D~A\.-~ ~lnr"•' - · - · 0 \llt ~,.., e \ • l1Y\tl• ,~h St,1tl' tnstituto of I fe;11lh & r,1mily Welf;irc uuucmg, ( Slu•ikllpt1r,1, P,1t11,1-HOOO I '1 Ph. No:0612-2290278 www.b~.1c\ 111, I 111,111· 1>111.ir•.. ,c~ n1ttni,1ll.com l)a(l!: • \ tr O ~ . \ 9 l "· Sri ~- N. N:1:-J..ar l 'ndcr ~l·,·n·t 1r) tFi11:11Wl') :'\'.1111111.II .\IP~ l 'p111n1l ( )1~:111isnti1111 \l111i,1n 11f I k.,lrh & 1'11111ih \\'rllilll' t,'~ rt,'i:r. Ch.111d1.1h1~ ll11ild;11i,: _:c, Janp.uh, ~,·" O·lhi-1 lllllOI Suh: - OIN·nntions of World Bunk on Stnt11to1J Audit l~l'IWrls of for FY 2017-IH rc1!.:, Rd.:· t\.-\CO', klll'r d11trlllj),1ll\ 111,l'. fill,lllCt:tl -t.ucuunt- ll ( I I lL' l\l·r"ltll' 0 J 1• 1 . ' . \ll)Su>llll'l>I '"Lll'II .,, 11 l',,.,I luru I i,'-:111t 1 11:1 I \ll ):-, L'1>111n,I Jl'"IL'l'l · l'I 1:1,l , I\ (111111n·d · unchr \\ 111ld I I t111" "h1rh L 11111111 hl' ihv I i.1 I .uir« , I ll'L'l as :11 1, I ' ,\ l:11 c I 1 . - ' , 111c,1111l' L'\: l·.\J1l'tllltturl' 'l(ll:-i · - .u.c oum , I\L'Ct·q11 l'\: l':llllH'lll .m. I .t ,u111111:1n or~1g1llftc:1111 . . . JH,illll'" .uul t1lill'r :1CCt>ll Jl(JJlll npl:111.11,,n 111f,1r111:tlJClll i',>1 the IL':tr then l'lhit-d. 2. l\lanagl'llH'nt's Responsibility for the Financial S1a1c111c111: I I 1t· 111.111.t)-:L'lllL'lll 1, n·,p1>11,1 I > I L' l .or l J ll' pn:p:ll:tlJ<>Il C1I . I J ic:«: I-111.111c1.'J l'llL'llll'llh 1 '· ' ,lll\'L' · 1h·11 .., .1 Intl' :111d tau I rcw C)f tlw lin:1nc1al p1>,111011 :111d ti11:111e1:tl pcrf, .rm.uuc. 1 hi, IL''Jlll!Jst!Jdll\ :tl,11 lllC I \\L I l'' l I ll' lllljlkllll'lll:tl!ll!l ." l I l'~l).!;11, ~11J 111:11111t·11:111n· 1>f :1dn1u:ttl· .tl,1l1Jllllll,t!. ll'C<>IL I ~ IL' I cv.un , l'lll.IIJCIIJ 11( lilt' Iin.uunrl 111 1 I lL' j)l"l'j):11':llJl>ll .uic I 1)1,L''o '1.11 L' 111 l' ll I, 3. Auditor's Responsibility : ( lur tl·~prnb1htl111· 1~ 10 cxprl',~ :111 op1111un on thl·sc tin:1nc1:tl ,t:tll'111Clll~ li:bl'd uu 1H1r :n1d11. \\ c h.iv« conducted our :111d11 111 nccordnncc ,u1h the S1:111d:1rd, on \udiring h,uvd Ii, ilw 111,1i1111t· t>f chartered .vccountants uf Ind1:1. ·111<>,c S1:111d:ird, ITtJlllrt' 111.11 "t· l••111ph \\1il1 crlucnl t'l'tJllll'l'l11L'Ill~ and pl.in ;111d pnfor111 the alldlt 1,1 r,b1.1i11 rl':1..,,,11;1!,k .1,,11r:11trl' .il iout wheth«:' lhl' l111:111c1:tl -t.ucmcru-, :in· l°rl'l' from 111:11n1:tl 111,..,..,t:1tl'll1l'111,. \11 .1 l!dt 1 1111 1111 t·, pcrl11rn1mg pn ,n·d 11n·, to nbt :1111 .tudll l'\'ldl'tlCl' :th, HI I I hr :1111, >111 l{, :111d IIH· di...cltJ,url·~ 111 the fi11:111u:tl -t.ucmcrus. The proccdurr- sckctt·d dqwnd 1J1l lhl' :1ud11t1r\ llld/1,llH'lll, llll'llldtllg rill' :1"l'"'l11L'Il( of rh« rJ,k, of m.uvrinl miv-t.ucmcm 11f till' f-111:lllCl:ti ,1.11crnt·111,. w lutlu-r due to fraud nr error. In m:1k111g tltt>,t· risk :1,~t·..,..,11H·111:--. the :1udttt>r L••1t,1tkr, uiurn al linanci:il u1111n1l rdt·1·.1111 tt, till' S11ut·11·\ prl'p:tr:111,111 t>f ilw li11:11ir1:tl -t.ucmcnt-, 1'1:11 g11 e :t true :rnd I.ur ,·1t·11· 111 11nkr lt> dc~1g11 :111d11 pn,n·durt·, 1lt:11 :1rl' :1pprnpn:t1e 111 the cucumsranccs .. \n :1udJ1 also mcludcs c1·alu:1tlllg the :1ppn,pn:11ent·" t>i' .1ccr,11J11111g P"ltc1cs used and the reasonableness of the accounting c-urnnrc-, m.ulr Ii, thl' rn:111:1gL·1m·111, a,\\ L'II :t~ t'Y:tlu:11111g the overall prcscnruuon of the li11:111ct:1I st.uvnu-ut-. --1. Basis for Qualification: \\'v ,,·nc 111f"n11nl that 1111n11:tl .iucht JS being c:trncd 011( hv rw» C.