88093 Republic of India Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth May 21, 2014 Standard Disclaimer This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Copyright Statement The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA, telephone: 978-750-8400, fax: 978-750-4470, http://www.copyright.com/. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, fax: 202-522-2422, e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. Design and Print: Macro Graphics Pvt. Ltd. www.macrographics.com Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii Acronyms and Abbreviations xv Overview xvii PART A: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES OF THIS REPORT  1 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Issues and Analytical Approach 1 Motivation and Scope of this Study 4 Specific Objectives and Analytical Approach 5 The Broader Context and Structure of This Report 6 Performance of Indian Agriculture: Temporal, Spatial, and  PART B:  7 Comparative Perspectives Chapter 2: The Context and Conundrums of Contemporary Agriculture 7 India’s Food Security Puzzle 7 Persistent Food Price Rise 8 Trade Policy and Cereal Prices 10 Food Grain Management and Food Prices 11 Rising Real Rural Wages 12 Persistent Questions about the Sustainability of Growth 13 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity 15 Evolution of Agricultural Growth 15 Why Did Growth Stagnate from 1997 to 2005? 18 Implications of Findings 26 iii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level 29 Agricultural Growth Across States 29 Productivity Changes at the District Level 31 Dynamics of Agricultural Productivity at the District Level 33 Implications of the Subnational Analysis 41 Chapter 5: StructuraL Change 43 India’s Structural Transformation in an International Perspective 44 Drivers of Growth in the Comparator Countries: Implications for India 49 Change at the Micro Level: Insights from Village Studies 50 Implications of Observations at the Micro Level 51 PART C: Sources of Agricultural Growth  53 Chapter 6: Growth Decomposition 55 Changes in Subsector Contributions 55 Components Driving the Value of Crop Production 56 Summary of Findings 58 Chapter 7: Total Factor Productivity Growth 61 Drivers of Productivity Growth at the National Level 62 Tfp at the State Level 68 Implications: Compromising Sustainability 72 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level 73 Drivers of Changes in Productivity: Nonparametric Analysis 73 Changes in Efficiency Over Time: Parametric Analysis 77 Determinants of Productivity and Technical Efficiency 81 Changes in Agricultural Relations: Are Smaller Farms still Efficient and Viable? 83 Summary and Implications: High Cost of Inefficiency 85 Chapter 9: Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth 87 Current Yield Gaps and Progress in Closing Gaps Over Time 88 Technological Progress: Evolution of Realizable Yields 91 Metrics of Research Achievement Other than Yield 92 Technology Capital: Investing for the Future 93 Conclusions and Implications 97 iv Contents Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance 99 Introduction 99 Opportunities for the Livestock Subsector 102 Constraints and Challenges 103 Conclusions and Implications 112 PART D: MOVING BEYOND THE FARM: INVESTMENTS, MARKETS AND FOOD PROCESSING 115 Chapter 11: Investments for Growth and Sustainability 117 Trends in Public Expenditure 118 Trends in Private Investment 120 Impact of Expenditure Patterns: Sustaining Productivity 122 Conclusions and Implications 126 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India 127 Alternative Marketing Arrangements: Linking Smallholders to Markets 129 Efficacy of Market Channels in Improving Access 133 Status of Agricultural Marketing Reforms 135 Conclusions and Implications 140 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-Processing Sector 143 Food Industry Structure and Investment 144 Patterns and Drivers of Private Investment in Food Manufacturing 150 Productivity Growth, Technical Change, and Technical Efficiency in the Food-Processing Industry 153 Summary and Implications 157 PART E: Transforming Agriculture in East India 159 Chapter 14: Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha 161 Agricultural Performance 162 Challenges 165 Priority Areas for Growth 169 References 173 Background Papers for this Report 173 Other References 174 v Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Annexes 189 Annex 1: Policy Reforms and Private Sector Response 189 Annex 2: Land Use, Grain Stocks and the Structure of Production 193 Annex 3: Comparing the Impact of Alternative Rainfall Estimates 195 Annex 4: Sub-National Heterogeneity in Agricultural Productivity 197 Annex 5: Changing Structure of Household Incomes in Bihar 205 Annex 6: Growth Decomposition: Methodology and Selected Indicators 206 Annex 7: Tfp: Methodology And Crop-Specific Estimates 211 Annex 8: Changes In Farm Revenues And Efficiency By Land Size 216 Annex 9: Progress and Potential For Gains Through Technology Capital 217 Annex 10: Livestock Sector: Status And Performance 227 Annex 11: Public Expenditure Patterns And Impact 231 Annex 12: Status of Agricultural Market Reforms 234 Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance 242 Annex 14: Bihar and Odisha: Agriculture Performance and Constraints 253 Tables Table 1: Sectoral Trend Growth Rates by Period (%/yr) 17 Table 2: Trend Growth in Net State Domestic Product, 2004/05–2012/13 30 Table 3: District Growth Typologies 34 Table 4: District Growth Typologies by State (Long Run, 1970–2007) 36 Table 5: Levels and Changes in Key Indicators of Changes in Agricultural Productivity 40 Table 6: Turning Points for Biic 45 Table 7: Distribution of Income by Source and Caste, 2011 (%) 51 Table 8: Growth in Crop Yields 56 Table 9: Tfp Estimates at the National, Sector-Wide Level 63  gricultural Sector Growth Accounts by Growth Episode, 1980–2008 Table 10: A (trend growth rates) 65 Table 11: Decomposing Tfp Growth 66 Table 12: Tfp Estimates by State, Traditional Crops and Sector-Wide, 1998–2008 69 Table 13: Regional Classification 74 Table 14: Average Technical Efficiency at the Regional and Country Level 74 Table 15: Tfp Growth Decomposition (Average Growth Rate, 1999–2007) 75 vi Contents Table 16: Proportion of Profit Lost in Relation to Short-Run Potential Profit 76 Table 17: Rural and Urban Household Expenditure Patterns have Shifted Away from Cereals 99 Table 18: Distribution of Land and Livestock Holding by Land Holding Size 101 Table 19: Employment in the Livestock Subsector by Farm Size Category 101 Table 20: Public Spending in the Livestock Subsector in India, Selected Years 104  overnment Expenditures on Agriculture and Allied Sectors Table 21: G (All India, 2004/05 Prices) 118 Table 22: On-Farm Investment (Capital per Acre), Real Rs. 1999 122 Table 23: Comparison of Charges in Private and Apmc Markets 139 Table 24: Price Build up in Tomato Value Chain (Salarpur, Uttar Pradesh) 139 Table 25: Organized Food-Processing Segment: Size and Growth 147 Table 26: Unorganized Food-Processing Segment: Size and Growth 148 Table 27: Classification of States as per LQ and Rdi Estimates Based on Investment 151 Table 28: Milk Yields in Bihar and Odisha (kg/Day/per Animal) in 2009–10 164 Table 29: Fertilizer use in Bihar and Odisha 166  arm Harvest Prices (Fhp) of Paddy, Wheat, and Maize in Bihar and their Table 30: F Minimum Support Price (Msp) (Rs/Quintal) 167 Figures Figure 1: Per Capita Availability and Production of Cereals (grams/day) 7 Figure 2: Percentage Change in per Capita Consumption (kg/l/no.),1983/84–2009/10 8 Figure 3: Food Prices Relative to Prices of All Commodities 8 Figure 4: Contribution to Food Price Rise (Percent) 9 Figure 5: Real Minimum Support Prices 9  elationship between Domestic and External Wheat Prices in Surplus Producing Figure 6: R Areas, 2005 Rs/MT (Left Panel) and Distortion in Agricultural Incentives (Right Panel) 10 Figure 7: Cereal Trade, Procurement, and Food Price Index, 1988–2012 12 Figure 8: Agricultural Growth Rate, 1952–2012 15  emporal Performance of IndIan Agriculture Gdp: Trend Growth Rate and Growth Figure 9: T Volatility for Decades Ending 1960/61 to 2012/13 16 Figure 10: Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Agriculture 18 Figure 11: Agriculture Terms of Trade 19 Figure 12: Relationship between Agricultural Productivity and Rainfall 21 Figure 13: Distribution of Rainfall Shocks Across Zones, 2000–07 22 vii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 14: Growth in Irrigated Area by Source 22 Figure 15: Historical Rainfall Patterns, 1901–2010 23 Figure 16: Distribution of Rainfall Anomalies Across Districts and Years 25  en-Year Average Agricultural Gdp Growth Rates Figure 17: T (Actual and Counterfactual Scenarios) 26 Figure 18: Factors Explaining Variation in Productivity of Cereal Crops 29 Figure 19: State Agriculture Growth Rates by Time Period, 1980/81–2011/12 30 Figure 20: Real Value of Agricultural Output per Hectare, 2005–07 31 Figure 21: Productivity Changes by District, 1990–2007 31 Figure 22: Changes in Inter-District Equality (Gini Coefficient), 1991–2007 32 Figure 23: Distribution of Yields Across Districts by Decade 34 Figure 24: Long-Run Productivity Typology of Districts Based on Cereal Yields 35 Figure 25: Dispersion of Districts by Agricultural Productivity Typology 35 Figure 26: Share of Cereal Area Planted to High-Yielding Varieties 36 Figure 27: Irrigation Intensity Across District Typologies by Decade 37 Figure 28: Fertilizer Intensity Across District Typologies by Decade 37 Figure 29: Changes in District Agricultural Productivity 39 Figure 30: Ratio of Value Added per Worker (Biic), Nonagriculture/Agriculture: 1980–2009 46  hare of Value Added Minus Share of Employment in Agriculture, Figure 31: S Residuals (Biic): 1980–2009 46 Figure 32: Decomposition of Output Growth, Biic, Over the Long and Short Run 47 Figure 33: Tfp Growth in Biic and Selected Regions 48 Figure 34: Drivers of Tfp, India and China, 1961–2006 48 Figure 35: The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index 49 Figure 36: Contribution of Subsectors to Growth in Agricultural Gdp 55 Figure 37: Shares of Crops in Sectoral Growth 55 Figure 38: Share of Value Divided by Share of Area by Crop Type 56 Figure 39: Decomposition of Growth in the Crops Sector 57 Figure 40: Sources of Agricultural Growth by Region 59 Figure 41: Contribution of Inputs and Tfp to Output Growth 64  roductivity Change in Agriculture: Technical Progress Versus “Catching Up” Figure 42: P with the Frontier 66 Figure 43: Tfp Trends, Sector-Wide and for Traditional Crops 67 viii Contents Figure 44: Sources of Growth in the Traditional Crops Subsector 67 Figure 45: Technology Gap Ratio 75 Figure 46: Technical Efficiency Distributions: 1982, 1999, 2007 78 Figure 47: Changes in Farm-Level Technical Efficiency by State 78 Figure 48: Crop-Level Efficiency Estimates: 1999-2007 79 Figure 49: Regional Differences in Efficiency by Geographical and Agro-Ecological Zone 80 Figure 50: Farm Economic and Allocative Efficiency 80 Figure 51: Allocative Efficiency at the Crop and Farm Levels 81 Figure 52: Changing Farm Size and Profitability Relationship, 1982–2007 84 Figure 53: Revenue and Costs per Acre by Farm Size 85 Figure 54: Cost Structure by Farm Size 85 Figure 55: Growth in India’s Rice and Wheat Yields has Slowed (10-Year Trend Rates) 87 Figure 56: Global Rice and Wheat Yields have Plateaued 88 Figure 57: Yield Gaps, All India 89 Figure 58: Yield Gaps, Punjab 90 Figure 59: Current Yield Gaps and Progress in Reducing Yield Gap 90 Figure 60: Experimental Rice Yields for Released Varieties, 1990–2010 92 Figure 61: Experimental Wheat Yields for Released Varieties, 1990–2010 92 Figure 62: Simulated Impact of Temperatures on Grain Yields 93 Figure 63: Agricultural Gdp: Share of Livestock, 1950/51–20110/11 (In 2004–05 Prices) 100 Figure 64: Milk Yield Variability by State 103 Figure 65: Share of Agriculture in Gross Capital Formation 117 Figure 66: Trends in Public Investment (2004/05 Prices) 119 Figure 67: Subsidies and Public Investment as a Share of Agricultural Gdp 119 Figure 68: Annual Growth in Farm Equipment 121 Figure 69: Composition of Household Assets (Other than Real Estate), Real 1999 Prices 121  rends in Share of Irrigated Area and Yields (Left Panel) and Decadal FIgure 70: T Trend Growth Rates in Share of Irrigated Area (Right Panel) 123 Figure 71: Virtual Water Imports and Public Procurement of Rice 124 Figure 72: Impact of Nutrient Imbalance on Land Productivity 125 Figure 73: Composition of Food Exports, 2012/13 144 Figure 74: Dualistic Structure of the Agro-Processing Sector 145 ix Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 75: Share of Agro-Processing in Organized Manufacturing 145 Figure 76: Share of Agro-Processing in Unorganized Manufacturing 146 Figure 77: State Poverty Rates and Shares in Population, Employment 146 Figure 78: Rural-Urban Ratios in the Unorganized Sector 147 Figure 79: Trends in Labor Intensity 148 Figure 80: Ratios of Indicators in Food to Non-Food-Processing Industry 149 Figure 81: Tfpg in Organized and Unorganized Food Manufacturing, 2000–09 and 2000–05 154 Figure 82: Relationship between Growth in Gva and Tfp 155 Figure 83: Technical Efficiency Across States 156 Figure 84: Change in Labor and Land Productivity for Lis and Non-Lis, 1990–2008 162 Figure 85: Average Yields of Major Crops in Selected States (2009/10, Mt/ha) 163  ice Yield Gaps in Bihar and Odisha, 2009 (Difference between District Figure 86: R Average Yields and Frontline Demonstration Yields, by Variety) 163 Figure 87: Sources of Growth in Bihar and Odisha, 1981–2010 164 Figure 88: Sources of Output Growth in Selected States, 1981–2008 (%) 165 Figure 89: Tfp in Traditional Crops, Bihar and Odisha, 1981–2008 166 Figure 90: Extent of Irrigation and Sources of Irrigation Water in Bihar and Odisha, 2008 (%) 169 Boxes Box 1: Structural Transformation of Economies 43 Box 2: Agricultural Research Organization, Investment, and Capacity in India 95  esolutions from the Bhubaneswar Declaration on Higher Agricultural Box 3: R Education in India 96 Box 4: Atma—Steps Toward Demand-Driven, Pluralistic Extension 98 Box 5: Progress in Market Reforms in Maharashtra 138 Regional Vice President : Philippe H. Le Houerou Country Director : Onno Ruhl Sector Director : John Henry Stein Sector Manager : Simeon K. Ehui Task Team Leader : Madhur Gautam x Preface T he motivation for this study is to gain a in Eastern India, a priority area for the deeper understanding of the constraints government owing to the concentration of on agricultural productivity growth, Low-income States in the region; and (iii) an the central challenge facing agriculture in assessment of the implementation of specific India. The study aims to inform the ongoing programs—for example, the Rashtriya Krishi debates on strategic issues of relevance to the Vikas Yojana (National Agriculture Development Government of India’s development objective of Programme, RKVY), the Agricultural Technology inclusive and sustainable growth. Management Agency (ATMA), National Food Security Mission (NFSM), and the National A comprehensive study to tackle all of the Horticultural Mission—and policy reforms, numerous issues would be an enormous task. such as the Agricultural Produce Market The present study is less ambitious. India Committees (APMCs). is a large and heterogeneous country. No individual study is likely to be sufficiently These initial consultations were followed by broad and deep to do justice to the many and a national workshop in November 2011 in complex issues surrounding its agricultural New Delhi, organized by the Indira Gandhi development. For that reason, this study was Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) and designed with particular care to complement, the Institute for Human Development (IHD) in build on, and avoid redundancy with the array collaboration with the Planning Commission of ongoing analytical efforts and recently and the Ministry of Agriculture. The completed studies that address some of the preliminary papers and invited presentations other pressing agricultural issues, such as provided important input on key issues in water and irrigation. raising agricultural productivity. Following the workshop, the background papers were refined, As a result of extensive consultations, the scope and additional detailed studies on selected of this study was deliberately narrowed to focus topics were commissioned. That information on drivers of productivity, including: (i) factors formed the basis for this report. explaining the patterns of productivity growth; (ii) strategies to best support resource-poor To ensure its relevance and to take advantage of areas and small and marginal farmers with the large knowledge base on Indian agriculture, specific focus on promoting faster growth the team collaborated closely with the major xi Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth think-tanks and research organizations Research (NCAER). Researchers from several working in India, including IGIDR, the other academic and research organizations International Food Policy Research Institute contributed to background papers and analyses. (IFPRI), the National Centre for Agricultural The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was also Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), and a partner in the study, with a specific interest in the National Council for Applied Economic the low-income areas of Eastern India. xii Acknowledgments T his study is an outcome of a joint effort by Institute of Development Research (IGIDR, the World Bank and the United Nations Mumbai); the Indian Council for Agricultural Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Research; the Directorate of Rice Research in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (Hyderabad); the Directorate of Wheat Research and the Planning Commission, Government (Karnal); the National Center for Agricultural of India. Parts of the study were funded by the Economics and Policy Research (NCAER, New United Kingdom through the UK Department Delhi); the FAO Regional Office for Asia and for International Development and World Bank the Pacific (Bangkok); the International Water Strategic Partnership for India III, and by FAO Management Institute (New Delhi); and the through the Technical Cooperation Programme World Economic Forum (Geneva). Project, TCP/IND/3301—Policy Options and Investment Priorities for Accelerating The study team also gratefully acknowledges Agricultural Growth in India. The two state the generous contributions of Keith Fuglie case-studies on Eastern India were financed in making available the global Total Factor by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Productivity (TFP) database on agriculture; P.K. undertaken by the International Food Policy Joshi (IFPRI, New Delhi) for access to various Research Institute (IFPRI, New Delhi); the Asian databases on Indian agriculture, including the Development Bank (New Delhi) undertook growth decomposition database; Parthasarthy the analysis of the pro-poor value chains. Rao and the Village Dynamics in South Asia The views expressed in this report do not team at ICRISAT for providing the District necessarily reflect official policies or views of Level database for India; Pradhuman Kumar the Government of the United Kingdom, FAO, for the historical Cost of Cultivation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or the research expenditures databases; Pramod Asian Development Bank, however. Aggarwal for the simulations of potential rice and wheat yields; Seema Bathla for the data A study of this kind requires significant input on the historical wholesale prices and public and support in the form of analytical input, expenditures on infrastructure; Nicholas Rada data, and information. For that support, the for estimates of agricultural sector TFP; Tony study team wishes to thank IFPRI (New Delhi Fischer and Derek Byerlee for estimates of and Washington, DC); the International Crops global yield gaps; and Kailash Pradhan and Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Sudhir Kumar for the data management and (ICRISAT, Hyderabad); the Indira Gandhi processing of the NCAER-REDS database. xiii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth The core team initiating the study included Chand, S. Mahendra Dev, Ashok Gulati, Madhur Gautam, Deepak Ahluwalia, Severin P.K. Joshi, Mukesh Khullar, Uma Lele, Prabhu Kodderitzsch, and Shilpa Phadke (from the Pingali, V.V. Sadamate and Abhijit Sen advanced World Bank); Gavin Wall, Bhaskar Goswami, the work significantly, as did the insights from Syed Saifullah, and Sumiter Broca (from FAO); Pramod Aggarwal, Raman Ahuja, Ganesh- and S. Mahendra Dev (IGIDR) as lead technical Kumar Anandam, Suresh Babu, Seema Bathla, advisor. Madhur Gautam, Bhaskar Goswami, Pratap Birthal, Liz Drake, Tony Fischer, Keith S. Mahendra Dev, and Srijit Mishra coordinated Fuglie, Nilabja Ghosh, Raj Gupta, Girish the background studies. IGIDR and the Kumar Jha, Anjani Kumar, Pradhuman Kumar, Institute for Human Development (New Delhi) Shaik Meera, Srijit Mishra, Hari Nagarajan, organized the initial workshop in Delhi under Tuu-Van Nguyen, Suresh Pal, Manoj Panda, the leadership of S. Mahendra Dev, Alakh Sumit Mazumdar, Gokul Patnaik, Nicholas Sharma, Srijit Mishra, and Sumit Mazumdar. Rada, Anil Rajput, Shobha Rani, Baskar Reddy, Madhur Gautam wrote the final report with Mangal Sain, C.S.C. Sekhar, Alakh Sharma, substantive input from Deepak Ahluwalia, Arun Kumar Sharma, Indu Sharma, R.K. Syud Amer Ahmed, Varun Kshirsagar, and Sharma, Jit Shrivastava, R.B. Singh, Randhir Helen Leitch, under the overall guidance Singh, M. Srinivas Rao, Sukhadeo Thorat, of Simeon Ehui, Sector Manager for V.C. Viraktamath, and J.S. Yadav. Finally, the Agriculture, Irrigation, and Natural Resources, study team appreciates the suggestions and South Asia Region and Onno Ruhl, Country support of colleagues at the World Bank Group Director for India. and FAO, including Luis Alberto Andres, Ulrich Bartsch, Deepak Bhattasali, Dan Biller, Edward At various stages, this study benefited from Cook, Paramita Dasgupta, Klaus Deninger, the perspectives and other contributions of Grahame Dixie, Anju Gaur, Ejaz Ghani, Neeraj a large number of people. Foremost among Gupta, Kalpana Kocchar, William Magrath, Ajay them are the many authors of the technical Markanday, William Martin, Elliot Mghenyi, background papers and notes listed in the Grant Milne, Rinku Murgai, Keith Oblitas, first part of the references. The feedback and Manivannan Pathy, Jeeva Perumalpillai- comments from the many participants at the Essex, Shilpa Phadke, Giovanna Prennushi, Delhi workshop was helpful in refining the Martin Rama, Ranjan Samantaray, Animesh background papers and also helped shape the Shrivastava, Paul Sidhu, Dina Umali-Deininger, agenda for the subsequent analysis used in Harsh Vivek, Vinay Vutukuru, Melissa Williams, this report. Comments and suggestions from Winston Yu, Roberto Zagha, (all World Bank peer reviewers Derek Byerlee, Dina-Umali Group) and Peter Kenmore, Vinod Ahuja and Deininger, Peter Hazell and Robert Townsend Sumiter Broca (FAO). Sarita Rana and Lilac improved the report. Advice and discussions Thomas provided excellent administrative with S. Ayyappan, Shawki Barghouti, Ramesh support. Kelly Cassaday edited the report. xiv Acronyms and Abbreviations AI Artificial Insemination ECA Essential Commodities Act APC Agricultural Policy Costs ENSO El Niño-Southern Oscillation APEDA A  gricultural and Processed Food F&V Fruits and vegetables Products Export Development FAO F  ood and Agriculture Organization Authority of the United Nations APMC  gricultural Produce Market A FDI Foreign direct investment Committee FMD Foot and mouth disease  gricultural Produce Markets APM (D&R) A FY Farm yield (Development and Regulation) Act g Gram AS Assam GA Growth accounting ASI Annual Survey of Industries GCI Global Competitiveness Index ATMA  gricultural Technology A Management Agency GDP Gross domestic product AY Attainable Yield GJ Gujarat GOI Government of India BH Bihar GSDP Gross state domestic product BIIC Brazil, India, Indonesia, China GVA Gross value added Bt Bacillus thuringiensis GWh Gigawatt hour CF Contract Farming ha Hectare CoC Cost of Cultivation (database) HP Himachal Pradesh CRS Constant returns to scale HY Haryana CSO Central Statistical Organization IBTC Input-biased technical change DEA Data Envelopment Analysis ICAR I  ndian Council of Agricultural DME D  irectory Manufacturing Research Establishment ICRISAT I  nternational Crops Research DWR Directorate of Wheat Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics DRR Directorate of Rice Research ICT I  nformation and communication EC Efficiency change technology xv Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth IFPRI  nternational Food Policy Research I NSS National Sample Survey Institute OAME O  wn Account Manufacturing IGIDR I  ndira Gandhi Institute of Enterprise Development Research OBC Other Backward Castes IHD Institute for Human Development OBTC Output-biased technical change IMD India Meteorological Department OR Odisha JH Jharkhand PB Punjab KE Kerala PEC Pure technical efficiency kg Kilogram PPP Public-private partnership km Kilometer PY Potential yield KT Karantaka q Quintal KVC  rishi Vikas Cooperative K QSR Quick service restaurant (Sholapur, Maharashtra) RBH Rural business hubs KVK Krishi Vigyan Kendra RDI Relative Diversity Index LIS Low-income States RKVY  ashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana R LQ Location Quotient (National Agriculture Development MH Maharashtra Programme) MNREGA  ahatma Gandhi National Rural M RJ Rajasthan Employment Guarantee Act RRA Relative Rate of Assistance MP Madhya Pradesh Rs Rupees MSP Minimum Support Price RY Realizable yield MT Metric ton SC/ST Scheduled castes/scheduled tribes MTC Magnitude or neutral component SEC Scale efficiency NCAER  ational Council for Applied N TC Technical change Economic Research TE Triennial Ending NCAP  ational Centre for Agricultural N TFP Total factor productivity Economics and Policy Research TFPG Total factor productivity growth NDME  on-directory Manufacturing N Establishment TN Tamil Nadu NFSM National Food Security Mission UK Uttarakhand NGO Nongovernmental Organization UP Uttar Pradesh NIC National Industries Classification WB West Bengal NPK Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium WPI Wholesale Price Index NRA Nominal Rate of Assistance xvi Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth in India OVERVIEW I n the past 50 years, Indian agriculture to be ambitious goals. In the past, India’s has undergone a major transformation, unwavering focus on food production helped from dependence on food aid to becoming it to achieve self-sufficiency, but a legacy of a consistent net food exporter. The gradual that effort is a complex web of policies and reforms in the agricultural sector (following institutions that now arguably constrain more the broader macro-reforms of the early 1990s) robust, sustainable agricultural growth, limit spurred some unprecedented innovations the performance of agricultural markets, and and changes in the food sector driven discourage much-needed diversification. The by private investment. These impressive natural resources that support productive achievements must now be viewed in light of agriculture (namely land and water) are the policy and investment imperatives that declining in quality, and competition for lie ahead. Agricultural growth has improved them is intensifying. Rainfall remains a major in recent years (averaging about 3.5 percent source of volatility in Indian agriculture. Heavy since 2004/05), but at a long-term trend public investments, particularly in irrigation rate of growth of 3 percent, agriculture has and technology, have helped to offset the underperformed relative to its potential. worst effects of weather, but the deceleration The pockets of post-reform dynamism that of growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s, have emerged evidently have not reached persistent increases in food prices in recent a sufficiently large scale to influence the years, and declining water tables have revived sector’s performance. For the vast population concerns over food security. Climate change will that still derives a living directly or indirectly almost certainly magnify the challenges and from agriculture, achieving “faster, more expectations for agriculture. inclusive, and sustainable growth”—the objectives at the heart of the Twelfth Five India is a large, heterogeneous country. One Year Plan—depends critically on simultaneous study alone cannot address the multitude of efforts to improve agriculture’s performance issues surrounding agriculture, certainly not and develop new sources of employment for in sufficient depth to be meaningful. This the disproportionately large share of the labor study was designed through a broad-based force still on the farm. consensus to focus on strategic issues related to agricultural productivity. It gives particular Maintaining India’s hard-won food security attention to the dynamics and sources of and achieving shared prosperity are proving productivity growth, the sustainability of xvii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth growth, and areas where the potential for natural resource base, placing the hard- growth has been overlooked, all with a view to won productivity gains of the past—and the informing the debates on strategic priorities future—at risk. Other parts of the country face a and policy interventions. dilemma of another sort. Although they are far less agriculturally developed, these Low-income The scope of this study is broad in the sense States (LIS) could unleash considerable growth that it marshals considerable empirical evidence in agricultural productivity, yet weak public and analyses to address those issues. Yet the investments, undeveloped markets and weak scope is restricted in the sense that the study institutional and governance capacity have long does not address all of the issues. A wealth of stood in the way. knowledge exists (and continuing analytical work proceeds) on other major strategic A major puzzle seems to be the co-existence of issues—water and irrigation management, food widespread undernourishment and rising food grain management, and public expenditures prices on the one hand, and record production on agriculture, for example—and the findings levels of food and overflowing stocks on of this study must be seen in that context. The the other. Across India, diversification into lack of sufficient quality data, and often the lack higher-value crops and livestock products has of access to such data, also prevent some issues proceeded too slowly to increase agricultural from being explored in greater depth. Finally, growth appreciably. The supply of high-value some important issues require more focused commodities has not kept pace with demand and dedicated analysis, such as food safety generated by rising incomes and urbanization, and quality standards, agricultural trade, and resulting in rapid increases in their prices. food price increases. This relationship between Cereal prices have again started to rise, adding longer-term strategic issues and contemporary to an agricultural conundrum in which per concerns, such as water resource management capita availability of food is falling even as per and food prices, are highlighted in this study capita production of cereals is at all-time highs through the prism of productivity, but they and rising, and domestic markets are effectively too require further analysis to fully address the insulated from global market pressures. Rising underlying issues. Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) create a cereal supply response, but the increased production is diverted to stock silos rather than benefiting The Conundrums of Contemporary consumers through lower prices. Thus MSPs Agriculture drive domestic cereal prices—especially Contemporary Indian agriculture presents producer prices—higher, while a combination a number of seeming contradictions and of trade and storage policies stabilize them. conundrums. India’s traditional breadbaskets The resulting low risk-to-return ratio for cereals face the food security–sustainability tradeoff. creates strong incentives for farmers to produce The irrigated rice- and wheat-producing areas cereals rather than other (more risky) crops, appear to be facing diminishing returns to the limiting diversification and income growth, technology that sparked the green revolution. putting further pressure on prices—this These areas are singularly focused on increasing time through the higher-valued non-cereal production, often at the cost of mining the commodities. xviii OVERVIEW The short-term welfare impacts appear to be is less obvious. Because the slowdown coincided contained, as rural wages have risen rapidly with the agricultural policy reforms of the in recent years, compensating for rising mid-1990s (following the general economic prices. Rising real prices benefit the net-selling reforms of the early 1990s), a natural conclusion farmers, and rising real wages are good for often drawn is that the reforms triggered the workers, but both trends have implications weakness. The influence of rainfall on Indian for the sustainability of the ensuing growth. agriculture is widely acknowledged—60 percent The critical question is whether the changed of it remains rainfed—but rainfall’s role in incentives afforded by rising real output prices patterns of growth has not been fully explored. are accompanied by growth in productivity— are the sources of that growth sustainable? At the district level, a credible association emerges between rainfall shocks and productivity (defined as value of output Trends in Agricultural Performance per hectare). Aggregated up to the national at the National and Subnational level, these data show a strong association of Level an unusual sequence of sustained negative rainfall shocks and the prolonged stagnation Over the past six decades, agriculture grew in productivity growth between 1999 and at a steady but modest 3.0 percent, changing 2004. The weather-induced weakness provides imperceptibly but becoming relatively more an explanation for the deviation in trends for stable. After almost two decades of sustained several key indicators during the early 2000s, expansion (with growth peaking in the early including the slowdown in wages identified in 1990s at about 3.6 percent), growth decelerated previous studies. By extension, poor rainfall in from 1996/97 to 2004/05. This prolonged the more recent years may partly account for slowdown was widespread, with few exceptions. the sluggish supply response in noncereal crops, The most recent period—from 2004/05 which are found to be more susceptible to such onwards—shows a marked, equally widespread shocks, and perhaps partly explain the upward return to growth of 3.5 percent per year. pressure on their prices. Performance and rainfall. What started The sensitivity of crop productivity to rainfall agriculture on its long decline after 1997, and varies considerably across districts, reflecting what spurred the equally decisive turnaround the availability of irrigation to compensate after 2004? Explanations for the slowdown for annual rainfall deficits. Over the long run, include slow generation of new technologies, districts in the Semi-Arid Temperate Zone are poor dissemination of existing ones, weak generally less vulnerable to rainfall shocks and inefficient institutions, poor governance, and relatively more productive on average. But and inadequate investment in public goods. the sustained rainfall shocks between 1997 Irrigation, terms of trade, and technology are and 2004 hit those districts the hardest, with the major determinants of agricultural GDP a large aggregate and cumulative impact on growth. These factors are crucial for long-term agricultural productivity. The cyclical as well growth, but their immediate role in the post- as random anomalies that are characteristic of reform slowdown and the subsequent recovery rainfall in the Indian sub-continent call for both xix Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth ex ante risk mitigation and ex post adaptation/ near to medium term, and the anticipated management strategies. intensification of the spatial and inter-annual variability of rainfall over the very long term. Coming back to the question of role of policy reforms in agriculture’s performance, a key Dynamics of agricultural productivity question is what growth rates might have growth. Wide differences in performance prevailed had rainfall been normal from the across states in the 1980s appear to have 1960s to 2010. A simple simulation reveals a disappeared since 2004/05, suggesting that sharp deviation between the actual and the growth may now be more inclusive, with counterfactual (simulated assuming normal lagging states starting to grow at par with other rainfall, all else remaining the same) trends states. But within states (and agro-ecological starting in the mid-1990s, suggesting that had zones), performance has varied widely across rainfall been normal, the growth trajectory districts over time. A few districts have done would have been significantly different and well but most have not, and the relative may possibly have been higher than the actual rankings across districts are mostly preserved observed trend, potentially ushering in a with persistent large differences. The lagging much-desired, positive structural change. An districts are not growing fast enough yet to important implication of these findings is that achieve real convergence. For example, in there is little evidence to suggest that the policy 2007–08, productivity was 50 times higher in reforms of the mid 1990s had a significant the most productive versus the least productive adverse impact on agriculture, as may be districts. Within LIS, increased growth in some tempting to infer from the observed growth districts widened inequality—the exception trend. Another, perhaps more important, being Odisha—but in the more advanced implication is the urgency of improving agricultural states, lagging districts are catching agriculture’s resilience to the shifting trends up with the others, indicating convergence in in anomalous weather patterns over the growth rates. Messages and Implications There is little evidence to support the assertion that the policy reforms of the 1990s likely had a negative impact on agriculture. At the same time, the long-term strategic public investments in technology and irrigation have been very successful in increasing food production and mitigating the worst effects of rainfall shocks. The large aggregate and cumulative impact of a series of negative rainfall shocks between 1999-2004 serves a very important purpose—as a harbinger of the potential impacts of changing weather patterns over the short to medium term and the highly uncertain climate change outcomes over the long term. The experience underscores the urgency to address the current strategic issues. It highlights the critical importance of more efficient water management practices to weatherproof agriculture; develop strategies and make investments to mitigate climatic variability and increase resilience amid climate change (climate-smart technologies, sustainable irrigation, water harvesting and watershed development); improve markets and marketing to allow real-time risk sharing across states and districts in response to emerging market signals; and diversify and stabilize sources of income (outside the crop sector) through livestock and productive nonfarm employment. It is essential to quantify the costs and benefits of alternative ex ante risk-mitigation strategies and ex post risk-sharing strategies—issues for further detailed study. xx OVERVIEW To more closely examine performance and low-yield/growth districts, unlike the low-yield/ drivers of productivity, districts are classified by stable districts, switched area from low-value growth typology based on their initial (1970s) crops to higher-value crops such as cotton, yields (high or low) and their subsequent horticultural crops, and soybeans. performance (relatively stable or fast-growing) over the study period (1970–2008). Most District-level indicators to explain changes growth in agricultural productivity occurred in in agricultural productivity are limited, but northern and southern districts. Agro-ecological the available data convey some important conditions and rainfall anomalies by themselves information. Markets per capita declined in do not sufficiently explain the disparities low-yield districts relative to the others, likely among districts. What sets the growth districts reducing producer incentives and productivity apart from the others is better access to growth. Road density has improved in the irrigation (and fertilizer use, which is influenced laggard districts, bringing them on par with by irrigation). In addition to intensification, the other districts. But while roads continue diversification into nontraditional and higher- to show significant positive impact in the value crops is also a major driver of growth high-yield areas, they have not yet translated in the high performers. For example, the into improved productivity in the lagging Messages and Implications At the subnational level, growth has been pervasive—but not sufficiently broad-based. While the pace of agricultural growth appears to be converging somewhat across states, at the district level the expansionary phase of the 1980s and early 1990s was not very inclusive. A few lagging districts “caught up” with the better-performing districts, but a substantial number fell further behind, despite registering positive but low levels of growth. Differences across districts are rooted in strategy and the enabling environment—and that is where policy attention is needed. Weather alone does not explain the differences in performance as weather shocks affected the productive districts disproportionately. At the same time, the findings caution against a “silver bullet” approach, highlighting the complementarity of policies and investments tailored to particular circumstances. For example, roads and improved seeds alone do not account for differential performance among districts. The main drivers of productivity at the district level—and hence the key entry points for action— appear to be markets and irrigation. Market density has fallen more in the low-yield/stable districts than in the others, likely constraining productivity growth (through producer incentives). Irrigation and the associated adoption of fertilizer have contributed to significant changes in productivity in the growth districts. Improved seeds, the other key element of the green revolution technology, have spread faster and wider, but by themselves they have not narrowed the productivity differentials across districts. The rapid expansion in irrigation occurred mainly through groundwater extraction, well-known among policy instruments as a double-edged sword. The recurrent theme of sustainable water management emerges as a policy priority, with the important lesson from the faster-growing districts, consistently appearing across the low–high yield typologies, that diversification needs to be prioritized for a possible win-win strategy. That said, some areas will inevitably have limited prospects for irrigation, and their agro-ecological endowments may limit the scope for certain types of agriculture. Localized strategies will be needed for these areas to identify viable opportunities, including livelihood options outside of agriculture. xxi Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth districts, calling attention to the importance nonagricultural workers. The widening of of complementary investments. A slightly this gap is a worry for policy makers. The low higher share of the population in low-yield productivity of a large proportion of the labor districts was rural to begin with; this indicator force places a heavy tax on overall well-being of urbanization has changed relatively slowly in and shared prosperity. But how atypical is the districts where yields were initially low but India’s experience? shows no obvious links with the pace of growth within the low- or high-yield cohorts. Similarly, Evidence suggests that developing countries literacy remains marginally lower in the low- are now taking longer to reach their “turning yield districts, but this basic measure of human point”—the point at which the inter-sectoral capital development has also improved more labor productivities start to converge. The rapidly in those districts, again without a clear implication is that the development context association with productivity growth. is changing, and it is increasingly harder to absorb labor outside agriculture. India seems to be experiencing this phenomenon An International Perspective on and is behaving no differently than the India’s Structural Transformation average developing country (in a cohort of The slow pace of India’s structural 88 developing countries). Consequently, India transformation (that is, the decline in the must pay particular attention to accelerating share of labor in agriculture relative to the pace of labor absorption outside of the decline in the share of agriculture in agriculture, and it must redouble efforts to aggregate GDP) is reflected in the large gap increase labor productivity within agriculture. in productivity between agricultural and Making agricultural labor more productive is Messages and Implications Technology has been a consistent driver of productivity in all four countries. Investing in technology is a globally proven and tested strategy for promoting productivity growth. Brazil, India, and China are among the largest investors in public research, and all have benefited significantly from such investment. China’s and Brazil’s investments, however, have been relatively more effective, making them global leaders in agricultural innovation. In Indonesia, the benefits of technology have also been pivotal, but they have accrued through open trade rather than domestic research. A second major driver was agricultural diversification, both for domestic and export markets, supported by appropriate technology, policy, institutional reforms, and investments. Brazil, Indonesia, and China all benefited significantly more than India from openness in trade. The backbone of China’s and Brazil’s more rapid transformation has been a more predictable enabling and policy environment. With a strong record of implementation, continuous innovation in public sector management for agriculture and rural development, and more effective decentralization in decision making, they have achieved significantly greater productivity growth. For example, major and fundamental reforms have greatly increased water-use efficiency in Chinese agriculture. Conducive policies paid significant dividends in production efficiencies and diversification, and better access to technology, whether from the international public research system, national research organizations, or the private sector (notably in relation to genetically modified crops). xxii OVERVIEW imperative in any case, because a declining A Micro-level Perspective on India’s farm population will have to meet the Structural Transformation consumption and raw material requirements of a growing nonfarm population. A unique longitudinal study at the village level in Bihar, one of India’s poorest states, In this context, comparisons among four large draws attention to major changes at the micro developing countries, Brazil, Indonesia, India, level. Semi-feudal production relations—long and China, are useful. Starting with comparable associated with Bihar’s agriculture—have conditions in 1961, China and Indonesia virtually disappeared, while numbers of poor achieved more success in reducing poverty peasants, shares of casual landless agricultural and improving rural well-being. Brazil was labor, and the proportion of nonagricultural relatively more advanced from the start and households all increased. Nonagricultural has continued to perform well. While Brazil income, dominated by remittances, is the main has reached and China has almost reached source of income for all economic classes. their turning points, structural transformation Poor peasants have similar sources of income, in India and Indonesia has been slower. If the but they largely undertake nonagricultural status quo prevails, their turning points are production activities. The middle and big projected to be at least two decades away. peasants have a higher share of agricultural income, but it is still less than half their total China is a more relevant comparator in terms of income. the scale of farming. The main difference with India is that despite having a larger share of its Another aspect of structural transformation workforce in agriculture, China has seen much is the significant diversification in men’s higher growth in agricultural value-added, with occupations. Levels of migration out of the significantly more rapid technological change village are high, and migration income is and diversification, and a much greater reliance the largest share of household income. At on efficiency than input use as the main driver least initially, migration seems to have been of growth. With more rapid increases in labor a response to the lack of opportunity in productivity, living standards among China’s local labor markets. Migration affects rural agricultural population improved much faster. production systems by pushing up local wages, Messages and Implications Even villages in poor and backward areas, typical of Bihar, are experiencing significant agricultural and socioeconomic change. Nonagricultural incomes, particularly remittances, dominate household incomes. But agriculture, with a steady increase in yields (faster than the national average for rice and wheat), has not been stagnant. Real incomes appear to be rising, along with agricultural productivity, and agricultural diversification is yielding significant benefits. Structural transformation is more challenging in Bihar than elsewhere in India. Despite high levels of migration (Bihar is unusual in this respect), a substantial proportion of the population remains in agriculture; consequently, the person-land ratio is significantly worse, keeping the productivity of agricultural labor low. Concerns about the sustainability of migration as the major engine of continued growth call for more rapid nonfarm and on-farm diversification as sources of income growth. xxiii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth promoting labor-saving cultivation techniques, the recovery (after 2003), but since 2007, area and increasing the feminization of agricultural expansion has slowed as expected. Importantly, labor markets. yields’ contribution to growth diminished considerably, and diversification remains modest despite rapidly changing diets and Did the Drivers of Growth Change rising commodity prices. Qualitatively in the 2000s? To assess whether the recent recovery in Evolution of Productivity at the agricultural growth can be sustained, it is National, State, Household, and vital to learn whether the drivers of growth changed qualitatively in the mid-2000s. Farm Levels Agricultural growth is increasingly driven by Given India’s binding land constraint, the rising shares of high-value commodities agricultural growth depends on making in value terms, but food grains still occupy land (for crops) and animals (for livestock two-thirds of the cropped area, and the shares products) more productive. In the case of land, of rice and wheat are unchanged. Except productivity, often equated to yields, can be for cotton, yields of high-value crops have enhanced through intensification (using more not increased significantly, raising concerns inputs per hectare), through technological about the sustainability of their growth. A advances (better inputs), and/or improved decomposition of growth confirms these efficiency (using inputs more effectively). apprehensions. Total factor productivity (TFP) captures the contributions of technology and efficiency and Yields dominated growth until the mid- provides a summary measure of the health 1990s, as green revolution technology spread. of the production system. For growth to be Diversification has been a consistent but ecologically and economically sustainable, TFP moderate contributor to growth. Since the must improve. 1980s, diversification consistently accounted for about one-quarter of growth, somewhat To build a convincing body of evidence, TFP less than might be expected from a rapidly is assessed using multiple sources of data, at transforming agriculture. Prices contributed different levels of aggregation, and employing increasingly to growth in the 1990s, and in different methodologies. The various analyses recent years they have again become the main consistently demonstrate that productive driver. Area and yields rebounded early in resources are being used highly inefficiently. Messages and Implications Two worrying trends emerge from the analysis: The contribution of yields to productivity is declining, and prices have emerged as the main driver of growth toward the end of the 2000s. In 2010, 55 percent of the increase in the real value of output resulted from price increases. This finding raises concerns about the sustainability of the recent growth spurt: Farmers (specifically the net-sellers) gain from higher prices, but without underlying improvements in productivity, the current growth may be short-lived. xxiv OVERVIEW At the national level. Analyses based on sustained growth even during the slowdown different methodologies and data sources period). In contrast, efficiency has stagnated suggest that the recovery in recent years has over the long run. It improved in the 1980s but been robust, with TFP growing at its fastest rate. has started to decline in recent years, indicating Previous studies noted decelerating growth after that the gap between actual production and the mid-1990s, but a longer time horizon (and the realizable potential (production frontier) is hindsight) demonstrate, as discussed earlier, widening. that this unusually long slowdown coincided with an anomalous rainfall pattern. It also Another important finding is strong divergence means that the recent growth in TFP needs in TFP growth for the traditional crops (cereals, to be interpreted with caution: the period of pulses, oilseeds, cotton, and sugarcane) from analysis is short, and the recent growth partially that of the agricultural sector—which includes reflects a rebound from a sharp decline in the higher-valued horticulture and livestock previous period (reaching the lowest point in subsectors, both of which are important for 2003). It will be important to track performance inclusive growth, and both of which have with data from additional years to ascertain if been major drivers of agriculture value- the growth is robust. added in recent years. Yet neither subsector has commanded the attention of policy and Irrigation, an important long-term driver of public expenditure to the same extent as the growth, appears to be contributing less to traditional crops. Given the magnitude of the output growth in the 2000s, perhaps reflecting resources tied up in traditional crops, their low limits on expansion. Increased inputs have TFP growth (0.28 percent) contrasts starkly with historically contributed the most to output the sector-wide estimate (1.77 percent). growth, but in the 2000s, TFP has been the main source. Other emerging trends are a rise in The continued reliance on subsidized inputs as labor productivity and capital deepening in the the main driver of growth in traditional crops, most recent period. with declining efficiency, is reason for serious concern. Intensification in the lagging states When TFP growth is decomposed into the where input use has been lower may be less contributions of technology and efficiency, worrisome, but the continued or accelerated the key finding is that technical change use of inputs (often imbalanced applications of has consistently been the primary driver of nutrients and overexploitation of groundwater) productivity growth over the past three decades, in the advanced states demands corrective growing fastest during the past decade (showing action. Messages and Implications For traditional crops, which receive most of the resources devoted to agriculture, TFP growth has stagnated. Technical change has been the primary driver of productivity growth, while efficiency has stagnated and appears to be declining in recent years. The fact that three-quarters of the growth is still driven by inputs for the bulk of the sector (traditional crops) raises concerns about the quality and sustainability of agricultural growth. xxv Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth At the state level. TFP varies widely across diversification (even within the more restricted states, across crops, as well as across states for group of traditional crops) and technology— the same crops. The biggest gains are associated primarily agricultural research—are the main with new technologies for cotton and maize, drivers of productivity growth. Contrary to but the impact of even these new technologies general perceptions, the analysis shows that is not uniform across states. Among staples, rice the contribution of research has not diminished TFP has improved in recent years for several over time. states, but wheat TFP has slowed considerably, with the exception of reform-driven Gujarat. In contrast, the impact of agricultural extension Sugarcane and cotton offer a telling comparison. is considerably less visible. Persistent yield gaps, Sugarcane experienced consistent declines in even for rice and wheat, suggest that extension TFP growth across all major producing states, has not enabled producers to benefit from while cotton experienced consistent gains. current technology—even though traditional The two differ in that there is substantial crops have long been a priority of public government intervention and significant extension services. This result strongly suggests subsidies for sugarcane, whereas the cotton that the most immediate action to enhance sector has rapidly transformed since the private productivity, and to counter “technology sector introduced Bt cotton technology in 2002. fatigue,” is to increase the effectiveness of extension services. What explains the wide variation in TFP across states? As a residual measure, TFP subsumes A telling result is that rural electrification has many unobserved factors, making it difficult a large and highly significant negative impact, to assess the role of important policy levers. strongly suggesting that the large subsidies An analysis of the determinants of TFP, using for electricity use in agriculture are adversely state-level estimates and controlling for some affecting TFP, probably by contributing to of the confounding factors, gives results with declining water tables (by promoting the significant policy implications. unsustainable extraction of groundwater). Similarly, the negative and statistically The analysis confirms the importance of state- significant impact of nutrient mix on TFP specific factors (broadly reflecting the policy, strongly supports the contention that subsidies institutional, and governance environment) promote indiscriminate applications of nitrogen for productivity growth. Beyond these, that harm soils. Messages and Implications At the state level, policies and institutions strongly influence productivity growth, along with diversification and technology. TFP is negatively affected by excessive or imbalanced input use, arguably driven by input subsidies. Ironically, instead of the intended impact of boosting productivity, subsidies may now be having quite the opposite effect, jeopardizing future productivity prospects. These results have major implications for the environment, productivity, and sustainable growth. An immediate area for action is more effective extension services. Extension services appear to have made little impact on productivity, even in traditional crops, but if they can help farmers to close the existing yield gaps, they could bring about substantial productivity gains. xxvi OVERVIEW At the household level. Using a completely highlighting the roles of extension services and different data source, the household-level the policy environment in shaping farmers’ analysis corroborates the major emerging choices. Smaller producers are more efficient, finding that productive efficiency is low. It with higher allocative efficiency, whereas larger also shows that this inefficiency entails very producers showed higher technical efficiency. high costs in terms of forgone farm income. Depending on the agro-ecological region, the Changes in farm-level technical efficiency average farmer is about 30–90 percent less vary significantly by state. Farmers in Bihar efficient than the “best in class”—those farmers represent the case of the “poor but efficient” who are her/his peers within the study sample. producer—they operate at low input-output levels, but their input use is efficient (Schultz The micro-data confirm findings from the 1953). Punjabi farmers are equally efficient, secondary data that technical change, rather but they represent the high input-output case. than economic efficiency, has played the major The absence of any obvious agro-ecological or role in productivity growth. Technical change geographical correlation with performance has generally been good in recent years, with suggests that policies and the enabling large gains in the formerly lagging semi-arid environment at the state level play a strong role topics. Average efficiency fell significantly in in determining efficiency outcomes. the humid and arid zones, indicating that the average farmer is unable to keep up with the In the most widely grown crops (rice and fast moving technological frontier, and is falling wheat), efficiency is lessening, and it is farther away from it. Arid areas have been the declining significantly for pulses and oilseeds. most vibrant, catching up with the meta-frontier Only “other crops”—an aggregate of crops at a rapid rate and closing their historical other than the cereals, pulses, and oilseeds— technology gap with the rest of the country. show marginal improvement in technical efficiency. Across households there is significant The cost of inefficiency in terms of farmers’ dispersion in efficiency levels for all crops. net returns or profits is high. A staggering 68 percent of potential short-run profits Finally, an important finding is the difference (on average) are lost relative to the optimal in economic efficiency at the crop and whole- economic profit that was feasible in 2007 (albeit farm level. Higher allocative efficiency at the a slight improvement over the 73 percent lost individual crop level suggests households are in 1999). These losses can be attributed equally using resources (inputs) reasonably efficiently to technical and allocative inefficiencies, given the relative prices they face. But when Messages and Implications Household-level analysis finds that inefficiency is high and very costly in terms of farm income. Although much of the debate on Indian agricultural productivity has focused on technical or technical production issues, these findings suggest significant scope to improve returns through more economically rational choices. The role of policies, institutions, and the enabling environment, which is central to micro-level economic choices, needs be brought to the front and center of the debate if India’s farmers are to move to a more profitable agriculture. xxvii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth it comes to the whole-farm level, allocative of farmers suggests that greater access to efficiency plunges, indicating that the bulk productive land may be beneficial in terms of economic inefficiency stems from farmers’ of overall agricultural productivity and more crop choices. Household decisions to allocate efficient resource use. resources are determined by the relative prices of crops and their associated risk levels, both Among public investments, the importance of of which are influenced considerably by the access to pucca (paved) roads, technology, and policy and institutional (especially market) extension services is reaffirmed by empirical environment. results. An important insight on governance is the impact of women’s participation in What is driving inefficiency at the farm Gram Sabha meetings, which raises productive level? Among the range of factors explaining efficiency. productivity and efficiency, the empirical analysis confirms the inverse land-productivity Are smaller farms still efficient and viable? relationship, but smaller farms are less The 25 years of household panel data from technically efficient. Another important NCAER surveys provide a rare insight into the finding is that at the margin family labor is less relationships between farm size (land owned productive relative to hired labor, suggesting by households) and three levels of farming overuse of family labor (possibly because too returns: gross value of output per hectare, many family members remain on the very small gross-margins per hectare (revenues less paid farms that are now more prevalent). Finally, as out costs, so in essence returns to family labor farm sizes decline through subdivision, land and land), and profits (revenues less paid fragmentation is becoming a problem, with costs and imputed costs of family labor—in direct consequences for productivity through other words, the returns to land only). The lower efficiency. data show a significant and dramatic shift in the relationship between farm size and net Younger and more educated households revenues or profits per acre—from a strong generally are more efficient at farming. The inverse relationship in 1982 to an increasingly higher productivity of the newer generation positive relationship in 1999 and 2007. Messages and Implications Reforming the policy and regulatory framework governing land lease and rental markets is a high priority to sustain productivity and growth in farm incomes. The empirical findings reaffirm the well- established importance of factors like roads, technology, and irrigation while providing new insights. The findings on land fragmentation and the association of profitability with farm size ultimately suggest that some small farms may be getting too small to remain efficient or viable, despite the technical relationship between farm size and yield. Together with the findings that perhaps too much family labor remains and is used on small (and ever smaller) farms, these findings lend new urgency to reforming the tenancy laws and legalizing land lease markets. More efficient lease markets can help to consolidate land in the hands of the more productive farmers, perhaps by improving access to land for younger and more educated farmers, and can provide inefficient or unviable farmers the security to seek off-farm work without fear of losing their primary asset. xxviii OVERVIEW Given that most farms in India are under The all-India weighted averages show significant one hectare, these findings are significant— scope for increasing yields of both crops with politically as well as economically—for growth technology that is already available. But India’s and poverty reduction. The argument of “small biophysical heterogeneity argues against taking and efficient” still applies from a technical such a blanket assessment at face value. Indeed, perspective of higher yields or productivity the states vary considerably in their potential (that is, the value of output per acre), as found yields, their progress in closing the yield gaps, in the productivity analysis discussed earlier, and the size of the remaining yield gaps. Some but the shift in the returns to farming indicates states have made good progress in rice in the that “small and efficient” does not necessarily last 15 years. Growth in wheat yields has slowed translate to more income (profits). The main in most states, although Gujarat, Karnataka, reason behind this reversal is that the higher and Maharashtra substantially narrowed their value of output per hectare is neutralized by yield gaps. very high family labor costs. These trends re-emphasize the point that family labor is Given that no country in the world has reduced overused on the farm. its yield gap below 20 percent, 30 percent may be a realistic target. Some states are approaching this 30 percent target with current Technology, Yield Gaps, and technology and face limited prospects for Growth Prospects further improvement. Maharashtra and Gujarat seem to have exhausted their potential with Many factors contribute to productivity the current wheat technology, whereas Punjab growth (including infrastructure, markets, and and Haryana have limited room to increase education). Among these factors, technology yields. West Bengal and Punjab are close to plays a central role by helping to increase their potential for paddy, but most other states yields. Changes in yields are a joint outcome have significant scope for yield improvement. of contributions by research and extension. In interpreting these findings, two important Research generates new technology that moves caveats need to be kept in mind. One is that the the production frontier (the yield potential) attainable yield, used here as the benchmark for upward and outward. Extension assists farmers the yield gap, assumes that no biotic or abiotic to better exploit the available technology— stresses are present—rarely true in practice. through access to new technology and advice to Second, these are physical or output maximum improve technical proficiency in using it—and potentials, not economically optimal potentials. in essence to close the “yield gap” (which is the Depending on the local policy and institutional difference between actual and potential yields). environment, reducing the physical yield gaps A combination of simulation models, research may not be economically viable (as actual or data, and actual yields helps to identify the yield observed farm yields may more accurately gaps and how they have evolved over time. The reflect). analysis focuses on rice and wheat, for which abundant data are available, and which are an The movement of the production frontier, appropriate choice, given the heavy historical or realizable yields, shows that the potential focus on these green revolution crops. for wheat has continued to rise as new, xxix Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth better-yielding varieties are released, but rice How do yield gaps in India compare to those in potential has stagnated. Yet between 1995 other major grain-growing areas of the world? and 2010, yield gaps widened for wheat and The wheat yield gap in Punjab resembles the narrowed for rice. Growth in actual yields is average across the other major production similar for the two crops; the different trends areas, with similar scope for doubling current in their yield gaps originate in the much faster yields. The yield gap for irrigated rice in Punjab rise in realizable yields for wheat—36 kilograms is larger than the global average: Yields in per hectare per year for rainfed wheat and 54 Punjab need to rise by 75 percent to close the for irrigated wheat—whereas realizable yields gap, whereas on average global yields need to for rice have stagnated since 1995, increasing by double. The comparators for rainfed rice are only 6 kilograms per hectare per year. limited, but the data show that Madhya Pradesh Messages and Implications Yield gaps offer an opportunity, but their persistence reflects challenges in technology services. Yield gaps have narrowed over time, more for wheat than rice. But substantial gaps remain for both crops in rainfed as well as the green revolution areas, signaling potential for further gains and lending weight to the need to resolve the “extension problem.” Research too has challenges to confront: dedicating more effort to crops other than rice and wheat, and working with a rapidly emerging private sector to align research priorities to tackle a changing climate and to address the multiple biotic and abiotic stresses prevalent in the LIS. Investing for innovation and change requires institutional innovation. Technology capital is a critical input to accelerate agricultural productivity. India is among the world’s preeminent investors in agricultural R&D. Yet success is more than the sum of public funding. The quality of innovation and the capacity of institutions to reconfigure and reorient themselves to a rapidly transforming agriculture are critical. To remain relevant and stimulate transformative change, the impressive institutions that ushered in the green revolution must take action: ƒƒ In agricultural research, public investment is increasing, but a number of reforms have also been proposed to reconfigure the research system to meet current needs and challenges. The issues of relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the research system are well understood, but bold action is needed to implement the reforms. At the same time, private sector investment in research is rapidly increasing, with significant potential to contribute to rapid growth in productivity and incomes, including in the poorer semi-arid parts of the country. To fully exploit this potential, the remaining constraints to private investment need to be removed. ƒƒ In agricultural education, the state agricultural universities face multiple crises in fulfilling their mandate to build the needed human capacity for technical innovation and undertake crucial adaptive research and extension activities. The crises in governance, resources, effectiveness, and ethics is widely acknowledged. These issues are revisited in the Bhubaneswar Declaration. The proposed roadmap for improving India’s higher education system calls for fundamental changes but requires unwavering political will and commitment to overcome the ingrained resistance to change. ƒƒ In agricultural extension, the Agricultural Technology Development Agency models a decentralized, demand-driven approach for advisory and extension services to respond to local demands, priorities, and constraints. The lack of skilled, dedicated personnel in the agency, along with weak research-extension links, limited outreach to farmers, and limited operational flexibility, have yielded disappointing outcomes. Priorities are to renew and improve the focus on community outreach, reinforce organizational autonomy, and improve staff quality. Reforming current service delivery and promoting a pluralistic system is an urgent priority. xxx OVERVIEW rainfed yields must grow by 150 percent to close substantial dairy surplus for export, but it is the current yield gap. already a leading exporter of bovine (buffalo) meat and a highly competitive exporter of Certainly yield is not the only metric of mutton and pork. Expanding markets for research achievements. Research also aims processed meat and halal-certified products to develop varieties capable of withstanding provide additional opportunities for export specific growing conditions (evolving pests and growth. Growth in meat output has mainly diseases, for example) and supporting other come at the extensive margin—from growth in local priorities (tastes or the timing of growing livestock numbers. Substantial scope remains cycles, for example). Future research will need for improvement at the intensive margin. to emphasize varieties capable of adapting to the pressures of climate change. For example, More than two-thirds of livestock output is early maturing varieties may be better adapted from the dairy industry. India leads the world in to rising temperatures, which are expected to milk production, but milk yields are about half reduce yields significantly. Varieties specifically the world average. Formal milk processing has suited to the needs of crop-livestock systems expanded rapidly, driven by deregulation of the or agro-processors will also be in increasing dairy industry in the early 1990s. Even so, less demand. than 20 percent of milk is formally processed. The challenges. Despite this potential, Livestock Subsector: Significant India’s public expenditure on livestock is Opportunities and Policy Priorities low, declining, and ineffectively targeted. The livestock subsector has grown at twice the The impact of public programs must be rate of the food grain subsector. Continued monitored to inform policy, develop a strategy income growth and demographic change for the sector, and enhance service delivery. in India will heighten demand for livestock Most public funding goes to administrative products and offer significant opportunities rather than productivity-enhancing activities. to increase production and incomes. Mixed Allocations for the smaller species (small crop-livestock farming systems predominate ruminants, poultry, and pigs) that yield more among smallholders and are an important tool benefits for smallholders remain low and have to target rural underemployment (particularly declined. The limited public expenditure on of unskilled and family labor), diversify risk, livestock must be rationalized between public and stabilize income throughout the year. and private goods. Livestock production is more inclusive than crop agriculture, with livestock ownership more The policy interventions. Policy interventions widespread than land ownership. Women and to raise productivity in the livestock subsector other socioeconomically marginalized groups must target services and institutions for stand to benefit the most from better livestock technology, marketing, and animal health. The productivity. National Dairy Plan is a multi-pronged approach along those lines that would work for the meat The potential. India has the world’s largest industry as well as poultry and pig production. livestock herd. It is unlikely to have a Aside from encouraging commercial and xxxi Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Messages and Implications Aside from additional and better-targeted public spending, priority actions include strengthening the institutions for technology, animal health, and smallholder marketing. The prospective socioeconomic and environmental gains from the livestock subsector offer substantial scope for economic and green growth. Measures that increase livestock productivity can enhance incomes, mitigate the environmental impact of livestock production, and enable livestock to adapt to India’s challenging and changing climate. In this context, it is imperative to rely on intensification for growth. Improvements in breeds, feeds, and animal management and productivity are the other critical elements of any strategy to mitigate the environmental impacts of growth in the subsector. large-scale operations, attention must be many areas are 5–10 times the recommended given to technologies, institutions, and levels, and water use per liter of milk exceeds policies enabling smallholders to produce the world average in most intensive and semi- more efficiently and sustainably and compete intensive systems. Producers must aim to profitably in a price- and quality-conscious maintain vegetative groundcover, reduce soil market. erosion and down-slope sedimentation, improve water infiltration and groundwater recharge, The states urgently require better strategies to and increase pasture production. Greenhouse meet local requirements for animal breeding gas emissions per head of cattle depend (cattle, small ruminants, pigs), improved greatly on animal breeds and the type of feed nutrition and feed (to realize the gains from provided. Climate change will affect livestock breeding), improved animal health systems productivity through a higher incidence of heat with better livestock support services (including stress, drought, and flooding. A large number disease surveillance), and policies to attract of adaptation strategies exist, but greater and private investment. better implementation is needed. Investments in market infrastructure and Investments in Agriculture for quality standards are integral to the efficient distribution of livestock products, value Growth and Sustainability addition, and food safety. Much of the Private and public expenditures to expand investment will come from the private sector. productive capacity. Private investment in Aside from encouraging such investment, the agriculture has increased rapidly since the mid- public sector must implement measures that 1990s. It accounts for more than 80 percent help smallholders improve their bargaining of the investment in agriculture and largely power and build their capacity to absorb consists of on-farm investments, primarily production and market risks. in irrigation pumps and to a lesser degree in machinery. Overall investment on the farm Strategy and policy for the livestock sector remains low, and farmers prefer to allocate must incorporate a range of environmental more of their disposable incomes to financial issues. Improvements in animal management savings and expanding business capital. and productivity are critical for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and relieving Shares of public and private agricultural pressure on land and water. Stocking rates in investments in capital formation are declining, xxxii OVERVIEW however. For a sector deemed to be a priority, Private irrigation investments, public agriculture’s diminishing share of public subsidies, and declining productivity. Two investment appears contradictory. When related trends in public and private investment public expenditure is defined more broadly—to are the rapid growth in private irrigation and include expenditures in the sector (through the large and growing volume of subsidies agricultural programs and institutions) and in public expenditures. The importance of expenditures for the sector (for complementary irrigation for agricultural growth is clear. public investments like rural roads and But the dominant mode of private irrigation electricity)—it is clear that agriculture does development—groundwater extraction—may indeed command a much higher priority. not be sustainable in its current form. Distorted Based on those criteria, public expenditures incentives encourage excessive extraction and were equivalent to one-third of agricultural GDP highly inefficient use of water. Power and credit in 2009, up from about one-fifth in 1995, subsidies are the major drivers of groundwater about half of which was from the central extraction. Marginal returns to these subsidies (union) government. Infrastructure accounted in terms of improved productivity and poverty for the largest share (34 percent) of these reduction were high in the 1960s and 1970s expenditures, with input support services but are now significantly lower than returns following at 26 percent. Input support services to investments in rural roads and technology (essentially private goods and subsidies) services. have grown the fastest (22 percent per year). In sharp contrast, research, education and The political economy of subsidies in India extension services, which have been shown has relegated expenditure efficiency as well as to have the largest returns among public budgetary implications to the extreme margins expenditures in India, had a combined share of of public decision making. Yet concrete evidence less than 2 percent. is emerging that current policies will have an outsized negative impact over the long run. For Even those estimates do not capture the example, electricity subsidies lead to an increase totality of subsidies supporting agriculture. A in the area planted to water-intensive crops fuller (but still not exhaustive) accounting of such as rice and sugarcane but also lead to a subsidies (including food, fertilizer, irrigation, large negative impact on groundwater levels. A power, and others) shows that they dwarf public fall in groundwater level by 1 meter is found to investments, irrespective of how the latter are reduce production of food grains by 8 percent, defined. A vivid example is the pervasiveness water-intensive crops by 9 percent, and cash of subsidies in two of the largest government crops by 5 percent. A 10 percent reduction in programs or “missions” directed to increasing the average electricity subsidy would reduce agricultural productivity (the National Food groundwater extraction by 6.7 percent. Security Mission and the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana). A review of their implementation in Contrary to their intended objectives, electricity three states shows that 88-98 percent of funds subsidies set a vicious circle in motion, under the NFSM and 42-87 percent under RKVY, jeopardizing agricultural productivity over the depending on the state, were directed toward long run. Together with other policies such as the provision of inputs or other private goods. MSPs, these distorted incentives have altered xxxiii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Messages and Implications Although the budgetary implications of the large share of subsidies have little apparent weight in public policy decisions, policies intended to increase production and productivity clearly impose substantial costs in terms of resource degradation and lost future productivity. Consistent with the priority placed on agriculture, public spending has grown rapidly since the early 2000s and now equals one- third of agricultural value added. But only a small fraction of the public expenditure goes toward expanding the productive capacity of agriculture (to public investments or contribution to capital formation). Subsidies dwarf public investments. The substantial costs of these choices are also being borne now. If public policies that encourage these outcomes are not rationalized, they will further reduce productivity and returns to farmers—outcomes that are diametrically opposite to their intent. crop composition to favor water-intensive 1990s, but reforms have been slow, uneven, crops, particularly in the Northwest and Mid- and frequently reversed. When reforms are West, which are experiencing the most severe introduced, even partially, the private sector groundwater crises. This relationship is evident responds swiftly and dynamically—witness in the strong correlation between the “virtual the emergence of contract farming, electronic water export” from the Northwest and public exchanges, ICT-based market information procurement of rice. These policies urgently demand systems and kiosks, and myriad value chain attention—especially in the interests of curbing the improvements. Yet the consensus is that mounting risks occasioned by climate change. the marketing, trade, value addition, agro- processing, and food safety capacity required by Consequences of imbalanced nutrient a diversified, vibrant, and modern agricultural use. The current and long-term costs of sector has not materialized as expected. imbalanced fertilizer use on productivity are Government intervention continues. Parastatals widely recognized, but the associated changes dominate food grain markets, and private in land productivity may not be equally well agricultural trade is heavily regulated. appreciated. The evidence suggests that productivity drops beyond a certain ratio of The traditional chain, passing through nitrogen to phosphorous. While the all-India agricultural wholesale markets and traditional median level is still below that threshold, half urban retail, dominates the marketing of of the farmers in the breadbasket states (Punjab agricultural commodities, but it is inefficient, and Haryana) are above the threshold. In other lacks integration, and is plagued by trader words, they have reduced their productivity collusion in the regulated and restricted from the peak response level. Even in Bihar markets. Even so, alternatives—modern retail most farmers operate on the decreasing part of and the processing and food service sectors— the response curve. are emerging, and even traditional value chains for staples are evolving, with changes Marketing and Market Reform: in factor markets, innovations that shorten supply chains, wider access to information Unfinished Business through mobile phones, and increasing India has long intervened in its agricultural downstream demand for quality and brand markets. Regulations have eased since the differentiation. xxxiv OVERVIEW