Argentina First Inclusive Growth Programmatic Development Policy Financing and Children and Youth Protection Project Chair Summary* November 1, 2018 The Executive Directors approved a loan to the Argentine Republic for a First Inclusive Growth Programmatic Development Policy Financing (DPF) in the amount of US$500 million and a loan for an additional financing for the Children and Youth Protection Project in the amount of US$450 million on the terms and conditions set out in the respective Memoranda to the President. Directors endorsed the World Bank’s support to Argentina’s economic and social program through the two loans. They welcomed the policy focus of the DPF, namely: (i) strengthening the foundations for private sector-led growth, and (ii) strengthening the social safety nets and enhancing fiscal equity. Directors stressed the importance of complementarity with the IMF’s Stand-By Arrangement and noted the importance of close cooperation between the Bank and IMF during implementation. They emphasized the need for continued structural reforms, stronger private sector-led growth and ensuring that public debt is on a downward trajectory. Directors inquired about the rationale for the financing approach and terms of this DPF and the pipeline for the country. They emphasized the need to protect the poor and vulnerable groups in the event that social conditions deteriorate and welcomed the fact that both projects would improve and expand coverage of the main social safety net program. Directors acknowledged the high risks associated with the budget support operation. They also noted risks associated with institutional capacity for implementation, social and sustainability challenges. They encouraged the Bank to continue its collaboration with other development partners as well as close technical cooperation with the Government of Argentina to support its structural reform program and overall risk mitigation efforts. _____________________ *This summary is not an approved record.