The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) REPORT NO.: RES30293 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF PAN-AFRICAN FOREST-DEPENDENT INDIGENOUS PEOPLES FCPF CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM ON REDD+ PROJECT APPROVED ON MARCH 23, 2016 TO MAINYOITO PASTORALISTS INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (MPIDO) SOCIAL, URBAN, RURAL AND RESILIENCE GLOBAL PRACTICE AFRICA Regional Vice President: Makhtar Diop Country Director: Ahmadou Moustapha Ndiaye Senior Global Practice Director: Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez Practice Manager/Manager: Robin Mearns Task Team Leader: Nicholas Meitiaki Soikan 1 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AF Additional Financing CD Country Director COMIFAC Central Africa Forests Commission (Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale) ER Emission Reduction FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility IP Indigenous People LAC Latin America and the Caribbean M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MPIDO Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization MTR Mid Term Review PACJA Pan African Climate Justice Alliance PC Participant Committee PDO Project Development Objective REDD+ Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and Foster Conservation, Sustainable Management of Forests, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks TAC Technical Advisory Committee 2 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P155373 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Approval Date Current Closing Date 23-Mar-2016 30-Jun-2018 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization (MPIDO) Organization (MPIDO) Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO Project Development Objective (PDO): Strengthen: (i) the knowledge of targeted forest-dependent indigenous peoples of REDD+ Readiness at the national level and (ii) knowledge exchange at the regional level. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net TF Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed TF-A2297 23-Mar-2016 05-May-2016 05-May-2016 30-Jun-2018 .77 .69 .08 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No 3 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Background 1. The development objective of the Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373, TF-A2297) is to strengthen: (i) the knowledge of targeted forest-dependent indigenous peoples of REDD+ Readiness at the national level and (ii) knowledge exchange at the regional level. It is financed under the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Capacity Building Program Phase 2, which was set up to ensure the active engagement and participation of REDD+ relevant stakeholders, including indigenous people (IP) from FCPF participating countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), sub-Sahara Africa and Asia-Pacific regions. The two-year (2016-2018) project is financed by a small Recipient Executed Trust Fund of US$774,583. The beneficiaries of this project are forest-dependent IP and their representative organizations and networks in the 18 FCPF countries in Africa, which are be eligible to participate in REDD+ - related regional learning and exchange activities under Component 2.1 Of the 18 countries, IP organizations/networks from eleven countries (Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Togo and Uganda) are also be eligible to participate in national-level REDD+ capacity building activities through a competitive sub-project mechanism under Component 1. 2. The project triggers OP/BP 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples since its beneficiaries are IP as per the criteria of the policy. Specific compliance measures were incorporated into the Operational Manual such as: (i) mechanisms to ensure broad community support of proposals submitted to MPIDO; (ii) the active participation of key stakeholders; and (iii) access to grievance redress mechanisms. The project is classified as Environmental Assessment Category C (EA Not required). 3. During the June 2016 Launch Mission, the project’s implementing organization, the Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization (MPIDO), and the implementing organization of the parallel civil society project (Pan African Climate Justice Alliance – PACJA) agreed to divide sub-projects in the eleven participating countries between the two organizations, whereby countries with self-recognized forest-dependent IP communities (or equivalent of the terminology used to refer to IP) would be supported by MPIDO and countries without such communities would be supported by PACJA. This decision was made to ensure full coverage of capacity building sub- projects in all eleven countries, while allocating the maximum allowed funding to each sub-project (US$50,000 in the case of this project). Accordingly, it was agreed that MPIDO would finance sub-projects in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Sudan and Uganda, while PACJA would finance sub-projects in Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique and Togo.2 4. This project paper seeks CD approval of Additional Financing (AF) to the project in an amount of US$541,187 to up-scale the project’s impact. B. Project status 1 REDD+ stands for countries' efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. 