Innovations to improve marketing efficiency in effect for the most part: the Agricultural and link small and marginal producers to more Produce Markets (Development and Regulation) remunerative value chains have been attempted Act—APM(D&R) Act—and the Essential on a limited scale, with mixed results. Firms Commodities Act (ECA). The issues related or other private and public entities generally to these regulations are well recognized, have preferred large and medium farmers for including zoning and storage restrictions, contract farming; established or corporate market fragmentation and inefficiency, and retail chains have preferred the more advanced the requirement to sell all produce at a limited agricultural states to the states where most number of licensed, regulated markets in often poor smallholders reside. The main factors nontransparent transactions. The regulations influencing those preferences appear to discourage private investment in storage, be difficulties in enforcing contracts, high handling, and marketing infrastructure; they transaction costs, and challenges in meeting also constrain contract farming or direct quality standards. Initiatives to integrate small purchases by agro-processers and prevent farmers to value chains failed to introduce improvements in value chain efficiencies. or adapt appropriate technology over time, although producer companies appeared more To address the major problems, the government effective than cooperatives at linking small- introduced a “Model Act” in 2003 and urged scale producers to markets. state governments to amend their legislation and regulations accordingly. Most states Alternative market channels—traditional amended their legislation, but the extent and private sector traders, state-sponsored implementation of reforms remain limited. cooperatives, and Rural Business Hubs (a An in-depth study, including field assessments modern private sector innovation)—also show in five states, finds a largely unfinished very mixed results. By and large, the benefits agenda. Despite attempts to modify the ECA, and costs differed little among the alternatives. its essential provisions remain intact. The The alternatives showed no clear improvement multiplicity of control orders issued by multiple in smallholders’ access to inputs or outputs, and agencies (at the central and state levels) creates smallholders experienced no significant price or uncertainty and raises transaction costs. The quality discrimination in any market channel. lack of transparency prevails, restricting trade What emerges is that medium and larger and maintaining market segmentation. farmers have better access to state-sponsored cooperatives, indicating that subsidies (either Different states interpret and implement through access or merely through the scale reforms in different ways, prompting a need effect) are not as pro-poor as intended. to rethink market governance. Agriculture Cooperatives are more beneficial in the more is a state subject, but inter-state trade and remote or backward areas of the states studied, commerce is under the Union list. For where the private sector is thin or nonexistent. efficient markets, it is critical to establish common norms and ensure transparency This evidence from the ground level provides and predictability of rules and regulations to a useful backdrop to two pervasive regulations facilitate private trade and investment. While that have “stifled” agriculture and remain overregulation is clearly a hindrance, the other xxxv Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Messages and Implications In most cases, market reforms have not been implemented in full or in earnest, with provisions and omissions that effectively retain the status quo and restrict private investment and trade. India remains a segmented agricultural market; reforms to lift restrictions on movement, stock, and trade remain limited. Different states interpret and implement reforms and regulations in different ways, suggesting a need to rethink market governance. It may be advisable to place agricultural marketing on the Concurrent List and establish common norms for taxation and other charges/fees to make the system more transparent and predictable. State governments face a conflict of interest with the proposed market reforms. Reform of APMCs have fiscal implications for state government, and as such have revenue implications. To overcome this obstacle, a cost-sharing strategy will need to be devised. Another conflict of interest is that state departments or marketing boards both run and regulate markets. An independent market regulator could level the playing field between the state and private markets. extreme of an absence of any regulation is also industry has a dualistic structure, with a not desirable. Markets need to be orderly and relatively small (in number of units) but capital- governed well to create a healthy environment intensive organized segment coexisting with for transactions, calling for an independent a pervasive, mostly rural, and more labor- market regulator. intensive unorganized segment. Rural firms are less capital intensive, less productive, and dominated by small family enterprises. Beyond the Farm: Exploiting the Potential for Food Processing Shares of food processing in all manufacturing in terms of employment and numbers of units Urbanization, the shift to nonfarm activities, have been stable in most states over time, rising incomes, women’s increasing participation while the share of output has increased. Both in the labor force, and changing consumption the organized and unorganized segments have habits will create an outpouring of demand experienced capital deepening and declining for processed foods. Food processing provides labor intensities. The organized segment has a natural entry point for India’s sluggish generated jobs with an increased number of “manufacturing” sector to move into units, but the unorganized segment has lost predominantly agricultural areas and create enterprises and jobs over time. The remaining much-needed off-farm employment. Food enterprises are larger in scale, with rapidly processing has among the largest multiplier growing output per unit and slower but still effects across the economy. It can stimulate growing employment per enterprise. higher agricultural productivity through better and more stable farm prices, reduce wastage by Labor productivity has risen fast, keeping transforming produce unsuitable for wet markets pace with labor productivity in the non-food into value-added consumables (increasing returns sector, but the associated rise in wages (also to farmers), and promote diversification. relative to the non-food sector) has restrained growth in employment, encouraging further Food industry structure and investment. capital intensity and scale of operating units. Like all manufacturing, the food-processing The preference for higher capital intensity xxxvi OVERVIEW and labor-saving technology reflects the by starting small nonagricultural enterprises perpetuation of informality and a reluctance to or operating such enterprises alongside hire labor, perhaps due to labor laws and other their agricultural ventures for supplemental factors in the business environment. income. Third, industrial investments in individual states are highly concentrated in The significance of these trends for employment specific sectors. Among the factors explaining and transformation, even in the more rural investment patterns, the main results of food-based industry and in the more populous interest for policy are backward linkages to and poorer states, cannot be overstated. agriculture, credit, and public infrastructure. Encouraging new businesses to enter and The food industry’s concentration in existing businesses to expand employment agricultural states clearly suggests that “location more rapidly than in the past will create matters.” Locations with higher agricultural employment, but only with greater attention productivity attract more private investment to the enabling environment and barriers to and employment in food processing. Finally, the entry for smaller firms, especially in the lagging findings on access to credit and infrastructure states. reconfirm their well-known importance as determinants of investment. Patterns and drivers of private investment in food manufacturing. Three major findings Productivity growth in the food-processing emerge from the analysis. First, the organized industry. TFP growth (TFPG) rebounded sharply food industry is more prevalent in less after 2000, following a decline in the 1990s. For industrially developed states with higher shares the unorganized segment, TFPG was positive of income from agriculture; the unorganized but much lower than in the organized segment. segment is more prevalent across states, The strong, positive correlation between TFPG regardless of the level of development. Second, for the organized and unorganized segments food manufacturing is more dominant in across states indicates that states doing states with a higher percentage of poor people. better in one segment also do better in the Individuals tend to diversify out of agriculture other, suggesting a better overall investment Messages and Implications A dual focus on agricultural productivity and creating an appropriate investment climate to attract private investment is needed to promote more rapid rural transformation. States where agriculture is dominant have significant potential to attract private investment in the food industry. Higher agricultural productivity also attracts private investment in food processing, placing a premium on supportive investments in (for instance) irrigation, roads, and better functioning markets. Active promotion of this relatively more labor-intensive industry, through appropriate incentives, in states with low per capita income, high dependence on agriculture, and high incidence of poverty will help create off-farm jobs, which will absorb more people from agriculture and promote structural transformation. These arguments are even more relevant with respect to the unorganized segment of the industry, which is more widespread and has higher potential to absorb labor but currently suffers from low productivity. High levels of efficiency in many states signal that the food industry is well placed to compete in a more liberalized marketplace, with potential scope for foreign direct investment as well as exports. Policies to improve the investment climate for agro-processing, both for the organized and unorganized segments, is thus a high priority. xxxvii Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth climate for food processing in some states. Key and livestock yields are typical, with large determinants of productivity differences across differentials across districts. Rapidly diversifying states include backward linkages to agriculture, production has translated to faster growth infrastructure, and investor friendliness. Beyond and poverty reduction. Despite these seeming the backward linkages, other agglomeration similarities, the two states have experienced economies appear not to be significant. distinct growth patterns. Diversification was strong and consistent in Bihar, with prices The unorganized segment does not playing a lesser role in growth. Improved yield appear to grow through a complementary spurred growth in Odisha in the early 2000s, relationship (for example, through but now growth is led primarily by prices. As outsourcing or subcontracting) with noted earlier, price-led growth raises concerns organized food manufacturing. Both the about its sustainability, given that yields are organized and unorganized segments seem declining. In contrast, growth in Bihar appears to be operating below optimal scales. The more robust. significantly suboptimal scale of operation in the unorganized segment suggests strong Small, fragmented holdings prevail in both disincentives for employing labor in an Bihar (72 percent are under 0.5 hectare) and otherwise efficient industry. Odisha (60 percent smaller than 1 hectare). Tenancy and sharecropping arrangements discourage investment, while fragmented Transforming Agriculture in LIS: holdings and the small scale of operations Challenges and Priorities for Bihar are a drag on efficiency and constrain output and Odisha marketing. Inevitably, transaction costs and market risks tend to be high. The eastern states offer enormous agricultural opportunities if their natural resources are Low input use intensity and efficiency limit managed judiciously, in a framework of productivity growth, although fertilizer use has appropriate policies and institutions and grown faster than the national average in Bihar, supportive infrastructure. Sufficient water, approaching the levels in more advanced states. a suitable climate, and significant scope to As in those states, fertilizer use is imbalanced, improve yields make the eastern states a taxing productivity. The high level of biotic valuable resource for sustaining national food and abiotic stress from many sources—pests, security, and their potential for high-value diseases, drought, floods, acidic and sodic horticulture and livestock production portend soils—means a very high level of agricultural a rapid economic transformation. Analysis in risk, and likely constrains the adoption of new two of the poorest states, Bihar and Odisha, technology, reduces the efficiency of input use, reveals the challenges and priorities involved in and discourages productive investments. realizing this scenario and contributing to the inclusive growth agenda for LIS. Marketing remains a challenge. Relatively low and volatile prices result from thinly spread Challenges to productivity and and underdeveloped markets; market density diversification. In both states, low crop is low, and few markets have sophisticated xxxviii OVERVIEW infrastructure such as cold storage facilities. irrigation and infrastructure than other states. Bihar’s bold abolition of the APM(D&R) Act Allocations remain lower than the all-India seems to have unintentionally left a void average—inconsistent with the objective of in market governance, with allegations of inclusive growth. Both states improved road noncompetitive behavior. Markets have been density, but other infrastructure deficiencies taken over by private entities; farmers continue persist, particularly in rural electrification. to pay market fees but receive no services, Farmers invested in the more costly diesel and public and private investment in market pumps in Bihar, where irrigation intensity infrastructure is nil. In Odisha the Act is intact, (at 62 percent of net sown area) now surpasses but most markets still have no mechanism for the all-India average (45 percent). Odisha’s price discovery and price determination. irrigation intensity remains low. Bihar has significant potential for surface water Bihar, Odisha, and other LIS historically irrigation; Odisha already sources irrigation received much less public funding for water from canals. Messages and Implications The top priorities for Bihar and Odisha are to tackle the multiple biotic and abiotic stresses, develop markets, and promote livestock development. Small holdings make it a priority to enable people to leave agriculture or diversify into higher-value agriculture. Technological solutions range from sustainable crop management strategies (for overcoming soil acidity and sodicity, multi-cropping, reducing water use, and conserving other resources) to better seed quality and faster seed replacement, and research on abiotic stresses (together with private companies). Collective action—through producer organizations, cooperatives, farmer associations, or self-help groups— is important for scale economies and linking smallholders to value chains. Bihar has successful approaches that can be scaled up (for dairy, vegetables), and Odisha is innovating with farmers’ markets and cluster approaches for specific horticultural crops. These initiatives need to be set within an overall framework conducive to private investment in marketing, agro-processing, and land development. Establishing a regulatory framework for fair, transparent, and efficient markets with free movement of goods and services is essential. Livestock is a “quick win” for inclusive growth, nutritional outcomes, and employment. Priority actions include focusing research on diseases and production constraints; policy and other support for small ruminant, pig, and poultry production; and incentives for private investment in processing, value chains, feed production, and veterinary services. xxxix A. Context and Objectives of this Report 1 Introduction to the Issues and Analytical Approach N o longer a “sleeping giant,”1 India has at today than in the 1960s, despite the population last shaken off the persistent “Hindu” growing by two and half times. rate of growth2 (averaging about 3.5 percent per year from 1950 until the mid-1980s) With the economic reforms of 1991, gradual to attain sustained GDP growth of 8 percent per liberalization in the agricultural sector started year in the last decade (2001–11). The timing in the Eighth Five Year Plan (1992–97), with and factors contributing to this structural break successive plans increasingly emphasizing from historical growth rates are vigorously reforms in accord with evolving policy debated,3 but the turnaround in growth since at directions. Table A.1.1 (Annex 1) highlights least the early 1990s is undeniable. some of the major policy reforms and other developments affecting the sector since 1990/91 Indian agriculture has also undergone some and some of the private sector response to these profound transformations. Food security changes. These incremental policy shifts, along has been an overriding priority in India’s with the trade-related reforms starting in the development strategy since the 1960s, mid-1990s, set in motion other transformations. underpinned by a comprehensive and directive Once subject to heavy implicit taxation and policy, public investment and institutional other policy discrimination, agriculture now support through a sharply focused program for benefits from a heavily supportive (heavily urgent scale-up of the (then) new but relatively subsidized) policy regime. India has emerged simple cereal production technologies. This as a global agricultural powerhouse—it is the strategy paid off with India’s impressive second-largest producer in terms of aggregate transformation from a chronic food-deficit agricultural produce, as well as a top producer and food-aid-dependent country into a food- of several major commodities.4 surplus country that is now a net food exporter. Growth in the production of staple foods (rice Since the early 1990s, India’s agricultural and wheat) has outpaced population growth. exports have also steadily grown and Per capita output of cereals is 20 percent higher diversified, to the extent that its nontraditional exports now dominate the traditional exports 1 Bhagwati (2002). 2 Virmani (2006). 3 See, for example, Virmani (2006), Basu and Maertens 4 India ranks among the top two or three producers globally of (2007), Bosworth, Collins and Virmani (2007), and Kotwal, wheat, rice, pulses, oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane, tea, milk, and Ramaswamy, and Wadwha (2011). fruits and vegetables. 1 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth of tea, coffee, spices, and cashews.5 Growth with the urbanized, highly skilled and outward- in some of the nontraditional exports reflects looking service sector, propelled India into sustained efforts by the government at export the ranks of the world’s fastest growing promotion and in some cases the introduction economies. But it exists alongside the largely of new technology.6 The performance of exports agricultural and unskilled rural Bharat, which is all the more impressive considering that seems fixed on a path of low long-term growth agricultural trade policy, while relatively more fluctuating around a rate of 3 percent per year. liberalized than before, has remained restrictive Agricultural growth has picked up in the past and unpredictable, with frequent changes decade (2002/03 to 2012/13) to about 3.5 percent (Gulati, Jain, and Hoda, 2013). (trend rate), almost as high as the previous peak reached in the mid-1990s, but it remains Rapid income growth following the economic volatile and below potential. At present, the reforms in the 1990s and some key policy elements of dynamism noted previously do changes attracted significant private interest not appear sufficiently strong to influence and investment, encouraging a number of agriculture’s overall performance. potentially transformative developments.7 The most visible and dynamic changes have been the Progress on inclusiveness has been less than spread of Bt cotton in western India, soybeans expected,8 and inequality is on the rise (World in the center, poultry in the southern areas, and Bank 2010). The rural-urban income divide maize in the eastern areas, as well as remarkable is widening, with the key indicator of labor innovations in e-trading, internet kiosks, and productivity showing growing differentials. In other value chain and marketing tools. parts of the country, persistent poverty and farmer suicides appear to signal a pervasive Despite the headline figures on growth, the agrarian crisis (Dev 2008a, 2013a; Mishra increased elements of dynamism in agriculture, 2008; GoI 2006a). These facets of the economy and India’s export performance, concerns linger are major concerns for the government, as about the pattern of growth. India continues reflected in the new Twelfth Five Year Plan’s to face daunting challenges in reducing the development objective: “Faster, More Inclusive, number of poor, curbing high malnutrition, and and Sustainable Growth.” achieving shared prosperity. Economic dualism persists. Modern India, popularly associated The structural transformation of the economy has not progressed as fast or as widely as may 5 In value terms, India’s agricultural exports have consistently exceeded agricultural imports. India has emerged as the be expected, and economic growth has been largest exporter of rice and beef (buffalo) meat in 2011–12. characterized as “lopsided” (Dev 2008b). With See Gulati, Jain, and Hoda (2013). 6 The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export the majority of India’s labor force still in Development Authority (APEDA) was established in 1985 with rural areas, and over 68 percent employed in a mandate to develop and promote exports of agricultural and processed food products from India. It has successfully agriculture, India’s development aspirations engaged in sustained efforts to improve the transparency of must inevitably reckon with agriculture’s supply and institute the traceability and quality standards political, social, and economic importance. required to negotiate entry into the European Union market for Indian grapes as well as the Japanese and United States markets for fresh mangoes. 8 Prime Minister’s speech to the Full Planning Commission 7 Three key policy changes were to allow FDI in wholesale meeting to discuss the “Issues for Approach to the 12th Five trade (1997), the de-licensing of Food Processing Industries Year Plan” (see the Planning Commission website, (1999), and the New Seed Policy (1998). http://planningcommission.nic.in/). 2 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Issues and Analytical Approach Indeed the Eleventh and Twelfth Plans explicitly nonagricultural and non-casual sectors, such as set a target of 4 percent for agricultural growth manufacturing (World Bank 2012a; GOI 2013a). to achieve their overall economic growth targets and to ensure that growth is sufficiently Going forward, the challenges of sustaining food inclusive.9 Geographical inclusion—to focus on security and promoting shared prosperity seem LIS and rainfed areas—and social inclusion—to more difficult now than in the past. Growth respond to the feminization of agriculture and and food security will need to be sustained level the playing field for the disadvantaged with fewer degrees of freedom. The quality of social groups who are a substantial part of the land and water is declining, and agriculture agricultural economy—are well-recognized faces intense competition for land and water development priorities. from urbanization and nonagricultural uses. The sharp, sustained focus on food production Agriculture’s weak performance affects the helped India achieve self-sufficiency, but the livelihoods of a disproportionately large complex web of policies and institutions number of people, contributes to the slower- that emerged in the process is now argued to than-desirable decline in poverty,10 and sustains constrain more robust, sustainable growth the perception that national food security is (Gulati, Ganguly, and Shreedhar 2011), limit the under threat despite record harvests of the performance of markets (Gulati, Landes, and main staples.11 Equally vexing is the recent Ganguly 2009), and discourage much-needed phenomenon of seemingly “growth-less jobs” diversification to accommodate changing (Dev 2013b)—a rise in rural employment consumption patterns (Joshi and Gulati 2007; (as inferred from rising real farm wages) Joshi, Gulati, and Cummings 2007).12 alongside sluggish agricultural productivity growth—which compounds the more widely Weather—especially the vagaries of the recognized challenge of “job-less growth” monsoons—remains a major source of volatility (Bosworth and Collins 2008), referring to in Indian agriculture. Heavy public investments lack of “good jobs” in the more productive, and the green revolution technology helped India achieve its food security goals, and they 9 For the Eleventh Five Year Plan, the Planning Commission have made India the world’s most intensively estimated that 4 percent growth in agriculture was necessary cultivated and most irrigated country (in to achieve the overall GDP growth target of 9 percent without undue inflation and to meet its objective of inclusiveness (GOI terms of area equipped for irrigation). Those 2011a). Similarly, for the Twelfth Five Year Plan, the Planning investments have helped stabilize agricultural Commission has again set a goal to achieve agricultural growth of at least 4 percent to meet its targeted GDP growth of 9–9.5 growth, shielding it to some extent from the percent and ensure that this growth is inclusive (GOI 2011b). worst effects of unpredictable weather,13 yet 10 Datt and Ravallion (2009) find that rural growth has contributed relatively less to poverty reduction in the 1990s, compared to their earlier findings for the 1980s, when it was 12 Since the initiation of the green revolution (with its focus on a more significant driver of poverty reduction than technology and water), agriculture has been characterized urban growth. by a high degree of public support aimed at increasing the 11 Revised estimates by the Expert Group on Methodology use of productivity-enhancing inputs (seed, fertilizer, water, for Estimation of Poverty, chaired by S. D. Tendulkar, put and electricity), external trade controls, zoning and storage the rural poverty headcount at 42 percent in 2004/05, up restrictions, output marketing regulations, and a vast system of from the previous estimate of 28 percent and closer to the food price policy and public procurement and distribution of estimate of the proportion of people living under US$ 1.25 food grains put in place to promote food security for the poor. in international purchasing power parity terms. See the 13 Government of India Planning Commission, Twelfth Five Planning Commission website, http://planningcommission. Year Plan 2012–17, http://planningcommission.gov.in/plans/ nic.in/eg_poverty.htm. planrel/12thplan/welcome.html. 3 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth the target of 4 percent growth has remained strategy adequately prioritizes actions to create elusive. Slowing growth rates in the late 1990s the conditions for agriculture to achieve and and early 2000s14 and food price increases in sustain faster growth. more recent years are stark reminders of threats to food and nutritional security. As the effects of The scope and approach for this study were climate change become more pronounced, they arrived at through a consultative process, will likely magnify the threats to food security which deliberately guided the study to focus and growth and compound the challenges of on issues related to productivity growth, the developing new agricultural technology and central challenge facing Indian agriculture. managing scarce land and water resources. India is a large and heterogeneous country, with widely varied agro-ecological and economic endowments. A comprehensive study that can Motivation and Scope of this Study do justice with sufficient breadth and depth Agriculture’s persistent low growth (especially to all of the complex issues surrounding its its low productivity) jeopardizes achieving agricultural development would be an enormous the goals of more inclusive and sustainable undertaking. This study is less ambitious, focused economic growth. The imperative of improving on the specific issue of productivity growth and agricultural productivity is widely recognized.15 cognizant of the wealth of existing knowledge, It is reflected in efforts to reverse the perceived completed studies, and ongoing analytical efforts neglect of agriculture in the Eleventh Five (some of which address other major pressing Year Plan with the allocation of substantial issues, such as water and irrigation). Finally, resources to kick-start the sector.16 The the study takes a deliberate empirical and government adopted a fairly comprehensive evidence-based approach, to objectively inform strategy targeting technology, irrigation and policy and institutional debates. Inevitably, lack water management, agricultural diversification, of or insufficient quality of data, and at times infrastructure, and private investment in challenges in obtaining data, prevent a deeper marketing and food processing. The central dive into some pertinent issues. question examined here is whether the current For these reasons, it is important to 14 The deceleration was widespread, affecting all categories acknowledge that this study is not intended of farmers (small and large) and virtually all regions of India, and it affected not only food grains but other as an exhaustive exploration of all major subsectors, such as livestock and horticultural crops issues affecting agriculture. Some of the issues (Bhalla and Singh 2001, 2010). 15 Despite the Indian economy’s rapid growth and changing have been well analyzed or are being studied; structure, recent research shows that agricultural yields others are emerging and more complex, and continue to have a substantial impact on poverty (see Himanshu et al. 2010). their full analysis requires more focused and 16 The core challenges identified by the Steering Committee dedicated efforts. The former include, for on Agriculture for the Eleventh Five Year Plan are long term in nature. They include increasing population pressure; example, irrigation and water management, technology fatigue (no major breakthroughs in agricultural food grain management, and the analysis of technology); inefficient use of the available technology, owing to a weak extension system; falling groundwater public expenditures. The latter include food levels and inefficient use of water; degradation of the natural safety and standards, agricultural trade, and resource base; no expansion in irrigated area; inefficient and distorted input markets (seed and fertilizer); and inefficient food price increase, all of which are high output marketing systems. priorities for the future analytical agenda. 4 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Issues and Analytical Approach Nevertheless, the longer-term strategic issues To guide the identification of binding constraints, related to productivity undoubtedly interact the diagnostics dig deeper into the drivers of with a number of contemporary issues, such productivity growth, analyzing the relative as food prices, and vice-versa. Several of these contributions of technological progress and issues are naturally touched upon and discussed efficiency, with further insights into the technical in context, but without the deeper diagnostics and economic aspects of efficiency improvement. to fully inform the surrounding policy and This helps provide insights into whether institutional actions needed to address them. technological progress, evident in the growth in physical food output over the years, is also contributing to income growth, and ultimately Specific Objectives and Analytical to greater prosperity in farming communities. Approach In reality, a combination of factors is at play, To identify priorities for accelerating and a rigorous approach helps to systematically sustainable agricultural growth, this study identify the different sources of growth and the specifically sets out to examine patterns of factors that may be driving or constraining their productivity growth, identify the drivers of past contributions to overall productivity. and current productivity growth, and outline the binding constraints to future growth. The second important aspect of the diagnostic framework is the unit of analysis. Most analyses To better analyze which policy, institutional, have relied on national or, to a limited extent, and investment factors constrain more rapid state-level, secondary data, which are reasonably agricultural growth, this study attempts to take abundant in India, although not necessarily easy account of the agro-ecological heterogeneity of for researchers to access. National averages, India to identify the main drivers of productivity and to a relatively greater extent state averages, growth. For example, productivity growth can are useful to assess overall progress, but they result from higher yields (for crops or livestock) are not particularly informative in developing or increased diversification into higher- a strategic approach when considerable value crop or livestock outputs (by individual heterogeneity is present. Because agriculture households or across geographical areas that has performed significantly differently in still focus on traditional or subsistence crops).17 different parts of India, the question arises as to Subject to the data available, the diagnostics whether this variation results from differences rely on different measures of productivity—total in access to appropriate technology, exogenous factor productivity as well as land and labor agro-ecological conditions, lack of economic productivity, broadly defined as the aggregate (including market) and physical infrastructure, value of output per unit of land or labor. governance, or other reasons. The limited analyses available on these deeper aspects of agricultural performance results partly from a 17 Improved incentives through higher prices are well- surprising scarcity of or lack of access to reliable established determinants of farmers’ adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies and investments. subnational data. Clearly inflation is not desirable, but an improved share of farmgate prices in final consumer prices through improved marketing efficiency will contribute significantly to farm This study seeks to overcome those limitations productivity and incomes. by using two relatively new datasets that 5 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth can provide valuable insights into Indian Despite the progress achieved so far, large parts agriculture. One dataset, from the International of the country remain much less developed. Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Formerly termed the “Lagging States” and now Tropics (ICRISAT) and NCAP, is a compilation referred to as “Low-income States” (LIS), these of key district-level variables from a myriad of generally resource-poor areas depend primarily agencies, ministries, state level databases, and on rainfed agriculture. They show considerable other sources. The second dataset was collected unexploited potential for productivity growth by NCAER over three rounds of national (often equated with cereal yield gaps in household surveys conducted since 1982. keeping with the concerns about food security). Technology could unleash that potential for Finally, to complement these quantitative cereals and other agricultural products, but analyses, qualitative aspects of the enabling the much needed complementary public environment—such as local institutional investments have long bypassed these areas. and governance factors, or specific physical endowments that dictate which technological Diversification into higher-value crops and and economic options are available—are livestock products—an important source of assessed through in-depth case-studies (with productivity and income growth in a rapidly specific focus on agricultural extension, developing economy—is taking place almost marketing and the tailored strategies to across the entire country, yet the pace has been promote productivity in two lagging states, insufficient to provide an appreciative boost Bihar and Odisha). to agricultural growth. As a result, the supply of high-value commodities has not kept pace with demand, spurred by rising incomes and The Broader Context and Structure urbanization. The result has been higher prices of This Report and increased pressure on inflation. A broad characterization of agricultural Following this introduction (Part A), the study performance that emerges from the literature is organized into four analytical blocks, starting and strategy documents is that parts of the with an assessment of the performance of country, specifically the irrigated rice- and Indian agriculture (Part B). Part C contains wheat-producing areas that benefited greatly extensive and detailed analyses of the sources from green revolution technology, appear of growth in agricultural productivity (including to be showing diminishing returns to that the livestock subsector). Part D reviews issues technology. This “technology fatigue” suggests beyond the farm gate, focusing on investments, that the scope for further growth in these areas agricultural markets and the food processing is limited in the absence of major technological industry. Given that an important element of breakthroughs. At the same time, pervasive the government’s broader strategy is to promote environmental degradation in these same growth in agricultural productivity in the areas threatens the hard-won gains they have eastern states, where the potential to transform achieved, suggestive of a “policy fatigue” agriculture and reduce poverty is substantial, as past policies may now warrant a fresh Part E identifies priorities for achieving those perspective. objectives. 6 Performance of Indian Agriculture: Temporal, B.  2 Spatial, and Comparative Perspectives The Context and Conundrums of Contemporary Agriculture I ndian agriculture has been widely studied.18 Per capita availability and production of Figure 1:  Without going into a detailed review, this cereals (grams/day) section highlights salient features of the 550 current agricultural economy to provide an 500 understanding of the background and context 450 for the analyses that follow. 400 350 India’s Food Security Puzzle 300 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 For India, the priority for agricultural policy and strategy historically has been to achieve food Availability Production security. The performance of agriculture is thus most often assessed by Indian policy makers Source: Authors, using DES, MOA data. in terms of its success in achieving national food security—essentially self-sufficiency in has increased gross cultivated area, but the food, specifically cereals (rice and wheat). By prospects to bring new land into cultivation this yardstick, Indian agriculture has achieved appear limited (Annex 2, Figure A.2.2). significant success, given the rising per capita Following a sluggish decade from about the production of cereals between the 1960s and mid-1990s, production growth appears to be now (Figure 1). back on track. The rapid increase in cereal production Figure 1 also shows how per capita cereals seen throughout the 1970s and 1980s availability (defined as production net of change came from growth in yields driven by the in stocks and trade) has declined in recent years. green revolution; net cultivated area has After rising in the 1980s and 1990s, cereals remained largely unchanged since the 1970s availability has fallen to levels near those (Annex 2, Figure A.2.1). Irrigation development of the 1960s, causing concern among policy makers (GOI 2013a), who are also concerned 18 For technical background and discussions of some by the persistence of hunger at a time when contemporary issues in Indian agriculture, see GOI (2007, food production is at an all-time high. This 2012); Dev (2008); Gulati and Ganguly (2010); Kotwal, Ramaswamy, and Wadwha (2011); Ferroni (2013); and Chand disparity is as much of a puzzle as the income- and Bajar (2012). calorie puzzle—the consistent decline in the 7 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  ercentage change in per capita Figure 2: P Food prices relative to prices of all Figure 3:  consumption (kg/l/no.), 1983/84–2009/10 commodities 120 140 130 100 120 80 110 100 60 90 40 80 70 20 1970-71 1972-73 1974-75 1976-77 1978-79 1980-81 1982-83 1984-85 1986-87 1988-89 1990-91 1992-93 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 2012-13 0 -20 Base 1970-71 Base 1981-82 Base 1993-94 Base 2004-05 -40 Pulses Cereals Sugar Milk Source:  Authors, using RBI online database. Ratio of Food Edible Oil Meat, Fish & Eggs Fruits & Vegs. Articles to All Commodity indices, Annual Average WPI, preserving the base years for each time Source: NSS data 1983/84, 2009/10, national aggregates. period. consumption of calories seen since the 1980s, Persistent Food Price Rise across all income categories, despite rising incomes.19 The previous discussion suggests that food insecurity may stem more from a lack of access Since the 1980s, Indian diets appear to have to food than from the unavailability of food. become more diverse (Figure 2). Per capita One explanation for this outcome could be the consumption of grain (cereals and pulses) has persistent increase in food prices compared to fallen as consumption of other commodities prices of non-food commodities for most of the has increased. This trend is consistent with 1980s to the present, except for a brief period theory, which suggests that the consumption the mid-2000s (Figure 3). of low-income-elasticity commodities declines as incomes rise.20 The “puzzle” is that calorie A significant share of the food price increase intake has fallen consistently, even at low levels in recent years has been driven by high-value of income and in both rural and urban areas, agricultural commodities, reflecting rising despite the high incidence of undernutrition— demand with changing dietary preferences that is, a basic calorie deficiency, without even as incomes and urbanization increase. This accounting for the full extent of malnutrition.21 so-called “protein inflation” is thought to reflect a structural problem (Mohanty 2011) 19 See Deaton and Dreze (2010); Gaiha et al. (2012). caused by a lag in the supply-response for the 20 Using a quadratic AIDS demand model, which allows a nonlinear expenditure effect on demand, Ganesh-Kumar commodities increasingly in demand (Dev et al. (2012) estimate expenditure elasticity for rice, wheat, 2013a). The components of the Wholesale Price and pulses to be negative, while they are positive for other commodities and greater than 1 for livestock products (eggs, Index (WPI) confirm that high-value agricultural chicken, meat, and fish). Similar estimates were obtained by commodities (fruits, vegetables, and milk and Kumar et al. (2011). 21 The debate continues on the level and trends in calorie other livestock products) account for the bulk of consumption in India. food price rise (Figure 4). 8 Chapter 2: The Context and Conundrums of Contemporary Agriculture Figure 4: Contribution to food price rise (percent) Figure 5: Real Minimum Support Prices 50% 1000 40% 900 2004/05 Rupees/Quintal 30% 800 20% 700 10% 600 0% 500 -10% Grains Animal Pdts Conds/Spices Other food Milk F&V 400 300 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2011 2012 2013 (to Jul) Rice Wheat Source: Authors, using CSO data. Source: Authors, using DES, MOA data. Nevertheless, rising prices for food grains have proportion of whom are landless) and of been annoyingly persistent (2010 and 2011 are small-scale farmers (who are net buyers of food) exceptions). After 2011, food grains reemerged (Deaton 1989; Ivanic and Martin 2008, Ivanic, as the largest single contributor to the food Martin and Zaman 2011, Anderson, Ivanic and price rise, driven by the prices of cereals and Martin 2014).22 the sheer size of cereals’ continuing large share in the consumption basket. Real prices of Estimates of nutrient demand elasticities staples have been rising since the early 1990s. reaffirm the intuitive conviction that higher This trend seems to follow that of the real prices affect the nutrients consumed, possibly Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for rice and contributing to malnutrition as households wheat (Figure 5), which have been empirically (rural and urban) reduce calorie and protein shown to drive domestic prices for these cereals consumption through own and cross-price (Bathla 2011; Acharya et al. 2012). effects (Gaiha et al. 2012).23 Given that cereals contribute 64 and 54 percent of calories (Gaiha Farmers (the net-sellers) benefit from rising et al. 2012, using 2009/10 NSS data), an increase real prices, which translate directly to higher in the cereal price may reduce food intake as incomes. Food price increases driven by households struggle to meet expenses other support prices may be masking underlying than food (Deaton and Dreze 2009). National inefficiencies, however, as sluggish growth Sample Survey (NSS) data show that households in productivity (yields) may be driving up the are spending less of their incremental income costs of cultivation (cost per quintal), which 22 Using 2003-04 data, Rawal (2008) estimated 42 percent of in turn provide the rationale for pushing up rural households to be landless (that is, they own no land MSPs (Rao and Dev 2010). In any case, rising other than the homestead). 23 Gaiha et al. (2012), using NSS data, find price effects to prices can have significant consequences, have weakened over time from 1993-94 to 2009-10, but the particularly on the welfare of the poor (a large negative elasticities remain significant. 9 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  elationship between domestic and external wheat prices in surplus producing areas, 2005 Figure 6: R Rs./MT (left panel) and distortion in agricultural incentives (right panel) 16 0.6 14 Real 2005 Thousnd Rupees/MT 0.4 12 0.2 10 0 8 -0.2 6 -0.4 4 -0.6 2 -0.8 0 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Domestic Price Import Parity Export Parity NRA Agric. RRA Source: Authors, using Anderson and Nelgen (2012) database. Note: RRA = Relative Rate of Assistance; NRA = Nominal Rate of Assistance. on food and more on durable goods and services Trade Policy and Cereal Prices (health and education). India’s trade policies have been unstable It is understandable that real prices of food but restrictive (Gulati, Jain, and Hoda 2013), other than cereals would rise with rising so export-led prices have not been a factor incomes and demand, but the recent sharp in the rise in food prices.24 The government upward trend in cereal prices is puzzling, has periodically banned trade in staples (rice especially because per capita cereal and wheat) other than aromatic rice, most consumption is falling, cereal production is recently between 2008 and 2011. The extent growing steadily (notwithstanding the annual of protection is demonstrated by the limited fluctuations caused by adverse weather), and transmission of global price volatility to Indian food stocks remain at all-time highs. Analysts markets (Imai, Gaiha, and Thapa 2008; Rajmal have raised questions about the irony of and Misra 2009; Dasgupta, Dubey, and Satish amassing large food grain stocks when prices 2011). Gouel, Gautam and Martin 2014) find that of staples are high (Chand et al. 2010). Two Indian trade policies offset 94 percent of global sources of “leakage” from a purely domestic price volatility for wheat, confirming the great supply-demand regime could influence prices: insulation of Indian cereal markets. Figure 6 trade (through imports or exports, if external (left panel) shows the stability in domestic prices are higher than domestic prices) and wheat prices relative to global prices. stocks (through excessive diversion of grain 24 On the import side, oilseeds and pulses are major imports, into silos or ill-timed procurement/release which are likely transmitting global prices to domestic prices operations). for these commodities. 10 Chapter 2: The Context and Conundrums of Contemporary Agriculture Despite trade restrictions, Indian prices have this study, but it is the subject of a separate tracked the long-term trend in global prices, but ongoing technical study (Gouel, Gautam and without the short-term volatility (GOI 2013b). Martin 2014). India has also generally maintained domestic prices between import and export parity More good news for farmers comes with the prices, making commercial trade economically shift away from a bias against agriculture unviable in most years (Figure 6). This (implicit tax) in domestic incentives toward alignment of domestic and external prices has a more supportive regime, as indicated by been achieved as a managed policy rather than the trend in the Relative Rate of Assistance to a market- or trade-determined outcome, with agriculture (Figure 6, right panel) (Pursell, Gulati the government using the global price trend as and Gupta 2009, Anderson and Nelgen 2012). a key determinant of MSPs (Acharya et al. 2012). The implicit taxation of agriculture observed in the 1970s–90s has steadily improved to As noted, farmers benefit from cereal prices a more neutral and often more favorable that appear globally competitive but do not (subsidy) regime in the 2000s. Other than the experience the volatility of global prices. The explicit output price policy, the farmers are two policies—trade and MSP-driven storage also benefiting more significantly through (discussed later)—are inconsistent, however, input subsidies and other forms of support, as in the sense that the restrictive trade policy reflected in the positive and rising Nominal pushes prices down (favoring consumers), while Rate Assistance (NRA) for agriculture since the the MSP-based storage policy effectively creates late 1990s. The gross subsidy equivalent of this a floor price (favoring farmers). Despite prices assistance amounts to 30–40 percent of the total being competitive, produce cannot find its value of agricultural production, indicating way out to external markets, so national cereal the significance of subsidies to agriculture stocks are ballooning, because the government apart from the border distortions (which seem is obligated to buy whatever farmers have to relatively minor) indicated by the difference in offer—at least in the traditional, politically domestic and global prices. influential grain-basket states. As might be expected, bulging food stocks entail a Food Grain Management and significant budgetary cost for the government (GOI 2013a). This experience is not unique to Food Prices India; the United States, European Union, and In principle, stock operations should be an Australia have faced identical situations. In infra-marginal transfer; as such, they should not those instances, governments with open-ended be a cause for food price increase. In practice in public procurement systems and large food India, however, stock-management appears to stocks subsequently either abandoned their be suboptimal (Basu 2011).25 programs or adopted alternative mechanisms with significant added costs to reduce the 25 The government is obligated to buy at the MSP. Procurement remains biased in favor of the traditional “grain baskets” in pressure to buy (such as acreage set-aside the country, but there is no defined, rules-based “release” schemes). Finding viable and more cost-effective policy, effectively making it very inefficient and cumbersome to release stocks when necessary—whether to release options for managing food grains is clearly a excessive stocks or to moderate rising prices, as the case priority. Such analysis is beyond the scope of may be. 11 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 7: Cereal trade, procurement, and food price index, 1988–2012 20 0.4 Net Procurement; Net Exports (Million Tons) 15 0.3 Relative Food Price Rise (%) 10 0.2 5 0.1 0 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 -5 -0.1 -10 -0.2 Net Procurement Net Exports Food Prices Relative to All Commodities (%) -15 -0.3 Source: Authors, using DES, MOA, and UN COMTRADE data. Figure 7 depicts net exports (exports less The impact of public grain management imports) of the main cereals (rice and wheat) operations can also be gauged by the sheer and net procurement (procurement less magnitude of the current level of stocks and the offtake by various programs such as the Public share of procurement in total production. In Distribution System). The figure also shows 2013, stocks peaked (in June) at over 77 million the extent to which food prices (Food Articles tons, almost two and half times the highest Index) deviate from the overall Wholesale Price established norm of 32 million tons (for (All Commodities) Index. Net exports and food midyear). As a share of production, government prices show no obvious correlation, but net procurement has increased steadily over time procurement and price changes increasingly (Annex 2, Figure A.2.3). Government procurement appear to coincide beginning in the early 1990s. now represents 32 percent of the rice and Simple statistical tests confirm that after 1995, 46 percent of the wheat produced in the country, stock operations are correlated with food prices which amounts to 42 percent of the marketed (the association with exports is not statistically surplus for rice and 66 percent of the marketed significant), suggesting that procurement in surplus for wheat, effectively dominating and excess of releases and sales is diverting grain influencing these markets. Given the scale of from the market to already overflowing silos.26 intervention, MSP has effectively become the floor price in the major producing areas, with 26 Other than the large exports in 2012, when the most recent the rising real MSP pushing up the cost of basic ban was lifted, notable exports were in the early 2000s when staples and adding to upward price pressures. the previous ban (1996–2000) was lifted. Those exports were triggered by subsidized stock releases (Below Poverty Line prices) for direct exports (Ganesh-Kumar et al. 2010). The situation in the early 2000s was also an outcome of excessive stock accumulation during the previous ban of 1996–2000. Rising Real Rural Wages Net procurement, on the other hand, was lowest in 2002/03 owing to the severe drought at the time (though stocks From a poverty perspective, the good news (at continued to be released for exports). least in the short run) is that the immediate 12 Chapter 2: The Context and Conundrums of Contemporary Agriculture negative consequences of higher food prices (for exports and the rapidly emerging domestic have been compensated by rising real wages. poultry industry), and soybeans (for exports of Jacoby (2013) finds that nominal wages for soy de-oiled cake as animal feed). manual labor (within and outside) agriculture have responded elastically to higher food prices, These developments aside, the overall production with wages rising faster in rural districts that structure of the sector has changed relatively saw greater increases in crop prices between slowly (Annex 2, Figure A.2.4), with the main 2004 and 2009. Wage adjustments helped to cereals (rice and wheat) continuing to dominate protect the welfare of the poor, apparently more the area allocation. The slow transformation, effectively than the Public Distribution System. even in the face of strong growth in demand Gulati, Jain, and Saltija (2013) find that real (for example, for horticultural commodities), wages have risen over the long term, growing at reflects the incentives facing farmers. The price a consistent and more rapid pace in the 1990s policy, specifically the MSPs for rice and wheat, than in the 2000s, despite the much-debated has been highly successful, inducing a supply impact of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural response for cereals by keeping prices high, Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA). After while trade and storage policies have been falling in the early part of the decade since equally successful in stabilizing prices (at least in 2000, real wages rose sharply after 2006/07 and the major grain-basket areas for these crops). The resumed their long-term upward trend. The resulting low risk-return ratio for cereals creates study also finds that while MNREGA does put strong incentives for farmers to emphasize upward pressure on wages, the “pull” factors cereals in their crop portfolios—as reflected in associated with growth (GDP, agricultural GDP, area allocation—rather than venturing into crops or construction-GDP) are much more significant that offer relatively higher returns but also face factors driving wages.27 relatively greater market price risks. Rising real prices are good news for farmers Persistent Questions about the (who are net-sellers of food) and rising real Sustainability of Growth wages for those engaged in wage labor (on and off the farm), but both trends have implications The discussion above suggests that the for the sustainability of the ensuing growth. constraints to growth appear to be less binding The critical question is whether the changed on the demand side. Consumer incomes and incentives afforded by rising real output prices habits appear to be driving the demand for high- are accompanied by growth in agricultural value agricultural commodities and, ironically, productivity. Rising real wages have potential public procurement maintains a steady source implications for employment both on and of absorption (even as consumer demand is off the farm, as they are likely to induce shrinking) for cereals. A combination of domestic greater mechanization on the farm and more industrial demand as well as export demand has capital intensity off the farm. Understanding driven specific “green shoots” in the economy, developments in the underlying productivity such as cotton (for exports and textiles), maize (total as well as factor) is important to assess whether they are underpinned by a sustainable, 27 Gulati, Jain, and Saltija (2013) find that MNREGA does have a significant impact on wages, but the broader growth “pull” virtuous circle of growth—as the next chapters factors are 4–6 times more effective in raising incomes. will attempt to discern. 13 Temporal Trends in 3 Agricultural Output and Productivity Evolution of Agricultural Growth usual—is more complicated. Indian agriculture has seen a series of significant transformations. Large annual fluctuations in agricultural The green revolution (in cereal production) growth in India are a direct outcome of variable was succeeded by the white revolution (in milk rainfall, as over 60 percent of cultivated area is production) and the more recent “rainbow” still rainfed (Figure 8). The long-term average revolution (in high-value production of fruits growth of just under 3.0 percent has improved and vegetables) as the demand patterns shifted almost imperceptibly over the past six decades with rising incomes in the rest of the economy. (see the linear trend in the figure), although Agriculture also felt the effects of the broader the reduced dispersion in recent years suggests economic reforms of the early 1990s and the increased stability. agricultural policy reforms of the mid-1990s. The outcomes of those reforms continue to be This rather bleak picture raises questions about debated.28 the prospects for agricultural growth to increase shared prosperity, yet the underlying story—as More nuanced analyses of temporal and spatial patterns of growth illuminate the major factors Figure 8: Agricultural Growth Rate, 1952–2012 behind agriculture’s varied performance and 20 help to identify the appropriate policy levers. Chand and Parappurathu (2012) use decadal 15 trend growth rates to analyze performance 10 28 Agricultural trade liberalization has been debated for a 5 long time in India (see Chand and Bajar 2012). One school of thought (the so-called “trade liberalization proponents”) 0 views trade restrictions as a major constraint to growth and diversification, associated with a significant opportunity cost in terms of potential export earnings (for example, see Gulati -5 et al. 2012; Ganesh-Kumar and Parikh 1998).Trade is also viewed as a better option for ensuring domestic supply and -10 price stability (Jha and Srinivasan 1999). The other school of thought is more skeptical of gains from trade, arguing that -15 international prices are highly distorted, do not represent the 1952 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 opportunity cost of resources, and are much more volatile -20 than may be desirable. Hence the proponents of this view Annual Growth Rate Linear (Annual Growth Rate) argue for “strategic openness” rather than full liberalization and promote reliance on buffer stocks rather than trade to Source: Authors, using CSO data. ensure stable prices (Chand 2003a, Chand and Bajar 2012). 15 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  emporal performance of Indian agriculture GDP: Trend growth rate and growth volatility for Figure 9: T decades ending 1960/61 to 2012/13 4.0% 10% 9% 3.5% 8% 3.0% 7% 2.5% 6% 2.0% 5% 4% 1.5% 3% 1.0% 2% 0.5% 1% 0.0% 0% 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Trend Growth Rate (Left Axis) Growth Volatility (Right Axis) Source:  Authors using CSO data, following Chand and Parappurathu’s (2012) approach for trend growth rates. over time. Figure 9 shows how growth evolved Based on statistically estimated endogenous since 1950. The solid line represents the trend break points, Chand and Parappurathu (2012) growth rates in agricultural GDP for each of identify six distinct periods of performance the 10-year periods ending in 1960/61–2012/13. (Table 1). After the initial decline into the 1960s, The dashed line indicates the change in which led to the concerted policy push for volatility of growth (standard deviation of the green revolution, the late 1960s to early growth for the same 10-year periods). When 1970s saw the initial green revolution results. the noise associated with annual fluctuations Sustained growth followed through the 1980s in production is filtered out, distinct episodes as the green revolution technology spread to of varying performance become apparent. other parts of the country. The early 1990s were Volatility increased until 1980 and then declined a period of diversification, with growth rates markedly. Growth remained stubbornly below reaching their highest levels of just over 3.5 the 4 percent target throughout but reached percent. A prolonged slowdown followed from its highest level in the most recent period. about 1996/97 to 2004/05. Growth remained The high growth rate of about 7.9 in 2010/11 positive throughout but slowed progressively to followed by 3.9 percent in 2011/12 brought the a low of 2 percent. trend rate to the high of 3.6 percent reached in the mid-1990s, but slower growth of 1.9 percent This deceleration has been cited as an for 2012/13 has kept the target out of reach. outcome of the general neglect of agriculture 16 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity Table 1: Sectoral Trend Growth Rates by Period (%/yr) PGR EGR WTD DIV PR REC (1960/61– (1968/69– (1975/76– (1988/89– (1995/96– (2004/05– Sector 1968/69) 1975/76 1988/89) 1995/96) 2004/05) 2010/11) Agric. and Allied Activities 1.03 1.98 2.42 3.24 2.35 3.31 Agriculture* 0.70 1.93 2.71 3.21 2.30 3.37 Crops (VOP) 1.11 1.90 2.56 2.64 1.88 3.01 Livestock (VOP) 0.40 2.69 4.89 4.12 3.43 4.29 Forestry and Logging 3.70 2.01 -1.77 0.74 2.05 2.25 Fishery 3.91 4.19 3.45 7.37 3.28 4.42 Nonagriculture 4.90 3.67 5.23 5.91 7.05 9.68 All sectors 3.19 2.99 4.25 5.14 5.95 8.57 Sources: Chand and Parappurathu 2012. Notes: The original table by the authors is based on data to 2010/11. The growth rate given in the text is slightly higher, as it is based on data to 2011/12. PGR = Pre-green revolution period (1960/61–1968/69); EGR = early green revolution period (1968/69–1975/76); WTD = period of wider technology dissemination (1975/76–1988/89); DIV = period of diversification (1988/89–1995/96); PR = post-reform period (1995/96–2004/05); and REC = period of recovery (2004/05–2010/11). that occurred as policy shifted attention the last (recovery) period appears equally away from agriculture in favor of the faster- widespread, with historically high growth rates growing secondary and tertiary sectors. in fruits, vegetables, fiber crops (primarily Because the deceleration coincided with the cotton), and pulses. At the same time, overall general economic reforms of the 1990s and growth in the value of output of the crop the agricultural reforms initiated in earnest sector remains modest at about 3 percent. around 1994, the reforms are also generally The value of output in the livestock sector has perceived to have had a significant adverse grown significantly faster than crops through impact on the sector (reflected in also Chand all phases since the 1970s. Although it too and Parappurathu’s classification of these years experienced a slowdown between 1995/96 and as the “post-reform period”). The most recent 2004/05, it fared much better. period (2004/05–2011/12) shows a marked return to growth of about 3.5 percent per annum. A number of explanations are forwarded in the literature for the performance of Indian Subsector and crop-specific growth rates agriculture, especially the deceleration after follow these broad trends, with some notable almost two decades of sustained expansion exceptions, indicating that the slowdown in (Chand, Raju, and Pande 2007; GOI 2007). But the post-reform period was widespread (Chand two sets of fundamental questions remain and Parappurathu 2012).29 The rebound during (and were raised by policy makers during consultations for this study) about the causes of 29 Bhalla and Singh (2001, 2010) provided earlier accounts of the slowdown and the post-2004/05 recovery: the deceleration. Notable exceptions to the general trends included high growth rates of soybeans in the 1980s and 1. What were the main factors behind the 1990s, rapid growth in maize during the period of slowdown, and the very high growth rates for cotton after 2004/05. slowdown? Was it the reforms of the 17 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth 1990s, contrary to what proponents of the long run, their immediate role in the post- reform expected? Is the post-2004/05 reform slowdown is less obvious. They do not rebound just a result of good weather, explain the seemingly discrete downward or is it a robust and sustainable move shift in the trend growth rate in agriculture toward a different growth trajectory? starting in 1997, or what seems to be the equally decisive turnaround in 2005 (both are 2. Digging deeper into the drivers of visually obvious, without any formal statistical growth, how has technology driven tests). For example, private investment in performance in agriculture? Has the groundwater has been the major driver of policy framework been supportive of irrigation, now accounting for almost two-thirds growth, given the vigorous debates on of all irrigated area. Capital formation data various aspects of agricultural policy? show that private investment actually went up Most importantly, what are the strategic prior to and during the post-reform slowdown implications for the sector and for (Figure 10). Public investment rose significantly India’s broader development strategy? after 2003/04 and likely played a role in the recovery after 2004/05, but no obvious trigger is The first set of questions is addressed in the apparent from the pre-1997 trend. remainder of this section; the second set will be addressed in subsequent sections. Given the Similarly, despite rising wages and farmer’s limitations of specific analytical tools and the perceptions of increasing costs of cultivation data available, it is important to highlight that (Rao and Dev 2010), agricultural terms of the analysis presented here does not provide trade provide no explanation for the sudden definitive answers, but rather adds new and downturn in 1997 (Figure 11). Terms of trade rigorous findings to promote discussion and improved for agriculture from the mid-1980s perhaps stimulate further investigation to better inform policy and development debates. Gross fixed capital formation in Figure 10:  agriculture Why Did Growth Stagnate from 140 Rs. Thousand Crores (2004/05) 1997 to 2005? 120 Several explanations have been forwarded 100 for the growth slowdown between 1997 and 80 2005. They include slow generation of new technologies, poor dissemination of existing 60 ones, weak and inefficient institutions, poor 40 governance, and perhaps most critically the 20 inadequate investment in public goods, as the fiscal space was crowded out by the provision of 0 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 private goods. While these determinants of agricultural Public Sector Private Sector Total productivity and growth are important over Source: Authors, using CSO data. 18 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity Figure 11: Agriculture terms of trade growth after the reforms were introduced. The 140 possible roles of rainfall and policy reforms 130 in the slowdown are explored in greater 120 detail next. 110 100 Rainfall shocks and productivity 90 growth 80 70 To what extent can rainfall shocks explain 60 changes in productivity growth, especially 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 the deceleration of 1997–2005? The answer to this question is important because it has Source: Authors, using RBI online database. implications for policy and for strategic Note: Derived as Ag. All. Act. GDP deflator/Total GDP Deflator. tradeoffs, for example between investments to mitigate sustained rainfall shocks (as may to about 2000 and seemed to have followed the be expected with climate change) versus slowdown rather than precede it. investments to adapt to large but idiosyncratic shocks. Two factors that may help understand the growth deceleration are rainfall and policy For example, investments to mitigate sustained reforms. Virtually all analyses of Indian shocks would need to focus on safeguarding agriculture recognize the importance of and economizing the use of scarce “water rainfall for agricultural performance, but stocks” to deal with sequential droughts, temporal or cyclical rainfall patterns have not calling for more sustainable irrigation options been sufficiently analyzed for their potential (such as more efficient irrigation techniques, to explain growth patterns in agriculture. policies to promote water use efficiency, water And although the performance of agriculture harvesting, and so forth), developing better following the reforms of the 1990s continues technological solutions (such as crop varieties to be debated,30 Kumar and Jain (2012) doubt for rainfed ecologies and the diversification that policy reforms can explain the slowdown, of crops and farming systems), as well as considering that growth has rebounded after diversifying and transforming sources of 2004/05 with no major policy change. It is livelihoods. Adapting to large but idiosyncratic plausible that the agricultural sector went shocks would involve better ex-post coping through an adjustment when the reforms mechanisms, including efficient markets to were first introduced, or that the agricultural ensure smoother flows of food to affected areas, programs initiated during the Eleventh Five safety net programs, and smarter agricultural Year Plan (around 2004/05) have contributed to insurance mechanisms. In reality, both sets the subsequent growth. It is thus important to of options are necessary, but it is important explore which factors were most likely to have contributed to the slowdown in agricultural strike an informed strategic balance between the two, especially given the increasing need to 30 See Chand and Parappurathu (2012); Gulati et al. (2013); deal with changing and unpredictable climatic Chand and Bajar (2012). cycles and events. 19 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth A district-level picture of productivity sustained decline in growth rates between 1997 and rainfall between 1970 and 2007 and 2004 was unusual.34 As expected, rainfall anomalies explain the deviations from trend Given the heterogeneity of India’s agroecological in agricultural production and productivity.35 environments and especially the variability in Figure 12 depicts the correlation between large rainfall across those environments, disaggregated negative rainfall shocks and the prolonged data can provide a more credible analysis and stagnation in productivity growth between better insights than national averages or and 1999 and 2004; it also shows the correlation trends. Kshirsagar and Gautam (2013) use district between surges in productivity and favorable data on production and rainfall to develop a rainfall in 1988–90 and 1993–97.36 Aside from picture of aggregate agricultural productivity.31 influencing productivity, rainfall has an even Their analysis finds a reasonably convincing larger influence on deviations in total production association between growth and deviations in as households adjust the area they plant in rainfall from the long-term rainfall trend, which response to rainfall deviations. These impacts provides additional insights into the observed on productivity also help explain the decline growth episodes. in real wages between 1999 and 2004 noted by Lanjouw and Murgai (2008) and Gulati, Jain, and Agricultural productivity—measured here Saltija (2013). as the real value of agricultural production per hectare—grew by 2.5 percent on average between 1970 and 1996. The value of The varied incidence and impact of production and productivity between 1997 sustained rainfall shocks between 1970 and 2004 declined in parallel with GDP. As and 2007 discussed, agricultural productivity began Cereal crops are better able to withstand to recover after 2004 at a steady but slow rainfall shocks than noncereal crops,37 so risk- 1.9 percent up to 2007.32 All crops showed averse households often respond by favoring significant fluctuations in productivity around cereals in their crop portfolios (Annex 3, trend, but the productivity of crops other than Figure A.3.4). Cereals may be the less risky cereals proved more volatile. 34 Kshirsagar and Gautam’s analysis used data from 1970 The fluctuations in productivity occurring onward. Extending the analysis back into the 1960s shows around 2000 were not unprecedented,33 but the the relationship between the severe rainfall shock of the 1960s and the widespread famines experienced then. 35 Anomalies are defined as percentage deviations from the 31 The data are from the district database compiled by ICRISAT period average. and NCAP. Data for consistent dynamic analysis are available 36 The data used in Figure 12 are for the 207 districts that for 1970–2007 and for 297 “original” rural districts (districts have complete data on annual rainfall levels, area and existing in 1970). Subsequent divisions of districts and states production in the ICRISAT/NCAP district database. The are mapped to these original administrative units. These data estimated district rainfall anomalies bear a very close cover about 88 percent of the aggregate cereal production, relationship with anomalies estimated using the national- providing a reasonably representative picture at the national level aggregate monsoon rainfall data from the Indian level. See ICRISAT (2013) for a detailed description of the data. Meteorological Department, as shown in Annex 3, Figure 32 The data are relatively more consistent and reliable for A.3.1. The deviations in production and productivity using all cereals than for noncereals. Cereal productivity increased at 297 districts also show a very similar association with rainfall 3 percent per year between 1970 and 1996, and at 2.5 percent anomalies from the national aggregate monsoon rainfall data over the longer period from 1970 to 2007. from IMD, shown in Annex 3, Figure A.3.2. 33 Deep declines occurred in the early 1970s and in 1979, and 37 Figure A.3.3 in Annex 3 shows relatively larger deviations in less severe declines occurred in the late 1980s. the productivity of noncereal crops. 20 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity Figure 12: Relationship between agricultural productivity and rainfall 20 10 Percent Deviation (%) 0 -10 -20 -30 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Aggregate Rainfall Anomaly (%) Trend-Deviation in Real Ag. Production Trend-Deviation in Cropped Area Trend-Deviation in Real Ag. Productivity Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. choice, but they are less remunerative than districts.38 One explanation is that rainfall noncereal crops, so producers’ incomes grow shocks are idiosyncratic. Another may be that more slowly. irrigation in some districts compensates for rainfall deficits. Over the long run, evidence The consequences of these rainfall shocks shows that districts in the Semi-Arid Temperate are thus significant—in total production as Zone are generally less vulnerable to rainfall well as in the relative differences between shocks.39 Even so, the districts that experienced cereal and noncereal crops. District data after the most severe rainfall shocks between 2007 are not available, but rainfall anomalies 2000 and 2007 were not those with greater from the longer rainfall time series (discussed vulnerability to rainfall shocks over the long later) show that rainfall was below average in term, namely districts in the Arid or Semi-Arid 2008–12, with 2009 being an exceptionally dry year. Rainfall risk may be partly contributing 38 Kshirsagar and Gautam (2013) estimate rainfall sensitivity using dynamic regressions for districts with a minimum of to the sluggish supply response in noncereal 25 years of observations—277 districts (out of a total of 297). crops, amplifying the upward pressure on Of those 277 districts, 121 emerged as “rainfall-dependent,” confirming that districts are not equally affected by their prices. rainfall shocks. 39 The zones are grouped into the four broad agro-ecological classifications developed by ICRISAT. Most districts in Uttar There is considerable variation in the Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana are grouped with the Semi- sensitivity of productivity to rainfall across Arid Temperate Zone. 21 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  istribution of rainfall shocks across Figure 13: D the post-reform period, sustained rainfall zones, 2000–07 scarcity depleted the water available for canals, Humid tanks, and dug wells, slowing their importance Semi-Arid Temperate as sources of irrigation. The reliance on Semi-Arid Tropical groundwater, via tubewells, was a relatively Arid more important source of irrigation expansion -50 0 50 in this period. Over time, however, this growth Rainfall Anomaly (%) slowed, probably as the potential to install new tubewells diminished or existing tubewells Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. went out of commission as groundwater was depleted. The only source of irrigation that Tropical Zones (Figure 13). Semi-arid temperate shows a spike in growth is “other sources”— districts, which are relatively less vulnerable most likely streams and rivers, as in hilly and more productive on average, were the Himachal Pradesh. worst hit. Given the magnitude and the succession of negative rainfall anomalies over Three questions raised by recent six years, the cumulative aggregate impact on agricultural productivity was large. rainfall anomalies The district analysis of rainfall anomalies The severity of sustained rainfall deficits is between 1970 and 2007 raises three questions. also evident in patterns of change in irrigation. First, how do the rainfall anomalies in that Figure 14 shows the expansion in irrigated period compare to rainfall patterns over a acreage by source from 1970 and 2006. During much longer period? Second, are the 1970–2007 Figure 14: Growth in irrigated area by source 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% NIA_CANAL NIA_TANK NIA_TUBE WELL NIA_WELL NIA_OTHER NIA_TOTAL SOURCE -4% -6% -8% 1971-1987 1987-1997 1997-2003 2003-2008 Source: Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. 22 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity Figure 15: Historical rainfall patterns, 1901–2010 Distribution of anomalies between and across decades Average anomalies across decades 20 5 Mean Rainfall Anomaly (%) Mean Rainfall Anomaly (%) 10 0 0 -10 -5 -20 -30 -10 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Source: Calculations based on Monsoon (June–September) national rainfall data from IMD. Note: The left panel describes the distribution of rainfall anomalies. The white line in the rectangle shows the decade median. The ends of the rectangles indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, and the bars at the end the lines are the 5th and 95th percentiles. The right panel describes the mean decadal rainfall. anomalies nationally representative? Finally, anomalies (defined as anomalies above +5 what has happened since 2007? Homogenous percent). Instead, the decade had three years (consistent) rainfall data (totals from June to of exceptionally low rainfall: 2004 (fourteenth September) from the India Meteorological lowest), 2002 (sixth lowest), and 2009 (second Department (IMD) at the national level, from lowest). Finally, the anomalies that explained 1901 to the end of 2010, help to answer those the stagnation in agricultural productivity questions. of the early 2000s, analyzed in the previous section, appear to be representative of The long-term rainfall patterns, over the national patterns. 110 years for which data are available, do not show a secular monotonic pattern Mechanisms for coping with the risk of (Figure 15). From the 1900s to 1950s, India rainfall shocks saw a sustained increase in rainfall, with the three decades from the 1930s to the 1950s The trends presented here raise important experiencing above-average rainfall. The 1950s policy issues that are beyond the scope of this ushered in a long-term decline. The most study, but clearly mechanisms to mitigate unfavorable rainfall patterns—with historic the impacts of rainfall shocks as well as to lows in average rainfall—occurred from 2000 permit better and faster adjustment will to 2009. The median anomalies in the 2000s be critical in the future. It will be vital to are comparable to those in some earlier quantify the costs and benefits from adopting decades, but unlike other decades, the 2000s alternative ex ante risk-mitigation strategies (for saw no years with substantial positive rainfall example, sustainable irrigation, percolation 23 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth tanks, and other strategies) and ex post risk- anomalies in any given year (Figure 16).42 The sharing strategies (such as regulatory changes average sensitivity of districts to a 1 percent that engender greater trade across districts, increase in the rainfall anomaly is 0.82 states, and countries). One advantage of percentage points, with considerable variation risk mitigation policies is that they directly across the districts. At the low end (25th address entitlement risk. In contrast, ex percentile), sensitivity is 0.5, while at the high post risk-sharing strategies rely more on end (the 75th percentile) it is 1.2. This suggests well-functioning markets and/or national potential for risk sharing across districts in a and local governance systems for successful given year, which may be more cost-efficient implementation.40 than (or in addition to) risk sharing across time. Risk sharing across districts is implemented Given that rainfall anomalies exhibit temporal more effectively when local prices reflect local dependence, and given the growing evidence (relative) shortages or surpluses, and it requires of a relationship between ENSO cycles and a smoothly functioning market system. anomalous monsoon patterns in India, an Early Warning System could be very effective. Such Rainfall shocks and the impact of policy a system would provide input to extension reforms, revisited services to advise farmers on crop allocation and input use contingent on expected rainfall. The findings above could be refined in several Consequently, programs that include the ways, but the influential role of rainfall shocks establishment of drought management during the 1997–2004 productivity stagnation systems and measures to reduce the reliance is quite apparent. It is worth noting that on rainfed agriculture are urgently needed and weather shocks have not featured sufficiently have a larger Net Present Value than may be in discussions on the long-term performance expected.41 of India’s agricultural sector. Given that successive rainfall shocks followed soon after In addition to ex ante strategies to mitigate the policy reforms, it is crucial to revisit the risk, ex post strategies will remain essential. question of the reforms’ impact on agricultural Rainfall shocks are correlated across districts, performance. One approach is to use time-series but with significant dispersion in rainfall data on monsoon rainfall and aggregate data on agricultural GDP to simulate agricultural growth rates that might have prevailed had 40 Basu (2011) makes a compelling case for the more efficient distribution of food grains using direct transfers that rainfall been normal for the entire period take advantage of technological advances (smart cards, biometric identification). This approach would address food security concerns while also (potentially) incentivizing agricultural production and improving the functioning of 42 The standard deviation for the entire sample of grain markets. 10,546 annual (district-year) rainfall observations is 41 A first step in any such cost-benefit analysis—one in which 697.6 millimeters, the between standard deviation (deviation the government has invested significant resources (see http:// of the district means from the overall mean) is 598 www.indiawaterportal.org/taxonomy/3/Aquifer-Mapping)—is millimeters (297 observations), and the within standard to map all aquifers. This information will make it possible to deviation (deviation of the observations from the district quantify the relationship between rainfall and groundwater mean) is 340.8 millimeters (average of 35.5 observations levels under alternative modes of irrigation and farming, per district). Although some of these “observations” were thus making it possible to value (and prioritize) returns to inferred using interpolation, it is still clear that considerable prospective water and irrigation investments. rainfall variation is present both within and across districts. 