Docimnu of The World Bank FOR OmCIL4 USE ONLY MICROFICHE COPY Report No. :P- 6073-IN Type: (PR) q poP603I Title: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR PRIVAo P-6073-IN Author: CHASSARD, J Ext. :81873 Room:G3071 Dept. :SA2EG MEMORANDUM AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ON A PROPOSED LOAN IN AN AMOUNT EQUIVALENT TO US$20 MILLIC1 TO THE POWER FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED (WITH THE GUARANTEE OF INDIA) FOR A TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMENT June 2, 1993 Th. d hds a ra"mca distribuion aod y be used by recipiets oly i the performance Of thlir ofM"a dties. its contn may not otherwise be disclosed _ihu Wworl Bank wthorization. CURRENCY EQUTVALENS Cuncy unit = Rupees(R&) One Rupee - =0i036 One USDolar = Rs. 30.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS GOI - Government of India IPC - Investm ent Promotion Cell IPP - Idependent Power Producer IOI - Letter of Invitation MOP - Minitry of Power MOU - Memorandum of Understading PFC - Power Finance Corporation Lidted PHD - Policy and Human Resource Development Fund (apan) PIU - Project Implementation Unit PPA - Power Purchase Agreement SEB - State ElectIcity Board SG - State Government TA - Technical Assistance LUSAID - United States Agency for Interational Development ISCALYEAR Aprill - March31 FOR OMCLIAL Use ONLY INDIA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECr FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMENT Loan and Project Summary Borrower: Power Finance Corporation Limited (FC) Beneficiares: State Electricity Boards and other power utlities Guarantor: India, acting by its President Amount: US$20 million equivalent Terms: Repayable over 20 years, including five years of grace, at the Banlks standard variable Interest rate. Onlending Terms: From PFC to the final b ar at the prevaling P-c lending rates for tecnidcal assistance, to be adjusted for foreign eachange rik Guarantee fee: The Govenment of India (GO) would charge a guarantee fee of not less than 1% on the prlncipal amounts of the Bank loan wfithdrawn and outstanding. Fianing Pla IBRD US$20.0 milion PFC US$ Q5 million Total US$20.5 million Economic Rate of Retumr Not applicable Staff Appraisal Report: Not applicable This document has a rmsticted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. -2- MEMORANDUM AND RECOMMENDATION OF TM PRESIIENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMEN TO THEECUTIVE DMECTORS ON A PROPOSED LOAN TO THE POWE FINANCE CORPORATION LIMTED FOR A TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMENT 1. I submit, for your approval, the following memorandum and reommendation on a proposed loan to the Power Finane Corporation Limited (PP), with te guarantee of India, for the equivalent of US$20 milon to help finance a TechcalAssistance Project for Private Power Development. The lon would be at the Bankfs sandard variable interest rate and repayable over 20 years, Including five years of grace. Country and Sector Background 2. Quite proninent among the long-term pediments to economk growth and Ldusial investment In India are the dincentves and oassociated wifth the Inadequate supply and reliability of power in the country. Even If substantal effidency are acieved, sizable investments are needed to mitigate the negadve Impact of power shortages on the economic Lberalization proamBecause