\ firn1, nnc ,~ :1ppu1n1cd I)~ N.\C:C) and the ot hcr one by S.\C:::-; 110 CUl'<:ring I()()"" N(;l )/penphn:1I unu s. Jbscd 011 a~~l'SSmcnr u( the :1tbJU.1C\' uf lhl' two fold mrcrnal uudn s of till' l'n1pltt·1:d 111111,/1':( ;c )\, "l' lt:11 c done sub-tnnuv« .vudn procedure i11 S \( ::-- 11< ). \\ L' lt:11 L' 1 ltn:kl'd till' 111d11:i11t,11 Cl'rt1ficalcs prm·tdl·d Ill d1ffcrc111 unu» 011 tL·,1 check 1);1,1,_ \\l' w cr« 11t,1 1m,1·1dl'd lhl' fund scheme wi«. rck:tsl'd 10 Nc;c). l-l1iwc1·n \\'l' r,nuid 1h:11 111 c:tsl'«f Sllu" of NC( J's, ul1II?:t1io11 certificates con:ring whole ~·car were not prm idcd . \ lso. "t· were not provided utilization ccrtificatcs/ confirmation of halancc-, frt1m Pnq1l1l't :ti 111111-,. •- 1 1/L.-. , 5. Auditor's op· . 1111011 ; In ot 1 · r opinion I . . · anr to the best 0 1• . . . J. l the cx11l:inat1ons given to us, l'X., · om 1nlorrn:H1rm and accor mg O • • .. . ccpr for the . . grap l1 ti para f en, 1· f l < c s O I le ma lier .lcscribcd . . . I b .· • r qualified 111 I 11· asrs 10 ' opinion o .d ·!.' •. le a orcsaid financial s1a1c111cn1s 111,·c the i11form:1uo11 required by the NACO ~LJJ c Ines 111 l r-i · ~ · · h th ~ . • I ic m:urnl'r so required and give :i true nnd fair view, m con orrruty wit e . ccounung pri11cij)l .. ' ls gcncr:illy accep1cd u1 Ind1:1: ( ) a st O 1·1)1 lntheca·· · 1 · a ancc sheer, of the affo1rs o( die soctcl)' as on 31·1 ·h?018· mare ,- ' (b) In the c:ise of Income & cxpcnduure aWHIIJI,. o( the deficit ;idjustcJ through grant - JO· :ud for the vcar rnJcd of th:it d:11c ; and (c) ln the case of Receipts & Pav111c111s nccount of the receipt, and p;iymcnts taken place during the year rndcd 011 1'1:11° date. 6 · Report on other legal and Regulatory Requirements: \\'e furthn report thnt ; (a) the Balance Sheer, the Income & Expenditure acco and Receipts & Payment Account drah wuh by this report are in agreement with the books of Account maintained by . HO·, the society (b) with respect to statement of expenditure , adequate supporting documentation has been maintained lo support the statement of expenditure , which expenditure is eligible for financing under the credit / Grant Agreement; (c) Procurement of goods and services has been generally carried out as per the procurement manual issued by NACO, GOI and NGO/CBO guidelines. For P_-\NDEY & CO. Dare :26 10.2018 Chartered Accountants. Place: Patna FRN-000357C ~ir::.un~; Partner l\fN. 512475 .. \ r.