24 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity Figure 16: Distribution of rainfall anomalies across districts and years 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 -100 -50 0 50 100 Rainfall Anomaly (%) Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. (1961 to 2010).43 The actual and counterfactual What is remarkable about the trends is the growth rates for agricultural GDP are averaged sharp deviation between the actual and over rolling 10-year periods, and the decadal counterfactual trends starting just after the mid- averages are plotted in Figure 17.44 The latent 1990s, following the agricultural sector reforms long-term growth trends are highlighted using a (which in turn followed the general reforms polynomial trend for each time series. implemented in 1991). Assuming normal rainfall, with all else remaining the same, the simulated growth trend shows a significantly 43 Time-series data on aggregate agricultural GDP from 1950/51 and monsoon rainfall data from 1900 onward from IMD are different trajectory than the actual observed used to estimate the impact of rainfall on agricultural GDP growth rate.45 It more dramatically highlights growth. Using the estimated parameters, a counterfactual scenario of zero rainfall anomaly (normal rainfall) is the significant impact of the green revolution estimated for each year. in the 1960s and 1970s. The counterfactual 44 The dynamic growth regression explains about 61 percent of the variation. Note also that the regression does not scenario further suggests that growth after completely eliminate the impact of rainfall but does the mid-1990s may possibly have been higher account for a significant part of it. Furthermore, the general equilibrium effects are not accounted for, especially for the early years when the Indian economy was much more 45 Had the anomalies been just random annual events, as in the susceptible to rainfall shocks, given the more significant earlier years, the two trends would have followed each other downstream linkages of agriculture with other sectors. in a parallel fashion. 25 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 17: Ten-year average agricultural GDP growth rates (actual and counterfactual scenarios) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 -1 Observed Growth Rate Counterfactual with no rainfall anomalies Source: Authors, using CSO and IMD data. than the historical trend, improving upon the on Climate Change suggest that precipitation sustained expansion observed in the 1980s may likely increase for South Asia but also that and early 1990s. Thus, contrary to general spatial and inter-annual variability will intensify perceptions, there is little evidence to suggest (IPCC 2013).46 Over the short and medium term, that the policy reforms in the 1990s had a the more immediate need will be to tackle the significant adverse impact on agriculture, as shifting trend in weather anomalies, with the may be inferred from the observed growth 2000s being the worst period for anomalies in trend. More optimistically, it is tempting to the past century (see Figure 15). In this context, infer that had rainfall cooperated, the reforms the 1997–2005 growth slowdown heavily could have ushered in the intended structural underscores the urgency of addressing critical change, as is often ascribed to the broader policy issues in anticipation of the highly reforms in the aggregate economy. uncertain outcomes of climate change: [[ The need to improve resilience as the Implications of Findings likelihood of cyclical and random rainfall shocks increases, by: The implications of these findings are more ƒƒ Improving the management and significant than the hypothesized impacts efficient use of water resources, of economic reforms. They dramatically illustrate the importance of mitigating the impacts of sustained weather shocks and the 46 The high degree of variability in the predicted patterns of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, the dominant mode of the changing climate. The very long term (100-year) predicted precipitation variability, provides low confidence in predictions by the Intergovernmental Panel the predictions of outcomes. 26 Chapter 3: Temporal Trends in Agricultural Output and Productivity while promoting investments in sharing across states and districts in sustainable irrigation to weather- response to clear market signals. proof agriculture. [[ The need to diversify and stabilize ƒƒ Promoting public and private sources of income (outside the crop investment, as well as greater sector), both on-farm (through livestock) openness, in introducing suitable and off-farm (through productive technology to mitigate and nonfarm employment). potentially adapt to climate variability. [[ The need to improve the effectiveness of safety net programs such as the Public [[ The importance of improved markets Distribution System. and marketing to allow real-time risk 27 Spatial Heterogeneity: 4 Performance at the Subnational Level N ational averages provide an aggregate of the variation in productivity is explained by picture of progress, but Figure 18 shows district-specific factors (which subsume state why a deeper analysis at the subnational factors). Clearly, substantial local effects would level is essential to understand the variation in be missed by focusing only on the national or productivity and identify constraints to growth. even the state level. The time trend (measure of long-term average growth) alone provides a limited explanation District-level analysis has other advantages. It for variations in productivity for cereal crops. helps to reveal how broad-based growth is, as Rainfall and agro-ecological zone indicators well as the drivers of differential performance explain more of the variation, but their across geographical areas—drivers such explanatory power is still limited (34 percent). as access to technology, exogenous agro- State-specific factors make a substantial ecological conditions, the lack of economic difference, highlighting the key role of state or physical infrastructure, human capital, policy and institutions. Another substantial part governance, and other variables. After a brief review of agricultural growth at the state level, the main analysis in this chapter will  actors explaining variation in Figure 18: F productivity of cereal crops concentrate on the performance of agriculture at the district level. 100 90 80 70 Agricultural Growth across States 60 50 Over the long run, agriculture has performed 40 very differently across states (Table 2). Long- 30 term aggregate trends, however, mask 20 10 important structural shifts at the state level. 0 Structural transformation appears to have started in some states, and convergence appears a. Trend b. a+Rainfall c. b+AEZ specific d. b+State specific e. d+AEZ specific f. c+District specific to have started in some state economies (Binswanger-Mkhize and D’Souza 2011). Source: Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. Breaking down agricultural performance Note: AEZ = agro-ecological zone. by time period throws light on whether 29 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table 2:  Trend growth in Net State Domestic Product, 2004/05–2012/13 (at 2004/2005 prices) Low (<2.0%) Medium (2-4%) High (>4%) State TGR State TGR State TGR Keralaa -1.2 Uttar Pradesh 2.2 Gujarat a 4.0 Himachal Pradesh 0.4 Uttarakhand 2.4 Maharashtra 4.3 Punjab 1.3 Odisha 3.2 Andhra Pradesh 4.7 West Bengal 1.9 Tamil Nadu 3.4 Karnataka 5.1 Assam 3.8 Jharkhand 5.3 Bihar 3.8 Rajasthana 5.5 Haryana 3.9 Chhattisgarh 6.0 Madhya Pradesh 6.1 Source:  Authors, using National Accounts Statistics, CSO, as on August 1, 2013. Note:  TGR = trend growth rate. a Based on data from 2004/05 to 2011/12. Figure 19: State agriculture growth rates by time period, 1980/81–2011/12 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Gujarat Orissa Bihar Madhya Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Assam Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Kerala Karnataka Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Haryana Rajahthan Punjab West Bengal Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Uttarakhand -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 1980/81-92/93 1992/93-99/00 1999/00-04/05 2004/05-11/12 Linear (1980/81-92/93) Linear (2004/05-11/12 Source: Authors, using CSO data on state GDP. growth rates across states are converging.47 appear in Figure 19. Focusing attention on the Growth rates for the major agricultural states first and last period, which better represent pre- and post-reform performance and avoid the 47 Central Statistical Organization (CSO) estimates of State Agriculture GDP are used to calculate trend growth rates confounding effects of rainfall in the slowdown in four time periods. The GDP series are available in real period, it is clear that many of the previously prices corresponding to four base periods: 1981/82, 1992/93, 1999/2000, and 2004/05. The growth rates are estimated laggard states are participating more fully in for each period using the time series denominated to the relevant base year, assuming that the weights used to derive the growth process. The trend lines by period the series within each period are most appropriate. show that wide differences in performance 30 Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level across states in the 1980s and early 1990s have Real value of agricultural output per Figure 20:  disappeared after 2004/05, demonstrating a shift hectare, 2005–07 toward convergence. In other words, growth has become more inclusive across states. Chhattisgarh Rajasthan Odisha Madhya Pradesh Individually, many of the LIS have performed Bihar better since 2004/05, with growth rates Karnataka Maharashtra significantly above the base trend line in Assam Kerala Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Jharkhand Rajasthan. Of the relatively new states created Uttar Pradesh Gujrat from previous LIS in 1990, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand Himachal Pradesh Chhattisgarh have experienced impressive Andhra Pradesh growth in the last period. On the other hand, West Bengal Tamil Nadu growth has gradually slowed in previously good Haryana Punjab performers (Punjab and West Bengal) and in Kerala. Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh recorded 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100000 phenomenal performance between 1999 and Vale of Total Agricultural Ouput per Hectare (Rs.), TE 2007 2005, which has subsequently slowed. (Vertical Line: National Average) The drivers of growth have differed for Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. each state, but some commonalities have emerged. The highlights are the importance of Productivity changes by district, Figure 21:  diversification into high-value agriculture and 1990–2007 specialty crops. Examples include Bt cotton in Gujarat and Maharashtra, soybeans in Madhya Pradesh, maize and horticulture in Bihar, and horticulture in some southern states. Productivity Changes at the District Level Figure 20 depicts the variation in productivity across districts, based on Kumar and Jain’s Source: Estimates of district-level productivity from (2012) estimates.48 Despite some clustering, Kumar and Jain 2012. Note: TE = triennium ending. there is significant variation within states and agro-ecological zones. Low productivity is common in arid parts of West India and the Figure 21 shows the range of productivity relatively remote interior districts. and changes in productivity between 1990–92 and 2006–08. The districts are arranged in increasing level of productivity in the base 48 Kumar and Jain (2012) estimate crop productivity (value of production per hectare) for 388 districts using triennial year. The level of productivity varies widely averages ending in 1991–92, 2001–02, and 2007–08. across districts, being 50 times higher in the 31 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 22: Changes in inter-district equality (Gini Coefficient), 1991–2007 TE 1991 TE 2007 All-India TE 1991 All-India TE 2007 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Chhattisgarh Bihar Assam UP MP Odisha Uttarakhand Jharkhand Rajasthan Punjab HP Gujarat Kerala West Bengal Haryana AP Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Karnataka LIS Non-LIS Source: Authors, using estimates from Kumar and Jain 2012. most productive district compared to the least show less variability but had more modest productive district.49 Changes in productivity growth rates. over time at the district level also vary, but the trend lines show fairly consistent, broad Even within states there is considerable inter- patterns over time. district variability (see Annex 4, Table A.4.1). The coefficient of variation across all districts Districts that were more productive in 1990–91 in India was 58.3 percent in TE 1991, experienced higher growth throughout the increasing slightly to 60 percent in TE 2001 1990s. After 2000, however, districts at the before declining to 56.9 in TE 2007. The Gini lower end of the productivity spectrum grew coefficient shows the same trend, with minor faster. Despite those advances, large differences changes in equality over time (Figure 22). persist. The relative rankings are largely One distinct pattern that emerges is that the preserved over time. LIS have typically seen an increase in cross- district inequality (with the notable exception Variability has increased at the two extremes of Odisha), whereas the other states, also of the productivity scale. At the lower end, previously more productive and diverse, have some districts experienced greater growth seen a decline.50 In other words, as growth than their peers, whereas some of the increases in selected districts within the LIS, more productive districts performed poorly inequality increases as well. In the more compared to the others, recording lower advanced agricultural states, the previously productivity in 2007 relative to 1990. A vast lagging districts appear to be catching up, majority of the districts in the middle range indicating convergence. 50 Punjab is an exception among non-LIS with low inequality 49 Productivity ranged from Rs. 2,068 per hectare in Barmer across districts, indicating more uniformly high productivity District of Rajasthan to Rs. 107,376 in Karnal District of levels across districts starting in 1991, which appears to have Haryana in the Triennium Ending (TE) 2007–08. been maintained through time. 32 Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level Dynamics of Agricultural rainfall than their faster-growing counterparts, Productivity at the District Level suggesting that policy rather than exogenous factors may be more important in addressing The unusual slowdown in Indian agriculture inequalities in agricultural productivity from the late 1990s to mid-2000s, with its between districts. close relation to unusual rainfall patterns, clouds the analysis of agricultural performance The second key issue addressed by the analysis and its likely drivers between 1990 and 2008. is which policy drivers are consistent with To obtain more robust results, Kshirsagar improvements in agricultural productivity at and Gautam (2013) extend the period of the district level. Even in districts previously the district-level analysis to start from 1970 characterized by low cereal yields, the main onward. They address two key issues.51 First, driver of productivity has been irrigation has agricultural growth been geographically and the associated adoption of seed-fertilizer inclusive? The evidence suggests that the technology.52 The analysis supporting these modest sectoral growth over the period was findings is presented in the sections that not shared across districts. Instead agricultural follow. productivity differences between districts increased between the 1970s and 2000s. It is important to note that while the focus Despite the spread of technology (the green of this analysis is agricultural productivity, revolution technology), data suggest only mild inevitably there will be some districts (as well as convergence. A few districts are “catching areas within districts) with few or no prospects up,” while a substantial number are falling for irrigation. Given their agro-ecological further behind despite positive but low endowments (their rainfall, soils, and so on), levels of growth. Addressing this imbalance the scope for productive agriculture may be remains central to achieve broad-based growth. limited. Development strategies thus need to Importantly, the evidence shows that “laggard” be tailored to specific locations, and in some districts are not at a disadvantage because of areas agriculture (or certain types of agriculture, rainfall levels. On average they received more such as cereal production) may not be viable. Livelihood options outside agriculture will be 51 The analysis uses the district-level database compiled by essential for sustainable poverty reduction in ICRISAT and NCAP. Kumar and Jain (2012) use a subset of that such areas. database in their analysis. The data are from 1970 to 2008 for 19 major agricultural states. The districts and states created through splits and divisions are mapped to the original districts as they existed in the 1960s (the “apportioned data”). These original administrative districts (and states) 52 Some caveats should be noted. First, the analysis is based on are used in the analysis. Data on output and area are most econometric estimations using both district and year fixed reliable for cereals and a few other crops. For reliability effects. Nevertheless, regardless of the technique employed, the analysis focusses on cereals, but consistency checks it is not possible to control for all unobservable time-varying are made with productivity across all crops. The broader factors. Second, all measures of agricultural productivity are measure is an approximation based on available prices. Only volatile (partly due to weather, but also likely measurement districts with data for the complete period of analysis are error). For these reasons, decade averages are used for retained, totalling 297 of the 317 districts in the database. some of the analysis, but econometric analysis uses yearly These districts accounted for 78 percent of aggregate cereal data. The analysis is based on district aggregates and not production in 2005–07. Kshirsagar and Gautam (2012) show individual household-level responses. As such, inferences that the data provide a very good approximation of long-term about household behavioral responses will be subject to the trends as well as inter-annual fluctuations in the aggregate ecological fallacy (Freedman 2001; Freedman, Pisani, and performance of agriculture in India. Purves 2007). 33 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth District performance by growth Table 3:  District growth typologies typology Low growth High growth (<100%) (>100%) The distribution of yields has become more dispersed over time.53 The progressive Low yields Laggard Low yield/growth “flattening” of the distribution curve (yields (<1.25 MT) across districts) seen in Figure 23 means that High yields High yield/stable High yield/ over time more districts have experienced (>1.25 MT) growth productivity growth, with a larger shift in the Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. 1970s and 1980s than in the 1990s. Note: “Growth” is defined as percent change in average yields from the 1970s to 2000s. The “high-yield” cutoff is Although more districts have experienced the 75th percentile in the 1970s. productivity growth, not all districts have participated. A significant number seem to be performance (Table 3).54 This helps distinguish stuck at low productivity levels. To identify between districts that show slow growth but the drivers of productivity growth, districts do not necessarily have low productivity—for are categorized by long-run growth typologies, example, districts that were more advanced to based on initial conditions and subsequent begin with and likely closer to the prevailing technological frontier, with perhaps fewer  istribution of yields across districts by Figure 23: D prospects of increasing growth in productivity.55 decade 1.5 Figure 24 shows the magnitudes of changes in productivity by decade and typology. As 1 Density noted, most of the analysis here is based on .5 cereal productivity; it mirrors the performance based on the broader agricultural productivity 0 measure (including other crops) providing 0 1 2 3 4 5 confidence that the findings are robust (see Decade Average Cereal Yield (MT/Ha) Annex 4, Figure A.4.2, for the broader measure 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-2007 of productivity). Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. 54 Using a short-run growth typology provides qualitatively 53 For three reasons, levels and changes in cereal yields are similar findings. used for most of the analysis to characterize district-level 55 An alternative typology considered for this study sought to agricultural performance. First, at the district level, historical exploit the more intuitive rainfed-irrigated categorization output data on fruits, vegetables, and spices are not available, of agriculture, using the proportion of area in a district making it difficult to estimate yields or value changes over that is irrigated. The analysis using that kind of typology is time. Results for states that rely heavily on these crops (such complicated by the fact that irrigation development is not as Kerala) will thus be biased downwards. Second, prices for static; irrigated area can change rapidly over time in many many (noncereal) products are unavailable at the district districts (see Annex 4, Table A.4.2). Another consideration (or state) level for many years. Using prices from only a few is that additional irrigation development may be less of a years will likely introduce other biases in the analysis. Third, priority in areas endowed with good rainfall. Some of the the data for cereal yields closely match aggregate cereal highly irrigated districts are located in the “arid” zone, while data used by the GOI, FAO, and the World Development a number of districts with little or no irrigation are in the Indicators. Nevertheless, consistency checks are made with “humid” zone, with nontrivial productivity trends, as shown the broader productivity measure, as discussed later. in Annex 4, Figure A.4.1. 34 Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level Figure 24: Long-run productivity typology of districts based on cereal yields 4 Cereal Yield (MT/ha) 3 2 1 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013.  ispersion of districts by agricultural productivity typology Figure 25: D 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% OR AS MH BH MP GJ RJ KT TN HP WB UP KE AP PB HR Low Yield - Stable High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth High Yield - Growth Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Figure 25 maps the districts by growth Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal), typology. Except for some districts in Central accounting for 62 percent of the low-yield/ India, Gujarat, and West Bengal, most of the growth districts. On the other hand, those productivity growth has been concentrated states had just 32 percent of all low-yield in northern and southern districts. Table districts in the 1970s. In contrast, Assam, 4 more clearly shows the distribution of Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and districts by typology and state. Of the districts Odisha had a disproportionately large fraction with initially low yields (225 of the total of districts that failed to raise productivity 297 districts), less than half had doubled appreciably over three decades despite very productivity by the 2000s. Of these, 86 low productivity in the 1970s. percent were from just five states. Within states, in only four were the vast majority The analysis by growth typology provides a of districts doing well (Andhra Pradesh, number of key insights into the patterns and 35 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table 4:  District growth typologies by state (long run, 1970–2007) High yield/ High yield/ Low yield/ Low yield/ State growth stable growth stable Total Andhra Pradesh 5 2 12 1 20 Assam 0 0 0 10 10 Bihar 0 3 0 8 11 Gujarat 0 0 7 11 18 Haryana 2 1 4 0 7 Himachal Pradesh 0 7 0 2 9 Karnataka 0 11 1 7 19 Kerala 0 9 0 1 10 Madhya Pradesh 0 0 16 27 43 Maharashtra 0 4 2 19 25 Odisha 0 0 0 13 13 Punjab 1 10 0 0 11 Rajasthan 0 0 14 12 26 Tamil Nadu 1 7 0 4 12 Uttar Pradesh 3 3 37 5 48 West Bengal 1 2 10 2 15 Total 13 59 103 122 297 Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Figure 26: Share of cereal area planted to high-yielding varieties 1 .8 HYV Share .6 .4 .2 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. sources of productivity growth across districts. have now diffused widely. Use of HYVs grew First, improved seeds alone do not prove to be a significantly in the laggard districts, sufficient driver of growth. High-yielding varieties yet no corresponding productivity (HYVs) were more commonly planted in the improvement occurred (Figure 26). Given high-yield districts in the 1970s at the start the rapid rate of adoption across all types of the green revolution, but improved seeds of districts, HYVs do not offer a sufficient 36 Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level Figure 27: Irrigation intensity across district typologies by decade .8 Irrigation Intensity .6 .4 .2 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Figure 28: Fertilizer intensity across district typologies by decade Fertllizer Intensity (Kg/ha) 300 200 100 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. explanation for the differences in productivity a convincing explanation. On average, high- and growth.56 low-yield districts where productivity increased most received less rainfall on average, and in Second, agro-ecological conditions alone also do not fact suffered greater negative anomalies in the sufficiently account for the disparities in productivity 2000s relative to their more stable counterparts among districts. A little over half of the low-yield (Annex 4, Figures A.4.3 and A.4.4). districts in the Semi-Arid Tropical Zone did not experience significant growth—but one-third Irrigation and fertilizer set the growth districts apart did. Similarly, a majority of low-yield districts in from the others. High-yield districts had better the Temperate Zone saw yields grow, yet almost irrigation to begin with (Figure 27), but a key one-quarter did not (Annex 4, Table A.4.3). Third, difference between the growth and stable rainfall patterns and anomalies also do not provide districts is the growth in irrigation intensity, 56 This finding needs to be examined at a lower level of especially in the low-yield/growth districts. aggregation (using household or plot-level data). There may Fertilizer use has also grown much faster in be substantial differences in the efficacy of HYV seed, or the varieties that are available may not be suited to the agro- the growth districts, likely influenced by ecological conditions in particular districts. irrigation (Figure 28). 37 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth An analysis of growth typology by the through the use of tanks. The high-yield/ dynamics of irrigation confirms the strong growth districts initially had a large area association of irrigation in the growth under canal irrigation (in absolute terms and districts and provides additional insights relative to other districts), but their share in (see Annex 4, Table A.4.4). The majority of area irrigated has declined consistently in each the growth districts are concentrated in subsequent decade. high-irrigation districts or those that have developed irrigation over time.57 However, One of two key questions posed earlier was the degree there are important exceptions. About one- to which growth has been inclusive. The fact that third of the high-yield/stable districts had low more districts are participating in growth irrigation and still have low irrigation. Almost may suggest convergence across districts. But all of these are in the “humid” zone, either despite the growth in the laggard districts, in the coastal areas or the ghats of Kerala, the difference between the laggards and Karnataka, and Maharashtra. At the same time, high performers is rising (Figure 29). Clearly, more than half of the laggard (low-yield/stable) convergence in cereal productivity across districts either had a high level of irrigation districts is modest and limited to a few districts. or developed irrigation capacity over time When the analysis included all crops for which but have not seen significant increases in data are available, not just cereals, the results cereal or overall productivity.58 Importantly, suggest divergence rather than convergence. a substantial number of districts (50 of 295, Except for a handful of districts where or about 30 percent) are in the laggard and productivity was initially very low, there is little low-irrigation category. They have developed evidence to support convergence (Annex 4, no significant irrigation capacity so far, and Figure A.4.6). The more advanced districts the micro-level data on their potential for appear to be distancing themselves from the irrigation development are not available. others. Changes in the mode of irrigation are also The persistence of a large number of revealing (Annex 4, Figure A.4.5). The use laggard districts, confirmed by the lack of of pumps and wells to extract groundwater convergence across districts, suggests a need increased consistently over the decades, with for more detailed assessments of their agro- extraordinary increases in the low-yield/growth ecological potential. In some districts, or districts. Irrigation intensity in laggard districts even in parts of districts, it is likely that the and high-yield/stable districts increased mostly natural environment may not be conducive for rapid productivity growth. Development 57 Districts are categorized in terms of their irrigation dynamics for this analysis. The “low” group is the set of districts that strategies thus need to be tailored to specific had a low level of irrigation (less than 25 percent cultivated locations, based on detailed analyses of the area) in the 1970s and continues to have low irrigation. The moderate/dynamic group comprises districts that had low or types of agricultural activities that may be moderate (25–50 percent area) levels of irrigation in 1970s viable. It is inevitable that in some locations, but have since increased irrigated area. The “high” group has had a high level of irrigation (more than 50 percent area) sustainable income growth and poverty since the 1970s. reduction objectives may be better served by 58 Some level of crop diversification (toward high-value crops such as horticultural crops) is evident in all districts, but has supporting avenues toward livelihoods outside been the highest in low-yield/growth districts. of agriculture. 38 Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level  hanges in district agricultural productivity Figure 29: C 5 4 Avg. Cereal Yield : 2000s 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 Avg. Cereal Yield : 1970s Fitted Values High-Yield Growth High-Yield Stable Low-Yield Growth Low-Yield Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Drivers of productivity growth of new technology and nontraditional crops in driving productivity and growth. Productivity can grow through intensification or through switching to crops that are more Data for indicators that explain productivity productive (in value per hectare). Area changes changes are limited. Despite poor quality and show some shifts, but no obvious patterns missing data for different years and districts, emerge across district types (Annex 4, Table the main changes observed are presented A.4.6). The area under cereals has declined only marginally. Most cropped area remains under in Table 5. cereals in all types of districts, and cereal area is still highest in the high-yield/stable group, the Markets per capita have declined in low-yield original green revolution strongholds. While districts relative to the other districts. This the area under horticulture grew in all districts, change may represent a reduction in incentives it remains relatively lower in the low-yield for producers, constraining productivity districts, and the share of pulses and oilseeds growth. Road density was low in the early remains relatively higher. The low-yield/growth years in low-yield districts, but has since districts have departed from the laggards in grown faster than in the other districts. But that they have reduced their area under pulses the increased investment in infrastructure and switched to higher-value crops, including has not yet translated to productivity growth cotton, horticultural crops, and newer oilseeds in the laggard (low-yield and stable) districts. (soybeans)—clearly highlighting the importance Low-yield districts had relatively lower levels 39 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table 5:  Levels and changes in key indicators of changes in agricultural productivity High yield/growth High yield/stable Low yield/growth Low yield/stable % % % % Area share 1970s 2000s change 1970s 2000s change 1970s 2000s change 1970s 2000s change Markets/capita 0.02 0.02 -15.9 0.02 0.02 9.6 0.01 0.01 -20.1 0.02 0.01 -25.2 Road density 3.6 7.3 100.9 5.7 10.1 78.8 2.1 5.2 150.0 2.9 7.1 150.4 Fraction rural 0.79 0.71 -10.1 0.81 0.72 -11.3 0.82 0.76 -6.7 0.86 0.79 -7.6 Rural literacy 0.22 0.52 131.0 0.33 0.62 87.2 0.19 0.47 152.8 0.22 0.49 123.6 Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. of urbanization (higher fraction of rural reorienting investments to promote population) to begin with; they have seen growth in noncereal crops in low- slower change in this indicator, with the productivity areas. laggard districts at the greatest disadvantage. [[ Fertilizer shows a consistent impact on Finally, literacy levels have increased but cereal productivity across all districts, remain marginally low in the low-yield districts. but its impact on noncereal crops is limited, possibly reflecting their higher The descriptive analysis above is substantiated risk or inappropriate use. by econometric estimates of the determinants of productivity growth (Annex 4, Tables A.4.7– [[ Roads appear to have a greater impact A.4.10). In brief, increases in irrigation use appear in high-yield areas (across crops), to have driven productivity growth in districts confirming the importance of roads that had low yields in the 1970s, whereas growth for productivity growth. This result in the more mature districts was driven by a suggests that increased road density more balanced constellation of factors: (noted earlier) has not yet translated to productivity in low-yield areas, [[ Rainfall is a significant determinant (for calling attention to complementary all crops) in the low-yield districts, as is productivity-enhancing investments irrigation. The insignificance of rainfall which may be lacking. in high-yield districts reinforces the importance of irrigation in mitigating [[ To pick up the location-specific time- rainfall shocks—confirmed by the invariant factors, cross-sectional insignificance of rainfall in the high- regressions show high sensitivity of irrigation districts. At the same time, productivity to both mean rainfall rainfall’s significant impact in low- (location effects) and the variability in irrigation districts indicates quite clearly rainfall (risk). Analyses at a lower level that the potential payoffs to irrigation of aggregation are needed to uncover development in low-yield/low-irrigation causal mechanisms, but these findings districts are significant. Importantly, suggest that within states and agro- irrigation also drove productivity in ecological zones, weather risk has a noncereal crops in high-yield/growth detrimental impact on productivity an districts, implying a potential role for growth. 40 Chapter 4: Spatial Heterogeneity: Performance at the Subnational Level [[ Irrigation intensity and market districts increasing between 1970 and density have strong positive impacts 2007. The analysis, however, defies the on productivity, after accounting search for a “silver bullet.” For example, for rainfall and agro-ecological investment in roads alone has not yet diversity. But their influence becomes boosted the laggard districts, but it does statistically insignificant when state show significant impact in high-yield effects are introduced, suggesting high districts. Similarly technology alone has a correlation with state-level effects, not spurred growth. Complementary highlighting the important role of investments in irrigation and market state policies governing investments intensity show large impacts, and institutions as key drivers of importantly through diversification, productivity growth. distinguishing better performers from laggard districts. But the effectiveness of these instruments varies by state, Implications of the Subnational highlighting the critical importance Analysis of state policies governing institutions and investments to promote inclusive The main messages emerging from the analysis growth. of agricultural performance at the subnational level are: � Water and productivity. Districts that have increased productivity most � Policy reform, risk and agricultural rapidly since the 1970s did so with performance. Consistent with the significant increases in irrigation— previous finding that the policy mostly groundwater extraction—and reforms of the 1990s likely had a closely correlated adoption of HYVs stimulatory impact on productivity, and fertilizer. Groundwater extraction several previously laggard states have is already unsustainable in many parts significantly improved growth after of the country,59 rapidly reducing 2004–05 under relatively normal aquifers60 and threatening ecological rainfall. The slowing of growth in states sustainability.61 A direct link to energy that previously were highly productive is a cause for concern, however. These 59 While the design and implementation of a “rational water conclusions are reinforced by the policy” is a national priority—see, for example, Ahluwalia’s empirical importance of the detrimental (2011) discussion of such a policy in the context of India’s Twelfth Five Year Plan—several relevant actions involve state- impact of weather risk on productivity level decisions in a context in which inter-state externalities and long-term growth prospects for are large and a consensus is still emerging. 60 Confirmed in recent publications from the Groundwater agriculture. Board. See also Rodell, Velicogna, and Famiglietti (2009) on effects in Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan between 2002 � Promoting broad-based growth. Agricultural and 2008. productivity has grown unevenly across 61 M.S. Swaminathan has often referred to the use of subsidies for excessive groundwater abstraction for irrigation as districts—even within states and agro- ecological suicide or “ecocide.” See, for example, the ecological zones. A significant share interview reported in the Frontline magazine (Volume 17, Issue 11, May 27-June 9, 2000) accessible at: http://www. of districts did not participate fully frontline.in/navigation/?type=static&page=flonnet&rdurl=fl17 in growth, with disparities between 11/17110770.htm. 41 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth subsidies has also been shown by a good access to water (or have developed recent rigorous study (as discussed later). it over time), but they have not At the same time, mere availability of managed to improve their performance, water does not guarantee success. More pointing to other binding constraints to than half of the laggard districts have productivity growth. 42 5 Structural Change T he worrisome and growing gap in in the more labor-intensive manufacturing productivity between agricultural sector (Bosworth, Collins, and Virmani 2007; and nonagricultural workers—a key Bosworth and Collins 2008; Binswanger- indicator of economic well-being—traces Mkhize and D’Souza 2011; World Bank 2012a; back to the slow transition of labor out of GOI 2013a). The stylized process of structural agriculture. Large numbers of people remain transformation, in which labor exits from “stuck” in agriculture because growth and agriculture as an economy develops (Box 1), job creation have not been sufficiently rapid appears to be occurring more slowly in India Box 1: Structural transformation of economies Based on historical evidence, several distinct processes are associated with structural transformation of economies: (1) the share of agriculture in GDP declines, (2) the share of agriculture in employment declines, (3) rural–urban migration increases, (4) the service and manufacturing sectors grow rapidly, and (5) a demographic transition occurs with a reduction in population growth rates.a The final outcome of structural transformation is a state in which differences in labor productivity between the agricultural and nonagricultural sectors disappear. Growth in agricultural productivity is fundamental for structural transformation to proceed at a steady pace, because as growth in other sectors accelerates, agriculture’s share in GDP declines rapidly, yet the share of the population deriving a living from the agricultural sector declines more slowly. Income inequalities across sectors thus tend to widen initially with a concentration of poverty in agriculture. Eventually a turning point is reached, and labor productivities in the agricultural and nonagricultural sectors begin to converge.b For the turning point to occur, agricultural productivity must increase—partial (land and labor) but also total factor productivity. As structural transformation proceeds, labor will move out of agriculture, making it critical that the remaining resources become more productive to provide the food, savings, and investments for development of the nonagricultural sector. Unless that happens, inter-sectoral terms of trade can move in favor of agriculture, raising food prices, arresting transformation, and even threatening sociopolitical stability.c These insights from theory and historical experience are pertinent to India, which has experienced a strong movement in the terms of trade in favor of agriculture, less-than-desirable poverty reduction, and a disproportionate share of the labor force in agriculture despite the rapid economic growth of the past two decades.  Lele et al.2013, using Kuznets 1955, 1966; Chenery and Taylor 1968, Chenery et al 1974, Chenery and Syrquin Source: a 1975; Timmer 2009. b Lewis 1954; Johnston and Mellor 1961; Timmer 2009. c Kuznets 1955, 1966; Lewis 1954; Johnston and Mellor 1961; Lele and Mellor 1981; Mellor and Lele 1973. 43 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth than elsewhere (Hazell et al. 2011; Foster and countries.62 In 1961, condition in the three Rozensweig 2010). India’s transformation Asian countries were comparable. Since then, has also been characterized as “stunted” China and Indonesia have achieved more (Binswanger-Mkhize and D’Souza 2011), success in reducing poverty and hunger. Brazil with the exiting labor moving primarily was relatively more advanced from the start, into the rural nonfarm and informal sector and it has continued to perform well since. and becoming increasingly “casualized” India’s agricultural productivity growth has (World Bank 2010; Lanjouw and Murgai 2009, been slower than that of the other countries. Himanshu et al. 2010). How well have each of these countries done in agriculture to meet their development This atypical demographic transition places a challenges? Going forward, what are the heavy tax on rural well-being and prosperity. implications and priorities for policy and Agricultural labor productivity as a ratio of land investment in India? productivity has declined by almost 1 percent per year between 1980 and 2009. In other Divergent patterns of structural words, physical productivity growth (modest transformation as it is) has not commensurately improved the standard of living of those engaged in Building on earlier studies of structural agriculture. transformation, Lele et al. (2013) assess the agricultural performance of the four countries This chapter examines India’s structural against the background of an analysis of transformation. It compares India’s experience panel data for 109 developed and developing to that of other countries to identify issues countries between 1980 and 2009. The data for consideration as India moves forward. An reaffirm the stylized facts about structural equally useful aperture into structural change transformation and development. The shares in India comes from village-level analysis. A of value added and employment in agriculture longitudinal study provides insights into the decline as per capita incomes rise (albeit at development process in one of the poorest a decelerating rate). The total value added states, Bihar. in agriculture and value added per worker (a measure of labor productivity) increase with per capita income. Significantly, labor India’s Structural productivity rises faster when the developed Transformation in an countries are included in the analysis, but International Perspective it rises more slowly when only developing Lele et al. (2013) compare India’s performance 62 Brazil and Indonesia, each with populations of around 200 with that of three other large developing million or more, are rich in agricultural, forest, and other countries—Brazil, China, and Indonesia. natural resources, and they are already major exporters of food and agricultural products. China and India, each with Together the four countries (henceforth BIIC) a population exceeding one billion, cannot bring more contain 44 percent of the global population land under cultivation, and future agricultural growth is contingent on more efficient use of a limited natural and produce slightly more than one-third of resource base. The increasing scarcity of land and water are all cereals. All are rapidly growing emerging two particularly binding constraints. 44 Chapter 5: Structural Change Table 6:  Turning points for BIIC Per capita income, 2010 2004-08 growth rate 2009-10 growth rate Country (2000 US$) (Number of years needed) (Number of years needed) Brazil 4699.4 Already reached China 2425.5 4 5 India 822.8 23 21 Indonesia 1143.8 27 29 Source:  Lele et al. 2013. countries are included (88 total). This reach their respective turning points (Table 6).63 discrepancy may signal that the development The turning points are based on the per capita context is changing; as a result, today’s income in each country in 2010 and vary developing countries may find that raising according to the assumptions about growth labor productivity is now a more challenging rate of the per capita income. Based on recent task than it was for countries that developed in growth rates (2004–08), Brazil has passed its the past. turning point. China is almost there, thanks to rapid growth in agricultural value-added The gap between the share of value added despite having a higher share of its population originating in agriculture and the share of in agriculture than India. In contrast, India and employment in agriculture is an indicator for Indonesia will take longer to reach their turning the level and pace of structural transformation. points (about two decades for India and almost It reflects the degree of convergence in the per three for Indonesia). capita productivity and incomes of workers in agriculture and the rest of the economy. Overall, Asia seems to be behaving much An earlier study (Timmer and Akkus 2008) as Kuznets predicted, with increasing inter- found that rapidly growing economies (current sector duality in initial stages (Figure 30). developed countries) are reaching the turning Labor productivity grew much faster in the point (when labor productivities begin to nonagricultural sectors than in agriculture in converge across sectors) at increasingly later China. In Indonesia the difference increased stages in their structural transformation. The up to the time of the Asian financial crisis implication is that industry and services are but has since been stable. Nonagricultural finding it increasingly difficult to absorb labor labor productivity rose in India as well (but out of agriculture—a phenomenon that India less steeply than in China); India’s growth in too seems to be experiencing. agricultural labor productivity was relatively slower, and the gap has continued to widen. Using updated data and more detailed analysis, On the other hand, it declined continuously in Lele et al. (2013) find that different regions Brazil over the 1980–2009 study period, owing behave differently and in a much more complex fashion. For the sample of developing countries 63 Using an alternative specification of the annual fixed effects, they find that the turning points would be approximately a only, they estimate the number of years it will decade later than reported in Table 7, which is based on a take Brazil, India, Indonesia, and China to regression using decade fixed effects. 45 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  atio of value added per worker Figure 30: R Share of value added minus share of Figure 31:  (BIIC), nonagriculture/agriculture: employment in agriculture, residuals 1980–2009 (BIIC): 1980–2009 18 0.2 16 0.15 14 0.1 12 0.05 10 Residuals 8 0 2000 1980 1985 1990 1995 6 -0.05 2005 4 -0.1 2 -0.15 0 -0.2 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 -0.25 Brazil China India Indonesia Brazil China India Indonesia Source: Lele et al. 2013. Source: Lele et al. 2013. to a combination of very rapid growth of labor the pattern seen in the 88 developing countries productivity in agriculture (fastest among in the sample (Figure 31). Progress has slowed the BIICs) as well as a surprising decline in since about 2000, however, indicating that nonagricultural labor productivity. labor is not exiting agriculture as fast as agriculture’s share of value added is falling. The share of the labor force in agriculture China and Brazil are outliers, reflecting their also shows divergent patterns across the four trends in labor shares, while Indonesia has countries. China is an outlier, in that it appears remained stable and close to the cross-country to be losing agricultural labor much more average. slowly than predicted by the cross-country experience. Brazil is an outlier in the other Although China retained a large percentage direction, shedding labor much more rapidly of workers in agriculture (concerns about than predicted. India and Indonesia behave data on China’s agricultural labor force like other developing countries. The share of notwithstanding),64 it is clear that rapid growth agricultural value added has also been close to in agriculture has led to substantial gains in the model predictions for India and Indonesia, valued added per worker in China. Growth in whereas agriculture in China and Brazil has labor productivity is lower in China than in grown rapidly and retained a significantly larger Brazil, but it is substantially higher than in share of the overall economy compared to the India and Indonesia. Sluggish growth in India’s other developing countries. agricultural productivity, despite a lower share of the labor force in agriculture, has meant that India’s progress on structural transformation— India’s agricultural population has seen less measured as the difference between 64 There is an ongoing debate about the quality of the labor agriculture’s shares of value added and the data on China. Some have argued that labor in agriculture is overall labor force—has been consistent with significantly less than reported. 46 Chapter 5: Structural Change Figure 32: Decomposition of output growth, BIIC, over the long and short run Long Run: 1960-2009 Short Run: 2000-2009 5.0% 8.0% 4.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.2% 2.0% 3.0% 1.5% 4.0% 3.7% 2.0% 1.2% 2.1% 2.0% 2.8% 1.0% 0.0% Brazil China Indonesia India 0.0% -2.0% Brazil China Indonesia India -1.0% -4.0% Irrig New land Input/Area TFP Irrig New land Input/Area TFP Source: Authors, using data from Fuglie 2012. improvement in its standard of living relative indicating significantly improved efficiency in to China.65 the use of inputs. TFP growth has been slowest in India, though with some improvement in The role of total factor productivity the recent decade. And in significant contrast to India, Brazil’s input use has declined, while for Even if labor is slow to exit from agriculture China and Indonesia the contribution of inputs in India, labor productivity could still be made to output growth has been virtually nil. to rise—as it has in China—by increasing land productivity or using inputs more Productivity growth (net of inputs) can be efficiently. Figure 32 shows sources of growth enhanced through higher yields (better in agricultural output for each country over technology) or diversification into higher-value the long (1960–2009) and short (2000–09) runs. crops. Brazil diversified heavily into soybeans Land-abundant Brazil and Indonesia expanded and livestock, for example, and Indonesia agricultural area more than India and China. into oil palm. China diversified significantly, China has intensified input use over the with a rapid expansion in livestock and high- long run, whereas India relied on inputs and value fruits and vegetables. India has started irrigation to increase output. In Brazil, China, to diversify, but agriculture remains heavily and Indonesia, total factor productivity (TFP)—a concentrated in food grains. Yields of wheat, comprehensive measure of how effectively sugarcane, fruits, and vegetables have grown inputs are used in production—has been the relatively well since the 1980s, but yields of primary source of growth in agricultural output, other crops are significantly lower than in the other three countries. 65 Agricultural terms of trade in all three Asian countries show similar trends since 1980, indicating that shifts in terms of trade alone do not explain the significantly better How do TFP growth rates compare across BIIC performance in living standards in China. From 1980 to the mid-1990s, Brazil saw a rapid decline from very high terms of and selected regions? India’s performance was trade in favor of agriculture, which have since stabilized. comparable to that of Brazil, Indonesia, and 47 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth China to about 1980 (Figure 33). Yet despite the China’s industrial reforms in the early 1990s benefits of the green revolution, the long-run sustained the TFP boost from the earlier more TFP growth has been lower in India than in the fundamental reforms of the 1980s, enabling other countries and regions—except for sub- labor to move out of agriculture to help Saharan Africa (as a whole). raise labor productivity. Continuous capital investment and technical change sustained Nin-Pratt, Yu and Fan (2009) analyze the output per worker in addition to promoting contribution of technical change and efficiency further growth in agriculture. In India, after the in explaining TFP growth in India and China initial boost of technology in the 1970s reversed between 1961 to 2006 (Figure 34). Their the declining TFP of the 1960s, growth has been findings provide an insightful comparison of sustained, but comparatively slow, with much each country’s respective pre- and post-reform slower movement of workers out of agriculture. performance (using 1980 as the reform cut-off for China and 1991 for India). They reiterate the While the impact of policy reforms in India was widely recognized importance of a conducive likely stifled by rainfall shocks as previously policy environment for efficiency and growth. highlighted, the role of the current agricultural policy environment nevertheless remains Both countries benefited from positive technical important. How important this may be is change through the green revolution, irrespective demonstrated by an independent comparative of economic reforms, underscoring the critical role assessment of the policy environment provided of technology in driving productivity. But with by the World Economic Forum’s Global more fundamental institutional reforms, the Competitiveness Index (GCI). One component of movement of workers into rural enterprises the GCI is an index on Agricultural Policy Costs (small manufacturing), fiscal decentralization, (APC), which is a window on the views of global and the steady introduction of market and national economic and business leaders. Of incentives through consistent and sustained 142 countries surveyed for the APC, India ranks reforms, Chinese agriculture has become much 79th, just below the median for all countries more efficient. and significantly below Brazil, Indonesia, and  FP growth in BIIC and selected Figure 33: T Drivers of TFP, India and China, Figure 34:  regions 1961–2006 330 4 3.4 SSA AM ERICA, North 3 280 2.5 Indonesia 2 MENA 0.3 1 0.2 230 1.1 0.9 China 0 Brazil Pre-reform Post-reform Post-reform -1 Pre-reform 0.2 180 India -3.8 -2 China -0.6 India 130 -3 -4 -2.7 80 -5 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2009 Technical Change Technical Efficiency TFP Source: Authors, using data from Fuglie 2012. Source: Based on data from Nin-Pratt, Yu and Fan 2009. 48 Chapter 5: Structural Change The World Economic Forum’s Global Figure 35:  and tested strategy for promoting growth. Competitiveness Index Brazil, India, and China all invested heavily 6 in technology and research. They are among Agricultural Policy Cost Index, 1 to 7 (best) 5.5 the largest investors in public research, from 5 which they have benefited significantly. China 4.5 India’s rank: 79 out of 142 has made sustained and substantially more investments, and its investments have also 4 been more effective. Despite operating in a 3.5 different environment, Brazil has also invested 3 heavily and very effectively in technology. 2.5 Through Embrapa66 (its national research 2 organization) and farmer-led innovation, Brazil has emerged as a global leader in agricultural India Brazil China Indonesia exports (Rada and Valdes 2012). Technology has been pivotal in Indonesia as well. Even Source: World Economic Forum 2012. though its domestic research has not been as productive as that of the other countries, China in terms of the policy environment for Indonesia benefited from a policy of open trade, agriculture (Figure 35). The big difference in enabling imported technology from Malaysia rankings helps explain the significant difference to unleash extraordinary development in palm in efficiency as a driver of productivity, oil production and processing (Rada and Fuglie discussed earlier. 2012). Diversification. A second major driver of Drivers of growth in the growth in productivity was the diversification comparator countries: Implications of agriculture, both for domestic and export for India markets, supported by appropriate technology, The comparator countries differ significantly policy, and institutional capital. Brazil, in their physical endowments and political and Indonesia, and China all benefited significantly institutional systems, but they offer valuable more than India from openness in trade. India, perspectives on Indian agriculture. The “small- driven primarily by food security, has only scale and efficient” experiences of China and recently and slowly started to diversify out Indonesia are more suitable to India than the of cereals. China and Brazil diversified out of “large-scale, mechanized, and efficient” model cereals and into livestock; Brazil and Indonesia of Brazil, but important insights emerge for moved heavily into the production and export both environments. of soybeans and palm oil—all major sources of growth. Investment in technology. The first—and perhaps most important—factor driving Enabling policy environment. China productivity in all four countries, irrespective of and Brazil have a more predictable overall the policy environment, has been technology. Investing in technology is a globally proven 66 Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. 49 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth enabling policy environment for agriculture, 2009–11 with three rounds of panel surveys in with a strong record of implementation 36 villages of Bihar—among the poorest and and continuous innovation in public sector least-developed states in India. Socioeconomic management for agriculture and rural patterns shifted dramatically over that period, development. Major and fundamental reforms as the semi-feudal production relations long greatly increased TFP growth and are now associated with Bihar’s agriculture virtually promoting rapid gains in water-use efficiency disappeared. The number of attached laborers in Chinese agriculture. Total water use dropped and landlords has declined significantly, while sharply with diversification into less water- casual landless agricultural labor and numbers intensive crops and better technology. The of poor peasants have increased. High and greater openness of Brazil, Indonesia, and growing population pressure on limited land China has also paid significant dividends in has also led to an increase in the proportion of production efficiencies and diversification, as nonagricultural households and migration. well as better access to technology, whether from international public research systems, The challenges of structural transformation are other national public research organizations, more acute in Bihar relative to India as a whole. or the private sector (notably in relation to Agriculture’s share of GSDP is declining rapidly genetically modified crops). More efficient use (from 43 percent in 1980–81 to 18 percent in of scarce resources is the only way for India to 2009–10). The reduction in agricultural labor sustainably raise land and labor productivity. has been much slower, resulting in low labor Collectively, BIIC can benefit from technological productivity. These developments do not imply collaboration in developing and adapting stagnation, however. Land productivity has environmentally friendly and climate-smart changed considerably: Average yields rose at technologies for sustainable agricultural 2.5 percent per year for rice and 2.3 percent per growth. year for wheat. Within the state, diversification has distinct Change at the Micro Level: Insights regional patterns. For example, cereals continue from Village Studies to dominate in some districts (as in Rohtas), Perspectives on structural change at the micro and noncereal production is more prevalent in level provide insights to complement the others (as in Gaya, Nalanda, and Purnia). The macro-level analysis by pointing to the likely spread of new technology also shows significant impacts of policies and institutions on farmers’ regional differences. productivity and incomes. This section presents findings from a longitudinal study examining Another aspect of structural transformation structural changes at the village level. is the significant diversification in men’s occupations (Table 7). Only 27 percent of income now comes from agriculture (either from own Longitudinal analysis of change in 36 production or wage work in agriculture), and villages of Bihar only 37 percent of males classify agriculture as A longitudinal study by Rodgers and Sharma their primary occupation. Levels of migration (2011) spanned the period from 1981–83 to out of the village are high. Migration income 50 Chapter 5: Structural Change Table 7:  Distribution of income by source and caste, 2011 (%) Casual Own Wage All Nonagric. wage in Regular Caste/ agricultural work in agricultural own non-agric. employment Other community production agriculture income production sector income income Remittances Brahmin/ 32.7 0.2 33.0 10.5 0.5 13.1 23.0 20.0 Kayastha Bhumihar/ 24.8 0.1 24.9 6.1 0.3 19.6 13.7 35.4 Kshatriya Kurmi 19.0 1.9 20.8 12.8 1.9 27.3 25.1 12.0 Yadav 45.4 2.2 47.6 8.4 2.4 10.0 14.0 17.6 Koeri 13.1 0.6 13.7 50.3 0.2 3.1 6.2 26.5 OBC II 14.2 1.3 15.5 32.0 9.9 14.4 10.9 17.4 OBC I 20.5 7.7 28.3 9.7 10.1 7.0 11.8 33.1 SC/ST 11.8 9.2 21.0 4.3 18.0 6.9 16.7 33.0 Muslim 18.8 3.9 22.7 4.4 15.8 7.6 16.9 32.5 Total 22.3 4.2 26.5 10.7 8.2 10.6 16.0 28.0 Source:  Rodgers and Sharma 2013. Note:  SC/ST = scheduled castes and tribes. OBC = Other backward castes. is the largest share of household income all economic classes (Annex 5, Figure A.5.1). (at 28 percent, just above agriculture). At Even agricultural laborers derive only least initially, migration seems to have been 25 percent of their income from agriculture a response to the lack of opportunity in and 34 percent from remittances. Poor peasants local labor markets. Migration affects rural have similar sources of income, but they largely production systems by pushing up local wages, undertake nonagricultural production activities. promoting labor-saving cultivation techniques, The middle and big peasants have a higher and increasing the feminization of agricultural share of agricultural income. Even so, it is still labor markets. less than half their income. Income sources vary by caste (Table 7). The Implications of Observations at the highest share of income comes from agriculture for Yadav and Brahmin/Kayastha castes; it comes Micro Level from wage or other income for scheduled castes This study reveals that even villages in and tribes (SC/ST), and from nonagricultural poor and backward areas are experiencing production activities for Koeri and other significant changes. There is evidence of backward castes (OBC) II. Remittances are rising real incomes, increasing agricultural important for all, but especially for Bhumihar/ productivity, and significant benefits from Kshatriya, OBC I, SC/ST, and Muslims. agricultural diversification. Structural transformation has started, but a substantial Nonagricultural income, dominated by share of the population remains in agriculture, remittances, is the main source of income for with falling labor productivity. Bihar is 51 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth somewhat unusual in the role that migration These findings provide unique granularity to the has played in its development. Migration has macro perspective on structural transformation paid dividends, but Rodgers and Sharma (2011) at the national and international level. They raise concerns about its sustainability as an highlight the complexity of the development engine of continued growth. Nevertheless, the challenge and indicate the need for more person-land ratio is worsening, calling for more customized analysis to identify strategic rapid nonfarm and on-farm diversification of priorities at the local level, an issue addressed incomes. later in Section E of this report. 52 C. Sources of Agricultural Growth A s labor exits agriculture, increasing productivity is Total Factor Productivity (TFP), the productivity of the labor force which estimates the returns to the total input that stays behind becomes critical to mix used in production. Multiple sources of sustain inclusive growth and food security, data are used at different levels of aggregation with a progressively smaller agricultural labor to put together a comprehensive picture of force feeding a correspondingly growing productivity in Indian agriculture. nonagricultural population. When labor is leaving agriculture more slowly than The analyses are conducted at the (i) national desirable—as it is in India—increasing output level for the sector using data going back to becomes an even more important means the 1960s; (ii) at the state level using data of increasing labor productivity. Chapter 2 going back to the 1980s; (iii) at the individual established the critical role of weather— crop level using the aggregate state-level Cost sustained negative rainfall anomalies—in the of Cultivation data, derived from extensive slowdown in agricultural growth from the mid- annual surveys undertaken by the Ministry 1990s to mid-2000s. A key outstanding question of Agriculture; and (iv) at the household related to the subsequent recovery in growth level—both at the whole farm and individual is whether the drivers of growth changed crop level—using the NCAER-REDS database, qualitatively in the mid-2000s. Answering this which has unique panel data on over 4,000 question is important for assessing whether the households from across 17 states for the current growth episode can be sustained. years 1982, 1999, and 2007. These data help triangulate the main findings at different This section uses a number of analytical tools levels, using different data sources and and methodologies to dig deeper into the using different methodologies to provide a sources of agricultural productivity growth and comprehensive assessment from different identify key constraints. Productivity is broadly perspectives. The picture that emerges is thus defined as the total (real) value of output per a robust assessment of the current status of unit of input. A comprehensive measure of Indian agricultural productivity. 53 6 Growth Decomposition Changes in Subsector Contributions Contribution of subsectors to growth Figure 36:  in agricultural GDP The Indian National Accounts define the primary sector to include agriculture (crops and 100% 80% livestock), forestry and logging, and fisheries in 60% the category of Agriculture and Allied Activities (AAA), on which aggregate statistics are reported. Share 40% 20% AAA GDP grew at an annual average of 3 percent 0% (in 2004/05 constant rupees) between 1980/81 -20% and 2011/12. Agriculture more narrowly defined 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-07 Fish 4.46 5.92 4.03 5.92 6.44 4.02 as crops and livestock grew at an almost Forest 0.88 15.98 -2.3 -0.54 1.13 1.43 identical rate.67 Total GDP has grown much Livestock 11.04 4.45 34.36 37.03 27.26 29.12 Crop Sector 83.62 73.64 63.9 5758 65.17 65.43 faster, resulting in a rapid decline in agriculture’s share from 52 percent in 1950/51 to 37 percent Source:  National Accounts Statistics, CSO, in Kumar and in 1980/81 and 14.5 percent in 2011/12.68 The Jain 2012. structure of subsectoral growth has changed relatively little over time (Figure 36). Figure 37: Shares of crops in sectoral growth 100% Within the crops sector, growth is increasingly Others 80% Scane driven by growth in high-value commodities Vegs other than food grains, but the overall structure 60% Fruits of the sector in terms of area and value shares Sp&Cond has changed relatively slowly (Annex 6, 40% Pltn crps Fibres Table A.6.1). The contribution of high-value Oilseeds 20% fruits and vegetables to overall crop growth Pules rose dramatically, from 22 percent in the 0% Cereals 1980s to 54 percent in the 2000s (Birthal et al. 1980s 1990s 2000s -20% 2014) (Figure 37). Fibers also increased their contribution. Source: Birthal et al. 2014. 67 Between 1950–51 and 2011–12, the annual agricultural growth rate is estimated to be 2.6 percent. The current structure of the crops sector 68 Total GDP growth rate was on average 5.9 percent per year between 1980–81 and 20011–12. GDP growth in the 2000s suggests a misallocation of resources, as averaged 7.6 percent per year. reflected in the divergence of the share of 55 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  hare of value divided by share of area Figure 38: S Table 8: Growth in crop yields by crop type Crops/crop groups 1980s 1990s 2000s 8 Rice 3.15 1.21 1.42 1980s 1990s 2000s 7 Wheat 3.24 1.82 0.73 6 Maize 2.04 2.22 2.27 5 4 Gram 2.48 1.53 1.16 3 Arhar 0.07 0.13 0.94 2 Groundnut 1.74 1.34 1.76 1 Rapeseed and mustard 3.00 0.38 2.13 0 Soybeans 5.27 1.91 1.71 Rape&Mus O. Oilseeds Pltn Crops Sp. & Cond. Chickpea Soybean O. Fibres Wheat O. Cers Maize P’pea G’nut Cotton Fruits S’cane Rice Vegs. Cotton 4.21 -1.40 10.29 Sugarcane 0.21 0.79 0.59 Fruits -2.21 1.81 -1.48 Source: Authors, using data from Birthal et al. 2014. Vegetables -2.46 0.38 1.31 Source:  Birthal et al. 2014 area allocated to individual crops relative to their share in the total value of output. but yields of most crops have stagnated, with Traditional food grains and oilseeds contribute the notable exception of cotton (Table 8). proportionately less to value than the area they Growth thus seems to be rooted in rising prices, occupy (ratio less than 1), while the high-value rather than area or yields. crops contribute significantly more (Figure 38). High-value crops thus account for an increasing share of the value of agricultural output, but Components Driving the Value they do not occupy a correspondingly large of Crop Production share of cropped area. Food grains occupy about 65 percent of the cropped area and contribute Given the changes and uneven performance 41 percent to the value of production, whereas in agriculture over the past three decades horticultural crops contribute 27 percent to the (Chapter 2), it is important to analyze sources value and occupy 7 percent of cropped area. and patterns of growth. Using data from This pattern may reflect structural constraints 1980–81 to 2009–10, Birthal et al. (2014) or other distortions facing different crops. decompose the value of total crop production into contributions by area, yield, price, and Several crops saw impressive growth in the diversification.70 The data and methodology value of output.69 Area reallocation, especially are described in Annex 6. The 20 major starting from a low base, explains some growth, agricultural states used in the analysis are clustered into four regions—North, East, 69 High growth was recorded in cotton (10.7 percent annual 70 Increases in the gross value of output can be due to price growth in the 2000s) and soybeans (30 percent growth in increases of individual crops, increased output of each the 1980s, with continued growth of about 9 percent into crop, or a shift in the crop mix toward higher-value crops. the 2000s). Maize, chickpeas, and other oilseeds experienced Output is a product of area and yield. The fifth component growth at or above 5 percent in the 2000s. Plantation crops, (interaction; see Annex 6), represents the residual or fruits, and vegetables also had high growth rates in the 1990s unexplained change, but it is empirically insignificant so is and 2000s. not discussed here. 56 Chapter 6: Growth Decomposition Figure 39: Decomposition of growth in the crops sector 150 100 50 Millions 0 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 -50 Area Yield Price Diversification Interaction -100 Source: Birthal et al. 2014. West, and South, described in Annex 6 – and made a consistent, moderate contribution to regional decompositions are done to account growth throughout the study period—about for the effects of heterogeneity (for example, one-quarter of total growth, somewhat less than in resources, climate, infrastructure, and might be expected from a rapidly transforming institutions) on crop choice and outcomes.71 production structure. This picture is consistent with the observation that the broad structure Clear dynamics emerge at the national level, of agriculture has changed relatively little at along with worrying recent trends. The the national level. Shares of cereals and pulses dynamics of agricultural growth through the in output have declined somewhat (from distinct growth periods emerge clearly in the 42 percent in the 1980s to 37 percent in the decomposition of growth (Figure 39). Yields 2000s), and shares of horticultural crops have dominated growth until the mid-1990s, as green risen (from about 20 percent to 28 percent).72 revolution technology spread, supported by Rice and wheat maintained their shares in policies and investments promoting irrigation, production. The reduction in cereals was almost fertilizer, and HYVs. Diversification has also entirely in coarse cereals and pulses. 71 The East includes Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, and West The contribution of prices to growth increased Bengal; North includes Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, through the 1990s. Prices were the dominant Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh; West includes Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan; and South consists of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and 72 Soybeans and cotton gained shares over time but remain a Tamil Nadu. Data on other states were not available. relatively small part of aggregate output. 57 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth source of growth in the mid-1990s, coinciding The two worrying trends are the declining with significant increases in the MSPs for rice contribution of yields and the emergence of and wheat and favorable terms of trade for prices as the main driver of growth toward the agriculture. end of the 2000s. In 2010, 55 percent of the increase in the real value of output resulted As seen in Chapter 2, growth slowed sharply from price increases. Yield and diversification between 1996-97 and 2002-03, as real prices (to high-value crops) made relatively small declined, yields stagnated, area declined,73 contributions, raising serious concerns about and adverse rainfall anomalies beset the sustainability of growth. agriculture. Throughout that turbulent period, diversification proved to be a steady source of The four regions of the country are growth in absolute terms; in relative terms, experiencing agricultural change in different diversification was the predominant source of ways. Cereals still dominate the area under growth. production in the North and East, but they now share the lead with horticulture in During the 2000s, the average contribution terms of value. The West and South are more of the four factors—area, yield, price, and diversified. The West has benefited from the diversification—appears balanced, but in fact new cotton and soybean technology, and the important shifts occurred within the decade. South from horticulture and spices. The main Area and yields propelled growth early in driver of growth in the North—through the the recovery phase, as area came back into late 2000s—was yield (Figure 40), and the production and yields rebounded with normal continued predominance of rice and wheat rainfall. Real prices continued to decline for reflects the impact of research on those another couple of years, slowing recovery crops. Prices have become an increasingly somewhat.74 Since 2007, as one would important driver of growth in the East, with expect, area expansion has slowed. important contributions also from yields Diversification, in absolute and relative terms, and diversification. The four components of remains a consistent but modest source of growth are more balanced in the South and growth.75 West, but diversification has been the major driver in both regions. In the South, as surface irrigation systems recovered from prolonged 73 To facilitate analysis, area, production, and price series are rainfall deficits, area made a fair contribution to smoothed using the HP filter, so the trends appear smoother than if raw annual data had been used. The output trend growth. thus approximates the decadal growth trend discussed in Chapter 2. 74 Trends in the components of WPI inflation indicate that real prices for agricultural commodities—the WPI index for Summary of Findings agricultural commodities, divided by the total WPI index— fell broadly, with the exception of fruits and vegetables, on Recent growth had little to do with sustainable account of a faster rise in nonagricultural WPI components. sources such as yield or productivity. Despite 75 For the past four decades, net area under cultivation has remained steady at about 140 million hectares (not exceeding diversification in the value of output, the 143 million hectares) (Ministry of Agriculture Land Use national and regional analyses find that the Statistics). The slow expansion of irrigation has meant that irrigation intensity and hence gross cultivated area have not production structure has changed little. Note expanded much since 2004/05. the important regional variations: The South 58 Chapter 6: Growth Decomposition Figure 40: Sources of agricultural growth by region North East 20 20 10 10 Millions Millions 0 0 1980/ 81-88/89 1988/ 89-96/97 1996/ 97-04/05 2004/ 05-09/10 1980/ 81-88/89 1988/ 89-96/97 1996/ 97-04/05 2004/ 05-09/10 -10 -10 Area Yield Price Area Yield Price Diversification Interaction Diversification Interaction 60 South 40 West 40 20 Millions Millions 20 0 0 1980/ 81-88/89 1988/ 89-96/97 1996/ 97-04/05 2004/ 05-09/10 1980/ 81-88/89 1988/ 89-96/97 1996/ 97-04/05 2004/ 05-09/10 -20 -20 Area Yield Price Area Yield Price Diversification Interaction Diversification Interaction Source: Birthal et al. 2014. and West have diversified, whereas the North term, was mainly spurred by real price changes remains largely invested in traditional cereal rather than growth in yields or productivity. crops, and in terms of value, production in This worrisome development indicates the East is now dominated by cereals and that growth is not underpinned by a more horticultural crops. sustainable source—productivity. The next chapter looks closely at how productivity has A cause for concern is that the recent growth evolved, especially in recent years, across India’s spurt, while good for farmers in the short heterogeneous agricultural landscape. 59 7 Total Factor Productivity Growth I ndia’s binding land constraint means that important to raise agricultural incomes and give agricultural growth depends crucially farmers an incentive to invest in agriculture. on making land more productive. Land But rising prices—especially if managed by productivity is often equated with yields— policy—may mask growing inefficiencies by generically referring to output per hectare boosting farm profits even as yields decline for crops and per animal for livestock.76 Yet (Rao and Dev 2010). The critical question for some time analysts have warned about is whether growth is underpinned by declining productivity, based on worrisome improvements in productivity in response trends in rice and wheat performance.77 Despite to the improved incentives, or if growth is its position in the vanguard of the green the result of higher input use (perhaps made revolution, over time India has performed less further financially enticing through continued impressively than other major agricultural subsidies). The risks to overall economic producers (Chapter 3), and evidence has growth, environmental sustainability, and food emerged that soil and water degradation may security look very different depending on the now limit productivity in the pioneering green answer to that question. revolution states.78 Agriculture has rebounded since 2004/05. In Previous chapters presented evidence that a context of increasingly binding resource agricultural growth is being driven less by constraints and the uncertainties posed by sustainable improvements in yields than by climate change, it becomes important to rising real prices and possibly unsustainable understand how productivity has evolved in input use. To be clear, rising real prices are recent years to identify potential policy and strategic issues. This chapter seeks to shed light 76 As noted, since the 1960s the government’s agricultural on the parallel issues of “technology fatigue” policies have focused on intensification, with particular attention to rice and wheat yields. Agricultural technology and “policy fatigue” to help guide strategy and inputs have been actively promoted in Indian agriculture and policy in support of sustainable growth in since the 1950s and were the basic ingredients of the green revolution—HYVs, fertilizer and other agro-chemicals, agricultural productivity. It does so by analyzing irrigation, and mechanization. The progressive impact of this Total Factor Productivity (TFP) over space and effort through the 1970s and 1980s is visible in agricultural growth and aggregate GDP growth (Bosworth, Collins, and time, building on past work by updating and Virmani 2007). deepening the analysis, and seeking to reconcile 77 See, for example, Kumar and Mittal (2006); Chand, Kumar and Kumar (2011). divergent findings from different studies using 78 See, for example, Murgai, Ali, and Byerlee (2001). existing secondary data. The next chapter 61 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth provides complementary evidence from micro- “accounting” for the contribution of all factor level data to add a fresh perspective. inputs to the growth in output. For growth to be sustainable in both ecological and economic Earlier studies of TFP in Indian agriculture terms, it is critical to improve TFP (Ehui and have yielded mixed empirical results (Annex Spencer 1993, Cassman and Pingali 1995). 7 summarizes the literature). Most of these Ecologically, improved TFP ensures that critical studies cover periods prior to the recovery natural resources such as land and water are in 2004/05. To build a convincing body used effectively; economically, it reflects income of evidence, the analysis relies on results growth. from complementary ongoing independent studies, updates of recent insightful studies when possible, and new background studies Drivers of Productivity Growth at conducted to fill some of the knowledge gaps. the National Level What sets the new studies apart is their use Recent estimates (and updates) of TFP for Indian of more recent data (vetted for reliability); agriculture provide important insights into an effort to triangulate and deepen the the nature and drivers of productivity growth. understanding of key issues through analyses Depending on the methodology and level of at different levels of disaggregation; the use aggregation, however, results vary substantially of alternative methodologies that allow more across studies, so careful scrutiny is required insight into the main drivers of productivity; to reconcile and interpret the findings. This and an assessment of changes in productivity at exercise reveals that the differences primarily the micro/farm level based on panel data. result from the level of aggregation used in each study and also depend somewhat on the level of The methodology and data are detailed in accounting for different inputs. Annex 7. Very briefly, yield improvement— broadly defined to refer to land productivity— At the highest level of aggregation—the sector- can be achieved by using more inputs other wide level, including all crops and livestock than land (intensification), using better inputs products—there are four estimates of TFP, (new technology), and/or using inputs more based on the method and data used. Given effectively (efficiency).79 Understanding how the changing structure of Indian agriculture, each of these drivers contributes to productivity where horticultural crops and livestock have gains is important. In traditional analyses increasing shares in aggregate output but the of sources of growth, the contributions of relatively lower-value crops continue to absorb technology and efficiency are referred to more resources (their historically large share jointly as Total Factor Productivity (TFP). of public expenditures, considerable policy TFP is typically measured as a residual after support, and natural resources such as land and water), an alternative series is also estimated. 79 “Intensification” implies moving along the production This alternative series is restricted to crops that surface with a given technology, “new technology” is an outward shift of the production surface, and “efficiency” have traditionally been considered important. measures the distance between the current level of output Not by coincidence, these are the major crops and the optimal level that could be achieved, as defined by the current level of technology (or a move toward the that are grown in the main agricultural states production surface). and covered in the Ministry of Agriculture’s 62 Chapter 7: Total Factor Productivity Growth annual Cost of Cultivation (CoC) surveys. TFP estimates at the national, sector- Table 9:   These CoC data provide a comprehensive cost wide level breakdown by input and permit a much better Period DEA-FAO GA-FAO GA-GDP GA-NA accounting of the inputs used in production. 