public utilities are unable to undertake such investments due to a lack of fumds, the Government of India (GO{) has taWen steps towards opening the sector to ptivate nvestment with a view to mobilize private finance for power development. The Electicty (Supply) Act, 1948, was amended in September 1991 to lift many of the regulatory disincentives to private investment in the power sector, su tly, high- level promotional efforts were undertaken by the govermment in the spring of 1992. This Initiative, launched at a propitious time when utilities i developed counties are looidng for new Investment opportunities abroad, has been quite sInessful in encouraging private investors, both domestc and foreign, to propose investments In power projecs About 43 proposals are now under active conslderation by private entrepreneum; for 38 of them, Memornda of Understanding (MOUs) havebe signed between various State Electricty Boards (SEBs) and private developers, giving theatter exlusive rights for the development of their projMect Eight projecs are today at an advanced stage of negotiation in six diffrent states or union teito 3. GOrs poliy for private sector ppaton In the power sector focuses heavily on encouraging Independent power produceM MPs) to set up and operate power generaing faciities In Idia and has not yet establshed a dear framework for other forms of prvatization, such as manament contracts for utility operations, the abilition of existing power plants, or the prvatzatn of distron. Fureme, the poicy defines the round les and broad pa s within wic IPPs may consider investmts in dia, but its ment has confirmed that there are st a number of isues to resolve, at the c and state levels, before actual Investments can take place under sustainable conditions. This is due, in large part, to the fict that the power sector is going through a transition period and that the prevailing weakness of the sector place unuly high risks on private developers. WhUle It is isportant for GOI to show responsiveness to private investors' concens and recognize that this Is a transition perlod, It is also ucial at this stage to cary assess the impications fr the countty as a whole of any new polic decsion that could be take in response to specfic -3. demands put forward by individual project proponents, as any concession rade in respect of one particular project could set aprecedent for ote. 4. Furthermore, the process by which the policy is being implemented raises a mber of concr: for the most advanced projects, negotations of power purhse agreements (PPA) between SEBs and private developers have a stage where the SEs have serious apprehensions about the nature and extent of the rs volved i. the proposed tractions and the long-term liabbities embedded in the draft agreements. This is due not ordy to the novelty of the process and the SEW' lack of fimiliarity wift some key contractual provisons but first and foremost to the fact that SEWs have little basis to compare with; as the signing of MOUs has taken place mainly on a first-come first-served basis, and thus no real competition has taken place among project sponsors, most SBBs find themseves in a situation where they have no assurance hiat they are getting the best offers. The proposed technical assistance would help addres these various issues in a timely and consistent manner. Past Bank Involvement 5. Bank support to