- r Bihar SACS - TI POOL FUND STHFW Bhawan Sheikhpura, Patna - 800014 ( National AIDS Control Project - Phase IV C ( Utilisation Certificate Certified that an amount of Rs.57,086,000.00 received as grants-in-aid received C from Department of AIDS Control (NACO) during the Fin.Year 2017-18 vide letter No. given C below and opening Cash/Bank Balance Rs. 25,824,501.00 (and Current Liabilities of \. Rs.400,232.00)and outstanding Advances for Rs. 32,290,109.00 on account of unspent balance C brought forward from the previous financial year, and Bank Interest and Miscellaneous Receipts ( of Rs. 0.00. a sum of Rs. 36,897,001.00 has been utilized for the purpose for which it was ( sanctioned and the Cash/Bank balance of Rs. 34,354,670.00 (and Current Liabilities of Rs. ( 398,228.00 )and outstanding advances ofRs.40,520,935.00. remaining unutilized at the end of the year will be adjusted towards the grants-in-aid payable during the next year. Deducted Fund Rs. C 3,426,000.00 C C SI. No. Sanction letter Number and Date Amount ( ( ( ( Total 57,086,000.00 (.· C 2. Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which the ( grants-in-aid was sanctioned have been duly fulfilled/are being fulfilled and that I have exercised the following checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned. Kinds of checks exercised 1. Statement of Expenditures 2. Annual Financial Statements . l (_ '" .)• ~ __ ; ., :~ .,:.i:. r ·: C , ~... -·, -, :c, :111 :o,·;--:ty Pre: "::c.:; tHn·ecfof _ Bi\r1r Stv.t~ AID~ L.'.o:1L··:1 Society Sh~~khp~·:·::, ?c1n2 . ,, ,, .~ TIPF-PNB-2968001100000070 25,824,501.00 j Advance to Others 114,003.00 Advance to NGOs 33,217,306.00 Advance to District Authorities 958,800.00 Inter Unit Fund Transfer -2,000,000.00 . 58,114,610.00 Grant from NACO to SACS 57,086,000.00 Recovery/Deduction of Grants -3,426,000.00 53,660,000.00 Other Lab .. Supplies 2,556,404.00 Training 263,584.00 Salary 10,499,934.00 Travelling Expenses 2,231,724.00 Rent, Rates & Taxes 1,874,880.00 Honorarium 16,637,124.00 NGO Services for Priority Interventions 606,324.00 Other Administration Cost 1,576,938.00 Campaigns 329,372.00 Meeting Expenses 320,717.00 TDS (Others) 896.00 Stale Cheques 397,332.00 398,228.00 TIPF-PNB-2968001 I 00000070 34,354,670.00 Advance to Consultants 18,000.00 Advance to NGOs 39,544, I 35.00 Advance to District Authorities 958,800.00 74,875,605.00 C' -~. r· ,r Details of Fund received from NACO and utilized during financial year 2017-18 ' C' National AIDS Control Organisation, New Delhi has approved AAP for Bihar SACS for Rs. 2913.01 Lakhs for FY 2017-18 and we have received Rs. 2347.01 Lakh against amount sanctioned by NACO, as per details C hereunder: - C SI. Release Order No. Date Fund Name Amount (Rs.) No. ( NDBS 40,93,000.00 1 Z-17018/6/2016-NACO (F) AAP 2016-17 28-03-2017 Tl Pool Fund 17,63,000.00 C 2 _ T-11017/03/2017-18-NACO (Fin) 15-05-2017 NDBS 6,94,08,000.00 ( 3 T-11017/03/2017-18-NACO (Fin) 21-06-2017 Tl & LWS 2, 76,92,000.00 4 T-11017/03/2017-18-NACO (Fin) 27-07-2017 NDBS 6,94,08,000.00 ( 5 T-11017/03/2017-18-NACO (Fin) 