72976 Ukraine: Second Road and Safety Improvement Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors September 20, 2012 Executive Directors approved the loan to Ukraine for the Second Road and Safety Improvement Project in the amount of US$ 450 million on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (R2012-0181). Directors expressed support for the project, noting its consistence with the FY 12-16 CPS objectives and priorities. Directors also noted the harmonization of the Bank’s involvement in Ukraine’s road sector toward building economic and financial sustainability and improving road safety. Directors stressed the importance of sustaining sufficient financing for maintenance of the road sector. In this regard, Directors underscored the need for an increased role of the private sector. Directors welcomed the incorporation of an updated Governance and Anti-Corruption Plan. Beyond the project, Directors encouraged close collaboration and cooperation with the IMF. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.