2 The decision to have two sub-projects in Ethiopia was made with the support of the World Bank team due to the country’s advanced stage in the Emission Reduction (ER) process and a vast area that needed to be covered. 4 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) 5. The project underwent mid-term review (MTR) in January 2018 where it was determined that it was well placed to achieve its objective by the closing date of June 30, 2018. Under Component 1 (National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising), sub-grant agreements have been signed with eight sub-project proponents, whose focus and progress are detailed in Annex 1, and further information is available on the project’s webpage at MPIDO has been following up on sub-projects’ progress through quarterly progress and financial reports from implementing organizations, through email and phone communication and through visits to sub-project sites. 6. MPIDO and the sub-project recipients jointly identified key REDD+-related knowledge areas that needed further studying in their respective countries, and four studies are currently in draft form. Results as of Unit of Cumulative Target Values Relevant Results Indicators Baseline January 2018 Measure YR1 YR2 1. National knowledge exchange products disseminated in appropriate Number 0 55 110 173 languages 3. Meetings held between IP representatives, and between IP Number 0 20 55 representatives and national REDD+ 46 decision making entities 7. Under Component 2 (Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned), the project has financed one regional inception workshop, two south-south exchanges and a position paper on the role of traditional knowledge in respect to indigenous women and climate change adaptation. The regional inception workshop took place in Ghana on September 24-25, 2016 alongside the 22nd FCPF Participants Committee (PC) meeting and in collaboration with PACJA, to benefit from the participation of FCPF staff, national REDD+ coordinators and focal points, FCPF Observers and staff from other relevant programs such as UN-REDD. The project financed the participation of potential sub- grantees such that the venue was also used for hands-on training on key sub-project requirements in addition to discussion of key topics and liaison with respective REDD+ focal points and other key stakeholders. The first south- south exchange took place in Douala, Cameroon on October 24-25, 2016, and included a field study on women-led advocacy on climate change and engagement in the REDD+ process. On October 29-31, 2017, a second south-south exchange took place in Addis Ababa where participants conducted a field visit to learn first-hand from a community forest management model which is based on partnership between the government of Ethiopia and communities and reforestation of degraded land with indigenous plants. The gender position paper was developed by the project secretariat’s gender consultant and disseminated during the COP meeting in Marrakech and presented in the first south-south meeting. The paper is currently being translated to French, and will thereafter be placed on the project’s webpage and disseminated through MPIDO’s distribution lists. MPIDO also intends to use its content to develop a training tool for organizations implementing sub-projects. Results as of Unit of Cumulative Target Values Relevant Results Indicators Baseline January 2018 Measure YR1 YR2 2. Regional knowledge exchange Number 0 2 5 4 products disseminated in appropriate 5 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) languages and accessible formats 8. Under Component 3 (Management, M&E and Reporting), the secretariat is properly equipped and staffed, and progress reports are submitted overall in a timely and quality manner. The project has in place updated work plan and budget for the remaining project period. MPIDO maintains a hard-copy and an electronic case book for recording complaints and their resolution, its webpage includes information on contacts and addresses to which grievances can be addressed, and budget has been set aside for grievance redress. Sub-project implementers also maintain redress mechanisms. 9. Disbursement rate is 89 percent as of April 10, 2018, well within disbursement estimates at appraisal, and the entire grant amount is expected to be disbursed by June 30, 2018. Project ratings have been Satisfactory for both Progress toward Achieving the Development Objective and Overall Implementation Progress since effectiveness. 