07-09-2017 NDBS 3,47,06,000.00 6 T-11017/03/2017-18-NACO (Fin) 17-11-2017 Tl & LWS 3,44,000.00 C 7 T-11017/03/2017-18-NACO (Fin) 27-02-2018 Tl & LWS 2,72,87,000.00 C Total 23,47 ,01,000.00 ( As per Bank Account Statement, NACO has transferred s" release ICTC & CST against FY 2016-17 and all (1st to rd st th 3 ) releases of ICTC & CST against FY 2017-18 in NDBS Bank Account and all (1 to 5 ) releases of LWS in Tl Pool C Fund Bank Account against FY 2017-18. As per NACO's direction vide Letter No. T-11014/2/2012-NACO (Fin) dated 06-07-2015, we had transferred fund through "Deduction/ Recovery of Grant" from NDBS to ICTC, CST and ( from Tl Pool Fund to LWS by getting proper approval from PD. Details ofJundwise transfer made from grants are (, as follows: - SI. Particulars Amount (in Rs.) ( No 1 Total GIA received in NDBS Bank Account through NACO 17,76,15,000.00 ( Less: - Status of Fund transfer as per Recovery/ Deduction of Grant Transferred from Amount debited/ credited Total Grant-In-Aid against refunds received from Fund By Transfer received during Districts of another fund & Total ( the year according clearance of IUT amount as to their sanction per NACO's Directions ( 2 ICTC (-)1,00,00,000.00 8,65,43,000.00 62,56,125.00 8,27,99,125.00 3 CST 1,10,00,000.00 3,07,02,000.00 2,08, 73,827.71 6,25,75,827.71 (_ 4 NDBS (-)10,00,000.00 (-)11, 72,45,000.00 (-)3,86,29,952.71 (-)15,68,74,952.71 5 Total NIL NIL *(-)1,15,00,000.00 *(-)1,15,00,000.00 15,68,74,952.71 6 Balance in NDBS for Utilization SI. no. 1 (-) 5 2,07,40,047 .29 SI. Particulars Amount (in Rs.) No 1 Total GIA received in Tl Pool Fund Bank Account through NACO 5,70,86,000.00 2 LWS NIL 54,26,000.00 95,00,000.00 1,49,26,000.00 (-) 54,26,000.00 l 3 Tl Pool Fund NIL (-)54,26,000.00 20,00,000.00 (-)34,26,000.00 20,00,000.00 4 Total NIL NIL *1,15,00,000.00 *1,15,00,000.00 (-)34,26,000.00 5 Balance in Tl Pool Fund for Utilization SI. no. 1 (-) 4 5,36,60,000.00 *Note: - Break-Amount of Rs. 1.15 Crore (IUT done earlier as per NACO's direction): - Transferred from Fund as IUT Transferred to Fund as IUT Date Amount (In Rs.) NDBS GFATM RD VII (LWS) 15-03-2014 95,00,000.00 \ NDBS Tl Pool Fund 24-04-2014 20,00,000.00 Total 1,15,00,000.00 Joint D~ ~~inance) Assistant Dir nnanc., l ~ State A10S ·~ontio\ Satiety Bihar State AIDS Control Societ, Sheikhpura, Patna-14 "'heikhpura, Patna \A~ .~ .- ,~ ;-·1 r-·r-1 --..n , , . . ,_ -- -- ~--..... ,..--) ... ,.-...... ..-.... -~ ,....., ) .---.. "'; ..-,,-·: ,....__·: ,._.,-.;. . -~ ,·. ... !' .. ·.. ) . . - ... ..-, ; ... . ·.· .. . !. '> r1 .. - ,, ,- r • 1 i a.. :·iA .~ i · .. Tr ".OL /ff , i) . I. ·\CO SIHFW Bhawan Sheikhpura, Patna - 800014 ,.,·. ..... 'f :: ·•. National AIDS Control Project - Phase IV Balance Sheet For The Period From: 01-Apr-2017 To :31-Mar-2018 -.:z;,• 14.378.00 I GENERAL FUND I 01 I 74,477,377.00 60,000.00 FIXED ASSETS 02 60,000.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES AND CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND PROVISIONS ADVANCES 00,232.