1980–2008 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.9 The state-level input-output estimates provided 1980–1997 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.2 by the CoC database are based on large annual 1997–2003 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.6 surveys and form the basis for estimating the 2003–2008 2.2 3.2 1.8 5.3 costs of cultivation to establish the official 2003–2009 1.7 2.5 – – Minimum Support Prices for certain crops  uthors, using data from Fuglie 2012; updated Source:  A (MSPs).80 For those reasons, the data provide Bosworth and Collins database (World Bank a much better and a more comprehensive 2012a); Rada 2013; and Nin-Pratt 2013 (personal basis to “account” for inputs when deriving communication). TFP estimates. The data also make it possible to calculate reliable TFP estimates at the state derived from FAO data (from a comprehensive level, which can be aggregated to the national and internationally comparable database put level as a weighted average using area shares in together by Fuglie, 2012). The DEA-FAO refers total. to the nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology applied to the same An important difference between the CoC database, which allows a “clean” comparison data and the National Accounts data—and the of the two methodologies without concerns main difference between the TFP estimates about differences in data. The GA-GDP also that follow for all of agriculture versus the uses the growth accounting technique but a “traditional” or major crops—is the exclusion of slightly different accounting procedure and high-value agricultural sectors, namely livestock agricultural GDP (valued added for crops and and horticultural crops (with the exception of livestock) data. The GA-NA is an application of potatoes and onions for major producing states) growth accounting using more detailed national in the CoC data. The estimates using only the accounts data for the value of output (for all traditional crops provide a useful contrast with crops and livestock) combined with secondary the performance of the full sector. data on factor inputs from different official national sources. In sum, the main differences in the three GA series is their use of different TFP estimates for all crops from four data and their method of accounting for inputs sector-wide studies (discussed in Annex 7). The period of analysis is Table 9 summarizes the main results from the from 1980 onward, when the green revolution four sector-wide studies. The GA-FAO refers to was well established. The analysis focuses the growth accounting method using a gross on the distinct growth episodes described in output index covering all crops and livestock previous chapters.81 Major conclusion and substantive findings. 80 The detailed survey data are not available to the public. Only the processed data, including yields and costs of cultivation A major conclusion from the findings is by individual inputs on a per hectare basis, are available. The cost elements covered are comprehensive, however, 81 The slowdown between 1997 and 2005 “bottomed” out in and include imputed costs of family labor, land, and other 2003, the year with the large negative shock to agricultural variable costs such as cost of capital. production and productivity since 1980. 63 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth that over the long run (from 1980 to 2008 provides some confidence that the specific or 2009, depending on the study) different insights provided by each methodology are methodologies and models delineate very useful for characterizing the underlying similar trends (see Annex 7, Figure A.7.1), dynamics of productivity growth. allaying concerns that different methodologies may give different results (Coelli The GA-FAO estimates (Figure 41), using and Rao 2006; Fuglie 2012; Lele et al. 2013). data from 1961 onward, show progressive In fact, the biggest difference arises between improvement in TFP over the decades, except estimates that use the same method but for the 1990s, with their weather anomalies. different data. Among individual inputs, irrigation was an important driver of growth in the earlier Two substantive findings emerge from decades; irrigation expanded much more Table 9. First, the TFP growth estimate varies slowly in the 2000s, suggesting that expansion significantly depending on the choice of years, may be reaching its limits. Growth in inputs highlighting the role of the exogenous weather shocks other than land and irrigation has been an identified earlier. The start and end dates make important source of growth, but most of the a significant difference in the growth rate. recent growth in output is due to growth For example, 2009 was a severe drought year, in TFP. whereas the previous three years experienced good rainfall, so changing the terminal period Using different growth accounts, the Bosworth- by just one year makes a big difference in Collins model (Bosworth and Collins 2003) the TFP estimate, as seen in the last row of provides a different perspective on the basic Table 9. sources of growth (Table 10). It shows the limited role of education in agricultural Second, the TFP estimates for the post-2003 period productivity over time along with two show strong growth, but this finding needs to be encouraging emerging trends. First, the pace at treated with guarded optimism. Previous studies noted decelerating TFP trends after the mid- Contribution of inputs and TFP to Figure 41:  1990s, but with the benefit of a longer time output growth horizon (and hindsight), it is clear that the 4.0% decline was associated with negative rainfall 3.5% 1.3% 2.1% shocks. Since 2003, TFP has started to recover, 3.0% 1.2% 1.0% 1.1% but this finding needs to be tested with 2.5% additional years’ data to determine whether it is 2.0% 0.5% robust or reflects a recovery from the previous 1.5% slowdown. 1.0% 0.5% Insights from each methodology. The 0.0% comparability of estimates derived from these 1960-09 1961-70 1971-80 1981-90 1991-00 2001-09 -0.5% varied methodologies and data sources provides Irrig New Land Input/Area TFP confidence that the evidence of recovery is strong. This consistency in the estimates also Source: Calculated from Fuglie database, 2011. 64 Chapter 7: Total Factor Productivity Growth Agricultural sector growth accounts by growth episode, 1980–2008 (trend growth rates) Table 10:   Output Output/ Output/worker—contribution of: Period Growth Employment worker Capital Education Land TFP 1980–1997 3.2 1.2 1.9 0.2 0.2 -0.2 1.6 1997–2003 2.3 0.9 1.3 0.6 0.3 -0.6 0.9 2003–2008 3.5 -0.2 3.7 1.2 0.2 0.5 1.8 Source:  Updated Bosworth and Collins data (World Bank 2012a). which labor is shifting out of agriculture and a result of technological progress.82 Efficiency into more productive sectors appears to have change measures a movement toward the picked up since 2003, with implications for production frontier, or a closing of the gap the structural transformation in the economy. between the current level of production Another trend—the lack of capital deepening and the frontier—which is the level that in agriculture—also appears to be changing, is technically feasible with the same set of with significantly faster growth in capital inputs (“catching up”). Efficiency change is stock between 2003 and 2008 relative to earlier a joint outcome of several factors, including periods. With land remaining constant over knowledge about available technology, the time, these trends translate into rising labor proper use of inputs, the incentives that productivity, which shows growth rates in the influence farmers’ choice of technology and post-2003 period to be almost double those in inputs, access to markets (for inputs and earlier periods. As noted, these results must be outputs), and other policies and institutions viewed with guarded optimism, as the period of affecting input-use decisions. analysis after 2003 is relatively short, but they do suggest that growth dynamics in agriculture The DEA results are presented in Figure 42, may be changing. which shows trends in the indices for TFP, technical change, and efficiency growth. An important advantage of the DEA Table 11 summarizes the growth rates by time methodology (other than the implied period. Four important conclusions emerge production structure or assumption of from these findings. First, technological competitive markets implicit in the GA progress has been the primary, consistent methodology) is that it makes it possible driver of productivity growth over the past to disentangle two key components of three decades. Second, efficiency improved TFP: technical change and efficiency. This in the 1980s but then plateaued in the early decomposition helps to identify whether 1990s, indicating that as the production productivity has grown because of changes 82 In the case of a single output or a homogenous group of in technology or changes in efficiency. Each outputs, technical change is straightforward technological measure reflects the influence of different progress—an outward shift in the production function. In the context of a composite output (such as a sector-wide factors with different policy implications. aggregate), technical change is an outward shift of the observed production surface that could occur because of pure technological progress (as for individual products) or a Specifically, technical change indicates an change in the output-mix, with a shift to more “productive” outward movement of the production frontier, products in terms of input use. 65 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 42: P  roductivity change in agriculture: TFP growth in traditional crops and Technical progress versus “catching agriculture as a whole: Sobering results up” with the frontier As noted, analyses at the sector-wide level 160 150 include the fast-growing livestock and 140 horticulture (fruits, vegetables, and spices/ 130 condiments) subsectors, generally referred to 120 as high-value agriculture. Both subsectors are 110 important for inclusive growth. Both have been 100 major drivers of growth in agricultural value 90 added in recent years. Yet neither subsector has 80 commanded the attention of policy and public 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 expenditure—which translates to resource TFP Catch-up Change in Production Frontier allocation priorities at the farm level—to Source: Authors, using FAO data. the same extent as the politically important traditional crops (cereals, pulses, oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane). Together the traditional Table 11:  Decomposing TFP growth crops account for about 90 percent of the Efficiency Technical area under cultivation (average 2000–10), and Period TFP growth change change they have been the focus of policy, public 1980-2009 1.3 -0.4 1.7 expenditures (including substantial input 1981-1997 1.6 0.4 1.2 subsidies), and public services. 1997-2003 0.9 -1.1 2.0 These traditional crops contributed less than 2003-2009 1.7 -0.8 2.5 half of the sector’s growth in 2000s (see Source:  Authors, using FAO data. Figure 37). With an overwhelming majority of resources tied up in these crops, a natural frontier continued to shift outwards, question is how their productivity compares to production kept pace but the “yield gap” that of the sector overall. Using the CoC data was not closed further—in other words, no described earlier, Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi change in efficiency occurred. Third, efficiency (2013) estimate TFP for the traditional crops. declined in the period from 1997 to 2003, The crops used for the estimation contribute likely due to weather shocks, but positive TFP about half of the value of crop production but growth was maintained with strong movement account for about 80 percent of the national of the production frontier—which more than area (Annex 7, Table A.7.1 lists the crops compensated for falling efficiency. Fourth, included by state). an even stronger surge in the production frontier has occurred since 2003, but efficiency The results from this alternative growth levels have continued to decline, though not accounting exercise are summarized in as rapidly as between 1997 and 2003. The Figures 43 and 44. Figure 43 compares trends implication is that the gap between realized in TFP growth at the sector-wide level and for and realizable productivity has widened. the traditional crops. The comparison is stark 66 Chapter 7: Total Factor Productivity Growth  FP trends, sector-wide and for Figure 43: T Sources of growth in the traditional Figure 44:  traditional crops crops subsector 200 Growth rate 7.00% 6.29% Sector - wide 1.77% 6.00% 180 Traditional Crops 0.28% 5.00% 2.25% 3.69% 160 TFP Index 1981 = 100 4.00% 2.83% 3.00% 0.20% 0.79% 140 2.00% 4.04% 2.63% 2.90% -1.44% 120 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% 100 -2.44% -1.00% 80 -2.00% -3.00% 60 1981/82- 1981/82- 1997/98- 2002/03- 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2008/09 1997/98 2002/03 2008/09 Traditional Crops Sector-wide Input TFP Output Source: Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi 2013 and Rada 2013. Source: Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi 2013. and sobering. Long-term TFP growth (between In the slowdown period, traditional crops saw a 1980 and 2008) is estimated at only 0.28 percent more dramatic downturn: TFP declined rapidly, for traditional crops, much less than the rate of at –2.4 percent per annum. The subsequent more than 1.77 percent estimated for the sector rebound has been impressive. TFP has grown as a whole. Most of the growth in productivity at about 2.3 percent, but it bears repeating that over the long run has come from a change in this growth should be treated with cautious the mix of outputs—from the increased shares optimism, as it may reflect a reversion to the of high-value crops and livestock products. trend that prevailed prior to 1997. The major Productivity growth in the major crops appears share (64 percent) of output growth still comes to have stagnated. from increased input use. Breaking down TFP performance for the The more pronounced periodic shifts in TFP traditional crops by growth period provides a for the traditional crops than for the entire more nuanced assessment, but one that shows a sector indicate that productivity in traditional now-familiar pattern (Figure 44). An outstanding crops may be more susceptible to weather feature through all periods is that inputs have shocks. This is consistent with the earlier been the primary drivers of growth in output. finding that the livestock sector experienced TFP growth was modest—significantly less only a mild deceleration during the 1997–2005 than at the sector-wide level (about 0.8 percent slowdown, likely cushioning the aggregate TFP versus 1.6 percent, even during the extended shock. The continued reliance on subsidized period of expansion following the green input use as the main driver of growth for revolution (1980–97). With three-quarters of traditional crops may be a cause for concern. the growth being driven by inputs, concerns Starting from a low base, an increase in input raised by previous studies about the quality and use (intensification) in the lagging states where sustainability of agricultural growth were well it has historically been very low may suggest warranted. more inclusive growth, with the expectation 67 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth that TFP will improve as farmers gain more Substantial variation in TFP across states. experience in using inputs. But the continued or Table 12 shows the estimated TFP growth rates accelerated use of imbalanced chemical inputs from both studies. Over the long run, both TFP and overexploitation of natural resources such estimates are close for some states (Gujarat, as groundwater in the states already heavily Haryana, and Tamil Nadu, for example) but using these inputs would warrant urgent show substantial differences for others (such corrective action. Such analysis requires more as Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, disaggregated analysis, accounting for the Rajasthan, and West Bengal). The main reason heterogeneity across the country, an issue that for these differences (spatially as well as is covered next. temporally) is the scope of coverage of the crops sector, specifically the exclusion of livestock and high-value crops in the estimate for traditional TFP at the State Level crops. Agro-ecological as well as policy and institutional diversity are hidden in aggregated In recent years, the subsectors driving analysis. Agriculture is a State Subject, so productivity growth have been increasingly performance may vary considerably depending diversified. Even when livestock and high-value on the prevailing governance environment. horticultural crops are excluded, TFP growth is Few previous studies have looked at highly varied across crops and across states for productivity at the disaggregated level. Chand the same crop. Most states have improved their et al. (2010) provide more detailed, crop- overall performance significantly since 2003 specific TFP estimates for different states, compared to the period before 1997 (ignoring offering rare insight into a third level of for the present the years of poor performance disaggregation (the crop level). An important falling between 1997 and 2003). Among those finding from their study is that TFP growth states, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and varies widely across crops and states. No Odisha show remarkable improvement, while previous studies have assessed TFP at the Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, and West Bengal state level for all of the agricultural sector are the outliers with negative growth rates. TFP to determine how the states have performed stagnated in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. in terms of productivity. Such an analysis is important to identify broader sectoral policy Different states have benefited from different levers to promote growth. crops, the biggest gains being associated with new technologies for cotton and maize. But the Following the approach used at the aggregate impact of the new technologies on productivity national level, two new studies by Rada (2013) growth has not been uniform across states, as and Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi (2013) estimate indicated by the highly varied performance state-level TFP for 1980–2008 at the sector- across states even for the same crops (shown for wide and traditional crop levels, respectively. selected crops in Annex 7, Figure A.7.2). Among As before, the analysis covers about 54 percent the major cereals, productivity in rice has of the aggregate gross output from the crop improved for several states, but it has slowed sector and excludes the horticulture, spices/ considerably for wheat, except in reform-driven condiments, and livestock subsectors. Gujarat (Shah et al. 2009). New technologies for 68 Chapter 7: Total Factor Productivity Growth TFP estimates by state, traditional crops and sector-wide, 1998–2008 Table 12:   Major crops Sector-wide State 1980–1997 1997–2003 2003–2008 1980–2008 1980–2008 AP 0.9 0.5 3.1 0.7 3.2 Assam 0.6 -1.0 2.0 0.3 1.5 Bihar 0.3 -0.1 5.1 0.2 1.3 Gujarat 5.3 -2.2 -5.4 2.3 1.8 Haryana 2.6 -0.7 4.6 1.6 1.4 HP 0.7 -0.7 -1.8 0.2 1.6 Karnataka 1.0 -4.4 3.7 0.4 2.1 Maharashtra 0.5 -0.7 8.4 0.2 2.4 MP 1.0 -5.7 3.0 0.0 1.6 Odisha -2.8 -1.8 4.2 -1.6 0.6 Punjab 1.1 0.1 3.2 0.9 1.6 Rajasthan 0.8 -9.3 0.1 -1.8 2.3 Tamil Nadu 3.1 -3.2 5.7 2.2 2.7 UP -0.8 -0.2 1.1 0.7 1.4 West Bengal 1.4 -3.0 -1.2 0.2 2.7 Kerala 3.3 Source:  Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi 2013; Rada 2013. maize and oilseeds benefited only some states. Bt cotton technology has been a major driver of Notably, the significant success of Madhya cotton productivity, making a huge impact very Pradesh in increasing soybean output (which soon after its introduction in 2002. Sugarcane, has been an important driver of agricultural on the other hand, has been subject to more growth in Madhya Pradesh) appears to have government interventions and significant been through increased input use, as TFP subsidies, which appear to be driving up input growth was weak for soybeans in Madhya use even as productivity declines. Pradesh. On the other hand, TFP improved significantly for sunflowers in Maharashtra and Determinants of TFP at the state level. Karnataka. Given the wide variation in TFP across states, the obvious question is what explains that A vast difference can be seen in the variation. Several factors are likely to influence performance of cotton and sugarcane, two productivity, including research, extension, major cash crops in a number of states. Cotton human capital, and infrastructure development, shows consistent gains across states, except not to mention climatic factors. TFP subsumes for Karnataka, but sugarcane shows consistent a large number of unobserved factors, making declines in TFP growth across all major it difficult to assess the role of important policy sugarcane-growing states and for both periods levers and potentially yielding a misleading (before and after 1995). As is well known, new interpretation with policy implications. 69 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth For example, technology is well established factors indicates the presence of other possibly as a key driver of productivity both globally important factors.85 as well as in India. But slowing growth in agriculture, accompanied by slowing growth Land that is multicropped will have higher TFP—a in TFP, particularly for major crops, has tautology. The estimates confirm this association, generated debates on “technology fatigue” and highlighting the role of irrigation, as cropping the effectiveness of agricultural research and intensity is almost directly correlated with extension. On the other hand, especially in the irrigation. An increase of 1 percent in cropping context of the growth spurt since 2003, it is not intensity is associated with 0.6–0.7 percent higher clear if the main drivers are indeed technology TFP (depending on the specification used), which or diversification. is substantial but also indicates that irrigation expansion does not lead to a 1:1 increase in area. An analysis of the determinants of TFP (Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi 2013), using state- As discussed, productivity can change because level TFP indices for traditional crops and of a shift from low- to high-productivity crops controlling for some of the confounding factors, or through the introduction of new or better provides important insights with significant technology. To capture the crop-mix effect, policy implications.83 The main findings are crop diversification (index) is included as a summarized here.84 control variable. There is almost a one-to-one correspondence between diversification and TFP State-specific (fixed) effects explain nearly half of the growth, clearly demonstrating that diversification observed variation in TFP, clearly demonstrating is a powerful driver of productivity growth, even within the important role of state-specific factors, the more restricted group of traditional crops. including policies, institutions, governance, and public investments. Annual shocks (annual fixed Beyond these “control” variables, technology is perhaps the most well-established driver of effects) by themselves explain only a small part of the productivity growth, and its contribution has variation but are nevertheless significant. Rainfall not diminished over time. Two dimensions of has the expected large impact. Together, technology that are operationally relevant are these “control” factors explain over half of captured through “stock” variables to proxy the observed variation in TFP. The inclusion technology generation (agricultural research of policy variables captures a substantial output) and technology/knowledge dissemination part of the state effects, but their continued (the impact of agricultural extension).86 Research significance over and above the included 85 All regressions included state and annual dummy variables to capture the two dimensions of fixed effects and help focus 83 A similar analysis using the broader, sector-wide TFP on key policy variables. All regressions control for state estimates of Rada (2013) has not been undertaken. clustering effects to get robust standard errors for inference. 84 See Kumar, Gautam, and Joshi (2013) for a more detailed 86 Both research and extension efforts (using annual description of the results of the econometric analysis, expenditures as proxies) have strong lagged effects to capture including a description of the data, variable definitions, the lagged effects of research investment, research stock is and methodology. Briefly, the results are based on panel approximated as a weighted sum of research expenditures per regressions of TFP on explanatory factors, with state and hectare over the previous six-year period. Similarly, extension year fixed effects to control for unobservable factors. The stock is approximated as a weighted sum of extension panel data comprise TFP estimates from 1981 to 2008 for the expenditures per hectare over the past three years. The 15 major states for which crop sector TFP estimates can be weights assume a lagged effect that rises with time and then calculated using the CoC database. tapers off (following Evenson, Pray, and Rosegrant 1999). 70 Chapter 7: Total Factor Productivity Growth stock emerges as a consistent and important Another important finding—and cause for driver across the various specifications concern from the perspective of environmental, estimated. An increase in research stock (that productivity, and growth sustainability—is the is, in expenditures) of 1 percent is estimated to excessive or imbalanced use of inputs, which increase TFP growth by about 0.2 percent. In is arguably driven by input subsidies. Two addition, tests to see if the impact of research variables to capture these effects (following stock has declined over time (that is, if the impact Chand et al. 2010) are (i) the share of area in the second half of the sample period—post- irrigated by groundwater and (ii) the share 1995—is different from that in the first half) of nitrogen in the nutrient mix. Expanding show that is has not. The impact of research groundwater use is closely associated with in the post-1995 period is not found to be electricity subsidies and has proved to be a statistically different than before, implying that double-edged sword. It has contributed to the once other factors (particularly rainfall) are rapid expansion of irrigation and had a large accounted for, the contribution of technology has impact on growth, helping to improve food not diminished over time.87 This result strongly security and reducing poverty. Yet it has also supports the priority placed by the Twelfth Five substantially mined groundwater and led to Year Plan on public expenditures on research. deterioration in the productive resource base (with associated problems of water and soil In contrast, the impact of agricultural extension is degradation), especially in the original green considerably lower and less statistically significant.88 revolution areas. Given these opposing effects, This low impact is particularly striking, given it is not surprising to find that groundwater that traditional crops traditionally have been irrigated area has a statistically insignificant a priority for public extension. The remaining impact on TFP. A telling result, however, is that large yield gaps (discussed in the next chapter), rural electrification (captured as the number even for the main staples (rice and wheat), of villages electrified in a state, normalized suggest that extension’s impact is not low by net sown area to remove the scale effects) because the current technological possibilities has a large, highly significant negative impact. have been fully exploited—on the contrary, Normally one would expect electricity to have much remains to be done. Extension’s low a positive impact as the use of electrically impact also explains the results from the DEA powered irrigation equipment expands, food decomposition showing stagnant or falling processing increases, and so on. Given that most technical efficiency, implying a widening gap rural electricity is consumed for agriculture between available technology and average and used to power the electrical pumps that practice. To enhance productivity quickly, have grown rapidly in number in most states, increasing the effectiveness of extension is the the marked negative impact of electricity is low-hanging fruit and warrants serious policy surprising and strongly suggests that electricity attention. policies may now be restricting rather than contributing to productivity growth through an 87 An interaction term between a dummy variable for post-1995 adverse environmental (groundwater) impact. and research stock is very small in magnitude and highly insignificant. 88 Extension stock is significant at the 93 percent level, just Similarly, lopsided subsidies for fertilizer, below the standard 95 percent level of significance. which substantially lower the price of urea 71 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth relative to other nutrients and promote its correlated with other indicators included in indiscriminate use, have been argued to create the analysis, so while they are important, their nutrient imbalances with negative impacts on effects are captured in the other indicators.90 soil health. The empirical results, showing a negative and statistically significant impact of fertilizer on TFP, strongly support this assertion. Implications: Compromising Sustainability To test for the impact of nonagricultural TFP growth since 2003 has been robust, investments through output (food processing) reversing the worrisome slowdown since about or factor markets (labor)—in other words, to the mid-1990s. The main driver of past TFP test for the effects of backward linkages on growth has been technical change. Efficiency agricultural productivity—real wages paid by has stagnated over the long run and shown a agro-industry in the state were included as a declining trend in recent years. An important potential factor driving TFP. No association was point is that TFP for traditional crops has established between industrial wages and TFP for shown little improvement, implying that the traditional crops.89 overall sectoral TFP is being driven by high- valued horticulture and livestock subsectors. Additional hypotheses tested proved to be The stark difference in the performance of inconclusive or, in one case, counterintuitive. traditional and high-value crops is all the Road density is found to be insignificant, as more striking given that policy and public is an index for infrastructure (a weighted expenditures continue to be heavily focused on combination of road density, rail density, and the traditional crops. Within traditional crops, electricity consumption in agriculture per the major share of output growth has occurred hectare). This result may reflect the finding because of increased use of inputs. More (described in Chapter 2) that road infrastructure detailed analysis shows that subsidy-driven even in laggard districts has improved to a input use now negatively affects TFP, indicating level at which it may no longer be a binding that ironically, instead of boosting productivity, constraint. An even more counterintuitive subsidies might now be contributing to lower result is the negative and significant effect productivity, compromising sustainability and of rural literacy. This result is consistent future productivity growth. with the Bosworth and Collins (2008) growth decomposition, also discussed earlier, which 90 Both variables, when included by themselves with only shows that literacy (basic education level) has a state-fixed effects, show positive, substantial, and significant positive effects (with elasticities of 9 percent and 4 percent, limited contribution to sector growth. Another respectively), but these effects vanish when other variables plausible reason for these results (both for roads are included. Additional tests show road density to have significant nonlinear (quadratic) effects, suggesting positive and literacy) is that these variables are highly impacts at low levels of investment that diminish with additional investment. The estimated results show a 89 Agro-industry wages and industrial capital stock (to reflect maximum impact is reached at about 500 kilometers per past investments) also had no significant impact. square kilometer of surface area. 72 8 Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level D etailed panel data from the NCAER- to separate the change in productivity into two REDS household surveys provide a mutually exclusive and exhaustive components: rare view of changes in agricultural Efficiency Change (EC) and Technical inputs and outputs among farm households Change (TC). between 1999 and 2007 and help to ground the understanding of absolute levels and sources of Absolute levels of efficiency for each year inefficiency in Indian agricultural production. are estimated as well. Two measures of The analysis in this chapter uses nonparametric efficiency, with different policy implications, as well as parametric approaches to gain are calculated—technical and economic additional perspective on trends in agricultural efficiency.92 The former is a pure input-output productivity at the farm level. based (technical) measure indicating whether farmers are using the available technology efficiently. The latter is a measure of economic Drivers of Changes in Productivity: performance, indicating whether the inputs Nonparametric Analysis used and outputs produced are economically optimal.93 The analysis also estimates the cost The change in productivity at the farm of inefficiency in terms of profits lost owing to level between 1999 and 2007 is measured different types of inefficiencies. by Nin-Pratt and Gautam (2013) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to derive The analysis is done at the whole farm level. the Malmquist index.91 The advantage of As such, the observed technical change may the methodology is that it does not entail assumptions about economic behavior (profit 92 To define the input-based Malmquist index, production maximization or cost minimization) and does technology and production efficiency must be characterized. Griliches (1964) defined technology as “the currently known not require prices for estimating productivity ways of converting resources into outputs.” Farrel (1957) change. The methodology also makes it possible introduced the concept of efficiency, which is defined as the ability to produce “the maximum amount of output that is physically achievable with current technology.” 91 The Malmquist index measures the TFP change between two 93 Technical efficiency measures the distance at which each data points (such as data for a farmer at two points of time) farmer is operating from the technical frontier (determined by calculating the ratio of the distance of each data point as the maximum output obtained by any farmer from within relative to a common technological frontier. The Malmquist the sample). Economic efficiency is measured as short-run index, pioneered by Caves, Christensen, and Diewert profit (revenue minus variable costs) for each household, (1982), has been extensively used to measure and analyze which is then compared to the maximum profit that could be productivity since Färe et al. (1994) showed that the index achieved with the given factor endowments of the household could be estimated using DEA. (land, family labor, and assets). 73 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth reflect changes in the output mix or the input Average technical efficiency at the Table 14:   mix, perhaps as households shift to crops that regional and country level are more productive or intensify the use of Country-wide inputs that are more productive. Change may Regional efficiency (meta) efficiency also arise from a purely technological advance Region 1999 2007 1999 2007 that is neutral across outputs and inputs. To Humid 0.552 0.500 0.463 0.418 identify the source of technical change, it is Semi-arid 0.523 0.544 0.456 0.469 decomposed into three components: (i) output- temperate biased technical change (OBTC); (ii) input-biased Semi-arid 0.552 0.541 0.411 0.451 technical change (IBTC); and (iii) a magnitude tropical or neutral component (MTC). Efficiency is Arid 0.753 0.650 0.436 0.386 decomposed into two components: (i) pure Source:  Nin-Pratt and Gautam 2013. technical efficiency (PEC) and (ii) scale efficiency (SEC). Scale efficiency is measured relative to needs to “catch up” to the meta-frontier.94 The the “optimal scale,” which is associated with the Technology Gap Ratio reflects the difference farm having the highest output to input ratio between the regional and meta-frontiers and (average product), assuming “constant returns indicates the state of technology in each region to scale” (CRS). relative the rest of India at a point in time. To account for India’s agro-ecological heterogeneity, productivity changes are Results estimated by agro-ecological regions, based on The technical efficiency levels for each year are the ICRISAT classification of districts across given in Table 14, which shows the averages India into four zones (Table 13). A regional for the four major agro-ecological zones with Malmquist index measures productivity change respect to both the regional and the meta- with respect to the regional frontier (Mr), frontiers.95 The average farmer’s level of and a national Malmquist index measures it technical efficiency is estimated at 50 percent with respect to the country-wide frontier or with respect to the meta-frontier. The arid zone meta-frontier. The differential change in the seems more homogenous; most farmers are two frontiers shows how much each region closer to the regional frontier (average regional efficiency is high at 75 percent). The efficiency Table 13:  Regional classification relative to the meta-frontier is significantly Agro-ecological lower, indicating that the regional frontier Region classification Characteristics itself reflects lower productivity compared to 1 Humid LGP: >180 days the other regions (or the meta-frontier). This is 2 Semi-arid LGP: 75–179 days; temperate temperature <18° C 94 The catch-up term is a combination (product) of (i) the 3 Semi-arid tropic LGP: 75–179 days; movement of the regional frontier (TCr) relative to that of the temperature >18° C meta-frontier and (ii) regional efficiency growth relative to the meta-frontier. 4 Arid LGP: 0–74 days 95 The results are from the analysis of a panel of 1,971 households between 1999 and 2007. Observations that were Source:  ICRISAT 2005. either outliers or had missing data were eliminated. Results Note:  LGP = length of growing period. presented are averages across the sample households. 74 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level Figure 45: Technology gap ratio years. Table 15 presents a dynamic picture of 1.000 productivity change, providing productivity or 0.900 TFP growth rates for each region as well as the 0.800 decompositions discussed previously. 0.700 0.600 0.500 The two main components of TFP are technical 0.400 change (TC) and efficiency change (EC). Average 0.300 0.200 TFP growth for India during 1999–2007 was 1.73 0.100 percent, with an even higher growth rate for 0.000 technical change (2.12 percent). The striking Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 result is the negative growth in efficiency, which Source: Nin-Pratt and Gautam 2013. compromised the growth in technical change and reduced growth in TFP. These findings are not surprising for the water-stressed arid zone. qualitatively similar to the results discussed in The relative regional performance is more Chapter 7, in which technical change was found accurately reflected in the larger technology to be the main driver of productivity growth. gap for Region 4 relative to the meta-frontier Technical change was fastest in Regions 3 and 4, (Figure 45). which have traditionally lagged in performance. Technical change has also been output neutral, The technical efficiency measures in Table 14 with some minor input bias, especially in Region are static measures (at a point of time) of 3 (the semi-arid tropics). relative performance and do not convey how performance has changed over time. While The poor performance in efficiency is the result the low levels of relative technical efficiency of pure inefficiency, as scale efficiency shows a indicate significant potential for improvement, slight improvement of 0.44 percent annually. they do not indicate if any improvement Regions 1 and 4 appear to have experienced a in productivity occurred between the two significant fall in average efficiency, implying Table 15: TFP growth decomposition (average growth rate, 1999–2007) Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 India TFP 0.75 1.17 3.16 -0.36 1.73 TC 1.89 1.06 2.87 2.79 2.12 MAGTC 1.30 0.63 1.96 2.40 1.47 OBTC 0.06 0.13 0.07 0.09 0.08 IBTC 0.53 0.30 0.92 0.29 0.51 EC -1.12 0.11 0.29 -3.06 -0.38 SEC 1.03 -0.22 0.93 -1.77 0.44 PEC -2.13 0.34 -0.63 -1.31 -0.82 Source:  Nin-Pratt and Gautam 2013. Note:   Decomposition is exact for multiplicative indices; growth rates do not add up exactly. TC = technical change; MAGTC = magnitude of technical change; OBTC = output-biased technical change; IBTC = input-biased technical change; EC = efficiency change; SEC = scale efficiency; and PEC = pure technical efficiency. 75 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth that the average farmer is moving farther from most vibrant region, catching up with the the frontier. The rising disparity in productivity meta-frontier at a very rapid rate (1.97 percent). across households is most significant in the Region 1 fell modestly behind the country-wide arid areas (Region 4). Given the strong growth frontier (-0.14 percent). Some of these dynamics in technical change, this result suggests that are explained by looking at the technology some farmers gained access to irrigation (the gap ratio, which shows that Region 4 has share of irrigated area has risen in this region) historically lagged behind the other regions in and hence to a new production frontier, terms of technology (Figure 45). while the remaining (rainfed) farmers reflect lower relative efficiency with respect to this The high cost of inefficiency in new frontier. Regions 2 and 3 maintained the agricultural production average distance from the frontier, which is a relatively better performance, considering that The analysis of productivity growth and its the frontier was moving outward as well. components is based on physical inputs and outputs and gives a picture of the technical Region 3 (the semi-arid tropical zone) shows by changes taking place at the farm level. What far the best TFP performance—TFP grew at 3.16 do those technical changes mean to the welfare percent per year—with the fastest growth in of the farmer in terms of net returns or profits technical change among regions and a modest from farming? Estimates of economic efficiency improvement in efficiency, mostly explained by provide an answer to this question and indicate scale efficiency. This region also had the highest the extent of losses associated with two types input-biased technical change. In Region 4, the of inefficiencies: technical inefficiency and technological frontier is moving fast, but most allocative inefficiency. producers are falling behind. Growth in Regions 1 and 2 involved less technical change. Table 16 shows results from the NCAER-REDS household panel survey for 1999 and 2007. It is The dynamics of regional and country- important to note that the figures presented in wide frontiers show that Region 4 was the the table are percentages of profits lost relative Table 16: Proportion of profit lost in relation to short-run potential profit 1999 2007 Change (%) Profits Profits Profits Profits Profits Profits Farm Total lost due to lost due to Total lost due to lost due to Total lost due to lost due to size profit technical allocative profit technical allocative profit technical allocative quintile loss inefficiency inefficiency loss inefficiency inefficiency loss inefficiency inefficiency 1st 0.59 0.51 0.08 0.59 0.46 0.13 0.25 -10.49 72.80 2nd 0.71 0.51 0.20 0.72 0.45 0.27 1.30 -11.73 35.47 3rd 0.73 0.47 0.25 0.68 0.46 0.22 -6.24 -3.20 -11.93 4th 0.71 0.39 0.31 0.74 0.42 0.32 4.84 6.99 2.15 5th 0.75 0.31 0.44 0.66 0.34 0.33 -11.60 7.55 -25.36 India 0.73 0.36 0.37 0.68 0.38 0.31 -7.05 3.95 -17.75 Source: Nin-Pratt and Gautam 2013. 76 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level to the optimal economic profit that is feasible. average technical efficiency as well as a negative Results are grouped by quintile of farm size trend between the two survey years, driven (measured as total cropped area) to assess how largely by rising disparities in growth within inefficiencies change with changes in the size of the humid and arid agro-ecological zones (the farm operations. former concentrated in Eastern India and the latter in the Western part of the country). On average, sample households lost a huge Third, current levels of efficiency are associated 73 percent of potential short-run profits in with very high economic costs, as indicated 1999; they lost somewhat less (68 percent) in by 68 percent of potential profits lost due to 2007. Losses owing to technical and allocative technical and economic inefficiencies (down inefficiencies are about the same (37 percent from 73 percent in 1999). Finally, small farmers and 36 percent, respectively). Between 1999 exhibit higher technical inefficiency than large and 2007, inefficiency was reduced marginally farmers, perhaps reflecting patterns in access to by 7.05 percent, mostly because of improved extension or technology services, but they also allocative efficiency (17.75 percent). Technical show lower allocative inefficiency, reflecting inefficiency worsened marginally (as indicated more rational economic decisions. by the earlier decomposition of TFP). Changes in Efficiency over Time: Small and large farms (the 1st and 5th quintiles) have very different sources of inefficiency. Parametric Analysis Smaller producers are more efficient than The econometric analysis uses a stochastic large producers (in other words, their foregone frontier approach to statistically derive the profits were smaller) because their allocative results on technical and allocative efficiency efficiency was significantly higher (with an for each household in the same NCAER-REDS associated profit loss of only 8 percent in sample. This analysis is done for several reasons. 1999). Larger producers showed high allocative First, it helps to verify the main findings of inefficiency but were relatively more technically the nonparametric analysis by moving beyond efficient than smallholders. The change in the whole-farm level and to the crop level. efficiency between 1999 and 2007 is explained Second, the analysis can be extended to a longer by improvements in efficiency among the timeframe by using the 1982 survey, providing group of large producers (5th quintile). Smaller insight into farmers’ performance over 25 years producers did not improve overall efficiency, and overcoming the potential limitations and their allocative inefficiency worsened even associated with the 1997–2003 period (the as they improved their technical efficiency. slowdown in growth caused by vagaries of weather, discussed in Chapters 2 and 3).96 A third advantage of this approach is that it can Major findings take advantage of the flexibility of statistical Four major findings emerge from the DEA (nonparametric) analysis. First, technical 96 The 1982 survey was more limited and the 2007 was the most change made a strong contribution to growth, detailed in terms of data collected (and available). Making the best use of available and comparable data, basic results are reflecting the impact of technological advances. estimated for all three years, with deeper analysis restricted Second, the analysis found a low level of to the more comprehensive 2007 data. 77 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  echnical efficiency distributions: Figure 46: T Changes in farm-level technical Figure 47:  1982, 1999, 2007 efficiency by state 8 2 .76 .74 1.5 6 .72 1 .70 .68 4 0.5 .66 .64 2 0 .62 RJ OR MP KT KE UP TN MH HR GJ AP WB HP PJ BH -0.5 .60 0 .58 .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 -1 .56 Farm Level Technical Efficiency .54 -1.5 1982-99 1999-07 1982-07 1982 Level 1982 1999 2007 Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household panel data. Source:  Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. analysis and extend the analysis to identify the states by increasing level of average baseline potential determinants of inefficiency. Finally, (1982) technical efficiency (dotted line, right it is useful for triangulation and for overcoming axis). Farmers in Bihar represent the case methodological issues associated with DEA of the “poor but efficient” producer, in that (sensitivity to outliers and measurement errors). they operate at low input-output levels, but their input use was efficient in 1982.97 Punjabi Technical efficiency at the household farmers are equally efficient—but represent the high input-output case. (whole-farm) level Parametric estimates of technical efficiency at Figure 47 also shows annual growth in the household (whole-farm) level are generally technical efficiency for the entire period higher than those estimated by the DEA method (1982–2007), as well as changes between the for 1999 and 2007 (Figure 46). The average level three survey rounds (1982–1999 and 1999– of technical efficiency, shown by the vertical lines 2007). Most states show an improvement in corresponding to each survey year in Figure 46, technical efficiency in the first period (with increased from 68 percent in 1982 to 78 percent the sole exception of Himachal Pradesh), in 1999, indicating that on average households but a majority show a decline in efficiency moved significantly closer to the (respective) in the second period. The decline from 1999 frontier. The changes in the distribution of to 2007 is pronounced for Andhra Pradesh, efficiency also show convergence among Bihar, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and West households over the long term. The findings Bengal. The absence of any obvious agro- mirror the DEA finding that technical efficiency ecological or geographical correlation in terms fell modestly between 1999 and 2007. The decline of performance suggests that policies and the in efficiency in 2007 is across the board—the 97 Recall that technical efficiency measures the distance of each entire distribution shifts to lower levels. farm from the frontier for the level of inputs being used. A farmer using low levels of inputs may be operating at the low end of the production possibility frontier but may still Changes in farm-level technical efficiency vary be relatively efficient (in terms of the distance to the frontier significantly across states. Figure 47 presents corresponding to that level of inputs). 78 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level enabling environment at the state level may 1999 and 2007 is the group of “other crops” play a strong role in determining efficiency (all crops other than the cereals, pulses, and levels. For the full period (1982–2007), oilseeds). For all other groups, efficiency efficiency growth is positive for all states, is lower or the same. Notably, efficiency is although it varies inversely with the base year lessening in the most widely grown crops (rice (1982) levels of efficiency. and wheat) and declining significantly for pulses and oilseeds. Across households there Technical efficiency at the crop level is significant dispersion in efficiency levels for all crops, but particularly pulses, oilseeds, and The data also allow more in-depth assessment “other” crops. at the crop level. Crops are classified into broad groups with the exception of wheat and rice, Regional differences in efficiency the most widely grown crops. An estimate across all crops/plots is also derived, showing The wide dispersion across households may the average (meta) efficiency across crops. The reflect variation in geographical or agro- average efficiency levels are plotted in Figure 48 ecological conditions. The distribution of (left panel) and with their distribution across efficiency levels by broad geographical all households (right panel). As expected, the classification (North, South, East, and West) meta-efficiency is representative of individual shows that farmers in northern India are crop efficiencies, showing on average a lower performing much better than those in the South level of efficiency than the main staples (rice (Figure 49). The East and West are in between, and wheat). with western India performing relatively better than eastern India. The distribution of efficiency The only group that shows a marginal levels by the four major agro-ecological zones improvement in technical efficiency between shows the expected patterns, with the arid Figure 48: Crop-level efficiency estimates: 1999–2007 6 Rice 0.9 Meta 0.8 4 (All Crops) 0.7 Wheat 0.6 2 0.5 0.4 Other Other 0 Crops Cereals 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Technical Efficiency Rice Wheat Oilseeds Pulses Other Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Other Crops 1999 2007 Meta (all crops) Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. 79 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 49: Regional differences in efficiency by geographical and agro-ecological zone 8 6 6 Kernel Density Kernel Density 4 4 2 2 0 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Meta-efficiency 2007 Meta-efficiency 2007 North East Humid Semi-arid Temperate South West Semi-arid Tropical Arid Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. zone (mostly the extreme western part of the These telling results suggest that the meager country) at the lowest levels and the semi-arid resources at the disposal of the primarily small temperate zone at the highest levels (mostly farmers in the sample (the median farming the northern part of the country). The semi-arid household has 2.75 acres of owned land and tropics (much of western, central, and southern 3.75 acres of operated land) are not being used India) perform less well than the humid zone efficiently, despite relatively high levels of (on the eastern and western coasts). technical efficiency. Concerns with economic and allocative Another important finding is the difference in efficiency at the farm and crop level efficiency levels at the crop level compared to The striking finding from the DEA analysis was Farm economic and allocative Figure 50:  the extremely low levels of economic efficiency, efficiency which translated to huge profit losses. Using the 0.9 estimated frontier cost function for the years 0.8 1999 and 2007 (no price data are available for 0.7 0.6 1982), the economic efficiency estimated from 0.5 the parametric approach provides qualitatively 0.4 0.3 similar results to the DEA analysis. Figure 50 0.2 summarizes the household-level estimates. 0.1 0.18 0.17 0 Estimated economic efficiency was extremely 1982 1999 2007 low (23 percent) in 1999 and declined further Technical 0.68 0.78 0.77 (to 22 percent) in 2007. The relatively high Allocative 0.23 0.22 Economic 0.18 0.17 technical efficiency levels imply that allocative efficiency on average is only 17 percent in 2007. Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. 80 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level  llocative efficiency at the crop and Figure 51: A productivity problem has been very much on farm levels the technical side—either on research to raise yields or extension to deliver research findings to farmers. 0.91 0.98 0.78 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.8 Without a doubt, technical issues are, and will 0.85 0.87 0.95 0.81 0.71 remain, very important to increase and sustain 0.23 growth. Yet the findings suggest that it is also critically important to address issues affecting 0.22 the economic rationality of farmers’ decisions. Paddy Wheat Other Pulses Oilseeds Other In other words, the potential role of policies, Cereals Crops institutions, and the enabling environment 1999 2007 1999 Farm Level 2007 Farm Level needs be brought to the front and center of the productivity debate if India’s farmers are to Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. move to more profitable agriculture. the whole-farm level (Figure 51). Estimates of allocative efficiency show that at the individual Determinants of Productivity and crop level, households appear to be using Technical Efficiency resources (inputs) reasonably efficiently, given the output and input prices they face. At the What is driving inefficiency at the farm whole-farm level, however, economic (and level? Analysis of the factors influencing allocative) efficiency falls sharply, suggesting land productivity (defined as value of crop that that the major source of inefficiency production per hectare) and the simultaneous seems to be farmers’ crop choices. Household estimation of technical efficiency in the decisions to allocate resources such as land to stochastic production function frameworks different crops may be an outcome of the policy can identify some of the drivers/correlates of environment (distorted prices, for example), the observed inefficiency among farmers.98 The the higher risks associated with growing the main inferences for policy are summarized more profitable crops, or household preferences here; for details see Gautam, Pradhan, and (to ensure food security, for example). It Nagarajan (2013).99 is important that further research clarify these issues. 98 The stochastic production function is estimated using a Cobb-Douglas functional form and includes regional and These findings have direct implications for agro-ecological dummy variables. The specification includes nonlinear rainfall effects to adequately control for too policy makers and researchers. Much of the much or too little rainfall, proportion of area irrigated, debate on Indian agricultural productivity has and standard inputs such as seed, fertilizer, pesticide, fixed farm capital, and labor (both human and bullock labor). All focused on technical or production issues, dependent and independent variables are in value per acre perhaps reflecting the “tonnage” problem—the terms. The efficiency function is estimated simultaneously using a number of household, farm, and village or regional overriding concern with meeting quantitative characteristics. production targets, especially for food 99 The results discussed here are based on crop-level estimation, focusing mainly on the meta-production function at the plot grains (cereals, but lately also pulses) (Sen level. The individual results vary by crop to some degree, but 2011). Accordingly, the focus on solving the the main implications and conclusions are consistent. 81 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Major factors influencing crop rice, wheat, and oilseed crops and in the meta- productivity estimation (across all plots). This relationship is not found for other cereals, pulses, or the At the plot level, yields are inversely correlated broad category of “other” crops. So for the with plot size for all crops except minor cereals major crops, and overall, even though larger and oilseeds. This finding is consistent with the plots are less productive, larger farms are long-held technical finding of an inverse land- more technically efficient. For that reason, it is productivity relationship. important to distinguish the size of individual plots from farm size, which may reflect other Family labor is less productive (at the margin) advantages that larger farmers may have. relative to total labor used, implying overuse or suboptimal use of family labor compared The analysis provides robust evidence that to hired labor. The lower marginal labor the subdivision of plots is already reducing productivity of family labor is consistent with productivity. The share of each fragment the hypothesis that too many people (family devoted to a particular crop (except for pulses) members) remain on the farm because of the is positively associated with technical efficiency. sluggish structural transformation. This result is statistically significant for all crops. Finally, for several crops and in the aggregate, manure is less productive than inorganic Infrastructure, as may be expected, has a fertilizers. Long-term and other benefits may strong impact, with a consistent finding that be associated with organic fertilizers such as the distance of the farm to a pucca (paved) road manure, but in the short run there is a trade-off is negatively associated with efficiency. With in terms of lower productivity. infrastructure accounted for, distance to market has no further impact.100 Major factors affecting technical efficiency Considering the importance of extension services to technical efficiency, the analysis The analysis of demographic variables shows provides interesting results. Two variables are households with older heads to be generally used—one is distance to a public extension less efficient (with the exception of wheat and worker, and the other is the number of times pulse producers, who are more efficient). The the farmer has participated in extension more educated households tend to be more activities, such as a demonstration, mela (fair), efficient. The implication is that a younger, or other event. Of the two, public events better-educated generation will be an important like demonstrations have a very strong and driver of growth in productivity—if they ever consistent impact on improving efficiency, gain access to land to put their energy and skills indicating the importance of information to work. and practical demonstrations of technology. Distance to extension worker has a mixed Another important result is the positive impact. Proximity to an extension workers is relationship between farm size (total land owned by the household) and technical 100 It is statistically significant only for two crops, but with efficiency, which is statistically significant for mixed influence. 82 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level negatively associated with efficiency for wheat, SC farmers are less efficient in rice and wheat, but positively associated with efficiency for and ST farmers are less efficient in wheat minor cereals, oilseeds, and “other” crops. The production. This continued inefficiency for the impact on wheat may be associated with the two crops that receive the most public attention de facto role of public extension in the green is surprising and calls for a focus on the revolution areas, where extension has been inclusiveness agenda for extension services. The associated with distributing subsidized inputs lack of significance in “other” crops could mean and possibly overuse of inputs to the detriment either insufficient statistical power (due to a of technical efficiency. small number of observations or wide variation in performance), or it could mean that the Villages that are more technologically advanced “other” (relatively minor) crops are part of the (using the proportion of area planted to HYVs traditional portfolio of disadvantaged groups, as a proxy) are strongly and significantly more who may be more proficient in growing them. efficient. The importance of technology in all crops and overall is amply clear. Changes in Agricultural Relations: Tubewells, which allow much better control of Are Smaller Farms Still Efficient irrigation water, contribute to efficiency. Access and Viable? to canal water is less consistent: It contributes Before concluding the discussion on to efficiency in rice and minor cereals, and productivity and efficiency, it is vital to across all crops, but it is not significant for understand how the underlying economic “other” crops. relationships are changing and affecting farmers’ incomes and well-being. The variables Governance indicators provide additional of interest are farm size, in particular land important insights. A strong and consistent owned by households, and the returns to result across all crops is the strong impact on farming. Three levels of farming returns are efficiency of women’s reservation (assured used: gross value of output per hectare, gross- participation) in Gram Sabha meetings. A clear margins per hectare (revenues less paid out message is that involvement of women in local costs, so in essence returns to family labor and governance is good for productivity growth land), and profits (revenues less all costs, that (and hence prosperity). The proportion of local is paid costs and imputed costs of family labor). government expenditures on agriculture has a Once again, this analysis takes advantage of the positive impact for the meta-function and for household panel data from the NCAER surveys rice and “other” crops, but it is not significant spanning 25 years from 1982, 1999 and 2007. for “other” crops. The main findings are presented using simple graphics of nonparametric trends to highlight The findings on social inclusion highlight the key messages.101 some limited impacts but are not significant for most crops. Female-headed households are more efficient producers of oilseeds only and 101 To focus on the main trends and avoid the noise that may be associated with extreme values, the sample is trimmed by are not more or less efficient for other crops. In deleting the top and bottom 1 percent of the land (farm-size) terms of social classes, the results suggest that distribution. 83 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  hanging farm size and profitability Figure 52: C farm size and net revenues or profits per relationship, 1982–2007 acre (Figure 52). The figure clearly illustrates a progressive change in agrarian relations 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 over time, from a strong inverse relationship between profits (net income earned from crop farming) and farm size to an increasingly positive relationship in 1999 and 2007.102 Given that the majority of farms in India are less than 1 hectare (roughly 2.5 acres), these findings are significant—politically as well as economically—for growth and poverty reduction. The argument of “small and efficient 0 10 20 30 40 50 (in terms of productivity)” still applies from a Farm Profits 1982 Farm Profits 1999 technical perspective of higher yields (gross Farm Profits 2007 output or value of output per acre), but the changing economic relationship indicates Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. that “small and efficient” does not necessarily translate to economic well-being in terms of There has been a significant change in the more income (profits). The reasons behind the structure of agriculture over the 25 years shift in the profit and farm-size relationship are between 1982 and 2007. Figures A.8.1 and A.8.2 clearly seen in Figures 53 and 54. (Annex 8) confirm two main findings. One is the inverse relationship of yields (calculated Figure 54 shows that while paid out costs as gross revenue per acre) and farm size. This rise with farm size, the relationship changes relationship has held over the years. Using the completely with total costs (that is, when family “Situation Assessment Survey of Farmers, 2003,” labor is included), which fall with farm size. The Chand, Prasanna and Singh (2011) also confirm trends in the components of production costs the inverse relationship between farm size and in Figure 53 depict this point more clearly. In productivity (using value of crop output per effect, the higher revenues (at the small-farm hectare as the indicator of productivity). But the level, which turn to almost constant returns relationship of technical efficiency with farm to scale beyond about 5 acres) are neutralized size has changed. For 2006 (the last year of the by very high family labor costs.103 These trends survey), the trend confirms the econometric 102 Rawal and Swaminathan (2012), based on a study of seven finding presented earlier that efficiency villages in three states (Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and increases with farm size. For the previous years, Uttar Pradesh), find a positive relationship between gross as well as net incomes from farming and the scale of operation however, the relationship was nonlinear—rising defined as the “value of means of production,” but no clear- slightly from very small farm sizes but then cut patterns emerge between farm size and net income per hectare. eventually falling. 103 A similar conclusion is reached by Chand et al. (2011), who consider output value per capita and find it to be positively The most significant and dramatic shift has correlated with farm size—an alternative way of looking at returns to family labor using family size as a proxy for taken place in the relationship between family labor. 84 Chapter 8: Productivity and Efficiency at the Household (Micro) Level Figure 53: Revenue and costs per acre by farm size Figure 54: Cost structure by farm size .5 10000 12000 .4 .3 8000 .2 6000 .1 4000 0 2000 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 Total Cropped Area Cropped Area Crop value per acre Paid-out Costs Fertilizer Other inputs Hired Labor Total Cost (incl. Family labor) Pro ts per acre Pesticides Family Labor Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. Source: Authors, using NCAER-REDS Household Panel data. reinforce the econometric finding that family Past (and present) debates on agricultural labor use appears to be less productive on farm, productivity have centered primarily on suggesting that labor is overused on the farm. technical or production issues, reflecting the Small farmers use less fertilizer and pesticides policy focus on quantitative cereal output than other farmers, but the intensity of use growth. Promoting diversification toward a for other inputs is more or less constant across more economically profitable crop mix would farm sizes.104 achieve significant gains through improved economic efficiency in production. To achieve this goal, the role of policies, institutions, and Summary and Implications: High the enabling environment needs to be brought Cost of Inefficiency to the front and center of the discussions on At the household level, the finding of very achieving faster productivity growth. low economic efficiency implies a very high cost to farmers in terms of foregone farm Along these lines, the findings on land income. The higher technical inefficiency fragmentation, efficiency of younger and more among small farmers suggests potentially high educated households, and the association of returns to extension services, whereas the profitability with farm size are very important. higher allocative inefficiency at the farm level They suggest that some small farms may be among large farmers indicates economically getting too small to remain efficient or viable, suboptimal crop choice. despite the inverse technical relationship between farm size and yield. 104 The share of fertilizers in total as well as paid out costs also rises with farm size, indicating that small farmers are using The findings lend new urgency to land market less fertilizer in both absolute and relative terms. reforms and efforts to move labor off the farm. The 85 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth issues concerning land markets in India are land in the hands of the more productive not analyzed in depth in this study. They are farmers, perhaps by improving access to land already well analyzed, and the need to reform for younger and more educated farmers. tenancy laws as well as legalize or otherwise Perhaps even more important is the potential loosen restrictions on land lease markets interaction with the dynamics of structural is widely acknowledged (for example, see transformation. The need to attract agricultural discussions in GOI 2008a, 2011b, 2012; workers to productive jobs off of the farm Haque 2012, 2013). is well recognized, and the findings in this report suggest that it is even more urgent than This long-standing issue of reforming the policy anticipated. Better-functioning land markets and regulatory framework governing land and would permit the inefficient or unviable rental markets is a high priority to sustain farmers to seek off-farm work without fear of productivity and growth in farm incomes. More losing their primary asset or being bogged down efficient land markets can help to consolidate in debilitating litigation. 86 9 Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth M any factors drive growth in agricultural Past investments in technology appear to have productivity, such as investments made a significant impact, with technical in infrastructure, education, and change being the primary driver of TFP. Yet the market access. Among these, the central role green revolution technology may be reaching of “technology capital” is well documented for its limits and beginning to show diminishing India and globally (Evenson and Fuglie 2010; returns with progressively slower growth in Chand, Kumar, and Kumar 2011; Fuglie 2012; the green revolution stronghold states. The Fan, Hazell and Thorat 1999; Fan, Gulati and arguments for this “technology fatigue” are Thorat 2008). The previous chapters provide a grounded in the yield trends of India’s major somewhat mixed picture of technology’s role in crops, which show decreasing growth rates Indian agriculture. The estimates of extension since the 1980s (wheat) and early 1990s (rice) stock and research stock suggest that slow (Figure 55). Growth rates for both crops have growth in productivity may be related more to picked up in recent years, but it may be too deficiencies in extension than in research. soon to draw robust conclusions, as weather clouds a clear assessment. Growth in India’s rice and wheat yields Figure 55:  has slowed (10-year trend rates) What do these long-term trends mean? They may reflect insufficient generation of new 4.5 technology. They may reflect farmers’ failure 4.0 to use the newest technology available. 3.5 3.0 Alternatively, farmers may be using the best 2.5 technology but failing to realize the yields that 2.0 the technology is capable of delivering. The 1.5 most alarming prospect is that the technology 1.0 has reached its genetic limits—not only 0.5 in India, but globally. In fact, global yields 0.0 appear to have plateaued since the mid-1990s 1980/1981 1982/1983 1984/1985 1986/1987 1988/1989 1990/1991 1992/1993 1994/1995 1996/1997 1998/1999 2000/2001 2002/2003 2004/2005 2006/2007 2008/2009 2010/2011** for wheat and late 1990s for rice, as seen in Figure 56, which plots the highest rice and wheat yields attained in each year since 1960 Wheat Rice by any of the world’s top 40 producers of rice Source: Authors, using data from DES, MOA. and wheat. 87 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  lobal rice and wheat yields have plateaued Figure 56: G 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1960/1961 1962/1963 1964/1965 1966/1967 1968/1969 1970/1971 1972/1973 1974/1975 1976/1977 1978/1979 1980/1981 1982/1983 1984/1985 1986/1987 1988/1989 1990/1991 1992/1993 1994/1995 1996/1997 1998/1999 2000/2001 2002/2003 2004/2005 2006/2007 2008/2009 2010/2011 Rice Max Yields (Top 40) Wheat Max Yields (Top 40) Trend 2000/01-2011/12 Trend 1995/96-2011/12 Source: Authors, using FAOSTAT. The food security implications of slow global First, it looks at the “research problem” (the growth in cereal yields have raised concern for generation of new technology) by assessing some time (World Bank 2007b, Cassman 2011; how the production frontier has moved over Ray et al. 2013). For a country the size of India, time and examining prospects for progress. food security is a high priority, especially given Second, it focuses on the “extension problem” the projected volatility in global markets and through yield gap analysis, in which the the sheer influence of India on those markets. If differences between yields and agronomic past trends continue, demand-supply projection potential are estimated to clarify prospects for models show that India’s food security situation improving yields with the technology that is probably will not be dire (Joshi and Kumar available now. 2011; GOI 2012; Ganesh-Kumar et al. 2012). If productivity remains sluggish, however, India might have to rely on imports (Parikh et al. Current Yield Gaps and Progress in 2011), with a significant impact on global Closing Gaps over Time markets. The slowing growth in yields is thus worrisome, regardless of whether the objective Yield gaps are variously defined based on the is to maintain yield trends for food security or benchmark selected for “potential” yields to improve productivity for growth. (Fischer, Byerlee and Edmeades 2009; Lobell, Cassman and Fields 2009). While it is tempting To assess the prospects for yield growth, this to use yields achieved in other countries or chapter looks at two aspects of the issue. certain regions within India as the benchmark, 88 Chapter 9: Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth such comparisons may not be valid.105 Another Figure 57: Yield gaps, all India approach (adopted here) is to use a bio-physical 9 8.2 crop model to simulate the potential for 8 popular and established rice and wheat cultivars 7 6.2 6.6 Yields, Tons/ha in different parts of India. 6 5.5 5 4 Two benchmark levels are generated for 3.4 2.9 3 each state: One is a biological potential yield 2 (PY) based only on varietal characteristics 1 without any constraints in the growing 0 environment, and the other is attainable yield Paddy (All India) Wheat (All India) (AY), which introduces water management Simulated PY Simulated AY Actual as a constraint, using the current level of Source: Authors and DES, MOA. irrigation development in each state to simulate attainable yield.106 A final benchmark Figure 57 shows the all-India weighted averages is “realizable” yield (RY), which is the research for RY, AY, and FY, giving an aggregate picture station or experimental yield. Experimental of yield gaps for rice and wheat. Given India’s yields (RY) should be close to the AY, with the heterogeneity, yields and yield gaps vary by difference reflecting soil problems, pests, other location, making it difficult to arrive at an management problems, and localized variation aggregate RY estimate (RY data are classified only in weather, as some biotic and abiotic stresses by broad agricultural domains). The importance cannot be controlled even on an experiment of this limitation is clearly shown for rice and station. All of these yields can then be compared wheat in Annex 9, Figures A.9.1–A.9.2. Even to observed actual or farm yields (FY) to theoretical potential yields vary considerably by establish the size of the yield gaps. state, with greater differences for wheat than 105 Agro-ecological conditions (temperature, sunlight, water for rice. The variation in AY is larger, indicating stress, and so on), soil type, and various other biotic that even within India, a simple comparison of and abiotic factors make such comparisons difficult or meaningless. For example, it is commonplace to compare rice yields observed in, for example, Punjab with rice yields in India (typically Punjab) with China (typically Madhya Pradesh or Jharkhand may not be useful. Jilin or Jiangsu, provinces with highest yields), despite marked differences in soil conditions (such as soil carbon, micronutrients), temperature, and growing duration (length Although RY would be the ideal comparator, of growing period or exposure to sunlight), all of which make AY is used as a proxy, as they are expected to a significant difference to yields. Farming systems differ as well. Rice is typically monocropped in China, and the length be close. As shown in Figure 58, RY and AY are of the growing period is significantly longer than in India’s very similar for Punjab (where RY is more easily Punjab, where farmers grow rice and wheat in rotation. Their priority is to shorten the growing period for rice to make way compiled based on available data). Assuming for wheat planting, even though rice yields are compromised this relationship holds for other states, as a result. 106 The biological potential reflects purely exogenous climate Figure 59 shows the current yield gap107 for the factors and varietal characteristics, but no other biotic or abiotic stresses (considered manageable), and hence 107 The yield gap is defined as the difference between FY and AY represents a theoretical physical optimum. Attainable as a percentage of AY, where FY is a five-year average actual yield incorporates local soil factors and water control (area or observed farmer yield at the state level, and AY represents irrigated) to identify what is attainable given the current the current simulated potential, with the crop model level of water management but assuming that all other parameterized using a recently released, widely used variety factors can be (at least theoretically) controlled. for each crop. 89 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 58: Yield gaps, Punjab states show a slowing in yield growth, with 12 the exception of Gujarat, Karnataka, and 10.2 9.72 9.7 Maharashtra, all of which have substantially 10 8.4 narrowed their yield gaps. Yields, Tons/Ha 8 7.4 6.8 6 6.2 As a point of reference, it is instructive to note 4.5 that globally no country has been able to reduce 4 its yield gap below 20 percent, suggesting that 2 30 percent may be a realistic target (Lobell, Cassman and Fields 2009). The reasons behind 0 Paddy (Punjab) Wheat (Punjab) this phenomenon are not fully understood but Sim. Potential Sim. Attainable Var. Rel. Data Actual probably result from management and variation Source: Authors and DES,MOA. in field conditions. Yield gaps vary considerably across states, but some approach 30 percent of major producing states. It also shows the rate at their potential with current technology and so which the yield gap has reduced over the long have little scope for further improvement. West run (1970-2010) and in recent years (1995–2010). Bengal—not a traditional wheat-growing area— is an outlier that has exceeded its expected Most states have made more rapid progress performance. Maharashtra and Gujarat seem to in closing the yield gap for rice in the last 15 have exhausted their potential with the current years relative to the earlier period (reflected in wheat technology, whereas Punjab and Haryana the lower long-run growth rate). The notable still have some limited room to increase yields. exceptions are Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil West Bengal and Punjab are also close to their Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh, which have regressed potential for paddy, but most other states have in the more recent period. In wheat most significant potential yield advances to exploit. Figure 59: Current yield gaps and progress in reducing yield gap 4.0 Wheat 70.0 2.5 Paddy 80.0 2.0 70.0 3.0 60.0 1.5 60.0 50.0 2.0 1.0 50.0 40.0 0.5 1.0 40.0 30.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 -0.5 20.0 20.0 -1.0 -1.0 10.0 -1.5 WB AP PB TN UP KE KT GJ OR HR MH CH BH MP 10.0 WB MH HR PB GJ RJ UP KT MP HP BH -2.0 0.0 -2.0 0.0 Progress 1970-10 Progress 1995-10 Yield Gap - right axis Source: Authors, derived using DES, MOA, data. 90 Chapter 9: Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth In interpreting these findings, two important early 1990s), yields in rice have not improved caveats need to be kept in mind. One is that AY, significantly in recent years. Longer trends from used here as the benchmark for the yield gap, 1965 onward (depicted in Annex 9, Figures assumes no biotic or abiotic stress is present, A.9.3–A.9.6) reveal that growth in RY has slowed which may not hold in practice—see the in recent years. After the initial sharp growth discussion on Bihar and Odisha in Chapter 14, in the late 1960s with the introduction of HYVs, for example. Second, these are physical or since 1980 rainfed rice yields have changed output maximum potentials, not economically little. For irrigated rice, RY grew fastest in the optimal potentials. So depending on the local 1980s and early 1990s and then stagnated from policy and institutional environment, reducing 1995. Trends in realizable wheat yields show a the physical yield gaps may not be economically more optimistic picture. Growth increased in viable (as possibly reflected in the actual or the latest period (1995–2010) after steady albeit observed farm yields). relatively slower growth from 1965 to 1995. For rainfed wheat, RY increased most sharply in the 1980s; it has slowed since then but Technological Progress: Evolution continues to grow. Almost 90 percent of India’s of Realizable Yields current wheat area is irrigated, however, and after modest but steady growth from the 1960s Using data on India’s varietal releases,108 it is through the 1980s, potential irrigated wheat possible to chart the technological progress yields have been on the upswing since 1995. made for these crops from the 1960s. The database includes varieties released for 6 Figures 60 and 61 also show what is happening agro-ecological zones for wheat and 12 agro- with yield gaps in rice and wheat at the ecologies/production systems for rice. It aggregate level. Wheat has seen a recent (1995– provides information on varieties released 2010) widening of the yield gap, whereas the in every year, including the experiment rice gap has been narrowing. Farm Yields (FY) station yields that are the basis for varietal are rising each year by 21 kilograms per hectare release decisions. Several varieties are usually (0.74 percent) for wheat and 26 kilograms per recommended for multiple domains, and hectare (1.2 percent) for rice. The widening multiple varieties are released in most years. To yield gap for wheat arises from the much faster simplify the depiction of the long-term trends, rise in RY (36 kilograms per hectare per year for Figure 60 and Figure 61 show the maximum rainfed wheat and 54 for irrigated wheat), while experimental rice and wheat yields across all for rice RY has stagnated since 1995, rising at varieties released in a given year across all only 6 kilograms per hectare per year.110 domains for irrigated and rainfed conditions.109 The figures also include current farm yields as How does India compare to other countries with an all-India average. respect to yield gaps for rice and wheat, and progress in closing those gaps? A study of major The figures show that while wheat potential grain-growing areas around the world (“global continues to rise (after stagnating in the 108 Provided by DWR and DRR and facilitated by ICAR. 110 Part of the observed growth in FY for each crop is explained 109 For some years, recorded yields are very low, because of by irrigation expansion. Between 1995 and 2008 (years for special traits in the varieties released. These observations are which data are available), the share of irrigated area grew at dropped to keep the trends from getting too distorted. 0.5 percent for wheat and 1.04 percent for rice. 91 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  xperimental rice yields for released Figure 60: E Experimental wheat yields for released Figure 61:  varieties, 1990–2010 varieties, 1990–2010 10.00 8.00 9.00 7.