~-· ...-·, -- • INTERlZ!'~TIOl~AL BA1'TK FOR RECOHSTRUCXIOM .."1.l!D DEmoPHEMT FOR THE PRESS FOR IrnrnmI~'l1E RE..tEASE Iinrch 26. 1947 It was announced today that Hr. E. Fleetwood Dunstan, of l:ew YorJ-:, has been appointed Director of I1arketing for the Internntional 3nnk for Reconstruction and Developnent. It was also announced that the ;tnterr1r.tional 3ank: will open a Mew York office on .ti.pril 15, 1947 i'n the Federal Res0:rve 3ank 3uilding at 33 Liberty Street, and th-'J.t Hr. Dunstan will be in chEtrgo of that office, ~ssuning his duties on thc~t date, Hr. John J~ IfoCloy, President of the Internutional Jank, st~.ted th.~t in view of the forthco~ing ~arketing of the 3ank 1 s debentures, it is necessary to have a Eew York office to facilitate the work of this ·.nport[.'...nt • phase of the 3ank' s activities. IIr. Dunstan, a.s Director of l!ar}:etbg, will be in contnct with investing intert::sts throughout thf' cou11try r-,nd will have charge of arrangor.ients relating to tho sales of tho 3ank's dobcnturcs. Hr, Dunstan has been vice President in charge of the 3ond De:po.rtoont of tho 3ankers Trust Coripany of lfow Yor~r, where he has been associated. since 1921. ~he 3ankers Trust Conpany early this nonth acted as syndicRtc manager for an issue of $200,000,000. State of Hichi/;an bonds, the 1· rgcst 1.• state or r.nmicipnl issu.G ever narketed, Hr, Dunstan directe;ld tho operation, He was born in El izA.both Oity• Horth Ca:rolina on June 25, 1896 and was graduated fror.i Duk;e University in 1919, In World W~r I he s2rvcd in tht:: United St~tes Ar~y as First Lieut0nant. Hr. Dunstan has been a nember of the 3oard of Governors of the Investment 3nnkers .Association of Ar.iorica nnd wn.s Chairr.ian of the Hunicipal ~ Securities Cor.ir.1ittee of that association, He was Chair~an of the New York City Draft Joa.rd Ho. 48 fror.1 1940 to 1941, In 1943, ho served .. • -2- as ~ssistant Director of the 3anking and Investnont Division of tho New York State War Finance Connittee. Mr. Dunstan is a menber of the lfow York Hunicipal 30:1d Club serving as president fro~ 1936 to 1937, and is also a nenber of the 3ond Cl~b of Few York~ • • . ',ll