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES 0501 398,228.00 25,824,50 l .00 CURRE NT ASSETS. 0301 Jit;-~54~670.00 . ' ; . 60,000.00 FIXED ASSET FUND 60,000.00 32,290,109.00 I LOANS AND ADVANCES 0401 · 40:520~935.00 · -- 74,6!0.00 3 .- ''\ ::::-.·...:.:-.-= 74,935,605.00 I 58,174,610.00 -·,. j 1~,..:, ~,V\.t,?'•·:U.-- ,. tE,· ... >•.' k__ FC/FM/FO (' ~ . Joint Di~F(1f.ince) Project Dir~je:,; sector 1 B,har State ~~MJol Society _Bihmr Stace ADS Control Society A~~ . Patn Shiekhpur~ ,) llfs1; j ~t{~,;~,~~;r, :, t 1' ~ . ·. \B1lrar Society,: State-AIDS ·control ~- *~~iitr~1~Pilra, -;.~;r\-: '.~;!t :_, 1,,.. • :... . :.·--·:-·, .............i.- · Page"l of5 ystcm Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:06:19 from 1204 ;·~---,_. ~·- .. ~ ',.:;; ... ~~-- - xation) -, -~ ,..., ) ) r) ·)·)) ~-c) ,... ,-- ,--. ,--.. r .---1 r, r -- ,....,__ (\ .• ''\ ~ ) ) General Fund Schedule 01 Opening grant in aid 57,714,378.00 30,473,598.00 Add: Received during the year Grant from NACO to SACS 57,086,000.00 70,188,000.00 Recovery/Deduction of Grants (3,426,000.00) 12,209,000.00 ··<{f ,;. -t.. Less: Utilised during the year Grants utilised to the extent of revenue expenditure (36,897,001.00) 30,738,220.00 Closing grant in aid 74,477,377.00 57,714,378.00 1. Fixed Asset Schedule 02 Grand Total 60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 stern Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:06:19 from 1204 Page 2 of5 :ation) r- r- ,--. ,~ r' ,-, ~, ,-., ) ') ) l -, 1 ·1 n .,.--., .~ ·1 ",, \ i) r .r- Funds from Other Sources Schedule 03 Grand Total stem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:06:19 from 1204 Page 3 of5 cation) r - r ,--, r ,- ---- CURRENT ASSETS ) ........ , .---., ' ,--..., 1 ·1 ) .l )·) ') ~- ' Schedule 0301 34,354,670.00 25,824,501.00 Total 34,354,670.00 25,824,501.00 LOANS AND ADVANCES Schedule 0401 Advance to Consultants I 18,000.00 0.00 Advance to Others I 0.00 114,003.00 Advance to NGOs 39,544,135.00 33,217,306.00 Advance to District Authorities 958,800.00 958,800.00 Inter Unit Fund Transfer 0.00 -2,000,000.00 Total 40,520,935.00 32,290,109.00 ystem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:06:19 from 1204 Page 4 of 5 ocation) r· r r-- ,,...._ ,~ ,.-'\ . .- . ~·' ,--..,_ :\ ~\ ·\ 1') ' ·------- 'j ·') ) } 'j J ' '1 CURRENT LIABILITIES Schedule 0501 TDS (Others) 0.00 Total 400,232.00 rstem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:06:19 from 1204 Page 5 0f5 ication) .- ~ - -~ ) ,.-... _,-,_ ---, ~\ -------, 'l l l . 'I )· ... ---, ~ .--., ') .- . r /- ,c.o ,,- ,,,-- r ,,;ih:i,· SA'--'S - r'I hJOt/Fl:-:"{D SIHFW Bhawan Sheikhpura , Patna - 800014 National AIDS Control Project - Phase IV Income And Expenditure Account For The Period From: 01-Apr-2017 To :31-Mar-2018 28,697.00 I Kits and Other Lab Supplies 06 2,556,404.00 I 1,685,205.00 I Other Income 28 0.00 )3, 168.00 I Training and Workshops I 08 I 592,956.00 30,738,220.00 Grants utilised to the extent of revenue expenditure I I 36,897,001.00 55,796.00 NGO Services 11 606,324.00 )0,325.00 Salary (Pay and Allowances) 13 27,137,058.00 :5,439.00 Operational Expenses 15 6,004,259.00 .3,42s.oo I 36,897,001.00 I 32,423,425.00 I I I 36,897,001.00 u Joint ~,. Vinance) Brhar State ml!' ~~ntrol Society __.:~~-.!