GOrs private power develoment Initiative has been Limted so far to: (O assistnce in arranging a grant from the PHRD fundl in early 1992, to help establish two private power projects in the state of Maharshtra, and (H) provision, in the Second Maharashtra Power Project Lx 3498-IN), approved in June 1992, of additional consultig services to assist the Government of Mihaashtra (GOM) and the Mah a Stat Electriety Board (MSEB), in completng the contracting proess for these projects. The grant has enabled the Bank to quidy resond to the Indian authorities' request for assistance in evaluating an uno project proposal submitted by Enron, USA, for a 2,000-MW LNG-based power plant at Dbhol, and develop documentation for two other Mal projects. A second PHRD grant was approved in late 1992 to provide dsilar assistance to other states. 6. The Bank's support has been inumental in ntfying the polky issues and the weaknesses of tie Implementation process. It has also helped the various agencies involved in the program recognize the complexities Inherent In private power development, and the need, given the size of the program, to stegthen the existing Institutional setup and access spedallzed consultancy services on a much larger se, to ensure that the objectives of the private power initiative are fuly meL Expert advisory services have already been engaged by WSEB to assist in their ongoing negotiations with Enron, under fhandng from the above-mentioned loan. Bank Srategy in the Power Sector and Rationale for Expanded Bank Involvement 7. The Country Asistance Strategy seeks and supports renforms by GOI to address the fndamental operational, financi and institutional sues in the power sector. The reform process in the power sector has ond just begun and much remains to be done, particularly at the state level The Bank's lenig pram wlll be used to condnue the dialogue and provide some of the incentives needed to make the required diffiult decsions I addition, the Bank will continue to use the management of the existing portfolio to support the needed refom. Bank lg focused on: ( p ting domestc and forign private Investments; (b) supporting GOrs agt of reform, Pi, the National Thermal Power Corporation P), and the Power Grid Corporation of Idia (POWEID), and (c) assisting SEBs whih perform In a Polcy and Human Resoure Depment Pund, establsed by the Governmet of Japan. -4- satisfactory manner or have started Implementing cedie plas underwritten by their states to improve their performance and finances. Prepantory work is underway on an SEB Restucturing project to assist states willing to undertake up-front refoms towards the corporatzation of their SEBs and the establishment of a more transparent regtlaqy framework. & Witin this overall strategy, the proposd projedt ;m at facilitating the implementation of private power projects by establshing adequate administtive processes for solidp and evaluatingepfrlc ls. and provkding e de durin negotiations with proct developets. tl wo ensure Inter alia that possible future Bank involvement In the finanng of sudc projects is based on sound and dearly defined selection procedue GOI has also nicated that the Bank's involvement in the implementation of the private power initiative would help to ensre the technal qualty and independence of policy advice and project reviews. Project Objeetives 9. The overall purpose of the proposed