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Actual Yields (Combined) Irrigated PY Reinfed PY Actual Yields (Combined) Irrigated PY Reinfed PY Source: Authors, using DRR database. Source: Authors, using DWR database. breadbaskets”) analyzes progress in farm yields, the average for other sites, but with almost no potential yields, and yield gaps for rice and growth in RY, India is lagging. wheat (Fischer, Byerlee, and Edmeades 2013). The study sites include Punjab for irrigated wheat and rice and Madhya Pradesh for rainfed Metrics of Research Achievement rice. The findings are summarized in Annex 9, Other than Yield Tables A.9.1–A.9.2. The yield gap in Punjab is Yield is an important metric of research similar to the average across the other sites, achievements, but it is not the only one. with scope for doubling current yield levels Research also has to focus on developing relative to Punjab’s potential yield. Progress varieties that may not necessarily advance (rate of change) in both FY and PY is also comparable to other sites. Notably, the progress the yield frontier but can cope better with in wheat RY, estimated from the more complete particular stresses in specific environments. data above, appears to be better than for most Developing such varieties is an important part other countries (sites) in the study. of the work undertaken in India’s research system, given India’s vast agro-ecological The yield gap for irrigated rice in Punjab, diversity (Annex 9, Figures A.9.7 and A.9.8 show however, is larger than the global average. rice and wheat varieties released by decade for Current yields in Punjab need to rise by 75 specific production domains). Often researchers percent to close the gap, whereas on average develop varieties that are adapted to emerging global yields need to double. Although Madhya conditions (evolving pests and diseases, for Pradesh performs as well as the only other example) or to other local priorities or agro- rainfed rice site, the scope for improvement ecologies, such as resilience to drought, saline is remains substantial—current rainfed rice soils, waterlogged soils, and so on. yields in Madhya Pradesh need to increase by 150 percent to close the gap. Progress with This full set of research priorities and yields at the farm level in India is the same as achievements is not captured through yield 92 Chapter 9: Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth increases alone. For example, Dar et al. (2012) Simulated impact of temperatures on Figure 62:  report that a flood-tolerant rice variety had a grain yields significant positive impact (45 percent higher 7 yields) under prolonged flooding (6–14 days) 6 compared to a popular variety in a randomized 5 trial in 128 villages in Odisha. Research on Grain yield, t/ha such varieties is a high priority, considering 4 that 25 percent of India’s rice area is affected 3 by prolonged flooding and that Odisha’s low- 2 lying, flood-prone areas are heavily populated 1 by disadvantaged groups. In Bihar, another randomized evaluation of traits in rice varieties 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 (Ward et al. 2013) finds that farmers value Increase in Temperature, °C drought-tolerant cultivars and are willing to pay 550 ppm CO2 Potential yield Current yield more for them. The high risk of abiotic stresses Source: Aggarwal and Rani 2009. (such as drought) in Bihar warrants additional research on varieties that can surmount these same model used to estimate yield potential local problems. At the same time, farmers’ previously), which clearly demonstrates how willingness to pay for the traits they demand rising temperatures might affect grain yields in in a variety signals that India should encourage India. greater investment by the private sector in research on such cultivars. Technology Capital: Investing for Another major historical priority of research the Future in India has been to reduce the length of the growing period. As noted, this trait is The evidence on the role of innovation in particularly important in the Indo-Gangetic India’s structural transformation—specifically plains, where farmers growing rice and wheat the need to accelerate growth in TFP— in rotation place a premium on rice that heightens the importance of investing in matures early and wheat that can be planted technology capital. Developing countries now late. Short-duration varieties are also an account for almost half of all global spending important mechanism for managing drought, on agricultural R&D (Beintema et al. 2012), because they enable farmers to adjust their recognizing the need for science and innovation planting dates and reduce their exposure to to drive their development. China, Brazil, and risk. An even more important potential benefit India are the major powerhouses, together from varieties that mature early is that they can contributing about a one-quarter of the global help farmers adapt to the rising temperatures R&D investment (Beintema et al. 2012). that accompany climate change. Higher temperatures are expected to reduce yields The recent surge in investment comes in significantly (Aggarwal and Rani 2009; Jacoby response to many emerging trends. They 2013). Figure 62 shows the results from recent include the slowdown in productivity growth research using a crop simulation model (the globally and in individual countries—an 93 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth outcome of faltering R&D investments and in Indian agriculture. Going forward, these complacency after the success of the green institutions must internalize the complexities revolution in most countries, as well as shifting of the new and emerging food and agricultural R&D priorities in the developed countries systems, respond to local demands from where most technological advances once smallholders as well as the broad imperatives originated. Investment is also increasing to cope of food and nutritional security, feed into the with greater volatility in global food markets, rapidly changing and increasingly knowledge- the prospective impact of climate change intensive agriculture practiced today, and on agriculture and food production, and the provide the high-quality human resources imperative to ensure future food and nutrition essential for any technology and innovation security in the face of severe natural resource system to succeed. (land and water) constraints. Agricultural research But success depends on more than the allocation of public funds, as the comparative India’s large, well-established agricultural performance of Brazil, China, and India research system (Box 2) operates largely in the demonstrates. Brazil spends significantly less public domain at both the central and state than the others but is still widely recognized levels. Public research still accounts for the as the most innovative and successful research bulk of current investment in agricultural R&D. system among developing countries (Beintema Rapidly emerging private research operations et al. 2012). China’s experience shows the now account for almost one-third of total importance of focusing on the quality and R&D investment but need to be nurtured not just the quantity of innovation effort through an appropriate enabling environment (Jin et al. 2010). Successful agricultural (Pray and Nagarajan 2012). The high returns innovation systems are built upon strong, to investments in agricultural R&D are well interdependent efforts in research, education, documented worldwide (Alston et al. 2000) and and extension. All three countries have a long in India (Rosegrant and Evenson 1992, 1995). and notable history of achievements in all three Agricultural research gives higher returns on components of the innovation system. investment than other public expenditures, even rural roads and education (Annex 11, The continuous challenge facing research, Figure A.11.3) (Fan et al. 2012). The evidence education, and extension is to remain relevant, on productivity growth presented in previous effective, and efficient. Brazil and China have chapters underscores this point at the national, undertaken periodic reforms to reorient and subnational, and farm levels. redesign their agricultural innovation systems to meet growing and emerging national Recognizing the long-term repercussions of challenges (Huang, Hu and Rozelle 2004; underinvestment in agricultural R&D in the Contini et al. 2010). By comparison, research, 1990s, since 2004/05 the government has rapidly education, and extension have lagged in India increased public expenditures on agricultural in recent years (Lele et al. 2013). The impressive research (including education) at about 15 institutions established at the time of the green percent per year (Singh 2012). Despite the revolution have become less effective and increase in expenditure, agricultural research relevant in stimulating transformative change intensity—the ratio of agricultural research 94 Chapter 9: Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth Box 2: Agricultural research organization, investment, and capacity in India The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, is the apex body for coordinating, guiding, and managing research and education in agriculture (including horticulture, fisheries, and animal sciences) throughout India. With 99 ICAR institutes and 60 agricultural universities spread across the country, this national agricultural research system is one of the world’s largest. Public spending on agricultural research and education averaged 0.7 percent of agricultural GDP over the Eleventh Plan period (2007/08–2011/12), compared to an end-of-plan target of 1 percent of agricultural GDP. Public spending in India is relatively low compared to other developed (2.35 percent) and developing countries (Brazil spends 1.04 percent).a The bulk of research capacity, in full-time staff equivalents, is in the state agricultural universities, accounting for about 56 percent of staff, with the rest in ICAR institutes.b Research resources continue to be concentrated in the western and southern states (60 percent), with the hill and eastern states receiving less attention. Research focuses more on crop husbandry (85 percent) than animal husbandry (7 percent) or soil and water conservation, dairy development, and fisheries (less than 5 percent each). Private investment in R&D has grown rapidly in the past couple of decades, and in 2008/09 was estimated to account for 26–30 percent of all spending (public and private) on R&D, compared to about 17 percent in 1994/95.c The most dynamic sectors for private innovation over the last decade have been the seed industry, the pesticide industry, and the farm machinery industry. The major remaining constraints noted by the private sector include regulations and price controls on new technology, enforcement of intellectual property rights, and limited availability of scientists. Source: Authors a GOI 2011c. b Beintema et al. 2013. c Pray and Nagarajan 2012. expenditure to agricultural GDP—remains Despite increased spending and rapid growth very low (under 0.6) (GOI 2012), well below in the number of universities and research India’s comparators and developed countries, institutions, the capacity for research in terms where agriculture’s contribution to GDP and of staff strength is falling (Benteima et al. 2012). employment is much less than in India. State agricultural universities are a critical component of the research system, but they Concerns have grown about the relevance, suffer from a number of problems (discussed efficiency, and effectiveness of the national later in detail), including rapid drop in the agricultural research system, especially its number of occupied faculty positions in several inability to adapt to changing needs and state universities and a decline in staff quality challenges (Evenson and Jha 1973, Jha and arising from insularity, ageing, and a general Kumar 2006; Singh 2011; Lele et al. 2013).111 decline in skills (Singh 2011). 111 Key issues include the system’s traditional organizational and institutional structure, which is unable to meet the Extensive analysis and two high-powered challenges and demands of globalization, privatization, and committees headed by eminent scientists—the liberalization; its technology generation paradigm, which Swaminathan Committee (2005) and Mashelkar is top-down, supply-driven, public-sector-oriented, and linear; high transaction costs; deteriorating human capacity; Committee (2005)—have promoted reforms, duplication; bureaucratic rigidities; inadequate incentives but the general consensus is that the research to respond to emerging demands; and poor monitoring and evaluation. system has seen no real reform in how it 95 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth functions (Ferroni 2013; Ramasamy 2012; once-impressive university system (Lele and Lele et al. 2013). A review of contemporary Goldsmith 1989), patterned after the United institutional and implementation arrangements States Land Grant Universities, is in disarray for agricultural research highlights India’s and declining in quality. The system faces need for a strategy to improve the efficiency of multiple crises of governance, resources, resource use, increase dissemination of known effectiveness, and ethics—even as more technologies, enhance the quality of human universities are being created, without attention resources, and commercialize technologies to quality (Nene and Tamboli 2011). These (Babu et al. 2012). issues are familiar to the key policy-making institutions and decision makers (the Planning Commission, ICAR, and Vice-Chancellors and Agricultural education Deans of Universities). Under the auspices of The state agricultural universities not only the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences have a mandate to build the much-needed and ICAR, the XI Agriculture Science Congress human capacity for the research system but focused on agricultural education, drawing undertake their own research (particularly upon best practices across India and from adaptive research) and extension. India’s around the world to chart a way forward for Box 3: Resolutions from the Bhubaneswar Declaration on higher agricultural education in India The entire community of research, education, and extension professionals, managers, and policy makers at the XI Agricultural Science Congress (Bhubaneswar, February 2013) unanimously endorsed the following resolutions from the Bhubaneswar Declaration: ƒƒ Embrace agricultural education and AREE4D [agricultural research, education, and extension for development] as an integral component of the national agricultural policy to ensure adequate, consistent and predictable investments in agriculture, especially education, research, and extension in creating a world-class agricultural university system attuned to face challenges and opportunities over short, medium and long term. ƒƒ Ensure and institutionalize transparent governance, autonomy, meritocracy, dynamic assessment of human resource requirement, judicious allocation of resources, effective implementation, monitoring, evaluation, accountability and responsibility based system, and to minimize splitting and inbreeding. ƒƒ Pay focused attention to the standards, norms, and accreditation in quality agricultural education, create centres of excellence and institutes for agricultural education, science, knowledge, research, technology, and innovation in an interdisciplinary and multifaculty mode. ƒƒ Identify national- and state- level public and private sector leaders with differentiated but reiterative responsibilities to work on the design and implementation of reforms and to develop a strong inter- ministerial and inter-departmental cooperation mechanism. ƒƒ Revamp teaching/learning processes and methodologies to attract best of talents and blooming young minds for nurturing them leading to a nation-wide programme on “Youth for Leadership in Farming.” ƒƒ Support India’s proposed development of an active and continuous long-term relationship- based international cooperation, rejuvenate and dynamically strengthen initial very successful collaboration between Indian State Agricultural Universities and United States Land Grant Universities, and launch need-based South-South and South-North collaborations such as the Brazilian LABEX programme of scientific exchange. Source: NAAS and ICAR 2013. 96 Chapter 9: Technology: Yield Gaps and Prospects for Growth India. The Bhubaneswar Declaration (NAAS and problems in Phase II largely resulted from the ICAR 2013) outlines a road map for improving program’s rapid expansion and inability to India’s higher education system (Box 3). The attract human resources with the appropriate road map calls for fundamental changes, which skills, resulting in a lack of skilled, dedicated will require political will and commitment to personnel, weak research-extension links, implement and overcome the resistance to limited outreach to farmers, limited operational change. flexibility (compared to the pilot phase), poor organization, and disappointing outcomes Agricultural extension (Raabe 2008; Sulaiman and Hall 2008). Despite the revision of ATMA’s guidelines in 2010, a The primary organizational reform of India’s vacuum remains in the delivery of technical agricultural extension services was the advisory services (Ferroni and Zhou 2012). To gradual implementation of the Agricultural assess ATMA’s progress since 2010, Babu et al. Technology Management Agency (ATMA) model (2012) undertook a detailed field assessment over the past 15 years. ATMA was designed based on case studies of seven districts in four as a decentralized, demand-driven approach states (Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, to extension that could respond to local and Tamil Nadu).114 The study highlighted demands, priorities, and constraints. Beginning positive achievements resulting from ATMA’s with a pilot (Phase I, 1998–2004), ATMA was demand-driven, multi-agency approach implemented in 28 districts of 7 states and later but noted persistent issues with reaching scaled up (Phase II, 2005–10) to 262 districts and communities, achieving organizational then (2007) to all 591 districts.112 The expansion autonomy, and improving staff quality (Box 4). raised design and implementation concerns, which were eventually addressed in the revised guidelines in 2010 ( Annex 9, Box A.9.3) and Conclusions and Implications Phase III of the program (2010 to the present). Substantial yield gaps remain in large parts of rainfed and irrigated areas, indicating Phase I won high marks for innovation (Singh significant potential for further gains. While a and Swanson 2006; Anderson 2007; Swanson, number of factors influence yield gaps, from Hall, and Reddy 2008). Independent evaluations the technology perspective, the immediate by the Indian Institute of Management showed priority for addressing “technology fatigue” is that the pilot mobilized farming communities, to resolve the “extension problem.” Research developed public-private partnerships, also has significant challenges to confront, improved interaction among farmers and such as dedicating more effort to crops other extension workers, increased productivity and than rice and wheat and leveraging the rapidly farm incomes (compared to control groups), emerging private sector to tackle important and facilitated the development of supply outstanding and emerging challenges. These chains for a number of commodities.113 The research challenges include the multiple biotic 112 ATMA was scaled up under the government’s Support to and abiotic stresses prevalent in the LIS, a State Extension Programs for Extension Reforms. transforming agriculture and food sector, and 113 Participatory planning, operational flexibility, smooth and timely flows of funds, training and capacity building support, the potential impacts of a changing climate. and independent monitoring and evaluation were some of the reasons for the pilot’s success. See World Bank (2007c). 114 See Babu et al. (2012). 97 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Technology capital is a critical input to accelerate private sector research. Human capacity for agricultural productivity. Global experience technological innovation is needed in both the amply demonstrates that success is more than private and public sectors. The urgency need the sum of public funding. The quality of to resolve the crises in the State Agricultural innovation and the capacity of institutions to University System is laid out in the Bhubaneswar reconfigure and reorient themselves to a rapidly Declaration. Similarly, the actions needed transforming and increasingly knowledge- to improve agricultural extension are well intensive agriculture are critical elements of known but need to be put into practice. These success. In this regard, priorities for research institutional changes require fundamental are to implement the reforms proposed by reforms, and implementing them requires the panels led by eminent scientists within India same unwavering political will and commitment and to remove the remaining constraints to that ushered in the green revolution. Box 4: ATMA—Steps toward demand-driven, pluralistic extension On the positive side, IFPRI’s study of India’s agricultural extension program concluded that ATMA had widened the range of extension activities and modalities that could be funded, enabling extension to respond better to the demands of different stakeholders, although performance varied widely across states, districts, and blocks. Convergence across programs (such as the National Food Security Mission, National Horticulture Mission) had improved, although again it varied by state, with good examples emerging from Maharashtra. Regular meetings at the district and block level between different line departments (agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, and so on) improved working relationships across departments. Additional funding from ATMA helped some departments to implement their extension activities. ATMA’s association with Commodity Interest Groups (CIGs) helps them to access commercial bank finance, knowledge, and other services such as marketing and inputs—all important elements of success in extension. ATMA has created a constituency for its support at the ground level through Farmer Advisory Committees (FACs) and CIGs and to some extent expanded the reach of public extension agencies to rural communities. On the less positive side, although ATMA is increasingly recognized as a new demand-driven, multi-agency approach to extension at the district level, that role is not so well articulated at the block and village levels. The lack of skilled staff at the right time remains a constraint. Like other government agencies, ATMA experiences funding delays, but agricultural programs must meet seasonal needs, and delays seriously affect agricultural productivity and incomes. Set up as an independent agency, ATMA was not administratively linked to any particular department, which was instrumental to its success in Phase I. Subsequently the Department of Agriculture became the lead department for ATMA, causing other line departments to perceive ATMA as a Department of Agriculture scheme rather than an equal partner. It may be time to explore more neutral organizational options. At the very least, other departments could take the lead role where warranted (for example, Horticulture or Animal Husbandry in districts where they represent the primary source of agricultural livelihoods). Links with agricultural research must be institutionalized rather than left to personal initiative, interest, and contacts, especially at the block level. Partnerships in delivering extension services should be encouraged with NGOs and the private sector, to add to the plurality of service providers and encourage specialization based on comparative advantages (for example, in areas such as agricultural marketing, where extension staff may not be the best equipped for the job). Finally, monitoring and evaluation must be extended to monitor outputs, outcomes, and impacts, which will require careful selection of performance indicators and systems to ensure that data are collected, verified, and analyzed at regular intervals. Source: Adapted from Babu et al. 2012. 98 Livestock Subsector: 10 Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance 115 Introduction inter-state variation in consumption prevails as well (Gandhi and Zhou 2010).117 Rising income levels, population growth, and urbanization are shifting India’s dietary Supply has not kept pace with demand. India patterns away from carbohydrate-rich cereals has some of the largest animal populations to foods richer in proteins and micronutrients, but lower per capita availability of milk and as noted in Chapter 1. Consumption of food meat than all other regions of the world. from animal sources has increased steadily in Consumption of eggs is much lower than the rural and urban areas (the shift in favor of fruits Asian average on account of low productivity. and vegetables is even stronger). Interestingly, these shifts are more pronounced in rural Looking to the future, continued income than in urban areas and among the urban and growth and demographic changes in India rural poor (Table 17). Despite past growth, are expected to propel strong growth in consumption levels remain substantially below demand for livestock products, presenting those in developed countries.116 Considerable huge potential for production growth. The Table 17: Rural and urban household expenditure patterns have shifted away from cereals Rural expenditure (%) Urban expenditure (%) 1993–94 2009–10 1993–94 2009–10 Share of food in total household expenditure 63.2 53.6 54.7 40.7 Allocation of food budget: Cereals 36.6 28.2 24.7 21.7 Milk and milk products 14.3 15.5 17.2 18.5 Meat, eggs, and fish 5.0 6.2 5.9 6.4 Total animal products 19.3 21.7 23.1 24.9 Other foods 44.1 50.1 52.3 53.4 All foods 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: Birthal 2008 and NSSO survey, 2009–10. 117 Milk consumption in Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan (at 115 This chapter is based on Leitch, Ahuja, and Jabbar (2013). 146, 134, and 108 liters per capita annually, respectively) is 116 In India, only about 10 grams of protein is derived daily per way above that of states like Manipur and West Bengal (2.5 capita from livestock products, compared to 16.6 grams in and 20.8 liters, respectively). Per capita meat consumption is Asia, 45.3 grams in the Americas, 47.7 grams in the European highest among the northeastern states but still relatively low Union, and 56.8 grams in Oceania (FAO 2011). at 10.4–19.4 kilograms. 99 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  gricultural GDP: Share of livestock, Figure 63: A Other estimates suggest that livestock 1950/51–20110/11 (in 2004–05 prices) production has large multiplier effects in 35.0% 900 India. An additional US$ 1 spent on primary 800 livestock production generates US$ 4.7 in 30.0% national household income (through demand Thousand Crores (2004-05) 700 25.0% and nonfarm linkages), compared to US$ 4.3 600 20.0% in fruits and vegetables, US$ 3.6 in crops, and 500 US$ 2.9 each in manufacturing and services 15.0% 400 (FAO 2011). Importantly, most of the livestock 300 10.0% in India is owned by marginal and small 200 farmers, indicating that livestock ownership 5.0% 100 is more equitable than land ownership. About 0.0% 0 65 percent of India’s rural farm households have 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 marginal land holdings of less than 1 hectare. These same households own 20 percent of all Livestock Agriculture Livestock Share (Left Axis) land but more than 50 percent of all cattle, Source: Authors, using CSO National Accounts Data. small ruminants, pigs, and poultry and about 45 percent of India’s buffaloes (Table 18). livestock subsector has grown at twice the rate of the food grain subsector, raising the Livestock is an important source of employment share of livestock in agricultural GDP from for rural households and especially for 20 percent in TE 1981 to about 30 percent in women. Mixed crop-livestock farming systems TE 2010 (Figure 63). Livestock’s contribution predominate in India, although some scaling up to agricultural growth increased from 31 is starting to occur in the leading dairy states. percent in 1992/93 to 36 percent in 2008/09. Livestock are labor intensive, providing an Milk accounted for two-thirds of the total opportunity for unskilled labor in rural areas. value of output in livestock, owing to past Crop agriculture is seasonal and risky; adding and continuing public investment in the dairy livestock production helps to reduce rural sector (see Annex 10, Table A.10.1). underemployment, particularly of family labor, and provides more stable income throughout Livestock income contributes significantly to the year. A recent study estimated that the both poverty reduction and economic growth. production of 1,000 liters of milk alone on Using the nationally representative survey data a daily basis by small, medium, and large on farm households in 2002/03 (NSSO 2005), producers, respectively, creates 230, 97, and 25 Birthal and Negi (2012) find that the probability jobs in India (Staal, Nin-Pratt, and Jabbar 2008). of a household being poor decreases more with The livestock subsector engaged 8.8 percent of the rising proportion of per capita household the agricultural labor force in 2005 (Table 19), income derived from livestock and crops. Over with women comprising between 70 and 80 and above the negative effect of log per capita percent of the workforce. While 90 percent of income, the marginal effect on poverty is –0.36 employment in primary production is in rural for the share of income from livestock and areas, a sizeable number of jobs in marketing –0.25 for the share of income from crops. and processing are in the urban areas. Animal 100 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 Table 18: Distribution of land and livestock holding by land holding size Marginal Small Semi-medium Medium Large (<1ha) (1–2 ha) (2–4 ha) (4–10 ha) (>10 ha) All Percent households 64.8 18.5 10.9 4.9 0.9 100 Average land holding size (ha) 0.38 1.38 2.68 5.74 17.08 1.23 Proportion of land owned (%) 20.2 20.9 23.9 23.1 11.8 100 Proportion of livestock ownership (%) Cattle 50.4 22.2 16.1 9.1 2.2 100 Buffalo 44.8 21.5 18.3 12.5 2.9 100 Small ruminants 52.4 21.3 14.6 8.4 3.3 100 Pig 55.6 22.6 13.6 6.5 1.7 100 Poultry 64.2 18.7 11.2 4.1 1.8 100 Source: www.indiastat.com. Note: Land ownership is for 2005–06 and livestock ownership is for 2006–07. Table 19: Employment in the livestock subsector by farm size category Agricultural employment in Share of livestock in Share of women in livestock rural employment (percent) agricultural employment (%) employment (%) Farm category 1993–94 2004–05 1993–94 2004–05 1993–94 2004–05 Landless 62.8 62.5 5.5 2.3 68.0 97.2 Marginal 73.0 65.2 7.1 9.2 69.4 73.4 Small 89.4 88.2 6.1 7.4 72.1 82.1 Medium 92.2 90.8 6.8 7.8 72.8 83.1 Large 93.1 91.4 7.7 8.6 76.7 82.0 All 78.4 72.7 6.8 8.8 70.5 76.6 Source: NSSO 2006 data. husbandry is also more inclusive, with 69 India’s productivity is well below the world percent of the persons employed belonging to average. Given the importance of livestock SC, ST, and OBC. among poor households (for income and for coping with risk), growth in the subsector is Finally, improving productivity in the livestock likely to continue.119 To avoid the tradeoff with subsector is also important for mitigating environmental impacts, it is critical to focus greenhouse gas emissions.118 With the exception on livestock management and productivity. of dairy, past growth in the sector has been Growth in greenhouse gas emissions is closely driven more by expanding numbers of animals related to the nature of the livestock production than by improved animal productivity (output system. Emissions per head of cattle are per unit of livestock or yields). Even in dairy, 119 Livestock growth is much less volatile than crop growth, and livestock have been a key part of household risk 118 FAO (2006) estimates that about 18 percent of global management and food security strategies to cushion weather greenhouse gas emissions are from livestock. and other shocks (Annex 10, Figure A.10.1). 101 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth strongly dependent on diet quality (Harper by the lack of formal marketing channels, as et al. 1999; FAO 2006). The following sections profit margins are lower for milk sold through discuss more specific opportunities, constraints informal markets. During the flush production to growth, and areas for action to improve the season, informal traders often offer less than performance of the livestock subsector. market prices or even decline to procure some of the output. Opportunities for the Livestock Historically, the increase in average milk Subsector yields was driven by better market access, the growing population of crossbred animals as India is a global leader for livestock production, artificial insemination (AI) services expanded, although production per animal remains and the replacement of draft breeds with low by world standards.120 The average milk dairy animals (as mechanization spread). yield of Indian cows is about 3.4 kilograms Growth in meat output has mainly come at per day, compared to the world average of 6.3 the extensive margin—that is, from growth in kilograms per day. Unlike other countries, livestock numbers. All types of meat output in India buffaloes are a significant source of increased (at varying rates) except for pig milk, accounting for over half of national milk meat. Precise and systematic data on measures production. Average milk productivity per of meat productivity in India are scarce, but animal grew at a respectable pace from 1980 to the limited data available suggest a near 2000 but has slowed considerably since (Annex stagnation of productivity (measured crudely 10, Table A.10.2). Reasons for slower growth as carcass weight per animal) over the last four in milk production include indiscriminate to five decades. The only segments that have crossbreeding, the failure to respond to growing perhaps shown modest growth in productivity feed scarcity, underinvestment in systematic (measured by feed conversion ratios) are the disease prevention and control programs, and commercial broiler and egg segments. inadequate services and advice to farmers (Leitch, Ahuja, and Jabbar 2013). India has substantial room to increase output of milk and meat at the intensive margin. The The formal processing sector expanded potential for milk production is demonstrated rapidly, driven by the private sector after the in Figure 64, which shows the large variation in deregulation of the dairy industry in the early milk productivity across states.121 1990s, but it remains small. Currently the formal sector handles less than 20 percent Crossbred cattle are an important contributor of India’s milk output. More than half of the to yield differentials, which in turn reflect the registered milk-processing capacity is in the wide variability in AI dissemination rates across private sector (in relation to the cooperative states. States with high rate of AI dissemination sector). Small producers are particularly affected and other policy measures (such as the 120 India has more than half the world’s buffalos, one-fifth of the world’s small ruminants, and more than 10 percent of 121 Since animal productivity is relatively less subject to agro- the cattle population. With an estimated 127 million tonnes climatic conditions, the differences across states suggest of milk in 2011-12, India leads the world in milk production the presence of substantial “yield gaps” and scope for and has emerged as a leading meat exporter. improvement in many, especially the lower-income, states. 102 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 Figure 64: Milk yield variability by state 60000 Productivity per animal in milk (Rs/year) Milk 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Meghalaya MP Maharashtra Assam Chhattisgarh Tripura Karnataka Orissa UP HP Nagaland Uttarakhand Jharkhand WB Bihar AP TN Rajasthan Gujarat Manipur Mizoram Goa Haryana Kerala Punjab Source: Chand and Parappurathu 2011. development of market infrastructure and productivity. Expanding the value of meat and promotion of milk procurement) experienced live animal exports requires that India address high productivity gains. Feed constraints and a the pressing feed problem, improve the sanitary high morbidity/disease burden also contribute quality of finished output, invest in controlling to lower yields in some states. Given their foot and mouth disease (FMD), and implement low initial productivity, LIS can effectively an identification and traceability system. exploit the livestock subsector’s potential for growth. For example, Bihar and Odisha have recently shown high growth rates, supported Constraints and Challenges by policy initiatives and the expansion of dairy For India’s livestock subsector to fulfill its cooperatives. potential, a series of specific constraints and challenges require attention. They range New opportunities for income growth are from the need to improve public spending on emerging in export markets. India has already livestock to particular concerns surrounding become one of the world’s leading exporters animal breeding and genetics, feeding and of bovine (buffalo) meat. India is unlikely to nutrition, the environmental impacts of the have a substantial dairy surplus for export, but subsector, animal health, markets and value meat exports have significant potential to grow. chains, and financial and advisory services India is not a competitive exporter of chicken related to livestock production. and goat meat but is highly competitive in buffalo meat, mutton, and pork. Expanding Public expenditure is low, and priority markets for processed meat and halal-certified setting is needed products provide additional opportunities for export growth. Meat exports can be a means National expenditure on livestock is low, of increasing the offtake rate to improve declining, and insufficient to exploit the 103 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table 20: Public spending in the livestock subsector in India, selected years TE 1992-93 TE 2000-01 TE 2008-09 Public spending as % of total agriculture spending 13.6 9.9 4.6 Public spending as % of livestock output value 3.6 2.8 2.3 Composition of public spending (%) Dairy development 41.5 38.6 25.0 Veterinary services and animal health 23.7 24.1 29.1 Cattle and buffalo development 14.0 11.7 10.5 Sheep and wool development 2.7 2.4 2.0 Piggery development 1.8 0.5 0.4 Poultry development 3.1 2.4 2.4 Fodder development 0.9 1.0 1.0 Direction and administration 4.2 8.7 19.1 Research, education, and extension 2.2 3.0 3.0 Others 5.8 7.6 7.5 Source: Birthal and Negi 2012. Note: TE = triennium ending. sector’s contribution and potential. India’s poor quality of feed is a major constraint for public expenditure on livestock as a percentage productivity growth and has implications for of total expenditure in agriculture declined the environment, but feed is a very low priority from 13.6 percent in 1992/93 to 4.6 percent in in budget allocations, along with research, 2008/09, even as the subsector’s contribution education, and extension. The importance increased from 22.8 percent of agricultural of extension cannot be overemphasized; GDP to 24.8 percent. Spending as a percentage inadequate knowledge and management of livestock GDP has declined steadily from practices directly affect animal health and 3.6 to 2.3 percent over the same period productivity. (Birthal and Negi 2012). The composition of the expenditure is also shifting toward It is critical to prioritize and rationalize public “direction and administration” at the expense expenditures, especially in the provision of productivity-enhancing activities, with the of public versus private goods. Monitoring, bulk of expenditures going to the salaries and evaluation, and impact assessment of all administration (Table 20). Notably, allocations government livestock programs is urgently for the smaller species—small ruminants, needed to inform future programs, rationalize poultry, and pigs—that yield more benefits for resource allocations, and enhance the delivery smallholders remain low and have declined of services. over time. Breeding and genetics: Room for The National Dairy Plan has a long-term breeding policy and strategy in place, but improvement other segments of the subsector still have no Breed improvement programs have generally apparent policy or strategy. The scarcity and been overlooked. India has a wide range of 104 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 animal genetic resources, but only 20 percent to be indiscriminate, with little attention to are defined breeds. Productivity increases in breeding policy). The review finds mixed results advanced dairy countries are mostly attributed for other species. to genetic improvement (70–75 percent), with the rest attributed to improvements in Quality breeding stock is limited, but animals’ environment (USDA 2012; F. Miglior, constraints related to the available technologies Canadian Dairy Network, 2012, personal (such as AI) lead to generally poor results. Some communication). India embarked on breed success has been achieved through AI in the improvement programs in the late 1990s, but leading dairy states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, less than 10 percent of bulls used for AI have Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu). Problems come through any sort of genetic improvement included low conception rates (35–40 percent program. The lack of good breeding stock on average), with NGOs and private AI centers is a major obstacle for cattle but even more achieving higher rates than government-run so for small ruminants and pigs. Breeding centers because the cows need to be brought to strategies and plans need to be developed at the government location for breeding. Studies the state level. Breed improvement schemes have shown that farmers are willing to pay can be implemented and show results quite for better conception results, since the overall rapidly, given the short-cycle nature of small cost per calf decreases with higher conception ruminants, the relatively high heritability of rates. Low conception rates are a key factor key performance traits such as average daily in reducing productivity, as they result in weight gain, and the ability to select animals longer inter-calving periods and less milk based on their performance. production. High levels of infertility mean that many cows do not produce milk at all, as they India has largely relied on crossbreeding122 never get bred. India has more than 6 million to combine the adaptation of indigenous infertile cows. breeds with the yield capacity possessed by exotic breeds, but upgrading beyond For small ruminants, a recent review by 50–75 percent generally is impractical the South Asia Pro-Poor Livestock Policy given India’s environmental and resource Programme, (SAPPLPP 2012a, 2012b) highlights constraints. Even when practical, there are few that the best-performing animals among local examples of sustained genetic improvement breeds can have great productive potential. The with crossbreeds. Nimbkar and Kandasamy’s screening and systematic selection of livestock (2012) review finds stagnating performance of populations could rapidly yield results to crossbred cattle in farmers’ and institutional benefit the poorer livestock-keepers who rely on herds. Probable reasons for stagnation include low-input systems. the absence of progeny testing programs for crossbred males and the use of unselected crossbred males (in fact, crossbreeding tends Feeding and nutrition: Issues of scarcity and quality 122 Crossbreds, with varying level of exotic inheritance, Poor nutrition is a leading production accounted for 24 percent of dairy cattle in 2007, but the proportion of crossbred small ruminants and pigs is constraint, and all projections indicate severe negligible (GOI 2008b). shortages of feed and fodder in the future 105 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth (Ramachandra et al. 2007, Herrero et al. 2009).123 residues for feed (Ramachandra et al. 2007) and Feed costs are already rising as the costs of the reduced availability of high-quality residues crop production increase and the available land like sorghum and millet, the need for better decreases. For commercial poultry and dairy integration of crop and livestock production producers, prices of feed such as sorghum and systems is apparent.125 Feed storage receives maize have increased faster in recent years than little attention, despite the routine occurrence the prices of milk, eggs, or meat. Between 1990– of feed shortages during the summer months. 91 and 2005–06, the chicken to maize price ratio declined to half, and the egg to maize Poor integration of crop and livestock price ratio fell from 0.33 to 0.26 (Blümmel and production also has consequences for crops and Rao 2008). the environment. Manure is the second most valuable livestock product, yet improper storage Access to quality seed of fodder crops remains and application limit its contribution to soil a constraint: Only about 7 percent of the fertility or as an economic option for energy estimated 10.5 million hectares of fodder and biofuels. A considerable proportion of crop grown in India is planted with improved seed. residue is burned in Punjab and Haryana— Commercially processed feed of assured quality, squandering an otherwise useful feed resource. accessibly priced and accurately labeled, is in short supply. For that reason, a large proportion Common property resources are diminishing of feed concentrates are home-made, often with and their quality is declining. Pastoralists and limited or no understanding of the nutritive the landless rely heavily on public grazing value of the components or the nutritional land and common property to sustain their requirements of the animals. This practice animals, but both poor and rich producers increases wastage as well as producers’ costs.124 relied equally on common property for feed (GOI 1999; Narain, Gupta, and Veld 2005). Smallholders use crops for food and feed. Communal land declined by an estimated 14 In maize, sorghum, millet, and groundnut, percent between 1980/81 and 2008/09 and for example, crop breeding can improve the now accounts for a mere 3 percent of India’s quality of stover and other crop by-products for geographical area (Birthal and Negi 2012). These livestock in addition to increasing grain yield, lands are degraded through overstocking and but such opportunities are often overlooked. poor management or are increasingly lost to Given the likely increase in reliance on crop encroachment. The management of common property requires alternative institutional 123 Dikshit and Birthal (2010) predict that by 2020 India will arrangements to reconcile administrative and need an additional 100 million tons of green fodder, 60 legal procedures and alternative management million tons of dry matter, and 9 million tons of concentrates for feeding its livestock population, excluding poultry. practices to reduce the stocking rate, increase Poultry production would demand an additional 27 million offtake through culling, and improve the land’s tons of feed (Robinson and Makkar 2012), which translates into an additional protein requirement of approximately silvopasture potential through regrowth and 6 million tons (equivalent to 60 million tons of cereals or management. 2.4 million tons of soybean; see Makkar 2012). 124 Garg, Biradar, and Kannan (2009) find that nearly 90 percent of cows in Gujarat were overfed, but with balanced rations, 125 Lower-quality residues such as rice and wheat, unless costs decreased by 10 percent and production increased by inexpensively treated with urea, have little nutritive value, 10 percent. yet they are the main feed source for most livestock. 106 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 Environmental aspects of increasing to avoid increased soil erosion, down-slope livestock productivity sedimentation, reduced water infiltration and groundwater recharge, and ultimately reduced As pressure on water and land resources rises pasture production (Sheehy et al. 1996). throughout India, it will not be sustainable to meet the increased demand for livestock Climate change and increased weather products by expanding animal numbers. To variability will also affect livestock development produce one liter of milk in Gujarat requires and require adaptation strategies. India’s 2,000–4,600 liters of water, mainly to grow feed production environment is characterized (Singh 2004), against the world average of about by heat stress, drought, and flooding, all of 900 liters of water per liter of milk. India’s which are likely to become more frequent. water use per liter of milk exceeds the world A large number of adaptation strategies average in most intensive and semi-intensive exist, but greater implementation is needed. systems. For example, using several field Kurukulasuriya and Rosenthal (2003) provide locations in the Indo-Ganga Basin, Haileslassie a useful framework to consider several et al. (2011) find that the water used to produce adaptation options. Micro-level adaptation options a liter of milk ranged between 1,300 and more include diversification and intensification than 3,000 liters. Smallholder production of crop and livestock production, pasture systems based on crop residues make more management, irrigation of fodder crops, efficient use of water (Peden, Tadesse, and planning breeding seasons to coincide with Misra 2007), but continuing pressures for resources, fodder storage, and better timing intensification are likely to exacerbate the and management of disease prevention efforts, pressure on water resources unless specific given that climate accounts for 52–84 percent ways to increase livestock water productivity of the variation in FMD incidence. Innovative are encouraged. Potential strategies include increased use of crop residues and by-products, mechanisms include weather-indexed insurance managing the spatial distribution of feed schemes to better manage weather risks resources in ways that match availability more and support increased technology adoption, closely with demand, and enhancing animal remote banking to promote savings instead productivity (Peden, Tadesse, and Misra 2007). of overstocking, and marketing livestock to limit risk. Institutional changes include support India is already witnessing the pressures on for producer organizations (for inputs and land from its growing human population markets), management of common property, and increasing demands for alternative uses. and the development of fodder markets. Livestock stocking rates are nearly 5–10 Technological developments include dual-purpose times the recommended levels in many varieties suitable for feed and fodder, varieties areas.126 Livestock need to be managed in bred for better-quality crop residue, agroforestry ways that maintain vegetative groundcover varieties, improved animal health, low-cost animal shelters, and better-adapted species 126 In rainfed areas, the present stocking rate is 1–5 tropical and breeds, among many others. FAO is livestock units (1 TLU = 250 kilograms, or roughly the size of currently mobilizing a major global initiative one indigenous cow) per hectare against a recommended 1 TLU, whereas in arid zones the stocking rates are 1–4 TLU per on sustainable livestock development, initially hectare against a recommendation of 0.2–0.4. focusing on enhancing resource-use efficiency 107 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth in livestock production, reducing pollution, diseases persist.128 No accurate data are available and restoring grazing and pasture lands. India on the total financial and economic losses can benefit significantly by partnering in this caused by animal diseases. Various estimates global initiative through impact assessments, put the losses between Rs. 50 billion and Rs. 132 trade-off analyses, and networking in search billion annually (Chawla et al. 2004; Ahuja of appropriate technologies and institutional et al. 2008). More recent estimates (Indian models. Immunologicals 2012) are several times higher. Deficiencies in animal health services To be effective, national programs for priority and disease control diseases need to be more systematic and targeted. The government has identified FMD Animal health and veterinary services account as the highest-priority disease and launched for the highest share of public expenditure a national program. This is a very good step, in the livestock sector, but service provision and similar programs could be undertaken for is not very effective. Disease prevention and control of PPR,129 brucellosis, and other diseases. control are the shared responsibility of central The FMD program is not without formidable and state governments. Despite increased challenges. It has seen a dramatic increase in public expenditures and an expansion in the coverage, yet it falls considerably short of the number of veterinarians and paravets, disease target of 85 percent needed for effective control. prevention and control remain inadequate. Additionally, FMD control is complicated by Weak capacity for diagnosis and insufficient factors such as the many serotypes of the virus, drugs for treatment undermine the quality the lack of sufficient vaccine and systematic and efficiency of the services provided. Disease vaccination, unrestricted movements of surveillance suffers from underreporting, livestock across state and national borders, and untimely reporting, or failure to report symptom-free small ruminants with the disease, important diseases. The reporting hierarchy, which often goes undetected. Infrastructure complex reporting forms, and lack of facilities for disease surveillance and reporting needs for quick communication are additional to be expanded as well as consolidated for constraints (Ahuja et al. 2008; WGAHD 2012). functionality and efficiency to provide the foundation for a needs-based system to deliver Increased public expenditures on animal animal health services. Legislation related to health must be accompanied by reforms in the control of infectious and contagious animal animal health services.127 The high incidence diseases should be updated and enforced of some major diseases inflicts substantial and effectively, making disease reporting mandatory. increasing economic losses on all livestock- owning households, particularly poor and As with FMD, classical swine fever, and many marginal households. India has been declared other priority diseases, vaccine supplies are free of rinderpest, but a number of other 128 Such as FMD, black quarter, haemorrhagic septicemia, blue tongue, PPR, sheep and goat pox, and classic swine fever. 127 Reformed health and extension delivery system are reviewed Poultry are affected by Newcastle disease, infectious bursal in greater detail in Ahuja (2004); Ahuja, Morrenhof, and Sen disease, chronic respiratory diseases, and H5N1 (highly (2003); Ahuja, Umali-Deininger, and de Haan (2003); Ahuja pathogenic avian influenza). et al. (2003). 129 Peste des petits ruminants (ovine rinderpest). 108 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 inadequate. Problems in ensuring a cold chain of charge or at nominal or subsidized cost, heighten the need to develop heat-stable yet most of this subsidy does not reach the vaccines. Except for the FMD vaccine, most intended beneficiaries. Often, dispensaries and other vaccines are produced by the obsolete service centers lack the budget to stock drugs. state biological units, which do not have the Centers may also charge a nominal fee for home modern infrastructure or qualified staff to visits, especially to cover transport costs. In operate effectively or comply with Government such cases, the basic drugs are still supposed to Minimum Standards. be provided free or at a nominal cost. In reality, the free services provided by the veterinary Distribution of curative healthcare facilities centers are limited to prescriptions issued and human resources across states is not always by veterinarians. In the case of home visits, congruent with distribution of livestock, and in addition to the cost of medicine and the these facilities are inadequately funded to transport fee, government veterinarians charge deliver effective services of adequate quality. visit fees, which are not substantially different Only 28 percent of livestock producers currently from those charged by private veterinarians use veterinary services (World Bank 2009). (Ahuja et al. 2003; Ahuja, Rajasekhar and Raju Government services are often overloaded, and 2008). There is a wide variation between states the ratio of livestock to veterinarian is among in terms of fees charged for home visits. In the highest in some of the poorest states, such some of the leading dairy states like Punjab and as Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Haryana, over 70 percent of farm-gate services Pradesh, and Rajasthan. The distribution of are provided by public sector veterinarians on a veterinary institutions also reflects a bias “private contract” basis, at commercial rates— toward large animals, as states with larger small which the larger commercial producers are ruminant populations have fewer veterinary willing to pay, as they get satisfactory service. institutions. State livestock departments are overstretched, with responsibilities for Rapidly growing markets and value a number of services (many of which would chains require better organization and ideally be privatized). NGOs and the private attention to quality standards sector are active in service provision in advanced dairy states where the public sector Markets for all product groups are by and large also has a strong presence—perhaps because unorganized, traditional, and fragmented, emerging commercial livestock producers except for some portion of the dairy, poultry, are more able and willing to pay for private and egg markets. Marketed surplus of livestock services. The ratio of veterinarians to animals and livestock products, and producers’ could be improved by employing more paravets, participation in product and input markets, who could handle general clinical services and vary considerably between the main product enable vets to concentrate on more complicated groups. problems of diagnosis and treatment. Dairy marketing. Traditional dairy marketing Veterinary services provided in dispensaries systems have been complemented by and other centers are supposed to include cooperatives since the early 1970s, and the prescription and basic drugs and vaccines free private sector has been playing an increasingly 109 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth important role since the market liberalization industry, especially as demands for quality and of the early 1990s. Cooperatives dominated safety are increasing in urban areas and meat the dairy processing industry due to regulatory exports are growing as well. The total meat- restrictions on private processing firms. With processing capacity in India is over 1 million the removal of those restrictions, the structure tonnes per year, of which about 40–50 percent of dairy markets changed significantly. The is utilized. Meat-processing infrastructure is private sector quickly overtook the cooperatives inadequate and of poor quality. In 2007–08, only in numbers of processing plants and installed 29 percent of meat was produced in registered capacity. Between 1996 and 2010, the share slaughterhouses, with the rest coming from of the private sector in the number of plants unregistered slaughter slabs/points and markets increased from 49 to 67 percent and in installed (GOI 2008b; Birthal 2008). Adequate, standard capacity from 44 to 58 percent. slaughter facilities are not available to provide proper sanitary conditions. Slaughterhouses Wide differences are seen between states in also lack facilities for processing wastage and processing capacity, the market shares held by by-products, leading to a large loss of value. private, cooperative, and traditional processors, Quality and hygiene levels in the wet markets and the disposal pattern of marketed milk. are low because of improper handling and Shares of national milk output and shares of the lack of water, electricity, and facilities for national processing capacity are converging in hanging carcasses/flaying. These problems the leading dairy states, although not in the add to wastage and the deterioration of meat lagging states. Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra quality. have the highest concentration of processing capacity (each state has 20 percent of national India has fast emerged as a leading exporter capacity); Gujarat has 11.2 percent; Tamil Nadu, of buffalo meat, accounting for nearly one- 7.2 percent; and Haryana, 6.4 percent. Average quarter of the world’s beef trade, compared to plant size is fairly small in Uttar Pradesh (83,000 just 8 percent in 2009. Lower prices, the ability liters per day) compared to Gujarat (1,667,000 to provide halal products, and robust demand liters per day), Tamil Nadu (184,000 liters per (largely from the Middle East, Africa, and day ), and Haryana (168, 000 liters per day) southern Asia) have contributed to the rapid (Ahuja and Sharma 2005). rise of exports. In response to this rapid growth, new slaughterhouses are emerging, providing Meat marketing. The Indian meat industry is farmers with new outlets for nonproductive highly fragmented and unorganized. Offtake buffalo heifers, bulls, and bull calves. India is rates of live animals are low, and domestic cost competitive in the export markets, but markets for live animals and meat are few and poor quality and food safety standards could unorganized. Generally, market chains for cattle block it from capitalizing on this potential. and small ruminants are fairly similar, and each As discussed in greater detail later, there is a involves a number of intermediaries. critical need to invest in upgrading food safety and quality standards throughout the value Modern, sanitary slaughtering and optimum chain, implement risk assessment mechanisms utilization of by-products are the most and infrastructure, and set up a nationwide important issues to be addressed by the meat animal identification and traceability system. 110 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 In the commercial poultry industry, the the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 was dominant mode of production and marketing promulgated. The Act consolidated previous in the broiler industry is contract farming, regulations and went into effect from August while independent enterprises remain 2011. The implementation of the law remains dominant in the layer industry. Like dairy very poor because laboratories are few in production, commercial poultry production number and lack trained personnel and is also concentrated in a few states. For infrastructure (WGAHD 2012). Quality and example, in 2004–05, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, safety standards in domestic and export value Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh produced 41 chains are managed through a number of percent of total broiler output in the country, regulations and implementing authorities with and 78 percent of it was under contracts little coordination. The main challenge here is (Annex 10, Table A.10.3). Both the broiler and to ensure the coordination and enforcement layer industries have scaled up significantly, of quality and safety standards along the value including contract production units. The chain, as effectiveness in individual nodes will benefits to smallholders from the growth of have a limited impact. the sector, with its increased specialization and economies of scale, have been limited to the Very limited access to credit and few states where the industry is concentrated. insurance The market is large and growing, offering Access to credit and insurance coverage are significant scope for other states, especially limited, declining, and biased toward dairy the lagging states, to participate. Creating the and the leading states. Livestock’s share in enabling environment to establish such value agricultural output is consistently increasing, yet chains or to create links to already functioning its share in agricultural credit has dwindled over value chains in other states would benefit time (Annex 10 Table A.10.4). The preference smallholders in the lagging states. Backyard for lending to dairy and large animal producers poultry is still a major source of poultry meat reduces the chances for producers in lagging and eggs in India, but little support is available states to access credit. The institutional response from the public or private sector to address the for smallholders has been the microcredit production and marketing problems of such industry, with a growing number of schemes small-scale producers. linking banks with Self Help Groups and private banks entering the microcredit sector. Quality and safety standards. Quality and safety standards in all value chains for Livestock insurance coverage has increased livestock products are poor. As incomes and from a relatively low base, but only 6 percent of urbanization increase, so do concerns about animals, mainly dairy animals, are covered. The food standards, quality, safety, variety, and figures are slightly higher for poultry because convenience (Grace, Baker, and Randolph 2010). of the Poultry Venture Capital scheme, in which To address problems such as adulteration; credit for commercial poultry production is improper or overuse of antibiotics, hormones, linked with insurance (WGAHD 2012). New and additives; unhygienic handling of products; insurance products generally target high- and inappropriate transportation and storage, yielding animals and commercial production 111 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth systems. Private insurance providers are backed with appropriate policy and regulatory working with pro-poor development agencies measures. The program emphasizes enhancing in several states and have a sizeable number productivity and strengthening village-level of clients, but they are encountering problems institutions and milk collection systems. of high transaction costs, improper selection Investments in breeding and feeding, as of clients, and moral hazard in settlement of well as in strengthening and expanding claims (Sirohi et al. 2008). infrastructure for the production, processing, and marketing of milk products, are targeted. Livestock advisory and extension It proposes to develop new business models to services are negligible link the unorganized sector to value chains by establishing new producer companies alongside Access to advisory and extension services cooperatives to provide viable alternative forms remains negligible for livestock keepers. of dairy marketing (GOI 2012). Health service providers are also responsible for providing extension services, but nationally Lack of timely, accurate information on the only about 4 percent of households claim to livestock population is a fundamental problem. have access to livestock-related information.130 Accurate population data and data at the animal In contrast, 28 percent of farmers said they had production level are lacking. The National advisory support for crop production. Livestock Dairy Plan aims to set up an information producers tend to rely on the more progressive network for animal productivity and health, local livestock farmers and the media (TV, radio, and the country’s first unique identification newspapers) as their main source of livestock and information database for dairy, called the production information. In designing the Information Network for Animal Production content of extension packages and institutional and Health. arrangements for delivering extension services, it is important to respond to market demands so livestock producers can link to existing or A similar approach would benefit the meat and emerging value chains (Sirohi et al. 2008). other livestock subsectors, such as poultry and pigs. With a dual production structure emerging in the country, in addition to encouraging Conclusions and Implications commercial and large-scale operations, special attention must be given to technology, Policy interventions to raise productivity in institutional, and policy measures that can the livestock sector need to target service support the development of smallholder delivery and institutions for technology, systems to produce animals more efficiently and marketing, and animal health. The National Dairy Plan provides an example of this kind sustainably, and compete profitably in a price- of multi-pronged approach. It is a multi-state and quality-conscious market. initiative to improve animal productivity, strengthen/expand infrastructure for milk Potential gains from genetic improvement procurement at the village level, and enhance will be squandered if feed constraints persist. milk processing capacity and marketing, The manufacture of concentrates is expected to increase as livestock production scales up 130 The rates are slightly higher in leading dairy states. and becomes increasingly commercial, but 112 Chapter 10: Livestock Subsector: Opportunities for Action to Improve Performance115 other avenues for improved feed supply will Investments in market infrastructure are require attention. These include green fodder important for the efficient distribution of production, dual-purpose food and feed crops livestock products. A large proportion of in farming systems, dual-purpose varieties for the investment will necessarily come from grain and stover, the treatment of crop residues, the private sector. In addition, the public facilitating feed market development, trade sector needs to pay attention to measures policy to guide domestic production versus that will help smallholders improve their imports of maize and soybeans, and better bargaining power and build their capacity management of common property resources. to absorb production and market risks. The priority given to these issues will vary Options include policy and public support depending on their relative importance in for producer organizations, risk mitigation, different states. reputation-building through labeling or branding programs, and improving access Animals’ productive potential depends crucially to information with respect to pricing and on the animal health system, which has a poor product quality. performance record. The quality of livestock support services remains inadequate and poor, Improvements in extension services will be and disease surveillance, control, diagnostics, critical to promote modern practices to produce and reporting continue to be weak. Serious products that meet the quality requirements steps are required to improve animal health of domestic and international markets. An and extension support systems (including important part of these advisory services will identification and traceability), identify areas be monitoring and evaluating the activities of of public and private investment, institute animal health extension services provided by policies attractive for the private sector, and ATMA and KVKs.131 A strategy to develop the reform public service delivery systems to capacity of livestock extension staff is needed. become more efficient and responsive. To ease Programs to improve access to credit and funding constraints, subsidies on drugs should insurance services for smallholders, and for be phased out, with government clinics either animals other than the high-yielding charging the full cost for essential drugs or not larger animals (cattle), need to be developed stocking them (Ahuja 2004). and piloted. 131 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (Agricultural Science Centres) are extension outreach programs. 113 D. Moving Beyond the Farm: Investments, Markets and Food Processing I ndia’s agricultural markets have long a long and food processing needed for the modern, history of active government intervention. diversified, and vibrant agriculture that India has The overall regulatory framework was initially tremendous potential to realize (Acharya et al. established to prevent market failures (as in 2012; Ganesh-Kumar et al. 2012; GOI 2013b). the Bengal Famine) resulting from inadequate state intervention (Acharya 2006). From the It is noteworthy that when and where 1960s, various instruments were introduced reforms are introduced, even if partially, the to support the green revolution and achieve private sector response is swift and dynamic, food security (Chand 2003b; Acharya 2004). The as witnessed by the emergence of contract instruments introduced in the 1960s and 1970s farming, electronic exchanges, ICT-based are now widely viewed as being outdated and market information systems and kiosks, and unproductive, to the extent that the current myriad value chain improvements (Birthal et al. situation is characterized a market failure “due to 2006, 2012, Joshi; Gulati, and Cummings 2007; excessive state intervention” (Acharya 2006). Gulati and Ganguly 2010; FICCI 2010; Readon and Minten 2013) and the recent rapid growth Agricultural markets in India have been studied in exports (Gulati, Jain, and Hoda 2013). extensively.132 The consensus from these analyses is that India’s agricultural markets are Given the importance of marketing and other inefficient and fragmented, lacking integration post-farm elements of agricultural value chains, across parts of the country (Gulati, Landes, this section builds on the large knowledge base and Ganguly 2009; Reardon and Minten 2013; to focus on three themes. The first is a brief Sekhar 2012). review of the current situation with agricultural markets, especially the current status of the two Some regulations have eased over time, especially main regulatory reforms—the APMC Act and since the 1990s, but reform has been slow, ECA (arguably the two most binding constraints uneven, and often marked with reversals. By and for the proper functioning of agricultural large, the perception is that the reforms have markets). The second theme is a review of the been insufficiently deep or broad to promote efficacy of alternative marketing arrangements the level of marketing, trade, value addition, in reaching small-scale farmers. The third theme is the key issues associated with food processing, 132 For an overview, see GOI (2007, 2012) and Reardon and Minten (2013); see also Rashid, Gulati, and Cummings (2008); an understudied and underexploited avenue for Ganesh-Kumar, Gulati, and Cummings (2007); Mattoo, Mishra, diversifying agriculture and increasing off-farm and Narain (2007); Joshi, Gulati, and Cummings (2007); Landes and Burfisher (2009); Gulati, Ganguly, and Shreedhar (2011); employment, particularly in the poorer and and World Bank (1999, 2005, 2007d, 2008b). more agriculturally dominated states. 115 11 Investments for Growth and Sustainability T he importance of investment for participation is the way to the future. Yet productivity and growth cannot be both public as well as private investments are understated. The relationships between needed—they are not substitutes. capital formation and agricultural growth and labor productivity, as well as the “crowding As a share of total capital formation in the in” effects of public investment on private economy, however, the trends continue to investments, are well established (Larson et al. decline for both public and private investments 2000; Stephan et al. 2009; FAO 2011; Bisaliah (Figure 65). For the private sector, the trend and Dev 2012; Chand and Parappurathu 2012). reflects a revealed preference for investment Not surprisingly, the “neglect” of agriculture outside the sector, perhaps driven by higher (GOI 2007) sparked serious concerns, given the returns or by an inadequate enabling lengthy decline in public investment from levels environment for investment in agriculture. that were already low—it peaked in the 1970s at Public investment is slipping once again after about 4 percent of agricultural GDP (Chand and its brief increase in the mid-2000s. Parappurathu 2012). Share of agriculture in gross capital Figure 65:  As shown in Figure 10 earlier, public formation investments increased after 2003/04. This major reversal from the negative growth rates in the 30.00 1980s and 1990s (Bisaliah and Dev 2012) was the 25.00 outcome of a concerted effort through several 20.00 major programs (some in national “mission” modes) during the Eleventh Five Year Plan, with 15.00 substantial budgetary resources allocated to 10.00 boost agricultural growth. Since 2006/07, the 5.00 trend has been relatively flat, however. Private investment has consistently increased since 0.00 the mid-1990s, reaching about 20 percent of 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 agricultural GDP, and now accounts for over 80 percent of total investment in the sector. Public Private Total GCF This development is positive. Agriculture is private enterprise, and increased private Source: Authors, using CSO statistics. 117 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Government expenditures on agriculture and allied sectors (all India, 2004/05 prices) Table 21:  Particulars TE 1995 TE 2009 Government expenditure for agriculture (Rs billions) 827 2,202 Share of capital expenditure in total agriicultural expenditure (%) 17 23 Share of union government in total agricultural expenditure (%) 26 49 Share of agricultural expenditure in AgGDP (%) 20 35 Share of agriculture in developmental expenditure (%) 23 33 Agricultural expenditure per capita of rural population (Rs) 1,316 2,966 Agricultural expenditure per ha (NSA) (Rs) 5,794 15,645 Share of agricultural research and education in AgGDP (%) 0.45 0.58 Share of agricultural extension in AgGDP (%) 0.14 0.15 Source: Singh 2011, using Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts, GOI (various issues). Trends in Public Expenditure Clearly, agricultural expenditures are substantial, now equivalent to one-third of For a sector deemed to be a priority, agricultural GDP. The rising trends in intensity (as agriculture’s continued diminishing share a share of sector GDP) and allocation (as a share of public investment would seem to indicate of development expenditures) suggest that otherwise. That assessment may not be agriculture is indeed receiving higher priority. accurate, however. Using a broader definition of Another change over time is the significantly public expenditure that includes expenditures larger role of the central (union) government in the sector (directly though agriculture in funding the sector, financing almost half of programs and institutions) and expenditures total spending in 2009. for the sector (for complementary public investments in other sectors like rural roads There is nevertheless an important distinction and electricity, which also show the priority to be made between public expenditures and that the government assigns to promoting public investments. Of total expenditures, agricultural growth), Singh (2011) finds that capital expenditures reflect the expansion public spending to support agriculture is of productive capacity or public investment, substantially higher, in real absolute and and these have also risen, indicating a rising relative terms, in 2009 (13 percent) than it was priority for capital formation (Figure 66). in the mid-1990s (2.5 percent) (Table 21).133 The broader measure of investment (capital expenditures directly in agriculture and indirectly for agriculture through other sectors) 133 Singh (2011) includes a comprehensive assessment of total is significantly higher than the CSO estimate.134 central and state expenditures covering both the capital account (investment) and revenue account (noninvestment The broader series also shows significantly or recurrent) expenditures incurred on rural infrastructure faster growth than the CSO series, being (rural roads and electricity), irrigation (major and medium, minor and command area development), rural development and rural employment programs (including land reforms), expenditures on crop husbandry, soil and water conservation, 134 The CSO data include largely major and minor irrigation animal and dairy husbandry, fisheries, agricultural research capital expenditures, which is a much narrower definition and education, extension, and training. than that used by Singh (2011). 118 Chapter 11: Investments for Growth and Sustainability Trends in public investment Figure 66:  Subsidies and public investment as a Figure 67:  (2004/05 prices) share of agricultural GDP 600 30 500 25 Broader series 400 20 Rs. billion 15 300 10 200 5 100 CSO series 0 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 0 Public GCFA Food Subsidy Fertilizer Subsidy 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Other Ag. Subsidies Irrigation Subsidy Power Subsidy Source:  Based on data from Hoda and Gulati 2013 and the Source: Singh 2011. Planning Commission website. particularly high in the 2000s (15 percent).135 In infrastructure (13 percent), consisting mainly totality, however, investments still constitute of rural roads and rural electrification, rural less than 23 percent of public expenditures, development (13 percent), and major and indicating that the vast majority of public medium irrigation facilities (11 percent). spending is not directed at increased public investments. Singh’s analysis shows increasing investments as well as increasing concentration in In addition to levels of expenditure, the delivery of private goods or subsidies. But composition of expenditures is an important it does not fully account for the substantial indicator of the relative priority placed on public expenditures on subsidies in various different components of public expenditures. forms. Given the many concerns about the A breakdown shows the largest share going composition of public expenditures and the to rural infrastructure (34 percent), followed need to boost investments in agriculture by input support services (26 percent), rural (Gulati and Narayanan 2003; Chand and Kumar development (23 percent), irrigation (15 2004; GOI 2007), a brief update on these other percent) and agricultural research, education, budgetary expenditures is useful. and extension (at under 2 percent). Among these items, expenditures on input and In a separate detailed study, Hoda and Gulati support services grew the fastest (at 22 percent (2013) estimate current (and recent) levels of annually), which includes the provision of the major categories of subsidies supporting private goods (including subsidies), followed by agriculture. These estimates also do not capture 135 Singh (2011) includes agricultural input supply and services the totality of subsidies to agriculture, such as as part of the broader series to capture the expenditures that subsidized credit or subsidies provided through “influence agricultural growth.” Earlier analysts have made similar arguments in analyzing public expenditures, using various rural development or other programs varying definitions and time periods (for example, see Fan that may be reflected in Singh’s analysis, but et al. 1997; Chand 2000; Roy and Pal 2002). How much of the capital expenditures estimated by Singh fall under the which likely account for some of the largest category of inputs and services is not specified in the paper. elements in the total. 119 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Comparing the findings of Hoda and Gulati The second program, RKVY,138 is the with the data on gross capital formation (CSO government’s flagship effort to consolidate estimates) in Figure 67 shows that the share various programs and provide essentially of five major subsidies in public expenditures unconditional transfers to states to flexibly continues to far outweigh public investments. align public expenditures to their priorities. The As noted, the CSO data are more limited, review of RKVY for the same states also shows a but even when using an approximation of clear preference for distributing inputs in Bihar the broader public investments from Singh’s (87 percent). The extent of subsidy provision is (2011) estimates, which is roughly double less in Andhra Pradesh (69 percent) and Gujarat the CSO estimate, subsidies still dwarf public (42 percent) but still substantial (Annex 11, investments.136 Table A.11.2). Gujarat has paid relatively more attention to delivering services and building As discussed, to kick-start agricultural growth, institutions and capacity, showing selectivity the government initiated a number of programs in targeting key constraints (Raturi 2011; or “missions” targeting substantial resources Feroni and Zhou 2012). The other two states to raise agricultural productivity or reduce have focused primarily on input distribution to poverty, which may also be contributing to drive production. Overall, both the assessments capital formation in agriculture (Dev 2013a). indicate the pervasiveness of subsidies in Among these, the two largest schemes are the various programs and schemes designed to National Food Security Mission (NFSM) (2007) promote agriculture. and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) (2007), providing funds equivalent to about US$ 2 billion per year to state governments Trends in Private Investment toward agricultural development.137 A review of The aggregate CSO data show that private their implementation in three states (Andhra investment has increased significantly since Pradesh, Bihar, and Gujarat, chosen to represent about 2000 (Figure 10).139 The vast majority (90 different levels of development) for 2013/14 percent) of these investments are estimated shows subsidies rather than capital formation to to be made by farmers for on-farm production be the preferred mode to stimulate agriculture. (HLC 2009). Data from the district-level Depending on the state, 88–98 percent of the database show trends in farm equipment NFSM funds were allocated to the distribution that are consistent with the CSO investment of subsidies for purchasing various inputs (see trends (Figure 68), with remarkable growth in Annex 11, Table A.11.1). irrigation pumps per hectare since about 1998. Machinery per hectare (defined as tractors and power tillers) also shows sustained growth at an impressive but relatively lower rate. 136 This approximation overstates the share of pure public investments, as Singh’s (2011) analysis does not look at the composition of sectoral expenditures—for example, how Evidence on farm investments at the household much of the expenditures on power are for subsidies or how much of the rural development expenditures are in the form level is limited and somewhat mixed. Using of subsidized private goods. 137 See http://rkvymis.dacnet.nic.in/ 138 See http://rkvy.nic.in/. (S(aqx2bynqxqv2ctrtauu2gjt2))/Reports/ 139 The CSO data are based on assumptions regarding credit SectorWiseApprovedCost.aspx, http://www.nfsm.gov.in/ growth that raise doubts about the actual magnitudes of ReleasedApproval.aspx. investment in agriculture (Dev 2013a). 120 Chapter 11: Investments for Growth and Sustainability Figure 68: Annual growth in farm equipment Composition of household assets (other Figure 69:  than real estate), real 1999 prices 70.0% 100% 60.0% 90% 50.0% 80% 42% 44% 40.0% 70% Financial 30.0% 60% Consumer Dur. 20.0% 50% 20% 19% Business 10.0% 40% Livestock 2% 6% 0.0% 30% 12% Agric. Capital 12% -10.0% 20% 24% 20% 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 10% 0% Pumpsets/ha Machinery/ha 1999 2007 Source: Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. Source: NCAER-REDS survey data. the CoC data from the Ministry of Agriculture, but the shares of real estate (land and buildings) Bisaliah and Dev (2012) suggest that nonland remained the same. Among other assets, capital stock per hectare declined on average the share of farm assets (including livestock between 1994–95 and 2007–08. The data and physical agricultural capital) declined, are limited and may not represent all forms while business capital expanded (Figure 69). of farm capital. Bisaliah and Dev do find, Households are also saving more, increasing however, that irrigation capital showed positive their financial assets. growth, whereas livestock (animal capital) had a negative growth rate. Within the limited While the average value of land owned by accounting for capital, they identify a shift in households increased (5 percent) between the the composition of nonland capital, with an two years, average farm size declined from increase in the share of irrigation capital. They 5.61 acres to 4.46 acres (about 3 percent per also find an increase in factor productivity for year). Assessing trends in investment (change land, labor, and capital, suggesting that perhaps in capital stock) is thus more appropriately the estimates of capital (excluding animals and done on a per acre basis (capital–land ratio) irrigation capital) may be not be accurate. to account for changes in farm sizes. Table 22 shows the levels and growth in the value A more complete accounting for household per acre of different types of farm assets assets, including farm capital, is available in the that households possessed in 1999 and 2007. NCAER-REDS household survey data for 1999 The growth in mechanized assets (which and 2007. Land constitutes an overwhelming includes irrigation equipment) and livestock 77 percent of all assets owned by households, capital is lower than nonmechanized capital. and buildings (residential or business) account Nevertheless, the data suggest robust annual for another 10 percent. Total assets grew by a growth in all forms of farm capital, with the little over 5 percent per year over the period, most rapid growth in nonmechanized capital. 