~t-~.:-~~:~-]~ _Cc:1~roJ Soc~~ty ~~ ~ J!fi~frije1!t;hi¥~it:~f}fff(tl · ;;Bihar State AIDS Control Society;' d ;'.\::, •.. Sheikhpura, Patna · · 'i t ~:~·}.i:'i" :!~~.';. ·.:: ','-_:;; / · .. · ... . : '. l· ·-·-· .. ---·-"··~ stem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:13:55 from 1204 Page I of 4 cation) ~ ~ G 0 - ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ -., .;; ,- ,~, r--. Other Income Schedule 28 Interest from Bank 0.00 1,685,205.00 Total 0.00 1,685,205.00 Kits and Other Lab Supplies Schedule 06 Other Lab. Supplies 2,556,404.00 2, I 28,697.00 Total 2,556,404.00 2,128,697.00 Training and Workshops Schedule 08 Training Campaigns 796,218.00 Total 803,168.00 .tern Administrator on 26/10/2018 01 :13:55 from 1204 Page 2 of 4 :ation) .----,, ~ ---.. ,......,_ ,....., ----: '1 ') ' ' _,...... ,,....,__ ~ '\ ') J ;- ~ ,--- ,____ " NGO Services Schedule 11 NGO Services for Priority Interventions 606,324.00 1,865,796.00 Total 606,324.00 1,865,796.00 . Salary (Pay and Allowances) Schedule 13 Salary 684,000.00 Honorarium 16,637,124.00 22,806,325.00 Total 27,137,058.00 23,490,325.00 stem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:13:55 from 1204 Page 3 of4 cation) ,....._ ,--.., ,...._, .,/ r- - ,- ,,...., ,--.. ,--.._ ,-- ,,..... " ) ----.. ) \ ) 1 'I --- r'\ Operational Expenses Schedule 15 Travelling Expenses 2,231,724.00 1,484,830.00 Rent, Rates & Taxes 1,874,880.00 1,690,000.00 Other Administration Cost 1,576,938.00 955,809.00 Meeting Expenses 320,717.00 4,800.00 Total 6,004,259.00 l~/ 4,135,439.00 item Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:13:55 from 1204 Page 4 of4 :ation) r--. ,.-- .-.. .......... ;'"'\ ~., -;_ ......._ .-.._ \ ') 1 ,-) ·' Ililiar ;{,\C·; - Tl POUL Fr'\iJ ' ·') ') co SIHFW Bhawan Sheikhpura, Patna -·800014 National AlDS Control Project - Phase IV Receipt And Payment Account For The Period From: 01-Apr-2017 To :31-Mar-2018 Opening Balance: I 5,357,126.00 I LOANS AND ADVANCES 17 I 25,874,106.00 :0.774.00 I Balance with Bank 30 25,824,501.00 12,209,000.00 I GENERAL FUND 13 I 5,426,000.00 :8,000.00 I GENERAL FUND 29 I 57,086,000.00 586,193.00 I CURRENTLIABILITIES 32 I 305,367.00 10,232.00 I CURRENT LIABILITIES 32 I 0.00 2,128,697.00 Kits and Other Lab Supplies 18 I 1,595,861.00 :5,205.00 I Other Income 56 I 0.00 374,058.00 Training and Workshops 20 I 298,332.00 ~4,211.00 82,910,501.00 261,382.00 1,014,585.00 NGO Services 23 I 14,694,981.00 Salary (Pay and Allowances) 25 I 12,566,558.00 1,805,070.00 Operational Expenses 27 I 2,228,225.00 Closing Balance: 25,824,501.00 I Balance with Bank 31 34,354,670.00 73,994,211.00 82,910,501.00 "-~~ d . . __ i_ . ~<"It '{!f ,,-,,. ;\\ ,::· \---,'--~ ;;. .. _,./ 0~ k . - \\t ;/•..