TA project is to emure that the basic objectives of the private power Initiative are achieved, Le., that additional investment capital and management exptise are mobUized and that the potential effidency gains n power supply are fuly realized and passed on to the final consmer In the short em, the project would help to marnge the implementation of the private power pohcy during the present transition period, but would also set the stage for the introduction of market mechanisms In the sector as a whole. To that effect, assistance would be provided to state electicity boards and other public utilities for (O) the review by private power speialists of the offers currently under consideration (par 2) to ensure that the projectsbelng negotiated are ececuted under accepfble and sustainable conditions; 01) the introduction of competitive bidding for the selecion of roject sponsor; and WV the preparation of other privatlzation projects in response to GOFs efforts at promotng other forms of private sector partidpation, in addition to IPP project (pam. 3). Project deciption 10. The proposed project will cover technical asistance activities to be essentially canied out In the form of advisory servces extended to SEBs and other power utilities planning to enter into agreements with private parties for the purche of power, the takeover of distribution activities or the maragement of existing facilities They will inude inter alla the provision of f lega and techmical advisory services to review outstanding project proposals and assist in conact negotiations, and assistance to SEBs to enable them to prepare and "package" new projects wel enough for them to invite meaninghfl bids, and help them in the biding, evaluation, selection, and negotiation process. The latter would focus on insilling to the extent possible some degree of competition among project developers, and on assisting in the implementation of other forms of private sector partdipation. A Technica Annex provides a full descrption of the project as well as details on the implemaon arrangemets 11. In parallel with the implementation of the project, GOI will pursue a program of policy and institutional development under which advisory services will be provided to refine the existing policy fmnework for IPP projects and extend it to iude other forms of private sector partcipation, provide general guidance to those entities in the states that are actually Implementing the policy, establis the prope conditions for private developers to mobilize the required resources, review fuel supply policies, contribute to the formulation of a proper regulatory fcamework In the sector, and enhance the calpabilities of the vrous Institutions in charge of coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the program as well as those that are implemeti it. Ths program will be caried out under th-e umbrela of the Ministry of Power (GOD, with the nvestment Promotion Cell MPC) of the Ministry acthig as coordinating agey hnded out of gnts evectd to be made avaflable by the Govement of Japan (PHRb fund) 2 and USAID, for a total amount of US$7.5 million. Agreements reached 12. Agreement has been reached with PPC on the folowing major actonst (1) A Project Implementation Unit (PI), under the Dirctor, Institutional Development, will be set up at PFC to admilister and mmage the activities supported by the projectJ Undertadings