KNOWLEDGE SHEET 3 M A N A G I N G C O A S TA L R I S K S I N W E S T A F R I C A KNOWLEDGE SHEET 3 Managing Coastal Risks in West Africa C oastal erosion is a naturally occurring process that is accelerated by human impact. The The artificial stabilization of shorelines, deterioration of natural formations, construction of infrastructure, extraction of materials, and proliferation of dams deprive fragile coastal areas of important sediment deposits, which leads to erosion. Degradation of the shoreline reduces the natural protection of coastal areas to storm surges, which, together with heavy precipitation, exposes low-lying areas to flooding. Both flooding and loss of land from erosion are adding Climate change is projected to increase the severity of to the physical, ecological/biological, and socioeconomic erosion and flooding, putting millions of people and stresses already affecting the West African coastal zone. billions of dollars of assets at risk. Challenges PHOTO 1  Erosion has destroyed houses in Baguida, Togo The coasts of West Africa are exposed to a variety of natural and potentially damaging events. High tides, storms, and heavy precipitation are responsible for both “slow” but permanent processes (such as erosion) and rapid but temporary phenomena (such as coastal and riverine flooding). Rapid population growth, urbanization, coastward migra- tion, and development have contributed to erosion along West Africa’s coast, which is particularly vulnerable because of its soft and sandy coastline. Poor land use planning, lack of storm water drainage infrastructure, changes in the natural paths of rivers and lagoons, blocked or poorly maintained drainage systems, and the location of settle- ments in low-lying areas all increase the risk of coastal Flooding affects about half a million people a year in West and fluvial (riverine) flooding. Africa (World Bank 2012). It threatens coastal environments and ecosystems, including beaches, low-lying coastal Erosion has caused severe loss of land and major damage plains, swamps, islands, mangrove forests, wetlands, over the past several decades (photos 1 and 2). Hundreds estuaries, and lagoons. It also poses a threat to transpor- of buildings have been destroyed, thousands of hectares tation, infrastructure, agriculture, water resources, tourism, of agricultural lands are disappearing, beaches and other and livelihoods (especially in fishing, aquaculture, and tourist assets are being lost, and infrastructure is continu- agriculture), wreaking enormous economic damage and ously in need of repair or replacement (the international endangering human health. All of these problems dispro- road in Togo has already been rebuilt twice). portionately affect the poor, who often live in low-lying areas and lack access to infrastructure that could help them adapt to or mitigate the risks associated with flooding. KNOWLEDGE SHEET 3 M A N A G I N G C O A S TA L R I S K S I N W E S T A F R I C A PHOTO 2  The shoreline of Baguida receded by Climate change has a complex effect on shoreline dynam- 62 meters between 2011 and 2015 ics, but projections suggest that it will have at least two highly undesirable effects: the direct impact of sea-level rise on coastlines and indirect impacts from the exacerbation of the effects of storm surges on coastal flooding. By 2100 the global sea level is projected to rise 26–63 centime- ters in low-emission scenarios and 33–82 centimeters in high-emission scenarios (IPCC 2013)—and the increase is expected to be even larger in West Africa. Uncertainties in climate change projections require that adaptation plans be flexible, in order to adapt to new knowledge and conditions, and robust, in order to respond to a range of different future conditions. Solutions The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Given the transboundary nature of the region’s ecosystems, 2015–2030—the first major agreement of the post-2015 the potential downstream effects of infrastructure, and development agenda—establishes four priority recom- the importance of the coastline for all sectors, optimal mendations to help countries manage their risk, all of solutions to reduce the risk along West Africa’s coasts which are relevant in West Africa: can be reached only through multisectoral action and multinational cooperation. Every national and regional • Better understand risks, in order to inform policies and development plan in West Africa should take coastal plans and design cost-effective risk-reduction solutions. risks and adaption to climate change into consideration. • Strengthen disaster risk governance, by developing clear plans and guidance, building capacities, and REFERENCES coordinating within and across sectors. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). • Invest in disaster risk reduction, through structural and 2013. “Summary for Policymakers.” In Climate Change nonstructural solutions, combining hard infrastructure 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of with ecosystem-based solutions (such as mangrove Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the preservation) and proper land use planning, moving Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ed. T. F. from a purely “holding the line” strategy to consider- Stocker, D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. ation of accommodation and managed retreat. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex, and P.M. Midgley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Be prepared. Efficient and effective early warning sys- tems and contingency plans help reduce exposure to World Bank. 2012. The Future of Water in African Cities: people and assets and mitigate adverse consequences. Why Waste Water? Washington, DC: World Bank. It is also vital that postdisaster recovery systems be developed before disasters strike. The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) is a convening platform that aims to assist West African countries to sustainably manage their coastal areas and enhance socio-economic resilience to the effects of climate change. The program also seeks to facilitate access to technical expertise and financial resources for participating countries. 3/2016