10. The project is in full compliance with safeguard policies and with the legal covenants: Maintenance of a Technical Advisory Committee, Maintenance of a Board of Governors and eligibility of sub-grants. Interim Unaudited Financial Report (IFRs) have been submitted in full, and the first external audit is due by June 30, 2018 (no audits overdue). The project does not trigger Paragraph 12 of Section III of the IPF Policy. C. Rationale for restructuring 11. High demand for sub-projects (e.g., 140 applications received by MPIDO at the closing of the call-for-proposal) and the limited funding offered by the projects in the three regions led IP and civil society representatives to submit a request for additional financing to the 22nd FCPF PC in Ghana, Accra in September 2016. On the 23rd PC meeting in Washington DC in March 2017 the request was approved for a total of US$5 million. During the project’s MTR it was agreed with MPIDO and PACJA that the AF allocation to the Africa region would be split between the two organizations based on the number of countries they would support, and that support to Francophone countries with forest-dependent IPs will be provided by a third organization, the Central Africa Forests Commission (Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale, COMIFAC) in Cameroon.3 Accordingly, MPIDO would be allocated additional US$541,187 to scale-up the impact of the project while maintaining the PDO. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 12. The key principles of the AF proposal are: (i) supporting activities related to enhancing engagement with the ER Program areas and resulting aspects; (ii) facilitating national level meetings of IP organizations (IPOs) for better coordination and information sharing; (iii) increasing knowledge packaging and exchange within the countries and region; (iv) facilitating use of capacity realized to strengthen national REDD+ engagement; (v) enhancing communication of results and of activities, and engagement with IPOs; and (vi) enhancing gender focus. The countries of national focus under Component 1 would be Anglophone eligible countries, namely Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Sudan and Uganda, while all 18 African FCPF countries would continue to benefit from regional activities under Component 2. See the proposed AF work plan and budget in Annex 2. 3The decision to involve COMIFAC was due to a request from IP in Francophone FCPF countries to enhance their engagement in the program through a Central-African implementing organization. A Project Initiation Note for the COMIFAC project has been circulated for review under P165655. 6 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) A. Change in Results Framework 13. The wording of all the original five indicators will not change, however the end-of-project targets of four indicators will be scaled up to reflect the additional financing provided to national and regional activities. The indicators whose targets will be scaled up are those measuring the number of national knowledge exchange products (Indicator 1, from 110 to 220); number of regional knowledge exchange products (Indicator 2, from 5 to 10); number of meetings between IP representatives, and between IP representatives and national REDD+ decision making entities (Indicator 3, from 55 to 80); and number of direct project beneficiaries, of which females (Indicator 4, from 5,500, 45 percent to 10,000, 50 percent). The target of Indicator 5 on examples of the participation of direct project beneficiaries in national REDD+ processes will not be modified as the project is not expected to exceed the original 55 target as a result of the AF, however the end target’s date will be modified to the new closing date. See Section IV below for further details. B. Change in Components and Cost 14. The costs allocated to the three components will be revised to reflect the additional activities. Activities will not be modified but rather scaled-up in number, i.e., under Component 1, the AF will finance additional sub-projects in Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Sudan and Uganda and additional country context studies of relevance to REDD+; under Component 2, the AF will finance two additional regional workshops with gender-focused side events and two additional regional RED+-related studies or toolkits; and under Component 3, the AF will finance project management during the extended project period (see more below) using the same coordination arrangements as the parent project. See Section IV below for details on revised project costs. C. Change in Grant Closing Date 15. The original closing date of June 30, 2018 will be extended by 18 months to December 31, 2019 to accommodate the additional activities financed by the AF. The new End Disbursement Date will be April 30, 2020. D. Additional Financing Proposed 16. The Additional Financing proposed is US$541,187 grant from the FCPF Trust Fund. E. Change in Disbursement Estimates 17. The new disbursement estimates would reflect the additional financing and the extended project period. See Section IV for further details. F. Changes in the Financing Agreement 18. The financing agreement for TF0A2297 will be amended to reflect the AF amount, the distribution of the AF amount between the two categories, and the new closing date. G. Changes in Safeguard Policies triggered 7 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) 19. The project and the AF trigger OP/BP 4.10 since its beneficiaries are IPs as per the criteria of the policy. Specific compliance measures have been incorporated into the Operational Manual such as: (i) mechanisms to ensure broad community support of proposals submitted to MPIDO; (ii) the active participation of key stakeholders; and (iii) access to grievance redress mechanisms (see more below). MPIDO has received capacity building and training from the World Bank to ensure its understanding