OFFICIAL-I O a 4 ~JC4/E*T-Q The World Bank 1818 H Street NW (202) 477-1234 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEV ELOP1MEN . 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS February 6, 2013 Honora: le Dr. Kaifala Marah Minister of Finance and Eco iomic D -ve opm ,nt MinistrY of Finance and Economic D -veloprr ent Treasur' Building, George Street Freetow 1 Sierra Leone Hon. Dr. Marah, Republic of Sierra L eor e: Decentralized Service Delivery Program H Project (DS )P Grant No. TF012665) Ri: Amen Iment to the Grant Agreement We refer to the EU Trust 1-ur d Giant Agreement, dated June 27, 2012, between the Republic of Sierra Leone ("Recipient) and tl e Intenational Development Association ("World Bank"), acting as admini;:rator of grant furds pro)ided b) the European Union represented by European Commission ("Donor") under the Decenlralized Sen ice Delivery Program II Project. We are pleased to i iform you tiat tie World Bank has now received the final installment of the total commilir ent, consequently, the Gra it Agree ment is amended as set forth below: 1. Preamble paragraph of the Grant Ag reement is amended to read as follows: "In response to the request for fina icial assistance made on behalf of the Republic of Sierra Leone ("Recip ent"), I am pleased to infoim iou I hat the International Development Association ("World Bank"), acting a administratoi of grant fi .nds pr )vided by the European Union, represented by the European Commission ("Donor") under the Sierra L,-one Decentralized Service Delivery Program II Project Single Donor Trust Fund, proposes to extund :o th e Recipient, a grant in an amount not to exceed four million five hundred eighty nine thousand four hindrel and sixteen Euros (E4,589,416) ("Grant") on the terms and conditions set forth or refer-ed to in this lett:-r agreement ("Agreement"), which includes the attached Annex, to assist in the financing of the projcct descr bed in the Annex ("Project")." 2. The table under paragraph 1.01 of ti .e Annex to the Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: Category Air ount of the Grant Percentage of Expenditures to Allocated be Financed (e:.pressed in EUR) (inclusive of Taxes) LC Grants for Subprojects 4,589,416 Such percentage as shall be under Part I of the Project specified in the Consolidated Project Annual Work Plan and Budget for the respective Fiscal Year TOTAL AMOUNT 4,589,416 Except as specifically airenced by this amendment letter, all other provisions of the Grant Agreenimt remain in full fcrce and effict. Please confirm your agreer,ien: to t ie foregoing by signing the form of confirmation set forth below and returning one fully executed ot igir al o *this amendment letter to us and retaining one original for your records. This amendment letter sha I becom - effective as of the date of countersignature. Yours sincerely, INTERNA TIONA L DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Yusupha Crookes Col intry Director for Ghana Africa Region AGREE): REPUELIC OF SIERRA LEONf By , Aulhorized Representat ve Name: Title: Date: -2-