4 · - f-- 31-May-18 WHT Inspire 17003 OPM CBP - 5,602,350 1,834,870,914 31-May-18 Q4 201718 Operations 170,r -- - r - - 849,895,00of 2,684,765,9~4 , - I 31 May-18 5900BULIISA Q4 1718 Ope. ,· I I 14,s;-;;,oool 1 -.r ,,Jl4 31-May-18 5900ZOMB0 Q41718 Operations 31-May-18 5900DOKOLO Q41718 Operations i 14,545,000 - 2,6:,.:,,675,~ 14,405,000 - 2,641,270,9!L4 31-May-18 5900KAAB0NG Q41718 Operations 14,545,000 - 2,626,725,914 31-May-18 5900KAPCHORWA Q4 1718 Operations 14,405,000 - 2,612,320,914 31-May-18 5900KOLE Q41718 Operation s 14,405,000 - 31-May-18 5900KWEEN Q4 1718 Operations - --· ·--- - 2,597,9~~ 14,405,000 2,SSJ,~10,9 4 31-May-18 59001NSPIRE AFRICA 17003 OPM CBP 1,021,495,150 - 1,562,015, 7~4 31-May-18 5900MARACHA Q4 1718 Operations ~,545,000 - - 1,547,470,7~4 -:>1 ~fl··n, 9 c;onnr:1 1, l l~l'\ff.r<;in• "r' l "";:;r I .;-i ' ' '" t 31-May-18 5900MASIND1 Q4 1718 Of!~ , .:i tions I l 14,237,000 I -· - I J.,JLJ,< U:i, 764 I 31-May-18 5900ADJUMANI Q41718 Operations -- - I -.- 14,545,000 I - I 1,31s,36o, ~ 14,231,000 I 31-May-18 5900MBALE Q41718 OpeC'.:_tiur~ 31-May-18 5900AGAGO Q41718 Opc~tions 31 May-18 'i900MOYO ·-- - - - rt-i 1718 O· - - - r I I 14,54s,ooo I , . I , 1ni1 " ... - r- - - T-Du.1.,.1LJ, 764 l - 1-,~:iG,'.:J 1s,7l4 I 1 I '~' . JG,' I '- ---- - I --~ --- 1.!. f,'l,iy-13 r;goo/\Lr::Bffl ---- -- I j (1,1 171 ~ r ' I ; /)~,')OJ: I I . , :_-~·ii l -~~ay-18rgnoNAf'AK 04 1 /18 r '!'r ,' . , , 1 '. ,,or l I I ·. • + _.,_7r -1 - ..._. .31- May-18 -- - - 'i900APAC Q4 1718 Opf r 1'; - - I ' IS LlQ\Q(' r I ! ,~- , ) t 'l,7 .11 - ~1 l'v1 "13lcqr,( .i It 1 7 1° () 31 May--1 ~wOQ3UDAK/\ 'l.4 171 ° ''i, r .. ' I ' .~ 1 '(I l.')00 l ' ' I 'I . ,., .,,,ct c.1J1] I 31-1v.ay-18·:,~UUf~GLiRH l(.., 1/ lb •,; , " ),ULJLJ I I -,-)~ .-- ., 64 I ' -- 31-May-18 5900BUDUDA Q4 1718 Opera_tions - i I 14,237,oooT - I 1,171, 394,764 I l 31-May-18 5900NWOYA Q41718 Opcratiors - -- - --1 I - M,405,ooor- - I l,156,')89, 704 31-May-18 5900BUKWO Q4 1718 Operations . - - 14,545,000 I I 1,142,444,764 31-May-18 59000TUKE Q41718 Operation s - -- l 14,405,000 I . 1,128,039,764 ~. 31-May-18 5900BULAMBULI Q41718 Operations 31-May-18 5900PALLISA Q4 1718 Operati ons 31 M,"' 18 c;gooe.us1A N< 0.11 n A.1,, - - -- -- 1 I I I 14,237,000 I 1 .4,237,ooo C'' })ii-f I -, - J r ' 1,113,802,764 1,0')9,'~65,7q4 ,'Tl 31 May-18 5900MANAFWA N3Q4 r 1\1', , , .:.Jt,0001 I ,,7c14] I ------- -;- I 31-May-18 5900PALLISA N3 Q4 CF Allowances 6,144,000 - 1,031,133, 7El4 31-May-18 5900ABIM N3 Q4 CF Allowances 15,360,000 - 1,065,773,764 31-May-18 5900BUTALEJA N3 Q4 CF Allowances 7,168,000 - 1,058,605,764 31-May-18 5900MARACHA N3 Q4 CF Allowances 7,680,000 - 1,050,925, 7q4 31-May-18 5900SERERE N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8,192,000 - 1,042,733,764 31-May-18 5900ADJUMANI N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8, 192,000 - 1,034,541,764 31-May-18 5900DOKOLO N3 Q4 CF Allowances 7,680,000 - 1,026,861,764 31-May-18 5900MASIND1 N3 Q4 CF All owances 11,264,000 1,015,597,764 31-May-18 5900SIRONKO N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8,192,000 - 1,007,405,764 31-May-18 5900AGAGO N3 Q4 CF Allowances 10,240,000 - 997,165,7~ 31-May-18 5900GULU N3 Q4 CF Allowan ces 10,752,000 . 986,413,764 31-May-18 5900MBALE N3Q4 CF Allowances 8,704,000 . 917,709,764 - -- 31-May-18 5900SOROTI N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8,704,000 - 969,005,764 31-May-18 5900ALEBTONG N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8,192,000 - 960,813, 7fii4 31-May-18 5900KAAB0NG N3 Q4 CF Allowances 21,504,000 - 939,309,764 31-May-18 5900MOROTO N3 Q4 CF Allowances 16,384,000 - 922,925,764 31-May-18 5900TORORO N3 Q4 CF Allowances 10,240,000 - 912,685,764 31-May-18 5900AMOLATAR N3 Q4 CF All owances --- - 7,680,000 - 905,005,764 31-May-18 5900KABERAMAID0 Q4 CF Allowances 8,704,000 - 896,301,764 31-May-18 5900MOYO N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8,192,000 - 888,109,764 31-May-18 5900YUMBE N3 Q4 CF Allowances 9,216,000 - 878,893,764 31-May-18 5900AMUDAT N3 Q4 CF Allowan ces 14,848,000 - 864,045,764 31-May-18 5900KAPCHORWA N3 Q4 CF Allow ances 6,656,000 - 857,389,764 31-May-18 5900NAKAPIRIPIRIT Q4 CF Allowance 16,384,000 - 841,005,764 31-May-18 5900ZOMB0 N3 Q4 CF Allowances 8,704,000 - 832,301,764