121 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table 22: On-farm investment (capital per acre), real Rs. 1999 1999 2007 Annual growth rate a. Farm (mechanized) 2,771.48 5,552.91 9.1% b. Farm (nonmechanized) 489.72 2,152.73 20.3% c. Farm (other) 555.94 1,121.46 9.2% d. Livestock 4,289.62 9,784.51 10.9% Agricultural capital (a–c) 3,817.14 8,827.10 11.0% All farm assets (a–d) 8,106.76 18,611.62 10.9% Source: NCAER-REDS survey data. These trends also suggest that although the CSO mid-1990s and recovered only slightly after data on private investments may not reflect 2004/05. This limited expansion may reflect a complete picture, their underlying rising the constraints on expanding groundwater trend is corroborated by micro-level estimates. irrigation (Shah 2007), but most public The divergent trend in the CoC data is a bit expenditures on irrigation go to major and worrisome, though it should be reiterated medium-scale surface water irrigation facilities that they do not represent the totality of farm (Singh 2011). Despite the substantial potential investments and hence may not capture some for surface water expansion (GOI 2013a), this of the dynamic shifts taking place. Both data potential does not appear to be translating into sets indicate that the level of irrigation has gone additional irrigated area. up. The REDS survey data show that irrigated area saw strong growth (as a share of overall In this context, it is important to note that the area owned by households) and unirrigated area geographical targeting of public expenditures contracted. remains skewed. Singh (2011) analyzes geographical distribution of public expenditures (broadly defined); Annex 11, Figure A.11.1 Impact of Expenditure Patterns: summarizes the results. Over 2000–09, relative Sustaining Productivity to other parts of India, the eastern states Two major trends identified in this review of (excluding the northeastern region) received the public and private investments are the rapid lowest level of public spending for irrigation as growth in irrigation and the large and growing well as infrastructure, both on a per capita and volume of subsidies in public expenditures. The per hectare basis—a continuation of historically importance of irrigation in India’s agricultural skewed public expenditure patterns. This low growth is clear from previous chapters and level of expenditure persists even though encapsulated in the close relationship between eastern India has significantly less irrigation irrigation and yields (at the aggregate level) coverage (with the notable exception of Bihar) shown in Figure 70 (left panel). The analysis in than the average for all India (45 percent) this chapter indicates that public expenditures (Annex 11, Figure A.11.2). on irrigation have grown rapidly, but their impact on irrigated area is not evident. In The main driver of irrigation in India over the fact, growth in irrigated area slowed in the past three decades has been private investment 122 Chapter 11: Investments for Growth and Sustainability Trends in share of irrigated area and yields (left panel) and decadal trend growth rates in Figure 70:  share of irrigated area (right panel) 55 2000 3.5 1800 3 45 1600 1400 2.5 35 1200 2 25 1000 1.5 800 15 1 600 400 5 0.5 0 200 0 -5 0 1960-61 1963-64 1966-67 1969-70 1972-73 1975-76 1978-79 1981-82 1984-85 1987-88 1990-91 1993-94 1996-97 1999-00 2002-03 2005-06 2008-09 1960-61 1963-64 1966-67 1969-70 1972-73 1975-76 1978-79 1981-82 1984-85 1987-88 1990-91 1993-94 1996-97 1999-00 2002-03 2005-06 2008-09 Area Irrigated (%) Yields Net Irrigated Area Gross Irrigated Area Source: Authors, using DES, MOA data. in pumps. The International Water Management Not only are the marginal returns to subsidies Institute estimates that almost 62 percent of significantly lower than those for other irrigated area is under groundwater irrigation. investments—particularly rural roads, research, Power and credit subsidies, combined with extension, and education—but they are also heavy investment for rural electrification, likely to be negative when the impacts of have led to a proliferation of electric pumps subsidies on environmental degradation are for groundwater irrigation. Irrigation has considered. This negative impact may already been and will remain an important driver of be reflected in slowing productivity and agricultural productivity—but the main concern yield growth despite farmers’ increasing use is its sustainability. It is widely recognized that of inputs. Specifically, the sustainability of the distorted incentives created by subsidized agricultural production itself is threatened as pricing of electricity and credit have encouraged excessive extraction of groundwater makes the excessive extraction and highly inefficient less water available for future use and water use of water. On the benefits side, as shown by levels fall below a critical threshold from which Fan, Gulati, and Thorat. (2008) and summarized they may not be able to recover. The political in Annex 11, Figure A.11.3, power and credit economy of subsidies in India is complex subsidies had large marginal returns in terms (Birner, Gupta, and Sharma 2011). The public of improved productivity and poverty reduction expenditure efficiency as well as budgetary in the 1960s and 1970s. The marginal returns implications have been relegated to the extreme are now greatly diminished and are significantly margins of public decision making. Yet the less than returns to investments in roads, more concrete evidence that is presently research, and education. The returns to other emerging on the outsized impacts that current subsidies are also marginal. policies will have over the long run calls for 123 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Virtual water imports and public Figure 71:  6.7 percent reduction in groundwater extraction. procurement of rice A 10 percent reduction in subsidy also leads 25 0.8 to a reduction in the value of water-intensive 20 0.7 agricultural output by 3 percent, largely due to 15 0.6 the change in the value of rice. These analysts 10 also formally show that electricity subsidies 5 0.5 cause an increase in the area planted to water- 0 0.4 intensive crops such as rice. -5 0.3 -10 -15 0.2 The long-term environmental cost and potential -20 0.1 threat to the sustainability of food production -25 0 can be derived from the findings of a separate study on the impact of groundwater depletion Punjab UP Haryana MP AP Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Chhattisgarh Karntaka West Bengal HP Assam Gujarat Maharashtra Orissa Jharkhand Kerala Bihar on agriculture. Sekhri (2013) estimates, also using district groundwater panel data combined with production data, that a fall in groundwater Net Water Import (1997-2001, left axis) level by 1 meter reduces food grain production Share of Production Procured by FCI (1997-2001, right axis) by 8 percent, water-intensive crops by 9 percent, Linear trend of share of production procured by FCI and cash crops by 5 percent. Source: Kampman 2007 and Authors using DES, MOA data. Together with MSPs, these policies have driven urgent attention—not only in the interest of the changes in crop composition evident in sustainability but in the interest of responding several parts of the country, particularly in the to the serious risks imposed by climate change. Northwest and Mid-West, where farmers have The emerging trends and risks are discussed concentrated on water-intensive crops such as next in greater detail. rice and sugarcane. These areas are experiencing the most severe groundwater crises. As shown in Annex 11, Figure A.11.4, the most irrigated crops The energy-water-agriculture nexus are cereals and sugarcane, and not surprisingly The negative impacts of free or highly they are cultivated in the areas with critical subsidized power supply, including falling groundwater levels.141 This correlation is shown groundwater levels and problems with soil more clearly in Figure 71, which summarizes and water quality resulting from overuse of virtual water flows across states in India. The groundwater, have long been debated. Badiani figure also shows the strong correlation between and Jessoe (2011) provide rigorous evidence on 141 Less than 60 percent of the area under rice is irrigated, the impact of electricity subsidies on agriculture largely because agro-climatic conditions favor rice in as well as the extraction and overexploitation most parts of the country with less access to irrigation. Consequently, wheat has performed significantly better in of groundwater.140 They find that a 10 percent terms of productivity growth. Sugarcane, on the other hand, reduction in the average subsidy leads to a has not done so well. Considering that sugarcane had among the highest rates of area expansion in the recovery phase, and that virtually all of that area was irrigated (especially in 140 They use district groundwater data along with electricity the major growing states of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra), prices and generation data and agricultural production data the low improvement in yields may reflect increasing water from the respective government ministries/agencies. stress with excess groundwater extraction. 124 Chapter 11: Investments for Growth and Sustainability water “export,” essentially groundwater in the Impact of nutrient imbalance on land Figure 72:  Northwest, and public procurement of rice. productivity The virtual flow of water from the water-scarce 40000 Northwest to the water-surplus East goes against the intent of current development strategy, 30000 Land Productivity which is to promote the reverse flow. 20000 Electricity is an important input to productivity growth, but the new, concrete findings 10000 highlight the unsustainability of its current 0 pricing policies: Electricity subsidies drive over- 0 5 10 15 exploitation of groundwater, resulting in a rapid Ratio of N to P Consumption fall in groundwater levels, which in turn drives VOP per ha TE1991 VOP per ha TE2008 down agricultural production and productivity. Vertical lines are TE2008 Medians for (L to R): India, PJ, HR, BH Given the fact that water levels have already fallen rapidly, it is likely that recent growth in Source: Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. agricultural productivity has been lower than it could have been otherwise. impact of the ratio of nitrogen to other fertilizers on TFP. Using district-level data, a Consequences of imbalanced simple nonparametric relationship between land productivity (defined as value of total nutrient use output per hectare) and the ratio of nitrogen to Another potential policy-driven factor other nutrients provides a clearer visualization suppressing productivity is the nutrient of the likely magnitude of this impact. Figure 72 imbalance resulting from current patterns of shows the change in land productivity as the fertilizer use. The environmental impacts of ratio of nitrogen to other nutrients rises. The imbalanced soil nutrients are widely recognized response initially rises and then falls as the (see, for example, GOI 2007). When farmers ratio increases. apply significantly more urea than the other major nutrients (potassium and phosphorous), The drop is quite significant at high levels, let alone micronutrients, they inadvertently indicating a substantial cost in terms of create soil and water problems and contribute lower productivity. More importantly, the to greenhouse gas emissions. Again, the figure shows how the response function major factor behind this practice is the price has changed between 1991 and 2008. The distortions created by substantial subsidies that response at lower levels is higher, showing alter the relative price of domestically produced productivity growth (due to technical change urea relative to the other nutrients. and irrigation expansion), but at higher levels, the decline is sharper and eventually becomes The direct impact of the imbalanced use lower, indicating a long-term deterioration of of fertilizers on productivity—that is, the productivity.142 current as well as the long-term cost—is less well appreciated. The econometric analysis in 142 The response in rice and wheat yields is very similar, with the Chapter 7 provided evidence of the negative main difference being a sharper fall at a higher nitrogen ratio. 125 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth The figure also shows the all-India median Conclusions and Implications of the nitrogen ratio, which is still below the turning point. For Punjab and Haryana, Public spending has grown rapidly since however, the median is now at the peak the early 2000s and now equals one-third response level, indicating that half of the of agricultural value added, reflecting districts are operating on the declining the priority placed on agriculture by the returns part of the response curve. This is not government. But only a small fraction of this surprising, given the long history of fertilizer public expenditure goes toward expanding use in these states. The surprising result shown the productive capacity of agriculture (that is, in the figure is the average for districts in toward capital investments). Subsidies dwarf Bihar: Even in this state, where productivity is public investments. The debate on striking relatively low, more than half of the districts a better balance between the much higher operate on the decreasing returns part of the return investments and subsidies is not a new response curve. In other words, the overuse of one (see GOI 2012). The challenge has been nitrogen is hurting rather than helping Bihar’s the political economy of subsidies, which has farmers, whose productivity is already very low. made their budgetary implications seemingly inconsequential in public policy decisions. These results clearly indicate that policies But evidence is starting to show that these intended to help increase production and policies are now imposing substantial costs. productivity are in fact imposing substantial If public policies are not rationalized, they costs. More importantly, the costs are being will further reduce productivity, compromise borne right now. If they are not checked, sustainability and lower the returns to they are only likely to rise, resulting in lower farmers—outcomes that are diametrically productivity and returns to farmers. opposite to their intent. 126 12 Current State of Agricultural Markets in India V irtually all agricultural produce is bought Despite these problems, with rapidly rising and sold within India’s vast network incomes and urbanization changing the of market yards, subyards, and Rural patterns of demand, all “modern” market Periodic Markets.143 The traditional marketing channels—private (modern retail, food chain, passing through agricultural wholesale processing, the food service industry) as well as markets and traditional urban retail, remains public (parastatals)—show high annual growth dominant for agricultural commodities. Four rates. Modern retail is growing the fastest at alternatives have emerged over time, based 50 percent annually, although it has started on distinct types of midstream or downstream from a very low base. Modern retail is estimated buyers: modern retail/cooperatives, the to account for about 3–5 percent of the produce processing sector, the food service sector, (nonstaple) market (Readon and Minten 2013). and parastatal marketing (Reardon and The expansion of modern retail could have Minten 2013). several important effects on the rural-urban food supply chain as experienced in many other Research on India’s traditional markets countries (Reardon, Timmer and Minten 2010). indicates that they are inefficient;144 lack It could change the processing sector and the integration;145 are plagued by trader collusion;146 way it does business. It could reduce transaction and are characterized by a high level of physical costs, make pricing more transparent, introduce wastage.147 Wholesale market infrastructure economies of scale in transport, and enhance for staple as well as nonstaple crops is not very food safety and quality. Urban consumers developed.148 Agricultural markets suffer from could benefit from lower prices and lower significant policy distortions, and progress transaction costs. in implementing reforms has been slow and uneven (Chand 2012). Even the traditional value chains for staples are 143 There were 7,246 regulated markets at the end of 2011 and seeing important changes (Reardon and Minten 21,238 recognized Rural Periodic Markets, about 20 percent 2013). Upstream, farming technologies and of which worked under the ambit of market regulations (Patnaik and Sharma, 2013). farmers’ factor markets are quickly changing, 144 Umali-Deininger and Deininger (2001); Ramaswami and while in output markets, the majority of Balakrishnan 2002; Thomas (2003); Matoo, Mishra, and Narain (2007); Gulati, Landes, and Ganguly (2009). farmers are empowered by access to mobile 145 Palaskas and Harriss-White (1996); Sekhar (2012). phones. Midstream, fewer intermediaries seem 146 Banerji and Meenakshi (2004). 147 Matoo, Mishra, and Narain (2007). to be involved in operations (a process described 148 Fafchamps, Vargas-Hill, and Minten (2008). as dis-intermediation) that are growing in scale. 127 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Downstream, large price variation is driven by function of markets is weak and that policies increasing quality and brand differentiation and regulations strongly influence market in staples. Wastage in value chains is lower performance. than the level found in previous studies (Das Gupta et al. 2010a, 2010b; Minten, Reardon, and For instance, Sekhar (2012) finds the extent Sutradhar 2010; Reardon and Minten 2013). and degree of market integration is lower for rice than for gram or edible oils, and that the Parastatals dominate food grain marketing, extent and degree of integration varies by accounting for over 40 percent of the rice and region. Sekhar contends that this outcome wheat marketed surplus. The government’s results from the substantial regulation and role goes far beyond its direct involvement policy intervention in rice compared to in trade, however. It heavily regulates private other commodities. Using a wider range of agricultural trade for staples as well as commodities and markets, Bathla (2009) nonstaples. The main rationale of government finds evidence of only partial integration in intervention, starting from the 1940s when wholesale markets across states. While markets markets were disorganized and very poorly for some horticultural crops and oilseeds developed, has been to protect both farmers and are well integrated, most other markets do consumers from exploitative or unscrupulous not demonstrate a consistent, long-term traders (Shiva 2007; Acharya 2004). Now the relationship across states. Factors influencing focus seems to have shifted considerably to these outcomes include proximity to large address market distortions created by the same metropolitan areas, poor infrastructure, and instruments, effectively segmenting markets other risks in some states that lead to high (typically across states), creating disincentives to price volatility (as in the eastern states). A major diversify, and prompting calls for action to “get source of market fragmentation, however, is the markets right” (GOI 2013b). regulations, which remain in place despite being relaxed over time. The controls and Markets within India appear to be relatively regulations (including movement restrictions more integrated in the post-reform period and stock limits) under the ECA, which covers (Ghosh 2011), yet recent studies of market all commodities except fruits and vegetables, integration—which is a reflection of market are identified as potential impediments to efficiency—provide a very mixed picture efficient marketing, including for the major (Bathla 2008, 2009; Bathla and Srinivaslu 2011; staples (rice and wheat). The stability imparted Dasgupta et al. 2011; Acharya et al. 2012; Sekhar by MSPs, however, clouds the interpretation 2012). For a range of crops and markets, the of results on market integration, especially picture that emerges is that internal markets for states where procurement is concentrated. are “co-integrated”—that is, they exhibit a This is consistent with the lack of convergence long-term relationship. This is not a surprise, of prices within certain states that are subject considering that these markets belong to the to the forces of demand and supply even for subnational markets within India. A more cereals (Bathla 2008). important test is how well they function in terms of transmitting price signals across space, The degree of market inefficiency and and studies consistently find that this key segmentation, even in rice and wheat markets, 128 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India is highlighted by other recent studies of market innovations have the potential for overcoming integration. Analyzing markets at different some of the well-known constraints to levels—retail, wholesale, primary wholesale, marketing efficiency and integrating and farmgate—Acharya et al. (2012), using smallholders to value chains. Yet after several bilateral market pairs, find that price signals are years of implementation, the scale of these transmitted at varying speeds across markets. innovative initiatives remains limited and The transmission from wholesale to farmgate their replicability open to question. To better prices (typically within states) is relatively understand their performance and draw lessons quick, but integration across major markets from their experience, some of the promising varies widely for both commodities. Despite initiatives are reviewed here and in the the influence of policy (MSP) on prices (which is remainder of this chapter. The specific models most evident at the farmgate level), empirical studied include contract farming, cooperatives, estimates find the highest degree of integration producer companies, and rural business between the Chennai and Hyderabad rice hubs (RBH). markets. Other markets show significantly less integration. Contract farming In anticipation of improved agricultural Perhaps the most telling statistic is that market performance following the reforms even in the most integrated market pairing and liberalization of the 1990s, the corporate (rice between Chennai and Hyderabad), only sector has shown increased interest in 22 percent of the price divergence from the processing, exports, and retailing/marketing long-run equilibrium is adjusted each month, of agricultural products. A general expectation suggesting that it would take over 10 months was that contract farming (CF) would rapidly for about 90 percent of the price shock to be expand to better integrate small farmers into transmitted from one market to another. Most agricultural value chains, and in general bring other markets would take longer. Price signals about much-needed efficiency and growth thus are not transmitted efficiently across in the sector. Several corporate initiatives states, suggesting significant impediments to in the retail and perishable produce sectors internal trade. launched CF in the last decade.149 Singh (2012) reviews the experience with CF and domestic supermarket retail chain linkages, with a focus Alternative Marketing on smallholders’ participation and on managing Arrangements: Linking production and market risk. Smallholders to Markets Diversification into high-value agriculture is Access to markets, especially for small and particularly important for the overwhelming marginal farmers—more than 80 percent of India’s farmers—is critical to provide 149 Foreign investors (such as Metro, Wal-Mart, Tesco, Carrefour) appropriate incentives for productivity to grow. have stayed in the wholesale cash and carry business Despite the isolated pockets of dynamism (permitted since 1997) as FDI in retail has been restricted to 51 percent of the total equity and in single brand retail only noted here, markets remain relatively weak (permitted only since 2010). The recent changes allowing and inefficient. A number of institutional multi-brand retail address some of these issues. 129 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth majority of marginal and small farmers in which highlights challenges in enforcing India, and significant numbers of small farmers contracts; undue discounts on value for quality have indeed diversified into horticultural (as perceived by famers); delayed deliveries crops in irrigated and nonirrigated areas and payments; mixed experience with the (Gaurav and Mishra 2011; Birthal et al. provision of extension services, including 2012).150 The main problem facing these competitive pricing and the poor quality of farmers is the inherently higher production seed or inputs provided; unequal or unshared and market risk associated with such crops. production risk; an insufficient premium They lack the economies of scale that could relative to open market prices or for quality, give them an advantage in bargaining power, including for organic produce; and a lack and they face higher transaction costs to of attention to social impacts (inadequate access inputs or market output, as well as safeguards against child labor and gender- basic agricultural services such as credit, related issues). extension, and market information. CF is often viewed as an appropriate response to these The impact of CF practices on natural resource circumstances, benefiting not only farmers, management has also been mixed. In several but also intermediaries in the value chains and instances, CF has promoted more water- consumers. intensive cultivation, even in water-stressed areas. For example, the irrigation intensity of India’s experience with CF has been mixed, tomatoes, basmati, and maize grown under however. Singh (2012) notes that alternative CF is greater than that of wheat in Punjab. modalities have been practiced by different Monocultures to ensure year-round supplies players in India.151 Yields are generally higher can dominate CF and deplete soil quality. among contract farmers (relative to those not Insufficient attention to the safe, sustainable under contract)—but so are costs. Nevertheless, use of fertilizers and pesticides has potentially with generally more stable prices, net income adverse impacts on natural resources, the wider tends to be higher. Birthal and Kumar (2009) environment, humans, and animals. Given document a number of studies showing several the short-term nature of CF, issues related successful CF arrangements (for milk, poultry, to sustainability, particularly land and water spinach, grapes, and gherkins, for example) quality, are rarely factored into the business alongside instances in which CF has been less model. successful or less inclusive of smallholders. Notable exceptions include CF for potatoes in In practice, the main problems faced in CF Gujarat, where McCain Food has promoted the include default by companies and farmers, use of sprinklers without subsidy by all contract farmers. Unilever’s integrated pest management 150 Vegetable crops are the most favored crops on small farms, whereas fruits, condiments, and spices are favored on large package in gherkin production resulted in lower farms, owing to the availability of surplus labor, liquidity fungicide/insecticide use and reduced residues. constraints, and a good market price for vegetables. 151 They include a centralized model (company and farmers); Some CF arrangements for organic basmati rice, joint venture with the public sector (NDDB, Markfed); multi- cotton, and fruits and vegetables have sought to partite model (Punjab in many years); nucleus grower model (Namdharis); and the intermediate/facilitator model (several reduce environmental pollution and resource examples). depletion (Singh 2012). 130 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India Perhaps the most significant issue is whether Pro-poor agricultural value chains CF is inclusive of small farmers. The evidence A number of innovations in marketing promote so far appears mixed. Singh (2012) summarizes higher-value crops. To review some of these studies in India showing that contracting firms approaches, especially their ability to link or entities, mostly private but some public, tend smallholders to value chains, Ganguly (2012) to prefer large and medium farmers for CF. The average size of contract growers is significantly analyzes four value chains in Maharashtra: higher than the average holdings in several cashew, pomegranate, vegetables, and cotton. states (see Annex 12, Table A.12.1). Some The four chains include a producer company exceptions exist. Firms in Karnataka, Tamil (for cashew) and three farmer cooperatives.152 Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh work with marginal and small farmers but tend to focus on specific Cashew producer company. Promoted by labor-intensive crops like gherkins. With a BAIF, a national NGO, a multi-state producer few exceptions, in the emerging fresh fruit marketing company in Maharashtra links and vegetable retail chain it is also medium farmer cooperatives (largely established by and large growers who are the “contact” (not small and marginal tribal households) to “contract”) growers (Annex 12, Table A.12.2). organized markets. BAIF’s introduction of The established or corporate retail chains cashews among tribal farmers generated modest prefer the more advanced agricultural states as improvements in income for poor households, opposed to the states where the majority of the but even that small income brought poor smallholders reside. underused land into production and triggered socioeconomic change as farmers increasingly The main reasons for CF to exclude small ventured into intercropping other cash crops holdings reflect some of the problems with like flowers and vegetables. In addition to the CF mentioned earlier: difficulties in enforcing gains in income and diversification, many contracts, challenges in meeting quality farmers retain some of the raw cashews and standards (and a high rate of product rejection), cashew apples for their own consumption, high transaction costs, and smallholders’ which adds to nutritional security. The initiative weak bargaining power. Consistent with has also generated downstream employment these findings, Birthal and Kumar (2009) note in primary processing facilities, benefiting that successful CF cases involved market- both the member households and landless linked prices to avoid opportunistic behavior, households. providing essential services like insurance and banking (interest-free advances, capital for start- Pomegranate cooperative. The producer- up costs, and so on), operating through farmer led Krishi Vikas Cooperative (KVC) was groups or intermediate contracts to overcome registered in 1989 and later federated with five the high costs of transacting with individual farmers producing small volumes, and nonprice 152 The case studies included in the study are cashew— factors (such as the regularity of off-take and Vasundhara Producer Company Limited (VAPCOL) in Pune, promoted by BAIF, a national NGO; pomegranate—Krishi payments, on time delivery of inputs, and Vikas Cooperative, Sangola, Solapur, promoted by farmers; technical advice). These relationships are vegetables—Nandini Vegetable Producer Cooperative, Nandni, Kolhapur, promoted by farmers; and cotton—Indira established to exploit long-term mutual benefits Gandhi Sut Girini Cooperative, Wardha, promoted by by both the agri-business and the farmer. farmers. 131 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth other cooperatives to form Maha Anar. The Cotton cooperative. Indira Cooperative Sut cooperative successfully created backward and Girni Limited at Wardha was one of many forward linkages for its member growers but yarn-manufacturing units promoted by the failed to retain the trust of its members and Government of Maharashtra under the Fifth Five expand business. Membership declined, and Year Plan to integrate producers in value chains. members started selling their produce through The major objectives were to purchase member’s other channels. Focus group discussions produce, provide extension services, and revealed that small farmers participated little establish research and development activities. in pomegranate cultivation throughout the Ginning and pressing activities started in 1985. area owing to irrigation problems and the With a huge capital investment in ginning riskiness of the crop. When small and marginal and yarn-making and with very low operating farmers take up pomegranate cultivation, margins, the business became unsustainable however, their incomes improve significantly. and prone to high market risks. To become KVC is a partial success as a pro-poor value sustainable, the business requires professional chain. The cooperative provided initial access management along the components of the to domestic and international markets for value chain and diversification into higher-value farmers in the area and expanded cash cropping products such as dyed yarns and textiles. among smallholders. As for many cooperatives, the challenge for KVC appears to be weak Lessons. A number of lessons emerge from these experiences. In all of the value chains, governance. The priority now is to regain at least initially, small farmers benefited from members’ confidence. gaining access to markets, information on better production techniques and markets, and Vegetable cooperative. The Nandini higher returns. The value chains introduced cooperative in Kolhapur was formed to organize new crops, and farmers overcame barriers to small-scale vegetable growers and link them entry such as the need for irrigation and other to national markets. The cooperative started investments to diversify. Crop diversification procuring vegetables directly from farmers in is an important foundation for building pro- 1986. By 1993, instead of having to transport poor value chains—farmers will take risks for their produce by truck, farmers benefited from profitable and sustainable activities. Farmer collection centers developed by the cooperative initiative also matters. For example, cashew (1 center for every 10 villages). The cooperative farmers intercropped to generate additional successfully linked vegetable growers to income, whereas pomegranate farmers did various national markets, especially in the not. All four value chains, however, failed to first two decades of its existence. It created introduce or adapt appropriate technology the required infrastructure and demonstrated over time. Finally, producer companies seem to a proven mechanism to market vegetables in offer a better organizational framework than distant markets. Over time it failed to sustain the cooperative model for linking small-scale the system, however, and its business declined producers to markets.153 drastically. The lack of skills and capacity to manage the business under a viable business 153 For example, the producer company (VAPCOL) fared better compared to the cooperative (KVC) venture as far as forward plan is a critical constraint on the cooperative’s linkages are concerned. VAPCOL engaged professional ability to sustain its growth. managers for marketing activities. 132 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India Efficacy of Market Channels in and the most popular crop there—wheat—is Improving Access highlighted here. Farmers have several options to purchase seed: traditional input dealers, The structure and functioning of markets at PACS (primary agricultural credit society, a the village level is important for promoting state organization of farmers), state seed stores technology and productivity. A survey-based (located mainly at the district level), agricultural study of three alternative market channels— universities (offering direct retail of breeder traditional private sector traders, state-sponsored and foundation seed to selected farmers), cooperatives, and Rural Business Hubs (RBHs)—a RBH outlets, and mandi (wholesale market) modern private sector innovation)—by Reardon traders. The major share (over 80 percent) of et al. (2012) provides a descriptive and statistical the seed market is supplied by the private analysis of the performance of these channels. sector (56 percent through traditional retail The study specifically investigates the outreach and 24 percent by RBHs). Marginal farmers who and incidence of services and proximate impacts bought wheat seed in Uttar Pradesh purchased on technology use and productivity at the farm 12 percent of it from state/cooperative level. The study involved three states (Andhra stores and 4 percent from other farmers; the Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh) to overwhelming majority bought it through capture different agro-ecological, economic, and private channels (21 percent from HKBs and institutional environments.154 The RBHs included 63 percent from small traditional shops). are Hariyali Kisaan Bazar (HKB) in Uttar Pradesh, Clearly a minority of poor and marginal farmers ITC’s Choupal Saagar in Madhya Pradesh, and purchase seed from state/cooperative outlets. Viswas in Andhra Pradesh. These firms entered the scene around the mid-2000s. The major Viewed from a sales perspective, the findings findings and conclusions concerned seed and are similar. State/cooperative outlets sold 16 input markets, input and output prices for small percent of wheat seed to marginal farmers and and marginal farmers, and the determinants 22 percent to small farmers; 62 percent of sales of purchases and prices in different market channels. were to medium farmers. This finding sharply contradicts the conventional view that the (subsidized) state/cooperative outlets focus on Seed, fertilizer, and farm chemical selling to the poor. Although to some extent markets: Subsidized outlets sell this sales pattern reflects the land distribution, subsidized inputs mostly to medium- which is dominated by medium farmers, the scale farmers targeting of the seed subsidy does not appear to The findings for seed markets are similar across be pro-poor. all three states, so the case of Uttar Pradesh Similar conclusions emerge for fertilizer and 154 The study chose six zones by reasoned sampling around nodes (RBH centers). The survey sample is therefore not farm chemical markets, with a few exceptions. random and may not represent markets more generally (for In Uttar Pradesh, the major share of sales from example, markets where RBHs are not located). Nevertheless state/cooperatives of the heavily subsidized a comparison of the three channels provides important and interesting insights. For each state, household surveys fertilizers (73 percent) and chemicals (83 were conducted in 30 villages within and just beyond percent) are to medium farmers (73 percent). the catchment areas of six RBHs equally distributed over western, central, and eastern study zones in each state. One exception in Uttar Pradesh is RBH sales 133 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth of urea, two-thirds (67 percent) of which are the case of poorer Eastern Uttar Pradesh, where to marginal/small farmers. In general, RBH the probability of using state sources increases. sales follow the pattern of land distribution, For other parts of Uttar Pradesh, as well as in with their main client (by volume share) being Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, however, medium and large farmers. the likelihood of purchase from a state/ cooperative outlet falls sharply for marginal Input and output prices do not place farmers but rises with education, being a cooperative member, having wealth through small and marginal farmers at a livestock, and the distance to traditional stores. disadvantage Input prices are consistent across farm-size Two other notable results are the greater groups, so marginal and small farmers do not likelihood that minorities (“non-Hindus”) will pay more than larger farmers for inputs— purchase fertilizers from state/cooperative another finding that is contrary to expectations. stores, suggesting that they tend to be more Similarly, output prices show no systematic socially inclusive, perhaps reflecting the variation across farm size groups. The mandi location effects of alternative channels. For wholesaler, RBHs, and brokers paid close to pesticides, the probability of purchase from a the same price for wheat and soybeans (net modern outlet (RBH) is positively correlated of transaction costs) irrespective of farm size. with farm size, but there is a distinct U-shaped Although small and marginal farmers are probability curve for herbicides, with both presumed to dominate rural food markets, marginal and medium farmers more likely to such farmers account for only a small volume buy from RBHs. of output handled by those markets. Mandis and RBHs thus rely little on output supplied by Price formation. In Uttar Pradesh, paddy seed small and marginal farmers. prices paid by farmers decline with greater education, the age of the household head, Determinants of purchases and prices nonfarm income, farm machinery, greater distance from the district town, and being in in different market channels the favorable western and central areas. These Choice of market channels for inputs. The factors may suggest greater bargaining power choice to purchase inputs from a particular among farmers, but they could also reflect the market channel is influenced by proximity size and level of development of the market. (distance to the respective outlet for the market By contrast, worse prices are paid by scheduled channel) as well as nonfarm income (off-farm castes and tribes and by farmers in the eastern employment). For example, the likelihood of zone. In Madhya Pradesh, there is a strong a farmer choosing an RBH outlet for paddy negative association of RBH with fertilizer and seed in Uttar Pradesh increases with off-farm pesticide prices, again likely reflecting the employment, distance to traditional stores, and effects of modernization and larger transaction proximity of the RBH. But marginal farmers are volumes. significantly less likely to be RBH customers, suggesting an “asset bias” in the modern In general, farmers in eastern zones do not market. Again, there are some exceptions, as in benefit from modern market channels as much 134 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India as the other groups studied. For example, ECA, and the requirement that all produce farmers in the poorer eastern zone pay more be sold at a limited number of licensed and for their pesticides (as in Uttar Pradesh), and the regulated markets under the purview of the likelihood of output purchases by RBH falls with committees set up under the APM(D&R) Act, being located in the east or belonging to SC/ST referred to as APM Committees (APMCs), have social classes. The relatively better-off farmers created significant disincentives for private (in terms of assets and livestock) are better investment in storage, handling, and marketing connected and more likely to participate in infrastructure. They have also promoted the modern output markets, while “poorer” farmers fragmentation of markets (by restricting rely on selling primarily to the traditional movement and through cess/tax implications) sector. and made market transactions and price discovery less transparent. Implied quality of inputs. Since quality cannot be determined from sales data, an indirect These regulations constrain direct marketing assessment is to infer quality using partial arrangements such as CF or direct purchases factor productivity measures. The results by food-processers from farmers, and they do not suggest any obvious discrimination prevent improvements in value chain against smallholders in terms of quality. For efficiencies. Thus the very considerable example, for paddy and wheat in Andhra potential for food processing remains largely Pradesh, seed purchased from the traditional untapped, dominated by low-level processing market is associated with higher output than by informal enterprises (Bhavani, Gulati, and the same seed purchased through state market Roy 2006; Morisset and Kumar 2008a, 2008b). channels. In Madhya Pradesh, farmers buying Farmers as well as consumers bear the brunt inputs within traditional markets show lower of these regulations, which have fostered but comparable returns to increases in farm uncompetitive market structures at the mandi operations, which likely reflect other attributes, level, depressing farmer prices and raising but no obvious association suggests comparable final consumer prices. quality across farm-size groups. In Andhra Pradesh, farmers’ main problem appears to The issues related to the ECA and APMCs are be a labor shortage rather than any problems well recognized and widely acknowledged. To directly associated with other inputs. address the major problems, the government introduced a “Model Act” in 2003 and urged state governments to amend their respective Status of Agricultural Marketing legislation and regulations accordingly.155 Reforms Most states have amended their legislation to reflect the recommendations of the Model Among the controls that have “stifled” Act, but the nature and extent of reforms (and agriculture (GOI 2013b), two pervasive more importantly, their implementation) by regulations are the Agricultural Produce Markets (Development and Regulation) Act— APM (D&R) Act—and the Essential Commodities 155 The APMC is a “State Subject,” so the central government’s role in implementation legislation and regulations relating to Act (ECA) (see Annex 12 for a brief description). the APMC (as with other agricultural regulations) is limited, The zoning and storage restrictions under the with responsibility resting squarely with the states. 135 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth individual states is not known. Similarly, the Despite the central government’s 1993 government has periodically modified the decision to treat the entire country as a single ECA provisions to ostensibly pare down the food zone, markets remain segmented. The list of “essential commodities.” Again, with issues that continue to constrain markets limited central government control over and trade, by raising transaction costs and implementation and authority for each state creating disincentives for private investment to establish its own regulations and controls, in marketing and trade infrastructure, are progress on removing the ECA’s restrictions on many. Even though ECA currently has no domestic markets and trade is not known. movement and stock restrictions, several states have established ad-hoc stock restrictions, To address this knowledge gap, Patnaik with frequent changes, creating uncertainty and Sharma (2013) conducted a study that and raising transaction costs. A lack of also included detailed field assessments in transparency prevails: Orders can be issued five states. The main findings are not very independently by state governments and encouraging. Although a few states moved well sometimes by different departments within the ahead in implementing both the letter and same state. Because no compilation exists of spirit of the APMC reforms, implementation is all orders in effect at any time, it is extremely generally uneven and inconsistent across states. difficult to get a sense of what is happening The net result is that despite some progress, on the ground. Despite their best efforts, significant impediments still constrain the Patnaik and Sharma (2013) could not obtain performance of markets and internal trade. The or compile a comprehensive list of all orders major findings from the study are reported in currently in effect.156 Multiple and ad hoc taxes the sections that follow. are another problem. Several statutory, fiscal, and administrative barriers hamper the free Current provisions of the ECA. The list of movement of agricultural products between essential commodities has changed over the and within states. They include border check years, with the latest list, issued in 2006, gates (entailing avoidable delays that are costly pruned down (in principle) to only seven for products that are perishable or have a items (Box A.12.1). Qualitatively, the coverage short shelf-life); “entry” and “export” taxes in of agricultural commodities has changed some states; other state-specific taxes; multiple little, as the key provision of the broadly taxation (taxes levied by different markets defined “foodstuffs” essentially covers all within each state); and a lack uniformity in food commodities, whether processed or fiscal measures across states.157 unprocessed. The act also covers key inputs, fertilizers, and seeds for most major crops 156 As statutes and regulations in India generally do not have a (certainly all food crops). Equally important, “sunset clause” and continue to be in force until their repeal, it is likely that most of these orders remain in force. the list of commodities can be amended by 157 For example, in Punjab the total market charges on food executive orders from the central and state grain transactions are around 15.50 percent (a market fee of 2 percent, development cess of 2 percent, purchase tax of governments. The result is a multiplicity of 4 percent, commission charge of 2 percent, infrastructure Control Orders and frequent changes of rules cost of 1.5 percent, and VAT of 4 percent) ad valorem, apart from the charges for weighing-(Rs. 0.55), loading (Rs. 0.40), and restrictions (see Patnaik and Sharma 2013 brokerage (Rs. 0.16), hamali (labor in the market area) (Rs. 1), for recent examples). and cleaning (Rs. 0.65 per bag per quintal). 136 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India APM (D&R) Act reforms as per the Model Act also adopted other provisions, such as bulk (2003). Of the 35 states and union territories, purchases (Uttar Pradesh) and contract farming 6 had never adopted the Act and required no (Punjab), but these are on an exceptional basis reforms (see Annex 12, Table A.12.3). Of the through executive orders. On the other hand, remaining states and territories, 18 formally Maharashtra is the most progressive state in amended their Acts, and 1 (Bihar) completely terms of market reforms, and it has amended repealed it in 2006. The remaining 11, including the APM Act but does not provide for single some major agricultural states (Punjab, Uttar point levy of the market fee due to opposition Pradesh, West Bengal) have not adopted the by the APMCs. Amendment. The Model Act contains five critical provisions for liberalizing trade: Special provisions (such as market fee exemptions in Punjab) exist for particular 1. Direct marketing (purchase by the businesses, often business that have promised buyers outside market yards). to make large investments in the state. Case- 2. Contract farming. by-case exemptions through executive orders may be expedient compared to enshrining the 3. Entry of private sector (to establish provisions in the statute itself, but they do wholesale markets). not allow robust market development. Such 4. Single license (for operating in more exemptions are surrounded by uncertainty than one APMC jurisdiction). because the orders can be rescinded at any time—often for political reasons. For example, 5. Single levy of market fee (irrespective of the Government of Punjab allowed Cargill to the times produce is sold and purchased). make direct purchases of food grains from the mandis, but the order was withdrawn within On paper, progress toward the much-anticipated a year following opposition by commission market reforms appears to be good—most agents. states have amended the APM(D&R) Act—but real progress remains much more modest. Finally, for actual implementation, the First, the states have not adopted all provisions amendments to the Act need to be formulated of the Model Act (Annex 12, Table A.12.3). as rules and notified. In this regard, progress Only 6 of the 18 amending states adopted is even weaker. Annex 12, Table A.12.4 all 5 key provisions, while others adopted shows that only 10 of the 18 adopting states the amendments only partially. The uneven have formulated and notified the rules for implementation of specific provisions gives implementation. Again, the actual provisions mixed and unclear picture. and rules vary across states. Maharashtra and Karnataka have detailed rules in place for Some states have not formally adopted implementation. In Andhra Pradesh, rules the amendments but have made specific for direct marketing have not been covered provisions through executive orders on a in the notification. Because Madhya Pradesh case-by-case basis. For example, both Uttar has exempted sales of fruits and vegetables Pradesh and Punjab have provisions for a (except bananas) from the provisions of the single-point levy of the market fee. Both have Act, it needs no rules, since the provisions of 137 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth the Act are not now applicable to fruits and significant private sector response in terms of vegetables. Himachal Pradesh has no restriction initiatives involving contract farming, direct for setting up private markets; licenses for purchase, and the establishment of mega-food private markets and direct marketing are issued parks (Patnaik and Sharma 2013). Some of the on a case-by-case basis. Rules framed by Odisha private sector initiatives in different states are for private markets specify no restrictions on summarized in Annex 12, Table A.12.5. Note setting up private markets, except to state that investment and corporate activities have that the location for the private market will been more common in states where reforms be specified by the state government and will were more significant. not be permitted within one kilometer from an existing APMC. Such restrictions are not Among the states, Maharashtra has been conducive to the spirit of the reforms, which is the front-runner in market reforms and has to increase effective competition. seen significant new initiatives and impacts (Box 5), yet even in Maharashtra challenges Impact of reforms. As indicated, whenever the remain in implementing the provisions of the opportunity has arisen—either through formal amendments. For instance, despite several reforms or through special provisions—the government initiatives, contract farming private sector’s response has been swift and remains informal. Maharashtra is at the at times revolutionary. The improvements in forefront in establishing private markets but potato and rice supply chains are examples faces a number of problems. On the one hand, (Reardon and Minten 2013). Reforms have farmers do not perceive the benefits of selling spurred other innovations such as the their fruits and vegetables to the dedicated emergence of virtual markets (including futures private market set up for them, as there are no markets, spot exchanges, warehouse receipt additional facilities or services. On the other systems, ICT-based market information, and hand, the private market has run into several web marketing), electronic spot exchanges, and problems with the local APMC, restraining its Box 5: Progress in market reforms in Maharashtra ƒƒ The Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board actively promotes public-private partnerships in setting up markets and infrastructure. ƒƒ A total of 23 private markets are functional, of which the first private market for fruits and vegetables has been set up by Premium Farm Fresh. ƒƒ Maharashtra issued 47 licenses for direct marketing to companies/traders. ƒƒ Licensed E-markets under APMC Act, Maharashtra have led to the establishment of spot exchanges by MCX, NCDEX, and Reliance Spot. ƒƒ Trade in fruits and vegetables has been deregulated and exempted from market fees. ƒƒ Paithan Mega Food Park has been given special status for sourcing raw materials. ƒƒ A total of 10 contract farming sponsors have been registered. ƒƒ Major private companies are involved in contract farming, such as Marico (Saffola), ITC and Pepsico (potatoes), More, Reliance, Big Bazaar (fruits and vegetables), and KB Export (vegetables for export). Source: Patnaik and Sharma 2013. 138 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India ability to provide comparable services. APMC providing good services, infrastructure, and contends that any produce in its jurisdiction, public utilities. even if traded in the private market, needs to pay APMC market fees. APMCs have opposed the More tangible benefits of reforms are implementation of a single-point levy for market demonstrated by the specific impacts on the fees, and the private market is not allowed benefits to producers as well as consumers by the APMC to procure produce at collection from better-functioning markets, indicating the centers. All of these stipulations reduce the large potential impact such reforms can have. revenues or raise costs to the private operator, Table 23 presents an example of the benefits of restricting the viability of the business. competition gained by allowing private mandis to operate. Competition has driven down the In contrast, Tamil Nadu has not amended its market and other fees charged for the same Act but already had a provision for setting transactions, as APMC is now forced to compete up private markets and for direct marketing. for customers. Another specific example is the The Agricultural Products Producers and reduction in marketing margins through direct Traders Association Market, a modern fruit marketing, which benefits farmers (receiving a and vegetable market, is performing well (in higher output price) and consumers (paying a strong contrast to Maharashtra’s experience), lower retail price), shown in Table 24. Table 23: Comparison of charges in private and APMC markets Private mandi (Santosh Pvt.Ltd Charge APMC Pimpalgaon Bagulgaon Yeola) Market fees/charges 1% 0.75 % Supervision charges to GOM 0.05% 0.05% Commission charges 4% 4% Weighing Rs. 1 per 100 kg Rs. 1 per 100 kg Hamali Rs. 4 per 100 kg Rs. 2.50 per 100 kg Sorting/grading Rs. 20 per 100 kg Rs. 6 per 100 kg Loading charges Rs. 4 per 100 kg Rs. 7 per 100 kg Source: Patnaik and Sharma 2013. Note: GOM = Government of Maharashtra. Table 24: Price build-up in tomato value chain (Salarpur, Uttar Pradesh) Traditional marketing Direct marketing (Vista Foods) Particulars Rs/q % Rs/q % Producer share 800.00 43.24 900.00 53.42 Market fee 11.50 0.62 9.00 0.53 Commission charge 102.36 5.53 0.00 0.00 Logistic and OH cost 290.00 15.68 387.00 22.97 Retailer/processor margin 646.14 34.93 388.8 23.08 Consumers price 1850.00 100.00 1684.80 100.00 Source:  Patnaik and Sharma 2013, based on key informant interviews in UP case study. 139 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Conclusions and Implications are to be shared will be an area for policy attention. In most cases, market reforms have not been implemented in full or in earnest and are Overregulation is clearly demonstrated to instead hampered by provisions and omissions restrict private investment and trade, as seen that have effectively retained the status quo. from the experiences of Maharashtra compared The APMCs continue to exert strong control to Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Even initiatives and have been a key obstacle to reform, to promote private investments, such as the even where states have amended their schemes for “Modern Terminal Markets” and respective Acts. “Wholesale Markets,” have not been successful. The subsidies offered in these instances are A key message emerging from the analysis is clearly not attractive enough to overcome the that India remains a segmented agricultural unattractive restrictions these schemes place on market, with high transaction costs that hurt private sector activities. both producers and consumers, hinder the smooth internal flow of trade, and restrict An important problem is the conflict of interest productivity growth. Removal of movement, for state governments. The current markets stock, and trade restrictions for smoother and APMCs generate revenue. Any change internal trade remains a very high priority. in market regulations will have resource implications for state governments, which The experience with different states must be dealt with in terms of sharing the interpreting and implementing reforms and costs of reforms. Another important conflict of regulations in different ways suggests a need interest is the state departments or marketing to rethink market governance. For example, boards responsible for both running and differential and multiple taxation, different regulating the markets. It is important to and frequently changing stock limits, and ensure an independent market regulator to movement restrictions create problems in create a level playing field between the APMCs marketing across state borders. Agriculture and private markets. is a State Subject, but Inter-State Trade and Commerce is under the Union List. It may Finally, while the overregulation inherent in the be advisable to consider putting agricultural current APM(D&R) Act is clearly a hindrance, marketing on the Concurrent List and the absence of all market regulation would establishing common norms for taxation not be desirable. An important role of the and other charges/fees to make the system government is oversight and regulation, and more transparent and predictable. This the complete abdication of this role may not approach will facilitate smoother movement lead to a better outcome. For example, since of agricultural products across states, foster Bihar completely repealed the APM(D&R) Act, more efficient modes of marketing through its markets have been completely unregulated. electronic trading and virtual markets, and Bihar sought to promote free, competitive help achieve the objectives of the Model Act. transactions, but the state’s public facilities Reform of fiscal policies will obviously have are public goods; if no entity is responsible revenue implications, and how these costs for them, there will be no investment in 140 Chapter 12: Current State of Agricultural Markets in India infrastructure or maintenance to improve given reasonable assurances that such market conditions. Most importantly, investments would be secure and generate governance of the markets has become a critical returns. An independent market regulator is issue, as the markets allegedly have been taken clearly needed, with the primary objective over by a few traders and cartels. of promoting competition and creating an orderly environment for price discovery and To create a healthy environment for physical transactions, and with the capacity to transactions, it is important for markets to provide basic services as needed (perhaps until be orderly and governed well. The private the private sector steps in), including dispute sector would invest in market infrastructure, resolution services. 141 13 Agro-Industry: The Food- processing Sector A s the structural transformation of backward multipliers (both output and income the economy accelerates in India, the multipliers) based on the national Input-Output nature of agriculture and the food tables constructed by CSO (Ganesh-Kumar industry will change dramatically. With and Panda 2013). The employment multiplier inevitable urbanization, the shift to nonfarm effects from investments in the food-processing activities, rising incomes, women’s increasing industry are also high—about 2.5 times that of participation in the labor force, and changing other industries (Bhavani, Gulati, and Roy 2006). consumption habits, an outpouring of demand Finally, processed exports are an important for processed (including prepared and packaged) outlet for agricultural output. Exports of foods will occur. For India, food processing processed foods now constitute almost provides a natural entry point for the sluggish 48 percent of rapidly expanding agricultural “manufacturing” sector to enter agricultural exports, almost doubling in (real) value over the areas, exploit their present comparative past three years (Figure 73). advantage, and create much-needed off-farm employment. To capture these benefits, the central government has made concerted efforts since A well-developed food processing industry can the mid-1990s to attract private investment in also stimulate higher agricultural productivity the food-processing industry by giving it priority and growth through several channels. Examples sector status, providing fiscal incentives,158 include better and more stable farm prices; and initiating other reform measures. The reduced wastage as produce unsuitable for wet proposed National Mission on Food Processing markets is processed into more value-added will scale up these efforts at the state level, with consumables, increasing returns to farmers; and technological and logistical support from the diversification into crops needed for processing, center. The food-processing sector has grown potentially transforming traditional “food” rapidly in the past five years, with investments crops into “cash” enterprises. growing at 20 percent per year. Foreign direct The importance of food processing for 158 Some of these include a five-year tax holiday and 35 percent tax deduction for the same period for setting up new agro- stimulating growth and employment stems processing industries; reduced import duty on processing from its high backward linkages. Of all machinery; no corporate taxes on profits from export sales; and automatic approval for 100 percent FDI in most items. activities in the economy-wide activity matrix, Exemptions from excise duty have been given to encourage food processing has the highest estimated capital investment in large projects and processing firms. 143 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 73: Composition of food exports, 2012/13 Food Industry Structure and Floriculture, 0.6% Fresh F&V, 4.8% Investment Processed F&V, 4.2% Like all manufacturing in India, the food- processing sector has a dualistic structure: A Animal Products, Cereals, 44.0% 16.7% relatively small (in number of units) but capital- intensive organized segment coexists with a pervasive, mostly rural, and relatively labor- intensive unorganized segment. Organized and unorganized food-processing operations Other Processed employed nearly 8 million people in 2008–09 Food, 29.6% (the latest year for which survey data are Source: Authors, using APEDA data. available)162 and contributed over Rs. 500 billion (about US$ 10 billion) to the economy (valued investment (FDI) is still relatively small (US$ 2 added in 2004/05 prices).163 In 2008/09, the billion cumulative investment between April organized segment provided 1.56 million jobs in 2000 and August 2013) compared to the overall a little over 27,000 units, producing an average investment in food processing of about US$ 24 of Rs. 13 million of output per unit (in real billion, but it is expected to grow more rapidly 2004/05 rupees). In the unorganized segment, with the expansion of organized food retail.159 about 2.6 million enterprises employing 6.3 million people producing Rs. 0.054 million The literature on agro- and food processing in of output per enterprise in 2005/06. India is limited and mostly outdated. Given the importance of food processing in promoting Figure 74 shows the dualistic structure of agricultural productivity and generating the food-processing sector in 2005/06. The employment, this chapter analyzes the food- unorganized segment dominates in numbers processing sector—its structure, evolution, of (small) enterprises and workers, but the and the interplay of factors and policies that organized segment dominates in terms of the influence its performance.160 To place India’s value of output and investment. The average food-processing industry in the context of other scale of operations is much smaller in the industries, the analysis will rely on indicators 162 The analysis of organized manufacturing is based on state- such as the number of units (factories), level data from the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) from 1980–81 to 2008–09. Data used are for the food and beverage employment, investment, capital stock, and industry (National Industrial Classification code 15) for gross value added (GVA).161 17 major states of India. The analysis of the unorganized segment uses the 2000–01 and 2005–06 quinquennial NSS data (the 56th and 62nd rounds). The analysis for organized 159 FDI estimates from the website of the Department of food manufacturing is confined to 17 major states and that Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and for unorganized manufacturing to 20 major states at 2004–05 Industry, GOI. Growth estimates from India Brand Equity prices. Of 24 groups of industries at the two-digit level as per Foundation. the National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2004, unit-level 160 This chapter is based on a background paper by Bathla and data on food products and beverages (NIC 15) are extracted Gautam (2013). for selected states. For additional detail on the data and 161 All values are converted to real terms with the base year variables used in the analysis, see the background paper. 2004–05. Investment is taken to be the difference in fixed 163 The size of the organized segment was Rs. 352.5 billion capital in two periods plus depreciation in year t. Capital in 2008/09, and the size of unorganized segment was stock is estimated using the Perpetual Inventory Method. Rs. 142.5 billion in 2004/05 real rupees. 144 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector  ualistic structure of the agro- Figure 74: D Share of agro-processing in organized Figure 75:  processing sector manufacturing Structure of Agro-Processing Sector 25 GVA 20 15 Employment 10 5 Units 0 Investment Factories Employment Gross Value Added Capital 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% -5 Unorganized (2005/06) Organized (2005/06) -10 Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. -15 unorganized segment, with fixed assets per -20 enterprise of Rs. 0.096 million employing an 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 average of 2.4 persons, compared to Rs. 25.6 Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. million and 57.4 persons per enterprise in the organized segment. of employment in organized manufacturing The structure of unorganized manufacturing is on average between 2000 and 2008, with a changing among the three types of enterprises steady share in output of 8–9 percent over time defined by NSS: Own Account Manufacturing (Figure 75). The shares in investment and capital Enterprises (OAMEs), Non-Directory stock are lower but grew from 5.5 percent Manufacturing Establishments (NDMEs), and in the 1980s to 8 percent in the 2000s. The Directory Manufacturing Establishments (DMEs) relative size of food processing varies by state (defined in Annex 13). Small, family-run OAMEs (Annex 13, Table A.13.1a), with few changes dominate the unorganized segment (81 percent over time. The share of food processing in of enterprises) and are located primarily in investment and output in lagging states (Bihar, rural areas (the share of NDMEs is 13 percent Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan) as well as some and that of DMEs 6 percent). OAMEs also had advanced states (Punjab and Andhra Pradesh) the largest share of output (42 percent) in has increased. Most states show no discernible 2005–06, compared to NDMEs and DMEs (25 and trends, however. 33 percent). Over time, OAMEs have gradually declined, and the share of DMEs in almost all In the unorganized segment, food processing the key indicators has expanded. has a slightly higher share of the industry (17 percent of employment and value added in 2005/06). Of the 82,897 unorganized enterprises Spatial and temporal trends surveyed in 2005/06, a little over 15 percent Food processing provides significant of all enterprises (rural and urban) were in employment in both the organized and food processing, accounting for 18 percent unorganized segments. It accounted for of investment in the sector (Figure 76). Rural about 18 percent of factories and 16 percent unorganized food-processing accounts for 145 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Share of agro-processing in Figure 76:  evident in Table A.13.2. While the shares unorganized manufacturing of employment and numbers of units and 35.00 enterprises have been relatively stable over time across states, some states have become 30.00 more productive, with growing shares in GVA 25.00 for food processing—notably Andhra Pradesh, 20.00 Karnataka, Punjab, and Rajasthan. 15.00 The differences in shares across states, 10.00 especially for employment, may simply 5.00 reflect differences in the size of each state’s 0.00 population. Figure 77 shows that with the Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban exception of a few “outliers” (circled in the Enterprises Workers Investment GVA figure), the more populous states are also 2000/01 2005/06 generally poorer. Organized employment is Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. clearly concentrated in a few states, but the trends in unorganized employment broadly significantly higher shares of investment track the size of the state. The exceptions (about 31 percent), output (25 percent), and are Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, employment (21 percent). As with the organized where both organized and unorganized food segment, significant change has occurred across processing is underrepresented. On the other states over time (Annex 13, Table A.13.1b). hand, informality is the preferred mode of manufacturing in Karnataka, Odisha, and The diversity of the organized and unorganized West Bengal. The broad correlation between food-processing segments across states is unorganized food processing and poverty likely Figure 77: State poverty rates and shares in population, employment 18 70 16 60 14 50 12 10 40 8 30 6 20 4 10 2 0 0 UP MP BH WB AP MH TN RJ KT GJ OR KE JH AS PB CH HY UK HP Population Unorganized Organized Rural Poverty HCR (2004/05) Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. 146 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector Figure 78:  Rural-urban ratios in the unorganized Scale, factor intensity, and employment sector creation in the food industry 3.93 3.59 Organized food processing has grown rapidly since 1980 (Table 25), with capital deepening in both the organized and unorganized segments. Capital stock grew at 8 percent annually 0.51 0.46 between 1980 and 2008 in the organized 0.31 0.34 segment, primarily due to an increase in the scale of operation (output per factory); the Enterprises Workers GVA/Worker GVA/Ent. Inv./Ent. Capital Int. number of factories grew at a much slower pace. Employment per factory declined, but total employment increased with the increase Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. in the number of factories. Between 1980 and 2008, the sector generated jobs at a rate reflects a combination of “pull” and “push” of 1 percent a year, with the fastest pace factors, which call for deeper analysis. between 2000 and 2008 at 2.3 percent per year. In the unorganized segment, the number of The final aspect of the sector’s structure is enterprises has declined over time (Table 26), the rural-urban dispersion of unorganized but the remaining enterprises are operating at enterprises (data to make this distinction a larger scale, with rapidly growing output per are not available for the organized segment). unit and slower but still growing employment Food-processing enterprises and employment per enterprise. Overall employment in the are almost four times more common in rural unorganized segment fell due to the high exit than in urban areas (Figure 78). The rural firms rate of enterprises. are much less capital intensive, and also less productive both in output per enterprise and The rapid increase in the average scale of per labor. Apart from the greater dominance of operation, visible in several states, was OAMEs in rural areas, these ratios likely reflect realized mostly in the post-reform period and inadequate access to infrastructure, technology, is consistent with the significant increase in skills, and capital. investment in the organized and unorganized Table 25: Organized food-processing segment: Size and growth GVA Capital stock Size Factories (units) Employment (millions) (Rs billion, 2004/05) (Rs billion, 2004/05) 2008-09 27,218 1.56 352.5 11,363 Growth (%/yr) Factories Employment/factory GVA/factory Capital stock/factory 1980-1989 0.8% -3.5% 8.3% 12.7% 1990-1999 2.1% -0.1% 5.1% 8.6% 2000-2008 1.8% 0.5% 6.4% 5.4% 1980-2008 1.6% -0.6% 4.2% 8.3% Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. 147 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table 26:  Unorganized food-processing segment: Size and growth Factories Employment GVA Capital stock Size (units) (millions) (Rs billion, 2004/05) (Rs billion, 2004/05) 2005/06 2.6 6.35 142.5 11,363 Growth (%/yr) Enterprises Employment/ GVA/enterprise Capital stock/ enterprise enterprise 2000/01–2005/06 -2.87% 1.38% 7.25% 3.85% Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. segments. In the organized segment, for which Figure 79: Trends in labor intensity the temporal data are available, investments 2 increased substantially in the post-reform 1.8 period. Capital invested per factory grew 1.6 more than fourfold after 2000/02, when 1.4 investment grew by almost 20 percent per year. 1.2 Employment grew more slowly, although some 1 states saw a rapid expansion of employment 0.8 in the latest period (2000–08), including 0.6 Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, 0.4 and Rajasthan. Employment per enterprise 0.2 0 increased slightly in the unorganized segment, 1980-81 1982-83 1984-85 1986-87 1988-89 1990-91 1992-93 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 but the decline in the number of enterprises, particularly in urban areas, caused employment in the unorganized food-processing segment Food Processing Non-Food Processing overall to decline—a trend consistent with Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. the rising capital intensity in the urban unorganized food-processing segment. Employment grew in only four states (Assam, has almost converged, but significant gaps Gujarat, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh). remain in wage rates and labor productivity in favor of the non-food-processing industry. Underlying these trends is a rapid decline in labor intensity, with food processing Factors determining employment (labor experiencing a more rapid decline than non- demand) in food manufacturing food industries (Figure 79). Consistent with this trend, labor productivity has risen, as A statistical analysis of labor demand confirms have wages, while capital productivity has that increasing capital (and capital intensity) declined. Labor productivity has risen faster and scale of operation are associated with in the non-food-processing sector, but wages positive but low growth in employment have increased more rapidly in the food (Bathla and Gautam 2013). The elasticity of sector. Figure 80 shows indicators for the food- employment per factory with respect to scale processing industry as a ratio of the indicators (output per factory) is estimated to be 0.47, for the non-food industry. Capital productivity indicating that employment grows half as fast 148 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector Ratios of indicators in food to non- Figure 80:  whereas most others showed varying degrees food-processing industry of increase. The overall trend in employment shows no consistent relationship, suggesting 0.95 that a mix of “pull” and “push” factors is at work across states. A deeper analysis of the 0.64 0.69 dynamics of the rural informal sector is 0.57 0.51 0.53 needed to disentangle the factors driving 0.47 employment there. 0.34 In sum, although the Indian food-processing industry is more labor intensive than other Labor Wages Capital Capital industries, labor intensity has declined Productivity Intensity Productivity significantly as the industry has shifted toward 1980-85 2004-08 more capital-intensive (labor-saving) technology. Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. The good news is that labor productivity has risen fast, keeping pace with labor productivity in the non-food industry. The more rapid rise in as output per factory in the organized segment. wages (relative to the non-food sector) has had The elasticity for the unorganized segment is a dampening effect on employment, however, also positive but lower at 0.17. As expected, encouraging further capital intensity and scale wage rate has a strong negative impact on labor of operating units. Rising profits are inducing demand, but that impact is much higher in the additional investment and the adoption of organized segment than in the unorganized better technology, as expected, but enterprises segment (–0.47 versus –0.07). Rising wages clearly prefer to move toward higher capital induce substitution of capital for labor, as intensity and labor-saving technology. This confirmed through an alternative specification preference reflects the perpetuation of with capital intensity, which shows a negative informality in the manufacturing sector and a and significant impact on employment in both reluctance to hire labor, given labor laws and segments. other factors in the enabling environment.164 The unorganized food segment has lower The significance of these trends for employment employment elasticity but is also becoming and transformation, even in the more rural food- more capital intensive (albeit at a much based industry and in the more populous and slower pace than organized processing). Labor poorer states, cannot be overstated. Encouraging productivity has accordingly risen (with a new businesses to enter and existing businesses high correlation between capital intensity to expand employment more rapidly than in and labor productivity of 0.78 for 2005/06). the past will create employment, but only with Wages have not risen as fast, probably because greater attention to the enabling environment of the large labor pool in rural areas where and barriers to entry for smaller firms, especially most unorganized food processing is located. in the lagging states. Large variations across states prevail, however. Capital intensity declined in some states, such 164 See the extensive discussion in the Economic Survey (GOI as Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, and Odisha, 2013a) and World Bank (2012). 149 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Patterns and Drivers of Private regional distribution approaches that of the Investment in Food Manufacturing national economy. An RDI that is greater (less) than the national average indicates greater Given the significant variation across states diversity (concentration). in employment and private investment in the food industry, it is important to understand The LQ and RDI results show significant the patterns and drivers of investment. Based variation across states, summarized in on standard metrics, this section assesses the Table 27 (for detailed state estimates, see concentration and determinants of investment Annex 13, Table A.13.3a–b).167 Food processing across states. Investment by a firm is based on has a greater presence (higher share) in the many factors, such as profit (rate of return), organized segment of the industry in about sales, liquidity, cost, and infrastructure. half (8 of 17) states in the 2000s, with some Agglomeration economies, captured mainly changes over time. The most significant shifts through location and urbanization effects, may have been a large decline in concentration in loom large in firms’ investment decisions. At Assam and a large increase in Uttar Pradesh the same time, higher productivity may also in the 2000s. Most states have remained be achieved by greater diversity economies in either stable or increased, with consistent locations having favorable policies for private and notable increases in Bihar, Kerala, and investment (World Bank 2003). Madhya Pradesh. In the unorganized segment, the share of food processing is high across a Regional specialization and much larger number of states (13). The level concentration/diversification in private of representation is higher in urban areas, investment both in terms of a higher number of states (15) and a higher LQ in most states relative Two widely used two indices for specialization to rural enterprises. The states with higher and concentration are the Location Quotient shares of investment (representation) in the (LQ) and Relative Diversity Index (RDI). LQ food industry also have a relatively higher shows the degree of representation of an share of output of the food industry in total industry in a particular region/state relative to manufacturing. other regions/states, with an LQ greater than 1 (less than 1) indicating higher representation The RDI estimates indicate that very few states (dispersion) of an industry in the state relative have diversified their organized industrial to the national average.165 RDI measures the base over time. Even in the 2000s, only four degree of industrial concentration within states (Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and individual states.166 As RDI increases, the West Bengal) have a high level of diversification (RDI greater than the national average at 0.95), 165 LQ_ir is defined as LQ_ir = (Investment_is/Investment_s)/ with a very high degree of concentration in Investment_in/Investment_n), where Inv_is= Investment in industry i in state s; Inv_s= Investment in state s; Inv_in= Investment in industry i in country n; and Inv_n = 167 LQ and RDI are calculated using average investment in the Investment in country n. food industry drawn from ASI data at the two-digit level 166 RDI is the inverse of the summed difference between the classification for the organized segment in each decade from regional and national industrial shares, i.e., 1980–81 to 1989–90, 1990–91 to 1999–2000, and 2000–01 to RDI_s =1/Σi|(Investment_is/Investment_s) – (Investment_in/) 2008–09. For the unorganized segment, the data are from the Investment_n|. two NSS rounds (2000–01 and 2005–06). 