The World ilank . (202) 473-1000 INTERNATIONAL i/NK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND 1)EVELOPKi 433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL 1:EVELOPMENT ASSOCILA1ON Cable Address: INDEVAS January 28, 2013 H.E. Rafe H. Al-Eissawi Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Bab Al-Muadham, Hay Al-Ulurr Baghdad, Iraq Re: Iraq: Public finance Management Reforms Project (Grant. No.TF094552) Armen( ment to Grant Agreement Exce'lency: We refer to the Grant Agieement, dated July 20, 2009, between the Ministry of Finance of Iraq (Recipient) and the Internation I Devel ipment Association (World Bank), for the above-mentioned Proje:ct (the Project). We also -eftr to a letter from the Deputy Finance Minister dated October 7, 2012 requesting certain amendient; to the Grant Agreement. We are pleased to inforrr ycu that, after due consideration, the World Bank concurs with the requst, and consequent y the G ant Agreement is hereby amended as set forth below. 1. A new paragraph as "Pat F" is ntroduced in Schedule 1 to the Grant Agreement, which reads as follows: "Part E: Integrated Finat cial Maigement Infom)ation System (IFMIS) Implementation of IFNIS by the Ministry Finance to: (i) provide the capacity to automate the b icg.t pi eparation process and ensure complete and accurate budget formulation anc pr.-senation; (ii) increase its ability to undertake central control and monitoring of .xp:-nditure and receipts in government ministries, departments and spending units; anc (iii) provide access to comprehensive and meaningful information on budgetary, f nar cial and operation performance during the financial year." 2. The Table under paragraph A 2 of Section IV of Schedule 2 to the Grant Agreement is amcnded to read as follows: Category Amount of the Grant Percentage of C Allocated (expressed in Expenditures to be USD) Financed ( Goods 2,050,000 100% (2) Consultants' services, 13,600,000 100% including audit, and Traitinc (1) Incremental Operating Costs 350,000 100% (I) Unallocated 0 TOTAL AMOUNT 16,000,000 -2- 3. Paragraph B.2 under Section :V of Schedule 2 to the Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: "2. The Closing 3at: referred to in Section 3.06 of the Standard Condition is August 31, 2013." Except as specificall y amend.-d by this amendment letter, all other provisions of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect. Please confirm your Lgreemet it to the foregoing by signing the form of confirmation set forth below and returning one flly execu:ed original of this amendment letter to us and retaining one original for your records. Tis anendment letter shall become effective as of the date of countersignature. Sincerely, INTEINA TIONAL DEVELQPMENT ASSOCIATION Er c Le Borgne, Acting Country Director uthorized Representative AGREED MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF IKAQ By - Name: r.... Title: A -4w vi OM; Date: 7-_