have also been reached on the scope of operations of the cell, the staff posions to be created, their level, and the related reruitment plan; (ii) PFC will have Its annual accouzts, Induding the special account and the statement of expeditr for the project, if any, audited and submt the audito?s report to the Bank wiftin six months of the end of each finandal year. In addition, PPC will submdt to the Bank its unaudited financal satements withn two months of the end of each fitadal year; (I3) Model documentation accepable to the Bank will be utilzed for the letter of invitation aWI) and for consultant' contracts by the final be es 13. In addition, an understanding was reached during negotiations that, to ensure adequate coordination between the acvites carded out under the project and those undertaken In paralel by GOI (para. 11), the operation of the PIU along wft the he poicy and institutional development program to be supervised by IPC wfll be monitored by a Steerng Commttee to b constituted by the Mnisy of Power. Environmental Aspects 14. Plans and designs for private power projects reviewed and prepared under the proposed proe will fully incorrate environmental considerations, To this end, G0I environmental standards will guide the epon of pre-feasibit studies and design work for individual projects at the proect develomt stage. In addition, an undersg will be sought from sOI at gotiations thiat the scop of the environmental impact assessments that may be carred out for selected projects under the second component would broadly cover the range of Issues that are considered In siilar studies prepared for Bank-financed projects PPs P EnvironrmentW Monitoring Unit whose establisment has benefitted from the Banlc_W1_kth un * ~ * Pqof . g prcd pmNa 1248 moun Sb /OEf rpb PF * Ris,aW~ .osy uuUlOma dpwasg pmpe *# IV EU * Caonivammam e m u s * IGSWIV/Malu Oppmbtifls for PEs Saedor 12-4 m No * PmcsRoom d smioss . * _ qslblyus * Pre _n-My B mulH MA * PreparNiWaiond _as o bldhg d aunlo * RmaneW. b aKnd ndgay WA= for lnduilI d popoe * OoWa _ eglfln "a e5X d Plbn * Mal _VScifb 1230 Mmnl * P_aparmioN aa of bklkdhi doeomu_mwl * Flwow Is ce and sauWy 1 do, rW wuaUlon Cd ptopo o * CooWrt eglal - 13 - TBCHM CALASSTSFANC PROJECr FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMNT istlated Costs andf ngaPla US$ milion Uslimated Poect Costs W - Preparati of Outnding Proposals 0.5 6.5 7.0 - Pepartion of New Gener. Prowt 0.7 63 7.0 - Prject Pre1. for Ohr Foms Of PrvaJvzaf1mion -L_ Subtot 2.2 16.8 19.0 Nqulmmt 0.9 0.6 1.5 s~~~~~~~~~~~9i IBRD 2.6 17.4 200 PFC 0.5 0.5 Total JL 17A 2MA a/ Induding taxes and duties equiWvalent to U$ OA mMion - :t4 - Page 1 of 2 INDIA TECHMCAL ASSISTANaE PROJECT FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMENT Frcuiment US$ moon Pn,ueet Metod # Prmiop Element MW wiwsbl LCD Other Tota C ntancy sices for project deveopent 19X) 19.0 (19.0) (19.0) Equipmt 0.S 0.7 1S (0.8) (0.2) C (1A0) Toal 190 08 0.7 20.5 (19.0) (0.8) (02) (20.0 4giwes ix parenthes are the respectiveamouns financed by the Bank. b/W rld Bank guideines for ithe use of consultants c/ Localshzoppin - 15 - Page 2 of 2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECr FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMET Allocailon of the Proposd lank Loam US$ miian Cat Amount Exenituvs to befinxcd Consltantservices 180 100% ofexndituree Equipment 10 