58540 Republic of Kenya: Additional Financing for the Total War Against HIV and AIDS Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION* Meeting of the Executive Directors December 14, 2010 The Executive Directors discussed and approved the Additional Financing for the Total War Against HIV and AIDs Project for the Republic of Kenya in the amount of US$ 55 million on the payment conditions set out in the President's Memorandum (IDA/R2010-0361). Directors supported the objectives of the project, noting the continuing challenges of AIDS and malaria in Kenya and the importance of reducing the numbers of new infections. They welcomed the progress made through the ongoing Project, but observed that risks remain. Directors noted that there is need for continued vigilance in addressing the governance challenges in the sector, and ensuring that project implementation is supported with a strong action plan to address identified risks and ensure social accountability and strengthening health systems in general. They also recognized the need for continuous capacity building of both the National AIDS Control Council and all civil society and local partners. _________________________________________________________________ *This summary is not an approved record.