>. ·,· . • ) * i f O, l;;c\ i,GA N I r.. ) /!?J "-lj, · Join~(,qll{nnonce) ,:i:,~:}~\;,· ;,:;;:;'~~ciow -· . /r., \•::~)_.\-.... \\ .·.··-, ....,__ \-t'f-<-r 7r~ ~~I, -~ <" ,:<-: --- ~ n · B;har State ,ms Control Society ;:i~}f.}fp?~1~itiDt;Jtfoi ';:,:t'\ i ~·~·~-~ System Admini strator on 26/10/2018 01:18:10 from 1204 ~~·: ~ i l ... ...,.. .. . Bfha{State :Arns 'Control Society} _r.,_ ••y_·- . s,r,.eikhpu~a,J~i~~- ()i;ri .ocation) r ,--.. ~ ,,....._ -~ - -----, '\ .---, 1 ,---,, ,---., 1 -'") ) "\ """; n ' ----- """" ') I GENERAL FUND Schedule 29 Grant from NACO to SACS 57,086,000.00 70,188,000.00 Total 57,086,000,00 70,188,000.00 Balance with Bank Schedule 30 TIPF-PNB-2968001100000070 25,824,501.00 1,720,774.00 Total 25,824,501.00 1,720,774.00 CURRE NT LIABILITIES Schedule 32 Total 400,232.00 System Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:18:10 from 1204 Page 2 of6 .ocation) .- ,~. ,- ,.--.. ,- (\ '\ 1 ,1 """'\ ") l ,--, ~·p,'Jl> i :---. n Other Income Schedule 56 Interest from Bank 0.00 1,685,205.00 Total 0.00 1,685,205.00 LOANS AND ADVANCES Schedule 17 Advance to Consultants 90,000.00 188,800.00 Advance to Others 0.00 114,003.00 Advance to NGOs 24,802, I 06.00 14,023,523.00 Advance to Staff 28,000.00 76,800.00 Advance to District Authorities 954,000.00 954,000.00 Total 25,874,106.00 15,357,126.00 GENERAL FUND Schedule 13 Total 5,426,000.00 12,209,000.00 ;ystem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:18:10 from 1204 Page 3 of6 .ocation) .- ,......_ --\ .-...... ,...., '\ ,...,. ,-, ) ,'°'\ r', -----. ') ", ·; 1 .1 ' I 1 CURRENT LIABILITIES Schedule 32 TDS (Others) 6,761.00 13,048.00 Stale Cheques 2,900.00 0.00 Creditors Payable 295,706.00 573,145.00 Total 305,367.00 586,193.00 Kits and Other Lab Supplies Schedule 18 ,h _ _:,_ Other Lab. Supplies 1,595,861.00 2,128,697.00 Total 1,595,861.00 2,128,697.00 Training and Workshops Schedule 20 Campaigns 367,108.00 Total 374,058.00 ;ystem Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:18:10 from 1204 Page 4 of6 ocation) ,,.- r ~ ,~ ,,.... r-- ' ~ ~. ) '\ -. ; ;) l ·: '') ~ ') '] ') • -, r I NGO Services Schedule 23 NGO Services for Priority Interventions 261,382,00 1,014,585,00 Total 261,382.00 1,014,585.00 Salary (Pay and Allowances) Schedule 25 Salary 2,820,622.00 0.00 Honorarium 9,745,936.00 14,694,981.00 Total 12,566,558.00 14,694,981.00 Operational Expenses Schedule 27 Travelling Expenses 906,491.00 1,480,030.00 Rent, Rates & Taxes 782,000,00 90,000,00 Other Administration Cost 421,087.00 230,240.00 Meeting Expenses 118,647.00 ~ 4,800.00 Total 2,228,225.00 , ~ 1,805,070.00 System Administrator on 26/10/2018 01:18:10 from 1204 Page 5 of6 .ocation) r- ,-- r ,,- ,..... .~ _,,,.... I""> ,,--... r- ---- ~, ,,...,, "' ~ ') r-\ " J -""'I ,,., _ _, 0 ) 7 ,, Balance with Bank Schedule 31 Total 34,354,670.00 25,824,501.00 System Admini strator on 26/10/2018 01:18:10 from 1204 Page 6 of6 Location)