100% of foeign epeditures and lo% of local expenditurse (ex-factory cost); and 80% of local expenditures for other itenm procured localy Unalocated 1.0 TOta 20.0 Etmaed Disbursem US$ milion IBRDFisc Year 94 95 96 Annual 7.0 10.0 3.0 Cumulative 7.0 17.0 20.0 - 16 - INDIA TECHNCAL ASSISTANCE PROJECr FOR PRIVATE POWER DEVELOPMENT Timetable of Key Project Prensing Events Time taken to prepare the project 5 months Prepared by: MnLstiyof Powerand Power finance Corporation Ltd. Fhst Bank mssdon: Februi 3 AppraisaL Aprfl 1993 ?4egotllons hMay 1993 Planned date of effectiveness: Septmber 15, 1993 List of reevnt FCRs and PPARs:. NA _ 17 - PAGN 1 of 5 213 61*25 Of MMN MMos OpAuhzC IN 38A A. 8UMM Of SN LOAN D 1DA CRSS (As of Ketch 31, 199) (or . . llati ) Loan o liooel Yea ----------- 11 96 LoanaI 7213.4 11 162 ¢Siceta flly diaba.aIolo.A 1314.5 1336-IN 1963 Upper Udravati N$ro Poer - 170.00 16." 2393-IN 1964 Dudblobus Coal 109.00 - 16.50 2442-1N 1984 arakka SU Thermal power 276.60 - 36.62 1496-ZX 1964 Oujarant MKadius Zerstio - 156.30 31.49 OV-20-ZN 194 Indir 8ara ver Nsydcelotrut - 13.64 17.35 2416-IN 1984 IndLra Sartvsg Sydrclectatc 17.4S - S.53 2415-IN 1984 Madhy Prods.h Pentlser 167.10 - 0.94 2387-IN 19#4 Shfa Shove Pert 250.00 - 19.26 61-16-IN 1984 P riyza Vaeai. SS Irr"atlzo - 17.50 7.33 1426-ZN 1964 Populatles m - 70.00 1.06 2417-ZN 1984 NalIwys Nleotraeioatlon 279.20 - 12.67 1424-ZN 1984 iafSed Aas Vaterabad Dov. - 25.52 10.91 1434-ZN 1964 Tama XdA. Vat.¢ Supply - 36.50 19.04 31-12-1N 1984 Sl..l Wadu Water Supply 36.50 10.93 1483-ZN 1984 Uppet canms Irclstin - 105.45 28.94 1544-ZN 1985 Bombay Usban Dev.lopm t - 100.92 25.75 2544-IN 1985 Chandrspur 2hem l,ovew 280.00 - 87.18 1613-1N 198 Radix. Isrov= Nydroeleotrl - 12.20 17.21 2498-ZN 1965 Jhsrma Coking Co"l 57.70 - 2.42 2562-ZN 1985 Nsfal. powe r 176-00 - 124.22 1514-IN 1985 ZOa $0GI&I orerstrlY - 27.12 3.14 2497-IN 1985 Norda (Oujaxat) DO nad Pawn: *200.00 - 165.54 1523-IN 1985 Natienal 56:1.. Xatensimn X - 33.02 0.42 2534-Z 1985 Natinal guava"ys 133.00 - 40.46 1611-Z8 1985 Ntlonal Sc4ial Forstry - 154.09 0.11 2555-ZN 1985 Ribund Pover 2ramamilslon 202.00 - 6.61 15e9-S1 1985 8eon Ntiona Anloultutal Nt. - 45. 16.56 1665-IN 1986 Andha Prdsh Iesa - 140.00 103.84 2661-ZN 1966 Andlza Padesh U trigatlm. 41.00 - 41.00 2660-ZN 1986 Cement InduStrY 145.00 - 35.71 2674-ZN 1966 Cemblad Cle Pow.00 - 15.25 2730-IN 1986 Coopeative Frtllis 111.06 - 7.58 1643-ZN 1986 "Jazat Urba - 50.34 20.85 2"1-I8 1966 1C0C0 - Cement Industry 35.00 - 10.92 1622-IN 16" locala Water Supply ad Saitati - 21.0 7.n 1621-ZN 1986 1ahsasbtra Cnposlt. Iruiatiae - 160.00 169.40 1631-ZN 1966 Natiel 4r1oultural R_oeh SS - 59.66 25.02 1619-N 1966 West seDgpl Minor IrlgatiLn - 40.17 63.25 1623-IN 1984 Vest Dengal Population - 4.65 11.23 1737-1Z 1987 $Lhar tubevells - 22.29 7.69 1750-ZN 1987 Imuabay Water Supply L Se& rage U - 145.00 62.44 2769-ZN 1987 Bombay Water Supply * Sewrae lIZ 40.00 - 40.00 2796-ZN 1987 Casl MlnIn.g * Qualtt Xl ravnsat 340.00 - 96.59 1757-ZW 1987 Onisjat Romal Rods - 119.60 61.70 2827-18 1987 Kacmataks Power 260.00 - 180.52 1646-IN 1987 Mdras Water Supply 53.00 - 32.97 1754-IN 1987 National Astic. NzteAsIon In - 70.16 31.35 2844-ZN 1987 Natanil Capital lover 425.00 - 155.21 1770-IN 1987 National Voter _smnt - 114.00 62.3 27853-1 1987 O11 XaMl Petzoleun 140.00 - 15.0S _ 18- PACs2 of S ft f eallatlon) Credt m..f ApM Urose