of the Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies and its responsibilities regarding compliance. The project and the AF do not require separate Indigenous Peoples Plans or Indigenous Peoples Policy Frameworks, as they are designed to benefit IPs directly and are implemented by an IP organization. H. Changes in procurement 20. The AF will follow the New Framework for procurement (World Bank Regulations) and MPIDO will prepare a simplified Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD). III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Change in Results Framework ✔ Change in Components and Cost ✔ Change in Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Additional Financing Proposed ✔ Change in Disbursement Estimates ✔ Change in Procurement ✔ Change in Implementation Schedule ✔ Change in Implementing Agency ✔ Change in Project's Development Objectives ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Change in Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Change in Overall Risk Rating ✔ Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ Change of EA category ✔ Change in Legal Covenants ✔ Change in Institutional Arrangements ✔ 8 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) Change in Financial Management ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_RESULTS_TABLE RESULTS FRAMEWORK Project Development Objective Indicators PDO_IND_TABLE Examples of the participation of direct project beneficiaries in national REDD+ processes and structures Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 19.00 55.00 Revised Date 01-Apr-2016 17-Jan-2018 31-Dec-2019 Intermediate Indicators IO_IND_TABLE National knowledge exchange products disseminated in appropriate languages Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 173.00 220.00 Revised Date 01-Apr-2016 17-Jan-2018 31-Dec-2019 Regional knowledge exchange products disseminated in appropriate languages and accessible formats Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 4.00 10.00 Revised Date 01-Apr-2016 17-Jan-2018 31-Dec-2019 Meetings held between IP representatives, and between IP representatives and national REDD+ decision making entities Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom 9 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 46.00 80.00 Revised Date 01-Apr-2016 17-Jan-2018 31-Dec-2019 Direct project beneficiaries Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 8768.00 10000.00 Revised Date 01-Apr-2016 17-Jan-2018 31-Dec-2019 Female beneficiaries Unit of Measure: Percentage Indicator Type: Custom Supplement Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 57.00 50.00 Revised OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Component 1: National Component 1: National Capacity Capacity Building and Building and Awareness Raising 0.54 Revised 0.87 Awareness Raising (US$549,870) (US$871,870) Component 2: Regional Exchange Component 2: Regional and Sharing of Lessons Learned 0.14 Revised Exchange and Sharing of 0.27 (US$147,255) Lessons Learned (US$272,442) Component 3: Management, Component 3: Management, 0.07 Revised M&E and Reporting 0.17 M&E and Reporting (US$77,458) (US$171,458) TOTAL 0.75 1.31 10 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline TF Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications TF-A2297 Effective 30-Jun-2018 31-Dec-2019 30-Apr-2020 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_ADDITIONAL_FINANCING_TABLE ADDITIONAL FINANCING Source Currency Amount USD Equivalent Readiness Fund of the Forest Carbon USD 541,187.00 541,187.00 Partnership Facility(FCPR) Existing Net Commitment USD Amount 770,000.00 Total 1,311,187.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2016 150,000.00 150,000.00 2017 380,000.00 380,000.00 2018 244,583.00 240,000.00 2019 0.00 300,000.00 2020 0.00 245,770.00 2021 0.00 0.00 2022 0.00 0.00 11 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) Annex 1. Status of sub-projects The following eight sub-projects are supported by the project: (a) Ethiopia: Climate Change and REDD+ Awareness Raising and Capacity Building Project for Forest Dependent Indigenous Peoples in Arba Minch Area. Implementing NGO: Initiative for Living Community Action (ILCA). The sub-project is implemented in Arba Minch Zuria District, covering 13 administrative locations which are inhabited by indigenous Gamo communities that are highly dependent on woodland, riverine and dry ever green montane forests surrounding Arba Minch, lake shores around the rift valley lakes of Abaya and Chamo as well as the dense riverine forest along River Kulfo. The sub-project targets 200,000 people and aims to increase their awareness and capacities to engage in the operation, monitoring, evaluation and benefit sharing of an imminent REDD+ project in their area, and enable them to act in win- win relationships with the undertakings of the project thereby contributing their part for the achievement of the objectives of the National REDD+ Program. Results to-date: Curriculum developed and adopted by national institutions for use as a result of the awareness of the project beneficiaries, membership of national REDD+ organs at national and regional levels achieved, wide reaching radio programs done for learning material and replays, self-selection for