150 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector Table 27:  Classification of states as per LQ and RDI estimates based on investment States with RDI > national average States with LQ > 1 (representation/concentration) (diversity) Organized segment, 1980–1989 Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu Organized segment, 1990–1999 Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu Organized segment, 2000–2009 Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Unorganized segment, 2000–2001 Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Rajasthan Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Unorganized segment, 2005–2006 Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttaranchal, West Bengal West Bengal Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. most states. In the unorganized segment, is dominant in every state, whether industrially overall diversification is low (with a national advanced or less developed. average of only 0.22). Urban enterprises are significantly more diversified, but with the Second, food manufacturing is more dominant in majority of food enterprises located in rural states with a higher percentage of poor people. areas, the total RDI reflects the concentration Individuals in the agricultural sector apparently of rural enterprises. Relative to the national diversify out of agriculture by starting small average, about half of the states are more nonagricultural enterprises or operating such diversified (8) in the unorganized segment. enterprises alongside their agricultural ventures to supplement their incomes. Three main findings emerge from the analysis. First, in the organized segment, the food Third, industrial investments are highly and beverage industry has relatively higher concentrated in specific sectors, with the representation (based on LQ) in states that majority of states having an RDI less than are less industrially developed and have the national average. The weak link between a relatively higher share of income from diversity and performance (growth in output agriculture. In contrast, the spatial distribution per enterprise) suggests that beyond the and locational representation of the food and benefits of competition, other factors, including beverage industry in the unorganized segment agglomeration economies (specialization in 151 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth certain subsectors or industries) and especially urban demand, and others), the LQ for factories linkages back to agriculture (for access to raw is used as a proxy. materials and cost considerations), may be important reasons for the private sector to The descriptive statistics for the data used in invest in food processing in certain states. the analysis are given in Annex 13, Table A.13.4. Investment rate (investment per capital stock) Patterns of private investment varies between 10 and 17 percent across states, but investment rate as a ratio of value added The role of different factors in explaining inter- is significantly higher and also considerably state variations in the pattern of investment in more variable. Most states also show a high rate food manufacturing is assessed using a flexible of return on capital. As noted, capital output accelerator model (see Bathla and Gautam ratios are low across the states, as is capacity 2013). In addition to the economic variables utilization. It is also clear that the food industry and industry characteristics common to such depends heavily on borrowed capital, with a investment functions, key variables of interest high ratio of indebtedness (outstanding loan to are the policy variables, namely infrastructure, capital) in most states. Across states, the rate agricultural linkage, and investor friendliness. of investment in food processing is relatively Given India’s diverse agro-climatic conditions, higher in agriculturally dominant states and which favor the cultivation of many different states with relatively lower per capita incomes. crops, agricultural linkages are likely to be The exceptions are Punjab and Haryana, which important for locating investments. Two have a higher share of agricultural income and alternative variables, size of the agricultural higher annual per capita income. economy (share of agricultural state GDP in total state GDP) and land productivity (defined Results of the econometric analysis of the as agricultural state domestic product per unit determinants of investment show significant of net sown area) are used to test this linkage. impacts of internal industry factors as well Capital expenditures by state governments as external (that is, state-specific) factors to build roads and bridges are used to test (see Annex 13, Table A.13.5). As expected, the “crowding in” effect of infrastructure investment responds to profits and sales investments on private investment in food (accelerator). Borrowing as a ratio of capital is processing.168 The proxy for an investor-friendly negative, suggesting possible credit constraints environment is the number of industrial to expansion, but it is only weakly significant strikes and lockouts in a state.169 To capture and is sensitive to specification. any other location effects (broad agglomeration economies such as skilled labor force, size of Private investment is also influenced by other factors. Infrastructure development is an 168 A weighted average of public capital expenditures on roads and bridges, on a per capita basis, for the previous four important determinant of investment. Clearly, years is used to assess the crowding-in effect. This approach higher public investment in roads and bridges makes it possible to capture the lags in the likely impact of infrastructure development on investors’ expectations and has a strong “crowding-in” effect on private response. investment. Backward linkage of the food 169 The impact of market reforms as initiated under the APMC Model Act could not be gauged because most states industry to agriculture, captured through the implemented the reforms only recently (Chapter 11). share of agricultural income in total state 152 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector income, is positive and significant, suggesting including subsidies, single-window clearance potential economies of scale and accessibility to mechanisms, tax holidays, and the mobilization raw material as strong determinants. Further, of required resources. To complement these an alternative specification using agricultural initiatives, creating the enabling environment productivity also shows a strong positive for private investment by removing the impact, indicating that not only size but also regulatory and institutional constraints (such as higher agricultural productivity can stimulate the marketing issues discussed in the previous investment in food processing.170 The estimated chapter) needs to be a high priority. The recent elasticity for public infrastructure is substantial opening up of FDI in retail is likely to yield at 0.24, but the elasticity for linkage to significant benefits for those states that move agriculture is even higher at 0.99. Agricultural most rapidly to initiate and implement investor- productivity shows an elasticity of 0.74. Finally, friendly reforms in the agricultural sector. investor friendliness has an expected negative sign but is not statistically significant, although this result is likely clouded by the state fixed Productivity Growth, Technical and lagged investment effects. Change, and Technical Efficiency in the Food-processing Industry The key results from a policy perspective are Trends in partial factor productivities show that the backward linkages to agriculture, the labor productivity has grown consistently in importance of infrastructure, and the role the organized segment of the food-processing of credit. Backward linkages to agriculture industry since the 1980s, while capital are clearly important for increasing private intensity increased rapidly (though both have investment (and thus employment) through slowed from their very high rates of growth food processing. The food industry’s in the 1980s) (Annex 13, Table A.13.6). Capital concentration in agricultural states and productivity has declined for the most part, relatively lesser presence in the more industrial although modest growth began in the 2000s. states such as Gujarat and Maharashtra is The unorganized segment shows similar trends, consistent with this result and clearly suggests despite the relatively short time between the that “location” matters. two surveys in the 2000s, with a slightly higher annual growth rate in capital productivity than Encouraging private investment in food in the organized segment. Interestingly, the processing in the relatively more agricultural fairly high correlation between capital intensity states such as Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, and labor productivity across states in the 1980s Madhya Pradesh, and Uttarakhand could (0.78) declined in subsequent decades (to 0.22 in contribute significantly to poverty reduction. the 2000s), showing no clear pattern in any state Recently several states have sought to attract except Maharashtra (especially in the 2000s). private investment through incentives Given these divergent trends, assessing the 170 The specification uses agricultural productivity from the previous year (in other words, a one-year lag) to avoid the performance of the food-processing industry problem of potential endogeneity with current investment. using total factor productivity (TFP) gives a The impact of infrastructure becomes insignificant in the specification with agricultural productivity as the two better picture of how well the industry is variables are correlated. performing. Estimates of the annual TFP growth 153 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  FPG in organized and unorganized food Figure 81: T variability, but on average TFPG is estimated manufacturing, 2000–09 and 2000–05 to be higher for rural enterprises. The 4 Odisha correlation between TFPG for the organized and RAJ unorganized segment across states is strong and TFPG Unorganised 2000-05 Gujarat KAR MP 2 UP Haryana Punjab positive (Figure 81), indicating that states doing Assam MH better in one segment also do better in the 0 India other, though at very different rates of growth. TN HP Bihar The implication is that some states may have -2 AP a better overall investment climate for food Kerala processing. -4 WB -10 -5 0 5 10 The better growth in TFP for the organized food TFPG Organized 2000-08 industry may be attributed to the acquisition Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. of better technology, driven by the growing demand for processed food and a policy (TFPG) are given in Annex 13, Table A.13.7. change in favor of this segment. The low Figure 81 gives the scatter plot of TFPG in both growth in TFP in unorganized food processing the segments during 2000–08. is consistent with the weak position of many micro-enterprises, reflected in their high exit For all of India, TFPG was positive in the pre- rates, low capacity utilization, and inadequate reform period (1.28 percent), declined in the resources and/or skills. These problems are immediate post-reform period of the 1990s particularly acute among the OAMEs that (–0.45 percent), and picked up in the 2000s represent a large share of the enterprises in the to attain its highest level (1.76 percent). unorganized segment. The decline in the 1990s possibly reflects the increased investments in capital, while The unorganized segment might grow through labor growth continued at a steady but lower a complementary relationship with organized rate. This pattern is consistent with lags in food manufacturing, yet while TPFG is positively the benefits from capital investment, which correlated between the two segments, in the perhaps started to be realized in the 2000s. Like 2000s the correlation was low and statistically the other indicators, TFPG varies across states. A insignificant (0.28). The correlation between majority of states saw a rise in TFPG after 2000, TFPG in the organized food segment and growth except for Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, in GVA in the unorganized segment is also low, Kerala, and Uttar Pradesh. indicating weak complementarity (for example, through outsourcing or subcontracting) The data make it possible to estimate TFP for between the two segments. the unorganized segment only for the post- reform period. TFPG is estimated separately Another important finding is the growing for rural, urban, and all areas. At the aggregate relationship between TFPG and growth in level, TFPG for the unorganized segment was output (GVA) in both the organized (correlation positive but much lower than in the organized of 0.63) and unorganized (correlation of 0.77) segment. Across states there is considerable segments, indicating growing efficiency in the 154 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector Figure 82: Relationship between growth in GVA and TFP MP 30 15 Haryana HP Punjab MH 20 KAR 10 HP India UP AP RAJ TN Kerala 10 Orissa HR KAR MH RAJ Ker PNIndia Gujarat WB TN Guj Bihar 5 AP UP Bihar 0 MP WB Odisha 0 -10 -10 -5 0 5 -10 -5 0 5 10 TFP Growth 1980-89 TFP Growth 1990-99 95% CI Fitted values 95% CI Fitted values GVA Growth 1980-89 GVA Growth 1990-99 MP RAJ 20 15 KAR KAR WB Haryana Haryana Punjab 10 Odisha Assam Gujarat HP Guj 10 India Kerala UP RAJ UP AP TN TN MP 5 India Odisha Assam Punjab MH AP MH 0 Bihar Kerala Bihar 0 WB HP -5 -10 -10 -5 0 5 10 -4 -2 0 2 4 TFP Growth 2000-08 TFP Growth Unorganised 2000-05 95% CI Fitted values 95% CI Fitted values GVA Growth 2000-08 GVA Growth Unorganised 2000-05 Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. use of inputs. This relationship has evolved estimates the relative technical efficiency in over time. Figure 82 plots GVA and TFP growth food manufacturing to assess the extent of in food processing in major states for each inefficiency in the industry—either because of the three decades from 1980–81 onward. subsidies and other incentives drive inefficient No relationship existed in the 1980s, but a input use or because of other factors. positive relationship developed in the 1990s Technical efficiency is a key component of and remained positive in the 2000s. The same TFP and provides an assessment of the relative relationship holds for the unorganized segment performance of individual states.171 in the 2000s. 171 The analysis uses stochastic frontier analysis based on time Explaining TFP and technical efficiency invariant and time varying decay inefficiency models. The in food processing estimates are based on an estimated standard Cobb-Douglas production function with labor and capital (fixed capital stock from ASI data and value of fixed assets from the NSS What explains changes in productivity data for the unorganized segment). See Bathla and Gautam growth in food manufacturing? This analysis (2013) for details. 155 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth The estimated factor elasticities indicate Figure 83: Technical efficiency across states scope for additional labor absorption 100% through expansion, with significantly higher 90% All India Average potential in the unorganized segment.172 In 80% the unorganized segment, rural enterprises 70% 60% tend to be more productive than others. 50% Finally, both the organized and unorganized 40% segments seem to be operating below optimal 30% scales—both exhibit increasing returns to scale. 20% The fact that enterprises in the unorganized 10% segment operate well below optimal levels 0% highlighted throughout India, as labor laws OR WB AP UP KE AS GJ TN BH KT MH HP MP RJ HY Pb and other regulatory constraints create Source: Bathla and Gautam 2013. strong disincentives for enterprises to expand (GOI 2013a). efficiency in the 1980s, which they maintained in subsequent decades (Annex 13, Table A.13.8), In terms of technical efficiency, the average whereas other states started at relatively lower firm appears to operate at about 77 percent levels and have fallen further behind, with efficiency, although levels vary widely across consistent declines over the decades. states, from 56 percent in Odisha to 95 percent in Punjab. Several states are at the high end of These results demonstrate the considerable the efficiency scale, including Haryana, Madhya scope to improve productivity in the organized Pradesh, and Rajasthan in addition to Punjab, food industry in most states. This goal could implying that the potential for easier gains be achieved in agriculturally dominant states through pure technical efficiency appears to be through appropriate measures to exploit lower than in other states. At the other end of their comparative advantage in offering the scale, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, Uttar lower transaction and transport costs (for Pradesh, and West Bengal are operating at low raw materials), better economies of scale, and levels of efficiency, suggesting significant scope cheap labor. A favorable policy of appropriate for improvement. incentives and enabling environment offers promise, as shown by the examples of Himachal Figure 83 shows average efficiency levels for the Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh (and lately entire period (1980–2009), but efficiency levels Uttarakhand), which offered incentives for have varied in most states over time.173 Haryana, private investment. Himachal Pradesh has a Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, small share in the food industry in terms of Punjab, and Rajasthan had high levels of factories, workers, investment, and output, but efficiency and productivity are much higher 172 The coefficient of labor, estimated at 0.61, is slightly higher there than in other states. than the coefficient for capital at 0.48 in the organized food industry. In contrast, the value of coefficients of labor in NDME-DME is much higher at 1.56 and lower for capital What explains the variation in the food at 0.37. 173 Decadal estimates are derived from a time varying decay industry’s productivity from one state to inefficiency model. the next? This question has received less 156 Chapter 13: Agro-Industry: The Food-processing Sector attention than warranted by India’s spatial processing. A 1 percent increase in share of heterogeneity. It can be examined by agriculture in the state economy is associated estimating the effects of the following factors with an increase in the productivity of the on TFP (subject to the availability of data): food processing sector by about 0.3 percent. As infrastructural development, of which two expected, investor friendliness is important, particularly important public investments with strikes and lockouts having a significant are roads (represented by road density) and negative impact on productivity. Urbanization power (measured as electricity consumption is another significant determinant of per capita). With respect to power, an productivity in food processing, reinforcing the equally important dimension for investing in importance of access to markets and consumer processing plants (as in manufacturing more demand. The LQ for the industry is positive broadly) is access to power, which may be but not statistically significant, suggesting limited given the share of electricity used by that agglomeration economies appear to agriculture (often heavily subsidized). Other be adequately captured through backward factors include investor friendliness (numbers linkages, urbanization, and institutional of strikes and lockouts as a proxy for the environment. investment environment); localization index (measured as the LQ for factories to test for agglomeration economies); agricultural linkages Summary and Implications (size of agriculture in the state economy to Geographical and agricultural conditions capture the importance of backward linkages heavily influence an environment’s in determining the productivity of the food favorability for improving productivity in industry); and urbanization (to proxy market or food manufacturing, encouraging additional demand side factors). investment in the industry, and creating much- needed jobs of good quality off of the farm. The results ( Annex 13, Table A.13.9) confirm This result is understandable, given the benefits the earlier finding of strong cross-state to be had from good access to raw materials differences as captured by the state fixed with fewer transaction and transport costs. It is effects, clearly showing that the broader consistent with and helps provide a rationale policy and institutional environment matters for the earlier findings that private investment significantly for productivity. These strong in food processing tends to be concentrated in state-specific effects, which reflect public more agricultural states. investment decisions, appear to cloud the effect of roads. Controlling for state fixed In addition to the agro-ecological endowments effects, the results suggest that improvements and structural factors, the results show that in road density over time within a state (the state-specific factors such as the policy and “within” state effect) have a positive impact, institutional environment play a very large although it is not as strong statistically as other role in explaining TFP and productivity growth. results. The agricultural linkages again have These factors are not fully understood, and they a high and significant impact, showing that could not be captured in the analysis above the relative size of the agricultural economy using the data in hand. Further research will helps improve the productivity of food be critical to expand the understanding of the 157 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth role of policies that can support growth in unorganized segment of the industry, which productivity in food processing and agriculture is more widespread, has higher potential to more generally. absorb labor, but has low productivity. Public policy thus needs to focus on promoting growth The findings highlighted here point to in agricultural productivity and increasing the significant potential for agriculturally investments in supportive infrastructure such dominant states to attract private investment as irrigation, roads, and marketing facilities, in the food industry. Rapid expansion of this within a climate that will attract private relatively more labor-intensive industry in investment. The high levels of (technical) laggard states with low per capita income, efficiency within the food-processing sector in high dependence on agriculture, and high many states suggests that the food industry is incidence of poverty will help to absorb more well placed to compete in a more liberalized people from agriculture. These arguments marketplace, suggesting potential scope for FDI are even more relevant with respect to the as well as exports. 158 Transforming Agriculture in East India E.  G eographical diversification of the agricultural productivity. At the same production base from the traditional time, they house the largest number of grain basket (the irrigated upper undernourished and poor people in India Gangetic plains) is a high priority for the (more than 40 percent). Multiple reasons have government. An important element of the been forwarded for the poor performance and broader strategy is to promote growth in historically poor agricultural growth of these agricultural productivity in the eastern regions.176 They have a high risk of concurrent states, given the sustainability concerns and floods and droughts, small and fragmented diminishing returns in cereals in northwestern landholdings, little infrastructure to facilitate India. With substantial water, a suitable climate agriculture, weak institutions, poor governance, for cereals (especially rice), and significant and a poor policy response to the changing room to improve yields, the underdeveloped needs of agriculture. The general perception eastern states are an attractive alternative for is that eastern India presents enormous sustaining national food security. The focus on opportunities if its natural resources can be catalyzing the transformation process in the LIS judiciously managed, appropriate policies and rainfed areas—which occupy 60 percent and institutions established, and supportive of the country’s area—is also driven by their agricultural infrastructure put in place. With potential to produce high-value commodities the limited resources available, it is important such as oilseeds, pulses, horticultural crops, and to focus and sequence any reforms and livestock.174 interventions in these areas to ensure that they realize their potential for improved agricultural Eastern and Central India (comprising Bihar, growth. This chapter conducts an in-depth Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, assessment of two states—Bihar and Odisha—to Odisha, and Chhattisgarh) are well endowed gain a better understanding of the constraints with natural resources for agriculture,175 yet and opportunities involved in promoting more they are food-deficit areas with very low rapid agricultural growth in eastern India. 174 LIS include Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. 175 Northeastern states, including Assam, are classified as Special Category States, and are not the focus of the analysis here. 176 NAAS (2010, 2011). 159 14 Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha T he Low-income States (LIS)177 have long both groups experienced a similar reduction in lagged behind the other states in overall poverty in recent years.179 Within the LIS and and agricultural growth. Their GDP non-LIS, states with a relatively larger share of growth improved significantly between 2005 the economy in agriculture also had a lower and 2012, narrowing the differential with the head-count ratio of poverty in 2011–12 (Annex non-LIS, but still remains lower on average at 14, Figure A.14.3). Drawing causal inferences 7.8 percent per year compared to 8.5 percent from these trends may be misleading (a deeper all other states (Annex 14, Figure A.14.1). The analysis of the drivers of poverty is required), average for the four eastern states (Bihar, but they do not prima facie suggest inherent Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Odisha) is links between poverty and the share of about the same as the LIS average. In contrast, agriculture in the economy. agricultural growth in the LIS (4.9 percent) has been higher than the non-LIS (about 3 percent), India’s broader development strategies focus suggesting convergence, although the LIS on agriculture as an important component started from a very low base. The eastern states’ of making growth more pro-poor. The RKVY average agricultural growth is close to the “Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India” overall LIS rate. program, for example, focuses explicitly on promoting agricultural production in eastern The level of poverty reflects the level of India, to promote inclusive growth as well as development in each state (Annex 14, maintain food security in light of the concerns Figure A.14.2). The seven LIS states collectively about the sustainability of production in the house 62 percent of India’s poor and 64 percent traditional northwestern breadbasket states.180 of the rural poor.178 Poverty is overwhelmingly Recent experience from Gujarat shows that rural, averaging 84 percent across the LIS appropriate policies and interventions can (the national average for rural areas is about stimulate agricultural productivity and growth 80 percent), with the highest incidence in (Shah et al. 2009).181 Odisha (91 percent) and Bihar (90 percent). With the exception of Rajasthan, all rural poverty 179 Poverty estimates on national poverty line using uniform rates in LIS are higher than in non-LIS, although reference period, for 2004–05 (Planning Commission 2013 data). 180 For details, see http://bgrei-rkvy.nic.in/ 177 Lagging states include Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkand, 181 Gujarat averaged annual agricultural growth of 9.6 percent Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. between 2000 and 2007. Gujarat’s growth has slowed since 178 Estimated from Planning Commission (2013) data. 2007 but remains on par with that of other states. 161 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure 84: Change in labor and land productivity for LIS and non-LIS, 1990–2008 .00006 .00004 .00004 .00003 .00002 .00002 .00001 0 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Labor Productivity (Real Agricultural Value of Output/Labor) Land Productivity (Real Agricultural Value of Output per Hectare) 1990 Non-LIS 1990 LIS 1990 Non-LIS 1990 LIS 2008 Non-LIS 2008 LIS 2008 Non-LIS 2008 LIS Source: Authors’ estimates, using district agricultural productivity data from Kumar and Jain 2012. This chapter examines the barriers to Agriculture’s share in economic output is agricultural growth in Bihar and Odisha, two of falling much faster than the share of people the poorest and least developed eastern states, employed in agriculture, which remains and identifies opportunities for faster and more disproportionately large at 63 percent of Bihar’s inclusive growth. Given the heterogeneity and 10.9 million workers and 62 percent of Odisha’s potential governance issues (since agriculture is 16.2 million workers in 2009.183 Continued a state responsibility), a case study approach is rapid population growth and insufficient exit of adopted for this analysis.182 After characterizing labor out of agriculture has resulted in falling the current status of agriculture in these two labor productivity, even as land productivity states, the following sections discuss the specific improved between 1990 and 2008. This challenges to the sector in each state and situation contrasts sharply with that of non-LIS potential interventions to overcome them. (Figure 84). Recent years show some improvement, Agricultural Performance with Bihar and Odisha experiencing higher Agriculture’s share in the economies of both agricultural growth rates than the non-LIS after Bihar and Odisha has declined quite rapidly; performing poorly in the 1990s (Bihar grew in 2011–12, agriculture and allied sectors slower than the national average; Odisha had accounted for 22 percent and 16 percent negative growth). Despite the good performance of their respective state economies (GSDP), in the last decade, significant scope for respectively (Table A.14.1). Both states face a improvement remains in both states, as the significant structural transformation problem: following sections indicate. 183 These shares are estimated from Planning Commission 182 The Bihar- and Odisha-specific details in subsequent sections (2013) data and are lower than the shares in 2004. Since draw heavily from preliminary drafts of background papers then, employment growth has been faster in nonagricultural prepared by IFPRI (2012a, 2012b). sectors, such as industry in Bihar. 162 Chapter 14: Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha Low yields and wide yield gaps Average yields of major crops in Figure 85:  selected states (2009/10, MT/ha) Very low yields are typical of agriculture in both 5 states (Figure 85), but large yield differentials for crops and livestock are found across 4 Yield (ton/ha) districts within each state (IFPRI 2012a, 2012b). 3 Despite generally favorable growing conditions (plenty of water, sunlight, and good soils), the 2 substantial variation in local agro-ecologies calls for a localized rather than generic approach. 1 For example, the most popular crop in both 0 districts is rice, but yields on nearly half Paddy Wheat Maize Pulses (47 percent) of Bihar’s rice area are less than Odisha Bihar Punjab Haryana West Bengal India 1.5 tons per hectare. Similarly, yields in one- Source:  MoA (various), Directorate of Statistics and third of the wheat area are less than 2 tons per Evaluation, Department of Agriculture, hectare. Maize has performed better in Bihar, Government of Bihar. with relatively fast growth in output, half of it due to improved yields. Rice yield gaps in Bihar and Odisha, Figure 86:  2009 (difference between district average yields and frontline Rice is even more important in Odisha, demonstration yields, by variety) occupying about half of the gross cropped 6 area. While the area under rice has been steady, its share in gross cropped area has 5 slowly declined.184 Rice yields grew reasonably Yield (t/ha) 4 1.9 2.1 well after 2001 (from 1.1 tons per hectare in 3 3.5 0.8 4.2 2000/01 to 1.6 tons per hectare in 2008/09), 1.6 2 1.3 for an annual increase in rice production 3 2.7 1 2.6 of 6.47 percent. Almost all of this increase 1.4 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.7 (97 percent) was from yield improvements. 0 -0.1 Rajendra Kasturi Rajendra Suwasini Improved Samba Mahsuri Sampada Rajendra Mahsuri-1 Rajendra Bhagwati Dhanrasi Satya Krishana Chandan -1 Yield gaps are large. In rice, yield gaps for popular varieties are as great as 300 percent in Bihar and 80 percent in Odisha (Figure 86). Bihar Odisha Average District Yield Difference from FLD Yield Substantial yield gaps remain in maize in Bihar, despite rapid recent growth, calling for better Source: DRR and IFPRI 2012a, 2012b. management practices. Note: Bihar districts are Bhagalpur, Munger, Banka, Nawada, Jahanabad, Patna, Nalanda, Samastipur and Muzaffarpur; Odisha districts are Dhenkanal, The LIS generally have significantly lower milk Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur and Puri. and livestock productivity (Leitch, Ahuja, and Jabbar 2013). For example, milk and overall Haryana are at least double the levels in livestock productivity in Punjab, Kerala, and Bihar and Odisha. IFPRI (2012a, 2012b) finds substantial gaps in milk yields in Bihar and 184 Share of area under rice declined from 56 percent in 2000–01 to 48 percent in 2009–10. Odisha (Table 28). 163 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Milk yields in Bihar and Odisha (kg/day/ Table 28:   percent and livestock for 30 percent of the per animal) in 2009–10 value of agricultural output in 1990–91. By Average Yield range under 2008–09, their shares had risen to 23 percent yield best practice and 40 percent, respectively. In contrast, the Bihar share of rice was only 11 percent and wheat was Crossbred cattle 6.2 9.5–11.1 8 percent in 2008–09. Indigenous cattle 2.9 4.2–4.9 Buffalo 3.9 5.5–5.9 Similar patterns are observed in Odisha. Odisha The share of high-value commodities (fruits, Crossbred cattle 5.9 10–15 vegetables, livestock, and fisheries) in output has risen rapidly. Fruits and vegetables are the Indigenous cattle 1.2 3.7–5.7 largest share of output, with eggplant, tomato, Buffalo 2.9 6–8 Source:  Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2010, GOI. cabbage, cauliflower, and okra being the most important. They accounted for 65 percent of vegetable production and 56 percent of area A rapidly diversifying production base under cultivation during 2009–10. As shown in Chapter 6, diversification drove nearly one-third of the growth in the crop Despite their seeming agro-ecological sector in East India between 2004 and 2009. similarities and increasing agricultural Both Bihar and Odisha are good examples diversification, the two states show distinct of a rapidly diversifying production base in patterns and sources of growth (Figure 87), which the share of food grains has fallen. In which belie broad conclusions about growth Bihar, fruits and vegetables accounted for 14 processes across the subregion. For example,  ources of growth in Bihar and Odisha, 1981–2010 Figure 87: S 10 6 Bihar Odisha 8 4 6 4 2 Millions Millions 2 0 0 -2 -2 1981-82 1983-84 1985-86 1987-88 1989-90 1991-92 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 -4 -4 1981-82 1983-84 1985-86 1987-88 1989-90 1991-92 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 -6 Area Yield Price Diver Interaction -6 Area Yield Price Diver Interaction Source: Authors, using data from Birthal et al. 2014. 164 Chapter 14: Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha Bihar has seen strong and consistent marketable surplus is small, transaction costs diversification, in which prices have played a and market risks tend to be very high. lesser role. An important finding is that land is increasingly being taken out of production, About 90 percent of the holdings in Bihar which is undoubtedly a drag on growth. are under 1 hectare (72 percent are under 0.5 Improved yield spurred growth in Odisha in the hectare). The average land holding is extremely early 2000s, but now growth is led primarily small in Bihar (0.43 hectare in 2005–06) by prices. The rising contribution of prices (Annex 14, Table A.14.2). It is higher in Odisha and declining contribution of yields raises (1.15 hectare in 2006–07), but farm sizes are concerns about the sustainability of growth. declining there as well. Already 60 percent of In comparison, the sources of growth in Bihar holdings in Odisha are less than 1 hectare. The appear to be more robust. small size of holdings, absentee landlordism, and tenancy and sharecropping arrangements Significant diversification has occurred beyond discourage investments in agriculture, the crop subsector with a rising contribution especially for land development and irrigation. from the livestock sector over the past two Tenancy is pervasive in Odisha, mostly on a decades, (Annex 14, Table A.14.3) (IFPRI sharecropping (cash or kind) basis (IFPRI 2012a). 2012a, 2012b). Leitch, Ahuja, and Jabbar (2013) estimate that in 2008/09, the livestock Growth in productivity is sluggish subsector was responsible for 69 percent of agricultural growth in Bihar and 42 percent in As at the national level, over the long run Odisha. These contributions are substantially (1980–2008) crop production (excluding higher than the 36 percent share of livestock in horticultural crops) has been heavily input- agricultural growth for all of India, indicating driven (Figure 88). Bihar and Odisha were the importance of livestock as part of the growth strategy, given rapidly rising demand Sources of output growth in selected Figure 88:  for livestock products and the limited land for states, 1981–2008 (%) extensive cultivation of crops. 4.00 2.86 3.00 Challenges 2.25 2.35 2.00 Holdings are small and fragmented 1.44 0.99 Smallholders predominate in Bihar and 1.00 -0.78 Odisha. The fragmentation of land holdings is an additional challenge to efficiency and 0.00 productivity in Bihar. The “nano” scale of Assam Bihar & Madhya Odisha West India Jharkhand Pradesh & Bengal operations is a constraint in marketing output -1.00 Chhatisgarh (especially bulky, low-value cereals) and in accessing information on grades and sanitary -2.00 Input TFP Output and phytosanitary standards necessary to move Source:  Calculated using estimates of Kumar, Gautam, and up the value chain (IFPRI 2012b). When the Joshi 2013. 165 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth among the states with the slowest growth in Table 29: Fertilizer use in Bihar and Odisha production; production actually contracted Growth in in Odisha in the 1990s. While Bihar’s crop NPK intensity sector experienced some TFP growth, Odisha’s NPK use intensity (kg/ha) (% per year) hemorrhaged as productivity fell throughout 2000 2008 2001–08 the 1980s and 1990s (Figure 89). Odisha’s TFP Bihar 95.76 174.04 10 has also been highly erratic over the past two Odisha 40.49 58.96 6 decades. Between 1981 and 1995, TFP declined India 89.73 127.67 5 at an average annual rate of 2.5 percent, but it Source: Estimated from CoC data. has since risen faster than in any other state (1.86 percent). been half of the all-India average (Table 29), Low input use efficiency is a major contributor though it has been growing in recent years. In to sluggish and negative productivity growth contrast, Bihar’s fertilizer use is well above the in Bihar and Odisha, partly because seed Indian average and grew at an average annual replacement rates are low and fertilizer use is rate of 10 percent in 2001–08, faster than the imbalanced. In Bihar, the seed replacement rate national average. In 2009, Bihar’s fertilizer has hardly ever exceeded 15 percent, except for use intensity was 231 kilograms per hectare, maize, rapeseed-mustard, rice, and wheat; the with fertilizer use in some districts rivaling highest replacement rate is about 30 percent that in Punjab (400 kilograms per hectare) for wheat. In Odisha, the seed replacement rate or Haryana (320 kilograms per hectare). As is less than 14 percent. Seed replacement rates elsewhere in India, in Bihar fertilizer use is are higher where hybrids are available, such as imbalanced. More urea (nitrogen) is applied hybrid sunflower (about 83 percent). relative to other nutrients (phosphorus and potassium). Fertilizer use in Odisha is within Fertilizer use is more differentiated. Odisha’s the recommended range. fertilizer intensity (NPK kg/ha) has consistently High risk of biotic and abiotic stress TFP in traditional crops, Bihar and Figure 89:  Multiple biotic and abiotic stresses, often Odisha, 1981–2008 at high levels, add significantly to the risks 160 inherent in agricultural production in both 140 states. They are a critical constraint on the 120 adoption of new technology, the efficiency of 100 input use, and productive investments, limiting potential growth. Quantitative data are not 80 available on the nature and extent of losses 60 from biotic and abiotic stresses, but focus group 40 discussions identified a number of stress factors 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 affecting crops. Bihar & Jharkhand Odisha Source:  Estimated from CoC data (Kumar, Gautam, and In Bihar for example, rice is affected by sheath Joshi 2013). blight, bacterial leaf blight, and blast. Stem 166 Chapter 14: Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha borers can lead to losses ranging from 25–40 300,000 hectares, soil acidity affects 236,000 percent of the final output of rice, maize and hectares (25.1 percent of cropped area), and vegetables (IFPRI 2012b). Similar risks were waterlogging affects 628,000 hectares. Odisha’s identified for wheat (rust) and pulses (pod abiotic constraints include floods, cyclones, borers). droughts, acidity and water logging (Annex 14, Table A.14.5). Deficiencies of zinc, boron, and Odisha also faces a number of biotic constraints sulfur reduce yields, especially in upland areas. exacerbated by high rainfall and humidity, which are conducive to a range of crop diseases Poorly functioning markets and pests (see Annex 14, Table A.14.4 for some of the pests and diseases and their associated Marketing remains a challenge in both states, risks) (IFPRI 2012a). Crop damage from pests where commodity prices often fall below prices and diseases ranges from 20 percent for the farmers obtain elsewhere in India. A useful most widely grown rice variety to 70 percent in benchmark is the government-established MSP, maize. The susceptibility to multiple diseases which is often the floor price for areas that are and pests makes production very risky. major producers of commodities supported through public procurement. A comparison Abiotic stresses are common in both states, for Bihar is given in Table 30. Farmers in including frequent and multiple threats of Odisha similarly receive rice prices that are floods, drought, soil problems (acidity and 10–25 percent lower than the MSP, even though sodicity),185 and waterlogging (IFPRI 2012a, Odisha’s rice markets are well integrated (IFPRI 2012b). Floods are a major challenge for Bihar, 2012a). Odisha’s vegetable markets, on the where nearly 41 percent of cropped area other hand, are not so well integrated, and (2.2 million hectares) is prone to flooding. Bihar prices vary significantly across markets. experienced severe floods in 2004/05, 2007/08, 2008/09, and 2010/11. In the past five years, Markets in Bihar and Odisha tend to be thinly droughts have also occurred almost every year. spread and underdeveloped. The low density Sodicity adversely affects crop yields on about of markets raises transportation costs from the Farm harvest prices (FHP) of paddy, wheat, and maize in Bihar and their Minimum Support Table 30:   Price (MSP) (Rs/quintal) Paddy Wheat Maize MSP FHP Grade A Common Winter Rainy MSP FHP MSP FHP 2001–02 560 530 418 363 620 517 485 366 2002–03 580 550 411 355 630 539 490 397 2003–04 580 550 410 361 630 566 505 403 2006–07 650 620 497 455 850 817 540 514 2007–08 775 745 633 549 1,000 938 620 575 Source: IFPRI 2012b. 185 Sodium content. 167 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth farm to primary or secondary markets. Markets facilities are virtually absent. As markets play often have insufficient basic infrastructure no active role in price realization, nonmarket and facilities. Only a very limited number have forces determine the eventual prices. invested in more sophisticated infrastructure such as cold storage. Infrastructure gaps Stakeholders highlighted several constraints Infrastructure shortfalls in Bihar and Odisha are in marketing agricultural commodities (IFPRI clear barriers to growth. Poor infrastructure has 2012a, 2012b). With the repeal of the APM(D&R) far-reaching effects on agricultural productivity Act, Bihar has no regulatory framework for by raising input prices, reducing output prices, markets. Any private player can set up a increasing volatility through limiting market market without government clearance, but integration, and constraining the development private investments have not taken place due of value chains and value addition. Bihar and to other constraints, such as the lack of access Odisha, like other eastern states, face a number to land—including the now-defunct APM(D&R) problems related to infrastructure, partly markets. Private traders have taken over the because past public investments have been low. marketplaces amid allegations of collusion As noted in Chapter 11 and Annex 11 (Figure and monopolistic/monopsonistic behavior A.11.1), eastern India as a region continued to by traders/agents, who exact fees as before receive far less capital investment per capita but do not invest in market infrastructure or for irrigation and infrastructure (roads and provide any services.186 The situation is viewed electricity) than other regions (Singh 2012). The as untenable and unconducive to orderly various Five Year Plans also show that Bihar and and transparent marketing or proper price Odisha’s allocation of plan resources (in rupees discovery. per person) has been consistently lower than the all-India average since the very first plan. In Odisha, the Act is intact, but most markets In the Eleventh Five Year Plan, Bihar received have no mechanism for price discovery Rs. 6,576 per capita and Odisha received and price determination. Prices are mostly Rs. 8,205 per capita, versus an all-India average “negotiated” rather than determined by an of Rs. 13,187. This under-allocation is at odds orderly process. The lack of transparency with the plan’s stated objectives of pro-poor and prompts frequent complaints of farmers being inclusive growth. “cheated” by traders. Despite this resource constraint, Odisha and Despite the range of vegetables grown in Bihar have narrowed the gap in road density Odisha, the market infrastructure is generally with the rest of India (on average). Odisha’s negligible. A few markets provide basic road density is 138 kilometers per thousand infrastructure such as a market yard and square kilometers (km/thousand km2); it also cleaning and sanitation facilities. Storage has a long seacoast (with three ports) and a 186 These allegations, voiced through stakeholder focus group network of railways. Bihar has more than discussions, need to be investigated formally through a 1,276 km/thousand km2—higher than the all- detailed market study on the current (post-repeal) structure, conduct, and performance of agricultural markets in Bihar, India average (812 km/thousand km2). Current including the development of farm and wholesale prices. road density is a significant improvement over 168 Chapter 14: Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha 2003, when the state government started to Extent of irrigation and sources of Figure 90:  invest heavily in roads. Road density increased irrigation water in Bihar and Odisha, 2008 (%) at about 9.8 percent per year between 2003 and 2008. On a per capita basis, however, 70.0 Bihar lags behind the national average. Road 60.0 density in Bihar is 1.3 km per thousand persons, 50.0 compared to the all-India average of 3.7 km per 40.0 thousand persons. 30.0 20.0 Other infrastructure bottlenecks remain more 10.0 binding, particularly rural electrification (IFPRI 2012a, 2012b). By 2008, only 0.0 share of irrigated area supplied by tubewells share of irrigated area supplied by canals 52 percent of inhabited villages in Bihar were share of net sown area that is irrigated electrified—60 percent in Odisha—in contrast to 100 percent in Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab; 98 percent in Karnataka; and the all- India average of 81 percent. In Odisha, electricity Bihar India- irrigation share India-canal share consumption in agriculture is only 1.5 GWh per Odisha India-tubewell share 100,000 persons, among the lowest in India, Source: Authors, using DES, MOA data. where the average is about 45 GWh per 100,000 persons. While electricity consumption in agriculture has increased over the years in other for groundwater are diesel-operated and thus states, in Odisha it declined from 1.7 GWh per more expensive to operate than electric- 100,000 persons in 2007–08 to 1.5 in 2008–09. powered pumps, but that consideration has not prevented irrigation from spreading (IFPRI The lack of electricity prevents the LIS in 2012a). Bihar could improve its irrigation general from increasing irrigation intensity system by better exploiting its surface water (Annex 14, Figure A.14.4), but Bihar and Odisha potential. appear to be outliers in terms of irrigation development. Bihar, with 62 percent of its Odisha’s irrigation profile is the opposite of net sown area irrigated, surpasses the all-India Bihar’s, with greater reliance on surface water average of 45 percent, while Odisha has 38 irrigation: 65 percent of irrigation water is from percent of its area equipped for irrigation. The canals and only 15 percent is sourced from nature of irrigation in these two states explains groundwater. This difference is partly a result how this development occurred despite severely of Odisha’s geological profile, which in many limited access to electricity. places restricts access to groundwater. Groundwater provides 64 percent of irrigation Priority Areas for Growth water in Bihar (Figure 90), while 28 percent is sourced from canals, despite access to Overcoming the challenges to agricultural three major rivers—the Ganges, Kosi, and growth in Bihar and Odisha will require Gandak. Moreover, 92 percent of the pumps resources and investments—making it 169 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth necessary to prioritize agricultural investments likely soon face the same problem. In Bihar, the in overall public expenditures in addition to predominance small farms mean that prospects reorienting current public expenditures to for improving livelihoods and prosperity achieve the maximum impact. Historically among those remaining in farming are likely agricultural investments have been low in to be enhanced by diversifying into higher- both states. Within the existing resource value crops in Bihar. Odisha still has significant envelope, Bihar’s agriculture received about potential in traditional crop production, but 4 percent of the Tenth Five Year Plan outlay, diversification will remain an integral part of while irrigation and flood control received sustainable productivity growth and poverty about 11 percent. The allocation of these reduction. expenditures prioritized infrastructure for food grain storage and crop husbandry, which To raise productivity, the high risks from biotic together accounted for 54 percent of the total and abiotic stresses need to be mitigated. For expenditure. The livestock sector contributes both states, better land use through sustainable about 40 percent of agricultural value added but multiple cropping holds significant promise in received an allocation of only about 10 percent. this regard. Both have witnessed considerable An even smaller proportion was spent on dairy diversification already, and significant scope development. For Odisha, the share of public remains for further gains. Technology and expenditure in Agriculture and Allied Activities innovation can enable the current rice- in total public expenditure was 4 percent in fallow systems to make better use of land 2009–10, a marked improvement from the and irrigation. Exploiting options other than 0.8 percent of 2006–07. rice (such as legumes, as in the Barind Tract of Bangladesh), in combination with short- The three main areas for intervention to duration rice varieties, will improve the use of enhance agricultural growth in Bihar and soil moisture as well soil fertility and farmers’ Odisha are improving productivity, marketing, incomes.187 and livestock sector development. These are discussed next. Technological solutions include relatively simple strategies, such as ensuring good quality seed and increasing seed replacement rates. Strategies and technologies to Research and extension can make it easier to mitigate risks and increase cope with abiotic stresses, as in the case of the productivity flood-tolerant rice varieties (like the Swarna- Bihar and Odisha have significant opportunities sub1) that are now becoming popular in to improve agriculture’s performance in ways Odisha and the hybrids being grown in Bihar. that maximize its capacity to reduce poverty. Promoting and partnering with private seed The prospects for each state lie along similar but not identical paths. The small size of 187 Nearly 2 million hectares in Bihar and 1.5 million hectares in Odisha are left fallow during the rainy season to preserve holdings in Bihar make it more imperative to soil moisture for the subsequent rabi (spring) season. New focus on enabling labor to exit agriculture by technologies are available to improve the use of land and water resources without compromising soil moisture for rabi developing skills and creating nonfarm jobs. crops, and they will significantly improve land productivity Odisha is not in the same situation but will and farmers’ incomes. 170 Chapter 14: Priorities for Agricultural Growth in Bihar and Odisha companies to propagate hybrid seed, as for levels in the 1990s (Annex 14, Table A.14.6).188 maize in Bihar, is a high priority. Biotechnology Since 2000, research spending has increased at is another important and unexploited tool 11 percent and 15 percent per year in Bihar and to improve stress resistance and tolerance in Odisha, respectively, but spending on extension new varieties and hybrids, enabling farmers to has stagnated. ATMA and KVKs are the two increase productivity. Improved management important channels connecting innovation practices to mitigate crop risks are equally and farmers, and coordination between these important. components of the system is necessary to reap the benefits of improved technologies. Input use and efficiency can increase significantly, especially for fertilizer and A focus on linking smallholders to irrigation. In Odisha the major constraints remunerative markets to using more fertilizer are soil acidity and sodicity. Both have relatively simple technical Marketing interventions need to focus on solutions that can significantly improve crop smallholders to link them with input and response to fertilizer and irrigation. Through output markets. In this respect, collective new programs (or perhaps through reorienting action—for example, through producer current public programs such as RKVY), organizations, cooperatives, farmer associations, acidic and sodic soils could be reclaimed and or self-help groups, as well as contract farming, improved. farmer companies, and farmer clubs—is important to achieve scale economies. Bihar Improved management practices have already has several successful approaches that enormous potential, given that the region’s could be scaled up, such as the Sudha program abundant water could be better managed for dairy production and marketing, and the to reduces losses and increase production. Samridhi program through the Kaushalya Surface water management and drainage must Foundation to integrate vegetable producers receive high priority to direct excess water and shorten the supply chain in Nalanda District. These innovations offer important from flood-prone areas to drought-prone areas. lessons on the importance of using sustainable A comprehensive irrigation and drainage farmer institutions to realize the benefits of program, including hydrological and technical new opportunities. feasibility assessments, needs to evaluate the options for better water management (such Besides mobilization at the farm level, measures as linking rivers with adequate provision of are needed to link farmers with remunerative drainage) (IFPRI 2012a). markets and value chains. Such measures could include evolving special agriculture zones in Finally, agricultural research and development niche areas such as cereal, fruit, vegetable, need to be reoriented, in addition to receiving poultry, fish, or milk production and processing; better support from a robust extension program. Spending on agricultural research 188 In Bihar, 2.7 percent of public expenditure was allocated to and extension was low in Bihar and Odisha; agricultural research, compared to 0.1 percent in Odisha (IFPRI 2012a, 2012b). Agricultural research spending was extension has been generally low for decades, Rs. 6.2 billion in 2007 for India as whole, Rs. 289 million in but spending on research declined to negligible Bihar, and Rs. 169 million in Odisha. 171 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth initiating contract farming; creating an Growth in the livestock subsector— enabling environment and incentives to attract a “quick win” private investment in markets, food processing, and land development; and reforming the For both Bihar and Odisha, growth in the policy and regulatory framework to reduce livestock subsector represents a relatively market-related risks, promote transparency, and “quick win” in terms of poverty impact, allow the free movement of goods and services. empowering women, improving nutritional outcomes, and generating employment for An example of a program to link producers the landless or for marginal farmers. The with remunerative markets is development of subsector’s strong prospects for growth are seen Krushak Bazaars (farmers’ markets) in Odisha. in its rapid transformation throughout India, To promote direct links between farmers and with rising demand for higher-value animal consumers, the Government of Odisha has products and significant potential for exports established 43 Krushak Bazaars since 2000, (Chapter 10). For example, rapidly expanding through incentives including the provision exports of buffalo meat constitute an important of land and infrastructure. Wholesale prices opportunity for Bihar. Livestock accounts for in Krushak Bazaars are higher than in the an increasing share of agricultural output in wholesale markets but lower than retail prices each state. (based on primary data collected by IFPRI 2012b), ensuring that farmers and consumers gain. There Even so, the subsector remains vastly is scope for improvement: pricing rarely involves underdeveloped for milk, meat, and other farmers, and participating farmers find that the livestock products. Yield levels remain very prices do not account for quality differences. low, indicating the substantial scope for There is also evidence that these markets are improvement through better service provision. dominated by nonfarmers. Involving farmers Veterinary services, breeding facilities, access in determining prices, and creating adequate to good quality feed/fodder, and processing infrastructure, are two areas for improvement. facilities are all in very short supply. Yields of crossbred cows remain very low for several Another option is to develop horticulture reasons, including indiscriminate breeding, clusters that focus aggressively on horticultural low artificial insemination (AI) rates (Leitch, commodities from production to marketing. Ahuja, and Jabbar 2013), limited facilities Initiatives in horticulture have been taken for AI (IFPRI 2012a), feed constraints, and up in an integrated manner by promoting high morbidity because of the high disease the cultivation of mangoes, bananas, spices, burden. Priority actions to remedy these and flowers. With a significant rise in the problems include a reorientation of the production of horticultural crops during the last agricultural research agenda to focus on major 10 years, the Odisha government has decided livestock diseases and production constraints, to identify clusters by mapping areas producing increased policy and public support for specific varieties of fruits and vegetables. Along small ruminant, pig, and poultry production with mapping, the government is creating a (with their significant potential for growth), policy framework for the private sector to invest and incentives for private investment in in modern market infrastructure, particularly processing, value chains, feed production, and for horticultural crops. veterinary services. 172 References Background papers for this report 2012b. “Transforming Bihar’s __________. Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities.” Ahuja, R. 2014. “Agriculture and Private Sector Linkages.” Kumar, A., and R. Jain. 2012. “District Level Agricultural Productivity Temporal and Spatial Babu, S., P. Joshi, C. Glendenning, K. Aseno- Trends.” Okyere, and R. Sulaiman. 2012. “The State of Agricultural Extension and Research Reforms in Kumar, P., M. Gautam, and P.K. Joshi. 2013. India: Strategic Priorities and Policy Options.” “Total Factor Productivity Growth: A State Level Analysis.” Bathla, S., and M. 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Geneva. 188 annexes Annex 1: Policy Reforms and Private Sector Response Table A.1.1 Major agricultural policy reforms since 1990/91 Year Reform zz The new economic policy introduces major economic reforms (including exchange rate deregulation, trade liberalization, export promotion, and decontrol of domestic 1991-92 manufacturing), with significant impact on agriculture, though the sector is not directly affected by the initial reforms zz Potassiumand phosphate fertilizer production liberalized; nitrogen (urea) pricing remains 1992/93 unchanged due to resistance to reforms zz Removal of marketing restrictions in the dairy sector zz Agricultural trade liberalization starts after India becomes a signatory to the WTO agreement on agriculture and slowly removes import and export restrictions, with a notable opening up 1994/95 of exports for common rice and subsequently wheat zz Trade progressively liberalized but remains heavily regulated, with frequent changes in response to domestic supply situation zz Introduction of Targeted Public Distribution System to improve targeting and delivery of the Public Distribution 1997/98 zz FDI in wholesale trade opened up zz Seed Policy changes allow entry of private sector, including major international firms 1998/99 zz Cold Storage Order 1964 repealed zz De-licensingof Food Processing Industry to remove the reservation on food processing for 1999/00 small-scale enterprises 2000/01 zz Quantitative restrictions on imports eliminated zz Restrictions on domestic and foreign investment (FDI) (up to 100%) in bulk handling and storage removed 2001/02 zz Inter-Ministerial Task Force and Committee of State Ministers on Agricultural Marketing Reforms implemented zz Licensing requirements; stocking limits; movement restrictions on food grains and edible oils removed; and selective credit controls lifted zz Milk and Milk Products Control Order (MMPO) amendment removes restrictions on milk 2002/03 processing capacity while continuing to regulate health and safety conditions zz Leather and leather and paper products removed from small-scale reservation list zz New Pricing Policy Schemes introduced for fertilizers zz New Seed Policy introduced 189 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Year Reform zz Ban on futures trading of 54 commodities, including rice, wheat, oilseeds, and pulses, removed zz Levy on sugar reduced from 15% to 10% zz Model Act for State Agriculture Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) formulated zz Processed food items exempted from licensing under Industries (Development and 2003/04 Regulations) Act 1951, except those reserved for small-scale industries (SSI) and alcoholic beverages zz Food processing included in priority list for bank lending zz Automatic approval for 100% FDI for most processed foods, except alcohol and beer and those reserved for SSI 2004/05 zz Group of Ministers established to formulate modern integrated food law Horticulture Mission (NHM) initiated zz National 2005/06 Warehouse Receipt and Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Bill 2005 zz Negotiable approved by Cabinet zz Food Safety and Standards Act approved zz CessAct repealed 2006/07 zz Forward Contracts (Regulation) Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament zz Futures trading prohibited for main food grains (rice, wheat, and tur and urad pulses) zz Export bans imposed on rice and wheat zz National Food Security Mission (NFSM) launched 2007/08 zz Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) 2008/09 zz Futures trading resumed in some food commodities, including wheat 2010/11 zz Nutrient Based fertilizer subsidies introduced 2011/12 zz Export bans on wheat and rice lifted 2012/13 zz National Food Security Bill (NFS) approved by Parliament Policy Change and Private Sector for example the entry of PepsiCo (in 1989) Response and McDonald’s (in 1996). These two major investments (the former primarily foreign The 1990s saw tremendous change in the equity and the latter domestic—through Indian economy. Agricultural reforms started franchising) generated ripple effects with some years later in the mid-1990s, but the the rapid emergence of snack foods (led by broader economic reforms had already set in chips) and fast foods through the quick service motion important changes in the sector. Rapid restaurant (QSR) chains. The ripples backwards income growth provided a strong stimulus were through contract farming and the for agricultural demand, and the change in ancillary industry to supply the raw materials or economic policies (in particular the protection intermediate prepared food products. of manufacturing) led to a significant reduction in the domestic distortions in incentives for Three key policy changes were the permission farmers. Trade liberalization and the prospects of FDI in wholesale trade (1997), de-licensing of of rapid income growth led to private sector Food Processing Industries(1999), and the New investments in consumer products, including Seed Policy (1998). For agriculture, these policies 190 Annex 1: Policy Reforms and Private Sector Response induced a number of potentially transformative sector seeds supply is rapidly growing; it now private sector initiatives and investments. provides the bulk of improved seed varieties for Several global and domestic corporate investors horticulture and introduced the revolutionary entered the agro-processing sector (such as Bt Cotton (in 2002) that has since transformed PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Cargill, Hindustan Unilever, the Indian cotton sector. Reliance, Tata, Godrej, ITC, and Mahindra’s). McCain, the world’s largest producer of French Recognizing the importance of key services— fries and potato specialties, started operations ostensibly to fill the large void in public service in 1998 with a focus on the frozen food market delivery in agricultural market information for India and the Indian subcontinent. and extension (Ahuja 2014; Ferroni 2013)— two important private initiatives with huge McCain’s experience highlights the importance potential for transformative impact are the of the policy space and gestation period for “e-Choupal” of ITC and the mobile SMS based establishing a viable business. It undertook information service by Reuters Market Light R&D experiments in five states to grow the (RML). The “e-choupal” started in 2000 and “right” quality of potato for its core business seeks to connect rural India with data access to and was successful in establishing a reliable market prices, agricultural extension services, supply chain for French fries for the fast- and other e-services. The RML (Reuters Market evolving QSR market. Its produce effectively Light) information service, stated in 2007, substituted for imports for the highly specific provides a highly customized and localized types of French fries demanded by the QSR agricultural and related information service, giant, McDonald’s. Similarly, PepsiCo developed primarily aimed at farmers, through mobile the specific variety of potato needed for its Frito phone-based text messages. Lays chips business, and it now operates a large “contract” farming program for an assured The interest of the private sector in the 1990s supply for its factories. The demand from the was triggered by the economic reforms and burgeoning snack/fast-food market is one key expectations of rapid increases in consumer factor behind the “success” of the potato supply income. There was also an expectation that the chains (including the wide network of much- well-known challenges in making agriculture needed cold stores for potatoes) despite existing more competitive (including critical lower-level obstacles. policy reforms to address the complex and myriad state and central laws on agriculture, The change in the policy for wholesale trade taxation, marketing, access to land, roads, induced investments such as METRO Cash & power, and water) would be progressively Carry in Karnataka (1997). The DCM Shriram addressed, even if only slowly. Among these, (DSCL) group launched its Haryali Kissan Bazaar market regulations (such as the APMC Act, ECA, (rural markets) in north India in 2002, and and lack of a uniform national tax code for FieldFresh Foods started to market horticultural processed foods) are particularly constraining to products in 2004. The new seed policy attracted the development of efficient agricultural value a number of multinational companies in the chains, raising transaction costs and creating seed sector, like Novartis (later to become uncertainty over whether private investors can Syngenta), Cargill, and Pioneer Seeds. Private sustain their investments and remain viable. 191 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Small and medium businesses are particularly agri-business growth is demonstrated by severely affected by these circumstances, as the development of horticultural exports they have much less capacity (either in terms of (especially grapes) and rapid growth of the profit margins or scale of operations) to absorb poultry and dairy processing industries. On the the costs as the large corporate entities may be export front, the government’s Agricultural able to do. and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), established in In reality, several large and visible corporate 1985 with a mandate to develop and promote initiatives were rooted in a mix of strategic exports of agricultural and processed food interests, public relations, or corporate social products from India, has been successful responsibility activities. Some initiatives through sustained efforts in improving have matured into well-integrated and the transparency of supply, implementing managed supply chains for the investors’ traceability and quality standards, and main businesses. Others have remained small, negotiating entry into the European Union reflecting the corporate social responsibility market for Indian grapes, and Japan and the orientation, or have failed to achieve United States for fresh mangoes. commercial viability. For example, many Indian corporations have attempted chain Other successful experiences also point to store grocery retailing but have not seen the important role public policy can play in any significant success. The development market development. For example, rapidly of the cold chain infrastructure is a case in rising domestic incomes and urbanization, and point. Cold chains are a priority for moving the associated growth in demand for animal perishables from their production base to proteins and milk products, have helped large consumption centers in urban India. the poultry industry, which has integrated Despite government incentives to develop the vertically to benefit from economies of scale sector, however, the poor infrastructure (power and value chain integration. The industry has and roads) and the regulatory framework for benefited significantly by the absence of any agricultural markets have hampered investment truly inimical regulations to hinder business and growth in cold chains. Where cold stores development, but its growth has been limited have emerged, they have been driven by by the lack of proper cold chain infrastructure strong demand (and high margins) for specific for frozen and processed poultry meat. commodities such as potatoes, which have Similarly, the removal of market restrictions made the investment viable despite existing in the dairy industry led to a rapid response by hindrances and transaction costs. They have not the private sector in creating new value chains emerged as a supply-led solution. in many parts of the country. The projected growth in demand is now attracting large The importance of public support and international and domestic investments in appropriate policies to promote rapid the sector. 192 Annex 2: land use, grain annexes stocks and the structure of production Figure A.2.1: Food grain area, production, and yields and irrigated area 250 50 45 200 40 35 150 30 25 100 20 15 50 10 5 0 0 1950-51 1952-53 1954-55 1956-57 1958-59 1960-61 1962-63 1964-65 1966-67 1968-69 1970-71 1972-73 1974-75 1976-77 1978-79 1980-81 1982-83 1984-85 1986-87 1988-89 1990-91 1992-93 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 Area Production Area Irrigated (%) Source:  Authors, using CSO data. Figure A.2.2: Trends in agricultural land use 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1950-51 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2008-09 Tree Crops/Groves Perm. Pasture Fallow Land NSA GSA Net Irrigated Area Source:  Authors, using CSO data. 193 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure A.2.3: Stocks and procurement as percentage of production (right) 45.0% 80.00 40.0% 70.00 35.0% 60.00 30.0% 50.00 25.0% 40.00 20.0% 30.00 15.0% 20.00 10.0% 5.0% 10.00 0.0% 0.00 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Stocks at Jan 1 Wheat Procurement (%) Rice Procurement (%) Source:  Authors, using FCI and CSO data. Figure A.2.4: Changes in land allocation, 1982/83–2007/08 100 90 1.8 1.3 2.3 2.5 3.8 5.2 1.6 80 5.2 Sugarcane 9.4 70 Fruits & Vegs 14.9 14.3 Beverages & Spices 60 11.9 Fibres 50 21.9 14.3 Oilseeds 40 Pulses 30 13.1 14.3 Other cereals 20 Wheat 22.6 22.1 Rice 10 0 TE1982/83 TE2007/08 Source:  Authors, using CSO data. 194 Annex 3: Comparing the annexes Impact of Alternative Rainfall Estimates Figure A.3.1: Comparison of rainfall anomalies using IMD and district (ICRISAT/NCAP) data 20 10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Aggregate Rainfall Anomaly (%) : Deviation from District Avg. Aggregate Rainfall Anomaly (%) : IMD Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:  District-level rainfall data are for annual rainfall and IMD rainfall data are for aggregate national-level monsoon rainfall (i.e., for June–September of each year). The observed differences thus are due to differences in the rainfall period and geographical coverage, as the district-level analysis is based on the original (as they existed in 1970) 207 districts with available rainfall data. Figure A.3.2: Relationship between agricultural productivity and rainfall (using district rainfall data) 20 10 0 - 10 - 20 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Avg. Rainfall Anomaly (%) : IMD Trend-Deviation in Real Ag. Production Trend - Deviation in Cropped Area Trend-Deviation in Real Ag. Productivity Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. 195 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure A.3.3: Cereal and noncereal productivity deviations and rainfall anomalies 20 20 Trend Deviation in Productivity 10 Rainfall Anomaly (%) 10 0 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Avg. Rainfall Anomaly (%) Trend-Deviation in Real Cereal Productivity Trend-Deviation in Real Non-Cereal Productivity Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Figure A.3.4: Sensitivity of noncereal area share to rainfall Trend-Deviation in Non-Cereal Area Share 20 4 10 Avg. Rainfall Anomaly 2 0 0 -10 -2 -20 -4 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Avg. Rainfall Anomaly (%) Trend-Deviation in Non-Cereal Area Share Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. 196 Annex 4: Sub-National annexes Heterogeneity in Agricultural Productivity Table A.4.1:  Disparities in productivity within states Coefficient of variation Gini coefficient State TE 1991 TE 2001 TE 2007 TE 1991 TE 2001 TE 2007 Andhra Pradesh 45.97 46.79 40.95 0.25 0.24 0.22 Assam* 21.46 19.66 22.43 0.12 0.11 0.12 Bihar* 19.16 26.23 27.24 0.11 0.14 0.14 Chhattisgarh* 19.00 15.24 27.41 0.09 0.08 0.14 Gujarat 35.98 32.92 29.69 0.19 0.17 0.16 Haryana 45.94 38.95 42.19 0.19 0.17 0.16 Himachal Pradesh 29.06 34.69 35.21 0.15 0.19 0.18 Jharkhand* 45.37 34.3 60.33 0.23 0.18 0.27 Karnataka 60.3 48.88 45.74 0.27 0.23 0.23 Kerala 36.61 29.79 31.87 0.2 0.16 0.17 Madhya Pradesh* 25.18 27.05 28.18 0.14 0.15 0.15 Maharashtra 52.02 52.83 56.56 0.25 0.26 0.26 Odisha* 25.67 26.37 18.26 0.14 0.14 0.1 Punjab 19.98 18.76 19.49 0.11 0.1 0.11 Rajasthan* 53.09 60.77 53.27 0.3 0.34 0.3 Tamil Nadu 47.23 36.58 32.72 0.24 0.2 0.18 Uttar Pradesh* 23.01 23.56 27.47 0.13 0.13 0.15 Uttarakhand* 30.47 52.28 52.7 0.12 0.23 0.24 West Bengal 37.85 37.08 32.72 0.21 0.2 0.17 Overall 58.31 59.79 56.85 0.30 0.33 0.29 Source:  Kumar and Jain 2012. Note:  * indicates Low-income States. 197 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.4.2: Districts’ transition using irrigation typology 2000s 1970s <25% 25-50% >50% Total <25% 89 64 19 172 (30) (22) (6) (58) 25-50% 3 26 49 78 (1) (9) (17) (26) >50% 1 1 43 45 (0) (0) (15) (15) Total 93 91 111 295 (32) (31) (38) (100) Source:  Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. Note:   Irrigation typology defined as indicated percentage of net irrigated area in a district. Parentheses indicate the percentage of all districts in each category.  verage level of productivity, rainfall, and population density for districts categorized by Figure A.4.1: A level of irrigation intensity for TE 2007 2000 50 Thousand Rupees/Ha (Net cropped area) 1800 45 Rainfall in mm and population 1600 40 1400 35 density (x200) 1200 30 1000 25 800 20 600 15 400 10 200 5 0 0 0 0-9% 9-39% 39-68% 68%+ Land Productivity Labor Productivity Population Density Annual Rainfall Source: Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. Note:   Less-irrigated districts are often endowed with higher rainfall and hence may be as or more productive than districts with significantly higher levels of irrigation development.  eal value of crop production across district typologies Figure A.4.2: R 50,000 Crop Production per ha 40,000 (2005-2007 Rs.) 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:   Total value of crop production includes crops other than cereals but not fruits, vegetables, and spices, for which production data are not available. 198 Annex 4: Sub-National Heterogeneity in Agricultural Productivity Table A.4.3: District growth typologies by agro-ecological zone High Yield/ High Yield/ Low Yield / Low Yield/ Agro-ecological zone Growth Stable Growth Stable Total Humid 3 32 17 39 91 Semi-Arid Temperate 5 12 42 12 71 Semi-Arid Tropical 4 13 34 67 118 Arid 1 2 10 4 17 Total 13 59 103 122 297 Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013.  verage rainfall across district typologies by decade Figure A.4.3: A 1,500 Annual Rainfall (mm) 1,000 500 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013.  verage rainfall anomaly across district typologies by decade Figure A.4.4: A Annual Rainfall (mm) 5 0 -5 -10 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Table A.4.4:  District growth typologies by irrigation development Dynamic Irrigation Typology LR growth typology Low Moderate/ growth High Total High yield–growth 1 0 12 13 High yield–stable 20 6 33 59 Low yield–growth 18 35 50 103 Low yield–stable 50 42 28 120 Total 89 83 123 295 Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:   Category “low” refers to districts with less than 25% irrigated area in both the 1970s and 2000s; “high” refers to districts with more than 50% irrigated area in both the 1970s and 2000s; “moderate/growth” refers to districts that had less than 50% irrigated area in the 1970s but subsequently experienced growth in irrigated area. 199 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  hanging patterns in modes of irrigation across typologies Figure A.4.5: C 60 Pumps 40 20 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable 150 100 Wells 50 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable 6 4 Tanks 2 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable 150 100 Canals 50 0 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s 70s 80s 90s 00s High Yield - Growth High Yield - Stable Low Yield - Growth Low Yield - Stable Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:   The top panel shows the median number of pumps (diesel and electric) across typologies and decades. The bottom three panels show the median area irrigated using wells, tanks, and canals across typologies and decades. 200 Annex 4: Sub-National Heterogeneity in Agricultural Productivity  istrict productivity growth and convergence Figure A.4.6: D Growth in cereal yields Growth in crop productivity 2 3 Growth in Crop Productivity Cereal Productivity Growth 2 1.5 1 1 0 .5 -1 0 -2 0 1 2 3 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 1970 Yields Productivity Level in 1970 bandwidth = .8 bandwidth = .8 Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Table A.4.5:  Breakdown of agro-ecological zones by state Semi-Arid Semi-Arid State Humid Temperate Tropical Arid Total Andhra Pradesh 5 0 14 1 20 Assam 10 0 0 0 10 Bihar 5 2 4 0 11 Gujarat 0 0 17 1 18 Haryana 0 5 0 2 7 Himachal Pradesh 9 0 0 0 9 Karnataka 6 0 12 1 19 Kerala 10 0 0 0 10 Madhya Pradesh 5 9 29 0 43 Maharashtra 6 0 19 0 25 Odisha 11 0 2 0 13 Punjab 0 8 0 3 11 Rajasthan 0 5 12 9 26 Tamil Nadu 3 0 9 0 12 Uttar Pradesh 7 41 0 0 48 West Bengal 14 1 0 0 15 Total 91 71 118 17 297 Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:  Own calculations using broad agro-zone classification of districts by ICRISAT. 201 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.4.6:  Levels and changes in the composition of crop area allocations Area share High Yield/Growth High Yield/Stable Low Yield/Growth Low Yield/Stable Decade % % % % averages 1970s 2000s change 1970s 2000s change 1970s 2000s change 1970s 2000s change Cereals 0.60 0.55 -8 0.66 0.60 -9 0.61 0.53 -14 0.63 0.56 -11 Pulses 0.11 0.08 -31 0.07 0.05 -25 0.17 0.11 -33 0.15 0.16 8 Oils 0.04 0.03 -18 0.09 0.15 59 0.10 0.19 94 0.09 0.14 53 Sugar 0.07 0.09 36 0.02 0.03 50 0.02 0.03 21 0.01 0.02 98 Cotton 0.03 0.06 86 0.02 0.01 -34 0.03 0.05 37 0.06 0.04 -25 Fruits/veg 0.06 0.10 70 0.09 0.14 44 0.02 0.04 173 0.03 0.06 105 Onions 0.00 0.00 7 0.00 0.00 15 0.00 0.00 120 0.00 0.00 103 Potatoes 0.03 0.02 -32 0.01 0.01 56 0.01 0.01 102 0.00 0.01 101 Fodder 0.06 0.07 4 0.05 0.03 -40 0.05 0.05 -4 0.04 0.03 -11 Total 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 Source:  Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Table A.4.7: Correlates of real cereal productivity Dependent Variable : Real Valu of Cereal Production per ha (2005-2007 Rs) High Yield - High Yield - Low Yield - Low Yield - Sample Full Growth Stable Growth Stable Lag Dep. Variable 0.221*** 0.360*** 0.418*** 0.145*** 0.126*** 0.0449 0.0576 0.0461 0.0316 0.0403 Annual Rainfall 0.185*** 0.0322 0.0418 0.212*** 0.263*** 0.0314 0.0506 0.0252 0.0596 0.0347 Share Irrigated 0.0745*** 0.209 0.0395 0.0731** 0.0348 0.0227 0.108 0.0322 0.0233 0.025 Share HYV 0.0214*** 0.00742*** 0.0235** 0.00994 0.0251*** 0.00448 0.00122 0.00763 0.00792 0.00687 Fertilizer Intensity 0.0653*** 0.0929* 0.0341* 0.0620*** 0.0455* 0.0126 0.0435 0.0156 0.0162 0.0218 Road Density 0.00394 0.0126 0.0523** 0.0265 0.00997 0.047 0.0626 0.0203 0.0618 0.0399 Constant 5.984*** 6.452*** 5.267*** 6.706*** 6.288*** 0.404 0.25 0.434 0.311 0.486 Observations 7,347 328 1,561 2,435 3,023 R-squared 0.576 0.852 0.686 0,696 0.481 Number of Districts 286 13 58 103 112 Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:  All variables are in logs (i.e., all the coefficients are elasticities). All regressions use both district fixed effects and year dummies. Robust standard errors clustered at the state level: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 202 Annex 4: Sub-National Heterogeneity in Agricultural Productivity Table A.4.8: Correlates of real agricultural productivity Dependent Variable : Real Value of Agricultural Production per ha (2005–2007 Rs) High Yield - High Yield - Low Yield - Low Yield - Sample Full Growth Stable Growth Stable Lag Dep. Variable 0.368*** 00351** 0.806*** 0.203** 0.254*** 0.098 0.0952 0.0985 0.0689 0.043 Annual Rainfall 0.191*** 0.0198 0.0333 0.240*** 0.263*** 0.033 0.0429 0.0295 0.0618 0.038 Share Irrigated 0.0856* 0.290* 0.0406 0.126** 0.0633 0.0399 0.131 0.0317 0.0376 0.0393 Share HYV 0.00315 0.00601 0.00968 0.0143 0.00281 0.00938 0.00906 0.00621 0.0132 0.00874 Fertilizer Intensity 0.0954*** 0.0816** 0.0831*** 0.0870** 0.0711*** 0.0219 0.0209 0.0176 0.0306 0.0195 Road Density 0.0449 0.198* 0.0262 0.0415 0.01 0.0392 0.0781 0.018 0.101 0.0327 Constant 4.341*** 5.860*** 1.34 5.909*** 4.942*** 0.967 0.891 0.876 0.364 0421 Observations 7,333 328 1,561 2,435 3,009 R-squared 0.571 0.816 0.734 0.65 0563 Number of Districts 286 13 58 103 112 Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:  All variables are in logs (i.e., all the coefficients are elasticities). All regressions use both district fixed effects and year dummies. Robust standard errors clustered at the state level: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Table A.4.9: Correlates of real non-Cereal productivity Dependent Variable : Real Value of Non-Cereal Production per HA (2005-2007 Rs) High Yield - High Yield - Low Yield - Low Yield - Sample Full Growth Stable Growth Stable Lag Dep. Variable 0.604*** 0.522*** 0.796*** 0.389*** 0.471*** 0.0942 0.124 0.0488 0.112 0.0578 Annual Rainfall 0.144*** 0.117* 0.0402 0.207*** 0.144** 0.0284 0.048 0.0238 0.0545 0.0509 Share Irrigated 0.0909 0.576** 0.0444 0.183** 0.0831* 0.057 0.163 0.125 0.0791 0.0428 Share HYV 0.0197 0.0287 0.0536 0.00498 0.0339* 0.0124 0.0155 0.0364 0.0207 0.0174 Fertilizer Intensity 0.0776*** 0.0494 0.0913 0.0880** 0.0318 0.0246 0.0417 0.058 0.0275 0.0347 Road Density 0.0141 0.369* 0.103** 0.0268 0.00494 0.0307 0.18 0.0338 0.0988 0.0253 Constant 2.296** 3.720** 1.175* 4.114*** 3.487*** 0.943 -1.371 0.632 0.862 0.492 Observations 7.294 316 1.531 2.429 3.018 R-squared 0.488 0.616 0.687 0.459 0.416 Number of Districts 286 13 58 103 112 Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:  All variables are in logs (i.e., all the coefficients are elasticities). All regressions use both district fixed effects and year dummies. Robust standard errors clustered at the state level: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 203 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.4.10: Cross-sectional correlates of real cereal productivity Dependent Variable : Real Value of Cereal Production per ha (2005-2007 Rs) Sample Full Full Full Full Mean Rainfall 0.315*** 0.343*** 0.325*** 0.309*** 0.0698 0.0669 0.0875 0.0763 Norm. Std. Dev of Rainfall -0.145*** -0.147*** -0.148*** -0.142*** 0.046 0.0399 0.0443 0.0376 Share Irrigated 0.220*** 0.0375 0.175*** 0.0313 0.0377 0.0354 0.0373 0.0324 Share HYN 0.0963** 0.245*** 0.142*** 0.247*** 0.0373 0.0665 0.0393 0.0626 Fertilizer Intensity 0.241*** 0.209*** 0.244*** 0.224*** 0.0399 0.0391 0.0389 0.0405 Markets pc 0.0714** 0.0308 0.0695** 0.0335 0.0349 0.0332 0.0343 0.0335 Road Density 0.0156 0.0641 0.00746 0.0591 0.0308 0.0479 0.035 0.0503 Constant 7.911*** 7.780*** 7.874*** 8.008*** 0.645 0.606 0.708 0.626 State Dummies No Yes No Yes AEZ Dummies No No Yes Yes Observations 275 275 275 275 R-squared 0.723 0.848 0.753 0.855 Source: Kshirsagar and Gautam 2013. Note:  All variables are in logs (i.e., all the coefficients are elasticities). All regressions estimate the (cross-sectional) relationship between mean values across districts. Normalized std. deviation of rainfall measures the standard deviation of rainfall anomalies across the sample period (i.e., 1970–2007). Robust standard errors: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 204 annexes Annex 5: Changing Structure of Household Incomes in Bihar Table A.5.1.  Distribution of income by source and class, 2011 (%) Own Non- production agricultural Non- Caste/ in Agricultural All own agricultural Regular Other community agriculture wages agriculture production wages employment income Remittances Agricultural 16.4 8.9 25.3 5.4 15.3 3.9 16.1 34.0 labor Poor peasant 24.3 1.5 25.8 25.4 4.2 5.6 11.2 27.8 Middle peasant 38.4 1.8 40.2 19.5 7.0 1.6 9.8 22.0 Big peasant 34.8 0.1 34.9 9.3 1.5 17.5 18.3 18.5 Landlord/ 11.1 0.0 11.1 0.7 0.0 44.7 20.5 23.0 supervision Nonagricultural 10.1 1.2 11.3 4.2 5.2 27.9 16.3 35.0 wages Nonagricultural 9.5 0.6 10.1 49.9 1.5 0.2 19.6 18.7 self-employment All total 22.3 4.2 26.5 10.7 8.2 10.6 16.0 28.0 Source:  IHD Bihar Survey 2011; Rodgers and Sharma 2011. 205 Annex 6: Growth annexes Decomposition: Methodology and Selected Indicators Growth decomposition: Data and Data on the value of the output of the selected methodology crops (for generating implicit prices of the selected commodities) were obtained from Data. Data on major crops grown in 20 the National Accounts Statistics published major agricultural states1891 and data on area, by CSO (Ministry of Statistics and Program production, and yield of important crops Implementation, Government of India). The were compiled from the Indian Agricultural price of a commodity was obtained by dividing Statistics, Agricultural Statistics at Glance, and its value of output (at current prices) by its level Horticultural Database, all published by the of production. The current prices were deflated Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India: by the general WPI to convert these into real cereals (rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl prices (at 1993–94 base). The data series on millet, finger millet, barley, small millets); area, production, and prices were smoothened pulses (chickpea, pigeonpeas, and other pulses); by applying a Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filtering1902 oilseeds (groundnut, sesamum, rapeseed- technique with an adjustment factor of 6.25. mustard, soybean, linseed, sunflower, safflower, The HP filtered data series were used for castor, and niger seed); fibers (cotton, jute, and analyzing the patterns and sources of growth. sunhemp); spices (arecanut, cardamom, chillies, pepper, turmeric, ginger, garlic, and coriander); Methodology. Following Minot et al. (2006), fruits (bananas, cashewnuts, and other fruits); the change in gross revenue from each crop can vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, be decomposed into (i) change in cropped area, tapioca, and other vegetables); beverages (ii) change in yield, (iii) change in real price, (tea and coffee); coconut, sugarcane, tobacco, and (iv) a residual representing interaction rubber, and cluster bean. These data were among (i) to (iii). When more than one crop supplemented with the data from state-specific is considered, an additional source of change Statistical Abstracts published by the state is the reallocation of area between crops, or governments. The crops included account for (v) diversification. Typically, assuming profit more than 90 percent of the cropped area and maximization behaviors, farmers are expected the value of the output of the crop sector. 