OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS The World Bank 1818 H Street NW (202) 473-1000 NTER1NATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND r)FVFi OPMENT vVashngton DC 20433 Cable Address INTBAFRAD NTERNATIONAL OEVELOPMENT ASSOCIAn1ON U S A Cable Address INDEVAS tv ii Ld 1,01, 19 Mr. Daniel Nti Chief Operating Officer African Center for Economic Fransformatton I1 V II Castle Road. Ridge Accra Republic of Ghana RegionaL MDTF - Think Africa Partnership Grant Agreement for Support to Regional Knowledge Capacit. Grant No -FOA8320 First Amendment to the Grant Agreement Dear Sir: He refer to the Grant Agreement, dated August 22. 20 8. for the abovementioned ProJect ('Agreement") between the African Center for Economic Transformation ("Recipient") and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association ("World fank"), acting as administrator of grant funds provided bN various donors ("Donors") under the [hink Africa Partnership Multi-Donor Trust Fund. We also refer to the letter from the Recipient. dated Januar) 16, 2019. requesting the World Rank for specific amendments to the Agreement. Please note that the capitali/ed terms used in this letter (-Amendment Letter") and not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. We are pleased to inform you that the World Bank proposes to amend the Agreement In respect of the provisions below4: [The first paragraph of the Agreement is hereb, amended to read as follows: 'In response to the request tor financial assistance made on behallof African Center for Economic Transformation ('Recipient"). I am pleased to inform Nou that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association ("World Bank"), acting as administrator of grant funds provided by various donors ("Donors") under the 1 hink Africa Partnership Multi-Donor Trust Fund, proposes to extend to the Recipient, a grant in an amount not to exceed four million nine hundred thousand United States Dollars it SS4,900,000) ("Grant") on the terms and conditions set forth or referred to in this letter agreement ("Agreement"). which includes the attached Annex, to assist in the financing of the project described in the Annex (Project")." 2. Section 2.01 of the Annex to the Agreement is hereb amended to read as Idlows "2.0; Project Objectives and Description. The o)bective of the Project is to strengthen the Nfrican (enter for Economic FransiOrnation's capacit\ in the dehlier\ of ptlicy to action, implementation of Compact with Africa and promoting private sector development in selected countries. Pan 1. Strengthening A( ET's Core Activities on Pliev Design. Providing technical assistance to strengthen NCFT's operational capacit" in delivering core products and services and with a financially sustainable business model ihe activities under this part include: (a, conducting a case stud% based on ACET*s policy engagement model encompassing frameworks for boosting a network of African think tanks resulting in organizational etfectiveness of selected think tanks in Africa. (bi supporting ACET*s ongoing activities, including enhancing the work of existing Pan African coalition for transformation sectoral chapters and policy dialogue; and further dissemination of the African transformation report (ATR), African transformation forum (ATF). and the updated African transformation index (A TI). (c) launching of new and deepening the work of existing Pan African Coalition for Transformation (PACT) seetoral chapters or policy dialogue platforms, Part 2 Suportin! ACFT's Role for Implementing the GZO Compact with Africa (CWA)- Providing technical assistance to support ACET's role in supporting the implementation of the G20 Compact with Africa through the facilitation of peer learning, analysis and peer review interventions and undertaking coordination role in CWA implementation. The activities under this part include: (a) strengthening the capacity of compact countries' in the implementation of CWA. through: (i) consultations, workshops, and supporting countries' communication and dissemination capacity, facilitating access to advisor- services: (ii) supporting investment promotion and public-private dialogue: and (iii) organizing and facilitating the advisory panel meetings and providing logistic support to the advisory panel activities. (b) organiting CWA peer-to-peer learning platforms for compact countries, interested G20 countries. international organizations and African institutions. Said learning platform to include, inter alia: (i) blended finance. (ii) public- private partnerships: (iii) small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs): and (iv) export processing zones. (c) developing review methodology and analsis of self-assessments and preparation, presentation and dissemination of consolidated CWA peer review reports. (d) developing G20 polic> briefs in collaboration with think tank partners. building collaboration with [20 members around existing events on key priorit\ themes for African compact countries, participating in CWA working group. ASG steering committee, T20 summits and serving on or facilitating panel discussions, seminars and workshops. Part 3. Strategic Partnership for Private Sector Development and Growth Building a strong %apacitN in the area of private sector development to become an impactful knowledge producer that facilitates strong policy partnerships across the continent. with a particular focus on the retorm partnership and CH A countries. Fic activities under this part include- (al promoting sustainable export processing /ones (SEPZ) through. (i) a diagnosis and evaluation of the existing export processing zones (EPZ) ecosystems to include benchmarking against good practices; and (ii) support to retrofitting of an existing FP/ into an SEP/ as a test case for development and subsequent replication (b) integrating public advocacy, consulting and project development to design scalable local business across various sectors and products. including: (i) analysis and advocacy to carry out research and compile actionable business development plans for local content small and medium-size enterprises (LC-SMEs): and ii) in a second phase. support the development of new and profitable investment prospects into viable early stage SMEs. (c) ensuring linkages between the promotion of SEP/s and the creation of SMFs and also supporting the integration of L(-SMls which are not within the national. SEPZ-enabled enclaves into the value-chains of key transformational sectors of the economy. Part 4. ACET Institutional Capacity Development Strengthening ACET institutional capacity through: (a) developing and implementing a communication and marketing strategy (b) maintaining and expanding its pool of procurement experts and consultants. (c) Developing an online portal to support the on-going partnership building around the PACT platforms and poliey dialogues. (d) Supporting etfective Project implementation, ic) Maintaining an efficient and streamlined monitoring. evaluation and learning approach. (f) Providing detailed reports and narratives on Project progress.' 3. The Table in Section 3.0! of the Nnnex to the Ngreement is hereby amended to read as follows -Category Amount of the Grant Percentage of Expenditures to Allocated he Financed (expressed in USD) (inclnsive of Taxes) I Goods, consulting ;ervtces, 4,900,000 O0% raming and workshops, and Operating Costs under the Project TOTAL AMOUNT 4.900,000" 4. Section 3 02 of the Annex to the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: -3.02. Withdrawal Conditions. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.0! of this Agreement. no withdrawal shall be made for payments made prior to the date of this kgreement, except that withdrawals up to an aggregate amount not to exceed $473,534 equivalent may he made for payments made prior to this date but on or after March 13, 2018. tor Eligible Expenditures." 5. Section 3.03 of the Annex to the Agreement is herchy amended to read as follows -3.03. Withdrawal Period. The Closing Date referred to in Section 3.06 (c) of the Standard Conditions is November 30, 202 I " AlI the terms and conditions of the Agreement that have not been amended hereby shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Please confirm your agreement with the foregoing amendment. on behalf of the Recipient, by signing. dating and returning to the World Bank the enclosed copy of this Amendment ketter [his Amendment Letter shall become effective as of the date of its countersignature upon receipt by the World Bank ora countersigned copy of this letter Sincerely. Pierre >orteXrI Country Director for Ghana Africa Region CONFIRMIJ) AND AGREFD AFRICAN CENTER FOR ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIO\ B': Name ,2U k T Date. I life I 4C c-Q 4