Zen IDA It MdLebwaed 21 2845-ZI 1987 taloSer S1ain 575.00 - 243.04 81s-ZN 1967 !.ltaaManlotlom ZN 168.00 - 8.83 1780-N 1987 tet Pradsh Urban Development - 120.95 62.44 191-= 18 Bombay & Ad*as P1pulatc - 57.00 16.54 292-Z 1988 Zudns. PIa. a Tech. Ahat. 540.00 - 50.70 2938-u 1968 K Aat"k Power U 220.00 - 176.31 40S9-Z 1988 National DaIrt U - 160.00 0.69 2695-ZX 1986 4t%Lemnl Dairy Uz 200.00 - 200.00 2935-ZN 1986 RlIway Xodevolsettee ZZ 270.00 - $4.15 2925-ZN 1966 TSI 5 adn Ugba 3w. - 269.69 146.95 3093-ZN 1989 Slectreaono Industr Dev. 8.00 - 7.50 30568-1 1989 Niport Developsent 120.00 - 27.27 5094-ZN 1989 1CIC0 - JleOatrnLA 2nd. Dev. 101.00 - 41.12 3059-ZN 1989 iCiCI - Zaport Development 175.00 - 3.S4 3095-ZN 1989 205? - NlectronLas Id. Dw. 101.00 - 75.65 5096-ZN 1989 Kahabmahara Paver 554.00 - 912.82 3024-ZN 1989 Natbtp Jbhzui Power 485.00 - 446.29 1952-Z 1989 iatIenal Seeds III - 150.00 62.78 2022-ZN 1989 Natlinal Serlcultue - 147.00 102.19 2057-ZN 1989 It'l. nMmiy Welfare Tre. - 113.30 94.63 5044-ZN 1989 Petrolem Tranaport 50.00 - 15.00 2994-IZ 1989 States lads 170.00 - 170.00 1959-Z 1989 States Roads - 80.00 23.94 2010-ZN 1989 upper UXS"a 2rt1to t K? - 160.00 9.71 3050-ZN 1989 Upper rslhna IrrigatLon Ut 85.00 - 85.00 2008-ZN 1989 VoeetIonal Training - 211.02 164.60 5196-I 1990 Cemet Zuduetry Uat _uas 500.00 - 213.26 2115-IN 1990 Nydrabad Water Supply - 79.90 56.31 2064-ZN 1990 Indutrial Technoloy DeveloPment - 55.00 50.25 5119-ZN 1990 Idautvial toehnology Development 145.00 - 98.69 257-ZN 1990 Northern RIqin TSanmnlaeln 485.00 - 449.97 2155-ZN 1990 PopulatILn traInln8 VS I - 81.92 68.41 5259-ZN 1990 PrLVte lve r UtUites I (nCo) 98.00 - 75.56 2076-ZN 1990 Punjab XrrxLsationDr alae : - 145.26 121.23 2158-ZN 1990 Tamil Vadu iategratd Nutition U2 - 86.15 77.06 2130-1N 1990 Techniclan dtucatLi I - 210.74 169.56 2100-Z0 19O Watershed D4velepment (BIls) - 75.00 65.95 2151-ZN 1990 Watershed lopmnt (Plalos) - 55.00 52.62 5260-Z 1991 A.P. Cycloe hmergnoody 4onstructian 40.00 - 40.00 2179-ZN 199 A.P. Cyclone ErSgenoy RecenStruction - 170.00 9.20 2241-Z 1991 Dsm Safety - 130.00 122.68 3325-ZN 1991 Dom Safety 25.00 - 25.00 3354-ZN 1991 Gas Plaring R ductlan 40.00 - 262.16 2175-ZN 191 ICOS I (Orto" & An&hea Pzadesa) - 96.00 83.45 3354-ZN 19 IndustrIal Pollutien Control 124.00 - 107.04 2252-1 1991 Idustrial Pollutlon Contol - 1.60 50.48 2254-ZN 1991 Hher 1ashta Rural Wat SOpplY - 109.90 95.51 5259-ZN 1991 Pet9oceMiAls 2U 2SS.00 - 15.74 3256-1Z 1991 Petroohmmicals U 12.00 - 11.00 5344-ZN 1991 Prvat e Pae UtIlIties1 (USES) 200.00 - 141.61 2215-ZN 1991 Taml S e Agrc1ultural Devlopment - 92.80 74.88 $300-ZN 1991 TSl ad4u AgrIltuxal Devlopment 20.00 - 20.00 2225-ZN 1991 technicIa Iducatlon 2 - 507.10 271.55 2300-ZN 1992 Gbtl4 SOVIva Mt 8ate Ntlod - 214.50 176.01 2394-N 1992 lsty Welfare (Urban lu) * - 79.00 80.09 2526-Z1 1992 Maharashtra oestxy - 124.00 116.4 2350-N 1992 ationl AD Control 84.00 73." 3456-N 19 lower UtlimtIes NfflencY 265.00 - 250.98 3498-ZN 1992 Secoad Na ta Po" * 3 350.00 - S50.00 $470-X11 $992 llgelea l El155.00 - 153.00 5470-Z1 1992 Soond National JWbay - 153.00 150.77 2565-ZN 199 Roo at - 85bw13.00 650.59 2329-ZN 1992 ShrImp and i Culture -.0 3. 2341-ZN 1992 Weet Sgall orety - 34.00 28.35 2435-ZN 19S Agricultuexl Developmet ljasth - 106.00 96.45 24S9-21 1993 Hha Platea DeVelopmnt - 117.00 106.00 N[ t -. - . tg { {* '1 lt 1111 1 t t~~~~~~ jt ig | W E: ,, ,; jwi. ,r L . fjW K ax ^ i * :sa ! -2ttg §i i1Xo;;11 F?i!!i2 F~5 |NFI 1Xt~ ! -.