190 The HP filter is a data-smoothening technique commonly applied to remove short-term fluctuations from time-series 189 Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, data. It generates a smoothened nonlinear representation of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, a time series. The adjustment of the sensitivity of the trend Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, to short-term fluctuations is done by applying a suitable Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. adjustment factor. 206 Annex 6: Growth Decomposition: Methodology and Selected Indicators to diversify from lower- to higher-value crops. But based on their individual circumstances and in any particular year, farmers may choose to diversify to less risky crops that may be of lower value. (5) Assuming that farmers behave rationally, the  individual farmer maximizes profits from land by choosing a production mix, inputs, and Equation (5) decomposes change in gross technologies subject to the individual’s resource revenue due to change (i) in total cropped area, endowments and markets. If Ai is area under (ii) crop yields or technology, (iii) real prices, crop i, Yi is its production per unit area, and Pi is and (iv) land reallocation or diversification. the real price per unit of production, then the The first term on the right-hand side of this gross revenue R from n crops can be written as: equation represents the change in gross revenue due to change in total cropped area.  (1) The expression is the weighted average Expressing A1 as the share of crop i in the total of the gross revenue per hectare, the weights being share of each crop (ai) in the total cropped cropped area, , and substituting in area. The second term on the right-hand side equation (1): captures change in the gross revenue due to a (2) change in the real prices of commodities. The  third term measures change in gross revenue due to changes in crop yields or technology. Total derivatives of both sides of equation (2) The fourth term represents the change in gross provides absolute contribution of changes revenue associated with changes in the crop in these components to the change in gross composition. If the fourth term is positive, this revenue: indicates a reallocation of land from lower- value to higher-value crops. Dividing both  (3) sides of equation (5) by the overall change in gross revenue (dR) gives the proportionate contribution of each source to the overall Equation (3) is only an approximation, as it change in gross revenue or agricultural growth. excludes the interaction term. The second term on the right-hand side of this equation can be Description of the study regions further decomposed from a change in sums to the sum of changes, as follows: Northern region, excluding the hill states of Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, has alluvial soils and a semi-arid to humid climate. (4)  Agriculture contributes about one-fifth to And, further expansion of the second term of GDP in this region. In the plains, irrigation equation (4) results in the following expression: infrastructure is well developed, with more 207 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth than 80 percent of cropped area under capita income. Economic dependence on irrigation. The average size of land holding is agriculture is the lowest in this region. The small. The land is intensively cultivated, with region receives less rainfall than the others, wheat and rice as the main crops in the plains, and agriculture is highly diversified, with and maize, wheat, fruits, and vegetables in the oil seeds (mainly groundnuts and rapeseed- hills. Fertilizer consumption per unit of cropped mustard), wheat, pulses, fruits, and vegetables area is one of the highest in this region. Road as important crops. Coarse cereals, such as density and telecommunication density are low. millets and maize, are also widely grown. The average land holding is larger than in other Eastern region is characterized by relatively regions, but irrigation coverage and fertilizer high rainfall and widespread cultivation of use are less. rice. Rice occupies 56 percent of cropped area. In value terms, fruits and vegetables outweigh Southern region, except Kerala, has a semi- the contribution of rice. Average land holding arid climate and almost a uniform rainfall is smaller than in any other region. and the pattern throughout. Agriculture is largely rain- level of irrigation development and technology dependent, but irrigation coverage is better adoption is also low. The region is heavily than in other regions. Rice is the dominant populated but is the least urbanized; it has the crop, followed by oil seeds, pulses, fruits, lowest per capita income of all regions. The vegetables, and spices. The average landholding region has good road infrastructure. Agriculture is about 1 hectare. The region has relatively low accounts for one-fifth of GDP in the region. population density and is the most urbanized, with higher incomes than other regions. The Western region has low population density region also has the best road infrastructure and but high levels of urbanization and per telecommunication system. 208 Annex 6: Growth Decomposition: Methodology and Selected Indicators Table A.6.1:  Selected regional development indicators Indicator Northern Eastern Western Southern All India Population, in millions, 2011 282 301 340 251 1210 Geographical area, 000 km2 667 497 1289 636 3287 Population density, persons/km2, 2011 423 606 263 395 368 Urban population, in %, 2011 25.1 20.0 35.2 40.9 31.2 Per capita GDP, in Rs (at 2004–05 prices), 26587 21749 38787 43006 35722 2008–10 Share of agriculture in GDP (%), 2004–05 prices 1981–83 43.2 38.0 33.1 33.6 35.1 1991–93 36.1 34.5 25.6 28.3 29.0 1999–01 31.1 28.2 18.8 22.7 24.0 2008–10 22.0 20.8 13.7 15.3 15.7 Gross cropped area, in 000 ha, 2008–10 42765 31968 82940 34476 194301 Gross irrigated area, in %, 2008–10 78.8 43.5 31.0 40.5 45.2 Fertilizer consumption, in kg/ha, 2008–10 173 108 89 180 136 Road density, in km per 000 km , 2008–09 2 689 1601 548 1552 966 Average size of land holding in ha, 2005–06 0.89 0.69 2.02 1.02 1.23 Tele-density, telephones/100 persons Urban 86.0 123.9 112.6 151.9 162.1 Rural 23.0 30.1 40.6 46.8 37.9 Total 38.8 48.8 66.0 89.8 76.6 Source:  Birthal et al. 2014. 209 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.6.2:  Contribution of crops to agricultural growth: National level Share in gross Share in real value of Annual growth in Share in overall cropped area output* real value of output growth Crops 1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s Rice 24.2 24.1 23.6 22.4 21.7 19 3.3 3.1 –0.2 23.1 20.5 –1.7 Wheat 14.2 14.6 15.1 12 12.7 12.6 2.4 5.5 1.2 10.2 20.7 4.6 Maize 3.5 3.4 4.1 2.1 1.9 2.1 0.5 3.1 5 0.7 1.9 3.2 Other cereals 20 14.6 11.6 5.8 4.1 3.2 –2.7 0.4 1.3 –3.2 –0.2 0.9 Total cereals 61.9 56.7 54.5 42.4 40.4 37 2 3.6 0.7 30.7 43 6.9 Chickpea 4.5 4 3.9 2.8 2.4 2.4 1.2 2.4 5.2 0.7 1.1 3.6 Pigeonpea 1.9 2 2 1.5 1.4 1 3.5 1.7 2.6 1.4 0.1 0.9 Total pulses 14 13 12.5 7.3 6.2 5.2 2.6 1 3 4.6 0.3 4.8 Groundnut 4.5 4.4 3.5 5.2 4.4 3 3.2 –2 2 4.9 –4.2 1.1 Rapeseed and 2 3.3 3.2 2.4 3.1 2.7 9 –1.5 6.1 6.9 –1.7 4.3 mustard Soybean 0.7 2.8 4.3 0.5 2 2.4 30 8.7 9.1 4.2 3.7 6.6 Other oilseeds 4.3 6.6 7.4 4.3 4.8 4.1 8.7 –2.8 5.4 5.4 –0.5 1 Total oilseeds 10.8 14.2 14 12.4 14.1 12.1 6.9 –0.7 5.4 21.4 –2.6 13 Cotton 4.5 4.8 4.9 3.9 5 5 1.4 2.8 10.7 4 1.7 14.5 Other fibers 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.4 3.7 1.1 1.4 0.8 0.1 0.2 Total fibers 5.2 5.4 5.5 4.7 5.5 5.4 1.7 2.6 9.9 4.8 1.8 14.7 Plantation 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.6 5.6 2.7 5 6.8 0 1.1 crops Spices and 1.1 1.3 1.3 2.8 3.8 3.9 8.5 6.8 3.8 4.8 5.1 5.4 condiments Fruits 1.4 1.9 2.7 9.4 10.6 14.2 4.4 6.2 5.5 11.3 20.4 24.6 Vegetables 2.1 2.9 3.8 9.8 11.5 13.5 3.6 6.8 6.7 11 19.1 28.9 Sugarcane 1.9 2.3 2.5 8.1 8.6 8.8 1.2 5 0 3.8 13.1 –1.3 Other crops 1.6 1.5 1.9 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 6.8 0.8 –0.1 2 All crops 100 100 100 100 100 100 3.1 3.7 3.3 100 100 100 Source:  Birthal et al. 2014. 210 annexes Annex 7: TFP: Methodology and Crop-Specific Estimates A Bird’s-eye view of TFP literature common thread in these diverse estimates, on India however, is that growth in TFP slowed after the 1980s. This decline was observed in many Since the 1970s, following the Solow (1975) regions of the country, with output growth residual, several studies have estimated TFP in becoming increasingly input-based (Chand Indian agriculture. Most have used the growth et al. 2010). Most studies have found agricultural accounting method, applied at different levels research to have contributed significantly of aggregation; see Rada (2013), Chand, Kumar and substantially to past growth in TFP, with and Kumar (2010), and Kumar and Mittal significant inter-state and inter-crop variations (2006) for reviews of past studies. Because of in TFP growth. data constraints, the majority have been at the aggregated sector-wide or national level. Some studies have attempted TFP analysis at TFP estimation: Methodology and the individual crop level to overcome potential data problems and complexities associated with At the sector-wide level, three recent analyses aggregation across crops and inputs, but these use the growth accounting framework with have primarily been on rice and wheat, with Tornqvist-Theil input and output indices to concerns about slowing yield growth rates measure TFP for a composite output of crops and their implications for food security. Most and livestock1911: Fuglie (2012), Bosworth and analyses were done for the 1980s and 1990s Collins (2003), and Rada (2013). Fuglie (2012) and are now outdated; they are reviewed briefly uses FAO statistics to compile a carefully in Kumar and Mittal (2006). Chand, Kumar reconciled and comparable database for and Kumar (2010) offer the most detailed state estimating TFP across 173 countries from 1961 and crop estimates. They use the CoC data to 2009. The study uses an index of real value (based on annual surveys) from the Ministry of of crops and livestock production covering the Agriculture, allowing for better accounting for entire agricultural sector in India. Bosworth inputs used by farmers than previous studies. and Collins (2003) use National Accounts data Their analysis stops in 2004/05. to estimate TFP in Indian agricultural using official GDP estimates from 1961 to 2004 as part Depending on the level of aggregation, scope of their analysis of the sources of growth in the of coverage (for example, crops with or Indian economy. These data and TFP estimates without livestock, and types of crops covered), methodology used, and time periods considered, 191 The advantages of the Tornqvist-Theil index are discussed in estimates of TFP growth vary considerably. A Diewert (1976, 1978). 211 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth were updated to 2008 as part of the background more appropriately represents a combination work for World Bank (2012). These estimates of technological progress and a change in use the same growth accounting framework the output mix (which, as noted, has been an as Fuglie but with a different model, inputs, important driver of growth in recent years in parameters, and source of data. A third study Indian agriculture). For this study, the DEA by Rada (2013) uses state and national Value of was applied to the same dataset used by Fuglie Production data a comprehensive set of crops (2012) to provide comparable estimates. and livestock outputs and inputs to arrive at an independent estimate of TFP for 1980–2008. The four TFP estimates provide very similar trends, as shown in Figure A.7.1. An alternative method of measuring TFP growth is the Data Envelopment Analysis A second level of aggregation is at the state (DEA) nonparametric methodology. The DEA level. Using the National Accounts data on the allows the two components of TFP, normally total value of production, Rada (2013) estimates referred to as “technical change” and “technical TFP using the Tornqvist Theil indices for inputs efficiency,” to be separated. This procedure and outputs for the years from 1980 to 2008. provides insight into whether the observed This analysis uses data on all crops, including changes in productivity are a result of a shift estimated value of output for horticultural crops in the production frontier or a movement and livestock, and cost shares for major inputs closer to the frontier. A shift in the frontier is using aggregated data. A background paper normally ascribed to technological progress for this study also uses the growth accounting when using physical outputs in the analysis; methodology to estimate TFP at the state level however, when a composite index is used to but focusses only on major crops for which the represent the output of the sector as a whole, it data are more reliable. The main difference Figure A.7.1: TFP Estimates from different methodologies and data sources 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 DEA (using FAO database) Fuglie (2012), raw series Bosworth and Collins (updated series) Rada 2013 Source:  Authors 212 Annex 7: TFP: Methodology and Crop-Specific Estimates is that it does not include horticultural Finally, access to a unique household-level crops (fruits and vegetables) and livestock panel dataset allows deeper and more precise products, and hence provides insight into insights into the changes occurring at the farm the performance of the more traditional crop level. Detailed information on agricultural sector. Nevertheless these crops cover over half production for 1999 and 2007 for 4,000 the estimated value of production (aggregated households from the NCAER-REDS data are at the national level) and account for nearly used to estimate productivity changes and 75 percent of the area under cultivation. So various measures of efficiency. The data also while diversification is an important strategy to allow alternative methodologies to be used to improve incomes and productivity in a broader triangulate potential shortcomings associated sense, the narrower estimates provide an with particular methodologies. Using the important contrast to how the majority of the nonparametric DEA methodology, Nin-Pratt and sector resources are being used. An important Gautam (2013) provide a detailed breakdown of methodological difference between this study productivity changes at the farm level as well as and the estimates by Rada is that it uses a more estimates of profits lost due to different types of detailed and comprehensive accounting for inefficiency at the farm level. Complementing inputs by using the estimates from the survey- this work, Gautam, Pradhan, and Nagarajan based annual CoC data compiled for the major (2013) use econometric methods to estimate the crops by the Ministry of Agriculture. These data determinants of both technical and economic not only allow a more complete accounting efficiency across household status levels and for the inputs used by farmers and but permit determinants of technical as well as allocative more accurate estimation of their cost shares, efficiency, providing insights into the overall allowing a more precise measurement of TFP. economic efficiency at the household level. 213 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.7.1:  Major crops included in estimates of TFP for traditional crops Crop State Cereals Paddy Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Jowar Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu Bajra Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh Maize Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh Wheat Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Pulses Gram Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh Moong Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan Arhar Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Urad Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh Edible oilseeds Rapeseed & mustard Assam, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh Groundnut Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu Soybean Madhya Pradesh Fibre crops Cotton Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu Jute Assam, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal Other cash crops Sugarcane Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh Source:  Authors 214 Annex 7: TFP: Methodology and Crop-Specific Estimates Figure A.7.2: Crop-specific TFP estimates by state Paddy Wheat 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 MP W. Bengal UP Bihar Haryana Punjab Rajasthan HP Gujarat Haryana Assam T. Nadu Karnataka UP Punjab Odisha W. Bengal Bihar AP MP -0.50 -0.50 -1.00 -1.00 -1.50 -1.50 1981-95 1995-08 1981-95 1995-08 Maize 6 Oilseeds 6.00 5 5.00 4 4.00 3 3.00 2 2.00 1 1.00 0 Groundnut Groundnut Groundnut Groundnut Groundnut Groundnut Soyabean Soyabean Sunflower Sunflower -1 0.00 MP Rajasthan HP UP AP Bihar -2 -1.00 -2.00 1981-95 1995-08 KT OR TN GJ AP MH MP RJ KT MH 1981-95 1995-08 Cotton Sugarcane 14.00 0.50 12.00 10.00 0.00 8.00 UP -0.50 6.00 Ap Haryana 4.00 -1.00 Karnataka Tamil Nadu Maharashtra 2.00 0.00 -1.50 Tamil Nadu Haryana Punjab Rajasthan Gujrat Maharashtra Karnataka AP MP -2.00 -4.00 -2.00 -2.50 1995-08 1981-08 1981-95 1995-08 Source:  Kumar, Gautam and Joshi 2013. 215 Annex 8: Changes in Farm annexes Revenues and Efficiency by Land Size Figure A.8.1: Gross revenues per acre and by farm size, 1982, 1999, 2007 15000 10000 5000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Revenue per acre 1982 Revenue per acre 1999 Revenue per acre 2006 Source:  Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. Figure A.8.2: Technical efficiency and farm size, 1982, 1999, 2007 .8 .75 .7 .65 0 10 20 30 40 50 Technical Efficiency 1982 Technical Efficiency 1999 Technicl Efficiency 2007 Source:  Authors, using ICRISAT-NCAP district database. 216 Annex 9: Progress and annexes Potential for Gains through Technology Capital Potential and Attainable Yield Weather data of a representative location in simulation model each of these subzones was obtained from the India Meteorology Department. Wherever The InfoCrop model (Aggarwal et al. 2006) such climatic data was not available, data of an was used for simulating potential yields. This appropriate location adjacent to the selected generic dynamic crop simulation model is zones was utilized. Representative soil profile sensitive to variety, agronomic management, details for each zone were input in the model soil, weather, flooding, frost, and pests. The for calculation of simulated rainfed potential model simulates all major processes of crop yields. growth, soil water and nutrient balances, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop-pest Wheat simulations were done for three sowing interactions. It is used for estimates of potential dates (normal, late, and very late) in line with yields and yield gaps, impact assessment farmers’ practices in different regions. For of climatic variability and climate change, each sowing date, coefficient of a standard optimizing management (planting dates, variety, common for that time of sowing, was variety, irrigation, and nitrogen fertilizer), used. For paddy, it was assumed that the crops genotype by environment by management were transplanted with the standard onset by pest interactions, yield forecasting, and date of the rainy season. It was assumed that assessments of yield losses due to pests. The both rice and wheat did not suffer from any model has been calibrated and validated in deficiency of water or nutrients and that pests typical rainfed and irrigated crop growing areas. and diseases were controlled. Simulations were done using 10–20 years of weather data for A methodology was developed for estimating each location depending upon its availability. regional crop production using a crop The average of the yields of all years was used simulation model together with databases for as the simulated potential yield for a location. soil, management, and weather. The Planning Simulated potential yield was aggregated for Commission of the Government of India has each zone considering the weighted distribution divided the country into 15 agro-climatic of planting times (in the case of wheat). zones and 95 subzones. The latter were used as the primary simulation units. Only those The results from the models for wheat and subzones where rice or wheat cultivation is rice are given in Figures A.9.1 and A.9.2. The significant were considered for this analysis. figures present simulated potential yields 217 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth (assuming no constraints to inputs), attainable level, which is assessed to be a more realistic yields (given the current level of irrigation), and assessment of the current yield potential for actual yields (average of 2006–10). The states are each state, conditional on the level of irrigation shown in decreasing order of attainable yield development in the state. Figure A.9.1: Current yield gaps for wheat by state 9 Wheat 8 7 Thousand kg/ha 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Punjab Haryana UP Rajasthan Bihar MP Gujarat HP West Bengal Maharashtra Karnataka Assam Actual Yields (2006-10) Potential Yield Attainable Yield Source:  Authors Figure A.9.2: Current yield gaps for paddy/rice by state Paddy 12 10 Thousand kg/ha 8 6 4 2 0 Haryana Punjab AP Tamil Nadu Karnataka UP Kerala Bihar West Bengal Odisha Chhattisgarh Gujarat Maharashtra MP Jharkand Actul Yields (2006-10) Attainable Yield Potential Yield Source:  Authors 218 Annex 9: Progress and Potential for Gains through Technology Capital Figure A.9.3: Yields of released varieties: Rainfed rice, 1965–2010 12.00 Actual Yields (Combined) 1965-80 1980-95 1995-2010 10.00 y = 0.1632 x - 317.62 y = 0.0077x +21.003 y = 0.0058x -5.7811 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 y = 0.0301x-58.29 0.00 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Source:  Authors, using DRR database. Figure A.9.4: Yields of released varieties: Irrigated rice, 1965–2010 12.00 Actual Yields (Combined) 1965-80 1980-95 1995-2010 10.00 y = 0.0968x - 185.01 y = 0.1667x -324.82 y = 0.0061x - 4.6864 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 y = 0.0301x-58.29 0.00 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Source:  Authors, using DRR database. 219 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Figure A.9.5: Yields of released varieties: Rainfed wheat, 1965–2010 Actual Yields (Combined) 1965-80 8.00 1980-95 1995-2010 7.00 y = 0.0534x - 101.86 y = 0.0355x - 66.478 y = 0.1499x - 293.84 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 y = 0.0464x - 90.156 0.00 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 Source:  Authors, using DWR database. Figure A.9.6: Yields of released varieties: Irrigated wheat, 1965–2010 Actual Yields (Combined) 1965-80 1980-95 1995-2010 8.00 y = 0.015x - 24.664 y = 0.0159x - 25.887 y = 0.0541x - 102.41 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 y = 0.0464x -90.156 1.00 0.00 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 Source:  Authors, using DWR database. 220 Annex 9: Progress and Potential for Gains through Technology Capital Figure A.9.7: Wheat varieties released by decade and zone 250 200 150 100 50 0 1965-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2000-2011 NWP NEP CZ PZ NHZ Source:  Authors, using DWR database. Figure A.9.8: Rice varieties released by decade and ecosystem 250 200 150 100 50 0 1965-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010 IRE IRME IRM RUP RSL DW SDW HRUP HRIR IRSA BORO SCR Source:  Authors, using DRR database. 221 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.9.1:  Farm yields, potential yields, and yield gaps in global rice mega-environments Estimated yield (t/ha) and gap (%), Rate of change (%) relative to in 2009 or 2010 current values RME Region FY PY Gap FY PY Gapb 1 C. Luzon, the Philippines 3.9 7.0 79 0.6 0.7 0.1 (wet season) 1 C. Luzon, the Philippines 4.6 9.5 107 0.6 0.7 0.1 (dry season) 1. The Philippines 3.7 5.6 51 1.6 0.7 −0.9 1. Indonesia 5.0 6.5 30 0.7 1.3 0.6 1 Southern Vietnam 5.2 na na 1.9 1.0 −0.9 2 Jiangsu, China 8.0 11.0 38 0.7 1.2 0.5 2 Punjab, India 6.0 10.5 75 1.1 0.3 −0.8 3 Japan 6.6 11.8 80 0.2 0.7 0.3 3 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 7.0 10.5 50 2.0 0.7 −1.3 4 Egypt 10.0 12.0 c 25 1.1 0.6 d −0.5 5 Madhya Pradesh, India b 1.8 4.5 150 1.2 na na 5 North-East Thailand b 2.1 5.0 140 1.6 na na 6 Central Brazil b 2.0 3.6 80 2.2 0.7 −1.5 Average (n = 13) 5.2 76 1.19 0.78 −0.39 Source:  Fischer, Byerlee, and Edmeades 2013. Note:   RME refers to Rice mega-environment classified by Fischer, Byerlee, and Edmeades (2013) based on climate and hydro-morphology. a. All PY and FY slopes are significant at P < 0.10 or better. Note all rates of FY progress and gap closing contain the direct effect of CO2 rise (~0.2% p.a., see Section 2.4 of the source text. b. PYw was estimated for these rainfed cropping regions which commonly experience water shortage. c. Calculated as the difference between the rates of increase in PY and in FY (see Section 2.3 of the source text). d. Based on on-farm demonstration yields; includes contributions of management and breeding progress, and ignoring yield stagnation since 2006. 222 Annex 9: Progress and Potential for Gains through Technology Capital Table A.9.2:  Wheat farm yields, potential yields, and yield gaps Predicted yield (t/ha) and gap (%), Rate of change (%) relative to in 2009 or 2010 current values WME Regiona FY PY Gap FY PY Gap 1 Yaqui Valley, Mexico 6.4 9.0 41 0.9g 0.3 −0.6 1 Punjab, India 4.5 7.0 56 0.7g 0.4 −0.3 1 Jiangsu, China 4.6 7.5 63 0.8 0.7 −0.1 4 Western Australia b 1.8 2.6 44 1.0 g 0.5 −0.5 6 Saskatchewan , Canada b 2.3 3.8 69 0.8 0.6 −0.2 6 Saskatchewan , , Canada b c 2.2 3.6 64 0.7 0.5 −0.2 6 North Dakota , USA b 2.5 4.0 60 1.0 0.7 −0.3 6 Finland 3.7 4.8 30 1.0 0.8 −0.2 10 Shandong/Henan, China 5.8 8.8 52 1.7 0.7 −1.0 11 United Kingdom 8.0 10.7 34 0.4 0.6 +0.2 Northern France 8.6 10.8 26 0.3 1.1 +0.8 12 Kansas , USA b 2.8 3.8 36 0.7 0.4 −0.3 Average (n = 12) 4.43 na 48 0.83 0.61 −0.23 Source:  Fischer, Byerlee, and Edmeades 2013. Note:   WME refers to wheat mega-environment classified by Fischer, Byerlee, and Edmeades (2013) based on growing season, temperature, moisture, and latitude. a. These are rainfed cropping regions commonly with water shortage so PYw was estimated b. Durum wheat. c. Note all rates of FY progress and gap closing contain the direct effect of CO2 rise (~0.2% p.a., see Section 2.4 of the source text). d. All FY and PY slopes are statistically significant at P < 0.10 or better, except for the FY slope for Northern France (P = 0.13). e. Calculated as FY rate of change less PY rate of change. f. The FY rates of change include small but significant weather trends (see text) for which no correction is applied here; two were unfavorable and one favorable. 223 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Box A.9.1: The National Agricultural Innovation Project: Supporting change in India’s national agricultural research system The ongoing World Bank–supported National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), implemented by ICAR since 2006, is piloting a number of change initiatives in the Indian national agricultural research system. The initiatives have the potential to catalyze system-wide efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity, and they include: ƒƒ Competitive consortia-based funding for agricultural research to introduce pluralism in the national agricultural research system. A total of 188 subprojects have been approved under NAIP, involving 844 participating institutions. More than 90 public-private partnerships have been established among 174 private organizations and NGOs. This is the first time that private organizations from outside the ICAR and state agricultural university system have been involved as partners in carrying out publicly funded agricultural research in the country. ƒƒ Support for system-wide changes to improve efficiency and productivity. Particularly noteworthy subprojects seek to establish a financial management/management information system that would connect all ICAR institutions on a real-time basis; establish a National Agricultural Bio-informatics Grid that would provide access for scientists to high-performance computing facilities for research related to biotechnology; and an online examination system for recruitment of agricultural scientists across the country. ƒƒ Business Planning and Development Units (BPDU) piloted in 10 selected state agricultural universities and ICAR institutions. These units have encouraged, nurtured, and supported technologists and scientists to develop their research products into sound commercial ventures. About 31 technologies have already been commercialized through this route, generating revenues surpassing Rs. 10 crores in the process. ƒƒ Stronger information communication and dissemination systems to provide online information to agricultural scientists. These systems include an online e-publishing system for ICAR research journals; operationalization of the Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) to provide online access to about 3,000 scholarly journals for 142 institutions in the national agricultural research system; development of a knowledge management platform (Agropedia) to aggregate and disseminate information; a knowledge management portal providing complete information on rice; a group catalog (AgriCat, http://www.agricat.worldcat.org) of 12 major libraries for online access by researchers and students; a new platform (KVKnet http://agropedialabs.iitk. ac.in/ extension) and knowledge network (vKVK http://www.vkvk.in) for Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Agriculture Science Centre) scientists; e-courses for five Bachelor’s degree programs and strengthening of statistical computing in the national agricultural research system (http://www.iasri.res.in/sscnars). Encouraged by the initial success, ICAR plans to further scale up and mainstream initiatives such as competitive research funding and BPDUs during the 12th Plan (2012–17) using its own funds. Source: Authors 224 Annex 9: Progress and Potential for Gains through Technology Capital Box A.9.2: The Agricultural Technology Management Agency Model of extension The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) is a quasi-governmental organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. It operates under the direction and guidance of a Governing Board (GB) that determines program priorities, allocates funds, and assesses program impact. The composition of the GB provides a balance between the heads of the line departments and research units within the district and the stakeholder representatives—farmers, women, disadvantaged groups, and private firms within the district. The GB, chaired by the District Magistrate/Collector, reviews and approves the Strategic Research and Extension Plan and annual work plans, and sets policies and procedures for ATMA operations. ATMA Management Committee (AMC) serves as the Secretariat of the GB and is responsible for coordinating and integrating extension and research activities within the district. The Project Director (PD), ATMA chairs the AMC, which includes the district heads of line departments, zonal research station, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK, Agriculture Science Centre), NGO representatives, and two representatives from farmers’ organizations. ATMA Personnel include the PD, supported by a Deputy PD and other staff. The PD and DPD are taken on deputation, and the support staff is hired on a contract basis. To facilitate research and extension linkages within the district, if the PD is from the research system, then the DPD is from the extension system and vice-versa. Actual implementation of ATMA activities is done by the line departments. The Block Technology Team (BTT) consists of block-level line department (agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries, forestry, and sericulture) officers and subject matter specialists, and it is headed by a Block Technology Manager. A designated scientist from the local KVK also attends the BTT meetings and provides a link with the agricultural research system. The BTT consults with the Farmer Advisory Committee (FAC) and develops a comprehensive extension program called the Block Action Plan (BAP), consistent with farmers’ needs. The Farmer Advisory Committee (FAC) is composed of farmers who represent different disciplines (agriculture, horticulture, livestock, and so on) and socioeconomic groups. Following the 2010 revised ATMA guidelines, FACs are now established at State, District, and Block levels; previously there was only a block FAC (BFAC). The BFAC advises the BTT on extension priorities for the block. It also reviews and approves the annual BAP prepared by the BTT before its submission to ATMA for funding. Then, the BFAC monitors and provides feedback to BTT on BAP implementation. The Farm Information and Advisory Center (FIAC) is a block-level facility which includes an office for the BTT convener, a meeting room, and office space for the operator of the FIAC computer, with internet connectivity. It has become the single-window delivery mechanism for extension programs within the block. The internet access serves as an important information resource for all participants. Farmer Organizations (FOs) are a key element of the group approach and focus on diversification into high- value crops and products. The farmers are organized into farmer interest groups around specific crops or products for which there is a market demand and that are appropriate for the agro-ecological conditions and resources of each group. To successfully supply different markets, achieve economies of scale, and create an efficient supply chain, these groups are organized along crop or product lines as block- and district-level farmer federations. Source: Authors 225 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Box A.9.3: Changes introduced in ATMA through the 2010 revised guidelines ƒƒ Provides for dedicated manpower at various levels. In 2005 when the pilot phase was scaled up, the scheme did not provide for dedicated manpower support at the different organizational levels. Work pertaining to ATMA was mostly looked after by staff of line departments in addition to their other duties, leading to the neglect of ATMA work. The revised guidelines provide for a State Coordinator, faculty, and support staff at the State Agricultural Management and Training Institute (SAMETI); a Project Director, Deputy Project Director, and support staff at the district level; and a Block Technology Manager and Subject Matter Specialist at the block level. ƒƒ During Phase II of the program, the extension system below the block level was weak, with inadequate links to the levels above. The revised guidelines seek to address this weakness by providing for a “farmer friend” for every two villages. ƒƒ Additional activities have been added to the “ATMA cafeteria” (the list of extension activities that can be funded), such as farmer schools. Unit costs have been enhanced for some of the activities. ƒƒ Farmers Advisory Committees (FACs) at the state, district, and block levels comprise farmer representatives. The earlier guidelines provided for FAC at the block level only. ƒƒ Support to SAMETIs for essential infrastructure. ƒƒ Delegation of powers to State Level Sanctioning Committees (SLSCs) set up under RKVY, to approve the State Extension Work Plan (SEWP) prepared under the Extension Reforms Scheme. Source: Adapted from ATMA Guidelines 2010, available at http://Agricoop.nic.in/ 226 annexes Annex 10: Livestock Sector: Status and Performance Share of livestock in gross value of output and growth of the agricultural sector, TE 1992- Table A.10.1:   93 and TE 2008-09, at 2004-05 prices (%) Livestock share in Annual livestock Annual agric. sector Livestock share in agricultural VOP sector growth growth agric. growth State 1992-93 2008-09 1992-93 2008-09 1992-93 2008-09 1992-93 2008-09 Haryana 27.8 32.0 3.6 3.8 2.9 2.9 34.9 41.1 Punjab 26.2 33.1 4.1 2.5 2.0 1.7 57.8 47.2 Rajasthan 33.9 38.5 5.2 1.7 3.3 2.3 53.2 29.3 Himachal Pradesh 27.3 28.3 3.7 3.3 3.3 3.5 30.3 26.2 Gujarat 19.6 25.4 5.3 6.2 3.4 5.0 30.0 31.4 Uttar Pradesh 21.0 28.2 4.5 3.6 3.0 1.5 31.8 69.7 Madhya Pradesh 26.8 27.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 2.9 25.5 29.9 Tamil Nadu 27.4 29.0 1.9 3.5 2.4 1.8 21.6 57.4 Maharashtra 22.1 20.1 4.0 3.1 3.9 4.1 22.9 15.0 Andhra Pradesh 22.5 30.2 6.3 5.3 3.0 4.6 46.7 35.4 Bihar 28.7 36.8 6.2 7.4 6.6 3.9 27.3 69.1 Kerala 19.5 21.0 2.9 0.7 2.5 0.6 23.2 25.8 West Bengal 21.6 20.9 2.5 2.1 3.5 1.5 15.4 29.4 Assam 10.6 13.0 1.2 3.5 1.9 0.1 6.7 - Odisha 10.2 18.6 4.2 7.7 0.4 3.4 104.3 42.3 Northeastern states 22.3 23.1 4.5 4.5 3.9 2.7 25.5 38.3 India 23.3 26.8 3.9 3.6 2.9 2.7 31.1 36.3 Source:  Birthal and Negi 2012. Note:  Bihar includes Jharkhand; Madhya Pradesh includes Chhattisgarh; Northeastern states excludes Assam; Uttar Pradesh includes Uttarakhand. 227 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.10.2:  Livestock population, output, and yield, 1990, 2000, and 2010 Year % change 2000 over 2010 over 2010 over 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 1990 Milk output, million MT Cow milk 22.2 33 54.9 48.6 66.4 147.3 Buffalo milk 29.1 43.4 62.4 49.1 43.8 114.4 Goat milk 2.4 3.3 4.6 37.5 39.4 91.7 Total 53.7 79.7 121.9 48.4 52.9 127.0 Milk yield, kg/in-milk animal/year Cow 732 1003 1284 37 28 75.4 Buffalo 1122 1479 1679 31.5 13.5 49.6 Goat 100 122 151 22 23.8 51.0 Population , million head Cattle 202.5 191.9 210.2 -5.2 9.5 3.8 Buffaloes 80.6 93.8 111.3 16.4 18.7 38.1 Dairy cows 30.4 32.9 42.8 8.2 30 40.7 Dairy buffaloes 25.9 29.7 37.1 14.8 24.9 43.4 Goats 113.2 123.5 154 9.1 24.7 36.0 Dairy goats 23.8 26.7 30.5 12.2 14.2 28.2 Sheep 48.7 59.4 74 22 24.6 52 Pigs 11.9 13.4 9.6 12.6 -28.4 -19.4 Chickens 268 374 773.8 39.6 106.8 188.7 Ducks 22.6 30.4 26 34.5 -14.5 15.0 Slaughter animals, million head Cattle 10.3 9.6 10.6 -6.8 10.4 2.9 Buffalo 7.8 9.1 10.8 16.7 12.5 38.5 Goat 43.0 46.9 58.7 9.1 25.2 36.5 Sheep 15.1 18.4 24.1 21.8 31.0 59.6 Meat and eggs, million MT Cattle meat 1.036 0.981 1.087 -5.4 10.8 4.9 Buffalo meat 1.078 1.256 1.489 16.5 18.6 38.1 Total 2.114 2.237 2.576 5.8 15.2 21.9 Goat meat 0.43 0.469 0.587 9.1 25.2 36.5 Sheep meat 0.181 0.221 0.289 22.1 30.8 59.7 Pig meat 0.413 0.466 0.333 12.8 28.6 -19.4 Chicken meat 0.362 0.864 2.193 138.7 153.8 505.8 Duck meat 0.03 0.04 0.038 33.3 -5 26.7 Hen eggs 1.161 2.035 3.378 75.3 66 191.0 Source:  Estimated from http://faostat.fao.org/site/603/default.aspx#ancor accessed 22/11/2012. 228 Annex 10: Livestock Sector: Status and Performance  griculture (crops) and livestock GDP annual growth rates Figure A.10.1: A 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 -5.0% -10.0% -15.0% -20.0% Agriculture Livestock Source:  Authors, using CSO National Accounts data. Table A.10.3:  Extent of contract broiler production by state in India, 2004–05 Total production Production under contract % production under State (million birds/month) (million birds/month) contract Tamil Nadu 18.5 16.5 90 Karnataka 7.4 6.5 87 Andhra Pradesh 16.0 9.5 60 Maharashtra 11.0 8.5 73 Subtotal 52.9 41.0 78 Gujarat 2.6 0.9 35 West Bengal 14.7 3.0 20 Northern states 30.0 2.0 7 Other states 30.0 1.0 3 Total 130.2 47.9 37 Source:  Fairoze et al. 2006. 229 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Share of livestock sector in ground-level disbursement of agricultural credit, 2000–01 to Table A.10.4:   2009–10, at 2004–05 prices Year Total agric credit (Rs billions) Livestock credit (Rs billions) % share of livestock 2000–01 635 26 4.1 2001–02 719 25 3.5 2002–03 781 30 3.8 2003–04 926 31 3.4 2004–05 1,253 31 3.4 2005–06 1,728 70 4.1 2006–07 2,060 72 3.5 2007–08 2,183 77 3.5 2008–09 2,396 83 3.4 2009–10 2,939 78 2.7 Source:  Birthal and Negi 2012. 230 annexes Annex 11: Public Expenditure Patterns and Impact Table A.11.1:  Analysis of NFSM expenditures for 2013–14 (Rs) Expenditure category Gujarat Bihar Andhra Pradesh Input distribution 2,275 3,895 8,500 (seeds, micronutrients, other inputs) Subsidy for agricultural equipment 580 1,750 1,120 Subsidy toward irrigation equipment 320 1,085 1,625 Training and capacity building 60 0 100 Other local initiatives 320 0 0 Project management 110 390 160 Total 3,665 7,120 11,505 Proportion of subsidies in the overall budget 87% 95% 98% Source:  Authors, using information from http://www.nfsm.gov.in Table A.11.2:  Analysis of RKVY expenditure by approved projects for 2012–13 (Rs) Expenditure category Gujarat Bihar Andhra Pradesh Input distribution 350 570 285 (seeds, micronutrients, other inputs) Subsidy for agricultural equipment 100 160 320 Subsidy toward irrigation equipment 120 0 0 Training and capacity building 10 5 80 Institutional strengthening (including support 480 100 190 for building public assets) Total 1,060 835 875 Proportion of subsidies in the overall budget 42% 87% 69% Source:  Authors, using information from http://rkvy.nic.in 231 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  egional trends in capital expenditure, cumulative 2000–09 (2004/05 prices) Figure A.11.1: R 40,000 35,000 Irrigation Infrastructure 30,000 Rs. Per ha (GCA) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 North Eastern Central Southern North-East All India Source:  Singh 2011. Percent area irrigated under major crops by state, 2008–09 Figure A.11.2:  120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Meghalaya Punjab Haryana UP Bihar TN WB AP UTTK. Gujarat Tripura Odisha Rajasthan MP Karnataka Chhat. Goa Manipur Nagaland HP Mahar. Kerala Mizoram Jhark. Sikkim Source:  Authors, using DES, MOA data. Assam Impact of different public expenditures Figure A.11.3:  25.0 1960s - 1970s 1980s 1990s 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 Roads Education Irrigation Irrigation Fertilizer Power Credit Agricultural investment Subsidies Subsidies Subsidies Subsidies R&D Source:  Fan, Gulati, and Thorat 2008. 232 Annex 11: Public Expenditure Patterns and Impact Percent area irrigated by crop, all India 2008–09 Figure A.11.4:  100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Wheat Rice Maize Coarse Cereals Bajra Jowar Total Cereals Cram Arhar Total Pulses Rapeseed & Mustard Sunflower Groundnut Soyabean Oilseeds Sugarcane Tobbacco Cotton Barley Source:  Authors, using DES, MOA data. 233 annexes Annex 12: Status of Agricultural Market Reforms Regulatory impediments to handling, and marketing infrastructure, as marketing: ECA Act and APMC Act well as promoted fragmentation of markets (through movement restrictions and cess/tax The two most pervasive regulations affecting implications). Direct marketing arrangements the functioning of markets and trade are the (such as CF or direct purchases by food Essential Commodities Act (ECA, restricting processers from farmers) are constrained by movement and storage of agricultural products) these regulations, preventing improvements in and the Agricultural Produce Marketing value chain efficiencies. Thus the full potential Committees Act (APMC Act, under which for food processing remains untapped, and agricultural marketing is restricted through the industry remains dominated by low-level regulated markets with licensed traders). processing in informal enterprises (Bhavani, There are also a number of other regulations, Gulati, and Roy 2006, Morisset and Kumar including the Small Scale Industry Reservation 2008). Farmers as well as consumers bear the (under which most food processing was brunt of these regulations, which have fostered reserved for small firms until 1997), and more uncompetitive market structures at the mandi general policies that also affect other sectors, (wholesale) level, depressed farmer prices, and such as tax policy, border and commercial raised final prices to consumers. The specifics of policies, food laws, and labor policies. Many of the two regulations are discussed in more detail the regulations have been relaxed over time, below. allowing for a potentially more important role and better investment opportunities for the The Essential Commodities Act private sector. Implementation of the reforms has been either slow or uneven, however, with The ECA provides for the regulation and control reversals on several occasions. of production, distribution, and pricing of commodities which are classified as “essential” The ECA and the APMC Act affect market (for maintaining or increasing supplies or for development, efficiency, and costs in a number assuring equitable distribution and availability of ways. The zoning and storage restrictions at fair prices). Under the Act, various ministries/ under the ECA and the requirements that all departments of central government, and under produce be sold at a limited number of licensed the delegated powers, the state governments/ and regulated markets have created significant union territory administrations issue orders for disincentives for private investment in storage, regulating production, distribution, pricing, 234 Annex 12: Status of Agricultural Market Reforms Box A.12.1: LIST OF COMMODITIES DECLARED ESSENTIAL UNDER THE ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2006 No. 54 of 2006 (24th December 2006) (1) Drugs: Explanation: For the purposes of this Schedule, “drugs” has the meaning assigned to in the clause (b) of section 3 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) (2) Fertilizer, whether inorganic, organic or mixed; (3) Foodstuffs, including edible oilseeds and oils; (4) Hank yarn made wholly from cotton; (5) Petroleum and Petroleum Products; (6) Raw jute and jute textiles; (7) (i) Seeds of food-crops and seeds of fruits and vegetables;   (ii) Seeds of cattle fodder; and   (iii) Jute seeds;   (iv) Cotton seed*. * Added vide Notification No.S.O.3267 (E) dated 22nd December, 2009. and other aspects of trading with respect to fertilizers (Box A.12.1).1921 There are penalties the commodities declared as essential. The for noncompliance. During 2006–08, state enforcement/implementation of the provisions and union territory governments prosecuted of the ECA lies with the state governments and 14,541 persons under provisions of the ECA and union territory administrations. secured conviction in 2,310 cases. The ECA gives the government wide-ranging The inherent uncertainty in the manner in powers to control the production, storage, which the regulations and restrictions on the transportation, and pricing of essential production, pricing, movement, and storage commodities. Although these controls (for of commodities are applied creates a strong instance, limits on the stocks that can be disincentive for significant private investment held by private players or restrictions on in marketing the scheduled commodities. the movement of commodities) are imposed A major casualty is investment in grain sporadically and usually in inflationary storage and handling infrastructure, as well situations, they can change suddenly in a short as innovations in marketing, resulting in period. inefficiency, high costs for consumers, and low prices for producers, outcomes that are contrary The list of scheduled commodities under the to the Act’s original intent. Act changes from time to time. In recent years 192 The current list includes drugs; fertilizer (inorganic, organic, the list has been pruned significantly and or mixed); foodstuffs (including edible oilseeds and oils); presently includes the seven broad categories hank yarn made only from cotton; petroleum and petroleum products; raw jute and jute textiles, and seeds of food-crops, of commodities (compared to 70 commodities fruits and vegetables, cattle fodder, jute, and cotton (cotton in 1989), including foodstuffs, seeds, and seed was introduced in December 2010). 235 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth The Agricultural Produce Market (Umali-Deininger and Sur 2007; Fafchamps, (Development and Regulation) Act Vargas-Hill, and Minten 2008). The Agricultural Produce Market (Development By restricting the establishment of additional and Regulation) Act—APM(D&R)—regulates and markets and limiting the number of commission governs the buying and selling of agricultural agents that can operate within the mandi, produce through the Agriculture Produce the net effect has been to stifle competition, Marketing Committee (APMC) established by generate economic rents for a small number each state. The Act empowers states to establish of market operators, promote inefficiency wholesale markets for agricultural produce in marketing, lead to under-investment in (known as mandi or “APMC” markets). It confers physical infrastructure by the committee, wide powers to the APMCs to construct and and generally create strong disincentives for manage agricultural markets and regulate all private investment in agricultural marketing aspects of marketing, including the levy of a and processing (including investment in more user fee for transactions taking place both on efficient markets and supply chains). Ultimately and off the wholesale market yards. these oligopolistic marketing arrangements reduce the prices received by farmers and raise The Act extends to whole of the state and makes the prices paid by consumers. Over time, strong these markets mandatory conduit for the trading vested interests have developed in maintaining of agricultural produce. The limited number status quo (commission agents, “weigh men,” of licenses issued by the APMCs to traders and unions, and others) and resisting or derailing commission agents in the established markets reforms. restricts the choices of sellers and buyers, who are not allowed to conduct transactions directly Recognizing the “malfunctioning of regulated and outside the mandi system. markets” and the “need for more transparency and accountability in the functioning of these The management of the APMCs has changed markets,”1932 the government initiated reforms significantly from what was envisaged when to facilitate the development agricultural the regulation was put in place. Bureaucrats markets and to facilitate greater participation have assumed greater importance in the of private sector through legislation, developing management of the APMCs, replacing the the Model State Agricultural Produce Marketing farmer representatives who were originally (Development and Regulation) Act, 2003 for intended to predominate. The APMCs have guidance and adoption by state governments. created barriers to entry for newcomers, resulting in limited numbers of traders and a The Model Act provides for the establishment large command area for each market. Market of markets by other agencies (including the fees have become a source of income for private sector), direct marketing and purchase the government instead of being reinvested centers, CF, electronic trading, and promotion in market infrastructure (Acharya 2004). of public-private partnerships for managing and developing agricultural markets in the country. Despite large revenues from market fees, the infrastructure in most markets is deficient, as revenues are used for other purposes 193 GOI (2007). 236 Annex 12: Status of Agricultural Market Reforms Table A.12.1:  Average size of holding of contract growers (acres) by crop and agency Avg. size Avg. size of % area of contract holding in under CF Study and year Contracting agency and place Crop grower state crop Singh (2002) Frito Lay (Pepsi), Punjab Potato 53 9.5 8 -do- Nijjer Agro, Punjab Tomato 22 9.5 23 -do- HLL, Punjab Tomato 78 9.5 33 -do- Frito Lay (Pepsi), Punjab Chilly 90 9.5 4.5 Dev and Rao (2005) AP Govt. and various Oil palm 10 3 40 processors -do- BHC Agro India, AP Gherkins 7 3 15 Asokan and Singh (2006) A M Todd, Punjab Mint 57 9.5 Kumar (2006) Many multinationals and local Many crops 37 9.5 12 firms in Punjab together Singh (2008) McCain Foods, Gujarat Potato 19 6.45 21 -do- Frito Lay (Pepsi) Punjab Potato 63 9.5 53 -do- A M Todd, Punjab Mint 40 9.5 27 R Singh (2008) Frito Lay, (Pepsi) Punjab Potato 75 9.5 - Pritchard & Connell, Karnataka and AP (AVT Chilly 22.5-42 25-70 2011 McCormick) Source:  Singh 2012. Average size of holding of retail chain contact/contract vegetable growers by crop and Table A.12.2:   agency Avg % area Fruit and vegetable Avg size of CF Avg size of under chain Location Crop holding holding in state vegetables ITC’s Choupal Fresh Chandigarh Cauliflower, 9.91 9.36 (PB) and 37 region (Punjab/ bottlegourd 5.26 (HR) Haryana) Reliance Fresh (RF) Ahmedabad Cauliflower, 15.9 6.45 47 region cabbage ABRL’s More Ahmedabad Cauliflower, 15.43 6.45 71 region tomato ABRL’s More Bangalore Cauliflower, 7.52 4(2.9)* 65 region tomato RF/ABRL’s More Belgaum Cauliflower, 16.97 4(5)* 33 (thru supplier) region tomato Namdhari –Fresh Bangalore Okra, baby 4.56 4(2.9)* 64 region corn Source: Adapted from Singh 2012. Note: * figures in brackets are average land holding size in the study district/region. 237 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.12.3: Status of APM (D&R) amendment and reforms Direct Contract Private Single Single-point Sl. No. State marketing farming markets license levy 1 Andhra Pradesh     2 Assam     3 Chhattisgarh     4 Gujarat      5 Goa      6 Himachal Pradesh      7 Jharkhand      8 Karnataka      9 Nagaland      10 Madhya Pradesh      11 Maharashtra     12 Mizoram      13 Odisha    14 Rajasthan      15 Sikkim      16 Tripura    17 Haryana  18 Tamil Nadu Act Not Amended but APM (D&R) Act provides for setting up private markets and direct marketing under section 8 - (1)–C. 19 Uttar Pradesh Act not amended, provides for bulk purchases and single license through executive order. 20 Bihar APMC Act is repealed w.e.f. 1.9.2006. 21 Punjab, Meghalaya, Act not amended Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Puducherry, Chandigarh, NCT of Delhi 22 Kerala, Manipur, Andaman States/union territories where there is no APMC Act and hence no and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and reforms Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, and Lakshadweep. Source: Patnaik and Sharma 2013. 238 Annex 12: Status of Agricultural Market Reforms Table A.12.4: Status of rules notification for APM(D&R) Act amendments Sl.No State APM (D&R) Act amended Amended rules notified 1 Andhra Pradesh   2 Assam  - 3 Chhattisgarh   4 Gujarat  - 5 Goa   6 Himachal Pradesh   7 Jharkhand  - 8 Karnataka   9 Nagaland  *Partially notified 10 Madhya Pradesh   11 Maharashtra   12 Mizoram  *Partially notified 13 Odisha   14 Rajasthan   15 Sikkim  - 16 Tripura  - 17 Haryana Partially for contract farming  Source: Patnaik and Sharma 2013. Table A.12.5:  Some private sector initiatives Name of state/ union territory Initiatives taken Outcome Andhra Pradesh zz Act amended on 26-10-2005 zz Contract farming and direct purchase zz Permission to NDDB for private market zz Heritage (F&V), Reliance (F&V), More (F&V), Metro (F&V), Saguna Poultry Farms (Poultry), Sri Satyanarayana Cold Storage, Sri Bhuvaneshwara Multiplex Pvt. zz Srini Mega Food Park given special status for the purpose of sourcing raw material Assam zz Act amended on 19-01-2007 zz North East Mega Food Park given special status for the purpose of sourcing raw material Bihar zz Act repealed w.e.f. 01-09-2006 zz No progress on establishment of private zz Private market near Patna has been market reported advertised and awarded (Temptation Foods) zz Retail network established by M/S zz The erstwhile markets are being Sambodhi in Patna City operated by association of traders under zz A few food-processing units have been supervision of Officer on special duty established (mostly SDM) without regulation of zz Kaventer Food Park has been sanctioned trading practices which is creating various by MoFPI issues and problems 239 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Name of state/ union territory Initiatives taken Outcome Chandigarh zz Partially amended zz No progress on establishment of private zz Private market was proposed but market reported government has not been able to attract any private sector player Chhattisgarh zz Act amended on 10-02-2006 & 2011 zz Private market by wholesalers has been established at Raipur zz Direct sale to traders at farm-gate by vegetable growers zz Purchase of cereals by traders from farm- gate zz Contract farming of safflower by Marico (Saffola), of medicinal plants by CG Herbals Goa zz Act amended on 06-08-2007 Gujarat zz Act amended on 01-05-2007 zz Contract farming by processors and zz Proposal to set up market in public-private exporters: McCain (potatoes), Desai partnership (PPP) mode in Ahmadabad, Exports (bananas), Bodal Agro (F&V, plus four terminal markets in PPP mode pomegranates), Ambika Food Produce proposed along Delhi–Mumbai freight (F&V), Gujarat Coop. Cotton Federation corridor (cotton), Jayant Agro Organics, Janani zz Single license Industries zz Anil Mega Food Park given special status zz Farm-gate purchase by exporters for the purpose of sourcing raw material Haryana zz Partially amended zz Contract farming in basmati rice zz Terminal Market project in PPP mode at Gannaur is in the pipeline zz E licensing has been introduced Himachal zz Act amended on 26-05-2005 zz Direct purchase against single license Pradesh under Direct Marketing License provisions by corporate players like Adani Agri Fresh, Dev Bhumi, Reliance Fresh, Fresh & Healthy, Mother Dairy zz Contract farming by processors (Himalaya International) Jharkhand zz Act amended on 16-07-2007 zz Jharkhand Mega Food Park given special status for the purpose of sourcing raw material Karnataka zz Act amended on 16-08-2007 zz Contractfarming by Global Green zz Permission for private markets granted at (gherkins), Marico (Saffola), Ugar Sugar 3 locations works (barley), Unicorn (gherkins), Katra zz Special status to the market set up by Phyto Chem (marigold) NDDB 240 Annex 12: Status of Agricultural Market Reforms Name of state/ union territory Initiatives taken Outcome zz Single license zz Direct purchase under Direct Marketing zz Integrated Mega Food Park given special provisions by Metro Cash & Carry (F&V), status for the purpose of sourcing raw ITC, Wilchy Agro Products material Madhya Pradesh zzAct amended on 15-06-2003 zz Contract farming done by Cargill India, zz Chhindwada Mega Food Park given special Hindustan Uni Lever, ITC, Sanjivini status for the purpose of sourcing raw Orchards (pomegranates), LT Overseas material (basmati rice) zz Direct purchase by cold store units, processors Maharashtra zz Act amended on 11-07-2006 zz Private markets established zz MSAMB is actively setting up markets in zz Contract Farming by Marico ( Saffola), ITC PPP mode & Pepsico (potatoes), More, Reilance, Big zz Market infrastructure in PPP mode Bazaar (F&V), KB Export (vegetables for zz F&V trade deregulated and exempted from export) market fee zz Paithan Mega Food Park given special status for the purpose of sourcing raw material zz Direct Marketing licenses have been issued to more than 80 companies/traders Odisha zz Act amended on, 17-05-06 zz Contract farming by CG Herbals zz Market proposed to be developed in PPP (medicinal plants) mode zz MITS Mega Food Park given special status for the purpose of sourcing raw material Punjab zz Act amended by Ordinance (lapsed after zz Contract farming by Pepsico (potatoes), six months) Field Fresh (baby corn), basmati zz International Fresh Farm Products Mega exporters, Nijjar Foods (tomato), Markfed Food Park given special status for the (spinach and mustard leaves) purpose of sourcing raw material Rajasthan zz Act amended on 18-11-2005 zz Contract farming and operations/ procurement under Direct Marketing licenses by; ITC, Pepsico, Reliance Fresh Tamil Nadu zz No amendment required, as previous Act zz A private modern fruit and vegetable has most provisions of the Model Act market—APPTA Market (Agricultural Products Producers and Traders Association Market)—constructed at Nagercoil near Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh zz Act not amended, but provision made vide zz Haldiram, ITC, and Pepsico are major administrative order for bulk purchase private players in direct marketing from farmers; Big Bazaar and Spencer’s (retail outlets) procure from registered vendors. Source: Patnaik and Sharma 2013. 241 annexes Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance T he organized manufacturing sector in not covered by the Annual Survey of Industries India comprises factories registered under (ASI). The data for both the rounds covered sections 2m(i), 2m(ii), and the National Industrial Classification (NIC) section 85 of the Factories Act of 1948. Under 2-digit codes 15–37 in terms of NIC 2004 codes. section 2m, factory means any premises In addition, enterprises engaged in cotton including the precincts thereof: 2m ginning, cleaning, and baling (NIC 2004 code (i) wherein ten or more workers are working 01405) were also covered under the survey. or were working on any day of preceding The survey covered the whole of the Indian twelve months and in any part of which a Union; the entire study would be done at state manufacturing process is being carried on with as well as national level. However, for the the aid of power or is ordinarily so carried state-level analysis, the focus would be only on. 2m(ii) where in twenty or more workers on 19 “major states”: Andhra Pradesh (AP), are working or were working on any day of Assam (Ass), Bihar (Bih), Chhattisgarh (Chat), proceeding twelve months and in any part of Gujarat (Guj), Haryana (Har), Jharkhand (Jhar), which a manufacturing process is being carried Karnataka (Kar), Kerala (Ker), Maharashtra on without the aid of power or is ordinarily so (Mah), Madhya Pradesh (MP), Odisha (Oris), carried on and does not include a Mine subject Punjab (Punj), Rajasthan (Raj), Tamil Nadu (TN), to the operations of the Indian Mines Act, 1923, Uttar Pradesh (UP), Uttaranchal (Uttr), and West or a railways running school. Under section 85 Bengal (WB). The survey covered the whole of of the Factories Act 1948, the state government the Indian Union except (i) villages situated is empowered to notify any factory not covered beyond 5 kilometers of bus route in the state of under the above two sections. Nagaland, (ii) inaccessible villages of Andaman and Nicobar, and (iii) some first-stage units In the NSS framework, the unorganized (numbering less than 0.1 percent of the total) manufacturing sector includes all where Economic Census 1998 (EC 98) could not manufacturing enterprises except: (i) those be conducted. Thus the corresponding state/ registered under section 2 m- (i) and 2 m union territory-level estimates and the all-India (ii) of the Factories Act, 1948 and Bidi and Cigar results presented are based on the areas under Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, survey coverage. 1966, and (ii) those run by government/public sector enterprises. The term “unorganized As per NSS, an Own Account Manufacturing manufacture” basically refers to all enterprises Enterprise (OAME) runs without any hired 242 Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance worker employed on a fairly regular basis and Manufacturing Establishment (NDME). Finally, is engaged in manufacturing and/or repairing a Directory Manufacturing Establishment activities. An establishment employing less (DME) is one which has employed six or more than six workers (household and hired workers workers (household and hired workers taken taken together) and engaged in manufacturing together) and is engaged in manufacturing activities is termed a Non-directory activities. 243 Share of food manufacturing in total organized manufacturing (decadal averages; values in 2004–05 Table A.13.1a:  prices) 244 AP AS BH GJ HY HP KT KE MP MH OR PB RJ TN UP WB Factories 1980-90 28.46 47.84 11.76 10.03 13.69 9.58 20.56 18.61 22.96 9.5 22.07 16.87 12.5 23.11 26.71 16.27 1990-99 32.46 48.24 9.68 8.87 16.45 10.34 17.95 17.38 21.21 10.5 22.43 19.41 10.11 19.61 22.59 16.43 2000-09 39.59 51.98 11.67 9.19 12.19 13.41 18.69 20.28 17.09 11.78 30.19 20.78 9.14 16.98 17.45 19.11 Employment 1980-90 17.49 59.94 8.56 9.65 10.94 3.6 15.84 33.31 9.58 9.99 6.03 17.16 6.46 14.34 28.76 7.42 1990-99 16.8 58.87 8.33 9.7 13.21 4.93 13.17 39.29 9.98 11.57 9.26 17.77 6.49 12.54 26.53 8.18 2000-09 18.81 58.42 18.38 8.59 11.33 8.84 14.23 47.1 12.66 14.41 14.49 22.86 7.86 10.74 25.53 11.62 Investment 1980-90 5.78 11.67 1.97 4.64 3.93 1.3 9.38 4.59 1.33 6.17 0.66 8.72 2.56 5.11 12.1 1.99 1990-99 9.01 51.02 5.38 5.96 5.93 -23.22 5.59 -2.85 -0.64 7.46 6.6 11.59 0.78 10.5 7.37 7.83 2000-09 14.99 12.03 48.92 2.7 8.05 0.57 6.63 11.16 4.26 10.98 3.06 11.37 6.72 6.02 -77.61 10.67 Capital stock 1980-90 7.07 32.43 1 4.71 3.6 0.84 8.03 3.33 1.42 6.53 1.26 6.37 2.73 5.64 7.28 3.03 1990-99 6.66 33.48 2.41 3.52 5.38 2.2 8.35 7.13 4.83 6.44 1.69 10.04 3.62 6.44 9.08 3.66 2000-09 11.23 24.75 6.3 2.94 6.54 4.28 9.65 11.78 7.68 8.38 2.8 15.44 4.71 6.91 16.87 6.44 Gross value 1980-90 11.34 51.52 2.62 5.47 6.77 1.78 9.65 11.64 3.4 6.16 2.72 15.68 3.33 8.51 16.09 4.68 added 1990-99 12.36 44.02 5.67 4.6 8.83 2.47 9.14 16.89 7.92 7.47 3.19 19.84 5.4 8.78 13.84 5.55 2000-09 13.72 24.24 25.69 3.74 7.5 3.93 10.72 17.61 12.13 7.29 3.29 27.84 7.67 7.75 16.93 5.96 Source:  ASI, CSO. Share of food manufacturing in total unorganized manufacturing (2000–01 and 2005–06; values in Table A.13.1b:  2004–05 prices) Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth AP AS BH CH GJ HY HP JH KT KE MP MH OR PB RJ TN UP UK WB Enterprise 2000-01 16 31 30 15 14 16 30 21 11 12 12 19 21 12 20 9 21 20 20 2005-06 10 29 27 9 14 15 28 15 12 14 10 16 28 10 18 7 18 21 13 Workers 2000-01 22 32 29 14 9 15 27 20 19 16 16 16 22 12 18 10 20 22 23 2005-06 22 32 27 8 10 15 24 16 26 19 12 10 28 11 15 10 19 28 16 Investment 2000-01 31 38 44 24 9 20 41 24 18 22 14 26 39 17 21 14 26 32 22 2005-06 26 33 47 8 9 14 29 25 20 27 12 22 31 15 17 15 25 38 22 Gross value 2000-01 26 23 25 15 7 15 27 19 20 17 11 19 27 12 15 12 17 23 21 added 2005-06 28 30 30 8 10 17 13 16 33 18 9 21 25 15 17 13 21 30 17 Source: NSS. Note: Investment or capital in unorganized refers to market value of fixed assets (own+hired). Table A.13.2a:  Shares of states in food manufacturing (decadal averages) AP AS BH GJ HY HP KT KE MP MH OR PB RJ TN UP WB Factories 1980-90 24.29 3.55 0.74 5.14 2.15 0.38 5.65 4.31 2.11 8.69 2.15 6.8 2.09 14.43 6.89 4.63 1990-99 13.11 5.16 0.85 5.28 3.01 0.35 5.98 11.05 2.11 12.88 1.5 6.83 1.59 10.35 11.25 4.42 2000-09 11.38 2.02 0.75 5.72 3.83 0.81 7.28 2.27 3.92 16.4 1.57 5.33 1.57 7.28 20.38 3.67 Employment 1980-90 10.62 3.27 1.16 6.26 2.97 0.57 8.04 2.27 3.86 18.71 1.15 5.49 1.93 8.63 16.98 3.68 1990-99 10.35 2.54 0.88 6.01 3.72 0.52 9.03 3.26 4.47 17.05 0.78 9.35 2.77 8.47 11.81 2.62 2000-09 23.68 3.49 1.33 5.14 2.69 0.2 5.31 3.42 3.9 8.74 1.66 5.81 2.02 16.33 10.61 4.53 Investment 1980-90 12.83 5.79 1.46 6.06 3.13 0.21 5.1 9.69 3.32 12.24 1.22 5.69 1.34 11.12 15.5 4.73 1990-99 9.27 3.75 1.25 7.3 2.96 0.56 7.89 2.33 4.21 18.41 1.09 6.18 2.43 10.82 15 3.26 2000-09 9.63 4.61 1.57 7.02 2.56 0.29 6.42 2.17 5.24 18.6 1 6.22 2.22 9.67 16.38 3.41 Capital stock 1980-90 9.2 5.06 1.3 5.78 3.29 0.21 5.83 4.38 4.73 18.88 0.78 7.9 1.99 10.26 14.31 3.24 1990-99 19.34 4.34 2.57 5.92 2.08 0.11 6.17 3.12 4.3 7.88 1.77 5.21 1.92 15.31 11.77 5.08 2000-09 11.08 6.09 2.68 5.98 2.16 0.11 5.45 7.47 3.01 11.06 0.77 4.85 1.25 10.8 19.11 5.48 Gross value 1980-90 7.8 5.07 1.86 7.22 2.02 0.11 6.69 1.33 4.72 20.69 0.45 6.68 1.82 8.08 17.12 3.2 added 1990-99 11.58 4.91 1.66 8.2 2.06 0.14 6.43 1.44 2.29 20.48 0.62 5.42 2.05 8.48 15.65 3.6 2000-09 7.46 8.41 1.98 6.38 2.47 0.14 5.76 3.95 2.3 16.47 0.53 6.3 1.11 10.28 15.33 4.23 Source: ASI, CSO. Table A.13.2b: Shares of states in food manufacturing (2000–01 and 2005–06) AP AS BH CH GJ HY HP JH KT KE MP MH OR PB RJ TN UP UK WB Enterprise 2000-01 8.8 2.8 8.0 1.3 2.5 1.0 1.0 3.2 3.9 2.1 3.0 7.7 6.9 1.3 4.0 4.5 15.7 0.8 18.7 2005-06 6.1 4.2 7.9 0.7 3.6 1.3 1.2 3.4 4.6 3.7 3.4 7.0 10.2 1.2 4.5 4.2 16.6 0.6 13.6 Workers 2000-01 10.4 2.3 6.4 1.0 2.0 0.9 0.6 2.6 5.6 2.6 6.9 3.3 7.1 1.3 3.0 5.2 15.5 0.7 19.8 2005-06 10.1 3.2 6.1 0.6 2.9 1.3 0.6 2.4 8.2 4.2 5.6 2.9 9.0 1.0 3.0 5.3 15.9 0.7 14.1 Investment 2000-01 8.9 1.1 4.4 0.8 3.4 3.4 1.6 1.4 4.6 4.1 11.6 3.7 2.5 5.0 4.6 8.6 14.9 1.0 7.9 2005-06 8.5 1.4 4.2 0.6 3.6 4.7 1.1 1.1 6.3 7.3 11.1 3.2 1.9 3.5 4.1 9.1 14.9 1.6 7.7 Gross value 2000-01 10.4 2.0 5.4 0.7 3.1 1.8 0.9 1.9 5.9 3.6 8.8 3.2 3.4 2.8 3.6 7.7 12.6 0.8 16.1 added 2005-06 9.1 2.9 4.4 0.4 4.1 3.2 0.5 1.8 11.4 4.2 8.1 3.6 3.3 2.4 4.3 7.6 14.6 0.7 10.4 Source:  NSS. Note:  Investment or capital in unorganized refers to market value of fixed assets (own+hired). 245 Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance Location Quotient and concentration/diversification of investment in the organized food industry Table A.13.3a:   (decadal averages) 246 Location Quotient Relative Diversity Index State 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 Andhra Pradesh 1.13 1.20 1.63 1.36 0.63 0.20 Assam 5.19 5.56 1.85 0.04 0.03 0.15 Bihar 0.37 1.50 2.15 0.28 0.26 0.11 Gujarat 0.73 0.44 0.33 0.65 0.23 0.19 Haryana 0.70 0.93 0.98 0.57 1.73 5.90 Himachal Pradesh 0.12 0.83 0.39 0.20 0.77 0.21 Karnataka 1.64 1.24 0.90 0.27 0.53 1.26 Kerala 0.64 1.56 2.04 0.48 0.23 0.12 Madhya Pradesh 0.57 0.96 1.81 0.40 2.96 0.16 Maharashtra 1.14 1.03 0.96 1.27 4.77 3.46 Odisha 0.10 0.48 0.31 0.19 0.25 0.19 Punjab 1.53 2.31 2.12 0.33 0.10 0.11 Rajasthan 0.47 0.55 0.64 0.33 0.28 0.35 Tamil Nadu 0.85 1.14 0.73 1.14 0.95 0.48 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Uttar Pradesh 1.62 1.52 4.13 0.28 0.25 0.04 West Bengal 0.49 0.79 0.95 0.34 0.61 2.30 Average – – – 0.51 0.86 0.95 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. Table A.13.3b:  Location Quotient and concentration/diversification of investment in the unorganized food industry Location Quotient Relative Diversity Index 2000-01 2005-06 2000-01 2005-06 State Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Andhra Pradesh 1.34 1.55 1.64 1.12 1.57 1.4 0.09 0.14 0.08 0.27 0.14 0.14 Assam 1.62 1.38 2.06 1.46 1.16 1.81 0.05 0.21 0.05 0.07 0.52 0.07 Bihar 1.72 1.94 2.34 1.73 2.45 2.55 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 Chhattisgarh 1.05 1.35 1.28 0.4 0.42 0.44 0.68 0.23 0.19 0.05 0.14 0.1 Gujarat 0.83 0.49 0.5 0.73 0.59 0.51 0.19 0.16 0.11 0.12 0.2 0.11 Haryana 1.21 1.12 1.07 0.68 0.99 0.76 0.15 0.65 0.82 0.1 11.31 0.23 Himachal Pradesh 1.51 1.7 2.2 1.09 1.6 1.59 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.35 0.14 0.09 Jharkhand 0.74 2.23 1.28 0.93 1.61 1.38 0.12 0.06 0.19 0.47 0.13 0.14 Karnataka 0.94 1 0.97 0.87 1.36 1.1 0.53 18.25 1.91 0.24 0.23 0.55 Kerala 0.72 1.58 1.16 1.07 1.18 1.45 0.11 0.13 0.33 0.5 0.46 0.12 Maharashtra 0.94 0.86 0.77 1.04 0.72 0.67 0.55 0.55 0.23 0.77 0.29 0.17 Madhya Pradesh 1.07 1.7 1.38 0.83 1.68 1.22 0.47 0.11 0.14 0.19 0.12 0.24 Odisha 1.45 1.87 2.1 1.15 1.89 1.68 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.22 0.09 0.08 Punjab 0.67 1.22 0.9 0.95 0.93 0.84 0.1 0.36 0.54 0.69 1.15 0.33 Rajasthan 0.91 1.24 1.11 0.9 1 0.95 0.37 0.33 0.49 0.31 16.94 1 Tamil Nadu 0.51 1.02 0.74 0.57 1.1 0.81 0.07 3.2 0.21 0.07 0.85 0.29 Uttar Pradesh 1.13 1.31 1.37 1.43 1.11 1.36 0.25 0.25 0.14 0.07 0.74 0.15 Uttaranchal 1.33 1.53 1.7 1.14 3.34 2.08 0.1 0.15 0.08 0.23 0.03 0.05 West Bengal 0.97 1.21 1.19 1.04 1.01 1.18 0.97 0.37 0.28 0.88 10.47 0.3 Average 0.28 1.28 0.3 0.29 2.21 0.22 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. 247 Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance Descriptive statistics on private investment in organized food manufacturing (average 1985–2009; values Table A.13.4:   in 2004–05 price) 248 Rate of Return: Change in Capacity Investment/ Investment/ Profit/ Output/ Output/ Utilization: Cashflow/ Outstanding State Capital Value Added Capital Capital Capital Capital/VA Capital Loan/Capital Andhra Pradesh 0.12 0.32 0.09 3.51 0.22 2.73 0.29 0.55 Assam 0.11 0.25 0.27 2.22 0.01 2.76 0.29 0.36 Bihar 0.10 0.32 0.07 2.45 0.05 3.19 0.24 0.69 Gujarat 0.12 0.34 0.05 4.36 0.39 2.91 0.39 0.64 Haryana 0.15 0.30 0.17 4.36 0.29 2.05 0.55 0.53 Himachal Pradesh 0.17 0.62 0.06 3.55 0.13 3.29 0.23 0.45 Karnataka 0.14 0.36 0.10 2.49 0.18 2.59 0.27 0.62 Kerala 0.14 0.19 0.33 5.62 0.32 1.44 0.44 0.58 Madhya Pradesh 0.12 0.22 0.14 4.68 0.48 2.83 0.42 0.73 Maharashtra 0.12 0.33 0.06 2.79 0.16 2.74 0.26 0.64 Odisha 0.15 0.54 0.03 3.39 0.25 3.66 0.27 0.67 Punjab 0.13 0.25 0.26 3.76 0.20 1.87 0.30 0.45 Rajasthan 0.12 0.33 0.14 4.36 0.31 2.78 0.33 0.59 Tamil Nadu 0.13 0.30 0.15 2.93 0.18 2.45 0.28 0.45 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Uttar Pradesh 0.14 0.42 0.05 2.43 0.17 3.20 0.18 0.55 West Bengal 0.13 0.40 0.06 3.63 0.09 3.13 0.31 0.47 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance Table A.13.5:  Determinants of Investment in Food Processing Gross Fixed Investment/Capital Stock (-1) Lagged Dependent Variable -0.289 -0.262 ((Gross fixed investment/capital stock (-1)(-1)) (5.96)*** (5.45)*** Changes in Demand & Adjustment of Capital 0.015 0.017 (Change in output/capital stock (-1)) (4.56)*** (4.98)*** Accelerator or Expected Profit 0.026 0.043 (Output (-1)/capital stock) (2.88)*** (4.14)*** Availability of Credit -0.100 -0.019 (Loan outstanding/capital stock) (-1) (1.75)* (0.37) Infrastructure 0.534 0.172 (Capital expend. on roads & bridges per capita, lagged) (2.57)** (0.89) Agriculture Linkage 0.005 (Agriculture SDP/SDP) (-1) (2.85)*** -- Land Productivity 0.266 (Agriculture SDP/NSA) -- (2.17)** Localization Index 0.044 0.026 (Location quotient of factories) (0.78) (0.46) Investor Friendliness -0.101 -0.011 (No. strikes or lockouts per factory) (0.40) (0.04) Constant -0.066 -0.054 (0.48) (0.39) State effects Yes Yes R2 0.23 0.22 N 374 374 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. Note:  Estimated coefficients are elasticities. t-statistics in parentheses. Level of significance: ***: 1%; **: 5%; *: 10%. 249 Annual rate of growth in partial productivity in organized and unorganized manufacturing Table A.13.6:   (2004–05 prices) 250 Organized Sector Unorganized Sector Labor Capital Capital Labor Productivity Capital Intensity Capital Productivity Prod. Int. Prod. State 1980-89 1990-99 2000-08 1980-89 1990-99 2000-08 1980-89 1990-99 2000-08 2000-05 2000-05 2000-05 AP 11.41 4.54 4.39 9.01 10.04 4.71 2.21 -4.99 -0.30 3.64 3.56 0.08 Assam 11.57 -0.57 4.09 16.54 6.36 2.39 -4.27 -6.51 1.66 6.92 2.60 4.21 Bihar 18.65 12.03 1.37 32.09 14.19 2.78 -10.18 -1.89 -1.37 2.40 3.55 -1.11 Gujarat 9.14 3.45 3.62 12.90 8.57 1.95 -3.34 -4.72 1.64 3.80 -2.56 6.52 Haryana 11.04 7.63 9.06 10.28 13.06 10.33 0.68 -4.80 -1.15 11.65 3.60 7.77 HP 5.37 9.11 -1.00 5.37 12.23 0.33 -0.003 -2.78 -1.33 -6.86 -3.19 -3.79 Karnataka 14.24 6.84 8.58 17.91 9.67 4.69 -3.11 -2.58 3.71 11.47 2.52 8.73 Kerala 13.97 4.52 -0.77 17.85 11.31 2.85 -3.29 -6.09 -3.52 -1.02 5.45 -6.14 MP 17.38 5.54 9.93 28.60 16.75 1.41 -8.73 -9.61 8.40 11.60 3.43 7.90 Maharashtra 14.80 6.74 3.25 16.69 6.64 4.55 -1.61 0.09 -1.24 8.29 7.18 1.03 Odisha 3.46 2.77 8.29 12.70 12.48 8.03 -8.20 -8.63 0.24 0.47 -5.90 6.77 Punjab 4.43 3.95 9.93 11.46 6.37 5.71 -6.31 -2.27 3.99 7.51 1.30 6.13 Rajasthan 8.37 7.18 9.41 9.91 9.82 0.12 -1.40 -2.40 9.28 9.59 1.68 7.79 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Tamil Nadu 11.62 2.28 5.28 14.84 7.45 3.42 -2.81 -4.82 1.80 4.98 4.52 0.45 UP 12.72 8.35 4.63 18.81 12.19 9.15 -5.13 -3.42 -4.14 8.33 3.32 4.85 WB 10.27 1.20 9.44 13.15 9.56 3.46 -2.54 -7.63 5.77 3.59 10.69 -6.42 India 12.15 5.19 5.87 16.76 8.71 4.87 -3.95 -3.23 0.96 5.75 3.87 1.81 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. Note: Capital for unorganized sector refers to fair market value of fixed assest (own+hired). Annex 13: Food Processing: Structure and Performance Table A.13.7:  Total factor productivity growth in food manufacturing (2004–05 prices) Organized sector Unorganized Sector TFP Index TFP Growth Annual Growth (Decadal Average) (Percent Per Year) (2000-01 – 2005-06) State 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 Rural Urban Total AP 88 96 94 2.6 -0.7 0.4 0.8 -6.7 -1.8 Assam -138 -4.44 94 – – -8.8 1.0 3.5 1.4 Bihar 114 118 115 4.0 1.9 -0.2 -1.7 0.3 -1.3 Gujarat 97 94 99 1.1 -1.1 1.6 4.4 2.1 2.8 Haryana 125 115 109 3.3 -1.3 1.4 4.9 1.4 2.4 HP 101 87 128 – 6.3 -2.8 -0.8 -3.7 -1.1 Karnataka 102 98 103 1.7 0.3 2.7 6.2 -3.8 2.4 Kerala 328 239 132 2.0 -2.2 -3.7 -4.7 2.7 -2.9 MP 135 121 131 -0.2 -4.8 4.6 5.4 -0.6 2.8 Maharashtra 116 122 110 3.4 1.3 0.1 -0.1 1.4 0.6 Odisha 250 211 159 -3.0 -7.0 2.8 5.2 2.0 4.1 Punjab 167 142 143 -2.8 -1.1 4.2 -0.4 3.7 2.5 Rajasthan 66 92 105 2.4 -0.1 5.5 4.1 1.5 3.1 Tamil Nadu 154 128 109 0.8 -2.2 2.3 -2.4 0.5 -0.5 UP 104 100 89 2.0 0.4 -1.5 2.8 -1.1 1.5 WB 128 119 91 3.2 -2.7 6.4 -6.3 -0.9 -4.5 India 126 116 106 1.3 -0.5 1.8 0.3 -0.5 0.1 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. Decadal averages of technical efficiency using time varying decay inefficiency model Table A.13.8:   Period AP Assam Bihar Gujarat Haryana HP 1985-86 to 1989-90 0.77 0.79 0.87 0.85 0.97 0.96 1990-91 to 1999-00 0.70 0.72 0.82 0.80 0.96 0.95 2000-01 to 2008-09 0.59 0.62 0.75 0.72 0.94 0.93 1985-86 to 2008-09 0.67 0.70 0.80 0.78 0.96 0.94 Karnataka Kerala MP Maharashtra Odisha PB 1985-86 to 1989-90 0.93 0.81 0.97 0.90 0.72 0.98 1990-91 to 1999-00 0.90 0.75 0.96 0.87 0.64 0.98 2000-01 to 2008-09 0.86 0.66 0.94 0.81 0.51 0.96 1985-86 to 2008-09 0.89 0.73 0.95 0.85 0.61 0.97 Rajasthan TN UP WB 1985-86 to 1989-90 0.98 0.84 0.78 0.75 1990-91 to 1999-00 0.97 0.78 0.71 0.67 2000-01 to 2008-09 0.95 0.69 0.60 0.55 1985-86 to 2008-09 0.96 0.76 0.68 0.64 Source:  Bathla and Gautam 2013. 251 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Table A.13.9:  Determinants of TFP in organized food-processing TFP Index Road density 0.030 0.155 (Km/’000 km ) 2 (0.87) (1.68)* Agriculture electricity consumption -0.168 0.033 (% of consumption in total consumption) (5.49)*** (0.62) Total electricity consumption -0.025 -0.008 (Million kilowatts per capita) (0.64) (0.10) Agricultural linkage 0.335 0.290 (Agricultural SDP/total SDP) (3.05)*** (2.07)** Urbanization 0.582 0.022 (% urban population) (5.50)*** (0.07) Localization index -0.060 0.132 (Location Quotient based on factories) (1.08) (1.05) Investor friendliness -0.047 -0.017 (No. of strikes/lockouts per factory) (6.31)*** (2.54)** Trend -0.018 -0.001 (2.21)** (0.12) Year effects Yes Yes State effects No Yes Constant 37.56 4.24 (2.27)** (0.23) Adj. R2 0.188 0.525 N 381 381 Source:  Batha and Gautam 2013. Note:  Estimated coefficients are elasticities. t-statistics in parentheses. Level of significance: ***: 1% ; **: 5%; *: 10%. 252 Annex 14: Bihar and Odisha: annexes Agriculture Performance and Constraints  verage annual growth rates in AGDP and SGDP for selected states (2004–12) Figure A.14.1: A 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Odisha Bihar Chhattisgarh MP Jharkhand UP Rajasthan Maharashtra Gujarat West Bengal Karnataka Tamil Nadu Uttarakhand AP HP Haryana Punjab Kerala -2.0% LIS Non-Lis AGDP Growth SGDP Growth AGDP Avg SGDP Avg Source:  Authors, using CSO data. 253 Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth Poverty rates in LIS compared to selected non-LIS (2004–05, 2011–12) Figure A.14.2:  70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Madhya Pradesh Odisha Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand UP Rajasthan Maharashtra Gujarat West Bengal Karnataka Tamil Nadu Uttarakhand Andhra Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Haryana Punjab Kerala LIS Non-Lis Rural HCR 04-05 Rural HCR 11-12 Avg 04-05 Avg 11-12 Source:  Calculated using estimates from Planning Commission as follows: 1993–94 and 2004–05 Estimates: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, Planning Commission, Govt. of India, Jan 2011; 2009–10 Estimates: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2009-10, Planning Commission, Govt. of India March 2012; 2011–12 Estimates: Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011–12, Planning Commission, GOI, July 2013. Note:  The estimates for Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttaranchal are for states as they exist after bifurcation in 2001. The estimates for 1993–94 have been calculated from the unit data using district and state boundaries of the divided states in 1993–94. Poverty estimates are based on the new official poverty line, using the Tendulkar methodology. Population as on 1st March 2010 has been used for estimating number of persons below poverty line (interpolated between 2001 and 2011 population census). Rural poverty rates and share of agriculture in state GDP (2004–05, 2011–12) Figure A.14.3:  0.3 70 60 0.25 50 0.2 40 0.15 30 0.1 20 0.05 10 0 0 Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Chhattisgarh Odisha Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Bihar Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Kerala Gujarat Uttarakhand Karnataka Haryana West Bengal Himachal Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Punjab LIS Non-Lis Rural HCF 2004/05 Rural HCR 2011/12 Ag Share of GSDP (Average 2005-12) Source:  Authors, using data from Planning Commission website and CSO. 254 Annex 14: Bihar and Odisha: Agriculture Performance and Constraints Table A.14.1: Sector shares in Bihar, Odisha, and India overall between 2004 and 2012 (%) 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 Bihar Agric. 32 30 31 28 27 24 23 22 Industry 14 15 15 17 18 19 19 20 Services 55 55 53 55 55 58 58 58 Odisha Agric. 23 23 21 20 19 19 18 16 Industry 34 33 36 38 37 35 35 36 Services 42 44 44 43 45 46 47 48 India Agric. 19 18 17 17 16 15 14 14 Industry 18 18 19 19 18 18 18 18 Services 63 64 64 65 66 67 67 68 Source:  Estimates from MOSPI 2013. Note:  Agriculture and allied sector includes agriculture, forestry, and fishing. Table A.14.2: Distribution of land holdings in Bihar (2005–06) and Odisha (2006–07) Holding size (ha) Number of holdings (million) Share of total holdings (%) Bihar <0.5 10.6 72.3 0.5–1.0 2.5 17.3 1.0–2.0 1 6.7 2.0–5.0 0.5 3.4 > 5.0 0.04 0.3 Odisha <1.0 2.6 59.6 1.0–2.0 1.16 26.5 2.0–4.0 0.47 10.8 4.0–10.0 0.12 2.7 > 10.0 0.01 0.3 Source: MOA 2005. Value of output of major commodities in total value of output of agriculture, Table A.14.3:  Bihar and Odisha (%) Bihar Odisha 1990–91 2001–02 2008–09 1990–91 2001–02 2008–09 Rice 20 13 11 29.7 29.3 24.5 Wheat 14 11 8 Maize 3 3 2 0.7 0.1 0.3 Pulses 7 3 2 11.9 2.4 2.9 Fruits and Vegetables 14 28 23 22.1 31.2 29.4 Livestock 30 25 40 9.2 11.8 18.2 Fisheries 3 4 5.8 6.6 Source: MOSPI 2013. 255 TableA.14.4:  Biotic problems by physiographic zone in Odisha 256 Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV (Central table land) (Eastern ghat) (Coastal plains) (Northern plateau) Extent of damage Crops Diseases Pest Diseases Pest Diseases Pest Diseases Pest caused ( per cent) Paddy Blast Stem-borer, Blast, BPH, Stem- Blast (every Sucking Blast Stem-borer Zone I: Blast swarming (fungal borer (once year, rampant pests; green (20%), stem borer caterpillar diseases) in a season) during leafhopper (20%), swarming (once in a September (every year, caterpillar (25%); season) & October), rampant Zone II: Blast bacterial during (25%), BPH (25%), blight September & Stem-borer October) (25%); (Zone III: Sucking pests (50%), green leafhopper (50%), Blast (50%); Maize Turcicum Stem-borer, Turcicum Stem-borer, Turcicum leaf Stem-borer, Turcicum Stem-borer, Turcicum leaf leaf blight swarming leaf blight aphid, blight aphid, leaf blight aphid, blight (up to 70%) caterpillar defoliating defoliating defoliating caterpillars, caterpillars, caterpillars, termite termite, termite, Wheat Loose smut, Termite, pink Loose smut, Termite, pink Loose smut, Termite, pink Loose smut, Termite, leaf blight, borer, aphid leaf blight, borer, aphid leaf blight, borer, aphid leaf blight, pink borer, alternaria alternaria alternaria leaf alternaria aphid leaf blight, leaf blight, blight, wilt leaf blight, wilt wilt wilt Pulses Powdery Leaf eating mildew, Leaf eating mildew, seed Leaf eating mildew, Leaf eating mildew, caterpillars and seed rot & caterpillars rot & seedling caterpillars seed rot & caterpillars Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth seed rot & pod borers, seedling and pod damage, wilt, and pod seedling and pod seedling aphids, white damage, borers, collar rot, borers, damage, borers, damage, fly wilt, collar aphids, white yellow mosaic aphids, white wilt, collar aphids, wilt, collar rot, yellow fly virus, leaf fly rot, yellow white fly rot, yellow mosaic spot mosaic mosaic virus, leaf virus, leaf virus, leaf spot spot spot Vegetables Blight; Stem-borer, Blight; Stem-borer, Blight; Stem-borer, Blight; Stem-borer, damping-off aphids and damping-off aphids and damping-off aphids and damping-off aphids and of seedlings jassids of seedlings jassids of seedlings jassids of seedlings jassids in brinjal, in brinjal, in brinjal, in brinjal, tomato tomato tomato and tomato and chilli; and chilli; chilli; leaf and chilli; leaf spot, leaf spot, spot, bacterial leaf spot, bacterial bacterial and fungal bacterial and fungal and fungal wilt; mildew and fungal wilt; wilt; mildew wilt; mildew mildew Source:  IFPRI 2012b. Table A.14.5: Abiotic and institutional problems by physiographic zone in Odisha Zone I Sl. (Central table Zone II Zone III Zone IV) No. Type of problem land) (Eastern ghat) (Coastal plains) (Northern plateau) 1. Flood Every year No Every year (also cyclone- No prone and hail-prone) 2. Drought Slightly drought Once in 2 to 3 years No Drought prone (low prone rainfall) 3. Salinity/alkalinity Slight alkalinity No Yes Salinity and alkalinity in some parts 4. Acidity Exists in some Exists in some parts Moderately acidic Highly acidic parts 5 Water-logging Every year Every year 8 to 10 days in 5 to 6 years No 6. Credit Poor access to Poor access to institutional Short-term loan (for 6 Poor access to institutional loan loan months) is available institutional loan through primary cooperative society (interest rate 9% p.a.), but it is grossly insufficient for farmers who take easily-accessible loan from local money-lender (interest rate 36% p.a.) 7. Marketing Farmers sell Farmers sell the produce Farmers sell the produce Farmers sell the the produce to to traders due to lack of to local traders due to lack produce to traders traders due to effective procurement of effective procurement due to lack of effective lack of effective by government agency; by government agency; procurement by procurement farmers bear the farmers bear the transport- government agency. by government transport-charges and charges and receive a price agency. receive a price of Rs 1,000 of Rs 750 to 850 per quintal per quintal against MSP of against MSP of Rs 1,080 per quintal Rs 1080 per quintal Source:  IFPRI (2012b). 257 Annex 14: Bihar and Odisha: Agriculture Performance and Constraints Republic of India: Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth  griculture share of electricity consumption and irrigation intensity in selected states (%) Figure A.14.4: A 98 100 90 84 80 70 62 59 60 50 44 43 45 43 38 38 40 29 31 32 26 30 20 16 20 5 10 1 1 3 0 Madhya Pradesh* Assam* Bihar* Odisha* West Bengal* Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Haryana Punjab India Agriculture Share of Electricity Consumption Irrigation Intensity Source:  Planning Commission website. Note:  * indicates status as lagging state; irrigation intensity is irrigated area as share of net sown area in 2007. Table A.14.6: Spending and growth in spending on agricultural research and extension Spending (Rs millions) Average annual growth in spending (%) 2007 1971–1980 1981–1990 1991–2000 2001-08 Agricultural research Bihar 289.76 27 9 0 11 Odisha 169.11 16 7 –1 15 India 6,244.22 9 8 7 2 Agricultural extension Bihar 97.27 –7 8 –6 0 Odisha 11.34 –3 18 7 2 India 1,654.81 –3 11 3 7 Source:  IFPRI 2012a and 2012b. 258