representatives to various REDD+ organs not yet done but on course, and meetings with IPOs and regional governments have been done and ownership of the project attained. (b) Cameroon: Formation et information des femmes autochtones Mbororos et pygmées dans le processus REDD+. Implementing NGO: Forum des Femmes Autochtones du Cameroun (FFAC). The sub-project aims to increase the involvement of indigenous Mbororo and Pygmy women in REDD + processes by increasing capacity for forest conservation. Activities focus on knowledge enhancement on climate change and adaptation and mitigation, enhancement of traditional knowledge, sharing benefits of forests and improving long-term livelihoods. This is achieved through capacity building workshops for indigenous women and girls' organizations, traditional and community leaders; training members of forest management communities and supporting indigenous women in the identification of traditional champions. The direct beneficiaries of this project are 20 indigenous women leaders, 300 Mbororo and Pygmy women and girls, and 40 community leaders. Results to-date: Women, youth and elders strongly engaged and roles clarified, participation of local elders in regional and national REDD+ meetings achieved, reflection on traditional knowledge in national REDD+ plans achieved, several national meetings have been held including one with local authorities and other REDD+ actors in Cameroon and several with the national REDD+ Secretariat and other partner organizations. (c) Nigeria: Community Based Capacity Building on Climate Change and REDD+ in Cross River State. Implementing NGO: Wise Administration of Terrestrial Environment and Resources (WATER). The project aims to raise the awareness of forest-dependent indigenous peoples' communities from Etung, Obubra and Yakurr Local Government Areas; Etara, Ekuri Eyeyeng, Okokori, Agoi Ekpo and Agoi Ibami on climate change, causes, effects and mitigations and REDD+, and build their capacity on land tenure, governance and livelihoods to enable them to engage in actionable plans at the national level. The achieve this, the sub- 12 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) project seeks to: a) raise the awareness of 650 farmers and loggers on causes of climate change and its mitigation, b) educate 1,460 farmers, loggers/hunters and students on REDD+ and its multiple benefits, and c) train 200 women and youth on livelihood options to reduce pressures off the forest. The sub-project targets men, women and youth but particularly women and youth who are marginalized and vulnerable. Results to-date: Improved awareness among community members, school outreach done and integration in curriculum initiated, close liaison with national REDD+ organs and engagement in meetings, educational materials developed and disseminated, including educational posters and fliers and project workshop reports, and two meetings have been held at national level for forest dependent IPs and other national actors. (d) Uganda: Building the Capacity of Indigenous People to Actively Engage and Participate in REDD+ Processes in Uganda. Implementing NGO: Pro-biodiversity Conservationists in Uganda (PROBICOU). Under the framework of the Uganda Civil Society Coalition on Indigenous Peoples (UCSIP), PROBICOU works with Karamoja Women Cultural Group, United Batwa Development Organization and Benet Group to empower indigenous people and other forest dependent communities, build their capacities to participate in the design and implementation of REDD+ related activities; and contribute to formulation of REDD+ policies and national strategies. Results to-date: Coalition strengthened and increased active membership, membership in technical review teams and participation in parliamentary teams, all IP communities engaged and IPOs strengthened, mobilized additional resources, national survey on participation in REDD+, brochures and fliers as well as inception reports prepared, self-selection was done with support of the REDD+ Secretariat and other actors, meetings with cultural leaders, community consultation and with REDD+ actors done, excellent rapport with REDD+ actors realized. (e) Republic of Congo: Renforcement des capacities de la gestion interne et du partenariat de la composante autochtone. Implementing NGO: Association Debout Femme Autochtone du Congo (ADFAC). The sub- project intends to provide the indigenous component CACOREDD+ with institutional, technical and operational capacity needed to play its role in the effective participation of indigenous peoples in REDD+ process. This is achieved by adapting legal texts governing the indigenous component of REDD+ to the indigenous cultural reality; training 60 leaders and members of organizations involved in the indigenous component of REDD+ on the adapted legal texts; and developing an action plan for the effective involvement of indigenous peoples in REDD+ processes and climate change mitigation. Results to-date: Strengthened a national network of IPs fully engaged in REDD+ processes, self-selection has been done and trainings held in collaboration with the REDD+ Secretariat. (f) Liberia: CSP and REDD+ Awareness Raising Actions and Capacity Building Project in Montserrado and Lake Piso Multi-Purposed Reserve. Implementing NGO: Community Development Initiative Inc (CDI). The sub- project intends to increase awareness to the National REDD+ Program and build relevant capacities of forest-dependent IP within Montserrado, Bomi and Cape Mount. Project activities include: (i) raising 13 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) awareness and capacity building on REDD+ of 10,000 beneficiary actors through national and local stakeholder workshops; (ii) producing communication materials such as posters, flyers, brochures, T-shirts, capes, banners, etc.; (iii) broadcasting messages on REDD+ activities on local radio stations; and (iv) raising awareness of the national REDD+ program’s redress mechanism in the targeted communities. Results to-date: Awareness raised demonstrated by increased engagement with REDD+, effective messages developed and disseminated, membership to benefit sharing team within the national REDD+ structure, production of two jingles for raising awareness, production of two flyers for dissemination to beneficiaries, national meeting that served as the project launch, talk show that provided a national audience raising awareness on REDD+ and the sub-project. (g) Sudan: Sudan Round Tree Network Initiative for Low Carbon Emission. Implementing NGO: SAWA Sudan for Development and Humanitarian Aid Organization. The sub-project will strength indigenous peoples institutions’ capacity for networking and coordination in REDD+ processes, establish a shared knowledge base and information for IP organizations on REDD+, and consolidate and empower REDD+ communication, consultation and participation of IPs. Results to-date: the project has recently commenced. (h) Cameroon: Capacity Building for Governance of Indigenous Peoples Organizations and Partnership for the Implementation of the Indigenous Component in the REDD+ Process and ER-PIN Program in Cameroon. Implemented by the Network of Indigenous Peoples and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of the Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa (REPALEAC). The purpose of this sub project is: (i) to contribute to the institutional, technical, organizational and operational capacities of member associations of REPALEAC Cameroon so as to enable them play their role in terms of the participation and effective involvement of indigenous peoples in the REDD+ and ER-PIN process; and (ii) encourage and facilitate the use of local customs, customs and knowledge in order to enhance their value in contributing to the fight against climate change. The project is structured around three specific objectives: (i) strengthen the capacities of the 47 IPOs in Cameroon so that they can play their full role in the REDD+ and ER-PIN process; (ii) select, adapt and produce capacity building modules as well as REDD+ and ER-PIN information and awareness tools to the use of IPO; (iii) develop an operational work plan for activities for IPs participation in the REDD+ process; and (iv) develop a REDD+ and ER-PIN advocacy strategy among local stakeholders, and deepen the level of the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the REDD+ process in Cameroon. Results to-date: The project has recently commenced. 14 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) Annex 2. Additional financing work plan and budget 15 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) 16 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) 17 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) 18 The World Bank Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ Project (P155373) Pan-African Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples FCPF Capacity Building Program on ‎REDD+ Project (P155373)‎ Activity (A) Unit Units Unit cost Total Cost Component 1: National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising ‎ Sub-component 1.1: Implementation of capacity building and awareness raising activities ‎ Sub-grants Sub-grant projects 5 50,000 250,000 Implementation support missions Missions 5 4,000 20,000 Sub-component 1.2: Support and empowerment of IP organizations and networks Country-context Knowledge products Knowledge products 5 2,000 10,000 Consultancy-Knowledge Consultancies 18 2,333 42,000 Management, M and E, Gender and procurement SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 1 322,000 Component 2: Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned ‎ Sub-component 2.1: Regional learning and exchange ‎ Regional workshop Workshop 1 15,000 15,000 Regional Exchange Workshop with Workshop 1 41,187 41,187 gender side event Regional Completion Workshop Workshop 1 40,000 40,000 Sub-component 2.2: Dissemination of knowledge products and lessons learned Regional Knowledge products Knowledge products 2 5,000 10,000 Design, publication, printing and Knowledge products 19,000 dissemination of knowledge products SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 2 125,187 Component 3: Management and - Reporting‎ Project Coordinator 100% Months 18 1,500 27,000 Executive Director 40% Months 18 1,200 21,600 FM Officer 80% Months 18 1,400 25,200 External auditor Audit report 2 3,873 7,600 Office materials and supplies Months 19 18 200 3,600 Office expenses Months 18 500 9,000 SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 3 94,000 GRAND TOTAL 541,187