§;11 t PAS 4 W S 8. 8IAU8M ow RC Uvzsuuuu (As of 1arch 31, 199) iaca Yea CMWaL LO= Equlty SettL 19S9 epublic Foxv CempaW Ltd. 1.50 - 1.50 19S9-92 Xirloka* Oil EasIa Lte. 0.85 - 0.85 1960 Assam SLiA'ste Ltd. 1.36 - 1.36 1lf1 Ltd. 0.21 - 0.21 196-" Precision. BSerng India Ltd. 0.65 0.38 1.03 19" Fort Gloatr Industries Ltd. 0.81 0.40 1.21 1964 Leb1 m)i hch4n5 Wo Ltd. 0.96 0.56 1.3 1964-5-G79/90 Mahindra ugiu Steel Co. Ltd. 11.81 2.8 14.65 1967 Indian Bxpleoives Ltd. 8.60 2.86 11.46 lfft Jayshre Coemicals Ltd. 1.05 0.10 1.13 1969-70 Zunl Aro-Chmicals Ltd. 15.15 3.76 18.91 1977-87 Escorts Liited 15.55 - 15.55 1978-87191199 louslig Development linac.. Corp. 106.32 2.10 108.42 1980182187t89 Deepak feztLIUuer and Petrvobemicals Corporatima Ltd. 7.S0 4.23 11.7$ 1981-62 agaarjna Coated tubeS Lt4. 1.50 0.24 1.74 19814S2 Egarjuma Steels Limited 2.88 0.24 3.12 191-8-89 Tats Iron and stel Company Ltd. 72.14 24.50 96.64 1981-90193 Nahindra a Mahindra Ltd. 29.71 9.90 39.01 1982 hAhok Leyland LsIited 26.00 - 2.00 1982 Coromandel ertlisUezs Llmlted 15.88 - 15.88 1982 The cbubay eng and MadufacturLng Co. Ltd. 18.80 - 18.80 1982-87 IS s81node 2.99 1.01 4.00 1983-87 2he Tndlni Rayon C°rp. Ltd. 14.57 -- 14.57 1983 Pharat Forg Company Ltd. 15.90 - 15.90 198-4 The SSellor Rayon SiLk Muifacturng (WeavIng) Co. Ltd. 15.95 - 15.f9 1985 B aj.j Auto Ltd. 23.9 - 23.93 1985 mtdl Comeat 15.05 - 13.053 1985-86190-91 Indal Las Deelopment Ltd. 8.50 0.78 9.26 1985191 Blhar spone" 15.24 O.66 15.92 1986 Saa TSempo Liudte4 30.54 -- 30.54 19B6I93 Indl- EquIpenet Leasing Ltd. 5.50 0.30 5.80 1986 Larsen sad Toubre Ltd. 21.78 - 21.78 1986-87 The Grat Eastern Shipping Company Ltd. 8.00 13.89 21.69 1987 xport-Import Bank of India 14.34 - 14.38 1987 Gujarat Fusin Glas Ltd. 7.52 1.70 9.92 1987 Gujarat Wawsda Valloy Fertilizer 38.07 - 38. 7 1987 Bero RBad. Motors Ltd. 7.74 - 7.' 1987 Hindustan Motors Ltd. S9..4 -- 39.14 1987 The ujiarat Rural Rousing Fl neo Cop. - 0.19 0.19 1987 Vlmo Limlted 4.70 -- 4.70 1987-89190 Titan Watches Limited 22.02 1.08 23.10 1968 Invel Trenamisuans Ltd. -- 1.07 1.0? 1989 Ahoedabad Electricity COpanyw Ltd. 20.83 - 20.83 1989 V21 Adavedt Tecbnology -- 0.20 0.20 1989-90 leltrM TSlephoeS Istrumnts, Ltd. - 0.56 0.56 1989-92 GuJerat Stte tertililsr 40.42 - 40.42 1990 JSB India Secutities Virus 0.37 0.37 1990 UCOL Ful Systems Ltd. - 0.65 0.63 1990-91 ats, Electric 111.88 111.88 1991 * S IC Industxies ERport Finance 0.28 0.26 1991 BoSbay El etrlo 68.00 66.00 1991 CESC Ltd. 22.34 22.34 1991 Export Fiuam"e - ATM0 0.35 0.35 1991 serdia OieS ad Elaectroncs Ltd. - 0.29 0."9 1991 Indust. Crdit a Investment Corp. of IiA - 26.60 26.60 19911"93 frstruature Leaing a Finanl service 15.00 4.64 19." 1991 FD101 Development rinance compane - 2.05 2.05 1991 Srivei Pool 0talrdrul Ltd. (FPIL) -- o.9 0.93 1991 VArUn Trasport. Storn & C_f - eL 17.04 S.06 20.10 1992 Arvid Mlls 22.13 7.01 29.96 _ 21 - PAGE 5 Or S rue" le ca o LO= e 1992 51eea W-08-IY -- 6.20 60 1992 m= -- 1.01 1.01 *9 letak x bla. " -- G." 19# SuAft be=r 40.00 5.77 45.77 192 8 w Ue.zla 11.50 -- 11.50 1993 Cr"dtoptVi ' -- 0.51 0.51 1903 lltlCO 3.00 0.25 3-* 2o028. O68 .a S 1024.14 134.89 15.03 Lest O.oetiea. s *mngen, Nmas Mjuatnmt&*, Repsymmats, bitst!i an S"lox 502.42 28.7 31.39 amv eid by WC 521.72 103.92 027.64 Undisbzrsd 125.21 31.29 15.50