The World Bank (202) 477-1234 INTERNATIQN. BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION A1D D VELPME1 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATION. DEVELOPMENT ASSOC IATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS February 7, 2013 H. E. Ali Mahmoud Abdel Ra,ool Mirister of Finance and Natioinal 3cor omy Mir istry of Finance and Natioi ial Ecor omy Kh;rtoum, Republic of the Su'an MDTf - NS Grant No. TF057324 Corrigendum to Second An ien iment to Decentralized Health System Development Project Ex.:ellency: We refer to the Agreerrent dated December 20, 2012 (the Agreement) between the Republic of the Sudan (the Recipient) an, I th- International Development Association (World Bank), acting as adtrinistrator of grant iunds provided ty various donors under the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Sudan (MDTF-NS). We wish to correct a rt ani Fest (rror in the disbursement table attached to the Annex of that Agreement, whereby the percentage (%) of expenditures to be financed under category (7) was omitted. Consequently, the di,;bursem ,nt table set forth in Section 3.01 of the Annex to the Agreement is deleted and replaced with the table attached to this notice as Attachment A. Very truly yours, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By: Mosllem Alamir A;ting Country Manager Africa Region t, ct Attachment A A..ouni of the Amount of the % of Origina and First Second Additional Expenditures to be Ca.qgy Ad itioi ial Grant Grant Allocated Financed .ll_ _cat(U (in US Dollars L[m US 1)ollars) (1) Works (pro memo ria) 0.00 100% of foreign expenditures, 100% of local expenditures (ex- factory cost) and 90% of local expenditures for items procured locally (2) Goods (pro memoiia) 1,2 50,608.97 100% of foreign expenditures, 100% of local expenditures (ex- factory cost) and 90% of local expenditures for items procured locally (3) Consultants' Services, 36i9,922.75 100% of foreign inc tiding audits and expenditures and 90% of Training (pro memoria) local expenditures (4) Operating Costs (pro :18,668.28 100% memoria) (5) Unallocated 0.00 (6) Goods, Works, Operating 10,3:10,800.00 100% (exclusive of taxes) Co<:s and Consultant Seri ices, including audits anc Training (7) Goods, Works, Operating 2,000,000.00 100% (exclusive of taxes) Co!::s and Consultant Seri ices, including audits and Training TOTAL 12)0 0 2000,000.00 For purposes of the above parag rap i: (i) the term "foreign expenditure s" neai ns expenditures in the currency of any country other than that of the Recipient for goods or set vic -s su pplied from the territory of any country other than that of the Re(: pient; (ii) the term "lo,-al exp..mditures" means any expenditures that are not foreign expenditures, provided, however, t iat it the currency of the Recipient is also that of another country fromt the territory of w)ich goods or se rvices are supplied, expenditures in such currency for such goods or services shall be deeried to be foreign expenditures; and (iii) the term "operating costs" means the incremental expenst!s i icun ed on account of Project implementation and supervision, including for office support, office supplies, office rent, communication expenses, maintenance of vehicles, and transportation expenses, but excluding salaries of officials of the Recipient's civil service.